?d   C B@BA BEBJ1C0ad0.0.271pclos2025Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare0 A.D. (pronounced "zero ey-dee") is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. In short, it is a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of Western civilizations, focusing on the years between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D. The project is highly ambitious, involving state-of-the-art 3D graphics, detailed artwork, sound, and a flexible and powerful custom-built game engine. The game has been in development by Wildfire Games (WFG), a group of volunteer, hobbyist game developers, since 2001. (Games/Strategyx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-10ad-0.0.27-1pclos2025.src.rpm$78475db4dd24f5cc3c46742d69e4d42f./SRPMS.pclosd   T LB@VBAxBE|BJCde2ManDVD1.8.54pclos2019Video DVD creation toolVideo-DVD-Erstellung WerkzeugManDVD is a graphical tool for creating Video DVDs, including menus.ManDVD ist ein grafisches Tool für die Erstellung von Video-DVDs, einschließlich Menüs.hVideox86_64 lib64qt4-develqt4-designerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-12ManDVD-1.8.5-4pclos2019.src.rpm1ff41e2af7032286df52fb392551f282./SRPMS.pclos3d   v    B@BABEBJ%Cde4Pane7.01pclos2021A quad-pane detailed-list file manager for linuxEin vierfenstriger Dateimanager für Linux4Pane is a detailed-list file manager which displays directories and files in separate panes. Generally two pairs of these twin-panes are displayed at a time, resulting in easy dragging/pasting of files. 4Pane aims to be fast and fully-featured without bloat.4Pane ist ein Dateimanager mit Detaillisten, der Verzeichnisse und Dateien in separaten Fenstern zeigt. Generell werden zwei Paar dieser Zwillingsfenster zur gleichen Zeit angezeigt, was das einfache Ziehen und Einfügen von Dateien ermöglicht. 4Pane hat das Ziel schnell und vollausgestattet zu sein, ohne aufgeblasen zu sein.sFile toolsx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64lzma-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64wxgtku3.1-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-14Pane-7.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmyc4e3aa9e76d6bf3cce54c3ff58f5490d./SRPMS.pclosd   , VB@dBABEBJC5ball0.413pclos2011A simple logic game5ball is a simple logic game. The goal of the game is to make the maximum number of lines with balls of the same color. A line is made of five balls. Each time you don't do a line, extra balls appear on the grid. You loose when the grid is full. This is a logic game, lining up 5 balls of like color to get them off a grid, to keep the grid from filling up. Requires 1024x768 or better screen resolution.>Games/Boardsx86_64 atk-develfontconfigfreetype2glib2-develgtk2-develpango-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-15ball-0.41-3pclos2011.src.rpm59da258135471f33fefdf2930470dbbe./SRPMS.pclosd   y@ DMTB@-BALBEPBJqCART1.10.12pclos2021Raw image Converter forked from RawTherapee with ease of use in mind (including blackfoxx-theme)ART is a fok of Rawtherapee whic is a RAW image processing software. It gives full control over many parameters to enhance the raw picture before finally exporting it to some common image format.Graphicsx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(fftw3f)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(giomm-2.4)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libiptcdata)pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0)bzip2-develmercurialpkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libpng)libgomp-develpkgconfig(lensfun)libatomic-develpkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!% 0 O| B@BABEBJ%CAdwaita-Breeze-Dark-icon-theme1.01pclos2019Adwaita-Breeze-Dark Icon ThemeAdwaita-Breeze-Dark KDE Plasma Icon ThemexTGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Adwaita-Breeze-Dark-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmwdd35ea96d308e7d2315e219461e03b2b./SRPMS.pclosd  + El pB@BABEBJCAdwaita-Breeze-icon-theme1.01pclos2019Adwaita-Breeze Icon ThemeAdwaita-Breeze KDE Plasma Icon ThemeGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Adwaita-Breeze-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm/b2efe51c9fc5c3376ead63addb64d48a./SRPMS.pclosd   7 QB@]BABEBJCAfterStep2.2.112pclos2011AfterStep Window ManagerAfterStep is a Window Manager for X which started by emulating the NEXTSTEP look and feel, but which has been significantly altered according to the requests of various users. Many adepts will tell you that NEXTSTEP is not only the most visually pleasant interface, but also one of the most functional and intuitive out there. AfterStep aims to incorporate the advantages of the NEXTSTEP interface, and add additional useful features. The developers of AfterStep have also worked very hard to ensure stability and a small program footprint. Without giving up too many features, AfterStep still works nicely in environments where memory is at a premium.RgGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64x11-devellibpng-devellibtiff-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1AfterStep-2.2.11-2pclos2011.src.rpmRf112077ad98ce3fa7a4af43ea9609d18d./SRPMS.pclosSd   3 B@BA BE$BJECAnisView1.51pclos2021AnisView: visualize BRDFAnisView is an educational software to visualize and simulate the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF).x pp Sciences/Geosciencesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1AnisView-1.5-1pclos2021.src.rpmŏa9eb884d98f89ab5d19318fb12222478./SRPMS.pclosd ! y    B@BABEBJCAssaultCube1.1.0.41pclos2012AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a free first-person-shooter based on the game CubeAssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a free first-person-shooter based on the game Cube. Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.ؗNealGames/Arcadex86_64 dos2unixgcc-c++lib64freealut0-devellib64openal0-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64ogg-develmesa-common-develfdupesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1AssaultCube- ! A SB@^BABEBJCAudioCompress1.5.26pclos2011Simple dynamic range compressorAudioCompress is (essentially) a very gentle, 1-band dynamic range compressor intended to keep audio output at a consistent volume without introducing any audible artifacts. It can either accept input on standard input and output audio to standard output or bind to the esound daemon and apply its effect to all esd output. Install this if you want a nice way to keep your audio at a consistent volume level.cFSoundx86_64 lib64xmms-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64esound-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1AudioCompress-1.5.2-6pclos2011.src.rpmj426f31b0e0d0f1b5f9293a1555870190./SRPMS.pclosd  l pvB@BABEBJCdeAudioMove1.202pclos2011AudioMove is a audio copy-and-conversion program.AudioMove ist ein Audio Copy und Konvertierung-Programm.You just tell it what files to convert, what format to convert them to, and where to put the output files, and it does it.AudioMove konvertiert Audioformate, die in den meisten Fällen eher ein unscheinbares Dasein fristen.=Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1AudioMove-1.20-2pclos2011.src.rpm.6b8eb9d537362ab85874be6c6a0e3d47./SRPMS.pclosGd   ] B@BABEBJ9CAudioSpace2.31pclos2011Calculates the amount of storage required for an audio recordingAudioSpace calculates the amount of storage required for an audio recording of a given duration for different sampling rates, resolutions, and numbers of channels. The calculation may be made for uncompressed audio data or for several types of compression. A variety of units may be selected for reporting the result.\ISoundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1AudioSpace-2.3-1pclos2011.src.rpmbd4bf08acdb75bd1cdf402f46bffb5369./SRPMS.pclos+d SB@BABEBJCBCWipe1.9.81pclos2011Securely erase data from magnetic and solid-state memorySecurely erase data from magnetic and solid-state memoryIJetico, Inc.File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1BCWipe-1.9.8-1pclos2011.src.rpm5313e31aece373c0088e78d6e22b6957./SRPMS.pclosd  F$ (18@pB@BABEBJCBforartists4.1.01pclos2024Blender for artists, a fork of BlenderThere is a new Blender version available, and so we release a new version too. We have released a new version of Bforartists, Version 3.1.0. Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3D software Blender. With the goal to improve the graphical UI and usability. Bforartists 2 Version 2.9.3 comes with the changes from Blender 3. Blender for artists is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games).Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1Bforartists-4.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmI c3c6bf6c7aa50ffe60437f58f26ee20a./SRPMS.pclosOd   Pp tB@BABE BJACBlockOutII2.43pclos2011A free adaptation of the original BlockOut DOS gameBlockOut II is a free adaptation of the original BlockOut DOS game edited by California Dreams in 1989. BlockOut II has the same features than the original game with few graphic improvements. The score calculation is also nearly similar to the original game. BlockOut II has been designed by an addicted player for addicted players. BlockOut II is an open source project available for both Windows and Linux. Blockout is a registered trademark of Kadon Enterprises, Inc., used by permission for the BlockOut II application by Jean-Luc Pons.z0Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64png-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1BlockOutII-2.4-3pclos2011.src.rpmy'2a174aa773e6371a80d98e1771433d5d./SRPMS.pclos7d#' 2 S B@BABEBJ)CBreeze-Chameleon-Dark-icon-theme1.01pclos2019Breeze-Chameleon-Dark Icon ThemeBreeze-Chameleon-Dark KDE Plasma Icon Theme{[Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Breeze-Chameleon-Dark-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmzceefff734df18018359a585fbf2da74f./SRPMS.pclos?d$( 3 U B@BA BEBJ1CBreeze-Chameleon-Light-icon-theme1.01pclos2019Breeze-Chameleon-Light Icon ThemeBreeze-Chameleon-Light KDE Plasma Icon ThemexyGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Breeze-Chameleon-Light-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmxa51fe6d6991dd55a8516f29e37feb27a./SRPMS.pcloswd  d  B@"BADBEHBJiCCEGUI0.7.52pclos2011A free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / enginesCrazy Eddie's GUI System is a free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines where such functionality is not natively available, or severely lacking. The library is object orientated, written in C++, and targeted at games developers who should be spending their time creating great games, not building GUI sub-systems!JDevelopment/C++i586 libxml2-develmesagl-develmesaglu-develmesaglut-develfreetype2-develpcre-devellibFreeImage-devellibexpat-devellibxerces-c-develgtk2-develdevil-develglew-develtinyxml-develfribidi-devellibogre-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1CEGUI-0.7.5-2pclos2011.src.rpmLa66dba08cc8d4929be072803724911db./SRPMS.pclosd   < 4NB@eBABEBJCCImg1.6.12pclos2015Tools for advanced image processingThe CImg Library is an open-source C++ toolkit for image processing. It consists in a single header file 'CImg.h' providing a minimal set of C++ classes and methods that can be used in your own sources, to load/save, process and display images. Very portable, efficient and easy to use, it's a pleasant library for developping image processing algorithms in C++. This package contains tools based on the CImg library.%WfGraphicsx86_64 lib64png-devellib64jpeg-devellib64tiff-devellib64freetype6-devellib64jbig-devellib64magick-devellib64lcms-devellib64jasper-devellib64djvulibre-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64sm-devellib64ice-devellib64xml2-devellib64fftw3lib64gimp2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1CImg-1.6.1-2pclos2015.src.rpm%]5a55658f6039aa8cb4114a3e0d5fae7e./SRPMS.pcloskd  *  B@BA8BE<BJ]CCg2.2_2009102pclos2010C for GraphicsCg or C for Graphics is a high-level shading language created by NVIDIA for programming vertex and pixel shaders. This package contains the C for Graphics Compiler-Development/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Cg-2.2_200910-2pclos2010.src.rpm.Dd53e82ad42229d3d8221b0ebed62ac8e./SRPMS.pcloskd  ( B@BA8BE<BJ]CCg3.1.00101pclos2012C for GraphicsCg or C for Graphics is a high-level shading language created by NVIDIA for programming vertex and pixel shaders. This package contains the C for Graphics CompilerNealDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Cg-3.1.0010-1pclos2012.src.rpm%a79424566114457757e4953ae6b4f616./SRPMS.pclos[d  lX \bhB@BA(BE,BJMCChucK1.2.1.22pclos2009Audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performanceChucK is a new audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance - fully supported on MacOS X, Windows, and Linux. ChucK presents a new time-based, concurrent programming model that's highly precise and expressive (we call this strongly-timed), as well as dynamic control rates, and the ability to add and modify code on-the-fly. In addition, ChucK supports MIDI, OSC, HID device, and multi-channel audio. Furthermore, the language is designed to favor readability and flexibility over raw performance. It's fun and easy to learn, and offers composers, researchers, and performers a powerful programming tool for building and experimenting with complex audio synthesis programs, and real-time interactive control.Soundi586 libalsa2-develbisonflexgcc-c++libjack-devellibsndfile-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ChucK-[b78e4cb296790fa3b6cc8e9d19b89ccb./SRPMS.pclosd  =    B@BABEBJCCoin33.1.32pclos2012High-level 3D visualization libraryCoin is a 3D graphics library with an Application Programming Interface based on the Open Inventor 2.1 API.5NealSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64mesaglu1-devellib64xext-develzlib1-devellib64bzip2-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-develdoxygen/usr/bin/renamerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Coin3-3.1.3-2pclos2012.src.rpm5t98c398ce443b57b9be0946f1b3219fa2./SRPMS.pclosd $ 7X \s|B@BABEBJCDalisha-icon-theme1.01pclos2019Dalisha Icon ThemeDalisha KDE Plasma Icon ThemeVGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Dalisha-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmV fefaba95515e8991c5b8a2813f614166./SRPMS.pclos;d   GX \bhB@BABE BJ-CDivFix++0.342pclos2010A program to repair broken AVI file streamsDivFix++ is AVI Repair/Fix utility. Enables preview your avi files while downloading from ed2k and BT networks... This program very useful when you dowloading avi files which has no index part downloaded and/or does't exist. It can also repair some corrupt avi files too.Videoi586 dos2unixpkgconfigwxGTK2.8-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1DivFix++-0.34-2pclos2010.src.rpm2ca8c07cac060f4e3f6371531a633523./SRPMS.pclosSd   ; B@BA BE$BJECDoAsRoot2.1.19pclos2013KDE4 Open as Root Service MenuDo As Root is a basic service menu for KDE4 and will create an Open as Root menu when right-clicking directories.Graphical desktop/KDE4noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1DoAsRoot-2.1.1-9pclos2013.src.rpm522628a04634cbdc7ea9f8dd6bd6874f./SRPMS.pclosCd  w B@BABEBJ5CEasyBashGUI1.2.81pclos2010EasyBashGUI is a bash function library that aims to give scripters simple GUI functionsEasyBashGUI is a bash function library that aims to give scripters simple GUI functions using kdialog, zenity, Xdialog or (c)dialog depending on KDE or GNOME running or not, Xdialog installed or not and, eventually, X server running or not ( (c)dialog is the minimum ).Slax Development/Toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1EasyBashGUI-1.2.8-1pclos2010.src.rpm22c7f082797596a4591764b08f412ea9./SRPMS.pclosKd  + &, X  B@BABEBJ=CEterm0.9.51pclos2009Terminal emulatorEterm is a color vt102 terminal emulator intended as a replacement for Xterm. It is designed with a Freedom of Choice philosophy, leaving as much power, flexibility, and freedom as possible in the hands of the user. It is designed to look good and work well, but takes a feature-rich approach rather than one of minimalism while still maintaining speed and efficiency. It works on any windowmanager/desktop environment, although it is designed to work and integrate best with Enlightenment.0"Terminalsi586  imlib2-devellibast-develpcre-develgdbutempter-devellibxt-develtwin-develgroff-for-manmanfreetype-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   X  $4<HqB@{BABEBJCFaxMail2.310pclos2010A program to send faxes for free via email and the TPC systemThis package contains FaxMail, a utility to assist in preparing and sending faxes via the internet's Email-Fax gateway. It does this via the TPC.INT service. See http://www.tpc.int/ for details.oNetworking/Maili586 tcl-develtkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1FaxMail-2.3-10pclos2010.src.rpm)1bb540eb36bdbacd3dcd5537656a6cd3./SRPMS.pclosCd " A B@BABEBJ5CFloola-linux2012.r11pclos2012Floola linux is a iPod managerFloola supports almost all features offered by iPods including photos, artwork, podcasts and smart playlists! It automatically converts any incompatible audio or video file so that you can copy almost any file to it. It allows adding youtube and myspace videos with a single click. Now it even makes it possible to keep your Google calendars synced!`8NealCommunicationsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Floola-linux-2012.r1-1pclos2012.src.rpm`FMa245775d010bedd7320ad0d48d5c849d./SRPMS.pclosd   :h lB@BABEBJ CFlvToMp31.2.14pclos2011Extracts sound from flv filesFlvToMp3 is a program which permit you to extract the sound track of a .flv file without loss of quality. The .mp3 file is generated diectly from the .flv file without reencoding (you needn't ffmpeg). Besides to permit to save the quality of the audio track, the extraction is very fast and easy :-)bGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1FlvToMp3-1.2.1-4pclos2011.src.rpm331b2c4b80731a5f8c3ae808dfe0731ec./SRPMS.pclosd "  B@BABEBJ CdeFoxitReader1.1.03pclos2010Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewerFoxit Reader ist ein freier PDF Dokumenten BetrachterFoxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer for the Linux platform, with a new streamlined interface, user-customized toolbar, incredibly small size, breezing-fast launch speed and rich features. This empowers PDF document users with Zoom function, Navigation function, Bookmarks, Thumbnails, Text Selection Tool, Snapshot, and Full Screen capabilities. Foxit Reader for Desktop Linux is provided by Foxit Corporation free for non-commercial use.Foxit ist ein schlanker, schneller PDF-Reader zum Öffnen, Anzeigen und Ausdrucken von PDF-Dateien, den sie als Ersatz für den Adobe Reader verwenden können. Im Gegensatz zum Adobe Reader startet Foxit blitzschnell und kommt sogar ohne Installation aus, bietet jedoch alle wichtigen Funktionen und sehr gute Bildqualität.9Officei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1FoxitReader-1.1.0-3pclos2010.src.rpm:ad10cfde611fc8348806e16359bce9b6./SRPMS.pclosWd   Z B@BA$BE(BJICFreeImage3.933pclos2010Library for supporting support popular graphics image formatsFreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X).&K1Development/Ci586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1FreeImage-3.93-3pclos2010.src.rpm%ec50d1b68392b5a9c4cf87fb40e5398ef./SRPMS.pclosd   QL PelB@BABEBJCFreeMat4.22pclos2013An interpreted, matrix-oriented development environmentFreemat is an intepreted, matrix-oriented development environment for engineering and scientific applications, similar to the commercial package MATLAB. Freemat provides visualization, image manipulation, and plotting as well as parallel programming.e,#Sciences/Engineeringx86_64 lib64amd-devellib64fftw-devellib64ffi5-devellib64boost-develcmakef2cgcc-gfortranffcall-devellibatlas-develncurses-develpcre-devellib64portaudio2-develqt4-devellib64umfpack-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1FreeMat-4.2-2pclos2013.src.rpmd~196aab6fdd5ed0f11ece9337e9cf03cd./SRPMS.pclosd   z  (0 `  B@?BA`BEdBJCdeGConf23.2.33pclos2019A configuration database system for GNOME 2Ein Konfigurations-Datenbank-System für GNOME 2GConf is a configuration data storage mechanism scheduled to ship with GNOME 2.0. GConf does work without GNOME however; it can be used with plain GTK+, Xlib, KDE, or even text mode applications as well.GConf ist ein Konfiguration Datenspeicherung Mechanismus unter GNOME 2,0. GConf funktioniert auch ohne GNOME, es kann unter folgende Anwendungen GTK +, Xlib, KDE, oder sogar Text-Modus arbeiten.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  libglib2.0-devellibxml2-devellibgtk+2-develpolkit-1-devellibORBit2-develdbus-glib-develautoconf2.5gtk-docintltoollibldap-develgobject-introspection-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>ebe8bb07112b79c63c553c72bbb3cc9e./SRPMS.pclosd   4  DB@TBAtBExBJCGTB3.3041pclos2024GuidosToolbox Image AnalysisGuidosToolbox (GTB) contains various raster image analysis tools for measuring image object attributes, such as accounting, distance, fragmentation, pattern, recoding, etc.c>pinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1GTB-3.304-1pclos2024.src.rpmdMd67d18f5418efbacc9839b38da41f06e./SRPMS.pclosd   >\` f{B@BABEBJCGWB1.9.71pclos2025GuidosToolbox Workbench Image AnalysisGWB (GuidosToolbox Workbench) contains a set of raster image analysis cmd-line tools for measuring image object attributes, such as accounting, distance, fragmentation, pattern, recoding, etc. For further instructions, run the command: GWB Online manual: https://gwbdoc.readthedocs.ioopinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1GWB-1.9.7-1pclos2025.src.rpmp+a82cf58bc0872133a8c40a3f35049f37./SRPMS.pclosd   I  )04PB@XBA|BEBJCGnomeArtNG0.7.01pclos2009Gnome-Art NG is the successor of Gnome-ArtWith this application you're able to change your gnome look and feel completely. It is the successor of Gnome-Art and lets you change your Gnome-themes (icon-, wallpaper-, splash-,...-themes) with one click.JGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1GnomeArtNG-0.7.0-1pclos2009.src.rpmbbf4dd903cf9b568640d1146a3a2c34c./SRPMS.pclosd  5L PktxB@BABEBJCH2O-icon-theme1.02pclos2011H2O Seven Icon ThemeH2O Icon theme pack.ҎSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1H2O-icon-theme-1.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm62d983e82da80b780afff77421198be4./SRPMS.pclosd   8 kB@yBABEBJCHDF4.2r41pclos2009Hierarchical Data Format LibraryHDF is a multi-object file format that facilitates the transfer of various types of scientific data between machines and operating systems. HDF allows self-definitions of data content and easy extensibility for future enhancements or compatibility with other standard formats. HDF includes Fortran and C calling interfaces, and utilities to prepare raw image of data files or for use with other NCSA software. The HDF library contains interfaces for storing and retrieving compressed or uncompressed 8-bit and 24=bit raster images with palettes, n-Dimensional scientific datasets and binary tables. AN interface is also included that allows arbitrary grouping of other HDF objects.=zDevelopment/Ci586 byaccflexgcc-gfortrangroffzlib-devellibjpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1HDF-4.2r4-1pclos2009.src.rpm;e85fd026655498b2a5a5d9348a26ddb4./SRPMS.pclosd  " S   X B@hBABEBJCHeeksCAD0.7.0svn4042pclos2010HeeksCAD is a free, open source, CAD applicationHeeksCAD is a free, open source Functionality: Import solid models from STEP and IGES files. Draw construction geomtery and lines and arcs. Create new primitive solids, or make solids by extruding a sketch or by making a lofted solid between sketches. Modify solids using blending, or boolean operations. Save IGES, STEP and STL. Printer plot the 2D geometry. Import and export dxf files; only lines and arcs at the moment The solid modelling is provided by OpenCASCADE. The graphical user interface is made using wxWidgets. It is possible to make Add-In modules, see HeeksCNC project. ϓGraphicsi586 makegccgcc-c++opencascade-develwxGTK2.8-devellibgtkglext-1.0_0-develfdupeslibwxgtku2.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1HeeksCAD-0.7.0svn404-2pclos2010.src.rpm c5f972dff785c5148fc37540f4e7812b./SRPMS.pclos7d    E B@BABEBJ)CIMDbPY4.42pclos2010Python package to access the IMDb's databaseIMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies. Platform-independent and written in pure Python (and few C lines), it can retrieve data from both the IMDb's web server and a local copy of the whole database. IMDbPY package can be very easily used by programmers and developers to provide access to the IMDb's data to their programs. Some simple example scripts - useful for the end users - are included in this package; other IMDbPY-based programs are available at the home page: http://imdbpy.sf.net/kcDevelopment/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1IMDbPY-4.4-2pclos2010.src.rpmfF16387023f3b8555fd58b5b799281fb50./SRPMS.pclosd  + A`d iB@BABEBJ CIcon-theme-nouveGnomed4zkn9v1pclos2012nouveGnome Icon-ThemenouveGnome Icon theme pack.5YNealSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Icon-theme-nouveGnome-d4zkn9v-1pclos2012.src.rpm5w f73c80b040b87d438ff0be90fa7dc6ab./SRPMS.pclosd   g8 <ELPlB@tBABEBJCdeImageJ1.441pclos2011Image Processing and Analysis in JavaBildverarbeitung und Analyse in JavaImageJ is a public domain, Java-based image processing program developed at the National Institutes of Health. ImageJ was designed with an open architecture that provides extensibility via Java plugins and recordable macros. Custom acquisition, analysis and processing plugins can be developed using ImageJ's built-in editor and a Java compiler. ImageJ can be run as an online applet, a downloadable application, or on any computer with a Java 1.4 or later virtual machine.Image J bringt alle notwendigen Bildbearbeitungsmöglichkeiten mit und kann mehrere Bilder gleichzeitig anzeigen. Das Programm unterstützt 8- 16- und 32-Bit Grauwertbilder und 8- bis32-Bit Farbbilder. Image J kann mit Plugins erweitert werden.>Graphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ImageJ-1.44-1pclos2011.src.rpmMb0980125bac2216c5472029562f0cd7d./SRPMS.pclosd ! Y  )01B@UBA|BEBJCImageMagick6.9.9.93pclos2019An X application for displaying and manipulating imagesImageMagick is a powerful image display, conversion and manipulation tool. It runs in an X session. With this tool, you can view, edit and display a variety of image formats. ImageMagick can make use of the following delegate programs, available as packages in Mandriva: curl enscript ffmpeg ghostscript ghostscript-X gimp gnuplot graphviz html2ps mplayer ncompress netpbm sane-backends texlive-texmf transfig ufraw xdg-utils zip autotrace povray%Graphicsx86_64 libx11-devellibxext-develbzip2-develcairo-develfontconfig-develfreetype2-develchrpathgraphviz-devellibjbig-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develzlib-devellcms-devellcms2-develfftw-devellqr-devellibltdl-develperl-devellibrsvg-develtiff-devellibwmf-devellibxml2-devellzma-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64webp-devellib64OpenEXR-develghostscriptsubversionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ImageMagick- ! Y  *3<>B@bBABEBJCImageMagick7.0.7.02pclos2017An X application for displaying and manipulating imagesImageMagick is a powerful image display, conversion and manipulation tool. It runs in an X session. With this tool, you can view, edit and display a variety of image formats. ImageMagick can make use of the following delegate programs, available as packages in Mandriva: curl enscript ffmpeg ghostscript ghostscript-X gimp gnuplot graphviz html2ps mplayer ncompress netpbm sane-backends texlive-texmf transfig ufraw xdg-utils zip autotrace povray˯bb2 Graphicsx86_64 libx11-devellibxext-develbzip2-develcairo-develfontconfig-develfreetype2-develchrpathgraphviz-devellibjbig-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develzlib-devellcms-devellcms2-develfftw-devellqr-devellibltdl-develperl-devellibrsvg-develtiff-devellibwmf-devellibxml2-devellzma-devellib64openjpeg1-devellib64webp-devellib64OpenEXR-develghostscriptsubversionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ImageMagick-   B $-48TB@\BABEBJCIrfanView4.511pclos2018IrfanView: a versatile graphic viewerIrfanView is a very fast and versatile image viewer supporting a multitude of image formats and image processing routines. This version includes all IrfanView plugins. IrfanView is FREEWARE for non-commercial use.pp Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1IrfanView-4.51-1pclos2018.src.rpm 959811c06c3c6874963629a3e419c1c0./SRPMS.pclos3d " I| B@BABEBJ%CdeJBidWatcher2.5.61pclos2015Tool zur Verwaltung von Ebay AuktionenA tool for eBay users (eBay is a giant internet auction site, if you don't know that I'm not sure why you're reading this :-) ). It is a stand alone application that can track auctions and perform automated bids called 'snipes'.Das Werkzeug für eBay-Benutzer (eBay ist eine gigantische Internet Auktionsseite, falls sie dies nicht wissen, was ich allerdings bezweifle:-)). Es ist eine eigenständige Anwendung, welches Auktionen beobachten kann und automatisierte Gebote, genannt „snipes“, unterstützt. Anmerkung: Sprache vom Programm ist Englisch!!!Grpinoc64Networking/Othernoarch imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1JBidWatcher-2.5.6-1pclos2015.src.rpmGN7fbb217931177336d0f8659d2da78c77./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2   (B@0BAXBE\BJ}CsrdefresplnlJDownloader0.95812pclos2011jDownloader - Best downloader for Rapidshare and other file sharesjDownloader - Најбољи преузимач докумената са Rapidshare-а и других сервераJDownloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like Rapidshare.com or Megaupload.com - not only for users with a premium account but also for users who don't pay. It offers downloading in multiple paralell streams, captcha recognition, automatical file extraction and much more. Of course, JDownloader is absolutely free of charge. Additionally, many "link encryption" sites are supported - so you just paste the "encrypted" links and JD does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and the new DLC files.JDownloader је програм отвореног кода, платформски независтан и комплетно писан у Java окружењу. Олакшава преузимање докумената са сервиса као што је Rapidshare.com или Megaupload.com - не само за кориснике који имају плаћен налог, већ и за кориснике који не плаћају. Омогућава паралелно преузимање више докумената, captcha препознавање, аутоматско одпакивање и још много тога. Наравно, JDownloader је потпуно бесплатан. Додатно, и многи "кодирани линкови" су подржани - само убаците "кодиране" линкове и ЈД одрађује остало. JDownloader може увозити CCF, RSDF и нове DLC документе.JDownloader: In Java geschriebenes Tool zum einfacheren Herunterladen von Dateien, die sich auf sogenannten One-Click-Hostern wie Rapidshare.com oder Megaupload.com befinden; bietet unter anderem Funktionen wie Multistream-Downloads oder Bilderkennung und entpackt Archive automatisch nach dem Download; importiert zudem die Formate CCF, RSDF und DLCJDownloader est open source, plate-forme indépendante et entièrement écrit en Java. Il simplifie le téléchargement de fichiers à partir de One-Click-hébergeurs comme Rapidshare.com ou Megaupload.com - non seulement pour les utilisateurs ayant un compte premium, mais aussi pour les utilisateurs qui ne paient pas. Il propose le téléchargement en plusieurs flux parallèles, captcha la reconnaissance, l'extraction automatique de fichiers et bien plus. Bien sûr, JDownloader est absolument gratuit. En outre, beaucoup de "cryptage" lien sites sont soutenu - donc vous suffit de coller le "crypté" liens et JD fait le reste. JDownloader pouvez importer CCF, RSDF et les nouveaux fichiers DLC.JDownloader es de código abierto, independiente de la plataforma y escrita completamente en Java. Se simplifica la descarga de archivos de One-Click-Hosters como Rapidshare.com o de Megaupload.com - no sólo para los usuarios con una cuenta premium, sino también para los usuarios que no pagan. Se ofrece la descarga en múltiples corrientes paralelas, captcha el reconocimiento, la extracción automática de archivos y mucho más. Por supuesto, JDownloader es absolutamente gratuito. Además, muchos "vínculo de cifrado" sitios son el apoyo - por lo que acaba de pegar el "cifrado" vínculos y JD hace el resto. JDownloader puede importar marco de cooperación, RSDF y los nuevos archivos de DLC.FlashGot to open source, niezależne od platformy i napisane w całości w języku Java. To upraszcza ściąganie plików z One-Click-Hosters jak Rapidshare.com lub Megaupload.com - nie tylko dla użytkowników posiadających konto premium, ale także dla użytkowników którzy nie płacą. Oferuje pobieranie z wielu równoległych strumieni, captcha uznanie, automatycznego pobierania plików i wiele więcej. Oczywiście, JDownloader jest całkowicie bezpłatny. Dodatkowo, wiele "szyfrowanie link" miejsc są wsparcie - tak po prostu wklej "zaszyfrowane" linki i JD zrobi resztę. FlashGot może importować CCF, RSDF i nowe pliki DLC.JDownloader is open source, platform onafhankelijk en volledig geschreven in Java. Het vereenvoudigt het downloaden van bestanden van One-Click-Hosters zoals Rapidshare.com of Megaupload.com - niet alleen voor gebruikers met een premium account, maar ook voor de gebruikers die niet betalen. Het biedt downloaden in meerdere parallelle stromen, captcha erkenning, automatisch uitpakken van bestanden en nog veel meer. Natuurlijk JDownloader is absoluut gratis. Daarnaast vele "link encryption" sites ondersteund - dus je plakt de "gecodeerd" links en JD doet de rest. JDownloader kunt importeren CCF, RSDF en de nieuwe DLC bestanden.s %Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1JDownloader-0.9581-2pclos2011.src.rpmsCde87a1c24668cc173b049dac49281e18./SRPMS.pclosCd   B@BABEBJ5CdeJMencode0.642pclos2011A simple java front-end for the free MPlayer/Mencoder softwareEinfaches Java-Frontend für die freie MPlayer/MEncoder SoftwareA simple java front-end for the free MPlayer/Mencoder software, for the purpose of encoding video. Initially the focus is on converting DVD into MPEG-4. The purpose is to be as cross-platform as possible. The generated mencoder command can be transmitted to the Command Line with "copy and paste".Ein einfaches Java-Frontend für die freie MPlayer/MEncoder Software, für die Vereinfachung der Video-Codierung. Der generierte Mencoder Befehl kann in die Kommandozeile übertragen werden mit "kopieren und einfügen".]Videox86_64 unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1JMencode-0.64-2pclos2011.src.rpm5120e6f227e9a063937e23c81c87f64e./SRPMS.pclosd    B@BABEBJCdeJSkat0.16.01pclos2017An implementation of the German card game Skat in JavaEine Implementierung des deutschen Kartenspiels Skat in JavaJSkat application is a free implementation of the German card game Skat in Java. You can play it on nearly every platform that runs a modern Java Runtime Environment. Until now we only know that it runs on Windows and Linux with the JRE from Sun, but we like to hear from you, if it's playable on other platforms, too. JSkat is written by Jan Schäfer and Markus J. Luzius. It's a non profit project that steals a lot of our spare time. Our goal is to develop a free computer Skat game that can play either according to the official rules or with a customized special ruleset that is often played in the pubs. JSkat is copyrighted under the General Public License (GPL) 2.0. Here are some key features of "JSkat": · Playing according to the official rules of the International Skat Players Association (ISPA-World) · Play suit, grand and null games. · Games are passed in if no player bids. · Playing pub rules like Kontra, Ramsch and Bock (planned) · Calculation of wins and losses after each game · Saving data in XML (planned) · Multilanguage support · Currently we support German and English. · If you want to contribute a translation, please contact us. · Creation and integration of your own AI Skat player (planned) For the time being, there are three AI Skat players available for JSkat: · AIPlayerMJL · A player with careful bidding, a basic opponent intelligence and currently no single player AI. · AIPlayerJS · A player that doesn't do bidding very well and that's why it's losing most of the time. · AIPlayerRND · A random player only for testing and driving the other players nuts. ;o) · We'll release an interface definition that will allow you to create and integrate your own AI player into JSkat. (planned) · Cheat/Debug mode · Look into the cards of the other skat players. · Go through all tricks that were played. · Watch three AI players against themselves.Sie können es auf fast allen Plattformen nutzen, auf denen eine moderne Version des Java Runtime Environment läuft. Wir wissen, dass es unter Windows, Linux und Mac OS mit dem JRE von Oracle funktioniert. Wir würden aber gerne erfahren, falls JSkat auch unter anderen Plattformen läuft. Wer steckt hinter JSkat JSkat wird von Jan Schäfer und Markus J. Luzius entwickelt. Es ist ein nichtkommerzielles Projekt, dass sehr viel von unserer Freizeit stiehlt. Unser Ziel ist es, ein freies Computer-Skatspiel zu schaffen, mit dem man entweder nach den offiziellen Skatregeln oder nach Kneipenregeln spielen kann. Funktionen Die folgenden Funktionen sind implementiert oder werden in einer zukünftigen Version von JSkat umgesetzt: Skatregeln *Spielen nach den offiziellen Regeln der International Skat Players Association (ISPA-World) *Spielen von Farb-, Grand- und Nullspielen *Spiele werden eingepasst, wenn kein Spieler ein Reizgebot abgibt *Spielen nach Kneipenregeln wie Kontra, Ramsch und Bock (geplant) *Berechnung der Gewinne und Verluste nach jedem Spiel KI-Skatspieler Zurzeit gibt es drei KI-Spieler für JSkat: *Algorithmisch Ein Spieler mit vorsichtigem Reizverhalten, einfacher Intelligenz für Gegenspieler und Alleinspieler. *Neuronales Netz Ein Spieler der neuronale Netze zur Berechnung der Spielstrategie benutzt. *Rainer Zufall Ein Zufallsspieler der zum Testen von JSkat verwendet wird und die Spieler zum Wahnsinn treibt. Es gibt eine Schnittstelle für die KI-Spieler. Wenn Sie einen eigenen KI-Spieler entwickeln möchten, muss nur diese Schnittstelle, damit Ihr Spieler in JSkat integriert werden kann. Es würde uns freuen, wenn wir neue Entwickler in unserem Team willkommen heißen können. Cheat- und Debug-Modus *Schauen Sie in die Karten der anderen Skatspieler *Gehen Sie alle Stiche eines Spiels nach Spielende noch einmal durch *Beobachten Sie drei KI-Spieler, wie sie gegeneinander spielen Andere Funktionen *Speichern der Daten als XML-Dateien (geplant) *Unterstützung für verschiedene Sprachen Zurzeit unterstützen wir Deutsch und Englisch. Wenn Sie eine Übersetzung beisteuern möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.bb2 Games/Cardsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1JSkat-0.16.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm1f5ba9b6c1b62d4142069b3f6b2411e5./SRPMS.pclos{d   : B@$BAHBELBJmCMHonArc2.6.161pclos2009A Perl mail-to-HTML converterMHonArc provides HTML mail archiving with index, mail thread linking, etc; plus other capabilities including support for MIME and powerful user customization features.ޜNetworking/WWWi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1MHonArc-2.6.16-1pclos2009.src.rpm|be84f3c5ce0e8dc9941560bc66188b40./SRPMS.pclosOd! - 7P TahB@BABE BJACfrdeesplnlMaelstrom3.0.614pclos2009MaelstromMaelstrom is a rockin' asteroids game ported from the Macintosh Originally written by Andrew Welch of Ambrosia Software, and ported to UNIX and then SDL by Sam Lantinga Maelstrom est un Rockin 'astrodes jeu port partir du MacintoshMaelstrom ist ein rockin 'Asteroiden Spiel aus der Macintosh portiertMaelstrom es asteroides a rockin 'juego portado desde el MacintoshMaelstrom jest Rockin 'gry Planetoidy przeniesione z komputera MacintoshMaelstrom is asteroden een rockin 'spel geport van de Macintosh2Games/Arcadei586 SDL_net-develX11-develalsa-lib-develesound-develtexinfoautomake1.4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Maelstrom-3.0.6-14pclos2009.src.rpmh4935420d7666ff3ae0760680dafab9bf./SRPMS.pclos3d"& 1 Q| B@BABEBJ%CMcMojave-circle-dark-icon-theme1.31pclos2019McMojave-circle-dark Icon ThemeMcMojave-circle-dark KDE Plasma Icon ThemeGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1McMojave-circle-dark-icon-theme-1.3-1pclos2019.src.rpmbbc3e8a77a44afe2b2f1cfeb824fac79./SRPMS.pclos#d! , Gp tB@BABEBJCMcMojave-circle-icon-theme1.31pclos2019McMojave-circle Icon ThemeMcMojave-circle KDE Plasma Icon Theme&ûGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1McMojave-circle-icon-theme-1.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm&Me555f21c6814648da8ed858181bc1be9./SRPMS.pclosd * < B@$BA\BE`BJCMediaFireExpress0.15.4.48881pclos2013MediaFire ExpressMediaFire Express allows you to access the functions of the MediaFire cloud service from your computer. It is designed to facilitate the file uploads to your online account and provide you with sharing options. With this tool you can easily upload any file from your computer to the cloud storage. You can use the system tray icon or the program dashboard to drag and drop the items that need to be uploaded.V5Networking/File transferx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1MediaFireExpress-Ίb3783209bda3e6f0b07035cf0b0348d7./SRPMS.pclosd  z  B@(BALBEPBJqCdeMyConverter2.71pclos2020MyConverter a right click audio converterMyConverter ist ein Rechtsklick Audio KonverterMyConverter is a right click audio converter. Click on a audio file with the right mouse button. Based on zenity, and ffmpeg. Splitting from PCLinuxOS-FLV-Player Version 2.0MyConverter ist ein Rechtsklick Audio Konverter. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf eine Audiodatei. Basierend auf Zenity und FFMPEG. Abgespaltet vom PCLinuxOS-FLV-Player Version 2.0(danielSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1MyConverter-2.7-1pclos2020.src.rpm- 556d21e92c6a18b4f59a94b7aa2f93da./SRPMS.pclosd ! ?dh ou|B@BABEBJCdeMyMencoder0.3.41pclos2020MyMencoder GUIMyMencoder GUIMyMencoder for encoding video files. Add simple gui for dvdbackup. Add join dialog. Add mux dialog. Add audio extract.MyMencoder zum konvertieren von Video Dateien. Hinzugefügt einfaches GUI für dvdbackup. Hinzugefügt JOIN dialog. Hinzugefügt MUX dialog. Hinzugefügt Audio extrakt. danielVideox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1MyMencoder-0.3.4-1pclos2020.src.rpmed449731c751cb87522755e2cf892f0d./SRPMS.pclosd $ H  B@(BAPBETBJuCdeMyMencoderDVD0.2.01pclos2012MyMencoderDVD GUIMyMencoderDVD GUIMyMencoderDVD for encoding standard dvd, svcd, vcd, and mpeg1/2 files.MyMencoderDVD zum konvertieren von Standard gerechte DVD, SVCD, VCD und MPEG1/2 Dateien.NealVideox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1MyMencoderDVD-0.2.0-1pclos2012.src.rpm8bf2610795630648ad228ba9788c120ff./SRPMS.pclosd  H   I B@YBA|BEBJCORBit0.5.1711pclos2011High-performance CORBA Object Request BrokerORBit is a high-performance CORBA ORB (object request broker). It allows programs to send requests and receive replies from other programs, regardless of the locations of the two programs. You will need to install this package and the related header files, libraries and utilities if you want to write programs that use CORBA technology.cSystem/Librariesx86_64 byaccflexgettextglib-develtcp_wrappers-devellibtoolautomake1.4autoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ORBit-0.5.17-11pclos2011.src.rpmX_0a7c472d1bdcbff1cf2191a734f9849e./SRPMS.pclosSd   L48 E]dB@BA BE$BJECdeORBit22.14.192pclos2012High-performance CORBA Object Request BrokerORBit is a high-performance CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) ORB (object request broker). It allows programs to send requests and receive replies from other programs, regardless of the locations of the two programs. CORBA is an architecture that enables communication between program objects, regardless of the programming language they're written in or the operating system they run on. You will need to install this package if you want to run programs that use the ORBit implementation of CORBA technology.ORBit ist ein hoch performanter CORBA- (CORBA Object Request Broker) ORB (Object Request Broker). Er erlaubt es Programmen, Anfragen zu senden und Antworten von anderen Programmen, unabhängig von deren physischen Orten, zu empfangen. Die CORBA-Architektur erlaubt die Kommunikation zwischen Programmobjekten, unabhängig von den verwendeten Programmiersprachen und Betriebssystemen. Dieses Paket enthält die Kommandozeilenprogramme »ior-decode-2« und »typelib-dump«. 4Neal ManBearGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  indentbisonflexpopt-develglib2-devellibIDL2-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ėa9644c1f8497a8d6ea23300da163936b./SRPMS.pclosd   :  -4@|B@BABEBJCOilWar1.2.12pclos2011Very simple mouse shooting gameOilWar is a simple game where you shoot enemy soldiers and tanks with your mouse. The evil army is attacking your land and tries to steal your oil. Your mission: waste the invaders, protect the oil, protect the mother land...kGames/Arcadex86_64 SDL_image-develSDL_mixer-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1OilWar-1.2.1-2pclos2011.src.rpma3489d859d8a01fc5d0d9db9823d7e17./SRPMS.pclosd ) D\ `ot  4 B@GBAhBElBJCfrdeesplnlOpenDX4.4.41pclos2009IBM OpenDX (Data Explorer)OpenDX is a uniquely powerful, full-featured software package for the visualization of scientific, engineering and analytical data: Its open system design is built on a standard interface environments. And its sophisticated data model provides users with great flexibility in creating visualizations.OpenDX, est particulièrement puissant, riche en fonctionnalités logiciel destiné à la la visualisation à l'ingénierie scientifique et analytique des donnéesOpenDX ist eine einzigartige, leistungsfähige, voll funktionsfähige Software-Paket für die Visualisierung von wissenschaftlichen, technischen und analytischen DatenOpenDX es un único y potente, y completo paquete de software para el visualización de los científicos, de ingeniería y análisis de datosOpenDX jest wyjątkowo silny, pełni funkcjonalny pakiet oprogramowania wizualizacji naukowych, technicznych i analitycznych danychOpenDX is een uniek krachtig, full-featured software pakket voor de visualisatie van wetenschappelijke, technische en analytische gegevens|JSciences/Otheri586 autoconflibtoolbisonflexfreetype-develmesaglu-devellesstif-devellibjbig-develnetcdf-develkernel-sourceHDFrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1OpenDX-4.4.4-1pclos2009.src.rpm 8eae6d2b2b6f2dbecc7f6e936b6b1631./SRPMS.pclosd J$YB@cBABEBJCOpenSP1.5.23pclos2011The OpenJade Group's SGML and XML parsing toolsThis package is a collection of SGML/XML tools called OpenSP. It is a fork from James Clark's SP suite. These tools are used to parse, validate, and normalize SGML and XML files. Publishingx86_64 xmltodocbook-dtd412-xmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1OpenSP-1.5.2-3pclos2011.src.rpm {+a604877f78cccef3f15caf045b30c468./SRPMS.pclosd ( C $,0LB@TBABEBJCOpenVisualTraceRoute2.0.01pclos2022GUI for Whois & Traceroute Open source cross-platform (Windows/Linux/Mac) Java Visual Traceroute, packet sniffer and Whois. Data is displayed in a 3D or a 2D map component.-*Agent Smith System/Configuration/Networkingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1OpenVisualTraceRoute-2.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmG619503fcab2d61026dfdea9043cfd075./SRPMS.pclosd ( _8< CIPTpB@xBABEBJCdePCLinuxOS-Converter2.51pclos2021A Simple Audio ConverterEin einfacher Audio KonverterA Simple Audio Converter, convert wav, flac, mp3, ogg, or aac. Based on gtkdialog, and use ffmpeg.Ein einfacher Audio Konverter, konvertiert wav, flac, mp3, ogg, oder aac. Basierend auf gtkdialog und nutzt ffmpeg.danielSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1PCLinuxOS-Converter-2.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm/2231c36eeef126d0d86f5bdd57c98f0e./SRPMS.pclosd! , v %,8qB@BABEBJCdeesPCLinuxOS-FLV-Player7.61pclos2025Play and convert FLV & MP4 VideosSpielt und konventiert FLV & MP4 VideosA Simple Player for your stored videos from youtube or other websites using flv type videos. With the converter you can convert the audio to mp3, wav, ogg, mpeg4 or wma. It is easy to use.FLV Player und Konverter dient zur einfachen Wiedergabe Ihrer gespeicherten Videos von YouTube oder ähnlichen Webseiten welche Videos im Dateiformat FLV zur Verfügung stellen. Mit dem Konverter lassen sich die Audiodateien ins mp3-, wav-, ogg-, wma- oder mpeg4-Format umwandeln.Un Reproductor sencillo para los videos descargados de youtube y otros sitios que usan formatos flv/mp4. Con el convertidor puede cambiar el audio a mp3, wav, ogg, aac, flac o wma. Es facil de usar.LdanielVideonoarch  parallelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1PCLinuxOS-FLV-Player-7.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm -dcf3ea8ed9ba41e7b613ed8314ee9541./SRPMS.pcloswd '  B@BADBEHBJiCdePCLinuxOS-fix-screen32pclos2013Simple fix for your monitor screen resolutionEinfaches beheben der Bildschirm AuflösungSimple fix for your monitor screen resolution. It is a simple tool based on xrandr to find out your correct screen resolution. On some Notebook and Desktop screens the resolution isn't displayed correctly. So there is a need to correct this in a simple way.Einfaches beheben der Bildschirm Auflösung. Ein einfaches Werkzeug basierend auf xrandr zum ermitteln der korrekten Bildschirmauflösung. Bei einigen Notebook und Desktop Bildschirme wird die Auflösung nicht richtig erkannt und so wird versucht es auf einfache Art und Weise zu korrigieren.pinoc64System/Basenoarch bashgtkdialogxrandrrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1PCLinuxOS-fix-screen-3-2pclos2013.src.rpmb2677dbe99d5b1d7a086bda7b9af68853./SRPMS.pclosd  E  NB@XBAxBE|BJCPEGTL2.8.11pclos2020Parsing Expression Grammar Template LibraryThe Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library (PEGTL) is a zero-dependency C++11 header-only library for creating parsers according to a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG).*System/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++/usr/bin/makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1PEGTL-2.8.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm/4a00b422feee5694fb001e2950c9e5e4./SRPMS.pcloscd %  B@BA0BE4BJUCpldePlayOnLinux4.3.41pclos2018Play your Windows games on LinuxGraj w Widnowsowe gry na LinuksieSpielen Sie ihre Windows-Spiele unter LinuxPlayOnLinux is a piece of sofware which allows you to easily install and use numerous games and softwares designed to run with Microsoft®'s Windows®. Few games are compatible with GNU/Linux at the moment and it certainly is a factor preventing the migration to this system. PlayOnLinux brings an accessible and efficient solution to this problem, cost-free and rescpetful of the free softwares.PlayOnLinux ist eine Software, die es erlaubt Software zu installieren und zu nutzen, die für Microsoft®'s Windows® erstellt wurde. Nur ein paar Spiele sind derzeitig kompatibel mit GNU/Linux und sicherlich ist das ein Grund dafür, dass nicht zu Linux gewechselt wird. PlayOnLinux bringt eine offene und effiziente Lösung für dieses Problem, es ist kostenlos und es ist eine freie Software.!Games/Otherx86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1PlayOnLinux-4.3.4-1pclos2018.src.rpm!Gb1032db92631d406fe68daefb0a09f07./SRPMS.pclosod  o  B@BA<BE@BJaCPolarViewer1.3.110pclos2010A viewer application for exercise files recorded with Polar heartrate monitorsPolarViewer is a viewer application for exercise files recorded with Polar heartrate monitors. It displays all the recorded exercise data (except power) and creates diagrams. If you want to organize your exercises and create statistics you should use the SportsTracker application together with PolarViewer.mToysnoarch glade-sharp2gtk-sharp2-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1PolarViewer-1.3.1-10pclos2010.src.rpmt'8f72b59b57a6dce4dd41ea2a7fc9dd63./SRPMS.pclosd  vHL TZ`dB@BABEBJCdeProjectX0.91.02pclos2013A video editing and demultiplexing toolEin Video-Bearbeitung- und Demultiplexen ToolEuropean digital radio & television uses the DVB standard to broadcast its data. Project X gives you a look behind the transmissions and tries its best to handle & repair many stream types and shows what went wrong on reception.Das europäische digitale Radio & Fernsehen nutzt den DVB-Standard, um Daten zu übertragen. Project X gibt Ihnen einen Einblick in die Übertragungen und versucht das Beste um die Datenströme zu reparieren und zeigt an was defekt ist.pinoc32Videoi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ProjectX-0.91.0-2pclos2013.src.rpmdf10fb3148e63f46841039d45a6513ea./SRPMS.pclosd KGB@RBAtBExBJCPyPanel2.44pclos2011Lightweight panel/taskbar for X11 Window ManagersPyPanel is a lightweight panel/taskbar written in Python and C for X11 window managers. It can be easily customized to match any desktop theme or taste. PyPanel works with EWMH compliant WMs. The panel displays currently running tasks/applications and can also be configured to display the current desktop name, date/time, a system tray (notification area) and application launcher.z~Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 libxext6-devellibpython-develpython-xlibrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1PyPanel-2.4-4pclos2011.src.rpmL15d06262305fca2ebc475cf27fcbd314./SRPMS.pclosd   X VB@eBABEBJCdeQ7Z0.9.13pclos2013Q7Z is a P7Zip GUI for LinuxQ7Z ist ein P7Zip GUI für LinuxQ7Z is a P7Zip GUI for Linux, which attempts to simplify data compression and backup. Use Q7Z if you want to: * Update existing archives quickly * Backup multiple folders to a storage location * Create or extract protected archives * Lessen effort by using archiving profiles and listsQ7Z ist ein GUI für p7zip, das die Datenkompression sowie Backup vereinfachen soll. Verwenden Q7Z, für: * das schnelle Updaten bestehender Archiven * Mehrere Backup-Ordner an einen Speicherort * Erstellen oder entpacken von verschlüsselten Archiven * Archivierung via Profile und Listen..."Archiving/Compressionx86_64 python-qt4-develkdelibs-devellibqt4-devellib64python-develp7ziplibtar-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Q7Z-0.9.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm/e2b8d49b1e571288ef7d459722b25120./SRPMS.pclosd " 3P TktxB@BABEBJCQogir-icon-theme1.01pclos2019Qogir Icon ThemeQogir KDE Plasma Icon Theme.Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Qogir-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm.94856819fdab71dc329c5e9ab8e7f50d./SRPMS.pclos{d   D ,,,B@(BAHBELBJmCR-base4.4.31pclos2025A language for data analysis and graphics`GNU S' - A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R is similar to the S system, which was developed at Bell Laboratories by John Chambers et al. It provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques (linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, ...). R is designed as a true computer language with control-flow constructions for iteration and alternation, and it allows users to add additional functionality by defining new functions. For computationally intensive tasks, C, C++ and Fortran code can be linked and called at run time.ь(pinocSciences/Mathematicsx86_64  bisoncups-commongccgcc-c++gcc-gfortrangcc-objcgcc-objc++gettext-develglibc-develgpm-develicu-develimagemagickimakejava-rpmbuildlapack-devellocales-enpaper-utilspkgconfig(blas)pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(readline)pkgconfig(tcl)pkgconfig(tk)pkgconfig(tre)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(xt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tcltexinfotexinfo-textexlivetexlive-fontsextraxdg-utilszip3.0.4-14.6.0-1R-base-4.4.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmѸ:c3ee885483fc237073179fe6af88b93c./SRPMS.pclos#d  7 $ ,AH`B@BABEBJCR-cran-Cairo1.5.61pclos2014A cairo bindings for RThis package provides a Cairo graphics device that can be use to create high-quality vector (PDF, PostScript and SVG) and bitmap output (PNG,JPEG,TIFF), and high-quality rendering in displays (X11 and Win32). Since it uses the same back-end for all output, copying across formats is WYSIWYG.Files are created without the dependence on X11 or other external programs. This device supports alpha channel (semi-transparent drawing) and resulting images can contain transparent and semi-transparent regions. It is ideal for use in server environemnts (file output) and as a replacement for other devices that don't have Cairo's capabilities such as alpha support or anti-aliasing.Backends are modular such that any subset of backends is supported.pinoc64Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 R-baselibcairo-devellibjpeg-devellibtiff-devellibxt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1R-cran-Cairo-1.5.6-1pclos2014.src.rpmX2e56e02d9fab5d21a3bf5e91f98cdac8./SRPMS.pclos#d % VX\ dyB@BABEBJCR-cran-cairoDevice2.201pclos2014A cairo antialiased graphics device driver for RCairo/GTK graphics device driver with output to screen, file (png, svg, pdf, and ps) or memory (GdkDrawable). The screen device may be embedded into RGtk2 interfaces. Supports all interactive features of other graphics devices, including getGraphicsEvent().%pinoc32Sciences/Mathematicsi586 R-basegtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1R-cran-cairoDevice-2.20-1pclos2014.src.rpmlefe77c48b000a188e7573f54d818edf2./SRPMS.pclosd  2 (B@4BATBEXBJyCRi-li2.0.13pclos2010A wooden toy engine gameYou drive a toy wood engine in many levels and you must collect all the coaches to win. Full-featured, 19 languages: Arabic, Breton, Chinese, English, Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Dutch. Colorful animated wood engine, 50 levels and 3 beautiful musics and many sound effects.uMBantzGames/Arcadei586 SDL-develSDL_mixer-develautoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Ri-li-2.0.1-3pclos2010.src.rpm:af06e480c3b2476e057f6fdef8a7f375./SRPMS.pclos d  3 @B@BABEBJCSDL121.2.153pclos2020Simple DirectMedia LayerThis is the Simple DirectMedia Layer, a generic API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display framebuffer across multiple platforms.'System/Librariesx86_64 lib64aa-devellib64alsa2-devellib64audiofile-devellib64esound-devellib64ggi-devellib64gii-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64nas-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64usb-compat0.1-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-develchrpathx11-proto-devellibggi-develaalib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SDL12-1.2.15-3pclos2020.src.rpm'k94b41f8481e14c44b0c6fc1ac02ac215./SRPMS.pclosd   @ UB@bBABEBJCSDL_Pango0.1.24pclos2017Simple DirectMedia Layer for pangoPango is the text rendering engine of GNOME 2. SDL_Pango connects the engine to SDL.cbb2 System/Librariesx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SDL_Pango-0.1.2-4pclos2017.src.rpm85753d5b9afe948d3144ed0fc4bfc211./SRPMS.pclosd   X CB@YBA|BEBJCSDL_gfx2.0.271pclos2024SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functionsThe SDL_gfx library evolved out of the SDL_gfxPrimitives code. The current components of the SDL_gfx library are: - Graphic Primitives (SDL_gfxPrimitves.h) - Rotozoomer (SDL_rotozoom.h) - Framerate control (SDL_framerate.h) - MMX image filters (SDL_imageFilter.h) The library is backwards compatible to the above mentioned code. It's is written in plain C and can be used in C++ code. System/Librariesx86_64   pkgconfig(sdl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) Qd4a7f4ae7b17049393012b6cfca9de25./SRPMS.pclosd   ? -4HB@BABEBJCSDL_image1.2.123pclos2019Simple DirectMedia Layer - imageThis is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. This library currently supports BMP, PPM, PCX, GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats. This package contains the binary `sdlshow' to test the library.&System/Librariesx86_64  libjpeg-devellibpng-devellibtiff-devellibSDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*b3d72b530e04b1c984ce0ab1c3b9811d./SRPMS.pclos?d   ?48 BS\tB@BA BEBJ1CSDL_mixer1.2.125pclos2017Simple DirectMedia Layer - mixerSDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI and SMPEG MP3 libraries.)bb2 System/Librariesx86_64  SDL-devellibmikmod-devellibvorbis-devellibz-devellibflac-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   > $ .?HPvB@BABEBJCSDL_net1.2.82pclos2017Simple DirectMedia Layer - networkThis is an example portable network library for use with SDL. Note that this isn't necessarily how you would want to write a chat program, but it demonstrates how to use the basic features of the network and GUI libraries.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64  SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d   @   8  B@BABEBJCSDL_sound1.0.36pclos2017An abstract SDL sound-file decoderSDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is meant to make the programmer's sound playback tasks simpler. The programmer gives SDL_sound a file-name, or feeds it data directly from one of many sources, and then reads the decoded waveform data back at her leisure. If resource constraints are a concern, SDL_sound can process sound data in programmer-specified blocks. Alternately, SDL_sound can decode a whole sound file and hand back a single pointer to the whole waveform. SDL_sound can also handle sample rate, audio format, and channel conversion on-the-fly and behind-the-scenes, if the programmer desires.$bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 SDL-devellibflac-devellibmikmod-devellibmodplug-devellibvorbis-devellibspeex-develphysfs-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SDL_sound-1.0.3-6pclos2017.src.rpm64d63e0a29c0b7cb7d92767938be97bd./SRPMS.pclosd   T *B@3BAXBE\BJ}CSDL_ttf2.0.112pclos2017Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample TrueType Font LibraryThis is a sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. It comes with an example program "showfont" which displays an example string for a given TrueType font file. Warning! TrueType font decoding is under patent, and software using this library may be in violation of this patent. Use at your own risk! See http://www.freetype.org/ for details.2bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SDL_ttf-2.0.11-2pclos2017.src.rpm64f4447a201e29f4ed2dc40510e5065c7./SRPMS.pclos[d  I B@BA(BE,BJMCSDLmm0.1.816pclos2017A C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia LayerSDLmm is a C++ glue for SDL, or the Simple DirectMedia Layer, which is a generic API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D framebuffer across multiple platforms. SDLmm aims to stay as close as possible to the C API while taking advantage of native C++ features like object orientation.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SDLmm-0.1.8-16pclos2017.src.rpm583a38ee060a33826ac56a5c6d5876c4./SRPMS.pclosd   HL S^hlB@BABEBJCdeSiCuSys1.21pclos2015A simple way to get some info about your system!Einfacher Weg um Informationen über ihr System zu erhalten!A simple way to get some info about your system! Displayed: Running Kernel Desktop Enviroment User Screen Resolution CPU Free Disk Space Memory Usage File Space Usage Update: added inxi -FxzMGS by single click!Ein einfacher Weg, um einige Informationen über Ihr System zu erhalten! Zeigt an: Laufenden Kernel Desktop Umgebung Benutzer Bildschirmauflösung CPU Freien Speicherplatz Update: hinzugefügt inxi -FxzMGS durch einfachen Klick!/danielMonitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SiCuSys-1.2-1pclos2015.src.rpm3;5d5d6c51d31800faa521383cdcbcdba7./SRPMS.pclosd " D -B@6BA`BEdBJCSmillaEnlarger0.9.05pclos2012A tool to greatly resize picturesSmillaEnlarger is a small graphical tool (based on Qt) to resize, especially magnify bitmaps in high quality. The algorithm used was written by the author.NealGraphicsi586 libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SmillaEnlarger-0.9.0-5pclos2012.src.rpm08582653ea25de53eb702c55f7b136fe./SRPMS.pclosd  ! :  3B@<BAdBEhBJCSnortSnarf021111.17pclos2010Snort HTML LOG converterThis program creates a set of HTML pages to allow you to quickly and conveniently navigate around output files of the Snort intrusion detection system (http://www.snort.org/).Monitoringnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SnortSnarf-021111.1-7pclos2010.src.rpm~d1ac7cd18fa8a49ea7083c3ab4aed797./SRPMS.pclosd  ? 'B@0BAXBE\BJ}CSpiralLoops2.0.04pclos2016Experimental loop based samplerThe idea of SpiralLoops is to provide a simple, visual tool for looping and layering of sounds; which can be sourced from either wav files on disk, or from sound generating plugins. SpiralLoops allows you to create loop based compositions with the minimum feedback time between the decisions you make and your ears. The looping mechanism is very flexible, you can lock the timing of loops together, or offset them for creating complex sequences, such as polyrhythms. Loop triggers can be used to cause interation between the loops, and as an expermental way of creating music. Spiral Synth uses the standard OSS/Free sound output (/dev/dsp). This should work on ALSA too.sSoundx86_64 fltk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SpiralLoops-2.0.0-4pclos2016.src.rpmO bc50fc62d63d8af3236b7c41c7bc202c./SRPMS.pclosd  ;4 8>HPwB@BABEBJCSpiralSynth2.0.04pclos2016Simple software synthesizerSSM's little brother has been updated at last, much much faster, better sounding, a bit prettier and soon to be a SSM polyphonic plugin. SpiralSynth is a simple polyphonic analogue modelling softsynth that tries to be as easy to use as possible.Soundx86_64 fltk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SpiralSynth-2.0.0-4pclos2016.src.rpm96de4e08ee6014c41a4617c9df0e3927./SRPMS.pclosd ! KH LS\dB@BABEBJCSportsTracker7.9.01pclos2022Application to record sporting activitiesSportsTracker is an application for people who want to record their sporting activities. It is not bound to a specific kind of sport, the user can create categories for all sport types which are endurance related, such as cycling, running or swimming.œ Officenoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1SportsTracker-7.9.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm27b7c605b5cc237c5a8b726e0fcb7cf4./SRPMS.pclosd  m AB@RBAxBE|BJCSweetHome3D7.51pclos2024An application for placing your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D previewSweet Home 3D is a free application that helps you placing your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview.jpinocGraphicsx86_64  dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1SweetHome3D-7.5-1pclos2024.src.rpmb21314c74c2d94e984524b02117f6b123./SRPMS.pclosKd   Xp tB@BABEBJ=CTOPCOM0.17.81pclos2020Triangulations Of Point Configurations and Oriented MatroidsTOPCOM is a package for computing Triangulations Of Point Configurations and Oriented Matroids. It was very much inspired by the maple program PUNTOS, which was written by Jesus de Loera. TOPCOM is entirely written in C++, so there is a significant speed up compared to PUNTOS.`f7Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 cddlib-develgcc-c++gmp-develgmpxx-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1TOPCOM-0.17.8-1pclos2020.src.rpm`Ze2b80cd4bb6d7ca88a1392b65540dc15./SRPMS.pcloskd   5$ (08 `  B@BA8BE<BJ]CTed2.231pclos2016Ted - an easy rich text editorTed is a text processor running under X on Unix/Linux systems, with the ability to edit rich text documents on Unix/Linux in a WYSIWYG way. It also converts RTF to PostScript and PDF. RTF files from Ted are fully compatible with MS Word.+a|Editorsx86_64 zlib-devellib64pcre0-devellib64x11-devellib64xpm-devellib64jpeg-devellib64tiff-devellib64png-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64paper-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Ted-2.23-1pclos2016.src.rpm+gade0fecf2bf8d336896a1d36edb9a80d./SRPMS.pclosd & ;\ `wB@BABEBJCTela-dark-icon-theme1.01pclos2019Tela-dark Icon ThemeTela-dark KDE Plasma Icon ThemeFGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Tela-dark-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmSoundx86_64  alsa-lib-develautoconfemacsesound-develgtk2-develjackit-devellesstif-devellibao-devellibflac-develliboggflac-devellib64nas2-develncurses-develoggvorbis-devellib64portaudio-develspeex-develtcl-develtk-devellibxaw-devellibslang-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( p $ +FPTpB@xBABEBJCdeTouchpad-solution0.1.92pclos2020TouchPad Solutions (touchpad problem)Touchpad Lösungen (bei Probleme)Simple GUI solution... Getting your touchpad working properly seems to be a bit tricky with xorg 1.10.2. The control file for your touchpad is called 50-synaptics.conf and is located in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d folder. I have set this file up in default mode with the x11-driver-input-synaptics-1.4.1-2pclos2011.i586.rpm package mainly because I'm tired of tinking with the default config file. Seems if I set in one way it works for some people and not for others. So here are some possible solutions for you. One of these should work for you.Eine einfache GUI Lösung... Wenn Ihr Touchpad bisher einwandfrei zu arbeiten schien, ist es nun ein bisschen schwieriger mit der neuen xorg Version 1.10.2. Die Konfigurationsdatei für Ihr Touchpad lautet 50-synaptics.conf und ist im /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d Ordner gespeichert. Ich habe diese Datei im Standard-Modus belassen im x11-driver-input-synaptics-1.4.1-2pclos2011.i586.rpm Paket vor allem deswegen, weil ich es Leid bin, diese ständig zu ändern. Den für den einen scheint es zu gehen und für den anderen im Gegenzug nicht. Also bekommen Sie hier mögliche Lösungen für die Konfiguration. Eine dieser Lösung wird auch für Sie funktionieren.JAdanielSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Touchpad-solution-0.1.9-2pclos2020.src.rpmO65237c61187d0a7d65219369c2f6703f./SRPMS.pclosd $ fT XclpB@BABEBJCdeTouchpadToggle0.342pclos2019Toggle your touchpad off or onSchalte dein Touchpad ein oder ausToggle your touchpad off or on. (Idea, and created by parnote) Any questions, let me know (parnote at gmail.com).Schalte dein Touchpad ein oder aus. (Idee und erstellt von parnote) Fragen senden Sie bitte an mich (parnote at gmail.com)Monitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1TouchpadToggle-0.34-2pclos2019.src.rpmn256c9f120c802c1928755c5af642a16f./SRPMS.pclosCd" -  B@BABEBJ5CdeTranscoderAudioEdition0.0.42pclos2010Transcoder Audio Edition is a audio converter for LinuxTranscoder Audio Edition ist ein Audio Konverter für LinuxTranscoder Audio Edition is a audio converter for Linux which can convert from one audio format into another and can extract audio tracks from video files and convert them into audio formats. It uses GTK+ as GUI toolkit and ffmpeg as backend.Transcoder Audio Edition ist ein Audio Konverter für Linux, das konventieren von verschiedenen Audio-Formaten in ein anderes. Ausserdem können aus Video Dateien das Audio konventiert werden in ein beliebiges Audioformat. Es benötigt GTK+ als GUI und ffmpeg als Backend.7hLSoundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1TranscoderAudioEdition-0.0.4-2pclos2010.src.rpm7D8bd9be185903d0bd49dd7828b4adc6a9./SRPMS.pclosd   4\ `r|B@BABEBJ CVSCode1.95.21pclos2024Code editing. Redefined.Visual Studio Code, also commonly referred to as VS Code, is a source-code editor made by Microsoft with the Electron Framework, for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.ADevelopment/Toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1VSCode-1.95.2-1pclos2024.src.rpma124b9d7fc955befedb8ce24cd0eea7e4./SRPMS.pclosd  # V /AHPB@BABEBJCVSCodium1.97.2.250451pclos2025Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode VSCodium is a community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VS Code. The VSCodium project exists so that you don’t have to download+build from source. This project includes special build scripts that clone Microsoft’s vscode repo,run the build commands, and upload the resulting binaries for you to GitHub releases. These binaries are licensed under the MIT license. Telemetry is disabled.@Agent Smith Development/Toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1VSCodium-   A  rB@BABEBJCWoeUSB3.3.11pclos2020Windows USB installation media creatorA utility that enables you to create your own bootable Windows installation USB storage device from an existing Windows Installation dvd or iso image.File toolsx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolgettextdesktop-file-utilslib64wxgtku3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1WoeUSB-3.3.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmbebc09a613ca8b0e539e0b51c10e2616./SRPMS.pclosCd   GX \nxB@BABEBJ5CXdialog2.3.11pclos2013A replacement for the cdialog program for XXdialog is designed to be a drop in replacement for the cdialog program. It converts any terminal based program into a program with an X-windows interface. The dialogs are easier to see and use and the treeview adds an extra dimension to the way menus can be displayed.pDevelopment/Otherx86_64 bisonX11-develgtk+2-develglib2-develautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Xdialog-2.3.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmwaf510fc4616639789a7a20a3f4424228./SRPMS.pclosd   {t xB@BABEBJCdeXnView1.701pclos2010XnView - view and convert graphic filesXnView - anzeigen und umwandeln von grafischen DateienCome to discover XnView, a software to view and convert graphic files, really simple to use ! Support of more than 400 graphics formats ! It's free, so do not hesitate !XnView ist die praktische und -zigtausendfach bewährte Software zum blitzschnellen Betrachten + Konvertieren von Grafikdateien bei einfachster Bedienung. Komfortabel konfigurierbare Oberfläche, Datei- und Bildbrowser, Diashow, Thumbnail Generator plus umfangreiche Bildbearbeitung. Mehr als 400 Grafikformate werden unterstützt.(>Graphicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1XnView-1.70-1pclos2010.src.rpm(d35ee7c29cbbc5167fe6da2cdde44845./SRPMS.pclosd   $,4dB@tBABEBJCdeXnViewMP1.8.61pclos2025XnViewMP - view and convert graphic filesXnViewMP - anzeigen und umwandeln von grafischen DateienCome to discover XnView, a software to view and convert graphic files, really simple to use ! Support of more than 400 graphics formats ! It's free, so do not hesitate ! For more details visit XnView ist die praktische und -zigtausendfach bewährte Software zum blitzschnellen Betrachten + Konvertieren von Grafikdateien bei einfachster Bedienung. Komfortabel konfigurierbare Oberfläche, Datei- und Bildbrowser, Diashow, Thumbnail Generator plus umfangreiche Bildbearbeitung. Mehr als 400 Grafikformate werden unterstützt. Weitere Informationen unter !danielGraphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1XnViewMP-1.8.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm2{eb88f050dfdaaa3cbb401fa46e1c9af8./SRPMS.pclos'd # Hx |B@BABEBJCXsettings-client0.104pclos2019Inter-toolkit configuration settingsThe intent of this specification is to specify a mechanism to allow the configuration of settings such as double click timeout, drag-and-drop threshold, and default foreground and background colors for all applications running within a desktop. The mechanism should: - allow for instant updates to be propagated across all applications at runtime - perform well, even for remote applications. It is not intended: - for the storage of application-specific data - to be able to store large amounts of data - to store complex data types (other than as strings)System/Librariesx86_64 X11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Xsettings-client-0.10-4pclos2019.src.rpm3f31202c9342f2a56711ff99b781f928./SRPMS.pcloscd   U B@BA0BE4BJUCXtart1.012pclos2013Use this to access any installed WM from a logged-in consoleXtart is a simple program that checks for properly installed window managers and allows the user full menu access to them from a logged-in console. The special entry 00 in menu selectio will start X with an xterm to manually start new installations of window managers or to do tests with X and no window manager. See /etc/X11/wmsession.d for proper WM integration./Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Xtart-1.0-12pclos2013.src.rpm6c40a094d6ce30e678ea6544beb53993./SRPMS.pclosd  r B@BABEBJ CdeZip_Player0.43pclos2010Zip_Player plays Your music in zip-archiveZip_Player spielt Musik aus Zip ArchivePCLOS Zip-Player plays Your music in zip-archive. (Created by leiche) Install DeadBeeF with synaptic to get DeadBeeF player supporting.Zip Player XMMS spielt Musik aus Zip Archive. (Erstellt von leiche) Installieren Sie DeadBeeF mit Synaptic um Deadbeef Player zu nutzen.0Soundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1Zip_Player-0.4-3pclos2010.src.rpma5323519ea9bc8abb7dae790311dffcb./SRPMS.pclosWd  , B@BA$BE(BJICa-a-p1.09110pclos2010Construction toolA-A-P is an Open Source software construction tool--that is, a build tool; an improved substitute for the classic Make utility; a better way to build software. a-a-p "configuration files" are similar to makefile but they can include Python. a-a-p uses MD5 signatures to rebuild only when the contents of a file have really changed, not just when the timestamp has been touched. a-a-p supports side-by-side variant builds, and is easily extended with user- defined Builder and/or Scanner objects. Most of the a-a-p logic is object oriented, including default build rules for many types of program, they are all overloadable also."Development/Othernoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1a-a-p-1.091-10pclos2010.src.rpm2d16640dca13a281db29ac9fda7c45b0./SRPMS.pclosod    1 B@BA<BE@BJaCa2jmidid91pclos2020ALSA to JACK midi bridgea2jmidid is a daemon for exposing legacy ALSA sequencer applications in JACK MIDI system.`Soundx86_64 pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(dbus-1)mesongccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1a2jmidid-9-1pclos2020.src.rpmg90669ec4b1cd3051243faa3cd8e2ebf1./SRPMS.pclosgd P8<GP   B@BA4BE8BJYCa2ps4.142pclos2011Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM)The a2ps filter converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM). a2ps has pretty-printing capabilities and includes support for a wide number of programming languages, encodings (ISO Latins, Cyrillic, etc.), and medias.' LPublishingx86_64 X11-develbisonemacs-binflexgettextgperfmawktetex-dvipstetex-latextexinfopsutilsgroffrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1a2ps-4.14-2pclos2011.src.rpm&377d19005400a73e289b7366a38b1d7e./SRPMS.pclosd   p  8B@ABAdBEhBJCdea52dec0.7.413pclos2019A free ATSC A/52 stream decoder libraryFreie ATSC A752 Stream Decoder Bibliothekliba52 is a free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams. The A/52 standard is used in a variety of applications, including digital television and DVD. It is also known as AC-3.liba52 ist eine freie Bibliothek zum dekodieren von ATSC A/52 Streams. Der A/52 ist Standard und wird in eine vielzahl von Anwendungen verwendet, inklusive digitales Fernseh und DVD. Es ist auch bekannt als AC-3.Videox86_64 chrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1a52dec-0.7.4-13pclos2019.src.rpm22c0aa9eb91d5194e4d19ade157a80c4./SRPMS.pclosd   O( ,28<XB@`BABEBJCaacgain1.81pclos2010Lossless MP4/M4A (AAC) and MP3 volume adjustment toolAACGain is a modification to Glen Sawyer's excellent mp3gain program. It supports AAC (mp4/m4a/QuickTime) audio files in addtion to mp3 files. AACGain normalizes the volume of digital music files using the ReplayGain algorithm. It works by modifying the global_gain fields in the mp4 samples. Free-form metadata tags are added to the file to save undo information, making the normalization process reversable. AACGain uses the same command-line user interface as mp3gain.Soundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aacgain-1.8-1pclos2010.src.rpmƐ9b99744563abfe1f2d795da8e886b784./SRPMS.pclos'd  704 >OXlB@BABEBJCaalib1.4.00.rc5.23pclos2018AA (Ascii Art) libraryAA-lib is a low level gfx library just as many other libraries are. The main difference is that AA-lib does not require graphics device. In fact, there is no graphical output possible. AA-lib replaces those old-fashioned output methods with powerful ascii-art renderer. Now my linux boots with a nice penguin logo at secondary display (yes! Like Win95 does:) AA-lib API is designed to be similar to other graphics libraries. Learning a new API would be a piece of cake! The AA library is needed for GIMPbb2 System/Librariesx86_64 texinfolib64gpm-devellib64slang-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aalib-1.4.0-0.rc5.23pclos2018.src.rpm0c4651519e4737a7cd91b8f28e1e6a35./SRPMS.pclosd   q hB@uBABEBJCdeaaphoto0.451pclos2017Automatic photo adjusting software (CLI)Automatische Anpassung Foto-Software (CLI)aaPhoto (CLI) (Auto Adjust Photo) corrects the colors of the image and generates a new image file on the disk. Two main functions: automatic color correction and resizing! The program tries to give a solution for the automatic color correction of photos. This means setting the contrast, color balance, saturation and gamma levels of the image by analization. This can be a solution for those kind of users who are not able to manage and correct images with complicated graphical softwares, or just simply don't intend to spend a lot of time with manually correcting the images one-by-one. The program handles the following image formats: mif, pnm / pgm / ppm, bmp, ras, jp2, jpc, jpg, pngaaPhoto (CLI) (Auto Adjust Foto) korrigiert die Farben des Bildes und erzeugt eine neue Image-Datei auf der Festplatte. Zwei wesentliche Funktionen: automatische Farbkorrektur und Größenänderung! Das Programm versucht, eine Lösung für die automatische Farbkorrektur von Fotos zu geben. Dies bedeutet die Einstellung Kontrast, Farbbalance, Sättigung und Gamma-Werte des Bildes werden durch analization ausgegeben. Nutzer die sich nicht mit graphischen Software wie GIMP auskennen, oder einfach nicht die Zeit aufbringen können, Bilder manuell zu korrigieren. Das Programm verarbeitet die folgenden Bildformate: mif, PNM / pgm / ppm, bmp, ras, JP2, JPC, jpg, png]danielGraphicsx86_64 lib64jpeg-devellib64jasper-devellib64bzip2-devellib64png-devellibgomp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aaphoto-0.45-1pclos2017.src.rpm91facf8cc9b9040428b78fe5bcd6054c./SRPMS.pclos[d   , B@BA(BE,BJMCabacus8.2.71pclos2020Java-based abacus By default, this is an implementation of the classic Chinese abacus (Saun-pan). Other implementations are easily configurable including the Japanese Abacus (Soroban), the Korean Abacus (Supan), the Roman Hand-abacus, the Russian Abacus (Schoty), and the Danish Learning Abacus. Authors: -------- David Albert Bagley 77ghostbunnySciences/Mathematicsnoarch desktop-file-utilsjavajava-sunrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abacus-8.2.7-1pclos2020.src.rpm|2ab326e7fe3c7c54e68414c3b182c1a1./SRPMS.pclosd  + K B@*BA\BE`BJCabattis-cantarell-fonts0.1111pclos2019Humanist sans-serif font familyThe Cantarell font family is a contemporary Humanist sans serif designed for on-screen reading.System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develmesonappstreamrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abattis-cantarell-fonts-0.111-1pclos2019.src.rpm198501aff75bf55c59173ede5e01b666./SRPMS.pclos3d   Q B@BABEBJ%Cabc2prt1.0.21pclos2016A program to extract parts from multivoice ABC files.abc2prt is a simple program to extract parts from multivoice ABC music files.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abc2prt-1.0.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm8f9210b47c364eb11d48dff2a182e21e./SRPMS.pcloswd    G B@$BADBEHBJiCabc2xml691pclos2015abc2xml translates ABC notation into MusicXML.abc2xml is a command line utility that translates ABC notation into MusicXML xml2abc is a command line utility that translates MusicXML into ABC+ notation.hPublishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abc2xml-69-1pclos2015.src.rpmn4443d324ff968d23ad9a8c62b514203d8./SRPMS.pclosgd   > B@ BA4BE8BJYCabcMIDI2015.05.211pclos2015ABC Midi conversion utilitiesThe abcMIDI package contains four programs: abc2midi to convert ABC music notation to midi, midi2abc to convert midi files to (a first approximation to) the corresponding ABC, abc2abc to reformat and/or transpose ABC files, and yaps to typeset ABC files as PostScript. For a description of the abc syntax, please see the abc userguide which is a part of the abc2mtex package written by Chris Walshaw.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abcMIDI-2015.05.21-1pclos2015.src.rpmtc4d3d585b692e6fd2291bf1038dcf742./SRPMS.pclosd  J  &04PB@XBAxBE|BJCabcde2.9.32pclos2020Command-line utility to rip and encode audio CDsabcde is a frontend command-line utility (actually, a shell script) that grabs tracks off a CD, encodes them to Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex and/or MPP/MP+(Musepack) format, and tags them, all in one go.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abcde-2.9.3-2pclos2020.src.rpm33f5e99b19eb385895fa2dfc528406a66./SRPMS.pclosd   M B@BABEBJCabcm2ps7.8.141pclos2015Converts ABC format music sheets into PostscriptConsole Application abcm2ps is a package which converts music tunes from ABC format to PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developed mainly to print polyphonic music, i.e. music with multiple voices per staff. abcm2ps uses an extension to the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music. This extended format is documented under http://abcplus.sourceforge.net/.Publishingx86_64 lib64cairo-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abcm2ps-7.8.14-1pclos2015.src.rpmM3afbf35d47f5cf3e8234193f0de311e2./SRPMS.pclosd  9 $B@,BALBEPBJqCabcpp1.4.51pclos2016abcpp: an ABC file preprocessorabcpp is a simple yet powerful preprocessor designed for, but not limited to, ABC music files. It allows the user to write portable ABC files, change the syntax, extract parts, etc.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abcpp-1.4.5-1pclos2016.src.rpm9bcd6a1eeebd840a9f6cc04e4bdc77e3./SRPMS.pcloskd !  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdeabctab2ps1.8.112pclos2014A program to output abc music and tabulature as PostscriptEin Programm um ABC Musik und Tabulatur als Postscript auszugebenabctab2ps is a music and tablature typesetting program which translates an input file in the abc language into postscript. It is based on Michael Methfessel's program abc2ps. While abc2ps can only typeset music, abctab2ps is an extension by Christoph Dalitz that can also handle lute tablature.VSoundx86_64 gcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abctab2ps-1.8.11-2pclos2014.src.rpm524c15ac19e6927a9cf69e29934d44c36./SRPMS.pclosd   / (bB@lBABEBJCabe1.14pclos2009Abe's Amazing Adventure!!A scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore+4. The game is intended to show young people all the cool games they missed.3Games/Arcadei586 SDL_mixer-develXFree86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abe-1.1-4pclos2009.src.rpm3+eba203b285288651f45b172682eb557d./SRPMS.pclos d   FL PW`///B@BABEBJCabiword3.0.52pclos2023Lean and fast full-featured word processorAbiWord is a cross-platform, open source, lean and fast full-featured word processor. It works on Most Unix systems, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Abiword with the GNOME front-end is part of the GNOME Office Suite. See http://www.gnomeoffice.org for details.b"Officex86_64 autoconfautomakebisondesktop-file-utilsgnome-commonpython-gobjectpython-setuptoolslib64cairo-devellib64champlain-devellib64enchant-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64aiksaurus-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64aiksaurusgtk-devellib64fribidi-devellib64girepository-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64ical-devellib64gsf-1_114-devellib64goffice0.10_10-develevolution-data-server-devellib64xml2-devellib64revenge-devellib64wpd-devellib64rasqal-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64redland-devellib64wpg-devellib64gtkmathview-devellib64ots-devellib64soup-devellib64wv-devellibloudmouth-devellib64telepathy-glib-devellib64png-devellib64link-grammar4-devellib64boost-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64jpeg-devellibpsiconv-devellib64wmf-devellib64python-devellibpthread-stubswayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abiword-3.0.5-2pclos2023.src.rpmb7856caf15121d508344b51623dd8e20c./SRPMS.pclosCd  Ht xB@BABEBJ5Cabiword-docs3.0.22pclos2019Documentation and helpfiles for AbiwordDocumentation and helpfiles for Abiword.{Documentationnoarch  abiword-devellib64glade2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  A 9B@FBAhBElBJCabook0.6.11pclos2019Text-based addressbook program for muttAbook is a small and powerful text-based addressbook program designed for use with the mutt mail client. Networking/Mailx86_64 autoconfautomakegettext-develncurses-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abook-0.6.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmce47c7d46a84e06f6534a5d5cfff18a4./SRPMS.pclosCd  # cl pB@BABEBJ5Cabseil-cpp20240116.21pclos2024Collection of C++ libraries augmenting the C++ standard library Abseil is an open-source collection of C++ library code designed to augment the C++ standard library. The Abseil library code is collected from Google's own C++ code base, has been extensively tested and used in production, and is the same code we depend on in our daily coding lives. In some cases, Abseil provides pieces missing from the C++ standard; in others, Abseil provides alternatives to the standard for special needs we've found through usage in the Google code base. We denote those cases clearly within the library code we provide you. Abseil is not meant to be a competitor to the standard library; we've just found that many of these utilities serve a purpose within our code base, and we now want to provide those resources to the C++ community as a whole.EDevelopment/C++x86_64  cmakeninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1abseil-cpp-20240116.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmoub1a4926349861962d4d8e02ac5214269./SRPMS.pclosd   :  $B@BABEBJCabuse-sdl0.81pclos2011The classic Crack-Dot-Com gameAbuse-SDL is a port of Abuse, the classic Crack-Dot-Com game, to the SDL library. It can run at any color depth, in a window or full-screen, and it has stereo sound with sound panning.@Games/Arcadex86_64 alsa-lib-develimagemagickMesaGLU-develSDL-develSDL_mixer-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1abuse-sdl-0.8-1pclos2011.src.rpm@79a20cd9b2145e18334f62e86e548043./SRPMS.pclosd   S $(DB@LBAtBExBJCacabit-en261120031pclos2012Automatic Corpus-based Acquisition of Binary TermsACABIT is a terminological aquisition software, taking an annotated text as input, and returning an ordered list of candidates terms. This is the english version.wNealSciences/Computer sciencenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acabit-en-26112003-1pclos2012.src.rpmHe8b53e5ef608b3163924fdb02d7d2889./SRPMS.pclosd   N  $@B@HBAlBEpBJCacabit-fr4.31pclos2012Automatic Corpus-based Acquisition of Binary TermsACABIT is a terminological aquisition software, taking an annotated text as input, and returning an ordered list of candidates terms. This is the french version.NealSciences/Computer sciencenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acabit-fr-4.3-1pclos2012.src.rpmz1f2acc1efbb16df8b3320db2a07cc6dc./SRPMS.pclosd   a   l B@BABEBJCaccerciser3.40.01pclos2022An interactive Python tool for querying accessibility informationAn interactive Python accessibility explorer.gTerryNAccessibilitynoarch  pkgconfig(atspi-2)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)gettextitstoollibxml2-utilsyelp-toolspkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d  + B@BA(BE,BJMCaccess-root0.1.11pclos2019Access RootAdd administrative rights for the users desktop to do some but not all administrative tasks with root accessٚSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1access-root-0.1.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm,912382707bd654bac12929b9a05d2d89./SRPMS.pclosd" - E cB@uBABEBJCaccessibility-inspector24.12.31pclos2025Accessibility inspectorAccessibility Inspector is an inspector for your application accessibility tree. It lets you check all the items exposed via At-SPI.XGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64qaccessibilityclient-qt6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1accessibility-inspector-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm99e3db253fdf115fd57cae69dda9de11./SRPMS.pclosd % U %,0LB@TBABEBJCaccounts-qml-module0.71pclos2020QML module to manage the user's online accountsThis QML module provides an API to manage the user's online accounts and get their authentication data. It's a tiny wrapper around the Qt-based APIs of libaccounts-qt and libsignon-qt.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1accounts-qml-module-0.7-1pclos2020.src.rpm86c025156efbfdd0dfc0d6961e8f7ff5./SRPMS.pclosOd  =d hyB@BABE BJACaccounts-qt1.162pclos2025Accounts framework Qt bindingsFramework to provide accounts for Qt.-System/Librariesx86_64  doxygenpkgconfig(libaccounts-glib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1accounts-qt-1.16-2pclos2025.src.rpm$ccfdbbb96a5a9a88bce45cbcd60a584e./SRPMS.pclosd $ lD HY`   B@6BA`BEdBJCaccountsservice0.6.451pclos2023D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account informationThe accountsservice project provides a set of D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information and an implementation of these interfaces, based on the useradd, usermod and userdel commands.)System/Librariesx86_64  gettext-develintltoollib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gvfs0lib64polkit1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1accountsservice-0.6.45-1pclos2023.src.rpm0f8a8480b68c4873696b65d53502fb8c./SRPMS.pclosd   74 8MTXtB@|BABEBJCacetoneiso2.35pclos2021A CD/DVD image manipulator- Mount automatically ISO, MDF, NRG, BIN, NRG - A nice interactive display - Convert2iso / Extract2folder: *.bin *.mdf *.nrg *.img *.daa *.cdi *.b5i *.bwi *.pdi and much more - Play a DVD Movie Image inside Kaffeine / VLC with cover downloader - Generate an ISO from a Folder or CD/DVD - Generate / Check MD5 file of an image - Encrypt / Decrypt an image - Split / Merge image in X megabyte - Compress with High Ratio an image in 7z format - Rip a PSX cd to *.bin to make it work with epsxe/psx emulators - Restore a lost CUE file of *.bin *.img - Convert Mac OS *.dmg to a mountable image - El-Torito support to create ISO bootable Cd - Mount an image in a specified folder from the user - Create a database of images - Extract the Boot Image of a CD/DVD or ISO.Archiving/Cd burningx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acetoneiso-2.3-5pclos2021.src.rpmnad7b0f4bf999c8425f0be40acd4e9762./SRPMS.pclos+d   Q\` jpxB@BABEBJCdeacidrip0.149pclos2017Simple GUI for MEncoderEinfaches GUI für MencoderAcidRip is a Gtk::Perl application for ripping and encoding DVD's. It neatly wraps MPlayer and MEncoder, which I think is pretty handy, seeing as MPlayer is by far the best bit of video playing kit around for Linux. As well as creating a simple Graphical Interface for those scared of getting down and dirty with MEncoders command line interface, It also automates the process in a number of ways: * Parses DVD into contents tree * Finds longest title * Calculate video bitrate for given filesize * Finds black bands and crops them * Gives suggestions for improved performance * Other stuff!AcidRip ist eine Gtk:: Perl-Anwendung zum Rippen und Codieren von DVD's. Es benutzt MPlayer und MEncoder, was meiner Meinung nach recht praktisch ist, da MPlayer bei weitem der beste Video-player und -coder unter Linux ist. Ausserdem bietet das GUI noch folgende Highlights; * Analysiert die DVD Struktur * Findet den Haupttitel * Berechnung der Video-Bitrate für bestimmte Dateigröße * Bildverbesserung usw.usw…obb2 Videox86_64 mencoderlsdvdperl-Gtk2perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acidrip-0.14-9pclos2017.src.rpm_#9fe0b6f4a6be043c07badf8a3b16494f./SRPMS.pclos7d   E B@BABEBJ)Cack3.3.01pclos2020Grep-like text finder for large trees of textack is a grep-like program with optimizations for searching through large trees of source code.) Text toolsnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Next)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(List::Util)perl(Pod::Perldoc)perl(Pod::Text)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(if)perl(parent)perl(version)perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   E 'B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cacl2.3.12pclos2023Command for manipulating access control listsThis package contains the getfacl and setfacl utilities needed for manipulating access control lists.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  attr-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1acl-2.3.1-2pclos2023.src.rpm4ba2bb26c21180b5f1c0e659b944addb./SRPMS.pclosKd   ^8< AY`xB@BABEBJ=Cdeacme2.4.31pclos2012ACME the Versatile Keyboard daemonDer vielseitige Keyboard-DaemonACME is a small GNOME tool to make use of the multimedia buttons present on most laptops and internet keyboards: Volume, Brightness, Power, Eject, My Home, Search, E-Mail, Sleep, Screensaver, Finance and Help buttons.ACME ist ein kleines GNOME-Werkzeug, für die Nutzung der Multimedia-Tasten, die auf den meisten Laptops und Internet-Tastaturen vorhanden sind: Lautstärke, Helligkeit, Power, Eject, My Home,Suche, E-Mail, Sleep, Screensaver, Finanz- und Hilfe-Tasten.ǔNealGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibalsa-devellibwnck-develperl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 8B@BA<BE@BJaCacon1.0.58pclos2011Arabic support for linuxconsoleThe function of acon is to display arabic text from right to left, and process it to change the letter shape according to its position in the word. ASystem/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acon-1.0.5-8pclos2011.src.rpmf18344118e99bd2765b69e702f48c8c5./SRPMS.pclosSd   j B@BA BE$BJECdeacpi1.73pclos2019Displays information on ACPI devicesAnzeigen von Informationen zu ACPI-GerätenAttempts to replicate the functionality of the 'old' apm command on ACPI systems, including battery and thermal information.Bildet die Funktionalität des »alten« apm-Kommandos auf ACPI-Systemen nach, inklusive Akku- und Temperaturinformationen. ACPI-Suspending wird nicht unterstützt, acpi zeigt nur Informationen über ACPI-Geräte.5System/Serversx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acpi-1.7-3pclos2019.src.rpm<%1d041c505ee26db56ffaffa6a0f078d9./SRPMS.pclosd  A4 8GPTpB@xBABEBJCacpid2.0.341pclos2022ACPI kernel daemon and control utilityThe ACPI specification defines power and system management functions for each computer, in a generic manner. The ACPI daemon coordinates the management of power and system functions when ACPI kernel support is enabled (kernel 2.3.x or later).System/Serversx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acpid-2.0.34-1pclos2022.src.rpmb4ee19d645e9fa3f569693ce4f03d643./SRPMS.pclos d   ^ ( , 7 @ D `B@ hBA BE BJ Cacpilight1.2.41pclos2023"acpilight" is a backward-compatibile replacement for xbacklight! Preparation: you as user must be member of group "video" ! "acpilight" is a backward-compatibile replacement for xbacklight that uses the ACPI interface to set the display brightness. On modern laptops "acpilight" can control both display and keyboard backlight uniformly on either X11, the console or Wayland. On some modern laptops "XRandR" might lack the ability to set the display brightness. This capability was moved/unified to the kernel's ACPI interface, via /sys/class/backlight/. "acpilight" provides a drop-in replacement for the xbacklight command that uses the ACPI interface instead of "XRandR", allowing old scripts to run. As a result, xbacklight can subsequently be used also from the console and Wayland (X11 is not used at all). When paired with the ddcci-backlight kernel module, the backlight of most professional external monitors can be controlled as well. Normally, users are prohibited to alter files in the sys filesystem. It's advisable (and recommended) to setup an "udev" rule to allow users in the "video" group to set the display brightness. To do so, place a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/90-backlight.rules containing: SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", ACTION=="add", \ RUN+="/bin/chgrp video /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness", \ RUN+="/bin/chmod g+w /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness" to setup the relevant permissions at boot time. These rules are very conservative: only the display brightness can be controlled, and nothing else. Do not set suid permissions on xbacklight! Similarly, running xbacklight under sudo is pointless (there's simply no reason to). Keyboard backlight control is also available on certain laptop models via the "leds" subsystem. The following laptop models are known to have a controllable keyboard backlight: Lenovo ThinkPad: -ctrl tpacpi::kbd_backlight Apple MacBook Pro: -ctrl smc::kbd_backlight Dell Latitude/XPS: -ctrl dell::kbd_backlight Asus N-Series Notebooks: -ctrl asus::kbd_backlight The following rules allow users in the video group to set the keyboard backlight as well: SUBSYSTEM=="leds", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="*::kbd_backlight", \ RUN+="/bin/chgrp video /sys/class/leds/%k/brightness", \ RUN+="/bin/chmod g+w /sys/class/leds/%k/brightness" Please report if other laptops have working interfaces to control the keyboard backlight. "acpilight" is distributed under GPLv3+ (see COPYING) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Copyright(c) 2016-2018 by wave++ "Yuri D'Elia" . If you have an external monitor with which supports the DDC/CI protocol, backlight control can be enabled by installing the appropriate drivers and loading the ddcci-backlight module at boot time. On PCLinuxOS, this is done by installing the ddcci-dkms package. For external monitors use dkms-ddcciPSystem/X11x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acpilight-1.2.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm[+063ed47c46dccd8537b790046dc5ddbe./SRPMS.pclos/d   0 B@BABEBJ!Cacpitool0.5.13pclos2019A Linux ACPI clientIt's a small command-line application, intended to be a replacement for the apm tool.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acpitool-0.5.1-3pclos2019.src.rpmm5c7c47cd72c0926abb157964dc8c59f8./SRPMS.pclossd   Y  B@BA@BEDBJeCacr38u1.7.111pclos2022ACS ACR 38 USB (acr38u) Smartcard Reader driver for PCSC-liteCCID ACR38u Smart Card reader driver for PCSC-lite.:System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  pkgconfig(libpcsclite)pkgconfig(libusb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)<=9fd80a5fd29d8d1d408c655ffa0527d1./SRPMS.pclos/d   eL PktB@BABEBJ!Cacsccid1.1.81pclos2022PC/SC driver for Linux/Mac OS X that supports ACS CCID smart card readersacsccid is a PC/SC driver for Linux/Mac OS X and it supports ACS CCID smart card readers. This library provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation and communicates with the readers through the PC/SC Lite resource manager (pcscd).$System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 pkgconfig(libpcsclite)pkgconfig(libusb)flexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1acsccid-1.1.8-1pclos2022.src.rpmˑ263e72b7a7acfdf48f80dc3b31f1b73e./SRPMS.pclosd   #TX   L B@iBABEBJCadaptx0.9.63.2pclos2007AdaptXAdaptx is an XSLT processor and XPath engine.τNeverstopdreaming Development/Javai586  antant-traxjava-develjaxp_transform_impljpackage-utilsxerces-j2xml-commons-apisjava-gcj-compat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0:1.50:1.0.313.0.4-1adaptx-0.9.6-3.2pclos2007.src.rpmQ83d2946246a1da1bc4b023c8dece79b4./SRPMS.pclosd!% 0  L P V r |  B@ BA BE BJ Cdefrsrplitesnladdlocale4.56pclos2025Script to change user locale to their languageSkript zum Hinzufügen einer neuen SystemspracheScript de changement d'utilisateur à leur langue localeA user-friendly and verbose bash-script (addlocale) should automatize adding and applying a new language locale to the system. You now have an easy one-step solution to transform an English PCLOS Desktop and its applications in widely spoken languages like Arabic, French, Chinese, Spanish, German, and even exotic ones like Zulu or Welsh.Das benutzerfreundliche bash-Skript (addlocale) erlaubt das automatische Hinzufügen einer neuen Sprache zum System. Damit können Sie den englischen PCLinuxOS Desktop und seine Anwendungen in weit verbreiteten Sprachen wie Arabisch, Französisch, Chinesisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, und sogar Zulu oder Walisisch darstellen.A user-friendly et verbose-script bash (addlocale) devrait automatiser l'ajout et l'application d'une nouvelle langue locale pour le système. Vous avez maintenant une seule étape facile solution pour transformer un anglais PCLOS Ordinateurs de bureau et de ses applications dans les langues de grande diffusion comme l'arabe, Français, chinois, espagnol, allemand, et même exotiques, comme le zoulou ou gallois.Корисника и детаљни-басх-писмо (аддлоцале) треба да Аутоматизирати додајући и примена новог језика лоцале систем. Сада сте једноставно један корак решење за трансформацију енглески ПЦЛОС Десктоп и њене примене у широкој употреби језика као што су арапски, Француски, кинески, шпански, немачки, па чак и оних попут егзотичне зулу или велшки.Przyjazne dla użytkownika oraz tryb bash skrypt (addlocale) powinny zautomatyzować dodawanie i stosowania nowych ustawień języka w systemie. Teraz masz łatwe rozwiązanie krok do przekształcenia angielski PCLOS Pulpit i jego zastosowania w rozpowszechnionych językach takich jak arabski, Francuski, chiński, hiszpański, niemiecki, a nawet egzotyczne jak Zulu i walijski.A user-friendly e verbose bash-script (addlocale) dovrebbe aggiunta automatizzare e applicando un locale nuovo linguaggio per il sistema. Avete ora un facile soluzione passo per trasformare un PCLOS inglese Desktop e le sue applicazioni nelle lingue più diffuse come l'arabo, Francese, cinese, spagnolo, tedesco, e anche quelle esotiche come Zulu o gallesi.Un usuario-bash amistosa y prolija secuencia de comandos (addlocale) debería automatizar la adición y la aplicación de un local nuevo lenguaje para el sistema. Ahora tiene una fácil solución de paso para transformar un PCLOS Inglés De escritorio y sus aplicaciones en lenguas de gran difusión como el árabe, Francés, chino, español, alemán, e incluso los exóticos como Zulu o el galés.Een gebruiksvriendelijke en verbose bash-script (addlocale) moet automatiseren toevoegen en het toepassen van een nieuwe taal locale aan het systeem. U hebt nu een eenvoudige een-staps oplossing voor een Engels PCLOS transformeren Desktop en haar toepassingen in de gesproken talen als Arabisch, Frans, Chinees, Spaans, Duits en zelfs exotische zoals Zulu of Welsh.GpinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1addlocale-4.5-6pclos2025.src.rpm1601a4f0ddf310427da4ff9a04e37276./SRPMS.pclos[d   3 B@BA(BE,BJMCadeskbar0.5.11pclos2015A launcher for OpenBoxADesk Bar is a easy, simple, unobtrusive application launcher for Openbox, yet also works great under Gnome or XFCE.,Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adeskbar-0.5.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm0750fc1fdd98399bef849b267fca1faf./SRPMS.pclosd   6 08LB@BABEBJCadesklets0.6.12pclos2013Simple desklets for Unixadesklets is an interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system. It provides to scripted languages a clean and simple way to write great looking, mildly interactive desktop integrated graphic applets (aka "desklets").kGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 imlib2-develpython-develncurses-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adesklets-0.6.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm c46b7e39320d007869d594f8d57da64b./SRPMS.pclosd   <p tzB@BABEBJCadivemux2.8.01pclos2022Metapackage to install avidemuxThis task package will install a working avidemux Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adivemux-2.8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm 71aa144de9dea354c4e0612f15912ff2./SRPMS.pclosd N$(DB@LBApBEtBJCfradjtimex1.27.11pclos2011A utility for adjusting kernel time variablesAdjtimex is a kernel clock management program, which the superuser may use to correct any drift in the system's clock. Users can use adjtimex to view the time variables.OSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adjtimex-1.27.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmU`66bba82d64a4de82128f3bdc243a751c./SRPMS.pclosd U-48TB@\BAxBE|BJCadns1.44pclos2011Advanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client libraryadns is a resolver library for C (and C++) programs. In contrast with the existing interfaces, gethostbyname et al and libresolv, it has the following features: * It is reasonably easy to use for simple programs which just want to translate names to addresses, look up MX records, etc. * It can be used in an asynchronous, non-blocking, manner. Many queries can be handled simultaneously. * Responses are decoded automatically into a natural representation for a C program - there is no need to deal with DNS packet formats. * Sanity checking (eg, name syntax checking, reverse/forward correspondence, CNAME pointing to CNAME) is performed automatically. * Time-to-live, CNAME and other similar information is returned in an easy-to-use form, without getting in the way. * There is no global state in the library; resolver state is an opaque data structure which the client creates explicitly. A program can have several instances of the resolver. * Errors are reported to the application in a way that distinguishes the various causes of failure properly. * Understands conventional resolv.conf, but this can overridden by environment variables. * Flexibility. For example, the application can tell adns to: ignore environment variables (for setuid programs), disable sanity checks eg to return arbitrary data, override or ignore resolv.conf in favour of supplied configuration, etc. * Believed to be correct ! For example, will correctly back off to TCP in case of long replies or queries, or to other nameservers if several are available. It has sensible handling of bad responses etc.{Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adns-1.4-4pclos2011.src.rpmb850607d871bdf7c7102bebe0f0013d7./SRPMS.pclosd    @ (B@:BAXBE\BJ}Cadplay1.72pclos2013AdLib music player for the command lineAdPlay/UNIX is AdPlug's UNIX console-based frontend. AdPlug is a free, universal OPL2 audio playback library. AdPlay/UNIX supports the full range of AdPlug's file format playback features. Despite this, at the moment, only emulated OPL2 output is supported by AdPlay/UNIX, but this on a wide range of output devices.Soundx86_64  libadplug-devellibSDL-develalsa-lib-develesound-devellibao-develzlib-develchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   H  zB@BABEBJCadplug2.2.11pclos2018A software library for AdLib (OPL2) emulationAdPlug is a free software, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) audio board, directly from its original format on top of an OPL2 emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. It supports various audio formats from MS-DOS AdLib trackers. mSystem/Librariesx86_64  gcc-c++pkgconfig(libbinio)autoconfautomakelibtooltexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames) bb7a5ef6586bccce8d51e6f8e970f4ee./SRPMS.pclosd  ;D HNTdB@BABEBJCadplug-xmms1.210pclos2010AdLib player plugin for XMMSAdPlug/XMMS is an XMMS input plugin. XMMS is a cross-platform multimedia player. AdPlug/XMMS uses the AdPlug AdLib sound player library to play back a wide range of AdLib (OPL2) music file formats on top of an OPL2 emulator. No OPL2 chip is required for playback.%Soundi586  automake1.8libxmms-devellibadplug-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  I#,@B@BABEBJCadtool1.36pclos2011Active Directory administration utility for Unixadtool is a unix command line utility for Active Directory administration. Features include user and group creation, deletion, modification, password setting and directory query and search capabilities.File toolsx86_64 gdbm-developenldap-devellibsasl-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adtool-1.3-6pclos2011.src.rpm^e6af3a809b6e5783038c94d6d5abad2e./SRPMS.pclos{d  5 B@%BAHBELBJmCadvancecomp2.01pclos2017Recompression utilitiesAdvanceCOMP contains recompression utilities for your .zip archives, .png images, .mng video clips and .gz files.٢bb2 Archiving/Compressionx86_64 pkgconfig(zlib)libbzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1advancecomp-2.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm9a17d802f95a55e9fcbde2f526f13606./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cadwaita-breeze-icons202107251pclos2021Adwaita Breeze Icon ThemeAdwaita Breeze Icon ThemeY!System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adwaita-breeze-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmY)d56b46a5c317a8804e5c9d0034b50674./SRPMS.pclosd % 9 'B@4BA`BEdBJCadwaita-icon-theme42.02pclos2022GNOME default iconsThis package contains the Adwaita icon theme used by the GNOME desktop.žGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 intltoolhicolor-icon-themeicon-naming-utilspkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)librsvg2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adwaita-icon-theme-42.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmQ602244b5a0f5b606719ed9fe55ecce12./SRPMS.pclosd  G AB@NBAtBExBJCadwaita-qt51.2.02pclos2022Adwaita theme for Qt-based applicationsTheme to let Qt applications fit nicely into a GTK+ desktop environment.%Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1adwaita-qt5-1.2.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm*gd00d1d6d795c30d6246ff3262ed36acb./SRPMS.pclosWd  4 B@BA$BE(BJICaee2.2.15b1pclos2012An easy to use text editorAn easy to use text editor. Intended to be usable with little or no instruction. Provides both a terminal (curses based) interface and native X-Windows interface (in which case the executable is called xae). Features include pop-up menus, journalling (to recover from system crash or loss of connection), cut-and-paste, multiple buffers (associated with files or not), and much more.%NealEditorsx86_64 X11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aee-2.2.15b-1pclos2012.src.rpm"e95d6d48cf3b2535dcdb8e0e704c318d./SRPMS.pcloswd   58 <BLB@!BADBEHBJiCaegisub3.2.212pclos2023Advanced Subtitle EditorAegisub is an advanced subtitle editor that assists in the creation of subtitles, translations, and complex overlays using audio or video. Developed by enthusiasts it builds on work-flows created and perfected through professional, hobby, and everyday use.sMVideox86_64  pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(ffms2)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(hunspell)pkgconfig(icu-io)pkgconfig(libass)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(luajit)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(uchardet)boost-develgettext-develintltoolluajitwxgtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.1.0-0.beta3.33.0.4-1aegisub-3.2.2-12pclos2023.src.rpmq14c79ca4001eda93ccd2dc14dda182bb./SRPMS.pclosod   =@D \bh B@BA<BE@BJaCaeolus0.6.6.23pclos2007Aeolus, a synthesized pipe organAeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that enable the user to "voice" his instrument. Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning, IDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.pSThac Soundi586 clalsadrv-develclthreads-develclxclient-develalsa-lib-develjackit-devellibx11-devellibxft-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aeolus-  l4 8AH p  B@'BALBEPBJqCdeaeskulap0.2.22pclos2010Medial image viewer for DICOM imagesMedial Bildbetrachter für DICOM-BilderAeskulap is a medical image viewer. It is able to load a series of special images stored in the DICOM format for review. It is able to query and fetch DICOM images from archive nodes (also called PACS) over the network. The goal of this project is to create a full open source replacement for commercially available DICOM viewers. It is based on gtkmm, glademm, and gconfmm and designed to run under Linux. Ports of these packages are available for different platforms. It should be quite easy to port It to any platform were these packages are available.Aeskulap ist ein medizinischer Bildbetrachter. Er ist in der Lage, eine Reihe von speziellen Bildern die im DICOM-Format gespeichert werden zur Überprüfung zu laden. Er ist in der Lage, Abfrage und holt DICOM-Bilder aus dem Archiv Knoten (auch genannt PACS) über das Netzwerk. Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Schaffung einer vollständigen Open-Source-Ersatz für kommerziell erhältliche DICOM Viewer. Er basiert auf gtkmm, glademm basiert, und gconfmm und für den Einsatz unter Linux laufen. Häfen dieser Pakete sind verfügbar für unterschiedliche Plattformen. Er sollte ganz einfach die Portierung auf jeder Plattform wurden diese Pakete verfügbar sind.!tGraphicsi586 libgtkmm2.4-devellibglade2.0_0-devellibglademm2.4-devellibgconfmm2.6_1-develzlib-devellibpng-devellibtiff-develgettextdcmtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aeskulap-0.2.2-2pclos2010.src.rpm!20218260a9843ca191d2152e65fc2af6./SRPMS.pclos;d   Ftx }B@BABE BJ-Cafbackup3.5.31pclos2012Afbackup is a client-server backup systemClient-Server Backup System This is a client-server backup system offering several workstations a centralized backup to a special backup server. Backing up only one computer is easily possible, too. Any streaming device can be used for writing the data to it, usually this will be a tape device. Writing backups is normally done sequentially: The next writing to tape goes to the end of the previous write no matter where you have restored from in the meantime. This package is for server or client with remote-start. Features: - Authentication of the client is performed before it can take over control - Access restriction for the streamer device -> security - Client-side per-file compression -> reliability - Data stream is written to tape in pieces -> fast finding of files - Tape position logging for each file - Tape capacity is fully used - Full / incremental backups - Raw partitions can be backuped - Client and Server buffering for maximal throughput is done - DES authentication support Documentation: http://afbackup-doc.sourceforge.net/html/ 7NealArchiving/Backupx86_64 openssl-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1afbackup-3.5.3-1pclos2012.src.rpm 2d4ccf3a4b22d01ed634311858489f69./SRPMS.pclosd J|B@BABEBJCafio2.510pclos2011Archiver program which writes cpio-format archivesAfio makes cpio-format archives. It deals somewhat gracefully with input data corruption, supports multi-volume archives during interactive operation, and can make compressed archives that are much safer than compressed tar or cpio archives. Afio is best used as an `archive engine' in a backup script.,Archiving/Backupx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1afio-2.5-10pclos2011.src.rpm3Bcff6b87f5406c4ca625e8c5764c6aba6./SRPMS.pclosd   Lx| #B@/BATBEXBJyCafpfs-ng0.8.12pclos2017An open source client for Apple Filing Protocolafpfs-ng is a client for the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) which will let you mount and access shared volumes from Mac OS X (or netatalk). There is a FUSE-based client which lets you mount a remote filesystem. There is also a simple, command-line AFP client; think about it as an FTP client for AFP.Bbb2 Networking/File transferx86_64 lib64fuse-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1afpfs-ng-0.8.1-2pclos2017.src.rpm=5d3be14e588c0800ebbb768b6aab448e./SRPMS.pclosd   9 (0RB@[BA|BEBJCaften0.082pclos2015An A/52 (aka AC-3) audio encoderAften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content.7Soundx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aften-0.08-2pclos2015.src.rpm<03030a2954e704334c72669d60549449./SRPMS.pclosd  =   q B@BABEBJCagave0.4.71pclos2010Generates a variety of colorschemesAgave is a very simple application for the GNOME desktop that allows you to generate a variety of colorschemes from a single starting color. Features: * Generate 6 different types of color schemes: Complements, Split Complements, Triads, Tetrads, Analogous, and Monochromatic * Select a color that's displayed anywhere on the screen ("dropper" tool) * Easily change the lightness or saturation of a colorscheme with a toolbar button * Copy the hexstring (e.g. "#336699") of a color to the clipboard for use in CSS and HTML files * Save your favorite colors to a 'Favorites' list for easy reference and export your favorites as a Gimp Palette file * Navigate back and forward through history of previously selected colors * Choose colors from a palette of pre-defined "web-safe" colors (more palettes to come soon) * Drag and Drop between Agave and the Gimp, as well as many other programs * Generate a random colorscheme if you're stuck and need some inspiration. * User interface translated into English, Dutch (nl), German (de), Spanish (es_ES), Brazilian Portugese (pt_BR), Russian (ru), Czech (cs), and Bulgarian (bg).NGraphicsi586 pkgconfiggnome-doc-utilsGConf-develperl-XML-Parsergtkmm2.4-devellibglademm2.4-develgnomeui2-develgconfmm2.6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1agave-0.4.7-1pclos2010.src.rpmàdbedae25ccb77ea44087969c208f713f./SRPMS.pclosd   6T XiptB@BABEBJCaggregate1.61pclos2011Aggregate list of prefixesConsole Application. Aggregate takes a list of prefixes in conventional format on stdin, and performs two optimizations to reduce the length of the prefix list. It removes any supplied prefixes which are superfluous because they are already included in another supplied prefix (e.g., would be removed if was also supplied), and identifies adjacent prefixes that can be combined under a single, shorter-length prefix (e.g., and can be combined into the single prefix rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aggregate-1.6-1pclos2011.src.rpmT037547767469f40f0493e05f82b914851./SRPMS.pclos[d   P B@ BA(BE,BJMCaha0.5.11pclos2024Ansi HTML Adapter: convert ANSI escape sequences to HTMLAnsi HTML Adapter: convert ANSI escape sequences to HTML9File toolsx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1aha-0.5.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmWz12bc8358bb56deaa9949c6359de4a04a./SRPMS.pclosd  C  <B@BABEBJCaide0.15.111pclos2013Advanced Intrusion Detection EnvironmentAIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a free alternative to Tripwire. It does the same things as the semi-free Tripwire and more. It is a file system integrity monitoring tool.4pinoc32Monitoringi586 flexglibc-develglibc-static-develmhash-develzlib-develbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aide-0.15.1-11pclos2013.src.rpmc2f2b274abc0ab1dc68b91d59d2d4a99./SRPMS.pclosSd   C B@BA BE$BJECaiksaurus1.2.16pclos2013An English-language thesaurus libraryAiksaurus is an English-language thesaurus library that can be embedded in word processors, email composers, and other authoring software to provide thesaurus capabilities. This package contains a basic command line thesaurus program. Install Aiksaurus if you want to have a thesaurus available on your computer. 0Officex86_64 gtk2-develautoconfautomakegnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aiksaurus-1.2.1-6pclos2013.src.rpm (bff91475559d95cdae56d7737cb62dae./SRPMS.pclos/d  T    B@BABEBJ!Caircrack-ng1.71pclos2022Reliable 802.11 (wireless) sniffer and WEP key crackeraircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. It's an enhanced/reborn version of aircrack. It consists of airodump (an 802.11 packet capture program), aireplay (an 802.11 packet injection program), aircrack (static WEP and WPA-PSK cracking), airdecap (decrypts WEP/WPA capture files), and some tools to handle capture files (merge, convert, etc.).B@Networking/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(cmocka)pkgconfig(jemalloc)pkgconfig(libpcap)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(libtcmalloc)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(sqlite3)libnl3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aircrack-ng-1.7-1pclos2022.src.rpmB d54d30c286bf290d5fa378e4cb80aa84./SRPMS.pclosd   ;D HY`hB@BABEBJCairfart0.2.18pclos2010Wireless network discovery toolAirFart is a wireless tool created to detect wireless devices, calculate their signal strengths, and present them to the user in an easy-to-understand fashion. It is written in C/C++ with a GTK front end. Airfart supports all wireless network cards supported by the linux-wlan-ng Prism2 driver that provide hardware signal strength information in the "raw signal" format (ssi_type 3). Airfart implements a modular n-tier architecture with the data collection at the bottom tier and a graphical user interface at the top.]Networking/Otheri586 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1airfart-0.2.1-8pclos2010.src.rpmas31f7eeb89a86b3c22fa6236a4dcf5219./SRPMS.pclosd   N, 0AHTB@BABEBJCairsnort0.2.7e9pclos2021A wireless LAN tool which cracks encryption keysAirSnort is a wireless LAN (WLAN) tool which cracks encryption keys on 802.11b WEP networks. AirSnort operates by passively monitoring transmissions, computing the encryption key when enough packets have been gathered.Networking/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(libgnomeui-2.0)libpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1airsnort-0.2.7e-9pclos2021.src.rpmJeea4daad20b5f01a95b75671cc6293e0./SRPMS.pcloscd   F B@BA0BE4BJUCairspy1.0.101pclos2021An advanced Software Defined Radio projectHost software for AirSpy, a project to produce a low cost, open source software radio platform.GCommunicationsx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(libusb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1airspy-1.0.10-1pclos2021.src.rpm906f6cbe602be419ce84de7f7930232c./SRPMS.pclos'd  # IP TahxB@BABEBJCairstrike1.01.pre6a.5pclos2010Incredibly addictive 2D dogfight gameAirstrike is a 0-2 players 2d dogfight game in the tradition of the Intellivision and Amiga games 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'. It features a robust physics engine and several other extensions of the original games, such as povray made graphics and incredible gameplay.!Games/Arcadei586 SDL-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_image-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1airstrike-1.0-1.pre6a.5pclos2010.src.rpm!dff5d6107ab2bbbc3a0984c3d7f95cc2./SRPMS.pclos+d   E$ (4<|B@BABEBJCaisleriot3.22.271pclos2022A compilation of solitaire card gamesAisleriot (also known as Solitaire or sol) is a collection of card games which are easy to play with the aid of a mouse. The rules for the games have been coded for your pleasure in the GNOME scripting language (Scheme).PkoGames/Otherx86_64  lib64cairo-develpkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(guile-2.0)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(sm)intltoolyelp-toolsitstoollib64qt5svg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   14 8GPX{B@BABEBJCajaxterm0.1011pclos2013A web based terminalAjaxterm is a web based terminal. It was totally inspired and works almost exactly like http://anyterm.org/ except it's much easier to install. Ajaxterm written in python (and some AJAX javascript for client side) and depends only on python2.3 or better.System/Serversnoarch pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ajaxterm-0.10-11pclos2013.src.rpm<44bb3a86e18cd6d7c9e739b5544ec12f./SRPMS.pclosd   Q (B@/BATBEXBJyCakonadi24.12.31pclos2025An extensible cross-desktop storage service for PIMAn extensible cross-desktop storage service for PIM data and meta data providing concurrent read, write, and query access.=Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macroslibxml2-utilslibxslt-procmysqlmysql-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(sqlite3)postgresql-devel-virtualrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)shared-mime-infoxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-10.20akonadi-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmse7be18f1b37bdc61de2dc791adc501f1./SRPMS.pclos_d & Cd hB@BA,BE0BJQCakonadi-calendar24.12.31pclos2025Akonadi Calendar IntegrationAkonadi Calendar Integration. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadi-calendar-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm<99aa2b07370cfca2b117804d53142c84./SRPMS.pclosCd! , C\ `wB@BABEBJ5Cakonadi-calendar-tools24.12.31pclos2025Akonadi Calendar ToolsAkonadi Calendar Tools.$Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadi-calendar-tools-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmTbc542ebf40f3503e1c1ec503d2814b02./SRPMS.pclosCd & Cd hB@BABEBJ5Cakonadi-contacts24.12.31pclos2025Akonadi Contacts IntegrationAkonadi Contacts Integration.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadi-contacts-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm55c92c0655d848216158ec5da7a99e22./SRPMS.pclosd  +    _B@pBABEBJCakonadi-import-wizard24.12.31pclos2025Assistant to import PIM data from other applications into Akonadi for use in KDE PIM applicationsAssistant to import PIM data from other applications into Akonadi for use in KDE PIM applications.:Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadi-import-wizard-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm9a906db8ac573f81df1af452731e9d391./SRPMS.pclosd " ;X \s|B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cakonadi-mime24.12.31pclos2025Akonadi Mime IntegrationAkonadi Mime Integration.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadi-mime-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm188318da055279114fcaecce1c36b4ae./SRPMS.pclos7d # =X \s|B@BABEBJ)Cakonadi-notes24.08.31pclos2024Akonadi Notes IntegrationAkonadi Notes Integration.yGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadi-notes-24.08.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm-5b5dd2f3e7e752db94af8a9f0a35e65c./SRPMS.pclosd $ \ JB@^BABEBJCakonadi-search24.12.31pclos2025Libraries and daemons to implement searching in AkonadiLibraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi.pGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)pkgconfig(xapian-core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadi-search-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmBd8014105c79575fc3586cf7328cd7886./SRPMS.pcloskd $ Hp tB@ BA8BE<BJ]Cakonadiconsole24.12.31pclos2025Console that help debugging AkonadiConsole that help debugging Akonadi.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xapian-core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akonadiconsole-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm0c6c04301e2fae85962af39a06b21b2d./SRPMS.pclosd   5  WB@hBABEBJCakregator24.12.31pclos2025A Feed Reader for KDEAkregator is a news feed reader for the KDE desktop. It enables you to follow news sites, blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites without the need to manually check for updates using a web browser. Akregator is designed to be both easy to use and to be powerful enough to read hundreds of news sources conveniently. It comes with Konqueror integration for adding news feeds and with an internal browser for easy news reading. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1akregator-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm *e122347fe7bf14d402a865f2da0b824a./SRPMS.pclos3d   :    B@BABEBJ%Calacarte3.44.21pclos2022Simple menu editor for GnomeAlacarte is a menu editor for GNOME that lets you get things done, simply and quickly. Just click and type to edit, add, and delete any menu entry.System/Configurationx86_64 desktop-file-utilsdocbook-style-xslgettextintltoolitstoollibxml2-utilspython3pkgconfig(libgnome-menu-3.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)xsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alacarte-3.44.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm$b8e332029177d6e81a96711e5e2ffad3./SRPMS.pclos d & 1 q    B@ BA BE BJ Cdefresplsrnlalarm-clock1.4.11pclos2010Alarm Clock for the GNOME desktopWecker für den GNOME-DesktopAlarm Clock is a small alarm panel applet developed in Python for GNOME/GTK desktop environments. It supports sound fading, scheduled alarms, snooze option, passive window reminders, exception lists for scheduled alarms, exporting alarms and much more!Alarm Clock ist ein privater Wecker für die GNOME-Desktopumgebung. Er unterstützt Soundübergänge, passive und normale Dialoge, Vollbilddialoge Weckpläne, Kommandozeilenaufrufe und einige Standardaktionen.Alarm Clock est une petite applet panneau d'alarme développé en Python pour GNOME / GTK environnements de bureau. Il soutient la décoloration du son, prévue alarmes, option snooze, rappels fenêtre passive, des listes d'exceptions pour les alarmes programmées, l'exportation des alarmes et beaucoup plus!Alarm Clock es un pequeño applet de panel de alarma desarrollado en Python para GNOME / GTK entornos de escritorio. Es compatible con la decoloración de sonido, las alarmas programadas, opción de despertador, recordatorios ventana pasiva, listas de excepciones para las alarmas programadas, alarmas de exportación y mucho más!Budzik jest mały applet panelu alarm opracowane w Pythonie dla GNOME / GTK środowisku graficznym. Obsługuje dźwięk blaknięcie, zaplanowane alarmów, opcja drzemki, pasywne przypomnienia oknie list wyjątkiem regularnych alarmy, wywozu alarmy i wiele więcej!Аларм је аларм, мали панела развијен у Пытхон за ГНОМЕ / ГТК + десктоп окружења. Он подржава звучне бледи, заказана аларма, могућност обнављања, пасивно прозор подсетнике, Изузетно листе заказана за аларме, аларме извоз и још много тога!Alarm Clock is een klein alarm panel applet ontwikkeld in Python voor GNOME / GTK desktop omgevingen. Het ondersteunt geluid vervagen, gepland alarm, snooze-optie, passieve venster herinneringen, uitzondering lijsten voor geplande alarmen, alarmen exporteurs en nog veel meer! e;Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 glib2-develintltoolgtk2-develGConf2-devellibglade2.0_0-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibgnomeui2_0-devellibnotify-develgnome-panel-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alarm-clock-1.4.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm u6098b04c989aef1d5402a112d2a0bcbe./SRPMS.pclosd   /l p{B@BABEBJCalbert0.16.13pclos2021A semantic launcherAlbert is a semantic launcher. In the menu under File toolsbFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1albert-0.16.1-3pclos2021.src.rpmZ2dead3674bc459da84866924a0ffa9f0./SRPMS.pclosd   X  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Calbumeasy4.5.01pclos2023A free custom stamp album page layout and design software.An easy to use page layout program for creating custom stamp albums. You need a pdf viewer and text editor of your choice to fully utilize this application.#8Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1albumeasy-4.5.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmEda34a002b9a4d83849a5913b0c52c8c9./SRPMS.pclosSd  dPT B@BA BE$BJECalbumshaper2.15pclos2007Graphical application used to create, maintain, and share photo albums Album Shaper is a graphical application used to create, maintain, and share photo albums using open formats like HTML, XSLT, and JPG. Two-layer albums can be created in a drag-n-drop interface which allows quick and easy arrangement and catagorization of photos. Batch rotations make getting your photos ready a quick and easy task. You can also crop, enhance, and manipulate your photos using a powerful but intuitive editing interface. Photos, collections, and albums themselves can be labeled as needed and modified at a later time by saving and loading from a simple XML format. Albums are exported as HTML which can then be posted directly on the web or viewed straight from your hard drive. Album Shaper now supports themes which means you can completely customize the look of the Albums you produce! Album Shaper is designed to help you share your photos with your friends and family as easily as possible, as well as update and maintain these Albums in the most effecient and easy way possible.D̻Neverstopdreaming Graphicsi586 libxslt-develdoxygenqt3-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1albumshaper-2.1-5pclos2007.src.rpmD48dab0f3a6f027a5bf3e3a7c0e6d33f3./SRPMS.pclosd Elp|B@5BA\BE`BJCalchemist1.0.375pclos2011A multi-sourced configuration back-endThe alchemist is a back-end configuration architecture, which provides multi-sourced configuration at the data level, postponing translation to native format until the last stage. It uses XML as an intermediary data encoding, and can be extended to arbitrarily large configuration scenarios.System/Basex86_64  libxml2libxslt-develdoxygenpython-develglib2-develchrpathmultiarch-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! U B@BABEBJ)Cdealert_clock0.382pclos2021Alert clock, recalls you!Der Wecker erinnert Dich!Don't miss important times and events. Turn your computer into the perfect wake up system. Set the alarm and get the Pizza out of the oven in perfect time.Verpassen Sie nicht wichtige Termine - Schalten Sie Ihren Computer in den Weckmodus um alarmiert zu werden, um z.B.: Die Pizza aus dem Ofen zu holen.YdanielSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alert_clock-0.38-2pclos2021.src.rpm\hdb31624c3dde6b77ccc521e4031452ce./SRPMS.pclos#dHX\bl|B@BABEBJCalevt1.6.110pclos2011Teletext decoder and browser for bttv and DVBAleVT is a teletext/videotext decoder and browser for the bttv and DVB drivers. It features multiple windows, a page cache, regexp searching, built-in manual, and more. There's also a program to get the time from teletext and one to capture teletext pages from scripts.5Videox86_64  libx11-devellibpng-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   8 4FLlB@BABEBJCalex2.0.14pclos2007The lexer generator for HaskellAlex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell, given a description of the tokens to be recognised in the form of regular expressions. It is similar to the tool lex or flex for C/C++.ONeverstopdreaming Development/Otheri586 happyghcdocbook-style-xsllibxslt-proclibxml2xmltexgmp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alex-2.0.1-4pclos2007.src.rpmY16cf55c2e8634d3d3db47b9cdde2de76./SRPMS.pclosd ! O B@BABEBJCalex_guestbook3.314pclos2010User-friendly, skinnable, PHP-based guestbookUser-friendly, skinnable, PHP-based guestbook`Networking/WWWnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alex_guestbook-3.31-4pclos2010.src.rpmnsdc36b4c555f21b070f8968d1cbc61e37./SRPMS.pclosOd   X8< lvB@BABE BJACalexandria0.6.18pclos2007GNOME application to help you manage your book collectionAlexandria is a GNOME application to help you manage your book collection. Alexandria: * retrieves and displays book information (including cover pictures) from several online libraries, such as Amazon, Proxis, Barnes and Noble, and the Spanish Ministry of Culture ; * allows books to be added and updated by hand ; * enables searches either by EAN/ISBN, title, authors or keyword ; * saves data using the YAML format ; * can import and export data into ONIX, Tellico and EAN/ISBN-list formats ; * generates from your libraries XHTML web pages themable with CSS ; * allows marking your books as loaned, each with the loan-date and the name of the person who has borrowed them ; * features a HIG-compliant user interface ; * shows books in different views (standard list or icons list), that can be either filtered or sorted ; * handles book rating and notes ; * supports CueCat (R) barcode readers ; * includes translations for several languages. Neverstopdreaming Databasesnoarch ruby-develgettextGConf2intltooldesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alexandria-0.6.1-8pclos2007.src.rpm448a5c5b936419e9087564a0c8e7b05a./SRPMS.pclosd   E< @[dlB@BABEBJCaliaser0.14pclos2013Create aliases for frequently used commandsAliaser analyses your bash history and helps you identify commands that you use frequently. You can then create aliases for them with Aliaser's help. Aliaser also integrates into your shell to give you tips so you can learn to use your aliases.4System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 libgdbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aliaser-0.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmG465bb549e02bd245139bb1fd2dc4b8b9./SRPMS.pclos;d   G B@BABE BJ-Calien8.951pclos2017Install Debian and Slackware Packages with RPMAlien is a program that converts between the rpm (Mandriva, Redhat ), dpkg (Debian), slp (Stampede), and tgz (Slackware) file formats. If you want to use a package from another distribution than the one you have installed on your system, you can use alien to convert it to your preferred package format and install it.bb2 Archiving/Othernoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alien-8.95-1pclos2017.src.rpmd7899c25b434eb6652db5a5ee91c84c4./SRPMS.pclosd  E  TB@]BABEBJCalienblaster1.1.08pclos2011Action-loaded 2D arcade shooter gameAlien Blaster is an action-loaded 2D arcade shooter game. Your mission in the game is simple: stop the invasion of the aliens by blasting them. Simultaneous two-player mode is available.T#Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL_mixer1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alienblaster-1.1.0-8pclos2011.src.rpmT/ce54b065aac2cdbdfa453492f0bf3c0b6./SRPMS.pclos d   D !(<B@BABEBJCalienpool0.2.04pclos2011Arcade-style mix of asteroids and poolAlienpool is a space-shooter that is similar to both asteroids and pool. Move a spaceship around the screen and shoot at aliens. Aliens that have been shot bounce around the screen and hit other aliens.PGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_ttf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alienpool-0.2.0-4pclos2011.src.rpmPț0c98ea9c203202c385cc1c68c72e2a12./SRPMS.pclosKd   7t xB@BABEBJ=Callegro44.4.3.11pclos2019Game programming libraryAllegro is a library of functions for use in computer games.1System/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(audiofile)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xpm)pkgconfig(xxf86dga)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1allegro4-   7T XoxB@BA8BE<BJ]Calligator21.061pclos2021RSS reader for KDE PlasmaRSS reader for KDE PlasmaGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5syndication-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quickcontrols2-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5widgets-develmesa-develpkgconfigqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alligator-21.06-1pclos2021.src.rpm}fef3d7c576f41ec0dd85f8078a6edbe5./SRPMS.pclosGd   9l pB@BABEBJ9Calligator24.12.31pclos2025Kirigami-based RSS readerAlligator is a convergent RSS/Atom feed reader.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1alligator-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm3f268383e959708f49cdba519b86829b9./SRPMS.pclosd   F   OB@YBA|BEBJCalltray0.71b1pclos2011Docks any application into the system trayWith AllTray you can dock any application into the system tray/notification area. A highlight feature is that a click on the "close" button will minimize to system tray.?Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 gtk+2-develGConf2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alltray-0.71b-1pclos2011.src.rpm“7280cdea2da03a39b34dad7a50e74a34./SRPMS.pclosd   S    B@BABEBJCalmanah0.7.33pclos2010A application to allow you to keep a diary of your lifeAlmanah is a small GTK+ application to allow you to keep a diary of your life.|Officei586 libical-develdesktop-file-utilsgtk2-develintltoolglib2-develevolution-data-server-develgtkspell-develsqlite3-develgettextgpgme-devellibseahorse-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1almanah-0.7.3-3pclos2010.src.rpmC7735c49b9eb1c57a48a5483f520f1344./SRPMS.pclos+d   0  +;D`B@BABEBJCalpine2.211pclos2017Alpine mail user agentAlpine is a tool for reading, sending, and managing e-mail and internet news (usenet) messages. It is the successor to Pine and was developed by Computing & Communications at the University of Washington. Though originally designed for inexperienced email users, Alpine supports many advanced features and a large number of configuration and personal-preference options. This package contains re-alpine, a continuation of alpine. It is patched to add support for maildir style mailboxes.HghostbunnyNetworking/Mailx86_64 aspellncurses-develpam-devellibopenssl-devellibldap-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alpine-2.21-1pclos2017.src.rpmH2d156d15d15671b3b05f33633ddc075a./SRPMS.pclosd   Q QB@[BABEBJCalsa-oss1.1.81pclos2019Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) libraryAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) is a modularized architecture which supports quite a large range of ISA and PCI cards. It's fully compatible with old OSS drivers (either OSS/Lite, OSS/commercial). To use the features of alsa, one can either use: - the old OSS api - the new ALSA api that provides many enhanced features. Using the ALSA api requires to use the ALSA library. This library provides oss compatibilitySoundx86_64 doxygenlib64alsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alsa-oss-1.1.8-1pclos2019.src.rpmU0579c44a702e402e82d6e5de79727c54./SRPMS.pclosd # =  (hB@rBABEBJCalsa-plugin-equal0.61pclos2012Equalizer plugin for ALSAAlsaequal is a real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA. It can be adjusted using an ALSA compatible mixer, like alsamixergui or alsamixer. Alsaequal uses the Eq CAPS LADSPA Plugin for audio processing, actually alsaequal is a generic LADSPA plugin interface with real-time access to the LADSPA controls (the LADSPA plugin included with alsa doesn't allow for real-time controls) but it was developed for and only tested with Eq CAPS LADSPA plugin.`NealSoundx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64alsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alsa-plugin-equal-0.6-1pclos2012.src.rpmhs88e4c6bb12db7a66d17918fd77db790a./SRPMS.pclosd ! R|   a B@BABEBJCalsa-plugins1.2.121pclos2024Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) pluginsAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities. Modularized architecture with support for a large range of ISA and PCI cards. Fully compatible with OSS/Lite (kernel sound drivers), but contains many enhanced features. This is the plugins package, which allows you to manipulate ALSA settings.Soundx86_64   kernel-headerspkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(speex)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) % a  B@BADBEHBJiCalsa-sof-firmware2.2.41pclos2023Firmware and topology files for Sound Open Firmware projectThis package contains the firmware binaries for the Sound Open Firmware project. BSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  alsa-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) E5949e9014dd5456136b948146051ed53./SRPMS.pclos'd   N ",HB@BABEBJCalsa-tools1.2.111pclos2024Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) toolsAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utils. Modularized architecture with support for a large range of ISA and PCI cards. Fully compatible with OSS/Lite (kernel sound drivers), but contains many enhanced features. This source rpm package provides several sub packages: * ac3dec - A free AC-3 stream decoder * as10k1 - AS10k1 Assembler version A0.99 * cspctl - Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP control program * envy24control - Control tool for Envy24 (ice1712) based soundcards * hdsploader - Firmware loader for RME Hammerfall cards * hdspmixer - Mixer for the RME Hammerfall DSP cards * mixartloader - Firmware loader for Digigram's miXart * rmedigicontrol - Control panel for RME Hammerfall cards * sbiload - An OPL2/3 FM instrument loader for ALSA sequencer * sscape_ctl - ALSA SoundScape control utility * us428control - Control tool for Tascam 428 * usx2yloader - Firmware loader for Tascam USX2Y USB soundcards * vxloader - Firmware loader for Digigram's VX-boardFDSoundx86_64   automakefltk-develgtk2-devellibalsa-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)!5c33c1ba2970cc6f9f551e8a7f5f72c9./SRPMS.pclos{d   R  B@!BAHBELBJmCalsa-utils1.2.133pclos2024Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilitiesAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities. Modularized architecture with support for a large range of ISA and PCI cards. Fully compatible with OSS/Lite (kernel sound drivers), but contains many enhanced features. This is the utilities package, which allows you to manipulate ALSA settings.DSoundx86_64  libalsa-develncurses-develncursesw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmlto3.0.4-14.6.0-1alsa-utils-1.2.13-3pclos2024.src.rpm 883a72dfc60ba21a16c4e4d07d41947d./SRPMS.pclosd ( a  B@'BAXBE\BJ}Calsamixergui0.9.00.14rc1_6pclos2016Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) graphical mixerAlsamixergui is a FLTK based frontend for alsamixer. It is written directly on top of the alsamixer source, leaving the original source intact, only adding a couple of ifdefs, and some calls to the gui part, so it provides exactly the same functionality, but with a graphical userinterface.Soundx86_64  X11-develkernel-headerslibalsa-devellibslang-develfltk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d   >` dt|B@BABEBJCaltermime0.3.1010pclos2010Allows you to modify mailpacksalterMIME is a small program which is used to alter your mime-encoded emailpacks as typically received by Inflex, XaMime and AMaViS. alterMIME will allow you to put in things like disclaimers in each email's text body, and also permit you to nullify (make into a zero-byte) attachments.+Networking/Maili586 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1altermime-0.3.10-10pclos2010.src.rpm+6debe3712c848019d25983435aed2cd7./SRPMS.pclos7d   )` dnxB@BABEBJ)Caltyo0.31pclos2013Terminal emulatorAltYo - drop-down terminal emulator, written in vala.ggTerminalsx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-devellib64vte3-develvalavala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1altyo-0.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmm72fc7b00c9da46fd7f63c0fd1a9de383./SRPMS.pclosd   ^ $DB@BABEBJ Calure1.21pclos2015A utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applicationsALURE is a utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. This includes device enumeration and initialization, file loading, and streaming.ghostbunnyFile toolsi586 cmakeopenal-develmpg123-devellibflac-develsndfile-devellibvorbis-develdumb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1alure-1.2-1pclos2015.src.rpme512d5bf08c742062781e383c295adf7./SRPMS.pclosd   T$ (7<TB@BABEBJCam-utils6.1.53pclos2010Automount utilities including an updated version of AmdAm-utils includes an updated version of Amd, the popular BSD automounter. An automounter is a program which maintains a cache of mounted filesystems. Filesystems are mounted when they are first referenced by the user and unmounted after a certain period of inactivity. Amd supports a variety of filesystems, including NFS, UFS, CD-ROMS and local drives. You should install am-utils if you need a program for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems.xtSystem/Serversi586  bisonbyaccflexgdbm-developenldap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   A !(p;B@TBAtBExBJCamanda2.5.13pclos2007A network-capable tape backup solutionAMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a backup system that allows the administrator of a LAN to set up a single master backup server to back up multiple hosts to a single large capacity tape drive. AMANDA uses native dump and/or GNU tar facilities and can back up a large number of workstations running multiple versions of Unix. Newer versions of AMANDA (including this version) can use SAMBA to back up Microsoft(TM) Windows95/NT hosts. The amanda package contains the core AMANDA programs and will need to be installed on both AMANDA clients and AMANDA servers. Note that you will have to install the amanda-client and amanda-server packages as well. rTexstar Archiving/Backupi586 autoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolcups-commondumpflexgettext-develgnuplotlibtermcap-develmailxmt-stmtxopenssh-clientsreadline-develsamba-clientxfsdumpopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amanda-2.5.1-3pclos2007.src.rpm2268a02fc31ec327dd1d509c902abf95./SRPMS.pclos d   > >> >B@ 0BA PBE TBJ uCamarok3.0.11pclos2024The powerful media player for KDE 5There are many media players around these days, it's true. What's missing from most players is a user interface that doesn't get in the way of the user. How many buttons do you have to press for simply adding some new tracks to the playlist? Amarok tries to be a little different, providing a simple drag and drop interface that really makes playlist handling easy. Feature Overview ================= * Quick and simple drag and drop playlist creation * Music library * Cross platform: Support for Unix, MacOS X and Windows * Plays all audio formats known to man * Cover art download using Last.fm services * Automatic play-statistics generation (iRate style) * Full lyrics download * Learn about your music with integrated Wikipedia * Full Last.fm support * gpodder.net support * Configurable on screen display for track changes * Podcast support * iPod support, as well as other media players * Powerful scripting interface * Integration with Plasma and KDE Applications * Integration with multiple web sources including Magnatune, Jamendo, Ampache, MP3tunes, and others.zGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64   lib64attica-kf5-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64glvnd-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5bookmarks-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5kcmutils-devellib64kf5kdnssd-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5package-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5threadweaver-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64kitemviews5lib64lastfm-develmysql-develmysql-embedded-develpkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickControls2)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5UiTools)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmock)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libgpod-1.0)pkgconfig(libmtp)pkgconfig(libmygpo-qt5)pkgconfig(libofa)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(loudmouth-1.0)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(phonon4qt5)pkgconfig(taglib)pkgconfig(taglib-extras)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  4 B@BABEBJ=Camavisd-new2.6.41pclos2009A Mail Virus ScannerAMaViS is a perl script that interfaces a Mail Transport Agent (MTA) with one or more virus scanners (not provided).2Networking/Mailnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amavisd-new-2.6.4-1pclos2009.src.rpmĂ336877bcd8d9437c7bf736845953d76d./SRPMS.pclosd ! J 8B@@BAhBElBJCamigadepacker0.0410pclos2010Uncompressor for various AmigaOS formatsAmigadepacker uncompresses various compression formats used on AmigaOS. The supported formats are PowerPacker, XPK SQSH, and MMCMP. It can also decrypt PowerPacker encrypted data files.File toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amigadepacker-0.04-10pclos2010.src.rpmUa26b2d9f058c928db8658746d46e424e./SRPMS.pclosd ! G` dqxB@BABEBJCamphetamine0.8.1015pclos2011Amphetamine is a cool Jump'n Run gameAmphetamine is a 2D - Jump'n'run shooter in the tradition of Super Mario Bros and other classics. But it has unique features: - Fast 256 colour graphics - Seven weapons (like the seven deadly sins): Fight with arrow and bow, a scie, fire hands, etc. against monsters - Never seen graphics (in this genre) such as coronas (remember Unreal), dynamic coloured lightning, fogging, semitransparence and much more... - Raging fights against 11 bloodsucking monsters which themselves have several killing powers.hGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amphetamine-0.8.10-15pclos2011.src.rpmoebc947d63b34633d3ca261bdd718ffdc./SRPMS.pclosGd  7 B@BABEBJ9Camrnb6.1.0.31pclos2011AMR NarrowBand speech codecAMR-NB is a narrowband speech codec used in mobile phones. This package is in PLF as it might violate some patents.sSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amrnb- d  5p tB@BABEBJCamrwb7.0.0.01pclos2011AMR WideBand speech codecAMR-WB is a wideband speech codec used in mobile phones.JSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amrwb-  "     B@BABEBJCptpt_BRamsn0.98.94pclos2014AMSN is a MSN Messenger clone for LinuxO AMSN é um clone do MSN Messenger para LinuxAMSN é um clone do MSN Messenger para LinuxAMSN is a Microsoft Messenger clone. It allows you to keep in touch with your friends and exchange instant messages and files. It features multilanguage support, file transfers, new graphical interface, emoticons, multiple profiles support, dock icon, sound events, email notification, url processing and many more. WARNING: this is a CVS release, and probably UNSTABLE.O AMSN é um clone do Microsoft Messenger. Permite-lhe estar sempre em contato com seus amigos e trocar mensagens instantâneas e ficheiros. Tem suporte para múltiplas línguas, transferências de ficheiros, um nov interface gráfico, emoticons, suporte para múltiplos perfis, ícone na barra de tarefas, eventos de som, notificação de correio electrónico, processamento de url e muito mais. ATENÇÃO: este é um lançamento CVS, e provavelmente INSTÁVEL.AMSN é um clone do Microsoft Messenger. Ele permite que você esteja sempre em contato com seus amigos e possa trocar mensagens instantâneas e arquivos. Possui suporte a múltiplas línguas, transferência de arquivos, uma nova interface gráfica, emoticons, suporte a múltiplos perfis, ícone de bandeja, eventos de som, notificação de email, processamento de url e muito mais. ATENÇÃO: este é um release do CVS, e provavelmente INSTÁVEL.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 tcltcl-develtk-develImageMagicklib64png-devellib64jpeg-devellib64imlib-devellib64farstream0.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amsn-0.98.9-4pclos2014.src.rpmT7bbe5114a151460257b9822c4a8c39da./SRPMS.pclosd   ; 9@D`B@hBABEBJCamsn-skins0.9510pclos2010Collection of skins for aMSNamsn is a Tcl/Tk clone that implements the Microsoft Messenger (MSN) for Unix, Windows, or Macintosh platforms. It supports file transfers, groups, and many more features. This package contains a collection of skins. Networking/Instant messagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amsn-skins-0.95-10pclos2010.src.rpm=94fae9acfcb81349eb47579504b97042./SRPMS.pclosd   Y \'B@NBApBEtBJCamsynth1.13.21pclos2024Virtual-analog polyphonic synthesizer for ALSA, OSS and JACKAmSynth is a standalone polyphonic subtractive synthesizer. It supports OSS, ALSA and JACK for Audio and MIDI I/O. Features are as follows. o Dual oscillators with classic waveforms - sine / saw / square / noise o 24 dB/oct low-pass resonant filter o Independent ADSR envelopes for filter & amplitude o LFO which can module the oscillators, filter, and amplitude o Distortion effect o Reverb&Soundx86_64  dssi-develintltoolladspa-devellib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64jack-devellib64lash2-devellib64lo-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sndfile-devellib64x11-devellv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1amsynth-1.13.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmb48c764e77d2729ff6c05241746b1146./SRPMS.pclos#d   1    B@BABEBJCamtk5.1.21pclos2020Text editor product lineTepl is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs. Tepl is the acronym for “Text editor product line”.pSystem/Librariesx86_64 gccgettextpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(uchardet)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amtk-5.1.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm7c5e12d50b968bc7a85c0881aa3657ea./SRPMS.pclosd  E4 8QXdB@BABEBJCamule2.3.22pclos2019File sharing client compatible with eDonkeyaMule is an easy to use multi-platform client for ED2K Peer-to-Peer Network. It is a fork of xMule, whis was based on eMule for Windows. aMule currently supports (but is not limited to) the following platforms: Linux, *BSD and MacOS X.6QNetworking/File transferx86_64 gccgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amule-2.3.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm6W)215aad4aff6e9852a86d34d9a4747e30./SRPMS.pclosd   ? lB@yBABEBJCamyedit1.010pclos2010A lightweight editor for LaTeX filesAmyEdit is a LaTeX editor written to allow users to easily create LaTeX documents in a simple, user friendly enviroment. Its main requirement is that it remains lightweight whilst still having a large number of useful features. AmyEdit is being designed to run on a fairly old laptop, (a P300 with 64 MB of RAM), running gedit on this is painfully slow, even after the 30 second startup time has elapsed.Publishingi586 perl(XML::Parser)gtkmm2.4-develaspell-develintltoolgtksourceview1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1amyedit-1.0-10pclos2010.src.rpm802926660c85461f4f1afd9d34f61509./SRPMS.pclosd !   B@+BAPBETBJuCdeanagramarama0.41pclos2012A word game. Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama!Ein Silbenrätsel. Mögen Sie Anagramme? Dann werden Sie Anagramarama lieben.A free word game for Linux, Windows and BeOS. The aim is to find as many words as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you'll advance to the next level. Three words describe it... Simple,Addictive,FunEin freies Silbenrätsel für Linux, Windows und BeOS. Das Ziel ist es in der verfügbaren Zeit so viele Wörter wie möglich zu finden. Bekommen Sie das längste Wort, dann können Sie zum nächsten Level voranschreiten. Drei Wörter beschreiben es... Einfach, suchtgefährdend, Spass1NealGames/Puzzlesi586 libSDL-devellibSDL_mixer1.2-devellibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1anagramarama-0.4-1pclos2012.src.rpmA66ccdc28dad6d6e60880c5a4b1f7d9cf./SRPMS.pclosd   b BB@UBA|BEBJCanalitza24.12.31pclos2025Library that will let you add mathematical features to your programThe analitza library will let you add mathematical features to your program.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  eigen3kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(readline)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1analitza-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm3479adb48f0346215a31e20c41454f75./SRPMS.pclosd    < FB@VBAtBExBJCanalog6.04pclos2013WWW server logfile analysis programWWW server logfile analysis program with lots of features. Check the home page at http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/ for more information. You should edit the /etc/analog.cfg and customizer it for your webserver with the HOSTNAME and HOSTURL options. Perl is required for the html forms interface. Apache is suggested as the default web server.Monitoringx86_64  bzip2-develfreetype2-develgd-develjpeg-devellibpng-develpcre-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)23.0.4-1analog-6.0-4pclos2013.src.rpma926b6386c9ad468ee18fcb5a97a434a./SRPMS.pclosd ' Jp t  x B@BABEBJCandroid-file-transfer3.91pclos2019Interactive MTP client with Qt GUIInteractive MTP client with Qt5 GUI. File toolsx86_64 appstream-glibcmakedesktop-file-utilsimagemagicklib64readline-devellib64fuse-develqtbase5-common-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1android-file-transfer-3.9-1pclos2019.src.rpm #2f1a0a6d2d07657ff01bd9c4ead36b27./SRPMS.pclos#d! , ~ B@BABEBJCandroid-notifier-desktop0.5.11pclos2010Sends notifications to a desktop computer when events happen on an Android deviceThis project sends notifications to a desktop computer when certain events happen on an Android device, such as the phone ringing, an SMS being received, or the battery running low. The notifications can be sent over Wifi, Bluetooth, or (in the future) USB.a|Monitoringi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1android-notifier-desktop-0.5.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmacfae6eb0b976925ab364c467bd2d168b./SRPMS.pclos+d   (0 4LTlB@BABEBJCandromeda0.32pclos2014File managerAndromeda is an open source file manager software designed with a lot of useful features, but at the same time easy to use for beginners. Some features are: · Added Image Viewer plugin · Added BinEditor plugin · Added PdfView plugin · Added TextEditor plugin5Graphical desktop/Razorx86_64 gcc-c++cmakelibqt4-develqt4-linguistlib64poppler-qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1andromeda-0.3-2pclos2014.src.rpm=s28077573e10df72f6449f4a79c7723e8./SRPMS.pclosd   4 $ B@*BAPBETBJuCangelfish21.062pclos2021Browser for KDE PlasmaWeb Browser for KDE Plasma mobile but works pretty well on the normal Plasma desktop for light browsing.JGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakeninjalib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5qmlmodels-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64tbb-develmesa-develqtbase5-common-devellib64qt5feedback-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1angelfish-21.06-2pclos2021.src.rpmʛ477f76a049281c8ce568c4632c49855e./SRPMS.pclosd   ; 5B@GBAlBEpBJCangelfish24.12.31pclos2025A modern mobile Web browserAngelfish is a mobile web browser. It supports typical browser features, such as bookmarks, history and tabs.7Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64futuresql6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1angelfish-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmfe54591dfe050420eb1edab077e24a7ec./SRPMS.pclossd   SP TahB@BA@BEDBJeCangelwars0.242pclos2011Fast-paced, old-fashioned side-scrolling space shooterAngel Wars is a traditional "space shooter" with an unusual premise--the player is a rebellious minion of Satan bent on taking the universe over for himself. It is written in C++ and aims to be as object-oriented and platform-independent as possible. K6Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64smpeg0.4-devellib64png-devellib64jpeg62-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1angelwars-0.24-2pclos2011.src.rpm P5c0d6d8119e612d661620087406e9fe1./SRPMS.pclosOd  3 B@BABE BJACangrysearch1.0.41pclos2022Instant file searchAttempt at making Linux version of Everything Search Engine, or MasterSeeker, or Hddb File Search, because no one else bothered.+File toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1angrysearch-1.0.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm>2bce16c69ffaf89da57f8ae936fa6c3a./SRPMS.pclos d   T %%5%B@BABEBJCanjuta3.34.02pclos2022Integrated development environment for C and C++ (Linux)Anjuta DevStudio is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the GNOME Desktop Environment and features a number of advanced programming facilities. These include project management, application and class wizards, an on-board interactive debugger, powerful source editor, syntax highlighting, intellisense auto-completions, symbol navigation, version controls, integrated GUI designing and other tools.b 0Development/Toolsx86_64  pkgconfig(apr-1)pkgconfig(apr-util-1)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gdl-3.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gjs-1.0)pkgconfig(gladeui-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(libdevhelp-3.0)pkgconfig(libgda-5.0)pkgconfig(libgvc)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(neon)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xrender)subversion-develpkgconfig(python3)autogengnome-commongettext-develintltoolgtk-docitstoolyelp-toolslibxml2-utilsgobject-introspection-develimagemagickflexbisonvala-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  O  *48TB@\BA|BEBJCanki2.1.131pclos2019Flashcard program for using space repetition learningAnki is a program designed to help you remember facts (such as words and phrases in a foreign language) as easily, quickly and efficiently as possible. Anki is based on a theory called spaced repetition.$REducationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1anki-2.1.13-1pclos2019.src.rpm$Development/Javai586  java-develjaxp_parser_impljpackage-utilsantxml-commons-apisjava-gcj-compat-develantlrbsfxml-commons-resolverjakarta-commons-loggingjakarta-commons-netbcellog4jororegexpjavamailjafjdependjschjunitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0:1.50:1.0.310:1.2-5jpp0:1.0.1-5jpp3.0.4-1ant-1.6.5-22pclos2007.src.rpmQ"9c86f4288c6e5729f2b69b9a504f251e./SRPMS.pclosd   A ,;@\B@BABEBJ Cant-phone0.1.123pclos2007Desktop ISDN telephony applicationANT is a desktop ISDN telephony application written for GNU/Linux. It supports OSS (Open Sound System) and I4L (ISDN4Linux). It directly interfaces OSS and ISDN devices, so there is no need to install extra software or hardware like PBX (Private Branch Exchange) or telephony cards, if you've got direct access to an audio capable ISDN card (teles or HiSax chipset, e.g. AVM Fritz Card) and a full duplex soundcard or two sound devices.BNeverstopdreaming Communicationsi586 pkgconfiggettextflexbisongtk+2-devellibsndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ant-phone-0.1.12-3pclos2007.src.rpmL*2e41478b9b11985a40783f964e761c2c./SRPMS.pclos3d  7lp vB@BABEBJ%Canthy9100h2pclos2013A Japanese words input systemAnthy is a free and secure Japanese input system.pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 emacs-binautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1anthy-9100h-2pclos2013.src.rpmGd4c5b9100ed21702befcabaec7e53e85./SRPMS.pclosd   k|    B@BABEBJCantimicro2.231pclos2018Graphical program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepadAntiMicro is a graphical program used to map keyboard keys and mouse controls to a gamepad. This program is useful for playing PC games using a gamepad that do not have any form of built-in gamepad support. AntiMicro was inspired by QJoyPad but has additional features. GAgent Smith System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 cmakegcc-c++desktop-file-utilslib64x11-devellib64xtst-devellib64qt4-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64appstream-glib1itstoolgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1antimicro-2.23-1pclos2018.src.rpm )757e902e8f9f586b6688fb17ac1f152d./SRPMS.pclosd   A  $FB@OBApBEtBJCantiword0.373pclos2009MS Word to ASCII/Postscript converterAntiword is a free MS-Word reader for Linux, BeOS and RISC OS. It converts the documets from Word 6, 7, 97 and 2000 to ASCII and Postscript. Antiword tries to keep the layout of the document intact.eText toolsi586 bzip2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1antiword-0.37-3pclos2009.src.rpm-de1502021b6a58a6cce7ae4db055a72d./SRPMS.pclosWd    E B@BA$BE(BJICantlr33.41pclos2014ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language RecognitionANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing actions in a variety of target languages. ANTLR provides excellent support for tree construction, tree walking, translation, error recovery, and error reporting.!@ghostbunnyDevelopment/Javanoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1antlr3-3.4-1pclos2014.src.rpm"ba8541b7f337b3f497fbb013b0d08385./SRPMS.pclosd   @pt B@BABEBJCantlr3-C3.42pclos2014ANother Tool for Language RecognitionC run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers-ghostbunnyDevelopment/Javai586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1antlr3-C-3.4-2pclos2014.src.rpma21362d7ca14f16134a5d4362b14e6f07./SRPMS.pclos/d   Jl pB@BABEBJ!Canydesk6.3.11pclos2024The world's fastest remote desktop applicationFor large companies and startups alike, powerful remote assistance software allows you to provide exceptional customer service and fast problem-solving solutions from any location. Particularly for software vendors or app developers, remote support and monitoring ensures you can easily solve complex customer and client issues from your central office. Alternatively, connecting clients and customers to support teams across the globe is quick and simple, ensuring you can always provide access to people with the right knowledge and expertise.jpNetworking/Remote accessx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1anydesk-6.3.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmjI94cf4a9fb3cfcd63bde3bc98581c0ba5./SRPMS.pclos/d   M8 <W\pB@BABEBJ!Canyremote5.41pclos2011Remote control through bluetooth or IR connectionThe overall goal of this project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection. anyRemote supports wide range of modern cell phones like Nokia, SonyEricsson, Motorola and others.lSystem/Kernel and hardwarei586  libxtst6libxtst6-develx11-proto-devellibbluez-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 2e8ed8f20ae355a9b504ef312a662c02./SRPMS.pclos{d   D  B@(BAHBELBJmCaoetools301pclos2010Programs to setup ATA over Ethernet deviceThe aoetools are programs for users of the ATA over Ethernet (AoE) network storage protocol, a simple protocol for using storage over an ethernet LAN.hSystem/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aoetools-30-1pclos2010.src.rpmp:94737e567a3305dee0f942fc3364a31f./SRPMS.pclosd   A< @QX;B@WBAtBExBJCaom3.8.11pclos2024Royalty-free next-generation video formatThe Alliance for Open Media’s focus is to deliver a next-generation video format that is: - Interoperable and open; - Optimized for the Internet; - Scalable to any modern device at any bandwidth; - Designed with a low computational footprint and optimized for hardware; - Capable of consistent, highest-quality, real-time video delivery; and - Flexible for both commercial and non-commercial content, including user-generated content. This package contains the reference encoder and decoder.:+System/Librariesx86_64  ccachecmakedoxygengccgcc-c++git-coregraphvizperl(Getopt::Long)pkgconfig(libhwy)pkgconfig(libjxl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wxgtk-develyasm3.0.4-14.6.0-1aom-3.8.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm;%83a04aeb3dda094d6f1ff4e65df8f19c./SRPMS.pclosd  # P B@&BAPBETBJuCap-utils1.5.10.pre3.3pclos2010Configure and monitor Wireless Access PointsWireless Access Point Utilities for Unix is a set of utilities to configure and monitor Wireless Access Points under Unix.Networking/Otheri586 libncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ap-utils-1.5.1-0.pre3.3pclos2010.src.rpmn93ac6e773f2ee0c024c3f5b91b203d7d./SRPMS.pclosd   Kh l{\B@BABEBJCapache2.4.632pclos2025The most widely used Web server on the InternetThis package contains the main binary of apache, a powerful, full-featured, efficient and freely-available Web server. Apache is also the most popular Web server on the Internet. This version of apache is fully modular, and many modules are available in pre-compiled formats, like PHP and mod_auth_external. The package was built to support a maximum of 128 dynamically loadable modules, and a ServerLimit of 1024. You can change these values at RPM build time by using for example: --define 'maxmodules 512' --define 'serverlimit 2048'ekbSystem/Serversx86_64   bisondb5-develflexgdbm-devellib64nghttp2-devellibcurl-devellibtoolmultiarch-utilsopenldap-develpkgconfig(apr-1)pkgconfig(apr-util-1)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(jansson)pkgconfig(libbrotlienc)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(libsasl2)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(lua)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 566741a50772b5d37776c87c5c5518d4./SRPMS.pclos d " nPT _pxB@BABEBJCdeapache-ant1.10.11pclos2017Ant build tool for java j2sdkAnt ist ein Tool zum Kompilieren von JavakodeAnt is a platform-independent build tool for java. It's used by Apache Jakarta and XML projects.Ant ist ein plattformunabhängiges Werkzeug zum Kompilieren von Javakode. Es wird von Apache Jakarta und XML Projekten genutzt.?vghostbunnyDevelopment/Javanoarch  jdkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.4.2_103.0.4-1apache-ant-1.10.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm>26705475c997b8eaafaf28cb0763d496./SRPMS.pclos_d % _ B@BA,BE0BJQCapache-commons-lang2.61pclos2015Provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang APIThe standard Java libraries fail to provide enough methods for manipulation of its core classes. The Commons Lang Component provides these extra methods. The Commons Lang Component provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API, notably String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, object reflection, creation and serialization, and System properties. Additionally it contains an inheritable enum type, an exception structure that supports multiple types of nested-Exceptions and a series of utilities dedicated to help with building methods, such as hashCode, toString and equals.[Development/Javanoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apache-commons-lang-2.6-1pclos2015.src.rpmabf81a6908908782460148bdfe4c8b81./SRPMS.pclosd   1  (RB@aBABEBJCapache-doc2.2.241pclos2013The apache ManualThis package contains the apache server documentation in HTML format. Please view the documentaion by starting the apache server and your favourite web browser and point to this URL: http://localhost/manual -System/Serversnoarch apache-sourcerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) fbc05cf336eeeb2811af64d243297e78./SRPMS.pclosd  fHL Whp|B@BABEBJCapache-maven3.5.01pclos2017Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.ghostbunnyDevelopment/Javanoarch java-develapache-mavenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apache-maven-3.5.0-1pclos2017.src.rpme6f9f94c3717ec1e3aefe09fbd891b2f./SRPMS.pcloscd   L B@ BA0BE4BJUCapcupsd3.14.141pclos2017Power management software for APC UPS hardwareUPS power management under Linux for APCC Products. It allows your computer/server to run during power problems for a specified length of time or the life of the batteries in your BackUPS, BackUPS Pro, SmartUPS v/s, or SmartUPS, and then properly executes a controlled shutdown during an extended power failure.|ghostbunnySystem/Serversx86_64 gd-develncurses-develtcp_wrappers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apcupsd-3.14.14-1pclos2017.src.rpmC42b7d2dc49ee03933a0263ecefe5bbae./SRPMS.pclosod   : B@BA<BE@BJaCapg2.2.31pclos2011Automated Password Generator (apg)Apg generates several random passwords. It uses several password generation algorithms (currently two) and a built-in pseudo random number generator.Y*System/Configuration/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apg-2.2.3-1pclos2011.src.rpm_5117b6d39f94e3477a51581e9c3a24d1./SRPMS.pclosd   T >B@JBAlBEpBJCapmd3.2.214pclos2011Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS utilities for laptopsAPMD is a set of programs for controlling the Advanced Power Management daemon and utilities found in most modern laptop computers. APMD can watch your notebook's battery and warn users when the battery is low. APMD is also capable of shutting down the PCMCIA sockets before a suspend. Install the apmd package if you need to control the APM system on your laptop.System/Serversx86_64 libx11-devellibxaw-devellibxt-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apmd-3.2.2-14pclos2011.src.rpmx0822733ba98107c9415840da90dd43cf./SRPMS.pclosKd " V B@BABEBJ=Capp-defaults-be0.112pclos2023X Resources for belarusization of some applicationsX Resources for belarusization of some applications, in CP1251 encoding.%System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1app-defaults-be-0.1-12pclos2023.src.rpm*9650a78020c1d753c20575b66e692cca./SRPMS.pclos3d " ? B@BABEBJ%Capp-defaults-cs0.112pclos2023Czech language X11 resourcesX11 Resources to have some old X11 programs display in Czech languagecSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1app-defaults-cs-0.1-12pclos2023.src.rpm Lace38745f97503a680e5d8a82cc0412f./SRPMS.pclos;d " ? B@BABE BJ-Capp-defaults-ga1.012pclos2023Irish language X11 resourcesX11 Resources to have some old X11 programs display in Gaeilge (Irish language)bRSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1app-defaults-ga-1.0-12pclos2023.src.rpmg8dd4c171f7c76753101ec74f3e773bc3./SRPMS.pclosGd " U B@BABEBJ9Capp-defaults-ru0.112pclos2023X Resources for russification of some applicationsX Resources for russification of some applications like xman, xedit System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1app-defaults-ru-0.1-12pclos2023.src.rpm`5069b815727ac86145ee855fd63ddf09./SRPMS.pclos/d " > B@BABEBJ!Capp-defaults-th1.012pclos2023Thai language X11 resourcesX11 Resources to have some old X11 programs display in Thai languageCSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1app-defaults-th-1.0-12pclos2023.src.rpmH774d1babdefad31de37e72988a85861e./SRPMS.pclosGd " U B@BABEBJ9Capp-defaults-uk0.112pclos2023X Resources for ukrainization of some applicationsX Resources for ukrainizations of some applications in KOI8-U encodingބSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1app-defaults-uk-0.1-12pclos2023.src.rpm7dc11a6c6ec4aba5b28a7175d4cab489./SRPMS.pclosd ! 9    B@BABEBJ Cappdata-tools0.1.81pclos2014Tools for AppData filesappdata-tools contains a command line program designed to validate AppData application descriptions for standards compliance and to the style guide.ژFile toolsx86_64 gettextintltoolxsltprocdocbook-style-xsllib64appstream-glib-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1appdata-tools-0.1.8-1pclos2014.src.rpml1f032b597a856eb7a824b181bd4d5e9f./SRPMS.pclosGd # D B@BABEBJ9Cappimagetool202204031pclos2022App to build Appimage Containersappimagetool uses a next-generation AppImage format based on squashfs and embeds a runtime for it.!'File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1appimagetool-20220403-1pclos2022.src.rpm+65b6165a02df8b174b9da5cd1f0a2e06./SRPMS.pclosWd & H    B@BA$BE(BJICappmenu-gtk-module0.7.13pclos2024AppMenu plugin for GTK and PlasmaThis is Global Menu plugin for GTK and Plasma. After installation, please reboot your Plasma Desktop.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1appmenu-gtk-module-0.7.1-3pclos2024.src.rpm46bc0710ff3165cbd0a97f160f0ba834./SRPMS.pclos_d   <tx B@BA,BE0BJQCappmenu-qt0.2.63pclos2017Global application menu to QtThis package allows Qt to export its menus over DBus.Ybb2 Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64dbusmenu-qt-devellib64qt4-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1appmenu-qt-0.2.6-3pclos2017.src.rpm`xd45ab658a1070e2e64e363b727d36ae6./SRPMS.pclosd   ?  +4DB@BABEBJCappres1.0.61pclos2022List X application resource databaseThe appres program prints the resources seen by an application (or sub-hierarchy of an application) with the specified class and instance names. It can be used to determine which resources a particular program will load.System/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xt)x11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ` LB@BABEBJCappstream0.15.41pclos2022Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream databaseAppStream makes it easy to access application information from the AppStream database over a nice GObject-based interface.%System/Librariesx86_64 cmakemesongettextgperfgtk-docintltoolitstoolqttools5pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(protobuf-lite)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(yaml-0.1)libstemmer-devellib64xmlb-develxmltovala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1appstream-0.15.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm%7c5b39fd4c2b564313d11ab8edf74866./SRPMS.pclosd   _ dB@9BA\BE`BJCappstream1.0.31pclos2024Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream databaseAppStream makes it easy to access application information from the AppStream database over a nice GObject-based interface.(siSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakegettextgi-docgengperfgtk-docintltoolitstoollibstemmer-develmesonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(lmdb)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(protobuf-lite)pkgconfig(xmlb)pkgconfig(yaml-0.1)qttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-toolsxmlto3.0.4-14.6.0-1appstream-1.0.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm(\321f83e323b06cc2c44e84b4463ce132./SRPMS.pclosd # VL PahoB@BABEBJCappstream-glib0.7.141pclos2019Library for reading and writing AppStream metadataThis library provides GObjects and helper methods to make it easy to read and write AppStream metadata. It also provides a simple DOM implementation that makes it easy to edit nodes and convert to and from the standardized XML representation.":System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(libgcab-1.0)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(yaml-0.1)libstemmer-develintltoolgettextgtk-docgcabgperfmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)";e95dfbaa1b1fb76f7829c9cccc5ff4da./SRPMS.pclosd " UH L]dpB@BABEBJCappstream-glib0.8.31pclos2024Library for reading and writing AppStream metadataThis library provides GObjects and helper methods to make it easy to read and write AppStream metadata. It also provides a simple DOM implementation that makes it easy to edit nodes and convert to and from the standardized XML representation.#System/Librariesx86_64   gcabgettextgperfgtk-docmesonpkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libgcab-1.0)pkgconfig(rpm)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(yaml-0.1)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) d   7  $5<XB@BABEBJCapr1.7.02pclos2019Apache Portable Runtime libraryThe mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) is to provide a free library of C data structures and routines, forming a system portability layer to as many operating systems as possible, including Unices, MS Win32, BeOS and OS/2. aSystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtooldoxygenpythonpkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apr-1.7.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm P8fea7ba0ddbf1c02c39592504d1f0daa./SRPMS.pclosOd   D@ DU\B@BABE BJACapr-util1.6.12pclos2019Apache Portable Runtime Utility libraryThe mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) is to provide a free library of C data structures and routines. This library contains additional utility interfaces for APR; including support for XML, LDAP, database interfaces, URI parsing and more.)System/Librariesx86_64  apr-develautoconf2.5automakedoxygenpkgconfig(expat)libtoolpkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(nspr)pkgconfig(openssl)pam-develpythonreadline-develtermcap-developenldap-develdb-develmysql-develpostgresql-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)unixODBC-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! 8  $yB@BABEBJCapr_memcache0.7.012pclos2010A client for memcachedapr_memcache is a client for memcached written in C, using APR and APR-Util. It provides pooled client connections and is thread safe, making it perfect for use inside Apache Modules.QsSystem/Librariesi586  autoconf2.5automake1.9libtoolapr-develapr-util-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   / cB@qBABEBJCapricots0.2.61pclos20122D air combat gameIt's a game where you fly a little plane around the screen and shoot things and drop bombs on enemy targets, and it's meant to be quick and fun.{NealGames/Arcadex86_64 SDL-develfreealut-develdesktop-file-utilsopenal-develautoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apricots-0.2.6-1pclos2012.src.rpm~j93a3f753e103a72dccfeb8e87b6a5e7c./SRPMS.pclosOd ! Sh lB@BABE BJACapt0.5.15lorg3.9528pclos2023Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool with RPM supportAPT-RPM is a port of Debian's apt tools for RPM based distributions. It provides the apt-get utility that provides a simple, safe way to install and upgrade packages. APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability and several other useful features.2oSystem/Configuration/Packagingx86_64   autoconfautomakebzip2-develgawkgettextlib64lua5.2-devellib64sqlite3-devellibstdc++-devellibxml2-develncurses-develperlpkgconfigpython-develreadline-develrpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swigzlib-devel2.23.0.4-14.6.0-1apt-0.5.15lorg3.95-28pclos2023.src.rpm >d8040e135ff86a3bf7d1c0d108d5647f./SRPMS.pclosd   =$ (GPTpB@xBABEBJCapt-fast1.9.62pclos2019A Bash Script to Speed apt AlongThis script combines the power of the axel download manager with the stability of apt-get. You would use it like you do apt-get but call apt-fast update and apt-fast dist-upgrade instead of apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade. QSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apt-fast-1.9.6-2pclos2019.src.rpm02f6b12d464d7f3d4264e97aa2084c4d./SRPMS.pclosod # P B@BA<BE@BJaCapt-sources-list1.217pclos2025Sources List for the apt-rpm package managerThis package contains apt sources list for the apt-rpm package managerpinocSystem/Configuration/Packagingx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1apt-sources-list-1.2-17pclos2025.src.rpm5c85ee19cb5cb641aa2ffc0aa852d5f43./SRPMS.pclosd # x (OB@YBABEBJCdeaptanastudio3.7.21pclos2019A java based web development environmentEine Java basierte Web-EntwicklungsumgebungBuild web applications quickly and easily using the industry’s leading web application IDE. Aptana Studio harnesses the flexibility of Eclipse and focuses it into a powerful web development engine.Bauen Sie schnell und einfach Web-Awendungen mit der führenden Web-Programm IDE. Aptana Studio nutzt die Flexibilität von Eclipse und formt daraus eine mächtig Webentwicklungsengine.Development/Otherx86_64 unziprubyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aptanastudio-3.7.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm532ab0717864a71c30b16153c25abd74./SRPMS.pclos[d   9 B@BA(BE,BJMCapulse0.1.131pclos2020PulseAudio emulation for ALSAThe program provides an alternative partial implementation of the PulseAudio API. It consists of a wrapper script and a number of shared libraries with the same names as from original PulseAudio, so applications could dynamically load them and think they are talking to PulseAudio. Internally, no separate sound mixing daemon is used.mSoundx86_64 gcc-c++cmakeglib2-devellib64alsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apulse-0.1.13-1pclos2020.src.rpmu7dfa920346a7b30c39328aef46822f77./SRPMS.pclosd  . 7@PB@BABEBJCapwal0.4.53pclos2016application launcherApwal is a simple application launcher for Linux together with a powerful editor. Apwal is developed under the GPL Licence. It is written in C and use the GTK+ toolkit for the graphical interface and XML format to save the settings.(System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 pkgconfiglib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1apwal-0.4.5-3pclos2016.src.rpm.14de9fa8c1fc2a1ed4b49ecad98f8996./SRPMS.pclosd   e` du|   B@BABEBJCaqbanking6.5.41pclos2023A library for online banking functions and financial data import/exportThe intention of AqBanking is to provide a middle layer between the program and the various Online Banking libraries (e.g. AqHBCI). The first backend which is already supported is AqHBCI, a library which implements a client for the German HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) protocol. Additionally, Aqbanking provides various plugins to simplify import and export of financial data. Currently there are import plugins for the following formats: DTAUS (German financial format), SWIFT (MT940 and MT942).!System/Librariesx86_64   gmp-develpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gwengui-gtk3)pkgconfig(gwenhywfar)pkgconfig(ktoblzcheck)pkgconfig(libofx)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(xmlsec1-gnutls)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)       B@ BA,BE0BJQCdeaqemu0.9.43pclos2023GUI to QEMU and KVM emulators, written in Qt4GUI für QEMU und KVM-Emulatoren, in Qt4 geschriebenAQEMU is GUI to QEMU and KVM emulators, written in Qt5. The program have user-friendly interface and allows to set up the majority of QEMU and KVM options.AQEMU ist GUI für Emulatoren QEMU und KVM, in Qt5 geschrieben. Das Programm hat ein benutzerfreundliches Interface und erlaubt die volljährige Einrichtung der QEMU und KVM Optionen.xKcelchuEmulatorsx86_64 cmakeninjagcc-c++lib64vncserver-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5test-devellib64gnutls-devellib64qt5widgets-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aqemu-0.9.4-3pclos2023.src.rpmv3b404f1552a41696f0b6c3f0b564220d./SRPMS.pclos'd  C    B@BABEBJCaqsis1.8.29pclos2024RenderMan-compliant 3D rendering solutionTha Aqsis rendering system consists of a set of libraries and applications for creating high-quality computer imagery using the Pixar RenderMan Interface.W~Graphicsx86_64  bisonboost-develcmakeflexlibxslt-procpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(zlib)qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1aqsis-1.8.2-9pclos2024.src.rpmVabf7c59171d0a9492956069150f74ccf./SRPMS.pclosOd   X     B@BABE BJACaqualung1.15pclos2023Aqualung is a music player for the GNU/Linux operating systemAqualung is a music player for the GNU/Linux operating system. It plays audio files from your filesystem and has the feature of inserting no gaps between adjacent tracks. It also supports high quality sample rate conversion between the file and the output device, when necessary. The program can play the music through OSS, ALSA or the JACK Audio Connection Kit. Aqualung supports the LADSPA 1.1 plugin standard. You can use any suitable plugin to enhance the music you are listening to. You can control any running instance of the program remotely from the command line (start, stop, pause etc.). Remote loading or enqueueing soundfiles as well as complete playlists is also supported.~Soundx86_64  ladspadesktop-file-utilspkgconfiglibalsa-devellibvorbis-devellibflac-develspeex-develgtk2-devellib64xml2-devellib64cairo-devellib64jack-devellib64cddb-devellib64cdio-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64id3tag-devellib64lrdf-devellib64ogg-devellib64mpcdec-devellib64modplug-devellib64oggz-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sndfile-devellib64usb-devellib64mad-devellib64raptor-devellib64wavpack-devellib64zlib-devellib64tiff-devellib64usb-compat0.1-devellib64ifp-devellib64lua5.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.40.1031. "  B@BABEBJCdearachnophilia5.52pclos2015Arachnophilia is a Web page development workshop and general programming tool.Arachnophilia ist ein Kurs zum Erstellen von Internetseiten und ein allgemeines Programmierwerkzeug.Arachnophilia is a Web page development workshop and general programming tool.Arachnophilia ist ein Kurs zum Erstellen von Internetseiten und ein allgemeines Programmierwerkzeug.$CDevelopment/Javanoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arachnophilia-5.5-2pclos2015.src.rpm$1e7a807b2d3284640415261ca4141cab./SRPMS.pcloswd   T B@!BADBEHBJiCarandr0.1.102pclos2022Screen layout editor for xrandr 1.2 (Another XRandR gui)Provide a simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2, client side X only (no xorg.conf involved, no pre-1.2 options). Features * Allow setting the primary output * Full controll over positioning (instead of plain "left of") with edge snapping * Saving configurations as executable shell scripts (configurations can be loaded without using this program) * Configuration files can be edited to include additional payload (like xsetwacom commands tablet PC users need when rotating), which is preserved when editing * Metacity keybinding integration: * Saved configurations can be bound to arbitrary keys via metacity custom commands. * Several layouts can be bound to one key; they are cycled through. (Useful for "rotate" buttons on tablet PCs.) * Main widget separated from packaged application (to facilitate integration with existing solutions)-TerryNSystem/X11noarch python3-develpython3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arandr-0.1.10-2pclos2022.src.rpm6\c7de2d238b011ceddb7f43106b8580b1./SRPMS.pclosd   Vdh m  ] B@mBABEBJCaravis0.2.11pclos2013Glib/gobject based library implementing a Genicam interfaceAravis is a glib/gobject based library implementing a Genicam interface, which can be used for the acquisition of video streams coming from either ethernet, firewire or USB cameras. It currently only implements an ethernet camera protocol used for industrial cameras.NealDevelopment/GNOME and GTK+i586 gtk2-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-develgettextcairo-devellibtoollibgirepository-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aravis-0.2.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmf04a937e416c0f95577b2e3136863f1f./SRPMS.pclos;d $ RX \wB@BABE BJ-Carc-gtk-theme201703021pclos2018Arc is a theme for Gtk3, Gtk2 and Gnome-ShellArc is a flat theme with transparent elements for Gtk3, Gtk2 and Gnome-Shell. It supports Gtk3 and Gtk2 based desktop environments like Gnome, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce. With backgrounds by memovaslg: https://memovaslg.deviantart.com/art/ES-VIOLETA-O-O-259446409System/Configuration/Themenoarch autoconfautomakelib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arc-gtk-theme-20170302-1pclos2018.src.rpm df2155bdd86482075c75aa2320052032./SRPMS.pclosd   C@ DMTXtB@|BABEBJCarchimedes0.66.11pclos2013Computer Aided Design (CAD) programArchimedes will be a Computer Aided Design (CAD) program developed side by side with architecture offices in order to fulfill their needs. The developers hope to develop the software better suited for architects than the currently widely-used AutoCAD.RjGraphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1archimedes-0.66.1-1_64bit_pclos2013.src.rpmRCeb0ce4146f1fccd763e1cb0734fed0cc./SRPMS.pclos+d  NP Tcl|B@BABEBJCarchivemail0.8.22pclos2013A tool for archiving and compressing old emailarchivemail is a tool written in Python for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes. It can move messages older than the specified number of days to a separate mbox format mailbox that is compressed with gzip, or optionally just delete old email.System/Serversnoarch python-develdocbook-dtd30-sgmldocbook-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1archivemail-0.8.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm94d6f91c72646acb18e4a5a5133d76e3a./SRPMS.pclos d   OT X^h5<55B@ 6BA XBE \BJ }Cardour8.4.01pclos2024Professional multi-track audio recording applicationArdour 8.0 & 8.1 (hotfix) released Ardour is a digital audio workstation. You can use it to record, edit and mix multi-track audio. You can produce your own CDs, mix video sound tracks, or just experiment with new ideas about music and sound. Ardour capabilities include: multi channel recording, non-destructive editing with unlimited undo/redo, full automation support, a powerful mixer, unlimited tracks/buses/plugins, time-code synchronization, and hardware control from surfaces like the Mackie Control Universal. Ardour 6.3 is now available. This is mostly a maintenance release, but the new Loudness Analysis feature will be very useful to some users. The usual steady drip-drip of bug fixes continues, and thanks to Ayan Shafqat, we now have up to date super-optimized metering code for Linux on both x86(64) and ARM platforms (Metering is the most computationally expensive thing that Ardour itself does). Included Plugins Polyphony count for a-fluid (SF2 player) increased . Add crossfade and A/B plugins.Soundx86_64  desktop-file-utilsdmallocdoxygengettextgraphvizhidapi-develitstoollib64alsa2-devellib64archive-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64aubio-devellib64bluez-devellib64boost-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64curl-devellib64cwiid-devellib64fftw-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64jack-devellib64lilv-devellib64lo-devellib64lrdf-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64raptor2-devellib64readline-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sigc++3.0-devellib64sndfile-devellib64suil-devellib64taglib-devellib64usb1.0-devellib64vamp-plugin-sdk-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-devellv2-develpkgconfig(cppunit)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libwebsockets)pkgconfig(ltc)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(rubberband)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xdg-utils2.]ccf0de39622759f6452c0fafcff3c715./SRPMS.pclosd   V &0HB@BABEBJCarduino1.8.91pclos2019Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platformThe open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. The environment is written in Java and based on Processing and other open-source software.ZDevelopment/Toolsx86_64 tarunzipantgitjava-sun-srcrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arduino-1.8.9-1pclos2019.src.rpm06c888af4a0ae502f9b959b2b71150a8./SRPMS.pclosd   Q  $,MB@VBAtBExBJCdeareca7.51pclos2017Java Based Backup ClientAreca Backup DatensicherungenAreca Backup is a file backup tool written in java. It supports data compression & encryption, incremental backup, file history explorer and many other features. Areca Backup also includes a transaction mechanism which guarantees your backups' integrityAreca Backup erstellt Datensicherungen wichtiger Dateien, Verzeichnisse oder ganzer Festplatten. Die Backups können als Vollbackup oder inkrementell (nur geänderte Daten) erfolgen. Die gesicherten Dateien können mit Areca Backup auf Wunsch per ZIP komprimiert und per DES oder AES Algorithmus verschlüsselt werden. Die Sicherung lässt sich auf lokale Festplatte, auf Netzwerkpfade und auch auf FTP/SFTP Server speichern.!bb2 Archiving/Backupx86_64 wgetrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1areca-7.5-1pclos2017.src.rpm$eaed2c0e71abd5f8fda914c8bed0d3fc./SRPMS.pclos7d   F B@BABEBJ)Cargon2201907023pclos2021The reference C implementation of Argon2This is the reference C implementation of Argon2, the password-hashing function that won the Password Hashing Competition (PHC). Argon2 is a password-hashing function that summarizes the state of the art in the design of memory-hard functions and can be used to hash passwords for credential storage, key derivation, or other applications.j System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1argon2-20190702-3pclos2021.src.rpmh3003a0c6b72e3bdf5243a8be2adc25af./SRPMS.pclos d   D\ `ip   B@BABEBJCargyllcms3.1.01pclos2024ICC compatible color management systemThe Argyll color management system supports accurate ICC profile creation for scanners, CMYK printers, film recorders and calibration and profiling of displays. Spectral sample data is supported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer types, and paper fluorescent whitener additive compensation. Profiles can also incorporate source specific gamut mappings for perceptual and saturation intents. Gamut mapping and profile linking uses the CIECAM02 appearance model, a unique gamut mapping algorithm, and a wide selection of rendering intents. It also includes code for the fastest portable 8 bit raster color conversion engine available anywhere, as well as support for fast, fully accurate 16 bit conversion. Device color gamuts can also be viewed and compared using a VRML viewer.oGraphicsx86_64  ftjampkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1argyllcms-3.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm2/a9e8b19795a515fa0a476004ace2d7e3./SRPMS.pclos#d  S    B@BABEBJCaria21.36.02pclos2022Download utility with resuming and segmented downloadingAria2 has segmented downloading engine in its core. It can download one file from multiple URLs or multiple connections from one URL. This results in very high speed downloading, very much faster than ordinary browsers. This engine is implemented with a single-thread model. It can also download BitTorrent files and supports Metalink version 3.0.Networking/File transferx86_64 bisongmp-develpkgconfig(libssh2)pkgconfig(cppunit)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(libcares)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(libuv)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aria2-1.36.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm#38fc5abe2d540a1f5b41b44426674710./SRPMS.pclosd   +@ D[d   B@BABEBJCarianna1.0.01pclos2023KDE EPUB readerA KDE EPUB Reader. UGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakeglibc-devellib64baloo5-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5filemetadata-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-develninjaqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arianna-1.0.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm f6be5199fd2cde639c3a191e433c630f./SRPMS.pclosd   E  WB@hBABEBJCarianna24.12.31pclos2025Ebook reader and library management appAn ebook reader and library management app supporting ".epub" files. Arianna discovers your books automatically, and sorts them by categories, genres and authors. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1arianna-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 78fc8e94a1d64596889eee83be7e2de1./SRPMS.pcloswd   T B@"BADBEHBJiCaribb250.2.71pclos2023Basic implementation of the ARIB STD-B25 public standardBasic implementation of the ARIB STD-B25 public standard.͹System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolgccpkgconfig(libpcsclite)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aribb25-0.2.7-1pclos2023.src.rpm89a43dd448a5563f9bb23895d9483d9a5./SRPMS.pclosd   L DCB@^BA|BEBJCario1.2.24pclos2010Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD (Music player daemon)Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD (Music player daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster.)Soundi586  libavahi-client-develcurl-develdbus-glib-develgtk2-develintltoollibavahi-glib-devellibglade2.0-devellibsoup-develperl-XML-ParserpkgconfigImageMagicklibgcrypt-devellibnotify-develpygtk2.0-develpython-gobject-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ; 9B@BBAdBEhBJCarista0.9.72pclos2013A simple preset-based transcoderA simple preset-based transcoder for the GNOME Desktop and a small script for terminal-based transcoding. Settings are chosen based on output device and quality preset.Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arista-0.9.7-2pclos2013.src.rpm a324fe982263c81ac1307025518ca805./SRPMS.pclosd_<@V`hB@BABEBJCarj3.10.224pclos2011File compression and packaging utility compatible with ARJ for MS-DOSA portable version of the ARJ archiver, available for a growing number of DOS-like and UNIX-like platforms on a variety of architectures. This aims for compatibility with the original ARJ archiver by ARJ Software, Inc.=Archiving/Compressionx86_64 automakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arj-3.10.22-4pclos2011.src.rpm2_707f11a8462a72918acf9b9fa4a28178./SRPMS.pclos;d  a B@BABE BJ-Cark24.12.31pclos2025Program for managing various archive formats within the KDE environmentGraphical file compression/decompression utility with support for multiple formats.-TGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  arjkf6-rpm-macroslrzipp7zippkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(gmp)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libzip)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)unarunzipzip3.0.4-14.6.0-1ark-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm.0da5427ec12c27e21ad44c33b7425cb43./SRPMS.pclosd   K FB@OBAlBEpBJCarka0.114pclos2007GUI for Genpak (gp) set of bioinformatics utilitiesArka is a program that (1) serves as a graphical interface for any command line driven programs, with the focus on the programs from the GP package (see http://www.bioinformatics.org/genpak/) (2) has some nice funtions on it's one. Main scope of the program is the manipulation and visualisation of DNA / RNA / protein sequences. The GP package contains many command-line utilities which fullfill a whole bunch of tasks (from DNA sequence searches to restriction analysis and determining the melting temperature of oligonucleotides). While those programs are convenient to use in batch processing and CGI scripts (which was the purpose of those programs), they lack a nice GUI. Arka remembers the options for the GP programs and knows what both the programs and the options do. Besides, it has some gadgets on its own. It requires GTK+, but doesn't need GNOME. Also, it is small and quick.5Neverstopdreaming Sciences/Chemistryi586 libgtk+-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arka-0.11-4pclos2007.src.rpm<@e140b04edad1ab6be5786900918d39df./SRPMS.pclosd  " _  aB@mBABEBJCarmagetron0. Advanced, another 3d lightcycle game using OpenGLAnother very nice and networked Tron game using OpenGL. Armagetron Advanced is the continuation of the original Armagetron game. Games/Arcadex86_64 SDL_image-develmesaglu-devellibpng-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1armagetron-͕b24c6f740d0c3e3529ad43f00aee44d9./SRPMS.pclosKd! , J B@BABEBJ=Cdefresplsrnlarora0.11.02pclos2011Cross Platform WebKit BrowserArora is a simple cross platform web browser. Currently Arora is a very basic browser whose feature list includes things like "History" and "Bookmarks".Arora ist ein einfacher Cross-Plattform-Web-Browser. Derzeit Arora ist ein sehr Browser, deren grundlegende Funktionen sind unter anderem Dinge wie "Geschichte" und "Lesezeichen".Arora est un simple navigateur cross plate-forme web. Actuellement Arora est très navigateur de base dont la caractéristique liste comprend des choses comme «Histoire» et "Signets".Antonio es una simple plataforma del navegador web de la Cruz. Actualmente Antonio es un muy navegador de base, cuya característica lista incluye cosas como "Historia" y "Marcadores".Arora jest proste platform przeglądarki internetowej. Obecnie Arora jest bardzo podstawowych funkcji przeglądarki, których lista obejmuje takie rzeczy jak "Historia" oraz "Zakładki".Арора је једноставан крст платформи броусеру. Тренутно Арора је веома Основна карактеристика веб чији списак укључује ствари као што су "Историја" и "Адресе".Arora is een eenvoudige cross-platform webbrowser. Momenteel Arora is een zeer basis waarvan de browser feature lijst staan dingen als "Geschiedenis" en "Bladwijzers". ^Networking/WWWx86_64 qt4-develqt4-linguistrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arora-0.11.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm h62560d7f011681f2fae0da498f3abc28./SRPMS.pclosd   B  WB@hBABEBJCarp-scan1.10.01pclos2024ARP scanning and fingerprinting toolarp-scan is a command-line tool that uses the ARP protocol to discover and fingerprint IP hosts on the local network. It is available for Linux and BSD under the GPL licence.@Networking/Otherx86_64  pcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1arp-scan-1.10.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm4ce029b5bbdeafa797c8839214998d339./SRPMS.pclosd   ] DB@SBAtBExBJCarpack3.7.01pclos2019Fortran 77 subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problemsARPACK is a collection of Fortran 77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems. The package is designed to compute a few eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a general n by n matrix A. It is most appropriate for large sparse or structured matrices A where structured means that a matrix-vector product w <- Av requires order n rather than the usual order n**2 floating point operations. This software is based upon an algorithmic variant of the Arnoldi process called the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method (IRAM).System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfgcc-gfortranliblapack-devellibquadmath-devellib64blas-devellib64openmpi-devellibopenmpi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arpack-3.7.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm72604c607a0df6f04283a7c7f6b566b0./SRPMS.pclos d   ' ,;@XB@BABEBJCarpd0.26pclos2007ARP reply daemonarpd replies to any ARP request for an IP address matching the specified destination net with the hardware MAC address of the specified interface, but only after determining if another host already claims it.jNeverstopdreaming System/Serversi586 libevent0.9-devellibdnet-devellibpcap-develflexbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arpd-0.2-6pclos2007.src.rpmďc606f243036316c5424d8d7d9129664f./SRPMS.pclosd   K !(0^B@gBABEBJCarprelease1.23pclos2007A tool to flush ARP cache entries from devicesarprelease is a small libnet-based tool to flush ARP cache entries from devices like Cisco routers to move an IP from one Linux box to another.Neverstopdreaming Networking/Otheri586 libnet1.1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arprelease-1.2-3pclos2007.src.rpm&3829ba410c96bc765c9b1b64906389e6./SRPMS.pclosOd   3 B@BABE BJACarpscan0.1010pclos2010Very simple ARP scannerArpscan is a utility that scans local network using ARP protocol and reports alive hosts. Program is designed for Linux./Networking/Otheri586 gawkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arpscan-0.10-10pclos2010.src.rpm)e55f3dee38a83b62d45ceba543c26fd9./SRPMS.pclos7d   [| B@BABEBJ)Carptables0.0.3.410pclos2010Userspace control program for the arptables network filterThe arptables utility controls the arpfilter network packet filtering code in the Linux kernel. You do not need this program for normal network firewalling. If you need to manually control which arp requests and/or replies this machine accepts and sends, you should install this package.System/Kernel and hardwarei586 kernel-sourcerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arptables-   _ :B@CBAhBElBJCarpwatch2.1a152pclos2010Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on the networkThe arpwatch package contains arpwatch and arpsnmp. Arpwatch and arpsnmp are both network monitoring tools. Both utilities monitor Ethernet or FDDI network traffic and build databases of Ethernet/IP address pairs, and can report certain changes via email. Install the arpwatch package if you need networking monitoring devices which will automatically keep traffic of the IP addresses on your network.UMonitoringi586 libpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1arpwatch-2.1a15-2pclos2010.src.rpm@6f9db67656090b5a7489920209827a85./SRPMS.pclosd  5 PB@]BA|BEBJCartha1.0.31pclos2013Free cross-platform EnglishArtha is a handy thesaurus that focuses on high usability, without trading off simplicity and ease of use.}Officex86_64 lib64wordnet-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64notify-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1artha-1.0.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm5e154e7e1f5b6f522187005ff7b672d7./SRPMS.pclosd   @  <B@DBAdBEhBJCascii3.91pclos2011Interactive ASCII name and synonym chartThe ascii utility provides easy conversion between various byte representations and the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character table. It knows about a wide variety of hex, binary, octal, Teletype mnemonic, ISO/ECMA code point, slang names, XML entity names, and other representations. Given any one on the command line, it will try to display all others. Called with no arguments it displays a handy small ASCII chart.JText toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ascii-3.9-1pclos2011.src.rpmQ>71ff26afe7b4fbe5c070de9b484291fb./SRPMS.pclosd   k JB@VBAxBE|BJCasciidoc9.1.01pclos2022Tool to convert custom-formatted text files to DocBook, HTML or Unix man pagesAsciiDoc is a text document format for writing short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages.yPublishingnoarch python3-develdos2unixdocbook-dtd45-xmlxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1asciidoc-9.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpma5f62a9814006e276681708c22dc3835./SRPMS.pclosd  L gB@yBABEBJCasio1.28.11pclos2023Cross-platform C++ library for network programmingasio is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++ approach.0Development/Javai586  antjpackage-utilsobjectweb-anttaskjava-gcj-compat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0:   ^ B@BA$BE(BJICasoundconf0.11pclos2018Command-line Python utility to select the default ALSA sound cardCommand-line Python utility to configure a user's alsa-lib asoundrc Useful if you have two cards, and switch between the two. There is already this functionality in GNOME, but this is indeed useful if you do not use that desktop environment, and asoundconf also supports PulseAudio toggling.GAgent Smith Soundnoarch python2-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1asoundconf-0.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm"Q1e89a9b9a8fc16bdaaac6a6f45064e9a./SRPMS.pclos;d  Mhl B@BABE BJ-Casoundconf-gtk1.61pclos2018Applet to select the default ALSA sound cardBased on asoundconf code, but as a GTK+ front-end. Useful if you have two cards, and switch between the two. There is already this functionality in GNOME, but this is indeed useful if you do not use that desktop environment, and asoundconf-gtk also supports PulseAudio toggling.6Agent Smith Soundnoarch python2-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1asoundconf-gtk-1.6-1pclos2018.src.rpm=768afa040e73248cd0ad1682c01096fb./SRPMS.pclosd   N0 4FLT{B@BABEBJCasp2php200808131pclos2010Program for converting .asp files to .php filesasp2php is a program which can help you convert Micro$oft (tm) Active Server Pages (tm) to PHP files. Install this if you intend to migrate from Microsuck, umm, I mean Micro$oft (tm) Internet Information Server (tm) to PHP.؄Development/Otheri586  gtk+-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[c08dca8af5163f931c9432a4d8a898ec./SRPMS.pclos+d   Z B@BABEBJCaspell0.60.6.113pclos2021A Free and Open Source interactive spelling checker programGNU Aspell is a Free and Open Source spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell. It can either be used as a library or as an independent spell checker. Its main feature is that it does a much better job of coming up with possible suggestions than just about any other spell checker out there for the English language, including Ispell and Microsoft Word. It also has many other technical enhancements over Ispell such as using shared memory for dictionaries and intelligently handling personal dictionaries when more than one Aspell process is open at once. ىText toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aspell- d5be57af9f70b931481b65efa999d6d5./SRPMS.pclos?d   :| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-af0.50.013pclos2021Afrikaans files for aspellA Afrikaans dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker. (System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-af-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmecd2bc7e39a8a1076893216ce2af4b66./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-am0.03.113pclos2021Amharic files for aspellAn Amharic dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-am-0.03.1-13pclos2021.src.rpma8203232e6a7bbbcb4555e567a40eb69./SRPMS.pclos7d   6t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-az0.02.013pclos2021Azeri files for aspellAn Azeri dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-az-0.02.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmlbc53d0b7f95612b8f0b4274b7407f49b./SRPMS.pclosCd   < B@BABEBJ5Caspell-be0.50.013pclos2021Belarussian files for aspellA Belarussian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker. System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-be-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm c473aa06beab3b7d032ce2f0ecc9a5fb0./SRPMS.pclos?d   9| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-bg4.1.013pclos2021Bulgarian files for aspellA Bulgarian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.@ B@BABEBJ9Caspell-hu0. files for aspellA Hungarian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.2System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-hu-   < B@BABEBJ5Caspell-ia0.50.113pclos2021Interlingua files for aspellAn Interlingua dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.<"System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-ia-0.50.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmAf5890cd55119c08e2b43ea21cf6e2044./SRPMS.pclos?d   :| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-id1.2.013pclos2021Indonesian files for aspellAn Indonesian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.+System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-id-1.2.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm042d191b0456a74f25214ab44fd575839./SRPMS.pclos?d   :| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-is0.51.113pclos2021Icelandic files for aspellAn Icelandic dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.dSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-is-0.51.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmj631b60adefeb061f6441d1f7696b9915./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-it0.54.013pclos2021Italian files for aspellA Italian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.hSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-it-0.54.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmn4b4d74222dabf80de37f7d40b0e01bfa./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-ku0.20.113pclos2021Kurdish files for aspellA Kurdish dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.bSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-ku-0.20.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmgsbba24e89895be47756b749bbf7fd89b0./SRPMS.pclos?d  # :x |B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-la20020503.013pclos2021Latin files for aspellA Latin dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-la-20020503.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmV3152617f27abad02fdf0a9b27410d401./SRPMS.pclos?d   :| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-lt1.2.113pclos2021Lithuanian files for aspellA Lithuanian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.'System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-lt-1.2.1-13pclos2021.src.rpm8e8bd0efee6d685865ec77ff5de658e1./SRPMS.pclos;d   9x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-lv0.5.5.113pclos2021Latvian files for aspellA Latvian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.$System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-lv-*c95a8277c67acb9d4155452533b51fb72./SRPMS.pclos;d   9x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-mg0.03.013pclos2021Malagasy files for aspellA Malagasy dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.4System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-mg-0.03.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmd1cac14b0b4d06fe7e971ba31b4d2b0d./SRPMS.pclos7d   6t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-mi0.50.013pclos2021Maori files for aspellA Maori dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-mi-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmd9dba5de8a51386a0393d71ef374b3d3./SRPMS.pclos?d   ;| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-mk0.50.013pclos2021Macedonian files for aspellA Macedonian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.*|System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-mk-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm0U86749a6cbca6b36b4f17f1dc0d1518fc./SRPMS.pclos7d   7t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-mn0.06.213pclos2021Frigol files for aspellA Frigol dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.PSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-mn-0.06.2-13pclos2021.src.rpmV8569cb18527bc44bd82b993e9b739500./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-mr0.10.013pclos2021Marathi files for aspellA Marathi dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-mr-0.10.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmc891f0bbd9a9aceadf496e94ecf18eac9./SRPMS.pclos7d   6t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-ms0.50.013pclos2021Malay files for aspellA Malay dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.2System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-ms-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm8abdd3bbb3f01b64c29cf10fa10a8a13./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-mt0.50.013pclos2021Maltese files for aspellA Maltese dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.,System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-mt-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm 2c951c8a39fd4117950a653fbe1eef94./SRPMS.pclosGd   B B@BABEBJ9Caspell-nb0.50.113pclos2021Norwegian Bokmaal files for aspellA Norwegian Bokmaal dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-nb-0.50.1-13pclos2021.src.rpm Ua54cde10ad1c0317d44a3939be5d2d53./SRPMS.pclos?d   ;| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-nds0.01.013pclos2021Low-Saxon files for aspellA Low-Saxon dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.nSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-nds-0.01.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmsnf9ad2ace17b98e93a28b729ad6b5ccd0./SRPMS.pclos/d   6t xB@BABEBJ!Caspell-nl0.50.213pclos2021Dutch files for aspellA Dutch dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.[GSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-nl-0.50.2-13pclos2021.src.rpmaSf8a7e47bf91d4103ae859a6add54f53e./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-nn0.50.113pclos2021Nynorsk files for aspellA Nynorsk dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.uSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-nn-0.50.1-13pclos2021.src.rpm{]3001d2366248378432718a98db6731c0./SRPMS.pclos7d   7t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-ny0.01.013pclos2021Nyanja files for aspellA Nyanja dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.` System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-ny-0.01.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmez6b7c953bf9d5cdf48a44032adb2ca6a8./SRPMS.pclos7d   6t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-or0.03.113pclos2021Oriya files for aspellA Oriya dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.J System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-or-0.03.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmOE4fa7defced4fb7900fa777b42ba035de./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-pa0.01.113pclos2021Punjabi files for aspellA Punjabi dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.QSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-pa-0.01.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmW c708315932f4fa6131d5c05ac7210126./SRPMS.pclos?d  * Gx |B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-pl0.60.54.20120726.11pclos2021Polish dictionary for aspellPolish dictionary (i.e. word list) for aspell. VSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ]7e85b17c683d63fe4aac595e34a7c619./SRPMS.pclosSd   ; B@BA BE$BJECaspell-pt0.60.013pclos2021Portuguese files for aspellA Portuguese dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker. Version 20120714.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-pt-0.60.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmfc18ace4fba93d72f51c17734d5982739./SRPMS.pclosd % h $LB@ZBABEBJCaspell-pt-preao0.60.013pclos2021Portuguese files previous to 1990 orthography agreement for aspellA Portuguese dictionary previous to the orthography agreement made in 1990 to use with aspell, a spelling checker. Version 20120714.TSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-pt-preao-0.60.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm67eff858ea08329d01d11393b931ad04./SRPMS.pclosod & L B@BA<BE@BJaCaspell-pt_BR20131030.121pclos2020Portuguese Brasilian files for aspellA Portuguese Brasilian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker. 0;ghostbunnySystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-pt_BR-20131030.12-1pclos2020.src.rpm 708d095dea0e3ee44258e89b32ff673da./SRPMS.pclosCd  # <| B@BABEBJ5Caspell-qu20040424.113pclos2021Quechua files for aspellA Quechua dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.3fSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-qu-20040424.1-13pclos2021.src.rpm9 6365224d8ca92257bd14830e955ea2e9./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-ro3.3.213pclos2021Romanian files for aspellA Romanian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-ro-3.3.2-13pclos2021.src.rpm&d1f9b6887fd5bb58246312aeae17df48./SRPMS.pcloswd $ r  B@BADBEHBJiCruaspell-ru0.99f7.113pclos2021Russian files for aspellРусская проверка орфографииA Russian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker. System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-ru-0.99f7.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmϦ301f1f8172a4fc8614ae25cd86e17f4b./SRPMS.pclosCd   < B@BABEBJ5Caspell-rw0.50.013pclos2021Kinyarwanda files for aspellA Kinyarwanda dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.ZBSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-rw-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm_0eed8a3d5c7deba54b03e06dbf5c6232./SRPMS.pclos?d   :| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-sc0.50.113pclos2021Sardinian files for aspellA Sardinian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.pSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-sc-0.50.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmb0c16143457d0b3c2c1fdef2799c9382./SRPMS.pclos7d   7t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-sk2.01.213pclos2021Slovak files for aspellA Slovak dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.kSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-sk-2.01.2-13pclos2021.src.rpmJ04370007377f8503046809dea5de6857./SRPMS.pclos?d   :| B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-sl0.50.013pclos2021Slovenian files for aspellA Slovenian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-sl-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm5f843c0417e83b1811ed32a3a86036f7./SRPMS.pclos3d   8x |B@BABEBJ%Caspell-sv0.51.013pclos2021Swedish files for aspellA Swedish dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-sv-0.51.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmvf90a0fff29bfc00603e10520e37248b2./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-sw0.50.013pclos2021Swahili files for aspellA Swahili dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-sw-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm423cf6d85c9a7af246ab5c99a516702b./SRPMS.pclos?d  # :x |B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-ta20040424.113pclos2021Tamil files for aspellA Tamil dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-ta-20040424.1-13pclos2021.src.rpmXb217e3b95bf1b51ca64f89f729fed6aa./SRPMS.pclos7d   7t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-tet0.50.013pclos2021Tetum files for aspellA Tetum dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-tet-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmf8e7d4479ce4c89ef03af6bbb405830a./SRPMS.pclosOd   C B@BABE BJACaspell-tl0.02.113pclos2021Tagalog (Filipino) files for aspellA Tagalog (Filipino) dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-tl-0.02.1-13pclos2021.src.rpm(457f7da4ff3a1852cebe747c939b888d./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-tn1.0.1.013pclos2021Tswana files for aspellA Tswana dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.]System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-tn-`18b54677bda5fbae8ce18e1077e66b01./SRPMS.pclos;d   8x |B@BABE BJ-Caspell-tr0.50.013pclos2021Turkish files for aspellA Turkish dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.iSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-tr-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmoq5c9c3072a72754194c9adf5d9c45e1c5./SRPMS.pclos3d   9| B@BABEBJ%Caspell-uk1.4.013pclos2021Ukrainian files for aspellA Ukrainian dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-uk-1.4.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmfecab45ef00eab1f8c2072f1460b0773./SRPMS.pclos7d   5t xB@BABEBJ)Caspell-uz0.6.013pclos2021Uzbek files for aspellA Uzbek dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-uz-0.6.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm2d10cc6c6b9f5db6b539f8e763d24c3d./SRPMS.pclosGd  ! = B@BABEBJ9Caspell-vi0.01.1.113pclos2021Vietnamese files for aspellA Vietnamese dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.h{System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-vi- " U  B@.BATBEXBJyCwaaspell-wa0.50.013pclos2021Walloon files for aspellCoridjrece aspell e walonLi motî walon pol coridjrece aspell. Avou ci chal vos ploz croidjî tos vos tecses sicrîts e rfondou walon.;System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-wa-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpmba371cb0f1eae1d12afd1cf4f02385b7./SRPMS.pclos?d  ! :x |B@BA BEBJ1Caspell-yi0.01.1.113pclos2021Yiddish files for aspellA Yiddish dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.>System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1aspell-yi-   5p tB@BABEBJ%Caspell-zu0.50.013pclos2021Zulu files for aspellA Zulu dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker.System/Internationalizationx86_64  aspellmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1aspell-zu-0.50.0-13pclos2021.src.rpm0cc5a77a9755c3be15d898fd931bfdc0./SRPMS.pclosWd   `@D J[dB@BA$BE(BJICassetml1.2.17pclos2013Library assetml to share and reuse content like image and audio fileThis is a library based on an XML file format that is used to share and reuse content like image and audio file. Application using this library can query files on their system that provides an assetml xml file description.bpinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfigpopt-develglib2-develglibc-devellibxml2-develtexi2htmltexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames);7df2f7091d269c9cb6507442c91b1056./SRPMS.pclosd   W fB@uBABEBJCassimp3.3.12pclos2019Library to import various 3D model formats into applicationsAssimp, the Open Asset Import Library, is a free library to import various well-known 3D model formats into applications. Assimp aims to provide a full asset conversion pipeline for use in game engines and real-time rendering systems, but is not limited to these applications. This package contains the assimp binary, a tool to work with various formats.Graphicsx86_64 boost-develcmakedos2unixdoxygenpkgconfig(minizip)pkgconfig(poly2tri)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1assimp-3.3.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm2{c109ad99b78be9ec5f4a1eddd29c5a64./SRPMS.pclosd   @   y B@BABEBJCassogiate0.2.12pclos2010Editor for the file types databaseassoGiate allows users to modify the detection and display of file types. It is compliant with the freedesktop.org Shared MIME Info and Icon Theme specifications. The standard file types can be modified, and additional file types can be added and removed. The file type detection based on filenames, file contents, and XML root elements can be specified.\File toolsi586 libgnome-vfsmm2.6-develglibmm2.4-devellibxml++-devellibgtkmm2.4-develgnome-doc-utilsdesktop-file-utilsgettextscrollkeeperrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1assogiate-0.2.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmM4f12a76b9ff73c377c971d2a490f0116./SRPMS.pclosd  O !(0^B@gBABEBJCasteroids3D0.5.12pclos2011A 3D, first-person game of blowing up asteroidsasteroids3D is a 3D, first-person game of blowing up asteroids. The graphics more accurately reflect the future position of the targeted asteroid and provide information about closure rate.Games/Arcadex86_64 mesa-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1asteroids3D-0.5.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmQ840045ecf71b0229de9a8932551211a6./SRPMS.pclosd  ^ WB@fBABEBJCastromenace1.4.11pclos2019Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilitiesSpace is a vast area, an unbounded territory where it seems there is a room for everybody, but reversal of fortune put things differently. The hordes of hostile creatures crawled out from the dark corners of the universe, craving to conquer your homeland. Their force is compelling, their legions are interminable. However, humans didn't give up without a final showdown and put their best pilot to fight back. These malicious invaders chose the wrong galaxy to conquer and you are to prove it! Go ahead and make alien aggressors regret their insolence. kGames/Arcadex86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilslib64freealut-devellib64freetype6-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64xinerama-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1astromenace-1.4.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm .082315cc16183a01a9dc68f15890910e./SRPMS.pclosd   P $B@,BALBEPBJqCastyle2.011pclos2013Source code formatter for C-like programming languagesArtistic Style is a source code indenter, source code formatter, and source code beautifier for the C, C++, C# and Java programming languages.NealDevelopment/Toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1astyle-2.01-1pclos2013.src.rpmc97cc36650351f759f6816ba7d48c5cc./SRPMS.pclosod   V  $  B@BA<BE@BJaCdeasunder3.0.11pclos2023Audio CD ripper and encoderAudio CD Ripper und EncoderAsunder is a graphical Audio CD ripper and encoder for Linux. You can use it to save tracks from an Audio CD as WAV, MP3, OGG, and/or FLAC.Asunder ist ein grafischer Audio CD ripper und encoder für Linux. Du kannst es zum speichern von Tracks einer Audio-CD als WAV, MP3, OGG, und/oder FLAC verwenden. Asunder speichert erst in .wav ab und encodiert dann in das gewünschte Format.%danielSoundx86_64  atk-develcairo-develdesktop-file-utilsgtk+2-develintltoollib64cddb-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64tiff-devellibpthread-stubspango-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1asunder-3.0.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm9;75cb4a23fbca2f6398f303a25f9adb31./SRPMS.pclos_d   )P Tcl   B@BA,BE0BJQCat3.2.22pclos2022Job spooling toolsAt and batch read commands from standard input or from a specified file. At allows you to specify that a command will be run at a particular time (now or a specified time in the future). Batch will execute commands when the system load levels drop to a particular level. Both commands use /bin/sh to run the commands. You should install the at package if you need a utility that will do time-oriented job control. Note: you should use crontab instead, if it is a recurring job that will need to be repeated at the same time every day/week/etc.System/Serversx86_64 autoconfautomakeflexgccpythonsendmail-commandbisonvixie-cronpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1at-3.2.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm753f2fb22aff3bed2b86e75a1f1119866./SRPMS.pclosCd   M 4BHdB@BABEBJ5Cat-poke0.2.34pclos2007Tool for poking around with accessibility supportThis is a tool for poking around with accessibility support. Be sure to start apps with accessibility enabled (export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge) before trying to poke them.BNeverstopdreaming Accessibilityi586 at-spi-devellibgail-gnome-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develautomake1.9gnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1at-poke-0.2.3-4pclos2007.src.rpm97dc6241250751181ce920d0f3c8cdb2./SRPMS.pclosd  OH L]d  ) B@9BA`BEdBJCat-spi2-atk2.34.01pclos2019A GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spiat-spi allows assistive technologies to access GTK-based applications. Essentially it exposes the internals of applications for automation, so tools such as screen readers, magnifiers, or even scripting interfaces can query and interact with GUI controls. This version of at-spi is a major break from previous versions. It has been completely rewritten to use D-Bus rather than ORBIT / CORBA for its transport protocol. This package includes a gtk-module that bridges ATK to the new D-Bus based at-spi.rSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(atk)pkgconfig(atspi-2)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)intltoolmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1at-spi2-atk-2.34.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmYe5e967e8cc3dd1fb8fec8b1801e37bd5./SRPMS.pclosd ! R   H 0 B@DBAlBEpBJCat-spi2-core2.34.01pclos2019Protocol definitions and daemon for D-Bus at-spiat-spi allows assistive technologies to access GTK-based applications. Essentially it exposes the internals of applications for automation, so tools such as screen readers, magnifiers, or even scripting interfaces can query and interact with GUI controls. This version of at-spi is a major break from previous versions. It has been completely rewritten to use D-Bus rather than ORBIT / CORBA for its transport protocol.System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(xevie)pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11)intltoolgobject-introspection-develmesongtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1at-spi2-core-2.34.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm7e297a1d513e2b953aaed5d27e5cf772./SRPMS.pclosd   8  (B@0BAPBETBJuCataidle2.51pclos2011A utility to manage ATA drivesATAidle is a utility to set the power management features of ATA hard drives in FreeBSD and Linux, including idle and standby timeouts, APM, and acoustic level settings.5System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ataidle-2.5-1pclos2011.src.rpm<9d90df3cb02f5881172552b18d707620f./SRPMS.pclos;d   V B@BABE BJ-Cdeatanks6.51pclos2020Scorched Earth game cloneSpiel im Stil von Scorched EarthThis is Atomic Tanks, a multi-player game similar to Scorched Earth which involves firing enormous weapons to try and destroy the other tanks.Dies ist Atomic Tanks, ein Mehrspielerspiel ähnlich Scorched Earth, welches das feuern mit enormen Waffen beinhaltet, um die anderen Panzer zu zerstören.PVghostbunnyGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64allegro4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atanks-6.5-1pclos2020.src.rpmP# 5fd8043b5b3802a85227f577ce1b9e79./SRPMS.pclosd  A   ,\B@fBABEBJCaterm1.0.11pclos2009An rxvt-based terminal emulator for X11Aterm is a colour vt102 terminal emulator based on rxvt 2.4.8 intended as an xterm replacement for users who do not require features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit style configurability?#Terminalsi586 X11-develxpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aterm-1.0.1-1pclos2009.src.rpmG10ae3fbb429041d2cec5bbd92acb2ab2./SRPMS.pclosWd   MX \kpB@BA$BE(BJICatftp0.74pclos2010Advanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) clientatftp is an advanced client implementation of the TFTP protocol that implements RFCs 1350, 2090, 2347, 2348, and 2349. The server is multi-threaded and the client presents a friendly interface using libreadline. The current server implementation lacks IPv6 support.System/Serversi586 libncurses-devellibpcre-devellibreadline-devellibtermcap-develtcp_wrappers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atftp-0.7-4pclos2010.src.rpm7d7e25fa50501ac135e6c12361b124e4./SRPMS.pclosCd   S B@BABEBJ5Cathcool0.3.122pclos2011Enabling/disabling Powersaving mode for AMD processorsAthcool is a small utility, enabling/disabling Powersaving mode for AMD Athlon/Duron processors. Since enabling Powersaving mode, you can save power consumption, lower CPU temprature when CPU is idle. Powersaving works if your kernel support ACPI (APM not work), because athcool only set/unset "Disconnect enable when STPGNT detected" bits in the Northbridge of Chipset. To really save power, someone has to send the STPGNT signal when idle. This is done by the ACPI subsystem when C2 state entered. !!!WARNING!!! Depending on your motherboard and/or hardware components, enabling powersaving mode may cause that: * noisy or distorted sound playback * a slowdown in harddisk performance * system locks or instability If you met those problems, you should not use athcool. Please use athcool AT YOUR OWN RISK.KWSystem/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 pciutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1athcool-0.3.12-2pclos2011.src.rpmOd33c07d99839559c3b86d2b5c32413ea./SRPMS.pclos#d   ;4 8IP`B@BABEBJCatk1.02.36.01pclos2020Accessibility features for Gtk+Accessibility means providing system infrastructure that allows add-on assistive software to transparently provide specalized input and ouput capabilities. For example, screen readers allow blind users to navigate through applications, determine the state of controls, and read text via text to speech conversion. On-screen keyboards replace physical keyboards, and head-mounted pointers replace mice. ATK, the Accessibility Tookit, is used to obtain accessibily information from GTK+ and GNOME widgets.`System/Librariesx86_64 lib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-develgobject-introspection-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atk1.0-2.36.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm914566aa2c73bb4b33f5b9528671dc13./SRPMS.pcloscd  FDH RclB@BA0BE4BJUCatkmm2.24.23pclos2017C++ interface for accessibility library AtkAtkmm provides a C++ interface to the Atk accessibility library. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets extensible via inheritance and a comprehensive set of widget classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces. bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-devellibstdc++-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atkmm-2.24.2-3pclos2017.src.rpm D4c3993df9d1ad8d953461f2077a112ea./SRPMS.pclos[d  Fx |B@BA(BE,BJMCatlas3.10.35pclos2024Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra SoftwareThe ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) project is an ongoing research effort focusing on applying empirical techniques in order to provide portable performance. At present, it provides C and Fortran77 interfaces to a portably efficient BLAS implementation, as well as a few routines from LAPACK. The performance improvements in ATLAS are obtained largely via compile-time optimizations and tend to be specific to a given hardware configuration. In order to package ATLAS some compromises are necessary so that good performance can be obtained on a variety of hardware. This set of ATLAS binary packages is therefore not necessarily optimal for any specific hardware configuration. However, the source package can be used to compile customized ATLAS packages; see the documentation for information. >Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64  gcc-gfortranliblapack-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1atlas-3.10.3-5pclos2024.src.rpm!c5c12f24e451d938697916ac6f4380c7./SRPMS.pclosd  S  ;DHdB@lBABEBJCatmel-firmware1.35pclos2019Firmware for Atmel at76c50x wireless network chipsThe drivers for Atmel at76c50x wireless network chipss in the Linux 2.6.x kernel and at http://at76c503a.berlios.de/ do not include the firmware and this firmware needs to be loaded by the host on most cards using these chips. This package provides the firmware images which should be automatically loaded as needed by the hotplug system. It also provides a small loader utility which can be used to accomplish the same thing when hotplug is not in use.SSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atmel-firmware-1.3-5pclos2019.src.rpm[ee432b636f8b5f8c11cf6dded2d25e1e./SRPMS.pclosd  8$ (08<XB@`BABEBJCatom1.60.01pclos2022Atom is a hackable text editor Atom is a hackable text editor for the 21st century, built on Electron, and based on everything we love about our favorite editors. We designed it to be deeply customizable, but still approachable using the default configuration. Editorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atom-1.60.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm had4da53952f4fcb3e2ad5d7101602ecc./SRPMS.pclos'd ! nd hnxB@BABEBJCatomicparsley0.9.61pclos2020Command-line program to read and set MPEG-4 tags compatible with iPod/iTunesAtomicParsley is a command line program for reading, parsing and setting tags and meta-data into MPEG-4 files supporting these styles of meta-data: * iTunes-style meta-data into .mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .m4v, .m4b files * 3gp-style assets (3GPP TS 26.444 version 6.4.0 Release 6 specification conforming) in 3GPP, 3GPP2, MobileMP4 & derivatives * ISO copyright notices at movie & track level for MPEG-4 & derivative files * uuid private user extension text & file embedding for MPEG-4 & derivative files~Soundx86_64 autoconfautomakezlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atomicparsley-0.9.6-1pclos2020.src.rpm9a4d396529f806eb061add252145f97a./SRPMS.pclosOd   K    B@BABE BJACatomix3.34.01pclos2019Mind game - build molecules out of single atomsAtomix is a little mind game where you have to build molecules out of single atoms. These are lying around between the walls and obstacles on the play-field. Once you have pushed an atom in one direction, it moves until it hits an obstacle or another atom. It requires some thinking for how to construct complex molecules with this behavior. The game is inspired by the original Amiga version.%Games/Puzzlesx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(appstream-glib)pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1)gettext-develgnome-commonintltoolperl(XML::Parser)imagemagickdesktop-file-utilsmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atomix-3.34.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm- a2af8163940b197227f62ed393369e33./SRPMS.pclosd   (, 6LTXtB@|BABEBJCdeatool0.39.02pclos2017A script for managing file archives of various typesSkript zur Verwaltung von Datei-Archiven verschiedener Typenatool is a script for managing file archives of various types (tar, tar+gzip, zip, etc). The main command is probably 'aunpack' which extracts files from an archive. It overcomes the dreaded "multiple files in archive root" problem by first extracting to a unique subdirectory, and then moving back the files if possible. aunpack also prevents local files from being overwritten by mistake. Other commands provided are apack (for creating archives), als (for listing files in archives), and acat (for extracting files to stdout). atool ist ein Skript zur Verwaltung von Datei-Archiven verschiedener Typen (TAR, gzip TAR, ZIP usw.). Der wichtigste Befehl ist wahrscheinlich 'aunpack' der die Dateien aus einem Archiv extrahiert. Es bewältigt das gefürchtete mehrere Dateien in root Archiven Problem, indem zuerst in ein eindeutiges Unterverzeichnis extrahiert und anschließend die Dateien möglichst zurück verschiebt. aunpack verhindert außerdem, dass lokale Dateien versehentlich überschrieben werden. Andere bereitgestellte Befehle sind apack (für Archive erstellen ), as (für Dateien in Archiven auflisten) und acat (für das Extrahieren von Dateien nach stdout).rbb2 Archiving/Compressionnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atool-0.39.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm{ c743a388f14f29f15a8cce4758a07229./SRPMS.pclosCd  A B@BABEBJ5Catop1.27.31pclos2015AT Computing System and Process MonitorThe program atop is an interactive monitor to view the load on a Linux-system. It shows the occupation of the most critical hardware-resources (from a performance point of view) on system-level, i.e. cpu, memory, disk and network. It also shows which processes are responsible for the indicated load (again cpu-, memory-, disk- and network-load on process-level). The program atop can also be used to log system- and process-level information in raw format for long-term analysis. The program atopsar can be used to view system-level statistics as reports, similar to the program sar.ڇText toolsx86_64 zlib-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1atop-1.27.3-1pclos2015.src.rpm1c3366a46884b8577708de82083e051d9./SRPMS.pclosd  / `B@BABEBJCatril1.28.01pclos2024MATE Document viewerAtril is the MATE Document viewer. Its supports Portable Document Format (PDF), PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU and XPS formats. }Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64  ghostscriptitstoollibt1lib-develmate-commonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(ddjvuapi)pkgconfig(gail-3.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-unix-print-3.0)pkgconfig(kpathsea)pkgconfig(libcaja-extension)pkgconfig(libgxps)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libspectre)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(synctex)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)pkgconfig(xt)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltprocyelp-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1atril-1.28.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm =91204414008b90d62cfee04268e6d5ee./SRPMS.pclosd   H 'B@8BA\BE`BJCattica6.11.01pclos2025Open Collaboration Service providers libraryA library to access Open Collaboration Service providers. Required to access OSC providers in get hot new stuff in KDE.1System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1attica-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmEfc872a11b19b1ac16ac5c79088f8ac12./SRPMS.pclosd   L, 0KT\B@BABEBJCattr2.5.11pclos2022Utility for managing filesystem extended attributesA set of tools for manipulating extended attributes on filesystem objects, in particular getfattr(1) and setfattr(1). An attr(1) command is also provided which is largely compatible with the SGI IRIX tool of the same name.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1attr-2.5.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmcd7d2b8bfe61cf48885011f7a89319f7./SRPMS.pclosd  7pt {  z B@BABEBJCaubio0.4.92pclos2022A library for audio labellingA library for audio labelling. Its features include segmenting a sound file before each of its attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing midi streams from live audio. The name aubio comes from 'audio' with a typo: several transcription errors are likely to be found in the results too.! TerryNSoundx86_64 lib64fftw-devellibsndfile-devellibsamplerate-devellib64alsa2-develswigliblash2-develpd-develtxt2manpython3-numpy-develpython-testoobpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aubio-0.4.9-2pclos2022.src.rpm#58ca71f58d4af6a7d14ef3d598377974./SRPMS.pclosgd  H B@BA4BE8BJYCaucode-tool1.11pclos2022Generate early microcode file for AMD CPUsaucode-tool is a system administration tool to generate early microcode boot images for AMD x86-64 processors. TerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aucode-tool-1.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmu9853336e3eff20115297ae8fbad0dde6./SRPMS.pclosd  o8 <BL   B@BABEBJCdeaudacious4.4.21pclos2024A versatile and handy media playerEin vielseitiger und handlicher MediaplayerAudacious is a media player based on the BMP music playing application. Its primary goals are usability and usage of current desktop standards. New features and improvements: Clicking on playlist column headers sorts the playlist (#8) Dragging playlist column headers changes the column order (#10) Application-wide settings for volume and time step sizes (#330) New option to hide playlist tabs (#547) Sorting playlist by path now sorts folders after files (#843) Implemented additional MPRIS calls for compatibility with KDE 5.16+ (#900) New OpenMPT-based tracker module plugin (contributed by Chris Spiegel) New VU Meter visualization plugin (contributed by Marc Sánchez) Added option to use a SOCKS network proxy (contributed by Róbert Čerňanský) The Song Change plugin now works on Windows (contributed by Domen Mori) New “Next Album” and “Previous Album” commands The tag editor in Qt UI can now edit multiple files at once Implemented equalizer presets window for Qt UI Lyrics plugin gained the ability to save and load lyrics locally Blur Scope and Spectrum Analyzer visualizations ported to Qt MIDI plugin soundfont selection ported to Qt JACK output plugin gained some new options Added option to endlessly loop PSF files Bug fixes since 3.10.1: Fixed blurry application icon on Windows (#863) Cuesheet entries in an .m3u playlist are now added correctly (#878) Various minor fixes in handling of output stream Other: Experimental support for building with mesonAudacious ist ein Mediaplayer der auf dem BMP Musikplayer basiert. Seine Hauptziele sind Benutzerfreundlichkeit und die Nutzung von aktuellen Desktopstandards.Soundx86_64  desktop-file-utilslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1audacious-4.4.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm ,5575d6c5a25758efe4f97ed599593296./SRPMS.pclosd ( wX \bl#B@SBABEBJCdeaudacious-plugins4.4.21pclos2024Audacious Media Player core pluginsKernplugins für den Audacious MediaplayerAudacious is a media player based on the BMP music playing application. Its primary goals are usability and usage of current desktop standards. This contains the basic plugin distribution. Audacious is useless without them.WSoundx86_64   audacious-develgtk+3.0-devellib64adplug-devellib64bs2b-devellib64cddb-devellib64cue-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64faad2-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64flac12-devellib64fluidsynth-devellib64json-glib-devellib64lirc-devellib64mms-devellib64mpg123-devellib64neon-devellib64notify-devellib64openmpt-devellib64opus-devellib64opusfile-devellib64sndio-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64wavpack-devellibpthread-stubspkgconfig(Qt5MultimediaWidgets)qt5multimediagsttools-develqt5multimediaquick-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests);69a4aabd58c80d247d749541b886ba25./SRPMS.pclos3d   M B@BABEBJ%Caudacity3.7.21pclos2025Program that lets you manipulate audio waveformsAudacity is a program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms. In addition to letting you record sounds directly from within the program, it imports many sound file formats, including WAV, AIFF, MP3 and Ogg/Vorbis. It supports all common editing operations such as Cut, Copy, and Paste, plus it will mix tracks and let you apply plug-in effects to any part of a sound. It also has a built-in amplitude envelope editor, a customizable spectrogram mode and a frequency analysis window for audio analysis applications. Currently does not work with jack.4Soundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1audacity-3.7.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm@fa828b9fac295ce6b7fcc9ca3fd4efe7./SRPMS.pclosd   E@D KQX  C B@UBAxBE|BJCaudaspace1.3.03pclos2022A feature rich high level audio libraryAudaspace (pronounced "outer space") is a high level audio library written in C++ with language bindings for Python for example. It started out as the audio engine of the 3D modelling application Blender and is now released as a standalone library.ATerryNSoundx86_64 python3-numpy-develcmakeffmpeg-develpkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(sndfile)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1audaspace-1.3.0-3pclos2022.src.rpmb63fd5f800cc6c2929cf0d8227cbef89./SRPMS.pclosd   L  B@BABEBJCaudex0.781pclos2014Audio grabber tool for CD-ROM drives based on KDE 4audex is a new audio grabber tool for CD-ROM drives based on KDE 4. Audex creates profiles for LAME, OGG Vorbis (oggenc), FLAC, FAAC (MP4/M4A/AAC) and RIFF WAVE. Please install your favorite encoder. Of course for WAVE no external encoder is needed! Beyond you can define custom profile, which means, that audex works together with commmand line encoders in general. Some features are: * Extracting with CDDA Paranoia. So you have quite perfect audio quality. * Extracting and encoding run parallel. * Filename editing with local and remote CDDB/FreeDB database. * Metadata correction tools like capitalize etc. * Multi-profile extraction (with one commandline-encoder per profile). * Fetch covers from the internet and store them in the database. * Create playlists, cover and template-based-info files in target directory. * Creates extraction and encoding protocols. * Transfer files with KDE KIO-Slaves.KSoundx86_64 kdelibs4-develphonon-devellibcdda-develautomoc4libkcddb-devellibkcompactdisc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1audex-0.78-1pclos2014.src.rpm?747a49bf426a51edf51f977c4fcb73951./SRPMS.pclosd  (t xBB@WBAxBE|BJCaudex24.12.31pclos2025Audio ripperAudex is an audio grabber tool for CD-ROM drives built with KDE Frameworks. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettextkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libcdio)pkgconfig(libcdio_cdda)pkgconfig(libcdio_paranoia)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1audex-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm Ce97f6a427e6f37c4d854404e1ad4288a./SRPMS.pclosd " =h lr|   B@BABEBJ Caudio-recorder3.3.41pclos2021Audio recorder applicationThis amazing program allows you to record your favourite music or audio to a file. It can record audio from your system's soundcard, microphones, browsers, webcams & more. Put simply: if it plays out of your loudspeakers you can record it. It has an advanced timer that can: * Start, stop or pause recording at a given clock time. * Start, stop or pause after a time period. * Stop when the recorded file size exceeds a limit. * Start recording on voice or sound (user can set the audio threshold and delay). * Stop or pause recording on "silence" (user can set the audio threshold and delay). The recording can be atomatically controlled by: * RhytmBox audio player. * Banshee audio player. * Amarok, VLC, Audacious and other MPRIS2 compatible players. * Skype. It can automatically record all your Skype calls without any user interaction. This program supports several audio (output) formats such as OGG audio, Flac, MP3 and WAV. User can also control the recorder from command line with --command option. See audio-recorder --help for more information. Soundx86_64 intltoolitstoollib64glib2.0-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64appindicator3-devellib64dconf-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1audio-recorder-3.3.4-1pclos2021.src.rpm6b26dfa3f62eed500da5065d71f43ef7./SRPMS.pclosd ! -< @W`  9 B@QBAxBE|BJCaudiocd-kio24.12.31pclos2025KDE audiocdKIO audiocd. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslamelib64cdda-devellib64kcddb6-devellib64kcompactdisc6-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(vorbis)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1audiocd-kio-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm  b2c44820a88e38f3d288e2142d781179./SRPMS.pclosd   J| B@*BAPBETBJuCaudiofile0.3.62pclos2015Library to handle various audio file formatsThe Silicon Graphics Audio File Library provides a uniform programming interface to standard digital audio file formats. Currently supported sound file formats include AIFF/AIFF-C, WAVE, and NeXT/Sun .snd/.au. Supported compression formats are currently G.711 mu-law and A-law. Used by the esound daemon."`System/Librariesx86_64 alsa-lib-develasciidocpkgconfiglibtoollib64flac8-devellib64alsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1audiofile-0.3.6-2pclos2015.src.rpm(s10e73935c08a38d6a1020cbeb6dce743./SRPMS.pclosd " Q, 06@HpB@yBABEBJCaudiokonverter5.9.11pclos2011A KDE audio converter service menu for Dolphinaudiokonverter is a small utility to easily convert from OGG, MP3, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WMA, RealAudio, Musepack, Wavpack, WAV and movies to MP3, OGG, M4A, WAV and FLAC in Dolphin and Konqueror by right-clicking on them.q Soundnoarch kde4-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1audiokonverter-5.9.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmhr3947777b6f6b4ffecf0535ace5f76640./SRPMS.pclosWd  t\ `wB@BA$BE(BJICaudiothumbs0.21pclos2013KDE thumbnail-plugin that displays embedded cover arts in Audio (MP3, FLAC) file tags.Plugin for KDE file managers (Dolphin and Konqueror) to preview cover arts embedded in Audio (MP3, FLAC) file tags as Thumbnails. NOTE: You must enable Audio Previews in Dolphin after installing this: Dolphin > Settings > Configure Dolphin > General > Previews (tab) > Check mark on "Audio Files" DEVELOPER `````````` Raizner Evgeniy razrfalcon@gmail.com Vytautas Mickus Kaunas, Lithuania vmickus@gmail.com http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/AudioThumbs?content=114885mGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64  libqt4-devellib64flac++6-develkde-baseapps-develtaglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( A LB@BA0BE4BJUCaudiothumbs-frameworks0.12pclos2017Audio thumbnails for KF5Plugin for KDE file managers (Dolphin) to preview cover arts embedded in audio (MP3, FLAC, OGG, M4A) files tags as thumbnails.Abb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakekf5-macroslib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develkconfig-develkconfigwidgets-develkcoreaddons-develkiconthemes-develki18n-develkio-develknotifications-develkwidgetsaddons-develkwindowsystem-develkparts-develsolid-develkdoctools-develkxmlgui-develkjobwidgets-develkdbusaddons-devellib64flac8-devellib64flac++6-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1audiothumbs-frameworks-0.1-2pclos2017.src.rpmCe5d3e393d87ac39385689755753de272./SRPMS.pclosd   4 B@BABEBJCaudiotube24.12.31pclos2025YouTube Music clientAudioTube can search YouTube Music, list albums and artists, play automatically generated playlists, albums and allows to put your own playlist together.lGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64futuresql5-develpkgconfig(python3)pybind11-develpython3-ytmusicapirpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yt-dlp3.0.4-14.6.0-1audiotube-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmbbe783495a284cb9309b09a703c08c49./SRPMS.pclosd     (  B@BABEBJ Cdeaudit2.1.24pclos2017User-space tools for Linux 2.6 kernel auditingUser-Space-Werkzeuge für die Linux 2.6 Kernel ÜberwachungThe audit package contains the user space utilities for storing and searching the audit records generate by the audit subsystem in the Linux 2.6 kernel.Das Audit-Pakets enthält die User-Space Dienstprogramme zum Speichern und suchen der aufgenommenen Audit-Datensätze, die durch das Audit-Subsystem im Linux 2.6-Kernel erstellt wurden.dbb2 System/Basex86_64  gettext-develglibc-develintltoollibcap-ng-devellibtoolopenldap-develpython-develswigtcp_wrappers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)̖305d7554a274f36afb0eab233c1d4253./SRPMS.pclosd  # J 08<XB@`BABEBJCaufs0.0.10.20070430.1pclos2007Aufs Stackable Unification File SystemAufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs, which unifies several directories and provides a merged single directory. In the early days, aufs was entirely re-designed and re-implemented Unionfs Version 1.x series. After many original ideas, approaches and improvements, it becomes totally different from Unionfs while keeping the basic features. See Unionfs Version 1.x series for the basic features.@ocilent1 System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aufs-0.0.1-0.20070430.1pclos2007.src.rpmb8214cf553a5ffb3e8f783642fb133f1./SRPMS.pclosd  6 (B@BABEBJCaumix2.9.13pclos2019A GTK+ / Ncurses audio mixerThis is a program for adjusting audio mixers from the command line or scripts, or interactively at the console or a terminal with a full-screen, ncurses-based interface or a GTK-based X interface.Soundx86_64 pkgconfig(ncurses)gtk+2-develautoconfautomakegettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1aumix-2.9.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm0c6d6fcf0306aeebebfbfe1942f7ce2a./SRPMS.pclosd # ]0 4KT\B@BABEBJCauroraedesigner0.3.13pclos2011Aurorae Designer is an application to edit Aurorae themesAurorae Designer is an application to preview KWin Aurorae themes and edit the configuration of the theme. It provides an interactive way to design the theme and helps the designer to package a complete theme.@Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1auroraedesigner-0.3.1-3pclos2011.src.rpm847fd3a4b6c6f3880e898c6e6836a6c7./SRPMS.pclosd  O %B@/BAPBETBJuCauthd0.2.35pclos2010Software for obtaining and verifying user credentialsauthd is a software package for obtaining and verifying user credentials which contain cryptographic signatures based on RSA public key cryptography. It includes a server (authd) for authenticating local users through UNIX domain sockets and processing credentials, and a client library (libauth.a) for requesting new credentials and verifying credentials signed by the server.System/Serversi586 libe-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1authd-0.2.3-5pclos2010.src.rpm33c796664533d1ec34f27d69fd8416bb./SRPMS.pcloswd ' t xB@BADBEHBJiCdeauto-buildrequires1.32pclos2024Work out BuildRequires for rpmbuild automaticallyAutomatisches Auflisten von BuildRequires für rpmbuildAuto-BuildRequires is a simple set of scripts for automatically suggesting BuildRequires lines for programs.Auto-BuildRequires ist ein einfaches Werkzeug um benötigte Pakete anzuzeigen zum erstellen von Paketen via rpmbuild.Development/Toolsx86_64  glibc-develglibc-headers-develperl-podlatorsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1auto-buildrequires-1.3-2pclos2024.src.rpm@x43df17eb688fe31f24240cacc8b0376f./SRPMS.pclosd   P ,\B@gBABEBJCautoconf2.712pclos2021A GNU tool for automatically configuring source codeGNU's Autoconf is a tool for configuring source code and Makefiles. Using Autoconf, programmers can create portable and configurable packages, since the person building the package is allowed to specify various configuration options. You should install Autoconf if you are developing software and you'd like to use it to create shell scripts which will configure your source code packages. If you are installing Autoconf, you will also need to install the GNU m4 package. Note that the Autoconf package is not required for the end user who may be configuring software with an Autoconf-generated script; Autoconf is only required for the generation of the scripts, not their use.Development/Othernoarch texinfom4help2manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autoconf-2.71-2pclos2021.src.rpmc65d6455382a9c3c9f628c1c0170fcaf./SRPMS.pclosd ) D $,PB@YBABEBJCautoconf-archive2023.02.201pclos2023The Autoconf Macro ArchiveThe GNU Autoconf Archive is a collection of more than 450 macros for GNU Autoconf that have been contributed as free software by friendly supporters of the cause from all over the Internet. `]Development/Othernoarch texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autoconf-archive-2023.02.20-1pclos2023.src.rpm gd1531f8dcdb754f078160b66a5a61a5e./SRPMS.pclosdT 0dB@oBABEBJCautoconf2.12.1328pclos2011A GNU tool for automatically configuring source codeGNU's Autoconf is a tool for configuring source code and Makefiles. Using Autoconf, programmers can create portable and configurable packages, since the person building the package is allowed to specify various configuration options. You should install Autoconf if you are developing software and you'd like to use it to create shell scripts which will configure your source code packages. If you are installing Autoconf, you will also need to install the GNU m4 package. Note that the Autoconf package is not required for the end user who may be configuring software with an Autoconf-generated script; Autoconf is only required for the generation of the scripts, not their use.fNDevelopment/Othernoarch gcc-gfortrantexinfom4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autoconf2.1-2.13-28pclos2011.src.rpmXc71b9d4ed7d6b7b6a1e487c489c60885./SRPMS.pcloskd   OT XchB@BA8BE<BJ]Cautocutsel0.9.03pclos2010Automatic clipboard buffers synchronization toolAutocutsel tracks changes in the server's cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection. When the CLIPBOARD is changed, it updates the cutbuffer. When the cutbuffer is changed, it owns the CLIPBOARD selection. The cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection are always synchronized.qMonitoringi586 libx11_6-devellibxaw-devellibxext6-devellibice6-devellibsm6-devellibxmu6-devellibxt6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autocutsel-0.9.0-3pclos2010.src.rpmfd704a469cca52962eab1ea7c7cc7bf6./SRPMS.pclos+d   6 B@BABEBJCautodia2.101pclos2011Automatic Dia/UML generatorAutoDia is a modular application that parses source code or data (if a handler is available) and produces an XML document in Dia format, essentially a Dia diagram autocreation package. The diagrams its creates are standard UML diagrams showing dependencies, superclasses, packages, classes and inheritances, as well as the methods, etc of each class.Text toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autodia-2.10-1pclos2011.src.rpmab1ab8989c8a1ac13d355d485433351cb./SRPMS.pclos7d " U B@BABEBJ)Cautodownloader0.3.02pclos2011GUI-tool to automate the download of certain filesSome software (usually games) requires certain data files to operate, sometimes these datafiles can be freely downloaded but may not be redistributed and thus cannot be put into so called packages as part of a distro. autodownloader is a tool which can be used as part of a package to automate the download of the needed files. It will prompt the user explaining to him the need of the download and asking if it is ok to make an internet connection, after this it will show the license of the to be downloaded files and last it will do the actual download and md5 verification off these files. This whole process can be configured by the packager through a simple configuration file. Notice that Autodownloader while open source itself, may download files which are not permitted to be (re)distributed unlike most files in Fedora.rNetworking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autodownloader-0.3.0-2pclos2011.src.rpmz14635632b4118cbf6e0892e2a49d1a13./SRPMS.pclos'd   W$ (CLhB@BABEBJCautofs5.0.71pclos2013A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystemsautofs is a daemon which automatically mounts filesystems when you use them, and unmounts them later when you are not using them. This can include network filesystems, CD-ROMs, floppies, and so forth.|System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 openldap-develflexbisonlibsasl-develkrb-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autofs-5.0.7-1pclos2013.src.rpm5de8179694683598f3ce2e30293540e2./SRPMS.pclosd   :$ (:DXB@BABEBJ Cautogen5.18.162pclos2019Tool for autogenerating codeAutoGen is a tool designed to simplify the creation and maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text. It is especially valuable in programs that have several blocks of text that must be kept synchronized.bDevelopment/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(guile-2.0)guileguile-runtimepkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autogen-5.18.16-2pclos2019.src.rpm7be3b6f9565b0819ac05144edcd303a2./SRPMS.pcloswd   ; B@"BADBEHBJiCautoglade0.53pclos2015Autoglade automagic GUI builderAutoglade is a tool that automagically creates a fully working application from the GUI glade definition plus some declarative information. It can be used as a command line tool to create simple applications with no programming. Autoglade could be run directly or can be used from other modules to obtain automagic application generation from the Glade GUI interface definition.pinoc64Development/GNOME and GTK+noarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autoglade-0.5-3pclos2015.src.rpmC959bf4e0d47bd23d4c6872072782e837./SRPMS.pclos+d   Zt xB@BABEBJCautojump22.5.31pclos2020A fast way to navigate your filesystem from the command lineautojump provides a fast way to navigate your filesystem, with a "cd command that learns". It works by maintaining a database of the directories you use the most from the command line, and allows you to "jump" to frequently used directories by typing only "j" + a small pattern.Shellsnoarch python3-develpython3-mockrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autojump-22.5.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm57f3f4011ba4cc26aae15cf2aedca24d./SRPMS.pclosd   7 [B@jBABEBJCautokey0.96.02pclos2022Desktop automation utilityAutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding to typed abbreviations and hot keys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.Graphical desktop/Othernoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-xlibpython3-pyinotifypython3-dbuspython3-setuptoolspython3-qt5-develpython3-qt5-qscintillarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autokey-0.96.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm|a8dfebd0635b7336bc65903434109fa8./SRPMS.pclosd 3HB@WBA|BEBJCautologin1.0.018pclos2011Automatically log inAutologin automatically logs in as the user specified in /etc/sysconfig/autologin and starts the X session defined there. Install autologin if you want to bypass the login screen.System/Basex86_64  pam-develautomakeautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.503.0.4-1autologin-1.0.0-18pclos2011.src.rpmA337288f4a018f7b1ee6d2a5bc6251fd7./SRPMS.pcloskd   K B@BA8BE<BJ]Cautomake1.171pclos2024A GNU tool for automatically creating MakefilesAutomake is a tool for automatically generating Makefiles compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. You should install Automake if you are developing software and would like to use its capabilities of automatically generating GNU standard Makefiles. If you install Automake, you will also need to install GNU's Autoconf package.ADevelopment/Otherx86_64  autoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1automake-1.17-1pclos2024.src.rpmh)418f208a8171919e281dc829a9f7462f./SRPMS.pclos?d " R B@BA BEBJ1Cautomake1.41.4.0.p63pclos2011A GNU tool for automatically creating MakefilesAutomake is a tool for automatically generating Makefiles compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. You should install Automake if you are developing software and would like to use its capabilities of automatically generating GNU standard Makefiles. If you install Automake, you will also need to install GNU's Autoconf package.Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1automake1.4-1.4.0.p6-3pclos2011.src.rpmf25bd72c81e4644ed83b4a1ba2d0c9f7./SRPMS.pclos[d  O B@BA(BE,BJMCautomake1.71.7.95pclos2011A GNU tool for automatically creating MakefilesAutomake is a tool for automatically generating Makefiles compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. You should install Automake if you are developing software and would like to use its capabilities of automatically generating GNU standard Makefiles. If you install Automake, you will also need to install GNU's Autoconf package.Graphicsx86_64 cmakelib64pano13-devellib64tiff-devellib64xml2-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autopano-sift-C-2.5.1-5pclos2017.src.rpmGwc5f79ee4856ec2f28477981b2e5b8abc./SRPMS.pclossd   3 B@ BA@BEDBJeCautopsy2.064pclos2007Autopsy Forensic BrowserThe Autopsy Forensic Browser is a graphical interface to the command line digital forensic analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit. Together, The Sleuth Kit and Autopsy provide many of the same features as commercial digital forensics tools for the analysis of Windows(tm) and UNIX file systems (NTFS, FAT, FFS, EXT2FS, and EXT3FS). The Sleuth Kit and Autopsy are both Open Source and run on UNIX platforms. As Autopsy is HTML-based, the investigator can connect to the Autopsy server from any platform using an HTML browser. Autopsy provides a "File Manager"-like interface and shows details about deleted data and file system structures.Neverstopdreaming System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autopsy-2.06-4pclos2007.src.rpm63e6349d97179ea459b28531b55d50e9./SRPMS.pclosd   78 <W`dB@BABEBJCautosmb1.15pclos2010Automounter script for autods This is an automounter helper script for autofs. Add this to /etc/auto.master /cifs /etc/auto.smb --timeout=60 and edit /etc/auto.smb.conf with credentials. The credemntials file should be of the form username=NTDOMAIN\USERNAME password=PASSWORDdSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autosmb-1.1-5pclos2010.src.rpme5b0c55ca34dcbe239a1c404f7999b80./SRPMS.pclosWd   Ex| B@BA$BE(BJICautosscep0.9.28b3pclos2007Simple automatic certificate enrollerAUTOSSCEP is an automatic x509 certificate enroller based on SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol). It provides VPN users an easy maintenance of their certificates. It was developed in S.P.E. laboratories starting from Sscep client by Jarkko Turkulainen and it's based on OpenSSL toolkit libraryʁNeverstopdreaming Networking/Otheri586 openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autosscep-0.9.28b-3pclos2007.src.rpma38bf722433aa601296dbfbc6169bf695./SRPMS.pclosd   I$ (9@HtB@}BABEBJCautossh1.4b1pclos2009Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnelsautossh is a program to start a copy of ssh and monitor it, restarting it as necessary should it die or stop passing traffic. The idea and the mechanism are from rstunnel (Reliable SSH Tunnel), but implemented in C.9Networking/Otheri586 openssh-clientsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autossh-1.4b-1pclos2009.src.rpm51a019feb7aec1ee8049ecb19887c5bb2./SRPMS.pclosd " y "-4DB@BABEBJCdeautotrace0.31.131pclos2017Program for converting bitmap to vector graphicskonvertiert Bitmaps in VektorgrafikenAutotrace is a program for converting bitmap to vector graphics. Supported formats: - Input formats: BMP, TGA, PNM, PPM, PGM, PBM and those supported by ImageMagick. - Export formats: Postscript, svg, xfig, swf, pstoedit, emf, dxf, cgm, mif, p2e and skAutoTrace ist ein Programm, welches Bitmaps in Vektorgrafiken konvertiert. Das Ziel des AutoTrace-Projekts ist die Entwicklung einer frei verfügbaren Anwendung, die CorelTrace oder Adobe Streamline ähnelt. In einigen Punkten ist es sogar schon besser. AutoTrace wurde ursprünglich als Plugin für GIMP erstellt, ist jetzt aber ein selbstständiges Programm. Homepage: http://autotrace.sourceforge.net/Lbb2 Publishingx86_64  pstoedit-devellib64magick-develmultiarch-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) P81d0babd3b55a3c5cd26c9c973228066./SRPMS.pclosd   1 (9@HoB@xBABEBJCautounit0.20.12pclos2007C testing frameworkGNU Autounit's goal is to provide a common unit testing framework for applications developers who use GNU Autoconf already in their products, but do not currently use a unit testing framework.vNeverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586 glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autounit-0.20.1-2pclos2007.src.rpm}44fad9e9e8f505ebf449954ad0edfd3f./SRPMS.pclosd   .,0 `fltB@BABEBJCautozen2.15pclos2007Brainwave controllerAutoZen is a software 'brain machine' for Linux. It generates sounds that are meant to cause the brain to temporarily shift to a different dominant frequency and cause the user to experience an altered state of consciousness. NOTE: Requires headphones.Neverstopdreaming Soundi586 gtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1autozen-2.1-5pclos2007.src.rpmɰ3b58178c7e66ac3ba3009f721b6720ce./SRPMS.pclosd   C 4pB@BABEBJCavahi0.82pclos2021Avahi service discovery (mDNS/DNS-SD) suiteAvahi is a system which facilitates service discovery on a local network -- this means that you can plug your laptop or computer into a network and instantly be able to view other people who you can chat with, find printers to print to or find files being shared. This kind of technology is already found in MacOS X (branded 'Rendezvous', 'Bonjour' and sometimes 'ZeroConf') and is very convenient. ESystem/Serversx86_64  xmltomanlib64daemon-develpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(expat)libgdbm-devellib64glade2.0_0-develpygtk2.0python-dbuspkgconfig(libcap)intltoolpkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 351cf68b8dd0d188b987aaa76c424d72./SRPMS.pclos{d & A $ Tel   B@BAHBELBJmCavalon-framework4.2.01.2pclos2007Java components interfacesThe Avalon framework consists of interfaces that define relationships between commonly used application components, best-of-practice pattern enforcements, and several lightweight convenience implementations of the generic components. What that means is that we define the central interface Component. We also define the relationship (contract) a component has with peers, ancestors and children. This documentation introduces you to those patterns, interfaces and relationships.Neverstopdreaming Development/Javai586  antant-junitavalon-logkitjava-javadocjpackage-utilsjunitjava-gcj-compat-devellog4jrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0: ! 6 0AH x  B@<BAdBEhBJCavalon-logkit1.23.3pclos2007Java logging toolkitLogKit is a logging toolkit designed for secure performance orientated logging in applications. To get started using LogKit, it is recomended that you read the whitepaper and browse the API docs.Neverstopdreaming Development/Javai586  jpackage-utilsantavalon-framework-javadocjavamailjava-javadocjunitlog4javalon-frameworkservletjdbc-stdextjava-gcj-compat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0:1.50: * W  (0|B@BABEBJCavant-window-navigator0.4.03pclos2010AWN - a Dock-style window selector for GNOMEAvant Window Navigator (AWN) is a dock-style window list for GNOME. It provides a view of your running applications in a dock at the bottom of the screen, identified by their icon. ,Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gnome-commonlibGConf2-develintltoollibgtk+2-devellibgnome2-devellibgnome-desktop-2-devellibglade2.0-devellibwnck-devellibxcomposite-devellibxdamage-develdesktop-file-utilspython-develpygtk2.0-develgnome-pythongtk-docpyxdgvalalibdesktop-agnostic-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avant-window-navigator-0.4.0-3pclos2010.src.rpm b7736fefa1331a695c91526b0c99d2a2./SRPMS.pclosd  g, 0HPTpB@xBABEBJCavatar-factory0.81pclos2009Create eye candy shortcuts for music albums, photo albums, and more...Avatar Factory is a bash script that creates shortcuts (Desktop Entry files) with eye candy icons that represent music albums, photo albums, DVD films, youtube videos, mame roms, comics, and more. When clicked the avatars can perform different actions as launching a video, start playing some music (compatible with many music players), open a folder, etc... They can be viewed in Nautilus, Thunar or any application that support Desktop Entry files.ˆGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avatar-factory-0.8-1pclos2009.src.rpm5f4eb9f8f5ec77719a7bd5a65bfc8fa8./SRPMS.pcloswd   N B@$BADBEHBJiCavce001.3.04pclos2007Arc/Info (binary) Vector Coverage <-> E00 UtilitiesAVCE00 is an Open Source (i.e. Free!) ANSI-C library that makes Arc/Info (binary) Vector Coverages appear as E00! It allows you to read and write binary coverages just as if they were E00 files. For those who do not need a library but simply want to convert some coverages, the package includes the "AVCIMPORT" and "AVCEXPORT" conversion programs.Neverstopdreaming Sciences/Geosciencesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avce00-1.3.0-4pclos2007.src.rpme573098e17564d58d94881a4ffbf4b9e./SRPMS.pclosd   . ;B@GBAhBElBJCavfs1.1.51pclos2023A Virtual File SystemAVFS is a system, which enables all programs to look inside archived or compressed files, or access remote files without recompiling the programs or changing the kernel. At the moment it supports floppies, tar and gzip files, zip, bzip2, ar and rar files, ftp sessions, http, webdav, rsh/rcp, ssh/scp. Quite a few other handlers are implemented with the Midnight Commander's external FS.System/Basex86_64 bzip2-develpkgconfig(fuse)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avfs-1.1.5-1pclos2023.src.rpm753fc952ec7a8bf2cd87a26093da3149./SRPMS.pclosd   0P TZd;P;#;B@eBABEBJCavidemux2.8.12pclos2023A free video editorAvidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks.It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting capabilities.CiVideox86_64 cmakeyasmfakerootchrpathImageMagicklib64a52dec0-devellib64aften-devellib64alsa2-devellib64audiofile-devellib64bzip2-devellib64crystalhd-devellib64dca-devellib64dcaenc-devellib64esound-devellib64faac-devellib64faad2-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64fribidi-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64jack-devellib64lame-devellib64lzma-devellib64lzo-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64mp4v2-devellib64ogg-devellib64opencore-amrnb-devellib64opencore-amrwb-devellib64opus-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64SDL-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64twolame-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64vpx-devellib64x11-devellib64x265-devellib64xext-devellib64xv-devellib64xvid4-devellib64xvmc-devellibxcb-develmesa-develmultiarch-utilsqtbase5-common-develqttools5texi2htmltexinfox11-proto-develx264-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avidemux-2.8.1-2pclos2023.src.rpmC0a70734233c7c7140e81b069b697f75a./SRPMS.pclosd   D !(,HB@PBAtBExBJCavlmap0.12.22pclos2007AVLMAP - Binary tree and mapping libraryThe avlmap library implements a data mapping abstraction in function calls, along with an underlying AVL balanced binary search tree implementation. Neverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avlmap-0.12.2-2pclos2007.src.rpm b2e4cc59e6217aa9b8cbb912878f7b20./SRPMS.pclosd   O8 <FP\B@vBABEBJCavogadro1.1.13pclos2018An advanced molecular editor for chemical purposesAn advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas, which offers flexible rendering and a powerful plugin architecture.JEducationx86_64  cmakelib64qt4-develeigen2lib64openbabel-devellib64boost-devellib64glew-devellib64spglib-develmolequeue-develdesktop-file-utilsdocbook-utilspython-sippython-qt4python-numpyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d   C    B@BABEBJCavr-gcc7.4.01pclos2019Cross Compiling GNU GCC targeted at avrThis is a Cross Compiling version of GNU GCC, which can be used to compile for the avr platform, instead of for the native x86_64 platform.N9System/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++avr-binutilszlib-develgawkgmp-develmpfr-devellibmpc-develflexgettext-develautoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avr-gcc-7.4.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm`bd0056b2a66476164521e65b19551b2a./SRPMS.pclosd   U ,jB@vBABEBJCavr-libc2.0.01pclos2019C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollersAVR Libc is a Free Software project whose goal is to provide a high quality C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers. AVR Libc is licensed under a single unified license. This so-called modified Berkeley license is intented to be compatible with most Free Software licenses like the GPL, yet impose as little restrictions for the use of the library in closed-source commercial applications as possible.uSystem/Librariesnoarch avr-gccautoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avr-libc-2.0.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm%88de89f53479b7b5ab5aebb7b1afffbf./SRPMS.pclosd   )  <B@DBAdBEhBJCavra1.1.02pclos2007An AVR assemblerAvra is an GNU GPL'ed assembler for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers. Features: - It's compatible with Atmel's avrasm. - Better macro support. - Conditional assembly.eNeverstopdreaming Development/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avra-1.1.0-2pclos2007.src.rpmmSccb41a3fe39d3e2520d35030a1dcfd58./SRPMS.pclosd   8< AS\hB@BABEBJCdeavrdude5.11.11pclos2012AVRDUDE is software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontrollers.AVRDUDE ist Software für das Programmieren von Atmel AVR MikrokontrollernAVRDUDE is software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontrollers.AVRDUDE ist Software für das Programmieren von Atmel AVR Mikrokontrollern NealDevelopment/Otherx86_64 bisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1avrdude-5.11.1-1pclos2012.src.rpm `:4b3bdc4d68bed48ef6cccd1edabee2bf./SRPMS.pclosd   G  =B@QBAtBExBJCawesfx0.5.1c1pclos2009Utility programs for the AWE32 sound driverThe awesfx package contains necessary utilities for the AWE32 sound driver. If you must use an AWE32 sound driver, you should install this package.System/Kernel and hardwarei586  unzipalsa-lib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.0.2-2mdk3.0.4-1awesfx-0.5.1c-1pclos2009.src.rpm6d137e92cfa9db9b283de23001b92ac8./SRPMS.pclos[d   ( TB@ BA(BE,BJMCawesome4.21pclos2018Window managerawesome is a tiling window manager initialy based on a dwm code rewriting. It's extremely fast, small, dynamic and awesome. Windows can be managed in several layouts: tiled, maximized and floating. Each layout can be applied on the fly, optimizing the environment for the application in use and the task performed. Managing windows in tiled mode assures that no space will be wasted on your screen. No gaps, no overlap.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 libx11-devellibxext-devellibxrandr-devellibxinerama-develconfuse-devellibxft-develzlib-develfreetype2-devellibxdg-basedir-devellibcairo-develasciidocxmltopango-develdoxygenimlib2-devellibev-devellibxcb-util-xrm-devellib64lua5.2-devellib64xcb-util-cursor-devellib64xcb-util-keysyms-devellib64xcb-ewmh2lib64xcb-util-wm-devellib64startup-notification-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1awesome-4.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm"L171b16d4609828f1f90684499fc6d6e4./SRPMS.pclosd * d8 <T\`|B@BABEBJCawesome-plugin-vicious2.1.02pclos2018A modular widget library for the "awesome" window managerVicious is a modular widget library for the "awesome" window manager, derived from the 'Wicked' widget library. It has some of the old Wicked widget types, a few of them rewritten, and a good number of new ones.Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1awesome-plugin-vicious-2.1.0-2pclos2018.src.rpmmcd54abcdb6f12b1038aeb35d9cba7f34./SRPMS.pclosd   P DB@OBApBEtBJCawesum0.6.02pclos2009Awesum is an easy to use graphical checksum verifier.Awesum is a graphical checksum verification utility. It is written in Python and uses the PyGTK toolkit. Awesum is very easy to use and includes support for both MD5 and SHA checksum algorithms. Unlike many checksum verification utilities, Awesum features a progress bar which makes working with large files (such as CD-ROM ISO images) much more bearable.SMerlin Whitewolf (aka Myrddin F)Archiving/Otheri586 pygtk2.0-develpythonpygtk2.0-libgladerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1awesum-0.6.0-2pclos2009.src.rpm[37aea0e374304aa38ea9b4b3d8630c33./SRPMS.pclosGd   I 8CHhB@BABEBJ9Cawffull3.5.15pclos2007AWFFull - A Webalizer Fork, Full o' Features!Webalizer is a great weblog analysis program but hasn't been going anywhere in recent years. AWFFull takes that base and starts to fix the niggles and annoyances and hopefully become a useful enhancement. As a base, weblizer has a stated goal of producing web server analysis. AWFFull on the other hand, will gradually focus more on the business intelligence contained within those logs - and not specifically limited just to web server logs.GNeverstopdreaming Monitoringi586  rpm-helperrpm-mandriva-setupjpeg-develfreetype2-develpng-develgd-develpcre-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & ?  x-B@MBA|BEBJCawn-extras-applets0.4.02pclos2010Applets for the awn dockAvant-window-navigator is a dock-style window list for GNOME. It provides a view of your running applications in a dock at the bottom of the screen, identified by their icon.ܵGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gnome-commonlibGConf2-develintltoollibgtk+2-devellibgnome2-devellibgnome-desktop-2-devellibglade2.0-devellibwnck-devellibxcomposite-devellibxdamage-develImageMagickdesktop-file-utilspython-develpygtk2.0-develgnome-pythonlibgtop2.0-devellibnotify-devellibsexy-devellibvte-develpython-alsaaudiolibgnome-menu-develgnome-python-gtkmozembedavant-window-navigatoravant-window-navigator-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1awn-extras-applets-0.4.0-2pclos2010.src.rpm6bc176b7bfc65902b065c18d2ffd7186./SRPMS.pclosd   1 8GP\B@BABEBJCawstats6.59pclos2007Advanced Web StatisticsAdvanced Web Statistics is a powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web server graphic statistics. This server log analyzer works from command line or as a CGI and shows you all information your log contains, in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like Apache, IIS, Weblogic, Webstar, Squid, ... but also mail or ftp servers. This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated users, pages, domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search engines/keywords used, visits duration, HTTP errors and more... Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler. The program also supports virtual servers, plugins and a lot of features.Neverstopdreaming Networking/WWWnoarch  rpm-helperrpm-mandriva-setuprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d  4 B@BA(BE,BJMCax250.0.117pclos2007Libraries for Amateur AX25Libraries for Amateur AX25 (kernel >= 2.2). This package is split off from the previous ax25-utils.Neverstopdreaming Communicationsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ax25-0.0.11-7pclos2007.src.rpm$71cd683f278529201445a3212e03ac4a./SRPMS.pclos'd   S $ TchxB@BABEBJCax25-apps0.0.67pclos2007Applications for kernel AX.25 support (kernel >= 2.2)Applications for kernel AX.25 support (kernel >= 2.2). This package is split off from the previous ax25-utils. It contains the following applications : ax25ipd, ax25mond, ax25rtctl, ax25rtd, call, listen.&gNeverstopdreaming Communicationsi586 ax25-devellibncurses-develglibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ax25-apps-0.0.6-7pclos2007.src.rpm/Ha96719061d13ab38dc05716f0bff53ff./SRPMS.pclos#d  [X \ktB@BABEBJCaxel2.17.101pclos2020A lightweight download accelerator by using multiple connectionsAxel tries to accelerate HTTP/FTP downloading process by using multiple connections for one file. It can use multiple mirrors for a download. Axel has no dependencies and is lightweight, so it might be useful as a wget clone on byte-critical systems.7bNetworking/WWWx86_64 libtoolgettextpkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1axel-2.17.10-1pclos2020.src.rpm>67be1153addc4c236553b78a44aa23d4./SRPMS.pclosd   : 0%B@IBAlBEpBJCaxis1. SOAP implementation in JavaApache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. From the draft W3C specification: SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses. This project is a follow-on to the Apache SOAP project.9wBNeverstopdreaming Development/Javai586  jpackage-utilsjava-develantant-nodepsjafjakarta-commons-discoveryjakarta-commons-httpclientjakarta-commons-loggingjavamailjaxp_parser_impllog4jservletapi5wsdl4jjssejunitorocastorjava-gcj-compat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0:1.50:   T 0B@BABEBJCaxis2c0.913pclos2007Axis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture, in CAxis2/C is an effort to implement Axis2 architecture, in C. Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume Web Services. Neverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586  apache-develapr-developenssl-devellibxml2-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.0.543.0.4-1axis2c-0.91-3pclos2007.src.rpm L7f5e90f856b2ac127b74b637d642858d./SRPMS.pclosd  Bt x   B@BABEBJ Cayatana-ido0.10.31pclos2024Ayatana Indicator Display ObjectsWidgets and other objects used for indicators.System/Librariesx86_64   cmakegtk-docmate-commonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtest)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(xorg-macros)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala2.  >X \yuB@BABEBJCayttm0.6.11pclos2010A Universal Instant Messaging ClientAyttm is designed to become a Universal Instant Messaging client, seamlessly integrating all existing Instant Messaging clients and providing a single consistant user interface. Currently, Ayttm supports sending and receiving messages through AOL, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, IRC and Jabber.pNetworking/Instant messagingi586  bisonflexglib2-develgtk+2-devellibltdl-devellibesound-develfreetype-develgettext-develautomakelibaspell-devellibxpm-devellibgpgme-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  9 /B@9BA\BE`BJCazy201111181pclos2011Lazy RPC client/server libraryAzy is a full rewrite of libzxr, itself a modification of libxr. It is meant for implementing rpc clients and servers in a simple manner.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 eina-develecore-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1azy-20111118-1pclos2011.src.rpm823172f8ade9641f2d68df8d5939175f./SRPMS.pclosWd  : B@BA$BE(BJICb43-firmware1.13pclos2019Firmware for the bcm43 chipThis package contains the firmware files for the standard bcm (b43) chip, which is used in wireless network cards.a=System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1b43-firmware-1.1-3pclos2019.src.rpmg9357f77848fec50604c28403689be233./SRPMS.pcloskdV B@BA8BE<BJ]Cb43-fwcutter0121pclos2011Tool to extract firmware for Broadcom 43xx network chipFwcutter allows you to extract the firmware required for Broadcom 43xx chips out of the .o files available with the card or on the internet. Not all versions of the firmwares are supported by this tool. You can list supported firmwares with : b43-fwcutter -l Depending on your chip, you will need a version 3 or 4 firmware. Useful reading and links to firmwares that can be extracted are available at http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 Extract (as root) with : b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta_mimo.o It will create files directly at the required place (in either b43legacy or b43 subfolder).?ISystem/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1b43-fwcutter-012-1pclos2011.src.rpmFY506ca54d7a96d1e023c8201408b423cb./SRPMS.pcloscd $ @ B@BA0BE4BJUCb43legacy-firmware1.03pclos2019Firmware for the bcm43 chipThis package contains the firmware files for the legacy bcm (b43) chip, which is used in wireless network cards.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1b43legacy-firmware-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm57fa9061d020a99126149bd280051a69./SRPMS.pclosd   3< @W`/B@RBAtBExBJCbabe-qt1.23pclos2019Tiny Qt Babe Music PlayerBabe is a tiny Qt music player to keep your favorite songs at hand Babe will handle your whole music collection, letting you create custom playlists to organize your music. You can also filter your music by artist, title, album, genre, date and location. Babe let's you babe-mark your favorite YouTube music videos into your local collection by using the Chromium extension. Think of Babe as the playlist where all your favorite tracks at the moment are. And when needed you also have an integrated collection manager.v Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64taglib-develcmakekf5-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1babe-qt-1.2-3pclos2019.src.rpmv65c50b2e2da8e8acc22cdd250ac32cab./SRPMS.pclosd   ]   O B@_BABEBJCbabeltrace1.5.81pclos2021Trace Viewer and Converter, mainly for the Common Trace FormatThis project provides trace read and write libraries, as well as a trace converter. A plugin can be created for any trace format to allow its conversion to/from another trace format. The main format expected to be converted to/from is the Common Trace Format (CTF). See http://www.efficios.com/ctf. $System/Librariesx86_64 bisonflexlib64popt-devellibtoollib64elfutils-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64uuid-devellibtool-baserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1babeltrace-1.5.8-1pclos2021.src.rpm )h90a64b971a785fb30a3007afcb83273a./SRPMS.pclos[d  O    B@BA(BE,BJMCbabl0.1.1101pclos2024Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion libraryBabl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library. It provides conversions between the myriad of buffer types images can be stored in. Babl doesn't only help with existing pixel formats, but also facilitates creation of new and uncommon ones. GEGL uses babl both for enumeration of pixel formats as well as conversions between them.sSystem/Librariesx86_64  gi-docgenlibrsvgmesonpkgconfig(appstream)pkgconfig(appstream-glib)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(vapigen)python3-packagingrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1babl-0.1.110-1pclos2024.src.rpm5900a6bb72c2192b70d03f8c29aff3c8a./SRPMS.pclosd ) D /B@9BAtBExBJCpython-beautifulsoup44.5.02pclos2016The Screen-Scraper's FrienBeautiful Soup sits atop an HTML or XML parser, providing Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying the parse tree.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1backdown-python-beautifulsoup4-4.5.0-2pclos2016.src.rpm5eeb8c42a90a5837c882a50368c10e78./SRPMS.pclosSd   4 B@BA BE$BJECbackintime1.3.31pclos2023Backup tool for LinuxBack In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux inspired from Flyback project and TimeVault.MeArchiving/Backupx86_64 gettextlib64python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1backintime-1.3.3-1pclos2023.src.rpmJ{80a57575d2f9fd9ecc5d1f81cb912b85./SRPMS.pclosd   @ 2B@EBAhBElBJCbakefile0.2.131pclos2024Cross-platform makefiles generatorBakefile is a makefiles generator that generates native makefiles for many Unix and Windows compilers.=Development/Toolsx86_64  pkgconfig(python3)python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig3.0.4-14.6.0-1bakefile-0.2.13-1pclos2024.src.rpmc7035a18eddfa82e4c2645674e5476fb./SRPMS.pclosd   N B@BABEBJCbakery2.6.33pclos2011C++ Framework for Document-based GNOME applicationsA C++ Framework for Document-based GNOME applications, using gtkmm. It allows use of the Document/View architecture. ySystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64gconfmm2.6_1-devellib64glademm2.4-devellib64xml++2.6-devellib64gnome-vfsmm2.6_1-devellibexpat1-devellibsm6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bakery-2.6.3-3pclos2011.src.rpmce65724de1fe0f00e3bd938bb32803e8./SRPMS.pclos;d # EH LgpB@BABE BJ-Cbalena-etcher1.18.132pclos2023Tool for writing ISO to USB stickSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdtarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1balena-etcher-1.18.13-2pclos2023.src.rpm%e567a80459e0c8392a7a77c0ac833446./SRPMS.pcloskd  S B@BA8BE<BJ]Cbaloo6.11.01pclos2025Baloo is a framework for searching and managing metadataBaloo is a framework for searching and managing metadata.ISystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslmdb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1baloo-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmEb60efde1e30dab1f45f7b0fdc75c1a10./SRPMS.pclos'd # 5H LclxB@BABEBJCbaloo-widgets24.12.31pclos2025Widgets for BalooWidgets for Baloo.FGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1baloo-widgets-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmv 014400e7b8e355aaa3220cc2f927de6a./SRPMS.pclos[d   K B@BA(BE,BJMCbaltazar0.22pclos2011Baltazar is downloader for RapidShare free usersBaltazar is downloader for RapidShare free users, just add links to Baltazar and download can begin.zNetworking/File transfernoarch fdupesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1baltazar-0.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm728b93439e1c0bd906d2377fc48ee915./SRPMS.pclosd &x|B@BABEBJCbam0.4.01pclos2011A build-systemBam is a build system with the focus on being having fast build times and flexiable build scripts. Instead of having a custom language it uses Lua to describe the build steps. It's written in clean C and is distrubuted under the liberal zlib licence. Available on many platforms including but not limited to Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bam-0.4.0-1pclos2011.src.rpma5f20084988e5737b34c9538baf3b364./SRPMS.pcloskd   et xB@BA8BE<BJ]Cbamf0.5.31pclos2018Removes applications matching into a simple DBusdaemon and C wrapper libraryBAMF removes the headache of applications matching into a simple DBus daemon and C wrapper library. Currently features application matching at amazing levels of accuracy (covering nearly every corner case). This package contains the bamf library built against GTK+ 2.2System/Librariesx86_64 python-libxml2python-libxsltvalavala-toolsx11-proto-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtop2.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64wnck3-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bamf-0.5.3-1pclos2018.src.rpm2e10465d0406aaa80b486d1d072c48ff3./SRPMS.pclosd   . B@*BALBEPBJqCbangarang2.15pclos2012A KDE media playerBangarang makes it easy to enjoy your : Music Movies TV shows Audio and video feeds Audio streams Audio and Video clips CDs and DVDs Fully integrated with KDE’s Nepomuk semantic desktop, Bangarang has access to indexed media information and automatically shares its own media information, rating, tags and usage statistics with other KDE powered applications. Anything Phonon plays, Bangarang plays. Audio settings and video settings are automatically enabled if the Phonon backend supports it. Plasma desktop widgets with MPRIS support can directly control Bangarang.;^NealMultimedia/Audio/Videoi586 kdelibs-develtaglib-develkde-runtime-nepomukfdupesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bangarang-2.1-5pclos2012.src.rpm;g>3550060f0d64c6d7f208bada670939f7./SRPMS.pclosCd   C #(##B@BABEBJ5Cbanshee2.6.02pclos2012Music player with mobile player supportWith Banshee you can easily import, manage, and play selections from your music collection. Banshee allows you to import CDs, sync your music collection to an mobile device, play music directly from an mobile player, create playlists with songs from your library, and create audio and MP3 CDs from subsets of your library.2CNealSoundi586  mono-develmono-zeroconf-develmono-addins-develndesk-dbus-glibtaglib-sharp-develnotify-sharp-develgnome-sharp2-develwebkit-sharp-develgudev-sharp-develgkeyfile-sharp-develwebkitgtk-devellibgoogle-data-mono-develsqlite3-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-devellibxrandr-devellibxxf86vm-develgstreamer0.10-cdparanoiagstreamer0.10-gnomevfsgstreamer0.10-plugins-goodgnome-desktop-devellibmtp-develgio-sharp-develgtk-sharp-beans-develboomono-toolslibrsvgdesktop-file-utilsgnome-commonintltoolgnome-doc-utilsdbus-sharp-glib-devellibgpod-develipod-sharp-develkarma-sharprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   :  @  B@BABEBJ)Cbaobab40.01pclos2021Disk Usage Analyzer (aka Baobab)Disk Usage Analyzer is is a graphical, menu-driven application to analyze disk usage in any Gnome environment. Disk Usage Analyzer can easily scan either the whole file-system tree, or a specific user-requested directory branch (local or remote). It also auto-detects in real-time any changes made to your home directory as far as any mounted/unmounted device. Disk Usage Analyzer also provides a full graphical tree-map window for each selected folder.PFile toolsx86_64 itstoolintltoollib64girepository-devellib64gtop2.0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-develgnome-doc-utilsvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1baobab-40.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmf95574c5342dd05e268deb74afb45ead./SRPMS.pclos#d   & B@BABEBJCbarcode0.982pclos2011GNU barcodeThis is GNU-barcode. The package is meant to solve most needs in barcode creation with a conventional printer. It can create printouts for the conventional product tagging standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, as well as a few other formats. Ouput is generated as either Postscript or Encapsulated Postscript (other back-ends may be added if needed).־Publishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1barcode-0.98-2pclos2011.src.rpmza14d4edaf4fa633ed6770cdb183bb20a./SRPMS.pclosd     ,B@BABEBJCdebareftp0.3.101pclos2013File transfer client supporting the FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSHFTP Klient, der FTP, FTP über SSL/TLS (FTPS) und SSH unterstütztbareFTP is a file transfer client supporting the FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). It is written in C#, targeting the Mono framework and the GNOME desktop environment. bareFTP is free and open source software released under the terms of the GPL license.bareFTP ist ein Dateitransferklient der FTP, FTP über SSL/TLS (FTPS) und SSH (SFTP) unterstützt. Es ist in C# geschrieben und nutzt das Mono Framework und die GNOME Desktopumgebung. bareFTP ist freie und Open Source Software, die unter den Bedingungen der GPL v2 Lizenz veröffentlicht wurde.ΙpinocNetworking/WWWx86_64 gnome-sharp2-develgtk-sharp2-develgnome-keyring-sharpmono-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bareftp-0.3.10-1pclos2013.src.rpmP5329d781f9b7427e14534986fdd80910./SRPMS.pclosd   $( .;DPB@BABEBJCdebarrage1.0.51pclos2020Kill and destroy as many targets as possible within 3 minutesTöten und zerstören Sie so viele Ziele wie möglich in 3 MinutenBarrage is a rather violent action game with the objective to kill and destroy as many targets as possible within 3 minutes. The player controls a gun that may either fire small or large grenades at soldiers, jeeps and tanks. It is a very simple gameplay though it is not that easy to get high scores.Barrage is ein weiteres Aktionspiel mit dem Ziel so viele Ziele wie möglich zu töten und zu zerstören und das innerhalb von 3 Minuten. Der Spieler steuert eine Waffe, die kleine und große Granten auf Soldaten, Geländewagen und Panzer schießt. Es ist ein einfaches Spielprinzip, aber es ist nicht leicht eine hohe Punktzahl zu bekommen.drJobleGames/Arcadex86_64  SDL-develSDL_mixer-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Y 4B@BABEBJCbarrier2.3.21pclos2020Use a single keyboard and mouse to control multiple computersBarrier is software that mimics the functionality of a KVM switch, which historically would allow you to use a single keyboard and mouse to control multiple computers. Barrier does this in software, allowing you to tell it which machine to control by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen, or by using a key press to switch focus to a different system.@y Networking/Remote accessx86_64 cmakelib64avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devellib64curl-devellib64openssl-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xrandr-devellib64xrender-devellib64xtst-develmesa-develninjax11-proto-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1barrier-2.3.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm@d12e245d71bfd1f9a0a2c4f4e8b8d2e9./SRPMS.pclos'd   r| B@BABEBJCdebarry0.18.42pclos2015Linux interface to RIM BlackBerry devicesLinuxinterface zu RIMs BlackBerry GerätenBarry is a GPL C++ library for interfacing with the RIM BlackBerry Handheld. It comes with a command line tool for exploring the device and a GUI for making quick backups and udev rules which allow the device to be charged via a USB port.Barry ist eine GPL-C + +-Bibliothek für das Arbeiten mit dem RIM BlackBerry Handheld. Es kommt mit einem Kommandozeilen-Tool für die Erkundung der Einrichtung und einer GUI für die Erstellung schneller Backups und udev-Regeln, sodass das Gerät am USB-Port geladen werden kann.(, the author of BinChunker, for the extensive help, documentation and letting me look at his Pascal/Delphi source code! binchunker converts a CD image in a ".bin / .cue" format (sometimes ".raw / .cue") to a set of .iso and .cdr tracks. The bin/cue format is used by some non-Unix cd-writing software, but is not supported on most other cd-writing programs. The .iso track contains an ISO file system, which can be mounted through a loop device on Linux systems, or written on a CD-R using cdrecord. The .cdr tracks are in the native CD audio format. They can be either written on a CD-R using cdrecord -audio, or converted to WAV (or any other sound format for that matter) using sox.>Archiving/Cd burningx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bchunk-1.2.2-2pclos2019.src.rpmGDaf9f7607c332bbae3e674fe4cefdebd7./SRPMS.pclosSd " @ B@BA BE$BJECbcm2033-firmware1.03pclos2019Firmware for the bcm2033 chipThis package contains the firmware files for the bcm2033 chip, which is used in wireless network cards.(System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bcm2033-firmware-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm!517c9532da1b93ab7351129b7526e436./SRPMS.pclosSd " > B@BA BE$BJECbcm43xx-firmware1.04pclos2019Firmware for the bcm43 chipThis package contains the firmware files for the bcm43xx chip, which is used in wireless network cards.pSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bcm43xx-firmware-1.0-4pclos2019.src.rpmws50055e0254a79675ce54b6bef8dc827f./SRPMS.pclosd)a48X`dB@BABEBJCbcm43xx-fwcutter0050.1172.3pclos2011Tool to extract firmware for Broadcom 43xx network chipFwcutter allows you to extract the firmware required for Broadcom 43xx chips out of the .sys files commonly available with the card or on the internet. Once extracted, place all .fw files into /lib/firmware.{System/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bcm43xx-fwcutter-005-0.1172.3pclos2011.src.rpm 1bdd6c544b45a728683143861badd4dd./SRPMS.pclos/d  D B@BABEBJ!Cbcmatroska20.231pclos2020C Library to Deal with Matroska FilesBcmatroska2 is a C library to parse Matroska files (.mkv and .mka). 4System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bcmatroska2-0.23-1pclos2020.src.rpm 8352233685df3a89225daf30d1b3cca2./SRPMS.pclosd   Z QB@^BABEBJCbctoolbox4.4.211pclos2021Utility library for software from Belledonne CommunicationsUtilities library used by Belledonne Communications softwares like belle-sip, mediastreamer2 and linphone.xDevelopment/C++x86_64 cmakegcc-c++mbedtls-develbcunit-develpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bctoolbox-4.4.21-1pclos2021.src.rpmb4df4b8c94c311cd716edd313b77ce54./SRPMS.pclosSd   L B@BA BE$BJECbcunit3.0.21pclos2020Provide C programmers basic testing functionalityBCUnit is a unit testing framework for C, derived from CUnit. (B)CUnit provides various interfaces to the framework, some of which are platform dependent (e.g. curses on *nix). The framework complies with the conventional structure of test cases bundled into suites which are registered with the framework for running./System/Librariesx86_64 cmakencurses-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bcunit-3.0.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm+96e2cc2bb2987e9eec06b446935e3704./SRPMS.pclosod   g B@BA<BE@BJaCbdftopcf1.1.11pclos2022Convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled FormatBdftopcf converts X fonts from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format.0Development/X11x86_64 libxfont-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bdftopcf-1.1.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm7239d36f34ab883c41ac0f8da38dd3338./SRPMS.pclosd  Rhl   @ B@\BA|BEBJCbeast0.7.13pclos2007Music composition and audio synthesis framework and toolBEAST (the BEdevilled Audio System) is a GTK+/GNOME-based frontend to BSE (the Bedevilled Sound Engine). BSE comes with the abilities to load/store songs and synthesis networks (in .bse files), play them modify them, etc. BEAST provides the necessary GUI to make actual use of BSE. Synthesis filters (BseSources) are implemented in shared library modules, and get loaded on demand. NOTE: This package assumes audio device of your sound card is /dev/dsp, and MIDI device is /dev/midi; this setting may not fit your machine. If this is the case, please rebuild this RPM with the following options (assuming audio device is /dev/dsp2 and MIDI device is /dev/midi1): rpmbuild --rebuild --define='dsp_device /dev/dsp2' \ --define='midi_device /dev/midi1' beast-?.?.?-?mdk.src.rpmYThac Soundi586  guile-develgtk2-develImageMagicklibgnomecanvas2-devellibmad-devellibvorbis-develX11-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' =T Xs|B@BABEBJCbeautyline-icons202107251pclos2021BeautyLine Icon ThemeBeautyLine Icon ThemewISystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1beautyline-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmfba4ee605d76df56bf286b183e354359./SRPMS.pclos7d   =4 8@H p  B@BABEBJ)Cbeaver0.4.11pclos2011Beaver is an Early AdVanced EditoRBeaver starts up fast and doesn't use a lot of memory. Beaver's only dependency is GTK+2, so no need to install other libraries eating your disk space. These things make Beaver very suitable for old computers and use in small Linux distributions.q>Editorsx86_64 autoconfautomakefdupesgccgcc-c++makedoxygengtk2-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1beaver-0.4.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmu440f063b032c92fcf8165394592aa8c9./SRPMS.pclosd   =$( -7@L}B@BABEBJCbeebem0.0.131pclos2012BBC Micro and Master 128 EmulatorBeebEm is a BBC Micro and Master 128 emulator. It enables you to run BBC Micro software on your PC. BeebEm for UNIX will run most BBC Micro software including Elite, Exile and Revs. It will also run most BBC Micro ROM software.6NealEmulatorsx86_64 SDL-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1beebem-0.0.13-1pclos2012.src.rpm339009bed40e52005fedc83787ee383ae./SRPMS.pclosd   @t x  3 B@GBAlBEpBJCbeecrypt4.2.16pclos2019An open source cryptography libraryBeecrypt is a general-purpose cryptography library.{System/Librariesx86_64  doxygentetex-dvipstetex-latexgraphvizm4libgomp-develpython-develicu-develjava-rpmbuildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d   0  B@*BAHBELBJmCbeesu2.71pclos2019Graphical wrapper for suBeesu is a wrapper around su and works with consolehelper under Linux to let you have a graphic interface like gksu.I!System/Basex86_64 desktop-file-utilspkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1beesu-2.7-1pclos2019.src.rpm1727fb9161c119c9535fbe9a54bb55ad./SRPMS.pclosd  3 SB@tBABEBJCbeforelight1.0.51pclos2020Sample screen saverThe beforelight program is a sample implementation of a screen saver for X servers supporting the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.ghostbunnyDevelopment/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxaw-devellibxscrnsaver-devellibxt-develautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   S$ (7<\B@BA BEBJ1Cbeid2.6.01pclos2009Application to read information from the Belgian e-ID cardThis application allows the user to read out any information from a Belgian electronic ID card, by using libbeid and libbeidlibopensc to read the data from the card and parse it. Both identity information and information about the stored cryptographic keys can be read in a user-friendly manner, and can easily be printed out or stored for later review. The application verifies the signature of the identity information, checks whether it was signed by a government-issued key, and optionally checks the certificate against the government's Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and/or by using the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) against the government's servers. Menu Entry -> System -> Configuration -> Other»Communicationsi586  sconsopenssl-develpcsc-lite-develqt3-develjava-sdkopenssl-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   L B@BA4BE8BJYCbelcard4.4.211pclos2021C++ library to manipulate vCard standard formatBelcard is a C++ library to manipulate the vCard standard format.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(belr)pkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d   1x |B@BABE BJ-Cbelle-sip4.4.211pclos2021Linphone sip stackBelle-sip is an object oriented c written SIP stack used by Linphone.1System/Librariesx86_64  cmakebctoolbox-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  6 3B@DBAdBEhBJCbelr4.4.211pclos2021Language recognition libraryBelr aims at parsing any input formatted according to a language defined by an ABNF grammar, such as the protocols standardised at IETF.cSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(bctoolbox)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   O    B@BABEBJCdeberusky1.7.12pclos20192D logic game based on SokobanLogik Spiel in 2DBerusky is a 2D logic game based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban. An old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player. This package contains a binary for the game.Sokoban-ähnliches Klötzchenschieben, welches das klassische Spielkonzept um neue Elemente wie Explosivstoffe und Teleporter erweitert; wem die 120 enthaltenen Level nicht reichen, der kann mit dem beiliegenden Leveleditor selbst für Nachschub sorgen.RGames/Logicx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1berusky-1.7.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm%89ca89919df9e9572b59ec961c8bb0ba./SRPMS.pclosd ! KT XdlpB@BABEBJCdeberusky-data1.71pclos2014A datafile for BeruskyDaten für BeruskyA datafile for Berusky. Berusky is a 2D logic game based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban. An old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player. This package contains a data for the game, i.e. files with graphics, levels, game rules and configuration.Sokoban-ähnliches Klötzchenschieben, welches das klassische Spielkonzept um neue Elemente wie Explosivstoffe und Teleporter erweitert; wem die 120 enthaltenen Level nicht reichen, der kann mit dem beiliegenden Leveleditor selbst für Nachschub sorgen. Dieses Paket beinhaltet die Daten für das Spiel es sind die Grafiken, Levels, Spielregeln und Konfigurationen.KGames/Logicnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1berusky-data-1.7-1pclos2014.src.rpmK 950331566a83ace95351b79c8492bb42./SRPMS.pclos+d   A\ `nxB@BABEBJCbestgui1.2.12pclos2010BESTGUI is a Graphical User InterfaceDescription: A GUI front-end for BEST written in Python and GTK+ BEST (Basic Envisat SAR Toolbox) is a collection of executable software tools that has been designed to facilitate the use of ESA (the European Space Agency) SAR data. It operates according to user-generated parameters files. BESTGUI allows you to easily generate the parameters files for the BEST tools and launch the processing from the GUI. It provides: - enhanced menus and toolbars - persistent preferences - smart environment handling - colorized output log - progress bars for processing completion - the ability of stopping a running task from the GUI (stop button) - a dialog for the AoI specification - output preview for all (and not only) the tools that have an image as output Science/Othernoarch pythonpython-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bestgui-1.2.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm o0052361ca81e099332879388df8add26./SRPMS.pclosd # fT XhpxB@BABEBJCdebetterbird128.8.01pclos2025Betterbird mail/newsgroup clientBetterbird - Die E-Mail-AnwendungA successful fork of Mozilla Thunderbird, Betterbird provides a more complete email client with exclusive features and a lot of other bug fixesBetterbird ist ein freies Open-Source-E-Mail-Programm und -Newsreader des Mozilla-Projekts.Networking/Mailx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1betterbird-128.8.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm67cb95d02e5139b1b1272e8494ec22d3./SRPMS.pclosWd  ` B@BA$BE(BJICbg5ps1.3.012pclos2013A program for converting PostScript files to Chinese PostScript filesbg5ps is a program for converting normally unreadable PostScript files which are encoded in Big5 or GB to be readable using TrueType fonts. Its command line options are a bit harsh to get working but there are detailed instructions on how to do so. The default system wide encoding is Big5. This can be overridden either by using the GB configuration file in the documents directory, which will then prevail to be the system wide policy for bg5ps or alternatively you may want to use a custom-defined one in your home directory, which will be on a per-user basis.pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 freetype-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bg5ps-1.3.0-12pclos2013.src.rpm4ca68a336563f6d987904af83b41689e./SRPMS.pclos#d   4 B@BABEBJCbib2html6.51pclos2011BibTeX to HTML translatorbib2html is a script which permits to generate a set of HTML pages from a BibTeX database.bPublishingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bib2html-6.5-1pclos2011.src.rpmeb5a92bc2301062082f767fdcd37b98e6./SRPMS.pclosd  I  ,B@4BA\BE`BJCbibleanalyzer5.01pclos2017Bible study and analysis software programBible Analyzer is a free, cross-platform Bible study and analysis software program developed to aid Believers in their study and defense of the Holy Scriptures.Educationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bibleanalyzer-5.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm+62744bafaed8433d8c0d410d30101521./SRPMS.pclos;d   Sp tB@BABE BJ-Cbiblesync2.0.11pclos2019A Cross-platform library for sharing Bible navigationBibleSync is a multicast protocol to support Bible software shared co- navigation. It uses LAN multicast in either a personal/small team mutual navigation motif or in a classroom environment where there are Speakers plus the Audience. It provides a complete yet minimal public interface to support mode setting, setup for packet reception, transmit on local navigation, and handling of incoming packets. This library is not specific to any particular Bible software framework, completely agnostic as to structure of layers above BibleSync.;4System/Librariesx86_64 intltoollib64uuid-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1biblesync-2.0.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmBf05d19492b43fc3980972f46a8c143ed./SRPMS.pclosd  = <oB@BABEBJCdebibletime3.0.31pclos2022Easy to use Bible study toolBibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool for UNIX systems.BibleTime ist ein kostenloser und einfach zu Bibelstudium Tool für UNIX-Systeme verwenden.Educationx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngineWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(sword)lib64clucene2-develboost-develcmakepo4afoprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)̛dac15433a21fb778e3bd7ca2cc4e957e./SRPMS.pclosd   'd hoxB@BABEBJCbibleverse1.21pclos2019BibleVerseDisplays KJV bible verses from the old and new testament.g]Officenoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bibleverse-1.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmnz5418976a163813e44f330b8e4a5c5cc0./SRPMS.pclosd   B  (B@0BAPBETBJuCbibs0.9.11pclos2010Bibs - cross country meet scoring programBibs is a cross-platform cross country meet scoring program.Bibs provides pre-meet setup, race day finish data entry and scoring, and printable results for cross country meets.Officenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bibs-0.9.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmDaddeffe587612306da646d32f0dacd66./SRPMS.pclosd  8 ',8nB@xBABEBJCbibus1.4.01pclos2007Bibliographic database managerBibus is a bibliographic and reference management software. Besides besides searching, editing and sorting bibliographic records, it features: - Online PubMed and eTBLAST queries - Direct reference insertion in OpenOffice.org - File exchange capabilities with other reference managers - Hierarchical organization of the references with user-defined keys - Multi-user design - Live queries (i.e. upgraded when database is modified).P&Neverstopdreaming Publishingi586 desktop-file-utilspythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bibus-1.4.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmO373204897e033d8e59978a7d2b5d938a./SRPMS.pclosd # 5H LgptB@BABEBJCbigsur-icons202107251pclos2021BigSur Icon ThemeBigSur Icon Theme$kESystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bigsur-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm$t5b48b30a50f924eb0d5fba8e1966b63d./SRPMS.pclos_d!' 2 e8 <T\|B@BA,BE0BJQCdefresplsrnlbillreminder0.4.01pclos2011Simple application to remind you to pay your billsBillReminder is a small and quick accounting application designed to allow for easy tracking of bills.BillReminder is a small and quick accounting application designed to allow for easy tracking of bills.BillReminder is a small and quick accounting application designed to allow for easy tracking of bills.BillReminder is a small and quick accounting application designed to allow for easy tracking of bills.BillReminder is a small and quick accounting application designed to allow for easy tracking of bills.BillReminder is a small and quick accounting application designed to allow for easy tracking of bills.BillReminder is a small and quick accounting application designed to allow for easy tracking of bills. Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch intltoolperl-XML-Parserpython-develpygtk2.0python-sqlite2python-dbusdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1billreminder-0.4.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm830f554884a28d58aef2680f38100559./SRPMS.pclos;d  >  $  B@BABE BJ-Cbind9.10.8.P11pclos2019A DNS (Domain Name System) serverBIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the DNS (domain Name System) protocols. BIND includes a DNS server (named), which resolves host names to IP addresses, and a resolver library (routines for applications to use when interfacing with DNS). A DNS server allows clients to name resources or objects and share the information with other network machines. The named DNS server can be used on workstations as a caching name server, but is generally only needed on one machine for an entire network. Note that the configuration files for making BIND act as a simple caching nameserver are included in the caching-nameserver package. Install the bind package if you need a DNS server for your network. If you want bind to act a caching name server, you will also need to install the caching-nameserver package. Many BIND 8 features previously unimplemented in BIND 9, including domain-specific forwarding, the \$GENERATE master file directive, and the "blackhole", "dialup", and "sortlist" options Forwarding of dynamic update requests; this is enabled by the "allow-update-forwarding" option A new, simplified database interface and a number of sample drivers based on it; see doc/dev/sdb for details Support for building single-threaded servers for environments that do not supply POSIX threads New configuration options: "min-refresh-time", "max-refresh-time", "min-retry-time", "max-retry-time", "additional-from-auth", "additional-from-cache", "notify explicit" Faster lookups, particularly in large zones. Build Options: --with sdb Build with database backends and DLZ support (enabled by default) --with geoip Build with GeoIP support (disabled per default)^iSystem/Serversx86_64  openssl-develmultiarch-utilslibidn-develpostgresql-develmysql-devellibcap-devellibxml2-develkrb5-developenldap-develsqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)]88073f71d6380d8f4960043b5c9634ea0./SRPMS.pclosd   (D HT\dB@BABEBJCbiniax21.21pclos2007A logical gameBiniax is original and entertaining game. Takes a minute to learn and gives you hours of gameplay. Discover the different Biniax-2 faces - for action heroes or careful strategists. For those, who like different game modes and eye-candy. Totally free for Windows, Linux and MorphOS.0Games/Logici586 unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1biniax2-1.2-1pclos2007.src.rpmmaadf8a3d25060e6c4a8a2f60088561c4./SRPMS.pclosd  -H LX`hB@BABEBJCbiniax2-data1.21pclos2007A logical gameData files for Biniax2.-JGames/Logicnoarch unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1biniax2-data-1.2-1pclos2007.src.rpm-46ab182bb59e7c1267e87a24a4041b56./SRPMS.pclos7d   7 B@BABEBJ)Cbinio1.43pclos2018Binary I/O stream class libraryThe binary I/O stream class library presents a platform-independent way to access binary data streams in C++. The library is hardware independent in the form that it transparently converts between the different forms of machine-internal binary data representation. It further employs no special I/O protocol and can be used on arbitrary binary data sources.#~System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1binio-1.4-3pclos2018.src.rpm!mdaae6dc1d656f02af2a0a0823a5846bf./SRPMS.pclos'd   MP TZdB@BABEBJCbino1.6.71pclos2019Video Player with 3D and Multi-Display Video SupportBino is a video player with the following main features: Support for stereoscopic 3D video, with a wide variety of input and output formats. Support for multi-display video, e.g. for powerwalls, Virtual Reality installations and other multi-projector setups. Videox86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64ass-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64glew-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64openal-devellib64qt4-devellib64x11-devellibtoolgettexttexinfopkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bino-1.6.7-1pclos2019.src.rpm P86eb5244120c3e1a135bf6d7effdad58./SRPMS.pclosd 5 B@(BALBEPBJqCbinstats1.087pclos2011An administration utilityAn administration utility for tracking down the various types of binary formats for Linux (i386) executables and their dynamic library dependencies and also executable scripts.3File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1binstats-1.08-7pclos2011.src.rpm93b34fde6a7670df5c1828b344ab5b9b0./SRPMS.pclosd   $ Ml ppB@BABEBJCbinutils2.43.12pclos2025GNU Binary Utility Development UtilitiesBinutils is a collection of binary utilities, including: * ar: creating modifying and extracting from archives * nm: for listing symbols from object files * objcopy: for copying and translating object files * objdump: for displaying information from object files * ranlib: for generating an index for the contents of an archive * size: for listing the section sizes of an object or archive file * strings: for listing printable strings from files * strip: for discarding symbols (a filter for demangling encoded C++ symbols * addr2line: for converting addresses to file and line * nlmconv: for converting object code into an NLM Install binutils if you need to perform any of these types of actions on binary files. Most programmers will want to install binutils.tDevelopment/Otherx86_64   autoconfautomakebinutilsbisondejagnuflexgccgettextglibc-static-devellibstdc++-static-develpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo1:2.4214.0.1-0.20240317.13.0.4-14.6.0-1binutils-2.43.1-2pclos2025.src.rpmvcb082256c2cd614167249f817d6e8ea1./SRPMS.pcloscd   2 B@ BA0BE4BJUCbinwalk2.3.41pclos2023Firmware analysis toolBinwalk is a fast, easy-to-use tool for analyzing and extracting firmware images.7}Development/Toolsnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-nosepython3-coveragerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1binwalk-2.3.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm7285374bd330ffb00b30027608fc3e275./SRPMS.pclosd   ] RB@\BA|BEBJCbio2jack0.93pclos2007Library for porting purposed blocked io audio applications to JackThis is a library that allows for simple porting of general purposed bio(blocked io) OSS/ALSA audio applications to Jack.߉Texstar Soundi586 libjack-devellibsamplerate-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bio2jack-0.9-3pclos2007.src.rpm05f71575b67cf7759b61580433b561b6./SRPMS.pclos{d   O B@$BAHBELBJmCbiosdisk0.751pclos2010Creating BIOS flash floppy images for DELL machinesBiosdisk is a utility that can be used to make a FreeDOS floppy boot image that can be used to flash a Dell system BIOS with Linux.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1biosdisk-0.75-1pclos2010.src.rpmb2b7baa44901975de7bc0b1589520092./SRPMS.pclosd   + -B@8BAXBE\BJ}Cbip0.8.71pclos2011IRC Bouncer (proxy)Bip is an IRC proxy, which means it keeps connected to your preferred IRC servers, can store the logs for you, and even send them back to your IRC client(s) upon connection. You may want to use bip to keep your logfiles (in a unique format and on a unique computer) whatever your client is, when you connect from multiple workstations, or when you simply want to have a playback of what was said while you were away.[Networking/IRCx86_64 openssl-develflexbyaccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bip-0.8.7-1pclos2011.src.rpmedadc1316a7bd553b0650cf33ed879e37./SRPMS.pclosd   4   p B@BABEBJCbirdtray1.9.01pclos2020Thunderbird tray systemBirdtray is a free system tray notification for new mail for Thunderbird. |Networking/Mailx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1birdtray-1.9.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm 988b7d248437e9931c8285b330c6bb373./SRPMS.pclosd   2 "B@,BALBEPBJqCbirt2.1.03pclos2019Birt- Batch Image ResizerBIRT, the Batch Image Resizing Thing, is a simple application that allows a large number of images to be resized in one go. Obviously this is possible by scripting ImageMagick but it's usually somewhat easier with a GUI. It was created in order to learn how to develop using the Qt library, and to facilitaty the maintenance of an online photo album where each hi-res photo needs a low-res copy and a thumbnail.Graphicsx86_64 qt4-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1birt-2.1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm-672efd0c01b920c9d4131653632bb1b3./SRPMS.pclosd   ^   H ; B@OBApBEtBJCbismuth2.2.01pclos2022KDE Plasma extension that lets you tile your windows automaticallyKDE Plasma extension, that lets you tile your windows automatically and manage them via keyboard, just like in classical tiling window managersMGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5declarative-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-develnodeqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bismuth-2.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmM$9d4879d8e17c78b47acd6088511729a7./SRPMS.pclos[d  @` dvB@BA(BE,BJMCbison3.8.27pclos2024A GNU general-purpose parser generatorBison is a general purpose parser generator which converts a grammar description for an LALR context-free grammar into a C program to parse that grammar. Bison can be used to develop a wide range of language parsers, from ones used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages. Bison is upwardly compatible with Yacc, so any correctly written Yacc grammar should work with Bison without any changes. If you know Yacc, you shouldn't have any trouble using Bison (but you do need to be very proficient in C programming to be able to use Bison). Many programs use Bison as part of their build process. Bison is only needed on systems that are used for development. If your system will be used for C development, you should install Bison since it is used to build many C programs.+ Development/Toolsx86_64   flexgettext-develhelp2manm4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)0.20.2-   6x| B@BABEBJCbitcoin0.15.0.11pclos2017Bitcoin payment networkBitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money."bb2 Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bitcoin-   L04 ?OXpB@BABEBJ!Cbitlbee3.5.12pclos2017IRC proxy to connect to ICQ, AOL, MSN and Jabberbitlbee is a proxy which accepts connections from any irc-client and allows you to communicate using following instant messaging protocols: - ICQ - AIM - MSN - YIM - Jabber (including Google Talk and Facebook) - TwitterXghostbunnyNetworking/Chatx86_64 glib2-devellibsoup-devellibotr-develgnutls-develpidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bitlbee-3.5.1-2pclos2017.src.rpm 1596d57bde2dead8ae7aa11e3b1f42a4./SRPMS.pclosd   X \B@BABEBJCbitmap1.1.01pclos2022Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window SystemBitmap provides is a bitmap editor and misc converter utilities for the X Window System.8Development/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxmu-devellibxt-devellibxaw-develx11-data-bitmapsx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)    (B@0BATBEXBJyCdebitstream1.51pclos2019biTStream is a set of C headers for accessing MPEG, DVB, IETF, etc. structures.biTStream ist eine Sammlung von C Headern für den Zugriff auf MPEG, DVB, IETF, etc.biTStream is a set of C headers allowing a simpler access to binary structures such as specified by MPEG, DVB, IETF, etc.biTStream ist eine Sammlung von C Header-Dateien die einen einfacheren Zugang zu Binärstrukturen, wie sie von MPEG, DVB, IETF, etc spezifiziert werden, ermöglicht. pp Development/Cx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bitstream-1.5-1pclos2019.src.rpm7049daa3d3f6c9f13301f106998e7759./SRPMS.pclosCd   O B@BABEBJ5Cbittorrent5.33pclos2010Tool for copying files from one machine to anotherBitTorrent is a tool for copying files from one machine to another. FTP punishes sites for being popular. Since all uploading is done from one place, a popular site needs big iron and big bandwidth. With BitTorrent, clients automatically mirror files they download, making the publisher's burden almost nothing.2Networking/File transfernoarch python-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bittorrent-5.3-3pclos2010.src.rpm23fc40ca2f7245959681ddc4ef68ae5df./SRPMS.pclosd   > <B@OBAxBE|BJCbitwarden2025.2.11pclos2025Password Security ApplicationOpen source, cross platform password manager that sync passwords but also allows accessing passwords offline. Menu Entry is located in File Tools>Securityx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1bitwarden-2025.2.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm;2ce090a1f0fa94c5dcec319ee7c9bfc8./SRPMS.pclosd   E, 0CLT}B@BABEBJCbkchem0.13.01pclos2018Python 2D chemical structure drawing toolBKChem is a free chemical drawing program. It was conceived and written by Beda Kosata. Supported file formats are SVG and CML. The output looks best with the Adobe SVG viewer, but sodipodi and batik do a reasonable job as well. nSciences/Chemistrynoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bkchem-0.13.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm bfb70f659030bf941b209d68bb5502e7./SRPMS.pclosd & QH L]dB@,BAXBE\BJ}Cblack-hole-solver1.12.01pclos2024The Black Hole Solitaire Solver ExecutableThis is a solver, written in C, to solve the Solitaire variants “Golf”, “Black Hole” and “All in a Row”. It provides a portable C library, and a command line application that after being fed with a layout will emit the cards to move.Development/Perlx86_64  cmakeperl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Dir::Manifest)perl(Env::Path)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(Inline)perl(Inline::C)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develpkgconfig(librinutils)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)valgrind3.0.4-14.6.0-1black-hole-solver-1.12.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm7b578394b2b8336a72812e5f67009eaa./SRPMS.pclosSd  P TotB@BA BE$BJECdeblackbox0.70.11pclos2010Very small and fast Window ManagerFenstermanager - Blackbox braucht wenig Speicher und läuft schnellBlackbox is a window manager for the X Window environment, which is almost completely compliant with ICCCM specified operation policies. It features nice and fast interface with multiple workspaces and simple menus. Fast built-in graphics code that can render solids, gradients and bevels is used to draw window decorations. Remaining small in size, blackbox preserves memory and CPU.Auf unixartigen Betriebssystemen ist Blackbox ein in der Programmiersprache C++ geschriebener Fenstermanager für das X-Window-System, der sich durch seine kompakte Programmgröße auszeichnet. Blackbox braucht wenig Speicher und läuft schnell. Insbesondere lohnt sich die Installation auf leistungsschwachen Rechnern, auf denen KDE oder GNOME nicht mehr produktiv eingesetzt werden können. Blackbox bietet in der Standardinstallation * Fensterverwaltung, * Themes (Styles), * Menüs, * ein Dock (Slit), * eine Symbolleiste und * den Desktop-Hintergrund.Graphical desktop/Blackboxi586 libxt6-devellibxext6-devellibxft-develautomakeautoconflibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blackbox-0.70.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm54c6b28d663982141567b2d43fc57450./SRPMS.pclosd ! C  4B@<BAdBEhBJCblacklist-usblp1.01pclos2011Blacklist the usblp kernel driverThis package will blacklist the usblp kernel driver. This may be required for some printers to function properly. Please reboot after installation of this package.|System/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blacklist-usblp-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm n08f5e0c2ed4fb22889154132129041d0./SRPMS.pclosd ' >\ `{B@BABEBJCblackwhite-icon-theme1.21pclos2011Black White Icon ThemeBlack White Icon theme pack. ~System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blackwhite-icon-theme-1.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm(g5a2876419a9bc6060082b704f7e45990./SRPMS.pclosd & ;X \wB@BABEBJCblackwood-icon-theme1.02pclos2011Blackwood Icon ThemeBlackwood Icon theme pack.ƭSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blackwood-icon-theme-1.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm8d3f03856efc80438280e9088a56afdda./SRPMS.pclosCd   2 B@BABEBJ5Cbladeenc0.94.23pclos2019Freeware MP3 encoderBladeEnc is a freeware MP3 encoder. It is based on the same ISO compression routines as mpegEnc, so you can expect roughly the same, or better, quality. The main difference is the appearance and speed. BladeEnc doesn't have a nice, user-friendly interface like mpegEnc, but it is more than three times faster, and it works with several popular front-end graphical user interfaces.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bladeenc-0.94.2-3pclos2019.src.rpmac95b0cc736daddc63bde6bbf50df5f7./SRPMS.pclosd   G  (4hB@rBABEBJCbladerf2016.010.1pclos2016A Software Defined Radio (SDR) platformbladeRF is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform designed to enable a community of hobbyists, and professionals to explore and experiment with the multidisciplinary facets of RF communication.ƩCommunicationsx86_64 cmakelib64usb1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bladerf-2016.01-0.1pclos2016.src.rpmʥ574f555bfc651235074e4af93819a8fe./SRPMS.pclosd   L 4B@EBAhBElBJCblastem0.6.31pclos2025BlastEm - The fast and accurate Genesis emulatorBlastEm is an open source, higly accurate emulator for the Genesis/Megadrive that runs on modest hardware.( Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tar3.0.4-14.6.0-1blastem-0.6.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmG02692a3e412e0a980da93d32eb57677c./SRPMS.pclosd   X $B@8BA\BE`BJCbleachbit4.6.21pclos2024Remove unnecessary files, free space, and maintain privacyBleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain privacy, and remove junk. Rid your system of old clutter including cache, cookies, Internet history, localizations, logs, temporary files, and broken shortcuts. It wipes clean the cache and history list of many common programs. MFile toolsnoarch  desktop-file-utilsgettextpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1bleachbit-4.6.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm vy8fc4002f8668ab5c8145209a25c91b53./SRPMS.pclos/d   Q| B@BABEBJ!Cblender4.3.21pclos20243D modeling, animation, rendering and post-productionBlender is the essential software solution you need for 3D, from modeling, animation, rendering and post-production to interactive creation and playback. Professionals and novices can easily and inexpensively publish stand-alone, secure, multi-platform content to the web, CD-ROMs, and other media.+Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1blender-4.3.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmA:5378d54fff8cab29b9377f3f5ccba18b./SRPMS.pclosd   -0 4KT`B@BABEBJCblinken24.12.31pclos2025Simon Says GameBlinken is the KDE version of the well-known game Simon Says. Follow the pattern of sounds and lights as long as you can! Press the start game button to begin. Watch the computer and copy the pattern it makes. Complete the sequence in the right order to win.(,Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1blinken-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm)91b7e3d43726e4eddc6013ba2c5713a3./SRPMS.pclos'd   A )0LB@BABEBJCblobwars1.171pclos2010BlobWars Episode I : Metal Blob SolidSince their world was invaded by an alien race, the Blobs have faced a lifetime of war. But now they have a chance to win the war once and for all. In Episode I : Metal Blob Solid, you take on the role of a fearless Blob agent, Bob. Bob's mission is to infiltrate the various enemy bases around the Blobs' homeworld and rescue as many POWs as possible. But standing in his way are many vicious enemies, other Blobs who have defected and the evil alien leader, Galdov.q}Games/Arcadei586 SDL_mixer-develSDL_image-develSDL_ttf-develSDL_net-develzziplib-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blobwars-1.17-1pclos2010.src.rpmr.8d07df339f72e1b63889b7e72fb48dda./SRPMS.pclosd   j $B@,BAPBETBJuCblockhosts2.6.01pclos2015Block IP Addresses based on system logs showing undesirable access patternsBlock IP Addresses based on login or access failure information in system logs. Updates a hosts blockfile (such as hosts.allow) automatically, to block IP addresses. Will also expire previously blocked addresses based on age of last failed login attempt, this keeps the blockfile size manageable. In addition to TCP_WRAPPERS, can also execute iptables or ip route commands to block all TCP/IP network input from an IP address, so all services, even those that do not run under libwrap TCP_WRAPPERS, can be protected. Facilities for whitelists and blacklists, and email notification on major events are also available.HSystem/Configuration/Networkingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blockhosts-2.6.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmSacfd627ba1b324ca9e2d958679fbc5c8./SRPMS.pclosGd   9 B@BABEBJ9Cblockify3.6.32pclos2017Mutes Spotify advertisementsBlockify is an ad-blocker for Spotify that is written in Python. Please start spotify before running this program.Ibb2 Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blockify-3.6.3-2pclos2017.src.rpm,8dea97809bc92abf645d89c14d1e93e0./SRPMS.pclos#d   8 B@BABEBJCblogbridge6.71pclos2010ultimate info-junkie systemBlogBridge is designed for people who need to follow many blogs and rss feeds.NNetworking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blogbridge-6.7-1pclos2010.src.rpmNd87a0ee437a0266dd77f988d9f626c405./SRPMS.pclosd   V $L$Z$B@BABEBJCblogilo17.08.31pclos2017Application to create, edit and update your blog contentApplication to create, edit and update your blog content Uwbb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64ical-devellib64kblog-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5calendarcore-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5gapi-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5kdelibs4support-devellib64kf5libkdepim-devellib64kf5messagelib-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5pimcommon-devellib64kf5pimtextedit-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5texteditor-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blogilo-17.08.3-1pclos2017.src.rpm Yb5d46863da6e08215172ad562cef3186./SRPMS.pclosd    5  AR\dB@BABEBJCblogtk1.16pclos2007Standalone blog entry posterBloGTK is a weblog client that allows you to post to your weblog from Linux without the need for a separate browser window. BloGTK allows you to connect with many weblog systems such as Blogger, Movable Type, WordPress, and more.Texstar Networking/Othernoarch ImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blogtk-1.1-6pclos2007.src.rpm yd3aa5fc4ff1f5bc2d7ff755b123c6ae8./SRPMS.pcloskd   >  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cblop0.2.84pclos2007Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator PluginsBLOP comprises a set of LADSPA plugins that generate bandlimited sawtooth, square, variable pulse and slope-variable triangle waves, for use in LADSPA hosts, principally for use with one of the many modular software synthesisers available. They are wavetable based, and are designed to produce output with harmonic content as high as possible over a wide pitch range.Thac Soundi586  ladspa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   W B@BA8BE<BJ]Cblt2.52pclos2021A Tk toolkit extension, including widgets, geometry managers, etcBLT is an extension to the Tk toolkit. BLT's most useful feature is the provision of more widgets for Tk, but it also provides more geometry managers and miscellaneous other commands. Note that you won't need to do any patching of the Tcl or Tk source files to use BLT, but you will need to have Tcl/Tk installed in order to use BLT.System/Librariesx86_64 libx11-develtk-develtcl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1blt-2.5-2pclos2021.src.rpmS144c8328cf8bd12c839c54cb964babdd./SRPMS.pclosd   I 3B@DBAhBElBJCbluedevil6.3.31pclos2025BlueDevil is the bluetooth stack for PlasmaBlueDevil is the bluetooth stack for Plasma, it's composed of: KCM, KDED, KIO, Library and some other small applications.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1bluedevil-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmI82f2eb0dfeaa91aec1baad8d05b904a6./SRPMS.pclosd   4 kB@BABEBJCbluefish2.2.161pclos2024Web development studioBluefish is a programmer's HTML editor, designed to save the experienced webmaster some keystrokes. It features a multiple file editor, multiple toolbars, custom menus, image and thumbnail dialogs, open from the web, HTML validation, and lots of wizards. This is not a WYSIWYG editor but an HTML editor (you edit the HTML code).9=Networking/WWWx86_64   desktop-file-utilsintltoollibxml2-utilsmanpkgconfig(enchant-2)pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gucharmap-2.90)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)which2.  L P_hlB@BABEBJCdebluegriffon3.11pclos2019WYSIWYG Editor based on the Mozilla Gecko Engine.WYSIWYG Editor basirend auf Mozillas Gecko Engine.BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox 4, it's a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards.BlueGriffon ist ein neuer WYSIWYG Editor für das Internet. Angetrieben von Gecko, der Renderingengine von Firefox 4, ist es eine moderne und robuste Lösung um Webseiten in Übereinstimmung mit den aktuellen Standards zu bearbeiten.Networking/WWWx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluegriffon-3.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm#966871d23192003dbb50374d2f9888e2./SRPMS.pclosd   Udh sB@BABEBJCdebluej4131pclos2018Integrated Java environmentEntwicklungsumgebung für JavaThe BlueJ environment was developed as part of a university research project about teaching object-orientation to beginners. The system is being developed and maintained by a joint research group at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. The project is supported by Sun Microsystems.Die BlueJ Umgebung wurde als Teil eines Universitätsforschungsprojekts entwickelt, mit dem Ziel die Objektorientierung Anfängern beizubringen. Das System wird von einer gemeinsamen Forschungsgruppe der La Trobe Universität, Melbourne, Australien und der Universität von Kent in Canterbury, UK, entwickelt und betreut. Das Projekt wird von Sun Microsystems unterstützt. Einige Beispiele sind im Ordner /usr/share/doc/BlueJ/examples zu finden.jghostbunnyDevelopment/Javanoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluej-413-1pclos2018.src.rpm 8e32855136ae74c3dbebf0c42c800411./SRPMS.pclosd   4L P`htB@BABEBJCbluemail1.137.21pclos2023Bluemail email clientBlueMail email client.;5Networking/Mailx86_64 squashfs-toolssdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluemail-1.137.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm51ef4c7c8149617a9b605ffd257512825./SRPMS.pclosKd   O B@BABEBJ=Cblueman2.0.81pclos2019Full featured bluetooth manager for GNOME/MATE/GTK+Blueman is designed to provide simple, yet effective means for controlling BlueZ API and simplifying bluetooth tasks such as: * Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up * Connecting to/Creating bluetooth networks * Connecting to input devices * Connecting to audio devices * Sending/Receiving/Browsing files via OBEX * PairingCommunicationsx86_64  lib64bluez-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64polkit1-develpython-notifypython-gobject3-develpython-develpython-cythonpython-dbuspython-pybluezintltoolthunarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.373.0.4-1blueman-2.0.8-1pclos2019.src.rpmP34e29f54b11be452a15d2744d1c3be1f./SRPMS.pclos?d  & M B@BA BEBJ1Cbluemarine0.9.RC2b.32441pclos2010Application for digital photo workflowAn open source application for the digital photo workflow, the blueMarine project will provide you an all-in-one tool for managing your photos, from the shoot up to the archiving and beyond. blueMarine is an expandable, open platform and includes specific support for different photographers communities, as well as the latest technologies.źrGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluemarine-0.9.RC2b.3244-1pclos2010.src.rpmF63c73c706ac40ccfa0eb2b6dd5f6c0b3./SRPMS.pclosgd   2 B@BA4BE8BJYCbluemindo0.33pclos2010Bluemindo Music PLayerBluemindo is a really simple but powerful audio player in Python/PyGTK, using Gstreamer.Bluemindo is a free (as in freedom) software, released under GPLv3, only. It can downloads albums or artists pictures and lyrics as doing desktop notifications or sending music to your Last.fm profile or on your Jabber account (via PEP).Also, you can choose the view: lightweight, basic, normal or full.BSoundnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluemindo-0.3-3pclos2010.src.rpmd7836b90fee45b87f3a18d2baa9085dd./SRPMS.pclosd   Z HB@RBAtBExBJCbluewho0.12pclos2010Information and notification of new discovered bluetooth devicesBlueWho will scan periodically or by request for devices detection and will inform you and send notifications when a new device is discovered.When a new device is detected then a notify can be showed, accordingly to the preferences dialog. Users can set their preferences for scan and notifications for each detected device can be retrieved the list of available services on the device.Communicationsnoarch python-develpython-distutils-extrarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluewho-0.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm0099d60a462bfb38b59748eaf262d529./SRPMS.pclosd   @   b B@yBABEBJCbluez5.791pclos2024Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stackThese are the official Bluetooth communication libraries for Linux.%oCommunicationsx86_64  cups-devellib64cap-ng-devellib64ell-devellib64json-devellib64readline-devellibical-develpython-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1bluez-5.79-1pclos2024.src.rpm%ae2c54d7cf4074c4ac8da1869be91a16./SRPMS.pclos'd   ;DH PV`B@BABEBJCbluez-alsa2.1.01pclos2020BlueZ ALSA backend for LinuxThis project is a rebirth of a direct integration between Bluez and ALSA. With this application (later named as BlueALSA), one can achieve the same goal as with PulseAudio, but with less dependencies and more bare-metal-like. BlueALSA registers all known Bluetooth audio profiles in Bluez, so in theory every Bluetooth device (with audio capabilities) can be connected. In order to access the audio stream, one has to connect to the ALSA PCM device called bluealsa. The device is based on the ALSA software PCM plugin.TonkelhoSoundx86_64 pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libbsd)pkgconfig(sbc)pkgconfig(fdk-aac)pkgconfig(libmpg123)liblame-develpkgconfig(check)pkgconfig(ofono)pkgconfig(edbus)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(upower-glib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluez-alsa-2.1.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm'd744ee09245b5fd46730b96089e55483./SRPMS.pclos/d  = B@BABEBJ!Cbluez-firmware1.28pclos2019Bluetooth firmware utilitiesThis package contains firmware images for some Bluetooth(TM) adapters..System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluez-firmware-1.2-8pclos2019.src.rpmpaea22995499dab7039647e3109118c90./SRPMS.pclosd  9T XgpxB@BABEBJCbluez-hcidump2.51pclos2013Bluetooth HCI packet dumpBluetooth HCI packet dump.hCommunicationsx86_64  bluez-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   /` ds| B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cbluez-pin0.3013pclos2013Bluetooth PIN GUIA GTK+ helper app for entering a Bluetooth PIN.Communicationsx86_64  imagemagickgtk2-devellibglade2.0-devellibGConf2-devellibbluez-develdbus-glib-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1bluez-pin-0.30-13pclos2013.src.rpm75fcf78d181361157713f9e2e0653750./SRPMS.pclosGd   Jx |B@BABEBJ9Cbluez-qt6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Qt wrapper for BluezKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Qt wrapper for Bluez.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1bluez-qt-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmda140d1a0042f6d810fb43e3c7119363./SRPMS.pclosd  J  [B@fBABEBJCbluez-tools0.2.04pclos2021A set of tools to manage bluetooth devicesbluez-tools is a project to implement the better command line tools for BlueZ. The project is implemented in C and uses the D-Bus interface of BlueZ.Communicationsx86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64readline-develbluez-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bluez-tools-0.2.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm373d1235cf247b10274c0f345d63f1129./SRPMS.pclosd   G  1CHXB@BABEBJCpt_BRbm2.1213pclos2007BuildManager - rpm package building helperBuildManager, or bm, is a program that wraps and extends rpm while building packages. Its features allow one to batch process thousand of rpms at once, controling logs, rpm and srpm moving, filtering the list of files, ignoring given packages, completely cleaning the build directories, and many other features.O BuildManager, ou bm, �um programa que encapsula e estende o rpm na constru�o de pacotes. Suas caracter�ticas permitem o processamento em s�ie ou paralelo de milhares de rpms em uma nica execu�o, controlando logs, movendo rpms e srpms, filtrando a lista de arquivos, ignorando pacotes selecionados, limpando completamente os diret�ios de constru�o, e muitas outras possibilidades.IYTexstar Development/Otheri586 rpm-buildpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bm-2.1-213pclos2007.src.rpmQ8ab38f50050f69db8f054bd2c7df8433./SRPMS.pclosCd   .  ,  B@BABEBJ5Cdebmp0.9.7.15pclos2012Beep Media PlayerBeep Media Player(BMP) is a GTK2 port of the popular X Multimedia System(XMMS) and more.Beep Media Player (BMP) ist eine GTK2 Potierung des populären X Multimedia System (XMMS)...r*NealSoundx86_64  gtk2-devellibglade2.0-develgcc-c++pkgconfiggettextlibvorbis-devellibogg-devellibao-devellibesound-devellibalsa-develgnome-vfs2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)\75b50f03f7110ece9a05d7d0186a599c./SRPMS.pclosd  7 (oB@{BABEBJCbochs2.4.51pclos2010Bochs Project x86 PC EmulatorBochs is a portable x86 PC emulation software package that emulates enough of the x86 CPU, related AT hardware, and BIOS to run DOS, Windows '95, Minix 2.0, and other OS's, all on your workstation..pEmulatorsi586 X11-develgtk+2-develreadline-develbyaccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bochs-2.4.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm.&261d4d9d4de4790e7aa02d7fb49a2893./SRPMS.pclos;d  = B@BABE BJ-Cbochs-tools1.6.41pclos2010Manipulates Bochs disk-imagesBochs-Tools are a collection of scripts and programs to be used together with the Bochs-emulator. The main goal was to provide a Unix-like interface to the emulator and to enable access to Bochs disk-images from outside of Bochs. The tools were developed under Linux. They might also work on other operating-systems. Feedback on this issue is appreciated.NEmulatorsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bochs-tools-1.6.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm,a513f368d80ebbc0d12d8e0bcea63610./SRPMS.pcloskd   5 B@BA8BE<BJ]Cbodr81pclos2009The Blue Obelisk Data RepositoryIt represents a set of common, standardized data for chemoinformatics in both XML and plain-text formats. This data is open for common use, under the expectation that others will contribute to the repository, either via tabulations of additional properties or revisions/comments on existing data. The concept is that via shared default data, reproducing computational chemistry and chemoinformatics will become more reproducible :-). Currently this encompasses: * Elements directory * element names and symbols * atomic masses, covalent radii, van der Waals radii * Pauling electronegativities * electron affinity * ionization potential * default element colors for viewers * Isotopes directory * exact masses of most abundant isotopes * isotopic masses and abundances * spin * kinds of decay, percentages and energy * magnetic dipole moment * halflifeSystem/Librariesi586 libxml2-devellibxslt-procpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bodr-8-1pclos2009.src.rpm2621211689cb1f01cfb92df7fee85673./SRPMS.pclosd   X$( 0@H\B@BABEBJCbogofilter1.2.52pclos2023Fast anti-spam filtering by Bayesian statistical analysisBogofilter is a Bayesian spam filter. In its normal mode of operation, it takes an email message or other text on standard input, does a statistical check against lists of "good" and "bad" words, and returns a status code indicating whether or not the message is spam. Bogofilter is designed with fast algorithms (including Berkeley DB system), coded directly in C, and tuned for speed, so it can be used for production by sites that process a lot of mail. Bpp Networking/Mailx86_64 db-develpkgconfig(gsl)flexopenjaderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bogofilter-1.2.5-2pclos2023.src.rpm I46551d0214a3fbdc6798749cba1c1b5b./SRPMS.pclosd   1 [B@iBABEBJCbolt0.81pclos2019Thunderbolt device managerbolt is a system daemon to manage thunderbolt 3 devices via a D-BUS API. Thunderbolt 3 features different security modes that require devices to be authorized before they can be used. The D-Bus API can be used to list devices, enroll them (authorize and store them in the local database) and forget them again (remove previously enrolled devices). It also emits signals if new devices are connected (or removed). During enrollment devices can be set to be automatically authorized as soon as they are connected. A command line tool, called boltctl, can be used to control the daemon and perform all the above mentioned tasks.)System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gccasciidocmesonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(polkit-agent-1)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bolt-0.8-1pclos2019.src.rpm-fa17dfd18b0a9d6c057e5e4ae184a174./SRPMS.pclosOd   0` d{B@BABE BJACbomber24.12.31pclos2025Arcade bombing gameBomber is a single player arcade game. The player is invading various cities in a plane that is decreasing in height. The goal of the game is to destroy all the buildings and advance to the next level. Each level gets a bit harder by increasing the speed of the plane and the height of the buildings. ղGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64kdegames6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1bomber-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 78a7a322cd9391e516e2ab490c9f6526./SRPMS.pclosd   0 (0DB@BABEBJCbombic0.0.11pclos2007A Bomberman like gameBombic is game like Bomberman and Dynablaster. It has large story part and of course deadmatch part. It is possible to play in up to four players on one computer. You can play also story play with more players. Story play is focused on killing monsters. The game has large story playing and of course deathmatch. You can play in up to four player at one time on one computer. There are three different lands, many enemies and different kinds of bonuses.DCTexstar Games/Adventurei586 SDL-develSDL_image-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_ttf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bombic-0.0.1-1pclos2007.src.rpmD0a9ce373acea991d7cce5c80a683bd73./SRPMS.pclosd  M0 4:D t - B@@BAhBElBJCbombono-dvd1.2.45pclos2019DVD authoring program with nice and clean GUIBombono DVD is easy to use program for making DVD-Video. The main features of Bombono DVD are: * Multi-core processor support (v1.2+) * Excellent video viewer: Timeline and Monitor * Real WYSIWYG Menu Editor with live thumbnails * Comfortable Drag-n-Drop support * Transcoding, if necessary (from AVI/MKV/MOV/MPEG4...) * Motion menus * Subtitles support * You can author to folder, make ISO-image or burn directly to DVD * Reauthoring: you can import video from DVD discs?SVideox86_64 boost-develgcc-c++sconspython-sconsgtk+2-devellib64gtkmm2.4-develGraphicsMagick-devellibmjpegtools-devellibdvdread-develdvdauthorlibxml++2.6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bombono-dvd-1.2.4-5pclos2019.src.rpm?49189062b9a5d3fc8b0fd709c0eb2c1eb./SRPMS.pclos7d  D  111B@BABEBJ)Cbomi0.9.113pclos2017Powerful and easy-to-use multimedia playerbomi is a themable Qt-based multimedia player based on the MPV video backend which is aimed for easy usage but also provides various powerful features and convenience functions.2qbb2 Videox86_64 icu-datalib64alsa2-devellib64ass-devellib64bluray-devellib64cdio-devellib64cdio-paranoia-devellib64chardet-devellib64dvdnav-devellib64dvdread-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64jack-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5waylandclient-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qtmultimediaquick_p-devellib64qtscript-devellib64qtwebsockets5-devellib64qtxmlpatterns5-devellib64smbclient0-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64x11-devellibstdc++-devellibxcb-develmesa-develqtbase5-common-develqttools5zlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bomi-0.9.11-3pclos2017.src.rpm2g0544344d661e474e3c5a827c4d51f92a./SRPMS.pclosd   4 (,HB@PBAlBEpBJCdebonk0.62pclos2012Lossy/lossless audio coderBonk is a high quality audio compression program. It can operate in either lossless or lossy mode. In lossless mode, the exact original WAV file can be recovered from the compressed file. In lossy mode, some information is discarded in the compressed file, yielding a much higher compression ratio. The information discarded is perceptually unimportant, and the result should be a *perceptually* lossless encoding. Bonk can compress some types of sounds more than others, so the actual bit-rate achieved varies. In lossy mode, it can compress some types of sound to as low as 95 kbps (a compression ration of 14:1) while maintaining perceptually lossless CD quality stereo. In general, the compression ratio achieved by Bonk is slightly higher than that achieved using the more common MP3 format, for equivalent sound quality. In particular it copes with transients (eg clapping, drum beats) better. Performance on purely tonal sound is roughly equivalent to MP3. In lossless mode the compression ratio is typically around 2:1.Bonk ist ein qualitativ hochwertiges Audio-Kompressions-Programm, das zwei Arten von Kompressionen unterstützt. Verlustfreier oder verlustbehafteter Modus. Im verlustfreiem Modus ähnelt das Ergebnis einer Wave Datei mit einer Kompressionsrate von 2:1. Während im verlustbehafteten Modus Informationen im unteren sowie höheren Bereich abgeschnitten werden, um somit eine höhere Komprimierung 14:1 zu erzielen, aber dabei die Klang-Qualität zu berücksichtigen.K+NealSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bonk-0.6-2pclos2012.src.rpmT:d99f2ceed9e99ec6f6178849b4f3900c./SRPMS.pclosd   S  B@(BALBEPBJqCbonnie++1.03e1pclos2012A program for benchmarking hard drives and filesystemsBonnie++ is a benchmark suite that is aimed at performing a number of simple tests of hard drive and file system performance.NealSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bonnie++-1.03e-1pclos2012.src.rpma69641b326669d7ff02c230fac1c6179./SRPMS.pclosd  D  #,<B@BABEBJCboo0.9.4.91pclos2012A wrist friendly language for the CLI/MonoBoo is a new object oriented statically typed programming language for the Common Language Infrastructure with a python inspired syntax and a special focus on language and compiler extensibility.NealDevelopment/Otherx86_64 nantshared-mime-infolib64gtksourceview-2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1boo-  Jx |-B@<BAdBEhBJCbookletimposer0.21pclos2019Create a booklet from a standard PDF fileCreate a booklet from a standard PDF file.7Officenoarch pandocpython-distutils-extrapython-pypdf2lib64glib2.0-develpython-gobject3lib64gtk+3.0-develsdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bookletimposer-0.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmSa9e460d00427fdec3d12c2d870afa3ad./SRPMS.pclosd ! B ',8lB@vBABEBJCbookmarkbridge0.761pclos2009Browser bookmark sharing utilityBookmarkBridge is a small, easy to use, multi-platform, GUI-based utility that allows the user to share bookmarks between all their browsers. The user runs it periodically to synchronize between the browsers.Networking/WWWi586 qt4-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bookmarkbridge-0.76-1pclos2009.src.rpmed9d1c398440591c1190fe7f974a883c./SRPMS.pclos7d   3 B@BABEBJ)Cbookworm1.1.13pclos2023A simple E-book readerAn eBook reader for PCLinuxOS. It uses poppler for decoding and read formats like EPUB, PDF, mobi, cbr, etc.Officex86_64  cmakegcc-c++html2textimagemagicklib64gee-devellib64granite-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64poppler-glib-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64webkit2-develpopplerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala3.0.4-14.6.0-1bookworm-1.1.1-3pclos2023.src.rpm9aa46194191e6da1a17f0f3d20249273./SRPMS.pclosd   ]$ (:DHdB@lBABEBJCboolstuff0.1.161pclos2019Disjunctive Normal Form Boolean expression library and exampleThis library contains an algorithm that converts a Boolean expression binary tree into the Disjunctive Normal Form. The NOT operator is supported. A command that calls this library is also provided.System/Serversx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bpalogin-2.0.2-8pclos2017.src.rpme0b3da5750c7d666d958c84546681f1b./SRPMS.pclosd   )h l~B@BABEBJCbrackets1.14.11pclos2020Text EditorA modern, open source text editor that understands web design.Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1brackets-1.14.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm qb6564d9567254aaf629465348db37b2b./SRPMS.pclossd   j )0|B@BA@BEDBJeCdebrasero3.12.24pclos2020A disc burning application for GNOMEBrasero die Brennanwendung für GNOMEBrasero is yet another CD / DVD writing application for the GNOME desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly. It can handle both audio and data discs, and can use either cdrkit or libburn / libisofs as the writing backend.Brasero ist eine weitere CD / DVD Brennanwendung für den GNOME Desktop. Es ist so einfach wie möglich gehalten und hat ein paar einzigartige Funktionen die es dem Benutzer gestattet ihre eigenen CD's / DVD's einfach und schnell zu erstellen. Es kommt mit Audio und Daten CD's / DVD's klar und benutzt beide cdrkit oder libburn / libisofs zur Brennausgabe.9EiArchiving/Cd burningx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64burn-devellib64cairo-devellib64canberra-devellib64canberra-gtk-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64ice-devellib64isofs-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64sm-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1brasero-3.12.2-4pclos2020.src.rpm9<2138bbe0a9dd382c78c69522651754d8./SRPMS.pclosd # D B@0BA\BE`BJCbrave-browser1.76.741pclos2025Chromium based Brave Web BrowserThe new Chrome based Brave browser automatically blocks ads and trackers, making it faster and safer than your current browser. Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sd3.0.4-14.6.0-1brave-browser-1.76.74-1pclos2025.src.rpm:X70b427043fb16367ed3b3916cf120edc./SRPMS.pclosd   & B@,BAPBETBJuCbreaktime1.71pclos2024Break TimeSimple GUI with a time notification to take periodical breaks when using your computer. Alternatively this can be used for a basic timer or alarm clock. Graphical desktop/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1breaktime-1.7-1pclos2024.src.rpm 42609860a25d9922c7e32ce776bc5d42./SRPMS.pclosd   h ;B@MBApBEtBJCbreeze6.3.31pclos2025Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma DesktopArtwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop.fGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64fftw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1breeze-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm7329661d111c6da002fb9b31b10c1afc./SRPMS.pclos+d  6P TktB@BABEBJCbreeze-grub6.3.31pclos2025Breeze theme for GRUB2Breeze theme for GRUB2.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1breeze-grub-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm13a45b48c40998301c26ff4727a63871e./SRPMS.pclosgd   Dl pB@BA4BE8BJYCbreeze-gtk6.3.31pclos2025Breeze widget theme for Gtk2 and Gtk3Breeze widget theme for Gtk2 and Gtk3.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sassc3.0.4-14.6.0-1breeze-gtk-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmb98d5ef5452e2fa22a3b557f7f0ef1d5./SRPMS.pclosd ! 3 5B@KBAtBExBJCbreeze-icons6.11.01pclos2025Breeze icon themeBreeze Plasma 6 icon theme. Compliant with FreeDesktop.org naming schema."qZGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  hardlinkkf6-rpm-macrospython3python3-lxmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)symlinksutil-linux3.0.4-14.6.0-1breeze-icons-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm"(a7bb645a99bf92f0f49ecf82753cb031./SRPMS.pcloswd # =X \s|B@BADBEHBJiCbreeze-plymouth6.3.31pclos2025Breeze theme for PlymouthBreeze theme for Plymouth.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(ply-boot-client)pkgconfig(ply-splash-core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1breeze-plymouth-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm#b4275f7fd9e032862a0f0a2e37d16bca./SRPMS.pclosd ! g    B@BABEBJCdebrewtarget2.3.11pclos2017Brewtarget helps you brew beerBrewtarget hilft Ihnen Bier zu brauen.Brewtarget helps you brew beer. It is a beer calculator for brewing beer. Compatible with BeerSmith. Generates instructions for you from the recipe! Hit all your targets with brewtarget. After installation, the program can be started from the menu, DatabasesBrewtarget hilft Ihnen Bier zu brauen. Es ist ein Bierrechner zum Bierbrauen. Es ist kompatibel mit BeerSmith. Es erzeugt Anweisungen für Sie vom Rezept. Erreichen Sie alle Ihre Ziele mit Brewtarget. Nach der Installation kann das Programm vom Menü Datenbanken aus gestartet werden.;ghostbunnyDatabasesx86_64 ImageMagickcmakeqtbase5-develqtwebkit5-develqtmultimedia5qtmultimedia5-develqtwebkitwidgets5-develqthelp5-develsqlite3-toolsqtsvg5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1brewtarget-2.3.1-1pclos2017.src.rpmH7ff42813c45987e3c61070eb07d06c12./SRPMS.pclosd   W ",8qB@{BABEBJCbricker1.0.03pclos2011A puzzle game using a block of bricks as the main characterBricker is a puzzle type game that uses a block of bricks as the main character. The bricker program is a 2d game based on SDL. The purpose of the game is to stand on the gold block.Games/Puzzlesx86_64 SDL-devellibSDL_image-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bricker-1.0.0-3pclos2011.src.rpmu7deb4d7d831da7549cae1232ded71664./SRPMS.pclosd  R B@BABEBJ Cbridge-utils1.51pclos2011Utilities for configuring the linux ethernet bridgeThis package contains utilities for configuring the linux ethernet bridge. The linux ethernet bridge can be used for connecting multiple ethernet devices together. The connecting is fully transparent: hosts connected to one ethernet device see hosts connected to the other ethernet devices directly.z;Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bridge-utils-1.5-1pclos2011.src.rpm9d7cba3162c2de8ccc6d40c313c7d111./SRPMS.pclosd   /X\ x(B@7BA\BE`BJCbriquolo0.5.61pclos2007An OpenGL breakoutBriquolo is a 3D brick game using OpenGL'8Texstar Games/Arcadei586 SDL-develSDL_ttf-develSDL_mixer1.2-develdos2unixpng-develmesaglut-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1briquolo-0.5.6-1pclos2007.src.rpm'I1eac8309ff967aa80b5d2577f302d766./SRPMS.pclos/d   <lp xB@BABEBJ!Cbrise0.221pclos2013The official Rime schema repositoryLa brise: The official Rime schema repository.B.pinoc64System/Librariesx86_64 kyotocabinetlibrime-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1brise-0.22-1pclos2013.src.rpmB:3ef83a2b71e6a8fa25dfa0235052f23e./SRPMS.pclos'd   1D HNXlB@BABEBJCbristol0.60.91pclos2011Synthesizer emulatorBristol is an emulation package for a number of different 'classic' synthesizers including additive and subtractive and a few organs. The application consists of the engine, which is called bristol, and its own GUI library called brighton that represents all the emulations.7B+Soundx86_64 lib64x11-develalsa-lib-develjackit-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bristol-0.60.9-1pclos2011.src.rpm7K7380a47a200b5b98467642e4d2447278./SRPMS.pclosd    >h l{B@BABEBJCbrltty4.13pclos2010Braille display driver for Linux/UnixBRLTTY is a background process (daemon) which provides access to the Linux/Unix console (when in text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. It drives the braille display, and provides complete screen review functionality. Some speech capability has also been incorporated.BSystem/Serversi586 bisongpm-develX11-develpython-devellibncurses-develbluez-develpython-pyrexocamlfestival-devellibbraille-develspeech_tools-devellibalsa-develsubversionjava-rpmbuildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1brltty-4.1-3pclos2010.src.rpmbb6a8a6a3a343bcef7b6ae5e8bf82389a./SRPMS.pcloscd ' Y B@BA0BE4BJUCbroadcom-wl6.30.223.27132pclos2022Proprietary driver for Broadcom wireless adaptersFor older kernel-versions < 4.11 please use the release 4 of this package! This package contains the proprietary driver for Broadcom wireless adapters provided by Broadcom. If installed, it will be used for these cards in preference to the third-party open source driver that requires manual installation of firmware, or ndiswrapper.-jonkelhoSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1broadcom-wl-,Qe298da60cfbf67e005cca86c4f892d37./SRPMS.pclosd   4 4B@BABEBJCbrotli1.0.72pclos2022Brotli compression formatBrotli is a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data using a combination of a modern variant of the LZ77 algorithm, Huffman coding and 2nd order context modeling, with a compression ratio comparable to the best currently available general-purpose compression methods. It is similar in speed with deflate but offers more dense compression. The specification of the Brotli Compressed Data Format is defined in RFC 7932.0TerryNArchiving/Compressionx86_64 cmakepython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1brotli-1.0.7-2pclos2022.src.rpm0cbd580f06df742763289d07adbd97dd6./SRPMS.pclos+d  N "/4LB@BABEBJCbrutalchess0.5.21pclos2007Cross-platform GPL chess game with 3D graphicsBrutal Chess features full 3D graphics, an advanced particle engine, and several different levels of intelligent AI, inspired by the once popular "Battle Chess" released by Interplay circa 1988.DStumpy842Games/Boardsi586  libxi6-devellibxmu6-devellibSDL1.2-devellibSDL_image1.2-devellibfreetype6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   6 B@BABEBJ)Cbsc4.1.02pclos2011Beesoft Commander file managerBeesoft Commander is a file manager (like Norton Commander) for Linux. It is based on Qt4-GUI.yFile toolsx86_64 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bsc-4.1.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm348eec6208436dfb5e3264078f3df80b./SRPMS.pclosd   J #B@-BAPBETBJuCbse-alsa0.7.12pclos2007ALSA plugin for BSE (Bedevilled Sound Engine)This is ALSA plugin for BSE (Bedevilled Sound Engine). It provides ALSA PCM driver and MIDI driver for BSE.4:Thac Soundi586 beast-develalsa-lib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bse-alsa-0.7.1-2pclos2007.src.rpm=~07519a14e8131e902b9469cde5b818e7./SRPMS.pclosd  F( ,JPXB@BABEBJCbtnx0.4.111pclos2009A daemon for sending keyboard & mouse eventsbtnx is a daemon that sniffs events from the mouse event handler. If it recognizes a configured event, it sends a keyboard and/or mouse combination event to uinput. This means you can configure certain mouse buttons to send keyboard and mouse events to X. It is useful for mice with more buttons than window managers can handle. It also means you won't need to manually edit your window manager and X configurations to get additional functionality from extra buttons. The configuration file for btnx is located at /etc/btnx/btnx_config. The configuration file is edited with btnx-config. You must install and run btnx-config before btnx will work. After changing the config file, make sure to restart btnx in btnx-config or by runningypSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586 libdaemon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1btnx-0.4.11-1pclos2009.src.rpm824cf7e35a334c68eaf480907724c37a./SRPMS.pclosgd  ?t xB@ BA4BE8BJYCbtnx-config0.4.91pclos2009GUI configuration tool for btnxbtnx-config is a graphical user interface for btnx System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 libglade2.0_0-develgettextdesktop-file-utilsyelprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1btnx-config-0.4.9-1pclos2009.src.rpm xd7a590b6366dd2957b4601437a85f09d./SRPMS.pclos d   xX \gpxB@BABEBJCbtop1.4.01pclos2024Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processesResource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes Features: * Easy to use, with a game inspired menu system. * Full mouse support, all buttons with a highlighted key is clickable and mouse scroll works in process list and menu boxes. * Fast and responsive UI with UP, DOWN keys process selection. * Function for showing detailed stats for selected process. * Ability to filter processes. * Easy switching between sorting options. * Tree view of processes. * Send any signal to selected process. * UI menu for changing all config file options. * Auto scaling graph for network usage. * Shows IO activity and speeds for disks * Battery meter * Selectable symbols for the graphs * Custom presets * And more... Command line options: usage: btop [-h] [-v] [-/+t] [-p ] [--utf-force] [--debug] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show version info and exit -lc, --low-color disable truecolor, converts 24-bit colors to 256-color -t, --tty_on force (ON) tty mode, max 16 colors and tty friendly graph symbols +t, --tty_off force (OFF) tty mode -p, --preset start with preset, integer value between 0-9 --utf-force force start even if no UTF-8 locale was detected --debug start in DEBUG mode: shows microsecond timer for information collect and screen draw functions and sets loglevel to DEBUG Monitoringx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1btop-1.4.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm4bf6d506ea996dedc68da752015d5c1a1./SRPMS.pcloscd  :  ,  B@ BA0BE4BJUCbtrfs-progs5.91pclos2020Userspace programs for btrfsThe btrfs-progs package provides all the userpsace programs needed to create, check, modify and correct any inconsistencies in the btrfs filesystem.!~System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  e2fsprogs-develpkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(blkid)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(libzstd)acl-develliblzo-develasciidocxmltopkgconfig(libudev)python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!bf5da7d54b0280a8211cf535aaccc47c./SRPMS.pclosd   V  ,QB@[BA|BEBJCbtsync2.0.812pclos2015BTSync is a pesonal bitTorrent client to sync your devicesBTSync is a bittorrent peer-to-peer program that lets you to sync your information among all your devices. Start as root then point your browser to localhost:8888@Networking/File transferx86_64 wgettarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1btsync-2.0.81-2pclos2015.src.rpm pa0d34f8e4836a6bc1fcf4bd23e7a3fdf./SRPMS.pclos#d   N    B@BABEBJCbubblewrap0.8.01pclos2023Core execution tool for unprivileged containersBubblewrap (/usr/bin/bwrap) is a core execution engine for unprivileged containers that works as a setuid binary on kernels without user namespaces.JSecurityx86_64  autoconfautomakedocbook-style-xslgcclibtoolpkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libselinux)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1bubblewrap-0.8.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmo4599666ecd7587fa69c1a66cb2a11acf./SRPMS.pclosd   8$( IZ`dB@BABEBJCbuffer1.191pclos2007General purpose buffer programThis is a program designed to speed up writing tapes on remote tape drives. After startup it splits itself into two processes. The first process reads (and reblocks) from stdin into a shared memory buffer. The second writes from the shared memory buffer to stdout. Doing it this way means that the writing side effectly sits in a tight write loop and doesn't have to wait for input. Similarly for the input side. It is this waiting that slows down other reblocking processes, like dd.^MTexstar Archiving/Backupi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1buffer-1.19-1pclos2007.src.rpmf39e1aa48c80edb93991a5347920fcc59./SRPMS.pclos [d% 0 {  B@ BA (BE ,BJ MCdefresplsrnlbug-buddy2.32.02pclos2011Utility to ease the reporting of bugs within the GNOME Desktop Environmentbug-buddy is a druid based tool which steps you through the GNOME bug submission process. It can automatically obtain stack traces from core files or crashed applications. Debian and KDE bug tracking systems are also supported. GNOME-Arbeitsumgebung-Fehlermeldungswerkzeug Das Ziel von bug-buddy ist es, das Melden von Fehlern für den Nutzer so einfach und leicht wie möglich, sowie gleichzeitig die Meldungen für den Entwickler möglichst nützlich und informativ zu machen. Das Programm kann Debug-Informationen aus 'core'-Dateien oder abgestürzten Anwendungen (mittels gnome_segv) auslesen.bug-buddy est un outil basé druide qui vous guide à travers les bugs de GNOME Processus de soumission. On peut obtenir automatiquement les traces de pile du noyau des fichiers ou des applications s'est écrasé. Debian et les systèmes de suivi des bogues de KDE sont également soutenues.bug-buddy es una herramienta basada druida los pasos que a través de los errores de GNOME proceso de envío. Se puede obtener automáticamente traza de la pila del núcleo de archivos o aplicaciones se estrelló. Debian y los sistemas de seguimiento de errores de KDE están también se apoya.bug-buddy jest druid narzędzie, które przeprowadzi Cię przez błąd GNOME Proces składania. Może automatycznie uzyskać stos ślady od rdzenia plików lub awarii aplikacji. Debian i KDE systemu śledzenia błędów jest także są obsługiwane.буба-другара је бази Врач алат који вам кораке кроз Гном буба Процес подношења. То аутоматски може да добије гомилу трагова од основних датотеке или апликације пала. Дебиан и КДЕ-системи за праћење грешака су такође подржан.bug-buddy is een druïde gebaseerde tool die u stappen door de GNOME bug indiening proces. Het kan automatisch verkrijgen sporen stapel uit kern bestanden of gecrashte applicaties. Debian en KDE bug tracking systemen ondersteund. gGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gnome-menus-develgnome-desktop3-develgnome-doc-utilslibxslt-proclibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develevolution-data-server-devellibgtop2.0-devellibsoup-develperl-XML-Parserintltoolgnome-commonlibelfutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bug-buddy-2.32.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm rLac002709932eb58e98a99074e37ff72f./SRPMS.pclosd # @ 0B@@BAlBEpBJCbuild-essentials20242pclos2024Metapackage build essentialsThis package will help install programs needed to build rpms on PCLinuxOS. Additional devel rpms may be required depending on the package you are trying to build.Tasksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1build-essentials-2024-2pclos2024.src.rpm",ee9f05357cf35950acf7d93de6189ab3./SRPMS.pclosd   E iB@vBABEBJCbullet3.171pclos2021Professional 3D collision detection libraryBullet is a professional open source multi-threaded 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library for games and animation.OYSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(freeglut)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bullet-3.17-1pclos2021.src.rpmPa58aa9c53785b09e7103771435afe12a5./SRPMS.pclosd   V ,B@>BAdBEhBJCbumblebee3.2.12pclos2020Bumblebee - support for NVidia Optimus laptops on Linux!Bumblebee daemon is a rewrite of the original Bumblebee service providing an elegant and stable means of managing Optimus hybrid graphics chipsets. A primary goal of this project is to not only enable use of the discrete GPU for rendering, but also to enable smart power management of the dGPU when it's not in use.BonkelhoSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  help2manX11-develglib2-develgettextlibbsd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d   3 B@BABEBJCbumprace1.5.32pclos2011Drive the ship to exitBumpRace is a simple arcade game. You've to get from the start to the finish line without crashing into deadly blocks. This game is really easy to learn! ZGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64x11-devellib64alsa2-devellib64esound-devellib64jpeg62-devellib64png-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bumprace-1.5.3-2pclos2011.src.rpm b?51303cb4ccdf59a9ae754061c08bc166./SRPMS.pclosd   4@ DU\lB@BABEBJCbup0.29.21pclos2019Backup program based on gitbup is a program that backs things up. - It uses a rolling checksum algorithm (similar to rsync) to split large files into chunks. The most useful result of this is you can backup huge virtual machine (VM) disk images, databases, and XML files incrementally, even though they're typically all in one huge file, and not use tons of disk space for multiple versions. - It uses the packfile format from git (the open source version control system), so you can access the stored data even if you don't like bup's user interface. - Unlike git, it writes packfiles directly (instead of having a separate garbage collection / repacking stage) so it's fast even with gratuitously huge amounts of data. bup's improved index formats also allow you to track far more filenames than git (millions) and keep track of far more objects (hundreds or thousands of gigabytes). - Data is "automagically" shared between incremental backups without having to know which backup is based on which other one - even if the backups are made from two different computers that don't even know about each other. You just tell bup to back stuff up, and it saves only the minimum amount of data needed. - You can back up directly to a remote bup server, without needing tons of temporary disk space on the computer being backed up. And if your backup is interrupted halfway through, the next run will pick up where you left off. And it's easy to set up a bup server: just install bup on any machine where you have ssh access. - Bup can use "par2" redundancy to recover corrupted backups even if your disk has undetected bad sectors. - Even when a backup is incremental, you don't have to worry about restoring the full backup, then each of the incrementals in turn; an incremental backup acts as if it's a full backup, it just takes less disk space. - You can mount your bup repository as a FUSE filesystem and access the content that way, and even export it over Samba. - It's written in python (with some C parts to make it faster) so it's easy for you to extend and maintain.y+Archiving/Backupx86_64 python-develgitpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bup-0.29.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm4d732e3ec263d96c596fcc26a996cf74./SRPMS.pclosCd  6<@ KX`tB@BABEBJ5Cburgerspace1.9.31pclos2020A Burgertime(TM) cloneClone of the Burgertime video game. You are a chef that must walk over hamburger ingredients in a maze while avoiding enemies. Use the arrow keys to move, the left Ctrl key to throw pepper, and P to pause the game and resume it. The Escape key quits the game.QghostbunnyGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer-devellib64flatzebra-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1burgerspace-1.9.3-1pclos2020.src.rpmX6c23548f265ebf350815d8850c65ec4f./SRPMS.pclosd  g  B@3BA\BE`BJCbusybox-dlx1.37.01pclos2024Multi-call binary combining many common Unix tools into one executableBusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU coreutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly complete POSIX environment for any small or embedded system. BusyBox has been written with size-optimization and limited resources in mind. It is also extremely modular so you can easily include or exclude commands (or features) at compile time. This makes it easy to customize your embedded systems. To create a working system, just add /dev, /etc, and a kernel.#&$Shellsx86_64  gccglibc-static-develkernel-userspace-headersrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1busybox-dlx-1.37.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm"a4930f9a1e1de427323658cd32bd6b96./SRPMS.pclosd   =8 <GL`B@BABEBJ Cbusyhot1.11pclos2010Monitor cpu loading and temperatureShow CPU load (sum of processor cores) and the min-max range of core temperatures in a small panel window updated every second. Optionally display a popup window containing the CPU load and temperature of each processor core, updated every second.,KMonitoringi586 gtk2-develGConf-devellibpanel-applet-2_2-develfreetype-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1busyhot-1.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm37574ce839b202c99bcfa3b2e3c3b1428b./SRPMS.pclosd   l _B@pBABEBJCdebutt0.1.122pclos2011grabs audio data from your sound cardAudiodaten von Ihrer Soundkarte aufnehmenbutt is a Linux tool that grabs audio data from your sound card. butt stands for broadcast using this tool and is a Linux tool that grabs audio data from your sound card (line-in, CD, wave, etc.), encodes the PCM data into MP3, and sends it to a streaming server. It supports ShoutCast and IceCast.Butt ist ein Linux-Tool, das Audio-Daten von Ihrer Soundkarte greift. Butt steht für (broadcast using this tool) und ist ein Tool, das Audio-Daten von der Soundkarte (Line-In, CD-, Wave, etc.) greift, codiert die PCM-Daten in MP3, und sendet es an einem Streaming- Server. Unterstützt wird ShoutCast und IceCast.Soundx86_64  lib64fltk-devellib64portaudio2-devellibvorbis-devellib64lame0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   <  4B@<BA`BEdBJCbuttercup2.20.31pclos2023Password Security ApplicationButtercup is a free, open-source and cross-platform password manager, built on NodeJS with Typescript. It uses strong industry-standard encryption to protect your passwords and credentials (among other data you store in Buttercup vaults) at rest, within vault files (.bcup). Vaults can be loaded from and saved to a number of sources, such as the local filesystem, Dropbox, Google Drive or any WWebDAV-enabled service (like ownCloud or Nextcloud ).Securityx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1buttercup-2.20.3-1pclos2023.src.rpm4f76d0e857bfd2d5509ba251d71a15b4./SRPMS.pclos'd   7| B@BABEBJCbvi1.4.02pclos2019BVI - Editor for binary files.The bvi is a display-oriented editor for binary files, based on the vi texteditor. If you are familiar with vi, just start the editor and begin to edit! A bmore programm is also included in the package. If you never heard about vi, maybe bvi is not the best choice for you. Package contains bmore, bvedit, bvi and bveiwEditorsx86_64 autoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bvi-1.4.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmB19802943e99e7abe0383daaf38ce9426./SRPMS.pclosd   . 0wB@BABEBJCbwbasic2.501pclos2011A Basic interpreterThe Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C.IDevelopment/Otherx86_64 desktop-file-utilsunzipgrepgccautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bwbasic-2.50-1pclos2011.src.rpm86bdc5a4ee5cf9460715edf2b166a7d54./SRPMS.pclos3d  B B@BABEBJ%Cbyacc202101091pclos2021A public domain Yacc parser generatorByacc (Berkeley Yacc) is a public domain LALR parser generator which is used by many programs during their build process. If you are going to do development on your system, you will want to install either this package or bison. Berkeley Yacc is regarded as a better parser generator, while bison is more widely used in the GNU world. WDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1byacc-20210109-1pclos2021.src.rpm 4ce2c72838216b84628bb84bf4711fe0./SRPMS.pclosd GPTahlB@BABEBJCbygfoot2.3.21pclos2011Bygfoot is a football (soccer) manager gameBygfoot is a small and simple football (a.k.a. soccer) manager game featuring quite a few international leagues and cups. You manage a team from one such league: you form the team, buy and sell players, get promoted or relegated and of course try to be successful.Games/Sportsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bygfoot-2.3.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm@c220b529dce9779f189cd0ec4df68ac7./SRPMS.pclosd   1l pvQB@nBABEBJCbyte0.4.21pclos2020Lightweight Music PlayerByte is a lightweight music player for the Linux desktop.Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgcclib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo2lib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64granite-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64taglib-develmesonninjapython3valarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1byte-0.4.2-1pclos2020.src.rpme6737785ccc2f2ab9c8abd742eebb3cb./SRPMS.pclosd   1  4B@BABEBJCbyzanz0.2.21pclos2010A gif desktop recorderByzanz is a GNOME Panel applet to record your current desktop to an animated GIF file. This is especially useful for publishing on the web, since every browser understands the GIF format. Use this for your screencasts!Videoi586  libgnomeui2-develcairo-develgnome-panel-devellibxdamage-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   =    B@BABEBJCbzflag2.4.281pclos2025A multiplayer 3D tank battle gameBZFlag is a multiplayer 3D tank battle game. It's one of the most popular games ever on Silicon Graphics systems.Games/Arcadex86_64  pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libcares)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1bzflag-2.4.28-1pclos2025.src.rpm131cb774a236a593945e9ff2d13601a2./SRPMS.pclosd  E <B@FBAhBElBJCbzip21.0.81pclos2019Extremely powerful file compression utilityBzip2 compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block-sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally considerably better than that achieved by more conventional LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM family of statistical compressors. The command-line options are deliberately very similar to those of GNU Gzip, but they are not identical. Archiving/Compressionx86_64 texinfolibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bzip2-1.0.8-1pclos2019.src.rpm 4d29d08a20bcc65337ea4e5ea878db4e./SRPMS.pclos3d  M  8  B@BABEBJ%Cbzip31.5.11pclos2024Tools for compressing and decompressing bzip3 filesThese are tools for compressing, decompressing, printing, and searching bzip3 files. bzip3 features higher compression ratios and better performance than bzip2 thanks to an order-0 context mixing entropy coder, a fast Burrows-Wheeler transform code making use of suffix arrays and a run-length encoding with Lempel-Ziv prediction pass based on LZ77-style string matching and PPM-style context modeling.Archiving/Compressionx86_64  autoconfautoconf-archiveautomakebashcoreutilsfindutilsgawklibtoolmakepkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed3.0.4-14.6.0-1bzip3-1.5.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm*7803f469b983026a308e23b50b843df1./SRPMS.pclosd   v \B@gBABEBJCdebzr2.6.03pclos2016Next-generation distributed version controlVersionskontrollsystem der nächsten GenerationBazaar is a distributed revision control system. It allows team members to branch and merge upstream code very easily. Distributed revision control systems allow multiple people to have their own branch of a project, and merge code efficiently between them. This enables new contributors to immediately have access to the full tools that previously have been limited to just the committers to a project.Bazaar ist ein verteiltes Versionskontrollsystem. Es erlaubt den Gruppenmitgliedern sehr einfach hochgeladenen Code in Zweige zu teilen und zusammenzufügen. Das verteilte Versionskontrollsystem erlaubt es, dass verschiedene Leute eigene Zweige eines Projekts haben und diese effizient zusammengeführt werden können. Dies ermöglicht es neuen Mitgliedern sofortigen Zugriff auf alle Werkzeuge zu haben, welche zuvor auf die vorherigen Projektmitglieder beschränkt waren.XDevelopment/Otherx86_64 python-develpython-paramikozlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bzr-2.6.0-3pclos2016.src.rpmXW4dca9a8031a41134e9df007a1cc58309./SRPMS.pclosSd # I`d l~B@BA BE$BJECdebzr-explorer1.3.01pclos2014A GUI for BazaarEine GUI für BazaarBazaar Explorer is a desktop application for using the Bazaar Version Control System. It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features, launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the functionality. Alternatively, the applets from the bzr-gtk plug-in can be used if it is installed. Bazaar Explorer runs on GNOME, KDE, Windows and Mac OS X.Bazaar Explorer ist ein Desktopprogramm für die Benutzung des Bazaar Versionskontrollsystems Es bietet eine Schnittstelle zu allen allgemeinhin genutzten Eigenschaften. Es führt die meisten "Applets" von QBzr aus um die meisten Funktionalitäten bereitzustellen. Alternativ können auch die Plugins von bzr-gtk genutzt werden, wenn es installiert ist. Bazaar Explorer läuft unter GNOME, KDE, Windows und Mac OS X.Upinoc64Development/Othernoarch python-develbzrpython-pkg-resourcespython-pasterpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bzr-explorer-1.3.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm63019b60dd45e5d9c3905023e90fcc65./SRPMS.pclosd   Y B@(BALBEPBJqCbzr-gtk0.100.01pclos2011Bazaar plugin for GTK+ interfaces to most Bazaar operationsbzr-gtk is a plugin for Bazaar that aims to provide GTK+ interfaces to most Bazaar operations.{Development/Pythonnoarch python-develbzrgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bzr-gtk-0.100.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm9e96e6d78781afef0665b891a3b9777e./SRPMS.pclosd # 9 #B@/BAXBE\BJ}Cbzr-loggerhead1.18.12pclos2013A web view for BazaarLoggerhead is a web viewer for projects in bazaar. It can be used to navigate a branch history, annotate files, view patches, perform searches, etc. It's originally based on bazaar-webserve, which is itself based on hgweb for Mercurial. This package installs loggerhead as a plugin so that it can be run with: bzr serve --http [--port=8080] [--directory=.].MDevelopment/Othernoarch python-develbzrpython-pkg-resourcespython-pasterpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bzr-loggerhead-1.18.1-2pclos2013.src.rpmS34c158174997cd59fa9fd48ffc1f3233./SRPMS.pclosd    $6@LyB@BABEBJCdebzrtools2.6.01pclos2016A collection of utilities and plugins for Bazaar-NGEine Sammlung von Werkzeugen und Erweiterungen für Bazaar-NG (BZR).BzrTools is a collection of plugins for Bazaar-NG (bzr). Among the included plugins are: * push - uses rsync to push local changes to a remote server * annotate - prints a file annotated with the revision next to each line * baz-import - (Requres PyBaz) import an arch archive losslessly into bzr * shelve/unshelve - allows you to undo some changes, commit, and restore * clean-tree - remove unknown, ignored-junk, or unversioned files from the tree * graph-ancestry - use dot to produce banch ancestry graphs * shell - a bzr command interpreter with command completion * patch - apply a patch to your tree from a file or URLEine Sammlung von Werkzeugen und Erweiterungen für Bazaar-NG (BZR). Unter den mitgelieferten Erweiterungen sind: * push - um lokale Änderungen zu einem entfernten (Remote)-Server zu synchronisieren * annotate - druckt eine Datei mit der Revision mit Anmerkungen neben jeder Zeile * baz-Import - (benötigt PyBaz) importiert ein arch Archiv, verlustfrei in BZR * shelve / snshelve - erlaubt das Rückgängigmachen und Wiederherstellen von Änderungen * clean-tree - entfernen von unbekannten, ignorieren von Junk, oder unversionierten Dateien aus der Baumstruktur * graph-ancesty - verwendet Punkte zum Erstellen von Abstammungs-Grafiken * shell - ein BZR-Befehlsinterpreter mit der Befehlsvervollständigung * patch - einen Patch von einer Datei oder einer URL auf den Baum anwendenDevelopment/Othernoarch python-develbzrrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1bzrtools-2.6.0-1pclos2016.src.rpmwded749c75ac638f5a0e5fc9d32cde4dd./SRPMS.pclosd  E 0B@BABEBJCbzrtp4.4.211pclos2021ZRTP keys exchange protocol implementationbzrtp is a FOSS implementation of ZRTP keys exchange protocol. The library is written in C 89, is fully portable, and can be executed on many platforms including x86 and ARM processors.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(bctoolbox)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(sqlite3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " > B@BADBEHBJiCc++-gtk-utils2.2.191pclos2020GTK+-based ISO image editorc++-gtk-utils is a lightweight library containing a number of classes and functions for programming GTK+ programs using C++ in POSIX (Unix-like) environments, where the user does not want to use a full-on wrapper such as gtkmm or wxWidgets, or is concerned about exception safety or thread safety of the wrapper and their documentation. It is parallel installable for both GTK+2 and GTK+3.cSystem/Librariesx86_64 gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1c++-gtk-utils-2.2.19-1pclos2020.src.rpmh7da45096c3773942f9d47bfdbc0bdb68d./SRPMS.pclosd   O  NB@_BABEBJCc-ares1.33.11pclos2024A library that performs asynchronous DNS operationsc-ares is a C library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously. c-ares is a fork of the library named 'ares', written by Greg Hudson at MIT. >System/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1c-ares-1.33.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm '0dc2afc78af7b297f973a737318f173a./SRPMS.pclos{d 5B@#BAHBELBJmCc-client2007e3pclos2011UW-IMAP C-CLIENT libraryThe c-client library is a common API for accessing mailboxes developed at the University of Washington. It is used mainly by php in Mandriva Linux.lSystem/Serversx86_64 openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1c-client-2007e-3pclos2011.src.rpmC802af25d787ea81d98a7c7b0fe5eb4e3./SRPMS.pclosd   ;l pB@BABEBJCc20500.41pclos2011Driver for the Lexmark 2050 printerLexmark 2050 Color Jetprinter printer driver.ASystem/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1c2050-0.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmE7e1a6f44001b0c22d74c05e4cb679025./SRPMS.pclosd   : B@BABEBJCc20700.991pclos2011Lexmark 2070 Printer color driverThis filter allows to color print in a Lexmark 2070 (windows GDI) printer.=System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1c2070-0.99-1pclos2011.src.rpmB2bb64ebd9f8285ae87af01716bfbd911./SRPMS.pclosd   : 4B@>BA\BE`BJCc2esp2.62pclos2013CUPS driver for Kodak AiO printersCups filters and ppd files, and sane backend, for the kodak ESP and Hero all in one printers on linux. Likely to work on all ESP and Hero printersXXSystem/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 cupscups-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1c2esp-2.6-2pclos2013.src.rpm_8e2b23adcd727aeeaf7852c1a1d5bac0./SRPMS.pclosd   J $,]B@fBABEBJCcabextract1.111pclos2023A program to extract Microsoft Cabinet filesCabinet (.CAB) files are a form of archive, which Microsoft use to distribute their software, and things like Windows Font Packs. The cabextract program simply unpacks such files.=4Archiving/Compressionx86_64 pkgconfig(libmspack)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cabextract-1.11-1pclos2023.src.rpmD49b1078039bfd322a03fee6140f94c62./SRPMS.pclosd    +04PB@XBAxBE|BJCdecac0.2.3.12pclos2010CaC is a application to easily download and convert VideosCaC einfaches downloaden und konverten von VideosCaC is a application to easily download and convert Videos from Videosites like YouTube, Google Video etc. It´s written in Lazarus/FreePascal and availible for Linux and Windows Systems.CaC ist eine einfache Anwendung zum downloaden und konvertieren von Videos YouTube, Google Video Seiten und weitere. Geschrieben in Lazarus/FreePascal und steht für Linux und Windows Systeme zur Verfügung.Networking/WWWi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cac-   O OB@YBABEBJCcaffeine2.4.1.4983pclos2023Utility to inhibit screensaver and sleep modesMATE Caffeine is a status bar application able to temporarily prevent the activation of both the screensaver and the "sleep" powersaving mode.Graphical desktop/MATEnoarch gobject-introspectionpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1caffeine-  E  8  B@BA@BEDBJeCcairo1.18.41pclos2025Cairo - multi-platform 2D graphics libraryCairo provides anti-aliased vector-based rendering for X. Paths consist of line segments and cubic splines and can be rendered at any width with various join and cap styles. All colors may be specified with optional translucence (opacity/alpha) and combined using the extended Porter/Duff compositing algebra as found in the X Render Extension. Cairo exports a stateful rendering API similar in spirit to the path construction, text, and painting operators of PostScript, (with the significant addition of translucence in the imaging model). When complete, the API is intended to support the complete imaging model of PDF 1.4. Cairo relies on the Xc library for backend rendering. Xc provides an abstract interface for rendering to multiple target types. As of this writing, Xc allows Cairo to target X drawables as well as generic image buffers. Future backends such as PostScript, PDF, and perhaps OpenGL are currently being planned./System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(pixman-1)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cairo-1.18.4-1pclos2025.src.rpmk02c459c79bcc50b916631a4cab162812./SRPMS.pclos?d  >    B@BA BEBJ1Ccairo-clock0.3.42pclos2022Cairo-rendered on-screen clockIt is an analog clock displaying the system-time. It leverages the new visual features offered by a compositing manager to produce a time display with pretty-pixels.5Toysx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64rsvg2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cairo-clock-0.3.4-2pclos2022.src.rpm9705c579751785a7178babb8b09aeb9b1./SRPMS.pclosd ! 9 ,B@)BAPBETBJuCcairo-compmgr0.3.04pclos2011Cairo Composite ManagerCairo Composite Manager is a versatile and extensible composite manager which use cairo for rendering. Plugins can be used to add some cool effects to your desktop.+System/X11i586  pkgconfiglibpixman-1-devellibxdamage-develcairo-develgtk-doclibfreetype6-devellibpng-devellibdirectfb-devellibatk1.0-develvalagtk2-develdesktop-file-utilslibxext6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   X  $,xB@BA BEBJ1Ccairo-dock3.4.13pclos2019A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easilycairo-dock uses cairo to render nice graphics, and Glitz to use hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and can be a taskbar too. You can easily plug applets into it.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64curl-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64xml2-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xcomposite-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xrender-devellib64xtst-develintltoolimagemagickcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cairo-dock-3.4.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm3954304c18f090e917847d71d66057e0./SRPMS.pclos;d & =$ (@HB@BABE BJ-Ccairo-dock-plugins3.4.13pclos2019Plugins for cairo-dockcairo-dock uses cairo to render nice graphics, and Glitz to use hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and can be a taskbar too. You can easily plug applets into it. This package contains various plugins for cairo-dock.BXGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 cairo-dock-develvalacmakelib64webkit2-devellm_sensors-develgnome-menus-devellib64alsa2-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64dbusmenu-gtk-devellib64fftw-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64exif12-devellib64ical-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64xklavier-devellib64xml2-devellib64upower-glib-devellib64vte3-devellib64x11-devellib64xxf86vm-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64zeitgeist-devellib64etpan-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' =l pB@BABEBJ!Ccairo-dock-themes1.6.3.11pclos2009Themes for cairo-dockThis package contains all cairo-dock themes.OgGraphical desktop/Othernoarch cairo-dock-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cairo-dock-themes-!5b00d8e978fbb2a0891a570d420909e3./SRPMS.pclosd  ?< @X`B@(BAPBETBJuCcairolauncher0.91pclos2009Applications launcher for gnomeCairoLauncher is a nice graphic applications launcher for gnome under linux. It is presented as an animated list that you can filter by name or personnal tags list. It is also possible to customize it : list order, application color and transparency.dGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 pkgconfiglibgtkmm2.4_1-devellibpangomm2.4-devellibglibmm2.4-devellibpthread-stubslibatk1.0-devellibgtkglextmm1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cairolauncher-0.9-1pclos2009.src.rpmP296e44c9cd36393aed4015bf6c880a2a./SRPMS.pclos+d   U  $  B@BABEBJCcairomm1.16.11pclos2021C++ API for the cairo multi-platform 2D graphics libraryThis is a C++ API for the Cairo graphics library. Cairo provides anti-aliased vector-based rendering for X. Paths consist of line segments and cubic splines and can be rendered at any width with various join and cap styles. All colors may be specified with optional translucence (opacity/alpha) and combined using the extended Porter/Duff compositing algebra as found in the X Render Extension.*System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(sigc++-3.0)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(mm-common-libstdc++)doxygenmesonxsltprocboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  G B@^BABEBJCcaja1.28.01pclos2024File manager for the MATE desktop environmentCaja is the file manager and graphical shell for the MATE desktop, that makes it easy to manage your files and the rest of your system. It allows to browse directories on local and remote file systems, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop.QGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   intltoolpkgconfig(cairo-gobject)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(exempi-2.0)pkgconfig(gail-3.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk-doc)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(unique-3.0)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ! R 3< l . B@HBApBEtBJCcaja-actions1.28.01pclos2024Caja extension for customizing the context menusCaja actions is an extension for Caja, the MATE file manager. It provides an easy way to configure programs to be launch on files selected in Caja interface$Agent Smith Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64  dblatexitstoollib64gtop2.0-devellib64sm-devellib64unique-devellib64uuid-devellib64xml2-develmate-commonmate-file-manager-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1caja-actions-1.28.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm\bfab6c382f6f7bdba87c2172c131bf3f./SRPMS.pclos{d   8 B@$BAHBELBJmCcaja-admin0.0.51pclos2024Caja administrator pluginCaja Admin is a simple Python extension for the Caja file manager that adds some administrative actions to the right-click menu/iGraphical desktop/MATEnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1caja-admin-0.0.5-1pclos2024.src.rpmN1b0296f212ad3ceca4669d08ea02c6b9./SRPMS.pclos+d ! <X \s|   B@BABEBJCcaja-dropbox1.28.01pclos2024Dropbox extension for CajaDropbox extension for Caja;Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64  lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0lib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-develmate-file-manager-develpygtk2.0-develpython-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1caja-dropbox-1.28.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmNc95ff4c5b50eca357f61f055ddc751fe./SRPMS.pclosd $ L .B@kBABEBJCcaja-extensions1.26.13pclos2024Set of extensions for caja file managerExtensions for the caja file-browser, open-terminal, image-converter, sendto and shareXGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   autoconf-archivelib64gupnp-develmate-commonpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcaja-extension)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)0.602. f0f27f4229766e5996d4526c5f196d95./SRPMS.pclosd  :, 0GP\B@BABEBJCcaja-terminal0.105pclos2023Terminal embedded in CajaCaja Terminal is a terminal embedded in Caja, the MATE file browser. It is always open in the current folder, and follows the navigation (like an automated "cd" command). Please logout and back in again after installation of this package!ːGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64 gettextpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1caja-terminal-0.10-5pclos2023.src.rpmѢ2c12fb9b340c55fd97647ed38d7b6f8e./SRPMS.pclos+d  Gt xB@BABEBJCcal3d0.11.02pclos2014A skeletal based character animation libraryCal3D is a skeletal based character animation library. It is platform- independent and not bound to a specific graphic API. Originally designed to be used in a 3d client for the Worldforge project (www.worldforge.org) it evolved into a stand-alone product that can be used in many different projects.wSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygendocbook-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cal3d-0.11.0-2pclos2014.src.rpm|x84d1fcf2f96fc77cf44494e3c4be0a84./SRPMS.pclos3d   T( ,?HdB@BABEBJ%Ccalcmysky0.2.11pclos2022Simulator of light scattering by planetary atmospheresCalcMySky is a software package that simulates scattering of light by the atmosphere to render daytime and twilight skies (without stars). Its primary purpose is to enable realistic view of the sky in applications such as planetaria. Secondary objective is to make it possible to explore atmospheric effects such as glories, fogbows etc., as well as simulate unusual environments such as on Mars or an exoplanet orbiting a star with a non-solar spectrum of radiation.FESciences/Astronomyx86_64 gcc-c++cmakepkgconfig(eigen3)pkgconfig(glm)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1calcmysky-0.2.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmJ731c8e5d8d8110306c6f360f9e303ab3./SRPMS.pclosd   M  $+4@wB@BABEBJCcalcurse4.6.01pclos2020A text-based calendar and scheduling applicationCalcurse helps keep track of events, appointments and everyday tasks. A configurable notification system reminds user of upcoming deadlines, and the curses based interface can be customized to suit user needs.Officex86_64 gettextpkgconfig(ncurses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1calcurse-4.6.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm16d66dd52454343930becebe1a042d15./SRPMS.pclosWd  G B@BA$BE(BJICcalcuverter0.911pclos2010Calculator and unit converter all in oneCalcuverter is a calculator and unit converter in one. Furthermore, you can enter queries in plain English. Normal desktop calculators always seemed counter-intuitive to me. Why emulate the limited interface (ie a numeric pad) of a pocket calculator, when you’ve got the power of a desktop computer and keyboard at your finger tips. This is a very simple interface, with a lot of hidden power. It uses the google calculator as its engine, which means that it can do complex calculations and unit conversions. If the calculation is a simple mathematical expression, the linux version will use the bc program, rather than going online.?tOfficenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1calcuverter-0.91-1pclos2010.src.rpmEd7a155002d0c9d4c3734db2b7881362e./SRPMS.pclosKd % Hl pB@BABEBJ=Ccalendarsupport24.12.31pclos2025This lib provides calendar supportThis lib provides calendar support.AGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1calendarsupport-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmq540471288e2e199fbb56e3aa8d92d5f7./SRPMS.pclosd  X @B@BABEBJ Ccalf0.90.33pclos2021Pack of multi-standard audio plugins for LV2 and host for JACK The Calf project aims at providing a set of high quality open source audio plugins for musicians. All the included plugins are designed to be used with multitrack software, as software replacement for instruments and guitar stomp boxes. The plugins are available in LV2, DSSI, Standalone JACK and LADSPA formats. This package contains the common files and the Standalone JACK plugin.Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsdssi-develladspa-devellibpthread-stubslib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64expat1-devellib64fftw-devellib64fluidsynth-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64jack-devellib64lash2-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64readline-devellib64uuid-devellv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1calf-0.90.3-3pclos2021.src.rpm!3371147bb227bdfd6869ae3c339cd241./SRPMS.pclosCd   D B@BABEBJ5Ccalibre7.26.01pclos2025E-book converter and library managementCalibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to ebook conversion as well as e-book reader sync features. Calibre is primarily a ebook cataloging program. It manages your ebook collection for you. It is designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to ebooks in several formats. It also supports conversion to and from a dozen different ebook formats. Supported input formats are: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, CHM, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF and LRS.pinocOfficex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1calibre-7.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmld3f2cc6c5c2c85d4c3bed101ef7b1555./SRPMS.pclosd   FD H_htB@BABEBJCcalindori24.12.31pclos2025Calendar application for Plasma MobileCalindori is a touch friendly calendar application. It has been designed for mobile devices but it can also run on desktop environments. Users of Calindori are able to check previous and future dates and manage tasks and events. When executing the application for the first time, a new calendar file is created that follows the ical standard. Alternatively, users may create additional calendars or import existing ones. Features: * Agenda * Events * Todos * Multiple calendars * Import calendarGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1calindori-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmFN35963a0c206501a241d2df23d47c6ac4./SRPMS.pclos Sd   @  F8FFB@BA BE $BJ ECcalligra3.2.12pclos2020Set of office applications for KDE5Office applications for the K Desktop Environment. Calligra contains: * Words: word processor * Sheets: spreadsheet * Stage: presentations * Flow: diagram generator * Some filters (Excel 97, Winword 97/2000, etc.) * karbon: the scalable vector drawing application for KDE. * plan: a project management. * kexi: an integrated data management application. * Gemini: office suite for 2-in-1 devices *BETA*JghostbunnyGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macrosbinutilscmakeeigen3lib64boost-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gsl-devellib64ical-devellib64ilmbase-devellib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kdiagram-devellib64kf5activities-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5kcmutils-devellib64kf5kdelibs4support-devellib64kf5khtml-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5notifyconfig-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64lcms2-devellib64poppler-devellib64poppler-qt5-devellib64qca2-qt5-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64revenge-devellib64wpg-develmesa-develphonon4qt5-develphonon-develpkgconfigqtbase5-common-develzlib1-develsonnetlib64kf5kross-devellib64kf5threadweaver-develqtconcurrent5-develokular-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1calligra-3.2.1-2pclos2020.src.rpmJ.1ab2b22fda8909c3aec722c60b26ff58./SRPMS.pclosd   @ >B@GBAhBElBJCcamlp55.121pclos2010A preprocessor-pretty-printer of ocamlCamlp5 is a preprocessor-pretty-printer of ocaml. It is the continuation of the classical Camlp4 with new features. It is compatible with OCaml versions from 3.08.1 to 3.11 included. x=Development/Otheri586 ocamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1camlp5-5.12-1pclos2010.src.rpm Nd9954640de8305bc0c7ed98fc96e57bb./SRPMS.pclosOd   8( ,2<\B@BABE BJACcamorama0.20.71pclos2020A GNOME webcam applicationcamorama is a program for controlling webcams. It is able to capture to various image formats, as well as saving to a local dir or a FTP server on the web. Right now you can change the video settings using the gui and apply some filters.Videox86_64 desktop-file-utilsappstream-glibgettext-devellib64v4l-develgtk3-develcairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1camorama-0.20.7-1pclos2020.src.rpm6d9b4d1a6560e233e71f25c886b860d2./SRPMS.pclosd  +h lB@BABEBJCcandy-icons0.2.26pclos2021Candy IconsThis package contains the Candy IcondTheme for PCLinuxOS.?>Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1candy-icons-0.2.2-6pclos2021.src.rpm?Bfbe361f149538a6e6b1f2da7b6de07ef./SRPMS.pclos?d  @tx ~B@BA BEBJ1Ccanna3.7p39pclos2013Japanese Kana-Kanji translation engineCanna is a Japanese Kana-Kanji translation engine.\pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 lib64x11-develimakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1canna-3.7p3-9pclos2013.src.rpmC7d0aa225a3e7d2d0b1852f074aea5614./SRPMS.pclos+d   N /8B@BABEBJCcantata2.4.23pclos2021Graphical client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)Cantata is a (yet another!) graphical client for the music player daemon (MPD). Supporting features: * Multiple MPD collections. * Highly customisable layout. * Songs grouped by album in play queue. * Context view to show artist, album, and song information of current track. * Simple tag editor. * File organizer - use tags to organize files and folders. * Ability to calculate ReplyGain tags. * Dynamic playlists. * Online services; Jamendo, Magnatune, SoundCloud, and Podcasts. * Radio stream support - with the ability to search for streams via TuneIn, ShoutCast, or Dirble. * USB-Mass-Storage and MTP device support. * Audio CD ripping and playback. * Playback of non-MPD songs, via simple in-built HTTP server if connected to MPD via a standard socket, otherwise filepath is sent to MPD. * MPRISv2 DBUS interface. * Support for KDE global shortcuts (KDE builds), GNOME media keys, and standard media keys (via Qxt support). * Ubuntu/ambiance theme integration. * Basic support for touch-style interface (views are made 'flickable'). * Scrobbling. * Ratings support. Make sure after installing mpd that you start the service through the PCLinuxOS Control Center.*QGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cdparanoiacdda-develffmpeg-develqtmultimedia5qttools5cmakekf5-macroslib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64ebur128-develzlib1-develtaglib-extras-develvlc-develphonon4qt5-devellib64speex1-devellib64musicbrainz5-devellib64mtp-devellib64mpg123-devellib64cddb-devellib64taglib-devellib64openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cantata-2.4.2-3pclos2021.src.rpm*Zeb2d9812693d8abac26d8dd15f478a74./SRPMS.pcloswd   ;  B@BADBEHBJiCcaprine2.59.31pclos2024Facebook Messaging ApplicationCaprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features.>Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1caprine-2.59.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm$a699352a05dca83c0564160ee20b5453./SRPMS.pclosd  3 ",0LB@TBAtBExBJCcaps0.9.262pclos2021The C* Audio Plugin Suitecaps, the C* Audio Plugin Suite, is a collection of refined LADSPA units including instrument amplifier emulation, stomp-box classics, versatile 'virtual analog' oscillators, fractal oscillation, reverb, equalization and others.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1caps-0.9.26-2pclos2021.src.rpm24b00d57d1b22d5e7d9f208f79cc77dc./SRPMS.pclosd   . "B@,BALBEPBJqCcapseo0.3.02pclos2007video codec librarycapseo is a realtime video encoder/decoder library. The capseo codec is meant to encode fast, not to generate the smallest files on your file system.w>System/Librariesi586 libtheora-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1capseo-0.3.0-2pclos2007.src.rpmy122be4eb1eb9e4e94765420f53e5ade8./SRPMS.pclosd   8d hnx|B@BABEBJCcasterr1.4.01pclos2023Easy to user Screen RecorderA easy to user Screen Recorder for Linux. Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1casterr-1.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm,97322bb08d655fba980555cb555b2c3e./SRPMS.pclosd   I qB@BABEBJCcastxml0.6.81pclos2024C-family abstract syntax tree XML output toolParse C-family source files and optionally write a subset of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to a representation in XML. Source files are parsed as complete translation units using the clang compiler. XML output is enabled by the --castxml-gccxml option and produces a format close to that of gccxml. Future versions of castxml may support alternative output formats.M)Development/Otherx86_64  clang-develcmakellvmllvm-develpkgconfig(libedit)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1castxml-0.6.8-1pclos2024.src.rpmt19d9a999b98bf30324678ffac88354e8./SRPMS.pcloscd $ 5 B@BA0BE4BJUCcatalyst-browser3.9.61pclos2025Catalyst BrowserBeautiful and fast tailwindcss web browser designed with the user in mind.#tNetworking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1catalyst-browser-3.9.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm9b57a012c51c98e831578c0026d07aab8./SRPMS.pclos'd   ad hyB@BABEBJCcatch23.4.01pclos2023Modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDDCatch stands for C++ Automated Test Cases in Headers and is a multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C (and, maybe, C). It is implemented entirely in a set of header files, but is packaged up as a single header for extra convenience.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1catch2-3.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm#b6c1edde8bfe3820ede235555cd96e63./SRPMS.pclosd   K  4B@<BA`BEdBJCcatcodec1.0.31pclos2012Sample catalog decoder and encoder for OpenTTDcatcodec decodes and encodes sample catalogs for OpenTTD. These sample catalogs are not much more than some meta-data (description and file name) and raw PCM data.JNealDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1catcodec-1.0.3-1pclos2012.src.rpmU96d1040650c50a82d8378a7015966ebd./SRPMS.pclos'd   O B@BABEBJCcatdoc0.94.21pclos2007Decodes MS Word files into plain text or TeX formatCatdoc is a MS Word file decoding tool that doesn't attempt to analyze file formatting (it just extracts readable text), but is able to handle all versions of Word and convert character encodings. A Tcl/Tk graphical viewer is also included. It can also read RTF files and convert Excel and PowerPoint files.?YPublishingi586 tcltkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1catdoc-0.94.2-1pclos2007.src.rpmCb721f90eb0b8e34a085fa8098c70a91c./SRPMS.pclosd   W GB@XBAxBE|BJCcatdoc0.951pclos2024A program which converts Microsoft office files to plain textcatdoc is program which reads one or more Microsoft Word files and outputs text contained inside them to standard output. Therefore it does the same work for.doc files, as the unix cat command does for plain ASCII files. It is now accompanied by xls2csv - a program which converts Excel spreadsheet into comma-separated value file, and catppt - a utility to extract textual information from Powerpoint files/ <.iso filename>7'Archiving/Cd burningi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ccd2iso-0.3-1pclos2009.src.rpm=f110c181bb09b0f040fba89acc67451e./SRPMS.pclos?d  ?  &0LB@BA BEBJ1Cccextractor0.941pclos2022A fast closed captions extractorA fast closed captions extractor for MPEG and H264 files. Supports DVD, HDTV transport streams, Replay TV. Use this to create .srt (subtitles) files for your TV captures, have transcripts so you can edit subtitles, etc..vVideox86_64 lib64utf8proc-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64tesseract-devellib64curl-devellib64freetype6-devellib64png1.6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ccextractor-0.94-1pclos2022.src.rpmjffbb7b5d5178f3352aa5f1f10285d943./SRPMS.pclos?d   L PahB@BA BEBJ1Cdeccid1.5.11pclos2022A generic USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices) driverEin generischer USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Device) TreiberThis package provides a generic USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices) driver.Dieses Paket bietet einen generischen USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Device) Treiber 7LSystem/Librariesx86_64  flexlib64pcsclite-devellibusb-develpkgconfiglibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 7d97d493a9b2750b3ea2ae1d864f86814./SRPMS.pclosd  8x |  v B@BABEBJCccnet5.1.11pclos2016Networking library for SeafileCcnet is a framework for writing networked applications in C.}ZNetworking/File transferx86_64  lib64glib2.0-devellib64jansson-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64openssl-devellib64event-devellib64uuid-devellib64searpc-devellib64python-develvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d   P B@BA(BE,BJMCccp0.4.14pclos2019Program that reads configuration files and upgrades themCCP is a program that reads configuration files and upgrades them. It takes a oldfile (typically the old configuration file currently in use) and a newfile (typically the default new configuration file) and optionally a template (a file which tells ccp how the generated configuration file should look like. It is generated on-the-fly if a template isn't supplied, so it is usually not needed). CCP first reads all the configuration options and values in the new file, then in the old file, then it either generates the template or reads the supplied template file, finally it merges the files into one - creating a new configuration file that has the changes that was made to the old file but also the new options that is included in the new file. CCP is completely independent of the program that created the configuration file, and can be used for many different purposes. For instance it can be used to merge changes between an old user-edited configuration file and a .rpmnew file generated by rpm when a rpm was upgraded. CCP currently supports: key = value configs (--type keyvalue) and ini configs (--type ini)System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ccp-0.4.1-4pclos2019.src.rpm$43e6801d5193f749f6a2a55a40b1d904./SRPMS.pclos?d  .DH SdlB@BA BEBJ1Cccrtp1.7.12pclos2017Common C++ RTP stackCommon C++ RTP stackDghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64 libCommonC++-devellibgcrypt-devellibtoolpkgconfigdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ccrtp-1.7.1-2pclos2017.src.rpmG6b7bdd977d19cb729a957b4207af865a./SRPMS.pclossd    B@BA@BEDBJeCdeccrypt1.111pclos2022ccrypt is a command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams.ccrypt ist ein Kommandozeilenwerkzeug zum Ver-/Entschlüsseln von Dateien und Streams.ccrypt is a command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams. It replaces the old Unix crypt utility. Ccrypt provides strong encryption, based on the Rijndael cipher, the cipher that is also used in the Advanced Encryption Standard.ccrypt ist ein Kommandozeilenwerkzeug zum Ver-/Entschlüsseln von Dateien und Streams. Es ersetzt das alte Unix crypt Werkzeug. Ccrypt bietet eine starke Verschlüsselung basierend auf dem Rijndael Algorithmus, welcher auch im Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) genutzt wird.VSecurityx86_64 emacsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ccrypt-1.11-1pclos2022.src.rpmxe40a12cfa460bddb1e5b48f49b23b413./SRPMS.pclos/d  w B@BABEBJ!Cdecd-discid1.41pclos2020Get CDDB discid information for a CDErhalten Sie CDDB discid Informationen für eine CDcd-discid is a backend utility for getting CDDB discid information for a CD. It was originally designed for cdgrab (now abcde), but can be used for any purpose requiring CDDB data. It has been developed with attention to the CDDB specifications.cd-discid ist ein Backend-Dienstprogramm zum erhalten von CDDB discid Informationen für eine CD. Es wurde ursprünglich für cdgrab (jetzt abcde) konzipiert, kann aber auch von alle verwendet werden. Benötigt CDDB-Daten. Es wurde mit Augenmerk auf die CDDB-Spezifikationen entwickelt worden.4cghostbunnySoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cd-discid-1.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm;2fae3327c54bd8e8a9a2aa2c916a29e9./SRPMS.pclosd ! <t xB@BABEBJ Ccdburner_wizard0.12pclos2007Wizard to select CD burnerWizard to select CD burner. Ported from Puppy Linux.9Archiving/Cd burningi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cdburner_wizard-0.1-2pclos2007.src.rpmdef5d1bb84d7e13b22cf971b59f65b63./SRPMS.pclosd   v    B@BABEBJCdecdcat2.3.12pclos2016Graphical multiplatform catalog programGrafisches Katalogprogramm für viele PlattformenThe cdcat is graphical (QT based) multiplatform (Linux/Windows/MacOS) catalog program which scans the directories/drives you want and memorizes the filesystem (including the tags of mp3's) and stores it in a small file. The database is stored in a gzipped XML format, so you can hack it, or use it if necessary Cdcat can store the content of some specified files up to a size limit if you want. (for example: *.nfo) Features: - Searching with regex or wildcards in file names/comments/tags/etc. - Read mp3 tags (if you enable it) - Autoload database on startup - Can mount/umount/eject the cd-drive on Linux - Read file content from the specified files (e.g: *.nfo) - Platform indepentent Gzipped XML format - Import/Export functions for CSV/XML-gtktalog/HTML - Possibility to add comment for files or directoriesArchiving/Otherx86_64  lib64expat1-devellib64pcre0-devellib64qt4-devellib64tar-devellibmediainfo-develbzip2lib64bzip2-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   VD H]dxB@BABEBJ Ccddlib0.94j1pclos2020A library for generating all vertices in convex polyhedronsThe C-library cddlib is a C implementation of the Double Description Method of Motzkin et al. for generating all vertices (i.e. extreme points) and extreme rays of a general convex polyhedron in R^d given by a system of linear inequalities: P = { x=(x1, ..., xd)^T : b - A x >= 0 } where A is a given m x d real matrix, b is a given m-vector and 0 is the m-vector of all zeros. The program can be used for the reverse operation (i.e. convex hull computation). This means that one can move back and forth between an inequality representation and a generator (i.e. vertex and ray) representation of a polyhedron with cdd. Also, cdd can solve a linear programming problem, i.e. a problem of maximizing and minimizing a linear function over P.Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 gccgmp-devellibtooltexlive-texmfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cddlib-0.94j-1pclos2020.src.rpmwf179893e136431a068b1f71d126dec78./SRPMS.pclosd  Q $B@/BAXBE\BJ}Ccdemu-client1.2.02pclos2010Command-line client for controlling CDEmu daemonThis is cdemu-client, a simple command-line client for controlling CDEmu daemon. It is part of the userspace-cdemu suite, a free, GPL CD/DVD-ROM device emulator for linux. It provides a way to perform the key tasks related to controlling the CDEmu daemon, such as loading and unloading devices, displaying devices' status and retrieving/setting devices' debug masks.X^Emulatorsi586 pythonintltoolglib-gettextizerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cdemu-client-1.2.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmab299dab5e43149633a9a7162be6671049./SRPMS.pclosd  S -B@@BAhBElBJCcdemu-daemon1.2.01pclos2010Userspace daemon part of the userspace-cdemu suiteThe daemon receives SCSI commands from kernel module and processes them, passing the requested data back to the kernel. Daemon implements the actual virtual device; one instance per each device registered by kernel module. It uses libMirage, an image access library that is part of userspace-cdemu suite, for the image access (e.g. sector reading). Daemon is controlled through methods that are exposed via D-BUS. It is written in C and based on GLib (and thus GObjects), but being controlled over D-BUS, it allows for different clients written in different languages.Emulatorsi586  mirage-develglib2-develdbus-glib-develdaemon-devellibao-devellibsysfs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ` B@BA BEBJ1Ccdg2video0.32pclos2009A command line tool for converting karaoke CDG MP3 files to a video.A command line tool for converting karaoke CDG MP3 files to a video.sSoundi586 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cdg2video-0.3-2pclos2009.src.rpmz:9b5f9785dbfc0a9f6fc759c28d3a095c./SRPMS.pclosSd   A B@BA BE$BJECcdialog1.22pclos2019A utility for creating TTY dialog boxesDialog is a utility that allows you to show dialog boxes (containing questions or messages) in TTY (text mode) interfaces. Dialog is called from within a shell script. The following dialog boxes are implemented: yes/no, menu, input, message, text, info, checklist, radiolist, and gauge. Install dialog if you would like to create TTY dialog boxes.ָDevelopment/Otherx86_64 lib64ncursesw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cdialog-1.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm_ba4b24db7e7e5e62eafd690fe5d0e46f./SRPMS.pclosd   / "B@+BALBEPBJqCcdk4.9.132pclos2015Curses Development KitCdk stands for 'Curses Development Kit' and it currently contains 21 ready to use widgets which facilitate the speedy development of full screen curses programs.System/Librariesx86_64 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cdk-4.9.13-2pclos2015.src.rpm 4a4258531f50eab0ee8f9059a18155da./SRPMS.pclosd   VX\ }B@BABEBJ Ccdlabelgen3.6.03pclos2007Program for generating frontcards and traycards for CDscdlabelgen is a program for generating frontcards and traycards for CDs. Use it to make labels for your archive CDs, CDs full of oggs, or even make a label for that CD that you lost the case for! This package is used by the gcombust frontend to cd burning.vTexstar Archiving/Cd burningnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cdlabelgen-3.6.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm~dbe1ae8e914ca35754f1b8bff504bd8a./SRPMS.pclosd   W 5;@HrB@{BABEBJCcdp0.3319pclos2007An interactive text-mode program for controlling audio CD-ROMs.The cdp program plays audio CDs in your computer's CD-ROM drive. Cdp includes a full-screen interface version and a command line version. Install cdp to play audio CDs on your system.4STexstar Soundi586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cdp-0.33-19pclos2007.src.rpmSystem/Librariesi586  ftjamcrystalspace-develpython-develcppunit-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   @    B@BABEBJCcelestia1.6.02pclos2010A real-time visual space simulationCelestia is a free real-time space simulation that lets you experience our universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth. You can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000 stars, or even beyond the galaxy. All travel in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to spacecraft only a few meters across. A 'point-and-goto' interface makes it simple to navigate through the universe to the object you want to visit.r8Sciences/Astronomyi586  libmesaglut-devellibgnomeui2-develgnome-libs-develgtkglarea-develgettext-develGConf2-develliblua-devellibtheora-devellibgtkglext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d   ;    B@$BAHBELBJmCcelluloid0.261pclos2023A simple GTK+ frontend for mpvCelluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. It aims to be easy to use while maintaining high level of configurability.gVideox86_64   desktop-file-utilsgccintltoollib64adwaita-devellib64gtk+4.0-develpkgconfig(appstream-glib)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(mpv)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)Ԣ0c9608963e109661ab12381122730a22./SRPMS.pclosWd   Fl p~B@BA$BE(BJICcellwriter1.3.51pclos2013Character-based hardwriting input panelCellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is instantly recognized at the character level. When you press 'Enter' on the panel, the input you entered is sent to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard.Accessibilityx86_64 libxtst-develgtk2-devellibgnome2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cellwriter-1.3.5-1pclos2013.src.rpmJ3ff0a11baa36a9b5b8acc9715f56cb92./SRPMS.pclosd  5< @FPXB@BABEBJCcelt0.11.33pclos2022Ultra-low delay audio codecThe CELT codec is an experimental audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication. CELT stands for "Constrained Energy Lapped Transform". It applies some of the CELP principles, but does everything in the frequency domain, which removes some of the limitations of CELP. CELT is suitable for both speech and music and currently features: * Ultra-low latency (typically from 3 to 9 ms) * Full audio bandwidth (44.1 kHz and 48 kHz) * Support for both voice and music * Stereo support * Packet loss concealment * Constant bit-rates from 32 kbps to 128 kbps and above * A fixed-point version of the encoder and decoder The CELT codec is meant to close the gap between Vorbis and Speex for applications where both high quality audio and low delay are desired.ESoundx86_64 pkgconfig(ogg)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1celt-0.11.3-3pclos2022.src.rpm509aa7bc999c60ff120c5254114111f9./SRPMS.pclos d   8 B@BABEBJCceltx2.91pclos2011Pre-Production software for filmCeltx has a full industry standard screenplay editor that includes all of the features writers need to keep their fingers moving, like intuitive formatting, text auto-complete, pagination, script styles, CAPS selection, scene management, spellchecker, embedded notes, find and replace, PDF generation and other export options.`Officei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1celtx-2.9-1pclos2011.src.rpm2509e26ff72fdeab6dbcc5b00243f31d./SRPMS.pclossd   U` d B@BA@BEDBJeCcenterim4.22.101pclos2011Console ncurses based multi-protocol instant messengerCenterIM is a text mode menu- and window-driven instant messenger. ICQ, Yahoo!, AIM TOC, IRC, MSN, Gadu-Gadu and Jabber protocols are currently supported. There is also an internal RSS reader and a LiveJournal client. CenterIM is a fork of the CenterICQ project.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 ncurses-developenssl-develcurl-develjpeg-develgettext-develgpgme-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1centerim-4.22.10-1pclos2011.src.rpmK6d616c513d2f38973b63d821c249f213./SRPMS.pclosod   Z`d n B@BA<BE@BJaCcfitsio3.4102pclos2017A library for accessing files in FITS format for C and FortranCfitsio is a library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. Cfitsio simplifies the task of writing software that deals with FITS files by providing an easy to use set of high-level routines that insulate the programmer from the internal complexities of the FITS file format. At the same time, cfitsio provides many advanced features that have made it the most widely used FITS file programming interface in the astronomical community.8bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 sedgrepbisonflexgcc-gfortranquadmath-develpkgconfig(pkg-config)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cfitsio-3.410-2pclos2017.src.rpm86c45d94eb14942ea3e4c4c5dfa207d19./SRPMS.pclos;d   M B@BABE BJ-Ccfv1.18.32pclos2019A utility to test and create data verification filescfv is a utility to both test and create .sfv, .csv, .crc, .md5(sfv-like), md5sum, bsd md5, sha1sum, and .torrent files. These files are commonly used to ensure the correct retrieval or storage of data. It also has test-only support for PAR and PAR2 files The bittorent package must be separately installed for .torrent support.FArchiving/Othernoarch pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cfv-1.18.3-2pclos2019.src.rpmH2ea70280021c4488ea04a21d1130b99b./SRPMS.pclosOd  B B@BABE BJACcg2.0.00161pclos2007The C for GPUs (CG) development toolkit.The C for GPUs (CG) development toolkit. Contains the compiler, libs and headers needed for C for GPUs program compilation.Graphicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cg-2.0.0016-1pclos2007.src.rpmOd3d6f20127c66a3ede8ee03064140cce./SRPMS.pclos?d  D B@BA BEBJ1Ccg3.1.00131pclos2015Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring LanguageThe award-winning Cg Toolkit enables software developers to add the latest interactive effects to real-time applications with a comprehensive solution that works across platforms and graphics API containing: * Compiler for the Cg 3 language * Cg/CgFX Runtime libraries for OpenGL and Direct3D * User's Manual and documentation on the Cg Language, Runtime APIs, Cg Library, CgFX States, and Cg Profiles * Numerous Cg examples Supporting dozens of different OpenGL and DirectX profile targets, Cg 3 allows you to incorporate stunning, interactive effects within your 3D applications and share them between other Cg applications, across graphics APIs, and most operating systems (Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Mac OS X for Tiger & Leopard, x86 Linux 32-bit & 64-bit, x86 Solaris 32-bit & 64-bit). This package contains documentation.;Development/Cx86_64 recoderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cg-3.1.0013-1pclos2015.src.rpmʜ\568a2ab2ac0a7b026c2745073c62e1be./SRPMS.pclosd  C  18 h $ B@7BAXBE\BJ}Ccgal4.14.13pclos2022Computational Geometry Algorithms LibraryThe goal of the CGAL Open Source Project is to provide easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library. CGAL is used in various areas needing geometric computation, such as: computer graphics, scientific visualization, computer aided design and modeling, geographic information systems, molecular biology, medical imaging, robotics and motion planning, mesh generation, numerical methods... More on the projects using CGAL web page.=7System/Librariesx86_64 boost-develcmakegmp-develmpfr-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cgal-4.14.1-3pclos2022.src.rpmP9bb268759e3596b4bd59b2911b28dde5./SRPMS.pclosd  A 0fB@qBABEBJCcgilib0.71pclos2011A CGI (Common Gateway Interface) libraryThis is quite a simple library that provides an easy CGI interface (Common Gateway Interface). It provides an easy to use interface to CGI if you need to write your program in C instead of perl."System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cgilib-0.7-1pclos2011.src.rpmI4731e2b47118db0f3f8cf1d75aa735db./SRPMS.pclosd ~2<L}B@BABEBJCcgroup0.1b1pclos2011A collection of tools and libraries to control and monitor control groups the associated controllersControl groups infrastructure. The tools and library help manipulate, control, administrate and monitor control groups and the associated controllers.Development/Librariesx86_64 byaccflexcoreutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cgroup-0.1b-1pclos2011.src.rpm78a592e6ef3dda726368b999edabff74./SRPMS.pclos#d  ?  4B@BABEBJCchafa1.14.51pclos2025Image-to-text converter for terminalChafa is a command-line utility that converts all kinds of images, including animated image formats like GIFs, into ANSI/Unicode character output that can be displayed in a terminal.2System/Librariesx86_64  gccgtk-doclibtoolpkgconfig(ImageMagick)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1chafa-1.14.5-1pclos2025.src.rpm\68f7728c941032f5215ad4d9840b2be4./SRPMS.pclosd  9HL TeltB@BABEBJCchasm1.2.01pclos2007Language Interoperability ToolsChasm lirbaryLGri6507System/Librariesi586 gcc-gfortranrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chasm-1.2.0-1pclos2007.src.rpm5284cd6abaeb9e8e71f827b9195b1751./SRPMS.pclos/d   GH LU\pB@BABEBJ!Cchbg2.0.19pclos2019Desktop background manager/changer/screensaverChBg is for changing desktop backgrounds in a given period. It can render images with 10 modes (such as tiled, centered, scaled, etc.). It uses gdk_pixbuf-2.0 for loading images, so it supports many image formats. ChBg has a windowed setup program, is able to load setup files, can be used as slideshow picture previewer in its own window or as a desktop background, and can be used as screensaver or as an xscreensaver hack. It has a dialog for fast previewing of pictures and very usable thumbnail previews.>Graphicsx86_64 gettext-develpkgconfig(atk)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libpng)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chbg-2.0.1-9pclos2019.src.rpm77c27d865a7f01b2698241877debcdb2./SRPMS.pcloscd  6 B@BA0BE4BJUCcheck0.15.21pclos2021A unit test framework for CCheck is a unit test framework for C. It features a simple interface for defining unit tests, putting little in the way of the developer. Tests are run in a separate address space, so Check can catch both assertion failures and code errors that cause segmentation faults or other signals. The output from unit tests can be used within source code editors and IDEs.gSystem/Librariesx86_64 texinfotexlivegraphvizrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1check-0.15.2-1pclos2021.src.rpml7948f578180385c98be4402258357934./SRPMS.pclosd % B  4B@=BAhBElBJCcheckersland2019.09.271pclos2020Checkersland - checkers gameCheckersland allows you to play more than 20 kinds of checkers. It also allows you to connect to others over the internet and play online as well as offline.,ghostbunnyGames/Boardsnoarch imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1checkersland-2019.09.27-1pclos2020.src.rpmdd7b5b2dfb84f0f107ba9c7ac19bed5d./SRPMS.pclos3d # F B@BABEBJ%Ccheckinstall1.6.2.162pclos2015CheckInstall installations trackerCheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or modified by your installation script ("make install" "make install_modules", "setup", etc), builds a standard binary package and installs it in your system giving you the ability to uninstall it with your distribution's standard package management utilities.System/Configuration/Packagingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1checkinstall-   B@BABEBJ%Cdecheckmp31.983pclos2019mp3_check helps to identify in explicit detail MP3sIdentifiziert MP3s, die nicht dem MP3-Format folgenmp3_check helps to identify in explicit detail MP3s that do not correctly follow the MP3 format. It also looks for invalid frame headers, missing frames, etc., and generates useful statistics. This can be useful when building a high-quality mp3 archive...mp3_check untersucht MP3-Dateien und meldet detailliert Regelverstöße. Es sucht auch nach fehlenden Datenrahmen, ungültigen Rahmenheadern und so weiter. Nebenbei gibt es nützliche Statistiken aus. Das Programm ist hilfreich beim Aufbau von MP3-Archiven in hoher Qualität...~RSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1checkmp3-1.98-3pclos2019.src.rpm>/65f01629c816b2c6d3cf2ac8c188b710./SRPMS.pclosd   \  B@wBABEBJCcheese3.32.11pclos2019A GNOME application for taking pictures and videos from a webcamCheese is a Photobooth-inspired GNOME application for taking pictures and videos from a webcam. It also includes fancy graphical effects based on the gstreamer-backend.&Videox86_64  gnome-commonyelp-toolspkgconfig(appstream-glib)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-video-effects)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-bad-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(x11)gobject-introspection-develgtk-docgnome-doc-utilspkgconfig(xtst)intltoolitstoolvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames) c426329115084dcc57b76e2b01faf890./SRPMS.pclosd ' I, 0AH t  B@&BATBEXBJyCchemical-mime-data0.1.942pclos2007Support for chemical/* MIME typesA collection of data files which tries to give support for various chemical MIME types (chemical/*) on Linux/UNIX desktops. Chemical MIME's have been proposed in 1995, though it seems they have never been registered with IANA.DSystem/Librariesnoarch perl(XML::Parser)libxml2-devellibxslt-devellibrsvg2-develshared-mime-infopkgconfigintltoolgettext-devellibxslt-proclibrsvgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chemical-mime-data-0.1.94-2pclos2007.src.rpmJ199ecac13866fbe67a90bb9a1639de882./SRPMS.pclos d  hl qB@BABEBJCdechemtool1.6.131pclos2012Chemtool is a program for 2D drawing of organic moleculesChemtool ist ein Programm für das 2D Zeichen von organischen MolekülenChemtool is a program for drawing organic molecules easily and store them in a variety of output formats including as a X bitmap, Xfig, SVG or EPS file. It runs under the X Window System using the GTK widget set.Chemtool ist ein Programm zum einfachen Zeichen organischen Molekülen und deren Speicherung in verschiedenen Ausgabeformaten, einschließlich X bitmap, Xfig, SVG oder EPS. Es arbeitet mit dem X Window System, wobei es GTK widgets nutzt.&|NealSciences/Chemistryi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chemtool-1.6.13-1pclos2012.src.rpm+B9e5cbe34102b79729dd523c38866ea6c./SRPMS.pclos?d  48 `fpB@BA BEBJ1Ccherrymusic0.41.41pclos2024A standalone HTML5 (with Flash fallback) music streaming server based on CherryPy and jPlayer.CherryMusic is a music streaming server based on CherryPy and jPlayer. It can be run remotely or on a single computer and is designed to handle huge music libraries of 3 TB and more; it also works well with small collections. In contrast to MPD, Icecast and the like, CherryMusic allows multiple users to log in via HTTP/HTTPS using a web browser, browse and search the music database, manage playlists and stream music to the browser. Agent Smith Soundnoarch  lib64python3-develpython-cherrypyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cherrymusic-0.41.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm qac601619b8d7d1b0c7fcb670ed7cc62c./SRPMS.pclosd " f  ,B@4BA\BE`BJCdecherrytree0.39.31pclos2020CherryTree - note taking applicationCherryTree - Notizen AnwendungA hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting. Features: - rich text (foreground color, background color and bold) - syntax highlighting (only when the rich text is disabled in the current node) - find a node, find in current node, find in all nodes - replace in node names, replace in current node, replace in all nodes - iteration of the latest find, iteration of the latest replaceEine hierarchischer Notizen-Anwendung, mit Rich-Text-und Syntax-Highlighting. Features: - Rich-Text (Vordergrundfarbe, Hintergrundfarbe und Fett-Schrift) - Syntax-Highlighting (nur, wenn die Rich-Text Funktion in der aktuellen Notiz deaktiviert ist) - Finden von Notizen, finden von aktuellen Notizen, finden von allen Notizen - Ersetzen von Notiz-Namen, ersetzen in der aktuellen Notiz, ersetzen in allen Notizen - Iteration der neuesten finden, Iteration der neuesten ersetzen{ghostbunnyOfficenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cherrytree-0.39.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm{ebdae62eb542a6245a2bd54c0f2e2e70c./SRPMS.pclos?d & K B@BA BEBJ1Ccheser-icon-theme3.10.31pclos2014Tango-style icons for GNOME and XfceA mix of different Tango-style icons for GNOME 3.10 and Xfce 4.10.6System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cheser-icon-theme-3.10.3-1pclos2014.src.rpm6'276a0e4b1677a13539b065a507c595fb./SRPMS.pclosd   ) ,B@BABEBJCchessx1.4.61pclos2018Chess databaseChessX is a chess database application with a graphical user interface. With it you can browse databases of chess games, edit games and search for games by various criteria. ChessX can read PGN files.8ghostbunnyGames/Boardsx86_64 qtbase5-develqtsvg5-develqtmultimedia5-develqthelp5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chessx-1.4.6-1pclos2018.src.rpm86efffbb9396720c2c26ea365a2173de4./SRPMS.pclosgd   Jx| B@BA4BE8BJYCchickennix0.101pclos2020Chickennix is a classic 'Shoot them up' gameChickennix is a classic 'Shoot them up' game. It is written in C and SDL also using gettext. The plot of this game is to shoot everything appearing on the screen down and climp up the highscore. Note: If you set up a free game you must not use the num pad because it is not recognized by the game.ghostbunnyGames/Arcadex86_64 pkgconfigSDL-develSDL_image-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chickennix-0.10-1pclos2020.src.rpm3f7bdecd79242d08ea24bbb9838a5e52./SRPMS.pclosd  z $4|B@BABEBJCdechildsplay1.66pclos2013Suite of educational games for young childrenZusammenstellung von Lehrspielen für KinderChildsplay is a 'suite' of educational games for young children. It's written in Python and uses the SDL-libraries to make it more games-like then, for instance, gcompris. The aim is to be educational and at the same time be fun to play. NOTE: This package includes all games currently available for childsplay.Childsplay ist eine Zusammenstellung von Lehrspielen für Kinder. Es ist in Python geschrieben und benutzt die SDL-Bibliotheken, um im Vergleich mit gcompris spielerischer zu erscheinen. Das Ziel ist, Lehrstoffe spielerisch zu vermitteln. Anmerkung: Diese Zusammenstellung beinhaltet alle momentan für childsplay verfügbare Spiele.vNpinoc64Educationnoarch desktop-file-utilspython-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1childsplay-1.6-6pclos2013.src.rpmv78c8d94b239938f82f343f32cf041d093b./SRPMS.pclosd  G '0@B@BABEBJCchirp202103101pclos2021A frequency tool for Icom D-STAR RepeatersCHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats. KCommunicationsnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-serialrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chirp-20210310-1pclos2021.src.rpm Q36c0b1856427d5f094e95840ec23772e./SRPMS.pclosd UhlB@BABEBJCchkauth0.34pclos2011Script to change authentification method (local, NIS, LDAP)Chkauth is a program to change the authentification method on a system. Chkauth always set the file method in first place, but you can only select the second authentification method this way. Three kind of authentification are accepted : local (file), NIS (yp) and LDAP.System/Configuration/Boot and Initnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chkauth-0.3-4pclos2011.src.rpm481ba29c5252fe9fac14bc2b32cad479./SRPMS.pclosGd   U` dB@BABEBJ9Cchkconfig1.3.375pclos2019A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchyChkconfig is a basic system utility. It updates and queries runlevel information for system services. Chkconfig manipulates the numerous symbolic links in /etc/rc*.d, to relieve system administrators of some of the drudgery of manually editing the symbolic links.System/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 gettextnewt-develpopt-develslangrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chkconfig-1.3.37-5pclos2019.src.rpmY$7f26593a5b376f8669769e14d36b6010./SRPMS.pclosd  al p{B@BABEBJ Cchkfontpath1.10.13pclos2019Simple interface for editing the font path for the X font serverThis is a simple terminal mode program for configuring the directories in the X font server's path. It is mostly intended to be used 'internally' by RPM when packages with fonts are added or removed, but it may be useful as a stand-alone utility in some instances.&System/X11x86_64 popt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chkfontpath-1.10.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm-y48746e375a1a3c0d7930ee081dd42aff./SRPMS.pclos d   ,\ `kt|B@BABEBJCchkrootkit0.551pclos2021Check rootkitsChkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit. Mainly designed to make busy work for people coming from Windows as they don't have anything to do and get bored unless they are scanning for something. THIS PROGRAM GENERATES A FALSE POSITIVE FOR /usr/include/file.h and java config files.Monitoringx86_64 glibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chkrootkit-0.55-1pclos2021.src.rpm6f55ed9d0931a6f8c29cb30ec4c442b3./SRPMS.pclosd   T  (B@0BAPBETBJuCchmlib0.402pclos2018A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format filesCHMLIB is a library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files. Right now, it is a very simple library, but sufficient for dealing with all of the .chm files I've come across. Due to the fairly well-designed indexing built into this particular file format, even a small library is able to gain reasonably good performance indexing into ITSS archives. Code runs on Linux, Windows, Solaris, and Irix.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chmlib-0.40-2pclos2018.src.rpmM0e63a42805e585cdc6c030f00006ed54./SRPMS.pclosd I $3<@\B@dBABEBJCchmodit1.01pclos2011Simple Script to change file/folder permissionsWith this script you can quikly change recursively files and directories to any diferent permission. example: chodit 644 755 /var/html/www/wordpress will set all files permission at 644 and all directories at 755System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chmodit-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm ]38656ae4c9d8a1e8b0bd22bdfb5a7fab./SRPMS.pclosOd   3  $<D h  B@BABE BJACchmsee1.2.01pclos2010A Gtk+2 based CHM viewerChmSee is an HTML Help viewer for Unix/Linux. It is based on CHMLIB and use Gtk2+ as frontend toolkit. Because of using gecko as HTML rendering engine, ChmSee can support rich features of modern HTML page, such as CSS and JavaScript.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 libglade2.0-develxulrunner-developenssl-devellibgcrypt-develchmlib-develintltoolimagemagickcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chmsee-1.2.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm\f88181e0d8ebe7ad0391d86f5b1395fe./SRPMS.pclosd   EL P[dlB@BABEBJCchntpw1.0.1402011pclos2018Change passwords in Windows SAM filesThis is a utility to (re)set the password of any user that has a valid (local) account on your Windows NT/2k/XP/Vista etc system. You do not need to know the old password to set a new one. It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a floppydisk or CD or another system. Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts! There is also a registry editor and other registry utilities that works under linux/unix, and can be used for other things than password editing.kFile toolsx86_64 libgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chntpw-1.0.140201-1pclos2018.src.rpmObabf89acc6807859898856646547072a./SRPMS.pclosd " Fx| ,B@9BAdBEhBJCchocolate-doom2.3.01pclos2017Historically compatible Doom engineChocolate Doom is a game engine that aims to accurately reproduce the experience of playing vanilla Doom. It is a conservative, historically accurate Doom source port, which is compatible with the thousands of mods and levels that were made before the Doom source code was released. Rather than flashy new graphics, Chocolate Doom's main features are its accurate reproduction of the game as it was played in the 1990s. The following games can be played: - Doom (including the shareware and registered versions, and the Ultimate Doom expansion pack) - Doom II - Final Doom (TNT:Evilution, and the Plutonia Experiment) - Chex Quest Warning! Chocolate Doom needs to know where to find your IWAD file. To do this, put the file into /usr/share/games/doom or read INSTALL file in docs for other possibilities.;zbb2 Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_mixer-devellib64SDL_net-devellib64samplerate-devellib64png-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chocolate-doom-2.3.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm-43ee0da84f0b1e016b22872258379f68./SRPMS.pclosd   9 &@&n&B@BABEBJCchoqok1.7.01pclos2020Plasma 5 Micro-Blogging ClientChoqok is a Free/Open Source micro-blogging client for Plasma 5 Desktop.{Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakekf5-macroslib64attica-kf5-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kdoctools-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5emoticons-devellib64kf5globalaccel-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5kcmutils-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5notifyconfig-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5webkit-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-develqttools5lib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5networkauth-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qca2-qt5-devellib64qoauth-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1choqok-1.7.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmse92db981ee66a769178c69aeb66832a5./SRPMS.pclosKd   L B@BABEBJ=Cchristine0.7.01pclos2010Christine - A new GStreamer based media playerThis is Christine a new Python, GTK+, GStreamer based media player. Is intended to be beautiful, useful and fat free. Christine lets you play your audio and video files in the same application in a very easy way. As christine is intended to be small, and cute we currently had no support for internet radio station, but we will in the future.K Soundi586  GConf2-develgettext-develglib2-develgstreamer0.10-python-develgtk2-develintltoolperl-XML-Parserpkgconfigpython-develgnome-python-develgnome-python-extrasreadline-develtermcapdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"d3e1abe45d4bf21ab68db17fa5108cde./SRPMS.pclos'd   X  $2<TB@BABEBJCchroma1.181pclos2021Abstract puzzle game with complex patterns of colourful shapesChroma is an abstract puzzle game. A variety of colourful shapes are arranged in a series of increasingly complex patterns, forming fiendish traps that must be disarmed and mysterious puzzles that must be manipulated in order to give up their subtle secrets. Initially so straightforward that anyone can pick it up and begin to play, yet gradually becoming difficult enough to tax even the brightest of minds. Have you got what it takes to solve Chroma?'Games/Puzzlesx86_64 imagemagicklib64freetype6-devellib64ncurses-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chroma-1.18-1pclos2021.src.rpm'n8457d5eaccab2c61f1689a3ad529b023./SRPMS.pclos7d " 8 <MTlB@BABEBJ)Cdechromaprint1.5.11pclos2024Library implementing the AcoustID fingerprintingChromaprint ist eine Kernkomponente des Acoustid-Projekts.Chromaprint library is the core component of the AcoustID project. It's a client-side library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints from raw audio sources. The library exposes a simple C API. The documentation for the C API can be found in the main header file.Chromaprint ist eine Kernkomponente des Acoustid-Projekts. Es ist eine klientenseitige Bibliothek, die einen maßgefertigten Algorithmus implementiert, für das Extrahieren von "Fingerabdrücken" von jeder Audioquelle. Einen Überblick über den "Fingerabdruck"-Extraktionsprozess gibt der Blogeintrag "How does Chromaprint work?" (http://oxygene.sk/lukas/2011/01/how-does-chromaprint-work/).System/Librariesx86_64   cmakeffmpeg-develfftw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)taglib-devel33.0.4-14.6.0-1chromaprint-1.5.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmd8d236332ab9ae05fe684698bbf2e79e7./SRPMS.pclosd" - > B@'BA\BE`BJCchromium-browser133.0.6943.1411pclos2025Chromium BrowserChromium browser that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable internet browsing experience.YNetworking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1chromium-browser-133.0.6943.141-1pclos2025.src.rpm8 44165d4209e29d3d2d3cc561537bfb43./SRPMS.pclosd ! W   } B@BABEBJCchromium-bsu0.9.161pclos2016Fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooterYou are captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U., responsible for delivering supplies to our troops on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from the relative safety of the Chromium vessel. This is an OpenGL-based shoot 'em up game with fine graphics.KGames/Arcadex86_64 ImageMagicklib64freealut-devellib64freeglut-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64openal-devellib64quesoglc-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_image-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1chromium-bsu-0.9.16-1pclos2016.src.rpmR/361df5329f7cc3c4bd141e1f186fc4bc./SRPMS.pclosd, 7 R  $3<PB@BABEBJCchromium-ungoogled-browser133.0.6943.1261pclos2025Chromium Browser UngoogledChromium ungoogled is the Chromium Web Browser with Google hooks disabled or removed. If replacing your existing Chromium browser then please delete .config/chromium folder to start with a clean profile.>Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1chromium-ungoogled-browser-133.0.6943.126-1pclos2025.src.rpmR 47e32227ef1dae4251343a1e1b8d5061./SRPMS.pclosd   [  ",4dB@tBABEBJCchrpath0.181pclos2024Command line tool to adjust the RPATH or RUNPATH of ELF binarieschrpath allows you to change the rpath (where the application looks for libraries) in an application. It does not (yet) allow you to add an rpath if there isn't one already.RDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1chrpath-0.18-1pclos2024.src.rpm18612caddaf84b262d2cdff5a562f1fa./SRPMS.pcloskd  Q $B@BA8BE<BJ]Cciano0.2.42pclos2021Convert videos, music with the best possible experienceConvert videos, music with the best possible experience. You need to set your output folder in preferences or conversion will fail.Videox86_64 desktop-file-utilsgcclib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64granite-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-develmesonninjavalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ciano-0.2.4-2pclos2021.src.rpm̹0c5d7d791fe08205db7f97a65426b51a./SRPMS.pcloswd  6 B@$BADBEHBJiCcider1.6.11pclos2023Apple Music Client for LinuxA new cross-platform Apple Music experience based on Electron and Vue.js written from scratch with performance & visuals in mind. Requires an Apple ID to play the Music client.7Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cider-1.6.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm15440a15606ac88f63b6bb2a05afea33./SRPMS.pclosd   M   { B@BABEBJCcifs-utils7.01pclos2023Tools for Managing Linux CIFS Client FilesystemsTools for Managing Linux CIFS Client Filesystems..Networking/Otherx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolpython3-docutilspkgconfig(talloc)lib64cap-ng-develkeyutils-develpkgconfig(krb5)gnupg2pam-devellib64wbclient-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cifs-utils-7.0-1pclos2023.src.rpma62c1872bedd5427e68306441a9f6a76./SRPMS.pclosd IPTfptB@BABEBJCcim3.372pclos2011Simula to C translator. Mother of all OO-languagesCim compiles Simula code to C and uses a C compiler like gcc to compile it further to machine-code. Simula was the first language with object-oriented features. The Simula language has features for quasi-parallel execution and a framework for doing simulations.Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cim-3.37-2pclos2011.src.rpmŴ55ea1826e48443e8e02d2fdefaf79b73./SRPMS.pclosd   < iB@xBABEBJCcimg2.9.71pclos2022Tools for advanced image processingImage manipulation tools based on the CImg library, including the greycstoration noise reduction tool.Gd.Graphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(fftw3)doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cimg-2.9.7-1pclos2022.src.rpmFtfae0fb73822c01b0375e6fb637fde511./SRPMS.pclosOd   < B@BABE BJACcimg3.4.31pclos2024Tools for advanced image processingImage manipulation tools based on the CImg library, including the greycstoration noise reduction tool. Graphicsx86_64  cmakedoxygenninjapkgconfig(GraphicsMagick++)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(libheif)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cimg-3.4.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm e9750257faebb30a3d31d9d2bbad97ee./SRPMS.pclosd  $ H@ DJTdB@BABEBJCcinelerra5.1.202003311pclos2020Multimedia editing and constructionCinelerra is a video editing and compositing software package. It is designed for the Linux operating system. This is one active variant produced by the open source community. It is free software distributed under the GNU General Public License.Videox86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cinelerra-5.1.20200331-1pclos2020.src.rpm F6b1cd99a9f921f8fdf43b30c4ff0404f./SRPMS.pclosd   K  )0xB@BABEBJCcinepaint0.223pclos2011A tool for manipulating high-colordepth imagesCinePaint is a free open source painting and image retouching program designed to work best with 35mm film and other high resolution high dynamic range images. The 32-bit per channel color range of CinePaint appeals to 35mm cinematographers and professional still photographers because film scanners are capable of greater color bit-depth than can be displayed on an 8-bit per channel monitor or can be manipulated in typical programs. However, CinePaint is a general-purpose tool useful for working on images for motion pictures, print, and the Web. CinePaint supports many file formats, both conventional formats such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and TGA images -- and more exotic cinema formats such as Cineon and OpenEXR.yGraphicsi586  bisondesktop-file-utilsflexlibfltk-devellibmesagl1-devellibgutenprint2-develliblcms-devellibgimp2.0-devellibgtk+1.2-devellibjpeg62-devellibmesaglu1-devellibOpenEXR-devellibpng-devellibtiff-devellibxmu-devellibxpm-devellibpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.0.0-1pclos20102.53.0.4-1cinepaint-0.22-3pclos2011.src.rpmj7521dedc2576bb5087c30e9e7af4d086./SRPMS.pclos/d   V %\%%B@BABEBJ!Ccinnamon2.0.142pclos2014Window management and application launching for CinnamonCinnamon is a Linux desktop which provides advanced innovative features and a traditional user experience. The desktop layout is similar to Gnome 2. The underlying technology is forked from Gnome Shell. The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing them with an easy to use and comfortable desktop experience.6Graphical desktop/Cinnamonx86_64  pkgconfig(clutter-x11-1.0)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)desktop-file-utilsglib2-develpkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnome-menu-3.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(polkit-agent-1)libgudev-develpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)intltoolpkgconfig(libcanberra)pkgconfig(libcroco-0.6)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(xfixes)librsvg2-develpkgconfig(libmuffin)libpulseaudio-develgnome-bluetooth-develgnome-bluetoothgtk-docgnome-commonpkgconfig(gstreamer-0.10)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-x11-3.0)pkgconfig(cjs-internals-1.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(cinnamon-desktop)x11-driver-input-wacom-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ R4 8S\  T B@wBABEBJCcinnamon-desktop2.0.41pclos2014Shared code among cinnamon-session, nemo, etcThe cinnamon-desktop package contains an internal library (libcinnamondesktop) used to implement some portions of the CINNAMON desktop, and also some data files and other shared components of the CINNAMON user environment.:/Graphical desktop/Cinnamonx86_64  gnome-commongobject-introspection-develx11-data-xkbdatagtk-docintltoolitstoollib64glib2.0_0-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64xkbfile-devellib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( =p tgB@BABEBJCcinnamon-screensaver2.0.31pclos2013Cinnamon Screensavercinnamon-screensaver is a screen saver and locker. Graphical desktop/Cinnamonx86_64  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(dbus-1)dbus-glib-develpkgconfig(cinnamon-desktop)pam-develpkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(libgnomekbd)pkgconfig(xproto)intltoolgnome-commonpkgconfig(xxf86misc)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)pkgconfig(xtst)desktop-file-utilslibxklavier-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) Lp tB@BABEBJCcinnamon-translations2.0.21pclos2013Translations for Cinnamon and NemoTranslations for Cinnamon and Nemo+3Graphical desktop/Cinnamonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cinnamon-translations-2.0.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm+=Dcb7e16eba3ec38691e4df95ce10913d3./SRPMS.pclos;d $ ?p tB@BABE BJ-Ccircle-flags-svg2.3.01pclos2024Circle flags in SVG formatA collection of circular flags in SVG format.Graphical desktop/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1circle-flags-svg-2.3.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmfceeccc93be920834f1e48761f97980a./SRPMS.pclosd  7  -4DB@BABEBJCcircuslinux1.0.32pclos2019Cute breakout-like game"Circus Linux!" is based on the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari" by Atari, released in 1980. Gameplay is similar to "Breakout" and "Arkanoid"- you slide a device left and right to bounce objects into the air which destroy a wall.Games/Arcadex86_64 SDL_image-devellibalsa-develtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1circuslinux-1.0.3-2pclos2019.src.rpm|1a01f25bd4756dddc2af868c9d412593./SRPMS.pclosd   D B@BABEBJ Ccjet0.8.91pclos2011Cjet PCL emulation for Canon CaPSL printersCJET filters printer data from stdin to stdout, converting HP PCL (Printer Command Language) commands to their CaPSL equivalents. CaPSL is short for `Canon Printing Systems Language'. Whereas PCL is a de-facto world-wide standard as a laser and inkjet printer control language, CaPSL is limited to Canon laser printers.System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cjet-0.8.9-1pclos2011.src.rpmT55d534cc84ea93974cd119c2ea46fade./SRPMS.pclosod   8 B@BA<BE@BJaCcjs5.4.01pclos2022Javascript Bindings for CinnamonCjs allows using Cinnamon libraries from Javascript. It's based on the Spidermonkey Javascript engine from Mozilla and the GObject introspection framework.wDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cjs-5.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmi d28b6e6de0b6d1aed1768ab5dd3d9c60./SRPMS.pclosd  BH L]dlB@BABEBJCcjson1.7.151pclos2021Ultra-lightweight JSON parser in ANSI CcJSON aims to be the dumbest possible parser that you can get your job done with. It's a single file of C, and a single header file. JSON is described best here: http://www.json.org/ It's like XML, but fat-free. You use it to move data around, store things, or just generally represent your program's state. As a library, cJSON exists to take away as much legwork as it can, but not get in your way. As a point of pragmatism (i.e. ignoring the truth), I'm going to say that you can use it in one of two modes: Auto and Manual. Let's have a quick run-through. I lifted some JSON from this page: http://www.json.org/fatfree.html That page inspired me to write cJSON, which is a parser that tries to share the same philosophy as JSON itself. Simple, dumb, out of the way.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cjson-1.7.15-1pclos2021.src.rpm7539f36dc65bfcb28be77403dc51973b./SRPMS.pclosd   J $TB@dBABEBJCck0.7.21pclos2025Library for high performance concurrent programmingConcurrency Kit provides a plethora of concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and lock-less and lock-free data structures designed to aid in the design and implementation of high performance concurrent systems. It is designed to minimize dependencies on operating system-specific interfaces and most of the interface relies only on a strict subset of the standard library and more popular compiler extensions.2TerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ck-0.7.2-1pclos2025.src.rpme279ab0e0711caafb7bf94097eadb2d6./SRPMS.pclosd   Sp t!B@0BATBEXBJyCckermit9.0.3021pclos2013The quintessential all-purpose communications programC-Kermit is a combined serial and network communication software package offering a consistent, medium-independent, cross-platform approach to connection establishment, terminal sessions, file transfer and management, character-set translation, and automation of communication tasks.!Communicationsx86_64 pam-develpkgconfigopenssl-develgmp-devellibtermcap-develncurses-devellockdev-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ckermit-9.0.302-1pclos2013.src.rpm!6f57f0f9a09299ab630bd5b67cc96a00./SRPMS.pclosKd  D B@BABEBJ=Ccksfv1.3.141pclos2010Test archives using information from .sfvUtility to test .sfv files. These files are commonly used to ensure the correct retrieval or storage of data.iArchiving/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cksfv-1.3.14-1pclos2010.src.rpmpub08ca7a019b85109f30bde96395478ba./SRPMS.pclos[d 8B@BA(BE,BJMCclac.0041pclos2011Command Line Advanced Calculatorclac (Command Line Advanced Calculator) evaluates mathematical expressions from the argument list or from stdin and writes the answer(s) to stdout.Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clac-.004-1pclos2011.src.rpm9bfdb5615ba2fcb3d2ee160fbf354330./SRPMS.pclosd   9X\ tB@BABEBJCclalsadrv1.0.14pclos2007C++ access library for ALSAC++ access library for ALSA9iThac System/Librariesi586 alsa-lib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clalsadrv-1.0.1-4pclos2007.src.rpm=63637ee5dd8d29cc5c7c2ef1708d7346./SRPMS.pclosd   a  $dJB@mBABEBJCdeclamav0.103.111pclos2024An anti-virus utility for UnixEin Anti-Virus Programm für UnixClam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail seversions (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a commandline scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet. The programs are based on a shared library distributed with the Clam AntiVirus package, which you can use in your own software. You can build clamav with some conditional build swithes; (ie. use with rpm --rebuild): --with[out] milter Build clamav-milter (disabled)Ein Antivirus Werkzeug für Unix. Clam Antivirus ist ein Antiviren Programm für Unix. Die Hauptaufgabe dieser Software ist die Integration in Emailprogramme (Anhang scannen). Das Programm liefert einen flexiblen und skalierbaren multi-thread Daemon, ein Konsolen Scanner und eine automatische Aktualisierung via Internet. Die Programme basieren auf einer gemeinsam benutzten Bibliothek, die mit dem Clam AntiVirus Paket geliefert wird, welche in eigener Software verwendet werden kann. Du kannst clamav mit eigenen Bedingungen selber kompilieren: (Beispiel: mit rpm --rebuild): --with[out] milter Build clamav-milter (default)[File toolsx86_64   autoconf2.5automake1.7bcbzip2-develcurl-devellib64json-devellib64xml2-develmultiarch-utilsncurses-develpcre-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sendmail-develtcp_wrappers-develtommath-develzlib-devel1. 733e76b3d159ce2457916f15ed76a188./SRPMS.pclosd  " ` doxB@BABEBJ Cpl.UTF-8clamtk6.131pclos2021Easy to use front-end for ClamAVŁatwa w użyciu nakładka graficzna na program antywirusowy ClamAVClamTk is a GUI front-end for ClamAV using Gtk2-perl. It is designed to be an easy-to-use, point and click virus scanner for Linux systems.ClamTk jest to prosta nakładka graficzna na program antywirusowy ClamAV.lFile toolsx86_64 gettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clamtk-6.13-1pclos2021.src.rpmo}c964bd44fc935b93e3accf11135d2de9./SRPMS.pclosd   R B@BABEBJCclamz0.52pclos2017Command-line downloader for the amazon.com MP3 music storeClamz is a little command-line program to download MP3 files from Amazon.com's music store. It is intended to serve as a substitute for Amazon's official MP3 Downloader, which is not free software (and therefore is only available in binary form for a limited set of platforms.) Clamz can be used to download either individual songs or complete albums that you have purchased from Amazon.0ghostbunnyNetworking/WWWx86_64 libgcrypt-develcurl-develexpat-develshared-mime-infodesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clamz-0.5-2pclos2017.src.rpm26d9ffa48509d183b73b2147ffd27ffc./SRPMS.pclosWd   K  -4TB@BA$BE(BJICclanbomber2.1.13pclos2022A free (GPL) Bomberman-like multiplayer gameClanBomber is a free (GPL) Bomberman-like multiplayer game that uses ClanLib, a free multi platform C++ game SDK. First "ClanBomber" was only a working title for a small game started in September 1998, that has only been started to learn how to use ClanLib. But the ClanBomber project has grown into a real game. It is fully playable and features Computer controlled bombers, however, it is recommended to play ClanBomber with friends (3-8 players are really fun).ѢGames/Arcadex86_64  boost-develpkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(SDL_image)pkgconfig(SDL_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL_ttf)pkgconfig(SDL_gfx)gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ׂdf018da06a5fee1fbc01dd8b96ba1939./SRPMS.pclos?d  AD HZdB@BA BEBJ1Cclang17.0.62pclos2024A C language family front-end for LLVMclang: noun 1. A loud, resonant, metallic sound. 2. The strident call of a crane or goose. 3. C-language family front-end toolkit. The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler. Its tools are built as libraries and designed to be loosely-coupled and extensible. Install compiler-rt if you want the Blocks C language extension or to enable sanitization and profiling options when building, and libomp-devel to enable -fopenmp.|GDevelopment/Otherx86_64  clangcmakeemacs-noxgnupg2libatomic-devellibxml2-develllvm-cmake-utilsllvm-develllvm-googletestllvm-staticllvm-testncurses-develninja-buildperl(Digest::MD5)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(Hash::Util)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(lib)python3-develpython3-litpython3-recommonmarkpython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)17.0.617.0.617.0.617.0.617.|'7bb6a992b2e63422386d56290b9d69f1./SRPMS.pclosd  AD HZdB@BABEBJ Cclang19.1.12pclos2024A C language family front-end for LLVMclang: noun 1. A loud, resonant, metallic sound. 2. The strident call of a crane or goose. 3. C-language family front-end toolkit. The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler. Its tools are built as libraries and designed to be loosely-coupled and extensible. Install compiler-rt if you want the Blocks C language extension or to enable sanitization and profiling options when building, and libomp-devel to enable -fopenmp.h/Development/Otherx86_64  cmakeemacsgnupg2libatomic-devellibxml2-develllvm-cmake-utilsllvm-develllvm-staticllvm-testncurses-develninja-buildperl(Digest::MD5)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(Hash::Util)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(lib)python3-develpython3-litpython3-recommonmarkpython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   4x |  ^ B@tBABEBJCclanlib0.60.6.529pclos2010The ClanLib Game SDKThe ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the work for game developers. The goal is to provide a common interface to classical game problems (loading graphics eg.), so games can share as much code as possible. Ideally anyone with small resources should be able to write commercial quality games.System/Librariesi586  libhermes-devellibmikmod-devellibpng-develMesa-common-develautoconf2.5libtiff-develX11-static-develbzip2-devellibvorbis-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) "     (/ /C/B@yBABEBJCdeclaws-mail3.19.01pclos2022The user-friendly, lightweight and fast GTK2 based email clientBenutzerfreundlicher, leichter, schneller GTK2 basierender Email ClientClaws-Mail is an e-mail client (and news reader) based on GTK+2, running on X Window System, and aiming for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express, Becky!, and Datula. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard. The messages are managed by MH format, and you'll be able to use it together with another mailer based on MH format (like Mew). You can also utilize fetchmail or/and procmail, and external programs on receiving (like inc or imget). This is an improved version over the "bare" sylpheed package. It has some additional features, and also extends existing features. Addtitional features include: o Scoring o Spell checking o Return receipts Improved features include: o SMTP Auth o Filtering o MIME attachments o Integrated News reader o Automatic mail checking o Line-wrapping o XML-based addressbook o Newly arrived and unread message management o Printing o GnuPG support o Address book supports JPilot, LDAP, LDIF, and vCard data files For a complete listing of Features: http://www.claws-mail.org/features.phpVerbesserte Version des Sylpheed Email Client Claws-Mail ist ein Email Client (und einen Nachrichtenleser) basierend auf GTK+2, und läuft in einem X Window System. Es liefert: * Schnelle Antwort * Nette durchdachte Schnittstelle * Einfache Konfiguration, intuitive Bedienung * Vielseitige Eigenschaften Die Aufmachung und die Bedienung sind ähnlich zu einigen populären Email-Programmen wie Windows Outlook Express, Becky!, und Datula. Die Bedienung kann ebenfalls per Tastenkombination ähnlich wie bei Emacs erfolgen, und die meisten Kommandos sind per Tastatur erreichbar. Die Emails werden im MH Format verwaltet, und man kann diese mit anderen Mail-Programmen, die ebenfalls das MH Format verwenden (wie Mew), ebenfalls nutzen. Man kann ebenfalls fetchmail oder/und procmail verwenden, und weiterhin externe Programme beim Abrufen der Mails (wie inc oder imget). Dies ist eine verbesserte Version verglichen mit dem reinen sylpheed Programm-Paket. Es hat einige zusätzliche Eigenschaften und erweitert bestehende Funktionen.d/#Networking/Mailx86_64 lib64archive-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64canberra-devellib64canberra-gtk-devellib64compface-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64enchant-devellib64etpan-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gdata-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gpgme-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64ice-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pisock-devellib64poppler-glib-devellib64python-devellib64sm-devellib64soup-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64webkitgtk1.0-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-develintltoollibxcb-develperl-develmultiarch-utilsImageMagickx11-proto-develpygtk2.0-develpython-gobject-devellib64ical-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64gnome2-devellib64gumbo-devellib64ytnef-develbogofilterrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1claws-mail-3.19.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmd 1aacf083fb95a610224609ccc1b7d630./SRPMS.pclosd !     (/ /C/B@yBABEBJCdeclaws-mail4.1.12pclos2022The user-friendly, lightweight and fast GTK2 based email clientBenutzerfreundlicher, leichter, schneller GTK2 basierender Email ClientClaws-Mail is an e-mail client (and news reader) based on GTK+2, running on X Window System, and aiming for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express, Becky!, and Datula. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard. The messages are managed by MH format, and you'll be able to use it together with another mailer based on MH format (like Mew). You can also utilize fetchmail or/and procmail, and external programs on receiving (like inc or imget). This is an improved version over the "bare" sylpheed package. It has some additional features, and also extends existing features. Addtitional features include: o Scoring o Spell checking o Return receipts Improved features include: o SMTP Auth o Filtering o MIME attachments o Integrated News reader o Automatic mail checking o Line-wrapping o XML-based addressbook o Newly arrived and unread message management o Printing o GnuPG support o Address book supports JPilot, LDAP, LDIF, and vCard data files For a complete listing of Features: http://www.claws-mail.org/features.phpVerbesserte Version des Sylpheed Email Client Claws-Mail ist ein Email Client (und einen Nachrichtenleser) basierend auf GTK+2, und läuft in einem X Window System. Es liefert: * Schnelle Antwort * Nette durchdachte Schnittstelle * Einfache Konfiguration, intuitive Bedienung * Vielseitige Eigenschaften Die Aufmachung und die Bedienung sind ähnlich zu einigen populären Email-Programmen wie Windows Outlook Express, Becky!, und Datula. Die Bedienung kann ebenfalls per Tastenkombination ähnlich wie bei Emacs erfolgen, und die meisten Kommandos sind per Tastatur erreichbar. Die Emails werden im MH Format verwaltet, und man kann diese mit anderen Mail-Programmen, die ebenfalls das MH Format verwenden (wie Mew), ebenfalls nutzen. Man kann ebenfalls fetchmail oder/und procmail verwenden, und weiterhin externe Programme beim Abrufen der Mails (wie inc oder imget). Dies ist eine verbesserte Version verglichen mit dem reinen sylpheed Programm-Paket. Es hat einige zusätzliche Eigenschaften und erweitert bestehende Funktionen.cNetworking/Mailx86_64 lib64archive-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64canberra-devellib64canberra-gtk-devellib64compface-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64enchant-devellib64etpan-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gdata-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gpgme-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64ice-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pisock-devellib64poppler-glib-devellib64python-devellib64sm-devellib64soup-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64webkitgtk1.0-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-develintltoollibxcb-develperl-develmultiarch-utilsImageMagickx11-proto-develpygtk2.0-develpython-gobject-devellib64ical-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64gnome2-devellib64gumbo-devellib64ytnef-develbogofilterrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1claws-mail-4.1.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmc~852b7ed2df520fdae5411fe2de850006./SRPMS.pclos7d ( C B@BABEBJ)Cclaws-mail-themes202210171pclos2022Icon themes for Claws-MailThis package contains various user contributed icon themes for claws-mail.$oNetworking/Mailnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1claws-mail-themes-20221017-1pclos2022.src.rpm$,<957930945d9f83b89d84813bf50fdedb./SRPMS.pclosGd! , K B@BABEBJ9Ccldr-emoji-annotation31.0.1_11pclos2022Emoji annotation files in CLDRThis package provides the emoji annotation file by language in CLDR.)fSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cldr-emoji-annotation-31.0.1_1-1pclos2022.src.rpm)p%4ad839b979063317ff5177f07130736a./SRPMS.pclosd   G $,0LB@TBA|BEBJCcleanfeed0.95.7b15pclos2007A spam filter for Usenet news servers.Cleanfeed is an automatic spam filter for Usenet news servers and routers (INN, Cyclone, Typhoon, Breeze and NNTPRelay). Cleanfeed is highly configurable, easily modified and very fast. It can be configured to block binary posts to non-binary newsgroups, to cancel already-rejected articles, and to reject some spamming from local users. Install the cleanfeed package if you need a spam filter for a Usenet news server.Texstar System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cleanfeed-0.95.7b-15pclos2007.src.rpmQ9f769dfbeaa97612e0400024c6f70b67./SRPMS.pclos7d   Ept B@BABEBJ)Cclearine0.71pclos2022Beautiful Logout UI for X11 window managerBeautiful Logout UI for X11 window manager. Inspired from oblogout and Android Oreo's power menu. in /usr/share/clearine, copy the file clearine.conf to ~/.config/clearine.conf. The section [command] is already adjusted with commands that work in PCLinuxOS (pm-suspend, pm-hibernate, reboot, power off, lock screen) What should be configured is the logout command. In openbox, it must be: openbox --exit In LXDE, it must be: pkill -SIGTERM -f lxsession In Mate, it must be: mate-session-save --logout In XFCE, it must be: xfce4-session-logout --logout,Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clearine-0.7-1pclos2022.src.rpm34c7e0e3b4b7c488dbff8470eae0db2dd./SRPMS.pclosd   R@ DJT}B@BABEBJCclementine1.4.00.2pclos2021A cross-platform music player based on Amarok 1.4Clementine is a modern music player and library organiser. Clementine is a port of Amarok 1.4, with some features rewritten to take advantage of Qt4. Features: * Search and play your local music library * Listen to internet radio from Last.fm, SomaFM and Magnatune * Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX * Visualisations from projectM * Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AAC * Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music * Download missing album cover art from Last.fm * Remote control using a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line * Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player * Queue managerZ"Soundx86_64 cmakelib64cdio-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gpod-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gtest-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64protobuf-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64tbb-devellibstdc++-develmakemesa-develqtbase5-common-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clementine-1.4.0-0.2pclos2021.src.rpmZ)7f0cc227930ae9859dca6efacbcc49f5./SRPMS.pclosd  +  <B@LBAtBExBJCclick-radio0.5.91pclos2025Click RadioA lightweight and simple gui interface media app Features include: * Music radio streamer * Streamripper recorder * Plays local music files * Creates a music playlist * Youtube media downloader#Soundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1click-radio-0.5.9-1pclos2025.src.rpmk1933fcc27744ef6ae662aaf89ca0f25f./SRPMS.pclosd  ! R SB@dBABEBJCclinfo3. OpenCL platform and device propertiesA simple command-line application that enumerates all possible (known) properties of the OpenCL platform and devices available on the system. Inspired by AMD's program of the same name, it is coded in pure C and it tries to output all possible information, including those provided by platform-specific extensions, trying not to crash on unsupported properties (e.g. 1.2 properties on 1.1 platforms).%System/Configurationx86_64  pkgconfig(ocl-icd)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1clinfo-  jd hnx  S B@jBABEBJCdeclipgrab3.9.102pclos2024Download Videos from youtube.comYouTube und andere Videos herunterladen.A video downloader and converter for YouTube, Veoh, DailyMotion, MyVideo but does not play nice with KDE Plasma and likes to crash for no reason.Ein Werkzeug zum Herunterladen und Konvertieren von YouTube, Veoh, DailyMotion, MyVideo, ... Videos.XVideox86_64  imagemagickpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1clipgrab-3.9.10-2pclos2024.src.rpm#%2313a74adca32abf7614cee2e2130e05./SRPMS.pclosd   O GB@SBAtBExBJCclipit1.4.51pclos2021A lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard managerClipIt is a lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager. It was forked from Parcellite, adding additional features and bug-fixes to the project. ClipIts main features are: * Save a history of your last copied items * Search through the history * Global hot-keys for most used functions * Execute actions with clipboard items * Exclude specific items from historyXGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 gtk3-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clipit-1.4.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm^d2341ee3d3822743178c37a9d5938c57./SRPMS.pclos;d  @ DB@BABE BJ-Cclisp2.49.921pclos2022Common Lisp (ANSI CL) implementationCommon Lisp is a high-level, all-purpose programming language. CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation by Bruno Haible of Karlsruhe University and Michael Stoll of Munich University, both in Germany. It mostly supports Common Lisp as described in the ANSI CL standard. It runs on microcomputers (DOS, OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 95, Amiga 500-4000, Acorn RISC PC) as well as on Unix workstations (Linux, SVR4, Sun4, DEC Alpha OSF, HP-UX, NeXTstep, SGI, AIX, Sun3 and others) and needs only 2 MB of RAM. It is free software and may be distributed under the terms of GNU GPL, while it is possible to distribute commercial applications compiled with CLISP. The user interface comes in German, English, French and Spanish. CLISP includes an interpreter, a compiler, a large subset of CLOS, a foreign language interface and a socket interface. An X11 interface is available through CLX and Garnet.mDevelopment/Otherx86_64 db5.3-develdiffutilsffcall-develgdbm-develgettext-develgtk2-develimakelibfcgi-devellibsigsegv-devellocales-enpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(libglade-2.0)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(libxcrypt)pkgconfig(ncursesw)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xau)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xpm)pkgconfig(zlib)postgresql-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clisp-2.49.92-1pclos2022.src.rpm[c7e687f234b34ac2a5a94057aa6461c1./SRPMS.pclosd   5 *B@3BAPBETBJuCcln1.3.42pclos2018C++ Class Library for NumbersA GPLed collection of C++ math classes and functions, that will bring efficiency, type safety, algebraic syntax to everyone in a memory and speed efficient library.:#Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 gmp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cln-1.3.4-2pclos2018.src.rpm>835a4ab8cdef00caef9fc3119d5bb108./SRPMS.pclosd   J  18<XB@`BABEBJCclonezilla3.27.162pclos2019Opensource Clone System (ocs), clonezillaClonezilla, based on DRBL, Partition Image, ntfsclone, partclone, and udpcast, allows you to do bare metal backup and recovery. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (Server Edition). Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. While Clonezilla SE is for massive deployment, it can clone many (40 plus!) computers simultaneously. For more info, check http://clonezilla.org, http://clonezilla.nchc.org.tw. Archiving/Backupnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clonezilla-3.27.16-2pclos2019.src.rpm 56cb6a7a836e064ab518e235c3cfab98./SRPMS.pclosGd 8hl}B@BABEBJ9Ccloog-ppl0.16.11pclos2011The Chunky Loop GeneratorCLooG is a software which generates loops for scanning Z-polyhedra. That is, CLooG finds the code or pseudo-code where each integral point of one or more parametrized polyhedron or parametrized polyhedra union is reached. CLooG is designed to avoid control overhead and to produce a very efficient code. 5System/Librariesx86_64  ppl-develppl_c-develgmp-develtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames) :T15c5c359ed2ea756025b1b4b48760ecb./SRPMS.pclosSdcB@BA BE$BJECcloop-utils1.0210pclos2011Utilities for the creation and extraction of compressed loop imagesUtilities for the creation and extraction of compressed loop images_'File toolsx86_64 zlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cloop-utils-1.02-10pclos2011.src.rpmf2c006f56590ba95ac748e8d7d43dfe84./SRPMS.pclosd   5PT l}B@BABEBJ Cclthreads2.2.11pclos2007Clthreads C++ librariesClthreads C++ libraries$"Thac System/Librariesi586 libx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clthreads-2.2.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm(ba780bc3ddd8fa08ac30f3424048e7e9./SRPMS.pcloskd 0 B@BA8BE<BJ]Cclucene0.9.21b1pclos2011C++ port of LuceneCLucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in Java. CLucene is faster than lucene as it is written in C++.6Archiving/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clucene-0.9.21b-1pclos2011.src.rpm< 8987c95b10856de648cb7845ca4a4e27./SRPMS.pcloskd   0  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cclucene2.3.3.44pclos2019C++ port of LuceneCLucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in Java. CLucene is faster than lucene as it is written in C++.σArchiving/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clucene-  5$( P\dhB@BABEBJCclustermines0.7.31pclos2014Minesweeper in Java! Yet another Java implementation for the addictive Minesweeper game. This game comes with a number of options unavailable in Windows's version, such as allowing more than one mines in a square. See project web site for a list of features.({Agent Smith Games/Logicnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clustermines-0.7.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmja1cc97478ea8ab118ac994f1ca7300cc./SRPMS.pclos;d   J  !(B@BABE BJ-Cclutter1.26.42pclos2022Software library for fast, visually rich GUIsClutter is an open source software library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces. The most obvious example of potential usage is in media center type applications. We hope however it can be used for a lot more. Clutter uses OpenGL (and soon optionally OpenGL ES) for rendering but with an API which hides the underlying GL complexity from the developer. The Clutter API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible.RSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(atk)pkgconfig(cairo-gobject)pkgconfig(cogl-1.0)pkgconfig(cogl-pango-1.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(pangoft2)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(libevdev)pkgconfig(libinput)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)33.0.4-1clutter-1.26.4-2pclos2022.src.rpmR-58f2e31c83e70d2b27189d980f0bf6fb./SRPMS.pclosd % A  NB@XBABEBJCclutter-gesture0.0.2.12pclos2022Gesture Library for ClutterThis library allows clutter applications to be aware of gestures and to easily attach some handlers to the gesture events. The library supports both single and multi touch.cSystem/Librariesx86_64 clutter-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clutter-gesture- ! ] B@BABEBJCclutter-gst33.0.272pclos2022GST video texture actor and audio player object for ClutterAn integration library for using GStreamer with Clutter. GST video texture actor and audio player object.8System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clutter-gst3-3.0.27-2pclos2022.src.rpm;b082ec9a74235c51eb4adb3c67cfbfaa./SRPMS.pclosd  7L Pah%B@4BA\BE`BJCclutter-gtk1.8.43pclos2022GTK Support for ClutterA library providing facilities to integrate Clutter into GTK+ applications. It provides a GTK+ widget, GtkClutterEmbed, for embedding the default ClutterStage into any GtkContainer. Because of limitations inside Clutter, it is only possible to embed a single ClutterStage.hSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gettext-develgnome-commongtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clutter-gtk-1.8.4-3pclos2022.src.rpm 83bfd80544ac357beb29c33368a42753./SRPMS.pclosKd % Mx |B@BABEBJ=Cclutter-imcontext0.1.63pclos2022IMContext Framework Library for ClutterIMContext Framework Library for Clutter.kmSystem/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develclutter-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clutter-imcontext-0.1.6-3pclos2022.src.rpmoeac40e9a79908254b011059bf1931cfb./SRPMS.pcloswd   6h lu| B@ BADBEHBJiCcluttermm0.9.51pclos2010C++ wrappers for clutterCluttermm is a language binding for C++ on top of Clutter. It has the same functionality and concepts as plain Clutter, but provides C++ programmers with an interface that uses language features and common concepts of C++, such as static type safety, class inheritance and (optionally) exception handling. Graphicsi586  clutter-develdoxygenxsltproclibcairomm1.0-develpangomm2.4-devellibsigc++2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d   5PT l}B@BABE BJ-Cclxclient3.3.12pclos2007Clxclient C++ librariesClxclient C++ libraries^Thac System/Librariesi586 clthreads-devellibx11-devellibxft-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1clxclient-3.3.1-2pclos2007.src.rpmc314ce5882f4e185ae37a99078b730de3./SRPMS.pclosd  B H]B@|BABEBJCcmake3.31.61pclos2025Cross-platform, open-source make systemCMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. CMake is quite sophisticated: it is possible to support complex environments requiring system configuration, pre-processor generation, code generation, and template instantiation.{'Development/Otherx86_64  cmakegcc-gfortranlib64rhash-develperlpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(jsoncpp)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libidn)pkgconfig(libuv)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xz3.0.4-14.6.0-1cmake-3.31.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm{Fb320436fcc08ec5ec0cd3fd473bcce2b./SRPMS.pclos'd  Ad hzB@BABEBJCcmake-rpm-macros92pclos2025Rpm macros and scripts for cmakeRpm macros and scripts for cmake.!Development/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cmake-rpm-macros-9-2pclos2025.src.rpm)668d2d7d43ba177f6d37543355619648./SRPMS.pclosd  ;  $4rB@BABEBJCcmark0.31.11pclos2024CommonMark parsing and rendering`cmark` is the C reference implementation of CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax with a spec. It provides a shared library (`libcmark`) with functions for parsing CommonMark documents to an abstract syntax tree (AST), manipulating the AST, and rendering the document to HTML, groff man, LaTeX, CommonMark, or an XML representation of the AST. It also provides a command-line program (`cmark`) for parsing and rendering CommonMark documents.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakegcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cmark-0.31.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm:Y10fb1f8c20b7462d94870d0729c09878./SRPMS.pclosd   Z  VB@aBABEBJCcmocka1.1.51pclos2019Lightweight library to simplify and generalize unit tests for CThere are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some development requires the use of old compilers which makes it difficult to use some unit testing frameworks. In addition many unit testing frameworks assume the code being tested is an application or module that is targeted to the same platform that will ultimately execute the test. Because of this assumption many frameworks require the inclusion of standard C library headers in the code module being tested which may collide with the custom or incomplete implementation of the C library utilized by the code under test. Cmocka only requires a test application is linked with the standard C library which minimizes conflicts with standard C library headers. Also, CMocka tries to avoid the use of some of the newer features of C compilers. This results in CMocka being a relatively small library that can be used to test a variety of exotic code. If a developer wishes to simply test an application with the latest compiler then other unit testing frameworks may be preferable. This is the successor of Google's Cmockery.NDevelopment/Cx86_64 cmakedoxygenglibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cmocka-1.1.5-1pclos2019.src.rpmO'6409b0a7db6bbe7b0dc425ef551c9222./SRPMS.pclosd    G B@BABEBJ Ccmpfit1.21pclos2018A MINPACK-1 Least Squares Fitting Library in CCMPFIT uses the Levenberg-Marquardt technique to solve the least-squares problem. In its typical use, CMPFIT will be used to fit a user-supplied function (the "model") to user-supplied data points (the "data") by adjusting a set of parameters. CMPFIT is based upon MINPACK-1 (LMDIF.F) by More' and collaborators.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cmpfit-1.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm]26362d50762b75497301d23606854a9c./SRPMS.pclosd   , KB@VBAtBExBJCcmrt1.0.61pclos2017C for Media RuntimeMedia GPU kernel manager for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family. Allows to interface between Intel GPU's driver and a host program through a high level language.'(bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 libtoolpkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libva)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cmrt-1.0.6-1pclos2017.src.rpm'.f7baba8aa47e720e2d0be999f0d53171./SRPMS.pclos d   w  B@ BA BE BJ Cdecmus2.8.01pclos2020A small and fast text mode music playerEin kleiner und schneller Musik-Player im TextmodusCMus is a small and fast music player using the ncurses library. CMus has vi-style command interface, e.g. searching using '/' or '?' and adding files to playlist ':add ~/foo.ogg'. Here are some key features of "CMus C Music Player": Input · FLAC · Ogg/Vorbis · MP3 (libmad) · Wav · Modules (libmodplug) Output · ALSA · OSS · ARTS · MP3 and Ogg streaming (Shoutcast/Icecast) · WinAmp / XMMS keys "zxcvb" · Can be controlled via UNIX socket · Serial port remote controller support (irman) · Customizable colors · Nice vi-style interface with tabulator expansion · Background playlist loading · Track metadata database makes adding files to playlist very fast. · Album/artist modes. Playing within one album or artist. · Playlist is always kept sorted. · Play queue · Directory browser · Full UTF-8 supportCmus ist ein kleiner und schneller Musik-Player, der die ncurses-Bibliothek nutzt. Cmus hat eine Kommandoschnittstelle im vi-Stil, z. B. Suche mit '/' oder '?' und Hinzufügen von Dateien zur Playlist ': add ~/foo.ogg'. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Eigenschaften von "cmus C Music Player": Eingang · FLAC · Ogg / Vorbis · MP3 (libmad) · Wav · Module (libmodplug) Ausgabe · ALSA · OSS · ARTS · MP3-und Ogg Streaming (Shoutcast / Icecast) · Winamp / XMMS Tasten "zxcvb" · Kann über UNIX-Socket gesteuert werden · Serielle Schnittstelle Fernbedienung Unterstützung (Irman) · Anpassbare Farben · Nizza vi-Stil mit Tabulator Expansion · Hintergrund Playlist laden · Track Metadaten-Datenbank macht das Hinzufügen von Dateien sehr schnell hinzugefügt. · Album / Künstler-Modi. Spielen innerhalb eines Albums oder Interpreten. · Playlist ist stets sortiert. · Eine Warteschlange abspielen · Verzweichnisbrowser · Volle UTF-8 UnterstützungSoundx86_64 lib64ncursesw-devellib64ncurses-devellib64mad-devellib64flac8-devellib64modplug-devellib64mpcdec-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64ogg-devellib64wavpack-devellib64faad2-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64xvid4-develx264-devellib64alsa2-devellib64alsa-oss-devellib64ao-devellib64cue-devellib64mp4v2-devellib64cddb-devellib64discid-develpulseaudio-devellib64opusfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cmus-2.8.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmc568ecffac4448a9716bbd32e2095c91./SRPMS.pclosKd $ M0 4DLhB@BABEBJ=Ccnijfilter-common2.701pclos2011IJ Printer Driver Ver.2.70 for PCLinuxOSIJ Printer Driver for PCLinuxOS. Provides support for the following Canon Inkjet printer PIXMA series models in PCLinuxOS: mp160, ip3300, mp510, ip4300, mp600, ip2500, ip1800, ip90, 253, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 311, and 3123eSystem/Printingi586 libgtk+1.2-devellibxml1-devellibxml++1.0_1-devellibtiff-develcups-devellibpopt0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cnijfilter-common-2.70-1pclos2011.src.rpm3mc0eaee3a28f56ee7945e189de96f381e./SRPMS.pclos'd  H B@BABEBJCcntlm0.35.12pclos2009Fast NTLM authentication proxy with tunnelingCntlm is a fast and efficient NTLM proxy, with support for TCP/IP tunneling, authenticated connection caching, ACLs, proper daemon logging and behaviour and much more. It has up to ten times faster responses than similar NTLM proxies, while using by orders or magnitude less RAM and CPU. Manual page contains detailed information."HSystem/Serversi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cntlm-0.35.1-2pclos2009.src.rpmV02725a2ac8e3528a7b0f58fa4c4f9e8f./SRPMS.pclosd   4@ DcltB@BABEBJCcobbler0.3.62pclos2007Boot server configurator Cobbler is a command line tool for configuration of network boot and update servers. It is also accessible as a Python library. Cobbler supports PXE, provisioning virtualized images, and reinstalling machines that are already up and running (over SSH). The last two modes require a helper tool called 'koan' that integrates with cobbler. Cobbler's advanced features include importing distributions from rsync mirrors, kickstart templating, integrated yum mirroring, kickstart monitoring, and auto-managing dhcpd.conf.(System/Configuration/Packagingnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cobbler-0.3.6-2pclos2007.src.rpm43f8db7b283d786f46d10a0904775648e./SRPMS.pclosd   R0 4IP  + B@?BAdBEhBJCcocoalib0.996011pclos2020C++ library for computations in commutative algebraThe CoCoA C++ library offers functions to perform calculations in Computational Commutative Algebra, and some other related areas. The library is designed to be pleasant to use while offering good run-time performance.?TSciences/Mathematicsx86_64 boost-develcddlib-develgcc-c++gmp-develgsl-develfrobby-develgfan-develblas-devellapack-develreadline-develtexlive-texmftxt2tagsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cocoalib-0.99601-1pclos2020.src.rpm?9620ff7398ad982dcc914a4bf1608874./SRPMS.pclos?d   )| B@BA BEBJ1Ccocoon0.1.09pclos2015A GUI for Git.This project brings you a GUI for the Git version control system using the KDE4 framework. Features: * Creating and cloning repos * Manage multiple repos * Stage with commit capability * History with branch and merge detection * Possibility to compare the changes between any two commits * Embedded command line for the advanced tasks+LpinocGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 cmakekdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cocoon-0.1.0-9pclos2015.src.rpm0e8a2797ec0a00c1a9cd27c04e0c5fa7a./SRPMS.pclosd   (dh s   B@BABEBJCcodeblocks20.031pclos2020A C++ IDECode::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built specifically to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It was designed, right from the start, to be extensible and configurable. Built around a plugin framework, Code::Blocks can be extended with plugin DLLs. It includes a plugin wizard so you can compile your own plugins!ghostbunnyDevelopment/Otherx86_64 zipdos2uniximagemagicklibboost-develbzip2-devellib64wxgtku3.1-devellib64tinyxml-develzlib1-devellib64hunspell-devellib64gamin-1_0-devellib64fontconfig-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1codeblocks-20.03-1pclos2020.src.rpm.9afd51c8bb91184e9c50177331e8e82d./SRPMS.pclosd   O  cB@nBABEBJCcodec20.5.11pclos2017An open source speech codec for 2400 bit/s and belowCodec2 is an open source low bit rate speech codec designed for communications quality speech between 1200 and 3200 bit/s. Applications include low bandwidth HF/VHF digital radio and VOIP trunking. Codec 2 operating at 2400 bit/s can send 26 phone calls using the bandwidth required for one 64 kbit/s uncompressed phone call. It fills a gap in open source, free-as-in-speech voice codecs beneath 5000 bit/s.xybb2 Communicationsx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(speex)pkgconfig(speexdsp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1codec2-0.5.1-1pclos2017.src.rpmxf81ffade68185d9396ba941183b20f53./SRPMS.pclosd     4  B@BABEBJ Cdecodelite14.01pclos2020CodeLite is a powerful open-source, cross platform code editor for C/C++CodeLite ist eine leistungsfähiger Open-Source Cross-Plattform Code-Editor für C/C++CodeLite uses a sophisticated, yet intuitive interface which allows users to easily create, build and debug complex projects.CodeLite verfügt über eine professionelle und dennoch intuitive Schnittstelle, die es Benutzer auf einfache Weise erlaubt zu debuggen und komplexe Projekte zu erstellen.R;ghostbunnyDevelopment/Otherx86_64 wxgtk3.1-develgitcmakehunspell-devellibssh-develclang-develflexlib64wxsqlite3_3.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ڴfd44b3d925e58849ab741ecb7cf4a570./SRPMS.pclos?d   4@D vB@BA BEBJ1Ccogito0.18.21pclos2007Cogito scm with git coreCogito is a version control system layered on top of the git tree history storage system. It aims at seamless user interface and ease of use, providing generally smoother user experience than the "raw" Core GIT itself and indeed many other version control systems. Bart the Build Bot Development/Othernoarch openssl-develcurl-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cogito-0.18.2-1pclos2007.src.rpm8dc310236e4663b8021898b06eb221b1./SRPMS.pclosd  Z DB@=BA\BE`BJCcogl1.22.81pclos2022A library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty picturesCogl is a small open source library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty pictures. The API departs from the flat state machine style of OpenGL and is designed to make it easy to write orthogonal components that can render without stepping on each others toes. As well aiming for a nice API, we think having a single library as opposed to an API specification like OpenGL has a few advantages too; like being able to paper over the inconsistencies/bugs of different OpenGL implementations in a centralized place, not to mention the myriad of OpenGL extensions. It also means we are in a better position to provide utility APIs that help software developers since they only need to be implemented once and there is no risk of inconsistency between implementations. Having other backends, besides OpenGL, such as drm, Gallium or D3D are options we are interested in for the future.6System/Librariesx86_64  mesa-develpkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk-doc)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(gbm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   >PT {B@BABEBJCcolem2.61pclos2012Emulator for the Coleco Vision consoleColEm is a portable emulator of the old ColecoVision videogame console. It should run most ColecoVision games and supports Coleco's SuperAction controllers with spin wheels. A Coleco rom bios file(not included) must be placed in /usr/share/games/colem for ColEm to work.cAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1colem-2.6-1pclos2012.src.rpmie53d89c74a0eadc8a3158cc09dbbc86e./SRPMS.pclos#d " : B@BABEBJCcolor-filesystem1.05pclos2019Color filesystem layoutThis package provides some directories that are required/used to store color.System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1color-filesystem-1.0-5pclos2019.src.rpm L0783315fe557d3346f814c34f740f3c0./SRPMS.pclosd   '  `B@BABEBJCcolord1.4.71pclos2024Color daemoncolord is a low level system activated daemon that maps color devices to color profiles in the system context.0System/Librariesx86_64  argyllcmsbash-completiondbus-develdocbook-xsl-nsgettextglib2-develgobject-introspection-develintltoollcms2-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64gusb-devellib64polkit1-devellib64sane1-devellibusb1-develpkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(xrandr)polkit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sqlite-develvala-develvala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1colord-1.4.7-1pclos2024.src.rpm9b7c1be8fbee3469b1c5d1df08f7a3b5./SRPMS.pclosd   = 7B@WBA|BEBJCcolord-gtk0.3.11pclos2024GTK support library for colordcolord-gtk is a support library for colord and provides additional functionality that requires GTK+.cuSystem/Librariesx86_64  colord-develdocbook-utilsdocbook5-style-xslgettextgobject-introspection-develintltoollcms2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1colord-gtk-0.3.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm.6ad1a0d4900d2368c779aae6a8c183ab./SRPMS.pclos[d   S B@BA(BE,BJMCcolord-kde0.5.01pclos2016Interfaces and session daemon to colord for Plasma 5Interfaces and session daemon to colord for Plasma 5.0Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakegettextlib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64lcms2-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64x11-devellib64xext6lib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-devellibxcb-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1colord-kde-0.5.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm[e85f6f9b3b78a0f6bc668abf91d12baf./SRPMS.pclosd   S "B@5BA\BE`BJCcolord-kde24.12.31pclos2025Interfaces and session daemon to colord for PlasmaInterfaces and session daemon to colord for Plasma.ўGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1colord-kde-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmSa046dd10cad0cd7e43a3985592c052e3./SRPMS.pclosd   ]  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Ccolordiff1.0.181pclos2018Wrapper for diff that produces output with syntax highlightingThe Perl script colordiff is a wrapper for diff. It produces the same output but with syntax highlighting. Color schemes can be customized.NDevelopment/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1colordiff-1.0.18-1pclos2018.src.rpmU(92fb0f75eb39c1604e421fea74a355cf./SRPMS.pclos{d   1 B@$BAHBELBJmCcolorgcc1.4.51pclos2019GCC output colorizerColorGCC is a Perl wrapper to colorize the output of compilers with warning and error messages matching the GCC output format. This package is configured to run with the associated system compiler. If you want to use it for another compiler (e.g. gcc 2.96), you may have to define gccVersion: 2.96 and uncomment the respective compiler paths in /etc/colorgccrc for a system-wide effect, or in ~/.colorgccrc for your user only..:Development/Cnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1colorgcc-1.4.5-1pclos2019.src.rpm)9f908f9d901dfcb4bf6a65ffa40d816d./SRPMS.pclosd   B< @IPXB@BABEBJCcolorname0.42pclos2013Utility to associate a name to a colorColorname tries to assign a name to a color using external color definitions and a little math. For this it calculates the euclidean distance between the currently selected color and all predefined colors, either in the YIQ, RGB or HSV color space.kaGraphicsnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1colorname-0.4-2pclos2013.src.rpmp68e3e69eece645c4466105e419f35e8f./SRPMS.pcloskd   1  B@BA8BE<BJ]Ccolorwheel2.2.01pclos2014ColorWheel HarmonyColorWheel Harmony is a full featured application based on the artists' color wheel that allows you to create great looking combinations of colors in accordance with color theory. It provides a rich set of productivity tools including image color picker, color matching system, universal color language, and more. This is software for web designers, interior designers, decorators, artists, etc.E%Graphicsnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1colorwheel-2.2.0-1pclos2014.src.rpmL>9d46257e33da38b4c186b007beebe119./SRPMS.pclos+d   Q  !( T  B@BABEBJCcomedilib1404101pclos2015Data Acquisition library for the Comedi DAQ driverComedilib is the library for the Comedi data acquisition driver for Linux. It allows Linux processes to acquire data from supported DAQ cards, such as those from National InstrumentsSystem/Librariesx86_64 bisondocbook-utilsflexgccgcc-c++libtoolpkgconfigpythonpython-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1comedilib-140410-1pclos2015.src.rpm92b97ffe7d6c693dc4a5ca5cec2585ce./SRPMS.pclos3d   A B@BABEBJ%Ccomgt0.323pclos2017GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA datacard control toolcomgt is a datacard control tool for Option GlobeTrotter GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA and Vodafone 3G/GPRS. It is a scripting language interpreter useful for establishing communications on serial lines and through PCMCIA modems as well as GPRS and 3G datacards. comgt has some features that are rarely found in other utilities of the same type.bb2 Communicationsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1comgt-0.32-3pclos2017.src.rpme94b9abc986254fb2f08020d3394a214./SRPMS.pclosd  + EB@RBAtBExBJCcomix4.0.44pclos2020Comic book viewerComix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz, and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files.>{Officenoarch pythonpython-imagingjpeg-progspygtk2.0desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1comix-4.0.4-4pclos2020.src.rpm,e4f1001dda802dfaca88e7d83a10338a./SRPMS.pclosd " `  4B@<BAdBEhBJCcommon-licenses1.014pclos2017Contains the various common licenses uses by the distributionContains the various common licenses uses by the distribution. Instead of including the COPYING file in every package, just refer to this one.&bb2 System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1common-licenses-1.0-14pclos2017.src.rpm28b4306a556ff89a08116e0e9ec380db./SRPMS.pclosd   N   (@B@BABEBJCcommoncpp1.8.11pclos2011A GNU package for creating portable C++ programsCommon C++2 is a GNU package which offers portable "abstraction" of system services such as threads, networks, and sockets. Common C++ also offers individual frameworks generally useful to developing portable C++ applications including a object persistance engine, math libraries, threading, sockets, etc. Common C++2 is small, and highly portable. Common C++ will support most Unix operating systems as well as Win32, in addition to GNU/Linux. Development/C++x86_64 doxygenglibc-static-devellibstdc++-devellibtoolzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1commoncpp-1.8.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm xb322273d4b5d6dbccd4dd6f9abc93f14./SRPMS.pclos d  Cd hB@BABEBJCcompa-applet0.981pclos2010Command Output Monitor Panel AppletCompa is a Gnome Panel Applet that can display the output of any system command on the panel. In addition it can display the output of a different command in its tooltip, and launch a different command when clicked. Compa text style can be modified using Text Attribute Markup Language.*Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1compa-applet-0.98-1pclos2010.src.rpm0 9d3fd0633a603c6ee3286aa6cbdd4366./SRPMS.pclosd f<@[dhB@BABEBJCcompcache0.6.21pclos2011Compcache provides the ability to use part of the RAM as compressed swapCompcache (compressed caching) provides the ability to use part of the RAM as compressed swap. In other words, you can take a portion of your RAM (default 25%) and use it as swap, compressing the data before moving it into swap, and decompressing it when moving it out of swap. This is a classic time-space trade-off. You effectively get more memory, but some of it is slower than normal RAM due to the CPU time required to compress and decompress the swapped pages.mySystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1compcache-0.6.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmtt356c7108a5aa3a75060542cfb2d80952./SRPMS.pcloskd   F  B@BA8BE<BJ]Ccompface1.5.22pclos2022Image from/to X-Face conversion utilitiesCompface provides utilities to convert from/to X-Face format, a 48x48 bitmap format used to carry thumbnails of email authors in a mail header.;Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1compface-1.5.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm%dc5c2663b8e2631eaff7f3dbebc12705./SRPMS.pclosOd  D@ DV`B@BABE BJACcompiler-rt8.0.11pclos2019LLVM "compiler-rt" runtime librariesThe compiler-rt project is a part of the LLVM project. It provides implementation of the low-level target-specific hooks required by code generation, sanitizer runtimes and profiling library for code instrumentation, and Blocks C language extension."Development/Otherx86_64 gccgcc-c++cmakepython3python3-develllvm-develllvm-staticrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   F   [B@BABEBJCcompiz0.8.187pclos2024OpenGL composite manager for Xgl and AIGLXCompiz is an OpenGL compositing manager, which means that it enhances the overall user interaction by adding fancy effects to your windows, from drop shadows to desktop effects like the Desktop Cube or the Expo view. Compiz can also be a window manager, which means that it is the software between you and your desktop apps. It enables you to move or resize windows, to switch workspaces, to switch windows easily (using alt-tab or so), and so on.System/X11x86_64  gettext-develintltoollib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64fuse3-devellib64jpeg-devellib64marco-private-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64png-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64tiff-devellib64wnck3-devellib64xml2-develpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-xlib-xrender)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1compiz-0.8.18-7pclos2024.src.rpm^8e2fb347103f1a3d6df34e42a93cd27e./SRPMS.pclos#d  It xB@BABEBJCcompiz-bcop0.8.183pclos2021BCOP: Compiz Fusion plugin build utilityBCOP: Compiz Fusion plugin build utilityKgSystem/X11noarch libxslt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1compiz-bcop-0.8.18-3pclos2021.src.rpmQc4b4c76adfd7bfb88ae0a352cdb8417e./SRPMS.pclosod  ? B@BA<BE@BJaCcompiz-ccsm0.8.183pclos2023Compiz Config Settings ManagerConfiguration tool for Compiz when used with the ccp configuration plugin (default).System/X11noarch  lib64decoration-develintltoolpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # I    B@BABEBJ)Ccompiz-emerald0.8.184pclos2021Themeable window decorator for CompizEmerald is a themeable window decorator for Compiz. This package contains a graphical theme manager too.XUnspecifiedx86_64  autoconfautomakefdupesgcc-c++intltoollibtoolpkgconfigpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)lib64decoration-develpkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * O B@$BATBEXBJyCcompiz-emerald-themes0.8.182pclos2021Various themes for Emerald decoratorVarious themes to be used with Emerald decorator of Compiz window/compositing manager.D8;Unspecifiednoarch autoconfautomakecompiz-emeraldfdupesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1compiz-emerald-themes-0.8.18-2pclos2021.src.rpmD3a3713d3c283cab7443f8d580e96dc24f./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 k B@BATBEXBJyCcompiz-plugins-experimental0.8.182pclos2021OpenGL window and compositing manager experimental pluginsThis package contains the experimental Compiz compositing manager plugins. Contains: * Atlantis: Render some sea animals inside of the transparent cube. * Cubemodel: Render still/animated 3D mesh models inside of the transparent cube. * Elements: Draw elements on screen. * Fakeargb: Makes a special colour of a window transparent. * Mswitch: Enables the switching of viewports with mouse gestures. * Snow: Displays falling snow over the desktop and windows. * Tile: Enables the tiling of windows on the desktop in a manner similar to awesome. * ... and more.M?Unspecifiedx86_64  autoconfautomakegcc-c++intltoollibtoolpkgconfigpkgconfig(bcop)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-xlib)pkgconfig(compiz)compiz-plugins-main-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) g` dox  C B@^BABEBJCcompiz-plugins-extra0.8.183pclos2021OpenGL window and compositing manager community extra pluginsThis package contains the community extra Compiz compositing manager plugins. Contains: addhelper crashhandler extrawm firepaint goto-viewport mswitch scalefilter splash bench cubereflex fadedesktop gears group mblur reflex showdesktop trailfocus.)System/X11x86_64  autoconfautomakeintltoollibtoolpkgconfigcompiz-bcoppkgconfig(cairo)lib64decoration-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(libnotify)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( W    B@BABEBJCcompiz-plugins-main0.8.183pclos2021Non-default Compiz compositing manager pluginsNon-default Compiz compositing manager plugins. System/X11x86_64  lib64decoration-develgettext-develintltoolpkgconfig(atspi-2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)compiz-bcoppkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(pango)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 227c685a8c76a649a73ebca377dbbd6f./SRPMS.pclossd ( Lp tB@BA@BEDBJeCcompizconfig-python0.8.184pclos2023Python bindings for libcompizconfigPython bindings for libcompizconfigK\System/X11x86_64 lib64python3-develpython3-cythonlibcompizconfig-develpkgconfig(glib-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1compizconfig-python-0.8.18-4pclos2023.src.rpmQd2b17203572d147cd9bcd46e1c9cf70d./SRPMS.pclosd * W  B@(BAXBE\BJ}Ccompositing-wm-common2018.04pclos2021Common tools for compositing window managersThis package contains tools for compositing window managers, such as Compiz. This includes X session scripts, configuration files and images.System/X11x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1compositing-wm-common-2018.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmf383f00a833b7e69e2b08d5822afa380./SRPMS.pclosd $ t x  L B@aBABEBJCdecompton-conf0.16.02pclos2020GUI configuration tool for compton X composite managerKonfigurationswerkzeug für compton X Composite ManagerGUI configuration tool for compton X composite manager. NOTE: This is the last release 0.16.0. compton-conf will receive no more updates.Konfigurationswerkzeug, GUI basierend auf QT, für den compton X Composite Manager.{Graphical desktop/LXQTx86_64  cmakelxqt-build-toolslib64qtxdg-devellib64config-develqt5core-develqt5dbus-develqt5gui-develqt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  M }B@BABEBJCconcordance1.21pclos2016Command-line Logitech Harmony remote programmerThis command-line software allows you to program your Logitech Harmony remote using a configuration object retrieved from the Harmony website.&~System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 lib64usb-compat0.1-devellib64zip-develpython-develswigperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1concordance-1.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm& e83e9707572352540602e87b8f1eef1f./SRPMS.pclosd   A  H%B@;BA`BEdBJCconduit0.3.173pclos2010A synchronization solution for GNOMEConduit is a synchronization solution for GNOME which allows the user to take their emails, files, bookmarks, and any other type of personal information and synchronize that data with another computer, an online service, or even another electronic device. Conduit manages the synchronization and conversion of data into other formats. For example, conduit allows you to; * Synchronize your tomboy notes to a file on a remote computer * Synchronize your emails to your mobile phone * Synchronize your bookmarks to delicious, gmail, or even your own webserver * and many more... Any combination you can imagine, Conduit will take care of the conversion and synchronization. Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch python-develpkgconfigpython-dbusdesktop-file-utilsgtk+2-develpygtk2.0-develpython-dateutilpython-vobjectperl-XML-Parserlibgoocanvas3gettextgnome-doc-utilsscrollkeeperlibgvfs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1conduit-0.3.17-3pclos2010.src.rpm62d63f597db19f57f8252dd8dac27126./SRPMS.pclosd   Q FB@PBApBEtBJCcongruity201pclos2019A simple GUI to program Logitech(R) Harmony(R) remotesA simple GUI to program Logitech(R) Harmony(R) remotes. This software allows you to program your Logitech Harmony remote using a configuration object retreived from the harmony website: http://members.harmonyremote.com/. To run the program navigate to More Applications>Configuration and click on "Logitech Harmony Configuration". Please see http://www.phildev.net/concordance/ for supported models. A tool called 'mhgui' is also included for configuring remotes that only work through the myharmony.com website, which does not work with Linux. This includes the Harmony 200 and Harmony 300. To use it, simply run 'mhgui' and follow the prompts.Communicationsx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64concord-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1congruity-20-1pclos2019.src.rpmi7c0a511ea47b2180f0c9be4460cc85bd./SRPMS.pclosd  7  $&&4&B@hBABEBJCconky1.21.81pclos2024A lightweight system monitorConky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop. It is advised you create a .conkyrc file in your home directory or else conky will pick-up the default config.Monitoringx86_64  cmakedocbook-style-xsldocbook2xgitlib64curl-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64imlib2-devellib64ircclient-devellib64iw30-devellib64lua5.3-devellib64ncurses-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellib64xdamage-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xft-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xml2-devellib64xrender-devellibpthread-stubsmanmysql-embedded-develpandocperl-XML-SAXpkgconfig(libical)pkgconfig(libmicrohttpd)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(xwayland)python3-jinja2python3-yamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdx11-proto-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1conky-1.21.8-1pclos2024.src.rpm" 11db795136b45125770be850083b6998./SRPMS.pclosd  9  BB@SBA|BEBJCconnectagram1.3.81pclos2025A word unscrambling gameConnectagram is a word unscrambling game. The board consists of several scrambled words that are joined together. You can choose the length of the words, the amount of words, and the pattern that the words are arranged in. The game provides a hint option for times when you are stuck, and features an online word lookup that fetches the definitions of each word from Wiktionary. Your current progress is automatically saved.Games/Puzzlesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1connectagram-1.3.8-1pclos2025.src.rpm"cb0061b410ec31d0211b0e7055caa4b4./SRPMS.pclosd  ZL Php"B@]BABEBJCconnections3.38.01pclos2020A remote desktop client for the GNOME desktop environmentGNOME Connections is a new app that aims to be a modern remote desktop client for the desktop. Th app takes advantage of the VNC (Virtual Network Client) and RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) standards and lets users connect to remote machines.CGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gettextmesonvalavala-toolsyelp-toolspkgconfig(vapigen)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk-vnc-2.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libosinfo-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(winpr2)itstoolappstream-gliblibosinfo-valalibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! b 5B@GBApBEtBJCconsole-setup1.2331pclos2024Tools for configuring the console using X Window System key mapsThis package provides the console with the same keyboard configuration scheme that X Window System has. Besides the keyboard, the package configures also the font on the console. It includes a rich collection of fonts and supports several languages that would be otherwise unsupported on the console (such as Armenian, Georgian, Lao and Thai).;w(System/Internationalizationx86_64  perlperl-Encoderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1console-setup-1.233-1pclos2024.src.rpm;5f2be970cce2761c167380e76d3317d7./SRPMS.pclosd " 6 $B@BABEBJCconsole-tools0.2.363pclos2007Linux console toolsThis package contains utilities to load console fonts and keyboard maps. It also includes a number of different fonts and keyboard maps.@ Bender the Build Bot Terminalsi586  flexlibtoolsgml-toolsautomake1.7automake1.4autoconf2.5gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   S< @QX |  B@BA@BEDBJeCconsolekit1.2.61pclos2023System daemon for tracking users, sessions and seatsConsoleKit2 is a system daemon for tracking what users are logged into the system and how they interact with the computer (e.g. which keyboard and mouse they use). It provides asynchronous notification via the system message bus.qSystem/Librariesx86_64  dbus-develdbus-glib-develdocbook-dtd412-xmlglib2-devellibx11-develpam-develpolkit-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)xmlto0.900.702.{d   >  B@"BAHBELBJmCconsonance0.5.14pclos2010A lightweight GtK+ music playerConsonance is a lightweight GTK+ music manager that aims to be fast, bloat-free, and light on memory consumption.sSoundi586 libao-devellibflac-develtaglib-develsndfile-develalsa-lib-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0-devellibdbus-glib-develgtk2-develmad-develsqlite3-develoggvorbis-develcurl-devellibcdio-devellibcddb-devellibmodplug-devellibnotify1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1consonance-0.5.1-4pclos2010.src.rpm40447ae8e1adc79aecda3b52cfbe1c6b./SRPMS.pclosd  ]( ,DL\B@BABEBJCdecontacts0.121pclos2010Small, lightweight addressbookKleines und leichtes AdressbuchContacts is a small, lightweight addressbook that uses libebook, part of EDS. This is the same library that GNOME Evolution uses, so all contact data that exists in your Evolution addressbook is accessible via Contacts.Contacts ist ein kleines, leichtes Adressbuch, dass libebook, ein Teil der EDS, nutzt. Die gleiche Bibliothek,verwendet auch das Programm GNOME Evolution, dadurch sind alle Daten von Evolution auch unter Contacs zu erreichen/einsehbar.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 evolution-data-server-develgtk+2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1contacts-0.12-1pclos2010.src.rpm0b989aa01381615b2c0380408dea6a0e./SRPMS.pclosd   =  ,B@BABEBJCcontractor0.3.41pclos2019Desktop-wide extension serviceAn extension service that allows apps to use the exposed functionality of registered apps. This way, apps don't have to have the functions hard coded into them.Z[pp Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gccgettextmesonvalalib64dbus-1-devellib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1contractor-0.3.4-1pclos2019.src.rpmaC7932f890f463bc78fb029ea33748a641./SRPMS.pclosd " K\ `xB@BABEBJCcontrol-center3.2.21pclos2011Utilities to configure the GNOME desktopThis package contains configuration utilities for the GNOME desktop, which allow to configure accessibility options, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface properties, screen resolution, and other settings.@Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1control-center-3.2.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm@f405dcdb6eaeb086b6664391e356a544./SRPMS.pclos{d  ! ?  8  B@!BAHBELBJmCconverseen0.12.2.51pclos2025A batch image conversion toolConverseen is a batch image conversion tool and resizer written in C++ with Qt5 and Magick++. Converseen allows you to convert images in more than 100 different formats! V-pinocGraphicsx86_64  ImageMagickcmakekf5-macroslib64magick-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develpkgconfigqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1converseen- cb815071bdbbde1c4761e294e2db1146./SRPMS.pclosd   7 #,4[B@dBABEBJCconvertall0.5.21pclos2013Graphical Unit ConverterWith ConvertAll, you can combine the units any way you want. If you want to convert from inches per decade, that's fine. Or from meter-pounds. Or from cubic nautical miles. The units don't have to make sense to anyone else.E/Officenoarch python-qt4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1convertall-0.5.2-1pclos2013.src.rpmGe185b5936c0d5fece18f2dab1cbf1be9./SRPMS.pclosd   w<@ HS\`|B@BABEBJCjaconvmv1.151pclos2013Converts filenames from one encoding to anotherファイル名の文字コードを変換convmv is meant to help convert a single filename, a directory tree and the contained files or a whole filesystem into a different encoding. It just converts the filenames, not the content of the files. A special feature of convmv is that it also takes care of symlinks, also converts the symlink target pointer in case the symlink target is being converted, too.convmvは、ファイル名の文字コードを変換するperlスクリプトです。`pinoc64File toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1convmv-1.15-1pclos2013.src.rpmhc63e0ccbec1bcb22fb4abc0be327aa6a./SRPMS.pclosgd # V ( L  B@ BA4BE8BJYCcool-retro-term1.1.11pclos2020Terminal emulator mimicking an old cathode displaycool-retro-term is a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight.Terminalsx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cool-retro-term-1.1.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmAea6e648d02326921387cb4bbe3366574./SRPMS.pclosd   S 2B@>BA`BEdBJCcooledit4.0.02pclos2022Full featured multiple window programmer's text editorFull-featured X Window text editor; multiple edit windows; 3D Motif-ish look and feel; shift-arrow and mouse text highlighting; column text highlighting and manipulation; color syntax highlighting for various sources; buildin Python interpretor for macro program.; interactive graphical debugger - interface to gdb; key for key undo; macro recording; regular expression search and replace; pull-down menus; drag and drop; interactive man page browser; run make and other shell commands with seamless shell interface; redefine keys with an easy interactive key learner; full support for proportional fonts;<7Editorsx86_64 pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xt)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cooledit-4.0.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm= ;feaafd80e37a62b2e20e0d108b93b3bb./SRPMS.pclosWd   3l pB@BA$BE(BJICcoolkey1.1.01pclos2020CoolKey PKCS #11 moduleLinux Driver support for the CoolKey and CAC products. 9System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfpkgconfig(libpcsclite)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(nss)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1coolkey-1.1.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm#5b7c64152252d2f4ae076b45ed21ebf1./SRPMS.pclos3d  ! 4( ,3<\B@BABEBJ%Ccoolreader3.1.2.711pclos2018Free e-book readerCoolReader is fast and small cross-platform XML/CSS based E-Book reader for desktops and handheld devices. Supported formats: FB2, TXT, RTF, DOC, TCR, HTML, EPUB, CHM, PDB. Platforms: Win32, Linux, Android. Ported on some eInk based devices.vI=Officex86_64 gcc-c++cmakeqt5-devellibjpeg-develfontconfig-devellibpng-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1coolreader-    ,B@<BA`BEdBJCdecopycat1.0.162pclos2024Creates live PCLinuxOS install on removable mediaErstellen einer Live-Installation auf WechselmedienCopyCat allows you to place not only the initial, or primary operating system, on your selected partition, but also to add further operating systems as space allows. You can choose at boot time which version of PCLinuxOS you would like to boot. It can also be used to put your own remaster of PCLinuxOS on a removable drive. Debian iso's with persistence: Debian-live-releases(all), deepin, elementary, freespire, kali, linuxlite, linuxmint, Peppermint, Pop-os, Ubuntu-releases(all), Devuan(all), Sparky(all), MX, bodhi, Feren, Nitrux, and Zorin Tested not working: Siduction, Endless-os, Pure-osFile toolsnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1copycat-1.0.16-2pclos2024.src.rpm64e7a15843edc80923f0fdf4db14d9880./SRPMS.pclosd   A  TB@^BABEBJCcopyfs1.0.11pclos2007A copy-on-write, versionned filesystemCopyFS is a copy-on-write, versionned file system. This file system is useful for example when you have a directory containing important files, for which you want to track changes, and be able to revert to an older version. CopyFS lets you do that by transparently making backups of each file that you modify. You are then able to see what version are available for a file, and get an older version.0Texstar Archiving/Backupi586 libfuse-devellibattr-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1copyfs-1.0.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm48dbb186be73c52f4c3bcc9b69f0cb0b./SRPMS.pclosd    DB@BABEBJCdecopyq7.1.01pclos2023CopyQ is advanced clipboard managerCopyQ ist ein erweitertes Dienstprogramm für die ZwischenanlageCopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with searchable and editable history with support for image formats, command line control and more.Ein gut gelungener Zwischenablagen-Manager mit suchbarer, editabler Geschichte und automatisch ausführbaren eigenen Kommandos, sowohl BefehlszeilenunterstÃŒtzung. Es kann auch Bilder als Clip speichern.(}9Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64  cmakelib64ice-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64sm-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xtst-devellibxcb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1copyq-7.1.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm(7923104208e3713bc0084bb3660d5e25./SRPMS.pclosod   6h l|B@BA<BE@BJaCcorebird1.7.42pclos2019Native GTK Twitter clientNative GTK Twitter client for the Linux desktop. Networking/Newsx86_64 intltoollibtoolgettext-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64vala-devellib64gspell-devellib64rest0.7-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1corebird-1.7.4-2pclos2019.src.rpm bd568747266c695a673db5c07592033d./SRPMS.pclosd   C ;;P;B@BABEBJCcorebox2.21pclos2018An application launcher with builtin appsCoreBox is combination of some common desktop apps.For Linux only. It does not seem to work properly in KDE Plasma at this time.4.0Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 kirigami-devellib64archive-devellib64bzip2-devellib64lzma-devellib64modemmanager-qt-devellib64networkmanager-qt-devellib64qt5bluetooth-devellib64qt5charts-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5datavisualization-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gamepad-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5keychain-devellib64qt5labstemplates-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediagsttools-devellib64qt5multimediaquick-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5networkauth-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5packetprotocol-static-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5purchasing-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5qt3d-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickparticles-devellib64qt5quicktemplates-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5remoteobjects-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5scxml-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5serialbus-devellib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5texttospeech-devellib64qt5waylandclient-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5webview-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64syntax-highlighting-devellib64x11-devellibxcb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1corebox-2.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm41deaf0f7c50ae789299dedac90da1fd082./SRPMS.pclosd   a  $08UB@uBABEBJCcoreutils9.61pclos2025The GNU core utilities: a set of tools commonly used in shell scriptsThis package is the union of the old GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages. These tools are the GNU versions of common useful and popular file & text utilities which are used for: - file management - shell scripts - modifying text file (spliting, joining, comparing, modifying, ...) Most of these programs have significant advantages over their Unix counterparts, such as greater speed, additional options, and fewer arbitrary limits.`~System/Basex86_64  automakebisonflexgettextglibc-devellib64acl-devellib64attr1-devellib64cap-devellib64gmp-devellocales-frlocales-jalocales-trlocales-zhrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)stracetartexinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1coreutils-9.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm^֋a937381f0e35c246136ebab9d076288d./SRPMS.pclosd   B   C B@SBAxBE|BJCcoriander2.0.01pclos2007GUI for controlling IEEE1394 camerasCoriander is the Linux graphical user interface (GUI) for controlling a Digital Camera through the IEEE1394 bus (aka FireWire, or iLink). Coriander is full featured and besides changing the parameters of the camera it will also let you record video, send images to an FTP site, convert the video to a V4L stream,... A live display is of course provided too. Best of all, Coriander will work with any camera that is compatible with the IIDC specifications (also known as DCAM specs). This includes most 1394 webcams and a majority of industrial or scientific cameras too.Videoi586 SDL-develffmpeg-devellibdc1394_22-devellibgnomeui2-devellibraw1394-devellibxv-devellibftp3-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1coriander-2.0.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmf8f5d6046f9a079cc3963591dc1c726a./SRPMS.pclosd   G B@BABEBJCcorkscrew2.01pclos2010Tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxiesCorkscrew is a tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies. Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1corkscrew-2.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmޮbe01e431e20a321bd8ba69c16e5090b4./SRPMS.pclosd   Ft xB@BABEBJCcornice0.6.22pclos2011A cross-platform feature rich image viewerA cross-platform feature rich image viewer.ZGraphicsnoarch pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cornice-0.6.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm^2e09c506564c43eb00fb5f83a978b0ec./SRPMS.pclosd _ :B@CBAhBElBJCcorosync1.2.01pclos2011The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming InterfacesThis package contains the Corosync Cluster Engine Executive, several default APIs and libraries, default configuration files, and an init script. .*System/Basex86_64 nss-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1corosync-1.2.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm '884dad88d57eb73d208f28b8e798f902./SRPMS.pclos'd   Y0 4>D`B@BABEBJCcouchdb1.0.11pclos2010A document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON APIApache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. This package contains the initscript needed to start a systemwide instance of CouchDB. {Databasesi586 erlang-develerlang-compilerlibicu-develjs-develhelp2mancurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1couchdb-1.0.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm ݖd1d4d0fd62fc1c34eb1e711fde6d9269./SRPMS.pclosd  E  !(@B@BABEBJCcouchdb-glib0.5.22pclos2010A glib api to access CouchDB serversCouchDB-GLib is a GLib-based API to access CouchDB servers (http://couchdb.apache.org), a replication/synchronization schema-free database of JSON documents, used in online services like Midgard.FSystem/Librariesi586 libjson-glib-devellibuuid-devellibsoup-developenssl-develgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1couchdb-glib-0.5.2-2pclos2010.src.rpmOt00f9ea1c9f95f4d628cbd3bd97db622e./SRPMS.pclosd   K(, 17@D`B@hBABEBJCcoverz0.8.61pclos2013Coverz - display the album covers on the desktopCoverz grabs song artists,album covers for the intended players: Amarok Audacious Banshee BeatBox Clementine DeaDBeeF Exaile MPD Noise Nuvola Rhythmbox Soundz Totem VLC A nice way to display the covers on the desktop. (kNealSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1coverz-0.8.6-1pclos2013.src.rpm ..f919acfb814ce10f5f7fb6401d1ad4c2./SRPMS.pclos d   2x| B@BABEBJCcowsay3.041pclos2021Configurable talking cowFunny program to create ASCII images like cows, sheeps and much more.pp Toysx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cowsay-3.04-1pclos2021.src.rpmce760e171ff05db4ad5158a37a931622./SRPMS.pclosd   /D HY`lB@BABEBJCcpio2.122pclos2019A GNU archiving programGNU cpio copies files into or out of a cpio or tar archive. Archives are files which contain a collection of other files plus information about them, such as their file name, owner, timestamps, and access permissions. The archive can be another file on the disk, a magnetic tape, or a pipe. GNU cpio supports the following archive formats: binary, old ASCII, new ASCII, crc, HPUX binary, HPUX old ASCII, old tar and POSIX.1 tar. By default, cpio creates binary format archives, so that they are compatible with older cpio programs. When it is extracting files from archives, cpio automatically recognizes which kind of archive it is reading and can read archives created on machines with a different byte-order. Install cpio if you need a program to manage file archives. archives f/Archiving/Backupx86_64 bisontexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpio-2.12-2pclos2019.src.rpm mY0e079d12616c22a187effb17e6dc8b55./SRPMS.pclos#d   9( ,=D\B@BABEBJCcppcheck2.41pclos2021Static analysis tool for C/C++This program tries to detect bugs that your C/C++ compiler does not find. Cppcheck is versatile. You can check non-standard code that includes various compiler extensions, inline assembly code, etc. One of its goals is no false positives.*System/Librariesx86_64 cmakedocbook-style-xsllibxslt-proclib64pcre0-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cppcheck-2.4-1pclos2021.src.rpm*a15e3b89c26eee34fbacd2b978436f03./SRPMS.pclosd   D %,4VB@_BABEBJCcppmyth1.1.101pclos2015Client interface for the MythTV backendThis project is intended to create a easy client interface for the MythTV backend. Its development started from January 2014 and today the API supports the protocol version of MythTV 0.26 to 0.28-pre.sSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cppmyth-1.1.10-1pclos2015.src.rpmvdfd41127e6f822323341faa8d033b446./SRPMS.pclosWd   .( ,=DdB@BA$BE(BJICcpprest2.10.181pclos2022C++ REST libraryThe C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services. Also known as Casablanca.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakegcc-c++boost-develwebsocketpp-develpkgconfig(libbrotlidec)pkgconfig(libbrotlienc)pkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpprest-2.10.18-1pclos2022.src.rpm H6807d3e89dfe177faefa692d09ce65e4./SRPMS.pclosd ] (gB@sBABEBJCcpptest1.1.11pclos2011A portable and powerful and simple unit testing framework for C++CppTest is a portable and powerful, yet simple, unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++. The focus lies on usability and extendability.USystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconfdoxygenlibtoolpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpptest-1.1.1-1pclos2011.src.rpme211072f3ed3d35305e16f6a522803a0./SRPMS.pclosd   @  B@)BALBEPBJqCcppunit1.15.01pclos2020C++ port of JUnit Testing FrameworkCppUnit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing. Test output is in XML for automatic testing and GUI based for supervised tests.System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cppunit-1.15.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm840f22f77e59bbaded5a828bd4f3244c./SRPMS.pclosd   .D HZdtB@BABEBJ Ccppzmq4.7.11pclos2021C++ binding for 0MQC++ binding for 0MQ.qDevelopment/Otherx86_64  cmakegit-corepkgconfig(libzmq)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  1 $(DB@LBAlBEpBJCcpu-g0.16.31pclos2022Linux version of CPU-ZCPU-G is an application that shows useful information about your hardware. It collects and displays information about your CPU, RAM, Motherboard, some general information about your system and more.System/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpu-g-0.16.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm9af8df87580f948c4659c9f08d06f88f./SRPMS.pclosd  h  D0B@LBAlBEpBJCcpu-x5.0.41pclos2024CPU-X is a Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and moreCPU-X is a Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more. CPU-X is similar to CPU-Z (Windows), but CPU-X is a Free and Open Source software designed for GNU/Linux; also, it works on *BSD. This software is written in C and built with CMake tool. It can be used in graphical mode by using GTK or in text-based mode by using NCurses. A dump mode is present from command line.Monitoringx86_64  cmakegettextlib64archive-devellib64cpuid-devellib64curl-devellib64glfw-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64ncurses-devellib64ncursesw-devellib64statgrab-develpciutils-develprocps-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cpu-x-5.0.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm962093c78cc385631909ac1ccee5748b./SRPMS.pclosd   / 4B@<BA\BE`BJCcpuburn1.42pclos2007CPU testing utilitiesCPU testing utilities in optimized assembler for maximum loading P6 (Intel Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Celeron and Pentium III TM), AMD K6, and P5 Pentium chips.!Neverstopdreaming Monitoringi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpuburn-1.4-2pclos2007.src.rpm(od8f64f388afb98573a40f1fedf730850./SRPMS.pclosd   K $EB@NBApBEtBJCcpufetch1.031pclos2023Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching toolcpufetch is a command-line tool written in C that displays the CPU information in a clean and beautiful way. It currently supports x86_64 CPUs (both Intel and AMD), ARM, and PowerPC.){Monitoringx86_64 makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpufetch-1.03-1pclos2023.src.rpm)8a628652e05a69d69dbe4afbc641622f./SRPMS.pclos#d  0h lB@BABEBJCcpufire-applet1.61pclos2009CPU Fire AppletA Gnome panel applet showing the CPU load as a fire.fGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 libgtop2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpufire-applet-1.6-1pclos2009.src.rpm 0e3640493be5ff3c5468fc1450f61bf1./SRPMS.pclosd   F B@BABEBJ Ccpufreq1.030pclos2019An initscript to set CPU frequency settingscpufreq is a simple initscript to set CPU frequency settings. rSystem/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpufreq-1.0-30pclos2019.src.rpm babd935706f7633947aba507b9d801c4./SRPMS.pclosd   9  0wB@BABEBJCcpufreqd2.4.21pclos2011CPU frequency scaling daemoncpufreqd is meant to be a replacement of the speedstep applet you can find on some other OS, it monitors battery level, AC state and running programs and adjusts the frequency of the processor according to a set of rules specified in the config file (see cpufreqd.conf (5)). It works only a kernel patched with the cpufreq patch, such as the standard Mandriva Linux kernel. You also need a supported processor, often found in laptop computer.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 automakecpufrequtils-devellibsysfs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cpufreqd-2.4.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm7fbf4309d785a96230ca3a0ed5b4b752./SRPMS.pclosSd  J B@BA BE$BJECcpufrequtils0083pclos2020Tools to determine and set cpufreq settingsTo make access to the Linux kernel cpufreq subsystem easier for users and cpufreq userspace tools, the cpufrequtils package was created. It contains a library used by other programs (libcpufreq), command line tools to determine current CPUfreq settings and to modify them (cpufreq-info and cpufreq-set), and debug tools.Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64png-devellib64glew-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer-devellib64curl-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1criticalmass-1.0.2-1pclos2016.src.rpmFcbef64fc71412296727e509627b145675./SRPMS.pclossd  <  B@BA@BEDBJeCcroc10.0.61pclos2024Command line file transfer programEasily and securely send things from one computer to another through the command line.*Networking/File transferx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1croc-10.0.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm*ea5dd6bf4616ea0f1a08f13f3464206e5./SRPMS.pclosd   J@ DS\hB@BABEBJCcronie1.5.72pclos2021Cron daemon for executing programs at set timesCronie contains the standard UNIX daemon crond that runs specified programs at scheduled times and related tools. It is a fork of the original vixie-cron and has security and configuration enhancements like the ability to use pam and SELinux.,System/Serversx86_64  pam-develaudit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.771. & \  ,B@4BA`BEdBJCcronjob-aptgetupdate1.02pclos2019Hourl cronjob to keep your Synaptic file list updatedThis package will setup an hourly cronjob to keep your Synaptic file list updated. This is for those who forget to press Reload when they open Synaptic.Tweaksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cronjob-aptgetupdate-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm 13ee1fe9f76aecdd8f386a975a716c96./SRPMS.pclossd  B B@BA@BEDBJeCcronjob-fstrim1.03pclos2019Daily cronjob to trim / and /homeThis package will setup a daily cronjob to trim your / and /home partitions for SSD drives. It is for those who would rather not tinker with /etc/fstab.Tweaksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cronjob-fstrim-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm 3349107c5554d8938ebede50c01ef951./SRPMS.pclosd " _ 0B@@BAhBElBJCcronjob-hblock3.4.41pclos2024Weekly cronjob to update your hosts file against bad domainsThis package will setup a weekly cronjob gets a list of domains that serve ads, tracking scripts and malware from multiple sources and creates an /etc/hosts file that prevents your system from connecting to them. 1. Download lists from multiple sources 2. Creates an /etc/hosts file 3. Restarts the network connection to use the new host file Source: https://github.com/hectorm/hblockTweaksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cronjob-hblock-3.4.4-1pclos2024.src.rpmE60365ba41c73f8e1f9ab6697fc5da9c3./SRPMS.pclos[d & a B@BA(BE,BJMCcronjob-rpmrebuilddb1.02pclos2019Weelkly cronjob to keep your rpm database in tip top shapeThis package will setup a weekly cronjob to keep your computers rpm database in tip top shape.Tweaksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cronjob-rpmrebuilddb-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm 266eddac0f8364838f297929d768397a./SRPMS.pclos{d $ V B@BAHBELBJmCcronjob-updatetime1.02pclos2019Daily cronjob to keep your computers time in syncThis package will setup a daily cronjob to keep you computers time in sync. This is for those who would rather not tinker with ntp setup.Tweaksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cronjob-updatetime-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm 1bcfaa2d90ab70d3d1eeb348dcce269d./SRPMS.pclosd   Z $B@,BAPBETBJuCcrontabs1.1012pclos2019Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programsThe crontabs package contains root crontab files. Crontab is the program used to install, uninstall or list the tables used to drive the cron daemon. The cron daemon checks the crontab files to see when particular commands are scheduled to be executed. If commands are scheduled, it executes them. Crontabs handles a basic system function, so it should be installed on your system.System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1crontabs-1.10-12pclos2019.src.rpm 34bece804a8bef7963193f12436c7600./SRPMS.pclosCd   3 B@BABEBJ5Ccrossftp1.86.21pclos2012Java based FTP ClientCrossFTP Pro is a reliable FTP client supporting FXP, SFTP, WebDav, MobileMe iDisk, and Amazon S3.NealNetworking/File transfernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1crossftp-1.86.2-1pclos2012.src.rpm6945672de76a2fefdb5215a62b5998fa./SRPMS.pclosd   L %,8jB@tBABEBJCcrossguid00.3pclos2016Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID libraryCrossGuid is a minimal, cross platform, C++ GUID library. It uses the best native GUID/UUID generator on the given platform and has a generic class for parsing, stringifying, and comparing IDs.?System/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++libuuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1crossguid-0-0.3pclos2016.src.rpm>95aace1999318f0e59e5f35f576723fd./SRPMS.pclosd   N %,<vB@BABEBJCcrossguid0.2.21pclos2021Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID libraryCrossGuid is a minimal, cross platform, C++ GUID library. It uses the best native GUID/UUID generator on the given platform and has a generic class for parsing, stringifying, and comparing IDs.%System/Librariesx86_64 cmakegcc-c++pkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1crossguid-0.2.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm(#e1ef6d646f874e55c32ee6adeb2a7b5c./SRPMS.pclosd " 4 (B@3BA\BE`BJCcrow-translate2.1.01pclos2019Simple translatorCrow Translate is a simple and lightweight translator programmed in C++ / Qt that allows to translate and speak text using Google, Yandex and Bing translate API.Officex86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1crow-translate-2.1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm 75b28a7b9b51213ff8050bd230c3a05e./SRPMS.pclos d & 1 `  8@TB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlcrunchyfrog0.4.13pclos2011CrunchyFrog is a database front-end for Gnome.CrunchyFrog is a database front-end for Gnome. * Supports various databases (PostreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, SQLServer, LDAP). * Lightweight user interface for daily tasks. * SQL editor with syntax highlighting. * Export results to CSV and OpenOffice. * Inspect database objects. * Supports multiple database connections at once (e.g. for switching between development and production environments).CrunchyFrog ist ein Werkzeug womit Sie von den Datenbanken: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, LDAP und MSSQL ein Datenbank-Schema erstellen können. * Einfache Benutzer Schnittstelle für tägliche Aufgaben * SQL Editor mit Synthax Hervorhebung * Expotieren von Ergebnisse in CSV und OpenOffice * Analyse von Datenbank Objekte * Unterstützt von mehrere Datenbank-Verbindungen gleichzeitig (z. B. zum Umschalten zwischen Entwicklungs-und Produktionsumgebungen). Lizenz: GNU General Public LicenseCrunchyFrog base de données est un front-end pour Gnome.CrunchyFrog es un frente de base de datos para Gnome.CrunchyFrog jest front-end baz danych dla Gnome.ЦрунцхыФрог је база Фронт-енд за гноме.CrunchyFrog is een database front-end voor Gnome.XGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch  python-setuptoolspython-develpython-sphinxpyxdgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`8926225140770bf9416146c3f327a157./SRPMS.pclosd  * B@BABEBJCcryfs0.9.91pclos2018cryfs encryptionCryFS encrypts your files, so you can safely store them anywhere. It works well together with cloud services like Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive and others.ghostbunnySecurityx86_64 cmakelib64boost-devellib64boost-static-devellib64cryptopp6-devellib64curl-devellib64fuse-devellib64openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cryfs-0.9.9-1pclos2018.src.rpmxcf1b43d1ffeef95b7151574670499410./SRPMS.pclosd   Ax|    B@BABEBJCcryfs-gui1.3.41pclos2017Qt GUI front end to cryfs and encfscryfs-gui is a Qt/C++ front end to encfs and cryfs.ghostbunnySecurityx86_64 cmakelib64gcrypt-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64secret-develkf5-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cryfs-gui-1.3.4-1pclos2017.src.rpmwb0303fe44d242541c6c3cbbb8778337c./SRPMS.pcloswd  W B@BADBEHBJiCcryptkeeper0.9.52pclos2014System tray applet that manages EncFS encrypted foldersCryptkeeper is a Linux system tray applet that manages EncFS encrypted folders.lSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gtk+2-devellibGConf2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cryptkeeper-0.9.5-2pclos2014.src.rpm64e7b45b7b0c3a03566a4f278a6f02fd./SRPMS.pclosd   P B@'BALBEPBJqCcryptmount5.3.31pclos2021Let ordinary users mount an encrypted file systemcryptmount is a utility for the GNU/Linux operating system which allows an ordinary user to mount an encrypted filing system without requiring superuser privileges. Filesystems can reside on raw disk partitions or ordinary files, with cryptmount automatically configuring device-mapper and loopback devices before mounting._System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 libgcrypt-devellibdevmapper-develcryptsetup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cryptmount-5.3.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm3a456be487314231156835a8e68fb646./SRPMS.pclosd & B <2B@SBABEBJCcrypto-policies202406283pclos2024System-wide crypto policiesThis package provides pre-built configuration files with cryptographic policies for various cryptographic back-ends, such as SSL/TLS libraries.=System/Librariesnoarch  asciidocbindgnutlsjava-develkrb5-develmakenssopensslperl(File::Copy)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::Which)perl(File::pushd)python3-coveragepython3-develpython3-flake8python3-tomlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1crypto-policies-20240628-3pclos2024.src.rpm22e41e54405697fd7e8ae1ed3e632f88./SRPMS.pclosd  m  B@3BA\BE`BJCcryptomator1.15.11pclos2025Multiplatform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud.Encrypt Your Files Before Uploading it to Cloud With CryptomatorekArchiving/Backupx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1cryptomator-1.15.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm832b50bc97fdfc482365bf1616637da0./SRPMS.pclos3d !   ,  B@BABEBJ%Cdecryptsetup2.6.11pclos2023Utility for setting up encrypted filesystemsWerkzeug zum Einrichten von verschlüsselten DateisystemenLUKS is the upcoming standard for Linux hard disk encryption. By providing a standard on-disk-format, it does not only facilitate compatibility among distributions, but also provide secure management of multiple user passwords. In contrast to existing solution, LUKS stores all setup necessary setup information in the partition header, enabling the user to transport or migrate his data seamlessly. LUKS for dm-crypt is implemented in cryptsetup. cryptsetup-luks is as a complete replacement for the original cryptsetup. It provides all the functionally of the original version plus all LUKS features, that are accessible by luks* action.LUKS ist der kommende Standard für die Linux Festplattenverschlüsselung. Durch das anbieten eines Standard on-Disk-Formats, erleichtert es nicht nur die Kompatibilität zwischen den Distributionen, sondern bietet auch sichere Verwaltung von mehreren Benutzerkennwörtern. Im Gegensatz zur vorhandenen Lösung speichert LUKS alle für die Einrichtung benötigten Informationen im Partitionsheader, dies ermöglicht dem Benutzer seine Daten problemlos zu transportieren oder migrieren.System/Basex86_64  libgcrypt-devellibgpg-error-devellibdevmapper-devellibuuid-devellibpopt-devellibargon2-develjson-c-devellibblkid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.1.423.0.4-1cryptsetup-2.6.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmDevelopment/Otheri586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cscope-15.6-1pclos2007.src.rpm!]45fcf63b3f0771931004cf392bcd557c./SRPMS.pclosd    u$( BNT\B@BABEBJCsrcsl0.81pclos2010Cube Server ListerПретраживач сервера за Cube базиране игреCube Server Lister is an application to monitor Cubeengine based game servers, like Cube, AssaultCube, Sauerbraten and Blood Frontier. The goal of this project is to provide a fast and useful cross-platform server monitor. Currently it provides the basic functionality like update from masterserver, listing servers, and join servers directly. Furthermore it supports some useful features like chat / server filtering, playtime statistics and map previews.ЦСЛ је ретраживач сервера за Cube базиране игре, као што су Cube, AssaultCube, Sauerbraten и Blood Frontier. Циљ овог пројекта је да пружи брз преглед постојећих сервера за играње. Тренутно омогућује основне функције као што је освежавање са главних сервера, листинг сервера, и директно прикључење на сервере. Надаље ће програм подржавати неке корисне функције попут филтрирања чета и сервера, статистике играња и преглед мапа.|ASlax Games/Otheri586 wxGTK2.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1csl-0.8-1pclos2010.src.rpm}90000a8d33a77883c54b771be3f83c12f./SRPMS.pclosd   2  B@.BAPBETBJuCcsmash0.6.611pclos2011A 3D table tennis gameCannonSmash is a 3D tabletennis game. The goal of this project is to represent various strategy of tabletennis on computer game.Games/Sportsx86_64 lib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xi-devellib64xmu-devellib64xt-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64alsa2-devellib64esound-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64jpeg62-develzlib1-develgettextbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1csmash-0.6.6-11pclos2011.src.rpm%~a2235e7417fa3da3002f4c6988ac6879./SRPMS.pclosd   \` dvB@BABEBJCctags5.83pclos2019Generates an index (or "tag") file for objects found in source filesThe ctags program generate an index (or "tag") file for a variety of language objects found in files. This tag file allows these items to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility. A "tag" signifies a language object for which an index entry is available (or, alternatively, the index entry created for that object). Alternatively, ctags can generate a cross reference file which lists, in human readable form, information about the various source objects found in a set of language files.9Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ctags-5.8-3pclos2019.src.rpm97a7bd392f1729c43225d74ea81d1ccd./SRPMS.pclosd '   ,B@BABEBJCdectapi-cyberjack3.99.56pclos2015CT-API 1.1 driver for REINER SCT cyberjack USB chipcard readerCT-API 1.1 Treiber für REINER SCT cyberJack USB KartenleserREINER SCT cyberJack pinpad/e-com USB user space driver This package includes the CT-API driver for the CyberJack USB chipcard reader. This package changes the permissions of the device to grant access to users of the group "cyberjack". Therefore you should add all users which are to access the reader to the group "cyberjack". If you run into problems you should start the tool "cyberjack" in a console and watch its output. For more information regarding installation under Linux see the README.txt in the documentation directory, esp. regarding compatibility with host controllers. For more information about the reader, software updates and a shop see http://www.reiner-sct.com/REINER SCT cyberJack pinpad/e-com USB Treiber für den Userspace. Dieses Paket enthält den CT-API Treiber für die CyberJack USB Chipkartenleser. Dieses Paket ändert die Berechtigungen des Gerätes, damit der Zugriff für Benutzer gewährt wird, die in der Gruppe "cyberjack" sind. Deshalb sollten Sie jeden Benutzer, der Zugriff auf den Leser braucht in die Gruppe "cyberjack" eintragen. Wenn Probleme auftreten sollten Sie das Programm fxcyberjack (Paket ctapi-cyberjack-gui) starten und nach den Fehlern suchen lassen. Für weitere Informationen bezüglich das Lesegerät, Softwareupdates and einen Shop besuchen Sie http://www.reiner-sct.com/ sghostbunnySystem Environment/Librariesx86_64 lib64usb1.0-devellib64fox1.6-develgcc-c++pkgconfigpcsc-lite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ctapi-cyberjack-3.99.5-6pclos2015.src.rpm u>d2036073a54e84af17786501ec4a3245./SRPMS.pclosd(X\ktB@BABEBJCctdb1.0.1141pclos2011Clustered TDBctdb is the clustered database used by sambaySystem/Clusterx86_64  autoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.501.63.0.4-1ctdb-1.0.114-1pclos2011.src.rpm`05fae8b6bdbf24fce4b88e2355a97dfe./SRPMS.pclosd JTB@_BABEBJCctemplate0.971pclos2011Simple but powerful template language for C++The ctemplate package contains a library implementing a simple but powerful template language for C++. It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language. This limits the power of the template language without limiting the power of the template *system*. Indeed, Google's "main" web search uses this system exclusively for formatting output. KSystem/Librariesx86_64 libstdc++-devellibtoolautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ctemplate-0.97-1pclos2011.src.rpm d4517b9b7cd9010a17ddf1c35e836d412./SRPMS.pclosd   Ax |B@+BALBEPBJqCctpl0.3.41pclos2023Template library and engine written in CCTPL is a template library written in C. It allows fast and easy parsing of templates from many sources (including in-memory data and local and remote streaming, thanks to GIO) and fine control over template parsing environment. CTPL has following features: * It is a library, then it can be easily used from programs * Separated lexer and parser * It is written in portable C * Simple syntax * Fast and strict parsing * Possible in-memory parsing, allowing non-file data parsing and avoiding I/O-latency, through GIO's GMemoryInputStream and GMemoryOutputStream%System/Librariesx86_64  glibc-develgtk-docpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ctpl-0.3.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmOUaacea917368a4bbb6b6dbb988a064a8a./SRPMS.pclosd ;48T\`|B@BABEBJCcttex1.235pclos2011Cttex, Thai word separator programThe main part of Cttex is a Thai word separator algorithm using a dictionary. A wrapper for formatting Thai LaTeX document file is provided to demonstrate the use of this word-sep routine. The program can also be used as a simple word-sep filter.)System/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cttex-1.23-5pclos2011.src.rpm.34a51c844717d8f2094c7e44db6ecab5./SRPMS.pclosd   7   [B@eBABEBJCcuneiform1.1.02pclos2018A command-line OCR systemCuneiform is an multi-language OCR system originally developed and open sourced by Cognitive Technologies. Cuneiform was originally a Windows program, which was ported to Linux by Jussi Pakkanen.eqText toolsx86_64 pkgconfig(ImageMagick++)cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cuneiform-1.1.0-2pclos2018.src.rpmeA8b637e4cf188a7bc54974493bee3c1d2./SRPMS.pclosd  ?@ DKT`B@BABEBJCcuneiform-qt0.1.21pclos2018GUI frontend for Cuneiform OCRThis application is GUI frontend for Cuneiform (OCR system originally developed and open-sourced by Cognitive Technologies). It allows one to open a scanned image, view it in the preview pane, recornize text via Cuneiform and save result in a HTML file.&Officex86_64 gcc-c++qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cuneiform-qt-0.1.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm2ed3c4b5a3dd277fbae52142e2a72951./SRPMS.pclosd  8 -4<kB@tBABEBJCcunit2.1.33pclos2022A Unit Testing Framework for CCUnit is a lightweight system for writing, administering, and running unit tests in C. It provides C programmers a basic testing functionality with a flexible variety of user interfaces. CUnit is built as a static library which is linked with the user's testing code. It uses a simple framework for building test structures, and provides a rich set of assertions for testing common data types. In addition, several different interfaces are provided for running tests and reporting results. These interfaces currently include: - Automated: Non-interactive output to xml file - Basic: Non-interactive flexible programming interface - Console: Interactive console interface (ansi C) - Curses: Interactive graphical interface (Unix)$System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(ncurses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cunit-2.1.3-3pclos2022.src.rpm72de10fe2cc18d9effb502f8d5c42010./SRPMS.pclos+d   >    B@BABEBJCcups2.4.82pclos2023CUPS printing system - Server packageCUPS printing system provides a portable printing layer for UNIX(TM) operating systems. It has been developed by Apple Inc. to promote a standard printing solution for all UNIX vendors and users. CUPS provides the System V and Berkeley command-line interfaces. This is the main package needed for CUPS servers (machines where a printer is connected to or which host a queue for a network printer). It can also be used on CUPS clients so that they simply pick up broadcasted printer information from other CUPS servers and do not need to be assigned to a specific CUPS server by an /etc/cups/client.conf file.0System/Printingx86_64  desktop-common-datakrb5-devellibacl-developenldap-develpam-develpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)python-cupsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cups-2.4.8-2pclos2023.src.rpmx613af8276861bead0027870d0157ae58./SRPMS.pclosd#N B@(BATBEXBJyCcups-drivers-capt0.12pclos2011CAPT driver for Canon LBP-810 and LBP-1120CAPT driver for Canon LBP-810 and LBP-1120 This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o Canon-LBP-810 o Canon-LBP-1120O2System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-capt-0.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmS*b1e96ce072906e191c6f755c7fee6e02./SRPMS.pclosd)r$,4[B@dBABEBJCcups-drivers-foo2kyo0.1.0a3pclos2011Printer and scanner drivers for the Kyocera Mita FS-1016 MFP under LinuxPrinter and scanner drivers for the Kyocera Mita FS-1016 MFP under Linux. This package contains foomatic and cups Drivers for the Kyocera Mita FS-1016 MFP.System/Printingx86_64 jbig-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-foo2kyo-0.1.0a-3pclos2011.src.rpm;dfd3ac9b64e6c41892496ba9b3ce5152./SRPMS.pclosd1^B@BATBEXBJyCcups-drivers-foo2zjs0.00.20091014.2pclos2011A linux printer driver for ZjStream protocolfoo2zjs is an open source printer driver for printers that use the Zenographics ZjStream wire protocol for their print data, such as the Minolta/QMS magicolor 2300 DL. These printers are often erroneously referred to as winprinters or GDI printers. Please read the README file for a list of supported printers. System/Printingx86_64 lcmsghostscriptfoomatic-filtersjbig-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-foo2zjs-0.0-0.20091014.2pclos2011.src.rpm>6c14dcd3e8ed6891400513852f03a218./SRPMS.pclosd'F $@B@HBAxBE|BJCcups-drivers-lbp6600.3.12pclos2011Linux Canon LBP-460/660 driverIn this package there is a linux driver for the Canon LBP-660 and LBP-460 printers. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o Canon-LBP-460 o Canon-LBP-660AcSystem/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-lbp660-0.3.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmDf924554b05f3cf8a99c598816af93ff2./SRPMS.pclos;d(ZB@BABE BJ-Ccups-drivers-lxx740.8.4.22pclos2011A Linux Printer Driver for Lexmark X74 All In OneA Linux Printer Driver for Lexmark X74 All In One The driver also works with: o Lexmark X75 The driver also should work with: o Compaq - IJ670 Series, Inkjet Printer o Lexmark - Inkjet 4104, Inkjet Printer, Lexmark X76, Lexmark Z13, Lexmark Z14, Lexmark Z23-Z33, Lexmark Z24-Z34, Lexmark Z25-Z35 o Samsung - MJC-940_2200_530, MJC-950_2130_530 This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o Compaq IJ670 o Compaq Inkjet Printer o Lexmark All In One o Lexmark Inkjet Printer o Lexmark X74 o Lexmark X75 o Lexmark X76 o Lexmark Z13 o Lexmark Z14 o Lexmark Z23 o Lexmark Z24 o Lexmark Z25 o Lexmark Z33 o Lexmark Z34 o Lexmark Z35 o Samsung MJC-2130 o Samsung MJC-2200 o Samsung MJC-530 o Samsung MJC-940 o Samsung MJC-950 o Lexmark All In OneSystem/Printingx86_64 cups-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-lxx74-`X\ltxB@BABEBJCcups-drivers-lz111.22pclos2011Printer Drivers for the Lexmark Z11 and Compaq IJ300 printerA Linux printer driver/filter for the Lexmark Z11 and the Compaq IJ300 printer, supporting color and b/w printing, variable page size and more. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o Compaq IJ300 o Lexmark Z11 System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-lz11-1.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm'fa835c809102f19d5687dd330e92ef12./SRPMS.pclosCd&^B@BABEBJ5Ccups-drivers-m2300w0.513pclos2011Konica Minolta magicolor 2300W and 2400W Printer DriverThe m2300w driver is a Linux printer driver for the Konica Minolta magicolor 2300W and 2400W color laser printers. It is intended for being used in conjunction with ghostscript, foomatic and CUPS. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o Minolta magicolor 2300W o Minolta magicolor 2400W +System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-m2300w-0.51-3pclos2011.src.rpm33b3338498f84e15575bf0be794e48d7./SRPMS.pclos{d%0aB@BAHBELBJmCcups-drivers-magicolor2430dl1.6.12pclos2011Cups Driver for KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2430 DLThis package contains KONICA MINOLTA CUPS LavaFlow stream(PCL-like) filter rastertokm2430dl and the PPD file. The filter converts CUPS raster data to KONICA MINOLTA LavaFlow stream. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2430 DL printerSystem/Printingx86_64 automake1.7cups-develjbig-devellcms-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-magicolor2430dl-1.6.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmree14f8d0d6ac232d70e3bc17b9797c52./SRPMS.pclos{d%0aB@BAHBELBJmCcups-drivers-magicolor2530dl2.1.12pclos2011Cups Driver for KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2530 DLThis package contains KONICA MINOLTA CUPS LavaFlow stream(PCL-like) filter rastertokm2530dl and the PPD file. The filter converts CUPS raster data to KONICA MINOLTA LavaFlow stream. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2530 DL printerESystem/Printingx86_64 automake1.7cups-develjbig-devellcms-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-magicolor2530dl-2.1.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmc38b1f6b4cfc28ab9228452383bfc7db./SRPMS.pclos{d%0aB@BAHBELBJmCcups-drivers-magicolor5430dl1.8.12pclos2011Cups Driver for KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 5430 DLThis package contains KONICA MINOLTA CUPS LavaFlow stream(PCL-like) filter rastertokm5430dl and the PPD file. The filter converts CUPS raster data to KONICA MINOLTA LavaFlow stream. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 5430 DL printer5System/Printingx86_64 automake1.7cups-develjbig-devellcms-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-magicolor5430dl-1.8.1-2pclos2011.src.rpma70b48d7cd8832146b1071f12e37a5de./SRPMS.pclos{d%0aB@BAHBELBJmCcups-drivers-magicolor5440dl1.2.12pclos2011Cups Driver for KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 5440 DLThis package contains KONICA MINOLTA CUPS LavaFlow stream(PCL-like) filter rastertokm5440dl and the PPD file. The filter converts CUPS raster data to KONICA MINOLTA LavaFlow stream. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 5440 DL printerSystem/Printingx86_64 automake1.7cups-develjbig-devellcms-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-magicolor5440dl-1.2.1-2pclos2011.src.rpm@7da0ce5c7aaafc28475e74109a87fb6e./SRPMS.pclosd$VPTdltB@BABEBJCcups-drivers-pegg0.232pclos2011CUPS printer drivers for Casio USB label printersCUPS printer drivers for Casio USB label printers. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for the following printers: o CASIO Computer CO. LTD. EL-700 EL-5000W o CASIO Computer CO. LTD. KL-P1000 KL-E11 o CASIO Computer CO. LTD. KP-C10 KP-C50P System/Printingx86_64 libusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-pegg-0.23-2pclos2011.src.rpmN8b765356642676989c65fde2972719ad./SRPMS.pclosd%](0<oB@yBABEBJCcups-drivers-ptouch1.32pclos2011CUPS/foomatic driver for Brother P-touch label printersThe ptouch-driver consists of a CUPS raster filter for driving the family of Brother P-touch label printers. This package contains CUPS foomatic drivers for the following printers:System/Printingx86_64 cups-develghostscriptrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-ptouch-1.3-2pclos2011.src.rpm3666ad3de6090d694bfd340c069bfe83./SRPMS.pclosd & m &B@3BA`BEdBJCcups-drivers-splix2.0.11pclos2012CUPS printer drivers for QPDL/SPL (Samsung and Several Xerox Printers)SpliX is a set of CUPS printer drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers. If you have a such printer, you need to download and use SpliX. Moreover you will find documentation about this proprietary language. This package contains CUPS drivers (PPD) for Dell, Samsung and Xerox printers.yNeal ManBearSystem/Printingi586 cupsgcc-c++libxml2-develcups-develpython-cupsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-drivers-splix-2.0.1-1pclos2012.src.rpmhbe3969acd24101031614b260d4a84f1c./SRPMS.pclosd " Ix |yB@BABEBJCcups-filters1.28.172pclos2023OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backendsContains backends, filters, and other software that was once part of the core CUPS distribution but is no longer maintained by Apple Inc. In addition it contains additional filters developed independently of Apple, especially filters for the PDF-centric printing workflow introduced by OpenPrinting. System/Printingx86_64  autoconfautomakecups-develfonts-ttf-dejavughostscriptlibjpeg-devellibtiff-devellibtoolpkgconfigpkgconfig(avahi-glib)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(ijs)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libqpdf)pkgconfig(poppler)pkgconfig(zlib)poppler-cpp-develpython-cupsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cups-filters-1.28.17-2pclos2023.src.rpm?0a9c1a15f99912051971eea9d33ac1ba./SRPMS.pclosgd   G B@BA4BE8BJYCcups-pdf3.0.11pclos2018Extension for creating pdf-Files with CUPS"cups-pdf" is a backend script for use with CUPS - the "Common UNIX Printing System" (see more for CUPS under http://www.cups.org/). "cups-pdf" uses the ghostscript pdfwrite device to produce PDF Files. This version has been modified to store the PDF files on the ~/PDF directory of the user. This behavior can be changed by editing the configuration file.bb2 System/Printingx86_64 cups-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-pdf-3.0.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm42aaafa862e1742c3d43727d7e908027./SRPMS.pclosd " Z    B@(BAPBETBJuCcups-pk-helper0.2.81pclos2023A helper that makes system-config-printer use PolicyKitcups-pk-helper is an application which makes cups configuration interfaces available under control of PolicyKit.System/Printingx86_64   cups-develgettext-develgnome-commonintltoollibtoolpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)pkgconfig(python3)polkit-gnomerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) BADBEHBJiCcups-windows6.01pclos2011Common UNIX Printing SystemThe Common UNIX Printing System provides a portable printing layer for UNIX operating systems. This is the Windows driver support package for use with Samba.System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cups-windows-6.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm5a10935a67f261243ae17f53869b82b4./SRPMS.pclosd % APT ^nxB@BABEBJCcupscloudprint201605021pclos2018cups cloud print for googleGoogle Cloud Print driver for UNIX-like operating systems. It allows any application which prints via CUPS to print to Google Cloud Print directly. Install help can be found at: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-connect-a-linux-machine-to-google-cloud-print/=Ҟbb2 System/Printingx86_64 cups-develpython-cupsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cupscloudprint-20160502-1pclos2018.src.rpm=Sdc025024c49e62964ef3c578c0627edc./SRPMS.pclosd ( Z(, ^mtxB@BABEBJCcupswrapperMFC5440CN1.0.04pclos2007CUPS wrapper driver for Brother MFC5440CN printerCUPS wrapper driver for Brother MFC5440CN multifunction printers. This driver is designed to work using the CUPS printing system. In addition you must also install the Brother MFC5440CNlpr printer driver.2Bart the Build Bot System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cupswrapperMFC5440CN-1.0.0-4pclos2007.src.rpm3d84ec70ba9022398e20559e34373950c./SRPMS.pclosd       B@BABEBJCdecurl8.10.11pclos2024Gets a file from a FTP, GOPHER or HTTP serverDateien von einem FTP-, GOPHER- oder HTTP-Server bekommencurl is a client to get documents/files from servers, using any of the supported protocols. The command is designed to work without user interaction or any kind of interactivity. curl offers a busload of useful tricks like proxy support, user authentication, ftp upload, HTTP post, file transfer resume and more. This version is compiled with SSL (https) support.curl ist ein Klient um Dateien/Dokumente von Servern zu bekommen, die die unterstützten Protokolle unterstützen. Der Befehl ist so angelegt, dass eine Interaktion mit dem Benutzer nicht notwendig ist. curl bietet viele Fähigkeiten wie Proxyunterstützung, Benutzerauthentifizierung, ftp Upload, HTTP Post, Fortsetzen von Dateitransferen und mehr. Diese Version ist mit SSL (https) Unterstützung kompilliert.Networking/Otherx86_64  groff-for-manlib64ext2fs-devellib64idn-devellib64krb53-devellib64openssl-devellib64rtmp-devellib64ssh2-developenldaprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)stunnel3.0.4-14.6.0-1curl-8.10.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmK44f15fd558596892ff02df7488926a6a./SRPMS.pclosd   /48 ?EL t  B@1BATBEXBJyCcurlew0.2.52pclos2022Multimedia converterEasy to use, Free and Open-Source Multimedia converter for Linux. Curlew written in python and GTK3 and it depends on (ffmpeg/avconv, mencoder). Main Features: - Easy to use and clean user interface. - Hide the advanced options with the ability to show them. - Convert to more than 100 different formats. - Allow to edit formats. - Shutdown or suspend PC after a conversion process. - Show file informations (duration, remaining time, estimated size, progress value). - Show file details using mediainfo. - Allow to skip or remove file during conversion process. - Preview file before conversion. - Show video thumbnail. - Convert a specified portion of file. - Combine subtitle with video. - Allow to crop and pad video. - Show error details if exist. - And more ...!TerryNVideonoarch  ImageMagickdesktop-file-utilshicolor-icon-themeintltoolpython3-develpython3-distutils-extrapython3-gobject3python3-setuptoolslibrsvgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Z RB@]BABEBJCcurlftpfs0.9.11pclos2007Filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurlCurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl. CurlFtpFS diferentiates itself from other FTP filesystems because it features: * SSLv3 and TLSv1 support * connecting through tunneling HTTP proxies * automatically reconnection if the server times out * transform absolute symlinks to point back into the ftp file systemKDulcimer Networking/Otheri586 curl-develfuse-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1curlftpfs-0.9.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm!161e56272203a814a8bacd13e2f51304./SRPMS.pclosd * C` dB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-abracadabra1.04pclos2021Abracadabra cursor themeAbracadabra cursor theme.q|System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-abracadabra-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmwme0a8e63b37960e073e300b8b9a234c2f./SRPMS.pclosd ' =T Xs|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-addicted1.04pclos2021Addicted cursor themeAddicted cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-addicted-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpma724cbf30d8ae4cd8ac3137be2fce994./SRPMS.pclos d ( ?X \wB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-aggressor1.04pclos2021Aggressor cursor themeAggressor cursor theme.bSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-aggressor-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm33c9560c99621a594f10adf7b1f57606./SRPMS.pclosd % 9P Tox|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-azenis1.04pclos2021Azenis cursor themeAzenis cursor theme.rSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-azenis-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmy6f049ed34f7494430c5182c23420a13f./SRPMS.pclos?d ( Y B@BA BEBJ1Ccursor-theme-blueprint1.03pclos2021X Window System Cursors for the Blue Print ThemeA nice mouse cursor theme for the X Window System.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-blueprint-1.0-3pclos2021.src.rpm76e7d7e3801d98f84f44facef778853f./SRPMS.pclosd & ;T Xs|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-charged1.04pclos2021Charged cursor themeCharged cursor theme.BSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-charged-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmEe3faeb0ee7bc4645a169a11a61ee0af3./SRPMS.pclosd ) o@ D_hlB@BABEBJCdecursor-theme-comix0.7.34pclos2021Comix Cursor Theme for PCLinuxOSComix Mauszeigerthema für PCLinuxOSA Set of the most beautiful cursor themes for Linux. Comix Cursors are a must have for any Linux System.Ein Set der schönsten Mauszeigerthemen für Linux. Comix Mauszeiger sollte jedes Linuxsystem haben.oSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-comix-0.7.3-4pclos2021.src.rpmm 2084e561552a4885d9d1aaee56a490aa./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `{B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-conspiracy1.04pclos2021Conspiracy cursor themeConspiracy cursor theme. kSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-conspiracy-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm rZ37225706b718ae14a99bcedd3abb3158./SRPMS.pclosd * C` dB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-constantine1.04pclos2021Constantine cursor themeConstantine cursor theme.ݰSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-constantine-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm34004cd38908cfe662040892124ea86e./SRPMS.pclosd $ 5  <B@DBApBEtBJCcursor-theme-dmz0.4.51pclos2020DMZ Cursor ThemeThis package contains the DMZ cursor themes, which are derived from the Industrial theme developed for the Ximian GNOME desktop. Black and white cursors are provided, in scalable formats.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-dmz-0.4.5-1pclos2020.src.rpmȈf92fec4655709ca89314825659856796./SRPMS.pclosd $ 7d hB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-entis1.03pclos2021Entis cursor themeThis provides the Entis X11 cursor theme.*uSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-entis-1.0-3pclos2021.src.rpm0496205d6e5a7d0f7b9fbaf17945f479f./SRPMS.pclos d ( ?X \wB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-glassmaxx1.04pclos2021GlassMaxX cursor themeGlassMaxX cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-glassmaxx-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpma6a888783aa68d60cdc3739a2bc57ec5./SRPMS.pclos d ( ?X \wB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-knotvista1.04pclos2021KnotVista cursor themeKnotVista cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-knotvista-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmDc326693ffe426764b3e01e59661d1841./SRPMS.pclosd % 9P Tox|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-krakin1.04pclos2021Krakin cursor themeKrakin cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-krakin-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmf8052d68157379803c6b911325a8e302./SRPMS.pclosd # 5H LgptB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-lexa1.04pclos2021Lexa cursor themeLexa cursor theme.[System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-lexa-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm`88e5644a56fc5eb0ecabd95b2195657b./SRPMS.pclosd % 9P Tox|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-magmar1.04pclos2021Magmar cursor themeMagmar cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-magmar-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmad22dfec4735194ec6da7e2114b83d8e./SRPMS.pclosd ' =T Xs|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-neoalien1.04pclos2021NeoAlien cursor themeNeoAlien cursor theme.$System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-neoalien-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm19308498111502cc0bb69f83af20c8a8./SRPMS.pclosd $ 7  '04PB@XBABEBJCcursor-theme-polar1.03pclos2021Polar Cursor ThemePolarCursorTheme(since 2005) is unmaintainted but works. black white gray If you would change colors on spinneres or cursors then you need to install xcursorgen from repo and execute the Build.sh on Source.^System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-polar-1.0-3pclos2021.src.rpm_0dadb913881743ef44192e0b0aad5560./SRPMS.pclosd % 9P Tox|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-powder1.04pclos2021Powder cursor themePowder cursor theme.lSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-powder-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmo&06e662937ba1b8de19ec13113f1f8f8f./SRPMS.pclos/d ' H| B@BABEBJ!Ccursor-theme-premium0.312pclos2021moshi's Premium X11 cursor themeThis provides moshi's 'Premium' X11 cursor theme.bSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-premium-0.3-12pclos2021.src.rpmh72021549055737e5130f7034c20e361b./SRPMS.pclosd * C` dB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-pressurized1.04pclos2021Pressurized cursor themePressurized cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-pressurized-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmeb5e995f4a63bc769a742ad08e8c7871./SRPMS.pclosd ' =T Xs|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-protozoa1.04pclos2021Protozoa cursor themeProtozoa cursor theme.sSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-protozoa-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmz75487f4c9209c682149eca0642762083b./SRPMS.pclosd * C` dB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-pulse-glass1.04pclos2021Pulse Glass cursor themePulse Glass cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-pulse-glass-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm 9549ce8c00404be4217fa3533c4ae949./SRPMS.pclosd $ 7L PktxB@BABEBJCcursor-theme-sonic1.04pclos2021Sonic cursor themeSonic cursor theme.%vSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-sonic-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm+\b15a6dcebad258a7cc8953a9f0490aaf./SRPMS.pclosd % 9P Tox|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-svelte1.04pclos2021Svelte cursor themeSvelte cursor theme.ZSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-svelte-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm`87ca51f877f34ada15faadfd4e9680f8./SRPMS.pclosd & ;T Xs|B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-tronnix1.04pclos2021Tronnix cursor themeTronnix cursor theme.FSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-tronnix-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmK84f988f848b380f1c2355dd73c786a2b./SRPMS.pclos'd # Cx |B@BABEBJCcursor-theme-win81.04pclos2021PCLinuxOS Win8 X11 cursor themeThis provides the PCLinuxOS Win8 X11 cursor theme.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-win8-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm#c387ef83612a74ddd2a5774ead6933aa./SRPMS.pclos7d ( L B@BABEBJ)Ccursor-theme-xprience0.212pclos2021PCLinuxOS XPrience X11 cursor themeThis provides the PCLinuxOS XPrience X11 cursor theme.F/System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cursor-theme-xprience-0.2-12pclos2021.src.rpmL[abc70065768329b4b9cf49e26be14da0./SRPMS.pclos;d   I 7@XB@BABE BJ-Ccutegram2.7.11pclos2016A different telegram client from Aseman teamCutegram is created to make a better client for telegram on GNU/Linux desktops. It has smart and beautiful user interface that supports drag and drop to send files and delete or forward messages.JpinocNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 lib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5base5-develqttools5lib64qtelegram-ae-develtelegramqml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cutegram-2.7.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm5865b55907b84ea2cafdb6ecc49a8eba./SRPMS.pclosd   /L P^htB@BABEBJCcutemaze1.3.51pclos2025Top-down maze gameCuteMaze is a simple, top-down game in which mazes are randomly generated using one of a choice of several different algorithms. You move the character through the maze while hunting for targets (cheese, by default)—the game is won once all of these targets (have been picked up. VGames/Puzzlesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1cutemaze-1.3.5-1pclos2025.src.rpm 127121765c053d55c7179e6e538903f2./SRPMS.pclosd   ; B@BABEBJCcutter1.2.21pclos2013Unit Testing Framework for C/C++Cutter is a xUnit family Unit Testing Framework for C/C++. Cutter provides easy to write test and easy to debug code environment..;Development/Librariesx86_64 autoconfintltoolglib2-devellibsoup-develgtk2-devellib64goffice0.8_8-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cutter-1.2.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm(04dd5929550910420a55adbb5e15fd0c./SRPMS.pclosd   S  $B@BABEBJCcutycapt0.0+svn71pclos2019Utility to Capture WebKit's Rendering of a Web PageCutyCapt is a Qt and WebKit based command-line utility that captures WebKit's rendering of a web page into various bitmap, vector, and other file formats.3Networking/WWWx86_64 pkgconfig(QtCore)pkgconfig(QtGui)pkgconfig(QtNetwork)pkgconfig(QtSvg)pkgconfig(QtWebKit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cutycapt-0.0+svn7-1pclos2019.src.rpm0Y83ef72c4f8eceb5c9d00aa298b0ad088./SRPMS.pcloswd  2h l~   B@%BADBEHBJiCcvs1.12.138pclos2011A version control systemCVS means Concurrent Version System; it is a version control system which can record the history of your files (usually, but not always, source code). CVS only stores the differences between versions, instead of every version of every file you've ever created. CVS also keeps a log of who, when and why changes occurred, among other aspects. CVS is very helpful for managing releases and controlling the concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. Instead of providing version control for a collection of files in a single directory, CVS provides version control for a hierarchical collection of directories consisting of revision controlled files. These directories and files can then be combined together to form a software release. Install the cvs package if you need to use a version control system.4oDevelopment/Otherx86_64 autoconf2.5krb5-develtcshtexinfozlib-develtetex-latextetex-dvipsgroffrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cvs-1.12.13-8pclos2011.src.rpm4oee25b0e4b2fb59445d2585e817ab00e5./SRPMS.pclosd M (0XB@aBABEBJCcvsweb3.0.63pclos2011Visual (www) interface to explore a cvs repositorycvsweb is a visual (www) interface to explore a cvs repository. This is an enhanced cvsweb developed by Henner Zeller. Enhancements include recognition and display of popular mime-types, visual, color-coded, side by side diffs of changes and the ability sort the file display and to hide old files from view. One living example of the enhanced cvsweb is the KDE cvsweb cvsweb requires the server to have cvs and a cvs repository worth exploring.9System/Serversnoarch ImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cvsweb-3.0.6-3pclos2011.src.rpm ad2ebb7b9182829b081f1c71da50e24e./SRPMS.pclosKd  2l pB@BABEBJ=Ccwiid0.6.023pclos2021Cwiid Wiimote InterfaceCWiid is a Wiimote Interface. The cwiid package contains the following parts: 1.cwiid library - abstracts the interface to the wiimote by hiding the details of the underlying Bluetooth connection 2.wmif - provides a simple text-based interface to the wiimote. 3.wmgui - provides a simple GTK gui to the wiimote.oSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 bisonpkgconfig(bluez)flexgtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cwiid-0.6.02-3pclos2021.src.rpms99a8150357b49bb74368739c7091986d./SRPMS.pclos+d   C B@BABEBJCcxxtest3.10.11pclos2019A JUnit-like testing framework for C++CxxTest is a JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++. Its advantages over existing alternatives are that it: - doesn't require RTTI - doesn't require member template functions - doesn't require exception handling - doesn't require any external libraries (including memory management, file/console I/O, graphics libraries)Development/C++noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1cxxtest-3.10.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmy56c1d2a033d89211e9d3633b8c7ba3fe./SRPMS.pclosOd  Y| B@BABE BJACcyrus-imapd2.3.137pclos2013A high-performance mail store with IMAP and POP3 supportThe Cyrus IMAP Server is a scaleable enterprise mail system designed for use from small to large enterprise environments using standards-based technologies. A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin board environment to be set up across multiple servers. It differs from other IMAP server implementations in that it is run on "sealed" servers, where users are not normally permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail is through software using the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP protocols. TLSv1 and SSL are supported for security. This is the main package, install also the cyrus-imapd-utils package (it contains server administration tools and depends on the perl-Cyrus package).ySystem/Serversx86_64  autoconf2.5libsasl-devele2fsprogs-develperl-develtcp_wrappers-devellibdb4.8-developenssl-develflexbisongroffnet-snmp-devellibelfutils-developenldap-develmysql-develpostgresql-develsqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   LL Pah  U B@nBABEBJCcyrus-sasl2.1.274pclos2019The Simple Authentication and Security LayerSASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer, a method for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols. To use SASL, a protocol includes a command for identifying and authenticating a user to a server and for optionally negotiating protection of subsequent protocol interactions. If its use is negotiated, a security layer is inserted between the protocol and the connection. To actually use SASL you must install at least one of the lib64sasl2-plug-XXXX authentication plugin, such as lib64sasl2-plug-plain. The SQL auxprop plugin can be rebuild with different database backends: --with srp SRP support (enabled) --with mysql MySQL support (enabled) --with pgsql Postgres SQL support (enabled) --with sqlite3 SQLite v3 support (enabled) FSystem/Librariesx86_64  db-develpam-develpkgconfig(openssl)groff-for-manautoconfautomakelibtoolpkgconfig(krb5)mysql-develpostgresql-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)openldap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   >T Xjt   B@!BA@BEDBJeCczmq4.2.11pclos2021High-level C binding for 0MQ (ZeroMQ)CZMQ has the following goals: i) To wrap the ØMQ core API in semantics that are natural and lead to shorter, more readable applications. ii) To hide the differences between versions of ØMQ. iii) To provide a space for development of more sophisticated API semantics. Development/Otherx86_64 gcclibuuid-develzeromq-devellz4-devellib64microhttpd-devellib64curl-develperlasciidocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1czmq-4.2.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm 8d829c8911d526527c28465c84c5d906./SRPMS.pclosd   5  ,B@BABEBJCd-feet0.1.152pclos2014A powerful D-Bus DebuggerD-Feet is an easy to use D-Bus debugger. D-Bus is an RPC library used on the Desktop. D-Feet can be used to inspect D-Bus objects of running programs and invoke methods on those objects.Development/Othernoarch  desktop-file-utilsgettextpygtk2.0-develpython-setuptoolslib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " B $, ` + B@?BAhBElBJCd1x-rebirth202106231pclos2021The port of Descent 1 for LinuxD1X-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent Engine and provides classical Gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.*BKAgent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64 dos2unixgcc-c++nasmsconslib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_sound1.0-devellib64physfs-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-develunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1d1x-rebirth-20210623-1pclos2021.src.rpm*7e4452fd7aa7b9df56562d4a2e3bad37f./SRPMS.pclosd " =  ( \ ' B@;BAdBEhBJCd2x-rebirth202106231pclos2021Descent 2 eXtended RebirthD2X-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent ][ Engine and provides classical gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.|Agent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64 dos2unixgcc-c++nasmsconslib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_sound1.0-devellib64physfs-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-develunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1d2x-rebirth-20210623-1pclos2021.src.rpm34c7c0c6119be5050b0383204fdacc459./SRPMS.pclos;d  .  %, P  B@BABE BJ-Cd4x2.5.7.12pclos2011Web Downloader for XThis program lets you download files from internet/intranet using ftp, http or https protocol. Main features: * multithreaded design * convient user-friendly interface * automatic resuming after connection breaks * multiple simultaneous downloads * recursive ftp and http downloading * wildcards support for ftp recursing * proxy support (ftp and http) * supports for traffic limitation * mass downloading function * and other ...+Networking/File transferx86_64 libao-develgtk+2-develimagemagickopenssl-develgettext-develdesktop-file-utilsesound-develboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1d4x-   <8 <KTXtB@|BABEBJCdaemonize1.7.82pclos2019Run a command as a Unix daemondaemonize runs a command as a Unix daemon. As defined in W. Richard Stevens' 1990 book, Unix Network Programming (Addison-Wesley, 1990), a daemon is "a process that executes 'in the background' (i.e., without an associated terminal or login shell) either waiting for some event to occur, or waiting to perform some specified task on a periodic basis." Upon startup, a typical daemon program will: - Close all open file descriptors (especially standard input, standard output and standard error) - Change its working directory to the root filesystem, to ensure that it doesn’t tie up another filesystem and prevent it from being unmounted - Reset its umask value - Run in the background (i.e., fork) - Disassociate from its process group (usually a shell), to insulate itself from signals (such as HUP) sent to the process group - Ignore all terminal I/O signals - Disassociate from the control terminal (and take steps not to reacquire one) - Handle any SIGCLD signals Most programs that are designed to be run as daemons do that work for themselves. However, you’ll occasionally run across one that does not. When you must run a daemon program that does not properly make itself into a true Unix daemon, you can use daemonize to force it to run as a true daemon.System/Serversx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1daemonize-1.7.8-2pclos2019.src.rpm26ec750b2625e34dfc39975c571155c2./SRPMS.pclosd   ` djptB@BABEBJCdedagrab0.3.52pclos2010Dagrab reads digital audio from CD and puts it on wav files.Dagrab liest digitale Audio CD aus und speichert dieseDAGRAB is a program for reading audio tracks from an IDE cdrom drive into wav sound files. This is a console based program.dagrab ist ein reiner Grabber, der ohne grafisches Frontend auskommt. Er kümmert sich als nur um das Auslesen der Musik-CD und erstellt die WAV-Dateien. Was die Geschwindigkeit betrifft, gehört dagrab eindeutig nicht zu den schnellen Grabbern. Weitere Informationen unter \Soundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dagrab-0.3.5-2pclos2010.src.rpmd-688687f42745701e58e51e0fd7101d8f./SRPMS.pclos#d  2PT {B@BABEBJCdalisha-icons3.01pclos2017Dalisha icon themeA simple icons set for LinuxAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dalisha-icons-3.0-1pclos2017.src.rpmid3f3c89270515ba3e9c979b5a97bf7a0./SRPMS.pclosSd   { B@BA BE$BJECesdamnvid1.63pclos2011DamnVid is a video downloader and converterDamnVid es un convertidor y descargador de vídeosDamnVid is a cross-platform application to download and convert videos from your hard drive or from dozens of video sharing websites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Veoh, Metacafe, etc. Basically, it's a video downloader and converter that sucks less.DamnVid es una aplicación multiplataforma para descargar y convertir vídeos desde su disco duro o desde docenas de sitios web de compartición de vídeos, como Youtube, Dailymotion, Veoh, Metacafe, etc. Básicamente es un descargador y compartidor que chupa menos recursos.Videox86_64 wxPythonGTKpython-beautifulsouppython-gdatarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1damnvid-1.6-3pclos2011.src.rpm65621785631ec038585a17ba61416a8e./SRPMS.pclosKd   >  ( P  B@BABEBJ=Cdangerdeep0.3.01pclos2007WW2 german submarine simulationDanger from the deep (aka dangerdeep) is a Free / Open Source World War II german submarine simulation. It is currently available for Linux/i386 and Windows, but since it uses SDL/OpenGL it should be portable to other operating systems or platforms. (If anyone whishes to port it, please contact us.) This game is planned as tactical simulation and will be as realistic as our time and knowledge of physics allows. It's current state is ALPHA, but it is playable.օGames/Otheri586 sconsfftw3-develSDL-develSDL_net-develSDL_image-develSDL_mixer-devellibmesagl-devellibmesaglu-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dangerdeep-0.3.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmݦ13a7a1889528e14d3b2442d28cf0bd26./SRPMS.pclosd # A QB@\BABEBJCdansguardian2.12.0.31pclos2013A content filtering web proxyDansGuardian is a filtering proxy for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris. It filters using multiple methods. These methods include URL and domain filtering, content phrase filtering, PICS filtering, MIME filtering, file extension filtering, POST filtering. The content phrase filtering will check for pages that contain profanities and phrases often associated with pornography and other undesirable content. The POST filtering allows you to block or limit web upload. The URL and domain filtering is able to handle huge lists and is significantly faster than squidGuard. The filtering has configurable domain, user and ip exception lists. SSL Tunneling is supported.XSystem/Serversx86_64 zlib-develpcre-devellibesmtp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dansguardian-   @T XipB@BA4BE8BJYCdaq2.0.61pclos2016Data Acquisition library, for packet I/OSnort 2.9 introduces the DAQ, or Data Acquisition library, for packet I/O. The DAQ replaces direct calls to PCAP functions with an abstraction layer that facilitates operation on a variety of hardware and software interfaces without requiring changes to Snort. It is possible to select the DAQ type and mode when invoking Snort to perform PCAP readback or inline operation, etc. The DAQ library may be useful for other packet processing applications and the modular nature allows you to build new modules for other platforms.o Networking/Otherx86_64 pcap-develbisonflexnetfilter_queue-develdnet-develiptables-ipq-develiptables-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1daq-2.0.6-1pclos2016.src.rpmnK85d753a837502960f8f4ab200d18e873./SRPMS.pclosKd   Q #4<\B@BABEBJ=Cdar2.4.112pclos2017Software for making/restoring incremental CD/DVD backupsDAR is a command line tool to backup a directory tree and files. DAR is able to make differential backups, split them over a set of disks or files of a given size, use compression, filter files or subtrees to be saved or not saved, directly access and restore given files. DAR is also able to handle extented attributes, and can make remote backups through an ssh session for example. Finally, DAR handles save and restore of hard and symbolic links.ghostbunnyArchiving/Backupx86_64 zlib-devele2fsprogs-devellib64lzo-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64bzip2-devellib64openssl-devellib64attr1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dar-2.4.11-2pclos2017.src.rpm213e441833e3ea934a259497a0fc4ccd./SRPMS.pclosd   Q, 0AHTB@BABEBJCdargui0.7.21pclos2013DarGUI - frontend for the Disk ARchiving utility (DAR)DarGUI is a graphical frontend for the Disk ARchiving utility (DAR) that aims to make it easier and quicker to perform common backup tasks using DAR. It uses the GTK+ library, which is installed on most Linux distributions, so usually the only additional dependency is DAR. DarGUI aims to complement and enhance the command line features of DAR rather than conceal them, and to help users to learn how DAR works so that they can use it from the command line when necessary. cArchiving/Backupi586 desktop-file-utilslazarusrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dargui-0.7.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm697e2967bf5e16def81c6a2c67232055./SRPMS.pclossd   @  B@BA@BEDBJeCdarkhttpd1.161pclos2024A small and secure static webserverA small and secure static webserver. Please read the README in /usr/share/doc/darkhttpd folder for easy instructions.Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1darkhttpd-1.16-1pclos2024.src.rpm4a1fbc89ce8b263a5066fa6f5bc97426./SRPMS.pcloscd   ( ,2< d  B@BA0BE4BJUCdedarkice1.11pclos2013DarkIce - A IceCast, IceCast2 and ShoutCast live audio streamerDarkIce - ein IceCast, IceCast2 und ShoutCast Live AudiostreamerDarkIce is an IceCast, IceCast2 and ShoutCast live audio streamer. It takes audio inputs from a sound card, encodes it into mp3 and/or Ogg Vorbis, and sends the mp3 stream to one or more IceCast and/or ShoutCast servers, the Ogg Vorbis stream to one or more IceCast2 servers.Es greift die Audioeingaben der Soundkarte ab, kodiert sie ins MP3- und/oder Ogg-Vorbis-Format und sendet den MP3-Stream zu einem oder mehreren IceCast- und/oder ShoutCast-Servern, den Ogg-Vorbis-Stream zu einem oder mehreren IceCast2-Servern. DarkIce verwendet die gemeinsam genutzte Bibliothek von lame als seinen MP3-Encoder und Ogg Vorbis als seinen Ogg Vorbis-Encoder.Soundx86_64  libalsa-devellame-devellibfaac-devellibjack-devellibvorbis-devellibogg-devellibaacplus-develpkgconfigtwolame-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)̷25e72580b1654c301f95ece1e81b0084./SRPMS.pclosd  ! .  ,B@BABEBJCdarkplaces201410161pclos2016Quake engineAn engine for iD software's Quake. Darkplaces - it's just the Quake engine, to work, it needs Quake maps. You have to install the files pak0.pak, pak1.pak and gfx.wad. These files must be placed in id1 directory in the user's home directory. Be careful, the files should be named in lowercase. This package contains the OpenGL version, the SDL version and the server version. Must be invoked in a CLI terminal.mAgent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64xext-devellib64xpm-devellib64xxf86vm-devellib64alsa2-devellib64jpeg-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1darkplaces-20141016-1pclos2016.src.rpme058d71e73ba12b75e0a12b0b97551bf./SRPMS.pclosGd   Dp tzB@BABEBJ9Cdarksnow0.6.11pclos2010DarkSnow - a gtk2 interface for darkicedarksnow - a gtk2 interface for darkice.ީSoundi586 gtk2-develpkgconfigdesktop-file-utilszlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1darksnow-0.6.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm3880b563e5447b1d455a132e18c649b78./SRPMS.pclossd  P  B@BA@BEDBJeCdedarktable5.0.12pclos2025darktable is a photography workflow applicationDarktable is a photography workflow application: a virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers: it manages your digital negatives in a database and lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable. it also enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.Darktable ist ein Open Source Fotografie-Arbeitsablauf Programm und dient auch zum Entwickeln von RAW Dateien. Ein virtueller Lichttisch and eine Dunkelkammer für Fotografen. Es verwaltet Ihre digitalen Negative in einer Datenbank, lässt Sie diese auf einem Zoombaren Lichttisch betrachten und erlaubt es Ihnen RAW Bilder zu entwickeln und zu verbessern.)Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1darktable-5.0.1-2pclos2025.src.rpmC8eddf453a474af01271ffbc1376d1614./SRPMS.pclosd  Ml pwB@BABEBJ Cdash0.5.11.51pclos2022The Debian Almquist Shell (formerly NetBSD's ash)"dash" is a POSIX compliant shell that is much smaller than "bash". Dash supports many features that a real sh shell would support, however it is much smaller in size. This becomes an advantage in situations where there is a lack of memery (initial ram-disks, etc). dash does lack a few features, like command line history. dash is the continuation of the original NetBSD ash fork. dash is much more up-to-date, and properly maintained. You should install dash if you need a near featureful lightweight shell that is similar to GNU's bash.Shellsx86_64 bisondietlibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dash-߸44ef42ac9113ac6fa72e9616b19e5a50./SRPMS.pclosd   @  P ' B@ABA`BEdBJCdasher4.111pclos2010Graphical predictive text entry systemDasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures. Dasher is a competitive text-entry system wherever a full-size keyboard cannot be used.{IAccessibilityi586  libexpat1-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnomeui2-devellibwnck-develgnome-speech-develat-spi-develscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procperl-XML-ParserImageMagickdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   H =B@FBAlBEpBJCdateutils0.4.11pclos2017Nifty command line date and time utilitiesDateutils are a bunch of tools that revolve around fiddling with dates and times in the command line with a strong focus on use cases that arise when dealing with large amounts of financial data. Their target market is shell scripts that need date calculations or calendar conversions, and as such they are highly pipe-able and modeled after their well-known cousins (e.g. dtest vs. test, or dgrep vs. grep).2bb2 Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 timezonerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dateutils-0.4.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm971fef47d54518b36a40bff7ef0959727./SRPMS.pclosd  1< @QXhB@BABEBJCdav1d1.4.01pclos2024dav1d is an AV1 decoderDav1d is a new AV1 cross-platform decoder, open-source, and focused on speed and correctness. This project is partially funded by the Alliance for Open Media/AOM. The goal of this project is to provide a decoder for most platforms, and achieve the highest speed possible to overcome the lack of AV1 hardware decoder. It aims to support all features from AV1, including all subsampling and bit-depth parameters. In the future, this project will host simple tools or simple wrappings (like, for example, an MFT transform).eESystem/Librariesx86_64  mesonnasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dav1d-1.4.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm 83f9d3e57e13dba00c4104d2bfba3698./SRPMS.pclosgd   V B@BA4BE8BJYCdavfs21.4.71pclos2013File system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV serverdavfs2 is a Linux file system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV server as a local file system, like a disk drive. This way applications can access resources on a Web server without knowing anything about HTTP or WebDAV. davfs2 runs as a daemon in userspace. It uses the kernel file system coda or fuse. Most propably your Linux kernel includes at least one of this file systems. To connect to the WebDAV server it makes use of the neon library. Neon supports TLS/SSL (using OpenSSL or GnuTLS) and access via proxy server. davfs2 allows you to e.g. * use a WebDAV server as workspace for a geographically distributed work group. * save documents on a WebDAV server and access and edit them via internet from wherever you want. * edit a web site in place, using your preferred development tools.gbpinoc32System/Kernel and hardwarei586  neon-develgettext-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^4c0f597511b1f65a7d20cec9c8e6b70a./SRPMS.pclos+d  b B@BABEBJCdedayplanner0.111pclos2020An easy and clean Day PlannerEin einfaches Programm für TermineDay Planner is a simple time management program. Day Planner is designed to help you easily manage your time. It can manage appointments, birthdays and more. It makes sure you remember your appointments by popping up a dialog box reminding you about it.DayPlanner ist ein einfaches Termin-Management-Programm. DayPlanner ist so konzipiert, dass sie einfach Ihre Termine verwalten können. Aber nicht nur Termine sondern Geburtstage und vieles mehr beherrscht das Programm. Es erinnert sie an Ihre Termine durch Aufspringen eines Dialogfeldes.gdanielOfficex86_64 perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dayplanner-0.11-1pclos2020.src.rpmv55271ac57022d247b470dbe4aa563247./SRPMS.pclosd   B0 4ELTvB@BABEBJCdb11.8515pclos2019The BSD database library for C (version 1)The Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. It should be installed if compatibility is needed with databases created with db1.IySystem/Librariesx86_64 bzip2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db1-1.85-15pclos2019.src.rpmb8f070ddc22d223cb58a0e3b01b4cd46./SRPMS.pclosd D)04PB@XBAxBE|BJCdb22.4.1417pclos2011The BSD database library for C (version 2)The Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. This library used to be part of the glibc package.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db2-2.4.14-17pclos2011.src.rpm:bf4e103f121817620a28dea9ab3f2332./SRPMS.pclosSd  AP TelB@BA BE$BJECdb424.2.5214pclos2013The Berkeley DB database library for CThe Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. Berkeley DB is used by many applications, including Python and Perl, so this should be installed on all systems./)RSystem/Librariesx86_64 db1-develedtcltcl-develglibc-static-develjava-rpmbuildsharutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db42-4.2.52-14pclos2013.src.rpm.fd64423bc36636320730ccbbcc8a0002./SRPMS.pclos;d  APT ^oxB@BABE BJ-Cdb424.2.5215pclos2017The Berkeley DB database library for CThe Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. Berkeley DB is used by many applications, including Python and Perl, so this should be installed on all systems./)bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 db1-develedtcltcl-develglibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db42-4.2.52-15pclos2017.src.rpm.3f666325690a6e856533cbafece20c86./SRPMS.pclosd  6 #B@-BALBEPBJqCdb434.3.291pclos2009Berkeley DB Database LibraryThe Berkeley DB Database is a programmatic toolkit that provides database support for applications. This package contains the necessary runtime libraries.KSystem/Librariesi586 edgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db43-4.3.29-1pclos2009.src.rpmK:e9a0e34e4846d78af750d03fc889264b./SRPMS.pclos7d  @L PahB@BABEBJ)Cdb464.6.214pclos2013The Berkeley DB database library for CThe Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. Berkeley DB is used by many applications, including Python and Perl, so this should be installed on all systems.NSystem/Librariesx86_64 tcl-develdb1-develedlibtooljava-rpmbuildsharutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db46-4.6.21-4pclos2013.src.rpmK 11e1c1f1f7d6f3f6756c980582123d4a./SRPMS.pclosd  @L Pah|B@BABEBJ Cdb484.8.307pclos2022The Berkeley DB database library for CThe Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. Berkeley DB is used by many applications, including Python and Perl, so this should be installed on all systems.]System/Librariesx86_64 tcl-develdb1-develedlibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db48-4.8.30-7pclos2022.src.rpm[_a33bfc125e86dc936e2976579a53c687./SRPMS.pclos+d  @L PahB@BABEBJCdb535.3.286pclos2023The Berkeley DB database library for CThe Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. Berkeley DB is used by many applications, including Python and Perl, so this should be installed on all systems.rjVSystem/Librariesx86_64 sqlite3-develtcl-develdb1-develedlibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1db53-5.3.28-6pclos2023.src.rpmqB,5be36643bbab05d91d82cbbfa9a6fd1f./SRPMS.pclos7d  @L PahB@BABEBJ)Cdb535.3.287pclos2024The Berkeley DB database library for CThe Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. Berkeley DB is used by many applications, including Python and Perl, so this should be installed on all systems.rm_System/Librariesx86_64  db1-develedlibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tcl-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1db53-5.3.28-7pclos2024.src.rpmqab0e5119b5998dcfaccfdfb1e4932b47b./SRPMS.pclos[d   n B@BA(BE,BJMCdbgl0.971pclos2023DBGL is a Java frontend for DOSBox, based largely upon the proven interface of D-Fend. DBGL serves as a frontend / Graphical User Interface to DOSBox (configuration). It tries to make creating DOSBox configuration files a little easier by offering a (relatively) simple interface, some shortcuts and a little bit of intelligence (DOSBox behavior). Once your DOS games are configured in DBGL, its very easy to setup or start them, or alter their configuration or associated DOSBox version. Linux users will have to manually move existing data to DBGL's new default data location like so: mkdir ~/.local/share/dbgl; mv ~/.dbgl/* ~/.local/share/dbglMAgent Smith Emulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dbgl-0.97-1pclos2023.src.rpm[ef7237b11e0db0d65eff3a3096c0c9ab./SRPMS.pclosd   0  $(DB@LBAlBEpBJCdbh1.0.242pclos2007Disk based hash libraryDisk based hashes is a method to create multidimensional binary trees on disk. This library permits the extension of database concept to a plethora of electronic data, such as graphic information. With the multidimensional binary tree it is possible to mathematically prove that access time to any particular record is minimized (using the concept of critical points from calculus), which provides the means to construct optimized databases for particular applications.*System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dbh-1.0.24-2pclos2007.src.rpmc95e226b3363044f913beea8959f9407./SRPMS.pclos'd   @$ (3<\B@BABEBJCdblatex0.3.104pclos2019DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishingdblatex is a program that transforms your SGML/XMLDocBook documents to DVI, PostScript or PDF by translating them into pure LaTeX as a first process. MathML 2.0 markups are supported, too. It started as a clone of DB2LaTeX.Publishingnoarch pythonpython-devellibxslt-proctexlivelatextexlive-texmfpython-whichrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dblatex-0.3.10-4pclos2019.src.rpmf2a8e8bd28991b46c104edbf1c623d3f./SRPMS.pclosd   E  B@*BALBEPBJqCdedbus1.14.103pclos2024D-Bus message busD-Bus Nachrichten BusD-Bus is a system for sending messages between applications. It is used both for the systemwide message bus service, and as a per-user-login-session messaging facility.D-Bus ist zuständig für das Senden von Nachrichten zwischen den Anwendungen. Es ist für den anlagenweiten Bus-Service verantwortlich, als auch für Pro-User-Login-Session-Messaging-Anlage.)System/Serversx86_64  autoconf-archivedocbook-dtd412-xmldoxygenlib64audit-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64expat1-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64x11-devellibtoollibxml2-utilsmakemktemprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develxmltoxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1dbus-1.14.10-3pclos2024.src.rpmSdbba801520ce62abcba49673dcd3fd58./SRPMS.pclosd   :t x!B@2BATBEXBJyCdbus-c++0.9.03pclos2022Native C++ bindings for D-BusNative C++ bindings for D-Bus for use in C++ programs.gSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(ecore)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtkmm-2.4)pkgconfig(expat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1dbus-c++-0.9.0-3pclos2022.src.rpmf66176ef5e7c3b1434a9bdd1c1ae6f11./SRPMS.pclos#d  H  $5<TB@BABEBJCdedbus-glib0.1122pclos2022D-Bus message busD-Bus Nachrichten BusD-Bus add-on library to integrate the standard D-Bus library with the GLib thread abstraction and main loop.D-Bus-Addon-Bibliothek, die Standard-D-Bus-Bibliothek mit integrieren GLib Abstraktion und Hauptschleife.System/Librariesx86_64 libxml2-develgtk-doclib64dbus-1-devellib64expat1-devellib64glib2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dbus-glib-0.112-2pclos2022.src.rpma6305550e1bdb6c0628a1197322e8374./SRPMS.pclosod  6lp w B@BA<BE@BJaCdbus-python1.2.181pclos2022D-Bus Python BindingsD-Bus python bindings for use with python programs.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libdbus-1-devellibglib2.0-develpython3-develpython3-gobject3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dbus-python-1.2.18-1pclos2022.src.rpm#db3ee797beba62e0bfb896723c211136./SRPMS.pclos[d -B@BA(BE,BJMCdbus-qt30.705pclos2011D-BUS message busD-BUS add-on library to integrate the standard D-BUS library with the Qt thread abstraction and main loop.gSystem/Serversx86_64  qt3-develdbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   E04 9KTlB@BABEBJ!Cdbus-sharp0.7.02pclos2012D-BUS message bus C# bindings for monoD-Bus is a system for sending messages between applications. It is used both for the systemwide message bus service, and as a per-user-login-session messaging facility. This package provides the C# bindings for using D-Bus from mono.NealDevelopment/Otherx86_64  dbus-develdbus-glib-develgtk-sharp2mono-develmono-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.40.983.0.4-1dbus-sharp-0.7.0-2pclos2012.src.rpm5286a6bf9551a892d488ca7418ed5ffc./SRPMS.pclosd # J| %B@:BAdBEhBJCdbus-sharp-glib0.5.02pclos2012D-BUS message bus C# bindings for monoC# bindings for D-Bus glib main loop integration&NealDevelopment/Otherx86_64  dbus-develdbus-sharp-develdbus-glib-develgtk-sharp2mono-develmono-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.40.983.0.4-1dbus-sharp-glib-0.5.0-2pclos2012.src.rpm+019e67c7f04f8feebafaf2b18eb8fd2c./SRPMS.pclosd " ]  $,DB@BABEBJCdbusmenu-qt50.9.20.2pclos2016A Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol (Qt5 version)This library provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol. The DBusMenu protocol makes it possible for applications to export and import their menus over DBus.ZdanielSystem/Librariesi586 cmakedoxygenqjson-develqtbase5-develkf5-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dbusmenu-qt5-0.9.2-0.2pclos2016.src.rpm]a96fb66f69e3c8ad518c7b78ba26081b./SRPMS.pclosOd   + B@BABE BJACdbview1.0.42pclos2019View dBase filesDbview is a little tool that will display dBase III and IV files. You can also use it to convert your old .dbf files for further use with Unix.*tDatabasesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dbview-1.0.4-2pclos2019.src.rpm0R0331161c3c150c8d1a23feb16e4d1872./SRPMS.pclos+d   J B@BABEBJCdcadec0.1.01pclos2016dcadec is a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoderdcadec is a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder with support for HD extensionsSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dcadec-0.1.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm{ef51fcc42ec23dc4df4ff00b239bb3de./SRPMS.pclos;d    5 B@BABE BJ-Cdcaenc21pclos2015DTS Coherent Acoustics encoderDTS Coherent Acoustics encoder It may be useful if you want to create a DTS CD or a DTS soundtrack for a DVD from a 6-channel PCM wav file using linux. Another use case is related to real-time encoding of multichannel PCM audio output from arbitrary linux applications for transmission over SPDIF (see lib64alsa-plugins-dca package)NSoundx86_64 kernel-headerslib64alsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dcaenc-2-1pclos2015.src.rpmffd4eb5e5c509bf576e53f9c994d6d2c./SRPMS.pclosd   +T Xpx|B@BABEBJCdce0.151pclos2019dce damn cool editorDamn Cool Editor - Console text editor &Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dce-0.15-1pclos2019.src.rpm5af71b85be4f2c5fdc3c800c0d4649e5./SRPMS.pclosd    G  $?HLhB@pBABEBJCdcfldd1.81pclos2022Improved dd, useful for forensics and securitydcfldd is an enhanced version of GNU dd with features useful for forensics and security. dcfldd has the following additional features: * Hashing on-the-fly - dcfldd can hash the input data as it is being transferred, helping to ensure data integrity. * Status output - dcfldd can update the user of its progress in terms of the amount of data transferred and how much longer operation will take. * Flexible disk wipes - dcfldd can be used to wipe disks quickly and with a known pattern if desired. * Image/wipe Verify - dcfldd can verify that a target drive is a bit-for-bit match of the specified input file or pattern. * Multiple outputs - dcfldd can output to multiple files or disks at the same time. * Split output - dcfldd can split output to multiple files with more configuration possibilities than the split command. * Piped output and logs - dcfldd can send all its log data and output to commands as well as files. System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dcfldd-1.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm)zf392e6e2b195211e178156d04d0ac2f5./SRPMS.pclosd   A <B@GBAhBElBJCdedclib0.3.231pclos2010Direct Connect file sharing libraryThis library implements the Direct Connect file sharing protocol.Diese Bibliothek implementiert das Direct Connect Filesharing-Protokoll.System/Librariesi586 bzip2-developenssl-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dclib-0.3.23-1pclos2010.src.rpmfe64172e45910770e1ca02a82be62983./SRPMS.pclosd  B    B@BABEBJCdcmtk3.6.51pclos2020DICOM Toolkit libraries and applicationsDCMTK is a collection of libraries and applications implementing large parts the DICOM standard. It includes software for examining, constructing and converting DICOM image files, handling offline media, sending and receiving images over a network connection, as well as demonstrative image storage and worklist servers. DCMTK is is written in a mixture of ANSI C and C++. It comes in complete source code and is made available as "open source" software. DCMTK has been used at numerous DICOM demonstrations to provide central, vendor-independent image storage and worklist servers (CTNs - Central Test Nodes). It is used by hospitals and companies all over the world for a wide variety of purposes ranging from being a tool for product testing to being a building block for research projects, prototypes and commercial products.6ȰSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygenwrap-develpkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dcmtk-3.6.5-1pclos2020.src.rpm6Щ6161c2efc523d2ac583cb84c4b1d75d5./SRPMS.pclosd  9    B@BABEBJ Cdconf0.40.01pclos2021Configuration backend for GlibThis is a configuration backend for Glib's GSettings and part of GNOME 3.0.=System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(bash-completion)vala-develgtk-docvalaintltoolmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dconf-0.40.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm܆aa5b127b50e5fb21b66d34b78e6ac05c./SRPMS.pclosSd  L B@BA BE$BJECdconf-editor43.01pclos2023An editor for the Dconf configuration systemThis is a graphical editor for the Dconf configuration system. +Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(dconf)vala-develgtk-docvalaintltoollib64appstream-glib-develmesonlib64handy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dconf-editor-43.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm 0de1dce0482478906ee56ef37a367b82f./SRPMS.pclosd  M B@BABEBJCdcraw9.28.01pclos2024Reads the raw image formats of 279 digital camerasReads and processes raw images from more than 279 digital cameras. Raw images are the data directly read from the CCD of the camera, without in-camera processing, without lossy JPEG compression, and in 36 or 48 bits color depth (TIFF has 24 bits). Problem of the raw images is that they are in proprietary, camera-specific formats as once, there seems not to be a standard format for high-color-depth images, and second, the raw images contain headers with information about camera settings. This is a collection of command line tools to read and convert the raw image files and also to get camera setting information out of them. This program does not download the files from the camera, it only processes the already downloaded files. Depending on your camera model, mount your camera as a USB mass-storage device, use GPhoto2 ("gtkam", "digikam", "flphoto", "gphoto2"), or a flash card reader for downloading the files.Graphicsx86_64  pkgconfig(gimp-2.0)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dcraw-9.28.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmdb574b2b111b106b748afdd0afb671dc./SRPMS.pclosd   Wh lB@BABEBJCdd_rescue1.99.131pclos2023Does copy data from one file or block device to anotherLike dd, dd_rescue does copy data from one file or block device to another. You can specify file positions (called seek and Skip in dd). There are several differences: o dd_rescue does not provide character conversions. o The command syntax is different. Call dd_rescue -h. o dd_rescue does not abort on errors on the input file, unless you specify a maximum error number. Then dd_rescue will abort when this number is reached o dd_rescue does not truncate the output file, unless asked to. o You can tell dd_rescue to start from the end of a file and move backwards. o It uses two block sizes, a large (soft) block size and a small (hard) block size. In case of errors, the size falls back to the small one and is promoted again after a while without errors.xSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dd_rescue-1.99.13-1pclos2023.src.rpmGe9f777699497cb1f7b5aaf7bf6738aa8./SRPMS.pclosKd   T B@BABEBJ=Cddclient3.8.11pclos2012A client to update host entries on DynDNS like servicesDDclient is a small full featured client requiring only Perl and no additional modules. It runs under most UNIX OSes and has been tested under Linux and FreeBSD. Supported features include: operating as a daemon, manual and automatic updates, static and dynamic updates, optimized updates for multiple addresses, MX, wildcards, abuse avoidance, retrying failed updates, and sending update status to syslog and through e-mail. This release may now obtain your IP address from any interface, web based IP detection, Watchguard's SOHO router, Netopia's R910 router, SMC's Barricade broadband router, Netgear's RT3xx router, Linksys' broadband routers, MaxGate's UGATE-3x00 routers, ELSA's LANCOM DSL/10 routers, Cisco's 2610, 3com 3c886a 56k Lan Modem, SOHOWare BroadGuard NBG800, almost every other router with user configurable FW definitions (see the sample-etc_ddclient.conf) and now provides Full support for DynDNS.org's NIC2 protocol. Support is also included for other dynamic DNS services. Comes with sample scripts for use with DHCP, PPP, and cron. See the README for more information.NealSystem/Configuration/Networkingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ddclient-3.8.1-1pclos2012.src.rpm48ef5a7ed94225671bb23c76584781e2./SRPMS.pclosGd   ! B@BABEBJ9Cddcopy0.3.31pclos2023ddCopyddCopy writes bootable iso image files to a USB key or DVD ddCopy formats ext4, ntfs, fat32, exfat and writes zero's to a USB key;System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ddcopy-0.3.3-1pclos2023.src.rpmca1f71bb80c15dc126f48b47ce941678./SRPMS.pclosd   A  ,B@BABEBJCddd3.3.121pclos2010A GUI for several command-line debuggersThe Data Display Debugger (DDD) is a popular GUI for command-line debuggers like GDB, DBX, JDB, WDB, XDB, the Perl debugger, and the Python debugger. DDD allows you to view source texts and provides an interactive graphical data display, in which data structures are displayed as graphs. You can use your mouse to dereference pointers or view structure contents, which are updated every time the program stops. DDD can debug programs written in Ada, C, C++, Chill, Fortran, Java, Modula, Pascal, Perl, and Python. DDD provides machine-level debugging; hypertext source navigation and lookup; breakpoint, watchpoint, backtrace, and history editors; array plots; undo and redo; preferences and settings editors; program execution in the terminal emulation window, debugging on a remote host, an on-line manual, extensive help on the Motif user interface, and a command-line interface with full editing, history and completion capabilities.VDevelopment/Otheri586 lesstif-develflexreadline-devellibtermcap-develncurses-develbinutils-develchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ddd-3.3.12-1pclos2010.src.rpmVfd5494bc519386c22b0edb538d611579./SRPMS.pclos'd   .X \wB@BABEBJCddrescue1.281pclos2024Data recovery toolGNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool. It copies data from one file or block device (hard disc, cdrom, etc) to another, trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors. Ddrescue does not truncate the output file if not asked to. So, every time you run it on the same output file, it tries to fill in the gaps. The basic operation of ddrescue is fully automatic. That is, you don't have to wait for an error, stop the program, read the log, run it in reverse mode. If you use the logfile feature of ddrescue, the data is rescued very efficiently (only the needed blocks are read). Also you can interrupt the rescue at any time and resume it later at the same point. Automatic merging of backups: If you have two or more damaged copies of a file, cdrom, etc, and run ddrescue on all of them, one at a time, with the same output file, you will probably obtain a complete and error-free file. This is so because the probability of having damaged areas at the same places on different input files is very low. Using the logfile, only the needed blocks are read from the second and successive copies. The logfile is periodically saved to disc. So in case of a crash you can resume the rescue with little recopying. Also, the same logfile can be used for multiple commands that copy different areas of the file, and for multiple recovery attempts over different subsets. Ddrescue aligns its I/O buffer to the sector size so that it can be used to read from raw devices. For efficiency reasons, also aligns it to the memory page size if page size is a multiple of sector size.vSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  lziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ddrescue-1.28-1pclos2024.src.rpm@583480aeaf46c12eac63458298101753./SRPMS.pclosSd   0B@BA BE$BJECdedeadbeef1.9.61pclos2024DeaDBeeF - Ultimate Music Player For GNU/LinuxDeaDBeeF - Ultimativer Musik Player für GNU/LinuxDeaDBeeF (as in 0xDEADBEEF) is an audio player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 (though now it also runs in plain console without X, in FreeBSD, and in OpenSolaris).DEADBEEF (wie in 0xDEADBEEF) ist ein Audioplayer für GNU/Linux-Systeme mit X11 (läuft jetzt auch ohne X-Konsole, in FreeBSD, OpenSolaris).ASoundx86_64  bisonclangcurl-develgettext-develintltoollibcddb-devellibcdio-paranoia-devellibdispatch-devellibtiff-developusfile-develpipewire-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(faad2)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(jansson)pkgconfig(libmpg123)pkgconfig(libzip)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(wavpack)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yasm-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1deadbeef-1.9.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmB 8a452143f9d9a559829b6e0f4335af60./SRPMS.pclosd# . t ,B@<BApBEtBJCdedeadbeef-filebrowser201311102pclos2013filebrowser plugin for the deadbeefDateibrowser Plugin für deadbeefA filebrowser plugin for the DeaDBeeF audio player (http://deadbeef.sf.net). Placed in a sidebar inside the main user interface, it supports adding files to playlists by context menu or drag and drop. Also uses coverart images as folder icons.Ein Dateibrowser-Plugin für den DEADBEEF Audio-Player (http://deadbeef.sf.net). Untergebracht als Sidebar in der Haupt-Benutzeroberfläche, unterstützt es das Hinzufügen von Dateien in Wiedergabelisten aus dem Kontextmenü oder per Drag & Drop. Ausserdem verwendet es Coverart Bilder als Ordnersymbole. Soundx86_64  deadbeef-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % ^h lr|B@ BA4BE8BJYCdedeadbeef-infobar1.41pclos2013Infobar plugin for DeadBeeFInfobar Plugin für DeadBeeFInfobar plugin for DeadBeeF audio player. Shows lyrics, artist's biography and list of similar artists for the current track.Infobar Plugin für DeadBeeF Audio Player. Zeigt Songtexte, Künstler Biographien und listet ähnliche Künstler für den laufenden Titel.cSoundx86_64 deadbeef-develdeadbeeflibxml2-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1deadbeef-infobar-1.4-1pclos2013.src.rpmjfe9663bbba2f09c476ecc881562fd6c1./SRPMS.pclosd' 2  tB@BABEBJCdedeadbeef_waveform_seekbar66064771pclos2015waveform_seekbar plugin for the deadbeefWellenform-Suchleiste Plugin für deadbeefWellenform-Suchleiste Plugin für deadbeef.Wellenform-Suchleiste Plugin für deadbeef.Soundx86_64  lib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64sqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) b3d3d9f0f30de21f2c325e17446b9156./SRPMS.pclosd  " C B@$BALBEPBJqCdebhelper9.201608141pclos2018Helper programs for Debian rulesA collection of programs that can be used in a Debian rules file to automate common tasks related to building Debian packages. Programs are included to install various files into your package, compress files, fix file permissions, integrate your package with the Debian menu system, debconf, doc-base, etc. Most Debian packages use debhelper as part of their build process.ISystem/Packagingnoarch po4adpkgperl(Dpkg)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1debhelper-9.20160814-1pclos2018.src.rpmP=ecb223e802f5f8b2beeff175cecac483./SRPMS.pclosd   0 <B@BABEBJ Cdebugedit5.12pclos2025Debuginfo extractiondebugedit provides programs and scripts for creating debuginfo and source file distributions, collect build-ids and rewrite source paths in DWARF data for debugging, tracing and profiling.iSystem/Configuration/Packagingx86_64  autoconfautomakedwzhelp2manpkgconfig(libelf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xxhash-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1debugedit-5.1-2pclos2025.src.rpm6d669cbde38e2725f2047d96583f096160./SRPMS.pclosd ' <X\ cipxB@BABEBJCdecibel-audio-player1.084pclos2021Decibel Audio PlayerDecibel Audio Player is a GTK+ open-source (GPL license) audio player designed for GNU/Linux, which aims at being very straightforward to use by mean of a very clean and user friendly interface. It is especially targeted at Gnome and will follow as closely as possible the Gnome HIG.danielSoundnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1decibel-audio-player-1.08-4pclos2021.src.rpm25cf62791dd4f8d44e8f282292a65f24./SRPMS.pclosd   H\ `qx   B@BABEBJ Cdee1.2.72pclos2019Model to synchronize mutiple instances over DBusLibdee is a library that uses DBus to provide objects allowing you to create Model-View-Controller type programs across DBus. It also consists of utility objects which extend DBus allowing for peer-to-peer discoverability of known objects without needing a central registrar. 3System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(python3)vala-toolsvala-develicu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) !7549c4f2a4c7182d83ff4a90d4c0d5f2./SRPMS.pclos d ( ?X \wB@BABEBJCdeepin-4all-icons202107251pclos2021Deepin-4All Icon ThemeDeepin-4All Icon Theme`aSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1deepin-4all-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm`92d18ad9b3ad9504a69e005a9a25fd29./SRPMS.pclosd   9 B@+BALBEPBJqCdeer1.0.01pclos2024Beautiful Note taking Applicaion Deer is a modern, fast, beautiful note taking app. Write down your thoughts and ideas quickly and easily on Linux.wOfficex86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1deer-1.0.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmx'c2320bba58127b4b3d1c61756947460a./SRPMS.pclosd $ F 0B@8BAdBEhBJCdefaultGRUBeditor1.131pclos2023Edit the default grub config fileEdit the default grub config file. Your own GRUB settings are stored in the /etc/default/grub file. Edit this file to change GRUB2’s settings.danielSystem/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1defaultGRUBeditor-1.13-1pclos2023.src.rpm1fb0bb6df332e446c9db7c04b15bf220./SRPMS.pclosSd   L| B@BA BE$BJECdefusedxml0.7.11pclos2024XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modulesXML bomb protection for Python stdlib modulesDevelopment/Pythonnoarch   python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   7  ,`B@pBABEBJCdega-sdl1.121pclos2010Sega Master System EmulatorDega/SDL is a linux port to the original Dega Sega Master System / Mark III / Game Gear emulator for DOS. There is no GUI included to select your roms, you'll have to use a generic front-end or command-line.Emulatorsi586  SDL-develnasmdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   J  dyB@BABEBJCdeja-dup32.01pclos2015Simple backup tool and front-end for duplicityDéjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of doing backups the 'right way' (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the back-end. Features: - Support for local, remote, or cloud backup locations, such as Amazon S3 - Securely encrypts and compresses your data - Incrementally backs up, letting you restore from any particular backup - Schedules regular backups - Integrates well into your GNOME desktop @Archiving/Backupx86_64 cmakelocales-envalalibxml2-utilsintltoolitstoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64peas-devellib64secret-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1deja-dup-32.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm 368cfd2d848d2bf0a3caaaab18079d6a6./SRPMS.pclosd   B NB@[BA|BEBJCdejagnu1.6.31pclos2023A front end for testing other programsDejaGnu is an Expect/Tcl based framework for testing other programs. DejaGnu has several purposes: to make it easy to write tests for any program; to allow you to write tests which will be portable to any host or target where a program must be tested; and to standardize the output format of all tests (making it easier to integrate the testing into software development).!0Development/Othernoarch docbook-utilsdocbook-utils-pdfdocbook-dtd31-sgmlexpecttexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dejagnu-1.6.3-1pclos2023.src.rpm'ccd8143bb9dc54be49c7957c371b2d97./SRPMS.pclosd ' >\ `{B@BABEBJCdeltagreen-icon-theme0.22pclos2011Delta Green Icon ThemeDelta Green Icons theme pack.-System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1deltagreen-icon-theme-0.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm-$83f491c6b1f1a0500c347efdb732d4d5./SRPMS.pclosd   ? LB@[BA|BEBJCdeluge2.0.53pclos2022Full-featured GTK+ Bittorrent clientDeluge is a Python 3 Bittorrent client that almost nobody uses.Networking/File transferx86_64 pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolspkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(openssl)imagemagickintltoolpython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1deluge-2.0.5-3pclos2022.src.rpmc7f2c20c8856b7c98e0462d1d656b963./SRPMS.pclosGd   Q( ,28 `  B@BABEBJ9Cdenemo0.8.22pclos2010WYSIWYG musical score editor and frontend for LilypondDenemo is the GNU graphical musical score editor, and serves as a frontend to Lilypond. Besides lilypond, it can also export music into ABC format. as well as handling Csound score files playback and MIDI playback.?[Soundi586  gtk2-devellibxml2-develbisonflexgettext-develdesktop-file-utilscvsaubio-develguile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Q( ,2<B@BA$BE(BJICdenemo2.6.01pclos2022WYSIWYG musical score editor and frontend for LilypondDenemo is the GNU graphical musical score editor, and serves as a frontend to Lilypond. Besides lilypond, it can also export music into ABC format. as well as handling Csound score files playback and MIDI playback.ܶSoundx86_64 intltoolbisonflexportmidi-develdesktop-file-utilslib64glib2.0-devellib64xml2-devellib64sndfile-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64portaudio-devellib64fftw-develevince-devellib64guile-devellib64aubio-devellib64fluidsynth-devellib64gtksourceview4-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64rubberband-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1denemo-2.6.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmd2a4549cae136dd0e7449f73b28ed927./SRPMS.pclos7d   ]    B@BABEBJ)Cdeng1.9.00.beta6.9pclos2010Doomsday Engine: DOOM/Hertic/Hexen port with pretty graphicsThe Doomsday Engine allows you to play the classic first-person shooters DOOM, Heretic, and Hexen using modern technology, with hardware accelerated 3D graphics, surround sound and much more. *NOTE* This software is useless without the data files (WAD files) from the original games. Those should be placed in /usr/share/deng/data/wadsJGames/Arcadei586 cmakegcc-c++libncurses-devellibmesagl1-devellibmesaglu1-devellibSDL-devellibSDL_net-devellibSDL_mixer1.2-devellibzip1-devellibcurl-devellibfmod-devellibopenal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1deng-1.9.0-0.beta6.9pclos2010.src.rpmJca80c95ee4cfebdba8a30cd3a1849c305./SRPMS.pclosd   F  EB@NBApBEtBJCdenyhosts2.63pclos2013A script to help thwart ssh server attacksDenyHosts is a Python script that analyzes the sshd server log messages to determine which hosts are attempting to hack into your system. It also determines what user accounts are being targeted. It keeps track of the frequency of attempts from each host and, upon discovering a repeated attack host, updates the /etc/hosts.deny file to prevent future break-in attempts from that host. Email reports can be sent to a system admin.System/Serversnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1denyhosts-2.6-3pclos2013.src.rpm4400ce7fcbd3d4a157e7fecac67e09f5./SRPMS.pclosOd#* 5 _H LdlB@BABE BJACdefresplsrnldeskbar-applet2.32.01pclos2010All-in-one search bar for the GNOME panelThe Deskbar is an all-in-one search bar. It is a Linux/Gnome panel applet that is similar to Google's (Windows only) Deskbar It supports the search in Beagle, Mozilla Firefox and Epiphany.Die Deskbar ist ein all-in-One-Suchleiste.La Deskbar est un tout-en-un barre de recherche.La barra del escritorio es un todo-en-una barra de búsqueda.Deskbar is an all-in-one search bar.Чаробна линија се све-у-једним баром.De Deskbar is een alles-in-een zoekbalk. Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk+2-develpygtk2.0-develgnome-python-develgnome-python-extrasgnome-python-appletevolution-data-server-devellibgnome-desktop-2-develautomake1.9gnome-commonintltoolgnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procxulrunner-develpython-beaglescrollkeeperdbus-pythonchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1deskbar-applet-2.32.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm ^7d28cf1725a22b6cf5c48a8c2ff24c35./SRPMS.pclosd ' < B@(BAXBE\BJ}Cdesktop-common-data201015pclos2013Desktop common filesThis package contains useful icons, menu structure and others goodies for the PCLinuxOS desktop.8}System/Configuration/Othernoarch intltoolpclinuxos-menu-messagesgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1desktop-common-data-2010-15pclos2013.src.rpm8960d7ed8e9c87d06e1ab2bd63998cd5e./SRPMS.pclosd % P -B@9BAdBEhBJCdesktop-file-utils0.261pclos2022Utilities for working with desktop entriesdesktop-file-utils contains a couple of command line utilities for working with desktop entries. It requires GLib and popt to compile, because the implementation requires Unicode utilities and such. Right now the only documentation is "desktop-file-install --help". desktop-file-validate takes a single argument, the file to validate.`^Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 emacs-noxglib2-develglibc-static-devellib64popt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1desktop-file-utils-0.26-1pclos2022.src.rpm^4299bdd7bc71871abec511804fd07a8e./SRPMS.pclosd # 6    B@BABEBJCdesktop-printing0.204pclos2011Desktop print iconDesktop-printing contains eggcups, a program for user print job notification and control.CPublishingx86_64  libgnomeui2-develdbus-develhal-devellibglade2.0-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolcups-devellibgnomecups-develgnome-keyring-devellibxscrnsaver-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.600.  Y ]B@iBABEBJCdesktopcouch1.0.71pclos2011Integration of CouchDB storage into desktop applicationsIntegration of CouchDB storage into desktop applications, for automatic replication and synchronization of data between computers.mdDatabasesnoarch pythonpython-setuptoolspython-distutils-extraintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1desktopcouch-1.0.7-1pclos2011.src.rpmt 474605b45014d26d32d997d20f60e14f./SRPMS.pclosod ) d B@BA<BE@BJaCdedesktopextra-pcmanfm0.41pclos2014Advanced Icons for PCManFMErweiterte Symbole für PCManFMThe My Documents Desktop icon for PCManFM.Das Meine Dateien Symbol für PCManFM.ghostbunnyGraphical desktop/LXDEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1desktopextra-pcmanfm-0.4-1pclos2014.src.rpmme0f98ecd5f91917d312e360e4c8b474f./SRPMS.pclosd   3    B@BABEBJCdesmume0.9.111pclos2019A Nintendo DS emulatorDeSmuME is a Nintendo DS emulator running homebrew demos and commercial games.EEmulatorsx86_64 desktop-file-utilsintltoollib64gtkglext-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64lua5.2-devellib64openal-devellib64soundtouch-devellib64zziplib-devellib64tinyxml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1desmume-0.9.11-1pclos2019.src.rpmE+403df84e8ab6059ad838e8e124dedb46./SRPMS.pclosd  Q8 <GP\B@BABEBJCdetox1.4.11pclos2021Utility to replace problematic characters in file namesDetox is a utility designed to clean up file names. It replaces difficult to work with characters, such as spaces, with standard equivalents. It will also clean up file names with UTF-8 or Latin-1 (or CP-1252) characters in them.UFile toolsx86_64 bisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1detox-1.4.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm[d826f42e12a511a1cec87a56d9f8c782./SRPMS.pclosCd  B B@BABEBJ5Cdev860.16.213pclos2019A real mode 80x86 assembler and linkerThe dev86 package provides an assembler and linker for real mode 80x86 instructions. You'll need to have this package installed in order to build programs that run in real mode, including LILO and the kernel's bootstrapping code, from their sources. You should install dev86 if you intend to build programs that run in real mode from their source code.>Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dev86-0.16.21-3pclos2019.src.rpm@ 1af712ffe8b94ff9658fdcc4d0fb6c0e./SRPMS.pclosd  z@D KQXdB@BABEBJCdedevedeng4.16.02pclos2022Graphical frontend to create video DVDsGrafische Oberfläche zum Erzeugen von Video DVDsDeVeDe allows to create video DVDs, suitable to be reproduced in home DVD players.DeVeDe erlaubt es Video DVDs zu erzeugen, die dafür geeignet sind in einem Heim-DVD-Player abgespielt zu werden..TerryNVideonoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1devedeng-4.16.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm3b7be200d0202e36b36c6a5e19e6e01c2./SRPMS.pclosd   E  T P B@{BABEBJCdevhelp3.34.01pclos2019API documentation browser for developersDevhelp is an API documentation browser for GTK+ and GNOME. It works natively with GTK-Doc (the API reference system developed for GTK+ and used throughout GNOME for API documentation).ryDevelopment/Otherx86_64  pkgconfig(amtk-5)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gettextgtk-docitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # 1  PB@ZBABEBJCdevice-mapper1.02.242pclos2010Device mapperThe device-mapper driver enables the definition of new block devices composed of ranges of sectors of existing devices. This can be used to define disk partitions - or logical volumes.BjSystem/Kernel and hardwarei586 autoconfdietlibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1device-mapper-1.02.24-2pclos2010.src.rpm76005cc66fa98addaf393bb1956c9d18./SRPMS.pclos+d  3H L]dB@BABEBJCdevil1.7.87pclos2024Open source image libraryDevIL is an Open Source image library whose distribution is done under the terms of the GNU LGPL license. DevIL offers you a simple way to implement loading, manipulating, filtering, converting, displaying, saving from/to several different image formats in your own project.System/Librariesx86_64  allegro4-develfilelibtoolpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libmng)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfoungif-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1devil-1.7.8-7pclos2024.src.rpmb81043a5e0b7272bb2a9c4b150cb8088./SRPMS.pclos#d   3    B@BABEBJCdevilspie0.221pclos2014A window matching toolA window-matching utility, inspired by Sawfish's "Matched Windows" option and the lack of the functionality in Metacity. Metacity lacking window matching is not a bad thing -- Metacity is a lean window manager, and window matching does not have to be a window manager task. Devil's Pie can be configured to detect windows as they are created, and match the window to a set of rules. If the window matches the rules, it can perform a series of actions on that window. For example, I make all windows created by X-Chat appear on all workspaces, and the main Gkrellm1 window does not appear in the pager or task list.=Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64wnck1-devellib64x11-develintltoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1devilspie-0.22-1pclos2014.src.rpmE396850508325d3d701c42c619dccfdda./SRPMS.pclosd   LLP lwB@BABEBJCdevmon0.3.00.rc1.pclos2007SNMP Device Monitoring for Hobbit/BigBrotherDevmon is a device monitoring script which works in tandem with the Hobbit/BigBrother monitoring suites. It queries remote hosts via SNMP, applies user-defined logic and thresholds to the acquired data, and submits status and alarms to a display server.xTexstar Monitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1devmon-0.3.0-0.rc1.pclos2007.src.rpm00b561fc5d6c83d6dcd34c1dcc898b40./SRPMS.pclosd ' i $/8<XB@`BABEBJCdevmon-templates200802061pclos2007Templates for Devmon SNMP Device Monitoring for Hobbit/BigBrotherDevmon is a device monitoring script which works in tandem with the Hobbit/BigBrother monitoring suites. It queries remote hosts via SNMP, applies user-defined logic and thresholds to the acquired data, and submits status and alarms to a display server. This package contains the device templates, which define the OIDs, transforms, thresholds, exceptions, and the message template sent to Hobbit/Big Brother.QTexstar Monitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1devmon-templates-20080206-1pclos2007.src.rpmy6c856a921f66c1311a3ce00b61f13030./SRPMS.pclossd   J $, \  B@ BA@BEDBJeCdexter0.185pclos2013Address Book that goes hand in hand with PostlerDexter is a very simple, easy to use address book, designed with the home user in mind. This personal contact manager integrates with Postler, and can import and export contacts in vCard format.mNetworking/Mailnoarch python-develpython-distutils-extrapygtk2.0pygtk2.0-develpython-stormpython-vobjectpython-dbuspython-enchantintltoolxauthdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dexter-0.18-5pclos2013.src.rpmsK43297afd7d73e319a2e83d473ca7e8bc./SRPMS.pclos+d   N B@BABEBJCdfc3.0.41pclos2014Display file system space usage using graph and colorsDisplay file system space usage using graph and colors.pinoc32System/Basei586 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dfc-3.0.4-1pclos2014.src.rpm255b6a6764b698fa2466bad173c58b77./SRPMS.pclosd   G 3B@<BAXBE\BJ}Cdfm0.53pclos2013Easy to use and powerful file manager built in QtDino is an easy to use and powerful file manager built in Qt. It’s features include symlinking files by mouse click, the usual features such as making directories, run commands, copying & pasting..etc; drag and drop and even a built in text editor. Features Easy to use Tabs support Multi selection Customizable interface Drag & drop support Thumbnail view Built-in text editor Custom actions List and tree viewFile toolsx86_64 lib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dfm-0.5-3pclos2013.src.rpmZ3457f123a84ecfd4fb9961c51a0f0601./SRPMS.pclosd   E .B@9BA\BE`BJCdgen-sdl1.332pclos2017DGen Sega Genesis emulator, ported to SDLDGen/SDL is a free, open source emulator for Sega Genesis/MegaDrive systems. The latest version supports save states, interlace mode, Game Genie, Linux joystick support, compressed ROM images, and other nice features. Warning! There is no GUI yet so you need to either run DGen/SDL from terminal or use front-end (if there are any). ŒAgent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 mesa-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dgen-sdl-1.33-2pclos2017.src.rpm 20e8115f02abbf708d57028d3b53c7f6./SRPMS.pclosod   4 B@BA<BE@BJaCdhcdbd1.155pclos2007DHCP D-BUS daemon (dhcdbd)DHCP D-BUS daemon (dhcdbd) controls dhclient sessions with D-BUS, stores and presents DHCP options.Texstar System/Configuration/Networkingi586 dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dhcdbd-1.15-5pclos2007.src.rpm09e9ef4476eabd22084f5922966a9f15./SRPMS.pclosd  g hB@{BABEBJCdhcp4.4.3P13pclos2024The ISC DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server/relay agent/clientDHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol which allows individual devices on an IP network to get their own network configuration information (IP address, subnetmask, broadcast address, etc.) from a DHCP server. The overall purpose of DHCP is to make it easier to administer a large network. The dhcp package includes the DHCP server and a DHCP relay agent. You will also need to install the dhcp-client or dhcpcd package, or pump or dhcpxd, which provides the DHCP client daemon, on client machines. If you want the DHCP server and/or relay, you will also need to install the dhcp-server and/or dhcp-relay packages.System/Serversx86_64  groff-for-manlib64ldap2.4_2-develperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dhcp-4.4.3P1-3pclos2024.src.rpmQ6d352c796c2ecf1f1bde9b1ec9790331./SRPMS.pclos#d   .h l{B@BABEBJCdhcpcd10.2.21pclos2025DHCP Client Daemondhcpcd is an RFC2131 compliant DHCP client. It is fully featured and yet lightweight: the binary is 60k as reported by size(1) on Linux i386. It has support for duplicate address detection, IPv4LL, carrier detection, and a merged resolv.conf and ntp.conf for which other DHCP clients require third party tools.?System/Serversx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dhcpcd-10.2.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmjD52d9d6ae38efa2e4635816737a0c3da5./SRPMS.pclosd   1  (B@0BATBEXBJyCdhcpstatus0.6012pclos2011Dhcp IP status cgiDHCP-Status is basically two Perl CGI scripts that provide an overall picture of the information contained in the dhcpd.conf and dhcpd.leases files that are used by ISC's DHCP server, DHCPD.d$Monitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dhcpstatus-0.60-12pclos2011.src.rpme93b17a77022d268d42b1d5d0412e3c15./SRPMS.pclosSd   e B@BA BE$BJECdedhex0.651pclos2012Hexeditor with diff-mode for ncursesHexeditor mit diff-Modus für ncursesHexeditor mit diff-Modus für ncursesHexeditor mit diff-Modus für ncurses\Gri6507Development/Toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dhex-0.65-1pclos2012.src.rpm§cc870291ced39e312b913138a7ad1610./SRPMS.pclos+d   > B@BABEBJCdia0.97.22pclos2013A gtk+ based diagram creation programDia is a program designed to be much like the Windows program 'Visio'. It can be used to draw different kind of diagrams. In this first version there is support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams) and Network diagrams. It can currently load and save diagrams to a custom fileformat and export to postscript.T+Officex86_64 docbook-utilspygtk2.0python-devellibgnomeui2-develpng-devellibxslt-develcairo-develintltoolautoconf2.5PyXMLlibxslt-procscrollkeeperdocbook-style-xsldesktop-file-utilslibtoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dia-0.97.2-2pclos2013.src.rpmT*Gbaac82dd6515941af9789c0ca1f728a1./SRPMS.pclosd O%,0LB@TBAtBExBJCdiald1.08pclos2011Daemon that provides on demand IP links via SLIP or PPPDiald is a daemon that provides on demand IP links via SLIP or PPP. The purpose of diald is to make it transparently appear that you have a permanent connection to a remote site. Diald sets up a "proxy" device which stands in for the physical connection to a remote site. It then monitors the proxy, waiting for packets to arrive. When interesting packets arrive it will attempt to establish the physical link to the remote site using either SLIP or PPP, and if it succeeds it will forward traffic from the proxy to the physical link. As well, diald will monitor traffic once the physical link is up, and when it has determined that the link is idle, the remote connection is terminated. The criteria for bringing the link up and taking it down are configurable at run time, and are based upon the type of traffic passing over the link. Note that even if you use ppp for your connections, you still need slip compiled, either into the kernel or as a module.ANetworking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1diald-1.0-8pclos2011.src.rpmAc0cd50c9b1d2ab11f093bccc9b9fe08f./SRPMS.pclosd   9    B@-BAPBETBJuCdibuja0.24.01pclos2024Gtk based basic paint programDibuja is a program for quick small editing and drawing. A simple to use paint program like Paintbrush for Mac or classic MS Paint, but for LinuxzdanielGraphicsx86_64  atlaslib64atk1.0-devellib64babl0.1-devellib64cairo-devellib64exiv2-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gegl-devellib64gexiv2-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dibuja-0.24.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm84d27b8e79e9ed88b5c09b8e883b1be6./SRPMS.pclosd   8h l~B@BABEBJCdietlibc0.341pclos2019C library optimized for sizeSmall libc for building embedded applications. ]Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dietlibc-0.34-1pclos2019.src.rpm cacaa6cf92cb440e252a44fd5ee34de34./SRPMS.pclosd   Q   B@BABEBJCdediffpdf2.1.31pclos2014Compare two PDF filesZwei PDF-Dateien vergleichenDiffPDF can compare two PDF files. It offers two comparison modes: Text and Appearance. By default the comparison is of the text on each pair of pages, but comparing the appearance of pages is also supported (for example, if a diagram is changed or if a paragraph is reformatted). It is also possible to compare particular pages or page ranges. For example, if there are two versions of a PDF file, one with pages 1-12 and the other with pages 1-13 because of an extra page having been added as page 4, they can be compared by specifying two page ranges, 1-12 for the first and 1-3, 5-13 for the second. This will make DiffPDF compare pages in the pairs (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 5), (5, 6), and so on, to (12, 13). Version 1.5.0 added the ability to save a PDF file that shows the pages that differ with their differences highlighted.DiffPDF kann zwei PDF-Dateien vergleichen. Es bietet zwei Vergleichsmodi: Text und Aussehen.)Officex86_64 gcc-c++lib64poppler-qt4-devellib64qt4-devellib64poppler-cpp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1diffpdf-2.1.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmp0e8c6bad703c5c6fbf60537f03a6bbbd./SRPMS.pclosd  , 0BLTB@BABEBJCdediffstat1.661pclos2024A utility which provides statistics based on the output of diffEin Werkzeug, welches Statistiken basieren auf der Ausgabe von diff bietetThe diff command compares files line by line. Diffstat reads the output of the diff command and displays a histogram of the insertions, deletions and modifications in each file. Diffstat is commonly used to provide a summary of the changes in large, complex patch files. Install diffstat if you need a program which provides a summary of the diff command's output. You'll need to also install diffutils.Der diff Befehl vergleicht Dateien Zeile für Zeile. diffstat liest die Ausgabe des diff Befehls und zeigt ein Histogramm der Einfügungen, Löschungen und Veränderungen in jeder Datei an. diffstat wird gemeinhin dafür genutzt eine Zusammenfassung der Veränderungen in großen und komplexen patch-Dateien zu bieten. Installieren Sie diffstat, wenn Sie ein Programm brauchen, welches eine Zusammenfassung der Ausgabe des diff Befehls bietet. Sie müssen ebenso duffutils installieren.4Development/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1diffstat-1.66-1pclos2024.src.rpmbUa90b94a9669abe7427130b265584585a./SRPMS.pclosd   O "B@,BAPBETBJuCdiffuse0.4.81pclos2014Graphical tool for comparing and merging text filesDiffuse is a graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side and gives users the ability to manually adjust line matching and directly edit files. Diffuse can also retrieve revisions of files from Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Subversion, and SVK repositories for comparison and merging.eFile toolsnoarch python-develxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1diffuse-0.4.8-1pclos2014.src.rpm80db106ddfa604bd86492664a9bd58caa./SRPMS.pclosd   ? $(DB@LBApBEtBJCdiffutils3.101pclos2023A GNU collection of diff utilitiesDiffutils includes four utilities: diff, cmp, diff3 and sdiff. * Diff compares two files and shows the differences, line by line. * The cmp command shows the offset and line numbers where two files differ, or cmp can show the characters that differ between the two files. * The diff3 command shows the differences between three files. Diff3 can be used when two people have made independent changes to a common original; diff3 can produce a merged file that contains both persons' changes and warnings about conflicts. * The sdiff command can be used to list diff of two files side by side or merge two files interactively. Install diffutils if you need to compare text files.YDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1diffutils-3.10-1pclos2023.src.rpmث75722c4747d326b5925356c9e5daecd3./SRPMS.pclosd   : ,B@<BA`BEdBJCdigikam8.5.01pclos2024A KDE photo management utilityDigiKam is an advanced digital photo management application for KDE. Photos can be collected into albums which can be sorted chronologically, by directory layout or by custom collections. DigiKam also provides tagging functionality. Images can be tagged despite of their position and digiKam provides fast and intuitive ways to browse them. User comments and customized meta-information added to images, are stored into a database and retrieved to make them available into the user interface. As soon as the camera is plugged in digikam allows you to preview, download, upload and delete images. Digikam also includes tools like Image Editor, to modify photos using plugins such as red eye correction or Gamma correction, exif management,... Light Table to make artistic photos and an external image editor such as Showfoto. Digikam also uses KIPI plugins (KDE Image Plugin Interface) to increase its functionalities.QGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1digikam-8.5.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm` 0623963afb3fe141bda9bea13c8660cf./SRPMS.pclosd   3 +0<qB@{BABEBJCdikt2.03pclos2011Dikt is an online dictonary.Dikt is a dictionary that implements the client side of Dict protocol. Dikt is a network application, it looks up words on dict servers. You don't need to install any dictionaries, you only need a connection to Internet. Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 qt4-develkdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dikt-2.0-3pclos2011.src.rpm{6805acdd28139c81b441034002c8b6b6./SRPMS.pclosd $ q QB@gBABEBJCdedillo-browser3.1.11pclos2024Very fast and light web browserSehr schneller und einfacher InternetbrowserDillo is a Web browser that's completely written in C, very fast, and small in code base and binary. It is a graphical browser built upon FLTK2 and currently renders a subset of HTML (no frames, no JavaScript, and no JVM).Dillo ist ein Internetbrowser, der vollständig in C geschrieben ist. Er zeichnet sich aus durch seine Schnelligkeit, die kleine Kodebasis und das ausführbare Binärprogramm. Es ist ein grafischer Browser der auf FLTK2 aufbaut, derzeitig wird nur ein Teil von HTML gerendert (keine Frames, kein JavaScript und keine JVM). LNetworking/WWWx86_64  fltk-devellib64gif-devellib64jpeg-devellib64png-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1dillo-browser-3.1.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm u1e41b39b681487b1d76205e85f66e1e8./SRPMS.pclosd 5$(/8<XB@`BA|BEBJCdeding1.61pclos2011A Dictionary Lookup programDing (DIctionary Nice Grep) is a tool to lookup words in dictionaries. It uses tools like agrep, dict, ispell/aspell etc. It contains a program (ding) written in Tcl/Tk and a German - English dictionary with about 180,000 translations.6/Officenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ding-1.6-1pclos2011.src.rpm68H1738ea9c5df6d76703a5a14339f61855./SRPMS.pclosd   K KB@dBABEBJCdino0.3.01pclos2022Modern XMPP ("Jabber") Chat Client using GTK+/ValaA modern XMPP ("Jabber") chat client using GTK+/Vala.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gpgme-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64harfbuzz-devellib64icu-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64qrencode-devellib64signal-protocol-c-devellib64soup-devellib64sqlite3-develvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dino-0.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm042beaa91d7e37ac06d5dbb3ee26e67e./SRPMS.pclosd   L 5B@>BA`BEdBJCdip3.3.7o25pclos2011Handles the connections needed for dialup IP linksDip is a modem dialer. Dip handles the connections needed for dialup IP links like SLIP or PPP. Dip can handle both incoming and outgoing connections, using password security for incoming connections. Dip is useful for setting up PPP and SLIP connections, but isn't required for either. Netcfg uses dip for setting up SLIP connections. Install dip if you need a utility which will handle dialup IP connections.Communicationsx86_64 db-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dip-3.3.7o-25pclos2011.src.rpm&eaa6aeef1a609b65c0eaae6b4970ad07./SRPMS.pclosWd  7 B@BA$BE(BJICdirac1.0.22pclos2023Video Codec based on WaveletsDirac is an open source video codec. It uses a traditional hybrid video codec architecture, but with the wavelet transform instead of the usual block transforms. Motion compensation uses overlapped blocks to reduce block artifacts that would upset the transform coding stage. Dirac can code just about any size of video, from streaming up to HD and beyond, although certain presets are defined for different applications and standards. These cover the parameters that need to be set for the encoder to work, such as block sizes and temporal prediction structures, which must otherwise be set by hand.AVideox86_64 doxygentexlivelib64cppunit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dirac-1.0.2-2pclos2023.src.rpm?Zc77e91a5306c5ab4e5365e1ed6acb269./SRPMS.pclosWd   @$ (9@ d  B@BA$BE(BJICdirmngr1.1.11pclos2013Client for Managing/Downloading CRLsDirmngr is a client for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists (CRLs) for X509 certificates and for downloading the certificates themselves. Dirmngr is usually invoked by gpgsm and in general not used directly.System/Librariesx86_64 libgcrypt-devellibgpg-error-devellibksba-devellibassuan-devellibpth-developenldap-develtexinfotetex-latexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dirmngr-1.1.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm2ddebc4adadf8eea6e79de6024d332fd./SRPMS.pclosd  F< @W\dB@BABEBJCdediscburner121pclos2010Plasmoid-DiscBurnerPlasmoid-DiscBurnerDiscBurner ---------- burns discs :) and some other useful disc related functions. eg, formatting, ripping audio -> ogg/mp3/wav. current projects: - audio disc (bin, cd/dvd) - mp3 disc (iso9660, cd/dvd) - data disc (iso9660, cd/dvd) Alpha statusDiscBurner ---------- Brennt Discs:) und einige andere nützliche Funktionen; zB Formatierung, Rippen von Audio- -> Ogg/mp3/wav. Aktuelle Projekte: - Audio-CD (bin, CD / DVD) - MP3-CD (ISO9660, CD / DVD) - Daten-CD (ISO9660, CD / DVD Alpha Status&8Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdebase4-workspace-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1discburner-12-1pclos2010.src.rpm&0s0f7b2edfd3591222238ede71cc5356f9./SRPMS.pclosd   F $TB@dBABEBJCdiscord0.0.881pclos2025All-in-one voice and text chat for gamersAll-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that’s free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone. Stop paying for TeamSpeak servers and hassling with Skype. Simplify your life.{Networking/Chatx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1discord-0.0.88-1pclos2025.src.rpm e7b409ceae938a7e3d871304659b34bc./SRPMS.pclosd   [ '08hB@qBABEBJCdiscount2.2.61pclos2019A command-line utility for converting Markdown files into HTMLDiscount is an implementation of John Gruber's Markdown language in C. It includes all of the original Markdown features, along with a few extensions, and passes the Markdown test suite.Text toolsx86_64 lib64markdown-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1discount-2.2.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm95eb46257a103aab1906df03da10010b./SRPMS.pclosd  . 0B@:BA`BEdBJCdiscwrapper1.2.21pclos2018Make CD CoversDiscWrapper is a cover designer for homemade discs (CD, DVD). It was made with Code::Blocks and it uses the wxWidgets library. It comes with a few templates, and it supports standard CD-DVD, slim CD-DVD cases and disc designing (lightscribe). Depending on the case there are pages where you can place labels, images, and list directories. It can save the result by using save project, print directly or export into an image.Graphicsx86_64 gcc-c++lib64wxgtk2.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1discwrapper-1.2.2-1pclos2018.src.rpmH`B@BABEBJCdjvulibre3.5.271pclos2017DjVu encoders and utilitiesDjVu is a web-centric format and software platform for distributing documents and images. DjVu content downloads faster, displays and renders faster, looks nicer on a screen, and consume less client resources than competing formats. DjVu was originally developed at AT&T Labs-Research by Leon Bottou, Yann LeCun, Patrick Haffner, and many others. In March 2000, AT&T sold DjVu to LizardTech Inc. who now distributes Windows/Mac plug-ins, and commercial encoders (mostly on Windows) In an effort to promote DjVu as a Web standard, the LizardTech management was enlightened enough to release the reference implementation of DjVu under the GNU GPL in October 2000. DjVuLibre (which means free DjVu), is an enhanced version of that code maintained by the original inventors of DjVu. It is compatible with version 3.5 of the LizardTech DjVu software suite. DjVulibre-3.5 contains: - A full-fledged wavelet-based compressor for pictures. - A simple compressor for bitonal (black and white) scanned pages. - A compressor for palettized images (a la GIF/PNG). - A set of utilities to manipulate and assemble DjVu images and documents. - A set of decoders to convert DjVu to a number of other formats. - An up-to-date version of the C++ DjVu Reference Library.0/ghostbunnyPublishingx86_64 imagemagicklib64xt-develxdg-utilslib64tiff-develgnome-mime-datarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1djvulibre-3.5.27-1pclos2017.src.rpm0N7ddf21179254c087d4436e7b420df427./SRPMS.pclosd  AP T`hlB@BABEBJCdkms2.0.199pclos2019Dynamic Kernel Module Support FrameworkThis package contains the framework for the Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) method for installing module RPMS as originally developed by the Dell Computer Corporation. This package is intended for building binary kernel modules with dkms source packages installedSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-2.0.19-9pclos2019.src.rpmNa53910f29a22fdaca8a79b47aa54485e./SRPMS.pclosOd  @ B@BABE BJACdkms-akvcam1.2.51pclos2024akvcam, virtual camera for Linuxakvcam is a fully compliant V4L2 virtual camera driver for Linux. Features: Flexible configuration with a simple INI file like. Support for map, user pointer, and read/write modes. Can cat and echo to the device. Supports emulated camera controls in capture devices (brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.). Configurable default picture in case no input signal available. The devices can't be rejected by programs that rejects M2M devices. Fully compliant with V4L2 standard. Support for LTS kernels. Examples and hint's are placed on /usr/share/akvcam/ config_example.ini)System/Kernelx86_64  gccmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dkms-akvcam-1.2.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm44300ba318316ee6c66768d7fcf1911a./SRPMS.pclosd  j 0B@8BA`BEdBJCdkms-applespi0.14pclos2019input driver for the SPI touchpad / keyboard / Touchbar found in MackBooksThis dkms should work with kernel-5.1.10-pclos1! WIP input driver for the SPI touchpad / keyboard found in the 12" MacBook (MacBook8,1 + MacBook9,1) and 2016 Macbook Pro (MacBookPro13,*); a Touchbar driver is also available. If you're on any MacBook or MacBook Pro other than MacBook8,1 (2015), and you're running a kernel before 4.11, then you'll need to boot the kernel with intremap=nosid. In all cases make sure you don't have noapic in your kernel options. !!! read more in documantation /usr/share/doc/appleMBs/allMacBooks-expected-8.1 !!! On the 2015 MacBook you need to (re)compile your kernel with CONFIG_X86_INTEL_LPSS=n if running a kernel before 4.14. And on all kernels you need ensure the spi_pxa2xx_platform and spi_pxa2xx_pci modules are loaded too (if you don't have those module, rebuild your kernel with CONFIG_SPI_PXA2XX=m and CONFIG_SPI_PXA2XX_PCI=m). hint: read more in documantation /usr/share/doc/appleMBs/* If you're on a MacBook8,1 (2015):read and follow in documantation /usr/share/doc/appleMBs/MacBooks8.1 On all other MacBook's and MacBook Pros you need to instead make sure both the spi_pxa2xx_platform and intel_lpss_pci modules are loaded (if these don't exist, you need to (re)compile your kernel with CONFIG_SPI_PXA2XX=m and CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_LPSS_PCI=m). This is correct on this dkms, should work with kernel-5.1.10-pclos1! apple-ib-als disabled, ambient-light-sensor(System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-applespi-0.1-4pclos2019.src.rpm42e5aa347b930dfb000cc62779d2de82./SRPMS.pclos[d  F B@BA(BE,BJMCdkms-bbswitchv0.89pclos2022bbswitch - Optimus GPU power switcherbbswitch is a kernel module which automatically detects the required ACPI calls for two kinds of Optimus laptops : "real" (e.g. Nvidia GT 425M) and "legacy" (e.g. Nvidia GT 310M) Optimus laptops. The universal calls should work for every laptop model supporting either Optimus calls. This package uses DKMS to automatically build the bbswitch kernel module.V= 4.19..Linux mouse-drivers from kver-4.15 to provide functions also on newer kver >= 4.19... obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_AMIGA) += amimouse.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_APPLETOUCH) += appletouch.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_ATARI) += atarimouse.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_BCM5974) += bcm5974.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_CYAPA) += cyapatp.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_ELAN_I2C) += elan_i2c.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_GPIO) += gpio_mouse.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_INPORT) += inport.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_LOGIBM) += logibm.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_MAPLE) += maplemouse.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_NAVPOINT_PXA27x) += navpoint.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PC110PAD) += pc110pad.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2) += psmouse.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PXA930_TRKBALL) += pxa930_trkball.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_RISCPC) += rpcmouse.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_SERIAL) += sermouse.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_SYNAPTICS_I2C) += synaptics_i2c.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_SYNAPTICS_USB) += synaptics_usb.o obj-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_VSXXXAA) += vsxxxaa.o cyapatp-objs := cyapa.o cyapa_gen3.o cyapa_gen5.o cyapa_gen6.o psmouse-objs := psmouse-base.o synaptics.o focaltech.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_ALPS) += alps.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_BYD) += byd.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_ELANTECH) += elantech.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_OLPC) += hgpk.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_LOGIPS2PP) += logips2pp.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_LIFEBOOK) += lifebook.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SENTELIC) += sentelic.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TRACKPOINT) += trackpoint.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TOUCHKIT) += touchkit_ps2.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_CYPRESS) += cypress_ps2.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_VMMOUSE) += vmmouse.o psmouse-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SMBUS) += psmouse-smbus.o elan_i2c-objs := elan_i2c_core.o elan_i2c-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_ELAN_I2C_I2C) += elan_i2c_i2c.o elan_i2c-$(CONFIG_MOUSE_ELAN_I2C_SMBUS) += elan_i2c_smbus.oGSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-mouse415-4.20.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmIX01bac05676ea00366550465afb1c7b44./SRPMS.pclos;d   I B@BABE BJ-Cdkms-mt760.1.06pclos2020dkms package for Mediatek MT76xx + U Wifi'smac80211 driver for MediaTek MT76x2e, MT7603, MT7628 and MT7688, old: CHIPSET supported: mt7612u mt7662u mt7632u DEVICES: { USB_DEVICE(0x0b05, 0x17eb) }ASUS USB AC 55 */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0b05, 0x180b) }, /* ASUS USB N53 B1 */ { USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0xb711) }, /* Edimax EW 7722 UAC */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0x9053) }, /* Netgear A6210 */ { USB_DEVICE(0x057c, 0x8503) }, /* AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick AC 860 */ { USB_DEVICE(0x045e, 0x02e6) }, /* Microsoft XBox One Wireless Adapter */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0e8d, 0x761b) }, /* AUKEY USB WiFi Adapter AC1200 * ::from README.md on source:: Driver for 802.11ac USB Adapter with MT7612U chipset STA, AP and Monitor Modes are possible Current setting for this driver is APSTA mode as default. STA mode is working fine AP mode can crash your kernel if you call iwconfig after module loading You need to install the firmware blobs ( edited: mt7662 fw included) At least v4.2 is needed to compile this module sorry people with older kernels, the code is removed. This driver is currently under heavy development. Tested on X86_64 platform(s) only, +++NfonkelhoSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-mt76-0.1.0-6pclos2020.src.rpmF0b3fa640f729d222213a1590052d8cc8./SRPMS.pclosd  Q04 <W`dB@BABEBJCdkms-nvidiabl0.872pclos2020DKMS-ready driver for nvidia display back-lightsThis package contains a DKMS-ready driver for nvidia laptop display back-lights. This driver drives the smartdimmer register found on modern mobile Nvidia graphics adapters such as NV40, NV41, NV43, NV44, NV46, NV47, NV49, NV4B, C51, G84, G86, G92, G94, G96, GT200 architectures to adjust the display backlight. On Apple machines this driver allows more fine-grained brightness adjustment than the mbp-nvidia-bl-dkms (mbp_nvidia_bl) driver and is generally preferred. Knowing maybe work's on: "Sony Corporation", "VGN-AW11","VGN-AW290J","VGN-FZ11","VGN-FZ31", "VGN-FZ38","VPCCW1","VPCCW2","VPCS1","VGN-S560","VPCF1" "Dell Inc.", "Inspiron 1370","Vostro 3400","Vostro 3500","Latitude E6530" "SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.", "N510","SR70S/SR71S","Q430/Q530","R510/P510", "RV409/RV509/RV709","RV420/RV520/RV720/E3530/S3530/E3420/E3520", "TOSHIBA", "SATELLITE PRO U500","SATELLITE L750","SATELLITE L755" "Apple Inc.", "MacBook5,1","MacBook5,2","MacBook6,1","MacBook7,1","MacBookPro3,1", "MacBookPro3,2","MacBookPro4,1","MacBookPro5,2","MacBookPro5,4","MacBookPro5,5", "MacBookPro7,1","MacBookAir2,1","MacBookAir3,1","MacBookAir3,2" "LENOVO", "4313CTO","4270CTO","42844MG","9523","20192","QIQY5","20193" "LG Electronics", "R590-P.BN58P1","R590-K.BE52P1","R580-K.AHC4WA9", "ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.", "G75VW","G75VX","G74Sx","G55VW","G55VW", "Compal", "PBL01","QAL51", "Quanta", "TW9", "FUJITSU", "AMILO Pi 3560", "Acer", "TravelMate 8481TG", "Hewlett-Packard", "HP Pavilion dv3500 Notebook PC",ConkelhoSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-nvidiabl-0.87-2pclos2020.src.rpmC9f469ad0729867355c6ae37fd95cf9f4./SRPMS.pcloskd   ;  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdkms-r81522.132pclos2020dkms package for r8152 driverA kernel module for Realtek RTL8152/RTL8153 Based USB Ethernet Adapters, with S5 WOL enabled /* table of devices that work with this driver */ /* Realtek */ {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_REALTEK, 0x8050)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_REALTEK, 0x8152)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_REALTEK, 0x8153)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_REALTEK, 0x8156)}, /* Microsoft */ {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_MICROSOFT, 0x07ab)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_MICROSOFT, 0x07c6)}, /* Samsung */ {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_SAMSUNG, 0xa101)}, /* Lenovo */ {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x304f)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x3052)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x3054)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x3057)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x3062)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x3069)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x3082)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x7205)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x720a)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x720b)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x720c)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x7214)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0x721e)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0xa359)}, {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_LENOVO, 0xa387)}, /* TP-LINK */ {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_TPLINK, 0x0601)}, /* Nvidia */ {REALTEK_USB_DEVICE(VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA, 0x09ff)},fSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-r8152-2.13-2pclos2020.src.rpm8633fb436e94e0ab11736677a45ba87e./SRPMS.pclosd  ! ?  ;DHdB@lBABEBJCdkms-r81688.051.021pclos2022dkms package for r8168 driverfor finetune read on README in /usr/share/doc... This package provides the r8168 kernel module(s) for Realtek RTL8168/RTL8111, RTL8168B/RTL8111B, RTL8168C/RTL8111C, RTL8168D/RTL8111D, RTL8168E/RTL8111E and RTL8168F/RTL8111F Gigabit Ethernet NICs built for the Linux kernel using the x86_64 family of processors. RTL8111B/RTL8168B/RTL8111/RTL8168 RTL8111C/RTL8111CP/RTL8111D(L) RTL8168C/RTL8111DP/RTL8111E RTL8168E/RTL8111F/RTL8411 RTL8111G/RTL8111GUS/RTL8411B(N) RTL8118ASɐSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-r8168-8.051.02-1pclos2022.src.rpm1ea7b3c46d8a4e202f2bfd3a2ec0487a./SRPMS.pclosd $ Z< @[dhB@BABEBJCdkms-rtl8188eu5.2.2.44pclos2020dkms package for stand-alone RTL8188EU realtek driverA kernel module for Realtek wireless network cards based on RTL8188EU chipset --- USB 2.0 Network Adapter 150Mbps --- +++ to find by search on synaptic ::: {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8179), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* 8188EUS */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x0179), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* 8188ETV */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0xf179), .driver_info = RTL8188F}, /* 8188FU */ /****** 8188EUS ********/ {USB_DEVICE(0x07B8, 0x8179), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* Abocom - Abocom */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0DF6, 0x0076), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* Sitecom N150 v2 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x330F), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* DLink DWA-125 REV D1 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3310), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* Dlink DWA-123 REV D1 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3311), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* DLink GO-USB-N150 REV B1 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x331B), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* D-Link DWA-121 rev B1 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x056E, 0x4008), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* Elecom WDC-150SU2M */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x010c), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* TP-Link TL-WN722N v2 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0111), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* TP-Link TL-WN727N v5.21 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0B05, 0x18F0), .driver_info = RTL8188E}, /* ASUS USB-N10 Nano B1 */P)System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8188eu- % \   EB@OBA|BEBJCdkms-rtl8188eus5.7.6.12pclos2020dkms package for stand-alone RTL8188EUS realtek driverrtl8188eus v5.3.9 Realtek rtl8188eus & rtl8188eu & rtl8188etv WiFi drivers Supports Android 7 MESH Support Monitor mode Frame injection Up to kernel v5.3+ ... And a bunch of various wifi chipsets Howto build/install You will need to blacklist another driver in order to use this one. "echo "blacklist r8188eu" > "/etc/modprobe.d/realtek.conf" "make && make install" Reboot in order to blacklist and load the new driver/module. MONITOR MODE howto Use these steps to enter monitor mode. $ sudo airmon-ng check-kill $ sudo ip link set down $ sudo iw dev set type monitor Frame injection test may be performed with (after kernel v5.2 scanning is slow, run a scan or simply an airodump-ng first!) $ aireplay -9 NetworkManager configuration Add these lines below to "NetworkManager.conf" and ADD YOUR ADAPTER MAC below [keyfile] This will make the Network-Manager ignore the device, and therefor don't cause problems. [device] wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no [ifupdown] managed=false [connection] wifi.powersave=0 [main] plugins=keyfile [keyfile] unmanaged-devices=mac:A7:A7:A7:A7:A7%onkelhoSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gccmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8188eus- " f 4B@DBAlBEpBJCdkms-rtl8192cu4.0.22pclos2024Driver for Realtek RTL8188CUS (8188C, 8192C) chipset wireless cardsDriver for Realtek RTL8188CUS (8188C, 8192C) chipset wireless cards rtl8192cu linux driver sources. Added support for N150MA, ISY, HWNUM-300V2, Sitecom WLA-2100 and D-link DWA-131 (H/W Ver. B1) devices. Supports up to latest linux kernel (current 6.6). With no debug patch. *defined RTL8192C_USB_IDS \ /*=== Realtek demoboard ===*/ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8191)},/* Default ID */ \ /****** 8188CUS ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8176)},/* 8188cu 1*1 dongole */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8170)},/* 8188CE-VAU USB minCard */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x817E)},/* 8188CE-VAU USB minCard */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x817A)},/* 8188cu Slim Solo */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x817B)},/* 8188cu Slim Combo */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x817D)},/* 8188RU High-power USB Dongle */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8754)},/* 8188 Combo for BC4 */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x817F)},/* 8188RU */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x818A)},/* RTL8188CUS-VL */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x018A)},/* RTL8188CTV */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x17C0)}, /* RTK demoboard - USB-N10E */ \ /****** 8192CUS ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8177)},/* 8191cu 1*2 */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8178)},/* 8192cu 2*2 */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x817C)},/* 8192CE-VAU USB minCard */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8191)},/* 8192CU 2*2 */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x1058, 0x0631)},/* Alpha, 8192CU */ \ /*=== Customer ID ===*/ \ /****** 8188CUS Dongle ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xED17)},/* PCI - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0DF6, 0x0052)},/* Sitecom - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0x7811)},/* Edimax - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x07B8, 0x8189)},/* Abocom - Abocom */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0EB0, 0x9071)},/* NO Brand - Etop */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x06F8, 0xE033)},/* Hercules - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x06F8, 0xE035)},/* Hercules - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x103C, 0x1629)},/* HP - Lite-On ,8188CUS Slim Combo */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3308)},/* D-Link - Alpha */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x1102)},/* Belkin - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x11F2)},/* ISY - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB2A)},/* Planex - Abocom */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x20F4, 0x648B)},/* TRENDnet - Cameo */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x4855, 0x0090)},/* - Feixun */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x13D3, 0x3357)},/* - AzureWave */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0DF6, 0x005C)},/* Sitecom - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x5088)},/* Thinkware - CC&C */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x4856, 0x0091)},/* NetweeN - Feixun */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0x9041)}, /* Netgear - Cameo */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0x9042)}, /* On Networks - N150MA */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0x4902)},/* Planex - Etop */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB2E)},/* SW-WF02-AD15 -Abocom */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x330B)}, /* D-LINK - T&W */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0xCDAB, 0x8010)}, /* - - compare */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0B05, 0x17BA)}, /* ASUS - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x1E1E)}, /* Intel - - */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04BB, 0x094c)}, /* I-O DATA - Edimax */ \ /****** 8188CTV ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0xCDAB, 0x8011)}, /* - - compare */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x0A8A)}, /* Sony - Foxconn */ \ /****** 8188 RU ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x317F)},/* Netcore,Netcore */ \ /****** 8188CE-VAU ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x13D3, 0x3359)},/* - Azwave */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x13D3, 0x3358)},/* - Azwave */ \ /****** 8188CUS Slim Solo********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04F2, 0xAFF7)},/* XAVI - XAVI */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04F2, 0xAFF9)},/* XAVI - XAVI */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04F2, 0xAFFA)},/* XAVI - XAVI */ \ /****** 8188CUS Slim Combo ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04F2, 0xAFF8)},/* XAVI - XAVI */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04F2, 0xAFFB)},/* XAVI - XAVI */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04F2, 0xAFFC)},/* XAVI - XAVI */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0x1201)},/* Planex - Vencer */ \ /****** 8192CUS Dongle ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3307)},/* D-Link - Cameo */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x330A)},/* D-Link - Alpha */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3309)},/* D-Link - Alpha */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x330D)},/* D-Link DWA-131 (H/W Ver. B1) */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0586, 0x341F)},/* Zyxel - Abocom */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0x7822)},/* Edimax - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB2B)},/* Planex - Abocom */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x07B8, 0x8178)},/* Abocom - Abocom */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x07AA, 0x0056)},/* ATKK - Gemtek */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x4855, 0x0091)},/* - Feixun */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x2102)},/* Belkin - Sercomm */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x2103)},/* Belkin - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x20F4, 0x624D)},/* TRENDnet */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0DF6, 0x0061)},/* Sitecom - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0B05, 0x17AB)},/* ASUS - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0x9021)},/* Netgear - Sercomm */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0xF001)}, /* Netgear - Sercomm */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0E66, 0x0019)},/* Hawking,Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0E66, 0x0020)}, /* Hawking - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x1004)}, /* Belkin - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x2E2E)}, /* Intel - - */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0100)}, /* TP-Link - TP-Link */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x06F8, 0xE035)}, /* Hercules - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04BB, 0x0950)}, /* IO-DATA - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0DF6, 0x0070)}, /* Sitecom - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0DF6, 0x0077)}, /* Sitecom - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0789, 0x016D)}, /* LOGITEC - Edimax */ \ /****** 8192CE-VAU ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8186)},/* Intel-Xavi( Azwave) */TSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dkms-rtl8192cu-4.0.2-2pclos2024.src.rpm?21813ef78616aec0036ff50e1f3d6223./SRPMS.pclosd # PT Xs|B@BABEBJCdkms-rtl8192du4.0.101pclos2020dkms package for realtek 8188/8192 du driver/* DID_USB_v915_20121224 */ /*=== Realtek demoboard ===*/ \ /****** 8192DU ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8193)},/* 8192DU-VC */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8194)},/* 8192DU-VS */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8111)},/* Realtek 5G dongle for WiFi Display */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x0193)},/* 8192DE-VAU */ \ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8171)},/* 8192DU-VC */ \ /*=== Customer ID ===*/ \ /****** 8192DU-VC ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB2C)},/* PCI - Abocm */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0x4903)},/* PCI - ETOP */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0x4904)},/* PCI - ETOP */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x07B8, 0x8193)},/* Abocom - Abocom */ \ /****** 8192DU-VS ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x20F4, 0x664B)}, /* TRENDnet - Cameo */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04DD, 0x954F)}, /* Sharp */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x04DD, 0x96A6)}, /* Sharp */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x110A)}, /* Belkin - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x1105)}, /* Belkin - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x120A)}, /* Belkin - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x1668, 0x8102)}, /* - */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0xE194)}, /* - Edimax */ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x0930, 0x0A0A)}, /* Toshiba */ \ /****** 8192DU-WiFi Display Dongle ********/ \ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB2D)},/* Planex - Abocom ,5G dongle for WiFi Display */ )nSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8192du-4.0.10-1pclos2020.src.rpm ,Y3a5759cc36721e617069a5a326f7bef3./SRPMS.pclosd " I $(DB@LBAtBExBJCdkms-rtl8192eu5.6.44pclos2020dkms package for realtek 8192eu driverThe official drivers for D-Link DWA-131 Rev E, with patches to keep it working on newer kernels. Works on Rosewill RNX-N180UBE v2 N300 Wireless Adapter and TP-Link TL-WN821N V6. A kernel module for wireless network cards based on RTL8192EU chipset +++ The official drivers for D-Link DWA-131 Rev E, with patches to keep it working on newer kernels. Also works on Rosewill RNX-N180UBE v2 N300 Wireless Adapter. /*===TPLINK ID===========*/ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3312),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* D-Link - DWA-131 rev C1 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3319),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* D-Link - DWA-131 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0107),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* TP-Link - Cameo */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0108),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* TP-Link - Cameo */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0109),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* TP-Link - Cameo */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0126),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* TP-Link TL-WN8200ND V2 */ /*=== PLANEX ===========*/ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB33),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* PLANEX - GW-300S Katana */ /*=== Customer ID ===*/ {USB_DEVICE(0x2c4e, 0x0100),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* Mercusys MW300UM */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2c4e, 0x0104),.driver_info = RTL8192E}, /* Mercusys MW300UH */System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8192eu-5.6.4-4pclos2020.src.rpme0d1803309a39f7f5ca25fe86b2bfd97./SRPMS.pclosd # JD HclpB@BABEBJCdkms-rtl8723bu4.3.162pclos2020dkms package for realtek 8723bu driverDriver for Realtek RTL8723BU Wireless Adapter with Hardware ID 0bda:b720 802.11bgn USB 2.0 WLAN with Bluetooth 4.0 Single-Chip Controller +++ By default driver operates the hardware as a station AND as an access point *simultaneously*. This will show two devices when you run the `iwconfig` command. If you do not want two devices (station and an access point) *simultaneously*, then install the rpm dkms-rtl8723bu-noc. +++ The Realtek RTL8723BU is an 802.11bgn 2.4G single-chip that integrates Wireless LAN (WLAN) and a network USB interface (USB 1.0/1.1/2.0 compatible) controller with integrated Bluetooth 2.1/3.0/4.0 controller. It combines a WLAN MAC, a 1T1R capable WLAN baseband, and WLAN RF in a single chip. The RTL8723BU provides a complete solution for a high-throughput performance and low power consumption integrated wireless LAN device. Features: 56-pin QFN 802.11bgn USB 2.0 for WLAN and Bluetooth Embedded Balun Wake on Wireless LAN Antenna Diversity Bluetooth Low EnergyA=System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8723bu-4.3.16-2pclos2020.src.rpmA<789419fdf05dc17461f5b5525d8b767b./SRPMS.pclosd ' N  4B@<BAlBEpBJCdkms-rtl8723bu-noc4.3.162pclos2020dkms package for realtek 8723bu driverDriver for Realtek RTL8723BU Wireless Adapter with Hardware ID 0bda:b720 802.11bgn USB 2.0 WLAN with Bluetooth 4.0 Single-Chip Controller +++ This driver will NOT show two devices when you run the `iwconfig` command. If you do want two devices (station and an access point) *simultaneously*, then install the rpm dkms-rtl8723bu. +++ The Realtek RTL8723BU is an 802.11bgn 2.4G single-chip that integrates Wireless LAN (WLAN) and a network USB interface (USB 1.0/1.1/2.0 compatible) controller with integrated Bluetooth 2.1/3.0/4.0 controller. It combines a WLAN MAC, a 1T1R capable WLAN baseband, and WLAN RF in a single chip. The RTL8723BU provides a complete solution for a high-throughput performance and low power consumption integrated wireless LAN device. Features: 56-pin QFN 802.11bgn USB 2.0 for WLAN and Bluetooth Embedded Balun Wake on Wireless LAN Antenna Diversity Bluetooth Low EnergyA>iSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8723bu-noc-4.3.16-2pclos2020.src.rpmA<{14473e321d570aba25a0dbcf7ad3b8d2./SRPMS.pclosd " I  +48TB@\BABEBJCdkms-rtl8821ce5.5.26pclos2020dkms package for realtek 8821ce driver802.11ac/abgn PCIe WLAN with Bluetooth 4.2 Single-Chip Controller The Realtek RTL8821CE-CG is a highly integrated single-chip that supports 1-stream 802.11ac solutions with Multi-user MIMO (Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output) and Wireless LAN (WLAN) PCI Express network interface controller with integrated Bluetooth 2.1/3.0/4.2 USB interface controller. It combines a WLAN MAC, a 1T1R capable WLAN baseband, and RF in a single chip. The RTL8821CE-CG provides a complete solution for a high-performance integrated wireless and Bluetooth device. Features TFBGA 5.2x5.2mm package 802.11ac/abgn 802.11ac 1x1, Wave-2 compatible with MU-MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 Host interface PCI Express 1.1 for WLAN controller USB2.0 for Bluetooth controller Hint: many newer Laptops HP have this chip PCIe Activate State Power Management Your distribution may come with PCIe Active State Power Management enabled by default. That may conflict with this driver. To disable: sudo $EDITOR /etc/default/grub Add pci=noaer at the end of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. Line should look like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pci=noaer" Then update your GRUB configuration: sudo update-grub Reboot. Lenovo Yoga laptops Some new Yoga laptops (like the Yoga 530) come with rtl8821ce as the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chip. But the ideapad-laptop module, which may come included in your distribution, may conflict with this driver. To disable: sudo modprobe -r ideapad_laptop&DSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8821ce-5.5.2-6pclos2020.src.rpm&f22f599c1d666da9ec4a5bfdaa2a5d0b./SRPMS.pclosd " k8 <W`dB@BABEBJCdkms-rtl8821cu5.8.13pclos2020dkms package for realtek RTL8811CU/RTL8821CU driver with bt and firmwareRealtek RTL8811CU/RTL8821CU USB wifi adapter driver version 5.4.1 for Linux 4.4.x up to 5.4.x The Realtek RTL8821CU-CG is a highly integrated single-chip that supports 1-stream 802.11ac solutions with Multi-user MIMO (Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output) and Wireless LAN (WLAN) with integrated Bluetooth 2.1/3.0/4.2 USB-multi interface controller. It combines a WLAN MAC, a 1T1R capable WLAN baseband, and RF in a single chip. The RTL8821CU-CG provides a complete solution for a high-performance integrated wireless and Bluetooth device. Drivers for rtl8811CU and rtl8821CU Wi-Fi chipsets. This repository is based on soruce code found on a CD shipped with a rtl8811CU based card. It's updated to build on newer kernel versions. Note: This is an USB2 only adapter, which may have bluetooth support For specialities on this device read at the end build/load/function tested with v4.18.7 CDROM emulation The device exists in various flavours including cdrom emulation for windows knowing USB id's doing this trick (after cold boot) 0x0bda 0x1a2b you can do a scsi cdrom ejcet with usb_modeswitch -v 0bda -p 1a2b -K or eject $DEVICE Bluetooth support named as btcoexist should be provid from rtlwifi-extended, install the dkms-rtlwifi-extended first if you would automatic switch into wifi-mode even the dongle is pluged-in, then add in /etc/udev/rules.d/ 90-rtl8821CU.rules ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1a2b", RUN+="/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -KW -v 0bda -p 1a2b" fSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl8821cu-5.8.1-3pclos2020.src.rpm sf0c092cf48e07206cbaf90870b40fb86./SRPMS.pclos 3d $ R      B@ BA BE BJ %Cdkms-rtl88x2bu5.8.7.11pclos2020dkms package for realtek 8812bu+8822bu driverCurrent Driver Version: Support Kernel: 2.6.24 ~ 5.8 (with unofficial patches) Official release note please check ReleaseNotes.pdf Note: if you believe your device is RTL8812BU or RTL8822BU but after loaded the module no NIC shows up, the device ID maybe not in the driver whitelist. In this case please submit a new issue with lsusb result, and your device name, brand, website, etc. Realtek provides the solution for WLAN in hardware and software. The software package could be adopted for Realtek RTL88x2B USB WLAN series hardware on Linux based platforms. Software Version: RTL88x2B USB Linux Driver Version: v5.6.1.6_35492.20191025_COEX20180928-6a6a Software Package Feature: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n/ac WiFi compliant 802.1x, WEP, WPA TKIP andWPA2 AES/Mixed mode for PSK and TLS (Radius) WPA3-SAE Personal WPS - PIN and PBC Methods IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac Client mode - Support wireless security for WEP, WPA TKIP and WPA2 AES PSK - Support site survey scan and manual connect - Support WPA/WPA2 TLS client - Support power saving mode Soft AP mode WiFi-Direct Hardware Supported: RTL8812BU and RTL8822BU ASUS AC1300 USB-AC55 B1 ASUS U2 Dlink - DWA-181 Dlink - DWA-182 Edimax EW-7822ULC Edimax EW-7822UTC NetGear A6150 TP-Link Archer T3U TP-Link Archer T3U Plus TP-Link Archer T4U V3 TRENDnet TEW-808UBM and more /*=== Realtek demoboard ===*/ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0xB82C, ... _info = RTL8822B}, /* Default ID for USB multi-function */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0xB812, ... _info = RTL8822B}, /* Default ID for USB Single-function, WiFi only */ /*=== Customer ID ===*/ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x13b1, 0x0043, ... /* Alpha - Alpha*/ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x0b05, 0x1841, ... /* ASUS AC1300 USB-AC55 B1 */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x0b05, 0x184C, ... /* ASUS U2*/ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x7392, 0xB822, ... /* Edimax EW-7822ULC */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x7392, 0xC822, ... /* Edimax EW-7822UTC */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x2001, 0x331e, ... /* Dlink - DWA-181*/ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x2001, 0x331c, ... /* Dlink - DWA-182*/ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x0846, 0x9055, ... /* NetGear A6150 */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x2357, 0x012D, ... /* TP-Link Archer T3U */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x2357, 0x0138, ... /* TP-Link Archer T3U Plus */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x2357, 0x0115, ... /* TP-Link Archer T4U V3 */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(0x20F4, 0x808A, ... /* TRENDnet TEW-808UBM */$System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl88x2bu-$f4565ae26780254f88c2e6f0dd30b1c6./SRPMS.pclosd " O $B@,BATBEXBJyCdkms-rtl88xxau5.7.07pclos2021dkms package for realtek 8812/14/21au driverImportant! * Use "ip" and "iw" instead of "ifconfig" and "iwconfig" It's described further down, READ THE README! * v5.3.4 is the stable branch, not this, but this does have better range then branches below + more fixes from Realtek LED control: statically by module parameter in /etc/modprobe.d/8812au.conf or wherever, for example: options rtl88xxau rtw_led_ctrl=0 value can be 0 or 1 or dynamically by writing to /proc/net/rtl8812au/$(your interface name)/led_ctrl, for example: $ echo "0" > /proc/net/rtl8812au/$(your interface name)/led_ctrl value can be 0 or 1 check current value: $ cat /proc/net/rtl8812au/$(your interface name)/led_ctrl USB Mode Switch: 0: doesn't switch, 1: switch from usb2.0 to usb 3.0 2: switch from usb3.0 to usb 2.0 $ rmmod rtl88xxau $ modprobe rtl88xxau rtw_switch_usb_mode:int (0: no switch 1: switch from usb2 to usb3 2: switch from usb3 to usb2) Realtek released a new multichip 'base', the v5.6.4.2 which supports kernel v5.3+ and they fixed the P2P NoA potentially buffer overflow.(See ReleaseNotes.pdf) supports: * Monitor mode * Frame injection * MESH Mode (IBSS) * WPA3 SAE * Wi-Fi Direct * wpa_supplicant * Hostapd * USB 3.0 (currently forced down to 2) * Kernel up to v5.3+ Realtek 88xxAU driver v5.6.4.2 with monitor mode and frame injection This driver supports RTL8812AU/21AU and RTL8814AU chipsets wlan-only. Supports Realtek 8812, 8814 and 8821 chipsets *=== CONFIG_RTL8812A ===* {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8812), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Default ID */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x881A), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Default ID */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x881B), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Default ID */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x881C), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Default ID */ /*=== Customer ID ===*/ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x1106), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Belkin - sercomm */ {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0xA822), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Edimax - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0DF6, 0x0074), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Sitecom - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x04BB, 0x0952), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* I-O DATA - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0789, 0x016E), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Logitec - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0409, 0x0408), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* NEC - */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0B05, 0x17D2), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* ASUS - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0E66, 0x0022), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* HAWKING - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0586, 0x3426), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* ZyXEL - */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3313), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* D-Link - ALPHA */ {USB_DEVICE(0x1058, 0x0632), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* WD - Cybertan */ {USB_DEVICE(0x1740, 0x0100), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* EnGenius - EnGenius */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB30), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Planex - Abocom */ {USB_DEVICE(0x07B8, 0x8812), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Abocom - Abocom */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0x9051), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Netgear A6200 v2 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x330E), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* D-Link - ALPHA */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3313), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* D-Link - ALPHA */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3315), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* D-Link - Cameo */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3316), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* D-Link - Cameo */ {USB_DEVICE(0x13B1, 0x003F), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Linksys - WUSB6300 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0101), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - Archer T4U AC1200 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0103), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - T4UH */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x010D), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - Archer T4U AC1300 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0115), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - Archer T4U AC1300 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x010E), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - Archer T4UH AC1300 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x010F), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - T4UHP */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0122), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - T4UHP (other) */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x011F), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TP-Link - Archer AC600 T2U Nano */ {USB_DEVICE(0x20F4, 0x805B), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* TRENDnet - */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x025D), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Buffalo - WI-U3-866D */ {USB_DEVICE(0x050D, 0x1109), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Belkin F9L1109 - SerComm */ {USB_DEVICE(0x148F, 0x9097), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Amped Wireless ACA1 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x8812), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Alfa - AWUS036AC, AWUS036ACH & AWUS036EAC */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2604, 0x0012), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Tenda U12 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x881A), .driver_info = RTL8812}, /* Unex DAUK-W8812 */ *=== CONFIG_RTL8821A ===* /*=== Realtek demoboard ===*/ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x0811), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Default ID */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x0821), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Default ID */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8822), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Default ID */ {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0xA811) , .driver_info = RTL8821},/* Default ID */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x0820, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* 8821AU */ {USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x0823, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* 8821AU */ *=== Customer ID ===* {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0xA811), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Edimax - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0xA812), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Edimax - EW-7811UTC */ {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0xA813), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Edimax - EW-7811UAC */ {USB_DEVICE(0x04BB, 0x0953), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* I-O DATA - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3314), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* D-Link - Cameo */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3318), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* D-Link - Cameo */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0E66, 0x0023), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* HAWKING - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x056E, 0x400E), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* ELECOM - ELECOM */ {USB_DEVICE(0x056E, 0x400F), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* ELECOM - ELECOM */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x0242), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* ELECOM - WDC-433DU2H */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xAB32), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Planex - GW-450S */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0x9052), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Netgear - A6100 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x029B), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Buffalo - WI-U2-433DHP */ {USB_DEVICE(0x056E, 0x4007), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Elecom - WDC-433DU2HBK */ {USB_DEVICE(0x3823, 0x6249), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* Obihai - OBiWiFi */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x011E), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* TP Link - T2U Nano */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x011F), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* TP Link - T2U */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0122), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* TP Link - T2U Nano */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0120), .driver_info = RTL8821}, /* TP Link - T2U Plus */ *=== CONFIG_RTL8814A ===* {USB_DEVICE(USB_VENDER_ID_REALTEK, 0x8813), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, {USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x331A), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* D-Link - D-Link */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0B05, 0x1817), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* ASUS - ASUSTeK */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0B05, 0x1852), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* ASUS - ASUSTeK */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0B05, 0x1853), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* ASUS - ASUSTeK */ {USB_DEVICE(0x056E, 0x400B), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* ELECOM - ELECOM */ {USB_DEVICE(0x056E, 0x400D), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* ELECOM - ELECOM */ {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0xA834), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* Edimax - Edimax */ {USB_DEVICE(0x7392, 0xA833), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* Edimax - AC1750 */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0BDA, 0x8813), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* Edimax - EDUP Adapters */ {USB_DEVICE(0x2357, 0x0106), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* TP-LINK Archer T9UH */ {USB_DEVICE(0x20F4, 0x809A), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* TRENDnet - TRENDnet */ {USB_DEVICE(0x20F4, 0x809B), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* TRENDnet TEW-809UB */ {USB_DEVICE(0x0846, 0x9054), .driver_info = RTL8814A}, /* Netgear A7000 */))XSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-rtl88xxau-5.7.0-7pclos2021.src.rpm)E1eedf2002c0a1c2f1dfd9f03f38f2aeb./SRPMS.pclosd ) Q  <B@DBAtBExBJCdkms-tuxedo-keyboard3.0.101pclos2022dkms package for tuxedo_keyboard driverTUXEDO Computers kernel module drivers for keyboard, keyboard backlight & general hardware I/O Features Driver for Fn-keys Sysfs control of brightness/color/mode for most TUXEDO keyboards (note: white backlight only models are currently not supported) Hardware I/O driver for TUXEDO Control Center Modules included in this package tuxedo-keyboard tuxedo-io clevo-wmi clevo-acpi֑onkelhoSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkms-tuxedo-keyboard-3.0.10-1pclos2022.src.rpm66f5d597c0d94a5f092f215b3f971558./SRPMS.pclosOd & V\ `{B@BABE BJACdkms-v4l2loopback0.13.01pclos2024A kernel module to create V4L2 loopback devicesThis module allows you to create "virtual video devices". Normal (v4l2) applications will read these devices as if they were ordinary video devices, but the video will not be read from e.g. a capture card but instead it is generated by another application. This allows you for instance to apply some nifty video effects on your Skype video... It also allows some more serious things (e.g. I've been using it to add streaming capabilities to an application by the means of hooking GStreamer into the loopback devices).YSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  gcchelp2manmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dkms-v4l2loopback-0.13.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm&8f48f262c9435ca56d47c10178639b4f./SRPMS.pclosd    [B@fBABEBJCdedkopp6.41pclos2014dkopp is a program used to copy or back-up disk files to DVDdkopp kopiert Sicherungs(Backup)-Dateien auf DVDdkopp is a program used to copy or back-up disk files to DVD. Full or incremental backups can be done, with full or incremental DVD verification.dkopp ist ein Programm zum Kopieren der Sicherungs(Backup)-Dateien einer Festplatte auf eine DVD. Die vollständigen oder inkrementellen Sicherungen können mit Voll-oder Inkrementeller-DVD-Prüfung erfolgen. Archiving/Backupx86_64 gcc-c++lib64gtk+3.0-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dkopp-6.4-1pclos2014.src.rpmY6daa24d69f35bb37f554f92e52dc7ead./SRPMS.pclosod ) Mt xB@ BA<BE@BJaCdleyna-connector-dbus0.2.01pclos2019D-Bus connector for dLeyna servicesD-Bus connector for dLeyna services.x=System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dleyna-core-1.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}671c25342148223fb75e47c65646704f./SRPMS.pclosd  K -4@B@BABEBJCdleyna-core0.5.01pclos2019Utilities for higher level dLeyna librariesA set of utility functions that are used by the higher level dLeyna libraries to communicate with DLNA devices. It provides APIs for logging, error, settings and task management, and an IPC abstraction.nSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gupnp-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d ! T B@BABEBJCdleyna-server0.5.01pclos2019Service for interacting with Digital Media ServersD-Bus service for clients to discover and manipulate DLNA Digital Media Servers (DMSes).R6System/Serversx86_64  pkgconfig(dleyna-core-1.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gssdp-1.0)pkgconfig(gupnp-1.0)pkgconfig(gupnp-av-1.0)pkgconfig(gupnp-dlna-2.0)libsoup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   , B@BA4BE8BJYCdmalloc5.6.51pclos2021Debugging MALLOCThe debug memory allocation or "dmalloc" library has been designed as a drop in replacement for the system's `malloc', `realloc', `calloc', `free' and other memory management routines while providing powerful debugging facilities configurable at run-time. These facilities include such things as memory-leak tracking, fence-post write detection, file/line number reporting, and general logging of statistics.U6Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmalloc-5.6.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm[27838cd35459b84a830685cad555037c./SRPMS.pclosGd  ATX yB@BABEBJ9Cdmapi2.2.52pclos2007Data Management API runtime environmentFiles required by system software using the Data Management API (DMAPI). This is used to implement the interface defined in the X/Open document: Systems Management: Data Storage Managment (XDSM) API dated February 1997. This interface is implemented by the libdm library.Texstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 xfs-devellibext2fs-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmapi-2.2.5-2pclos2007.src.rpmcfdce38ec84af7f202cbf73be11ee4df./SRPMS.pclosd   , .B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cdmenu5.01pclos2022A dynamic menu for Xdmenu is a dynamic menu for X, originally designed for dwm. It manages large numbers of user-defined menu items efficiently.>Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xft)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmenu-5.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmDZf0a580be1796d377189a531a4e6fb984./SRPMS.pclosd   'P Tr|B@BABEBJCdmesg-show0.11pclos2009Dmesg ShowSimple gui that shows results from dmesg)System/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmesg-show-0.1-1pclos2009.src.rpm 3896aeb248aec87538ac3e883d37d811./SRPMS.pclosd   @ NB@XBA|BEBJCdmg2img1.6.71pclos2020Converts dmg archives to HFS+ imagesDMG2IMG is a tool which allows converting Apple compressed dmg archives to standard (hfsplus) image disk files. This tool handles z-lib compressed dmg images.yArchiving/Compressionx86_64 pkgconfig(openssl)libbzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmg2img-1.6.7-1pclos2020.src.rpmjf041f7ea8924ba2e98bfdd804f431652./SRPMS.pclosd   Ll pB@BABEBJCdmidecode3.52pclos2023Tool for dumping a computer's DMI table contentsDmidecode is a tool for dumping a computer's DMI (some say SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format. This table contains a description of the system's hardware components, as well as other useful pieces of information such as serial numbers and BIOS revision. Part of its code can be found in the Linux kernel, because DMI data may be used to enable or disable specific portions of code depending on the hardware vendor. Thus, dmidecode is mainly used to detect system "signatures" and add them to the kernel source code when needed.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmidecode-3.5-2pclos2023.src.rpm 5f442805793fd1d5648f7a96d1a70e98f./SRPMS.pclosd  +` djtxB@BABEBJCdmidiplayer1.7.11pclos2022Midi PlayerDmidiplayer is a midi player for the Linux Desktop.xSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmidiplayer-1.7.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm dc83153b765056e707e01f4d99309d3c7./SRPMS.pclosSd  ! <X \wB@BA BE$BJECdmraid1.0.00.rc16.2pclos2013Device-mapper ATARAID tooldmraid (Device-Mapper Raid tool) supports RAID device discovery, RAID set activation, creation, removal, rebuild and display of properties for ATARAID/DDF1 metadata. dmraid uses libdevmapper and the device-mapper kernel runtime to create devices with respective mappings for the ATARAID sets discovered. The following ATARAID types are supported: Adaptec HostRAID ASR Highpoint HPT37X Highpoint HPT45X Intel Software RAID JMicron JMB36x LSI Logic MegaRAID NVidia NForce Promise FastTrack Silicon Image Medley SNIA DDF1 VIA Software RAIDEySystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 device-mapper-develdevice-mapper-event-develglibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dmraid-1.0.0-0.rc16.2pclos2013.src.rpm99e3df4f5536434e74c91e92fb55ec3f0./SRPMS.pclosd   n  /8@gB@pBABEBJCdednsmasq2.751pclos2016A lightweight dhcp and caching nameserverLeichter DHCP und Namenserver SpeicherDnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured either in each host or in a central configuration file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases and BOOTP for network booting of diskless machines.DNSmasq ist leichter, einfach zu konfigurierender DNS-Forwarder und DHCP-Server. Es wurde entwickelt, um DNS und optional DHCP in einem kleinen Netzwerk bereitzustellen.NsSystem/Serversx86_64 dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dnsmasq-2.75-1pclos2016.src.rpmM477bdbea2a9bb55574ba049def40ea46./SRPMS.pclossd   B@BA@BEDBJeCfrdnstracer1.91pclos2013Trace a DNS record to its start of authorityTrace un enregistrement DNS au départ de son authoritédnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data.dnstracer détermine où un Serveur de Nom de Domaine (DNS) donné obtient ses informations, et remonte la chaîne des serveurs DNS jusqu'au serveur détenant les données.5 Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dnstracer-1.9-1pclos2013.src.rpmGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dockbarx-0.93-1pclos2019.src.rpm80bc8c0865f558c75617517897f88367./SRPMS.pclosd  ?  xB@BABEBJCdockmanager0.1.02pclos2013dock-independent helper scriptsThis project contains dock-independent helper scripts, which add functionality to any dock implementing the DockManager DBus interface specification.tDevelopment/Otherx86_64 libdesktop-agnostic-devellibglib2.0-develpython-gobject-devellibpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dockmanager-0.1.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm{31600971220cce0accd34d45ce7991bd./SRPMS.pclosd  ?\ `x>B@[BA|BEBJCdocky2.2.01pclos2014Advanced shortcut bar written in MonoDocky is an advanced shortcut bar that sits at the bottom, top, and/or sides of your screen. It provides easy access to some of the files, folders, and applications on your computer, displays which applications are currently running, holds windows in their minimized state, and more.IGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 gnome-sharp2-develgtk-sharp2-develgnome-desktop-sharp-develgnome-keyring-sharpmono-addins-develmono-develndesk-dbusndesk-dbus-glibnotify-sharp-develGConf2-develgio-sharp-develdbus-sharp-develdbus-sharp-glib-develpython-develglib2-develgtk2-develgettextperl-XML-Parserintltooldesktop-file-utilslibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1docky-2.2.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm̟fa40c2ab710e9ddafa2919b24c79e79a./SRPMS.pclosd   H (}B@BABEBJCdolphin24.12.31pclos2025File manager for KDE focusing on usabilityDolphin is a file manager for KDE focusing on usability. The main features of Dolphin are: - Navigation bar for URLs, which allows to navigate quickly through the file hierarchy. - View properties are remembered for each folder. - Split of views is supported. - Network transparency. - Undo/redo functionality. - Renaming of a variable number of selected items in one step. Dolphin is not intended to be a competitor to Konqueror: Konqueror acts as universal viewer being able to show HTML pages, text documents, directories and a lot more, whereas Dolphin focuses on being only a file manager. This approach allows to optimize the user interface for the task of file management.W)Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64phonon4qt6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dolphin-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmWMc5d5ad0acd08a61e7bb79cd05483be2f./SRPMS.pclos[d # 9\ `jtB@BA(BE,BJMCdolphin-emu5.0.161272pclos2024GameCube/Wii emulatorDolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!Emulatorsx86_64   cmakeffmpeg-devellibgomp-develliblzo-develmbedtls-develminiupnpc-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(ao)pkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(fmt)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(hidapi-hidraw)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libenet)pkgconfig(libevdev)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(sfml-network)pugixml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sndio-devel8. % 9t xB@BA BE$BJECdolphin-plugins24.12.31pclos2025Plugins for dolphinThis package contains some scripts plugins for dolphin.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dolphin-plugins-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm2cf693c76024cfbfbc12f9eeab25d2a1./SRPMS.pclosd   2  .8@oB@xBABEBJCdominos1.04pclos2013Dominos is a puzzle gameDominos is a puzzle game based on the Sino-European domino set, which consists of 28 dominoes. For more information about Dominos and Game rules please read the game documentation. or you can surf the Wikipedia page about Dominos.Games/Puzzlesx86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dominos-1.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm90e5e92c55f19731e0a607df0d5fe97f./SRPMS.pclosd   2 B@BABEBJ Cdooble2019.02.151pclos2019Dooble Web BrowserDooble is a mischievous and platform-independent browser. Fair trade and organic software made with lots of love. A browser that aims to put some fiber in your diet., Networking/WWWx86_64  desktop-file-utilsgcc-c++libgcrypt-devellibgpg-error-devellib64qt5webengine-develphonon4qt5-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)\768111069e1e6a3a3fa250e0db6c0563./SRPMS.pclosd   ]    B@BABEBJCdoomsday1.9.82pclos2013The Doomsday Engine: DOOM/Hertic/Hexen port with pretty graphicsThe Doomsday Engine is a source port with support for Doom, Heretic, and Hexen. It does not support BOOM extensions.MpKGames/Adventurex86_64  lib64mesagl1-develSDL-develSDL_mixer-develgcc-c++libpng-devellibqt4-develncurses-develx11-server-develxzzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)]19ec07f027e64235631daa4affa99f9a./SRPMS.pclosd   X B@-BAPBETBJuCdos2unix7.5.21pclos2024Converts DOS and Mac EOLs to UNIX-style EOLs and vice versaConvert text files with DOS or Mac line endings to Unix line endings and vice versa.fText toolsx86_64  gettextperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dos2unix-7.5.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm)b8ba7a90a1ff46e94972b3aaac319245./SRPMS.pclosd   *h lv  T B@eBABEBJCdosbox0.74.31pclos2019A DOS emulatorDOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to many different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X... DOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games... You can "re-live" the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don't run on your new computer! Emulatorsx86_64 SDL_sound-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(SDL_net)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dosbox-0.74.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm cb82d091ced8c32c339c690e6c233def./SRPMS.pcloskd   E$ (2< h  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdosemu1.4.0.85pclos2021DOSEMU allows you to to run DOS programsDOSEMU is a user-level program which uses certain special features of the Linux kernel and the 80386 processor to run MS-DOS/FreeDOS/ DR-DOS, DOS programs, and many DPMI applications in what we in the biz call a `DOS box'.* Emulatorsx86_64 bisonflexbdftopcfmkfontdirpkgconfig(x11)svgalib-develpkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)pkgconfig(slang)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dosemu-*45c5e7a6453be86327089b26db775410./SRPMS.pclosSd "  B@BA BE$BJECdedosfstools3.0.281pclos2015Utilities to create and check MS-DOS FAT filesystemsWerkzeuge zum Erstellen und Überprüfen von MS-DOS FAT DateisystemenInside of this package there are two utilities to create and to check MS-DOS FAT filesystems on either harddisks or floppies under Linux. This version uses the enhanced boot sector/superblock format of DOS 3.3+ as well as provides a default dummy boot sector code.In diesem Paket gibt es zwei Werkzeuge zum Erstellen und Überprüfen von MS-DOS FAT Dateisystemen auf entweder Festplatten oder Disketten, unter Linux. Diese Version nutzt das erweiterte Sektor/Superblock Format von DOS 3.3+, genauso wie es Dummy Boot-Sektor-Code bietet.JFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dosfstools-3.0.28-1pclos2015.src.rpmR\cd9373fdf486cc0ab9a20c984ebfe4f7./SRPMS.pclosd   <l pB@BABEBJCdotconf1.31pclos2018A ConfigurationFile Parser LibraryDotconf is a configuration file parser library.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dotconf-1.3-1pclos2018.src.rpm.8c266ffb7eab4737719a43b40e8acc07./SRPMS.pclos_d % s B@BA,BE0BJQCdouble-conversion3.3.01pclos2023Library providing binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doublesProvides binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles. The library consists of efficient conversion routines that have been extracted from the V8 JavaScript engine. The code has been re-factored and improved so that it can be used more easily in other projects.QZDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1double-conversion-3.3.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmQbc02e5285c00532e4084d6be18cad08e5./SRPMS.pclos[d ! x B@BA(BE,BJMCdedoublecmd1.0.111pclos2023Cross platform open source file managerPlattformunabhängiger OpenSource DateimanagerDouble Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas. Here are some key features of Double Commander: * Unicode support * All operations working in background * Multi-rename tool * Tabbed interface * Custom columns * Internal text editor (F4) with syntax hightlighting * Built in file viewer (F3) to view files of in hex, binary or text format * Archives are handled like subdirectories. You can easily copy files to and from archives. Supported archive types: ZIP, TAR GZ, TGZ, LZMA and also BZ2, RPM, CPIO, DEB, RAR. * Extended search function with full text search in any files * Configurable button bar to start external programs or internal menu commands * Total Commander WCX, WDX and WLX plug-ins support * File operations logging * And more...Double Commander ist ein plattformunabhängiger OpenSource Dateimanager mit zwei nebeneinander angeordneten Fenstern. Er ist von Total Commander insperiert und bietet einige neue Ideen. Hier sind einige Kerneigenschaften von Double Commander: * Unicode Unterstützung * Alle Operationen laufen im Hintergrund ab * Oberfläche bietet Tabs * Benutzerspezifische Spalten * Internen Texteditor (F4) mit Syntaxhervorhebung * Eingebauter Dateibetrachter (F3) zum Betrachten von Dateien im hexdezimalen, binären oder Textformat * Archive werden wie Unterverzeichnisse behandelt. Sie können einfach Dateien heraus oder hinein kopieren. Unterstützte Archivtypen: ZIP, TAR GZ, TGZ, LZMA und auch BZ2, RPM, CPIO, DEB und RAR. * Erweiterte Suchfunktion mit Volltextsuche in jeder Datei * Konfigurierbare Knopfleiste zum Starten von externen Programmen oder internen Befehlen * Unterstützung der WCX, WDX und WLX Plugins von Total Commander * Aufzeichnung der Dateioperationen in Form eines Logs * Und mehr...~File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1doublecmd-1.0.11-1pclos2023.src.rpm~e42feee30deb2e113328fd4860bf0a2a./SRPMS.pclosd   8 B@BABEBJCdovecot1.2.171pclos2014Secure IMAP and POP3 serverDovecot is an IMAP and POP3 server for Linux/UNIX-like systems, written with security primarily in mind. Although it's written with C, it uses several coding techniques to avoid most of the common pitfalls. Dovecot can work with standard mbox and maildir formats and it's fully compatible with UW-IMAP and Courier IMAP servers as well as mail clients accessing the mailboxes directly. This package have some configurable build options: --without ldap - build without LDAP support which is by default enabled --with sasl - build with Cyrus SASL 2 library support --with mysql - build with MySQL support --with pgsql - build with PostgreSQL supportsSystem/Serversx86_64 lib64bzip2-devellib64cap-devellib64openssl-devellib64pam-devellib64uuid-devellib64xfs-devellib64mysql-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dovecot-1.2.17-1pclos2014.src.rpm33d326f05b3806c18d045a68946db6c6./SRPMS.pclosd   =p t  ! B@8BA\BE`BJCdoxygen1.13.11pclos2025A documentation system for C/C++Doxygen is a documentation system for C, C++ and IDL. It can generate an on-line class browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference manual (in LaTeX) from a set of documented source files. There is also support for generating man pages and for converting the generated output into Postscript, hyperlinked PDF or compressed HTML. The documentation is extracted directly from the sources. Doxygen can also be configured to extract the code-structure from undocumented source files. This can be very useful to quickly find your way in large source distributions.SDevelopment/Otherx86_64  bisoncmakeflexgcc-c++git-coregraphvizpkgconfig(libpng)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1doxygen-1.13.1-1pclos2025.src.rpmS408f5eeec9dfaeff4e3774a847c89a97./SRPMS.pclosd .DHZdhB@BABEBJCdpatch2.0.311pclos2011Debian dpatch toolDebian dpatch tool.qDevelopment/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dpatch-2.0.31-1pclos2011.src.rpmu5922372c5f6730ce577f1803be415828./SRPMS.pclosd  F BB@NBApBEtBJCdpkg1.18.231pclos2017Package maintenance system for Debian LinuxThis package contains the programs dpkg which used to handle the installation and removal of packages on a Debian system.Ebb2 Archiving/Otherx86_64 gettext-develzlib-develpo4abzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dpkg-1.18.23-1pclos2017.src.rpmER84609b20076d339c11e2274d2c2d1d52./SRPMS.pclosd   ^  B@*BAPBETBJuCdr14tmeter1.0.161pclos2015Compute the dynamic range DR14 value of the givens audio filesCompute the DR14 value of the given audio files according to the algorithm decribed by the Pleasurize Music Foundation'Soundx86_64 pythonbashrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dr14tmeter-1.0.16-1pclos2015.src.rpmpc29883a039337fd517326dc9e507f0c8./SRPMS.pclosd  j jB@~BABEBJCdraco1.5.71pclos2024A library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point cloudsDraco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics. Draco was designed and built for compression efficiency and speed. The code supports compressing points, connectivity information, texture coordinates, color information, normals, and any other generic attributes associated with geometry. With Draco, applications using 3D graphics can be significantly smaller without compromising visual fidelity. For users, this means apps can now be downloaded faster, 3D graphics in the browser can load quicker, and VR and AR scenes can now be transmitted with a fraction of the bandwidth and rendered quickly. Draco is released as C++ source code that can be used to compress 3D graphics as well as C++ and Javascript decoders for the encoded data.JpinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  cmakelib64gtest-devellibstdc++-develpkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1draco-1.5.7-1pclos2024.src.rpm2488db732bb075eace427e20f8ab5a40./SRPMS.pclos7d   =` d{B@BABEBJ)Cdragon24.12.31pclos2025A simple video player for PlasmaDragon Player is a multimedia player where the focus is on simplicity, instead of features. Dragon Player does one thing, and only one thing, which is playing multimedia files. It's simple interface is designed not to get in your way and instead empower you to simply play multimedia files.sGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dragon-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm(fe051a83a2bd6ba2653e819299ecc3e9./SRPMS.pclos;d    1dh rB@BABE BJ-Cdrak3d2.32pclos20173D desktop effects toolsDrak3d enables to configure 3D desktop effects.;Rbb2 System/Configurationnoarch perl-MDK-Commongettextintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drak3d-2.3-2pclos2017.src.rpmAhf10bdcdfca7e1fa0ea9df4b9d1289f1c./SRPMS.pclos/d    1d h}B@BABEBJ!Cdrak3d2.33pclos20213D desktop effects toolsDrak3d enables to configure 3D desktop effects.~System/Configurationnoarch perl-MDK-Commongettextintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drak3d-2.3-3pclos2021.src.rpmyff2ace05caa90722753ce3a120c6f61e3./SRPMS.pclosd   = (B@1BAXBE\BJ}Cdrakbackup0.19.22pclos2017Backup and restore the systemDrakbackup enables backing up and restoring the system from a module in the PCLinuxOS Control Center (Configure your Computer). It provides full, incremental, or differential backups and can exclude files or directories listed in a .backupignore file. Use with non-.bfs kernel for best results, to avoid scheduler thrashing which could make the machine unresponsive until the backup completes.bb2 Archiving/Backupnoarch perl-MDK-Commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakbackup-0.19.2-2pclos2017.src.rpmSystem/Configurationnoarch perl-MDK-Commongettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakguard-1.3-3pclos2017.src.rpm?3628767ed1f63cc1d06358a77efa968b./SRPMS.pclosgd'XB@BA4BE8BJYCdraklive-config-gnome1.05pclos2011Configuration files for PCLinuxOS Gnome DrakliveThis package contains the required configuration files for PCLinuxOS Gnome draklive tool.System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1draklive-config-gnome-1.0-5pclos2011.src.rpmpbd6232935c2070074a3192fd1fc6421a./SRPMS.pclos_d & V B@BA,BE0BJQCdraklive-config-lxde1.06pclos2013Configuration files for PCLinuxOS LXDE DrakliveThis package contains the required configuration files for PCLinuxOS LXDE draklive tool.QSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1draklive-config-lxde-1.0-6pclos2013.src.rpm b0fb9866a5215b6ac2fdbf3b7273f52c./SRPMS.pcloskd ( Z B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdraklive-config-plasma1.01pclos2017Configuration files for PCLinuxOS Plasma DrakliveThis package contains the required configuration files for PCLinuxOS Plasma draklive tool.;System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1draklive-config-plasma-1.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm `2831226f49d7bac48ddd2db9e251b9ab./SRPMS.pclos/d # <t xB@BABEBJ!Cdraklive-install2.815pclos2023PCLinuxOS Live installerThis tool allows to install PCLinuxOS from a LiveCD.System/Configuration/Othernoarch intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1draklive-install-2.8-15pclos2023.src.rpm5cbcee4bb83a18d529fa8edd2c8e9712./SRPMS.pclosd    @ 5B@?BA`BEdBJCdrakoo0.93pclos2017A file format wizard for OpenOffice.orgThis wizard is run on first run of OpenOffice.org and enables to select the default file format (either native OpenOffice.org one or Microsoft(R) Office).'bb2 Officenoarch gettextperl_checkerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakoo-0.9-3pclos2017.src.rpm*ae31f173e0ba5678cadb6fa913eb733e./SRPMS.pclosd ! 2 +B@6BA`BEdBJCdraksnapshot0.20.32pclos2017Snapshot utilityThis is a backup program that uses rsync to take backup snapshots of filesystems. It uses hard links to save space on disk.bb2 Archiving/Backupnoarch gettextperl-MDK-Common-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1draksnapshot-0.20.3-2pclos2017.src.rpm85e62443dfc916f70393681604378a7b./SRPMS.pclosd   J $0cB@mBABEBJCdrakwizard4.33pclos2017Wizard Launcher and its collection of wizardsdrakwizard allows you to launch : - server wizard: configures basic services. - global wizard: wizard that launch each other. - dhcpd, dns, ftp, apache, time wizards, ssh. ܲbb2 System/Configurationnoarch gettext-baseperl-baserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakwizard-4.3-3pclos2017.src.rpm 7a34a343ded0e2496d554ee32062b558./SRPMS.pclosd  + :h l~   B@BABEBJCdrakx-installer-binaries2.592pclos2022DrakX binariesbinaries needed to build installer (DrakX)2Development/Otherx86_64 kernelldetect-develldetect-lstldetect-lst-develpkgconfig(libkmod)pkgconfig(libpci)sysfsutils-develpkgconfig(slang)pkgconfig(libnewt)pkgconfig(zlib)flexbyaccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakx-installer-binaries-2.59-2pclos2022.src.rpm2f55f42f485302e6352225cf87e2514d./SRPMS.pclosd# . =hl v  N B@`BABEBJCdrakx-installer-binaries-xz1.652pclos2017DrakX binariesbinaries needed to build installer (DrakX)vbb2 Development/Otherx86_64 kernelldetect-develldetect-lstldetect-lst-develdietlibc-develmodprobe-develpciutils-develzlib-develflexbyaccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakx-installer-binaries-xz-1.65-2pclos2017.src.rpm011c7f46397e6bca078d7d4bba3d41a6./SRPMS.pclos d & e  ,B@BABEBJCdrakx-kbd-mouse-x111.914pclos2022Tools to configure the keyboard, the mice and the graphic cardKeyboarddrake enables to configure the keyboard. Mousedrake enables to configure the mice. XFdrake enables to configure the graphic card.8System/Configurationx86_64 perl-MDK-Common-develgettextperl-devellibxxf86misc-develncurses-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakx-kbd-mouse-x11-1.9-14pclos2022.src.rpm0a789f409570ad3ae28e612b3202c1738./SRPMS.pclosd   3\ `r|B@BABEBJ Cdrakx-net2.286pclos2021Mandriva network toolsThis package contains the network tools.System/Networkingnoarch intltoolperl_checkerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakx-net-2.28-6pclos2021.src.rpm256b3237d8efe5443f34209985ba4b85./SRPMS.pclosd   ?   i B@zBABEBJCdrakxtools17.2025pclos2023The drakxtools (diskdrake, ...)Contains many Linux applications simplifying users and administrators life on a Linux machine. Nearly all of them work both under X.Org (graphical environment) and in console (text environment), allowing easy distant work. - drakbug: interactive bug report tool - drakbug_report: help find bugs in DrakX - drakclock: date & time configurator - drakfloppy: boot disk creator - drakfont: import fonts in the system - draklog: show extracted information from the system logs - drakperm: msec GUI (permissions configurator) - draksec: security options managment / msec frontend'System/Configurationx86_64 gettextldetect-develperl-develperl-MDK-Commonlib64parted-devellib64ncurses-develdrakx-installer-binariesintltoolperl_checkerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drakxtools-17.20-25pclos2023.src.rpm'dd6a2e24bdaf47fa66f420d51c8f6043d./SRPMS.pclosd   E| B@BABEBJCdrawing0.8.51pclos2021Drawing application for the GNOME desktopThis application is a basic image editor, similar to Microsoft Paint, but aiming at the GNOME desktop. PNG, JPEG and BMP files are supported. Besides GNOME, some more traditional design layouts are available too, as well as an elementaryOS layout. It should also be compatible with Purism's Librem 5 phone.n~Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drawing-0.8.5-1pclos2021.src.rpmwd03522a3c03dec0c3a4c614cf9a8bb8d./SRPMS.pclos7d   , B@BABEBJ)Cdrawio16.5.11pclos2022Diagram softwareDrawio is a free diagram software for making flowcharts, process diagrams, org charts, UML, ER and network diagrams.Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drawio-16.5.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm40076bdabff08da9085fbafed0362e7a./SRPMS.pclosd   =HL W`hKB@gBABEBJCdrawpile2.1.171pclos2020A collaborative drawing programDrawpile is a drawing program that lets you share the canvas with other users in real time. Some feature highlights: Runs on Linux, Windows and OSX Shared canvas using the built-in server or a dedicated server Record, play back and export drawing sessions Simple animation support Layers and blending modes Text layers Supports pressure sensitive Wacom tablets Built-in chat Supports OpenRaster file format Encrypted connections using SSL Automatic port forwarding with UPnPݹghostbunnyGraphicsx86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilsxdg-utilspkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(libmicrohttpd)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libsodium)extra-cmake-moduleslib64kf5archive-develpkgconfig(vpx)giflib-develminiupnpc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drawpile-2.1.17-1pclos2020.src.rpm79487585ded3dc704b9dbb897cc057f6./SRPMS.pclosd  ,  /B@9BAdBEhBJCpt_BResdrbd-utils8.00.pre4.3pclos2007Utilities to manage DRBD devicesUtilitrios para gerenciar dispositivos DRBDUtilities to manage DRBD devicesDRBD is a block device which is designed to build High Availability clusters. This is done by mirroring a whole block device via (maybe dedicated) network. You could see it as a network RAID 1. This package contains the utils to manage DRBD devices.O DRBD um dispositivo de bloco que projetado para construir clusters de Alta Disponibilidade. Isto feito espelhando um dispositivo de bloco inteiro via rede (dedicada ou no). Pode ser visto como um RAID 1 via rede. Este pacote contm utilitrios para gerenciar dispositivos DRBD.Texstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 bisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drbd-utils-8.0-0.pre4.3pclos2007.src.rpm5b451ed6a3c839b989a587f20a719883./SRPMS.pclosd  G| B@BABEBJCdrbl2.25.101pclos2019DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux) packageDRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux). Description: DRBL provides a diskless or systemless environment for client machines. It works on Debian, Ubuntu, Mageia, Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS and OpenSuSE. DRBL uses distributed hardware resources and makes it possible for clients to fully access local hardware. It also includes Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning utility similar to Symantec Ghost(TM) or True Image(TM). For more details, check 1. http://drbl.org or http://drbl.sourceforge.net (English) 2. http://drbl.nchc.org.tw (Traditional Chinese - Taiwan)eVideox86_64  gcclib64alsa2-devellib64ayatana-appindicator3-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64jpeg-devellib64speex1-devellib64usbmuxd-devellibusbmuxdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1droidcam-2.1.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmOe04d993358f73f11af836001ab60812d./SRPMS.pclosd   L @B@QBAxBE|BJCdropbox216.4.44201pclos2025Sync your files online and across computersDropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers and also allows one to share files with other dropbox users.Networking/Remote accessx86_64  imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dropbox-216.4.4420-1pclos2025.src.rpmCj5d9957573d153abe77f6fc49f2e0df10./SRPMS.pclos?d ) F B@BA BEBJ1Cdropbox-service-menu0.16.13pclos2013KDE Service Menu for DropboxDropbox ServiceMenu is a servicemenu which allows easy access to most of Dropbox features. It uses Dropbox CLI to generate public urls, and pyndexer to allow sharing directories in public folder. Features: * Copy Public URL to clipboard * Share folder (via web browser) * Copy file/directory to public folder and paste the URL to clipboard * Move file/directory to public folder and paste the URL to clipboard * Support for sharing directories in public folder using pyndexer ( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/552/pyndexer/index.html ) * Send generated public url via default email client and GMail (via webbrowser) * View previous versions of file (via web browser) * Encrypt directory listing with password (only works for directories in public folder) * Automatic detection of Dropbox directory pathGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dropbox-service-menu-0.16.1-3pclos2013.src.rpmM56d7141bd97400536220486daa18cb36./SRPMS.pclosd   G 0~B@BABEBJCdrpython3.11.32pclos2013Python editor and development environmentDrPython is a highly customizable, simple, and clean editing environment for developing Python programs. It is intended primarily for use in schools, and is a tribute to DrScheme. ?Development/Pythonx86_64  imagemagickpython-setuptoolspythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Tx| B@BABEBJ=Cdrqueue0.64.11pclos2007DrQueue is an Open Source render farm managing softwareDrQueue is an Open Source render farm managing software. It distributes shell based tasks such as rendering images on a per frame basis. DrQueue works under Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Mac OS X and Windows. It is distributed under GPL and is composed by three main tools: master, slave and drqman.rTexstar System/Clusteri586 pkgconfiggtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drqueue-0.64.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm46af183ff9cf650c73088b35db2e5f60./SRPMS.pclosd   ; B@BABEBJCdrumkv10.9.331pclos2024An old-school drum-kit samplerdrumkv1 is an old-school all-digital drum-kit sampler synthesizer with stereo effects. This package provides the standalone application.Soundx86_64  libasan-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(lv2)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1drumkv1-0.9.33-1pclos2024.src.rpmae6c2e97cd7136bf6973b09caa4ccc97./SRPMS.pclosd   Y, 0AH x M B@`BABEBJCdrumstick1.1.32pclos2021C++/Qt5 wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interfaceThe drumstick library is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface, using Qt5 objects, idioms and style. The ALSA sequencer interface provides software support for MIDI technology on GNU/Linux.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)docbook-style-xslxsltprocshared-mime-inforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drumstick-1.1.3-2pclos2021.src.rpm 4a6636ac1839af9348f0316e1e920b4a./SRPMS.pclosd   Y, 0AHB@BABEBJCdrumstick2.4.02pclos2021C++/Qt5 wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interfaceThe drumstick library is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface, using Qt5 objects, idioms and style. The ALSA sequencer interface provides software support for MIDI technology on GNU/Linux.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygenninjapkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Designer)pkgconfig(fluidsynth)docbook-style-xslxsltprocshared-mime-inforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drumstick-2.4.0-2pclos2021.src.rpm86ab0e8c095989d7fe1d06cce6571d48./SRPMS.pcloskd   $ (8@ l  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdedrv_z420.4.34pclos2011Printer driver for the Lexmark Z42, Z43 and Z52 printerDruckertreiber für den Lexmark Z42, Z43 und Z52 DruckerDriver for the Lexmark printers Z42, Z43, Z52, X73 and the Compaq IJ1200.Treiber für den Drucker Lexmark Z42, Z43, Z52, X73 und den Compaq IJ1200.System/Printingx86_64 X11-develxpm-develatk-develfreetype2-develglib2-develgtk+2-devellibfontconfig-devellibz-develpango-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1drv_z42-0.4.3-4pclos2011.src.rpm9a0f012fd65714052068346c1d8f3d69./SRPMS.pclosd   B B@BABEBJCdrwright3.2.11pclos2011Typing monitor to force typing breaksDrWright monitors your typing and forces you to periodically take typing breaks. For the Gnome 3 Desktop!Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  intltoolpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(gnome-settings-daemon)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   O B@BABEBJCdssi1.1.16pclos2025Disposable Soft Synth Interface examples and utilitiesDSSI (pronounced "dizzy") is an API for audio plugins, with particular application for software synthesis plugins with native user interfaces. DSSI is an open specification developed for use in Linux audio applications, although portable to other platforms. It may be thought of as LADSPA-for-instruments, or something comparable to VSTi. This package contains examples and utilities.$Sound/Utilitiesx86_64  ladspa-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dssi-1.1.1-6pclos2025.src.rpmc0fbba45b32c1ed58fca77fcc7507382./SRPMS.pclosd   9  $(DB@LBAlBEpBJCdtsdec0.0.27pclos2013DTS Coherent Acoustics decoderThis is a free decoder for the DTS Coherent Acoustics format. It consists of a library and a command line decoder. DTS is a high quality multi-channel (5.1) digital audio format used in DVDs and DTS audio CDs.pinocSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dtsdec-0.0.2-7pclos2013.src.rpmۭc9e9e9cd2bbd652cab08ced496096e9a./SRPMS.pclosd " @ CMT\B@BABEBJCduckstation0.1.67481pclos2024Sony PlayStation(TM) EmulatorDuckStation is an simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability. The goal is to be as accurate as possible while maintaining performance suitable for low-end devices. "Hack" options are discouraged, the default configuration should support all playable games with only some of the enhancements having compatibility issues. A "BIOS" ROM image is required to to start the emulator and to play games.Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1duckstation-0.1.6748-1pclos2024.src.rpmfc4f98960243f96e03567719531de7076./SRPMS.pclosd   /H LW`dB@BABEBJCduf0.6.01pclos2021Disk Usage/Free UtilityDisk Usage/Free Utility&File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1duf-0.6.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmoT098bc82e01dbc242f50af305eacb5674./SRPMS.pclosSd   8 B@BA BE$BJECduktape2.7.01pclos2024Embeddable Javascript engineDuktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint.System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1duktape-2.7.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm115988ba424b773278c4e7213615121b./SRPMS.pclos#d   Dt xB@BABEBJCdukto61pclos2013Easy and multi-platform LAN file transfer toolEasy and multi-platform LAN file transfer toolqNetworking/File transferx86_64 lib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dukto-6-1pclos2013.src.rpmw88812ed5bc4f80da4666e7ddce7c0557./SRPMS.pclosGd   = B@BABEBJ9Cdumb0.9.33pclos2016Dynamic Universal Music BibliothequeDUMB is an IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library. This package includes a player based on Allegro.Soundx86_64 lib64allegro-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dumb-0.9.3-3pclos2016.src.rpmdf05849220913f94efc0639642dbab05./SRPMS.pcloskd  K, 0AH p  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdump0.4b471pclos2022Programs for backing up and restoring filesystemsThe dump package contains both dump and restore. Dump examines files in a filesystem, determines which ones need to be backed up, and copies those files to a specified disk, tape or other storage medium. The restore command performs the inverse function of dump; it can restore a full backup of a filesystem. Subsequent incremental backups can then be layered on top of the full backup. Single files and directory subtrees may also be restored from full or partial backups.0Archiving/Backupx86_64 libblkid-develncurses-develtermcap-develreadline-develzlib-develbzip2-developenssl-devele2fsprogs-develliblzo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dump-0.4b47-1pclos2022.src.rpm387c917cb6038f7530e9dd95ef77a0e9./SRPMS.pclosGd    E B@BABEBJ9Cdumpet2.11pclos2016A tool to dump and debug bootable ISO imagesDumpET is a utility to aid in the debugging of bootable ISO images.:ETerryNFile toolsi586 popt-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dumpet-2.1-1pclos2016.src.rpmA305136d5064821274d2ac47207880c0f./SRPMS.pclosd   yL Pah  L B@]BA|BEBJCdedunst1.3.21pclos2018Simple and configurable notification-daemonEinfacher zu bedienender Benachrichtigung DienstDunst is a highly configurable and lightweight notification daemon with the similar look and feel to dmenu.Dunst ist eine hochgradig konfigurierbare und leichter Benachrichtigung Dienst der dem dmenu ähnelt.5System/Librariesx86_64 lib64x11-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xft-devellib64xscrnsaver-devellibxdg-basedir-develdbus-devellib64cairo-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64notify-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dunst-1.3.2-1pclos2018.src.rpmf19ce90aa62494a89ca872723dcd5458./SRPMS.pclosd  nHL Q]dhB@BABEBJCdedupeclean1.22pclos2012Clean duplicate Synaptic rpm entriesSäubern von doppelten Synaptic EinträgenA simple perl script to clear duplicate Synaptic RPM entries.Written by Don Crissi for PCLinuxOS.Ein einfaches Perl Script zum löschen von doppelten Synaptic Einträgen. Geschrieben von Don Crissi für PCLinuxOS. ;NealSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dupeclean-1.2-2pclos2012.src.rpmS163be2261266dcc58937e6177aa7c0d3./SRPMS.pclosd " ax |B@BABEBJCdedupeclean-gui0.71pclos2021GUI for the dupeclean utilityGUI für das dupeclean AnwendungA graphical interface to dupeclean, the utility for cleaning duplicate RPMs from your system. PCLinuxOS community developmentEine grafische Schnittstelle zu dupeclean, die Anwendung zum reinigen von doppelten Einträge in RPM's Paketesystem. PCLinuxOS Community-EntwicklungSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dupeclean-gui-0.7-1pclos2021.src.rpmd7ef5da3ba0d024cdc1a19d042015544./SRPMS.pclosSd   Qt xB@BA BE$BJECduplicity0.7.07.11pclos2016Untrusted/encrypted backup using rsync algorithmDuplicity incrementally backs up files and directory by encrypting tar-format volumes with GnuPG and uploading them to a remote (or local) file server. In theory many remote backends are possible; right now local, ssh/scp, ftp, and rsync backends are written. Because duplicity uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Currently duplicity supports deleted files, full unix permissions, directories, symbolic links, fifos, etc., but not hard links. =Archiving/Backupx86_64 lib64rsync-develpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1duplicity- E1e029123a9b9643d492e8cf856ff401c./SRPMS.pclos7d   3d hnxB@BABEBJ)Cduskplayer7.0.01pclos2023Mininal Music PlayerA Minimal music player for the Linux Desktop.!Soundx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1duskplayer-7.0.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmx16abf4eede2cc6903308e205bd71d5ed./SRPMS.pclosgd  c B@BA4BE8BJYCdedvb-apps1.1.22pclos2013Various apps for DVB cardsVerschiedene Anwendungen für DVB-KartenVarious apps for DVB cards.Verschiedene Anwendungen für DVB-Karten.,Videoi586 libusb-develglibc-headers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvb-apps-1.1.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm4ea361fdf1f98aec84d49df09a6144cc./SRPMS.pclosd   s 5B@DBAdBEhBJCdedvbcut0.6.12pclos2011Graphical Frontend for cutting MPEG VideosEin Programm zum Schneiden von MPEG-Videosdvbcut is a Qt application that allows you to select certain parts of an MPEG transport stream (as received via Digital Video Broadcasting) and save these parts into a single MPEG output file. It follows a "keyhole surgery" approach where the input video and audio data are mostly kept unchanged, and only very few frames at the beginning and/or end of the selected range are re-encoded in order to obtain a valid MPEG file.Dvbcut ist ein Qt-Programm mit dem man bestimmte Teile eines MPEG-Transport-Streams - wie man ihn per DVB empfängt - auswählen und speichern kann. Es verwendet eine "keyhole surgery" Methode, bei der der größte Teil der Frames unverädert bleibt und nur die Frames neu berechnet werden, bei denen der Schnitt erfolgt, so dass wieder eine gültige MPEG-Datei entsteht. MVideoi586 autoconfqt3-develliba52dec-develffmpeg-develmad-devellibao-develhicolor-icon-themerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvbcut-0.6.1-2pclos2011.src.rpm ]41766ec954efc8367f5712a5cd545f11./SRPMS.pclos?d    B@BA BEBJ1Cdedvblast2.22pclos2013DVBlast is a simple and powerful MPEG-2/TS demux and streaming appx.DVBlast eine leichte & leistungsfähige MPEG-2/TS Demux & Streaming Appx.High-Performance Streaming DVBlast is written to be the core of a custom IRD, CID, or ASI gateway, based on a PC with a Linux-supported card. It is very lightweight and stable, designed for 24/7 operation. DVBlast does not do any kind of processing on the elementary streams, such as transcoding, PID remapping or remultiplexing. If you were looking for these features, switch to VLC. It does not stream from plain files (have a look at multicat instead).DVBlast selektiert das zu übertragende Videosignal aus dem DVB-Datenstrom des Transponders und leitet die Daten an einen Client weiter. Auch PayTV, sofern die Smartcard per CAM/CI angeschlossen wird, soll DVBlast unterstützen. Das Programm ist als Kern für einen DVB-Player oder -Recorder gedacht."Videoi586 bitstreamrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvblast-2.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm+Te4d1572e7821af2341240b36d580ab72./SRPMS.pclosd   G$ (.8@hB@qBABEBJCdvbsnoop1.4.504pclos2019A simple dvb/mpeg stream analyzer programdvbsnoop is a simple dvb/mpeg stream analyzer program. The program can be used to sniff, monitor, debug, dump or view dvb/mpeg/dsm-cc/MHP stream information (digital television) send via satellite, cable or terrestrial.>Videox86_64 glibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvbsnoop-1.4.50-4pclos2019.src.rpmF-b09be625129afc5230bc159b1521da17./SRPMS.pclosd   %0 4:DHdB@lBABEBJCdvbstream0.55pclos2013Dvbstream DVBstream is based on the ts-rtp package available at http://www.linuxtv.org. It broadcasts a (subset of a) DVB transport stream over a LAN using the rtp protocol. There were a couple of small bugs in the original ts-rtp application, which I have fixed here.ZVideox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvbstream-0.5-5pclos2013.src.rpmѹbd26f6a24c702c4375abc8f8a5e6be6e./SRPMS.pclos[d   : B@BA(BE,BJMCdvbtune0.57pclos2013Tuning application for DVB cardsDVBtune is a simple tuning application for DVB cards supported by the Linux DVB driver (www.linuxtv.org).PVideox86_64 kernel-sourcelibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvbtune-0.5-7pclos2013.src.rpmQ4038e263c9c10f31b747175dd36b03c9./SRPMS.pclosd  K  !(,HB@PBAtBExBJCdvd+rw-tools7.12pclos2011Tools for burning on DVD+RW compliant burnerEven though a modified kernel can let you put for example an ext2 file system on DVD+RW, it's probably not very practical, because you most likely want to access the data on an arbitrary computer. Or in other words you most likely want ISO9660. The trouble is that you might as well want to add data now and then. And what options do you have in the lack of multiple sessions (no, DVD+RW has no notion of multiple sessions)? Complete re-mastering which takes more and more time as data set grows? Well, yes, unless you employ growisofs! Growisofs provides the way to both lay down and grow an ISO9660 file system on (as well as to burn an arbitrary pre-mastered image to) all supported optical media.AArchiving/Cd burningx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvd+rw-tools-7.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmDk3d7a7d2c3909a3122ff5b7ff89e216a6./SRPMS.pclosd # ?@ DJTXtB@|BABEBJCdvd-slideshow0.8.6.11pclos2018Makes a DVD slideshow videodvd-slideshow makes a DVD slideshow video with menus from a text file listing of pictures, effects, and audio tracks. You can add some nice effects like fades, crops, scrolls, or Ken Burns effects. It will hopefully become a command-line clone of imovie.Videonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvd-slideshow-   J B@ BADBEHBJiCdvd2xvid0.7.02pclos2009dvd2xvid, converts DVDs into xvid the format.Dvd2xvid is a GUI with the main goal: To convert dvd's into xvid the format.d=Soundi586  dos2unixlibdvdread-develqt3-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   _  B@BA$BE(BJICdedvd951.6p01pclos2012Graphical dvd9 to dvd5 converterGrafischer DVD9 zu DVD5 KonverterDVD95 is a GNOME application to convert DVD9 (8.5G) to DVD5 (4.7G). It needs no additional packages, an onboard version of vamps and dvdauthor is used, to be as fast as possible. Interface is pretty simple yo use. Shrinking factor may be computed for best results, or an adaptive compression ratio method may be used. Dvd can be converted to a file tree or an ISO file. The result can be played with xine, vlc, or mplayer or burned using third party software (k3b). DVD95 support two copy modes: * Without menus, one video title set, multiple audio and subtitles. * With menus, one video title set, multiple audio and subtitles.DVD95 ist eine GNOME-Anwendung, um eine DVD9 auf eine DVD5 zu kopieren. Es werden keine zusätzlichen Pakete benötigt, da die erforderlichen Werkzeuge "vamps" und "dvdauthor" direkt in das Programm integriert sind, um eine möglichst hohe Effizienz zu erzielen. Die Bedienoberfläche ist sehr einfach gehalten und intuitiv bedienbar. DVDs können als Verzeichnisbaum oder als ISO-Datei kopiert werden, zum Brennen ist dann noch eine zusätzliche Software erforderlich. "NealVideox86_64  ffmpegmplayermencoderlib64mpeg2dec-devellib64dvdread-develgettextintltoolgtk2-develgnomeui2-devellibxml2-devellibcaca-develdirac-devellib64oil0.3_0libtheoralib64caca0lib64jack0rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) b3b1e57d14bb223eb718309cbb23ed43./SRPMS.pclosd      B@BABEBJCdedvdauthor0.7.15pclos2020A simple set of tools to help you author a DVDEine Sammlung an Werkzeugen, um DVD's zu erstellenA simple set of tools to help you author a DVD. The idea is to be able to create menus, buttons, chapters, etc. But for now you can just take an mpeg stream (as created by mplex -f 8 from mjpegtools 1.6.0) and write it to DVD.Eine einfache Sammlung an Werkzeugen, mit dem Sie eine DVD erstellen können. Die Grundidee ist es, selber in der Lage zu sein, Menü's, Schalter, Kapitel etc. zu schaffen. Im Moment ist es aber nur möglich einen mpeg stream (wie er von mplex -f 8 von mjpegtools 1.6.0 geschaffen wird) auszuwählen und ihn auf eine DVD zu schreiben.#*Videox86_64  lib64xml2-develfreetype2-develImageMagick-develfribidi-develbisonflexpng-develzlib-devellib64dvdread-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d  ZT Xmt|B@BABEBJCdedvdbackup0.4.21pclos2014DVD-Video creation frameworkDVD-Video SicherungsprogrammDVD-Create will not just offer a free DVD Authoring solutions for Linux and Unix. DVD-Create offers you a framework that enables you to write DVD creation, editing, and backup software without needing to know all the secretes of DVD-Video.DVD-Create bietet nicht nur freie DVD Authoring-Werkzeuge für Linux und Unix. Es bietet einen Rahmen an, der es ermöglicht, DVDs und Backup Software zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten und zu sichern ohne sich in alle Einzelheiten des DVD-Videos einarbeiten zu müssen.Archiving/Cd burningx86_64 lib64dvdread-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvdbackup-0.4.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm06de86b49feb61ebdc6f3c5060096dee./SRPMS.pclos?d   L4 8MTlB@BA BEBJ1Cdvdisaster0.79.51pclos2019Additional error protection for CD/DVD mediadvdisaster provides a margin of safety against data loss on CD and DVD media caused by scratches or aging. It creates error correction data, which is used to recover unreadable sectors if the disc becomes damaged at a later time.oArchiving/Cd burningx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)bzip2-develimagemagickdesktop-file-utilspkgconfig(pango)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dvdisaster-0.79.5-1pclos2019.src.rpmo{c6342ccf75953a773512b50141f0086d./SRPMS.pclos[d   ,H LRXtB@BA(BE,BJMCdvdrip0.98.112pclos2010DVD ripping GUIdvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program written in Perl. It provides an easy to use but feature-rich Gtk+ GUI to control almost all aspects of the ripping and transcoding process. It uses the widely known video processing swissknife transcode and many other Open Source tools.mVideoi586  perl-develperl-Gtk2perl-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactoryperl-Event-ExecFlowperl-Event-RPCperl-libintl-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.1213.0.4-1dvdrip-0.98.11-2pclos2010.src.rpmad97301843aaee346cfad4c2bdd31a18./SRPMS.pclos _d  0  0 B@ BA ,BE 0BJ QCdedvdstyler3.12pclos2020DVD authoring GUIThe main DVDStyler features are: * you can drag and drop MPEG files directly * you can import image file for background * you can create NTSC/PAL menu * you can place text and images anywhere on the menu screen * you can put music on the menus * you can change font/color * you can put basic text buttons, change font/color and background color * you can set chapters for each movie * you can change post command for each movie For more information see the documentation under DVDStyler ist eine plattformübergreifende kostenlose DVD Authoring-Applikation für Erstellen von professionell aussehenden DVDs. Sie ermöglicht nicht nur Brennen der Video-Dateien auf eine DVD, die praktisch auf jedem DVD-Player wiedergeben werden kann, sondern auch Erstellen von individuell gestalteten DVD-Menüs. Es ist eine Open Source Software und ist völlig kostenlos. * Ermöglicht Erstellen und Brennen einer Video-DVD mit interaktiven Bildschirmmenüs * Unterstützung von AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, OGG, WMV und anderen Dateiformaten * Unterstützung von MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, Xvid, MP2, MP3, AC-3 und anderen Audio- und Videoformaten * Unterstützung von Multikern-Prozessoren v1.7.3 * Benutzung von MPEG und VOB-Dateien ohne Rekodierung, siehe FAQ * Ermöglicht Zusammensetzen der Dateien mit unterschiedlichen Audio und Video-Formaten auf einer DVD (Unterstützung von Titelsets) * Benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche mit Unterstützung von Drag & Drop * Flexible Menü-Gestaltung auf der Basis skalierbarer Vektorgrafik * Importieren beliebiges Bildes für Menü-Hintergrund * Platzieren der Knöpfe, Texte, Bilder und anderen grafischen Objekten überall auf Menü * Ändern der Schriften, Farben und anderen Parameter von Knöpfen und graphischen Objekten * Skalieren von Knöpfen und graphischen Objekten * Kopieren der Menüobjekten order des kompletten Menüs * Unterstützung der DVD Skript Sprache Für weitere Information sehen Sie die Dokumentation unter .~Videox86_64  imagemagicklib64wxsvg-develwxgtku3.1-develdvdauthornetpbmdvd+rw-toolsmkisofsgettextdesktop-file-utilslibexif-devellib64ffmpeg-develxmltozipbisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[704aa275289d6edb5bfb9340f5813a12./SRPMS.pclosd    B nB@BABEBJCdvgrab3.52pclos2024DV grabber through the FireWire interfaceDvgrab is a small utility that grabs AVI-2 video from a DV camera using the IEEE-1394 bus (aka FireWire).]Videox86_64  jpeg-devellibavc1394-devellibdv-devellibiec61883-devellibquicktime-devellibraw1394-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1dvgrab-3.5-2pclos2024.src.rpmb5329ce2820ec42121692398e80c8d6b./SRPMS.pclossd  I    B@BA@BEDBJeCdwb2014.03.071pclos2014Dynamic web browser based on WebKit and GTK+dwb is small webkit-based web-browser in the spirit of tiling window managers, that aims to be mostly keyboard-driven.lNetworking/WWWx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-devellib64x11-develwebkitgtk3-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dwb-2014.03.07-1pclos2014.src.rpmr9463a0f76e31561016fa835aa172b2be./SRPMS.pclosd   K@ D\dpB@BABEBJCdwm5.8.21pclos2011A minimalist window manager for the X Window Systemdwm is a dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled and floating layouts. Either layout can be applied dynamically, optimizing the environment for the application in use and the task performed. It is the little brother of wmii.PGraphical desktop/Otheri586 libx11-devellibxinerama-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dwm-5.8.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmV1432dadc6b2a67de1025133f7a8f94b4./SRPMS.pclosOd   3t xB@BABE BJACdwm-tools311pclos2011Dwm Window Manager ToolsDwm tools is a set of tools for some WM such as wmii, dwm, etc..-Graphical desktop/Otheri586 libx11-devellibxext-devellibxinerama-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dwm-tools-31-1pclos2011.src.rpm03cdff5efd4bf1812591ac0a6d80ebd1./SRPMS.pclos+d   D8 <NXpB@BABEBJCdwz0.151pclos2025DWARF optimization and duplicate removal toolThe dwz package contains a program that attempts to optimize DWARF debugging information contained in ELF shared libraries and ELF executables for size, by replacing DWARF information representation with equivalent smaller representation where possible and by reducing the amount of duplication using techniques from DWARF standard appendix E - creating DW_TAG_partial_unit compilation units (CUs) for duplicated information and using DW_TAG_imported_unit to import it into each CU that needs it.Development/Otherx86_64  dejagnuelfutils-develgdbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xxhash-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1dwz-0.15-1pclos2025.src.rpm2276f67df90ee68df91703f524af37b9./SRPMS.pclosd   U &04PB@XBA|BEBJCdynagen0.11.02pclos2013A configuration tool the dynamips Cisco router simulatorDynagen is a front-end for use with the Dynamips Cisco router emulator. It uses an INI-like configuration file to provision Dynamips emulator networks. It takes care of specifying the right port adapters, generating and matching up those pesky NIO descriptors, specifying bridges, frame-relay, ATM switches, etc. It also provides a management CLI for listing devices, suspending and reloading instances, determining and managing idle-pc values, etc.vEmulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dynagen-0.11.0-2pclos2013.src.rpmx4645a590f95365560723e8d7cee6c891./SRPMS.pclosd   Y@ D_hlB@BABEBJCdynamic0.26.141pclos2011Scripts to automatically set up peripherals when plugged inScripts to automatically set up peripherals when plugged in (mainly USB devices). This means adding desktop icons (KDE, GMOME) to access scanners, digital cameras, storage devices, ... adding print queues for printers, and so on.ESystem/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dynamic-0.26.14-1pclos2011.src.rpmJc623ab242b8c5db005f497c40d9acece./SRPMS.pclosd % U  4B@<BAhBElBJCdynamic-wallpaper0.3.11pclos2009Dynamic wallpaper is based on weather-wallpaperDynamic wallpaper is based on weather-wallpaper and generates svg wallpaper based on current weather, season, time of day and others. It supports themes.TdiGraphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1dynamic-wallpaper-0.3.1-1pclos2009.src.rpmTF3ff27184bf832db6201414e9a6f66652./SRPMS.pclosd  " d MB@WBABEBJCdynamips0.2.80.RC2.1pclos2010MIPS64 emulator able to emulate the Cisco 7200 and 3600 platformsI started in August 2005 a project to emulate a Cisco 7200 on a traditionnal PC. Now, it also supports Cisco 3600 series (3620, 3640 and 3660). The goals of this emulator are mainly: * To be used as a training platform, with software used in real world. It would allow people to become more familiar with Cisco devices, Cisco being the world leader in networking technologies ; * Test and experiment the numerous and powerful features of Cisco IOS ; * Check quickly configurations to be deployed later on real routers. Of course, this emulator cannot replace a real router: you should be able to get a performance of about 1 kpps (depending on your host machine), to be compared to the 100 kpps delivered by a NPE-100 (the oldest NPE model). So, it is simply a complementary tool to real labs for administrators of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their CCNA/CCNP/CCIE exams.System/Internationalizationi586 locales-enzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eb-4.2.2-3pclos2007.src.rpmb66855dc339e7d46625f43e089e616e9f4./SRPMS.pclos?d   :h lB@BA BEBJ1Ceb4.4.31pclos2025Library for reading EB/EPWING filesEb is a library for reading EB/EPWING files.ʣSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1eb-4.4.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm04427643b2ca5a3a2da5410d0c174367./SRPMS.pclosd   64 8ELT|B@BABEBJCeboard1.0.41pclos2007FICS chess-server interface eboard is a chess interface for Unix-like systems (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.) based on the GTK+ GUI toolkit. It provides a chess board interface to ICS (Internet Chess Servers) like FICS and to chess engines like GNU Chess, Sjeng and Crafty.Games/Boardsi586 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eboard-1.0.4-1pclos2007.src.rpm87362a28a21b90cf99d666f6470a2be5./SRPMS.pcloskd  ] B@BA8BE<BJ]Cebook-tools0.2.23pclos2019Tools for accessing and converting various ebook file formatsTools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats)Publishingx86_64 kde4-macroslibxml2-devellibzip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ebook-tools-0.2.2-3pclos2019.src.rpm05307516c9345ecac980c7442332baa7./SRPMS.pclosOd   Q B@BABE BJACebur1281.2.61pclos2022A library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standardThis library library that implements the EBU R 128 standard for loudness normalisation.\System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ebur128-1.2.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm`?afbfa313b493c97f330ac0aa2e6466ac./SRPMS.pclosd & [  B@-BA\BE`BJCec-fonts-mftraced1.0.121pclos2020Type1 PostScript fonts for TeX with european accentsThese are Type1 renderings of the EC variants of the standard CMR family.BdPublishingnoarch fontforgemftracepotracetetextetex-dvipsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.12-1pclos2020.src.rpmH044e788c332c400733cfde1fb76538ed./SRPMS.pclosOd   8 B@BABE BJACdeecap1.0.12pclos2019eCAP libraryeCAP BibliothekeCAP is a software interface that allows a network application, such as an HTTP proxy or an ICAP server, to outsource content analysis and adaptation to a loadable module. For each applicable protocol message being processed, an eCAP-enabled application supplies the message details to the adaptation module and gets back an adapted message or a "not interested" response. These exchanges often include message bodies.eCAP ist ein Software-Schnittstelle, die eine Netzwerk-Anwendung, wie z. B. HTTP-Proxy oder einen ICAP-Server erlaubt, die Outsourcing-Content-Analyse und Anpassung zu einem ladbaren Moduls. Jede Anwendungs Protokoll-Nachricht wird verarbeitet, eine eCAP-fähige Anwendung liefert die Details der Nachricht an die Adaptionsmodul und bekommt eine angepasste Nachricht oder eine "nicht interessante" Antwort. Dieser Austausch beinhalten oft Nachrichtentexte.R#Networking/Otherx86_64 kernel-headersrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ecap-1.0.1-2pclos2019.src.rpmO7f1971d299bcf51cd53c32d889dd0ec1./SRPMS.pcloscd   a B@ BA0BE4BJUCecasound2.9.31pclos2021COMMANDLINE Sound processing, multitrack recording, and mixing toolsEcasound is a commandline software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console mode user-interface is included in the package. MSoundx86_64  autoconfpkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(audiofile)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(python)readline-develpkgconfig(liboil-0.3)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(lilv-0)rubyruby-develmultiarch-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ]ae842741bdce9af0578a7f52972aa556./SRPMS.pclosd # ]\ `{B@BABEBJCeciadsl-usermode0.112pclos2009A Beta-Quality Usermode Driver for the ECI ADSL USB ModemThis package contains the driver for the ECI Hi-Focus ADSL USB modem. It also supports many USB ADSL modems based on the Globespan chipset. It is not a kernel module. It is a user-mode program that handles the modem. A kernel module is under development.YSystem/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eciadsl-usermode-0.11-2pclos2009.src.rpmf52272dd2fb43840d5c698ec5b418cc69c./SRPMS.pclosd $ ` 8B@@BAhBElBJCdeeclipse-cpp2019.031pclos2019Eclipse is an IDE for C/C++Eclipse ist eine IDE für C/C++Eclipse is a cross-platform ide for various languages, such as C/C++Eclipse ist eine plattformunabhängige IDE für verschiedene Sprachen wie C/C++ $Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eclipse-cpp-2019.03-1pclos2019.src.rpm 41768bc4542c6584f15b514561842513./SRPMS.pclosd % _  0B@8BA`BEdBJCdeeclipse-java2019.031pclos2019Eclipse is an IDE for javaEclipse ist eine IDE für JavaEclipse is a cross-platform ide for various languages, such as java,Eclipse ist eine plattformunabhängige IDE für verschiedene Sprachen wie Java -Development/Javax86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eclipse-java-2019.03-1pclos2019.src.rpm .67b7bff1faaa59a8b4fa063a84d45c76./SRPMS.pclosd % _4 8JTXtB@|BABEBJCdeeclipse-rust2019.031pclos2019Eclipse is an IDE for RustEclipse ist eine IDE für RustThe essential tools for any Rust developer, including Rust language support, Git client, command-line integration, Mylyn and editors.Eclipse ist eine plattformunabhängige IDE für verschiedene Sprachen wie Rust Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eclipse-rust-2019.03-1pclos2019.src.rpm o@9abae73758c64320eceac4ed3d281c72./SRPMS.pclosd   8  @B@IBAlBEpBJCecmtools1.02pclos2014Tools to work with .ecm filesThe ECM format allows you to reduce the size of a typical CD image file (BIN, CDI, NRG, CCD, or any other format that uses raw sectors; results may vary). It works by eliminating the Error Correction/Detection Codes (ECC/EDC) from each sector whenever possible. The encoder automatically adjusts to different sector types and automatically skips any headers it encounters. This package implements two commands, ecm and unecm, to work with ecm iso files.8File toolsi586 gccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ecmtools-1.0-2pclos2014.src.rpm@5504a7fc55885b025ac00b72dcb5309b3./SRPMS.pclosd  DX \|   B@-BAPBETBJuCecore201311051pclos2013Enlightenment event/X abstraction layerecore libraries..^Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 openssl-develcurl-develX11-develeina-develeet-develevas-develibus-develscim-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ecore-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm.edd5e09643a2485f114a9ac85a741bcc2./SRPMS.pclosd   4L Ppx  6 B@FBAlBEpBJCecrire201409171pclos2014EFL simple text editorEFL simple text editor.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 imagemagickefx-develefl-devele-elementary-develenlightenment-develgettext-devellib64xkbfile-devellib64xcomposite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ecrire-20140917-1pclos2014.src.rpm53e10055cdc4fe9a7f5c317845b055ae./SRPMS.pclosd   A B@BABEBJCdeed1.191pclos2023The GNU line editorDer GNU ZeileneditorEd is a line-oriented text editor, used to create, display, and modify text files (both interactively and via shell scripts). For most purposes, ed has been replaced in normal usage by full-screen editors (emacs and vi, for example). Ed was the original UNIX editor, and may be used by some programs. In general, however, you probably don't need to install it and you probably won't use it much.Ed ist ein zeilenorientierter Texteditor zum Erstellen, Anzeigen und Modifizieren (beides interaktiv und via Shell-Skript) von Textdateien. Für die meisten Zwecke wurde ed für den normalen Gebrauch von Vollbildeditoren wie (z.B. emacs, vi) ersetzt. Ed war der originale UNIX Editor und kann von einigen Programmen genutzt werden. Im Allgemeinen werden Sie es nicht installieren brauchen und Sie werden es nicht oft nutzen wollen. Text toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ed-1.19-1pclos2023.src.rpma21a753d2167aeba22bd18c993022c4d./SRPMS.pclosd  A -B@7BAXBE\BJ}Cedb1.0.5.0503pclos2010Enlightenment database access libraryEdb is a simple, clean high-level db access/storage library. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 ncurses-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1edb-{d   G (B@-BAHBELBJmCede2.04pclos2013Core programs for the Equinox Desktop EnvironmentEquinox Desktop Environment (EDE) is desktop environment - the piece of software that enables you to launch applications in a convenient way, show what windows you have opened, manages icons and background of your desktop, etc. This core package provides panel with tasklist, clock, load status; icon manager that take care of your icons on background, control panel for easy access to your settings, sound volume control, color configuration, panel configuration, menu editor, icons configuration, tips, time/date and timezone configuration, fast file search tool and of course window manager that manages your windows with config utility.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 ftjamlibjpeg-develedelib-devellibxpm-develfltk-devellibpng-devellibxext-devellibxkbfile-devellibcurl-devellibstartup-notification-1-devellibhal-devellibxcomposite-devellib64x11-devellibxrandr-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ede-2.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm604a693357a54fa14137fdf91244adf21./SRPMS.pclosgd    L`d izB@BA4BE8BJYCedelib2.01pclos2013A stable, small and fast cross-platform GUI ToolKitEquinox Desktop Environment Library (edelib) is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX®/Linux® (X11), Microsoft® Windows®, and MacOS® X. edelib provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat and supports 3D graphics via OpenGL® and its built-in GLUT emulation. NealSystem/Librariesx86_64 jamgettextfltk-develdbus-develdoxygenlibpng-devellibjpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1edelib-2.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm 814a19e3fd64ff6cb5e257f0ba7beb76./SRPMS.pclosd   ?, 0@H l  B@-BALBEPBJqCedgar1.371pclos2024The Legend of Edgar - 2D platform gameThe Legend of Edgar is a platform game, not unlike those found on the Amiga and SNES. Edgar must battle his way across the world, solving puzzles and defeating powerful enemies to achieve his quest. Story: When his father fails to return home after venturing out one dark and stormy night, Edgar fears the worst: he has been captured by the evil sorcerer who lives in a fortress beyond the forbidden swamp. Donning his armor, Edgar sets off to rescue him, but his quest will not be easy...Games/Adventurex86_64  gettextpkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1edgar-1.37-1pclos2024.src.rpm)V6d08056af673a34a8f0d091cb0b6b9dd./SRPMS.pcloskd   9d hB@BA8BE<BJ]Ceditje201111181pclos2011Visual editor for edje fileEditje is a visual editor for edje file3Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 edje-develedjeevas-develecore-develflexdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1editje-20111118-1pclos2011.src.rpm38de7f4e0b887c03a4b6ad506d51410b7./SRPMS.pclosd   L04 L_hpB@BABEBJCeditobj0.5.73pclos2007Tkinter dialog box for editing any Python objectEditObj can create and display a Tkinter dialog box for editing any Python object (similarly to what Java call a Bean editor, but for Python object). EditObj is a useful tool for writing (text or non-text) editors of all kinds, including GUI editor, 3D editor,... It also includes a Python console. EditObj supports also lists, dictionaries and hierarchies (nested lists) edition. EditObj includes also a tree widget for Tkinter, an event framework and a mutiple undo/redo system.Thac Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1editobj-0.5.7-3pclos2007.src.rpmc00b905351e1f363075afe1486d979be./SRPMS.pclosd   8T X`hxB@BABEBJCdeeditra0.7.203pclos2019A developer's text editorEditra is a cross-platform text editor with an implementation that focuses on creating an easy to use interface and features that aid in code development. Currently it supports syntax highlighting and variety of other useful features for over 60 programming languages.Editra ist ein Cross-Plattform-Text-Editor mit einer Implementierung, konzentriert auf die Schaffung einer einfach zu bedienenden Oberfläche Syntax-Hervorhebung wird unterstützt und eine Vielzahl von weiteren nützlichen Funktionen für über 60 Programmiersprachen.'Editorsx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolswxPythonGTKrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1editra-0.7.20-3pclos2019.src.rpm'k102b81e4a47cc2ed4b18b17d8dab8edc./SRPMS.pclos/d   P B@BABEBJ!Ceditres1.0.81pclos2022A dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applicationsEditres is a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications.uDevelopment/X11x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1editres-1.0.8-1pclos2022.src.rpmycad989fb48a7f7151e0ada99008c4c8c./SRPMS.pclosd  E  0B@BABEBJCedje201311051pclos2013Complex graphical design & layout libraryA graphical layout and animation library for animated resizable, compressed and scalable themes. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 eina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develembryo-devellib64lua5.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1edje-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpmc9600e325e1b72e976fb75b776240360b./SRPMS.pclosd  & HB@VBAxBE|BJCeet201311051pclos2013Eet libraryEet is a tiny library designed to write an arbitary set of chunks of data to a file and optionally compress each chunk (very much like a zip file) and allow fast random-access reading of the file later on. It does not do zip as a zip itself has more complexity than is needed, and it was much simpler to impliment this once here. This package is part of the E17 desktop shell.hGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 jpeg-develzlib-develgnutls-developenssl-develdoxygeneina-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eet-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpmocc974987640c2f53a5d6d8c711e4225f./SRPMS.pclosd  N   u B@BABEBJCeeze201311051pclos2013Eeze is a library for easily manipulating devices.Eeze is a library for easily manipulating devices.HGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 gettext-devellib64udev0-develeina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-devele-dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eeze-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpmN38f52aaddaf3916085370d8e90b8873a./SRPMS.pclosd   Ft x   B@BABEBJCefax-gtk3.2.121pclos2014A GUI front end for the efax fax programEfax-gtk is a GUI front end for the efax fax program. It can be used to send and receive faxes with a fax modem, and to manage, view and print faxes sent or received. It replaces the scripts which come with the efax package. It also includes and installs a version of efax with the distribution.rCommunicationsx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64c++-gtk-utils-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-devellynxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1efax-gtk-3.2.12-1pclos2014.src.rpmb1867a6954405f5e4bcbf3d35d7c4af0./SRPMS.pclosd   @8< F[dtB@BABEBJCefibootmgr0.122pclos2017Interact with the EFI Boot ManagerThis is efibootmgr, a Linux user-space application to modify the Intel Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) Boot Manager. This application can create and destroy boot entries, change the boot order, change the next running boot option, and more. Details on the EFI Boot Manager are available from the EFI Specification, v1.02 or above, available from http://developer.intel.com. Note: efibootmgr requires that the kernel module efivars be loaded prior to use. 'modprobe efivars' should do the trick.bb2 System/Boot and Initx86_64  lib64efivar-develpciutils-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)313.0.4-1efibootmgr-0.12-2pclos2017.src.rpmu269874e171b77e6fed7a503fae57fb3c./SRPMS.pclos/d   N B@BABEBJ!Cefiboots1.01pclos2022Manage EFI boot loader entries with this simple GUIManage EFI boot loader entries with this simple GUI.System/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1efiboots-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm"M3b92352f3b1640d70bdb27b93243a7cb./SRPMS.pclos3d   ;0 4T\1 11B@BABEBJ%Cefl1.26.22pclos2022Enlightenment Foundation LibrariesThese provide both a semi-traditional toolkit set in Elementary as well as the object canvas (Evas) and powerful abstracted objects (Edje) that you can combine, mix and match, even layer on top of each other with alpha channels and events in-tact. It has 3D transformations for all objects and more. A overview of the EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries) stack is here: http://www.enlightenment.org/p.php?p=about&l=en There is more to this, but this gives a quick overview of where it fits in. /Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 lib64check-develgettext-devellib64avahi-common-devellib64bullet-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64fribidi-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gif-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64harfbuzz-devellib64jpeg-devellib64mount-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64openssl-devellib64png1.6-devellib64poppler-cpp-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64sndfile-devellib64spectre-devellib64tiff-devellib64udev0-devellib64unwind-devellib64webp-devellib64x11-devellib64xcomposite-devellib64xcursor-devellib64xdamage-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xrandr-devellib64xrender-devellib64xscrnsaver-devellib64xtst-develLibRaw-devellibxcb-develluajit-develmesa-develvlc-develx11-proto-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1efl-1.26.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm rLce5d5fbc8e891df277c2030f718c46e7./SRPMS.pclosGd   0\ `B@BABEBJ9Cefreet201311051pclos2013Enlightened efreetAn implementation of several specifications from freedesktop.org intended for use in Enlightenment DR17 (e17) and other applications using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). Currently, the following specifications are included: o Base Directory o Desktop Entry o Icon Theme o Menu`Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 eina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1efreet-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm^5eace1113906a89056b43c3c7141877c./SRPMS.pclosd  0H Llt$B@3BATBEXBJyCefx201409171pclos2014EFL effects made easyEFL effects made easy.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 imagemagickefl-devele-elementary-develenlightenment-develgettext-devellib64xkbfile-devellib64xcomposite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1efx-20140917-1pclos2014.src.rpmQd95e844f17382fc279e738404fc4c14e./SRPMS.pclosd   r 4B@>BA`BEdBJCdeeggdbus0.62pclos2017Experimental D-Bus bindings for GObjectExperimentelle D-Bus Anbindungen für GObjectExperimental D-Bus bindings for GObject.Experimentelle D-Bus Anbindungen für GObjectbb2 System/Librariesx86_64 dbus-glib-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eggdbus-0.6-2pclos2017.src.rpm6fba35108a6c1c92b352e5b0329298de./SRPMS.pcloskd   2  B@BA8BE<BJ]Ceggdrop1.6.201pclos2010IRC bot, written in CEggdrop is an IRC bot, written in C. If you don't know what IRC is, this is probably not whatever you're looking for! Eggdrop, being a bot, sits on a channel and takes protective measures: to keep the channel from being taken over (in the few ways that anything CAN), to recognize banished users or sites and reject them, to recognize privileged users and let them gain ops, etc. Networking/IRCi586 tcltcl-develperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eggdrop-1.6.20-1pclos2010.src.rpm 58249be9b99f67823801f3779096e06c./SRPMS.pclos3d  FT Xip   B@BABEBJ%Cegl-wayland1.1.171pclos2024Wayland EGL External Platform libraryEGL External Platform library to add client-side Wayland support to EGL on top of EGLDevice and EGLStream families of extensions. This library implements an EGL External Platform interface to work along with EGL drivers that support the external platform mechanism.System/Librariesx86_64   cmakelibtoolmesonpkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(eglexternalplatform)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-egl-backend)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)pkgconfig(wayland-server)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests);d % Mx |B@BABE BJ-Ceglexternalplatform1.14pclos2023EGL External Platform Interface headersEGL External Platform Interface headers*System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1eglexternalplatform-1.1-4pclos2023.src.rpmI915ce6bb7e920f7783534b0a1b6551ce./SRPMS.pclosGd % Mx |B@BABEBJ9Ceglexternalplatform1.21pclos2024EGL External Platform Interface headersEGL External Platform Interface headers.)System/Librariesx86_64  mesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1eglexternalplatform-1.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmL0b2f57d9e8d08abddae9e01d08db2603./SRPMS.pclosd   2TX ]mt  J B@[BA|BEBJCegoboo2.811pclos20133D dungeon crawling gameEgoboo is an open source project, using OpenGL and SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer) libraries. It is a 3d dungeon role playing game in the spirit of NetHack. Nice colorful graphics, and detailed models(using Quake2 modeling tools) make this game stand out in the gaming open-source community.vNealGames/Adventurex86_64 SDL-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_ttf-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64physfs-develmesaglu-develdos2unixdesktop-file-utilsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1egoboo-2.81-1pclos2013.src.rpmc10e1d5b0295282cbe45e1e7cdf8f1f9c./SRPMS.pclosd   i '0hKB@`BABEBJCdeeid-mw5.1.85pclos2023Middleware for the Belgium eID cardMiddleware für die belgische eID KarteeID-Middleware is the official middleware for the usage of the Belgium eID Card.eID-Middleware ist die offizielle Middleware für die Nutzung der belgischen eID Karte.&Communicationsx86_64 libpcsclite-develgtk+3-devellibpthread-stubsp11-kit-developenssl-devellibxml2-develcurl-devellibproxy-devellib64bsd-devellib64pcsclite-develwayland-protocols-devellibtoolautoconf-archiverpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eid-mw-5.1.8-5pclos2023.src.rpmŝ07acc71edb0087fc3cb607907bbbe8bc./SRPMS.pclosd   n    B@BABEBJCeigen22.0.551pclos2015Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebraEigen is a lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebra. System/Librariesnoarch  cmakedoxygenghostscript-commongraphviztetex-dvipstetex-latexblas-devellapack-develqt4-develgsl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'636332127f933800fe980f08996b8230./SRPMS.pclosd   V |B@BABEBJCeigen33.4.01pclos2023Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix mathEigen is a lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebra. Qpp System/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfiglib64freeglut-develgcc-gfortranlib64fftw-develsuitesparse-devellib64boost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eigen3-3.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm 3485ce7738b5f085e93a182dbe11f235./SRPMS.pclosGd  -L PpxB@BABEBJ9Ceina201311051pclos2013Data Type LibraryEina is a data type library.{Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 jpeg-develzlib-develgnutls-developenssl-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eina-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm{ f37438641390d547dad71603360f05f2./SRPMS.pclosd  = XB@dBABEBJCeio201311051pclos2013Enlightenment Input Output LibraryThis library is intended to provide non blocking IO by using thread for all operation that may block. It depends only on eina and ecore right now.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 eina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eio-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpmefdc3cf3b76adce4df6c61ebb2f0330e./SRPMS.pclosSdVB@BA BE$BJECeject2.1.54pclos2011A program that ejects removable media using software controlThe eject program allows the user to eject removable media (typically CD-ROMs, floppy disks or Iomega Jaz or Zip disks) using software control. Eject can also control some multi- disk CD changers and even some devices' auto-eject features. Install eject if you'd like to eject removable media using software control.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gettextautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eject-2.1.5-4pclos2011.src.rpm2c8175d3c5929e8edc793e8fd47bd519./SRPMS.pclosd   K  $<D\B@BABEBJCejecter0.2.11pclos2007Ejecter - Safely, easily remove external media.Safely, easily remove external media. A simple menu that sits in the system notification area, providing you a quick way to unmount external peripherals such as usb pendrives, cd/dvd, external hard disks and so.SGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 valalibgtk+2.0_0-develpython-devellibhal1-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ejecter-0.2.1-1pclos2007.src.rpmZvf595034c2ca9f7bf5e08cdd35ee74966./SRPMS.pclosWd   z  )0B@BA$BE(BJICdeekiga4.0.16pclos2016Voice and Video over IP software (H323 / SIP)Stimme und Video über IP Software (H323 / SIP)Ekiga is a tool to communicate with video and audio over the internet. It uses both SIP and H323 protocol and is compatible with Microsoft Netmeeting. It used to be called GnomeMeetingEkiga ist ein Werkzeug zum Kommunizieren via Video und Audio über das Internet. Es benutzt beides das SIP und H323 Protokol und ist kompatibel mit Microsofts Netmeeting. Es wird gewöhnlich GnomeMeeting genannt.QNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  libgnomeui2-developal3-devellib64pt-develavahi-glib-develavahi-client-devellibsigc++2.0-devellibxv-develscrollkeeperintltoolevolution-data-server-develdbus-glib-devellibnotify-develautomake1.9gnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procdesktop-file-utilsffmpeg-develx264-devellibslang-develboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)]7eb295801acd8246816a5ab4df9915ec./SRPMS.pcloscd  :    B@ BA0BE4BJUCelectricsheep2.72pclos2009Collaborative screen-saverDisplays mpeg video of an animated fractal flame. In the background, it contributes render cycles to the next animation. Periodically it uploades completed frames to the server, where they are compressed for distribution to all clients. This program is recommended only if you have a high bandwidth, always-on connection to the Internet. You can find it at . Written by By Scott Draves.)2Graphicsi586 libtoollibdbus-glib-1_2-devellibglib1.2-devellibdbus-1-develglib2.0-commonlibglib2.0_0-devellibjpeg62-devellibgnome32-devellibgnomeui2_0-devellibglade2.0_0-devellibexpat1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1electricsheep-2.7-2pclos2009.src.rpm)62f9ff1cad869cd8499b26ee1999142dc./SRPMS.pclosod  + E B@BA<BE@BJaCelegant-awoken-icon-theme0.12phinx2012Elegant-AwOken-icon-themeIcon theme for the PCLinuxOS Phinx Desktop.This package contains the Elegant-AwOken icon theme for XFCE 4.8.њPhinxSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elegant-awoken-icon-theme-0.1-2phinx2012.src.rpmѱ977a26c48ff09f7b7ebc649a617511e7./SRPMS.pclos;d   V %, T  B@BABE BJ-Celektra0.7.02pclos2013A key/value pair database to store software configurationsElektra provides a universal and secure framework to store configuration parameters in a hierarchical key-value pair mechanism, instead of each program using its own text configuration files. This allows any program to read and save its configuration with a consistent API, and allows them to be aware of other applications' configurations, permitting easy application integration. While architecturally similar to other OS registries, Elektra does not have most of the problems found in those implementations. This package also contains a Berkeley DB backend for Elektra, to let Elektra use Berkeley DB databases to store its keys and daemon which can be used as a proxy for access to the keys. }System/Librariesx86_64 doxygendb4-devellibxml2-develdocbook-style-xsllib64xslt1gawkGConf2-devellibtoolgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elektra-0.7.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm a0c223a3bb92a9e18eb8c3be7992cc964./SRPMS.pclos_d  ! s  ,4 `  B@BA,BE0BJQCelementary201311051pclos2013Basic widget set that is easy to use based on EFL for mobile touch-screen devicesa basic widget set that is easy to use based on EFL for mobile touch-screen devices This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.KGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 doxygenkeyutils-develeina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-develemotion-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elementary-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm64d897a4df710cf433a6b38401623a782./SRPMS.pclos3d ) Kt xB@BABEBJ%Celementary-icon-theme5.0.41pclos2020Icons from the Elementary ProjectIcon theme set From Elementary Project#1System/Configuration/Themenoarch mesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elementary-icon-theme-5.0.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm#92c0bb26fdd9807f169f011bb11fae391a./SRPMS.pclosd " j +4HB@BABEBJCelementary-xfce0.142pclos2022Elementary icons forked from upstream, extended and maintained for XfceAn icon-theme maintained with Xfce in mind, but it should work on other desktops like Gnome3 as well. It is a fork of the upstream elementary project (http://elementary.io). The reason for forking was that the project decided to focus on its own desktop environment and dropped a ton of (ugly, but necessary) symlinks. This icon-theme is supposed to keep everything working, but gets updates from upstream occasionally.1 Graphical desktop/XFCEnoarch optipngsymlinkslibrsvg2pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elementary-xfce-0.14-2pclos2022.src.rpm1=64d5aeede448fa97b07033066aca9bf8./SRPMS.pclosd  o| B@BABEBJCelfio1.0.32pclos2007ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) reader and producer implemented as a C++ libraryELFIO is a C++ library for reading and generating files in the ELF binary format. This library is unique and not based on any other product. It is also platform independent. The library uses standard ANSI C++ constructions and runs on a wide variety of architectures.PSystem/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elfio-1.0.3-2pclos2007.src.rpm5fc924ab9da5022142617462e67d1bb5./SRPMS.pclosd   b <>B@^BABEBJCelfutils0.1901pclos2024A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle ELF files and DWARF dataElfutils is a collection of utilities, including stack (to show backtraces), nm (for listing symbols from object files), size (for listing the section sizes of an object or archive file), strip (for discarding symbols), readelf (to see the raw ELF file structures), elflint (to check for well-formed ELF files) and elfcompress (to compress or decompress ELF sections)..|Development/Otherx86_64  binutilsbisonflexgccgettext-develglibc-devellzma-develpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libmicrohttpd)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(zlib)procpsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zstd3.0.4-14.6.0-1elfutils-0.190-1pclos2024.src.rpm\acb3dd79a87a315147e79ae53c695e5f./SRPMS.pclosgd    1  B@BA4BE8BJYCelicit2.22pclos2013Graphics designer's toolA designer's tool that allows one to magnify sections of the screen and select colors from any application, and organize those colors into palettes.Graphicsnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elicit-2.2-2pclos2013.src.rpmc66daef4d5dd347c9e2c5e4d0c998bcc./SRPMS.pclosd   6  ~B@BABEBJCelinks0.11.71pclos2012Lynx-like text WWW browserELinks is an advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web (HTTP/FTP/..) browser. ELinks can render both frames and tables, is highly customizable and can be extended via scripts. Its features include: - renders tables and frames - displays colors as specified in current HTML page - uses drop-down menu (like in Midnight Commander) - can download files in background - HTTP authentification%~NealNetworking/WWWx86_64 ncurses-developenssl-develsamba-clientlua5.1-develbzip2-develidn-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elinks-0.11.7-1pclos2012.src.rpm.8d70af0b55645f2eb9763d9e1bbae1f9./SRPMS.pclosd  >  eB@wBABEBJCelisa24.12.31pclos2025A powerful Music Player for PlasmaElisa is a simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users. Elisa allows to browse music by album, artist or all tracks. The music is indexed using either a private indexer or an indexer using Baloo. The private one can be configured to scan music on chosen paths. The Baloo one is much faster because Baloo is providing all needed data from its own database. You can build and play your own playlist.|Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vlc-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1elisa-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm38279519ad587a3d4955bb35736e33fa./SRPMS.pclosCd   - B@BABEBJ5Cell0.721pclos2025Embedded Linux libraryThe Embedded Linux* Library (ELL) provides core, low-level functionality for system daemons. It typically has no dependencies other than the Linux kernel, C standard library, and libdl (for dynamic linking). While ELL is designed to be efficient and compact enough for use on embedded Linux platforms, it is not limited to resource-constrained systems.~System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ell-0.72-1pclos2025.src.rpm c31effaca8a6b25ad79c25184b1ee3ab./SRPMS.pclosd  ! N|    B@BABEBJCelmdentica201012252pclos2011A simple Identi.ca client with Elementary UIA simple Identi.ca client with Elementary UI )4Graphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 libjson-develeina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-develemotion-devele_dbus-develazy-develgitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1elmdentica-20101225-2pclos2011.src.rpm 5a6f519acbaa91d8335d00ac61b29686f./SRPMS.pclosKd  $ ` B@BABEBJ=Cem83000.15.320060824.3pclos2011Utilities for Hollywood plus / DXR3 device driver for LinuxThis package contains utilities that can be used by packages developed for use with the Hollywood plus or DXR3 MPEG decoder cards. You'll also need the non-free microcode for the em8300 device to work, you must download that from http://dxr3.sourceforge.net/download/em8300.bin to /lib/firmware/.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1em8300-0.15.3-20060824.3pclos2011.src.rpme2d580b051bf9988674841ebf47604cd./SRPMS.pclosd   ?h lt|B@BABEBJCemacs29.41pclos2024GNU Emacs text editor with X11 supportEmacs is a powerful, customizable, self-documenting, modeless text editor. Emacs contains special code editing features, a scripting language (elisp), and the capability to read mail, news, and more without leaving the editor. This package provides an emacs binary with support for X Windows.Editorsx86_64  gccgnutls-develgtk+3-develimagemagick-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-devellibtiff-devellibx11-devellibxml2-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfoungif-develx11-server-commonxpm-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1emacs-29.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm}4ff53df8dac6fdd2b2fea49c0ca31a17./SRPMS.pclosd   D B@(BALBEPBJqCembryo201311051pclos2013Enlightenment bytecode virtual machineEmbryo is primarily a shared library that gives you an API to load and control interpreted programs compiled into an abstract machine bytecode that it understands. This abstract (or virtual) machine is similar to a real machine with a CPU, but it is emulated in software. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 eina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1embryo-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm76b5cab36bcf85cf66cfaac6ecc4bfa57./SRPMS.pclosOd   Q B@BABE BJACdeemelfm0.9.2.111pclos2023File manager using the two-panel design and Gtk+It is a file manager for UNIX-like operating systems. It uses a simple and efficient interface pioneered by Norton Commander, in the 1980s. The main window is divided into three parts, described as "panes" or "panels". Two of those (side-by-side or top-to-bottom) show the contents of selected filesystem directories. The third pane, at the bottom of the window, shows the output of commands executed within the program. Those panes can be resized, and any one or two of them can be hidden and unhidden, on request. A built-in command-line, toolbar buttons or assigned keys can be used to initiate commands.Es ist ein Datei-Manager für Unix-ähnliche Betriebssysteme. Es verwendet eine einfache und effiziente Schnittstelle Pionierarbeit von Norton Commander, in den 1980er Jahren. Das Hauptfenster ist in drei Teile gegliedert, beschrieben als "Scheiben" oder "Platten". Zwei davon (side-by-Side-oder von oben nach unten) zeigen den Inhalt von ausgewählten Verzeichnissen Dateisystem. Der dritte Bereich, am unteren Rand des Fensters zeigt die Ausgabe des Kommandos ausgeführt innerhalb des Programms. Die Scheiben der Größe verändert werden können, und einem oder zwei sie können ausgeblendet werden und eingeblendet, auf Anfrage. Ein eingebauter command-line, Schaltflächen oder abgetreten Tasten können verwendet werden, um Befehle zu initiieren.File toolsx86_64  gtk+-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C    B@BABEBJCemelfm20.9.12pclos2018GTK+ file manager with two-panel formatIt is a file manager for UNIX-like operating systems. It uses a simple and efficient interface pioneered by Norton Commander, in the 1980s. The main window is divided into three parts, described as "panes" or "panels". Two of those (side-by-side or top-to-bottom) show the contents of selected filesystem directories. The third pane, at the bottom of the window, shows the output of commands executed within the program. Those panes can be resized, and any one or two of them can be hidden and unhidden, on request. A built-in command-line, toolbar buttons or assigned keys can be used to initiate commands.|IFile toolsx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64magic-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1emelfm2-0.9.1-2pclos2018.src.rpmf42c3798bf7f70caddd72a7431243f42./SRPMS.pclos?d  + `d B@BA BEBJ1Cemerald-icon-theme2018.02.021pclos2018This icons theme is based on "Flattr" icons theme and "Breeze"(plasma next icons) icons theme, by Vince LiuiceClean and fresh icons theme This icons theme is based on "Flattr" icons theme and "Breeze"(plasma next icons) icons theme. Icons are licensed under the Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).9Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1emerald-icon-theme-2018.02.02-1pclos2018.src.rpm949fabb61e60187b60332021bd0a1f7dc8./SRPMS.pclosSd   @X \yB@BA BE$BJECemesene2.12.93pclos2014OS independent MSN Messenger clientEmesene is an OS independent MSN Messenger client writed in python and GTK. The main idea is to make a client similar to the official MSN Messenger client but keeping it simple and with a nice GUI. Emesene is a python/gtk MSN messenger clone, it uses msnlib (MSNP9) and try to be a nice looking and simple MSN client. You can login, send formated messages, smilies, use autoreply, change status, change nick, send nudges and all the stuff you can do in a normal MSN client except, file transfers,custom emoticons and display picture.eNetworking/Instant messagingnoarch python-devellibmimic-develdesktop-file-utilspython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1emesene-2.12.9-3pclos2014.src.rpm1b74ef56e3813cb3bc08049750bad9d6./SRPMS.pclosd   D (0liB@BABEBJCemotion201311051pclos2013Enlightenment video and media libraryEmotion is a video & media object library designed to interface with Evas and Ecore to provide autonomous "video" and "audio" objects that can be moved, resized and positioned like any normal object, but instead they can play video and audio and can be controlled from a high-level control API allowing the programmer to quickly piece together a multi-media system with minimal work. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.i?Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 libxine-develffmpeg-develgstreamer0.10-ffmpeggstreamer0.10-plugins-goodlibgstreamer-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-devellibkeyutils-develeina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1emotion-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpmpcb3f994ac201231166feb9ab184118d9./SRPMS.pclosGd   9h lwB@BABEBJ9Cemperor0.11pclos2011Orthodox file manager for GNOMEEmperor is an orthodox file manager for GNOME. ^File toolsx86_64  libgee-develgtk3-devellibnotify-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ccef9d1c2f5dc1f69455ae3f9f42df6d6./SRPMS.pclosd   R   q B@BABEBJCemphasis0.12pclos2009Simple MPD (Music Player Daemon) client writen in C/EtkEmphasis is a simple MPD (Music Player Daemon) client writen in C/Etk. cGraphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 evas-develetk-develecore-develedje-develedjelibmpd-develecoreenhance-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1emphasis-0.1-2pclos2009.src.rpm j759dfcbb99c72aa2b62a57737d5e06ce./SRPMS.pclosd   a #B@]BABEBJCempower1.5.22pclos2009A graphical sudo tool based on the Enlightenment Foundation LibrariesA graphical sudo tool based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries]System/Basei586  evas-develecore-develewl-develetk-develetkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   9   cB@oBABEBJCemprint201311051pclos2013E17 screen capture utilityEmprint is a utility for taking screenshots of the entire screen, a specific window, or a specific region. It is written with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries./Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 evas-develecore-develedje-develedjerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1emprint-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm697291228d4cdd09b3e43f1de27811951./SRPMS.pclosd  Y (0PB@YBA|BEBJCempty0.6.19b1pclos2014empty - run applications under pseudo-terminal (PTY) sessions empty - run applications under pseudo-terminal (PTY) sessions. Replace TCL/Expect with a simple tool and use your favorite shell (sh, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh, zsh, etc)@System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 gccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1empty-0.6.19b-1pclos2014.src.rpmF/327a4b833528f62cc4cf12d95be3cf7c./SRPMS.pclosd   B  )0tB@BABEBJCenblend4.23pclos2019Enblend is a tool for compositing imagesEnblend is a tool for compositing images. Given a set of images that overlap in some irregular way, Enblend overlays them in such a way that the seam between the images is invisible, or at least very difficult to see.Graphicsx86_64 texinfohelp2mantidyplotutils-develvigra-devellib64boost-devellib64freeglut-devellib64glew-devellib64gsl-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lcms2-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64png-devellib64tiff-devellib64OpenEXR-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enblend-4.2-3pclos2019.src.rpm*4bc1af21cad20a480dd117d9685761e3./SRPMS.pcloscd   T  B@BA0BE4BJUCenca1.192pclos2021A program that can detect and convert between character setsEnca is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser. It detects character set and encoding of text files and can also convert them to other encodings using either a built-in converter or external libraries and tools like libiconv, librecode, or cstocs. Currently, it has support for Belarussian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Slovene, and Ukrainian and some multibyte encodings (mostly variants of Unicode) independently on the language. Install Enca if you need to cope with text files of dubious origin and unknown encoding and convert them to some reasonable encoding.'}Text toolsx86_64 recode-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enca-1.19-2pclos2021.src.rpm*83f138e9bf625e8c66acf188c0f78862./SRPMS.pclosd  E    B@BABEBJCencfs1.9.52pclos2019Encrypted pass-through filesystem for LinuxEncFS implements an encrypted pass-through filesystem in userspace using FUSE. File names and contents are encrypted using OpenSSL.File toolsx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(librlog)pkgconfig(fuse)pkgconfig(openssl)chrpathboost-devellib64tinyxml2-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   w |B@BABEBJCdeenchant1.6.12pclos2019An enchanting spell checking libraryEin bezaubernde Sammlung von RechtschreibprüfungenA library that wraps other spell checking backends.Die Bibliothek für Rechtschreibprüfungen...System/Librariesx86_64  glib2-develaspell-develpkgconfighspell-develvoikko-develhunspell-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Ax |:B@OBAtBExBJCenchant22.8.01pclos2024An Enchanting Spell Checking LibraryA library that wraps other spell checking backends. System/Librariesx86_64  aspell-devellib64hspell0-devellib64voikko-develpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1enchant2-2.8.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm a6aa57101e35ba0d93a265489f936d7d6./SRPMS.pclos+d   Y B@BABEBJCencryptpad0.3.2.51pclos2018Text editor for password protecting and encrypting filesEncryptPad is a minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor that implements RFC 4880 Open PGP format: symmetrically encrypted, compressed and integrity protected. The editor can protect files with passwords, key files or both. This package installs both GUI as well as CLI utilities of EncryptPad.@ 2Officex86_64 botan-develzlib-develqt5-develqt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5svg-develqt5xml-develqt5concurrent-develqt5multimedia-develqt5help-develqt5network-develqt5sql-develqt5widgets-develqttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1encryptpad- ! a B@ BA4BE8BJYCenemyterritory2.601pclos2010Enemy Territory is a free, stand-alone multiplayer only productSo you want to play soldier do ya? You want to learn to conquer your foes and be seen as a force to be reckoned with? Well we pride ourselves on helping newbies just like you become the machines of destruction you need to be to survive, and in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, you're going to need us more than ever! Now grab your gear and let's get to it trooper!(Games/Arcadei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enemyterritory-2.60-1pclos2010.src.rpmG9aff9ac4434e03e851fd6ff687a4c754./SRPMS.pclosd  J$( 2CLPlB@tBABEBJCenet1.3.132pclos2017Simple Network Communication Layer on Top of UDPENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. ENet omits certain higher level networking features such as authentication, lobbying, server discovery, encryption, or other similar tasks that are particularly application specific so that the library remains flexible, portable, and easily embeddable.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enet-1.3.13-2pclos2017.src.rpmu0f18428d346928ecfc5c010925c241f8./SRPMS.pclosd   A B@RBAxBE|BJCengrampa1.28.11pclos2024An archive manager for MATE DesktopEngrampa (Mate file archiver tool) is an archive manager for the MATE environment. This means that you can : create and modify archives; view the content of an archive; view a file contained in the archive; extract files from the archive. Engrampa is only a front-end (a graphical interface) to archiving programs like tar and zip. The supported file types are : * Tar archives uncompressed (.tar) or compressed with * gzip (.tar.gz , .tgz) * bzip (.tar.bz , .tbz) * bzip2 (.tar.bz2 , .tbz2) * compress (.tar.Z , .taz) * lzop (.tar.lzo , .tzo) * lzma (.tar.lzma , .tlz) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar , .ear , .war) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Rar archives (.rar) * Single files compressed with gzip, bzip, bzip2, compress, lzop, lzma * ISO imagesNGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   autoconf-archivechrpathitstoolmagic-develmate-commonpkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libcaja-extension)pkgconfig(sm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltprocyelp-tools1.  6 B@BA BE$BJECenki201008301pclos2010Enki Photo Manager for E17Enki is a photo manager using the EFL and allows the user to manage a list of albums and photos. Graphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 enlil-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enki-20100830-1pclos2010.src.rpm (\272e5642f68ef620bd6c7574b41ff739./SRPMS.pclos;d " E B@BABE BJ-Cenlightenment0.24.22pclos2022Enlightenment DR 18 window managerE23 is a next generation window manager for UNIX operating systems. Based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL), E18 is much more than just another window manager - it's an ambitious and innovative project that aims to drive the development of graphical applications industry-wide for several years to come.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64bluez-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64efl-devellib64pam-devellib64pulseaudio-devellibxcb-devellib64xcb-util-keysyms-develdoxygeneflgettext-develmesonninjapkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-0.24.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm_a2be6918c82ecfe0aba109ae16f4d076./SRPMS.pcloscd ) [ B@BA0BE4BJUCenlightenment-config0.23.15pclos2019Default Configuration for PCLinuxOS EnlightenmentDefault Configuration Files for the PCLinuxOS Enlightenment Desktop Enviroment. oGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-config-0.23.1-5pclos2019.src.rpm 2eeef825c1a6e2fb4a62d91317c58c792./SRPMS.pclosd( 3 e ?DHdB@lBABEBJCenlightenment-gfxboot-theme4.1.19.181pclos2010PCLinuxOS Grub Enlightenment graphical boot themeThis package provides the PCLinuxOS Enlightenment gfxboot theme. This theme is used by the PCLinuxOS installation to initialized the CDROM boot, and by installed system to boot. System/Configuration/Boot and Initi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-gfxboot-theme-!% 0 X| B@BABEBJ=Cenlightenment-module-extramenu1.04pclos2020Enlightenment Extra Modules - extramenuEnlightenment Module - extramenuZ\Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-module-extramenu-1.0-4pclos2020.src.rpma]741ec12f602ad73f5bb61dfbc7b9f726./SRPMS.pclos;d! , Pp tB@BABE BJ-Cenlightenment-module-flame1.03pclos2020Enlightenment Extra Modules - flameEnlightenment Module - flame Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-module-flame-1.0-3pclos2020.src.rpm&54f7c2261ce67f0bf0f334e526c23263./SRPMS.pclosCd $ / Vx |B@BABEBJ5Cenlightenment-module-penguins1.04pclos2020Enlightenment Extra Modules - penguinsEnlightenment Module - penguinsGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-module-penguins-1.0-4pclos2020.src.rpmda0b10ca466100f528685ab1eb70aa7e./SRPMS.pclos3d  + Nl pB@BABEBJ%Cenlightenment-module-snow1.03pclos2020Enlightenment Extra Modules - snowEnlightenment Module - snowGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-module-snow-1.0-3pclos2020.src.rpm8cf4cb8645b865acd06bbc841a370c2b./SRPMS.pclosKd"& 1 Z| B@BABEBJ=Cenlightenment-module-wallpaper21.03pclos2020Enlightenment Extra Modules - wallpaper2Enlightenment Module - wallpaper2^xGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-module-wallpaper2-1.0-3pclos2020.src.rpme947ba25c4fc82ae0e236590dc4dfbcbc./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Agust1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme AgustEnlightenment Theme Agust?`pGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Agust-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm:32a288261513f3845164f2d06c67851b./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Alien1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme AlienEnlightenment Theme AlienwGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Alien-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmab0d366a9b83797bf042532a984fcbc2./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Alive1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme AliveEnlightenment Theme AliveWa/Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Alive-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmR16ff68f6c50f24a1f4fdd992d03d98c7./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Alive-Uno1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Alive-UnoEnlightenment Theme Alive-UnoGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Alive-Uno-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmo6a451864b6e0a2241537e4304132bdb4./SRPMS.pclos#d" - Ih lB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Antique1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme AntiqueEnlightenment Theme Antiquex9Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Antique-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmsf1e7b0fe4fc9f7674ef9f22e496433b54./SRPMS.pclosd! , Gd hB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Beauty1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme BeautyEnlightenment Theme BeautyGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Beauty-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm4a872d2b89fbd2fa0f508da958b217e9./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Black1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme BlackEnlightenment Theme Black;L9Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Black-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm3b7d6d887e66714baee0d20821fda90ea./SRPMS.pclos;d$( 3 Ux |B@BABE BJ-Cenlightenment-theme-Black-Nostrum1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Black-NostrumEnlightenment Theme Black-NostrumE\Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Black-Nostrum-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm>{7f08cbb66b412c91e4a09cd1fded16ee./SRPMS.pclos/d!% 0 Op tB@BABEBJ!Cenlightenment-theme-BlingBling1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme BlingBlingEnlightenment Theme BlingBling] Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-BlingBling-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmV6100990b084e74c0f9bae5ffed662d655./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Blue-Onix1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Blue-OnixEnlightenment Theme Blue-OnixWxGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Blue-Onix-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmP 3d69333f9410460bcd1b0242f0744951./SRPMS.pclos#d# . Kh lB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Blue-Sky1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Blue-SkyEnlightenment Theme Blue-SkyvGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Blue-Sky-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmze5275dd46e84f31bb4c62c0ed7bb8eae./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-BlueDream1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme BlueDreamEnlightenment Theme BlueDream]Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-BlueDream-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpma53591bf89c224151c824ec061d15152./SRPMS.pclos#d" - Ih lB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-CamWood1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme CamWoodEnlightenment Theme CamWood(Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-CamWood-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm,C176202b58db347075acee1930d07f18b./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `B@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Cow1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme CowEnlightenment Theme Cow\Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Cow-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmW61709059f718362efb71f6ba26f4a82a./SRPMS.pclos3d#' 2 St xB@BABEBJ%Cenlightenment-theme-Crimson-Wine1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Crimson-WineEnlightenment Theme Crimson-Wine\VGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Crimson-Wine-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmW|59659bd0e719c087779b48636bc8e0e3./SRPMS.pclosd * C\ `B@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Dali1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme DaliEnlightenment Theme DalijGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Dali-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmۂ221cbe5cc8f61d928352bab93e7a8adc./SRPMS.pclosd! , Gd hB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Dali-21.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Dali-2Enlightenment Theme Dali-2znGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Dali-2-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmuŭ5dd4d3311ce97877387c8af454c46988./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Dark-Blue1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Dark-BlueEnlightenment Theme Dark-BluelގGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Dark-Blue-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmfc9168daa21856e7882de1e7e4ed400f43./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Egypt1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme EgyptEnlightenment Theme Egypt'%Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Egypt-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmgfcaa08f63357e50b176a1a379ded1009./SRPMS.pclos#d# . Kh lB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Electric1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme ElectricEnlightenment Theme ElectricoGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Electric-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmj 7cdf67cd197d7a6a5b785dbc4733f167./SRPMS.pclosd * C\ `B@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Gold1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme GoldEnlightenment Theme GoldFlGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Gold-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm@!34896055bb18f52f2219c6209c1961314./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Green1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme GreenEnlightenment Theme GreenGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Green-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmz78be5289998832f545386bb9db6c3d84./SRPMS.pclos/d!% 0 Op tB@BABEBJ!Cenlightenment-theme-Green-Onix1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Green-OnixEnlightenment Theme Green-OnixGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Green-Onix-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmBc09ba90382582fc10cff72d61c74571a./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Japan1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme JapanEnlightenment Theme JapanwGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Japan-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmr43cc84f3f23ca96801a3ec5b3c7eee19./SRPMS.pclosd * C\ `B@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Life1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme LifeEnlightenment Theme Life#Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Life-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm=13b5bde3e61052a7f47ffe9788ac0ed7./SRPMS.pclos3d#' 2 St xB@BABEBJ%Cenlightenment-theme-Mare-Nostrum1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Mare-NostrumEnlightenment Theme Mare-NostrumW%Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Mare-Nostrum-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm2f0f6361ad21c6e58996f493dcccf70f./SRPMS.pclosd! , Gd hB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Matrix1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme MatrixEnlightenment Theme MatrixlN'Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Matrix-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmfa75f5308ea904d90b03badf052dc8f85./SRPMS.pclos#d# . Kh lB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Matrix-21.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme Matrix-2Enlightenment Theme Matrix-2{0Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Matrix-2-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmv45f31f1a159f38bf4962a1197e5311285d./SRPMS.pclos3d"& 1 Qt xB@BABEBJ%Cenlightenment-theme-MidnightGeu1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme MidnightGeuEnlightenment Theme MidnightGeuhvGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-MidnightGeu-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmy546b32b96bd7d1e2fe8fd5ff262a6233./SRPMS.pclosKd(, 7 ] B@BABEBJ=Cenlightenment-theme-MidnightMoonlight1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme MidnightMoonlightEnlightenment Theme MidnightMoonlightf:Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-MidnightMoonlight-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpma7c330d29367c11ca205cd382c89f8bc./SRPMS.pclos#d# . Kh lB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Moonline1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme MoonlineEnlightenment Theme MoonlinedGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Moonline-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm_U?b18eeaa43b23653d8b0f97d096bafe0c./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cenlightenment-theme-Moons1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme MoonsEnlightenment Theme MoonscGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-theme-Moons-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm^X77b6d5a6b9406140a806e9e541fe695d./SRPMS.pclos#d" - Ih lB@BABEBJCenlightenment-theme-Morning1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Theme MorningEnlightenment Theme Morningbcb1e4881445d4c7582f0e0a59a23cb4./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-wallpaper-Hills1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper HillsEnlightenment Wallpaper HillsfGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Hills-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmW c614e042b0679283621b79d0d5f60769./SRPMS.pclosKd(, 7 ] B@BABEBJ=Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Japanesemaple1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper JapanesemapleEnlightenment Wallpaper Japanesemaple AGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Japanesemaple-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm ca4ca4ac6ea9aa309b6821b0b7b2af43./SRPMS.pclos;d$( 3 Ux |B@BABE BJ-Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Lakegrass1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper LakegrassEnlightenment Wallpaper Lakegrass սGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Lakegrass-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm R59f2b11db67f7691e6e359d613147d5a./SRPMS.pclosSd*. 9 a B@BA BE$BJECenlightenment-wallpaper-Lantern_Cluster1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Lantern_ClusterEnlightenment Wallpaper Lantern_Cluster ;Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Lantern_Cluster-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm 24f8f917b13358102c7db8d1a18ebad5a./SRPMS.pclos;d$( 3 Ux |B@BABE BJ-Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Leafy_Red1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Leafy_RedEnlightenment Wallpaper Leafy_RedGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Leafy_Red-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmbb275c3ff222459e4aace0a48d7bb903./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-wallpaper-Light1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper LightEnlightenment Wallpaper LightPaGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Light-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmC$4dbc0cb3950c3249fb4e331e2aefae96./SRPMS.pclosOd)- 8 _ B@BABE BJACenlightenment-wallpaper-Light_Gradient1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Light_GradientEnlightenment Wallpaper Light_Gradient Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Light_Gradient-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmscfbd04e4ecd80edda739eabeef8856e99./SRPMS.pclos?d%) 4 W| B@BA BEBJ1Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Mossstring1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper MossstringEnlightenment Wallpaper Mossstring6Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Mossstring-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm c8dd79f1349e06fab6e14a9a25cb483e./SRPMS.pclos?d%) 4 W| B@BA BEBJ1Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Motleyrock1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper MotleyrockEnlightenment Wallpaper Motleyrock Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Motleyrock-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm 8efbdab68576975b617703b496f662f3./SRPMS.pclos;d$( 3 Ux |B@BABE BJ-Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Newgrowth1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper NewgrowthEnlightenment Wallpaper NewgrowthћGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Newgrowth-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmh9239057b89a43536e8a2f3da3f954a30./SRPMS.pclosCd&* 5 Y B@BABEBJ5Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Ocean_Beach1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Ocean_BeachEnlightenment Wallpaper Ocean_BeachYGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Ocean_Beach-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmkced0252fa9f1490b3c57b2728e7263ef./SRPMS.pclosCd'+ 6 [ B@BABEBJ5Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Orange_Roses1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Orange_RosesEnlightenment Wallpaper Orange_Roses lGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Orange_Roses-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm `7c8335d96dfe4da7b373b956dc535bf2./SRPMS.pclosOd)- 8 _ B@BABE BJACenlightenment-wallpaper-Pattern_Radial1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Pattern_RadialEnlightenment Wallpaper Pattern_Radial ̲Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Pattern_Radial-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm 985d8d7cf5d873e5a56d205276eb68950./SRPMS.pclosSd+/ : c B@BA BE$BJECenlightenment-wallpaper-Pattern_Vertical1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Pattern_VerticalEnlightenment Wallpaper Pattern_VerticalGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Pattern_Vertical-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpme63f6adc7117f74d2d03c7a51f58b7d3./SRPMS.pcloscd.2 = i B@BA0BE4BJUCenlightenment-wallpaper-Pattern_Vertical_Hi1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Pattern_Vertical_HiEnlightenment Wallpaper Pattern_Vertical_HiGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Pattern_Vertical_Hi-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpme2f42cab715d34a2a0bb117aa659e62b./SRPMS.pclosSd+/ : c B@BA BE$BJECenlightenment-wallpaper-Pine_Silhouettes1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Pine_SilhouettesEnlightenment Wallpaper Pine_Silhouettes }Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Pine_Silhouettes-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm tb0908e01fa09c1542aa804dc8d137fcc./SRPMS.pcloscd.2 = i B@BA0BE4BJUCenlightenment-wallpaper-Purple_Flower_Bunch1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Purple_Flower_BunchEnlightenment Wallpaper Purple_Flower_BunchGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Purple_Flower_Bunch-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmX03c6143421744a682feb9867b932d69d./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-wallpaper-Ramen1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper RamenEnlightenment Wallpaper Ramen 7QGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Ramen-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm -I11e15ad3c2c18408508878f67899870f./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-wallpaper-Scifi1.01pclos2020Enlightenment Wallpaper ScifiEnlightenment Wallpaper Scifi3 Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Scifi-1.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm2b$0766797853b96a4f538396c4a750afe4./SRPMS.pclosCd'+ 6 [ B@BABEBJ5Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Shady_Leaves1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Shady_LeavesEnlightenment Wallpaper Shady_Leaves uGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Shady_Leaves-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm2f3affff172c3c9920a8d6cecba5f4911./SRPMS.pclos3d"& 1 Qt xB@BABEBJ%Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Skywall1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper SkywallEnlightenment Wallpaper Skywall9Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Skywall-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm'6837ad739c8697f037aad8598f7f74a9./SRPMS.pclosCd'+ 6 [ B@BABEBJ5Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Stringflower1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper StringflowerEnlightenment Wallpaper Stringflower 2%Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Stringflower-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm )*52e2655340cdf9dea699f09ce3550386./SRPMS.pclos/d!% 0 Op tB@BABEBJ!Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Temple1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper TempleEnlightenment Wallpaper TempleGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Temple-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm.d8bb12c0f88c3ae9488c5575f25d19d2./SRPMS.pclos+d $ / Ml pB@BABEBJCenlightenment-wallpaper-Train1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper TrainEnlightenment Wallpaper TrainGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Train-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmܒd985b80cc0083361f28280fee835e228./SRPMS.pclosKd(, 7 ] B@BABEBJ=Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Wall_Lanterns1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Wall_LanternsEnlightenment Wallpaper Wall_Lanterns Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Wall_Lanterns-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm 5bceef84322dbce03fd41d32e2a91f2876./SRPMS.pclos3d#' 2 St xB@BABEBJ%Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Wetgrass1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper WetgrassEnlightenment Wallpaper WetgrassƗGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Wetgrass-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmd85674c36b8e2cc463aa961b7aae1ba2./SRPMS.pclos3d"& 1 Qt xB@BABEBJ%Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Wetleaf1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper WetleafEnlightenment Wallpaper WetleafGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Wetleaf-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm8fd4363c2d4b7d01cb8a3143d13a4447./SRPMS.pclos;d$( 3 Ux |B@BABE BJ-Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Whiterock1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper WhiterockEnlightenment Wallpaper Whiterock 1Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Whiterock-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmw8120cfed7caa132dd61a0d3741c8451d./SRPMS.pclos?d%) 4 W| B@BA BEBJ1Cenlightenment-wallpaper-Windy_Palm1.01pclos2019Enlightenment Wallpaper Windy_PalmEnlightenment Wallpaper Windy_Palm #Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlightenment-wallpaper-Windy_Palm-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm74e8dfe0dce91a05a3fe9b8ef283f0dc4./SRPMS.pcloswd  1 8 B@"BADBEHBJiCenlil201012252pclos2011enil Library for EFLEnlil is a library using the EFL which allows to manage a list of albums and photos. EET is used to create the database and ecore to manage events and file.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 libiptcdata-devellibflickcurl-develeina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-develemotion-devele_dbus-develexchange-develeeze-develethumb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enlil-20101225-2pclos2011.src.rpm5d8250ec562b5fa7a7aa2d77701adbb3./SRPMS.pclosSd @x|B@BA BE$BJECenscript1.6.45pclos2011Converts plain ASCII to PostScript.GNU enscript is a free replacement for Adobe's Enscript program. Enscript converts ASCII files to PostScript(TM) and spools generated PostScript output to the specified printer or saves it to a file. Enscript can be extended to handle different output media and includes many options for customizing printouts. tGuillaume Cottenceau Publishingx86_64 flexgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enscript-1.6.4-5pclos2011.src.rpm ma6228a1f9ec4217c6e05769d9842c5a9./SRPMS.pclosd   I  B@BABEBJCentangle3.01pclos2020Tethered shooting & control of digital camerasEntangle provides a graphical interface for "tethered shooting", aka taking photographs with a digital camera completely controlled from the computer. It is built on top of libgphoto using GTK3 for its interface. It is fully colour managed, auto-detecting system monitor profile and applying the neccessary transforms when displaying images.Graphicsx86_64 intltoolitstoolyelp-toolslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gexiv2-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gphoto-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64lcms-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64peas-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-develadwaita-icon-themelib64exif12-develLibRaw-develLibRawrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1entangle-3.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm7a4c7340ffbbec5b874678de4b26ad0ba./SRPMS.pclosd   <   L B@BABEBJCentrance0.9.9.0424pclos2010Enlightenment login managerEntrance is the next generation of Elogin, a login/display manager for Linux X11 systems. It is designed to be extremely customizable and aesthetically attractive -- a refreshing relief from the traditional dull and boring interfaces of XDM and its descendants. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.IGraphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586  evas-develesmart-develecore-develedje-develedjeembryoecoreefreet-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   1T XxB@BA BEBJ1Cenventor0.6.01pclos2015Editor for EDC filesEditor for EDC files (edje/efl)8lGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-devele-elementary-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1enventor-0.6.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm8tAa7519b087de6a9ca951e35197b88cd01./SRPMS.pclosd   5dh m#B@VBAtBExBJCeog3.2.22pclos2012The Eye of GNOME image viewerThis is the Eye of Gnome, an image viewer program. It is meant to be a fast and functional image viewer as well as an image cataloging program. It does proper handling of large images and images with full opacity information, and can zoom and scroll images quickly while keeping memory usage constant.1/NealGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(exempi-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(libpeas-1.0)pkgconfig(gnome-icon-theme)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)gnome-doc-utilsjpeg-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 05d1e68b3583f6590009a40226563cc6./SRPMS.pclosd  I  -4 X  B@MBAtBExBJCeog-plugins3.2.12pclos2012Plugins for the Eye of GNOME image viewerIt's a collection of plugins for use with the Eye of GNOME Image Viewer. The included plugins provide a map view for where the picture was taken, display of Exif information, Zoom to fit, etc.NealGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  intltoolpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(eog)pkgconfig(libpeas-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(champlain-0.12)pkgconfig(champlain-gtk-0.12)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libgdata)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)\e0d1d6cb5f19b174fc3e8948979e2527./SRPMS.pclosd   1 DRB@BABEBJCeom1.28.01pclos2024Eye of MATE image viewerThis is the Eye of MATE, an image viewer program. It is meant to be a fast and functional image viewer. Eye of MATE is a fork of Eye of GNOME.JGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   itstoolmate-commonpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(exempi-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-unix-print-3.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libart-2.0)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpeas-1.0)pkgconfig(libpeas-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)pkgconfig(xt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)0.711.  1L Ppx  6 B@FBAhBElBJCeon201409201pclos2014EFL simple chat clientEFL simple chat Client.9Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 imagemagickefx-develefl-devele-elementary-develenlightenment-develgettext-devellib64xkbfile-devellib64xcomposite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eon-20140920-1pclos2014.src.rpm?V8a6a7b50baa2ab699ec647d7bfadc06d./SRPMS.pclosKd   c   @  B@BABEBJ=Cep128emu2.0.11.12pclos2017Enterprise 64/128, ZX Spectrum 48/128, and Amstrad CPC 464 emulatorep128emu is a portable emulator of the Enterprise 64/128, ZX Spectrum 48/128, and Amstrad CPC 464 computers http://enterpriseforever.com/downloads.htmlbb2 Emulatorsx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-develsconslib64fltk-devellib64portaudio-devellib64sndfile-devellib64dotconf-devellib64lua5.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ep128emu-  -x |  v B@BABEBJCepdf201012252pclos2011Enlightenment epfEnlightenment Foundations Library based pdf renderer, based on Poppler.6Graphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 eina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-develemotion-devele_dbus-develexchange-develeeze-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epdf-20101225-2pclos2011.src.rpm7 dc3a4047c027785c0203c4cc8c9d4b3e./SRPMS.pclosd   > $8B@BABEBJCepdfview0.1.82pclos2014Simple and lightweight PDF viewerePDFView is a free lightweight PDF document viewer using Poppler and GTK+ libraries.The aim of ePDFView is to make a simple PDF document viewer, in the lines of Evince but without using the Gnome libraries.(Officex86_64 lib64poppler-glib-devellibcups-develbisoncppunit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epdfview-0.1.8-2pclos2014.src.rpm.98dc9ef419e8416bda33dcba1e2259dc./SRPMS.pclos+d    4L PpxB@BABEBJCephoto1.51pclos2019Ephoto manangement SoftwareEnlightenment EphotoGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgettext-develefl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ephoto-1.5-1pclos2019.src.rpm/0f16ccd7b8c3a0a91c192c7b1204f245./SRPMS.pclosd   T  $!!U!B@BABEBJCepiphany3.38.02pclos2020GNOME web browser based on the webkit rendering engineEpiphany is a GNOME web browser based on the webkit rendering engine. The name means: "An intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking".YNetworking/WWWx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-gobject)pkgconfig(gcr-3)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libdazzle-1.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-unix-print-3.0)pkgconfig(hogweed)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)pkgconfig(x11)itstoollibxml2-utilsintltoolimagemagicklib64handy-devellib64portal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  <T XxB@BABEBJ Cepour201503041pclos2015enlightenment bittorrent clientEFL Bittorrent client Graphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 python-distutils-extrarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epour-20150304-1pclos2015.src.rpm >758c16482753ded2ba12e3b898625fdd./SRPMS.pclos+d  oX \ltB@BABEBJCepsoneplijs0.4.01pclos2011Ghostscript IJS Plugin for the Epson EPL-5700L/5800L/5900L/6100L/6200L printersSupport for the Epson EPL-5700L/5800L/5900L/6100L/6200L printer family under linux and other unix-like systems. It is known to work for at least one user for each of 5700L, 5800L, 5900L, and 6100L. 6100L and 6200L support is new.System/Printingx86_64 libtoollibusb-devellibieee1284-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epsoneplijs-0.4.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm4951709ba76a828a2695530f7610aea7./SRPMS.pclos{d  ! Gl pyB@BAHBELBJmCepsonscan26.6.40.01pclos2022epsonscan2 - Simple Image AcquisitionThis software provides applications to easily turn hard-copy documents and imagery into formats that are more amenable to computer processing. Included are a native driver for a number of EPSON scanners and a compatibility driver to interface with software built around the SANE standard.Graphicsx86_64 cmakelib64boost-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epsonscan2-[d   U B@BA(BE,BJMCepstool3.091pclos2022A utility to create or extract preview images in EPS filesEpstool is a utility to create or extract preview images in EPS files, fix bounding boxes and convert to bitmaps. Features: - Add EPSI, DOS EPS or Mac PICT previews. - Extract PostScript from DOS EPS files. - Uses Ghostscript to create preview bitmaps. - Create a TIFF, WMF, PICT or Interchange preview from part of a bitmap created by Ghostscript.UPublishingx86_64 dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epstool-3.09-1pclos2022.src.rpm\!f08dfe235067986399cf4fb13c45a040./SRPMS.pclosd  5` dntB@BABEBJCepsxe1.6.01pclos2007Sony PlayStation 1 EmulatorSony PlayStation 1 Emulator using standard plugin interface. You must to have a PSX bios, which you may only be in possession if you're legally entitled to. You can dump your PSX bios, using a gameshark or a action replay, or you can download it from some internet webpage. Sorry, we can't give it.UEmulatorsi586 unzipupxpsx-pluginsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epsxe-1.6.0-1pclos2007.src.rpm.13a73dce2bec35e215532e2ce7988313./SRPMS.pclosgd   K B@BA4BE8BJYCepydoc3.0.15pclos2013Edward Loper's API Documentation Generation ToolEpydoc is a tool for generating API documentation for Python modules, based on their docstrings. A lightweight markup language called epytext can be used to format docstrings, and to add information about specific fields, such as parameters and instance variables. Epydoc also understands docstrings written in ReStructuredText, Javadoc, and plaintext.Development/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epydoc-3.0.1-5pclos2013.src.rpme36a017e86b511afd7a01153aae692ac./SRPMS.pclos/d  U  @B@BABEBJ!Cepymc1.2.03pclos2019A Media Center designed to run on a large number of devicesEpyMC is a Media Center application written in python that use the Enlightenment Foundation Library as the living base. This is version 1.2.0 + git updatesPGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentnoarch efl-develintltoolpython3-distutils-extrapython3-eflpython3-pyudevpython3-pyudev-qt5python3-beautifulsoup4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1epymc-1.2.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm87b4fbe36368101931c5e8997d53801e./SRPMS.pclosd   : #,0LB@TBAxBE|BJCeqonomize1.5.31pclos2022Personal Accounting SoftwareEqonomize! is a cross-platform personal accounting software, with focus on efficiency and ease of use for small households. Eqonomize! provides a complete solution, with bookkeeping by double entry and support for scheduled recurring transactions, security investments, and budgeting. It gives a clear overview of past and present transactions, and development of incomes and expenses, with descriptive tables and charts, as well as an approximation of future account values.Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eqonomize-1.5.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmna817d39187d5571f86de67c7753621dd./SRPMS.pclos7d   Lx |B@BABEBJ)Cequalizer3.0.21pclos2022A 15-band equalizer for PulseAudio with LADSPAA 15-band equalizer for PulseAudio with LADSPA It comes with 26 presets in /usr/share/pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa/presets/: Bass Boost.preset Big Bass Boost.preset Boosted.preset Bose QuietComfort 35.preset Classical.preset Club.preset Dance.preset Flat.preset Full Bass.preset Full Bass & Treble.preset Full Treble.preset Headphones.preset jjo-sony-MDR-V300.preset Laptop.preset Large Hall.preset Live.preset Party.preset Perfect EQ.preset Pop.preset Reggae.preset Rock.preset Ska.preset Soft.preset Soft Rock.preset Super Bass Boost.preset Techno.presetSoundx86_64 ladspa-develfftw-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1equalizer-3.0.2-1pclos2022.src.rpme85876f0f01d96469f1912ef6a8be6f4./SRPMS.pclossd   E B@ BA@BEDBJeCerfa1.7.11pclos2021Essential Routines for Fundamental AstronomyERFA is a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy, and is based on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).)System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1erfa-1.7.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm39718c9c24dace1bab422f2d1136f5fe./SRPMS.pclosd   ?   m B@}BABEBJCdeeric44.5.171pclos2014A Python IDEEine IDE für PythonEric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays' quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder.Eric ist ein Editor/IDE für Python und Ruby, welcher in Python geschrieben ist. Er basiert auf dem plattform unabhängigen Qt GUI Toolkit und integriert die sehr flexible Scintilla-Editorkomponente. Das Programm ist dazu designt ein schneller und schmutziger Editor für den täglichen Gebrauch zu sein, aber genauso ein professionelles Projektmanagementwerkzeug, das viele fortgeschrittene Eigenschaften von Python anbietet, die professionelle Programmierer benötigen.Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develpython-sippython-qt4python-qt4-qscintillapython-qt4-helpqscintilla-qt4-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eric4-4.5.17-1pclos2014.src.rpmb880b133842aec65a26f8199e82f578c./SRPMS.pclosd   V8 <NXBB@WBAxBE|BJCerlang17.12pclos2015General-purpose programming language and runtime environmentErlang is a general-purpose programming language and runtime environment. Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang is used in several large telecommunication systems from Ericsson. Development/Otherx86_64 ncurses-developenssl-developensslunixODBC-devellib64tcl-devellib64tk-develjava-rpmbuildflexbisonlibgd-develvalgrindm4lib64wxgtku2.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1erlang-17.1-2pclos2015.src.rpm +ccfef175145250901bde9f40a52b8341./SRPMS.pclosd   X<@ HZdNB@cBABEBJCerlangR16B011pclos2013General-purpose programming language and runtime environmentErlang is a general-purpose programming language and runtime environment. Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang is used in several large telecommunication systems from Ericsson.8-pinoc64Development/Otherx86_64 ncurses-developenssl-developensslunixODBC-devellib64tcl-devellib64tk-develjava-rpmbuildflexbisonlibgd-develvalgrindm4lib64wxgtku2.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1erlang-R16B01-1pclos2013.src.rpm367b3c0c551ead0ba6874a32ab307a78./SRPMS.pclosd  C GB@aBABEBJCerlang-esdl1.0.11pclos2010Erlang OpenGL/SDL api and utilitiesA library that gives you access to SDL and OpenGL functionality in your Erlang program./"Development/Otheri586  SDL-develSDL_ttf-develSDL_image-develmesa-common-develerlang-compilererlang-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)R11B-7R11B-73.0.4-1erlang-esdl-1.0.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm4434b6a257094a5bf80305cc1783b3ec4./SRPMS.pclosd   F  $4B@BABEBJCesetroot200304222pclos2019Esetroot without all the Eterm baggageEsetroot is used to set wallpaper for window which support translucency. It supports JPG and PNG image formats while fvwm-root does not support JPG. Esetroot can be used in the fvwm config file.System/X11x86_64 lib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64imlib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1esetroot-20030422-2pclos2019.src.rpm3a76e70de11a9c4ed0b59f83a7f7e69e./SRPMS.pclosd   8 -B@8BA\BE`BJCesound0.2.414pclos2019The Enlightened Sound DaemonEsounD (the Enlightened Sound Daemon) is a server process that allows multiple applications to share a single sound card. For example, when you're listening to music from your CD and you receive a sound-related event from ICQ, your applications won't have to jockey for the attention of your sound card. EsounD mixes several audio streams for playback by a single audio device. System/Serversx86_64 audiofile-develdocbook-utilsdocbook-dtd412-xmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1esound-0.2.41-4pclos2019.src.rpm e83fd47305bcad795eebc086f45bfdcc./SRPMS.pcloskd   <  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cespeak1.46.021pclos2013Text to speech synthesis engineeSpeak is a compact open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages. eSpeak produces good quality English speech. It uses a different synthesis method from other open source TTS engines, and sounds quite different. It's perhaps not as natural or "smooth", but I find the articulation clearer and easier to listen to for long periods.NealSoundx86_64 libportaudio2-develpulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1espeak-1.46.02-1pclos2013.src.rpm}1fefa96a01d62fea77a3f01c4a9d215c./SRPMS.pclosd  " V 8B@HBApBEtBJCesvn0.7.00.svn1263.2pclos2007eSvn is a cross-platform (QT-based) GUI Subversion.eSvn is a cross-platform (QT-based) GUI frontend for the Subversion revision system.8Texstar Development/Otheri586  qt3-develsubversion-develdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*a10f4c54990a59173d1d10a806a8d4c4./SRPMS.pclosd  KX \mtxB@BABEBJCet-sdl-sound292pclos2010Soundwrapper for Enemy Territory, RTCW and Q3et-sdl-sound provides SDL-based replacement for deprecated OSS-based sound systems of Enemy Territory, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Quake III Arena. To put it short, et-sdl-sound is a working ALSA support hack for ET, RTCW and Q3 (and all mods for those binaries)}System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1et-sdl-sound-29-2pclos2010.src.rpmd82fec2e50db921e2faf478d17c3ad58./SRPMS.pclosd   S  $08<XB@`BABEBJCetcskel1.6329pclos2011PCLinuxOS default files for new users' home directoriesThe etcskel package is part of the basic PCLinuxOS system. Etcskel provides the /etc/skel directory's files. These files are then placed in every new user's home directory when new accounts are created.rSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1etcskel-1.63-29pclos2011.src.rpmA33d63afc63703c64020478e35e27c064./SRPMS.pclosd   M B@BABEBJCetherape0.9.131pclos2014Graphical network viewer modeled after ethermanEtherape is a graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman. Featuring ether, ip and tcp modes, it displays network activity graphically. Hosts and links change in size with traffic. Color coded protocols display. It supports ethernet, ppp and slip devices. It can filter traffic to be shown, and can read traffic from a file as well as live from the network.9Monitoringx86_64 libglade2.0-devellibpcap-devellibgnomeui2-develautoconfscrollkeeperdesktop-file-utilsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1etherape-0.9.13-1pclos2014.src.rpm ,f808215bab01aa075aee80d0a17abf84./SRPMS.pclosd   Q $,4YB@bBABEBJCetherboot5.4.22pclos2007Software package for booting x86 PCs over a networkEtherboot is a free software package for booting x86 PCs over a network. In principle this could be any network technology that TCP/IP runs on that supports broadcasting. In practice, the bandwidth required means it's only practical over LANs and some WANs. Etherboot is useful for booting PCs diskless. This is desirable in various situations, for example: - Maintaining software for a cluster of equally configured workstations centrally.` - A low-cost X-terminal. - A low cost user platform where remote partitions are mounted by NFS and you are willing to accept the slowness of data transfers that results from NFS, compared to a local disk. - Various kinds of remote servers, e.g. a tape drive server that can be accessed with the RMT protocol. - Routers. - Machines doing tasks in environments unfriendly to disks. See /usr/share/doc/etherboot-5.4.2/README.MDK for examples of usage.Texstar Development/Kerneli586 dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1etherboot-5.4.2-2pclos2007.src.rpm*?797adcf673a2a1608d1f664e1ecc607c./SRPMS.pclosd   UD Hhp|B@BABEBJCethtool6.61pclos2024Utility for controlling network drivers and hardwareStandard Linux utility for controlling network drivers and hardware, particularly for wired Ethernet devices. It can be used to: * Get identification and diagnostic information * Get extended device statistics * Control speed, duplex, autonegotiation and flow control for Ethernet devices * Control checksum offload and other hardware offload features * Control DMA ring sizes and interrupt moderation * Control receive queue selection for multiqueue devices * Upgrade firmware in flash memorysSystem/Configuration/Networkingx86_64  lib64mnl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ethtool-6.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm>ee61ae0b47e5416a4148e87b52589368./SRPMS.pclos[d   @  ,4 `  B@BA(BE,BJMCethumb201311051pclos2013Enlightenment thumbnailing libraryNew library to generate thumbnails. There are still some important features to be implemented, like client-server framework, edje thumbnails and a plugin API to integrate it with emotion and like.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 eina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-develemotion-devele-dbus-develeeze-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ethumb-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm3d0006d4409ad08ecc57bc703a1bbb9f./SRPMS.pclosd  1 PB@_BABEBJCetk0.1.0.0422pclos2009Enlightenment toolkitEtk is a toolkit based on the EFL libraries. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.EfrGraphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 ecore-develeet-develedje-develedjeembryoembryo-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1etk-   3  <B@DBAdBEhBJCetl1.4.21pclos2021Template library for synfigVoria ETL is a multi-platform class and template library designed to add new datatypes and functions which combine well with the existing types and functions from the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).1System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1etl-1.4.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm2301629d1c76d949b20abe034a3c1b33a./SRPMS.pclosWd    M B@ BA$BE(BJICdeetm8913pclos2016Event and Task ManagerEreignis- und Aufgabenmanageretm is an acronym for Event and Task Manager. It provides a format for using simple text files to store event, task and action information, a command line interface for viewing tasks and events in a variety of convenient ways and a wx(Python)-based GUI for creating and modifying events and tasks as well as viewing them. Flexible time reports are supported as well as busy/free time reports. Alarms are supported for events and repetition for both events and tasks in a powerful and flexible manner.etm ist ein Akronym für Event and Task Manager (Ereignis- und Aufgabenmanager). Es bietet ein Format zur Nutzung von einfachen Textdateien zum Speichern von Ereignissen, Aufgaben und Informationen, eine Kommandozeilenschnittstelle für das Betrachten der Ereignisse und Aufgaben in einer Vielzahl von bequemen Wegen und eine wx(Python) basierte GUI für das Erstellen und Modifizieren und auch Betrachten der Ereignisse und Aufgaben. Flexible Zeitbericht werden unterstützt sowohl für Arbeitszeit als auch Freizeit. Weiterhin wird ein Alarm und die Wiederholung von Ereignissen und Aufgaben unterstützt.zOfficenoarch python-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1etm-891-3pclos2016.src.rpm~E4cbe31e2640c6a36d9bb9b6f57d4b480./SRPMS.pclosd  Nl p  ? B@QBAxBE|BJCettercap-ng0.7.52pclos2013Ncurses/Gtk2 based sniffer/interceptor utilityEttercap is a network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet LANs (both switched or not). It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones, like SSH and HTTPS). Data injection in an established connection and filtering (substitute or drop a packet) on the fly is also possible, keeping the connection sincronized. Many sniffing modes were implemented to give you a powerful and complete sniffing suite. Plugins are supported. It has the ability to check whether you are in a switched LAN or not, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to let you know the geometry of the LAN. The passive scan of the lan retrives infos about: hosts in the lan, open ports, services version, type of the host (gateway, router or simple host) and extimated distance in hop.>Networking/Otherx86_64 openssl-develncurses-develgtk+2-develpcre-devellib64net-devellibtool-develflexcmakebisonlibpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ettercap-ng-0.7.5-2pclos2013.src.rpmCc4f6e488aa567331b0acec2cfb20e990./SRPMS.pclos7d  6, 0PXB@BABEBJ)Cevas201311051pclos2013Enlightened canvas libraryEvas is a clean display canvas API for several target display systems that can draw anti-aliased text, smooth super and sub-sampled scaled images, alpha-blend objects much and more. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.| Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64  pth-develchrpathX11-develSDL-develeet-develcairo-develpng-develjpeg-develtiff-develmesagl-develungif-develxpm-develxcb-develpixman-develxcb-util-devellibrsvg-develdoxygenfribidi-develeina-develeet-devellib64freetype6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|ee5180726007eb055d39424d522a2c58e./SRPMS.pclosGd ) =    B@BABEBJ9Cevas_generic_loaders1.17.05pclos2017Evas generic loaderEvas_generic_loaders is an evas generic loader This package is part of the Enlightenment DR18 desktop shell.ghostbunnyGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64poppler-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64spectre-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1evas_generic_loaders-1.17.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmbf6287565fc161789d2fc81d0836365d./SRPMS.pclos/d   8T XoxB@BABEBJ!Ceventviews24.12.31pclos2025Lib for creating eventsLib for creating events.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1eventviews-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm]1aaf3f48a310a60128e30fff1b66eefd./SRPMS.pclosSd     $  B@BA BE$BJECdeeviacam2.0.12pclos2018A Cross-Platform Webcam Based Mouse EmulatorEin plattformunabhängiger, Webcam-bsasierter MausemulatorEnable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a web camera. No additional hardware is required. Based on the award winning Facial Mouse software.Das eingeschaltete Viacam (aka eViacam) ist eine die Maus ersetzende Software, die den Mauszeiger bewegt, wenn Sie ihren Kopf bewegen. Es funktioniert auf Standard-PC, die mit einer Webcam ausgestattet sind. Es ist keine Extrahardware notwendig. Das Programm basiert auf der preisgekrönten Facial Mouse Software.b=marcin82 Accessibilityx86_64 desktop-file-utilsdos2unixgettext-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64wxgtku3.0-devellib64xtst-devellib64xext6libpthread-stubsopencvopencv-develwayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eviacam-2.0.1-2pclos2018.src.rpmbL 82209952fc21f220e1a6c7eaffd8c7d5./SRPMS.pclos#d   {8 <FPhB@BABEBJCdeevilvte0.5.11pclos2013VTE based, super lightweight terminal emulatorEinfacher Terminal Emulator basierend auf VTEVTE based, super lightweight terminal emulatorevilvte ist ein Terminal-Emulator. Er unterstützt fast alle Möglichkeiten von VTE. Außerdem unterstützt er Registerkarten, deren automatische Ausblendung sowie den Wechsel der Kodierung im laufenden Betrieb. Die Konfiguration erfolgt durch die Bearbeitung des Quellcodes und Neukompilierung. Diese Version bietet alle zur Laufzeit einstellbaren Optionen im Kontextmenü (rechte Maustaste).Terminalsx86_64 gtk2-develglib2-develdesktop-file-utilspkgconfigvte-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1evilvte-0.5.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm476608c63d1466c485fad04db0e5f060./SRPMS.pclosd   28 <GP!!!B@EBAdBEhBJCdeevince43.11pclos2022GNOME Document viewerEvince is the GNOME Document viewer. It supports PDF, PostScript and other formats. To view .dvi files as produced by TeX in evince, install the evince-dvi package.Evince ist der GNOME Document Viewer. Seine unterstützt PDF-, PostScript-und andere Formate.,-Publishingx86_64 ghostscriptintltoolgnome-doc-utilsgnome-commongnome-icon-themegtk-docdesktop-file-utilsitstoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64djvulibre-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gxps-devellib64kpathsea-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64poppler-glib-devellib64secret-devellib64spectre-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xml2-develyelp-devellib64gspell-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64handy-develkpathsea-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1evince-43.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm,Pee81443874fdbf3002fa681705f30d01./SRPMS.pclos/d   7T XxB@BABEBJ!Cevisum0.5.41pclos2020Enlightenment System MonitorEnlightenment System Monitor Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 makelib64alsa2-devellib64efl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1evisum-0.5.4-1pclos2020.src.rpmac25c97d914a8f49f76f23b6a246d3a8./SRPMS.pclosd   F(, Mkp  # B@3BATBEXBJyCevms2.5.57pclos2007Enterprise Volume Management System utilitiesThis package contains the user-space tools needed to manage EVMS (Enterprise Volume Management System) volumes. In order to use these user-space tools, you must also have your kernel patched with the most recent EVMS code.8Texstar System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 autoconfglibc-static-devellibext2fs-devellibdevmapper-develgettext-develglib2-develgtk+2-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1evms-2.5.5-7pclos2007.src.rpm.4444fd0937a71eb25aa6e5d25d6c2381./SRPMS.pclos#d   V4 8HP333B@BABEBJCevolution3.40.43pclos2023Integrated GNOME mail client, calendar and address bookEvolution is the GNOME mailer, calendar, contact manager and communications tool. The tools which make up Evolution will be tightly integrated with one another and act as a seamless personal information-management tool.Networking/Mailx86_64 clutter-develclutter-gtk-develcmakecogl-develevolution-data-server-develglibc-develgsettings-desktop-schemas-develgtk-docintltoollib64archive-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64canberra-devellib64canberra-gtk3-devellib64champlain-devellib64enchant2-devellib64gail3.0-devellib64gcr-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64geocode-glib-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gnome-autoar-devellib64goa-devellib64gspell-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gweather-devellib64ical-devellib64json-glib-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64mx1.0-devellib64notify-devellib64nspr-devellib64nss-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pst-devellib64secret-devellib64soup-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64webkit2-devellib64xml2-devellib64ytnef-develp11-kit-develx11-proto-develbogofilterspamassassinhighlightitstooldesktop-file-utilsgettext-develyelp-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1evolution-3.40.4-3pclos2023.src.rpm 68e74d3ebe5fb6029ef66679836c05d0./SRPMS.pclos_d * @  H  B@BA,BE0BJQCevolution-data-server3.40.44pclos2023Evolution Data ServerEvolution Data Server provides a central location for your addressbook and calendar in the gnome desktop.FSystem/Librariesx86_64  db5-develgettextgnome-commongperfgtk-docintltoolvalavala-toolspkgconfig(gcr-3)pkgconfig(gcr-base-3)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libgdata)pkgconfig(gweather-3.0)pkgconfig(libical)pkgconfig(libsecret-unstable)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(nspr)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(webkitgtk-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)gobject-introspection-developenldap-develkrb5-devellib64goa-devellib64canberra-gtk3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Fp t  ^ B@pBABEBJCeweather201012252pclos2011Enlightenment weather/forecasts moduleEnlightenment weather/forecasts module..LGraphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 gettext-develeina-develeet-develevas-develecore-develefreet-develembryo-develedje-develemotion-devele_dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1eweather-20101225-2pclos2011.src.rpm.jd0b9bf7930f760ef684ab1da5ffd56c21./SRPMS.pclosd & SX\ B@BABEBJ Cewingipspatcher0cdf036a1pclos2019EWingIPSPatcher is an universal IPS patcher. Graphical utility for Linux to apply IPS patches to ROMs This will not work on non-Linux operating systems To use this utility: Check the "Append patch name" box then the name of the patch will be added to the ROM file after patching Click the "Choose ROM" button to select the game to patch Click the "Choose patch" button to select the patch to apply to the game Click the apply patch button to put the patch on the game A window will pop up telling you how much data was edited, when doneHAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ewingipspatcher-0cdf036a-1pclos2019.src.rpmK01a0383abbbf0dc961676367bdb4267b./SRPMS.pclosd  8$ (HP9B@NBApBEtBJCewl0.5.3.0502pclos2009Enlightenment widget libraryEnlightened Widget Library (EWL) provides a widget abstraction to creating GUI's using Evas and Edje. The use of edje allows for easy creation of fairly advanced themes. This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.deGraphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 evas-develecore-develedje-develedjeembryo-develembryoefreet-develemotion-develepsilon-develimlib2-develX11-devellibxp-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ewl-   : B@BA0BE4BJUCexa0.9.01pclos2021Replacement for ls written in Rustexa is a replacement for ls written in Rust. With similar but not identical options.^File toolsx86_64 cmakegitpkgconfigrustpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exa-0.9.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm1e213fea5a059c52b85cd4b18e4775db./SRPMS.pclosd ) k04 ;AHXB@BABEBJCdefresplnlexaile4.1.31pclos2023A powerful GTK+ 3.x media playerEin mächtiger GTK3 Media PlayerExaile is a media player aiming to be similar to KDE's AmaroK, but for GTK+ 3.x. It incorporates many of the cool things from AmaroK (and other media players). Some of the features are: - automatic fetching of album art - handling of large libraries - lyrics fetching - artist/album information via the wikipedia - last.fm support - optional iPod support (assuming you have python-gpod installed). - builtin shoutcast directory browser - tabbed playlists - blacklisting of tracks - downloading of guitar tabs from fretplay.com - submitting played tracks on the iPod to last.fmEin mächtiger GTK3 Media Player. Exaile ist ein Media Player der darauf abzielt, ähnlich wie KDE's AmaroK zu sein, aber für GTK3. Er vereinigt viele tolle Eigenschaften von AmaroK (und auch anderen Media Playern). Einige der Eigenschaften: * automatisches holen der Album Art-Verwaltung von großen Sammlungen * Liedtexte holen * Künstler/Album Informationen von wikepedia * last.fm Unterstützung * iPod Unterstützung (vorausgesetzt, du hast Python-gpod installiert) * integrierter shoutcast Verzeichnis Browser * mehrfache Playlisten * ausschließen von Stücken * herunterladen von Gitarren-akkorden von fretplay.com * vorschlagen der gespielten Stücke vom iPod in last.fmExaile est un lecteur multimédia qui vise à être semblables à AmaroK KDE, mais pour GTK + 3.x. Il incorpore la plupart des choses cool de AmaroK (et d'autres lecteurs multimédia).Exaile es un reproductor multimedia con el objetivo de ser similar al Amarok de KDE, pero para GTK + 3.x. Incorpora muchas de las cosas interesantes de AmaroK (y otros reproductores multimedia).Exaile jest odtwarzacz multimedialny, których celem jest podobna do AmaroK KDE, ale dla GTK + 3.x. Zawiera wiele fajnych rzeczy z AmaroK (i inne odtwarzacze multimedialne).Exaile is een mediaspeler die gericht zijn te vergelijken is met KDE's AmaroK, maar voor GTK + 3.x. Het bevat veel van de coole dingen uit AmaroK (en andere media spelers).RdanielSoundx86_64 intltoolperl(XML::Parser)python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exaile-4.1.3-1pclos2023.src.rpma2266ce1ba87748c875084717b241664./SRPMS.pclosd  @   ~ B@BABEBJCexalt201311051pclos2013efl based front end network managerefl based front end network manager This package is part of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop shell.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 eet-develecore-devele-dbus-develdbus-develevas-develedjeelementary-develwpa_supplicantdhcp-clientrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exalt-20131105-1pclos2013.src.rpm687bb87e4e9a45226707082734c631d5./SRPMS.pclosod   2h lt| B@BA<BE@BJaCexe2.0.41pclos2015eXe eLearning XHTML editoreXe, the eLearning XHTML editor, is an authoring environment which enables teachers to publish web content in standard package formats (like IMS Content Packages and SCORM) without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. Content generated using eXe can be used by any Learning Management System.Editorsnoarch python-develgettextpython-gitdbpython-gitpythonpython-pytzpython-babelintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exe-2.0.4-1pclos2015.src.rpmF1e95e7602f65718f8ef891ec2c868817./SRPMS.pclosd   C  UB@_BABEBJCexempi2.6.11pclos2022Library for easy parsing of XMP metadataExempi provides a library for easy parsing of XMP metadata. It is a port of Adobe XMP SDK to work on UNIX and to be build with GNU automake. It includes XMPCore and XMPFiles.+i]System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(expat)boost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exempi-2.6.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm+o29f0990e22a16ed5a24b0baddd134e8f./SRPMS.pclosd  6H LdlpB@BABEBJCexeqt1.2.21pclos2021Launch apps from system trayA nifty little utility for pinning commands, applications or links to the system tray. ExeQt goes even further and provides network facilities so that your custom actions can be transfered, accesed and used from computers around the world or computers around your house.`Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exeqt-1.2.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm7c0b3fa7fc806a15a4b1765c166c8000./SRPMS.pclosd   > B@BABEBJCexfatprogs1.1.23pclos2021Utilities for exFAT file systemA set of utilities for creating, checking and labeling exFAT file system.File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exfatprogs-1.1.2-3pclos2021.src.rpm11bf41a8ca4a9fa6e0400d21bb4fca84./SRPMS.pclos;d  Th lu|B@BABE BJ-Cexif0.6.222pclos2021Command line tools to access EXIF extensions in JPEG filesMost digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags. This package contains a command line frontend for the EXIF library.Graphicsx86_64 libexif-develpopt-develpkgconfiggettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exif-0.6.22-2pclos2021.src.rpm1426e3c3b8682816abb34dc48a62738f./SRPMS.pclos'd  O  @  B@BABEBJCexiv20.27.51pclos2021Command line tool to access EXIF data in image filesExiv2 is a command line utility to access image metadata: * print the Exif metadata of JPEG, TIFF and several RAW image formats as summary info, interpreted values, or the plain data for each tag * print the IPTC metadata of JPEG images * print, set and delete the JPEG comment of JPEG images * set, add and delete Exif and IPTC metadata of JPEG images * adjust the Exif timestamp (that's how it all started...) * rename Exif image files according to the Exif timestamp * extract, insert and delete Exif metadata, IPTC metadata and JPEG comments * extract, insert and delete the thumbnail image embedded in the Exif metadata * fix the Exif ISO setting of picture taken with Nikon camerasuGraphicsx86_64 cmakedoxygengraphvizpythonlibxslt-proclib64expat-develzlib1-devellib64curl-devellib64ssh-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exiv2-0.27.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm=752ff93b89675b45db8a9bf40cf595c4./SRPMS.pclos3d   J 3<XB@BABEBJ%Cexo4.18.01pclos2022An extension library for Xfce desktop environmentThis is libexo, an extension library to Xfce, developed by os-cillation. While Xfce comes with quite a few libraries that are targeted at desktop development, libexo is targeted at application development. RGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64 xfce4-dev-toolsintltoolperl-URIlib64xfce4util-devellib64xfce4ui2-devellib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exo-4.18.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm Wbed8177422b522eef56f02f8fb0fe0ee6./SRPMS.pclosSd   J 3<\B@BA BE$BJECexo4.20.01pclos2025An extension library for Xfce desktop environmentThis is libexo, an extension library to Xfce, developed by os-cillation. While Xfce comes with quite a few libraries that are targeted at desktop development, libexo is targeted at application development. mGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  intltoollib64gtk+3.0-devellib64xfce4ui2-devellib64xfce4util-develperl-URIrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1exo-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm /4c725a94e4f5bd6e7e37e2da0c2b780d./SRPMS.pclosgd   8 B@BA4BE8BJYCexodus24.19.31pclos2024Mangage your cryptocurrencyExodus Desktop gives you a way to Secure, Manage, and Exchange your cryptocurrency in one beautiful application.Officex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sd3.0.4-14.6.0-1exodus-24.19.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm$5a05669b2d36343bdc8548aa0b0f1687./SRPMS.pclos;d   0h l}B@BABE BJ-Cexosip3.3.02pclos2014Extended osip libraryExosip is a library that hides the complexity of using the SIP protocol for mutlimedia session establishement. This protocol is mainly to be used by VoIP telephony applications (endpoints or conference server) but might be also useful for any application that wish to establish sessions like multiplayer games.jSystem/Librariesx86_64  libosip2-developenssl-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  1 B@+BALBEPBJqCexpat2.6.41pclos2024XML parser written in CExpat is an XML 1.0 parser written in C by James Clark. It aims to be fully conforming. It is currently not a validating XML parser.wSystem/Librariesx86_64  docbook2xrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1expat-2.6.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm829bf1057429811e9f5ce52b86fb82f1./SRPMS.pclosd   V  4B@BABEBJCexpect5.45.42pclos2021A tcl extension for simplifying program-script interactionExpect is a tcl extension for automating interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, etc. Expect is also useful for testing the named applications. Expect makes it easy for a script to control another program and interact with it. Install the expect package if you'd like to develop scripts which interact with interactive applications. You'll also need to install the tcl package.System/Librariesx86_64 tcllib64tcl-develtklib64tk-devellib64xscrnsaver-develautoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1expect-5.45.4-2pclos2021.src.rpm1f58ade9a0bbd9c0969439b94e2bccbf./SRPMS.pclos#d   _  $DB@BABEBJCexscalibar1.0.49pclos2007A library to display a colored bar depending on music variationsExscalibar is an EXtendable, SCalable Architecture for Live, Interactive or Batch-orientated Audio-signal Refinement.Neverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586 libjack-devellibsndfile-devellibalsa-develmad-devellibvorbis-develfftw3-develqt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1exscalibar-1.0.4-9pclos2007.src.rpm3e46b9fd711b64bc7ff51ab861a4b8e7./SRPMS.pclosd    3  eB@pBABEBJCext2ed0.126pclos2007An ext2 filesystem editorExt2ed is a program which provides a text and window interface for examining and editing an ext2 filesystem. Ext2ed is supposed to be easier to use than debugfs, but debugfs is more powerful. Note that this program should only be used by someone who is very experienced at hacking filesystems. Install ext2ed if you want to examine and/or edit your ext2 filesystem, and you know what you're doing.pTexstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 ncurses-develreadline-devele2fsprogs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ext2ed-0.1-26pclos2007.src.rpmbf3a960db84c4903c1d52aaef077adf3./SRPMS.pclos_d ( Lt xB@BA,BE0BJQCextra-cmake-modules6.11.01pclos2025Extra modules and scripts for CMakeExtra modules and scripts for CMake.Development/Librariesnoarch  cmakelocales-enrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1extra-cmake-modules-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%b0674f12fcdbc1d337051ebdfbfc1b82./SRPMS.pclosd  {  FV\`|B@BABEBJCextract-xiso2.4b21pclos2009extract-xiso is a backup tool for creating and extracting disc image .iso's of XBox games.extract-xiso is a backup tool for creating and extracting disc image .iso's of XBox games. For more details see: http://sourceforge.net/projects/extract-xiso,$Christian Wasem Archiving/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1extract-xiso-2.4b2-1pclos2009.src.rpm41accefe9c8ca0631413243ad80089665./SRPMS.pclosd  <\` e|B@BABEBJCextract_rpm0.1.53pclos2012RPM Context Menu for DolphinRPM Context Menu for Dolphin.NealGraphical desktop/KDE4noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1extract_rpm-0.1.5-3pclos2012.src.rpm9552db09027d426b173bef74bb576c59./SRPMS.pclosSd   Vx |B@BA BE$BJECextrema4.4.41pclos2010Extrema is a powerful visualization and data analysis toolExtrema is a powerful visualization and data analysis tool that enables researchers to quickly distill their large, complex data sets into meaningful information. Its flexibility, sophistication, and power allow you to easily develop your own commands and create highly customized graphs.aSciences/Engineeringi586 wxGTK2.8-develImageMagickdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1extrema-4.4.4-1pclos2010.src.rpma/9c34a8b75a0b91702dc2529f99cf8190./SRPMS.pclos+d # D  -4LB@BABEBJCextremetuxracer0.8.31pclos2024OpenGL racing game featuring TuxExtreme Tux Racer is an OpenGL racing game featuring Tux, the Linux mascot. The goal of the game is to slide down a snow- and ice-covered mountain as quickly as possible. It is based on the GPL version of TuxRacer.oGames/Arcadex86_64  lib64mesaglu1-devellib64sfml-devellib64x11-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1extremetuxracer-0.8.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmo9~5e6f39e251e7248f1fd934511c80885d./SRPMS.pclosSd " | B@BA BE$BJECdeextundelete0.2.41pclos2015Extundelete is a command line utility to undelete files from an ext3 or ext4 partition.Extundelete ein Programm, um Dateien von ext3 o.-4 Partition wiederherzustellen.Extundelete is a command line utility to undelete files from an ext3 or ext4 partition. The file 'testing.txt' illustrates a simple usage of this program. You find it under /usr/share/doc/extundelete-0.2.4/Extundelete ist ein Dienstprogramm, um Dateien von einem ext3 oder ext4-Partition wiederherzustellen. Dei Datei "testing.txt" vermittelt die Handhabung dieses Programms. Sie finden es unter /usr/share/doc/extundelete-0.2.4/cSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64 libext2fs-develglibc-headers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1extundelete-0.2.4-1pclos2015.src.rpm5da65e5c83a286a7c544b142f9c324c3./SRPMS.pclosd " B  B@(BAPBETBJuCez-ipupdate3.0.11b87pclos2007Client for Dynamic DNS Servicesez-ipupdate is a small utility for updating your host name for any of the dynamic DNS service offered at: * http://www.ez-ip.net * http://www.justlinux.com * http://www.dhs.org * http://www.dyndns.org * http://www.ods.org * http://gnudip.cheapnet.net (GNUDip) * http://www.dyn.ca (GNUDip) * http://www.tzo.com * http://www.easydns.com * http://www.dyns.cx * http://www.hn.org * http://www.zoneedit.com it is pure C and works on Linux, *BSD and Solaris. Don't forget to create your own config file ( in /etc/ez-ipupdate.conf ) You can find some example in /usr/share/doc/ez-ipupdate-3.0.11b81(Texstar Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ez-ipupdate-3.0.11b8-7pclos2007.src.rpm4V34f163eb8b1a652413339f6e8549cb18./SRPMS.pclos#d  3P T_h|B@BABEBJCeza0.18.111pclos2024Modern replacement for lsModern replacement for ls !File toolsx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1eza-0.18.11-1pclos2024.src.rpm 3984e2250b94ad608f2e569806abbe023./SRPMS.pclosd  #   <B@DBAdBEhBJCdenlfrezswitch0.41pclos2013Script to switch Plymouth ThemesSkript zum wechseln der Plymouth ThemenScript om te wisselen van Plymouth-themaScript pour changer le thème PlymouthA GUI application for switching plymouth boot themes.Eine auf Zenity basierende GUI Anwendung zum ändern der Plymouth Boot Themen.Een kleine applicatie met grafische interface om gemakkelijk van Plymouth opstartthema te kunnen wisselen.Une interface graphique pour changer le thème de démarrage Plymouth.*:System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ezswitch-0.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm.0418ffca6ef7932cad6f194be24039b5./SRPMS.pclosd   -\` jpx  | B@BABEBJCezthumb3.6.71pclos2017Video thumbnailerA video thumbnail generator based on FFMPEG.9bb2 Videox86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gd-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ezthumb-3.6.7-1pclos2017.src.rpm9f47b6704be8c7d17a6ba8ae66da53790./SRPMS.pclos_d   ' B@BA,BE0BJQCezupdater2.0.01pclos2024EZupdaterNotification icon that check on boot and every two hours and alerts when the updates are present for PCLinuxOS DEs=Graphical desktop/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ezupdater-2.0.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm\3c0326850a78a63bbf89b544c4945148./SRPMS.pclosd   l pyIB@lBABEBJCdef-spot0.8.22pclos2011A full-featured personal photo management application for the GNOME desktopEine voll ausgestattete persönliche Foto-Management-Anwendung für den GNOME-DesktopF-Spot is a full-featured personal photo management application for the GNOME desktop. Features: * Simple user interface * Photo editor * Color adjustments * Tag icon editor * Create photo cd * Export to webEine voll ausgestattete persönliche Foto-Management-Anwendung für den GNOME-Desktop Features: * Einfache Benutzeroberfläche * Foto-Editor * Farbanpassungen * Tag Icon-Editor * Foto-CD´s erstellen * Export ins Web'1bGraphicsi586  intltoolgnome-sharp2-develgnome-desktop-sharp-develgnome-keyring-sharplibGConf2-devellibgnomeui2-develunique-develmono-develmono-data-sqlitelibexif-devellcms-develsqlite-devellibgphoto-develscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procndesk-dbus-glibgnome-screensavergettext-devellibmesaglu-develmono-flickrnetmono-addinsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'G9d8db1c3119f8af71f66fb61d59d82d5./SRPMS.pclosd  C $FB@OBApBEtBJCf2c201108011pclos2013A Fortran 77 to C/C++ conversion programF2c converts Fortran 77 source code to C or C++ source files. If no Fortran files are named on the command line, f2c can read Fortran from standard input and write C to standard output.RSystem/Librariesx86_64 unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1f2c-20110801-1pclos2013.src.rpmUC352a7ebbe2bfb03178cdab0b32b0a8d9./SRPMS.pclosd   R   j B@BABEBJCf2fs-tools1.16.01pclos2023Utilities for the Flash-friendly Filesystem (F2FS)Utilities needed to create and maintain F2 filesystems. System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  acl-develautoconfautomakelibtoolpkgconfig(blkid)pkgconfig(libselinux)pkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xz3.0.4-14.6.0-1f2fs-tools-1.16.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmF9d50723e48a99cac9bcb11bb9dfbb9c8./SRPMS.pclos#d   Dx |B@BABEBJCf38.01pclos2021Utility to test for fake flash drives and cardsF3 is a utility to test for fake flash drives and cards. It is a Free Software alternative to h2testw. f3write will fill the unused part of a filesystem with files NNNN.fff with known content, and f3read will analyze the files to determine whether the contents are corrupted, as happens with fake flash."File toolsx86_64 gccparted-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1f3-8.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm2f9593489e1eee4161394259f20bbdd2./SRPMS.pclosd  9 bB@vBABEBJCfaac1.31.11pclos2025Freeware Advanced Audio EncoderFAAC is an AAC encoder based on the ISO MPEG-4 reference code. This package is in restricted, as the MPEG-4 format is covered by software patents.VSoundx86_64  autoconfdos2unixlib64mp4v2-develpkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1faac-1.31.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm%77e8410b7b1beaf309f6cd93d1aca376./SRPMS.pclosd  D 2B@DBAdBEhBJCfaad22.11.21pclos2025Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder version 2FAAD 2 is a LC, MAIN and LTP profile, MPEG2 and MPEG-4 AAC decoder, completely written from scratch. FAAD 2 is licensed under the GPL.Soundx86_64  automakedos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1faad2-2.11.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm255222adddd2e60e32314cc68f52f87d./SRPMS.pclosd   jL P`hpB@BABEBJCdefaces1.6.125pclos2013A list monitor with a visual outputListenüberwachung mit optischer AnzeigeFaces is a program for visually monitoring a list (typically a list of incoming mail messages, a list of jobs in a print queue or a list of system users). Faces operates in five different modes: monitoring for new mail, monitoring an entire mail file, monitoring a specified print queue, monitoring users on a machine and custom monitoring. Faces also includes a utility for including a face image (a compressed, scanned image) with mail messages. The image has to be compressed in a certain way, which can then be uncompressed and displayed on-the-fly in the mail program. This feature of faces is typically used with the exmh mail handling system. Install faces if you'd like to use its list monitoring capability or its face image inclusion capability. If you would like to include face images in email, you'll also need to install the faces-xface package. If you would like to develop xface applications, you'll need to also install faces-devel.Faces ist ein Programm für die optische Darstellung von Listen (typisch, eine Liste von eingehenden Nachrichten, eine Liste von Druckaufträgen oder eine Liste von Benutzern eines Systems). Faces arbeitet in fünf verschiedenen Modi: * Anzeigen neuer Mails * anzeigen der kompletten Mail * anzeigen eines ausgewählten Druckauftrages * anzeigen von Benutzern und benutzerspezifische Anzeigen Faces enthält außerdem ein Werkzeug zum Einfügen eines Gesichtsbild (ein komprimiertes, eingescanntes Bild) in Mailnachrichten. Das Bild muss in einer bestimmten Format komprimiert sein, um im Mailprogramm direkt angezeigt werden zu können. Diese Einrichtung von Faces wird typischer Weise vom exmh Mail System verwendet. Installiere Faces, wenn du eine leistungsfähige Listenanzeige oder wenn du ein Gesichtsbild eingebunden haben möchtest. Zum benutzten der eingebundenen Gesichtsbilder musst du zusätzlich noch das faces-xface Paket installieren, zum benutzen der Entwicklunganwendungen mußt du auch noch das faces-devel Paket installieren. Networking/Mailx86_64 byaccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1faces-1.6.1-25pclos2013.src.rpma0c9a5a91f6b311fbe829886c6b0152c./SRPMS.pclos'd ! S  <B@BABEBJCfachoda-complex2.12pclos2014Fachoda-complex is a flight simulator/arcade gameFachoda-complex is a flight simulator/arcade game for Linux, tailored for small hardware configs. Check the tutorial at http://rixed.github.io/fachoda-complex/tutorial.html3Games/Simulationx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64jpeg-devellib64openal-devellib64x11-devellib64xxf86dga-develx11-proto-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fachoda-complex-2.1-2pclos2014.src.rpm674505c2d124375a304ff0c4b8d260a0./SRPMS.pclosCd    7 B@BABEBJ5Cfacile1.13pclos2011Constraint programming libraryFaCiLe is a constraint programming library on integer and integer set finite domains written in OCaml.System/Librariesx86_64 ocamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1facile-1.1-3pclos2011.src.rpmf42b8f56f417dedfaced35a19cacb8d7./SRPMS.pclosd N#B@-BAPBETBJuCfactory3.0.41pclos2011C++ class library for multivariate polynomial dataFactory is a C++ class library that implements a recursive representation of multivariate polynomial data.ZSSystem Environment/Librariesx86_64 libgmp-develntl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1factory-3.0.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm8afde9989137231e66d5f6371123fb80c./SRPMS.pclos d ( M\ `{B@BABEBJCdefaenza-icon-theme1.3.11pclos2013Faenza icon themeFaenza SymbolthemaThis icon theme for Gnome provides monochromatic icons for panels, toolbars and buttons and colourful squared icons for devices, applications, folder, files and Gnome menu items. Six themes are included to fit with light or dark themes/panels.Dieses Symbolthema für Gnome bietet monochromatische Symbole für Panel, Werkzeugleisten und Buttons und farbenfrohe, karierte Icons für Laufwerke, Programme, Ordner, Dateinen und Gnome Menüeinträge. Sechs Themen sind enthalten, die das Spektrum von hell bis dunkel abdecken.System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1faenza-icon-theme-1.3.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm*W42c943343c968d7867d7d13a17418f17./SRPMS.pclos d   P $,@B@BABEBJCfail2ban1.1.01pclos2024Ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errorsFail2Ban scans log files like /var/log/auth.log and bans IP addresses having too many failed login attempts. It does this by updating system firewall rules to reject new connections from those IP addresses, for a configurable amount of time. Fail2Ban comes out-of-the-box ready to read many standard log files, such as those for sshd and Apache, and is easy to configure to read any log file you choose, for any error you choose. System/Configuration/Networkingnoarch  python3-coveragepython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fail2ban-1.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm 89d83ab530c2e635f1cbd0dac8ba888e./SRPMS.pclosGd   M B@BABEBJ9Cfairymax4.81pclos2011A XBoard compatible chess and chess-variant engineFairy-Max is a program that plays chess and chess variants. It uses the xboard/winboard chess-engine protocol to communicate. Apart from 'regular' chess (also known as the Mad-Queen variant), it can play Capablanca chess, gothic chess, knightmate, cylinder chess, berolina chess, superchess, makruk (Thai chess) and courier chess. Fairy-Max can be easily configured by the user to play other variants as well, by modifying the ini file. This ini file describes the rules of movement of the participating pieces and the initial board setup. ShaMax is a version of Fairy-Max adopted to play shatranj. It implements the baring rule. Fairy-Max can also play shatranj, but in this case is not aware of the shatranj rule that a bare king loses. So it might play sub-optimally in the late end-game. ShaMax is a version of Fairy-Max adopted to play XianQi (Chinese Chess).\.Games/Boardsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fairymax-4.8-1pclos2011.src.rpmc2fc0a2093ec8f29fb99fa0dc7a5ba581./SRPMS.pclosd  J  ->DHdB@lBABEBJCfake1.1.101pclos2007Switches in redundant servers using arp spoofingFake is a utility that enables the IP address be taken over by bringing up a second interface on the host machine and using gratuitous arp. Designed to switch in backup servers on a LAN.Texstar Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fake-1.1.10-1pclos2007.src.rpmJ1165d08a98ae9f431d70c5576b633c27./SRPMS.pclosd  + B@BABEBJCfake-systemd2091pclos2019Fake systemdFake systemd is an empty package to meet dependencies on some non pclinuxos packagesTasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fake-systemd-209-1pclos2019.src.rpm'24ed6352310c39d44db4a932a8da5916./SRPMS.pclos'd   ?X \nxB@BABEBJCfakechroot2.20.11pclos2019Gives a fake chroot environmentfakechroot runs a command in an environment were is additionally possible to use the chroot(8) call without root privileges. This is useful for allowing users to create their own chrooted environment with possibility to install another packages without need for root privileges.Development/Otherx86_64  autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ;| 1B@@BAdBEhBJCfakeroot1.30.11pclos2022Gives a fake root environmentThis package is intended to enable something like: fakeroot rpm --rebuild i.e. to remove the need to become root for a package build. This is done by setting LD_PRELOAD to a "libfakeroot.so.0.0", that provides wrappers around chown, chmod, mknod, stat, etc. If you don't understand any of this, you do not need this!JDevelopment/Otherx86_64 makelibstdc++-devellibacl-devellibcap-develsharutilsutil-linux-ngpkgconfig(libcap)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fakeroot-1.30.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmH3095eaf4662cae455e007e29f27480c9./SRPMS.pclos7d   <d hzB@BABEBJ)Cfalcon0.9.6.22pclos2013The Falcon Programming LanguageThe Falcon Programming Language is an embeddable scripting language aiming to empower even simple applications with a powerful, flexible, extensible and highly configurable scripting engine. Falcon is also a standalone multiplatform scripting language that aims to be both simple and powerful.~Development/Otherx86_64 bisoncmakepcre-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1falcon-'a5c5b4c3d3f3b4751a9f7f59e4b0353e./SRPMS.pclosd   O uB@BABEBJCfalkon24.12.31pclos2025Cross-platform Qt Web Browser based on QtWebEngineFalkon is a new KDE web browser, previously known as QupZilla. Following this release, there will only be one last final QupZilla release. Falkon is a new and very fast QtWebEngine browser. It aims to be a lightweight web browser available through all major platforms. This project has been originally started only for educational purposes. But from its start, Falkon has grown into a feature-rich browser. Falkon has all standard functions you expect from a web browser. It includes bookmarks, history (both also in sidebar) and tabs. Above that, you can manage RSS feeds with an included RSS reader, block ads with a builtin AdBlock plugin, block Flash content with Click2Flash and edit the local CA Certificates database with an SSL Manager. Falkon's main aim is to be a very fast and very stable QtWebEngine browser available to everyone. There are already a lot of QtWebEngine browsers available, but they are either bound to the KDE environment (rekonq), are not actively developed or very unstable and miss important features. But there is missing a multiplatform, modern and actively developed browser. Falkon is trying to fill this gap by providing a very stable browsing experience. If you were previously using QupZilla, you can manually migrate your profiles to Falkon by moving the config directory (usually in ~/.config/qupzilla/). There is no automatic migration.(cGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  clangdos2unixkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(xcb-util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1falkon-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm(b6d92a896a17d45ca032b2bd55328de7./SRPMS.pclosd   E    B@BABEBJCfarstream0.2.71pclos2016An audio/video communications frameworkThe Farstream (formerly Farsight) project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins. The main target clients for Farstream are Instant Messaging applications. These applications should be able to use Farstream for all their Audio/Video conferencing needs without having to worry about any of the lower level streaming and NAT traversal issues. (Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 lib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gupnp-igd-devellib64nice-devellib64nice10makecmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1farstream-0.2.7-1pclos2016.src.rpm ^6f1e4d82549f375ac3f096061033ce89./SRPMS.pclosd  H ZB@gBABEBJCfarstream0.10.1.23pclos2019An audio/video communications frameworkThe Farstream (formerly Farsight) project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins. The main target clients for Farstream are Instant Messaging applications. These applications should be able to use Farstream for all their Audio/Video conferencing needs without having to worry about any of the lower level streaming and NAT traversal issues. ´Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 lib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellib64nice-develgstreamer0.10-python-develpython-devellib64girepository-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1farstream0.1-0.1.2-3pclos2019.src.rpm e9fe6fef264bb01f2d1bf454d34da36a./SRPMS.pclosd 9TXipxB@BABEBJCfastjar0.981pclos2011Archive tool for Java archivesfastjar is an implementation of Sun's jar utility that comes with the JDK, written entirely in C, and runs in a fraction of the time while being feature compatible. Also included in this package is the grepjar program which can be used to search files in a jar file for a pattern.1Development/Javax86_64 zlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fastjar-0.98-1pclos2011.src.rpm478cfebdc6a6ca4a50be4903d2e9b192./SRPMS.pclosKd   & B@BABEBJ=Cfastrepo0.1.66pclos2025Fast RepoSimple gui tool to find and display the fastest available PCLinuxOS repositories in your geographical areaZFile toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fastrepo-0.1.6-6pclos2025.src.rpm}f142ef92f8e877679138e5f23c3b62e7./SRPMS.pclosd   P   (HB@QBAtBExBJCfatrace0.151pclos2019Reports file access events from all running processesfatrace reports file access events from all running processes. Its main purpose is to find processes which keep waking up the disk unnecessarily and thus prevent some power saving.WMonitoringx86_64 gccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fatrace-0.15-1pclos2019.src.rpm^n205ab672ec622980b09f6346a294d06e./SRPMS.pclosd   4 B@BABEBJCfatrat1.1.35pclos2013FatRat - download managerFatRat is an open source download manager for Linux written in C++ and built on top of the Trolltech Qt 4 library. It is rich in features and is continuously extended.hNetworking/File transferx86_64 desktop-file-utilsqt4-devellibtorrent-rasterbar-devellibgloox-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fatrat-1.1.3-5pclos2013.src.rpmnd3198e9a886a9ad869a431d10b5ecdc2./SRPMS.pclosd   J0 4OX`B@BABEBJCfatsort1.6.2.6051pclos2020FAT sorter for FAT16 and FAT32 filesystemsFatsort is a utility written in C to sort FAT16 and FAT32 filesystems. It is needed to sort files on cheap mp3 players that display files not sorted by their name but by the order they appear in the file allocation table (FAT).System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 help2manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fatsort-  Z  (4gB@qBABEBJCfaust0.9.242pclos2013Faust AUdio Stream (real-time audio signal processing language)Faust AUdio STreams is a functional programming language for real-time audio signal processing. Its programming model combines two approaches : functional programming and block diagram composition. You can think of FAUST as a structured block diagram language with a textual syntax. FAUST is intended for developers who need to develop efficient C/C++ audio plugins for existing systems or full standalone audio applications. Thanks to some specific compilation techniques and powerful optimizations, the C++ code generated by the Faust compiler is usually very fast. It can generally compete with (and sometimes outperform) hand-written C code. Programming with FAUST is somehow like working with electronic circuits and signals. A FAUST program is a list of definitions that defines a signal processor block-diagram : a piece of code that produces output signals according to its input signals (and maybe some user interface parameters)jDevelopment/Otherx86_64 doxygengraphviz-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1faust-0.9.24-2pclos2013.src.rpmj8a720a059c757171c9877665fee0dae3./SRPMS.pclos+d  >lpB@BABEBJCfb2png0.17pclos2011Take screenshots from the framebufferUtility to make screenshots from framebufferSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gcclibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fb2png-0.1-7pclos2011.src.rpm69a54130074a2318c9be311c74446164./SRPMS.pclosKd   Y| B@BABEBJ=Cfbdesk1.4.11pclos2009Fluxbox-application to create and manage icons on your desktopFbDesk is a fluxbox-application to create and manage icons on your desktop. Implemented Features : * XPM and PNG image loading * Antialias text * UTF-8 and multibyte support * Vertical text * Grid Snapping * GUI for editing command/label and add/remove icons * Fluxbox menu stylekGraphical desktop/Fluxboxi586 X11-develpng-develimlib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbdesk-1.4.1-1pclos2009.src.rpm173e1f40c9a19a1f4cf6da298d888741./SRPMS.pclosd    7 $0dB@nBABEBJCfbgrab1.51pclos2021Framebuffer screenshot programFBGrab is a framebuffer screenshot program, capturing the linux frambuffer and converting it to a png-picture. FBGrab is delivered as is without any warranty and license is GPL version 2, see tar-ball for details.Graphicsx86_64 libpng-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbgrab-1.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm14bbcb583613fdcba93d03162a0df179./SRPMS.pclos{d   R $\B@*BAHBELBJmCfbida2.064pclos2007Collection of applications for viewing and editing imagesThe fbida project contains a few applications for viewing and editing images, with the main focus being photos. The applications are: fbi - Image viewer for Linux framebuffer console fbgs - Wrapper script using fbi, for viewing ps/pdf files on framebuffer ida - X11 application (Motif based) for viewing images with basic editing functions exiftran - command line tool to do lossless transformations of JPEG images, similar to jpegtran but includes EXIF data thumbnail.cgi - CGI script to extract EXIF thumbnails from jpeg images and send them to web browser This project used to be 2 seperate projects (fbi and ida), but later merged by author.69Graphicsi586 curl-develfreetype2-develjpeg-devellibexif-devellirc-develpng-develsane-develtiff-develungif-devellesstif-develxpm-develfontconfig-develxsysinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbida-2.06-4pclos2007.src.rpm=b909da8cedaa153c5d5a18c9cd315061./SRPMS.pclosd   ? $B@BABEBJCfbida2.141pclos2020Frame-buffer image viewers and editorsThe fbida project contains a few small and efficient applications for viewing and editing images, with the main focus being photos.Graphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(libjpeg)giflib-devellibmotif-devellibpcd-develpkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(xpm)pkgconfig(sane-backends)pkgconfig(liblircclient0)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(pkg-config)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(gbm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbida-2.14-1pclos2020.src.rpmf6a66da547d008178c544bf067c6a397./SRPMS.pclos+d  9T Xu|B@BABEBJCfbmessenger0.1.02pclos2013Facebook messenger clientFacebook messenger clientcNetworking/Instant messagingnoarch lib64python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbmessenger-0.1.0-2pclos2013.src.rpmgd5d79d90da1723d9dab02972d6d4f643./SRPMS.pclosd   3  0qB@|BABEBJCfbpanel6.12pclos2014Lightweight desktop panelfbpanel is a lightweight, NETWM compliant desktop panel. It works with any NETWM compliant window manager (eg xfwm4, sawfish, openbox, metacity, kde). It provides: * variety of plugins * ability to replace window icons * all icons follow your current GTK+ icon theme * transparency support * customizable size and screen position * ability to run many instances each with its own configuration * modest resource usagexpinoc32Graphical desktop/Fluxboxi586 gtk2-devellibxpm-devellibxmu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbpanel-6.1-2pclos2014.src.rpm980f5bcadc7abe4d87a1c821c171ed42./SRPMS.pclosd   C @ZB@pBABEBJCfbreader0.99.52pclos2019Reader for e-books in various formatsFBReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. Supported formats include: fb2, HTML, chm, plucker, palmdoc, zTxt, TCR, RTF, OEB, OpenReader, mobipocket, plain text.|Officex86_64 libstdc++-devellinebreak-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)lib64bzip2-develpkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbreader-0.99.5-2pclos2019.src.rpm91e4c8ee152b9451f4855dae12e315d9e./SRPMS.pclosWd   G B@BA$BE(BJICfbset2.118pclos2019Framebuffer utilities for changing video modesfbset is a utility for querying and changing video modes of fbcon consoles.{FSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 bisonflexbzip2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbset-2.1-18pclos2019.src.rpm{03fc73bf74f3e75d482a8e5f5847f235./SRPMS.pclosd    M  $xB@BABEBJCfbterm1.72pclos2013A fast FrameBuffer based TERMinal emulator for linuxFbTerm is a fast terminal emulator for linux with frame buffer. Features include: * mostly as fast as terminal of linux kernel while accelerated scrolling is enabled on framebuffer device * select font with fontconfig and draw text with freetype2, same as Qt/Gtk+ based GUI apps * dynamicly create/destroy up to 10 windows initially running default shell * record scrollback history for every window * auto-detect text encoding with current locale, support double width scripts like Chinese, Japanese etc * switch between configurable additional text encodings with hot keys on the fly * copy/past selected text between windows with mouse when gpm server is runningrpinoc32Terminalsi586 freetype2-develfontconfig-develgpm-devellibx86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbterm-1.7-2pclos2013.src.rpm$2385d93ee5f3bb0ec157a50ea479d9e9./SRPMS.pclosd   l  3=DTB@BABEBJCdefbzx4.8.01pclos2021A ZX Spectrum Emulator for FrameBufferEin ZX Spektrum Emulator für FrameBufferFBZX is a Sinclair Spectrum emulator, designed to work at full screen using the FrameBuffer or under X-Windows. For ZX Spectrum roms install spectrum-roms package from non-free repository.FBZX ist ein Sinclair Spectrum Emulator, entworfen zum arbeiten im Vollbildmodus mit Verwendung des Framebuffer oder X-Windows. Für ZX Spektrum ROMS installieren Sie das Paket Spektrum-Roms aus der Nonfree Paketquelle.[Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64alsa2-devellib64pulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fbzx-4.8.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm]73ba68d6d351ae345885a82b20a87229./SRPMS.pclosd  ' !B@*BALBEPBJqCfceu0.98.124pclos2007NES emulatorFCEU is a portable, GPL'ed Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the NES game system on your PC or Workstation.kEmulatorsi586 libSDL_net-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fceu-0.98.12-4pclos2007.src.rpm12b75d72a933de4faa8454129feaf24e./SRPMS.pclosd   4 #,DB@BABEBJCfcgi2.4.02pclos2011The FastCGI development kitFastCGI is an open extension to CGI that provides high performance for all Internet applications without the penalties of Web server APIs. FastCGI is designed to be layered on top of existing Web server APIs. For instance, the mod_fastcgi Apache module adds FastCGI support to the Apache server. FastCGI can also be used, with reduced functionality and reduced performance, on any Web server that supports CGI. This FastCGI Developer's Kit is designed to make developing FastCGI applications easy. The kit currently supports FastCGI applications written in C/C++, Perl, Tcl, and Java. This package contains only shared libraries used by programs developed using FastCGI Developer's Kit and cgi-fcgi (bridge from CGI to FastCGI).System/Serversx86_64 libstdc++-develautoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fcgi-2.4.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm !!d98d8d72f0a958f9c9f7157c32870dab./SRPMS.pclos{d  <  ,4B@$BAHBELBJmCfcitx4.2.9.61pclos2019Fcitx- an input method frameworkFcitx is an input method framework with extension support. Currently it supports linux and Unix system, like freebsd. It has three builtin Input Method Engine, Pinyin, QuWei and Table-based input methods.System/Internationalizationx86_64 automakecmakegettext-devellibx11-devellibxft-develxpm-devellibxext-develdbus-glib-devellibxkbfile-develenchant-develiso-codes-devellibgirepository-develgtk+2-develgtk+3-develcairo-develpango-develintltoolicu-develdesktop-file-utilsdoxygenx11-proto-develx11-xtrans-devellibxml2-devellua5.2-devellibqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fcitx-  D| B@5BA\BE`BJCfcitx-anthy0.2.01pclos2013Japanese Anthy IME Wrapper for Fcitxfcitx-anthy is a Japanese Anthy IME Wrapper for Fcitx.pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  fcitx-develanthy-develcmakegcc-c++gettextintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) md6c2e29b0c0de189727955e5b532aa42./SRPMS.pclosd % K   ~ B@BABEBJCfcitx-configtool0.4.101pclos2019A GTK based configurae tool for fcitxA GTK based configurae tool for fcitx. KDE Version see fcitx-config-kde4 or kcm-fcitx.=System/Internationalizationx86_64  cmakefcitx-develgettextintltoollibxml2-develgtk+3-develiso-codes-develunique-3.0-develdbus-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C| B@BA@BEDBJeCfcitx-kkc0.1.01pclos2013Japanese libkkc IME Wrapper for Fcitxfcitx-kkc is a Japanese libkkc IME Wrapper for Fcitx._(pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  fcitx-devellibkkc-develcmakegcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   5d h  w B@BABEBJCfcitx-qt51.2.31pclos2019Fcitx IM module for Qt5This package provides Fcitx Qt5 input context.KSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(fcitx)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)extra-cmake-modulesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fcitx-qt5-1.2.3-1pclos2019.src.rpmfdd3b52573bbd573101763c50ad2cb48e./SRPMS.pclosgd   :  B@BA4BE8BJYCdefcron3.2.01pclos2015Task schedulerTask SchedulerFcron is a scheduler. It aims at replacing Vixie Cron, so it implements most of its functionalities. But contrary to Vixie Cron, fcron does not need your system to be up 7 days a week, 24 hours a day : it also works well with systems which are not running neither all the time nor regularly (contrary to anacrontab). In other words, fcron does both the job of Vixie Cron and anacron, but does even more and better :)) ...Fcron ist eine möglicher Ersatz für Vixie Cron und Anacron. Es ist mit weiteren Features ausgestatten und dafür entwickelt, auf Systemen zu rennen, die sich nicht im Dauerbetrieb befinden. Es unterstützt das Festlegen von Startbedingungen von Jobs und bietet Kontrolle zur Serialisierung von Jobs. Außerdem gibt es einem die Möglichkeit Jobs nice-Werte zuzuweisen und auch Jobs bei Systemstart ausführen zu lassen. Weitere Informationen findet man auf fcron's home page. Features von sys-process/fcron: * Entwickelt, um auf Systemen zu laufen, die sich nicht im Dauerbetrieb befinden, d.h. es kann einen Job nach einem Neustart ausführen als ob er vergessen worden wäre * Einstellen von Umgebungsvariablen und vielen weiteren Optionen in crontabs * Jeder Benutzer kann seine eigene crontab verwenden, der Zugriff ist durch cron.allow und cron.deny festgelegt * Verbesserte crontab Syntax mit Unterstützung von vielen neuen FeaturespinocSystem/Configuration/Otheri586 pam-develsendmailrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fcron-3.2.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmBc687e849d4497717ac55d4c244e94fb9./SRPMS.pclosd   <  8B@ABAdBEhBJCfdk-aac2.0.21pclos2023Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec LibraryThe Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio.1QDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fdk-aac-2.0.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm142c0ebe0a892bb3e54a94190e693c7d4./SRPMS.pclosd   . B@/BAPBETBJuCfdm6.19.11pclos2023Free Download Manager Free Download Manager for Linux allows you to adjust traffic usage, organize downloads, control file priorities for torrents, efficiently download large files and resume broken downloads. FDM can boost all your downloads up to 10 times, process media files of various popular formats, drag&drop URLs right from a web browser as well as simultaneously download multiple files!Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1fdm-6.19.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm%849a6cd7d97bb3d06b3fd00d19b27637./SRPMS.pclosd   = >B@QBAtBExBJCfdupes2.3.01pclos2024Identify or delete duplicate filesFDUPES is a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories.:File toolsx86_64  pkgconfig(libpcre2-32)pkgconfig(ncursesw)pkgconfig(sqlite3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fdupes-2.3.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm 3039ab1a8224bd51425cbb323727c3c8./SRPMS.pclosd @,qB@}BABEBJCfdutils5.51pclos2011Programs for dealing with floppy disksThis package contains utilities for configuring and debugging the Linux floppy driver, for formatting extra capacity disks (up to 1992K on a high density disk), for sending raw commands to the floppy controller, etc. NOTE: This package contains files which supercede corresponding versions in the man-pages and util-linux packages. Therefore, the --replacefiles (or --force) option to rpm may be needed to install this package.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 flextetex-latextexinfoe2fsprogs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fdutils-5.5-1pclos2011.src.rpm9fba65e9a93dccda667c4d827b38b7f4./SRPMS.pclosgd  ]  0  B@ BA4BE8BJYCfeathernotes1.1.11pclos2023FeatherNotes is a lightweight Qt5 hierarchical notes-managerFeatherNotes (by Pedram Pourang, a.k.a. Tsu Jan tsujan2000@gmail.com) is a lightweight Qt5 hierarchical notes-manager for Linux. It is independent of any desktop environment and has: * Support for rich text formatting, image embedding and inserting editable tables; * Drag-and-drop capability for moving nodes and also for embedding images; * A tray icon for quick access on any desktop; * Correct position/size saving and restoring with most window managers; * Compact but complete search and replacement widgets; * The ability to include searchable tags (hidden info on each node); * Support for optional node icons; * Support for local and remote hyperlinks (bookmarks); * Text zooming; * Printing and exporting to HTML and PDF; * Password protection; * Auto-saving; * macOS support (by Pavel Shlyak); and * Other features that can be found in its settings, on its menus or when it is actually used.danielEditorsx86_64  cmakegcc-c++lib64hunspell-devellib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1feathernotes-1.1.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm770637ed1b8142ede9d25caed4e8bf0c5./SRPMS.pclos7d   B    B@BABEBJ)Cfeatherpad1.4.11pclos2023A lightweight Qt5 plain-text editorFeatherPad is a lightweight Qt5 plain-text editor for Linux. It is independent of any desktop environment and has: * Drag-and-drop support, including tab detachment and attachment; * X11 virtual desktop awareness (using tabs on current desktop but opening a new window on another); * An optionally permanent search-bar with a different search entry for each tab; * Instant highlighting of found matches when searching; * A docked window for text replacement; * Support for showing line numbers and jumping to a specific line; * Automatic detection of text encoding as far as possible and optional saving with encoding; * Syntax highlighting for common programming languages; * Ability to open URLs with appropriate applications; * Session management; * Side-pane mode; * Auto-saving; * Printing; * Text zooming; * Appropriate but non-interrupting prompts; * Haiku OS support (by [khallebal at GitHub](https://github.com/khallebal)); * macOS support (by [Pavel Shlyak](https://github.com/shlyakpavel)); and * Other features that can be found in its settings, on its menus or when it is actually used. AdanielEditorsx86_64 lib64hunspell-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1featherpad-1.4.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm 1d4464c271420540daf78cdab3434dd3./SRPMS.pclos7d  .\ `fpB@BABEBJ)Cfeff1.10.11pclos2019Front-end for FFmpegFeFF is a front-end for FFmpeg written in Qt.ߩVideox86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1feff-1.10.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm09dfc5fa982662bc3315c9963a5fe083./SRPMS.pclos/d      8  B@BABEBJ!Cdefeh3.10.21pclos2024Image viewer at heart, though it does other cool stuffBildbetrachter mit vielen weiteren FunktionenFeh is an imageviewer, but it does a whole lot of other cool stuff as well. There are simply too many to mention them here so please check the docs/homepage.Feh ist ein Bildbetrachter, aber er macht auch eine ganze Menge andere Sachen. Es gibt einfach zu viele um sie hier alle zu nennen, also lesen Sie bitte in der Dokumentation oder auf der Webseite für weitere Informationen.gCGraphicsx86_64  giblib-develimlib2-develjpeg-devellib64curl-devellib64xt-devellibxinerama-develpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1feh-3.10.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm0042fefa7bf011dbf6240307e350a6e76./SRPMS.pclos'd " T B@BABEBJCfelida-browser0.2.41pclos2023A lightweight Chromium Browser using Electron.js!A lightweight Chromium Browser using Electron.js!VNetworking/WWWx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1felida-browser-0.2.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm[d54ba8115b4f9fbbc26349f3ca19b100f./SRPMS.pclosd   4hl v|B@BABEBJCfestival2.12pclos2017A free speech synthesizerFestival is a general multi-lingual speech synthesis system developed at CSTR. It offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as well as an environment for development and research of speech synthesis techniques. It is written in C++ with a Scheme-based command interpreter for general control.9Pbb2 Soundx86_64 perlncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1festival-2.1-2pclos2017.src.rpm8y388149c1142443daef0fd2f1e0033116./SRPMS.pclos7d  + ux| B@BABEBJ)Cfestival-freebsoft-utils0.101pclos2017A collection of utilities that enhance Festival with some useful featuresA collection of utilities that enhance Festival with some useful features. They provide all that is needed for interaction with Speech Dispatcher. Key festival-freebsoft-utils features are: - Generalized concept of input events. festival-freebsoft-utils allows not only plain text synthesis, but also combining it with sounds. Additionally, mechanism of logical events mapped to other events is provided. - Substitution of events for given words. - High-level voice selection mechanism and setting of basic prosodic parameters. - Spelling mode. - Capital letter signalization. - Punctuation modes, for explicit reading or not reading punctuation characters. - Incremental synthesis of texts and events. - Speech Dispatcher support. - Rudimentary SSML support. - Enhance the Festival extension language with functions commonly used in Lisp. - Support for wrapping already defined Festival functions by your own code. - Everything is written in the extension language, no patching of the Festival C++ sources is needed.Jbb2 Soundnoarch festival-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1festival-freebsoft-utils-0.10-1pclos2017.src.rpmݛdc7f208b0460595acfd1760722f49f95./SRPMS.pcloskd   K  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cfestlex1.4.33pclos2007Voices for Festival - a free speech synthesizerFestival is a general multi-lingual speech synthesis system developed at CSTR. It offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as well as an environment for development and research of speech synthesis techniques. It is written in C++ with a Scheme-based command interpreter for general control. This package contains dictionaries for use with Festival(Texstar Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1festlex-1.4.3-3pclos2007.src.rpm735b616b1693d1f6345439706aa6e164./SRPMS.pclosgd   K B@BA4BE8BJYCfestvox1.4.33pclos2007Voices for Festival - a free speech synthesizerFestival is a general multi-lingual speech synthesis system developed at CSTR. It offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as well as an environment for development and research of speech synthesis techniques. It is written in C++ with a Scheme-based command interpreter for general control. This package contains voices for use with FestivalVTexstar Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1festvox-1.4.3-3pclos2007.src.rpmE10c9acdc0d3d0e8b8c523a8c39c0fc9b./SRPMS.pclosd   2p t~B@BABEBJCfet5.23.31pclos2014Free Timetabling SoftwareFET is free timetabling software. This program aims to automatically generate the timetable of a school, high-school or university. It may be used for other timetabling purposes. FET can mean "Free Educational Timetabling" (the "E" in the middle may also stand for other words, based on your personal preference).TZEducationx86_64 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fet-5.23.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmTΦ2efc28a90a0dc4694160b2830bae63f9./SRPMS.pcloscd   M B@BA0BE4BJUCfetchyahoo2.14.11pclos2011Downloads mail from an Yahoo! webmail accountFetchYahoo is a Perl script that downloads mail from a Yahoo! webmail account to a local mail spool, an mbox file, or to procmail. It is meant to replace fetchmail for people using Yahoo! mail since Yahoo!'s POP and email forwarding services are no longer free. It includes all parts and attachments within the email. It can also forward the email to a specified address.QNetworking/Mailnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fetchyahoo-2.14.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm926eb2dbb2fc51ddf7f08e7baf6e7962./SRPMS.pclos[d   ^ B@BA(BE,BJMCffcall1.102pclos2013Libraries that can be used to build foreign function call interfacesThis is a collection of four libraries which can be used to build foreign function call interfaces in embedded interpreters. The four packages are: avcall - calling C functions with variable arguments vacall - C functions accepting variable argument prototypes trampoline - closures as first-class C functions callback - closures with variable arguments as first-class C functions (a reentrant combination of vacall and trampoline) This version B includes some minor configuration changes so that files are installed in the proper place. Also it compiles on cygwin and mingw32.$System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ffcall-1.10-2pclos2013.src.rpm%a0a7ec3dd038f6f70079d28255b34c8c./SRPMS.pclos#d  G, 06@B@BABEBJCffdiaporama2.21pclos2018Movie creator from photos and video clipsffDiaporama is an application for creation of video sequences established by: * titles, fixed or livened up. * images or by photos, fixed or livened up. * movie clip * music These sequences are assembled in slide show by means of transitions of sequence to produce complete videos. Main features: * Refocused of images and photos and refocused and cutting of video clips * Note (addition of text) for images, photos, sequences and animations * Graphic filters on the images and the videos (passage in black and white, dust removal, equalization of colors, etc.) * Creation of animation by zoom, rotation or Ken Burns Effect on part of images or photos * Correction of the images and the videos during the animations (luminosity, contrast, gamma, colors, etc.) * Transitions between sequence with definition of the transition type, sequence by sequence. * Addition of a background sound (wav, mp3 or ogg) with customizable effects of volume, fade in/out and passage in pause, sequence by sequence. * Generation of usable videos by most of the current videos equipments (DVD player/smartphone, multimedia box, hard drive, etc.) but also publishable on the main video sharing Web sites (YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.)XVideox86_64 qt5-develqt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5svg-develqt5xml-develqt5concurrent-develqt5multimedia-develqt5help-develqt5network-develqt5sql-develqt5widgets-develqttools5ffmpeg-develSDL-develSDL_mixer-develdesktop-file-utilslib64taglib-devellib64exiv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ffdiaporama-2.2-1pclos2018.src.rpmXPdbcf37e62c0721292bbbf924c533ce39./SRPMS.pclosd   T ???B@,BALBEPBJqCffmpeg4.4.12pclos2023Hyper fast MPEG1/MPEG4/H263/RV and AC3/MPEG audio encoderffmpeg is a hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder, a streaming server and a generic audio and video file converter. It can grab from a standard Video4Linux video source and convert it into several file formats based on DCT/motion compensation encoding. Sound is compressed in MPEG audio layer 2 or using an AC3 compatible stream.Videox86_64 yasmfrei0r-plugins-devellibtheora-develtexi2htmlx264-develSDL-developencl-devellib64SDL-devellib64alsa2-devellib64ass-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cdio-devellib64celt-devellib64crystalhd-devellib64dc1394-devellib64dirac-devellib64faac-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gmp-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gsm-devellib64jack-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lame-devellib64lzo-devellib64modplug-devellib64nettle-devellib64nut-devellib64ogg-devellib64opencore-amrnb-devellib64opencore-amrwb-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64opus-devellib64cdio-paranoia-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64rtmp-devellib64schroedinger-devellib64speex1-devellib64twolame-devellib64v4l-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64vo-aacenc-devellib64vo-amrwbenc-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64vpx-devellib64x11-devellib64xavs-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xv-devellib64xvid4-devellib64xvmc-devellib64x265-devellib64resample-devellib64webp-develfdk-aac-develffnvcodec-devellib64aom-devellib64dav1d-devellib64zvbi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ffmpeg-4.4.1-2pclos2023.src.rpm64805e6db53d4f09a8a58605098f3d15./SRPMS.pclosd   T BB%BB@uBABEBJCffmpeg5.1.41pclos2024Hyper fast MPEG1/MPEG4/H263/RV and AC3/MPEG audio encoderffmpeg is a hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder, a streaming server and a generic audio and video file converter. It can grab from a standard Video4Linux video source and convert it into several file formats based on DCT/motion compensation encoding. Sound is compressed in MPEG audio layer 2 or using an AC3 compatible stream.Videox86_64  SDL-develfdk-aac-develffnvcodec-develfrei0r-plugins-devellib64SDL-devellib64alsa2-devellib64aom-devellib64ass-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cdio-devellib64cdio-paranoia-devellib64celt-devellib64crystalhd-devellib64dav1d-devellib64dc1394-devellib64dirac-devellib64faac-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gmp-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gsm-devellib64ilbc-devellib64jack-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lame-devellib64lzo-devellib64mfx-devellib64modplug-devellib64nettle-devellib64nut-devellib64ogg-devellib64opencore-amrnb-devellib64opencore-amrwb-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64opus-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64resample-devellib64rtmp-devellib64schroedinger-devellib64speex1-devellib64twolame-devellib64v4l-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64vo-aacenc-devellib64vo-amrwbenc-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64vpx-devellib64webp-devellib64x11-devellib64x265-devellib64xavs-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xv-devellib64xvid4-devellib64xvmc-devellib64zvbi-devellibtheora-developencl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texi2htmlx264-develyasm3.0.4-14.6.0-1ffmpeg-5.1.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm92c065d5699f63e03f44c7b4423a36296./SRPMS.pclosd   T CC6CB@BABEBJCffmpeg6.1.11pclos2024Hyper fast MPEG1/MPEG4/H263/RV and AC3/MPEG audio encoderffmpeg is a hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder, a streaming server and a generic audio and video file converter. It can grab from a standard Video4Linux video source and convert it into several file formats based on DCT/motion compensation encoding. Sound is compressed in MPEG audio layer 2 or using an AC3 compatible stream.FVideox86_64  SDL-develfdk-aac-develffnvcodec-develfrei0r-plugins-develladspa-devellib64SDL-devellib64alsa2-devellib64aom-devellib64ass-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cdio-devellib64cdio-paranoia-devellib64celt-devellib64crystalhd-devellib64dav1d-devellib64dc1394-devellib64dirac-devellib64faac-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gmp-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gsm-devellib64ilbc-devellib64jack-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lame-devellib64lzo-devellib64mfx-devellib64modplug-devellib64nettle-devellib64nut-devellib64ogg-devellib64opencore-amrnb-devellib64opencore-amrwb-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64opus-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64resample-devellib64rtmp-devellib64schroedinger-devellib64speex1-devellib64twolame-devellib64v4l-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64vo-aacenc-devellib64vo-amrwbenc-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64vpx-devellib64webp-devellib64x11-devellib64x265-devellib64xavs-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xv-devellib64xvid4-devellib64xvmc-devellib64zvbi-devellibtheora-developencl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texi2htmlx264-develyasm3.0.4-14.6.0-1ffmpeg-6.1.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm7,8372862e0e9907b91d51114fbde56f0c./SRPMS.pclos[d " J B@BA(BE,BJMCffmpeg-java200710122pclos2013A Java wrapper around ffmpeg, using JNAffmpeg-java is a Java wrapper around ffmpeg, using JNA.GDevelopment/Javai586  antjava-rpmbuildupdate-alternativesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  N| B@BA@BEDBJeCffmpeg2theora0.302pclos2019A simple converter to create Ogg Theora filesSimple converter to create Ogg Theora files.cwVideox86_64  ffmpeg-devellibvorbis-devellibtheora-develsconspkgconfig(kate)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % Cx |B@BABEBJ=Cffmpegthumbnailer2.2.22pclos2023Lightweight video thumbnailerThis video thumbnailer can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. This thumbnailer was designed to be as fast and lightweight as possible. ~Videox86_64 ffmpeg-devellibpng-devellibjpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.2-2pclos2023.src.rpm ce141136f9344d192fab78a4324ff94b6./SRPMS.pclosd " R TB@iBABEBJCffmpegthumbs24.12.31pclos2025Video thumbnail generator for KDE file managersFFmpegThumbs is a video thumbnails implementation for KDE based on FFmpegThumbnailer. This thumbnailer uses FFmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported video formats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. This thumbnailer was designed to be as fast and lightweight as possible.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libswscale)pkgconfig(taglib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ffmpegthumbs-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm06907d432ab7dfac5c1f9e2fde8eeeab./SRPMS.pclosd   9  $0aB@kBABEBJCffms22.402pclos2023Wrapper library around libffmpegFFmpegSource (usually known as FFMS or FFMS2) is a cross-platform wrapper library around libffmpeg, plus some additional components to deal with file formats libavformat has (or used to have) problems with.ZSystem/Librariesx86_64 libtoolffmpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ffms2-2.40-2pclos2023.src.rpmf3d3167c0352d869ae856ac55db8a325./SRPMS.pclosod $ 7 B@BA<BE@BJaCffmulticonverter1.8.08pclos2023FF Multi ConverterA simple graphical application which enables you to convert audio, video, image and document files between all popular formats, using and combining other programs. It uses ffmpeg for audio/video files, unoconv for document files and PythonMagick library for image file conversions. The application is written in python and PyQt.jVideonoarch desktop-file-utilsImageMagickpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ffmulticonverter-1.8.0-8pclos2023.src.rpmq:b461cf4bd5d2c3d42e437aee5a81e5c5./SRPMS.pclosd  ! L B@#BALBEPBJqCffnvcodec12.1.14.01pclos2024FFmpeg version of NVIDIA codec API headersThis package contains the headers required for FFmpeg to interface with NVIDIA codec APIs.2Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ffnvcodec-  8, 0AHdB@BABEBJCfftw3.3.101pclos2022Fast Fourier transform libraryFFTW is a collection of fast C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform in one or more dimensions. It includes complex, real, and parallel transforms, can handle arbitrary array sizes efficiently and can be called from Fortran.%4System/Librariesx86_64 gcc-gfortranquadmath-devellibgomp-devellib64openmpi-developenmpiperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fftw-3.3.10-1pclos2022.src.rpm%/594bd0d106f35e7bcba1d512a3eb984a./SRPMS.pclosod  9 B@BA<BE@BJaCfftw22.1.511pclos2010Fast fourier transform libraryFFTW is a collection of fast C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform in one or more dimensions. It includes complex, real, and parallel transforms, and can handle arbitrary array sizes efficiently. This RPM package includes both the double- and single-precision FFTW uniprocessor and threads libraries. (The single-precision files have an "s" prefix.)zDevelopment/Ci586 gcc-gfortranautomake1.7libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fftw2-2.1.5-11pclos2010.src.rpm]5986477164bc8e85e5f88d22acba30ce./SRPMS.pclosd  9   ,lB@vBABEBJCfgcomsvn.2491pclos2011FlightGear voip communicationFGCom is a command line, voip, virtual radio software built around Asterisk. It works together with the FlightGear flight simulator to bring realistic radio communications to your FlightGear sessions %NealGames/Otherx86_64 lib64plib1-devellib64simgear-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fgcom-svn.249-1pclos2011.src.rpm f96ed909a097e63dca234bf2f038cb3d./SRPMS.pclosgd   ; B@BA4BE8BJYCfgcomguisvn.461pclos2011FlightGear fgcom GUI frontendFGComGui is a simple gui front end to fgcom, which aims to make using fgcom easy and friendlyeNealGames/Otherx86_64 lib64qt4-develsconssubversionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fgcomgui-svn.46-1pclos2011.src.rpmV23bfc5c0ff3f89170d88a27170676902./SRPMS.pclos?d   3 )0LB@BA BEBJ1Cfgfs-Atlas0.4.01pclos2011Flightgear map toolsAtlas aims to produce and display high quality charts of the world for users of FlightGear, an open source flight simulator. This is achieved through two main parts: The map creator (simply called Map) and the Atlas viewerNealGames/Otherx86_64 lib64mesaglu1-devellib64curl-devellib64simgear-devellib64png-devellib64OpenSceneGraph-devellib64glew-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fgfs-Atlas-0.4.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmQ8857d150a9dbfe983f3dd9691eb5a262./SRPMS.pclosd  b   y B@BABEBJCfgrun3.4.01pclos2016FlightGear Launch Control is a graphical frontend for running FlightGearA graphical frontend to run FlightGear Flight Simulator.Games/Simulationx86_64 lib64plib1-devellib64fltk-devellib64simgear-devellib64mesagl1-develimagemagicklib64OpenSceneGraph-develgettextboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fgrun-3.4.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm417df4bc62e4bfaae60d5d319d9c5c18./SRPMS.pclos3d  Ft xB@BABEBJ%Cfifo-browser1.3.11pclos2023This is a privacy orientated browser.Fifo is a modern web browser, built on top of modern web technologies such as Electron and React that is mean't to be secure. It's a more, optimized, more updated fork of Wexond. This browser is meant for office work, gaming, research and is a secure private browser. Fifo aims to be cross platform.ANetworking/WWWx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fifo-browser-1.3.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmEO2bd8be9eed7dcd1d788a86481dd6c046./SRPMS.pclos[d   P B@BA(BE,BJMCfiglet2.2.51pclos2016Program for making large letters out of ordinary textFIGlet prints its input using large characters (called "FIGcharacters") made up of ordinary screen characters (called "sub-characters"). FIGlet output is generally reminiscent of the sort of "signatures" many people like to put at the end of e-mail and UseNet messages. It is also reminiscent of the output of some banner programs, although it is oriented normally, not sideways..?Toysx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1figlet-2.2.5-1pclos2016.src.rpmIb30b7c85dc2e818a2baa5c9fccf3f775./SRPMS.pclosCd  % A B@BABEBJ5Cpl.UTF-8figletfonts402pclos2010Additional fonts for FigletThis package contains extra fonts for figlet.Pakiet zawiera dodatkowe czcionki dla programu figlet. Toysnoarch unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1figletfonts-40-2pclos2010.src.rpmbbf6d887eb52fe7dd846b3fa410567d0./SRPMS.pclosd  S 9B@BBAhBElBJCfil-plugins0.1.01pclos2007A four-band parametric equaliser plugin for LADSPA.There's one plugin in this first release, a four-band parametric equaliser. Each section has an active/bypass switch, frequency, bandwidth and gain controls. There is also a global bypass switch and gain control. The 2nd order resonant filters are implemented using a Mitra-Regalia style lattice filter, which has the nice property of being stable even while parameters are being changed. All switches and controls are internally smoothed, so they can be used 'live' whithout any clicks or zipper noises. This should make this plugin a good candidate for use in systems that allow automation of plugin control ports, such as Ardour, or for stage use.KThac Soundi586 ladspa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fil-plugins-0.1.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmT'6d7e0a103a49f0c767cced4b156d1f17./SRPMS.pclosd   < (B@5BATBEXBJyCfile5.383pclos2022A utility for determining file typesThe file command is used to identify a particular file according to the type of data contained by the file. File can identify many different file types, including ELF binaries, system libraries, RPM packages, and different graphics formats. You should install the file package, since the file command is such a useful utility. !TerryNFile toolsx86_64 zlib1-develpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1file-5.38-3pclos2022.src.rpm 7be79df8ac112d939768c43bd77ece0a./SRPMS.pclosgd ' ; B@BA4BE8BJYCfile-browser-applet0.6.41pclos2009File-Browser-AppletFile Browser Applet is an applet for the GNOME Panel. Browse and open files in your computer from the GNOME panel. It lets you browse and open files in your home directory from the gnome panel, without having to open a file manager.This Applet just saves you couple of clicks. It is not intended as replacement for file managers like nautilus.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  cmakegnome-panel-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # ] XB@BABEBJCdefile-roller3.42.01pclos2022An archive manager for GNOMEEin Archiv Manager fr GNOMEFile Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment. This means that you can: - create and modify archives - view the content of an archive - view a file contained in the archive - extract files from the archive. File Roller is only a front-end (a graphical interface) to archiving programs like tar and zip. The supported file types are : * Tar archives uncompressed (.tar) or compressed with * gzip (.tar.gz , .tgz) * bzip (.tar.bz , .tbz) * bzip2 (.tar.bz2 , .tbz2) * compress (.tar.Z , .taz) * lzop (.tar.lzo , .tzo) * lzma (.tar.lzma , .tlz) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar , .ear , .war) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Rar archives (.rar) * Single files compressed with: * gzip, * bzip, * bzip2, * compress, * lzop, * lzma * ISO images * RPM (only read)File-roller ist ein Archiv-Manager fr die GNOME Umgebung. Dies bedeutet, du kannst: - Archive erstellen und ndern - den Inhalte eines Archives anschauen - die enthaltenen Dateien innerhalb des Archives anschauen - Dateien des Archivs extrahieren. File Roller ist nur eine Oberflche (eine grafische Darstellung) fr Programm Archive wie tar und zip. Die untersttzten Dateitypen sind dabei: * Tar Archive Unkomprimiert (.tar) oder komprimiert mit * gzip (.tar.gz , .tgz) * bzip (.tar.bz , .tbz) * bzip2 (.tar.bz2 , .tbz2) * komprimiert (.tar.Z , .taz) * lzop (.tar.lzo , .tzo) * lzma (.tar.lzma , .tlz) * Zip Archive (.zip) * Jar Archive (.jar , .ear , .war) * Lha Archive (.lzh) * Rar Archive (.rar) * Einzelne Dateien komprimiert mit: * gzip, * bzip, * bzip2, * komprimiert, * lzop, * lzma * Iso Abbilder * RPM Archive (nur lesen) Archiving/Compressionx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64magic-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-devellib64archive-devellib64sm-develautoconfgnome-commonintltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1file-roller-3.42.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm 0a1f1c141c2c9c9c07d9789b091d54e4./SRPMS.pclos;d   ?P TktB@BABE BJ-Cfilelight24.12.31pclos2025Graphical disk usage statisticsFilelight allows you to quickly understand exactly where your diskspace is being used by graphically representing your file system as a set of concentric segmented-rings. You can use it to locate hotspots of disk usage and then manipulate those areas using a file manager. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroskquickchartsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1filelight-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm X9170bf48c40cc8c715a63ae8e397aa8f./SRPMS.pclosd & | 2B@FBApBEtBJCdefilemanager-avs0.6.23pclos2011A little application which uses the ClamAV library to scan files for viruses.Eine kleine Anwendung, die die ClamAV-Bibliothek verwendet, um Dateien auf Viren zu scannen.A little application which uses the ClamAV library to scan files for viruses.Eine kleine Anwendung, die die ClamAV-Bibliothek verwendet, um Dateien auf Viren zu scannen. FgFile toolsi586  gettextgtk2-devellibclamav-devellibunique-devellibgnome-vfs2-devellibnotify-devellibgamin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Pba91fc747eb2b60b3b93b091624f6ce3./SRPMS.pclosd " AH LeltB@BABEBJCfilen-desktop2.0.241pclos2023Encrypted Cloud Storage ClientZero knowledge end-to-end encrypted cloud storage, similar to Dropbox but better. 10 Gig free storage limit. Pay for more. Requires sign up at https://filen.io/ This is the desktop client. Web access is also available. Protect your privacy with filen-desktop."Networking/Remote accessx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1filen-desktop-2.0.24-1pclos2023.src.rpm0:a981ac39f5d9f1f6a75ac601bd106e58./SRPMS.pclosgd  A B@ BA4BE8BJYCfilereadtest1.301pclos2022Tests disks or folders for errorsFile Read Test is a tool that reads disk files or directories and stops on the first read error"Agent Smith File toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1filereadtest-1.30-1pclos2022.src.rpmݗdff3d4e084b6051aad82cefec8104197./SRPMS.pclosd   L0 4@HLhB@pBABEBJCfilesystem2.1.92pclos2020The basic directory layout for a Linux systemThe filesystem package is one of the basic packages that is installed on a PCLinuxOS system. Filesystem contains the basic directory layout for a Linux operating system, including the correct permissions for the directories. PSystem/Basex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1filesystem-2.1.9-2pclos2020.src.rpm ab91900ea5d71e77f3d17596a79f8391./SRPMS.pclosd   ; $#B@?BAdBEhBJCfilezilla3.68.12pclos2024Fast and reliable FTP clientFileZilla is a fast and reliable FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface.>BpinocNetworking/File transferx86_64  desktop-file-utilsimagemagicklib64cppunit-devellib64filezilla-devellib64wxgtku3.2-develpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(libidn)pkgconfig(nettle)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pugixml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xdg-utils3.0.4-14.6.0-1filezilla-3.68.1-2pclos2024.src.rpm>w2b4110898cfeda62ce410704d5ccf942./SRPMS.pclosd   | DB@QBAxBE|BJCfillets-ng0.8.01pclos2007Fish Fillets: The Next Generation is a port of the 2d puzzle game Fish Fillets by ALTAR Interactive to LinuxWhen strange things occur on the ocean floor, it's up to the two top fish detectives to push, drop, and swim to the bottom of it. Based upon the game open sourced by ALTAR Interactive in 2004, fish fillets ng raises the bar with crazy environments, many more languages, and greater extensibility. The game can be quite difficult, but don't worry, a player can redo a level as many times as they need to, and with savepoints and undos aplenty, there is nothing lost for trying again. Good Luck! Texstar Games/Puzzlesi586 libSDL1.2-devellibSDL_image1.2-devellibSDL_mixer1.2-devellibSDL_ttf2.0-develliblua5.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fillets-ng-0.8.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmy972e4f85bbd286069764485ec0c52789./SRPMS.pclosd   E B@*BALBEPBJqCfinances0.162pclos2009MyFinances - program for home bookkeepingmyFinances - program for home bookkeeping: budget receipts, budget expenses, lending on credit. This to facilitate manage expenses.Financei586  gcc-c++libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"be64cec7cf938c09aff8181fab46e61f./SRPMS.pclosd  =l pyB@BABEBJCfindimagedupes0.11pclos2019Commandline find image dupesA commandline program to find duplicate imagesuGraphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1findimagedupes-0.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmKBb00ff082278df18ee9beff9fb5ddd0fc./SRPMS.pclosd   Q@ DOX`B@BABEBJCfindutils4.9.01pclos2022The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs)The findutils package contains programs which will help you locate files on your system. The find utility searches through a hierarchy of directories looking for files which match a certain set of criteria (such as a filename pattern). The xargs utility builds and executes command lines from standard input arguments (usually lists of file names generated by the find command). You should install findutils because it includes tools that are very useful for finding things on your system.File toolsx86_64 gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1findutils-4.9.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmk11f4df484b14e41c0d91f7fa8fa224a4d./SRPMS.pclosd  @D OZdtB@BABEBJ Cdefindwild2.81pclos2020findwild is a utility program to search for filesfindwild ist ein Werkzeug zum Suchen von Dateienfindwild is (yet another) utility program to search for files. It works quite differently from other file search programs you have seen. It has a GUI interface and can recall past searches. a PDF viewer is required to read the application's helpfindwild ist ein (weiteres) Werkzeug zum Suchen von Dateien. Es arbeitet nicht so wie andere Dateisuchprogramme, die sie gesehen haben. Es hat eine GUI und merkt sich Ergebnisse vergangener Suchen. h|ghostbunnyFile toolsx86_64 gcc-c++lib64gtk+3.0-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1findwild-2.8-1pclos2020.src.rpm eFd3bc31cb60f30341af0588884c0bef59./SRPMS.pclosd +dhyB@BABEBJCfinger0.179pclos2011The finger clientFinger is a utility which allows users to see information about system users (login name, home directory, name, how long they've been logged in to the system, etc.). The finger package includes a standard finger client. You should install finger if you'd like to retreive finger information from other systems.ouNetworking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1finger-0.17-9pclos2011.src.rpmp2b0405260e324485ec9fafb87e6d0d5e./SRPMS.pclos?d   8h lB@BA BEBJ1Cfio3.252pclos2021A flexible I/O tester/benchmarkerfio is an I/O tool meant to be used both for benchmark and stress/hardware verification. It has support for 9 different types of I/O engines (sync, mmap, libaio, posixaio, SG v3, splice, null, network, syslet), I/O priorities (for newer Linux kernels), rate I/O, forked or threaded jobs, and much more. It can work on block devices as well as files. fio accepts job descriptions in a simple-to-understand text format. Several example job files are included. fio displays all sorts of I/O performance information. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenSolaris. {System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 libaio-develzlib-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fio-3.25-2pclos2021.src.rpm N433dd38eb72fd84ead5e9d2b2a3b19c9./SRPMS.pclosGd  " J B@BABEBJ9Cfirebird3.0.4.330541pclos2019Firebird SQL database management systemFirebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers. It has been used in production systems, under a variety of names, since 1981.:Databasesx86_64 autoconfautomaketommath-devellibtoolpkgconfig(ncurses)libtermcap-develicu-develpkgconfig(libedit)gcc-c++libstdc++-static-develpkgconfig(atomic_ops)chrpathpkgconfig(zlib)procmailsedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1firebird-{d   9 B@$BAHBELBJmCfirefox136.0.11pclos2025Mozilla Firefox web browserMozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation.~~Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1firefox-136.0.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm52314fe8e5251d526d7dce8b11208b87./SRPMS.pclos7d " Nx |B@BABEBJ)Cfirefox-l10n136.0.11pclos2025Localizations for Firefox (virtual package)Localizations for Firefox web browser.*Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1firefox-l10n-136.0.1-1pclos2025.src.rpmڸT59138c61d4b3850755e4b1964a089b3e./SRPMS.pclosd   =  +48TB@\BABEBJCfirejail0.9.721pclos2023Linux namepaces sandbox programFirejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces. It includes a sandbox profile for Mozilla Firefox.File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1firejail-0.9.72-1pclos2023.src.rpml1fd043779daba991bc5eecf5450c1201./SRPMS.pclos#d   @\ `ktB@BABEBJCfiretools0.9.721pclos2023Firejail graphical user interfaceFiretools is the graphical user interface of Firejail. Firejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces, seccomp-bpf and Linux capabilities. It allows a process and all its descendants to have their own private view of the globally shared kernel resources, such as the network stack, process table, mount table. Firejail can work in a SELinux or AppArmor environment, and it is integrated with Linux Control Groups.WFile toolsx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5svg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1firetools-0.9.72-1pclos2023.src.rpmRf6e2fa4086110dc8091a908b101c2246./SRPMS.pclosKd   [   @  B@BABEBJ=Cdefish3.7.01pclos2024A friendly interactive shellEine freundliche interaktive Shellfish is a shell geared towards interactive use. It's features are focused on user friendlieness and discoverability. The language syntax is simple but incompatible with other shell languages.fish ist eine Shell die auf eine interaktive Nutzung abgestimmt ist. Ihre Eigenschaften sind auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Entdeckbarkeit ausgerichtet. Die Sprachsyntax ist einfach, aber inkompatible mit anderen Shell-Sprachen.-<Shellsx86_64  bzip2-develcmakedoxygengettext-develintltoollib64ncurses-devellib64x11-develpcre2-develpython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fish-3.7.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm-ge28c8543d5ec437cd4d30ac5bba72e30./SRPMS.pclosd ! 9H LZd  G B@YBABEBJCfive-or-more3.32.21pclos2020GNOME Five or More gameFive or More is the GNOME port of the once popular Windows game called Color Lines. The game's objective is to align as often as possible five or more objects of the same color and shape causing them to disappear. Play as long as possible, and be #1 in the High Scores!Games/Puzzlesx86_64 pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonvalavala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1five-or-more-3.32.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmc28074d17bbc259b8dc52d486ba1eb2b./SRPMS.pclosSd    B@BA BE$BJECdeflac1.4.21pclos2022An encoder/decoder for the Free Lossless Audio CodecEin Encoder/Decoder für den Free Lossless Audio CodecFLAC is an Open Source lossless audio codec developed by Josh Coalson. FLAC is comprised of 1) `libFLAC', a library which implements reference encoders and decoders, licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL); 2) `flac', a command-line program for encoding and decoding files, licensed under the GNU General public License (GPL); 3) `metaflac', a command-line program for editing FLAC metadata, licensed under the GPL; 4) player plugins for XMMS and Winamp, licensed under the GPL; and 5) documentation, licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.Ein Encoder/Decoder für den Free Lossless Audio Codec (freier verlustfreier Audio Codec) FLAC ist ein Open Source verlustfreier audio Codec entwickelt von Josh Coalson. FLAC enthält 1)`libFLAC', eine Bibliothek in der Referenz Encoder und Decoder implementiert sind, sie stehen unter GNU Lesser General public License (LGPL); 2)`flac', ein Kommandozeilen-Programm für Encodieren und Decodieren von Dateien, lizensiert unter der GNU General public License (GPL); 3)`metaflac', ein Kommandozeilen-Programm zum Editieren von FLAC metadaten, lizensiert von der GPL; 4)Player Erweiterungen für XMMS und Winamp, lizensiert von der GPL; 5)Dokumentation, lizensiert von der GNU Freie Dokumentation Lizenz.tSoundx86_64 lib64ogg-devellib64id3_3.8_3-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flac-1.4.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm55a289af5178509e25d3ae9c4677b1ff./SRPMS.pclosd   M )B@=BA`BEdBJCflac1232.1.11pclos2023Command line program for playing FLAC audio filesflac123 is a command-line program for playing FLAC audio files.MSoundx86_64  pkgconfig(ao)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(popt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1flac123-2.1.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmb396c2085b891ec057ab3e833e53bd57./SRPMS.pclosd   x ", X , B@>BA`BEdBJCdeflacon5.4.01pclos2019Audio file splitter and converterProgramm zum Aufteilen und Konvertieren von MusikdateienFlacon extracts individual tracks from one big audio file containing the entire album of music and saves them as separate audio files. To do this, it uses information from the appropriate CUE file. Flacon also makes it possible to conveniently revise or specify tags both for all tracks at once or for each tag separately.Flacon extrahiert einzelne Titel aus einer großen Musikdatei, die das komplette Album beinhaltet, und speichert diese als einzelne Dateien. Dazu verwendet er Informationen aus der entsprechenden CUE-Datei. Flacon macht es auch möglich bequem Tags zu revidieren oder zu spezifizieren, sowohl für eine oder alle Spuren oder für jeden Tag separat.lPSoundx86_64 desktop-file-utilskf5-macrosqttools5lib64qt5help-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64uchardet-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flacon-5.4.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmt349d030da67781e34d531d85dc1ccd1e./SRPMS.pclosOd  Y B@BABE BJACflam33.0.12pclos2013Programs to generate and render cosmic recursive fractal flamesFlam3, or Fractal Flames, are algorithmically generated images and animations. This is free software to render fractal flames as described on http://flam3.com. Flam3-animate makes animations, and flam3-render makes still images. Flam3-genome creates and manipulates genomes (parameter sets). Graphicsx86_64 lib64xml2-devellib64png-devellib64jpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flam3-3.0.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm d84373bc4fc6e2c9df890680261f1c83./SRPMS.pclosd   M    B@BABEBJCflameshot12.1.01pclos2022Powerful and simple to use screenshot softwarePowerful and simple to use screenshot software with built-in editor with advanced features.#vGraphicsx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64tbb-develmakepkgconfigqttools5qtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flameshot-12.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm0,516cc50b1160875404e21de0160e9ba1./SRPMS.pclosd   Q   G B@WBAxBE|BJCflashrom1.21pclos2021Simple program for reading/writing flash chips contentflashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It is designed to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware/optionROM images on mainboards, network/graphics/storage controller cards, and varlibftdi-develious other programmer devices. Your username must be a member of the group plugdevESystem/Librariesx86_64 gccmesonpciutils-devellibftdi-devellibusb-devellibusbx-develzlib-develdmidecoderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flashrom-1.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm"7733b00ca61d9e236f69024485e173b5./SRPMS.pclosd  G4 8JThB@BABEBJCflatbuffers1.12.01pclos2021Memory efficient serialization libraryFlatBuffers is a serialization library for games and other memory constrained apps. FlatBuffers allows you to directly access serialized data without unpacking/parsing it first, while still having great forwards/backwards compatibility. Development/Otherx86_64  cmakegit-corepython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ؤ6129e47b27c99313fc3a62bce3af6d5a./SRPMS.pclos3d   N (B@BABEBJ%Cflatpak1.15.61pclos2023Application deployment framework for desktop appsflatpak is a system for building, distributing and running sandboxed desktop applications on Linux. See https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/SandboxedApps for more information.+System/Configuration/Packagingx86_64   bisonbubblewrapdocbook-dtdsdocbook-style-xslgettextgpgme-devellib64appstream-devellib64appstream-glib-devellib64fuse-devellib64ostree-devellibcap-develpkgconfig(dconf)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libseccomp)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)pkgconfig(xau)python3-pyparsingrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xdg-dbus-proxyxmltoxsltproc0.  B &B@8BA`BEdBJCflatpak-kcm6.3.31pclos2025Flatpak Permissions Management KCMThe KCM allows changing what permissions have been granted to installed Flatpak applications.[Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(flatpak)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1flatpak-kcm-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm cb3346d2b8ea05b95a2c0d341032ee90./SRPMS.pclos+d & ;| B@BABEBJCflatwoken-icon-theme0.11pclos2014FlatWoken Icon themeThis package contains the Flatwoken icon theme for pclinuxos.JyzSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flatwoken-icon-theme-0.1-1pclos2014.src.rpmJd28263d04efe98c0d0790289afe0c18a./SRPMS.pclosd   ] EB@PBAtBExBJCflatzebra0.1.71pclos2020A Generic Game Engine library for 2D double-buffering animationGeneric Game Engine library suitable for BurgerSpace, Afternoon Stalker and Cosmosmash.ghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flatzebra-0.1.7-1pclos2020.src.rpmQ80003af0f607de1ea92b59639af7a336./SRPMS.pclosd   5| B@BABEBJCflbmusic1.2.11pclos2022A Beautiful Music PlayerBeautiful and Feature Rich Cross Platform Music Player and Downloader. danielSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flbmusic-1.2.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmb38a3bfd1e370b67ea9c7a0d40aeafd4./SRPMS.pclosd   ;@ DS\  ] B@qBABEBJCfldigi4.1.111pclos2020Digital modem program for LinuxFldigi is a software modem for Amateur Radio use. It is a sound card based program that is used for both transmitting and receiving data in any of the following modes: BPSK and QPSK 31, 63, 125, and 250 CW speeds from 5 to 200 wpm DEX 4, 5, 8, 11, 16 and 22 DominoEX 4, 5, 8, 11, 16 and 22 Hellschreiber Feld Hell, Slow Hell, Hell x5/x9, FSKHell(-105) and Hell 80 MFSK 8 and 16; images can be sent and received in MFSK-16 mode MT63 500, 1000 and 2000 OLIVIA various tones and bandwidths RTTY various baud rates, shifts, nbr. of data bits, etc. THOR 4, 5, 8, 11, 16 and 22 Throb and ThrobX 1, 2, and 4 WWV receive only - calibrate your sound card to WWV Frequency Analysis receive only - measure the frequency of a carrier Fldigi can also control a transceiver using Hamlib or RigCAT I/O, perform online or cdrom QRZ queries, and log QSOs with fl_logbook or xlog.0dCommunicationsx86_64 hamlib-devellibxmlrpc-c-develfltk-develboost-develpkgconfigasciidoclibjpeg-devellibpng-devellib64portaudio-devellibsndfile-develdesktop-file-utilslibsamplerate-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fldigi-4.1.11-1pclos2020.src.rpm0|53bb4f8e815406b4d587132207b9ef50./SRPMS.pclosd   )$( -4<@\B@dBABEBJCflesh2.01pclos2012Document analyzer Flesh is a cross-platform, open source Java application designed to quickly analyze a document and display the difficulty associated with comprehending it. After processing a document, Flesh produces two scores: the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and the Flesch Reading Ease Score. Each of these scores is calculated after determining the number of sentences, words and syllables a document contains. Using those numbers, the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and Flesch Reading Ease Score can then be calculated.ID NealOfficenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flesh-2.0-1pclos2012.src.rpmIO$dd7074125b6bed09b1507107c3bbb3a5./SRPMS.pclosd   P DB@PBApBEtBJCflex2.6.44pclos2022A tool for creating scanners (text pattern recognizers)The flex program generates scanners. Scanners are programs which can recognize lexical patterns in text. Flex takes pairs of regular expressions and C code as input and generates a C source file as output. The output file is compiled and linked with a library to produce an executable. The executable searches through its input for occurrences of the regular expressions. When a match is found, it executes the corresponding C code. Flex was designed to work with both Yacc and Bison, and is used by many programs as part of their build process. You should install flex if you are going to use your system for application development. Development/Otherx86_64 bisongettext-develhelp2manindentrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flex-2.6.4-4pclos2022.src.rpm 385e0835923e6a1f177a80ebf6b95e2c./SRPMS.pclosd   9P TmtB@(BALBEPBJqCflickcurl1.261pclos2021C library for the Flickr APIFlickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request parameters and decoding responses. It uses libcurl to call the REST web service and libxml2 to manipulate the XML responses. The current version supports part of the API (see Flickcurl API coverage) primarily the functions for reading photo, people and tags description, uploading photos, changing tags and comments. This package contains some utility programs using the flickcurl library.Networking/File transferx86_64 lib64curl-devellib64raptor2-devellib64xml2-devellibxml2-devellibxslt-develc-ares-develgnutls-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flickcurl-1.26-1pclos2021.src.rpm Eb1ffc51b78db851ddbbf2667c5a54b18./SRPMS.pclos{d   4 B@#BAHBELBJmCflickrnet2.1.51pclos2007Flickr.Net API LibraryThe Flickr.Net API is a .Net Library for accessing the Flickr API. Written entirely in C# it can be accessed from with any .Net language.Development/Librariesi586 mono-develunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flickrnet-2.1.5-1pclos2007.src.rpmRZb66072d81ce81cd05822546098ebb319./SRPMS.pclos'd   P    B@BABEBJCflightcrew0.9.15pclos2022A C++, cross-platform, native code epub validatorFlightCrew is a C++, cross-platform, native code epub validator. It is composed of three parts: * FlightCrew, the validation library * FlightCrew-cli, the command-line front-end to the FlightCrew library * FlightCrew-gui, the GUI front-end to the FlightCrew library * FlightCrew-plugin, the plugin to the FlightCrew library It was initially created for Sigil, the epub editor.FP'Officex86_64 cmakeqttools5boost-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(xerces-c)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flightcrew-0.9.1-5pclos2022.src.rpmF 06407a33cc6e8b67b8c1965efb6c1a7b./SRPMS.pclosKd  " B B@BABEBJ=Cflightgear2020.3.183pclos2023An open-source flight simulatorFlightGear Flight Simulator project is an open-source, multi-platform, cooperative flight simulator development project. Source code for the entire project is available (CVS repository) and licensed under the GNU General Public License. The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a sophisticated flight simulator framework for use in research or academic environments, for the development and pursuit of other interesting flight simulation ideas, and as an end-user application. We are developing a sophisticated, open simulation framework that can be expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing. _FGames/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flightgear-2020.3.18-3pclos2023.src.rpm #b2caa16784df68033e641b104b577ac7./SRPMS.pclos;d  c B@BABE BJ-Cflirc3.25.32pclos2023LIRC is a USB IR receiver which is programmable with the FLIRC software.LIRC is a USB IR receiver which is programmable with the FLIRC software. Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flirc-3.25.3-2pclos2023.src.rpme39e3175085fd51924ca9328def221dc./SRPMS.pclosgd   Lt x~B@BA4BE8BJYCflite2.24pclos2024Small, fast speech synthesis engine (text-to-speech)Flite (festival-lite) is a small, fast run-time speech synthesis engine developed at CMU and primarily designed for small embedded machines and/or large servers. Flite is designed as an alternative synthesis engine to Festival for voices built using the FestVox suite of voice building tools.GSoundx86_64  autoconfedpkgconfig(alsa)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texi2htmltexinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1flite-2.2-4pclos2024.src.rpm 45b343163b2a57a483601ab26616c346./SRPMS.pclosgd $ 7 B@BA4BE8BJYCfloorp-browser11.24.01pclos2025Floorp web browserFloorp is built on Firefox and was built in Japan and is a new browser with excellent privacy & flexibility.Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1floorp-browser-11.24.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm4e721e0f9c6a609fd6f44ca6d27d4b0c2./SRPMS.pclosd   K  +4@B@_BABEBJCflorence0.6.32pclos2023Extensible scalable on-screen virtual keyboardFlorence is an extensible scalable virtual keyboard. It's designed for GNOME but can be used in any DE (without some features). You need it if you can't use a real hardware keyboard, for example because you are disabled, your keyboard is broken or because you use a tablet PC, but you must be able to use a pointing device (as a mouse, a trackball or a touchscreen). In GNOME Florence stays out of your way when you don't need it: it appears on the screen only when you need it. A Timer-based auto-click functionality is available to help disabled people having difficulties to click. If you have problems switching keyboard layout (language) in KDE4, reconfigure layouts in KDE4 settings once and it should work. mSystem/X11x86_64 desktop-file-utilsgnome-doc-utilsintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64atspi-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64x11-devellib64xcomposite-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xml2-devellib64xtst-devellibxml2-utilsrarianx11-proto-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1florence-0.6.3-2pclos2023.src.rpm fad4a0123546646081b79a8916618b37./SRPMS.pclosd   I, 06@TB@BABEBJ Cflowblade1.162pclos2019Multitrack non-linear video editor for LinuxFlowblade Movie Editor is a multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux released under GPL 3 license. Flowblade is designed to provide a fast, precise and robust editing experience. In Flowblade clips are usually automatically placed tightly after or between clips when they are inserted on the timeline. Edits are fine tuned by trimming in and out points of clips, or by cutting and deleting parts of clips. Flowblade provides powerful tools to mix and filter video and audio.P%Videox86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64python-develpython-setuptoolspython-numpy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flowblade-1.16-2pclos2019.src.rpmV8dd75bb38669acc1760da25db6a55bc4./SRPMS.pcloskd   H  \B@BA8BE<BJ]Cflowcanvas0.7.11pclos2015An interactive Gtkmm/Gnomecanvasmm widgetFlowCanvas is an interactive Gtkmm/Gnomecanvasmm widget for "boxes and lines" style environments (e.g. modular synths or interactive finite state automata diagrams).0System/Librariesx86_64 waflib64art_lgpl-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64boost-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gnomecanvas2_0-devellib64gnomecanvasmm2.6-devellib64graphviz-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flowcanvas-0.7.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm~c16223a951af7a5c4f9a31378b4dfa10./SRPMS.pclosd   U JB@]BABEBJCflphoto1.3.12pclos2010All what you need for the photos from your digital cameraflphoto is a basic photo/image management and display program. - Download of photos from digital cameras or usual file systems - Organization in albums - Loss-less rotation for portrait-oriented photos - Basic correction tasks - Printing series of photos (full access to printer settings): o Index prints o 1, 2, or 4 equally-sized images per page o 8 photos in different sizes on one page o Calendar: 1 photo per month o Framed/Matted photos - Slide-show with manual or automatic advancing - Web album generation - Integration of GPhoto2 and CUPS Graphicsi586  libgphoto-develfltk-devellibcups-devellibexif-develimagemagickdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 3fe1998ca268b485c8cbf9972208854b./SRPMS.pclosd   ;0 4=DTB@BABEBJCflpsed0.7.33pclos2016WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editorFlpsed is a WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor. You can't remove or modify existing elements of a document. But flpsed lets you add arbitrary text lines to existing PostScript documents (PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated). Added lines can later be reedited with flpsed. Using pdftops, which is part of xpdf one can convert PDF documents to PostScript and also add text to them. flpsed is useful for filling in forms, adding notes etc. GsWidget is now part of flpsed.,Graphicsx86_64 fltk-develdesktop-file-utilslib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flpsed-0.7.3-3pclos2016.src.rpm,b0d59023ff7647424b1ee14a3d8b44c7./SRPMS.pclosd   2    B@BABEBJCfltk1.3.81pclos2023Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK)The Fast Light Toolkit ("FLTK", pronounced "fulltick") is a LGPL'd C++ graphical user interface toolkit for X (UNIX(r)), OpenGL(r), and Microsoft(r) Windows(r) NT 4.0, 95, or 98. It was originally developed by Mr. Bill Spitzak and is currently maintained by a small group of developers across the world with a central repository in the US.<]System/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(zlib)xproprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fltk-1.3.8-1pclos2023.src.rpm< @GPXB@BABEBJCfluid-soundfont3.13pclos2021Pro-quality GM/GS sound font FluidR3 is the third release of Frank Wen's pro-quality GM/GS sound font. The sound font has lots of excellent samples, including all the GM instruments along side with the GS instruments that are recycled and reprogrammed versions of the GM presets. Soundinoarch soundfont-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fluid-soundfont-3.1-3pclos2021.src.rpm &"23ae41330ddd5497cfc7f504d05e3fa9./SRPMS.pclosd   @l pwB@BABEBJ Cfluidity0.1.11pclos2010Fluidity is GTD software for Linux.GTD for an aspiring black-belt using LinuxuOfficenoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fluidity-0.1.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmz34ac9245947934240b2919686f0942f8./SRPMS.pclos3d   D< @FPB@BABEBJ%Cfluidsynth2.4.11pclos2025Realtime, SoundFont-based synthesizerFluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications. It is a "software synthesizer". FluidSynth can read MIDI events from the MIDI input device and render them to the audio device. It can also play MIDI files.-9Soundx86_64   cmakeladspa-devellib64instpatch-devellib64jack-devellib64lash2-devellib64portaudio-devellib64sndfile-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(libpulse-simple)readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   A| B@BABEBJCdeflush0.9.121pclos2014Bittorrent clientBittorrent KlientFlush is a GTK-based BitTorrent client that you can use to download files from the BitTorrent network. It's lightweight and comes with most of the features that you would expect from a powerful application. Please note this application starts minimized to the system tray represented by a green down arrow icon. 2Networking/File transferi586 libatk1.0-devellibatkmm1.6-devellibboost-devellibcairo-devellibcairomm1.0-devellibconfig-devellibdbus-1-devellibexpat1-devellibfontconfig-devellibfreetype6-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellibglademm2.4-devellibglib2.0-devellibglibmm2.4-devellibgtk+2.0_0-devellibgtkmm2.4-devellibnotify-devellibopenssl-devellibpango1.0-devellibpangomm2.4-devellibsigc++2.0_0-devellibtorrent-rasterbar-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flush-0.9.12-1pclos2014.src.rpm 86eb8cd19053e8217cd77fbe61e470cc6./SRPMS.pclos'd   Mt xB@BABEBJCfluxbox1.3.73pclos2016Windowmanager based on the original blackbox-codeFluxbox is yet another windowmanager for X. It's a fork from the origi- nal blackbox-0.61.1 code. Fluxbox looks like blackbox and handles styles, colors, window placement and similar thing exactly like black- box. So what's the difference between fluxbox and blackbox then? The answer is: LOTS! QGraphical desktop/Fluxboxx86_64 imlib2-develzlib-devellibice-devellibsm-devellibx11-devellibxext-devellibxft-devellibxinerama-devellibxpm-devellibxrandr-devellibxrender-devellibfontconfig-develmkfontdirlibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fluxbox-1.3.7-3pclos2016.src.rpm [804051105a10800bfe78c96eb5c74bd1./SRPMS.pclosd# . P  ,_B@iBABEBJCdefresplsrnlfluxconf0.9.93pclos2010Configuration utility for fluxboxThis application allows you to configure most Fluxbox settings graphically.Diese Anwendung bietet für die meisten Fluxbox Einstellungen eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche.Cette application vous permet de configurer les paramètres les plus Fluxbox graphiquement.Esta aplicación le permite configurar la mayoría de los ajustes de Fluxbox gráficamente.This application allows you to configure most Fluxbox settings graphically.Ова апликација вам омогућава да конфигуришете подешавања највише Флуксбокс графички.Deze toepassing kunt u voor het configureren van de meeste Fluxbox instellingen grafisch. Graphical desktop/Fluxboxi586 gtk2-develautomake1.7rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fluxconf-0.9.9-3pclos2010.src.rpma8c1fcc096a80ea4217290d16594fc12./SRPMS.pclosd$ / U  jB@zBABEBJCdefresplsrnlfluxstyle1.0.13pclos2010A graphical style manager for Fluxboxfluxstyle is a graphical style manager for the fluxbox window manager. fluxstyle is written in python using pygtk and glade, you can use it to preview, add, remove and apply styles in fluxbox.fluxstyle ist ein grafischer Themen-Manager für den Fluxbox Window-Manager. fluxstyle nutzt Python und Glade und ist in Python geschrieben. Mit dem fluxstyle kann man die heruntergeladenen Themes verwalten.fluxstyle est un gestionnaire de style graphique pour le gestionnaire de fenêtres Fluxbox. fluxstyle est écrit en Python avec Glade et PyGTK, vous pouvez l'utiliser de visionner, ajouter, supprimer et appliquer des styles de Fluxbox.fluxstyle es un gestor de estilo gráfico para el gestor de ventanas Fluxbox. fluxstyle está escrito en Python usando PyGTK y Glade, se puede utilizar de antemano, añadir, eliminar y aplicar estilos de fluxbox.fluxstyle is a graphical style manager for the fluxbox window manager. fluxstyle is written in python using pygtk and glade, you can use it to preview, add, remove and apply styles in fluxbox.флуксстыле је графички стил менаџер Флуксбокс менаџера прозора. флуксстыле је написан у Пытхон користећи пыгтк и Гладе, можете га користити да прегледате, додате, уклоните га и примените стилове на Флуксбокс.fluxstyle is een grafische stijl manager voor de Fluxbox window manager. fluxstyle is geschreven in python gebruik pygtk en glade, kunt u deze gebruiken te bekijken, toevoegen, verwijderen en stijlen van toepassing in fluxbox.Graphical desktop/Fluxboxnoarch  pythonpygtk2.0-libgladepygtk2.0desktop-file-utilspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - <  (LB@UBAxBE|BJCdefresplsrnlfluxter0.1.02pclos2010A slit dockappFluxter is a workspace pager dockapp, particularly useful with the Fluxbox window manager. It is largely based on bbpager for Blackbox.Fluxter ist ein Arbeitsbereich Pager dockapp um jedem Desk seinen eigenen Wallpaper zuzuordnen, für den Fluxbox Window-Manager. Es basiert auf den bbpager für Blackbox.Fluxter est un pager dockapp espace de travail, particulièrement utile avec le gestionnaire de fenêtres Fluxbox. Elle est largement fondée sur bbpager pour Blackbox.Fluxter es un localizador dockapp área de trabajo, especialmente útil con el gestor de ventanas Fluxbox. Se basa principalmente en bbpager de Blackbox.fluxstyle is a graphical style manager for the fluxbox window manager. fluxstyle is written in python using pygtk and glade, you can use it to preview, add, remove and apply styles in fluxbox.Флукстер је радни простор пејџер доцкапп, посебно корисно са прозора Флуксбокс менаџера. Је углавном заснован на ббпагер за Блацкбоксу.Fluxter is een werkruimte pager dockapp, vooral handig met de Fluxbox window manager. Het is grotendeels gebaseerd op bbpager voor Blackbox.vGraphical desktop/Fluxboxi586 fluxboxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fluxter-0.1.0-2pclos2010.src.rpm3fe28e178ee9fbb964b0bc69a9477da09./SRPMS.pclosd  D8< AZdhB@BABEBJCflvstreamer2.1c11pclos2012Open source command line RTMP clientFlvstreamer is an open source command-line RTMP client intended to stream audio or video content from all types of flash or rtmp servers. Forked from rtmpdump v1.6 with encrypted rtmp and swf verification support removed. This tool provides free interoperability with the previously undocumented adobe RTMP protocol so widely in use on the internet today. It was developed entirely by reverse engineering methods and without access to any proprietary or restrictive-license protocol specifications.4"NealNetworking/File transferx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1flvstreamer-2.1c1-1pclos2012.src.rpmNetworking/File transferi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fmirror-0.8.4-7pclos2007.src.rpm[771535eb6354881d0970683f4538a1f6./SRPMS.pclosSd  5  8  B@BA BE$BJECfmit1.0.151pclos2016Free Music Instrument Tunerfmit is a graphical utility for tuning musical instruments, with error and volume history and advanced features like waveform shape, harmonics ratio (formants), and micro-tonal tuning.ghostbunnySoundx86_64 qtbase5-develqtmultimedia5-develqtsvg5-devellibxi-devellibxmu-develfftw3-develalsa-lib-devellibjack-devellib64portaudio-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fmit-1.0.15-1pclos2016.src.rpm df625f178fcba86d1426927fab98a7ac./SRPMS.pclos_d   #48 `jtB@ BA,BE0BJQCfmsx6.01pclos2021MSX EmulatorMSX Emulator.Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 ImageMagickunziplib64pulseaudio-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fmsx-6.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmeedc0c10dc71fc6202e949b534e6f91d4./SRPMS.pclosd   @ 0B@BBA`BEdBJCfmt11.0.21pclos2024Small, safe and fast formatting libraryfmt is an open-source formatting library for C++. It can be used as a safe alternative to printf or as a fast alternative to IOStreams.^System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fmt-11.0.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm"a83d057d0d31300170d3681d308e85aa./SRPMS.pclosgd   ? B@BA4BE8BJYCfmt8.1.11pclos2023Small, safe and fast formatting libraryfmt is an open-source formatting library for C++. It can be used as a safe alternative to printf or as a fast alternative to IOStreams. System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fmt-8.1.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm 54feb51455a17504a606af0d4ae7a72f./SRPMS.pclosd  L| B@4BA\BE`BJCfocuswriter1.8.91pclos2024Fullscreen, distraction-free word processor.FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work.+Officex86_64  desktop-file-utilslib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64ao-devellib64enchant-devellib64hunspell-devellib64qt6concurrent-devellib64qt6core-devellib64qt6gui-devellib64qt6multimedia-devellib64qt6network-devellib64qt6printsupport-devellib64qt6widgets-devellib64zip-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1focuswriter-1.8.9-1pclos2024.src.rpmR9264299b471a271b32c64d81dbbdd0f5./SRPMS.pcloswd  Y B@"BADBEHBJiCfoff0.99.52pclos2010Free Open FTP Face is a lightweight graphical (GTK+) FTP clientIts emphasis is on simplicity, convenience, and ease of use. Many free FTP clients for Windows lack the clean, uncluttered interface that gFTP on Linux has, for example. The idea behind the built-in text and image viewers, is that regardless of the operating system, you can instantly view text and image files since there's no overhead from loading an external program.qNetworking/WWWnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1foff-0.99.5-2pclos2010.src.rpmqd71d44c68896a6d5c530c3a412bed612./SRPMS.pclosd  + I< @MT\B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlfofix3.1211pclos2010FoFiX - A fork of FretsOnFireThis game requires Nvidia or fglrx drivers. FretsOnFire fork with plenty of features, customizable themes and options A multi-OS rhythm game, written in Python, similar to Guitar Hero or Rock Band. Play guitar, bass or drums along with your favorite songs on your computer using either your keyboard or instruments. You can use your Guitar Hero or Rock Band instrument controllers. Separated audio tracks will mute when you fail to hit or sustain the required notes correctly to simulate a real concert-playing experience. Simplified list of features * Completely Customizable Graphics (standard .PNG format) * Completely Customizable Sound Effects & Menu Music (standard .OGG format) * Completely Customizable Fretboard Point Of View (POV) * Completely Customizable Menus and Layouts * 2D or 3D Notes & Frets * 3D Note Texturing * Unlimited Themes * Unlimited Necks * Graphical Neck Selection * Multiplayer Support with several different game types (2 players only for now, battle and cooperative modes) * Random Stages, Stage Rotation (slideshow) and basic Animated Stages * Support for seperated song, guitar, bass and drum audio tracks * Guitar playable & separated track support * Lead Guitar & Rhythm Guitar playable track support * Bass Guitar playable & separated track support * Bass Groove 5x, 6x, 10x, and 12x multiplier support * Drums playable & separated track support * Starpower/Overdrive * Big Rock Endings * Drum Fills to activate starpower / overdrive * Native MIDI instrument input / controller support * Pitch-bending whammy DSP effect * Songlist metadata caching for faster subsequent load times * Both digital and analog Killswitch effects (Pseudo whammy bar support) * Jurgen (Computer Player, skilled at guitar / bass / drums) * Support for Guitar Solos, Bass Solos, and Drum Solos * Practice mode: single-track, full-speed, selectable start position / section * Slowdown mode: single or multiple tracks, 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4 speed (for now) * Tutorial songs (4 so far) * Customizable HO/POs (including chord pull-offs) and Note Hit Window * In-Game Status Display * In-Game Star Score Display (continuous partial star fillup available) * Optional scrolling or static MIDI / RockBand lyrics (where available) * World high score chart with optional score uploadingFretsonfire Gabel mit vielen Funktionen, anpassbare Themen und Optionen Ein Multi-OS-Rhythmus-Spiel, in Python geschrieben, ähnlich wie bei Guitar Hero oder Rock Band. Gitarre spielen, Bass oder Schlagzeug zusammen mit Ihren Lieblingssongs auf Ihrem Computer entweder mit der Tastatur oder Instrumente. Sie können Ihre Guitar Hero oder Rock Band Instrument-Controller.Fretsonfire fourche avec beaucoup de fonctionnalités, des thèmes personnalisables et des options A multi-OS jeu de rythme, écrit en Python, similaire à Guitar Hero ou Rock Band. Jouer de la guitare, basse ou la batterie avec vos chansons préférées sur votre ordinateur en utilisant le clavier de votre ou instruments. Vous pouvez utiliser votre Guitar Hero ou Rock Band contrôleurs instrument.FretsOnFire tenedor con un montón de características, temas personalizables y opciones de A ritmo de juego multi-OS, escrito en Python, similar al Guitar Hero o Rock Band. Tocar la guitarra, el bajo o la batería junto con sus canciones favoritas en tu ordenador utilizando el teclado o el Instrumentos. Puede utilizar el Guitar Hero o Rock Band controladores de instrumento.FretsOnFire widelec z dużą ilością funkcji, motywy konfigurowalny i opcje Multi-OS rytm gry, napisany w Pythonie, podobnie jak Guitar Hero czy Rock Band. Grać na gitarze, bas i perkusja wraz z Twojej ulubionej muzyki na komputerze przy użyciu klawiatury lub instrumentów. Możesz używać Guitar Hero czy Rock Band kontrolerów instrumentu.ФретсОнФире виљушка са доста могућности, прилагодљивих тема и опције 'Мулти-ос ритам игре, написана у Пытхон-у, слично Гитара Херој или рок бенд. Свира гитару, бас и бубањ, заједно са својим омиљеним песмама на ваш рачунар ни преко тастатуре или инструменти. Можете користити Гуитар Херо или Роцк Банд Инструмент контролера.FretsOnFire vork met tal van functies, aanpasbare thema's en opties Een multi-OS ritme spel, geschreven in Python, vergelijkbaar met Guitar Hero of Rock Band. Speel gitaar, bas of drums samen met uw favoriete nummers op uw computer met behulp van uw toetsenbord of instrumenten. U kunt uw Guitar Hero of Rock Band instrument controllers.W Games/Arcadenoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fofix-3.121-1pclos2010.src.rpmXͿ534fb69b4828324fc1028db178720199./SRPMS.pclos/d  Y    B@BABEBJ!Cfolks0.13.15pclos2021Aggregates people from multiple sources to create metacontactslibfolks is a library that aggregates people from multiple sources (eg, Telepathy connection managers and eventually evolution data server, Facebook, etc.) to create metacontacts. It's written in Vala (in part to evaluate Vala). The initial goal is for GObject/C support, though the Vala bindings should basically automatic.'Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pkgconfig(telepathy-glib)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gee-0.8)pkgconfig(libebook-1.2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)readline-develgettextmesonvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1folks-0.13.1-5pclos2021.src.rpm8186441d83ae57f07093d5036e40d2b7./SRPMS.pcloswd  @    B@BADBEHBJiCfont-manager0.8.31pclos2021A font manager for gtk desktopsFont Manager is intended to provide a way for average users to easily manage desktop fonts, without having to resort to command line tools or editing configuration files by hand. While designed primarily with the Gnome Desktop Environment in mind, it should work well with other GTK desktop environments. Font Manager is NOT a professional-grade font management solution.Officex86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64xml2-devellib64soup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1font-manager-0.8.3-1pclos2021.src.rpmɮ9aac8e9bdc4428dbf4deb237c07fcb76./SRPMS.pclosd   @ ;B@DBAhBElBJCfont-tools0.117pclos2021Some utilities for use by drakfontfont-tools is used by drakfont and include: - ttf2type1: convert .ttf to .pfb and .afm. - tt2afm: convert .ttf to .afm . - pfm2afm: convert .pfm to afm.FSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64 freetype-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1font-tools-0.1-17pclos2021.src.rpmb8538d52cafe8935da193b9402bd6b2d./SRPMS.pclosd   :    B@BABEBJ Cfontconfig2.15.01pclos2024Font configuration libraryFontconfig is designed to locate fonts within the system and select them according to requirements specified by applications.qSystem/X11x86_64   docbook-utilsdocbook-utils-pdfedgperflibxml2-utilslynxpkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   ax |IB@oBABEBJCfontforge202301012pclos2024Font Editor for PostScript, TrueType, OpenType and various fontsFontForge is an outline font editor that lets you create your own postscript, truetype, opentype, cid-keyed, multi-master, cff, svg and bitmap (bdf) fonts, or edit existing ones. Also lets you convert one format to another. FontForge has support for many macintosh font formats.Publishingx86_64  autoconfautomakecmakegccgcc-c++lcovlib64brotli-devellib64cairo-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gif-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64jpeg-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64spiro-devellib64tiff-devellib64woff2-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-devellibtoolninja-buildpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fontforge-20230101-2pclos2024.src.rpmAc639019ee756251008bc5d8abd51d29d7./SRPMS.pclosd   A< @GPTpB@xBABEBJCfontmatrix0.9.1001pclos2021featureful personal font managerfontmatrix is a manager built with the kind of features and abilities graphic designers, layout professionals along with others have felt necessary, but modernized with some new touches. Fontmatrix has a concept of 'tagging'. This makes it really nice to group fonts and even sub-group them logically for use in a book for instance. It also has extensive gui support for showing all glyphs in a font, previews of sample text, variable sizing and also tells what kinds of advanced Open Type features are inside each font. These features have never been seen outside of a font editor. And not least, it creates a nice PDF catalogue of user's fonts for printing or reference. In short, fontmatrix is a font manager for professionals, but is nice and user friendly.]Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fontmatrix-0.9.100-1pclos2021.src.rpmS620975760bbed3d89e9ba1f77353e976./SRPMS.pclos{d  \ B@ BAHBELBJmCfontpackages1.441pclos2014Common directory and macro definitions used by font packagesThis package contains the basic directory layout, spec templates, rpm macros and other materials used to create font packages.Development/X11noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fontpackages-1.44-1pclos2014.src.rpma96d594fb3de4b7e4419ffdc84f4b6ad./SRPMS.pclosd  + VTX `wB@BABEBJCfonts-otf-inconsolata001.0101pclos2013monospaced font designed for code listingsInconsolata is a monospace font, designed for code listings and the like, in print. There are a great many "programmer fonts," designed primarily for use on the screen, but in most cases do not have the attention to detail for high resolution rendering.spinoc64System/Fonts/Open typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-otf-inconsolata-001.010-1pclos2013.src.rpmf5ebbb79f0e1f270e965debd41da1f55./SRPMS.pclosd$ / M (0TB@]BABEBJCjafonts-otf-japanese-ipaex002011pclos2013IPAex FontsIPAexフォントIPAex font is strictly following Japanese printing font tradition, namely, Japanese characters (Kanji, Kana and punctuation marks) are full width mono-space pitch, and Western characters are proportional pitch. This package is the meta package to install IPAex fonts.IPAexフォントは「IPA明朝・IPA P明朝」および「IPAゴシック・IPA Pゴシック」をそれぞれ一つのフォントに統合したものです。 和文文字(仮名、漢字、句読点)では等幅書体を、欧文文字ではプロポーショナル書体を使用することを基本としたドキュメント用および印刷用日本語フォントです。 このパッケージは、IPAexフォントをインストールする為のメタパッケージです。 このメタパッケージで以下の2書体がインストールされます。 - IPAex明朝フォント (Ver.002.01) - IPAexゴシックフォント (Ver.002.01)wbpinoc64System/Fonts/Open typenoarch psiconvrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-otf-japanese-ipaex-00201-1pclos2013.src.rpmwm92a882d1c590a7ee4c02e58233280e949./SRPMS.pclos[d & 1  B@BA(BE,BJMCjafonts-otf-japanese-ipafont003031pclos2013IPA Jananese Fonts (ver.003.03)IPAの日本語アウトラインフォント (ver.003.03)This package is meta package to install IPA Japanese fonts(ver.003.03).このパッケージは、IPAフォント(ver.003.03) をインストールする為のメタパッケージです。 このメタパッケージで以下の4書体がインストールされます。 - IPA等幅明朝フォント (IPA明朝) - IPAプロポーショナル明朝フォント (IPA P明朝) - IPA等幅ゴシックフォント (IPAゴシック) - IPAプロポーショナルゴシックフォント (IPA Pゴシック)|pinoc64System/Fonts/Open typenoarch psiconvrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-otf-japanese-ipafont-00303-1pclos2013.src.rpm|"07ede1ecb275649ae043037842b45cccd./SRPMS.pclosd % F  7B@@BAlBEpBJCfonts-ttf-Gentium1.5102pclos2019Free multilingual Truetype fontsGentium is a typeface family designed to enable the diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin and Greek scripts to produce readable, high-quality publications. It supports a wide range of Latin-based alphabets and includes glyphs that correspond to all the Latin ranges of Unicode. The design is intended to be highly readable, reasonably compact, and visually attractive. The additional 'extended' Latin letters are designed to naturally harmonize with the traditional 26 ones. Diacritics are treated with careful thought and attention to their use. Gentium also supports both polytonic and monotonic Greek, including a number of alternate forms.System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-Gentium-1.510-2pclos2019.src.rpm2c139ed9f33b1e20e89262d7e733b048./SRPMS.pclos+d # 9l pB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-arabic1.112pclos2019Arabic TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Arabic TrueType fonts.4System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-arabic-1.1-12pclos2019.src.rpm; 13e06bb8137093507c295e3065cc335a./SRPMS.pcloskd  , B B@BA8BE<BJ]Cfonts-ttf-arabic-arabeyes2.012pclos2019Arabic TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Arabic TrueType fonts donated under the GPL license by arabeyes.org.System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-arabic-arabeyes-2.0-12pclos2019.src.rpmb9c87dbceb22cc0dd923c2d3ffac5757./SRPMS.pcloscd ) ? B@BA0BE4BJUCfonts-ttf-arabic-farsi0.412pclos2019Arabic TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Arabic TrueType fonts donated under the GPL license by farsiweb.info."System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-arabic-farsi-0.4-12pclos2019.src.rpm-38900370dac86103408b5dbb636059d3./SRPMS.pclosd + A #B@,BA`BEdBJCfonts-ttf-arabic-kacst1.6.312pclos2019Arabic TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Arabic TrueType fonts donated under the GPL license by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST).qSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-arabic-kacst-1.6.3-12pclos2019.src.rpmw05dcad86b8429f3aa60da5407a57fa03./SRPMS.pclos3d % =t xB@BABEBJ%Cfonts-ttf-armenian1.112pclos2019Armenian TrueType fontsThis Package provides free Armenian TrueType fonts. System/Fonts/True typex86_64 freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-armenian-1.1-12pclos2019.src.rpmm94fd085ad109a5f775c37569d161e978./SRPMS.pclos#d & 6H Lcl|B@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-awesome5.10.21pclos2019Iconic font setIconic font set3mSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigmkfontscalemkfontdirrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-awesome-5.10.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm3t6ed075bcf41982df5374f9decf3e6546./SRPMS.pclos;d $ D| B@BABE BJ-Cfonts-ttf-bengali0.513pclos2019A set of Bangla fonts under GPLThis package contains a set of Bangla (Bengali) OpenType fonts based on Unicode encoding scheme. The fonts are provided by Free Bangla Font project, a sub project of Ankur group (http://www.bengalinux.org). Install freebanglafont if you'd like to use Bangla or want to see Bangla interface for GNOME, KDE, etc. inSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-bengali-0.5-13pclos2019.src.rpm fe7fdeed1e68a7971ccd06b67241b6c80./SRPMS.pclosd  , E` dt|B@BABEBJ Cfonts-ttf-bitstream-vera1.1013pclos2019Bitstream Vera ttf fontsBitstream Vera ttf fonts WDevelopment/X11noarch fontconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10-13pclos2019.src.rpm43227c87ff70ec4b62042383a1b9f4a6./SRPMS.pclosgd# / N B@BA4BE8BJYCfonts-ttf-chinese0.2.20080216.113pclos2019Unified Chinese True Type fontChinese True Type font covering both tranditional and simplified chinese, in Sung and Kai font face. It was merged by Arne Goetje, using Sung/Kai face fonts (both in trad. and simp. Chinese) donated by Arphic Technology Co Ltd. In addition, it includes embedded 11-16 pixel bitmap fonts done by Firefly, and HKSCS(Hong Kong) glyphs done by Akar et. al.lSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-chinese-0.2.20080216.1-13pclos2019.src.rpm}e58c71ccc36e2ca872a79df11a9fd270./SRPMS.pclosd ( 3 4 8OX`B@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-chinese-opendesktop1.6.1002pclos2019OpenDesktop.Org.tw Font -- Simplified and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Ming and Kai FaceOpenDesktop.Org.tw Font -- Simplified and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Ming and Kai Face, based on Chinese and Japanese TTF Fonts donated by Arphic company. System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-chinese-opendesktop-1.6.100-2pclos2019.src.rpmkc49d427a3d5e89e609543c0d91d4f081./SRPMS.pclos?d # 4L PgpB@BA BEBJ1Cfonts-ttf-dejavu2.373pclos2021DejaVu ttf FontsThe DejaVu fonts are modifications of the Bitstream Vera fonts designed to extend this original for greater coverage of Unicode. The Bitstream Vera family was limited mainly to the characters in the Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement portions of Unicode (roughly equivalent to ISO-8859-15) but was released with a license that permitted changes. The DejaVu fonts project was started with the aim to "provide a wider range of characters... while maintaining the original look and feel through the process of collaborative development".System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontforgefontconfigperl(Font::TTF)freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-dejavu-2.37-3pclos2021.src.rpm~7ce47c2ce61fa62ea6aca17d5f235fe9./SRPMS.pclos3d & =t xB@BABEBJ%Cfonts-ttf-devanagari1.15pclos2019Devanagari TTF font(s)This package contains fonts for the devanagari script.eSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-devanagari-1.1-5pclos2019.src.rpm8476546821d9a318b9fecf2ce94c6f60./SRPMS.pclosCd " . B@BABEBJ5Cfonts-ttf-droid1.013pclos2019Droid FontsThe Droid family of fonts consists of Droid Sans, Droid Sans Mono and Droid Serif. Each contains extensive character set coverage including Western Europe, Eastern/Central Europe, Baltic, Cyrillic, Greek and Turkish support. The Droid Sans regular font also includes support for Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean support for the GB2312, Big 5, JIS 0208 and KSC 5601 character sets respectively. Droid was designed by Ascender's Steve Matteson to provide optimal quality and comfort on a mobile handset when rendered in application menus, web browsers and for other screen text.A=System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-droid-1.0-13pclos2019.src.rpmc1e623d3bc0661d85ce0aa3d1006dd3a./SRPMS.pclosd % P (4jB@tBABEBJCfonts-ttf-dustismo2.013pclos2019A small collection of Truetype fonts (GPL)A small collection of Truetype fonts released under the GPL. One of the fonts included is Dustismo. The aim is to create a standard, high quality, all purpose, sans serif font. WSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigfreetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-dustismo-2.0-13pclos2019.src.rpm B69ce2b22c4e381fce3e16ce70a28f663./SRPMS.pclosKd % O B@BABEBJ=Cfonts-ttf-ecofont1.02.1pclos2019Eco-friendly font based on Bitstream VeraAn environmentally friendly font that saves ink. It is based on Bitstream Vera.System/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-ecofont-1.0-2.1pclos2019.src.rpmec76d2318c242d09a8918f5d55063b9e./SRPMS.pclosd ' L4 8OXdB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-essays17431.013pclos2019A small collection of Truetype fontsA small collection of Truetype fonts. This package contains 3 fonts: * Essays1743 which is based on the typeface used in a 1743 English translation of Montaigne's Essays, * Isabella is based on the calligraphic hand used in the Isabella Breviary, made around 1497, in Holland, for Isabella of Castille, the first queen of united Spain, * StayPuft is a rounded, sort of marshmallowy font. It's kind of cute, and might be good for frivolous stuff such as birthday cards.System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigfreetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-essays1743-1.0-13pclos2019.src.rpmԵ40a5fdbd099aecbda7db658e22a2c831./SRPMS.pclos3d % =t xB@BABEBJ%Cfonts-ttf-ethiopic1.013pclos2019Ethiopic TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Ethiopic TrueType fonts.ddSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-ethiopic-1.0-13pclos2019.src.rpmifcb0ca0c00eaed5bf3c3404846eef384./SRPMS.pclosWd # N| B@BA$BE(BJICfonts-ttf-fira-code21pclos2019Monospaced font with programming ligaturesMonospaced font with programming ligaturesZ$System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigmkfontscalemkfontdirrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-fira-code-2-1pclos2019.src.rpmZ/]8d028d798921555263ffa98a6cc9ed6d./SRPMS.pclos+d ) L\ `wB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-freefont201205031pclos2024A set of free Truetype fonts (GPL)A set of Truetype fonts released under the GPL. This project aims to provide a set of free outline (PostScript Type0, TrueType, OpenType...) fonts covering the ISO 10646/Unicode UCS (Universal Character Set). This package provides the Truetype fonts from that project.@System/Fonts/True typenoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fonts-ttf-freefont-20120503-1pclos2024.src.rpmA91e144bcf27502bad2f29cb56730fe2e./SRPMS.pclosGd! , D B@BABEBJ9Cfonts-ttf-great-vibes201909151pclos2019Great Vibes font familyThe "Great Vibes" typeface is a curly calligraphic font.RSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-great-vibes-20190915-1pclos2019.src.rpm;50439ec361ecb654032a3c69082b7b39./SRPMS.pclos/d $ 9p tB@BABEBJ!Cfonts-ttf-gujarati1.04pclos2019Gujarati TTF font(s)This package contains fonts for the gujarati script.DSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-gujarati-1.0-4pclos2019.src.rpm 06f933615d2be17c605bef4e21966e83./SRPMS.pclosd $ 3H LcltB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-gurmukhi1.07pclos2019Gurmukhi fontsGurmukhi TTF fonts.eSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-gurmukhi-1.0-7pclos2019.src.rpmj51a3ce3594500f92350e37c819ae79c9./SRPMS.pclosd " D B@)BATBEXBJyCfonts-ttf-hack3.0031pclos2024Typeface designed for source codeHack includes monospaced regular, bold, oblique, and bold oblique sets to cover all of your syntax highlighting needs. Over 1500 glyphs that include lovingly tuned expanded Latin, modern Greek, and Cyrillic character sets. Powerline glyphs are included in the regular set. Patching is not necessary. Install and go.$lISystem/Fonts/True typenoarch  fontconfigfontpackages-develmkfontscalerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fonts-ttf-hack-3.003-1pclos2024.src.rpm$S326f4699e7e5b51ab4a40d5efba11474./SRPMS.pclosWd & Q| B@BA$BE(BJICfonts-ttf-ibm-plex2.0.01pclos2019The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex.The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex.tTSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigmkfontscalemkfontdirrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-ibm-plex-2.0.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmtic5de790e2ebe327364e027fc15239540./SRPMS.pclos;d# . ht xB@BABE BJ-Cjafonts-ttf-japanese0.201311092pclos2019Free Japanese TrueType fonts UmePlusUmePlus フォントThis Package provides Free Japanese TrueType fonts UmePlus. UmePlus fonts are modified Ume and M+ fonts for Japanese.UmePlusフォント は、梅フォント と M+フォント を組み合わせて作成されたゴシック体の日本語フォントです。 漢字には 梅フォント が、アルファベット/ひらがな/カタカナ には M+フォント が使用されています。 このパッケージで以下の2書体がインストールされます。 (UmePlusゴシック , UmePlus Pゴシック)System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-japanese-0.20131109-2pclos2019.src.rpmEc26b9a61e0bb0a4bc683eea17bf8110b./SRPMS.pclosd& 2 J B@ BAXBE\BJ}Cfonts-ttf-japanese-extra0.2004021712pclos2019Japanese TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Japanese TrueType fonts (alternative Kochi fonts: kochi-gothic-subst, kochi-mincho-subst)dSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-japanese-extra-0.20040217-12pclos2019.src.rpmMeddde060c55d3bfd360123e705e6df9b./SRPMS.pclos/d)/ : D H_hxB@BABEBJ!Cjafonts-ttf-japanese-ipafont-uigothic002032pclos2019IPA TrueType UIGothic Font (ver.002.03)IPA の日本語 True Type UIGothic フォント (ver.002.03)This package includes IPA UIGothic (ver.002.03) font.このパッケージで、IPAUIゴシックフォント (ver.002.03) がインストールされます。EkSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch mkfontdirmkfontscalepsiconvrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-japanese-ipafont-uigothic-00203-2pclos2019.src.rpmEiff54bc7ba2b86f16c59c62f59509567d./SRPMS.pclosKd ) 4  B@BABEBJ=Cjafonts-ttf-japanese-ipamona200804272pclos2019IPA Mona fonts (IPA Mona Mincho/Gothic/UI Gothic)IPA モナーフォント (IPA モナー 明朝/ゴシック/UIゴシック)This package contains monafonts based on IPA Japanese TrueType Fonts. This package contains the following fonts, - IPA Mona Mincho/PMincho - IPA Mona Gothic/PGothic - IPA Mona UI Gothic The IPA monafonts should be redistributed with HP Vector Driver for Open Printing System.IPA の日本語 TrueType フォントをベースにしたモナーフォントです。 このパッケージには、以下のフォントが含まれています。 - IPA モナー 明朝/P明朝 - IPA モナー ゴシック/Pゴシック - IPA モナー UIゴシック IPA フォントのライセンスに基づき、オープンプリンティングシステム用 HP Vector Driver に同梱してパッケージされています。`mSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch xzrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-japanese-ipamona-20080427-2pclos2019.src.rpm`kedfa63a3d562bb9cd96e4ad73497ef26./SRPMS.pclos7d& 1 Y B@BABEBJ)Cjafonts-ttf-japanese-migu201306172pclos2019Migu fontsMigu(ミグ)フォントMigu font are modified M+ fonts and IPA Gothic fonts for Japanese. Migu font contain all characters of M+ fonts, and an insufficient Kanji is supplemented with the IPA Gothic fonts. This package includes four fonts. Migu 1P Migu 1C Migu 1M Migu 2M - http://mix-mplus-ipa.sourceforge.jp/migu/Migu(ミグ)フォントは、M+フォントとIPAゴシックフォントの2種類を合成したTrueTypeフォントです。 M+フォントのすべての文字を含み、不足する漢字をIPAゴシックフォントで補っています。 このパッケージでは下記の4種類のフォントを収録しています。  Migu 1P  Migu 1C  Migu 1M  Migu 2M Miguフォントの詳細は下記のページを参照してください。 - http://mix-mplus-ipa.sourceforge.jp/migu/yC System/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-japanese-migu-20130617-2pclos2019.src.rpmyS$17dc1980648fe0230d1f81bdfda90a2a./SRPMS.pclosd%. < j B@ BAPBETBJuCfonts-ttf-japanese-mplus_ipagothic2006052010pclos2019.1M+ OUTLINE FONTS with IPA gothic for JapaneseM+ OUTLINE FONTS don't have Kanji, so "M+ with IPA gothic" use IPA gothic for Kanji.s System/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-japanese-mplus_ipagothic-20060520-10pclos2019.1.src.rpmsTb436e796ee7fc8bdb30ddcf92781cc9f./SRPMS.pclos'd!* 5 P TktB@BABEBJCjafonts-ttf-japanese-vlgothic201306072pclos2019VLGothic font family - Free Japanese True Type FontVLゴシックフォントファミリVLGothic font family - Free Japanese True Type Font - VL PGothic - VL Gothicこのパッケージには以下のフリーの日本語 True Type フォントが含まれています。 - VL Pゴシック (M+ 1C Regular 及び さざなみゴシック をベースに Project Vine が改良を行ったフォント) - VLゴシック (M+ 1M Regular 及び さざなみゴシック をベースに Project Vine が改良を行ったフォント)!System/Fonts/True typenoarch mkfontdirmkfontscalerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-japanese-vlgothic-20130607-2pclos2019.src.rpm!߮cb94574283d60c16c13b34af48cb387f./SRPMS.pclos3d * Xp tB@BABEBJ%Cfonts-ttf-junicode0.6.1111pclos2019.2Peter Baker's Junicode Fonts for medievalistsThis package contains the excellent Junicode font created by Peter S. Baker. This font is especially suited for medievalists, as it offers many characters common in languages as Old English, Old Norse, etc., but it is beautiful and elegant enough to be used for other purposes. .#System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-junicode-0.6.11-11pclos2019.2.src.rpm )a2faf80f50a5bed3904384f825187df4c./SRPMS.pclosgd $ H B@BA4BE8BJYCfonts-ttf-kannada1.012pclos2019Kannada TTF fonts (Unicode encoded)Kannada TTF fonts usable to display Unicode encoded text; through text engines like pango etc.uSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-kannada-1.0-12pclos2019.src.rpm ea6010b6e5bfe97e0633eb56f06cf127./SRPMS.pclosd 0 C $,WB@`BABEBJCfonts-ttf-korean1.0.20.080608.10.2pclos2019Un Fonts in KoreamUn-fonts is comes from the HLaTeX as type1 fonts in 1998 by Koaunghi Un, he made type1 fonts to use with Korean TeX(HLaTeX [1]) in the late 1990's and release it under the GNU GPL license.2System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-korean-1.0.2-0.080608.10.2pclos2019.src.rpm'84dc78f60821469a585ffcc0f7701f73./SRPMS.pclos;d " ? B@BABE BJ-Cfonts-ttf-latex0.113pclos2019LaTeX TrueType fonts for LyXThis Package provides LaTeX TrueType fonts so that LyX can display LaTex characters.mjSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-latex-0.1-13pclos2019.src.rpmr4c0656c5ef6e156e121eae1fe0e64d6a./SRPMS.pclosSd ) `  H  B@BA BE$BJECfonts-ttf-liberation2.00.51pclos2020Fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Windows FontsThe Liberation Fonts are intended to be replacements for the three most commonly used fonts on Microsoft systems: Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New.+~System/Fonts/True typenoarch  mkfontdirmkfontscalefreetype-toolsfontconfigfontpackages-develfontforgeappstream-glibpython3python3-fonttoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 g  '08cB@lBABEBJCfonts-ttf-liberation-narrow1.07.61pclos2019Fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Windows FontsThe Liberation Narrow Fonts are intended to be replacements for the three most commonly used fonts on Microsoft systems: Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New.8System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-liberation-narrow-1.07.6-1pclos2019.src.rpmf6151a703236b13f5465b5cb3944c862./SRPMS.pclosd ' B RB@\BABEBJCfonts-ttf-libertine5.0.03pclos2019Linux Libertine Open FontsThe Linux Libertine Open Fonts are a TrueType font family for practical use in documents. They were created to provide a free alternative to proprietary standard fonts.hSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigfreetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-libertine-5.0.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmhLc878d4dd5cd812bd6818880a6be3d4db./SRPMS.pclosd $ H  $@B@HBAtBExBJCfonts-ttf-lohit2.3.813pclos2019Free Indian truetype/opentype fontsThis package provides Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Telugu, Marathi, Maithili, Kashmiri, Konkani, Nepali and Sindhi TrueType/Opentype fonts. !ASystem/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-lohit-2.3.8-13pclos2019.src.rpm N568e0cf4aec14f044bee1cb5aefeda56./SRPMS.pclosd & ?t xB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-malayalam1.013pclos2019Malayalam TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Malayalam TrueType fonts.System/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-malayalam-1.0-13pclos2019.src.rpmya01c821dea63f0e6a82a3356c6bd61f0./SRPMS.pclos3d " @x |B@BABEBJ%Cfonts-ttf-mgopen1815pclos2019Free High-Quality Greek FontsFree high-quality Greek fonts created by Magenta Ltd. System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-mgopen-181-5pclos2019.src.rpm 414091d9c556a4a0529a92538c6cc068./SRPMS.pclos#d % Dd hB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-noto-mono1.02pclos2019Google Noto Mono TrueType fontGoogle Noto Mono TrueType fontSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-noto-mono-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmb88507473bf402d5bb335d3c9dffefed./SRPMS.pclos#d % Dd hB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-noto-sans1.02pclos2019Google Noto Sans TrueType fontGoogle Noto Sans TrueType fontI}System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-noto-sans-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmOca40f328016086e11b1b60ef9fa1bc97./SRPMS.pclos'd & Fh lB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-noto-serif1.02pclos2019Google Noto Serif TrueType fontGoogle Noto Serif TrueType font g8System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-noto-serif-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm n8662ff82decbe43f39fe4c75cd2e5390./SRPMS.pclosd $ <T Xox|B@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-opensans1.01pclos2021OpenSans TrueType fontsOpenSans TrueType FontsSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-opensans-1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm1aeefdaacfac7a62569952140dcd3c13./SRPMS.pclosd & @X \s|B@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-publicsans1.01pclos2021PublicSans TrueType fontsOpenSans TrueType FontsSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-publicsans-1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm0514d4302a41b8ba4812802eaa2e80bc./SRPMS.pclosd $ c B@ BALBEPBJqCfonts-ttf-redhat2.3.21pclos2019Red Hat's Open Source Fonts - Red Hat Display and Red Hat TextRed Hat's Open Source Fonts - Red Hat Display and Red Hat Text% System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigmkfontscalemkfontdirrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-redhat-2.3.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm%/3925e6a2ef5af90c8c82b8797d22a252./SRPMS.pclosd $ 8  CB@LBAxBE|BJCfonts-ttf-roboto2.1382pclos2019Google Roboto fontsRoboto is a sans-serif typeface family introduced with Android Ice Cream Sandwich operating system. Google describes the font as "modern, yet approachable" and "emotional".$5System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-roboto-2.138-2pclos2019.src.rpm$>53860e9feecd152cb708719f8e5b00ac./SRPMS.pclos_d " D B@BA,BE0BJQCfonts-ttf-tamil1.113pclos2019Tamil TTF fonts (Unicode encoded)Tamil TTF fonts usable to display Unicode encoded text; through text engines like pango etc. System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-tamil-1.1-13pclos2019.src.rpm 2ca8ac7a6dbe9eacf1922e167acd7bba./SRPMS.pclos'd # 7h lB@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-thai0.4.143pclos2019Thai TrueType fontsThis Package provides Free Thai TrueType fonts.System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-thai-0.4.14-3pclos2019.src.rpm9bc07979e0fa7d9dd1f0c9daab4aa998./SRPMS.pclosd" . K #B@,BA`BEdBJCfonts-ttf-tibetan-ttmuni1.901b12pclos2019Tibetan Machine Unicode fontThis package provides an OpenType Unicode Tibetan font, for writing in Tibetan, Dzongkha and Ladakhi with almost 4000 glyphs.nSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-tibetan-ttmuni-1.901b-12pclos2019.src.rpmdfedd4f4df524b1f8725baacd3830245./SRPMS.pclosGd % : B@BABEBJ9Cfonts-ttf-tifinagh1.012pclos2019Tifinagh TTF font(s)This package contains fonts for the Tifinagh script, as encoded in unicode.System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-tifinagh-1.0-12pclos2019.src.rpm86d3f5658652004a47e75ad72b589909./SRPMS.pclos#d $ Mx |B@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-ubuntu1.02.1pclos2019Collection of TrueType fonts from UbuntuCollection of TrueType fonts from Ubuntu.?hSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-ubuntu-1.0-2.1pclos2019.src.rpmEseaf4f16e0cda9fc94ce9a23448cd555f./SRPMS.pclosd # 6 (4jB@tBABEBJCfonts-ttf-unifont6.33pclos2019GNU Unifont glyphsGNU Unifont provides glyphs for every printable code point in the Unicode 5.1 Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). The BMP occupies the first 65,536 code points of the Unicode space, denoted as U+0000..U+FFFF./&System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontconfigfreetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-unifont-6.3-3pclos2019.src.rpm,-6ab00430fda0e96dc9ccd00df84ffbf0./SRPMS.pclosd  , _ $OB@XBABEBJCfonts-ttf-uralic0.20040829.111pclos2017Truetype fonts for Cyrillic-based Uralic languagesThe Uralic fonts contain additional letters used in most Uralic languages with Russian-based writing systems - Khanty (all dialects), Komi, Mansi (without marking long vowels), Mari, Nenets, Selkup and Udmurt. The fonts also support Altai, Chukchi, Even, Evenki, Koryak and Nanai. Font list: * Bookman Uralic (regular, bold, italic) * Chancery Uralic - Decorative calligraphic font * Gothic Uralic (regular, bold) - Futura-like sans serif * Mono Uralic (regular) - Courier-like fixed width font * Palladio Uralic (regular, bold, italic) - Palatino-like typeface * Roman Uralic (regular, bold, italic) - Times-like typeface * Sans Uralic (regular, bold, italic, bold italic) - Helvetica-like sans serif typeface * Sans Condensed Uralic (regular, bold) - Narrow version of Sans Uralic * Schoolbook Uralic (regular, bold, italic) These fonts cover ISO10646-1 and CP1251 charsets. ƿbb2 System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-uralic-0.20040829.1-11pclos2017.src.rpm ccdbca34be6d41594c6af0f0b5d21a34./SRPMS.pclosd + M  '04PB@XBABEBJCfonts-ttf-wqy-microhei0.2.013pclos2019WenQuanYi MicroHei TrueType fontsWenQuanYi Micro Hei font family is a Sans-Serif style (also known as Hei, Gothic or Dotum among the Chinese/Japanese/Korean users) high quality CJK outline font. It was derived from "Droid Sans Fallback", "Droid Sans" and "Droid Sans Mono" released by Google Corp. This font package contains two faces, "Micro Hei" and "Micro Hei Mono", in form of a True-Type Collection (ttc) file. All the unified CJK Han glyphs, i.e. GBK Hanzi, in the range of U+4E00-U+9FC3 defined in Unicode Standard 5.1 are covered, with additional support to many other international languages such as Latin, Extended Latin, Hanguls and Kanas. The font file is extremely compact (~5M) compared with most known CJK fonts. As a result, it can be used for hand-held devices or embedded systems, or used on PC with a significantly small memory footprint. Because both font faces carry hinting and kerning instructions for Latin glyphs, they are the excellent choices for desktop fonts.$qSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-wqy-microhei-0.2.0-13pclos2019.src.rpm!^d496fb07aba847362ef91d093ac88910./SRPMS.pclosd * I` d{B@BABEBJCfonts-ttf-wqy-zenhei0.8.3813pclos2019WenQuanYi ZenHei TrueType fontThe WenQuanYi Zen Hei is the first open-source Chinese font for Hei Ti, a sans-serif font style that are widely used for general purpose Chinese text formatting, and on-screen display of Chinese characters (such as in Windows Vista and Mac OS). Simple and elegant font outlines and slightly emboldened strokes makes the glyphs presenting higher contrast and therefore easy to read. The unique style of this font also provide a simple interface for adding grid-fitting information for further fine-tuning of the on-screen performance.m%System/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-ttf-wqy-zenhei-0.8.38-13pclos2019.src.rpmiʌ18ee2e14c75751d95aa547cc5dde52d7./SRPMS.pclos+d&;lpB@BABEBJCfonts-type1-cyrillic1.17pclos2011Cyrillic Type1 fontsScalable fonts including common Cyrillic glyphs!System/Fonts/True typenoarch freetype-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-type1-cyrillic-1.1-7pclos2011.src.rpmf88e0d5acf1a4782d8c28fbde7c0f17c./SRPMS.pclosd#5 ,XB@bBABEBJCfonts-type1-greek2.04pclos2011Greek Type1 fontsNice Greek scalable fonts, usable for display on screen or for printing. Please if you want to use them for publishing, read the licence at http://iris.math.aegean.gr/kerkis/ or in the doc directory. System/Fonts/Type1noarch font-toolslynxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-type1-greek-2.0-4pclos2011.src.rpm `a0bbe5add6cf636434d7a18da7d14591./SRPMS.pclos3d & 9h lB@BABEBJ%Cfonts-type1-hebrew0.1301pclos2014Hebrew Type1 fontsThis Package provides Free Hebrew Type1 fonts, courtesy of the Culmus project. Since version 0.100 all default sizes have been reduced and names have been changed. Once you install this version or a later one, all letters in your documents will shrink and a manual tuning will be needed in most cases. :System/Fonts/Type1noarch freetype-toolst1utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fonts-type1-hebrew-0.130-1pclos2014.src.rpm 6d022a62ee4538dad251da02bd0974e8./SRPMS.pclosGd   TD HZdxB@BABEBJ9Cfonttools4.53.01pclos2024A tool to convert True/OpenType fonts to XML and backTTX/FontTools is a tool to convert OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML. FontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python. It supports TrueType, OpenType, AFM and to an extent Type 1 and some Mac-specific formats.(BDevelopment/Otherx86_64  glibc-develpkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fonttools-4.53.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm(124b8d5189194b99326fa8d895a3c23e./SRPMS.pclosd   N 9B@bBABEBJCfonttosfnt1.2.31pclos2023Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapperFonttosfnt wraps a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType or OpenType) wrapper.'DSystem/X11x86_64   freetype2-devellibfontenc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros2.   1X \ipB@BA,BE0BJQCfoobillard3.0a5pclos2014OpenGL billard gameA free OpenGl billard game for linux.cGames/Sportsx86_64 mesaglu-develmesa-common-develpng-develzlib-devellibxaw-develfreetype2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1foobillard-3.0a-5pclos2014.src.rpme1b456299b5a62517c9dca89b9eee2414./SRPMS.pclosd ( I B@#BATBEXBJyCfoomatic-db4.02.20180120.1pclos2018Foomatic printer/driver databaseFoomatic is a comprehensive, spooler-independent database of printers, printer drivers, and driver descriptions. It contains utilities to generate PPD (Postscript Printer Description) files and printer queues for CUPS, LPD, GNUlpr, LPRng, PPR, and PDQ using the database. There is also the possibility to read the PJL options out of PJL-capable laser printers and take them into account at the driver description file generation. There are spooler-independent command line interfaces to manipulate queues (foomatic-configure) and to print files/manipulate jobs (foomatic printjob). This package is the Foomatic database, an XML database containing information about the capabilities of near 1000 printers and around 250 drivers. Especially it contains the information how and with which options the drivers have to be executed.Rіbb2 System/Serversnoarch autoconfautomakecupscups-commonfoomatic-db-enginerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1foomatic-db-4.0-2.20180120.1pclos2018.src.rpmRd745cd9fd74f6aefd50bb6f22bef4663./SRPMS.pclosd ' c $ .=D`B@BABEBJCfoomatic-db-engine4.0.121pclos2018Foomatic database access, printer admin, and printing utilsFoomatic is a comprehensive, spooler-independent database of printers, printer drivers, and driver descriptions. It contains utilities to generate PPD (Postscript Printer Description) files and printer queues for CUPS, LPD, GNUlpr, LPRng, PPR, and PDQ using the database. There is also the possibility to read the PJL options out of PJL-capable laser printers and take them into account at the driver description file generation. There are spooler-independent command line interfaces to manipulate queues (foomatic-configure) and to print files/manipulate jobs (foomatic printjob). This package contains the tools for accessing the Foomatic database, for printer administration, and for printing.bbb2 System/Serversx86_64 autoconfautomakecupsperl-develfilelibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1foomatic-db-engine-4.0.12-1pclos2018.src.rpm_Bbdbfa9fb4bf16b86210f9f1b41b3612a./SRPMS.pclosd $ c  %,LB@BABEBJ Cfoomatic-filters4.0.92pclos2018Foomatic filters needed to run print queues with Foomatic PPDsFoomatic is a comprehensive, spooler-independent database of printers, printer drivers, and driver descriptions. It contains utilities to generate PPD (Postscript Printer Description) files and printer queues for CUPS, LPD, GNUlpr, LPRng, PPR, and PDQ using the database. There is also the possibility to read the PJL options out of PJL-capable laser printers and take them into account at the driver description file generation. There are spooler-independent command line interfaces to manipulate queues (foomatic-configure) and to print files/manipulate jobs (foomatic printjob). This package contains the filters needed to run print queues based on Foomatic PPD files..bb2 System/Serversx86_64  autoconfperl-develfilelibxml2-develmpagelibgs-develcupsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   0 B@BABEBJ%Cfop2.21pclos2018XSL-driven print formatterFOP is the world's first print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects. It is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree and then turns it into a PDF document. The formatting object tree, can be in the form of an XML document (output by an XSLT engine like XT or Xalan) or can be passed in memory as a DOM Document or (in the case of XT) SAX events.˨Development/Javax86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fop-2.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm0dd9d8d61fb210c186c36d2007be5bf1./SRPMS.pclosd   @  $/48TB@\BABEBJCforemost1.5.61pclos2010foremost is a file recovery programForemost is a Linux program to recover files based on their headers and footers. Foremost can work on image files, such as those generated by dd or directly on a drive. The headers and footers are specified by a configuration file, so you can pick and choose which headers you want to look for. Foremost was written by Special Agent Kris Kendall and Special Agent Jesse Kornblum of the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations starting in March 2001. This program would not be what it is today without help from (in no particular order): Rob Meekins, Dan Kalil, and Chet Maciag. This project was inspired by CarvThis, written by the Defense Computer Forensic Lab in 1999. This program is a work of the US Government. In accordance with 17 USC 105, copyright protection is not available for any work of the US Government. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.۩File toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1foremost-1.5.6-1pclos2010.src.rpmK9ba9b11c05142d388d4b37423fe753f6./SRPMS.pclos d#* 5 ^     $ TB@ ^BA BE BJ Ccsdadefifrtritfortune-mod1.99.19pclos2013A program which will display a fortuneProgram suenka s vitbou (fortune cookie) s opravami chybfortune-cookie program med mange fejl rettelserGlckskeks-Programm mit BugfixesParanneltu fortnue-ohjelmaProgramme fortune cookie avec correction de bugsRasgele, minik, sevimli mesajlar grntlerFortune-mod contains the ever-popular fortune program. Want a little bit of random wisdom revealed to you when you log in? Fortune's your program. Fun-loving system administrators can add fortune to users' .login files, so that the users get their dose of wisdom each time they log in. Install fortune if you want a program which will bestow these random bits o' wit. Now it supports reading the LANG variable and choosing, if they exist, fortunes in the user language, when no parameter is given.Toto je trvale oblben program vstc osud (fortune). Rd zobraz nhodnou vtbu, je-li sputn. Obvykle je legrace, kdy se umst do souboru .login pro uivatele vaeho systmu, aby uvidli nco novho pokad, kdy se pihls.Dette er det altid populre 'fortune' program. Det vil gladeligt udskrive en tilfldig besked nr det kres. Det er sjovt at have i .login filen for dine brugere, s de altid ser noget nyt nr de logger ind.Dies ist das beliebte Glckskeks-Programm. Es druckt eine zufllige Weisheit. Wenn Sie es in die .login-Datei Ihrer Benutzer schreiben, erhalten diese bei jedem Anmelden einen neuen Spruch.Tm on aina suosittu fortune-ohjelma. Se tulostaa satunnaisen mietelauseen tai vitsin aina ajettaessa. Se yleens laitetaan kynnistymn kyttjien .login-tiedoston kautta, jolloin kyttj nkee aina uuden lauseen kirjautuessaan sisn.Le clbre programme fortune. Il affiche joyeusement un dicton alatoire lorsqu'il est lanc. Il est gnralement amusant de le placer dans le .login des utilisateurs d'un systme pour qu'ils voient quelque chose de nouveau chaque fois qu'ils se loggent. Cette version supporte l'utilisation de la variable $LANG pour choisir automatiquemment un sous rpertoire adapt la langue de l'utilisateurFortune, her arldnda byk bir kitaplktan rasgele seecei, elenceli bir metni grntleyecektir. Ar bilimsel ve yararl bir uygulama olmamasna karn kullanclarn her sisteme balannda deiik bir mesajla karlamalarn salar.Questo e' il popolare gioco fortune. Visualizza casualmente delle frasi sul video. Gli utenti di solito lo aggiungono nel proprio .login per vedere delle frasi divertenti ogni volta si collegano."pToysx86_64 recode-develrecoderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fortune-mod-1.99.1-9pclos2013.src.rpm"a0fdb1c08fe981dfe07c60a3ed2b6291./SRPMS.pclosd   ;  0  B@-BAPBETBJuCfotowall1.01pclos2018Photo collection creativity toolFotoWall is a creative tool that allows you to layout your photos or pictures in a personal way. You can add pictures, then resize, move, change colors, text, shadows, etc..Graphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)libv4l-develdesktop-file-utilsqttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fotowall-1.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm 6564f4d9153c5dc2b3f68e52fa71bcbf./SRPMS.pclosod    B@BA<BE@BJaCdefotoxx23.601pclos2023Editor of image files from digital camerasEditor mit grundlegenden Funktionen zum Verbessern von DigitalfotosNavigate image collection with thumbnail browser, view and edit images, change brightness distribution, manipulate color, trim, make panorama and HDR images, rotate, rescale, warp, fix red-eyes, fix perspective, sharpen, blur, remove noise. Assign tags/keywords and star-ratings to images, search by tags/date/rating. Edits can also be made within a mouse-selected area with smooth blending of the edges. Convert RAW files to TIFF and edit 16 bits/color.fotoxx ist ein Open-Source-Programm für Linux mit grundlegenden Funktionen zum Verbessern von Digitalfotos. Auf der Homepage des Projektes gibt es eine Gallerie mit Beispielfotos der Fähigkeiten u. A. Ordnernavigation, Anzeige von Exif-Informationen, Beschneiden, Skalieren, Panorama und HDR-Funktion, Rote-Augen-Unterdrückung, Rotation, Farbabstimmung, Schärfen, Rauschunterdrückung und Entzerren. Das Programm ist einfach zu bedienen und wendet sich an Einsteiger in die Digitalfotografie. Die GUI ist in englisch, deutsch und spanisch verfügbar.Graphicsx86_64  lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64champlain-devellib64freeimage-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64lcms2-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64tiff-develperl-Image-ExifToolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ufrawxdg-utils3.0.4-14.6.0-1fotoxx-23.60-1pclos2023.src.rpm c384faeaa737d8edcd87daee0365d09d./SRPMS.pclossd " ;  (  B@BA@BEDBJeCfour-in-a-row3.38.11pclos2020GNOME Four-in-a-row gameThe objective of Four-in-a-row is to build a line of four of your marbles while trying to stop your opponent (human or computer) building a line of his or her own.MGames/Boardsx86_64  pkgconfig(gsound)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(zlib)intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonpkgconfig(vapigen)lib64xtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   0 B@BA BE$BJECfox1.7.831pclos2023The FOX C++ GUI ToolkitFOX is a C++-Based Library for Graphical User Interface Development FOX supports modern GUI features, such as Drag-and-Drop, Tooltips, Tab Books, Tree Lists, Icons, Multiple-Document Interfaces (MDI), timers, idle processing, automatic GUI updating, as well as OpenGL/Mesa for 3D graphics. Subclassing of basic FOX widgets allows for easy extension beyond the built-in widgets by application writers.DSystem/Librariesx86_64  bzip2-develcups-develdoxygenfreetype-develjpeg-devellibxcursor-devellibxrandr-develpkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xi)png-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tiff-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1fox-1.7.83-1pclos2023.src.rpmDf39d64d0a030199998675168999e2956./SRPMS.pclosd   U    B@BABEBJCdefox1.61.6.561pclos2018The FOX C++ GUI ToolkitDer FOX C++ GUI WerkzeugkastenFOX is a C++-Based Library for Graphical User Interface Development FOX supports modern GUI features, such as Drag-and-Drop, Tooltips, Tab Books, Tree Lists, Icons, Multiple-Document Interfaces (MDI), timers, idle processing, automatic GUI updating, as well as OpenGL/Mesa for 3D graphics. Subclassing of basic FOX widgets allows for easy extension beyond the built-in widgets by application writers.FOX ist eine C++ basierte Bibliothek für die Entwicklung von grafischen Benutzerschnittstellen. FOX unterstützt moderne GUI Eigenschaften wie Drag and Drop, Tooltips, Tabs, Verzeichnisbäume, Symbole, Multiple-Document Interfaces (MDI), Stopuhren, automatisches GUI-Update, genauso wie OpenGL/Mesa für 3D Grafiken. Das erzeugen von Subklassen der Basis-FOX-Widgets erlaubt das Erweitern der eingebauten Widgets.3ghostbunnyDevelopment/C++x86_64 lib64mesaglu1-devellib64cups2-devellib64bzip2-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64xft-devellib64xi-devellib64xcursor-devellib64xrandr2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fox1.6-1.6.56-1pclos2018.src.rpm3106d64fbbeb056972ab412e1aaf76386./SRPMS.pclosOd % 0 B@BABE BJACfoxit-reader2.4.4.09111pclos2021PDF readerA small, fast and feature rich PDF viewer which allows you to open, view and pring any PDF file.Officex86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1foxit-reader-   K B@BABE BJACfpaste0.4.3.01pclos2023A simple tool for pasting info onto fpaste.orgIt is often useful to be able to easily paste text to the Fedora Pastebin at http://fpaste.org and this simple script will do that and return the resulting URL so that people may examine the output. This can hopefully help folks who are for some reason stuck without X, working remotely, or any other reason they may be unable to paste something into the pastebin.`Text toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fpaste-   , nB@BABEBJCfpc3.2.23pclos2024Free Pascal Compiler Free Pascal is a free 32/64bit Pascal Compiler. It comes with a run-time library and is fully compatible with Turbo Pascal 7.0 and nearly Delphi compatible. Some extensions are added to the language, like function overloading and generics. Shared libraries can be linked. This package contains the command-line compiler and utilities. Provided units are the runtime library (RTL), free component library (FCL) and packages.)Development/Otherx86_64   fpcmysql-develpostgresql-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texlive-dist3.   S $6<DdB@rBABEBJCfpgui1.21pclos2014Widget set to develop cross-platform GUI software using fpcThis is a widget set to quickly develop cross-platform GUI software using the Free Pascal Compiler. It doesn't rely on large third party libraries - which makes fpGUI applications easy to deploy.ipinoc32Development/Toolsi586 fpcrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   V B@BA BE$BJECfping5.11pclos2022Quickly ping N number of hosts to determine their reachabilityfping is a ping(1) like program which uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to determine if a host is up. fping is different from ping in that you can specify any number of hosts on the command line, or specify a file containing the lists of hosts to ping. Instead of trying one host until it timeouts or replies, fping will send out a ping packet and move on to the next host in a round-robin fashion. If a host replies, it is noted and removed from the list of hosts to check. If a host does not respond within a certain time limit and/or retry limit it will be considered unreachable.&Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fping-5.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm/9b64d0982ddd09bc6a4eb2785bcaf154./SRPMS.pclosod  6 B@BA<BE@BJaCfpx1.2.0.131pclos2009FlashPIX OpenSource ToolkitThis package contains the FlashPIX OpenSource Toolkit and is based on source code obtained from the Digital Imaging Group Inc. (http://www.digitalimaging.org)."System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fpx-"e85466670440f0113b3292a787be749d./SRPMS.pclosd   /P TmtxB@BABEBJCfragments1.43pclos2020A bittorrent ClientA Gnome based bittorrent client }xNetworking/File transferx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fragments-1.4-3pclos2020.src.rpm i2c96f8ef8f060df869f539f49456fbd6./SRPMS.pclosd ) b jB@|BABEBJCframeworkintegration6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 4 addon with framework integrationFramework Integration is a set of plugins responsible for better integration of Qt applications when running on a KDE Plasma workspace..System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xcursor)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1frameworkintegration-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpma54b0752fb25551f2f0a950bf3ae8ce9./SRPMS.pclosd   > B@(BALBEPBJqCfrancis24.12.31pclos2025Time tracking app for KDE PlasmaFrancis is a time tracking app using the well-known pomodoro technique to help you get more productive.zGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1francis-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmVcf2f915e631a28b09d9af800c3804e04./SRPMS.pclosd  /0 4QX`B@BABEBJCfranz5.10.01pclos2023A free messaging appFranz is a free messaging app / former Emperor of Austria and combines chat & messaging services into one application. Franz currently supports Slack, WhatsApp, WeChat, HipChat, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Google Hangouts, GroupMe, Skype and many more. Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1franz-5.10.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm&1738925a985fa8f13bb3cf9a04886d6f./SRPMS.pclosKd ! : B@BABEBJ=Cfrappe-books0.17.01pclos2023Free Accounting SoftwareFrappe Books accounting software simplifies invoicing, billing, and accounting for freelancers and small business owners. Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frappe-books-0.17.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm1c9f0ce0c03bbc66ccd77fba54ccddc0./SRPMS.pclosd  @D LU\dB@BABEBJCdefraqtive0.4.61pclos2014Program for drawing Mandelbrot and Julia fractalsProgramm zum zeichnen von Mandelbrot und Julia-FraktalenFraqtive is a program for drawing Mandelbrot and Julia fractals. It uses a very fast algorithm and generates high quality, smooth images. It is fully interactive, allowing for real-time mouse navigation and dynamic generation of the Julia fractal preview. OpenGL-rendered 3D view of the fractals is also supported.Fraqtive ist ein Programm zum Zeichnen von Mandelbrot-und Julia-Fraktalen. Es verwendet eine Algorithmus der sehr schnell und qualitativ hochwertige, glatte Bilder erzeugt. Es ist voll interaktiv, so dass für die Maus-Navigation und dynamische Generierung der Julia Fraktals als Echtzeit Vorschau zu sehen sind. OpenGL 3D Aufnahme auf den Fraktalen wird ebenfalls unterstützt.mpinoc32Graphicsi586 libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fraqtive-0.4.6-1pclos2014.src.rpm78eca6406993a845b5e530b262abe1d5./SRPMS.pclosd   :` djt|B@BABEBJCfreealut1.1.08pclos2021OpenAL Utility Toolkit (ALUT)ALUT is the OpenAL Utility Toolkit.VWSoundx86_64 openal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freealut-1.1.0-8pclos2021.src.rpmWmf85f99ee201d453b356924f1d3db7261./SRPMS.pcloskd   =  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cfreecad0.21.01pclos2023Feature based Parametric ModelerFreeCAD is a general purpose Open Source 3D CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM modeler, aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits a wider range of uses in engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties. It is a feature-based parametric modeler with a modular software architecture which makes it easy to provide additional functionality without modifying the core system.Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freecad-0.21.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm-076b45716b6ef59f7ea74ea056e7d0679./SRPMS.pclos#d # Bt x'(''B@BABEBJCfreecell-solver5.4.01pclos2019The Freecell Solver ExecutableThe Freecell Solver package contains the fc-solve executable which is a command-line program that can be used to solve games of Freecell and similar card solitaire variants. This package also contains command line executables to generate the initial boards of several popular Freecell implementations.(Games/Cardsx86_64 cmakegmp-develgperfperl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Env::Path)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Which)perl(Games::Solitaire::Verify)perl(Games::Solitaire::Verify::Solution)perl(Inline)perl(Inline::C)perl(IPC::Open2)perl(lib)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Moo)perl(MooX)perl(MooX::late)perl(parent)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Storable)perl(strict)perl(String::ShellQuote)perl(Template)perl(warnings)perl(YAML::XS)perl-develpython3-cffipython3-flake8python3-random2python3-sixpython3-pycotaptap-develthe_silver_searcherpython3-pysol-cardsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freecell-solver-5.4.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm)#411019505b0d1d523c5809eedf650b4b./SRPMS.pclosSd   .    B@BA BE$BJECfreeciv3.0.81pclos2023CIVilization cloneFreeciv is a multiplayer strategy game, released under the GNU General Public License. It is generally comparable with Civilization II(r), published by Microprose(r). Default configuration uses the Civilization II(r) style Isometric view. If you prefer classic Civilization(r) 2-d view, invoke the client with "civclient --tiles trident".XGames/Strategyx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(SDL2_gfx)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(readline)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1freeciv-3.0.8-1pclos2023.src.rpmb1eaef38efafdec7a440071fcaf37130./SRPMS.pclosd   P ;B@JBAlBEpBJCfreecol0.10.31pclos2011FreeCol is an open version of the game ColonizationFreeCol is an open version of Colonization. It is a Civilization-like game in which the player has to conquer the new world.eGames/Strategynoarch  antunzipxerces-j2java-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ' B$( @FL^B@yBABEBJCfreecycle0.6.1.10.alpha.1pclos2007Freecycle is a beat slicerFreecycle is a beat slicer running on GNU/Linux platform, providing amplitude domain and frequency domain beat matching / zero crossing algorithms. It exports sliced audio chunks and generates a MIDI file which can be used to play the sliced loop. Freecycle also exports AKAI S5000/S6000/Z4/Z8 .AKP file to be used with your favorite sampler. Freecycle provides LADSPA interface with full control parameters automation and some quite basic but powerful routing schemas. With traditional amplitude (scope) view, Freecycle also offers the fully integrated spectrogram view, useful for LADSPA filters visualization. Freecycle features basic OSS output and preliminary JACK layer connectivity. Author: Predrag Viceic SThac Soundi586  libalsa-develfftw3-devellibjack-develaubio-develqt3-develladspalibsndfile-devellibstdc++-devellibSoundTouch-devellibportmidi-devellibportaudio-devellibinstpatch-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"571e1d42d5daa5fea224e1da0117f1851./SRPMS.pclos7d   N  (  B@BABEBJ)Cfreedink109.62pclos2023Humorous top-down adventure and role-playing gameDink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humour, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. GNU FreeDink is a new and portable version of the game engine, which runs the original game as well as its D-Mods, with close compatibility, under multiple platforms.Games/Adventurex86_64 cxxtestglm-develpkgconfig(SDL2_gfx)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freedink-109.6-2pclos2023.src.rpmee052566d39f328e779164efec4c7b9d./SRPMS.pclosWd ) D B@BA$BE(BJICfreedink-data1.08.201901203pclos2023Game data for GNU FreeDinkDink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humour, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. This package contains architecture-independent data for the original game, along with free sound and music replacements.՛Games/Adventurenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freedink-data-1.08.20190120-3pclos2023.src.rpm157478d91d92587c9b241cdefbec76ee./SRPMS.pclosd ! O (B@3BA\BE`BJCfreedink-dfarc3.122pclos2019Frontend and .dmod installer for GNU FreeDinkDFArc makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and it's numerous Dink Modules (or D-Mods).Games/Adventurex86_64 bzip2-develintltoolwxgtk3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freedink-dfarc-3.12-2pclos2019.src.rpmŸ27477b35f874dce68503e1c13c827664./SRPMS.pclosd   6  &04PB@XBAxBE|BJCfreedoom0.71pclos2013Complete and free DOOM IWADFreeDOOM is a project to create a complete, free DOOM IWAD file. Combined with a free DOOM engine, it will create a completely free DOOM-based game. To play it, a game engine such as PrBoom or PrBoom+ is required.pinoc64Games/Shooternoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freedoom-0.7-1pclos2013.src.rpmb_87c4957ac764b78c9752b8d8be894627./SRPMS.pclosKd gB@BABEBJ=Cfreedos1.01pclos2011FreeDOS aims to be a complete, free, 100% MS-DOS compatible operating system.FreeDOS aims to be a complete, free, 100% MS-DOS compatible operating system.Emulatorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freedos-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm9e8ccdf3b22f6a8e0a4268b8dc6e5105./SRPMS.pclos/d  5t xB@BABEBJ!Cfreefilesync14.24pclos2025A free file sync toolFreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization tool.ծFile toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1freefilesync-14.2-4pclos2025.src.rpmJcd8ce34872ee5c17def047e6fcf3d7ad./SRPMS.pclosGd    $5<\B@BABEBJ9Cdefreeglut3.6.01pclos2024A freely licensed alternative to the GLUT libraryOpenSource Alternative für die GLUT Bibliothekfreeglut is a completely open source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library with an OSI approved free software license. GLUT was originally written by Mark Kilgard to support the sample programs in the second edition OpenGL 'RedBook'. Since then, GLUT has been used in a wide variety of practical applications because it is simple, universally available and highly portable. freeglut allows the user to create and manage windows containing OpenGL contexts on a wide range of platforms and also read the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions.freeglut ist eine OpenSource Alternative für die OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Bibliothek. GLUT wurde ursprünglich von Mark Kilgard geschrieben, um die Beispielprogramme in der zweiten Auflage von OpenGL 'RedBook' zu unterstützen. Seitdem wurde GLUT in einer Vielzahl von praktischen Anwendungen integriert, weil es einfach, weit verbreitet und portabel ist.System/Librariesx86_64  libice-devellibxext-devellibxi-devellibxxf86vm-develmesaglu-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1freeglut-3.6.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmx4d729e2f3617dd55dfb65658770ea263./SRPMS.pclos7d   +x |B@BABEBJ)Cfreehdl0.0.71pclos2010GPLed free VHDLA project to develop a free, open source, GPL'ed VHDL simulator for Linux.KLSciences/Otheri586 texinfopkgconfiglibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freehdl-0.0.7-1pclos2010.src.rpmVw81e5d491c1ae7b4d22dc3f27d95ae852./SRPMS.pclos+d   + B@BABEBJCfreeimage3.1531pclos2013Image libraryFreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X).G System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freeimage-3.153-1pclos2013.src.rpmCAe8032578b85bf56f1483feb077f8d732./SRPMS.pclosd   %  4  B@BABEBJCfreeipmi1.3.42pclos2017FreeIPMIThe FreeIPMI project provides "Remote-Console" (out-of-band) and "System Management Software" (in-band) based on Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI v1.5) specification.ghostbunnySystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 lib64guile1.8-develncurses-develreadline-devellibgcrypt-develtransfigghostscripttexinfotetex-latexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freeipmi-1.3.4-2pclos2017.src.rpm7d38a8adc02a123c41d965a43f1eb4c4f./SRPMS.pclosd   7D HOX\xB@BABEBJCfreemind1.0.11pclos2014Free mind mapping softwareFreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. So you want to write a completely new metaphysics? Why don't you use FreeMind? You have a tool at hand that remarkably resembles the tray slips of Robert Pirsig, described in his sequel to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance called Lila. Do you want to refactor your essays in a similar way you would refactor software? Or do you want to keep personal knowledge base, which is easy to manage? Why don't you try FreeMind? Do you want to prioritize, know where you are, where you've been and where you are heading, as Stephen Covey would advise you? Have you tried FreeMind to keep track of all the things that are needed for that?=vOfficenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freemind-1.0.1-1pclos2014.src.rpm=66cf4df62bf6df77692089e28d1d6ff10./SRPMS.pclosd   Sp t  q B@BABEBJCfreeorion0.4.10.23pclos2022Turn-based space empire and galactic conquest gameFreeOrion is a free, open source, turn-based space empire and galactic conquest (4X) computer game being designed and built by the FreeOrion project. FreeOrion is inspired by the tradition of the Master of Orion games, but is not a clone or remake of that series or any other game.T`Games/Strategyx86_64 boost-develcmakedevil-develpkgconfig(bullet)pkgconfig(freealut)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(python)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freeorion-!60430c782c0b6a2e315f7012541cf401./SRPMS.pclosd   \ B@BABEBJ Cfreeplane1.10.61pclos2023Support thinking, sharing information and getting things doneFreeplane is free and open source software to support thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The core of the software consists of functions for mind mapping, also called concept mapping or information mapping, and tools for using mapped informationwText toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freeplane-1.10.6-1pclos2023.src.rpmޮ1118ed036be6974464f8dd6115848bce./SRPMS.pclosd   6 ZB@lBABEBJCfreepops0.2.92pclos2010POP3 interface to webmailFreePOPs is a daemon that acts as a local pop3 server, translating local pop3 requests to remote http requests to supported webmails.![Networking/Maili586  curl-devellua-develexpat-develreadline-develbisonflexfltk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 573c35f53be7779d6016600710793622./SRPMS.pclosd   U0 4CHyB@BABEBJCfreeradius2.1.73pclos2010High-performance and highly configurable RADIUS serverThe FreeRADIUS Server Project is a high-performance and highly configurable GPL'd RADIUS server. It is somewhat similar to the Livingston 2.0 RADIUS server, but has many more features, and is much more configurable.'G[System/Serversi586  gdbm-develkrb5-devellibsasl-devellibtool-develmysql-developenldap-developenssl-develpam-develpcap-develpostgresql-develpython-develrpm-helperunixODBC-develzlib-develrpm-helperrpm-mandriva-setuprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)' f06c2956b077e8567e65d41825b19f83./SRPMS.pclosd % @P TchlB@BABEBJCfreeradius-client1.1.61pclos2010FreeRADIUS Client SoftwareFreeRADIUS Client is a framework and library for writing RADIUS Clients which additionally includes radlogin, a flexible RADIUS aware login replacement, a command line program to send RADIUS accounting records and a utility to query the status of a (Merit) RADIUS server.F}System/Serversi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freeradius-client-1.1.6-1pclos2010.src.rpmC60119d8830e4e25687d2abe290bf6121./SRPMS.pclosd   ZX \mtxB@BABEBJCfreerapid0.831pclos2010FreeRapid - A downloader for Rapidshare and other file sharesFreeRapid is a simple Java downloader for Rapidshare and other file share archives. It has support for concurrent dwnloading from multiple services, and is able to use a proxy list. Code also contains a simple API for adding other services like plugins.\Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freerapid-0.83-1pclos2010.src.rpm]298459cf1c2b023d01b6ebff40dbbd79./SRPMS.pclosd   Bp t+@++B@BABEBJCfreerdp33.8.02pclos2024A free remote desktop protocol clientFreeRDP is a fork of the rdesktop project.k: Networking/Remote accessx86_64  cmakedocbook-style-xslffmpeg-develgsm-develicu-devellame-devellib64cjson-devellib64cups2-devellib64fuse3-devellib64pkcs11-helper-devellib64uriparser-develpam-develpkgconfig(OpenCL)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-fft-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpcsclite)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(soxr)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xkbfile)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xv)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmlto3.0.4-14.6.0-1freerdp3-3.8.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmkd 362dc16f693d82a2c5b21e7ad2c56a24./SRPMS.pclosOd   2X\ djtB@BABE BJACfreeseer2.5.33pclos2014Video Capture UtilityFreeseer a video capture utility capable of capturing presentations or demos. It can capture USB, firewire, local desktop, and more. It captures video and audio and mixes them together to produce a video, thus enabling you to capture great presentations, demos, or training material easily.""pinoc32Videonoarch libtoolpkgconfigpython-develpython-qt4-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freeseer-2.5.3-3pclos2014.src.rpm'Tdc866bd5660729c9eee2481ba59d470c./SRPMS.pclosd   [   y B@BABEBJCfreetds0.913pclos2021An OpenSource implementation of the tabular data stream protocolFreeTDS is a free (open source) implementation of Sybase's db-lib, ct-lib, and ODBC libraries. Currently, dblib and ctlib are most mature. Both of these libraries have several programs know to compile and run against them. ODBC is just a roughed in skeleton, and not useful for real work. This package is built with support for TDS version 7.0.System/Librariesx86_64  doxygendocbook-style-dssslncurses-develreadline-develunixODBC-develautoconf2.5automakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  a B@BABEBJCfreetds_mssql0.644pclos2007An OpenSource implementation of the tubular data stream protocolFreeTDS is a free (open source) implementation of Sybase's db-lib, ct-lib, and ODBC libraries. Currently, dblib and ctlib are most mature. Both of these libraries have several programs know to compile and run against them. ODBC is just a roughed in skeleton, and not useful for real work. This package is built with support for TDS version 7.0.Texstar System/Librariesi586  doxygenncurses-develreadline-develunixODBC-develautoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*444b07978e073936f9cd9de6091a02e7./SRPMS.pclosd   5\ `fpxB@BABEBJCfreetube0.23.21pclos2025A native YouTube clientAn Open Source YouTube app for privacyOVideox86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1freetube-0.23.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmk0fb97b3efc75a51825fbc640ce4ac57b./SRPMS.pclos{d  6  B@$BAHBELBJmCdefreetuxtv0.6.82pclos2016Freetuxtv - TV playerfreetuxtv is a player for Television on Internet with french Free or SFR (ex-Neuf) Internet service providers, and a lot of WebTV in french languages in the world (Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, etc...).FreetuxTV ist ein auf VLC basierendes Programm zum Empfang von Internet-TV und -Radio in diversen Sprachen. Eine Aufzeichnung der laufenden Sendungen und zeitversetztes Fernsehen sind einige der nützlichen Programmfunktionen. Das Programm befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung aber viele bekannte Radio- und Fernsehsender können bereits verwendet werden. Die Liste wird ständig erweitert.pGVideox86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64x11-develintltoolvlc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freetuxtv-0.6.8-2pclos2016.src.rpm 6ca72573d05aa6240bf73953ce53f9f8./SRPMS.pclos'd   >X \mtB@BABEBJCfreetype1.3.129pclos2018TrueType font rasterizer libraryThe FreeType engine is a free and portable TrueType font rendering engine. It has been developed to provide TT support to a great variety of platforms and environments. Note that FreeType is a library, not a stand-alone application, though some utility applications are included.|System/Librariesx86_64 libsm-devellibx11-devellibice-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freetype-1.3.1-29pclos2018.src.rpmx419f6b5b5c1e8986e264886189c17478c./SRPMS.pclosd   Ql p0B@FBAlBEpBJCfreetype22.13.32pclos2025A free and portable TrueType font rendering engineThe FreeType2 engine is a free and portable TrueType font rendering engine. It has been developed to provide TT support to a great variety of platforms and environments. Note that FreeType2 is a library, not a stand-alone application, though some utility applications are includedNhzSystem/Librariesx86_64  bzip2-devellib64rsvg2-develpkgconfigpkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1freetype2-2.13.3-2pclos2025.src.rpmN94d4d1c5343ec49596e36f2883ec0dd3./SRPMS.pclosd   <h lr|  x B@BABEBJCfreevo1.9.02pclos2010Open-source digital video jukeboxFreevo is a Linux application that turns a PC with a TV capture card and/or TV-out into a standalone multimedia jukebox/VCR. It builds on other applications such as xine, mplayer, tvtime and mencoder to play and record video and audio. Available rpmbuild rebuild options : --without: use_sysapps[WVideonoarch  docbook-utilswgetpygamepython-twistedpython-imagingpython-kaa-basepython-kaa-metadatapython-kaa-imlib2python-pyxmlpython-develpython-beautifulsouppython-numericrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   TLP Ur|B@BABEBJCfreexl1.0.0e1pclos2013Library to extract data from within an Excel spreadsheetFreeXL is a library to extract valid data from within an Excel spreadsheet (.xls) Design goals: * simple and lightweight * stable, robust and efficient * easily and universally portable * completely ignore any GUI-related oddity j\NealSystem Environment/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1freexl-1.0.0e-1pclos2013.src.rpm q_96d588ca24f193f467f1a32b22567c28./SRPMS.pclosd " N@ DU\dB@BABEBJCfrei0r-plugins1.6.15pclos2021A minimalistic plugin API for video effectsIt is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behaviour of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effectrSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gavl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>047c0c825efab49d3990b9b9eecb38f8./SRPMS.pclosgd  ; B@BA4BE8BJYCfrescobaldi3.21pclos2022A LilyPond sheet music editorFrescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use._FTerryNGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frescobaldi-3.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm_37bfdfe92a6b45a0c7596a678ca2ac1f./SRPMS.pclos+d ' G DB@BABEBJCfresh-player-plugin0.3.63pclos2017PPAPI-host NPAPI-plugin adapterThe main goal of this project is to get PPAPI (Pepper) Flash player working in Firefox. It implements an adapter that looks like a browser to a PPAPI plugin and looks like an NPAPI plugin to the browser. Note that this particular implementation does not implement any sandbox. This package expects Google Chrome (or at least its Pepper Flash plugin) to be installed in the standard location.mbb2 Networking/WWWx86_64 cmakeragellib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64config-devellib64event-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64openssl-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64x11-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fresh-player-plugin-0.3.6-3pclos2017.src.rpmca20639eb239e8f4e11aefcca30e36d0./SRPMS.pclosd   9   T B@dBABEBJCfribid1.0.1a1pclos2012web browser plugin for BankIDFriBID is a web browser plugin for BankID, a kind of electronic ID (e-legitmiation) that's used in Sweden. It supports file-based electronic IDs (e-legitimation på fil) and card-based IDs (e-legitimation på kort), with some limitations: * You can not import soft certificates from Nexus Personal (encrypted) * To change your password/PIN you need to use other programs. * To use card-based IDs you needs some configuration, see http://wiki.fribid.se/sidor/SmartCards (in Swedish). FriBID is only compatible with the second version of BankID, and not the older system that uses Java applets.NealNetworking/Otherx86_64 openssl-develmingw32-libp11-develpkgconfiggettextgtk2-develfirefoxopensc-developenscrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fribid-1.0.1a-1pclos2012.src.rpm)62c1157116b94e597871926daf676b72./SRPMS.pclosd   E -4<^B@gBABEBJCfribidi1.0.91pclos2020Library to support Bi-directional scriptsA library to handle bidirectional scripts (eg hebrew, arabic), so that the display is done in the proper way; while the text data itself is always written in logical order. The library uses unicode internally.vSystem/Librariesx86_64 mesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fribidi-1.0.9-1pclos2020.src.rpm{97f8d320d1ab95af8e61073d7da58102./SRPMS.pclosd   M #,4<lB@|BABEBJCfriction0.9.61pclos2024Powerful and versatile motion graphics for Linux Friction is a powerful and versatile motion graphics application that allows you to create stunning vector and raster animations for web and video platforms with ease.eAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1friction-0.9.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmh61b4f55fd30d24aefa6e30744370ed07./SRPMS.pclos7d   N B@BABEBJ)Cfriture0.491pclos2022Visualize and analyze live audio data in real-time.Friture is an application to visualize and analyze live audio data in real-time. Friture displays audio data in several widgets, such as a scope, a spectrum analyzer, or a rolling 2D spectrogram. This program can be useful to analyze and equalize the audio response of a hall, or for educational purposes, etc.Soundx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1friture-0.49-1pclos2022.src.rpm3c094e1bd14d57afe3750c51dbda95fa./SRPMS.pclosd   ]    B@BABEBJCfritzing0.9.61pclos2021Electronic Design Automation software; from prototype to productFritzing is an open-source initiative to support designers, artists, researchers and hobbyists to take the step from physical prototyping to actual product. It is in the spirit of Processing and Arduino which allows users to document their Arduino and other electronic-based prototypes, and to create a PCB layout for manufacturing.p"Sciences/Engineeringx86_64 lib64qt5base5-develdesktop-file-utilsboost-develquazip-develImageMagicklib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5svg-devellibgit2-develtarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fritzing-0.9.6-1pclos2021.src.rpmp,rb534fb0408ada314c4dc4bb9aa4c3dde./SRPMS.pclosGd   <\ `u|B@BABEBJ9Cfrobby0.9.01pclos2020Computations With Monomial IdealsFrobby is a software system and project for computations with monomial ideals. Frobby is free software and it is intended as a vehicle for research on monomial ideals, as well as a useful practical tool for investigating monomial ideals. The current functionality includes Hilbert series, maximal standard monomials, combinatorial optimization on monomial ideals, primary decomposition, irreducible decomposition, Alexander dual, associated primes, minimization and intersection of monomial ideals as well as the computation of Frobenius problems (using 4ti2) with very large numbers. Frobby is also able to translate between formats that can be used with several different computer systems, such as Macaulay 2, Monos, 4ti2, CoCoA4 and Singular. Thus Frobby can be used with any of those systems. Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 gcc-c++gmp-develgmpxx-develdoxygentexlive-texmfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frobby-0.9.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm +a9bd3ab265145f769d355886af8f6ab8./SRPMS.pclosd   ?8 <LT | * B@;BA`BEdBJCfrogatto1.1.13pclos2014A platformer game starring a Frog.(Taken from the Frogatto website.) Frogatto is a “platformer” or “jump-and-run” videogame. Like many older arcade/nintendo/sega titles, the world is viewed as a cross-section seen from the side, and your character walks and jumps between solid platforms, whilst avoiding being hurt by monsters. We’re not a clone of any specific game; although just by being a platformer, it’s impossible not to have something in common with games like mario or sonic. So we are trying to innovate a bit. Games/Adventurex86_64 ccachelib64boost-devellib64glew-devellib64png-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_ttf-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frogatto-1.1.1-3pclos2014.src.rpm *a9749822b3291091e0eeed4701313d30./SRPMS.pclosd   904 ?W`  \ B@oBABEBJCfrogr1.21pclos2017Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOMEFrogr is a small application for the GNOME desktop that allows users to manage their accounts in the Flickr image hosting website. It supports all the basic tasks, including uploading pictures, adding descriptions, setting tags and managing sets.&GghostbunnyGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgettextintltoolitstoollib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64soup-devellib64xml2-devellib64exif12-devellib64json-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frogr-1.2-1pclos2017.src.rpm&765b4068141c756b433b0b23848bd682./SRPMS.pclosd " Kt xB@BABEBJ Cfrontdesign-eu6.3.53pclos2022Free CAD software for front panel designFree CAD software for front panel designDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frontdesign-eu-6.3.5-3pclos2022.src.rpma318bfdb0c452018c267d59fd56c1aa7./SRPMS.pclos_d  n B@BA,BE0BJQCdefrostwire6.3.61pclos2016FrostWire Java Based Gnutella ClientFrostWire Java-basierter Gnutella KlientFrostWire is a java gnutella P2P client.FrostWire ist ein Java-Gnutella-P2P-Client.ENetworking/WWWnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frostwire-6.3.6-1pclos2016.src.rpm4de050dde9e1900c942bf05718cca189./SRPMS.pclosgd   Q  B@BA4BE8BJYCfrotz2.441pclos2017An interpreter for all Infocom and other Z-machine gamesFROTZ is an interpreter for all Infocom and other Z-machine games. It complies with standard 1.0 of Graham Nelson's specification. Originally written by Stefan Jokisch in 1995-1997. Ported to Unix by Galen Hazelwood. Reference code and Unix port currently maintained by David Griffith. - Compiles and runs on most common flavors of Unix, both open source and not. - Plays all Z-code games including V6. - Old-style sound support through OSS driver. - Config files. - Configurable error checking. - Default use of the Quetzal file format. Command line option to use the old format. There are several differences between the old-style save format at Quetzal such that converting from old-style and Quetzal is difficult if not impossible. This also means you can't restore an old-style save and then save your game in Quetzal. - Optional speech synthesis and recognition through FLITE and Sphinx. - Distributed under the GNU Public License. Documentation is stored in the /usr/share/doc/frotz folder. For information on what Interactive Fiction is and how to play it, see the file "HOW_TO_PLAY" For installation information, see the file "INSTALL". For information on the speech synthesis and recognition capabilities of Frotz, see the file "SPEECH". For update history, see the file "Changelog". For information on known bugs in Frotz, see the file "BUGS".>bb2 Games/Adventurex86_64 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frotz-2.44-1pclos2017.src.rpmHN8dceae9a18052a51a0031db2a4d7d99e./SRPMS.pclosd # =d hu|&B@@BAlBEpBJCfrozen-bubble2.212.05pclos2018Frozen Bubble arcade gameA Puzzle Bobble / Bust-a-Move like game featuring colorful 3D rendered penguin animations, 100 levels, local and Internet-based multiplayer, a level editor, 3 professional quality digital soundtracks, 15 stereo sound effects, 8 unique graphical transition effects, 8 unique logo eye-candies.Y|Games/Arcadex86_64 glib2-devellibSDL_image-devellibSDL_mixer-develsmpeg-develperl(Alien::SDL)perl(Archive::Extract)perl(Compress::Bzip2)perl(IPC::System::Simple)perl(Locale::Maketext::Extract)perl(SDL)perl(autodie)perl(parent)perl-develSDL_Pango-develperl-Module-Buildperl-File-ShareDirperl-Class-Inspectorperl-Capture-Tinyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1frozen-bubble-2.212.0-5pclos2018.src.rpmY08800328819ea6703b984ef3a0cf6946./SRPMS.pclossd   U B@BA@BEDBJeCfs-uae3.1.661pclos2022Amiga emulator with on-screen GUI and online play supportFS-UAE is an Amiga emulator for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X based on UAE/WinUAE, with a focus on emulating games. Features include emulation of Amiga 500, 1200, 4000, CD32 and CDTV, perfectly smooth scrolling on 50Hz displays, support for floppy images in ADF and IPF formats, CD-ROM images in ISO or BIN/CUE format, mounting folders on your computer as Amiga hard drives, support for Picasso 96 drivers for high-color and high-resolution Workbench displays, and more. A unique feature is support for cross-platform online play. You can now play Amiga games against (or with) friends over the Internet.Emulatorsx86_64 pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libmpeg2)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(zlib)python3-setuptoolsziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fs-uae-3.1.66-1pclos2022.src.rpmW22e3af0e9db6da3370fdef7238f2ddc3./SRPMS.pclosd   S< @QX  U B@nBABEBJCfsarchiver0.8.71pclos2023Safe and flexible file-system backup/deployment toolFSArchiver is a system tool that allows you to save the contents of a file-system to a compressed archive file. The file-system can be restored on a partition which has a different size and it can be restored on a different file-system. Unlike tar/dar, FSArchiver also creates the file-system when it extracts the data to partitions. Everything is checksummed in the archive in order to protect the data. If the archive is corrupt, you just loose the current file, not the whole archive.Archiving/Backupx86_64  e2fsprogse2fsprogs-devellibgcrypt-develliblzo-develpkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(blkid)pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(liblz4)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(libzstd)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!Tf5b5702c5a19b8a68fee797b79110541./SRPMS.pclosOd   ^  0  B@BABE BJACfsearch0.202003251pclos2020Fast file search utility inspired by Everything Search EngineFSearch is a fast file search utility for GNU/Linux operating systems, inspired by Everything Search Engine. It's written in C and based on GTK+3.1File toolsx86_64 gettext-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pcre0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fsearch-0.20200325-1pclos2020.src.rpm6f318f2fdc2429ca3d5b149766dc36674./SRPMS.pclosd   UP T_hxB@BABEBJ Cfslint2.422pclos2013FSlint - a utility to find and clean "lint" on a filesystemFSlint is a utility to find redundant disk usage like duplicate files for example. It can be used to reclaim disk space and fix other problems like file naming issues and bad symlinks etc. It includes a GTK+ GUI as well as a command line interface.;File toolsx86_64 gettextdesktop-file-utilsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fslint-2.42-2pclos2013.src.rpmf136c94ce1bf2a4ca24988bf2407593f./SRPMS.pclos[d   @x |B@BA(BE,BJMCfslsfonts1.0.61pclos2022List fonts served by X font serverFslsfonts lists the fonts that match the given pattern.Development/X11x86_64  libfs-devellibx11-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   @ B@BA8BE<BJ]Cfstobdf1.0.71pclos2022Generate BDF font from X font serverThe fstobdf program reads a font from a font server and generate BDF font.Development/X11x86_64  libfs-devellibx11-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   h B@BA,BE0BJQCfstrcmp0.7.D0011pclos2019Library that is used to make fuzzy comparisons of strings and byte arraysThe fstrcmp project provides a library that is used to make fuzzy comparisons of strings and byte arrays, including multi-byte character strings. This can be useful in error messages, enabling the suggestion of likely valid alternatives. In compilers, this can reduce the cascade of secondary errors.dSystem/Librariesx86_64 grofflibtoolghostscriptrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fstrcmp-0.7.D001-1pclos2019.src.rpmf71e21e5cfaa90798432fcabff03cac6d./SRPMS.pclosd   G PB@[BA|BEBJCftgl2.4.01pclos2023Font rendering library for OpenGL applicationsFTGL is a free, open source library to enable developers to use arbitrary fonts in their OpenGL (www.opengl.org) applications. Unlike other OpenGL font libraries FTGL uses standard font file formats so doesn't need a preprocessing step to convert the high quality font data into a lesser quality, proprietary format. FTGL uses the Freetype (www.freetype.org) font library to open and 'decode' the fonts. It then takes that output and stores it in a format most efficient for OpenGL rendering. Rendering modes supported are: * Bit maps * Anti aliased pix maps * Texture maps * Outlines * Polygon meshes * Extruded polygon meshesSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glu)doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ftgl-2.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm27d6f60e6742bbdafc2ea2a11ddd5a24./SRPMS.pclosCd  3 B@BABEBJ5Cftjam2.5.3rc20.1pclos2022Replacement for makeWe highly recommend that you use FT Jam as it is 100% backwards compatible with classic Jam and can be used as a plug-in replacement for it. Alternatively, FT Jam exists because Perforce hadn't the time to update Jam in a very long time, and we still hope that these improvements will be integrated back to classic Jam as soon as possible.YbDevelopment/Otherx86_64 byaccdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ftjam-2.5.3rc2-0.1pclos2022.src.rpm]ee3c5b2b564f2750b39a3442a7de900c./SRPMS.pclosd   Wd hs|B@BABEBJCftop1.02pclos2015Utility that shows shows progress of open files and file systemsFtop is to files what top is to processes. The progress of all open files file systems can be monitored. The selection of which files to display is possible through a wide assortment of options. As with top, the items are displayed in order from most to least active.zMonitoringx86_64 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ftop-1.0-2pclos2015.src.rpm1d4b9cb9217255c4413c7bfc2e6b9f54./SRPMS.pclos'd  -B@BABEBJCftplib3.12pclos2011FTP Library RoutinesThis package implements a callable interface to FTP. The FTP protocol is specified in RFC 959. System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ftplib-3.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmuc7fff48d42fad3820c927efff4150828./SRPMS.pclos d   `8< nB@BABEBJCftpsync1.802pclos2007Synchronize a remote arborescence from a local directory by using FTP The command ftpsync is a tool allowing incremental and recursive FTP transfer from a local directory to a remote FTP-served directory. We sometimes need to mirror a set of files on a remote ftp server. The perfect tool (rsync) is not always available. Developing a script invoking a standard FTP client software will cause useless transfers (all files again and again even if they have not changed), and taking subdirectories into account will not be easy. ftpsync is the adequate tool because it reduces the amount of data transfered by not transfering a given local file if the remote copy has an newer date (so the copy is already done and up to date) and the same size (transfert completely done). The difference between system clocks is taken into account using the ftp protocol. ftpsync is somewhat "like" the rsync command but it uses the FTP protocol and only transfers local files to a remote FTP server. Moreover it implements the missing 'recursive PUT' FTP command.\Bart the Build Bot Networking/File transfernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ftpsync-1.80-2pclos2007.src.rpme5b1178bcf9fa1911895bd5df1676a189./SRPMS.pclosd % G| B@BABEBJCfuriusisomount0.11.1.21pclos2010CD/DVD Image Mounting ApplicationDescription: An ISO, IMG, BIN, MDF and NRG image management utility Furius ISO Mount is a simple application for mounting .iso, .img, .bin, .mdf and .ng image files without burning them to disk. It provides the following features: - Automatically Mounts ISO, IMG, BIN, MDF and NRG image files. - Automatically creates a mount point in your home directory. - Automatically Unmounts the Image files. - Automatically removes the mount directory to return your home directory to its previous state. - Automatically saves the history of the last 10 images mounted. - Mounts multiple images. - Burn ISO and IMG Files to optical disk. - Generate Md5 and SHA1 checksums. - Automatically retrieves any previously unmounted images. - Automatically generates a log file of all commands needed to mount and unmount images manually.tArchiving/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1furiusisomount-   fd hyB@BABEBJ Cfuse2.9.91pclos2019Interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the kernelFUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the linux kernel. FUSE also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations.@System/Librariesx86_64 libtoolgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fuse-2.9.9-1pclos2019.src.rpmDMfd76f299a72b37e075f28ff649317a06./SRPMS.pclosd   D<@ HchxB@BABEBJCfuse-exfat1.0.13pclos2013Free exFAT file system implementationThis driver is the first free exFAT file system implementation with write support. exFAT is a simple file system created by Microsoft. It is intended to replace FAT32 removing some of it's limitations. exFAT is a standard FS for SDXC memory cards.pinoc32System/Kernel and hardwarei586  fuse-develsconsgziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[f6d71993b06fd43c140afc76d805ba46./SRPMS.pclosd  h ,B@?BA`BEdBJCfuse33.16.11pclos2023Interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the kernelFUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the linux kernel. FUSE also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. This package provides FUSE v3 which can be installed alongside FUSE v2."@System/Librariesx86_64  mesonninjapkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1fuse3-3.16.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm"kN006c8558d81b76b305d6ae6f463aaf94./SRPMS.pclosd   I `B@kBABEBJCfuseiso200707084pclos2019FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem imagesFuseIso is a FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images (.iso files, .bin files, .nrg files..). The main advantage of using this is that you don't have to be root.=File toolsx86_64 pkgconfig(fuse)glib2-develpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fuseiso-20070708-4pclos2019.src.rpmca5e9de820011bad5d6d6911ddcbea6c./SRPMS.pclosd  # 8  ,B@4BA`BEdBJCfusion8.4.01pclos2011pclos2011Fusion kernel moduleSource package to build Fusion kernel module for DKMS and Fusion development headers. Fusion is a high level IPC API providing mechanisms for master/slave environments.5FSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fusion-8.4.0-1pclos2011pclos2011.src.rpm77dae0666168aaa8bbd375772aec94bca./SRPMS.pclosKd ( K B@BABEBJ=Cfusion-icon0.10.20100215.1pclos2011Simple tray icon for compiz fusionfusion-icon is a simple tray icon for compiz fusion.vNSystem/X11noarch desktop-file-utilspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fusion-icon-0.1-0.20100215.1pclos2011.src.rpmye6ddb1f253719e1790056eaf19ba6c9f./SRPMS.pclosd   B @B@PBAtBExBJCfuturesql0.11pclos2023Non-blocking database framework for QtA non-blocking database framework for Qt. FutureSQL was in part inspired by Diesel, and provides a higher level of abstraction than QtSql. Its features include non-blocking database access by default, relatively boilderplate-free queries, automatic database migrations and simple mapping to objects. In order to make FutureSQL's use of templates less confusing, FutureSQL uses C++20 concepts, and requires a C++20 compiler.uSystem/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1futuresql-0.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm 7cb3a84025273353293dc2b6806ceea9./SRPMS.pclosd   D   VB@gBABEBJCfuturesql0.1.11pclos2024Non-blocking database framework for QtA non-blocking database framework for Qt. FutureSQL was in part inspired by Diesel, and provides a higher level of abstraction than QtSql. Its features include non-blocking database access by default, relatively boilderplate-free queries, automatic database migrations and simple mapping to objects. In order to make FutureSQL's use of templates less confusing, FutureSQL uses C++20 concepts, and requires a C++20 compiler.~Graphical desktop/KDEx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1futuresql-0.1.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm:c91b7229d0d42fca8f864217d371fcd1./SRPMS.pclosd   l  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Cfuzemux0.1.22pclos2012Remux avi files into the container format required for playing them on the Fuze.This is a terminal console application. To create video files for the Sansa Fuze (without using the official "Sansa Media Converter", which is Windows-only, produces files with bad A/V sync, and is a bit annoying), the video has to be transcoded to mpeg-4 part 2 video and mp3 audio, with specific codec settings, frame rate, resolution etc., see this thread on the Sandisk forum for details. This can be done using ffmpeg or mencoder. However the Fuze also requires a very specific structure for the AVI xontainer format and cannot play the AVI files created using mencoder or most other video encoders. Although remuxing them using the AVI-Mux GUI application creates playable files, the Fuze still has some problems with these files and sometimes crashes during seeking. The purpose of fuzemux is therefore to remux avi files into the exact container format required for playing them on the Fuze.NealVideox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fuzemux-0.1.2-2pclos2012.src.rpm0b959b8870d1b6a7b6947388d6a084fbb./SRPMS.pclosd  Pd h   B@BABEBJCfvwm22.6.92pclos2022An improved version of the FVWM X-based window manager FVWM2 (the F stands for whatever you want, but the VWM stands for Virtual Window Manager) is an extremely powerful ICCCM-compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager for the X Window system. It is designed to minimize memory consumption while being highly customizable.7QmGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 flexlibx11-devellibxt-devellibxft-devellibxpm-devellibpng-devellib64readline-devellibtermcap-devellibfribidi-devellibstroke-devellibrsvg-devellibxinerama-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fvwm2-2.6.9-2pclos2022.src.rpm6Jd4159987f8664786e5da4eb918927c58./SRPMS.pcloscd % 6`d iB@BA0BE4BJUCdefwbuilder5.1.0.35991pclos2012Firewall BuilderFirewall Builder consists of a GUI and set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. It helps users maintain a database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations. GUI generates firewall description in the form of XML file, which compilers then interpret and generate platform-specific code. Several algorithms are provided for automated network objects discovery and bulk import of data. The GUI and policy compilers are completely independent, this provides for a consistent abstract model and the same GUI for different firewall platforms.Firewall Builder besteht aus einer GUI und einer Reihe von Compiler Strategien für verschiedene Firewall-Plattformen. Es hilft Benutzern, bei der Verwaltung einer Datenbank von Objekten und ermöglicht die Richtlinien durch einfache Drag-and-Drop-Operationen zu bearbeiten. Die GUI generiert Firewall Regeln in Form von XML-Dateien, welche vom Compiler dann interpretiert, und in den Plattform-spezifischen Code generiert werden. Verschiedene Algorithmen werden für automatisierte Netzwerkobjekt Erkennung und für den Massenimport von Daten unterstützt. Die GUI und stratigischen Compiler sind völlig unabhängig, dies stellt die Gleichmäßigkeit verschiedener Modelle und die gleiche GUI für Windows-Firewall-Plattformen sicher.L7QNealSystem/Configuration/Networkingi586 libxml2-devellibxslt-devellibopenssl-devellibqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fwbuilder-   `04 U`hxB@BABEBJCfwlogwatch1.13pclos2007Firewall log analyzer, report generator and realtime response agentfwlogwatch produces ipchains, netfilter/iptables, ipfilter, Cisco IOS and Cisco PIX log summary reports in text and HTML form and has a lot of options to find and display relevant patterns in connection attempts. With the data found it can also generate customizable incident reports from a template and send them to abuse contacts at offending sites or CERT coordination centers. Finally, it can also run as daemon and report anomalies or start countermeasures.pTexstar Monitoringi586 flexgettextzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fwlogwatch-1.1-3pclos2007.src.rpmxq82a380e7f411741d26ea64744c27953f./SRPMS.pclosd  1 "H"Q"B@BABEBJCfwupd1.9.151pclos2025Firmware update daemonfwupd is a simple daemon to allow session software to update device firmware on your local machine.BTerryNSystem/Boot and Initx86_64  bash-completioncurlgi-docgengnutls-develgtk-doclib64flashrom-devellib64girepository-devellib64gpgme-devellib64usb1.0-devellibarchive-devellibcbor-devellibdrm-devellibgudev-devellibgusb-devellibjcat-devellibpango-devellibxmlb-develpolkit-develprotobuf-c-develpython3python3-cairopython3-gobject3python3-jinja2python3-markdownpython3-packagingpython3-smartypantspython3-tomlipython3-typogrifyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sqlite3-develtpm2-tss-develvala-develvalgrind-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1fwupd-1.9.15-1pclos2025.src.rpmBc55014ad0fd21cfcfa4ad3539c8b177e./SRPMS.pclos d   6` dB@BABEBJCfxload2002_04_111pclos2013EZ-USB utility programThis package contains utilities for downloading firmware to EZ-USB devices. EZ-USB devices use 8051-based microcontrollers that have been enhanced with registers, buffers, and other device-side support for USB transactions. It currently supports devices based on the Anchorchips EZ-USB, as well as the Cypress EZ-USB FX (which is almost completely source compatible) and EZ-USB FX2 (which is not). All of these support full speed (12 Mbit/sec) transfers. The FX2 also supports high speed (480 Mbit/s) transfers, introduced in USB 2.0. This version of FXLOAD supports optional use of two-stage loading, where special device firmware is used to support writing into off-chip memory such as RAM (when firmware neeeds more than about 8 KBytes of code and data) or, for firmware development, I2C serial EEPROM.[System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1fxload-2002_04_11-1pclos2013.src.rpmc14bdb5567964f44b09cf8d9d7f26f160./SRPMS.pclosd   O  $5<PB@BABEBJCg-wrap1.9.69pclos2007A tool for creating Scheme interfaces to C librariesg-wrap is a tool for creating Scheme interfaces to C libraries. At the moment it is most heavily focused on providing access to C libraries from guile, but it also supports RScheme. Thac System/Librariesi586  guile-develglib2-devellibffi-develautomake1.9rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 2c3da996ee310269ab4005c71f18160b./SRPMS.pclosd  \ :B@FBAlBEpBJCg15composer3.21pclos2013Scriptable command interface to libg15render drawing functionsG15composer is a scriptable command interface to the libg15render drawing functions that outputs to a g15daemon screen. G15composer exposes all graphics primitives and text rendering functions of libg15render so that they may be used in a variety of situations, including from the command line or in virtually any scripting language.System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 bisonflexg15daemon_client-develg15render-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1g15composer-3.2-1pclos2013.src.rpmc327f0e7d5f703adebec5fad384a821f./SRPMS.pclosOd   H B@BABE BJACg15daemon1.9.5.32pclos2013Daemon to control logitech G15 keyboardsG15daemon controls the G15 keyboard, allowing the use of all keys through the linux kernel uinput device driver. It also controls the use of the keyboard's LCD display, allows multiple, simultaneous client applications to connect, and gives the user the ability to switch between client apps at the press of a button.spinocSystem/Serversx86_64 g15-develg15render-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1g15daemon-Ў26c991e520158aa2d13d2d82696bba58./SRPMS.pclosd   N qB@BABEBJCg15macro1.0.31pclos2007Simple Macro recording/playback app for G15DaemonA simple Macro recording/playback app for G15Daemon. Requires X11, libg15render, and the XTEST extension headers to compile, and XTEST extension in order to function. Features: - records both keyboard and mouse activity, playback via 'G' hotkey - up to 56 macros can be created (using the 'M' keys to select a palette). - Each macro can have up to 128 stepsiSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586 g15-develg15daemon_client-develg15render-develX11-develx11-proto-devellibxtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1g15macro-1.0.3-1pclos2007.src.rpmrb7c795780046d43ad35ec0d32f18d0fe./SRPMS.pclos3d   [< @^dxB@BABEBJ%Cg15message1.0.01pclos2007Simple message/alert tool for g15daemon and the Logitech G15A simple message/alert tool for g15daemon and the Logitech G15. By default (with no additional options) it will display the text on the commandline for 5seconds, then exit. Requires libg15render devel package to compile._System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 g15-develg15daemon_client-develg15render-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1g15message-1.0.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmf8ea4287c79c4826b199a9ec73aa72a83./SRPMS.pclosCd   b< @^d|B@BABEBJ5Cg15mpd1.0.02pclos2009Simple frontend for the MPD Media Player Daemon, for use with g15daemonA simple frontend for the MPD Media Player Daemon, for use with g15daemon. Features: - Artist/Title Info is displayed - Track time elapsed/total time is displayed, with a completion bar. - Random and Repeat modes are available. - Multimedia keys are usable when run from X. Caveats: - Requires MPD to be running in the background. - In order for multimedia keys to function, the frontend must be run from X11, either in a console, or at X login. - Requires that X11 has been configured to understand the mediakeys, either via the g15daemon xmodmap file, or a similar keyboard being selected in X configuration. - Currently, playlist management is not available, so another mpd frontend will be required to create one.dSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586 g15-develg15daemon_client-develg15render-devellibmpd-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1g15mpd-1.0.0-2pclos2009.src.rpmlfbfab8de4514ed41be2c5b3405953ebf./SRPMS.pclosd   R JB@TBAtBExBJCg2clib1.4.01pclos2016GRIB2 encoder/decoder and search/indexing routines in CThis library contains "C" decoder/encoder routines for GRIB edition 2. The user API for the GRIB2 routines is described in file "grib2c.doc".upinocSciences/Mathematicsi586 libpng-develjasper-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1g2clib-1.4.0-1pclos2016.src.rpmd2d83dab39b1096dc34b85429d4d3c51b./SRPMS.pclosd   @ $B@,BALBEPBJqCg2p0.04.32pclos2010G2P is a tool to get the music you wantG2P is a tool, written entirely in Python, that helps you get the music you want. G2P opens a web browser and uses not-so-obvious Google searches to get the music you want._Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1g2p-0.04.3-2pclos2010.src.rpme,32b8e21676bd10486504166fc5be7050./SRPMS.pclosd   Z8 <BLTB@BABEBJCgAny2DVD0.1.72pclos2009gAny2DVD is an easy tool to create DVDs from your video filesgAny2DVD is a graphical Gtk2 application that can convert any of your video files supported by your installation of 'mplayer' into MPEG2 format suitable for creating DVD's. A simple DVD authoring tool is included as well. Ypu need to have mplayer, mencoder and dvdauthor installed in order to run gAny2DVD. NOTE: If you intend to mux text subtitles (.sub, srt) into creating .mpeg2 file, you need to put some TrueType (*.ttf) font into your .spumux/ directory in your home.oVideonoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gAny2DVD-0.1.7-2pclos2009.src.rpmsef0992eb502d87d476aa25d87125a7d0./SRPMS.pclosd   X 7B@DBAhBElBJCdegabedit2.4.01pclos2012GUI for computational chemistryGUI für ChemieinformatikGabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like Gamess-US, Gaussian, Molcas, Molpro, MPQC, OpenMopac, PCGamess and Q-ChemGabedit ist eine grafische Benutzerschnittstelle zu Chemieinformatikpaketen wie Gamess-US, Gaussian, Molcas, Molpro, MPQC, OpenMopac, PCGamess und Q-Cheml;NealSciences/Chemistryi586 libjpeg62-devellibgtk+2.0_0-devellibmesaglu1-devellibgtkglext-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gabedit-2.4.0-1pclos2012.src.rpms6dd739fb2722a62add2ae0a6b1cf9199./SRPMS.pclos;d  4tx B@BABE BJ-Cgaddr1.1.46pclos2007Simple little address bookgaddr is a nice simple little address book written using GTK+.Texstar Officei586 gnome-libs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gaddr-1.1.4-6pclos2007.src.rpmfb3d1badab85b7c691d831c9660e999e./SRPMS.pclosd  V rB@BABEBJCgadmin-bind0.2.52pclos2014GADMIN-BIND -- A GTK+ administation tool for ISC BIND.GADMIN-BIND is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for ISC BIND.5Networking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-bind-0.2.5-2pclos2014.src.rpmnbf2981d717156d5a88e40ac6ecb850e2./SRPMS.pclosd # | JB@XBABEBJCdegadmin-dhcpd0.5.22pclos2014GADMIN-DHCPD -- A GTK+ administation tool for the ISC DHCPD server.GADMIN-DHCPD - ist ein GTK+ Administration Anwendung für den ISC DHCPD ServerGADMIN-DHCPD is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the ISC DHCPD server.GADMIN-DHCPD ist ein schnelle und einfach zu bedienende Administration Anwendung für den ISC DHCPD Server.aNetworking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-dhcpd-0.5.2-2pclos2014.src.rpm947fa1dc9a5181591e7576f70d4f5e37./SRPMS.pclosd  d B@BABEBJCgadmin-httpd0.1.51pclos2014GAdmin-HTTPD - A GTK+ administation tool for the Apache Web server.Gadmin-HTTPD is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the Apache Webserver.ϸNetworking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-httpd-0.1.5-1pclos2014.src.rpmc3b09b3947931425f1473e423cac43036./SRPMS.pclosd ) t B@BABEBJ Cgadmin-openvpn-client0.1.91pclos2014GAdmin-OpenVPN-Client -- A GTK+ administation tool for the OpenVPN client.Gadmin-OpenVPN-Client is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the OpenVPN client.Networking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-openvpn-client-0.1.9-1pclos2014.src.rpm|b3a045b6b950c153f8fac393ab70aca6./SRPMS.pclosd ) t B@BABEBJ Cgadmin-openvpn-server0.1.61pclos2014GAdmin-OpenVPN-Server -- A GTK+ administation tool for the OpenVPN server.Gadmin-OpenVPN-Server is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the OpenVPN server.Networking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-openvpn-server-0.1.6-1pclos2014.src.rpm9dae286bf8f48e413b0540613391c82e./SRPMS.pclosd " f B@BABEBJCgadmin-proftpd0.4.61pclos2014GADMIN-ProFTPD -- A GTK+ administation tool for the ProFTPD server.GADMIN-ProFTPD is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the proftpd standalone server.Networking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-proftpd-0.4.6-1pclos2014.src.rpmed746468bfd63b1516f5637db3eb53fc./SRPMS.pclosd # t xBB@PBAxBE|BJCdegadmin-rsync0.1.91pclos2014GAdmin-Rsync - An easy to use GTK+ frontend for the rsync backup client and server.Gadmin-Rsync - GTK +-Frontend für den rsync-Backup-Client und Server.GAdmin-Rsync - An easy to use GTK+ frontend for the rsync backup client and server.Gadmin-Rsync - Ein einfach zu bedienendes GTK +-Frontend für den rsync-Backup-Client und Server.IArchiving/Backupx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-rsync-0.1.9-1pclos2014.src.rpmĪ3416f3dc146c0938e9d529ea915d68b2./SRPMS.pclosd # d hy2B@@BAhBElBJCdegadmin-samba0.3.41pclos2014GADMIN-SAMBA -- A GTK+ administration tool for the SAMBA server.GADMIN-SAMBA - ein GTK+ Administration Anwendung für den SAMBA ServerGADMIN-SAMBA is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the SAMBA server.GADMIN-SAMBA ist eine schnelle und einfache GTK+ Administration Anwendung für den SAMBA Server.JpNetworking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-samba-0.3.4-1pclos2014.src.rpmLcbaed299b30894566859fb0128b99ce9./SRPMS.pclosd # l B@BABEBJCgadmin-sendmail0.0.41pclos2014GAdmin-Sendmail - A GTK+ administation tool for the Sendmail mailserver.Gadmin-Sendmail is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the Sendmail mailserver.ZNetworking/Mailx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-sendmail-0.0.4-1pclos2014.src.rpmbfc9826c2faacbb8f42fbd176fc88faf./SRPMS.pclosd # p t>B@LBAtBExBJCdegadmin-squid0.1.41pclos2014GADMIN-SQUID -- A GTK+ administation tool for the Squid proxy server.Gadmin-Squid ein GTK+ Administrationstool für den Squid Proxy ServerGADMIN-SQUID is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the Squid proxy server.Gadmin-Squid ist ein schneller und einfacher GTK+ Administrationstool für den Squid Proxy Server.Networking/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gadmin-squid-0.1.4-1pclos2014.src.rpmֺ598ceb0a52466aac59ded0a138c1ba26./SRPMS.pclosSd   l pB@BA BE$BJECdegajim1.0.32pclos2021Gajim is a featured and easy to use Jabber clientGajim ist ein in PyGTK geschriebener Jabber-ClientThe goal of Gajim is to provide a full featured and easy to use Jabber client written in PyGtk. Gajim works nicely with GNOME, but does not require it to run. It is released under the GNU General Public License. ============================== Optional runtime dependencies: ============================== => gspell => gstreamer1.0-plugins-base => lib64farstream0.2_5 => lib64geoclue2_0 => lib64gupnp-igd1.0_4 => lib64secret1_0 => lib64xscrnsaver1 => python3-docutils => python3-idna => python3-keyring => python3-pillow ==============================Gajim ist ein freier Sofortnachrichten Instant Messaging(Sofortnachrichten)-Client für Jabber- bzw. XMPP-Netzwerke. Er ist in Python geschrieben und verwendet GTK+. Gajim möchte einen leistungsstarken und einfach zu benutzenden XMPP-Client für GTK+-Benutzer bereitstellen. Dabei benötigt es nicht zwangsläufig Gnome. Benutzer mit gehobenen Ansprüchen finden mit der XML-Konsole ein praktisches Mittel zur Betrachtung der einzelnen XML-Pakete.FkNetworking/Instant messagingnoarch desktop-file-utilspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gajim-1.0.3-2pclos2021.src.rpmF 2eac0ece5b57b3647599960a43d284c2./SRPMS.pclosd ! 6 )B@<BAdBEhBJCgalago-sharp0.5.010pclos2010Galago Mono bindingsThis are the Mono/.NET bindings for the Galago desktop presence framework. Development/Otheri586  libgalago-develmono-develgtk-sharp2-develglib-sharp2libxslt-procautomake1.8rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) .efcd3606b20aa447769b9b5081701e18./SRPMS.pclosd ! D04 LRXmB@BABEBJCgalan0.3.00.beta7.4pclos2007Graphical audio processing toolkitUsing gAlan is much like setting up an effects-chain for, say, a guitar. You choose the effects units you wish to use, lay them out, and then connect them to each other, starting with the guitar, threading through the effects, and ending up at the amplifier (and ultimately the speakers). It's not just limited to acting as an effects-chain, though. You can also configure it (using the same basic principles) to act as a mixer, a sample-sequencer or drum machine, or a synthesiser capable of emulating various analogue systems. The examples page and the tutorial provide some descriptions of some of the ways gAlan can be used. The User Guide has a section on common motifs in mesh design which may also give an impression of how gAlan works.yThac Soundi586 libalsa-devellibaudiofile-develpkgconfiglibesound-devellibvorbis-develgtk2-develgtkglarea-devellibgdk-pixbuf2-develliblrdf-develjackit-devellibsndfile-develmesaglu-develfftw2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1galan-0.3.0-0.beta7.4pclos2007.src.rpm3dfae02af14e25c35b9b435671f23f46./SRPMS.pclosd   Q  $0kB@uBABEBJCdegalaxy2.11pclos2012Stellar simulation programSternensimulationsprogrammGalaxy is a stellar simulation program. Watch a few "stars" move around each-other, steered only by their mutual attractions, or watch thousands of random stars evolve into a spiral galaxy.Galaxy ist ein Sternensimulator. Beobachte ein paar "Sterne" wie sie sich umeinander bewegen, nur gesteuert von ihrer gegenseitigen Anziehungskraft, oder beobachte tausende von zufälligen Sternen, die sich in einer Spiralgalaxie bilden.KNealSciences/Astronomyx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1galaxy-2.1-1pclos2012.src.rpm7fb39de8f994896498033dba9b3f8b29./SRPMS.pclos3d   E@ DKThB@BABEBJ%Cgalculator2.1.41pclos2018Galculator is a GTK 2 based calculatorGalculator is a calculator that features two user modes: basic and scientific mode. Basic mode is intended for simple computations. Only the most important operations and functions are available in algebraic mode as well as in Reverse Polish Mode.",Officex86_64 quadmath-develpkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)lib64glade2.0_0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1galculator-2.1.4-1pclos2018.src.rpm(5c41d250a24451f9e80673558018f2ab./SRPMS.pclosd " < B@BABEBJCgalternatives0.13.51pclos2018Alternatives ConfiguratorGraphical setup tool for the alternatives system. A GUI to help the system administrator to choose what program should provide a given service.System/Configuration/Packagingnoarch pygtk2.0-develpygtk2.0-libgladepython-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1galternatives-0.13.5-1pclos2018.src.rpm88e3cad7844571861c459675dfdccd81./SRPMS.pclosd   ] EE EB@XBA|BEBJCgambas33.16.21pclos2021Complete IDE based on a BASIC interpreter with object extensionsGambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). With Gambas, you can quickly design your program GUI, access MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, translate your program into many languages, create network applications easily, build RPMs of your apps automatically, and so on...lDevelopment/Otherx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtooldesktop-file-utilsimagemagickxdg-utilspkgconfig(bzip2)gettext-develgmp-develpkgconfig(libjpeg)mysql-develpkgconfig(odbc)pkgconfig(alure)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(gmime-2.6)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtkglext-1.0)pkgconfig(imlib2)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libpq)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libv4l1)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(poppler)pkgconfig(poppler-cpp)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(poppler-qt5)pkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(SDL_image)pkgconfig(SDL_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL_ttf)SDL_sound-develpkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)pkgconfig(sqlite)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xtst)qt4-develpkgconfig(QtWebKit)qttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKit)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gambas3-3.16.2-1pclos2021.src.rpmz36521f3a39e63bb8da4dca547daa9884./SRPMS.pclosd " ? OB@[BABEBJCgame-music-emu0.6.32pclos2021Game Music Emulators libraryThis is a collection of video game music file emulators that supports a variety of formats and systems.Agent Smith System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64sdl2.0-develzlib1-devellibubsan-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1game-music-emu-0.6.3-2pclos2021.src.rpme02847d4fb74c2264a80d8f350806210./SRPMS.pclosd  _l p  6 B@FBAhBElBJCgamgi0.14.61pclos2010GAMGI is a package to build, visualize and analyse atomic structuresGAMGI is an object-oriented program aiming to handle all aspects directly related with building, viewing and analysing atomic strucures, such as molecules, crystals, glasses, liquids, etc. GAMGI supports the 230 crystallographic space groups, and can be used to perform point symmetry and 3D Voronoi analysis. GAMGI supports multiple windows, layers, and lights, and offers maximum control over even low-level objects as atoms, bonds and text objects. GAMGI comes with extensive XHTML documentation that can be seen with a browser or GAMGI itself, from the local computer or from a remote http or ftp site, as www.gamgi.org. GAMGI also comes with hundreds of files describing relevant molecules, clusters and cellsi, in GAMGI XML native format, that can be loaded out-of-the-box.Sciences/Chemistryi586 gtkglext-develatk-develpango-develdesktop-file-utilsexpat-devellibfreetype6-develcairo-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gamgi-0.14.6-1pclos2010.src.rpmG85b71f68609cf57da827733779b2d31f./SRPMS.pclosd  P  UB@gBABEBJCgamin0.1.108pclos2024Library providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor APIThis C library provides an API and ABI compatible file alteration monitor mechanism compatible with FAM but not dependent on a system wide daemon.OMonitoringx86_64  glib2-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gamin-0.1.10-8pclos2024.src.rpmpb1198c04a4d71bfd9abdcd0a63b57715./SRPMS.pclosd    ? B@BABEBJCgamine1.13pclos2011An interactive game for young childrenGamine is a game designed for 2 years old children who are not able to use a keyboard. The child uses the mouse to draw coloured dots and lines on the screen.K~Educationi586 libgtk+2.0_0-develpkgconfiglibxml2-develgettextlibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibcairo-develGConf2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gamine-1.1-3pclos2011.src.rpmK0df84b8ce1a55c5991f39180e2df8543./SRPMS.pclosd   7$ (FP\B@BABEBJCgammapage0.5.12pclos2010A gamma-adjusting utilityA gamma-adjusting utility for your monitor. Written in Python using GTK and pyGTK. Able to adjust gamma on the fly and save settings to be used at each login (on a per-user basis. GAMMApage will only write to the user's home directory.)bSystem/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch python-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gammapage-0.5.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmi3732f1a9ec1e8d98e9e9fbc796ab7170./SRPMS.pclosd      i B@{BABEBJCdegammu1.35.02pclos2021Mobile phones tools for Unix (Linux) and Win32Mobiltelefon-Werkzeuge für Unix (Linux) und Win32Gammu can do such things with cellular phones as making data calls, updating the address book, changing calendar and ToDo entries, sending and receiving SMS messages, loading and getting ring tones and pictures (different types of logos), synchronizing time, enabling NetMonitor, managing WAP settings and bookmarks and much more. Functions depend on the phone model.Gammu kann etliche Dinge mit Mobiltelefonen tun, z. B.: Datenanrufe tätigen, das Adressbuch aktualisieren, den Kalender und ToDo Einträge ändern, SMS empfangen und senden, Klingeltöne und Bilder laden und empfangen (verschiedene Arten von Logos), Zeitsynchronisierung, den Netzmonitor aktivieren, WAP-Einstellungen und Lesezeichen verwalten und vieles mehr. Die Funktionen sind abhängig vom Telefon-Modell.KCommunicationsx86_64 libbluez-develcmakedoxygengettext-develcurl-develmysql-develpostgresql13-develpython-develdbi-develusb1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gammu-1.35.0-2pclos2021.src.rpmM4555ad19484e8d33b16181476cdf748c./SRPMS.pclos7d ! Th ls|B@BABEBJ)Cganttproject2.8.111pclos2024Desktop tool for project scheduling and managementGanttProject is a cross-platform desktop tool for project scheduling and management. It runs on Windows, Linux and MacOSX, it is free and its code is opensource. It can do: * Gantt chart: create work breakdown structure, draw dependencies, define milestones. * Resources: assign human resources to work on tasks, see their allocation on the Resource Load chart. * PERT chart: generate PERT chart from Gantt chart. * Export: save charts as PNG images, generate PDF and HTML reports. * Interoperate: import projects from and export them to Microsoft Project formats. Export to spreadsheets with CSV. * Collaborate: share projects with your colleagues using WebDAV.NOfficex86_64  dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)unzip3.0.4-14.6.0-1ganttproject-2.8.11-1pclos2024.src.rpm~ce3e9f44afaf2c3385fd2264bb73e1e4./SRPMS.pcloswd   8 B@ BADBEHBJiCganyremote5.121pclos2011GTK frontend for anyRemotegAnyRemote package is GTK GUI frontend for anyRemote. It provides remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection.UGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ganyremote-5.12-1pclos2011.src.rpm94e1c51574b4f5f51a6befc6e7a0e392./SRPMS.pclosod   I( ,CLlB@BA<BE@BJaCgarcon4.20.01pclos2025Xfce's freedesktop.org compliant menu libraryGarcon is an implementation of the freedesktop.org menu specification replacing the former Xfce menu library libxfce4menu. It is based on GLib/GIO only and aims at covering the entire specification except for legacy menus.=@Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  intltoollib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64xfce4ui2-devellib64xfce4util-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1garcon-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm3B8f3a960dae01b591c388102ab9aa435c./SRPMS.pclosd    9 ',8jB@tBABEBJCgarlic1.61pclos2007Free molecular viewer and editorGarlic is a full-featured molecular viewer and editor. It is intended mainly for biological macromolecules (proteins and DNA) in PDB format. It can also render high-quality images for presentations or publishing.Sciences/Chemistryi586 ImageMagickX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1garlic-1.6-1pclos2007.src.rpm*6de6395c87cf3ba3e226d49bb739a44f./SRPMS.pclosd " L   q B@BABEBJCgarmin-plugin0.3.211pclos2013Garmin Communicator Plugin port for LinuxThis browser plugin has the same methods and properties as the official Garmin Communicator Plugin (http://www8.garmin.com/products/communicator/). It can be used to transfer GPX files (Geocache Descriptions) to your garmin device using the official Garmin Javascript API. Its functionality depends on the device you use. - Edge305/Forerunner305: ReadFitnessData, ReadGpsData, No write support - Edge705/Oregon/Dakota: ReadFitnessData, ReadGpsData, Write Gpx files - Edge800: ReadFitnessData, Write Gpx/Tcx Files - Other devices: Executes external command to write Gpx to device%Communicationsx86_64 pkgconfigtinyxml-develgarmintools-devellib64usb-compat0.1-develzlib-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64xulrunner-devellibgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1garmin-plugin-0.3.21-1pclos2013.src.rpmc9c6023857be2f347698bc39bfec6c68./SRPMS.pclosWd   O B@BA$BE(BJICgarmindev0.3.41pclos2013Drivers for communication with Garmin GPS devicesDrivers for communication with Garmin GPS devices used by QLandkarteGT.Pnpinoc32System/Librariesi586 cmakelibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1garmindev-0.3.4-1pclos2013.src.rpmVo1c9ab22e462660d057a50d85da1731fe./SRPMS.pclosd  E #B@-BATBEXBJyCgarmintools0.101pclos2013Communication tools for Garmin devicesThis software provides Linux users with the ability to communicate with the Garmin Forerunner 305 via the USB interface. All of the documented Garmin protocols as of Rev C (May 19, 2006) for the USB physical link implemented. This means that if you have a Garmin with a USB connection to a PC, you ought to be able to use this software to communicate with it.pinocCommunicationsx86_64 lib64usb1.0-devellib64usb-compat0.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1garmintools-0.10-1pclos2013.src.rpmg93424d28216a26485a2d8d07ed90b2d5./SRPMS.pclosd# . g FB@PBABEBJCdegartoon-redux-icon-theme1.112pclos2013Gartoon Redux Gnome Icon ThemeGartoon Redux SymbolthemaCartoon-style SVG icon theme based on Gartoon. Gartoon Redux is an expanded version of the Gartoon theme, with dozens of new icons. PNG renderings of the SVG icons are also provided.SVG Symbolthema im Cartoon-Stil basieren auf Gartoon. Gartoon Redux ist eine erweiterte Version des Gartoon-Themas, mit dutzenden neuen Symbolen. Nach PNG gerenderte SVG Symbole werden ebenso angeboten.Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch librsvg2perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gartoon-redux-icon-theme-1.11-2pclos2013.src.rpm2c5ef0da60ed1b9e560c79daee78a8eb./SRPMS.pclosd   l 08LB@BABEBJCdegastify1.3.01pclos2010Gastify - call-notification for gtkGastify - Anruf Benachrichtigung für GTKGastify is a client for app_notify, an asterisk extension. It sits in the notification-area of the gnome-panel and displays a libnotify popup when a call arrives. By the way it logs all calls.Gastify ist ein Client für App_Benachrichtigung mit Sternchen Erweiterung. Es nistet sich in den Systemabschnitt der Gnome Leiste ein und öffnet ein Popup Fenster bei eingehende Anrufe. Ausserdem wird jeder Anruf protokolliert.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk2-devellibnotify1-develgettextpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gastify-1.3.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmub10ab3ee4bbc396cd71da34109ff9c76./SRPMS.pclosKd    K@ DJTtB@BABEBJ=Cgaupol1.72pclos2022Gaupol is an editor for text-based subtitle files.Gaupol supports multiple subtitle file formats and provides means of correcting texts and timing subtitles to match video. The user interface is designed with attention to batch processing of multiple documents and convenience of translating.һVideonoarch  python3-develdesktop-file-utilspython3-setuptoolsdoxygenintltoolgettextimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)33.0.4-1gaupol-1.7-2pclos2022.src.rpm558c3b8d94f6eecd91b7701ffbfa7f83e./SRPMS.pclosd   Q BB@NBAlBEpBJCgavl1.4.03pclos2019A library for handling uncompressed audio and video dataGavl is a library for handling and converting uncompressed audio and video data. It provides datatypes for audio/video formats and standardized structures to store the data. It supports converting between all formats. Some conversion functions are available in multiple versions (MMX...), which are selected by compile time configuration, CPU autodetection and user options.5LSystem/Librariesx86_64 libtooldoxygenlibpng-devellibgdither-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gavl-1.4.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm5Qa45153999d36753dc83de51aa192fcc5./SRPMS.pclosd   K8 <GP   B@6BATBEXBJyCgawk5.3.11pclos2024The GNU version of the awk text processing utilityThe gawk packages contains the GNU version of awk, a text processing utility. Awk interprets a special-purpose programming language to do quick and easy text pattern matching and reformatting jobs. Gawk should be upwardly compatible with the Bell Labs research version of awk and is almost completely compliant with the 1993 POSIX 1003.2 standard for awk. Install the gawk package if you need a text processing utility. Gawk is considered to be a standard Linux tool for processing text.GxText toolsx86_64  autoconfautomakebyaccgettext-devellibsigsegv-devellibtoollocales-enmpfr-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1gawk-5.3.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmG3f64fc7b4dec9e8d38f2115f54c1dda7./SRPMS.pclosod   R B@BA<BE@BJaCgazpacho0.7.21pclos2009Clone of the glade designer written in python and gtkThis program allows you to create the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of your GTK+ program in a visual way. Yes, it is a Glade-3 clone. It is compatible with libglade and it's on its early stages of development. Gazpacho is part of the Gruppy framework but is not dependent of any part of it so you can use it by its own.uuDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pygtk2.0-develpython-kiwidesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gazpacho-0.7.2-1pclos2009.src.rpmf439841f7594e6d51d6298c769c16ef7./SRPMS.pclosd   : $B@,BALBEPBJqCgbonds2.0.22pclos2007Bond Tracking Program for GNOMEGBonds is a savings bond inventory program for GNOME. It can track the current redemption value and performance of both individual bonds and an entire inventory, and print out that inventory (so you can keep a permanent record in a separate location). The program can track savings notes and series E, EE, and I savings bonds, and can use U.S. Treasury Department redemption files without modification.RTexstar Financei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gbonds-2.0.2-2pclos2007.src.rpmb679b2de6f3343954189f57026c6d07a./SRPMS.pclosSd     ,  B@BA BE$BJECdegbrainy2.2.31pclos2014A brain teaser game to have fun and to keep your brain trainedEin Spiel das Spass macht und gleichzeitig das Gehirn trainiert.gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer written for GNOME using Mono, C# and Cairo. Its mission is to provide a platform for creating different kinds of brain-teasers and brain trainer games for GNOME. It provides the following types of games: * Logic puzzles. Games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental calculation. Games based on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory trainers. Games designed to challenge your short term memory.gbrainy ist ein Spiel zum Trainieren des Gehirns, geschrieben für GNOME unter Verwendung von Mono, C# und Cairo. Die Mission des Programms ist es eine Plattform zu bieten, für die verschiedenen Arten von Reizen, die das Gehirn beeinflussen und ein Gehirntrainerspiel für GNOME. Es bietet die folgenden Spieletypen: * Logikpuzzels. Spiele die Ihr logisches Denken fördern. * Kopfrechnen. Spiele die auf arithmetischen Operationen basieren und dadurch Ihre Kopfrechenfähigkeiten fördern. * Gedächtnistrainer. Spiele die das Kurzzeitgedächtnis trainieren.tghostbunnyGames/Otheri586 mono-develmono-addins-develgnome-doc-utilsgnome-sharp2gtk-sharp2-develglade-sharp2librsvg-develperl-XML-Parserintltoollibpthread-stubsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gbrainy-2.2.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmHe799ac35604852d785a2d74e83391a94./SRPMS.pcloswd   ; B@'BADBEHBJiCgc8.2.41pclos2023Conservative garbage collector for CBoehm's GC is a garbage collecting storage allocator that is intended to be used as a plug-in replacement for C's malloc. ]System/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gc-8.2.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm 4e149c5eb58aab29ec42328c48d608479./SRPMS.pclosd   K  (B@BABEBJCgcab1.41pclos2022Tool and library mainly made to create Cabinet filesTool and library mainly made to create Cabinet files. - creation supports plain and basic MSZIP compression - can open and list files from cabinet, no extraction7Development/Databasesx86_64 git-coremesonvala-toolspkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcab-1.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm=L362ca8248731c082c2bfd436af883491./SRPMS.pclosd   K  ,B@BABEBJCgcab1.61pclos2024Tool and library mainly made to create Cabinet filesTool and library mainly made to create Cabinet files. - creation supports plain and basic MSZIP compression - can open and list files from cabinet, no extractionHYDevelopment/Databasesx86_64  gitmesonpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1gcab-1.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmjca9d656a284e14d27229394595a2f59f./SRPMS.pclosd$ / i $ X / B@VBA|BEBJCpldefressrnlgcalctool6.6.21pclos2020GNOME desktop calculatorKalkulator dla środowiska GNOMEGcalctool is a desktop calculator. It has Basic, Financial and Scientific modes. Internally it uses multiple precision arithmetic to produce results to a high degree of accuracy.Gcalctool jest kalkulatorem biurkowym. Ma podstawowe, finansowe i naukowe funkcje.GNOME Arbeitsflächen Rechnergcalctool ist ein Arbeitsflächen-Rechner Er hat Grund-, Finanz- und Wissenschaftsmodi. Intern nutzt er multiple Präzisionsarithmetik um ein hohes Maß an Genauigkeit zu erreichen.Gcalctool est une calculatrice de bureau. Il a de base, financier et scientifique modes. En interne, il utilise une arithmétique en précision multiple pour produire des résultats à un degré élevé de précision.Gcalctool est une calculatrice de bureau. Il a de base, financier et scientifique modes. En interne, il utilise une arithmétique en précision multiple pour produire des résultats à un degré élevé de précision.Гцалцтоол је стони калкулатор. То је основни, финансијске и научно модови. Интерно користи више прецизност аритметике до резултатима на висок степен прецизности.Gcalctool is een desktop rekenmachine. Het heeft Basic, financiële en wetenschappelijke modi. Intern zij maakt gebruik van meerdere rekenkundige precisie om tot resultaten te een hoge graad van nauwkeurigheid.ghostbunnyGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)flexbisongnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procintltooldesktop-file-utilsitstoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Y ,B@BABEBJCgcaliper1.0.31pclos2014Professional screen caliper and ruler with variable rotationgCaliper is a screen caliper to measure pixel distances, even with variable rotation. The theme is customizable. See https://github.com/Arakis/gcaliper for documentationxGraphicsx86_64 lib64mono-develgtk-sharp2-develImageMagickmono-addins-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcaliper-1.0.3-1pclos2014.src.rpm3e34264f90a5e87feade23988bd01355./SRPMS.pclosd   0$ (9@sB@BABEBJCgcc14.2.01pclos2024GNU Compiler CollectionA compiler aimed at integrating all the optimizations and features necessary for a high-performance and stable development environment. This package is required for all other GCC compilers, namely C++, Fortran 95, Objective C, Java and Ada 95.System/Toolchainx86_64   binutilsbisonchrpathdoxygenelfutils-develflexgawkgccgcc-c++gcc-gnatgettextglibc-develgraphvizisl-devellibgmp-devellibmpc-devellibmpfr-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfozlib-devel2.322.43.0.4-14.6.0-1gcc-14.2.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmN2c9705aea7c30d71037fd7bf61f37364./SRPMS.pclosSd   N B@BA BE$BJECgccmakedep1.0.41pclos2024Create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'Create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'.System/X11x86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-util-macros3.0.4-14.6.0-11.0.1gccmakedep-1.0.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm52806de40d10abf5f9547d19f08e246b./SRPMS.pclos;d   D( ,6<\B@BABE BJ-Cgcdemu1.1.01pclos2007GNOME applet for controlling CDEmu daemonThis is gCDEmu, a GNOME applet for controlling CDEmu daemon. It is part of the userspace-cdemu suite, a free, GPL CD/DVD-ROM device emulator for linux. It provides a graphic interface that allows performing the key tasks related to controlling the CDEmu daemon, such as loading and unloading devices, displaying devices' status and retrieving/setting devices' debug masks. In addition, the applet listens to signals emitted by CDEmu daemon and provides notifications via libnotify.EEmulatorsi586 pythonintltoolgnome-commongnome-doc-utilspygtk2.0-devellibGConf2-develpython-gobject-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcdemu-1.1.0-1pclos2007.src.rpm5e9a787c68f34e1559812d01ba0009c1./SRPMS.pclosd   G .B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cgcin1.6.02pclos2013An input method server for traditional Chinesegcin is a Chinese input method server for traditional Chinese. It features a better GTK user interface.pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 gtk+2-develqt4-develanthy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcin-1.6.0-2pclos2013.src.rpmcca636761a7ac5219c58ba705928e73a./SRPMS.pclosd   '( ,>DaB@yBABEBJCgcl2.6.81pclos2010GNU Common LispGCL is a Common Lisp currently compliant with the ANSI standard. Lisp compilation produces native code through the intermediary of the system's C compiler, from which GCL derives efficient performance and facile portability. Currently uses TCL/Tk as GUI.?Development/Otheri586 libsm-devellibxext-devellibxaw-develreadline-develbinutils-develtk-develtcl-develgmp-develtetex-latextetex-dvipdfmtexinfoemacs-binemacs-elxemacsxemacs-develx11-server-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcl-2.6.8-1pclos2010.src.rpmɹL1f3ba8f5a43e5f116b5945c4c71db468./SRPMS.pclos'd   Q B@BABEBJCgcolor32.3.11pclos2021A simple color chooser written in GTK3 (like gcolor2)Gcolor3 is a color selection dialog written in GTK+ 3. It is much alike Gcolor2, but uses the newer GTK+ version to better integrate into your modern desktop. It has the same feature set as Gcolor2, except that recent versions of Gcolor3 use an .ini style file to save colors (older versions use the same file as Gcolor2).yGraphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcolor3-2.3.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmۙ089c20517437761228bcc2b205228b48./SRPMS.pclosWd   @| B@BA$BE(BJICgcombust0.1.5510pclos2007Gcombust is a burning cd frontendgcombust is a gtk+ frontend for mkisofs, mkhybrid, cdrecord and cdlabelgen. It's written in C. It has primitive support for controlling the directory (root) structure and size of image without copying files/symlinking or writing 10 lines of arguments and can maximize disk by hinting which directories/files to use. 9Thac Archiving/Cd burningi586 gtk+-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcombust-0.1.55-10pclos2007.src.rpm28af81fa78bd52f43c404bd4d60a5be7./SRPMS.pclosd  [ (0fB@BABEBJCgcompris-qt25.01pclos2025"J'ai compris" / I Have Understood, the new QT based versionGCompris-Qt is a high quality educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10. Some of the activities are game orientated, but nonetheless still educational. Currently GCompris offers in excess of 100 activities and more are being developed. GCompris is free software, that means that you can use it as you wish, adapt it to your own needs, improve it, and, most importantly, share it with everyone. This version is a full rewrite of GCompris using the QtQuick technology. It is developed within the KDE community and is part of the GNU Project. For such reason, it will only available for recent platforms. Goal: There are many simple activities dedicated to children on any platforms, desktops, web and tablets. When they exist, they are hard to find and request the teacher or parent to manage a lot of independent small tools. GCompris is an educational suite of activities all accessible from a single unified user interface. How: GCompris is designed in a way that it is easy to add new activities to it. The activity is free to implement the game scheme it wants. The status bar is a common facility provided to the activities. GCompris provides some tools to let teacher/educator to easily add activities to GCompris. This package contains the main binary. We recommend you to install gcompris-qt-activities and gcompris-qt-translations. A gcompris-qt-voices is also proposed for a full offline experience.'MpinocEducationx86_64  docbook-dtdsdocbook-style-xslkf6-rpm-macroslib64box2d-devellib64qt6charts-devellib64qt6core-devellib64qt6gui-devellib64qt6help-devellib64qt6multimedia-devellib64qt6network-devellib64qt6qml-devellib64qt6qmlworkerscript-devellib64qt6quick-devellib64qt6quickcontrols2-devellib64qt6quickcontrols2basic-devellib64qt6sensors-devellib64qt6svg-devellib64qt6waylandclient-devellib64qt6widgets-develqml-box2drpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmllint3.0.4-14.6.0-1gcompris-qt-25.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm'N7d27db10c39aeff3fba41d524a2d0783a./SRPMS.pclosCd ! Y<@ \t|B@BABEBJ5Cgconf-cleaner0.0.32pclos2007GConf Cleaner is a tool to clean your GConf database upGConf Cleaner is a tool to clean your GConf database up that is possibly ate away with the unnecessary keys anymore or the invalid keys. You may want to keep a clean your GConf database. This tool might help you in this case.Texstar Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 glib2-develgtk2-develperl-XML-Parserpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gconf-cleaner-0.0.3-2pclos2007.src.rpmwbb23d9cbded2db2b01194eccca598a8b./SRPMS.pclosd  Mx |-B@;BAdBEhBJCgconf-editor3.0.12pclos2018An editor for the GConf configuration systemEditor for the GConf configuration system.0Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 GConf2-develintltooldesktop-file-utilsgnome-doc-utilslibxslt-proclib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gconf-editor-3.0.1-2pclos2018.src.rpm7c76b4fe89cbf7a244e5e7266025792fc./SRPMS.pclosd   A /8LB@BABEBJ Cgconfmm2.62.28.04pclos2017A C++ interface for GConf libraryThis package provides a C++ interface for GConf, a configuration data storage mechanism to ship with GNOME. It is a subpackage of the gnomemm project, which provides a C++ interface for GNOME libraries.Ybb2 System/Librariesx86_64  libGConf2-develglibmm2.4-develgtkmm2.4-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 80cb1bd2b9a6f3e306778e61c7ebc514./SRPMS.pclos'd   C B@BABEBJCgcp0.2.01pclos2019Monitor the progress of data through a pipe gcp is an advanced command line file copy system with an interface similar to that of cp. It features: - transfer progression indication - continuous copying on error (skip to next file) - copy status logging - name mangling to handle target filesystem limitations - forced copy serialization - transfer lists managementCDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcp-0.2.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmJ81afd9f4f973e96ab33120a6422e9c3a./SRPMS.pclosd   D 8B@PBApBEtBJCgcr3.28.11pclos2019A library for bits of crypto UI and parsingA library for bits of crypto UI and parsing etc. This package also contains the gcr-viewer binary._FNetworking/Remote accessx86_64 intltoollibtasn1-toolsp11-kit-develvala-toolslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develgtk-docvala-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcr-3.28.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm^3b5779a81a939ca64b7541a6895f24ea./SRPMS.pclosd   X &08gB@pBABEBJCdegcstar1.7.03pclos2019A collection managerDer Manager für die private SammlungGstar is an application that can manage multiple collections: * Movies * Video games * Books * Music * Numismatic * Wines * Board games * Comic books * TV shows episodes * User defined collectionsMit GCStar katalogisieren Sie Ihren Bestand an: * Büchern * Musikalben * Filmen auf DVD, DVDR, VHS und (S-)VCD * usw Für jeden Eintrag stehen Details zum Medientyp und eine Verleihfunktion zur Verfügung. Derzeit unterstützt Gstar nur Filme.2Databasesnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gcstar-1.7.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm2!ddaf487bc08e24ae8b85ee79e1aa0129./SRPMS.pclossd   2 B@!BA@BEDBJeCgcube0.42pclos2007Nintendo Gamecube emulatorA Nintendo Gamecube emulator which uses SDL. There is no GUI to select your roms yet. InThac Emulatorsi586  SDL-develzlib-devellibjpeg-develGL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Uv74820a29604e29767f5288fc48c63272./SRPMS.pclosd   JX \mt  0 B@ABA`BEdBJCgd2.0.357pclos2016A library used to create PNG, JPEG, or WBMP imagesgd is a graphics library. It allows your code to quickly draw images complete with lines, arcs, text, multiple colors, cut and paste from other images, and flood fills, and write out the result as a PNG or JPEG file. This is particularly useful in World Wide Webapplications, where PNG and JPEG are two of the formats accepted for inlineimages by most browsers. gd is not a paint program. If you are looking for a paint program, you are looking in the wrong place. If you are not a programmer, you are looking in the wrong place. gd does not provide for every possible desirable graphics operation. It is not necessary or desirable for gd to become a kitchen-sink graphics package, but version 1.7.3 incorporates most of the commonly requested features for an 8-bit 2D package.fSystem/Librariesx86_64 freetype2-develfreetype-develgettext-develjpeg-develpng-devellibx11-devellibfontconfig-develxpm-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gd-2.0.35-7pclos2016.src.rpmae9e28e7b764e2aa2e3cca7b823fe1c9./SRPMS.pclosd   * `B@BABEBJCgda2.03.1.55pclos2010GNU Data AccessGNU Data Access is an attempt to provide uniform access to different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers, mail spools, etc). It is a complete architecture that provides all you need to access your data. libgda was part of the GNOME-DB project (http://www.gnome-db.org/), but has been separated from it to allow non-GNOME applications to be developed based on it. Drivers for the supported databases are included in the gda2.0-* packages.%VDatabasesi586  bisonlibdb4.6-develflexgdbm-develglib2-devellibxslt-develncurses-developenldap2-develintltoolpopt-develpostgresql-develgnome-vfs2-develreadline-develscrollkeepersqlite3-develunixODBC-develautomake1.8libcheck-develmysql-develgtk-doclibxbase-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  H 33)3B@jBABEBJCgdal3.10.21pclos2025The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a unifying C/C++ API for accessing raster geospatial data, and currently includes formats like GeoTIFF, Erdas Imagine, Arc/Info Binary, CEOS, DTED, GXF, and SDTS. It is intended to provide efficient access, suitable for use in viewer applications, and also attempts to preserve coordinate systems and metadata. Python, C, and C++ interfaces are available.SpinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  bash-completiondoxygendracofreexl-develgettext-devellib64cfitsio-devellib64cryptopp6-devellib64curl-devellib64expat-devellib64g2clib-devellib64geos-devellib64geotiff-devellib64gif-devellib64hdf5-devellib64jasper-devellib64jpeg-devellib64json-devellib64jxl-devellib64lzma-devellib64mariadb-devellib64netcdf-devellib64ogdi-devellib64opencl-devellib64openexr-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64pcre0-devellib64png1.6-devellib64poppler-devellib64proj-devellib64python3-devellib64qhull-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64tiff-devellib64tirpc-devellib64unixODBC-devellib64webp-devellib64xerces-c-devellib64xml2-devellib64zstd-devellibrx-devellibspatialite-devellibstdc++-develpostgresql13-develpython3-breathepython3-numpy-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swigzlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1gdal-3.10.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm$13b5766a6a1d6e8b633c310f4f1051e2./SRPMS.pclos{d   C  B@*BAHBELBJmCgdb15.21pclos2024A stub package for GNU source-level debuggerGdb is a full featured, command driven debugger. Gdb allows you to trace the execution of programs and examine their internal state at any time. Gdb works for C and C++ compiled with the GNU C compiler gcc. If you are going to develop C and/or C++ programs and use the GNU gcc compiler, you may want to install gdb to help you debug your programs.vwDevelopment/Otherx86_64  autoconfbisonflexlib64babeltrace-devellib64expat-devellib64guile-devellib64ipt-devellib64mpfr-devellib64ncurses-devellib64python3-devellib64readline-devellib64rpm-devellib64xxhash-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rusttexinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1gdb-15.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmt\95182f87cbd1df1b544c644f009f538e./SRPMS.pclosd   T0 4EL\B@BABEBJCgdbm1.8.35pclos2013A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashingGdbm is a GNU database indexing library, including routines which use extensible hashing. Gdbm works in a similar way to standard UNIX dbm routines. Gdbm is useful for developers who write C applications and need access to a simple and efficient database or who are building C applications which will use such a database. If you're a C developer and your programs need access to simple database routines, you should install gdbm. You'll also need to install gdbm-devel.System/Librariesi586 texinfoautoconf2.5automakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdbm-1.8.3-5pclos2013.src.rpm786fa79cbab8cd9d4ec4bdb202f33520./SRPMS.pclos7d   4    B@BABEBJ)Cgdesklets0.36.31pclos2011GNOME Desktop Applets'gDesklets' provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets - tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Populate your desktop with status meters, icon bars, weather sensors, news tickers... whatever you can imagine! Virtually anything is possible and maybe even available some day.5|Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586   gnome-python-develpyorbit-develpygtk2.0-devellibrsvg2-devellibgtop2.0-devellibxdmcp-devellibxau-devellibgnome2-develdesktop-file-utilslibgnomeui2-devellibrsvg-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ; +B@4BATBEXBJyCgdict0.710pclos2010Client for MIT's dictionary servergdict is a GTK+ application that connects to MIT's dictionary server and returns the definition to a user-specified word. It is based on Michael Bacarella's small dict client.0Officei586 gtk+-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdict-0.7-10pclos2010.src.rpm60f1a2ac2f8ed87984e60adcf81465442./SRPMS.pclosCd  GP ToxB@BABEBJ5Cgdisk1.0.61pclos2021An fdisk-like partitioning tool for GPT disksAn fdisk-like partitioning tool for GPT disks. GPT fdisk features a command-line interface, fairly direct manipulation of partition table structures, recovery tools to help you deal with corrupt partition tables, and the ability to convert MBR disks to GPT format.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 libuuid-devellibpopt-develncurses-devellibncursesw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdisk-1.0.6-1pclos2021.src.rpm$32a5294d4f24c0d8a5ebec663ca1c1d6./SRPMS.pclosd   A  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Cgdiskdump0.81pclos2015Graphical Front-End for dd (diskdump)This is a open source Graphical User Interface for the Unix Command dd. You can easily select the Input- and Outputstream, so you can clone or image your Harddrive or Partition.vSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdiskdump-0.8-1pclos2015.src.rpm}f72787ccb6064a6b0402cbff5fe15169./SRPMS.pclos#d ' W    B@BABEBJCgdk-pixbuf-xlib2.02.40.22pclos2022Image loading and manipulation library for GTK+This package contains libraries used by GTK+ to load and handle various image formats.System/Librariesx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdk-pixbuf-xlib2.0-2.40.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmRbdc59a4ce94d600e801d9729cd64438d./SRPMS.pclosd # S    B@BABEBJ Cgdk-pixbuf2.02.42.101pclos2022Image loading and manipulation library for GTK+This package contains libraries used by GTK+ to load and handle various image formats.c/System/Librariesx86_64 lib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64jasper-devellib64jpeg-devellib64png1.6-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-develgettext-develfonts-ttf-dejavurpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdk-pixbuf2.0-2.42.10-1pclos2022.src.rpmcA3123cfae0af7e2a44111a42a8d19b4d4./SRPMS.pclosd 3UB@aBABEBJCdegdl2.30.11pclos2011Gnome Devtool LibrariesThis package contains components and libraries that are intended to be shared between GNOME development tools, including gnome-debug, gnome-build, and anjuta2. The current pieces of GDL include: - A symbol browser bonobo component (symbol-browser-control). - A docking widget (gdl). - A utility library that also contains the stubs and skels for the symbol browser and text editor components (gdl, idl).I.System/Librariesx86_64 libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develintltoolchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdl-2.30.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmI77ad36d76db69eecaf6c959138e635d4./SRPMS.pclosd   .x |   B@BABEBJ Cgdl3.12.01pclos2014Gnome Docking libraryProvides docking features for gtk+. Currently used by anjuta and lumiera.=System/Librariesx86_64 gtk-docintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64gtk+3.0-devellib64mono-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdl-3.12.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm2474935620f78cd8b81858e27fa8d844./SRPMS.pclos+d  3@ D\dB@BABEBJCgdm2.20.117pclos2021The GNOME Display ManagerGdm (the GNOME Display Manager) is a highly configurable reimplementation of xdm, the X Display Manager. Gdm allows you to log into your system with the X Window System running and supports running several different X sessions on your local machine at the same time.-Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 lib64x11-static-develx11-server-xorgx11-server-xephyrgettextlibglade2.0-devellibrsvg-devellib64gnomecanvas2_0-develpam-develusermodescrollkeepergnome-doc-utilsautomake1.9intltoolconsolekit-devellibwrap-develzenityperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdm-2.20.11-7pclos2021.src.rpm,%e24f66145e814d75569ee777f8ef322b./SRPMS.pclos;d ' G B@BABE BJ-Cgdm-theme-pclinuxos2.0.34pclos2023Theme for Gnome Display ManagerThe default GDM theme for PCLinuxOS 2021 KDE, MATE and LXDE ISOs.7Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdm-theme-pclinuxos-2.0.3-4pclos2023.src.rpmd9248dd6bc144cbbdf73fbb074b24d5d./SRPMS.pclosd ! D   y B@BABEBJCgdvdcreator0.1.1.13pclos2009GDVDCreator is a DVD creation toolGDVDCreator is a DVD creation tool designed to make the creation of DVD's intuitive whether their structure is simple or complex. In essence, it is a front-end to the well known dvd authoring command-line program 'dvdauthor', allowing the user to graphically construct DVD structures based on the dvdauthor XML file format and then generating the appropriate XML for that structure.Videoi586 gcc-c++gettextintltoollibgtkmm-devellibglademm-devellibxml++-develpkgconfigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gdvdcreator-   1< @R\tB@BABEBJ5Cgeany2.01pclos2023Small C editor using GTK+Geany is a small C editor using GTK+ with basic features of an integrated development environment. It features syntax highlighting, code completion, call tips, many supported filetypes (including C, Java, PHP, HTML, DocBook, Perl, LateX, and Bash), and symbol lists.ЀDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  desktop-file-utilsdoxygenintltoolpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1geany-2.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm5791e1f46043936ea58d0f56243648ed./SRPMS.pclos d  K  %B@ GBA lBE pBJ Cgeany-plugins2.01pclos2023A collection of different plugins for GeanyGeany-Plugins is a collection of different plugins for Geany, a lightweight IDE. It provides a common location for plugin authors and users with a known infrastructure and support. List of included plugins: * addons -- the Addons plugin * autoclose -- the Autoclose plugin * automark -- the Automark plugin * codenav -- the CodeNav plugin * commander -- the command panel plugin * defineformat -- the Defineformat plugin * debugger -- the Debugger plugin * geanyctags -- the GeanyCtags plugin * geanydoc -- the GeanyDoc plugin * geanyextrasel -- the GeanyExtraSel plugin * geanygendoc -- the GeanyGenDoc plugin * geanyinsertnum -- the GeanyInsertNum plugin * geanylua -- the GeanyLua plugin * geanyminiscript -- the GeanyMiniScript plugin * geanypg -- the geanypg plugin * geanyprj -- the GeanyPrj plugin * geanyvc -- the GeanyVC plugin * geniuspaste -- the paste to a pastebin plugin * git-changebar -- the Git Change Bar plugin * keyrecord -- record keystrokes and replay them * latex -- the GeanyLaTeX plugin * lineoperations -- simple line operations plugin * lipsum -- the Lipsum plugin * markdown -- the Markdown plugin * overview -- the Overview plugin * pairtaghighlighter -- Pair Tag Highlighter plugin * pohelper -- Translation helper plugin * pretty-printer -- the pretty-printer plugin * projectorganizer -- the ProjectOrganizer plugin * scope -- graphical GDB front-end plugin * sendmail -- the Sendmail plugin * shiftcolumn -- the ShiftColumn plugin * spellcheck -- the spellcheck plugin * treebrowser -- the Treebrowser plugin * tableconvert -- the Tableconvert plugin * updatechecker -- the Updatechecker plugin * vimode -- the Vim-mode plugin * webhelper -- the WebHelper plugin * workbench -- manage multiple projects in Geany * xmlsnippets -- the XMLSnippets plugin This is a meta package to install all plugins.&IDevelopment/Toolsx86_64   gpgme-develintltoollua5.1-develpkgconfig(check)pkgconfig(ctpl)pkgconfig(geany)pkgconfig(gtkspell3-3.0)pkgconfig(libgit2)pkgconfig(libmarkdown)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libwnck-1.0)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)python3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala2.03.0.4-14.6.0-1geany-plugins-2.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm&350c80ae8957d6196a8aad411a3c527e3./SRPMS.pclosd   ^ zB@BABEBJCgearhead1.3101pclos2019GearHead: Arena, the first game in the roguelike mecha RPG seriesA century and a half ago the Earth was nearly destroyed by nuclear war. Now, a federation of free city-states has begun to restore civilization. However, there are forces operating in the darkness which will unleash the horrors of the past age in a bid to determine the future of the human race. This is a virtual to trigger the installation of either gearhead-sdl or gearhead-ascii.>8Games/Adventurex86_64 fpcpkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(SDL_image)pkgconfig(SDL_ttf)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gearhead-1.310-1pclos2019.src.rpm>n4e073474ce53015784520349dfb22c13./SRPMS.pclosd  T| .B@PBApBEtBJCgeary3.36.01pclos2020A lightweight email program designed around conversationsGeary is a new email reader for GNOME designed to let you read your email quickly and effortlessly. Its interface is based on conversations, so you can easily read an entire discussion without having to click from message to message. Geary is still in early development and has limited features today, but we're planning to add lightning-fast searching, multiple account support, and much more. Eventually we'd like Geary to have an extensible plugin architecture so that developers will be able to add all kinds of nifty features in a modular way.$Networking/Mailx86_64 mesongettextgnome-doc-utilsintltooliso-codesitstoolpkgconfig(appstream-glib)pkgconfig(enchant-2)pkgconfig(folks)pkgconfig(gcr-3)pkgconfig(gee-0.8)pkgconfig(gmime-2.6)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gspell-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(javascriptcoregtk-4.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra)pkgconfig(libhandy-0.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libytnef)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(vapigen)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geary-3.36.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm$b5b4016660c9203ccebaba84de3e9cde./SRPMS.pclosd % X48 @X`  ! B@8BAdBEhBJCgecko-mediaplayer1.0.83pclos2013Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsersGecko Media Player is a browser plugin that uses GNOME MPlayer to play media in a browser. It should work with all browsers on Unix-ish systems(Linux, BSD, Solaris) and use the NS4 API (Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.).!Zpinoc32Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gcc-c++pkgconfiggettextxulrunner-develdbus-develdbus-glib-develglib2-develGConf2-devellibx11-devellibgmtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ^ 3B@=BAdBEhBJCgecko-sharp0.613pclos2010Gecko-sharp is a C# language binding for the gtkembedmoz widgetGecko-sharp is a C# language binding for the gtkembedmoz widget. You can use it to embed mozilla into C# programs.SSystem/Librariesi586 gtk2-develgtk-sharp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gecko-sharp-0.6-13pclos2010.src.rpmY45c7f6eb471095fa14b8c421e95656f2./SRPMS.pclosd  N VB@fBABEBJCgecko-sharp20.134pclos2010C# language binding for the gtkembedmoz widgetGecko-sharp is a C# language binding for the gtkembedmoz widget. You can use it to embed mozilla into C# programs.]System/Librariesi586  xulrunner-develgtk2-develgtk-sharp2-develmono-develmono-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)] f739a247872686695292286343f6efc2./SRPMS.pclosd   L8 <DLXB@BABEBJCgecrit2.8.32pclos2013gEcrit is a Python orientated source code editor.gEcrit is a Python orientated source code editor. It tries to keep the interface as clean as possible and keep the menus simple. It features all the common features a Python programmer might need, including an interactive Python shell.}Editorsnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gecrit-2.8.3-2pclos2013.src.rpmv4a1e0d602e411bc9e0337a56663b6a77./SRPMS.pclosd   A    B@BABEBJCgeda1.8.21pclos2014GPL Electronic Design Automation ProjectThe GPL Electronic Design Automation (gEDA) project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, net-lists into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout..Sciences/Engineeringx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gmp-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64guile-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64stroke-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geda-1.8.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm-{4ef3f4d7682651b0ee0da73d315e852d./SRPMS.pclosd " B 9B@GBApBEtBJCgeda-xgsch2pcb0.1.31pclos2010Graphical Frontend for gsch2pcbxgsch2pcb provides an intuitive, user-friendly graphical interface to gsch2pcb. gsch2pcb is a command-line tool, part of the gEDA suite, which is used to generate and update a PCB layout. It works with schematics created by gschem, part of the gEDA suite, and layouts created by pcb, a PCB layout system commonly used with gEDA. Sciences/Engineeringi586 libdbus-1-develpython-dbuspython-numpyintltooldesktop-file-utilsperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geda-xgsch2pcb-0.1.3-1pclos2010.src.rpm0347c0371ae560b8d40a0d530e65f537./SRPMS.pclos[d   A !!!B@ BA(BE,BJMCgedit40.11pclos2021Small but powerful text editor for GNOMEgEdit is a small but powerful text editor designed expressly for GNOME. It includes such features as split-screen mode, a plugin API, which allows gEdit to be extended to support many features while remaining small at its core, multiple document editing through the use of a 'tabbed' notebook and many more functions.hEditorsx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-doc-utils)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk-doc)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-4)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(libpeas-1.0)pkgconfig(libpeas-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(vapigen)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gspell-1)libattr-develgettext-develgtk-docitstoolmesonyelp-toolssdlib64tepl6-develpkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)python3python3-gobject3desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  8 0B@BABEBJ Cgedit-plugins40.11pclos2021Extra plugins for geditgEdit is a small but powerful text editor designed expressly for GNOME. It includes such features as split-screen mode, a plugin API, which allows gEdit to be extended to support many features while remaining small at its core, multiple document editing through the use of a 'tabbed' notebook and many more functions. This package contains some extra plugins for gEdit, extending gEdit functionality.Editorsx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(python3)python3-gobject3gettextitstoollibxml2-utilspkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)valalib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtksourceview4-devellib64harfbuzz-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64peas-devellib64zeitgeist2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gedit-plugins-40.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmfe37fd089080a3e8b1df4d87f5218329./SRPMS.pclosWd    6  @  B@BA$BE(BJICgeeqie1.63pclos2021Graphics file browser utilityGeeqie is a browser for graphics files. Offering single click viewing of your graphics files. Includes thumbnail view, zoom and filtering features. And external editor support. Geeqie is a fork of gqview.Graphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libjpeg)intltoollib64lirc-develgnome-doc-utilsglib-gettextizerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geeqie-1.6-3pclos2021.src.rpm1db3ca82feda5cd10380b21b94a8f8ad./SRPMS.pclosd  bl p((((B@SBAtBExBJCgegl0.4.501pclos2024GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) - graph based image processing frameworkGEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework. GEGLs original design was made to scratch GIMPs itches for a new compositing and processing core. This core is being designed to have minimal dependencies. and a simple well defined API.[wSystem/Librariesx86_64   asciidocenscriptgraphvizlib64babl0.1-devellocalesmesonpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gexiv2)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(lensfun)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libraw)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libspiro)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(luajit)pkgconfig(maxflow)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(vapigen)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rubysuitesparse-develvala-tools201907313.0.4-14.6.0-1gegl-0.4.50-1pclos2024.src.rpm[454a2a2d1a41166d63dd6b2f31d95373a./SRPMS.pclosd   2H LRXB@0BATBEXBJyCgejengel0.1.35pclos2010Gejengel Music PLayerGejengel is an audio player which focuses on performance and simplicity, yet with a nice set of features. Some key features: * Easy to use * Properly handles compilation albums (even if album artist tag is not set) * Lean and fast (low on dependencies) * Gapless playback (even for mp3 by reading encoder delay, zeropadding from files) * Various audio outputs (Alsa, Pulseaudio, OpenAL) * Last.Fm scrobbling (optional plugin) * Remote control through dbus (MPRIS specification) (optional plugin)st even for huge music collections.'Soundi586 desktop-file-utilslibsexymm2-develpkgconfigffmpeg-devellibflac8-develtaglib-develsqlite3-develmad-devellibmagick-develpulseaudio-devellibffmpeg-devellibnotify1-devellibdbus-1-devellibalsa2-develglibmm2.4-devellibopenal-devellastfmlib-devellibxdg-basedir-develintltoolperl-XML-ParserImageMagickgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gejengel-0.1.3-5pclos2010.src.rpm 6e62a2bd1b17053603f0b256d14e31ac./SRPMS.pclos+d   4  ,  B@BABEBJCgelemental1.2.03pclos2019Periodic Table ViewergElemental is a GTK+ periodic table viewer with detailed information on the chemical elements. It uses the GTK+ toolkit and is available for Linux and other GTK+/GNOME platforms.pSciences/Chemistryx86_64 lib64png-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtkmm2.4-develdesktop-file-utilsgettext-develgcc-c++perl-XML-Parserpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gelemental-1.2.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmu3941fae9ee4810987f92cc371709508f./SRPMS.pclosd   K  0pB@{BABEBJCgenchemlab1.03pclos2007General Chemistry Lab Simulator - "GenChemLab"GenChemLab is an OpenGL-based application intended to simulate several common general chemistry exercises. It is meant to be used to help students prepare for actual lab experience. It could also be used in cases where laboratory facilites are not accessible, for instance in K-12 schools or home schooling. At present, supported experiments include titration, calorimetry, freezing point depression, vapor pressure, and spectrophotometry.vSciences/Chemistryi586 qt3-develMesaGLU-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1genchemlab-1.0-3pclos2007.src.rpmqcbc9b386bb53e63a7ba5e4cf3bec66c6./SRPMS.pclos?d   @L PahB@BA BEBJ1Cgenders1.182pclos2013Static cluster configuration databaseGenders is a static cluster configuration database used for cluster configuration management. It is used by a variety of tools and scripts for management of large clusters. The genders database is typically replicated on every node of the cluster. It describes the layout and configuration of the cluster so that tools and scripts can sense the variations of cluster nodes. By abstracting this information into a plain text file, it becomes possible to change the configuration of a cluster by modifying only one file.p2System/Librariesx86_64 byaccflexlibtoolperl-develpython-devellibstdc++-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1genders-1.18-2pclos2013.src.rpmjF83bb233561ef5b32ba0d40ce9287c47a./SRPMS.pclosOd & | B@BABE BJACdefrnlsegeneweb5.011pclos2007Genealogy software with a Web interfaceeine genealogische Software mit einem Web-Interfaceun logiciel de gnalogie dot d'une interface Webeen genealogisch programma met een www-interfaceett genealogi program med ett webbinterfaceGeneWeb is a genealogy software with a Web interface. It can be used off-line or as a Web service.GeneWeb ist eine genealogische Software mit einem Web-Interface. Sie kann off-line oder als ein Web-Service genutzt werden.GeneWeb est un logiciel de gnalogie dot d'une interface Web. Il peut tre utilis non connect au rseau ou comme un service Web.GeneWeb is een genealogisch programma met een www-interface, dat kan gebruikt worden op computers met of zonder permanente verbinding met het Internet.GeneWeb r ett genealogi program med ett webbinterface. Det kan anvndas nedkopplad eller som en webbtjnst.5DidouPh Applicationsi586 camlp5glibcgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geneweb-5.01-1pclos2007.src.rpm31a40ff799561ea927683ce34ac7f6c71./SRPMS.pclosd   Z B@BABEBJCdegenius1.0.91pclos2010Genius advanced calculatorGenius erweiterter TaschenrechnerGenius is a general purpose calculator program similiar in some aspects to BC, Matlab, Maple or Mathematica. It is useful both as a simple calculator and as a research or educational tool. The syntax is very intuitive and is designed to mimic how mathematics is usually written. GEL is the name of its extention language, it stands for Genius Extension Language, clever isn't it? In fact, many of the standard genius functions are written in GEL itself.Genius ist eine Allzweck-Rechner-Programm, ähnlich in einigen Aspekten wie BC, Matlab, Maple oder Mathematica.[Officei586 vte-develgtk2-develintltoolgettextbisonflexgtksourceview-develperl-XML-Parsergnome-doc-utilsscrollkeeperreadline-develpkgconfigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1genius-1.0.9-1pclos2010.src.rpmo1c3a6b9c6fc5d6b011cce806fb71be7a./SRPMS.pclosd  < TB@aBABEBJCgenpo0.9.72pclos2009GENPO is the GENeral Purpose OrganGENPO is a program which replicates the essential features of any pipe, theatre, or reed organ. GENPO reads a description of an organ (a .org XML file) and presents a suitable user interface for operating that organ. There are a number of high quality organ SoundFonts freely available and the .org file maps the stop sounds to organ manuals and stops. Other facilities such and couplers and presets are available. You may connect one or more MIDI keyboards to GENPO to provide the organ manuals, you can even assign one to be the 'pedalboard' if so desired. Before starting genpo you must load a SoundFont into the wavetable synthesizer on the sound card.Soundi586 libalsa-develgcc-c++pkgconfiglibqt3-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1genpo-0.9.7-2pclos2009.src.rpm.3bf3d70f5f40b96e2237b50f56cbc28b./SRPMS.pclosd   @  (B@0BATBEXBJyCgenromfs0.5.14pclos2007Tool for creating romfs filesystemsGenromfs is a tool for creating romfs filesystems, which are lightweight, read-only filesystems supported by the Linux kernel.NTexstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1genromfs-0.5.1-4pclos2007.src.rpmUw6765fe7a33c0fc20c442797cfe2ba907./SRPMS.pclosd  I BB@KBAlBEpBJCgens2.15.51pclos2009Gens is a Sega Megadrive, MegaCD & 32X emulatorGens is a Sega Megadrive, MegaCD & 32X emulator Features include: * OpenGL support * Joypad support * Real Sega CD-ROM support * Sega ISO image support * GTK+2 integrated interface YEmulatorsi586 SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gens-2.15.5-1pclos2009.src.rpm U5a4827b2ef04d4bdc2ee3e9ac3cd2150./SRPMS.pclosd   < (B@BABEBJCgeoclue2.7.11pclos2023A modular geoinformation serviceGeoclue is a D-Bus service that provides location information. The primary goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware applications as simple as possible, while the secondary goal is to ensure that no application can access location information without explicit permission from user. Geoclue used to also do (reverse-)geocoding but that functionality has been dropped in favor of geocode-glib library. However project is in the early stages of development and hence lacking essential features. Currently it can only determine your location based on your IP (i-e city-level accuracy) and does not have any permission control.pinocGeographyx86_64  intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-glib)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libsoup-3.0)pkgconfig(mm-glib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1geoclue-2.7.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmd739889a6105c3b773b90e7a7e53801f./SRPMS.pclosd   ? ( X V B@xBABEBJCgeoclue10.12.994pclos2017A modular geoinformation serviceGeoclue is a modular geoinformation service built on top of the D-Bus messaging system. The goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware applications as simple as possible.wubb2 System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gypsy)pkgconfig(libnm-glib)pkgconfig(libnm-util)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)xsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.862. ! X   f B@BABEBJCgeocode-glib3.26.21pclos2020A convenience library for the Yahoo! Place Finder APIsgeocode-glib is a convenience library for the Yahoo! Place Finder APIs, as described at: http://developer.yahoo.com/geo/placefinder/ The Place Finder web service allows to do geocoding (finding longitude and latitude from an address), and reverse geocoding (finding an address from coordinates).(System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)gobject-introspection-develgnome-doc-utilsintltoolmesongtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.340.   I,0 8MTXtB@|BABEBJCgeogebra6.0.7551pclos2023GeoGebra - dynamic mathematics for schoolsGeoGebra is a free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus. It received several international awards including the European and German educational software awards.pp Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geogebra-6.0.755-1pclos2023.src.rpmԻeeca3b25d32dbf73f43e7f2f9209d8c31./SRPMS.pclosd  V  8B@ABAdBEhBJCgeoip1.6.121pclos2019Find what country an IP address or hostname originates fromGeoIP is a C library that enables the user to find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from. It uses a file based database that is accurate as of March 2003. This database simply contains IP blocks as keys, and countries as values. This database should be more complete and accurate than using reverse DNS lookups. Commercial databases and automatic update services are available from http://www.maxmind.com/ This module can be used to automatically select the geographically closest mirror, to analyze your web server logs to determine the countries of your visitors, for credit card fraud detection, and for software export controls.JSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geoip-1.6.12-1pclos2019.src.rpmf51fd28989e73ef45f633e2b4b47653a./SRPMS.pclos?d   V B@BA BEBJ1Cgeoipfind2.02pclos2009Command line program to get information via GeoIP databaseCommand line program to get information via GeoIP databaseNetworking/Otheri586 perl(Geo::IP)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geoipfind-2.0-2pclos2009.src.rpm~%d31ff734d853b9b861ef09b698da7326./SRPMS.pclosd  :  DB@NBAtBExBJCgeoipupdate2.2.21pclos2017Update your GeoIP databaseThe GeoIP Update program performs automatic updates of GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy binary databases. Currently the program only supports Linux and other Unix- like systems.System/Librariesx86_64 zlib1-devellib64curl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1geoipupdate-2.2.2-1pclos2017.src.rpmaa85c5bb5e831f98fa718c5dd0482b9b./SRPMS.pclosd  N <B@MBAlBEpBJCgeos3.13.01pclos2025GEOS (Geometry Engine, Open Source) topology libraryThe GEOS library provides topological operators and simple spatial constructs: points, lines, polygons, and collections.PpinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  multiarch-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1geos-3.13.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmPKw4bc5f6a91af9fb596805a5537ceb418e./SRPMS.pclosd   1 B@BABEBJCgeotiff1.7.41pclos2025Cartographic softwareThis library is designed to permit the extraction and parsing of the "GeoTIFF" Key directories, as well as definition and installation of GeoTIFF keys in new files. pinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  lib64jpeg-devellib64proj-devellib64tiff-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1geotiff-1.7.4-1pclos2025.src.rpmƶea4c673b886a3b9b15368741ba3570c8./SRPMS.pclosd  B GB@RBAtBExBJCgerbv2.3.01pclos2010Gerber file viewer from the gEDA toolkitGerber Viewer (gerbv) is a viewer for Gerber files. Gerber files are generated from PCB CAD system and sent to PCB manufacturers as basis for the manufacturing process. The standard supported by gerbv is RS-274X. gerbv also supports drill files. The format supported are known under names as NC-drill or Excellon. The format is a bit undefined and different EDA-vendors implement it different.`LSciences/Engineeringi586 gtk2-devellibpng-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gerbv-2.3.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmi28f1479f360c03e68c3a5ab23250b597./SRPMS.pclos;d   7pt zB@BABE BJ-Cgespeaker0.8.61pclos2015A Gtk frontend for espeakGespeaker is a project realized with Python and PyGTK libraries which allows the system to speak and read a written text or loaded from an external file.This is a nice interface for espeak system that will be automatically installed if not present. It’s designed for multilingual environments, so that if you run on a system with Italian language the user interface will be shown in Italian, on a system with english language the user interface will be in english. The system is opened to various localizations, it’s just needed the corresponding language file.pinocAccessibilityi586 desktop-file-utilspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gespeaker-0.8.6-1pclos2015.src.rpmef0aae55aa9866af0df5df25d3127b38./SRPMS.pclosd  ] PB@BABEBJ Cget_iplayer3.351pclos2024Lists, Records and Streams BBC iPlayer TV and Radio programmesget_iplayer is a command line tool for listing, recording and streaming BBC iPlayer TV programmes, and other programmes via 3rd-party plugins.ڀVideonoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(Env)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Path)perl(File::stat)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTTP::Cookies)perl(HTTP::Headers)perl(IO::Seekable)perl(IO::Socket)perl(LWP::ConnCache)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(POSIX)perl(Time::Local)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed3.0.4-14.6.0-1get_iplayer-3.35-1pclos2024.src.rpma92351398da875251954f917a0529356./SRPMS.pclos{d YB@$BAHBELBJmCgetfem++4.0.01pclos2011Generic and efficient C++ library for finite element methodsThe Getfem++ project focuses on the development of a generic and efficient C++ library for finite element methods. The goal is to provide a library allowing the computation of any elementary matrix (even for mixed finite element methods) on the largest class of methods and elements, and for arbitrary dimension (i.e. not only 2D and 3D problems).HDevelopment/C++x86_64 blas-develboost-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1getfem++-4.0.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmHCff45dd23646e6db08e294c436980c6f1./SRPMS.pclosd   O  $,UB@^BABEBJCgetmail4.20.22pclos2013POP3 mail retriever with reliable Maildir deliverygetmail is intended as a simple replacement for fetchmail for those people who do not need its various and sundry configuration options, complexities, and bugs. It retrieves mail from one or more POP3 servers for one or more email accounts, and reliably delivers into a Maildir specified on a per-account basis. It can also deliver into mbox files, although this should not be attempted over NFS. getmail is written entirely in python.Networking/Mailnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1getmail-4.20.2-2pclos2013.src.rpmWeb5a4152a0ce3eb9a8d8fc723bdbbf5f./SRPMS.pclossd ! > B@BA@BEDBJeCdegetpclinuxos3.25pclos2023Download PCLinuxOS ISOsnonegetpclinuxos is a simple utility to list and download PCLOS ISOs from the repository. By default it will connect to the users selected mirror if it is a valid URL. If it has a problem with the default mirror it selects NLUUG as the default. It will include community ISOs from https://pclosusers.com/communityiso/. The user can also select a preferred mirror for the download should they wish.none1Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1getpclinuxos-3.2-5pclos2023.src.rpmf809cd0d44a3975c050ffcb142119e04./SRPMS.pcloskd   ]  8  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cgettext0.22.51pclos2024GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messagesThe GNU gettext package provides a set of tools and documentation for producing multi-lingual messages in programs. Tools include a set of conventions about how programs should be written to support message catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message catalogs, a runtime library which supports the retrieval of translated messages, and stand-alone programs for handling the translatable and the already translated strings. Gettext provides an easy to use library and tools for creating, using, and modifying natural language catalogs and is a powerful and simple method for internationalizing programs. If you would like to internationalize or incorporate multi-lingual messages into programs that you're developing, you should install gettext. Build Option: --with csharp Enables C# support in gettext --without java Disables Java support in gettextlSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  automakebisonemacs-binflexlib64acl-devellib64croco0.6_3-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64unistring-devellib64xml2-devellibgomp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1gettext-0.22.5-1pclos2024.src.rpmA5d5b37554c2825475c498e5e0091de00./SRPMS.pclosd $   &08@pB@BABEBJCdegetvirtualbox7.1.61pclos2025Script to manage VirtualBox installationSkript zum Management der Installation von VirtualBoxThis script provides management of Virtual Box with USB support for PCLinuxOS.Dieses Script managt Virtual Box mit USB-Unterstützung für PCLinuxOS.fpinocEmulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1getvirtualbox-7.1.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm27099bd15dafd0d0bf1dce013918cadc./SRPMS.pclosd! ,   &08@pB@BABEBJCdegetvmwareworkstation17.5.21pclos2024Script to manage VMware Workstation installationSkript zum Management der Installation von VMware WorkstationThis script provides management of VMware Workstation for PCLinuxOS.Dieses Script verwaltet VMware Workstation für PCLinuxOS.*DpinocEmulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1getvmwareworkstation-17.5.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmP89ada35ffa502349f503523a73fd6447./SRPMS.pclosd   ? <B@3BATBEXBJyCgevice0.5.23pclos2010Gevice: GNOME Network Device ManagerGevice is a tool for the administration of network device. It is designed for being used in the GNOME Desktop. * Features - Allow you to draw the net model. - Allow you to print the net diagram in png,gif,jpg formats. - Allow you to save your model in database (Postgresql) - Allow you to manager the device, in terminal (telnet,ssh or local) - Allow export data to CSV file. Use "|" to separate fields (or other).Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch pygtk2.0-develpython-develpython-pygraphvizpython-vtepygtk2.0-libgladeintltoolpython-psycopg2python-gobject-develpkgconfiggnome-pythongnome-python-gconfperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gevice-0.5.2-3pclos2010.src.rpmacbfc6823f4c70a7c0a6b01a4a510276./SRPMS.pclosOd   O` dmtB@BABE BJACgexif0.514pclos2010Graphical tool to access EXIF extensions in JPEG filesMost digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags. This package contains a graphical frontend for the EXIF library.Graphicsi586 libexif-devellibexif-gtk-develpopt-develpkgconfiglibgtk+2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gexif-0.5-14pclos2010.src.rpm f46b34641883b8f61a23132892265556./SRPMS.pclosd " Z bB@mBABEBJCgextractwinicons0.32pclos2010A GTK+ utility to extract cursors, icons and png imagesgExtractWinIcons is a GTK+ utility to extract cursors, icons and png images previews from MS Windows resource files (like .exe, .dll, .ocx, .cpl).QGraphicsnoarch desktop-file-utilspython-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gextractwinicons-0.3-2pclos2010.src.rpmW95878bde0bde91e7e34fd72d8f14a286./SRPMS.pcloswd   T B@%BADBEHBJiCgfan0.6.21pclos2020Software for Computing Gröbner Fans and Tropical VarietiesThe software computes all marked reduced Gröbner bases of an ideal. Their union is a universal Gröbner basis. Gfan contains algorithms for computing this complex for general ideals and specialized algorithms for tropical curves, tropical hypersurfaces and tropical varieties of prime ideals. In addition to the above core functions the package contains many tools which are useful in the study of Gröbner bases, initial ideals and tropical geometry. Among these are an interactive traversal program for Gröbner fans and programs for graphical renderings. -Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 cddlib-develgcc-c++dvipdfgmp-develtexlive-texmfTOPCOMrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gfan-0.6.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm 17e95912bd70d63a265720838fe54cc3./SRPMS.pclosd  ? ',0LB@TBAtBExBJCgfceu0.6.02pclos2007GFCE Ultra Nintendo Emulator frontendGFCE Ultra is an intuitive interface for the popular Nintendo Emulator, FCE Ultra. It is designed for the GNOME desktop, and allows the user to easily play NES ROM images. Gfceu sports a number of features, including: Network play Custom input configuration Fullscreen support OpenGL support Sound support High compatibility, accurate emulation, and all the power of FCE Ultra! GNOME FCE Ultra is developed and maintained by Lukas Sabota. Texstar Emulatorsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gfceu-0.6.0-2pclos2007.src.rpmc2346d41042c6dfacb1389cade108e8b./SRPMS.pclosd   U8 <MT\~B@BABEBJCgflags2.2.21pclos2021A C++ library that implements commandline flags processingThe gflags package contains a C++ library that implements commandline flags processing. It includes built-in support for standard types such as string and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they are used.ESystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gflags-2.2.2-1pclos2021.src.rpmJ2aee703468d412dd9781b7aaa7456144./SRPMS.pclos7d   U` dvB@BABEBJ)Cgforth0.7.32pclos2021Fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth languageGforth is a fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language. It works nicely with the Emacs editor, offers some nice features such as input completion and history, backtraces, a decompiler and a powerful locals facility, and it even has a manual. Gforth combines traditional implementation techniques with newer techniques for portability and performance performance: its inner innerpreter is direct threaded with several optimizations, but you can also use a traditional-style indirect threaded interpreter.'^Development/Otherx86_64 m4lib64ltdl-devellibffi-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gforth-0.7.3-2pclos2021.src.rpm(<0e726ac3bbfcd8e795d647f8bd810c64./SRPMS.pclosd  a 1B@:BA`BEdBJCgframecatcher1.32pclos2010GFrameCatcher is a program that captures frames from a video fileGFrameCatcher captures frames from a video file and save these frames as thumbnails in a single image file or all frames into a folder.(Graphicsnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gframecatcher-1.3-2pclos2010.src.rpm19ed463a1f71e9b54bc25315d2ec337d./SRPMS.pclosd  @ BB@OBApBEtBJCgftp2.0.192pclos2014Multithreaded FTP client for X WindowsgFTP is a multithreaded FTP client for X Window written using Gtk. It features simultaneous downloads, resuming of interrupted file transfers, file transfer queues, downloading of entire directories, ftp proxy support, remote directory caching, passive and non-passive file transfers, drag-n-drop, bookmarks menu, stop button, and many more features.\Networking/File transferx86_64 gtk+2-develreadline-develncurses-developenssl-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gftp-2.0.19-2pclos2014.src.rpmd4097c5d78ecb9b86dd889349e8409a2./SRPMS.pclosd   @ 3<TB@BABEBJCgfxboot4.5.11pclos2014Tools to create graphical boot logosgfxboot provides tools to create graphical boot logos, for grub, lilo and syslinux. It supports arch-specific boot menus, advanced help menus, multiple keymaps, animated images, and more graphical pretty things.lSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 nasmxmltodocbook-dtd412-xmllib64x11-develfreetype2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gfxboot-4.5.1-1pclos2014.src.rpmr665a1b34d19c8bdeaa20d863b582cf69./SRPMS.pcloscd  + O B@BA0BE4BJUCgfxboot-theme-pclinuxos4.5.15pclos2022PCLinuxOS grub graphical boot themeThis package provides the PCLinuxOS grub/ISO gfxboot theme.+System/Boot and Initx86_64 perl-HTML-Parsergfxboot-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gfxboot-theme-pclinuxos-4.5.1-5pclos2022.src.rpm*9d13045e9d2e197e54bd20b6b1764725./SRPMS.pclosd   S  (04PB@XBA|BEBJCgfxtablet1.41pclos2017Program to work with Android tablets as graphics tabletGfxTablet shall make it possible to use your Android device (especially tablets) like a graphics tablet. Afterwards, reboot the computer so the proper kernel drivers may load (uinput) To use gfxtablet, open a terminal and type networktablet. The program will run until be finished (via ctrl-c or closing the terminal) In the Android device, run gfxtablet, connect to the computer (via wifi) and start drawing (Gimp and other gfx programs)Ybb2 Accessibilityx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gfxtablet-1.4-1pclos2017.src.rpm%9530821e73c73b81617b75deeb49ebb2c./SRPMS.pclosd $ 9 $,8kB@uBABEBJCggz-client-libs0.99.52pclos2017GGZ Client LibrariesThe GGZ client libraries are necessary for running and/or developing GGZ Gaming Zone clients and games. This package contains shared data files of GGZ and utility that maintain installed game modules..ghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64 popt-develexpat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ggz-client-libs-0.99.5-2pclos2017.src.rpm61b64b2dacf70c0ac2d776257caab5504./SRPMS.pclosd % I B@.BA\BE`BJCggz-gtk-client0.0.14.15pclos2014GGZ Client with GTK+ user interfaceThe official GGZ Gaming Zone client with GTK+ user interface. Games/Otherx86_64 libggz-develggz-client-libs-develgtk+2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) E9f9adc3e872765ecda89d9c54ded8950./SRPMS.pclosd  ! I 3B@HBApBEtBJCggz-server0.0.14.11pclos2010Server software for the GGZ Gaming ZoneThe GGZ Gaming Zone server allows other computers to connect to yours via the Internet and play network games. Currently, the following game servers are packaged with GGZ: - Spades - Connect the Dots - Tic-Tac-Toe - La Pocha - Chinese Checkers - Chess - Combat - Hastings - Krosswater - Reversi - GGZ Cards - Escape - Keepalive - Muehle }Games/Otheri586 libggz-develpopt-develautoconfexpat-develdb4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 70a4a7c2d7cc02a023fd122498a2e05e./SRPMS.pclosGd   0    B@BABEBJ9Cghex42.21pclos2022GNOME Hexadecimal EditorGHex allows the user to load data from any file, view and edit it in either hex or ascii. A must for anyone playing games that use non-ascii format for saving.ZuEditorsx86_64 intltooldesktop-file-utilslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gail3.0-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ghex-42.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm^b164b4600ecb34062f70d4eb42bdf8ed./SRPMS.pclos7d$ / Dh l{B@BABEBJ)Cghostery-private-browser2024.8.21pclos2024Ghostery web browserThe Ghostery Desktop Browser is a minimal fork of Firefox optimised for privacy. The main extra features are: The Ghostery Privacy Blocker extension is included and enabled by default. Ghostery privacy search included. Firefox settings (telemetry etc) tuned for maximum privacy.0oNetworking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ghostery-private-browser-2024.8.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmS`6b6fea0c5eb21e09a293cc0b49fd3e11./SRPMS.pclos Cd   ! = H L R X t B@ BA BE BJ 5Cghostess00.20081213pclos2010A GUI host for DSSI pluginsGhostess, a rough start at a graphical DSSI host, based on jack-dssi-host, but capable of saving and restoring plugin configuration, as well as specifying MIDI channels and layering synths. ghostess includes both an ALSA sequencer MIDI driver and a (clumsy but functional) CoreMIDI driver, which allows DSSI to be used on Mac OS X. ghostess also comes with a universal DSSI GUI, which attempts to provide GUI services for any DSSI or LADSPA plugin, and may be used with any DSSI host. This assumes you are familiar with jack-dssi-host. ghostess and jack-dssi-host both descended from the same dssi_example_host source, and in many ways are still very similar. A summary of the differences (as of 2005/4/11): * ghostess is GPL, jack-dssi-host is BSD-ish. * ghostess uses GNU autotools. * ghostess has a simple GTK+ GUI. Click on the 'UI' button for any instance to launch or hide its UI. Right-click on the 'UI' button for more options. * ghostess comes with a minimal universal DSSI GUI that can be used with any DSSI or LADSPA plugin. It does not read RDF files or instantiate the plugin, so it's not as full-featured as a universal GUI could be, but it does allow for adjusting DSSI/LADSPA ports, selecting bank and program (for plugins with select_program()), and sending test notes (for plugins with any of the run_synth() functions). If ghostess cannot find a UI for a plugin, and the universal GUI is in the PATH, ghostess will launch it. * ghostess allows specification of the MIDI channel for each plugin instance, allowing layering of multiple synths per channel. * ghostess allows specification of initial configure, program, and port values from the command line. * ghostess tracks configure items set on startup or sent by plugin UIs. * ghostess, through its 'Save Configuration...' menu option, can save the current configuration of its plugins. Basically, it just writes a Bourne shell script that can be used to start a (mostly) identical session. * ghostess creates a separate MIDI reception thread, and makes it low-priority SCHED_FIFO if possible (ALSA-only, at the moment). * ghostess double-forks its plugin UIs, putting them in separate process groups, and it does not SIGHUP everything on shutdown. jack-dssi-host keeps the UIs in its process group, and SIGHUPs them all as it exits (Linux-only, at the moment). * jack-dssi-host uses dual gettimeofday()s in the MIDI and audio process threads to do event dejittering, which seems expensive. ghostess uses jack_frame_time() and jack_last_frame_time(). This means ghostess needs JACK 0.99.0 or newer. * ghostess uses the LADSPA plugin Label and port Names when creating JACK port names, hopefully resulting in short-but-useful port names. * unlike jack-dssi-host, ghostess will not automatically load a plugin if it is invoked without arguments via a symlink of the same name as the plugin. * ghostess passes the JACK audio input buffers directly to plugins, eliminating a memcpy() that jack-dssi-host does. * jack-dssi-host includes ~/.dssi in its default for DSSI_PATH, ghostess does not.xSoundi586 libalsa-develjackit-develdssi-develliblo-develglib2-develgtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ghostess-0-0.20081213pclos2010.src.rpm+uda540638b3c6794c38901beee8e86696./SRPMS.pclosd  X `&B@IBApBEtBJCghostscript9.222pclos2019PostScript/PDF interpreter and renderer (Main executable)Ghostscript is a set of software tools that provide a PostScript(TM) interpreter, a set of C procedures (the Ghostscript library, which implements the graphics capabilities in the PostScript language) and an interpreter for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Ghostscript translates PostScript code into many common, bitmapped and vector formats, like those understood by your printer or screen. Ghostscript is normally used to display PostScript files and to print PostScript files to non-PostScript printers. You should install ghostscript if you need to display PostScript or PDF files, or if you have a non-PostScript printer.tSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-devellib64cups2-devellib64fontconfig-develbisonflexlibtoolunzipgettext-develmultiarch-utilslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64ice-devellib64idn-devellib64jasper-devellib64jbig2dec-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lcms2-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64paper-devellib64png-devellib64sm-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellib64xt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ghostscript-9.22-2pclos2019.src.rpmmt2d97bcc48166009819126a138a1d5072./SRPMS.pclosd $ Y  0B@8BAdBEhBJCghostscript-fonts8.119pclos2017Fonts for the GhostScript PostScript(TM) interpreterThese fonts can be used by the GhostScript interpreter during text rendering. They are in addition to the shared fonts between GhostScript and X11. [bb2 Publishingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ghostscript-fonts-8.11-9pclos2017.src.rpm 9e636a81b02a3fb5fa2f8f5e818f9c13./SRPMS.pclos;d ! DH Lcl|B@BABE BJ-Cghostwriter24.12.31pclos2025A distraction-free Markdown editorghostwriter is a text editor for Markdown, which is a plain text markup format. For more information about Markdown, please visit John Gruber’s website at http://www.daringfireball.net. ghostwriter provides a relaxing, distraction-free writing environment.)bGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ghostwriter-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm)bd43d1703dc988b299167276aad70103./SRPMS.pclosd   Ml p  r B@BABEBJCgi-docgen2024.11pclos2024Documentation tool for GObject-based librariesGI-DocGen is a document generator for GObject-based libraries. GObject is the base type system of the GNOME project. GI-Docgen reuses the introspection data generated by GObject-based libraries to generate the API reference of these libraries, as well as other ancillary documentation.Development/Pythonnoarch  mesonpython3-jinja2python3-markdownpython3-markupsafepython3-pygmentspython3-setuptoolspython3-tomlpython3-typogrifypython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gi-docgen-2024.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm78b8993742665b86c685d6485e83adeb./SRPMS.pclosWd  P 18B@BA$BE(BJICgiac1.5.0.531pclos2020Computer Algebra System, Symbolic calculus, GeometryGiac is a Computer Algebra System made by Bernard Parisse. It provides features from the C/C++ libraries PARI, NTL (arithmetic), GSL (numerics), GMP (big integers), MPFR (bigfloats) and also - Efficient algorithms for multivariate polynomial operations (product, GCD, factorization, groebner bases), - Symbolic computations: solver, simplifications, limits/series, integration, - Linear algebra with numerical or symbolic coefficients. - Partial Maple and TI compatibility. - It has interfaces in texmacs and sagemath. It consists of: - a C++ library (libgiac) - a command line interpreter (icas/giac) - an FLTK-based GUI (xcas) with interactive geometry and formal spreadsheets.Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 readline-develgettext-develgcc-c++cocoalib-develglpk-develgmp-develgsl-develmpfr-develntl-develpari-devellapack-develmpfi-develmesagl-devellibao-devellibpng-devellibjpeg-develfltk-devellibxinerama-develdesktop-file-utilsappstream-glib-develtexlive-texmftexinfoheveaperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1giac-ƽ5df63dbd1971c806e477e8f1efcda64c./SRPMS.pclosd   B  B@*BALBEPBJqCgiblib1.2.43pclos2021Simple library and a wrapper for imlib2giblib is a utility library used by many of the applications from linuxbrit.co.uk. It incorporates doubly linked lists, some string functions, and a wrapper for imlib2. The wrapper does two things. It gives you access to fontstyles, which can be loaded from files, saved to files or defined dynamically through the API. It also, and more importantly, wraps imlib2's context API. &System/Librariesx86_64 imlib2-develfreetype-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1giblib-1.2.4-3pclos2021.src.rpmb81164413eaeaa2326f2d823e2fa9414./SRPMS.pclosd   X$ (18DxB@BABEBJCgif2png2.5.141pclos2019Tools for converting websites from using GIFs to using PNGsTools for converting GIFs to PNGs. The program gif2png converts GIF files to PNG files. The Python script web2png converts an entire web tree, also patching HTML pages to keep IMG SRC references correct.rcGraphicsx86_64 libpng-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gif2png-2.5.14-1pclos2019.src.rpmybe7cbf3bfd2373d53a96b37c2c76801b./SRPMS.pclosd   Z$ (18<XB@`BABEBJCgifcurry6.0.1.01pclos2021The open-source, Haskell-built video editor for GIF makers.Gifcurry is the open-source, Haskell-built video editor for GIF makers. Load a video, make some edits, and save it as a GIF. Gifcurry makes your life easy! Most video formats should work, so go wild. Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gifcurry- Ra023816031c04ce2bfb10284fc2428bc./SRPMS.pclosd   E  _B@qBABEBJCgiflib5.2.21pclos2024Library for reading and writing gif imagesgiflib is a library for reading and writing gif images. It is API and ABI compatible with libungif which was in wide use while the LZW compression algorithm was patented.m System/Librariesx86_64  libx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmlto3.0.4-14.6.0-1giflib-5.2.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmGraphicsx86_64 gimp-develgettextgtk+2-develpkgconfigintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-plugin-sphere-brushes-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmEb15739698c16a6e3749579463f68bc97./SRPMS.pclosd'S ,zB@BABEBJCgimp-plugin-texturize2.11pclos2011Generate large textures from a small sampleThis plugin works with the GIMP (the GNU Image Manipulation Program). Its purpose is to generate large textures from a small sample. It can also generate tileable textures.%CGraphicsx86_64 gimp-develgettextgtk+2-develpkgconfigintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-plugin-texturize-2.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm+d998ccaad903f63e397a081390eb5a2b./SRPMS.pclosWd*BlpyB@BA$BE(BJICgimp-plugin-tree-brushes1.01pclos2011Tree brush set for GimpA collection of tree brushes for Gimp.Graphicsx86_64 gimp-develgettextgtk+2-develpkgconfigintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-plugin-tree-brushes-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpme566fceef6515b7f38edbd7e18cd7c4b./SRPMS.pclos_d!,Fpt}B@BA,BE0BJQCgimp-plugin-vector-brushes1.01pclos2011Vector brush set for GimpA collection of Vector brushes for Gimp.Graphicsx86_64 gimp-develgettextgtk+2-develpkgconfigintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-plugin-vector-brushes-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmQ713aab0e29ac6e6ef9b7d4414945672b./SRPMS.pclosWd +DlpyB@BA$BE(BJICgimp-plugin-water-brushes1.01pclos2011Water brush set for GimpA collection of water brushes for Gimp.Graphicsx86_64 gimp-develgettextgtk+2-develpkgconfigintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-plugin-water-brushes-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm1327552df2f0c98bdda60668086190bb./SRPMS.pclosCd % [| B@BABEBJ5Cgimp-resynthesizer0.161pclos2010Resynthesizer is a Gimp plug-in for texture synthesisGiven a sample of a texture, Resynthesizer can create more of that texture. This has a surprising number of uses: * Creating more of a texture (including creation of tileable textures) * Removing objects from images (great for touching up photos) * Creating themed images (such as the Resynthesizer logo above) After installation you will find the following items in the pop-up image menu: * Filters/Map/Resynthesize * Script-Fu/Enhance/Smart enlarge * Script-Fu/Enhance/Smart sharpen * Script-Fu/Enhance/Smart remove selectionNGraphicsi586 gcc-c++gimplibgimp2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-resynthesizer-0.16-1pclos2010.src.rpmTc4f18d732fa4f867d19397e5f4bfc347./SRPMS.pclosd&AB@BALBEPBJqCgimp-save-for-web0.29.01pclos2011Save for Web (GIMP plugin)Save for Web allows to find compromise between minimal file size and acceptable quality of image quickly. While adjusting various settings, you may explore how image quality and file size change. Options to reduce file size of an image include setting compression quality, number or colors, resizing, cropping, Exif information removal, etc.qGraphicsx86_64 gimp-develgettextgtk+2-develpkgconfigintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-save-for-web-0.29.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmϔde7b14e179b9a0c1e54b015b1faebee1./SRPMS.pclos d  B h l q z   B@ BA BE BJ Cgimp-scripts1.01pclos2013Gimp scripts and plugins collectionA collection of scripts and plug-ins from GIMP Plugin Registry. Included in the package are the following Scripts: - 3DScreenshot.scm [Script-Fu/Utils/3D Screenshot]. Creates a stylish decoration for a screenshot. - bloom.scm [Filters/Light and Shadow/Bloom...]. Adds lightblurring to the image. - CarTOONize.scm [Filters/Artistic/CarTOONize...]. Take a standard RGB or Grayscale picture, and cartoonize it. - chrominium.scm [File/Create/Logos]. Creates a Chrome effect with gradient shadow. - comicbook.scm [Filters/Artistic/Comic-Book1...]. Creates a Comic Book Effect. - comicbook.scm [Filters/Artistic/Comic-Book2...]. Creates a Comic Book Effect. - dm-gen-1.2.1.scm [Script-Fu/Map/Water reflection map]. Generates new image with displacement map. Can be used later for water reflection generation. - hdr-eff-plus.scm [Script-Fu/Enhance/Fake HDR Effect plus...]. Make a photo to fake HDR with GIMP - hdr-eff.scm [Script-Fu/Enhance/Fake HDR Effect...]. Make a photo to fake HDR with GIMP - imagewatermark.scm [Script-Fu/Utils/ImageWatermark]. Write a watermark in a corner of the image - pencil-drawing-from-photo.scm [Script-Fu/Artistic/Pencil drawing ..]. To create pencil drawing from photographic image. - planet-render1-2.scm [File/Create/Misc]. Creates a planet.(Color, size and sun orientation can be set). - quick-sketch_1.scm [Script-Fu/Artistic/Quick sketch...]. Create a sketch from a photo. - rays-of-light.scm [Filters/Alpha to Logo]. Add radiating rays of light to alpha. - StarScape_2_6.scm [File/Create/Render/Star Scape...]. Draw a StarScape with a determined color, density and size - svg-path-export_0.scm [Script-Fu/Utils/SVG Export...]. Replacement for the /Export Path... which also generates a SVG file but one that does not allow the specification of path attributes such as stroke and fill colour, or specific shape types. - textwatermark.scm [Script-Fu/Utils/TextWatermark]. Write a watermark in a corner of the image. - wm-text [File/Create/Photo Watermark and Images/Filter/Render/Photo Watermark]. A hidden watermark to protect your photos. Plug-ins: - feca_hdr.py [Python-Fu/Render/HDR tone mapping]. High dynamic range with tone mapping - layerfx.2.8.py [Layer/Layer Effects]. A series of scripts that implement various layer effects. - layer-via-copy-cut.py [Layer/Layer via Copy]. Copy and move the selected area to a new layer in the same position. - layer-via-copy-cut.py [Layer/Layer via Cut]. Copy and move the selected area to a new layer in the same position.TNealGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-scripts-1.0-1pclos2013.src.rpma993a033818c228e019f5e6d90723b51./SRPMS.pclosd ( ^ oB@~BABEBJCgimp-wavelet-sharpen0.1.21pclos2014Gimp plugin increases apparent sharpness of an image.The wavelet sharpen plugin increases apparent sharpness of an image. The amount of unsharpness in the original image can be taken into account. The plugin is not compareable to the builtin 'Sharpen' filter of the GIMP, however the results are simmilar to the ones with the builtin 'Unsharp mask' filter.FGraphicsx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gimp2.0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gimp-wavelet-sharpen-0.1.2-1pclos2014.src.rpmMt36ba2a2b880c6eccb03cb6838e1815b8./SRPMS.pcloscd  5 B@ BA0BE4BJUCgimpsplasher3.0.81pclos2024Change gimp's splashThis program allow you to change gimp's splash screen Add one or many splash images to gimp's splash folder0>Graphicsx86_64  makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gimpsplasher-3.0.8-1pclos2024.src.rpm1787a8b06ee8ecaf7fae77382cbb0fc7c./SRPMS.pclosSd   7PT YktB@BA BE$BJECgio-sharp2.22.31pclos2012.NET/C# Bindings for GIOC#/CLI bindings for GIONealDevelopment/Othernoarch  glib2-develglib-sharp2gtk-sharp2-develmono-develmonodoc-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " >( ,5<HB@BABEBJCgis-weather0.8.2.751pclos2018Customizable weather widgetCustomizable weather widget. Features * View weather for several days * Detailed weather forecast for today and tomorrow * Fast switching between cities * Select the background and theme weather icons * "Compass" with the wind direction, with adjustable angle of rotation * Highlighting the high wind * Support weather services: * Gismeteo.com * AccuWeather.com * OpenWeatherMap.org * Yr.no * Support SVG and widget scale * Indicator to panel * Presetsw Graphicsnoarch fdupesgobject-introspectionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gis-weather- 86c26c506e42b92d666e373274451e97./SRPMS.pclosCd   R  <  B@BABEBJ5Cdegit2.34.11pclos2021Global Information TrackerGlobal Informations-TrackerThis is a stupid (but extremely fast) directory content manager. It doesn't do a whole lot, but what it _does_ do is track directory contents efficiently. It is intended to be the base of an efficient, distributed source code management system. This package includes rudimentary tools that can be used as a SCM, but you should look elsewhere for tools for ordinary humans layered on top of this.Datei- und Prozessverwaltungswerkzeuge git (GNU Interactive Tools) ist eine Sammlung von interaktiven Textmodus-Werkzeugen, eng angegliedert an die Shell. Enthalten sind ein Dateisystem-Browser, ein ascii/hex-Datei- Betrachter, ein Prozess-Beobachter/-killer und einige andere ähnliche Werkzeuge und Shell-Scripte. Die Benutzung von git kann die meisten täglichen Aufgaben (wie Dateienund Verzeichnisse kopieren und verschieben, Editoren aufrufen, Dateien komprimieren und dekomprimieren, Archive erstellen und erweitern, Anwendungen kompilieren, Mails verschicken etc.) beschleunigen und effizienter gestalten. git sieht gut aus, nutzt Farben (wenn die Standard ANSI Farb-Sequenzen unterstützt werden) und ist benutzerfreundlich. Eine der Hauptvorteile von git ist seine Flexibilität. Es ist nicht auf einen festgelegten Satz von Kommandos beschränkt. Die Konfigurationsdatei kann einfach erweitert werden und erlaubt es dem Benutzer, neue Kommandos oder Dateioperationen hinzuzufügen, je nach seinen Bedürfnissen oder Vorlieben.hKDevelopment/Otherx86_64 asciidoclib64curl-devellib64expat1-devellib64openssl-devellibxml2-utilsxmltoxsltprocperl-CGIdocbook-dtd45-xmllib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1git-2.34.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmhGbe4f64fe20325a42fcbc8a9c1ec4c9a6./SRPMS.pclosd   U $@B@BABEBJCgitg0.1.01pclos2011GTK+ graphical interface for the git revision control systemgitg is a GitX clone for GNOME/gtk+. It aims at being a small, fast and convenient tool to visualize git history and actions that benefit from a graphical presentation.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 dbus-devellibGConf2-develgtk2-develgtksourceview-develgsettings-desktop-schemas-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gitg-0.1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm֖33b0b5572846729bfbc110be75403697./SRPMS.pclos d MlpB@BABEBJCgitslave2.0.11pclos2011gitslave creates a group of related repositoriesgitslave creates a group of related repositories—a superproject repository and a number of slave repositories—all of which are concurrently developed on and on which all git operations should normally operate; so when you branch, each repository in the project is branched in turn.CDevelopment/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gitslave-2.0.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmL8e2f64bff4eef5699a8c4a47b33060d8./SRPMS.pclosd " o B@BABEBJCgjacktransport0.2.71pclos2007gjacktransport - A standalone application to access jack as touchable slidergjacktransport implements a standalone application to access the jack-audio-connection-kit's transport mechanism as touchable slider. in other words: this software allows to seek Audio/Video media files when they are played along jack transport. Intended for audio-engineers or A/V editors that work with arodour, ecasound, hydrogen and/or xjadeo,..vSoundi586 e2fsprogs-develesound-devellibjack-develliblash-devellibgnomeui2-develpkgconfigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gjacktransport-0.2.7-1pclos2007.src.rpm|59f87112886c220eda2616105a9f61d4./SRPMS.pclos3d   K    B@BABEBJ%Cgjs1.56.21pclos2019JavaScript bindings based on gobject-introspectionThis package contains JavaScript bindings based on gobject-introspection. EDevelopment/Otherx86_64  pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-gobject)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)lib64mozjs60-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) o6acbf956866ae349ef0559ec95e790d3./SRPMS.pclosd   C $8B@BABEBJCgkII0.4.71pclos2010A Mandelbrot and Julia set image generatorgkII is a Mandelbrot and Julia set image generator, derived from Osku Salerma's Gfract. It features unlimited image size, anti-aliasing, and methods to mangle the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It also features palette interpolation with the ability to scale the palettes (fractint style palette files). Autolayer settings with rampage of pertubation and bailout values. Parameter save and load. Random colour palette generation/adjustment. Plus other features. mGraphicsi586 gtk2-devellibpng-develzlib-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gkII-0.4.7-1pclos2010.src.rpm9b8938c800a8200172b6ae0a8aca5e5a./SRPMS.pcloscd  Gx |B@ BA0BE4BJUCgkeyfile-sharp0.12pclos2010Mono bindings for the GKeyFile libraryThis is a Mono binding for the GKeyFile library.I System/Librariesi586  mono-develglib2-develglib-sharp2gtk-sharp2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   b B@+BAPBETBJuCdegkrellm2.3.111pclos2019Multiple stacked system monitorsMehrere gestapelte SystemmonitoreGKrellM charts SMP CPU, load, Disk, and all active net interfaces automatically. An on/off button and online timer for the PPP interface is provided. Monitors for memory and swap usage, file system, internet connections, APM laptop battery, mbox style mailboxes, and cpu temps. Also includes an uptime monitor, a hostname label, and a clock/calendar. Additional features are: * Autoscaling grid lines with configurable grid line resolution. * LED indicators for the net interfaces. * A gui popup for configuration of chart sizes and resolutions.GKrellM CPU SMP-Charts, FestplattenüberwachungEin EIN/AUS-Taste und Online-Timer für die PPP-Schnittstelle. Monitore für Speicher und Swap-Nutzung, Dateisystem, InternetVerbindungen, APM-Laptop-Batterie, mbox-Stil Mailboxen, und cpu temps. Es enthält auch ein uptime-Monitor, ein Hostname Etikett, und eine Uhr/Kalender. Zusätzliche Funktionen sind: * Autoskalierung Gitterlinien mit konfigurierbaren Gitternetzlinien Auflösung. * LED-Anzeigen für das Netz-Schnittstellen. * Ein GUI für Pop-up-Konfiguration von Chart Größen und Auflösungen.Monitoringx86_64 gettextImageMagicklib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64ice-devellib64lm_sensors5-devellib64openssl-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64sm-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gkrellm-2.3.11-1pclos2019.src.rpm/f8bb3c89ccb40c7cc6e44494384254bf./SRPMS.pclos 'd ' ;  B@ BA BE BJ Cdegkrellm-plugins2.3.102pclos2019Plugins for gkrellmThis package contains some plugins for gkrellm. Included are the following plugins: * volume, controls mixer * mailwatch, watches individual mailboxes for new mail * gkrellmitime, displays internet time * gkrellmss, sound scope * gkrellmwireless, monitors the link quality of a wirless LAN card * gkrellm-radio, radio tuner interface * gkrellweather, checks and reports weather conditions * fmonitor, displays contents of files * reminder, a cron-lick scheduler * gkleds, plugin which monitors CapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock * gkrellmbgchg, Change your background on a schedule * gkrellsun, Sunrise and Sunset display * gkx86info, Calculates Mhz/Ghz of processor * gkrellmoon, shows the phases of the moon * seti, displays information about your seti progress * gkrellm-hddtemp, displays temperatures of hard disks * gkrellmlaunch, allows one click access to programsDieses Paket enthält einige Erweiterungen für gkrellm. Inbegriffen sind die folgenden Erweiterungen: * Volumen, Kontrollen Mixer * Mailwatch, Uhren einzelner Mailboxen für neue E-Mail * Gkrellmitime, zeigt Internet-Zeit * Gkrellmss-, Ton-Umfang * Gkrellmwireless, überwacht den Link Qualität eines Wirless-LAN-Karte * Gkrellm-Radio, Radio-Tuner-Schnittstelle * Gkrellweather, Kontrollen und Berichte Wetterbedingungen * Fmonitor, zeigt Inhalt von Dateien * Erinnerung, ein Cron-Scheduler lecken * Gkleds, die Plugin-Monitore Feststelltaste, Num-Taste, Rollen * Gkrellmbgchg, ändern Sie den Hintergrund auf einen Zeitplan * Gkrellsun, Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang Anzeige * Gkx86info, berechnet MHz / GHz Prozessor * Gkrellmoon, zeigt die Phasen des Mondes * Seti, zeigt Informationen über Ihre seti Fortschritte * Gkrellm-hddtemp, zeigt Temperaturen von Festplattenº * Gkrellmlaunch, läßt einem Klick Zugang zu den Programmen Monitoringx86_64 gkrellm-devellibmcrypt-devellibopenssl-develcpufrequtils-devellib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64audiofile-devellib64cairo-devellib64esound-devellib64fftw-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64lirc-devellib64net-snmp-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-devellib64xi-devellib64xmms-devellib64xtst-develnet-snmp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gkrellm-plugins-2.3.10-2pclos2019.src.rpm d60cc6402fe344cbcc118e30561dfd20./SRPMS.pclos'd % < B@BABEBJCgkrellm-themes201906202pclos2019Themes for the GKrellMThis package contains some nice themes for the GKrellM monitoring utility.5wpMonitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gkrellm-themes-20190620-2pclos2019.src.rpm5|^3954b4b9b08c6a50bf0e37327d0f360d./SRPMS.pclosd   ,$( 2JT`B@BABEBJCgksu2.0.26pclos2017GTK+ frontend to sugksu is a Gtk+ frontend to /bin/su. It supports login shells and preserving environment when acting as a su frontend. It is useful to menu items or other graphical programs that need to ask a user's password to run another program as another user.N3bb2 Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 libgksu-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gksu-2.0.2-6pclos2017.src.rpmT56037a33030018cb9910ac6d97c2ffac7./SRPMS.pclosd   2 pB@BABEBJCgl-1171.3.26pclos2011Action flight simulatorGL-117 is an action flight simulator for Linux/Unix and MSWindows. Enter the Eagle Squadron and succeed in several challanging missions leading though different landscapes. Five predefined levels of video quality and an amount of viewing ranges let you perfectly adjust the game to the performance of your system. Joystick, mouse, sound effects, music...(Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64mesaglu1-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64x11-devellib64nas2-devellib64smpeg0.4-devellib64vorbis0-develmesa-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gl-117-1.3.2-6pclos2011.src.rpm!6b6d10dac0f1553707f7135e2d79c54f./SRPMS.pclosd  B \B@jBABEBJCgl2ps1.3.83pclos2019An OpenGL to PostScript printing libraryGL2PS is a C library providing high quality vector output for any OpenGL application. The main difference between GL2PS and other similar libraries is the use of sorting algorithms capable of handling intersecting and stretched polygons, as well as non manifold objects. GL2PS provides advanced smooth shading and text rendering, culling of invisible primitives, mixed vector/bitmap output, and much more... GL2PS can currently create PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and Portable Document Format (PDF) files, as well as LaTeX files for the text fragments. Adding new vector output formats should be relatively easy (and amongst the formats we would be interested in adding, SVG is first in line). Meanwhile, you can use the excellent pstoedit program to transform the PostScript files generated by GL2PS into many other vector formats such as xfig, cgm, wmf, etc.XhSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64freeglut-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64png-develmesa-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gl2ps-1.3.8-3pclos2019.src.rpmZ|3a490665df9bcf54235eb6a87b1ac6d1./SRPMS.pclosd   M PB@qBABEBJCglabels3.4.12pclos2023GNOME program to create labels and business cardsGlabels is stand-alone program for creating labels and business cards for GNOME.4Officex86_64  desktop-file-utilsgettext-develgnome-doc-utilsgtk-docintltoolitstoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64iec16022-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64xml2-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wayland-protocols-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1glabels-3.4.1-2pclos2023.src.rpm5&+4c87fba12e75323c67934195f9f45ff0./SRPMS.pclosd  8 hB@BABEBJCglade3.38.24pclos2022GTK+ / GNOME 3 widget builderGlade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the Gtk+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment. The user interfaces designed in Glade are stored in XML format, enabling easy integration with external tools. In particular libglade can load the XML files and create the interfaces at runtime. Other tools are available which can turn the XML files into source code in languages such as C++, Perl and Python.)mDevelopment/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 desktop-file-utilsgtk-docgnome-doc-utilsintltoolitstoolmesonlib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64python-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-develpython3-gobject3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glade-3.38.2-4pclos2022.src.rpm)rbd4ecb76c6e42a88bd674feb378d9ca7./SRPMS.pclosd   9 B@BABEBJCglade22.12.14pclos2007GTK+ / GNOME 2 widget builderGlade is a Widget builder for Gtk/gnome. It allows to create a gtk/gnome interface in C, C++, Ada and PerlTexstar Development/GNOME and GTK+i586  libxml2-devellibgnomeprintui-devellibgnomeui2-develscrollkeeperperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   8\ `{  R B@dBABEBJCglade33.8.61pclos2018GTK+ / GNOME 2 widget builderGlade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the Gtk+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment. The user interfaces designed in Glade are stored in XML format, enabling easy integration with external tools. In particular libglade can load the XML files and create the interfaces at runtime. The DTD for the XML files is included with libglade, and is also at http://glade.gnome.org/glade-2.0.dtd. Other tools are available which can turn the XML files into source code in languages such as C++, Perl and Python.#cDevelopment/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 libxml2-devellibgnomeui2-develpygtk2.0-develgettext-develdesktop-file-utilsgtk-docscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilsintltoolitstoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glade3-3.8.6-1pclos2018.src.rpm#g6babdbf8da495f89e5f73b2af22d9618./SRPMS.pclosd   F 9B@CBAdBEhBJCglademm2.6.03pclos2007A module for make gtkmm program with gladeThis package permit to generate c++ code with glade. glade-- use gtkmm binding for c++ code.HTexstar Development/GNOME and GTK+i586 libgnomeuimm2.0-develgtkmm2.4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glademm-2.6.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm9667eee7517a1f2c6adfd4e067bc26f80./SRPMS.pclosd   J    B@BABEBJCglamor0.6.05pclos2015Open-source 2D graphics common driver for X.orgThe glamor module is an open-source 2D graphics common driver for the X Window System as implemented by X.Org. It supports a variety of graphics chipsets which have OpenGL/EGL/GBM supports. It’s a GL-based rendering acceleration library for X server: * It uses GL functions and shader to complete the 2D graphics operations. * It uses normal texture to represent a drawable pixmap if possible. * It calls GL functions to render to the texture directly. It’s somehow hardware independently. And could be a building block of any X server’s DDX driver: * Xorg’s DDX driver could leverage glamor-egl package to create an EGL context without any native X system. Now the xf86-intel-video driver uses glamor as one of its option. When you build it with --enable-glamor, then it will use glamor as its rendering enginee.8System/X11x86_64 lib64drm-devellib64gbm1-devellib64mesaegl1-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64pciaccess-devellib64pixman-develx11-util-macrosx11-server-develx11-proto-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glamor-0.6.0-5pclos2015.src.rpmh5e57bd155a1a6965464f2789e8bb1b31./SRPMS.pclos'd ' 8t xB@BABEBJCglass-icon-theme200911181pclos2010Glass Icon themeThis package contains the glass icon theme for pclinuxos. NSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glass-icon-theme-20091118-1pclos2010.src.rpm Y55e461161a0a077a3765f62612caee27./SRPMS.pclossd   Q  B@BA@BEDBJeCglaxnimate0.5.41pclos2023Simple and fast vector graphics animation program. Glaxnimate is a simple and fast vector graphics animation program.Agent Smith Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1glaxnimate-0.5.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm-46fcefd9ca677c0221c62fdbf5c9a2b9./SRPMS.pclosSd   8| B@BA BE$BJECgle3.1.08pclos2015GLE Tubing and Extrusion LibraryGLE is a library package of C functions that draw extruded surfaces, including surfaces of revolution, sweeps, tubes, polycones, polycylinders and helicoids. Generically, the extruded surface is specified with a 2D polyline that is extruded along a 3D path. A local coordinate system allows for additional flexibility in the primitives drawn. Extrusions may be texture mapped in a variety of ways. The GLE library generates 3D triangle coordinates, lighting normal vectors and texture coordinates as output. GLE uses the GL or OpenGL API's to perform the actual rendering.FSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64mesaglu1-devellib64freeglut-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gle-3.1.0-8pclos2015.src.rpmFi7f2f7b756d4a0ea41334bacdea16c26f./SRPMS.pcloswd  ; +0 d  B@$BADBEHBJiCglest3.2.22pclos2010A free 3d real time strategy gameGlest is a 3D OpenGL real time strategy game. It takes place in a context which could be compared to that of the pre-renaissance Europe, with the licence that magic forces exist in the environment and can be controlled.XGames/Strategyi586 zlib-developenal-devellibxerces-c0-develSDL-develoggvorbis-develSDL_net-develSDL_mixer-develMesa-common-develjamunziprecodelua-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glest-3.2.2-2pclos2010.src.rpmU(98bdc26da697e4989914a62fa1cf0a48./SRPMS.pclos#d   >< @QXpB@BABEBJCglew2.0.03pclos2021The OpenGL Extension Wrangler LibraryThe goal of the OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is to assist C/C++ OpenGL developers with two tedious tasks: initializing and using extensions and writing portable applications. GLEW provides an efficient run-time mechanism to determine whether a certain extension is supported by the driver or not. OpenGL core and extension functionality is exposed via a single header file. GLEW currently supports a variety of platforms and operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Darwin, Irix, and Solaris.C4System/Librariesx86_64 libx11-develmesaglu-devellibxi-devellibxmu-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glew-2.0.0-3pclos2021.src.rpmE,027deb681697d544816944dbb2f22336./SRPMS.pclos#d   >< @QXpB@BABEBJCglew2.2.01pclos2021The OpenGL Extension Wrangler LibraryThe goal of the OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is to assist C/C++ OpenGL developers with two tedious tasks: initializing and using extensions and writing portable applications. GLEW provides an efficient run-time mechanism to determine whether a certain extension is supported by the driver or not. OpenGL core and extension functionality is exposed via a single header file. GLEW currently supports a variety of platforms and operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Darwin, Irix, and Solaris.System/Librariesx86_64 libx11-develmesaglu-devellibxi-devellibxmu-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glew-2.2.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmae200953c758b1ae92960738a085de31f./SRPMS.pclosd   <P Tel  M B@fBABEBJCglfw3.3.81pclos2023A cross-platform multimedia libraryGLFW is a free, open source, multi-platform library for OpenGL application development that provides a powerful API for handling operating system specific tasks such as opening an OpenGL window, reading keyboard, mouse, joystick and time input, creating threads, and more. xSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1glfw-3.3.8-1pclos2023.src.rpm g0a1932fa36cdf91f9660996f5d1b50f9./SRPMS.pclos3d  ?x |B@BABEBJ%Cglib1.2.1020pclos2015A library of handy utility functionsGlib is a handy library of utility functions. This C library is designed to solve some portability problems and provide other useful functionality which most programs require. Glib is used by GDK, GTK+ and many applications. You should install Glib because many of your applications will depend on this library.sSystem/Librariesx86_64 automake1.4autoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glib-1.2.10-20pclos2015.src.rpm3284e22fd6c3f0da65bd8b16c2e4a5a8./SRPMS.pclosd $ @   c B@zBABEBJCglib-networking2.80.11pclos2025Network-related GIO modulesThis package contains the network-related GIO modules for Glib.}System/Librariesx86_64  gsettings-desktop-schemas-develintltoollib64glib2.0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64proxy-develmesonp11-kit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1glib-networking-2.80.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm*d93109ac0d16fb519fba3dc0482304f2./SRPMS.pclos d ! .< @QXdB@BABEBJCglib-openssl2.50.82pclos2019glib opensslglib opensslX#System/Librariesx86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glib-openssl-2.50.8-2pclos2019.src.rpm_ 7fae25919ed0eddbcf14a12f3aea4562./SRPMS.pclosd   A$ (9@|ZB@wBABEBJCglib2.02.83.31pclos2025A library of handy utility functionsGlib is a handy library of utility functions. This C library is designed to solve some portability problems and provide other useful functionality which most programs require. Glib is used by GDK, GTK+ and many applications.UCSystem/Librariesx86_64  dbus-develdocbook-style-xsldocbook-xslgettextlib64elfutils-devellib64ffi-devellib64nl-devellib64pcre0-devellibtoollibxml2-utilslocales-enpython3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1glib2.0-2.83.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmUf99cfccca38f49280e986689f05aebe9./SRPMS.pclosd   / 0B@:BAXBE\BJ}Cglibc2.391pclos2024The GNU libc librariesThe glibc package contains standard libraries which are used by multiple programs on the system. In order to save disk space and memory, as well as to make upgrading easier, common system code is kept in one place and shared between programs. This particular package contains the most important sets of shared libraries: the standard C library and the standard math library. Without these two libraries, a Linux system will not function. The glibc package also contains national language (locale) support. This package now also provides ldconfig which was packaged separately in the past. Ldconfig is a basic system program which determines run-time link bindings between ld.so and shared libraries. Ldconfig scans a running system and sets up the symbolic links that are used to load shared libraries properly. It also creates a cache (/etc/ld.so.cache) which speeds the loading of programs which use shared libraries.'7System/Toolchainx86_64  autoconf2.5binutilsbisongccgettextgithardlinkkernel-userspace-headerslib64cap-devellib64gd-devellibstdc++-static-develpatchperlrpm-pclinuxos-setup-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)spec-helpertexinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1glibc-2.39-1pclos2024.src.rpm HI19bd1b6251d9ec9319f23512d0db4663./SRPMS.pclos d   6p tB@BABEBJCglibc_lsb2.4.72pclos2019LSB dynamic loader linksProvides ld-lsb* dynamic loader links for LSB complianceSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glibc_lsb-2.4.7-2pclos2019.src.rpme7f02550433025e18813ae9e40e5b69c./SRPMS.pclos d   2 B@BABEBJCglibmm2.68.21pclos2022C++ interface for glibGtkmm provides a C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library. glibmm originally belongs to gtkmm, but is now separated, for use with non-GUI software written in C++.wSystem/Librariesx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(sigc++-3.0)mm-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glibmm-2.68.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmwɴ53b21836cf64c2b667554c2d4f32cbbb./SRPMS.pclos d   2 B@BABEBJCglibmm2.74.01pclos2022C++ interface for glibGtkmm provides a C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library. glibmm originally belongs to gtkmm, but is now separated, for use with non-GUI software written in C++.y,'System/Librariesx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(sigc++-3.0)mm-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glibmm-2.74.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmy88c24624d22b59bfd1b3fc2d41f36b31d8./SRPMS.pclosd   5  fB@sBABEBJCglibmm2.42.66.11pclos2021C++ interface for glibGtkmm provides a C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library. glibmm originally belongs to gtkmm, but is now separated, for use with non-GUI software written in C++.rnSystem/Librariesx86_64 glib2-devellibsigc++2.0-develdoxygenlibxslt-procmm-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glibmm2.4-2.66.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmr|7280e2bc28108a5618eaf91bd3599a6a./SRPMS.pclosd   5  D % B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cglipper1.03pclos2010Clipboard manager for GNOMEGlipper is a clipboard manager for GNOME. It maintains a history of text copied to the clipboard from which you can choose. You can see this as a GNOME counterpart to KDE's Klipper.3Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 perl(XML::Parser)pkgconfiggnome-doc-utilsglib2-devellibgnome2-devellibglade2.0-develImageMagickgnome-python-develpygtk2.0-develgnome-python-gconfgnome-python-gnomevfsgnome-python-appletrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glipper-1.0-3pclos2010.src.rpm;18bd07edb535c3a6fbcd9ae52d821b41./SRPMS.pclosd   T lB@xBABEBJCdeglista0.41pclos2010Simple personal to-do list manager or task tracking toolGlista aims to be a very simple personal to-do list manager or task tracking tool that does what it's supposed to, and does not get in your way. The main focus of Glista is on staying a very simple tool. Glista is based on the Gtk+ graphical toolkit, which means it will integrate best with the GNOME desktop and other Gtk+ based desktop environments, but will also run well on other environments such as KDE.Glista ist ein einfacher persönlicher To-Do Listen Manager oder TASK Tracking Werkzeug. Glista basiert auf GTK+ grafisches Toolkit ist besonders für Gnome und andere GTK+ basierende Desktop Umgebungen, läuft aber auch unter KDE-Umgebung.#Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk2-devellibxml2-develdesktop-file-utilsgnome-spellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glista-0.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm*11b91e55524ac97aa92da2a66ec50253./SRPMS.pcloscd  : B@BA0BE4BJUCglitz0.5.64pclos2011OpenGL image compositing libraryGlitz is an OpenGL image compositing library. Glitz provides Porter/Duff compositing of images and implicit mask generation for geometric primitives including trapezoids, triangles, and rectangles. The semantics of glitz are designed to precisely match the specification of the X Render extension. Glitz does not only implement X Render features like component alpha and image transformations, but also support for additional features like convolution filters and color gradients, which are not currently part of the X Render specification. The performance and capabilities of glitz are much dependent on graphics hardware. Glitz does not in any way handle software fall-backs when graphics hardware is insufficient. However, glitz will report if any requested operation cannot be carried out by graphics hardware, hence making a higher level software layer responsible for appropriate actions.System/Librariesx86_64 GL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glitz-0.5.6-4pclos2011.src.rpmޜ7ed0ac86eaf9127d15c768aa1ea80192./SRPMS.pclosd   , 7B@DBAdBEhBJCgliv1.9.71pclos2010OpenGL image viewerGLiv is an OpenGL image viewer. It performs image loading via Gdk-pixbuf (which is bundled with GTK+-2.2) and rendering with OpenGL. The graphical user interface uses GTK+ with GtkGLExt. If Gdk-pixbuf cannot load your image, it uses ImageMagick to convert it to PNG. GLiv is very fast and smooth at rotating, panning, and zooming if you have an OpenGL accelerated graphics board.)kGraphicsi586 mesaglu-devellibx11-develgtk+2-devellibgtkglext-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gliv-1.9.7-1pclos2010.src.rpm4h0bbff9b05792652218e40c2b11319d53./SRPMS.pclosd   H  &6@PB@BABEBJCglm1.0.11pclos2025C++ mathematics library for graphics programmingGLM is a C++ library for doing mathematics operations required in many OpenGL based applications. Its interface has been designed to resemble the built-in matrix and vector types of the OpenGL shading language.7GpinocDevelopment/C++x86_64  cmakedos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1glm-1.0.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm7t@8acfe8fe56be523de3fdf07c97be717a./SRPMS.pclosd   6` dmt  W B@iBABEBJCglmark22020.041pclos2021Benchmark for OpenGL 2.0Glmark2 is a benchmark for OpenGL 2.0.Graphicsx86_64 libjpeg-develpkgconfig(libpng12)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(gbm)pythondesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glmark2-2020.04-1pclos2021.src.rpm[f32a0fce2656bc03e15bc28abff49c9b./SRPMS.pclosd " b  /4 d  B@'BAPBETBJuCglobulation20.9.4.41pclos2010Globulation2 - a state of the art Real Time Strategy (RTS) gameGlob2 is a state of the art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game. It is free software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Globulation in a whole is an on-going project to create an innovative high quality gameplay by minimizing micro-managment and assigning automatically the tasks to the units. The player just has to order the number of units he wants for a selected task and the units will do their best to satisfy your requirements. Glob2 can be played by a single player, through your Local Area Network (LAN), or through Internet thanks to Ysagoon Online Game (YOG), a meta-server. It also features a scripting language for versatile gameplay and an integrated map editor..Games/Strategyi586 oggvorbis-develSDL-develfribidi-develSDL_image-develSDL_net-develspeex-develSDL_ttf-develboost-develMesaGLU-develsconslibportaudio2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1globulation2-|e45a2f9078a1bb527bfe55b796e0983c./SRPMS.pclosd   : )B@2BAPBETBJuCglog0.3.31pclos2013A C++ application logging libraryGoogle glog is a library that implements application-level logging. This library provides logging APIs based on C++-style streams and various helper macros.pinoc32System/Librariesi586 autoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glog-0.3.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmY09cb98157ebb7e6a69798a67fb4ac8af./SRPMS.pclosd  J 2<$$W$B@BABEBJCglom1.18.61pclos2011Easy-to-use database designer and user interfaceGlom lets you design database systems - the database and the user interface. Glom has high-level features such as relationships, lookups, related fields, related records, calculated fields, drop-down choices, searching, reports, users and groups. It has Numeric, Text, Date, Time, Boolean, and Image field types. Glom systems require almost no programming, but you may use Python for calculated fields or buttons. Glom uses the postgresql9.0 database backend.ms9Development/Databasesx86_64  libbakery2.6-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextintltoollibgdamm4-develgda4.0-develpython-develgnome-python-gdagnome-python-gda-devellib64gnomecanvasmm2.6-develboost-devellibgnome2-devellibxslt-develpygtk2.0-develgtkmm2.4-develgnome-doc-utilsscrollkeeperstartup-notification-develiso-codeslibxslt-procpostgresql9.0-develpostgresql9.0-plpythonpostgresql9.0-serverpostgresql9.0-plpgsqlpostgresql9.0-plpostgresql9.0-contribgettext-develgnome-python-extraslibepc-devellib64goocanvas-devellib64gtksourceview-2.0_0-devellib64gtksourceviewmm-2.0-devellib64goocanvasmm-develavahi-ui-develpython-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}19c3c20bac58cb0e42c9acc7e65d12b3./SRPMS.pclos/d  G4 8QXlB@BABEBJ!Cgloox1.0.241pclos2022C++ full-featured Jabber/XMPP client librarygloox is a C++ Jabber/XMPP library which takes care of the low-level protocol stuff. Additionally, it offers high-level interfaces for interaction with an XMPP server. It is released under the GNU GPL. Commercial licenses are available. Networking/Remote accessx86_64 pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(iksemel)pkgconfig(libidn)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gloox-1.0.24-1pclos2022.src.rpm 1a1d22c0a2b1ae58e91e86a590922a25./SRPMS.pclosd   7HL Q_hpB@BABEBJCdeglpeces5.01pclos2012Tangram gameTangram SpielPieces is a software to play the traditional Tangram game of Chinese origin. It consists on constructing shapes with some polygonal pieces. Traditionally the game has seven pieces, but there are also variations with 5,14 pieces and others. Play with 18 modalities of tangram and more 3300 shapes.Pieces ist ein traditionelles Tangram-Spiel chinesischen Ursprungs. Ziel ist es mit einigen Formen polygonalen Stücke auszufüllen. Traditionell hat das Spiel sieben Stücke, aber es gibt weitere Varianten mit 5,14 und noch mehr.NealGames/Puzzlesx86_64 lib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glpeces-5.0-1pclos2012.src.rpm472d30a1ed1ca4ab06e328f0b59b6e38./SRPMS.pclos#d   +\ `u|B@BABEBJCglpk4.651pclos2018GLPK glpsol utilityThe GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library. This package contains the utility glpsol.6ͪSciences/Mathematicsx86_64 gmp-develtetex-latextexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1glpk-4.65-1pclos2018.src.rpm6Ҁd64c1df8006485d7ac00ab15a1652b5c./SRPMS.pclosd   h  $5<PB@BABEBJCglslang11.12.02pclos2023Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL, and sample SPIR-V generatorglslang is the official reference compiler front end for the OpenGL ES and OpenGL shading languages. It implements a strict interpretation of the specifications for these languages.n=System/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(SPIRV-Tools)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1glslang-11.12.0-2pclos2023.src.rpmV69339e7934e9da77f8b97149714ba046./SRPMS.pclosd   Chl +B@8BAXBE\BJ}Cgltron0.701pclos2020Gltron, a 3d lightcycle game using OpenGLA very nice Tron game using OpenGL.pAgent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_sound-devellib64png-develmesa-devellib64smpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gltron-0.70-1pclos2020.src.rpm 08f8eb7f4eb351aeee2ac804d93f2383./SRPMS.pclosd   8   ]B@nBABEBJCglu9.0.31pclos2023OpenGL Utility Library from MesaGLU is the OpenGL Utility Library. It provides a number of functions upon the base OpenGL library to provide higher-level drawing routines from the more primitive routines provided by OpenGL.`_System/Librariesx86_64  mesagl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1glu-9.0.3-1pclos2023.src.rpmBb33d1076b0baae6dce87066e847ecf2b./SRPMS.pclossd   C B@BA@BEDBJeCgluezilla2.4.21pclos2010Glue library for Winforms Web ControlThis is a glue library for Winforms Web control. It wraps Mozilla Firefox to be used by mono.jsSystem/Librariesi586 xulrunner-develmono-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gluezilla-2.4.2-1pclos2010.src.rpmq5b5b42ba1df3f45e321838256a76683a./SRPMS.pclos+d  a, 0GLdB@BABEBJCgluon0.70.02pclos2011Gluon is a cross-platform free and open source 2D game engine from KDEGluon is a cross-platform free and open source 2D game engine from KDE. It aims to make life easier for game developers by providing a simple but powerful API to handle 2D objects, sounds and inputs.|?Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs4-develglew-devellibsndfile-devellibvorbis-developenal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gluon-0.70.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm|dee4275702afff9b344709040a769cbb./SRPMS.pclosd   J (fB@tBABEBJCglyr1.0.02pclos2013Glyr is a search eninge for musicrelated metadataGlyr is a search engine for musicrelated metadata. It comes both in a commandline interface tool and as a C library, both with an easy to use interface. The sort of metadata glyr is searching (and downloading) is usually the data you see in your musicplayer. And indeed, originally it was written to serve as internally library for a musicplayer, but has been extended to work as a standalone program which is able to download: cover art, lyrics, bandphotos, artist biography, album reviews, tracklists of an album,a list of albums from a specific artist, tags, either related to artist, album or title relations, for example links to wikipedia, similar artists and similar songs.pinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakelibcurl-develsqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " 1 B@BABEBJCgmail-notify1.6.1.11pclos2010Gmail NotifierGmail Notifier alerts a message when new mail arrives from your Gmail account.Networking/Maili586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gmail-notify- # g` djt  0 B@@BAhBElBJCdegmediafinder1.5.12pclos2014stream an/or download filesDateien streamen und/oder HerunterladenGmediafinder is a software to search stream an/or download files form youtube without flash, google and some mp3 searchengines (you know the rules...) its support fullscreen mode, visualisation and use the gstreamer engine for youtube you can select you prefered resolution and give priority to mp4 format for video seeking! (and lower cpu usage than flv...).Gmediafinder ist eine Software zum Suchen von Streams und/oder herunterladbaren Dateien von Youtube, ohne Flash, Google oder einiger mp3 Suchmaschinen (Sie kennen die Regeln...). Es unterstützt den Vollbildmodus, Visualisierung und nutzt Gstreamer für Youtube. Sie können die bevorzugte Auflösung wählen und Prioritäten für das mp4- Format für die Suche vergeben. (Niedrigere CPU Belastung)CVideox86_64 hicolor-icon-themepython-mechanizepython-setuptoolspython-distutils-extrapython-gdataintltoolgettextpython-configobjrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gmediafinder-1.5.1-2pclos2014.src.rpm2 21ec459b331e181bb18361ce299b6ec8./SRPMS.pclosd  }T X^dhB@BABEBJCdegmencoder0.1.01pclos2010Gmencoder is a GNOME 2 frontend to mencoderGmencoder ist ein GNOME 2 Frontend für MencoderGmencoder is a GNOME 2 frontend to mencoder. It support much of the output codecs as well as postprocesing, cropping, scale, subtitles ripping, 1, 2 and 3 passes for encoding and a lot of more options are planned. It is only tested in Linux but it should run in other Unixes. Feedback is welcomed! Because it is a GUI program is very easy to use. The only thing that you must know is: you have to analyze the source before to be able to fill the scale, cropping, subtitle or post-processing options. Before pressing "Analyze File" or "Analyze DVD" they are not sensible to the mouse.Gmencoder ist ein Frontend für GNOME 2 Mencoder. Es unterstützt einen Großteil von den Ausgabe Codecs sowie postprocesing, Beschneiden, Skalieren, Untertitel-Ripping, 1, 2 und 3 Durchgänge für die Codierung und weitere Optionen sind geplant. Es ist nur unter Linux getestet, sollte aber auch in anderen Unix-Varianten laufen. Feedback ist willkommen! Da es ein GUI-Programm ist sollte es einfach zu bedienen sein. Das einzige, was Sie wissen müssen ist: Sie müssen die Quelle analysieren, bevor Sie die benötigten Eingaben zu Scale, Zuschneiden, Untertitel oder Post-Processing Optionen eingeben. Klicken Sie dazu auf Analyze File bzw. - DVD.sVideoi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gmencoder-0.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm{116e063d1d7d3901e9cc49ee5fccf386./SRPMS.pclosd   ? "(!B@XBA|BEBJCgmerlin1.0.01pclos2011A multimedia architecture for linuxThe gmerlin application framework consists of a toolkit indepentent gmerlin library, which contains the player core, the transcoder core and other utilities. It can be used to build custom multimedia applications.IVideoi586  gavl-develquicktime-develpulseaudio-devellibalsa-develjpeg-develpng-develtexinfodoxygenlibxml2-develfontconfig-develfreetype2-develgtk2-devellibcdio-devellibvisual-develtiff-devellibcddb-develmusicbrainz-devellibv4l-develmesagl-devellibx11-devellibxext-devellibxfixes-devellibxinerama-devellibxtst-devellibxv-develesound-develjackit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % C( ,28|B@BABEBJCgmerlin-avdecoder1.1.02pclos2011A multimedia decoding libraryThis is gmerlin_avdecoder, a multimedia decoding library. It it primarly a support library for gmerlin, but it can also be used as a standalone library for getting sophisticated media file decoding support for your application. Videoi586  gavl-develgmerlin-develgmerlinffmpeg-develoggvorbis-devellibmpeg2dec-devellibtheora-devela52dec-devela52decspeex-develpng-devellibmjpegtools-devellibflac-devellibcdio-develtiff-devellibsmbclient-develgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ B B@BA<BE@BJaCgmerlin-encoders1.0.01pclos2011A multimedia encoding libraryThis package contains some encoder plugins for gmerlin. If you install it, gmerlin-transcoder will be able to encode more file formats. dVideoi586  gavl-develgmerlin-develgmerlinffmpeg-devellibogg-devellibflac-devellibmjpegtools-devellibshout-develspeex-devellibtheora-devellibvorbis-devellibfaac-devellame-develgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^ccc8e6659c173f00dbffa498669f2844./SRPMS.pclosd   2 TB@`BABEBJCgmetadom0.2.61pclos2010C++ Wrapper for GDOMEGMetaDOM is a collection of libraries, each library providing a DOM implementation. Each DOM implementation is generated automatically by means of XSLT stylesheets.H]System/Librariesi586 ocamlocaml-findlibgdome2-devellibgdome-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gmetadom-0.2.6-1pclos2010.src.rpmMlc98063ca9cc1a2b668d81f8c13a51f8c./SRPMS.pcloskd  G<@ H`hB@BA8BE<BJ]Cgmfsk0.7pre11pclos2007A Gnome Multimode HF Terminal for Ham Radiogmfsk is a terminal program for amateur radio digital communication modes for GNOME. It supports MFSK, RTTY, THROB, PSK31, MT63 and Hellschreiber modulations. It is used for keyboard-to-keyboard chatting and not reliable packet communication. Gri6507Sciences/Other/HamRadioi586 fftw2-devellibGConf2-devellibgnomeui2-develhamlib-develscrollkeepergettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gmfsk-0.7pre1-1pclos2007.src.rpm va388e08bbf7e86ccacc3b556d989db79./SRPMS.pclos?d   PT XahB@BA BEBJ1Cgmic3.4.01pclos2024A script language (G'MIC) dedicated to image processingG'MIC defines a complete image processing framework, and thus can manage generic image data as other image-related tools. Anyway, the specific features described below make it a bit particular : * It internally works with lists of images. Image manipulations and interactions can be done either grouped or focused on specific items. * It can process a wide variety of image types, including multi-spectral (arbitrary number of channels) and 3d volumetric images, as well as image sequences, or 3d vector objects. Images with different pixel types are supported, allowing to process flawlessly images with 8bits or 16bits integers per channel, as well as float-valued datasets. * It provides small but efficient visualization modules dedicated to the exploration/viewing of 2d/3d multi-spectral images, 3d vector objects (elevation map, isocurves, isosurfaces,...), or 1d graph plots. * It proposes commands to handle custom interactive windows where events can be managed easily by the user. * It is highly extensible through the importation of custom command files which add new commands that become understood by the language interpreter. * Most of the functionalities can be used inside GIMP via the provided plug-in, allowing end-users to integrate any G'MIC-based pipeline directly in a nice GUI, without coding efforts. * It is based on the latest development versions of the CImg Library, a well established C++ template image processing toolkit, developed by the same team of developers.ql pvB@BABEBJCgmtp1.3.112pclos2023A simple MP3 and Media player clientgMTP is a client for accessing MTP devices.(Soundx86_64 intltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-develpkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(libmtp)pkgconfig(id3tag)pkgconfig(vorbisfile)lib64tiff-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-develGConf2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gmtp-1.3.11-2pclos2023.src.rpm187acb8071790c3412c003d71b14fd9e./SRPMS.pclosd % L  $*4DB@BABEBJCdegmusicbrowser1.1.121pclos2014Jukebox for collections of music filesAn open-source jukebox for large collections of mp3/ogg/flac/mpc/ape files, written in perl.Jukebox für Sammlungen von Musik-Dateien Eine Open-Source-Jukebox für große Sammlungen von mp3/ogg/flac Dateien. 7Soundnoarch imagemagickdesktop-file-utilspython-markdownrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gmusicbrowser-1.1.12-1pclos2014.src.rpm '{7943a8b41f284b84d2f31964b046b2a6./SRPMS.pclosd  7 $ X E B@YBA|BEBJCgnac0.2.4.11pclos2013Gnac (Gnome Audio Converter)Gnac is an easy to use audio conversion program for the Gnome desktop. It is designed to be powerful but simple! It provides easy audio files conversion between all GStreamer supported audio formats. WGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gtk+3.0-develintltoolgnome-doc-utilsgettext-devellibxml2-develperl-XML-Parserpkgconfiglibnotify-develdesktop-file-utilslib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellib64gnomeui2_0-devellib64unique3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnac- ^|b742afbd8f46ecb27e687f2d2fb999e1./SRPMS.pclosd   9 TB@bBABEBJCgnaughty1.2.41pclos2010Downloader for adult contentApplication to download automatically adult content, i.e. movies and pictures, from a known internet directory.CrNetworking/WWWi586 libglade2.0_0-develgtk2-develGConf2-devellibcurl-develpcre-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnaughty-1.2.4-1pclos2010.src.rpmF6ac46eae62d622b50844cddcce8d375d./SRPMS.pclos[d  " XLP U[d|B@BA(BE,BJMCgnaural1.0.201106061pclos2012A multi-platform programmable binaural-beat generatorGnaural is a multi-platform programmable binaural-beat generator. It is actually brainwave entrainment software for creating binaural beats intended to be used as personal brainwave synchronization software, for scientific research, or by professionals. Gnaural allows for the creation of binaural beat tracks specifying different frequencies and exporting tracks into different audio formats. Gnaural runnings can also be linked over the internet, allowing synchronous sessions between many users.NealSoundx86_64 gtk2-devellibsndfile-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellibportaudio2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnaural-1.0.20110606-1pclos2012.src.rpm@9a318adfa20f7d46ad3d62d1e38c9bb7./SRPMS.pclosKd  + B@BABEBJ=Cgnet22.0.81pclos2011A network libraryGnet is a simple network library. It is writen in C, object-oriented, and built upon glib. It is intended to be small, fast, easy-to-use, and easy to port. The interface is similar to the interface for Java's network library. Features: * TCP 'client' sockets * TCP 'server' sockets * Non-blocking TCP sockets * UDP * IP Multicast * Internet address abstraction2System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnet2-2.0.8-1pclos2011.src.rpm03f06cdec0aa07b3512541ef95df132f./SRPMS.pclosd   (  B@BABEBJCgngeo0.81pclos2020Neo Geo EmulatorGnGeo is a NeoGeo emulator for Linux (and maybe some other UNIX). It needs NeoGeo Bios and roms that you must of course own to play with. There's no working frontend for GNGEO, but it's pretty usable, since it has a basic GUI. You must configure a configuration file, gngeorc, located in ~/.gngeo A sample configuration file is listed below (change it to your needs)[* equals to #] * GNGEO Sample resource file * Path to dynamicly load opengl (only used for the opengl blitter) libglpath /usr/lib/libGL.so * Where your rom are? *rompath /home/where_your_neogeo_roms_are * Where did you put yout neogeo.zip bios file? *biospath /home/where_your_neogeo_bios(neogeo.zip)_are *The bios files must be in the same folder of the rom files and in the path declared in this line. * Where gngeo can find its datafile (font/skin/etc.) datafile /usr/share/gngeo/gngeo_data.zip * Play in fullscreen? fullscreen true * Which blitter? 'gngeo --blitter help' for a list * soft * opengl * yuv blitter soft * Which effect? 'gngeo --effect help' for a list * none * scanline * scanline50 * scale2x * scale2x50 * scale2x75 * doublex * sai * supersai * eagle effect none * Enable the raster interrupt? raster false * scale the output image scale 1 * Have interpolation? interpolation false * Have sound? sound true * Shown FPS showfps false * autoframeskip control autoframeskip true sleepidle false * Synchronise the display with VBLANK (you may desactiva autoframeskip if vsync is on) vsync true * enable joystick support ? joystick true * enable the 68k inline debuger? (disable the sound) debug false * Use hardware surface for the screen? hwsurface false * Use PAL timing? (buggy) pal false * Sample rate samplerate 44100 * country? * japan, usa, europe country usa * system type? arcade or home or unibios (unibios.rom needed) system arcade * NeoRageX-style hotkey configuration * Up to 4 hotkeys per player can be defined ( * Only fire buttons (A-D) can be combined * A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 8 * Samples: * Map CD to P1 hotkey 0 p1hotkey0 4,8 * Map BC to P1 hotkey 1 p1hotkey1 2,4 * Map ABC to P1 hotkey 2 p1hotkey2 1,2,4 *p1hotkey3 *p2hotkey0 *p2hotkey1 *p2hotkey2 *p2hotkey3 * Key configuration * order : A,B,C,D,START,COIN,UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT * please see SDL_keysym.h for key definition * or push F4 during game : the keysym code of * keys will be printed (also work for joysticks) * same thing as joypads for hotkeys * Azerty configuration: * p1: w,x,q,s,&,",up,down,left,right * p2: l,m,o,p,é,',NUM 8,NUM 5,NUM 4,NUM 6 *p1key 119,120,113,115,38,34,273,274,276,275 *p2key 108,109,111,112,233,39,264,261,260,262 *p1control A=K119,B=K120,C=K113,D=K115,START=K38,COIN=K34,UP=K273,DOWN=K274,LEFT=K276,RIGHT=K275,MENU=K27 *p2control A=K108,B=K109,C=K111,D=K112,START=K233,COIN=K39,UP=K264,DOWN=K261,LEFT=K260,RIGHT=K262,MENU=K27 * Qwerty configuration: * p1: z,x,a,s,1,3,up,down,left,right * p2: l,;,o,p,2,4,NUM 8,NUM 5,NUM 4,NUM 6 *p1control A=K122,B=K120,C=K97,D=K115,START=K49,COIN=K51,UP=K273,DOWN=K274,LEFT=K276,RIGHT=K275,MENU=K27 p2control A=K108,B=K59,C=K111,D=K112,START=K50,COIN=K52,UP=K264,DOWN=K261,LEFT=K260,RIGHT=K262,MENU=K27 * some sample joystick configuration * Xbox360 * p1control A=J0B0,B=J0B1,C=J0B2,D=J0B3,START=J0B6,COIN=J0B10,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0,MENU=J0B7 * Dualshock2 p1control A=J0B2,B=J0B1,C=J0B3,D=J0B0,START=J0B9,COIN=J0B8,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0 * Meaning of the code: * Kxxx : keyboad key number xxx * JxByy : Joystick number x Button yy * JxAyy : Joystick number x Axe yy (use a lowercase 'a' if you need to invert the axis) * JxHyy : Joystick number x Hat yy * * by the way, you can define a button multiple time, for example A=J0B0,A=K123,etc..ÿs) ANAgent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 nasmmesa-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_image-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gngeo-0.8-1pclos2020.src.rpm Cq4c95a9fbb6ffd161d4f5387006e8664d./SRPMS.pclosd   7  (xB@BABEBJCgnochm0.9.112pclos2007A chm file viewer for gnomeA CHM file viewer for Gnome. Features are: * Full text search * Bookmarks * Support for external ms-its links * Configurable support for http links * Internationalisation(UGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 scrollkeeperintltoolgettext-devellibGConf2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnochm-0.9.11-2pclos2007.src.rpm,r569c9890c7bcc55469934abb7fa759ee./SRPMS.pclosd   >    B@BABEBJCgnokii0.6.302pclos2013Tool suite for Nokia mobile phonesGnokii is a Linux/Unix tool suite and (eventually) modem/fax driver for Nokia's mobile phones, released under the GPL.pCommunicationsx86_64 xpm-develgtk+2-develbisonbluez-devellibusb-develmysql-develpostgresql-develsqlite3-develgettext-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnokii-0.6.30-2pclos2013.src.rpmf56a198db3c9681623efcfd50441a2ff7./SRPMS.pclossd   3 "( X  B@BA@BEDBJeCgnomad22.9.42pclos2010A Nomad Jukebox managerGnomad 2 is a GUI built on top of GTK/GNOME 2, libid3tag and libnjb that makes it possible to transfer tracks and files from/to a Creative Nomad Jukebox (all brands). It is designed much like an ordinary graphical FTP program.Soundi586  libnjb-devellibgtk+2-devellibid3tag-develImageMagickperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilslibmtp-develtaglib-develhal-develdbus-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*34ac4b9707dabee044f525bb08959564./SRPMS.pclosd  0p tYB@hBABEBJCgnome-autoar0.2.41pclos2020Archive librarygnome-autoar is a GObject based library for handling archives.System/Librariesx86_64 gccpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-autoar-0.2.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm9eda1fa74bd6c73f12a0c77340d2d240./SRPMS.pclosd $ X ;B@EBApBEtBJCgnome-backgrounds42.01pclos2022Desktop backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktopThe gnome-backgrounds package contains images and tiles to use for your desktop background which are packaged with the GNOME desktop.Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch intltoolmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-backgrounds-42.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmqe0495e276a88524bf88846bbe8fd0710./SRPMS.pclosd $ > :B@hBABEBJCgnome-bluetooth3.10.01pclos2013GNOME Bluetooth SubsystemThe gnome-bluetooth package contains graphical utilities to setup, monitor and use Bluetooth devices.RGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xi)gnome-commongobject-introspection-develintltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.29.902.  Y4 8SXlB@BABEBJCgnome-build2.24.14pclos2010Automake/conf-based project managing framework for GNOMEGnome-build is a GObject-based framework for managing projects and specifically automake/conf-based projects. It can parse the configure.in and Makefile.am files to build an internal XML representation of the project.0Development/GNOME and GTK+i586  intltoolgnome-python-gdllibgdl-develgnomeui2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # <   dB@BABEBJCgnome-calculator42.21pclos2022GNOME Desktop calculatorCalculator is an application that solves mathematical equations and is suitable as a default application in a Desktop environment. What Calculator is: - A tool for calculating mathematical equations. - Uses standard mathematical notation where possible. - Easy enough to use for simple maths. - Powerful enough for mid-level mathematics. - Fast to load and responsive to input. - Appropriately sized to fit into standard screen resolutions. - Fully accessible. - Well documented. - Integrated into the GNOME Desktop. What Calculator is not: - It does not emulate any existing calculator interfaces, hardware or software. - It is not a power-tool for professional mathematicians. - It is not a programming language.^Officex86_64  desktop-file-utilsgettextitstoollibmpc-develmesonpkgconfig(gee-0.8)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk4)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-5)pkgconfig(libadwaita-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)libxml2-utilspkgconfig(mpfr)pkgconfig(libhandy-1)valarpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * S  (dMB@hBABEBJCgnome-chemistry-utils0.14.81pclos2014Backend for Gnome chemistry applicationsThe Gnome Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and GTK2 widgets related to chemistry. They are currently used in Gnome Crystal (gcrystal) and Gnome Chemistry Paint (gchempaint).XKSciences/Chemistryx86_64  libglade2.0-devellibgtkglext-develgnumeric-develgoffice-developenbabel-devellibgnomeui2-devellibgnomeprintui2-2-develgtk-docperl-XML-Parserintltoolchemical-mime-databodrgnome-doc-utilschrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  / B@BABE BJACgnome-chess43.01pclos2022GNOME Chess gameA chess game which supports several chess engines, with 2D and optionally 3D support if OpenGL is present. Games/Boardsx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk4)lib64rsvg2-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(x11)intltoolitstoolmesonvala-devellibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 2226dddd4011e439bb86a80ad6ae4357./SRPMS.pclosCd ( I hB@BABEBJ5Cgnome-color-manager3.36.01pclos2021Color management tools for GNOMEgnome-color-manager is a session framework that makes it easy to manage, install and generate color profiles in the GNOME desktop.!9Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(colord)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(mash-0.2)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(colord-gtk)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)gnome-doc-utilsdocbook-utilsdesktop-file-utilsgettextitstoollibxml2-utilsyelp-toolsgnome-commonmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!B50bc80a0f62bea1ab3d3cae02b38fb47./SRPMS.pclosKd & ^4 8CHB@BABEBJ=Cgnome-commander1.2.8.101pclos2011A Gnome filemanager similar to the Norton Commander(TM)Gnome Commander is a filemanager that just like the classical Norton commander (TM) lets you do everything with the keyboard. It can perform all standard file operations and some extra features like ftp support.,|File toolsi586  libgnomeui2-develgnome-vfs2-develpython-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolgettextperl-XML-Parserlibxml2-develGConf2-devellibpoppler-devellibexiv-devellibgsf-devellcms-devellibchm-develtaglib-develgnome-doc-utilslibxslt-proclibopenjpeg-develflexgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.353.0.4-1gnome-commander-,01ae69e7fc03c7ac0f37f5ea271c03f7./SRPMS.pclosd ! g /B@9BA`BEdBJCgnome-common3.18.03pclos2019Gnome-common contains useful things common to building gnome packagesA module that is required only when building GNOME from the repository. It is not needed to run GNOME.eDevelopment/GNOME and GTK+noarch pkgconfiggawkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-common-3.18.0-3pclos2019.src.rpml97afa4cd95e91d33b360a61d2a5b4e2d./SRPMS.pclos#d " =l p   B@BABEBJCgnome-contacts3.2.21pclos2011Contacts manager for GNOMEStandalone contacts manager for GNOME desktop.HGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  intltoolvalapkgconfig(folks)pkgconfig(folks-telepathy)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0)pkgconfig(goa-1.0)pkgconfig(libebook-1.2)pkgconfig(libedataserver-1.2)pkgconfig(libnotify)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d)0 ; P  (B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlgnome-control-center2.32.01pclos2010GNOME control centerGNOME Control-center is a configuration tool for easily setting up your GNOME environment.GNOME Control Center GNOME Control-Center ist ein Konfigurationswerkzeug zum einfachen Einrichten Ihrer GNOME-Umgebung.GNOME Control-Center est un outil de configuration pour facilement la configuration de votre environnement GNOME.El control-center es una herramienta para una configuración facilitada el entorno GNOME.Narzędzie do łatwej konfiguracji środowiska GNOME.Гном Контролни центар је алатка за лако постављање Гном окружење.GNOME control-center is een configuratie-tool voor het eenvoudig het instellen van de GNOME-omgeving.XGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 evolution-data-server-develgnome-desktop-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibmetacity-private0-develnautilus-devellibxklavier-devellibxxf86misc-develgnome-menus-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibxscrnsaver1-develhal-devellibgnomekbd-develgnome-panel-develgnome-settings-daemon-develpolicykit-gnome-devellibrsvg-devellibcanberra-develdesktop-file-utilsscrollkeeperautoconfgnome-doc-utilsintltoolshared-mime-infognome-commongettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-control-center-2.32.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm 646c73eb774b3afa22d9f4c44b5dbce3./SRPMS.pclosd  x$ (@HTB@BABEBJCgnome-desktop43.11pclos2023Package containing code shared among gnome-session, gnome-control-center, nautilus, etcgnome-desktop contains the libgnome-desktop library as well as a data file that exports the "GNOME" version to the Settings Details panel. The libgnome-desktop library provides API shared by several applications on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various reasons. There is no API or ABI guarantee, although we are doing our best to provide stability. Documentation for the API is available with gtk-doc. Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gccgettextgtk-docitstoolmesonpkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(libseccomp)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xkeyboard-config)pkgconfig(xkbfile)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gnome-doc-utilsyelp-toolsldetect-lstiso-codesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 54525dde4a245a9db9c59057ef4dd2de./SRPMS.pclosd % C +B@;BAhBElBJCgnome-devel-docs2.32.01pclos2010GNOME Developer DocumentationThis package contains the GNOME Handbook, the GNOME Documentation Style Guide and an Overview of the GNOME Platform.8Books/Computer booksnoarch  scrollkeeperpkgconfiggnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ B #B@3BA`BEdBJCgnome-devel-docs3.2.11pclos2011GNOME Developer DocumentationThis package contains the GNOME Handbook, the GNOME Documentation Style Guide and an Overview of the GNOME Platform.HpBooks/Othernoarch  scrollkeeperpkgconfiggnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}ecc24a06a19784f88d01b1882e659b68./SRPMS.pclosd & =  0  B@2BA`BEdBJCgnome-disk-utility3.6.12pclos2013Disk management daemonThis package contains the Palimpsest disk management application. Palimpsest supports partitioning, file system creation, encryption, RAID, SMART monitoring, etc.?System/Configurationx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(udisks2)pkgconfig(pwquality)gnome-doc-utilsintltoolgtk-docdesktop-file-utilsgettext-develgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d   6` d|B@BABEBJCgnome-do0.8.3.12pclos2010Quick launch and searchGNOME Do allows you to quickly search for many objects present in your GNOME desktop environment (applications, Evolution contacts, Firefox bookmarks, files, artists and albums in Rhythmbox, Pidgin buddies) and perform commonly used commands on those objects (Run, Open, Email, Chat, Play, etc.). /Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 desktop-file-utilsmono-develmono-addinsgtk-sharp2-develgnome-sharp2-develnotify-sharpndesk-dbus-glibgnome-desktop-sharp-develgettextperl-XML-Parserintltoolgtk2-develgnome-keyring-sharprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-do- 2J558e0058dd49c8c4ac48dea111d693a1./SRPMS.pclosd % GT XclB@(BATBEXBJyCgnome-doc-utils0.20.104pclos2024GNOME XML documentation utilitiesgnome-doc-utils is a collection of documentation utilities for the Gnome project. Notably, it contains utilities for building documentation and all auxiliary files in your source tree, and it contains the DocBook XSLT stylesheets that were once distributed with Yelp.uPublishingnoarch  gettext-develintltoolpkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(python3)python3-libxml2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10-4pclos2024.src.rpmX62cf7493d96e33791ca412638b518a28./SRPMS.pclosd % :    B@%BAPBETBJuCgnome-dvb-daemon0.1.102pclos2010DVB Daemon for GNOMEDVB Daemon is a daemon written in Vala to setup your DVB devices, record TV shows and browse EPG. It can be controlled via its D-Bus interface.Videoi586  libgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibgstrtspserver-devellibgee-develintltoolsqlite3-develGConf2-develdbus-glib-develgstreamer0.10-plugins-goodgstreamer0.10-plugins-badpython-develpython-dbusvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ,$ (4<B@BABEBJ Cgnome-games2.28.14pclos2010GNOME gamesThe gnome-games package includes games for the GNOME GUI desktop environment. They include: AisleRiot A compilation of seventy different solitaire card games. Ataxx Disk-flipping game where players try and control most disks. Blackjack The famous casino card game without any need to pay. Four-in-a-row Players tries to make a line of four disks. (Connect Four) Gnometris Tetris clone. Iagno GNOME version of the popular Othello (R) chess. Klotski A series of sliding block puzzles. Lines Move balls around the grid to form lines of the same colour to make them disappear, while more balls keep dropping in. Mahjongg Remove tiles in matching pairs from a pile to dismantle it. Mines The popular logic puzzle minesweeper. Nibbles Pilot a worm around a maze trying to collect diamonds. Robots Classic BSD robots game, avoiding robots approaching you. Same GNOME In a grid of stones of different colors, try remove stones where two or more of the same colour touch each other. Tali Poker-like dice game without money, similar to Yahtzee. Tetravex A puzzle where you match tiles edges together. GLChess Chess with a 3D board.MGames/Otheri586  gettextguile-develgtk+2-devellibGConf2-develdbus-glib-devellibexpat-develscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilslibrsvg-develpygtk2.0-develgnome-python-desktopavahi-glib-develavahi-client-devellibSDL_mixer-devellibgcrypt-develggz-client-libs-develggz-server-develggz-serverintltoolgob2automake1.7gnome-commondesktop-file-utilslibcanberra-develclutter-develclutter-gtk-develgobject-introspection-develgir-repositorycheck-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + P B@BABEBJ5Cgnome-games-extra-data2.28.01pclos2010Extra data files for the GNOME gamesThis contains extra data files such as more artwork for the GNOME games.>Games/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-games-extra-data-2.28.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm>3d9fa3e8fefc80a7222e587a6bfb5771./SRPMS.pcloscd  PT XpxB@BA0BE4BJUCgnome-guitar0.8.11pclos2007A small suite of applications for the guitaristGnome Guitar is chord and scale database for gnome. It can be used as a stand alone application (for example you could use it to find how to play a specific chord or scale) or it can integrate with other applications to provide chord selection and rendering.$9Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 desktop-file-utilsgnome-sharp2-develgtk-sharp2-develImageMagickmono-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-guitar-0.8.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm'bfa786ce196ac87e09020e47a8e8d9b8./SRPMS.pclosSd ( <d hB@BA BE$BJECdegnome-icon-theme3.14.02pclos2016GNOME default iconsGNOME default iconsGNOME default icons{ Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch perl-XML-Parserhicolor-icon-themeicon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-icon-theme-3.14.0-2pclos2016.src.rpm{B14566ab4494d26f627f90173789dfad0d./SRPMS.pclosgd! , C B@BA4BE8BJYCgnome-icon-theme-extras3.12.01pclos2014Additional GNOME iconsThis package contains extra device and mime-type icons for use by the GNOME desktop.hSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch icon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-icon-theme-extras-3.12.0-1pclos2014.src.rpmqZecc5ffff10d1c587758d9d7ab15dc28b./SRPMS.pclosWd# . C B@BA$BE(BJICgnome-icon-theme-symbolic3.12.01pclos2014Symbolic GNOME iconsThis package contains symbolic icons for use by the GNOME desktop.=System/Configuration/Themenoarch icon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.12.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm2b76d6c5019734a69cb6791ad3824a57./SRPMS.pclosd"( 3 j B@BALBEPBJqCgnome-icon-themes-oxygen-refit22.4.01pclos2010Additonal sets of icons for the GNOME and XFCE DesktopSets of icons for GNOME and XFCE based on original KDE4 icons - Oxygen.+Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch ImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-icon-themes-oxygen-refit2-2.4.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm4Rfb957e8f539b31c4c32fe16f8ee5f6a0./SRPMS.pcloswd% 0 f( ,DL p  B@BADBEHBJiCesgnome-inm-forecast-applet0.8.21pclos2010Spanish weather forecast applet for the GNOME desktopSpanish weather forecast applet for the gnome panel gnome-inm-forecast displays on the GNOME panel, the weather forecast for the next 7 days in Spain. It extracts the information from the Spanish Meteorological Agency (http://www.aemet.es)gnome-inm-forecast muestra en el panel de GNOME el pronóstico del tiempo para los siguientes 7 días en España. Saca la información de la Agencia Nacional de Meteorología Española (http://www.aemet.es)5Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk2-develGConf-devellibpanel-applet-develgettextperl-XML-Parserlibglade2.0_0-devellibgvfs-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-inm-forecast-applet-0.8.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm:32c2a3e7a3a2add425d1e74494c22ed7./SRPMS.pclosd"( 3  B@ BAXBE\BJ}Cdegnome-jalali-calendar-applet1.6.81pclos2010Jalali calendar panel applet for GNOMEJalali Kalender Applet für das Gnome PanelJalali calendar applet for the GNOME desktop. Features: 1. Displays holidays 2. Displays day names 3. Calendar event management (Adding birthdays, etc)Jalali Kalender Applet für den Gnome Desktop. Highlights: * Anzeigen von Ferien * Anzeigen des Namenstags * Kalender Manager (Geburstage und sonstige Ereignisse eintragen, usw)KGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-jalali-calendar-applet-1.6.8-1pclos2010.src.rpm$a1f5b1f30e183d179880d5a69d9561ad./SRPMS.pclossd # G  B@BA@BEDBJeCgnome-js-common0.1.22pclos2018Common JavaScript modules for GNOMEgnome-js-common is a module holding tests and JavaScript code useful or common to both Seed and gjs.bb2 Development/Othernoarch intltoollibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-js-common-0.1.2-2pclos2018.src.rpmf9d14da737413efda017a2d503384bc7./SRPMS.pclosd # V VB@oBABEBJCdegnome-keyring40.01pclos2021Keyring and password manager for the GNOME desktopgnome-keyring is a program that keep password and other secrets for users. It is run as a damon in the session, similar to ssh-agent, and other applications can locate it by an environment variable. The program can manage several keyrings, each with its own master password, and there is also a session keyring which is never stored to disk, but forgotten when the session ends.GNOME Schlüsselbund-Dienste (Daemon und Werkzeuge) Gnome-Keyring ist ein Sitzungs-Daemon, ähnlich wie ssh-agent, und kann von anderen Anwendungen benutzt werden um Passwörter und andere vertrauliche Informationen zu speichern. Das Programm kann mehrere Schlüsselbunde verwalten, jeder mit einem eigenen General-Passwort. Des weiteren gibt es einen Sitzungsschlüsselbund, der niemals auf einem Datenträger gespeichert wird und am Ende der Sitzung gelöscht wird.fGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 perl-XML-Parserlibtasn1-toolsp11-kit-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64gcr-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gcrypt11lib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pam-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64tasn1-develxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-keyring-40.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmm829e6c341a634bc025ae8cd3a87e18ea./SRPMS.pclosd * @8 <T\   B@-BA`BEdBJCgnome-keyring-manager2.20.03pclos2010GNOME keyring managerThis a keyring management program for the GNOME Desktop. The development of this application will be like a tutorial for people on gnome-love and the main idea is that these people in gnome-love do the code themself, helped by the hacker-trainers. Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 intltoollibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnome-keyring-develgnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procscrollkeeperdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-keyring-manager-2.20.0-3pclos2010.src.rpm4681644444ae7427c53fe57fa47e845e./SRPMS.pclossd ' Td hyB@BA@BEDBJeCgnome-keyring-sharp1.0.22pclos2010Mono implementation of the GNOME Keyring APIGNOME Keyring is a system which allows you to store passwords and other sensitive data across GNOME applications. It provides an API to access this information, as well as a daemon to manage it. gnome-keyring-sharp is a fully managed implementation of libgnome-keyring.0System/Librariesi586 mono-develndesk-dbusmonodocglib-sharp2libgnome-keyring-develautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-keyring-sharp-1.0.2-2pclos2010.src.rpm8514475cb74b68164ad384cceba28d944./SRPMS.pclosd " 5    B@BABEBJCgnome-klotski3.38.21pclos2020GNOME Klotski gameA series of sliding block puzzles. Try and solve them in the least number of moves.HGames/Puzzlesx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(gee-0.8)pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1)intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonpkgconfig(vapigen)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-klotski-3.38.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmd4bf664395d1fa12b35808264f4a5546./SRPMS.pclosd " 3  8  B@.BAXBE\BJ}Cgnome-launch-box0.46pclos2010GNOME Launch BoxLaunch Box is generally an application launcher. It's very influenced by Quicksilver for Mac OSX. Remember that this is only a first release so don't get your hopes up too much.ْGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gtk2-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibwnck-develautoconf2.5perl(XML::Parser)gnome-doc-utilsgnome-menus-develevolution-data-server-develgnome-desktop-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   40 4EL x  B@BADBEHBJiCgnome-libs1.4.219pclos2011Main GNOME librariesGNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of GUI applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System. The gnome-libs package includes libraries that are needed to run GNOME.,}System/Librariesx86_64 ORBit-develautoconf2.1automake1.4db1-develesound-develgtk+1.2-develgdkimlib-devellibxt-develxpm-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-libs-1.4.2-19pclos2011.src.rpm,43d23cb1bf7a4568638e17a1bc9d68464./SRPMS.pclos3d   .@ DRXlB@BABEBJ%Cgnome-mag0.16.22pclos2010GNOME magnifierGNOME MagnifierAccessibilityi586  at-spi-devellibxdamage-devellibxcomposite-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # 7   e B@BABEBJCgnome-mahjongg3.40.01pclos2023GNOME Mahjongg gameMahjongg is a simple pattern recognition game. You score points by matching identical tiles.0.jGames/Puzzlesx86_64   gettextintltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala3. ' 2 G 8B@BABEBJ%Cdefresplsrnlgnome-media2.32.03pclos2011GNOME media programsGNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System. GNOME is similar in purpose and scope to CDE and KDE, but GNOME (as KDE) is based completely on Open Source software. GNOME's powerful environment is pleasing on the eye, easy to configure and use. This package will install such media features as the GNOME CD player.GNOME-Medienprogramme GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) ist ein benutzerfreundlicher Satz von Anwendungen und Desktop-Werkzeugen für die Nutzung in Verbindung mit einem Fenstermanager für das X Window System. GNOME ist ähnlich in Zweck und Anwendungsbereich zu CDE und KDE, aber GNOME (wie KDE) basiert vollständig auf Open-Source-Software. GNOMEs leistungsfähige Umgebung ist schön anzusehen, leicht zu konfigurieren und zu verwenden. Dieses Paket wird solche Medieneinrichtungen wie den GNOME-CD-Player installieren.Programmes multimédia GNOME. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) est un environnement graphique de type bureau. Il rends l'utilisation de votre ordinateur plus facile, agréable et eficace, et est facile à configurer.El apoyo multimedia para el escritorio Gnome.Programy multimedialne dla GNOME.Мултимедија подршку за ГНОМЕ десктоп.Multimedia ondersteuning voor de Gnome desktop. Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  libgnomeui2-develncurses-develscrollkeepersendmail-develgail-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-develgstreamer0.10-plugins-basegstreamer0.10-plugins-goodpulseaudio-develintltoollibcanberra-devellibunique-devellibGConf2-devellibgladeui1_-devellibxrender-develgnome-doc-utilsperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)%{req_gail_version}%{req_gstreamer_version}3.0.4-1gnome-media-2.32.0-3pclos2011.src.rpm c15d5a86ebfea30e1e27310cc3e4e5dc./SRPMS.pclos_d  3L PahB@BA,BE0BJQCgnome-menus3.10.12pclos2014GNOME menu libraryThe package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from freedesktop.org: http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/menu-spec Also contained here are the GNOME menu layout configuration files, .directory files and assorted menu related utility programs.System/Librariesx86_64 gettextintltoolpython-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glib2.0_0rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-menus-3.10.1-2pclos2014.src.rpmPaf7e5d7627f2f75626e369051e829ee3./SRPMS.pcloscd $ L B@BA0BE4BJUCgnome-mime-data2.18.02pclos2011The GNOME virtual file-system librariesThe GNOME MIME database contains a basic set of applications and MIME types for a GNOME system. System/Librariesnoarch perl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-mime-data-2.18.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm \}de3da818db736719db2f2addad029fe8./SRPMS.pclosd  7    B@BABEBJCgnome-mines40.01pclos2021GNOME Mines Sweeper gameThe popular logic puzzle minesweeper. Find mines on a grid using hints from squares you have already cleared.VGames/Puzzlesx86_64  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1)gettextitstoolmesonlibxml2-utilsvala-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)]6f42be2171ddcb1a88082e5b0ed48027./SRPMS.pclosd  p t  y B@BABEBJCdegnome-mount0.83pclos2010Mount replacement which uses HAL to do the mountingMount Ersatz der HAL zum mounten verwendetA replacement for the mount, umount and eject commands that uses HAL to do all the heavy lifting.Ein Ersatz für die einhängen (mount), aushängen (umount) und auswerfen (eject) Befehle, die HAL verwendet, um das mounten zu erleichtern.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  hal-devellibnotify-develdbus-glib-devellibGConf2-develgnome-keyring-develnautilus-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develperl-XML-Parserlibsm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ V &B@DBAlBEpBJCdegnome-mplayer1.0.91pclos2018Simple GUI for MPlayerEinfaches GUI für MplayerGNOME MPlayer is a simple GUI for MPlayer. It is intended to be a nice tight player and provide a simple and clean interface to MPlayer. GNOME MPlayer has a rich API that is exposed via DBus. Using DBus you can control a single or multiple instances of GNOME MPlayer from a single command.GNOME MPlayer ist, anders als der Name zunächst vermuten lässt, kein GNOME-Programm. Vielmehr soll der Name ausdrücken, dass er den Human Interface Guidelines des GNOME-Projekts entspricht. GNOME MPlayer selbst ist lediglich ein GTK+-Frontend für den MPlayer. Wie die meisten Multimediaspieler enthält auch er ein Webbrowser-Plugin im Netscape-Format. Da er auf dem freien Multimediaspieler MPlayer aufbaut, kann er, im Gegensatz zu GStreamer-basierten Multimediaspielern wie Totem oder Parole, VDPAU zur hardwarebeschleunigten Wiedergabe von Filmen nutzen.oVideox86_64  libgnome2-develpkgconfiggettextgnomeui2-develdbus-develdbus-glib-develGConf2-devellibmusicbrainz3-develdesktop-file-utilsgmtk-devellibpulseaudio-devellibgpod-develImageMagicklibnotify-devellibalsa-develpkgconfig(xscrnsaver)pkgconfig(libcurl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ;    B@BABEBJ5Cgnome-mpv0.132pclos2018A simple GTK+ frontend for mpvGNOME MPV interacts with mpv via the client API exported by libmpv, allowing access to mpv's powerful playback capabilities.cVideox86_64 gccdesktop-file-utilsintltoolmesa-develmpv-devellib64appstream-glib1lib64rubberband-devellib64uchardet-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64epoxy-devellib64bluray-devellib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-mpv-0.13-2pclos2018.src.rpm95ddbcb519e10cc7cc728e68466cf25ac./SRPMS.pclosd$+ 6 WH LdlB@$BAPBETBJuCdefresplsrnlgnome-netstatus2.28.21pclos2010GNOME network information appletThis package contains an applet which provides information about a network interface on your panel.Dieses Paket enthält ein Applet, das Informationen liefert, über eine Netzwerk-Schnittstelle auf dem Panel.Ce paquet contient une petite application qui fournit des informations sur une interface réseau sur votre panneau.Este paquete contiene un applet que proporciona información acerca de una interfaz de red en el panel.Aplet wyświetlający stan połączeń sieciowych na panelu GNOME.Овај пакет садржи аплет који обезбеђује информације о о мрежни интерфејс на вашем панелу.Dit pakket bevat een applet die informatie geeft over een netwerk interface op uw paneel.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  libpanel-applet-devellibglade2.0-develgtk+2-develrariangnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*b7e63cc809d39bbbad60d8ee2e13490a./SRPMS.pclos;d ! F    B@BABE BJ-Cgnome-nettool3.8.12pclos2017GNOME interface for networking toolsThis is a GNOME gui for the basic networking tools like ping, whois, traceroute and dig. ubb2 Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gettextglibc-develintltoolitstoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtop2.0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-nettool-3.8.1-2pclos2017.src.rpm 5f153f8f25962dbb54b023e9818d5143./SRPMS.pclosd " 5  -4loB@BABEBJCgnome-nibbles3.38.11pclos2020GNOME Nibbles gamePilot a worm around a maze trying to collect diamonds and at the same time avoiding the walls and yourself. With each diamond your worm grows longer and navigation becomes more and more difficult. Playable by up to four people.. Games/Arcadex86_64  mesonpkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(gsound)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(gee-0.8)lib64gnome-games-support-develintltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  . 8?DXB@BABEBJCgnome-notebook0.41pclos2007GNOME logbookNotebook is a logbook manager for Gnome. It can store any kind of data (just text for the moment) in XML files, and makes it very easy to retrieve stored information. It is integrated with Gnome (i.e uses Gnome's default browser). Texstar Officei586 pkgconfiglibglade2.0-devellibgnomeui2-devellibrsvgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-notebook-0.4-1pclos2007.src.rpm26f9afa223b2fee3efb938b9db99888c./SRPMS.pclosd * N DB@0BA`BEdBJCgnome-online-accounts3.36.01pclos2020Provide online accounts informationgnome-online-accounts provides interfaces so applications and libraries in GNOME can access the user's online accounts. /FGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gcr-3)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(krb5)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(rest-0.7)pkgconfig(telepathy-glib)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)gtk-docgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-online-accounts-3.36.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm 2L860c04d9b2f3e12ea7a1fa406f4ab927./SRPMS.pclos d   <  $,DB@BABEBJCgnome-osd0.12.21pclos2009Gnome OSD notification systemGnome OSD is a small project to create an OSD (On Screen Display) infrastructure, similar to XOSD. It includes a command-line client, xchat, rhythmbox/muine, evolution plugins and a configuration applet.̫Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 python-develdesktop-file-utilsGConf2-develpygtk2.0-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-osd-0.12.2-1pclos2009.src.rpmef3fbf1a55b77470f1a8a722fb5129fb./SRPMS.pclosd  A   z B@BABEBJCgnome-paint0.31pclos2010Easy to use paint program for GNOMEGnome-paint is a simple, easy to use paint program for GNOME. It is inspired on MS-Paint.H LSX`B@BABEBJCgnome-pilot-conduits2.32.11pclos2010Gnome-pilot conduitsgnome-pilot is a collection of programs and daemon for integrating GNOME and Palm devices. This is a collection of additional conduits for gnome-pilot, it currently features: - MAL conduit - email conduit - expense conduit - memo file conduit - time conduitOfficei586  gnome-pilot-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   EHL mt|B@BABEBJ!Cgnome-pim1.4.98pclos2007The GNOME Personal Information Manager.The GNOME Personal Information Manager consists of applications to make keeping up with your busy life easier. Currently these apps are present: - gnomecal : personal calendar and todo list - gnomecard: contact list of friends and business associatesTexstar Officei586 flexgnome-libs-devellibxml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-pim-1.4.9-8pclos2007.src.rpm1cd68b6ddcce467f8d817262cc8621b7./SRPMS.pclosd  + ?\ `xcB@BABEBJCdegnome-power-manager2.32.02pclos2011GNOME Power ManagerGNOME Power Manager uses the information and facilities provided by HAL displaying icons and handling user callbacks in an interactive GNOME session. GNOME Power Preferences allows authorised users to set policy and change preferences.GNOME Power Manager verwendet die HAL zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen und Einrichtungen. Zeigt Symbole an und handhabt Benutzerrückrufe in einer interaktiven GNOME-Sitzung. GNOME Power-Einstellungen ermöglicht autorisierten Benutzern das Festlegen der Richtlinien und Ändern der Einstellungen.3?Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gtk2-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibwnck-develhal-develdbus-devellibcanberra-develautoconf2.5perl(XML::Parser)gnome-doc-utilslibnotify-develdocbook-utilsdocbook-dtd41-sgmlxmltolibxslt-proclibtoolImageMagickdesktop-file-utilslibpanel-applet-develpolicykit-gnome-develunique-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibupower-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 85221da4e91e9b6d42b52d31ba2a2d8f./SRPMS.pclosd   :x| 7B@CBAhBElBJCgnome-ppp0.3.232pclos2007Gnome 2 front-end to wvdialGnome 2 front-end to wvDial, a modem/ISDN dial-up software..Texstar System/Configuration/Networkingi586 libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-ppp-0.3.23-2pclos2007.src.rpm5pe85af034f6f92608aa2c757dcec8bcb0./SRPMS.pclosd  < gB@tBABEBJCgnome-print0.3710pclos2007Printing libraries for GNOMEGNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System. GNOME is similar in purpose and scope to CDE and KDE, but GNOME is based completely on free software. The gnome-print package contains libraries and fonts that are needed by GNOME applications wanting to print. You should install the gnome-print package if you intend on using any of the GNOME applications that can print. If you would like to develop GNOME applications that can print you will also need to install the gnome-print devel package. Texstar System/Librariesi586 gdk-pixbuf-develgnome-libs-devellibxml-develfreetype2-develautoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-print-0.37-10pclos2007.src.rpm *2fa1519f81d2cad69a0c9ae2bee19868./SRPMS.pclosd ' j B@BABEBJCdegnome-proxy-applet0.21pclos2010Proxy applet for the GNOME panelProxy Applet für das Gnome PanelProxy Applet is a GNOME applet for changing your network proxy configuration with a single click from the gnome panel, without entering gnome network preferences.Proxy Applet ist ein Gnome Applet zum bearbeiten der Netzwerk Proxy Konfiguration via Mausklick, vom Gnome Panel herraus, ohne das öffnen von spezielle Gnome Netzwerk Einstellungen.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk2-develpkgconfiglibgnomeui2_0-devellibgnome2_0-devellibpanel-applet-2_2-devellibbonoboui2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-proxy-applet-0.2-1pclos2010.src.rpmf64ecf8cdaa7f76fd9e48bb991df571c./SRPMS.pclosd ! Ux |   B@BABEBJCgnome-python2.28.14pclos2013The sources for the PyGNOME Python extension moduleThe gnome-python package contains the source packages for the Python bindings for GNOME called PyGNOME. PyGNOME is an extension module for Python that provides access to the base GNOME libraries, so you have access to more widgets, a simple configuration interface, and metadata support.xGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  python-gobject-develpygtk2.0-develpython-devellibgtk+2-devellibgnome2-devellibGConf2-develavahi-glib-develavahi-client-devellibgcrypt-develpyorbit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) K /B@eBABEBJCgnome-python-desktop2.32.07pclos2017GNOME Desktop bindings for PythonThe gnome-python-desktop package contains the Python bindings for the GNOME Desktop modules.8bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  pygtk2.0-develgnome-python-develgnome-python-gconfpython-devellibwnck-devellibrsvg-devellibgnome-keyring-devellibgcrypt-devellibcanberra-develgnutls-devellibproxy-devellib64canberra-devellib64gtksourceview-1.0-devellib64gnome-desktop-2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d ) I B@BAHBELBJmCgnome-python-extras2.25.318pclos2013GNOME extra bindings for PythonThe gnome-python-extras package contains the additional Python bindings for GNOME.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  pygtk2.0-develgnome-pythonpython-devellibgnomeui2-develgtksourceview1-devellibexpat-develavahi-glib-develavahi-client-develgtk-doclibgtkhtml2-devellibgda4.0-devellibgksu2-develgtkspell-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  1 !( P  B@-BATBEXBJyCgnome-robots40.01pclos2021GNOME Robots gameThe classic game where you have to avoid a hoard of robots who are trying to kill you. Each step you take brings them closer toward you. Fortunately they aren't very smart and you also have a helpful teleportation gadget.oGames/Arcadex86_64  pkgconfig(gsound)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1)gettextitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' ~ SB@_BABEBJCdegnome-run-dialog1.7.02pclos2010A reimplementation of the panel-run-dialogEin Neuimplementierung des panel-run-DialogThis is a Prototype of a reimplementation of the panel-run-dialog in pygtk. You can run applications: - with Environment-Variables (eg: nautilus $HOME or LANG=C sound-juicer) - both in a terminal and as root (via gksu) - with a selected file as arguement Gnome-Run-Dialog uses the same History than the original Panel-Run-Dialog so you'll keep it. HINT: use "gnome-run-dialog --set" to assign Alt+F2 to gnome-run-dialog and "gnome-run-dialog --unset" to revert that.Dies ist ein Prototyp des panel-run-Dialog, in PyGTK geschrieben. Es können Anwendungen ausgeführt werden: * mit Umgebungs-Variablen (zB: nautilus $ HOME oder LANG = C-Sound Juicer) * beides, in einem Terminal und als root (über gksu) * mit einer ausgewählten Datei als Argument Gnome-Run-Dialog benutzt die gleiche Historie wie das Originale panel-run-Dialog.PGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk+2-develdesktop-file-utilspygtk2.0-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-run-dialog-1.7.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmXC60cd84b2bf0c3d0e9c999266e5144889./SRPMS.pclos{d   [  $, \  B@#BAHBELBJmCgnome-scan0.7.22pclos2010Gnome solution for scanning in the desktop on top of libsaneGnome Scan provide a library for use by applications (e.g. using plugins) as well as a tiny standalone application, called flegita, which allow to simply save scan to file.#Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 libgnomeui2-develsane-develgegl-develgimp-develperl(XML::Parser)desktop-file-utilsgtk-docgnome-doc-utilslibglade2.0-develgnome-commonintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-scan-0.7.2-2pclos2010.src.rpm47f59903589edbcdcb85c0904ab4b7e1f./SRPMS.pclosd " H8 <W`  > B@QBA|BEBJCgnome-schedule2.2.11pclos2013Managing cron job or at job using GUIGnome-schedule is a tool for managing a users crontab or at jobs using a GUI. Its key features include: * View and edit cron and at jobs in a GUI * You can add templates like "Build Kernel" or "Scan for viruses" for easy reuse of jobs * Change other users cron and at jobs if you are root * Icons and titles for jobs * A human readable text string of cron jobs, to make it easier for users to understand something like: 5 0 * * *, gnome-schedule translates it into: At every day at 00:05 * There is also some predefined common expressions like; every day, every minute, every week, tomorrow, next week. Depending whether you are adding a cron job or at job. * An advanced view to make it more efficient for the experienced user to manage his crontabs. * A calendar to choose when an at job should be added. WARNING: This is still a beta release and not ready for user consumption yet. It is uploaded for software testing. Please submit bug reports to GNOME bugzilla (bugzilla.gnome.org).Y'System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 pygtk2.0-develyelpatdesktop-file-utilspygtk2.0-libgladegnome-pythongnome-python-gconflibxslt-procgnome-python-develgnome-commonintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-schedule-2.2.1-1pclos2013.src.rpma8a7ef1ea3d7db6537281e508231a0162./SRPMS.pclos_d & 8\ `xB@BA,BE0BJQCgnome-screensaver2.30.21pclos2010GNOME Screensavergnome-screensaver is a screen saver and locker that aims to have simple, sane, secure defaults and be well integrated with the desktop. It is designed to support: * the ability to lock down configuration settings * translation into other languages * user switchingGLGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnome-menu-devellibgnomekbd-devellibnotify-devellibxmu-devellibexif-devellibmesagl-devellibxscrnsaver-devellibxxf86misc-devellibxxf86vm-develdbus-develpam-develgdmintltoolgnome-commondesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.303.0.4-1gnome-screensaver-2.30.2-1pclos2010.src.rpmGv1ec84c7547b9dd661942503b7abc52a4./SRPMS.pclosd % >X \glB@)BATBEXBJyCgnome-screenshot3.10.01pclos2013GNOME Screenshot utilityGnome screenshot utility.(.File toolsi586  intltoolpkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + ` d|B@,BA\BE`BJCdegnome-sensors-applet2.2.61pclos2010Detailed hardware monitoring applet for GNOME2Detalliertes Hardware Monitoring Applet für Gnome2GNOME Sensors Applet is an applet for the GNOME Panel to display readings from hardware sensors, including CPU and system temperatures, fan speeds and voltage readings under Linux. Interfaces via the Linux kernel i2c modules.Das Miniprogramm GNOME-Sensors ist ein Applet für das GNOME-Kontrollfeld, welches Informationen von Hardware-Sensoren wie Temperatur, Lüftergeschwindigkeiten und Spannungswerte anzeigt. Schnittstelle dank des Linux Kernel i2c Module.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 libpanel-applet-2-develperl-XML-Parserlibnotify-develscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-sensors-applet-2.2.6-1pclos2010.src.rpmfe99d2e9427b089d8fb2f3654dc21ca2./SRPMS.pclosd " cx |>B@iBABEBJCgnome-session2.32.12pclos2011The gnome desktop programs for the GNOME GUI desktop environmentGNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System. The GNOME Session Manager restores a set session (group of applications) when you log into GNOME. 6MGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  x11-xtrans-devellibxtst-devellibgnome-keyring-develusermode-consoleonlytcp_wrappers-devellibGConf2-devellibglade2.0-develstartup-notification-develgnome-settings-daemon-devellibupower-glib-develpolicykit-gnome-develavahi-glib-develavahi-client-devellibgcrypt-develintltooldesktop-file-utilsautomake1.9rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.21.921. <+b7c5c797105b20a70fcde1cf70136016./SRPMS.pclosd*1 < R B@BALBEPBJqCdefresplsrnlgnome-settings-daemon2.32.12pclos2010GNOME Settings DaemonGNOME settings daemon manages the configuration of the desktop in the background.GNOME-Einstellungen-Daemon verwaltet die Konfiguration der Desktop in der Hintergrund.Paramètres démon GNOME gère la configuration du bureau dans le arrière-plan.Configuración de GNOME demonio administra la configuración del escritorio en el fondo.Demon ustawień GNOME.Гном поставке демон управља конфигурацију радне површине у позадина.GNOME instellingen daemon beheert de configuratie van de desktop in de achtergrond.5kGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gnome-desktop-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibxklavier-devellibxxf86misc-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-devellibxscrnsaver-develdbus-glib-devellibgnomekbd-devellibnotify-develscrollkeeperintltoollibpulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) a6e14eb38220e6477087dc5b402a93453./SRPMS.pclosd ! ?h l}  T B@|BABEBJCgnome-sharp22.24.22pclos2014C# language binding for GNOMEThis is a C# language binding for GNOME.System/Librariesx86_64  mono-devellibglade2.0-devellibxslt-devellibgnomeui2-devellibgnomeprintui-devellibGConf2-develgtk-sharp2-develgtk-sharp2glade-sharp2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' G IB@aBABEBJCgnome-sound-recorder40.01pclos2021A simple, modern sound recorderA simple, modern sound recorder for the desktop. Clips are saved in the Recordings folder.$Soundx86_64 intltoolmesonpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gjs-1.0)gsettings-desktop-schemasdesktop-file-utilsgstreamer1.0-toolspkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)gstreamer1.0-plugins-basegstreamer1.0-plugins-goodgstreamer1.0-plugins-uglylibtoolsdlib64mozjs60-devellib64handy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-sound-recorder-40.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmh7cb19f8303f0aaa47955aa3db1cd2b90./SRPMS.pclosd  P B@BABEBJCgnome-specimen0.45pclos2010View and Compare Fonts installed on your SystemGnome Specimen, a simple tool to view and compare fonts installed on your system. Gnome Specimen currently features: - A list of all fonts available (the left pane) - A list of font previews (the right pane) - Configurable preview text and font size - Configurable foreground and background colors used in the preview paneGraphicsi586 pythonpython-develperl-XML-Parserintltoolgettext-develgettextmakeautoconflibtoolautomakedesktop-file-utilsGConf2libGConf2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-specimen-0.4-5pclos2010.src.rpm2be3cf1c579394c880ebd7117ad8a48d./SRPMS.pclosd ! X qB@BABEBJCgnome-speech0.4.251pclos2010Simple general API for producing text-to-speech outputThis is GNOME Speech. It's purpose is to provide a simple general API for producing text-to-speech output.4Accessibilityi586 libbonobo-activation-devellibespeak-develautoconf2.5gnome-commonjava-develjava-rpmbuildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-speech-0.4.25-1pclos2010.src.rpm5679c34474b4f0bb3f3b23c76ca3075c6./SRPMS.pclossd  XDH x B@BA@BEDBJeCgnome-spell1.0.81pclos2007Gnome Spell is GNOME/Bonobo component for spell checkingGnome Spell is GNOME/Bonobo component for spell checking. In current version it contains GNOME::Spell::Dictionary object, which provides spell checking dictionary (see Spell.idl for exact API definition). It's based on aspell package.c3Neverstopdreaming Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  aspell-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! G  P a B@BABEBJCgnome-subtitles1.31pclos2017Subtitle editor for the GNOME desktopGnome Subtitles is a subtitle editor for the GNOME desktop. It supports the most common text-based subtitle formats and allows for subtitle editing, translation and synchronization. bb2 Videox86_64   pkgconfig(gconf-sharp-2.0)pkgconfig(glade-sharp-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk-sharp-2.0)pkgconfig(mono)gnome-doc-utilspkgconfig(mono)imagemagickintltoolgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) o50c1bcdeffe3579b797ee5801edaed84./SRPMS.pclosd  1l p~  5 B@EBAlBEpBJCgnome-sudoku43.01pclos2022GNOME Sudoku gameGNOME version of the popular Sudoku Japanese logic game.sGames/Puzzlesx86_64 mesonitstoolpython3valapkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(qqwing)pkgconfig(gee-0.8)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-sudoku-43.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmm8ff1d8e32147474f6c8c92c1c0928a40./SRPMS.pclos#d ! 3h lzB@BABEBJCgnome-taquin3.38.11pclos2020GNOME Taquin gameTest your logic skills in this number grid puzzle.P_Games/Puzzlesx86_64  pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)gettextitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonpython3valapkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(gsound)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # 2d hr|B@(BATBEXBJyCgnome-terminal3.42.21pclos2022GNOME terminalThis is the GNOME terminal emulator application.Terminalsx86_64  pkgconfig(dconf)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)pkgconfig(x11)libxml2-utilsintltoollibxslt-procitstoolvala-develsdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # 7 B@BABEBJCgnome-tetravex3.38.21pclos2020GNOME Tetravex gameA puzzle game where you have to match a grid of tiles together. The skill level ranges from the simple two by two up to the seriously mind-bending six by six grid.ZGames/Puzzlesx86_64  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`8c19a5ef7391e77ed756ea87d6da92761./SRPMS.pclosOd!( 3 D0 4LTlB@BABE BJACdefresplsrnlgnome-themes2.32.11pclos2010Themes for GNOMEThis packages contains Themes for GNOME, such as : - Clearlooks - SlicknesS - ZEN-Vision - High Contrast - Large Print - Low ConstratDieses Paket enthält Designs für GNOME, wie zum Beispiel: * Klares Aussehen * Hoher Kontrast * Großdruck * Geringer KontrastCe paquet contient des thèmes pour Gnome.Este paquete contiene temas para GNOME.Domyślne motywy dla środowiska GNOME.Овај пакет садржи Теме за ГНОМЕ.Deze pakketten bevat Thema's voor GNOME.1`Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch  gtk-engines2libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develicon-naming-utilsperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d75e32a1b36d8abc8a2fb79889ee27b7./SRPMS.pclosd ( O (0DB@BABEBJCgnome-themes-extras2.22.01pclos2007Additional themes collection for GNOMEAdditional themes collection for GNOME: this package contains the Darklooks metatheme and the Foxtrot, Gion and Neu icon themes for GNOME2.GoNeverstopdreaming Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch  libgtk+2.0-develgtk-engines2perl-XML-Parsericon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * Q ,4PB@BABEBJ5Cgnome-themes-standard3.22.32pclos2025Standard themes for GNOME applicationsThe gnome-themes-standard package contains the standard theme for the GNOME desktop, which provides default appearance for cursors, desktop background, window borders and GTK+ applications.,7Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk+2.0intltoollib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64rsvg2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnome-themes-standard-3.22.3-2pclos2025.src.rpm-a6c2b2ebbb968596a0ed25588c6e32ef./SRPMS.pclosd & Q AB@KBAxBE|BJCgnome-timer-applet2.1.41pclos2010Countdown timer applet for the GNOME panel* Quickly set a timer and be notified when it finishes * Unobtrusive notification that does not interrupt your work, but keeps you aware that the timer has finished * Create presets for quick access to frequently-used times * Add multiple Timer Applets to the panel to have different timers running simultaneously * D-Bus support provides programmatic access to Timer Applet instances+Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 python-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-timer-applet-2.1.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm4B13b9c211a90a2379c937775f29f2dfb9./SRPMS.pclosd$+ 6 ~ TB@eBABEBJCdeplfressrnlgnome-user-docs2.32.01pclos2010GNOME User DocumentationGNOME AnwenderdokumentationDokumentacja GNOMEThis package contains the GNOME Glossary, Introduction to GNOME, and a Unix Primer.Dieses Paket enthält das GNOME-Glossar, Einführung in GNOME, und eine Unix-Fibel.Dokumentacja Gnome.Gnome documentation utilisateur.Documentación de usuario de Gnome.Гноме корисника документацију.Gnome gebruikersdocumentatie.שBooks/Othernoarch  scrollkeeperpkgconfiggnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[.ab31bc19141240e228a8755eb41c1e82./SRPMS.pclosd % =   j B@zBABEBJCgnome-user-share2.30.12pclos2010GNOME user file sharingThis program enables user to share directories through Webdav or Bluetooth (over ObexFTP). System/Serversi586 apachelibGConf2-devellibavahi-client-devellibavahi-glib-devellibglade2.0-develdbus-glib-develperl-XML-ParserGConf2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-user-share-2.30.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm 36e5637d5c5e469d80f5bf96c65c120c./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 l $GB@tBABEBJCdefresplsrnlgnome-utils2.32.02pclos2010GNOME utility programs such as file search and calculatorGNOME is the GNU Network Object Model Environment. This powerful environment is both easy to use and easy to configure. GNOME Utilities is a collection of small applications all there to make your day just that little bit brighter - System Log Viewer, Search Tool, Dictionary, Floppy Format.GNOME-Hilfsprogramme wie zum Beispiel Dateisuche und Taschenrechner GNOME ist die GNU-Netzwerk-Objekt-Modell-Umgebung. Diese leistungsstarke Umgebung ist sowohl einfach zu bedienen wie leicht zu konfigurieren. GNOME Utilities ist eine Sammlung von kleinen Anwendungen, die Ihren Tag nur das kleine bisschen leichter machen. - Systemprotokollanzeiger, Suchwerkzeug, Wörterbuch, Floppyformatierung.GNOME Utilities est une collection de petites applications tout ce qu'il ya à faire jour de votre tout petit peu plus lumineux - System Log Viewer, Outil de recherche, de dictionnaire, Floppy Format.GNOME Utilities es una colección de pequeñas aplicaciones para hacer todo lo que hay el día sólo que poco más brillante - System Log Viewer, Herramienta de búsqueda, diccionario, Floppy Formato.Programy użytkowe GNOME'a.Гном комуналије је збирка малих апликација све што постоји да би дан само да је мало светлије - Систем Прегледник системског дневника, Тражи Алат, речник, на дискети формата.GNOME Utilities is een verzameling van kleine toepassingen er allemaal te maken uw dag net dat beetje helderder - System Log Viewer, Search Tool, Woordenboek, Floppy FormatfD`Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  libpanel-applet-2-develgnome-desktop-devellibglade2.0-develgnome-vfs2-develavahi-glib-develavahi-client-devellibxmu-devellibgtop2.0-develncurses-develscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilsgnome-commongtk-docintltooldesktop-file-utilse2fsprogs-develhal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C B@BABEBJ=Cgnome-vfs22.24.44pclos2017GNOME virtual file-system librariesThe GNOME Virtual File System provides an abstraction to common file system operations like reading, writing and copying files, listing directories and so on. It is similar in spirit to the Midnight Commander's VFS (as it uses a similar URI scheme) but it is designed from the ground up to be extensible and to be usable from any application.Fbb2 Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  pkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-glib)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(howl)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(openssl)acl-develbzip2-develpkgconfig(gamin)pkgconfig(smbclient)gtk-docdocbook-dtd412-xmlintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d # I B@BAHBELBJmCgnome-vfsmm2.62.26.03pclos2013A C++ interface for GNOME VFS libraryThis package provides a C++ interface for gnome-vfs (the GNOME Virtual File System), which provides an abstraction to common file system operations like reading, writing and copying files, listing directories and so on. It is a subpackage of the gnomemm project, which provides a C++ interface for GNOME libraries.System/Librariesi586  gnome-vfs2-develglibmm2.4-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)%{gnome-vfs_version}'ae965f418687367c3049fba42d5b1028./SRPMS.pclos#d & W    B@BABEBJCgnome-video-arcade0.7.11pclos2010GNOME Video Arcade is a MAME front-end for GNOMEGNOME Video Arcade is a MAME front-end for GNOME.Games/Arcadei586  gettextgnome-doc-utilsgnome-icon-themegtk2-develintltoollibunique-devellibgnomeui2_0-devellibwnck-develperl-XML-Parserscrollkeepersqlite3-devellibxres1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.302.202.242.303.0.4-1gnome-video-arcade-0.7.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmĆbe543f30d027c623ba1ded49b41a1eca./SRPMS.pclosKd ' M B@BABEBJ=Cgnome-video-effects0.4.31pclos2019Collection of GStreamer video effectsA collection of GStreamer effects to be used in different GNOME Modules.-System/Librariesnoarch intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-video-effects-0.4.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm5173e16f1a6a864ceec8f1cfe2c560161b./SRPMS.pclosd ) Bt x:B@NBABEBJCgnome-volume-manager2.24.11pclos2009The GNOME Volume ManagerThe GNOME Volume Manager monitors volume-related events and responds with user-specified policy. The GNOME Volume Manager can automount hot-plugged drives, automount inserted removable media, autorun programs, automatically play audio CDs and video DVDs, and automatically import photos from a digital camera. The GNOME Volume Manager does this entirely in user-space and without polling. The GNOME Volume Manager sits at the top end of a larger picture that aims to integrate the Linux system from the kernel on up through the desktop and its applications.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develhal-devellibnotify-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ ;    B@BABEBJCgnome-web-photo0.10.41pclos2011HTML pages thumbnailergnome-web-photo contains a thumbnailer that will be used by GNOME applications, including the file manager, to generate screenshots of web pages.Networking/WWWx86_64 gtk+3-develwebkitgtk3-develgnome-commonlibxml2-develgnome-vfs2-devellibjpeg-develgettextintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-web-photo-0.10.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm#8e12fb403494671800c0f31a8eee26ca./SRPMS.pclossd & 1 p B@ BA@BEDBJeCdegnome-window-picker-applet0.5.62pclos2010Window picker applet for GNOMEWindow Picker Applet für GnomeA gnome-panel applet that displays open windows as icons on the panel, and has integrated window title-bar functionality. Optimised for use on netbook-size screens.Das Window-Picker-Applet aus dem Netbook Remix ist eine Alternative Möglichkeit, den Fensterrahmen einzusparen.2Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gnome-panel-devellibwnck-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnome-window-picker-applet-0.5.6-2pclos2010.src.rpm;T91fbbc2ca693c9c8da425155f57e2ffc./SRPMS.pclosd   CH Lah  V B@iBABEBJCgnomebaker0.6.41pclos2009Simple CD burning frontend for GNOMEGnomeBaker is a GTK2/Gnome cd burning application. As of 0.4 GnomeBaker can: * Create data cds * Blank rewritable disks * Copy data cds * Copy audio cds * Burn existing cd iso images * Can burn via scsi and atapi * Drag and drop to create data cds (including DnD to and from nautilus) * Create audio cds from existing wavs, mp3, flac and oggs * Integrate with gconf for storage of application settings * Burn DVDs * Supports multisession burning * Blank/Format DVDs * Burn Cue/Bin files * Burn data cds on the flyArchiving/Cd burningi586 ImageMagicklibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develbisonscrollkeeperlibgstreamer0.10-devellibnotify-develperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsintltoolautomake1.9rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnomebaker-0.6.4-1pclos2009.src.rpmc2e4690be4bc3e1b3ebe201da801a4ef./SRPMS.pclosd " EP TdlxB@BABEBJ Cgnomecatalog0.3.4.24pclos2010Catalog Software for Gnome DesktopCatalog your dvds/cds and files in your hard disk. Generate thumbnails of the video files and image files via nautilus (gnome file manager), and saves it in the database files. Save the metadata of the files, then you can search in the metatada of music and images.Archiving/Othernoarch python-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnomecatalog-[d & = B@BA(BE,BJMCgnomeight-icon-theme2.21pclos2014Gnome Eight Icon themeThis package contains the Gnomeight icon theme for PCLinuxOS. Gnomeight is a Windows 8 inspired icon theme.ڥSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnomeight-icon-theme-2.2-1pclos2014.src.rpmea85fdf44d5330d13ae9aa92171025d7./SRPMS.pclosd   h lB@BABEBJCdegnomenu2.92pclos2010GnoMenu - menu for gnome that brings eye candy the Gnome menu'sGnoMenu - Menu für GNOME, bringt Eye Candy das Gnome-MenüsFully functional menu , supports themes , for a composited or non composited desktop. It can emulate the look and feel of the most beautiful menus of most modern desktops, and it can also use custom menus, due to its powerful theme XML engine. GnoMenu currently supports Gnome-Panel, Avant-Window-Navigator, Cairo-Dock and XfApplet.Voll funktionsfähige Menü unterstützt Themen, für die ein Composite-oder nicht Composite-Desktop. Sie können das Aussehen emulieren und die schönsten Menüs der meisten modernen Desktop-PCs erzeugen und auch benutzerdefinierte Menüs generieren, aufgrund seiner starken Thema XML-Engine. GnoMenu unterstützt derzeit Gnome-Panel, Avant-Window-Navigator, Cairo-Dock und XfApplet.%Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnomenu-2.9-2pclos2010.src.rpm%}5b8d48ac98f14c43d8665399d2fb0588./SRPMS.pcloscd   9(, 17< d  B@ BA0BE4BJUCgnomeradio1.81pclos2013A FM-Tuner program for GnomeGnomeradio is a FM radio tuner for the GNOME desktop. It should work with every FM tuner card that is supported by video4linux. Remote controls are supported via lirc-support. Gnomeradio can also record radio as Wave, MP3 or Ogg files.gNealSoundi586 desktop-file-utilsgettextgnome-doc-utilsintltoollibgnomeui2_0-devellirc-develrarianlibcddb-develgnome-media-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnomeradio-1.8-1pclos2013.src.rpmQ2403b830fe8dab58d61eec65323d9a739./SRPMS.pclosKd     D  B@BABEBJ=Cdegnomint1.1.01pclos2010Graphical x509 Certification Authority management toolgnoMint ist für die einfache Erstellung und Verwaltung von Zertifizierungsstellen.gnoMint is a x509 Certification Authority management tool for GTK/Gnome environments.Es bietet ausgefallene Visualisierung aller Stücke von Informationen, die sich an eine Zertifizierungsstelle, wie x509 Zertifikate, CSRs und CRLs. gnoMint ist derzeit in der Lage, eine Zertifizierungsstelle, die Zertifikate emittiert, die in der Lage sind, in denen Personen oder Maschinen in VPNs (IPSec oder andere Protokolle), sichere HTTP-Kommunikation mit SSL / TLS, HTTP-Authentifizierung und Verschlüsselung Kommunikation über Web-Client-Zertifikate, und Zeichen oder Krypta E-Mail-Nachrichten.[DSystem/Configuration/Otheri586  gnutls-devellibgnomeui2_0-develgettextdesktop-file-utilsperl(XML::Parser)sqlite3-develintltoolreadline-develtermcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)23.0.4-1gnomint-1.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmb97210a3454a25b747ed99b3f650446aa./SRPMS.pclosd   P )0DB@BABEBJ Cgnonlin0.10.171pclos2011GStreamer extension library for non-linear editingGnonlin is a library built on top of GStreamer (http://gstreamer.net) which provides support for writing non-linear audio and video editing applications. It introduces the concept of a time-line.System/Librariesx86_64  libgstreamer-plugins-base-develgettext-develgtk-docgstreamer0.10-plugins-goodrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   I B@BA4BE8BJYCgnormalize0.635pclos2016A ripper, an encoder and an audio convertergnormalize is a front end to normalize, a ripper, an encoder and an audio converter. It uses gtk2-perl. gnormalize decodes the MP3/MPC/OGG/APE/FLAC file to WAV, then normalizes the WAV to a targeted volume level and re-encodes it. gnormalize can also rip, encode, convert audio format between MP3, MPC, OGG, APE and FLAC, change the encoding and ID3 tag properties of final normalized files."Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnormalize-0.63-5pclos2016.src.rpm'r1482086c668ebba40f8d559a210a12f8./SRPMS.pclos/d  2    B@BABEBJ!Cgnote3.26.03pclos2023Note-taking applicationGnote is a simple desktop note-taking application for GNOME. Easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas and information you deal with every day. Using a WikiWiki-like linking system, organizing ideas is as simple as typing a name. Branching an idea off is easy as pressing the Link button. And links between your ideas won't break, even when renaming and reorganizing them. This is a clone of Tomboy, in C++.=Officex86_64  boost-develdbus-c++-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoollibext2fs-devellibgtkspell-devellibuuid-devellibxslt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnote-3.26.0-3pclos2023.src.rpm=:bce1fac967ad5a464ab6e623564c0c80./SRPMS.pcloswd   K B@"BADBEHBJiCgnotero0.212pclos2010Gnotero - Quick access to your Zotero ReferencesGnotero is a Python Gtk application which provides access to your Zotero references. Zotero is an excellent open source reference manager, but it lacks a simple and direct way to access your references at the click of a button. If a PDF file is attached to a reference you can open it directly from within Gnotero. Note: Gnotero requires a recent version of Zotero (the 2.0 series).Networking/WWWnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnotero-0.21-2pclos2010.src.rpm4baa80cda6d92d982adf93f4a082f340./SRPMS.pclosd   _ ,B@6BATBEXBJyCgns30.7.42pclos2013Graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networksGNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks. To allow complete simulations, GNS3 is strongly linked with : * Dynamips, the core program that allows Cisco IOS emulation. * Dynagen, a text-based front-end for Dynamips. * Pemu, a Cisco PIX firewall emulator based on Qemu. GNS3 is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for Cisco network engineers, administrators and people wanting to pass certifications such as CCNA, CCNP, CCIP or CCIE. It can also be used to experiment features of Cisco IOS or to check configurations that need to be deployed later on real routers.$Emulatorsnoarch python-qt4python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gns3-0.7.4-2pclos2013.src.rpm$q101ee277e0edd97947e11bde43ab1acf./SRPMS.pclosd   -D HY`  l B@~BABEBJCgnt2.14.01pclos2021Pidgin Finch LibraryPidgin Finch LibrarySystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(fribidi)mesonpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gtk-doclibxslt-procdocbook-style-xsldocbook-dtd412-xmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnt-2.14.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm=312df1140e11752f3dda9c326f17f6f1./SRPMS.pclosd   E  B@(BALBEPBJqCgnu-efi3.0.81pclos2018Development Libraries and headers for EFIThis package contains development headers and libraries for developing applications that run under EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface).73TerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnu-efi-3.0.8-1pclos2018.src.rpm<:63ea3b7817c5adcc63b06cf6df243a2b./SRPMS.pcloswd % <  B@BADBEHBJiCgnu-free-fonts201205031pclos2014Free UCS Outline Fonts Gnu FreeFont is a free family of scalable outline fonts, suitable for general use on computers and for desktop publishing. It is Unicode-encoded for compatibility with all modern operating systems. Besides a full set of characters for writing systems based on the Latin alphabet, FreeFont contains large selection of characters from other writing systems some of which are hard to find elsewhere. FreeFont also contains a large set of symbol characters, both technical and decorative. We are especially pleased with the Mathematical Operators range, with which most of the glyphs used in LaTeX can be displayed.cZ1System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develfontforgerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnu-free-fonts-20120503-1pclos2014.src.rpmcO41ffd2fcae75a573f0fe1fdda3cd6647./SRPMS.pclosd  ;TX cpx_B@{BABEBJCgnubg1.06.0021pclos2020A backgammon game and analyserGNU Backgammon is software for playing and analysing backgammon positions, games and matches. It's based on a neural network. Although it already plays at a very high level, it's still work in progress. You may play GNU Backgammon using the command line or a graphical interface.yghostbunnyGames/Boardsx86_64 desktop-file-utilstexinfolib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64canberra-devellib64canberra-gtk-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gmp-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkglext-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64python-devellib64readline-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnubg-1.06.002-1pclos2020.src.rpmyN9eaefb7da2d8deae87d3170325af2b06./SRPMS.pclosd   @   D * B@=BA`BEdBJCgnubiff2.2.151pclos2014Mail notification program for GNOMEgnubiff is a mail notification program that checks for mail, displays headers when new mail has arrived and allow to read first lines of new mails. It relies on the GNOME and GTK libraries but can be compiled and used with or without GNOME support. Supported protocols are pop3, apop, imap4, mh, qmail and mailfile. Furthermore, gnubiff is fully configurable with a lot of options like polltime, poptime, sounds, mail reader, etc.bGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 intltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gamin-1_0-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64openssl-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64popt-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnubiff-2.2.15-1pclos2014.src.rpmh4038e30547a95db42d1c5ba75d3cdff2./SRPMS.pclosd   A SB@_BABEBJCgnucap200608302pclos2013A general purpose circuit simulatorGNUCAP is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, Fourier analysis, and ac analysis linearized at an operating point. It is fully interactive and command driven. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. The output is produced as it simulates. Spice compatible models for the MOSFET (level 1,2,3) and diode are included in this release. fIpinocDevelopment/Otherx86_64 readline-develtermcap-develtetex-latextetex-dvipdfmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnucap-20060830-2pclos2013.src.rpm i9d3a12409a94bf5adca8444b10f87bc0./SRPMS.pclos{d   El pwB@(BAHBELBJmCgnucash5.101pclos2024Application to keep track of your financesGnuCash is a personal finance manager. A check-book like register GUI allows you to enter and track bank accounts, stocks, income and even currency trades. The interface is designed to be simple and easy to use, but is backed with double-entry accounting principles to ensure balanced books./ZOfficex86_64  boost-develfopgettext-develintltoollib64aqbanking-devellib64dbi-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gmock-devellib64gnome-keyring-devellib64gnomecanvas2_0-devellib64goffice0.10_10-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64guile-devellib64gwenhywfar-devellib64ktoblzcheck-devellib64ofx-devellib64python3-devellib64webkit2-devellib64xml2-devellibdbi-drivers-dbd-sqlite3locales-enlocales-frrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)scrollkeeperslibswigxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnucash-5.10-1pclos2024.src.rpmf$555fc7e193840d10f95f2e24b0a8b693./SRPMS.pcloskd  9L P^hB@BA8BE<BJ]Cgnucash-docs5.101pclos2024Documentation for GnucashDocs for Gnucash.Documentationnoarch  boost-develfopgettext-develintltoollib64aqbanking-devellib64dbi-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gmock-devellib64gnome-keyring-devellib64gnomecanvas2_0-devellib64goffice0.10_10-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64guile-devellib64gwenhywfar-devellib64ktoblzcheck-devellib64ofx-devellib64python3-devellib64webkit2-devellib64xml2-devellibdbi-drivers-dbd-sqlite3locales-enlocales-frrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)scrollkeeperslibswigxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnucash-docs-5.10-1pclos2024.src.rpmI8a20e3867a8cbd1118cdb60c7b752c96./SRPMS.pclosd  U )0DB@BABEBJCdegnuchess6.2.91pclos2021The GNU chess programDas GNU chess (Schach) ProgrammThe gnuchess package contains the GNU chess program. By default, GNUchess uses a text-based interface. Alternatively, GNUchess can be used in conjunction with other GUI interface, thus serving as a chess engine. You should install the gnuchess package if you would like to play chess on your computer. If you'd like to use a graphical interface with GNUchess, you'll also need to install other GUI interface, such as xboard or eboard. This package also includes opening book for gnuchess, containing many historic games played between masters and grandmasters.Das gnuchess Paket beinhaltet das GNU chess (Schach) Programm. Standardmäßig nutzt GNU chess eine textbasierte Benutzerschnittstelle. Alternativ kann es aber auch mit anderen GUI Schnittstellen kombiniert werden, in diesem dient GNU chess nur als Hintergrundprogramm. Sie sollten das gnuchess Programm installieren, wenn Sie auf ihrem Computer Schach spielen wollen. Wenn Sie eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche benutzen wollen, dann werden Sie ein andere GUI wie z.B. xboard oder eboard installieren wollen. Dieses Paket beinhaltet auch ein Buch für gnuchess, welches viele historische Schachpartien zwischen Meistern und Großmeistern enthält.Games/Boardsx86_64 lib64readline-develncurses-develflexgziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnuchess-6.2.9-1pclos2021.src.rpm; d99647e0bf79463de26e40c01c8eb390./SRPMS.pclosd   9 $B@BABEBJCgnucobol3.21pclos2023A free and open COBOL compilerGNU Cobol (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a free COBOL compiler. cobc translates COBOL to executable using intermediate C sources, providing full access to nearly all C libraries.,TDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  gmp-develhelp2manlib64db5.3-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnucobol-3.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm,i39b904502e016a4cc1c025bab9597358./SRPMS.pclosd   -  (0<sB@}BABEBJCgnugo3.81pclos2018Text based go programThis software is a free program that plays the game of Go. GNU Go has played thousands of games on the NNGS Go server. GNU Go is now also playing regularly on the Legend Go Server in Taiwan and the WING server in Japan." ghostbunnyGames/Boardsx86_64 lib64ncurses-develtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnugo-3.8-1pclos2018.src.rpm")if37bea55fb739ae691c250f47d3ecd2c./SRPMS.pclosWd !   hB@BA$BE(BJICdegnumeric1.12.571pclos2024A full-featured spreadsheet for GNOMEEine voll funktionsfähige Tabellenkalkulation für GNOMEThis is the Gnumeric, the GNOME spreadsheet program. If you are familiar with Excel, you should be ready to use Gnumeric. It tries to clone all of the good features and stay as compatible as possible with Excel in terms of usability. Hopefully the bugs have been left behind :).Das volle Tabellenkalkulation für GNOME Das ist Gnumeric, das GNOME Tabellenkalkulations- programm. Wenn Sie mitExcel arbeiten, sollten Sie sich Gnumeric mal anschauen. Es versucht die guten Eigenschaften zu klonen und es so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten, dabei jedoch zu Excel kompatibel zu bleiben. Wir hoffen, dass die Bugs zurückgelassen wurden:).4Officex86_64   automakedesktop-file-utilsintltoolitstoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64goffice0.10_10-devellib64gsf-1_114-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64psiconv6-devellib64px-devellib64python-devellib64xml2-devellibglade2.0-develperl-develrarianrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)0.10.573.0.4-14.6.0-1gnumeric-1.12.57-1pclos2024.src.rpmIfb564ebb045645389171da93a0a9f92e./SRPMS.pclosd   4( ,;DHdB@lBABEBJCgnump3d3.01pclos2010Streaming server for MP3'sGNUMP3d is a streaming server for MP3's, OGG vorbis, and other streamable audio files, it is designed to be: * Small, stable, self-contained, and secure. * Simple to install, configure, and use. * Portable across different varieties of Unix. System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnump3d-3.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm fe1668a781b075bfcb04b6756921249e./SRPMS.pclosd   r@D OZd  * B@@BA`BEdBJCdegnupg1.4.231pclos2018GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacementGNU Privacy Guard - ein freier PGP-ErsatzGnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced key management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard as described in RFC2440.GnuPG ist GNUs Werkzeug für sichere Kommunikation und Datenspeicherung. Es kann zum Verschlüsseln von Daten und zum Erstellen digitaler Signaturen genutzt werden. Es enthält eine fortgeschrittene Schlüsselverwaltungs-Einrichtung und entspricht dem in RFC 2440 beschriebenen OpenPGP-Internet-Standard. GnuPG benutzt keine patentierten Algorithmen, so dass es nicht zu PGP2kompatibel sein kann, da dieses IDEA (welcher weltweit patentiert ist) benutzt.)PghostbunnyFile toolsx86_64  bzip2-develdocbook-utilsgettextlibcurl-devellib64termcap-devellib64usb1.0-developenldap-develperlreadline-develbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   r@ DOXB@BABEBJCdegnupg22.4.41pclos2024GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacementGNU Privacy Guard - ein freier PGP-ErsatzGnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced key management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard as described in RFC2440.GnuPG ist GNUs Werkzeug für sichere Kommunikation und Datenspeicherung. Es kann zum Verschlüsseln von Daten und zum Erstellen digitaler Signaturen genutzt werden. Es enthält eine fortgeschrittene Schlüsselverwaltungs-Einrichtung und entspricht dem in RFC 2440 beschriebenen OpenPGP-Internet-Standard. GnuPG benutzt keine patentierten Algorithmen, so dass es nicht zu PGP2kompatibel sein kann, da dieses IDEA (welcher weltweit patentiert ist) benutzt.YaFile toolsx86_64   bzip2-develdocbook-utilsgnutls-devellib64ksba-devellib64npth-devellib64readline-devellibassuan-devellibcurl-devellibgcrypt-devellibgpg-error-devellibtermcap-devellibusb-developenldap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib-devel1.   T YB@tBABEBJCgnuplot5.4.02pclos2021A program for plotting mathematical expressions and dataGnuplot is a command-line driven, interactive function plotting program especially suited for scientific data representation. Gnuplot can be used to plot functions and data points in both two and three dimensions and in many different formats. Install gnuplot if you need a graphics package for scientific data representation.]Sciences/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(x11)emacs-noxpkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(libpng)readline-develtexlivetexlive-texmftexinfopkgconfig(cairo)qttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)lib64libcerf-devellib64lua5.3-devellib64wxgtku3.1-devellib64gd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gnuplot-5.4.0-2pclos2021.src.rpm[}82a667cdefc795116f645355ad83d4ed./SRPMS.pclosd   A 444B@;BAdBEhBJCgnuradio3.10.10.01pclos2024Software defined radio frameworkGNU Radio is a collection of software that when combined with minimal hardware, allows the construction of radios where the actual wave forms transmitted and received are defined by software. What this means is that it turns the digital modulation schemes used in today's high performance wireless devices into software problems. This is a virtual package that installs the entire GNU Radio software set.5pinocCommunicationsx86_64   SDL-develboost-develcmakecppzmq-develdoxygengitgraphvizgsm-devellibatlas-devellibtoolmathjaxmpir-develpkgconfig(Qt5Qwt6)pkgconfig(SoapySDR)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(codec2)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(guile-2.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk)pkgconfig(libiio)pkgconfig(log4cpp)pkgconfig(orc-0.4)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(spdlog)pkgconfig(uhd)pkgconfig(volk)pybind11-develpython3-cheetahpython3-clickpython3-click-pluginspython3-gobject3python3-makopython3-numpypython3-numpy-develpython3-packagingpython3-pygccxmlpython3-pyqtgraphpython3-pyzmqpython3-qt5-corepython3-qt5-develpython3-scipypython3-sixpython3-sphinxpython3-yamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swigxdg-utils3. ! >    B@BABEBJ5Cgnustep-base1.30.01pclos2024GNUstep Base library packageThe GNUstep Base Library is a powerful fast library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C classes, inspired by the superb OpenStep API but implementing Apple and GNU additions to the API as well. It includes for example classes for unicode strings, arrays, dictionaries, sets, byte streams, typed coders, invocations, notifications, notification dispatchers, scanners, tasks, files, networking, threading, remote object messaging support (distributed objects), event loops, loadable bundles, attributed unicode strings, xml, mime, user defaults. This package includes development headers too.&[Development/Otherx86_64  gcc-objcgmp-develgnustep-makelibicu-develpkgconfig(avahi-compat-libdns_sd)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texi2htmltexinfo-tex3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnustep-base-1.30.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm&9f6f561e110b5d4953961e962a188e0ba./SRPMS.pclosd  9   T B@lBABEBJCgnustep-make2.9.21pclos2024GNUstep makefile packageThe makefile package is a simple, powerful and extensible way to write makefiles for a GNUstep-based project. It allows the user to write a project without having to deal with the complex issues associated with configuration, building, installation, and packaging. It also allows the user to easily create cross-compiled binaries.Development/Otherx86_64  autoconfautomakegcc-objclatex2htmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tetex-dvipstetex-latextexi2htmltexinfo-tex3.0.4-14.6.0-1gnustep-make-2.9.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmfcb9c058e679a900a510c1ce3a31d526./SRPMS.pclosd   A B@2BATBEXBJyCgnutls3.8.42pclos2024Library providing a secure layer (SSL)GnuTLS is a project that aims to develop a library which provides a secure layer, over a reliable transport layer.cbSecurityx86_64   autogengettext-develliblzo-develpkgconfig(autoopts)pkgconfig(libidn2)pkgconfig(libtasn1)pkgconfig(libunbound)pkgconfig(nettle)pkgconfig(opencdk)pkgconfig(p11-kit-1)pkgconfig(readline)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfovalgrind4.   T 4 B@!BADBEHBJiCgo-for-it1.6.31pclos2018A Simple To-Do List Manager And Timer Productivity AppGo For It! a simple and stylish productivity app, featuring a to-do list, merged with a timer that keeps your focus on the current task.3wbb2 Officex86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilsbinutilslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-develmakepatchvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1go-for-it-1.6.3-1pclos2018.src.rpm98ee26013e5cc5d3791dcbb3bd7ffc995./SRPMS.pclosd-#,8jB@tBABEBJCgob22.0.181pclos2011GTK+ Object BuilderGOB2 is a simple preprocessor for making GTK+ objects. It makes objects from a single file which has inline C code so that you don't have to edit the generated files. Syntax is somewhat inspired by java and yacc.Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 flexlibglib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gob2-2.0.18-1pclos2011.src.rpmkf0808152c536a176e5514e536d1dd182./SRPMS.pclosd * @    B@BABEBJCgobject-introspection1.83.41pclos2025GObject IntrospectionThe goal of the project is to describe the APIs and collect them in a uniform, machine readable format.System/Librariesx86_64  bisonflexgnome-commonlibffi-devellibglib2.0-devellibtoolmesonmultiarch-utilspython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gobject-introspection-1.83.4-1pclos2025.src.rpm8ec33a4a6dc0d60ee84c2b1dd1302bf8./SRPMS.pclosCd   C B@BABEBJ5Cgocr0.512pclos2018OCR (Optical Character Recognition) programGOCR is an optical character recognition program, released under the GNU General Public License. It reads images in many formats (pnm, pbm, pgm, ppm, some pcx and tga image files (or PNM from stdin); if pnm-tools installed and running linux-like system you can also use pnm.gz, pnm.bz2, png, jpg, tiff, gif, bmp and others) and outputs a text file.=Graphicsx86_64 libnetpbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gocr-0.51-2pclos2018.src.rpmE184089485ef2303b23b1f5f8fa57f9b3./SRPMS.pclos d   [  \B@BABEBJCdegoffice0.10.571pclos2024Set of document centric objects and utilities for glib/gtkThere are common operations for document centric applications that are conceptually simple, but complex to implement fully. - plugins - load/save documents - undo/redoEs sind gemeinsame Maßnahmen für Dokumenten-zentrischen Anwendungen, die konzeptionell einfach aber komplex in vollem Umfang durchzuführen sind. - Erweiterungen - Laden/Speichern von Dokumenten - rückgängig/nocheinmal machen&}lSystem/Librariesx86_64  gtk-docintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gs-devellib64gsf-1_114-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pcre0-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64xml2-devellibglade2.0-develpcreperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1goffice-0.10.57-1pclos2024.src.rpm&e1a2573e52a943aca1cfc8736381b7d0./SRPMS.pclosd  L $(DB@LBApBEtBJCdegogglesmm1.2.11pclos2020Goggles Music ManagerGoggles Musik ManagerGoggles Music Manager is a music collection manager and player that automatically categorizes your music files based on genre, artist, album, and song. It supports gapless playback and features easy tag editing.Goggles Music Manager ist ein Musik-Verwaltungs Manager und Spieler, der automatisch Ihre Musik-Dateien auf Genre, Interpret, Album, und Lieder katalogisiert. Es unterstützt die lückenlose Wiedergabe und einfache Tag-Editor Funktionen.6Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gogglesmm-1.2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm?3be8ec44b7e76514f441bd60b67ecd81./SRPMS.pclosd   40 4BH x C B@_BABEBJCdegok2.30.11pclos2010GNOME On-screen KeyboardThe GNOME On-screen Keyboard (GOK) is a dynamic on-screen keyboard for UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems. It features Direct Selection, Dwell Selection, Automatic Scanning and Inverse Scanning access methods and includes word completion.Das GNOME-On-Screen Keyboard (GOK) ist eine dynamische On-Screen-Tastatur fürUNIX-und UNIX-artigen Betriebssystemen. Es verfügt über Direct Selection,Dwell Selection, automatisches Scannen und Inverse Scanning ZugangMethoden und enthält Wortvervollständigung.'GAccessibilityi586  libxorg-x11-devellibat-spi0-develgtk-doclibgnomeui2-devellibwnck-devellibusb-develperl-XML-Parserscrollkeeperlibgnomespeech-devellibglade2.0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   7 B@BABEBJ9Cgolang1.16.71pclos2021The Go Programming LanguageGo is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1golang-1.16.7-1pclos2021.src.rpm 8b760e907b29fcc432128c882a7c12d3./SRPMS.pclosd   8 ~B@BABEBJCgoldendict1.0.14pclos2015Dictionary Lookup ProgramFeature-rich dictionary lookup program. * Use of WebKit for an accurate articles' representation, complete with all formatting, colors, images and links. * Support of multiple dictionary file formats: * Babylon .BGL files * StarDict .ifo/.dict/.idx/.syn dictionaries * Dictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files * ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files * ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives * Support for Wikipedia, Wiktionary or any other MediaWiki-based sites * Scan popup functionality. A small window pops up with translation of a word chosen from antoher application. * And much more...ZOfficex86_64 qt4-devellib64xtst-develhunspell-devellibvorbis-develdesktop-file-utilsphonon-devellib64qtwebkit4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1goldendict-1.0.1-4pclos2015.src.rpmV74b170e4a04b44f7bc21c396b11a16f8./SRPMS.pcloscd   ?  4  B@BA0BE4BJUCgom0.3.31pclos2019GObject to SQLite object mapper libraryGom provides an object mapper from GObjects to SQLite. It helps you write applications that need to store structured data as well as make complex queries upon that data.System/Librariesx86_64 gobject-introspection-develintltoolgtk-docmesonpkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(sqlite3)python-gobject3-develpython-gobject3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gom-0.3.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm384c9cae731ef5dbb55b7a4073b46336./SRPMS.pclosd   5PT ^s|B@BABEBJCgonvert0.2.391pclos2017Units conversion utilitygonvert is a conversion utility that allows conversion between many units like CGS, Ancient, Imperial with many categories like length, mass, numbers, etc. All units converted values shown at once as you type. Easy to add/change your own units. Written in Python, pygtk, libglade.bb2 Sciences/Mathematicsnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gonvert-0.2.39-1pclos2017.src.rpm$31fec080c628773c158077d8c5297fc1./SRPMS.pclosd   9    B@BABEBJCgoobox2.0.01pclos2009CD player and ripper for GNOMEGoobox is a CD player and ripper that always knowns just what to do.Soundi586  libgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibmusicbrainz-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibnotify-develscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procdesktop-file-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   9 LrB@BABEBJCgoobox3.4.22pclos2018CD player and ripper for GNOMEGoobox is a CD player and ripper that always knows just what to do. It allows you to play Audio CDs and save the tracks to disk as mp3, ogg, flac or wav files. Track titles and CD covers are set automatically using the MusicBrainz web service. In addition to gstreamer plugins and cdparanoia, the following encoders are expected to be installed: vorbisenc, flacenc, wavenc, lamemp3enc - at least one of these in order to rip CDs.bb2 Soundx86_64 brasero-develglibc-develintltoolitstoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64discid-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64musicbrainz5-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-develmakelibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1goobox-3.4.2-2pclos2018.src.rpm187221a51f89c4b2cad5cf124c9a614d7./SRPMS.pclosd   V8 <W\lB@BABEBJCgoocanvas0.152pclos2010New canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D libraryGooCanvas is a new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. CDevelopment/GNOME and GTK+i586 libgtk+2.0-develgnome-doc-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1goocanvas-0.15-2pclos2010.src.rpm MB906080dce0ecc043ecfe667deb8ac58e./SRPMS.pclosd   W< @[dtB@BABEBJ Cgoocanvas1.0.02pclos2014New canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D libraryGooCanvas is a new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items.?Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 gtk+2-develgnome-doc-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1goocanvas-1.0.0-2pclos2014.src.rpmDl31a225012a78f85ac527da792d29e37b./SRPMS.pclosd   X< @[d  s B@BABEBJCgoocanvas22.0.21pclos2014New canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D libraryGooCanvas is a new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items.3Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gvfs0lib64pango1.0-develgnome-doc-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1goocanvas2-2.0.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm9772becc3de652cfba55f32d27affbe2./SRPMS.pclos#d  ;X \mtB@BABEBJCgoocanvasmm0.15.41pclos2011C++ wrappers for goocanvasC++ wrappers for goocanvas.dSystem/Librariesx86_64  gtkmm2.4-develgoocanvas-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d   6    B@BABEBJCgoodvibes0.5.31pclos2020Lightweight Radio PlayerGoodvibes is an Internet radio player for GNU/Linux. It aims to be light, simple, straightforward. [Soundx86_64 gccmesondesktop-file-utilspkgconfig(amtk-5)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(keybinder-3.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1goodvibes-0.5.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm cebf6fe2d3213dc1971574d7c43ecf8b./SRPMS.pclosd $ E :B@PBA|BEBJCgoogle-benchmark1.9.01pclos2024A microbenchmark support libraryA library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakedoxygengcc-c++ninjapkgconfig(gmock)pkgconfig(gtest)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1google-benchmark-1.9.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmA71d66f4db0bdd8c961da9ae1ed715cbe./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 @ PB@cBABEBJCgoogle-chrome-browser133.0.6943.1411pclos2025Google ChromeThe web browser from Google. Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.wNetworking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1google-chrome-browser-133.0.6943.141-1pclos2025.src.rpm1Aff6d8ef72bc33f067cbbcf2a6ce7cc76./SRPMS.pclos7d * hp tB@BABEBJ)Cgoogle-croscore-fonts1.23.02pclos2019The width-compatible fonts for improved on-screen readability This package contains a collections of fonts that offers improved on-screen readability characteristics and the pan-European WGL character set and solves the needs of developers looking for width-compatible fonts to address document portability across platforms.System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1google-croscore-fonts-1.23.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmya48a9e26206701c5b233edccbf225e15./SRPMS.pclosd!' ? s 7B@@BABEBJCgoogle-crosextra-caladea-fonts1.0020.2.20130214.1pclos2014Sans-serif font metric-compatible with Cambria fontCaladea is metric-compatible with Cambria font. This font is sans-serif typeface family based on Lato.@>System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1google-crosextra-caladea-fonts-1.002-0.2.20130214.1pclos2014.src.rpmD7ad922fb12656f3ae2e655c4c76acb1e5./SRPMS.pclosd!' ? s B@BALBEPBJqCgoogle-crosextra-carlito-fonts1.1030.1.20130920.1pclos2014Sans-serif font metric-compatible with Calibri fontCarlito is metric-compatible with Calibri font. Carlito comes in regular, bold, italic, and bold italic. The family covers Latin-Greek-Cyrillic (not a complete set, though) with about 2,000 glyphs. It has the same character coverage as Calibri. This font is sans-serif typeface family based on Lato. d0System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1google-crosextra-carlito-fonts-1.103-0.1.20130920.1pclos2014.src.rpm ir658b0c212938a968aec878bfcf5460a3./SRPMS.pclosd # <8 <AH|B@BABEBJCgoogle-gadgets0.11.26pclos2010Google Gadgets for LinuxGoogle Gadgets for Linux provides a platform for running desktop gadgets under Linux, catering to the unique needs of Linux users. It is compatible with the gadgets written for Google Desktop for Windows as well as the Universal Gadgets on iGoogle.8Toysi586 autoconfautomakecurl-develgtk2-develqt4-develdesktop-file-utilszipdbus-develstartup-notification-develxulrunner-develwebkitgtk-devellibsoup-2.4-devellibrsvg-develflexlibgstreamer0.10-plugins-base-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1google-gadgets-0.11.2-6pclos2010.src.rpm3254f3a84e4058f53b47ec7484750056./SRPMS.pclosd  + C( ,CHPyB@BABEBJCgoogle-image-downloader1.2.23pclos2011Google Image DownloaderCrossplatform software to search with Google image with a search criteria offered by Google, display results and download. Choose which to remove, or browse them, and download into a specific folder with specific image naming.Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1google-image-downloader-1.2.2-3pclos2011.src.rpm284e0a0b1b2209e5e48c56cac51ac224./SRPMS.pclos+d# . ]    B@BABEBJCgoogle-noto-emoji-fonts202209301pclos2022Google "Noto Emoji" Black-and-White emoji fontThis package provides the Google “Noto Emoji” Black-and-White emoji font. bSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch gccfontpackages-develfonttoolspython3-fonttoolsnototoolspython3-nototoolspython3-develgraphicsmagickpngquantzopflicairo-developtipngrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1google-noto-emoji-fonts-20220930-1pclos2022.src.rpm ܻ0741c03f0d141a83279c10427c944843d./SRPMS.pclos3d ( aL Pgp|B@BABEBJ%Cgoogle-noto-fonts201809051pclos2024Hinted and Non Hinted OpenType fonts for Unicode scriptsNoto fonts aims to remove tofu from web by providing fonts for all Unicode supported scripts. Its design goal is to achieve visual harmonization between multiple scripts. Noto family supports almost all scripts available in Unicode.( System/Fonts/True typenoarch  fontpackages-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1google-noto-fonts-20180905-1pclos2024.src.rpm'yok34083feff300556b207a59c0a741239d./SRPMS.pcloswd ' :  B@BADBEHBJiCgoogle-talkplugin4.4.2.01pclos2013Google Talk PluginThe Google Talk Plugin is a browser plugin that enables you to use Google voice and video chat to chat face to face with family and friends.gtpinoc64Networking/Chatx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1google-talkplugin-^1f4e2ec62bf1733eca69cbe71e9aceb6./SRPMS.pclos/d   Qlp xB@BABEBJ!Cgooglecl0.9.141pclos2013GoogleCL brings Google services to the command lineGoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to various Google services. It streamlines tasks such as posting to a Blogger blog, adding events to Calendar, or editing documents on Google Docs. For example: $ google blogger post --blog "My blog" --tags "python, googlecl" my_post.html $ google calendar add "Lunch with Jason tomorrow at noon" $ google docs edit --title "Shopping list" --editor vim GoogleCL is a pure Python application that uses the Python gdata libraries to make Google Data API calls from the command line.@pinoc32Networking/Otheri586 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1googlecl-0.9.14-1pclos2013.src.rpmI;758b76dacb26fe03322c6051d95604b4./SRPMS.pclosd   M -B@8BA\BE`BJCgoonies1.4.15281pclos201320th anniversary edition of The Goonies remakeThe 20th anniversary edition of The Goonies is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux computers. Games/Arcadex86_64 gcc-c++lib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1goonies-1.4.1528-1pclos2013.src.rpm2a16011c9dafc23852ad79ae84f8a922d./SRPMS.pclosd   - .B@KBAlBEpBJCgossip0.313pclos2010GNOME Jabber clientGossip aims at making Jabber easy to use and tries to give GNOME users a real user friendly way of chatting with their friends.|Networking/Instant messagingi586  loudmouth-devellibgnomeui2-devellibxscrnsaver-devellibxslt-devellibglade2.0-develdbus-glib-devellibnotify-devellibgalago-develgnome-panel-devellibxrender-devellibaspell-develiso-codesrariangnome-doc-utilsintltooldesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   'D HV`lB@BABEBJCgottet1.2.61pclos2025Tetris cloneGottet is a tetris clone.Games/Puzzlesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gottet-1.2.6-1pclos2025.src.rpmЯa235720abe88c485e577e331a899c3c0./SRPMS.pclosd   @t x~B@BABEBJ Cgource0.512pclos2022Software version control visualizationOpenGL-based 3D visualization tool for source control repositories. The repository is displayed as a tree where the root of the repository is the centre, directories are branches and files are leaves. Contributors to the source code appear and disappear as they contribute to specific files and directories. Videox86_64 pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(tinyxml)glm-develboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gource-0.51-2pclos2022.src.rpm !iac737cff824856a09bd39977d1ee7f29./SRPMS.pclosGd   A    B@BABEBJ9Cgourmet0.17.41pclos2015Recipe manager for the GNOME desktopGourmet allows you to collect, search and organize your recipes, and to automatically generate shopping lists from your collection.I1Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch python-develpython-metakitpython-distutils-extrapython-elib.intlimagemagickdesktop-file-utilspygtk2.0-develpython-sqlite2python-pyrtfpython-imagingintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gourmet-0.17.4-1pclos2015.src.rpmILf371673d161327bb7e7b1983e149256c./SRPMS.pclosd    (( ,;DTB@BABEBJCgpEasy2.11pclos2011gp | Easy (CMS)gpEasy CMS was built to make website creation and management easy, for anyone. gpEasy is the perfect content management system (cms) for personal and commercial web sites that require fast page loading and search engine friendly structure. gpEasy is a lightweight cms (built without the use of a database) which helps us reach our goal of making it fast and easy to use right down to the installation. Once installed, you'll find an intuitive interface that let's you edit your entire site in WYSIWYG fashion. System/Serversnoarch  apache-basefileunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 2c1f394ca55a1fe9885fe894545f2b33./SRPMS.pclosd   2pt    B@BABEBJCgpa0.10.01pclos2020The GNU Privacy AssistantThe GNU Privacy Assistant is a graphical user interface for the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). GnuPG is a system that provides you with privacy by encrypting emails or other documents and with authentication of received files by signature management. Install this package if you want to have an easy interface for GnuPG. ghostbunnyFile toolsx86_64 lib64assuan-develatk-develcairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gpgme-develgtk2-develpango-devellibpthread-stubsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpa-0.10.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm Zc34eac8a5109babb9aad9be5740e661e./SRPMS.pclosd   4p tzB@BABEBJ Cgpac2.2.02pclos2023MPEG-4 multimedia frameworkGPAC is a multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard developed from scratch in ANSI C. The original development goal is to provide a clean (a.k.a. readable by as many people as possible), small and flexible alternative to the MPEG-4 Systems reference software. The natural evolution has been the integration of recent multimedia standards (SVG/SMIL, VRML, X3D, SWF, 3GPP(2) tools, etc) into a single framework. VRML97 and a good amount of the X3D standard have already been integrated into GPAC, as well as some SVG support and experimental Macromedia Flash support. The current GPAC release (2.2.0) already covers a very large part of the MPEG-4 standard, and has some good support for 3GPP and VRML/X3D, and features what can probably be seen as the most advanced and robust 2D MPEG-4 Player available worldwide, as well as a decent 3D player. GPAC also features MPEG-4 Systems encoders/multiplexers, publishing tools for content distribution for MP4 and 3GPP(2) files and many tools for scene descriptions (MPEG4<->VRML<->X3D converters, SWF->MPEG-4, etc...).NVideox86_64 pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(faad2)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(xmlrpc)pkgconfig(xv)pkgconfig(zlib)imagemagicka52dec-develffmpeg-develfreeglut-develxvid-develsubversionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpac-2.2.0-2pclos2023.src.rpm6cea4be3cf3fbf33a3803366df704c46./SRPMS.pclosd  U$ (18LB@BABEBJCdegpaint-20.3.38pclos2010Simple Paint ApplicationEin einfaches Paint ProgrammThis is gpaint (GNU Paint), a small-scale painting program for GNOME, the GNU Desktop. Gpaint does not attempt to compete with GIMP. Think of GIMP is like Photoshop as gpaint is like Windows Paint. gpaint-2 version 0.3.3 is not yet fully functional. Thus some of the menu can function without his one-day or even Crash of the program.Dies ist gpaint (GNU Paint), ein kleines Malprogramm für GNOME, den GNU Desktop. Gpaint versucht nicht mit GIMP zu konkurrieren. Während GIMP mit Photoshop vergleichbar ist, ist gpaint eher Windows Paint vergleichbar. gpaint-2 Version 0.3.3 ist noch nicht voll Funktionstüchtig. So können einige Menüeintäge ohne Funktion sein oder sogar zum Absturz des Programms führen. Graphicsi586  libglade2.0-develzlib-develgtk2-develgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) =33c74b476fc6477f51db826dbe64b67c./SRPMS.pclosd   + zB@BABEBJCgpar20.34pclos2010Frontend to libpar2Gpar2 is a graphical frontend to libpar2. A program for creating and using PAR2 files to detect damage in data files and repair them if necessary. It can be used with any kind of file.t{Archiving/Otheri586 automakelibpar2libsigc++2.0_0-devellibpar2-devellibgtkmm2.4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpar2-0.3-4pclos2010.src.rpmz)d492234e0a63a38bb80237cd39c9ef62./SRPMS.pclosd   I %@HLhB@pBABEBJCgpart0.1h7pclos2007Hard disk primary partition table reconstructionA tool which tries to guess the primary partition table of a PC-type hard disk in case the primary partition table in sector 0 is damaged, incorrect or deleted. The guessed table can be written to a file or device. Supported (guessable) filesystem or partition types: DOS/Windows FAT, Linux ext2 and swap, OS/2 HPFS, Windows NTFS, FreeBSD and Solaris/x86 disklabels, Minix FS, QNX 4 FS, Reiser FS, LVM physical volumes, BeOS FS, SGI XFS.Texstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpart-0.1h-7pclos2007.src.rpmj9573851f2b0404f3b6eeb9312257236e./SRPMS.pclosd   H (4bB@lBABEBJCgpart0.31pclos2022Hard disk primary partition table reconstructionA tool which tries to guess the primary partition table of a PC-type hard disk in case the primary partition table in sector 0 is damaged, incorrect or deleted. The guessed table can be written to a file or device. Supported (guessable) filesystem or partition types: DOS/Windows FAT, Linux ext2 and swap, OS/2 HPFS, Windows NTFS, FreeBSD and Solaris/x86 disklabels, Minix FS, QNX 4 FS, Reiser FS, LVM physical volumes, BeOS FS, SGI XFS.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 autoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpart-0.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmóa83a1af0c5c73952e6c29152638c61e9./SRPMS.pclos'd !     B@BABEBJCdeplgparted1.7.01pclos2025Graphical frontend to libpartedGrafischer Frontend für libpartedGraficzna nakładka na libpartedGParted stands for Gnome Partition Editor and is a graphical frontend to libparted. Among other features it supports creating, resizing, moving and copying of partitions.GParted steht für Gnome Partition Editor und ist ein graphisches Frontend zu libparted. Neben anderen Features, unterstützt es das Erstellen, Ändern der Größe, Verschieben und Kopieren von Partitionen.GParted jest graficzą nakładką na libparted. Służy do partycjonowania dysku. Obsługuje tworzenie, kopiowanie, modyfikacje wielkości oraz usuwanie partycji.+x7System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  desktop-file-utilsgnome-doc-utilsintltoolitstoollib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm3.0-devellib64parted-devellib64uuid-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gparted-1.7.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm+^1e76fc119567fe4dfefb6d4cd5935e9d./SRPMS.pclosGd  B4 8BHdB@BABEBJ9Cgpass0.5.11pclos2007A password manager for the GNOME desktopThe GNOME Password Manager - GPass for short - is a simple application, written for the GNOME 2 desktop, that lets you manage a collection of passwords. The password collection is stored in an encrypted file, protected by a master-password.Databasesi586 libmhash-devellibglade2.0-devellibmcrypt-devellibGConf2-devellibgnomeui2-develperl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpass-0.5.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm444c900e6cfc1468e15f5b05e32be6e6./SRPMS.pclosd   9| B@BABEBJ Cgperf3.12pclos2019A perfect hash function generatorGperf is a perfect hash function generator written in C++. Simply stated, a perfect hash function is a hash function and a data structure that allows recognition of a key word in a set of words using exactly one probe into the data structure. Install gperf if you need a program that generates perfect hash functions. Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gperf-3.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm7eb7256d86a81f165e67481784b7ce24./SRPMS.pclosd   L -B@6BAXBE\BJ}Cgperftools2.71pclos2019Very fast malloc and performance analysis toolsPerf Tools is a collection of performance analysis tools, including a high-performance multi-threaded malloc() implementation that works particularly well with threads and STL, a thread-friendly heap-checker, a heap profiler, and a cpu-profiler. This is a metapackage which pulls in all of the gperftools (and pprof) binaries, libraries, and development headers, so that you can use them.RWDevelopment/Toolsx86_64 pkgconfig(libunwind)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gperftools-2.7-1pclos2019.src.rpmR723fc9f5479870f12dcccdc1a70e0d82./SRPMS.pclosSd  2 B@BA BE$BJECgpgme1.23.21pclos2024GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME)GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) is a library designed to make access to GnuPG easier for applications.File toolsx86_64  autoconf-archivecmake-rpm-macrosdoxygengnupg2graphvizpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt6Core)pkgconfig(Qt6Test)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gpg-error)pkgconfig(libassuan)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig3.0.4-14.6.0-1gpgme-1.23.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmJ3d2704fd608524538ab33faa2f03dbde./SRPMS.pclosd   N   X B@hBABEBJCgpgmepp16.08.31pclos2020C++ wrapper and Qt integration for GpgMe libraryC++ wrapper and Qt integration for GpgMe libraryGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64boost-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gpgme-devellib64qt5core-develninjapkgconfigextra-cmake-modulesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpgmepp-16.08.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm8d054a7e8a0d683917881a0f0f061d3dd./SRPMS.pclosd   M B@BABEBJCgphoto22.5.281pclos2022Command line utilities to access digital camerasThe gPhoto2 project is a universal, free application and library framework that lets you download images from several different digital camera models, including the newer models with USB connections. Note that a) for some older camera models you must use the old "gphoto" package. b) for USB mass storage models you must use the driver in the kernel. This package contains the command-line utility gphoto2.Graphicsx86_64 libaa-devellib64exif12-devellib64gphoto-devellib64jpeg-devellib64ncurses-devellib64popt-devellib64readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gphoto2-2.5.28-1pclos2022.src.rpm1065c41ef1753d01f17ce42339570b97./SRPMS.pclosd  0 BB@MBApBEtBJCgphotoframe1.02pclos2010Photo frame gadgetGnome Photo Frame is a photo frame gadget for the GNOME Desktop. * Local folders * F-Spot database * Flickr API * Picasa Web Album API * Tumblr API * RSSdGraphicsnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-distutils-extrarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gphotoframe-1.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmj'c0aca67e4f495085d14e2cece17465a8./SRPMS.pclosd   f  B@BABEBJCdegpick0.2.41pclos2014GPick is a advanced color pickerGpick ist ein erweiterter FarbauswählerGPick Advanced color picker written in C++ using GTK+ toolkitGpick ist ein erweiterter Farbauswähler geschrieben in C + + mit GTK +-ToolkitGraphicsx86_64  lib64dbus-glib-1_2-develsconspython-sconslib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64lua5.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  hl sB@BA4BE8BJYCdegpicview0.2.61pclos2025A very simple, fast, and lightweight image viewer featuring immediate startup.GPicView ist ein schneller, einfacher und genügsamer Bildbetrachter-Extremely lightweight and fast with low memory usage -Very suitable for default image viewer of desktop system -Simple and intuitive interface -Minimal lib dependency: Only pure GTK+ is used -Desktop independent: Doesn't require any specific desktop environment -Open source, licensed under GNU GPLGPicView ist ein genügsamer Bildbetrachter auf Basis von GTK+ 2.x mit den folgenden Merkmalen: Extrem schnell und genügsam, geringer Speicherverbrauch Empfiehlt sich als Standardbildbetrachter Ihres Desktops Einfache und selbsterklärende Oberfläche Minimale Bibliotheksabhängigkeit: nur reines GTK+ wird benutzt Unabhängig vom Desktop: es wird keine spezielle Arbeitsumgebung benötigt.odanielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64   lib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64jpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)]d5258cba09ce4e8011c1d3b776b6260a./SRPMS.pclosd   ; $B@0BATBEXBJyCgpixpod0.6.25pclos2013Photo manager for capable iPodsGPixPod is an application for uploading and organizing photos and photo albums on recent Apple iPod models.g Graphicsx86_64 ImageMagickpython-develgtk+2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpixpod-0.6.2-5pclos2013.src.rpmkc786a1a1681c568fbd4bfc6887858cdf./SRPMS.pclosd   y &,<B@BABEBJCgplanarityr173622pclos2010gPlanarity is a simple puzzle game involving untangling planar graphs for fun and prizes.gPlanarity is a super-clone of the flash Planarity game written by John Tantalo. gPlanarity implements gameplay identical to the original Planarity but adds some UI and game extras around the basic game such as multiple board generation algorithms, puzzle boards, complete backing state, group select/drag and so on. KNOWN BUG: When you start the game you will get a blank screen, resize the window to fix.aGames/Puzzlesi586  libgtk+2.0_0-devellibcairo-devellibfreetype6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   = 1B@<BA\BE`BJCgpm1.20.72pclos2021A mouse server for the Linux consoleGpm provides mouse support to text-based Linux applications like the emacs editor, the Midnight Commander file management system, and other programs. Gpm also provides console cut-and-paste operations using the mouse and includes a program to allow pop-up menus to appear at the click of a mouse button. Gpm should be installed if you intend to use a mouse with your system in virtual consoles. System/Serversx86_64 byaccncurses-develautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpm-1.20.7-2pclos2021.src.rpm N,e8372acecb49bd44211b20e0558278ed./SRPMS.pclosd   X B@BABEBJCdegpodder3.8.21pclos2014A graphical podcast catcherEin grafischer PodcastfängergPodder is a Podcast reciever/catcher written in Python, using GTK. It manages podcast feeds for you and automatically downloads all podcasts from as many feeds as you like.gPodder ist ein Podcastempfänger/fänger, der in Python geschrieben ist und GTK nutzt. Er verwaltet Podcast Feeds für Sie und lädt automatisch alle Podcast von so vielen Feeds herunter wie Sie mögen.UNetworking/Newsnoarch python-develImageMagickdesktop-file-utilshelp2manpython-feedparserintltoolpython-mygpoclientrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpodder-3.8.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm463e881dce7acb21ec5174ccf258455d./SRPMS.pclosgd" - U  H  B@BA4BE8BJYCgpointing-device-settings1.5.11pclos2010Configuration tool for pointing devicesGUI tool for setting pointing device such as TrackPoint or Touchpad. It allows configuring of various drivers parameters on the fly. It is a successor of GSynaptics. Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  pkgconfigperl-XML-ParsergettextintltoolGConf2-devellibxi-develgtk2-develdesktop-file-utilsgnome-settings-daemon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   T 6B@PBApBEtBJCgpredict1.13pclos2010Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction programGpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program written using the Gtk+ widgets. Gpredict is targetted mainly towards ham radio operators but others interested in satellite tracking may find it useful as well. Gpredict uses the SGP4/SDP4 algorithms, which are compatible with the NORAD Keplerian elements.8#Communicationsi586  gtk2-develglib2-develcurl-develintltoolgettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   X@ DOXdB@BABEBJCgprename2.6.31pclos2007A complete GTK+ GUI batch renamer for files and directoriesGPRename is a complete batch renamer for files and directories. Optional: If you're running Gnome and you're using Nautilus and you want the contextual menu with the right-click button to show GPRename, then install nautilus-actions, go into System/Preferences/Nautilus Actions Configuration, click the Import/Export button and copy this line in the first field: /usr/share/gprename/gprename.schemas the icon for context-menu is here: /usr/share/gprename/gprename_nautilus-action.pngFile toolsnoarch gettext-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gprename-2.6.3-1pclos2007.src.rpma46cc264cddf08ee5874384f4a1546a9./SRPMS.pclosOd IB@BABE BJACgprolog1.3.11pclos2011GNU Prolog is a free implementation of PrologGNU Prolog is a native Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains (FD) developed by Daniel Diaz. Latest information about GNU Prolog can be found at http://www.gnu.org/software/prolog. A lot of work has been devoted to the ISO compatibility. GNU Prolog is very close to the ISO standard (http://www.logic-programming.org/prolog_std.html).-Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gprolog-1.3.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm-da71916a4de96a7ce1bf45e71c82e63a./SRPMS.pclosKd   3dh B@BABEBJ=Cgps1.1.06pclos2007Another task manager appletgPS is a task manager applet for Linux, based on gtk+. It shows a graphical list of processes like ps and top. gPS reads data directly from the /proc filesystem. It allows the user to filter and sort te process list on any field, to kill processes with SIGHUP and SIGKILL signals and to renice processes.HBTexstar Monitoringi586 libstdc++-develgtk+-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gps-1.1.0-6pclos2007.src.rpmQ 04fff8d556636e6f5cbff13e4d2a694c./SRPMS.pclosd   R4 8BLB@BABEBJCgpsbabel1.7.01pclos2021GPSBabel converts GPS data from one format to anotherGPSBabel converts waypoints, tracks, and routes from one format to another, whether that format is a common mapping format like Delorme, Streets and Trips, or even a serial upload or download to a GPS unit such as those from Garmin and Magellan. By flatting the Tower of Babel that the authors of various programs for manipulating GPS data have imposed upon us, it returns to us the ability to freely move our own waypoint data between the programs and hardware we choose to use.2Geographyx86_64 pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(libusb)pkgconfig(minizip)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(shapelib)desktop-file-utilspkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpsbabel-1.7.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmhVa140e10d8801b7061a59ab5c39510f00./SRPMS.pclos_d  > B@BA,BE0BJQCgpscorrelate1.6.11pclos2011GPS photo tagging applicationThis program correlates digital camera photos with GPS data in GPX format.Graphicsx86_64  gtk+2-devellibxslt-proclibexiv-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   3  /8 d  B@BA$BE(BJICgpsd3.171pclos2017GPS data translator and GUIgpsd is a service daemon that mediates access to a GPS sensor connected to the host computer by serial or USB interface, making its data on the location/course/velocity of the sensor available to be queried on TCP port 2947 of the host computer. With gpsd, multiple GPS client applications (such as navigational and wardriving software) can share access to a GPS without contention or loss of data. Also, gpsd responds to queries with a format that is substantially easier to parse than NMEA 0183. A client library is provided for applications. After installing this RPM, gpsd will automatically connect to USB GPSes when they are plugged in and requires no configuration. For serial GPSes, you will need to start gpsd by hand. Once connected, the daemon automatically discovers the correct baudrate, stop bits, and protocol. The daemon will be quiescent when there are no clients asking for location information, and copes gracefully when the GPS is unplugged and replugged.EWbb2 Sciences/Geosciencesx86_64 ncurses-develudev-toolslesstif-develxmltodbus-develdbus-glib-develpythonpython-develbluez-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpsd-3.17-1pclos2017.src.rpmEUbcb7cf49bc333eaab9e9585b5bde3b89./SRPMS.pclosd   GX \glB@BABEBJCgpsdrivesvn.25931pclos2010gpsdrive is a GPS based navigation toolGpsdrive is a map-based navigation system. It displays your position on a zoomable map provided from a NMEA-capable GPS receiver. The maps are autoselected for the best resolution, depending of your position, and the displayed image can be zoomed. Maps can be downloaded from the Internet with one mouse click. The program provides information about speed, direction, bearing, arrival time, actual position, and target position. Speech output is also available. MySQL is supported. See http://www.gpsdrive.de for new releases.G(Monitoringi586 cmakelibxml2-devellibfreetype6-devellibsqlite3-devellibcurl-develmapnik-devellibboost-devellibspeechd-devellibgpsd-devellibgtk+2.0_0-devellibpango1.0-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellibwxgtk2.8-devellibatk1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpsdrive-svn.2593-1pclos2010.src.rpmG[65335c78d4c4492e129e0143bbb48cf0./SRPMS.pclosd  R  $DB@BABEBJCgpsim0.25.01pclos2010A software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollersgpsim is a full-featured software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers distributed under the GNU General Public License. gpsim has been designed to be as accurate as possible. Accuracy includes the entire PIC - from the core to the I/O pins and including ALL of the internal peripherals. Thus it's possible to create stimuli and tie them to the I/O pins and test the PIC the same PIC the same way you would in the real world.6Development/Otheri586 readline-develflexpopt-develglib2-develtermcap-develncurses-develglibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpsim-0.25.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmK\e609b924854935aa776b64640b4b9322./SRPMS.pclosKd    B@BABEBJ=Cdegputils0.14.21pclos2012A collection of tools for the Microchip (TM) PIC microcontrollersEine Sammlung von Werkzeugen für Microchip (TM) PIC MicrocontrollerGPUTILS is a collection of tools for the Microchip (TM) PIC microcontrollers. It includes gpasm, gplink, and gplib.GPUTILS ist eine Sammlung von Werkzeugen für Microchip (TM) PIC Microcontroller. Es beinhaltet gpasm, gplink und gplib P8NealDevelopment/Otherx86_64 bisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gputils-0.14.2-1pclos2012.src.rpm XW938ce66c02686ed41af9dc6f751b56c9./SRPMS.pclosGd   / B@BABEBJ9Cgpxe1.0.11pclos2011GPL network bootloadergPXE is an open source (GPL) network bootloader. It provides a direct replacement for proprietary PXE ROMs, with many extra features such as DNS, HTTP, iSCSI, etc. In generally, gPXE is compatible with the industry-standard PXE specification, and also supports Etherboot .nbi file loading. gPXE evolved from Etherboot, and is maintained by the Etherboot project. http://etherboot.orgcNetworking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpxe-1.0.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm(9653784883aed948a970984382dc6847./SRPMS.pclossd   F  0  B@!BA@BEDBJeCgpxsee7.111pclos2019GPS log file visualization and analysis toolGPXSee is a Qt-based tool for visualizing and analyzing GPX, TCX, FIT, KML, IGC, NMEA, SLF, LOC, OziExplorer (PLT, RTE, WPT), Garmin CSV and geotagged JPEG files."W Graphicsx86_64 gcc-c++makelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5sql-develqttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gpxsee-7.11-1pclos2019.src.rpm"\)1608101e0d136a9fce996073ee9d277f./SRPMS.pcloskd  SX \kpB@BA8BE<BJ]Cgrace5.1.221pclos2007Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool (Grace)Grace is a Motif/Lesstif application for two-dimensional data visualization. Grace can transform the data using free equations, FFT, cross- and auto-correlation, differences, integrals, histograms, and much more. The generated figures are of high quality. Grace is a very convenient tool for data inspection, data transformation, and for making figures for publications. NOTE: The help browser requires netscape or any browser linked to that executable name. Otherwise, help files are in /usr/share/doc, as usual.&zSciences/Otheri586 zlib-devellibjpeg-devellibtiff-devellesstif-develnetcdf-devellibpng-develt1lib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grace-5.1.22-1pclos2007.src.rpm&df300f9e0d3dca1ce1ac9b57987315629./SRPMS.pclos7d    Vdh rxB@BABEBJ)Cgradio5.02pclos2017GTK3 app for finding and listening to internet radio stationsGradio is a native GTK application. It lets you browse, search and find radio stations, as well as listen to them, without needing to use a browser or enter an internet radio stream URL. The application uses the Community Radio Browser website for its database backend.-bb2 Soundx86_64 gettext-develglibc-develintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gradio-5.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm86064a6ed8b0b8dcafb076eb526b07b5./SRPMS.pclosd   ,  5<@\B@dBABEBJCgrafburn0.10.925pclos2007CD/DVD BurnerCD/DVD burner by Nathan Fisher, originally created for Puppy Linux. Grafburn is a simple set of shell scripts that create a gui around cdrtools, making it possible to easily create and burn data and audio cd's and dvd's. It is intended to be small, simple, and easy to navigate, while providing an interface to the most common burning tasks. With Grafburn you can: -Create data cd's or dvd's -Burn already existing iso images -Blank cd and dvd media -Create and encode audio cd's (ogg, mp3, or wav supported, flac, ape, m4a, aac, and mp4 when the right -extra packages are installed) -Create audio cd's using a cue or toc file (if cdrdao is installed) -Directly copy cd's or dvd's from one drive to another -Append data to a multisession diskArchiving/Cd burningi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grafburn-0.10.92-5pclos2007.src.rpm}14c3bcfe610caeba1d7385befbcb0f8f./SRPMS.pclosd     &5< d ( B@DBAdBEhBJCdegramps5.2.41pclos2025Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming SystemGenealogie-Erforschung und -Analysesystemgramps (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System) is a GNOME based genealogy program supporting a Python based plugin system.GRAMPS ist ein Genealogie-Programm, entwickelt für Linux und andere UNIX-ähnliche Systeme. Es hilft dir deinen Familienstammbaum aufzuzeichnen indem es das einfache Speichern, Bearbeiten, Abrufen und Finden genealogischer Zusammenhänge ermöglicht.ppinocSciences/Otherx86_64   desktop-file-utilsdocbook-utilsintltoollib64gexiv2-devellib64python3-develpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)scrollkeeper0.103.0.4-14.6.0-1gramps-5.2.4-1pclos2025.src.rpmHd80e55dc1565893976aa0ca48b6a2773./SRPMS.pclosod   2 B@BA<BE@BJaCgranatier24.12.31pclos2025KDE Bomberman gameGranatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game, inspired by the work of the Clanbomber clone.GGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1granatier-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm%edbb3cb92431361ff15b9ba25146820c./SRPMS.pclosd   <    B@BABEBJCgrandorgue0.3.1.01pclos2013Virtual Pipe Organ SoftwareGrandOrgue is a virtual pipe organ sample player application supporting a HW1 compatible file format.Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilscmakelib64alsa2-devellib64jack-devellib64xslt-devellib64wxgtk2.8-develgettext-develdocbook-style-xslpo4arpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grandorgue-   J  4B@BABEBJ Cgranite5.5.01pclos2020elementary companion library for GTK+ and GLibGranite is a companion library for GTK+ and GLib. Among other things, it provides complex widgets and convenience functions designed for use in apps built for elementary.?System/Librariesx86_64  mesongettextvalalib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64girepository-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.403.0.4-1granite-5.5.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmCC9fa33a62359b1c09a9f09ea26b0e1a4c./SRPMS.pclosd   Zx |AB@PBAtBExBJCgrantlee5.3.01pclos2022Qt string template engine based on the Django template systemGrantlee is a plugin based String Template system written using the Qt framework. The goals of the project are to make it easier for application developers to separate the structure of documents from the data they contain, opening the door for theming. The syntax is intended to follow the syntax of the Django template system, and the design of Django is reused in Grantlee. Django is covered by a BSD style license. Part of the design of both is that application developers can extend the syntax by implementing their own tags and filters. For details of how to do that, see the API documentation. For template authors, different applications using Grantlee will present the same interface and core syntax for creating new themes. For details of how to write templates, see the documentation.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakefreetype-develdoxygentexliveasciidoclibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1graphite2-1.3.10-1pclos2017.src.rpmc407fe3f216c8b39a093b7e1b9250351./SRPMS.pclosd   7 //B/B@BABEBJCgraphviz2.38.02pclos2017Graph visualization toolsA collection of tools for the manipulation and layout of graphs (as in nodes and edges, not as in barcharts).ۢbb2 Graphicsx86_64  bisonflexswigperl-develphonon-develphp-develx11-proto-develzlib1-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64devil-devellib64expat1-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freeglut-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gd-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64ice-devellib64ltdl-devellib64lua5.1-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64poppler-glib-devellib64python-devellib64qt4-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64sm-devellib64tcl-devellib64tk-devellib64x11-devellib64xaw-devellib64xmu-devellib64xrender-devellua5.1-devellua5.1php-clipython-develruby-develtcl-develtk-develtkjava-develocamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Fx| 0`0'0B@hBABEBJCgrass8.4.11pclos2025Geographic Resources Analysis Support SystemGRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is an open source, Free Software Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological vector, image processing, and graphics production functionality that operates on various platforms through a graphical user interface and shell in X-Window.-@pinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64   bisonblas-develflexgcc-gfortrangdbm-develimagemagicklapack-devellib64appstream-devellib64gdal-devellib64pdal-devellib64sqlite3-devellibgomp-devellzmamysql-develpkgconfig(OpenCL)pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gdlib)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(netcdf)pkgconfig(proj)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(tcl)pkgconfig(tk)pkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(zlib)postgresql-develprojpython3-dateutilpython3-numpypython3-sixpython3-wxpython4readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swigtcltermcap-develtkunixODBC-devel2.03.0.4-14.6.0-1grass-8.4.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm`De1123b6055973fb5296b039a8a770c88./SRPMS.pclosd  j    B@BABEBJCdegraveman0.3.129pclos2010Simple frontend for CD creationEinfaches Frontend für die CD-ErstellungAnother frontend for cdrecord, mkisofs, readcd and sox! With graveman you can burn audio cds (wav, ogg, mp3), data cds, and duplicate cds.Ein weiteres Frontend für cdrecord, mkisofs, readcd und sox! Mit graveman können Sie Audio-CDs brennen (wav, ogg, mp3), Daten-CDs,und doppelte CDs. Archiving/Cd burningi586 ImageMagickgtk2-devellibglade2.0-devellibid3tag-devellibvorbis-devellibmad-devellibflac-devellibmng-develperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1graveman-0.3.12-9pclos2010.src.rpm Mf1011fdd5fca1de830d34c587b356fb6./SRPMS.pclosd * Q  B@(BAXBE\BJ}Cgreatlittleradioplayer1.4.42pclos2013Robust internet radio station streamerA robust internet radio station streamer. It connects to web sites offering radio streaming and lets you play radio stations directly from that locations.PXSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1greatlittleradioplayer-1.4.4-2pclos2013.src.rpm`5fbc6b916d893077ab1068dfb8a07eaa./SRPMS.pclosod " ^  B@BA<BE@BJaCgreen-recorder3.0.41pclos2017A simple yet functional desktop recorder for Linux systems.A simple desktop recorder for Linux systems. Supports both Xorg server and Wayland (GNOME). 0bb2 Videonoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1green-recorder-3.0.4-1pclos2017.src.rpm 4a192129eb210156caf73ac2f67907b0./SRPMS.pclosd   U %,0LB@TBAxBE|BJCgreenfoot2.0.11pclos2011Greenfoot is a live object world framework application.Consider greenfoot as a combination between a framework for creating two-dimensional grid assignments in Java and an integrated development environment (class browser, editor, compiler, execution, etc.) suitable for novice programmers. While greenfoot supports the full Java language, it is especially useful for programming exercises that have a visual element. In greenfoot object visualisation and object interaction are the key elements.T Development/Javai586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1greenfoot-2.0.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmT 2faafc8711b39c9e0e55e6bd9fc94ee4./SRPMS.pclos3d   ^ 08PB@BABEBJ%Cgremind0.1.11pclos2007gremind is a simple gtkmm alarm for the GNOME Desktop Environment.gremind allows you to set reminders (by time and description) so, when the time expires, notifies you with a discrete popup on the system tray and optionally, plays a custom sound.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  libgconfmm2.6-devellibnotify1-devellibgtkmm2.4-devellibgnome2-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}9fb0ead378c83910c39139b2b5c1c667./SRPMS.pclosd   O KB@WBAtBExBJCgrep3.111pclos2023The GNU versions of the grep pattern matching utilitiesThe GNU versions of the commonly used grep utilities. Grep searches one or more input files for lines which contain a match to a specified pattern and then prints the matching lines. GNU's grep utilities include grep, egrep and fgrep. You should install grep on your system, because it is a very useful utility for searching through text files, for system administration tasks, etc. NText toolsx86_64 gettext-develpkgconfig(libpcre)texinfobisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grep-3.11-1pclos2023.src.rpm73c346c23a852db94909dff6f4e4da03./SRPMS.pclos'd  9 B@BABEBJCgretl2021c1pclos2021A tool for econometric analysisA cross-platform software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language.Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 R-baseblas-develpkgconfig(readline)pkgconfig(libcurl)desktop-file-utilsfftw-develfonts-ttf-bitstream-verafonts-ttf-freefontgettextpkgconfig(glib-2.0)gmp-develgnuplotopenmpipkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)lapack-develpkgconfig(libgsf-1)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mpfr)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-4)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(odbc)pkgconfig(ompi)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gretl-2021c-1pclos2021.src.rpmec7d4bd2ba941de46006831526acc026./SRPMS.pclosOd % 9 B@BABE BJACgreydays-icon-theme1.11pclos2021Greydays icon themeThis package contains a modified set of icons; Dark-Grey and a modified gtk3 grey window theme; GreyDaysb}Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1greydays-icon-theme-1.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmbzc494838e27c49998d2a4ae854407245a./SRPMS.pcloscd   ^ B@ BA0BE4BJUCgrfcodec6.0.61pclos2019A suite of programs to modify Transport Tycoon Deluxe's GRF filesA suite of programs to modify Transport Tycoon Deluxe's GRF files.Development/Otherx86_64 png-develboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grfcodec-6.0.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm7597f1a5f83e13cb400a2a93554bd0fa./SRPMS.pclosd   !B@,BAPBETBJuCdegriffith0.134pclos2018Griffith is a film collection manager applicationGriffith der Film Manager, verwaltet die SammlungGriffith is a film collection manager application. Adding items to the movie collection is as quick and easy as typing the film title and selecting a supported source. Griffith will then try to fetch all the related information from the Web.Griffith verwaltet Ihre DVD-Sammlung und ergänzt wichtige Filminformationen aus dem Internet, etwa via IMDb, OFDb und andere Filmdatenbanken. Darüber hinaus erzeugt die Software DVD-Cover inklusive Coverart im PDF-Format, um auf DVD gebannte TV-Aufnahmen mit einem einfachen ausgedruckten Einleger zu versehen. "Databasesnoarch docbook-utilspython-sqlalchemypython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1griffith-0.13-4pclos2018.src.rpm ÷64404f06ab277db0caf25fa1e3d4abf4./SRPMS.pclos d  5 <B@BABEBJCgrilo0.3.91pclos2019Content discovery frameworkGrilo is a framework that provides access to different sources of multimedia content, using a pluggable system. This package contains the core library and elements.MSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)pkgconfig(oauth)vala-develvala-toolsgnome-commongtk-docmesonpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)lib64totem-plparser-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d ! AH L]dB@BA(BE,BJMCgrilo-plugins0.3.91pclos2019Plugins for the Grilo frameworkGrilo is a framework that provides access to different sources of multimedia content, using a pluggable system. This package contains plugins to get information from theses sources: - Apple Trailers - Bookmarks - Euronews - Filesystem - Flickr - Freebox (Internet Box from the French ISP Free) - Gravatar - Guardian Videos - Jamendo - Last.fm (for album arts) - Local metadata (album arts and thumbnails) - Metadata Store - Metro lyrics - Pocket - Podcasts - Radio France - Shoutcast - Tracker - UPnP - Vimeo - YoutubedSystem/Librariesx86_64 gperfgstreamer1.0-plugins-badintltoolitstoolmesonlibgcrypt-devellibxml2-utilspkgconfig(avahi-gobject)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmime-2.6)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gom-1.0)pkgconfig(grilo-0.3)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gupnp-1.0)pkgconfig(gupnp-av-1.0)pkgconfig(libdmapsharing-3.0)pkgconfig(libgdata)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(lua)pkgconfig(rest-0.7)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(totem-plparser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grilo-plugins-0.3.9-1pclos2019.src.rpmF2fb3797c32dc04645178ea5a4c22e6df./SRPMS.pclos+d   EP TZdxB@BABEBJCgrip4.2.31pclos2021A CD player and ripper/MP3-encoder front-endA GTK+-based CD player and ripper. It has the ripping capabilities of cdparanoia built in, but can also use external rippers (such as cdda2wav). It also provides an automated frontend for various encoders, letting you take a disc and transform it easily straight into Vorbis, FLAC or MP3 format (MP3 only with a separate MP3 encoder). The CDDB protocol is supported for retrieving track information from disc database servers. Grip works with DigitalDJ to provide a unified "computerized" version of your music collection. ASoundx86_64 lib64curl-develimagemagicklibcdda-devellibid3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grip-4.2.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm H4af09a8230140cf44c8a6d4a730f2b39./SRPMS.pclosd   3 $\ZB@vBABEBJCgrisbi3.0.31pclos2024Personal finance managerGrisbi is a very functional personal financial management program with a lot of features: - checking, cash and liabilities accounts; - several accounts with automatic contra entries; - several currencies, including euro; - arbitrary currency for every operation; - money interchange fees; - switch to euro account per account; - description of the transactions with third parties, categories, sub-categories, financial year, notes, breakdown; - transfers between accounts, even for accounts of different currencies; - bank reconciliation; - scheduled transactions; - automatic recall of last transaction for every third party; - nice and easy user interface; - user manual; - QIF import/export.LOfficex86_64  gettextintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64enchant-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64ofx-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1grisbi-3.0.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm58b7c296bdb4933405a6ae6b643e038f./SRPMS.pclosd   . $B@BABEBJCgrive20.5.12pclos2022Google Drive clientThe purpose of this project is to provide an independent open source implementation of Google Drive client for GNU/Linux. It uses Google Drive REST API to talk to Google Drive service.Networking/WWWx86_64 boost-develcmakecurl-develexpat-devellibgcrypt-develyajl-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grive2-0.5.1-2pclos2022.src.rpm586e0bfd82c16b68c27ed688d7bcda36./SRPMS.pclossd  5 B@ BA@BEDBJeCgroff1.22.41pclos2019Document formatting systemGroff is a document formatting system. Groff takes standard text and formatting commands as input and produces formatted output. The created documents can be shown on a display or printed on a printer. Groff's formatting commands allow you to specify font type and size, bold type, italic type, the number and size of columns on a page, and more. You should install groff if you want to use it as a document formatting system. Groff can also be used to format man pages. If you are going to use groff with the X Window System, you'll also need to install the groff-gxditview package.*Text toolsx86_64 netpbmpsutilsghostscripttexinfopkgconfig(xaw7)pkgconfig(xmu)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1groff-1.22.4-1pclos2019.src.rpm*fbafc86585f67b05fa88844fa3b6932e./SRPMS.pclosd    H $B@-BATBEXBJyCgromit020041213.1pclos2009Paint annotations on top of the X screenGromit (GRaphics Over MIscellaneous Things) is a small tool to make annotations on the screen. It is useful for recording presentations with xvidcap.QSystem/X11i586 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gromit-0-20041213.1pclos2009.src.rpmX76289c748f8fa587b87886349ee4ec31./SRPMS.pclosd   Ax |B@BABEBJCgroovy2.3.91pclos2015Dynamic language for the Java PlatformGroovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine, built upon Java with features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk. It seamlessly integrates with all existing Java objects and libraries and compiles straight to Java bytecode so you can use it anywhere you can use Java.KDevelopment/Javanoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1groovy-2.3.9-1pclos2015.src.rpmLqa7fcd61ecf15956d6c265f4ffd2e04b8./SRPMS.pclosd   O   U B@lBABEBJCgrsync1.3.11pclos2023Grsync is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for rsyncGrsync is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for rsync, the commandline directory synchronization tool. It makes use of the GTK2 libraries and it is released under the GPL2. It is in beta stage and it supports only a limited set of rsync features, but can be effectively used to synchronize local directories.[Networking/File transferx86_64  desktop-file-utilsdos2unixgtk+2-develimagemagickintltoolperl(XML::Parser)pkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1grsync-1.3.1-1pclos2023.src.rpme6575e7fdfb7fb959d36b98b985bdabc./SRPMS.pcloskd 1PTox B@BA8BE<BJ]Cgrub0.9727pclos2011GRand Unified BootloaderGRUB is a GPLed bootloader intended to unify bootloading across x86 operating systems. In addition to loading the Linux and *BSD kernels, it implements the Multiboot standard, which allows for flexible loading of multiple boot images (needed for modular kernels such as the GNU Hurd).CSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 autoconf2.5automake1.8libgpm-devellibncurses-develtetex-dvipstetex-latextexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grub-0.97-27pclos2011.src.rpmCCc172ce8b74f9e67b7b42209177ce80df./SRPMS.pclosd # W ;D B@&BAPBETBJuCgrub-customizer5.2.21pclos2022Graphical interface to configure the grub2 settingsGrub Customizer is a graphical interface to configure the grub2 settings with focus on the individual list order - without losing the dynamic behavior of grub2. THIS IS FOR GRUB2 ONLY!ZSystem/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 cmakelib64archive-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtkmm3.0-devellib64openssl-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grub-customizer-5.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm76ca8b13540e5f7da387f24030d74088./SRPMS.pclos3d   O| B@BABEBJ%Cgrub22.125pclos2024Boot-loader with support for Linux, Multiboot and moreThis is the second version of the GRUB (Grand Unified Boot-loader), a highly configurable and customizable boot-loader with modular architecture. It supports a wide range of kernel formats, file systems, computer architectures and hardware devices. It may be safely installed alongside legacy grub. System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  autogenbinutilsbisonflexfreetype2-develfuse3-develglibc-static-develhelp2manlibdevmapper-develliblzo-devellibrpm-devellibusb1-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rubytexinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1grub2-2.12-5pclos2024.src.rpm|ffe167e146f6dfe0330348eb06100032./SRPMS.pclosd ( _, 0ELPlB@tBABEBJCgrub2-theme-pclinuxos2.065pclos2023Boot-loader with support for Linux, Multiboot and moreThis package provides a custom PCLinuxOS graphical theme for grub2. It is provided as a separate package so it may be easily excluded from minimal installations where a graphical theme is not required.87System/Boot and Initnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grub2-theme-pclinuxos-2.06-5pclos2023.src.rpm8$8c94bc0b531ee7b255de04bdabd8160a./SRPMS.pclos{d  H B@ BAHBELBJmCgrub2splash0.2.81pclos2021Simple image changer for grub2, plymouthFast and simple image splash changer for grub2, plymouth backgrounds. Personalize grub2, plymouth images to your own favorite images Use at your own risk!Graphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1grub2splash-0.2.8-1pclos2021.src.rpm2b3f25873b6db6c1876214194bd3098ef./SRPMS.pclosd   C8 <GP\B@BABEBJCgscan2pdf2.13.21pclos2023Producies multipage PDFs from a scanA GUI to ease the process of producing a multipage PDF from a scan. Scanning is handled with SANE via scanimage. PDF conversion is done by PDF::API2. TIFF export is handled by libtiff (faster and smaller memory footprint for multipage files).3Publishingnoarch desktop-file-utilsimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gscan2pdf-2.13.2-1pclos2023.src.rpmӤ34b50d5e1fee1b9298c0070b9dbf1f74./SRPMS.pclosd  9dh oxB@BABEBJCgscreenshot2.12.12pclos2022A simple screenshot toolA graphical and CLI screenshot utility.TerryNGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gscreenshot-2.12.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmT1cbe84da9c255db03f5a548d301b5bb5./SRPMS.pclos_d   ; ,4TB@ BA,BE0BJQCgsetroot1.12pclos2019Gtk-based front-end for Esetrootgsetroot is a gtk-based front-end for Esetroot. use it to choose a wallpaper and configure root window under a Window Manager like FluxBox, Enlightenment, WindowMaker, NextStep, BlackBox, IceWM and others WM...{RGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64freetype6-devellib64png-devellib64pixman-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gsetroot-1.1-2pclos2019.src.rpmx45b67a109086f769ad84ec55faa1e2f0./SRPMS.pclosd! , U [B@mBABEBJCgsettings-desktop-schemas42.01pclos2022Shared GSettings schemas for the desktopThis contains a collection of GSettings schemas for settings shared by various components of a desktop. Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gettextpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)mesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) cdd4a6cf3fea03932bb0ab2993d3771b./SRPMS.pclosd   6  B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cgsf-sharp0.8.12pclos2010GSF C# bindings for monoGSF# bindings for mono. Useful for reading and writing structured files (eg MS OLE and Zip).Development/Otheri586  mono-devellibgsf-develgtk-sharp2gtk-sharp2-develmonodocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);4193532d7f1f84ccef26cc113e0f9363./SRPMS.pclos d   E $<B@BABEBJCgshutdown0.25pclos2023GShutDown is an advanced shutdown utilityGShutdown is an advanced shutdown utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or the restart of your computer, or logout your actual session. Also can be use under Xfce and KDE. Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 lib64glade2.0_0-devellib64notify-develdesktop-file-utilsglib2-develgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gshutdown-0.2-5pclos2023.src.rpm"8d0ded8b035fe868c52b187297eebd5f./SRPMS.pclosd   ?p t{B@BABEBJCgsimplecal0.61pclos2010A lightweight calendar applicationGsimplecal is a lightweight calendar application written in C++ using GTK2. It was intentionally made for use with tint2 panel in the openbox environment to be launched upon clock click, but of course it will work without it, you can bind it to some hotkey in you window manager, for example. The thing is that when it is started, it first shows up, when you run it again, it closes the running instance, so it easy to use when the trigger doesn't know anything of the calendar state but simply issues some command. No need to write some wrapper shell scripts.-Officei586 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gsimplecal-0.6-1pclos2010.src.rpm6,2f69a01f1290ca0595a985e08d3a4922./SRPMS.pclosd   @d hox(B@6BAXBE\BJ}Cgsimplecal2.11pclos2018Simple and lightweight GTK calendarSimple and lightweight GTK calendar5Officex86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gsimplecal-2.1-1pclos2018.src.rpmEmulatorsx86_64 cmakere2clib64sdl2_image-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64freetype6-devellib64cap-devellib64xext-devellib64readline-develgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gsplus-0.14-1pclos2020.src.rpm 6bab5128843e1df362d6af753c3e77bb./SRPMS.pclosSd   G  B@BA BE$BJECgsql0.2.14pclos2010Integrated database development tool for GNOMEThe mission of GSQL opensource project is to supply database developers with an universal tool platform tailored against market leading DBMS by providing: * native DBMS access (not via ODBC layer) * databased objects organised into a tree * intuitive and easy database objects handling * syntax highlighting * query plan builder * query constructor * query result export (in XML, CSV, HTML) * debugger (depending on RDBMS) * query planner control (depending on RDBMS) * database administration functions * database system monitoring * GNOME integration (via gconf and gnome-keyring)Databasesi586 gtk2-develGConf2-devellibglade2.0_0-devellibgtksourceview-2.0_0-devellibgnome-devellibgnomeui2_0-develvte-develmysql-devellibnotify-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextchrpathxulrunner-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gsql-0.2.1-4pclos2010.src.rpmf10f55b1f107730af5eb4c855f0fe027./SRPMS.pclosd  T    B@BABEBJCgssdp0.14.161pclos2016Implements resource discovery and announcement over SSDPGSSDP implements resource discovery and announcement over SSDP.Development/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gssdp-0.14.16-1pclos2016.src.rpme9ba071a2b8dea4c3dc534424d79f765./SRPMS.pclosd  R    B@BABEBJ Cgssdp1.0.21pclos2017Implements resource discovery and announcement over SSDPGSSDP implements resource discovery and announcement over SSDP.έbb2 Development/Otherx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gssdp-1.0.2-1pclos2017.src.rpm c4c5a7563cdf8f925369a574f861ca67./SRPMS.pclosgd   O B@BA4BE8BJYCgsshfs1.0.31pclos2013GSSHFS is a SSHFS GUI for distant directory mountingGSSHFS is SSHFS GUI. SSHFS (http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html) is a FUSE based filesystem for mounting distant directories over the secure SSH protocol. Features are: - simple to use, - intended for lightweight desktops (no GNOME dependencies), - ability to define multiple connections, - ability to save connections.@Networking/Remote accessx86_64 gtk2-develcmakedesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gsshfs-1.0.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmFc7b98a840ddd38d77c4e3fa0e74873e6./SRPMS.pclosd   / $B@,BALBEPBJqCgssmp1.31pclos2010GSSMP is a music playerGnome Simple Stateful Music Player is a small, simple music player that keeps out of your way whenever possible. It remembers recent tracks and allows you to continue listening to them next time.Soundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gssmp-1.3-1pclos2010.src.rpm8450133cbdb1315a6a33fc409593235f./SRPMS.pclosd  c aB@mBABEBJCgst-inspector0.31pclos2007An introspection data viewer for the GStreamer multimedia frameworkGStreamer Inspector is an introspection data viewer for the GStreamer multimedia framework. Developers of GStreamer applications can use it to find out about the various elements available in the system. It can be thought of as a graphical variant of the gst-inspect program, which currently serves as the canonical source of introspection information for many developers.sDevelopment/Languagesnoarch python-develintltoolgettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gst-inspector-0.3-1pclos2007.src.rpmy:6cf43a9b547ccc4f928ad61f02f7ab7b./SRPMS.pclosd $ Ttx }5B@IBAtBExBJCgst-rtsp-server0.10.81pclos2013RTSP server library for the GStreamer frameworkRTSP server based on GStreamer.NealSystem/Librariesx86_64  libgstreamer-plugins-base-develgettext-develpython-gobject-develgstreamer0.10-python-develvala-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){e54f253751d651aa46d5034f476d1b23./SRPMS.pclos;d   G    B@BABE BJ-Cgst1230.3.52pclos2018Command line audio player based on GStreamerThe program gst123 is designed to be a more flexible command line player in the spirit of ogg123 and mpg123, based on gstreamer. It plays all file formats gstreamer understands, so if you have a music collection which contains different file formats, like flac, ogg and mp3, you can use gst123 to play all your music files.ϬSoundx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64ncurses-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-devellibstdc++-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gst123-0.3.5-2pclos2018.src.rpm{23710f03e1c2d33427f47ffc4f5f25a1./SRPMS.pclosd # A  B@2BA\BE`BJCgstreamer-sharp0.9.22pclos2010C#/CLI bindings for GStreamerThere are bindings for the complete GStreamer core and some of the GStreamer libraries.System/Librariesi586  mono-develgtk-sharp2-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # O    B@BABEBJ Cgstreamer0.100.10.362pclos2015GStreamer Streaming-media framework runtimeGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plugins./xSoundi586  glib2-devellibxml2-develpopt-develgettext-devellibcheck-develchrpathnasmbisonflexgobject-introspection-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)%_glib2%_libxml20.903.0.4-1gstreamer0.10-0.10.36-2pclos2015.src.rpm/C 4588564f46305a6c726301d1c994f672./SRPMS.pclos#d * \ B@BABEBJCgstreamer0.10-ffmpeg0.10.133pclos2016Gstreamer plugin for ffmpeg codecs and (de)muxersThis plugin provides audio and video codecs as well as muxers and demuxers for multimedia file formats from ffmpeg to GStreamer.>NSystem/Librariesx86_64  libgstreamer-plugins-base-develliborc-develfreetype2-devellibcheck-develyasmlibbzip2-develffmpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>G162086e724cddddc3c0ac9097e8b9a75./SRPMS.pclos cd$ 0 ]DH SY`>X> >B@ BA 0BE 4BJ UCgstreamer0.10-plugins-bad0.10.2315pclos2020GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. If the blanks are filled in they might be upgraded to become part of either gstreamer-plugins-good or gstreamer-plugins-ugly, depending on the other factors. If the plug-ins break, you can't complain - instead, you can fix the problem and send us a patch, or bribe someone into fixing them for you. New contributors can start here for things to work on.1qghostbunnySoundx86_64 dtsdec-develyasmlv2-develladspa-develwildmidi-devellib64SDL-devellib64ass-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cairo-devellib64cdaudio-devellib64celt-devellib64curl-devellib64dc1394-devellib64dirac-devellib64dvdnav-devellib64dvdread-devellib64faac-devellib64faad2-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gsm-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64iptcdata-devellib64jack-devellib64jasper-devellib64kate-devellib64mimic-devellib64mjpegtools-devellib64mms-devellib64modplug-devellib64musicbrainz-devellib64nas-devellib64neon-devellib64ofa-devellib64openal-devellib64openssl-devellib64opus-devellib64orc-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64raptor2-devellib64rasqal-devellib64redland-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64rtmp-devellib64schroedinger-devellib64slv2-devellib64sndfile-devellib64soundtouch-devellib64tiger-devellib64vdpau-devellib64vo-aacenc-devellib64vo-amrwbenc-devellib64vpx-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-devellib64xvid4-devellib64zvbi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-0.10.23-15pclos2020.src.rpm1~!992fc6f53f96cfc77b470c6cc9a3977e./SRPMS.pclosKd% 0 ] 8B@BABEBJ=Cgstreamer0.10-plugins-base0.10.362pclos2015GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of reference plugins, base classes for other plugins, and helper libraries: * device plugins: x(v)imagesink, alsa, v4lsrc, cdparanoia * containers: ogg * codecs: vorbis, theora * text: textoverlay, subparse * sources: audiotestsrc, videotestsrc, gnomevfssrc * network: tcp * typefind * audio processing: audioconvert, adder, audiorate, audioscale, volume * visualisation: libvisual * video processing: ffmpegcolorspace * aggregate elements: decodebin, playbin%,Soundi586 nasmgtk-docfonts-ttf-dejavulibalsa2-devellibatk1.0-devellibcairo-devellibcdda-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellibgirepository-devellibglib2.0-devellibgnome-vfs2-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibgtk+3.0-devellibogg-develliborc-devellibpango1.0-devellibvisual-devellibvorbis0-devellibx11-devellibxext-devellibxml2-devellibxv-devellibtheora-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-0.10.36-2pclos2015.src.rpm%214628b5efeec929638ea2ebac6d4cb2./SRPMS.pclosd" - G =B@YBABEBJCgstreamer0.10-plugins-gl0.10.21pclos2010GStreamer OpenGL Plug-insThis module contains integration libraries and plug-ins for using OpenGL within GStreamer pipelines. This module contains elements for, among others: * output: glimagesink * adapters: glupload, gldownload * video processing: gldeinterlace, glcolorscale * GL effects: glfiltersobel, glfilterblur, gleffects, others * sources: gltestsrcoSoundi586  libgstreamer0.10-plugins-base-develliboil-develglew-devellibpng-develgtk+2-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 ] &&X&B@BABEBJCgstreamer0.10-plugins-good0.10.313pclos2017GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of plug-ins that are considered to have good quality code, correct functionality, the preferred license (LGPL for the plug-in code, LGPL or LGPL-compatible for the supporting library). People writing elements should base their code on these elements.*Soundx86_64 GConf2-devellib64aa-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64audiofile-devellib64avc1394-devellib64bzip2-devellib64caca-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dv-devellib64esound-devellib64flac8-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64hal-devellib64jack-devellib64jpeg-devellib64orc-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64raw1394-devellib64shout-devellib64soup-devellib64speex1-devellib64taglib-devellib64v4l-devellib64wavpack-devellib64x11-devellib64xdamage-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xml2-devellib64xv-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-0.10.31-3pclos2017.src.rpm*X51cc92cd22e89d074e00d545f89a50f7./SRPMS.pclos;d% 0 ]  `B@BABE BJ-Cgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly0.10.192pclos2015GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of plug-ins that have good quality and correct functionality, but distributing them might pose problems. The license on either the plug-ins or the supporting libraries might not be how the GStreamer authors like. The code might be widely known to present patent problems. Soundx86_64  gtk+2-develglib2-develliboil-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-devellibmesaglu-devellibmad-devellibid3tag-devellibdvdread-devellibcheck-develliblame-devellib64opencore-amrnb-devellib64opencore-amrwb-develsidplay-devela52dec-devellibmpeg2dec-devellibcdio-devellibtwolame-develx264-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) he3f3a1a9959d92c32ec59546ee8a8262./SRPMS.pclosd" - j +0DB@BABEBJ Cdegstreamer0.10-python0.10.223pclos2015Python bindings for GStreamerPython-Bindings für GStreamerThis module contains a binding that allows GStreamer applications to be written in Python.Dieses Modul unterstützt das schreiben von GStreamer-Anwendungen in Python.Development/Pythoni586  libgstreamer-plugins-base-develpygtk2.0-develpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' D  H I B@\BABEBJCgstreamer0.10-vaapi0.3.64pclos2014VA-API support for GStreamergstreamer-vaapi consists of a collection of VA-API based plugins for GStreamer and helper libraries, allowing the use of VA-API acceleration in applications that GStreamer for video playback.i>Videox86_64 lib64ffmpeg-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gstphotography-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellib64gstbasevideo-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64va-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gstreamer0.10-vaapi-0.3.6-4pclos2014.src.rpmh3e58d1b3de44052d43d49d7ce5ea3cc5./SRPMS.pclosd ! M B@BABEBJCgstreamer1.01.26.01pclos2025GStreamer Streaming-media framework runtimeGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plugins.System/Librariesx86_64  bisonchrpathflexlib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gsl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmedde90a4c6e0251856e8455c64f0d0f7./SRPMS.pclosd * _ B@5BAhBElBJCgstreamer1.0-devtools1.26.01pclos2025Suite of tools to run GStreamer1.0 integration testsThe goal of GstValidate is to be able to detect when elements are not behaving as expected and report it to the user so he knows how things are supposed to work inside a GstPipeline. In the end, fixing issues found by the tool will ensure that all elements behave all together in the expected way.GSystem/Librariesx86_64  gettext-develmesonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-rtsp-server-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libdw)pkgconfig(libunwind)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-devtools-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmwgb9b2361272f18c9d482ac95f086e9a24./SRPMS.pclosKd ' 2 Ml pv   B@BABEBJ=Cgstreamer1.0-editing-services1.26.01pclos2025GStreamer editing servicesGStreamer editing services. Videox86_64  bash-completionflexgtk-doclib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstvalidate1.0-devellib64xml2-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-editing-services-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm j5dc38d1787616216a27fe142d00df308./SRPMS.pclosd ' iP Tel B@$BATBEXBJyCgstreamer1.0-libav1.26.01pclos2025GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-in using libav (FFmpeg).GStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This plugin contains the libav (formerly FFmpeg) codecs, containing codecs for most popular multimedia formats._System/Librariesx86_64   automakelib64ffmpeg-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests),bfc99a2d043de96d41865792c8877f0b./SRPMS.pclosd ( E gB@sBABEBJCgstreamer1.0-moodbar1.2.11pclos2021Audio timeline visualizationMoodbar is a music visualization method that assigns colors to different parts of a track and presents them as a timeline. Applied to a music player, the main goal is to help the user navigate within a particular track. For example, if the user wants to skip to the first chorus of a song, a good moodbar implementation should be able to provide a hint of where this might occur in the timeline.jSoundx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(fftw3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gstreamer1.0-moodbar-1.2.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmra645e1905077c409dac5abc8043eb687./SRPMS.pclosd & J LB@^BABEBJCgstreamer1.0-omx1.22.101pclos2024GStreamer OpenMAX IL wrapper pluginThis plugin wraps available OpenMAX IL components and makes them available as standard GStreamer elements.,System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-omx-1.22.10-1pclos2024.src.rpmU1139705300f2391fc7b7d1a754766139./SRPMS.pclos Gd" - ZD HNXRR RB@ BA BE BJ 9Cgstreamer1.0-plugins-bad1.26.01pclos2025GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. If the blanks are filled in they might be upgraded to become part of either gstreamer-plugins-good or gstreamer-plugins-ugly, depending on the other factors. If the plug-ins break, you can't complain - instead, you can fix the problem and send us a patch, or bribe someone into fixing them for you. New contributors can start here for things to work on.vVSoundx86_64  dssi-develfdk-aac-develladspa-devellib64ass-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64bluez-devellib64bs2b-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cairo-devellib64chromaprint-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dca-devellib64de265-devellib64dvdnav-devellib64dvdread-devellib64faac-devellib64faad2-devellib64flite-devellib64fluidsynth-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gme-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gpgme-devellib64gsm-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64kate-devellib64ldac-devellib64lilv-devellib64lrdf-devellib64mesaegl1-devellib64mesaglesv2_2-devellib64microdns-devellib64mimic-devellib64mjpegtools-devellib64mms-devellib64modplug-devellib64mpcdec-devellib64mpg123-devellib64neon-devellib64nettle-devellib64ofa-devellib64openal-devellib64openexr-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64openmpt-devellib64opus-devellib64orc-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pcap-devellib64qrencode-devellib64qt5core-devellib64raptor2-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64rtmp-devellib64schroedinger-devellib64slv2-devellib64soundtouch-devellib64srtp-devellib64ssh2-devellib64tiger-devellib64usb1.0-devellib64vdpau-devellib64vo-aacenc-devellib64vo-amrwbenc-devellib64wayland-devellib64webp-devellib64webrtc-audio-processing-devellib64wildmidi-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-devellibsbc-devellv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)srtp3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmv53d9fc075ff2f1fe06848ac53ba2a776./SRPMS.pclos_d# . [ 0B@BA,BE0BJQCgstreamer1.0-plugins-base1.26.01pclos2025GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of reference plugins, base classes for other plugins, and helper libraries: * device plugins: x(v)imagesink, alsa, v4lsrc, cdparanoia * containers: ogg * codecs: vorbis, theora * text: textoverlay, subparse * sources: audiotestsrc, videotestsrc, gnomevfssrc * network: tcp * typefind * audio processing: audioconvert, adder, audiorate, audioscale, volume * visualisation: libvisual * video processing: ffmpegcolorspace * aggregate elements: decodebin, playbin%Soundx86_64  fonts-ttf-dejavuiso-codes-devellib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64cdda-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64graphene1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64ogg-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64visual-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xv-devellibtheora-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%04e6ce2f1f3f4bab203d12552f47dd59./SRPMS.pclosd# . [ '''B@BABEBJ Cgstreamer1.0-plugins-good1.26.01pclos2025GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of plug-ins that are considered to have good quality code, correct functionality, the preferred license (LGPL for the plug-in code, LGPL or LGPL-compatible for the supporting library). People writing elements should base their code on these elements.-mSystem/Librariesx86_64  gstreamer1.0-plugins-baselib64aa-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64avc1394-devellib64bzip2-devellib64caca-devellib64cairo-devellib64dv-devellib64flac12-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64iec61883-devellib64jack-devellib64jpeg-devellib64mpg123-devellib64orc-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64raw1394-devellib64shout-devellib64soup-devellib64speex1-devellib64taglib-devellib64twolame-devellib64v4l-devellib64vpx-devellib64wavpack-devellib64x11-devellib64xdamage-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xv-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm-[1795a690b2a2cd6f6545032fb43488df./SRPMS.pclos+d# . [  TB@BABEBJCgstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly1.26.01pclos2025GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insGStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains a set of plug-ins that have good quality and correct functionality, but distributing them might pose problems. The license on either the plug-ins or the supporting libraries might not be how the GStreamer authors like. The code might be widely known to present patent problems.dYSoundx86_64  lib64a52dec0-devellib64cdio-devellib64dvdread-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64lame-devellib64mad-devellib64mpeg2dec-devellib64opencore-amrnb-devellib64opencore-amrwb-devellib64orc-devellib64twolame-devellib64x264-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm71b78937bf543d443bbd1a46185987e9./SRPMS.pclosd ( F GB@SBABEBJCgstreamer1.0-python1.16.21pclos2019Python bindings for GStreamerThis module contains a binding that allows GStreamer applications to be written in Python.]MDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64python-develpython-gobject3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gstreamer1.0-python-1.16.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmc0d4244321caa4359bd944465e53b736c./SRPMS.pclosd ) G B@BABEBJCgstreamer1.0-python31.26.01pclos2025Python bindings for GStreamerThis module contains a binding that allows GStreamer applications to be written in Python.Development/Pythonx86_64   mesonpkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(valgrind)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)" - ] ^B@sBABEBJCgstreamer1.0-rtsp-server1.26.01pclos2025RTSP server library for the GStreamer frameworkRTSP server based on GStreamer.=&System/Librariesx86_64  gettext-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmjyddebda1b7e390bf6b5dd44e20c076e69./SRPMS.pclosd! , Fd hnxB@'BA\BE`BJCgstreamer1.0-transcoder1.16.02pclos2019GStreamer Transcoding APIGStreamer Transcoding API.CVideox86_64 localesmesonninja-buildgobject-introspection-develgstreamer1.0-develgstreamer1.0-plugins-base-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gstreamer1.0-transcoder-1.16.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmH8b95db8d6794d504e431be0b2843c8ce./SRPMS.pclosd ' o  !( T 7 B@PBABEBJCgstreamer1.0-vaapi1.26.01pclos2025A collection of VA-API based plugins for GStreamer and helper librariesGstreamer-vaapi is a collection of VA-API based plugins for GStreamer and helper libraries. vaapidecode is used to decode MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, VC-1, WMV3 videos to video/x-vaapi-surface surfaces, depending on the underlying HW capabilities. vaapiconvert is used to convert from video/x-raw-yuv pixels to video/x-vaapi-surface surfaces. vaapisink is used to display video/x-vaapi-surface surfaces to the screen.&System/Librariesx86_64  lib64ffmpeg-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64va-devellib64x11-devellib64xrandr2-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yasm3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamer1.0-vaapi-1.26.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmV94d9f165a9277d88192ac7ee5fec2927./SRPMS.pclosd # E  0B@BABEBJCgstreamermm0.10.10.21pclos2013C++ wrapper for GStreamer libraryGStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer (http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org). It is designed to allow C++ development of applications that work with multi-media.X~gSoundi586  glibmm2.4-develgtkmm2.4-devellibxml++-develdoxygengraphvizrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # E  $ H  B@BA0BE4BJUCgstreamermm1.01.10.03pclos2023C++ wrapper for GStreamer libraryGStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer (http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org). It is designed to allow C++ development of applications that work with multi-media.5System/Librariesx86_64  doxygengstreamer1.0-develgstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-develgstreamer1.0-plugins-base-develgtkmm3.0-develm4mm-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gstreamermm1.0-1.10.0-3pclos2023.src.rpm67eb9c523daad99a4f0da208814253d51./SRPMS.pclosd    [ $,0LB@TBAtBExBJCgsutil3.01pclos2007A utility to save, restore and reboot Grandstream Budgetone phonesA utility to dump and restore the configuration of the Grandstream Budgetone VOIP telephone, up to and including version of the firmware.=Texstar System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gsutil-3.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmD7236c88c48fc603a689fd3350536e388./SRPMS.pclos7d    5PT YblB@BABEBJ)Cgsview4.93pclos2012PostScript and PDF previewerGSview is a graphical interface for Ghostscript. Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript page description language used by laser printers. For documents following the Adobe PostScript Document Structuring Conventions, GSview allows selected pages to be viewed or printed."NealGraphicsx86_64  gtk+-develdesktop-file-utilssedlib64gs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)4.07.07-   R BB@NBAhBElBJCgt0.42pclos2014Modified Timidity which supportes enhanced gus format patchesModified timidity midi player which supportes enhanced gus format patches and surround audio output. aSoundx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64ncurses-devellib64ogg-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gt-0.4-2pclos2014.src.rpm ȼ6e5607a1c913523c1ab1d8b7bdfa20c6./SRPMS.pclosd  8    B@BABEBJCgtalx0.0.51pclos2010gtalX - Linux client for gtalkgtalX - Linux client for gtalk Features: * Login with your gmail account * Voice chat with someone who has gtalX (under Linux) or Gtalk (under M$ Windows) * Text chat with someone who has gtalX (under Linux) or Gtalk (under M$ Windows) * Customizable chat icons * Language support (translation to Hungarian and a chance to translate it to any other language) * Taskbar icon (next to the clock))Networking/Chati586  gtk2-develqt4-develpkgconfiglibtoollibtoollibgsm1-devellibspeex-devellibilbc-devellibmediastreamer0libortp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*H6fa4ed402fcd3eb168450bcaf07c6062./SRPMS.pclos{d   !B@*BAHBELBJmCdefrgtans1.21pclos2011The Tangram is a chinese puzzle.Das Tangram ist ein chinesisches PuzzleLe Tangram est un casse-tête chinoisThe Tangram is a chinese puzzle. The object is to put seven geometric shapes together so as to form a given outline. All the pieces must be used and are laid next to one another. The pieces are five triangles, a square and a parallelogram. Sometimes there is more than one solution. They're all accepted as long as they have the same outline. For example the red and the blue figures below are NOT the same.Das Tangram ist ein chinesisches Puzzle. Das Objekt wird mit sieben geometrischen Formen zusammengesetzt, um so einen bestimmte Form zu erhalten. Alle Stücke müssen verwendet und aneinander festgelegt werden. Die Stücke sind fünf Dreiecke, ein Quadrat und ein Parallelogramm. Manchmal gibt es mehr als eine Lösung. Sie sind alle zugelassen, solange sie die gleiche Form ergeben. Zum Beispiel die rote und die blaue nachstehenden Figuren sind nicht das gleiche.Le Tangram est un casse-tête chinois. Le but est de mettre sept formes géométriques formes ensemble de manière à former un contour donné. Toutes les pièces doivent être utilisées et sont orientées l'un à côté de l'autre. Il y a cinq triangles, un carré et un parallélogramme. Parfois, il ya plus d'une solution. Elles sont tous acceptées du moment qu'elles ont le même contour. Par exemple, les silhouettes rouge et bleu ci-dessous ne sont pas les mêmes.8Games/Puzzlesi586 libgtk+1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtans-1.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm<5c1b18b4924caf4bc0c431a1e18ead85./SRPMS.pclosd  C 4B@>BA`BEdBJCgtest1.10.01pclos2021Google's framework for writing C++ testsGoogle's framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, Windows CE, and Symbian). Based on the xUnit architecture. Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, value- and type-parameterized tests, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation. pp System/Librariesx86_64 python3-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtest-1.10.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm 71e75eef82c596457c056b0d3d920219./SRPMS.pclosd   _T XpxB@BABEBJCgtg0.2.42pclos2010Getting Things GNOME! is an organizer for the GNOME desktop environmentGetting Things Gnome! is an organizer for the GNOME desktop environment. GTG focuses on usability and ease of use. Its main objective is to provide a simple, powerful and flexible organization tool to the GNOME desktop environment. GTG uses a very handy text edition system for task creation and edition. The task editor can automatically recognize metadata such as tags and subtasks only by the use of a very simple syntax. If you wanna know more about this, please read Getting Started With GTG.5Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 pyxdgpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtg-0.2.4-2pclos2010.src.rpmp3a330dda511e743561e295e49c2cc341./SRPMS.pclosd   AL PY`%%%B@OBApBEtBJCgthumb3.12.31pclos2023An image viewer and browser for GNOMEgThumb lets you browse your hard disk, showing you thumbnails of image files. It also lets you view single files (including GIF animations), add comments to images, organize images in catalogs, print images, view slideshows, set your desktop background, and more.tGraphicsx86_64   bisonbrasero-develflexgettextgsettings-desktop-schemas-develitstoollib64canberra-gtk3-devellib64champlain-devellib64gnome-keyring-devellib64totem-plparser-develmesonpkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libraw)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools1.>0ada975c1c60531dd95c3ad4c6ad4900./SRPMS.pclosd   > B@'BALBEPBJqCgtimelog0.11.32pclos2022A Gtk+ time tracking applicationGTimeLog is a small Gtk+ app for keeping track of your time. It's main goal is to be as unintrusive as possible.2TerryNOfficenoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolssdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtimelog-0.11.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm 2b17f72834793146f71011b9bba00697./SRPMS.pclosd  U 5B@HBAhBElBJCgtk+1.2.1051pclos2019The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for XThe gtk+ package contains the GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window System. GTK+ was originally written for the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) image processing program, but is now used by several other programs as well. This is GTK+ 1.2, a legacy version. The current version is GTK+ 2.GSystem/Librariesx86_64  X11-develautoconf2.1automake1.4libtoolglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   \ `qxeB@BABEBJCdegtk+ GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIsThe GIMP Toolkit (GTK+), Bibliothek zum Erstellen von GUIsThe gtk+ package contains the GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window System. GTK+ was originally written for the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) image processing program, but is now used by several other programs as well. If you are planning on using the GIMP or another program that uses GTK+, you'll need to have the gtk+ package installed.Das Paket gtk + enthält das GIMP Toolkit (GTK +), eine Bibliothek zur Erstellung vongrafische Benutzeroberflächen für das X Window System. GTK + wurde ursprünglichgeschrieben für das GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) Bildverarbeitung Programm, es sind aber inzwischen auch andere Programme erstellt worden.#System/Librariesx86_64   cairo-develcups-develfam-develfonts-ttf-dejavugettext-develgobject-introspection-develgtk-doclibatk1.0-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0-devellibglib2-devellibx11-devellibxcomposite-devellibxcursor-devellibxdamage-devellibxext-devellibxfixes-devellibxi-devellibxinerama-devellibxrandr-devellibxrender-develpango-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sgml-toolstexinfo0.93.0.4-14.6.0-1gtk+2.0-2.24.33-3pclos2024.src.rpml9625e37dd9f905c3fb2098a0cfab63a1./SRPMS.pclos[d   R    B@BA(BE,BJMCgtk+ GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIsThe gtk+ package contains the GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window System. GTK+ was originally written for the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) image processing program, but is now used by several other programs as well. If you are planning on using the GIMP or another program that uses GTK+, you'll need to have the gtk+ package installed.System/Librariesx86_64  colord-develcolord-gtk-develfonts-ttf-dejavugettext-develgtk+2.0lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64cloudproviders-devellib64cups2-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0lib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64pango1.0-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-devellib64xcomposite-devellib64xcursor-devellib64xdamage-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xkbcommon-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-devellibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gtk+3.0-3.24.48-2pclos2025.src.rpm@f74c87d440c8fc4180482a4f6325237b./SRPMS.pclos;d   A4 8IP..t.B@BABE BJ-Cgtk+ graphical user interface libraryGTK is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites. This package contains version 4 of GTK.System/Librariesx86_64   autoconf-archivecups-develfonts-ttf-dejavugettext-develgi-docgenglslcgtk-docmesonpkgconfig(avahi-gobject)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-gobject)pkgconfig(colord)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(graphene-gobject-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-player-1.0)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(rest-0.7)pkgconfig(vulkan)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xrender)python3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sasscsgml-toolstexinfo1. engine for Gtk 2.xThe goal of this theme is to provide a complete and consistent look for Gtk. The theme aims to be very flexible in color choice, but provide few other options otherwise. The theme includes some features that do not seem to be available in other Gtk engines; it also allows the theming of Gnome panel widgets.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & :X \t|B@BABEBJ Cgtk-candido-engine0.9.12pclos2014Candido GTK2 engineCandido gtk2 theme engine.*aGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d  J B@BABE BJ-Cgtk-chtheme0.3.11pclos2007Utility to preview and change GTK 2 themesGtk-chtheme enables you to change the Gtk+ 2.0 theme.K]Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 libgtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-chtheme-0.3.1-1pclos2007.src.rpmRa5f7a5827f051777bd95e44c7c5eaf57./SRPMS.pclosd " 2L Php|B@BABEBJ Cgtk-css-engine0.3.11pclos2010CSS GTK2 engineCSS gtk2 theme engine.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gtk2-devellibccss-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   O YB@eBABEBJCgtk-doc1.322pclos2019API documentation generation tool for GTK+ and GNOMEgtk-doc is a tool for generating API reference documentation. it is used for generating the documentation for GTK+, GLib and GNOME. #Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 xsltprocsource-highlightyelp-toolsitstoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-doc-1.32-2pclos2019.src.rpm /d0fab43827a0bcee2ba631afd73c6eec./SRPMS.pclosd ! @ aB@mBABEBJCgtk-engines22.20.24pclos2019Default GTK+ 2.0 theme enginesThese are the graphical engines for the various GTK+ toolkit themes. Included themes are: - Notif - Redmond95 - Pixmap - Metal (swing-like) - Many moreHCSystem/Librariesx86_64 libglade2.0-develgtk+2-devellua-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-engines2-2.20.2-4pclos2019.src.rpmK6ef457f41b0cbce33b0a2c430bed3ef6./SRPMS.pclosd % 9T XpxB@BABEBJCgtk-equinox-engine1.502pclos2019Equinox GTK2 engineEquinox gtk2 theme engine.>Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * A` d|B@BABEBJCgtk-experience-engine0.10.41pclos2014Experience GTK2 engineExperience gtk2 theme engine.,Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d"4PTlt|B@BABEBJCgtk-gflat-engine0.31pclos2011GFlat GTK2 engineGFlat gtk2 theme engine.1(Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ L 0CB@[BABEBJCdegtk-gnutella1.1.141pclos2018Gnutella GTK clientGnutella GTK-KlientGtk-gnutella is a client of Gnutella network (http://www.gnutella.com/). It's a fully-featured servent, designed to share any type of file. Gtk-gnutella implements compressed connections, ultrapeer and leaf nodes, Passive/Active Remote Queueing (PARQ), and other modern gnutella network features.Gtk-gnutella ist ein Klient für das Gnutella-Netzwerk (http://www.gnutella.com/). Es ist ein vollständiger "Diener", der entstanden ist um jeden Dateityp zu teilen. Gtk-gnutella implementiert komprimierte Verbindungen, Ultrapeer und Blatt-Knoten, Passive / Active Remote Queueing (PARQ), und andere moderne Gnutella-Netzwerk-Funktionen.'[Networking/File transferx86_64 bisonbyaccatk-develcairo-develdbus-develgettext-devellibpthread-stubslib64binutils-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64intl8lib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-gnutella-1.1.14-1pclos2018.src.rpm'67d3793575b56e5c940a49c77b4951f6./SRPMS.pclosd & ?  (,HB@PBA|BEBJCgtk-infinity-theme1.4.12pclos2010A pretty theme for GnomeInfinity theme contains a full theme for GNOME based system. It includes the following components: * "Infinity" wallpaper * GTK+ theme * Metacity theme * Emerald theme * Icons setGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-infinity-theme-1.4.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmd5a422c6dd038297817b2ca206c80b926./SRPMS.pclossd   @ B@BA@BEDBJeCgtk-kde40.9.45pclos2011Allow GTK to use KDE4 widget stylesThis app give you ability to change appearance of GTK applications in KDE4. For this purpose you may use GTK stuff, or your current KDE stuff: widget styles, icons and fonts. GTK-KDE4 can help you unify Qt and GTK+ apps appearance. More info and installation instructions can be found in Readme files inside archives.GRGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 gtk2-develkdelibs4-develkde4-macroscmakebonoboui-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-kde4-0.9.4-5pclos2011.src.rpmN901a7ea8dd99445134aa300495a5a4c3./SRPMS.pclosd # bx |  s B@BABEBJCgtk-layer-shell0.8.01pclos2023Library to create components for Wayland using the Layer ShellA library to write GTK applications that use Layer Shell. Layer Shell is a Wayland protocol for desktop shell components, such as panels, notifications and wallpapers. You can use it to anchor your windows to a corner or edge of the output, or stretch them across the entire output. This library only makes sense on Wayland compositors that support Layer Shell, and will not work on X11. It supports all Layer Shell features including popups and popovers (GTK popups Just Work™). Please open issues for any bugs you come across.System/Librariesx86_64   gccmesonpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-wayland-3.0)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-devel3.͎5521867f240de692f66fb261d6d88288./SRPMS.pclosd % =X \w|  9 B@JBAxBE|BJCgtk-linux-fb- linux-fb librariesgtk+ linux-fb libraries;{System/Configuration/Otheri586 automake1.7libgdk_pixbuf2.0-devellibglib2-devellibatk-devellibpango-devellibtiff-devellibpng-devellibtoolgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-linux-fb-2.0-2.4.14-1pclos2007.src.rpm9U71362e4cb6053286cd34452d12e8a57e./SRPMS.pclosd % ;T XpxB@BABEBJCgtk-moblin-engine1.0.23pclos2019Gtk engine for MoblinGtk engine for MobliniGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-moblin-engine-1.0.2-3pclos2019.src.rpmn08dd4d630d92daa874bf5fa76932ff55./SRPMS.pclos+d ' ;l pB@BABEBJCgtk-murrine-engine0.98.22pclos2019Murrine GTK2 engineMurrine is a cairo-based fast gtk2 theme engine. Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm 3e09fe1dae16cd36a19f7182785effe5./SRPMS.pclosd ( ] rB@BABEBJCdegtk-nimbus-engine0.1.72pclos2019Nimbus engine for Gtk 2.xNimbus Engine für Gtk 2.xNimbus is the default gtk engine from Open Solaris.Nimbus ist die Standard-Gtk-Engine von Open Solaris.&Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gtk2-devellib64rsvg2-develicon-naming-utilsintltoollib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-nimbus-engine-0.1.7-2pclos2019.src.rpm573586f464bc0924ce02925e28d48745b./SRPMS.pclosd % A B@ BALBEPBJqCgtk-nodoka-engine0.7.52pclos2019The Nodoka GTK Theme EngineNodoka is a Murrine engine based gtk2 theme engine. The package is shipped with a default Nodoka theme featuring the engine.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % ? /8<XB@`BABEBJCgtk-oxygen-molecule3.27pclos2011GTK Oxygen Molecule themeOxygen-Molecule is a theme for GTK+ applications to provide a uniform look when used under the KDE 4.3 desktop environment. It was originally based on the kde4.2-oxygen (modified) 0.3 GTK theme by Dennis Schmitzu[Graphical desktop/KDE4noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-oxygen-molecule-3.2-7pclos2011.src.rpm|n2bbfe94f6e10a6ec2b8a1f1ecde08052./SRPMS.pclosd# . b $ )@HLhB@pBABEBJCdegtk-oxygen-molecule-xfce43.22pclos2012GTK Oxygen Molecule themeGTK Oxygen Molecule ThemaOxygen-Molecule xfce4 is a theme for GTK+ applications to provide a uniform look when used under the xfce 4.6.2.desktop environment. It was originally based on the kde4.2-oxygen (modified) 0.3 GTK theme by Dennis SchmitzOxygen-Molecule xfce4 ist ein Thema für GTK+ Programme um ein uniformes Aussehen zu bieten, wenn es unter XFCE genutzt wird. Es basierte ursprünglich auf dem kde4.2-oxygen (modifiziert) 0.3 GTK Thema von Dennis Schmitz.H7NealGraphical desktop/Xfcenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-oxygen-molecule-xfce4-3.2-2pclos2012.src.rpmPBc75efc6666d86f4d1550546588173102./SRPMS.pclosd & 9T XpxB@BABEBJCgtk-pixbuf-engine2.10.21pclos2019pixbuf GTK2 enginePixbuf gtk2 theme engine.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 759e3f71b0222c4019daecdfdba9c78a5./SRPMS.pclosd   >` dmt|B@BABEBJCgtk-rarig0.1.52pclos2011GTK Resize and Rename Images GUIGTK Resize and Rename Images GUI{Graphicsi586  pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' Y$ (.4l@B@UBABEBJCgtk-recordmydesktop0.3.82pclos2010GUI Desktop session recorder with audio and video Simple gtk tool that performs the basic tasks of capturing and encoding desktop session. It produces files using only open formats like Theora for video and Vorbis for audio, using the Ogg container.eVideoi586 desktop-file-utilsgettextpygtk2.0-devellibalsa-devellibogg-devellibtheora-devellibvorbis-devellibice-devellibsm-devellibxdamage-devellibxext-devellibxfixes-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-recordmydesktop-0.3.8-2pclos2010.src.rpm6b0b9808203601f78ae568f61e635dd97./SRPMS.pclosd % :X \t|B@BABEBJ Cgtk-rezlooks-engine0.61pclos2010Rezlooks GTK2 engineRezlooks gtk2 theme engine.ŌGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   H   h B@~BABEBJCgtk-sharp1.0.1014pclos2010C# language binding for the gtk+ toolkitGtk-sharp is a C# language binding for the gtk+ toolkit.DSystem/Librariesi586  mono-devellibglade2.0-devellibxslt-devellibgnomeui2-devellibGConf2-devellibrsvg-develgtkhtml-3.14-develvte-develautomake1.8rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % 9$ (:@XB@BABEBJCgtk-sharp-beans2.13.922pclos2010Extra Gtk# bindings Gtk# Beans aims to fill the gap between the current Gtk# packages state and all the blings and desktop integration stuffs anyone would want to use. It builds on top of Gtk# and extend it by adding new classes and extension methods.YDevelopment/Otheri586 gtk-sharp2gtk-sharp2-develgio-sharp-develmono-develmonodoc-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-sharp-beans-2.13.92-2pclos2010.src.rpm481ba46f763d427a63c4f8bc2a8443c0./SRPMS.pclosod   I B@BA<BE@BJaCgtk-sharp22.12.211pclos2014C# language binding for the gtk+ toolkitGtk-sharp is a C# language binding for the gtk+ toolkit.cbSystem/Librariesx86_64  mono-devellibglade2.0-devellibxslt-develmonodocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & :T XpxB@BABEBJCgtk-smooth-engine2.14.31pclos2014Equinox GTK2 engineSmooth gtk2 theme engine.-Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' =\ `xB@BABEBJ Cgtk-terranova-engine0.402pclos2014TerraNova GTK2 engineTerraNova gtk2 theme engine.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ݖbe330b239f88af521a26a1d0499abdf0./SRPMS.pclos d ( ?X \wB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-Adwaita-Gray2.11pclos2020gtk theme Adwaita Graygtk theme Adwaita-GrayHSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-Adwaita-Gray-2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm3da3e75a8aeaeed518ba5dea84fa75e4./SRPMS.pclosd# . Kh lB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-Adwaita-Gray-Black2.11pclos2020gtk theme Adwaita Gray Blackgtk theme Adwaita-Gray-BlackSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-Adwaita-Gray-Black-2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmc6730cdda11a1c0bffa72bf0a195c72f./SRPMS.pclosd ' =T Xs|B@BABEBJCgtk-theme-Adwaita-Tan2.11pclos2020gtk theme Adwaita Tangtk theme Adwaita-Tan$System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-Adwaita-Tan-2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm5a5abc871693850c56f05c900f84f2de./SRPMS.pclosd  -d hB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-Arc1.01pclos2020gtk theme Arcgtk theme Arc Includes Arc, Arc Dark and Arc Darker$System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-Arc-1.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm+,b0f8eba9d775e485d75bae3b2b3b122a./SRPMS.pclosd ' ;P Tox|B@BABEBJCgtk-theme-DLux-Blue3.2.21pclos2019gtk theme DLux-Bluegtk theme DLux-BlueПSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-DLux-Blue-3.2.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmz6945e1ebe3d6d426e8a67ed900b790b8./SRPMS.pclosd ' ;P Tox|B@BABEBJCgtk-theme-DLux-Gray3.2.21pclos2019gtk theme DLux-Graygtk theme DLux-Gray System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-DLux-Gray-3.2.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm 886531508e25360155c9537e5dc9a7be./SRPMS.pclos d ) ?X \wB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-DLux-Yankee3.2.21pclos2019gtk theme DLux-Yankeegtk theme DLux-YankeeРSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-DLux-Yankee-3.2.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmփ917e3650cc3d416c85c7cff122cf7d20./SRPMS.pclosd $ 7X\ ayB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-Go-Touch0.12pclos2013Go-Touch GTK themeGo-Touch GTK theme for PCLinuxOSmNealGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-Go-Touch-0.1-2pclos2013.src.rpmƴ0b6d34ad2efcd86fda4dc1aeab624471./SRPMS.pclosd ! <X \wB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-XFCE41.01pclos2020gtk3 XFCE themes for XFCE4GTK3 XFCE themes for XFCE4TSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-XFCE4-1.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm[65b5d692016860ed4af98f697b07fd314./SRPMS.pclosd  -< @[`dB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-arc1.11pclos2015GTk ARC ThemeGTK ARC themeSystem/Configuration/Themei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-arc-1.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm6267417b9eeee15a6d68da253fccc95d./SRPMS.pclosd % 9\ `xB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-blackwood1.01pclos2010Blackwood GTK themeBlackwood GTK theme for PCLinuxOS@Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-blackwood-1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm݁044e7f754b45f0a1b1ea60dbaac680b0./SRPMS.pclos d)?X\wB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-blue-junior0.9.91pclos2011GTK Blue-Junior themeGTK Blue Junior themerSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-blue-junior-0.9.9-1pclos2011.src.rpmx3a16c6ca1a651a93496af6a5f512a22c./SRPMS.pclosd"3DHclpB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-creamy0.91pclos2011GTK Creamy themeGTK Creamy theme1^System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-creamy-0.9-1pclos2011.src.rpm65e68eca12c97f9f5ee7d7a9e2102a198./SRPMS.pclosd'8LPktxB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-dark-wood0.4.11pclos2011GTK Creamy themeGTK Creamy themeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-dark-wood-0.4.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm2e5020dd7cc4a2e3f8ba7a721c64e891./SRPMS.pcloswd!,EB@BADBEHBJiCgtk-theme-elegant-aurora1.2.11pclos2011GTK Elegant Aurora themeThis package contains the GTK Elegant Aurora theme. It's a light grey/blue theme, with a smooth rendering. Really beautiful!Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-elegant-aurora-1.2.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm$,14ab1c274eeea10b8a0404cac764a0fe./SRPMS.pclosd ( 9T Xpx|B@BABEBJCgtk-theme-elegant-dark2.01pclos2011GTK Elegant DarkGTK Elegant Dark theme.!^Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-elegant-dark-2.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm(cae6cdfe624e046c68ad9978afc8c3ab./SRPMS.pclosd * 7dh nB@BABEBJ Cgtk-theme-elegant-wasp4.8.12phinx2012Light ThemesElegant-Wasp gtk/xfce4 Theme for PCLinuxOS.hKPhinxGraphical desktop/Xfcei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-elegant-wasp-4.8.1-2phinx2012.src.rpmn7d0573d6b797da126669b7a3614be1b5./SRPMS.pclosd & 7P TltxB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-elementary2.41pclos2011Elementary themeGTK Elementary theme.tGraphical desktop/Gnomenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-elementary-2.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm{Ie474980f1ba4ec99eb367ad6e4cadc98./SRPMS.pclos7d & 3 B@BABEBJ)Cgtk-theme-equinox1.30.21pclos2010Light ThemesA heavily modified version of the beautiful Aurora engine (1.4). Thanks to his author.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-equinox-1.30.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm5f65a02dc5e7aea188acd7a741aa9501./SRPMS.pclosGd#5B@BABEBJ9Cgtk-theme-glossyp1.01pclos2011GTK GlossyP themeThis package contains the GTK Glossy P theme. Glossy P is a very shiny blue Mac OSX-like theme.!System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-glossyp-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmy1b2ccd7765723aa7878763f9383a905f./SRPMS.pclosd % 2\ `xB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-light0.1.6.51pclos2010Light Themes Includes Ambiance and Radiance themesGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-light- * 7DH MelpB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-malys-revolt22.031pclos2012GTK2/3 ThemeGTK2/3 Theme&֯NealGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-malys-revolt2-2.03-1pclos2012.src.rpm&9e0326c1d38402da7ee3c599ee1de44a./SRPMS.pclosd  + 8HL QiptB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-malys-universal2.61pclos2012GTK2/3 ThemeGTK2/3 Theme ثNealGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-malys-universal-2.6-1pclos2012.src.rpm 6d9751d164e76fb3d2dcb8a4c4ff051dc./SRPMS.pclosGd*FB@BABEBJ9Cgtk-theme-murrina-linsta0.11pclos2011GTK Murrina Vista-ish themeGTK2 theme for those who like Vista-ish themes. Developed by etiennealaurentSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-murrina-linsta-0.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm b2d510275a57c1766330414397b8e8ac./SRPMS.pclosd $ 7X \wB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-phoenix20111pclos2011Phoenix XFCE themePhoenix Theme for PCLinuxOS 2011kSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-phoenix-2011-1pclos2011.src.rpmrfd7968553e4dd8a3b5ae23d0dbb4b6a5./SRPMS.pclosd ) 6dh nB@BABEBJ Cgtk-theme-shiki-brave4.8.12phinx2012Light ThemesShiki-Brave gtk/xfce4 Theme for PCLinuxOS.+PhinxGraphical desktop/Xfcei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-shiki-brave-4.8.1-2phinx2012.src.rpm157f2e711476041bcfa59716c74c9a954./SRPMS.pclosd ( 5`d jB@BABEBJCgtk-theme-shiki-wasp4.8.12phinx2012Light ThemesShiki-Wasp gtk/xfce4 Theme for PCLinuxOS.,PhinxGraphical desktop/Xfcei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-shiki-wasp-4.8.1-2phinx2012.src.rpm3s14cd20860c36191c4344d7d22d7bf02e./SRPMS.pclosd!'2K7@D`B@hBABEBJCdegtk-theme-step-into-freedom1.5.11pclos2011A pretty theme for GnomeStep into freedom theme contains a full theme for GNOME based system. It includes the following components: * "tropical" wallpaper * GTK+ theme * Metacity theme * Emerald theme * Icons setbSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-step-into-freedom-1.5.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm71046e2e70dccebda8aa69668dff8e9f./SRPMS.pclosd$B JB@SBABEBJCgtk-theme-switch1.0.16pclos2011Switch GTK themes on the fly.Tiny GTK app to let you switch GTK1 themes on the fly. Very handy if you are running Gnome2, which has no GUI to change GTK1 themes. NOTE: The binary is just called "switch".8[Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gtk+1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-switch-1.0.1-6pclos2011.src.rpm>4ed298f0c246637944e54f769d55b78f./SRPMS.pclosd(F$B@-BA\BE`BJCgtk-theme-switch22.0.0rc22pclos2011Switch GTK2 themes on the flyTiny GTK app to let you switch GTK2 themes on the fly. Very handy if you are running Gnome2. NOTE: The binary is just called "switch2".FGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-switch2-2.0.0rc2-2pclos2011.src.rpmK8832ad501632d5ee7998c7452b2b2ac9./SRPMS.pclos+d $ 8| B@BABEBJCgtk-theme-windows71.01pclos2015GTk Windows 7 ThemeMake your Mate Desktop look like Windows 7 with this awesome theme. JSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-windows7-1.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm A86fc76d87122d179da82d706a1e9067c./SRPMS.pclos/d $ 8 B@BABEBJ!Cgtk-theme-windows81.01pclos2015GTk Windows 8 ThemeMake your Mate Desktop look like Windows 8 with this Metro UI theme!. System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-theme-windows8-1.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm 540c698440927d11d426cd9611dff3ba./SRPMS.pcloswd  + J B@BADBEHBJiCgtk-ubuntulooks-engine0.9.121pclos2009Ubuntulooks engine for Gtk+2.xUbuntulooks is the default gtk engine from Ubuntu Linux.eGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gtk2-devellibrsvg-develicon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ < 4<LB@BABEBJCgtk-unico-engine1.0.31pclos2015Gtk+ 3.0 theming engineUnico is a Gtk+ engine that aims to be the more complete yet powerful theming engine for Gtk+ 3.0 and newer. It’s the first Gtk+ engine written with Gtk+ style context APIs in mind, using CSS as first class citizen.SyGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gnome-commonlib64gtk+3.0-devellib64cairo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-unico-engine-1.0.3-1pclos2015.src.rpmZg3e47068a9435b95477255a5040afcd24./SRPMS.pclosd   7  (0 d 8 B@LBApBEtBJCgtk-vnc0.6.02pclos2017A VNC viewer widget for GTKgtk-vnc is a VNC viewer widget for GTK. It is built using coroutines allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It provides a core C library, and bindings for Python (PyGTK)5ghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64 gtk+2-develgtk+3-develpygtk2.0-develgobject-introspection-develperl(Text::CSV)intltoollibgcrypt-develvala-toolsgettext-devellib64gnutls-devellib64view-devellib64sasl2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-vnc-0.6.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm 6be0a6d9b23f5cd1d4b689e54bfc98ab./SRPMS.pclos?d & u '>HdB@BA BEBJ1Cdegtk-xfce-engine3.2.02pclos2015Allow GTK to use xfce widget stylesErlaubt es GTK Xfce Widget Stile zu nutzenThis package provides the Xfce Gtk+-2.0 and Gtk+-3.0 engine, which allows for homogeneity in applications for both business and personal desktops. Minimum required Gtk+ version is currently Gtk+-2.2.0.Dieses Paket bietet die Xfce Gtk+-2.0 und die Gtk+-3.0 Engine, die Homogenität in Anwendungen für Geschäfts- und persönliche Desktops ermöglicht. Mindestens erforderlich Gtk+ Version ist derzeit GTK + -2.2.0.ghostbunnyGraphical desktop/Xfcex86_64 pkgconfigcairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-develglib2-develgtk2-develgtk+3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0-2pclos2015.src.rpm~868c567a655d6a5c825f4482d4a5ff7b./SRPMS.pclosgd & 7 $DB@BA4BE8BJYCgtk-youtube-viewer3.5.42pclos2019A youtube viewerYoutube Viewer is both a CLI and GUI application which can interact with Youtube. It is written in Perl and its scope is to search and play Youtube-videos at the best quality available without using a flash player.QVideonoarch perl-Module-Buildperl-LWP-Protocol-httpsperl-Text-CharWidthperl-HTML-Parserperl-LWP-UserAgent-Cachedperl-Term-ReadLine-Gnuperl-Unicode-LineBreakrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk-youtube-viewer-3.5.4-2pclos2019.src.rpmVc43b515b2ef485f67b052f4b2d5fe904./SRPMS.pclosd   N dB@qBABEBJCgtk3-nocsd3.0.42pclos2021A hack to disable gtk+ 3 client side decorationgtk3-nocsd is a small module used to disable the client side decoration of Gtk+ 3 for Gnome applications.System/X11x86_64 gtk3-develgobject-introspection-devellib64xtst-develwayland-protocols-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtk3-nocsd-3.0.4-2pclos2021.src.rpmWb75d5d1a005c1d027a5a052f30146417./SRPMS.pcloskd # r B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdegtkdatabox0.9.1.31pclos2012A Gtk+-Widget for Fast Data DisplayEin GTK+ Widget für schnelle DatenanzeigeGtkDatabox is a widget for the Gtk+-library designed to display large amounts of numerical data fast and easy. One or more data sets of thousands of data points (X and Y coordinate) may be displayed and updated in split seconds. The widget is therfore used in many scientific and private projects that need to show quickly changing data "live". GtkDatabox offers the ability to zoom into and out of the data and to navigate through your data by scrolling. In addition to rulers and a simple coordinate cross, GtkDatabox now also allows you to add one (or even more) configurable grids like on an oscilloscope.GtkDatabox ist ein Widget für die Gtk +-Bibliothek, entwickelt um große Mengen von numerischen Daten schnell und einfach anzuzeigen. Ein oder mehrere Datensätze von Tausenden Datenpunkten (X- und Y-Koordinate) können Aktualisiert in Sekundenbruchteilen angezeigt werden. Das Widget ist daher in vielen wissenschaftlichen und private Projekte verwendet, die schnell veränderte Daten zeigen müssen. GtkDatabox bietet die Möglichkeit, in und aus den Daten zu zoomen und durch Ihre Daten zu navigieren, durch Scrollen. Neben dem Lineal und einem einfachen Koordinatenkreuz, kann GtkDatabox nun auch ein (oder sogar mehrere) konfigurierbare Raster, wie auf einem Oszilloskop, hinzufügen.NealSystem/Librariesx86_64 gtk+2-develgtk-doclib64glib2.0_0-devel+rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkdatabox-  =dh m  C B@TBAxBE|BJCgtkdeskmenu0.81pclos2013Adds menu at the mouse locationGtkdeskmenu is a cute little app that pops up a menu at the mouse location under 2 situations: 1) you right-click the mouse in an empty part of the desktop, or 2) you send a SUGUSR1(10) to it, eg `killall -SIGUSR1 deskmenu`. This is good for interfacing with nice window managers like icewm.jNealGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 gtk2-develatk-devellibpng-develpkgconfiggettext-develfontconfig-develpango-develcairo-develfreetype2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkdeskmenu-0.8-1pclos2013.src.rpmr12cbc767ca809b0c5d7d562926fa9194./SRPMS.pclos{d  \` gyB@$BAHBELBJmCdegtkdialog0.8.51pclos2024GUI creation tool for shells and arbitrary interpreters.GUI-Tool zur Erstellung von Shells als willkürliche DolmetscherThe gtkdialog is uses an XML like simple language as a GUI description language to produce dialog boxes. The program can be used with shells and arbitrary interpreters. Example programs included for BASH and AWK.Die GtkDialog ist ein XML-Anwendungen als einfache Sprache zum produzieren von Dialogfelder als GUI. Das Programm kann verwendet werden um komplizierte Konsolen Befehle zu vereinfachen. Beispiel enthaltenen Programme für bash und awk.rdanielDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  gettexthelp2manlib64glade2.0_0-devellib64vte3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo-tex3.0.4-14.6.0-1gtkdialog-0.8.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm/9882666354c5c4b2780b8b38ce62d102./SRPMS.pclos#d   ;`d nB@BABEBJCgtkdialogs2.24pclos2017Ready-to-use GTK+ dialog boxesReady-to-use GTK+ dialog boxes: - xtest lets you test if X is running or not - gmessage show a message and some buttons, it returns with the number of the pressed button - gchooser presents a list of entries from which the user can choose - gfilechooser helps choosing a filename or dirnamebb2 System/Configuration/Packagingx86_64 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkdialogs-2.2-4pclos2017.src.rpm!,14f7901d010dafc274fea7794af2fbaf./SRPMS.pclosd   ;` dB@BABEBJ Cgtkdialogs2.25pclos2019Ready-to-use GTK+ dialog boxesReady-to-use GTK+ dialog boxes: - xtest lets you test if X is running or not - gmessage show a message and some buttons, it returns with the number of the pressed button - gchooser presents a list of entries from which the user can choose - gfilechooser helps choosing a filename or dirname?System/Configuration/Packagingx86_64 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkdialogs-2.2-5pclos2019.src.rpm!o89057ea28ab47fd590f55d416c57a1c7./SRPMS.pclosWd 2B@BA$BE(BJICgtkeyboard1.1.810pclos2011Graphical KeyboardGTKeyboard is an application meant to help users with physical disabilities who may be unable to use the keyboard all the time to type text using a graphically laid out keyboard. It is also used by people who are simply a little bit lazy. At this point, it has support for several foreign keyboards as well as ability to redirect keypresses to other X11 applicationsnJAccessibilityx86_64  gtk+-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Q\`qxB@BABEBJ Cgtkglarea1.2.310pclos2011GtkGLArea is an OpenGL widget for GTK+ GUI toolkitJust as GTK+ is build on top of GDK, GtkGLArea is built on top of gdkgl which is basically wrapper around GLX functions. The widget itself is very similar to GtkDrawinigArea widget and adds only three extra functions. Lower level gdkgl functions make it easy to render on any widget that has OpenGL capable visual, rendering to off-screen pixmaps is also supported. Related project which may iterest those who use GTK-- is GtkGLArea--. It is a C++ wrapper for gtkglarea written by Karl Nelson .Sciences/Mathematicsi586 XFree86-develimlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkgraph-0.6.2-8pclos2007.src.rpmHcc966b163e9cccc429fbea4ef35f2b1b./SRPMS.pclosd   Q  +4 h / B@CBAdBEhBJCgtkhash1.51pclos2023GTK+ utility for computing message digests or checksumsGtkHash is a GTK+ utility for computing message digests or checksums. Currently supported hash functions include: * MD2, MD4 and MD5 * SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512, * RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256 and RIPEMD320 * TIGER128, TIGER160 and TIGER192 * HAVAL128-3, HAVAL160-3, HAVAL192-3, HAVAL224-3 and HAVAL256-3 * SNEFRU128 and SNEFRU256 * ADLER32, CRC32, GOST and WHIRLPOOL This package contains the GTK+2 version of the program.File toolsx86_64 intltoolitstoolautoconfgnome-commongettext-develmhash-develGConf2-devellibb2-devellib64nettle-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gcrypt-develmate-file-manager-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkhash-1.5-1pclos2023.src.rpmޢ4974d1ac0c70a00afaba615b69bb00e8./SRPMS.pclos#d   X    B@BABEBJCgtkhotkey0.2.11pclos2014Platform Independent Hotkey Handling for GTK+ ApplicationsGtkHotkey is simple library offering a platform independent way for GTK+ applications to manage and bind desktop-wide hotkeys.System/Librariesx86_64 gtk-docintltoollib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkhotkey-0.2.1-1pclos2014.src.rpme3f963bdfb44e2bd3c320a14997388f0./SRPMS.pclosd ! @|   R B@mBABEBJCgtkhtml- rendering/editing libraryGtkHTML is a HTML rendering/editing library. GtkHTML is not designed to be the ultimate HTML browser/editor: instead, it is designed to be easily embedded into applications that require lightweight HTML functionality. GtkHTML was originally based on KDE's KHTMLW widget, but is now developed independently of it. The most important difference between KHTMLW and GtkHTML, besides being GTK-based, is that GtkHTML is also an editor. Thanks to the Bonobo editor component that comes with the library, it's extremely simple to add HTML editing to an existing application.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  gail-develgtk+2-devellibsoup-develiso-codesenchant-develgnome-icon-themeintltoollibGConf2-develGConf2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   <x |B@BA BE$BJECgtkhtml44.10.01pclos2015HTML rendering/editing libraryGtkHTML is a HTML rendering/editing library. GtkHTML is not designed to be the ultimate HTML browser/editor: instead, it is designed to be easily embedded into applications that require lightweight HTML functionality. GtkHTML was originally based on KDE's KHTMLW widget, but is now developed independently of it. The most important difference between KHTMLW and GtkHTML, besides being GTK-based, is that GtkHTML is also an editor. Thanks to the Bonobo editor component that comes with the library, it's extremely simple to add HTML editing to an existing application.3Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64enchant-devellib64gail3.0-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-develiso-codes-develgsettings-desktop-schemas-develgnome-icon-themeintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkhtml4-4.10.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmeec86122beb8e7644b2b9caac38ea3e3./SRPMS.pclosd  C YB@eBABEBJCgtkimageview1.6.45pclos2016Simple image viewer widget for GTKGtkImageView is a widget that provides a zoomable and panable view of a GdkPixbuf. It is intended to be usable in most types of image viewing applications. System/Librariesx86_64 gtk+2-develgtk-docautomake1.9gnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkimageview-1.6.4-5pclos2016.src.rpm 599dd573ad81caf1cf9d1541d1334ef6./SRPMS.pclos#d  1L P`h|B@BABEBJCgtklp1.2.62pclos2010A GTK frontend for CUPSA GTK frontend for CUPS rSystem/Printingi586 cups-commongtk+2-develcups-develbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) =268c3e40fde4a521b74c2378766ee7b6./SRPMS.pclosd  I B@$BALBEPBJqCgtkmathview0.8.03pclos2014C++ rendering engine for MathML documentsGtkMathView is a GTK Widget for rendering MathML documents.~Networking/WWWx86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64popt-devellib64t1lib-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkmathview-0.8.0-3pclos2014.src.rpm|d442d43c71549101e66d94b0cdcb6933./SRPMS.pclosd  uH LbhpB@BABEBJCgtkmm-utils0.4.12pclos2010High level utility functions, classes and widgets written on top of gtkmm and glibmm.High level utility functions, classes and widgets written on top of gtkmm and glibmm. * logging framework * option parsing, date and string utilities * tile widgets (see a Paperbox screenshot) * dialog helpersO\Development/Librariesi586 libglibmm2.4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkmm-utils-0.4.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmUb3d978f4105d7ff1a6ce79ffd382c6c6./SRPMS.pclosd   HPT ^ox=B@dBABEBJCgtkmm2.42.24.53pclos2017C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+Gtkmm provides a C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library. Gtkmm2 wraps GTK+ 2. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets extensible via inheritance and a comprehensive set of widget classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces.Nbb2 System/Librariesx86_64  gtk+2-develglibmm2.4-develgnome-commonlib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-devellibstdc++-develmakepkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   HP Tel  H B@wBABEBJCgtkmm3.03.24.51pclos2021C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+Gtkmm provides a C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library. Gtkmm2 wraps GTK+ 2. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets extensible via inheritance and a comprehensive set of widget classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces.ίSystem/Librariesx86_64  gtk+3-develglibmm2.4-develatkmm1.6-develcairomm-develpangomm2.4-devellibpthread-stubswayland-protocols-develgraphvizdoxygenlib64xtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)μ0a0c51815cb093f5757ddeb62a1daa42./SRPMS.pclosd" . J(, Nkp  V B@tBABEBJCgtkmozembedmm1.4.2.cvs2006081722pclos2007C++ wrapper for GtkMozembedThis package provides a C++/gtkmm wrapper for GtkMozEmbed from Mozilla 1.4.x to 1.7.x. The wrapper provides a convenient interface for C++ programmers to use the Gtkmozembed HTML-rendering widget inside their software.2,Onkel Ho System Environment/Librariesi586  libgtkmm2.4_1-devellibgnome-vfsmm2.6_1-devellibgnomemm2.6_1-devellibgnomeuimm2.6_1-develxulrunner-devel-unstablexulrunner-develautomakelibtoolgecko-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   B@BA BEBJ1Cdegtknetcat0.17pclos2013Easy method to transfer files between two computersEinfache Methode zum Transferieren von Dateien zwischen ComputernNetCat GUI tool This is an easy-to-use wizard which enables you to transfer files between two computers.NetCat GUI Werkzeug Dies ist ein einfach zu benutzender Assistent, der es Ihnen erlaubt Dateien zwischen zwei Computern zu transferieren.E)Networking/File transferx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtknetcat-0.1-7pclos2013.src.rpmK42b1ce5f794dff114dc1b105213e5147./SRPMS.pclosd   0  t%B@FBAhBElBJCgtkpod2.1.51pclos2015GTK interface to iPodgtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple's iPod using GTK2. It allows you to upload songs and playlists to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification of the database with later synchronisation, and more. gtkpod allows you to * Read your existing iTunesDB (i.e. import the existing contents of your iPod). * Add mp3 files to the iPod. You can choose the charset the ID3 tags are encoded in from within gtkpod. The default is the charset currently used by your locale setting. * When adding songs, gtkpod detects duplicates (opt). * Remove songs from the iPod. * Create and modify playlists. * Modify ID3 tags -- changes are also updated in the original file (opt) * Write the updated iTunesDB and added songs to your iPod. * Work offline and synchronize your new playlists / songs with the iPod at a later time.pinocCommunicationsi586 flexintltoolgettext-develdesktop-file-utilsfaad2libanjuta3-devellibatk1.0-devellibcairo-devellibcurl-devellibflac8-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellibgdl-devellibglib2.0-devellibgpod-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibgtk+3.0-devellibid3tag-devellibjson-glib-devellibmono-devellibogg-devellibpango1.0-devellibsoup-devellibvorbis0-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkpod-2.1.5-1pclos2015.src.rpmcb2cd2910f680b699d64380cd542e3ec./SRPMS.pclosd   9  8B@BABEBJCgtkpsproc3.41pclos2010Postscript printing interfaceGtkPSproc provides an elegant graphical interface which shows up as a virtual printer. Printing to GtkPSproc allows for some advanced options which your standard desktop interface may not provide, such as: * reverse order * multiple pages per sheet * booklet mode * double-side emulation * and more You can run gtkpsproc from the command line. To enable the cups backend, you will have to configure your desktop to run the gtkpsproc-applet.System/Configuration/Otheri586 pkgconfigImageMagickgtk2-devellibglade2.0_0-develcups-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkpsproc-3.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm)9220f99c9e131a39c3fee7f061b0a56c./SRPMS.pclosd ! =  ,  B@7BA`BEdBJCgtksourceview4.8.11pclos2021Source code viewing libraryGtkSourceview is a library that adds syntax highlighting, line numbers, and other programming-editor features. GtkSourceView specializes these features for a code editor.Editorsx86_64  gtk-docmesonpkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)lib64gladeui2-develpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk-doc)pkgconfig(vapigen)gettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & W LB@YBABEBJCgtksourceview-sharp0.124pclos2010C# language binding for the gtksourceview widgetGtkSourceView-sharp is a C# language binding for the gtksourceview widget.System/Librariesi586 gtksourceview1-develgnome-sharp2-develgnome-desktop-sharp-develmono-toolsmono-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtksourceview-sharp-0.12-4pclos2010.src.rpm8534e8689a74e3dfea43e66510c62dc7./SRPMS.pclos d " >  (B@BABEBJCgtksourceview11.8.54pclos2017Source code viewing libraryGtkSourceview is a library that adds syntax highlighting, line numbers, and other programming-editor features. GtkSourceView specializes these features for a code editor. bb2 System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnomeprint-2.2)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Ofe5708ebaabad2ec5e1749b49fc3ece5./SRPMS.pcloscd # ?  ,  B@BA0BE4BJUCgtksourceview22.10.55pclos2015Source code viewing libraryGtkSourceview is a library that adds syntax highlighting, line numbers, and other programming-editor features. GtkSourceView specializes these features for a code editor.Editorsx86_64 perl-XML-Parserintltoolgettextlib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtksourceview2-2.10.5-5pclos2015.src.rpma7becdc032d1e096be614aaf9e74a697./SRPMS.pclosOd $ @  B@BABE BJACgtksourceview33.24.111pclos2019Source code viewing libraryGtkSourceview is a library that adds syntax highlighting, line numbers, and other programming-editor features. GtkSourceView specializes these features for a code editor.Editorsx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk-doc)intltoolpkgconfig(vapigen)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " = VB@~BABEBJCgtksourceview55.4.11pclos2022Source code editing widgetGtkSourceView is a GNOME library that extends GtkTextView, the standard GTK+ widget for multiline text editing. GtkSourceView adds support for syntax highlighting, undo/redo, file loading and saving, search and replace, a completion system, printing, displaying line numbers, and other features typical of a source code editor. This package contains version 5 of GtkSourceView.JSystem/Librariesx86_64  gccgettextgi-docgenitstoolmesonpkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(pangoft2)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(vapigen)vala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.702.702.704.53.0.4-1gtksourceview5-5.4.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmKmbd51bd26fa7eaaa067e5d641b30bae35./SRPMS.pclosd $ @0 4<DTB@BABEBJCgtksourceviewmm2.10.22pclos2014Source code viewing libraryGtkSourceview is a library that adds syntax highlighting, line numbers, and other programming-editor features. GtkSourceView specializes these features for a code editor. This package contains the C++ language bindings for GtkSourceview. gEditorsx86_64  lib64gtksourceview2-2.0_0-develgtkmm2.4-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) lj66ddc458ac428001d850dee9ce43faac./SRPMS.pclosd $ @0 4<DTB@BABEBJ Cgtksourceviewmm3.12.02pclos2015Source code viewing libraryGtkSourceview is a library that adds syntax highlighting, line numbers, and other programming-editor features. GtkSourceView specializes these features for a code editor. This package contains the C++ language bindings for GtkSourceview.HEditorsx86_64  libgtksourceview-3.0-develgtkmm3.0-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   L   H / B@CBAhBElBJCgtkspell2.0.162pclos2019Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widgetGtkSpell provides MSWord/MacOSX-style highlighting of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget. Right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements.System/Librariesx86_64 docbook-dtd42-xmlgnome-commongtk-docintltoolgettext-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64enchant-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkspell-2.0.16-2pclos2019.src.rpm1a2aa1f68efdac0084bc630b9996871c./SRPMS.pclosd   rH L]d'B@6BA\BE`BJCgtkspell33.0.102pclos2021GtkSpell provides MSWord-style highlighting of misspelled words in a GtkText widgetGtkSpell provides MSWord-style highlighting of misspelled words in a GtkText widget. Also, right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements. GtkSpell can easily be added to Gtk projects.GSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64enchant-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64vala-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkspell3-3.0.10-2pclos2021.src.rpm'101dbae579022f5bb1696a7f38c0ce88./SRPMS.pclosd   _( ,=DPB@BABEBJCgtkspellmm3.0.51pclos2021On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets - C++ bindingsGtkSpell provides word-processor-style highlighting and replacement of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget as you type. Right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements.NSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0)pkgconfig(gtkspell3-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkspellmm-3.0.5-1pclos2021.src.rpmR8a972af45b2342a7f27e0f3e8b724586./SRPMS.pclos7d   3  -=DdB@BABEBJ)Cgtktalog1.0.47pclos2007The Gnome disk catalogGTKtalog is a disk catalog, it means you can use it to create a really small database with images of files and folders of your CD-rom. So you can browse all your CD's very quickly, see contents of certain files (tar.gz, rpm files ...). You can give to each folder and file a category and a description. You can search for files in your database with filename, category, description or file information parameter, and find in which CD the file you are looking for is.-Texstar Archiving/Otheri586 flexgnome-libs-develmpgtxncurses-develdocbook-utilsautomake1.7gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtktalog-1.0.4-7pclos2007.src.rpm_74e252b74c51b7e7329c58cc8c7562e1./SRPMS.pclosd 1 dB@rBABEBJCgtkterm0.99.61pclos2011Serial port terminalGtkterm is a simple GTK+ terminal used to communicate with a serial port. It is has fewer features than minicom, but is designed to be as easy to use as possible.Communicationsx86_64 gtk2-develgettextbisonvte-develzlib-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkterm-0.99.6-1pclos2011.src.rpmf69710d993bb75e9e90038d55ccfcf43./SRPMS.pclosd   ?  0  B@BABEBJCgtkwave3.3.181pclos2010GTKWave Electronic Waveform ViewerGTKWave is a fully featured GTK+ based wave viewer for Unix and Win32 which reads LXT, LXT2, VZT, and GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD/EVCD files and allows their viewing.%Sciences/Otheri586 gtk+2-devellibxml2-develflexgperfbzip2-develzlib-develxzlzma-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtkwave-3.3.18-1pclos2010.src.rpm%877921d86701653eaa47409b74b0a9ed./SRPMS.pclosd   - 0B@8BAXBE\BJ}Cgtml3.5.42pclos2007An html preprocessorgtml is an HTML pre-processor which adds some extra features specially designed for maintaining multiple Web pages. Using gtml you can create and use macros to save typing, create a "project file" with the names of all your Web pages to update them all with one command, give specific alias to filename to make it is easy to move files and have links preserved, specify a tree-like hierarchy of Web pages to have Next, Previous and Up links added automatically, include files into all your HTML files, include a timestamp, use conditional commands to create different versions of the output, and generate output to different irectories to generate different versions of your site.Texstar Text toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtml-3.5.4-2pclos2007.src.rpm#01aafaf5566bf6a3c7ae25e9e385f251./SRPMS.pclosKd #     B@BABEBJ=Cdegtranslator1.9.111pclos2010Translation (.po) file editor with many featuresÜbersetzung (.po) Datei-Editor mit vielen Funktionengtranslator is a comfortable po file editor with many bells and whistles. It features many useful function which ease the work of translators of po files immenantly.gtranslator ist ein komfortabler po Datei-Editor mit Pfiff. Er bietet viele nützliche Funktionen, die die Arbeit der Übersetzer von po Dateien erleichtern.9Editorsi586 gnome-doc-utilsintltoollibgnomeui2-develscrollkeepergtkspell-devellibgtksourceview-2.0-devellibgdl-devellibsoup-devellibgdict1.0-develgucharmap-devellibgda4.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gtranslator-1.9.11-1pclos2010.src.rpm:2cfe4072cada6de46139f24d0a553712./SRPMS.pclosd   D $YB@cBABEBJCgts0.7.62pclos20113D modeling, animation, and rendering systemThis is the GTS library. GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library. It includes a number of useful functions to deal with triangulated surfaces including, but not limited to, multi-resolution models, Delaunay and Constrained Delaunay triangulations, set operations on surfaces (intersection, union etc ...), bounding-boxes trees for efficient collision and intersection detection, triangle strips generation for fast rendering. .System/Librariesi586 netpbm-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gts-0.7.6-2pclos2011.src.rpm 6ac0541b490774f0980f9945519d72392./SRPMS.pcloscd  6` dnxB@BA0BE4BJUCguake0.8.41pclos2016Drop-down terminal for GNOMEGuake is a drop-down terminal for GNOMETerminalsx86_64  libx11-develpython-develglib2-develpython-notifypython-vtepygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   _| 'B@HBAlBEpBJCguayadeque0.7.01pclos2025Music Player with the aims to be intuitive, easy to use and fastGuayadeque is a music management program designed for all music enthusiasts. It is Full Featured Linux media player that can easily manage large collections and uses the Gstreamer media framework. Some of Guayadeque Features - Play mp3, ogg, flac, wma, wav, mpc, mp4, ape, ... - Configurable cross fader engine - Configurable Silence detector to avoid listening to silence between tracks - Read and write tags in all supported formats - Allow to catalog your music using labels Any track, artist or album can have as many labels you want - Smart play mode that add tracks that fit your music taste - Ability to download covers manually or automatically - Suggest music using last.fm service - Allow fast access to any music file by genre, artist, album, etc - Play and Record shoutcast radios!Soundx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilsimagemagicklib64gpod-devellibmp4v2-develninjapkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(jsoncpp)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(taglib)pkgconfig(wxsqlite3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wxgtk-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1guayadeque-0.7.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmtf95fecc8afac7ec322aa65ca311b9778./SRPMS.pclosd ! I sB@BABEBJCdegucharmap10.0.11pclos2017A Unicode character map and font viewergucharmap is a Unicode/ISO 10646 character map and font viewer. It supports anti-aliased, scalable truetype fonts in X, using Xft, and works on Unix and Windows platforms.gucharmap ist ein Unicode / ISO 10646 Charakter-und Font-Viewer anzeigen. Es unterstützt Anti-Aliasing, skalierbare TrueType-Schriften in X, mit Xft und Arbeiten auf Unix-und Windows-Plattformen.bb2 Publishingx86_64  libgnomeui2-develscrollkeepergnome-doc-utilslibxslt-procperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  1  B@BABEBJCgufw22.04.02pclos2023Uncomplicated FirewallAn easy, intuitive, way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual ports port(s), and many others!@ System/Serversx86_64 autoconffdupesintltoolpython3-develpython3-distutils-extrapython3-netifacesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gufw-22.04.0-2pclos2023.src.rpmFf15fc33677a76aec1ff494e32c8bb8be./SRPMS.pclosKd   4 8NXtB@BABEBJ=Cdeguichan0.8.22pclos2013Small efficient C++ GUI library designed for games.Kleine effiziente C++ GUI Bibliothek für SpieleGuichan is a small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games. It comes with a standard set of widgets and can use several different backends for displaying graphics and grabbing user input.Guichan ist eine kleine effiziente C++ GUI Bibliothek für Spiele. Sie besitzt eine Standardauswahl an Minianwendungen und kann verschiedene Eingabeoberflächen zum Anzeigen von Grafik und zum Aufzeichnen von Benutzereingaben verwenden.:Development/Librariesx86_64 allegro-develSDL-develSDL_image-devellib64png-develmesa-common-develmesaglut-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guichan-0.8.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm>9bd3059739fabb51e66c0cdbb026f76a./SRPMS.pclos cd+1 < X X \ a x   B@ BA 0BE 4BJ UCdefresplsrnlguidance-power-manager4.3.15pclos2012KDE power management appletThe package provides battery monitoring and suspend/standby triggers. It is based on the powersave package and therefore supports APM and ACPI. See powersave package for additional features such as CPU frequency scaling(SpeedStep and PowerNow) and more. FOR LAPTOPS ONLY.Das Paket bietet Akku-Überwachung und Suspend / Standby-löst. Es basiert auf der powersave-Paket basiert und daher unterstützt APM und ACPI. Siehe powersave-Paket für zusätzliche Funktionen wie CPU-Frequenz Skalierung (SpeedStep und PowerNow) und vieles mehr. NUR FÜR NOTEBOOKS.Le paquet prévoit une surveillance des batteries et de suspendre / en veille se déclenche. Il est basé sur le paquet économie d'énergie et est donc favorable à l'APM et ACPI. Voir la série économie d'énergie pour des fonctions supplémentaires telles que la fréquence du processeur détartrage (SpeedStep et PowerNow) et plus encore. Pour PC portable SEULEMENT.El paquete proporciona un control de la batería y suspender / modo de espera activa. Se basa en el paquete powersave y por lo tanto soporta APM y ACPI. Véase el paquete powersave para características adicionales como la frecuencia de la CPU escala (SpeedStep y PowerNow) y más. SÓLO PARA LAPTOPS.Pakiet zapewnia monitorowanie baterii i zawiesić / czuwania wyzwala. Jest on oparty na energooszczędny pakiet, dlatego też popiera APM i ACPI. Zobacz energooszczędny pakiet o dodatkowe funkcje, takie jak częstotliwość procesora skalowania (SpeedStep i PowerNow) i inne. FOR LAPTOPS ONLY.Пакет батерија обезбеђује праћење и суспендовати / пасивном активира. Она се заснива на поуерсаве пакет и самим тим подржава АПМ и АЦПИ. Погледајте поуерсаве пакет за додатне функције као што су процесор фреквенције скалирање (СпеедСтеп и ПоуерНоу) и још много тога. САМО за лаптоп.Het pakket biedt batterij toezicht te schorten en / standby-triggers. Het is gebaseerd op de powersave-pakket en steunt derhalve APM en ACPI. Zie powersave pakket voor extra functies zoals CPU-frequentie scaling (SpeedStep en PowerNow) en meer. LAPTOPS FOR ONLY8 NealGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 python-develpython-sippython-dbuspython-kde4kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guidance-power-manager-4.3.1-5pclos2012.src.rpmC+04b6a8f73a86964080891011c68bf8b8./SRPMS.pclos{d  U  P  B@'BAHBELBJmCguile2.0.143pclos2024GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibilityGUILE (GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension) is a library implementation of the Scheme programming language, written in C. GUILE provides a machine-independent execution platform that can be linked in as a library during the building of extensible programs. Install the guile package if you'd like to add extensibility to programs that you are developing. You'll also need to install the guile-devel package.FDevelopment/Otherx86_64  chrpathgettext-devellibgmp-devellibltdl-develpkgconfig(bdw-gc)pkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(readline)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfotimezone3.0.4-14.6.0-1guile-2.0.14-3pclos2024.src.rpmGb5c634458edfa64f66c0324d9f8a34f3./SRPMS.pclosd   G  $6<LB@BABEBJCguile-gtk2.11pclos2010Makes the GTK+ toolkit accesible from GuileGuile-gtk is glue code to make the GTK+ toolkit accesible from Guile. It provides a interface for Scheme programmers to develop visual applications. It can optionally integrate with gnome via the Gnome-guile module Development/Otheri586 libguile-develgtk+-devellibgtkglarea2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guile-gtk-2.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm 6918299f3aba7bc9aba7a2d8fc794f770./SRPMS.pclos'd   W  (HB@BABEBJCguile1.81.8.88pclos2017GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibilityGUILE (GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension) is a library implementation of the Scheme programming language, written in C. GUILE provides a machine-independent execution platform that can be linked in as a library during the building of extensible programs. Install the guile package if you'd like to add extensibility to programs that you are developing. You'll also need to install the guile-devel package.$bb2 Development/Otherx86_64 chrpathlibgmp-devellibltdl-devellibncurses-devellibreadline-develgettext-develtimezonerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guile1.8-1.8.8-8pclos2017.src.rpm#760c4d753a8aedecf687bca0fa557f4b./SRPMS.pclosd   > HB@BABEBJCguitarix0.44.11pclos2022Guitar effect processor for JACKguitarix is a simple Linux Rock Guitar Amplifier for the Jack Audio Connektion Kit with one input and two outputs. Designed to get nice thrash/metal/rock/blues guitar sounds. There are controls for bass, middle, treble, gain (in/out), compressor, preamp, tube's, drive, overdrive, oversample, anti-aliase, fuzz, balance, distortion, freeverb, impulse response, vibrato, chorus, delay , crybaby(wah) and echo.FSoundx86_64 avahi-gobject-develbluez-develboost-develeigen3fftw-develgtk+3-develgtkmm2.4-devellib64gtkmm3.0-develgperfintltoolladspa-devellibjack-devellibpthread-stubslibsndfile-develliblrdf-devellilv-devellv2-develpython-develzita-convolver-develzita-resampler-develcurl-develfonts-ttf-robotorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guitarix-0.44.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmG8fae2e763de92d97bf605888ceb9eb95f./SRPMS.pclosd  .D HY`dB@BABEBJCgumbo0.10.12pclos2021Pure C HTML5 ParserPure C HTML5 Parser.ESystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gumbo-0.10.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm52223dd845e63fbb66c7f577f833377a./SRPMS.pclosd   2 ,B@BABEBJCgummiboot451pclos2014Simple EFI Boot Managergummiboot is a simple UEFI boot manager which executes configured EFI images. The default entry is selected by a configured pattern (glob) or an on-screen menu. gummiboot operates on the EFI System Partition (ESP) only. gummiboot reads simple and entirely generic boot loader configuration files; one file per boot loader entry to select from. Configuration file fragments, kernels, initrds, other EFI images need to reside on the ESP.ASystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gnu-efi-develgnu-efipkgconfiglib64blkid-devellib64xslt-develdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gummiboot-45-1pclos2014.src.rpm e54bfe1517dabb58ff2058f2fb11b8ec./SRPMS.pclosd   ?  $(DB@LBApBEtBJCgupicasa0.0.31pclos2010Upload photos to Picasa-Web albumsGupicasa is a GUI application for uploading photos to Picasa-Web albums under Linux. It is much weaker than F-Spot. It supports local editing of: * Orientation * Scaling * Time stamps * Text SummaryNetworking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gupicasa-0.0.3-1pclos2010.src.rpm4b5f2973e2498b16f91697c34e041376./SRPMS.pclosd  b    B@BABEBJCgupnp0.20.151pclos2016Object-oriented framework for creating UPnP devices and control pointsGUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points.3fDevelopment/Otherx86_64 lib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gssdp-devellib64soup-devellib64uuid-devellib64xml2-develgtk-docvala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gupnp-0.20.15-1pclos2016.src.rpm7409afcab913eb7080f1ee2664e1ea3f7./SRPMS.pclosd   W   b B@rBABEBJCgupnp-av0.12.61pclos2014A collection of helpers for building UPnP AV applicationsGUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. GUPnP-AV is a collection of helpers for building AV (audio/video) applications using GUPnP.\System/Librariesx86_64 lib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gssdp-devellib64gupnp-devellib64soup-devellib64xml2-develvala-toolsgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gupnp-av-0.12.6-1pclos2014.src.rpm_.9fbfd98de4ea4083371698e26000c345./SRPMS.pclos d   [ B@BABEBJCgupnp-dlna0.10.41pclos2016A collection of helpers for building UPnP dlna applicationsGUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. GUPnP DLNA is a small utility library that aims to ease the DLNA-related tasks such as media profile guessing, transcoding to a given profile, etc.)System/Librariesx86_64 gtk-docvala-toolslib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gupnp-dlna-0.10.4-1pclos2016.src.rpm)4f15987b971409a1b16e22f22f94e4a9./SRPMS.pclos/d   Jd hyB@BABEBJ!Cgupnp-igd0.2.41pclos2014Handle Internet Gateway Device port mappingsGUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. GUPnP-Igd is a library that handle Internet Gateway Device port mappings.0System/Librariesx86_64 gupnp-devellib64girepository-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gupnp-igd-0.2.4-1pclos2014.src.rpm4f60e59e46634099a3af11bff60cf8591./SRPMS.pclos+d  L Pah|B@BABEBJCdegupnp-ui0.1.12pclos2010GUPnP-UI is a collection of helpers for adding ui to upnp appsGUPnP-UI ist eine Sammlung von Helfers zum hinzufügen von UI zu upnp AnwendungenGUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. GUPnP-UI is a collection of helpers for building user interface application components for gupnp applications.GUPnP ist ein Objekt orientiertes Open Source Framework für UPnP Geräte und Kontrollpunkte, geschrieben in C unter Nutzung von GObject und libsoup. Das GUPnP API ist in der Tat einfach zu nutzen, dabei effizient und flexibel. GUPnP-UI ist eine Ansammlung von Helfer zum erstellen von Benutzer Schnittstellen Anwendungen unter gupnp Anwendungen.BSystem/Librariesi586 gssdp-develgupnp-develgtk2-devellibsoup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gupnp-ui-0.1.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm29b303eb639ad0be2448aa054ae5dc0c./SRPMS.pclosd !  B@BABEBJCdegupnp-vala0.8.01pclos2011GUPnP is a uPnP framework. This adds vala language bindingsGUPnp ist das uPnP Framework, dieses fügt die Vala Sprachen Bindung hinzu.GUPnP is an object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. This package adds vala language bindingsGUPnP ist ein Objekt orientiertes Open Source Framework für UPnP Geräte und Kontrollpunkte, geschrieben in C unter Nutzung von GObject und libsoup. Das GUPnP API ist in der Tat einfach zu nutzen, dabei effizient und flexibel. Dieses Paket fügt die Vala Programmiersprache Bindungen hinzu.g(Development/Otheri586  vala-develgssdp-develgupnp-devellibgupnp-av-devellibgupnp-ui-devellibsoup-develvala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  6 B@ BA,BE0BJQCguppy1.0.32pclos2010Topfield PVR File DownloaderGuppy is an application to download videos from the Topfield TF5000PVRt. Guppy was written because there was no graphical application available on GNU/LinuxTM for downloading and uploading files to the Topfield PVR. Features: * Queue multiple file transfers * Delete and Rename files on the PVR * Create folders on the PVR * Quit when all files have been transferedVideoi586 python-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guppy-1.0.3-2pclos2010.src.rpm w61b32c6430f0e15aa3dc3352526a77ce./SRPMS.pclos7d  ?    B@BABEBJ)Cgurlchecker0.131pclos2010Web page link validation programgURLChecker is a graphical web link checker. It can work on a whole site, a single local page or a browser bookmarks file.Networking/WWWi586 libglade2.0-devellibgnomeui2-devellibgnet-2.0_0-develImageMagickperl-XML-Parserlibcroco0.6_3-devellibclamav-develgnutls-devellibtidy-develdocbook-utilsopenjaderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gurlchecker-0.13-1pclos2010.src.rpm m509814d21db515e011a3d9022aa0025b./SRPMS.pclosWd   [ B@BA$BE(BJICgutenprint5.2.101pclos2014Photo-quality printer drivers primarily for inkjet printersGutenprint is a high quality printer driver suite for photo-quality printing on inkjet printers, especially Epson. There are also some Canon, HP, and Lexmark inkjets (older models) and PCL bw laser printers supported (PCL 5e and earlier). If your printer is supported by Gutenprint and not an HP printer supported by HPIJS, this is the best choice of a free software printer driver. Keep in mind that the leader of this project is hobby photographer and wanted to get his 6-ink Epson Stylus Photo EX working in its best quality without necessity of proprietary software.Epinoc32Publishingi586  autoconf2.5bisonflexlibtoolimagemagickfoomatic-dbfoomatic-db-enginelibcups-devellibgtk+2-devellibijs-devellibjpeg-static-devellibtiff-devellibusb1.0-develchrpathpkgconfig(gimpui-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.2.0-0.5361.0mdk3.0.4-1gutenprint-5.2.10-1pclos2014.src.rpmDf4b72e2023a799d42b5fbc3dc7c86011./SRPMS.pclosgd # d B@BA4BE8BJYCdeguvcview-gtk2.0.62pclos2019GTK+ UVC Viewer and CapturerGTK+ UVC Betrachter und AufzeichnenA simple interface for capturing and viewing video from devices supported by the Linux UVC driver, although it should also work with any v4l2 compatible device.Ein einfaches interface zur Erfassung und Anzeige von Videos durch den Linux-UVC-Treiber, sollte aber auch mit jedem v4l2-kompatiblen Gerät zusammen arbeiten. Videox86_64 desktop-file-utilsgettextintltoollib64ffmpeg-devellib64gsl-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64png-devellib64portaudio-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64SDL-devellib64udev0-devellib64v4l-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guvcview-gtk-2.0.6-2pclos2019.src.rpm "}5743d2304cec62ae530184bc6f5dade6./SRPMS.pclosKd # b B@BABEBJ=Cdeguvcview-qt52.0.62pclos2019Qt5 UVC Viewer and CapturerQt5 UVC Betrachter und AufzeichnenA simple interface for capturing and viewing video from devices supported by the Linux UVC driver, although it should also work with any v4l2 compatible device.Ein einfaches interface zur Erfassung und Anzeige von Videos durch den Linux-UVC-Treiber, sollte aber auch mit jedem v4l2-kompatiblen Gerät zusammen arbeiten. Videox86_64 desktop-file-utilsgettextintltoollib64ffmpeg-devellib64gsl-devellib64png-devellib64portaudio-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64SDL-devellib64udev0-devellib64v4l-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1guvcview-qt5-2.0.6-2pclos2019.src.rpm "V95e374aab7670eb45345bfe3ad1c7238./SRPMS.pclosd   [ B@BABEBJCgv3.7.42pclos2022An enhanced front-end for the ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreterGv provides a user interface for the ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter. Derived from the ghostview program, gv can display PostScript and PDF documents using the X Window System. Install the gv package if you'd like to view PostScript and PDF documents on your system. You'll also need to have the ghostscript package installed, as well as the X Window System.YPublishingx86_64 imagemagickpkgconfig(x11)lib64xaw3d-develpkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(xt)texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gv-3.7.4-2pclos2022.src.rpmWce92a426fc8464789131728b721e2c60./SRPMS.pclosd  *h l}' 'Z'B@BABEBJCgvfs1.48.12pclos2021Glib VFS libraryThis is a Virtual File System library based on gio and Glib.ދSystem/Librariesx86_64 mesongettextcdda-developenssh-clientspkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(libgcrypt)pkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-glib)pkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(fuse3)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(libgdata)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libbluray)pkgconfig(libcdio_paranoia)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(libnfs)pkgconfig(libsecret-unstable)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(smbclient)pkgconfig(udisks2)pkgconfig(libgphoto2)pkgconfig(libimobiledevice-1.0)pkgconfig(libplist-2.0)pkgconfig(libmtp)pkgconfig(goa-1.0)xsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gvfs-1.48.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm9fbfa30436ac9be6676f5adf2c4b91b9f./SRPMS.pclosOd   O\ `fpB@BABE BJACgvolwheel1.01pclos2020Lightweight application to control the audio volumeGVolWheel is application which lets you control the volume easily through a tray icon you can scroll on. Easily integrate with minimal desktops (Openbox, IceWM,XFCE etc). GVolWheel is configured to use pavucontrol from the Pulseaudio project as the optional mixer.Soundx86_64 gtk+2-develintltoolgettext-develpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(alsa)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gvolwheel-1.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmdbc40a94517560a4086ddba03b7da2c8./SRPMS.pclosd * >$ (BLTzB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlgvtray1.12pclos2013Dockapp sound mixerThis is a complete dockapp mixer utilizing the mixer APIDies ist ein komplettes dockapp Mischpult zum nutzen des API-Mixer.Il s'agit d'un mélangeur dockapp complète à l'aide du mélangeur APIEste es un mezclador dockapp completa utilizando el mezclador de la APIThis is a complete dockapp mixer utilizing the mixer APIТо је потпуна доцкапп миксер миксер коришћење АПИ-јаDit is een complete dockapp mixer met behulp van de mixer API0 Graphical desktop/Fluxboxx86_64 X11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gvtray-1.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm5O726f694c30dddeba527d50b7cd0d6f6a./SRPMS.pclosSd  + QP T[`|B@BA BE$BJECdefresplsrnlgwaei1.3.11pclos2010Japanese-English Dictionary for GnomeJapanese-English Dictionary for Gnome. gWaei is a drop-in replacement for Gjiten. The mainfeature of this dictonary program is regular expression support. For example, you can use periods in place of unknown Kanji of a word to search for it.Japanisch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Gnome.Dictionnaire japonais-anglais pour Gnome.Japonés-Inglés Diccionario para Gnome.Japoński-Angielski Słownik dla Gnome.Јапански-енглески речник за ГНОМЕ.Japans-Engels woordenboek voor Gnome. jOfficei586  gtk2-devellibsexy-devellibncursesw-develGConf2-develdesktop-file-utilscurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) l302ea6122f0ba07c0a0a4a52ba0521da./SRPMS.pclosgd   9 B@BA4BE8BJYCgwakeonlan0.52pclos2010gWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utilitygWakeOnLan is a GTK+ utility to awake turned off machines using the Wake on LAN feature.fSystem/Configuration/Networkingnoarch python-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwakeonlan-0.5-2pclos2010.src.rpmlbf4027ac3452880fcb6b4591bc805f99./SRPMS.pclosd  L B@BABEBJCgwc0.21.101pclos2010Gnome Wave Cleaner - audio restoration applicationGnome Wave Cleaner (GWC), is a tool for cleaning up noisey audio files, in preparation for burningto CD's. The typical application is to record the audio from vinyl LP's, 45's, 78's, etc to a hard disk as a 16bit,stereo,44.1khz wave formated file, and the use GWC to apply denoising and declicking algorithms. QSoundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwc-0.21.10-1pclos2010.src.rpm %e3f390d10f9e86f74fdcedad4cd49b65./SRPMS.pclosd   4   k B@|BABEBJCgwcalc0.3.31pclos2010gWcalc is a GUI for wcalcgWcalc is a front end for the excellent wcalc calculator program by Kyle Wheeler at http://w-calc.sourceforge.net/.Officei586 desktop-file-utilsgtk2-develglib2-develpkgconfigGConf-develgettextdirectfb-develpango-develcairo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwcalc-0.3.3-1pclos2010.src.rpm`276bc5c27d87ea97425d1cc269c3f369./SRPMS.pclosd   v  L}B@BABEBJCgwe0.12.33pclos2019GWE is a GTK system utility to provide information, control the fans and overclock NVIDIA GPUGWE (GreenWithEnvy) is a GTK system utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA video card and graphics processor. - Show general GPU stats (model name, driver version, gpu/memory/power usage, clocks, temps, etc) - GPU and Memory overclock offset profiles - Custom Fan curve profiles - Change power limit - Historical data graphs+System/Monitoringx86_64 mesonpython3-pippkgconfig(glib-2.0)lib64dazzle-develpkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)lib64appindicator3-develpython3-gobject3lib64girepository-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64appstream-glib-devellibnotifypython3-cairo-develpython3-cffilib64python3-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwe-0.12.3-3pclos2019.src.rpm+ b0883a5e442cf68e6f94a1085c9a2594./SRPMS.pclosd    zB@BABEBJCdegweled0.9.13pclos2018Clone of Bejeweled, align 3 crystals in a row to make them disappearBejeweled-Clone, 3 Kristalle in einer Zeile ausrichtenGweled is a Gnome version of a popular PalmOS/Windows/Java game called "Bejeweled" or "Diamond Mine". The aim of the game is to make alignment of 3 or more gems, both vertically or horizontally by swapping adjacent gems. The game ends when there are no possible moves left.Gweled ist ein Gnome-Version eines populären PalmOS/Windows/Java-Spiel namens "Bejeweled" oder "Diamond Mine". Das Ziel des Spiels ist es 3 gleiche oder mehr Juwelen vertikal oder horizontal durch angrenzende Edelsteine aus zu tauschen. Das Spiel endet wenn kein Züge mehr möglich ist.@Games/Puzzlesx86_64 gtk+2-devellibrsvg-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibmikmod-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gweled-0.9.1-3pclos2018.src.rpmFW5fd94821b19d5da7752d4db2c9d69d43./SRPMS.pclos d   S  !(HHHHB@ 6BA \BE `BJ Cgwenhywfar5.10.22pclos2023A multi-platform helper library for other librariesThis is Gwenhywfar, a multi-platform helper library for networking and security applications and libraries. It is heavily used by libchipcard and OpenHBCI-TNG (The Next Generation).‰System/Librariesx86_64  lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64openssl-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64qt5bluetooth-devellib64qt5charts-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5datavisualization-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gamepad-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5keychain-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediagsttools-devellib64qt5multimediaquick-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5networkauth-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5packetprotocol-static-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5purchasing-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5qmlmodels-devellib64qt5qt3d-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickcontrols2-devellib64qt5quickparticles-devellib64qt5quickshapes-devellib64qt5quicktemplates2-devellib64qt5quicktest-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5remoteobjects-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5scxml-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5serialbus-devellib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5texttospeech-devellib64qt5virtualkeyboard-devellib64qt5waylandclient-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5webview-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64qtav-devellib64syntax-highlighting-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gwenhywfar-5.10.2-2pclos2023.src.rpm1a693fcb461157ffd07b870f92cf560b./SRPMS.pcloscd  $ A B@BA0BE4BJUCgwenrename1.10.beta7.4pclos2013Series (batch) renaming toolGwenRename is a series (batch) renaming tool. It was created as an external tool for GwenView, the image viewer for KDE, but it can be used from Konqueror as well. As that, the files to be renamed are passed to it as command line parameters, through the service menus mechanism. It supports EXIF data extraction, file's timestamping and use of profiles.+Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwenrename-1.1-0.beta7.4pclos2013.src.rpm.d194ff0a6ba4149b3d4d90ec03391436./SRPMS.pclos d   H8 <S\   B@BABEBJCgwenview24.12.31pclos2025Fast and easy to use image viewer for KDEGwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer/browser for KDE. All common image formats are supported, such as PNG(including transparency), JPEG(including EXIF tags and lossless transformations), GIF, XCF (Gimp image format), BMP, XPM and others. Standard features include slideshow, fullscreen view, image thumbnails, drag'n'drop, image zoom, full network transparency using the KIO framework, including basic file operations and browsing in compressed archives, non-blocking GUI with adjustable views. Gwenview also provides image and directory KParts components for use e.g. in Konqueror. Additional features, such as image renaming, comparing, converting, and batch processing, HTML gallery and others are provided by the KIPI image framework.cGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64kcolorpicker-qt6-devellib64kimageannotator-qt6-develpkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1gwenview-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmc|b9057e6eadd77c1a32770a10e3e155ce./SRPMS.pclos+d  + K   8  B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlgwget1.0.42pclos2010GUI Download manager using wgetGwget is a download manager for GNOME 2. It uses wget as a backend. Currently, very basic wget options are available, supporting multiple downloads, drag&drop and display the errors from wget process.Gwget ist ein Download-Manager für GNOME 2. Es nutzt wget als Backend. Derzeit sind sehr einfach wget Optionen zur Verfügung, die Unterstützung mehrerer Downloads, Drag & Drop und zeigt die Fehler von wget-Prozess.Gwget est un gestionnaire de téléchargement pour GNOME 2. Il utilise wget comme backend. Actuellement, les options wget très de base sont disponibles, en appuyant plusieurs téléchargements, drag & drop et d'afficher les erreurs de processus de wget.Gwget es un gestor de descargas para GNOME 2. Éste usa wget como backend. Actualmente, las opciones de wget muy básicos están disponibles, el apoyo a múltiples descargas, arrastrar y soltar y mostrar los errores del proceso de wget.Gwget is a download manager for GNOME 2. It uses wget as a backend. Currently, very basic wget options are available, supporting multiple downloads, drag&drop and display the errors from wget process.Гугет је преузимање менаџер за ГНОМЕ 2. Угет га користи као позадина. Тренутно, угет основне опције су на располагању, подржавају више преузимања, Драг & Дроп метода и приказ грешака из угет процес.Gwget is een download manager voor GNOME 2. Het maakt gebruik van wget als backend. Momenteel zijn erg basic wget opties beschikbaar, ondersteuning van meerdere downloads, drag & drop en het display van de fouten van wget proces.lNetworking/File transferi586  libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-develgtk+2-develepiphany-develdbus-glib-develintltoolautomakegnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) A  'B@5BAXBE\BJ}Carcsdeelesfrhuitnlplptrusrgwhere0.2.31pclos2007Removable media catalog managmentAdministraci�n de cat�logos de medios removiblesSpr�va katalogu v�m�nn�ch m�di�Katalog-Verwaltung f�r Wechselmedien���������� ��������� ����������� �����Gesti�n de medios extraiblesGestionnaire de catalogues de media amoviblesLemez katal�gus nyilv�ntart� programGestione dei cataloghi per dispositivi rimovibiliBeheer verwijderbare mediaZarz�dzanie katalogiem medi�wGestor de cat�logos de media removivelМенеджер каталогов сьёмных носителейKatalog diskovaGWhere allows to manage a database of yours CDs and others removable media (hard disks, floppy drive, Zip drive, CD-ROM, etc...). With GWhere it's easy to browse yours CDs or to make quick search without need to insert yours CDs in the drive at each once.GWhere permite administrar una base de datos de tus CDs y otros medios removibles (disco duros, diskettes, discos Zip, CD-ROMs, etc...). Con GWhere es f�cil navegar tus CDs o realizar b�squedas sin la necesidad de insertar los CDs en la lectora de a uno por vez.GWhere slou�� k uchov�n� obsahu CD a dal��ch m�di� (HDD, floppy, zip,...).Potom m��ete proch�zet datab�zi a vyhled�vat soubory bez nutnosti vlo�it CD do mechaniky.GWhere erlaubt die Verwaltung einer Datenbank Ihrer CDs und anderer Wechselmedien (Festplatten, Floppies, Zip-Disketten, CD-ROM usw. ...). Mit GWhere ist es sehr einfach, Ihre CDs zu durchsuchen oder eine Schnellsuche durchzuf�hren ohne jedesmal die CD ins Laufwerk zu stecken.�� GWhere ��� ��������� �� �������������� ��� ���� ��������� ��� CD ��� ����� ����������� ����� ��� (������� ������, ��������, Zip drive, CD-ROM, ���...). �� �� GWhere ����� ������ �� ������ ��� ����� ��� CD ��� � �� ����������� ������� ���� �� ���� ����� ��� ������ �� �� �������� ��� drive ���� ����.GWhere permite manipular una base de datos de tus CDs y otros medios extraibles (discos duros, disquetes, Zips, CD-ROM, etc...) Con GWhere es f�cil navegar en tus CDs o hacer b�squedas r�pidas sin necesidad de introducir tus CDs en la unidad cada vez.GWhere permet de g�rer une base de donn�es de vos CD et autres media amovibles (disques durs, disquettes, disquettes Zip, CD-ROM, etc...). Avec GWhere il est facile de parcourir vos CDs ou de faire une recherche rapide sans avoir besoin d'ins�rer vos CDs dans le lecteur � chaque fois.GWhere lehet�v� teszi a CD lemezeid �s m�s mozgathat� adathordoz�id (hdd, floppy, Zip meghajt�, USB drive....) katalogiz�l�s�t. A GWhere a lemezekr�l egy adatb�zist k�sz�t, ami tartalmazza a f�jlok neveit, majd k�s�bb ebben az adatb�zisb�l a CD lemez �rint�se n�lk�l gyorsan meg�llap�thatod melyik lemezen van a keresett f�jl.Gwhere permette di creare e gestire un database dei tuoi CD e di altri dispositivi rimovibili come hard disk, floppy drive, Zip drive, CD-ROM, etc...). Con GWHERE \xc3\xa8 facile leggere i contenuti dei tuoi CD ed \xc3\xa8 anchepossibile fare veloci ricerche senza alcuna necessit\xc3\xa0 di inserire i CD in tuo possesso nel lettore.Met GWhere kun je een gegevensbank van je CD's en andere verwijderbare media beheren (harde schijven, diskettes, ZIP diskettes, CD-ROM, enz...). Met GWhere is het makkelijk je CD's te doorlopen of snel iets op te zoeken zonder telkens je CD's in de speler te moeten steken.GWhere to program zarz�dzaj�cy baz� p�yt CD oraz innych medi�w (takich jak twarde dyski, dyskietki, dyski Zip itp.). Dzi�ki GWhere w �atwy spos�b mo�na przegl�da� swoje p�yty CD i szybko znale�� potrzebny plik bez konieczno�ci ci�g�ego wk�adania p�yt do nap�du. O GWhere permite gerir uma base de dados dos seus CDs ou outros tipos de media remov�vel (discos r�gidos, disquetes, drives ZIP, CD-ROM, etc...). Com o GWhere � f�cil explorar os seus CDs ou fazer r�pidas pesquisas sem a necessidade de inserir cada um dos seus CDs na drive. GWhere позволяет управлять базой данных ваших CD или други сьёмных носителей (жёсткие диски, гибкие магнитные диски, Zip диски, компакт диски, и т.п.). С GWhere легко просмотреть ваши CD или выполнить быстрый поиск без необходимости вставления каждого отдельного CD в привод. GWhere vam omogucava da vodite bazu svojih CDova i drugih medijuma (hard diskovi, dlopi diskovi, zip drajvovi, CD-ROm, itd...). Sa GWhere-om je lako da pronadjete bilo sta na vasim diskova bez ubacivanja disk(ov)a u drajv jedan po jedan. "KDulcimerSoundi586 autoconfautomakegettext-devellibgtk+2.0_0-devellibtoolzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwhere-0.2.3-1pclos2007.src.rpm &7eee365a90f318ad6d399b8fa321e319./SRPMS.pclosd   g dB@?BA`BEdBJCgwibber3.2.11pclos2011An open source microblogging client for GNOME developed with Python and GTKGwibber is an open source microblogging client for GNOME developed with Python and GTK. It supports Twitter, Jaiku, Identi.ca, Facebook, and Digg. Networking/Otherx86_64  pkgconfig(dee-1.0)pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(gee-1.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(pangocairo)intltoolvalapython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ceb069807717fa2a4dbc587580b4a659./SRPMS.pclosd  N   o B@BABEBJCgworldclock1.4.41pclos2015Displays time and date in specified time zonesDisplays time and date in specified time zones GvToysx86_64 autoconfgettextlib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gworldclock-1.4.4-1pclos2015.src.rpmt93e1219292d267d6794002395ac781e6./SRPMS.pclos[d    B@BA(BE,BJMCdegwsmhg0.10.12pclos2010A PyGTK GUI for work space management with hg/mqEine PyGTK Benutzeroberfläche für die Arbeitsplatzverwaltung mit hg/mqMercurial (hg) is a distributed source control tool and Mercurial Queues (mq) is a patch management tool extension to hg. gwsmhg is a PyGTK GUI wrapper for hg and mq allowing them to be used in an integrated manner to manage a work space.Mercurial (hg) ist ein weit verbreitetes Quellen-Kontrollwerkzeug und Mercurial Queues (mq) ist ein Patch Verwaltungswerkzeug für hg. gwsmhg ist ein PyGTK GUI-Wrapper für hg und mq, so dass er in einer integrierten Art und Weise eingesetzt werden kann, um einen Arbeitsplatz zu verwalten.WDevelopment/Othernoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwsmhg-0.10.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm]l434441c488bc3efec00a7d5fda885ef2./SRPMS.pclosd   G #<#z#B@BABEBJCgwyddion2.441pclos2016An SPM data visualization and analysis toolGwyddion is a modular SPM (Scanning Probe Microsopy) data visualization and analysis tool written with Gtk+. It can be used for all most frequently used data processing operations including: leveling, false color plotting, shading, filtering, denoising, data editing, integral transforms, grain analysis, profile extraction, fractal analysis, and many more. The program is primarily focused on SPM data analysis (e.g. data obtained from AFM, STM, NSOM, and similar microscopes). However, it can also be used for analysis of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) data or any other 2D data.5Sciences/Physicsx86_64 gawkGConf2gettextlib64atk1.0-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cairo-devellib64fftw-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtksourceview2-2.0_0-devellib64ilmbase-devellib64OpenEXR-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64python-devellib64unique-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-devellib64xmu-develmesa-develpygtk2.0-develpython-gobject-develrubygem-bigdecimalrubygem-io-consolerubygem-jsonrubygem-psychrubygem-rdocrubygemsruby-libsrubyzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gwyddion-2.44-1pclos2016.src.rpm5)a0b280522f46a7379314e0d3c3a05b40./SRPMS.pcloskd   \ B@BA8BE<BJ]Cgxe1.291pclos2019Hybrid Editor XE, for working on both main-frame (SPF editor) and PC.Hybrid Editor XE, for working on both main-frame (SPF editor) and PC.}YEditorsx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64bonobo2_0-devellib64cairo-devellib64cups2-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gnome2-devellib64gnome-vfs2-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64ncurses-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64popt-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gxe-1.29-1pclos2019.src.rpmƉ2d17a87229490f7fc434e76a8e25cc43./SRPMS.pclosd  G ;B@OBApBEtBJCgxine0.5.112pclos2010GTK+ frontend for the Xine multimedia playerThis is a graphical frontend for Xine based on the GTK+ toolkit.TVideoi586  libxine-devellibgtk+2.0-devellibxaw-develliblirc-devellibjs-devellibnspr-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ɧ478874090ec07f6c566d88fa11613bcd./SRPMS.pclosd   @ *4@xB@BABEBJCgxmessage3.4.31pclos2020An xmessage substitute for gtk-3.0To quote from the xmessage manual page, xmessage is a program to "display a message or query in a window." It returns an exit code based on the user's response. gxmessage is a gtk-3.0 based clone of xmessage.,Development/Otherx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gxmessage-3.4.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm4ba2944ca67cadabbcf82f3bac205f14b./SRPMS.pclosSd   ;t xB@BA BE$BJECgyachi1.2.112pclos2013A GTK+ based Yahoo! Chat clientGyachI is a GTK+ based Yahoo! Chat client. It is a continuation of Gyach Enhanced, which was itself a fork of Gyach. GyachI supports almost all of the features you would expect to find on the official Windows Yahoo! client: Voice chat, webcams, faders, 'nicknames', audibles, avatars, display images, and more.%hNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 gtk+2-develgettext-develalsa-lib-develpulseaudio-develjasper-develautoconfexpat-devellib64gpgme-devellib64mcrypt-develxmms-develgtkhtml2-devellib64notify-develgtkspell-develimagemagickdesktop-file-utilslib64v4l-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gyachi-1.2.11-2pclos2013.src.rpm%U19475817b5b36598a126ed9311fa1e371./SRPMS.pclosd   ,PT ^pxB@BABEBJCgyp0.11pclos2017Generate Your ProjectsGYP is a tool to generates native Visual Studio, Xcode and SCons and/or make build files from a platform-independent input format. Its syntax is a universal cross-platform build representation that still allows sufficient per-platform flexibility to accommodate irreconcilable differences.Hnbb2 Development/Toolsnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gyp-0.1-1pclos2017.src.rpmMdeb876acfd4d0509383793f87e3c0217e./SRPMS.pclosd   1 HB@VBAtBExBJCgypsy0.81pclos2011A GPS multiplexing daemonGypsy is a GPS multiplexing daemon which allows multiple clients to access GPS data from multiple GPS sources concurrently.System/Librariesx86_64 bluez-develdbus-develdbus-glib-develglib2-develgtk-docxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gypsy-0.8-1pclos2011.src.rpmY525e56bdf6effe5116ea553b114a5df0./SRPMS.pclosd  j4 8PX  2 B@CBAdBEhBJCgyrus0.3.91pclos2010Gyrus is a small tool for the administration of mailboxes in IMAP/Cyrus servers.Gyrus is a small tool for the administration of mailboxes in IMAP/Cyrus servers. The main idea behind it, is to provide mail server administrators with a better way to do the daily maintenance than a command line or a plain and boring telnet client. The main features gyrus includes are: Browsing, creation and deletion of mailboxes. Mailbox quotas control. Management of IMAP Access Control Lists. Creation of printable reports with over-quota mailboxes.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 libgnomeprintui2-2-devellibgconfmm2.6_1-devellibgnet-2.0_0-devellibgnomeui2_0-develpkgconfiglibglade2.0_0-develgettextintltoolperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1gyrus-0.3.9-1pclos2010.src.rpm76add8b5e7baf142ac2e0c1b8532924b./SRPMS.pclosd   8 .8D|B@BABEBJCgzip1.131pclos2023The GNU data compression programThe gzip package contains the popular GNU gzip data compression program. Gzipped files have a .gz extension. Gzip should be installed on your Linux system, because it is a very commonly used data compression program.LArchiving/Compressionx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1gzip-1.13-1pclos2023.src.rpm\7ec3c7a2a0b15221fdc884f9e4999a73./SRPMS.pclosd  V  (@HPyB@BABEBJChabak0.2.51pclos2007"Ha" Background - setting of window manager background imageHabak sets window manager background image. Habak uses layered model. Lowest layer is completely black screen. On this screen you can put other objects called habaks. There are 3 kinds of habaks: images, fonts and internals. Wallpaper is made by combining one or more habaks. Order of defining habaks in command line is also order of putting it on stack, so habak which is last on the command line is drawn over all previous habaks.u6Texstar Graphical desktop/Otheri586 imlib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1habak-0.2.5-1pclos2007.src.rpm|3ab43ea589b2c832ee1771cda9e0ad1b./SRPMS.pclosd   5  $5<LB@BABEBJChal0.5.154pclos2022HAL library for Flash pluginHAL is a hardware abstraction layer. HAL is no longer used on modern Linux systems - with the advent of tools such as UDev and UDisks the same and improved functionality is provided by other means. This is a compatibility wrapper..mSystem/Librariesx86_64 dbus-glib-develglib2-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hal-0.5.15-4pclos2022.src.rpm2ye0eb0f638bce9162975e2558371f6e1a./SRPMS.pclosCd   9 :@ d  B@BABEBJ5Chalevt0.1.51pclos2010Generic handler for HAL eventsHalevt (HAL events manager) is a daemon that executes arbitrary commands when a device with certain properties is added to the system and when device properties change. Halevt uses HAL to monitor the state of your system's hardware. With the default config file, it can handle the mounting of media as they are inserted/attached to the system. Halevt comes with halevt-mount a program able to use HAL to mount, umount devices and keep a list of devices handled by halevt-mount.]wSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586  dbus-glib-develhal-devellibxml2-devellibboolstuff-develgettextpkgconfigtexinfomanrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   7 B@BA BE$BJEChalibut1.31pclos2022TeX-like software manual toolHalibut is yet another text formatting system, intended primarily for writing software documentation. It accepts a single source format and outputs a variety of formats, planned to include text, HTML, Texinfo, Windows Help, Windows HTMLHelp, PostScript and PDF. It has comprehensive indexing and cross-referencing support, and generates hyperlinks within output documents wherever possible. 0Text toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1halibut-1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm 8x1e50444840cfbfa41fb023998be18af5./SRPMS.pclosd   C LB@XBAxBE|BJChamlib3.0.11pclos2016Control radio transceivers and receiversHamlib provides a standardized programming interface that applications can use to send the appropriate commands to a radio.9Communicationsx86_64 lib64xml2-devellib64usb-compat0.1-develgd-devellibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hamlib-3.0.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm=Vde51672dec438421ea77d0ee393a4095./SRPMS.pclosd # 8\ `x   B@BABEBJChamster-applet2.32.11pclos2010Time tracking appletTime tracking for masses in GNOME.YGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 pygtk2.0-develpython-sqlite2gnome-python-develgnome-python-appletlibxscrnsaver-devellibgnome-window-settings-develintltoolpython-develperl-XML-Parserpython-gobjectpython-gobject-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hamster-applet-2.32.1-1pclos2010.src.rpma0c344de8d974897ef277d08c9901e6fab./SRPMS.pclosd  \ P\B@BABEBJCdehandbrake1.9.22pclos2025MPEG-AVC(H.264)/MPEG-4 converterDVD nach MPEG-4-Konverter.HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded DVD to MPEG-4 converter, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. It is a video encoder that takes your movies and transfers them to a format that's useful on your computers, media centers, and portable electronic devices.HandBrake ist ein Open-Source, GPL-lizensierter, Multiplattform, multithreaded DVD zu MPEG-4-Konverter, verfügbar für Mac OS X, Linux und Windows. Es ist ein Video-Encoder, der Ihre Filme in das MPEG-4 Format schrumpft, welche Platz sparend auf Computer-, Medien-Zentren, und tragbaren elektronischen Geräten.Videox86_64  autoconfautomakecmakeintltoollame-devellib64bzip2-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64webkit2-devellib64xtst-devellibtoolm4nasmpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(jansson)pkgconfig(libass)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(opus)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(x264)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1handbrake-1.9.2-2pclos2025.src.rpmEb156accba67986701ec210867d1894f1./SRPMS.pclos d   J #>HB@BABEBJChardinfo22.2.71pclos2025A System Information and Benchmark for LinuxHardinfo2 is based on hardinfo, which have not been released >10 years. Hardinfo2 is the reboot that was needed. Hardinfo2 offers System Information and Benchmark for Linux Systems. It is able to obtain information from both hardware and basic software. It can benchmark your system and compare to other machines online. Features include: - Report generation (in either HTML or plain text) - Online Benchmarking - compare your machine against other machines`4TerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  cairo-develcmakedesktop-file-utilsglib2-develgtk3-develjson-glib-devellib64glvnd-devellib64soup3-devellibqt5core-devellibqt5gui-devellibqt5opengl-devellibqt5widgets-devellibtiff-develpciutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1hardinfo2-2.2.7-1pclos2025.src.rpm`[5f9e659830b627ffd65948381500cb9b./SRPMS.pclossd   5 B@ BA@BEDBJeChardlink1.02pclos2019Create a tree of hardlinkshardlink is used to create a tree of hard links. It's used by kernel installation to dramatically reduce the amount of diskspace used by each kernel package installed.7System/Basex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hardlink-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm13b67701ec4636e1deeaa38385d38d53./SRPMS.pclosd   :  B@'BALBEPBJqCharfbuzz10.4.02pclos2025OpenType text shaping engineHarfBuzz is an OpenType text shaping engine. There are two HarfBuzz code trees in existence today.4System/Librariesx86_64  gtk-doclib64chafa-develmesonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-ft)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(graphite2)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(icu-uc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1harfbuzz-10.4.0-2pclos2025.src.rpmPa82cfcbf409d7a84de148a437815f67f./SRPMS.pclosd   ' ,XB@cBABEBJCharoopad0.13.11pclos2016harpoopadYou can author various formats of documents such as blog article, slide, presentation, report, and e-mail as if experts did. Haroopad gives you same experiences in editing regardless of the platform you are working on.Text toolsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1haroopad-0.13.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm c228fb7a900ea0847e40af4ffa815fa0./SRPMS.pclos'd   W B@BABEBJChashcat5.1.01pclos2019World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utilityWorld's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility%)PSecurityx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hashcat-5.1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm%2cc3c0f60473a34b8e22428fe72fe2ecf./SRPMS.pclosd   J@D lv.B@[BA|BEBJChatari2.5.01pclos2024an Atari ST emulator suitable for playing gamesHatari is an emulator for the Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon computers. The Atari ST was a 16/32 bit computer system which was first released by Atari in 1985. Using the Motorola 68000 CPU, it was a very popular computer having quite a lot of CPU power at that time. Unlike many other Atari ST emulators which try to give you a good environment for running GEM applications, Hatari tries to emulate the hardware of a ST as close as possible so that it is able to run most of the old ST games and demos.'+'Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64  binutilscmakecoreutilscpiodiffutilsfilefilesystemfindutilsgccglibc-develgrepgziplib64png-devellib64portaudio-devellib64portmidi-devellib64sdl2.0-devellibgccmakemanmcppmktemppatchreadlinereadline-develrpmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sedtarutil-linuxzlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1hatari-2.5.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm'S17fdc2ce4b25972058ddd06e0d5b0e84./SRPMS.pclosd   4` dox|B@BABEBJChaveged1.9.181pclos2022A simple entropy daemonThe haveged project is an attempt to provide an easy-to-use, unpredictable random number generator based upon an adaptation of the HAVEGE algorithm. Haveged was created to remedy low-entropy conditions in the Linux random device that can occur under some workloads, especially on headless servers.IText toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1haveged-1.9.18-1pclos2022.src.rpmM1fa99233e82c2e38f2fdbc258c44a2f8./SRPMS.pclosd   ; $MB@WBAxBE|BJChddtemp0.31pclos2021Hard Drive Temperature Monitoringhddtemp is a tool that gives you the temperature of your IDE or SCSI hard drive (that support this feature) by reading S.M.A.R.T. information. Only modern hard drives have a temperature sensor.4Monitoringx86_64 gettextperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hddtemp-0.3-1pclos2021.src.rpmIe46aecda264db9e5bd3b2d57517227c7./SRPMS.pclosd  ` )08hB@xBABEBJChdf51.14.4.31pclos2024A data model, library, and file format for storing and managing dataHDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes, and is designed for flexible and efficient I/O and for high volume and complex data. HDF5 is portable and is extensible, allowing applications to evolve in their use of HDF5. The HDF5 Technology suite includes tools and applications for managing, manipulating, viewing, and analyzing data in the HDF5 format.?}System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1hdf5-<g7a486e1536f4a6cdee49202cb0b5b389./SRPMS.pclosd   M ]B@rBABEBJChdhomerun202312141pclos2024Silicon Dust HDHomeRun configuration utilityThe configuration and firmware upgrade utility for Silicon Dust's networked HDTV dual-tuner HDHomeRun device.[Videox86_64  desktop-file-utilsgccgcc-c++libicns-utilspkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1hdhomerun-20231214-1pclos2024.src.rpmX1eccd639c3a487cc6a80ba998b5fe155./SRPMS.pclosd   V 7@D`B@hBABEBJChdparm9.651pclos2022A utility for displaying and/or setting hard disk parametersHdparm is a useful system utility for setting (E)IDE hard drive parameters. For example, hdparm can be used to tweak hard drive performance and to spin down hard drives for power conservation.˙System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hdparm-9.65-1pclos2022.src.rpmd6662dd3ce88174a6b0366dc4c2db592./SRPMS.pclos Kd   > B@BA BE BJ =Chdsentinel019c1pclos2021Hard Disk Sentinel Linux EditionHard Disk Sentinel - examine the temperature and health information (and more) of IDE, S-ATA (SATA II also), SCSI and USB hard disks connected to motherboard or external controller cards. List of features * display hard disk / solid state disk information on the terminal * create comprehensive report about the disk system, including both hard disk and SSD specific features (for example, media rotation rate, TRIM command, etc.) * display and manage acoustic setting of hard disks (on supported USB disks also) * offers outputs for both users and scripts/other applications to process The following information are displayed: * detected hard disk number and device name (for example /dev/sda) * size, model ID, serial number, revision and interface of all detected hard disks * temperature, health and performance values * power on time (days, hour, minutes - if supported) Note: this is for informational purposes only, the value displayed under Windows (after some minutes of testing) may be more accurate * acoustic management settings (if supported and -aam or -setaam option is used Command line switches The switches are NOT case sensitive. Upper and lower case can be used to specify them. * -h - displays help and usage information * -r [report file] - automatically save report to filename (default: report.txt) * -dump - dump report to stdout (can be used with -xml to dump XML output instead of text) * -xml - create and save XML report instead of TXT * -solid - solid output (drive, tempC, health%, power on hours, model, S/N, size) * -verbose - detailed detection information and save temporary files (only for debug purposes) * -aam - display acoustic management settings (current and recommended level) * -setaam drive_num|ALL level(hex)80-FE|QUIET|LOUD - set acoustic level on drive 0..n (or all) 80 or QUIET is the lowest (most silent) setting, FE or LOUD is the highest (fastest) setting For example: hdsentinel -setaam 0 loud - Configures drive 0 to fastest (loud) setting. Same as hdsentinel -setaam 0 FE Please send saved XML or TXT reports, questions or ideas to info@hdsentinel.com to help improving this tool.TerryNMonitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hdsentinel-019c-1pclos2021.src.rpm۽d6b51b7901675f538772cb6efb266c00./SRPMS.pclosgd   / B@BA4BE8BJYCheadset3.3.31pclos2021Online Music PlayerHeadset is a desktop music player powered by YouTube and Reddit Use this key for PCLinuxOS Only! AIzaSyAqdA6LG5FApMlz3NuvzuyZqIlu3gB6wAcSoundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1headset-3.3.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm 5dd5f7e94f55c7e056efa5ca09ee4fa9./SRPMS.pclosd  S HB@SBA|BEBJCheadsetcontrol2.02pclos2019Want to use your Headset under Linux with sidetoneWant to use your Headset under Linux or Mac OS X, but you shout while talking because there is no support for sidetone? With sidetone, sometimes also called loopback, you can hear your own voice while talking. This differs from a simple loopback via PulseAudio as you won't have any disturbing latency. Supported Headsets Sidetone Corsair Void (Wireless & Wired) Corsair Void Pro (Wireless & Wired) Logitech G930 Logitech G633 Logitech G533 Logitech G430 (Last working on macOS in commit 41be99379f) SteelSeries Arctis 7 Other Features Corsair Void (Pro) also supports checking of the battery. For more features (like getting battery percentage of other devices, or settings LEDs etc. of specific devices), the protocol of the respective headset must be analyzed further. This can be done by capturing the USB traffic and analyzing it with WireShark or USBlyzer.vSystem/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 gitcmakelib64hidapi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1headsetcontrol-2.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm7022acaf9f1fc3707a4aeadf8d0fe631./SRPMS.pclosd   &  kB@xBABEBJChearts0.3.11pclos2013Hearts gameAn implementation of the classic hearts card game for the GNOME desktop, featuring configurable rulesets and editable computer opponents to satisfy widely diverging playing styles.RGames/Cardsx86_64 libglade2.0-develpython-develintltoolgettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hearts-0.3.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmX827fe4d96b801cdb7603103a5e8575d2./SRPMS.pclosd   [ 1B@MBAtBExBJChedgewars0.9.251pclos2019Funny turn-based artillery game featuring fighting HedgehogsHedgewars is a turn based strategy, artillery, action and comedy game, featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude as they battle from the depths of hell to the depths of space. As commander, it's your job to assemble your crack team of hedgehog soldiers and bring the war to your enemy. Games/Strategyx86_64 cmakeffmpeg-develfpcpkgconfig(freeglut)pkgconfig(lua)pkgconfig(openssl)lib64physfs-develpkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_net)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ 5H L]dpB@BABEBJ Cheif-gimp-plugin1.1.01pclos2018heif-gimp-pluginheif-gimp-pluginm System/Librariesx86_64 lib64de265-devellib64heif-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1heif-gimp-plugin-1.1.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmsd2a37c78e770fbd5ecf44f681d09d072./SRPMS.pclosd   T 6B@ABAdBEhBJCheimdall1.4.11pclos2014Flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy S devicesHeimdall is a cross-platform open-source utility to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy S devices.T1Communicationsx86_64 dos2unixlib64qt4-devellib64usb1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1heimdall-1.4.1-1pclos2014.src.rpmT2d75a51c4a707b71da995049452da908./SRPMS.pcloskd   H  B@BA8BE<BJ]Chellanzb0.135pclos2013Hands-free nzb downloader and post processorhellanzb is an easy to use application designed to retrieve nzb files and fully process them. The goal being to make getting files from Usenet as hands-free as possible. Once fully installed, all that's required is moving an nzb file to the queue directory. The rest: downloading, par-checking, un-raring, etc. is done automatically by hellanzb.Networking/Newsnoarch libpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hellanzb-0.13-5pclos2013.src.rpmFa0f84bd0609670990616921af72033af./SRPMS.pclosd   H` dvB@BABEBJChelp2man1.49.31pclos2023Create simple man pages from --help outputhelp2man is a script to create simple man pages from the --help and --version output of programs. Since most GNU documentation is now in info format, this provides a way to generate a placeholder man page pointing to that resource while still providing some useful information.Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1help2man-1.49.3-1pclos2023.src.rpmi938f3788de656e64f0e350e0bc09e6b5./SRPMS.pclos/d   A B@BABEBJ!Chermes1.3.35pclos2019Hermes pixel format conversion libraryHERMES is a library designed to convert a source buffer with a specified pixel format to a destination buffer with possibly a different format at the maximum possible speed. On x86 and MMX architectures, handwritten assembler routines take over the job and do it lightning fast. On top of that, HERMES provides fast surface clearing, stretching and some dithering. Supported platforms are basically all that have an ANSI C compiler as there is no platform specific code but those are supported: DOS, Win32 (Visual C), Linux, FreeBSD (IRIX, Solaris are on hold at the moment), some BeOS support.OSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hermes-1.3.3-5pclos2019.src.rpm6483953fa1b4c6bf2adac10223b70b23./SRPMS.pclosd   H $B@4BAXBE\BJ}Cheroic2.15.21pclos2024Epic / GOG Store unofficial client for LinuxHeroic is an Open Source Game Launcher for Linux, Windows and macOS (10.15+, won't work properly on High sierra and older versions). Right now it supports launching games from the Epic Games Store using Legendary and GOG Games using our custom implementation with gogdl. Heroic is built with Web Technologies like: TypeScript, React, NodeJS and Electron.7Agent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1heroic-2.15.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm>95a08621a1c6e556d9e1a9c12d7c8627./SRPMS.pclosd  Y ZB@eBABEBJCherqq1.0.03pclos2013A software library for building UPnP devices and control pointsHerqq UPnP (HUPnP) is a software library for building UPnP devices and control points conforming to the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.1.=7System/Librariesx86_64 desktop-file-utilsqt4-develqtsoap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1herqq-1.0.0-3pclos2013.src.rpmDb011b1008a5340f4da076dbf2c1a4988./SRPMS.pclosd    2  ,B@4BATBEXBJyCherrie2.22pclos2009Command line media playerHerrie is a minimalistic music player that uses the command line. It is written to support a variety of operating systems, audio subsystems and file formats, including playlists. Herrie has a split-screen user interface, with a playlist at the top of the screen and a file browser at the bottom. When tracks are added to the playlist, Herrie automatically consumes them one by one. It is thus an application that allows you to batch music for playback. Herrie is actually a Dutch word. Its meaning is similar to the English word 'clamour' (loud noise). Just pronounce it as the English given name 'Harry' and you are a long way. Here is a list of keybindings for Herrie: Tab: Switch between top and bottom panes Left: Go up one directory Right: Enter directory Up/ Down: Select file z: Previous song x: Play c: Pause v: Stop b: Next song <: Move 5 seconds backward >: Move 5 seconds forward J: Seek to a specific position in the song (If you prepend a + or -, it will move relative to current position in song) (: Decrease volume ): Increase volume A: Add selected file to end of playlist I: Add selected file to beginning of playlist There are many more key bindings. Please run "man herrie" to see a complete list"Soundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1herrie-2.2-2pclos2009.src.rpm*;2bfec370ce82445528bb0f4350b05123./SRPMS.pclos_d   8 B@ BA,BE0BJQChevea1.102pclos2011A fast LaTeX to HTML translatorHEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a fairly complete subset of LaTeX2e (old LaTeX style is also accepted) and the output language is HTML that is (hopefully) correct with respect to version 4.0 (transitional) This package is a binary installation of the hevea system. This software includes the Objective Caml run-time system, which is copyright 1995--1999 INRIA.(Publishingx86_64 ocamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hevea-1.10-2pclos2011.src.rpme87bb6d1c5185bb57e1aad828ae575ff./SRPMS.pclosd   00 4BLXB@BABEBJChexalate1.2.51pclos2025Color matching gameThe goal of the game is to rotate and position the circles so that each touching line matches in color. You rotate circles by right clicking, and you move circles by dragging them. The game stores the positions and rotations of the circles across runs. Games/Puzzlesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1hexalate-1.2.5-1pclos2025.src.rpm 9ac8f35ab2c889d9d08969b74b050345./SRPMS.pclosd   0< @OXB@BABEBJ Chexchat2.16.11pclos2022An IRC chat programHexChat is an IRC chat program. It allows you to join multiple IRC channels (chat rooms) at the same time, talk publicly, private one-on-one conversations etc. HexChat is based on XChat, but unlike XChat it's completely free for both Windows and Unix-like systems.Networking/IRCx86_64 appstream-glibdesktop-file-utilsiso-codes-devellib64canberra-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64notify-devellib64openssl-devellib64proxy-devellib64python3-devellibpthread-stubsluajit-develmesonpciutils-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hexchat-2.16.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm48c8b589d12dfdb62e11070f3c508427./SRPMS.pclosd  I 6B@ABAhBElBJChfsplusutils1.0.44pclos2014Tools for reading Macintosh HFS+ volumesThis package is a set of tools that allow access to HFS+ formatted volumes. HFS+ is a modernized version of Apple Computers HFS Filesystem.File toolsx86_64 automakeautoconflibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hfsplusutils-1.0.4-4pclos2014.src.rpmx4508c7e99866de19f7030fee2855c410./SRPMS.pclosOd   3 B@BABE BJAChfsprogs332.251pclos2015mkfs HFS file systemsPackage based on Debian contains mkfs.hfsplus as other utilities are provided by the hfsplusutils and hfsutils packages in the repo.l7File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hfsprogs-332.25-1pclos2015.src.rpmrf76e408a843fa57a17ed6ebf6d7964ad./SRPMS.pclosd  P pB@{BABEBJChfst-ospell0.5.01pclos2019HFST spell checker library and command line toolThis is a minimal HFST optimized lookup format based spell checker library and a demonstrational implementation of command line based spell checker. System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libxml++-2.6)pkgconfig(icu-uc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hfst-ospell-0.5.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmA603d51aaaed2c83da2a10f3ec3233a42./SRPMS.pclosd   QDH R]d|B@BABEBJChfsutils3.2.619pclos2017Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumesA portable, free implementation of routines for accessing HFS volumes. Provides this through several command-line programs, a tk-based front end for browsing and copying files, and a Tcl package and interface for scriptable access to volumes.Ybb2 File toolsx86_64 X11-develtktk-develtcltcl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hfsutils-3.2.6-19pclos2017.src.rpmZ5e9d9558c13c09a739c63802ee8092e6./SRPMS.pclos[d   ? B@BA(BE,BJMChibernate2.02pclos2012Software suspend 2 hibernate scripthibernate is a shell script that handles the process of getting ready to suspend to disk and to resume from disk. It requires the Software Suspend 2 patches available at http://www.tuxonice.net/, which are also included in the kernel-tmb package. After installing you will want to run 'hibernate -h' to see available options and modify your /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf to set them.NealSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hibernate-2.0-2pclos2012.src.rpm#1857ad69ea6f74ea0a6c78e475483796./SRPMS.pclos;d % G B@BABE BJ-Chicolor-icon-theme0.152pclos2015Basic requirement for icon themesContains the basic directories and files needed for icon theme support.#_Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hicolor-icon-theme-0.15-2pclos2015.src.rpmf9dda9ce8996f732379a29360859f24c./SRPMS.pclosd   X B@)BALBEPBJqChidapi0.11.21pclos2022Library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devicesHIDAPI is a multi-platform library which allows an application to interface with USB and Bluetooth HID-class devices on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. On Linux, either the hidraw or the libusb back-end can be used. There are trade-offs and the functionality supported is slightly different.WCommunications/Radiox86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolm4pkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(libusb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hidapi-0.11.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm!9fd89fcde1f7d1de3f23f827f1561b9e./SRPMS.pclosd   = DUB@kBABEBJChigan1061pclos2018Nintendo emulator focused on accuracyhigan is an emulator that began development on 14 October 2004. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code. The emulator does not focus on things that would hinder accuracy. This includes speed and game-specific hacks for compatibility. As a result, the minimum system requirements for higan are quite high.Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsx86_64 libgomp-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtksourceview2-2.0_0-devellib64alsa2-devellib64ao-develmesa-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64udev0-devellib64openal-devellib64SDL-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xv-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1higan-106-1pclos2018.src.rpm29a42786f6471f8f0f3cfbfc795577e4./SRPMS.pclos7d   M    B@BABEBJ)Chighlight4.81pclos2023Universal source code to formatted text converterA utility that converts sourcecode to HTML, XHTML, RTF, LaTeX, TeX, XSL-FO, XML or ANSI escape sequences with syntax highlighting. It supports several programming and markup languages. Language descriptions are configurable and support regular expressions. The utility offers indentation and reformatting capabilities. It is easily possible to create new language definitions and colour themes.,lDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  boost-develdesktop-file-utilspkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(lua)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1highlight-4.8-1pclos2023.src.rpmQ14451767115b151dc46e1e1e75d5b56c./SRPMS.pclosd   \ iB@~BABEBJChighway1.0.31pclos2023Performance-portable, length-agnostic SIMD with runtime dispatchHighway is a C++ library for SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data), i.e. applying the same operation to 'lanes'.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakegit-coregtest-devellibatomic-develninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1highway-1.0.3-1pclos2023.src.rpm8a8c4c22d9cf941f8b382646dc0e45978./SRPMS.pclos#d   D B@BABEBJChiredis0.13.31pclos2021Minimalistic C client library for RedisHiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the Redis database.җSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hiredis-0.13.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm66eb45161c2f424b487b83bcb7842639./SRPMS.pclosd   0   p B@BABEBJChitori0.2.32pclos2010Hitori game for GNOMEHitori is a GTK+ application to generate and let you play games of Hitori, a logic game similar to Sudoku created by Nikoli.dGames/Otheri586  gtk2-develintltoolgettextperl-XML-Parsercairo-develgnome-doc-utilsscrollkeeperdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Q0 4>D p  B@%BALBEPBJqChk_classes0.8.35pclos2010GUI independent C++ database application librariesHk_classes is a set of GUI independent C++ libraries which allow the rapid development of database applications and includes command line tools to use hk_classes in scripts. firebird support is not available for x86_64Databasesi586 fontconfig-develmysql-develpostgresql-develunixODBC-devellibpx-develxbsql-develpython-develsqlite3-develfirebird-develchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hk_classes-0.8.3-5pclos2010.src.rpm62e38139448b1051efc0124f29834303./SRPMS.pcloskd " ~ B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdesrhomebank5.8.51pclos2024Free easy personal accounting for allFreies einfache persönliche Kontoführung für alle.HomeBank is the free software you have always wanted to manage your personal accounts at home. The main concept is to be light, simple and very easy to use. It brings you many features that allows you to analyze your finances in a detailed way instantly and dynamically with powerful report tools based on filtering and graphical charts.Homebank ist die freie Software, die Sie sich für Ihre persönliche Kontoführung zu Hause gewünscht haben. Das Hauptkonzept ist es, leicht und einfach benutzbar zu sein. Es liefert viele Funktionen, die Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihre Finanzen ausführlich, mit mächtigen Berichtwerkzeugen, die auf Filter und graphischen Tabellen basieren sofort und dynamisch zu analysieren.HomeBank је слободан софтвер који Вам помаже да управљате својим личним рачунима код куће. Основни концепт је да буде једноставан и лак за коришћење. Он вам доноси бројне функције које Вам омогућавају да анализирате финансије до детаља као и динамички извештај са моћним алатима заснованим на филтрирању и графиконима.'Officex86_64  desktop-file-utilsintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64ofx-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-devellib64tiff-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1homebank-5.8.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm'ebb1d9506769b05474e45392c5a8c2fb./SRPMS.pclosd  ^8< ]}B@BABEBJChostap-utils0.4.72pclos2007Utility programs for Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3This is a Linux driver for wireless LAN cards based on Intersil's Prism2/2.5/3 chipset. The driver supports a so called Host AP mode, i.e., it takes care of IEEE 802.11 management functions in the host computer and acts as an access point. This does not require any special firmware for the wireless LAN card. In addition to this, it has support for normal station operations in BSS and possible also in IBSS. This packages contains binary utilities for use with hostap.Texstar System/Configuration/Networkingi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hostap-utils-0.4.7-2pclos2007.src.rpm9630a5c3b99c417860241f2e49949510./SRPMS.pclos_d   K| B@ BA,BE0BJQChostapd2.101pclos2024Optional user space component for Host AP driverHostapd is an optional user space component for Host AP driver. It adds more features to the basic IEEE 802.11 management included in the kernel driver: using external RADIUS authentication server for MAC address based access control, IEEE 802.1X Authenticator and dynamic WEP keying, RADIUS accounting.ބSystem/Serversx86_64  libnl3-develpkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1hostapd-2.10-1pclos2024.src.rpmw2337d90c7d57bbee67baa824f53c98d3./SRPMS.pclos_d   `0 4OXxB@ BA,BE0BJQChotkeys0.5.7.11pclos2013A program to use the special keys on internet/multimedia keyboardsThe HotKeys daemon listens for the "special" hotkeys that you won't normally use on your Internet/Multimedia keyboards. The buttons perform their intended behaviors, such as volume up and down, mute the speaker, or launch applications. It has On-screen display (OSD) to show the volume, program that's being started, etc. It features an XML-based keycode configuration file format, which makes it possible to define the hotkeys to launch any programs you want.S:System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  db-devellibxml2-devellibxosd-develgtk2-develgettext-devellibxkbfile-devellibxmu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  L $<B@BABEBJChotot0.9.8.151pclos2014Lightweight & open source micro blogging clientHotot, is a lightweight & open source micro blogging client, coding using Python language and designed for Linux. It depends less but supports more. Features: * OAuth and Basic Auth is supported. * Socks Proxy and Http Proxy. * Support API Proxy. * Support Twitter Search and content filter. * Keyboard shortcuts. * Extension System. * Native notify system. it supports Gnome & KDE SC.FAgent Smith Editorsx86_64 intltoolpython-distutils-extralib64python-develcmakelib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hotot-  v| B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdehotshots2.2.01pclos2015Screenshot and Annotation ToolBildschirm Aufnahme Werkzeug mit nützlichen FunktionenHotShots is an application for capturing screens and saving them in a variety of image formats as well as adding annotations and graphical data (arrows, lines, texts, ...).HotShots ist eine kostenlose Screen-Capture-Programm mit vielen nützlichen Funktionen. Das Programm erlaubt Ihnen, den Vollbildmodus, den aktuellen Bildschirm, Fenster unter dem Cursor oder einen ausgewählten Bereich zu erfassen und zu speichern als Bild. Die Bilder können in verschiedene Formate abgespeichert werden (PNG, BMP, PBM, etc.).CGraphicsx86_64 ImageMagickhicolor-icon-themeunziplib64qxt-devellib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hotshots-2.2.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmH0437a1882fb3ef97aae211230c686a226./SRPMS.pclosd   . rB@BABEBJChotssh0.2.74pclos2013Secure Shell ClientHotSSH is an interface to Secure Shell, for GNOME and OpenSSH. It intends to be a better experience than simply invoking "ssh" from an existing terminal window.}Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch desktop-file-utilspython-dbuspython-develintltoolgettextpygtk2.0rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hotssh-0.2.7-4pclos2013.src.rpmXa9355cbdb5656432dfcb7bfe70956a20./SRPMS.pclosCd   ilp B@BABEBJ5Chotwayd0.8.41pclos2007POP3 to HTTPMail gateway daemon to access hotmail.com/msn.com/lycos mailboxesHotway is a POP3-HTTPMail gateway daemon. HTTPMail is an undocumented WebDAV-based protocol used by hotmail. This gateway allows *any* POP3 compatible email client to handle (download, delete, etc) messages on hotmail.com, msn.com and lycos.co.uk mailboxes.Zé System/Serversi586 libxml2-devellibsasl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hotwayd-0.8.4-1pclos2007.src.rpmffe15991c1bf767ec3f15567299af544./SRPMS.pclos;d   T8< ]gpB@BABE BJ-Chotwire0.4441pclos2007Hybrid text/graphical shell for developers and sysadminsHotwire is a shell replacement for gnome-terminal/xterm + sh + ssh for developers and system administrators. Hotwire is somewhat like Windows PowerShell, but graphical, and also a little like MacOS X Automator, but text based.ETexstar Terminalsnoarch pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hotwire-0.444-1pclos2007.src.rpmf42ebe5180f5e5f24d68d09abec1fc14./SRPMS.pclos'di|B@BABEBJChowto-html-de103pclos2011Deutsch HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howtofBooks/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-de-10-3pclos2011.src.rpm 85a8ef3410c45d9ebece93bf6aef2454./SRPMS.pclos'd i|B@BABEBJChowto-html-el10.13pclos2011Greek HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto &Books/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-el-10.1-3pclos2011.src.rpm 5e9f66ec1242634d8f9e8e125d75d15e./SRPMS.pclos'd k|B@BABEBJChowto-html-en10.13pclos2011English HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howtoPBooks/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-en-10.1-3pclos2011.src.rpmr6ec4129d455585efa3888f0bb2d7df7e./SRPMS.pclos'di|B@BABEBJChowto-html-es103pclos2011Spanish HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto"Books/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-es-10-3pclos2011.src.rpm!1abe14f35769075ab896e39bf7fd7ba6e./SRPMS.pclos'd k|B@BABEBJChowto-html-fi10.03pclos2011Finnish HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howtoBooks/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-fi-10.0-3pclos2011.src.rpmdab17858c5b1056dc04666d7125f7eca./SRPMS.pclos'd j|B@BABEBJChowto-html-fr10.13pclos2011French HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howtoQoBooks/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-fr-10.1-3pclos2011.src.rpmN۹b9be830de118946d23d7aa102d6d847f./SRPMS.pclos+d mB@BABEBJChowto-html-hu10.13pclos2011Hungarian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howtoBooks/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-hu-10.1-3pclos2011.src.rpmfNe2d31096dbece35e70cfde65ab4a383f./SRPMS.pclos+d nB@BABEBJChowto-html-id100.3pclos2011Indonesian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howtoBooks/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-id-10-0.3pclos2011.src.rpm%ecca9672c497cb896c344f99d2c086c2./SRPMS.pclos'd k|B@BABEBJChowto-html-it10.13pclos2011Italian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto>6Books/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-it-10.1-3pclos2011.src.rpmBooks/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-sv-9.1-0.6pclos2011.src.rpm38d2d08caa7039ffb126e4d8abc6659b./SRPMS.pclos'di|B@BABEBJChowto-html-zh104pclos2011Chinese HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation ProjectLinux HOWTOs are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.linuxdoc.org/docs.html#howto`Books/Howtosnoarch howto-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-html-zh-10-4pclos2011.src.rpm\(9264090d7c79f7d9233a6619e46c2258./SRPMS.pclosd WtxB@BABEBJ Chowto-utils0.2.152pclos2011Index generator for LDP html formatted HOWTO documentsLinux HOWTOs are parts of the Linux Documentation Project. They are detailed documents which describe a specific aspect of configuring or using Linux. Linux HOWTOs are a great source of practical information about your system. The latest versions of these documents are located at http://www.tldp.org/docs.html#howto Currently, availlable tools are : - makehowtoindex is an index generator for html formatted HOWTO documents - mirror_howtos mirror howtos and mini-howtos - untar_howtos process a howto mirror (obtained by mirror_howtos),Text toolsnoarch greprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1howto-utils-0.2.15-2pclos2011.src.rpmƇb99af31f1eedc75c89b279c83f0a93fe./SRPMS.pclosd  A04?HLhB@pBABEBJChping22.0.00.rc3.1pclos2011TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzerhping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is very similar to the ping(8) unix command, with many extensions. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols. A scripting language is under developing.Monitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hping2-2.0.0-0.rc3.1pclos2011.src.rpm1bbde09371e81c0de9a91db1c4096ee4./SRPMS.pclos;d  F <B@BABE BJ-Chplip3.23.86pclos2023HP printer/all-in-one driver infrastructureThe Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging and Printing Project provides drivers for HP printers and multi-function peripherals.sYSystem/Printingx86_64  autoconfcupsdesktop-file-utilsimagemagicklibcups-devellibv4l-develnet-snmp-developenssl-develpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-core)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(libgphoto2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(sane-backends)pkgconfig(udev)polkitpython3python3-cupspython3-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsane3.0.4-14.6.0-1hplip-3.23.8-6pclos2023.src.rpmrϟ7362bf231ff08745ef2bc7b9649c05d0./SRPMS.pclosSd   6 B@BA BE$BJEChso-rezero0.13pclos2017Tools for Option 3G cardsrezero is a utility to disable the ZeroCD (fake USB CD-Rom) temporarily at run time for Option 3G cards.0Xbb2 System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hso-rezero-0.1-3pclos2017.src.rpm4432a5e49699d50705b91917b06bb62ba./SRPMS.pclosGd    L B@BABEBJ9Chspell0.95pclos2017Hspell project is a free Hebrew linguistic project.The Hspell project is a free Hebrew linguistic project. Its primary goal is to create a free Hebrew spell-checker. In addition to a spell-checker, the project also produced a Hebrew morphological analyzer, which for every valid Hebrew word lists all of its possible readings (valid combinations of prefix and inflected base word). The secondary goal of the project is to make the algorithms and dictionaries, created initially for the spell-checker, freely available. These could be used in more sophisticated research or applications that require Hebrew word lists or a Hebrew morphology engine. Such potential application areas might include search engines, speech synthesis, and much much more. The availability of a free basis will hopefully encourage free development on top of it, to the benefit of the general Hebrew-speaking population.bb2 Text toolsx86_64 automake1.8rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hspell-0.9-5pclos2017.src.rpm,deb4601b25d452262c1bc62490d95adb./SRPMS.pclosd ?hlB@BABEBJ Cht2html2.01pclos2011The www.python.org Web site generatorThe www.python.org Web site generator.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ht2html-2.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm5bbff60582654563fa28d5d44ba67894./SRPMS.pclosd\$(7@TB@BABEBJChtdig3.2.02pclos2011A web indexing and searching system for a small domain or intranetThe ht://Dig system is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a small domain or intranet. This system is not meant to replace the need for powerful internet-wide search systems like Lycos, Infoseek, Webcrawler and AltaVista. Instead it is meant to cover the search needs for a single company, campus, or even a particular sub section of a web site. As opposed to some WAIS-based or web-server based search engines, ht://Dig can span several web servers at a site. The type of these different web servers doesn't matter as long as they understand the HTTP 1.0 protocol. ht://Dig was developed at San Diego State University as a way to search the various web servers on the campus network.Networking/WWWx86_64 flexlibtoolgcc-c++zlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1htdig-3.2.0-2pclos2011.src.rpmJa8330da4c18c35fc0256439c7e7308266./SRPMS.pcloscd   [ B@ BA0BE4BJUChtml2text2.0.02pclos2022A command line utility to convert HTML document to plain texthtml2text is a command line utility, written in C++, that converts HTML documents into plain text.EFile toolsx86_64 gcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1html2text-2.0.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm21260e3f4f882038d94c1d37e6fe3dd2./SRPMS.pclos;d   Z B@BABE BJ-Chtmlcxx0.861pclos2018htmlcxx is a simple non-validating css1 and html parser for C++htmlcxx is a simple non-validating css1 and html parser for C++. Although there are several other html parsers available, htmlcxx has some characteristics that make it unique: - STL like navigation of DOM tree, using excelent's tree.hh library from Kasper Peeters. - It is possible to reproduce exactly, character by character, the original document from the parse tree - Bundled css parser - Optional parsing of attributes - C++ code that looks like C++ (not so true anymore) - Offsets of tags/elements in the original document are stored in the nodes of the DOM treelbb2 Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1htmlcxx-0.86-1pclos2018.src.rpmд0ce02a64423f1685cf75e6e96a3e9943./SRPMS.pclosd   I SB@`BABEBJChtmldoc1.8.274pclos2016Convert HTML documents into PDF or PS formatHTMLDOC allow you to convert Html documents into PDF or PS format. Links and somes specific things of PDF format can be used.8File toolsx86_64 libjpeg-devellibpng-develzlib-developenssl-develfltk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1htmldoc-1.8.27-4pclos2016.src.rpm8f3b680f008ec2c751914955879f19571./SRPMS.pclos{d    B@)BAHBELBJmCdehtop3.4.01pclos2025Interactive text-mode process viewer for LinuxInteraktiver Prozessbetrachter im Textmodus für Linuxhtop is an interactive process viewer for Linux, similar to top. It requires ncurses. Tested with Linux 2.4 and 2.6. Some advantages over top: * you can scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and complete command lines * htop starts faster than top * you don't need to type the process number to kill a process * you don't need to type the process number or the priority value to renice a process * htop supports mouse operationhtop ist ein interaktiver Prozessbetrachter im Textmodus für Linux, der Ähnlichkeiten zu top aufweist. Es benötigt ncurses. Getestet mit Linux 2.4 und 2.6. Ein paar Vorteile: * Sie können in der Liste vertikal und horizontal skrollen, um alle Prozesse zu sehen und die vollständige Kommandozeile * htop startet schneller als top * Sie müssen keine Prozessnummer angeben um einen Prozess zu beenden * Es ist nicht nötig die Prozessnummer oder einen Prioritätswert anzugeben, um die Prozesspriorität zu erhöhen * htop unterstützt MausoperationenxMonitoringx86_64  desktop-file-utilslib64ncurses-devellib64ncursesw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1htop-3.4.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm46b5affb04decfbd7becabd9408351904./SRPMS.pcloswd  B B@BADBEHBJiChttp-parser2.9.21pclos2019HTTP request/response parser for CThis is a parser for HTTP messages written in C. It parses both requests and responses. The parser is designed to be used in performance HTTP applications. It does not make any syscalls nor allocations, it does not buffer data, it can be interrupted at anytime. Depending on your architecture, it only requires about 40 bytes of data per message stream (in a web server that is per connection).ڮSystem/Librariesx86_64 gyprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1http-parser-2.9.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm׽2f7eb0711891d4a59f0c0689f4fbf3ce./SRPMS.pclosd   W  B@(BALBEPBJqChttpd-naat0.810pclos2007HTTP server daemon to provide Administrative WWW serviceshttpd-naat is an Apache configuration for the Network Appliance Administration Tool on MandrakeLinux Server.jTexstar System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1httpd-naat-0.8-10pclos2007.src.rpm~f411f7b96e7eec90e388348e56ff7d96./SRPMS.pclosd  X $B@,BAPBETBJuChttpd2-naat0.812pclos2007HTTP server daemon to provide Administrative WWW serviceshttpd-naat is an Apache2 configuration for the Network Appliance Administration Tool on MandrakeLinux Server.BTexstar System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1httpd2-naat-0.8-12pclos2007.src.rpm6959e3a8d8c6434a0d7e0e0451614642./SRPMS.pclosGd   S B@BABEBJ9Chttpripper1.1.13pclos2016HTTP Ripper is a tool to rip content out of the web.HTTP Ripper is a generic ripper for the web Usage ===== Start HTTPRipper. It will display the hostname/port it's running on. Configure your browser to use it as proxy. Hit the record button ;) For information on how to use httpripper please visit the website. http://29a.ch/httpripper/ Examples * Download movies from YouTube and other Video sites * Download music of you favorite bands MySpace site Features * Free Software (GPL 3) * Runs on GNU/Linux and Windows * Nearly undetectable / blockable by servers * Built with python and pygtkNetworking/WWWnoarch python-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1httpripper-1.1.1-3pclos2016.src.rpme0c14305365019363c47baac704bfa62./SRPMS.pclos+d    #2<\B@BABEBJCdehttrack3.49.21pclos2017A free (libre/open source) and easy-to-use offline browser utilityHTTrack ist ein Programm zur Erstellung von Kopien ganzer WebseitenHTTrack is a free (open source) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. Download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory. Builds recursively all directories. Getting HTML, images, and other files from the server. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser. You can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. It can update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. It is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.HTTrack ist ein Programm zur Erstellung von Kopien ganzer Webseiten in einem lokalen Verzeichnis auf der Festplatte. Die Struktur der Verlinkung bleibt dabei funktionsfähig. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von HTTrack sind z. B. Offline-Kopien von Webseiten für nicht-Internet-fähige Notebooks sowie die Sicherung von Webinhalten zwecks Archivierung, z. B. vor der Abschaltung einer Webseite. Archivierte Seiten können aktualisiert und unterbrochene Downloads fortgesetzt werden. Durch Filterlisten lassen sich bestimmte Dokumententypen ein- oder ausschließen.ghostbunnyNetworking/WWWx86_64 perlzlib-develdos2uniximagemagickdesktop-file-utilschrpathopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1httrack-3.49.2-1pclos2017.src.rpm2e30eff3d66bb7c63906da00b454411f./SRPMS.pclosd  / t4B@\BABEBJChugin2020.0.04pclos2022Panorama Tools GUIHugin can be used to stitch multiple images together. The resulting image can span 360 degrees. Another common use is the creation of very high resolution pictures by combining multiple images.dEGraphicsx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(lensfun)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(tclap)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(libpano13)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(sqlite3)boost-develwxgtk3.1-devellibgomp-develvigra-devellapack-devellib64freeglut-develdesktop-file-utilsimagemagickperl(Image::ExifTool)swigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   A VB@bBABEBJChugo2.111pclos2010Hu-Go! - TurboGrafx 16/PC-Engine EmulatorHu-go! is a TurboGrafx 16/PC-Engine Emulator. There is some public domain roms you play with. The other games need that you own the original card or CD.zEmulatorsi586 SDL-develSDL_mixer1.2-develSDL_net-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hugo-2.11-1pclos2010.src.rpm7f27e9372710138a76cf24beb07178b1./SRPMS.pclosd   M (aB@kBABEBJChugs98200211208pclos2007Hugs 98: The Nottingham and Yale Haskell systemA Haskell interpreter and programming environment for developing cool Haskell programs. This release is largely conformant with Haskell 98, including monad and record syntax, newtypes, strictness annotations, and modules. In addition, it comes packaged with the libraries defined in the most recent version of the Haskell Library Report and with extension libraries which are compatible with GHC 3.0.ӎTexstar Development/Otheri586 ncurses-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hugs98-20021120-8pclos2007.src.rpm9a617387135d4333ba9c0f256197f61b./SRPMS.pclosd  S ?B@HBApBEtBJChuludesktop0.9.81pclos2010Hulu Desktop - viewing experience for your computerHulu Desktop is a lean-back viewing experience for your personal computer. It features a sleek new look that's optimized for use with standard Windows Media Center remote controls or Apple remote controls, allowing you to navigate Hulu's entire library with just six buttons. For users without remotes, the application is keyboard and mouse-enabled. Hulu Desktop is a downloadable application and will work on PCs and Macs. It will initially launch as a beta product during which we plan to gather and incorporate user feedback to improve the service. WARNING - You may experience high CPU output from this application that may cause other applications to not work properly!Videoi586 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1huludesktop-0.9.8-1pclos2010.src.rpm0aa88b8fc14449aa27b18427ab73ae21./SRPMS.pclosd ( _  BB@PBA|BEBJCdehuman-icon-theme0.33.61pclos2011Human icon theme for GNOMEHuman Icon-Theme für GNOMEA GNOME icon theme from Ubuntu Linux. -- Only use Gnome --Ein GNOME Icon-Theme von Ubuntu Linux. -- Nur für die Nutzung mit Gnome --TGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch  icon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * ] ,48TB@\BABEBJCdehumanity-icon-theme0.5.21pclos2011A pretty icons for GNOMEHübsche Icons für GNOMEHumanity and Humanity Dark are nice and well polished icon themes for the GNOME desktop.Humanity und Humanity Dark sind nett und gut polierte Icon-Themen für den GNOME-Desktop.(!Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1humanity-icon-theme-0.5.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm0026a837c6d937ab52195378b0325a14a./SRPMS.pclosd   M  8B@BABEBJChunspell1.7.11pclos2022Spell checker and morphological analyzer libraryHunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding or character encoding. tSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 libreadline-devellibncursesw-develncurses-develbisonlibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-1.7.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm 98aba636ff0f0e9d850b48c71a4d8e0d./SRPMS.pclosd & Dd hB@BABEBJChunspell-af0.20080825.11pclos2020Afrikaans hunspell dictionaryAfrikaans hunspell dictionary 0System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-af-0.20080825.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm 4f1ed1e63bb69dbc33cda518610ff50da./SRPMS.pclosd  :X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-ak0.9.11pclos2020Akan hunspell dictionariesAkan hunspell dictionaries.:System/Internationalizationnoarch redlandrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ak-0.9.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm` dB@BABEBJChunspell-as1.0.31pclos2020Assamese hunspell dictionariesAssamese hunspell dictionaries.}System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-as-1.0.3-1pclos2020.src.rpmb62f300853ea58137da46b0ebe245993./SRPMS.pclosd  =` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ast2.01pclos2020Asturian hunspell dictionariesAsturian hunspell dictionaries.LSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ast-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpma290527bae8055748cd5870e159a992d./SRPMS.pclosOd & Hl pB@BABE BJAChunspell-az0.20040827.11pclos2020Azerbaijani hunspell dictionariesAzerbaijani hunspell dictionaries.̯System/Internationalizationnoarch aspellpkgconfig(hunspell)hunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-az-0.20040827.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm-26deaef4ee4bb0c50e68dfa1703dec71./SRPMS.pclos d  ?d hB@BABEBJChunspell-be1.11pclos2020Belorussian hunspell dictionariesBelorussian hunspell dictionaries.\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-cs200603031pclos2020Czech hunspell dictionariesCzech hunspell dictionaries.gxSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-cs-20060303-1pclos2020.src.rpmk47733b19d8e7b8e6363d82d6cb4b6d8c./SRPMS.pclos3d ' Gh lB@BABEBJ%Chunspell-csb0.20050311.11pclos2020Kashubian hunspell dictionariesKashubian hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch aspellhunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-csb-0.20050311.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm6fe0790916a852fae5e30093abc12604./SRPMS.pclosd  <\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-cv1.061pclos2020Chuvash hunspell dictionariesChuvash hunspell dictionaries.2System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-cv-1.06-1pclos2020.src.rpm33b0ae8b6dde14cb2622be7bdff433291./SRPMS.pclosd & B` dB@BABEBJChunspell-cy0.20040425.11pclos2020Welsh hunspell dictionariesWelsh hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-cy-0.20040425.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm &a9848850d577f9883f04242603b7ba9d./SRPMS.pclosd  =\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-da1.7.421pclos2020Danish hunspell dictionariesDanish hunspell dictionaries.bSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-da-1.7.42-1pclos2020.src.rpmc55685bfb64268f3840d7425732f16b2./SRPMS.pclosKd & C B@BABEBJ=Chunspell-de0.20161207.11pclos2020German hunspell dictionariesGerman (Germany, Switzerland, etc.) hunspell dictionaries.9WSystem/Internationalizationnoarch aspellhunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-de-0.20161207.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm;l5c46558d14f8f90d5ec803e3e4dd706e./SRPMS.pclosd  Dl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-dsb1.4.81pclos2020Lower Sorbian hunspell dictionariesLower Sorbian hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-dsb-1.4.8-1pclos2020.src.rpm 7590ae81d253f0a7c3cb1bbef668c13b./SRPMS.pclosd  9X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-el0.91pclos2020Greek hunspell dictionariesGreek hunspell dictionaries. aSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-el-0.9-1pclos2020.src.rpm K85dbee8390961cf5f88c320f9f66e15e./SRPMS.pclos7d & Dd hB@BABEBJ)Chunspell-en0.20180416.11pclos2020English hunspell dictionariesEnglish hunspell dictionaries.sSystem/Internationalizationnoarch aspellzipdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-en-0.20180416.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmpU54d1f52b34058902fe64c8dfd212e7c7./SRPMS.pclosd  =` dB@BABEBJChunspell-eo1.01pclos2020Esperanto hunspell dictionariesEsperanto hunspell dictionaries.ܪSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-eo-1.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmd00c4a18563852b9c2d37789c665ca3e./SRPMS.pclosd  ;\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-es2.41pclos2020Spanish hunspell dictionariesSpanish hunspell dictionaries._YSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-es-2.4-1pclos2020.src.rpmRA5701b9135c6e4e04f239d74e6c4b6da2./SRPMS.pclosd & Eh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-et0.20030606.11pclos2020Estonian hunspell dictionariesEstonian hunspell dictionaries.4:4System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-et-0.20030606.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm3gd84be4d7c7519d84631fd133f1d26f5f./SRPMS.pclosd & Cd hB@BABEBJChunspell-eu0.20080507.11pclos2020Basque hunspell dictionariesBasque hunspell dictionaries.^System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-eu-0.20080507.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm a0c36616e28d8e52968903077fbf890e./SRPMS.pclosCd & B` dB@BABEBJ5Chunspell-fa0.20070116.11pclos2020Farsi hunspell dictionariesFarsi hunspell dictionaries. ZSystem/Internationalizationnoarch aspellpkgconfig(hunspell)hunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-fa-0.20070116.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm#9ca0b6cbd88fd062aaf6c709c0adc680./SRPMS.pclosd  :X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-fj1.21pclos2020Fijian hunspell dictionariesFijian hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-fj-1.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmrc6f794e442e6de1dc7f9dad9ed375a70./SRPMS.pclosd  =\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-fo0.4.21pclos2020Faroese hunspell dictionariesFaroese hunspell dictionaries.PSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-fo-0.4.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmL5d4c1f1136dbc5911d0d2cf099baf327./SRPMS.pclosd  :X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-fr6.31pclos2020French hunspell dictionariesFrench hunspell dictionaries.eSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-fr-6.3-1pclos2020.src.rpmdba9e98d25afcea9a021ffcf55cb87033./SRPMS.pclosd ' Fh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-fur0.20050912.11pclos2020Friulian hunspell dictionariesFriulian hunspell dictionaries.jSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-fur-0.20050912.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm2d28fb9cabaa5897bda9b16b009d8713./SRPMS.pclosd  =\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-fy3.0.01pclos2020Frisian hunspell dictionariesFrisian hunspell dictionaries.6System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-fy-3.0.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm3660d3d27b7cfb3940166326987d7c54./SRPMS.pclosd  9X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-ga5.01pclos2020Irish hunspell dictionariesIrish hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ga-5.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmc16a6e62925296166e08e71d782e46e4./SRPMS.pclos d  @d hB@BABEBJChunspell-gd3.31pclos2020Scots Gaelic hunspell dictionariesScots Gaelic hunspell dictionaries.{System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-gd-3.3-1pclos2020.src.rpmt!75bbc60ae476fb40bbb722d45576f7b6./SRPMS.pclosd & Eh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-gl0.20080515.11pclos2020Galician hunspell dictionariesGalician hunspell dictionaries.`System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-gl-0.20080515.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmc2cb25ae7ce13fb9940061b66f625e055./SRPMS.pclosd  Dl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-grc2.1.51pclos2020Ancient Greek hunspell dictionariesAncient Greek hunspell dictionaries.7System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-grc-2.1.5-1pclos2020.src.rpm7#cb4f4459a071aceeb0cb16026f113a16./SRPMS.pclosd " Ad hB@BABEBJChunspell-gu200610151pclos2020Gujarati hunspell dictionariesGujarati hunspell dictionaries. oSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-gu-20061015-1pclos2020.src.rpm hb683a1b48d889d37839990a0ca19da4e./SRPMS.pclosCd & A` dB@BABEBJ5Chunspell-gv0.20040505.11pclos2020Manx hunspell dictionariesManx hunspell dictionaries.1System/Internationalizationnoarch aspellpkgconfig(hunspell)hunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-gv-0.20040505.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm46c7dbc9073d1ec6858e9793f0c213d3./SRPMS.pclos d  >` dB@BABEBJChunspell-haw0.031pclos2020Hawaiian hunspell dictionariesHawaiian hunspell dictionaries.jSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-haw-0.03-1pclos2020.src.rpmlSbba9940ec5a71400d167eade6e484d3c./SRPMS.pclosd  ;X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-hi0.4.21pclos2020Hindi hunspell dictionariesHindi hunspell dictionaries.(System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-hi-0.4.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm[9fe5c9803b3cc94b0debd2126270ab5f./SRPMS.pclosd  @d hB@BABEBJChunspell-hil0.141pclos2020Hiligaynon hunspell dictionariesHiligaynon hunspell dictionaries.35System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-hil-0.14-1pclos2020.src.rpm4a4994165c7288a756b8f4da84f5b6ad0./SRPMS.pclosd & Eh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-hr0.20040608.11pclos2020Croatian hunspell dictionariesCroatian hunspell dictionaries. l5System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-hr-0.20040608.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm mfced2434e82da8a98ce3ca2c559b85a7./SRPMS.pclos#d ' Kp tB@BABEBJChunspell-hsb0.20060327.31pclos2020Upper Sorbian hunspell dictionariesUpper Sorbian hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-hsb-0.20060327.3-1pclos2020.src.rpmwb7552b67dedead8a3f924127cae13d4b./SRPMS.pclosd  El pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-ht0.08.11pclos2020Haitian Creole hunspell dictionariesHaitian Creole hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ht-0.08.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmuc5d2ca7b7d366522198ca724e80d6dce./SRPMS.pclos d  ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-hu1.6.11pclos2020Hungarian hunspell dictionariesHungarian hunspell dictionaries. +6System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-hu-1.6.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm !514d617d9d4139a06a35a5d686a10ff5./SRPMS.pclos d  ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-hy0.20.01pclos2020Armenian hunspell dictionariesArmenian hunspell dictionaries.vSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-hy-0.20.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmzb515b9b42d56db852bc04cad8947f9c0./SRPMS.pclosd & Hl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-ia0.20050226.11pclos2020Interlingua hunspell dictionariesInterlingua hunspell dictionaries.^System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ia-0.20050226.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm9(277f0f25ff53576c4478f94ce4d577d2./SRPMS.pclosd & Gl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-id0.20090505.11pclos2020Indonesian hunspell dictionariesIndonesian hunspell dictionaries.>System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-id-0.20090505.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmB58e70b14a4d2f5e1288bd5b0053f7c8a./SRPMS.pclosd  ;\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-it2.41pclos2020Italian hunspell dictionariesItalian hunspell dictionaries.dSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-it-2.4-1pclos2020.src.rpmc202845fdb8f30885463813571cee44dd./SRPMS.pclosd  :X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-kk1.11pclos2020Kazakh hunspell dictionariesKazakh hunspell dictionaries.bSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-kk-1.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmd&364311f6a9d5f4e0a0f4bc5fabc23421./SRPMS.pclosd  :X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-km1.821pclos2020Khmer hunspell dictionariesKhmer hunspell dictionaries. ERSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-km-1.82-1pclos2020.src.rpm F019523aca4d5bfdf905b0cd2b457e1c4./SRPMS.pclosd  =\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-kn1.0.31pclos2020Kannada hunspell dictionariesKannada hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-kn-1.0.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm40ef7e4f908731865bc993d2ff717a27./SRPMS.pclosd  <\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-ku0.211pclos2020Kurdish hunspell dictionariesKurdish hunspell dictionaries.HSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ku-0.21-1pclos2020.src.rpm506d41e2590c62dcdd2e6b390ff4ba34./SRPMS.pclosGd & Dd hB@BABEBJ9Chunspell-ky0.20090415.11pclos2020Kirghiz hunspell dictionariesKirghiz hunspell dictionaries.0System/Internationalizationnoarch aspellpkgconfig(hunspell)hunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ky-0.20090415.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm55e9a256cb29627f27ef15ff5af5f3fb./SRPMS.pclosd & B` dB@BABEBJChunspell-la0.20130331.11pclos2020Latin hunspell dictionariesLatin hunspell dictionaries.gSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-la-0.20130331.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmc91a508935ad8bafe100ef60f6edbaf7./SRPMS.pclosd & Jp tB@BABEBJChunspell-lb0.20180318.11pclos2020Luxembourgish hunspell dictionariesLuxembourgish hunspell dictionaries. {pSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-lb-0.20180318.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm 534556ec1ea061f3652af3188f11409e./SRPMS.pclosd  <\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-ln0.021pclos2020Lingala hunspell dictionariesLingala hunspell dictionaries.k1System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ln-0.02-1pclos2020.src.rpmoe244c1c13ff258cec181c1992a3534a5./SRPMS.pclosd  @d hB@BABEBJChunspell-lt1.2.11pclos2020Lithuanian hunspell dictionariesLithuanian hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-lt-1.2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm459a9a3186c36b0434931efd7eea36df./SRPMS.pclosd  =\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-lv1.3.01pclos2020Latvian hunspell dictionariesLatvian hunspell dictionaries.̸System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-lv-1.3.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm29be8d905941fbfcf030fcd2c8506b76./SRPMS.pclos d  ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-mai1.0.11pclos2020Maithili hunspell dictionariesMaithili hunspell dictionaries.RSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mai-1.0.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmSOc244978848fc0dfd845b0cc6ec557ce9./SRPMS.pclosd & Eh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-mg0.20050109.11pclos2020Malagasy hunspell dictionariesMalagasy hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mg-0.20050109.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm%9e0f9114b0e76b027a7681e95cc444d8./SRPMS.pclosd & B` dB@BABEBJChunspell-mi0.20080630.11pclos2020Maori hunspell dictionariesMaori hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mi-0.20080630.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm47d21efef2aa906139c4464643a51c18./SRPMS.pclosd & Gl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-mk0.20051126.11pclos2020Macedonian hunspell dictionariesMacedonian hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mk-0.20051126.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm8a80c45aba8b90ea7f705909edbb1073./SRPMS.pclosd  =` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ml0.11pclos2020Malayalam hunspell dictionariesMalayalam hunspell dictionaries. =5System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ml-0.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm Bd88edd476310ab97880b20fc505340e5./SRPMS.pclosd & Fh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-mn0.20080709.11pclos2020Mongolian hunspell dictionariesMongolian hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mn-0.20080709.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm 7647e295430a7e4c1bad84b714d159a6./SRPMS.pclosd ' C` dB@BABEBJChunspell-mos0.20101130.11pclos2020Mossi hunspell dictionariesMossi hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mos-0.20101130.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmfe7c7d4e123a08aaba11edaaba49dbc0./SRPMS.pclos d " @` dB@BABEBJChunspell-mr201212291pclos2020Marathi hunspell dictionariesMarathi hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mr-20121229-1pclos2020.src.rpm010369efb2f7298b9c5c9af0c47b1c8a./SRPMS.pclosd & B` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ms0.20100407.11pclos2020Malay hunspell dictionariesMalay hunspell dictionaries.;System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ms-0.20100407.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm?18790cbd7e4ea1d4f12db1700a3df608./SRPMS.pclos;d & Dd hB@BABE BJ-Chunspell-mt0.20110414.11pclos2020Maltese hunspell dictionariesMaltese hunspell dictionaries.DSystem/Internationalizationnoarch pkgconfig(hunspell)hunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-mt-0.20110414.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm6b835fd9ed56a55c80ff3feb54adadd04./SRPMS.pclosd  Cl pB@BABEBJChunspell-nds0.11pclos2020Lowlands Saxon hunspell dictionariesLowlands Saxon hunspell dictionaries.ySystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-nds-0.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm{7da21a19893ece8b83b15626bc2e3aa3./SRPMS.pclos d " ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ne200804251pclos2020Nepali hunspell dictionariesNepali hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ne-20080425-1pclos2020.src.rpm`4dbf33e34c29efda872f81fa3d919ad5./SRPMS.pclosd  :X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-nl2.101pclos2020Dutch hunspell dictionariesDutch hunspell dictionaries. GkSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-nl-2.10-1pclos2020.src.rpm H0e4a0d6437e9a924580bac925fc532f1./SRPMS.pclosd  =` dB@BABEBJChunspell-no2.21pclos2020Norwegian hunspell dictionariesNorwegian hunspell dictionaries.3 System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-no-2.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm3 6d06e7b1bceb2e2c2a2eeff6fef8fa1e./SRPMS.pclos'd & Mx |B@BABEBJChunspell-nr0.20091030.11pclos2020Southern Ndebele hunspell dictionariesSouthern Ndebele hunspell dictionaries.MSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-nr-0.20091030.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmOQfc87c86ca5d7ce757433b8d04be8c4d6./SRPMS.pclos'd ' Lt xB@BABEBJChunspell-nso0.20091201.11pclos2020Northern Sotho hunspell dictionariesNorthern Sotho hunspell dictionaries.XSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-nso-0.20091201.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmZeb7e7115bdab3167523a19f66ac18187./SRPMS.pclos#d  =` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ny0.011pclos2020Chichewa hunspell dictionariesChichewa hunspell dictionaries.wSystem/Internationalizationnoarch pkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ny-0.01-1pclos2020.src.rpmxu2a273f47d9075b3749207885f1384913./SRPMS.pclosd  =\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-oc0.6.21pclos2020Occitan hunspell dictionariesOccitan hunspell dictionaries.)System/Internationalizationnoarch redlandrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-oc-0.6.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm1c0824b32357daa178297610a1feff09./SRPMS.pclosd  :X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-om0.041pclos2020Oromo hunspell dictionariesOromo hunspell dictionaries.;nSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-om-0.04-1pclos2020.src.rpm=101e62e4d5c41ed0a212af61b38a8221./SRPMS.pclosd " >\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-or200507261pclos2020Oriya hunspell dictionariesOriya hunspell dictionaries.cSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-or-20050726-1pclos2020.src.rpmh3e2d099ccc4f6232292c86b187e85bfe./SRPMS.pclos d " @` dB@BABEBJChunspell-pa200911061pclos2020Punjabi hunspell dictionariesPunjabi hunspell dictionaries.ݭSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-pa-20091106-1pclos2020.src.rpm8de7d1b8a7187674d589640ebccd7dde./SRPMS.pclosd & Cd hB@BABEBJChunspell-pl0.20190119.11pclos2020Polish hunspell dictionariesPolish hunspell dictionaries.4System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-pl-0.20190119.1-1pclos2020.src.rpme22fcd949e4d380c54ac915475dd96ce./SRPMS.pclosd & Gl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-pt0.20150704.11pclos2020Portuguese hunspell dictionariesPortuguese hunspell dictionaries.~System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-pt-0.20150704.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmdb3c8e189fdca262fc2ba9a86101d8ff./SRPMS.pclosd  Cl pB@BABEBJChunspell-qu0.91pclos2020Quechua Ecuador hunspell dictionariesQuechua Ecuador hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-qu-0.9-1pclos2020.src.rpm6eab58053ccfa91f9852cb93295735d2./SRPMS.pclos7d ' T B@BABEBJ)Chunspell-quh0.20110816.11pclos2020Quechua, South Bolivia hunspell dictionariesQuechua, South Bolivia hunspell dictionaries.{fSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-quh-0.20110816.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm235f697972e86a882993b516d0d719c0./SRPMS.pclos d  ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ro3.3.101pclos2020Romanian hunspell dictionariesRomanian hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ro-3.3.10-1pclos2020.src.rpmA8a940f13ee4349e4bfb87544aa84480a./SRPMS.pclos d  >` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ru0.99g51pclos2020Russian hunspell dictionariesRussian hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ru-0.99g5-1pclos2020.src.rpm 7204495053edc9dfe1704a47ce1a1912./SRPMS.pclosd & Hl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-rw0.20090218.11pclos2020Kinyarwanda hunspell dictionariesKinyarwanda hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-rw-0.20090218.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm9a8d187539fe5e524467b6e61b5de64e./SRPMS.pclos3d & Fh lB@BABEBJ%Chunspell-sc0.20081101.11pclos2020Sardinian hunspell dictionariesSardinian hunspell dictionaries.pSystem/Internationalizationnoarch pkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-sc-0.20081101.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm 7400a16e0af423f5791b4f7544c33186./SRPMS.pclos'd ' Lt xB@BABEBJChunspell-se1.00.4.beta7.1pclos2020Northern Saami hunspell dictionariesNorthern Saami hunspell dictionaries.3BSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-se-1.0-0.4.beta7.1pclos2020.src.rpm1?185e3580183faadf7bc3a2aa013752f2./SRPMS.pclos/d ' Ed hB@BABEBJ!Chunspell-shs0.20090828.11pclos2020Shuswap hunspell dictionariesShuswap hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch pkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-shs-0.20090828.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm00d3c368e5da75f5ef08e30b934db34a3./SRPMS.pclosd  =\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-si0.2.11pclos2020Sinhala hunspell dictionariesSinhala hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-si-0.2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm.5d780f8465aa22f960169c533d0cd4e6./SRPMS.pclosd & Cd hB@BABEBJChunspell-sk0.20110228.11pclos2020Slovak hunspell dictionariesSlovak hunspell dictionaries. System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-sk-0.20110228.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm Yca383e9d6daab29eaeb76165235560b2./SRPMS.pclosd & Fh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-sl0.20151225.11pclos2020Slovenian hunspell dictionariesSlovenian hunspell dictionaries.n{System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-sl-0.20151225.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmne626a720726327b1cdb0174c4258b628./SRPMS.pclosd ( Il pB@BABEBJChunspell-smj1.00.4.beta7.1pclos2020Lule Saami hunspell dictionariesLule Saami hunspell dictionaries.eiSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-smj-1.0-0.4.beta7.1pclos2020.src.rpm2342018abe8c4ed587de142320385ee5./SRPMS.pclosd  <\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-so1.0.21pclos2020Somali hunspell dictionariesSomali hunspell dictionaries.|System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-so-1.0.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm0a20822ad3c54586e1cbedd66721bd68./SRPMS.pclos d  >` dB@BABEBJChunspell-sq1.6.41pclos2020Albanian hunspell dictionariesAlbanian hunspell dictionaries. /gSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-sq-1.6.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm 26cde47747fcc0488c6f317ddf145d1b./SRPMS.pclosd & Dd hB@BABEBJChunspell-sr0.20130715.11pclos2020Serbian hunspell dictionariesSerbian hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-sr-0.20130715.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmFgc51f7324318f706c46833644d936787a./SRPMS.pclosd & B` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ss0.20091030.11pclos2020Swati hunspell dictionariesSwati hunspell dictionaries.TSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ss-0.20091030.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmUb66d6df864eb33779cb138b74d281a6b./SRPMS.pclos#d & Kt xB@BABEBJChunspell-st0.20091030.11pclos2020Southern Sotho hunspell dictionariesSouthern Sotho hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-st-0.20091030.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmk3333da1ad93ac9adeb29f9174a31de00./SRPMS.pclosd  <\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-sv2.401pclos2020Swedish hunspell dictionariesSwedish hunspell dictionaries.&zSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-sv-2.40-1pclos2020.src.rpm) 75c69deb9d32af9db4e10b45403142eb./SRPMS.pclos/d & Dd hB@BABEBJ!Chunspell-sw0.20110106.11pclos2020Swahili hunspell dictionariesSwahili hunspell dictionaries.{6System/Internationalizationnoarch pkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-sw-0.20110106.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm}d14f02c286258f7ae3e2295df46cd5fb./SRPMS.pclosd " >\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-ta201004221pclos2020Tamil hunspell dictionariesTamil hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ta-20100422-1pclos2020.src.rpm d94fea15ffa1e28bcf94fee6f10e1c27./SRPMS.pclos;d & Cd hB@BABE BJ-Chunspell-te0.20130708.11pclos2020Telugu hunspell dictionariesTelugu hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch pkgconfig(hunspell)hunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-te-0.20130708.1-1pclos2020.src.rpme877449ae42880b89146ceed7fb6923b./SRPMS.pclosd ' C` dB@BABEBJChunspell-tet0.20050108.11pclos2020Tetum hunspell dictionariesTetum hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-tet-0.20050108.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmJ5d1695077b31091ff1586cabf00faa74./SRPMS.pclosd & A` dB@BABEBJChunspell-th0.20061212.11pclos2020Thai hunspell dictionariesThai hunspell dictionaries.lSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-th-0.20061212.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmp164302a551a39bdf3fa4daa0f13e093c./SRPMS.pclosd & Eh lB@BABEBJ Chunspell-ti0.20090911.11pclos2020Tigrigna hunspell dictionariesTigrigna hunspell dictionaries.SSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ti-0.20090911.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmXb3cbc2ec1659fcf3f993dcd6f42461e1c./SRPMS.pclos d ! ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-tk0.3.1.11pclos2020Turkmen hunspell dictionariesTurkmen hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-tk- & Dd hB@BABEBJChunspell-tl0.20050109.11pclos2020Tagalog hunspell dictionariesTagalog hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-tl-0.20050109.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmҵc1f4963bb3c94b6c2b3ca10d9b23c190./SRPMS.pclosd & Cd hB@BABEBJChunspell-tn0.20150904.11pclos2020Tswana hunspell dictionariesTswana hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-tn-0.20150904.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm182d334c30f2c2bbaa69b817e93a243d./SRPMS.pclos d  ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-tpi0.071pclos2020Tok Pisin hunspell dictionariesTok Pisin hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-tpi-0.07-1pclos2020.src.rpmǽd3e187d914fea7700c540c155e745328./SRPMS.pclosd & Cd hB@BABEBJChunspell-ts0.20110323.21pclos2020Tsonga hunspell dictionariesTsonga hunspell dictionaries. TSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ts-0.20110323.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmh312a7979776b857c04b2c43bdd9023ee./SRPMS.pclos d  ?` dB@BABEBJChunspell-uk1.8.01pclos2020Ukrainian hunspell dictionariesUkrainian hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-uk-1.8.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm:38f12bc454355d74d5596b51a0f19c56./SRPMS.pclosd  ;X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-ur0.64.11pclos2020Urdu hunspell dictionariesUrdu hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch redlandrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ur-0.64.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm8ed3e098b012f265a279466902d7b000./SRPMS.pclosd  9X \xB@BABEBJChunspell-uz2.21pclos2020Uzbek hunspell dictionariesUzbek hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-uz-2.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm7819d4f0e36bf8ba86332b31e15e1e04./SRPMS.pclosd & B` dB@BABEBJChunspell-ve0.20091030.11pclos2020Venda hunspell dictionariesVenda hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-ve-0.20091030.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm1ee87793c97a1d2a356ceb4249880514./SRPMS.pclosd & Gl pB@BABEBJ Chunspell-vi0.20120418.11pclos2020Vietnamese hunspell dictionariesVietnamese hunspell dictionaries.XSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-vi-0.20120418.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmX8b10d9b682c41ba60bcbe6cc47acb61a./SRPMS.pclosd  >` dB@BABEBJ Chunspell-wa0.4.211pclos2020Walloon hunspell dictionariesWalloon hunspell dictionaries.hSystem/Internationalizationnoarch locales-warpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-wa-0.4.21-1pclos2020.src.rpmksf3469da5bf59c0463d76c44bde0fe2be./SRPMS.pclosd & B` dB@BABEBJChunspell-xh0.20091030.11pclos2020Xhosa hunspell dictionariesXhosa hunspell dictionaries.8System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-xh-0.20091030.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm:7409681eaa516a53ea2974d373d42836./SRPMS.pclosd  ;\ `|B@BABEBJChunspell-yi1.11pclos2020Yiddish hunspell dictionariesYiddish hunspell dictionaries.)System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-yi-1.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm011eeb2b565a3d69e37c70275132affd./SRPMS.pclosd & A` dB@BABEBJChunspell-zu0.20100126.11pclos2020Zulu hunspell dictionariesZulu hunspell dictionaries.System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hunspell-zu-0.20100126.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm2bea9fa2027a8e901273a119645d302e./SRPMS.pclosd  W $JB@SBAtBExBJChupnp1.0.01pclos2016Qt string template engine based on the Django template systemHerqq UPnP (HUPnP) is a software library for building UPnP devices and control points conforming to the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.1. It is designed to be simple to use and robust in operation. It is built using C++ and the Qt Framework following many of the design principles and programming practices used in the Qt Framework. It integrates into Qt-based software smoothly and enables truly rapid UPnP development.`System/Librariesx86_64 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hupnp-1.0.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm1bb27c7ec7ff7592537ef094bc5849a3a./SRPMS.pclosod   I  B@BA<BE@BJaChwdata0.3911pclos2025Hardware identification and configuration datahwdata contains various hardware identification and configuration data, such as the pci.ids and usb.ids databases.rSystem/Basenoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1hwdata-0.391-1pclos2025.src.rpm)5812fdada73c22cadc483042f790defc./SRPMS.pclosd  9h lxB@BABEBJChwdb-clients0.183pclos2007Hardware database clientsClients to dialog with a hardware database.%System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hwdb-clients-0.18-3pclos2007.src.rpm,Cdd13b5ef965e72d2aa9080e59b60aca4./SRPMS.pclosd   *t x  N B@fBABEBJChwinfo23.21pclos2023Hardware LibraryA simple program that lists results from the hardware detection library. System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  doxygenflexgitlibx86emu-develperl(XML::Parser)perl(XML::Writer)pkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)udev3.0.4-14.6.0-1hwinfo-23.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm %ec65d4339c222e0b164667b48fa0442c./SRPMS.pclosd  D kB@zBABEBJChwloc1.11.62pclos2022Hardware locality utilities and librariesThe Portable Hardware Locality software package provides a portable abstraction of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures, including NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multi-threading. It also gathers various system attributes such as cache and memory information as well as the locality of I/O devices such as network interfaces, InfiniBand HCAs or GPUs. It primarily aims at helping applications with gathering information about modern computing hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. Try out the command "lstopo" and enjoy the show.3BSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64cairo-devellib64ncurses-devellib64numa-devellib64pciaccess-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-developencl-headersrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hwloc-1.11.6-2pclos2022.src.rpm3 ;26e48545f9723536ee820dbb14f013b6./SRPMS.pclosd  C gB@vBABEBJChwloc2.8.01pclos2022Hardware locality utilities and librariesThe Portable Hardware Locality software package provides a portable abstraction of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures, including NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multi-threading. It also gathers various system attributes such as cache and memory information as well as the locality of I/O devices such as network interfaces, InfiniBand HCAs or GPUs. It primarily aims at helping applications with gathering information about modern computing hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. Try out the command "lstopo" and enjoy the show.PSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64cairo-devellib64ncurses-devellib64numa-devellib64pciaccess-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-developencl-headersrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hwloc-2.8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmP018919d77d9c6b3082ccdf5cff52d7c7./SRPMS.pclosd   -x |  q B@BABEBJChydra6.21pclos2011Network logon crackerA very fast network logon cracker which support many different services.#hNetworking/Otheri586 afpfs-ng-developenssl-develpcre-develsubversion-develmysql-develpostgresql-develfirebird-develssh-develidn-develncpfs-develgtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hydra-6.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm'e4936e30a4601e90b8a469feb8ab2f88./SRPMS.pclosd   5 TlB@BABEBJChydrogen1.0.11pclos2020An advanced Drum MachineHydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux. Its main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming.`Soundx86_64 cmakedoxygenladspa-develportmidi-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5XmlPatterns)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(audiofile)pkgconfig(cppunit)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(flac++)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(lash-1.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(lrdf)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(raptor)pkgconfig(rubberband)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hydrogen-1.0.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmm6de5d6c0e25bf6aac19c3bed9ce5f770./SRPMS.pclos;d % F B@BABE BJ-Chydrogen-drumkits0.9.32pclos2020Additional DrumKits for HydrogenA collection of additional drumkits for the Hydrogen advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux.USoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hydrogen-drumkits-0.9.3-2pclos2020.src.rpmʹbefff07841e01e94cb688f2d6ed07d98./SRPMS.pclosd   5|   d B@wBABEBJChyena0.51pclos2014Library for .NET applicationsHyena is a .NET library that powers Banshee and PDF Mod, among others.System/Librariesx86_64 gtk-sharp2mono-basicpkgconfig(mono)mono-nunitperl(XML::Parser)autoconfautomakelibtoolmakepkgconfigpkgconfig(gapi-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hyena-0.5-1pclos2014.src.rpm>fd39d9d1976087292a4db8f8fa07d5d7./SRPMS.pclos7d   Z04 UdlB@BABEBJ)Chylafax4.3.02pclos2007HylaFAX(tm) is a sophisticated enterprise strength fax packageHylaFAX(tm) is a sophisticated enterprise-strength fax package for class 1 and 2 fax modems on unix systems. It provides spooling services and numerous supporting fax management tools. The fax clients may reside on machines different from the server and client implementations exist for a number of platforms including windows. You need this package if you are going to install hylafax-client and/or hylafax server. Most users want mgetty-voice to be installed too.OTexstar Communicationsi586  libjpeg-devellibtiff-develzlib-devellibpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! Kd hsxB@BA BE$BJEChyperestraier1.4.91pclos2007A full-text search system for communitiesHyper Estraier is a full-text search system. You can search lots of documents for some documents including specified words. If you run a web site, it is useful as your own search engine for pages in your site. Also, it is useful as search utilities of mail boxes and file servers. fText toolsi586  autoconf2.5libtoollibqdbm-develzlib-develbzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.8.773.0.4-1hyperestraier-1.4.9-1pclos2007.src.rpm cb521bbc885ea4aca9a3796e8646e6166./SRPMS.pclosd   5| B@BABEBJChyphen2.8.81pclos2016A text hyphenation libraryHyphen is a library for high quality hyphenation and justification.YSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1hyphen-2.8.8-1pclos2016.src.rpm^b7e0a73d58e47186333c7f6d1f42ce7c./SRPMS.pclosd   &PT Z`htB@BABEBJ Chypnotix4.91pclos2025IPTV PlayerWatch TV by streaming from M3U sources.)pinocVideonoarch  desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1hypnotix-4.9-1pclos2025.src.rpm:3396f9525c1fda1136e5bafe15c6c95b./SRPMS.pclosd   D 0B@BABEBJCi2c-tools4.21pclos2022Heterogeneous set of I2C tools for LinuxThis package contains a heterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux: a bus probing tool, a chip dumper, register-level access helpers, EEPROM decoding scripts, and more.fTerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 pythonpython-setuptoolspython3python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1i2c-tools-4.2-1pclos2022.src.rpme56a8bf13cb1b8755a95001e686636e6a./SRPMS.pclosd   -0 4LTB@9BATBEXBJyCi34.221pclos2023A tiling window manageri3 is a tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. The target platforms are GNU/Linux and BSD operating systems, our code is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) under the BSD license. i3 is primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-util)x11-proto-develpkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)xcb-util-wm-develpkgconfig(libev)asciidocxmltexpkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(yajl)doxygenpkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(libpcre)graphvizpkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(xcb-cursor)pkgconfig(xcb-xrm)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1i3-4.22-1pclos2023.src.rpmQ45843ec0ce4f40e0b43f92816c26a5b8./SRPMS.pclos+d   ] B@BABEBJCi3status2.142pclos2022Status bar generator for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programsi3status is a program for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs. It issues a small number of system calls, as one generally wants to update such status lines every second so that the bar is updated even under load. It saves a bit of energy by being more efficient than shell commands.,Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 alsa-lib-develasciidocbashlib64confuse-devellibnl-develmesonninjaperl-baseperl-Pod-Testspkgconfigpulseaudio-develrpm-buildtarxmltoxzyajl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1i3status-2.14-2pclos2022.src.rpmad0886acbeec6cf42aba6bdbade9a86f./SRPMS.pclosd   8  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Ci8kutils1.401pclos2015Dell laptop SMM BIOS supportThis package contains a user-space programs for accessing the SMM BIOS of Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops. The SMM BIOS is used on many recent laptops to implement APM functionalities and to access custom hardware, for example cooling fans and volume buttons. Also provided is a cool and useful plugin for gkrellm. Note that you need the "Dell Laptop" option compiled into your kernel (included in the main kernel tree since 2.4.14-pre8)Monitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1i8kutils-1.40-1pclos2015.src.rpmJ63fb3d1542a5c20e8e41f7d0d8713734./SRPMS.pclosod & 5 B@BA<BE@BJaCiOS-iCons-icon-theme0.71pclos2018iOS icon themeA simple icons set for Linux, emulates the look & feel of iOS devices, based on Macbuntu icons.gsAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iOS-iCons-icon-theme-0.7-1pclos2018.src.rpmg69abacb5ee3f2b8a27d2b4c22f0f837c./SRPMS.pclos'd   :l pB@BABEBJCia32-libs20251pclos2025Basic ia32 libs for PCLinuxOSThis package provides some basic 32bit libraries.System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ia32-libs-2025-1pclos2025.src.rpm42c182d2eb11bcfa27f46d210c61d0bc./SRPMS.pclos_d!( 3 O B@BA,BE0BJQCdefresplsrnlia_ora-gnome1.0.201pclos2010Ia Ora Mandriva GNOME themeThe Mandriva Ia Ora theme for the Gnome Desktop.The Mandriva Ia Ora theme for the Gnome Desktop.The Mandriva Ia Ora theme for the Gnome Desktop.The Mandriva Ia Ora theme for the Gnome Desktop.The Mandriva Ia Ora theme for the Gnome Desktop.The Mandriva Ia Ora theme for the Gnome Desktop.The Mandriva Ia Ora theme for the Gnome Desktop.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ia_ora-gnome-1.0.20-1pclos2010.src.rpmcf6d95135466aecb6145881a8fd6457f./SRPMS.pclosd  -   l B@}BABEBJCiagno3.38.11pclos2020GNOME Reversi gameThe GNOME version of Reversi. The goal is to control the most disks on the board. Games/Boardsx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)pkgconfig(gsound)gettextitstoolmesonlibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iagno-3.38.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm 97817baa2df21c97c1360da24b8f1656./SRPMS.pclosd     $0\B@fBABEBJCiat0.1.71pclos2012iat is Iso9660 Analyzer Tools, a tool to detect many different structures of ISO image files. Includes UDF support.iat is Iso9660 Analyzer Tools, a tool to detect many different structures of ISO image files. Includes UDF support.z/DidouPhArchiving/Otherx86_64 gccglibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iat-0.1.7-1pclos2012.src.rpm23bb9aa4089f8e311082c24c5bba6415./SRPMS.pclosd   B0 4ELPlB@tBABEBJCibod1.46pclos2011Ibod - ISDN MPPP bandwidth on demand daemonibod is a ISDN MPPP bandwidth on demand daemon designed to operate in conjunction with isdn4linux. It is normally started at boot time, but can be started and stopped at any time. The program monitors inbound and outbound traffic on the ISDN interface. When the required bandwidth exceeds the capacity for one IDSN B-channel (64kbps) a second (slave) channel is connected according to the MPPP protocol. When the traffic decreases below one channel capacity, the slave channel is disconnected.#7Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ibod-1.4-6pclos2011.src.rpm(d176ebf852e5d1413a15cc4f7882f148./SRPMS.pclosd   :h l0B@gBABEBJCibus1.5.43pclos2015A next generation input frameworkIBus is a next generation input framework.MSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  pythonpython-develpython-gobject3-develgtk2-develgtk+3-develdbus-glib-develpython-dbusiso-codesgettext-develintltoolgtk-docpython-gobject-devellibGConf2-devellib64dconf-devellib64notify-develdconfGConf2gobject-introspection-develkde4-macrosvalavala-toolsvala-develdconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ;\` hB@'BALBEPBJqCibus-anthy1.5.41pclos2013ibus - Japanese Anthy engineibus - Japanese Anthy engine.pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  ibus-develanthy-develpython-develintltoolgobject-introspection-develibusrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.3.9-33.0.4-1ibus-anthy-1.5.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm8e8cb25dd8865f6f9e94f92f8fba1a77./SRPMS.pclosd  >`d l  0 B@FBAlBEpBJCibus-chewing1.4.31pclos2013ibus - Chinese chewing engineibus - Chinese chewing engine.pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  libxtst-devellibx11-devellibchewing-develibus-develgtk2-develgettextgob2cmakeGConf2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  9 GB@[BABEBJCibus-fbterm0.9.12pclos2019IBus front-end for fbtermibus-fbterm is a input method for FbTerm based on iBus. * To utilize framebuffer, user should be added into 'video' group, or install fbterm-udevrules package.^System/Internationalizationx86_64  ibusibus-develfbtermrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " [  ,B@BABEBJCibus-gucharmap1.4.01pclos2013Unicode input engine (using Gucharmap) for IBus platformA Unicode input engine (using Gucharmap) for IBus, which supports character-map view and searching by Unicode names with easy key navigation.*pinoc32System/Librariesi586  valagucharmap-develsqlite-develibus-develgnome-commongettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " 9TX `qxB@BA,BE0BJQCibus-handwrite2.1.41pclos2013IBus handwrite projectIBus handwrite project./vpinoc32System/Librariesi586 autoconfgettextibus-develgtk2-develzinnia-devellibgtkglext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ibus-handwrite-2.1.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm6*42a45461a7bed0a806d89794cbdc0dbc./SRPMS.pclos[d  ;X\ dB@BA(BE,BJMCibus-hangul1.4.21pclos2013ibus - Korean Hangul engineibus - Korean Hangul engine./pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  pkgconfig(ibus-1.0)pkgconfig(libhangul)intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),b6642908099fd913dc88d86d02a0ee2c./SRPMS.pclosd   G| "B@5BAXBE\BJ}Cibus-kkc1.5.181pclos2013Japanese Kana Kanji input method for ibusA Japanese Kana Kanji Input Method Engine for ibus.Npinoc32System/Librariesi586  valaintltoollibkkc-develibus-devellibgtk+3.0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   0DH PltB@BABEBJ5Cibus-m17n1.3.42pclos2013ibus - m17n engineibus - M17N engine.S[pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  m17n-lib-develm17n-dblibgtk+2.0_0-develibus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^83e15532dcf2833729a3571a34d82398./SRPMS.pclosd  <\` hB@1BAXBE\BJ}Cibus-pinyin1.5.01pclos2013ibus - Chinese Pinyin engineibus - Chinese Pinyin engine. .pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  pythonibus-develsqlite3-toolssqlite3-devellibuuid-develboost-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   F 8B@NBApBEtBJCibus-qt1.3.31pclos2019Qt IBus library and Qt input method pluginIBus is a next generation input framework. This package contains qt4 input method plugin.xSystem/Internationalizationx86_64  qt4-develdbus-develcmakeicu-develibus-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d  Ktx B@BA(BE,BJMCibus-rawcode1.3.21pclos2013The Rawcode engine for IBus input platformThe Rawcode engine for IBus platform. Dpinoc32System/Librariesi586 gettext-devellibtoolpkgconfigibus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ibus-rawcode-1.3.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm121b8d0137dc571d9cc870bd6c192eb3./SRPMS.pclosgd  [\` hyB@BA4BE8BJYCzhibus-rime0.9.91pclos2013Rime Input Method Engine for IBus中州韻輸入法引擎ibus-rime: Rime Input Method Engine for IBus Support for shape-based and phonetic-based input methods, including those for Chinese dialects. A selected dictionary in Traditional Chinese, powered by opencc for Simplified Chinese output.中州韻輸入法引擎 中州韻輸入法引擎,思想用鍵盤表達也行。 Rime 預設輸入方案有:朙月拼音、語句流、倉頡、速成、五筆、雙拼、 地球拼音、注音、粵拼、吳語、中古漢語拼音、五筆畫、國際音標等。Zpinoc32System/Librariesi586  pkgconfigcmakelibrime-develibus-devellibnotify-develbriserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  J B@BADBEHBJiCibus-sayura1.3.21pclos2013The Sinhala engine for IBus input platformThe Sayura engine for IBus platform. It provides Sinhala input method.pinoc32System/Librariesi586 gettext-devellibtoolpkgconfigibus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ibus-sayura-1.3.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm$6d86dfc67314d2ad26679e5ec9e2ca49./SRPMS.pclossd   ?|  B@BA@BEDBJeCibus-skk1.4.11pclos2013Japanese SKK input method for ibusA Japanese Simple Kana Kanji Input Method Engine for ibus.pinoc32System/Librariesi586  valaintltoollibskk-develibus-devellibgtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'3850d5f1c9e74e32ea99a06a15c16f8b./SRPMS.pclosWd " M    B@BA$BE(BJICibus-sogoupycc0.2.51pclos2013Sogou Pinyin Cloud Client on ibus platformibus-sogoupycc is an unoffical Sogou pinyin cloud client on ibus platform. Features: * double pinyin support: currently only support UCDOS style double pinyin scheme (slightly different from MSPY scheme) * no preedit: always choose the default (1st) result * non-blocking input: your input is not interrupted when waitting for server's responses.Epinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gdk-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(ibus-1.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)lua5.1-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " Z B@BABEBJCibus-sunpinyin2.0.31pclos2013A statistical language model based Chinese input methodSunPinyin is a statistical language model based Chinese input method, which was firstly developed by Sun Beijing Globalization team, and opensource'd to community with opensolaris project, with LGPLv2 and CDDL dual-licenses. SunPinyin had been ported to various input method platforms and operating systems. The 2.0 release currently supports iBus, XIM, and Mac OS X./|pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  ibus-develsqlite3-develglib2-develintltoollibsunpinyin-develgtk+2-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ' Jpt |B@BABEBJ9Cibus-table1.5.0.201304191pclos2013The Table engine for IBus platformThe Table engine for IBus platform.Mpinoc32System/Librariesi586 ibus-devellibpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) , N B@1BA`BEdBJCibus-table-chinese1.4.61pclos2013ibus-chinese - table-based engineibus-table-chinese provide the following input method tables for IBus-Table.tpinoc32System/Internationalizationnoarch  ibus-table-develibus-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 Sx| B@BA BE$BJECibus-table-cyrillic1.2.0.201003051pclos2013The Cyrillic tables for IBus-TableThe Cyrillic tables for IBus Table.tpinoc32System/Librariesnoarch  ibus-table-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 3 b 2B@ABA|BEBJCibus-table-extraphrase1.3.9.201108262pclos2013Chinese extra phrases for ibus-table based IMEThis package provide Chinese extra phrases for ibus-table based IME, such as ibus-table-zhengma, ibus-table-wubi, ibus-table-cangjie5, ibus-table-erbi and etc. This package will also provide a script, called ibus-table-extraphrase, to print the path of extra_phrase.txt.bz2, which can be used when using ibus-table-createdb to generate IME database.;System/Internationalizationnoarch  python-develibus-table-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|131b70d0f8aa43794e7f7e43d3947dab./SRPMS.pclosGd" - Mpt |B@BABEBJ9Cibus-table-latin1.2.0.201003051pclos2013The Latin tables for IBus-TableThe Latin tables for Ibus-Table.xpinoc32System/Librariesnoarch  ibus-table-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . UTX `|B@BABEBJ5Cibus-table-others1.3.0.201005281pclos2013ibus-table-others - table-based engineibus-table-others provides the following input methods on IBus-Table on IBus framework: * CNS11643 * Compose * Emoji * IPA-X-SAMPA * LaTex * RussianTraditional * Thai * Translit * Ua-Translit * Viqr * Yawertypinoc32System/Internationalizationnoarch  ibus-table-develibus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * _ B@ BA<BE@BJaCibus-table-tv1.2.0.201003051pclos2013The Thai and Viqr (Vietnamese) tables for IBus-TableThe Thai and Viqr (Vietnamese) tables for IBus-Table.ޅpinoc32System/Librariesnoarch  ibus-table-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' U B@BA$BE(BJICibus-typing-booster1.2.51pclos2013A typing booster engine for the IBus platformThe Typing Booster engine for IBus platform.kpinoc32System/Librariesi586 ibus-devellibtranslit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ibus-typing-booster-1.2.5-1pclos2013.src.rpmǡa2ae0ad45870dc18d2503a106fd90e52./SRPMS.pclosgd  I B@BA4BE8BJYCibus-unikey0.6.11pclos2013Vietnamese engine for IBus input platformA Vietnamese engine for IBus input platform that uses Unikey.pinoc32System/Librariesi586 gettextibus-develgtk2-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ibus-unikey-0.6.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm0fd27477b34172022b9e37f07c3dc40a./SRPMS.pclosd  & N PB@_BABEBJCibus-xkbc1.3.3.201009221pclos2013The XKBC engine for IBus input platformThe XKBC engine for IBus platform. It provides keyboard layout emulation input method.' pinoc32System/Librariesi586 gettext-devellibtoolpython-develpkgconfigrariangettextglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ibus-xkbc-'r'727946bf31b71b41756ad044ca779e3f./SRPMS.pclosOd ( = B@BABE BJACicc-profiles-openicc1.3.11pclos2022The OpenICC profilesThe OpenICC profiles are provided to serve color managed applications and services.Development/Javanoarch color-filesystemrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icc-profiles-openicc-1.3.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm!5120840b22332f3380bb2277343a9e79./SRPMS.pclosd   I( ,5<PB@BABEBJCicc_examin0.462pclos2010ICC profile viewer and colour visualisationICC Examin is a small utility (unix name: icc_examin) for the purpos of watching the internals of ICC profiles, measurement data (CGATS), argylls gamut visualisations (vrml) and video card gamma tables (Xorg/XFree86/osX).Graphicsi586 fltk-develliblcms-develoyranos-develftgl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icc_examin-0.46-2pclos2010.src.rpmiDe608046ebc4c3a1338a86b4a9db6cb37./SRPMS.pclosd   1  (B@0BAPBETBJuCicclib2.121pclos2011ICC profile I/O libraryThe icclib is a set of routines which implement the reading and writing of color profile files that conform to the International Color Consortium (ICC) Profile Format Specification, Version 3.4.Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icclib-2.12-1pclos2011.src.rpmfacffcd1aae1e07687de456d472db1ff./SRPMS.pcloskd   8  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cice-ssb6.0.81pclos2022Simple Site Specific BrowserFront end for building single site browsers using Firefox, Chromium and Google Chrome-browser as a backend, allowing custom menu integration.Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ice-ssb-6.0.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm034b8369c5e25763f0f7a621a19a9a2b./SRPMS.pclosd   7 1B@SBAxBE|BJCiceauth1.0.101pclos2024ICE authority file utilityThe iceauth program is used to edit and display the authorization information used in connecting with ICE.Development/X11x86_64   libice-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros1.   [$( IV\tB@BABEBJ%Cicebreaker1.2.112pclos2007An addictive action-puzzle game involving bouncing penguinsSo, uh, there's a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have been selected to catch them so they can be shipped to Finland, where they are essential to a secret plot for world domination.4Texstar Games/Arcadei586 XFree86-develSDL_mixer-develalsa-lib-develesound-develgccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icebreaker-1.2.1-12pclos2007.src.rpm61465b997c96d83b849a34e92408189d./SRPMS.pclos+d   2 <B@BABEBJCicecast2.4.41pclos2024Streaming Media ServerIcecast is an Internet based broadcasting system based on the Mpeg Layer III streaming technology. It was originally inspired by Nullsoft's Shoutcast and also mp3serv by Scott Manley. The icecast project was started for several reasons: a) all broadcasting systems were pretty much closed source, non-free software implementations, b) Shoutcast doesn't allow you to run your own directory servers, or support them, and c) we thought it would be a lot of fun.#System/Serversx86_64  libcurl-devellibogg-devellibtheora-devellibvorbis-devellibxslt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)speex-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1icecast-2.4.4-1pclos2024.src.rpmF ef0f0be3a17370fd17d3dbd6ab01967c./SRPMS.pclos?d   . B@BA BEBJ1Cicecat60.7.01pclos2019Icecat web browserIceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser. Its main advantage is an ethical one: it is entirely free software.Networking/WWWx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icecat-60.7.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm{251b0c7a0fce1119744dcea6237d0200./SRPMS.pclosd  ,P TltzB@BABEBJCicewm3.7.11pclos2025X11 Window ManagerWindow Manager for X Window System. Can emulate the look of Windows'95, OS/2 Warp 3,4, Motif or the Java Metal GUI. Tries to take the best features of the above systems. Features multiple workspaces, opaque move/resize, task bar, window list, mailbox status, digital clock. Fast and small.IGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64  asciidocgettextlib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64fribidi-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gdk_pixbuf_xlib2.0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64ice-devellib64imlib2-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64sm-devellib64x11-devellib64xcomposite-devellib64xext-devellib64xft-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-devellibpcap-devellziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xpm-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1icewm-3.7.1-1pclos2025.src.rpmI735148f68ed582099d1995cef3b28522./SRPMS.pclosd   \8< FX`dB@BABEBJCicmake7.21.002pclos2017A hybrid between a 'make' utility and a 'shell script' languageIcmake is a hybrid between a 'make' utility and a 'shell script' language. Originally, it was written to provide a useful tool for automatic program maintenance and system administrative tasks on old MS-DOS platforms.Obb2 Development/Toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icmake-7.21.00-2pclos2017.src.rpmȬ513b70d42d710c0ee958d60eab35dc2f./SRPMS.pclosd   B04 >NX`B@BABEBJCico1.0.51pclos2018Animate an icosahedron or other polyhedronIco displays a wire-frame rotating polyhedron, with hidden lines removed, or a solid-fill polyhedron with hidden faces removed. There are a number of different polyhedra available; adding a new polyhedron to the program is quite simple.bb2 Development/X11x86_64  x11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 8B@ABApBEtBJCicon-naming-utils0.8.901pclos2011Icon handling tools of the Tango ProjectThis utility maps the icon names used by the GNOME and KDE desktops to the icon names proposed in the Icon Naming Specification linked above.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 perl-XML-Simplerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icon-naming-utils-0.8.90-1pclos2011.src.rpm4759787714bcb7d18533a17ce9dc892a./SRPMS.pclosd     WB@aBABEBJCdeicoutils0.32.31pclos2018Extract and convert bitmaps from Windows icon and cursor filesExtrahiert und Konvertiert bitmaps von Windowssymbolen und CursordateienThe icoutils are a set of program for extracting and converting bitmaps from Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files. These files usually have the extension .ico or .cur, but they can also be embedded in executables and libraries (.dll-files). (Such embedded files are referred to as resources.)icoutils ist eine Sammlung von Programmen zum Extrahieren und Konvertieren von Bitmaps von Microsoft Windows Symbol- und Cursordateien. Diese Dateien haben gewöhnlich die Dateierweiterung .ico oder .cur, aber sie können auch in ausführbaren Dateien und Bibliotheken (.dll-Dateien) eingebettet sein.oGraphicsx86_64 lib64png-develautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icoutils-0.32.3-1pclos2018.src.rpma49eac90941564a7e28f6bbd93b056e55./SRPMS.pclosd   ; -4<`B@iBABEBJCicu65.12pclos2021International Components for UnicodeThe International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. ICU supports the most current version of the Unicode standard, and they provide support for supplementary Unicode characters (needed for GB 18030 repertoire support). As computing environments become more heterogeneous, software portability becomes more important. ICU lets you produce the same results across all the various platforms you support, without sacrificing performance. It offers great flexibility to extend and customize the supplied services, which include: * Text: Unicode text handling, full character properties and character set conversions (500+ codepages) * Analysis: Unicode regular expressions; full Unicode sets; character, word and line boundaries * Comparison: Language sensitive collation and searching * Transformations: normalization, upper/lowercase, script transliterations (50+ pairs) * Locales: Comprehensive locale data (230+) and resource bundle architecture * Complex Text Layout: Arabic, Hebrew, Indic and Thai * Time: Multi-calendar and time zone * Formatting and Parsing: dates, times, numbers, currencies, messages and rule basedraSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icu-65.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm]b66753816c8ab08910e4175983eac48c./SRPMS.pclosd   ; -4<`B@iBABEBJCicu69.11pclos2021International Components for UnicodeThe International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. ICU supports the most current version of the Unicode standard, and they provide support for supplementary Unicode characters (needed for GB 18030 repertoire support). As computing environments become more heterogeneous, software portability becomes more important. ICU lets you produce the same results across all the various platforms you support, without sacrificing performance. It offers great flexibility to extend and customize the supplied services, which include: * Text: Unicode text handling, full character properties and character set conversions (500+ codepages) * Analysis: Unicode regular expressions; full Unicode sets; character, word and line boundaries * Comparison: Language sensitive collation and searching * Transformations: normalization, upper/lowercase, script transliterations (50+ pairs) * Locales: Comprehensive locale data (230+) and resource bundle architecture * Complex Text Layout: Arabic, Hebrew, Indic and Thai * Time: Multi-calendar and time zone * Formatting and Parsing: dates, times, numbers, currencies, messages and rule basedSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icu-69.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmb625eee3240efb23b84ced5304e363cb./SRPMS.pclosd   ; -4<`B@iBABEBJCicu71.12pclos2022International Components for UnicodeThe International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. ICU supports the most current version of the Unicode standard, and they provide support for supplementary Unicode characters (needed for GB 18030 repertoire support). As computing environments become more heterogeneous, software portability becomes more important. ICU lets you produce the same results across all the various platforms you support, without sacrificing performance. It offers great flexibility to extend and customize the supplied services, which include: * Text: Unicode text handling, full character properties and character set conversions (500+ codepages) * Analysis: Unicode regular expressions; full Unicode sets; character, word and line boundaries * Comparison: Language sensitive collation and searching * Transformations: normalization, upper/lowercase, script transliterations (50+ pairs) * Locales: Comprehensive locale data (230+) and resource bundle architecture * Complex Text Layout: Arabic, Hebrew, Indic and Thai * Time: Multi-calendar and time zone * Formatting and Parsing: dates, times, numbers, currencies, messages and rule basedSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1icu-71.1-2pclos2022.src.rpm62aaefb2586a6483d1b99d38e617fcf7./SRPMS.pclosd   ; -4@xB@BABEBJCicu73.21pclos2024International Components for UnicodeThe International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. ICU supports the most current version of the Unicode standard, and they provide support for supplementary Unicode characters (needed for GB 18030 repertoire support). As computing environments become more heterogeneous, software portability becomes more important. ICU lets you produce the same results across all the various platforms you support, without sacrificing performance. It offers great flexibility to extend and customize the supplied services, which include: * Text: Unicode text handling, full character properties and character set conversions (500+ codepages) * Analysis: Unicode regular expressions; full Unicode sets; character, word and line boundaries * Comparison: Language sensitive collation and searching * Transformations: normalization, upper/lowercase, script transliterations (50+ pairs) * Locales: Comprehensive locale data (230+) and resource bundle architecture * Complex Text Layout: Arabic, Hebrew, Indic and Thai * Time: Multi-calendar and time zone * Formatting and Parsing: dates, times, numbers, currencies, messages and rule basedTSystem/Librariesx86_64  doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1icu-73.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm#6e3c43c1f9a6d7a48d5b81701d96314d./SRPMS.pclos{d .$B@,BAHBELBJmCid30.781pclos2011Command line ID3 taggerid3 mass tagger is a tool for manipulating id3 and id3v2 tags in multiple files. It can generate tag fields from the filename and other variables, and/or rename files, using an intuitive syntax. id3 currently supports the old-style ID3 tags (ID3 v1.1), Lyrics3 tags (Lyrics3 v2.0), and the more complicated ID3v2 (ID3 v2.2.0, v2.3.0) format. This also means use is pretty much limited to audio files which use these formats, e.g, MPEG-1 Layer III.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1id3-0.78-1pclos2011.src.rpm7252b86dc7e174be103a12ce86dedec4./SRPMS.pclosd   T  &0<kB@uBABEBJCid3lib3.8.315pclos2019A software library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tagsThis package provides a software library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags. It provides a convenient interface for software developers to include standards-compliant ID3v1/2 tagging capabilities in their applications. Features include identification of valid tags, automatic size conversions, (re)synchronisation of tag frames, seamless tag (de)compression, and optional padding facilities. Included are some simple command line example applications.Soundx86_64 doxygenzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1id3lib-3.8.3-15pclos2019.src.rpmM59f419691c6efc855247f8ae8df77651./SRPMS.pclosWd  : B@BA$BE(BJICid3v20.1.121pclos2014A command line id3v2 tag editorid3v2 is a command line id3v2 tag editor. You can add/modifiy/delete id3v2 tags and convert id3v1 tags to id3v2 tags.nqTerryNSoundx86_64 libid3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1id3v2-0.1.12-1pclos2014.src.rpmufc7345e6d550e48d872eec0665232058./SRPMS.pclosd  5  H  B@2BATBEXBJyCidesk0.7.72pclos2022Place icons on your desktopiDesk gives users of minimal wm's (fluxbox, pekwm, windowmaker...) icons on their desktop. The icon graphics are either from a png file and support some eyecandy effects like transparency. Each icon can be configured to run one or more shell commands and the actions which run those commands are completely configurable. In a nutshell if you want icons on your desktop and you don't have or don't want KDE or gnome doing it, you can use idesk.#)Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 gtk2-devellibart_lgpl-develstartup-notification-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64imlib2-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xft-devellib64xrender-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1idesk-0.7.7-2pclos2022.src.rpm'8d38931b435e1dd6e7d58016b97ce44a./SRPMS.pclosd   ' B@BABEBJCdeidjc0.8.171Internet DJ ConsoleA graphical shoutcast/icecast client with two media players, a jingles player, crossfader, ogg and mp3 streaming, shutoff timer, aux input. Uses Jack Audio Connection Kit. Supports playing of mp3, ogg, flac, wma, wav, m4a, files.Internet DJ Console: Shoutcast- und Icecast-Client zum Streamen von Musik oder Podcasts mit allen grundlegenden Funktionen; enthält zwei parallele Player, einen Crossfader, Jingle-Player sowie einen automatischen Stream-Shutoff-Timer; streamt in den Formaten MP3 und OGG und nutzt das Jack Audio Connection Kit; die Player unterstützen alle gängigen Audioformate wie MP3, WAV, WMA, M4A, FLAC oder OGG# Soundx86_64  lib64flac8-develgamin-develglib2-devellib64faac-devellibfaad2-devellibffmpeg-devellibjack-devellib64jack0liblame-devellibmad-devellibsamplerate-devellib64shout-devellibspeex-devellibtheora-devellibvorbis-devellibshout-idjc-develx264-devellib64xine1.2-develpkgconfigpython-develpygtk2.0-develmutagensndfile-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d  Hl pB@BABEBJCidle3-tools0.9.11pclos2013Idle tools for Western Digital Hard DiskIdle3-tools provides a linux/unix utility that can disable, get and set the value of the infamous idle3 timer found on recent Western Digital Hard Disk Drives. It can be used as an alternative to the official wdidle3.exe proprietary utility, without the need to reboot in a DOS environment.OZSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1idle3-tools-0.9.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmVa2ce9916137ebab7874a311409324f5f./SRPMS.pclosd   ? &B@0BATBEXBJyCiec160220.2.42pclos2016Generate ISO/IEC 16022 2D barcodesiec16022 is a program for producing ISO/IEC 16022 2D barcodes, also known as Data Matrix. These barcodes are defined in the ISO/IEC 16022 standard.TGraphicsx86_64 popt-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iec16022-0.2.4-2pclos2016.src.rpmUSbc965cb31c449a63e933a73580d5e929./SRPMS.pclosd # ^ $B@KBAtBExBJCiempluginsuite1.14.11pclos2024Plug-in suite including Ambisonic plug-ins up to 7th orderPlug-in suite including Ambisonic plug-ins up to 7th order@Soundx86_64   cmakedesktop-file-utilsfreetype-develgcc-c++glibc-develjucelib64python3-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libglvnd)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libturbojpeg)pkgconfig(lv2)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcb-cursor)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcb-util)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(zlib)python3-numpy-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vst3sdk3.   E<@ J\dlB@BABEBJCifmetric0.38pclos2017Tool to change the priority of IPv4 routesifmetric is a Linux tool for setting the metrics of all IPv4 routes attached to a given network interface at once. This may be used to change the priority of routing IPv4 traffic over the interface. Lower metrics correlate with higher priorities.bb2 System/Networkingx86_64 lynxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ifmetric-0.3-8pclos2017.src.rpm7d07aa1c11cb2f50af5a0ab9268c5ae7./SRPMS.pcloskd [ B@BA8BE<BJ]Cifplugd0.288pclos2011Detect and perform actions when an ethernet cable is (un)pluggedifplugd is a Linux daemon which will automatically configure your ethernet device when a cable is plugged in and automatically unconfigure it if the cable is pulled. This is useful on laptops with onboard network adapters, since it will only configure the interface when a cable is really connected.̀System/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 doxygenlynxpkgconfiglibdaemon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ifplugd-0.28-8pclos2011.src.rpm226e12678a6c80b84f618d2d7935cbc5./SRPMS.pclosd  Vhl qxB@BABEBJCifreebudget2.0.122pclos2012iFreeBudget - Java based budgeting finance managementiFreeBudget is a free, open source budgeting and personal finance management application.It is designed for home and small business users with simple interface and fast user interaction.It is safe and secure with password based encryption for storing all financial data.kLNealOfficenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ifreebudget-2.0.12-2pclos2012.src.rpmkNq8bd24005a1f2f923e8e44c14bf2999b0./SRPMS.pclos d   XP T_htB@BABEBJCiftop0.173pclos2015Command line tool that displays bandwidth usage on an interfaceiftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. It listens to network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts. Handy for answering the question "why is our ADSL link so slow?".,Monitoringx86_64 libpcap-devellibncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iftop-0.17-3pclos2015.src.rpmx06452b8f826eb081f7783dc0d81a5c75./SRPMS.pclossd  C B@BA@BEDBJeCifuse1.1.41pclos2021Mount Apple iPhone and iPod touch devicesA fuse filesystem for mounting iPhone and iPod touch devices.ZSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(fuse)pkgconfig(libimobiledevice-1.0)pkgconfig(libplist-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ifuse-1.1.4-1pclos2021.src.rpmac6e91ad0e5ae2accba65f6ac8d12b885./SRPMS.pclosd   P   n B@~BABEBJCdeignuit0.0.161pclos2010Flashcard learning systemKarteikarten-LernsystemIgnuit is a memorization aid based on the Leitner flashcard system. It has a GNOME look and feel, a good selection of quiz options, and supports UTF-8. Cards can include embedded audio, images, and mathematical formulae (via LaTeX). It can import and export several file formats, including CSV, jMemorize, and Mnemosyne. Ignuit can be used for both long-term learning and cramming.Ignuit ist eine Auswendiglern Hilfe auf der Basis des Flashkarte Leitner-System. Es hat das GNOME-Look and Feel, daher eine gute Auswahl an Test-Optionen und unterstützt UTF-8. Die Karten beinhalten auch Audio, Bilder und mathematische Formeln (via LaTeX). Es unterstützt das Importieren und Exportieren mehrere Dateiformaten, einschließlich der CSV, jMemorize und Mnemosyne. Ignuit kann für beides verwendet werden, langfristiges Lernen und Pauken.YEducationi586 libxslt-devellibgnomeui2_0-develintltoolgnome-doc-utilslibglade2.0_0-develgettextlibgstreamer0.10_0.10-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ignuit-0.0.16-1pclos2010.src.rpmc75070df4218f76561416d6ba4b0f357b./SRPMS.pclosd  $ J B@%BAPBETBJuCiguanair0.991.svn959.2pclos2010IguanaWorks USB IR Transceiver driverThis package contains the driver daemon required for the operation of the IguanaWorks USB IR Transceiver and the igclient test tool. The IguanaWorks USB IR Transceiver is a simple USB device that can communicate with most home electronics and remote controls via infrared (IR). The transceiver can both send and receive IR codes, and is fully compatible with LIRC under Linux. Unlike serial devices, the USB transceiver does not require a kernel module, and multiple transceivers can be in use at the same time. Each transceiver can transmit on up to 4 independent channels.1System/Kernel and hardwarei586 libusb-devellibpopt-develswigpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iguanair-0.99-1.svn959.2pclos2010.src.rpm.9dd45be02afd39f9a88d586ad1ccb56f./SRPMS.pclosd   - KB@ZBAxBE|BJCike2.1.71pclos2011Ipsec client with GUIThe Shrew Soft VPN Client for Unix is a free IPsec Client for FreeBSD, NetBSD and Linux based operating systems. This version is distributed under an OSI approved open source license and is hosted in a public subversion repository. It supports most of the features availalble in the Windows VPN Client version with the exception of those which are not cross platform compatible. ANetworking/Remote accessi586 openssl-devellibldap-develflexbisoncmakeqt3-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ike-2.1.7-1pclos2011.src.rpmb87fc28945c83d52f4492c5d0380e1b6./SRPMS.pclosd   N !(4hB@wBABEBJCiksemel1.43pclos2022XML parser library designed for Jabber applicationsiksemel is an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parser library designed for Jabber applications. It is coded in ANSI C for POSIX compatible environments, thus highly portable.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  libtoollibgnutls-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   G B@BA BE$BJECilmbase2.2.02pclos2017Abraction/convenience libraries for OpenEXRHalf is a class that encapsulates the ilm 16-bit floating-point format. IlmThread is a thread abstraction library for use with OpenEXR and other software packages. Imath implements 2D and 3D vectors, 3x3 and 4x4 matrices, quaternions and other useful 2D and 3D math functions. Iex is an exception-handling library.ubb2 System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ilmbase-2.2.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm4689045bbc4402a39cdcdea138e84718./SRPMS.pclosd # [` dmtB@*BATBEXBJyCimagemagick7.0.10.624pclos2022An X application for displaying and manipulating imagesImageMagick is a powerful image display, conversion and manipulation tool. It runs in an X session. With this tool, you can view, edit and display a variety of image formats. ImageMagick can make use of the following delegate programs, available as packages in Mandriva: curl enscript ffmpeg ghostscript ghostscript-X gimp gnuplot graphviz html2ps mplayer ncompress netpbm sane-backends texlive-texmf transfig ufraw xdg-utils zip autotrace povray The tainted package supports converting heif/heic image formats.Graphicsx86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)bzip2-develpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)chrpathgraphviz-devellibjbig-develpkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(lqr-1)libltdl-develperl-develpkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libwmf)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)ghostscriptsubversionpkgconfig(libde265)pkgconfig(libheif)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Y4 8AH]B@wBABEBJCimagescan3.63.01pclos2020EPSON Image Scan v3 front-end for scanners and all-in-onesThis software provides applications to easily turn hard-copy documents and imagery into formats that are more amenable to computer processing. You may have to edit as root /etc/utsushi/utsushi.conf and change it to your scanner model []. With lsusb on terminal you become the informations which needed. Included are a native driver for a number of EPSON scanners and a compatibility driver to interface with software built around the SANE standard. SUPPORTED DEVICES: DS-1610, DS-1630, DS-1660W, DS-310, DS-320, DS-360W, DS-40, DS-410, DS-50000, DS-510, DS-520, DS-530, DS-535, DS-535H, DS-5500, DS-560, DS-570W, DS-575W, DS-60000, DS-6500, DS-70, DS-70000, DS-7500, DS-760, DS-770, DS-775, DS-780N, DS-80W, DS-860, EC-4020 Series, EC-4030 Series, EC-4040 Series, EP-10VA Series, EP-30VA Series, EP-708A Series, EP-709A Series, EP-710A Series, EP-711A Series, EP-808A Series, EP-810A Series, EP-811A Series, EP-879A Series, EP-880A Series, EP-881A Series, EP-978A3 Series, EP-979A3 Series, EP-M570T Series, ES-200, ES-300W, ES-300WR, ES-400, ES-50, ES-50, ES-500W, ES-500WR, ES-55R, ES-60W, ES-60WB, ES-60WW, ES-65WR, ET-16500 Series, ET-2500 Series, ET-2550 Series, ET-2600 Series, ET-2610 Series, ET-2650 Series, ET-2700 Series, ET-2710 Series, ET-2720 Series, ET-2750 Series, ET-3600 Series, ET-3700 Series, ET-3750 Series, ET-4500 Series, ET-4550 Series, ET-4700 Series, ET-4750 Series, ET-7700 Series, ET-7750 Series, ET-8700 Series, ET-M2140 Series, ET-M3140 Series, ET-M3170 Series, ET-M3180 Series, EW-M5071FT Series, EW-M571T Series, EW-M630T Series, EW-M660FT Series, EW-M670FT Series, EW-M770T Series, EW-M970A3T Series, FF-640, FF-680W, GT-S650, L1455 Series, L220 Series, L222 Series, L3050 Series, L3060 Series, L3070 Series, L3100 Series, L3110 Series, L3150 Series, L3160 Series, L360 Series, L362 Series, L364 Series, L365 Series, L366 Series, L375 Series, L380 Series, L382 Series, L385 Series, L386 Series, L395 Series, L396 Series, L405 Series, L4150 Series, L4160 Series, L455 Series, L475 Series, L485 Series, L486 Series, L495 Series, L5190 Series, L565 Series, L566 Series, L575 Series, L605 Series, L6160 Series, L6170 Series, L6190 Series, L655 Series, L7160 Series, L7180 Series, LX-10000F, LX-10000FK, LX-7000F, M2140 Series, M3140 Series, M3170 Series, M3180 Series, PX-048A Series, PX-049A Series, PX-M160T Series, PX-M380F, PX-M381FL, PX-M5080F Series, PX-M5081F Series, PX-M680F Series, PX-M7050 Series, PX-M7050FP, PX-M7050FX, PX-M7070FX, PX-M7110F, PX-M7110FP, PX-M780F Series, PX-M781F Series, PX-M840FX, PX-M860F, PX-M880FX, PX-M884F, PX-M886FL, Perfection V19, Perfection V39, ST-2000 Series, ST-3000 Series, ST-4000 Series, WF-2750 Series, WF-2760 Series, WF-2860 Series, WF-3720 Series, WF-3730 Series, WF-4720 Series, WF-4730 Series, WF-4740 Series, WF-6530 Series, WF-6590 Series, WF-7710 Series, WF-7720 Series, WF-8510 Series, WF-8590 Series, WF-C17590 Series, WF-C20590 Series, WF-C5710 Series, WF-C5790 Series, WF-C5790BA, WF-C579R Series, WF-C579RB, WF-C8610 Series, WF-C8690 Series, WF-C8690B, WF-C869R Series, WF-M5799 Series, WF-R8590 Series, XP-220 Series, XP-230 Series, XP-235 Series, XP-240 Series, XP-243 245 247 Series, XP-255 257 Series, XP-332 335 Series, XP-340 Series, XP-342 343 345 Series, XP-352 355 Series, XP-430 Series, XP-432 435 Series, XP-440 Series, XP-442 445 Series, XP-452 455 Series, XP-5100 Series, XP-530 Series, XP-540 Series, XP-6000 Series, XP-6100 Series, XP-630 Series, XP-640 Series, XP-7100 Series, XP-830 Series, XP-8500 Series, XP-900 Series, XP-960 SerieszGraphicsx86_64  gcc-c++ImageMagickboost-develgtkmm2.4-devellibjpeg-devellibsane-devellibtiff-devellibudev-devellibusb-devellib64magick-develgraphicsmagick-develperl-Image-Magickperl-graphicsmagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & V +48TB@\BABEBJCdeimageshack_upload0.53pclos2011A service menu tor upload images on Imageshack.A service menu tor upload images on Imageshack. 0.2 version uses a log file in which saves images' name and url. Therefore, when you want upload an already hosted image, script get directly the url. The tarball contains the .desktop file, the original script and an icon (modified version of Azureus' icon :-P ).Ein Service-Menü über welches man Bilder zu Imageshack hochladen kann. Seit Version 0.2 benutzt eine Log-Datei, in der Namen und URL der Bilder speichert werden. Wenn du ein bereits Hochgeladenes Bild wünschst, erkennt der erhalten Index direkt die URL. Das tarball enthält eine .desktop Datei, den ursprünglichen Index und ein Icon (geänderte Version von Icon Azureus: - P).GGraphical desktop/KDE4noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1imageshack_upload-0.5-3pclos2011.src.rpmM0e8e490a284ba48b47b2af2ee996128e./SRPMS.pclos-d &, 7 a , ,,, , -d B@-vBA-BE-BJ-Cdefresplsrnlruviimagination3.5.11pclos2020Imagination - simple DVD slide show makerImagination is a lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker with a clean interface and few dependencies. It only requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application. Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user. - Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos. - Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio (music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g. subtitles). Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV.Imagination ist ein leichter und benutzerfreundlicher DVD-Diashow-Hersteller mit einer sauberen Schnittstelle und wenige Abhängigkeiten. Es wird nur der ffmpeg-Encoder benötigt um einen Film zu produzieren, der mit einer anderen Anwendung gebrannt werden soll. Imagination hat die folgenden Eigenschaften: - Leicht zu bedienen. - Es kann eine Diashow aus vom Benutzer ausgewählten Fotos erstellen. - Unterstützung für VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) und 3GP (Handys) beim Exportieren von Videos. - Unterstützt Bildschirmauflösungen von 128 x 96 Pixel bis 1920 x 1080 Pixel. beim Exportieren von Videos. - Hintergrundaudio (Musik, als MP3-Dateien oder andere Audiodateien). - Automatische Größenänderung (optional) für Bilder. - Ermöglichen Sie den Benutzern die Auswahl einer Hintergrundfarbe. - Über 50 Übergangseffekte. - Zoomeffekt mit Dauer. - Ermöglichen Sie Benutzern das Hinzufügen erklärender Texte (z. B. Untertitel). Imagination kann verwendet werden, um Präsentationen zu erstellen, die von einem Projektor oder gezeigt werden von einem Smart-TV.Imagination est un créateur de diaporamas DVD léger et convivial avec un interface propre et peu de dépendances. Il ne nécessite que l'encodeur ffmpeg pour produire un film à graver avec une autre application. L'imagination a les caractéristiques suivantes: - Facile à utiliser. - Il peut faire un diaporama à partir de photos sélectionnées par l'utilisateur. - Prise en charge de VOB (DVD vidéo), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) et 3GP (téléphones mobiles) lors de l'exportation de vidéos. - Prise en charge des résolutions d'écran de 128x96 pixels à 1920x1080 pixels, lors de l'exportation de vidéos. - Audio en arrière-plan (musique, fichiers MP3 ou autres fichiers audio). - Redimensionnement automatique (facultatif) pour les images. - Autorisez les utilisateurs à sélectionner une couleur d'arrière-plan. - Plus de 50 effets de transition. - Effet zoom avec durée. - Permettre aux utilisateurs d'ajouter des textes explicatifs (par exemple des sous-titres). L'imagination peut être utilisée pour faire des présentations devant être montrées par un projecteur ou par un téléviseur intelligent.Imagination es un creador de diapositivas de DVD liviano y fácil de usar con un Interfaz limpia y pocas dependencias. Solo requiere el codificador ffmpeg para producir una película que se grabará con otra aplicación. La imaginación tiene las siguientes características: - Fácil de operar. - Puede hacer una presentación de diapositivas a partir de fotos seleccionadas por el usuario. - Soporte para VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) y 3GP (teléfonos móviles) al exportar videos. - Admite resoluciones de pantalla de 128x96 píxeles hasta 1920x1080 píxeles, al exportar videos. - Audio de fondo (música, como archivos MP3 u otros archivos de audio). - Cambio de tamaño automático (opcional) para imágenes. - Permitir a los usuarios seleccionar un color de fondo. - Más de 50 efectos de transición. - Efecto de zoom con tiempo de duración. - Permitir a los usuarios agregar textos explicativos (por ejemplo, subtítulos). La imaginación se puede usar para hacer presentaciones para que las muestre un proyector o por un televisor inteligente.Imagination to lekki i przyjazny dla użytkownika program do tworzenia pokazów slajdów DVD czysty interfejs i kilka zależności. Wymaga tylko kodera ffmpeg aby wyprodukować film do nagrania za pomocą innej aplikacji. Wyobraźnia ma następujące funkcje: - Łatwy w obsłudze. - Może tworzyć pokaz slajdów ze zdjęć wybranych przez użytkownika. - Wsparcie dla VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) i 3GP (telefony komórkowe) podczas eksportowania filmów. - Obsługa rozdzielczości ekranu od 128 x 96 pikseli do 1920 x 1080 pikseli, podczas eksportowania filmów. - Dźwięk w tle (muzyka, pliki MP3 lub inne pliki audio). - Automatyczna zmiana rozmiaru (opcjonalnie) dla zdjęć. - Pozwól użytkownikom wybrać kolor tła. - Ponad 50 efektów przejścia. - Efekt powiększenia wraz z czasem trwania. - Pozwól użytkownikom dodawać teksty objaśniające (np. Napisy). Wyobraźnia może służyć do tworzenia prezentacji, które mają być pokazywane przez projektor lub przez inteligentny telewizor.Машта је лаган и једноставан за употребу ДВД произвођача за презентације са а чист интерфејс и мало зависности. Потребан је само ффмпег кодер да се произведе филм који ће се спалити другом апликацијом. Машта има следеће карактеристике: - Једноставно руковање - Може да направи презентацију из фотографија које одабере корисник. - Подршка за ВОБ (ДВД Видео), ОГВ (Тхеора Ворбис), ФЛВ (Фласх Видео) и 3ГП (мобилни телефони) приликом извоза видео записа. - Подршка резолуције екрана од 128к96 пиксела до 1920к1080 пиксела, код извоза видео записа. - Позадински звук (музика, МП3 датотеке или друге аудио датотеке). - Аутоматска промјена величине (опционално) за слике. - Дозволите корисницима да одаберу боју позадине. - Преко 50 ефеката транзиције. - Учинак зума током времена трајања. - Дозволите корисницима да додају објашњења (нпр. Титлове). Машта се може користити за прављење презентација пројектора или паметним телевизором.Verbeelding is een lichtgewicht en gebruiksvriendelijke maker van dvd-diavoorstellingen met een schone interface en enkele afhankelijkheden. Het vereist alleen de ffmpeg-encoder om een film te maken die moet worden gebrand met een andere toepassing. Verbeelding heeft de volgende kenmerken: - Makkelijk te besturen. - Het kan een diavoorstelling maken van door de gebruiker geselecteerde foto's. - Ondersteuning voor VOB (dvd-video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash-video) en 3GP (mobiele telefoons) bij het exporteren van video's. - Ondersteuning van schermresoluties van 128x96 pixels tot 1920x1080 pixels, bij het exporteren van video's. - Achtergrondaudio (muziek, als mp3-bestanden of andere audiobestanden). - Auto resize (optioneel) voor afbeeldingen. - Laat de gebruikers een achtergrondkleur selecteren. - Meer dan 50 overgangseffecten. - Zoomeffect met tijdsduur. - Sta gebruikers toe om verklarende teksten toe te voegen (bijv. Ondertitels). Verbeelding kan worden gebruikt om presentaties te maken die worden getoond door een projector of door een smart-tv.Imagination - это легкое и удобное средство для создания слайд-шоу на DVD с чистый интерфейс и несколько зависимостей. Требуется только кодер ffmpeg создать фильм для записи другим приложением. Воображение имеет следующие особенности: - Простота в эксплуатации. - Он может сделать слайд-шоу из фотографий, выбранных пользователем. - Поддержка VOB (DVD-видео), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) и 3GP (мобильные телефоны) при экспорте видео. - Поддержка разрешения экрана от 128х96 пикселей до 1920x1080 пикселей, при экспорте видео. - Фоновое аудио (музыка, файлы MP3 или другие аудио файлы). - Авторазмер (необязательно) для изображений. - Разрешить пользователям выбирать цвет фона. - Более 50 эффектов перехода. - Эффект масштаба с продолжительностью времени. - Разрешить пользователям добавлять пояснительные тексты (например, субтитры). Воображение можно использовать для создания презентаций, которые будут показаны проектором или по умному телевизору.Tưởng tượng là một nhà sản xuất trình chiếu DVD nhẹ và thân thiện với người dùng giao diện sạch sẽ và một vài phụ thuộc. Nó chỉ yêu cầu bộ mã hóa ffmpeg để sản xuất một bộ phim được đốt cháy với một ứng dụng khác. Trí tưởng tượng có các tính năng sau: - Dễ dàng hoạt động. - Nó có thể tạo một slideshow từ ảnh do người dùng chọn. - Hỗ trợ VOB (Video DVD), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) và 3GP (Điện thoại di động) khi xuất video. - Hỗ trợ độ phân giải màn hình từ 128x96 pixel đến 1920x1080 pixel, khi xuất video. - Âm thanh nền (nhạc, dưới dạng tệp MP3 hoặc các tệp âm thanh khác). - Tự động thay đổi kích thước (tùy chọn) cho hình ảnh. - Cho phép người dùng chọn màu nền. - Hơn 50 hiệu ứng chuyển tiếp. - Hiệu ứng thu phóng với thời gian. - Cho phép người dùng thêm văn bản giải thích (ví dụ: phụ đề). Trí tưởng tượng có thể được sử dụng để làm cho bài thuyết trình được trình chiếu bằng máy chiếu hoặc bởi một chiếc TV thông minh.-CVideox86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-develintltoolxsltprocsox-develdesktop-file-utilscairo-devellibtoolglibc-develgettextpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1imagination-3.5.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm-d3f6159699402914b757e6cbdc1532e5./SRPMS.pcloswd  G  B@#BADBEHBJiCimake1.0.101pclos2024C preprocessor interface to the make utilityImake is used to generate Makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory input file called an Imakefile. This allows machine dependencies (such as compiler options, alternate com- mand names, and special make rules) to be kept separate from the descriptions of the various items to be built.gUSystem/X11x86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros3.0.4-14.6.0-11.0.1imake-1.0.10-1pclos2024.src.rpm95da6c306d8a03ae2448accfd0bbda3d./SRPMS.pclos;d   Ot xB@BABE BJ-Cimap2004g5pclos2014Server daemons for IMAP and POP network mail protocolsThe imap package provides server daemons for both the IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and POP (Post Office Protocol) mail access protocols. The POP protocol uses a "post office" machine to collect mail for users and allows users to download their mail to their local machine for reading. The IMAP protocol provides the functionality of POP, but allows a user to read mail on a remote machine without downloading it to their local machine. Install the imap package if you need a server to support the IMAP or the POP mail access protocols.#{SSystem/Serversx86_64 openssl-develkrb5-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1imap-2004g-5pclos2014.src.rpm!498a1626aca7c6457b64a68f192235f5./SRPMS.pclosd  ix |  - B@DBAdBEhBJCimath3.1.101pclos2024Library of 2D and 3D vector, matrix, and math operations for computer graphicsImath is a basic, light-weight, and efficient C++ representation of 2D and 3D vectors and matrices and other simple but useful mathematical objects, functions, and data types common in computer graphics applications, including the “half” 16-bit floating-point type.System/Librariesx86_64  boost-develcmakegccgcc-c++makepython3-develpython3-numpy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1imath-3.1.10-1pclos2024.src.rpm*9e3eed83e81a900ac91c937ef40081a4./SRPMS.pclosd   C  (B@0BAPBETBJuCimgv3.1.61pclos2011A cross-platform feature rich image viewerA cross-platform feature rich image viewer. Features include a file browser, slideshows, zooming, rotating, on-the-fly Exif viewing, histograms, fullscreen support, wallpaper setting, the ability to view 4 images on the screen at once, adjustable thumbnail sizes, playlists, view and download images from Web sites, movie playing, file searching/filtering, multiple directory loading, transitional effects, image hiding and more.aGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1imgv-3.1.6-1pclos2011.src.rpmu021cb957ca812ff2956fae34e18359b7./SRPMS.pclosCdA D  B@BABEBJ5Cimlib1.9.157pclos2011An image loading and rendering libraryImlib is a display depth independent image loading and rendering library. Imlib is designed to simplify and speed up the process of loading images and obtaining X Window System drawables. Imlib provides many simple manipulation routines which can be used for common operations. Install imlib if you need an image loading and rendering library. You may also want to install the imlib-cfgeditor package, which will help you configure Imlib. =System/Librariesx86_64  gettextlibx11-devellibxext-develgtk+-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-devellibtiff-devellibungif-develautoconfchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d8d525fcc9b55ba502ad6219a0a832d9./SRPMS.pclos/d   H    B@BABEBJ!Cimlib21.12.21pclos2024Powerful image loading and rendering libraryImlib2 is an advanced replacement library for libraries like libXpm that provides many more features with much greater flexibility and speed than standard libraries, including font rasterization, rotation, RGBA space rendering and blending, dynamic binary filters, scripting, and more. Build Options: --with mmx Enable mmx cpu detection (10% - 30% speedup) System/Librariesx86_64  lib64bzip2-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gif-devellib64id3tag-devellib64jpeg-devellib64png-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1imlib2-1.12.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm e54bd1a727710dc9015331b6a27448335./SRPMS.pclos;d  \8 <MTlB@BABE BJ-Cimmer0.8.11pclos2023Library of persistent and immutable data structures written in C++immer is a library of persistent and immutable data structures written in C++. These enable whole new kinds of architectures for interactive and concurrent programs of striking simplicity, correctness, and performance.System/Librariesx86_64  boost-develcmakelib64catch2-develpkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1immer-0.8.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm$618f49f68598858f7ad645fb33910591./SRPMS.pclosd   CD HOX`B@BABEBJCimpressive0.10.51pclos2014PDF presentation slides with style.Impressive is a program that displays PDF presentation slides with style. Smooth alpha-blended slide transitions are provided for the sake of eye candy, but in addition to this, Impressive offers some unique tools that are very useful for presentations.POfficenoarch python-pillow-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1impressive-0.10.5-1pclos2014.src.rpmU<90f97e569ec52637b3cb7f53b2bc1920./SRPMS.pclosd   3 B@BABEBJCimv3.1.21pclos2019a command line image viewerimv is a command line image viewer intended for use with tiling window managers.`Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1imv-3.1.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmf26596123302b214a6dbe34da3c2dd7f./SRPMS.pclosd  E 1B@;BA\BE`BJCinchi1.0.51pclos2020The IUPAC International Chemical IdentifierThe IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChITM) is a non-proprietary identifier for chemical substances that can be used in printed and electronic data sources thus enabling easier linking of diverse data compilations.* It was developed under IUPAC Project 2000-025-1-800 during the period 2000-2004. Details of the project and the history of its progress are available from the project web site.YSystem/Librariesx86_64 dos2unixglibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1inchi-1.0.5-1pclos2020.src.rpm42e3fbb47afb8ef8c2aff6a631f089476./SRPMS.pclosKd % Hl pB@BABEBJ=Cincidenceeditor24.12.31pclos2025This lib provides incidence editorThis lib provides incidence editor. fGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1incidenceeditor-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm /04d297a975fc22d8965ddbea553ded9e./SRPMS.pclos?d   > B@BA BEBJ1Cindent2.2.98pclos2019A GNU program for formatting C codeIndent is a GNU program for beautifying C code, so that it is easier to read. Indent can also convert from one C writing style to a different one. Indent understands correct C syntax and tries to handle incorrect C syntax. Install the indent package if you are developing applications in C and you'd like to format your code automatically.^Development/Cx86_64 gettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1indent-2.2.9-8pclos2019.src.rpmf6cd56f4610d95813491219371b16e32./SRPMS.pclos#d 8B@BABEBJCindexhtml20104pclos2011PCLinuxOS html welcome pagePCLinuxOS index.html welcome page displayed by web browsers when they are launched.System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1indexhtml-2010-4pclos2011.src.rpm l0ce10224cef7d664c7b8c9037dedb201./SRPMS.pclosd  + O   @ B@TBABEBJCindicator-application12.10.02pclos2015Displays application menus on panelThis package provides a library and an indicator to take the menus from applications and display them on the panel bar.3Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 lib64appindicator3-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64dbusmenu-glib-devellib64dbusmenu-gtk-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64indicator3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1indicator-application-12.10.0-2pclos2015.src.rpm9ed3a3968ce7f5bea7383617fa7dbd7af./SRPMS.pclosd ' Z sB@BABEBJCindicator-appmenu12.10.01pclos2015An indicator to host the menus from an applicationAn indicator to host the menus from an application.[Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 intltoolpkgconfig(libbamf3)pkgconfig(dbusmenu-glib-0.4)pkgconfig(dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4)pkgconfig(appindicator3-0.1)pkgconfig(sqlite3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1indicator-appmenu-12.10.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm^ 99272f7825324f723cba473313618528./SRPMS.pclosd ( _H Lel   B@BABEBJCindicator-kdeconnect0.9.32pclos2019Make KDE Connect usable in desktops without KDE PlasmaThis Indicator is written to make KDE Connect usable in desktops without KDE Plasma, such as Ubuntu Unity and Pantheon. It started as an AppIndicator, but you can send files and URLs easily through KDE Connect with kdeconnect-send.Networking/File transferx86_64 cmakemakelib64appindicator3-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-develvalapython-gobjectpython-requests-oauthlibrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1indicator-kdeconnect-0.9.3-2pclos2019.src.rpme2aa43564ecba5c50f4e80538358f0c9./SRPMS.pclosd $ H 3B@DBApBEtBJCindicator-lunar1.0.762pclos2024Application indicator for astronomyAllows a user to show astronomical information for all planets and their moons, the sun and stars, comets and satellites.^ESciences/Astronomynoarch  lib64python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1indicator-lunar-1.0.76-2pclos2024.src.rpm7e52ffd125620dec9800aa3ee95120f7./SRPMS.pclosd# . a B@BABEBJCindicator-multiload0.5.140.44251pclos2018Graphical system load indicator for CPU, ram, etc.A system load indicator capable of displaying graphs for CPU, ram, and swap space use, plus network traffic.HMonitoringx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gtop2.0-devellib64appindicator3-develvalagnome-commonautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1indicator-multiload-   A +4PB@BABEBJ Cindilib0.82pclos2013Library to control astronomical devicesINDI is an instrument neutral distributed interface control protocol that aims to provide backend driver support and automation for a wide range of Astronomical devices (telescopes, focusers, CCDs..etc).TpinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  zlib-devellibusb-develcfitsio-devellibfli-develcmakeboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0903.0.4-1indilib-0.8-2pclos2013.src.rpmRs6dc1d10fcacf5484fd861ab523be3aed./SRPMS.pclosKd   C +4B@BABEBJ=Cindilib1.9.92pclos2024Library to control astronomical devicesINDI is an instrument neutral distributed interface control protocol that aims to provide backend driver support and automation for a wide range of Astronomical devices (telescopes, focusers, CCDs..etc).pinocSystem/Librariesx86_64   cmakelibfli-devellibnova-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(gmock)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libev)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libusb)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0903.0.4-14.6.0-1indilib-1.9.9-2pclos2024.src.rpm~7ed2c33f295f64885458527ddfde4307./SRPMS.pclos+d   60 4CL t  B@BABEBJCinfobash3.051pclos2011System info script for ircInfobash is a system information script for IRC (Internet Relay Chat) clients. A system information script can display all kinds of things about your hardware and software to users in a chatroom, so they can help you diagnose problems, ... or just marvel at your system specs and kernel version ;) It was created to serve the need for a infoscript that isn't dependant on a particular irc client. Because most irc clients support the /exec command, a script that runs with /exec would be most portable.{Networking/IRCnoarch cpiodiffutilsfilegzipmakemanmktemppatchtarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1infobash-3.05-1pclos2011.src.rpm5ba1412a6fd07ed89fac50904ee73581./SRPMS.pclosd   ` +5<H~B@BABEBJCinfuseA.011pclos2024Infuse - Zeebo multiplatform emulator / Qualcomm BREW reimplementationInfuse is a Qualcomm BREW subsystem reimplementation and Zeebo high-level emulator written from scratch, based purely on clean reverse engineering attempts.$Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)unzip3.0.4-14.6.0-1infuse-A.01-1pclos2024.src.rpmENe4f0841e71c4cd03071b3aa123d31606./SRPMS.pclosd   @< @JPTpB@xBABEBJCingatan1.5.22pclos2015Create and take/give quizzes in JavaIngatan is a program for easily creating and doing quizzes. It was designed to cater for the largest possible range of applications; including learning languages, labelling anatomical diagrams, practising organic chemistry mechanisms, and much more.!3Educationi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ingatan-1.5.2-2pclos2015.src.rpm! Aa58fd309f86c62a036c11f4d80c40490./SRPMS.pclosd   4 .B@8BATBEXBJyCinih491pclos2020Simple INI file parser libraryThe inih package provides simple INI file parser which is only a couple of pages of code, and it was designed to be small and simple, so it's good for embedded systems.>_System/Librariesx86_64 gccmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1inih-49-1pclos2020.src.rpmCe9de33568496198c8bffcc6ed2fef94c./SRPMS.pclosSd   C B@BA BE$BJECiniparser4.11pclos2018C library for parsing "INI-style" filesiniParser is an ANSI C library to parse "INI-style" files, often used to hold application configuration information.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iniparser-4.1-1pclos2018.src.rpmq68d3365cb079b7eecceeaa83c7d87ea1./SRPMS.pclos7d  L< @LTlB@BABEBJ)Cinitscripts9.2644pclos2024The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scriptsThe initscripts package contains the basic system scripts used to boot your PCLINUXOS system, change run levels, and shut the system down cleanly. Initscripts also contains the scripts that activate and deactivate most network interfaces.6System/Basex86_64  glib2-devellib64popt-develpkgconfigpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1initscripts-9.26-44pclos2024.src.rpmGB6bc9970a11a7c02a3c9472376d687a59./SRPMS.pclos#d   @h l}B@BABEBJCinjeqt1.1.01pclos2017Dependency injection framework for QtDependency injection framework for Qt.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1injeqt-1.1.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm59021b0a1200f7e508e745be01e3edfa./SRPMS.pclos;d   CP T]d/ //B@BABE BJ-Cinkscape1.42pclos2024A vector-based drawing program using SVGInkscape is a generic SVG-based vector-drawing program. Inkscape uses the W3C SVG (= "Scalable Vector Graphics") standard as its native file format. Therefore, it is a very useful tool for web designers and can be used as an interchange format for desktop publishing.Graphicsx86_64   boost-develcmakedesktop-file-utilsgettext-develintltoollib64soup-develperlperl(XML::Parser)perl-develpkgconfig(2geom)pkgconfig(GraphicsMagick++)pkgconfig(Magick++)pkgconfig(bdw-gc)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-pdf)pkgconfig(cairo-svg)pkgconfig(gdkmm-3.0)pkgconfig(gdl-3.0)pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4)pkgconfig(gmock)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(gspell-1)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-4)pkgconfig(gtkspell3-3.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libcdr-0.1)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(librevenge-0.0)pkgconfig(librevenge-stream-0.0)pkgconfig(libvisio-0.1)pkgconfig(libwpg-0.3)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(poppler)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(popt)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(readline)pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0)potrace-develpython3-cythonpython3-tinycss2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ! Y B@BABEBJ9Cinkscape-sozi13.111pclos2015Inkscape extension for creating animated presentations.Unlike in most presentation applications, a Sozi document is not organised as a slideshow, but rather as a poster where the content of your presentation can be freely laid out. Playing such a presentation consists in a series of translations, zooms and rotations that allow to focus on the elements you want to show.j[ghostbunnyGraphicsnoarch sconsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1inkscape-sozi-13.11-1pclos2015.src.rpmj885843ad261969af850795fd811104f8./SRPMS.pcloswd   Kdh B@&BADBEHBJiCinn2.4.36pclos2007The InterNetNews (INN) system, a Usenet news serverINN (InterNetNews) is a complete system for serving Usenet news and/or private newsfeeds. INN includes innd, an NNTP (NetNews Transport Protocol) server, and nnrpd, a newsreader that is spawned for each client. Both innd and nnrpd vary slightly from the NNTP protocol, but not in ways that are easily noticed. Install the inn package if you need a complete system for serving and reading Usenet news. You may also need to install inn-devel, if you are going to use a separate program which interfaces to INN, like newsgate or tin.Texstar System/Serversi586 autoconf2.1bisonflexopenssl-develperl-devele2fsprogs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1inn-2.4.3-6pclos2007.src.rpmoc7ee9e787e8edac5e52d2504c91a34cc./SRPMS.pclosd $ @ '08\B@eBABEBJCinotify-tools3.20.2.21pclos2020Simple interface to inotifyThis is a package of some commandline utilities relating to inotify. The general purpose of this package is to allow inotify's features to be used from within shell scripts. Read the man pages for further details.File toolsx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1inotify-tools- # C B@BABE BJACinstallation-help1.03pclos2007Installation help for PCLinuxOS This package contains installation help for the PCLinuxOS distribution. Texstar Books/Howtosnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1installation-help-1.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm 61b69f13e3ca6340c7e1fbdd77fc9a44./SRPMS.pclosCd " 1| B@BABEBJ5Cinstalled-info0.1.01pclos2024Installed InfoSimple GUI to show installed packages and when the system was installed.Graphical desktop/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1installed-info-0.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm6a429d6417064ca048e0817e89d6b1857./SRPMS.pclosd " K (<~B@BABEBJCintel-gmmlib22.3.111pclos2023Intel Graphics Memory Management LibraryThe Intel Graphics Memory Management Library provides device specific and buffer management for the Intel Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL and the Intel Media Driver for VAAPI.&System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  cmakegccgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1intel-gmmlib-22.3.11-1pclos2023.src.rpmLB0cb89fd9c62667a5997c9984c1077bd6./SRPMS.pclosOd " P  ;D   B@BABE BJACintel-gpu-tools1.282pclos2024Tools for debugging the Intel graphics driverIntel GPU Tools is a package of tools for debugging the Intel graphics driver, including a GPU hang dumping program, performance monitor, and performance microbenchmarks for regression testing the DRM.'System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  bisoncmakeflexgtk-doclegmesonpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-xlib)pkgconfig(dri2proto)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(json-c)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libdw)pkgconfig(libkmod)pkgconfig(libproc2)pkgconfig(libssl)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libunwind)pkgconfig(pciaccess)pkgconfig(valgrind)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xmlrpc)pkgconfig(xorg-macros)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xv)python3python3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1intel-gpu-tools-1.28-2pclos2024.src.rpm'fbf74475209f2f96b9304ecf6ed1cefa./SRPMS.pclosd ' `@ D_h  , B@IBAxBE|BJCintel-media-driver23.3.41pclos2023The Intel Media Driver for VAAPI for Broadwell and laterThe Intel Media Driver for VAAPI is a new VA-API (Video Acceleration API) user mode driver supporting hardware accelerated decoding, encoding, and video post processing for GEN based graphics hardware (Broadwell and later)ɪSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64   cmakegccgcc-c++pkgconfig(igdgmm)pkgconfig(libcmrt)pkgconfig(libva)pkgconfig(pciaccess)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)'e60c0e5fd23b02ca955bdca42b6747b8./SRPMS.pclosd # j$ (CL t 3 B@DBApBEtBJCintel-mediasdk23.1.31pclos2023Hardware-accelerated video processing on Intel integrated GPUs LibraryIntel Media SDK provides a plain C API to access hardware-accelerated video decode, encode and filtering on Intel Gen graphics hardware platforms. Implementation written in C++ 11 with parts in C-for-Media (CM). Supported video encoders: HEVC, AVC, MPEG-2, JPEG, VP9 Supported video decoders: HEVC, AVC, VP8, VP9, MPEG-2, VC1, JPEG Supported video pre-processing filters: Color Conversion, Deinterlace, Denoise, Resize, Rotate, CompositiondaSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 cmakepkgconfig(gmock)pkgconfig(igdgmm)pkgconfig(libdrm_intel)pkgconfig(pciaccess)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(ocl-icd)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(libva)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1intel-mediasdk-23.1.3-1pclos2023.src.rpmdIa16200146fd47b683cb88a33eabc4cbc./SRPMS.pclosd   A <>B@_BABEBJCinterface1.3.01pclos2013InterFace plugin for Dooble BrowserDooble is a mischievous and platform-independent browser. Fair trade and organic software made with lots of love. A browser that aims to put some fiber in your diet.Networking/WWWx86_64  gcc-c++dooblepkgconfig(QtGui)pkgconfig(QtNetwork)pkgconfig(QtXml)pkgconfig(QtScript)pkgconfig(libupnp)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)gpgme-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ! Ax |B@BABEBJ Cinterlink52.9.77621pclos2021Interlink mail/newsgroup clientInterlink is a standalone mail and newsgroup client.!ANetworking/Mailx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1interlink-52.9.7762-1pclos2021.src.rpm$B7f6ef5a39c56e85fa692ec578378d016./SRPMS.pclosd   j XB@bBABEBJCintltool0.51.06pclos2023Scripts and assorted auto* magic for i18nalizing various kinds of data filesThe intltool collection can be used to: Extract translatable strings from various source files, including .xml.in, .glade, .desktop.in, .server.in, .oaf.in. Collect the extracted strings together with messages from traditional source files (such as .c, .h) into pot files. Merge back the translations from .po files into .xml, .desktop and .oaf files during software build time.Development/GNOME and GTK+noarch perl(XML::Parser)gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1intltool-0.51.0-6pclos2023.src.rpm707b8aff106001948c6bdac0039ce095./SRPMS.pclos[d " Z  ', T  B@BA(BE,BJMCinvulgo-tracker1.051pclos2010InvulgoTracker - Time tracker for your tasks & projectsSimple application to track time usage on your tasks & projects. Create and maintain a task-tree and keep track of how much time you spend on individual tasks. Quick month/day summary shown. Officei586 gtk2-develGConf2-devellibgvfs-develintltoolperl-XML-Parserpkgconfiglibglade2.0_0-devellibxml2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1invulgo-tracker-1.05-1pclos2010.src.rpm)P700746851fedbdfde189f80ff6008081./SRPMS.pclos{d  T B@&BAHBELBJmCinxi3.3.361pclos2024Command line system information script for console and IRCinxi is a command line system information script built for console and IRC. It is also used for forum technical support, as a debugging tool, to quickly ascertain user system configuration and hardware. inxi shows system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, kernel, GCC version, processes, RAM usage, and a wide variety of other useful information.System/Configurationnoarch  gziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1inxi-3.3.36-1pclos2024.src.rpm,97295e246e92c26c5f0e8aeb33e1b2d8./SRPMS.pclos_d   7 B@ BA,BE0BJQCinxi-gui0.1.33pclos2023Shows system hardware infoInxi gui shows system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, kernel, GCC version, processes, RAM usage and more...System/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1inxi-gui-0.1.3-3pclos2023.src.rpm؂760242499f5e87feaf4571ccdcbb7f22./SRPMS.pclos'd   7 ",LB@BABEBJCiok2.1.31pclos2018Indic Onscreen Virtual Keyboardiok is Indic Onscreen Keyboard. It provides virtual Keyboard functionality. It currently works with Inscript and xkb keymaps for Indian languages. iok can even try to parse non-inscript keymaps and show them in iok.eAccessibilityx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64xtst-develgtk3-develgettextlibxml2-develintltoolunique-3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iok-2.1.3-1pclos2018.src.rpmj1f82e7949b255ccc4f3cb4d803841138./SRPMS.pclosd   G  QB@\BA|BEBJCiotop0.61pclos2015Display I/O usage of processes in a top like UIiotop is a Python program with a top like UI used to show of behalf of which process is the I/O going on. It requires a Linux kernel 2.6.20 with TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING enabled.vMonitoringnoarch zlibpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iotop-0.6-1pclos2015.src.rpm}f06a9194add89d18ad96d1f5da14e70b./SRPMS.pclosd   6 (,HB@PBApBEtBJCiozone3.4871pclos2019Iozone Filesystem BenchmarkIOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool. The benchmark generates and measures a variety of file operations. Iozone has been ported to many machines and runs under many operating systems. Iozone is useful for performing a broad filesystem analysis of a vendors computer platform. The benchmark tests file I/O performance for the following operations: Read, write, re-read, re-write, read backwards, read strided, fread, fwrite, random read, pread ,mmap, aio_read, aio_write. File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iozone-3.487-1pclos2019.src.rpm r5a1245a62acc14be1b1d78ce4a9c5ca4./SRPMS.pclosd 'PTclpB@BABEBJCipcalc0.411pclos2011IP Calculatoripcalc takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the resulting broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host range. By giving a second netmask, you can design sub- and supernetworks. It is also intended to be a teaching tool and presents the results as easy-to-understand binary values.`TSystem/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipcalc-0.41-1pclos2011.src.rpmgF9c6b2415c66455b3d4bee845ec51c340./SRPMS.pclosd   PD HY`hB@BABEBJCiperf3.141pclos2023A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tooliperf is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, protocols, and buffers. For each test it reports the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters.)Networking/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1iperf-3.14-1pclos2023.src.rpmO98c6254882881fbdc41bdc7345fadd79./SRPMS.pclosd   : SB@^BABEBJCipkungfu0.6.11pclos2009Iptables-based Linux firewallIPKungFu is an iptables-based Linux firewall. It aims to simplify the configuration of Internet connection sharing, port forwarding, and packet filtering.System/Configuration/Networkingnoarch rpm-helperiptablesiptables-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipkungfu-0.6.1-1pclos2009.src.rpmI82ee1eb0a5c5d1f40ec5dedfddcfcfc0./SRPMS.pclosd  ;  (B@BABEBJCiplist-block0.281pclos2010a list based packet handleriplist is a list based packet handler which uses the netfilter netlink-queue library (kernel 2.6.14 or later). It filters by IP-address and is optimized for thousands of IP-address ranges.EuNetworking/Otheri586 libnfnetlink-develgcc-c++zlib-devellibnetfilter_queue-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iplist-block-0.28-1pclos2010.src.rpmC;baf74325f9e4005032058803df1273b2./SRPMS.pclosd  H\ `kt|B@BABEBJCiplog2.2.314pclos2017Logs TCP, UDP, and ICMP connections to syslogiplog is a TCP/IP traffic logger. Currently, it is capable of logging TCP, UDP and ICMP traffic. Adding support for other protocols should be relatively easy. iplog contains a built-in packet filter, allowing for logging or excluding packets that fit a given set of criteria.FMonitoringx86_64 libpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iplog-2.2.3-14pclos2017.src.rpmϸd2ffe70050254ae3fbc1e951acf5f162./SRPMS.pclosd   FX\ }B@BABEBJCipmitool1.8.73pclos2007Utility for interfacing with IPMI devicesIPMI stands for Intelligent Platform Management Interface and is an open standard for machine health, and (remote) control and is implemented by many hardware vendors - Intel is one of the originators, and early adopters of the standard. This package contains a utility for interfacing with IPMI-enabled devices through either the OpenIPMI kernel driver or with IPMI-over-LAN protocol. These functions include printing FRU(Field Replaceable Unit) information, LAN configuration, sensor readings, and remote chassis power control.-Texstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipmitool-1.8.7-3pclos2007.src.rpm7ea75b5c0081128c1dbf67f5d8dc3f604./SRPMS.pclosd   C  wB@BABEBJCipod-sharp0.8.53pclos2010Library to control the Ipod databaseipod-sharp is a library that allows manipulation of the iTunesDB used in Apple iPod devices. Currently it supports adding/removing songs and manipulating playlists.DsSystem/Librariesi586 mono-develmono-toolsgtk-sharp2ndesk-dbus-glibpodsleuthrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipod-sharp-0.8.5-3pclos2010.src.rpmJ/914ad349bffdb7f714aaeda66ece539d./SRPMS.pclos{d   XH L]dB@%BAHBELBJmCiproute25.16.01pclos2022Advanced IP routing and network device configuration toolsThe iproute package contains networking utilities (ip, tc and rtmon, for example) which are designed to use the advanced networking capabilities of the Linux 2.2.x kernels and later, such as policy routing, fast NAT and packet scheduling. N.Networking/Otherx86_64  bisonflexkernel-userspace-headerspkgconfig(xtables)pkgconfig(libmnl)libelfutils-develpkgconfig(libnl-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Kfbd56e88b8efe721ef9e4a96bcf7c2a6./SRPMS.pclosd   O  HB@QBAtBExBJCdeipscan3.8.21pclos2022Angry IP network scannerAngry IP NetzwerkscannerAngry IP Scanner is an IP address scanner tool. It is used for scanning of IP addresses with the goal of finding alive hosts and gathering interesting information about each of them. It is very extensible, allowing it to be used for very wide range of purposes, with the primary goal of being useful to network administratorsAngry IP Scanner ist ein IP-Adressenscanner, dieser wird mit dem Ziel eingesetzt, verfügbare Hosts im Netzwerk zu finden und interessante Informationen über diese zu sammeln. Angry IP ist in hohem Maß erweiterbar, erlaubt es in einem großen Bereich eingesetzt zu werden, mit dem Primärziel nützlich für Netzwerkadministratoren zu sein.LSystem/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipscan-3.8.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmj[27cb708476707ff7ae2f74c537157e7e./SRPMS.pcloskd  Edh B@BA8BE<BJ]Cipsec-tools0.6.63pclos2007Tools for configuring and using IPSECThis is the IPsec-Tools package. You need this package in order to really use the IPsec functionality in the linux-2.6 and above kernels. This package builds: - libipsec, a PFKeyV2 library - setkey, a program to directly manipulate policies and SAs - racoon, an IKEv1 keying daemon jTexstar Networking/Otheri586 openssl-develkrb5-develflexbisonlibpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipsec-tools-0.6.6-3pclos2007.src.rpm Uo0e9f21a8a67fb1ac17fcb86afc812236./SRPMS.pclosd L/8<XB@`BABEBJCipset4.41pclos2011Tools for managing sets of IP or ports with iptablesIP sets are a framework inside the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel, which can be administered by the ipset utility. Depending on the type, currently an IP set may store IP addresses, (TCP/UDP) port numbers or IP addresses with MAC addresses in a way, which ensures lightning speed when matching an entry against a set. ipset may be the proper tool for you, if you want to o store multiple IP addresses or port numbers and match against the collection by iptables at one swoop; o dynamically update iptables rules against IP addresses or ports without performance penalty; o express complex IP address and ports based rulesets with one single iptables rule and benefit from the speed of IP setsSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipset-4.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm#ed957c5c961e282d77375627086f9879./SRPMS.pclosgd   [  $?HhB@BA4BE8BJYCiptables1.8.111pclos2024Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilitiesiptables controls the Linux kernel network packet filtering code. It allows you to set up firewalls and IP masquerading, etc. Install iptables if you need to set up firewalling for your network. System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64   byaccflexlib64netfilter_conntrack-devellib64nfnetlink-devellib64nftnl-develpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 0ae29b5f4f0046c620240d61df50514a./SRPMS.pclos d   ?LP qB@BABEBJCiptoip0.3.00.6pclos2007Maintains a coherent ipvsadm tableiptoip is a program to maintain an ipvsadm table coherent. It is specially useful when using an intermittent internet connection or when your ISP breaks conections to reaffect IP addresses (like in France). Use the ipvsadm tool to build and update a forwarding table.9{Texstar Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iptoip-0.3.0-0.6pclos2007.src.rpm?ke627735e49f3c318c7ad224cc7b08647./SRPMS.pclosd   E  B@*BALBEPBJqCiptraf3.0.11pclos2010A console-based network monitoring programIPTraf is a console-based network monitoring program for Linux that displays information about IP traffic. It returns such information as: Current TCP connections UDP, ICMP, OSPF, and other types of IP packets Packet and byte counts on TCP connections IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, non-IP, and other packet and byte counts TCP/UDP counts by ports Interface activity Flag statuses on TCP packets LAN station statistics This program can be used to determine the type of traffic on your network, and what kind of service is the most heavily used on what machines, among others. IPTraf works on Ethernet, FDDI, ISDN, PLIP, and SLIP/PPP interfaces.System/Kernel and hardwarei586 popt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipvsadm-1.24-4pclos2007.src.rpm97e26b08a33dc88d95d2c8aedc85ba41./SRPMS.pclos'd " ;| B@BABEBJCipw2100-firmware1.34pclos2019Firmware for the IPW2100This package contains the firmware files for the IPW2100 chipSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipw2100-firmware-1.3-4pclos2019.src.rpmOa3978a8af0ddbdc9ffdae7dad5c3f038./SRPMS.pclos'd " ;| B@BABEBJCipw2200-firmware3.13pclos2019Firmware for the IPW2200This package contains the firmware files for the IPW2200 chipSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipw2200-firmware-3.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm537beeeb54e5d182cc3ce37751785c5d./SRPMS.pclosCd"QB@BABEBJ5Cipw3945-ucode1.14.21pclos2011Intel PRO/Wireless 3945 (IPW3945ABG) microcodeFirmware for the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945 (IPW3945ABG) Wifi adapter.\System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipw3945-ucode-1.14.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm83c3e12c38ff601d260f8718f55e5260./SRPMS.pclos+d YtxB@BABEBJCipw3945d1.7.221pclos2011Regulatory Daemon for the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG DriverThis package contains the regulatory daemon for the ipw-3945 driver. Usage of this daemon is subject to the terms contained in the included LICENSE file. Please read the license carefully. This package is in plf because the microcode is not free itself, it can only be distributeddSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ipw3945d-1.7.22-1pclos2011.src.rpm8051d9da091b2d20c4be30855ef490d0./SRPMS.pclos d   K@ DW` -B@ YBA |BE BJ Cipython3.2.21pclos2016An interactive computing environment for PythonThe goal of IPython is to create a comprehensive environment for interactive and exploratory computing. To support this goal, IPython has two main components: * An enhanced interactive Python shell. * An architecture for interactive parallel computing. The enhanced interactive Python shell has the following main features: * Comprehensive object introspection. * Input history, persistent across sessions. * Caching of output results during a session with automatically generated references. * Readline based name completion. * Extensible system of 'magic' commands for controlling the environment and performing many tasks related either to IPython or the operating system. * Configuration system with easy switching between different setups (simpler than changing $PYTHONSTARTUP environment variables every time). * Session logging and reloading. * Extensible syntax processing for special purpose situations. * Access to the system shell with user-extensible alias system. * Easily embeddable in other Python programs and wxPython GUIs. * Integrated access to the pdb debugger and the Python profiler. The parallel computing architecture has the following main features: * Quickly parallelize Python code from an interactive Python/IPython session. * A flexible and dynamic process model that be deployed on anything from multicore workstations to supercomputers. * An architecture that supports many different styles of parallelism, from message passing to task farming. * Both blocking and fully asynchronous interfaces. * High level APIs that enable many things to be parallelized in a few lines of code. * Share live parallel jobs with other users securely. * Dynamically load balanced task farming system. * Robust error handling in parallel code.oaDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  python-develpython-simplegenericpython-setuptoolspython-pygmentspython-sphinxpython-jinja2python-pyzmqpython-pexpectpython-tornadopython-matplotlibpython-numpydoclib64girepository-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-simplegenericpython3-pygmentspython3-sphinxpython3-jinja2python3-pexpectpython3-pyzmqpython3-tornadorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   U ,B@7BA`BEdBJCirda-utils0.9.1610pclos2007Utilities for infrared communication between devicesIrDA(TM) (Infrared Data Association) is an industry standard for wireless, infrared communication between devices. IrDA speeds range from 9600 bps to 4 Mbps, and IrDA can be used by many modern devices including laptops, LAN adapters, PDAs, printers, and mobile phones. The Linux-IrDA project is a GPL'd implementation, written from scratch, of the IrDA protocols. Supported IrDA protocols include IrLAP, IrLMP, IrIAP, IrTTP, IrLPT, IrLAN, IrCOMM and IrOBEX. The irda-utils package contains a collection of programs that enable the use of IrDA protocols. Most IrDA features are implemented in the kernel, so IrDA support must be enabled in the kernel before any IrDA tools or programs can be used. Some configuration outside the kernel is required, however, and some IrDA features, like IrOBEX, are actually implemented outside the kernel.cTexstar System/Serversi586 glib2-develautoconf2.5automake1.4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1irda-utils-0.9.16-10pclos2007.src.rpmʥe54f633160f4626aa180abc95dd5e2a5./SRPMS.pclosod ) 9 B@ BA<BE@BJaCiridium-browser2023.11.1191pclos2024Iridium BrowserIridium Browser is a new web browser based on Chromium with privacy in mind.>zNetworking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1iridium-browser-2023.11.119-1pclos2024.src.rpm8t2430b5bf67fbaad893a4061184bd4e99./SRPMS.pclosd    bB@mBABEBJCdeiriverter0.161pclos2010iriverter is a cross-platform multimedia player.iriverter ist eine plattformübergreifende Multimedia-Player.iriverter is a cross-platform frontend to mencoder designed to facilitate the conversion of almost any video format to one that is playable on various multimedia players.iriverter ist ein Cross-Plattform-Frontend für mencoder entwickelt, um die Konvertierung von nahezu jedem Videoformat auf einen für diversen tragbare Multimedia-Player abspielbar zu machen.4!XVideoi586 java-1.6.0-sun-devellibgcj-develeclipserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iriverter-0.16-1pclos2010.src.rpm42(c8db01731dedbc1bc9c6a58b5207f3d6./SRPMS.pclosd  BD HY`dB@BABEBJCirman0.4.51pclos2010Library for accessing the IRMAN hardwarexSystem/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1irman-0.4.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm}yab98f2cea25a8f06ee13e2d7e60f546d./SRPMS.pclosCd   V ",HB@BABEBJ5Cirongrip0.81pclos2014GTK program to rip CD audio and encode to mp3, ogg, or flacIronGrip is a free, open source and easy-to-use graphical software written in C around the GTK+ toolkit and designed to act as a handy desktop utility for Audio CD encoding and ripping tasks.Soundx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1irongrip-0.8-1pclos2014.src.rpm6c8633e888b3eac73c2e29ef263add41./SRPMS.pclosd   K zB@BABEBJCirqbalance1.9.41pclos2025Daemon to balance irq's across multiple CPUsirqbalance is a daemon that evenly distributes IRQ load across multiple CPUs for enhanced performance. System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  gccmakedepnuma-develpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libcap-ng)pkgconfig(ncurses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1irqbalance-1.9.4-1pclos2025.src.rpm Kc0054619bc9bcc7980577486635d7d4c./SRPMS.pclos[d   4  ,  B@BA(BE,BJMCirrlicht1.8.11pclos2014The Irrlicht Engine SDKThe Irrlicht Engine is an open source high performance realtime 3D engine written and usable in C++ and also available for .NET languages. It is completely cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL and its own software renderer, and has all of the state-of-the-art features which can be found in commercial 3D engines. We've got a huge active community, and there are lots of projects in development that use the engine. You can find enhancements for Irrlicht all over the web, like alternative terrain renderers, portal renderers, exporters, world layers, tutorials, editors, language bindings for java, perl, ruby, basic, python, lua, and so on. And best of all: It's completely free.qpinoc32Graphicsi586 imagemagickzlib-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develmesagl-develpkgconfig(x11)libxext-devellibxxf86vm-devellibxft-develbzip2-develfontconfig-devellibxcursor-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1irrlicht-1.8.1-1pclos2014.src.rpmg73d15b48ed5c46be13ab0d94edb56a846./SRPMS.pclosd  0 gB@sBABEBJCirssi1.2.21pclos2019Irssi is an IRC clientIrssi is a modular and flexible IRC client for UNIX that has only a text mode user interface (but as 80-90% of the code isn't text mode specific, other UIs could be created pretty easily). Also, Irssi isn't really even IRC specific anymore, there are already working SILC and ICB modules available. Support for other protocols like ICQ and Jabber could be created some day too. Irssi is one of the most popular IRC clients at the moment.tNetworking/IRCx86_64 glib2-develncurses-develperl-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1irssi-1.2.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmz5e82f15ad1955bc767bc9b30cbd25da2./SRPMS.pclosd  X )B@2BAXBE\BJ}Cisapnptools1.269pclos2007Utilities for configuring ISA Plug-and-Play (PnP) devicesThe isapnptools package contains utilities for configuring ISA Plug-and-Play (PnP) cards which are in compliance with the PnP ISA Specification Version 1.0a. ISA PnP cards use registers instead of jumpers for setting the board address and interrupt assignments. The cards also contain descriptions of the resources which need to be allocated. The BIOS on your system, or isapnptools, uses a protocol described in the specification to find all of the PnP boards and allocate the resources so that none of them conflict. Note that the BIOS doesn't do a very good job of allocating resources. So isapnptools is suitable for all systems, whether or not they include a PnP BIOS. In fact, a PnP BIOS adds some complications. A PnP BIOS may already activate some cards so that the drivers can find them. Then these tools can unconfigure them or change their settings, causing all sorts of nasty effects. If you have PnP network cards that already work, you should read through the documentation files very carefully before you use isapnptools. Install isapnptools if you need utilities for configuring ISA PnP cards.vTexstar System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 flexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1isapnptools-1.26-9pclos2007.src.rpm&3793feb0bdaac62dc93f4baed03785a2./SRPMS.pclosd   O  $@B@HBAlBEpBJCisdn-light0.812pclos2007Networking with the isdn subsystem, light versionThis package provides the minimal scripts to do networking with isdn4linux. It is simple, clean and tiny. Ideal for small configuration.Texstar System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1isdn-light-0.8-12pclos2007.src.rpmebb2ec131d8e046b5f51434a7c3c4439./SRPMS.pclosd  L TKB@mBABEBJCisdn4k-utils3.123pclos2017Bundled Utilities for configuring ISDN4Linuxisdn4k-utils is a collection of various ISDN related utilities. This package contains configuration tools for all ISDN adapters, supported by Linux. Furthermore, several status-monitors are provided as well as some ISDN-based applications. Namely ipppd, a PPP daemon for synchronous PPP over ISDN; vbox, an answering-machine and (for use with AVM-B1 only) capifax, a faxmachine.fbb2 System/Configuration/Networkingx86_64  autoconf2.5automakegdbm-develimakekernel-sourcetcl-devellibtoollibxext-devellibxmu-devellibxp-devellibxt-devellinuxdoc-toolsncurses-developenssl-develpcap-develpppppp-develX11-develxaw-develxpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   @ ,48TB@\BABEBJCisdn4net1.4.613pclos2007Networking with the isdn subsystemThis package provides several scripts to do networking with isdn4linux, several sample configurations for card and ippp setup and small configuration and admin utility.^Texstar System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1isdn4net-1.4.6-13pclos2007.src.rpm;29cb3d97cd4d72dbbd823e845e55cbd1./SRPMS.pclosKd   9p tB@BABEBJ=Cisl0.241pclos2024Integer point manipulation libraryisl is a library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints. Supported operations on sets include intersection, union, set difference, emptiness check, convex hull, (integer) affine hull, integer projection, computing the lexicographic minimum using parametric integer programming, coalescing and parametric vertex enumeration. It also includes an ILP solver based on generalized basis reduction, transitive closures on maps (which may encode infinite graphs), dependence analysis and bounds on piecewise step-polynomials.System/Librariesx86_64  gccgmp-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1isl-0.24-1pclos2024.src.rpmNk192f6b5241f078c9cb300e8cb2e9f574./SRPMS.pclosd !  8B@IBApBEtBJCdeiso-codes4.17.01pclos2025Mapping between ISO country codes and full namesAbbildung zwischen ISO Länderkode und ganzem NamenThis package aims to provide the list of the country and language (and currency) names in one place, rather than repeated in many programs throughout PCLinuxOS.Dieses Paket hat das Ziel eine Liste der Länder- und Sprachen- (und Währungs-) Namen an einem Platz zu bieten, anstelle diese in vielen PCLinuxOS-Programmen zu wiederholen.G>System/Librariesx86_64  python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1iso-codes-4.17.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmGi26ff86bd3f5125c5fd014dea80c221a3./SRPMS.pcloswd $ U B@BADBEHBJiCisoimagewriter24.12.31pclos2025Program to write hybrid ISO files onto USB disksKDE ISO Image Writer is a tool to write a .iso file to a USB disk.'Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1isoimagewriter-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmWHdda6fa4552f78e504521e9852ce6713d./SRPMS.pclosKd   W B@BABEBJ=Cisolabel0.2.31pclos2019Change volume label on ISO 9660 image and Joliet extensionChange volume label on ISO 9660 image and Joliet extensionFile toolsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1isolabel-0.2.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm952cc5889cd8d02b30d0096594049e81./SRPMS.pclosd   : sB@BABEBJCisomaster1.3.141pclos2018GTK+-based ISO image editorISO Master: an easy to use GUI CD image editor. It allows to extract files from an ISO, add files to an ISO, and create bootable ISOs - all in a graphical user interface.[Archiving/Cd burningx86_64 gtk+2-develiniparser-develdesktop-file-utilsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1isomaster-1.3.14-1pclos2018.src.rpm\f3554aef205f3ff72ca53715750b3eb5./SRPMS.pclosd   W GB@RBAxBE|BJCisomd5sum1.2.12pclos2022Utilities for working with md5sum implanted in ISO imagesThe isomd5sum package contains utilities for implanting and verifying an md5sum implanted into an ISO9660 image.R?TerryNArchiving/Cd burningx86_64 lib64popt-develpython-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1isomd5sum-1.2.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmU8600594c9a655d2423dd77face3aad65./SRPMS.pclosSd   k B@BA BE$BJECisoquery3.3.31pclos2023Search and display ISO codes for countries, languages, currencies, and scriptsSearch and display ISO codes for countries, languages, currencies, and scripts.cFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1isoquery-3.3.3-1pclos2023.src.rpmX442cc7f60355954536ac036f11d7b572./SRPMS.pclosd  D    B@BABEBJCispc1.18.01pclos2022C-based SPMD programming language compilerA compiler for a variant of the C programming language, with extensions for "single program, multiple data" (SPMD) programming.mDevelopment/Cx86_64 bisoncmakeclang-develdoxygenflexgitgcc-c++llvm-develrst2htmlpkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ispc-1.18.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm(c2fb556d1b7e8c8d5c928dd9c252557e./SRPMS.pclosd   5  TLB@aBABEBJCistanbul0.2.24pclos2010Desktop Session RecorderIstanbul is a desktop session recorder. You can use it to record your desktop session and then play it back for demos, tutorials and presentations. Sessions are recorded to ogg theora files for later playback.?Videoi586 pythonpygtk2.0-libgladedesktop-file-utilspygtk2.0-develgnome-python-extrasgstreamer0.10-plugins-goodgstreamer0.10-pythonlibgstreamer-plugins-base-develImageMagickautomake1.8intltoollibGConf2-develpython-xlibrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1istanbul-0.2.2-4pclos2010.src.rpmD6cf3a70e7e2b3610c6a88b4d5408e01f./SRPMS.pclosd   Y B@BABEBJCistream0.104pclos2012A GNOME panel applet that lets you play internet radio streamsiStream is a simple GNOME panel applet that lets you play internet radio streams (local files work too). It uses Gstreamer for playback.FNealSoundi586 GConf2-develglib2-devellibpanel-applet-2-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-develgtk+2-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1istream-0.10-4pclos2012.src.rpmQ47c3acbd5a2a2846d8ef3fbdcc612109./SRPMS.pclosd  90 4ELXB@BABEBJCitaka0.2.22pclos2010On-demand screen capture serverItaka is an on-demand screen capture server featuring a polished and easy to use interface with a robust backend HTTP server. The concept is simple: a request to your computer by a user displays an image of your screen in the user's web browser.ڳNetworking/Othernoarch python-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1itaka-0.2.2-2pclos2010.src.rpmddb9d34db4b26e781dd0a4fd6ef90cfd./SRPMS.pclosd  K iB@wBABEBJCitalc1.0.111pclos2010Intelligent Teaching And Learning with ComputersiTALC is a use- and powerful didactical tool for teachers. It lets you view and control other computers in your network in several ways. It supports Linux and Windows 2000/XP/Vista and it even can be used transparently in mixed environments! iTALC has been designed for usage in school. Therefore it offers a lot of possibilities to teachers, such as * see what's going on in computer-labs by using overview mode and make snapshots * remote-control computers to support and help other people * show a demo (either in fullscreen or in a window) - the teacher's screen is shown on all student's computers in realtime * lock workstations for moving undivided attention to teacher * send text-messages to students * powering on/off and rebooting computers per remote * remote logon and logoff and remote execution of arbitrary commands/scripts * home-schooling - iTALC's network-technology is not restricted to a subnet and therefore students at home can join lessons via VPN-connections just by installing iTALC client Furthermore iTALC is optimized for usage on multi-core systems (by making heavy use of threads). No matter how many cores you have, iTALC can make use of all of them. This package does not work out of the box and requires manual configuration. Please check their website for more info. http://italc.sourceforge.net/)zNetworking/Remote accessi586 qt4-develzlib-develjpeg-develqt4-linguistlibxtst-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1italc-1.0.11-1pclos2010.src.rpm)a1e0a1b2cf588da14c6ecfafbea79606./SRPMS.pclosd   =t x  p B@BABEBJCitinerary24.12.31pclos2025Itinerary display applicationItinerary and boarding pass management application. YGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroskitemmodelskosmindoormappkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)pkgconfig(zlib)prisonqt6-qtmultimediarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1itinerary-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 6f884f712e42f78df4dcd054679c87bf./SRPMS.pclosd   : $,4`B@iBABEBJCitstool2.0.71pclos2023ITS-based XML translation toolITS Tool allows you to translate XML documents with PO files, using rules from the W3C Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) to determine what to translate and how to separate it into PO file messages.1System/Internationalizationnoarch python3-libxml2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1itstool-2.0.7-1pclos2023.src.rpmaf45fc01d41766df0c50d3eb34e71ee7./SRPMS.pclosd  c04 ;V`dB@BABEBJCiucode-tool2.3.11pclos2019Manipulate microcode update collections for Intel system processorsiucode-tool is a system administration tool to manipulate Intel X86 and X86-64 processor microcode update collections. It is tailored to help Linux distros do Intel microcode update release management.ZTerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1iucode-tool-2.3.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmb99f13bcb8cbc28a73fa61266d9f081b3./SRPMS.pclosd  2 9B@HBAhBElBJCivman0.6.141pclos2009A volume manager daemonIvman is a volume manager daemon. It detects added volumes such as DVDs, CDs, and USB sticks / hard drives, mounts them if necessary and also starts programs to handle the added media (such as an audio CD player, or a video DVD player). It can also monitor properties of hardware and execute commands when these properties change to a predefined value.System/Basei586 glib-develhal-develdbus-devellibxml2-develglib2-develpmountdbus-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ivman-0.6.14-1pclos2009.src.rpm4fb82d5eb7ab04a6b7346853d33e40f0./SRPMS.pclosSd   F B@BA BE$BJECivtv1.4.11pclos2010Tools for the iTVC15/16 and CX23415/16 driverThe primary goal of the IvyTV Project is to create a kernel driver for the iTVC15 family of MPEG codecs. The iTVC15 family includes the iTVC15 (CX24315) and iTVC16 (CX24316). These chips are commonly found on Hauppauge's WinTV PVR-250 and PVR-350 TV capture cards. The driver has made it into the kernel so this package only contains some userland tools for ivtv.2Soundi586 fftw3-develclalsadrv-develclthreads-develclxclient-develalsa-lib-develjackit-devellibx11-devellibxft-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jaaa-0.4.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmz809dbd04a424b899ed9f4e7e9d4f965c./SRPMS.pclosd   Th l{B@BABEBJ Cjabber22.2.92pclos2010OpenSource server implementation of the Jabber protocolsThe jabberd project aims to provide an open-source server implementation of the Jabber protocols for instant messaging and XML routing. The goal of this project is to provide a scalable, reliable, efficient and extensible server that provides a complete set of features and is up to date with the latest protocol revisions. jabberd 2 is the next generation of the jabberd server. It has been rewritten from the ground up to be scalable, architecturally sound, and to support the latest protocol extensions coming out of the JSF.System/Serversi586 libgc-devellibpqxx-devellibopenssl-develglibc-develzlib-devellibidn-develexpat-devellibgsasl-devellibudns-devellibpam-develsqlite3-devellibdb4.6-developenldap-devellibmysql-develpostgresql-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jabber2-2.2.9-2pclos2010.src.rpmn~4510d9ac1bcce06b6eb1d79939765a7f./SRPMS.pclosd   9 iB@wBABEBJCjace0.0.32pclos2007Jack and ALSA Convolution EngineJACE is a Convolution Engine for JACK and ALSA, using FFT-based partitioned convolution with uniform partition sizes.N8Thac Soundi586 fftw3-devellibsndfile-develclalsadrv-develclthreads-develalsa-lib-develjackit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jace-0.0.3-2pclos2007.src.rpmUW9679fee5efed13fd631854a41162fc09./SRPMS.pclosd   :    B@BABEBJCjack-rack1.4.52pclos2007LADSPA effects rack for JACKJACK Rack is an effects "rack" for the JACK low latency audio API. The rack can be filled with LADSPA effects plugins. It's phat; it turns your computer into an effects box. Soundi586 ladspa-develpkgconfigjackit-develgtk2-devellibgnomeui2-develImageMagickchrpathdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jack-rack-1.4.5-2pclos2007.src.rpm725191ef5aa2fe3b97282c4dc3ac056c./SRPMS.pclosd ! : FB@RBA|BEBJCjack_capture0.9.711pclos2015A small program for jackjack_capture is a small program to capture whatever sound is going out to your speakers into a file. Author: Kjetil S. MatheusseneSoundx86_64 lib64jack-devellib64lame0-devellib64lo-devellib64sndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jack_capture-0.9.71-1pclos2015.src.rpm8caf600d12d4b51a328b5ead8ca2109c./SRPMS.pclos3d   ; B@BABEBJ%Cjackbeat0.7.51pclos2010Jackbeat is an audio sequencerJackbeat is an audio sequencer running on Linux and Mac OS X, for musicians and sound artists: * Drummachine interface with accurate VU meters for easy editing * Realtime operation : while playing, the sequence can be edited and resized, the bpm rate modified, and new samples loaded,* Easy to use and yet powerful : just JACK it into jack-rack and you can apply LADSPA effect plugins on a per track basis, perform mastering with jackeq , etc... * Loads and saves .jab files, Jackbeat's xml+tar file format. * Unique Masking feature: allows to insert silences into a track in an interactive manner˭Soundi586 libalsa2-develgtk2-devellibgnomecanvas2_0-devellibjack-develliblo-devellibphat0-develpulseaudio-devellibsamplerate-devellibxml2-devellibportaudio2-develsndfile-develdesktop-file-utilszlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jackbeat-0.7.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm!94e0227dff981f84525db27cac099e66./SRPMS.pclosd  < $B@,BAPBETBJuCjackit-tmpfs1.02pclos2009Create tmpfs folder forJackitJACK is a low-latency audio server, written primarily for the Linux operating system. This package creates a tmpfs in /dev/shm for Jackit to be able to operate properly.System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jackit-tmpfs-1.0-2pclos2009.src.rpm 4533c56e61edf0a96a70d102f78e0e66./SRPMS.pclosd   = PB@[BA|BEBJCjadetex3.134pclos2019TeX macros used by Jade TeX outputJadeTeX contains the additional LaTeX macros necessary for taking Jade TeX output files and processing them as TeX files (to obtain DVI, PostScript, or PDF files, for example). Publishingnoarch unziptexlivetexlive-texmfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jadetex-3.13-4pclos2019.src.rpmqa3b453b2aa251cc650fb48f03dbc4439./SRPMS.pclosd  et x~B@BABEBJCsrjahshaka2.01pclos2010Composite Video EditorКомпозитни Видео УређивачJahshaka is a video and film compositing, editing and special fx system that uses OpenGL & OpenML hardware rendering to give operators real time interactivity. The system is cross platform, and also includes full CG, paint and image processing modules.Јахшака је програм за видео обраду и уређивање филма, и систем посебних визуелних ефеката који користи ОпенГЛ и ОпенМЛ за хардверско приказивање да оператори у реалном времену имају интерактивност. Систем је више-платформски, и укључује и пуну подршку за ЦГ, боје и модула за обраду слика.9Videoi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jahshaka-2.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm-f475faa20a3f203c46d169e5d6ce40a0./SRPMS.pclosd   F #)0B@BABEBJCjalv1.6.01pclos2018An LV2 Resource Description Framework Libraryjalv is a simple but fully featured LV2 host for Jack. It runs LV2 plugins and exposes their ports as Jack ports, essentially making any LV2 plugin function as a Jack application.Xlmarcin82 Soundx86_64 pythondoxygengraphvizlib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64jack-devellib64lilv-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64qt4-devellib64serd-devellib64sord-devellib64sratom-devellib64suil-devellibpthread-stubslv2-develwayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jalv-1.6.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm\7a4702633de3034390102cf103f8e2cc./SRPMS.pclosd   ,  .B@7BATBEXBJyCjam2.56pclos2007A replacement for makeThis is the Jam/MR program as published by Perforce. A powerful and highly customizable utility to build programs and other things, that can run on Un*x, Nt, VMS, OS/2 and Macintosh MPW, using portable Jamfiles. It can build large projects spread across many directories in one pass. It takes some time to fully apprehend, especially when one's already accustomed to make(1), but there's no comparison in power when comparing these 2 tools. Standard rules: - can automatically extract header dependencies for C/C++ (you can customize for you own language) - provide for automatic "clean", "install", "uninstall" rules, so that an automake-like tool is not neededTexstar Development/Otheri586 byaccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jam-2.5-6pclos2007.src.rpmd0703a4b46e4328e5476eef2167b57a2./SRPMS.pclos d   C  B@ BA BE BJ Cjamesdsp2.7.02pclos2024Open-source sound effects for PipeWireJamesDSP for Linux (PipeWire version) This is the pipewire-version! For older need a pulseaudio-version, install jamesdsp-2.7.0-1 Features: Automatic bass boost Frequency-detecting bass-boost. Automatically sets its own parameters, such as gain, bandwidth, and cut-off frequency, by analyzing the incoming audio stream Automatic dynamic range compressor A highly automated multiband dynamic range adjusting effect Complex reverberation IIR network (Progenitor 2) Interpolated FIR equalizer with flexible bands Arbitrary response equalizer (also known as GraphicEQ from EqualizerAPO) AutoEQ database integration (requires network connection) Partitioned convolver (Auto segmenting convolution) Supports mono, stereo, full/true stereo(LL, LR, RL, RR) impulse response Crossfeed Realistic surround effects Soundstage wideness A multiband stereo wideness controller ViPER-DDC Perform parametric equalization on audio Create VDC input files using thepbone/DDCToolbox Analog modeling An aliasing-free even harmonic generator Output limiter Scripting engine: Live programmable DSP Write your own audio effects using the EEL2 scripting language Auto-generate a basic user interface for your script to modify specific parameters/constants without editing the actual code The scripting language has been extended using many DSP-related functions for easy access, for example, spectral processing, constant Q transform, multi-purpose FIR filter designer IIR sub-bands transformation, etc... This app also includes a custom minimal scripting IDE: Syntax highlighting Basic code completion Dynamic code outline window Console output support Detailed error messages with inline code highlightingųSoundx86_64  gstreamer1.0-pipewirepipewire-develpkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(glibmm-2.68)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)qtbase5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1jamesdsp-2.7.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm446134881274399f076e5c8225a8041e./SRPMS.pclos{d  4\ `fl   B@%BAHBELBJmCjamin0.95.05pclos2010Audio mastering interfaceJAMin is the JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Audio Mastering interface. JAMin is designed to perform professional audio mastering of any number of input streams. It uses LADSPA for its backend DSP work, specifically the swh plugins created by Steve Harris. Features: Linear filters (though this seems to be going out of fashion, oh well) JACK I/O 30 band graphic EQ 1023 band hand drawn EQ with parametric controls Spectrum analyser 3 band peak compressor Lookahead brickwall limiter Multiband stereo processing Presets and scenes Loudness maximiserSoundi586  pkgconfigjackit-devellibxml2-develgtk2-develladspa-develfftw-develliblo-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Xt xB@BABEBJCjansson2.13.11pclos2021C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON dataJansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data. Its main features and design principles are: - Simple and intuitive API and data model - Comprehensive documentation - No dependencies on other libraries - Full Unicode support (UTF-8) - Extensive test suitehSystem/Librariesx86_64 python3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jansson-2.13.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmXa3b97295f533650c1b8f75feea0aea38./SRPMS.pclosd" - , 0?DHdB@lBABEBJCdefresplsrnljaolt0.5.7.11pclos2011A java program to list auctions to eBay and AuVitoEin Programm zum listen von Auktionen bei eBay und AuVitoThe Java Auction Organisation and Listing Tool allows the users to create and organize their auctions for eBay AND AuVito offline as well as list the created auctions without using a website. Thanks to Java, (nearly) every OS is supported.jAOLT ist eine Java-basierende und dadurch Platformunabhängige Anwendung. Sie hilft beim Einstellen, Verwalten und Auflisten von Auktionen bei eBay und AuVitoLe Java enchères Organisation et cotation outil permet aux utilisateurs de créer et d'organiser leurs ventes aux enchères pour eBay et AuVito hors ligne ainsi que la liste les ventes aux enchères créé sans utiliser un site Web. Merci à Java, (presque) chaque système d'exploitation est pris en charge.La Organización de subasta de venta de herramientas de Java y permite a los usuarios crear y organizar sus subastas de eBay y offline AuVito así como la lista de las subastas creadas sin necesidad de utilizar un sitio web. Gracias a Java, (casi) cada sistema operativo es compatible.Java aukcja Organizacja i aukcji narzędzie pozwala użytkownikom na tworzenie i organizować swoje aukcje na eBay i offline AuVito jak również listę utworzonych aukcji bez użycia stronie. Dzięki Java, (prawie) każdy system operacyjny jest obsługiwany.Јава аукција Организација и листинг Алат омогућава корисницима да креирају и организујете своје аукције за еБаы и АуВито на форуму, као и листу створио аукције без коришћења сајта. Захваљујући Јава, (скоро) сваки ОС је подржан.De Java veilingen Organisatie en Listing Tool maakt het mogelijk gebruikers te creëren en organiseren van hun veilingen voor eBay en AuVito offline als lijst de gecreëerde veilingen zonder gebruik van een website. Dankzij Java, (bijna) elk OS wordt ondersteund.T%Networking/WWWi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jaolt-^A75c76ad830256d7aa1bad6ab44b87eec./SRPMS.pclosd   @   b B@rBABEBJCjapa0.4.01pclos2010Jack and ALSA Perceptual Audio AnalyserJapa (JACK and ALSA Perceptual Analyser), is a 'perceptual' or 'psychoacoustic' audio spectrum analyser. In contrast to JAAA, this is more an acoustical or musical tool than a purely technical one. Possible uses include spectrum monitoring while mixing or mastering, evaluation of ambient noise, and (using pink noise), equalisation of PA systems.fSoundi586 fftw3-develclalsadrv-develclthreads-develclxclient-develalsa-lib-develjackit-devellibx11-devellibxft-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1japa-0.4.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmf98ccfc4dd62475f75b39196ca5aa47c./SRPMS.pclosd   0  TB@^BABEBJCjasper1.701.07pclos2012JPEG-2000 utilitiesJasPer is a software-based implementation of the codec specified in the emerging JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-1). This package contains tools for working with JPEG-2000 images.׫NealGraphicsi586 libjpeg-devellibmesaglut-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jasper-1.701.0-7pclos2012.src.rpm4189ae44acd7c7fef5455e9b0c94641a./SRPMS.pclosd   . $B@BABEBJCjasper4.2.41pclos2024JPEG-2000 utilitiesJasPer is a software-based implementation of the codec specified in the emerging JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-1). This package contains tools for working with JPEG-2000 images.Graphicsx86_64  cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(freeglut)pkgconfig(libheif)pkgconfig(libjpeg)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1jasper-4.2.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm7813abea7966697f9e55b8725b52c6a1./SRPMS.pclosd   1  HB@SBAtBExBJCjava-sun162pclos2021Oracle java sdk/runtimeThe Java(tm) Development Kit (JDK(tm)) contains the software and tools that developers need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications written using the Java programming language.Development/Javax86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1java-sun-16-2pclos2021.src.rpmae71ee69051f25d58d04551f2c4000c6./SRPMS.pclosd   &   i B@yBABEBJCjava3d1.5.21pclos2009Java 3D APIThe Java 3D API provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model you can use to build, render, and control the behavior of 3D objects and visual environments. With the Java 3D API, you can incorporate high quality, scalable, platform-independent 3D graphics into applications andvecmath applets based on Java technology.#=Development/Javai586 j2sdk-antjava-1.6.0-sun-develgcc-c++mesa-common-develupdate-alternativeslibxerces-c0-develjpackage-utilsunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1java3d-1.5.2-1pclos2009.src.rpm#ca79672ad78dd69a4316dc67d0c1ecd0./SRPMS.pclosGd   8 B@BABEBJ9Cjavacpc3.0.21pclos2022Amstrad CPC-Emulator in JAVA Amstrad CPC-Emulator in JAVA, based on JEMU by R. Wilson. Features *High accurate emulation of the Amstrad CPC homecomputer range *Many useful features like internal YM-Player, JavaCPC paint and many more. *Perfect AY-Soundchip emulation *German, English and Spanish keyboard translations *Virtual tapedrive, which supports CDT, CSW, WAV and MP3 *Built-in debugger features breakpoints and break instructions *Advanced settings provide different AY-output routines to get the most preferred emulation *Digiblaster emulation *CRTC 0 and CRTC 1 are emulated to let almost every demo run fine&Agent Smith Emulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1javacpc-3.0.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm@58194f9e64a623c7d800b25035588ae3./SRPMS.pclos d   'p tB@BABEBJCjavahelp22.0.051pclos2013JavaHelpJavaHelp software is a full-featured, platform-independent, extensible help system that enables developers and authors to incorporate online help in applets, components, applications, operating systems, and devices. Authors can also use the JavaHelp software to deliver online documentation for the Web and corporate IntranetDevelopment/Javanoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1javahelp2-2.0.05-1pclos2013.src.rpmb32530d4017721ee1b5bb15b56cdd64d8./SRPMS.pclosd   `X\ B@BABEBJCjavatari4.11pclos2016A multiplayer Atari 2600 emulator written in pure Java using no libs.-Client-Server multiplayer mode. Runs great in low-latency networks such as LANs. -Drag&Drop and Copy&Paste of ROM files or URLs. Very easy to try ROMs from websites! -Scanlines and TV screen emulation modes. -Real Atari console user interface.Agent Smith Emulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1javatari-4.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm 8acec3992c46fe0a80db741282268063./SRPMS.pclossd   Z  B@BA@BEDBJeCjbig2dec0.201pclos2023A decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression formatjbig2dec is a decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format. JBIG2 is designed for lossy or lossless encoding of 'bilevel' (1-bit monochrome) images at moderately high resolution, and in particular scanned paper documents. In this domain it is very efficient, offering compression ratios on the order of 100:1.TpinocGraphicsx86_64  automakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1jbig2dec-0.20-1pclos2023.src.rpm~ da64c2958f9dae3d057cc7b96dea5f36./SRPMS.pclos[d   & B@ BA(BE,BJMCjbigkit2.11pclos2020The JBIG-KITJBIG-KIT implements a highly effective data compression algorithm for bi-level high-resolution images such as fax pages or scanned documents.[ghostbunnyGraphicsx86_64 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jbigkit-2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmN9be7f31f67c13cf9aec52bd7d10fc7bb./SRPMS.pclos#d  8 B@BABEBJCjclic0.1.2.22pclos2009Create Interactive ExercisesJClic is a platform for the creation, playing and evaluation of multimedia educational activities, developed in the Java platform. JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities: puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords. The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown. To create new exercises type jclicauthor in a console. For reports type jclicreports in a console.%Educationi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jclic-  G ,B@BABEBJCjajd2.8.61pclos2013A 2ch browser2ちゃんねる用ブラウザJD is a 2ch browser based on gtkmm2.JDはgtkmm2ベースの2ちゃんねる用ブラウザです。pinoc32Applications/Interneti586  libtoolautomakeautoconfgtkmm2.4-devellibgnutls-develzlib-devellibsm6-devellibglib2.0_0-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0-devellibalsa-devellibglibmm2.4-devellibgtk+2.0_0-devellibatk1.0-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellibpixman-devellibxrender-devellibx11-devellibxau-devellibxdmcp-devellibgpg-error-devellibpango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)    F,0 HNT\B@BABEBJCjdelay0.03pclos2007Jack utility to measure latency of soundcardsThis is a small command line JACK app you can use to measure the latency of your sound card. It uses a phase measurements on a set of tones to measure the delay from the output to the input. Accuracy is about 1/1000 of a sample.&7Thac Soundi586 jackit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jdelay-0.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm-l576c4febebc439a6433c3d14ed0d41d2./SRPMS.pclosd  R@D IQXdB@BABEBJCjed0.99.192pclos2012A fast, compact editor based on the slang screen libraryJed is a fast, compact editor based on the slang screen library. Jed features include emulation of the Emacs, EDT, WordStar and Brief editors; support for extensive customization with slang macros, colors, keybindings, etc.; and a variety of programming modes with syntax highlighting. You should install jed if you've used it before and you like it, or if you haven't used any text editors before and you're still deciding what you'd like to use. You'll also need to have slang installed. aNealEditorsx86_64 X11-devellib64slang-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jed-0.99.19-2pclos2012.src.rpm ׷f32669b249e18048c63f12ed22209b44./SRPMS.pclossd  : B@ BA@BEDBJeCjedit5.4.01pclos2017jEdit - programmer's text editorjEdit is a mature programmer's text editor. Some of jEdit's features include: Written in Java, so it runs on Mac OS X, OS/2, Unix, VMS and Windows. Built-in macro language; extensible plugin architecture. Hundreds of macros and plugins available. Plugins can be downloaded and installed from within jEdit using the "plugin manager" feature. Auto indent, and syntax highlighting for more than 200 languages. Supports a large number of character encodings including UTF8 and Unicode. Folding for selectively hiding regions of text. Word wrap. Highly configurable and customizable. Every other feature, both basic and advanced, you would expect to find in a text editor.- ghostbunnyEditorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jedit-5.4.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm-4c0686bc04480cdec12c334d4b584fcb./SRPMS.pclosd   V )B@2BATBEXBJyCjemalloc5.0.11pclos2018General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementationGeneral-purpose scalable concurrent malloc(3) implementation. This distribution is the stand-alone "portable" implementation of jemalloc.System/Librariesx86_64 xsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jemalloc-5.0.1-1pclos2018.src.rpmˇce2d3c1313ca1e6a48ba27e1190e0c20./SRPMS.pclossd   6 B@BA@BEDBJeCjfsutils1.1.151pclos2011IBM JFS utility programsThe jfsutils package contains a number of utilities for creating, checking, modifying, and correcting any inconsistencies in JFS filesystems. The following utilities are available: fsck.jfs - initiate replay of the JFS transaction log, and check and repair a JFS formatted device; logdump - dump a JFS formatted device's journal log; logredo - "replay" a JFS formatted device's journal log; mkfs.jfs - create a JFS formatted partition; xchkdmp - dump the contents of a JFS fsck log file created with xchklog; xchklog - extract a log from the JFS fsck workspace into a file; xpeek - shell-type JFS file system editor.^System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 libblkid-devellibuuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jfsutils-1.1.15-1pclos2011.src.rpmͳ0832e023f8717de4e0633478a79852a3./SRPMS.pclosd   R ;T\`|B@BABEBJCjftp1.601pclos2017JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs, includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. You can also have more than one connection open at a time in a mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment. The FTP API is separated from the GUI and can also be used in third-party applications. JFtp is free and distributed under the GNU public license. The API is dual licensed, you may use it under the GPL in your project or negotiate with the author a commercial license.?fAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Networking/File transfernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jftp-1.60-1pclos2017.src.rpm:(39d0bf2f2cd0f7827f409f1e888d86d3./SRPMS.pcloswd   6  ( L  B@"BADBEHBJiCjgmenu4.2.11pclos2020Simple X11 application menuA simple, independent and contemporary-looking X11 menu, designed for scripting, ricing and tweaking. Useful for tint2, polymenu, cairo-dock, plank, unity, openbox, i3, dwm and other light environments.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 desktop-file-utilspkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libmenu-cache)pkgconfig(libxfce4panel-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jgmenu-4.2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm54f7281e772821db85c8362fb1c2e489./SRPMS.pclosd   ; :B@HBAlBEpBJCjgraphx1.10.4.11pclos2013Java Graph Drawing ComponentJGraphX is the a powerful, easy-to-use and feature-rich graph drawing component for Java. It is a rewrite of JGraph, also known as JGraph 6.%_NealDevelopment/Librariesnoarch  antjava-develjpackage-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Z "(,HB@PBApBEtBJCjhead2.961pclos2012Command line tools to read and edit EXIF extensions in JPEG filesMost digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. In contrary to the tools "exif" and "gexif" (and all other libexif-based tools as "gphoto2") this tool gives a much easier readable summary of camera settings (shutter speed in 1/x sec, focal length (also the 35-mm camera equivalent), focal distance, ...), EXIF header manipulation as stripping off the thumbnail and other info not needed, stripping off the complete header, applying arbitrary conversion tools to the JPEG image and conserving the header, renaming JPEG images with the capture date stored in the header, and even turning the images upright when the camera has an orientation sensor (as Canon Digital IXUS 400) ... The tool is very compact, the executable has only a size of around 35 kb, the whole package (with documentation) occupies 60 kb. See /usr/share/doc/jhead/usage.html for how to use this program.NealGraphicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jhead-2.96-1pclos2012.src.rpm799641784a4140e8d457731007855634./SRPMS.pclosd  L    B@BABEBJCjigdo0.7.31pclos2011Ease distribution of large files over the InternetJigsaw Download, or short jigdo, is an intelligent tool that can be used on the pieces of any chopped-up big file to create a special "template" file which makes reassembly of the file very easy for users who only have the pieces. What makes jigdo special is that there are no restrictions on what offsets/sizes the individual pieces have in the original big image. This makes the program very well suited for distributing CD/DVD images (or large zip/tar archives) because you can put the files on the CD on an FTP server - when jigdo is presented the files along with the template you generated, it is able to recreate the CD image. zNetworking/File transferi586 libdb4.8-develw3c-libwww-devellibopenssl-develgawklibgtk+2.0_0-develgettext-devellibcurl-devellibbzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jigdo-0.7.3-1pclos2011.src.rpm #a1e028b3c5796de610ad2edbac991194./SRPMS.pclosd  # D$( IZ`dB@BABEBJCjikes1.230.20050308.2pclos2007Java source to bytecode compilerThe IBM Jikes compiler translates Java source files to bytecode. It also supports incremental compilation and automatic makefile generation, and is maintained by the Jikes Project: http://ibm.com/developerworks/opensource ^/Texstar Development/Javai586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jikes-1.23-0.20050308.2pclos2007.src.rpm jN20a5678857e6bf21b94d6a72b1121395./SRPMS.pclosd   8  $@B@HBAdBEhBJCjips3.01pclos2017Jips is an universal IPS patcher. Universal IPS patcher. To patch a ROM file: Click the "Patch!" button and wait some seconds, till the program gives out an error or says that the patching is complete.0Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jips-3.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm23b057b373884a63941be7896261b8070./SRPMS.pclosd   m -4HB@BABEBJCdejitsi2.10.55501pclos2017Jitsi - Open Source Video Calls and ChatJitsi - Open Source Anrufe und ChatJitsi is an audio/video Internet phone and instant messenger that supports some of the most popular instant messaging and telephony protocols such as SIP, Jabber, AIM/ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, Bonjour, RSS and counting. Jitsi is completely Open Source / Free Software, and is freely available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.Jitsi ist ein Audio-/Video- Internettelefon und Sofortnachrichtenklient, der einige der meist bekannten Protokolle unterstützt, wie SIP, Jabber, AIM/ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, Bonjure, RSS und counting. Jitsi ist komplett Open Source/ Freie Software und ist frei verfügbar unter der GNU Lesser General Public License.bb2 Communicationsx86_64 java-1.8.0-sun-develapache-antgzipgitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jitsi-2.10.5550-1pclos2017.src.rpmFfe0a734de2ae4544b4892525a6d0854c./SRPMS.pclosd   Y,0 5KTdB@BABEBJCjlatexmath1.0.01pclos2013Java API to display mathematical formulas written in LaTeXThe goal of this Java API is to display mathematical formulas written in LaTeX. The default encoding is UTF-8 and most of LaTeX commands are available. JLaTeXMath is a fork of the excellent project JMathTeX. dNealDevelopment/Librariesnoarch jpackage-utilsjava-develantrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jlatexmath-1.0.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm .209c383e8602ce10f07b0aa9c938e12a./SRPMS.pclosd   2 !B@1BATBEXBJyCjlayer1.0.11pclos2011Ogg Vorbis sound engineJLayer is a JAVA library that decodes, converts and plays MP3 files in real-time. JLayer supports MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3 audio format.$Development/Javanoarch  antjava-rpmbuildjava-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   W B@BA$BE(BJICjlgui3.01pclos2015Music player for the Java platform compatible with Winamp skins jlGui is a graphical music player that supports JavaSound capabilities: WAV, AU, AIFF, SPEEX, MP3 thanks to our MP3SPI and OGG Vorbis through our VorbisSPI. This project has been launched on February 1999. The goal is to provide a real-time music player for the Java™ Plaform, WinAmp skins compliant, with streaming support.Agent Smith Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jlgui-3.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm0d5b573a5c020e9efab048538e32c89b./SRPMS.pclosd    S  pB@BABEBJCjmtpfs0.51pclos2023FUSE and libmtp based filesystem for accessing MTP devicesjmtpfs is a FUSE and libmtp based filesystem for accessing MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices. It was specifically designed for exchanging files between Linux systems and newer Android devices that support MTP but not USB Mass Storage. The goal is to create a well behaved filesystem, allowing tools like find and rsync to work as expected. MTP file types are set automatically based on file type detection using libmagic. Setting the file appears to be necessary for some Android apps, like Gallery, to be able to find and use the files. Since it is meant as an Android file transfer utility, the playlists and other non-file based data are not supported.System/Librariesx86_64  gcc-c++makefuse-devellibmtp-devellibmagic-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)    I B@BA BEBJ1Cjnoise0.03pclos2007Jack utility that generates white and pink noiseA command line JACK app generating white and pink gaussian noise.-Thac Soundi586 jackit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jnoise-0.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm463f04415f94d221f80390b43c9f0b196./SRPMS.pcloscd   :  B@BA0BE4BJUCjoe4.61pclos2022An easy to use, modeless text editorJoe is a powerful, easy to use, modeless text editor. It uses the same WordStar keybindings used in Borland's development environment. Editorsx86_64 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1joe-4.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm Da7405523a6ccb8604f36361944580196./SRPMS.pcloscd   9 B@BA0BE4BJUCjohn1.9.01pclos2022John the Ripper password crackerJohn the Ripper is a fast password cracker. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords, but a number of other hash types are supported as well.47Securityx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1john-1.9.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm51ea45d25740db412964c1e25dd417658./SRPMS.pclos7d    3` dmtB@BABEBJ)Cjohnny2.21pclos2019Qt GUI for john the ripperThis is a GUI frontend for john the ripper.Securityx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1johnny-2.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmae2e7770d52a3a7b26d3574f834702e1./SRPMS.pclosCd   RDH PV`xB@BABEBJ5Cjokosher0.11.35pclos2015Jokosher is a simple yet powerful multi-track studioJokosher is a simple and poweful multi-track studio.Jokosher provides a complete application for recording, editing, mixing and exporting audio, and has been specifically designed with usability in mind. The developers behind Jokosher have re-thought audio production at every level, and created something devilishly simple to use. Jokosher offers a strong featureset: * Easy to use interface, designed from the ground up. Jokosher uses concepts and language familiar to musicians, and is a breeze to use. * Simple editing with splitting, trimming and moving tools. * Multi-track volume mixing with VU sliders. * Import audio (Ogg Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, WAV and anything else supported by GStreamer) into your projects. * A range of instruments can be added to a project, and instruments can be renamed.Instruments can also be muted and soloed easily. * Export to MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV and anything else GStreamer supports. * Documentation (User Guide, FAQ, Tutorial) and User Community (Forums, IRC).pinoc64Soundnoarch  python-develdesktop-file-utilspython-setuptoolsgettextscrollkeeperrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   .` dr|B@BABEBJCjools0.205pclos2013Graphical puzzle gameJools is a graphical puzzle game in the tradition of Tetris. In a nutshell, the goal is to swap adjacent jools (jewels) within a grid, in order to create rows of three or more of a kind. These jools will then disappear, and more will fall to fill their places. Jools features nifty 3D rendered graphics.Games/Puzzlesx86_64 lib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jools-0.20-5pclos2013.src.rpmq12246a1e61fa90444974b4868dac78a3./SRPMS.pclosd   3 #B@4BATBEXBJyCjoomla1.7.11pclos2011Joomla Open Source (CMS)Joomla! is a Content Management System (CMS) created by the same award-winning team that brought the Mambo CMS to its current state of stardom.6(System/Serversnoarch  apache-basefileunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.0.543.0.4-1joomla-1.7.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm622e907062051d0c65e1a23914664d7504./SRPMS.pclosgd   AH L]dB@BA4BE8BJYCjorbis0.0.171pclos2011JOrbis - Pure Java Ogg Vorbis DecoderJOrbis is a pure Java Ogg Vorbis decoder. JOrbis accepts Ogg Vorbis bitstreams and decodes them to raw PCMs. JOrbis is copyrighted by JCraft Inc. and is licensed through the GNU Lesser General Public License. Read the COPYING.LIB file for the complete license.Development/Javanoarch  antjpackage-utilsjava-rpmbuildunzipupdate-alternativesxml-commons-apisxml-commons-resolverrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " 5@ DU\`|B@BABEBJCjpackage-utils1.7.53pclos2015JPackage utilitiesUtilities for the JPackage Project : * /usr/bin/build-classpath build the Java classpath in a portable manner * /usr/bin/build-jar-repository build a jar repository in a portable manner * /usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository rebuild a jar repository in a portable manner (after a jvm change...) * /usr/bin/build-classpath-directory build the Java classpath from a directory * /usr/bin/diff-jars show jar content differences * /usr/bin/jvmjar install jvm extensions * /usr/bin/create-jar-links create custom jar links * /usr/bin/clean-binary-files remove binary files from sources * /usr/bin/check-binary-files check for presence of unexpected binary files * /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions shell script functions library for Java applications * /etc/java/jpackage-release string identifying the currently installed JPackage release * /etc/java/java.conf system-wide Java configuration file * /etc/rpm/macros.d/jpackage.macros RPM macros for Java packagers and developers * /usr/share/doc/jpackage-utils/jpackage-policy Java packaging policy for packagers and developers It also contains the license, man pages, documentation, XSL files of general use with maven2, a header file for spec files etc.xDevelopment/Javax86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jpackage-utils-1.7.5-3pclos2015.src.rpm43a6ef3afd5b2c35b8af758109688830./SRPMS.pclosod   P B@BA<BE@BJaCjpcap0.73pclos2010A Java library for capturing and sending network packetsJpcap is a Java library for capturing and sending network packets from Java applications.ӾDevelopment/Javai586  javalibpcap1libpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  o B@BABEBJ=Cdejpdftweak1.11pclos2012Java application to tweak PDF filesJava Programm zum Verbessern von PDF-DateienjPDF Tweak is a Java Swing application that can combine, split, rotate, reorder, watermark, encrypt, sign, and otherwise tweak PDF files.jPDF Tweak ist ein Java Swing Programm das PDF-Dateien kombinieren, aufteilen, rotieren, neuordnen, Wasserzeichen einfügen, verschlüsseln, signieren und anderweitig verändern kann. for more information on AvantGo and MAL.!npinoc32Communicationsi586  gtk2-develjpilot-develpilot-link-devellibmal-develautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Z &08hB@xBABEBJCjpsxdec2.01pclos2023jpsxdec is a media decoder for Playstation 1 media (audio/video)jPSXdec is a cross-platform PlayStation 1 audio and video converter that produces higher quality output than all other legacy converters of the past.6Agent Smith Emulatorsnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1jpsxdec-2.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm6a56ced957755a4f93c277cd191da81d73./SRPMS.pclosd   0 $,<xB@BABEBJCjq1.62pclos2021Command-line JSON processorlightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. It is written in portable C, and it has zero runtime dependencies. jq can mangle the data format that you have into the one that you want with very little effort, and the program to do so is often shorter and simpler than you'd expect.`System/Basex86_64 flexbisonpkgconfig(oniguruma)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jq-1.6-2pclos2021.src.rpmڈd41147224cefb2b5902a718f45780ee8./SRPMS.pclos3d  )< @QXpB@BABEBJ%Cjreen1.1.12pclos2016Qt XMPP libraryQt XMPP library.~System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64qca2-devellib64qt4-devellib64speex1-devellib64idn-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jreen-1.1.1-2pclos2016.src.rpmzf04210ac1d69dee4b3fd57a25b308f29./SRPMS.pclosd   '  (8zB@BABEBJCjs1.701pclos2011JavaScript engineJavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting languages. This package has been created for purposes of Sablotron and is suitable for embedding in applications. See http://www.mozilla.org/js for details and sources. j1Development/Otherx86_64  multiarch-utilsedit-develnspr-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) e_114b83e6da5862d9eaa842a7a587fc28./SRPMS.pclosCd   D$ (:D h  B@BABEBJ5Cjs1851.851pclos2013SpiderMonkey, the Mozilla JavaScript engineJavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting languages. This package has been created for purposes of Sablotron and is suitable for embedding in applications. See http://www.mozilla.org/js for details and sources.8LfDevelopment/Otherx86_64  multiarch-utilsedit-develnspr-develpythonzipreadline-develautoconf2.1libffi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d49d95c161455f9616bdc9d37616d15a./SRPMS.pclosd )  8B@@BAlBEpBJCdejsmartcardexplorer1.0.41pclos2014Cross-platform (Java), graphical, low level (APDU) smart card tool.Plattformübergreifendes, grafisches, Smart Card Werkzeug, welches auf APDU Ebene arbeitet.JSmartCardExplorer is a cross-platform (Java), graphical, low level (APDU) smart card tool aimed to help developing of smart card applications and understanding of ISO-7816 protocol. It allows (APDU) communication with any T=0/1 smartcard, being able to forge APDU requests and dissect the responses received. It's build on top of Sun's smartcard API(s) so it does not require any dll or framework. The application can be particularly useful when developing / studying / smart cards technologies. Features - Supports T=0 and T=1 communication protocols - Command history (with save/recall capabilities) - Hex data viewer - ISO7816 FileSystem explorer - Does NOT require any particular PC/SC driver (other than the smartcard reader's)JSmartCardExplorer ist ein plattformübergreifendes, grafisches Werkzeug, welches auf APDU Ebene arbeitet. Es dient dazu bei der Entwicklung von Smart Card Programmen zu helfen und das ISO-7816 Protokoll zu verstehen. Es erlaubt eine (APDU) Kommunikation mit jeder T=0/1 Smart Card, es ist in der Lage APDU Anfrage zu formen und analysiert die erhaltene Antwort. Es baut auf Sun's Smart Card API(s) auf, sodass weder eine dll noch ein Framework benötigt wird. Das Programm ist insbesondere dann nützlich, wenn man Smart Card Technologie entwickelt oder studiert. Eigenschaften: - Unterstützt die T=0 und T=1 Kommunikationsprotokolle - Befehlshistorie (mit Speichern und Neuaufruf Funktionen) - Hex-Datenbetrachter - ISO-7816 Dateisystemerkunder - Benötigt keinen speziellen PC/SC Treiber (außer den für den Smart Card Reader)EDevelopment/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jsmartcardexplorer-1.0.4-1pclos2014.src.rpmRdb667c0b21b4ba4e5f1781e9d9a345ab./SRPMS.pclosGd  - B@BABEBJ9Cjson3.11.21pclos2022JSON for Modern C++This is a packages version of the nlohmann/json header-only C++ library available at Github.qSystem/Librariesx86_64 ninjagcc-c++cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1json-3.11.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmq*x42880308da82ea5e92c075e874422bab./SRPMS.pclosd   K B@BABEBJCjson-glib1.8.01pclos2023Library for JavaScript Object Notation formatjson-glib is a library providing serialization and deserialization support for the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.qSystem/Librariesx86_64   gi-docgenmesonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) d   ,h l}B@BABEBJCjsoncpp1.9.41pclos2021C++ JSON LibraryJsonCpp is a simple API to manipulate JSON value, handle serialization and unserialization to string. It can also preserve existing comment in unserialization/serialization steps, making it a convenient format to store user input files. Unserialization parsing is user friendly and provides precise error reports.5System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jsoncpp-1.9.4-1pclos2021.src.rpmnb8cf11c99003132684a37d2dd8054e67./SRPMS.pclosKd ! = %,LB@BABEBJ=Cjsonrpc-glib3.38.01pclos2020A JSON-RPC library for GLibJsonrpc-GLib is a JSON-RPC library for GLib. It includes support for communicating as both a JSON-RPC client and server. Additionally, supports upgrading connections to use GVariant for less runtime overhead.JSystem/Librariesx86_64 gtk-docmesonvalapkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jsonrpc-glib-3.38.0-1pclos2020.src.rpma08068f9e8336ae5fcdc78e3970ffb7d./SRPMS.pclosd   K !(0RB@[BA|BEBJCjthread1.3.11pclos2014Make use of threads easy on different platformsThe JThread package provides some classes to make use of threads easy on different platforms. The classes are actually rather simple wrappers around existing thread implementations.&pinoc32System/Librariesi586 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jthread-1.3.1-1pclos2014.src.rpm+ 9df124af0616c87ef6fd064de73d364b./SRPMS.pclosd   < $,\B@lBABEBJCjubler8.0.01pclos2024Tool to edit text-based subtitlesJubler is a tool to edit text-based subtitles. It can be used as an authoring software for new subtitles or as a tool to convert, transform, correct and refine existing subtitles. The most popular subtitle formats can be used. Preview of the subtitles in realtime or in design time, spell checking, translation mode and styles editing are some of the main features. Note: mplayer and aspell are recomended runtime requirementsX2Agent Smith Videonoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1jubler-8.0.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmXX81e321ba2d439ecfc21e875d4f202d70./SRPMS.pclosd   M< @HPhB@BABEBJCjuce7.0.61pclos2024open-source cross-platform C++ application frameworkJUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for creating high quality desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, AAX and LV2 audio plug-ins and plug-in hosts. JUCE can be easily integrated with existing projects via CMake, or can be used as a project generation tool via the Projucer, which supports exporting projects for Xcode (macOS and iOS), Visual Studio, Android Studio, Code::Blocks and Linux Makefiles as well as containing a source code editor. Editorsx86_64   doxygenfreetype-develgccgcc-c++ladspa-develpkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(lv2)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vst3sdk3. &98935b5d41b487d679327552ee6331bc./SRPMS.pclosd   3 B@BABEBJCjuffed0.103pclos2017Simple tabbed text editorSimple tabbed text editor with syntax highlighting for C++, Python, HTML, PHP, XML, TeX, Makefiles, ini-files and patch-filesdanielEditorsx86_64 cmakelib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qscintilla2-qt5-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1juffed-0.10-3pclos2017.src.rpmMcdf89cda0846babb5209d4fe2f8c6593./SRPMS.pclosd  <4 8OXdB@BABEBJCjuk24.12.31pclos2025A music player and manager for KDEJuK is an audio jukebox application, supporting collections of MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC audio files. It allows you to edit the "tags" of your audio files, and manage your collection and playlists. It's main focus, in fact, is on music management.1 Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1juk-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmc753636f168f8460376bd84981b54554d./SRPMS.pcloskd   H L[`xB@BA8BE<BJ]Cdejumanji0.0.12pclos2010jumanji is a highly customizable and functional web browserJumanji ist ein hochgradig anpassbarer und funktionaler Web-Browserjumanji is a highly customizable and functional web browser based on the libwebkit web content engine and the gtk+ toolkit. The idea behind jumanji is a web browser that provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction like vimperator does.Jumanji ist ein hochgradig anpassbarer und funktionalen Web-Browser auf die Web-Inhalte libwebkit Motor und die GTK +-Toolkit basiert. Die Idee hinter Jumanji ist ein Web-Browser, eine minimalistische und platzsparend Schnittstelle sowie eine einfache Bedienung, die sich vor allem darauf konzentriert sich die Tastatur Interaktion wie vimperator zur Verfügung stellt.RNetworking/WWWi586  libwebkitgtk1.0-devellibsoup-devellibunique-devellibgtk+2.0_0-devellibglib2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   3, 0=DPB@BABEBJCjumpnbump1.554pclos2007Cute little Bunny GameJump n bump is a game for the whole family. You are cute fluffy little bunnies and hop on the other bunnies' heads. To play the game: - Jiffy plays with the arrow keys - Fizz plays with j, i, l - Dott plays with a, w, d - Mijji plays with 4, 8, 6Games/Arcadei586 libSDL_mixer-devellibSDL_net-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jumpnbump-1.55-4pclos2007.src.rpm-69ebd5d9db2b66f73dc1b50acc812f0d./SRPMS.pclos+d   6    B@BABEBJCjwm2.3.71pclos2020Lightweight X11 Window ManagerJWM is a window manager for the X11 Window System. JWM is written in C and uses only Xlib at a minimum.uGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xpm)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(fribidi)freetype2-develgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1jwm-2.3.7-1pclos2020.src.rpmlUd384180ab1e51d6c3c35b3c549cf9bf3./SRPMS.pclosd  .  '0tB@BABEBJCk3b24.12.31pclos2025CD-Burner for PlasmaK3b is CD-writing software which intends to be feature-rich and provide an easily usable interface. Features include burning audio CDs from .WAV and .MP3 audio files, configuring external programs and configuring devices.M4Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  doxygenffmpeg-develkf6-rpm-macroslame-develpkgconfig(dvdread)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(flac++)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(sox)pkgconfig(taglib)pkgconfig(vorbis)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1k3b-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm26e459eca8447e925a46e1675da90f1d./SRPMS.pclos7d   4$ (3<XB@BABEBJ)Ck4dirstat3.2.21pclos2021Graphical desktop/KDE5K4DirStat (KDE Directory Statistics) is a small utility program that sums up disk usage for directory trees, very much like the Unix 'du' command. It displays the disk space used up by a directory tree, both numerically and graphically.2tFile toolsx86_64 kf5-macrosqttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1k4dirstat-3.2.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm9440b9a2564a825bcd62bd118e9937b51./SRPMS.pclosd   D  $;@HsB@|BABEBJCk4guitune1.1.04pclos2011A program to tune a musical instrumentK4Guitune is a program to tune a musical instrument using your computer and its microphone or line-in input. The pitch detection algorithm is based on finding the first peak in the autocorrelation of the input signal.Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1k4guitune-1.1.0-4pclos2011.src.rpm=74b71301222ad1e33961b608b155e87b./SRPMS.pclosd   < %,B@BABEBJCk9copy3.0.33pclos2017K9copy is a Video DVD backup toolk9copy is using various external programs like vamps and mencoder to make backups of Video DVDs onto an other DVD or MPEG4 files. This version of k9copy is for use with the Plasma 5 environment.bb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64dvdnav-devellib64dvdread-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5pty-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5su-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64mpeg2dec-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64x11-devellib64xine1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1k9copy-3.0.3-3pclos2017.src.rpm|e300eaa48a7b748706ca105b30a6e9b8./SRPMS.pclosd  + j B@,BA`BEdBJCkaccounts-integration24.12.31pclos2025Small system to administer web accounts across the KDE desktopSmall system to administer web accounts across the KDE desktop.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kaccounts-integration-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm099176ddd4c3051e71310a0dd480f7c9./SRPMS.pclosd ) ^ B@"BATBEXBJyCkaccounts-providers24.12.31pclos2025Additional service providers for KAccounts frameworkAdditional service providers for KAccounts framework.rGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  intltoolkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kaccounts-providers-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmE!bde09ed7b47302281b1ad9ec93ef57b1./SRPMS.pclosd % n 7B@IBAtBExBJCkactivitymanagerd6.3.31pclos2025System service to manage user's activities, track the usage patterns etcSystem service to manage user's activities, track the usage patterns etc.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kactivitymanagerd-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm3c95f3a5617674cb0e93995eed3d5352./SRPMS.pclos3d " SX \s|B@BABEBJ%Ckaddressbook24.12.31pclos2025Address Book application to manage your contactsKAddressBook stores all the personal details of your family, friends and other contacts. Features: - Imports and exports to nearly every address book standard - Reads .vcf format files, and can import and export vCards and csv format files - Can use multiple LDAPservers - Configurable filters and powerful search capabilities - Integrates with other Kontact components, e.g. exporting Birthday reminders to KOrganizer - Capable of groupware integration - Powered by Akonadi4i^Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kaddressbook-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm4T6aaa60ba2953f97174f5823de16e852f./SRPMS.pclosd   7x |B@@BAdBEhBJCkaffeine2.0.183pclos2020Media Player for Plasma 5Kaffeine is a Plasma 5 Multi Engine Media Player. What makes it different from the others is its excellent support of digital TV (DVB). Kaffeine has user-friendly interface, so that even first time users can start immediately playing their movies: from DVD (including DVD menus, titles, chapters, etc.), VCD, or a file.\BGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kdoctools-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5idletime-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64v4l-devellib64x11-devellib64xscrnsaver-develvlc-devellib64qt5concurrent-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kaffeine-2.0.18-3pclos2020.src.rpm\%4b016174188931cd1e886116a12d7ff1./SRPMS.pclosd   G +4aB@BABEBJCkaidan0.8.02pclos2021A user-friendly XMPP client for every deviceKaidan is a simple, user-friendly Jabber/XMPP client providing a modern user interface using Kirigami and QtQuick. The back-end of Kaidan is written in C++ using the QXmpp XMPP client library and Qt5.%|Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroslib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5notifications-develkirigami-develpkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Location)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Positioning)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickControls2)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(qxmpp)pkgconfig(zxing)ncompressrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kaidan-0.8.0-2pclos2021.src.rpm,31898387f8e5b6f5e0b3d214e05bce4c./SRPMS.pclos3d   C B@BABEBJ%Cjakakasi2.3.47pclos2017.1KAKASI - kanji kana simple inverterKAKASI is the language processing filter to convert Kanji characters to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji(1) and may be helpful to read Japanese documents. Word-splitting patch has merged from version 2.3.0.KAKASI ϴ{ʤޤ��餬��޻ʸ�Ѵ뤳Ȥ��ŪȤƺ�ץ�ȼ��ΤǤ�С� 2.3.0 �ʬ}񤭥ѥådޡ� )bb2 System/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kakasi-2.3.4-7pclos2017.1.src.rpm a68b8403916bae26740e0f14779fc5b2./SRPMS.pclos3d   fD H_hxB@BABEBJ%Ckalarm24.12.31pclos2025Application to manage alarms and other timer based alerts for the desktopKAlarm is a personal alarm message, command and email scheduler. It lets you set up personal alarm messages which pop up on the screen at the chosen time, or you can schedule commands to be executed or emails to be sent.(vGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libvlc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kalarm-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm(fd4b664d1d529d943bf45932116ccf533./SRPMS.pclos?d   << @W`tB@BA BEBJ1Ckalgebra24.12.31pclos2025MathML-based graph calculatorKAlgebra is a mathematical calculator based on the content markup language MathML. It is capable of making simple MathML operations (arithmetic and logical), and representing 2D and 3D graphs. It is actually not necessary to know MathML to use KAlgebra.AGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosmesa-develpkgconfig(readline)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kalgebra-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmafce8fe80b2fb8fb2f65e8063b142aea./SRPMS.pclosd  ; (B@BABEBJCkalk24.12.31pclos2025Convergent calculator for PlasmaKalk is a convergent calculator application built with the Kirigami framework. Although it is mainly targeted for mobile platforms, it can also be used on the desktop.6Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gmp)pkgconfig(libqalculate)pkgconfig(mpfr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kalk-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmf204ddad2c9a4bb00a09f2dadb5174f9a./SRPMS.pclos?d  6l pB@BA BEBJ1Ckalm24.12.31pclos2025Breathing techniques helperKalm can teach you different breathing techniques.q&Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kalm-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm\3ed98fe62d26a9d8435a40350e949691./SRPMS.pclos+d   U B@BABEBJCdekalos4.142pclos2013Kalos - Greek DictionaryKalos - Griechisches WörterbuchKalós is a free Classic Greek Dictionary, trilingual, with definitions in English, French and Spanish. It contains approximately 25,000 entries.Kalós ist ein freies Wörterbuch für klassisches Griechisch, dreisprachig, mit Definitionen in Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch. Es beinhaltet annähernd 25.000 Einträge.ܻQpinocOfficenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kalos-4.14-2pclos2013.src.rpmыe073e5cdb552ddf72565b24858837278./SRPMS.pclosCd   +P TktB@BABEBJ5Ckamera24.12.31pclos2025Kamera ioslaveKDE integration for gphoto2 cameras.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libgphoto2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kamera-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm7Z3f099028726f2b19c5b960bf8dd323cc./SRPMS.pclosOd   Y0 4KTB@BABE BJACkamerka0.122pclos2022Take photos using your webcam and shiny animated QML interfaceKamerka is a Qt5 app that uses KF5 libraries. It uses Video4Linux to get image from a webcam and is able to save photos. The interface is based on QML and uses its possibilities to show an easy-to-use animated UI.PGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5declarative-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5kdelibs4support-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qimageblitz5-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64v4l-develmesa-develphonon4qt5-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kamerka-0.12-2pclos2022.src.rpm3148d5f783475e2d7c88352cd31a0f5c./SRPMS.pclosd   U sB@BABEBJCkamoso2.0.25pclos2015Application to take pictures and videos out of your webcamKamoso is an application to take pictures and videos out of your webcam.VGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-devellib64qt-gstreamer-develkde-graphics-devellib64boost-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextlibkipi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kamoso-2.0.2-5pclos2015.src.rpmQ*33b57a38eeb5ec6f98e0907a1d621efd./SRPMS.pclosd   4 ;B@LBApBEtBJCkanagram24.12.31pclos2025Word learning programKanagram is a replacement for KMessedWords. Kanagram mixes up the letters of a word (creating an anagram), and you have to guess what the mixed up word is. Kanagram features several built-in word lists, hints, and a cheat feature which reveals the original word. Kanagram also has a vocabulary editor, so you can make your own vocabularies, and distribute them through Kanagram's KNewStuff download service.vҜGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kanagram-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmw Zc828aaef3e59fd8c9b0fe82c96a3c7ef./SRPMS.pclosd   8  7@D`B@hBABEBJCkanyremote5.121pclos2011KDE frontend for anyRemotekAnyRemote package is KDE GUI frontend for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). The overall goal of this project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection. Graphical desktop/KDE4noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kanyremote-5.12-1pclos2011.src.rpmw95c2d7974a53493216f16b639c37508e./SRPMS.pclosd   [ 1B@DBAhBElBJCkapidox6.5.01pclos2024KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 4 module for API documentation generationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 4 module for API documentation generation.System/Librariesnoarch  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kapidox-6.5.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm360e1a4248b2f986879287dc44f6ade62./SRPMS.pclosSd   ,| B@BA BE$BJECkapman24.12.31pclos2025A Pac-Man cloneKapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must run through the maze to eat all pills without being captured by a ghost. By eating an energizer, Kapman gets the ability to eat ghosts for a few seconds. When a stage is cleared of pills and energizer the player is taken to the next stage with slightly increased game speed uGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kapman-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm!5f14a7d1f586e4a1b8f27bec7f86fe80./SRPMS.pclos#d  948 ?FPdB@BABEBJCkapow1.5.101pclos2022Kapow is a punch clock programKapow is a punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you’re working on one project or many. Simply clock in and out with the Start/Stop button. If you make a mistake in your hours, you can go back and edit any of the entries by double-clicking on the session in question. Kapow also allows you to easily keep track of the hours since you last billed a client, by providing a helpful “Billed” checkbox—the totals will reflect your work after the last billed session. [danielOfficex86_64 qt5core-develqt5gui-devellib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5svg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kapow-1.5.10-1pclos2022.src.rpm aw6ec3f440b33f39aeeb196848cad5e6f5./SRPMS.pclosd " K (gB@xBABEBJCkapptemplate24.12.31pclos2025Template for KDE Application DevelopmentKAppTemplate is a set of modular shell scripts that will create a framework for any number of KDE application types. At its base level, it handles creation of things like the automake/autoconf framework, lsm files, RPM spec files, and po files. Then, there are individual modules that allow you to create a skeleton KDE application, a KPart application, a KPart plugin, or even convert existing source code to the KDE framework.KGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kapptemplate-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm|ccb578793589fa1ab6d92102b9269589./SRPMS.pclosd   _ RB@^BABEBJCkaptain0.731pclos2016Kaptain is a universal graphical front-end for command line programsKaptain is a universal graphical front-end for command line programs. It works on Linux/UNIX platforms whereever Qt3 and Qt4 is available.RText toolsx86_64 automakebisonflexqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kaptain-0.73-1pclos2016.src.rpm@3f8a1d77ba8d82a05e0596046a941c1a./SRPMS.pclosGd  B B@BABEBJ9Ckaraoke-songs20.12pclos2012Karaoke songs for Karaoke playersThis pkg contains a collection of over 2000 assorted (.kar) karaoke songs for use with Karaoke players.&9NealSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1karaoke-songs2-0.1-2pclos2012.src.rpm&Uu8ef2b462e4ef4df14756c778752f4788./SRPMS.pclosd   R B@.BATBEXBJyCkarchive6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with archive functionsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with archive functions.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(liblzma)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1karchive-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm \da09cecf968d519978307cb88106f049./SRPMS.pclosd   .D H_hpB@BABEBJCkargos0.6.01pclos2018Plasma Applet MakerPlasma Applet MakertGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kargos-0.6.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm'7dc864efb60d1270decfe7455d519b5c./SRPMS.pclosd  gHL TiptB@BABEBJCkash2006.02.052pclos2007Software package for mathematicians interested in algebraic number theoryKASH (the KAnt SHell) is a software package for mathematicians interested in algebraic number theory. For those KANT is a tool for sophisticated computations in number, fields, in global function fields, and in local fields.lGri6507Sciences/Mathematicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kash-2006.02.05-2pclos2007.src.rpms11d0a6e310157f65ae976215da74babb./SRPMS.pclosd  9| B@*BALBEPBJqCkasts24.12.31pclos2025Kirigami-based podcast playerKasts is a convergent podcast application. Its main features are: - Episode management through play queue - Sync playback positions with other clients through gpodder.net or gpodder-nextcloud - Variable playback speed - Search for podcasts - Full system integration: e.g. inhibit system suspend while listening Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libvlc)pkgconfig(taglib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kasts-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 2a8bf211ba5cf303535f15082b588096./SRPMS.pcloskd    ?hl r B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckasumi2.52pclos2013A tool for managing Anthy's dictionaryA tool for managing Anthy's dictionary.M,pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 pango-develatk-develgtk+2-develanthy-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kasumi-2.5-2pclos2013.src.rpmQ5981b9d7f4a277070106c16745f1924a./SRPMS.pclos7d  /d hB@BABEBJ)Ckate24.12.31pclos2025Advanced text editorA multi-document, multi-view text editor for KDE.~Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kate-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm928d298c09efffc65cde446ab1926b4da./SRPMS.pclosd   P OB@`BABEBJCkatomic24.12.31pclos2025Build complex atoms with a minimal amount of movesKAtomic is a fun educational game built around molecular geometry. It employs simplistic two-dimensional looks at different chemical elements.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1katomic-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmL825eb80ef3b6e1938a37b22a437c958f./SRPMS.pclosd"& 1 _ "B@-BATBEXBJyCdefresplsrnlkaudiocreator1.31pclos2012CD ripper and audio encoder frontend for KDE4CD ripper and audio encoder frontend.CD-Ripper und Audio-Encoder-Frontend.Ripper de CD et interface encodeur audio.Extractor de CD y codificador de interfaz de audio.Ripper CD audio i nakładka kodera.ЦД Риппер и аудио енкодера Фронтенд.CD-ripper en audio encoder frontend.(NealGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kde-multimedia-develkde-multimedia-coretaglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kaudiocreator-1.3-1pclos2012.src.rpm.d95270a9b85563071613bb2a88f071d5./SRPMS.pclosd  k CB@UBAxBE|BJCkauth6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 integration module to perform actions as privileged userKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 integration module to perform actions as privileged user.#System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64polkit-qt6-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kauth-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm#I3690a790aafee5019c2f7d0c918d6d5d./SRPMS.pclosd$ / F8 <LTdB@BABEBJ Ckawaii-emoji-messenger0.2.1beta11pclos2014Kawaii Emoji MessengerKawaii Emoji Messenger is a multiplatform Facebook client based on the idea of bringing emoji on desktop. Through Kawaii Emoji Messenger you can use a full set of emoji in you Facebook conversations, statuses and comments in the easiest way.Networking/Chatx86_64 desktop-file-utilscmakelib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kawaii-emoji-messenger-0.2.1beta1-1pclos2014.src.rpmn3e891f617f7f637b58a78a5a540bea47./SRPMS.pclos/d  Mt x~B@BABEBJ!Ckazam1.4.53pclos2021A screencasting program created with design in mindKazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio.uHVideonoarch intltoolpython3-distutils-extrarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kazam-1.4.5-3pclos2021.src.rpmh982647f453510e743d51709911c0aaa9./SRPMS.pclosKd # L PgpB@BABEBJ=Cfrrukbackup24.12.31pclos2025Back up your data in a simple, user friendly waySauvegarder vos données de manière simple et convivialeПростое, дружественное к пользователю резервное копированиеKBackup is a program that lets you back up any directories or files, whereby it uses an easy to use directory tree to select the things to back up. The program was designed to be very simple in its use so that it can be used by non-computer experts. The storage format is the well known TAR format, whereby the data is still stored in compressed format (bzip2 or gzip).KBackup est un programme qui vous permet de sauvegarder n'importe quels fichiers ou répertoires que vous pouvez sélectionner dans une arborescence. Il a été conçu pour être facile d'utilisation et est donc à la portée des non-initiés à l'informatique. Le format de stockage est le très connu format TAR, où les données sont stockées compressées (bzip2 ou gzip).KBackup позволяет делать резервное копирование любых каталогов и файлов, используя простое представление в виде дерева каталогов для выбора элементов копирования. Программа спроектирована очень простой в использовании даже не экспертами в области компьютеров. Формат хранения архивов - хорошо известный TAR, форматы сжатия bzip2 или gzip.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettextkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libarchive)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kbackup-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm/0549e0a4c21263669828aeb63f0fc4e0./SRPMS.pclossd   8 B@$BA@BEDBJeCkbb0.11pclos2012Browse the PCLinuxOS KnowledgebasePCLinuxOS Knowledgebase Browser is not a full featured browser. Its sole purpose is to browse the PCLinuxOS Knowledgebase (wiki). Navigation buttons are provided.NealNetworking/WWWnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kbb-0.1-1pclos2012.src.rpm56e2a20777ab1876fc4f63d34a4e23ee./SRPMS.pclosd   A JB@XBAxBE|BJCkbd1.15.32pclos2019Keyboard and console utilities for LinuxThis package contains utilities to load console fonts and keyboard maps. It also includes a number of different fonts and keyboard maps.yTerminalsx86_64 bisonflexgccgettext-develglibc-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kbd-1.15.3-2pclos2019.src.rpm9e585230638e9868304c00f1d8acb84c./SRPMS.pclosd   @   m B@}BABEBJCkbd2.0.41pclos2019Keyboard and console utilities for LinuxThis package contains utilities to load console fonts and keyboard maps. It also includes a number of different fonts and keyboard maps.cTerminalsx86_64 bisonflexgccgettext-develglibc-develmakepam-develpkgconfig(check)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kbd-2.0.4-1pclos2019.src.rpm346fdd4e2e4f1b5b14c4f4401de7d8bc./SRPMS.pclosd   @ JB@XBAxBE|BJCkbd2.4.01pclos2021Keyboard and console utilities for LinuxThis package contains utilities to load console fonts and keyboard maps. It also includes a number of different fonts and keyboard maps.\Terminalsx86_64 bisonflexgccgettext-develglibc-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kbd-2.4.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm6b1357cb280409e7a69a4761b52b254b./SRPMS.pclosd   5h lB@BABEBJ Ckbiff4.01pclos2011New mail notification utilityKBiff is a "biff", or new mail notification utility. It is highly configurable but very easy to use and set up. It tries to combine the best of the features of most of the "other" biff programs out there. KBiff supports all major mailbox formats: mbox (Berkely style), maildir, mh, POP3, IMAP4 and NNTP.3Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kbiff-4.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm59c1a8e536919ce061f231696e9ac1006./SRPMS.pclosd   J  #,8wB@BABEBJCkblackbox24.12.31pclos2025Find atoms in a grid by shooting electronsKBlackbox is a game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes where the computer has hidden several balls. The position of the hidden balls can be deduced by shooting beams into the box.o1Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kblackbox-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmtc017f8bd2466919b6819126ff0f21d2f./SRPMS.pclos;d   Fd hB@BABE BJ-Ckblocks24.12.31pclos2025Single player falling blocks puzzle gameKBlocks is the classic falling blocks game. The idea is to stack the falling blocks to create horizontal lines without any gaps. When a line is completed it is removed, and more space is available in the play area. When there is not enough space for blocks to fall, the game is over. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kblocks-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm Oce5b7186c7622d5063a2dbc726a41012./SRPMS.pclos d! 5 J , 0 5 L T d B@ BA BE BJ Cdefresplsrnlkblogger1.04.alpha3.4pclos2012Blogging applicationKBlogger is a simple to use blogging application for the K Destkop Environment. It integrates in KDE Kicker for easy and fast blogging. The Interface is very minimalstic and tries to provide maximal usability for your enjoymnet. Just push to the blog button and start writing.Kblogger ist ein einfach zu bedienendes Blogging-Anwendung für die K Destkop Umgebung. Es integriert im KDE Kicker zur einfachen und schnellen Blogging. Das Interface ist sehr minimalstic und bemüht sich um maximale Usability für Ihre enjoymnet. Just Push-to-the blog-Taste und starten schriftlich.KBlogger est un simple pour employer blogging demande de Destkop K Environnement. Il s'intègre dans KDE Kicker pour le blogging facile et rapide. L'interface est très minimalisme et tente de fournir maximale la facilité d'utilisation pour vos enjoymnet. Il suffit d'appuyer sur le bouton blog et commencer à écrit.KBlogger es un simple utilizar blogs solicitud de Destkop K Entorno. Se integra en KDE Kicker para blogging fácil y rápido. La interfaz es muy minimalstic y trata de proporcionar la máxima utilidad para su enjoymnet. Basta con pulsar con el botón de blog y comenzar a por escrito.KBlogger jest prosty w użyciu aplikacji do blogowania K Destkop Środowisko. Integruje w KDE Kicker za blogowanie łatwy i szybki. Interfejs jest bardzo minimalstic i stara się zapewnić maksymalną użyteczność dla enjoymnet. Wystarczy nacisnąć przycisk na blogu i zacząć piśmie.КБлоггер је једноставан за коришћење апликације за блоговање К Десткоп Околина. Он се интегрише у КДЕ-Кицкер за лако и брзо блоговање. Интерфејс је веома минималстиц и покушава да обезбеди максимално употребљивост за ењоымнет. Само притисни дугме на блог и почнете писање.KBlogger is een eenvoudig te gebruiken bloggen aanvraag voor de K Destkop Omgeving. Het integreert in KDE Kicker voor eenvoudig en snel bloggen. De interface is zeer minimalstic en probeert te voorzien in maximaal bruikbaarheid voor uw enjoymnet. Gewoon duwen op de blog knop en start schriftelijk.jNealGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs-develkde-pimlibs-develkde-baseapps-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kblogger-1.0-4.alpha3.4pclos2012.src.rpmt62c2ea396ee12cd7346e468d9d65b072./SRPMS.pclosgd   X B@ BA4BE8BJYCkbookmarks6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon for bookmarks manipulationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon for bookmarks manipulation.MSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kbookmarks-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm+08373c734c3ce6306b27ab2a5c7e31e0./SRPMS.pclosd   AD H_htB@BABEBJ Ckbounce24.12.31pclos2025Claim areas and don't get disturbedKBounce is a single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle. It is played on a field, surrounded by wall, with two or more balls bouncing around within the walls. The object of the game is to build new walls to decrease the size of the active field.2Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kbounce-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm2073be1095028bae273099ad5f704a86c./SRPMS.pclosd   2 B@$BALBEPBJqCkbreakout24.12.31pclos2025Breakout like gameKBreakout is a Breakout-like game. Its object is to destroy as many bricks as possible without losing the ball.'Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kbreakout-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm'91dbaa7bb4b77c1ccc10bce9ee7151488./SRPMS.pclos[d   @ B@BA(BE,BJMCkbruch24.12.31pclos2025Practice calculating with fractionsKBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions.NGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kbruch-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmN_015d518a8dd586c318a3cb584783bd8e./SRPMS.pclosd ! N  $;DPB@BABEBJCkcachegrind24.12.31pclos2025Visualisation tool for the Valgrind profilerKCachegrind is a visualisation tool for the profiling data generated by Cachegrind and Calltree (they profile data file format is upwards compatible). Calltree extends Cachegrind, which is part of Valgrind.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcachegrind-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm&298e676c7aed663f6a89823717530159./SRPMS.pclosd  * /8LB@BABEBJCkcalc24.12.31pclos2025KDE CalculatorKCalc is a calculator which offers many more mathematical functions than meet the eye on a first glance. Please study the section on keyboard accelerators and modes in the handbook to learn more about the many functions available.8 Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gmp)pkgconfig(mpfr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcalc-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmh_73b7c2fa87aa99cfa0a810bc7debd998./SRPMS.pclosd " V ,B@@BAhBElBJCkcalendarcore6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 KDE calendar access libraryKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 KDE calendar access library.sGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  bisonboost-develkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libical)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcalendarcore-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmhb64514bd1ce9ec5fe3b39926f8003913./SRPMS.pclos?d   @d hB@BA BEBJ1Ckcalutils24.12.31pclos2025The KDE calendar utility libraryThe KDE calendar utility library.uGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcalutils-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm&c5bd4cf10cdd2e222ba33ad34108f570./SRPMS.pclosd ! I 'B@8BA`BEdBJCkcharselect24.12.31pclos2025Select special characters from any fontKCharSelect is a tool to select special characters from all installed fonts and copy them into the clipboard.NuGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcharselect-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm~+14c738866aec8cd18ff1f56a6e543ca7./SRPMS.pclosd   I( ,CLXB@BABEBJCkchildlock0.90.41pclos2011Restricts Computer Usage Time of ChildrenThis tool monitors and restricts the usage time of the computer. It is intended to limit childrens time spent on the computer. The limits can be specified per day of week and by lower and upper hour, and daily usage time.yGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develkdebase4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kchildlock-0.90.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm=85983f68e973c2e01308335d7db3028f./SRPMS.pcloskd   + B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckchmviewer8.01pclos2022KDE chm viewerKchmViewer is a chm (MS HTML help file format) viewer, written in C++. Unlike most existing CHM viewers for Unix, it uses Trolltech Qt widget library, and does not depend on KDE or Gnome. However, it may be compiled with full KDE support, including KDE widgets and KIO/KHTML. The main advantage of KchmViewer is non-English language support. Unlike others, KchmViewer in most cases correctly detects help file encoding, correctly shows tables of context of Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese help files, and correctly searches in non-English help files (search for MBCS languages - ja/ko/ch is still in progress).Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 imagemagickgettextchmlib-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKit)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(libzip)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kchmviewer-8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm95aa0e0fbc1607b977ea958b470d5036./SRPMS.pclosWd   9\ `wB@BA$BE(BJICkclock24.12.31pclos2025Clock application for PlasmaA clock application for Plasma. &gGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroskirigamikirigami-addonsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kclock-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm VH91b6503f9d372dbf26e9f7bcbcb8e9ef./SRPMS.pclosd   <   v B@BABEBJCkcm-fcitx0.4.31pclos2013KDE4 contorol Module for Fcitxkcm-fcitx is a KDE control module for Fcitx. You can config fcitx through "Configue Desktop" - "Locale" - Fcitx now.spinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  kdelibs-develfcitx-develcmakegettextgcc-c++intltoollibrsvgunique-3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' 7 B@BABEBJ5Ckcm-qt-graphicssystem1.33pclos2013KDE System ToolThis KCM allows you to easily configure the standard Qt graphics system.H Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 lib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kcm-qt-graphicssystem-1.3-3pclos2013.src.rpmN951c75884cfe084138417388c98a1d3f./SRPMS.pclosKd  Chl qB@BABEBJ=Ckcm_touchpad0.3.15pclos2012Touchpad Configuration GUI for KDETouchpad Configuration GUI for KDENealGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs-develx11-driver-input-synaptics-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kcm_touchpad-0.3.1-5pclos2012.src.rpm_50c3a902316893876f2d742f15be18e6./SRPMS.pclosgd   Z B@BA4BE8BJYCkcmutils6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon for interacting with KCModulesKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon for interacting with KCModules.%,System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcmutils-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%faaec7e2523ec94a175302cefdc7aa0d./SRPMS.pcloswd   [  B@BADBEHBJiCkcodecs6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with string manipulation methodsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with string manipulation methods.&oSystem/Librariesx86_64  gperfkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcodecs-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm&D66c2612a2bbf9f08a73a6657a8563298./SRPMS.pclosSd # 5t xB@BA BE$BJECkcolorchooser24.12.31pclos2025KDE Color ChooserKColorChooser is a simple application to select the color from the screen or from a palette. Features : - Select colors from any location on the screen. - Select colors from a range of standard palettes available. - Color values shown in Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV), Red-Green-Blue (RGB) and HTML formats.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcolorchooser-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmd8b49d083549a3c22b8c2e7c7425d887./SRPMS.pclosSd% 0 F B@BA BE$BJECdefresplsrnlkcoloredit2.0.06pclos2011Create color palettesKColorEdit is a very usefull tool that makes more easy and fun edit and create color palettes.KColorEdit ist ein sehr nützliches Werkzeug, das einfacher macht Spaß und bearbeiten und erstellen Farbpaletten.KColorEdit est un outil très utile qui rend plus facile et amusant d'éditer et de créer des palettes de couleurs.KColorEdit es una herramienta muy útil que hace más fácil y divertido editar y crear paletas de colorKColorEdit jest bardzo użytecznym narzędziem, które sprawia, że łatwiej i zabawy edytować i tworzyć palety kolorów. КЦолорЕдит је веома корисна алатка која омогућава лакше забава и измените и направите палета боја.KColorEdit is een zeer nuttig instrument dat maakt het gemakkelijker en plezier bewerken en creëren kleurenpaletten.jGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kcoloredit-2.0.0-6pclos2011.src.rpm017ae7ab434626f630b62f2127454dd3f./SRPMS.pclos+d  F  0  B@BABEBJCkcolorpicker0.2.01pclos2022Qt based Color Picker with popup menuQToolButton with color popup menu with lets you select a color. The popup featues a color dialog button which can be used to add custom colors to the popup menu.5Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakegcc-c++lib64qt5core5lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui5lib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets5lib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kcolorpicker-0.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm9e395fe39a14c6ed75c873797f9637196./SRPMS.pclosd  G $nB@BABEBJCkcolorpicker0.3.01pclos2024Qt based Color Picker with pop-up menuQToolButton with color popup menu with lets you select a color. The popup features a color dialog button which can be used to add custom colors to the popup menu.5hGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  cmakegcc-c++ninja-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcolorpicker-0.3.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm]]255b266debdeceb1205893bf04cd19fd./SRPMS.pclosd ! h <B@OBAxBE|BJCkcolorscheme6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 classes to read and interact with KColorSchemeKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 classes to read and interact with KColorScheme.System/Librariesx86_64  doxygenkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcolorscheme-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmc7c948e8108e6d183a6e47ff34a090ba./SRPMS.pclos d$ / I  $;DXB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlkcometen41.0.55pclos2011An OpenGL KDE screensaverKCometen4 is an OpenGL KDE screensaver. Inside a box is a nifty light show that features lightning and exploding comets. It lets you configure various effects like comet behavior, camera movement, box face images, etc.KCometen4 KDE ist ein OpenGL-Bildschirmschoner. In einem Feld ist ein raffiniertes Licht zeigen, dass Funktionen Blitz und explodierenden Kometen. Damit können Sie verschiedene Effekte konfigurieren wie Komet Verhalten, Kamerabewegung, Feld Gesicht Bilder, etc.KCometen4 est un économiseur d'écran OpenGL KDE. L'intérieur d'une boîte est un spectacle de lumière astucieux qui Lightning caractéristiques et les comètes qui explose. Il vous permet de configurer les différents effets un comportement semblable à une comète, mouvement de la caméra, la case images de visage, etcKCometen4 es un protector de pantalla OpenGL KDE. Dentro de una caja es un espectáculo de luz nifty que características de la explosión de rayos y los cometas. Te permite configurar diversos efectos, un comportamiento similar al cometa, el movimiento de la cámara, imágenes de la cara caja, etcKCometen4 jest OpenGL ekranu KDE. W środku pola jest ładne światła wykazują, że Lightning cechy i komety eksplodujące. To pozwala skonfigurować różne efekty jak kometa zachowanie, ruch kamery, zdjęcia twarzy pole itd.КЦометен4 је ОпенГЛ програм за КДЕ Сцреенсавер. Унутар кутија је диван светла показују да особине муња и експлозија комете. Он вам омогућава да конфигуришете различите ефекте као комете понашање, кретање камера, кутија лице слике, итдKCometen4 is een OpenGL KDE screensaver. Binnen een vak is een handig licht laten zien dat kenmerken bliksem en exploderende kometen. Het laat je configureren diverse effecten als komeet gedrag, camera beweging, doos gezicht beelden, enz.Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 cmakemesagl-develmesaglu-develkdebase4-workspace-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kcometen4-1.0.5-5pclos2011.src.rpmcc758807635836e461b3d72e320483d0./SRPMS.pclosd  M GB@XBABEBJCkcompletion6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for completionKCompletion provides widgets with advanced completion support as well as a lower-level completion class which can be used with your own widgets.#System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcompletion-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm#1e7a5092180dec524b6aa59eb46c428a./SRPMS.pclosd   ] 7B@HBAlBEpBJCkconfig6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with advanced configuration systemKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with advanced configuration system made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui.rSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kconfig-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpma6f0e988a0237dea45be20536668bdc0./SRPMS.pclosd # d $cB@tBABEBJCkconfigwidgets6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon for creating configuration dialogsKConfigWidgets provides easy-to-use classes to create configuration dialogs, as well as a set of widgets which uses KConfig to store their settings.' System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kconfigwidgets-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm'P8ad2a940abe601ca2d7b456a7f6931bd./SRPMS.pclos_d   ;\ `wB@BA,BE0BJQCkcontacts6.11.01pclos2025New address book API for KDENew address book API for KDE.;Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(iso-codes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcontacts-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmk_16292b36eac7245395a3864e4f616130./SRPMS.pclosd  d| B@)BAPBETBJuCkcoreaddons6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtCoreKCoreAddons provides classes built on top of QtCore to perform various tasks such as manipulating mime types, autosaving files, creating backup files, generating random sequences, performing text manipulations such as macro replacement, accessing user information and many more.'-iSystem/Librariesx86_64  gitkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gamin)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)shared-mime-info3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcoreaddons-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm'fJ166d4c461dc50ef4e6dcbf0c864bbc26./SRPMS.pcloskd   Q B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckcrash6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for application crashesKCrash provides support for intercepting and handling application crashes.ySystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcrash-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm8b72485d2acbd7a053cfb7713881605a./SRPMS.pclosod  4 B@BA<BE@BJaCkcron24.12.31pclos2025Graphical task schedulerKcron is a graphical frontend to the cron system, used to schedule regular tasks on a Unix system. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kcron-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 82ce081a49d34a95df02e29cfd370ecf./SRPMS.pclos?d  Bl pB@BA BEBJ1Ckdav6.11.01pclos2025A DAV protocol implementation with KJobsA DAV protocol implementation with KJobs.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdav-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmD286d85e4520ecb442af76f68fd8a251a./SRPMS.pcloscd   c    B@BA0BE4BJUCkdb3.2.04pclos2022A database connectivity and creation framework for various database vendorsA database connectivity and creation framework for various database vendors. LGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroslib64icu-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64mariadb-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui5lib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64sqlite3-develpostgresql13-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kdb-3.2.0-4pclos2022.src.rpm a5a50306c99c10518b698d5485fbed69./SRPMS.pclosd  d B@$BALBEPBJqCkdbusaddons6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtDBusKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtDBus.DSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdbusaddons-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm1690574423b1a25fcc74f193c0c64438./SRPMS.pclosd ! d B@(BAPBETBJuCkde-cli-tools6.3.31pclos2025Tools based on KDE Frameworks 6 to better interact with the systemTools based on KDE Frameworks 6 to better interact with the system. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kde-cli-tools-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm c97e2bdd69dcd9e2fb36de8f6101b435./SRPMS.pclosd % V 3B@EBApBEtBJCkde-dev-scripts24.12.31pclos2025K Desktop Environment - Software Development KitThis package contains the scripts for KDE development which are contained in the kdesdk module.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospython3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kde-dev-scripts-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm63be17377da5baafa4a8378fc4c8269d./SRPMS.pclosd # T B@ BALBEPBJqCkde-dev-utils24.12.31pclos2025K Desktop Environment - Software Development KitSoftware Development Kit for the K Desktop Environment.-EGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  binutils-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kde-dev-utils-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm\dad38e9ebf663ecb8aa2e10aa6e8ca2c./SRPMS.pclos/d!' 2 U8< BY`pB@BABEBJ!Ckde-gimp-resources-thumbnailer2.1.14pclos2013Gimp Resources Thumbnailer for KDEGimpResourcesThumbnailer is a thumbnail service for KDE. It can be used in any KDE application that supports the thumbnail kioslave, like dolphin or digiKam. You can preview all of your Gimp resources like brushes and patterns, to easily manage them into folders, without the need to open Gimp. The following resource types are supported: * Gimp-Brushes (.gbr, .ghi, .vbr) * Gimp-Patterns (.pat) * Gimp-Palettes (.gpl) * Gimp-Gradients (.ggr) * Adobe Photoshop Brushes (.abr (v6)).pinocGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develkde-workspace-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kde-gimp-resources-thumbnailer-2.1.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm2a82d8c600dddf64990d81bba7886a23./SRPMS.pclosd " Q B@BABEBJ Ckde-gtk-config6.3.31pclos2025Configure the appearance of GTK apps in PlasmaConfiguration dialog to adapt GTK applications appearance to your taste under KDE. Among its many features, it lets you: - Choose which theme is used for GTK2 and GTK3 applications. - Tweak some GTK applications behaviour. - Select what icon theme to use in GTK applications. - Select GTK applications default fonts. - Easily browse and install new GTK2 and GTK3 themes.JGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sasscxsettingsd3.0.4-14.6.0-1kde-gtk-config-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmy9a2e6b2d4cb44e49360058313a9cda14./SRPMS.pclosd ( e OB@aBABEBJCkde-inotify-survey24.12.31pclos2025Monitors inotify limits and lets the user know when exceededTooling for monitoring inotify limits and informing the user when they have been or are about to be reached.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettextkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kde-inotify-survey-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpme0fa90570c8b54d35b3231b326b6c0fd./SRPMS.pclosd   Clp z  b B@rBABEBJCkde-l10n17.08.31pclos2017Internationalization support for KDEInternationalization support for KDE.}bb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch docbook-style-xsldocbook-dtd42-xmllib64kde4-kdelibs-develextra-cmake-moduleskf5-macroskdoctools-develki18n-devellib64qt5help-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kde-l10n-17.08.3-1pclos2017.src.rpm}g81487567089840971ae11f54582a2586./SRPMS.pclosd $ C, 0GPTpB@xBABEBJCkde-plasma-config20211pclos2021PCLinuxOS Plasma configurationThis package contains the default configuration for the PCLinuxOS KDE Plasma desktop. WARNING: Installing or re-installing this package will reset your KDE Plasma desktop to the way it was when you first installed it from the ISO.Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kde-plasma-config-2021-1pclos2021.src.rpmh3cf290f79a35ce0d39b34ad0262cdcc4./SRPMS.pclos#d & Y  4B@BABEBJCkde-thumbnailer-epub1.12pclos2022A KDE thumbnail generator for the ePub file formatA KDE thumbnail generator for the ePub file format. Once installed go to Configure Dolphin/Konqueror -> General -> Previews and select ePub documents.2Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kf5archive-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kde-thumbnailer-epub-1.1-2pclos2022.src.rpm9c8aa4603b675603eb6a052b50abc3faca./SRPMS.pclosd ! N !B@+BATBEXBJyCkde4-attica0.4.21.1pclos2020Open Collaboration Service providers libraryA library to access Open Collaboration Service providers. Required to access OSC providers in get hot new stuff in KDE4.System/Librariesx86_64 lib64qt4-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kde4-attica-0.4.2-1.1pclos2020.src.rpm5c47b0fe1c91b17890a6ea6ed99cb97c./SRPMS.pclosWd $ Mx |B@BA$BE(BJICkdebugsettings24.12.31pclos2025An application to enable/disable qCDebugAn application to enable/disable qCDebug.]Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdebugsettings-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmMb847dffdb7bf0cbcac48b4c1fa715ce5./SRPMS.pclosod ! R B@BA<BE@BJaCkdeclarative6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon for Qt declarativeKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon for Qt declarative.%!System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(epoxy)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdeclarative-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%Sf1fff688ac2c1b07e5c49c75ac774dbd./SRPMS.pclos+d $ N    B@BABEBJCkdeconnect-kde24.12.31pclos2025Connect and sync your devices with PlasmaKDE Connect adds communication between Plasma and your smartphone or tablet. 2Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gitkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(ModemManager)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(libfakekey)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xtst)qttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdeconnect-kde-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 3c7f799e229f8d6132767f43901b1004d4./SRPMS.pclosd  S BB@WBA|BEBJCkdecoration6.3.31pclos2025A plugin-based library to create window decorationsA plugin-based library to create window decorations.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  cmake(KF6I18n)cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Test)kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdecoration-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpml9b9a813bbe04bbff76c1e67e7fcbe1ff./SRPMS.pclosCd  Gx |B@BABEBJ5Ckded6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon with KDE DaemonKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon with KDE Daemon.wSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kded-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm8ec10e6d0780c26ec47f3a563736d9bf./SRPMS.pclosd ! c B@(BAPBETBJuCkdeedu-data24.12.31pclos2025Shared icons, artwork and data files for educational applicationsShared icons, artwork and data files for educational applications./SGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdeedu-data-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm]cc8b4d8b8f936bb35aa1d1b441137ec9./SRPMS.pclos{d! , _ B@BAHBELBJmCkdegraphics-mobipocket24.12.31pclos2025A collection of plugins to handle mobipocket filesA collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files.:RGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdegraphics-mobipocket-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmh643c92b8ba3e0d0f4398452213e1d588./SRPMS.pclosd5=E P V 999B@@BAdBEhBJCes.UTF-8pl.UTF-8pt_BR.UTF-8ru.UTF-8uk.UTF-8dekdelibs4.14.381pclos2020K Desktop Environment - LibrariesK Desktop Environment - bibliotecasK Desktop Environment - bibliotekiBibliotecas de fundação do KDEK Desktop Environment - БиблиотекиK Desktop Environment - БібліотекиK Desktop Umgebung - BibliothekenLibraries for the K Desktop Environment.Bibliotheken für die K Desktop Umgebung.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kde4-macrosqt4-develqt4-qtdbusaspell-develhspell-develavahi-compat-libdns_sd-develavahi-client-develenchant-devellibxslt-procudev-devellibxslt-devellibxml2openssl-develcups-develpcre-develgamin-develprison-develdocbook-style-xslbzip2-devellibart_lgpl-devellibsasl-devellibtiff-devellibvorbis-develpam-devellibalsa-devellibmad-develgdbm-develOpenEXR-devellibacl-develkrb5-develungif-develshared-mime-infoautomocphonon-develxpm-develxft2-devellibxml2-utilsliblzma-develrootcertsflexbisonqca2-develshared-desktop-ontologies-devellibxscrnsaver-develattica-develmesa-common-devellibdbusmenu-qt-develdocbook-dtd42-xmludisks2-devellib64kde4-attica-devellib64jasper-devellib64taglib-devellib64qimageblitz-devellib64upnp-devellib64utempter-devellib64qtwebkit4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kdelibs-4.14.38-1pclos2020.src.rpm54332f90b6b9e5cf0f7a44a061d2bd00./SRPMS.pcloscd! , @| B@BA0BE4BJUCkdenetwork-filesharing24.12.31pclos2025Network filesharingNetworking applications for the KF6. - kdict: graphical client for the DICT protocol - kit: AOL instant messenger client, using the TOC protocol - kpf: public fileserver applet - krfb: Desktop Sharing server, allow others to access your desktop via VNC - krdc: a client for Desktop Sharing and other VNC servers.kGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdenetwork-filesharing-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmOf76d7a68ede13b7581bdb784b79a5aff./SRPMS.pclosd   M  DB@TBAxBE|BJCkdenlive24.12.21pclos2025A non-linear video editing application for KDEKdenlive is a non-linear video editor for KDE. It relies on a separate renderer, piave, to handle it's rendering. Kdenlive supports multitrack editing.?Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdenlive-24.12.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmEa93478c24efa1a9cbab3c4a97a43a349./SRPMS.pclos_d # Cd hB@BA,BE0BJQCkdepim-addons24.12.31pclos2025Addons for KDE PIM applicationsAddons for KDE PIM applications.(Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libmarkdown)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdepim-addons-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm(Gxd7034dd6391b6324d992c98520aef33a./SRPMS.pclosd $ : B@%BAPBETBJuCkdepim-runtime24.12.31pclos2025K Desktop EnvironmentInformation Management applications for the K Desktop Environment runtime libs.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdepim-runtime-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmdeedb664da78fbd5cfff68ef6265a5464./SRPMS.pclosd $ k    B@BABEBJ Ckdeplasma-addons6.3.31pclos2025A compilation of plasma items (runners, applets, plasmoids) for Plasmakdeplasma is a compilation of plasma items (runners, applets, plasmoids) for Plasma.4Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroskirigami-addonskitemmodelspkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(icu-uc)pkgconfig(xcb-image)purposerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdeplasma-addons-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmk276f65e159b2bf903587af67a4f54b5c./SRPMS.pclosgd   Q B@ BA4BE8BJYCkdesdk-kio24.12.31pclos2025K Desktop Environment - Software Development KitSoftware Development Kit for the K Desktop Environment.iGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdesdk-kio-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmb3b7299f9b7bff2e1e0d7aa4bc0fe85c./SRPMS.pclosd ) Z B@'BAXBE\BJ}Ckdesdk-thumbnailers24.12.31pclos2025K Desktop Environment - Software Development KitSoftware Development Kit for the K Desktop Environment.oGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettext-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdesdk-thumbnailers-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmA305cc48c1568653f183a187d4adb32b8./SRPMS.pclosKd  L B@BABEBJ=Ckdesu6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 module for su integrationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 module for su integration.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdesu-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm1db803349c3c1f652596a746beae38ef./SRPMS.pclosd   40 4KTdB@BABEBJCkdesvn1.6.01pclos2014KDE client for subversionkdesvn is yet another client for subversion. But it uses native KDE API instead of a extra lib like GAMBAS and it is using the native subversion delevelopment API instead of just parsing the output of the commandline tool like most other clients do. It tries to setup a look and feel like the standard filemanager of KDE and is integrated into it via KPart. The base C++ interface to subversion I took from the (real great) tool Rapidsvn (see http://rapidsvn.tigris.org/) with some modifcations and fixes.0Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64  kdelibs-devellib64sqlite3-develsubversion-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   K|   f B@~BABEBJCkdevelop24.12.31pclos2025Integrated Development Environment for C++/CThe KDevelop Integrated Development Environment provides many features that developers need as well as providing a unified interface to programs like gdb, the C/C++ compiler, and make. KDevelop manages or provides: * All development tools needed for C++ programming like Compiler, Linker, automake and autoconf * KAppWizard, which generates complete, ready-to-go sample applications * Classgenerator, for creating new classes and integrating them into the current project * File management for sources, headers, documentation etc. to be included in the project * The creation of User-Handbooks written with SGML and the automatic generation of HTML-output with the KDE look and feel * Automatic HTML-based API-documentation for your project's classes with cross-references to the used libraries; Internationalization support for your application, allowing translators to easily add their target language to a project * WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) creation of user interfaces with a built-in dialog editor * Debugging your application by integrating KDbg * Editing of project-specific pixmaps with KIconEdit * The inclusion of any other program you need for development by adding it to the "Tools" menu according to your individual needs.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develclang-develcppcheckkf6-rpm-macrosllvm-develmesonpkgconfig(shared-mime-info)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)subversion-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdevelop-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmA7907ee866273c6baeef19e714ed02873./SRPMS.pclos;d " 1H LclB@BABE BJ-Ckdevelop-pg-qt2.3.01pclos2024KDevelop-PG-QtKDevelop-PG-Qt is a parser generator written in readable source-code and generating readable source-code. Its syntax was inspired by AntLR. It implements the visitor-pattern and uses the Qt library. That is why it is ideal to be used in Qt-/KDE-based applications like KDevelop. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdevelop-pg-qt-2.3.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm E66a3e443365c3c8324396a32e5d5d87c./SRPMS.pcloskd " : B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckdevelop-php24.12.31pclos2025PHP plugin for kdevelopThis plugin adds PHP language support (including classview and code-completion) to KDevelop.=Development/PHPx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdevelop-php-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmdd45d85af1191ca52e2b7c4878fd1ccd./SRPMS.pclosOd % @\ `s|B@BABE BJACkdevelop-python24.12.31pclos2025Python plugin for KDevelopPython plugin for KDevelop.EDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdevelop-python-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 8809d45cfcc636f7fb52a7798f22f302./SRPMS.pclosd   L| MB@\BABEBJCkdewebdev15.04.32pclos2016A web editor for the KDE Desktop EnvironmentA web editor for the KDE Desktop Environment.&WGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develkde-pimlibs-devellib64xml2-devellib64xslt-devellib64boost-develruby-devellib64tidy-html-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kdewebdev-15.04.3-2pclos2016.src.rpm&28184b14c9e91662e556c0894f20fb9a./SRPMS.pclosd  .0 4KT`B@BABEBJCkdf24.12.31pclos2025View free disk spaceKDiskFree displays the available file devices (hard drive partitions, floppy and CD/DVD drives, etc.) along with information on their capacity, free space, type and mount point. It also allows you to mount and unmount drives and view them in a file manager.[,Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdf-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmp955b2ff6ef756b47608299e446c7edbd./SRPMS.pclos{d   >` d{B@!BAHBELBJmCkdgantt216.08.31pclos2016This lib provides gantt supportThis lib provides gantt support.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kdgantt2-16.08.3-1pclos2016.src.rpmHaaf220b811bfd037c0011ac3950bdb9e./SRPMS.pclosd   _    B@BABEBJCkdiagram2.7.01pclos2020Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagramsPowerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams. qgGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kdiagram-2.7.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm s1933489b8398c402bdca428f3057815a./SRPMS.pclos{d   _ B@$BAHBELBJmCkdiagram3.0.11pclos2024Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagramsPowerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdiagram-3.0.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm !d7b6743e285d23473faf816d741480c1./SRPMS.pclosd   ^ "B@4BAXBE\BJ}Ckdialog24.12.31pclos2025KDialog can be used to show nice dialog boxes from shell scriptsKDialog can be used to show nice dialog boxes from shell scripts.CGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdialog-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmq492dfe4318bacbd5003d907904adf742./SRPMS.pclosWd   2 B@BA$BE(BJICkdiamond24.12.31pclos2025Three-in-a-row gameKDiamond is a three-in-a-row game (much like Bejeweled) for the KDE desktop.GUEGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdiamond-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmGdccfa65aa00c4888660c389d125e95f8./SRPMS.pclosod   _ lB@BA<BE@BJaCkdiff31.10.71pclos2024Utility for comparing/merging up to three text files or directoriesA file and directory diff and merge tool which: * compares and merges two or three text input files or directories * shows the differences line by line and character by character(!) * provides an automatic merge-facility * has an editor for comfortable solving of merge-conflicts * provides network transparency via KIO * has options to highlight or hide changes in white-space or commentsLHGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  gettextlib64boost-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64tbb-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdiff3-1.10.7-1pclos2024.src.rpmzl1ebd80c01d96eba2f5d2475e6ae14150./SRPMS.pclos 'd & I D H _ h | B@ BA BE BJ Cfrdeesplnlkding0.65pclos2011kding-a dictionary lookup program.KDing is a KDE port of Ding (http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~fri/ding/), a dictionary lookup program. It is a simple program sitting in KDE's system tray that can translate the current clipboard content. The user can also enter a single word or a phrase for translation. KDing is intended to translate between German and English, but it can be used for every language for which a word list is available for Ding.KDing est un portage de KDE Ding (http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/ ~ / ven Ding /), un programme de recherche dans le dictionnaire. C'est un programme simple assis dans KDE plateau de système qui peuvent traduire le contenu du presse-papier. L'utilisateur pouvez également saisir un seul mot ou une phrase pour la traduction. KDing est destiné à traduire entre l'allemand et l'anglais, mais il peut être utilisé pour toutes les langues pour lesquelles une liste de mots est disponible pour Ding.KDing ist ein KDE-Hafen von Ding (http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/ ~ fri / ding /), ein Wörterbuch suchen Programm. Es ist ein einfaches Programm sitzt in KDE System-Tray, dass der derzeitige Inhalt der Zwischenablage übersetzen kann. Der Benutzer kann auch ein einzelnes Wort oder einen Satz für die Übersetzung. KDing soll zwischen Deutsch und Englisch zu übersetzen, aber es kann für jede Sprache ein Wort für die Liste ist für Ding zur Verfügung verwendet werden.KDing es un puerto de KDE de Ding (http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/ ~ / vie Ding /), de un programa de búsqueda de diccionario. Es un sencillo programa en la sesión de KDE bandeja del sistema que se puede traducir el contenido actual del portapapeles. El usuario También puede escribir una sola palabra o una frase para la traducción. KDing se destina a traducir entre Alemán e Inglés, pero puede ser utilizado para todos los idiomas para los que una lista de palabras está disponible para Ding.KDing jest KDE portu Ding (http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/ ~ fri / ding /), Słownik program wyszukiwania. Jest to prosty program posiedzenia w KDE zasobniku systemowym, które można przetłumaczyć bieżącą zawartość schowka. Użytkownik Można także wprowadzić jedno słowo lub wyrażenie do przetłumaczenia. KDing ma przełożenie między niemieckim i angielskim, ale może być stosowany dla każdego języka, dla których lista jest dostępna na słowo Ding.KDing is een KDE-poort van Ding (http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/ ~ Vrij / ding /), een woordenboek opzoeken programma. Het is een eenvoudig programma zit in KDE's system tray dat kan vertalen de huidige inhoud van het klembord. De gebruiker kunt ook een enkel woord of een zin voor de vertaling. KDing is bedoeld om te vertalen tussen Duits en Engels, maar het kan worden gebruikt voor elke taal een woord voor die lijst is beschikbaar voor Ding.,zGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 cmakekde4-macroskdelibs4-devellib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kding-0.6-5pclos2011.src.rpm,d8396f707964fead09988c5d46eded52./SRPMS.pcloscd   FH LW`B@ BA0BE4BJUCkdiskmark3.0.01pclos2022A simple open-source disk benchmark toolKDiskMark is an HDD and SSD benchmark tool with a very friendly graphical user interface. KDiskMark with its presets and powerful GUI calls Flexible I/O Tester and handles the output to provide an easy to view and interpret comprehensive benchmark result.|Monitoringx86_64 cmakeextra-cmake-moduleslib64qt5core-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5help-develqttools5sdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kdiskmark-3.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm_a3f35de52118b54266ed9d1e93a09343./SRPMS.pclosd   e 1B@CBAdBEhBJCkdnssd6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 integration module for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 integration module for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)."System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(avahi-core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdnssd-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm"ܷ6b061098c692390983f9f0f369684185./SRPMS.pclos'd   A@ D\dB@BABEBJCkdocker5.41pclos2022Dock any application in the system trayKDocker will help you dock any application in the system tray. This means you can dock OpenOffice, XMMS, Firefox, Thunderbolt, Eclipse, anything! Just point and click. Works for LXQT/KDE and GTK/GNOME (In fact it should work for most modern window managers that support NET WM Specification for instance). All you need to do is start KDocker and select an application using the mouse and lo! the application gets docked into the system tray. The application can also be made to disappear from the task bar. Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 qttools5lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qtsingleapplication-qt5-devellib64x11-devellib64xmu-devellib64xpm-devellibxcb-develqtbase5-common-develpkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(xpm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kdocker-5.4-1pclos2022.src.rpma5dc1090217de69cb77690ef92374748./SRPMS.pclosd   N NB@bBABEBJCkdoctools6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for documentationProvides tools to generate documentation in various format from DocBook files. lSystem/Librariesx86_64  docbook-style-xslkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdoctools-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm:93a2237adb2e6444ec97d55bff04a2aa./SRPMS.pclosd ' \ :B@MBA|BEBJCkdsingleapplication1.1.02pclos2025Helper class for single-instance policy applicationsKDSingleApplication is a helper class for single-instance policy applications.zSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakelib64qt5base5-devellib64qt6base6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdsingleapplication-1.1.0-2pclos2025.src.rpm.xe3388347afdcf483366d0102dbf9ca43./SRPMS.pclos[d   N B@BA(BE,BJMCkdsoap2.2.01pclos2024Qt based client-side and server-side SOAP componentQt based client-side and server-side SOAP component.9System/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdsoap-2.2.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm&5380a8ceef7c0835caeafbc794a594aa./SRPMS.pclosd# . c GB@[BABEBJCkdsoap-ws-discovery-client0.4.01pclos2024Qt based WS-Discovery client library based on KDSoapLibrary for finding WS-Discovery devices in the network using Qt and KDSoap.System/Librariesx86_64  doxygenkf6-rpm-macrosqttools6qttools6-assistantrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kdsoap-ws-discovery-client-0.4.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmO8e5e770a37ec9e66a2712554ec7f020e./SRPMS.pclos'd $ 5H LclxB@BABEBJCkeditbookmarks24.12.31pclos2025Bookmarks editorBookmarks editor.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1keditbookmarks-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm05299c6d8afb43c7f82ad8790e99487e5./SRPMS.pclosd   E $|B@BABEBJCkeepassx0.4.44pclos2021KeePassX Cross Platform Password ManagerKeePassX is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish). Officex86_64 lib64qt4-devellib64x11-devellib64xi-devellib64xtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keepassx-0.4.4-4pclos2021.src.rpm ?f88709e8bbb392a6b9e4e2cfe813301d./SRPMS.pclosd   =  ,B@BABEBJ Ckeepassx22.0.33pclos2021Cross Platform Password ManagerKeePassX is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).VFile toolsx86_64 cmakelib64gcrypt-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64qt4-devellib64x11-devellib64xi-devellib64xtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keepassx2-2.0.3-3pclos2021.src.rpm]d591388775137bc8a4e2668f016b28ed./SRPMS.pclos{d   = `B@$BAHBELBJmCkeepassxc2.7.71pclos2024Cross-platform password managerKeePassXC is a community fork of KeePassX KeePassXC is an application for people with extremely high demands on secure personal data management. KeePassXC saves many different information e.g. user names, passwords, urls, attachemts and comments in one single database. For a better management user-defined titles and icons can be specified for each single entry. Furthermore the entries are sorted in groups, which are customizable as well. The integrated search function allows to search in a single group or the complete database. KeePassXC offers a little utility for secure password generation. The password generator is very customizable, fast and easy to use. Especially someone who generates passwords frequently will appreciate this feature. The complete database is always encrypted either with AES (alias Rijndael) or Twofish encryption algorithm using a 256 bit key. Therefore the saved information can be considered as quite safe.File toolsx86_64  lib64argon2-devellib64botan2-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64qrencode-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64sodium-devellib64x11-devellib64xi-devellib64xtst-devellib64yubikey-devellibstdc++-devellibxcb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ykpers-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1keepassxc-2.7.7-1pclos2024.src.rpm4f5542b11d58e64edc3a94aedd906512./SRPMS.pclosd # 5H LgptB@BABEBJCkeepin-icons202107251pclos2021Keepin Icon ThemeKeepin Icon Theme@System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keepin-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmA Qfd24c7bf52e29b8f08e28f78b9e2a619./SRPMS.pclosd  L4 8?HXB@BABEBJCdekeepnote0.7.82pclos2013A note taking applicationNotizbuchanwendungKeepNote is a note taking application that works on Windows, Linux, and MacOS X. With KeepNote, you can store your class notes, TODO lists, research notes, journal entries, paper outlines, etc in a simple notebook hierarchy with rich-text formatting, images, and more. Using full-text search, you can retrieve any note for later referenceKeepNote ist eine Notizbuchanwendung die unter Windows, Linux und MacOS X arbeitet. Mit KeepNote können Sie ihr Klassennotizen, TODO-Listen, Forschungsnotizen, Journaleinträge, Papierentwürfe, ... in einer einfachen Notizbuchhierarchie mit rich-text Formatierung, Bildern und mehr abspeichern. Durch die Benutzung der Voll- textsuche können Sie jede Notiz für die später Verwendung wiederfinden.Officenoarch pythonpython-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keepnote-0.7.8-2pclos2013.src.rpm+c9c928201b5ec2bf436a70f0ce0c13b5./SRPMS.pclosd ' ; *B@3BA`BEdBJCkeepnote-extensions0.6.11pclos2018KeepNote ExtensionsAdditional extensions for KeepNote organizer. The package includes: * Import Basket Primitive import of Basket Notepad Databases. * Import Folder Tree Imports a folder tree as nodes in a notebook * Import NoteCase Primitive import of NoteCase .ncd Files * Import Plain Text Imports plain text files as nodes in a notebook * Make File Catalog Imports a folder tree, listing file names (maybe as links) notebook.sOfficenoarch unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keepnote-extensions-0.6.1-1pclos2018.src.rpmdd758813d6f7e0b7798ad2d37f5531f65./SRPMS.pclosd  W(, T^hlB@BABEBJCkega-fusion363x1pclos2022Sega Genesis/32X/Master System/CD/SG-1000/Pico Emulator. Kega Fusion is a Sega SG1000, SC3000, SF7000, Master System, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, SVP, Pico, SegaCD/MegaCD and 32X emulator. For Sega CD and 32X emulation, it needs the BIOS files. Because this program is quite antique, it needs some configuration, to get the sound working right. in your ~/.Kega Fusion File Fusion.ini, the sound options must be set as follows: ALSADeviceName=default OSSDeviceName=/dev/dsp UsingALSA=1 libmpg123path=/usr/lib64/libmpg123.so CurrentWaveFormat=2 SoundOverdrive=0 SoundSuperHQ=1 SoundDisabled=0 SoundFilter=0 Another detail to note is that Kega Fusion monopolizes the sound card. If there's another program accessing the sound card, it will disable the sound in the emulator. _*Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kega-fusion-363x-1pclos2022.src.rpm e63b013b7f4f1783d8e3ce9a720ebb0c0./SRPMS.pclosSd  D B@BA BE$BJECkepas0.9.33pclos2011Kepas is a zeroconf KDE4 filetransfer toolIt discovers your local LAN for buddies (KDNSSD) and lets you transfer files or klipper entries from a trayicon or via drag 'n drop with the kepas plasmoid. Current features: * Run Kepas as Plasmoid or Trayicon * Zeroconf buddy discovery in your LAN (KDNSSD) * Filetransfer between buddies (kepas or giver) * Filetransfer to kopete ICQ contacts * Filetransfer to kopete Jabber contacts * Transfer of klipper entries * Activate received klipper entries * Transfer KNotes * Drag 'n Drop Files on the kepas Plasmoid * Configure the destination folder and nickname * Start a Public Folder (KPF) * Monitor your Public Folders * available Public Folders are shown on Buddy discovery * public dbus Methods to SendFile, SendKlipper, SendKNote TODO: * Directory Transfer BUGS: * either the plasmoid or the trayicon can be started; not both !Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 cmakemakekdebase4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kepas-0.9.3-3pclos2011.src.rpm)dccb3b64bca7d63d0cdbb1e062cf43b8./SRPMS.pclos7d & 7\ `{B@BABEBJ)Ckernel-5.10.219-pclos111pclos2024The Linux kernelThis is a LTS kernel for PCLinuxOS. 6JSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  bisonbuild-essentialsflexgcckmodlib64bzip2-devellib64elfutils-devellib64kmod-devellib64lzma-devellib64openssl-devellib64zstd-devellz4-develmodule-init-toolspciutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wget3.0.4-14.6.0-1kernel-5.10.219-pclos1-1-1pclos2024.nosrc.rpm1379f7826f23381291624271edd5297a./SRPMS.pclos7d & 7\ `{B@BABEBJ)Ckernel-5.15.161-pclos111pclos2024The Linux kernelThis is a LTS kernel for PCLinuxOS. JSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  bisonbuild-essentialsflexgcckmodlib64bzip2-devellib64elfutils-devellib64kmod-devellib64lzma-devellib64openssl-devellib64zstd-devellz4-develmodule-init-toolspciutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wget3.0.4-14.6.0-1kernel-5.15.161-pclos1-1-1pclos2024.nosrc.rpm670cb130f8d019e5db98a30f6c52fa22./SRPMS.pclosd % 6\ `{B@BABEBJCkernel-5.4.282-pclos111pclos2024The Linux kernelThis is a LTS kernel for PCLinuxOS.ҫJSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  bisonbuild-essentialsflexgcckmodlib64bzip2-devellib64elfutils-devellib64kmod-devellib64lzma-devellib64openssl-devellib64zstd-devellz4-develpciutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wget3.0.4-14.6.0-1kernel-5.4.282-pclos1-1-1pclos2024.nosrc.rpm55f948faffc909af34e7b157415f1ddc./SRPMS.pclosCd % 6` dB@BABEBJ5Ckernel-6.1.131-pclos111pclos2025The Linux kernelThis is the default kernel for PCLinuxOS. ;USystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  bisonbuild-essentialsflexgccgperfkmodlib64bzip2-devellib64elfutils-devellib64kmod-devellib64lzma-devellib64openssl-devellib64zstd-devellz4-develmodule-init-toolspciutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wget3.0.4-14.6.0-1kernel-6.1.131-pclos1-1-1pclos2025.nosrc.rpm5pd8fa2da17eeb738b360ddec0733b2dfc./SRPMS.pclos7d $ 5` dB@BABEBJ)Ckernel-6.6.83-pclos111pclos2025The Linux kernelThis is the default kernel for PCLinuxOS. p'System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  bisonbuild-essentialsflexgcckmodlib64bzip2-devellib64elfutils-devellib64kmod-devellib64lzma-devellib64openssl-devellib64zstd-devellz4-develmodule-init-toolspciutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wget3.0.4-14.6.0-1kernel-6.6.83-pclos1-1-1pclos2025.nosrc.rpm28fda215869bed693ff875af892d394db./SRPMS.pclos?d  5 B@BA BEBJ1Ckernel-amdgpu1.01pclos2022amdgpu preload loaderThe package loads the amdgpu driver at boot for systems that no longer automatically load it.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kernel-amdgpu-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmHf3b229edae09afc968e593762afd4d79./SRPMS.pclosd( , H B@ BALBEPBJqCkernel-firmware202401151pclos2024Linux kernel firmware filesThis package contains the firmware for in-kernel drivers that was previously included in the kernel.0System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kernel-firmware-20240115-1pclos2024.src.rpm1Q88eec615ba41fbb1d2a7a4b7eaa18879./SRPMS.pclosd! , N B@%BAXBE\BJ}Ckernel-firmware-extra202209201pclos2022Extra linux kernel firmware filesThis package contains extra redistributable etc. firmwares for in-kernel drivers. It is shared for all kernels.ЏSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch kernel-firmwarerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kernel-firmware-extra-20220920-1pclos2022.src.rpm005f9238520bb21af7de2b88ad42976a2./SRPMS.pclosd  0X \wB@BABEBJCkernel-fuse1.01pclos2022fuse driver loaderFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) support~System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kernel-fuse-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm8bb60a3f4c05ad57f4a14ab8b896a0f8./SRPMS.pclos?d ' X B@BA BEBJ1Ckernel-hid_multitouch1.01pclos2022preload the hid_multitouch kernel driver at bootpreload the hid_multitouch kernel driver at bootSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kernel-hid_multitouch-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpma8e383495795f617e8d9c690c1ce9631./SRPMS.pclosd  Jt xB@BABEBJCkernel-snd_seq1.01pclos2022preload the snd_seq kernel driver at bootpreload the snd_seq kernel driver at bootSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kernel-snd_seq-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm5bb06820272292cefa40ca54da77a9e7./SRPMS.pclosgd  6 B@ BA4BE8BJYCkernel-uclogic1.01pclos2022uclogic driver loaderSupport for UC-Logic and Huion tablets. This package loads the uclogic driver at boot of the computer so Hulon tablets work oftb.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kernel-uclogic-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmcbf2e57126dc190c109bcf7a462b8c82./SRPMS.pclosWd  0 B@BA$BE(BJICkernel-uhid1.01pclos2022uhid driver loaderUHID, a user-space transport driver can create kernel hid-devices for each device connected to the user-space controlled bus.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kernel-uhid-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmc8d7bb3a408443f08df5833fd195754b./SRPMS.pclosd" - U  ;DL|B@BABEBJCkernel-userspace-headers6.6.831pclos2025Linux kernel header files for userspaceC header files from the Linux kernel. The header files define structures and constants that are needed for building most standard programs. This package is not suitable for building kernel modules.3System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kernel-userspace-headers-6.6.83-1pclos2025.src.rpm[6dcbd0acf694b5b8fa220b6505f02871./SRPMS.pclosd   D !t!L!B@tBABEBJCkexi3.2.01pclos2019An integrated environment for managing dataKexi is an integrated data management application. It can be used for creating database schemas, inserting data, performing queries, and processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All database objects – tables, queries and forms – are stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design. Menu Entry is under the Development Category.7fGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kdb3-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5texteditor-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64kpropertycore-devellib64kreports-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kexi-3.2.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm7gd603666d2732ee7eaad8e2e553156209./SRPMS.pclos?d   D B@BA BEBJ1Ckey-train0.1.32pclos2013Keyboard Training Software (for linux)A keyboard training program which I'm designing for my 9 year old son. This is a keyboard training program (i.e. typing tutor) for touch typing, still in it's early days. Goals: * Open source and open community. * Various languages supported (although not right to left nor logographic writing systems - ex. Kanji) (todo) * Various international keyboards supported and probably dvorak keyboards as well. (todo) * Attractive interface. (todo) * Scalable graphics, make the window as small or as large as you like. * Show the beginner typist where they should place their fingers. (todo) * Interesting text for advanced users instead of just random gibberish. Will pull in text from Wikipedia entries, for various languages. (todo) * Beginner levels will have random text, however, and they should focus on common bi-grams and trigrams of the language in question, to build up muscle memory for common key combinations. (todo) * Random text should also start with very simple letter combinations, like two keys close together for training the first time. (todo) * Stats and progression. (todo) * Heatmap of trouble keys for the student. (todo) * Auto build lessons to work on the trouble keys. (todo) * Lessons for the number keys and punctuation marks. (todo) * Start off without the space bar or the backspace key, add these keys later.tEducationx86_64 lib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1key-train-0.1.3-2pclos2013.src.rpmIdbdecaf137a3a8668548f9f1c13b22ab./SRPMS.pclosd   Q @B@MBApBEtBJCkeybinder0.3.02pclos2013A library for registering global keyboard shortcutskeybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts. Keybinder works with GTK-based applications using the X Window System. The library contains: - A C library, libkeybinder - Lua bindings, lua-keybinder - Python bindings, python-keybinder - An examples directory with programs in C, Lua, Python and Vala.,Development/Pythonx86_64 lib64gtk+2.0_0-develpython-devellib64lua5.1-develpygtk2.0-develpython-gobject-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keybinder-0.3.0-2pclos2013.src.rpmBc694ffa5b056ca5f824da18196cbd137./SRPMS.pclosd   R 4B@@BAdBEhBJCkeybinder30.3.22pclos2018A library for registering global keyboard shortcutsA library for registering global keyboard shortcuts.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 lib64girepository-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellibpthread-stubswayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keybinder3-0.3.2-2pclos2018.src.rpmae6612f677b460faf098f64c69ef4f69./SRPMS.pclos+d   \ B@BABEBJCkeychain2.8.21pclos2016Keychain manages ssh-agent to minimise passphrase entry for sshKeychain is a manager for OpenSSH, ssh.com, Sun SSH and GnuPG agents. It acts as a front-end to the agents, allowing you to easily have one long-running agent process per system, rather than per login session. This dramatically reduces the number of times you need to enter your passphrase from once per new login session to once every time your local machine is rebooted. Run keychain once manually per user, after which keychain will run (quietly) every time you log in (from a profile script). Hint: If you get tired of keychain, delete ~/.keychain .Networking/Remote accessnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keychain-2.8.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm11e340d24757e46ba4618c379f598a500./SRPMS.pclosSd   4` d{B@BA BE$BJECkeysmith24.12.31pclos2025Convergent OTP clientOTP client for Plasma Mobile and Desktop.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsodium)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1keysmith-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm{520581131c00afe4f8e73161703f56a8./SRPMS.pclosd   : -B@9BA\BE`BJCkeytouch2.4.11pclos2007Configure extra keyboard keysKeyTouch is a program which allows you to easily configure the extra function keys of your keyboard. This means that you can define, for every individual function key, what to do if it is pressed. When you buy a new keyboard a CD-ROM will probably included. This CD-ROM contains software to configure the extra function keys (the image above shows an example of extra functionkeys) of your keyboard with. The problem however is that most of the times the software is not available for Linux. KeyTouch is the solution to this problem. It allows you to easily configure the extra function keys of your keyboard. eSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586 libgnome-menu2-develgtk+2-develgtkdialogslibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keytouch-2.4.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm W3be4e7edfbd5383885bc5e1c52673ecd./SRPMS.pclosd # A  <Z`dB@BABEBJCkeytouch-editor3.1.31pclos2007Configure extra keyboard keysKeyTouch-editor lets you make your own keyboard configuration file. This file can be used in combination with KeyTouch. KeyTouch is a program which allows you to easily configure the extra function keys of your keyboard. This means that you can define, for every individual function key, what to do if it is pressed. When you buy a new keyboard a CD-ROM will probably included. This CD-ROM contains software to configure the extra function keys (the image above shows an example of extra functionkeys) of your keyboard with. The problem however is that most of the times the software is not available for Linux. KeyTouch is the solution to this problem. It allows you to easily configure the extra function keys of your keyboard.1Texstar System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keytouch-editor-3.1.3-1pclos2007.src.rpm8187c79372f94ec64478aa983dc06bad./SRPMS.pclosgd   9  B@BA4BE8BJYCkeyutils1.62pclos2019Linux Key Management UtilitiesUtilities to control the kernel key management facility and to provide a mechanism by which the kernel call back to userspace to get a key instantiated.zuSystem/Basex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1keyutils-1.6-2pclos2019.src.rpm} 8b126eafc54a87b71a3b3f0a879a0297./SRPMS.pclos3d # Eh lB@BABEBJ%Ckf6-rpm-macros6.11.01pclos2025Libraries install macros for KF 6Libraries install macros for KF 6.Development/Librariesnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kf6-rpm-macros-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%m01d522efb97ea0bddea4af9a1c480fbd./SRPMS.pclosd * >  (SB@\BA|BEBJCdefresplsrnlkfax3.3.63pclos2010Kfax utiliy for kdeFax Program for KDE 4.Fax-Programm für KDE 4.Fax programme pour KDE 4.Fax Programa para KDE 4.Faks Program dla KDE 4.Факс програм за КДЕ 4 је.Fax Programma voor KDE 4.Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kfax-3.3.6-3pclos2010.src.rpmݢe36b36d8973fd036b108162bc6907aa8./SRPMS.pclosd " It x  k B@BABEBJCkfilemetadata6.11.01pclos2025A library for extracting file metadataA library for extracting file metadata. ,System/Librariesx86_64  attr-develcatdocebook-tools-develkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(poppler-qt6)pkgconfig(taglib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kfilemetadata-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm \478eb0bf0e19506253ef859a9e2bdd16./SRPMS.pclosd  1 /8DB@BABEBJCkfind24.12.31pclos2025KDE file find utilityKFind can be used as a standalone search tool, launched by KRunner or from your menu. It is also integrated into Konqueror and Dolphin as "Find File" in the "Tools" menu. It allows you to find files by name, type or content.}Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kfind-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmB3bd75f8f088dde7b764d125370885038./SRPMS.pclosd   X 'B@0BATBEXBJyCkflickr201008173pclos2011Permit to easily upload photos to your Flickr.com accountKFlickr is a standalone KDE application that allows for easy upload of your favourite photos to your Flickr.com accountۆGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kflickr-20100817-3pclos2011.src.rpm,35b5614e721c8948f292322060315683./SRPMS.pclosd  F| B@BABEBJCkfoldersync3.4.12pclos2021Folder synchronization and backup toolFolder synchronization and backup tool for Plasma 5.ʠGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 gettextcmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5jobwidgets5lib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kfoldersync-3.4.1-2pclos2021.src.rpmϬa48f093add18cac5d631cc9efdc648d5./SRPMS.pclosd ! 9 CB@TBA|BEBJCkfourinline24.12.31pclos2025Place 4 pieces in a rowKFourInLine is a board game for two players based on the Connect-Four game. The players try to build up a row of four pieces using different strategies. jGGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kfourinline-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 5db0ad2a3fd85d03a93d7ecb85ad36d4./SRPMS.pclos?d   5T XoxB@BA BEBJ1Ckgamma6.3.31pclos2025A monitor calibration toolA monitor calibration tool.`Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xxf86vm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kgamma-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpme1660155571bfbff0576b119f247c452./SRPMS.pclosGd   =l pB@BABEBJ9Ckgeography24.12.31pclos2025A geography learning programKGeography is a geography learning program.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kgeography-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmܹ4a53ebb97d406564ae77f5eb418001d7./SRPMS.pclosSd  G$ (?HdB@BA BE$BJECkget24.12.31pclos2025Versatile and user-friendly download managerKGet is a versatile and user-friendly download manager. Features: - Downloading files from FTP and HTTP(S) sources. - Pausing and resuming of downloading files, as well as the ability to restart a download. - Tells lots of information about current and pending downloads. - Embedding into system tray. - Integration with the Konqueror web browser. - Metalink support which contains multiple URLs for downloads, along with checksums and other information.K]Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macroslib64qgpgme-qt6-develpkgconfig(libmms)pkgconfig(sqlite3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kget-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmK=c82269036657523f677312a79744b327./SRPMS.pcloswd ! a  B@BADBEHBJiCkglobalaccel6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 integration module for global shortcutsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 integration module for global shortcuts.#MSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kglobalaccel-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm#A1680d705196de1fc7de4fb94298a06f6./SRPMS.pclosd ! g B@BABEBJCkglobalacceld6.3.31pclos2025Daemon providing Global Keyboard Shortcut (Accelerator) functionalityDaemon providing Global Keyboard Shortcut (Accelerator) functionality.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  doxygenkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(x11-xcb)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcb-xkb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kglobalacceld-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmp6e5ccb899a64e497f11a4859833083c5./SRPMS.pclos d#) 4 d  B@ #BA LBE PBJ qCdefresplsrnlkgmailnotifier0.5.14pclos2011kgmailnotifier-a gmail notifier applet for KDE.KGmailNotifier is a gmail notifier applet for KDE. When new mail has arrived in your inbox a small window will popup, showing author and subject of the newest mail. The underlined link will take you right to your inbox with your preferred browser.KGmailNotifier Gmail Notifier ist ein Applet für KDE. Wenn neue E-Mail hat in Ihrem Posteingang ein kleines Fenster angekommen, öffnet sich mit Verfasser-und Gegenstand der neuesten Mail. Die unterstrichenen Link gelangen Sie direkt in Ihren Posteingang mit Ihrem bevorzugten Browser.KGmailNotifier est une applet d'alerte Gmail pour KDE. Lorsque de nouveaux messages a arrivé dans votre boîte aux lettres une petite fenêtre popup, montrant auteur et objet de la nouvelle poste. Le lien souligné vous prenez à droite dans votre boite email avec votre navigateur préféré.KGmailNotifier es un applet de notificador de Gmail para KDE. Cuando el correo nuevo llegó a su bandeja de entrada de una pequeña ventana de aviso, que muestra el autor y objeto de la más nueva de correo electrónico. El vínculo subrayado que tendrá derecho a su bandeja de entrada con su navegador preferido.KGmailNotifier jest gmail aplet powiadamiający o KDE. Przy nowych wiadomości przybył w skrzynce odbiorczej będzie małym oknie popup, pokazano autora i temat najnowszych mail. Podkreślił związek zajmie Ci prawo do skrzynki odbiorczej z domyślna przeglądarka.КГмаилНотифиер је Гмаил Нотифиер за аплет за КДЕ. Када нови маил стигао у пријемно сандуче мали прозор искачући прозор, који приказује аутор и предмет најновије поште. Подвучена веза ће вас одвести право на пријем са жељени прегледач.KGmailNotifier is een Gmail Notifier applet voor KDE. Als er nieuwe mail is aangekomen in uw inbox een klein popup venster, waarin auteur en onderwerp van de nieuwste mail. De onderstreepte link brengt u rechts naar je Postvak IN met uw favoriete browser.yGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kde4-macroskdelibs4-develqt4-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kgmailnotifier-0.5.1-4pclos2011.src.rpm%.26663172b542cabfa09830aa6adb6427./SRPMS.pclosd ! ED H_htB@BABEBJCkgoldrunner24.12.31pclos2025A game of action and puzzle solvingKGoldrunner is an action game where the hero runs through a maze, climbs stairs, dig holes and dodges enemies in order to collect all the gold nuggets and escape to the next level. Your enemies are also after the gold. Worse still, they are after you!.B\Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kgoldrunner-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmBh34e7ff4701250c67f5d1c55a84c67a65./SRPMS.pclosKd  0x |B@BABEBJ=Ckgpg24.12.31pclos2025Control your GPG keysKGpg is a simple interface for GnuPG, a powerful encryption utility..IGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kgpg-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm.{865f27ab258fed620c08670769b40885./SRPMS.pcloskd  + Ht x B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdefresplsrnlkgrab0.1.17pclos2011Take Snaphot of your desktopTake a snapshot of your desktop and save it as a graphic file.Machen Sie einen Schnappschuss von Ihrem Desktop und speichert sie als eine Grafikdatei.Prendre un instantané de votre bureau et l'enregistrer dans un fichier graphique.Tomar una instantánea de tu escritorio y guardarlo como un archivo gráfico.Wykonanie zrzutu pulpitu i zapisać go jako plik graficzny.Узми слику свог десктоп и сачувајте га као графички фајл.Neem een momentopname van uw bureaublad en opslaan als een grafisch bestand._Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kde4-macroskdelibs4-develqt4-develcmakekdegraphics4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kgrab-0.1.1-7pclos2011.src.rpmg51957e03d5303738b1cc10708638e082./SRPMS.pclos[d " I< @W`xB@BA(BE,BJMCkgraphviewer24.12.31pclos2025A GraphViz dot graph viewer for PlasmaKGraphViewer is a Graphviz DOT graph file viewer. Graphs are commonly used in scientific domains and particularly in computer science. Features: o Zooming o Threaded loading of several graphs in tabs o Saving of the recent files list o Manual reload of files o Display of a bird-eye view of the graph o Moving of the graph by dragging o Full featured printing o Perfect drawing of all graphviz example graphs o Automatically choose dot for directed graphs and neato for undirected o Possibility to use an arbitrary layout algo as soon as it produces xdot format o Automatic reloading with user confirmation of (externally) modified files (configurable) o Open new instances as new tabs in the old one (configurable)P Configuration -> Boot and InitKGRUBEditor ist ein KDE-Programm, das GRUB-Konfigurationsdateien durch eine Bearbeitung auch intuitiv Benutzeroberfläche. Es verbindet beide Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit Flexibilität und ist die perfekte Lösung für diejenigen, die Konfiguration von GRUB wollen, Messing, ohne mit den Dateien ". Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!KGRUBEditor est un utilitaire de KDE, qui modifie les fichiers de configuration de GRUB par un Interface utilisateur inituitive. Il combine la facilité d'utilisation avec une flexibilité et est la solution parfaite pour ceux qui veulent configurer GRUB, sans toucher à ses fichiers. A utiliser à vos risques et périls!KGRUBEditor es una utilidad de KDE, que edite archivos de configuración de GRUB a través de una interfaz de usuario inituitive. Se combina la facilidad de uso con la flexibilidad y es la solución perfecta para aquellos que quieren configurar GRUB, sin jugar con sus archivos. Utilice a su propio riesgo!KGRUBEditor jest KDE użytkowych, że modyfikacje GRUB plików konfiguracyjnych poprzez inituitive interfejs użytkownika. To łączy łatwość użytkowania z elastycznością i jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla tych, którzy chcą skonfigurować GRUB nie ingerować w jej archiwach. Użyj na własne ryzyko!КГРУБЕдитор је КДЕ програм, то је измена конфигурационих датотека ГРУБ-а преко инитуитиве кориснички интерфејс. Она комбинује и лакоћу коришћења са флексибилности и савршено решење за оне који желе да подесите ГРУБ-а, без петљају са датотекама. Користе на сопствени ризик!KGRUBEditor is een KDE-utility, dat GRUB configuratie-bestanden bewerkingen door middel van een inituitive user interface. Het combineert gebruiksgemak met een flexibiliteit en is de perfecte oplossing voor degenen die willen voor het configureren van GRUB, zonder knoeien met haar bestanden. Gebruik op eigen risico!-Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kgrubeditor-0.8.5-6pclos2011.src.rpm84be3f439c6985e062a5daa1ed0e08407./SRPMS.pclosd  `  BB@LBAlBEpBJCkgtk0.10.12pclos2011KGtk - Allow to use KDE's file dialogs when run under KDE for GTK appsThis is a quick-and-dirty LD_PRELOAD hack that allows *some* Gtk applications to use KDE's file dialogs when run under KDE.Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kgtk-0.10.1-2pclos2011.src.rpm8dec60f2f9347439acc8824aaec5873bf./SRPMS.pclosd   b JB@]BABEBJCkguiaddons6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtGuiKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtGui.\QSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64plasma-wayland-protocols-develpkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kguiaddons-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm73b8f76cf30d3b0f1863b1e785a33e79./SRPMS.pclosd   5 3<LB@BABEBJCkhangman24.12.31pclos2025Classical hangman gameKHangman is the classical hangman game. The child should guess a word letter by letter. At each miss, the picture of a hangman appears. After 10 tries, if the word is not guessed, the game is over and the answer is displayed.k9MGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64keduvocdocument-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1khangman-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmkp7e6c2395aa77618442871f82fd861159./SRPMS.pclosd ( h FB@YBABEBJCkhealthcertificate24.12.31pclos2025Handling of digital vaccination, test and recovery certificatesHandling of digital vaccination, test and recovery certificates.)Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1khealthcertificate-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm6dac51607e59132de48f12bc282f38cb./SRPMS.pclosd ! U 0B@CBAlBEpBJCkhelpcenter24.12.31pclos2025Application to show KDE Application's documentationApplication to show KDE Application's documentation.@Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(xapian-core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1khelpcenter-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm@319f799d58bfd83fdebf74fd53a75bd9./SRPMS.pclossd   _  B@BA@BEDBJeCkholidays6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 library for regional holiday informationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 library for regional holiday information.>System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kholidays-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm"7be0dc3b284b82280793e4a713b6c65b./SRPMS.pclosWd  I| B@BA$BE(BJICki18n6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for localizationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for localization./System/Librariesx86_64  iso-codeskf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ki18n-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm/ab5a966e7f879c08acc4537469876b9f7./SRPMS.pclos'd  b  lB@BABEBJCkicad5.1.61pclos2020An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagramsKicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager. ghostbunnySciences/Computer sciencex86_64  lib64wxgtku3.0-develmesa-common-develimagemagickboost-develglm-devellib64oce-develngspice-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(openssl)libgomp-develpkgconfig(libcurl)cmakedblatexpo4aasciidocgitperl(Unicode::LineBreak)source-highlightpython-develswigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   f  pB@BABEBJ)Ckicad-doc5.1.61pclos2020An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagramsKicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager.,bghostbunnySciences/Computer sciencex86_64  wxgtk-develmesa-common-develimagemagickboost-develglm-devellib64oce-develngspice-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(openssl)libgomp-develpkgconfig(libcurl)cmakepo4aasciidocgitperl(Unicode::LineBreak)source-highlightpython-devellib64wxPython3.0-develswigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),0dc0c7d01457e1ebdd1f062e9580192f./SRPMS.pclosSd $ m |B@BA BE$BJECkicad-footprints5.1.61pclos2020An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagramsKicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager.%ghostbunnySciences/Computer sciencex86_64  wxgtk-develmesa-common-develimagemagickboost-develglm-devellib64oce-develngspice-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(openssl)libgomp-develpkgconfig(libcurl)cmakedblatexpo4aasciidocgitperl(Unicode::LineBreak)source-highlightpython-devellib64wxPython3.0-develswigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   g xB@BABEBJ=Ckicad-i18n5.1.61pclos2020An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagramsKicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager.(\ghostbunnySciences/Computer sciencex86_64  wxgtk-develmesa-common-develimagemagickboost-develglm-devellib64oce-develngspice-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(openssl)libgomp-develpkgconfig(libcurl)cmakedblatexpo4aasciidocgitperl(Unicode::LineBreak)source-highlightpython-devellib64wxPython3.0-develswigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ m |B@BA BE$BJECkicad-packages3D5.1.61pclos2020An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagramsKicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager.3VghostbunnySciences/Computer sciencex86_64  wxgtk-develmesa-common-develimagemagickboost-develglm-devellib64oce-develngspice-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(openssl)libgomp-develpkgconfig(libcurl)cmakedblatexpo4aasciidocgitperl(Unicode::LineBreak)source-highlightpython-devellib64wxPython3.0-develswigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! j xB@BABEBJ=Ckicad-symbols5.1.61pclos2020An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagramsKicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager.ghostbunnySciences/Computer sciencex86_64  wxgtk-develmesa-common-develimagemagickboost-develglm-devellib64oce-develngspice-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(openssl)libgomp-develpkgconfig(libcurl)cmakedblatexpo4aasciidocgitperl(Unicode::LineBreak)source-highlightpython-devellib64wxPython3.0-develswigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # l |B@BA BE$BJECkicad-templates5.1.61pclos2020An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagramsKicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager.F9ghostbunnySciences/Computer sciencex86_64  wxgtk-develmesa-common-develimagemagickboost-develglm-devellib64oce-develngspice-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(openssl)libgomp-develpkgconfig(libcurl)cmakedblatexpo4aasciidocgitperl(Unicode::LineBreak)source-highlightpython-devellib64wxPython3.0-develswigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$ / ; B@BA$BE(BJICdefresplsrnlkiconedit4.4.01pclos2011Icon EditorKIconEdit or KDE Icon Editor is a small graphics drawing program specially designed for creating icons using the standard KDE icon palette. KIconEdit is part of the K Desktop Environment (KDE).KIconEdit oder KDE Icon Editor ist ein kleines Grafik-Zeichenprogramm speziell für das Erstellen von Symbolen mit dem Standard-KDE-Symbol Palette. KIconEdit ist Teil des K Desktop Environment (KDE).KIconEdit ou KDE Icon Editor est un petit programme de dessin graphique spécialement conçu pour créer des icônes en utilisant l'icône standard de KDE palette. KIconEdit fait partie de l'environnement de bureau K (KDE).KIconEdit o KDE Icon Editor es un pequeño programa de dibujo de gráficos diseñado especialmente para la creación de iconos usando el icono estándar de KDE paleta. KIconEdit es parte del entorno de escritorio K (KDE).KIconEdit lub KDE Icon Editor to mały program do rysowania grafiki specjalnie zaprojektowany do tworzenia ikon przy użyciu standardowej ikony KDE palety. KIconEdit jest częścią K Desktop Environment (KDE).КИцонЕдит или за КДЕ Икона Едитор је мали програм за цртање графика специјално дизајниран за креирање иконица помоћу стандардних иконица за КДЕ палету. КИцонЕдит је део К Десктоп Енвиромент (за КДЕ).KIconEdit of KDE Icon Editor is een klein grafisch tekenprogramma speciaal ontworpen voor het maken van iconen met behulp van de standaard KDE-pictogram palet. KIconEdit is onderdeel van de K Desktop Environment (KDE).D+Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kiconedit-4.4.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmNif62a01acf3a35e4a1643e5cf0cbc59f6./SRPMS.pcloskd  [ B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckiconthemes6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 integration module for icon themesKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 integration module for icon themes.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kiconthemes-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm|ca9930c2adc86abfe1be0572e253fa7b./SRPMS.pclosd   5  $;DB@,BALBEPBJqCkid33.8.11pclos2020Efficient KDE ID3 tag editorIf you want to easily tag multiple MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, FLAC, MPC, MP4/AAC, MP2, Speex, TrueAudio, WavPack, WMA, WAV and AIFF files (e.g. full albums) without typing the same information again and again, and have control over both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, then Kid3 is the program you are looking for. With Kid3 you can: - Edit ID3v1.1 tags - Edit all ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 frames - Convert between ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags - Edit tags of multiple files - Generate tags from filenames - Generate tags from the contents of tag fields - Generate filenames from tags - Generate play-list files - Automatic case conversion and string translation - Import and export album data - Import from gnudb.org, TrackType.org, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon.ʼGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64chromaprint-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64flac++6-devellib64flac8-devellib64id3_3.8_3-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64mp4v2-devellib64ogg-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64readline-devellib64taglib-devellib64vorbis0-develmesa-develqtbase5-common-develqttools5xsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kid3-3.8.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm|6432ee7351eef0b72d42298c0e75d85c./SRPMS.pclosgd   5  $;DB@BA4BE8BJYCkid33.9.61pclos2024Efficient KDE ID3 tag editorIf you want to easily tag multiple MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, FLAC, MPC, MP4/AAC, MP2, Speex, TrueAudio, WavPack, WMA, WAV and AIFF files (e.g. full albums) without typing the same information again and again, and have control over both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, then Kid3 is the program you are looking for. With Kid3 you can: - Edit ID3v1.1 tags - Edit all ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 frames - Convert between ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags - Edit tags of multiple files - Generate tags from filenames - Generate tags from the contents of tag fields - Generate filenames from tags - Generate play-list files - Automatic case conversion and string translation - Import and export album data - Import from gnudb.org, TrackType.org, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  docbook-style-xslgettextid3lib-develkf6-rpm-macrosmp4v2-develpkgconfig(flac++)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libavutil)pkgconfig(libchromaprint)pkgconfig(libswresample)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(readline)pkgconfig(taglib)pkgconfig(vorbis)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1kid3-3.9.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmf8c1de7751cf8553764ee6f7b10a9d097./SRPMS.pclosOd ) =T XoxB@BABE BJACkidentitymanagement24.12.31pclos2025Manage PIM identityManage PIM identity.)Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kidentitymanagement-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm>a0ee06483a50aa8a8bf15e98507f1bd94./SRPMS.pclosd   a qB@BABEBJCkidletime6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module for idle time detectionKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module for idle time detection.eSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kidletime-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm38dd65e8a86b23bf44857ec71d16ef01./SRPMS.pclosd  0  7@PB@BABEBJCkigo24.12.31pclos2025Go board game for KDEKigo is an open-source implementation of the popular Go game. Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is also known as igo (Japanese), weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese) or baduk (Korean). Go is noted for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules. The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white stones (playing pieces, now usually made of glass or plastic) on the vacant intersections of a grid of 19x19 lines (9x9 or 13x13 for easier games).IGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gnugokf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kigo-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmJG3104a15d358a323006e15f4f1f2c90f8./SRPMS.pclosd * P EB@OBApBEtBJCdefresplsrnlkile2.1.31pclos2013Integrated LaTeX Environment for KDE4Kile is an integrated LaTeX Environment for KDE4.Kile ist ein LaTeX-Umgebung für KDE4.Kile est un environnement intégré de LaTeX pour KDE4.Kile es un entorno integrado de LaTeX para KDE4.Kile jest zintegrowany LaTeX Środowiska dla KDE4.КИЛЕ је интегрисана ЛаТеХ животну средину за КДЕ4.Kile is een geïntegreerde LaTeX Milieu voor KDE4.?xtpinocGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kile-2.1.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm?;392e924b351ce6a480e7ade7dd8ad20d./SRPMS.pclosd   NH LclxB@BABEBJCkillbots24.12.31pclos2025KDE port of the classic BSD console game robotsKillbots is a simple game of evading killer robots. Who created the robots and why they have been programmed to destroy, no one knows. All that is known is that the robots are numerous and their sole objective is to destroy you. Fortunately for you, their creator has focused on quantity rather than quality and as a result the robots are severely lacking in intelligence. Your superior wit and a fancy teleportation device are your only weapons against the never-ending stream of mindless automatons.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1killbots-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm!43b73c73b799054e8176a218cba9cc5b./SRPMS.pclosd $ w 6B@ABAlBEpBJCkillswitch-manager0.21pclos2010This applet controls killswitches and enables you to turn off or on radio devices.This KDE4 application controls killswitches and enables you to turn off or on radio devices.xcMonitoringi586 libqt4-develkdelibs4-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1killswitch-manager-0.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm~e280d99c43f2fe7682c907ea817ad3fe./SRPMS.pclosd   * /8@hB@qBABEBJCkim0.9.57pclos2013Image menu for kdeThis is an image Kde servicemenu which allows to: - compress images, - resize images, - convert images, - rotate images, - rename images, - resize and send by mail images, - and more other actions ! This servicemenu use ImageMagick.wGraphical desktop/KDE4noarch kde4-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kim-0.9.5-7pclos2013.src.rpm̐24ae3ce882e2757c62632b2718b43f2b./SRPMS.pclosd   , &=DLsB@|BABEBJCkim40.9.82pclos2017Image menu for KDE5This is an image Kde servicemenu which allows to: - compress images, - resize images, - convert images, - rotate images, - rename images, - resize and send by mail images, - and more other actions ! This servicemenu use ImageMagick.3bb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch kf5-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kim4-0.9.8-2pclos2017.src.rpm49e59e823dd0620de4e47e33e8d15366./SRPMS.pclosd   * /8<XB@`BA|BEBJCkim51.01pclos2019Image menu for KDE5This is an image Kde servicemenu which allows to: - compress images, - resize images, - convert images, - rotate images, - rename images, - resize and send by mail images, - and more other actions ! This servicemenu use ImageMagick.SGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kim5-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmC3876a2d94a0e1377472e9c7377ac4b9b./SRPMS.pclosd # >p t@B@OBAxBE|BJCkimageannotator0.6.01pclos2022Tool for annotating imageskImageAnnotator is a tool for annotating images.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakegcc-c++lib64kcolorpicker-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kimageannotator-0.6.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmyb958254a16fc9ffe5e3680550222a94f./SRPMS.pclosd # >p t%B@:BAdBEhBJCkimageannotator0.7.01pclos2024Tool for annotating imageskImageAnnotator is a tool for annotating images."Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  cmakegcc-c++lib64kcolorpicker-qt6-develninja-buildpkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kimageannotator-0.7.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmdd4a8d80272a70307d4b3b7f803ec32a./SRPMS.pclosd " hP Tel  j B@BABEBJCkimageformats6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with additional image plugins for QtGuiThis framework provides additional image format plugins for QtGui. As such it is not required for the compilation of any other software, but may be a runtime requirement for Qt-Librariesd software to support certain image formats.ؚSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64imath-develpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(libavif)pkgconfig(libheif)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libjxl)pkgconfig(libraw)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kimageformats-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm896f3ca095fbd44f9e6f8663f71781ca./SRPMS.pclosd % B B@,BAXBE\BJ}Ckimagemapeditor24.12.31pclos2025HTML imagemap editor for KDEKImageMapEditor is an HTML imagemap editor for KDE. It allows you to create and modify HTML imagemaps.lPGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kimagemapeditor-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmtb0c9897c7610a34aa0ec0ff0232bd252./SRPMS.pclosd  U B@)BALBEPBJqCkimap24.12.31pclos2025KIMAP - a job-based API for interacting with IMAP serversKIMAP - a job-based API for interacting with IMAP servers.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kimap-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm<30aa4ae41c1def84bea68bdd86fc9b54./SRPMS.pclosd  d(, 2NXlB@BABEBJCzh_CNkimtoy1.9.21pclos2013An input method frontend for KDE. It is an alternative to kimpanel.KIMToy is an input method frontend for KDE. It is an alternative to kimpanel plasmoid. KIMToy uses the same dbus ipc specification as kimpanel, say org.kde.impanel, so where kimpanel works, where KIMToy works. KIMToy is a standalone application, has no dependence on plasma, so it won\'t make your whole desktop unstable. KIMToy aims to provide a stable and intergrated frontend for Asian input method, such as fcitx, scim and ibus. KIMToy makes easy for fcitx/ibus/scim users. These three input method should work out of box since KIMToy-0.2. KIMToy is able to load sogou input method theme since KIMToy-0.4.KIMToy是kimpanel的替代品。从KIMToy-4.0起,可兼容搜狗拼音输入法的皮肤。pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 kdelibs-develgettextscim-develfcitxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kimtoy-1.9.2-1pclos2013.src.rpmd9f18c90356385ec30ad727bb014d46d./SRPMS.pclosd  /@ D[dB@5BA\BE`BJCkinfocenter6.1.41pclos2024KDE Info CenterKDE Info Center. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libpci)pkgconfig(libraw1394)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)systemsettings3.0.4-14.6.0-1kinfocenter-6.1.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm -J67df3fd2381abe373b0a28d922cc6cae./SRPMS.pclosd  /@ D[dB@5BA\BE`BJCkinfocenter6.3.31pclos2025KDE Info CenterKDE Info Center. wGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libpci)pkgconfig(libraw1394)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)systemsettings3.0.4-14.6.0-1kinfocenter-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 1554505e29309da119e22030cea901ed./SRPMS.pclosd   1L PV`B@BABEBJCkino1.3.48pclos2014GNOME DV-editing utilityThe new generation of digital camcorders use the Digital Video (DV) data format. Kino allows you to record, create, edit, and play movies recorded with DV camcorders. Unlike other editors, this program uses many keyboard commands for fast navigating and editing inside the movie.lVideox86_64 a52dec-develalsa-lib-devellibavc1394-devellibdv-develffmpeg-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnomeui2-devellibiec61883-devellibquicktime-devellibsamplerate-devellibxv-develperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kino-1.3.4-8pclos2014.src.rpm׶4d8cc86f205178eab46e5327e76b065d./SRPMS.pclosd   T    B@BABEBJCkio6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for filesystem abstractionKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for filesystem abstraction.4ZSystem/Librariesx86_64  acl-develkf6-rpm-macroslocales-enpkgconfig(krb5-gssapi)pkgconfig(libattr)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kio-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm4Ha4c2e599f1e6a3bac1d4ba2d5cd84f4b./SRPMS.pclos{d   ]d h B@ BAHBELBJmCkio-admin24.12.31pclos2025Manage files as administrator using the admin:// KIO protocolkio-admin implements a new protocol "admin:///" which gives administrative access to the entire system. This is achieved by talking, over dbus, with a root-level helper binary that in turn uses existing KIO infrastructure to run file:// operations in root-scope.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64polkit-qt6-1-devellibatomic-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zstd3.0.4-14.6.0-1kio-admin-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm90bc9b1749fda5090c2e00da5529a12a./SRPMS.pclos'd   @d h   B@BABEBJCkio-extras24.12.31pclos2025Extra kio plugins needed by KF6Extra kio plugins needed by KF6.5Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gperfkf6-rpm-macrosopenslp-develpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(libimobiledevice-1.0)pkgconfig(libmtp)pkgconfig(libssh)pkgconfig(libtirpc)pkgconfig(smbclient)pkgconfig(taglib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)shared-mime-info3.0.4-14.6.0-1kio-extras-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm56aa7b253002aa2fbe703cc18c072b1b4./SRPMS.pclos_d   3 B@BA,BE0BJQCkio-fuse5.0.11pclos2021FUSE Interface for KIOKioFuse works by acting as a bridge between KDE's KIO filesystem design and FUSE.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 gcc-c++kf5-macrospkgconfig(fuse3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kio-fuse-5.0.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm eb5f4cc8fa95909ddaba33f79a236b6c./SRPMS.pclosd   3 (B@<BA`BEdBJCkio-fuse5.1.01pclos2024FUSE Interface for KIOKioFuse works by acting as a bridge between KDE's KIO filesystem design and FUSE.|Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  dbus-x11kf6-rpm-macroskio-extraspkgconfig(fuse3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kio-fuse-5.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm789ce4d9002f4c80eca689a91e04544d./SRPMS.pclosod   Al pB@BA<BE@BJaCkio-gdrive24.12.31pclos2025KIO Slave to access Google DriveKIO Slave to access Google Drive service.BGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  intltoolkf6-rpm-macroslib64kpim6gapi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kio-gdrive-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmrA597b02d725b4ec439f8ee099ecc818d8./SRPMS.pclosd   D, 0GP\B@BABEBJCkio-locate0.5.31pclos2013KDE4 I/O Slave for the locate Commandkio-locate is a KDE I/O Slave for the locate command. kio-locate can be used in all KDE applications. Example usage: Type "locate:index.html" to find all files that contain "index.html" into the URL box of any KDE4 application.U9Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 cmakekdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kio-locate-0.5.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm\a1d8c36955533021c7bc6dc8c7a0d73d./SRPMS.pclosd & l  >B@GBAtBExBJCkio-recentdocument0.2.14pclos2013KDE4 kio slave to display recent documents in file browser & dialogs.A kio to display recent document when using KDE file dialogs and file managers. It is acessed using the URL recentdocument:/ A KCModule in systemsettings allows the user to enable/disable and configure number of recent documents displayed. TIP: You can add recentdocument:/ to the places sidebar in your KDE file manager and/or file dialogs via drag-and-drop for easy access.Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kio-recentdocument-0.2.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm#53a3a35044321263a8e145beab193339./SRPMS.pclosd   B 4LB@cBABEBJCkio-stash1.02pclos2020KIO slave for stashing temporary filesThis KIO slave can be used to stash files in a virtual folder temporarily. It requires use of a KIO-compatible file manager, like dolphin.hsGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakeextra-cmake-modulesintltoolpkgconfigninjalib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5test-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kio-stash-1.0-2pclos2020.src.rpmo'9641c7d9f338442754ae293031404407./SRPMS.pclos7d  804 <SXpB@BABEBJ)Ckio-sysinfo1.8.39pclos2014KDE4 KIO Slave sysinfo:/KDE4 KIO Slave sysinfo:/. It shows various information about your pc, like cpu, ram. kernel version, exc. It also shows the removable devices and partition (total space/available space) and you can open, mount and unmount it from this KIO slave.pinoc32Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs-devellibhal-devellibxt-devellibdbus-1-develhwinfo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kio-sysinfo-1.8.3-9pclos2014.src.rpm/53021be39786009ea7a616b2d7d91099./SRPMS.pclosCd " Ch lB@BABEBJ5Ckio-zeroconf24.12.31pclos2025DNS-SD Service Discovery MonitorDNS-SD Service Discovery Monitor.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kio-zeroconf-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm934935f331f6e10c08954a89216a5cd5./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 PX \s|B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlkio_gopher0.1.38pclos2013kio_gopher is a gopher kioslavekio_gopher is a gopher kioslave. Kioslave is a KDE technology that allows KDE programs to access a given protocol. Gopher is an internet protocol similar to http with only text and links. This means that you get gopher:// support in Konqueror.-Modul ist ein KDE-Technologie, die KDE-Programme auf ein bestimmtes Protokoll zugreifen können. Gopher ist ein Internet-Protokoll ähnlich, nur mit Text und Links http. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie erhalten gopher: / / Unterstützung in Konqueror.KIOslave est une technologie qui permet aux programmes KDE KDE pour accéder à un protocole donné. Gopher est un protocole Internet similaire à http avec seulement du texte et des liens. Cela signifie que vous obtenez gopher: / / support in Konqueror.Kioslave es una tecnología de KDE que permite a los programas de KDE para acceder a un protocolo determinado. Gopher es un protocolo de Internet similar a HTTP sólo con texto y enlaces. Esto significa que usted recibe gopher: / / apoyo en Konqueror.Wtyczka protokołu jest KDE technologia, która umożliwia dostęp do programów KDE danego protokołu. Gopher jest podobny do protokołu internetowego HTTP tylko tekst i linki. Oznacza to, że masz gopher: / / support w Konquerorze.Киославе је технологија која омогућава за КДЕ за КДЕ програме за приступ дати протокол. Глодар је Интернет протокол ХТТП слична са само текст и везе. То значи да вам глодар: / / помоћ у Конкуерор.Ioslave is een KDE-technologie waarmee KDE-programma's tot een bepaald protocol toegang. Gopher is een internet-protocol lijkt op http met alleen tekst en links. Dit betekent dat u gopher: / / support in Konqueror.[Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kio_gopher-0.1.3-8pclos2013.src.rpmf?bbaa87aff88e06d3befed42f47ff00cb./SRPMS.pclos3d   AH Lcl|B@BABEBJ%Ckirigami6.11.01pclos2025A QtQuick Librariesd components setKirigami is KDE’s lightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications. It allows Qt developers to easily create applications that run on most major mobile and desktop platforms without modification (though adapted user interfaces for different form-factors are supported and recommended for optimal user experience). It extends the touch-friendly Qt Quick Controls with larger application building blocks, following the design philosophy laid out in the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosqt6-qt5compatrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kirigami-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm36e4757f4ddaa89511a8dbb4e91f243d./SRPMS.pclosd $ GP Tkt|B@BABEBJ Ckirigami-addons0.11.01pclos2023Add-ons for the Kirigami frameworkA set of "widgets" i.e visual end user components along with a code to support them. Components are usable by both touch and desktop experiences providing a native experience on both, and look native with any QQC2 style (qqc2-desktop-theme, Material or Plasma). Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kirigami-addons-0.11.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmI8867b89ae4dab5f7eda8617b2540f479./SRPMS.pclosd # FL PgptB@BABEBJCkirigami-addons0.9.01pclos2023Add-ons for the Kirigami frameworkA set of "widgets" i.e visual end user components along with a code to support them. Components are usable by both touch and desktop experiences providing a native experience on both, and look native with any QQC2 style (qqc2-desktop-theme, Material or Plasma).$Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kirigami-addons-0.9.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmfafe29fd391175ff8063a70a27e67f16./SRPMS.pclos+d # FL Pgp|B@BABEBJCkirigami-addons1.4.01pclos2024Add-ons for the Kirigami frameworkA set of "widgets" i.e visual end user components along with a code to support them. Components are usable by both touch and desktop experiences providing a native experience on both, and look native with any QQC2 style (qqc2-desktop-theme, Material or Plasma).Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kirigami-addons-1.4.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm:Se8d132502efaeacbd653e12b6f3154a2./SRPMS.pclos+d # FL Pgp|B@BABEBJCkirigami-addons1.5.01pclos2024Add-ons for the Kirigami frameworkA set of "widgets" i.e visual end user components along with a code to support them. Components are usable by both touch and desktop experiences providing a native experience on both, and look native with any QQC2 style (qqc2-desktop-theme, Material or Plasma).Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kirigami-addons-1.5.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm!e1d507a8caf41aed222f9018ed4490e7./SRPMS.pclosd & O /8DB@BABEBJCkirigami-gallery24.12.31pclos2025Gallery application built using KirigamiExample application which uses all features from kirigami, including links to the sourcecode, tips on how to use the components and links to the corresponding HIG pages and code examples on cgit.8Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kirigami-gallery-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmb8edc6d46278206025c58043c80532cc./SRPMS.pclosd   - [B@lBABEBJCkiriki24.12.31pclos2025Close of YahtzeeKiriki is an addictive and fun dice game, designed to be played by as many as six players. Participants have to collect points by rolling five dice for up to three times per single turn.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kiriki-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm8ea5ae42609a0adc5627c2c2438df3ef./SRPMS.pclos/d   >  $lB@BABEBJ!Ckismet2020.12.R33pclos2023WLAN detector, sniffer and IDSKismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic. Kismet identifies networks by passively collecting packets and detecting standard named networks, detecting (and given time, decloaking) hidden networks, and infering the presence of nonbeaconing networks via data traffic.Networking/Otherx86_64  diffutilslibmicrohttpd-devellibnl3-devellibpcap-devellm_sensors-develpkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(libwebsockets)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(sqlite3)protobuf-c-develprotobuf-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kismet-2020.12.R3-3pclos2023.src.rpm.65a9365fed8d64ff18eca26e1a149e9a./SRPMS.pclosd   D    B@BABEBJCkissplayer0.6.42pclos2016A Simple and Lightweight Music PlayerCross-platform and open-source Music Player designed to be simple and lightweight. If you want a player full of features, most of them you don't use, exaggerated eye-candy and a memory hog, take a look around , there are lots. However if you want a different player that doesn't distract you or wastes your time, KISS Player can be a great alternative.Soundx86_64 lib64fmodex-devellib64curl-devellib64fltk-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64taglib-devellib64x11-devellib64xpm-devellib64xtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kissplayer-0.6.4-2pclos2016.src.rpm 5abce31506842a89e1e2da257ee79944./SRPMS.pclosSd  O B@BA BE$BJECkitemmodels6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with item modelsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with item models.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kitemmodels-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmFK10b394fc2453924fc58ff2de51e26c05./SRPMS.pclosOd   M| B@BABE BJACkitemviews6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with item viewsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with item views."kSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kitemviews-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm"be4aa5405824a121baac5f3f227d7fd3./SRPMS.pclosd  >  #,8wB@BABEBJCkiten24.12.31pclos2025A Japanese reference/learning toolKiten is a Japanese reference/learning tool. Kiten features: * Searching with English keywords, Japanese reading, or a Kanji string on a list of EDICT files. * Searching with English keywords, Japanese reading, number of strokes, grade number, or a Kanji on a list of KANJIDIC files. * Comes with all necessary files. * Very fast. * Limit searches to only common entries. * Nested searches of results possible. * Compact, small, fast interface. * Global KDE keybindings for searching highlighted strings. * Learning dialog. (One can even open up multiple ones and have them sync between each other.) * Browse Kanji by grade. * Add Kanji to a list for later learning. * Browse list, and get quizzed on them.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kiten-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm8332fe577317b821c51fb7154e156ddb./SRPMS.pclosd   Dl p  n B@BABEBJCkitinerary24.12.31pclos2025Library for handling Itinerary dataLibrary for handling Itinerary data.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64kpim6mime-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(poppler)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(zxing)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kitinerary-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmܬ405003b0bb49421aa0db064ca9c275ac./SRPMS.pclosCd  Gp tB@BABEBJ5Ckjobwidgets6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for jobsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for jobs."|cSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kjobwidgets-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm"Uc9a93bc6e8fbd8318f0c354f4241a757./SRPMS.pclosd  1d hB@BABEBJ Ckjots5.1.11pclos2023Note Taker for Plasma 5KJots organises all of your notes into separate books. Features : - Multiple books handled. - Each book has many named pages. - Books and pages can be rearranged by drag-and-drop. - Keyboard shortcuts are available for many functions. - Automatic saving means your notes are safe from loss.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroslib64boost-devellib64grantlee-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5akonadi-devellib64kf5akonadinotes-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5bookmarks-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5kcmutils-devellib64kf5kontactinterface-devellib64kf5mime-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5pimtextedit-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemmodels-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-develxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kjots-5.1.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm49de0d824cdf0b6d98f6f47a17cd10f8./SRPMS.pclosd " G +4@B@BABEBJCkjumpingcube24.12.31pclos2025A tactical game for number-crunchersKJumpingCube is a tactical one or two-player game. The playing field consists of squares that contains points which can be increased. By this you can gain more fields and finally win the board over.T[Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kjumpingcube-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm63ee531ae311842a37836442f53539e2./SRPMS.pclosd   2 aB@oBABEBJCkkedit0.1.31pclos2014Source code text editorKKEdit is NOT a word processor or a web page editor, it is NOT and IDE! It won't right code for you, it wont insist on inserting brackets ( REALLY annoying! ), it wont force you to use any particular style, it doesn't need you to break all your fingers trying to hit weird and wonderful key combo's and it is not tied to one particular distro, oh yes and it won't cost you a penny!>%Editorsx86_64 aspell-develctagsgcc-c++lib64gtksourceview2-2.0_0-devellib64unique-devellib64webkitgtk1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kkedit-0.1.3-1pclos2014.src.rpm>*620d0f6f9eb691855e61800be7c3a070./SRPMS.pclosd   90 4>H x V B@iBABEBJCdeklavaro3.002pclos2014Typing tutorSchreibtrainerKlavaro is a touch typing tutor that is very flexible and supports customizable keyboard layouts. Users can edit and save new or unknown keyboard layouts, as the basic course provided by the program was designed to not depend on specific layouts.In fünf Kapiteln erlernt der Anwender das Zehn-Finger-System. Zu Beginn erklärt eine Einführung die korrekte Fingerposition auf der Tastatur. Der anschließende Grundkurs trainiert in 43 Lektionen die Lage aller Tasten. Nach jeder Lektion gibt Klavaro dem Anwender eine kurze statistische Auswertung seiner Leistungen. Findet der Anwender erst einmal alle Tasten sicher, führt ihn das Kapitel „Anpassung“ mit Zufallsfolgen von Buchstaben an den komplexen Aufbau von Texten heran. Im nächsten Kapitel trainiert Klavaro den Anwender über Sätze aus zufällig gewählten Worten zu höherer Schreibgeschwindigkeit. Beide Übungen lassen sich beliebig oft wiederholen, wobei Klavaro immer neue Zufallsfolgen von Buchstaben respektive Worten generiert. Im letzten Kapitel schließlich muss der Anwender einen vollständigen Text abtippen. Der Anwender hat sein Selbststudium erfolgreich absolviert, wenn er in der Lage ist, den Text mit 300 Anschlägen pro Minute bei einer Genauigkeit von 98 Prozent zu schaffen. Educationx86_64 python-develpython-docutilsgettextlib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64curl-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1klavaro-3.00-2pclos2014.src.rpm 26790677e9682999f13db96739d828da./SRPMS.pclosod  3L PgpB@BA<BE@BJaCkldap24.12.31pclos2025LDAP access API for KDELDAP access API for KDE.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64qt6keychain-develpkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kldap-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm#9d4d9ee2f7ca11659ef1854b23b1863b./SRPMS.pclosd   d LB@`BABEBJCkleopatra24.12.31pclos2025Certificate manager and GUI for OpenPGP and CMS cryptography for KDECertificate manager and GUI for OpenPGP and CMS cryptography for KDE.*Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develgitkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libassuan)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kleopatra-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm*a6ae79470a25ff5b46452f7fee015b5d./SRPMS.pclosd   8 $0oB@BABEBJCklettres24.12.31pclos2025Language learning programKLettres aims to help to learn the alphabet and then to read some syllables in different languages. It is meant to help learning the very first sounds of a new language, for children or for adults. YGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1klettres-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmoe80d786a8447be9ac5bd7765a00a12eb./SRPMS.pclosd   D  $xB@BABEBJCklickety24.12.31pclos2025An adaptation of the Clickomania gameKlickety is an adaptation of the Clickomania game. The rules are similar to those of the Same game: your goal is to clear the board by clicking on groups to destroy them.2SGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64kdegames6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1klickety-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmcd25cfce3e0323437027f7925aa79691c./SRPMS.pclosd   Z ;B@LBApBEtBJCklines24.12.31pclos2025Place 5 equal pieces together, but wait, there are 3 new onesKLines is a simple but highly addictive one player game. The player has to move the colored balls around the game board, gathering them into the lines of the same color by five. Once the line is complete it is removed from the board, therefore freeing precious space. In the same time the new balls keep arriving by three after each move, filling up the game board.mGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1klines-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm5ee7460e3c72a396bc245721079c82f3./SRPMS.pclosd  >l p   B@BABEBJCklog0.9.4.11pclos2018A Ham radio logging program for KDEKLog is a Ham radio logging program for Plasma 5 Some features include: * DXCC award support. * Basic IOTA support. * Importing from Cabrillo files. * Importing from TLF. * Adding/Editing QSOs. * Save/read to/from disk file the log - ADIF format by default. * English/Spanish/Portuguese/Galician/Serbian/Swedish support. * QSL sent/received support. * Read/Write ADIF. * Delete QSOs. * DX-Cluster support. Some additional features of this application are still under development and are not yet implemented.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 dos2unixgettextdesktop-file-utilsimagemagicklib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1klog-  6 $0oB@BABEBJCkmag24.12.31pclos2025Screen magnifier for PlasmaKMag is a small utility for Linux to magnify a part of the screen. KMag is very useful for people with visual disabilities and for those working in the fields of image analysis, web development etc. ^Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmag-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 3c228c455c2bf6e4bf7efda84c0f47cc./SRPMS.pclosd   6  #,@B@BABEBJ Ckmahjongg24.12.31pclos2025A tile laying patienceIn KMahjongg the tiles are scrambled and staked on top of each other to resemble a certain shape. The player is then expected to remove all the tiles off the game board by locating each tile's matching pair.8Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64kdegames6-devellib64kmahjongglib6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmahjongg-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm9s24b246c6bd629efb9aa3ac4d20a9f3ca./SRPMS.pclosWd  L B@BA$BE(BJICkmail24.12.31pclos2025Email client, supporting POP3 and IMAP mailboxesEmail client, supporting POP3 and IMAP mailboxes.vHGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmail-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmvX801a2fae7123de926ef850e65fa2b710./SRPMS.pclosd * w WB@iBABEBJCkmail-account-wizard24.12.31pclos2025An application which assists you with the configuration of accounts in KMailAn application which assists you with the configuration of accounts in KMail.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(shared-mime-info)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmail-account-wizard-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 80ed7f9611edfa0ef61ebd7a4adbf4e6./SRPMS.pclosKd $ ;T XoxB@BABEBJ=Ckmailtransport24.12.31pclos2025Mail Transport ServiceMail Transport Service.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmailtransport-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm2ae5ed09722c96aa33ed9d298e3fdcef./SRPMS.pclosd $ I (B@BABEBJ Ckmarkdownwebview0.5.61pclos2020KPart for rendering Markdown contentThis package allows KDE applications which use it to obtain a live preview of HTML-rendered Markdown content.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5widgets-develmakeqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmarkdownwebview-0.5.6-1pclos2020.src.rpm4d768515e860f3c1e0a400af9deee2f7./SRPMS.pclosod  P B@BA<BE@BJaCkmbox24.12.31pclos2025A library for accessing mail storages in MBox formatA library for accessing mail storages in MBox format.zOGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmbox-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm~707278f99a203a84dd57843ff39d0081./SRPMS.pclosd " 5 @B@2BA\BE`BJCkmediafactory0.8.111pclos2015DVD menu generatorKMediaFactory is an easy to use template based dvd authoring tool. You can quickly create DVD menus for home videos and TV recordings in three simple steps. pinocGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs-develfontconfig-develphonon-develgettextzipdvdauthorkaffeineffmpeglibffmpeg-static-develmjpegtoolslibdvdread-develdvd-slideshowk3bxine-uighostscriptkde-graphics-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmediafactory-0.8.1-11pclos2015.src.rpm v4b9c1bb5841ec0720979e6e74996afef./SRPMS.pclosd   0D H_htB@BABEBJ Ckmenuedit6.3.31pclos2025Plasma Menu EditorPlasma Menu Editor. pGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmenuedit-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm c9e4082bb31abe0b2179bdef28625ed0./SRPMS.pclosd   G @B@MBAtBExBJCkmetronome0.10.01pclos2011KDE MIDI Metronome using ALSA SequencerKMetronome is a MIDI metronome with KDE interface, based on the ALSA sequencer. The intended audience is musicians and music students. Like solid, real metronomes it is a tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical instruments. It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of digital audio, allowing low CPU usage, and very accurate timing thanks to the ALSA sequencer.:Soundx86_64 cmakegettextkdelibs4-develdrumstick-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmetronome-0.10.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm420188860fc47d54c241d55dec1291f10./SRPMS.pclosd   X    B@BABEBJCkmetronome1.0.01pclos2015Drumstick Metronome - MIDI Metronome using ALSA sequencerDrumstick Metronome is a MIDI metronome based on the ALSA sequencer. Intended for musicians and music students, it is a tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical instruments. It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of digital audio, allowing low CPU usage, and very accurate timing thanks to the ALSA sequencer.1pSoundx86_64 gettextcmakedrumstick-devellib64alsa2-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtbase5-common-develqttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmetronome-1.0.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm8.38da6d50b049ba9a309253c91548b105./SRPMS.pclosd   G TB@_BABEBJCkmflcomp0.86pclos2007Compiler for source Tavultesoft Keyman filesKmflcomp is a compiler for source Tavultesoft Keyman files. Libkmfl uses the binary Keyman files compiled by kmflcomp.+Texstar System/Internationalizationi586 automake1.8bisonXFree86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmflcomp-0.8-6pclos2007.src.rpm36ed4fefa7225b8065c538ea7b2eb12e./SRPMS.pclosd   A LB@WBAxBE|BJCkmid2.4.06pclos2020KMid2 is a MIDI/Karaoke player for KDE4.KMid2 is a MIDI/karaoke file player, with configurable midi mapper, real Session Management, drag & drop, customizable fonts, etc. It has a very nice interface which let you easily follow the tune while changing the color of the lyrics. It supports output through external synthesizers, AWE, FM and GUS cards. It also has a keyboard view to see the notes played by each instrument. AGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64kde4-kdelibs-devellib64alsa2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmid-2.4.0-6pclos2020.src.rpm G'ef6ab32bd4b3bac85db9defbbae3baaa./SRPMS.pcloswd  U B@!BADBEHBJiCkmime24.12.31pclos2025Library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articlesLibrary for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmime-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm123aa8a8647c08cbbb23b1833ec2260d./SRPMS.pclosd   7 ?B@PBAtBExBJCkmines24.12.31pclos2025The classical mine sweeperKMines is a classic Minesweeper game. The idea is to uncover all the squares without blowing up any mines. When a mine is blown up, the game is over.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmines-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm9731c5f06beb9746e3745ed4eb727003./SRPMS.pclosGd$ 0 H B@BABEBJ9Cdefresplsrnlkmldonkey2.0.212pclos2015A frontend for MLDonkeyKMLDonkey is a frontend for MLDonkey, a powerful P2P file sharing tool, designed for the KDE desktop.Kmldonkey ist ein Frontend für MLDonkey, ein mächtiges P2P-Filesharing-Tool Entworfen für den KDE-Desktop.KMLDonkey est un frontend pour MLDonkey, un puissant outil de partage de fichiers P2P, conçu pour le bureau KDE.KMLDonkey es un frontend para MLDonkey, una poderosa herramienta de intercambio de archivos P2P, diseñadas para el escritorio KDE.KMldonkey jest nakładka na MLDonkey, potężne narzędzie wymiany plików P2P, przeznaczony dla środowiska KDE.КМЛДонкеы је крајњи за МЛДонкеы, моћан П2П алат за дељење датотека, дизајниран за КДЕ десктопу.KMLDonkey is een frontend voor MLDonkey, een krachtige P2P file sharing tool, ontworpen voor de KDE-desktop.pinocGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmldonkey-2.0.2-12pclos2015.src.rpm78259141b063e973b08a8a120571f41e./SRPMS.pcloskd   7, 0KT x  B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckmod34.11pclos2025Kernel modules management toolsSimple tools for managing kernel modules. provide a proper libmodprobe.so from module-init-tools: Early boot tools, installers, driver install disks want to access information about available modules to optimize boot up handling.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  gtk-doclib64lzma-devellib64zstd-develpkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)scdocxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmod-34.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm54d5b68d893e06f4d6ed66d54a928efd./SRPMS.pclosod   6l pB@BA<BE@BJaCkmousetool24.12.31pclos2025Automatic Mouse ClickKMouseTool is a tool that clicks the mouse for you.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xt)pkgconfig(xtst)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmousetool-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmCad3d3cd31c36769e6455c1a34687c6fa./SRPMS.pclos+d   MT XoxB@BABEBJCkmouth24.12.31pclos2025A type-and-say front end for speech synthesizersKMouth is a program which enables persons that cannot speak to let their computer speak, e.g. mute people or people who have lost their voice. It has a text input field and speaks the sentences that you enter. It also has support for user defined phrasebooks.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmouth-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm֙26444ce6ec9457fdf2d7b0206f58aabb./SRPMS.pclos+d " = B@BABEBJCkmozillahelper5.0.51pclos2019Mozilla Plasma IntegrationPackage providing integration of Mozilla applications with Plasma 5.&Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmozillahelper-5.0.5-1pclos2019.src.rpm,0583e21fd1e48a2aa85e89d670bd1b34./SRPMS.pclosd !  KB@WBA|BEBJCdekmplayer0.11.3d2pclos2013A multimedia mplayer/phonon frontend for KDEEin Multimedia Mplayer/Phonon Frontend Abspieler für KDEKMPlayer can play all the audio/video supported by mplayer/phonon from local file or url, be embedded inside Konqueror and KHTML and play DVD's.KMPlayer kann alle Audios/Videos die von mplayer/libxine/Gstreamer unterstützt werden lokal oder über eine URL abspielen, eingebunden in Konqueror und KHTML sowie DVD's abspielen.Videox86_64 kdelibs-devellibnspr-develgtk2-develdbus-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmplayer-0.11.3d-2pclos2013.src.rpm322cdbe767b0f974932e7ac72cda4666./SRPMS.pclosd   < #B@4BAXBE\BJ}Ckmplot24.12.31pclos2025A mathematical function plotterKmPlot is a mathematical function plotter for the KDE-Desktop. It has a built in powerful parser. You can plot different functions simultaneously and combine their function terms to build new functions. KmPlot supports functions with parameters and functions in polar coordinates. Several grid modes are possible. Plots may be printed with high precision in correct scale..&Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kmplot-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm.[ f731455f63e0bc924aa2894d8eb158cd./SRPMS.pclos d  p 99~9B@BABEBJ Cdekmymoney5.1.36pclos2023A Personal Finance Manager for KDE5Eine persönliche Finanzverwaltung für KDE5KMyMoney is a personal finance manager. KMyMoney is the Personal Finance Manager for KDE5. It operates similar to Quicken, supports various account types, categorization of expenses, multiple currencies, online banking support via QIF, OFX and HBCI, budgeting and a rich set of reports.KMyMoney ist die persönliche Finanzverwaltung für KDE5. Es arbeitet ähnlich wie Quicken, unterstützt verschiedene Kontotypen, Kategorisierung von Ausgaben, mehrere Währungen, Online Banking Unterstützung via QIF, OFX und HBCI, Budgetierung und eine reiche Sammlung an Berichten.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64alkimia-devellib64aqbanking-devellib64boost-devellib64gmp-devellib64gmpxx-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gpgme-devellib64gwenhywfar-devellib64ical-devellib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kdiagram-devellib64kf5activities-devellib64kf5akonadi-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5holidays-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5identitymanagement-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5kcmutils-devellib64kf5kcontacts-devellib64kf5kross-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5webkit-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemmodels-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64ofx-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64sqlcipher-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kmymoney-5.1.3-6pclos2023.src.rpm1bc27778c6c141d3978378432c58988f./SRPMS.pclosd   Ep tB@)BALBEPBJqCknapsen1.0.11pclos2014Knapsen is a schnapsen card game for KDE.Knapsen is a schnapsen card game for KDE.|Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develphonon-develgettexticu-datalib64kdegames-devellib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1knapsen-1.0.1-1pclos2014.src.rpm33b228802a78ee1ae66e34f35f57a6eb./SRPMS.pclosd " L8 <S\hB@BABEBJCknavalbattle24.12.31pclos2025Battleship game with built-in game serverKBattleship is a Battle Ship game for KDE. Ships are placed on a board which represents the sea. Players try to hit each others ships in turns without knowing where they are placed. The first player to destroy all ships wins the game.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1knavalbattle-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm7f9173f564c3d898822bcbf46dd0a64d2./SRPMS.pclosd   S0 4KT`B@BABEBJCknetwalk24.12.31pclos2025Turn the board pieces to get all computers connectedKNetWalk is a small game where you have to build up a computer network by rotating the wires to connect the terminals to the server. When the network is built, a high score list comes up where competitions can be fought.rGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1knetwalk-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm2004b3e278646b65bf719c3d97f5c0d34./SRPMS.pclossd   `  B@BA@BEDBJeCknewstuff6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 module for downloading application assetsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 module for downloading application assets./sSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1knewstuff-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm/d75775c95fc61dd3fc12f7821a4f02102./SRPMS.pclos d   ?4 8OXdB@BABEBJCknights24.12.31pclos2025A simple chess board game for KDEKnights is a simple chess board for KDE. Currently you can play against computer engines that support the XBoard protocol (like GnuChess) or against a player at the same computer. It has automatic rule checking, themes and some nice animations.&Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1knights-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm&7ffde35616d6d77992708a1641f2e9a38./SRPMS.pclosd   Lpt zB@BABEBJCknock0.51pclos2013Open connection through firewall on specified signalknock is a server/client set that implements the idea known as port- knocking. Port-knocking is a method of accessing a backdoor to your firewall through a special sequence of port hits. This can be useful for opening up temporary holes in a restrictive firewall for SSH access or similar.)pinocNetworking/Otherx86_64 libpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1knock-0.5-1pclos2013.src.rpm>a043752e76a7f902f36b72e108788e5a./SRPMS.pclosd # V B@ BALBEPBJqCknotifications6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 solution for notificationsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 solution for notifications.#System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libcanberra)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1knotifications-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm#1ed731c580e052f28faf1637b8dc9555./SRPMS.pcloskd " [ B@BA8BE<BJ]Cknotifyconfig6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 module for KNotify configurationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 module for KNotify configuration.$q|System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1knotifyconfig-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm$0c49b990d034f15c4b1403ba37f19e4c./SRPMS.pclosd  = +18 h S B@fBABEBJCknowthelist2.3.01pclos2017An awesome party music playerKnowthelist is an awesome party music player. Features: - Easy to use for all party guests. - Quick search for tracks in collection. - Two players with separate playlists. - Mixer with fader, 3 channel EQ and gain. - Auto fader and auto gain. - Trackanalyser search for song start/end and gain setting. - Auto DJ function with multiple filters for random play. - Monitor player for pre listen tracks (via 2nd sound card e.g. USB).Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Soundx86_64 qttools5lib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64alsa2-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64taglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1knowthelist-2.3.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm"c65ab4ad792b005686c1e4b0f5143338./SRPMS.pclosd   V4 8W`hB@BABEBJCkoan0.2.52pclos2007Network provisioning tool for Xen and Existing Non-Bare Metal Koan stands for kickstart-over-a-network and allows for both network provisioning of new virtualized guests and destructive re-provisioning of any existing system. For use with a boot-server configured with 'cobbler'FSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1koan-0.2.5-2pclos2007.src.rpmdf13a8300a2c21992bfcdc06f85a9e68./SRPMS.pclosd  C  -4@B@BABEBJCkoceansaver0.711pclos2013An under water screen saver for KDE4A KDE 4 screensaver that shows an underwater ocean seen with sea creatures. In particular, swimming Baracudas and sharks. A treasure chest lies on the sea floor with a ship wrecked in the background.'_pinocGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kde-workspace-develpython-qt4-openglrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1koceansaver-0.71-1pclos2013.src.rpm4ca872f3b1fcf709358cc0521c8e72e13./SRPMS.pclosod   v@ DJTqq qB@BA<BE@BJaCdekodi21.11pclos2024Kodi - media player and home entertainment systemKodi Media Center - Media-Center-SoftwareKodi (formerly known as XBMC) is an award-winning free and open source software media player and entertainment hub for digital media. While Kodi functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, Kodi feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater.XBMC Media Center (früher „XBox Media Center“ genannt) ist eine unter den Bestimmungen der GPL erhältliche freie Media-Center-Software. Sie dient dem Abspielen von Videos, Bildern und Musik von DVD, Festplatte und Server sowie der Wiedergabe von Audio- und Video-Datenströmen aus dem Internet. Anmerkung: sollte XBMC nicht starten versuchen Sie folgende Befehle als root: [root@localhost ~]# mv /usr/lib/libGL.so* /opt [root@localhost ~]# ldconfig=VVideox86_64  cmakedoxygengettext-develglibc-static-develgperfjava-1.8.0-sunlib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64afpclient-devellib64alsa2-devellib64ass-devellib64avahi-client-devellib64avahi-common-devellib64bluez-devellib64bluray-devellib64boost-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cap-devellib64cdio-devellib64cec-devellib64crossguid-devellib64crystalhd-devellib64curl-devellib64cwiid-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dcadec-devellib64display-info-devellib64drm-devellib64dvdcss2-devellib64enca-devellib64expat1-devellib64flatbuffers-devellib64fmt-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64fribidi-devellib64fstrcmp-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gif-devellib64glew-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gmock-devellib64gmp-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gtest-devellib64ice-devellib64jasper-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lcms2-devellib64lirc-devellib64lzma-devellib64lzo-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64microhttpd-devellib64mms-devellib64modplug-devellib64mpeg2dec-devellib64mysql-devellib64nettle-devellib64nfs-devellib64ogg-devellib64openssl-devellib64p8-platform-devellib64pcre0-devellib64plist-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64python3-devellib64readline-devellib64rtmp-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64shairplay-devellib64sm-devellib64smbclient0-devellib64sndio-devellib64spdlog-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64ssh-devellib64taglib-devellib64tiff-devellib64tinyxml-devellib64trousers-devellib64udev0-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64wavpack-devellib64waylandpp-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xml2-devellib64xmu-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-devellib64xslt-devellib64xt-devellib64xtst-devellib64xv-devellib64xvmc-devellibstdc++-static-develrapidjsonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swigtexi2htmlyajl-develyasmzipzlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1kodi-21.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmmf5679799978111f68579eea8fb74133b./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 Tx |B@0BAhBElBJCkodi-addon-audioencoder-flac20.2.02pclos2024Flac Audio Encoder add-on for KodiFlac Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi.5Videox86_64  kodi-devellib64flac++10-devellib64flac12-devellib64p8-platform-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kodi-addon-audioencoder-flac-20.2.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmdd71ed3e8546a2567220beeec0abd170./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 Tx |B@BALBEPBJqCkodi-addon-audioencoder-lame20.3.02pclos2024Lame Audio Encoder add-on for KodiLame Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi.^Videox86_64  kodi-devellib64lame-devellib64p8-platform-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kodi-addon-audioencoder-lame-20.3.0-2pclos2024.src.rpme5f2ed5fa5b8f5a2b9e4d2885ccea144./SRPMS.pclosd!( 3 X  B@ BA\BE`BJCkodi-addon-audioencoder-vorbis20.2.02pclos2024Vorbis Audio Encoder add-on for KodiVorbis Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi.kVideox86_64  kodi-devellib64p8-platform-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kodi-addon-audioencoder-vorbis-20.2.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmd5f4cf5fe96c99ad18b037fc2063988a./SRPMS.pcloskd% 0 Rx |B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckodi-addon-audioencoder-wav20.2.02pclos2024Wav Audio Encoder add-on for KodiWav Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi.SQVideox86_64  kodi-devellib64p8-platform-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kodi-addon-audioencoder-wav-20.2.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmwabad2a0e2ede470de0cd37d63c683020./SRPMS.pclosd") 4 i B@(BAdBEhBJCkodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive21.4.41pclos2024Adaptive file addon for Kodi's InputStream interfaceAdaptive file addon for Kodi's InputStream interface. ` du|B@BABEBJ9Ckodi-platform191pclos2022Support Library for Kodi addonsSupport Library for Kodi addons=System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64platform-devellib64tinyxml-devellibatomic1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kodi-platform-19-1pclos2022.src.rpm538c1ee93e946d4ca0ed1c5973e939659./SRPMS.pclosd  7 .B@ABAdBEhBJCkoko24.12.31pclos2025An Image gallery applicationKoko is a simple image gallery application that is designed to view, edit and share images.#Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-atom)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1koko-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm e6542ccb1b8805d3a16d1aafb47205f9./SRPMS.pclosd  & B@,BALBEPBJqCkolf24.12.31pclos2025A golf gameKolf is a miniature golf game. The game is played from an overhead view, with a short bar representing the golf club. Kolf features many different types of objects, such as water hazards, slopes, sand traps, and black holes (warps), among others. Features : - Single and Multi-player (up to ten players) modes - High scores table - Dynamic courses - Third-party courses - Course editor|fGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kolf-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm5a766a3966a80bf9556462eccb1fcebc2./SRPMS.pclos3d   :X \s|B@BABEBJ%Ckollision24.12.31pclos2025A simple ball dodging gameA simple ball dodging game.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kollision-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmf58abf93eb0846b11b75bc49b2fe6d363./SRPMS.pclosd ! O SB@dBABEBJCkolourpaint24.12.31pclos2025A free, easy-to-use paint program for Plasma5KolourPaint is a free, easy-to-use paint program for Plasma 5. It aims to be conceptually simple to understand; providing a level of functionality targeted towards the average user. It's designed for daily tasks like: * Painting - drawing diagrams and "finger painting" * Image Manipulation - editing screenshots and photos; applying effects * Icon Editing - drawing clipart and logos with transparencyQGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kolourpaint-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmQI,205dbe1db287c6999af91b9b26f2436e./SRPMS.pclosd   1 ?B@QBAtBExBJCkompare24.12.31pclos2025A diff graphic toolKompare is a GUI front-end program that enables differences between source files to be viewed and merged. It can be used to compare differences on files or the contents of folders, and it supports a variety of diff formats and provide many options to customize the information level displayed. Features: -Comparing directories -Reading diff files -Creating and applying patches~Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64komparediff2_6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kompare-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm46b7c2a82e7b7605f9732ffd0f9b7530./SRPMS.pclosd   4LP Wip  6 B@XBABEBJCkompozer0.80.b3.2pclos2013Web Authoring SystemKompozer is a complete Web authoring system for Linux Desktop users, similar to Microsoft Windows programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver. It combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing. Kompozer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical computer users who want to create an attractive, professional-looking web site without needing to know HTML or web coding. Kompozer is an unofficial continuation of nvu, which was apparently abandoned in 2005. Features * WYSIWYG editing of pages, making Web creation as easy as typing a letter with your word processor. * Integrated file management via FTP. Simply log in to your Web site and navigate through your files, editing Web pages on the fly, directly from your site. * Reliable HTML code creation that works with today's most popular browsers. * Jump between WYSIWYG editing mode and HTML using tabs. * Tabbed editing to make working on multiple pages a snap. * Powerful support for frames, forms, tables, and templates.}.TerryNDevelopment/Otherx86_64  nspr-develnss-develnss-static-develcairo-develdesktop-file-utilsgtk2-develgnome-vfs2-develziplibxt-devellibIDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){a7e6f0b00f00db7600c099b26fc08cb8./SRPMS.pclosd   R  $;DPB@BABEBJCkongress24.12.31pclos2025A companion application for conferences made by KDEKongress provides practical information about conferences. It supports conferences that offer their schedule in iCalendar format. In Kongress, the data of the talks are shown in various ways, e.g. in daily views, by talk category, etc. The users can also create a list of favorite conference talks/events as well as they can navigate to the web page of each talk. A map of the conference venue, location information and link to OpenStreetMap can also be added.q}Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kongress-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm+48c359e75a225da769991274e0f9f935./SRPMS.pclosWd   8X \s|B@BA$BE(BJICkonqueror24.12.31pclos2025KDE file and web browserKonqueror is KDE's Webbrowser and Swiss army knife for any kind of file-management and file previewing. Features: * Webbrowsing using KHTML or KDEWebEngine as rendering engines * File management using most of Dolphin's features (including version-control, service menus and the basic UI) * File management on ftp and sftp servers * Full featured FTP-client (you can split views to display local and remote folders and previews in the same window) * Embedded applications to preview and edit files (e.g. Okular and KOffice for documents, Gwenview for pictures, KTextEditor for text-files) * Different kinds of plugins: Service-menus, KParts (embedded applications), * KIO (accessing files using special protocols like http or ftp) and * KPart-plugins (like AdBlocker...)NGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  hunspellkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1konqueror-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmacfaebc1c21b8ed7f27391e78d2bc2c4./SRPMS.pclosd   @  '0<{B@BABEBJCkonquest24.12.31pclos2025Conquer the planets of your enemyKonquest is the KDE version of Gnu-Lactic Konquest. Players conquer other planets by sending ships to them. The goal is to build an interstellar empire and ultimately conquer all other player's planets. *qGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1konquest-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm Z0a7742380091c9c0974fe1f1d63ebe85./SRPMS.pcloskd   J| B@BA8BE<BJ]Ckonsole24.12.31pclos2025A terminal emulator similar to xterm for KDEA terminal emulator, similar to xterm, for KDE.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(icu-i18n)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1konsole-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm99d9f0942eaa9bd7a2ef7d9efdf1f2a9./SRPMS.pclosd   [0 4KT`B@BABEBJCkontact24.12.31pclos2025Container application to unify several major PIM applicationsThe KDE Kontact Personal Information Management suite unites mature and proven KDE applications under one roof. Thanks to the powerful KParts technology, existing applications are seamlessly integrated into one. KGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kontact-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm |:a68676e36583f4918308c59bc1bafb66./SRPMS.pclosKd & Gl pB@BABEBJ=Ckontactinterface24.12.31pclos2025Kontact Plugin Interface LibraryKontact Plugin Interface Library.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kontactinterface-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm֢2bc4d33b888d2a94ed915bac889a5b4b./SRPMS.pclosSd   5| B@BA BE$BJECkontrast24.12.31pclos2025Color contrast checkerA tool that helps UI designers find colors with sufficient contrast.W Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kontrast-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm22da1603a9507a260610a03b1ef78c39./SRPMS.pclosd " H8 <S\hB@BABEBJCkonversation24.12.31pclos2025A user friendly IRC Client for PlasmaKonversation is a graphical Internet Relay Chat client (IRC) with Plasma support. Features: * Standard IRC features * SSL server support * Bookmarking support * Easy to use graphical user interface * Multiple servers and channels in one single window * DCC file transfer * Multiple identities for different servers * Text decorations and colors * OnScreen Display for notifications * Automatic UTF-8 detection * Per channel encoding support * Theme support for nick icons * Highly configurableCpGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1konversation-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmC+a24abdee3203fb248368d2946055c8e2./SRPMS.pclosSd " ` B@BA BE$BJECdekonvertible1.0.13pclos2011An audio file converter via ffmpegAudio Converter via ffmpegKonvertible is an application to convert audio files to other audio formats using ffmpeg. It simplifies file conversion for ffmpeg users. You can add more than one audio file and then click the convert button to transcode them one after the other.Konvertible ist eine Anwendung, um Audio-Dateien in ein anderes Audio-Formate mit ffmpeg zu konvertieren. Es vereinfacht die Datei-Konvertierung für ffmpeg Benutzer. Sie können mehr als nur eine Audio-Datei hinzufügen, zum Umwandeln klicken sie auf den Button "Convert" um die Dateien zu transcodieren.FGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 qt4-develkdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1konvertible-1.0.1-3pclos2011.src.rpm7aa0c6ac486e650290be934044632a4a./SRPMS.pclosd  :d hoxB@BABEBJ Ckoodo-reader1.6.11pclos2023High Quality Ebook ReaderKoodo Reader is one of the best eBook readers for Linux. It's also open-source, community-driven, cross-platform, and supports a wide array of formats. To top it all off, it's also very good-looking, has nice organization options, and pretty much all features a typical user might want and need.7}Officex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1koodo-reader-1.6.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmL71c7fdc17c9bbd4a01c22e4842a34a9e./SRPMS.pclosd # U EB@ZBABEBJCkopeninghours24.12.31pclos2025OSM opening hours expression parser and evaluatorA library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions.3=Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  bisonboost-develflexkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kopeninghours-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmc45e66369a48e8559675da9cc1126f3972./SRPMS.pclosd(. 9 ql pB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlkopete-cryptography1.3.02pclos2010Encrypts and signs messages in Kopete using the OpenPGPKopete cryptography plugin encrypts and signs messages using the OpenPGP standard. It also handles incoming messages that are encrypted or signed.Kopete Kryptographie Plugin verschlüsselt und signiert die Nachrichten mit OpenPGP Standard. Es verwaltet auch eingehende Nachrichten, die verschlüsselt sind oder nicht unterzeichnet.Cryptographie Kopete crypte plugin et des messages en utilisant les signes OpenPGP standard. Il gère également les messages entrants qui sont cryptés ou signés.Cifra plugin Kopete criptografía y signos mensajes utilizando el OpenPGP estándar. También maneja los mensajes entrantes que están cifrados o firmados.Szyfruje Kopete wtyczki kryptografii i znaków wiadomości za pomocą OpenPGP normy. To także obsługuje przychodzące wiadomości, które są zaszyfrowane lub podpisane.Копете Криптографија додатак шифрује и потписује поруке помоћу ОпенПГП стандарда. Такође управља долазним порукама које су шифроване и потписане.Kopete cryptografie plugin versleutelt en ondertekent berichten met behulp van de OpenPGP standaard. Het behandelt ook inkomende berichten die zijn versleuteld of ondertekend.'Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kopete-cryptography-1.3.0-2pclos2010.src.rpm-a1d4e19afeb011c1cb1eba25cfc9a6ca2./SRPMS.pclosd  ! 1D HclpB@BABEBJCkora-icons202107251pclos2021Kora Icon ThemeKora Icon Theme-System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kora-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm- c7a13fa63be7f5c821dd4f4a2e6cbddd./SRPMS.pclos_d   B B@BA,BE0BJQCkorganizer24.12.31pclos2025Calendar and scheduling componentKOrganizer provides management of events and tasks, alarm notification, web export, network transparent handling of data, group scheduling, import and export of calendar files and more. It is able to work together with a wide variety of groupware servers, for example Kolab, Open-Xchange, Citadel or OpenGroupware.org.- Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1korganizer-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm-:885967087ac9017cb7363b8c332e7a78./SRPMS.pclosd # G   h B@BABEBJCkosmindoormap24.12.31pclos2025OSM multi-floor indoor map rendererLibrary and QML component for rendering multi-level OSM indoor maps. HGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrososmctoolspkgconfig(protobuf)pkgconfig(recastnavigation)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kosmindoormap-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 3b690c7f557c21d55ecfa5afd3b39091./SRPMS.pclos[d   @ B@ BA(BE,BJMCkover46pclos2011WYSIWYG CD cover printer with CDDB supportKover is an easy to use WYSIWYG CD cover printer with CDDB support."Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-devellibcdio-devellibcddb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kover-4-6pclos2011.src.rpm"0ddd69d10d8d68b2a8921b08e795074a./SRPMS.pclosd   e /B@@BAdBEhBJCkpackage6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 library to load and install packages as pluginsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 library to load and install non-binary packages as if they were plugins.^System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpackage-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmR9d5ffd37803a07ee46e904f87108fa28./SRPMS.pclosCd   Gt xB@BABEBJ5Ckparts6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for KPartsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for KParts.%System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kparts-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%:dd6019d383af35c90b1513a482949887./SRPMS.pclosGd # K B@BABEBJ9Ckpartsplugin201205241pclos2012Plugin for Netscape-compatible browsersThis software implements a plugin for Netscape-compatible browsers in a Unix environment. This plugin uses KDE's KParts technology to embed file viewers (e.g. for PDF files) into non-KDE browsers. Tested browsers include both Mozilla Firefox and Opera. With this plugin, you can e.g. view PDF files in Firefox using Okular as an embedded plugin.bNealNetworki586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kpartsplugin-20120524-1pclos2012.src.rpmQd1dc154cff902a396d46a93f17969f34./SRPMS.pclosd! , ? &B@/BAPBETBJuCdefresplsrnlkpassgen0.77pclos2012Password GeneratorGenerates a set of random passwords of any length that can include the letter a-z, A-Z any number and symbols. WARNING: I cannot guarantee the strength of the passwords generated by this program.Erzeugt eine Reihe von zufällige Passwörter beliebiger Länge, dass das Schreiben az umfassen kann, A-Z in beliebiger Anzahl und Symbole. ACHTUNG: Ich kann nicht garantieren, die Stärke der die Passwörter, die durch dieses Programm.Génère un ensemble de mots de passe aléatoires de n'importe quelle longueur qui peut inclure la lettre Z, A-Z n'importe quel nombre et de symboles. ATTENTION: Je ne peux pas garantir la solidité de les mots de passe générés par ce programGenera un conjunto de contraseñas aleatorias de cualquier longitud que puede incluir la letra A a la Z, A-Z cualquier número y símbolos. ADVERTENCIA: No puedo garantizar la fuerza de la las contraseñas generadas por este programa.Generuje zestaw losowych haseł o dowolnej długości, które mogą zawierać az listu, -Z dowolnej liczby i symbole. UWAGA: Nie mogę zagwarantować wytrzymałość Hasła generowane przez ten program.Ствара скуп насумичних лозинки било које дужине која може да обухвати Аз писма З-неки број и симболе. УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: да не може да гарантује снагу лозинке генерисан овим програмом.enereert een reeks van willekeurige wachtwoorden van willekeurige lengte die kan bestaan uit de letter az, A-Z welk aantal en symbolen. WAARSCHUWING: Ik kan niet instaan voor de sterkte van de wachtwoorden gegenereerd door dit programma.LNealGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kpassgen-0.7-7pclos2012.src.rpmVbaf6084d63997e748602d85c9364a813./SRPMS.pclosd    ;` dotxB@BABEBJCkpaste0.31pclos2009Kpaste is a commandline paste toolKpaste is a commandline paste toolText toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kpaste-0.3-1pclos2009.src.rpm&qb5a98f0f7d0097f4eb2fd575e5325d2c./SRPMS.pcloskd  6 PB@BA8BE<BJ]Ckpat20.08.33pclos2020Several patience card gamesKPatience is a relaxing card sorting game. To win the game a player has to arrange a single deck of cards in certain order amongst each other.6Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 phonon4qt5-develcmakekf5-macroskcoreaddons-develkwidgetsaddons-develkconfig-develkdbusaddons-develkdeclarative-develki18n-develkguiaddons-develkconfigwidgets-develkitemviews-develkiconthemes-develkcompletion-develktextwidgets-develkxmlgui-develkio-develknotifyconfig-develknewstuff-devellibxml2-utilsdocbook-dtdsdocbook-style-xslkdegames-devellib64freecell-solver-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kpat-20.08.3-3pclos2020.src.rpm6b27886413f6fd49a833e88b852cfb200./SRPMS.pclosd  6 }B@BABEBJCkpat24.12.31pclos2025Several patience card gamesKPatience is a relaxing card sorting game. To win the game a player has to arrange a single deck of cards in certain order amongst each other.9 Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libblack-hole-solver)pkgconfig(libfreecell-solver)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpat-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm9Ap1edb8806119612716d280126d1ba2cca./SRPMS.pclosd   J4 8OX`B@BABEBJCkpdftool0.231pclos2011GhostView and ImageMagick GUI for PDF/PS filesKPDFTool is a GUI interface for GhostView and ImageMagick for performing basic and usefull operations with PDF and PS (PostScript) files such as merge, extract pages and protect the text into new files in a simple and practical way.*Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kpdftool-0.23-1pclos2011.src.rpm,Xe9bf87992039f4f2d6168ddaf36debfd./SRPMS.pclossd   _  B@BA@BEDBJeCkpeople6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 library for contact and people aggregationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 library for contact and people aggregation.lSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpeople-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmCee093c35afcf762a95cdaae31b326c53./SRPMS.pclosd  4d h+B@9BA`BEdBJCkpeoplevcard0.11pclos2020KPeople VCard SupportMakes it possible to expose vcards to KPeople.9Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macrospkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kpeoplevcard-0.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm>649a037278e129ed4a8d5dc08fed733f./SRPMS.pclosd " 6 %T%<%B@hBABEBJCdekphotoalbum5.9.11pclos2022Photo album managerKPhotoAlbum supports all the normal image formats including raw formats produced by most digital cameras and scanners (using dcraw to do the decoding). It is also possible to use the thumbnails embedded in raw images (that are usually of decent size and quality) for fast viewing so there is no need to decode the whole raw image.Bild-Datenbank für KDE5Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64exiv2-devellib64jpeg-devellib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dcraw-devellib64kf5geomap-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5jobwidgets5lib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5kipi-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellibxml2-utilspkgconfig(phonon4qt5)pkgconfigqtbase5-common-devellib64kdoctools-devellib64kf5purpose-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kphotoalbum-5.9.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm5cde8d1641d898db32734f62116129e4./SRPMS.pclosKd " Hp tB@BABEBJ=Ckpimtextedit24.12.31pclos2025A textedit with PIM-specific featuresA textedit with PIM-specific features.sGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpimtextedit-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmHcd35e1bc6a95fad9046dfa1837878abd./SRPMS.pclosd   _ B@BABEBJCkpipewire6.3.31pclos2025Offers a set of convenient classes to use PipeWire in Qt projectsOffers a set of convenient classes to use PipeWire (https://pipewire.org/) in Qt projects.eGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(gbm)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpipewire-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm_ee073609ef4fc93eb3c8c7cce47a5c32./SRPMS.pclosod   Jx |B@BA<BE@BJaCkpkpass24.12.31pclos2025Library for handling Apple Wallet pass filesLibrary for handling Apple Wallet pass files.zGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(shared-mime-info)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpkpass-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmadad82fc6cb42ae47718e66e08a949d0./SRPMS.pclosd   S  7@HrB@{BABEBJCdekplayer0.7.22pclos2014MPlayer frontend for KDE4MPlayer Frontend für KDE4KPlayer is a KDE media player based on MPlayer. With KPlayer you can easily play a wide variety of video and audio files and streams using a rich and friendly interface that follows KDE standards. KPlayer ist ein KDE Media Player basierend auf Mplayer. Mit Kplayer kannst du einfach viele verschiedene Video und Audiodateien sowie Streams abspielen, unter Benutzung ein reichhaltigen und freundlichen Oberfläche, die mit den KDE Standards konform ist.TpGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kplayer-0.7.2-2pclos2014.src.rpmT+9facab5e836fdc5f5e3522d5cfcee941./SRPMS.pclosGd   Ix |B@BABEBJ9Ckplotting6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon for plottingKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon for plotting.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kplotting-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm7e2a7628d09cde93d19a1ecf425f820a./SRPMS.pclosd   M xB@BABEBJCkpmcore24.12.31pclos2025Library for managing partitions by KDE programsKPMcore contains common code for managing partitions by KDE Partition Manager and other KDE projects. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettextkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(blkid)pkgconfig(libatasmart)pkgconfig(libparted)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpmcore-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm #_ec3e17e2439f55b18f2e73f6f8259135./SRPMS.pclosd & 1 c BB@OBAtBExBJCdefresplsrnlkpovmodeler1.1.34pclos2011KPovModeler is a modeling and composition programKPovModeler is a modeling and composition program for creating POV-Ray(TM) scenes in KDE. For most of the modelers, POV-Ray is nothing but a rendering engine and they bring a lot of limitations to the innate possibilities of POV-Ray scripted language. This is not the case for KPovModeler which allows you to use all the features of POV-Ray through the translation of POV-Ray language into a graphical tree.KPovModeler ist eine Modellierungs-und Zusammensetzung Programm zum Erstellen von POV-Ray (TM)-Szenen in KDE.KPovModeler est un programme de modélisation et de composition pour la création de POV-Ray (MC) des scènes dans KDE.KPovModeler es un programa de modelado y composición para la creación de POV-Ray (TM) de escenas en KDE.KPovModeler jest modelowanie i program do tworzenia kompozycji POV-Ray (TM) sceny w KDE.КПовМоделер је моделовања и композиције програм за креирање Ист-Раы (ТМ) КДЕ-у сцена.KPovModeler is een modellering en samenstelling programma voor het creëren van POV-Ray (TM) scènes in KDE.3|WGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kde4-macroskdelibs4-develqt4-develcmakekdegraphics4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kpovmodeler-1.1.3-4pclos2011.src.rpm38a8ab3a7466d3fe9aadd56225294ff56./SRPMS.pclosd   K    B@BABEBJCkproperty3.2.02pclos2022Property editing framework with editor widgetKProperty is a property editing framework with editor widget similar to what is known from Qt Designer.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kproperty-3.2.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm 3b69fc3e98cf7963fb270f0d8bbdbce0./SRPMS.pclosgd  R B@BA4BE8BJYCkpty6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 module providing Pty abstractionKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 module providing Pty abstraction.$System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslibutempterrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpty-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm$81a1f2558a9e2c7938dc333f638b44ec./SRPMS.pclosd & W EB@ZBABEBJCkpublictransport24.12.31pclos2025Library for reading public transport informationPublic transport application for Plasma. zGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrososmctoolspkgconfig(polyclipping)pkgconfig(protobuf)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kpublictransport-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 391693e1afe82180ec0350e47d058e25./SRPMS.pclos[d   2 B@BA(BE,BJMCkpwg0.1.01pclos2013Secure password generatorApplication to generate secure passwords and check them against cracklib (if installed)rSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64  kdelibs-devellib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! T OB@`BABEBJCkquickcharts6.11.01pclos2025A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance chartsThe Quick Charts module provides a set of charts that can be used from QtQuick applications. They are intended to be used for both simple display of data as well as continuous display of high-volume data (often referred to as plotters). The charts use a system called distance fields for their accelerated rendering, which provides ways of using the GPU for rendering 2D shapes without loss of quality.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kquickcharts-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm'4d435afc5dcfa0e6cdcf3d523202adb9./SRPMS.pclosd % c B@BABEBJCkquickimageeditor0.4.01pclos2024QtQuick components providing basic image editing capabilitiesQtQuick components providing basic image editing capabilities.2JGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64qt6core-devellib64qt6gui-devellib64qt6network-devellib64qt6qml-devellib64qt6quick-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kquickimageeditor-0.4.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm2uY39516535ecb27b91cdf5ab6bfcc390e3./SRPMS.pclosd    XB@eBABEBJCdekraft0.581pclos2015Kraft is KDE software for people operating a small businessKraft ist KDE-Software für ein kleines GewerbeKraft is aimed at the demands of small businesses. It is easy to use and limits on a set of most needed features. So it is the solution for creating offers and invoices. With Kraft running your business is done quicker. You will have more time for things which give more pleasure.Kraft ist eine an der Praxis des kleinen Betriebes orientierte Lösung, die durch ihre Einfachheit besticht und die üblichen Aufgaben im Büroalltag flott zu lösen hilft. Kraft ist die freie Lösung zum Erstellen von Angeboten, Rechnungen und Auftragsbestätigungen.pinocGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 libctemplate-develkde-pimlibs-develkdelibs-develqt4-devellibboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kraft-0.58-1pclos2015.src.rpm7f5af24e799d83e48b1ed988a85773de./SRPMS.pclos[d  D  L  B@BA(BE,BJMCkrb51.15.13pclos2017The Kerberos network authentication systemKerberos V5 is a trusted-third-party network authentication system, which can improve your network's security by eliminating the insecure practice of cleartext passwords.k;@bb2 System/Librariesx86_64  flexbisonchrpathtermcap-devele2fsprogs-develpam-develverto-develpython-sphinxopenssl-develyasmmultiarch-utilsopenldap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   U0 4CLhB@BABEBJCkrb5-appl1.0.31pclos2013Kerberos-aware versions of telnet, ftp, rsh, and rloginThis package contains Kerberos-aware versions of the telnet, ftp, rcp, rsh, and rlogin clients and servers. While these have been replaced by tools such as OpenSSH in most environments, they remain in use in others. RSystem/Serversx86_64 bisonflexncurses-develtexinfokrb5-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1krb5-appl-1.0.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm ~3a303e13b4e6f5d0319bc449567f228a./SRPMS.pcloscd  4  @  B@BA0BE4BJUCkrdc24.12.31pclos2025KDE Remote Desktop ClientKDE Remote Desktop Client is a client application that allows you to view or even control the desktop session on another machine that is running a compatible server. VNC and RDP are supported.IGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64   freerdpkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(freerdp-client2)pkgconfig(freerdp2)pkgconfig(libssh)pkgconfig(libvncserver)pkgconfig(winpr2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   2d h  x B@BABEBJCkrdp6.3.31pclos2025Desktop sharing using RDPLibrary and examples for creating an RDP server.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64freerdp-develpkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1krdp-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmb2b49ce8d381016c5e2604a4ef8bae7a./SRPMS.pclos[d   J B@BA(BE,BJMCkrecorder24.12.31pclos2025Convergent KDE audio recording applicationAudio recorder for Plasma Mobile and other platforms.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1krecorder-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmc13d7c0dea60cce709279e39082b8e1d0./SRPMS.pclosd   b mB@BABEBJCkreport3.2.02pclos2022A framework for creation and generation of reports in multiple formatsKReport is a framework for the creation and generation of reports in multiple formats.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5marble-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kpropertycore-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kreport-3.2.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmżaf054cc1f20846c54a9d445ba8ecec97./SRPMS.pclos_d   L B@BA,BE0BJQCkreversi24.12.31pclos2025Old reversi board game, also known as othelloKReversi is a simple one player strategy game played against the computer. If a player's piece is captured by an opposing player, that piece is turned over to reveal the color of that player. A winner is declared when one player has more pieces of his own color on the board and there are no more possible moves.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kreversi-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm<22ddee891a406bc82ec4734960d43cdb./SRPMS.pclosWd  0  0  B@BA$BE(BJICkrfb24.12.31pclos2025Remote Desktop ServerKDE Desktop Sharing is a server application that allows you to share your current session with a user on another machine, who can use a VNC client to view or even control the desktop.kGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64   kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)pkgconfig(libvncserver)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xtst)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  H 666B@BA4BE8BJYCkrita5.1.52pclos2023Krita is a FREE sketching and painting programKrita is a FREE sketching and painting program. It was created with the following types of art in mind: - concept art - texture or matte painting - illustrations and comicsGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  kf5-macroscmakelib64boost-devellib64curl-devellib64exiv2-devellib64fftw-devellib64gsl-devellib64ilmbase-devellib64jpeg-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64lcms2-devellib64OpenColorIO-devellib64openexr-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64png-devellib64poppler-qt5-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellibgomp-devellibquadmath-develLibRaw-devellibxcb-develmesa-develvceigen3python-qt5-devellib64kitemmodels-devellib64qt5location-devellib64quazip1-qt5-develpython3-sip6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Jl pAB@PBAtBExBJCkronometer2.3.01pclos2022A simple stopwatch application for Plasma 5Kronometer is a stopwatch application for Plasma 5. Kronometer’s main features are the following: * Start/pause/resume the stopwatch widget. * Laps recording: you can capture the stopwatch time when you want and add a note to it. * Lap times sorting: you can easily find the shortest lap time or the longest one. * Reset the stopwatch widget and the lap times. * Time format settings: you can choose the stopwatch granularity. * Times saving and resuming: you can save the stopwatch status and resume it later. * Font customization: you can choose the fonts for each of the stopwatch digits. * Color customization: you can choose the color for the stopwatch digits and the stopwatch background. * Lap times export: you can export the lap times on a file using the JSON or CSV format.*-Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kf5crash-devellib64kdoctools-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kronometer-2.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm)fc417cadd49990b85a9c32120a6404c1./SRPMS.pclosKd$- 8 cd hB@BABEBJ=Cdefresplsrnlkrosswordpuzzle0.15.6.23pclos2010krosswordpuzzle- Crossword puzzle for KDE4This is a crossword playing game for KDE4. It can open *.puz-files (AcrossLite) and it's own *.kwp-files (which are XML files). You can download lots of crosswords from within the game.Dies ist ein Kreuzworträtsel Rollenspiel für KDE4. Es kann *. puz-Dateien zu öffnen (AcrossLite) und einen eigenen *. kwp-Dateien (die XML-Dateien sind). Sie können viele Kreuzworträtsel aus dem Spiel.Il s'agit d'un jeu de mots croisés pour KDE4. Il peut ouvrir les fichiers *. puz (AcrossLite) et il est kwp *. propres fichiers (qui sont des fichiers XML). Vous pouvez télécharger les lots de mots croisés à partir de la partie.Este es un juego de palabras cruzadas para KDE4. Puede abrir archivos *. puz (AcrossLite) y es kWp *. propios archivos (que son archivos XML). Usted puede descargar muchos de los crucigramas desde dentro del juego.This is a crossword playing game for KDE4. It can open *.puz-files (AcrossLite) and it's own *.kwp-files (which are XML files). You can download lots of crosswords from within the game.То је игра укрштене речи за КДЕ4. То може отворити *. Пуж фајлове (АцроссЛите) и сопствену *. куп фајлове (који се КСМЛ датотека). Можете преузети много цроссуордс из игре.Dit is een kruiswoordraadsel playing game voor KDE4. Het kan openen *. puz-bestanden (AcrossLite) en het eigen *. kWp-bestanden (die zijn XML-bestanden). Je kunt veel kruiswoordraadsels vanuit het spel. F+Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kde4-macroskdelibs4-develqt4-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1krosswordpuzzle- T=e8cf3ad52a8ae50c24dce67db812283c./SRPMS.pclosd   - /8LB@BABEBJCkruler24.12.31pclos2025KDE Screen RulerKRuler displays on screen a ruler measuring pixels. Features : - Integrated color picker - Change the length of the ruler - Change the orientation of the ruler - Change the color, transparency and font of the rulereGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kruler-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmcb63a24ed1e896e22b55a07c476ad3eb./SRPMS.pclosd   i B@0BATBEXBJyCkrunner6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 for providing different actions given a string queryKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 for providing different actions given a string query. System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1krunner-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm:5b02e6d839f04bfb1602d2d280fe07c9./SRPMS.pclos{d  $ I` d{###B@&BAHBELBJmCdekrusader2.8.01pclos2022Advanced KDE twin-panel file-managerKrusader is an advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE and other desktops in the *nix world, similar to Midnight or Total Commander. It provides all the file management features you could possibly want. Plus: extensive archive handling, mounted filesystem support, FTP, advanced search module, an internal viewer/editor, directory synchronisation, file content comparisons, powerful batch renaming and much much more. It supports a wide variety of archive formats and can handle other KIO slaves such as smb or fish.Krusader ist eine erweiterte twin panel (commander style) Datei-Manager für KDE-Desktops und andere * nix in der Welt, ähnlich dem Midnight-oder Total Commander. Es liefert alle Datei-Management Funktionen, die Sie könnte möglicherweise möchten..eGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64acl-devellib64attr1-devellib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5bookmarks-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1krusader-2.8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm.^uea72ab714565b4d1c680d311ebccdde9./SRPMS.pclosGd   A\ `wB@BABEBJ9Ckrusader2.9.01pclos2025Advanced KDE twin-panel file-managerKrusader is an advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE and other desktops in the *nix world, similar to Midnight or Total Commander. It provides all the file management features you could possibly want. Plus: extensive archive handling, mounted filesystem support, FTP, advanced search module, an internal viewer/editor, directory synchronisation, file content comparisons, powerful batch renaming and much much more. It supports a wide variety of archive formats and can handle other KIO slaves such as smb or fish.1MGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(bzip2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1krusader-2.9.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm1pe3e98c66710e9086cf4e05858b3d40a7./SRPMS.pclosd   n \B@nBABEBJCksanecore24.12.31pclos2025Library that provides a Qt interface for the SANE library for scanner hardwareKSaneCore is a library that provides a Qt interface for the SANE library for scanner hardware.HGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(sane-backends)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksanecore-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmMd68f8bc8684b2f2fc6d5c7797334da52./SRPMS.pclosSd   ;p tB@BA BE$BJECkscreen6.3.31pclos2025KDE Display Management softwareKCM and KDED modules for managing displays in KDE.x8System/Configurationx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xi)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kscreen-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm1702348ee4c9cbbf3ce1fe68ed2614a2./SRPMS.pclosd ! \ sB@BABEBJCkscreenlocker6.3.31pclos2025Library and components for secure lock screen architectureLibrary and components for secure lock screen architecture.~Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospam-develpkgconfig(libseccomp)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xi)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kscreenlocker-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmX20e71ff1c3c3be7604b1e15f704aae37./SRPMS.pclosd   >  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Ckscreenoff1.01pclos2021Script to disable kscreen2 for VBA simple user script to quickly disable Kscreen2 for use in Virtualbox when you want to resize the virtual desktop screen. Open an konsole terminal and type kscreenoff. Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kscreenoff-1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm9018b14746d03331842180adaff362c0./SRPMS.pclosd   ^ B@)BALBEPBJqCkservice6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for working with .desktop filesKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for working with .desktop files.%ESystem/Basex86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kservice-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%xAbf058a9de3ad2bcb463ffefd7e967a96./SRPMS.pclosd  6  :B@CBAdBEhBJCksh201208011pclos2013The Original ATT Korn ShellKSH-93 is the most recent version of the KornShell by David Korn of AT&T Bell Laboratories. KornShell is a shell programming language, which is upward compatible with "sh" (the Bourne Shell).%;pinoc32Shellsi586 bisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ksh-20120801-1pclos2013.src.rpm%>b94d2ceefe2ffdb38d4624f85b03adf0./SRPMS.pclosd   J SB@dBABEBJCkshisen24.12.31pclos2025Patience game where you take away all piecesKShisen is a solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles. Unlike Mahjong however, KShisen has only one layer of scrambled tiles.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kshisen-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmca8e8a077248b3490191090acb41f52c8./SRPMS.pclos d   5, 0GP`B@BABEBJCkshowmail4.13pclos2013POP3 mail checker for KDEKShowmail is a POP3 mail checker for KDE with these features: show number, size and more information about mails on pop3 servers in a list view, show the mail headers or complete mails, delete unwanted mail from server by configurable filters. MjGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develkde-pim-develkde-pimlibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kshowmail-4.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm Q45b705e0cede04b1baf85299141ea660./SRPMS.pclosWd   C 8B@BA$BE(BJICkshutdown5.22pclos2020Advanced shut down utility for Plasma 5KShutDown is an advanced shut down utility for Plasma 5. Features: - Shut Down (logout and halt the system) - Reboot (logout and reboot the system) - Lock Screen (lock the screen using a screen saver) - Logout (end the session and logout the user) - Extras (user commands) - Wizard - Time and delay options - Command line support - System tray - Sounds - Kiosk support - And more...9Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 desktop-file-utilskf5-macroscmakeextra-cmake-moduleslib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5globalaccel-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5idletime-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5notifyconfig-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kshutdown-5.2-2pclos2020.src.rpme877afe6d5742bf10c920139a9dced9c./SRPMS.pclosd  T $cB@tBABEBJCksirk24.12.31pclos2025Computerized version of a well known strategy board gameKsirK is a computerized version of the well known strategic board game Risk. The goal of the game is simply to conquer the world by attacking your neighbors with your armies. Features : - Support for 1-6 human or computer (AI) players - Multi-player gaming over a network - You can easily create new skins with SVG graphics and the skin editor - Hot New Stuff support. You can easily download and install new skinsfWmGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksirk-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmf2c520e6670d4680fda473c8cb346d2955./SRPMS.pclosd  5P TktgB@BABEBJCksmoothdock6.21pclos2021KDE Applications DockerKSmoothDock is a cool desktop panel with parabolic zooming effect for KDE Plasma 5. While visually it is inspired by Mac OS X's Dock, it aims to follow the traditional Linux model of desktop panel with the application menu, launchers, the pager, the taskbar and the system tray. Currently KSmoothDock only supports the application menu, launchers and the pager, and is meant to use in conjunction with a Plasma 5 panel that provides the taskbar and the system tray. KSmoothDock is written in C++ and depends on Qt 5 and KDE Frameworks 5Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5globalaccel-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64taglib-develphonon4qt5-develpkgconfigqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ksmoothdock-6.2-1pclos2021.src.rpmY74b11c4759f44a34cc141dd62735057c./SRPMS.pclos{d  R B@%BAHBELBJmCksmtp24.12.31pclos2025Job-based library to send email through an SMTP serverJob-based library to send email through an SMTP server.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksmtp-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm]02acfa4c1f7e0ff2ba88442d60df50d7./SRPMS.pclos+d   GP TktB@BABEBJCksnakeduel24.12.31pclos2025Snake race played against the computerKSnakeDuel is a fast action game where you steer a snake which has to eat food. While eating the snake grows. But once a player collides with the other snake or the wall the game is lost. This becomes of course more and more difficult the longer the snakes grow.=Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksnakeduel-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm .ab65aa69fb3b4193bc3059aa62ab29d0./SRPMS.pclosd  * ,RB@gBABEBJCksnip1.10.02pclos2022Screenshot toolKsnip is a Qt 5 based Linux screenshot tool inspired by the Window Snipping Tool. It was targeted to be simple and to provide features for quickly taking screenshots and add easily notes and drawings to it. Let me know what you think or if you would like to see new features, comments are welcome. Features include: * Taking Screenshot of a custom rectangular area that can be drawn with mouse cursor * Taking screenshot of the screen/monitor where the mouse cursor is currently located * Taking screenshot of full screen, including all screens/monitors * Taking screenshot of window that currently has focus * Customizable capture delay * Drawing on captured screenshot with two different tools, pen (opaque) and maker (semi-transparent) * Customizable color and size for drawing tool * Any drawing can be moved around without deleting it by simply dragging it to new location * Cropping captured screensshot, including any drawing on the captured image * Command line support, for taking screenshot and saving it to default location, filename and format * Customizable default location, filename and format for saving new screenshots with wildcards for Year ($Y), Month ($M), Day ($D) and Time ($T)Graphicsx86_64 cmakelib64kcolorpicker-devellib64kimageannotator-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ksnip-1.10.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm15b5512f106e51bd51958d2f0c31a59e./SRPMS.pclosd   ]  7@LB@BABEBJCkspaceduel24.12.31pclos2025Two player game with shooting spaceships flying around a sunIn KSpaceDuel each of two possible players control a satellite spaceship orbiting the sun. As the game progresses players have to eliminate the opponent's spacecraft with bullets or mines. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kspaceduel-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm f0c2b395d3b586c22844306fd70d607f./SRPMS.pclosd % B` dyB@BABEBJCksplash-theme-dobie2.01pclos2022Ksplash theme Dobie the bullKsplash theme Dobie the bull. /System/Boot and Initnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ksplash-theme-dobie-2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm8289fb4482053a4c01f521b1ac225c4c./SRPMS.pclosd $ ?\ `u|B@BABEBJCksplash-theme-girl2.01pclos2022Ksplash theme Mudflap girlKsplash theme Mudflap girl.eSystem/Boot and Initnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ksplash-theme-girl-2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm087795856fbb4598aea8acd1cb05b948./SRPMS.pclosd   X   _B@pBABEBJCksquares24.12.31pclos2025An implementation of the popular paper based game squaresKSquares is an implementation of the popular paper based game squares. You must draw lines to complete squares, the player with the most squares wins.yGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksquares-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm! dd413aa73c89b37c30cd424ce00180d0./SRPMS.pclos_d  V B@BA,BE0BJQCksshaskpass6.1.41pclos2024A ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialogA ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog.ySystem/Basex86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksshaskpass-6.1.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm;aa86146a5908c5449f8289c1b85bb0b6./SRPMS.pclos_d   ;    B@BA,BE0BJQCkst2.0.84pclos2019Program for looking at data streamskst is a program for looking at data streams. It can plot: - x-y plots - power spectra - histograms - equations (including equations of data streams). - data in files which are being updated as data is being logged, in which case in can act as a plotter for a chart recorder. - much more Kst supports realtime viewing and manipulation of streaming data.XSciences/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(gsl)cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kst-2.0.8-4pclos2019.src.rpmP2af1e8d0a5aa38759a6f10129cd390d3./SRPMS.pclosd   0P Tkt,$,&,B@jBABEBJCkstars3.6.61pclos2023A Desktop PlanetariumKStars is a Desktop Planetarium for KDE. It provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. The display includes 130,000 stars, 13,000 deep-sky objects,all 8 planets, the Sun and Moon, and thousands of comets and asteroids.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64   cmakeeigen3indiclient-static-develindilib-develkconfig-develkdbusaddons-develkdoctools-develkf5-macroskguiaddons-develki18n-develkiconthemes-develkinit-develkio-develkjobwidgets-develknewstuff-develknotifications-develkplotting-develktexteditor-develkwidgetsaddons-develkwindowsystem-develkxmlgui-devellib64cfitsio-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64qjson-qt5-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64wcs-devellibfli-develpkgconfig(libindi)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xplanet0.>s1ff1951c0d3228f3473af90fac76bba7./SRPMS.pclosd ( h ?B@RBABEBJCkstatusnotifieritem6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 implementation of Status Notifier ItemsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 implementation of Status Notifier Items._System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kstatusnotifieritem-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm{180804a799adc6fd2a533545f3be3373./SRPMS.pclosWd # ; B@BA$BE(BJICkstreamripper0.7.1001pclos2011Ripping internet radiosKStreamRipper is a KDE 4 program for ripping internet radios. It is based on StreamRipper.MkGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kstreamripper-0.7.100-1pclos2011.src.rpmQd3bc9c9cfbeee1d89990b4b005feb07e./SRPMS.pclosd   A  $;DPB@BABEBJCksudoku24.12.31pclos2025Play, create and solve sudoku gridsThe word Sudoku means "single number in an allotted place" in Japanese. These are the basic rules. Every sudoku Sudoku is a square of 81 cells divided into 9 columns and 9 rows and in 9 subsquares (3x3) of 9 cells each. Solving takes usually from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on puzzle level, your skill and experience. Some cells are filled with a number at the beginning: the remaining are to be filled by the player using numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating a number twice on each column, row or subsquare (each of them must contain only one 1, one 2, one 3, and so on). The game requires logic and patience. The numerals in Sudoku puzzles are used for convenience (for example in 16x16 board we use letters): arithmetic relationships between numbers are irrelevant. This program supports also 16x16 games with numbers from 1 to 16 and 256 cells with 16 cols, rows and subsquares! (if normal sudoku are not enough for you). More information at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SudokukMGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksudoku-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmb2acf0ef9aaa611405b8fc04f03d3fb3./SRPMS.pclosd   M  7@D`B@hBABEBJCksuperkey0.31pclos2013A friendly nzb usenet binary download applicationksuperkey allows you to open the application launcher in KDE Plasma Desktop using the Super key (also known as the 'Windows key'). Unlike other solutions, it will not affect your current keyboard shortcuts, as the Super key will still act as a modifier when held down. If the application launcher does not show up, make sure that its shortcut is set to Alt+F1: right click on the application launcher icon -> Application Launcher Settings -> Keyboard Shortcut.A1Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ksuperkey-0.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmH0d098b6ca9863c69a464db197ad3cecc./SRPMS.pcloskd  N B@BA8BE<BJ]Cksvg6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 components for handling SVGsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 components for handling SVGs.QSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksvg-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmO663c7ea3927aeb6de40825b61b9b5d89./SRPMS.pclos d   B04 UpxB@BABEBJCksymoops2.4.94pclos2007Kernel oops and error message decoderThe Linux kernel produces error messages that contain machine specific numbers which are meaningless for debugging. ksymoops reads machine specific files and the error log and converts the addresses to meaningful symbols and offsets.Texstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 binutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ksymoops-2.4.9-4pclos2007.src.rpm4ee40617f93c01c0dcfc2d6a77400441./SRPMS.pclosd   B +B@<BAdBEhBJCksystemlog24.12.31pclos2025System log viewer tool for PlasmaThis program is developed for being used by beginner users, which don't know how to find information about their Linux system, and how the log files are in their computer. But it is also designed for advanced users, who want to quickly see problems occurring on their server. KSystemLog has the following features : - View all the main log of your system, by selecting them directly in a menu - Auto display new lines logged in bold - Tabbed view to allow displaying several logs at the same time - Saving in a file and copying to clipboard the selected log lines are also implemented (and email to your friends) - It can parse the following log files of your system : - X.org (or Xfree) logs - System logs (using the Syslog parser of KSystemLog) - Kernel logs - Daemons logs - Cron logs - Boot logs - Authentication logs - Cups logs - ACPID logseHGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksystemlog-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmb74e4b8070ee715234bfbca851551d3e./SRPMS.pclosd  Ht xDB@YBABEBJCksystemstats6.3.31pclos2025A plugin based system monitoring daemonA plugin based system monitoring daemon.UGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslm_sensors-develpkgconfig(libnl-3.0)pkgconfig(libnl-route-3.0)pkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ksystemstats-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmje64477529219b9e876bd45f8135cabe2./SRPMS.pclosd   a B@(BALBEPBJqCkteatime24.12.31pclos2025System tray applet that makes sure your tea doesn't get too strongSystem tray applet that makes sure your tea doesn't get too strong.1Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kteatime-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm{090023e44e49f457fcda283819c3b6a9./SRPMS.pclos/d  S$( .8@`B@BABEBJ!Ckterm6.2.030pclos2013A Kanji (Japanese character set) terminal emulator for XThe kterm package provides a terminal emulator for the Kanji Japanese character set. Install kterm if you need a Kanji character set terminal emulator. You'll also need to have the X Window System installed.pinocTerminalsx86_64 imakelib64xaw-devellib64xp-develncurses-develrmansharutilsutempter-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kterm-6.2.0-30pclos2013.src.rpmbd8b92c55d8c4345b801f091b638e4c0./SRPMS.pclosSd  < B@BA BE$BJECktextaddons1.1.12pclos2023Various text handling addonsVarious text handling addons for the KDE dekstop. WWW: https://invent.kde.org/libraries/ktextaddonsQGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ktextaddons-1.1.1-2pclos2023.src.rpmN975041811f67f9a5302ed8dc79c7db5f./SRPMS.pclosd  < ?B@SBAxBE|BJCktextaddons1.5.41pclos2024Various text handling addonsVarious text handling addons for the KDE dekstop. WWW: https://invent.kde.org/libraries/ktextaddonsZBGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  doxygenkf6-rpm-macrosqttools6qttools6-assistantrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktextaddons-1.5.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm bb42f91791749980756907860f6841df./SRPMS.pclosod  ] B@BA<BE@BJaCktexteditor6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 with advanced embeddable text editorKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 with advanced embeddable text editor.,System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktexteditor-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm- 4b49837c011005c41467c7ebffbe5171./SRPMS.pclos d " W8 <MT`B@BABEBJCktexttemplate6.11.01pclos2025Separates the structure of documents from their dataThe goal of KTextTemplate is to make it easier for application developers to separate the structure of documents from the data they contain, opening the door for theming and advanced generation of other text such as code. System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktexttemplate-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm 3b1c1503c1fa306bebb8ec1941f80d315./SRPMS.pclosWd ! Q B@BA$BE(BJICktextwidgets6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon with text widgetsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 addon with text widgets.&USystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktextwidgets-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm&j669935187adadaed61c0ad3885fd11eb./SRPMS.pclosd   3 $0oB@BABEBJCktimer24.12.31pclos2025KDE countdown launcherKTimer is a little tool to execute programs after some time. It allows you to enter several tasks and to set a timer for each of them. The timers for each task can be started, stopped, changed, or looped.^Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktimer-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm!-45c88638661b05a0c0d2e78db8c7fa07./SRPMS.pclosSd  A( ,CLB@BA BE$BJECktimetracker5.0.12pclos2020Todo management and time trackerKTimeTracker tracks time spent on various tasks. It is useful for tracking hours to be billed to different clients or just to find out what percentage of your day is spent playing Doom or reading Slashdot. KTimeTracker was originaly written by Sirtaj Singh Kang and named KArm. The word "karm" means "work" in the author's native Punjabi. KTimeTracker was inspired by Harald Tveit Alvestrand's very useful utility called titrax; we added some eyecandy and functionality like subtasks.}Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5calendarcore-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5idletime-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellibxml2-utilsmakepkgconfigqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ktimetracker-5.0.1-2pclos2020.src.rpmCb61e4fbcacf51a30f25043ddecba0ce1./SRPMS.pclosWd  Ah lB@BA$BE(BJICktnef24.12.31pclos2025KTNEF - an API for handling TNEF dataKTNEF - an API for handling TNEF data.*Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktnef-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm[5d1cce1b4b3594cbcb91475e546b317f./SRPMS.pclossd  ` B@BA@BEDBJeCktoblzcheck1.491pclos2017A library to check account numbers and bank codes of German banksKtoBLZCheck is a library to check account numbers and bank codes of German banks. Both a library for other programs as well as a short command-line tool is available. It is possible to check pairs of account numbers and bank codes (BLZ) of German banks, and to map bank codes (BLZ) to the clear-text name and location of the bank.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 python-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ktoblzcheck-1.49-1pclos2017.src.rpm 9d2b14ddfcc9cd4a68384278b3b5c1ad./SRPMS.pclosd   <    B@BABEBJCktorrent24.12.31pclos2025BitTorrent application by KDEKTorrent is a BitTorrent application by KDE which allows you to download files using the BitTorrent protocol. It enables you to run multiple torrents at the same time and comes with extended features to make it a full-featured client for BitTorrent. Its main features are: o Queuing of torrents. o Global and per torrent speed limits. o Previewing of certain file types, build in (video and audio). o Importing of partially or fully downloaded files. o File prioritization for multi-file torrents. o Selective downloading for multi-file torrents. o Kick/ban peers with an additional IP Filter dialog for list/edit purposes. o UDP tracker support. o Support for private trackers and torrents. o Support for µTorrent's peer exchange. o Support for protocol encryption (compatible with Azureus). o Support for creating trackerless torrents. o Support for distributed hash tables (DHT, the Mainline version). o Support for UPnP to automatically forward ports on a LAN with dynamic assigned hosts. o Support for webseeds. o Scripting support via Kross and interprocess control via D-Bus interface. o System tray integration. o Tracker authentication support. o Connection though a proxy. o Scripting support via Kross and interprocess control via DBus interface. o In addition to the built-in functionality, there are some plugins available for KTorrent.!Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develgit-corekf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(geoip)pkgconfig(gmp)pkgconfig(libmaxminddb)pkgconfig(taglib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktorrent-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm!490111a01ec4ae7c60885709175a8f7bb./SRPMS.pclos'd  `( ,CL`B@BABEBJCktrip24.12.31pclos2025Public transport assistant targeted towards mobile Linux and AndroidKTrip is a public transport assistant targeted towards mobile Linux and Android. It allows to query journeys for a wide range of countries/public transport providers by leveraging KPublicTransport.ߧGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroskirigami-addonspkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktrip-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm[13b14835e9aa5ef4152118844e27f8e9./SRPMS.pclosd    E  DB@MBAlBEpBJCktsuss21pclos2011Lightweight and simple frontend for su commandktsuss stands for "keep the su simple, stupid", and as the name says, is a graphical version of su written in C and GTK+ 2.The idea of the project is to remain simple and bug free.MSystem/Basex86_64 gtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ktsuss-2-1pclos2011.src.rpmT&041aa24e3b40ad36871d4dc41e7e908d./SRPMS.pclosd   A (gB@xBABEBJCktuberling24.12.31pclos2025KTuberling: "potato editor" gameKTuberling is a "potato editor" game intended for small children and adults who remain young at heart. The game has no winner; the only purpose is to make the funniest faces you can.D)Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ktuberling-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmDd2ab98ad9eb07aa887878d1a41955651./SRPMS.pclosd   D( ,CLXB@BABEBJCkturtle24.12.31pclos2025An educational programming environmentKTurtle is an educational programming environment for the KDE Desktop. KTurtle aims to make programming as easy and touchable as possible, and therefore can be used to teach kids the basics of math, geometry and... programming. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kturtle-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 7b4a5242759712b5c652bde1c6f5818a0./SRPMS.pclosod   8 B@BA<BE@BJaCkubrick24.12.31pclos2025Game based on Rubik's CubeKubrick is a game based on the Rubik's Cube™ puzzle. The cube sizes range from 2x2x2 up to 6x6x6, or you can play with irregular "bricks" such as 5x3x2 or "mats" such as 6x4x1 or 2x2x1. The game has a selection of puzzles at several levels of difficulty, as well as demos of pretty patterns and solution moves, or you can make up your own puzzles.ĿGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kubrick-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm89acabe767ea5d4e2052060667df9c7c./SRPMS.pclosd$/T FB@PBAtBExBJCdefresplsrnlkuickshow0.9.17pclos2011KuickShow is an image browser/viewerKuickShow is an image browser/viewer with a nice filebrowser to select images to be shown, slideshow support and the ability to display the following image formats: jpg, gif, tiff, png, bmp, psd, xpm, xbm, pbm and eim. Images can be displayed either in their own window, as large as the image, or fullscreen (which shrinks images too large to display). KuickShow also has a slideshow mode. aUGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-devellibimlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kuickshow-0.9.1-7pclos2011.src.rpm f0bb4317c4d83b89fafacc261e8b43eac./SRPMS.pcloscd $ V B@BA0BE4BJUCkunitconversion6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for unit conversionKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 2 addon for unit conversion.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kunitconversion-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm189cafb752d1d2904fd827aeecbb707f./SRPMS.pclos7d   ., 0GPB@BABEBJ)Ckup0.9.11pclos2021KF5 backup applicationKup is created for helping people to keep up-to-date backups of their personal files. Connecting a USB hard drive is the primary supported way to store files, but saving files to a server over a network connection is also possible for advanced users.-Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakekf5-macroslib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5idletime-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64openssl-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kup-0.9.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm3\98c7b3e48917c31af31a2ad7e5bf4cf0./SRPMS.pclosd   H    B@BABEBJCdekupfer2.0.82pclos2013Kupfer is a application launcher for GnomeKupfer is a summoner/launcher in the style of Quıcĸsılⅴεʀ; you do not use it to search your files, you use it to summon the object you are thinking about. Kupfer can right now summon Applications, Recent Files and Places, your chosen folders and their contents, Bookmarks, Windows and Gnu Screen sessions.Kupfer ist ein Lader/Launcher im Stil der Quıcĸsılⅴeʀ; nicht zum verwenden, um Dateien zu suchen, sondern Objekte zu laden. Kupfer kann jetzt Anwendungen, neueste Dateien und Orte aufrufen, sowie von Ihnen gewählten Ordner und deren Inhalte, Lesezeichen, Windows und GNU screen-Sitzungen. Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch python-develpython-keyringintltoolpython-keybinderpygtk2.0gnome-pythonpyxdgpython-dbuspython-gobjectrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kupfer-2.0.8-2pclos2013.src.rpm 78e74fe3bcc2b8608a502b52faed8b5b./SRPMS.pclosd ! s (7B@MBAtBExBJCkuserfeedback1.0.01pclos2021Framework for collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveysFramework for collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macrospkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Charts)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)bisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kuserfeedback-1.0.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmr34ff5b103f407297b5f6135a3c171d62./SRPMS.pclosd "  fB@yBABEBJCkuserfeedback6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 for collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveysKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 for collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys.Development/Librariesx86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kuserfeedback-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmR64d0cae0bb2977236e1f84a26b934d96./SRPMS.pclosd  ? $AB@WBABEBJCkvantum-qt51.0.101pclos2023SVG-based theme engine for Qt5Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5, KDE and LXQt, with an emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality.danielGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5platformsupport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64x11-devellibstdc++-devellibxcb-develqtbase5-common-develqttools5lib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64qt5help-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kvantum-qt5-1.0.10-1pclos2023.src.rpm041d68200f77514cca5b2abbaf6aa95b./SRPMS.pclossd  ' B@ BA@BEDBJeCkvirc5.2.61pclos2024Qt IRC clientQt5-based IRC client with support for themes, transparency, encryption, many extended IRC features, and scripting.;SNetworking/IRCx86_64  doxygengettextgsm-develkf6-rpm-macrosperl-develpkgconfig(audiofile)pkgconfig(enchant-2)pkgconfig(libv4l2)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kvirc-5.2.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm;H5bf384a2385ebf4713ebc9b104c65672./SRPMS.pclosd 2UB@_BA|BEBJCkvkbd0.61pclos2011A virtual keyboard for KDEKvkbd is a virtual keyboard for KDE, it contains many feature like system tray and dock support, autodetection and on the fly change of the keyboard layout, scripting with DBus, etc.(Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 libxslt-develkdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kvkbd-0.6-1pclos2011.src.rpm%443e7a84e8cd5bfcbe7571f9de43062a./SRPMS.pclosd!,P>B@IBAlBEpBJCdefresplsrnlkvpnc0.9.6a3pclos2011KDE frontend to various vpn clientsTHIS VERSION IS VERY UNSTABLE!!! KVpnc is a KDE frontend for for various vpn clients. It supports Cisco VPN (vpnc) and IPSec (FreeS/WAN, racoon). Vpnc is a replacement for the cisco VPN client and its used as client for the cisco3000 VPN Concentrator, FreeS/WAN (OpenS/WAN) is a IPSec client for Linux 2.4.x and racoon is a IPSec client for Linux 2.6.x and *BSD.Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 desktop-file-utilskdelibs4-devellibgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kvpnc-0.9.6a-3pclos2011.src.rpm>b0ae87e52f1c8800e9da1991d9e4c5c6./SRPMS.pclosd   U GB@\BABEBJCkwallet6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for password managementKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for password management. System/Librariesx86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macroslib64gpgmepp6lib64mount-develpkgconfig(libgcrypt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwallet-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm{37b0d4434a6e7bca622bc9ea5e6545d4./SRPMS.pclosWd  6P TktB@BA$BE(BJICkwallet-pam6.3.31pclos2025PAM module for KWalletPAM module for KWallet.a"Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslibgcrypt-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)socat3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwallet-pam-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm3055b2eadd77990a313a2ea539bfcd62./SRPMS.pclosd $ ?  WB@hBABEBJCkwalletmanager24.12.31pclos2025KDE Wallet Management ToolKDE Wallet Manager is for management of the wallets installed on the system. The KDE wallet subsystem provides a convenient and secure way to manage all your passwords. TGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwalletmanager-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm<=968cc097e78340ded6521f91b9e4dfd8./SRPMS.pclosd   a B@BABEBJCkwayland6.3.31pclos2025Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland librariesKWayland provides a Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwayland-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmI9c92f934be6e5e83ef4ee0e945d08018./SRPMS.pclos'd $ `    B@BABEBJCkwayland-server5.24.52pclos2022KDE Library for integration with the Wayland display serverKDE Library for integration with the Wayland display server.lGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-devellibstdc++-develmesa-develninjalib64plasma-wayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kwayland-server-5.24.5-2pclos2022.src.rpmq3c886e68e2aa68cd0ed4e3fd6747870e./SRPMS.pclos?d   Ah lB@BA BEBJ1Ckweather24.12.31pclos2025Convergent KDE weather applicationWeather application for Plasma Mobile.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kweather-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmc312862a9fa3d11985da89407573c18a./SRPMS.pclosCd  Dl pB@BABEBJ5Ckweathercore0.71pclos2023KDE library for handling weather dataKDE library for handling weather dataSystem/Librariesx86_64 bisoncmakelib64qt5core-develninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kweathercore-0.7-1pclos2023.src.rpm927ea27aea448101375760a7c0195d4a./SRPMS.pclosd " Y #B@7BA`BEdBJCkweathercore24.12.31pclos2025Library to facilitate retrieval of weather informationGet weather forecast and alerts anywhere on the earth easy. KWeatherCore provides you a highly abstracted library for things related to weather: Get local weather forecast, get weather of a location by name or coordinate, get sunrise/set moonrise/set and many more informations about a location.5iGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  doxygenkf6-rpm-macrosqttools6qttools6-assistantrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kweathercore-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmf0cad3d31fa140dcf8ed6c98e584d48e9b./SRPMS.pclosd  @h lB@BABEBJCkwebkitpart1.21pclos2011WebKit render engine for KonquerorA HTML kparts component based on WebKitsGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kwebkitpart-1.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmyQ5c846c29e326acd55b3b95fde53b9084./SRPMS.pclosd # j B@,BAXBE\BJ}Ckwidgetsaddons6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtWidgetsKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtWidgets.AJSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwidgetsaddons-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmAab2ae4f12cbbdba874bddb475bd2fd20./SRPMS.pclosd   .H LclB@-BALBEPBJqCkwin6.3.31pclos2025Plasma Window ManagerPlasma Window Manager.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64   kdeclarativekf6-rpm-macroslib64display-info-develpkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gbm)pkgconfig(hwdata)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libinput)pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libxcvt)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-cursor)pkgconfig(xcb-icccm)pkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xcb-util)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-server-xwayland-devel0.103.0.4-14.6.0-1kwin-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm8645c6c2783710856b6b705e238d34118./SRPMS.pclosd " q B@BABEBJCkwindowsystem6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module with classes for windows managementKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module with classes for windows management.$qSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwindowsystem-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm$@d0e31edeb05396b26b74458fd3a5918e./SRPMS.pclosd   L +4HB@BABEBJCkwooty1.0.11pclos2013A friendly nzb usenet binary download applicationkwooty is a NZB usenet binary download application for KDE 4. It's main features are: - Automatic file verification/repairing - Automatic archive extraction (Rar, Zip and 7z archive formats supported) - Multi-server support - Built-in YEnc and UUEncode file decoders - Watch Folder - File queue and priority management - System shutdown scheduler. - Save/Restore pending downloads when application is closed/open. - Built-in SSL connection support - Pause/Resume downloads - Suspends downloads if disk is full - Display of Remaining Time or Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) - Display of available free disk space - Automatic connection to host at start-up - Automatic file downloading after opening Nzb file%Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kde-workspace-develkdelibs-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kwooty-1.0.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm,5a89d3bd60c37ab13999a0d620c50a0d./SRPMS.pclosd   D (8B@BABEBJCkwordquiz24.12.31pclos2025A general purpose flash card programKWordQuiz is a general purpose flash card program. It can be used for vocabulary learning and many other subjects. If you need more advanced language learning features, please try KVocTrain.7E7Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64keduvocdocument-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwordquiz-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm7yf858522e49cb6cc1602265ff2268a68c./SRPMS.pclosd   ,@ D[dpB@BABEBJ Ckwrited6.3.31pclos2025KDE Write DaemonKDE Write Daemon.bHGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kwrited-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpme22bbc914e1f03ee89c2d836ebc9a7f3./SRPMS.pclosSd   O B@BA BE$BJECkxmlgui6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for generating UIKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 3 solution for generating UI.,System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1kxmlgui-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm,fe43eda8a74e6cb8de76a5be9679786d./SRPMS.pclosGd   D    B@BABEBJ9Ckxstitch2.2.01pclos2019Program to create cross stitch patternsKXStitch is a program that lets you create cross stitch patterns and charts.AGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 doxygenkf5-macrospkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)pkgconfig(MagickCore)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kxstitch-2.2.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmHs661988875b15632489738f1c2f7c08b7./SRPMS.pclosWd ! @ B@BA$BE(BJICkyotocabinet1.2.761pclos2013A lightweight database libraryKyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, and each record is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is an array of bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character strings can be used as a key or a value. There is neither a concept of tables nor of data types.Hpinoc32Databasesi586 zlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1kyotocabinet-1.2.76-1pclos2013.src.rpmL8e1ad25d17db3bca29b6b9ccc7ee0b49./SRPMS.pclosGd & 9| B@BABEBJ9Cla-capitaine-icons0.6.22pclos2024La Capitaine IconsThis package contains the La Capitaine Icon Theme for PCLinuxOS.*Graphical desktop/XFCEnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1la-capitaine-icons-0.6.2-2pclos2024.src.rpm16324ebeca0dc30cc9f841a7b006f3fa./SRPMS.pclosd   hT Xox|B@BABEBJClabplot2.8.11pclos2020Plasma5-application for interactive graphing and analysis of scientific dataLabPlot provides an easy way to create, manage and edit plots. It allows you to produce plots based on data from a spreadsheet or on data imported from external files. Plots can be exported to several pixmap and vector graphic formats.{Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1labplot-2.8.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmɓ3ddc28ca9572b0afcaa7b695ee19e2e5./SRPMS.pclosd   [P T[`  _ B@~BABEBJClabyrinth0.4.03pclos2010A simple yet powerful mind-mapping tool for the GNOME desktopLabyrinth is a lightweight mind-mapping tool, written in Python using Gtk and Cairo to do the drawing. It is intended to be as light and intuitive as possible, but still provide a wide range of powerful features. A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, and decision making.POfficei586  python-develdesktop-file-utilspython-cairocairo-develautomakeautoconfpygtk2.0-develpython-gobjectgettextperl(XML::Parser)gnome-python-devellibgnome-desktop-2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>fac3d3dc3296c9209f9723a4e5067e78./SRPMS.pclosd   Z    B@BABEBJCladcca0.4.010pclos2007Session management system for JACK and ALSA audio applicationsThis is a daemon, a client library and a some clients that implement a session management system for audio applications on GNU/Linux. In different consoles, run ladcca_gtk_client and ladcca_synth. Make some jack and aseq connections to the synth using aconnect and jack_connect. Add some configs and open a file in ladcca_gtk_client. Then click on save in ladcca_gtk_client. Now close both the clients (just ^C the synth.) Now run ladcca_control and type "restore /home//audio-projects/project-1". The synth and gtk client should restart, and the synth's connections should be restored. Phat.Thac Soundi586 tetexpkgconfigjackit-devellibalsa-devellibgtk+2.0-devellibext2fs-develtexi2htmllibxml2-develreadline-develtermcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ladcca-0.4.0-10pclos2007.src.rpm2dfd2f64094354c3592a25ac0e71b410./SRPMS.pclosKd    1< @FPB@BABEBJ=Cladish11pclos2015LADI Audio Session HandlerSession management system for JACK applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to have many different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. ladish doesn't deal with any kind of audio or MIDI data itself; it just runs programs, deals with saving/loading (arbitrary) data and connects JACK ports together. Ladish has a GUI frontend called gladish, based on lpatchage (LADI Patchage) and the ladish_control command line app for headless operation..Soundx86_64 intltoolpython-yamllib64alsa2-devellib64art_lgpl-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64boost-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64expat1-devellib64flowcanvas-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gnomecanvas2_0-devellib64gnomecanvasmm2.6-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64jack-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64uuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ladish-1-1pclos2015.src.rpm.I460b5c6ab63161ff0cfed24b38e2bd45./SRPMS.pclosd   6` dpx|B@BABEBJClads0.103pclos2007Login anomaly detection systemLADS detects anomalies in login/logout.%System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lads-0.10-3pclos2007.src.rpm,,ffe8a2f458d26db58395cfb2e4f42e31./SRPMS.pclosKd   4 B@BABEBJ=Cladspa1.171pclos2021LADSPA SDK example pluginsThere is a large number of synthesis packages in use or development on the Linux platform at this time. The Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA) attempts to give programmers the ability to write simple `plugin' audio processors in C/C++ and link them dynamically against a range of host applications. This package contains the example plugins from the LADSPA SDK.2Soundx86_64 imakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ladspa-1.17-1pclos2021.src.rpm acd2ec53b913e9d118e4c213e78d1506./SRPMS.pclosd ' @   ~ B@BABEBJCladspa-plugins-swh0.4.171pclos2018Audio plugins for LADSPAThe Steve Harris' LADSPA Plugins provide more than a hundred of high-end audio plugins for the Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin Architecture that allow various audio processing within any program using the LADSPA library. For instance, they allow to perform audio aliasing, adding delay line, changing the pitch, interpolating, amplifying, generating an analogic oscillator, filtering...QSoundx86_64 ladspa-develfftw-develgettextlatextexlive-distghostscript-commongettext-devellibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ladspa-plugins-swh-0.4.17-1pclos2018.src.rpmU3b3258050d8fc975f72bf31379c295ba./SRPMS.pclos{d  ?| B@'BAHBELBJmClager0.1.01pclos2023C++ library for value-oriented designlager is a C++ library to assist value-oriented design by implementing the unidirectional data-flow architecture. It is heavily inspired by Elm and Redux, and enables composable designs by promoting the use of simple value types and testable application logic via pure functions. And you get time-travel for free! DSystem/Librariesx86_64  boost-develcmakeimmer-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sassczug-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1lager-0.1.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm 59f494e56eb0e9bd6e2918589e543631./SRPMS.pcloscd   R  B@BA0BE4BJUClam7.1.41pclos2007LAM/MPI (Local Area Multicomputer) programming environmentLAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is an MPI programming environment and development system for heterogeneous computers on a network. With LAM/MPI, a dedicated cluster or an existing network computing infrastructure can act as a single parallel computer. LAM/MPI is considered to be "cluster friendly", in that it offers daemon-based process startup/control as well as fast client-to-client message passing protocols. LAM/MPI can use TCP/IP and/or shared memory for message passing (currently, different RPMs are supplied for this -- see the main LAM web site for details). LAM features a full implementation of MPI-1 (with the exception that LAM does not support cancelling of sends), and much of MPI-2. Compliant applications are source code portable between LAM/MPI and any other implementation of MPI. In addition to providing a high-quality implementation of the MPI standard, LAM/MPI offers extensive monitoring capabilities to support debugging. Monitoring happens on two levels. First, LAM/MPI has the hooks to allow a snapshot of process and message status to be taken at any time during an application run. This snapshot includes all aspects of synchronization plus datatype maps/signatures, communicator group membership, and message contents (see the XMPI application on the main LAM web site). On the second level, the MPI library is instrumented to produce a cummulative record of communication, which can be visualized either at runtime or post-mortem. LAM/MPI is a precursor of the Open MPI project. We encourage you to look into upgrading to Open MPI: http://www.open-mpi.org/.Texstar Development/Librariesi586 rshgcc-gfortranrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lam-7.1.4-1pclos2007.src.rpm0a4e80af76350c5bd5a3569dacda654af./SRPMS.pclosWd   2 B@BA$BE(BJIClame3.1002pclos2020LAME Ain't an MP3 EncoderFollowing the great history of GNU naming, LAME originally stood for LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder. LAME started life as a GPL'd patch against the dist10 ISO demonstration source, and thus was incapable of producing an mp3 stream or even being compiled by itself. But in May 2000, the last remnants of the ISO source code were replaced, and now LAME is the source code for a fully GPL'd MP3 encoder, with speed and quality to rival all commercial competitors. LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding. The goal of the LAME project is to use the open source model to improve the psycho acoustics, noise shaping and speed of MP3. LAME is not for everyone - it is distributed as source code only and requires the ability to use a C compiler. However, many popular ripping and encoding programs include the LAME encoding engine, see: Software which uses LAME.JSoundx86_64 pkgconfig(ncurses)nasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lame-3.100-2pclos2020.src.rpm9ef8c13af934f3d9aa5889799ab06fde9./SRPMS.pcloskd   ?D H]dB@BA8BE<BJ]Clapack3.12.02pclos2024LAPACK libraries for linear algebraLAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a standard library for numerical linear algebra. LAPACK provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. Associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, and generalized Schur) and related computations (i.e., reordering of Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers) are also included. LAPACK can handle dense and banded matrices, but not general sparse matrices. Similar functionality is provided for real and complex matrices in both single and double precision. LAPACK is coded in Fortran77 and built with gcc. The lapack package provides the dynamic libraries for LAPACK/BLAS.UTSciences/Mathematicsx86_64   cmakegcc-gfortranlibgomp-developenblas-develquadmath-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)8.2.0- $ Nhl qB@BABEBJ Claptop-mode-tools1.602pclos2012Userland scripts to control "laptop mode"Userland scripts to control "laptop mode" Laptop mode is a Linux kernel feature that allows your laptop to save considerable power, by allowing the hard drive to spin down for longer periods of time. This package contains the userland scripts that are needed to enable laptop mode.SNealSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1laptop-mode-tools-1.60-2pclos2012.src.rpmWa28405e4fca3ec62aaa2554032fe6931./SRPMS.pclos#d & Plp xB@BABEBJClaptop-mode-tools1.72.34pclos2019Userland scripts to control "laptop mode"Userland scripts to control "laptop mode" Laptop mode is a Linux kernel feature that allows your laptop to save considerable power, by allowing the hard drive to spin down for longer periods of time. This package contains the userland scripts that are needed to enable laptop mode.onkelhoSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1laptop-mode-tools-1.72.3-4pclos2019.src.rpmb70ff34e4a87aebfdbccadab3a76cdb6./SRPMS.pclosOd  P8 <EL p  B@BABE BJAClasem0.1.31pclos2010C/Gobject based SVG/Mathml renderer and editor - toolsLasem aims to be a C/Gobject based SVG/Mathml renderer and editor, supporting CSS style sheets. It uses cairo and pango as it's rendering abstraction layer, and then support numerous output formats: xlib, PNG, SVG, PDF, PS, EPS...Graphicsi586 glib2-devellibgvfs-develgtk2-devellibxml2-devellibpango-devellibcairo-develintltoolflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lasem-0.1.3-1pclos2010.src.rpma28b962b7502bf37ff32ef2a0de3578e./SRPMS.pclosd   4   Y B@kBABEBJClash0.5.46pclos2019Linux Audio Session HandlerLASH is a session management system for JACK and ALSA audio applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to allow you to have many different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. LASH doesn't deal with any kind of audio data itself; it just runs programs, deals with saving/loading (arbitrary) data and connects different kinds of virtual audio ports together (currently JACK and ALSA sequencer ports). It can also be used to move entire sessions between computers, or post sessions on the Internet for download.>Soundx86_64 gtk2-devellibalsa-develjackit-devellibxml2-develreadline-devele2fsprogs-develpython-develImageMagickswigtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lash-0.5.4-6pclos2019.src.rpm45e81e3e6d71b313f4deeabe512f2c25./SRPMS.pclosd ' @  B@-BA\BE`BJClastfm-player1.5.1.318793pclos2009Last.fm web radio playerThis is the custom radio player program for last.fm, formerly known as audioscrobbler.com.ZSoundi586 qt4-develqt4-linguistlibalsa-devellibgpod-devellibmad-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lastfm-player-   a )04PB@XBA|BEBJClastfmlib0.3.03pclos2010Lastfmlib is library that provides an implementation of the Last.fmLastfmlib is library that provides an implementation of the Last.fm Submissions Protocol v1.2. It allows you to scrobble your tracks on Last.fm into your rich desktop software.uSystem/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lastfmlib-0.3.0-3pclos2010.src.rpmzq65b4389d48ba5ea24315d4e8de0f294b./SRPMS.pclosOd ! 7 B@BABE BJAClastfmsubmitd1.0.61pclos2010Last.fm Submit Daemonlastfmsubmitd is a daemon meant to be used by Last.fm player plugins. It handles all aspects of submitting data to the Last.fm servers, so that player plugins only need to watch what songs are played and write a representation of each played song to its spool. The format used for serializing songs is a simple YAML dictionary, which can be constructed with YAML libraries (available for many languages), or printed ad hoc. The spool is managed with standard unix permissions, and many different players can use the same daemon to submit. Each instance of lastfmsubmitd uses a single account.MjDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lastfmsubmitd-1.0.6-1pclos2010.src.rpmTce88d31020dc34a1ab086aab206f4d7a./SRPMS.pclossd   7 B@BA@BEDBJeClatex2html2020.21pclos2020LaTeX to HTML converterElaborate perl program to convert latex documents to html, using LaTeX to process images and equations. \Publishingnoarch dvipstexlive-texmfdvipdfghostscriptrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1latex2html-2020.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm 531284a81833ea1d7f23d5e8d3f4aa75./SRPMS.pcloswd   A B@ BADBEHBJiClatex2rtf2.3.31pclos2013Convert a LaTeX file to an RTF fileThis package contains the latex2rtf command converts a LaTeX file into RTF text format. The text and much of the formatting information is translated to RTF.yText toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1latex2rtf-2.3.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmd52cd6a56cbad8e868f489c1478884b8./SRPMS.pclosd   9< @W`hB@BABEBJClato-fonts2.0151pclos2019A sanserif typeface familyLato is a sanserif typeface family designed in the Summer 2010 by Warsaw-based designer Łukasz Dziedzic ("Lato" means "Summer" in Polish). In December 2010 the Lato family was published under the open-source Open Font License by his foundry tyPoland, with support from Google. When working on Lato, Łukasz tried to carefully balance some potentially conflicting priorities. He wanted to create a typeface that would seem quite "transparent" when used in body text but would display some original treats when used in larger sizes. He used classical proportions (particularly visible in the uppercase) to give the letterforms familiar harmony and elegance. At the same time, he created a sleek sanserif look, which makes evident the fact that Lato was designed in 2010 - even though it does not follow any current trend. The semi-rounded details of the letters give Lato a feeling of warmth, while the strong structure provides stability and seriousness. "Male and female, serious but friendly. With the feeling of the Summer," says Łukasz. Lato consists of nine weights (plus corresponding italics), including a beautiful hairline style. It covers 2300+ glyphs per style and supports 100+ Latin-based languages, 50+ Cyrillic-based languages as well as Greek and IPA phonetics.]+System/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lato-fonts-2.015-1pclos2019.src.rpmY 4069b221dea03fa0acae2953e116056c./SRPMS.pclosd   J, 0GP**K*B@|BABEBJClatte-dock0.10.91pclos2022Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworksLatte is a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates its contents by using parabolic zoom effect and tries to be there only when it is needed.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5activities-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5declarative-devellib64kf5globalaccel-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5package-devellib64kf5plasma-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5wayland-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64x11-devellib64xcb-util-devellibxcb-develmakemesa-develpkgconfigqtbase5-common-develx11-proto-devellib64ksysguard-devellib64kf5newstuff-develkirigami-devellib64qt5concurrent-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1latte-dock-0.10.9-1pclos2022.src.rpmgf7cbde22e8a5779bfe31421126029e9e./SRPMS.pclosOd   +T XotB@BABE BJAClaunchy2.51pclos2010Small Qt4 laucherLaunchy is a free windows and linux utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager. Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes!Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 makeautoconfautomakegccgcc-c++libqt4-develboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1launchy-2.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm19684ddd0ae7de1ea032805f4b77248a8./SRPMS.pclosd " Y _B@rBABEBJClayer-shell-qt6.3.31pclos2025Library to easily use clients based on wlr-layer-shellQt component to allow applications to make use of the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1layer-shell-qt-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmt523585b9b7e533eb4542306d8eb81ff8./SRPMS.pclos3d   L    B@BABEBJ%Clazarus3.6.01pclos2024Lazarus Component Library and IDE for FreepascalLazarus is a free and opensource RAD tool for freepascal using the lazarus component library - LCL, which is also included in this package.Development/Otherx86_64   desktop-file-utilsfpcfpc-srcgdbglibcpkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)*89304046f88bfe425cca95f1fdd87d34./SRPMS.pclosd   4 B@'BALBEPBJqClazpaint7.2.21pclos2022Graphic Editing ProgramLazPaint is an image editor with layers and transparency. It supports the OpenRaster format so it can interoperate with MyPaint, Gimp and Krita4l2pp Graphicsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lazpaint-7.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm4Cs4dfc59730a021b9cbdd0704c7e3b94f5./SRPMS.pclosd   E`d B@BABEBJClazy_ips19048f9f1pclos2019lazy_ips is an universal IPS patcher. Universal IPS patcher.Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lazy_ips-19048f9f-1pclos2019.src.rpm~57a5555e91a8ca56ed2d6968eaa76e74./SRPMS.pclosd  3  =B@FBAhBElBJClbdb0.51.11pclos2022Address Database for muttThe Little Brother's Database (lbdb) consists of a set of small tools that collect mail addresses from several sources and offer these addresses to the external query feature of the Mutt mail reader.&Databasesx86_64 perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lbdb-0.51.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm+9047dffd96a0540a64e59df87e6a3211./SRPMS.pclosd   9@ DQXhB@BABEBJClbreakout22.6.52pclos2019Breakout-style arcade gameLBreakout is a classical Breakout game and this means (if you like Breakout ;-) it is a lot of fun to play! If you never ever played such a game you can check out the manual for more information, take a look at the screenshots and last but not least... play it!1IGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64esound-devellib64png-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lbreakout2-2.6.5-2pclos2019.src.rpm0Ee0b8134a80bb1dc5868044bc58d9940b./SRPMS.pclosWd  =8 <IPhB@BA$BE(BJIClbreakouthd1.1.71pclos2024Breakout-style arcade game HDLBreakoutHD is a scaleable 16:9 remake of LBreakout2. You try to clear levels full of different types of bricks and extras by using your paddle to aim balls at the bricks. All LBreakout2 themes and levelsets work. New themes can be of any resolution.9OGames/Arcadex86_64  lib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_image-devellib64sdl2_mixer-devellib64sdl2_ttf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lbreakouthd-1.1.7-1pclos2024.src.rpm9v71abb136b0b6a7b0ad8f4b15ddaea8c5./SRPMS.pclosod  .  B@BA<BE@BJaClbry0.53.91pclos2023Video Content PlayerLBRY is a secure, open, and community-run digital marketplace. Enjoy the latest content from your favorite creators—as a user, not a product.FVideox86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lbry-0.53.9-1pclos2023.src.rpm&e5e2ef49200b0de6bb5f07d95c2c0765./SRPMS.pclosd 2FB@xBABEBJClbxproxy1.0.21pclos2011Low Bandwidth X proxyApplications that would like to take advantage of the Low Bandwidth extension to X (LBX) must make their connections to an lbxproxy. These applications need to know nothing about LBX, they simply connect to the lbxproxy as if were a regular server. The lbxproxy accepts client connections, multiplexes them over a single connection to the X server, and performs various optimizations on the X protocol to make it faster over low bandwidth and/or high latency connections. Note that current X servers don't support the LBX extension, so this package is only useful to connect to old X servers.+rDevelopment/X11x86_64  libice-develliblbxutil-devellibx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosx11-xtrans-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`80f2ed9b38511b65132b843c2decf3f1./SRPMS.pclosd   W8 <GLB@BABEBJ Clcdproc0.5.21pclos2010Displays real-time system information on a 20x4 backlit LCDLCDproc is a client/server suite inclduding drivers for all kinds of nifty LCD displays. The server supports several serial devices: Matrix Orbital, Crystal Fontz, Bayrad, LB216, LCDM001 (kernelconcepts.de), Wirz-SLI and PIC-an-LCD; and some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, STV5730, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. Various clients are available that display things like CPU load, system load, memory usage, uptime, and a lot more. See also http://lcdproc.omnipotent.net.*LMonitoringi586 docbook-utils-pdflibg15-devellibg15daemon_client-devellibg15render-develsvgalib-develtetex-latexdoxygengraphvizlibtoollibusb-devellirc-develncurses-developenldap-devellibpth-develxmltolibxosd2-devellibxorg-x11-devellibxext6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lcdproc-0.5.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm1 51ce9a8e7a2b022e94f3bf23092a32db./SRPMS.pclosd   0 mB@|BABEBJClcms1.198pclos2020Color management libraryLittle cms is a color management library. Implements fast transforms between ICC profiles. It is focused on speed, and is portable across several platforms. aWGraphicsx86_64 automake1.7libjpeg-devellibtiff-devellibtoolpython-develswigzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lcms-1.19-8pclos2020.src.rpm \]1447db4a7fb8948c50f03c0706b43ed2./SRPMS.pclosd   0 (oB@zBABEBJClcms22.141pclos2022Color Management EngineLittleCMS intends to be a small-footprint, speed optimized color management engine in open source form. LCMS2 is the current version of LCMS, and can be parallel installed with the original (deprecated) lcms.T+0Graphicsx86_64 lib64jpeg-devellib64tiff-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lcms2-2.14-1pclos2022.src.rpmT4F0e1badbf9e8c5a8b1710f9f0701347b7./SRPMS.pclosd   =| B@BABEBJ Clcov1.101pclos2018LTP GCOV extension code coverage toolLCOV is an extension of GCOV, a GNU tool which provides information about what parts of a program are actually executed (i.e. "covered") while running a particular test case. The extension consists of a set of PERL scripts which build on the textual GCOV output to implement HTML output and support for large projects.?Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lcov-1.10-1pclos2018.src.rpmcfb7c2934a7ccb351dcdfc898e374a35./SRPMS.pcloswd   F  B@&BADBEHBJiCldb2.5.23pclos2022Library implementing Samba's embedded databaseLibrary implementing Samba's embedded database and utilities for backing up, restoring and manipulating the database.*~System/Librariesx86_64  openldap-develpkgconfig(cmocka)pkgconfig(popt)pkgconfig(tevent)pkgconfig(talloc)pytalloc-util-develpkgconfig(tdb)pkgconfig(python3)python3-tdbpython3-tallocpython3-teventxsltproclmdb-develdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   : =B@JBAlBEpBJCldetect0.12.75pclos2021Light hardware detection toolThe hardware device lists provided by this package are used as lookup table to get hardware autodetectiondSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 usbutilspciutils-develzlib-develkmod-develdietlibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ldetect-0.12.7-5pclos2021.src.rpm337b07cc3de7b4551fe3772cda496d60./SRPMS.pclosd  N IB@TBA|BEBJCldetect-lst0.6.461pclos2023Hardware list for the light detection libraryThe hardware device lists provided by this package are used as lookup table to get hardware autodetection.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 drakx-kbd-mouse-x11drakxtools-backendperl(MDK::Common)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ldetect-lst-0.6.46-1pclos2023.src.rpm95b15274076d8cffef44e2ba28bb622d./SRPMS.pclosd   ?$ (7<DnB@wBABEBJCleafnode1.11.81pclos2010Leafnode - a leafsite NNTP serverLeafnode is a small NNTP server for leaf sites without permanent connection to the internet. It supports a subset of NNTP and is able to automatically fetch the newsgroups the user reads regularly from the newsserver of the ISP.System/Serversi586 libpcre-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1leafnode-1.11.8-1pclos2010.src.rpm+fbf8cd96e07b80c555de44f80a1ddb83./SRPMS.pclos wd% 0 N      B@ BA DBE HBJ iCdefresplsrnlleafpad0.8.18.13pclos2019Notepad cloneNotepad geklontLeafpad is a simple GTK+ based text editor. The user interface is similar to "notepad", and it aims to be lighter than GEdit and KWrite and to be as useful as them. Following features are intended... * Minimum requirement * Minimal menu item * No toolbar * Single document interface (SDI) * Character coding auto detectionLeafpad ist ein einfacher GTK +-basierter Texteditor. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist ähnlich der, des "Notepad", und es ist einfacher als Gedit und KWrite, jedoch genauso nützlich. Features sind: * Mindestanforderung * Minimal Menüpunkt * Keine Symbolleiste * Single Document Interface (SDI) * Zeichencodierung automatische ErkennungLeafpad est une interface GTK + simple éditeur de texte. L'interface utilisateur est similaire à "notepad", et il vise à être plus légers que gedit et KWrite et d'être aussi utiles comme eux. Fonctionnalités suivantes sont destinées ... * Configuration minimum requise * Élément du menu Minimal * Pas de barre d'outils * Single Document Interface (SDI) * Détection automatique de codage de caractèresLeafpad es un simple GTK + editor basado en texto. La interfaz de usuario es similar a la "libreta", y que aspira a ser más ligero que el gedit y KWrite y ser tan útil como ellos. Siguientes características están destinadas ... * El requisito mínimo * Elemento de menú Minimal * No barra de herramientas * Interfaz de documento único (SDI) De codificación de caracteres * Detección automáticaLeafpad jest proste GTK + edytor tekstu. Interfejs użytkownika jest podobna do "notatnika" i to ma być lżejsze niż gedit i Wielopoziomowe i być tak przydatne, jak im. Następujące funkcje są przeznaczone ... * Minimalne wymagania * Minimalna menu * Brak paska narzędzi * Single Document Interface (SDI) * Kodowanie znaków automatycznego wykrywaniaЛеафпад је једноставан ГТК + верзију заснива уређивање текста. Кориснички интерфејс је сличан "Нотепад", и настоји да буде лакши од гедит и КУрите и да буду корисни јер њима. Следеће функције су намењене ... * Минимални услов * Минимални мени * Не алаткама * Сингл документ интерфејс (СДИ) * Знакова кодирање аутоматско откривањеLeafpad is een simpele GTK + gebaseerde tekst-editor. De gebruikersinterface is gelijk aan "notepad", en probeert zijn lichter dan gedit en KWrite en zo nuttig zijn als hen. Volgende functies zijn bedoeld ... * Minimale vereisten * Minimale menu-item * Geen werkbalk * Single Document Interface (SDI) * Karakter codering automatische detectie^LEditorsx86_64 gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1leafpad-  6d hzB@BABEBJClemon3.7.6.21pclos2011The Lemon Parser GeneratorLemon is an LALR(1) parser generator for C or C++. It does the same job as bison and yacc. But lemon is not another bison or yacc clone. It uses a different grammar syntax which is designed to reduce the number of coding errors. Lemon also uses a more sophisticated parsing engine that is faster than yacc and bison and which is both reentrant and thread-safe. Furthermore, Lemon implements features that can be used to eliminate resource leaks, making is suitable for use in long-running programs such as graphical user interfaces or embedded controllers.Development/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lemon-   3 *B@5BAXBE\BJ}Clemonpos0.9.32pclos2013Point of Sale softwareLemon Is an open source Point of Sale software for micro, small and medium businesses. Supports many POS terminals with a single database on a network, and has been tested with Star Micronics Thermal/Parallel printers and Datalogic bar code readers. This package requires additional configuration for mysql server database. Read the /usr/share/doc/lemonpos/INSTALL text file before running this program!)pinocOfficex86_64 kdelibs-develcmakeqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lemonpos-0.9.3-2pclos2013.src.rpm) 3e991d6f7a24bc06796557023896573c./SRPMS.pclosWd   Z  $ L  B@BA$BE(BJIClensfun0.3.41pclos2023A library to rectify defects introduced by photographic lensesThe lensfun library provides an open source database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It not only provides a way to read and search the database, but also provides a set of algorithms for correcting images based on detailed knowledge of lens properties. Right now lensfun is designed to correct distortion, transversal (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations, vignetting and color contribution of a lens. ~uSystem/Librariesx86_64   cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(zlib)python3python3-develpython3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) "69e58fe12760c4c69a68a431c1e188c9./SRPMS.pcloswd   E  @  B@ BADBEHBJiCleocad19.07.11pclos2019CAD program to build virtual LEGO modelsLeoCAD is a CAD program that can be used to create virtual LEGO models. It has an easy to use interface and currently features over 6000 different pieces created by the LDraw community.9aEEducationx86_64 qttools5qtbase5-common-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)qtopengl5-develpkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1leocad-19.07.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm9kF5615d56be9b7592cb0525a06275c2989./SRPMS.pclosd  Px |B@BABEBJCleocad-data114941pclos2019Data files for leocad: bricks, textures and fontPieces, textures and font for LeoCAD.Educationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1leocad-data-11494-1pclos2019.src.rpm35edd6cd4aa835b6c4191f8c0512d560./SRPMS.pclos?d   [X \elB@BA BEBJ1Cleptonica1.78.01pclos2019C library for image processing and image analysis operationsWell-tested C code for some basic image processing operations, along with a description of the functions and some design methods. A full set of affine transformations (translation, shear, rotation, scaling) on images of all depths is included, with the exception that some of the scaling methods do not work at all depths. There are also implementations of binary morphology, grayscale morphology, convolution and rank order filters, and applications such as jbig2 image processing and color quantization.?Graphicsx86_64 zlib-develtiff-develjpeg-develpng-develgiflib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1leptonica-1.78.0-1pclos2019.src.rpme9ae8223ff2be79cd56f81b47490159f./SRPMS.pclosd   F  }B@BABEBJCless6681pclos2024A text file browser similar to more, but betterThe less utility is a text file browser that resembles more, but has more capabilities. Less allows you to move backwards in the file as well as forwards. Since less doesn't have to read the entire input file before it starts, less starts up more quickly than text editors (for example, vi). You should install less because it is a basic utility for viewing text files, and you'll use it frequently. .,File toolsx86_64  groff-for-manpkgconfig(bash-completion)pkgconfig(ncursesw)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zsh3.0.4-14.6.0-1less-668-1pclos2024.src.rpm 1730a8cd46760286e58441cdb4bf1717c./SRPMS.pclosd / <  B@BABEBJClesstif0.95.21pclos2011A free Motif cloneLesstif is an API compatible clone of the Motif toolkit. It implements the Motif 2.1 API. Many Motif applications compile and run out-of-the-box with LessTif, and we want to hear about those that don't.&4System/Librariesx86_64 flexX11-develbisonxpm-develfontconfig-develimakex11-util-cf-filesautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lesstif-0.95.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm%7d61d022fd8c0eeb0b3be79165694c0f./SRPMS.pclosd   V !B@*BALBEPBJqCleveldb1.201pclos2019A fast and lightweight key/value database library by GoogleLevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.@Databasesx86_64 snappy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1leveldb-1.20-1pclos2019.src.rpm~78aaf2b17c6bdfdccd17057085c86fa3./SRPMS.pclosd ! M   (,HB@PBAxBE|BJClexmark-drivers1.02pclos2009Lexmark printing drivers fox X and Z seriesLexmark Printer Driver for LINUX(R) Systems. Contact Technical Support Center for support information on this file. These drivers can be downloaded from this web site free of charge. However, there will be a fee to cover materials and handling if requested from the Technical Support Center. The drivers listed works with these printers (but may works with others too): Lexmark 5700 (black and white) Lexmark X1100 Lexmark X1110 Lexmark X1130 Lexmark X1140 Lexmark X1150 Lexmark X1180 Lexmark X1185 Lexmark X1250 Lexmark Z513 Lexmark Z515 Lexmark Z715 Lexmark Z55 Lexmark Z615 Lexmark Z705 Lexmark Z605 Lexmark Z600 Lexmark Z645 Lexmark Z65 Lexmark P3150 Lexmark Z33 Lexmark Z35 Lexmark Z25 Dell A920/`gSystem/Printingi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lexmark-drivers-1.0-2pclos2009.src.rpm/E0bee78cdc8e88110ec8699f3bc7ced76./SRPMS.pclos7d  = B@BABEBJ)Clexmark20700.61pclos2011Lexmark 2070 Printer B/W driverThis filter allows to print in B/W a Lexmark 2070 (windows GDI) printer.;~System/Printingx86_64 netpbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lexmark2070-0.6-1pclos2011.src.rpmA92c94cd6dd50d8494465a61f6a161268./SRPMS.pclosd % U0 4DLPlB@tBABEBJClexmark7000linux9905161pclos2011Lexmark 7xxx and 57zzz printer driver for LinuxThis is the printer driver for Lexmark 7000 "GDI" printers. * Known to work with Lexmark 7000, 7200 and 5700 printers * 600x600 dpi Black & White printing * Preliminary 600x600 CMY colour printing for 7000, 7200s;System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lexmark7000linux-990516-1pclos2011.src.rpmv77c58ba71e1432bc32414c9d83691ce1./SRPMS.pclosd   Tx |.B@;BA\BE`BJCdelftp4.9.21pclos2020Commandline ftp clientftp-Klient für die KommandozeileLFTP is a shell-like command line ftp client. The main two advantages over other ftp clients are reliability and ability to perform tasks in background. It will reconnect and reget the file being transferred if the connection broke. You can start a transfer in background and continue browsing on the ftp site. It does this all in one process. When you have started background jobs and feel you are done, you can just exit lftp and it automatically moves to nohup mode and completes the transfers. It has also such nice features as reput and mirror.LFTP ist ein shell-ähnlicher Kommandozeilen FTP Client. Die beiden Hauptvorteile gegenüber allen anderen FTP Klienten sind seine Zuverlässigkeit und die Fähigkeit Anwendungen im Hintergrund auszuführen. Er wählt sich bei unterbrochenen Verbindungen wieder ein und stellt die unterbrochene Verbindungen wieder her. Du kannst einen Transfer starten und auf der FTP-Seite browsen, der Transfer läuft im Hintergrund weiter, dies alles passiert in einem Prozess. Wenn du einen Hintergrundprozess gestartet hast und du fertig bist, kannst du lftp beenden er wechselt automatisch in den nohup-Modus und führt den Transfer zu Ende. Er hat ebenso gute Funktionen zum Auslagern und Spiegeln. Die Built Optionen: -with dante schaltet die dante-Unterstützung ein“e Networking/File transferx86_64 lib64expat1-devellib64gnutls-devellib64ncurses-devellib64readline-devellib64termcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lftp-4.9.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmdaf498e02aa6bafc724369932d8e71439./SRPMS.pclosgd   X  B@BA4BE8BJYClha1.14i15pclos2013An archiving and compression utility for LHarc format archives.LhA is an archiving and compression utility for LHarc format archive. LhA is mostly used in the Amiga and in the DOS world, but can be used under Linux to extract files from .lha and .lzh archives. Install the LhA package if you need to extract files from .lha or .lzh Amiga or DOS archives, or if you have to build LhA archives to be read on the Amiga or DOS.ypinoc32Archiving/Compressioni586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lha-1.14i-15pclos2013.src.rpm6e67b11db33e3fc7888c66175011c6ef./SRPMS.pclosd   A ( T  B@2BATBEXBJyClib2geom1.41pclos2025Easy to use 2D geometry library in C++2Geom is a C++ 2D geometry library geared towards robust processing of computational geometry data associated with vector graphics. The primary design consideration is ease of use and clarity.ipinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  boost-develcmakepkgconfig(cairomm-1.0)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(gtest)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtkmm-2.4)pkgconfig(py3cairo)python3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lib2geom-1.4-1pclos2025.src.rpm5a96af1c9b1fe19972ef7d7efe337d08./SRPMS.pclosd   8d hyB@BABEBJClib3ds1.3.04pclos20213D Studio file format librarylib3ds is a free ANSI-C library for working with the popular "3ds" 3D model format. Supported platforms include GNU (autoconf, automake, libtool, make, GCC) on Unix and Cygwin, and MS Visual C++ 6.0. lib3ds loads and saves Atmosphere settings, Background settings, Shadow map settings, Viewport setting, Materials, Cameras, Lights, Meshes, Hierarchy, Animation keyframes. It also contains useful matrix, vector and quaternion mathematics tools. lib3ds usually integrates well with OpenGL. In addition, some diagnostic and conversion tools are included.ߒSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lib3ds-1.3.0-4pclos2021.src.rpmc5b3c9ee16c0c98245e27e5c589b19da./SRPMS.pclosd # ,0 5FPTpB@xBABEBJCdelib64ircclient1.61pclos2012Library, which implements client-server IRC protocol.Bibliothek, welche das Klient-Server IRC Protokoll implementiert.libircclient is a small but powerful library, which implements client-server IRC protocol. It has all features needed to create your own IRC client or bot, including multi-threading support, sync and async interfaces, CTCP/DCC support, colors, SSL connections and so on. This package contains shared libraries which are necessary for programs which are dynamicly linked against libircclient.libircclient ist eine kleine aber mächtige Bibliothek, welche das Klient-Server IRC-Protokoll implementiert. Sie hat alle Eigenschaften, die gebraucht werden, damit Sie ihren eigenen IRC- Klienten oder Bot erstellen können. Dazu zählen unter Anderem Multi Threading-Unterstütung, synchrones und asynchrones Interface, CTCP/DCC Unterstützung, Farben, SSL Verbindungen und so weiter. Dieses Paket enthält gemeinsame Bibliotheken, die für Programme nötig sind, welche dynamisch gegen libircclient gelinkt sind.NealSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lib64ircclient-1.6-1pclos2012.src.rpm47ebaee3bdfd7aa9b40df85189d82c9f./SRPMS.pclos+d  P -4B@BABEBJClib64openmpt0.5.41pclos2021C++ and C library to decode tracker music fileslibopenmpt is a C++ and C library to decode tracker music files (modules) into a PCM audio stream. It is based on the player code of the OpenMPT project, a descendant of the original ModPlug Tracker.System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakedos2unixgcc-c++libtoolpkgconfiglib64alsa2-develperl-devellib64flac8-devellib64flac++6-devellib64mpg123-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64portaudio-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sndfile-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64oggz-devellib64ogg-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lib64openmpt-0.5.4-1pclos2021.src.rpmy965b2ab17bc39a6cfc18b83e420e3f1b./SRPMS.pclosd $ X  PB@`BABEBJClib64protobuf233.12.44pclos2024Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange formatProtocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats. Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages. You can even update your data structure without breaking deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format.#DSystem/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lib64protobuf23-3.12.4-4pclos2024.src.rpm#tb3222a5b6cc3d5d831ae59122a4314fd./SRPMS.pclosd   <\ `qx|B@BABEBJClib64udev12411pclos2019A package to provide lib64udev1A package to provide lib64udev1 System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lib64udev1-241-1pclos2019.src.rpm=4a42a0076d70ceff127c99fd279c13d0./SRPMS.pclosd   V@ DU\`|B@BABEBJClibHX3.151pclos2013A library for common data structures and low level operationsA library for: - A+R/B trees to use for lists or maps (associative arrays) - Deques (double-ended queues) (Stacks (LIFO) / Queues (FIFOs)) - platform independent opendir-style directory access - platform independent dlopen-style shared library access - auto-storage strings with direct access - command line option (argv) parser - shell-style config file parser - platform independent random number generator with transparent /dev/urandom support - various string, memory and zvec ops /System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libHX-3.15-1pclos2013.src.rpm 19ac2537344036d329462766942144d0a./SRPMS.pclosd   / )0DB@BABEBJClibIDL0.8.143pclos2019IDL parsing librarylibIDL is a small library for creating parse trees of CORBA v2.2 compliant Interface Definition Language (IDL) files, which is a specification for defining interfaces which can be used between different CORBA implementations.fSystem/Librariesx86_64 flexbisonpkgconfiglibglib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libIDL-0.8.14-3pclos2019.src.rpm0e01337e999fc7987190bb3463ddec38./SRPMS.pclosd " q $HB@QBA|BEBJClibIP2Location1.1.01pclos2007Find the country, region, etc. that any IP address or hostname originates fromIP2Location is a C library that enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, ISP and domain name that any IP address or hostname originates from. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use the API to query all IP2Location binary databases for applications written in C or supporting static/dynamic library.p;Texstar System/Librariesi586 chrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libIP2Location-1.1.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmpO44c6b97aad1c51e13531b643e0bc320f./SRPMS.pclosd ! k )08YB@bBABEBJClibPropList0.10.115pclos2019Library for configuration or preference files compatible GNUstep/OPENSTEPThe purpose of PL is to closely mimic the behavior of the property lists used in the GNUstep/OPENSTEP (they're formed with the NSString, NSData, NSArray and NSDictionary classes) and to be duly compatible. PL enables programs that use configuration or preference3 files to make these compatible with GNUstep/OPENSTEP's user defaults handling mechanism, without needing to use Objective-C or GNUstep/ OPENSTEP themselves.System/Librariesx86_64 flexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libPropList-0.10.1-15pclos2019.src.rpm2bf409d213c975fdfb52d388a0dc9889./SRPMS.pclosd   ? 0B@BABEBJClibSoQt1.5.02pclos2012High-level 3D visualization librarySoQt is a Qt GUI component toolkit library for Coin. It is also compatible with SGI and TGS Open Inventor, and the API is based on the API of the InventorXt GUI component toolkit. HKNealSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygenglibcCoin3-devellib64qt4-devellib64xi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libSoQt-1.5.0-2pclos2012.src.rpm M6bc3f11f5540fe0a45890dc25718fa23./SRPMS.pclosd   P AB@PBAtBExBJClibaacplus2.0.21pclos2013High Efficiency Advanced Audio Codec v2 (HE-AAC+)High Efficiency Advanced Audio Codec v2 (he-aac+) encoder library. (3GPP TS 26.410 V7.2.0)&System/Librariesx86_64 glibc-devellibfftw-develwgetlibtoolpatchunzippkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libaacplus-2.0.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm235b5f9d1eb281d391da4563e6828fd7./SRPMS.pclosd   d, 0AH`B@BABEBJ Clibaacs0.11.11pclos2024Open implementation of the Advanced Access Content System specificationlibaacs is a research project to implement the Advanced Access Content System specification. This research project provides, through an open-source library, a way to understand how the AACS works.System/Librariesx86_64  bisonbyaccflexlibgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libaacs-0.11.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm9c56a524d5590895bfb59620337bfafa./SRPMS.pclosd # O EB@yBABEBJClibaccounts-glib1.242pclos2022Accounts and SSO (Single Sign-On) frameworkAccounts and SSO (Single Sign-On) framework for Linux and POSIX based platforms.9TerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(check)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(python3)python3-gobject3xsltprocpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gnome-commongtk-docvala-toolsmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # O UB@BABEBJClibaccounts-glib1.271pclos2024Accounts and SSO (Single Sign-On) frameworkAccounts and SSO (Single Sign-On) framework for Linux and POSIX based platforms.pSystem/Librariesx86_64   gnome-commongtk-docmesonpkgconfig(check)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(sqlite3)python3-gobject3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-toolsxsltproc0.9.42.362.   L| B@BABEBJ=Clibadwaita1.6.12pclos2024Building blocks for modern GNOME applicationsBuilding blocks for modern GNOME applications.HZSystem/Librariesx86_64   desktop-file-utilsgccgettextgi-docgenmesonpkgconfig(appstream)pkgconfig(appstream-glib)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sasscvala0.    D 'B@2BAPBETBJuClibagg2.53pclos2014Open Source, free of charge graphic libraryAnti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is an Open Source, free of charge graphic library, written in industrially standard C++. The terms and conditions of use AGG are described on The License page. AGG doesn't depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of AGG as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data.LSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64freetype6-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libagg-2.5-3pclos2014.src.rpmbc629aefadfa29e5e8f5c31f6d5278fa9./SRPMS.pclosd   I %,0LB@TBAxBE|BJClibaio0.3.1132pclos2023Linux-native asynchronous I/O access libraryThe Linux-native asynchronous I/O facility ("async I/O", or "aio") has a richer API and capability set than the simple POSIX async I/O facility. This library, libaio, provides the Linux-native API for async I/O. The POSIX async I/O facility requires this library in order to provide kernel-accelerated async I/O capabilities, as do applications which require the Linux-native async I/O API. You may require this package if you want to install some DBMS.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libaio-0.3.113-2pclos2023.src.rpmd64835c897c5c0e60287189f101403ae./SRPMS.pclosd   :   \ B@lBABEBJClibakode2.0.14pclos2007aKode is the decoding libraryaKode is a simple audio-decoding frame-work that provides a uniform interface to decode the most common audio-formats. It also has a direct playback option for a number of audio-outputs. aKode currently has the following decoder plugins: mpeg: Uses libMAD to decoder all MPEG 1/2 layer I-III audio. GPL licensed and patent issue in the US. mpc: Decodes musepack aka mpc audio. LGPL licensed. xiph: Decodes FLAC, Ogg/FLAC, Speex and Ogg Vorbis audio. LGPL licensed, patent free. ffmpeg: Experimental decoder using the FFMPEG decoding library. Enables WMA and RealAudio playback. LGPL and possible patent and reengineering issues in the US. aKode also has the following audio outputs: oss: Outputs to the OSS (Open Sound System) of for instance FreeBSD and Linux 2.4 alsa: Outputs to ALSA of Linux 2.6 (version 0.9 or 1.x required) (dmix is recommended). sun: Outputs to Sun OS/Solaris audio device . jack: Outputs using Jack audio backend. polyp:Output to the polypaudio server. Recommended for network transparent audio. bSystem/Librariesi586 autoconf2.5libvorbis-develliboggflac-develmad-devellibalsa-devellibsamplerate-devellibltdl-develjackit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libakode-2.0.1-4pclos2007.src.rpm na558e51ed3622d14422bce97b7583c7c./SRPMS.pcloskd   0` dktB@BA8BE<BJ]Clibalkimia7.0.22pclos2019Financial libraryFinancial library used by KMyMoney and Skrooge.@Officex86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64gmp-devellib64gmpxx-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libalkimia-7.0.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm0e35f801f2b7b9d07c1c1b8fd7cd7cc5./SRPMS.pclosd   N 9B@KBApBEtBJClibalsa21.2.131pclos2024Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) libraryAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) is a modularized architecture which supports quite a large range of ISA and PCI cards. It's fully compatible with old OSS drivers (either OSS/Lite, OSS/commercial). To use the features of alsa, one can either use: - the old OSS api - the new ALSA api that provides many enhanced features. Using the ALSA api requires to use the ALSA library.0Soundx86_64  doxygenpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libalsa2-1.2.13-1pclos2024.src.rpm^d85688baf4ed723fcdf79080522a0592./SRPMS.pclos{d $ K B@BAHBELBJmClibanculus-sharp0.3.13pclos2010Reusable utility library written in C#Anculus means servant in Latin, and that is exactly what the library does. It serves and helps you to easily and quickly write new applications. libanculus-sharp contains all the building blocks that you need to develop a good C# application. Features: * XML Configuration files (primitive types, strings, serializable objects, lists, arrays, ...) * Sorting algorithms (quicksort) * String Search algorithms (Boyer-Moore, Aho-Corasick) * Translation support (Managed Gettext) * Logging (Console, Colored Console, File) * Gui thread dispatching (Gtk-sharp, System.Windows.Forms) * Collections (sorted list)(Development/Otheri586 mono-develmonodocgtk-sharp2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libanculus-sharp-0.3.1-3pclos2010.src.rpmѦ9d17c07cd6722b49b202706b5326fb65./SRPMS.pclosd  =  $vB@BABEBJClibao1.2.02pclos2019Cross Platform Audio Output LibraryLibao is a cross-platform audio library that allows programs to output audio using a simple API on a wide variety of platforms. It currently supports: - ALSA - Esound - pulseaudio - OSSsmSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64nas-devellib64pulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libao-1.2.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmv69a8f7dcdc61b618589b799375539e59./SRPMS.pclos#d   6T XoxB@BABEBJClibapogee2.25pclos2019Apogee Instruments LibraryApogee Instruments LibraryDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64 cmakelibusb-develcurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libapogee-2.2-5pclos2019.src.rpme7336b075ba368967a1609e9fd06c195./SRPMS.pclosd % n, 0AHdB@BABEBJClibappindicator12.10.06pclos2019A library to allow applications to export a menu into the Unity Menu barA library to allow applications to export a menu into the Unity Menu bar. Based on KSNI, it also works in KDE, and will fallback to generic Systray support, if none of those are available.GSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4)pkgconfig(indicator3-0.4)pkgconfig(indicate-0.7)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(dbusmenu-gtk-0.4)pkgconfig(indicator-0.4)pkgconfig(python)gnome-commongtk-docintltoolperl-XML-SAXvala-toolsvala-develpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gnome-doc-utils)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(pygobject-2.0)pkgconfig(pygtk-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.5.900.4.930.5.900.4.933.0.4-1libappindicator-12.10.0-6pclos2019.src.rpm?cfcc562de4669d0449b94f2bb61d611f./SRPMS.pclos d   2   (<B@BABEBJClibapplewm1.0.05pclos2007The AppleWM Librarylibapplewm is a simple library designed to interface with the Apple-WM extension. This extension allows X window managers to better interact with the Mac OS X Aqua user interface when running X11 in a rootless mode.ORDevelopment/X11i586  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Q  hB@BABEBJClibarchive3.7.71pclos2024Library for reading and writing streaming archivesLibarchive is a programming library that can create and read several different streaming archive formats, including most popular tar variants and several cpio formats. It can also write shar archives and read ISO9660 CDROM images and ZIP archives. The bsdtar program is an implementation of tar(1) that is built on top of libarchive. It started as a test harness, but has grown and is now the standard system tar for FreeBSD 5 and 6.System/Librariesx86_64  bisonflexpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(ORBit-2.0)pkgconfig(ORBit-CosNaming-2.0)pkgconfig(popt)intltoolautomakegtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|ce694ddb5315827462e950d2ce2fdbcd./SRPMS.pclosd  H`d nB@nBABEBJClibbonoboui2.24.53pclos2017Library for compound documents in GNOMEBonobo is a library that provides the necessary framework for GNOME applications to deal with compound documents, i.e. those with a spreadsheet and graphic embedded in a word-processing document. This package contains various needed modules and files for bonobo 2 to operate. bb2 System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(bonobo-activation-2.0)pkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libbonobo-2.0)pkgconfig(libglade-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnome-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnomecanvas-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(pangox)pkgconfig(pangoxft)pkgconfig(popt)intltoolgtk-docx11-server-xvfbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 3b824d1a2fd2ee2a3a95db57b7eebfe4./SRPMS.pclosd   MX \mt  ! B@2BAXBE\BJ}Clibbraille0.19.06pclos2019Easy access to Braille displays and terminalsThis library makes it possible to easily access Braille displays and terminals : you can write text on the braille display, directly draw braille dots, or get the value of pressed keys. It is compatible with a wide range of braille displays. The features contain: * usable from C, C++, Python and Java * supports over 10 braille displays (including some recent models) * easy configuration of the braille table * distributed under the LGPL Free Software Licence * portable (currently linux and win32) * packages available * easy to incorporate in any application wanting to use braille displays (simple shared library) * uses autoconf, automake and libtool for easier installation and portability * contains a virtual graphical terminal made with Gtk+ for developers testing|System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(python2)swigglib2-develgtk2-develpkgconfig(libusb)autoconfautomakelibtoollibtool-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libbraille-0.19.0-6pclos2019.src.rpmTu9945857354d0f8f9db6fe7f36cb4309d./SRPMS.pclosd   F8 <MT\B@BABEBJClibbs2b3.1.05pclos2019Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP libraryThe Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library and plugins is designed to improve headphone listening of stereo audio records. Recommended for headphone prolonged listening to disable superstereo fatigue without essential distortions.System/Librariesx86_64 libsndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libbs2b-3.1.0-5pclos2019.src.rpmfeb6830ba644e1642b96bbd1c97c72f5./SRPMS.pclosd   VL PahtB@BABEBJ Clibbsd0.11.81pclos2024Library providing BSD-compatible functions for portabilitylibbsd provides useful functions commonly found on BSD systems, and lacking on others like GNU systems, thus making it easier to port projects with strong BSD origins, without needing to embed the same code over and over again on each project.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(libmd)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libbsd-0.11.8-1pclos2024.src.rpm2ac7d29a1016b6490447a3d74bc174da1./SRPMS.pclos{d RB@(BAHBELBJmClibbt1.063pclos2011C-language Impementation of the BitTorrent core protocolsLibBT is a C reimplementation of the BitTorrent core protocols. Our goal for the project is to develop a low overhead library version of the protocols so that BitTorrent transfers can easily be built in to any existing application. The sample applications included with LibBT currently run in between 2Mb and 3.5Mb of memory (RSS), depending on the number of peers that are attached.{Development/C++x86_64 curl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libbt-1.06-3pclos2011.src.rpm{ed7f77de403f38481236c590a634a025a./SRPMS.pclosd   =    B@BABEBJClibbtctl0.11.14pclos2010GNOME bluetooth control libraryCurrent features include: * Bonobo component to manage the discovery of nearby Bluetooth devices * Component will create serial (RFCOMM) connections for clients to devices * libbtcl, a GObject wrapper for Bluetooth functionality Features planned in the near future include: * Control-center prefs application to give users overall control over devices"WSystem/Librariesi586  autoconf2.5libgnomeui2-devellibGConf2-develbluez-develgtk-docperl-XML-Parserintltoolpython-develpygtk2.0-developenobex-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.541.13.0.4-1libbtctl-0.11.1-4pclos2010.src.rpm#fd1a7923b09b0f236ae95469465f593b./SRPMS.pclos{d   T B@'BAHBELBJmClibburn1.5.61pclos2023Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discsLibburn is an open-source library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs. System/Librariesx86_64  doxygengraphvizrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libburn-1.5.6-1pclos2023.src.rpm 0246f62d5f407dcb55111a43989477ff./SRPMS.pclossd  Gdh o B@BA@BEDBJeClibbytesize2.63pclos2022A library for working with sizes in bytesThe libbytesize is a C library that facilitates work with sizes in bytes. Be it parsing the input from users or producing a nice human readable representation of a size in bytes this library takes localization into account. It also provides support for sizes bigger than MAXUINT64.woTerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64 gccgmp-develmpfr-develpcre2-develgettext-develpython3-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libbytesize-2.6-3pclos2022.src.rpmzA39a1b82536b8083481565f94b456bbee./SRPMS.pclosod  # > )0 `  B@BA<BE@BJaClibcaca0.990.beta19.1pclos2018Text mode graphics librarylibcaca is the Colour AsCii Art library. It provides high level functions for colour text drawing, simple primitives for line, polygon and ellipse drawing, as well as powerful image to text conversion routines. `System/Librariesx86_64  X11-devellibncursesw-devellibslang-develimlib2-devellibpango-develmesa-develdoxygentetex-latextetex-dvipsautomake1.7monorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)53.0.4-1libcaca-0.99-0.beta19.1pclos2018.src.rpm ]\fc8c660f83b1ca473704c671e0196783./SRPMS.pcloswd   @l p B@BADBEHBJiClibcacard2.7.01pclos2019Common Access Card (CAC) EmulationCommon Access Card (CAC) emulation library.OSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(libpcsclite)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ʕ17c138edfb01d39a68989eb910e76fbe./SRPMS.pclosd   F  P ] B@BABEBJClibcamera0.4.01pclos2025A library to support complex camera ISPslibcamera is a library that deals with heavy hardware image processing operations of complex camera devices that are shared between the linux host all while allowing offload of certain aspects to the control of complex camera hardware such as ISPs. Hardware support includes USB UVC cameras, libv4l cameras as well as more complex ISPs (Image Signal Processor).oSystem/Librariesx86_64  boost-develdesktop-file-utilsdoxygengcc-c++gnutls-develgtest-devellibatomic-devellibevent-devellibtiff-devellibyaml-devellttng-ust-develmesonninja-buildopensslpkgconfig(Qt6Core)pkgconfig(Qt6Gui)pkgconfig(Qt6OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt6OpenGLWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt6Widgets)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-allocators-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(sdl2)pybind11-develpython3-develpython3-jinja2python3-plypython3-sphinxpython3-yamlqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libcamera-0.4.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm0a5e93e6a24439e3cdbc8b88eccc5ae4./SRPMS.pclosd  @    B@BABEBJClibcanberra0.304pclos2019XDG compliant sound event libraryA small and lightweight implementation of the XDG Sound Theme Specification (http://0pointer.de/public/sound-theme-spec.html). onkelhoSystem/Librariesx86_64 gtk+2-develgtk+3-devellibalsa-devellibvorbis-devellibltdl-develgtk-doctdb-develpulseaudio-develgstreamer1.0-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcanberra-0.30-4pclos2019.src.rpmdcf924d16195e6fd20e21f182449fd5d./SRPMS.pclosd   O DB@WBAxBE|BJClibcap2.721pclos2024Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilitieslibcap is a library for getting and setting POSIX.1e (formerly POSIX 6) draft 15 capabilities.7.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  attr-develglibc-static-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libcap-2.72-1pclos2024.src.rpmA6d4cfbc23dc2d6cce274991921f0ebcd./SRPMS.pclosd   E B@2BAXBE\BJ}Clibcap-ng0.8.51pclos2024An alternate posix capabilities libraryLibcap-ng is a library that makes using posix capabilities easier.sSystem/Librariesx86_64  attr-develkernel-headerspkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig3.0.4-14.6.0-1libcap-ng-0.8.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm585cc2b13f7c1495ce2bde834531704b0./SRPMS.pclos#d   @  8@\B@BABEBJClibcapplet1.5.119pclos2007Library for GNOME control-centerlibcapplet originally belongs to GNOME control-center, and is a library necessary for 'capplets', which means different modules for control-center. It has been splitted off from control-center as a package of its own.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  pkgconfigbonobo-develgnome-libs-develflexbisonautoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d   2l pB@&BAHBELBJmClibcbor0.7.01pclos2022A CBOR parsing librarylibcbor is a C library for parsing and generating CBOR.Development/Otherx86_64 cmakegccgcc-c++python3-breathepython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_thememakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcbor-0.7.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmaf3cc5e0c674b4c7dd448562171f7b8a./SRPMS.pclosd   < ;B@FBAhBElBJClibcclc0.8.02pclos2010Library to manage Internet Cafeslibccl is a library that (tries to) makes the creation of applications to manage Internet Cafes easier. libcclc is the library used for the clients.BSystem/Librariesi586 gtk2-develglib2-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcclc-0.8.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmd5399016a5c6298fc645c2ef12542c19./SRPMS.pclosd   < ;B@FBAhBElBJClibccls0.8.12pclos2010Library to manage Internet Cafeslibccl is a library that (tries to) makes the creation of applications to manage Internet Cafes easier. libcclc is the library used for the clients.HHSystem/Librariesi586 gtk2-develglib2-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libccls-0.8.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmO781425e183bddd489ad07d494d240e62./SRPMS.pclosd   < 4B@BABEBJClibccss0.5.01pclos2010A simple api for CSS StylesheetsLibccss offers a simple API to * Parse CSS stylesheets. * Query for style configurations on a user-provided document representation. * Draw query results onto cairo surfaces.hSystem/Librariesi586  cairo-develgtk+2-devellibcroco0.6-devellibrsvg2-devellibsoup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>850386164197d1eb2992f79b97890b99./SRPMS.pclosd   I B@BABEBJClibcdaudio0.99.126pclos2019A library for controlling CD-ROM deviceslibcdaudio is a library for controlling CD-ROM devices,System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcdaudio-0.99.12-6pclos2019.src.rpm0e11cc5835f44010fcfe2e3c0a62b50db./SRPMS.pclosd   /  !(0ZB@cBABEBJClibcddb1.3.25pclos2019CDDB access libraryLibcddb is a library that implements the different protocols (CDDBP, HTTP, SMTP) to access data on a CDDB server (http://freedb.org). It tries to be as cross-platform as possible. The initial libary will have a C API.~System/Librariesx86_64 libcdio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcddb-1.3.2-5pclos2019.src.rpm2b9230d339a94b08c038ef0d06b9afdc./SRPMS.pclosd   2 B@*BALBEPBJqClibcdio2.1.01pclos2021CD-ROM reading libraryThis library is to encapsulate CD-ROM reading and control. Applications wishing to be oblivious of the OS- and device-dependent properties of a CD-ROM can use this library. Some support for disk image types like BIN/CUE and NRG is available, so applications that use this library also have the ability to read disc images as though they were CD's.System/Librariesx86_64 lib64cddb-devellib64popt-devellib64ncurses-devellib64vcd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcdio-2.1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm!f7ebccffdda3803023ef9a5453058948./SRPMS.pclosd ) @ )08dB@mBABEBJClibcdio-paranoia10. reading libraryThis CDDA reader distribution ('libcdio-cdparanoia') reads audio from the CDROM directly as data, with no analog step between, and writes the data to a file or pipe as .wav, .aifc or as raw 16 bit linear PCM.{System/Librariesx86_64 lib64cdio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcdio-paranoia-   E  $  B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibcdr0.1.72pclos2022A library for import of CorelDRAW drawingsLibcdr is library providing ability to interpret and import CorelDRAW drawings into various applications. You can find it being used in libreoffice. ~^System/Librariesx86_64 boost-develdoxygenhelp2manpkgconfig(cppunit)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(librevenge-0.0)pkgconfig(librevenge-generators-0.0)pkgconfig(librevenge-stream-0.0)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcdr-0.1.7-2pclos2022.src.rpm d39c945dadaf9d00f3d7458108d52ebb./SRPMS.pclosod   B| B@BA<BE@BJaClibcec2.2.02pclos2015Pulse-Eight CEC adapter control libraryWith libcec you can access your Pulse-Eight CEC adapter. System/Librariesx86_64 lib64lockdev1-devellib64udev0-devellib64x11-devellib64xrandr2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcec-2.2.0-2pclos2015.src.rpm d5d1d90cb0c70c94f5bcdc27f64f7fe8./SRPMS.pclosd   B| 5B@CBAdBEhBJClibcec3.1.02pclos2017Pulse-Eight CEC adapter control libraryWith libcec you can access your Pulse-Eight CEC adapter. System/Librariesx86_64 lib64lockdev1-devellib64udev0-devellib64x11-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64p8-platform-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcec-3.1.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmy860160eabdb90ad388f0881a084ac7b4./SRPMS.pclosd   B| 5B@CBAdBEhBJClibcec4.0.24pclos2019Pulse-Eight CEC adapter control libraryWith libcec you can access your Pulse-Eight CEC adapter.System/Librariesx86_64 lib64lockdev1-devellib64udev0-devellib64x11-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64p8-platform-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcec-4.0.2-4pclos2019.src.rpmef0b374152bba2a97501c4282a37ffd1./SRPMS.pclosd   B| 4B@BBAdBEhBJClibcec5.0.03pclos2022Pulse-Eight CEC adapter control libraryWith libcec you can access your Pulse-Eight CEC adapter.ASystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(lockdev)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(p8-platform)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcec-5.0.0-3pclos2022.src.rpmD0e6e95f149adcede1e8fd0b3951c2864./SRPMS.pclosd   X$ (9@LtB@~BABEBJClibcerf1.141pclos2021Complex error functions, Dawson, Faddeeva, and Voigt functionA self-contained C library providing complex error functions, based on Faddeeva's plasma dispersion function w(z). Also provides Dawson's integral and Voigt's convolution of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakeclangrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcerf-1.14-1pclos2021.src.rpm64b92ffe2024db2fe6a2493cf02ec6e3./SRPMS.pclosd _TXfptB@BABEBJClibcfl1.2.61pclos2011C library that simplify system software development on System V UNIXCFL is a C library of useful functions that simplify systems software development on System V UNIX. The library includes routines for memory management, string parsing, filesystem traversal, subprocess execution, I/O, as well as implementations of common data structures such as linked lists, hash tables, stacks, and queues. The library also includes a high-level interface to Berkeley sockets, and an implementation of a scheduler which has functionality very similar to that of the cron daemon.Development/Cx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcfl-1.2.6-1pclos2011.src.rpmXd6bfbddb8964a64b9f0ee974de30ce14./SRPMS.pclos#d " 7    B@BABEBJClibchamplain0.12.212pclos2023Map view for ClutterLibchamplain is a C library aimed to provide a ClutterActor to display rasterized maps.xSystem/Librariesx86_64 chrpathmesonpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)lib64memphis-develvala-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libchamplain-0.12.21-2pclos2023.src.rpmx2b44a4514235040b75965622bdedfa97./SRPMS.pclosd   @p tB@BABEBJ Clibchardet1.0.61pclos2021Mozilla Universal Chardet libraryMozilla's Universal Charset Detector C/C++ API.8System/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libchardet-1.0.6-1pclos2021.src.rpm!60d596e5e87e860b91abf5980b305360./SRPMS.pclosd   L 8B@BBAhBElBJClibchewing0.3.41pclos2013The intelligent phonetic input method librarylibchewing is an intelligent Chinese phonetic input method library which is also know as Qooing. Based on Chewing input method. pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 check-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libchewing-0.3.4-1pclos2013.src.rpme15d8ec9bc61e0fb424d328df95842eb./SRPMS.pclosd  T  $0rB@|BABEBJClibchipcard5.0.42pclos2020A library for easy access to smart cards (chipcards)Libchipcard allows easy access to smart cards. It provides basic access to memory and processor cards and has special support for German medical cards, German "Geldkarten" and HBCI (homebanking) cards (both type 0 and type 1). It accesses the readers via CTAPI or PC/SC interfaces and has successfully been tested with Towitoko, Kobil and Reiner-SCT readers. This package contains the chipcard3-daemon needed to access card readers.System/Librariesx86_64 libgwenhywfar-devellibpcsclite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libchipcard-5.0.4-2pclos2020.src.rpm'40ae144069995397f8727fa346bd17a6./SRPMS.pclosd   I .8DvB@BABEBJClibclastfm0.51pclos2012Unofficial C-API for the Last.fm web servicelibclastfm is an unofficial C-API for the Last.fm web service written with libcurl. It was written because the official CBS Interactive Last.fm library requires Nokia QT, which is usually not desired when using GTK+ based distros. This library supports much more than basic scrobble submission. You can send shouts, fetch Album covers and much more. Due to the naming conflict with the official last.fm library, this library will install as "libclastfm".NealSystem/Librariesx86_64 libtoollibcurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libclastfm-0.5-1pclos2012.src.rpm4bd940ca5f6b9ba8d7e59e251f2095d4./SRPMS.pclosd <<@QXlB@BABEBJClibclaw1.6.11pclos2011C++ Library Absolutely WonderfulCLAW is a C++ Library Absolutely Wonderful providing useful classes from the simplest AVL binary search trees to the complex meta programming tools, including image manipulation, a generic alpha-beta algorithm, sockets implemented as std::stream and more. System/Librariesx86_64 cmakejpeg-devellibpng-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libclaw-1.6.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm 56a0d17afa8ed23ba304abd6a7235aec9./SRPMS.pclos{d   `8 <MT x  B@%BAHBELBJmClibclc15.0.61pclos2024An open source implementation of the OpenCL 1.1 library requirementslibclc is an open source, BSD licensed implementation of the library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. The following sections of the specification impose library requirements: * 6.1: Supported Data Types * 6.2.3: Explicit Conversions * Reinterpreting Types Using as_type() and as_typen() * 6.9: Preprocessor Directives and Macros * 6.11: Built-in Functions * 9.3: Double Precision Floating-Point * 9.4: 64-bit Atomics * 9.5: Writing to 3D image memory objects * 9.6: Half Precision Floating-Point libclc is intended to be used with the Clang compiler's OpenCL frontend. libclc is designed to be portable and extensible. To this end, it provides generic implementations of most library requirements, allowing the target to override the generic implementation at the granularity of individual functions. libclc currently only supports the PTX target, but support for more targets is welcome.System/Librariesx86_64   clang-develcmakelibedit-develllvm-develpython3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)spirv-llvm-translator-toolszlib-devel15.0.615. % X B@BABEBJClibcloudproviders0.3.51pclos2023Library for integration of cloud storage providersCross desktop library for desktop integration of cloud storage providers and sync tools.eDSystem/Librariesx86_64  gtk-docmesonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1libcloudproviders-0.3.5-1pclos2023.src.rpmE4577d347a55d39473908070ed2281cf8./SRPMS.pclosd   Q  4xB@BABEBJClibcmml0.9.21pclos2007Library for handling Continuous Media Markup LanguageLibcmml is a library which enables the handling of documents written in CMML (Continuous Media Markup Language) for the Continuous Media Web (CMWeb). It provides a very simple API for reading files marked up with the Continuous Media Markup Language (CMML), and returns C structures containing this information in a format which can be used by an Annodexer for creating ANNODEX(tm) format documents (ANX).Texstar System/Librariesi586 doxygenexpat-develautoconf2.5libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcmml-0.9.2-1pclos2007.src.rpm82fddfb88a6e92d8f77c42d6290a2118./SRPMS.pclosd $ N| B@1BA\BE`BJClibcompizconfig0.8.184pclos2023Backend configuration library from CompizBackend configuration library from Compiz.1System/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(protobuf)lib64decoration-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   >` du|B@BABEBJClibconfig1.7.23pclos2021C/C++ configuration file libraryC/C++ configuration file library.)ԆSystem/Librariesx86_64 libopennet-develtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libconfig-1.7.2-3pclos2021.src.rpm)]fa714e75a390155c168aa13160859209./SRPMS.pclosd   K$ (9@D`B@hBABEBJClibconfuse2.72pclos2015A library for parsing configuration files in ClibConfuse is a configuration file parser library, licensed under the terms of the ISC license, and written in C. It supports sections and (lists of) values (strings, integers, floats, booleans or other sections), as well as some other features (such as single/double-quoted strings, environment variable expansion, functions and nested include statements). It makes it very easy to add configuration file capability to a program using a simple API. The goal of libConfuse is not to be the configuration file parser library with a gazillion of features. Instead, it aims to be easy to use and quick to integrate with your code. libConfuse was called libcfg before, but was changed to not confuse with other similar libraries. System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libconfuse-2.7-2pclos2015.src.rpm d0cba0969f623f46cc9d6f021f2ce3d0./SRPMS.pclos3d   Y B@BABEBJ%Clibcpuid0.6.21pclos2022Small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extractionSmall C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction.]System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcpuid-0.6.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmaa1b3c2536a5c9a946b4d26ee5c659d78./SRPMS.pclos{d  4 B@ BAHBELBJmClibcroco0.60.6.131pclos2019CSS2 parser librarylibcroco is a standalone css2 parsing library. It provides a low level event driven SAC like api and a css object model like api.{System/Librariesx86_64 libxml2-develpango-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcroco0.6-0.6.13-1pclos2019.src.rpmzb364d234d27f605a131736e790586d97./SRPMS.pclos d  X X \ m t | B@ BA BE BJ Clibcryptopp5.6.55pclos2019Public domain C++ class library of cryptographic schemesCrypto++ Library is a public domain C++ class library of cryptographic schemes. Currently the library consists of the following features: * a class hierarchy with an API defined by abstract base classes * AES(Rijndael) and AES candidates: RC6, MARS, Twofish, Serpent, CAST-256 * other symmetric block ciphers: IDEA, DES, Triple-DES (DES-EDE2 and DES-EDE3), DESX (DES-XEX3), RC2, RC5, Blowfish, TEA, XTEA, SAFER, 3-WAY, GOST, SHARK, CAST-128, Square, Skipjack, Camellia, SHACAL-2 * generic block cipher modes: ECB, CBC, CBC ciphertext stealing (CTS), CFB, OFB, counter mode (CTR) * stream ciphers: Salsa20, Panama, ARC4, SEAL, WAKE, WAKE-OFB, BlumBlumShub * public-key cryptography: RSA, DSA, ElGamal, Nyberg-Rueppel (NR), Rabin, Rabin-Williams (RW), LUC, LUCELG, DLIES (variants of DHAES), ESIGN * padding schemes for public-key systems: PKCS#1 v2.0, OAEP, PSS, PSSR, IEEE P1363 EMSA2 and EMSA5 * key agreement schemes: Diffie-Hellman (DH), Unified Diffie-Hellman (DH2), Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (MQV), LUCDIF, XTR-DH * elliptic curve cryptography: ECDSA, ECNR, ECIES, ECDH, ECMQV * one-way hash functions: SHA-1, MD2, MD4, MD5, HAVAL, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-320, Tiger, SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512), Panama, WHIRLPOOL * message authentication codes: MD5-MAC, HMAC, XOR-MAC, CBC-MAC, DMAC, Two-Track-MAC * cipher constructions based on hash functions: Luby-Rackoff, MDC * pseudo random number generators (PRNG): ANSI X9.17 appendix C, PGP's RandPool * password based key derivation functions: PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 from PKCS #5 * Shamir's secret sharing scheme and Rabin's information dispersal algorithm (IDA) * DEFLATE (RFC 1951) compression/decompression with gzip (RFC 1952) and zlib (RFC 1950) format support * fast multi-precision integer (bignum) and polynomial operations, with SSE2 optimizations for Pentium 4 processors, and support for 64-bit CPUs * finite field arithmetics, including GF(p) and GF(2^n) * prime number generation and verification * various miscellaneous modules such as base 64 coding and 32-bit CRC * class wrappers for these operating system features (optional): o high resolution timers on Windows, Unix, and MacOS o Berkeley and Windows style sockets o Windows named pipes o /dev/random, /dev/urandom, /dev/srandom o Microsoft's CryptGenRandom on Windows * A high level interface for most of the above, using a filter/pipeline metaphor * benchmarks and validation testing * FIPS 140-2 Validated Because one purpose of the project is to act as a repository of public domain (not copyrighted) cryptographic source code, the code in Crypto++ was either written specifically for this project by its contributors and placed in the public domain, or derived from other sources that are public domain (again with the exception of mars.cpp).]System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcryptopp-5.6.5-5pclos2019.src.rpm?ic6eeb663b910eda443b882c41bfc8334./SRPMS.pclos;d   @| B@BABE BJ-Clibcryptui3.12.21pclos2020Interface components for OpenPGPlibcryptui is a library used for prompting for PGP keys.(System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gcr-3)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(sm)gnupg2gpgme-develintltoolgtk-docgobject-introspection-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libcryptui-3.12.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmbd444d99f3117af73d235e88d155a2bc./SRPMS.pclos_d   2 B@ BA,BE0BJQClibcue2.3.01pclos2023Cuesheet parser libraryThis is a library for parsing cue sheets which describe audio CD images. They are useful for gapless music playback.XSystem/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libcue-2.3.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm|ef6f123969cc81a8cfcc5cc59a80f5b5./SRPMS.pclos_d   Z B@BA,BE0BJQClibdaemon0.143pclos2021Lightweight C library which eases the writing of UNIX daemonslibdaemon is a lightweight C library which eases the writing of UNIX daemons. It consists of the following parts: * A wrapper around fork() which does the correct daemonization procedure of a process * A wrapper around syslog() for simpler and compatible log output to Syslog or STDERR * An API for writing PID files * An API for serializing UNIX signals into a pipe for usage with select() or poll() Routines like these are included in most of the daemon software available. It is not that simple to get it done right and code duplication cannot be a goal.System/Librariesx86_64 lynxdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdaemon-0.14-3pclos2021.src.rpm7ea0273109ecf44ea67e7ee13df1073c./SRPMS.pclosd   8 rB@BABEBJClibdap3.7.73pclos2007C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAPThe libdap++ library contains an implementation of DAP2. This package contains the library, dap-config, getdap and deflate. The script dap-config simplifies using the library in other projects. The getdap utility is a simple command-line tool to read from DAP2 servers. It is built using the library and demonstrates simple uses of it. The deflate utility is used by the library when it returns compressed responses.System/Librariesi586 doxygengraphvizlibcurl-devellibxml2-develpkgconfigzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdap-3.7.7-3pclos2007.src.rpm60e0603621899d0c98f13d88b2574ac2./SRPMS.pclosd   K "B@,BAPBETBJuClibdatrie0.2.131pclos2021Double-array structure for representing trieThis is an implementation of double-array structure for representing trie. Trie is a kind of digital search tree, an efficient indexing method with O(1) time complexity for searching. Comparably as efficient as hashing, trie also provides flexibility on incremental matching and key spelling manipulation. This makes it ideal for lexical analyzers, as well as spelling dictionaries. System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdatrie-0.2.13-1pclos2021.src.rpm9e2061963c97902615703139acd15b2f./SRPMS.pclosd   JT Xip  = B@MBAtBExBJClibdazzle3.42.01pclos2022Experimental new features for GTK+ and GLiblibdazzle is a collection of fancy features for GLib and Gtk+ that aren't quite ready or generic enough for use inside those libraries. This is often a proving ground for new widget prototypes. Applications such as Builder tend to drive development of this project.System/Librariesx86_64 mesonvalavala-toolspkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdazzle-3.42.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmf381ba4f8326b05ff9e5accd92d08f26./SRPMS.pclos'd   GP Tel|B@BABEBJClibdbi0.9.03pclos2015Database Independent Abstraction Layer for Clibdbi implements a database-independent abstraction layer in C, similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl. Writing one generic set of code, programmers can leverage the power of multiple databases and multiple simultaneous database connections by using this framework. System/Librariesx86_64 openjadedocbook-style-dsssldocbook-dtd41-sgmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdbi-0.9.0-3pclos2015.src.rpm 5c57ba5cea1ba0a598eb5ba6998df5bc./SRPMS.pclosd " >H L]dB@BABEBJClibdbi-drivers0.9.01pclos2014Database drivers for libdbilibdbi implements a database-independent abstraction layer in C, similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl. Writing one generic set of code, programmers can leverage the power of multiple databases and multiple simultaneous database connections by using this framework.System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtooldocbook-dtd41-sgmldocbook-style-dssslfirebird-develmysql-developenjadepostgresql-devellib64dbi-devellib64freetds-devellib64mysql-devellib64sqlite0-devellib64sqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm476dbb99fde619b4b1eafe60b3a8f40f./SRPMS.pclos[d ! `\` j{B@BA(BE,BJMClibdbusmenu16.04.11pclos2017Library for applications to pass a menu scructure accross DBusA small little library that was created by pulling out some comon code out of indicator-applet. It passes a menu structure across DBus so that a program can create a menu simply without worrying about how it is displayed on the other side of the bus.Cbb2 System/Librariesx86_64  gnome-doc-utilsintltoolpkgconfig(atk)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(x11)vala-toolsxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " I 7B@FBApBEtBJClibdbusmenu-qt0.9.32pclos2019Qt implementation of the DBusMenu specThis library provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu spec.3System/Librariesx86_64 kde4-macroslib64qjson-devellib64qt4-develcmakedoxygenqtbase5-develkf5-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.3-2pclos2019.src.rpm83cba62ce7b0bc5a0ce916780026766c./SRPMS.pcloskd   K( ,=DdB@BA8BE<BJ]Clibdc13942.2.71pclos2024Library for 1394 Digital Camera Specificationlibdc1394 is a library that is intended to provide a high level programming interface for application developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specification.(System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(libraw1394)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(libv4l1)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xv)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdc1394-2.2.7-1pclos2024.src.rpmO7ccf6190d820137610ee38967c248107./SRPMS.pclos7d  NL Pah|B@BABEBJ)Clibdc1394_121.2.21pclos2016Library for 1394 Digital Camera Specificationlibdc1394 is a library that is intended to provide a high level programming interface for application developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specification (found at http://www.1394ta.org/).System/Librariesx86_64 libraw1394_8-devellibx11-devellibxv-devellibv4l-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdc1394_12-1.2.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm9359b426a805f69c2afb6b3ea5213abb./SRPMS.pclosd   [dh ms|B@BABEBJCdelibdca0.0.52pclos2012DTS Coherent Acoustics decoderDTS Coherent Acoustics DecoderThis is a free decoder for the DTS Coherent Acoustics format. It consists of a library and a command line decoder. DTS is a high quality multi-channel (5.1) digital audio format used in DVDs and DTS audio CDs. This package is in PLF as it might violate some patents.Dies ist ein kostenloser Decoder für das DTS Coherent Acoustics Format. Es besteht aus einer Bibliothek und einem Kommandozeilen-Decoder. DTS ist ein Mehrkanal (5.1) digitales Audio Format von hoher Qualität, verwendet von DVD's und DTS Audio CD's.NealSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdca-0.0.5-2pclos2012.src.rpm^49505dd52438f8ee54c86d50cc94d46d./SRPMS.pclos_d   C B@BA,BE0BJQClibde2651.0.111pclos2023Open h.265 video codec implementationlibde265 is an open source implementation of the h.265 video codec. It is written from scratch and has a plain C API to enable a simple integration into other software. libde265 supports WPP and tile-based multithreading and includes SSE optimizations. The decoder includes all features of the Main profile and correctly decodes almost all conformance streams.pSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libde265-1.0.11-1pclos2023.src.rpm(69084ba6790f7a42ea058fd4e66d9f24./SRPMS.pclosGd   C    B@BABEBJ9Clibdecor0.2.21pclos2024Wayland client side decoration libraryLibdecor provides a small helper library for providing client side decoration to Wayland clients.System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdecor-0.2.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmkcda7b942341229382cbeac6b8f32921d./SRPMS.pclosd   L 3B@EBAhBElBJClibdeflate1.221pclos2024Fast implementation of DEFLATE, gzip, and zliblibdeflate is a library for fast, whole-buffer DEFLATE-based compression and decompression, supporting DEFLATE, gzip, and zlib.\System/Librariesx86_64  cmakemakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdeflate-1.22-1pclos2024.src.rpmc182e4b25c19910ed5550c19236e1c47./SRPMS.pclosd ( [d hz<B@PBABEBJClibdesktop-agnostic0.3.922pclos2013A desktop-agnostic library for GLib-based projectsThis library provides an extensible configuration API, a unified virtual file system API, and a desktop item editor (all with pluggable backends) for GLib-based projects. It is not tied to any one desktop environment, although there are desktop-specific modules.Development/Otherx86_64  libvala-devellibgladeui-develpython-devellibGConf2-develgobject-introspection-develpython-gobject-develpygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Ht xB@BABEBJ!Clibdiscid0.6.41pclos2023A Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDslibdiscid is a library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs. It reads a CD's table of contents (TOC) and generates an identifier which can be used to lookup the CD at MusicBrainz (http://musicbrainz.org). Additionally, it provides a submission URL for adding the DiscID to the database.)System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdiscid-0.6.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmNc10440640bdd6ed0e45474289d6434ee./SRPMS.pclosd  E DB@ZBABEBJClibdispatch5.102pclos2024Apple's Grand Central Dispatch libraryGrand Central Dispatch (GCD or libdispatch) provides comprehensive support for concurrent code execution on multicore hardware. libdispatch is currently available on all Darwin platforms. This project aims to make a modern version of libdispatch available on all other Swift platforms. To do this, we will implement as much of the portable subset of the API as possible, using the existing open source C implementation. libdispatch on Darwin is a combination of logic in the xnu kernel alongside the user-space Library. The kernel has the most information available to balance workload across the entire system. As a first step, however, we believe it is useful to bring up the basic functionality of the library using user-space pthread primitives on Linux. Eventually, a Linux kernel module could be developed to support more informed thread scheduling.System/Librariesx86_64  chrpathclangcmakelibbsd-develllvm-develninja-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdispatch-5.10-2pclos2024.src.rpm0f84907ae8fc1492f8c610cece7aaae8./SRPMS.pclos'd # >D HY`pB@BABEBJClibdisplay-info0.1.11pclos2024EDID and DisplayID libraryEDID and DisplayID library. Goals: * Provide a set of high-level, easy-to-use, opinionated functions as well as low-level functions to access detailed information. * Simplicity and correctness over performance and resource usage. * Well-tested and fuzzed.1System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(hwdata)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdisplay-info-0.1.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmU8711d71131e1c418be0a87ea313681da./SRPMS.pclos'd # >D HY`pB@BABEBJClibdisplay-info0.2.02pclos2025EDID and DisplayID libraryEDID and DisplayID library. Goals: * Provide a set of high-level, easy-to-use, opinionated functions as well as low-level functions to access detailed information. * Simplicity and correctness over performance and resource usage. * Well-tested and fuzzed.xXSystem/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(hwdata)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdisplay-info-0.2.0-2pclos2025.src.rpmf30dc4770c9d26f49bc87fe14cb3bc6d./SRPMS.pclosCd  P B@BABEBJ5Clibdjconsole0.1.36pclos2019Libdjconsole - Support for hardware dj consoleslibdjconsole - Support for hardware dj consoles\System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(libusb)sedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Tx |B@BABEBJClibdlna0.2.43pclos2019Implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance)libdlna aims at being the reference open-source implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standards. Its primary goal is to provide DLNA support to uShare, an embedded DLNA & UPnP A/V Media Server, but it will be used to build both DLNA servers and players in the long term.rSystem/Librariesx86_64 ffmpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdlna-0.2.4-3pclos2019.src.rpm.e74493de5a0383bfc9ad837adece3d3d./SRPMS.pclosd # D dB@BABEBJClibdmapsharing2.9.391pclos2019A DMAP client and server librarylibdmapsharing implements the DMAP protocols. This includes support for DAAP and DPAP.׍System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-glib)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gee-0.8)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)gnome-commongtk-docvala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d   U4 8HP`B@BABEBJClibdmtx0.7.51pclos2021a library for reading and writing Data Matrix 2D barcodeslibdmtx is open source software for reading and writing Data Matrix 2D barcodes on Linux and Unix. At its core libdmtx is a shared library, allowing C/C++ programs to use its capabilities without restrictions or overhead. PDevelopment/C++x86_64 libpng-devellibtiff-develimagemagick-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdmtx-0.7.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm 17f5e53f5cac20c19dfae3bd91a79002./SRPMS.pclos?d   6   (DB@BA BEBJ1Clibdmx1.1.52pclos2025DMX library (part of X.org)The DMX extension provides support for communication with and control of Xdmx server. Attributes of the Xdmx server and of the back-end screens attached to the server can be queried and modified via this protocol.Development/X11x86_64   libx11-devellibxext-devellibxext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros1.   X -B@ABAdBEhBJClibdnet1.18.01pclos2024Portable interface to several low-level networking routineslibdnet provides a simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines, including network address manipulation, kernel arp(4) cache and route(4) table lookup and manipulation, network firewalling, network interface lookup and manipulation, and raw IP packet and Ethernet frame transmission. .System/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(check)pkgconfig(python3)python3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdnet-1.18.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm1786552b978a0fd9f240633870cfe9541./SRPMS.pclosSd   @ B@BA BE$BJEClibdnsres0.1a1pclos2007A non-blocking DNS resolver libraryLibdnsres provides a non-blocking thread-safe interface for resolving DNS names. It is built on top of libevent and makes heavy use of the *BSD resolver code. This is essentially an ugly hack to get a non-blocking DNS resolver for my own personal use. That spells out to: use at your own risk, I know that the code is ugly.Texstar System/Librariesi586 libevent-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdnsres-0.1a-1pclos2007.src.rpm3d7bb76cb7fcd6114ba8101cabd66f44./SRPMS.pclos[d   Ep tB@BA(BE,BJMClibdrm2.4.1241pclos2025Direct Rendering Manager runtime libraryDirect Rendering Manager runtime libraryZSystem/Librariesx86_64  autoconfautomakedocbook-xslkernel-userspace-headerslib64cairo-devellib64cunit-devellib64pciaccess-devellib64udev0-devellibpthread-stubslibtoolmesonpkgconfigpython-docutilspython3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-util-macrosxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1libdrm-2.4.124-1pclos2025.src.rpm6768cd8a725bac31792a98f55b8f16d2./SRPMS.pclosd   _ %,8kB@uBABEBJClibdsk1.1.141pclos2007A library for accessing floppy drives and disk images transparentlyLibDsk is a library intended to give transparent access to floppy drives and to the "disc image files" used by emulators to represent floppy drives. HTexstar System/Librariesi586 libz-develbzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdsk-1.1.14-1pclos2007.src.rpm e15f7a58e13d405e8ed8d9e93cfe4569./SRPMS.pclosd   ^   ]B@hBABEBJClibdsk1.4.21pclos2018A library for accessing floppy drives and disk images transparentlyLibDsk is a library intended to give transparent access to floppy drives and to the "disc image files" used by emulators to represent floppy drives. System/Librariesx86_64 zlib1-devellib64bzip2-devellyxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdsk-1.4.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm a4b71b3240f259099fb6b1b4d41f7586./SRPMS.pclosKd  1 B@BABEBJ=Clibdv1.0.02pclos2013DV software video codecThe Quasar DV codec (libdv) is a software codec for DV video. DV is the encoding format used by most digital camcorders, typically those that support the IEEE 1394 (aka FireWire or i.Link) interface. libdv was developed according to the official standards for DV video, IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M. See http://libdv.sourceforge.net/ for more.pinocVideox86_64 popt-devellibxv-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdv-1.0.0-2pclos2013.src.rpmT280b4d066cadf4e56d6c13f28c04fa32./SRPMS.pclosd   > B@BABEBJ Clibdvb0.5.5.16pclos2013DVB mpegtools libdvb - base toolsManipulation of various MPEG file formats and their DVB variants'Videoi586 gcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdvb-   i  4B@<BA`BEdBJClibdvbcsa1.1.02pclos2019DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm with encryption and decryption capabilitieslibdvbcsa is a free and portable implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling algorithm with decryption and encryption capabilities.kpp System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdvbcsa-1.1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm2bc530dc08a87238a751a1b01d4e4f4a./SRPMS.pclosd   _ -48TB@\BABEBJClibdvbpsi1.3.31pclos2020A library for decoding and generating MPEG 2 and DVB PSI sectionslibdvbpsi is a simple library designed for decoding and generating MPEG 2 TS and DVB PSI tables. The important features are: * PAT decoder and generator. * PMT decoder and generator.FXSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdvbpsi-1.3.3-1pclos2020.src.rpmJe83f73e176eb454268794a9f29b05d2f./SRPMS.pclosd   `  $@B@HBAlBEpBJClibdvdcss1.4.31pclos2021Library for accessing DVDs like block device usind deCSS if neededlibdvdcss is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs like a block device without having to bother about the decryption. The important features are: * Portability. Currently supported platforms are GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, BeOS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT/2000, MacOS X, Solaris, and HP-UX. * Simplicity. There are currently 7 functions in the API, and we intend to keep this number low. * Freedom. libdvdcss is released under the General Public License, ensuring it will stay free, and used only for free software products. * Just better. Unlike most similar projects, libdvdcss doesn't require the region of your drive to be set. System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdvdcss-1.4.3-1pclos2021.src.rpmz769e5c0471ca467b3dd3678e1917396b./SRPMS.pclosGd   4 B@BABEBJ9Clibdvdnav6.1.11pclos2021DVD Navigation librarylibdvdnav provides support to applications wishing to make use of advanced DVD features.аSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(dvdread)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Ֆ1f0e15bef61a473aff7459a74de6f80f./SRPMS.pclosd   9 B@BABEBJ Clibdvdread6.1.21pclos2021Library to read DVD imageslibdvdread provides a simple foundation for reading DVD-Video images.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdvdread-6.1.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm'fa518e8564f7070e903d820d795077b0./SRPMS.pclos;d   I B@BABE BJ-Clibdxfrw0.6.34pclos2019Library to read dwg and read/write dxf filesc++ library to read/write dxf files in binary and ascii form and to read dwg from r14. !1System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdxfrw-0.6.3-4pclos2019.src.rpm<6de04907a4720c98b370cc04b0f1e8ce./SRPMS.pclosGd   K B@BABEBJ9Clibdxfrw1.1.00.1pclos2022Library to read dwg and read/write dxf filesc++ library to read/write dxf files in binary and ascii form and to read dwg formjSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libdxfrw-1.1.0-0.1pclos2022.src.rpm*390dd00c3da3f9ca2d065290eafa6db6./SRPMS.pclosd   c  (B@0BATBEXBJyClibe-devel0.2.23pclos2019C library contains various functions which deal with data structureslibe is a C library which contains various functions which deal with data structures (hash tables, bitmasks, trees of IP addresses, etc.), networking, I/O, barriers, and other useful things. It is currently used in the implementation of authd (RSA authentication daemon), pcp (a parallel, pipelined file transfer system), and gexec (a fast, hierarchical cluster remote execution system).dDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libe-devel-0.2.2-3pclos2019.src.rpm5f22c77991c24454a709b7b2f91e9514./SRPMS.pclosd   C 4B@FBAhBElBJClibebml1.4.51pclos2024Extensible Binary Meta Language LibraryThis library is used for I/O operations in the Extensible Binary Meta Language (EBML), which is a kind of binary version of XML.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)utf8cpp-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1libebml-1.4.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm(tcda4d5664e393eed72c2d6c18043c358./SRPMS.pclosd  O B@BABEBJClibechonest2.3.11pclos2016Qt library for communicating with The Echo NestQt library for communicating with The Echo Nest. It currently supports almost all of the features of the Echo Nest API, including all API functions.XSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(QJson)pkgconfig(QtCore)pkgconfig(QtNetwork)pkgconfig(QtTest)doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libechonest-2.3.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm]2b3f7683960fa3b1bf3753324eccad4d./SRPMS.pclosd   hd hyB@BABEBJClibedit3.12pclos2019Provides generic line editing functions similar to those found in GNU ReadlineThis is an autotool- and libtoolized port of the NetBSD Editline library (libedit). This Berkeley-style licensed command line editor library provides generic line editing, history, and tokenization functions, similar to those found in GNU Readline.LSystem/Librariesx86_64 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libedit-3.1-2pclos2019.src.rpmOcac30c9d85d4240abe8bb504a9c3b27db./SRPMS.pcloskd   d  B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibeigen1.0.53pclos2019Eigen is a lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math.Eigen is a lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math, a.k.a. linear algebra.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libeigen-1.0.5-3pclos2019.src.rpm41e6ba5e9fe69f2bacf69fac57a2eb3b./SRPMS.pcloswd   ;p t B@$BADBEHBJiClibepc0.4.43pclos2019Easy Publish and Consume libraryThe Easy Publish and Consume library provides an easy method to: * publish data per HTTPS * announce that information via DNS-SD * find that information * and finally consume it You can use this library as key/value store published to the network, using encryption, authentication and service discovery.System/Librariesx86_64 intltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64avahi-client-devellib64avahi-common-devellib64avahi-glib-devellib64avahi-ui-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-devellib64uuid-develwayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libepc-0.4.4-3pclos2019.src.rpmɩ23560290956e745e70b6132830262872./SRPMS.pclos[d   F B@BA(BE,BJMClibepoxy1.5.101pclos2022Direct Rendering Manager runtime libraryA library for handling OpenGL function pointer management.pSystem/Librariesx86_64 mesonmesa-develx11-util-macrospython3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libepoxy-1.5.10-1pclos2022.src.rpmu91443cc6aa41ec3a824702affb707281./SRPMS.pclosd    ;0 4ELPlB@tBABEBJClibeps1.53pclos2019EPS (Email Parsing System) libraryEPS (Email Parsing System) is intended to give people the ability to write their own email processing tools. Whether you want to process incoming and outgoing emails, or just analyze a message, this package is intended to aid in that endeavor.sSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libeps-1.5-3pclos2019.src.rpmu2e7d8c61757e691448e6540fb328c499./SRPMS.pclosd   0t xB@3BAXBE\BJ}Clibesmtp1.0.63pclos2019SMTP client libraryLibESMTP is a library to manage posting (or submission of) electronic mail using SMTP to a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) such as Exim. It may be used as part of a Mail User Agent (MUA) or another program that must be able to post electronic mail but where mail functionality is not the program's primary purpose.uSystem/Librariesx86_64  openssl-develmultiarch-utilslibltdl-develautomakeautoconf2.5libtoolpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   L B@BABEBJClibestr0.1.102pclos2019Essentials for string handling (and a bit more)Essentials for string handling (and a bit more).{7System/Librariesx86_64 makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libestr-0.1.10-2pclos2019.src.rpma1f9fd0d02c7b25708c285bb2072408d./SRPMS.pclosd   1 ^B@kBABEBJClibetpan1.9.42pclos2022Mail purpose libraryThe purpose of this mail library is to provide a portable, efficient framework for different kinds of mail access. When using the drivers interface, the interface is the same for all kinds of mail access, remote and local mailboxes. Network protocols supported: o IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP and SSL/TCP/IP, already implemented. o Local storage (mbox/MH/maildir), message / MIME parserGSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64curl-devellib64db5.3-devellib64expat1-devellib64gnutls-devellib64sasl2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libetpan-1.9.4-2pclos2022.src.rpmF727b00dd38e2e0381064d1607f122347./SRPMS.pclosd   @L PahlB@BABEBJClibev4.251pclos2019High-performance event loop/event modellibev is a high-performance event loop/event model with lots of features. (see benchmark at http://libev.schmorp.de/bench.html) It is modeled (very loosely) after libevent and the Event Perl module, but aims to be faster and more correct, and also more featureful."System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libev-4.25-1pclos2019.src.rpm6730af80f6fcf04634b8f22b0303c486./SRPMS.pclosd   A /B@BBAhBElBJClibevdev1.13.33pclos2024Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Librarylibevdev is a library to wrap kernel evdev devices and provide a proper API to interact with those devices.System/Librariesx86_64  doxygenmesonpkgconfig(check)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libevdev-1.13.3-3pclos2024.src.rpm3Q003d079cc93101e106117c011804605c./SRPMS.pclosd N)B@3BAXBE\BJ}Clibevent1.4.121pclos2011Abstract asynchronous event notification libraryThe libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached. libevent is meant to replace the asynchronous event loop found in event driven network servers. An application just needs to call event_dispatch() and can then add or remove events dynamically without having to change the event loop.System/Librariesx86_64 autoconflibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libevent-1.4.12-1pclos2011.src.rpmb675d494b39849bf7cdf4717ad498f21./SRPMS.pclosd   N GB@SBAxBE|BJClibevent2.1.113pclos2020Abstract asynchronous event notification libraryThe libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached. libevent is meant to replace the asynchronous event loop found in event driven network servers. An application just needs to call event_dispatch() and can then add or remove events dynamically without having to change the event loop. System/Librariesx86_64 autoconflibtoolopenssl-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libevent-2.1.11-3pclos2020.src.rpm 8a1b044f4c8bb4adcdbb78447edeff97./SRPMS.pclos{d   \ B@$BAHBELBJmClibewf201406083pclos2019Utils for use with the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)Libewf is a library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF), it support both the SMART format (EWF-S01) and the EnCase format (EWF-E01). Libewf allows you to read and write media information within the EWF files. This package contains utils for use with the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF).K=System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(ext2fs)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libewf-20140608-3pclos2019.src.rpmO4ed7ec0f34f43f93461f7ce0645cd4c91./SRPMS.pclosd   O  $5<DhB@qBABEBJClibexif0.6.231pclos2021Library to access EXIF files (extended JPEG files) Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags.System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libexif-0.6.23-1pclos2021.src.rpm83b3eb64dfdf776912b8605df2dffd12./SRPMS.pclosd  R 8B@CBAhBElBJClibexif-gtk0.3.59pclos2013Library to access EXIF files (extended JPEG files) Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags. This library does not contain any documentation, but it seems to make the connection between libexif, the core library for EXIF, and GTK-based graphical frontends.s{Graphicsx86_64 libexif-devellibgtk+2.0-devellibglib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libexif-gtk-0.3.5-9pclos2013.src.rpmxa521401bf54bc5f71afe5aa3d4dd289c./SRPMS.pclos#d " \48 Tel|B@BABEBJClibextractor0.5.18a1pclos2007Libextractor library used to extract meta-data from fileslibextractor is a library used to extract meta-data from files of arbitrary type. It is designed to use helper-libraries to perform the actual extraction, and to be trivially extendable by linking against external extractors for additional file types. The goal is to provide developers of file-sharing networks or WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain simple keywords to match against queries. libextractor contains a shell-command "extract" that, similar to the well-known "file" command, can extract meta-data from a file and print the results to stdout. Currently, it supports the formats HTML, PDF, PS, MP3, OGG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, RPM, ZIP, Real, QT and ASF. Also, various additional MIME types are detected.xԣTexstar System/Librariesi586 zlib-develbzip2-devellibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libextractor-0.5.18a-1pclos2007.src.rpmx$cf52da768175a26b0631c1f6d10d0997./SRPMS.pclosd   ;`d lB@BABEBJClibfac3.0.34pclos2007An extension to Singular-factorySingular-libfac is an extension to Singular-factory which implements factorization of polynomials over finite fields and algorithms for manipulation of polynomial ideals via the characteristic set methods (e.g., calculating the characteristic set and the irreducible characteristic series).g(Gri6507System Environment/Librariesi586  factoryrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C B@ BA,BE0BJQClibfakekey0.13pclos2019Converting characters to X key-presseslibfakekey is a simple library for converting UTF-8 characters into 'fake' X key-presses.System/Librariesx86_64 libxtst-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfakekey-0.1-3pclos2019.src.rpme001c44c8e1398066badde07a9368edb./SRPMS.pclosd   ?l pB@BABEBJClibfame0.9.14pclos2022Fast Assembly Mpeg Encoding libraryFAME is a library for fast MPEG encoding.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfame-0.9.1-4pclos2022.src.rpm&29d5ff52806ac0556c421d887a4a3081./SRPMS.pclosd  It xB@BABEBJ Clibfastjson0.99.82pclos2019A performance-focused json library for CA performance-focused json library for C.6System/Librariesx86_64 makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfastjson-0.99.8-2pclos2019.src.rpm$^f40ca92848844bd20e37f5dad61f84c4./SRPMS.pclos d   [  0B@BABEBJClibfep0.0.91pclos2013Library to implement FEP (front end processor) on ANSI terminalsThe libfep project aims to provide a server and a library to implement input method FEP (front end processor), running on ANSI compliant terminals.pinoc32System/Librariesi586 libgee-develpkgconfig(ncurses)gobject-introspection-develintltoolvala-develvala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfep-0.0.9-1pclos2013.src.rpm06df664ae694d515e30131ef0b164289./SRPMS.pcloskd   <    B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibffado2.4.51pclos2022Firewire audio drivers for JACKThe FFADO library provides a generic, open-source solution for the support of FireWire based audio devices for the Linux platform. It is the successor of the FreeBoB project. Currently this library is used by the firewire backends of the jack audio connection kit sound server (jackit package). This backend provides audio and midi support, and is available in both jack1 and jack2.Soundx86_64 python-sconspkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(libraw1394)pkgconfig(libiec61883)pkgconfig(libxml++-2.6)pkgconfig(jack)python3-qt5-develpkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(libconfig)pkgconfig(dbus-c++-1)python3-dbusrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libffado-2.4.5-1pclos2022.src.rpme230f6c48abc87d3960dc65898630d7c./SRPMS.pclosd   H B@,BALBEPBJqClibffi3.4.71pclos2025A portable foreign function interface libraryThe 'libffi' library provides a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions. This allows a programmer to call any function specified by a call interface description at run time. FFI stands for Foreign Function Interface. A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. The 'libffi' library really only provides the lowest, machine dependent layer of a fully featured foreign function interface. A layer must exist above 'libffi' that handles type conversions for values passed between the two languages.System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libffi-3.4.7-1pclos2025.src.rpmi44669c5fcd8a9775507a610a9570c45c./SRPMS.pclosd   +    B@BABEBJ Clibfido21.11.01pclos2022FIDO2 librarylibfido2 is an open source library to support the FIDO2 protocol. FIDO2 is an open authentication standard that consists of the W3C Web Authentication specification (WebAuthn API), and the Client to Authentication Protocol (CTAP). CTAP is an application layer protocol used for communication between a client (browser) or a platform (operating system) with an external authentication device (for example the Yubico Security Key).System/Librariesx86_64 gnupg2cmakemakegccpkgconfig(hidapi-hidraw)pkgconfig(libcbor)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfido2-1.11.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmbdeb02bfe4669e5bc1e3afbcb22d1b8a./SRPMS.pclosd   +    B@BABEBJClibfido21.14.01pclos2023FIDO2 librarylibfido2 is an open source library to support the FIDO2 protocol. FIDO2 is an open authentication standard that consists of the W3C Web Authentication specification (WebAuthn API), and the Client to Authentication Protocol (CTAP). CTAP is an application layer protocol used for communication between a client (browser) or a platform (operating system) with an external authentication device (for example the Yubico Security Key).System/Librariesx86_64  cmakegccgnupg2makepkgconfig(libcbor)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libfido2-1.14.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm 67e2b01d708f99e6370726fdadb9c4f0./SRPMS.pcloskd ! L\` fwB@BA8BE<BJ]Clibfilezilla0.49.01pclos2024Small and modern C++ library for FileZillalibfilezilla is a free, open source C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs. Some of the highlights include: * A typesafe, multi-threaded event system that's very simple to use yet extremely efficient. * Timers for periodic events. * A datetime class that not only tracks timestamp but also their accuracy, which simplifies dealing with timestamps originating from different sources. * Simple process handling for spawning child processes with redirected I/O.pinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  doxygengraphvizpkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(nettle)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libfilezilla-0.49.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm+a2959757c3716c97e32a8c4df8271f9b./SRPMS.pclos?d " \ B@BA BEBJ1Clibfilteraudio0.0.14pclos2022Lightweight audio filtering library made from webrtc codeLightweight audio filtering library made from webrtc code.Development/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfilteraudio-0.0.1-4pclos2022.src.rpma4f5655edc4cd75ee6a24754a531975bc./SRPMS.pclosCd  ^dh B@BABEBJ5Clibfishsound0.7.01pclos2007Simple programming interface that wraps Xiph.Org audio codecsFishSound (libfishsound) provides a simple programming interface for decoding and encoding audio data using the Xiph.Org codecs Vorbis and Speex. libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on Annodex or Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in conjunction with liboggz to decode or encode Ogg encapsulated Vorbis or Speex files.QTexstar System/Librariesi586 oggvorbis-develspeex-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfishsound-0.7.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmb1ada8c8c5e98582bb7e00b4c6e1b569./SRPMS.pclosd    8X \nxB@BABEBJClibfli1.73pclos2019Finger Lakes Instrument LibraryFinger Lakes Instrument LibraryDevelopment/Otherx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfli-1.7-3pclos2019.src.rpm475f2ed0ebed069a257fd559f4c3601d./SRPMS.pclosd   $( /FPbB@BABEBJCdelibfm1.4.01pclos2025GIO-based library for file manager-like programsAuf GIO basierende Bibliothek für dateimanagerähnlicher ProgrammeLibFM is a GIO-based library used to develop file manager-like programs. It is developed as the core of next generation PCManFM and takes care of all file- related operations such as copy & paste, drag & drop, file associations or thumbnails support. By utilizing glib/gio and gvfs, libfm can access remote file systems supported by gvfs. This package contains the generic non-gui functions of libfm.Auf GIO basierende Bibliothek zum Programmieren von dateimanagerähnlichen Programmen Es ist als Kern für die nächste Generation von PCManFM entwickelt wurden und übernimmt alle dateibezogenen Operationen wie Kopieren und Einfügen, Drag & Drop, Dateiassoziationen oder die Vorschaubilderunterstützung. Dafür wird glib/gio und gvfs genutzt, libfm kann auch auf entfernte Dateisystem mittels gvfs-Unterstützung zugreifen. Dieses Paket beinhaltet generische Funktionen von libfm die nicht die GUI betreffen. danielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64   automakedbus-glib-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextgettext-develgtk-docgtk2-develintltoollib64vala-devellibexif-devellibpthread-stubslibtoolmenu-cache-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 3ed9e80c73248861b33822982c3ae551./SRPMS.pclosd   ;\` gx   B@BABEBJClibfm-qt1.4.01pclos2023Libraries for the LXQt desktopLibraries for the LXQt desktop danielSystem/Librariesx86_64   cmakelib64exif12-devellib64lxqt-devellib64menu-cache-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellxqt-build-toolslxqt-menu-data-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   1 B@BABEBJClibfmodex4.44.461pclos2015FMOD EX API LinuxFMOD Ex is the older generation technology used in thousands of commercial titles.KřSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libfmodex-4.44.46-1pclos2015.src.rpmKʤccb2fcb5760a65f03b7d95337eabbe9e./SRPMS.pclosd   2 /B@LBApBEtBJClibfontenc1.1.81pclos2024The fontenc Librarylibfontenc is a library which helps font libraries portably determine and deal with different encodings of fonts.;#Development/X11x86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macroszlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-`655b9970ca77543a845b84b4bc720033./SRPMS.pclosd   Q4 8IPTpB@xBABEBJClibformat1.54pclos2019A library for HTML syntax highlighting of source codelibformat is an adaptation of the mod_format Apache module to do syntax highlighting of source code using HTML outside of Apache. libformat is capable of syntax highlighting C, C++, Java, Python, Verilog and VHDL source code.vSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libformat-1.5-4pclos2019.src.rpmd4da10714816265a7a73917d48070135./SRPMS.pclosd   ?   w B@BABEBJClibfreebob1.0.112pclos2017Library for BeBoB audio devicesThis library provides access to BeBoB devices from the Freebob project.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64  libalsa-devellibavc1394-devellibiec61883-devellibraw1394-devellibxml2-develpkgconfigzlib-devellibtoolautoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d  At xB@(BAHBELBJmClibfs1.0.101pclos2024Library Interface to the X Font ServerLibfs is a library interface to the X Font Server.Development/X11x86_64   pkgconfig(xtrans)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros1.   P ,B@:BA\BE`BJClibftdi1.42pclos2021Library to program and control the FTDI USB controllerLibrary to program and control the FTDI USB controlleraSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64usb-compat0.1-develpkgconfigdoxygencmakeboost-devellib64confuse-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libftdi-1.4-2pclos2021.src.rpm74c02201fe8aaa57246a8cd956609c4f./SRPMS.pclosd   D *B@3BATBEXBJyClibg151.2.61pclos2012Library to control logitech G15 keyboardsControls the G15 keyboard, providing applications access to the keyboard's LCD display, and the additional keys available on this keyboard.cNealSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64usb1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libg15-1.2.6-1pclos2012.src.rpmee99cf169c86c189b79dee7f56b365759./SRPMS.pclosd  i  %6@TB@BABEBJClibg15render1.21pclos2012Library to render text and shapes into a buffer usable by the G15 keyboardThis is a library to render text and shapes into a buffer usable by the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard. This library probably isn't very useful without libg15 and/or g15daemon.dNealSystem/Librariesx86_64 freetype2-develg15-develdoxygentetex-latexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libg15render-1.2-1pclos2012.src.rpm˔c8a32ee5e3d3be0b1acbed23c6f98c06./SRPMS.pclosd "  HB@XBA|BEBJCdepllibgadu1.12.24pclos2021A Gadu-gadu protocol compatibile libraryEine Gadu-gadu Protokoll kompatible BibliothekBiblioteka do obsługi protokołu komunikatora Gadu-GaduThe libgadu is intended to make it easy to add Gadu-Gadu communication support to your software.Die libgadu vereinfacht, die Gadu-Gadu Kommunikation Unterstützung in Ihrer Software.Libgadu jest biblioteką przeznaczoną do obsługi protokołu komunikatora Gadu-Gadu.wNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  doxygenlib64gnutls-devellib64protobuf-c-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}b21d34e603411b15556056f7015b6b4b./SRPMS.pclosd " J 9B@LBAtBExBJClibgail-gnome1.20.31pclos2010Dynamic libraries for for libgail-gnomeGail is the GNOME Accessibility Implementation LibraryA System/Librariesi586  atk-develat-spi-devellibgnomeui2-devellibpanel-applet-2-devellibxtst-devellibglade2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   4x |B@BABEBJ)Clibgalago0.5.23pclos2010Base library of GalagoThis is the base library of the Galago desktop presence framework.System/Librariesi586 dbus-glib-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgalago-0.5.2-3pclos2010.src.rpmJ08235e02fe8b804b3e2bbd4af4e39382./SRPMS.pclosd   ? -4HB@BABEBJClibgcal0.9.63pclos2019Implements Google Data Protocol 2.0Implements Google Data Protocol 2.0. It does allow communication with google calendar and contacts, implements already: - authentication - get all events/contacts - atom stream parsing - access to individual events/contacts - add/delete/edit events/contacts - query for updated events/contacts - add/edit/delete contacts with photo - download your contact's photos - proxy is supported - timezones - use only xml to add/edit/delete entries - great doxygen documentationB7System/Librariesx86_64 cmakecurl-devellibxml2-develcheck-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgcal-0.9.6-3pclos2019.src.rpmDdf3a3829bdee92b5bcb50ab941d867fc./SRPMS.pclosd   8 MB@bBABEBJClibgcrypt1.11.03pclos2024GNU Cryptographic libraryLibgcrypt is a general purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GNU Privacy Guard. It provides functions for all cryptographic building blocks: symmetric ciphers (AES,DES,Blowfish,CAST5,Twofish,Arcfour), hash algorithms (MD5, RIPE-MD160, SHA-1, TIGER-192), MACs (HMAC for all hash algorithms), public key algorithms (RSA, ElGamal, DSA), large integer functions, random numbers and a lot of supporting functions.6System/Librariesx86_64   pkgconfig(gpg-error)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)1.493.0.4-14.6.0-1libgcrypt-1.11.0-3pclos2024.src.rpm64`ea4d9cd64ffff81659c6b3d463054586./SRPMS.pclosd  L\ `qx   B@BABEBJClibgd2.3.32pclos2022A library used to create PNG, JPEG, or WBMP imagesgd is a graphics library. It allows your code to quickly draw images complete with lines, arcs, text, multiple colors, cut and paste from other images, and flood fills, and write out the result as a PNG or JPEG file. This is particularly useful in World Wide Webapplications, where PNG and JPEG are two of the formats accepted for in-line images by most browsers. gd is not a paint program. If you are looking for a paint program, you are looking in the wrong place. If you are not a programmer, you are looking in the wrong place. gd does not provide for every possible desirable graphics operation. It is not necessary or desirable for gd to become a kitchen-sink graphics package, but version 1.7.3 incorporates most of the commonly requested features for an 8-bit 2D package.+System/Librariesx86_64 lib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64png1.6-devellib64tiff-devellib64webp-devellib64xpm-devellib64jpeg-develzlib1-develgettext-develraqm-develfonts-ttf-liberationmercurialrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgd-2.3.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm*a1252b197f6c416005fcf250a86c08fe./SRPMS.pclosKd   -  B@BABEBJ=Clibgda4.04.2.92pclos2017GNU Data AccessGNU Data Access is an attempt to provide uniform access to different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers, mail spools, etc). It is a complete architecture that provides all you need to access your data. libgda was part of the GNOME-DB project (http://www.gnome-db.org/), but has been separated from it to allow non-GNOME applications to be developed based on it. Drivers for the supported databases are included in the libgda4.0-* packages.OLbb2 Databasesx86_64  bisonflexgdbm-develgtk+2-develunique-devellibxslt-develncurses-developenldap2-develintltoolpopt-develpostgresql-develgnome-vfs2-develreadline-develscrollkeepersqlite3-develunixODBC-develxbase-devellibsoup-develiso-codesjava-1.8.0-sun-develautomake1.8mysql-develgtk-docgnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   -    B@JBApBEtBJClibgda5.05.2.81pclos2019GNU Data AccessGNU Data Access is an attempt to provide uniform access to different kinds of data sources (databases, information servers, mail spools, etc). It is a complete architecture that provides all you need to access your data. libgda was part of the GNOME-DB project (http://www.gnome-db.org/), but has been separated from it to allow non-GNOME applications to be developed based on it. Drivers for the supported databases are included in the gda2.0-* packages.Databasesx86_64  pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(goocanvas-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libgvc)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)db-develmysql-develpostgresql-developenldap-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(sqlcipher)pkgconfig(ncurses)readline-devellibgee-develintltoolgtk-docitstoollocalesgobject-introspection-develyelp-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   5 IB@`BABEBJClibgdamm44.1.31pclos2011C++ wrappers for libgdaC++ wrappers for libgda. libgdamm is part of a set of powerful C++ bindings for the GNOME libraries, which provide additional functionality above GTK+/gtkmm.;System/Librariesx86_64  glibmm2.4-devellibgda4.0-develgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.27.934.`84d826f7dbd79cfcf516660c8c800276./SRPMS.pclosSd   < -4|B@BA BE$BJEClibgdata0.18.11pclos2021Library for the GData protocollibgdata is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the GData protocol --- most notably, Google's services. It provides APIs to access the common Google services, and has full asynchronous support. QSystem/Librariesx86_64  gettext-develgnome-commongtk-docmesonvalapkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gcr-base-3)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(goa-1.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(oauth)pkgconfig(libuhttpmock-0.0)rootcertsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) bbd803b904ed7a1ee4b131cb8badc576./SRPMS.pclos[d   J B@BA(BE,BJMClibgdiplus5.61pclos2019An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ APIAn Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API, it is part of the Mono Project 9System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(pango)automakegiflib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgdiplus-5.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm 44c8e8dd8ccfd7d4966fc95f97741a36b./SRPMS.pclosd   PD HY`hB@BABEBJClibgdither0.63pclos2019Library for applying dithering to PCM audio sourcesLibgdither is a GPL'd library library for performing audio dithering on PCM samples. The dithering process should be carried out before reducing the bit width of PCM audio data (eg. float to 16 bit int conversions) to preserve audio quality.VSystem/Librariesx86_64 fftw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgdither-0.6-3pclos2019.src.rpmUVf13b0632b297eaa2ec212770467f017e./SRPMS.pclosd   I4 8IP`B@BABEBJClibgdome0.8.16pclos2011A DOM level2 library for accessing XML filesLibgdome is a DOM C library developed for the Gnome project. Libgdome is a DOM level2 Implementation. Libgdome supports "Core" and "XML" modules. Libgdome supports "Events" and "MutationEvents" modules. Libgdome is based on libxml2.vSystem/Librariesx86_64  libxml2-develglib2-develglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){adf42a5e34314431f05299215a916154./SRPMS.pclosd   < QB@jBABEBJClibgee0.20.61pclos2022GObject-based collection libraryLibgee is a collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes for commonly used data structures.uSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)valarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.322.320.   7    B@BABEBJ!Clibgepub0.6.01pclos2021Library for epub documentslibgepub is a GObject based library for handling and rendering epub documents.nSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)mesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgepub-0.6.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmq70b70047110da61b5b17f7db99947a1a./SRPMS.pclosSd   O    B@BA BE$BJEClibgexiv20.14.21pclos2023A GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 librarygexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library. It makes the basic features of Exiv2 available to GNOME applications.2System/Librariesx86_64   gtk-docmesonpkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(vapigen)python3-gobject3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed0.213.0.4-14.6.0-1libgexiv2-0.14.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm re8b987cadf08d73f0d25ad10c19acb05./SRPMS.pclosgd YptB@BA4BE8BJYClibggi2.2.22pclos2011A fast, simple, small and flexible user-space graphics libraryLibGGI is a fast, simple, small and flexible user-space graphics library developed by the GGI Project . It attempts to abstract the many different graphics output systems existing under Unix (and in the future, other platforms). The support for all of these different types of displays and hardware are provided by dynamically-loaded mini-libraries. LibGGI can transparently (to the LibGGI-using application) display graphics on an X window, fbcon (Linux framebuffer driver), or the glide library, through their respective graphics drivers, or targets. There are also some other targets which display through another target, such as multi to display simultaneously on multiple displays at once, and tile to tile your display to different monitors. LibGGI supports acceleration of graphics primitives where possible. LibGGI is a very generic piece of software, that will run on about every platform that has remotely heard of POSIX (ports to other systems such as Win32 are underway) and on many display subsystems.ziSystem/Librariesx86_64 libgii-develaalib-develncurses-develDirectFB-devellibxext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libggi-2.2.2-2pclos2011.src.rpmk373b82a10cce72c867a39191aaf3937c./SRPMS.pclosgd   D B@BA4BE8BJYClibggz0.0.14.14pclos2011Common library for the GGZ Gaming ZoneThe GGZ Gaming Zone server allows other computers to connect to yours via the Internet and play network games. This library provides features required for running both clients and the server. Build Option: --with encrypt Enable encryption support --with openssl Prefer OpenSSL to GNUTLS, for encryption support (Useless unless "--with encrypt" is also used)wSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libggz-{ga1bb1d4cd556eaf6645c1c6197f44735./SRPMS.pclosd 9-48TB@\BABEBJClibghthash0.6.22pclos2011Generic Hash Table libraryThe GHT (Generic Hash Table) library is a hash table implementation in C for storing arbitrary types of data. It is meant to be small, easily extensible (in terms of hash functions etc), and easy to understand codewise.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libghthash-0.6.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm5d0698a318eb409163f965be93e1071f./SRPMS.pclosd   7`d B@BABEBJ Clibghttp1.0.99pclos2007GNOME http client library.Library for making HTTP 1.1 requests.Texstar System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libghttp-1.0.9-9pclos2007.src.rpm46bbbfcd20773bc55e862be23f1aac8c./SRPMS.pclosd  ( k AB@XBABEBJClibgig3.1.10.cvs20070413.1pclos2007C++ library for loading Gigasampler files and DLS Level 1/2 files.C++ library for loading Gigasampler files and DLS Level 1/2 files.uSystem/Librariesi586  audiofile-develdoxygenlibflac-devellibsndfile-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d8bc404052338a9d34e8fb6a09d0ef99b./SRPMS.pclosSd @B@BA BE$BJEClibgii1.0.22pclos2011A flexible library for input handlingLibGII is an input library developed by the GGI Project (http://www.ggi-project.org). Its design philosophy is similar to LibGGI, which deals with graphics output. LibGII is based on the concept of input streams, which virtualize access to the underlying input drivers. Events from various input devices are abstracted into easy-to-use structures. LibGII also allows the application to join streams together, receiving input from an arbitrary combination of devices. LibGII is a separate component from LibGGI, although LibGGI depends on LibGII for input purposes. (LibGGI's input functions are simply wrappers for LibGII functions.) şSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgii-1.0.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm 8a89c48a1ea0ae73a4b2dbee5ddef377e./SRPMS.pclos[d   c@ DU\   B@BA(BE,BJMClibgit20.28.41pclos2020C implementation of the Git core methods as a library with a solid APIlibgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native speed custom Git applications in any language with bindings.-MSystem/Librariesx86_64 gcccmakehttp-parser-devellibcurl-devellibssh2-developenssl-develpythonzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgit2-0.28.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm-TEb8e2b5dd069d9d8e158f3b4e189b4d0a./SRPMS.pclosd   +@D N_h  ` B@sBABEBJClibgksu2.0.126pclos2017GKSu librariesGKSu is a library that provides a Gtk+ frontend to su and sudo. It supports login shells and preserving environment when acting as a su frontend. It is useful to menu items or other graphical programs that need to ask a user's password to run another program as another user.%bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develgtk-doclibgtop2.0-develstartup-notification-develgnome-keyring-devellibGConf2-develgtk+2-develperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsdbus-glib-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgksu-2.0.12-6pclos2017.src.rpm 5aa056c4a1719ad681173b577950b522./SRPMS.pclos3d  U 8B@BABEBJ%Clibglade2.02.6.45pclos2019Library for dynamically loading GLADE interface fileslibglade allows you to load user interfaces in your program, which are stored externally. This allows alteration of the interface without recompilation of the program.FSystem/Librariesx86_64  autoconfpkgconfig(atk)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! A \B@BABEBJ!Clibglademm2.42.6.75pclos2019C++ interface of glade2 libraryThis package provides a C++ interface for glade2. It is a subpackage of the gnomemm project. The interface provides a convenient interface for C++ programmers to create glade2 objects.ϓSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libglademm2.4-2.6.7-5pclos2019.src.rpmc86879b961d768b53ee02085bdba4bc3./SRPMS.pclosd   5  LB@UBAxBE|BJClibglee5.4.01pclos2013GL Easy Extension libraryGLee (GL Easy Extension library) is a free cross-platform extension loading library for OpenGL. It provides seamless support for OpenGL functions up to version 3.0 and 399 extensions.pinocDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 libmesagl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libglee-5.4.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm9534e522e8177d4356317d0a7d7b29d5./SRPMS.pclos{d # U8 <MTtB@BAHBELBJmClibglib-testing0.1.01pclos2020Library providing test harnesses and mock classeslibglib-testing is a test library providing test harnesses and mock classes which complement the classes provided by GLib. It is intended to be used by any project which uses GLib and which wants to write internal unit tests.{JSystem/Librariesx86_64  gettext-develgtk-docmesonpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   O  B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibglpng1.452pclos2010A toolkit for loading PNG images as OpenGL texturesglpng is a small toolkit to make loading PNG image files as an OpenGL texture as easy as possible.System/Librariesi586 png-develGL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libglpng-1.45-2pclos2010.src.rpm492fb3f82c257f11758b525c58bc38b7./SRPMS.pclosd   C B@BABEBJClibglvnd1.7.03pclos2023The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch librarylibglvnd is an implementation of the vendor-neutral dispatch layer for arbitrating OpenGL API calls between multiple vendors on a per-screen basis. System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(glproto)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)python-libxml2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-server-xvfb3.0.4-14.6.0-1libglvnd-1.7.0-3pclos2023.src.rpm A022254143950492c660f5ae455a77a4e./SRPMS.pclos{d   6 B@%BAHBELBJmClibgnet1.1.93pclos2007Libgnet, a network libraryGnet is a simple network library. It is writen in C, object-oriented, and built upon glib. It is intended to be small, fast, easy-to-use, and easy to port. The interface is similar to the interface for Java's network library. Features: * TCP 'client' sockets * TCP 'server' sockets * Non-blocking TCP sockets * UDP * IP Multicast * Internet address abstraction^Texstar System/Librariesi586 glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgnet-1.1.9-3pclos2007.src.rpmdjbcaef756d175db774d3af1baf7451c27./SRPMS.pclos7d * J  '0HB@BABEBJ)Clibgnome-games-support1.8.11pclos2021Support library for GNOME gameslibgnome-games-support is a small library intended for internal use by GNOME Games, but it may be used by others. The API will only break with the major version number. The ABI is unstable.:Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gee-0.8)intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.402.403.123.0.4-1libgnome-games-support-1.8.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm b34cdd31bc8f28deb55d22d9d0db00f0./SRPMS.pclos[d % K    B@BA(BE,BJMClibgnome-keyring3.12.07pclos2021Keyring library for the GNOME desktopgnome-keyring is a program that keep password and other secrets for users. It is run as a damon in the session, similar to ssh-agent, and other applications can locate it by an environment variable. The program can manage several keyrings, each with its own master password, and there is also a session keyring which is never stored to disk, but forgotten when the session ends.System/Librariesx86_64 eggdbus-develintltoolgtk-doclibtoolvala-toolsvala-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gpg-error-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgnome-keyring-3.12.0-7pclos2021.src.rpmd347b88ced2044888c800d4df7fe54cc3./SRPMS.pclosGd  + H    B@BABEBJ9Clibgnome-media-profiles3.0.02pclos2013GNOME Media Profiles libraryThe GNOME Media Profiles library provides prebuilt GStreamer pipelines for applications aiming to support different sound formats.YGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-develGConf2-develglib2-devellib64gladeui2-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-develintltoolautomakeautoconflibtoolgnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgnome-media-profiles-3.0.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm201624e42b1f828e3d09ac1c72b47666./SRPMS.pclos;d   .hl v   B@BABE BJ-Clibgnome22.32.12pclos2017GNOME librariesData files for the GNOME library such as translations.ybb2 System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-vfs-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(libbonobo-2.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra)pkgconfig(popt)gtk-docintltoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # 6  $<DdB@BA4BE8BJYClibgnomecanvas2.30.32pclos2014GnomeCanvas widgetThe GNOME canvas is an engine for structured graphics that offers a rich imaging model, high performance rendering, and a powerful, high-level API. It offers a choice of two rendering back-ends, one based on Xlib for extremely fast display, and another based on Libart, a sophisticated, antialiased, alpha-compositing engine. Applications have a choice between the Xlib imaging model or a superset of the PostScript imaging model, depending on the level of graphic sophistication required.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  bisonlibgtk+2-devellibart_lgpl-devellibpango-devellibglade2.0-devellibgail-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( SH L]dtB@BABEBJ%Clibgnomecanvasmm2.62.26.03pclos2013A C++ interface for GNOME 2 canvas libraryThis package provides a C++ interface for GNOME canvas library. It is a subpackage of the gnomemm project. The interface provides a convenient interface for C++ programmers to create GNOME GUIs with GTK+'s flexible object-oriented framework.8System/Librariesx86_64  gtkmm2.4-devellibgnomecanvas2-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Ch l}  4 B@DBAlBEpBJClibgnomecups0.2.36pclos2019GNOME library for CUPS integrationGNOME library for CUPS integrationSystem/Librariesx86_64 cups-develcups-commonglib2-develperl(XML::Parser)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)gettext-develintltoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgnomecups-0.2.3-6pclos2019.src.rpmeF0ae03ca7856bc011a5618e18f25c008b./SRPMS.pclosd " +|    B@BABEBJClibgnomedb4.03.99.87pclos2014GNOME DBGnome DB is a frontend to the GDA architecture, being developed as part of the GNOME project. It adds, to the already powerful GDA architecture, a nice GUI front end for users, as well as a whole set of software components intended to be reused in other unrelated applications. This package contains the core components of GNOME-DB.Databasesx86_64  lib64gladeui1-devellibgnomeui2-devellibgda4.0-develscrollkeepergtk-docdocbook-dtd412-xmlgtksourceview1-develglade3-devellibgoocanvas-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  8X \mt  F B@pBABEBJClibgnomekbd3.6.01pclos2013GNOME keyboard librariesGNOME keyboard indicator pluginSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libxklavier)gobject-introspection-develintltoolchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " = SB@hBABEBJClibgnomemm2.62.30.02pclos2013A C++ wrapper for libgnomeThe libgnomemm library provides a C++ wrapper for libgnome library. It is a subpackage of the gnomemm project, which provides C++ binding of various GNOME libraries.{System/Librariesx86_64  gtkmm2.4-devellibgnome2-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|f1615f26889ba1e47e2d94d03603c1b0./SRPMS.pclosd"6  t B@BABEBJClibgnomeprint2.18.81pclos2011GNOME print libraryThis is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture, as described in: http://www.levien.com/gnome/print-arch.html pSystem/Librariesx86_64  libart_lgpl-devellibbonobo2_x-develpango-devellibgnomecups-develbisonflexgtk-docintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) a14bdebac92e600a1e8b05c21ec1d863./SRPMS.pclosd $ 8    B@BABEBJClibgnomeprintui2.18.63pclos2013GNOME print libraryThis is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture, as described in: http://www.levien.com/gnome/print-arch.htmlpinoc64System/Librariesx86_64  libgnomeprint2-2-devellibgnomecanvas2-devellibglade2.0-develgtk+2-develgnome-icon-themegtk-docintltoolautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  5p t8B@BABEBJClibgnomeui22.24.53pclos2020Main GNOME librariesData files for the GNOME UI library such as translations.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-vfs-2.0)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(libbonoboui-2.0)pkgconfig(libglade-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnome-2.0)pkgconfig(libgnomecanvas-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(sm)gtk-docintltoolgnome-commongettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ G  $  B@BA,BE0BJQClibgnomeuimm2.62.28.05pclos2013A C++ wrapper for GNOME UI libraryThis library provides a C++ wrapper for GNOME UI library. It is a subpackage of the gnomemm project, which provides C++ binding of various GNOME libraries.System/Librariesx86_64  libgnomeui2-develgnome-vfsmm2.6-develgconfmm2.6-devellibgnomemm2.6-devellibgnomecanvasmm2.6-devellibglademm2.4-devellibexpat-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) NH L^dlB@BABEBJClibgoogle-data-mono1.6.0.01pclos2010.NET library for the Google Data APIThe Google Data APIs (GData) provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. Each of the following Google services provides a Google data API: * Base * Blogger * Calendar * Spreadsheets * Google Apps Provisioning * Code Search * Notebook * Picasa Web Albums * Document Feed * Contacts * You Tube * Google Health The GData .NET Client Library provides a library and source code that make it easy to access data through Google Data APIs.Development/Otheri586 mono-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgoogle-data-mono-`mf8f94eb9426227e99c2138581951bfff./SRPMS.pclosd  [  $5<DtB@BABEBJClibgpg-error1.501pclos2024Library containing common error values for GnuPG componentsThis is a library that defines common error values for all GnuPG components. Among these are GPG, GPGSM, GPGME, GPG-Agent, libgcrypt, pinentry, SmartCard Daemon and possibly more in the future. wSystem/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libgpg-error-1.50-1pclos2024.src.rpm 559e1f725507e059174753ba5a73316e./SRPMS.pclosd   @( ,=D p 2 B@DBAhBElBJClibgphoto2.5.291pclos2022Library to access digital camerasThe gPhoto2 project is a universal, free application and library framework that lets you download images from several different digital camera models, including the newer models with USB connections. Note that a) for some older camera models you must use the old "gphoto" package. b) for USB mass storage models you must use the driver in the kernel This package contains the library that digital camera applications can use. Frontends (GUI and command line) are available separately.\8System/Librariesx86_64 lib64exif12-devellib64gd-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lockdev-devellib64ltdl-devellib64usb-compat0.1-devellib64usb1.0-devellib64xml2-develudev-toolslibhal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgphoto-2.5.29-1pclos2022.src.rpm\caeb5191b4877b34acf2c79bfbf6b785./SRPMS.pclos3d   7| B@BABEBJ%Clibgpio0.0.215pclos2010I/O library for GPhoto 2.xlibgpio is a library for different I/O operations done by GPhoto 2.0]Graphicsi586 libusb-develautomake1.7rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgpio-0.0.2-15pclos2010.src.rpm3a64ce999d3f06205bd7aefd9813584e./SRPMS.pclosWd   B )0|B@BA$BE(BJIClibgpod0.8.37pclos2023Library to access an iPod audio playerlibgpod is a library meant to abstract access to an iPod content. It provides an easy to use API to retrieve the list of files and playlist stored on an iPod, to modify them and to save them back to the iPod. ukSystem/Librariesx86_64   ejectgtk-docintltoollibsgutils-develpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libimobiledevice-1.0)pkgconfig(libplist-2.0)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(taglib)python3-mutagenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig2. 4f1e519d896dcdb09c5c15828e3f16e6./SRPMS.pclosCd ! Dh lB@BABEBJ5Clibgravatar24.12.31pclos2025This lib provides gravatar supportThis lib provides gravatar support.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libgravatar-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmO3e681b010b8cd167fd5baa1cff6191b4./SRPMS.pclosd  L ;B@GBApBEtBJClibgringotts1.2.11pclos2011A data encapsulation and encryption libraryA small, easy-to-use, thread-safe C library originally developed for Gringotts; its purpose is to encapsulate data (generic: ASCII but also binary data) in an encrypted and compressed file. It uses strong encryption algorithms, to ensure the data is as safe as possible, and allows the user to have the complete control over all the algorithms used in the process.Y6System/Librariesx86_64 libmcrypt-develmhash-develzlib-develbzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgringotts-1.2.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm[010eabb6d43eda8771c30debf47e8b0c./SRPMS.pclosGd   el pB@BABEBJ9Clibgsasl1.8.11pclos2020Implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer frameworkGNU SASL is an implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework and a few common SASL mechanisms. SASL is used by network servers (e.g., IMAP, SMTP) to request authentication from clients, and in clients to authenticate against servers.vSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64gcrypt-devellib64ntlm-devellib64krb53-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgsasl-1.8.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm_ec4c839ecea925ffd076b9e451b78659./SRPMS.pclosd   :    B@BABEBJClibgsf1.14.531pclos2024GNOME Structured File libraryA library for reading and writing structured files (eg MS OLE and Zip). System/Librariesx86_64   gtk-docintltoolpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 6e90b0b586b0b52e3fcf501ac9a3b059./SRPMS.pclos3d   > $ EV\tB@BABEBJ%Clibgssapi0.102pclos2007A mechanism-switch gssapi librarylibgssapi provides a gssapi interface, but does not implement any gssapi mechanisms itself; instead it calls other gssapi functions (e.g., those provided by MIT Kerberos), depending on the requested mechanism, to do the work.3Texstar System/Librariesi586  multiarch-utilskrb5-develautoconf2.5pkgconfiglibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   >$ (9@LB@BABEBJClibgssglue0.43pclos2019A mechanism-switch gssapi librarylibgssglue provides a gssapi interface, but does not implement any gssapi mechanisms itself; instead it calls other gssapi functions (e.g., those provided by MIT Kerberos), depending on the requested mechanism, to do the work.System/Librariesx86_64 multiarch-utilskrb5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgssglue-0.4-3pclos2019.src.rpmSa5b7fd7be66263597a1d55d3e96fb0d0./SRPMS.pclosd   X SB@`BABEBJClibgsystem2015.21pclos2016GIO-based library for use by operating system componentsLibGSystem is a GIO-based library, targeted primarily for use by operating system components. It has a few goals: - Provide macros for the GCC attribute(cleanup) that work with GLib data types. Using these can dramatically simplify local memory management inside functions. - Prototype and test APIs that will eventually be in GLib. Currently these include "GSSubprocess" for launching child processes, and some GFile helpers. - Provide Linux-specific APIs in a nicer GLib fashion, such as O_NOATIME. LibGSystem is a GIO-based library, targeted primarily for use by operating system components.System/Librariesx86_64 lib64attr1-devellib64cap-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgsystem-2015.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm8e983613c4a8a1d9f007d8977ad32ff8./SRPMS.pclos d  *4 8IP`B@BABEBJClibgtkhtml22.11.14pclos2014GtkHTML 2GtkHTML 2System/Librariesx86_64  gail-develgnome-vfs2-devellibsm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & B4 8@HXB@BABEBJClibgtksourceviewmm2.9.21pclos2010Source code viewing libraryGtkSourceview is a library that adds syntax highlighting, line numbers, and other programming-editor features. GtkSourceView specializes these features for a code editor. This package contains the C++ language bindings for GtkSourceview.sEditorsi586  gtksourceview-devellibgtkmm2.4-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  4 eB@sBABEBJCdelibgtop22.38.03pclos2019The LibGTop libraryLibGTop is a library that fetches information about the running system such as CPU and memory useage, active processes and more. On Linux systems, this information is taken directly from the /proc filesystem while on other systems a server is used to read that information from other /dev/kmem, among others.LibGTop ist eine Bibliothek die Informationen zum laufenden System wie z.B. CPU- und Speicherverwendung, Aktive Prozesse und so weiter abruft. Auf Linuxsystemen, stammen diese Informationen direkt vom /proc Dateisystem während auf anderen Systemen ein Servers zum Lesen dieser Informationen von anderen dev/kmem, u. a. verwendet wird. 8System/Librariesx86_64 texinfogtk-docintltoollib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64xau-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgtop2-2.38.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm 61c5fc6d91cdc0fece864906bbfd4dfdb./SRPMS.pclos#d   D, 0AH\B@BABEBJClibgudev2372pclos2022GObject-based wrapper library for libudevThis library makes it much simpler to use libudev from programs already using GObject. It also makes it possible to easily use libudev from other programming languages, such as Javascript, because of GObject introspection support.{KSystem/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libudev)gtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libgudev-237-2pclos2022.src.rpm~59e0a62435e4c285f03e1827a467f190./SRPMS.pclosd   G +B@9BA\BE`BJClibguess1.22pclos2014A high-speed character set detection libraryLibguess is a high-speed character set detection library. It employs discrete-finite automata to deduce the character set of an imput buffer.System/Librariesx86_64  lib64mowgli2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   7  4 % B@KBAlBEpBJClibgusb0.4.91pclos2024GLib wrapper around libusb1GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1 that makes it easy to do asynchronous control, bulk and interrupt transfers with proper cancellation and integration into a main-loop.(System/Librariesx86_64   gi-docgenmesonninjapkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(umockdev-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-develvala-tools2.  =    B@BABEBJ%Clibgweather3.36.11pclos2020GNOME Weather applet libraryThis is a library to provide Weather data to the GNOME panel applet.)ESystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(geocode-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)glib2-develintltoollibxml2-utilsmesongobject-introspection-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) >X\mtB@BA4BE8BJYClibgxim0.3.31pclos2011GObject-based XIM protocol librarylibgxim is a X Input Method protocol library that is implemented by GObject. this library helps you to implement XIM servers or client applications to communicate through XIM protocol without using Xlib API directly, particularly if your application uses GObject-based main loop.System/Librariesx86_64  intltoolgettextrubydbus-develdbus-glib-develglib2-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.230.742.163.0.4-1libgxim-0.3.3-1pclos2011.src.rpma71656cc1319ca8ed16b855e605ef0a2./SRPMS.pclosd   Z /B@aBABEBJClibgxps0.2.21pclos2015GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documentslibgxps is a GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents. System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-pdf)pkgconfig(cairo-ps)pkgconfig(cairo-svg)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libpng)libjpeg-devellibtiff-develgobject-introspection-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M [B@oBABEBJClibhandy0.0.133pclos2022A GTK+ library to develop UI for mobile deviceslibhandy is a library to help with developing UI for mobile devices using GTK+/GNOME.LSystem/Librariesx86_64  gtk-docmesonvalapkgconfig(gladeui-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ͺ57062e98dafa9f2d0f9b68a356a2456f./SRPMS.pclos_d   L B@BA,BE0BJQClibhandy1.8.31pclos2024A GTK+ library to develop UI for mobile deviceslibhandy is a library to help with developing UI for mobile devices using GTK+/GNOME.\System/Librariesx86_64  gtk-doclib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gladeui2-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64harfbuzz-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64vala-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala3.0.4-14.6.0-1libhandy-1.8.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmt227c34110a7bc029620a5e8ae38f8b11./SRPMS.pclosCd   K B@BABEBJ5Clibhangul0.1.01pclos2013A generalized and portable library for hangullibhangul is a generalized and portable library for processing hangul.,ESpinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libhangul-0.1.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm,Hk47887ca2e876b207b357720a2b245d4b./SRPMS.pclosd   l AB@LBApBEtBJClibharu2.0.81pclos2007HARU is a free, cross platform, open-sourced software library for generating PDFHARU is a free, cross platform, open-sourced software library for generating PDF. Texstar System/Librariesi586 libpng-develzlib-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libharu-2.0.8-1pclos2007.src.rpm[2d706c45c05e89fa5d02801de4944eb8./SRPMS.pclosOd   d( ,=D`B@BABE BJAClibheif1.15.11pclos2023libheif is a ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoderLibheif is an ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder. HEIF is a new image file format that can potentially employ HEVC (h.265) image coding for efficent compression ratios, but not only. Alternative codecs for, e.g., AVC and JPEG, PNG can be used. Because libheif makes use of libde265 for the actual image decoding and x265 for encoding, the version using these codecs is impaired by patents and is in the tainted repository.9 System/Librariesx86_64 lib64png1.6-devellib64jpeg-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64x265-devellib64de265-devellib64aom-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libheif-1.15.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm?af9b7a72cc3f777cdf461512853d6e89./SRPMS.pcloscd   ?\ `qxB@BA0BE4BJUClibhid0.2.162pclos2013Userspace USB HID development fileslibhid provides a generic and flexible way to access and interact with USB HID devices, much like libusb does for plain USB devices. It is based on libusb, thus it requires no HID support in the kernel and provides means to take control over a device even if the kernel governs it.!System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfiglibusb-develswigpython-devellibtooldoxygendocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libhid-0.2.16-2pclos2013.src.rpmơ2277db866e9d8cfff4f8694da3be54fd./SRPMS.pclosd   G` du|  ' B@7BA\BE`BJClibhome0.10.14pclos2010A library providing a getpwnam() emulationlibhome is a library providing a getpwnam() emulation. It support MySQL (3.23), Open LDAP 2 or system /etc/passwd frontend. It's intended to replace getpwnam within a system daemons who needs user authentification or identification when the users are listed on foreign servers."System/Librariesi586 autoconf2.5libtoolopenldap-developenssl-develmysql-develpostgresql-devellibdb4.6-develgroff-for-manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libhome-0.10.1-4pclos2010.src.rpmbbb21d808e15ea7dd46b42f6b30e248b./SRPMS.pclosd   e 9B@BBAhBElBJClibibverbs1.2.11pclos2019A library for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP) hardwarelibibverbs is a library that allows userspace processes to use RDMA "verbs" as described in the InfiniBand Architecture Specification and the RDMA Protocol Verbs Specification. This includes direct hardware access from userspace to InfiniBand/iWARP adapters (kernel bypass) for fast path operations. For this library to be useful, a device-specific plug-in module should also be installed.5System/Librariesx86_64 libnl3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libibverbs-1.2.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm61d142351499f6177e0aa3a19de68ea0./SRPMS.pclosd   D@ DU\pB@BABEBJClibical0.462pclos2011An implementation of basic iCAL protocolsLibical is an Open Source implementation of the IETF's iCalendar Calendaring and Scheduling protocols (RFC 2445, 2446, and 2447). It parses iCal components and provides a C API for manipulating the component properties, parameters, and subcomponents. ZSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64db4.8-develflexbisoncmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libical-0.46-2pclos2011.src.rpm ZV511d7883a2ba32b7729535deacb87b11./SRPMS.pclosd   E@ DU\pB@BABEBJClibical2.0.02pclos2019An implementation of basic iCAL protocolsLibical is an Open Source implementation of the IETF's iCalendar Calendaring and Scheduling protocols (RFC 2445, 2446, and 2447). It parses iCal components and provides a C API for manipulating the component properties, parameters, and subcomponents.NSystem/Librariesx86_64 db4-develflexbisoncmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libical-2.0.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmL^27c4a19821833a6d0bff632ab00237eb./SRPMS.pclossd   FD HY`   B@BA@BEDBJeClibical3.0.102pclos2022An implementation of basic iCAL protocolsLibical is an Open Source implementation of the IETF's iCalendar Calendaring and Scheduling protocols (RFC 2445, 2446, and 2447). It parses iCal components and provides a C API for manipulating the component properties, parameters, and subcomponents.OKSystem/Librariesx86_64 flexbisoncmakeicu-develvalapkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)lib64xml++2.6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libical-3.0.10-2pclos2022.src.rpmPue1f1185e5521cdcdb12c18a65bfd8efb./SRPMS.pclosd   :  0}B@BABEBJClibice1.1.11pclos2022X Inter Client Exchange Librarylibice provides an interface to ICE, the Inter-Client Exchange protocol. Motivated by issues arising from the need for X Window System clients to share data with each other, the ICE protocol provides a generic framework for building protocols on top of reliable, byte-stream transport connections. It provides basic mechanisms for setting up and shutting down connections, for performing authentication, for negotiating versions, and for reporting errors./cDevelopment/X11x86_64 x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosx11-xtrans-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libice-1.1.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm/93160c5f01ffc6de91b5dd4c30b14cab./SRPMS.pcloskd   J  B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibicns0.7.01pclos2009Library for manipulating Macintosh icns files.libicns is a library providing functionality for easily reading and writing Macintosh icns filesSystem/Librariesi586 libpng-develjasper-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libicns-0.7.0-1pclos2009.src.rpm2e7f96a1b2086cde60f1e174d426fe6a./SRPMS.pclos{d   G B@&BAHBELBJmClibicns0.8.12pclos2020Library for manipulating MacOS X icns fileslibicns is a library providing functionality for easily reading and writing MacOS X icns files.˵ghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(libpng)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libicns-0.8.1-2pclos2020.src.rpm22ad0c56e2f4b2e3e8eff9cd001bdc68./SRPMS.pclosd   S 8B@KBApBEtBJClibid3tag0.16.31pclos2024Library for reading and writing ID3v1 and ID3v2 tagsA library for reading and (eventually) writing ID3 tags, both ID3v1 and the various versions of ID3v2.rSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakegperfpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libid3tag-0.16.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm5c7b733f958d94467658ad186dd2b91a./SRPMS.pclosd   E  !(4fB@pBABEBJClibidn1.382pclos2022Internationalized string processing libraryGNU Libidn is an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) working group, used for internationalized domain names.System/Librariesx86_64 texinfojava-rpmbuildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libidn-1.38-2pclos2022.src.rpm2c4e7fc2ce720b659e529a25717a2525./SRPMS.pclos d   V$ (9@XB@BABEBJClibidn22.3.41pclos2022Library to support IDNA2008 internationalized domain namesLibidn2 is an implementation of the IDNA2008 specifications in RFC 5890, 5891, 5892, 5893 and TR46 for internationalized domain names (IDN). It is a standalone library, without any dependency on libidn.2ySystem/Librariesx86_64 lzipgettext-devellibunistring-devellocalesgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libidn2-2.3.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm6f26889b7bbfee5c5c0a61e5367be676d./SRPMS.pclosSd  > B@BA BE$BJEClibiec618831.2.04pclos2019Streaming library for IEEE1394The libiec61883 library provides an higher level API for streaming DV, MPEG-2 and audio over IEEE1394. Based on the libraw1394 isochronous functionality, this library acts as a filter that accepts DV-frames, MPEG-2 frames or audio samples from the application and breaks these down to isochronous packets, which are transmitted using libraw1394.hSystem/Librariesx86_64  libraw1394-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  P B@BA$BE(BJIClibieee12840.2.115pclos2019Cross-platform library for parallel port accesslibieee1284 is a cross-platform library for parallel port accessQ9System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(python)pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libieee1284-0.2.11-5pclos2019.src.rpmO]61a15e6761d77f576898575faee6fe91./SRPMS.pclosd   2pt yB@BABEBJClibifp1.0.0.22pclos2012iRiver driver libraryAn interface for IRiver's flash-based portable music playersNealSystem/Librariesi586 libusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libifp-   3 B@!BA@BEDBJeClibiio0.261pclos2024Library for Industrial IOLibrary for interfacing with Linux IIO devices libiio is used to interface to Linux Industrial Input/Output (IIO) Subsystem. The Linux IIO subsystem is intended to provide support for devices that in some sense are analog to digital or digital to analog converters (ADCs, DACs). This includes, but is not limited to ADCs, Accelerometers, Gyros, IMUs, Capacitance to Digital Converters (CDCs), Pressure Sensors, Color, Light and Proximity Sensors, Temperature Sensors, Magnetometers, DACs, DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis), PLLs (Phase Locked Loops), Variable/Programmable Gain Amplifiers (VGA, PGA), and RF transceivers.qDevelopment/Otherx86_64  avahi-common-develbisoncmakedoxygenflexgcclibaio-devellibserialport-devellibusbx-devellibxml2-develpkgconfig(avahi-client)python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libiio-0.26-1pclos2024.src.rpm8>23803a0ed28264867e96688a17ed8e01./SRPMS.pclosd   E ,lB@xBABEBJClibilbc2.0.23pclos2019Internet Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC) libraryiLBC (internet Low Bitrate Codec) is a FREE speech codec suitable for robust voice communication over IP. The codec is designed for narrow band speech and results in a payload bit rate of 13.33 kbit/s with an encoding frame length of 30 ms and 15.20 kbps with an encoding length of 20 ms. The iLBC codec enables graceful speech quality degradation in the case of lost frames, which occurs in connection with lost or delayed IP packets.#System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libilbc-2.0.2-3pclos2019.src.rpmd2a12b36b8962249cbad5c9597532f78f./SRPMS.pclosOd " ? B@BABE BJAClibimagequant2.15.11pclos2021Palette quantization librarySmall, portable C library for high-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color (palette) images. System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libimagequant-2.15.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm#d106d3a052b23a22db7c14a34cc77f8e./SRPMS.pclosd $ L qB@BABEBJClibimobiledevice1.3.04pclos2022Library for connecting to Apple deviceslibimobiledevice is a software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone®, iPod Touch®, iPad® and Apple TV® devices. Unlike other projects, it does not depend on using any existing proprietary libraries and does not require jailbreaking. It allows other software to easily access the device's filesystem, retrieve information about the device and it's internals, backup/restore the device, manage SpringBoard® icons, manage installed applications, retrieve addressbook/calendars/notes and bookmarks and (using libgpod) synchronize music and video to the device.BTerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(libplist-2.0)pkgconfig(libplist++-2.0)pkgconfig(libusbmuxd-2.0)pkgconfig(openssl)python3-develpython3-cythonswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! Q  TB@BABEBJClibindicate12.10.14pclos2019Library for applications to raise flags on DBusA small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. Currently used by the messaging indicator.biSystem/Librariesx86_64 vala-toolsintltoolgnome-commongnome-doc-utilsgtk-doclib64atk1.0-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbusmenu-glib-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64python-develpython-gobject-develpygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libindicate-12.10.1-4pclos2019.src.rpmS\2e25a35410408dfc4d1f781c0e96c6a1./SRPMS.pclosd % U BB@MBAxBE|BJClibindicate-qt0.2.5.911pclos2013Library for applications to raise flags on DBusThis project provides a set of Qt bindings for libindicate, the indicator system developed by Canonical Desktop Experience team.System/Librariesx86_64 libindicate-develqt4-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libindicate-qt- " \ XB@bBABEBJClibindicator12.10.14pclos2019A set of symbols and convenience functions for indicatorsA set of symbols and convenience functions that all indicators would like to use. Not of real use outside of the Ayatana indicators project.System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libindicator-12.10.1-4pclos2019.src.rpm|005638a65a07e287bc90fe8bbe0ebe8c./SRPMS.pclosd  [8< GRXdB@BABEBJClibinklevel0.9.11pclos2015Library to determine the ink levels of HP and Epson inkjets libinklevel is a library for checking the ink level of your printer on a system which runs Linux. It supports printers attached via parallel port or usb. Most current HP inkjets and several Epson inkjets are supported.fghostbunnyPublishingi586 libieee1284-devellibusb1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libinklevel-0.9.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm5c317d9762e0f6bd6c845163beeda08e./SRPMS.pclosd   2   | B@BABEBJClibinput1.27.11pclos2025Input device librarylibinput is a library that handles input devices for display servers and other applications that need to directly deal with input devices. It provides device detection, device handling, input device event processing and abstraction so minimize the amount of custom input code the user of libinput need to provide the common set of functionality that users expect. System/Librariesx86_64   check-develmesonpkgconfig(libevdev)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libwacom)pkgconfig(mtdev)python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) f7db063c731e4d123a81f8e4c304d08b./SRPMS.pcloswd   E -4 `  B@!BADBEHBJiClibinsane1.0.31pclos2020Cross-platform access to image scannersLibinsane is the library to access scanners on both Linux and Windows. It's cross-platform, cross-programming languages, cross-scanners :-). It takes care of all the quirks of all the platforms and scanners. System/Librariesx86_64 doxygengccgtk-docmesonsane-backendsvalapkgconfig(sane-backends)pkgconfig(cunit)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libinsane-1.0.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm 9b68be21afbc1843eb66f0fa43c63ad44./SRPMS.pclosd  > [B@iBABEBJClibinstpatch1.0.01pclos2014MIDI instrument patch librarylibInstPatch stands for lib-Instrument-Patch and is a library for processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for wavetable synthesis. libInstPatch provides an object framework (based on GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted, compressed and saved. Soundx86_64 glib2-devellibsndfile-devellibaudiofile-develintltoolpython-develpygtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libinstpatch-1.0.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm 270da2b4e0441187ad2cab229d4d1cac./SRPMS.pclosd  A KB@aBABEBJClibinstpatch1.1.61pclos2025Instrument file software libraryLibrary for processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for wavetable synthesis. libInstPatch provides an object framework (based on GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted, compressed and saved.jWSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakegtk-docintltoolpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libinstpatch-1.1.6-1pclos2025.src.rpmgc867321b5cc1c353fb8b9caf8069872a./SRPMS.pclosd   7  $5<DtB@}BABEBJClibiodbc3.52.141pclos2021The iODBC Driver ManagerThe iODBC Driver Manager is a free implementation of the SAG CLI and ODBC compliant driver manager which allows developers to write ODBC compliant applications that can connect to various databases using appropriate backend drivers.hKSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libiodbc-3.52.14-1pclos2021.src.rpm_)c53df2d36ebf9ab0a94640bb714a200b./SRPMS.pclosd ! 5TX   G B@\BABEBJClibipoddevice0.5.32pclos2007Ipod access librarylibipoddevice is a device-specific layer for the Apple iPod (http://www.apple.com/ipod). libipoddevice provides iPod-specific HAL event notification to applications, and along with objects representing an iPod, which gives the application access to properties and features of an iPod.hNeverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586  hal-develdbus-glib-devellibgtop2.0-devellibsgutils-devellibxml2-develejectgnome-commonX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   @ *4@jB@tBABEBJClibipt2.0.11pclos2019Intel Processor Trace Decoder LibraryThe Intel Processor Trace (Intel PT) Decoder Library is Intel's reference implementation for decoding Intel PT. It can be used as a standalone library or it can be partially or fully integrated into your tool.jDevelopment/Toolsx86_64 gcc-c++cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libipt-2.0.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm%106516bb3ab82a3ebe78ba29e7981fe8./SRPMS.pclos'd  0x |B@BABEBJClibiptcdata1.0.51pclos2019IPTC tag librarylibiptcdata is a library for parsing, editing, and saving IPTC data.YSystem/Librariesx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libiptcdata-1.0.5-1pclos2019.src.rpm320aa5d148c32661948846d859bc6fca./SRPMS.pclosd ! (, 1BHLhB@pBABEBJCdelibircclient1.61pclos2012Library, which implements client-server IRC protocol.Bibliothek, welche das Klient-Server IRC Protokoll implementiert.libircclient is a small but powerful library, which implements client-server IRC protocol. It has all features needed to create your own IRC client or bot, including multi-threading support, sync and async interfaces, CTCP/DCC support, colors, SSL connections and so on. This package contains shared libraries which are necessary for programs which are dynamicly linked against libircclient.libircclient ist eine kleine aber mächtige Bibliothek, welche das Klient-Server IRC-Protokoll implementiert. Sie hat alle Eigenschaften, die gebraucht werden, damit Sie ihren eigenen IRC- Klienten oder Bot erstellen können. Dazu zählen unter Anderem Multi Threading-Unterstütung, synchrones und asynchrones Interface, CTCP/DCC Unterstützung, Farben, SSL Verbindungen und so weiter. Dieses Paket enthält gemeinsame Bibliotheken, die für Programme nötig sind, welche dynamisch gegen libircclient gelinkt sind.NealSystem/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libircclient-1.6-1pclos2012.src.rpm1cae914be74c093ca5d85d2b5b2bf035./SRPMS.pclosd   E %,0LB@TBAxBE|BJClibirman0.5.22pclos2019Library for accessing the IRMAN hardwareGeneral purpose library for programs to use in order to receive infra red signals via irman compatible hardware. It is designed to be portable across Unices but is so far only known to work under Linux.fSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libirman-0.5.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm`71726a52ff3365454c1d2032857afa31./SRPMS.pclosd   A NB@aBABEBJClibisofs1.5.61pclos2023Library for creating ISO disc imagesLibisofs is a library that handles creating ISO disc image files. It is intended to work together with libburn to write these images to discs. DSystem/Librariesx86_64  doxygengraphvizlibacl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libisofs-1.5.6-1pclos2023.src.rpm i15818f385adeaacaf3f093dc5a050660./SRPMS.pclosd    4D HY`dB@BABEBJClibixp0.61pclos2011Plan9 file protocol librarylibixp is a stand-alone client/server 9P library including ixpc client. It consists of less than 2000 lines of code (including ixpc). libixp’s server API is based heavily on that of Plan 9’s lib9p, and the two libraries export virtually identical data structures.System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libixp-0.6-1pclos2011.src.rpm793d4a6c1c7706c3a8daa779b87f8bec./SRPMS.pclosd   ;04 ;LT  , B@FBAhBElBJClibjcat0.1.141pclos2025Library for reading Jcat filesThis library allows reading and writing gzip-compressed JSON catalog files, which can be used to store GPG, PKCS-7 and SHA-256 checksums for each file. This provides equivalent functionality to the catalog files supported in Microsoft Windows.TerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64  brotli-develglib2-develgnutlsgnutls-develgobject-introspection-develgpgme-develgtk-docjson-glib-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala3.0.4-14.6.0-1libjcat-0.1.14-1pclos2025.src.rpm 55a22b5b78d5998c910ae78be7d1a27a./SRPMS.pclosd   V _B@nBABEBJClibjingle0.3.111pclos2007Google Talk's implementation of Jingle and Jingle-AudioLibjingle is a set of C++ components provided by Google to interoperate with Google Talk's peer-to-peer and voice calling capabilities. The package includes source code for Google's implementation of Jingle and Jingle-Audio, two proposed extensions to the XMPP standard that are currently available in experimental draft form.Texstar System/Serversi586 glib2-develdbus-developenssl-devellibexpat1-develautoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libjingle-0.3.11-1pclos2007.src.rpmR19f90c7e0bcea39c4c5ef703dae01be1./SRPMS.pclosd   \H L]dtB@BABEBJ Clibjpeg3.0.41pclos2024A MMX/SSE2 accelerated library for manipulating JPEG image filesThe libjpeg package contains a shared library of functions for loading, manipulating and saving JPEG format image files. Install the libjpeg package if you need to manipulate JPEG files. You should also install the jpeg-progs package.?System/Librariesx86_64  cmakenasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libjpeg-3.0.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm[2b8b9699b0bc94df8f39a6622dda6d12./SRPMS.pclosod   3 B@BA<BE@BJaClibjsw1.5.81pclos2012Joystick Wrapper libraryThe Joystick Wrapper library (libjsw) is designed to provide a uniform API and user configuration for joysticks and other game controllers on all platforms. It features an integrated library level calibration system using jscalibrator to provide a one time calibration for any program that uses libjsw. libjsw also features several levels of advanced joystick input error correction.oNealSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 gtk+1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libjsw-1.5.8-1pclos2012.src.rpmseb192200d480a561fa1925300509c253./SRPMS.pclosd   ; <LB@bBABEBJClibjxl0.7.01pclos2022JPEG XL reference implementationJPEG XL is a raster-graphics file format that supports both lossy and lossless compression. This is the reference implementation of JPEG XL, with encoder and decoder.#wSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygengiflib-develpkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libavif)pkgconfig(libbrotlicommon)pkgconfig(libbrotlidec)pkgconfig(libbrotlienc)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(zlib)lib64hwy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libjxl-0.7.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm(35d14437a79d61cff6bcf1313d92df7bb./SRPMS.pclos'd   ,H L]dxB@BABEBJClibkarma0.1.11pclos2010Rio Karma toolsRio Karma access libraryUSystem/Librariesi586 mono-develtaglib-devellibusb-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libkarma-0.1.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmV4fd31e78f0458af1cd5543b2a787c4f1e./SRPMS.pclosd   G \B@kBABEBJClibkate0.4.11pclos2013Karaoke and text codec for embedding in oggKate is an overlay codec, originally designed for karaoke and text, that can be multiplixed in Ogg. Text and images can be carried by a Kate stream, and animated. Most of the time, this would be multiplexed with audio/video to carry subtitles, song lyrics (with or without karaoke data), etc, but doesn't have to be. Series of curves (splines, segments, etc) may be attached to various properties (text position, font size, etc) to create animated overlays. This allows scrolling or fading text to be defined. This can even be used to draw arbitrary shapes, so hand drawing can also be represented by a Kate stream.rpinocSystem/Librariesx86_64 python-devellib64png-devellib64ogg-develliboggz-toolsdoxygenflexbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libkate-0.4.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm02911be2e2436cfd2dd2e7a77520f943./SRPMS.pcloskd   R B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibkcddb16.08.11pclos2016Library for retrieving and sending cddb informationA library for retrieving and sending cddb information.tGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64kde4-kdelibs-devellib64musicbrainz5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libkcddb-16.08.1-1pclos2016.src.rpmw0a588c2d061960d34285ea5a2002acfa./SRPMS.pclos{d   R B@$BAHBELBJmClibkcddb24.12.31pclos2025Library for retrieving and sending cddb informationA library for retrieving and sending cddb information.(System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libmusicbrainz5)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkcddb-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 575d2561600789e8b09d73d9cf85b79e./SRPMS.pclosgd % Kt xB@ BA4BE8BJYClibkcompactdisc24.12.31pclos2025KDE library for playing & ripping CDsKDE library for playing & ripping CDs.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(alsa)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkcompactdisc-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm454f4251538a3f88215ed7015fd8fae1./SRPMS.pclosd   C eB@wBABEBJClibkdcraw24.12.31pclos2025C++ interface around LibRaw libraryLibkdcraw is a C++ interface around LibRaw library used to decode RAW picture files. More information about LibRaw can be found at http://www.libraw.org.7Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libraw)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkdcraw-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm;4c5a0be3060815a8b90345ba15fa23d9./SRPMS.pclos{d ! -p t B@BAHBELBJmClibkdegames24.12.31pclos2025KDE - GamesThis packages provides common code and data for many KDE games.[;Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkdegames-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm[qo6cc780a48ccd77ba61695b9fcccb7fc2./SRPMS.pclosCd   :X \s|B@BABEBJ5Clibkdepim24.12.31pclos2025Lib for common kdepim appsLib for common kdepim apps.YtGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkdepim-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm`ff4df77a1e758ae1406f7fb761670027./SRPMS.pclos{d ( ^ B@BAHBELBJmClibkeduvocdocument24.12.31pclos2025Library to parse, convert, and manipulate KVTML filesLibrary to parse, convert, and manipulate KVTML files.VGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkeduvocdocument-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm88763b8c4380a34e5fe4ac55c252f96e./SRPMS.pclosd   < $B@:BA`BEdBJClibkexiv224.08.01pclos2024Wrapper around exiv2 libraryLibkexiv2 is a wrapper around Exiv2 library to manipulate pictures metadata as EXIF/IPTC and XMP.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64   kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(exiv2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 01a0a3f670790bdd0f24b85a0d87003e./SRPMS.pclosd   < $B@:BA`BEdBJClibkexiv224.12.31pclos2025Wrapper around exiv2 libraryLibkexiv2 is a wrapper around Exiv2 library to manipulate pictures metadata as EXIF/IPTC and XMP.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64   kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(exiv2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)$ce3ae7857d19130d50737ee50b270599./SRPMS.pclosd   U #B@5BA\BE`BJClibkgapi24.12.31pclos2025Accessing various Google services via their public APILibKGAPI (previously called LibKGoogle) is a C++ library that implements APIs for various Google services. Currently supported APIs: - Calendar API v3 (https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar) - Contacts API v3 (https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/) - Tasks API v1 (https://developers.google.com/google-apps/tasks) - Latitude API v1 (https://developers.google.com/latitude/v1/) - Static Google Maps API v2 (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/staticmaps/) - Drive API v2 (https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/reference)OLGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libsasl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkgapi-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm9945bf5e03f99c3fd3ab1bd407d7f081./SRPMS.pclosd   y 0B@.BATBEXBJyClibkgeomap20.08.34pclos2021A wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a mapA wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a mapbGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macrosmarble-develki18n-develkconfig-develkio-develktextwidgets-develcmakeqtbase5-common-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5xml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libkgeomap-20.08.3-4pclos2021.src.rpmby5eedde8285e0f0f63f7b24a614ff400b./SRPMS.pclosd   A48 @QX  . B@@BA`BEdBJClibkkc0.3.11pclos2013Japanese Kana Kanji conversion librarylibkkc provides a converter from Kana-string to Kana-Kanji-mixed-string. It was named after kkc.el in GNU Emacs, a simple Kana Kanji converter, while libkkc tries to convert sentences in a bit more complex way using N-gram language models. _=pinoc32System/Librariesi586 marisa-develvalavala-toolsvala-devellibgee0.6-devellibjson-glib-develgobject-introspection-develintltoollibpython-develmarisa-pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libkkc-0.3.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm e6a46268177edc9788e789ce4bc109244./SRPMS.pclosgd  > B@ BA4BE8BJYClibkkc-data0.2.71pclos2013Language model data for libkkcThe libkkc-data package contains the language model data that libkkc uses at run time.Spinoc32System/Librariesi586 libpython-develmarisa-pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libkkc-data-0.2.7-1pclos2013.src.rpmS׭d000b3e9cda11c8bdd8a926ed321da77./SRPMS.pclosKd   @d hB@BABEBJ=Clibkleo24.12.31pclos2025This lib provides crypto for mailsThis lib provides crypto for mails. mGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkleo-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 6cd7739b6428932aba98552c83654e40./SRPMS.pclosd " ^ [B@lBABEBJClibkmahjongg24.12.31pclos2025Library used for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesetsThis package provides the library for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesets and associated backgrounds, used by KMahjongg and KShisen.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkmahjongg-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm63375a656f13214c7fece1800c486f5f./SRPMS.pclosd   L >B@HBAhBElBJClibkmfl0.84pclos2007Keystroke interpreter for Tavultesoft Keyman fileslibkmfl is a keystroke interpreter for Tavultesoft Keyman files. KMFL means "Keyboard Mapping For Linux", but it is not for general purposes. It is for Tavultesoft Keyman. KMFL is being jointly developed by SIL International and Tavultesoft. Keyman is a proprietary software for keyboard mapping. It runs on MS Windows. See the screenshot: http://www.tavultesoft.com/keymandev/screenshot.php Some Keyman users provide the binary Keyman files, http://www.tavultesoft.com/keyman/downloads/keyboards/ but they don't work with libkmfl. You need the source Keyman files. For example, get "IPAUni_Src105.zip". It includes "IPAUni10.kmn". That is a source Keyman file. Compile "IPAUni10.kmn" by kmflcomp. Kmflcomp is a compiler for source Keyman files. It is a free software (GPL) running on Linux. $ kmflcomp IPAUni10.kmn It will generate "IPAUni10.kmfl". SCIM supports libkmfl. Install scim-kmfl-imengine then run scim-setup. Click "KMFL" and install "IPAUni10.kmfl". Restart SCIM and choose "Other" -> "IPA Unicode 1.0.5" on scim-toolbar.Texstar System/Internationalizationi586 automake1.8libkmflcomp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libkmfl-0.8-4pclos2007.src.rpme7ad02bb6227438248519c7efdeffbe0./SRPMS.pclosd % J #B@4BA`BEdBJClibkomparediff224.12.31pclos2025Library to compare files and stringsA shared library to compare files and strings using kdelibs and GNU diff, used in Kompare and KDevelop.;Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkomparediff2-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm=bbc52897eb9a0a96d8b17a813ac16368./SRPMS.pclosd   B B@&BALBEPBJqClibksane24.12.31pclos2025A library for dealing with scannersLibKSane is a KDE interface for SANE library to control flat scanner.hGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(sane-backends)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libksane-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmn12be92941644829a794decb218280c2e./SRPMS.pclosd   L B@1BATBEXBJyClibksba1.6.51pclos2023Library handling X.509 certificates and CMS dataKSBA is a library designed to build software based on the X.509 and CMS protocols.ۇSystem/Librariesx86_64  libgpg-error-develmultiarch-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libksba-1.6.5-1pclos2023.src.rpm d11086530852a439baee5ca2a3af309d./SRPMS.pclosd   < hB@|BABEBJClibkscreen6.3.31pclos2025Display configuration libraryLibKScreen is a library that provides access to current configuration of connected displays and ways to change the configuration.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  jqkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wayland-protocols-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1libkscreen-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmdcf002dab3300689c0a3e2b3d90b5dac./SRPMS.pclos;d   >` d{B@BABE BJ-Clibksieve24.12.31pclos2025This lib manages sieve supportThis lib manages sieve support. EGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libksieve-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm r9f8920f5f47be07c940c15b089925df4./SRPMS.pclosod  4L PgpB@BA<BE@BJaClibksysguard6.3.31pclos2025Ksysguard librariesKsysguard libraries.wGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslm_sensors-develpkgconfig(libnl-3.0)pkgconfig(libpcap)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libksysguard-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmJS0db5f98b5fc97a97a152ef0224d94b57./SRPMS.pclosd ! <H Lcl B@"BALBEPBJqClibktorrent24.12.31pclos2025BitTorrent program for KDEKTorrent is a BitTorrent program for KDE. It's main features are: o Downloads torrent files o Upload speed capping, seeing that most people can't upload infinite amounts of data. o Internet searching using The Bittorrent website's search engine o UDP Trackers EGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develdoxygengit-corekf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gmp)pkgconfig(libgcrypt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libktorrent-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm v42e85c87fde8108d3f59e6ab73580eac./SRPMS.pclosd   k  18p[B@wBABEBJCliblastfm1.1.01pclos2024Liblastfm is a collection of libraries to help you integrate Last.fm servicesLiblastfm is a collection of libraries to help you integrate Last.fm services into your rich desktop software. It is officially supported software developed by Last.fm staff.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakelib64fftw-devellib64qt4-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5xml-devellibsamplerate-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ruby3.0.4-14.6.0-1liblastfm-1.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmUd7cdf13352590e4de9173b1a36bde3da./SRPMS.pclosd   J  $0aB@kBABEBJCliblazy0.23pclos2019Liblazy - D-Bus methods provided for convenienceLiblazy is a simple and easy to use library that provides convenient functions for sending messages over the D-Bus daemon, querying information from HAL or asking PolicyKit for a privilege.System/Librariesx86_64 dbus-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liblazy-0.2-3pclos2019.src.rpm 4e9f62fc57bc516deead752adc492a60./SRPMS.pclos/d   2H L\dtB@BABEBJ!Cliblbxutil1.1.03pclos2019LBX Utility libraryLBX Utility library.Development/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(zlib)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C  B@BA<BE@BJaCliblc31.1.11pclos2024Low Complexity Communication Codec (LC3)Low Complexity Communication Codec (LC3). The LC3 is an low latency audio codec.{System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1liblc3-1.1.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmH906d52f482417e28feb234aea35e151d./SRPMS.pclosd   K *B@3BAXBE\BJ}Clibldac2.0.2.31pclos2023A lossy audio codec for Bluetooth connectionsLDAC is an audio coding technology developed by Sony. It enables the transmission of High-Resolution Audio content, even over a Bluetooth connection.߲System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libldac-  < B@$BALBEPBJqCliblettertree0.11pclos2007A letter tree data structureThis is a simple implementation of a lettertree, an efficient data structure for storing and indexing string sharing a common prefix.Texstar System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liblettertree-0.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm2eeeafbec98616fb1226613cd6d1e1c2./SRPMS.pclos?d # G B@BA BEBJ1Cliblinebreak200803212pclos2011Line breaking in a Unicode sequenceLine breaking in a Unicode sequence. Designed to be used in a generic text renderer.?ySystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liblinebreak-20080321-2pclos2011.src.rpmC6c69dfdeac2272fcc88e61d752dfeb72./SRPMS.pclos/d  : B@BABEBJ!Cliblinphone4.4.212pclos2022Voice over IP ApplicationLinphone is an open source SIP Phone, available on mobile and desktop environments.Communicationsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liblinphone-4.4.21-2pclos2022.src.rpmz'ad13dbe6ba49d061a45799dbf9c9ec38./SRPMS.pcloscd   4 B@BA0BE4BJUCliblo0.321pclos2024Open Sound Control protocolLibLO is an implementation of the Open Sound Control protocol for POSIX systems, started by Steve Harris.Sound/Utilitiesx86_64  doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1liblo-0.32-1pclos2024.src.rpm:5defc73d02b0f5874dcb3f1ae603164b./SRPMS.pclosKd  7 B@BABEBJ=Cliblockfile1.084pclos2019NFS-safe locking libraryLiblockfile is a shared library with NFS-safe locking functions. It includes the command-line utility ``dotlockfile''.vSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liblockfile-1.08-4pclos2019.src.rpmx9c4b52507b1db2792af26c33a909b6a8d./SRPMS.pclosOd   \ B@BABE BJACliblogging1.0.62pclos2019Easy to use, portable, open source library for system loggingEasy to use, portable, open source library for system logging.System/Librariesx86_64 dos2unixmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liblogging-1.0.6-2pclos2019.src.rpmf93318d3a923563b10bcb95a98348a63./SRPMS.pclosd   = IB@UBAxBE|BJCliblqr0.4.22pclos2019LiquidRescale seam-carving libraryThe Liquid Rescale (lqr) library provides a C/C++ API for performing non-uniform resizing of images by the seam-carving technique.System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develdocbook-style-xsldocbook-dtd45-xmllibxslt-procrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liblqr-0.4.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm6d0bc1de06d885ddcfc74fd8eaa6506e./SRPMS.pclosd   R (eB@tBABEBJCliblrdf0.6.12pclos2019Library for handling RDF descriptions of audio pluginsliblrdf is a library for handling RDF (http://www.w3.org/RDF/) descriptions of LADSPA (and potentially other format) plugins. It allows grouping of plugins into trees for user slection and finer description of plugins and ports than the .so format allows (for example to indicatate textual equivalents of integer port values). It also provides named and described defaults and presets, metadata and general semnatic goodness.tSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(raptor2)openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Q B@BABE BJACliblscp0.9.111pclos2023LinuxSampler Control Protocol (LSCP) wrapper libraryLinuxSampler Control Protocol (LSCP) wrapper library.System/Librariesx86_64  autoconfpilot-link-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   G| ;B@IBApBEtBJClibmanette0.2.61pclos2023A simple GObject game controller librarylibmanette allows easy access to game controllers.xSystem/Librariesx86_64 gccmesonpkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(libevdev)pkgconfig(vapigen)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmanette-0.2.6-1pclos2023.src.rpmbc5d4bbe8600b630ba416d513b0e28a0./SRPMS.pclosd   U@ DU\  6 B@YBA|BEBJClibmash0.2.01pclos2021A library for using real 3D models within a Clutter sceneMash is a small library for using real 3D models within a Clutter scene. Models can be exported from Blender or other 3D modeling software as PLY files and then used as actors. It also supports a lighting model with animatable lights.ySystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(mx-1.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gtk-docrply-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){7f1737b5738235b52a141cfff6579128./SRPMS.pclosWd  @( ,=D h  B@BA$BE(BJIClibmatchbox1.95pclos2023Libraries for the Matchbox DesktopMatchbox is a base environment for the X Window System running on non-desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources are limited.System/Librariesx86_64 libx11-devellibxext-devellibxft-develpango-develpng-develjpeg-develXsettings-client-develcheck-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmatchbox-1.9-5pclos2023.src.rpmaf4edc4a7cb45cb6a104a5170a8ed878./SRPMS.pclosd   7` du|  [ B@BABEBJClibmatekbd1.28.01pclos2024MATE keyboard librariesFiles used by the MATE keyboard library.System/Librariesx86_64   intltoollib64xklavier-devellibxml2-utilspkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) openssl-develdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmidcom-0.1.0-1pclos2007.src.rpm;9680b04b1ea1a93fba969aac90fed1e0./SRPMS.pclos{d   i B@BAHBELBJmClibmikmod3.3.11.12pclos2019Sound library supporting multiple module formats and digital sound filesLibmikmod is a portable sound library, capable of playing samples as well as module files, originally written by Jean-Paul Mikkers (MikMak) for DOS. It has subsequently been hacked by many hands and now runs on many Unix flavours. It uses the OSS /dev/dsp driver including in all recent kernels for output, as well as ALSA and EsounD, and will also write wav files. Supported file formats include 669, AMF, APUN, DSM, FAR, GDM, IT, IMF,MOD, MED, MTM, OKT, S3M, STM, STX, ULT, UNI and XM. Full source included, use of this library for music/sound effects in your own programs is encouraged ! %|Soundx86_64 lib64alsa2-develautomake1.8rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmikmod- '645c1c22cfe5fc5c6fdcdbc861bd9fd0./SRPMS.pclosOd   ; B@BABE BJAClibmimedir0.51pclos2007MIME Directory Profile libraryThis library parses MIME Directory Profile which is defined in RFC 2425./Texstar System/Librariesi586 bisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmimedir-0.5-1pclos2007.src.rpm8ab304e79d906975854a9273f77885f01./SRPMS.pclosd   S $,TB@]BABEBJClibmimic1.0.44pclos2019Audio/Video Conference software for Instant MessengersAudio/Video Conference software for Instant Messengers. It aims to provide Audio/Video conferencing for as many Instant Messengers as possible through a modular design.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmimic-1.0.4-4pclos2019.src.rpmfaf3628846d994a5827e161e23ad90a1./SRPMS.pclosKd   9    B@BABEBJ=Clibmirage3.2.91pclos2024CD-ROM image access libraryThe aim of libMirage is to provide uniform access to the data stored in different image formats, by creating a representation of disc stored in image file, which is based on GObjects. There are various objects that represent different parts of the disc; disc, session, track, sector, etc. In addition to providing access to data provided by the image file, libMirage is also capable of generating some of the data that might not be present in image file. For instance, ISO image provides only user data from sector, without sync pattern, header, ECC/EDC codes or subchannel. When this missing data is requested, libMirage will transparently generate it.wSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakegtk-docintltoolpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libmirage-3.2.9-1pclos2024.src.rpmBc439b06ec2b856a2e493bd1795b0ea99./SRPMS.pclos;d   Ah l}B@BABE BJ-Clibmm-qt1.0.01pclos2014Qt wrapper for ModemManager DBus APIQt wrapper for ModemManager DBus API.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64qt4-develmodemmanager-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmm-qt-1.0.0-1pclos2014.src.rpmc72372765db707d656539048ecbcf8f5./SRPMS.pclos[d   9 B@BA(BE,BJMCdelibmms0.6.41pclos2014MMS stream protocol libraryLibmms is a library implementing the MMS streaming protocol.Libmms ist eine Bibliothek von MMS Streaming Protokoll.%System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmms-0.6.4-1pclos2014.src.rpm477839f6c2ce021cf5f3e9f32bf8d81f./SRPMS.pclos[d   ; B@BA(BE,BJMClibmng2.0.33pclos2019A library for handling MNG filesThe libmng library supports decoding, displaying, encoding, and various other manipulations of the Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) format image files. It uses the zlib compression library, and optionally the JPEG library by the Independent JPEG Group (IJG) and/or lcms (little cms), a color-management library by Marti Maria Saguar.System/Librariesx86_64 jpeg-devellcms2-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmng-2.0.3-3pclos2019.src.rpm6d1212622ad681816909e1c4a75a4d2f4./SRPMS.pclos#d   P< @QXpB@BABEBJClibmng11.0.106pclos2019Library for Multiple-image Network Graphics supportLibMNG is a library for accessing graphics in MNG (Multi-image Network Graphics) and JNG (JPEG Network Graphics) formats. MNG graphics are basically animated PNGs. JNG graphics are basically JPEG streams integrated into a PNG chunk. JSystem/Librariesx86_64 zlib-devellibjpeg-devellcms-devellibtoolautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmng1-1.0.10-6pclos2019.src.rpm Oa69ac121c8ac3c2b52471e6a3a3a4b34./SRPMS.pcloscd   E B@BA0BE4BJUClibmnl1.0.43pclos2021Minimalistic Netlink communication librarylibmnl is a minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers. There are a lot of common tasks in parsing, validating, constructing of both the Netlink header and TLVs that are repetitive and easy to get wrong. This library aims to provide simple helpers that allows you to re-use code and to avoid re-inventing the wheel.aSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 glibc-headers-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmnl-1.0.4-3pclos2021.src.rpm814b65b149ff19ac15761f67de9be0dd./SRPMS.pclosOd   5 B@BABE BJAClibmodplug0.8.9.02pclos2019Modplug music playerOlivier Lapicque, author of Modplug, which is arguably the best quality MOD-playing software available, has placed his sound rendering code in the public domain. This library and plugin is based on that code. It can play 22 different mod formats, including: MOD, S3M, XM, IT, 669, AMF (both of them), AMS, DBM, DMF, DSM, FAR, MDL, MED, MTM, OKT, PTM, STM, ULT, UMX, MT2, PSMXSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmodplug-   Q JB@VBAxBE|BJClibmonetra5.21pclos2007Library to allow credit card processing through MCVElibrary for connecting to a MCVE Credit Card Processing Daemon via SSL, TCP/IP, and drop-files. Texstar System/Librariesi586 autoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmonetra-5.2-1pclos2007.src.rpm7e657422c9c3a97e73e62e6bbc846477./SRPMS.pclosd   U  0B@8BA\BE`BJClibmowgli0.9.503pclos2019Development framework with high performance algorithmsmowgli is a development framework for C (like GLib), which provides high performance and highly flexible algorithms. It can be used as a suppliment to GLib (to add additional functions (dictionaries, hashes), or replace some of the slow GLib list manipulation functions), or stand alone. It also provides a powerful hook system and convenient logging for your code, as well as a high performance block allocator.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmowgli-0.9.50-3pclos2019.src.rpm359ae231499f4606b7b2a707a8873a8a./SRPMS.pclosd   T  GB@PBAtBExBJClibmowgli2.1.33pclos2019Development framework with high performance algorithmsmowgli is a development framework for C (like GLib), which provides high performance and highly flexible algorithms. It can be used as a suppliment to GLib (to add additional functions (dictionaries, hashes), or replace some of the slow GLib list manipulation functions), or stand alone. It also provides a powerful hook system and convenient logging for your code, as well as a high performance block allocator.xSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmowgli-2.1.3-3pclos2019.src.rpmȤ877b38fa1c65ae884a4826abb19468f8./SRPMS.pclos+d   A    B@BABEBJClibmp3splt0.9.22pclos2019Library to split MP3 and Ogg FilesThe mp3Splt project provides utilities to split mp3 and ogg files, by selecting a begin and an end time position, without decoding. It is very useful to split large mp3/ogg into smaller files, or to split entire albums to obtain original tracks. To split an album, the split points and filenames can be selected manually or automatically from CDDB (internet or a local file), or from .cue files. It supports automatic silence detection, which can be used to adjust cddb/cue split points. It is also possible to extract tracks from Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap files in a few seconds. The mp3splt project is divided in 3 parts: libmp3splt, mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk.|System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(id3tag)pkgconfig(zlib)glibc-devellibltdl-develpkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(flac)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmp3splt-0.9.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm 8725f38dc0b65f42dbd71662ca46dabf./SRPMS.pclosd   Z< @FLPlB@tBABEBJClibmp4v22.0.13pclos2015Library for working with files using the mp4 container formatThe libmp4v2 library provides an abstraction layer for working with files using the mp4 container format. This library is developed by mpeg4ip project and is an exact copy of the library distributed in the mpeg4ip package.YSoundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmp4v2-2.0.1-3pclos2015.src.rpm\F8c2b482c569d4b455d2c42b717146557./SRPMS.pclosd   Z<@ JPX\xB@BABEBJClibmp4v22.1.01pclos2017Library for working with files using the mp4 container formatThe libmp4v2 library provides an abstraction layer for working with files using the mp4 container format. This library is developed by mpeg4ip project and is an exact copy of the library distributed in the mpeg4ip package.bb2 Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmp4v2-2.1.0-1pclos2017.src.rpmr269e757030d27d4f05a4841374ad0f10./SRPMS.pclosd   Z< @QXlB@BABEBJClibmp4v22.1.21pclos2024Library for working with files using the mp4 container formatThe libmp4v2 library provides an abstraction layer for working with files using the mp4 container format. This library is developed by mpeg4ip project and is an exact copy of the library distributed in the mpeg4ip package.System/Librariesx86_64  doxygenlocales-enrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1libmp4v2-2.1.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm467fbb4ca3a5e3a0310afbb7cee7cd92./SRPMS.pclosod   m B@BA<BE@BJaClibmpc1.3.11pclos2023Arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision and correct roundingMpc is a C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision and correct rounding of the result. It is built upon and follows the same principles as Mpfr. The library is written by Andreas Enge, Philippe Théveny and Paul Zimmermann and is distributed under the Gnu Lesser General Public License, either version 2.1 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. The Mpc library has been registered in France by the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes on 2003-02-05 under the number IDDN FR 001 060029 000 R P 2003 000 10000.System/Librariesx86_64  libgmp-develpkgconfig(mpfr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ?d hyB@BABEBJClibmpcdec1.2.64pclos2019Portable Musepack decoder libraryPortable Musepack decoder library.rSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmpcdec-1.2.6-4pclos2019.src.rpm\48f0645224a06949acf06b876515c6cf./SRPMS.pclosWd   7 B@BA$BE(BJIClibmpd0.20.01pclos2011Music Player Daemon LibraryLibmpd is an a library to easily connect to a mpd server. It's wraps around libmpdclient and provides a higher level api.Soundx86_64 glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmpd-0.20.0-1pclos2011.src.rpma6d6f34e1cfd49cafac4349322476b38./SRPMS.pcloskd   8 B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibmpd11.8.173pclos2019Music Player Daemon LibraryLibmpd is an a library to easily connect to a mpd server. It's wraps around libmpdclient and provides a higher level api.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  e ,B@7BA\BE`BJClibmpdclient2.191pclos2021API library for interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languagesA stable, documented, asynchronous API library for interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages.System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenmesonninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmpdclient-2.19-1pclos2021.src.rpm%eebda190cd57e6ff789b4146fefaf203./SRPMS.pclos;d   1 B@BABE BJ-Clibmqueue4.411pclos2007POSIX message queuesPOSIX message queues are part of IPC used to exchange messages between processes[LTexstar System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmqueue-4.41-1pclos2007.src.rpm`bdf0b1c1ba9b4fbabb4de980e3ff48a8./SRPMS.pclosd   U %B@2BATBEXBJyClibmsn4.2.13pclos2020Reusable, open-source and fully documented library for MSNLibmsn is a reusable, open-source, fully documented library for connecting to Microsoft's MSN Messenger service.pSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d9137cb94d5a525fb4342074dd9bf67a./SRPMS.pclosd   ` ,B@5BA\BE`BJClibmspack0.10.10.1pclos2019Library for CAB and related files compression and decompressionThe purpose of libmspack is to provide both compression and decompression of some loosely related file formats used by Microsoft. {System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmspack-0.10.1-0.1pclos2019.src.rpm 478c3daaa2ac2c56f7e0ece5fa42a8b5./SRPMS.pclosKd   Qx |B@BABEBJ=Clibmtp1.1.202pclos2023Implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocollibmtp is an implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) in the form of a library suitable primarily for POSIX compliant operating systems. We implement MTP Basic, the stuff proposed for standardization. MTP Enhanced is for Windows only, if we implement it, well that depends...mSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64gcrypt-develdoxygenlib64usb1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmtp-1.1.20-2pclos2023.src.rpm 2l6b50807d756abab3065a0f6897f007ae./SRPMS.pclosd   Q ^B@qBABEBJClibmtp1.1.211pclos2023Implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocollibmtp is an implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) in the form of a library suitable primarily for POSIX compliant operating systems. We implement MTP Basic, the stuff proposed for standardization. MTP Enhanced is for Windows only, if we implement it, well that depends... It was initially based on (forked from) the great libptp2 library by Mariusz Woloszyn but has since been moved over to follow Marcus Meissners and Hubert Figuere's libgphoto2 fork of libptp2 (or is libptp2 a fork of libgphoto?). The core implementation is identical to libgphoto2, there is just a different API adapted to portable media players.System/Librariesx86_64  doxygenlibgcrypt-develpkgconfig(libusb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libmtp-1.1.21-1pclos2023.src.rpm #769d371afa18ea8c234a44959d81ce06./SRPMS.pclosd  :t xB@BABEBJClibmuparser2.2.53pclos2019A fast math parser libraryMany applications require the parsing of mathematical expressions. The main objective of this project is to provide a fast and easy way of doing this. muParser is an extensible high performance math parser library. It is based on transforming an expression into a bytecode and precalculating constant parts of it.e System/Librariesx86_64 dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmuparser-2.2.5-3pclos2019.src.rpmh2ecfb22488dd4bfd7b490911b2645806./SRPMS.pcloswd " L|  B@BADBEHBJiClibmusclecard11.3.31pclos2007Muscle PCSC Framework for Linux librariesThe purpose of PCSC Lite is to provide a Windows(R) SCard interface in a very small form factor for communicating to smartcards and readers. PCSC Lite uses the same winscard api as used under Windows(R). The libmusclecard1-devel package contains the header files and libraries needed for compiling PCSC Lite programs. If you want to develop PCSC Lite-aware programs, you'll need to install this package. This package was tested to work with A.E.T. Europe B.V. SafeSign. This package is suported by A.E.T. Europe B.V. when used in combination with SafeSign.Neverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586  libpcsclite-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " V %,8oB@BABEBJClibmusicbrainz2.1.54pclos2019A software library for accesing MusicBrainz serversThe MusicBrainz client library allows applications to make metadata lookup to a MusicBrainz server, generate signatures from WAV data and create CD Index Disk ids from audio CD roms.System/Librariesx86_64  libexpat-develautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # W %,@B@BABEBJClibmusicbrainz33.0.33pclos2019A software library for accesing MusicBrainz serversThe MusicBrainz client library allows applications to make metadata lookup to a MusicBrainz server, generate signatures from WAV data and create CD Index Disk ids from audio CD roms.OSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakelibneon-devellibdiscid-devellibcppunit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmusicbrainz3-3.0.3-3pclos2019.src.rpmTpd82b88382e57a57f7b60053586ad3056./SRPMS.pclosd # W %,8hB@rBABEBJClibmusicbrainz44.0.32pclos2019A software library for accesing MusicBrainz serversThe MusicBrainz client library allows applications to make metadata lookup to a MusicBrainz server, generate signatures from WAV data and create CD Index Disk ids from audio CD roms.\System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelibneon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmusicbrainz4-4.0.3-2pclos2019.src.rpm`3e0b18af2f9c45ec2d8d502182b8a835./SRPMS.pclosd # X $0`B@jBABEBJClibmusicbrainz55.1.03pclos2019A software library for accessing MusicBrainz serversThe MusicBrainz client library allows applications to make metadata lookup to a MusicBrainz server, generate signatures from WAV data and create CD Index Disk ids from audio CD roms.Soundx86_64 cmakelibneon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmd6687d20d9c6c31732ba1857a788c011./SRPMS.pclosgd   ;| B@BA4BE8BJYClibmustux0.20.21pclos2007The libraries need by protuxThe libraries need by protux Protux aims to be the most practical and one of the most powerful audio tools for GNU/Linux. Protux will allow you to use the power of keyboard+mouse combination (with no clicks) to vastly speed up the process of audio production. This concept we call "Jog-Mouse-Board" or JMB, for short.LTexstar System/Librariesi586 qt3-devellibalsa-devellibogg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmustux-0.20.2-1pclos2007.src.rpmG21fa8433b5b5915196df22ad5f69e89e./SRPMS.pclosOd  2T Xip   B@BABE BJAClibmx1.4.71pclos2020A clutter widget toolkitMx is a widget toolkit using Clutter that provides a set of standard interface elements, including buttons, progress bars, scroll bars and others. It also implements some standard managers. One other interesting feature is the possibility setting style properties from a CSS format file.ԗSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(clutter-gesture)pkgconfig(clutter-imcontext-0.1)pkgconfig(clutter-x11-1.0)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)gtk-docintltoolgobject-introspection-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.7.910.822. 9\`pxB@BABEBJClibmxp0.2.41pclos2011Library that parses MXP streamLibrary that parses MXP stream.IDevelopment/C++x86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmxp-0.2.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmdf585f726baf1942255a69c8c019ec4f./SRPMS.pclos d  R B@BABEBJClibmygpo-qt1.1.03pclos2024Qt/C++ Library wrapping the gPodder.net Webservicelibmygpo-qt is a Qt Library that wraps the gpodder.net Web API (http://wiki.gpodder.org/wiki/Web_Services/API_2) v1.0 wraps nearly every Request from the gpodder.net API except: -) Simple API Calls Downloading subscription Lists & Uploading subscription Lists -) Retrieving Subscription Changes (you should use "Retrieving Updates for a given Device" instead)Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  cmakelib64qjson-devellib64qt4-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5network-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libmygpo-qt-1.1.0-3pclos2024.src.rpmzd53a717fc56fe7e704857809bfb72bd9./SRPMS.pclosd   @d hy   B@BABEBJ Clibmypaint1.6.13pclos2024System libraries based on MypaintSystem libraries based on Mypaint.xSystem/Librariesx86_64  gettextintltoollibgomp-develperl(XML::Parser)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(json-c)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libpng)python3-breathepython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libmypaint-1.6.1-3pclos2024.src.rpm5d52b1d5e44f5618882d4dc25915f3f5./SRPMS.pclosWd   ; B@BA$BE(BJIClibmysofa1.3.11pclos2023C functions for reading HRTFsThis is a simple set of C functions to read AES SOFA files, if they contain HRTFs stored according to the AES69-2015 standard 8System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libmysofa-1.3.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm e6058847f6fdf97f3c8762b2e235a7d04./SRPMS.pclosd   Pd hyB@BABEBJClibnatpmp201506092pclos2020Direct concurrent to the UPnP IGD specificationlibnatpmp is an attempt to make a portable and fully compliant implementation of the protocol for the client side. It is based on non blocking sockets and all calls of the API are asynchronous. It is therefore very easy to integrate the NAT-PMP code to any event driven code.^ System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnatpmp-20150609-2pclos2020.src.rpmbC19794a9474c8cb85e9236d42e21dab42./SRPMS.pclosd   Pd hyB@BABEBJClibnatpmp201506092pclos2023Direct concurrent to the UPnP IGD specificationlibnatpmp is an attempt to make a portable and fully compliant implementation of the protocol for the client side. It is based on non blocking sockets and all calls of the API are asynchronous. It is therefore very easy to integrate the NAT-PMP code to any event driven code.^)System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnatpmp-20150609-2pclos2023.src.rpmbe8a25a2716da84dd3a15d180da683cdb./SRPMS.pclosd   PX \mtB@BABEBJClibnatspec0.3.11pclos2019Library for national and language-specific issuesLibrary for national and language-specific issues. This library provides useful functions for mount, submount, mkisofs, multimedia players. This library tries to help resolve charset hell (encoding problems) in various programs depending on locale and messages.NSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygenpopt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnatspec-0.3.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm034518b9229923b8a5c2e488f5033bec./SRPMS.pclosd    @  ,B@4BATBEXBJyClibndp1.81pclos2021Library for Neighbor Discovery ProtocolThis package contains a library which provides a wrapper for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol. It also provides a tool named ndptool for sending and receiving NDP messages.QSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libndp-1.8-1pclos2021.src.rpmd1811a4570fefe085beb29b9ab6d1fcf./SRPMS.pclosd   RT Xjt  \ B@BABEBJClibneon0.34.01pclos2025An HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C interfaceneon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems, with a C language API. It provides high-level interfaces to HTTP/1.1 and WebDAV methods, and a low-level interface to HTTP request/response handling, allowing new methods to be easily implemented. IDevelopment/Otherx86_64   autoconflibtoolmultiarch-utilspkgconfig(krb5)pkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rootcertsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) Eb25f252a21db53263dc853836638b55c./SRPMS.pclos{d   C B@'BAHBELBJmClibnet1.1.61pclos2017A C library for portable packet creationLibnet is an API to help with the construction and handling of network packets. It provides a portable framework for low-level network packet writing and handling (use libnet in conjunction with libpcap and you can write some really cool stuff). Libnet includes packet creation at the IP layer and at the link layer as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionality. bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 libpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnet-1.1.6-1pclos2017.src.rpm 9080378b3c8e2ec1d49749e945fb8353./SRPMS.pclosd  I\ `qxB@BABEBJ Clibnet1. C library for portable packet creationLibnet is an API to help with the construction and handling of network packets. It provides a portable framework for low-level network packet writing and handling (use libnet in conjunction with libpcap and you can write some really cool stuff). Libnet includes packet creation at the IP layer and at the link layer as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionalty. Libnet is avery handy with which to write network tools and network test code. See the manpage and sample test code for more detailed informationUSystem/Librariesx86_64 libpcap-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnet1.0.2-1.0.2a-6pclos2019.src.rpm2ba2320e91363409279345ef69d964e5./SRPMS.pclos[d  H\` B@BA(BE,BJMClibnet1. C library for portable packet creationLibnet is an API to help with the construction and handling of network packets. It provides a portable framework for low-level network packet writing and handling (use libnet in conjunction with libpcap and you can write some really cool stuff). Libnet includes packet creation at the IP layer and at the link layer as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionalty. Libnet is avery handy with which to write network tools and network test code. See the manpage and sample test code for more detailed informationTexstar System/Librariesi586 libpcap-develautoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnet1.1.0-1.1.0-4pclos2007.src.rpm037563c7ddd3e2e488943a9c6444d50a./SRPMS.pclos{d ! Jx| B@BAHBELBJmClibnet1. C library for portable packet creationLibnet is a high-level API (toolkit) allowing the application programmer to construct and inject network packets. It provides a portable and simplified interface for low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection. Libnet hides much of the tedium of packet creation from the application programmer such as multiplexing, buffer management, arcane packet header information, byte-ordering, OS-dependent issues, and much more. Libnet features portable packet creation interfaces at the IP layer and link layer, as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionality. Using libnet, quick and simple packet assembly applications can be whipped up with little effort. With a bit more time, more complex programs can be written (Traceroute and ping were easily rewritten using libnet and libpcap). sTexstar System/Librariesi586 libpcap-develautoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnet1.1.2- 56db11422c8b60c4c66a1cd9f9568cff./SRPMS.pclosd * e (jB@tBABEBJClibnetfilter_conntrack1.0.61pclos2017Interface to the in-kernel connection tracking state tableA libnetfilter_conntrack is a userspace library providing a programming \ interface (API) to the in-kernel connection tracking state table.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 lib64nfnetlink-devellib64nftnl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.6-1pclos2017.src.rpm-5f74f33f1919ecf2e87ac290724572e0./SRPMS.pclosd & t8 <MT`B@BABEBJ Clibnetfilter_queue1.0.51pclos2020Provides an API for packets that have been queued by the kernel packet filterlibnetfilter_queue is a userspace library providing an API to packets that have been queued by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that deprecates the old ip_queue/libipq mechanism.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(libmnl)pkgconfig(libnfnetlink)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ], 0AHLhB@pBABEBJClibnfnetlink1.0.03pclos2019Userspace library for handling of netfilter netlink messagesnfnetlink is a netlink(7) based kernel/userspace transport layer. It provides a unified kernel/userspace interface for the various netfilter subsystems, such as connection tracking, logging and queueing.]System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnfnetlink-1.0.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmba4e5608081e3748e8a2eb9aa0482abb./SRPMS.pclos+d   Q| B@BABEBJClibnfs5.0.21pclos2022Client library for accessing NFS shares over a networkThe libnfs package contains a library of functions for accessing NFSv2 and NFSv3 servers from user space. It provides a low-level, asynchronous RPC library for accessing NFS protocols, an asynchronous library with POSIX-like VFS functions, and a synchronous library with POSIX-like VFS functions.System/Librariesx86_64 lib64event-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnfs-5.0.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmaed907ddbd65a10cf068a0ce98a8dcb6./SRPMS.pclosd  ML PahxB@BABEBJClibnfsidmap0.273pclos2019Library to help mapping id's, mainly for NFSv4libnfsidmap is a library holding mulitiple methods of mapping names to id's and visa versa, mainly for NFSv4. When NFSv4 is using AUTH_GSS (which currently only supports Kerberos v5), the NFSv4 server mapping functions MUST use secure communications.LSystem/Librariesx86_64 openldap-developenssl-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnfsidmap-0.27-3pclos2019.src.rpm]a5880abb48f3a12871d07d38e1108d36./SRPMS.pclosd   YD HY`lB@BABEBJ Clibnftnl1.2.61pclos2023Userspace library for handling of netfilter netlink messageslibnftnl is a userspace library providing a low-level netlink programming interface (API) to the in-kernel nf_tables subsystem. The library libnftnl has been previously known as libnftables. This library is currently used by nftables.)System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(libmnl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libnftnl-1.2.6-1pclos2023.src.rpmNe7abdae24633c5ed1af9386df167155e./SRPMS.pclosd   Q< @QX  ` B@qBABEBJClibnice0.1.181pclos2020Implementation of the IETF's ICE standard (RFC 5245)Nice is an implementation of the IETF's draft Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard (ICE). It provides GLib-based library, libnice. ICE is useful for applications that want to establish peer-to-peer UDP data streams. It automates the process of traversing NATs and provides security against some attacks. Existing standards that use ICE include the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Jingle, XMPP extension for audio/video calls. Nice includes integration with GStreamer.System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gupnp-igd-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gnutls)mesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libnice-0.1.18-1pclos2020.src.rpm_381bded1e430cd5a783e224a4dcb4a58./SRPMS.pclosd   `4 8IPdB@BABEBJ Clibnids1.231pclos2010Library that provides functions of Network Intrusion Detection SystemLibnids is an implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System. It emulates the IP stack of Linux 2.0.x. Libnids offers IP defragmentation, TCP stream assembly and TCP port scan detection.?YNetworking/Otheri586  libpcap-develnet-develglib2-develautomake1.7rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libol-0.3.18-1pclos2007.src.rpm82caa37bafee7ba82aa51425d9ac0efd./SRPMS.pclos3d   ,P Tdl|B@BABEBJ%Cliboldx1.0.16pclos2013The oldX LibraryX.Org X11 liboldX runtime library.Development/X11x86_64  libx11-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % e4 8CL t  B@BALBEPBJqClibomxil-bellagio0.9.31pclos2015Bellagio OpenMAX Integration Layer 1.1.2 library and componentsThe OpenMAX IL 1.1.2 API defines a standardized media component interface to enable developers and platform providers to integrate and communicate with multimedia codecs implemented in hardware or software.kSystem/X11x86_64 autoconfautomakedoxygenglibc-devellib64alsa2-devellib64id3tag-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64mad-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3-1pclos2015.src.rpml11453e0722b5bb3cbb9faf353cd06b45./SRPMS.pclos d    X( ,=D\B@BABEBJCliboop1.02pclos2010A low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based OS'esLiboop is a low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based operating systems. It supports the development of modular, multiplexed applications which may respond to events from several sources. It replaces the "select() loop" and allows the registration of event handlers for file and network I/O, timers and signals. Since processes use these mechanisms for almost all external communication, liboop can be used as the basis for almost any application.^System/Librariesi586 libtoolautomake1.7adns-develglib-develtcl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liboop-1.0-2pclos2010.src.rpm]Tbb30541ae229481d8b97d083fd3ce38d./SRPMS.pclosd  G04 du|B@BABEBJClibopendaap0.4.02pclos2007Library to interface with iTunes musicThis library enables applications to discover, and connect to, iTunes music shares. Unlike all other daap implementations, this library is able to connect to recent iTunes shares which require a special authentication algorithm.|Neverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libopendaap-0.4.0-2pclos2007.src.rpmb659d8f70c088ae71d5509e0b81bde5c./SRPMS.pclosd   O -4xB@BABEBJClibopenmpt0.7.101pclos2024C++ and C library to decode tracker music fileslibopenmpt is a C++ and C library to decode tracker music files (modules) into a PCM audio stream. It is based on the player code of the OpenMPT project, a descendant of the original ModPlug Tracker..wSystem/Librariesx86_64  cppzmq-devellib64openshot-audio-devellib64rsvg2-develpkgconfig(ImageMagick)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5MultimediaWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(UnitTest++)pkgconfig(jsoncpp)pkgconfig(libprotobuf-c)pkgconfig(libzmq)pkgconfig(protobuf)pkgconfig(pyside2)pkgconfig(python3)python-svnpython3-opencvpython3-protobufrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig3.0.4-14.6.0-1libopenshot-0.3.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmw?eb2df724935029331dd2067a3d545c8c./SRPMS.pclos[d % <T XipB@BA(BE,BJMClibopenshot-audio0.3.31pclos2024OpenShot Audio LibraryOpenShot Audio Library.)System/Librariesx86_64  cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libopenshot-audio-0.3.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm<127268cded879786041e630591eb8de0./SRPMS.pclosd  K `B@oBABEBJClibopensync0.226pclos2014Multi-platform PIM synchronization frameworkOpenSync is a synchronization framework that is platform and distribution independent. It consists of several plugins that can be used to connect to devices, a powerful sync-engine and the framework itself. The synchronization framework is kept very flexible and is capable of synchronizing any type of data, including contacts, calendar, tasks, notes and files.gpinoc32System/Librariesi586 bisonchrpathglib2-devellibxml2-develpython-develsqlite3-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libopensync-0.22-6pclos2014.src.rpmc1cf0e0a48f1e5649904657b83d29206./SRPMS.pclosd % 0 d B@-BAdBEhBJClibopensync-plugin-evolution20.226pclos2010Evolution2 plugin for opensync synchronization toolThis plugin allows applications using OpenSync to synchronise to and from Evolution.ːOfficei586  opensync-develevolution-data-server-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d * X  B@BAHBELBJmClibopensync-plugin-file0.221pclos2007File plugin for opensync synchronization toolThis plugin allows applications using OpenSync to synchronise to and from files stored on disk.S[Officei586  opensync-develfam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[Cc8b2de1bd14978d2eb05c5e645bf3c0f./SRPMS.pclosd! , X  ',@B@BABEBJClibopensync-plugin-gnokii0.224pclos2010Gnokii Synchronization Plug-In for OpenSyncThis plug-in allows applications using OpenSync to synchronize to and from Nokia cell phones which don't support SyncML. Based on gnokii library. Additionally install the libopensync package.nOfficei586  libgnokii-devellibopensync-devellibbluez-devellibical-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)4.573.0.4-1libopensync-plugin-gnokii-0.22-4pclos2010.src.rpmuE74413eee4a4a1c5d2c7a604a562a43f2./SRPMS.pclosd%* 5 j  (B@0BAlBEpBJClibopensync-plugin-google-calendar0.222pclos2007Google Calendar Synchronization Plug-In for OpenSyncThis plug-in allows applications using OpenSync to synchronize to and from Google Calendar. Additionally install the libopensync package.> Officei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libopensync-plugin-google-calendar-0.22-2pclos2007.src.rpmE74c9315497b77c2ef1feff1f376b51be./SRPMS.pcloscd ) V B@BA0BE4BJUClibopensync-plugin-gpe0.221pclos2007GPE plugin for opensync synchronization toolThis plugin allows applications using OpenSync to synchronise via GPEfUOfficei586  opensync-devellibneon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * T #(8B@BABEBJClibopensync-plugin-irmc0.222pclos2010IrMC Synchronization Plug-In for OpenSyncThis plug-in allows applications using OpenSync to synchronize to and from cell phones with IrMC support (such as Sony Ericsson K750i, Siemens S55). Additionally install the libopensync package.hOfficei586 libopensync-developenobex-devellibbluez3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libopensync-plugin-irmc-0.22-2pclos2010.src.rpmf29d652811672ec5328d36ee70306554./SRPMS.pclosd * X, 07<LB@BABEBJ Clibopensync-plugin-moto0.221pclos2007Motorola Synchronization Plug-In for OpenSyncThis plug-in allows applications using OpenSync to synchronize to and from Motorola cellphones which doesn't support SyncML via Obex (e.g. Razr V3(i), L7, V635). Additionally install the libopensync package.jaOfficei586 libopensync-devellibopensync-plugin-python-modulepython-dateutilrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libopensync-plugin-moto-0.22-1pclos2007.src.rpmq1543dabbffecb0d2f86eab74feb5478e./SRPMS.pclos{d * X B@BAHBELBJmClibopensync-plugin-opie0.221pclos2007OPIE plugin for opensync synchronization toolThis plugin allows applications using OpenSync to synchronise via OPIEPOfficei586  opensync-devellibneon-devellibcurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * X B@,BA\BE`BJClibopensync-plugin-palm0.221pclos2007PALM plugin for opensync synchronization toolThis plugin allows applications using OpenSync to synchronise via OPIEOfficei586  opensync-develpilot-link-devellibneon-devellibcurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - m  YB@gBABEBJClibopensync-plugin-sunbird0.221pclos2007Mozilla Calendar / Sunbird Synchronization Plug-In for OpenSyncThis plug-in allows applications using OpenSync to synchronize to and from Mozilla Calendar / Sunbird. Additionally install the libopensync package.ݽOfficei586  opensync-devellibneon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , \ B@BADBEHBJiClibopensync-plugin-syncml0.221pclos2007SyncML plugin for opensync synchronization toolThis plugin allows applications using OpenSync to synchronise via SyncML_{Officei586  opensync-devellibsyncml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!5d233e7f9e07c4529aff1972b23c6aaf./SRPMS.pclosd   E %B@1BATBEXBJyCliborange0.41pclos2009Tool to extract CAB files from installersLiborange is a tool and library to extract CAB files from self- extracting installers.Archiving/Otheri586 libdynamite-devellibsynce-develunshield-devellibgsf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liborange-0.4-1pclos2009.src.rpm97491ab993e613c9a78061636f6ab2ee./SRPMS.pclosd   W  TDB@hBABEBJClibosinfo1.12.01pclos2024A library for managing OS information for virtualizationlibosinfo is a library that allows virtualization provisioning tools to determine the optimal device settings for a hypervisor/operating system combination.,System/Librariesx86_64   gccgettext-develgitglib2-develgtk-docldetect-lstlibsoup-devellibxml2-utilsmesonosinfo-dbpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)valavala-tools2. <$(9@HlB@uBABEBJClibosip23.3.01pclos2011Implementation of SIP - rfc2543This is the oSIP library. It has been designed to provide the Internet Community a simple way to support the Session Initiation Protocol. SIP is described in the RFC3261 which is available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3261.txt.8System/Librariesx86_64 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libosip2-3.3.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmb557f192d7dc3e95b88a82d1b9f22d2e./SRPMS.pclosWd  ?d hwB@BA$BE(BJIClibosmo-dsp0.31pclos2016A library with SDR DSP primitivesA library with SDR DSP primitives..Communicationsx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtooldoxygengraphvizlib64fftw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libosmo-dsp-0.3-1pclos2016.src.rpm19027bb79cd61a6c793fe8366da50be5./SRPMS.pclosd   ? FB@RBAtBExBJClibotf0.9.162pclos2019Library for handling OpenType fontsThe library "libotf" provides the following facilites: - Read Open Type Layout Tables from OTF file (currently supported tables are: head, name, cmap, GDEF, GSUB, and GPOS) - Convert a Unicode character sequence to a glyph code sequence by using the above tables. The combination of libotf and the FreeType library realizes CTL (Complex Text Layout) by OpenType fonts.*s]System/Internationalizationx86_64 freetype2-devellibx11-devellibxaw-devellibxt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libotf-0.9.16-2pclos2019.src.rpmx703293af73b28910d6709c00ce342dde./SRPMS.pclosd   G8 <Y`hB@BABEBJClibotr4.1.13pclos2019Off-The-Record Messaging library and toolkitlibotr is a library and toolkit which implements Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging. OTR allows you to have private conversations over IM by providing: - Encryption - No one else can read your instant messages. - Authentication - You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is. - Deniability - The messages you send do _not_ have digital signatures that are checkable by a third party. Anyone can forge messages after a conversation to make them look like they came from you. However, _during_ a conversation, your correspondent is assured the messages he sees are authentic and unmodified. - Perfect forward secrecy - If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation is compromised.iNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  lib64gcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   8  ,:@HsB@BABEBJClibowfat0.241pclos2007Reimplement libdjb under GPLlibowfat is a library of general purpose APIs extracted from Dan Bernstein's software, reimplemented and covered by the GNU General Public License Version 2 (no later versions). The API has been slightly extended (for example, I provide a uint32_read function, and I extended the socket API to support IPv6) where I found it necessary or beneficial in a specific project. Many of the functions I implement here have since been placed in the public domain, so there are other sources to get this code (except for my extensions obviously). The implementations here may not be as portable as the original versions; I tend to focus on the Single Unix Specification and not on some obsolete legacy systems found in the basements of some vintage hardware clubs. I also provide man pages for many functions, mostly extracted from Dan's web documentation or documentation found in earlier versions of his software. For some reason, he abandoned man pages in favor of HTML recently. On July 4 2002, Dan also placed his DNS routines and supporting low level functions in the public domain, so I copy them here instead of reimplementing them. http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/280642 has an online version of the bugtraq posting.Texstar Development/Ci586  dietlibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % K jB@BABEBJClibpanelappletmm2.26.03pclos2010C++ interface for Gnome panel appletslibpanelappletmm is part of the gnomemm project and provides a C++ interface for developing Gnome panel applets.v0System/Librariesi586  gconfmm2.6-devellibgnomemm2.6-develgnome-panel-devellibglade2.0-develdoxygengraphvizrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|6b849d875a458d0842ba68b6a0097ffd./SRPMS.pclos/d   5T XipB@BABEBJ!Clibpano132.9.194pclos2019Panorama Tools libraryHelmut Dersch's Panorama Tools`System/Librariesx86_64 lib64jpeg-devellib64png-devellib64tiff-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpano13-2.9.19-4pclos2019.src.rpme6f70faf0003308fef4722695ba7175c0./SRPMS.pclosd   H  !(0TB@]BABEBJClibpaper1.1.281pclos2020Library for handling paper characteristicsThis package contains a simple library for use by programs needing to handle papers. It lets program automatically recognize a lot of different papers with their properties (actually their size).!System/Librariesx86_64 chrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpaper-1.1.28-1pclos2020.src.rpm!0e56301f6959d15afe1c63aa229c3f8e1./SRPMS.pclosd   - (bB@lBABEBJClibpar20.22pclos2007Library for PAR 2.0libpar2 needed for gpar2 frontend. A program for creating and using PAR2 files to detect damage in data files and repair them if necessary. It can be used with any kind of file.&Texstar Archiving/Otheri586 automakelibsigc++2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpar2-0.2-2pclos2007.src.rpm3bca4fb2fd8a5f1d179e9ef93d9a6262./SRPMS.pclosd   Y  <B@BABEBJClibpcap1.10.51pclos2024A system-independent interface for user-level packet captureLibpcap provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring. Libpcap can provide network statistics collection, security monitoring and network debugging. Since almost every system vendor provides a different interface for packet capture, the libpcap authors created this system-independent API to ease in porting and to alleviate the need for several system-dependent packet capture modules in each application. VkSystem/Librariesx86_64  bisonflexpkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(libnl-3.0)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libpcap-1.10.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm }v6384fdef82ebdacff7a7c95f35797c7c./SRPMS.pclosd   >  4B@<BA\BE`BJClibpcd1.0.12pclos2019Library for decoding PhotoCD imageslibpcd is a tiny library for decoding PhotoCD images. It used to come bundled with xpcd, but software maintainer decided to release the library separately after declaring xpcd obsolete.*DSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpcd-1.0.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm-a6d11911f6262af462cf788ec7426a1f./SRPMS.pclos?d ! It xB@BA BEBJ1Clibpciaccess0.18.11pclos2024Generic PCI access library (from X.org)A generic PCI access library from X.org.ESystem/Librariesx86_64  pciidsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libpciaccess-0.18.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm'r5f6f934e445a2df55b301618563bf3fe./SRPMS.pclosd   8d hy   B@BABEBJClibpeas1.34.01pclos2022Library for plugin handlingThis is GNOME's plugin handling library.System/Librariesx86_64 gtk+3-develgobject-introspection-develvala-develgtk-docintltoollibpthread-stubspython-gobject3-develpython3-gobject3-develwayland-protocols-devellib64gladeui2-devellib64python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpeas-1.34.0-1pclos2022.src.rpme31dd7eb5ad2c1da7ed613aadcc3de6a./SRPMS.pclosd   D< @QXdB@BABEBJClibpgf6.12.241pclos2014PGF (Progressive Graphics File) librarylibPGF contains an implementation of the Progressive Graphics File (PGF) which is a new image file format, that is based on a discrete, fast wavelet transform with progressive coding features. PGF can be used for lossless and lossy compression.qSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygenlibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpgf-6.12.24-1pclos2014.src.rpml.a7cf1433fc19d2b8e9c9f338ff078ffc./SRPMS.pclosd   Z IB@XBA|BEBJClibpinyin0.9.931pclos2013The library of a sentence-based Chinese pinyin input methodThe libpinyin project aims to provide the algorithms core for intelligent sentence-based Chinese pinyin input methods.efpinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)db-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ?t xB@BABEBJ%Clibpipeline1.5.71pclos2023A pipeline manipulation librarylibpipeline is a C library for setting up and running pipelines of processes, without needing to involve shell command-line parsing which is often error-prone and insecure. This alleviates programmers of the need to laboriously construct pipelines using lower-level primitives such as fork(2) and execve(2). GSystem/Librariesx86_64 libtoolpkgconfig(check)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpipeline-1.5.7-1pclos2023.src.rpm ]8e5fb6d28a7da8fd8764c35eae6f18e2./SRPMS.pclosd   9` du|  0 B@ABAdBEhBJClibpki0.6.11pclos2010OpenCA PKI development libraryOpenCA Labs' Easy to use PKI library. VSystem/Librariesi586 autoconfautomakelibtoollibtool-devellibxml2-develmysql-developenldap-developenssl-develpostgresql-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpki-0.6.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm F9700e9868a0f99f571f4d36cb832c976./SRPMS.pclosGd   8( ,=DB@BABEBJ9Clibplacebo6.338.21pclos2024Video rendering librarylibplacebo is, in a nutshell, the core rendering algorithms and ideas of mpv rewritten as an independent library. As of today, libplacebo contains a large assortment of video processing shaders, focusing on both quality and performance. ݻSystem/Librariesx86_64  glad2glslangglslang-develglslcmesonpkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SPIRV-Tools)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(glfw3)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libunwind)pkgconfig(libxxhash)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(shaderc)pkgconfig(vulkan)python3-makorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libplacebo-6.338.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm a24d56c4b51e7d298d66b01ee76735e54./SRPMS.pclosd   d oB@BABEBJClibplasma6.3.31pclos2025Foundational libraries, components, and tools of the Plasma workspacesFoundational libraries, components, and tools of the Plasma workspaces.'HGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libplasma-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmZ8e0106567dad0627f7e0bf2b650b8a08./SRPMS.pcloskd  c B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibplatform2.0.12pclos2022Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for KodiPlatform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakegcc-c++pkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libplatform-2.0.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmf61dbce0d374a8fe03b2b63d56b44830./SRPMS.pclosd   Y   f B@vBABEBJClibplist2.2.05pclos2022Library for manipulating Apple Binary and XML Property Listslibplist is a library for manipulating Apple Binary and XML Property Lists.4TerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)gcc-c++libtoolmakeautomakeautoconfpython3-cythonpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libplist-2.2.0-5pclos2022.src.rpm/03e752dc7a4c9b053608d0de8688c33e./SRPMS.pclosd   Z BB@TBAxBE|BJClibpng1.6.441pclos2024A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format filesThe libpng package contains a library of functions for creating and manipulating PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image format files. PNG is a bit-mapped graphics format similar to the GIF format. PNG was created to replace the GIF format, since GIF uses a patented data compression algorithm. Libpng should be installed if you need to manipulate PNG format image files.)System/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libpng-1.6.44-1pclos2024.src.rpmSb7679181a8cf4b88ef8c59f7ff8a7ced./SRPMS.pclosd   2| !B@0BATBEXBJyClibportal0.32pclos2021Flatpak portal librarylibportal provides GIO-style asynchronous APIs for most Flatpak portals.,System/Librariesx86_64 glibc-develgccmesongitpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)gtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libportal-0.3-2pclos2021.src.rpm͝3534d8e5926073e84bafbe0e08281d74./SRPMS.pclosd   F 0B@<BA`BEdBJClibpqxx4.0.11pclos2014The official C++ client API for PostgreSQLThis library works on top of the C-level API library, libpq. You will need libpq in order to use libpqxx. The first thing you're likely to notice in programming with libpqxx is that unlike other libraries, it revolves entirely around transactions. Transactions are a central concept in database management systems, but they are widely underappreciated among application developers. Another well-known open source database system, MySQL, never even got around to implementing them at all in their own engine, relying on a third-party replacement engine (now owned by Oracle) to provide this functionality instead. pinoc32Development/Databasesi586 postgresql9.3-develxmltodoxygenpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpqxx-4.0.1-1pclos2014.src.rpm e6c7c8b7dbbd08cdf1bd9059a65fda8a./SRPMS.pclosd   Ptx   I B@ZBABEBJClibprelude1.0.12pclos2017Prelude Hybrid Intrusion Detection System LibraryThe Prelude Library is a collection of generic functions providing communication between the Prelude Hybrid IDS suite components. It provides a convenient interface for sending alerts to Prelude Manager with transparent SSL, failover and replication support, asynchronous events and timer interfaces, an abstracted configuration API (hooking at the commandline, the configuration line, or wide configuration, available from the Manager), and a generic plugin API. It allows you to easily turn your favorite security program into a Prelude sensor. ughostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64 chrpathgtk-doclibgnutls-develzlib-develperl-develmultiarch-utilslibtoollibtool-devellua5.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libprelude-1.0.1-2pclos2017.src.rpm-8802264eda5db8ffd0e51f05663e301c./SRPMS.pclos'd  ^ B@BABEBJClibpreludedb1.0.02pclos2010Provide the framework for easy access to the Prelude databaseThe PreludeDB Library provides an abstraction layer upon the type and the format of the database used to store IDMEF alerts. It allows developers to use the Prelude IDMEF database easily and efficiently wi thout worrying about SQL, and to access the database independently of the type/format of the database.PSystem/Librariesi586 chrpathgtk-doclibgnutls-devellibltdl-develmultiarch-utilsmysql-developenssl-develperl-develpostgresql-develprelude-develpython-develsqlite3-develswigzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpreludedb-1.0.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmr46bfdcd57b01de94fbf2616494663158./SRPMS.pclosd   Khl B@BABEBJ Clibpri1.4.21pclos2007An implementation of Primate and Basic Rate ISDNlibpri is a C implementation of the Primary Rate ISDN specification. It was based on the Bellcore specification SR-NWT-002343 for National ISDN. As of May 12, 2001, it has been tested work with NI-2, Nortel DMS-100, and Lucent 5E Custom protocols on switches from Nortel and Lucent.Texstar System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpri-1.4.2-1pclos2007.src.rpm/07ef766f1b158241533e9907f61ba602./SRPMS.pclosod  S  B@BA<BE@BJaClibprojectm3.1.122pclos2023Visualization library for OpenGL based on MilkdropprojectM is a reimplementation of Milkdrop under OpenGL.+`System/Librariesx86_64 libgomp-develpkgconfig(ftgl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(glm)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickTest)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libprojectm-3.1.12-2pclos2023.src.rpm+ea71892a3a5fb0fede99ab17bec27c8b./SRPMS.pclosKd   W  <  B@BABEBJ=Clibproxy0.4.172pclos2022A library handling all the details of proxy configurationlibproxy offers the following features: * extremely small core footprint (< 35K) * no external dependencies within libproxy core (libproxy plugins may have dependencies) * only 3 functions in the stable external API * dynamic adjustment to changing network topology * a standard way of dealing with proxy settings across all scenarios * a sublime sense of joy and accomplishmentbTerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(python3)perl-develpkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)glib2-develpkgconfig(javascriptcoregtk-4.0)pkgconfig(xmu)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   @@ DU\tB@BABEBJ5Clibpsl0.21.51pclos2024C library for the Public Suffix ListA "public suffix" is a domain name under which Internet users can directly register own names. Browsers and other web clients can use it to * avoid privacy-leaking "supercookies" * avoid privacy-leaking "super domain" certificates * domain highlighting parts of the domain in a user interface * sorting domain lists by site Libpsl: * has built-in PSL data for fast access (DAWG/DAFSA reduces size from 180kB to ~32kB) * allows to load PSL data from files * checks if a given domain is a "public suffix" * provides immediate cookie domain verification * finds the longest public part of a given domain * finds the shortest private part of a given domain * works with international domains (UTF-8 and IDNA2008 Punycode) * is thread-safe * handles IDNA2008 UTS#46%ʬSystem/Librariesx86_64  libicu-devellibidn2-develpublicsuffix-listrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1libpsl-0.21.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm%e11b0d193be7f19bf4339dbf877c3e8f./SRPMS.pclosd   Tt x  J B@[BA|BEBJClibpst0.6.762pclos2022Utilities to convert Outlook .pst files to other formatsThe Libpst utilities include readpst which can convert email messages to both mbox and MH mailbox formats, pst2ldif which can convert the contacts to .ldif format for import into ldap databases, and pst2dii which can convert email messages to the DII load file format used by Summation.TfNetworking/Mailx86_64 lib64gsf-1_114-develImageMagickfreetype-develgd-develjpeg-develzlib-develgettext-develpython-develboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpst-0.6.76-2pclos2022.src.rpmb12e0c1eaaf63a5595d8808bdf10fe3a3a./SRPMS.pclosSd " 8P T_h|B@BA BE$BJEClibpthread-stubs0.52pclos2024PThread Stubs for XCBPThread Stubs for XCB.System/X11x86_64  libxslt-procrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros3.0.4-14.6.0-   E   (QB@ZBA|BEBJClibptp21.2.02pclos2019Library to access digital cameras via PTPMany digital cameras communicate with computers via the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP). This protocol gives a standardized manufacturer-independent set of camera operation commands, as downloading pictures, remote capturing, ... Unfortunately manufacturers added also there own non-standard commands, especially for remote control. This library contains a near complete remote control command set for Canon digital cameras and also some stuff for Nikon.HBGraphicsx86_64 libusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libptp2-1.2.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmJfd8866101eb9a4e4823c8cb7b69c3df0./SRPMS.pcloscd   \ B@ BA0BE4BJUClibptytty2.01pclos2023OS independent and secure pty/tty and utmp/wtmp/lastlog handlinglibptytty is a small library that offers pseudo-tty management in an OS-independent way. It also offers session database support (utmp and optional wtmp/lastlog updates for login shells) and supports fork'ing after startup and dropping privileges in the calling process. Libptytty is written in C++, but it also offers a C-only API.Terminalsx86_64 cmakegnupg2gitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libptytty-2.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm009a86b46bf0295cb036f4d56b38bc26./SRPMS.pclosd  f *B@6BA\BE`BJClibpwquality1.4.41pclos2022Library for password quality checking and generating random passwordsThe libpwquality library purpose is to provide common functions for password quality checking and also scoring them based on their apparent randomness. The library also provides a function for generating random passwords with good pronounceability. The library supports reading and parsing of a configuration file.System/Librariesx86_64 gettext-devellibcrack-develpam-develpkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libpwquality-1.4.4-1pclos2022.src.rpmcb407de74fd39345a2ea91245931acefa./SRPMS.pclos[d  + M B@BA(BE,BJMClibqaccessibilityclient0.6.01pclos2024Accessibilty tools helper libraryHelper to make writing accessibility tools easier.~System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(QtCore)pkgconfig(QtGui)pkgconfig(QtDesigner)pkgconfig(QtSvg)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Designer)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libqwt-6.1.6-1pclos2021.src.rpm2k43690745df73e4cc82455eae07c52887./SRPMS.pclosd   FH L]dlB@BABEBJClibqwt55.2.21pclos20142D plotting widget extension to the Qt GUIQwt is an extension to the Qt GUI library from Troll Tech AS. The Qwt library contains widgets and components which are primarily useful for technical and scientifical purposes. It includes a 2-D plotting widget, different kinds of sliders, and much more.'System/Librariesx86_64 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libqwt5-5.2.2-1pclos2014.src.rpme34a9964fa9065148688ee981eeabbde./SRPMS.pclosd  K ;B@FBAlBEpBJClibqwtplot3d0.2.71pclos20133D plotting widget extension to the Qt GUIQwtPlot3D is a feature-rich Qt/OpenGL-based C++ programming library. It provides essentially a bunch of 3D-widgets for programmers.M&System/Librariesx86_64 qt4-develzlib-develmesaglu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libqwtplot3d-0.2.7-1pclos2013.src.rpmOfeea7ac65677624db3e93719a33f6851./SRPMS.pclosd   / B@BABEBJClibqxt0.6.22pclos2015Qt extension libraryLibQxt, an extension library for Qt, provides a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in the Qt toolkit.!1System/Librariesx86_64 avahi-compat-libdns_sd-develdb4-developenssl-develqt4-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64avahi-core-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libqxt-0.6.2-2pclos2015.src.rpm!db0af95215877eed95a53c3ae826db61./SRPMS.pclosd  :P T_dlB@BABEBJClibqzeitgeist0.72pclos2011Qt interface for ZeitgeistQt Zeitgeist Library.System/X11i586 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libqzeitgeist-0.7-2pclos2011.src.rpm43c82fb0b92ebddddce3d2e5ef133e24./SRPMS.pclosd   6 EB@TBAxBE|BJClibraqm0.9.01pclos2022Complex Textlayout LibraryLibrary that encapsulates the logic for complex text layout and provides a convenient API.?System/Librariesx86_64 gccmesonpkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(fribidi)gtk-doclocales-enrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libraqm-0.9.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmD9dc3f08457c7969c94ff000e3376ab82./SRPMS.pclosd   ^ 4B@DBAhBElBJClibraw0.18.131pclos2024Library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo camerasCompatible LibRaw is a library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, and others).System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libraw-0.18.13-1pclos2024.src.rpm4ce512853e892762c17ba8514b41922d./SRPMS.pclosd   ] eB@xBABEBJClibraw0.20.22pclos2024Library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo camerasLibRaw is a library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, and others). xSystem/Librariesx86_64  libgomp-develpkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(lcms2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libraw-0.20.2-2pclos2024.src.rpm 85b709847bc88fdf9666cfaedfd11d99./SRPMS.pclosd   1 $B@,BAPBETBJuClibraw13942.1.21pclos2016FireWire interfacelibraw1394 is the only supported interface to the kernel side raw1394 of the Linux IEEE-1394 subsystem, which provides direct access to the connected 1394 buses to user space. Through libraw1394/raw1394, applications can directly send to and receive from other nodes without requiring a kernel driver for the protocol in question. The reason for making a library the interface to the kernel is to avoid a program dependency on the kernel version, which would hinder development and optimization of raw1394. If development changed the protocol and made it incompatible with previous versions only the libraw1394 has to be upgraded to match the kernel version (instead of all applications).System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libraw1394-2.1.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm31030d37c61b4be443ab3e8f25de5c3d8./SRPMS.pclosd  3 $B@,BATBEXBJyClibraw1394_81.3.06pclos2016FireWire interfacelibraw1394 is the only supported interface to the kernel side raw1394 of the Linux IEEE-1394 subsystem, which provides direct access to the connected 1394 buses to user space. Through libraw1394/raw1394, applications can directly send to and receive from other nodes without requiring a kernel driver for the protocol in question. The reason for making a library the interface to the kernel is to avoid a program dependency on the kernel version, which would hinder development and optimization of raw1394. If development changed the protocol and made it incompatible with previous versions only the libraw1394 has to be upgraded to match the kernel version (instead of all applications).System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libraw1394_8-1.3.0-6pclos2016.src.rpmd7c751273ca62730f844b4a89680c907./SRPMS.pclosd  ] #B@6BAXBE\BJ}Clibre3.20.01pclos2025Generic library for real-time communications with async IO supportGeneric library for real-time communications with async IO support.gSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakeninjapkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libre-3.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm741817221e308e54e2e6ff543df6f0174./SRPMS.pcloscd   8 B@ BA0BE4BJUClibrecad2.2.00.1pclos2022An generic 2D CAD programLibreCAD is a Qt5 application to design 2D cad drawing based on the community edition of QCad.]Graphicsx86_64 boost-develpkgconfig(muparser)pkgconfig(shapelib)pkgconfig(libdxfrw)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librecad-2.2.0-0.1pclos2022.src.rpm]!b5711657214e093e3d031c0ad1c010f6./SRPMS.pclosd  U !B@-BAPBETBJuClibredblack1.31pclos2007Library for handling red-black tree searching algorithmThis implements the redblack balanced tree algorithm.lTexstar System/Librariesi586 python-develautoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libredblack-1.3-1pclos2007.src.rpmq)b611701b4d077890e7c88bfb8b80483a./SRPMS.pclosSd   K B@BA BE$BJEClibrelp1.11.01pclos2023Reliable Event Logging Protocol (RELP) librarylibrelp is an easy to use library for the RELP protocol. RELP in turn provides reliable event logging over the network (and consequently RELP stands for Reliable Event Logging Protocol). RELP was initiated by Rainer Gerhards after he was finally upset by the lossy nature of plain tcp syslog and wanted a cure for all these dangling issues.System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(gnutls)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librelp-1.11.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm07a7c08b304b03ef6cbb3bdebea175ec./SRPMS.pclosKd   D B@BABEBJ=Clibrem2.12.01pclos2023Audio and Video processing media libraryGeneric library for real-time communications with async IO support.System/Librariesx86_64 ninjacmakelib64re-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librem-2.12.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm3b71cce96f6d31cca8cc35c521542428./SRPMS.pclosSd" - m B@BA BE$BJECdelibreoffice-openclipart25.21pclos2025Extra Galleries for libreofficeExtra-Galerien für libreofficeThis package contains an extensive set of extra galleries for libreoffice. It can be used to enrich documents with graphics arts.Dieses Paket enthält eine umfangreiche Reihe von zusätzlichen Galerien für libreoffice. Es kann verwendet werden, um Dokumente mit Grafiken zu bereichern.۟pinocOfficex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libreoffice-openclipart-25.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmn122a91589ae030d0f77fe9ec496198be./SRPMS.pclosd :B@BABEBJClibrep0.91.11pclos2011An embeddable LISP environmentThis is a lightweight LISP environment for UNIX. It contains a LISP interpreter, byte-code compiler and virtual machine. Applications may use the LISP interpreter as an extension language, or it may be used for standalone scripts. Originally inspired by Emacs Lisp, the language dialect combines many of the elisp features while trying to remove some of the main deficiencies, with features from Common Lisp and Scheme. 9System/Librariesx86_64 gmp-develgdbm-develgpm-develncurses-develreadline-develtexinfoffi5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librep-0.91.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm ?u2df12f62ab8162abf883bfe897c68a8d./SRPMS.pclosgd $ s B@BA4BE8BJYClibreplaygain201312231pclos2014ReplayGainAnalysis - analyzes input samples and give the recommended dB changeReplayGainAnalysis - analyzes input samples and give the recommended dB change,System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libreplaygain-20131223-1pclos2014.src.rpm0d28ca08bc73389f35fcebfdb0ce30907./SRPMS.pclosod  P  B@BA<BE@BJaClibresample0.1.33pclos2019A real-time library for sampling rate conversionlibresample is a real-time library for sampling rate conversion. System/Librariesx86_64 libsndfile-devellibsamplerate-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libresample-0.1.3-3pclos2019.src.rpmN53d2d9a9e9abd37eabc76ca4687b4f98./SRPMS.pclosd   Q DB@NBAtBExBJClibrevenge0.0.42pclos2019A base library for writing document import filterslibrevenge is a base library for writing document import filters. It has interfaces for text documents, vector graphics, spreadsheets and presentations.zSystem/Librariesx86_64 boost-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librevenge-0.0.4-2pclos2019.src.rpm|7470eeaeb2867f551b44cac81fa786f7./SRPMS.pclosd   Q $B@BABEBJClibrevenge0.0.51pclos2024A base library for writing document import filterslibrevenge is a base library for writing document import filters. It has interfaces for text documents, vector graphics, spreadsheets and presentations.sSystem/Librariesx86_64  boost-develdoxygenpkgconfig(cppunit)pkgconfig(zlib)python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1librevenge-0.0.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm54f83668124d6821390436c489d71c79./SRPMS.pclosgd % a B@BA4BE8BJYClibrewolf-browser136.01pclos2025A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedomLibreWolf is designed to minimize data collection and telemetry as much as possible. This is achieved through hundreds of privacy/security/performance settings and patches. Intrusive integrated addons including updater, crashreporter, and pocket are removed too. LibreWolf is NOT associated with Mozilla or its products.BgNetworking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1librewolf-browser-136.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmh 4ca4ae5c74b28b065f3e094e859c0e79./SRPMS.pclosGd   < $ ,=DdB@BABEBJ9Clibrime0.9.81pclos2013Rime Input Method Engine LibraryRime Input Method Engine Library Support for shape-based and phonetic-based input methods, including those for Chinese dialects. A selected dictionary in Traditional Chinese, powered by opencc for Simplified Chinese output."pinoc64System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeopencc-develboost-develglog-develgtest-devellib64yaml-cpp-develkyotocabinet-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.463.0.4-1librime-0.9.8-1pclos2013.src.rpm"ce930424b0d309099183882a0b97235d./SRPMS.pclosd ! C B@BABEBJClibringclient1.0.03pclos2017Mirror of Gerrit Ring LRC Librarylibringclient is a client library for GNU Ring. Client communication library for ring.cx (formerly known as SFLphone).bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64restbed-devellib64ring-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libringclient-1.0.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmcc13c196e08cd274bceff0b5a9de4f92./SRPMS.pclosd  ] BB@KBApBEtBJClibrpcsecgss0.192pclos2017Allows secure rpc communication using the rpcsec_gss protocolAllows secure rpc communication using the rpcsec_gss protocol librpcsecgss allows secure rpc communication using the rpcsec_gss protocol.C&bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 gssglue-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librpcsecgss-0.19-2pclos2017.src.rpmFa36658e268ed379112c6eb3ab8ca814b./SRPMS.pclosSd   :` du|B@BA BE$BJEClibrra0.141pclos2010SynCE: Communication applicationlibrra is part of the SynCE project.6System/Librariesi586 libmimedir-devellibrapi-develautomakepython-develpython-pyrexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librra-0.14-1pclos2010.src.rpm;{2153ee165b3c6a620b3186686bd7e730./SRPMS.pclos+d   I 4B@BABEBJCdelibrsvg2.58.41pclos2024Raph's SVG libraryRaph´s SVG BibliothekA library that uses libart and pango to render svg files.Die Bibliothek mit libart und pango zum Rendern von SVG Dateien.^System/Librariesx86_64  docbook-dtd31-sgmlgtk-doclib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64croco0.6_3-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-devellibpthread-stubspython3-markdownpython3-smartypantspython3-tomlpython3-typogrifyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rustvala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1librsvg-2.58.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm^fe6d10b5d9f2ecc3dbbd06537041f1f4./SRPMS.pclosd   ,  (B@BABEBJClibrsync2.3.41pclos2023Rsync librarieslibrsync implements the "rsync" algorithm, which allows remote differencing of binary files. librsync computes a delta relative to a file's checksum, so the two files need not both be present to generate a delta. This library was previously known as libhsync up to version 0.9.0. The current version of this package does not implement the rsync network protocol and uses a delta format slightly more efficient than and incompatible with rsync 2.4.6.D#System/Librariesx86_64  cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(popt)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1librsync-2.3.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmjpdf1225ce734920fb1a3d1fe532fcc1df./SRPMS.pclosd   K "B@,BAPBETBJuClibrtfcomp1.18pclos2010Library to read and write compressed RTF filesCan decompress and recompress compressed RTF and convert from UTF8 to RTF for use in things like the AirSync protocols.System/Librariesi586 python-develpython-pyrexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1librtfcomp-1.1-8pclos2010.src.rpm64f507bebfd9743e8bbea38627eda01c./SRPMS.pclosd ! n B@&BAPBETBJuClibrtprocess0.12.01pclos2022A project to make RawTherapee's processing algorithms more readily availableThis is a project that aims to make some of RawTherapee's highly optimized raw processing routines readily available for other FOSS photo editing software. The goal is to move certain source files from RawTherapee into this library. Thus, any changes to the source can be done here and will be used by the projects which use librtprocess.System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsafe-2.0.16-1pclos2007.src.rpmb0cc563ba3bd7970a3df56903dfa692d./SRPMS.pclosd ! E $B@8BA`BEdBJClibsamplerate0.2.22pclos2025Audio Sample Rate Converter librarySecret Rabbit Code (aka libsamplerate) is a Sample Rate Converter for audio. One example of where such a thing would be useful is converting audio from the CD sample rate of 44.1kHz to the 48kHz sample rate used by DAT players. SRC is capable of arbitrary and time varying conversions ; from downsampling by a factor of 12 to upsampling by the same factor. Arbitrary in this case means that the ratio of input and output sample rates can be an irrational number. The conversion ratio can also vary with time for speeding up and slowing down effects. SRC provides a small set of converters to allow quality to be traded off against computation cost. The current best converter provides a signal-to-noise ratio of 97dB with -3dB passband extending from DC to 96% of the theoretical best bandwidth for a given pair of input and output sample rates.2Soundx86_64   pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)33.0.4-14.6.0-1libsamplerate-0.2.2-2pclos2025.src.rpm27fb7657c85bbd1c4374a19f89369e160./SRPMS.pcloscd   B B@ BA0BE4BJUClibsass3.6.61pclos2024C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompilerLibsass is a C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler. The original version was written in Ruby, but this version is meant for efficiency and portability. This library strives to be light, simple, and easy to build and integrate with a variety of platforms and languages. Libsass is just a library, but if you want to RUN libsass, install the sassc package.System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libsass-3.6.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm<718856ef704ec336202c5c6d8190fc55./SRPMS.pclosd    4lp uB@BABEBJ Clibsbc1.01pclos2013subband codec (SBC) libraryBluetooth low-complexity, subband codec (SBC) library.NealSystem/Librariesx86_64  libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   j B@!BADBEHBJiClibsbsms2.3.01pclos2021C++ library for subband sinusoidal modeling time stretching and pitch scalingC++ library for subband sinusoidal modeling time stretching and pitch scalingSystem/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsbsms-2.3.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm72671e4aeb44188e447b1c29c176399b./SRPMS.pclosCd   S  *CLdB@BABEBJ5Clibsearpc3.11pclos2017Simple C language RPC framework based on GObject systemSearpc is a simple C language RPC framework based on GObject system. Searpc handles the serialization/deserialization part of RPC, the transport part is left to users. It is part of seafile project.ĵbb2 Networking/File transferx86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64jansson-develpython-gobject-devellib64python-develpython-simplejsonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsearpc-3.1-1pclos2017.src.rpmaad68cec7dd05918b1d2061a9a0a955d./SRPMS.pclos d   7p tB@BABEBJClibseccomp2.5.31pclos2021Enhanced seccomp libraryThe libseccomp library provides an easy to use interface to the Linux Kernel's syscall filtering mechanism, seccomp. The libseccomp API allows an application to specify which syscalls, and optionally which syscall arguments, the application is allowed to execute, all of which are enforced by the Linux Kernel. System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libseccomp-2.5.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm a09a6beffbe72689566a99606209d557./SRPMS.pclos7d   ]4 8IPB@BABEBJ)Clibsecret0.21.61pclos2025Library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secretslibsecret is a library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets. It communicates with the "Secret Service" using DBus. gnome-keyring and KSecretService are both implementations of a Secret Service.5System/Librariesx86_64  docbook-style-xsldocbook-xslgtk-docintltoollib64gcrypt-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gpg-error-devellibxml2-utilspython3-jinja2python3-markdownpython3-smartypantspython3-tomlpython3-typogrifyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-toolsxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1libsecret-0.21.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm^ 67a7b3ee68df0a320cda1e58147e9ded./SRPMS.pclosd   A<@ J[d   B@4BAXBE\BJ}Clibselinux2.51pclos2017SELinux library and simple utilitiesSecurity-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux® kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. libselinux provides an API for SELinux applications to get and set process and file security contexts and to obtain security policy decisions. Required for any applications that use the SELinux API.Ibb2 System/Librariesx86_64  sepol-static-develpkgconfig(python2)pythonpkgconfig(python3)python3pcre-develswigruby-devellzma-develrubyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   E B@BABEBJ5Clibsepol2.52pclos2019SELinux binary policy manipulation librarySecurity-enhanced Linux is a feature of the Linux® kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. libsepol provides an API for the manipulation of SELinux binary policies. It is used by checkpolicy (the policy compiler) and similar tools, as well as by programs like load_policy that need to perform specific transformations on binary policies such as customizing policy boolean settings.CSystem/Librariesx86_64 flexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsepol-2.5-2pclos2019.src.rpm9071683422333d6bd916ee57a23c8173./SRPMS.pclosWd ! D` du|B@BA$BE(BJIClibserialport0.1.11pclos2022Library for accessing serial portslibserialport is a minimal library written in C that is intended to take care of the OS-specific details when writing software that uses serial ports. By writing your serial code to use libserialport, you enable it to work transparently on any platform supported by the library. The operations that are supported are: - Port enumeration (obtaining a list of serial ports on the system). - Opening and closing ports. - Setting port parameters (baud rate, parity, etc). - Reading, writing and flushing data. - Obtaining error information.nSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygengraphvizgccmakeautoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libserialport-0.1.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmt7f78ff68f2167815ffc2055ee01104c3./SRPMS.pclosd   ;lp z  w B@BABEBJClibsexy0.1.114pclos2017Collection of widgets for GTK+This is a collection of widgets for GTK+ 2.x.y%bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 gtk-doclib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-devellibgfortran3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsexy-0.1.11-4pclos2017.src.rpm}d9f5add3380faae5145b45b25b1e6590./SRPMS.pclosd   =h l}B@,BAPBETBJuClibsexymm0.1.93pclos2014Collection of widgets for gtkmmThis is a collection of widgets for gtkmm.System/Librariesx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sexy-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsexymm-0.1.9-3pclos2014.src.rpm3c204a2b9d3816f39e1dd00e1eeacd6c./SRPMS.pclosd  :  $5<H~B@BABEBJClibshairport1.2.12pclos2019Apple RAOP server libraryThis library emulates an AirPort Express for the purpose of streaming music from iTunes and compatible iPods. It implements a server for the Apple RAOP protocol. ShairPort does not support AirPlay v2 (video and photo streaming).v1System/Librariesx86_64 openssl-devellibao-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libshairport-1.2.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm{i594f5ef086efb4c497827a3a91e3984d./SRPMS.pclosd   c  uB@BABEBJClibshout2.4.61pclos2024A library for communicating with and sending data to an icecast serverLibshout is a library for communicating with and sending data to an icecast server. It handles the socket connection, the timing of the data, and prevents bad data from getting to the icecast server. With just a few lines of code, a programmer can easily turn any application into a streaming source for an icecast server. Libshout also allows developers who want a specific feature set (database access, request taking) to concentrate on that feature set, instead of worrying about how server communication works. Please refer to the API reference and example code to start learning how to use libshout in your own code. 3System/Librariesx86_64  libogg-devellibtheora-devellibvorbis-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)speex-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1libshout-2.4.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm43ce24d57a90c632b0f8771e55f4b61ee./SRPMS.pclosd ! C B@3BA\BE`BJClibshout-idjc2.4.61pclos2024Libshout with extensions for IDJCThis is a modified version of libshout, with extensions for IDJC.%ySystem/Librariesx86_64  libogg-devellibvorbis-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)speex-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1libshout-idjc-2.4.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmK@cdfff77e4078fac29b9c8316050c4f78./SRPMS.pclosd   Z$ (9@D`B@hBABEBJClibsidplay1.36.603pclos2021A Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator libraryThis library provides the Sound Interface Device (SID) chip emulator engine that is used by music player programs like SIDPLAY. With it you can play musics from Commodore 64 (or compatible) programs.+`System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsidplay-1.36.60-3pclos2021.src.rpm03adcd21dfe3eee0c82bf6bf8fb6665eae./SRPMS.pclosd  ZD HY`lB@BABEBJClibsidplayfp2.0.21pclos2021A Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator libraryThis is a cycle-based version of a C64 music playing library developed by Simon White. This library provides no internal SID emulation. Instead a means to drive any external SID hardware or emulation has been provided using the SID Builder Classes. A ReSID Builder Class using a modified version of ReSID 0.13 is included in this package. Alternative/updated classes can be obtained from the SIDPlay2 homepage. This is a fork of the original libsidplay2 aimed at improved sound quality.ـSystem/Librariesx86_64 chrpathxarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsidplayfp-2.0.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm&6b44bb7c39e2b63eee32ad5c35a873f3./SRPMS.pclosd ( B BB@OBABEBJClibsignal-protocol-c2.3.31pclos2021Signal Protocol C libraryThis is a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments.nSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakegccgcc-c++pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(libprotobuf-c)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsignal-protocol-c-2.3.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm272257c31d9afd9d857899c2ff1a93a3./SRPMS.pclosd  U SB@BABEBJClibsignon-glib2.13pclos2024Authorization and authentication management for gliblibsignon-glib provides authorization and authentication management for GLib applications.System/Librariesx86_64   gccgtk-docmesonpkgconfig(check)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(signond)pkgconfig(vapigen)python3-gobject3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)valaxsltproc0.9.42.302.262.908.403.0.4-14.6.0-1libsignon-glib-2.1-3pclos2024.src.rpmce76aff1d51f95474de42a0446fc2ed1./SRPMS.pclosd   K  (B@0BATBEXBJyClibsigsegv2.141pclos2022Library for handling page faults in user modeThis is a library for handling page faults in user mode. A page fault occurs when a program tries to access to a region of memory that is currently not available. Catching and handling a page fault is a useful technique for implementing: - pageable virtual memory, - memory-mapped access to persistent databases, - generational garbage collectors, - stack overflow handlers, - distributed shared memory,3System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libsigsegv-2.14-1pclos2022.src.rpm|4b226c12274c97708a184565e699c7d3./SRPMS.pclosd   9t xB@(BALBEPBJqClibsixel1.10.31pclos2023SIXEL encoding and decodingAn encoder/decoder implementation for DEC SIXEL graphics.0"System/Librariesi586  db4-develXFree86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Jx |B@BABEBJ)Clibtaginfo0.2.01pclos2014A library for reading media metadata (tags)TagInfo is a convenience wrapper for taglib with C and vala bindings. Features are reading/writing fields like: Artist, Album, Title, Genre, AlbumArtist, Comments, Disk number, Compilation flag, User labels, Embedded Images, Lyrics, Audio properties (length, bitrate, samplerate, channels ...), ...~System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfigtaglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   @ B@BABEBJClibtar1.2.201pclos2014C library for manipulating tar fileslibtar is a library for manipulating tar files from within C programs. Here are some of its features: * Handles both POSIX tar file format and the GNU extensions. * API provides functions for easy use, such as tar_extract_all(). * Also provides functions for more granular use, such as tar_append_regfile().System/Librariesx86_64 zlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtar-1.2.20-1pclos2014.src.rpmcebc69fab78aab6ca5600aa3a0e63dd5./SRPMS.pcloscd   > B@ BA0BE4BJUClibtasn14.20.01pclos2025The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLSLibtasn1 is an implementation of the ASN.1 standard used by GnuTLS and others.BSystem/Librariesx86_64  bisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1libtasn1-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmc7666cb3414fd8d1baa017e8b387a69e./SRPMS.pclosd YTXipxB@BABEBJClibtermcap2.0.846pclos2011A basic system library for accessing the termcap databaseThe libtermcap package contains a basic system library needed to access the termcap database. The termcap library supports easy access to the termcap database, so that programs can output character-based displays in a terminal-independent manner.siSystem/Librariesx86_64 texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtermcap-2.0.8-46pclos2011.src.rpmc#9f9ac00a496929a0541fb567ef91eab4./SRPMS.pclosd   K &0<sB@}BABEBJClibtermkey0.221pclos2019Library for easy processing of keyboard entryThis library allows easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs. It handles all the necessary logic to recognize special keys, UTF-8 combining, and so on, with a simple interface.Development/Cx86_64 pkgconfig(ncurses)libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtermkey-0.22-1pclos2019.src.rpmc9eb8587e1448a7f727399fbb513e8ba./SRPMS.pclosd   8DH du|B@BABEBJClibtextcat2.21pclos2007Text categorization libraryLibtextcat is a library with functions that implement the classification technique described in Cavnar & Trenkle, "N-Gram-Based Text Categorization". It was primarily developed for language guessing, a task on which it is known to perform with near-perfect accuracy.<~Texstar System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtextcat-2.2-1pclos2007.src.rpmu785ffcf233ccbcdb6386ae93be45128d./SRPMS.pclos/d   ;X \mtB@BABEBJ!Clibthai0.1.291pclos2022Thai language support routinesLibThai is a set of Thai language support routines aimed to ease developers' tasks to incorporate Thai language support in their applications. It includes important Thai-specific functions e.g. word breaking, input and output methods as well as basic character and string supports.j[System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfigdoxygendatrie-develtrietoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libthai-0.1.29-1pclos2022.src.rpmm0fbe767de52c9ad48db31f134728a0be./SRPMS.pclosd   < JB@XBA|BEBJClibtheora1.1.18pclos2021Theora video compression codecOgg Theora is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed video format. zSystem/Librariesx86_64 automakeautoconf2.5libvorbis-devellibSDL-develzlib-devellibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtheora-1.1.1-8pclos2021.src.rpme69c52495281cf119d0d62063ed8a7fe8./SRPMS.pclosd  O  $lB@wBABEBJClibticables21.3.52pclos2019Library to handle the different TI link cablesThe TiCables library is a part of the TiLP project and constitutes with the other libraries a complete framework for developping and/or linking TI files oriented applications. It is able to handle the different link cables designed for TI's graphing calculators (also called handheld), without worrying about different link cables characteristics as well as different platforms. It supports all the currently available link cables: - home-made parallel (aka $5-cable) - home-made serial (aka $4-cable) - TI's BlackLink - TI's GrayLink - TI's SilverLink - AVRlink It also supports some 'virtual' link cables for connection with emulators: - Virtual TI (VTi) - (Gtk)TiEmuCommunications/Serialx86_64 pkgconfig(libusb)glib2-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libticables2-1.3.5-2pclos2019.src.rpmacb33fe8042eaba231ecb3f74fe04abf./SRPMS.pclosd  R  B@BABEBJClibticalcs21.1.92pclos2019Texas Instruments calculator communication libraryThe ticalcs library is a library which brings about all the functions needed to communicate with a Texas Instruments graphing calculator (or hand-held).System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-devellibticonv-devellib64ticables2-devellib64tifiles2-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libticalcs2-1.1.9-2pclos2019.src.rpma53d15245d80efc431da515f2a635f80./SRPMS.pclos{d   L B@%BAHBELBJmClibticonv1.1.52pclos2019Texas Instruments calculators charsets libraryThe ticonv library is a library capable of conversions between Texas Instruments character sets and UTF-8/UTF-16 character sets./=System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libticonv-1.1.5-2pclos2019.src.rpm24a6bff042ef9b3497183bdce25e1521e./SRPMS.pclosd   [\ `qx  G B@^BABEBJClibtiff4.7.02pclos2024A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image filesThe libtiff package contains a library of functions for manipulating TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) image format files. TIFF is a widely used file format for bitmapped images. TIFF files usually end in the .tif extension and they are often quite large."#System/Librariesx86_64  jbig-develpkgconfig(freeglut)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libtiff-4.7.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm#"Yf0c2c6fbe3fea2f662123478cc1e2c9f./SRPMS.pcloskd  Jp tB@BA8BE<BJ]Clibtifiles21.1.71pclos2017Texas Instruments calculator files libraryThe tifiles library is a library capable of reading, modifying, and writing TI formatted files. It can also group/ungroup files. This library is able to manipulate files in a fairly transparent fashion. With this library, the developer does not have to worry about the different file formats.System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develzlib-devellibticonv-devellibarchive-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtifiles2-1.1.7-1pclos2017.src.rpmدa180bd8f19364e7139d4aaa9fea437a0./SRPMS.pclossd   D B@BA@BEDBJeClibtiger0.3.41pclos2013Text rendering library for Kate streamslibtiger is a rendering library for Kate streams using Pango and Cairo.FpinocSystem/Librariesx86_64 python-devellibkate-develpango-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtiger-0.3.4-1pclos2013.src.rpmm6f6f058466ceff88f492f3a1cdbc046e./SRPMS.pcloscd   > B@ BA0BE4BJUClibtirpc1.3.62pclos2025Transport Independent RPC LibraryThis package contains SunLib's implementation of transport-independent RPC (TI-RPC) documentation. This library forms a piece of the base of Open Network Computing (ONC), and is derived directly from the Solaris 2.3 source. TI-RPC is an enhanced version of TS-RPC that requires the UNIX System V Transport Layer Interface (TLI) or an equivalent X/Open Transport Interface (XTI). TI-RPC is on-the-wire compatible with the TS-RPC, which is supported by almost 70 vendors on all major operating systems. TS-RPC source code (RPCSRC 4.0) remains available from several internet sites.zpSystem/Librariesx86_64  lib64krb53-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libtirpc-1.3.6-2pclos2025.src.rpmY9c70ad3352a7394da83d47a4e8d627f7./SRPMS.pclosSd   [d hyB@BA BE$BJEClibtommath1.2.11pclos2023Portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer libraryA free open source portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library written entirely in C. (phew!). The library is designed to provide a simple to work with API that provides fairly efficient routines that build out of the box without configuration. System/Librariesx86_64  ghostscriptlibtiff-progslibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libtommath-1.2.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm242ad8799ab64401584e028cb7f0b96b./SRPMS.pclosd  N B@%BALBEPBJqClibtomoe-gtk0.1.04pclos2007Tomoe-gtk library for handwriting recognitionTomoe-gtk library for handwriting recognition.bNeverstopdreaming System/Internationalizationi586 libtomoe-develgtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtomoe-gtk-0.1.0-4pclos2007.src.rpmAb1d8acdfbeb4aeac8475533ec8cb7f7b./SRPMS.pclosd   P vB@BABEBJClibtool2.5.42pclos2025GNU tool for simplifying the use of shared librariesThe libtool package contains the GNU libtool, a set of shell scripts which automatically configure UNIX and UNIX-like architectures to generically build shared libraries. Libtool provides a consistent, portable interface which simplifies the process of using shared libraries. If you are developing programs which will use shared libraries, you should install libtool.Y*Development/Otherx86_64  autoconfautomakegcc-gfortranhelp2manlocales-dequadmath-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libtool-2.5.4-2pclos2025.src.rpm|Rc59a18ae8c14dea1b2c83c3fd72c54a1./SRPMS.pcloskd   Jp tB@BA8BE<BJ]Clibtorrent0.13.81pclos2019BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nixLibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix. It is designed to avoid redundant copying and storing of data that other clients and libraries suffer from. Licensed under the GPL. Basic features have been implemented and a ncurses client is included. Sloppy and biased test runs have shown that transferring a 200 MB file with libTorrent uses 1/4 of the CPU time that the official BitTorrent client requires. The library and client are under heavy development. They are stable enough to handle any torrents I throw at them these days.*Networking/File transferx86_64 cppunit-develsigc++2.0-developenssl-develautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtorrent-0.13.8-1pclos2019.src.rpm5d9d410a2be7d8112b2f03b648b79e6e./SRPMS.pclosd ) J ^B@tBABEBJClibtorrent-rasterbar2.0.101pclos2024The Rasterbar BitTorrent librarylibtorrent-rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. It is a library and not a full featured client. It is not the same as the other libtorrent, as used by the 'rtorrent' application, that is in the 'libtorrent' package. The two are completely different and incompatible./System/Librariesx86_64  boost-develcmakeninjapkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libtorrent-rasterbar-2.0.10-1pclos2024.src.rpm0"F586a12433954859fea91881672a52d51./SRPMS.pclosGd ! D B@BABEBJ9Clibtranscript0.3.31pclos2020A character set conversion librarylibtranscript is a character set conversion library which allows great control over the conversion.HSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtranscript-0.3.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm40a8e67a9880d8f8be752aaf6701d690./SRPMS.pclosd  _ WB@eBABEBJClibtranslit0.0.32pclos2019ASCII to Unicode transliteration library with multiple backendsASCII to Unicode transliteration library with multiple backends. {System/Librariesx86_64 gobject-introspection-develintltoolvala-develvala-toolspkgconfig(m17n-shell)pkgconfig(icu-io)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtranslit-0.0.3-2pclos2019.src.rpmP64d53a95f1544bd5067ba80d423584fe./SRPMS.pclosd   C &,LB@BABEBJClibtubo4.5.01pclos2007Interprocess communication used by xffmThe Libtubo library is small and simple function set to enable a process to run any other process in the background and communicate via the stdout, stderr and stdin file descriptors.Texstar Utilitiesi586 xfce-dev-toolsautoconf2.5automake1.9intltoolglib-gettextizeglib2-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtubo-4.5.0-1pclos2007.src.rpm9c11cb69a14cc86b74ea0a68b8d93c89./SRPMS.pclosd  `  $\0B@HBApBEtBJClibtunepimp0.5.314pclos2013A library for creating MusicBrainz enabled tagging applicationsThe TunePimp library (also referred to as libtunepimp) is a development library geared towards developers who wish to create MusicBrainz enabled tagging applications. System/Librariesx86_64  libflac-develreadline-devellibmad-develoggvorbis-devellibmusicbrainz-devellibcurl-devellibofa-develtaglib-devellibtool-devellibmpcdec-devellibmp4v2-develpython-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) '15f1ee9299a3c7fcc073727178d95c29./SRPMS.pclosd  Q %,4]B@fBABEBJClibtxc_dxtn1.0.11pclos2013S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) sextension for MesaAn open source implementation of the S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) for use with the open source OpenGL implementation Mesa. This provides the GLX extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc.(System/Librariesx86_64 mesagl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm,,c8966bd05a2f4152bf410d424dc97bac./SRPMS.pclosd   Z\ `qx  ` B@rBABEBJClibucil0.9.103pclos2019Library to render text and graphic overlays onto video imagesUnicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. The related ucil library provides easy to use functions to render text and graphic overlays onto video images.WqSystem/Librariesx86_64 intltoolgtk-docpkgconfig(libunicap)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(libpng)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libucil-0.9.10-3pclos2019.src.rpm3q401463ef9448f4dbaf391cad97c69c3c./SRPMS.pclosd   L    B@BABEBJClibudev01829pclos2022Dynamic library to access udev device informationThis package contains the dynamic library libudev0, which provides access to udev device information System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 glibc-static-devellibblkid-devellibacl-develglib2-develgperflibtoolgtk-docusbutilsldetect-lstrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libudev0-182-9pclos2022.src.rpm Tc57a12e7a215e5f1eac5a6adf144d219./SRPMS.pclosd   7T XiptB@BABEBJClibudfread1.1.21pclos2021UDF reader from VideoLANUDF reader from VideoLAN.yeSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libudfread-1.1.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm}aa0935c10116097f447eb241fdc3850e./SRPMS.pclosd   N &,8oB@yBABEBJClibungif4.1.43pclos2007A library for manipulating GIF format image filesThe libungif package contains a shared library of functions for loading and saving GIF format image files. The libungif library can load any GIF file, but it will save GIFs only in uncompressed format (i.e., it won't use the patented LZW compression used to save "normal" compressed GIF files). Install the libungif package if you need to manipulate GIF files. You should also install the libungif-progs package. Texstar System/Librariesi586 XFree86-develnetpbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libungif-4.1.4-3pclos2007.src.rpm A84a39c4ffbfa0170b9975c678266fc02./SRPMS.pclosd  ; "B@3BAXBE\BJ}Clibunibreak6.11pclos2024Unicode line-breaking libraryLibunibreak is the successor of liblinebreak, an implementation of the line breaking algorithm as described in Unicode 6.0.0 Standard Annex 14, Revision 26, available at http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/tr14-26.html It is designed to be used in a generic text renderer. FBReader is one real-world example, and you may also check some simple sample code, like showbreak and breaktext.WSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libunibreak-6.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm5fe8198b2687dbb347fb9cf78cb2d1f675./SRPMS.pclosd   ] B@&BALBEPBJqClibunicap0.9.124pclos2020Library to access different kinds of ( video ) capture devicesunicap is a library to access different kinds of ( video ) capture devices. 3System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(libraw1394)gtk-docintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libunicap-0.9.12-4pclos2020.src.rpm o^f6e450d1b60e7ee59fd49008ef88926d./SRPMS.pclos+d  # 3X\ }B@BABEBJClibunicode0.4.gnome12pclos2007Unicode libraryA library to handle unicode stringsTexstar System/Librariesi586 automake1.4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libunicode-0.4.gnome-12pclos2007.src.rpm0ff8c53987c1853689e22d2279ac2878./SRPMS.pclosd&K !(,HB@PBA|BEBJClibuninameslist200804091pclos2011A Library of Unicode annotation dataThe Unicode consortium provides a file containing annotations on many unicode characters. This library contains a compiled version of this file so that programs can access these data easily.5System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libuninameslist-20080409-1pclos2011.src.rpm 85886ee3d6129ddf4d3e567fe2af821f./SRPMS.pclosd   O VB@tBABEBJClibunique1.1.65pclos2015Library for creating single instance applicationsUnique is a library for creating single instance applications.`System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(x11)gobject-introspection-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.702. !   !(DB@BABEBJ!Cdelibunique33.0.22pclos2013Library for creating single instance applicationsBibliothek zum erstellen einer einzelnen Instant AnwendungUnique is a library for creating single instance applications.Bibliothek zum erstellen einer einzelnen Instant Anwendung., 0AHTB@BABEBJClibusbx1.0.181pclos2014Library for accessing USB devicesThis package provides a way for applications to access USB devices. Libusbx is a fork of the original libusb, which is a fully API and ABI compatible drop in for the libusb-1.0.9 release. The libusbx fork was started by most of the libusb-1.0 developers, after the original libusb project did not produce a new release for over 18 months. Note that this library is not compatible with the original libusb-0.1 series, if you need libusb-0.1 compatibility install the libusb-compat package.mSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygenpkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libusbx-1.0.18-1pclos2014.src.rpmfe645bbc8350198419b79f54a49a4522./SRPMS.pclosd   Jh l  Z B@nBABEBJClibuser0.623pclos2020A user and group account administration libraryThe libuser library implements a standardized interface for manipulating and administering user and group accounts. The library uses pluggable back-ends to interface to its data sources. Sample applications modeled after those included with the shadow password suite are included. RJSystem/Configurationx86_64 gettextglib2-developenldap-devellinuxdoc-toolspam-develpopt-develpython-develbisonopenssllocales-enpython3-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libuser-0.62-3pclos2020.src.rpm O4bee279d058fd720d32e0947451250a7./SRPMS.pclosd  I (B@8BA`BEdBJClibutempter1.2.11pclos2024A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updatesThe utempter library provides interface for terminal emulators such as screen and xterm to record user sessions to utmp and wtmp files.O System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libutempter-1.2.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmm^168ee0f95612456c6c03328dbbb7a0b6./SRPMS.pclosd  5  (rB@BABEBJClibuv1.49.01pclos2024Platform layer for node.jslibuv is a new platform layer for Node. Its purpose is to abstract IOCP on Windows and libev on Unix systems. We intend to eventually contain all platform differences in this library.Development/Librariesx86_64  autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libuv-1.49.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm1a24f1199045b7ce9b1d25f469e9d471./SRPMS.pclosd  @   t B@BABEBJClibva2.21.01pclos2024Video Acceleration (VA) API for LinuxLibva is a library providing the VA API video acceleration API.FSystem/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libva-2.21.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmjc154bca67e5c9bb6cd72a44112e3b7cf./SRPMS.pclos_d" - Z,0 :ELhB@BA,BE0BJQClibva-intel-hybrid-driver1.0.22pclos2017VA driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics familylibva-intel-hybrid-driver is the VA-API implementation for Intel G45 chipsets and Intel HD Graphics for Intel Core processor family. It allows to accelerate VP9 videos on Skylake and Kabylake architectures.bb2 System/X11x86_64 libtoolpkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libva)pkgconfig(libcmrt)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(wayland-server)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libva-intel-hybrid-driver-1.0.2-2pclos2017.src.rpm'a3f8a24f2c225504eee81847ceab6b15./SRPMS.pclos_d  5x |B@BA,BE0BJQClibva-utils2.21.01pclos2024VA-API test encodersThis package provides the example encoders binaries to use VA API. 08Videox86_64  lib64drm-devellib64va-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libva-utils-2.21.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm UV76529a4bfb98b5a8a6b54950d6298652./SRPMS.pclosd   E 1B@<BA\BE`BJClibvdpau1.51pclos2023Video Decode and Presentation API for UnixThe Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU) provides a complete solution for decoding, post-processing, compositing, and displaying compressed or uncompressed video streams. These video streams may be combined (composited) with bitmap content, to implement OSDs and other application user interfaces. Only the proprietary NVIDIA driver supports this interface so far.$System/Librariesx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libvdpau-1.5-1pclos2023.src.rpm%ef4ce72121e42c17fc7010f3a370d94a./SRPMS.pclosd " Jt xKB@ZBABEBJClibvdpau-va-gl0.4.24pclos2023VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI back-endVDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI back-end.|System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 cmakepkgconfig(vdpau)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libswscale)pkgconfig(libva-glx)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libvdpau-va-gl-0.4.2-4pclos2023.src.rpm{80c02dda0679e6976ba0a94a0a6e2190./SRPMS.pclosd   : (<B@BABEBJClibverto0.2.61pclos2017Main loop abstraction librarylibverto provides a way for libraries to expose asynchronous interfaces without having to choose a particular event loop, offloading this decision to the end application which consumes the library.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-devellib64event-develtevent-develev-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libverto-0.2.6-1pclos2017.src.rpm0616a1d1178dcfd17d2ee04ea6787083./SRPMS.pclos{d   @ B@$BAHBELBJmClibview0.6.61pclos2014VMware's Incredibly Exciting Widgetslibview is VMware's Incredibly Exciting Widgets, a useful collection of GTK+ widgets used within VMware products, free for everybody's use.System/Librariesx86_64 gtkmm2.4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libview-0.6.6-1pclos2014.src.rpm;3b69f948e697a9acf25fe299da346d09./SRPMS.pclos d   _  0B@BABEBJClibvisio0.1.73pclos2022A library providing ability to interpret and import visio diagramsLibvisio is library providing ability to interpret and import visio diagrams into various applications. You can find it being used in libreoffice. System/Librariesx86_64 lib64boost-develdoxygengperfzlib1-devellib64wpd-devellib64wpg-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libvisio-0.1.7-3pclos2022.src.rpm 368857d3bb825ac77dbfd1055205f107./SRPMS.pclosd   ;D HY`lB@BABEBJClibvisual0.4.21pclos2024Audio visualisation frameworkLibvisual is a library that acts as a middle layer between applications that want audio visualisation and audio visualisation plugins. Libvisual is aimed at developers who have a need for audio visualisation and those who actually write the visualisation plugins.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(sdl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libvisual-0.4.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm6d10d6ff25872ebeebf3d45d01215529a./SRPMS.pclosd % _  18 `  B@"BAPBETBJuClibvisual-plugins0.4.11pclos2024Visualisation plugins for applications based on libvisualLibvisual is a library that acts as a middle layer between applications that want audio visualisation and audio visualisation plugins. This package contains the libvisual example plugins.qgSystem/Librariesx86_64   bisonflexgettext-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libvisual-0.4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ! K  aB@BABEBJClibvncserver0.9.151pclos2025An easy API to write one's own VNC serverLibVNCServer makes writing a VNC server (or more correctly, a program exporting a framebuffer via the Remote Frame Buffer protocol) easy. It is based on OSXvnc, which in turn is based on the original Xvnc by ORL, later AT&T research labs in UK. It hides the programmer from the tedious task of managing clients and compression schemata.߆System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeffmpeg-develgettext-devellibgcrypt-develpkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(lzo2)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libvncserver-0.9.15-1pclos2025.src.rpm 396fc9e3d2017ebf0eb8e586c547dd28./SRPMS.pclos/d   LD HS\lB@BABEBJ!Clibvoikko4.3.21pclos2023A spellchecker/hyphenator library using MalagaThis is libvoikko, library for spellcheckers and hyphenators using Malaga natural language grammar development tool. The library is written in C. Currently only Finnish is supported, but adding support for other languages should not be too hard.AText toolsx86_64  pkgconfig(hfstospell)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libvoikko-4.3.2-1pclos2023.src.rpmaecf3e5488624c7662ecf5854152e314./SRPMS.pclosd   HP TelxB@BABEBJ Clibvorbis1.3.71pclos2020The Vorbis General Audio Compression CodecOgg Vorbis is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format for audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps/channel. Find some free Ogg Vorbis music here: http://www.vorbis.com/music.htmlSystem/Librariesx86_64  libogg-develglibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   / (]B@nBABEBJClibvpx1.15.01pclos2025VP8 Video Codec SDKlibvpx provides the VP8 SDK, which allows you to integrate your applications with the VP8 video codec, a high quality, royalty free, open source codec deployed on millions of computers and devices worldwide.CSystem/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yasm3.0.4-14.6.0-1libvpx-1.15.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmCF bec8480bcff095bf57804e39683ef8eb./SRPMS.pclosgd   U B@BA4BE8BJYClibvtemm0.24.00pclos2010C++ interface for VTE (a GTK2 terminal emulator widget)libvtemm provides a C++ interface to the VTE library.%,System/Librariesi586  glibmm2.4-develpkgconfigvte-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),6aa7a5b3ea5e47721ab7a1f166c02b35./SRPMS.pclos'd   A )0HB@BABEBJClibwacom2.13.01pclos2024A library to identify wacom tabletslibwacom is a library to identify wacom tablets and their model-specific features. It provides easy access to information such as "is this a built-in on-screen tablet", "what is the size of this model", etc.f;System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libwacom-2.13.0-1pclos2024.src.rpme9c79a4e273a87bd93f15c73c8b4beaf./SRPMS.pclosd   ?< @QXlB@BABEBJ Clibwbxml0.10.73pclos2019WBXML parser and compiler libraryThe WBXML Library (libwbxml) contains a library and its associated tools to parse, encode and handle WBXML documents. The WBXML format is a binary representation of XML, defined by the Wap Forum, and used to reduce bandwidth in mobile communications.%System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeexpat-develpopt-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   D  $@B@HBAhBElBJClibwcat1.01pclos2007Library for the watchcat software watchdoglibwcat is an API to watchcatd, a software watchdog that uses an approach not as drastic as the usual watchdog solutions. It tries to kill the locked process only.Texstar System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwcat-1.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmb30050f2dba9b64ade99a60e47cd1c04./SRPMS.pclosd   Jh l~  D B@[BA|BEBJClibwebp1.3.21pclos2023Library and tools for the WebP graphics formatWebP is an image format that does lossy compression of digital photographic images. WebP consists of a codec based on VP8, and a container based on RIFF. Webmasters, web developers and browser developers can use WebP to compress, archive and distribute digital images more efficiently.#Development/Otherx86_64  giflib-devellibtoolpkgconfig(freeglut)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig3.0.4-14.6.0-1libwebp-1.3.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm$ d119f8a59ed5231e3be2acdb1532e3df./SRPMS.pclosd ! H    B@BABEBJClibwebsockets4.3.31pclos2023A lightweight C library for WebsocketsThis is the libwebsockets C library for lightweight websocket clients and servers.̃System/Librariesx86_64  cmakegit-coreopensslpkgconfig(libev)pkgconfig(libuv)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libwebsockets-4.3.3-1pclos2023.src.rpmb0d81c242ed037802a769aa42f9934c3./SRPMS.pclosOd  6L P`h|B@BABE BJAClibwindowswm1.0.11pclos2013The WindowsWM LibraryThe WindowsWM LibraryDevelopment/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) fa83e6e641b0177c37cc8a2b0a5ded30./SRPMS.pclos d   >\ `qxB@BABEBJClibwlocate1.10.2pclos2019Open WLAN Map interface libraryLibrary for doing location lookup based on free openwlanmap.org data. * accessing the local WLAN-hardware * checking for WLAN-networks that are available * accessing the database * returning the current geographic position or an error code in case localisation failedG|System/Librariesx86_64 libiw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwlocate-1.1-0.2pclos2019.src.rpmJz4aa1e29ec6f289c753beb10aeee433fd./SRPMS.pclos;d   :  <B@BABE BJ-Clibwmf0.2.131pclos2023A library to convert wmf fileslibwmf is a library for unix like machines that can convert wmf files into other formats, currently it supports a gd binding to convert to gif, and an X one to draw direct to an X window or pixmap.%,Graphics/Utilitiesx86_64   pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   L< @QX   B@BABEBJCdelibwnck2.31.02pclos2015Libwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kitlibwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kit, i.e. a library to use for writing pagers and taskslists and stuff.Libwnck ist ein Window Navigator Construktion Kit Eine Bibliothek zum Einsatz bei der Erstellung von Pagern und Task-Listen. QSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64x11-devellib64xres-devellibxcb-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwnck-2.31.0-2pclos2015.src.rpm 53dff76c313520a514877ae631a65818./SRPMS.pclosd   H TB@lBABEBJClibwnck340.11pclos2022Libwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kitlibwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kit, i.e. a library to use for writing pagers and taskslists and stuff.qSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xi-devellib64xres-devellibxcb-develgtk-docintltoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwnck3-40.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm049e570dd1db6522bc46a3e866959e2f./SRPMS.pclosd   I BB@QBAtBExBJClibwpd0.10.22pclos2019A library for import of WordPerfect documentslibwpd is a library for import of WordPerfect documents.<System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develpkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(libgsf-1)pkgconfig(librevenge-0.0)doxygenhelp2manboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwpd-0.10.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm>2521128173f449a1faab3cc6d409a19bf./SRPMS.pclosd   W AB@VBAxBE|BJClibwpe1.15.11pclos2023General-purpose library for the WPE-flavored port of WebKitGeneral-purpose library developed for the WPE-flavored port of WebKitSystem/Librariesx86_64  gcc-c++gnupg2mesonpkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libwpe-1.15.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm!cb80ead8a3b0535a95a22775c5c1aa72./SRPMS.pclosd   N 0B@BABEBJClibwpg0.3.22pclos2019A library for import of WordPerfect Graphics imageslibwpg is a library for import of images in WPG (WordPerfect Graphics) format. WPG is the format used among others in Corel software, such as WordPerfect and Presentations. System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenhelp2manperl-baselib64revenge-devellib64wpd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwpg-0.3.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm 5795970c2d06a7c3a27ace42838e3678./SRPMS.pclosd   L0 4;DTB@BABEBJClibwps0.4.42pclos2019A library for import of Microsoft Works documentslibwps is a library for import of Microsoft Works text documents, spreadsheets and (in a limited way) databases. Full list of supported formats is available at https://sourceforge.net/p/libwps/wiki/Home/#recognized-formats .Officex86_64 doxygenhelp2manlib64revenge-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwps-0.4.4-2pclos2019.src.rpmӸec13e245c7d3439af2136feeef9aa1c0./SRPMS.pclos#d V|B@BABEBJClibwulf1.0.21pclos2011The core library of the wulfstat family of xmlsysd clients libwulf is the core common library required by wulfstat and wulflogger, two xmlsysd clients that poll and display various statistics from a cluster in a user-controllable loop. libwulf contains routines that open and parse a wulfhosts (cluster/lan descriptor) file, establish xmlsysd connections in a threaded subtask to all hosts in the wulfhosts file, and in parallel with this initialize and update selected statistics. libwulf functions form an API adequate to support many kinds of toplevel log and gui applications reasonably efficiently.iMonitoringx86_64 libxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libwulf-1.0.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm&1cabe4c66ec99d469e8fefb4131fc3b4./SRPMS.pclosd   %  $5< l # B@=BA`BEdBJClibx111.8.121pclos2025X Librarylibx11 contains the shared libraries that most X programs need to run properly. These shared libraries are in a separate package in order to reduce the disk space needed to run X applications on a machine without an X server (i.e, over a network). ASystem/Librariesx86_64  docbook-dtd43-xmlgrofflibxau-devellibxdmcp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-sgml-doctoolsx11-util-macrosx11-xtrans-develxcb-develxmlto3.0.4-14.6.0-1libx11-1.8.12-1pclos2025.src.rpm7xf6597460666df9539cc368801b412510./SRPMS.pclosd    Wh l}B@BABEBJClibx861.115pclos2022Hardware-independent library for executing real-mode x86 codeIt's often useful to be able to make real-mode x86 BIOS calls from userland. lrmi provides a simple interface to this for x86 machines, but this doesn't help on other platforms. libx86 provides the lrmi interface, but will also run on platforms such as amd64 and alpha.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libx86-1.1-15pclos2022.src.rpmZa3287189a212bb77117cd04635cab8ee./SRPMS.pclos3d   9 B@BABEBJ%Clibx86emu3.13pclos2022A small x86 emulation librarySmall x86 emulation library with focus of easy usage and extended execution logging functions.^System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libx86emu-3.1-3pclos2022.src.rpmcT0b8fa6619a2bf0275460955749a2341a./SRPMS.pclos;d   Cl pB@BABE BJ-Clibxau1.0.111pclos2022X authorization file management libraryX authorization file management library=Development/X11x86_64  x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   4   p B@BABEBJClibxaw1.0.151pclos2023X Athena Widgets LibraryXaw is the classic X Athena Widget Set, a widget set based on the X Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt) Library. BSystem/Librariesx86_64  libx11-devellibxau-devellibxext-devellibxmu-devellibxpm-devellibxt-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosgroffrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ab0cbe31ebec07279cd2e8fae539c97a./SRPMS.pcloskd   A  D  B@BA8BE<BJ]Clibxcb1.17.01pclos2024X protocol C-language Binding Librarythe X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) is a replacement for Xlib featuring a small footprint, latency hiding, direct access to the protocol, improved threading support, and extensibility.hSystem/X11x86_64  doxygengraphvizlibpthread-stubslibxau-devellibxdmcp-devellibxslt-procpython-celementtreerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros3.0.4-14.6.0-   5    B@BABEBJClibxcm0.5.26pclos2022X Color Management LibraryThe libXcm library is a reference implementation of the net-color spec. It allows to attach color regions to X windows to communicate with color servers.System/Librariesx86_64 x11-util-macrosautoconfautomakelibtooldoxygengraphvizlibxfixes-devellibxmu-develx11-proto-develx11-xtrans-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxcm-0.5.2-6pclos2022.src.rpmea7bb1391fa0f4f937fbf2214d4a7aa7a./SRPMS.pclosod ! 5L P`hB@BA<BE@BJaClibxcomposite0.4.61pclos2022X Composite LibraryX Composite Library*Development/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   W IB@WBA|BEBJClibxcrypt4.4.361pclos2023Extended crypt library for DES, MD5, Blowfish and otherslibxcrypt is a modern library for one-way hashing of passwords. It supports DES, MD5, SHA-2-256, SHA-2-512, and bcrypt-based password hashes, and provides the traditional Unix 'crypt' and 'crypt_r' interfaces, as well as a set of extended interfaces pioneered by Openwall Linux, 'crypt_rn', 'crypt_ra', 'crypt_gensalt', 'crypt_gensalt_rn', and 'crypt_gensalt_ra'. System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolpkgconfiggccbinutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxcrypt-4.4.36-1pclos2023.src.rpm dea346431af9a3531d3f74c2ebb42e78./SRPMS.pclosd   /D HX`|B@2BAXBE\BJ}Clibxcursor1.2.31pclos2024X Cursor LibraryX Cursor Library.Development/X11x86_64   pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros1.   H 'B@2BATBEXBJyClibxcvt0.1.21pclos2022VESA CVT standard timing modelines generatorlibxcvt is a library providing a standalone version of the X server implementation of the VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator.-USystem/X11x86_64 gccgit-coremesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxcvt-0.1.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm1~d55e74cf86d7483800d24fb75858cec2./SRPMS.pclosKd   /D HX`tB@BABEBJ=Clibxdamage1.1.61pclos2022X Damage LibraryX Damage Library.Development/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xfixes)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " Z B@BABEBJClibxdg-basedir1.2.04pclos2022Implementation of the XDG Base Directory SpecificationsThe XDG Base Directory Specification defines where should user files be looked for by defining one or more base directories relative in with they should be located. This library implements functions to list the directories according to the specification and provides a few higher-level functions.{System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxdg-basedir-1.2.0-4pclos2022.src.rpm579408aa75efaa558bff692f2dc212ee./SRPMS.pclos_d   E B@ BA,BE0BJQClibxdiff1.02pclos2022Create diffs/patches for text/binary filesThe LibXDiff library implements basic and yet complete functionalities to create file differences/patches to both binary and text files. It uses memory files as file abstraction to achieve both performance and portability. For binary files, it implements (with some modification) the algorithm described in "File System Support for Delta Compression" by Joshua P. MacDonald. For text files, it follows directives described in "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations" by Eugene W. Myers. Memory files used by the library are basically a collection of buffers that store the file content.DSystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxdiff-1.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmAae864e597574f24e01022fa762d8a64f./SRPMS.pclos{d   Gt xB@#BAHBELBJmClibxdmcp1.1.51pclos2024X Display Manager Control Protocol libraryX Display Manager Control Protocol libraryNDevelopment/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(libbsd)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros3.0.4-14.6.0-   8X \ltB@BA$BE(BJIClibxevie1.0.39pclos2022X Event Interceptor LibraryX Event Interceptor Library.H^Development/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ?X \ltB@BA<BE@BJaClibxext1.3.52pclos2023X11 miscellaneous extension libraryMisc X Extension Library;Development/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xau)pkgconfig(xdmcp)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>hea360eb4bea865bb01b11f74b22b9583./SRPMS.pclos#d!' 2 l<@ E\dtB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnllibxfce4menu4.6.25pclos2012A freedesktop.org compliant menu library written for XfceA freedesktop.org compliant menu library written for Xfce. It implements the Desktop Menu Specification version 1.0.Ein freedesktop.org konforme Menü Bibliothek geschrieben für Xfce. Es dient der Umsetzung der Desktop Menu Specification Version 1.0.Une bibliothèque freedesktop.org menu conforme écrit pour Xfce. Il implémente la version Desktop Menu Specification 1.0.Una colección de freedesktop.org menú compatible escrito para Xfce. Implementa la versión de escritorio del menú Especificación 1.0.A freedesktop.org compliant menu library written for Xfce. It implements the Desktop Menu Specification version 1.0.Фреедесктоп.орг компатибилан мени библиотека написана за Ксфце. Она спроводи Десктоп Мени Спецификација верзија 1.0.Een freedesktop.org compliant menu bibliotheek geschreven voor Xfce. Het implementeert de Desktop Menu specificatie versie 1.0.(NealGraphical desktop/Xfcei586  gtk+2-develgtk-doclibxfce4util-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Q B@BA BE$BJEClibxfce4ui4.18.61pclos2024Various Xfce widgets for Xfce desktop environmentVarious Xfce widgets for Xfce desktop environment. wGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  gitintltoollib64girepository-devellib64gladeui2-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtop2.0-devellib64sm-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64xfconf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-develxfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1libxfce4ui-4.18.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm 57ad235ca4055c21dcf2b335c6f288c6./SRPMS.pclosSd   Q B@BA BE$BJEClibxfce4ui4.20.01pclos2025Various Xfce widgets for Xfce desktop environmentVarious Xfce widgets for Xfce desktop environment. Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  gitintltoollib64girepository-devellib64gladeui2-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtop2.0-devellib64sm-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64xfconf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-develxfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1libxfce4ui-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm ?24b6159265a07d34f86ab0b3ea799134./SRPMS.pclosd ! R OB@dBABEBJClibxfce4util4.18.21pclos2024Utility library for the Xfce desktop environmentBasic utility non-GUI functions for Xfce desktop environment.Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  intltoollib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-develxfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1libxfce4util-4.18.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmdedbfbc1034ee864a44f76048de4caaa./SRPMS.pclosd ! R OB@dBABEBJClibxfce4util4.20.01pclos2025Utility library for the Xfce desktop environmentBasic utility non-GUI functions for Xfce desktop environment.x(Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  intltoollib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-develxfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1libxfce4util-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmF9a4fdeaec140a60c7065f2399511c0de./SRPMS.pclosd & ` 3<HB@iBABEBJClibxfce4windowing4.20.21pclos2025Windowing concept abstraction library for X11 and WaylandLibxfce4windowing is an abstraction library that attempts to present windowing concepts (screens, toplevel windows, workspaces, etc.) in a windowing-system-independent manner. Currently, X11 is fully supported, via libwnck. Wayland is partially supported, through various Wayland protocol extensions. However, the full range of operations available on X11 is not available on Wayland, due to missing features in these protocol extensions.DGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-wayland-3.0)pkgconfig(gdk-x11-3.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libdisplay-info)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1libxfce4windowing-4.20.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmpB87106e10b933590be33cf873238a6565./SRPMS.pclosSd   .| B@BA BE$BJEClibxfixes6.0.11pclos2023X Fixes Librarylibxfixes is a simple library designed to interface the X Fixes Extension.Development/X11x86_64 libx11-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxfixes-6.0.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm5da8a50f536bf365ac4e68d5b3272c3e7./SRPMS.pcloskd   +< @PXtB@BA8BE<BJ]Clibxfont1.5.45pclos2022X font LibraryX font Library=Development/X11x86_64  libfontenc-develfreetype2-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosx11-xtrans-develbzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Ah l}  N B@fBABEBJClibxfont22.0.71pclos2024X.Org X11 libXfont2 runtime libraryX.Org X11 libXfont2 runtime librarySystem/Librariesx86_64  autoconfautomakefreetype2-devellibfontenc-devellibtoolpkgconfig(fontsproto)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-util-macrosx11-xtrans-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1libxfont2-2.0.7-1pclos2024.src.rpmvf45b7d6458bb75be263c16299ba20c93./SRPMS.pclosSd " 9P TdlB@BA BE$BJEClibxfontcache1.0.510pclos2022The Xfontcache LibraryThe Xfontcache LibraryuDevelopment/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 48367e1acb2a7b908ffd169e3c449761./SRPMS.pclosOd   -D HX`tB@BABE BJAClibxft2.3.81pclos2023X FreeType libraryX FreeType library.-Development/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(xau)pkgconfig(xrender)x11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.3.931.͑3d06c9b741667e24cbb47b5998ec0aac./SRPMS.pclosd  3P Tdl   B@BBAdBEhBJClibxi1.8.21pclos2024X Input Extension LibraryX Input Extension Library;!Development/X11x86_64   asciidocdocbook-dtd412-xmllibx11-devellibxext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosxmlto1.`86fdd6a3a8c1985c4098f12e44f432fe./SRPMS.pclosKd  4L P`h|B@BABEBJ=Clibxinerama1.1.51pclos2022The Xinerama LibraryThe Xinerama LibraryDevelopment/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  F %B@3BA\BE`BJClibxkbcommon1.3.12pclos2022XKB API common to servers and clientsThe libxkbcommon package provides XKB API common to servers and clients.System/Librariesx86_64  flexbisonlibglib2-devellibxml2-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"e178f8dfd8e8cefe0fa6be9d26134338./SRPMS.pclosd   -@ DT\xB@4BAXBE\BJ}Clibxrandr1.5.41pclos2023X RandR LibraryX RandR Library|Development/X11x86_64   pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros1.   0D HX`pB@BABEBJClibxrender0.9.112pclos2023X Render LibraryX Render Library Development/X11x86_64  libx11-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Dp tB@BA8BE<BJ]Clibxres1.2.22pclos2023X Resource Information Extension LibraryX Resource Information Extension Library Development/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) X830c4f1f342279174d70ebde81f42e41./SRPMS.pclosSd ! 8P TdlB@BA BE$BJEClibxscrnsaver1.2.42pclos2023The XScrnSaver LibraryThe XScrnSaver LibraryDevelopment/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  9h lwB@BA$BE(BJIClibxshmfence1.3.22pclos2023X11 shared memory fencesShared memory fences for X11, as used in DRI3.System/X11x86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolx11-util-macrospkgconfig(xproto)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxshmfence-1.3.2-2pclos2023.src.rpm2eaf410315d452264bd737ba45a119677./SRPMS.pclosd   ; B@BABEBJClibxslt1.1.421pclos2024Library providing XSLT supportThis C library allows to transform XML files into other XML files (or HTML, text, ...) using the standard XSLT stylesheet transformation mechanism.System/Librariesx86_64   pkgconfig(libgcrypt)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(python3)python3python3-libxml2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  6 -B@UBAtBExBJClibxt1.3.11pclos2024X Toolkit Intrinsics libraryX Toolkit Intrinsics library used to build older generation toolkits such as Motif & Xaw. Development/X11x86_64   libsm-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros1. G8b0275213f7681e0fb2e9738ac1d3f66./SRPMS.pclosOd   +< @PXpB@BABE BJAClibxtrap1.0.19pclos2023X Trap LibraryX Trap Library.[Development/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-devellibxt-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ,@ DT\   B@<BA`BEdBJClibxtst1.2.51pclos2024The Xtst LibraryThe Xtst Library(Development/X11x86_64   docbook-dtd412-xmllibx11-devellibxext-devellibxi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosxmlto1.  ) SB@sBABEBJClibxv1.0.122pclos2023The Xv LibraryThe Xv extension provides support for video adaptors attached to an X display. Clients use Xv to gain access and manage sharing of a display's video resources.CMDevelopment/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d   -@ DT\tB@BA(BE,BJMClibxvmc1.0.132pclos2023The XvMC LibraryThe XvMC Library87Development/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xv)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);r947d3edffd014e2b7bb310a8ceefe5da./SRPMS.pclosd  P B@-BATBEXBJyClibxxf86dga1.1.62pclos2023XFree86 Direct Graphics Access Extension LibraryXFree86 Direct Graphics Access Extension Library.Development/X11x86_64  pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xext)x11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"N133335d9e6df8e8e7377f65e7694c714./SRPMS.pcloscd  ?` dt|B@BA0BE4BJUClibxxf86misc1.0.46pclos2023XFree86 Misc Extension LibraryXFree86 Misc Extension Library.߾Development/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Ch l|B@BA BE$BJEClibxxf86vm1.1.52pclos2023XFree86 Video Mode Extension LibraryXFree86 Video Mode Extension Library Development/X11x86_64 libx11-devellibxext-develx11-proto-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libxxf86vm-1.1.5-2pclos2023.src.rpmMa1ea6b7e746dc96f4f2d0f4fb94f6a7c./SRPMS.pclosd ! q48 =S\hB@BABEBJClibzeitgeist0.3.182pclos2013Client library for applications that want to interact with the Zeitgeist daemonThis project provides a client library for applications that want to interact with the Zeitgeist daemon. The library is written in C using glib and provides an asynchronous GObject oriented API.:NealDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1libzeitgeist-0.3.18-2pclos2013.src.rpm?4873925d67d4620e4bb9174173f3a075./SRPMS.pclosKd   8l pB@BABEBJ=Clibzen0.4.412pclos2023Shared library for mediainfoShared library for libmediainfo and mediainfo-gui.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakedos2unixdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libzen-0.4.41-2pclos2023.src.rpm5dbb6b42f8dd7788b11fdbab77f5febc./SRPMS.pclos7d   L  $  B@BABEBJ)Clibzim8.2.11pclos2023Reference implementation of the ZIM specificationThe ZIM library is the reference implementation for the ZIM file format. It's a solution to read and write ZIM files on many systems and architectures.~System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(gtest)pkgconfig(icu-uc)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(xapian-core)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libzim-8.2.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm f80a51e1a58279f89f1164d88a9197be./SRPMS.pclosd   Yl p  V B@nBABEBJClibzip1.11.31pclos2025A C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archiveslibzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data copied directly from other zip archives. Changes made without closing the archive can be reverted. The API is documented by man pages. @System/Librariesx86_64  cmakegroff-for-manlibtoolpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1libzip-1.11.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm ;(273e856729ca0436b5f7219d22af12ee./SRPMS.pcloswd   G\` k| B@ BADBEHBJiClibzrtpcpp1.4.32pclos2017A ccrtp extension for zrtp/Zfone supportThis library is a GPL licensed extension to the GNU RTP Stack, ccrtp, that offers compatibility with Phil Zimmermann's zrtp/Zfone voice encryption, and which can be directly embedded into telephony applications. The current release is based on a beta draft of the zrtp spec.`ghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64  ccrtp-develpkgconfiglibstdc++-devellibgcrypt-devellibCommonC++-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   1  )0 X  B@BABEBJ5Clicq1.3.91pclos2010ICQ clone written in C++Licq supports different interfaces and functions via plugins. Currently there are plugins for both the X Windowing System and the console. This version of licq has SSL support for those plugins that support it.'qNetworking/Instant messagingi586  autoconfqt4-develboost-develcmakencurses-developenssl-develcdk-develgpgme-develautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'Vcf69efae67cb4a55cbb311090f40e4ca./SRPMS.pclos/d ! H 0B@BABEBJ!Cdelifeograph1.4.22pclos2021A diary to take personal notes on lifeLifeograph is a diary program to take personal notes on life.Lifeograph ist ein Tagebuch-Programm Notizen über das Leben zu nehmen. Officex86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64enchant-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtkmm3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0-devellibgnomekbd-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lifeograph-1.4.2-2pclos2021.src.rpm T91f932776e350b2cf42b1cbdf1fb6cb3./SRPMS.pclosd   X B@BABEBJCdeliferea1.12.91pclos2020RSS/RDF Feed Reader For GTK+RSS/RDF Feedleser für GTK+Liferea (abbreviation of Linux Feed Reader) is a news aggregator for RSS/RDF feeds which also supports CDF channels, Atom/Echo/PIE feeds and OCS or OPML directories. It is a simple FeedReader clone for Unix.Liferea: Zeigt Newsfeeds in den gängigen Syndication-Formaten an, lässt sich über Filter-Skripte an die eigenen Bedürfnisse anpassen.:Networking/Newsx86_64 intltooldesktop-file-utilsgsettings-desktop-schemas-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64peas-devellib64soup-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64xml2-devellib64xslt-devellib64notify-develwebkitgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liferea-1.12.9-1pclos2020.src.rpm363bf007a25bb6d67c08c5ae09b94ff1f./SRPMS.pclosOd   S B@BABE BJAClifetunes0.42pclos2009An application to stream music results from Seeqpod.comAn application to stream music results from Seeqpod.com LifeTunes, the tunes that make you, who you are. TSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lifetunes-0.4-2pclos2009.src.rpm l5d3b8f63b4379a9ce400212bc9faad74./SRPMS.pclos{d ' A B@BAHBELBJmClightmediascanner0.3.0.01pclos2009Lightweight media scannerLightweight media scanner meant to be used in not-so-powerful devices, like embedded systems or old machines. Provides an optimized way to recursively scan directories, handling the parser in a child process, avoiding breaks of the main process when parsers break. One can opt to use the single process version, but be aware that if something bad happens during parsing, your application will suffer.System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lightmediascanner-   3    B@ BA0BE4BJUClightsoff40.0.11pclos2021GNOME Lightsoff gameA puzzle played on an 5X5 grid with the aim to turn off all the lights. Each click on a tile toggles the state of the clicked tile and its non-diagonal neighbors.Games/Puzzlesx86_64  pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonlib64appstream-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!fbdd0b0c18168c1f5e2ade9d9d090c12./SRPMS.pclosd   I '0tB@BABEBJClightspark0.8.51pclos2021An alternative Flash Player implementationLightspark is a modern, free, open-source flash player implementation. Lightspark features: * JIT compilation of Actionscript to native x86 bytecode using LLVM * Hardware accelerated rendering using OpenGL Shaders (GLSL) * Very good and robust support for current-generation Actionscript 3 * A new, clean, code base exploiting Multi-Threading and optimized for modern hardware. Designed from scratch after the official Flash documentation was released.Networking/WWWx86_64 cmakenasmboost-develffmpeg-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(ftgl)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(gtkglext-1.0)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libxml++-2.6)pkgconfig(librtmp)pkgconfig(liblzma)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lightspark-0.8.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm3370cc82a37a8e8aff395c4afb848917./SRPMS.pclos3d   Ll pB@BABEBJ%Clighttpd1.4.441pclos2017A fast webserver with minimal memory-footprintSecurity, speed, compliance, and flexibility--all of these describe LightTPD which is rapidly redefining efficiency of a webserver; as it is designed and optimized for high performance environments. With a small memory footprint compared to other web-servers, effective management of the cpu-load, and advanced feature set (FastCGI, CGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and many more) LightTPD is the perfect solution for every server that is suffering load problems. This packages contains the server and base modules : %base_modules NSystem/Serversx86_64 lib64attr1-devellib64bzip2-devellib64gamin-1_0-devellib64gdbm-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64lua5.1-devellib64memcache-devellib64mysql-devellib64openssl-devellib64pcre0-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64uuid-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lighttpd-1.4.44-1pclos2017.src.rpm 6c300ae251a13a406ae0d50596835f80f./SRPMS.pcloskd   V B@BA8BE<BJ]Clightzone4.2.41pclos2022Open-source professional-level digital darkroom softwareLightZone is open-source professional-level digital darkroom software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Rather than using layers as many other photo editors do, LightZone lets the user build up a stack of tools which can be rearranged, turned off and on, and removed from the stack. It's a non-destructive editor, where any of the tools can be re-adjusted or modified later — even in a different editing session. A tool stack can be copied to a batch of photos at one time. LightZone operates in a 16-bit linear color space with the wide gamut of ProPhoto RGB.uoGraphicsx86_64 apache-antautoconfautomakenasmgccgcc-c++libtoolmaketidygitjava-sunlib64x11-devellib64lzma-devellib64lcms2-devellib64jpeg-develjavahelp2libgomp-devellib64lensfun-devellib64tiff-develjava-rpmbuildjava-sun-srcrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lightzone-4.2.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm493ea81ac14b51d35d1fecc7dea69a60./SRPMS.pclosd $ F $(DB@LBAxBE|BJClila_hd-icon-theme3.01pclos2018Icon theme by Cristian PozzessereLila HD icon theme for Gnu-Linux and Unix-like O.S It should work with most linux distributions, under gnome, unity, cinammon, xfce, kde etcwAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lila_hd-icon-theme-3.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmw225334ed5c5a574d0ad320eb15109f63./SRPMS.pclosd " 3d hB@BABEBJClilau-icon-theme1.01pclos2011LilaU Icon ThemeA collection of colored comic Icons theme pack. System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lilau-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm 498fc97d925c1e991d440664f23e686f./SRPMS.pclosd  Hx |!B@6BAXBE\BJ}Clilv0.24.122pclos2021LV2 plugin library for applications and hostsLV2 plugin library for applications and hosts0System/Librariesx86_64  wafpkgconfigpythonlib64serd-devellib64sord-devellib64sratom-devellv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ? (B@BABEBJClilypond2.19.831pclos2020Program for printing sheet musicLilyPond is a music typesetter. It produces beautiful sheet music using a high level description file as input. LilyPond is part of the GNU project. LilyPond is split into two packages. The package "lilypond" provides the core package, containing the utilities for converting the music source (.ly) files into printable output. The package "lilypond-doc" provides the full documentation, example .ly files for various features and the Mutopia project files (musical equivalent of the Gutenberg project - see http://www.mutopiaproject.org for details). If you are new to lilypond, you will almost certainly want to install the "lilypond-doc" package and take a look at tutorials under /usr/share/doc/lilypond-doc. ;Publishingx86_64 bib2htmltexi2htmlbisonec-fonts-mftracedflexfontforgegettext-develghostscriptgroff-for-mangtk2-develpkgconfig(guile-1.8)guile1.8mftracepkgconfig(python)texinfo-textexlive-collection-basicnetpbmzipimagemagickdblatexhelp2manrsyncrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lilypond-2.19.83-1pclos2020.src.rpm 6e7e6fbcf92a514694bb672fc560905a./SRPMS.pclos/d   7 B@BABEBJ!Climoo1.31pclos2013Image Viewer using C++, Qt, QMLLimoo is an Image viewer, created using QML, Qt and C++. It’s under GPLv3 License. vGraphicsx86_64 lib64exiv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1limoo-1.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm f5757488dd23a2214d6d8c6d3acfa952./SRPMS.pclosd   3  $8B@BABEBJClinapple2b1pclos2019Apple2 emulator for LinuxLinapple is an emulator of Apple2 (Apple][, Apple 2, Apple2e) series computers for Linux or other systems with SDL support, which works out of the box. It derives from AppleWin, and almost as powerful as AppleWin is. VvEmulatorsx86_64 gcc-c++SDL-devellibcurl-devellibzip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linapple-2b-1pclos2019.src.rpm W9c2d88069e025394b24f894b00ea4b9d./SRPMS.pclosd   5    B@BABEBJClingot0.9.11pclos2015A musical instrument tunerLINGOT is a musical instrument tuner. It's accurate, easy to use, and highly configurable. Originally conceived to tune electric guitars, it can now be used to tune other instruments. It looks like an analogue tuner, with a gauge indicating the relative shift to a certain note, found automatically as the closest note to the estimated frequency.Soundx86_64 intltoollib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64jack-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lingot-0.9.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm}74b794da3e40a1704530412bee2d1de5./SRPMS.pclosGd  > B@BABEBJ9Clink-grammar4.2.53pclos2016A syntactic parser of EnglishThe Link Grammar Parser is a syntactic parser of English, based on link grammar, an original theory of English syntax. Given a sentence, the system assigns to it a syntactic structure, which consists of a set of labeled links connecting pairs of words. The parser also produces a "constituent" representation of a sentence (showing noun phrases, verb phrases, etc.).(Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1link-grammar-4.2.5-3pclos2016.src.rpm2638524f2dd102ae8df3313c7234854e./SRPMS.pclossd   3T Xgp   B@"BA@BEDBJeClinks2.221pclos2021Lynx-like text WWW browserLinks is a text based WWW browser, at first look similar to Lynx, but somehow different: - renders tables and frames - displays colors as specified in current HTML page - uses drop-down menu (like in Midnight Commander) - can download files in background - partially handle Javascript_Networking/WWWx86_64 libx11-devellibpng-devellibtiff-developenssl-develjpeg-develbzip2-develgpm-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1links-2.22-1pclos2021.src.rpm_257bd91133258949513209e77b2b4aaf./SRPMS.pclosKd $ ; B@BABEBJ=Clinphone-desktop5.2.41pclos2024Streaming Music ClientA free VoIP and video softphone based on the SIP protocol (AppImage version) Communicationsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1linphone-desktop-5.2.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm+/4eff49afa807417ad833102feda5dc49./SRPMS.pclosd   <04 >NT`B@BABEBJClinpopup2.1.03pclos2007Linux enhanced port of WinpopupXwindow graphical port of Winpopup, running over Samba. Permits to communicate with a windows computer that runs Winpopup, sending or receiving message. Also provides an alternative way to communicate between Linux computers that run Samba.{Stumpy842Networking/Chati586 libgtk+2.0-devellibxmu6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linpopup-2.1.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm~99ae80e1bbba6d4bb99162e238ce5f89./SRPMS.pcloscd   ? B@BA0BE4BJUClinssid3.62pclos2019Graphical wireless scanning for LinuxLinSSID is graphically and functionally similar to Inssider (Microsoft™ Windows®). It is written in C++ using Linux wireless tools and Qt5.`Monitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linssid-3.6-2pclos2019.src.rpm372cd2c00e77c11b2887ce2f5b440100./SRPMS.pclosod   D B@BA<BE@BJaClinux-atm2.5.21pclos2016Tools and libraries for ATM networkingTools and libraries to support ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networking and some types of DSL modems. $System/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 bisonflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linux-atm-2.5.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm (aab21ae92253874f8bb44313b200670e./SRPMS.pclosd  F =B@HBAlBEpBJClinux-helper1.21pclos2010Linux Helper - GUI tool to manage linuxA GUI tool to manage linux. It can tweak kernel parameters,show network links, manage process etc.System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 libgtkmm2.4_1-devellibglademm2.4_1-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linux-helper-1.2-1pclos2010.src.rpmf953df0b95649f35f0eff3bf49c6128c6./SRPMS.pclosd   a gB@sBABEBJClinuxband12.02.11pclos2014LinuxBand is a GUI front-end for MMA (Musical MIDI Accompaniment)LinuxBand is a GUI front-end for MMA (Musical MIDI Accompaniment). Type in the chords, choose the groove and LinuxBand will play a musical accompaniment for you. It’s an open source alternative to Band-in-a-Box featuring: * Easy to use graphical interface * Open and well-documented data format * Output to JACK Midi to facilitate co-operation with other audio applicationsSoundx86_64 libjack-devellibsmf-develpygtk2-develpython-gtksourceview-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linuxband-12.02.1-1pclos2014.src.rpmY1cf0dc1faf94683413f9b0d5aefa88b9./SRPMS.pclosd   3|   j B@BABEBJClinuxdcpp1.0.31pclos2007A DC++ port for LinuxLinuxDC++ is a project to port the DC++ Direct Connect client for Linux.wthac Networking/File transferi586  glib2-develgtk+2-devellibglade2.0-develbzip2-develzlib-developenssl-develsconspython-sconsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}9bd77a38d7a6f005ba2cf8da93291c34./SRPMS.pclosd # K B@(BATBEXBJyClinuxdoc-tools0.9.731pclos2021A text formatting package based on SGMLLinuxdoc-tools is a text formatting suite based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), using the LinuxDoc document type. Linuxdoc-tools allows you to produce LaTeX, HTML, GNU info, LyX, RTF, plain text (via groff), and other format outputs from a single SGML source. Linuxdoc-tools is intended for writing technical software documentation.Publishingx86_64 flexopenjadesgml-commongroff-for-manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linuxdoc-tools-0.9.73-1pclos2021.src.rpmcf0edeeac5e271dd803ef68ed54d9c725./SRPMS.pclos/d  J    B@BABEBJ!Clinuxsampler2.2.03pclos2022Professional grade software audio samplerLinuxSampler is a professional grade software audio sampler that aims to deliver performance and features at par with hardware sampler devices.Soundx86_64 lib64gig-develdssi-devellv2-develbison-devel-staticpkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(sndfile)doxygenperl(XML::Parser)flexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1linuxsampler-2.2.0-3pclos2022.src.rpm8d82ecb1714448995afa80af89d38fc9./SRPMS.pclosd     $TB@dBABEBJClios2.8.11pclos2024LIOSLios is a free and open source software for converting print in to text using either scanner or a camera, It can also produce text out of scanned images from other sources such as Pdf, Image, Folder containing Images or screenshot.Graphicsnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lios-2.8.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm48e78437b095e4e6b0801f8b1c00440f./SRPMS.pclosd  ?  #,""q"B@BABEBJCliquidshell1.51pclos2020A replacement for KDE plasmashellAlternative desktop replacement for KDE Plasma, using QtWidgets instead of QtQuick to ensure hardware acceleration is not required. To start Liquidshell Select Liquidshell from your GDM Session Menu Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 binutilscmakelib64glib2.0-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5bluezqt-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5kcmutils-devellib64kf5newstuff-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemviews-devellib64networkmanager-qt-devellib64nm-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellibxcb-develninjaqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1liquidshell-1.5-1pclos2020.src.rpm& a4ed7d3d1e0e575eae3e2e2993de8945./SRPMS.pclos_d   >  (0 X  B@BA,BE0BJQClirc0.9.01pclos2012Linux Infrared Remote Control daemonsLIRC is a package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals of many (but not all) commonly used remote controls. Configuration files for many remotes are locate in lirc-remotes package yNealSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 autoconflibx11-devellibirman-devellibusb0.1-devellib64usb1.0-static-devellib64portaudio2-devellibalsa-develhelp2mansvgalib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lirc-0.9.0-1pclos2012.src.rpm \#b4c74591b799c8ea4ead618934c3eb17./SRPMS.pclosd! , [ B@KBAlBEpBJCdefresplsrnllisten0.6.53pclos2012Listen is a music manager and player for GnomeListen is a music manager and player, written in python for Gnome. With listen you can: * Play your favorite songs * Manage your library * Manage your ipod * Make playlists * Automatically or manually download album covers * Automatically synchronize album covers with iPod * Easily burn an audio CD * Directly get informations from wikipedia when you play a song * See the lyrics of a song * Have statistics about your favorite songs, albums or artists * Listen to web radio * Submit your songs to Audioscrobbler * Quick access to last.fm related fileListen is a music manager and player, written in python for Gnome. With listen you can: * Play your favorite songs * Manage your library * Manage your ipod * Make playlists * Automatically or manually download album covers * Automatically synchronize album covers with iPod * Easily burn an audio CD * Directly get informations from wikipedia when you play a song * See the lyrics of a song * Have statistics about your favorite songs, albums or artists * Listen to web radio * Submit your songs to Audioscrobbler * Quick access to last.fm related fileListen is a music manager and player, written in python for Gnome. With listen you can: * Play your favorite songs * Manage your library * Manage your ipod * Make playlists * Automatically or manually download album covers * Automatically synchronize album covers with iPod * Easily burn an audio CD * Directly get informations from wikipedia when you play a song * See the lyrics of a song * Have statistics about your favorite songs, albums or artists * Listen to web radio * Submit your songs to Audioscrobbler * Quick access to last.fm related fileListen is a music manager and player, written in python for Gnome. With listen you can: * Play your favorite songs * Manage your library * Manage your ipod * Make playlists * Automatically or manually download album covers * Automatically synchronize album covers with iPod * Easily burn an audio CD * Directly get informations from wikipedia when you play a song * See the lyrics of a song * Have statistics about your favorite songs, albums or artists * Listen to web radio * Submit your songs to Audioscrobbler * Quick access to last.fm related fileListen is a music manager and player, written in python for Gnome. With listen you can: * Play your favorite songs * Manage your library * Manage your ipod * Make playlists * Automatically or manually download album covers * Automatically synchronize album covers with iPod * Easily burn an audio CD * Directly get informations from wikipedia when you play a song * See the lyrics of a song * Have statistics about your favorite songs, albums or artists * Listen to web radio * Submit your songs to Audioscrobbler * Quick access to last.fm related fileListen is a music manager and player, written in python for Gnome. With listen you can: * Play your favorite songs * Manage your library * Manage your ipod * Make playlists * Automatically or manually download album covers * Automatically synchronize album covers with iPod * Easily burn an audio CD * Directly get informations from wikipedia when you play a song * See the lyrics of a song * Have statistics about your favorite songs, albums or artists * Listen to web radio * Submit your songs to Audioscrobbler * Quick access to last.fm related fileListen is a music manager and player, written in python for Gnome. With listen you can: * Play your favorite songs * Manage your library * Manage your ipod * Make playlists * Automatically or manually download album covers * Automatically synchronize album covers with iPod * Easily burn an audio CD * Directly get informations from wikipedia when you play a song * See the lyrics of a song * Have statistics about your favorite songs, albums or artists * Listen to web radio * Submit your songs to Audioscrobbler * Quick access to last.fm related filep=NealSoundi586  intltoolpython-develpython-musicbrainz2python-gpodpygtk2.0-develgnome-python-gtkmozembeddbus-pythonlibgpod-develgtk2-develdesktop-file-utilsgstreamer0.10-pythonmutagenpython-daappython-sexypython-webkitgtkpython-tunepimppython-pyinotifypython-xlibx11-server-xvfbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   5| B@BABEBJ Clistres1.0.51pclos2022List resources in widgetsThe listres program generates a list of a widget's resource database.aDevelopment/X11x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1listres-1.0.5-1pclos2022.src.rpmA3d5dee275fae9be1338bf15a3045bdf8./SRPMS.pclosd  (P Tel|B@BABEBJ Clite0.8.101pclos2011Toolkit EngineLiTE is a Toolkit Engine for DirectFB. System/Librariesi586 directfb-develpkgconfigautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lite-0.8.10-1pclos2011.src.rpm e0b9fb57e3581d8eb044d9dda38e1dbe./SRPMS.pclosd   I$ (9@XB@BABEBJ Clitehtml0.91pclos2025Fast and lightweight HTML/CSS rendering enginelitehtml is the lightweight HTML rendering engine with CSS2/CSS3 support. Note that litehtml itself does not draw any text, pictures or other graphics and that litehtml does not depend on any image/draw/font library. ,[System/Librariesx86_64  cmakegcc-c++pkgconfig(gtest)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vim-common3.0.4-14.6.0-1litehtml-0.9-1pclos2025.src.rpm Ref68292f7ef12b20c1cf7b579222234c./SRPMS.pcloskd  7, 0;D|B@BA8BE<BJ]Clittleutils1.0.291pclos2013A mini utility toolboxThe littleutils include a duplicate file finder (repeats), image optimizers (opt-jpg opt-png opt-gif recomp-jpg), file rename tools (lowercase uppercase), archive recompressors (to-bzip to-7zip to-lzma), a tempfile utility (tempname), and more.File toolsx86_64 bashperlfileungifsiclelibjpeg-progslibpng-develgettextpngcrushbzip2xzlzipp7zipzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1littleutils-1.0.29-1pclos2013.src.rpm08f7dc3b2e23e054e1835a45ad6f61e6./SRPMS.pclosd # HLP lv|B@BABEBJClittlewizard1.2.0rc21pclos2007Development environment for childrenLittle Wizard is a development environment for children. Little Wizard can be programmed without using keyboard, just by using drag and drop. It works under Linux and Windows 2000/XP (using GTK). Even children in primary school can understand how it works. ޭTexstar Educationi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1littlewizard-1.2.0rc2-1pclos2007.src.rpm 519c66b962fc90741e686d868acdd059./SRPMS.pclosSd! , K B@BA BE$BJEClittlewizard-examples1.2.0rc21pclos2007Example files for littlewizardLittle Wizard is a development environment for children. Little Wizard can be programmed without using keyboard, just by using drag and drop. It works under Linux and Windows 2000/XP (using GTK). Even children in primary school can understand how it works. This package contains example files for Little Wizard.>Texstar Educationnoarch unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1littlewizard-examples-1.2.0rc2-1pclos2007.src.rpmcb9b3c942a144e199f47781a1beda33e./SRPMS.pclosOd  = B@BABE BJAClive2021.06.251pclos2021LIVE555 Streaming Media LibraryThis code forms a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries - which can be compiled for Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), Windows, and QNX (and other POSIX-compliant systems) - can be used to build streaming applications. This package contains the example apps of LIVE555.TSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1live-2021.06.25-1pclos2021.src.rpmT31e6335d2e45d5cb5e15bbe3136dc52b./SRPMS.pclosd   7 (JB@jBABEBJCdelives3.2.02pclos2023A video editor and VJ toolLiVES is aimed at the digital video artist who wants to create their own content, the video editor who wants to produce professional looking video, and the VJ who wants to captivate with spectacular images.Linux Video bearbeiten System Das Linux-Video bearbeiten System (LiVES) soll ein einfaches, aber dennoch leistungsfähiges Video Schnitt und Effekte System darstellen. Es verwendet allgemeine Werkzeuge für die meisten seiner Arbeiten (Mplayer, ImageMagick, GTK, sox).94Videox86_64 bisonimagemagicklib64SDL-devellib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cairo-devellib64dv-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64fftw-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64jack-devellib64mjpegtools-devellib64ogg-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64pth-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64raw1394-devellib64schroedinger-devellib64v4l-devellib64visual-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lives-3.2.0-2pclos2023.src.rpm9daccf46c54dc5b920a0200af4a78ccf14./SRPMS.pclos[d  S B@BA(BE,BJMClivestation3.1.01pclos2010Television and radio broadcasts over a data networkLivestation is a platform for distributing live television and radio broadcasts over a data network. NOTE: Due to graphics driver issues, ATI and Intel graphics cards may exhibit flickering when using Livestation and Compiz or other OpenGL applications simultaneously. At present the only solution is to temporarily disable Compiz/Beryl while running Livestation.'\ Networking/WWWi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1livestation-3.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm$l2dee4b84b44046ee710a5f280564b0b1./SRPMS.pclosd ! H %,<rB@}BABEBJClksctp-tools1.0.191pclos2022User-space access to Linux Kernel SCTPThis is the lksctp-tools package for Linux Kernel SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) Reference Implementation. This package is intended to supplement the Linux Kernel SCTP Reference Implementation now available in the Linux kernel source tree in versions 2.5.36 and following. For more information on LKSCTP see the package documentation README file, section titled "LKSCTP - Linux Kernel SCTP." This package contains the command-line tools.ySystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lksctp-tools-1.0.19-1pclos2022.src.rpmMbb816c12f84f630e20589bbae2bb37bb./SRPMS.pclosd ! H %,@B@BABEBJClksctp-tools1.0.191pclos2024User-space access to Linux Kernel SCTPThis is the lksctp-tools package for Linux Kernel SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) Reference Implementation. This package is intended to supplement the Linux Kernel SCTP Reference Implementation now available in the Linux kernel source tree in versions 2.5.36 and following. For more information on LKSCTP see the package documentation README file, section titled "LKSCTP - Linux Kernel SCTP." This package contains the command-line tools.@System/Librariesx86_64  autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lksctp-tools-1.0.19-1pclos2024.src.rpmԣc719ccc22e23847ccd7e0cd2807ac072./SRPMS.pclos d  7P TfpxB@BABEBJCllvm17.0.63pclos2024The Low Level Virtual MachineLLVM is a compiler infrastructure designed for compile-time, link-time, runtime, and idle-time optimization of programs from arbitrary programming languages. The compiler infrastructure includes mirror sets of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality. IDevelopment/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1llvm-17.0.6-3pclos2024.src.rpm pb076e6b78052b68cca23b824553c070f./SRPMS.pclos'd  7P TfpB@BABEBJCllvm19.1.11pclos2024The Low Level Virtual MachineLLVM is a compiler infrastructure designed for compile-time, link-time, runtime, and idle-time optimization of programs from arbitrary programming languages. The compiler infrastructure includes mirror sets of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.?Development/Otherx86_64  binutils-develclangcmakegccgcc-c++gitgnupg2libedit-devellibffi-devellibxml2-develmesonncurses-develninja-buildpython3-develpython3-psutilpython3-setuptoolspython3-yamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1llvm-19.1.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm^bc8a3b27b93011ba37d875d2e25cd657./SRPMS.pclos_d   B B@BA,BE0BJQClm11001.0.2a1pclos2011Linux Lexmark 1000/1100 Printer DriverLinux Lexmark 1000/1020/1100 Printer Driver. This filter converts a ppm file into the Lexmark 1000/1020/1100 internal format.qSystem/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lm1100-1.0.2a-1pclos2011.src.rpm 7f7bab7c7683b61ca621a83d3c41d087./SRPMS.pclosd   7 $<B@BABEBJClm_sensors3.6.04pclos2023Utilities for lm_sensorsThis package contains a collection of user space tools for general SMBus access and hardware monitoring. SMBus, also known as System Management Bus, is a protocol for communicating through a I2C ('I squared C') bus. Many modern mainboards have a System Management Bus. There are a lot of devices which can be connected to a SMBus; the most notable are modern memory chips with EEPROM memories and chips for hardware monitoring. Most modern mainboards incorporate some form of hardware monitoring chips. These chips read things like chip temperatures, fan rotation speeds and voltage levels. There are quite a few different chips which can be used by mainboard builders for approximately the same results.|ASystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 bisonchrpathflexlib64rrdtool-devellib64sysfs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lm_sensors-3.6.0-4pclos2023.src.rpmnedb7c082af96e5ed33723a05f44e7628./SRPMS.pclosd   = [B@gBABEBJClmarbles1.0.81pclos2022Summary Atomix-style arcade gameLMarbles is very similar to Atomix and was heavily inspired by it. Goal is to create a more or less complex figure out of single marbles within a time limit to reach the next level. Sounds easy? Well, there is a problem: If a marble starts to move it will not stop until it hits a wall or marble. And to make it even more interesting there are obstacles like arrows, crumbling walls and teleports! xGames/Puzzlesx86_64 desktop-file-utilsimagemagickpkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(SDL_mixer)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lmarbles-1.0.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm a4c7dc470f53d6a668abb3fc74f0c59f./SRPMS.pclosd   ?   T B@eBABEBJClmc1.2.353pclos2014LAN Messenger Instant messaging clientLAN Messenger is a free and open source cross-platform instant messaging application for communication over a local network. It does not require a server. A number of useful features including event notifications, file transfer and message logging are provided. Authors: Qualia Digital Solutions #eNNetworking/Chatx86_64 hicolor-icon-themedesktop-file-utilsopenssl-develqt4-develphonon-develkdelibs-develqt-develImageMagickunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lmc-1.2.35-3pclos2014.src.rpm"7f71a6212190b2afa1f6ee27df5920a0./SRPMS.pclosGd  : B@BABEBJ9Clmdb0.9.331pclos2024Memory-mapped key-value databaseLMDB is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store developed by for the OpenLDAP Project. By using memory-mapped files, it provides the read performance of a pure in-memory database while still offering the persistence of standard disk-based databases, and is only limited to the size of the virtual address space.System/Basex86_64  doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lmdb-0.9.33-1pclos2024.src.rpmn966058e9712b3d299cedd91f4d987b81./SRPMS.pclosd   0d hnx!!!B@BBA`BEdBJClmms1.3.02pclos2021Linux MultiMedia StudioLMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops/FL Studio, Cubase and Logic allowing you to produce music with your computer.This includes creation of loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having fun with your MIDI-keyboard and much more... LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program and those of powerful synthesizers, samplers, effects etc. in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface. Features: * Song-Editor for arranging the song * creating beats and basslines using the Beat-/Bassline-Editor * easy-to-use piano-roll for editing patterns and melodies * instrument and effect-plugins * support for hosting VST(i)- and LADSPA-plugins (instruments/effects) * automation-editor * MIDI-support%Soundx86_64 bash-completioncmakedoxygengiticoutilsfltk-devellame-develSDL_sound-develsndio-develsoundio-develpkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5UiTools)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)pkgconfig(gig)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(fluidsynth)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xinerama)lib64stk-develfltk2-develladspa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lmms-1.3.0-2pclos2021.src.rpm%.79e24fed8cf8fb53fcb59c51d0c0b1fa./SRPMS.pclosd   N( ,7@D`B@hBABEBJClnav0.8.41pclos2019Curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log fileslnav is an enhanced log file viewer that takes advantage of any semantic information that can be gleaned from the files being viewed, such as timestamps and log levels. Using this extra semantic information, it can do things like interleaving messages from different files, generate histograms of messages over time, and providing hotkeys for navigating through the file. It is hoped that these features will allow the user to quickly and efficiently zero in on problems.xMonitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lnav-0.8.4-1pclos2019.src.rpmP8e8d8bbba36e88f0d531e6bb866e41f2./SRPMS.pclosd_B@.BAPBETBJuClndir1.0.11pclos2011Create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory treeThe lndir program makes a shadow copy of a directory tree, except that the shadow is not populated with real files but instead with symbolic links pointing at the real files in the source directory tree. This is usually useful for maintaining source code for different machine architectures. You create a shadow directory containing links to the real source, which you will have usually mounted from a remote machine. You can build in the shadow tree, and the object files will be in the shadow directory, while the source files in the shadow directory are just symlinks to the real files..rSystem/X11x86_64  x11-util-macrosx11-proto-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ' '0@sB@BABEBJClne3.2.41pclos2011LiteNEasy (CMS)LightNEasy is not only a CMS, It actually creates plain, pure web pages for your whole website, making it SEO friendly and fast loading. Each time you add a page, alter the menus, it regenerates all pages again so that they remain fully integrated. Search engines, like Google, prefer simple HTML or PHP pages and simple links to follow from page to page. LightNEasy in fact generates all the pages of your website, and what search engines find is a series of pure pages that link to other pages, instead of some fancy php scripts and strange urls. LightNEasy was created for developing and maintaining private or small commercial websites. Depending on your programming skills, however, LightNEasy can be the framework of virtually any website.System/Serversnoarch  apache-basefileunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   , +4DwB@BABEBJClne-mini2.4.21pclos2011LiteNEasy (CMS)LightNEasy is not only a CMS, It actually creates plain, pure web pages for your whole website, making it SEO friendly and fast loading. Each time you add a page, alter the menus, it regenerates all pages again so that they remain fully integrated. Search engines, like Google, prefer simple HTML or PHP pages and simple links to follow from page to page. LightNEasy in fact generates all the pages of your website, and what search engines find is a series of pure pages that link to other pages, instead of some fancy php scripts and strange urls. LightNEasy was created for developing and maintaining private or small commercial websites. Depending on your programming skills, however, LightNEasy can be the framework of virtually any website. kSystem/Serversnoarch  apache-basefileunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames) &b2a1232b83c3797135b52a8d206bfed9./SRPMS.pclosd   6, 0LThB@BABEBJ Clocales2.391pclos2024Base files for localizationThese are the base files for language localization. You also need to install the specific locales-?? for the language(s) you want. Then the user need to set the LANG variable to their preferred language in their ~/.profile configuration file.#System/Internationalizationx86_64  gccglibcglibc-i18ndatarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1locales-2.39-1pclos2024.src.rpmc83b90bd618dbc8400cb509795b0934f./SRPMS.pclosKd   P B@BABEBJ=Clocalsend1.15.41pclos2024Simple utility for sharing files across a networkAn open source cross-platform alternative to AirDropNetworking/File transferx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1localsend-1.15.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm,f9557874d16c1722758eaa71a8e90902./SRPMS.pclosKd   ; B@BABEBJ=Clockdev1.0.40.1pclos2021A library for locking devicesLockdev provides a reliable way to put an exclusive lock to devices using both FSSTND and SVr4 methods.System/Librariesx86_64 chrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lockdev-1.0.4-0.1pclos2021.src.rpm0d1348bc492dd17289aacc7a19073adb./SRPMS.pclos{d # Z B@BAHBELBJmClockfile-progs0.1.104pclos2011Programs for locking and unlocking files and mailboxesThis package includes several programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes from the command line.>System/Basex86_64 lockfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lockfile-progs-0.1.10-4pclos2011.src.rpm?bda5a8804fa085f4676132c608baaea6./SRPMS.pclos7d  I48 PZd|B@BABEBJ)Cloemu0.2.05pclos2007A simple python front-end for various emulatorsLoemu provides a simple frontend for various emulators. It currently supports game emulation with xmame, sdlmame and snes9x. But the design of loemu allows the support of more emulators adding specific emulator configuration files.|Thac Emulatorsnoarch python-develpygtk2.0-libgladepython-libxsltunzipintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1loemu-0.2.0-5pclos2007.src.rpmo99eceab56f5c77839c56e86afc5811dd./SRPMS.pclosd  #\` es|B@BABEBJClog4c1.2.21pclos2012Log for Clog4c is a Logging FrameWork for C, as Log4j or Log4Cpp.XNealDevelopment/Cx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1log4c-1.2.2-1pclos2012.src.rpm%fca7c4413ee944a1c0414a87fea9a5bf./SRPMS.pclosd   /  8B@ABAdBEhBJClog4cpp1.1.31pclos2021C++ logging libraryLog for C++ is a library of classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library and stays as close to its API as is reasonable.System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1log4cpp-1.1.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm3fa727c0e8939c88aef8d8ea87e75b3ce./SRPMS.pclosWd   ?| B@BA$BE(BJIClog4cxx0.10.02pclos2014A port to C++ of the Log4j projectLog4cxx is a popular logging package written in C++. One of its distinctive features is the notion of inheritance in loggers. Using a logger hierarchy it is possible to control which log statements are output at arbitrary granularity. This helps reduce the volume of logged output and minimize the cost of logging. System/Librariesx86_64 apr-develapr-util-develdoxygenpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1log4cxx-0.10.0-2pclos2014.src.rpm |6a4533ebb00c060a9e3d48175956608b./SRPMS.pclos/d   - B@BABEBJ!Clogcheck1.3.72pclos2013Psionic LogCheckLogcheck is a software package that is designed to automatically run and check system log files for security violations and unusual activity. Logcheck utilizes a program called logtail that remembers the last position it read from in a log file and uses this position on subsequent runs to process new information. All source code is available for review and the implementation was kept simple to avoid problems. This package is a clone of the frequentcheck.sh script from the Trusted Information Systems Gauntlet(tm) firewall package. TIS has granted permission for me to clone this package.Monitoringx86_64 docbook-to-manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1logcheck-1.3.7-2pclos2013.src.rpmdbf811da1a707df01c99d76bd0f67dc2./SRPMS.pclosd   6   c B@tBABEBJClogjam4.5.35pclos2010GTK2 client for LiveJournalThis is the new GTK2 client for LiveJournal (http://www.livejournal.com).$[Networking/Newsi586 xmms-devellibcurl-develgtk2-devellibgtkspell-develgtkhtml-3.14-develgettextdesktop-file-utilslibaspell-devellibrsvg2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1logjam-4.5.3-5pclos2010.src.rpm.cb7de0d867e59497b76f94f63a2365cb./SRPMS.pclosd   V0 4?HXB@BABEBJClogrotate3.19.01pclos2022Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log filesThe logrotate utility is designed to simplify the administration of log files on a system which generates a lot of log files. Logrotate allows for the automatic rotation compression, removal and mailing of log files. Logrotate can be set to handle a log file daily, weekly, monthly or when the log file gets to a certain size. Normally, logrotate runs as a daily cron job. Install the logrotate package if you need a utility to deal with the log files on your system.File toolsx86_64 pkgconfig(popt)acl-develaclrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1logrotate-3.19.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm8ae9e1d13f0bc766b893fc0dcc76b0127./SRPMS.pclosd   @D HS\`|B@BABEBJClogwatch7.5.61pclos2022Analyzes and Reports on system logsLogwatch is a customizable, pluggable log-monitoring system. It will go through your logs for a given period of time and make a report in the areas that you wish with the detail that you wish. Easy to use - works right out of the package on many systems.`FMonitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1logwatch-7.5.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm_'9531f3c421f211314b564de7c97b3e3e./SRPMS.pclosd   > SB@fBABEBJClokalize24.12.31pclos2025Computer-Aided Translation ToolLokalize is a computer-aided translation system that focuses on productivity and performance. The translator does only creative work (of delivering message in his/her mother language in laconic and easy to understand form). Lokalize implies a paragraph-by-paragraph translation approach (when translating documentation) and message-by-message approach (when translating GUI strings).uGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(hunspell)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lokalize-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmn73b966a127ae2f66c354a029ade56e3d./SRPMS.pclosd   4hl sy  i B@|BABEBJClollypop1.4.351pclos2022Music player for GNOMELollypop is a new GNOME music playing application. )8TerryNSoundx86_64 gobject-introspection-develpython3-develpython-gobject3-develglib2-develgtk3-develintltoolitstoolmesonappstream-gliblib64soup-devellib64tiff-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lollypop-1.4.35-1pclos2022.src.rpm +e88739ceefb47abd47c3ccdb8116c375./SRPMS.pclosd!( 3 04 :AHPB@BABEBJCdefrplnlesitsrlomanager25.2.11pclos2025Script to install LibreOffice in one of 110 languagesSkript zur Installation von LibreOffice in einer von 110 SprachenScript pour installer LibreOffice en 110 languesProgram do instalacji/uaktualniania/usuwania LibreOfficeTo manage LibreOffice start the program lomanager from: PCmenu -> Software Center -> LibreOffice Manger and follow the instructions. The user-friendly and verbose bash-script lomanager automates the management of LibreOffice (install/update/remove and adding locales). You now have an easy one-step solution to manage LibreOffice in English or in widely spoken languages like Arabic, French, Chinese, Spanish, German, and even exotic ones like Zulu or Welsh.Das benutzerfreundliche und verbose bash-Skript lomanager automatisiert das Hinzufügen von LibreOffice in der Sprache des Benutzers/System-Lokalisierung. Sie haben nun eine einfache Ein-Schritt-Lösung zur Installation von LibreOffice in Englisch oder anderen Sprachen wie Arabisch, Französisch, Chinesisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, und sogar Exoten wie Zulu oder WalisischA user-friendly et verbose-script bash lomanager automatise l'ajout de LibreOffice dans la langue de l'utilisateur / locale dans le système. Vous avez maintenant une seule étape facile solution pour installer LibreOffice en français ou en langues de grande diffusion comme l'arabe, français, chinois, espagnol, allemand, et même exotiques, comme le zoulou ou gallois.Aby zaktualizować/zainstalować LibreOffice klikaj: PCmenu -> Software Center -> Instalator LibreOffice a następnie postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami. Lomanager to przyjazny dla użytkownika program który automatyzuje zarządzanie LibreOffice (instalacja/aktualizacja/usuwanie i dodawanie języka) Jest to proste rozwiązanie jednoetapowe do zarządzania LibreOffice w kilkunastu językach takich jak: polski, angielski, arabski, francuski, chiński, hiszpański, niemiecki, itp.... a nawet egzotycznych jak Zulu lub walijski.Een gebruiksvriendelijke en verbose bash-script lomanager automatiseert het toevoegen LibreOffice in de taal van de gebruiker / locale aan het systeem. U hebt nu een eenvoudige een-staps oplossing om LibreOffice installeren in het Engels of in gesproken talen zoals Arabisch, Frans, Chinees, Spaans, Duits, en zelfs exotische zoals Zulu of Welsh.Un usuario-bash amable y detallado-script automatiza lomanager añadir LibreOffice en la lengua del usuario / configuración regional del sistema. Ahora tiene una fácil solución de paso para instalar LibreOffice en Inglés o se habla idiomas como el árabe, francés, chino, español, alemán, y incluso los exóticos como Zulu o el galés.A user-friendly e verbose bash-script lomanager automatizza l'aggiunta di LibreOffice nella lingua dell'utente / locale al sistema. Avete ora un facile soluzione passo per installare LibreOffice in italiano o parlate in lingue come l'arabo, francese, cinese, spagnolo, tedesco, e perfino quelli esotici, come Zulu o gallesi.Корисника и детаљни-басх-скрипта ГетОпенОффице аутоматизује додавање ОпенОффице на језику корисника / лоцале систем. Сада сте једноставно један корак решење да инсталирате ОпенОффице на енглеском или у широкој употреби језика као што су арапски, француски, кинески, шпански, немачки, па чак и оних попут егзотичне зулу или велшки.ƶpinocOfficex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lomanager-25.2.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm[8e67f757c59bcdb14081d12d7637d29e./SRPMS.pclosd    4 $<B@BABEBJClomoco1.02pclos2010Logitech mouse control toolLomoco can configure vendor-specific options on Logitech USB mice (or dual-personality mice plugged into the USB port). A number of recent devices are supported. The program is mostly useful in setting the resolution to 800 cpi or higher on mice that boot at 400 cpi (such as the MX500, MX510, MX1000 etc.), and disabling SmartScroll or Cruise Control for those who would rather use the two extra buttons as ordinary mouse buttons. Supported devices: Cordless Mouse Receiver Cordless MouseMan Optical Cordless Optical Mouse Cordless TrackMan Wheel G3 Gaming Laser Mouse G5 Gaming Laser Mouse MX Revolution Mouse MX1000 Laser Cordless Mouse MX300 Optical Mouse MX310 Optical Mouse MX500 Optical Mouse MX510 Optical Mouse MX518 Optical Mouse MX900 Cordless Mouse MouseMan Dual Optical MouseMan Traveler Optical Wheel Mouse USB Receiver UltraX Optical Mouse V200 Cordless Notebook Mouse VX Revolution Mouse Wheel Mouse Optical diNovo Media Desktop Receiver iFeel Mouse^System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 chrpathcmakedoxygengraphvizlibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lomoco-1.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmfbbcd7b5195921e18c6ca717be7d46d0cd./SRPMS.pclosd   X rB@~BABEBJCdeloopy0.5.34pclos2012Loopy is a KDE video player.Loopy ist ein KDE Video PlayerA Slim, themeable video player, based on the KDE phonon libraries.Kleiner Videoplayer für KDE basierend auf die Phonon Bibliotheken.{}NealGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kde-multimedia-develqt4-develkdelibs-develphonon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1loopy-0.5.3-4pclos2012.src.rpm7e9063a5979f8de148d62c5d5ea76118./SRPMS.pclosd  9\` flt|B@BABEBJ Closslesscut3.64.01pclos2024LosslessCut Video EditorSimple, cross platform tool for lossless trimming / cutting of video and audio files. Great for rough processing of large video files taken from a video camera, GoPro, drone, etc. It lets you quickly extract the good parts from your videos and discard GBs of data without losing quality.pinocVideox86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1losslesscut-3.64.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm>638bf4a6ac09806faef099c9882cfbba./SRPMS.pclos/d   5X \ktB@BABEBJ!Clostirc0.4.63pclos2011Simple IRC client for X11Lostirc is a simple, yet very useful IRC-client. It has features such as tab-autocompletion, multiple server support, automatic joining of servers/channels and DCC sending which should cover the needs of most people. The client is 100% keyboard-controllable, and uses the gtkmm GUI libraryNetworking/IRCx86_64 lib64gtkmm2.4-develgettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lostirc-0.4.6-3pclos2011.src.rpmYf8ce28103ee4ddf99f7ed7bd4c4abe83./SRPMS.pclosd   =  HB@UBAxBE|BJClottanzb0.63pclos2013LottaNZB - Automated Usenet ClientLottaNZB is a Usenet client that automates the download of Usenet files with the help of NZB files. It uses HellaNZB as its backend and PyGTK for its user interface.Networking/Newsnoarch  python-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   _4 8IPdB@BABEBJCloudmouth1.5.32pclos2019Loudmouth is a C library for programming with the Jabber protocolLoudmouth is a lightweight and easy-to-use C library for programming with the Jabber protocol. It's designed to be easy to get started with and yet extensible to let you do anything the Jabber protocol allows. fSystem/Librariesx86_64 glib2-devellibidn-develgnutls-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1loudmouth-1.5.3-2pclos2019.src.rpm 20569a52237ba90639ad446753c11fc1./SRPMS.pclosd =,0;DHdB@lBABEBJClout3.314pclos2011The Lout document formatting languageLout is a high-level language for document formatting. Lout reads a high-level description of a document (similar in style to LaTeX) and can produce a PostScript(TM) file for printing or produce plain text. Lout supports the typesetting of documents which contain floating figures, table, diagrams, rotated and scaled text or graphics, footnotes, running headers, footers, an index, a table of contents and bibliography, cross-references, mathematical equations and statistical graphs. Lout can be extended with definitions that should be easier to write than other languages, since Lout is a high-level language. Lout supports (with hyphenation) a variety of languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Norwegian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish. Install the lout package if you'd like to try the Lout document formatting system. Unless you're already a Lout expert, you'll probably want to also install the lout-doc package, which contains the documentation for Lout.:xText toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lout-3.31-4pclos2011.src.rpm/ebb1e09472b37d43ced546298004f7a7./SRPMS.pclosOd   L    B@BABE BJAClove11.51pclos2024A 2D game engine which can be made with Lua scripts.LÖVE is a 2D game engine in which games can be made by using Lua scripts."IGames/Arcadex86_64   desktop-file-utilslib64SDL-devellib64devil-devellib64flac++10-devellib64freetype6-devellib64lua5.2-devellib64modplug-devellib64mpg123-devellib64openal-devellib64physfs-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)!\12d82d1215317929a04e93b94318439c8./SRPMS.pclosd   3d hnxB@BABEBJClpc101.51pclos2011LPC-10 2400 bps Voice CoderLPC-10 2400 bps Voice Coder library and tools.Soundx86_64 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lpc10-1.5-1pclos2011.src.rpmcd1180e3698715df83bc2d4f9aecafbe./SRPMS.pclosd  ,   k B@|BABEBJClprof1.11.4.21pclos2009Color ProfilersLProf is an open source color profiler that creates ICC compliant profiles for devices such as cameras, scanners and monitors.2,Officei586 desktop-file-utilsImageMagicklcms-devellibtiff-devellibvigra-develpythonqt3-develsconslibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lprof- O 4B@<BA`BEdBJClpsolve5.5.0.122pclos2011A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solverMixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver lpsolve solves pure linear, (mixed) integer/binary, semi-continuous and special ordered sets (SOS) models. ;System Environment/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lpsolve- c442a9325502cf71f63e7c4bb58732ae./SRPMS.pclos+d   O B@BABEBJClrmi0.104pclos2010Library for calling real mode BIOS routines under LinuxLRMI is a library for calling real mode BIOS routines under Linux.7|System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lrmi-0.10-4pclos2010.src.rpm8c5a454325bc5c7ad71aafd91d92123c1./SRPMS.pclosd  5t x#B@7BAXBE\BJ}Clrzip0.6511pclos2024Long Range ZIP or Lzma RZIPThis is a compression program optimized for large files. The larger the file and the more memory you have, the better the compression advantage this will provide, especially once the files are larger than 100MB. The advantage can be chosen to be either size (much smaller than bzip2) or speed (much faster than bzip2).^Archiving/Compressionx86_64  pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(liblz4)pkgconfig(lzo2)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lrzip-0.651-1pclos2024.src.rpmW6c10f8ea88b6d8745191115f902d444d./SRPMS.pclossdIB@BA@BEDBJeClrzsz0.12.218pclos2011The lrz and lsz modem communications programsLrzsz (consisting of lrz and lsz) is a cosmetically modified zmodem/ymodem/xmodem package built from the public-domain version of the rzsz package. Lrzsz was created to provide a working GNU copylefted Zmodem solution for Linux systems. You should install lrzsz if you're also installing a Zmodem communications program that uses lrzsz. If you're installing minicom, you need to install lrzsz.Communicationsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lrzsz-0.12.21-8pclos2011.src.rpm80f4e246c990ac851d1f0e191263c5d8./SRPMS.pclossd   V B@$BA@BEDBJeClsb4.13pclos2014The skeleton package defining packages needed for LSB complianceThe skeleton package defining packages needed for LSB compliance. Note: To successfuly run the runtime test suites, install lsb-test.*pinoc32System/Basei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lsb-4.1-3pclos2014.src.rpm,2f4e633cf375ae7bf10a38a8f680c96a./SRPMS.pclosd7 (B@0BATBEXBJyClsb-release2.06pclos2011Linux Standard Base toolsLSB version query program This program forms part of the required functionality of the LSB (Linux Standard Base) specification. The program queries the installed state of the distribution to display certain properties such as the version of the LSB against which the distribution claims compliance as well. It can also attempt to display the name and release of the distribution along with an identifier of who produces the distribution.GSystem/Basex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lsb-release-2.0-6pclos2011.src.rpmNg0513194ad8e1a8a385c5471d97512751./SRPMS.pclos+d   I B@BABEBJClsd0.13.01pclos2019Colorful ls command line replacement for consolelsd is a colorful ls command line replacement for console.2System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lsd-0.13.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm b79278ac6975818c95353db92fc70795./SRPMS.pclosd   P  OB@]BA|BEBJClsdvd0.165pclos2011Reads and prints the contents of a dvd in plain EnglishLsdvd reads and prints the contents of a dvd to your terminal in plain, but very parsable, English. Lsdvd in turn uses libdvdread, the most popular dvd reading library for *nix.I Videox86_64  lib64dvdread-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ) +B@6BATBEXBJyClshw2.161pclos2012A hardware listerlshw (Hardware Lister) is a tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine.Neal ManBearSystem/Kernel and hardwarei586 libgtk+2.0-devellibgtk+3.0-devellibsqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lshw-2.16-1pclos2012.src.rpm2a56578bd8f6b73e9e2ca94a2b80f052./SRPMS.pclosd  5 [B@lBABEBJClskat24.12.31pclos2025Lieutenant Skat card gameLieutenant Skat (from German "Offiziersskat") is a fun and engaging card game for two players, where the second player is either live opponent, or a built in artificial intelligence.\Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lskat-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmO5447ed66ff3b14d3b3255a1e11714333./SRPMS.pclosd * (B@0BAPBETBJuClslk1.298pclos2011A lock file listerLslk is a lock file lister. Lslk attempts to list all of the locks on the executing system's local files (i.e., on the active inodes). Install lslk if you need a utility for listing file locks.Monitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lslk-1.29-8pclos2011.src.rpm 2edb7dccdd9996e3127157a348ead698./SRPMS.pclosd  7 dB@xBABEBJClsof4.99.41pclos2024Lists files open by processesLsof's name stands for LiSt Open Files, and it does just that. It lists information about files that are open by the processes running on a UNIX system. Monitoringx86_64  gccgroffpkgconfig(libselinux)pkgconfig(libtirpc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lsof-4.99.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm 8539fa4c3d2778b4e6b8747658de3ceb4./SRPMS.pclosd  Bd hnxB@6BA\BE`BJClsp-plugins1.2.151pclos2024collection of open-source pluginsLSP (Linux Studio Plugins) is a collection of open-source plugins currently compatible with LADSPA, LV2 and LinuxVST formats. Includes *.so for jack and ladspa, for lv2 and vst install the packages lsp-plugins-lv2/-vst2 . The basic idea is to fill the lack of good and useful plugins under the GNU/Linux platform. After some contributions to other open source projects the decision was made to implement separate and independent plugin distribution. All supplementary information you will find on official web site: https://lsp-plug.in/Soundx86_64  cairo-develfftw3-develgcc-c++glib2-develladspa-devellibltc-devellibsamplerate-devellibsndfile-devellibstdc++-devellv2-develpango-develphp-clipkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gladeui-2.0)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libxdg-basedir)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)surge-xtxdg-utils3.0.4-14.6.0-1lsp-plugins-1.2.15-1pclos2024.src.rpmm31c9d8bf85e81ff66022be0588568af3./SRPMS.pclosd   QP Tox|B@BABEBJClsscsi0.271pclos2013List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated informationUses information provided by the sysfs pseudo file system in Linux kernel 2.6 series to list SCSI devices or all SCSI hosts. Includes a "classic" option to mimic the output of "cat /proc/scsi/scsi" that has been widely used prior to the lk 2.6 series.nSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lsscsi-0.27-1pclos2013.src.rpm6332491ebbe74ceabced606ffe5634e1./SRPMS.pclosd   L  CB@MBApBEtBJClsyncd2.1.51pclos2015File change monitoring and synchronization daemonLsyncd watches a local directory trees event monitor interface (inotify). It aggregates and combines events for a few seconds and then spawns one (or more) process(es) to synchronize the changes. By default this is rsync. Lsyncd is thus a light-weight live mirror solution that is comparatively easy to install not requiring new file systems or block devices and does not hamper local file system performance.HFile toolsx86_64 lib64lua5.2-develasciidocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lsyncd-2.1.5-1pclos2015.src.rpmVb19536b82f1fd67ee308ad9a8cc5f22a./SRPMS.pclosSd   a B@BA BE$BJECltc1.3.11pclos2020Linear (or Longitudinal) Time-code is an encoding of SMPTE time-code dataLinear (or Longitudinal) Time-code (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE time-code data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides functionality to encode and decode LTC from/to time-code, including SMPTE date support. libltc is the successor of libltcsmpte.=System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ltc-1.3.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm7964f047c6c72f1dcae290d3b4fc1aa8./SRPMS.pclosd  ]&0<pB@zBABEBJCltrace0.60.77.1pclos2011Track runtime library calls from dynamically linked executablesLtrace is a debugging program which runs a specified command until the command exits. While the command is executing, ltrace intercepts and records both the dynamic library calls called by the executed process and the signals received by the executed process. Ltrace can also intercept and print system calls executed by the process. You should install ltrace if you need a sysadmin tool for tracking the execution of processes.Development/Otherx86_64 elfutils-develautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ltrace-0.6-0.77.1pclos2011.src.rpm8adc022b1e912b5801edbd3f45fb656b3./SRPMS.pcloscd  +4 8ELhB@BA0BE4BJUCltris2.0.31pclos2024Nice tetris cloneo Tetris clone using SDL o Sound o Menu o Controls can be redefined o Block preview o Starting level between 0 and 9 o Various backgrounds o HighScores o Nice graphics o Smooth gameplay o Cool effects (transparency, animations) o Two player mode o Two game modes)CGames/Arcadex86_64  desktop-file-utilspkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ltris-2.0.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm)ؐ179333a56cda149a5dfd0c463a4c7302./SRPMS.pclosd   =   \ B@lBABEBJClttng-ust2.12.01pclos2023LTTng Userspace Tracer libraryThis library may be used by user space applications to generate tracepoints using LTTng. %pSystem/Librariesx86_64 texinfolibtoolautoconfautomakepkgconfig(liburcu)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(numa)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lttng-ust-2.12.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm fc59c1b30d1454eb1e0a867d9c2061bd./SRPMS.pclosd   =   t B@BABEBJClttng-ust2.13.81pclos2025LTTng Userspace Tracer libraryThis library may be used by user space applications to generate tracepoints using LTTng. System/Librariesx86_64   autoconfautomakelibtoolpkgconfig(liburcu)pkgconfig(numa)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo0. y3a81ea2134ac61328845c69cb6e27793./SRPMS.pclosd   ` $B@BABEBJClua-lgi0.8.02pclos2016Dynamic Lua binding to GObject libraries using GObject-IntrospectionLGI is gobject-introspection based dynamic Lua binding to GObject based libraries. It allows using GObject-based libraries directly from Lua.Development/Otherx86_64 lib64ffi-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64lua5.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lua-lgi-0.8.0-2pclos2016.src.rpm<625277b2f8efad1a04cf5a269c75ede6./SRPMS.pclos+d   Vtx B@BABEBJClua-socket2.0.21pclos2013Network access library for the Lua programming languageLuaSocket is a Lua extension library that is composed by two parts: a C layer that provides support for the TCP and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua modules that add support for the SMTP (sending e-mails), HTTP (WWW access) and FTP (uploading and downloading files) protocols.zpinoc32Development/Otheri586 lua5.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lua-socket-2.0.2-1pclos2013.src.rpmb0c9ea95608db11cb8257c04972b34d8./SRPMS.pclos3d   Rhl qB@BABEBJ%Cdelua5.05.0.35pclos2012Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming languageLua is a programming language originally designed for extending applications, but also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax (similar to Pascal) with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping. Lua is implemented as a small library of C functions, written in ANSI C, and compiles unmodified in all known platforms. The implementation goals are simplicity, efficiency, portability, and low embedding cost.Lua ist eine mächtige leichtgewichtige Programmiersprache. Lua ist eine Programmiersprache die ursprünglich zum Erweitern von Anwendungen entworfen wurde, sie wird aber häufig als allgemeine, eigenständige Sprache verwendet. LUA kombiniert einfache prozedurale Syntax (vergleichbar mit der Pascal-Schreibweise) mit leistungsstarken Daten Beschreibungen, Konstrukte Grundlagen, assoziativen Arrays und erweiterbare Semantik. LUA wird dynamisch eingegeben, aus Bytecodes interpretiert und hat eine automatische Speicherverwaltung, wodurch sich ideal für Konfigurationen, Skripte und schnelle Prototypen eignet. LUA wird als eine kleine Bibliothek von C-Funktionen in ANSI C geschrieben sowie kompiliert und unverändert in allen bekannten Plattformen implementiert. Die Implementierungsziele sind Einfachheit Effizienz, Portabilität und niedrige Kosten mit einander zu verbinden.NealDevelopment/Otherx86_64 lib64readline-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lua5.0-5.0.3-5pclos2012.src.rpm~caea6d85bf5d3972698a6d5e70e3e147./SRPMS.pclosd   F ;B@DBAdBEhBJClua5.15.1.53pclos2021Powerful, light-weight programming languageLua is a programming language originally designed for extending applications, but also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax (similar to Pascal) with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping. Lua is implemented as a small library of C functions, written in ANSI C, and compiles unmodified in all known platforms. The implementation goals are simplicity, efficiency, portability, and low embedding cost.Development/Otherx86_64 readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lua5.1-5.1.5-3pclos2021.src.rpmςbaa17f5db3390f717cd6216db0291313./SRPMS.pclosd   F RB@\BA|BEBJClua5.25.2.45pclos2021Powerful, light-weight programming languageLua is a programming language originally designed for extending applications, but also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax (similar to Pascal) with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping. Lua is implemented as a small library of C functions, written in ANSI C, and compiles unmodified in all known platforms. The implementation goals are simplicity, efficiency, portability, and low embedding cost.7Development/Otherx86_64 readline-develpkgconfig(ncurses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lua5.2-5.2.4-5pclos2021.src.rpm10e3f03a7164532f64120b77cda15a67a./SRPMS.pclosd   F RB@\BA|BEBJClua5.35.3.52pclos2021Powerful, light-weight programming languageLua is a programming language originally designed for extending applications, but also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax (similar to Pascal) with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping. Lua is implemented as a small library of C functions, written in ANSI C, and compiles unmodified in all known platforms. The implementation goals are simplicity, efficiency, portability, and low embedding cost.Development/Otherx86_64 readline-develpkgconfig(ncurses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lua5.3-5.3.5-2pclos2021.src.rpmʔd874737b8aad4adf9b8c9f740cb6324c./SRPMS.pclosd   S( ,>HLhB@pBABEBJCluajit2.1.00.1pclos2019Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming languageLuaJIT has been successfully used as a scripting middle-ware in games, 3D modelers, numerical simulations, trading platforms and many other specialty applications. It combines high flexibility with high performance and an unmatched low memory footprint: less than 125K for the VM plus less than 85K for the JIT compiler (on x86). LuaJIT has been in continuous development since 2005. It is widely considered to be one of the fastest dynamic language implementations. Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1luajit-2.1.0-0.1pclos2019.src.rpm 4f550031b1eb155499753fc1b7905907./SRPMS.pclosd   H #B@-BAPBETBJuClucene++3.0.74pclos2022C++ port of the popular Java Lucene libraryLucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine.Development/C++x86_64 cmakelib64boost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lucene++-3.0.7-4pclos2022.src.rpm4166771fd97cd97294073ff9995c1cdd./SRPMS.pclosGd   7 B@BABEBJ9Clucidor0.9.18pclos2011Lucidor is an e-book readerLucidor is an e-book reader application. It supports e-books in the EPUB file format, and catalogs in the OPDS format.6Officenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lucidor-0.9.1-8_32bit_pclos2011.src.rpmܷ1d21e6eedd615d337009a718637bdb9d./SRPMS.pclosd  P BB@OBAtBExBJCluckybackup0.5.01pclos2019A powerful, fast and reliable backup & sync toolluckyBackup is an application that backs-up and/or synchronizes any directories with the power of rsync. It is simple to use, fast (transfers over only changes made and not all data), safe (keeps your data safe by checking all declared directories before proceeding in any data manipulation ), reliable and fully customizable.H%Archiving/Backupx86_64 qttools5lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5network-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1luckybackup-0.5.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmH2971b1390e11cdb7f557e93730ade058f7./SRPMS.pclosd   N  (0WB@cBABEBJClufis0.31pclos2007Modified LUFS daemon which uses the FUSE kernel moduleThis is a modified LUFS daemon, which uses the FUSE kernel module. It is binary compatible with existing LUFS filesystems, so no recompilation is needed.Gocilent1 File toolsi586  fuse-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   3 =HP\B@BABEBJClufs0.9.71pclos2007Linux Userland File SystemLUFS is a hybrid userspace filesystem framework supporting many filesystems: sshfs, ftpfs, localfs, locasefs, gvfs, etc. Lots of other "exotic" filesystems are in the planning phase: socketfs, httpfs, freenetfs and others.ocilent1 File toolsi586 automake1.9openssh-clientsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lufs-0.9.7-1pclos2007.src.rpma3179f2dfc3165056b501196342f2ead./SRPMS.pclos d   J8 <LTdB@BABEBJCluit1.1.11pclos2017Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminalsLuit is a filter that can be run between an arbitrary application and a UTF-8 terminal emulator. It will convert application output from the locale's encoding into UTF-8, and convert terminal input from UTF-8 into the locale's encoding.|Development/X11x86_64 libfontenc-devellibx11-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1luit-1.1.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm08994c9d3f62e5eb6672eb315ed73325./SRPMS.pclosd   ;8 <W`dB@BABEBJCluma2.43pclos2010LDAP browser, utility and moreLuma is a graphical utility for accessing and managing data stored on LDAP servers. It is written in Python, using PyQt and python-ldap. Plugin-support is included and useful widgets with LDAP-functionality for easy creation of plugins are delivered. 'System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1luma-2.4-3pclos2010.src.rpm 2a12a75c5ed0675849cbe44f5e564029c./SRPMS.pclos'd " 1t xB@BABEBJClumina-desktop1.6.23pclos2022Lumina Desktoplumina-desktop is a lightweight, BSD licensed desktop environment.5Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64poppler-qt5-devellib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64xcb-util-image-devellib64xcb-util-wm-devellib64xcomposite-devellib64xdamage-devellib64xrender-develdesktop-file-utilslibxcb-develmesa-develqtbase5-common-develqttools5x11-proto-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lumina-desktop-1.6.2-3pclos2022.src.rpmI d71b0709158f6eb47739ec29a86f1b4b./SRPMS.pclosd   + $lB@BABEBJCluminance2.3.17pclos2017Luminance HDRGraphical user interface (based on the Qt4 toolkit) that provides a workflow for HDR imaging. Supported HDR formats: * OpenEXR (extension: exr, linux and Mac OS X only) * Radiance RGBE (extension: hdr) * Tiff formats: 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff) * Raw image formats (extension: various) * PFS native format (extension: pfs) Supported LDR formats: * JPEG, PNG, PPM, PBM, TIFF Supported features: * Create an HDR file from a set of images (JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure setting * Save and load HDR files * Rotate and resize HDR files * Tonemap HDR images * Projective Transformations * Copy EXIF data between sets of images * Supports internationalization|_#bb2 Graphicsx86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilsLibRaw-develicu-datalibgomp-devellib64OpenEXR-devellib64boost-devellib64exiv2-devellib64fftw-devellib64gsl-devellib64ilmbase-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lcms2-devellib64png-devellib64qt4-devellib64tiff-devellib64qtwebkit4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1luminance-2.3.1-7pclos2017.src.rpm|ntc36a93e6d3b4bb495e91597dffad5dac./SRPMS.pclosd   BT Xdl  P B@hBABEBJClutris0.5.182pclos2024Install and play any video game easilyLutris is a gaming platform for GNU/Linux. Its goal is to make gaming on Linux as easy as possible by taking care of installing and setting up the game for the user. The only thing you have to do is play the game. It aims to support every game that is playable on Linux.kGames/Othernoarch  lib64gnome-desktop3-devellib64python3-develpython3python3-gobject3python3-packagingpython3-pyxdgpython3-rpm-macrospython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lutris-0.5.18-2pclos2024.src.rpmŨ544a211e781df962147387b8c1092efc./SRPMS.pclosd   3    B@BABEBJClv21.18.22pclos2021The core LV2 specificationLV2 is a standard for plugins and matching host applications, primarily targeted at audio processing and generation. LV2 is a successor to LADSPA, created to address the limitations of LADSPA which many applications have outgrown. Compared to LADSPA, all plugin data is moved from the code to a separate data file, and the code has been made as generic as possible. As a result, LV2 can be independently extended (retaining compatibility wherever possible), and virtually any feasible plugin features can be implemented in an LV2 plugin. The major version of this package refers to the LV2 specification revision contained, while the minor version refers only to this package.System/Librariesx86_64 doxygengraphvizlib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64sndfile-develpkgconfigpython-develpython-pygmentspython-rdflibrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lv2-1.18.2-2pclos2021.src.rpma60da2482974d91a64050e4d0c93cc42./SRPMS.pclosd % a  NB@`BABEBJClv2-mdala-plugins1.2.61pclos2024A collection of LV2 plugins ported from the MDA VST pluginsA collection of LV2 plugins including delay, tube distortion, compressor, LPF, HPF, phaser, reverb, and utilities, all featuring GUIs.$~Soundx86_64  gcc-c++lv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lv2-mdala-plugins-1.2.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm$>2cdaae46c717f8ff86816dad3d67b8c2a./SRPMS.pclosGd & A XB@BABEBJ9Clv2-x42-plugins202307062pclos2024Collection LV2 plugins x42A collection of x42 lv2 plugins including stereo balance, midi filter, delay, convolver, fader, parametric equalizer, auto-tune, awesome meters collection and others.6BSoundx86_64   cairo-develfftw3-develfonts-ttf-dejavufonts-ttf-dejavu-lgcftgl-develgcc-c++glib2-develjackit-devellibltc-devellibsamplerate-devellibsndfile-devellv2-develmakemesa-develpango-develpkgconfig(ftgl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libxdg-basedir)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xdg-utilszita-convolver-develzita-convolver-devel1.  F  B@BABEBJClvm22.03.312pclos2025Logical Volume Manager administration toolsLVM includes all of the support for handling read/write operations on physical volumes (hard disks, RAID-Systems, magneto optical, etc., multiple devices (MD), see mdadm(8) or even loop devices, see losetup(8)), creating volume groups (kind of virtual disks) from one or more physical volumes and creating one or more logical volumes (kind of logical partitions) in volume groups.,-nSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  glibc-static-devellib64aio-develncurses-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sedudev-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1lvm2-2.03.31-2pclos2025.src.rpm,M~eab95f80bd403f26b8402f123aee4076./SRPMS.pclossd (B@$BA@BEDBJeClwp2.22pclos2011LWP thread libraryThe LWP userspace threads library. The LWP threads library is used by the Coda distributed filesystem, RVM (a persistent VM library), and RPC2/SFTP (remote procedure call library)Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lwp-2.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm719642166031f4216e2cf3d83f6069a31./SRPMS.pclosd & Z B@$BAPBETBJuCdelxMenuEditor010120113pclos2014GUI menu editor for LXDEGUI-Menü-Editor für LXDEIt appears to provide a GUI menu editor for LXDE. Conceived for LXDE it can also work for KDE and GNOME. LxMenuEditor will affect the main menu and the apps your quick launcher calls on.Es handelt sich sich um ein GUI-Menü-Editor für LXDE. Konzipiert für LXDE, aber auch für KDE und GNOME nutzbar. LxMenuEditor fügt Anwendungen in das Hauptmenü nach ihren Vorgaben hinzu.'`Graphical desktop/LXDEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxMenuEditor-01012011-3pclos2014.src.rpm-A08a01b525480fb005244c2c9b789ca05./SRPMS.pclosKd # I B@BABEBJ=Cdelxappearance0.6.32pclos2019GTK theme switcherGTK Thema wechselnGTK theme switcher for LXDEGTK Themen einfach ändern unter LXDE.Graphical desktop/LXDEx86_64 docbook-dtd412-xmldocbook-style-xsllibxml2-utilsxsltprocatk-develcairo-develdbus-develdbus-glib-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0-develglib2-develgtk+2-develpango-devellibx11-devellibpthread-stubsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxappearance-0.6.3-2pclos2019.src.rpm.b59966f78937801ebcf87731ff30015e./SRPMS.pclosd & 1   ,  B@BABEBJCdelxappearance-obconf-plugin0.2.31pclos2016Plugin to configure OpenBox inside LXAppearancePlugin zum Konfigurieren von OpenBox für LXAppearanceThis plugin adds an addtional tab called "Window Border" to LXAppearance. It is only visible when the plugin is installed and Openbox is in use.Dieses Plugin fügt einen weiteren Tab, "Window Border" genannt, zu LXAppearance hinzu. Dieser Tab ist nur sichtbar, wenn das Plugin installiert ist und OpenBox benutzt wird.vghostbunnyGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 gtk+2-devellib64openbox2-develautomakelxappearance-devellib64sm6gettextintltoollibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxappearance-obconf-plugin-0.2.3-1pclos2016.src.rpm}c413382830a301d0dd8fbeb4d134bb33./SRPMS.pclos_d "  B@BA,BE0BJQCdelxautostart0.7.11pclos2021Simple GUI to starts automaticly applicationsEinfache GUI zum automatischen start von AnwendungenSimple task to set up applications to automatically start whenever you start the LXDE-desktop. "Proof of concept" idea by parnote.Einfache Aufgabe zum einrichten von Anwendungen, die automatisch gestartet werden nach Systemstart von der LXDE Desktop Umgebung. "Proof of concept" Idee von parnote.danielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxautostart-0.7.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm+00a2eea766ee6679a33e9a08999a19ce./SRPMS.pclosd  m  $@B@HBAlBEpBJCdelxcursor0.411pclos2011A program to change your cursor theme.Programm zum Mauszeiger Themen wechselnA simple program to change your cursor theme in LXDE.Ein einfaches Programm zum wechseln der Mauszeiger Themen in der LXDE Desktopumgebung."Graphical desktop/LXDEx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxcursor-0.41-1pclos2011.src.rpm( b1e6958bab76e5af1b0a860aa8f08fed./SRPMS.pclosd( 3 \48 =`hlB@BABEBJClxde-bluerain-gfxboot-theme4.1.19.181pclos2012PCLinuxOS Grub LXDE graphical boot themeThis package provides the PCLinuxOS LXDE Blue Rain gfxboot theme, which was the 2009 default theme. This theme is used by the PCLinuxOS installation to initialized the CDROM boot, and by installed system to boot.NealSystem/Configuration/Boot and Initi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxde-bluerain-gfxboot-theme- # y (0UB@^BABEBJCdelxde-common0.99.23pclos2022A set of default configuration for LXDEEin Set an Standard-Konfigurationen für LXDEThis package provides a set of default configuration for LXDE.Dieses Paket enthält eine Reihe von Standard-Konfigurationen für LXDE.MGraphical desktop/LXDEnoarch intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxde-common-0.99.2-3pclos2022.src.rpm0888bb7913a3071dcf0a23eb3bfee1d1./SRPMS.pclosd ' v4 8CHLhB@pBABEBJClxde-halevt-additions0.11pclos2010To make LXDE behave like KDE or Gnome with auto events with plugged-in devicesTo make LXDE behave like KDE or Gnome (auto events with plugged-in devices like digicams, dvb-t-adapters, usb-devices or inserted CD/DVD with Audio, Video, datas) you can use this packageFile toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxde-halevt-additions-0.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm /53a4da38ef90fba1291db80605279322./SRPMS.pcloscd & G B@BA0BE4BJUCdelxde-icon-theme0.5.12pclos2019LXDE icon themeLXDE SymbolthemaThis package contains nuoveXT2 icon theme for LXDE.Dieses Paket enthält das nouveXT2 Symbolthema für LXDE.D9iGraphical desktop/LXDEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxde-icon-theme-0.5.1-2pclos2019.src.rpmDD9890774ff42e4dbbed1389a382127ec77./SRPMS.pclos#d % Ex |B@BABEBJClxde-panel-images0.0.13pclos2011lxde panel images for PCLinuxOSA collection of panel images for PCLinuxOS LXDE.&Graphical desktop/LXDEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxde-panel-images-0.0.1-3pclos2011.src.rpm+9dddfa1b0184a94ce52c2e4ab2ed4a1b./SRPMS.pclosd % n 0B@8BA`BEdBJCdelxde-restore-mbr0.11pclos2011LXDE Re-install MBR from Livecd.Re-installieren des MBR von der Livecd.lxde version of redo-mbr Re-install MBR from Livecd.lxde-Version von redo-mbr Re-installieren des MBR von der Livecd.System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxde-restore-mbr-0.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmPe48d64bb24e5fbee725f1e587ada9333./SRPMS.pclosd " ?p tB@BABEBJ Clxde-wallpaper0.0.11pclos2011lxde wallpaper for PCLinuxOSA collection of wallpapers for PCLinuxOS LXDE.5'Graphical desktop/LXDEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxde-wallpaper-0.0.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm57ade562a6e038f534763067308751c3f./SRPMS.pclosd# .  0B@@BAdBEhBJCdefresplsrnllxdecc0.2.4.41pclos2025Control Center for your LXDE DesktopKontrollzentrum für die LXDE Desktop UmgebungThis is the Control Center for PCLXDE. Customize your LXDE installation.Dies ist die Steuerzentrale für PCLXDE. Passen Sie hier Ihre LXDE Installation an.C'est le centre de contrôle de PCLXDE. LXDE personnaliser votre installation.Este es el centro de control para PCLXDE. Personalizar la instalación LXDE.To jest centrum sterowania dla PCLXDE. Dostosowywanie instalacji LXDE.То је контролни центар за ПЦЛКСДЕ. Прилагодите своје ЛКСДЕ инсталације.Dit is het Control Center voor PCLXDE. Pas uw LXDE installatie.7danielSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lxdecc- " Hx |B@BABEBJClxdepanel-images1.01pclos2009Collection of backgrounds for lxpanelA collection of background images for lxpanel.Graphical desktop/LXDEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxdepanel-images-1.0-1pclos2009.src.rpmP92e83fa23a00b5f754d359c6934d908c./SRPMS.pclosgd   H  B@BA4BE8BJYCdelxdiff0.121pclos2011Simple GUI for diffEinfaches GUI für diffDiff compares two files and shows the differences, line by line.Diff vergleicht zwei Dateien und zeigt die Unterschiede Zeile für Zeile.R#Text toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxdiff-0.12-1pclos2011.src.rpmVLec4214ede9bef83915a5c0bf01fd9bd2./SRPMS.pclosd   6tx    B@BABEBJClxdm0.5.31pclos2017Lightweight X Display ManagerLightweight X11 Display Manager alternative for KDM or GDM.bb2 Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 intltooliso-codes-devellib64consolekit-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pam-devellib64x11-devellibpthread-stubswayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxdm-0.5.3-1pclos2017.src.rpm5224ea69baf9810caf4639ea41dbbe311./SRPMS.pcloswd   L B@$BADBEHBJiCdelxdpms0.1.41pclos2015Toggle Energy Star offSchalte Energy Star ausToggle Energy Star off. It makes sense when watching movies.Schalte Energy Star (Energiesparmodus) aus. Sinnvoll beim anschauen von Filmen.danielMonitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxdpms-0.1.4-1pclos2015.src.rpm11dfffd39bd3f7169c8718829c9adc32./SRPMS.pclosd " x$( /5<@\B@dBABEBJCdelxfreetv15.04.191pclos2015LXFreeTV-Streams plays TV-Streams from WebLXFreeTV-Streams spielt TV-Streams vom WebLXFreeTV-Streams spielt TV-Streams vom Web Intergrated editor to add own urls.LXFreeTV-Streams spielt TV-Streams vom Web Intergriert ein Editor um eigene URLS zu nutzen.tdanielVideonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxfreetv-15.04.19-1pclos2015.src.rpmé7648a55c55be50e581ac8f8acebb4401./SRPMS.pclos d   O &0DB@BABEBJClxhotkey0.1.21pclos2025Lightweight global keyboard shortcuts configuratorLXHotkey is a lightweight configurator independent of window manager and UI, which intended to work with any possible window manager from any kind of UI, using unified API. The most wanted such thing is for window managers which don't have own tool for managing keyboard shortcuts for the global actions such as screen / windows manipulations and executing commands or starting applications. Example of such window manager is Openbox.danielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64  intltoollibfm-gtk-develpkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lxhotkey-0.1.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm#796b4e0e5ea81f6761c9fc401d12af40./SRPMS.pclosWd   T    B@BA$BE(BJIClximage-qt1.4.01pclos2023Image viewer and screenshot tool for the LXQt desktopImage viewer and screenshot tool for the LXQT desktop danielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakedesktop-file-utilslib64exif12-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64lxqt-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64xfixes-devellibfm-qt-devellibpthread-stubslxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 4492215618defba77abb26e80b0f99ed./SRPMS.pclosd   Y XB@kBABEBJCdelxinput0.3.61pclos2025LXDE Keyboard InputLXDE Tastatur- und Maus- KonfigurationLXDE Keyboard and mouse configTastatur, Maus und weitere angeschlossene Geräte unter LXDE konfigurieren.danielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64  glib2-develgtk2-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lxinput-0.3.6-1pclos2025.src.rpmE78a640b93419a031a8b35a0a61e22dc3./SRPMS.pclosd  |< @W\`|B@BABEBJCdelxisomount0.51pclos2010Simple mount application for Iso's under lxdeEinfache Mount Anwendung für Iso's unter LXDElxisomount is a simple mount application for the LXDE Desktop Environment, based on zenity.lxisomount ist eine einfache Mount Anwendung für die LXDE Desktop Umgebung, basierend auf zenity.cQGraphical desktop/LXDEi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxisomount-0.5-1pclos2010.src.rpmg6ff5065fd74ccdad9d5227eed1d2a6f35./SRPMS.pclos_d   1 B@ BA,BE0BJQClxlogout1.01pclos2022Logout dialog for LXDE Elegant logout dialog for the LXDE desktop environment, with working suspend and hibernate functions iAgent Smith Graphical desktop/LXDEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxlogout-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm 5cc5c3ab3ffc9b237eb9810f79df8f87./SRPMS.pclos?d   | B@BA BEBJ1Cdelxmed201205151pclos2013Main Menu Editor for LXDE. Written in Java.Main Menu Editor für LXDE. Geschrieben in Java.lxmed is a small, simple, free, open source, easy to use application that allows you to customize the LXDE menu. lxmed is very useful for people that want to create their own, customized menus for LXDE. lxmed is written in the Java programming language.lxmed ist ein kleines, einfaches, kostenloses, Open Source, Anwendung, mit dem Sie das LXDE-Menü anpassen können. lxmed ist sehr nützlich für Leute, die ihre eigene, individuelle Menüs für LXDE erstellen möchten. lxmed ist in der Programmiersprache Java geschrieben.NealGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64 javarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxmed-20120515-1pclos2013.src.rpm1087794dcf3b31b3d204dd3a16cd18f8./SRPMS.pclosd  f BB@NBAtBExBJClxmenu-data0.1.42pclos2016Freedesktop.org application menu definition files for the LXQt desktopFreedesktop.org application menu definition files for the LXQt desktopFdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTnoarch cmakeliblxqt-globalkeys-develliblxqt-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxmenu-data-0.1.4-2pclos2016.src.rpm;2cdb251590535616a937ed8b416c642b./SRPMS.pclosd  f !B@2BAXBE\BJ}Clxmenu-data0.1.61pclos2025Freedesktop.org application menu definition files for the LXQt desktopFreedesktop.org application menu definition files for the LXQt desktopdanielGraphical desktop/LXDEnoarch  intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lxmenu-data-0.1.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm 59a1aab650344063f00ad6e7060bd9956./SRPMS.pclosgd   fdh sB@BA4BE8BJYCdelxmusic0.4.71pclos2016Lightweight XMMS2 GUI frontendLeichtgewichtige XMMS2 BedienoberflächeLXMusic is a simple GUI XMMS2 client with minimal functionality. It can do nothing more than playing music files.LXMusic ist eine einfache XMMS2 Client GUI mit minimalen Funktionen. Ein einfacher Player für Musikdateien, nicht mehr und nicht weniger.ɨghostbunnyGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64  lib64gtk+2.0_0-develxmms2-develintltooldesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   4l pB@BABEBJCdelxnm0.2.23pclos2010Network manager for LXDENetwork manager for LXDENetzwerk Manager für LXDE.yFGraphical desktop/LXDEi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxnm-0.2.2-3pclos2010.src.rpme20889aaf295d163110b8f7b51b4ac5f./SRPMS.pclos[d     (  B@BA(BE,BJMCdelxpanel0.10.11pclos2021Lightweight X11 desktop panel based on fbpanelLXPanel ist eine kleine X11-ArbeitsflächenleisteLXPanel is a lightweight X11 desktop panel contains: 1. User-friendly application menu automatically generated from *.desktop files on the system. 2. Launcher bar (Small icons clicked to launch apps) 3. Task bar supporting urgency hint (Can flash when gaim gets new incoming messages) 4. Notification area (System tray) 5. Digital clock 6. Run dialog (A dialog let you type a command and run, can be called in external programs) 7. Net status icon plug-in 8. Volume control plug-in (optional, written by jserv) 9. lxpanelctl, an external controller let you control lxpanel in other programs.LXPanel ist eine kleine X11-Arbeitsflächenleiste. Es funktioniert mit jedem ICCCM / NETWMkonformer Window-Manager (z.B. Sawfish, Metacity, xfwm4, kwin, Openbox) und verfügt über eine Anwendungsliste, Pager, Startleiste, Uhr, Menü und Systray.9/Graphical desktop/LXDEx86_64  gtk+2-devellib64alsa2-develxpm-devellib64iw29-develintltoollib64menu-cache-develdocbook-to-manlib64wnck1-devellibpthread-stubslibfm-gtk-develkeybinder-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Fx |B@BABEBJ9Clxpolkit0.1.00.1pclos2011A simple PolicyKit authentication agentA simple PolicyKit authentication agent for LXDE.auSystem/Librariesx86_64 polkit-1-develgtk+2-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxpolkit-0.1.0-0.1pclos2011.src.rpmg31e4d2f600f3a26e04b0f49f15f1bf16./SRPMS.pclosd   Elp wB@9BA`BEdBJClxqt-about1.4.01pclos2023About application for the LXQt desktopAbout application for the LXQt desktopdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakelib64lxqt-devellib64qt5help-devellxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   >dh oNB@oBABEBJClxqt-admin1.4.01pclos2023LXQt system administration toolThis package provides tools to adjust settings of the operating system LXQt is running on. Both can be launched from GUI "Configuration Center". GUI "Time and date configuration", binary lxqt-admin-time, can be used to adjust the system time of the operating system as well as the timezone.ZYdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakelib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64lxqt-devellib64polkitqt5-qt5-devellib64qt5help-devellxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ! Itx    B@BABEBJClxqt-archiver0.9.11pclos2024A simple & lightweight Qt file archiverA simple & lightweight Qt file archiver.NdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakelib64archive-devellib64json-glib-devellib64lxqt-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellibfm-qt-devellxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) % F #:DPB@BABEBJClxqt-build-tools0.13.01pclos2023Build tools for the LXQt desktopThese tools used to be spread over the repositories of various other components and were summarized to ease dependency management. So far many components, in particular [liblxqt] (https://github.com/lxde/liblxqt), were representing a build dependency without being needed themselves but only because their repository was providing a subset of the tools which are now summarized here. So the use of this repository will reduce superfluous and bloated dependencies.vdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxqt-build-tools-0.13.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmuL40cf58f9c945eddab32f73f718c199f9./SRPMS.pclosd  Adh omB@BABEBJClxqt-config1.4.01pclos2023Config panel for the LXQt desktopConfig panel for the LXQt desktop 4 GB) are supported. lxSplit is fully compatible with the HJSplit utility which is available for other operating systems.HFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxsplit-0.2.4-3pclos2011.src.rpmKe7d0c924e7c4b77ef3f51460c90e4039./SRPMS.pclosd    $<B@BABEBJCdelxtask0.1.111pclos2025Lightweight and desktop independent task managerStandard Task Manager und System Monitor von LXDELightweight and desktop independent task manager.LXTask ist der Standard Task Manager und System Monitor von LXDE.#BdanielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64  desktop-file-utilsgtk+2-develintltoollibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lxtask-0.1.11-1pclos2025.src.rpmW9820ab4c0aeb2ced2caacbe5b1e70282./SRPMS.pclosd   klp wB@BABEBJCdelxtemp0.3.31pclos2017lxtemp displays your system temperaturelxtemp zeigt die Systemstemperatur anlxtemp puts an icon in your systray. When you hover your mouse over it, a message opens and displays your system temperature.lxtemp nistet sich in das Systray. Wenn Sie mit Ihre Maus über das Icon verweilen, wird ihnen die Systemstemperaturen angezeigt.danielMonitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxtemp-0.3.3-1pclos2017.src.rpm!5da87cf591cc3c89ae6c76c7c09617fb./SRPMS.pclosd ! B   w B@BABEBJCdelxterminal0.4.01pclos2025LXDE terminalTerminal für LXDELXDE terminalTerminal/Befehlzeile für die LXDE Umgebung. danielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64  lib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glvnd-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64vte3-devellibpthread-stubslibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vte-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1lxterminal-0.4.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm6h11d1cc628d68c10dd60fbb126add5508./SRPMS.pclosd  ldh mxB@BABEBJCdelxuptime0.12pclos2013lxuptime displays your uptimelxuptime zeigt die Laufzeit der aktuelle Sitzunglxuptime puts an icon in your systray. When you hover your mouse over it, a message opens and displays your uptime.lxuptime nistet sich in das Systray. Wenn Sie mit der Maus über das Icon verweilen zeigt es die aktuelle Laufzeit der Sitzung an.NealMonitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lxuptime-0.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm"d6173f57b01e205d0c6ac474302d38c2./SRPMS.pclosd   B    B@BABEBJ Clynx2.9.21pclos2024Text based browser for the world wide webThis a terminal based WWW browser. While it does not make any attempt at displaying graphics, it has good support for HTML text formatting, forms, and tables. This version includes support for SSL encryption. WARNING: In some countries, it is illegal to export this package. In some countries, it may even be illegal to use it.$)Networking/WWWx86_64  bisonbrotligettextpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(libbrotlidec)pkgconfig(libidn2)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(ncursesw)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)unzip3.0.4-14.6.0-1lynx-2.9.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm$Oe43916139ac7efdbbd68081294233034./SRPMS.pclosd   8 $B@,BAPBETBJuClyricue2.0.02pclos2012The GNU Lyric Display SystemThis application is used to edit/display song lyrics and passages of text on a second screen/projector for use at live events such as church services, concerts and seminars.dNeal ManBearSoundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lyricue-2.0.0-2pclos2012.src.rpm265b75e880d02ef3d7dbfd4042a471c5./SRPMS.pclosd   D\ `gpbB@BABEBJClyx2.4.31pclos2025A word processor for the Desktop EnvironmentLyX is a modern approach of writing documents with a computer which breaks with the tradition of the obsolete typewriter concept. It is designed for people who want a professional output with a minimum of time effort, without becoming specialists in typesetting. Compared to common word processors LyX will increase the productivity a lot, since most of the typesetting will be done by the computer, not the author. With LyX the author can concentrate on the contents of their writing, since the computer will take care of the look.XQOfficex86_64  bcboost-develcmakedoxygendvipsgettext-develghostscriptgroff-for-manimagemagicklatexlib64enchant2-devellib64hunspell-devellib64magick-devellib64mythes-devellib64xpm-devellocales-enmagic-develninjapkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(xcomposite)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sgml-toolstask-qt6-develtexinfotexlive-collection-basicxvkbd3.0.4-14.6.0-1lyx-2.4.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm56b7d8c8a185c9650b03fab493ecaa20./SRPMS.pclosd   =T XnxB@BABEBJClz41.10.01pclos2024Extremely fast compression algorithmLZ4 is an extremely fast loss-less compression algorithm, providing compression speed at 400 MB/s per core, scalable with multi-core CPU. It also features an extremely fast decoder, with speed in multiple GB/s per core, typically reaching RAM speed limits on multi-core systems.(KArchiving/Compressionx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lz4-1.10.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmIb77cf50f08e88cac86c8a7159a3acf64./SRPMS.pclosd   L ,B@<BA\BE`BJClzip1.251pclos2025Lossless file compressor based on the LZMA algorithmLzip is a lossless file compressor based on the LZMA (Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm) algorithm. The high compression of LZMA comes from combining two basic, well-proven compression ideas: sliding dictionaries (i.e. LZ77/78), and markov models (i.e. the thing used by every compression algorithm that uses a range encoder or similar order-0 entropy coder as its last stage) with segregation of contexts according to what the bits are used for. Lzip is not a replacement for gzip or bzip2, but a complement; which one is best to use depends on user's needs. Gzip is the fastest and most widely used. Bzip2 compresses better than gzip but is slower, both compressing and decompressing. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses better than bzip2, but requires more memory and time during compression. These features make lzip well suited for software distribution and data archival./Archiving/Compressionx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1lzip-1.25-1pclos2025.src.rpmX`4d04fc1cd08533cc146e4646f9ddf5a5./SRPMS.pclos+d  S B@BABEBJClziprecover1.211pclos2019Lossless file compressor based on the LZMA algorithmLziprecover is a data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the lzip compressed data format (.lz) able to repair slightly damaged files, recover badly damaged files from two or more copies, extract undamaged members from multi-member files, decompress files and test integrity of files. Lziprecover is able to recover or decompress files produced by any of the compressors in the lzip family; lzip, plzip, minilzip/lzlib, clzip and pdlzip. This recovery capability contributes to make the lzip format one of the best options for long-term data archiving.9Archiving/Compressionx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1lziprecover-1.21-1pclos2019.src.rpmA1f614c507506cd9654e56bce9b20c228./SRPMS.pclos'd   0t xB@BABEBJClzop1.042pclos2019LZO fast file compressorlzop is a file compressor similar to gzip. Its main advantages over gzip are much higher compression and decompression speed at the cost of compression ratio. lzop was designed with the following goals in mind: 1) speed (both compression and decompression) 2) reasonable drop-in compatibility to gzip 3) portability-Archiving/Compressionx86_64  liblzo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   -`d jB@BABEBJ%Cm17n-db1.6.13pclos2013The m17n databaseThe m17n database; a sub-part of the m17n library.)pinocSystem/Internationalizationnoarch glibc-i18ndatagettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1m17n-db-1.6.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm165e6db18cca976f6668ca8a85e076d55./SRPMS.pclosCd   A    B@BABEBJ5Cm17n-lib1.6.04pclos2013Multilingual text processing libraryThe m17n library is a multilingual text processing library for the C language. @pinocSystem/Internationalizationi586  m17n-db-develautomakelibxml2-devellibx11-develfreetype2-static-devellibgd-static-devellibjpeg62-static-develanthy-devellibotf-devellibfribidi-develgettext-devellibthai-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Baf7581e96c6c5c1d78228b28257dbc90./SRPMS.pclosd   / 5B@>BA\BE`BJCm41.4.191pclos2021The GNU macro processorA GNU implementation of the traditional UNIX macro processor. M4 is useful for writing text files which can be logically parsed, and is used by many programs as part of their build process. M4 has built-in functions for including files, running shell commands, doing arithmetic, etc. The autoconf program needs m4 for generating configure scripts, but not for running configure scripts. Install m4 if you need a macro processor.sDevelopment/Otherx86_64 libsigsegv-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1m4-1.4.19-1pclos2021.src.rpm'5b76e88c33574f50d71dc3234670e7d0./SRPMS.pclosd  8 $dB@nBABEBJCm64py0.2.32pclos2019A Qt5 frontend for Mupen64PlusM64Py is a Qt5 front-end (GUI) for Mupen64Plus 2.0, a cross-platform plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator. The front-end is written in Python and it provides a user-friendly interface to Mupen64Plus.ݍEmulatorsnoarch python3-qt5-develpython3-sip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1m64py-0.2.3-2pclos2019.src.rpmf85c0c4ce89c929cfa88fb7171f2112d./SRPMS.pclosd    %B@/BAPBETBJuCdemac3.992.u4b5pclos2012Monkey's Audio Codec (MAC) utility and libraryMonkey's Audio Codec (MAC) Programme und BibliothekMonkey’s Audio is a fast and easy way to compress digital music. Unlike traditional methods such as mp3, ogg, or lqt that permanently discard quality to save space, Monkey’s Audio only makes perfect, bit-for-bit copies of your music. That means it always sounds perfect – exactly the same as the original. Even though the sound is perfect, it still saves a lot of space.Das besondere am Monkey-Codec ist, dass er im Gegensatz zu anderen Codecs wie MP3, komplett ohne Informationsverlust auskommt. Dafür werden die Dateien aber nicht ganz so klein, ein 3-Minuten-Song benötigt etwa 18 MByte Speicherplatz. Mehr Qualität, aber weniger Kompatibilität. Mit dem Monkey-Codec sollten Sie nur Dateien umwandeln, die Sie nicht auf einem Gerät wie Apple iPod mitnehmen wollen. Alternative Codecs sind etwa FLAC oder WavPack.~~NealSystem Environment/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++nasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mac-3.99-2.u4b5pclos2012.src.rpm}(1db79901f3973325e7655e5755ca73eb./SRPMS.pclosCd   P B@BABEBJ5Cmacaulay21.21pclos2010A software system for research in algebraic geometryMacaulay 2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, whose creation has been funded by the National Science Foundation since 1992. Macaulay 2 includes core algorithms for computing Grbner bases and graded or multi-graded free resolutions of modules over quotient rings of graded or multi-graded polynomial rings with a monomial ordering. The core algorithms are accessible through a versatile high level interpreted user language with a powerful debugger supporting the creation of new classes of mathematical objects and the installation of methods for computing specifically with them. Macaulay 2 can compute Betti numbers, Ext, cohomology of coherent sheaves on projective varieties, primary decomposition of ideals, integral closure of rings, and more.>hSciences/Mathematicsi586 bisonflexemacs-commongcc-gfortrangmp-develgmpxx-develinfo-installlibatlas-devellibgc-devellibgdbm-develliblapack-develmpfr-develncurses-develntl-devellibpari-develreadline-develsingular-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1macaulay2-1.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm=2cbdeb62c511f69f0684ecd4c1a43240./SRPMS.pclosd   q  B@(BALBEPBJqCmacchanger1.5.02pclos2013A GNU/Linux utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfacesA GNU/Linux utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces * Set specific MAC address of a network interface * Set the MAC randomly * Set a MAC of another vendor * Set another MAC of the same vendor * Set a MAC of the same kind (eg: wireless card) * Display a vendor MAC list (today, 6800 items) to choose fromwicecruncherNetworking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1macchanger-1.5.0-2pclos2013.src.rpmb28c1f57510db88577c28cd4f981a325./SRPMS.pclos#d   Ohl B@BABEBJCmacutils2.0b317pclos2007Utilities for manipulating Macintosh file formatsThe macutils package includes a set of utilities for manipulating files that are commonly used by Macintosh machines. Macutils includes utilities like binhex, hexbin, macunpack, etc. Install macutils if you need to manipulate files that are commonly used by Macintosh machines.@-Texstar Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1macutils-2.0b3-17pclos2007.src.rpmH"0849fb8e1c611620b0cd116ea7408c13./SRPMS.pclosd  9 B@BABEBJ Cmad0.15.1b9pclos2017High-quality MPEG Audio DecoderMAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports MPEG-1 and the MPEG-2 extension to Lower Sampling Frequencies, as well as the so-called MPEG 2.5 format. All three audio layers (Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III a.k.a. MP3) are fully implemented. MAD does not yet support MPEG-2 multichannel audio (although it should be backward compatible with such streams) nor does it currently support AAC. MAD has the following special features: * 24-bit PCM output * 100% fixed-point (integer) computation * completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC standardsDSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mad-0.15.1b-9pclos2017.src.rpm1dc048f1e1931e01819980458e3836c6./SRPMS.pclos;d  V B@BABE BJ-Cmadfu-firmware0.52pclos2019Firmware loader for M-Audio/Midiman usb sound devicesThis package allows you to use the USB Audio interfaces from M-Audio/ Midiman with Linux. It sets up an hotplugging script to load the firmware from the Windows driver files. Firmware files are not distributed with this package but can be extracted from the Windows drivers and placed in /usr/share/usb/maudio.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1madfu-firmware-0.5-2pclos2019.src.rpmײ02d4d0e2d4f0235dd76498aa70f3f037./SRPMS.pclosd   L -B@FBAlBEpBJCmadplay0.15.2b1pclos2007Command line MPEG audio player based on libmadmadplay is a command-line MPEG audio decoder and player based on the MAD library (libmad). For details about MAD, see the libmad package distributed separately. madplay will also read and display ID3 tag information, and further supports the relative volume adjustment information (RVA2) in such tags, as written by tools like `normalize'.Texstar Soundi586  libmad-devellibid3tag-devellibesound-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.15.0b0.15.0b3.0.4-1madplay-0.15.2b-1pclos2007.src.rpmN1bbaecd3c67b8808d7717236427ae3c7./SRPMS.pclosGd   3 B@BABEBJ9Cmahjongg3d0.961pclos2016MahJongg 3D SolitaireMahJongg Solitaire 3D is an OpenGL enhanced solitaire version of the ancient chinese board game "Mah Jongg".LGames/Boardsx86_64 qt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mahjongg3d-0.96-1pclos2016.src.rpmL157c846f7e612ae4177e8f4a8fd6984f./SRPMS.pclosCd # =T XhpB@BABEBJ5Cmail-notification5.43pclos2010New mail status tray iconMail Notification is a status icon (aka tray icon) that informs you if you have new mail. It works with system trays implementing the freedesktop.org System Tray Specification, such as the GNOME Panel Notification Area, the Xfce Notification Area, and the KDE System Tray. Mail Notification features include multiple mailbox support, mbox, MH, Maildir, Sylpheed, POP3, IMAP, and Gmail support, SASL and APOP authentication support, SSL support, automatic detection of mailbox format, automatic notification, and HIG 2.0 compliance. Networking/Maili586 libsasl-developenssl-devellibgmime-develevolution-develevolution-data-server-devellibgnomeui2-devellibgnomeprintui-devellibnotify-develavahi-glib-develavahi-client-develgob2scrollkeeperperl-XML-Parsermono-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mail-notification-5.4-3pclos2010.src.rpmzT366fa916690fa2f984a8ea2cc10512ba./SRPMS.pclosd V 4B@<BA`BEdBJCmailcap2.0.415pclos2011Associates helper applications with particular file typesThe mailcap file is used by the metamail program. Metamail reads the mailcap file to determine how it should display non-text or multimedia material. Basically, mailcap associates a particular type of file with a particular program that a mail agent or other program can call in order to handle the file. Mailcap should be installed to allow certain programs to be able to handle non-text files.System/Configuration/Networkingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mailcap-2.0.4-15pclos2011.src.rpma39f53ef0777978d23adfc4555c3bf74d./SRPMS.pclos?d   :X \s|B@BA BEBJ1Cmailcommon24.12.31pclos2025Support lib for mail appsSupport lib for mail apps. |Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1mailcommon-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm O9fc1e039b045126856be4085f9bc0ce6./SRPMS.pclosd ^RB@^BABEBJCmailfilter0.8.21pclos2011A program that filters your incoming e-mail to help remove spamMailfilter is very flexible utility for UNIX (-like) operating systems to get rid of unwanted e-mail messages, before having to go through the trouble of downloading them to the local computer. It offers support for one or many POP3 accounts and is especially useful for dialup connections via modem, ISDN, etc. Install Mailfilter if you'd like to remove spam from your POP3 mail accounts.TNetworking/Mailx86_64 byaccbisonflexlibopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mailfilter-0.8.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm 28cc6acca9c0b5df542f94238cab1dc3./SRPMS.pclos+d " 8P TktB@BABEBJCmailimporter24.12.31pclos2025Mail importer libraryMail importer library. (^Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mailimporter-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm V0c9abb77361b00377344a9ed5571e71b./SRPMS.pclosd   C  $3<DkB@tBABEBJCmailman2.1.142pclos2013The GNU Mailing List Management SystemMailman -- The GNU Mailing List Management System -- is a mailing list management system written mostly in Python. Features: o Most standard mailing list features, including: moderation, mail based commands, digests, etc... o An extensive Web interface, customizable on a per-list basis. o Web based list administration interface for *all* admin-type tasks o Automatic Web based hypermail-style archives (using pipermail or other external archiver), including provisions for private archives o Integrated mail list to newsgroup gatewaying o Integrated newsgroup to mail list gatewaying (polling-based... if you have access to the nntp server, you should be able to easily do non-polling based news->mail list gatewaying; email viega@list.org, I'd like to help get that going and come up with instructions) o Smart bounce detection and correction o Integrated fast bulk mailing o Smart spam protection o Extensible logging o Multiple list owners and moderators are possible o Optional MIME-compliant digests o Nice about which machine you subscribed from if you're from the right domain Conditional build options: mailman uid --with uid mail mailman gid --with gid mailNSystem/Serversx86_64 rpm-helperrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mailman-2.1.14-2pclos2013.src.rpmM$7ae6729a2ed2ae7b074dc68c478e86ca./SRPMS.pclos d "  , 0 H P T pB@ xBA BE BJ Cdemailpictures0.961pclos2010Mailpictures is a nautilus extension in gtk/perl, designed to be a more featured nautilus-sendto alternative / replacement.Mailpictures ist eine Erweiterung für nautilus in gtk/perl entworfen, als eine weitere Alternative / Ersatz zu nautilus-sendto.Mailpictures is a nautilus extension in gtk/perl, designed to be a more featured nautilus-sendto alternative / replacement. If there are data files in the selection : Create a zip archive in case of several files The minimal number of files for archive create can be set in the main window If there are pictures in the selection : Automatic resizing : 640, 800, 1024 or custom width Keep correct EXIF orientation Change JPEG compression ZIP archiving of the pictures Very fast processing (use imlib2) In every case : Check for the size, and show a message warning if it is too big for an email Get rid of the main window and launch directly the email writing window, if set in main window app Evaluate the size of the attachment Support for Evolution, Thunderbird, Icedove, and Kmail. Save results in a folder : can be use to resize several pictures and save somewhere Store settings Locales: English, French, Italian, German and DutchMailpictures ist eine Erweiterung für nautilus in gtk/perl entworfen, als eine weitere Alternative / Ersatz zu nautilus-sendto. Wenn sich eine Dateien in der Auswahl befindet: Erstellen Sie ein ZIP-Archiv im Falle von mehreren Dateien Die minimale Anzahl von Dateien zur Archivierung können im Hauptfenster eingestellt werden Wenn sich Bilder in der Auswahl befinden: Automatische Größenanpassung: 640, 800, 1024 oder benutzerdefinierte Breite richtige EXIF orientierung Ändern in JPEG Komprimierung ZIP Archivierung der Bilder Sehr schnelle Bearbeitung (Verwendung von imlib2) In jedem Fall: Überprüfen der Größe, und zeigt eine Warnung an, wenn zu groß für eine E-Mail Weg über das Hauptfenster: starten Sie direkt die E-Mail aus dem "schreiben" Fenster Bewerten Sie die Größe der Aanhänge Unterstützung für die Evolution, Thunderbird, Icedove und Kmail. Speichern der Ergebnisse in einem Ordner: kann benutzt werden, um mehrere Bilder vergrößern, verkleinern und Sie irgendwo speichern. Shop-Einstellungen Unterstützte Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch und Niederländischj~Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mailpictures-0.96-1pclos2010.src.rpmte7141cf976c090bad9badece67de4139./SRPMS.pclosd   * DB@WBA|BEBJCmailspring1.15.11pclos2025MailspringMailspring is a new version of Nylas Mail maintained by one of the original authors. It's faster, leaner,and shipping today! It replaces the JavaScript sync code in Nylas Mail with a new C++ sync engine based on Mailcore2. It uses roughly half the RAM and CPU of Nylas Mail and idles with almost zero "CPU Wakes", which translates to great battery life. It also has an entirely revamped composer and other great new features. Networking/Mailx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1mailspring-1.15.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm+@db8b558ead924725ebc8b47ccc361f60./SRPMS.pclosd   E +4LB@BABEBJCmaitreya7.1.11pclos2018Software for Vedic and western astrologyFree software for western and Vedic astrology (Jyotish). Supports classical Vedic astrology, KP system and parts of Jaimini system. Western part includes Uranian astrology. Platforms: Win32, Linux and UNIX.j-Sciences/Otherx86_64 gcc-c++libwxgtk-develfontconfig-develdesktop-file-utilsfdupesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1maitreya-7.1.1-1pclos2018.src.rpmj<\4e5f703c9375527bcbfc735773cce0c3./SRPMS.pclosd   ? ")04PB@XBA|BEBJCmakagiga5.8.21pclos2017Task client for todo list and moreMakagiga is an open-source, easy-to-use, portable application for doing a variety of tasks, such as todo listing, text editing, or RSS reading. Plugins (add-ons) are used to implement its various capabilities.bb2 Officenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1makagiga-5.8.2-1pclos2017.src.rpmİ215117a9c3e77de44c7184d8e6b5ad32./SRPMS.pclosd   T8 <NXhB@BABEBJCmake4.42pclos2022A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for usersA GNU tool for controlling the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files. Make allows users to build and install packages without any significant knowledge about the details of the build process. The details about how the program should be built are provided for make in the program's makefile. The GNU make tool should be installed on your system because it is commonly used to simplify the process of installing programs.ŮDevelopment/Otherx86_64 gettext-develtexinfogccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1make-4.4-2pclos2022.src.rpmŰ7b228e1f3c09a2c027fd53805d508224./SRPMS.pclosd   ? ,4DB@BABEBJCmakedepend1.0.91pclos2024Create dependencies in makefilesThe makedepend program reads each source file in sequence and parses it like a C-preprocessor, processing all C #* directives so that it can correctly tell which include directives would be used in a compilation.9Development/X11x86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develx11-util-macros3.0.4-14.6.0-]3cd90e27812763065c14fcb6fbb453bb./SRPMS.pclosGd   O B@BABEBJ9Cmakedev4.415pclos2022A program used for creating the device files in /devThis package contains the makedev program, which makes it easier to create and maintain the files in the /dev directory. /dev directory files correspond to a particular device supported by Linux (serial or printer ports, scanners, sound cards, tape drives, CD-ROM drives, hard drives, etc.) and interface with the drivers in the kernel.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1makedev-4.4-15pclos2022.src.rpmfe583e87a226c291a45d3dfe0baeb44c./SRPMS.pclosd   R    B@BABEBJCmakemkv1.17.32pclos2023DVD and Blu-ray to MKV converter and network streamerMakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere. MakeMKV is a format converter, otherwise called "transcoder". It converts set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any the video clips from proprietary (and usually encrypted) disc into a way. The MKV format can store multiple video/audio tracks with all meta-information and preserve chapters. There are many players that can play MKV files nearly on all platforms, and there are tools to convert MKV files to many formats, including DVD and Blu-ray discs. Additionally MakeMKV can instantly stream decrypted video without intermediate conversion to wide range of players, so you may watch Blu-ray and DVD discs with your favorite player on your favorite OS or on your favorite device._SVideox86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64expat1-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develpkgconfigzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1makemkv-1.17.3-2pclos2023.src.rpm\s a33b7e9addb423cebb3599aa87c50f4e./SRPMS.pclosd   C  <B@EBAlBEpBJCmakepasswd0.5.11pclos2014Random password and cypher generatorMakepasswd generates (pseudo-)random passwords of a desired length. It is able to generate its crypted equivalent. Inspired from Rob Levin's perl script of the same name..pinoc32Securityi586 glibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1makepasswd-0.5.1-1pclos2014.src.rpm675c9be7e2fab5f4fb3fb84bf574ec209./SRPMS.pclosd   C &B@/BATBEXBJyCmakeself2.4.31pclos2021Make self-extractable archives on Unixmakeself.sh is a shell script that generates a self-extractable tar.gz archive from a directory. The resulting file appears as a shell script, and can be launched as is. The archive will then uncompress itself to a temporary directory and an arbitrary command will be executed (for example an installation script). This is pretty similar to archives generated with WinZip Self-Extractor in the Windows world.wDevelopment/Othernoarch glibcrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1makeself-2.4.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm~rb8979c6da9eb3079708e3dbb9086f65c./SRPMS.pclosd QDHS\pB@BABEBJ Cmalaga7.121pclos2011A grammar development environment for natural languagesMalaga is a software package for the development and application of grammars that are used for the analysis of words and sentences of natural languages. It contains a programming language for the modelling of morphology and syntax grammars.Text toolsx86_64 readline-develgtk+2-develglib2-develchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1malaga-7.12-1pclos2011.src.rpm35ea14264ad7d89f1dfa77eb03cee73a./SRPMS.pclosd   9   lB@BABEBJ Cmame0.2671pclos2024Multiple Arcade Machine EmulatorMAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with an arcade game's data files (ROMs), MAME will more or less faithfully reproduce that game on a PC. The ROM images that MAME utilizes are "dumped" from arcade games' original circuit-board ROM chips. MAME becomes the "hardware" for the games, taking the place of their original CPUs and support chips. Therefore, these games are NOT simulations, but the actual, original games that appeared in arcades. MAME's purpose is to preserve these decades of video-game history. As gaming technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents these important "vintage" games from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions, thanks to the talent of programmers from the MAME team and from other contributors. Being able to play the games is just a nice side-effect, which doesn't happen all the time. MAME strives for emulating the games faithfully. pEmulatorsx86_64  lib64expat-devellib64flac12-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64jpeg-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64sdl2_ttf-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64uv-devellib64xi-devellib64xinerama-devellibqt5-develp7zipportaudio-develportmidi-develpython3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)utf8proc-develzlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1mame-0.267-1pclos2024.src.rpm Wc222fb6a0ed293d0fccb9de1cfafe4f5./SRPMS.pclosd   LX \hpxB@BABEBJCman1.6g3pclos2023A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatisThe man package includes three tools for finding information and/or documentation about your Linux system: man, apropos and whatis. The man system formats and displays on-line manual pages about commands or functions on your system. Apropos searches the whatis database (containing short descriptions of system commands) for a string. Whatis searches its own database for a complete word. The man package should be installed on your system because it is the primary way for find documentation on a Mandriva Linux system.QSystem/Basex86_64 xzrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1man-1.6g-3pclos2023.src.rpm2f546a58fe786d3c45d7b6b0ad0870ef./SRPMS.pclosd   _ 4B@EBAlBEpBJCman-pages6.05.011pclos2023English man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation ProjectA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP). The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) Section 6: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only) Section 9: Kernel internal routines0̈́System/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1man-pages-6.05.01-1pclos2023.src.rpm097677a01f1911f783faebec6ddadfbdc./SRPMS.pclosgd ) B B@BA4BE8BJYCman-pages-cs0.17.2008011310pclos2009Czech Linux Manual PagesA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to Czech. The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) Section 6: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only)JSystem/Internationalizationnoarch  mansedgrepmanrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-cs-0.17.20080113-10pclos2009.src.rpma0978bb5c76ace6869f27c447420db13./SRPMS.pclosd ! W B@.BAXBE\BJ}Cman-pages-da0.1.110pclos2009Danish man pages from the Linux Documentation ProjectA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to Danish. The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) Section 6: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only)-System/Internationalizationnoarch  mansedgrepmanrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-da-0.1.1-10pclos2009.src.rpm137d1543be995ef9ed8b8111fc98899ab./SRPMS.pclosd  ] "B@-BATBEXBJyCman-pages-de2.31pclos2018German man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation ProjectA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to German. The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etcpasswd, nfs) Section 6: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only)kghostbunnySystem/Internationalizationnoarch manpo4agreprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1man-pages-de-2.3-1pclos2018.src.rpmk(39c35f34d5f9e17166225c32b6a3500a./SRPMS.pclosod  ` B@BA<BE@BJaCman-pages-es1.5510pclos2009Spanish man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation ProjectA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to spanish. The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) Section 6: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only)System/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-es-1.55-10pclos2009.src.rpm8631c30dd309babbf71fa340062903e3./SRPMS.pclosd " a (B@:BAdBEhBJCman-pages-fr3.03.010pclos2009French man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation ProjectA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to French. The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) Section 5: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only) Section 9: Kernel routinesRSystem/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-fr-3.03.0-10pclos2009.src.rpmR-95b491b7d8210e0da00d0fe810b0ca5d./SRPMS.pclosOd ! 8 B@BABE BJACman-pages-hu0.2.210pclos2009Hungarian manual pagesA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to Hungarian. The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) Section 6: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only) g7System/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-hu-0.2.2-10pclos2009.src.rpm he6aedc01ff47f0a5366129eabbe78a0c./SRPMS.pclos7d  @| B@BABEBJ)Cman-pages-id0.110pclos2009Man pages in Indonesian languageA collection of man pages for Linux in Indonesian languageSystem/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-id-0.1-10pclos2009.src.rpm66a199463d52cd97d08a49360e23c0899./SRPMS.pclosd  5 8B@JBApBEtBJCman-pages-it2.8010pclos2009Italian manual pagesItalian translations of Linux manual pages: this package includes not only those from the LDP, but also translations of other popular man-pages. BEWARE: some pages are dated!System/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-it-2.80-10pclos2009.src.rpm61c8d16a98eb93cb5b65d5c2a2ee4ee5./SRPMS.pclosd $ :T Xt|B@BABEBJ Cman-pages-ja2009031510pclos2009Japanese manual pagesThe japanese man pages.ESystem/Internationalizationnoarch  manrubyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.6e3.0.4-1man-pages-ja-20090315-10pclos2009.src.rpmF ba7e6e9d987f2753c975da2a0c10b142./SRPMS.pclosd $ =  @B@LBAxBE|BJCman-pages-ko2005021910pclos2009Korean(Hangul) Man PagesKorean translation of the official manpages from LDP and another useful manpages from various packages. They're maintained by the Korean Manpage Project .System/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  <t xB@BABEBJCman-pages-pl0.610pclos2009Man pages in polish languageA collection of man pages for Linux in polish language.&LSystem/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5m23.0.4-1man-pages-pl-0.6-10pclos2009.src.rpm&eb9af7f1fd9144fbf177a2fc5104b0f1./SRPMS.pclosd " d (B@:BAdBEhBJCman-pages-pt_BR0.110pclos2009Brazilian man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation ProjectA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to Brzailian Portuguese. The man pages are organized into the following sections: Section 1: User commands (intro only) Section 2: System calls Section 3: Libc calls Section 4: Devices (e.g., hd, sd) Section 5: File formats and protocols (e.g., wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs) Section 5: Games (intro only) Section 7: Conventions, macro packages, etc. (e.g., nroff, ascii) Section 8: System administration (intro only) Section 9: Kernel routinesSystem/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-pt_BR-0.1-10pclos2009.src.rpm7b7e9facfd399c0eba3ef724fe35c643./SRPMS.pclosd  ` (B@:BA`BEdBJCman-pages-ru0.9810pclos2009Russian man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation ProjectA large collection of man pages (reference material) from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP), translated to Russian.XSystem/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-ru-0.98-10pclos2009.src.rpm"9579d8526a6b1a8ef8997c14803cf9aa./SRPMS.pclosd  1d hB@BABEBJCman-pages-zh1.510pclos2009Chinese Man PagesSet of man pages translated into Chinese language+gtSystem/Internationalizationnoarch  manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.5j-8mdk3.0.4-1man-pages-zh-1.5-10pclos2009.src.rpm+ed5b9a23ce2759feefc6356a4af45368./SRPMS.pclosod   Bpt zB@BA<BE@BJaCmana0.2.12pclos2013Kana-Kanji conversion engine for JapaneseKana-Kanji conversion engine for Japanese. 1pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 automake1.4ocamlcamlp4ocaml-findlibgdbmgdbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mana-0.2.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm 5f11c70e5b9de9a6e803aaf50a0f7ee6e./SRPMS.pclosd   1HL mB@BABEBJ Cmanadic0.1.43pclos2007A dictionary for ManaA dictionary for Mana.-Texstar System/Internationalizationi586 manarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1manadic-0.1.4-3pclos2007.src.rpm-1b5f56b39f0470d3dc3a9c67270754ef6./SRPMS.pclosd   V$ (4<t^B@sBABEBJCmanaplus1.9.3.231pclos2020A client for Evol Online and The Mana World: 2D MMORPGManaPlus is extended client for Evol Online, The Mana World and similar servers based on eAthena fork. As a 2D style game, Evol Online aims to create a friendly environment where people can escape reality and interact with others while enjoying themselves through a fantasy style game. The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world.MGames/Otherx86_64 gcc-c++makelib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer-devellib64SDL_net-devellib64SDL_ttf-devellib64SDL_gfx-devellib64physfs-devellib64curl-devellib64xml2-devellib64png-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1manaplus-   -  ,  B@BA<BE@BJaCmanaworld0.6.12pclos20142D MMORPG worldThe Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world.7`Games/Adventurex86_64  lib64guichan0-develdesktop-file-utilslib64physfs-develcurl-devellib64xml2-devellib64png-develSDL_image-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_net-develSDL_ttf-devellib64SDL_gfx-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ _  B@BA<BE@BJaCdemanaworld-music0.31pclos2012The music for The Mana WorldDie Musik für The Mana WorldThis packages contains the music for The Mana World.Dieses Paket enthält die Musik für The Mana World.tgNealGames/Adventurenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1manaworld-music-0.3-1pclos2012.src.rpmt9dd515b4ba302f90e6f212954059c88c./SRPMS.pclosd   0@ DU\dB@BABEBJCmandi1.01pclos2011Monitoring daemon bridgeMandi is a monitoring daemon which acts as a bridge from root monitoring libraries to user applications, using D-Bus. Its plugin system allows to monitor different kind of events. A built-in plugin forwards wireless scan results from wpa_supplicant to user applications.ZfNetworking/Otherx86_64 dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mandi-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm^a214c68ebc8ef327a639d45d6383c461./SRPMS.pclosd    4P TZ`hB@BABEBJCmandvd2.51pclos2009Program to create DVD videoProgram to create DVD videoVideoi586 libqt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mandvd-2.5-1pclos2009.src.rpm4425d853eb74bf392a4a10578320b134./SRPMS.pclosd   k  wB@BABEBJCdemangler1.2.52pclos2014Mangler is an open source VOIP clientMangler ist ein OpenSource VOIP KlientMangler is an open source VOIP client capable of connecting to Ventrilo 3.x servers. It is capable of performing almost all standard user functionality found in a Windows Ventrilo client.Mangler ist ein OpenSource VOIP Klient, der dazu fähig ist sich mit Ventrilo 3.x Servern zu verbinden. Er ist dazu fähig fast alle Standardbenutzerfunktionalitäten zu bieten, die auch ein Windows Ventrilo Klient hat.>YNNetworking/Chatx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64espeak-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gsm-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64opus-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-devellib64speex1-devellib64x11-devellib64xi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mangler-1.2.5-2pclos2014.src.rpm>\58c7c142dcc35adf7d67908c02d28425./SRPMS.pclosd   @|   K B@bBABEBJCmaniadrive1.27pclos2007Arcade car game on acrobatic tracksManiaDrive is a free clone of Trackmania, the great game from Nad� studio, and is an arcade car game on acrobatic tracks, with a quick and nervous gameplay (tracks almost never exceed one minute), and features a network mode, as the original. Raydium is a game engine. It provides a set of functions which allow quick and flexible games creation. Functions covers things like player inputs (keyboard, mouse, joystick, joypad, force feedback), rendering (3D objets, OSD (On Screen Display)), time (a game must run at the exact same speed on every computer), sound, ...Games/Arcadei586  curl-develjpeg-devellibxinerama-develphp-develode-develoggvorbis-develglew-develfreealut-developenal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # H +B@:BA`BEdBJCdefrmanslide1.9.102pclos2009Program to Create your own slideshowManslide is a slideshow creation application which makes it easy to produce attractive slideshows with optional background music. Manslide uses the QT4 toolkit. You must have opengl compatible graphic cardManslide ist ein Werkzeug für das Erzeugen von Slideshows. Es nutzt spezielle 3D Effekte und ist sehr einfach zu verwenden. Dieses ist eine Anwendung für QT4. Benötigt eine opengl compatible Grafikkarte.Manslide est une application de création de diaporamas qui rend aisé la création de présentations avec une musique de fond optionelle Manslide utilisa les bibliothèques QT4. Vous devez disporer d'une carte graphique compatible opengl.Graphicsi586  libqt4-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ?  B@(BAPBETBJuCmanuskript0.10.01pclos2019An open source tool for writersManuskript is an open source tool for writers. It provides a rich environment to help writers create their first draft and then further refine and edit their masterpiece.1 Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1manuskript-0.10.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm1 dff1fa8738769876fdf2e6742bd76710./SRPMS.pclosd   LLP V`h-B@TBAxBE|BJCmapnik3.1.012pclos2024Free Toolkit for developing mapping applicationsMapnik is a Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications. It's written in C++ and there are Python bindings to facilitate fast-paced agile development. It can comfortably be used for both desktop and web development, which was something I wanted from the beginning. Mapnik is about making beautiful maps. It uses the AGG library and offers world class anti-aliasing rendering with subpixel accuracy for geographic data. It is written from scratch in modern C++ and doesn't suffer from design decisions made a decade ago. When it comes to handling common software tasks such as memory management, filesystem access, regular expressions, parsing and so on, Mapnik doesn't re-invent the wheel, but utilises best of breed industry standard libraries from boost.orgc=pinocGeographyx86_64  agg-develboost-develcairomm-develdesktop-file-utilsdoxygenfreetype2-develgdal-devellibicu-devellibjpeg-devellibltdl-devellibpng-devellibtiff-devellibxml2-develpkgconfigpkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(libwebp)postgispostgresql-develproj-develpython-cairo-develpython-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)scons3.0.4-14.6.0-1mapnik-3.1.0-12pclos2024.src.rpmcg98a8e28b7b033576b4fca0d8c670245c./SRPMS.pclosd  .T XoxfB@BABEBJCmarco1.28.11pclos2024MATE window managerA window manager for MATE Desktop.Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilspkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libgtop-2.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(pangoxft)pkgconfig(rarian)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xdamage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zenity2.   J0 4>H6B@[BABEBJCmariadb10.2.392pclos2021A very fast and reliable SQL database engineThe MariaDB software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MariaDB Server is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. The mariadb server is compiled with the following storage engines: - Aria Storage Engine - Archive Storage Engine - Blackhole Storage Engine - CSV Storage Engine - FederatedX Storage Engine (Federated replacement) - Heap Storage Engine - MyISAM Storage Engine - MyISAMMRG Storage Engine - Partition Storage Engine - Perfschema Storage Engine - Percona XtraDB Storage Engine (InnoDB replacement) A multitude of storage engines and handlers are being provided in separate sub packages such as: mariadb-feedback - Feedback Storage Engine mariadb-oqgraph - Open Query GRAPH computation engine mariadb-connect - CONNECT handler mariadb-sphinx - Sphinx Storage Engine mariadb-sequence - Sequence Storage Engine mariadb-spider - Spider Storage Engine The following extra storage engines are provided by the mariadb-extra package - handlersocket - query_cache_info The following storage engines are provided in the mariadb-obsolete package - Federated Storage EngineDatabasesx86_64 bisoncmakedoxygenglibc-devellibaio-devellibarchive-devellibstdc++-devellibtermcap-develmultiarch-utilsncurses-developenssl-develwrap-develpythontetextexinfoxfs-develzlib-develpam-develpython-develicu-develbzip2-develjemalloc-develpcre-devellib64pcre0-devellz4-devellib64krb53-devellibcrack-devellzma-develliblzo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mariadb-10.2.39-2pclos2021.src.rpmf4661d9eebdd8fc907ac508e40c0a9c1./SRPMS.pclosSd   IX \fp   B@BA BE$BJECmariadb10.6.51pclos2021A very fast and reliable SQL database engineThe MariaDB software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MariaDB Server is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. The mariadb server is compiled with the following storage engines: - Aria Storage Engine - Archive Storage Engine - Blackhole Storage Engine - CSV Storage Engine - FederatedX Storage Engine (Federated replacement) - Heap Storage Engine - MyISAM Storage Engine - MyISAMMRG Storage Engine - Partition Storage Engine - Perfschema Storage Engine - Percona XtraDB Storage Engine (InnoDB replacement) A multitude of storage engines and handlers are being provided in separate sub packages such as: mariadb-feedback - Feedback Storage Engine mariadb-oqgraph - Open Query GRAPH computation engine mariadb-connect - CONNECT handler mariadb-sphinx - Sphinx Storage Engine mariadb-sequence - Sequence Storage Engine mariadb-spider - Spider Storage Engine mariadb-rocks - RocksDB Storage Engine The following extra storage engines are provided by the mariadb-extra package - handlersocket - query_cache_info The following storage engines are provided in the mariadb-obsolete package - Federated Storage EngineDatabasesx86_64 bisoncmakedoxygenglibc-devellibaio-devellibstdc++-devellibtermcap-develmercurialpkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(openssl)wrap-develtexinfoxfs-develpkgconfig(zlib)pam-develpkgconfig(python3)icu-develbzip2-develpkgconfig(odbc)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(jemalloc)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(libpcre2-posix)pkgconfig(liblz4)pkgconfig(krb5)libcrack-devellzma-develliblzo-develpkgconfig(libzmq)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mariadb-10.6.5-1pclos2021.src.rpmV683338318195864f081b84e50bc44d12./SRPMS.pclosd   Q  4}B@BABEBJCmarisa0.2.42pclos2014Static and spece-efficient trie data structure libraryMatching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge (MARISA) is a static and space-efficient trie data structure. And libmarisa is a C++ library to provide an implementation of MARISA. Also, the package of libmarisa contains a set of command line tools for building and operating a MARISA-based dictionary. A MARISA-based dictionary supports not only lookup but also reverse lookup, common prefix search and predictive search.System/Librariesx86_64 swigperl-devellib64python-develruby-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1marisa-0.2.4-2pclos2014.src.rpmrd81173168789957142271ba3bcc5d8fc./SRPMS.pclosd " G  7@LB@BABEBJCmarkdownpart24.12.31pclos2025KPart for rendering Markdown contentA(nother) Markdown viewer KParts plugin, which allows KParts-using applications to display files in Markdown format in the rendered target format. Examples are Ark, Krusader, Kate's preview plugin & Konqueror.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1markdownpart-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm777e09971ef0b5ed680005ebcc121f4b./SRPMS.pclos3d   JH Lcl|B@BABEBJ%Cmarknote1.3.01pclos2024A simple markdown note management app for KDEMarknote lets you create rich text notes and easily organize them into notebooks. You can personalize your notebooks by choosing an icon and accent color for each one, making it easy to distinguish between them and keep your notes at your fingertips."Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(md4c)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1marknote-1.3.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmNla7f6e869ecd5d8dec3b0943b240895fa./SRPMS.pclosd   `  $fB@sBABEBJCmarsyas0.3.01pclos2009Marsyas (Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals)Marsyas (Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals) is an open source software framework for audio processing with specific emphasis on Music Information Retrieval applications. It has been designed and written by George Tzanetakis (gtzan@cs.uvic.ca) with help from students and researchers from around the world. Marsyas has been used for a variety of projects in both academia and industry.:j{Soundi586 makecmakegccgcc-c++libalsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1marsyas-0.3.0-1pclos2009.src.rpm:}y1b938edfd27170391dd1da0c080d2582./SRPMS.pclosKd ! L B@BABEBJ=Cmarvel-firmware1.03pclos2019Firmware files for the Marvel usb8388 chipThis package contains the firmware needed for the Marvle usb8388 devices to work.QSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1marvel-firmware-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmXxf56da2c2f53927f91714dafc6e80227b./SRPMS.pclos{d ' Hx |B@BAHBELBJmCmassif-visualizer24.12.31pclos2025Tool for visualizing massif dataMassif Visualizer is a tool that - *who would guess that* - visualizes massif data. You run your application in Valgrind with `--tool=massif` and the open the generated `massif.out.pid` in this application. You can also compress the log with Gzip or Bzip2 and open it transparently with the visualizer.IGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(shared-mime-info)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1massif-visualizer-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmz2750205061bf57ff2607dbae94afea20./SRPMS.pclos_d ' 2 B@BA,BE0BJQCmaster-pdf-editor55.0.102pclos2020PDF editorNote: this is the free version. If you bought the license install the paid version: master-pdf-editor5paid Master PDF Editor provides you advanced functions for working with PDF format: • Create new PDF or edit existing ones. • Add and/or edit bookmarks in PDF files. • Fast and simple PDF forms fill out • Changing font attributes (size, family, color etc) • Encrypt and/or protect PDF files using 128 bit encryption. • Convert XPS files into PDF. • JavaScript support • Validation Forms and Calculate Values • Add PDF controls (like buttons, checkboxes, lists, etc.) into your PDFs. • Import/export PDF pages into common graphical formats including BMP, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. • Signing PDF documents with digital signature, signatures creation and validation. • Free PDF Editor on Linux ( for non-commercial use) The Linux-based version is free for non-commercial use.6pp Publishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1master-pdf-editor5-5.0.10-2pclos2020.src.rpm=f08247a11b5d3ae8ad2879ab14fbc979./SRPMS.pclosd  + 6 B@BALBEPBJqCmaster-pdf-editor5paid5.9.871pclos2025PDF editorNote: this is the paid version, you need a license to use it! Or use the free version: master-pdf-editor5 Master PDF Editor provides you advanced functions for working with PDF format: • Create new PDF or edit existing ones. • Add and/or edit bookmarks in PDF files. • Fast and simple PDF forms fill out • Changing font attributes (size, family, color etc) • Encrypt and/or protect PDF files using 128 bit encryption. • Convert XPS files into PDF. • JavaScript support • Validation Forms and Calculate Values • Add PDF controls (like buttons, checkboxes, lists, etc.) into your PDFs. • Import/export PDF pages into common graphical formats including BMP, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. • Signing PDF documents with digital signature, signatures creation and validation. • Free PDF Editor on Linux ( for non-commercial use) The Linux-based version is free for non-commercial use. ipinocPublishingx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1master-pdf-editor5paid-5.9.87-1pclos2025.src.rpm/2d62b5d5966a58e302efcf9ba2c1f500./SRPMS.pclosd ) Qp t  f B@vBABEBJCmatchbox-window-manager1.23pclos2016Window manager for the Matchbox DesktopMatchbox is a base environment for the X Window System running on non-desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources are limited. This package contains the window manager from Matchbox.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 pkgconfiglibmatchbox-develexpat-develstartup-notification-devellibXsettings-client-devellibGConf2-devellibxcomposite-devellibxdamage-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1matchbox-window-manager-1.2-3pclos2016.src.rpm}1a5a46a2c921c7942bf64e47bab2b9ce./SRPMS.pcloswd ( D B@BADBEHBJiCmate-applet-lockkeys0.3.21pclos2020MATE Keyboard LED indicatorKeyboard LED indicator applet for the MATE desktop environment.\Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 gettextgtk2-develmate-panel-develpopt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-applet-lockkeys-0.3.2-1pclos2020.src.rpma14a04c632f284e911b4431b90ce82cd5./SRPMS.pclosGd ( C $B@BABEBJ9Cmate-applet-streamer0.4.02pclos2020MATE radio streamer appletMATE panel applet to let you play your favorite online radio station from your system tray or panel with a single click.Icecast directory listing included.Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-devellib64xml2-devellib64notify-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64sqlite3-develmate-panel-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-applet-streamer-0.4.0-2pclos2020.src.rpmWb49d809591fa72f979432a3a75388a80./SRPMS.pclosGd ! <X \s|cB@BABEBJ9Cmate-applets1.28.02pclos2024MATE Desktop panel appletsMATE Desktop panel applets.6Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   cpupower-develintltoolitstoollibiw-develpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(gucharmap-2.90)pkgconfig(libgtop-2.0)pkgconfig(libmatepanelapplet-4.0)pkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(libxklavier)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-settings-daemon)pkgconfig(mateweather)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(upower-glib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools1.1.20.742. ! <X \s|   B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cmate-applets1.28.03pclos2024MATE Desktop panel appletsMATE Desktop panel applets.6Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   cpupower-develintltoolitstoollib64gtksourceview4-devellib64nl-devellib64nl3-devellibiw-develpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(gucharmap-2.90)pkgconfig(libgtop-2.0)pkgconfig(libmatepanelapplet-4.0)pkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(libxklavier)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-settings-daemon)pkgconfig(mateweather)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(upower-glib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools1.1.20.742. % > B@BA0BE4BJUCmate-backgrounds1.28.01pclos2024MATE Desktop backgroundsThis module contains a set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE desktop.IGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64  intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mate-backgrounds-1.28.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm`N6520e477083b4b625bde36d548a350bb./SRPMS.pclosd % 9 @2B@HBAtBExBJCmate-brisk-menu0.6.00.2pclos2020Brisk menu for MATEThe Brisk Menu enables quick launching of applications, as well as access to session controls (such as logout, suspend, hibernate) and the system's Control Center.Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 autoconfautomakegettextintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develmate-menus-develmate-panel-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-brisk-menu-0.6.0-0.2pclos2020.src.rpm66e9c271e68db0ba4ee32b68ad5466f9./SRPMS.pclosgd   6   @  B@BA4BE8BJYCmate-calc1.28.01pclos2024MATE Desktop calculatormate-calc is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic to give a high degree of accuracy.bGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64  bisonflexitstoolmate-commonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1mate-calc-1.28.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm2920d5551442d1db12faa1cdb5cb3234./SRPMS.pclos7d % < B@BABEBJ)Cmate-clear-recent0.2.32pclos2020Clear Recent DocumentsAutomated app to clear history list in recently viewed documents=Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-clear-recent-0.2.3-2pclos2020.src.rpmC0753d04e4481556d4d64de5e8c7b0ae9d./SRPMS.pclos7d  8p tB@BABEBJ)Cmate-common1.28.01pclos2024MATE common build filesBinaries for building all MATE desktop subcomponents.Graphical desktop/MATEnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mate-common-1.28.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm;06dfeef29c6087ff5c651f8da7c23ea5f./SRPMS.pclos/d ( < (mB@BABEBJ!Cmate-control-center1.28.02pclos2024MATE control centerMATE Control-center is a configuration tool for easily setting up your MATE environment.8p)Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilspkgconfig(appindicator3-0.1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(dconf)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libmarco-private)pkgconfig(libmate-menu)pkgconfig(libmatekbd)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libxklavier)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-settings-daemon)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(unique-3.0)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)pkgconfig(xxf86misc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ! S $B@BA BEBJ1Cmate-desktop1.28.23pclos2024Library with common APIs for various MATE modulesThis package contains some data files and other shared components of the MATE user environment.#Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   autoconfautoconf-archiveintltooliso-codeslibrsvgmate-commonpkgconfig(dconf)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk-doc)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)'d & TT XoxB@BABEBJCmate-dock-applet19.10.01pclos2020An application dock applet for the MATE panelMATE Dock Applet is a MATE Panel applet that displays running application windows as icons. The applet features options to pin applications to the dock, supports multiple workspaces, and can be added to any MATE Panel, regardless of size and orientationGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64 python3lib64glib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-dock-applet-19.10.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmFbb1fe6bd8814c4b7a2db51792fac0435./SRPMS.pclosd  -T XoxB@BABEBJCmate-emerald0.9.51pclos2015MATE emeraldEmerald window decoration for Compiz.Graphical desktop/Matex86_64 mate-compiz-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-emerald-0.9.5-1pclos2015.src.rpm88967c8a0e961c457fdb5397bc502d45./SRPMS.pclosd ' ` ,B@5BAdBEhBJCmate-emerald-themes0.9.52pclos2018Themes for Emerald, a window decorator for Compiz FusionEmerald is themeable window decorator and compositing manager for Compiz Fusion. This package contains themes for emerald.]Graphical desktop/Matenoarch libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-emerald-themes-0.9.5-2pclos2018.src.rpmb0abe972c61e3655843275e896028b004./SRPMS.pclosd" - f  ,B@4BAhBElBJCmate-emerald-themes-extra0.9.51pclos2018Themes for Emerald, a window decorator for Compiz FusionEmerald is themeable window decorator and compositing manager for Compiz Fusion. This package contains extra themes for emerald.Graphical desktop/Matenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-emerald-themes-extra-0.9.5-1pclos2018.src.rpmׄ434bb1aaea57053b04c7575ce157e8af./SRPMS.pclosd ) Bp tB@BABEBJCmate-extras-login-sound1.03pclos2020MATE Play sound at loginPlay a sound at login to the MATE dekstop.z7Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-extras-login-sound-1.0-3pclos2020.src.rpm|e9802af71f3b44ed05686eae6983a1af./SRPMS.pclosOd $ L B@BABE BJACmate-extras-mmkeys0.12pclos2020Multimedia key support for MATE DesktopSupport for multimedia keys with the MATE desktop. Converts GNOME dbus calls to MPRIS2.OGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-extras-mmkeys-0.1-2pclos2020.src.rpm a4869ad7ccef147d42f5acaec49fa0e0./SRPMS.pcloscd  + J B@BA0BE4BJUCmate-faenza-icon-theme1.20.11pclos2020MATE Desktop faenza icon themeThis package contains the Mate Faenza icon theme for MATE.*Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 hicolor-icon-thememate-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-faenza-icon-theme-1.20.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm*8e53df95a3d80adc940efa4e4181f7d4./SRPMS.pcloscd   A $ L  B@ BA0BE4BJUCmate-fondo1.3.91pclos2020Find the most beautiful wallpapersFind a variety of the most beautiful wallpapers from Unsplash.com the world’s most generous community of photographers. Fondo allows you to see thousands of beautiful photographs from the most recent to the one you are to looking for. Give a simple click on a picture to set as your MATE wallpaper, wait until the download is complete and enjoy! Have a simple and elegant interface, you can change from light mode to dark mode as you prefer.40Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 desktop-file-utilsintltoollib64appstream-develmesonvalapkgconfig(granite)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-fondo-1.3.9-1pclos2020.src.rpm4&a6120bcc3f46b142f5df9ca723fa2cd4./SRPMS.pclosWd $ ?d hB@BA$BE(BJICmate-icon-theme1.28.01pclos2024MATE desktop default iconsDefault icon theme for MATE DesktopTGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   icon-naming-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) * F B@/BA`BEdBJCmate-indicator-applet1.28.02pclos2024MATE Panel applet indicatorA small applet to display information from various applications consistently in the panel.`Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64  intltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64harfbuzz-devellib64indicator3-devellib64mate-panel-applet-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develmate-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mate-indicator-applet-1.28.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm']65d143bfe82a3c5dcd92efa2ad23d06d./SRPMS.pclosd   3t x   B@'BALBEPBJqCmate-media1.28.11pclos2024MATE media programsMedia utilities for the MATE desktop, including an audio mixer. Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   intltoolitstoolpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libmatemixer)pkgconfig(libmatepanelapplet-4.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) .M60f014f89b7ad23b98dc6a8a79f2a0e9./SRPMS.pclosod   B, 0GPlB@BA<BE@BJaCmate-menu19.04.05pclos2022Advanced Menu for the MATE DesktopAn advanced menu for MATE. Supports filtering, favorites, auto-session, and many other features. This menu originated in the Linux Mint distribution and has been ported to other distributions that ship the MATE Desktop Environment.IGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64 pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)intltoolpkgconfig(python3)python3-distutils-extrapython3-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-menu-19.04.0-5pclos2022.src.rpm25325b3327976d5d146fddfe7795bd50./SRPMS.pclosd   1H Lcl;B@bBABEBJCmate-menus1.28.01pclos2024MATE menu libraryThe package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from freedesktop.org: http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/menu-spec Also contained here are the MATE menu layout configuration files, .directory files and assorted menu related utility programs.Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   autoconf-archivemate-commonpkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(python-2.7)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ' N  B@BADBEHBJiCmate-modernjazz-theme1.01pclos2014Modern Jazz Theme for the Mate DesktopThis package will install the Mate Modern Jazz theme and switch grub,bootsplash, gdm login and background to this theme..IGraphical desktop/Matenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mate-modernjazz-theme-1.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm.S!235a46912d68472ee042b69247e1e6c6./SRPMS.pcloskd ! E    B@BA8BE<BJ]Cmate-netbook1.26.01pclos2021MATE Desktop window management toolThis package provides a simple window management tool which provides the following functionality: * Allow to set basic rules for window types; * Allow exceptions to the rules based on string matching for window name and window class; * Allows reversing of rules when the user manually changes something; * Re-decorates windows on un-maximizeGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64  intltoolitstoolyelp-toolspkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libfakekey)pkgconfig(libmatepanelapplet-4.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(unique-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - R  8 K B@BABEBJCmate-notification-daemon1.28.01pclos2024Notification daemon for MATE DesktopA daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications as per the Desktop Notifications spec (http://galago.info/specs/notification/index.php).lGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   intltoollibxml2-utilspkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)0.782.   VL PgpeB@BABEBJCmate-panel1.28.21pclos2024The core programs for the MATE GUI desktop environmentMATE (yerba maté) is a user-friendly set of applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System. The MATE panel packages provides the mate panel, menus and some basic applets for the panel.23Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   itstoolmate-commonpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(dconf)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libmate-menu)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(mateweather)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(sm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools1.16.02.362.363.  K|    B@BABEBJ Cmate-polkit1.28.11pclos2024PolicyKit integration for the MATE desktopPolicyKit authentication agent for MATE desktop.YGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   intltoolpkgconfig(appindicator3-0.1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(polkit-agent-1)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ' : DB@2BA`BEdBJCmate-power-manager1.28.11pclos2024MATE Power ManagerMATE Power Manager uses the information and facilities provided by UPower displaying icons and handling user callbacks in an interactive MATE session.fGraphical desktop/MATEx86_64   autoconf-archiveitstoolmate-commonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(libmatepanelapplet-4.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libwnck-3.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(upower-glib)pkgconfig(xproto)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools1.|2a91e0081f8bc0944f737b67c1329a34./SRPMS.pclos3d ( Gt xB@BABEBJ%Cmate-random-background1.61pclos2024Mate desktop wallpaper changerMakes changes to your MATE desktop in desired random intervals. Simply place pics of your favorite images in your ~/Wallpapers folder. With the notify icon menu you can make changes on the fly or from selected intervals. * Supports muliple workspaces. * Supports png, jpg, jpeg, gif, and bmp images.=0, ySoundi586  ladspa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   7 B@BA0BE4BJUCmcpp2.7.22pclos2017Alternative C/C++ preprocessorC/C++ preprocessor defines and expands macros and processes '#if', '#include' and some other directives. MCPP is an alternative C/C++ preprocessor with the highest conformance. It supports multiple standards: K&R, ISO C90, ISO C99, and ISO C++98. MCPP is especially useful for debugging a source program which uses complicated macros and also useful for checking portability of a source. Though mcpp could be built as a replacement of GCC's resident proprocessor or as a stand-alone program without using library build of mcpp, this package installs only a program named 'mcpp' which links shared library of mcpp and behaves independent from GCC.Cbb2 Development/C++x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mcpp-2.7.2-2pclos2017.src.rpmE6ecff1b588525433e199ed8121b89436./SRPMS.pclosd   -, 0AHTB@BABEBJCmcs0.7.21pclos2011Modular Config Systemmcs is a library and set of userland tools which abstract the storage of configuration settings away from userland applications. It is hoped that by using mcs, that the applications which use it will generally have a more congruent feeling in regards to settings. There have been other projects like this before (such as GConf), but unlike those projects, mcs strictly handles abstraction. It does not impose any specific data storage requirement, nor is it tied to any desktop environment or software suite.sSystem/Librariesx86_64 libmowgli-devellibGConf2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mcs-0.7.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmq7325967f2052011ee671d5788bc6a467./SRPMS.pclos_d   * B@ BA,BE0BJQCmd4c0.5.21pclos2024C Markdown parserMD4C is C Markdown parser with the following features: * Compliance: Generally MD4C aims to be compliant to the latest version of CommonMark specification. Right now fully compliant to CommonMark 0.28. * Extensions: MD4C supports some commonly requested and accepted extensions. * Compactness: MD4C is implemented in one source file and one header file. * Embedding: MD4C is easy to reuse in other projects, its API is very straightforward: There is actually just one function, md_parse(). * Push model: MD4C parses the complete document and calls callback functions provided by the application for each start/end of block, start/end of a span, and with any textual contents. * Portability: MD4C builds and works on Windows and Linux, and it should be fairly simple to make it run also on most other systems. * Encoding: MD4C can be compiled to recognize ASCII-only control characters, UTF-8 and, on Windows, also UTF-16, i.e. what is on Windows commonly called just "Unicode". See more details below. * Permissive license: MD4C is available under the MIT license. * Performance: MD4C is very fast.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1md4c-0.5.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm;71fd585955a3a4eef85dc55105f9240d./SRPMS.pclos +d    B@BABEBJ Cdemd5deep4.11pclos2012Compute MD5 message digests on an arbitrary number of filesBerechnet MD Prüfsummen für eine beliebige Anzahl Dateienmd5deep is a cross-platform program to compute MD5 message digests on an arbitrary number of files. The program is known to run on Windows(tm), Linux, FreeBSD, OS X, Solaris, and should run on most other platforms. md5deep is similar to the md5sum program found in the GNU Coreutils package, but has the following additional features: * Recursive operation - md5deep is able to recursive examine an entire directory tree. That is, compute the MD5 for every file in a directory andf for every file in every subdirectory. * Time estimation - md5deep can produce a time estimate when it's processing very large files. * Comparison mode - md5deep can accept a list of known hashes and compare them to a set of input files. The program can display either those input files that match the list of known hashes or those that do not match.Plattformunabhängige Berechnung von MD5 Prüfsummen von einer beliebigen Anzahl von Dateien. Die Anwendung läuft auf Windows™, Linux, FreeBSD, OS X, Solaris, und sollte auf den meisten anderen Plattformen auch ausgeführt werden können. md5deep ist ähnlich dem md5sum-Programm in den GNU-Coreutils-Paket, hat aber folgende zusätzliche Merkmale: * rekursive Operation - md5deep ist in der Lage, rekursiv eine gesamte Verzeichnis-Struktur zu prüfen. Das heißt, berechnen Sie die MD5 für jede Datei in einem Verzeichnis und für jede Datei in jedem Unterverzeichnis. * Zeit Schätzung - md5deep kann eine Zeit-Schätzung erzeugen, wenn sehr große Dateien zu verarbeitet sind. * Vergleich Modus - md5deep kann eine Liste von bekannten Hasheswerten akzeptieren und diese mit einer Reihe von eingegebenen Dateien vergleichen. Die Anwendung kann entweder die Eingabedateien, die der Liste der bekannten Hashwerten entsprechen oder diejenigen, die nicht übereinstimmen, anzeigen.:NealFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1md5deep-4.1-1pclos2012.src.rpmFW159d68d75368a1a51d49c89ca626110e./SRPMS.pclosd   B\ `fpxB@BABEBJCmda-lv21.2.22pclos2019LV2 port of the MDA effects and synthsDA-LV2 is an LV2 port of the well-known VST MDA plugins by Paul Kellett. It contains 36 high-quality effects and instruments, with one of the greatest virtual pianos among them. The full documentation of the original VST's is here: http://mda.smartelectronix.com/vst/help/index.htm!&qSoundx86_64 pkgconfig(lv2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mda-lv2-1.2.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm!0y164bf4f4d71fd112aa8f336a7da8f48c./SRPMS.pcloskd   A B@BA8BE<BJ]Cmdadm3.41pclos2016A tool for managing Soft RAID under Linuxmdadm is a program that can be used to create, manage, and monitor Linux MD (Software RAID) devices. As such is provides similar functionality to the raidtools packages. The particular differences to raidtools is that mdadm is a single program, and it can perform (almost) all functions without a configuration file (that a config file can be used to help with some common tasks).WSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 groffrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mdadm-3.4-1pclos2016.src.rpm6079858b63f147bbf3644d9343ddd0a5./SRPMS.pclosd   [ ]B@lBABEBJCmdbtools0.6pre12pclos2009MDB Tools accesses data stored in Microsoft Access databasesMDB Tools is a suite of programs for accessing data stored in Microsoft Access databases.Databasesi586 libglade2.0-devellibgnomeui2-develunixODBC-develImageMagickbisonflexglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mdbtools-0.6pre1-2pclos2009.src.rpmIe6888581c47fd610b904847c42a7f81e./SRPMS.pclosgd   + B@ BA4BE8BJYCmdc0.51pclos2013Music Download CenterMusic Download Center helps you search and download music, listen to many thousands of webradios and discover and download new music while browsing the internet.KenSoundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mdc-0.5-1_32bitonly_pclos2013.src.rpmd8dbc5b42e565a58e367a38333303a2a./SRPMS.pclosKd   I B@BABEBJ=Cmdf2iso0.3.11pclos2019Alkohol 120 CD Images (.mdf) to ISO converterMDF2ISO is a very simple utility to convert an Alcohol 120 bin images to the standard ISO-9660 format..$Archiving/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mdf2iso-0.3.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm5md17c1d1c77d48a14da26b7aa4964b6dd./SRPMS.pclosd   >LP X_dhB@BABEBJCmdic0.8.12pclos2013Multilingual Dictionary for GNU/LinuxMDic is a complete Multilingual Dictionary for GNU/Linux. It is a graphical dictionary client for GNU/Linux Systems. It enables you to search through dictionary databases for a word or phrase, then displays suitable definitions. The back/forward functionality is also implemented, enabling you to quickly go back to the result of previous queries. MDic is able to process the content of the clipboard, so it’s easy to combine MDic with your web browser or text editor. Use mdicconv to convert between dictionary formats.>pinoc32Officei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mdic-0.8.1-2pclos2013.src.rpmFM2636420633f76a1bc18ce930839ada68./SRPMS.pclosd   n JB@VBA|BEBJCmdicconv0.2.6.11pclos2013Small program to convert a dictionary file type in another dictionary file typeMDicConv is a small program to convert a dictionary file type in another dictionary file type.Spinoc32Officei586 gcc-c++libxml2-devellibsqlite3-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mdicconv-   0 |B@BA8BE<BJ]Cmdm2.0.191pclos2018The MDM Display ManagerMDM stands for MDM Display Manager (not Mint Display Manager and not MATE Display Manager) :) It provides your system with a nice login screen which is easy to use, to configure and to theme.!oGraphical desktop/Matex86_64  automakegettextgnome-commongnome-doc-utilsintltoolrarianx11-server-xorgconsolekit-devellibaudit-devellibcanberra-gtk-devellibcheck-devellibdmx-devellibGConf2-devellibglade2-devellibgnomecanvas2-devellibrsvg2-devellibwebkitgtk-devellibwrap-devellibxklavier-develpam-develpolkit-1-develUPower-devellibpthread-stubsitstoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!I4508f3c1dfb526ac138fc5ffa5966024./SRPMS.pclos_d   O B@BA,BE0BJQCmdvinput1.6.61pclos2019Small program for set keyboard, mouse and touchpadIt's small utility for setup keyboard, mouse and touchpad for replace lxinput and other on lightweight DE.Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mdvinput-1.6.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm!dd5e8395cf0c8f5853dfbc5795386f7e./SRPMS.pclosOd    0B@BABE BJACdeme-tv1.4.0.102pclos2013Me TV is a digital television (DVB) viewer for GNOMEMe TV ist ein Betrachter für digitales Fernsehen (DVB)Me TV is a digital television (DVB) viewer for GNOME. Me TV was developed for the modern digital lounge room with a PC for a media centre that is capable of normal PC tasks (web surfing, word processing and watching TV). It is not designed to be a full-blown media centre, such as MythTV, but will integrate well with an existing GNOME desktop.Me TV ist ein Betrachter für digitales Fernsehen (DVB) für GNOME. Me-TV wird für den modernen digitalen Aufenthaltsraum entwickelt, der mit einem PC als Media-Center ausgestattet ist, welcher aber auch für normale PC Aufgaben wie (Web-Surfen, Textverarbeitung und Fernsehen) einsatzbereit ist. Es ist nicht so gestaltet, dass es ein komplettes Media-Center wie z.B. MythTV ist, aber es wird sich gut in einen bestehenden GNOME-Desktop integieren lassen.Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 perl-libxml-perlpkgconfiglib64xine-devellib64gnome2_0-devellib64gnomeui2_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gnet-2.0-develintltoollib64gnomemm2.6-devellib64gnomeuimm2.6_1-develgcc-c++gettext-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64xtst-develsqlite3-develimagemagickgnome-commonlib64xml++2.6-develvlc-devellib64unique-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1me-tv-   E  ^B@tBABEBJCmeanwhile1.1.12pclos2023Lotus Sametime Community Client libraryThe heart of the Meanwhile Project is the Meanwhile library, providing the basic Lotus Sametime session functionality along with the core services; Presence, Messaging, Conferencing, and Storage. This extensible client interface allows additional services to be added to a session at runtime, allowing for simple integration of future service handlers such as whiteboard, screen-sharing, and file transfer.J^System/Librariesx86_64   doxygenglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tommath-devel2.23.0.4-14.6.0-1meanwhile-1.1.1-2pclos2023.src.rpmg7ca8b2a128f89c8c5d3df49b0a960c7d./SRPMS.pclosd $ ; sB@BABEBJCmedia-downloader5.3.01pclos2025Youtube Downloader GUIThis project is a Qt/C++ based frontend to youtube-dl and it can be used to download any media file supported by youtube-dl.5}pinocVideox86_64  cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1media-downloader-5.3.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm5K618eb7084dc150f41700720e91df2163./SRPMS.pclos[d " R B@BA(BE,BJMCmedia-player-info171pclos2012Data files describing media player capabilitiesMedia player info is a repository of data files describing media player (mostly USB Mass Storage ones) capabilities. These files contain information about the directory layout to use to add music to these devices, about the supported file formats, etc. The package also installs a udev rule to identify media player devices.;NealSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch libudev-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1media-player-info-17-1pclos2012.src.rpmCc98b777a4a2dae2733606715f90f2183./SRPMS.pclosd " R ,B@?BAhBElBJCmedia-player-info241pclos2024Data files describing media player capabilitiesThis is the freedesktop.org media player information database. This package contains udev rules to identify media players as well as a compilation of .mpi files describing the media player capabilities of these devices. This information used to live in hal-info, but it has been moved to its own package as part of the "halectomy".System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  localespkgconfig(udev)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1media-player-info-24-1pclos2024.src.rpm>d84edeb7e67863ceb7d0f1b5944fc4dc./SRPMS.pclosd   ^( ,7@HoB@xBABEBJCmediacheck7.31pclos2011Utilities for the insertion/verification of iso embedded MD5 sumsThe mediacheck package contains utilities for the insertion and verification of embedded MD5 checksums in iso images. These tools form part of the RedHat Anaconda installer, with this from version 7.3.>File toolsx86_64 newt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mediacheck-7.3-1pclos2011.src.rpm9ffe131877b11aafcdcc62120336584b0./SRPMS.pclosd'dS]c n b bbb b c B@cBAcBEcBJdCdebebgcaesfrhrhuiditjakoltnlplptpt-BRrusqsvthukzh-CNzh-TWmediainfo23.111pclos2024Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (CLI)zeigt technische und zusätzliche Tag-Informationen über Video- und Audiodateien (CLI)MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file. What information can I get from MediaInfo? * General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration... * Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... * Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... * Text: language of subtitle * Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters What format (container) does MediaInfo support? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB) (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF * Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMIMediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo liefert technische und zusätzliche Tag-Informationen über Video- und Audiodateien. Es ist freie Software (kostenlos und freier Zugriff auf den Quellcode unter GPL- oder LGPL-Lizenz) Welche Informationen liefert MediaInfo? * Grundsätzliches: Titel, Autor, Regisseur, Album, Titelnummer, Datum, Spieldauer... * Video: Codec, Bildseitenverhältnis, Bildfrequenz, Bitrate... * Audio: Codec, Samplingrate, Kanäle, Sprache, Bitrate... * Text: Sprache der Untertitel * Kapitel: Anzahl der Kapitel, Kapitelübersicht Welche Formate (Container) unterstützt MediaInfo? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Untertitel: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo дазваляе атрымліваць тэхнічныя дадзеныя і тэгі з відэа- або аўдыё- файлаў. Гэта - бясплатнае праграмнае забеспячэнне (без усякай аплаты і з вольным доступам да зыходнага кода, ліцэнзіі GPL або LGPL) Якую інфармацыю я магу атрымаць ад MediaInfo? * Асноўная : назва, аўтар, рэжысёр, альбом, нумар гукавой дарожкі, дата, працягласць... * Відэа : кодэк, суадносіны бакоў, частата кадраў, бітрэйт... * Аўдыё : кодэк, каналы, мова, бітрэйт... * Тэкст : мова субтытраў * Часткі : колькасць частак, спіс частак Якія фарматы (кантэйнеры) падтрымлівае MediaInfo? * Відэа : MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Кодэкі: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Аўдыё : OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Субтытры: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo предоставя подробна техническа информация и инфромазия за таговете на даден видео или аудио файл. Програмата е с безплатен лиценз (без такси и със свободен достъп до сорс кода: GPL или LGPL лиценз) Каква информация можете да получите чрез MediaInfo? * Обща: заглавие, автор, продуцент, албум, номер на песента, дата, продължителност... * Видео: кодек, мащаб, кадри в секунда, bitrate... * Аудио: кодек, честота, канали, език, bitrate... * Текст: език на субтитрите * Глави: брой глави в DVD филм, списък на главите Какви формати поддържа MediaInfo? * Видео: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Кодеци: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Аудио: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Субтитри: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo us proporciona informació tècnica quant als vostres arxius de vídeo i àudio. És una aplicació de codi lliure (gratuïta i accessible al codi font). Quina informació es pot obtenir mitjançant MediaInfo? * General: títol, autor, director, àlbum, nombre de pista, data, duració... * Vídeo: còdec, aspecte, imatges per segon, ràtio... * Àudio: còdec, freqüència de mostratge, canals, idioma, ràtio... * Informació estesa: idioma dels subtítols * Capítols: nombre i llistat de capítols Quins formats (contenidor) suporta MediaInfo? * Vídeo: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Àudio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Subtítols: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo provee información técnica y de la etiqueta sobre un archivo video o audio. Éste es un software libre (gratuito y de libre acceso al código fuente: GPL o licencia LGPL) ¿Qué información puedo obtener con MediaInfo? * General: título, autor, director, álbum, número de pista, fecha, duración... * Video: códec, aspecto, fps, bitrate... * Audio: códec, frecuencia de muestreo, canales, lenguaje, bitrate... * Texto: idioma de subtítulo * Capítulos: número de capítulos, lista de capítulos ¿Qué formatos soporta MediaInfo? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Códecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Subtítulos: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo fournit des informations techniques et les tags à propos de vos fichiers video et audio. C'est un logiciel "libre" (libre de ne rien payer, et libre accès au code source, licence GPL ou LGPL) Quelles informations puis-je avoir avec MediaInfo? * General : titre, auteur, réalisateur, album, numéro de piste, date, durée... * Video : codec, forme, images/s, débit... * Audio : codec, Fréquence, nombre de cannaux, langue, débit... * Texte : codec, langue des sous-titres * Chapitres : nombre de chapitres, liste des chapitres Quels formats (conteneur) MediaInfo sait-il lire? * Video : MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs : DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio : OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Sous-titres : SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). Što je to MediaInfo? MediaInfo je program koji korisnika opskrbljuje tehničkim i tagovnim informacijama o nekoj video- ili audio-datoteci. Radi se o slobodnom softveru (slobodan plaćanja i slobodan u pristupu izvorskom kôdu sukladno GPL ili LGPL dopuštenjima) Koje informacije mogu dobiti pomoću MediaInfo? * Općenito: naslov, autor, redatelj, album, redni broj snimka, nadnevak, trajanje... * Video: kôdek, razmjere, fps, tempo protoka... * Audio: kôdek, učestalost uzorkovanja, kanali, jezik, tempo protoka... * Tekst: jezik prijevoda podnaslova * Poglavlja: broj poglavlja, spisak poglavlja Koje oblike datoteka (spremnika) podržava MediaInfo? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Kôdeki: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Podnaslovi: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). A MediaInfo műszaki és jelölési (tag) adatokat szolgáltat mozgókép- és hangfájlokról. A program szabad szoftver (ingyenes, forráskódja szabadon elérhető GPL vagy LGPL engedéllyel). Milyen adatokat szolgáltat a MediaInfo? * Általános: cím, szerző, rendező, album, sáv szám, dátum, hossz... * Mozgókép: kódek, képarány, képsebesség, adatsebesség... * Hang: kódek, mintavételezési gyakoriság, csatornák, nyelv, adatsebesség... * Szöveg: a feliratozás nyelve * Fejezet: fejezetek száma, fejezetek listája Milyen formátumokat (gyűjtőket) ismer a MediaInfo? * Mozgókép: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Kódekek: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Hang: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Felirat: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo memberikan informasi teknikal dan data mengenai berkas video dan audio. MediaInfo adalah software yang gratis dan bebas untuk dimodifikasi (Anda bisa mengakses kode sumber berlisensi GPL maupun LGPL) Indormasi apa saja yang bisa saya dapat dari MediaInfo? * Umum : Judul, pembuat, direktor, album, nomor trek, tanggal, durasi... * Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... * Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... * Subtitel: Bahasa dari subtitel * Bab (chapter): Nama chapter, nomor chapter Format apa saja yang didukung MediaInfo * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Subtitel:: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo da informazioni tecniche su file video o audio. E' un programma gratuito (non necessita pagamento ed è possibile accedere al codice sorgente gratuitamente, licenza GPL o LGPL) Quali informazioni posso ottenere con MediaInfo? * Generali : titolo, autore, regista, album, numero della traccia, data, durata... * Video : codec, aspect ratio, fps, bitrate... * Audio : codec, sample rate, canali, lingua, bitrate... * Sottotitoli : lingua del sottotitolo * Capitoli : numero dei capitoli, lista dei capitoli Che tipo di formato (contenitore) è supportato da MediaInfo? * Video : MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codec: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Sottotitoli: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo はビデオ、オーディオ ファイルが使用するコーデックについてのタグ及び技術的な詳細情報を調査し見易くフレンドリーな形式でイクスポートできるツールです MediaInfo はフリーです ( 無料で使用できて 自由にソースコードへアクセスできることを意味します: 適用ライセンスは GPL 及び LGPL です ) MediaInfo で調査できる情報は? * 全般情報: タイトル, 製作者, ディレクター, アルバム, トラック番号, 日付, プレイ時間... * ビデオ: コーデック, 解像度, fps, ビットレート... * オーディオ: コーデック, サンプル レート, チャンネル, 言語, ビット レート... * テキスト: 字幕の言語 * チャプター: チャプター番号、チャプターリスト MediaInfo がサポートするフォーマット(コンテナ)は? * ビデオ: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * オーディオ: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * 字幕: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo는 비디오나 오디오 파일에 대한 태그 정보와 기술 정보를 제공해주는 무료 소프트웨어입니다. (공개 소프트웨어: GPL 또는 LGPL 라이센스) MediaInfo에서 어떤 정보를 얻을 수 있나요? * 일반: 제목, 작가, 디렉터, 앨범, 트랙 개수, 날짜, 재생 시간... * 비디오: 코덱, 종횡비, fps, 비트레이트... * 오디오: 코덱, 샘플레이트, 채널, 언어, 비트레이트... * 텍스트: 자막의 언어 * 챕터: 챕터 개수, 챕터 리스트 MediaInfo는 어떤 포맷(컨테이너)을 지원하나요? * 비디오: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, 퀵타임, 리얼, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (코덱: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * 오디오: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * 자막: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo teikia techninę ir papildomą informaciją apie video arba audio failus. Tai yra laisva programinė įranga (nemokama ir su leidimu prieiti prie programos pirminio teksto: GPL arba LGPL licencija) Kokią informaciją aš gausiu iš MediaInfo? * Bendra: antraštė, autorius, direktorius, albumas, takelio numeris, data, trukmė.... * Video: kodekas, aspektas, kps, bitreitas... * Audio: kodekas, atrankos tempą, kanalai, kalba, bitreitas... * Tekstas: subtitrų kalba * Skyrius: skyrių skaičius, skyrių sąrašas Kokį formatą (talpyklą) palaiko MediaInfo? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Kodekai: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Subtitrai: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo levert technische en tag-informatie over een video- of audiobestand. Dit is gratis software (gratis gebruik en gratis toegang tot broncode, GPL of LGPL licentie) Wat voor informatie kan ik van MediaInfo krijgen? * Algemeen: titel, auteur, regisseur, album, tracknummer, datum, tijdsduur... * Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... * Audio: codec, samplerate, kanalen, taal, bitrate... * Tekst: taal van ondertiteling * Hoofdstukken: telling van hoofdstukken, lijst van hoofstukken Welk formaat (container) wordt door MediaInfo ondersteund? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Ondertiteling: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo dostarcza informacji technicznych i pochodzących ze znaczników o plikach audio i wideo. Jest programem darmowym (bezpłatnym i z otwartym kodem źródłowym na licencji GPL lub LGPL) Czego można się dowiedzieć z pomocą MediaInfo? * Ogólne: tytuł, autor, reżyser, album, numer nagrania, data, czas trwania... * Wideo: kodek, proporcje obrazu, ilość klatek na sekundę, przypływność bitów... * Audio: kodek, częstotliwość próbkowania, liczba kanałów, język, przypływność bitów... * Tekst: język napisów * Rozdziały: liczba rozdziałów, lista rozdziałów Jakie formaty (zawartość) obsługuje MediaInfo? * Wideo: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (kodeki: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Napisy: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). O MediaInfo fornece informação técnica e de etiqueta sobre um arquivo de vídeo ou áudio. Este programa é gratuito (livre de custo e de acesso ao código fonte: licença GPL ou LGPL) Que tipo de informação eu consigo com o MediaInfo? * Geral: título, autor, diretor, álbum, número da faixa, data, duração... * Vídeo: codec, resolução, fps, taxa de bits... * Áudio: codec, taxa de amostragem, canais, idioma, taxa de bits... * Texto: idioma da legenda * Capítulos: número de capítulos, lista de capítulos Quais formatos (container) o MediaInfo suporta? * Vídeo: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Áudio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Legendas: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). O MediaInfo proporciona informações técnicas e informações sobre tags de seus arquivos de áudio ou vídeo.. Esse programa grátis (livre de cobrança e de código fonte livre: licença GPL ou LGPL) Quais informações eu consigo usando o MediaInfo? * Geral: título, autor, diretor, álbum, número da faixa, data, duração... * Vídeo: codec, aspécto, fps (quadros por segundo), taxa de bits... * Áudio: codec, taxa de amostragem, canais, idioma, taxa de bits... * Texto: idioma da legenda * Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters Quais formatos (containers) o MediaInfo suporta? * Vídeo: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Áudio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Legendas: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo позволяет получать техническую информацию из видео- или аудио- файлов. Это - свободное программное обеспечение (распространяется бесплатно и с исходным кодом, доступным по лицензии GPL или LGPL) Какую информацию я могу получить с помощью MediaInfo? * Основная: название, автор, режиссер, альбом, номер звуковой дорожки, дата, продолжительность... * Видео: кодек, отношение сторон, частота кадров, скорость потока... * Аудио: кодек, каналы, язык, скорость потока... * Текст: язык субтитров * Части: количество частей, список частей Какие форматы (контейнеры) поддерживает MediaInfo? * Видео: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Кодеки: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Аудио: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Субтитры: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo paraqet informacione teknike dhe etiketuese për skedat filmike e zanore. Ky softuer jepet falas (pa pagesë dhe me akses të lirë në kodin burimor: licenca GPL ose LGPL) Ç'informacione mund të marr nga MediaInfo? * Kryesore: titulli, autori, regjisori, albumi, numri i kolonës, data, kohëzgjatja... * Video: kodeku, aspekti, fps, raporti i bitit... * Audio: kodeku, raporti i shëmbëllimit, kanale, gjuha, raporti i bitit... * Tekst: gjuha e titrave * Kapituj: numri i kapitujve, lista e kapitujve Ç'formate (mbajtës) përkrah MediaInfo? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Kodekë: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Titra: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo tillhandahåller teknisk information om video och ljudfiler. Detta är ett gratis program (gratis att användas och gratis att använda källkoden, GPL eller LGPL licens) Vilken information kan jag få från MediaInfo? * Allmäna: titel, författare, regissör, album, spår-nummer, datum, längd... * Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... * Ljud: codec, samplingshastighet, kanaler, språk, bitrate... * Text: språk på undertexten * Kapitel: antal kapitel, kapitellista Vilka format stödjer MediaInfo? * Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Ljud: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Undertexter: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo เป็นโปรแกรมที่ใช้แสดงข้อมูลด้านเทคนิคและข้อมูล tag ของไฟล์วีดีโอและไฟล์เสียง นี่เป็นโปรแกรมฟรี ฟรีทั้งราคาและฟรีสำหรับการเข้าถึงซอร์สโค้ด: GPL หรือ LGPL licence) ข้อมูลอะไรที่ฉันจะได้จาก MediaInfo? * ทั่วไป: ชื่อเพลงหรือชื่อเรื่อง, ผู้เขียน, director, อัลบัม, เลขที่แทร็ค, วันที่, ระยะเวลา... * วีดีโอ: codec, aspect, fps, บิตเรต... * เสียง: codec, แซมเปิลเรต, ช่องสัญญาณ, ภาษา, บิตเรต... * ข้อความ: ภาษาของคำบรรยาย * เชปเตอร์: เลขที่เชปเตอร์, รายการของเชปเตอร์ รูปแบบ (container) อะไรบ้างที่ MediaInfo สนับสนุน? * วีดีโอ: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * เสียง: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * คำบรรยาย: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo дозволяє отримувати технічну та тегову інформацію з ваших відео і аудіо файлів. Це є вільне програмне забезпечення (безкоштовний та вільний доступ до вихідного коду: GPL або LGPL ліцензії) Яку інформацію я можу отримати за допомогою MediaInfo? * Основна: назва, автор, режисер, альбом, номер звукової дорожки, дата, тривалість... * Відео: кодек, співвідношення сторін, частота кадрів, швидкість потоку... * Аудіо: кодек, частота дискретизації, канали, мову, швидкість потоку... * Текст: мова субтитрів * Частини: намерація частин, список частин Які формати (контейнери) підтримує MediaInfo? * Відео: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (Кодеки: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * Аудіо: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * Субтитри: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo 用来分析视频和音频文件的编码和内容信息。 MediaInfo 是自由软件 (免费使用、免费获得源代码,许可协议:GNU GPL/LGPL) 使用MediaInfo可以获得多媒体文件的哪些信息? * 内容信息:标题,作者,专辑名,音轨号,日期,总时间…… * 视频:编码器,长宽比,帧频率,比特率…… * 音频:编码器,采样率,声道数,语言,比特率…… * 文本:语言和字幕 * 段落:段落数,列表 MediaInfo支持哪些文件格式? * 视频:MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (编码器:DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * 音频:OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * 字幕:SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI...MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface). MediaInfo 提供影音檔案有關技術上與標籤的資訊. 這是自由軟體 (無須花費, 且也可以自由存取原始碼, 為 GPL 或 LGPL 授權) 我能從 MediaInfo 獲得哪些資訊? * 一般: 標題, 作者, 導演, 專輯, 曲目, 日期, 播放長度... * 視訊: 編解碼器 (CODECs), 畫面比例, 每秒影格數, 流量... * 音訊: 編解碼器, 取樣率, 聲道數, 語言, 流量... * 文字: 字幕語言 * 章節: 章節總數, 章節列表 MediaInfo 支援哪些 (容器) 格式? * 視訊: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... (編碼內容: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) * 音訊: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... * 字幕: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI... 0File toolsx86_64   dos2unixgcc-c++lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellibmediainfo-devellibzen-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib-devel23.090.4.413.0.4-14.6.0-1mediainfo-23.11-1pclos2024.src.rpm 6ae6f0a0309365a9b9c400a11e209bd0./SRPMS.pcloscd # K 4B@BA0BE4BJUCmediastreamer24.4.211pclos2021Audio/video real-time streaming libraryMediastreamer2 is a powerful lightweight streaming engine for voice/video telephony applications.9ZSystem/Librariesx86_64 bcmatroska2-develcmakeffmpeg-develgsm-devellibpcap-devellibv4l-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(bctoolbox)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libbcg729)pkgconfig(libbzrtp)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libsrtp2)pkgconfig(libupnp)pkgconfig(libvpx)pkgconfig(opus)pkgconfig(ortp)pkgconfig(speex)pkgconfig(speexdsp)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(vpx)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xv)vim-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mediastreamer2-4.4.21-1pclos2021.src.rpm9od955539796bb9f8ca7ce5f54cf1c414f./SRPMS.pclosd   2` d}  C B@UBA|BEBJCmediatomb0.12.12pclos2011UPnP AV MediaServerMediaTomb - UPnP AV Mediaserver for Linux. 38Networking/Remote accessi586 sqlite3-devellibmagic-develjs-devellibid3-develtaglib-devellibexif-develcurl-develffmpeg-develexpat-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mediatomb-0.12.1-2pclos2011.src.rpm @32dadbe27a5c8c80be3c04eea490fd43./SRPMS.pclosd   \ ,B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cdemedit1.2.01pclos2014Multiplatform GTK+2 text editorMultiplattform GTK+2 TexteditorMedit is a GTK text editor. Started as an editor component of GGAP (http://ggap.sourceforge.net/), it grew up to a real full-featured text editor.Medit ist ein GTK Texteditor. Den Anfang bildete eine Editorkomponente von GGAP (http://ggap.sourceforge.net/), aber es wuchs zu einem realen Texteditor mit vielen Funktionen.Editorsx86_64 gtk2-devellib64xml2-devellib64pcre0-develpygtk2.0-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1medit-1.2.0-1pclos2014.src.rpma18d1b52659f47ad4f08b83ed2044386./SRPMS.pclosd   5  4>H | U B@pBABEBJCmednafen1.32.11pclos2024Multi-consoles EmulatorMednafen emulates several consoles: Apple II/II+ Atari Lynx Neo Geo Pocket (Color) WonderSwan GameBoy (Color) GameBoy Advance Nintendo Entertainment System Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom Virtual Boy PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD) SuperGrafx PC-FX Sega Game Gear Sega Genesis/Megadrive Sega Master System Sega Saturn (experimental, x86_64 only) Sony PlayStation Warning: No GUI.6Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64  bisonlib64SDL-devellib64SDL_net-devellib64alsa2-devellib64cdio-devellib64flac12-devellib64glew-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64vorbis0-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1mednafen-1.32.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm66a4fa8e855dc5d8600e9047da94f27f3./SRPMS.pclosd # @ (,HB@PBA|BEBJCmednafen-server0.5.21pclos2016Mednafen Network Play ServerThis CLI-driven server aims at providing multiplayer gaming over a LAN for mednafen emulator. Look at the provided documentation for an example config file and usage.Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mednafen-server-0.5.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm7bd0aba515df3c247c752861b5d3b9b61./SRPMS.pclosd   D WB@hBABEBJCmednaffe0.9.31pclos2024A front-end (GUI) for Mednafen emulatorMednaffe is a front-end (GUI) for Mednafen emulator. For now Mednaffe only works with 1.22.1 or higher versions of mednafen emulator. IAgent Smith Emulatorsx86_64  lib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mednaffe-0.9.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm o\df155cf6ffc021212f1d24664f567122./SRPMS.pclosd   P AB@TBA|BEBJCmeerk40t0.9.70101pclos2025MIT licensed open-source laser cutting software.MeerK40t (pronounced MeerKat) is a built-from-the-ground-up MIT licensed open-source laser cutting software. The primary goal of this software is to provide users with high quality laser control software and provide developers with a highly extensible platform to help further their own ideas, and provide novel work to the laser community at large.(TerryNGraphicsnoarch  pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develpython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1meerk40t-0.9.7010-1pclos2025.src.rpm)/3c1ba5878f03eb40de3eaec9e272f3f7./SRPMS.pclosd   @ 8B@@BAdBEhBJCmegactl0.4.11pclos2010LSI megaraid adapters status trackerThis project is a small collection of programs for examining configuration and status of LSI megaraid adapters, especially Dell PERC RAID adapters, and attached storage devices. System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1megactl-0.4.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmI6e4e26e55989961710c7e24fb921e2ff./SRPMS.pclosd   d CB@TBAxBE|BJCmegasync5.4.11pclos2024Easy automated syncing between your computers and your MEGA cloud driveMegaSync is software that allows you to connect to your Mega account and sync your files online and across your computers.8Networking/Remote accessx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sd3.0.4-14.6.0-1megasync-5.4.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmuc01f0c24868a7b75aeba235c53e1a7f6./SRPMS.pclosd  c  <B@DBAlBEpBJCmei-amt-check0.01pclos2019A simple tool that tells you whether AMT is enabled and provisionedA simple tool that tells you whether AMT is enabled and provisioned on Linux systems. Requires that the mei_me driver (part of the upstream kernel) be loaded.Monitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mei-amt-check-0.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm!cc9ffaec53d5680a7bc4ab6da305ac9e./SRPMS.pclosd  4t xB@2BATBEXBJyCmeld3.22.11pclos2024Visual diff and merge toolMeld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. It helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and the tabbed interface allows you to open many diffs at once. Meld has has support for many popular version control systems including Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, SVN and CVS. The diff viewer lets you edit files in place (diffs update dynamically), and a middle column shows detailed changes and allows merges. The margins show location of changes for easy navigation. ZFile toolsx86_64  desktop-file-utilsintltoolitstoollib64python3-devellibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1meld-3.22.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm b704f99154f54731ff8103d28aef7d84./SRPMS.pclosd  ;H LR\B@BABEBJCmellowplayer3.6.81pclos2022Another audio music player*MellowPlayer* is a **free**, **open source** and **cross-platform** desktop application that runs **web-based music streaming services** in its own window and provides **integration with your desktop** (hotkeys, multimedia keys, system tray, notifications and more).NgSoundx86_64 cmakelib64boost-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64notify-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5labstemplates-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64x11-devellibstdc++-devellibxcb-develmakemesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mellowplayer-3.6.8-1pclos2022.src.rpmne177dea6597bf0a05b35a496e45481151./SRPMS.pclosd   /d hnx|B@BABEBJCmelodie2.0.01pclos2023Simple Music playerMelodie is a portable, simple-as-pie music player!Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1melodie-2.0.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm<78ca2071dad39d06c1439365cf8b0fd8./SRPMS.pclosd   1L PV`B@0BAPBETBJuCmelody2.2.11pclos2020Music player for LinuxMusic player for Linux.͸Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgcclib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64granite-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64taglib-develmesonninjavalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1melody-2.2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm)9d8d38233c615667257f641298d6b8ad./SRPMS.pclosd   Kd hw|  [ B@nBABEBJCmemcached1.4.51pclos2010High-performance memory object caching systemmemcached is a flexible memory object caching daemon designed to alleviate database load in dynamic web applications by storing objects in memory. It's based on libevent to scale to any size needed, and is specifically optimized to avoid swapping and always use non-blocking I/O.System/Serversi586 autoconf2.5automake1.7doxygenlibevent-devellibsasl-develcyrus-saslsasl-plug-plainsasl-plug-crammd5sasl-plug-sasldblibxslt-procperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1memcached-1.4.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm2ffea59fe18e9f264bf31147a2fc40e9./SRPMS.pclosd   Ax |.B@;BA\BE`BJCmemphis0.2.35pclos2019Map rendering application and libraryMemphis is a map-rendering application and a library for OpenStreetMap written in C using eXpat, Cairo and GLib. Features: * Parsing of nodes and ways from a OSM XML export file. * XML file format to define drawing rules. * Dynamic adaptable drawing rules. * Cairo rendering engine. * GObject based API. System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(expat)vala-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1memphis-0.2.3-5pclos2019.src.rpm c6ed896b5be55990b3c056eaed6e7d6d./SRPMS.pclosd   H VB@aBABEBJCmemprof0.6.21pclos2010Tool for memory profiling and leak detectionMemProf is a tool for profiling memory usage and detecting memory leaks. It can be used with existing binaries without need for recompilation.Development/Otheri586 libbinutils-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnomeui2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1memprof-0.6.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm97cc53e0ff8d91d3f295b168d5174972./SRPMS.pclosod   + B@BA<BE@BJaCmemtester4.7.11pclos2025Memory testerMemtest is a utility for testing the memory subsystem in a computer to determine if it is faulty.\Agent Smith Monitoringx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1memtester-4.7.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm~35a06f2764c0811ebe2ff3c748f8065e9./SRPMS.pclosod $ @ B@BA<BE@BJaCmendeleydesktop1.19.81pclos2021A Desktop reference managerMendeley Desktop is an excellent reference manager for Windows/Mac/Linux. You can sync your whole library through the internet. To activate the Mendeley Libre Office plugin open Writer and start Tools -> Extension Manager Click on Add.. and open the file /opt/mendeleydesktop/share/mendeleydesktop/openOfficePlugin/Mendeley-.oxt finally restart LibreOffice{pp Publishingx86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mendeleydesktop-1.19.8-1pclos2021.src.rpm ^dff93195509745dc1a25fdc3e11e98c9./SRPMS.pclos3d ! H LclB@BABEBJ%Cdemenu-cache1.1.06pclos2019A library to speed up freedesktop.org application menusEine Bibliothek zum Beschleunigen von freedesktop.org ProgrammmenüsLibmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up freedesktop.org application menus. It can be used as a replacement of libgnome-menu of gnome-menus. Advantages: 1. Faster loading of menus. 2. Ease of use. (API is very similar to that of libgnome-menu) 3. Lightweight runtime library. (Parsing of the menu definition files are done by menu-cache-gen when the menus are really changed.) 4. Less unnecessary and complicated file monitoring. 5. Greatly reduced disk I/O.Libmenu-cache ist eine Bibliothek zum Erstellen und Verwenden des Caches zum Beschleunigen des Freedesktop.org Programmmenüs. Es dient als Ersatz für libgnome-menü von GNOME-Menüs. Vorteile: 1. Schnelleres Laden der Menüs. 2. Einfache Handhabung. (API ist einfacher zu verwenden als das libgnome-menu) 3. Leichtere Laufzeitbibliothek. 4. Weniger unnötige sowie komplizierte Datei Überwachung. 5. Erhebliche reduzierter Disk I/O.Graphical desktop/LXDEx86_64 glib2-develintltoollibfm-devellibfm-gtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1menu-cache-1.1.0-6pclos2019.src.rpm!0ee06dd281b898af01c7fcdee254fa5a./SRPMS.pclos[d ! HL SjtB@BA(BE,BJMCdemenu-cache1.1.11pclos2025A library to speed up freedesktop.org application menusEine Bibliothek zum Beschleunigen von freedesktop.org ProgrammmenüsLibmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up freedesktop.org application menus. It can be used as a replacement of libgnome-menu of gnome-menus. Advantages: 1. Faster loading of menus. 2. Ease of use. (API is very similar to that of libgnome-menu) 3. Lightweight runtime library. (Parsing of the menu definition files are done by menu-cache-gen when the menus are really changed.) 4. Less unnecessary and complicated file monitoring. 5. Greatly reduced disk I/O.Libmenu-cache ist eine Bibliothek zum Erstellen und Verwenden des Caches zum Beschleunigen des Freedesktop.org Programmmenüs. Es dient als Ersatz für libgnome-menü von GNOME-Menüs. Vorteile: 1. Schnelleres Laden der Menüs. 2. Einfache Handhabung. (API ist einfacher zu verwenden als das libgnome-menu) 3. Leichtere Laufzeitbibliothek. 4. Weniger unnötige sowie komplizierte Datei Überwachung. 5. Erhebliche reduzierter Disk I/O.2danielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64  glib2-develintltoollibfm-devellibfm-gtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1menu-cache-1.1.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm d5e06bc6c9871852ebab97446006b602./SRPMS.pclosd   @B@KBAlBEpBJCdemercurial6.41pclos2023A fast, lightweight distributed source control management systemEin schnelles und leichtgewichtiges QuellkodeverwaltungssystemMercurial is a fast, lightweight source control management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.Mercurial ist ein schnelles, leichtgewichtiges Quellkodeverwaltungssystem, mit dem Ziel der effizienten Handhabung von sehr großen verteilten Projekten. Haupteigenschaften sind: * delta-komprimierte Datei Speicherung und Retrieval-System * Vollständige Kreuz-Indizierung von Datei-und changesets für eine effiziente exploration Geschichte des Projekts * Robuste SHA1-Integritätsprüfung und append-only Lagerung Modell * Dezentrale Entwicklung Modell mit beliebigen Verschmelzung zwischen Verzeichnisse * High-Speed-HTTP-basierten Netzwerk-Protokoll Fusionierung * Easy-to-use Befehlszeilen-Schnittstelle * Integrierter Stand-Alone Web-Interface * Kleine Python-CodebasisLDevelopment/Otherx86_64 asciidocpython3-develpython3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mercurial-6.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmL,42c227a4e36d16a7e223618b90d5be36./SRPMS.pclos7d % LT XgpB@BABEBJ)Cmercury-browser129.0.21pclos2024Firefox based browser for highend CPUsFirefox fork with compiler optimizations and patches from Librewolf, Waterfox, and GNU IceCat. It aims to be the Firefox equivalent of Thorium (a Chromium fork). Compiler optimizations include AVX, AES, LTO and PGO. This browser will not run on lower end CPUs. Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1mercury-browser-129.0.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm(.866793380619793ba6bd5218d24e255a./SRPMS.pclosgd   2 B@BA4BE8BJYCmerkuro24.12.31pclos2025Calendar ApplicationCalendar application using Akonadi to sync with external services (NextCloud, GMail, ...). ,Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1merkuro-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm ]da431158b27de14f0cc19ee0649d1631./SRPMS.pclos;d  Cl p),))B@BABE BJ-Cmesa24.3.42pclos2025OpenGL 4.6 compatible 3D graphics libraryOpenGL compatible 3D graphics libraryDSystem/Librariesx86_64   bisonflexgccgccmakedepglslanglib64clang-devellib64drm-devellib64elfutils-devellib64expat-devellib64spirv-llvm-translator-devellib64talloc-devellib64udev0-devellib64unwind-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-devellib64xdamage-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xmu-devellib64xrandr-devellib64xshmfence-devellib64xt-devellib64xxf86vm-devellibclc-devellibgcrypt-devellibxcb-develllvm-devellm_sensors-develmakedependmesonpython-makopython3-libxml2python3-makopython3-yamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wayland-protocols-develx11-proto-devel19.   H $B@rBABEBJCmesa-demos8.5.01pclos2022Demos for Mesa (OpenGL compatible 3D lib)Mesa is an OpenGL 2.1 compatible 3D graphics library. This package contains some demo programs for the Mesa library.q@Graphicsx86_64  tcltexinfopkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xt)pkgconfig(xmu)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(expat)gccmakedepx11-proto-develpkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(freeglut)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  < B@BABEBJ!Cmesa-libGLU0.0.11pclos2019Fake package for mesa-libGLUThis package is a fake-package to provide a dependency for the google-earth-pro-stable rpm!Tweaksx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mesa-libGLU-0.0.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm5424e913d9645b8ca6067b0d02bea3caa./SRPMS.pclos+d  88 <[dtB@BABEBJCmeson1.7.01pclos2025High productivity build systemMeson is a build system designed to optimize programmer productivity. It aims to do this by providing simple, out-of-the-box support for modern software development tools and practices, such as unit tests, coverage reports, Valgrind, CCache and the like.KZSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch  python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1meson-1.7.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmn7824d78d130f3fa4be258b8fbba26ffc./SRPMS.pclos+d   2H Lcl|B@BABEBJCmessagelib24.12.31pclos2025Libs for messagesLibs for messages.q]rGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gitkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1messagelib-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmq9e6e0c65e5d17d4ee7e4027dce53b67c./SRPMS.pclosd " D   ,YB@cBABEBJCmetacafe-dl200807232pclos2010Download Videos from matacafe.commetacafe-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from metacafe.com, based on the code of youtube-dl. Hence, it has the same requirements and features, and its syntax is very similar.8VVideonoarch pythoncoreutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1metacafe-dl-20080723-2pclos2010.src.rpm2235d08040576b8bce69df22065d75f3./SRPMS.pclosd   U8< ]flpB@BABEBJCmetacam1.23pclos2007Command line tool to read the EXIF extensions in JPEG files Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. In contrary to the tools "exif" and "gexif" (and all other libexif-based tools as "gphoto2") this tool gives a much easier readable summary of camera settings. But the speciality of this program is that it knows many manufacturer-specific entries for Nikon, Canon, and Olympus cameras. The tool is very compact, the executable has only a size of around 87 kb.|&Texstar Graphicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1metacam-1.2-3pclos2007.src.rpm"23bea0cfa06ef90c4ac0763a30a807e7./SRPMS.pclosd   5l pB@BABEBJCmetacity3.42.01pclos2022Metacity window managerMetacity is a window manager for the GNOME Desktop.Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(pangoxft)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(libgtop-2.0)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)intltoolitstoolyelp-toolszenityrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1metacity-3.42.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmgfa121c5c2a5e3b8e61b7cccb5aadb8b0./SRPMS.pclosd   1 B@)BALBEPBJqCmetakit2.4.9.74pclos2017Embeddable databaseMetaKit is an embeddable database which runs on Unix, Windows, Macintosh, and other platforms. It lets you build applications which store their data efficiently, in a portable way, and which will not need a complex runtime installation. In terms of the data model, MetaKit takes the middle ground between RDBMS, OODBMS, and flat-file databases - yet it is quite different from each of them.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 tcl-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1metakit-}e541dd3820a323cfc6a668ed4cbe4cf9./SRPMS.pclosd   Y  -=DPB@BABEBJCmetamail2.713pclos2007A program for handling multimedia mail using the mailcap fileMetamail is a system for handling multimedia mail, using the mailcap file. Metamail reads the mailcap file, which tells Metamail what helper program to call in order to handle a particular type of non-text mail. Note that metamail can also add multimedia support to certain non-mail programs. Metamail should be installed if you need to add multimedia support to mail programs and some other programs, using the mailcap file.]tTexstar Networking/Maili586 termcap-develXFree86rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1metamail-2.7-13pclos2007.src.rpmkf8212bf86a3cc74d3c038cae69e40447./SRPMS.pclosd  I  L C B@^BABEBJCmeteo0.9.9.21pclos2023Forecast application using OpenWeatherMap APIKnow the forecast of the next hours & days. Developed with Vala & Gtk, using OpenWeatherMap API. Features: - Current weather, with information about temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction, sunrise & sunset. - Forecast for next 18 hours. - Forecast for next five days. - Choose your units (metric, imperial or british). - Choose your city, with maps help. - Awesome maps with weather info. - System tray indicator.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64  desktop-file-utilsintltoollib64appindicator3-devellib64appstream-glib-devellib64json-glib-devellib64webkit2-develmesonpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1meteo-   A &B@2BATBEXBJyCmeteo-qt3.32pclos2023Weather status system tray applicationA Qt system tray application for the weather status Weather data from: http://openweathermap.org/ %_Graphical desktop/Othernoarch imagemagickpython-qt5-develpython3qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1meteo-qt-3.3-2pclos2023.src.rpm ,)0a88101c54cab7ddac340a33bc2fbf32./SRPMS.pclosd  U B@+BALBEPBJqCmetis5.1.01pclos2015Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix OrderingMETIS is a set of serial programs for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes, and producing fill reducing orderings for sparse matrices. The algorithms implemented in METIS are based on the multilevel recursive-bisection, multilevel k-way, and multi-constraint partitioning schemes developed in our lab.;>System/Librariesx86_64 cmakeopenmpi-develpcre-develhelp2manlibgomp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1metis-5.1.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm;92418b4b7c5c3eb812f95a857eaa8a43./SRPMS.pclosd   @  $@B@HBAlBEpBJCmezzanine1.91pclos2007A Software Product Management SystemMezzanine is a collection of tools, written primarily in Perl, which automate and simplify many of the tasks associated with maintaining, building, and releasing software products.k;MDawkinsDevelopment/Toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mezzanine-1.9-1pclos2007.src.rpm_ae4f7705398c272b29898b58e90e0cba./SRPMS.pclosd   r WB@bBABEBJCdemftrace1.2.201pclos2020Generates scalable fonts for TeXKonvertiert Metafont-Schriften in Type1-Schriftenmftrace is a small Python program that lets you trace a TeX bitmap font into a PFA or PFB font (A PostScript Type1 Scalable Font) or TTF (TrueType) font. It is licensed under the GNU GPL. Scalable fonts offer many advantages over bitmaps, as they allow documents to render correctly at many printer resolutions. Moreover, Ghostscript can generate much better PDF, if given scalable PostScript fonts.Bei Mftrace handelt es sich um ein kleines Python-Programm, das es Ihnen erlaubt, eine TeX-Bitmap-Schrift (Metafont-Schrift) in eine PFA- oder PFB-Schrift (skalierbare PostScript-Type1-Schrift) nachzuzeichnen. Es ist unter der GNU GPL lizensiert. Type1-Schriften bieten viele Vorteile gegenüber Bitmaps, da sie es erlauben, PostScript-Dateien richtig in vielen Auflösungen auf Druckern auszugeben. Außerdem kann GhostScript mit skalierbaren Schriften viel besseres PDF erzeugen.}Publishingx86_64 lib64autotrace-develpotracepython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mftrace-1.2.20-1pclos2020.src.rpmAe36576e5a2ce80a41cf29bb212221488./SRPMS.pclos7d   L  D  B@BABEBJ)Cmget0.1.91pclos2016Fast multithreaded metalink/file/website downloaderThis is a command line download manager. It splits the file into a number of segments and uses several separate threads to download each segment. It can handle proxies.Networking/File transferx86_64 pkgconfiglib64gnutls-devellib64idn-devellibtoolgtk-docgettext-develflexlib64nghttp2-devellib64bzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mget-0.1.9-1pclos2016.src.rpmY52baad49a26a1c31359d20353227804b./SRPMS.pclosCd   L ( P  B@BABEBJ5Cmget0.1.92pclos2017Fast multithreaded metalink/file/website downloaderThis is a command line download manager. It splits the file into a number of segments and uses several separate threads to download each segment. It can handle proxies.Jbb2 Networking/File transferx86_64 pkgconfiglib64gnutls-devellib64idn-devellibtoolgtk-docgettext-develflexlib64nghttp2-devellib64bzip2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mget-0.1.9-2pclos2017.src.rpm7902c43920af2651ef3609823d260743./SRPMS.pclosd   Pp t   B@.BAPBETBJuCmgetty1.1.361pclos2011A getty replacement for use with data and fax modemsThe mgetty package contains a "smart" getty which allows logins over a serial line (i.e., through a modem). If you're using a Class 2 or 2.0 modem, mgetty can receive faxes. If you also need to send faxes, you'll need to install the sendfax program. If you'll be dialing in to your system using a modem, you should install the mgetty package. If you'd like to send faxes using mgetty and your modem, you'll need to install the mgetty-sendfax program. If you need a viewer for faxes, you'll also need to install the mgetty-viewfax package.NCommunicationsx86_64 groff-for-mangccmakedepimakelibxext-develrmantetex-dvipstetex-latextexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mgetty-1.1.36-1pclos2011.src.rpmBd7983fadd7df24f38e3f313e37ccf7df./SRPMS.pclos7d  4 B@BABEBJ)Cmhash0.9.9.94pclos2019Thread-safe hash libraryMhash is a thread-safe hash library, implemented in C, and provides a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms (MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, TIGER, GOST). These algorithms can be used to compute checksums, message digests, and other signatures. The HMAC support implements the basics for message authentication, following RFC 2104.kiSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mhash-$=a76b5ffd7ecf81f087109b689df0f7bc./SRPMS.pclosd "    z B@BABEBJCdemhwaveedit1.4.211pclos2011mhWaveEdit is a graphical program for editing, playing and recording sound files.mhWaveEdit ein grafisches Programm zum bearbeiten, spielen und aufnehmen von AudiomhWaveEdit is a graphical program for editing, playing and recording sound files. It is lightweight, portable, user-friendly and handles large files very well. The program itself has only simple editing features such as cut'n'paste and volume adjustment but it can also use Ladspa effect plugins and the effects provided by the SoX application. It can also support additional file formats besides wav through libsndfile and mp3/ogg import and export through lame and oggenc/oggdec. For sound playback and recording, mhWaveEdit supports OSS, ALSA, Jack, SDL, PortAudio and EsounD.mhWaveEdit bietet zahlreiche Möglichkeiten um Sound Dateien zu bearbeiten, zurecht zu schneiden und in diversen Formaten zu speichern. Es ist resourcen schonend, portierbar, benutzerfreundlich und kannmit großen Dateien sehr gut umgehen. Das Programm selbst bietet nur einfache Editier Funktionen wie „ausschneiden und einfügen“ und eine Lautstärkenregelung, aber es kann ebenso die Ladspa Effekt-Erweiterungen, von den SoX-Anwendungen verwenden. Es bietet weitere Unterstützung neben wav, über libsndfile und mp3/ogg Import und Export bis zu lame und oggenc/oggdec. Für die Musikwiedergabe und Aufnahme, unterstützt mhWaveEdit OSS, ALSA, Jack, SDL, PortAudio und Esound.ǻSoundi586 pkgconfigsndfile-develSDL-develgtk+2-devellibsamplerate-develesound-develpulseaudio-devellibjack-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mhwaveedit-1.4.21-1pclos2011.src.rpm 6b11116ecb47a668b68f01e096a60ecc./SRPMS.pclosd  2` dltB@BABEBJCmicro2.0.91pclos2021Command line text editorA simple easy to use command line text editor8a]Editorsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1micro-2.0.9-1pclos2021.src.rpm8l!0306f4b58a89407c6dc37717c8d9eed1./SRPMS.pclosd   Ht xB@BABEBJCmicrodns0.2.01pclos2020Minimal mDNS resolver and announcer libraryMinimal mDNS resolver and announcer libraryoSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1microdns-0.2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmL2803df09b708bb9afd99610e30c84aec./SRPMS.pclosd   C rB@BABEBJCmicropolis4.02pclos2007City simulation based on Maxis SimCityCity-building simulation game originally released as SimCity by Maxis and subsequently released as free software, renamed to Micropolis.vTexstar Games/Strategyi586 libxpm4-devellibx11_6-devellibxext6-develbisonImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1micropolis-4.0-2pclos2007.src.rpmt^f3610657513e2433e29b2732f65935cf./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 S HB@[BABEBJCmicrosoft-edge-browser133.0.3065.921pclos2025Microsoft Edge browser for LinuxMicrosoft Edge is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.*KNetworking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1microsoft-edge-browser-133.0.3065.92-1pclos2025.src.rpm;a3c5142e868bf0a12527fb0d7bd57598./SRPMS.pclosd $ C 4B@<BAhBElBJCmidisport-firmware1.21pclos2007firmware for MidiSport devicesThis package allows you to use the MidiSport USB MIDI interfaces from M-Audio/Midiman with Linux. It sets up udev rules to automatically load the firmware into the device. Supported devices: - MidiSport 1x1 - MidiSport 2x2 - MidiSport 4x4 - MidiSport 8x8 - MidiSport Uno - Keystation - Oxygen - Radium (You don't need a firmware download for the USB Audio Quattro, Duo, or MidiSport 2x4.)Texstar System Environment/Daemonsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1midisport-firmware-1.2-1pclos2007.src.rpm648ece2d3068bff8fa425b93dcb12af1./SRPMS.pclosCd $ < B@BABEBJ5Cmidnite-icon-theme3.02pclos2023Icon theme set for MateThis package contains a custom set of icons Victory and a dark modified theme of SlicknesS.LGraphical desktop/MATEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1midnite-icon-theme-3.0-2pclos2023.src.rpmS388f1f7193b09099e4483672e49269e0./SRPMS.pclosd ! 4  HB@XBABEBJCmidori-browser11.51pclos2025Midori Web browserMidori Browser is a light, fast and secure browser that protects and loves to take care of your privacy and the security of your data. Enjoy thousands add-ons, ad blocker and much more.]pinocNetworking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1midori-browser-11.5-1pclos2025.src.rpm%d27e6c9f45c22885dca221d051072db1./SRPMS.pcloskd ' ; B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cmigration-assistant0.6.21pclos2011Migration AssistantMigration Assistant imports documents and settings from other operating systems during the install process.System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 libxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1migration-assistant-0.6.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmw2531b9a1ceb5f35551b29b9d383993bc./SRPMS.pclosd  Y  (B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cmigrationtools471pclos2011Tools for migrating local/NIS account information to LDAPThe MigrationTools are a set of Perl scripts for migrating users, groups, aliases, hosts, netgroups, networks, protocols, RPCs, and services from existing nameservices (flat files, NIS, and NetInfo) to LDAP. Please note that the migration scripts honour the following environment variables: DEFAULT_MAIL_DOMAIN LDAPADD Path the ldapadd executable, for online migration LDIF2LDBM Path the ldif2ldbm executable LDAPHOST Your LDAP server, for online migration. LDAP_BASEDN LDAP_BINDDN The distinguished name to bind to the LDAP server as, for online migration. LDAP_BINDCRED The password to bind to the LDAP server with, for online migration.System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1migrationtools-47-1pclos2011.src.rpm|<4ceca12051eff8e1ef91df663e9633b4./SRPMS.pclos+d   2p tzB@BABEBJCmikmod3.2.71pclos2016A MOD music file playerMikMod is one of the best and most well known MOD music file players for UNIX-like systems. This particular distribution is intended to compile fairly painlessly in a Linux environment. MikMod uses the OSS /dev/dsp driver including all recent kernels for output, and will also write .wav files. Supported file formats include MOD, STM, S3M, MTM, XM, ULT, and IT. The player uses ncurses for console output and supports transparent loading from gzip/pkzip/zoo archives and the loading/saving of playlists. Install the mikmod package if you need a MOD music file player.0Soundx86_64 lib64mikmod-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mikmod-3.2.7-1pclos2016.src.rpm9ce1a7484c773ad72245622de7174ab31./SRPMS.pclossd " k B@BA@BEDBJeCmilkytracker1.05.012pclos2025Multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker II, with special playback modes available for improved Amiga ProTracker 2/3 compatibility.Agent Smith Soundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1milkytracker-1.05.01-2pclos2025.src.rpm?L9bae2a138860ccb4c36f72323157bc78./SRPMS.pclosWd  N B@BA$BE(BJICmilou6.3.31pclos2025A dedicated search application built on top of BalooA dedicated search application built on top of Baloo.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1milou-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmB3e097599a520ae335ea2d3dedbd2ee35./SRPMS.pclosd  L  $,SB@\BABEBJCmime-construct1.91pclos2011Construct and optionally mail MIME messagesmime-construct constructs and (by default) mails MIME messages. It is entirely driven from the command line, it is designed to be used by other programs, or people who act like programs./Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mime-construct-1.9-1pclos2011.src.rpm6b59da8d4ff675cffddced11abc93379d./SRPMS.pclosd   <   4oB@{BABEBJCmimetic0.9.81pclos2020A full featured C++ MIME librarymimetic is an Email library (MIME) written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. It has been built around the standard lib. This means that you'll not find yet another string class or list implementation and that you'll feel comfortable in using this library from the very first time. Most classes functionalities and behavior will be clear if you ever studied MIME and its components; if you don't know anything about Internet messages you'll probably want to read some RFCs to understand the topic and, therefore, easily use the library whose names, whenever possible, overlap terms adopted in the standard RFC documents. At the very least: RFC 822, RFC 2045 and RFC 2046.Unspecifiedx86_64 gcc-c++doxygenfindutilsmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mimetic-0.9.8-1pclos2020.src.rpmc851cc6fc56e025ccbb8db8126716753d./SRPMS.pclos;d $ :T XoxB@BABE BJ-Cmimetreeparser24.12.31pclos2025Parser for MIME treesParser for MIME trees. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gitkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mimetreeparser-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm @25ce2387b68863b61a8c926b9cb7ade7./SRPMS.pclos;d  ,\ `oxB@BABE BJ-Cmin-browser1.34.11pclos2025Min BrowserMin is a smarter, faster web browser. It includes features such as: Information from DuckDuckGo in the searchbar. Built-in ad and tracker blocking Fuzzy search Full-text search for bookmarks Reading list Tabs improvements (tabs open to the right, and fade out when inactive).Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1min-browser-1.34.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm$y25b06891f8edb8688462fbf96541e9fa./SRPMS.pclosd   M &B@/BATBEXBJyCmin12xxw0.0.91pclos2011A printer filter for Minolta 1[234]xx W printersThis is min12xxw, a filter to convert pbmraw data such as produced by ghostscript to the printer language of Minolta 1[234]xx W printers.System/Printingx86_64 gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1min12xxw-0.0.9-1pclos2011.src.rpm3658c9355855a5ae4e88ea056f9d9214./SRPMS.pclosd   9 8B@@BAdBEhBJCmindcraft12.21pclos2013MineCraft - Java Arcade GameMinecraft allow players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world. Other activities in the game include exploration, gathering resources, crafting and combat.Games/Arcadenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mindcraft-12.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm̙c68bfcb7825c7e7ee15858f6eec56c2c./SRPMS.pclosd  g` du|B@BABEBJCmindi2.0.7.61pclos2011Mindi creates emergency boot disks/CDs using your kernel, tools and modulesMindi takes your kernel, modules, tools and libraries, and puts them on N bootable disks (or 1 bootable CD image). You may then boot from the disks/CD and do system maintenance - e.g. format partitions, backup/restore data, verify packages, etc.Archiving/Backupi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mindi- " C B@BABEBJCmindi-busybox1.18.31pclos2011Busybox version suited for MindiThis package provides a busybox version suited for Mindi.!]MArchiving/Backupi586 gccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mindi-busybox-1.18.3-1pclos2011.src.rpm!ynbb0383647da528ef510aeda6b0e73067./SRPMS.pclosd   bl p|5B@XBA|BEBJCminetest5.9.02pclos2024Open source voxel game engine and InfiniMiner/Minecraft-inspired gameMinetest in an open source voxel game engine. You can play one of the many games designed by its community, mod a game to your liking, make your own game, or play on a multiplayer server. After running for the first time you can install any games of your choice.vGames/Otherx86_64  bzip2-develcmakedoxygengettextgmp-devellib64sdl2.0-develpkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(jsoncpp)pkgconfig(leveldb)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(ncursesw)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(vorbisfile)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1minetest-5.9.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmvdc6b0f45176670f34fa34eb830ade2d3./SRPMS.pclosod   5 B@BA<BE@BJaCming0.4.32pclos2010Ming - an SWF output libraryMing is a c library for generating SWF ("Flash") format movies. This package only contains the basic c-based library.kSystem/Librariesi586  bisonchrpathflexfreetype2-develjpeg-develmultiarch-utilsperl-develpng-develpythonpython-devellibungif4-develzlib-devellibice-devellibsm-devellibx11-devellibxau-devellibxdmcp-develxcb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M (04PB@XBA|BEBJCmingetty1.082pclos2019A compact getty program for virtual consoles onlyThe mingetty program is a lightweight, minimalist getty program for use only on virtual consoles. Mingetty is not suitable for serial lines (you should use the mgetty program instead for that purpose).:GSystem/Basex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mingetty-1.08-2pclos2019.src.rpm@d2eb2b9b734ffd41593c2c433189f3e9./SRPMS.pclosd " @ 0B@BABEBJCmingw32-libp110.2.81pclos2012MingGW Windows libp11 libraryLibp11 is a library implementing a small layer on top of PKCS#11 API to make using PKCS#11 implementations easier. This is the MinGW cross-compiled Windows library.NealDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 libtoollibltdlgawkpkgconfigdoxygenlibgcrypt-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mingw32-libp11-0.2.8-1pclos2012.src.rpm28f6a7fc63980676efe09a5f6d0da9cb./SRPMS.pclosd   S0 4CLTB@BABEBJCminicom2.71pclos2014A text-based modem control and terminal emulation programMinicom is a simple text-based modem control and terminal emulation program somewhat similar to MSDOS Telix. Minicom includes a dialing directory, full ANSI and VT100 emulation, an (external) scripting language, and other features. Minicom should be installed if you need a simple modem control program or terminal emulator. Run 'minicom -s' as root to create a system wide configuration. Users need read/write permissions on the serial port devices in order to use minicom.LCommunicationsx86_64 lib64ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1minicom-2.7-1pclos2014.src.rpmTb91a1c12af150ace964e133246f36694./SRPMS.pclosd   1    B@BABEBJCminidlna1.1.51pclos2017DLNA server softwareMiniDLNA (aka ReadyDLNA) is server software with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients. It is developed by a NETGEAR employee for the ReadyNAS product line. So if you are looking for a NAS, please consider ReadyNAS first! minidlna installs as a service minidlna configuration file is located at /etc/sysconfig/minidlna - edit this as root!bb2 Videox86_64 automakeautoconflibtoollib64exif12-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64flac8-devellib64id3tag-devellib64jpeg-devellib64ogg-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1minidlna-1.1.5-1pclos2017.src.rpm4f535782ecf80f1fea3bd0739cdf1e9a./SRPMS.pclosOd   4 B@BABE BJACminitube3.9.32pclos2022A native YouTube clientRequires phonon4qt5-vlc installed and enabled for playback to work correctly. Minitube is a native YouTube client. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player. Minitube is not about cloning the original Youtube web interface, it strives to create a new TV-like experience.i#Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1minitube-3.9.3-2pclos2022.src.rpmoff9c0633cdab24ddcd6c8f48cd6e6caf./SRPMS.pclos[d   4 B@BA(BE,BJMCminitunes1.12pclos2011Yet another Music PlayerJust another music player, only better. This package has the wrong build number 1.1 so just bump the release number until the package 1.0 catches up.Soundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1minitunes-1.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmbd52b35122070b3a03d8a204bd08ed8d./SRPMS.pclosd   U4 8IPXzB@BABEBJCminiupnpc2.2.01pclos2020Library and tool to control NAT in UPnP-enabled routersminiupnpc is an implementation of a UPnP client library, enabling applications to access the services provided by an UPnP "Internet Gateway Device" present on the network. In UPnP terminology, it is a UPnP Control Point.=System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1miniupnpc-2.2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm?v8d67bf07b423b3ce135665f19b89be5b./SRPMS.pclos{d " B B@ BAHBELBJmCmint-backgrounds1.11pclos2018The desktop backgrounds for MDMThis package contains quality desktop backgrounds (for MDM) from Mint 'Serena' edition released by the Linux Mint project during Nov. 2016.S\System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mint-backgrounds-1.1-1pclos2018.src.rpmS275883c4a0967738748a773e2b144d9f./SRPMS.pclos+d ) @x |B@BABEBJCmint-common-artwork2017.101pclos2018Common artwork for MDMCommon resources and artwork for MDM display manager.(aSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mint-common-artwork-2017.10-1pclos2018.src.rpm(6cc61948c3c8fa3d3cfbef94a2679651./SRPMS.pclosCd % V B@BABEBJ5Cmint-mdm-themes2017.111pclos2018Assorted collection of GDM, HTML5 themes for MDMVarious classic GDM/HTML5 themes for the MDM display manager.|System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mint-mdm-themes-2017.11-1pclos2018.src.rpmvAf723ead50e24c9b74cef45126a831cb2./SRPMS.pclosd  + V B@ BATBEXBJyCmint-mdm-themes-extra2013.101pclos2018Collection of various HTML5 themes for MDMCherry-picked HTML5 themes for the MDM display manager, released during 2013. Source: https://samriggs.deviantart.complSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mint-mdm-themes-extra-2013.10-1pclos2018.src.rpmzc1e3d323fce7db9347e0956320160126./SRPMS.pclosWd   ?d hB@BA$BE(BJICminuet24.12.31pclos2025A KDE Software for Music EducationA KDE Software for Music Education.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(fluidsynth)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1minuet-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpma4402d873832448478e2ca91a3835418c./SRPMS.pclosd   ;  bB@mBABEBJCmirage0.9.5.21pclos2018A fast and simple image viewerMirage is a fast and simple GTK+ image viewer. Because it depends only on PyGTK, Mirage is ideal for users who wish to keep their computers lean while still having a clean image viewer.Graphicsx86_64 python-develdesktop-file-utilsX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mirage-   .LP UmtB@BA BE$BJECmirall1.1.41pclos2013The ownCloud ClientMirall owncloud-client enables you to connect to your private ownCloud Server. With it you can create folders in your home directory, and keep the contents of those folders synced with your ownCloud server. Simply copy a file into the directory and the ownCloud Client does the rest. NealGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 cmakeowncloud-csync-develiniparser-develqt4-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mirall-1.1.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm 362ec805cdc9a1987a5f88b978644796./SRPMS.pclosd   B  5B@>BA`BEdBJCmiredo1.2.41pclos2011Tunneling of IPv6 over UDP through NATsMiredo is an implementation of the "Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through NATs" proposed Internet standard (RFC4380). It can serve either as a Teredo client, a stand-alone Teredo relay, or a Teredo server, please install the miredo-server or miredo-client aproprietly. It is meant to provide IPv6 connectivity to hosts behind NAT devices, most of which do not support IPv6, and not even IPv6-over-IPv4 (including 6to4).~4Networking/Otherx86_64 libcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1miredo-1.2.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmga291305be29742f3bf570b118933e2bb./SRPMS.pclosd   A (B@2BAXBE\BJ}Cmirrordir0.10.499pclos2007Easy to use ftp mirroring packageEasy to use ftp mirroring package - simply use mirrordir ftp://some.where.com/dir /some/local/dirOTexstar Networking/File transferi586 automake1.4autoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mirrordir-0.10.49-9pclos2007.src.rpm}e41878d53a2f944a0ea6d427a75f1c91./SRPMS.pclosd  .  lB@BABEBJCmixxx2.0.01pclos2016Music DJing softwareMixxx allows DJs to mix music live with a clean, simple interface. Futhermore, Mixxx has a number of key features to help DJs in the mix: Beat estimation, parallel visual displays, and support for various DJ hardware controllers. Mixxx can be controlled through the GUI using the mouse, or by connecting MIDI devices to the computer. Commercial and custom build MIDI controllers can be used. The mapping between functions and MIDI controller values are done in text files.ӶSoundx86_64 pkgconfig(sndfile)qt4-develpkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(audiofile)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(taglib)pkgconfig(id3tag)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(libdjconsole)ladspa-devellib64vamp-plugin-sdk-develpkgconfig(libusb)pkgconfig(libgpod-1.0)pkgconfig(shout)portmidi-develffmpeg-develpkgconfig(protobuf)lib64chromaprint-develpkgconfig(rubberband)sconsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mixxx-2.0.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm;101e7a468ac4cf580a9102f5c12e6947./SRPMS.pclos;d   m  $  B@BABE BJ-Cmjpegtools1.9.07pclos2010Tools for recording, editing, playing back and mpeg-encoding video under linuxThe MJPEG-tools are a basic set of utilities for recording, editing, playing back and encoding (to mpeg) video under linux. Recording can be done with zoran-based MJPEG-boards (LML33, Iomega Buz, Pinnacle DC10(+), Marvel G200/G400), these can also playback video using the hardware. With the rest of the tools, this video can be edited and encoded into mpeg1/2 or divx video.LVideoi586  autoconf2.5gtk+2-devellibjpeg-devellibSDL_gfx-devellibxxf86dga-devellibquicktime-develnasmlibdv-develpulseaudio-devellibslang-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.993.0.4-1mjpegtools-1.9.0-7pclos2010.src.rpmH042de2c6783a5751dd85ac6bc1ed63ae./SRPMS.pclos;d   m  $  B@BABE BJ-Cmjpegtools2.0.04pclos2013Tools for recording, editing, playing back and mpeg-encoding video under linuxThe MJPEG-tools are a basic set of utilities for recording, editing, playing back and encoding (to mpeg) video under linux. Recording can be done with zoran-based MJPEG-boards (LML33, Iomega Buz, Pinnacle DC10(+), Marvel G200/G400), these can also playback video using the hardware. With the rest of the tools, this video can be edited and encoded into mpeg1/2 or divx video.$Videox86_64  autoconf2.5gtk+2-devellib64jpeg62-devellib64SDL_gfx15-devellib64xxf86dga-devellib64quicktime-develnasmlib64dv-develpulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.993.0.4-1mjpegtools-2.0.0-4pclos2013.src.rpmע6ea3af1213c68b2ec9c85be45c007510./SRPMS.pclosd !  0B@GBAlBEpBJCdemjpegtools2.1.03pclos2014Tools for recording, editing, playing back and mpeg-encoding video under linuxMJPEG-Tools zur Erfassung, Bearbeitung, Wiedergabe und MPEG-Video-CodierungThe MJPEG-tools are a basic set of utilities for recording, editing, playing back and encoding (to mpeg) video under linux. Recording can be done with zoran-based MJPEG-boards (LML33, Iomega Buz, Pinnacle DC10(+), Marvel G200/G400), these can also playback video using the hardware. With the rest of the tools, this video can be edited and encoded into mpeg1/2 or divx video.Die MJPEG-Tools sind eine Reihe grundlegender Werkzeuge zur Erfassung, Bearbeitung,Wiedergabe und Kodierung (in MPEG)von Video unter Linux. Videox86_64 nasmautoconf2.5lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_gfx-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64dv-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64jpeg-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64quicktime-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mjpegtools-2.1.0-3pclos2014.src.rpmGd8a8a295846089bdeb0d27014e9c6e1b./SRPMS.pclosd " i  $5<LB@BABEBJCmkahawa-client0.0.31pclos2010Mkahawa client is an open-source project that builds on Cafe Con LecheMkahawa cleint is an open-source project that builds on Cafe Con Leche or CCL - the nifty, cross-platform Internet Cafe billing and Management Software started by Bruno Deferrari. Networking/Otheri586  libfox1.6-devellibcclc-devellibccls-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) wM90b64e691b56fc1d5187afa0c9fa7ed1./SRPMS.pclosd  f  18HB@BABEBJCmkahawa-srv0.0.31pclos2010Mkahawa Server is an open-source project that builds on Cafe Con LecheMkahawa Server is an open-source project that builds on Cafe Con Leche or CCL - the nifty, cross-platform Internet Cafe billing and Management Software started by Bruno Deferrari.1UNetworking/Otheri586  libfox1.6-devellibcclc-devellibccls-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  W 5ELdB@BABEBJ5Cmkcfm1.0.14pclos2007Create summaries of font metric files in CID font directoriesThere is usually only one CID font directory on the X font path. Mkcfm will try to go through the subdirectories of that directory or the given directory, and create one summary of font metric files for each CIDFont (character descriptions) file and each CMap (Character Maps) file it finds. The summaries of font metric files are put in the existing CFM subdirectory. The CFM subdirectories are created when CID-keyed fonts are installed..Texstar Development/X11i586  libfontenc-devellibfs-devellibx11-devellibxfont-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " j, 06@D`B@hBABEBJCmkchromecast0.3.8.11pclos2019Cast audio and video from your Linux desktop to your Google Cast deviceThis is a python program to cast audio and video from your Linux desktop to your Google Cast devices or Sonos speakers. It is written in Python3, and it streams via node.js, ffmpeg, or avconv.HVideonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mkchromecast- " ] ?B@NBAxBE|BJCmkcomposecache1.2.21pclos2022Used for creating global (system-wide) Compose cache filesmkcomposecache is used for creating global (system-wide) Compose cache files. Compose cache files help with application startup times and memory usage, especially in locales with large Compose tables (e.g. all UTF-8 locales). The tool only makes sense with libX11 1.0.2 and higher. Included is a script mkallcomposecaches.sh that creates global cache files for all supported locales.System/X11x86_64  x11-util-macrospkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ݽedad9331dc510dc8dc21ae7d14e12368./SRPMS.pcloscd   b B@BA0BE4BJUCmkefiboot31.8.0.12pclos2022Standalone mkefiboot implementation for when Lorax is unavailableThis is a "friendly fork" standalone copy of mkefiboot that is normally part of Lorax. This project was made for the express purpose of supporting producing EFI boot capable media on Linux distributions where the full Lorax software package (which requires Anaconda, the Red Hat/Fedora installer) would not be available.hxTerryNSystem/Boot and Initx86_64 python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mkefiboot-   L$ (8@HtB@BABEBJCmkfontdir1.0.71pclos2019Create an index of X font files in a directoryMkfontdir creates an index of X font files in a directory. For each directory argument, mkfontdir reads all of the font files in the directory searching for properties named "FONT", or (failing that) the name of the file stripped of its suffix. These are converted to lower case and used as font names, and, along with the name of the font file, are written out to the file "fonts.dir" in the directory. The X server and font server use "fonts.dir" to find font files.TDevelopment/X11x86_64  x11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  L@ DT\pB@BABEBJ5Cmkfontscale1.2.21pclos2022Create an index of scalable font files for XFor each directory argument, mkfontscale reads all of the scalable font files in the directory. For every font file found, an X11 font name (XLFD) is generated, and is written together with the file name to a file fonts.scale in the directory.5Development/X11x86_64  libfontenc-develfreetype2-devellibx11-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)<e0a3cae6825f1fb8ec5ee723565652b9./SRPMS.pclos[d   V  D  B@BA(BE,BJMCmkinitrd6.0.9328pclos2025Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modulesmkinitrd creates filesystem images for use as initial ram filesystem (initramfs) images. These images are used to find and mount the root filesystem.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  device-mapper-develelfutils-devellibblkid-develparted-develpkgconfigpopt-develpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)util-linux-ng3.0.4-14.6.0-1mkinitrd-6.0.93-28pclos2025.src.rpm814df6abf2c9f83f454ce9c0620fe8cd5./SRPMS.pclos[d  ?dh B@BA(BE,BJMCmkinitrd-net1.1032pclos2007Network-booting initrd buildermkinitrd-net allows you to build initial ramdisk images (initrds) suitable for use with Etherboot and other network-booting software. This package contains two main utilities: mkinitrd-net (to build an initrd containing a specified set of network-card modules) and mknbi (to generate Etherboot-usable NBI images from a given kernel and initrd). It also contains a helper script mknbi-set which will maintain sets of initrds to match all your currently-installed kernels. mkinitrd-net uses code from the uClibc, busybox, and Etherboot projects.0fTexstar System/Kernel and hardwarei586 kernel-sourceglibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mkinitrd-net-1.10-32pclos2007.src.rpm0Qd7bf73ac4c3690a08a6ccacb07abe933./SRPMS.pclosd   #x |B@BABEBJCmkpatch0.2.21pclos2019MkPatchSimple drag and drop file gui for fast, acurate patch results when patching files.File toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mkpatch-0.2.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmS65c8a8fcda743dc7b926c0bda5f20ce1./SRPMS.pclossd ! D B@BA@BEDBJeCmkpxeinitrd-net1.51pclos2011PXE Network-booting initrd buildermkpxeinitrd-net is a derived program from mkinitrd-net. mkpxeinitrd-net allows you to build initial ramdisk images (initrds) suitable for use with PXE and Etherboot (Using PXE compatable mode) network-booting software. This package contains one main utility: mkpxeinitrd-net (to build an initrd containing a specified set of network-card modules). mkpxeinitrd-net uses code from busybox projects.20Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mkpxeinitrd-net-1.5-1pclos2011.src.rpmKNf7b63f9772febf8ba1039ba15d36d830./SRPMS.pclosd  X B@'BALBEPBJqCmkswap-uuid0.1.11pclos2013Create Linux swap partition with assigning UUID functionmkswap is modified from the mkswap in util-linux, but with the function to assign UUID of swap partition. This is specially used in Clonezilla. When the disk is cloned, the UUID of swap partition must be clone, too. Otherwise in some distribution the swap will fail. Since the UUID is assigned in /etc/fstab.ISystem/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 glibc-develglibc-headers-devellibext2fs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mkswap-uuid-0.1.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmQ;f6db4ac6d734794128c433f1cf111fd9./SRPMS.pclosd    E B@BABEBJ Cmktemp1.73pclos2019A small utility for safely making /tmp filesThe mktemp utility takes a given file name template and overwrites a portion of it to create a unique file name. This allows shell scripts and other programs to safely create and use /tmp files. Install the mktemp package if you need to use shell scripts or other programs which will create and use unique /tmp files.File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mktemp-1.7-3pclos2019.src.rpmf839a7ea41ae59c5dd08453a6875d306./SRPMS.pclosd   < 8uB@BABEBJCmkvtoolnix90.01pclos2025Matroska multimedia file utilsThese tools allow information about (mkvinfo) or extraction from (mkvdemux) or creation of (mkvmerge) or the splitting of (mkvsplit) Matroska files. lVideox86_64  docbook-style-xsllib64boost-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cmark-devellib64curl-devellib64ebml-devellib64expat1-devellib64flac12-devellib64fmt11-devellib64lzo-devellib64magic-devellib64matroska-devellib64ogg-devellib64vorbis0-develpo4aqt6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rubyxsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1mkvtoolnix-90.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm?c571c4e5cbf3e2e6e1f25042495418af./SRPMS.pclosd   CT XclpB@BABEBJCmkxauth1.716pclos2019A utility for managing .Xauthority filesThe mkxauth utility helps create and maintain X authentication databases (.Xauthority files). Mkxauth is used to create an .Xauthority file or to merge keys from another local or remote .Xauthority file. .Xauthority files are used by the xauth user-oriented access control program, which grants or denies access to X servers based on the contents of the .Xauthority file. The mkxauth package should be installed if you're going to use user-oriented access control to provide security for your X Window System (a good idea).JFile toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mkxauth-1.7-16pclos2019.src.rpm!0096ea1a8509b786a61496dffef49605./SRPMS.pclosd  N B@BABEBJ Cml85p0.2.01pclos2011Driver for the Samsung ML-85G and QL-85G winprintersDriver for the Samsung ML-85G and QL-85G winprinters.System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ml85p-0.2.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmy68cb6ff07503d649a66bc4d1d26c2199./SRPMS.pclosd   9tx ~*B@=BA`BEdBJCmldonkey3.0.63pclos2013Door to the 'donkey' networkMLDonkey is a door to the 'donkey' network, a decentralized network used to exchange big files on the Internet. It is written in a wonderful language, called Objective-Caml, and present most features of the basic Windows donkey client, plus some more: - It should work on most UNIX-compatible platforms. - You can remotely command your client, either by telnet, on a WEB browser, or with the GTK interface. - You can connect to several servers, and each search will query all the connected servers. - You can select mp3s by bitrates in queries (useful ?). - You can select the name of a downloaded file before moving it to your incoming directory. - You can have several queries in the graphical user interface at the same time. - You can remember your old queries results in the command-line interface. - You can search in the history of all files you have seen on the network. It can also access other peer-to-peer networks: - Direct Connect - Open Napster - Gnutella LimeWire - Soulseek - Audio Galaxy - OpenFT - Overnet - Bittorent - FileTP#IpinocSystem/Serversx86_64  camlp4gd-devellibrsvg-develncurses-develocamlocaml-lablgtk2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|3ff63807a07e460650fa0a295c470b3b./SRPMS.pclosKd   V B@BABEBJ=Cmlocate0.261pclos2019An utility for finding files by name via a central databaseMlocate is a locate/updatedb implementation. It keeps a database of all existing files and allows you to lookup files by name. The 'm' stands for "merging": updatedb reuses the existing database to avoid rereading most of the file system, which makes updatedb faster and does not trash the system caches as much as traditional locate implementations.File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mlocate-0.26-1pclos2019.src.rpm3387f9362bdd2e1c3c6b398d6a54e63a./SRPMS.pclosd   M **>*B@vBABEBJCmlt7.23.04pclos2024Media Lovin' Toolkit nonlinear video editing libraryMLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for television broadcasting. It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video editors, media players, transcoders, web streamers and many more types of applications. The functionality of the system is provided via an assortment of ready to use tools, xml authoring components, and an extendible plug-in based API.$Videox86_64  cmakeffmpegffmpeg-develimagemagickladspa-develninjanode-jspkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(eigen3)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(frei0r)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libdv)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libquicktime)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(movit)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(opencv4)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(rubberband)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(sox)pkgconfig(vorbis)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ruby-develswig3.0.4-14.6.0-1mlt-7.23.0-4pclos2024.src.rpmS&6334a6507c5e0d2dc56a8393db58d197./SRPMS.pcloscd 9B@BA0BE4BJUCmm1.4.21pclos2011OSSP mm (Shared Memory Allocation)The MM library is a 2-layer abstraction library which simplifies the usage of shared memory between forked (and this way strongly related) processes under Unix platforms. On the first layer it hides all platform dependent implementation details (allocation and locking) when dealing with shared memory segments and on the second layer it provides a high-level malloc(3)- style API for a convenient and well known way to work with data-structures inside those shared memory segments. The library is released under the term of an open-source (BSD-style) license because it's originally written for a proposed use inside next versions of the Apache webserver as a base library for providing shared memory pools to Apache modules (because currently Apache modules can only use heap-allocated memory which isn't shared accross the pre-forked server processes). The requirement actually comes from comprehensive modules like mod_ssl, mod_perl and mod_php which would benefit a lot from easy to use shared memory pools. Mostly all functionality (except for shared locks in addition to exclusive locks and multi-segment memory areas instead of single-segment memory areas) is already implemented and the library already works fine under FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris and should also adjust itself for most other Unix platforms with it's GNU Autoconf and GNU Libtool based configuration and compilation procedure.FDevelopment/Cx86_64  multiarch-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   W B@BA8BE<BJ]Cmm-common1.0.21pclos2021Build infrastructure and utilities for GNOME C++ bindingsThe mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries. It is only a required dependency for building the C++ bindings from the gnome.org version control repository. An installation of mm-common is not required for building tarball releases, unless configured to use maintainer-mode.)System/Librariesnoarch curlwgetmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mm-common-1.0.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm1`d5e63d895d2db8e33bb36d3eeff2a427./SRPMS.pclosd   q B@BABEBJ Cdemma16.061pclos2019Musical MIDI AccompanimentMusical MIDI-Begleitung, MMA, erzeugt Standard-MIDI-DateienMusical MIDI Accompaniment is an accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks for a soloist to perform over from a user supplied file containing chords and MMA directives. Is is very versatile and generates excellent tracks. It comes with an extensive user-extendable library with a variety of patterns for various popular rhythms, an extensive user manual, and several demo songs. MMA is a command line driven program. It creates MIDI files which need a sequencer or MIDI file play program.Musical MIDI-Begleitung, MMA, erzeugt Standard-MIDI-Dateien, die als Backup-Länge für einen Solisten verwendet werden können. Es wurde speziell für mich geschrieben - ich bin ein aufstrebender Saxophonist und wollte ein Programm zum "spielen" von Klavier und Schlagzeug und so konnte ich meine Jazz-Soli der Praxis erlernen. Mit MMA kann ich einen Track auf der Grundlage der Akkorde in einem Song erstellen, umzusetzen, um den richtigen Schlüssel für mein Instrument zu spielen bei schlechter Improvisationen, jedoch jetzt ein wenig besser wird.Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mma-16.06-1pclos2019.src.rpmfe0d04e6efedd13ef19f293e68b8452e./SRPMS.pcloswd   . B@BADBEHBJiCmmc1.8.21pclos2013Mobile Media ConverterThe Mobile Media Converter is a free video and audio converter that uses ffmpeg to convert between popular desktop formats like MP3, Windows Media Audio (wma), Ogg Vorbis Audio (ogg), Wave Audio (wav), MPEG video, AVI, Windows Media Video (wmv), Flash Video (flv) and commonly used mobile phones formats like AMR audio (amr, awb) and 3GP video. An integrated YouTube downloader is available for direct downloading and converting to any of these formats! Most of the times, the only data that you must enter is the input file(s) or just drag 'n' drop the input file(s)! The 3GP and AMR formats are used by mobile phones for MMS, for video and sound recordings, etc.KenVideoi586 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mmc-1.8.2-1_32bitonly_pclos2013.src.rpmf3ad39aa0f8c737b38a9fd1d2bb577c4./SRPMS.pclosd <HLW`dB@BABEBJCmmv1.01b1pclos2011Move/copy/append/link multiple filesThis is mmv, a program to move/copy/append/link multiple files according to a set of wildcard patterns. This multiple action is performed safely, i.e. without any unexpected deletion of files due to collisions of target names with existing filenames or with other target names. Furthermore, before doing anything, mmv attempts to detect any errors that would result from the entire set of actions specified and gives the user the choice of either aborting before beginning, or proceeding by avoiding the offending parts.File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mmv-1.01b-1pclos2011.src.rpmfa2af79e8dc40b2064a543120a431170./SRPMS.pclosd!* 5 Y  (RB@[BABEBJCmobile-broadband-provider-info201712041pclos2018Mobile broadband providers databaseThe mobile-broadband-provider-info package contains listings of mobile broadband (3G) providers and associated network and plan information.bb2 System/Configuration/Networkingnoarch libxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mobile-broadband-provider-info-20171204-1pclos2018.src.rpmk3e80bc4fa1d7ce9d39fc49c605975e94./SRPMS.pclosd   Np tzB@BABEBJCmoc2.5.23pclos2019Music on Console - Console audio player for Linux/UNIXMOC (music on console) is a console audio player for LINUX/UNIX designed to be powerful and easy to use. You just need to select a file from some directory using the menu similar to Midnight Commander, and MOC will start playing all files in this directory beginning from the chosen file. ?Soundx86_64 pkgconfig(ncursesw)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(taglib)pkgconfig(speex)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(libmodplug)pkgconfig(opus)lib64db5.3-develgettext-devellibtool-devellib64wavpack-devellib64popt-devellib64magic-devellib64id3tag-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1moc-2.5.2-3pclos2019.src.rpm E 688d60ed4b8fd3c593ee0c43c32cfe48./SRPMS.pclosd ( :  ,4 d % B@8BAhBElBJCmodem-manager-gui0.0.19.14pclos2019Modem Manager GUIModem Manager GUI is frontend for ModemManager daemon able to control specific modem functions. Main features: - GTK3 interface - Send and receive SMS messages with messages concatenation - Send USSD request and receive answer in system encoding - Get modem and SIM information (Device info, Operator name, Mode, IMEI, IMSI/ESN, Signal level) - Scan available mobile networks - Control data transmission process and set session traffic and time limits onkelhoSystem/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 desktop-file-utilsitstoollib64gdbm-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtkspell3-devellibpthread-stubspo4alib64appindicator3-devellib64ofono-develofono-testsmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1modem-manager-gui- "5b5f9fe8ae92a2bd7056a4b5d40c4104./SRPMS.pclosd % w|   h B@xBABEBJCdemodemmanager1.18.121pclos2022Mobile broadband modem management serviceMobile Breitband Modemmanagment ServiceThe ModemManager service provides a consistent API to operate many different modems, including mobile broadband (3G) devices.Der ModemManager Service bietet eine konstante API zum betreiben der verschiedenen Modems, inklusive Mobile Breitband (3G) Geräte.'ySystem/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 intltoolgtk-doclib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64mbim-glib-devellib64vala-develxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1modemmanager-1.18.12-1pclos2022.src.rpm'120cdc570b3af953f1059a25d0b6c52b./SRPMS.pclosd $ \ 0B@CBApBEtBJCmodemmanager-qt6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Qt wrapper for ModemManager APIKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Qt wrapper for ModemManager API.TSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(ModemManager)pkgconfig(libnm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1modemmanager-qt-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm8e288662aafcf8fb223db86ad7b01aa8./SRPMS.pclosGd $ L  $?HdB@BABEBJ9Cmodule-init-tools3.611pclos2015Tools for managing Linux kernel modulesThis package contains a set of programs for loading, inserting, and removing kernel modules for Linux (versions 2.5.47 and above). It serves the same function that the "modutils" package serves for Linux 2.4.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 autoconf2.5glibc-static-devellibz-develliblzma-develdocbook-utilsdocbook-dtd41-sgmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1module-init-tools-3.6-11pclos2015.src.rpm66592a936fb4c33fcf6e75056dae4d68./SRPMS.pclosSd # K  ;DdB@BA BE$BJECmodule-init-tools3.67pclos2014Tools for managing Linux kernel modulesThis package contains a set of programs for loading, inserting, and removing kernel modules for Linux (versions 2.5.47 and above). It serves the same function that the "modutils" package serves for Linux 2.4.tSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 autoconf2.5glibc-static-devellibz-develliblzma-develdocbook-utilsdocbook-dtd41-sgmldietlibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1module-init-tools-3.6-7pclos2014.src.rpm231a7a7180b9b91af0e1ded208314983./SRPMS.pclosd   -t x4B@BBAdBEhBJCmoksha0.3.11pclos2019Thr Moksha desktopMoksha is a next generation window manager for UNIX operating systems. Based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL), Moksha is much more than just another window manager - it's an ambitious and innovative project that aims to drive the development of graphical applications industry-wide for several years to come.M3}Graphical desktop/Mokshax86_64 efl-devellibxcb-devellib64alsa2-devellib64bluez-devellib64pam-devellib64xcb-util-keysyms-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1moksha-0.3.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmL079f767598c918df20e73d89e032d390./SRPMS.pcloscd   Y, 0CLlB@ BA0BE4BJUCmolequeue0.9.02pclos2018Desktop integration of high performance computing resourcesMoleQueue is an open-source, cross-platform, system-tray resident desktop application for abstracting, managing, and coordinating the execution of tasks both locally and on remote computational resources. Users can set up local and remote queues that describe where the task will be executed. Each queue can have programs, with templates to facilitate the execution of the program. Input files can be staged, and output files collected using a standard interface. Some highlights: * Open source distributed under the liberal 3-clause BSD license * Cross platform with nightly builds on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows * Intuitive interface designed to be useful to whole community * Support for local executation and remote schedulers (SGE, PBS, SLURM) * System tray resident application managing queue of queues and job lifetime * Simple, lightweight JSON-RPC 2.0 based communication over local sockets * Qt 5 client library for simple integration in Qt applications*Sciences/Chemistryx86_64 cmakecppzmq-devellib64cppzmq-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1molequeue-0.9.0-2pclos2018.src.rpm2+c2ce21ecded7e523e7284fa3fcc34e5a./SRPMS.pclosd   E  (B@0BAPBETBJuCmon0.99.26pclos2007A general-purpose resource monitoring systemMon is a general-purpose resource monitoring system. It can be used to monitor network service availability, server problems, environmental conditions (i.e., the temperature in a room) or other things. Mon can be used to test the condition and/or to trigger an action upon failure of the condition. Mon keeps the testing and action-taking tasks as separate, stand-alone programs. Mon is very extensible. Monitors and alerts are not a part of mon, but the distribution comes with a handful of them to get you started. This means that if a new service needs monitoring, or if a new alert is required, the mon server will not need to be changed.Texstar System/Serversi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mon-0.99.2-6pclos2007.src.rpm15469d465a8bb302622ce4870314c77c./SRPMS.pclos;d  $ X \mtB@BABE BJ-Cfritspmondo2.2.9.51pclos2011A program to create a rescue/restore CD/tapeUn programme pour créer un media de sauvegarde/restaurationUn programma per utenti Linux per creare un CD/tape di rescueUn programa por crear una CD/cinta de restoracion/rescateMondo is a GPL disaster recovery solution to create backup media (CD, DVD, tape, network images) that can be used to redeploy the damaged system, as well as deploy similar or less similar systems.Mondo est une solution GPL de sauvegarde en cas de désastre pour créer des médias (CD, DVD, bande, images réseau) qui peuvent être utilisés pour redéployer le système endomangé, aussi bien que des systèmes similaires, ou moins similaires.Mondo e' un programma che permette a qualsiasi utente Linux di creare un cd di rescue/restore (o piu' cd qualora l'installazione dovesse occupare piu' di 2Gb circa). Funziona con gli azionamenti di nastro, ed il NFS, anche.Mondo es un programa que permite cualquier usuario de Linux a crear una CD de restoracion/rescate (o CDs, si su instalacion es >2GO aprox.). Funciona con cintas y NFS, tambien.}Archiving/Backupi586  newt-develgcc-c++autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.503.0.4-1mondo- " a   X B@hBABEBJCfrmondo-doc2.2.9.31pclos2010Documentation for Mondo RescueDocumentation pour Mondo RescueDocumentation for Mondo RescueDocumentation pour Mondo Rescue:z$Archiving/Backupnoarch mandocbook-utilsgroffimagemagickdocbook-dtd41-sgmldocbook-utils-pdflynxgroff-for-manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mondo-doc- " ]( ,3<DtB@BABEBJCmoneymanagerex1.6.41pclos2023Money Manager Ex - A easy-to-use personal finance softwareMoney Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes. It is also a great tool to get a bird's eye view of your financial worth. Money Manager includes all the basic features that 90% of users would want to see in a personal finance application. The design goals are to concentrate on simplicity and user-friendliness - something one can use everyday. Money Manager Ex is a complete rewrite of the original Money Manager .NET. Main Features: * Maintain checking, credit card, savings, stock investment accounts * Budgeting * Maintain and Track Fixed Assets with depreciation * Reminders for recurring Bills and Deposits * Simple one click reporting * Does not require an install. Can run from a USB key. * International language support (Available in 4 languages) * Import data from any CSV format, QIF [ Microsoft Money ] ...Officex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1moneymanagerex-1.6.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmɬbfbb381cb4d3e28f52306723ee42727d./SRPMS.pclosd  ?  IB@RBAxBE|BJCmonitor-edid3.41pclos2021EDID retrieval and parsing toolsMonitor-edid is a tool for probing and parsing Extended display identification data (EDID) from monitors. For more information about EDID, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDIDSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 libx86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1monitor-edid-3.4-1pclos2021.src.rpm1a8c57d408f46d588626ebbd01f3ae8d./SRPMS.pclos#d  KH LX`pB@BABEBJCmonster-masher1.81pclos2007Clean caves by mashing monsters with stoneMonster Masher is an action game for the GNOME desktop environment. The basic idea is that you, as levitation worker gnome, has to clean the caves for monsters that want to roll over you. You do the cleaning by mashing the monsters with stone blocks.^Games/Otheri586 gconfmm2.6-devellibgnomeuimm2.6-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1monster-masher-1.8-1pclos2007.src.rpmce1698efe8c4e34aebe8a1349e2c9b6bf./SRPMS.pclosd   ;@ DR\`|B@BABEBJCmonsterz0.7.12pclos2011A little addictive puzzle gameMonsterz is a little puzzle game, similar to the famous Bejeweled or Zookeeper. The goal of the game is to create rows of similar monsters, either horizontally or vertically. The only allowed move is the swap of two adjacent monsters, on the condition that it creates a row of three or more. When alignments are cleared, pieces fall from the top of the screen to fill the board again. Chain reactions earn you even more points. This game is mostly about luck, but it remains highly addictive. You have been warned.AGames/Puzzlesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1monsterz-0.7.1-2pclos2011.src.rpme8afeb672dbfa894ac2ee98740d56a30./SRPMS.pclos/d   : B@BABEBJ!Cmoonplayer4.21pclos2023All in one audio/video playerAll-in-One video player that can play videos from Youtube, Bilibili etc. as well as local videos.+Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1moonplayer-4.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm/uff70e7ca61646d697270434c37f597b0./SRPMS.pclosd   D B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cmoosync10.3.21pclos2024Stylish and modern desktop music playerStylish and modern desktop music player that can play local audio as well as music from YouTube or SpotifySoundx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdtarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1moosync-10.3.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm%ca67c934ab51aaf5297396af6d095ae6./SRPMS.pclos?d   : ,4TB@BA BEBJ1Cmoovida1.0.91pclos2010Media center written in PythonMoovida is a project to create an open source cross platform media center solution. Moovida runs on top of the GStreamer multimedia framework and takes full advantage of harware acceleration provided by modern graphic cards by using OpenGL APIs. In addition to personal video recorder functionality (PVR) and Music Jukebox support, Moovida will also interoperate with devices following the DLNA standard like Intel's ViiV systems. Moovida was formerly know as Elisa.wGraphical desktop/Othernoarch pythonpython-setuptoolspython-develpython-twistedimagemagickdesktop-file-utilsgstreamer0.10-pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1moovida-1.0.9-1pclos2010.src.rpmyh2bc05d0343636fb8c8847af4a55ae2ea./SRPMS.pclosWd ' R  #, P  B@BA$BE(BJICmoovida-plugins-bad1.0.91pclos2010'Bad' plugins for the Moovida media centerMoovida is a project to create an open source cross platform media center solution. This package contains 'bad' (somehow not up to planned standards for plugins) plugins for Moovida./EDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-setuptoolspython-develpython-twistedimagemagickdesktop-file-utilsgstreamer0.10-pythonmoovida-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( T  @  B@BABEBJ=Cmoovida-plugins-good1.0.91pclos2010'Good' plugins for the Moovida media centerMoovida is a project to create an open source cross platform media center solution. This package contains 'good' (well-written and legally clean) plugins for Moovida.GDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-setuptoolspython-develpython-twistedimagemagickdesktop-file-utilsgstreamer0.10-pythonmoovida-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( T    B@BABEBJCmoovida-plugins-ugly1.0.91pclos2010'Ugly' plugins for the Moovida media centerMoovida is a project to create an open source cross platform media center solution. This package contains 'ugly' plugins for Moovida.Development/Pythonnoarch  pythonpython-setuptoolspython-develpython-twistedimagemagickdesktop-file-utilsgstreamer0.10-pythonmoovida-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C ZB@hBABEBJCmoserial2.30.01pclos2010Serial terminal for the gnome desktopMoserial is a clean, friendly gtk-based serial terminal for the gnome desktop. It is written in Vala for extra goodness.bCommunicationsi586 valadesktop-file-utilsGConf2-develperl-XML-Parserintltoolgnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1moserial-2.30.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmqc3d22cf9c1fe08a97b962fd75b5cde60./SRPMS.pclosCd   E    B@BABEBJ5Cmosquitto2.0.182pclos2023An Open Source MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 BrokerMosquitto is an open source message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.1 and 3.1.1 MQTT provides a lightweight method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. This makes it suitable for "machine to machine" messaging such as with low power sensors or mobile devices such as phones, embedded computers or micro-controllers like the Arduino.lSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(libcares)pkgconfig(libcjson)pkgconfig(libwebsockets)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tcp_wrappers-develuthash-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-12.1.0mosquitto-2.0.18-2pclos2023.src.rpmfbd1f91aab1abb4d5d11d81a32559765./SRPMS.pclosd   2 (8B@BABEBJCmost5.2.01pclos2024A powerful paging programmost is a paging program that displays the contents of a file on a terminal one windowful at a time. A status line indicating the file name, current line number, and percentage of the file already displayed is also shown.File toolsx86_64  chrpathpkgconfig(slang)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1most-5.2.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm67c1b33e1f4e0d441180248b81caa6b8a./SRPMS.pclosd  E    B@BABEBJCmotif2.3.82pclos2021The Motif widget toolkit and window managerMotif is a freely available source code distribution for the Motif user interface component toolkit and the Motif Window Manager.2System/Librariesx86_64 byaccpkgconfigflexpkgconfig(xp)pkgconfig(xt)pkgconfig(xft)x11-data-bitmapspkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1motif-2.3.8-2pclos2021.src.rpm2]d31af4dcb52b485fd3822efed5eef47a./SRPMS.pclosWd   I< @FPlB@BA$BE(BJICmotion4.3.11pclos2020A highly customizable software motion detectorMotion is a software motion detector. It grabs images from video4linux devices and/or from web cams (such as the axis network cameras). It is the perfect tool for keeping an eye on your property keeping only those images that are interesting.gjVideox86_64 glibc-headers-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64jpeg-devellib64mariadb-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64webp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1motion-4.3.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmn 4487fd8820770524bd6ecdf9f9e64ff3./SRPMS.pclosd   N IB@^BABEBJCmoto4lin0.31pclos2007Filemanager and seem editor for Motorola P2k phonesThis software is Filemanager and seem editor for Motorola P2k phones (like C380/C650).kjpetrie Communicationsi586  libqt3-develdesktop-file-utilslibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) df54a44ea4dd85d50da23cf44ac4a1ef./SRPMS.pclos7d  _LP YhpB@BABEBJ)Cmoto4lin-cvs0.31pclos2007Legacy Filemanager and seem editor for older Motorola P2k phonesThis software is Filemanager and seem editor for Motorola P2k phones (like C380/C650). This is the cvs (obsolete) version for older phones such as L6 wich have more than one partition. For newer phones use the current (non cvs) version.XkjpetrieCommunicationsi586  libqt3-develdesktop-file-utilslibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^e5b272e2d55089ee3c77689228410d38./SRPMS.pclosgd   2 B@BA4BE8BJYCmotrix1.6.111pclos2021Linux Download ManagerMotrix is a full-featured download manager that supports downloading HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent, Magnet, etc. Motrix has a clean and easy to use interface.UdNetworking/WWWx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1motrix-1.6.11-1pclos2021.src.rpmZ|ea07ba68b7a30c00f441d3e08d0d8fab./SRPMS.pclos3d  i B@BABEBJ%Cdemountiso1.4.16pclos2013MountISO - ISO Imager MounterMountISO - Ein ISO-Image mount ServicemenüMount ISO Image is an advanced script which allows to perform multiple operations with ISO, NRG (Nero Burning ROM), UDF (DVD), CUE/BIN, CCD/IMG/SUB (CloneCD), XDVDFS (XBOX) and MDF images. Optionally can be installed the packages “ccd2iso, cdemu and extract-xiso”.MountISO ist ein Servicemenü-Script, das mehrfache operation mit ISO-, NRG (Nero, Burning ROM brennt), UDF (DVD), CUE/BIN, CCD/IMG/SUB (CloneCD), XDVDFS (XBOX) und MDF Images durchführen kann. Optional könenn die Pakete "ccd2iso,cdemu und extract-xiso" installiert werden.KpinocGraphical desktop/KDE4noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mountiso-1.4.1-6pclos2013.src.rpmPea9e0963089ce06800a09b6d94989a14./SRPMS.pclos'd   F| B@BABEBJCmountloop0.15.41pclos2010Allow users to mount files via loopbackAllow users to mount encrypted loopback filesystems.System/Basei586 XFree86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mountloop-0.15.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm116d5fcb37945b5d842ec2e021ae4678./SRPMS.pclos[d   : B@BA(BE,BJMCmousepad0.6.31pclos2025A simple text editor for XfceMousepad is a simple text editor for Xfce and originally based on Leafpad.hGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  gitintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gspell-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtksourceview4-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xfconf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1mousepad-0.6.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmnr1539d2a63910baa5c1eca8d2429fa7b1./SRPMS.pclosd  P$ (6@ l E B@sBABEBJCmousetweaks3.2.11pclos2011Help motorically impaired users to use the mouseThe Mousetweaks package provides mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop. These enhancements are: 1. It offers a way to perform the various clicks without using any hardware button. 2. It allows users to perform a right click by doing a click&hold of the left mousebutton. (For a left-handed mouse user, the termes left and right have to be inverted.) 3. It provides an applet that the user can install on a panel. This applet creates an area on the panel into which the pointer can be captured until the user releases it with a predefined button and modifier combination. The options can be accessed through the Accessibility tab of the Mouse Preferences of GNOME Control Center or through command-line.tAccessibilityx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xtst)intltoolgnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ]  (B@0BATBEXBJyCdemovgrab1.2.12pclos2014Command-line movie downloaderKonmmandozeilen Video DownloaderMovgrab is a downloader for all those pesky sites that insist you use a big fat browser that runs flash in order to see their content. It's a command-line application written in straight C, and so doesn't require you to install perl. Nor ruby. Nor python. Nor guile, scheme, glib, gtk, qt, gnome, kde, X-windows, m4, firefox or windows. No! Not any of that! It *should* compile on all posix unix systems.Movgrab ist ein Downloader für all jene nervtötenden Webseiten, die einen dicken, fetten Browser lahm legen, weil Flash läuft, um den Inhalt sehen zu können. Es ist eine Kommandozeilen-Anwendung in C geschrieben und so ist es nicht erforderlich, Perl zu installieren. Auch nicht Rubin. Oder Python. Auch benötigt es nicht irgendeine Regelung von glib, gtk, qt, GNOME, KDE, X-Windows, M4, Firefox oder Fenstern. Nein! Nichts von all dem! Es *sollte* auf allen POSIX Unix-Systemen kompiliert werden können.sVideox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1movgrab-1.2.1-2pclos2014.src.rpm|ccde6dd8703e9ae4baae1e05addbf074./SRPMS.pclosCd  ;( ,=D`B@BABEBJ5Cmovit1.6.36pclos2023GPU effects library using OpenGL3Movit is the Modern Video Toolkit, notwithstanding that anything that's called “modern” usually isn't, and it's really not a toolkit. Movit aims to be a _high-quality_, _high-performance_, _open-source_ library for video filters.`System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(eigen3)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(gtest)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1movit-1.6.3-6pclos2023.src.rpmend04f496942d227a94e781f6c0001ca96./SRPMS.pcloscd  # o  B@BA0BE4BJUCjamozc1.12.1599.1021pclos2013GoogleIME open source versionGoogle日本語入力オープンソース版Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) designed for multi-platform such as Chromium OS, Windows, Mac and Linux. Mozc originates from Google Japanese Input. This package contain mozc_server. After installation of this package should re-log in.Mozc はマルチプラットフォーム対応の日本語入力システムで、「Google 日本語入力」をオープンソース化したものです。 このパッケージは、Mozc の核となる変換エンジン (mozc_server) を提供します。 ※ インストール後は再ログインしてください。>pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  pythongcc-c++openssl-develdbus-develglib2-devellibgtk+2-devellibxt-devellibxcb-devellibqt4-develzinnia-develibus-develemacs-commonuim-develfcitx-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) j9aaf0a4800461901f5d2e26cd799709a./SRPMS.pclosd   ?  LB@\BABEBJCmozjs115115.16.11pclos2024SpiderMonkey JavaScript librarySpiderMonkey is the code-name for Mozilla Firefox's C++ implementation of JavaScript. It is intended to be embedded in other applications that provide host environments for JavaScript.ٗ^System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mozjs115-115.16.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm6ca30fe31247279fdf7d28b5a1d3897a./SRPMS.pclos;d   Ad hzB@BABE BJ-Cmozjs1717.0.01pclos2013JavaScript interpreter and librariesJavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting language used in millions of web pages and server applications worldwide. Netscape's JavaScript is a superset of the ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ECMAScript) standard scripting language, with only mild differences from the published standard.A6Development/Otherx86_64 lib64nspr-develreadline-develautoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mozjs17-17.0.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmA40e41ecfdf534b8eb1364a3acaaa5a0d./SRPMS.pclosSd   Ad hzB@BA BE$BJECmozjs2424.2.02pclos2017JavaScript interpreter and librariesJavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting language used in millions of web pages and server applications worldwide. Netscape's JavaScript is a superset of the ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ECMAScript) standard scripting language, with only mild differences from the published standard.WDevelopment/Otherx86_64 lib64nspr-devellib64python3-develreadline-develautoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mozjs24-24.2.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmb809334a8f253fb122032c591d7759cb./SRPMS.pclosd   Ad hz  g B@yBABEBJCmozjs3838.8.02pclos2019JavaScript interpreter and librariesJavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting language used in millions of web pages and server applications worldwide. Netscape's JavaScript is a superset of the ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ECMAScript) standard scripting language, with only mild differences from the published standard. =Development/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(nspr)pkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)readline-develautoconf2.1pkgconfig(python)perl-develcoreutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mozjs38-38.8.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm =74d586491f0e133156ed7a0cfaa209f6./SRPMS.pclosd   Ad hy  M B@^BABEBJCmozjs5252.9.01pclos2021JavaScript interpreter and librariesJavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting language used in millions of web pages and server applications worldwide. Netscape's JavaScript is a superset of the ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ECMAScript) standard scripting language, with only mild differences from the published standard. System/Librariesx86_64 autoconf2.1pkgconfig(nspr)pkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)readline-develperl-develcoreutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mozjs52-52.9.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm Ã02a11cdfa88c1194e2b2d7de9ffd855e./SRPMS.pclosd   Ad hz  h B@zBABEBJCmozjs6060.4.01pclos2019JavaScript interpreter and librariesJavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting language used in millions of web pages and server applications worldwide. Netscape's JavaScript is a superset of the ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ECMAScript) standard scripting language, with only mild differences from the published standard.'Development/Otherx86_64 autoconf2.1pkgconfig(nspr)pkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)readline-develpkgconfig(python2)perl-develcoreutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mozjs60-60.4.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmd7eca43b195baf609edcc428cf47b0b3./SRPMS.pclosd   <  XB@(BALBEPBJqCmozjs7878.9.01pclos2021SpiderMonkey JavaScript librarySpiderMonkey is the code-name for Mozilla Firefox's C++ implementation of JavaScript. It is intended to be embedded in other applications that provide host environments for JavaScript.(kSystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconf2.1rustclang-develgccgcc-c++nasmllvmllvm-develicuperl-develpkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(zlib)python3-develpython3-sixreadline-develziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mozjs78-78.9.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm9b028e534a63d702cfb3bd7cf39edfee./SRPMS.pclosd  5 jB@BABEBJCmozo1.28.01pclos2024Simple menu editor for MATEMozo is a menu editor for MATE that lets you get things done, simply and quickly. Just click and type to edit, add, and delete any menu entry.݃Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   intltoolpkgconfig(libmate-menu)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ! Xpt |B@BABEBJCdemozplugger2.1.61pclos2014Generic mozilla plug-inGenerische Mozilla ErweiterungMozPlugger is a generic Mozilla plug-in that allows the use of standard Linux programs as plug-ins for media types on the Internet.MozPlugger ist eine generische Mozilla Erweiterung, die es erlaubt Standardlinux- programme als Erweiterung für Mediatype im Internet zu nutzen.@pinoc32Networking/WWWi586 X11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mozplugger-2.1.6-1pclos2014.src.rpm#faf7335b86cdbabb34fce6b0d06c97423./SRPMS.pclosd   E (rB@}BABEBJCmp32ogg0.117pclos2019Convert mp3 music files to ogg music filesPerl script to convert MP3 files into Ogg Vorbis format. It is able to read ID3 tags from MP3 files and correctly tag the Ogg files, as well as optionally rename them based on those tags.|Soundnoarch perlperl(MP3::Info)perl(String::ShellQuote)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp32ogg-0.11-7pclos2019.src.rpm&N71189dd59a6c4fb42edf8e8fd1aa0431./SRPMS.pclosWd   @d hnxB@BA$BE(BJICmp3diags1.2.033pclos2022Find and fix Problems in MP3 FilesMP3 Diags finds problems in MP3 files and helps the user fix many of them. It looks at both the audio part (VBR info, quality, normalization) and the tags containing track information (ID3). It has a tag editor, which can download album information (including cover art) from MusicBrainz and Discogs, as well as paste data from the clipboard. Track information can also be extracted from a file's name. Another component is the file renamer, which can rename files based on the fields in their ID3V2 tag (artist, track number, album, genre, etc.). jSoundx86_64 libboost-devellibqt4-develzlib-develgcc-c++makeglibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp3diags-1.2.03-3pclos2022.src.rpm lZ6bf264e2b65391a9f7a13d1c596c522b./SRPMS.pclosGd    B@BABEBJ9Cdemp3gain1.6.21pclos2019MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume.MP3Gain analysiert und verändert mp3 Dateien so, dass sie die gleiche Lautstärke haben.MP3Gain does not just do peak normalization, as many normalizers do. Instead, it does some statistical analysis to determine how loud the file actually sounds to the human ear. Also, the changes MP3Gain makes are completely lossless. There is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and re-encodiing.MP3Gain normalisiert nicht nur die Spitzen (Peaks) wie viele andere Normalisierungsprogramme, sondern verwendet eine statistische Analyse um die Lautstärke zu bestimmen, die vom menschlichen Ohr empfunden wird. Die Anpassungen, die MP3Gain vornimmt, erfolgen verlustfrei, es gib also keinen Qualitätsverlust, da das Programm die MP3-Datei direkt anpasst, ohne Umkodierung.՛Soundx86_64 lib64mpg123-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp3gain-1.6.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm|fd90ae3bec77ebf29901d0db2b00ec20./SRPMS.pclosd   N $_B@iBABEBJCmp3info0.8.5a16pclos2019Utility for MP3 information and tag modificationAn MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor. MP3Info has an interactive mode (using curses) and a command line mode. MP3Info can display ID3 tag information as well as various technical aspects of an MP3 file including playing time, bit-rate, sampling frequency and other attributes in a pre-defined or user-specifiable output format. It also has a VERY configurable output. mp3info is available with both ncurses and gtk UIs.4Soundx86_64 gtk+2-develpkgconfig(ncurses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp3info-0.8.5a-16pclos2019.src.rpmPddf7df63577b18bd6b75e12052983b39./SRPMS.pclosd   9X \blxB@BABEBJCmp3packer2.041pclos2019MP3 reorganizer and repackerMP3packer is a program which can rearrange the data within an MP3 to fulfill specific goals. By default, the program generates the smallest MP3 possible (with the least padding). However, many people also use it to turn VBR files into CBR for use with players which don't support VBR.nSoundx86_64  ocamlp7ziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)43.0.4-1mp3packer-2.04-1pclos2019.src.rpmU,604f2805e12bdb90db1e7c985b38b640./SRPMS.pclosKd   | B@BABEBJ=Cdemp3splt2.6.22pclos2019Command line utility to split mp3 and ogg filesKommandozeilen Programm teilt MP3- und Ogg Vorbis-DateienMp3Splt is a command line utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and Ogg Vorbis files between a beginning and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split large mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split points and filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB (internet or a local file) or from .cue files. Supports also automatic silence split, that can be used also to adjust cddb/cue splitpoints. Otherwise if you have a file created either with Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap you can extract tracks just in few seconds.Teilt MP3- und Ogg Vorbis-Dateien ohne Rekodierung Mp3Splt ist ein Kommandozeilenprogramm, um MP3- (VBR wird unterstützt) und Ogg Vorbis-Dateien ohne Dekodierung in kleinere Dateien aufzuteilen. Es ist nützlich, um Alben entweder manuell, mittels freedb.org-Daten oder über .cue-Dateien aufzuteilen und ermöglicht sowohl ein längenbasiertes Aufteilen als auch über Momente der Stille innerhalb der Datei. . Es kann einfach mit Mp3Wrap (aus dem Paket mp3wrap) erstellte Dateien oder im AlbumWrap-Format erstellte Dateien extrahieren - . Webseite: http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/ Soundx86_64  oggvorbis-develmad-devellibmp3splt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$01c213ef94e6599698436a6b7b3ae203./SRPMS.pclos{d  W0 4:D h  B@"BAHBELBJmCmp3splt-gtk0.9.22pclos2019GTK utility to split MP3 and Ogg Files without decodingGTK utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin and an end time position, without decoding. It is very useful to split large mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original tracks. `gSoundx86_64 gstreamer1.0-develpkgconfig(libmp3splt)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libpng)gnome-doc-utilspkgconfig(libgnomeui-2.0)gettext-develshtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp3splt-gtk-0.9.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm fe83a078360b705aff3af6aa500a21db7./SRPMS.pclosd    $B@,BALBEPBJqCdemp3wrap0.52pclos2019Utility for MP3 wrapping (rolling multiple MP3s into one)Mp3Wrap - MP3-Dateien über die Kommandozeile zusammenführenCommand-line utility that wraps multiple MP3 files into a a single, playable MP3, without losing filenames or ID3 information, and without reencoding. Also supports archiving non-audio data such as playlists, info files, and cover images inside the MP3. These files can be unpacked later (using mp3splt, e.g.); ordinary MP3 decoders can play the entire audio stream as one long track.Das Tool arbeitet verlustfrei, das heißt die MP3-Dateien werden nicht neukodiert und auch die ID3-Tags müssen nicht neu gesetzt werden. Allerdings richtet sich die komplizierte Bedienweise eher an erfahrenere Nutzer.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp3wrap-0.5-2pclos2019.src.rpm 6a74d37e1f46a7d86ef3d431da67e7df./SRPMS.pclosd   ? FB@UBAxBE|BJCmp4joiner2.1.24pclos2014Join multiple MP4 files into one.MP4Joiner is a simple gui tool to join multiple MP4 files into one.uVideox86_64 lib64ffmpeg-devellib64wxgtk2.8-devellib64wxgtku2.8-devellib64wxsvg-develdesktop-file-utilsgettext-develgpacrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp4joiner-2.1.2-4pclos2014.src.rpmz 46cca9cd7abd96c3e241a5e5822e4a9c./SRPMS.pclosd   # 2B@@BA`BEdBJCmp4tools3.84pclos2021MP4ToolsMP4Tools is a collection of cross-platform free tools to manipulate MP4 files. It contains two applications: MP4Joiner is a free application that allows join multiple MP4 files into one without reencoding and without quality loss. MP4Splitter is a free application that allows split a MP4 file in multiple files without reencoding and without quality lossRsVideox86_64 lib64wxgtku3.1-devellib64wxsvg-devellib64ffmpeg-develdesktop-file-utilsgettext-develgpacrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mp4tools-3.8-4pclos2021.src.rpmVCd8154a6942f6fed37f4076d0c90072a1./SRPMS.pclosd  Y$( 2BLPlB@tBABEBJCmpage2.5.62pclos2017A tool for printing multiple pages of text on each printed pageThe mpage utility takes plain text files or PostScript(TM) documents as input, reduces the size of the text, and prints the files on a PostScript printer with several pages on each sheet of paper. Mpage is very useful for viewing large printouts without using up tons of paper. Mpage supports many different layout options for the printed pages. Mpage should be installed if you need a useful utility for viewing long text documents without wasting paper..mbb2 System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpage-2.5.6-2pclos2017.src.rpm/w9e8245c7e4fe9570924ba1f9d00b5e84./SRPMS.pclos#d   M B@BABEBJCdempc0.341pclos2023MPC is a client for MPDMPC ist ein Klient für MPDMPC is a client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. MPC provides a command line user interface for controlling an MPD server running on the local network. For more information about MPD and other clients visit http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_Wiki.MPC ist ein Klient für MPD, den Music Player Daemon. MPC bietet eine Benutzerschnittstelle für die Kommandozeile, für das Kontrollieren eines MPD-Servers im lokalen Netzwerk. Für weitere Informationen über MPD und andere Klienten besuchen Sie http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_Wiki.Soundx86_64 libmpdclient-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpc-0.34-1pclos2023.src.rpm0f83a7066e662293907ed258ce9506a3./SRPMS.pclosd   <t x~  m B@BABEBJCmpc-qt22.021pclos2022Media Player Classic Qute TheaterA clone of Media Player Classic reimplemented in Qt.8Videox86_64  gcc-c++mpv-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   00 4:D9(9>9B@~BABEBJCmpd0.23.51pclos2022The Music Player DaemonMusic Player Daemon (MPD) is a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. Through plugins and libraries it can play a variety of sound files (e.g., OGG, MP3, FLAC, AAC, WAV) and can be controlled remotely via its network protocol. It can be used as a desktop music player, but is also great for streaming music to a stereo system over a local network. There are many GUI and command-line applications to choose from that act as a front-end for browsing and playing your MPD music collection. Soundx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(atomic_ops)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)avahi-common-develpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-glib)boost-develbzip2-develpkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libgcrypt)pkgconfig(liburing)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(libchromaprint)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(fluidsynth)pkgconfig(libmms)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(ao)pkgconfig(audiofile)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(flac++)pkgconfig(id3tag)pkgconfig(libcdio_paranoia)pkgconfig(libiso9660)pkgconfig(libmodplug)pkgconfig(libmpg123)pkgconfig(libnfs)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libupnp)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(opus)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(shout)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(soxr)pkgconfig(twolame)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(vorbisenc)pkgconfig(vorbisfile)pkgconfig(wavpack)pkgconfig(yajl)pkgconfig(zziplib)ffmpeg-devellibgme-devellibmikmod-develwildmidi-devellame-develwrap-devellibfaad2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpd-0.23.5-1pclos2022.src.rpm hd4ec03c9e61afcbbc7cf2c9938e2a748./SRPMS.pclosgd " W B@BA4BE8BJYCdempdbrowser0.9.202pclos2013MPD click & play clientMPD Klick- und AbspielklientmpdBrowser show your collection's covers and let you: - play an album with left click - Enqueue an album with left click and Control - Clear playlist with middle click - play a song with right click - enqueue a song with right click and ControlmpdBrowser zeigt Ihre Sammlung von Covern und lässt Sie: - Ein Album mit dem Klicken der linken Maustaste abspielen - Einreihen eines Albums mit einem Klick der linken Maustaste - Die Abspielliste mit der mittleren Maustaste löschen - Ein Lied mit der rechten Maustaste abspielen - Ein Lied mit der rechten Maustaste in die Abspielliste einreihenSoundnoarch python-develpygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpdbrowser-0.9.20-2pclos2013.src.rpm0d8db6a33298db61eb1bcad2e3a2abee./SRPMS.pclosod   D  B@BA<BE@BJaCmpdecimal2.5.11pclos2022Library for general decimal arithmeticmpdecimal is a package for correctly-rounded arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic.'System/Librariesx86_64 makegccgcc-c++unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpdecimal-2.5.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm685ba4e6498064d840148931fa55e707./SRPMS.pclosd #  $(DB@LBAtBExBJCdempdscribble0.18.11pclos2010mpd scribble is a music player daemon clientmpd scribble ist ein Musik Player Daemon Clientmpd scribble is a music player daemon client which submits information about tracks being played to Last.fm. * written in C, consumes very little memory and CPU * full support for MPD's "idle" mode * last.fm protocol 1.2 (including "now playing") * supports seeking, crossfading, repeated songsmpd scribble ist ein Music Player Daemon-Client, der Informationen über Titel die von Last.fm gespielt werden, macht. * geschrieben in C, benötigt wenig Arbeitspeicher und CPU * volle Unterstützung für MPD's "idle" mode * last.fm Protokoll 1.2 (inklusive "now playing") * Unterstützt suchen, Crossfading, Titel WiederholungSoundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpdscribble-0.18.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmB58c85db72e861511abe69eb2b853cf89./SRPMS.pcloskd   +  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cmpeg2dec0.5.14pclos2011MPEG-2 Decodermpeg2dec is an mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 video decoder. It is purposely kept simple : it does not include features like reading files from a DVD, CSS, fullscreen output, navigation, etc... The main purpose of mpeg2dec is to have a simple test bed for libmpeg2. mpeg2dec also includes a demultiplexer for mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 program streams, and output routines for a variety of different interfaces.Y4Videox86_64 SDL-devellibslang-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpeg2dec-0.5.1-4pclos2011.src.rpmX337a00a4ac174652e9faf83dbf252e8e./SRPMS.pclosOd   J B@BABE BJACmpeg4ip1.6.12pclos2011Set of linux video stream processing utilitiesThe MPEG4IP project provides a standarts-based system for encoding, streaming and playing encoded auido and video.Videoi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpeg4ip-1.6.1-2pclos2011.src.rpm[88247ffd819c5e332d5ddeec73df1fb5./SRPMS.pclosKd   * B@BABEBJ=Cmpeg_lib1.3.112pclos2007Mpeg libraryThe MPEG Library is a collection of C routines to decode MPEG movies and dither them in a variety of colour schemes. Most of the code in the library comes directly from the Berkely MPEG player, an X11-specific implementation that works fine, but suffers from minimal documentation and a lack of modularity. A front end to the Berkeley decoding engine was developed by Greg Ward at the Montreal Neurological Institute in May/June 1994 to facilitate the development of an MPEG player specifically for Silicon Graphics workstations. The decoding engine together with the MNI front end constitute the MPEG Library.*Texstar System/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpeg_lib-1.3.1-12pclos2007.src.rpm-8e6645ac59b47df3117e052367e2437f./SRPMS.pclossd   R B@ BA@BEDBJeCmpfi1.5.31pclos2020Interval arithmetic multi-precision based on GMP and MPFRMPFI is a C library for interval arithmetic multi-precision based on the GMP and MPFR libraries.Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 gmp-develpkgconfig(mpfr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpfi-1.5.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm]3567f3958b310dfaeaac6eaf40dcf0f1./SRPMS.pclosod   ] B@BA<BE@BJaCmpfr4.2.01pclos2023Multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct roundingThe MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding.System/Librariesx86_64 libgmp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpfr-4.2.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmd6880c74fec39298a2a9a04795d2531e./SRPMS.pclosKd   .    B@BABEBJ=Cmpg1231.32.101pclos2024MPEG audio playerMpg123 is a fast, free and portable MPEG audio player for Unix. It supports MPEG 1.0/2.0 layers 1, 2 and 3 ("mp3" files). For full CD quality playback (44 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) a fast CPU is required. Mono and/or reduced quality playback (22 kHz or 11 kHz) is possible on slow CPUs (like Intel 486). For information on the MP3 License, please visit: http://www.mpeg.orgjSoundx86_64  lib64SDL-devellib64alsa2-devellib64audiofile-devellib64esound-devellib64jack-devellib64ltdl-devellib64nas-devellib64openal-devellib64portaudio-devellib64pulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sndio-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1mpg123-1.32.10-1pclos2024.src.rpm4b64c67cb71691851676194c1d21611c./SRPMS.pclosd   6 ?B@TBAtBExBJCdempg3210.3.21pclos2012Mpg123-cloneMPG123-Klonmpg321 is a Free clone of mpg123, a command-line MP3 player. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for mpg123, and therefore its interface has been designed around that of mpg123, without using any of its code. mpg321 has been designed for use with frontends such as gqmpeg, although it is just as useful on the command-line. Unlike mpg123, it supports ESD and ALSA output without recompiling, and it does all MP3 decoding with only fixed-point math by using the mad MPEG audio decoder library.mpg321 ist ein Klon des beliebten mpg123 Kommandozeilen-mp3-Abspielers. Es sollte in vielen Fällen als direkter Ersatz für mpg123 funktionieren. Während ein Teil der Funktionalität vom mpg123 noch nicht implementiert wurde, sollte mpg321 bei den meisten Leuten und in den meisten Fällen ordentlich funktionieren, so z.B für Frontends wie gqmpeg. mpg321 basiert auf der „mad“-MPEG Audio-Dekodierungs-Bibliothek. Es ist deshalb sehr genau und nutzt auch nur Fixpunktberechnung, die es auf Maschinen ohne Gleitkommaunterstützung sehr effizient arbeiten lässt. mpg321 ist auf Systemen mit mathematischem Koprozessor nicht so schnell wie das nicht-freie mpg123.NealSoundx86_64  mad-devellib64ao-develperllib64id3tag-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   <@ JPX\xB@BABEBJCdempgtx1.3.13pclos2017Manipulate tags, split, join, demultiplex, and fetch information on MPEG filesmpgtxEtiketten/Tags editieren, aufteilen, zusammenführen von MPEG-Dateienmpgtx (an MPEG ToolboX) allows you to manipulate ID3 tags, split, join, demultiplex, and fetch detailed information about a variety of MPEG files. It was designed to do little, but do it well, and to provide the end user with an austere yet powerful commandline interface. It replaces "mpgcut".mpgtx (MPEG ToolboX) ermöglicht das Editieren von ID3-Etiketten/Tags, das Aufteilen und Zusammenführen von MPEG-Dateien, De-Multiplexen und stellt eine Fülle detailierter Iformationen über MPEG-Dateien bereit. Es wurde geschrieben, um den Anwender eine einfache aber leistungsfähigen Kommandozeilen-Schnittstelle zu bieten. Es ersetzt mpgcut.BHbb2 Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpgtx-1.3.1-3pclos2017.src.rpmJ#3e9dcc23dc446ba6fa3b266b51994cfe./SRPMS.pclosd   ' $0`B@jBABEBJCmphidflash1.31pclos2013MPHidFlashMPHidFlash is a command-line tool for communicating with the USB-Bootloader in PIC microcontrollers. Usage ===== To upload a new program to your PIC, it must be connected to your computer and set into bootloader mode. mphidflash can then be used with the following options: -help Display help screen (alternately: -?) -write Upload given file to PIC -reset Reset PIC -noverify Skip verification step -erase Erase PIC memory -vendor Use given USB vendor id instead of default id -product Use given USB product id instead of default id Example: To upload the program test.hex to the PIC and to reset the PIC thereafter the following command line can be used: mphidflash -write test.hex -reset]USystem/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 makelib64hid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mphidflash-1.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmerc76eb049c950971eb63945aef21200c1./SRPMS.pclos{d  < B@$BAHBELBJmCmpich1.2.7p11pclos2010A Portable Implementation of MPIMPICH is a freely available, portable implementation of MPI, the standard for message-passing libraries.ZDevelopment/Librariesi586 gcc-c++gcc-gfortrangdbfdupesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpich-1.2.7p1-1pclos2010.src.rpmd3a58e5d9d8e029044e3af1a16d482c0./SRPMS.pclosd   H -4DpB@{BABEBJCmpir3.0.01pclos2021Multiprecision integer library derived from GMPMPIR is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. It has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface.:System/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++m4yasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpir-3.0.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmkabc5d105bf39ebe31ad22ad6f01c0902./SRPMS.pclos Sd   V == =B@ BA BE $BJ ECmplayer6.1.52pclos2021Movie player for linux playing most video formats and DVDsMPlayer is a movie player for LINUX (runs on many other Unices, and non-x86 CPUs, see the documentation). It plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, VIVO, ASF/WMV, QT/MOV, FLI, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, and some RealMedia files, supported by many native, XAnim, and Win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, FLI, and even DivX movies too (and you don't need the avifile library at all!). The another big feature of mplayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib, but you can use SDL (and this way all drivers of SDL), VESA (on every VESA compatible card, even without X!), and some lowlevel card-specific drivers (for Matrox, 3Dfx and Radeon) too! Most of them supports software or hardware scaling, so you can enjoy movies in fullscreen. MPlayer supports displaying through some hardware MPEG decoder boards, such as the DVB and DXR3/Hollywood+! And what about the nice big antialiased shaded subtitles (9 supported types!!!) with european/ISO 8859-1,2 (hungarian, english, czech, etc), cyrillic, korean fonts, and OSD?2Videox86_64  a52dec-devellibaa-develpkgconfig(libass)pkgconfig(libbluray)pkgconfig(libbs2b)pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(caca)pkgconfig(libcdio)libcdio-paranoia-develdocbook-style-xsldocbook-dtd412-xmlpkgconfig(libdca)pkgconfig(libdv)pkgconfig(dvdnav)pkgconfig(dvdread)pkgconfig(enca)pkgconfig(faad2)ffmpeg-develpkgconfig(fribidi)giflib-develgsm-develpkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libjpeg)ladspa-develliblame-develpkgconfig(liblircclient0)pkgconfig(live555)liblzo-develpkgconfig(mad)libmesagl-develpkgconfig(libmng)libmpcdec-develpkgconfig(libmpg123)libnas-devellibnut-develpkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(libmpeg2)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)pkgconfig(libpulse)rtmp-develpkgconfig(sdl)sndio-develpkgconfig(speex)libtermcap-develpkgconfig(theora)libtwolame-develpkgconfig(vdpau)libvorbis-develpkgconfig(x264)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)libxslt-procpkgconfig(xv)xvid-develpkgconfig(xxf86dga)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)yasmsvgalib-develgtk+2-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  248 Y_hlB@BABEBJCmplayer-skins1.312pclos2007Skins for mplayerThis packages includes following skins: - standard by FRD (Viktor Bekesi), the old default MPlayer skin - Midnight Love, by Gabucino, MPlayer conversion of the nice WinAMP/XMMS skin of Rei Ayanami. - BlueHeart, by Gabucino, MPlayer conversion of a BlueHeart XMMS skin. - Neutron, by aleczapka (Oliwier Ptak), VERY nice skin! - Plastic, by FRD (Viktor Bekesi), remote control-like skin with plastic feeling - Cyrus, by Roberto J., Cyrus skin from XMMS - Xine-LCD, by Gabucino, MPlayer conversion of Xine's LCD skin - Phony - Mentalic, by aleczapka (Oliwier Ptak) - Proton, by Pasquale Riccio, silver, shiny - Slim, by FRD (Viktor Bekesi), small and cute - Cubic Player, by Gabucino, for other oldtimers - Alien Mind, by Gabucino, Alien Mind skin from XMMS - CornerMP, by DC.Park, a WinAMP skin conversion, resides in desktop corner - CornerMP-aqua, by DC.Park, a WinAMP skin conversion, resides in desktop corner - Blue and Blue-small by Franciszek Wilamowski - Orange by Ognian Vasilev - krystal by Gary Whitmore, Jr.KlTexstar Videonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mplayer-skins-1.3-12pclos2007.src.rpmK~256f04eed50d1ed48ceada751165ce4f./SRPMS.pcloscd  _ B@BA0BE4BJUCmplayerplugin3.557pclos2011A browser plugin to allow playing embedded movies on web pagesMplayerplug-in is a Netscape/Mozilla browser plugin to allow playing embedded movies on web pages.Networking/WWWx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mplayerplugin-3.55-7pclos2011.src.rpm1da5137f57dcc5c6f8462e6f8a248f4d./SRPMS.pclos/d   8 B@BABEBJ!Cmpo-tool0.7.11pclos2017Split/convert MPO 3D photosMPO Tool is a nice, little piece of software for splitting and converting MPO 3D photos.e~pinocGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mpo-tool-0.7.1-1pclos2017.src.rpmee47d5867db8b8330436e438b70fc8ae9./SRPMS.pclosGd   - B@BABEBJ9Cmppdec1.15+r961pclos2007Musepak DecoderMusepack is an audio compression format with a strong emphasis on high quality. It's not lossless, but it is designed for transparency, so that you won't be able to hear differences between the original wave file and the much smaller MPC file. It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code. This decoder is compatible with all StreamVersions from 4 to 7. You need it if you want to apply ReplayGain on your files or just want to decode to record on a CD. Soundi586 nasmmakeglibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mppdec-1.15+r96-1pclos2007.src.rpm 0b042550da419d4aeefc10d573b18009./SRPMS.pclos'd    * B@BABEBJCmppdecr961pclos2019The 1.15v decoderMusepack is an audio compression format with a strong emphasis on high quality. It's not lossless, but it is designed for transparency, so that you won't be able to hear differences between the original wave file and the much smaller MPC file. It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code. This decoder is compatible with all StreamVersions from 4 to 7. You need it if you want to apply ReplayGain on your files or just want to decode to record on a CD.kSoundx86_64 yasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mppdec-r96-1pclos2019.src.rpmq6610fb20fd9aef9f63d83f3837ec09ab./SRPMS.pclosd   * =CHT{B@BABEBJCmppenc1.164pclos2007Musepack encoderThis program handles encoding of the MPC format, which is an audio compression format with a strong emphasis on high quality. It's not lossless, but it is designed for transparency, so that you won't be able to hear differences between the original wave file and the much smaller MPC file. It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code.Texstar Soundi586 nasmcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mppenc-1.16-4pclos2007.src.rpm47ab46dec6c98eeeb2c77781a9cd9fe8./SRPMS.pclosOd  LH LR\tB@BABE BJACmps-youtube0.2.82pclos2022Terminal based YouTube player and downloaderThis project is based on mps, a terminal based program to search, stream and download music. This implementation uses YouTube as a source of content and can play and download video as well as audio. The pafy library handles interfacing with YouTube.OSoundnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-pafypython3dist(setuptools)python3-sphinxpython3-youtube-dlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mps-youtube-0.2.8-2pclos2022.src.rpmT1f67b0779b6804f6eca8262d1d75b51a./SRPMS.pclosd   > 333B@XBAxBE|BJCmpv0.39.02pclos2024Advanced General Purpose Video Playermpv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It supports a wide variety of video file formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types.%Videox86_64  ffnvcodec-develladspa-devellib64alsa2-devellib64archive-devellib64ass-devellib64bluray-devellib64bs2b-devellib64caca-devellib64cdio-devellib64cdio-paranoia-devellib64drm-devellib64dvdnav-devellib64dvdread-devellib64enca-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64glfw-devellib64guess-devellib64jack-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lua5.2-devellib64mng-devellib64mowgli2-devellib64openal-devellib64placebo-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64rubberband-devellib64sixel-devellib64smbclient0-devellib64uchardet-devellib64v4l-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xkbcommon-devellib64xpresent-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-devellib64xscrnsaver-devellib64xv-devellib64zimg-develluajit-develmesa-develmesonpkgconfigpython-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-develyasmzlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1mpv-0.39.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm%6368f3841de5293b57cf951c3c7f365a2./SRPMS.pclos3d  0` d{B@BABEBJ%Cmpvqt1.0.11pclos2024QML wrapper for libmpvMpvQt is a libmpv wrapper for Qt Quick 2/Qml.EGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  pkgconfig(mpv)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mpvqt-1.0.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmf1b35f12da830b8015b1a6535a4a75dd./SRPMS.pclosd  J 6B@DBAdBEhBJCmrxvt0.5.41pclos2007A multi-tabbed X terminal emulator based on rxvtMrxvt is a lightweight and powerful multi-tabbed X terminal emulator based on the popular emulators rxvt and aterm. It implements many useful features seen in modern X terminal emulators such as gnome-terminal and konsole while remaining lightweight and independent of the GNOME and KDE desktop environments. EgKDulcimer Terminalsi586 xpm-develutempter-develX11-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mrxvt-0.5.4-1pclos2007.src.rpm Mbea6b7b1ede2b50e6437d3b152bf9ad4./SRPMS.pclosd   @`d lB@BABEBJCms-sys2.2.01pclos2013Create DOS/MS-compatible boot recordsThis program is used to create DOS/MS-compatible boot records. It is able to do the same as Microsoft "fdisk /mbr" to a hard disk. It is also able to do the same as DOS "sys" to a floppy or FAT32 partition except that it does not copy any system files, only the boot record is written.pinoc32System/Configuration/Otheri586 bashgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ms-sys-2.2.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmq305bbe73908647a3729f931d08c10b6b./SRPMS.pclosd  v  08@eB@nBABEBJCplmscompress0.37pclos2017MS compress/expand-compatible (de)compressor(De)kompresor zgodny z MS compress/expandMicrosoft compress.exe/expand.exe-compatible file (de)compressor.Program kompresujcy i dekompresujcy zgodny z compress.exe/expand.exe Microsoftu.bb2 Archiving/Compressionx86_64 autoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mscompress-0.3-7pclos2017.src.rpm9ac05377ad2cf7bb7353699267fdafde./SRPMS.pclosd    Ept y  c B@}BABEBJCmscore1.31pclos2013Free music composition and notation softwareMuseScore is a free cross platform WYSIWYG music notation program, licenced under GNU GPL. Some highlights: * WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet" * Unlimited number of staves * Up to four voices per staff * Easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or MIDI * Integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer * Import and export of MusicXML and Standard MIDI Files (SMF) * Platform independent code, binaries available for Linux and Windows * Available in ten languages * GNU GPL licencedLNealSoundx86_64  libqt4-develcmakegettextlibice6-devellibalsa-devellibjack-develtexlivelilypondlibopenssl-develdoxygengraphvizdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 1fc272a282d2e460942cdfe542687ba7./SRPMS.pclosd   D IB@SBApBEtBJCmsec2.72pclos2019Security Level management Linux distributionsThe Security package is designed to provide security features to Linux users. It allows to select from a set of preconfigured security levels, and supports custom permission settings, user-specified levels, and several security utilities. This packages includes main msec application and several programs that will be run periodically in order to test the security of your system and alert you if needed.neSystem/Basex86_64 python3pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1msec-2.7-2pclos2019.src.rpmn#8b0bd76cf23644764e5156ad3feda462./SRPMS.pclosd   O /8HB@BABEBJCmsgpack1.3.02pclos2017Binary-based efficient object serialization libraryMessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.#bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 libtoollib64gtest-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1msgpack-1.3.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmk9315737ffd2f1264148b9524111e5f5f./SRPMS.pclosOd   W\ `qxB@BABE BJACmsilbc2.0.35pclos2015msiLBC is low bitrate audio codec - plugin for mediastreamerThis package supplies the mediastreamer plugin for the iLBC audio codec, which is necessary to use the codec with Linphone. iLBC is low bitrate audio codec - plugin for mediastreamer. Needed to build Google Talk libjingle voice call support with iLBC codec.WSystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconf2.5automakelinphone-devellibilbc-devellibortp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1msilbc-2.0.3-5pclos2015.src.rpm e7f3253139d2dc9df9bd552113097fdb./SRPMS.pclosd % E (0`B@pBABEBJCmsoffice-electron1.2.01pclos2024Microsoft Office 365 - ElectronMicrosoft Office - Electron is the app in which the Web Version of Microsoft Office is wrapped into a Cross-Platform App with Electron. And all the Services of Microsoft Office will work for free free free.tOfficex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1msoffice-electron-1.2.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmf51982c6a3906a0d98e030ed9d1fa7a2./SRPMS.pclosd   B0 4FP`B@BABEBJCmspdebug0.251pclos2018Debugger and gdb proxy for MSP430 MCUsA a free debugger for use with MSP430 MCUs. It supports FET430UIF, eZ430, RF2500 and TI Chronos devices. It can be used as a proxy for gdb or as an independent debugger with support for programming, disassembly and reverse engineering.Development/Otherx86_64 gcclibusb-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mspdebug-0.25-1pclos2018.src.rpmc3b9d1dedf48f349746841ce90638bb9./SRPMS.pclosd   B B@'BALBEPBJqCmsynctool0.221pclos2007CLI for synchronization with OpenSyncCommand line version of MultiSync for the OpenSync-package. To allow synchronization on machines which lack a X server. It relies on the OpenSync framework to do the actual synchronization. You need to install the libopensync package and the plugins for it, too. This package is independent from the various multisync-* packages which will be obsoleted once OpenSync has left the beta phase.`Networking/Otheri586 libopensync-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1msynctool-0.22-1pclos2007.src.rpmj'89ac4842424e73c24020d12a6909b0c7./SRPMS.pclosd   C@D ev|B@BABEBJCmt-st0.9b3pclos2007Programs to control tape device operationsThe mt-st package contains the mt and st tape drive management programs. Mt (for magnetic tape drives) and st (for SCSI tape devices) can control rewinding, ejecting, skipping files and blocks and more. This package can help you manage tape drives.tTexstar Archiving/Backupi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mt-st-0.9b-3pclos2007.src.rpmd1fe49907db6de92a646dd5e19ebb4bf./SRPMS.pclosd   L RB@^BABEBJCmtd-utils2.1.21pclos2021Utilities for dealing with MTD (flash) devicesThe mtd-utils package contains utilities related to handling MTD devices, and for dealing with FTL, NFTL JFFS2 etc.)System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 pkgconfig(zlib)libacl-develliblzo-develpkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mtd-utils-2.1.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm08a9fea1835a819ace2bc3218ac131897./SRPMS.pclosd  C B@BABEBJ Cmtdev1.1.61pclos2020Kernel multi-touch transformation libraryThe mtdev library transforms all variants of kernel MT (multi-touch) events to the slotted type B protocol. The events put into mtdev may be from any MT device, specifically type A without contact tracking, type A with contact tracking, or type B with contact tracking. See the kernel documentation for further details.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mtdev-1.1.6-1pclos2020.src.rpm04b4eef97bb96bf25d7d962f6df82f9b./SRPMS.pclosd       B@BABEBJCdemtink1.0.164pclos2016Status monitor and configuration tool for Epson inkjet printersStatusmonitor und Konfigurationstool für EPSON TintenstrahldruckerMtink is a status monitor which allow to get the remaining ink quantity, printing of test patterns, changing and cleaning cartridges.Mtink ist eine Statusanzeige für die verbleibenden Farbmenge von Tintenpatronen, zum drucken einer Testseite sowie zum wechseln und reinigen von Tintenpatronen. System/Printingx86_64 gimp-develglib-develgtk2-develjbig-devellcms-devellesstif-devellibgmp-devellibijs-devellibtiff-devellibusb-develxpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mtink-1.0.16-4pclos2016.src.rpm b6baf4de3c2e02bcc02bf90e954debc4./SRPMS.pclos{d   Z B@%BAHBELBJmCmtools4.0.471pclos2025Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disksMtools is a collection of utilities for accessing MS-DOS files. Mtools allow you to read, write and move around MS-DOS filesystem files (normally on MS-DOS floppy disks). Mtools supports Windows95 style long file names, OS/2 Xdf disks, and 2m disks. Mtools should be installed if you need to use MS-DOS disks.File toolsx86_64  libx11-devellibxau-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1mtools-4.0.47-1pclos2025.src.rpm>6a92f0503cabd3cf08604d478e51a80d./SRPMS.pclosod   O B@BA<BE@BJaCmtoolsfm1.9.37pclos2007Graphical frontend for the mtools floppy utilities This is a file manager which allows to transfer files between storage media accessed via the mtools and usual file systems. It is especially useful when one has an HP multi-function device or PhotoSmart printer with photo memory card drives, since the drives are only accessible via mtools and not as a mountable file system.CvTexstar File toolsi586 gtk+-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mtoolsfm-1.9.3-7pclos2007.src.rpmJ3b3b341e3ef77c63a224d14de3948256f./SRPMS.pclosd   Y    B@BABEBJ Cmtpaint3.49.131pclos2019Painting program for creating icons and pixel-based artworkmtPaint is a painting program to easily create pixel art and manipulate digital photos.76Graphicsx86_64 dos2unixgettextgiflib-develpkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mtpaint-3.49.13-1pclos2019.src.rpm6280a198c66ae952a555605ad9b2e81a8./SRPMS.pclosd   B GB@YBAxBE|BJCmtpfs2.01pclos2023FUSE file-system that supports MTP devicesMTPfs is a FUSE file-system that supports reading and writing from any MTP device supported by libmtp.fgFile toolsx86_64  pkgconfig(libmtp)pkgconfig(fuse)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(id3tag)glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   >  18LB@BABEBJCmtr0.841pclos2013Ping/Traceroute network diagnostic toolMtr is a network diagnostic tool which combines Ping and Traceroute into one program. Mtr also has two interfaces: An ncurses interface, useful for using Mtr from a telnet session and a Gtk interface if you are using X.Networking/Otherx86_64 gtk2-devellibgtk+-develncurses-develautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mtr-0.84-1pclos2013.src.rpm"%6517efc2132f7f2b69d7367c63397630./SRPMS.pclosd   U !(,HB@PBApBEtBJCmtx1.2.181pclos2007Controls the robotic mechanism in DDS Tape drive autoloadersThe MTX program controls the robotic mechanism in autoloaders and tape libraries such as the HP SureStore DAT 40x6, Exabyte EZ-17, and Exabyte 220. This program is also reported to work with a variety of other tape libraries and autochangers from ADIC, Tandberg/Overland, Breece Hill, HP, and Seagate. If you have a backup tape device capable of handling more than one tape at a time, you should install MTX.KTexstar Archiving/Backupi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mtx-1.2.18-1pclos2007.src.rpm94b4fb51d08e82df4ca54bd26314d05f6./SRPMS.pclosd   > &B@2BATBEXBJyCmudlet1.1.12pclos2013A MUD client for a whole new level.Mudlet is a freshly-minted MUD client, designed to take mudding to a new level. It’s a new breed of a client on the MUD scene – with an intuitive user interface, a specially designed scripting framework, and a very fast text display. Add to that cross-platform capability, an open-source development model, and you have a very likable MUD client.'Networking/Remote accessx86_64 yajl-develqt4-devellib64lua5.1-develpcre-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mudlet-1.1.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm'&26eedc35bed38086499fa21cb481cff8./SRPMS.pclosod   J  B@BA<BE@BJaCmuffin2.0.52pclos2014Window and compositing manager based on ClutterMuffin is a window and compositing manager that displays and manages your desktop via OpenGL. Muffin combines a sophisticated display engine using the Clutter toolkit with solid window-management logic inherited from the Metacity window manager. While Muffin can be used stand-alone, it is primarily intended to be used as the display core of a larger system such as Cinnamon. For this reason, Muffin is very extensible via plugins, which are used both to add fancy visual effects and to rework the window management behaviors to meet the needs of the environment.Graphical desktop/Cinnamonx86_64  pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xcomposite)zenitygnome-doc-utilsdesktop-file-utilsgtk-docgnome-commonintltoolpkgconfig(libcanberra)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk)pkgconfig(cinnamon-desktop)gettext-develpkgconfig(egl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   1` djtxB@BABEBJCmuffon1.6.01pclos2023Streaming Music ClientA streaming audio client from various sources.|Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1muffon-1.6.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm<7dcaf3108fe3609e7a6a1e9ec8c17bb7./SRPMS.pclos{d $ ^ B@BAHBELBJmCmultiarch-utils1.0.131pclos2011Tools to help creation of multiarch binaries and includesmultiarch-utils is a collection of helper utilities to dispatch binaries and include files during RPM package build.jDevelopment/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1multiarch-utils-1.0.13-1pclos2011.src.rpmdf4cdb562d21e1b027bae1887ab75c36./SRPMS.pcloswd  J B@BADBEHBJiCmultibootusb8.8.01pclos2017Create multiboot live Linux on a USB diskMultiBootUSB is a cross platform* software/utility to create multi boot live Linux on a removable media i.e USB disk. It is similar to unetbootin but many distros can be installed, provided you have enough space on the disk. MultiBootUSB also provides an option to uninstall distro(s) at any time, if you wish.~Agent Smith System/Basenoarch python3-setuptoolslib64python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1multibootusb-8.8.0-1pclos2017.src.rpm~5344981c8f752f84c684571bd5196df2./SRPMS.pclosd $ _8 <W`  r B@BABEBJCmultipath-tools0.11.11pclos2025Tools to manage multipathed devices with the device-mapperThis package provides the tools to manage multipathed devices by instructing the device-mapper multipath module what to do. The tools are: - multipath: scan the system for multipathed devices, assembles them and update the device-mapper's maps - multipathd: wait for maps events, then execs multipath - devmap-name: provides a meaningful device name to udev for devmaps - kpartx: maps linear devmaps upon device partitions, which makes multipath maps partitionable ^System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  libaio-devellibsysfs-develpkgconfig(devmapper)pkgconfig(json-c)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(mount)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(readline)pkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)userspace-rcu-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1multipath-tools-0.11.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm p17d60b9481cf056d5515767c6af6bcf7./SRPMS.pclos;d " >    B@BABE BJ-Cmultisync-gui0.91.01pclos2007GUI interface for multisyncGraphical version of MultiSync for the libopensync package. To allow synchronization on machines which use a X server. It relies on the OpenSync framework to do the actual synchronization. You need to install the libopensync package and the plugins for it, too. This package is independent from the various multisync-* packages which will be obsoleted once OpenSync has left the beta phase.(Communicationsi586  libopensync-develgtk2-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnomeui2-devellibopensync-devellibopensync-plugin-evolution2-devellibopensync-plugin-palm-devellibopensync-plugin-gperpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   [  EB@NBAtBExBJCmultitail5.2.61pclos2010Console Application view multiple files like the tail programmultitail lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail program. The difference is that it creates multiple windows on your console (with ncurses). It can also use colors while displaying the logfiles, for faster recognition of which lines are important and which are not. It supports regular expressions. It has interactive menus for editing given regular expressions and deleting and adding windows.Text toolsi586 libncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1multitail-5.2.6-1pclos2010.src.rpmbcf341188084c7e211726bbdd5894ed5./SRPMS.pclosOd   > B@BABE BJACmumble1.3.41pclos2021High quality voice chat applicationMumble is a free, open source, low latency, high quality voice chat application.:pNetworking/WWWx86_64 binutilsxztarsdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mumble-1.3.4-1pclos2021.src.rpm:yy78f38cafee787826c2729a1d8cdcbe6b./SRPMS.pclosd   >X \bltB@BABEBJCmumudvb2.0.02pclos2016A DVB IPTV streaming free softwareMuMuDVB (Multi Multicast DVB) is a program for streaming TV over a network originally based on dvbstream. MuMuDVB can redistribute a stream from a DVB source (digital satellite television, digital terrestrial television, or digital cable television) on a network, in multicast or in HTTP unicast. Its main feature is to take a whole transponder and put each channel on a different multicast group. MuMuDVB have a low memory and CPU footprint and is able to run on embedded platforms. RTSP streaming will be implemented in a near future. XVideox86_64 dvb-apps-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mumudvb-2.0.0-2pclos2016.src.rpm "23263401e0bbcff1dd54a2d5ecbdb00e./SRPMS.pclosd   = $[B@eBABEBJCmundus2.3.01pclos2012Clean and backup your /home folderMundus can keep your /home folder clean by looking for uninstalled software that left configuration files. It can automatically or manually backup those files in case you need them later._NealFile toolsnoarch desktop-file-utilsgambas3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mundus-2.3.0-1pclos2012.src.rpme0028578687d92dccf989d60a0a9b5d8b./SRPMS.pclosd   P jB@xBABEBJCmup6.22pclos2016A music notation program that can also generate MIDI filesMup takes a text description of music as input and creates either high quality PostScript output for printing or a MIDI file.$Soundx86_64 glibc-develfltk-devellibjpeg-devellib64png-develzlib-devellib64xpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mup-6.2-2pclos2016.src.rpm${e48b671118455af8f62960382dca6fff./SRPMS.pclossd  S B@BA@BEDBJeCmupdf1.25.41pclos2025Lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable CMuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. The renderer in MuPDF is tailored for high quality anti-aliased graphics. MuPDF renders text with metrics and spacing accurate to within fractions of a pixel for the highest fidelity in reproducing the look of a printed page on screen. MuPDF has a small footprint. A binary that includes the standard Roman fonts is only one megabyte. A build with full CJK support (including an Asian font) is approximately five megabytes. MuPDF has support for all non-interactive PDF 1.7 features, and the toolkit provides a simple API for accessing the internal structures of the PDF document. Example code for navigating interactive links and bookmarks, encrypting PDF files, extracting fonts, images, and searchable text, and rendering pages to image files is provided.pinocOfficex86_64  desktop-file-utilsfreeglut-develharfbuzz-develjbig2dec-develjpeg-devellcms2-devellib64curl-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gumbo-devellib64openjpeg-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellzipmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1mupdf-1.25.4-1pclos2025.src.rpmH44616bb166254ef1f98c84a491bc1e77./SRPMS.pclosd  E lB@yBABEBJCmupen64plus2.56pclos2019Nintendo 64 Emulator (console frontend)Mupen64Plus is a terminal console cross-platform plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator which is capable of accurately playing many games.+Emulatorsx86_64 lib64boost-devellib64lirc-devellib64freetype6-devellib64png-devellib64SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mupen64plus-2.5-6pclos2019.src.rpm.f2dc4cad5a60a9c8ed90024799c4dfccc./SRPMS.pclosd   TPT   S B@eBABEBJCmures0.56pclos2007Clone of Sega's "Chu Chu Rocket", a multi-player puzzle gameMures is a cross-platform clone of Sega's "Chu Chu Rocket" written using C. To start the game, run "mures -hN -aiM" where N and M are the number of human and computer players at the local computer. Press enter to start the game, press P to pause, and Q to quit. - Player 1: Use the mouse to target, and click and drag in the desired direction to place an arrow. - Player 2: Use the arrow keys to target, and the number keypad to place arrows. - Player 3: Use A,W,S,D to target and I,J,K,L to place arrows. PGuillaume Cottenceau Games/Arcadei586 SDL_image-develSDL_net-devellibSDL_ttf-develXFree86-develalsa-lib-develautoconfautomakeesound-develgcctexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mures-0.5-6pclos2007.src.rpm ]A2028f2cb9669ae81d542246198485e44./SRPMS.pclos3d & U B@BABEBJ%Cmurrine-configurator1.41pclos2007Configuration manager for Murrine theme engineConfiguration manager for Murrine theme engine.}Graphical desktop/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1murrine-configurator-1.4-1pclos2007.src.rpm~N9b9553e7731794210de3c09a9a257160./SRPMS.pclos7d   3, 06@B@BABEBJ)Cmuse4.0.01pclos2021Midi/Audio Music SequencerMusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. It can perform audio effects like chorus/flanger in real-time via LASH and it supports Jack and ALSA interfaces. MusE aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio for Linux.pSoundx86_64 pkgconfig(alsa)cmakedesktop-file-utilspkgconfig(dssi)pkgconfig(fluidsynth)pkgconfig(jack)ladspa-develpkgconfig(lash-1.0)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfigpkgconfig(python)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5UiTools)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1muse-4.0.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmp=9df01be67b1ae93c3517d692c66fc1cd./SRPMS.pclosd   L| B@BABEBJCmuseeks0.13.11pclos2023A simple, clean and cross-platform music playerA simple, clean and cross-platform music playerSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1museeks-0.13.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm I9414888f3efac00dd4dac28ad5dbe9d0./SRPMS.pclosd  ;  AB@JBApBEtBJCmusictracker0.4.12pclos2007music track display pluginmusictracker is a plugin for Pidgin which displays the music track currently playing in your status. It supports a wide range of audio players.Texstar Networking/Instant messagingi586 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1musictracker-0.4.1-2pclos2007.src.rpme0143ec0c0a74c666e0c741cf47a1acd./SRPMS.pclosod   4 B@BA<BE@BJaCmusikcube0.62.22pclos2019Terminal Music PlayerA cross-platform, terminal-based audio engine, library, player and server written in C++QSoundx86_64 cmakelib64alsa2-devellib64boost-devellib64curl-devellib64ev-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64lame0-devellib64microhttpd-devellib64ncurses-devellib64ogg-devellib64openssl-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64taglib-devellib64vorbis0-devellibstdc++-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1musikcube-0.62.2-2pclos2019.src.rpmQ9ebf9b06eea2e962c1926f6268b16115./SRPMS.pclosCd   3h lr|B@BABEBJ5Cmusique1.111pclos2023Lightweight music playerMusique is a lightweight and versatile music player.Soundx86_64  pkgconfig(mpv)pkgconfig(taglib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1musique-1.11-1pclos2023.src.rpmpf9cc8f9b7f1a49ce1579e5c6f8436b24./SRPMS.pclosOd  3T XhpB@BABE BJACmutt1.5.211pclos2014Text mode mail user agentMutt is a text mode mail user agent. Mutt supports color, threading, arbitrary key remapping, and a lot of customization. You should install mutt if you've used mutt in the past and you prefer it, or if you're new to mail programs and you haven't decided which one you're going to use. RNetworking/Mailx86_64  bzip2-devellinuxdoc-toolssendmail-commanddb-devellib64sasl2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   0x| B@BA8BE<BJ]Cmutter3.2.21pclos2012Mutter window managerMutter is a simple window manager that integrates nicely with GNOME 3.;_NealGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)cogl-devellibxtst-devellibmesaglu-develGConf2zenityintltoolgnome-doc-utilsgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>2da6f1d2b43e62d3e6d43193ecbd9df0b./SRPMS.pclosOd   > B@BABE BJACmuttprint0.731pclos2010Pretty printing of mails for MuttMuttprint formats the printing of Mutt and other mail clients to be as pretty as the printing of Mozilla or Kmail.0Networking/Maili586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1muttprint-0.73-1pclos2010.src.rpm4_3b60c9d55c5041c3d5cff4061d8c5509./SRPMS.pclosd   8 0B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cmxml3.11pclos2019Miniature XML development libraryMini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to read XML and XML-like data files in your application without requiring large non-standard libraries. Mini-XML provides the following functionality: - Reading of UTF-8 and UTF-16 and writing of UTF-8 encoded XML files and strings. - Data is stored in a linked-list tree structure, preserving the XML data hierarchy. - Supports arbitrary element names, attributes, and attribute values with no preset limits, just available memory. - Supports integer, real, opaque ("cdata"), and text data types in "leaf" nodes. - Functions for creating and managing trees of data. - "Find" and "walk" functions for easily locating and navigating trees of data. Mini-XML doesn't do validation or other types of processing on the data based upon schema files or other sources of definition information, nor does it support character entities other than those required by the XML specification.{HSystem/Librariesx86_64 gccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mxml-3.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm{w9506f8efa3a48deea0204045e9b5b63d./SRPMS.pcloscd * ? B@BA0BE4BJUCmy-weather-indicator0.10.135pclos2024My Weather IndicatorMy-Weather-Indicator is an an application especially designed for current weather and the weather forecast. The weather forecast for the next few days in your city. You can have up to two indicators for two cities, and choose the best weather service information that you provide. You select customizable widgets to make your desktop more personalized.8aMonitoringnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1my-weather-indicator-0.10.13-5pclos2024.src.rpm870bda7013130d02515d3a3bee7dd78a0./SRPMS.pclosd  B  <B@LBAtBExBJCmygrub-editor1.182pclos2023Edit the default grub config fileEdit the default grub config file. Your own GRUB settings are stored in the /etc/default/grub file. Edit this file to change GRUB2’s settings.gSystem/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mygrub-editor-1.18-2pclos2023.src.rpmge294fe151d9059ab2ae30b6078d6bac4./SRPMS.pclosgd ! h B@BA4BE8BJYCdemyhostname1.0.21pclos2023Simple GUI to edit HostnameEinfaches GUI zum bearbeiten des HostnamenSimple GUI to edit your hostname.Einfaches GUI zum bearbeiten des Hostnamen.danielSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1myhostname-1.0.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm,c36c2ac4f4777f235530b493d048c7a2./SRPMS.pclos#d # 2T Xs|B@BABEBJCmylive-install1.0.252pclos2024Live InstallerLive ISO installer for PCLinuxOS System/Configuration/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mylive-install-1.0.25-2pclos2024.src.rpm /772f0e70a9be1c5798eecc5988698f67./SRPMS.pclos;d   8\ `B@BABE BJ-Cmylivecd0.9.1421pclos2025MyLiveCD Remastering ToolMyLiveCD is a script that allows you to build a bootable ISO image of your existing installation. Maximum compressed image can exceed 4 gigs but must be placed on a usbkey large enough to handle the image size. It features automatic hardware detection and decompresses the image on the fly.nSystem/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64  intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mylivecd-0.9.14-21pclos2025.src.rpm85d44a2e30f6c0ea63a010afec9960db./SRPMS.pclosd   Cx|    B@BABEBJCmylivegtk1.2.04pclos2017Graphical User Interface For MyLiveCDMyLiveCD is a script that allows you to build a bootable LiveCD/DVD of your existing installation. This package adds a graphical interface for selecting some of the more common options. Please install draklive-install if you plan to remaster your installation otherwise you will not be able to install it.PsTara Rain (RainDancer)System/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+-x11-2.0_0lib64pango1.0-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mylivegtk-1.2.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmV5ffc1f242990e024892c5d29f9fbd2262./SRPMS.pclosd    ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Cdemyliveusb4.41pclos2022Create a live PCLinuxOS install on removable media.Erstellen einer Live-Installation auf WechselmedienMyLiveUsb v.4 allows you to place not only the initial, or primary Operating System, on your selected partition, but also to add further Operating Systems as space allows. You can then choose at boot time which version of PCLinuxOS you would like to boot. It can of course also be used to put your own remaster of PCLinuxOS on a removable drive.Diese Anwendung automatisiert das Erstellen einer Live-Installation eines Betriebssystems auf Wechselmedien, wie einem USB-Stick oder Festplatte. Es ist speziell für die Verwendung mit Betriebssystemdateien von PCLinuxOS konzipiert. Es erlaubt Ihnen, nicht nur das erste primäre Betriebssystem auf Ihrer ausgewählten Partition zu erstellen, sondern auch noch weitere Betriebssysteme hinzufügen, wenn dies die Kapazität erlaubt. Sie können dann, beim Booten auswählen, welche Version von PCLinuxOS gestartet werden soll.System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1myliveusb-4.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm fba894015adcb60c95052717c4d43648./SRPMS.pclosd! ,   B@BALBEPBJqCdemynvidia-installer23.10.041pclos2023Simple GUI to install Nvidia driverEinfaches GUI zum installieren von Nvidia TreiberSimple GUI to install Nvidia driver. At version 23.09.28 added mynvidia-cli. Important: requires a clean sources.list (no nvidiaxxx section) If you want to translate it in your native language use the pot file in /usr/share/doc/mynvidia-installerEinfaches GUI zum installierenn von Nvidia Treiber. In Version 23.09.28 wurde mynvidia-cli hinzugefügt. Wichtig: benötigt eine saubere sources.list (kein nvidiaxxx aktiv) Wenn Sie es in Ihre Muttersprache übersetzen möchten, verwenden Sie die Pot-Datei in /usr/share/doc/mynvidia-installerDdanielSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mynvidia-installer-23.10.04-1pclos2023.src.rpmla5668dc5c7f7136b4cff04c93530ac6e./SRPMS.pclos_d   G    B@ BA,BE0BJQCmypaint2.0.13pclos2024Paint program for use with graphics tabletsMyPaint is a pressure- and tilt-sensitive painting program which works well with Wacom graphics tablets and other similar devices. It comes with a large brush collection including charcoal and ink to emulate real media, but the highly configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own brushes and with not-quite-natural painting.oiGraphicsx86_64   pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libmypaint)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(mypaint-brushes-2.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)python3-develpython3-numpy-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig1.63.0.4-14.6.0-1mypaint-2.0.1-3pclos2024.src.rpmoyV5b6dc757340b6e9bc90f02d0f7ecac51./SRPMS.pclossd # O B@BA@BEDBJeCmypaint-brushes2.0.23pclos2024Brushes to be used with the MyPaint libraryThis package contains brush files for use with MyPaint and other programs.Graphicsx86_64  autoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mypaint-brushes-2.0.2-3pclos2024.src.rpm|c2e7f7f40829f52da41849835f260ffe./SRPMS.pclos_d  A B@BA,BE0BJQCmypdfsearch0.1.21pclos2025Search on pdf files for a patternSearch on pdf files for a pattern. Simple user interface for pdfgrep, uses yad and gtkdialog.g7danielOfficex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mypdfsearch-0.1.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmNa004bef84bcd7251406fd70ba2dcd229./SRPMS.pclosod   . B@BA<BE@BJaCmyplay0.2.12pclos2010Simple music playerMyPlay is a very simple music player. It follows two main principles that make it kinda different: * It works directly with files, without creating a "music library", so it's your freedom and duty to organize your collection as you want with ordinary folders. * It works as a background service, playing its playlist without creating any windows or notification icons. However a number of UIs can be provided to control it. This package provides simple GTK+-based graphical interface. The player is implemented as a D-BUS service utilizing GStreamer framework to do actual playing. It provides a D-BUS interface to modify playlist and control playing.[cSoundnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1myplay-0.2.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmaSc9043ad2a84452190f428445d32ebc76./SRPMS.pclos7d " ?l pB@BABEBJ)Cmyrootpassword1.0.03pclos2023Configure your root passwordA simple Gui to configure your root passwordsSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1myrootpassword-1.0.0-3pclos2023.src.rpmz3759e3a61d8703a43860d40ebb437ea9./SRPMS.pclos{d   Ix| B@&BAHBELBJmCmyrtcwake1.21pclos2024myrtcwake is a simple to used GUI for rtcwakemyrtcwake is a simple to used GUI for rtcwake6danielSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64  gtkdialogpolkitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)util-linuxxterm3.0.4-14.6.0-1myrtcwake-1.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmU4663ad38857f91d9c87f1161936eee94./SRPMS.pclosd ) W8 <X`hB@BABEBJCmyspell-dictionaries1.0.213pclos2023MySpell Spelling and Hyphenation dictionariesmyspell-* packages contain spell checking data to be used by OpenOffice.org or any other MySpell-capable application, like Mozilla. myspell-hyph-* packages contain hyphenation dictionaries for a particular set of languages.System/Internationalizationnoarch unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1myspell-dictionaries-1.0.2-13pclos2023.src.rpmv36bbaf566dad54e1a3b3baf4ceb8162a./SRPMS.pclos7d ' ;pt |B@BABEBJ)Cmysql-connector-net6.2.41pclos2013MySQL Connector/NetMySQL Connector/Net is an ADO.NET driver for MySQL.~>pinoc64Development/Othernoarch  mono-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 31657dac95bddaef038fcf577bd7d520e./SRPMS.pclosd * E +4@oB@yBABEBJCmysql-connector-python1.0.72pclos2013MySQL Connector for PythonMySQL Connector/Python is implementing the MySQL Client/Server protocol completely in Python. No MySQL libraries are needed, and no compilation is necessary to run this Python DB API v2.0 compliant driver.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develmysqlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mysql-connector-python-1.0.7-2pclos2013.src.rpm02e8891c3084b58ea39e27d8627992f1./SRPMS.pclosKd ' N\ `jp   B@BABEBJ=Cmysql-gui-tools5.01.r14.4pclos2010GUI Tools for MySQL 5.0 - common filesGUI Tools for MySQL 5.0 is a suite of applications written for developing and managing MySQL servers. This package contains data files and libraries for MySQL GUI Tools. Actual applications are in packages mysql-administrator, mysql-query-browser and mysql-workbench2Databasesi586  autoconf2.5expat-develfilegettext-develglib2-develglibmm2.4-develgtk2-develgtkmm2.4-devellibext2fs-devellibglade2.0-devellibsigc++2.0-devellibslang-devellibtoollibuuid-devellibxml2-devellibfcgi-develgtkhtml-3.14-devellua5.0-develmesagl-develmesaglu-develgettextlibgnome2-devellibgnomeprint-develmysql-develncurses-developenssl-develpcre-develpkgconfigpython-develreadline-develtermcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ K ",555B@GBAtBExBJCmysql-workbench5.2.472pclos2013Extensible modeling tool for MySQL 5.xMySQL Workbench is modeling tool that allows you to design and generate MySQL databases graphically. MySQL Workbench requires OpenGL and a 3D accelerated graphics card with at least 16MB of memory.rDatabasesx86_64  autoconf2.5boost-develcairo-develcairomm-develctemplate-develexpat-develfdupesfilefreetype2-develgettextgettext-develglib2-develglibmm2.4-develgtk2-develgtkhtml-3.14-develgtkmm2.4-develimagemagickiodbc-devellibext2fs-devellibfcgi-devellibfontconfig-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnome2-devellibgnomeprint-devellibpng-devellibsigc++2.0-devellibslang-devellibtoollibuuid-devellibx11-devellibxext-devellibxml2-devellibxrender-devellibzip-devellua5.1-develmesagl-develmesaglu-develmysql-connector-c++-develncurses-developenssl-develpcre-develpixman-develpkgconfigpython-develreadline-develscintilla-develtermcap-develsqlite3-devellibgnome-keyring-develtinyxml-develantlr3-C-develpython-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( O &,**&*B@~BABEBJCmysql-workbench-oss5.1.162pclos2010Extensible modeling tool for MySQL 5.0MySQL Workbench is modeling tool that allows you to design and generate MySQL databases graphically. MySQL Workbench requires OpenGL and a 3D accelerated graphics card with at least 16MB of memory.Databasesi586  autoconf2.5cairo-develboost-develctemplate-develexpat-develfilefreetype2-develgettextgettext-develglib2-develglibmm2.4-develgtk2-develgtkhtml-3.14-develgtkmm2.4-devellibext2fs-devellibfcgi-devellibfontconfig-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnome2-devellibgnomeprint-devellibpng-devellibsigc++2.0-devellibslang-devellibtoollibx11-devellibxext-devellibxml2-devellibxrender-devellibzip-devellua5.1-develmesagl-develmesaglu-develmysql-develncurses-developenssl-develpcre-develpixman-develpkgconfigpython-develreadline-develtermcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   .  4B@BABEBJCmythes1.2.51pclos2024A thesaurus libraryMyThes is a simple thesaurus that uses a structured text data file and an index file with binary search to look up words and phrases and return information on part of speech, meanings, and synonyms.,(System/Internationalizationx86_64  autoconfgettext-develpkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1mythes-1.2.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm,P99bfefb9b6c9711165e7a8e3b461c926./SRPMS.pclosd " J(, 17@LB@BABEBJCmythtv-themes0.24.21pclos2012Additional themes for mythtv's frontendMythTV provides a unified graphical interface for recording and viewing television programs. Refer to the mythtv-docs package for more information. This package contains additional themes for the mythtv user interface.r)NealVideox86_64 lib64myth-devellib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   8tx B@BABEBJCmythweb0.27.62pclos2017The web interface to mythTVMythWeb provides a frontend for scheduling and managing recordings on your MythBox from a web browser located on another machine. Provided the security is set up correctly on your MythBox you can access your machine from anywhere on the internet, or even your mobile phone as long as you have a compatible browser.fbb2 Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1mythweb-0.27.6-2pclos2017.src.rpmG889c4783388706b67a1adcbcf32c4418./SRPMS.pclosd  H 8SXhB@BABEBJCnaat-backend0.838pclos2007Backend for Mandriva firewall admin toolBackend for Mandriva firewall admin tool. Contains an event-handler, a config-wrapper (usable in commandline), as well as a sample configuration, and base templates, events, and scripts.Neverstopdreaming System/Configuration/Otheri586  /bin/chmodperl-devellibrrdtool-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   9PT _lt  p B@BABEBJCnaev0.7.01pclos20182D space trading and combat gameNAEV is a 2D space trading and combat game, taking inspiration from the Escape Velocity series. You pilot a space ship from a top-down perspective, and are more or less free to do what you want. As the genre name implies, you’re able to trade and engage in combat at will. Beyond that, there’s an ever-growing number of storyline missions, equipment, and ships; Even the galaxy itself grows larger with each release. For the literarily-inclined, there are large amounts of lore accompanying everything from planets to equipment.JPghostbunnyGames/Arcadex86_64 sdl2-devellibxml2-develfreetype2-devellibpng-devellibopenal-devellibvorbis-develbinutils-devellibjpeg-develsdl2_image-devellibzip-develmesaglu-devellua5.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1naev-0.7.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmEd8b42dd6c8cc87d64c8d998a1d646eec./SRPMS.pclos/d   J B@BABEBJ!Cnail12.45pclos2019A MIME capable implementation of the mailx commandNail is derived from Berkeley Mail and is intended to provide the functionality of the POSIX.2 mailx command with additional support for MIME, UTF-8, POP3/POP3s, IMAP, SMTP (SSL, TLS, AUTH), S/MIME, Maildir, and more. It provides enhanced features for interactive use, such as caching and disconnected operation for IMAP, message threading, scoring, filtering, and Bayesian junk mail filter. It is also usable as a mail batch language, both for sending and receiving mail. Since version 12.0 Nail has been integrated into the Heirloom project, renamed to Mailx.fNetworking/Mailx86_64 pkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nail-12.4-5pclos2019.src.rpmTk3a4f9ab413132f07b90f27ac37730bf2./SRPMS.pclosd   A (cB@mBABEBJCnamebench1.3.12pclos2013Namebench is a benchmarking utilityNamebench hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. Namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. Namebench does not modify your system in any way. Namebench is available with a graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface. Menu Entry is in System - Configuration - Networking Monitoringnoarch python-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1namebench-1.3.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm 31ffb0fd4215df27f0a691f730a8d189./SRPMS.pcloscd    B@BA0BE4BJUCdenanny2.29.44pclos2011Gnome-Nanny is a parental control system designed for GnomeGnome-Nanny ist ein elterliches Kontrollsystem für GnomeNanny is an easy way to control what your kids are doing in the computer. You can limit how much time a day each one of them is browsing the web, chatting or doing email. You can also decide at which times of the day the can do this things.Nanny ist eine einfache Weise zu überwachen, was Ihre Kinder am Computer tun. Sie können einstellen, wie viel Zeit jedes Kind im Web verbringen darf, auch Chatten oder E-Mail schreiben wird überwacht. Sie können auch entscheiden, zu welchen Tageszeiten jedes Kind den Rechner nutzen kann.wGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gccgcc-c++perl-XML-Parserpkgconfigpython-develpython-imaginggnome-doc-utilspython-twistedpython-hachoir-regexgettextpygtk2.0pygtk2.0-libgladepython-dbusgnome-python-gtoplibtoolintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nanny-2.29.4-4pclos2011.src.rpma1827392d407fb96692e07bad32ffd5f./SRPMS.pclosd   I SB@dBABEBJCnano8.31pclos2025Tiny console text editor that aims to emulate Piconano (Nano's ANOther editor) is the editor formerly known as TIP (TIP Isn't Pico). It aims to emulate Pico as closely as possible while also offering a few enhancements. 5Editorsx86_64  ncursesw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1nano-8.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm01c9c775c30ecfac928d52be7efbe5726b./SRPMS.pcloswd # 0 B@BADBEHBJiCnant0.92+git201301311pclos2013Ant for .NETNAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like make without make's wrinkles. In practice it's a lot like Ant.Apinoc32Development/Othernoarch mono-datamono-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nant-0.92+git20130131-1pclos2013.src.rpmGzd67b95de2278ef7e0f42a31cdd72546e./SRPMS.pclosd   /4 8GP   B@,BALBEPBJqCnonas1.9.51pclos2023Network Audio SystemThis package contains a network-transparent, client/server audio system, with a library Key features of the Network Audio System include: - Device-independent audio over the network - Lots of audio file and data formats - Can store sounds in server for rapid replay - Extensive mixing, separating, and manipulation of audio data - Simultaneous use of audio devices by multiple applications - Use by a growing number of ISVs - Small size - Free! No obnoxious licensing termsDenne pakken inneholder ett netttverkstransparent, klient/server audio system, med et bibliotek. Nøkkelfinessene til Network Audio Systemm inkluderer: - Enhetsuavhengig lyd over nettverket - Masser av audiofiler og dataformater - Kan lagre lyder i tjener for kjapp gjenavspilling - Utvidet mixing, separering og manipulering av lyddata - Samtidig bruk av lydenheter fra flere applikasjoner på en gang - Brukt av ett voksende nummer av uavhengige programvareutviklere - Liten i størrelse - Gratis! Ingen irriterende lisensbetingelser -TSystem/Serversx86_64 bisonflexx11-util-cf-filesimakepkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xau)pkgconfig(xp)pkgconfig(xaw7)pkgconfig(xt)rmangccmakedeprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nas-1.9.5-1pclos2023.src.rpm ,53f26b5b197b0d54e74e5d6769684ae1./SRPMS.pclosKd   d  4  B@BABEBJ=Cdenasm2.16.031pclos2024Extensive documentation for NASMAusführliche Dokumentation für NASMDas Programmierwerkzeug unterstützt die MMX-, SSE- und 3DNow!-Erweiterungen moderner AMD- und Intel-Prozessoren. Mit NASM stehen viele Ausgabeformate zur Verfügung: Linux,*BSD a.out, ELF, COFF, Mach-O, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ, Win32, Win64 und Maschinencode (flat binary). NASM bringt einen Disassembler (ndisasm) mit. NASM ist unter der GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) freigegeben.Documentationx86_64  fdupesfonts-ttf-liberationghostscriptghostscript-commongroffperl-Font-TTFperl-IO-Stringperl-Sort-Versionsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1nasm-2.16.03-1pclos2024.src.rpm0a9e0131bff34cff4c2808d859ab5085c./SRPMS.pclosd   RHL QY`hB@BABEBJCdenatpad1.42pclos2012Textpad clone for Linux/GTKTextpadklon für Linux/GTKNatpad is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. natpad is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window.Natpad ist ein Texteditor, welcher die meisten Standardeditorfunktionen unterstützt, wobei diese Funktionen um weitere ergänzt wurden. Natpad ist ein grafisches Programm, welches das Editieren mehrerer Textfelder in einem Fenster erlaubt.SNealEditorsx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1natpad-1.4-2pclos2012.src.rpm[c06c62a633e80c1af788b5e6dea5aed9a./SRPMS.pclosd    K` du|B@BABEBJCnatpmp1.02pclos2016Library of The NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP)natpmp executablejSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1natpmp-1.0-2pclos2016.src.rpmj/181742eff9ef29c9e8c799211091da75./SRPMS.pclosd" - @ ;B@OBABEBJCnaver-whale-browser4.29.282.151pclos2025Naver Whale StableNaver Whale is a South Korean freeware Chrome based web browser developed by Naver Corporation, which is also available in English. Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdtarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1naver-whale-browser-   E B@BABEBJ9Cnavi-x3.7.81pclos2013Navi-X is a multi-platform addon for XBMC.Navi-X is a multi-platform addon for XBMC that provides access to all kinds of multimedia content, listed on a public directory of user contributed listings or playlists for playing on your TV, PC or mobile devices! Users can link to content and playback video, audio, pictures, podcasts, text, rss and html on the internet and share it with people around the world in seconds! Create fully customizable playlists with backgrounds, logos and icons as well as link to your favorite multimedia on the internet or browse the already existing directory of publicly available content, in one sleek, fast and unified application! ~Videonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1navi-x-3.7.8-1pclos2013.src.rpm W536e81a3e9b3af13e667f935fa09bfbb./SRPMS.pclosd   4 8IPTpB@xBABEBJCdenbtscan1.7.21pclos2023Tool to gather NetBIOS info from Windows networksWerkzeug, um NetBIOS-Informationen von Windows-Netzwerken zu sammelnNBTscan is a program for scanning IP networks for NetBIOS name information. It sends a NetBIOS status query to each address in supplied range and lists received information in human readable form.Nbtscan ist ein Programm zum Scannen von IP-Netzen für NetBIOS-Namen Informationen. Es sendet eine NetBIOS-Status-Abfrage an jede Adresse in der Nähe und zeigt geliefert empfangenen Informationen in lesbarer Form.nnNetworking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nbtscan-1.7.2-1pclos2023.src.rpmueae2a77f96c3b2a6782ed6a432407070./SRPMS.pclos/d  A( ,=DdB@BABEBJ!Cncbi6.1.200610151pclos2010NCBI software development toolkitNCBI SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLKIT National Center for Biotechnology Information Bldg 38A, NIH 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20894 The NCBI Software Development Toolkit was developed for the production and distribution of GenBank, Entrez, BLAST, and related services by NCBI. We make it freely available to the public without restriction to facilitate the use of NCBI by the scientific community. However, please understand that while we feel we have done a high quality job, this is not commercial software. The documentation lags considerably behind the software and we must make any changes required by our data production needs. Nontheless, many people have found it a useful and stable basis for a number of tools and applications.tSciences/Biologyi586 X11-devellesstif-develpcre-develmesaglu-develpng-develpmaketcshrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ncbi-6.1.20061015-1pclos2010.src.rpmKp0a5a154029eeca427801e5065c43ea9b./SRPMS.pclosd   4 )B@3BAPBETBJuCncdu1.171pclos2022Text-based disk usage viewerncdu (NCurses Disk Usage) is a curses-based version of the well-known 'du', and provides a fast way to see what directories are using your disk space.aMonitoringx86_64 ncurses-develncursesw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ncdu-1.17-1pclos2022.src.rpm܉3252d8e2663f13d9b461fa606ca15c7a./SRPMS.pclosd02B@;BA\BE`BJCncftp3.2.51pclos2011An improved FTP clientNcftp is an improved FTP client. Ncftp's improvements include support for command line editing, command histories, recursive gets, automatic anonymous logins and more.Networking/File transferx86_64 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ncftp-3.2.5-1pclos2011.src.rpm"621a7a60c9ce80ed5197a6c4038a0200./SRPMS.pclossd   /T X^h   B@ BA@BEDBJeCncmpc0.451pclos2021Ncurses client for MPDncmpc is a curses client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). ncmpc connects to a MPD running on a machine on the local network, and controls this with an interface inspired by cplay. If ncmpc is used with lirc and irpty it can be used to manage playlists and control MPD with a remote control.QSoundx86_64 mesonninjaboost-develglib2-develpkgconfig(libmpdclient)ncurses-develpython-sphinxlib64lirc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ncmpc-0.45-1pclos2021.src.rpmY647fa17ab7584edafe90139ef4e6584f4./SRPMS.pclosd   Q hB@vBABEBJCncmpcpp0.9.23pclos2022Featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpcA featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc. The main features are: - tag editor - playlist editor - easy to use search engine - media library - music visualizer - ability to fetch artist info from last.fm - new display mode - alternative user interface - ability to browse and add files from outside of MPD music directory .. and a lot more minor functions.WSoundx86_64 curl-develtaglib-develncurses-devellibmpdclient-develboost-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ncmpcpp-0.9.2-3pclos2022.src.rpm_12172882c988b8015b0e4bdcf19101a3./SRPMS.pclosd   Lt xB@BABEBJ Cncompress4.2.4.51pclos2019Fast compression and decompression utilitiesThe ncompress package contains the compress and uncompress file compression and decompression utilities, which are compatible with the original UNIX compress utility (.Z file extensions). These utilities can't handle gzipped (.gz file extensions) files, but gzip can handle compressed files.)Archiving/Compressionx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ncompress-  X(, \mt|B@BABEBJCncpfs2.2.63pclos2007Utilities for the ncpfs filesystem, a NetWare client for LinuxNcpfs is a filesystem which understands the Novell NetWare(TM) NCP protocol. Functionally, NCP is used for NetWare the way NFS is used in the TCP/IP world. For a Linux system to mount a NetWare filesystem, it needs a special mount program. The ncpfs package contains such a mount program plus other tools for configuring and using the ncpfs filesystem. Install the ncpfs package if you need to use the ncpfs filesystem to use Novell NetWare files or services.,Neverstopdreaming Networking/Otheri586 pam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ncpfs-2.2.6-3pclos2007.src.rpm7d3fc45c9b86835ca1a05e440c1d1885./SRPMS.pclosd   H@ DU\lB@BABEBJ Cncurses6.51pclos2025A CRT screen handling and optimization packageThe curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of updating character screens with reasonable optimization. The ncurses (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the discontinued 4.4BSD classic curses library."System/Librariesx86_64  gpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sharutils3.0.4-14.6.0-1ncurses-6.5-1pclos2025.src.rpm#h74342913c172a7f6a13bdb5f52d72999./SRPMS.pclosd   QH L]d  Y B@mBABEBJCndctl682pclos2022Manage "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)Utility library for managing the "libnvdimm" subsystem. The "libnvdimm" subsystem defines a kernel device model and control message interface for platform NVDIMM resources like those defined by the ACPI 6+ NFIT (NVDIMM Firmware Interface Table).rcSystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconfxmltoasciidocautomakelibtoolpkgconfigpkgconfig(libkmod)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(json-c)pkgconfig(bash-completion)keyutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ndctl-68-2pclos2022.src.rpmul39a082d39323f149d4155cc8c8423cfb./SRPMS.pclosCd   < B@BABEBJ5Cndesk-dbus0.6.1a2pclos2014Managed D-Bus implementationdbus-sharp is a C# implementation of D-Bus. It's often referred to as "managed D-Bus" to avoid confusion with existing bindings (which wrap libdbus). D-Bus is an inter-process communication framework that lets applications interface with the system event bus as well as allowing them to talk to one another in a peer-to-peer configuration.sLSystem/Librariesnoarch mono-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ndesk-dbus-0.6.1a-2pclos2014.src.rpmx7880b30f0b3cf26aff81fae1fe82c00c./SRPMS.pclosd # S AB@LBAxBE|BJCndesk-dbus-glib0.4.13pclos2014Managed D-Bus implementation - GLib integrationdbus-sharp is a C# implementation of D-Bus. It's often referred to as "managed D-Bus" to avoid confusion with existing bindings (which wrap libdbus). This is the GLib integration for ndesk-dbus. D-Bus is an inter-process communication framework that lets applications interface with the system event bus as well as allowing them to talk to one another in a peer-to-peer configuration.System/Librariesnoarch mono-develndesk-dbusgtk-sharp2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ndesk-dbus-glib-0.4.1-3pclos2014.src.rpm =27cba5167a491340e3d90230774016e4./SRPMS.pclosd   * $,HB@BABEBJCne3.2.11pclos2019ne, the nice editorne is a free (GPL'd) text editor based on the POSIX standard that runs (we hope) on almost any UN*X machine. ne is easy to use for the beginner, but powerful and fully configurable for the wizard, and most sparing in its resource usage.Editorsx86_64 ncurses-develmakebashperltexinfosedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ne-3.2.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm!dd964d57dd65cfe72176dc12282d0488./SRPMS.pclosd   =  0xB@BABEBJCnedit5.54pclos2007A text editor for the X Window SystemNEdit is a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System, which combines a standard, easy to use, graphical user interface with the thorough functionality and stability required by users who edit text eighthours a day. It provides intensive support for development in a wide variety of languages, text processors, and other tools, but at the same time can be used productively by just about anyone who needs to edit text.lTexstar Editorsi586  byacclesstif-develXFree86-develxpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.933.0.4-1nedit-5.5-4pclos2007.src.rpm]Zb0cc1e5588b9c9d2000f33bdc418db26./SRPMS.pclos'd   2 B@BABEBJCnemo2.0.82pclos2014File manager for CinnamonNemo is the file manager and graphical shell for the Cinnamon desktop that makes it easy to manage your files and the rest of your system. It allows to browse directories on local and remote filesystems, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop.Graphical desktop/Cinnamonx86_64 gnome-commonintltoolpkgconfig(gtk-doc)rariandesktop-file-utilslib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64exempi3-devellib64exif12-devellib64gail3.0-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0_0lib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pango1.0_0-moduleslib64x11-devellib64xml2-develcinnamon-desktop-develgnome-themes-standardrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nemo-2.0.8-2pclos2014.src.rpm2a057c7739ad4405513dda1df33ec507./SRPMS.pclosd# . O 5B@ABAxBE|BJCnemo-extensions-fileroller2.0.01pclos2013A file-roller extension for nemoFileroller extension for Nemo for the Cinnamon desktop environment.̓Graphical desktop/Cinnamonx86_64 pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)nemo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nemo-extensions-fileroller-2.0.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmbcc9751dd3310690b91f1b6e7a10d5391./SRPMS.pclosWd   Y /8XB@BA$BE(BJICneochat24.12.31pclos2025Client for matrix, the decentralized communication protocolNeochat is a client for Matrix, the decentralized communication protocol for instant messaging. It is a fork of Spectral, using KDE frameworks, most notably Kirigami, KConfig and KI18n.DGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroskquickchartspkgconfig(appstream-glib)prisonqt6-qtlocationrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)syntax-highlighting3.0.4-14.6.0-1neochat-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmv3c526424e9a4058a9183ade8ddf3efb8./SRPMS.pclosd   HX \zB@BABEBJCneofetch7.1.12pclos2022CLI system information tool written in BashNeofetch displays information about your system next to an image, your OS logo, or any ASCII file of your choice. The main purpose of Neofetch is to be used in screenshots to show other users what OS/distribution you're running, what theme/icons you're using and more.7System/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1neofetch-7.1.1-2pclos2022.src.rpm>d1309442fca8846d6b22ff76b7862155./SRPMS.pclos_d   V B@BA,BE0BJQCneohtop1.1.01pclos2024A beautiful, lightning-fast cross-platform system monitor.A modern, cross-platform system monitor built on top of Svelte, Rust, and Tauri.{Monitoringx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1neohtop-1.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm8ddffb19d682bdf38e2b3ed60f036676f./SRPMS.pclos'd   %\` foxB@BABEBJCneonview0.8.02pclos2013NeonViewFree, lightweight image viewer for the Linux platformpinocGraphicsx86_64 pkgconfiglib64gtk+3.0-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1neonview-0.8.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm36cd849ddcae23c16eb45497c1586ad4./SRPMS.pclosd   .0 4<DHdB@lBABEBJCneovim0.5.01pclos2021Console Text EditorNeovim (nvim) is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor Vim in order to: - Simplify maintenance and encourage contributions - Split the work between multiple developers - Enable advanced UIs without modifications to the core - Maximize extensibilityנVEditorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1neovim-0.5.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm c79a435628dcef2a8064626599063da24./SRPMS.pclosd ! Flp v=B@`BABEBJCnepomuk-core4.14.32pclos2015Nepomuk core utilities and librariesNepomuk core utilities and libraries.cpinocGraphical desktop/KDE4i586  kde4-macroskdelibs-develdoxygensoprano-develstrigi-develshared-desktop-ontologies-devellibffmpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'68618cc5a9d0b56b2858ede741eac380./SRPMS.pclosd $ O B@.BAXBE\BJ}Cnepomuk-widgets4.14.32pclos2015The Library containing the Nepomuk WidgetsThis package provides the Library containing the Nepomuk Widgets.ǦpinocGraphical desktop/KDE4i586  kdelibs-develnepomuk-core-develsoprano-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M  `B@BABEBJCnestopia1.482pclos2018A portable Nintendo Entertainment System emulatorNEStopia is a portable Nintendo Entertainment System emulator written in C++ by Martin Freij and ported to Linux by R. Belmont. NEStopia strives for the most accurate emulation possible at the pixel-by-pixel and sample-by-sample level, and it has excellent mapper and UNIF board support as well. Features include: - Supports .nes, .unf/.unif, and XML format ROMs, including Vs. and Playchoice 10 games - Supports .fds discs (a file named diskrom.sys is needed for this feature) - Supports .nsf music rips - All supported files can be extracted from zip or 7zip containers (an archive browser is not yet included - this assumes the common GoodSet case of one zip or 7zip per game) - Supports save states - Supports movie recordings - Supports the “rewinder” - if you make a bad jump and screw up your game, press Backspace and the game will run in reverse. Press \ to take over again and try to fix your mistake. - Friendly GUI configuration - Autodetection of PAL and NTSC format games - Supports drag and drop of compatible games and music rips from modern Linux file managers, including KDE’s Konqueror and GNOME’s Nautilus. Nestopia requires OpenGL 3.2 or later.}bb2 Emulatorsx86_64 binutilscmakelib64ao-devellib64archive-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64epoxy-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64x11-devellibstdc++-develmakepatchpkgconfigmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nestopia-1.48-2pclos2018.src.rpm867341817a95a14df22e7781e40abfa1./SRPMS.pclosd   Nh l{  @ B@PBAtBExBJCnet-snmp5.9.31pclos2023A collection of SNMP protocol tools and librariesSNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol used for network management. The NET-SNMP project includes various SNMP tools: an extensible agent, an SNMP library, tools for requesting or setting information from SNMP agents, tools for generating and handling SNMP traps, a version of the netstat command which uses SNMP, and a Tk/Perl mib browser. This package contains the snmpd and snmptrapd daemons, documentation, etc. You will probably also want to install the net-snmp-utils package, which contains NET-SNMP utilities.@System/Serversx86_64 chrpathlm_sensors-developenssl-develperl-develtcp_wrappers-develmysql-develpython3dist(setuptools)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1net-snmp-5.9.3-1pclos2023.src.rpm?l 5af6c045f39d9cdb6de4cec34c594f18./SRPMS.pcloswd   G B@!BADBEHBJiCnet-tools1.6022pclos2011The basic tools for setting up networkingThe net-tools package contains the basic tools needed for setting up networking: ifconfig, netstat, route and others.IJSystem/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 gettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1net-tools-1.60-22pclos2011.src.rpmG*28856bda1e738c301c60cc1dfbb7c48f./SRPMS.pclosd  Y )08dB@mBABEBJCnet61.3.121pclos2010A library to ease the development of network-based applicationsnet6 is a library which eases the development of network-based applications as it provides a TCP protocol abstraction for C++. It is portable to both the Windows and Unix-like platforms._System/Librariesi586 sigc++2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1net6-1.3.12-1pclos2010.src.rpm8306d61597eba8141970c301ae679c4c./SRPMS.pclos[d  6X \gpB@BA(BE,BJMCnet_monitor0.291pclos2021Network monitoring toolThis is a network monitoring tool, intended to replace the old net_monitor from drakx-net. It supports graphical network monitoring and some advanced features, such as network profiling, activity monitoring, detailed logging and network traffic statistics with help of vnstat reporting.Monitoringx86_64 pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolslibiw-develpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1net_monitor-0.29-1pclos2021.src.rpm938d995e34d3972ab9ca24bbadff8602./SRPMS.pclosd   MLP wB@BABEBJ Cnetactview0.6.43pclos2019Graphical network connections viewer for LinuxNetactview is a graphical network connections viewer for Linux, similar in functionality with Netstat. It includes features like process information, host name retrieval, automatic refresh and sorting. It has a fully featured GTK 2 graphical interface.Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Monitoringx86_64 gettextintltoolperl-XML-Parserpkgconfigdesktop-file-utilsglibc-devellib64gnome2-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64gnome-vfs2-devellib64gtop2.0-develGConf2-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1netactview-0.6.4-3pclos2019.src.rpm5cb507ca0b8e87aab9676590d970e778./SRPMS.pclos[d   K <B@BA(BE,BJMCnetatalk2.1.51pclos2010Appletalk and Appleshare/IP services for Linuxnetatalk is an implementation of the AppleTalk Protocol Suite for Unix/Linux systems. The current release contains support for Ethertalk Phase I and II, DDP, RTMP, NBP, ZIP, AEP, ATP, PAP, ASP, and AFP. It provides Appletalk file printing and routing services on Solaris 2.5, Linux, FreeBSD, SunOS 4.1 and Ultrix 4. It also supports AFP 2.1 and 2.2 (Appleshare IP). Note: The default configuration disables both guest accounts and plain-text passwords. To enable these options, review the configuration file /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf. Service Location Protocol is also disabled, remove -noslp in afpd.conf and install openslp if you want use it. System/Serversi586 libtoolautoconfautomakechrpathcracklib-develcups-develgnutls-devellibltdl-developenslp-developenssl-develpam-develquotatcp_wrappers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1netatalk-2.1.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm 049c5257e45bf59ee95584630539d3e7./SRPMS.pclosWd   & B@BA$BE(BJICnetbeans191pclos2023NetBeans IDEQuickly and easily develop desktop, mobile, and web applications with Java, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, C/C++ and more.Development/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1netbeans-19-1pclos2023.src.rpm'uf3516e031e15f98f47a4bbef471d5462./SRPMS.pclosd % g`d nB@BABEBJCnetcat-traditional1.102pclos2018Reads and writes data across network connections using TCP or UDPThe nc package contains Netcat (the program is now netcat), a simple utility for reading and writing data across network connections, using the TCP or UDP protocols. Netcat is intended to be a reliable back-end tool which can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. Netcat is also a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create many different connections and has many built-in capabilities. You may want to install the netcat package if you are administering a network and you'd like to use its debugging and network exploration capabilities. netcat has been compiled with -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE turned on. I do not believe this is as much of a security hole as the author makes it out to be, *if* you know what you're doing (but then, if you didn't, you'd still be using telnet ;-)). Since the spawned program will run as whatever user started netcat, don't use -e as root. You have been warned, so if some cracker breaks into your system due to your own stupidity, don't blame me. A symlink to the netcat binary called 'netcat' has been installed. However, the canonical name is still 'nc'. If you use netcat on other systems, it will probably only be installed as 'nc', so keep this in mind when writing scripts.qbb2 Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1netcat-traditional-1.10-2pclos2018.src.rpm^4aba026711c2ccb998de5d1cd98e25ff./SRPMS.pclosd   Ytx ~*B@@BA`BEdBJCnetcdf4.9.21pclos2024Libraries to use the Unidata network Common Data Form (netCDF)NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data access and a freely-distributed collection of software libraries for C, Fortran, C++, and perl that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. The netCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado. NetCDF data is: o Self-Describing. A netCDF file includes information about the data it contains. o Network-transparent. A netCDF file is represented in a form that can be accessed by computers with different ways of storing integers, characters, and floating-point numbers. o Direct-access. A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed efficiently, without first reading through all the preceding data. o Appendable. Data can be appended to a netCDF dataset along one dimension without copying the dataset or redefining its structure. The structure of a netCDF dataset can be changed, though this sometimes causes the dataset to be copied. o Sharable. One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously access the same netCDF file.*&pinocDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  groffhdf5-devellibcurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tetex-latextexinfozlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1netcdf-4.9.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm"@91698ba32f6d9e042eb6fa2aeeea6aaf./SRPMS.pclos{d   [x| B@$BAHBELBJmCnetcdf-cxx4.22pclos2024Libraries to use the Unidata network Common Data Form (netCDF)NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data access and a freely-distributed collection of software libraries for C, Fortran, C++, and perl that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. The netCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado. NetCDF data is: o Self-Describing. A netCDF file includes information about the data it contains. o Network-transparent. A netCDF file is represented in a form that can be accessed by computers with different ways of storing integers, characters, and floating-point numbers. o Direct-access. A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed efficiently, without first reading through all the preceding data. o Appendable. Data can be appended to a netCDF dataset along one dimension without copying the dataset or redefining its structure. The structure of a netCDF dataset can be changed, though this sometimes causes the dataset to be copied. o Sharable. One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously access the same netCDF file.pinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  grofflib64netcdf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tetex-latextexinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1netcdf-cxx-4.2-2pclos2024.src.rpm2da0457a31f8033a5683593e2fdb3882./SRPMS.pclosd  V aB@vBABEBJCnetcdf-cxx44.3.11pclos2024Appell's implementation of the C++ interface to netcdfThe Appel's C++ implementation of netCDF-4 can be used as an alternative to the older netCDF-3 C++ interface, to write classic-format netCDF-3 files as well as netCDF-4 classic model files. The new API is implemented as a layer over the netCDF-4 C interface, which means bug fixes and performance enhancements in the C interface will be immediately available to C++ developers as well. It replaces a previous partial netCDF-4 C++ interface developed by Shanna Forbes. The new API makes use of standard C++ features such as namespaces, exceptions, and templates, none of which were included in the first netCDF-3 C++ API developed in the mid-90's. The earlier netCDF-3 C++ API is still supported and available in the source distribution, but developers who are thinking of eventually upgrading to use of the enhanced data model should consider using the present API. pinocDevelopment/C++x86_64  groffpkgconfig(netcdf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tetex-latextexinfovalgrind3.0.4-14.6.0-1netcdf-cxx4-4.3.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm013c48000d0546019d39eab94ec377a8./SRPMS.pclosgd " a| B@ BA4BE8BJYCnetcdf-fortran4.6.11pclos2024Libraries to use the Unidata network Common Data Form (netCDF)NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data access and a freely-distributed collection of software libraries for C, Fortran, C++, and perl that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. The netCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado. NetCDF data is: o Self-Describing. A netCDF file includes information about the data it contains. o Network-transparent. A netCDF file is represented in a form that can be accessed by computers with different ways of storing integers, characters, and floating-point numbers. o Direct-access. A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed efficiently, without first reading through all the preceding data. o Appendable. Data can be appended to a netCDF dataset along one dimension without copying the dataset or redefining its structure. The structure of a netCDF dataset can be changed, though this sometimes causes the dataset to be copied. o Sharable. One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously access the same netCDF file. pinocDevelopment/Otherx86_64  gcc-gfortrannetcdf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1netcdf-fortran-4.6.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm Lc4308c000d9315fc31367ccdf6625238./SRPMS.pclos3d   @LP ZoxB@BABEBJ%Cnetgen1.4.782pclos2017LVS netlist comparison tool for VLSINetgen is a tool for comparing netlists, a process known as LVS, which stands for "Layout vs. Schematic". This is an important step in the integrated circuit design flow, ensuring that the geometry that has been laid out matches the expected circuit. The greatest need for LVS is in large analog or mixed-signal circuits that cannot be simulated in reasonable time. Even for small circuits, LVS can be done much faster than simulation, and provides feedback that makes it easier to find an error than does a simulation.0bb2 Sciences/Engineeringx86_64 tk-develm4libxt-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1netgen-1.4.78-2pclos2017.src.rpmda6cb3635e112b04e986b00f6e5ce38e./SRPMS.pcloskd   O  P  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cnethack3.4.31pclos2013A rogue-like single player dungeon exploration gameNetHack is a single player dungeon exploration game that runs on a wide variety of computer systems, with a variety of graphical and text interfaces all using the same game engine. Unlike many other Dungeons & Dragons-inspired games, the emphasis in NetHack is on discovering the detail of the dungeon and not simply killing everything in sight - in fact, killing everything in sight is a good way to die quickly. Each game presents a different landscape - the random number generator provides an essentially unlimited number of variations of the dungeon and its denizens to be discovered by the player in one of a number of characters: you can pick your race, your role, and your gender.&Games/Arcadex86_64 ncurses-develbisonflexdesktop-file-utilsbdftopcflibx11-devellibxaw-devellibxmu-devellibxpm-devellibxt-develfontconfig-devellibxext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nethack-3.4.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm&}c6297ac2a17268371d11bfa5015b2464./SRPMS.pclosd   G4 8CLTB@BABEBJCnethogs0.8.52pclos2019Net top tool grouping bandwidth per processNetHogs is a command line tool like "net top". Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet it groups bandwidth by process. So if there's suddenly a lot of network traffic NetHogs can show which PID is causing it.TMonitoringx86_64 lib64pcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nethogs-0.8.5-2pclos2019.src.rpmd7278daed77ca22bc94316dd75ee99b6./SRPMS.pclosd   _PT _hp   B@/BATBEXBJyCnetpbm10.73.311pclos2020Tools for manipulating graphics files in netpbm supported formatsThe netpbm package contains a library of functions which support programs for handling various graphics file formats, including .pbm (portable bitmaps), .pgm (portable graymaps), .pnm (portable anymaps), .ppm (portable pixmaps) and others.1IghostbunnyGraphicsx86_64 flexjasper-develjbig-develjpeg-devellibtiff-devellibxml2-devellib64png1.6-develpythonlibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1netpbm-10.73.31-1pclos2020.src.rpm0Q4bd5062f15a5b8c72e6787d25f7fc62a./SRPMS.pclosd   7pt zB@BABEBJCnetprofile0.26.13pclos2013Manage network profilesNetprofile is a Mandriva/PCLinuxOS solution to manage different network profile. It allows to define specific network, firewall and proxy configuration to use in different network environment (for example, at home, at work or while roaming), and also provides a way for user to switch those profiles on the fly.-pinocSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1netprofile-0.26.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm3f336c68dbde9350010d2cd9c2869b2ed./SRPMS.pclosd   8 tkB@BABEBJCnetsurf3.111pclos2024Compact graphical web browserNetSurf is a compact graphical web browser which aims for HTML5, CSS and JavaScript support. This package ships the version with GTK3 frontend that most users will want to use.\>Networking/WWWx86_64  bisonflexgperfperl(Digest::MD5)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(IO::Compress::Gzip)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libvncserver)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-atom)pkgconfig(xcb-icccm)pkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcb-util)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1netsurf-3.11-1pclos2024.src.rpm] 0af9eac0603c0d97c1eac39e1a50d914./SRPMS.pclosd   7  18LB@BABEBJCnettle3.7.15pclos2021Nettle cryptographic libraryNettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more or less any context: In crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages (C++, Python, Pike, ...), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in kernel space.System/Librariesx86_64 autoconfopenssl-devellibgmp-develtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nettle-3.7.1-5pclos2021.src.rpm9d6a4108ee5cf0328c7a26b00fa399719./SRPMS.pclosod # Tx |B@BA<BE@BJaCnetworkmanager1.52.01pclos2025Network connection manager and user applicationsNetworkManager is a system service that manages network interfaces and connections based on user or automatic configuration. It supports Ethernet, Bridge, Bond, VLAN, Team, InfiniBand, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (WWAN), PPPoE and other devices, and supports a variety of different VPN services.System/Basex86_64  cmakeintltoollib64bluez-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64girepository-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64iptables-devellib64iw30-devellib64jansson-devellib64ndp-devellib64newt0.52-devellib64nl3-devellib64nss-devellib64polkit1-devellib64readline-devellib64soup-devellib64uuid-devellib64vala-develmesonmodemmanager-develninjappp-develpython-dbus-develpython-gobject3-develpython3-pexpectrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wpa_supplicant3.0.4-14.6.0-1networkmanager-1.52.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmzd9f6ffc33a5cae8bc2260a4c6335c2f3./SRPMS.pclosCd * X XB@BABEBJ5Cnetworkmanager-applet1.36.02pclos2024Network connection manager system tray appletNetwork-manager-applet is a system tray applet which lets you easily connect to different networks. It is created for any desktop environments which provide a system tray like KDE or XFCE. It displays the available networks and allows to easily switch between them. For encrypted networks it will prompt the user for the key/passphrase and it can optionally store them.System/Librariesx86_64   gettextlib64ayatana-indicator3-devellibiw-develmesonpkgconfig(appstream-glib)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gck-1)pkgconfig(gcr-3)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(jansson)pkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(libnma)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(mm-glib)pkgconfig(mobile-broadband-provider-info)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmllint1.363.0.4-14.6.0-1networkmanager-applet-1.36.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm0171d0aa00845e3c66fc419885f3eec1./SRPMS.pclosgd# . ]    B@BA4BE8BJYCnetworkmanager-openconnect1.2.61pclos2022NetworkManager VPN integration for openconnectThis package contains software for integrating the openconnect VPN software with NetworkManager System/Basex86_64  pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libnma)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(openconnect)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(libsecret-unstable)intltoolgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 6777b22fcd2f3a25cfe63d5b28d69fb6./SRPMS.pclosCd  + V    B@BABEBJ5Cnetworkmanager-openvpn1.10.21pclos2022NetworkManager VPN integration for OpenVPNThis package contains software for integrating the OpenVPN VPN software with NetworkManager. System/Basex86_64 pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libnma)pkgconfig(libsecret-unstable)libtoolintltoolgettextgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Rc9973192a7bfebe7ec397dbadb59e2c1./SRPMS.pclosd ( P lB@BABEBJCnetworkmanager-pptp1.2.122pclos2025NetworkManager VPN integration for PPTPThis package contains software for integrating the PPTP VPN with NetworkManager and the GNOME desktop.System/Basex86_64  intltoolpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libnma)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)ppp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1networkmanager-pptp-1.2.12-2pclos2025.src.rpm7cd86acc31538f15651fb96a05ac75af./SRPMS.pclosd & ` B@*BAXBE\BJ}Cnetworkmanager-qt6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Qt wrapper for NetworkManager APIKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libnm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1networkmanager-qt-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmBZf832c22ddbfa3231af1fe9e668dcecbb./SRPMS.pclosd ' O :B@FBAtBExBJCnetworkmanager-vpnc1.2.81pclos2022NetworkManager VPN integration for vpncThis package contains software for integrating the vpnc VPN software with NetworkManager.System/Basex86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libnma)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1networkmanager-vpnc-1.2.8-1pclos2022.src.rpmcceeb498e5e0a2b42d7b8d15e32277ec./SRPMS.pclosod   3$ (5< `  B@BA<BE@BJaCneverball1.6.02pclos2014NeverBall arcade gameTilt the floor to roll the ball through the obstacle course before time runs out. This package inclutes neverputt, a golf game based on neverball. Hardware accellerated OpenGL support with multitexture (OpenGL 1.2.1 or greater) is required.,IGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64jpeg-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64ogg-devellib64physfs-devellib64png-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_ttf-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1neverball-1.6.0-2pclos2014.src.rpma7c842e9a7d24c22231acf7c5c96ddc7./SRPMS.pclosd   1  &-48TB@\BABEBJCnevernote0.993pclos2013A clone of Evernote.This is an open source clone of Evernote. Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your notable life using your computer, phone, and the web. Get started today. Application will be under the Office Menu CategoryPpinocOfficex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nevernote-0.99-3pclos2013.src.rpmQ 606cab3573244b95b3ad62e666a0b7d8./SRPMS.pcloswd   @, 0@H t  B@!BADBEHBJiCnewsbeuter2.91pclos2020Configurable text-based feed readerNewsbeuter is a feed reader for text terminals. Newsbeuter's great configurability and vast number of features make it a perfect choice for people that need a slick and fast feed reader that can be completely controlled via keyboard.Networking/Newsx86_64 gcc-c++gettextjson-c-devellibcurl-devellibxml2-develncurses-develperl-develpkgconfiglib64sqlite3-devellib64stfl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1newsbeuter-2.9-1pclos2020.src.rpm30b58f9dd13c674ee5e795bada16787f./SRPMS.pclosd   C  $4<xDB@ZBA|BEBJCnewsboat2.211pclos2020RSS/Atom Feed Reader for Text TerminalsNewsboat is an RSS/Atom feedreader. RSS and Atom are a number of widely-used XML formats to transmit, publish and syndicate articles, for example news or blog articles. Newsboat is designed to be used on text terminals.CNetworking/Newsx86_64 asciidocrustgcc-c++gettext-develglibc-devellibcurl-devellib64json-devellibopenssl-devellibstdc++-devellib64stfl-devellibxml2-develpkgconfigsqlite3-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1newsboat-2.21-1pclos2020.src.rpm(679716b3bd2e50bb4cf01868f4e8ed49./SRPMS.pclosd  N DB@XBAxBE|BJCnewt0.52.241pclos2024A development library for text mode user interfacesNewt is a programming library for color text mode, widget based user interfaces. Newt can be used to add stacked windows, entry widgets, checkboxes, radio buttons, labels, plain text fields, scrollbars, etc., to text mode user interfaces. This package contains a /usr/bin/dialog replacement called whiptail. Newt is based on the slang library.HSystem/Librariesx86_64  glibc-static-develpopt-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)slang-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1newt-0.52.24-1pclos2024.src.rpmhac1408985a4d4bfe4612521ddcc30eca./SRPMS.pclosd   .@ DS\lB@BABEBJCnextcloud21.0.21pclos2021NextCloud (CMS)NextCloud gives you universal access to your files through a web interface or WebDAV. It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web. http://localhost/nextcloud/System/Serversnoarch  apachefileunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames) E6d08c22ce6d29dcf1fcfe710845b9a9f./SRPMS.pclosd % 6P Tmt|B@BABEBJ Cnextcloud-client3.15.31pclos2025Nextcloud ClientNextcloud-client enables you to connect to your private Nextcloud Server. With it you can create folders in your home directory, and keep the contents of those folders synced with your Nextcloud server. Simply copy a file into the directory and the Nextcloud Client does the rest?Networking/File transferx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1nextcloud-client-3.15.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmAg1287f3704f3c233b5e829dca84719c6e./SRPMS.pclosod  " U B@BA<BE@BJaCnforenum3.4.6r2309.1pclos2010A format correcter and linter for the NFO languagenforenum takes as input any number of files that contain something that vaguely resembles valid NFO, and produces, to the best of its ability, encodable NFO files, one for each input file. It also detects and warns about some common mistakes made in NFO coding. All errors that will cause TTDPatch to reject the GRF during the initialization or activation phases should be detected; if any are not, it is a bug and should be reported as such. Sprites that are too short, not of the correct type (real/pseudo/&c.), too long, or otherwise not in agreement with their data or the preceding sprites are all detected.Development/Otheri586 boost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nforenum-3.4.6-r2309.1pclos2010.src.rpm,444254ebc0947ae3e2e84268b0ae6460./SRPMS.pclosd   8(, 3>HTB@BABEBJCnfoview1.28.11pclos2022Simple viewer for NFO filesNFO Viewer is a simple viewer for NFO files, which are "ASCII" art in the CP437 codepage. The advantages of using NFO Viewer instead of a text editor are preset font and encoding settings, automatic window size and clickable hyperlinks. TerryNFile toolsnoarch python3intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nfoview-1.28.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm?8996fac785f88a06d3233a72144cd005./SRPMS.pclosd   @   h B@BABEBJCnfs-utils1.3.41pclos2017The utilities for Linux NFS serverThis package provides various programs needed for NFS support on server. bb2 Networking/Otherx86_64  krb5-devellibevent-develnfsidmap-develrpcsecgss-develtcp_wrappers-develtirpc-devellibblkid-devellibcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) q547a9fceb704affb4756bf85383e7b64./SRPMS.pclos d   I    B@BABEBJCnghttp21.37.01pclos2019Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxyThis package contains the HTTP/2 client, server and proxy programs.System/Librariesx86_64 boost-devellibxml2-utilspkgconfig(cunit)pkgconfig(libev)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(libcares)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(jansson)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(jemalloc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nghttp2-1.37.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm4a689881c4735855a1b9e2aea3610c3d./SRPMS.pclos{d   H B@'BAHBELBJmCnghttp21.8.01pclos2016Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxyThis package contains the HTTP/2 client, server and proxy programs.VSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64cunit-devellib64ev-devellib64event-devellib64openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nghttp2-1.8.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm14793cc38410a08d3ccae490b0438b12./SRPMS.pcloswd  [  ( P  B@!BADBEHBJiCnginx1.27.01pclos2024Robust, small and high performance http and reverse proxy serverNginx [engine x] is an HTTP(S) server, HTTP(S) reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server. This version has patched rtmp support. Please adjust /etc/nginx/nginx.conf as needed.aSystem/Serversx86_64  lib64gd-devellib64geoip-develperl(ExtUtils::Embed)perl-develpkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1nginx-1.27.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm6991c9736e16704d0c07ce0b26d0e9a50./SRPMS.pclos d    _< @QXlB@BABEBJCngspice271pclos2019Mixed Mode - Mixed Level Circuit Simulator Based On Berkley's spice3f5Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, Cider1b1 and Xspice. It is the open source successor of these venerable packages. Many, many modifications, bug fixes and improvements have been added to the code, yielding a stable and reliable simulator. Therefore, besides being used as a standalone simulator, Ngspice has been incorporated into many projects, see our simulation environments page.d$System/Librariesx86_64 xaw-develbisonflexreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ngspice-27-1pclos2019.src.rpmd8016ac8735c5faf8ebb9ad9b93f7aac4./SRPMS.pclosd " N   l B@|BABEBJCnicotine-plus1.2.163pclos2016Client for the SoulSeek Filesharing NetworkNicotine is a SoulSeek client written in Python, based on the PySoulSeek and Nicotine projects.0Networking/Otherx86_64 pythonpython-develgccmakegtk2-devellibnotify-develdesktop-file-utilspython-gobject-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nicotine-plus-1.2.16-3pclos2016.src.rpm07f7824e062b34df3b069ea1dbf7f1f2d./SRPMS.pclosd  ; $,8rB@|BABEBJCnilfs-utils2.0.181pclos2011Tools for nilfs filesystemNILFS is a log-structured file system supporting versioning of the entire file system and continuous snapshotting which allows users to even restore files mistakenly overwritten or destroyed just a few seconds ago. 6System/Basei586 e2fsprogs-devellibuuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nilfs-utils-2.0.18-1pclos2011.src.rpmdab52d2cd9d1f3d3fb7f6aabe8d44fa8./SRPMS.pclosGd   U  (4< `  B@BABEBJ9Cnimuh1.021pclos2007A puzzle game destined to improve the knowledge of AndalusiaNimuh is a game under Creative Commons license and ambiented in Andalusia. A game based in "Theseus and the Minotaur Mazes" that will go through different ansalusian locations.lTexstar Games/Logici586 SDL-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_image-develgcc-c++makelibexpat0-devellibmesagl1-devellibmesaglu1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nimuh-1.02-1pclos2007.src.rpm57aaa353d2f35834493d06cbf2890737./SRPMS.pclosd   J &B@1BAPBETBJuCnini1.1.01pclos2010An uncommonly powerful .NET configuration libraryNini is an uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library designed to help build highly configurable applications quickly. Development/Otheri586 mono-develnantunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nini-1.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm ɂ2a28e7469d61cbceee615a4eb0f29130./SRPMS.pclos_d  E< @R\   B@ BA,BE0BJQCninja1.12.12pclos2024A small build system with a focus on speedNinja is a small build system with a focus on speed. It differs from other build systems in two major respects: it is designed to have its input files generated by a higher-level build system, and it is designed to run builds as fast as possible.WDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  asciidoccmakedocbook-style-xslgtest-develpython3re2crpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1ninja-1.12.1-2pclos2024.src.rpm d327dabcd90b77e6685b7fca65dda37a./SRPMS.pclosd   &L PclB@-BAPBETBJuCninja-ide2.32pclos2013Python IDENINJA-IDE (from: "Ninja Is Not Just Another IDE"), is a cross-platform integrated development environment specially design to build Python Applications. NINJA-IDE provides tools to simplify the Python-software development and handles all kinds of situations thanks to its rich extensibility.E\Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-qt4-develpython-setuptoolspython-pkg-resourcespython-distutils-extrapython-docutilsmercurialrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ninja-ide-2.3-2pclos2013.src.rpmL530fb2c2fa627276b791d48153d33df5./SRPMS.pclosd    %,p<B@TBAtBExBJCdenip28.03pclos2019.1Interactive tool for working with large imagesInteraktives Werkzeug für die Arbeit mit großen Bildernnip2 is a graphical front end to the VIPS package. With nip2, rather than directly editing images, you build relationships between objects in a spreadsheet-like fashion. When you make a change somewhere, nip2 recalculates the objects affected by that change. Since it is demand-driven this update is very fast, even for very, very large images. nip2 is very good at creating pipelines of image manipulation operations. It is not very good for image editing tasks like touching up photographs. For that, a tool like the GIMP should be used instead.nip2 ist ein grafisches Frontend für das VIPS-Paket. Mit nip2 erzeugen Sie Beziehungen zwischen Objekten in tabellarischer Form anstatt die Bilder direkt zu bearbeiten. Wenn Sie an einer bestimmten Stelle Änderungen durchführen, berechnet nip2 die betroffenen Objekte neu. Da es nur auf Anforderung hin arbeitet, ist es ein sehr schnelles Werkzeug auch für sehr, sehr große Bilder. nip2 ist sehr gut bei der Erstellung von Pipelines von Bildbearbeitungsoperationen. Es ist weniger gut geeignet für die Bildverarbeitung, wie bei der Aufwertung von Fotos. Für solche Aufgaben sind Werkzeuge wie GIMP besser geeignet.?߃Graphicsx86_64 vips-develgtk2-develshared-mime-infognome-icon-themeflexbisonintltoolfftw-devellib64xml2-develgettextdesktop-file-utilsgsl-develxdg-utilsautomakeautoconflibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nip2-8.0-3pclos2019.1.src.rpm?38f5c7dda28a94e1a8fbc745f285166d./SRPMS.pcloscd   ; #,LB@ BA0BE4BJUCnitrogen1.6.12pclos2019Nitrogen is a wallpaper setterNitrogen is a background browser and setter for X. It is written in C++ using the gtkmm toolkit. It can be used in two modes: browser and recall. It is multi-head friendly and can even work in GNOME.'System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 lib64sigc++2.0_0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nitrogen-1.6.1-2pclos2019.src.rpmJc663cfb6279c17d3290ea20c54babfe4./SRPMS.pclosd   P< @Y`  5 B@EBAlBEpBJCnitroshare0.3.43pclos2022Simple utility for sharing files across a networkNitroShare makes it easy to share files across a home network. Just install the application on each machine you want to use for sharing files. Then simply drag-and-drop files on to the share box or use the indicator menu to send files.Networking/File transferx86_64 gcc-c++lib64qhttpengine-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5help-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nitroshare-0.3.4-3pclos2022.src.rpmcc03217442ff29ad16b1c1bf731e4ce1./SRPMS.pclosd   < B@BABEBJCnitrotasks1.5.11pclos2013Super awesome task managementNitro is a super awesome, simple and fast task management application. Nitro packs a bunch of awesome features such as smart lists, notes, due dates, search and more. ƘOfficex86_64 python-develpython-distutils-extraintltoollib64glib2.0_0-devellibgnome2pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nitrotasks-1.5.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm %74e82a1353a85003d508c2f5f403811a./SRPMS.pclos d % 7PT _zB@BABEBJCnitrux-icon-theme3.5.41pclos2018Nitrux Icon ThemeNitrux Icons theme pack.|#ghostbunnySystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nitrux-icon-theme-3.5.4-1pclos2018.src.rpmY967762c1bb2d9ea0cfa95d879334f1fd./SRPMS.pclosd   ?p t{;p;;B@<BA`BEdBJCnixnote22.1.61pclos2021An Evernote client clone for LinuxNixNote:: Evernote client clone for Linux Since it looks like the original author dropped development, this package is created by using a fork of the original software. The fork is maintained here: https://github.com/robert7/nixnote2/ The original software can be found here: http://www.nixnote.org/*_Officex86_64 lib64modemmanager-qt-devellib64networkmanager-qt-devellib64poppler-qt5-devellib64qt5bluetooth-devellib64qt5charts-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5datavisualization-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gamepad-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5keychain-devellib64qt5labstemplates-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediaquick-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5networkauth-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5packetprotocol-static-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5printsupport5lib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5purchasing-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5qt3d-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickparticles-devellib64qt5quickshapes-devellib64qt5quicktemplates-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5remoteobjects-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5scxml-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5serialbus-devellib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5texttospeech-devellib64qt5virtualkeyboard-devellib64qt5waylandclient-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets5lib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5webview-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64syntax-highlighting-develfdupesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nixnote2-2.1.6-1pclos2021.src.rpm*c2b4d3d6d460fbc464f8f324474e7afa./SRPMS.pclosd   C B@BABEBJCnixory0.6.31pclos2010Anti Spyware program for Mozilla FirefoxNixory is an Anti Spyware program open source for Mozilla Firefox, planned for remove malicious data miner. Main features: - User Interactive Interface (Graphical User Interface) - Mozilla Firefox fast and accurate anti-spyware scan - Ice Eye heuristic system - Update stats for Number of scans, removed objects and more SNetworking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nixory-0.6.3-1pclos2010.src.rpme*09ff62d3d35e6dcbe8f7eb458dfc6275./SRPMS.pclosd   Q oB@}BABEBJCnjam1.251pclos2013Maze-game, eat all the cookies while avoiding the badguysNjam is a fast-paced maze-game where you must eat all the cookies while avoiding the badguys. Special cookies give you the power to freeze or eat the bad guys. The game features single and multiplayer modes, network play, duelling and cooperative games, great music and sound effects, customizable level skins, many different levels and an integrated level editor.LpinocGames/Arcadex86_64 SDL-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_image-develSDL_net-develImageMagickdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1njam-1.25-1pclos2013.src.rpm-"2730bddf992fb4085c13489fe607257a./SRPMS.pclosd   Y  18PB@BABEBJCdenmap7.802pclos2019Network exploration tool and security scannerNetzwerk-MonitorNmap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. It supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port scanning techniques (determine what services the hosts are offering), and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host operating system identification). Nmap also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy scanning, determination of TCP sequence predictability characteristics, sunRPC scanning, reverse-identd scanning, and more.Mit Nmap lassen sich Netzwerke durchsuchen und auf Sicherheitsprobleme überprüfen. Nmap unterstützt Ping-Scannen (Feststellen, welcher Rechner erreichbar ist), viele Port-Scan-Methoden, Versionserkennung (Identifizieren des Protokolls und der Version des Programms, welches auf einem Port lauscht) und TCP/IP-Fingerprinting (Erkennen des Betriebssystems oder des Gerätes, welches am anderen Ende der Leitung lauscht). Nmap ermöglicht eine flexible Angabe des Ziels und des Zielports, Stealth-Scanning, sunRPC-Scanning u.v.m. Die meisten Unix- und Windows-Systeme werden sowohl von der grafischen Benutzeroberfläche als auch von der Befehlszeile unterstützt. Viele Handhelds werden ebenso unterstützt, beispielsweise der Sharp Zaurus und der iPAQ.^hNetworking/Otherx86_64  pcre-devellibpcap-developenssl-develpython-devellib64lua5.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   G XB@dBABEBJCnml0.6.11pclos2022A tool to compile nml files to grf or nfo filesA tool to compile nml files to grf and/or nfo files. NML is a meta-language that aims to be a lot simpler to learn and use than nfo.,TerryNGraphicsx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-pillowpython3-plyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nml-0.6.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm3^8590a51b42fb3a307e81c81ed4df6cbe./SRPMS.pclosd   ; ]B@hBABEBJCnnn4.1.11pclos2021Console terminal file browser for Xnnn is probably the fastest and most resource-sensitive (with all its capabilities) file browser you have ever used. It's extremely flexible too - integrates with your DE and favourite GUI utilities, works with the desktop opener, supports bookmarks, has smart navigation shortcuts, navigate-as-you-type mode, disk usage analyzer mode, comprehensive file details and much more. nnn was initially forked from noice but is significantly different today. Cool things you can do with nnn: - open any file in the default desktop application or a custom one - navigate-as-you-type (search-as-you-type enabled even on directory switch) - check disk usage with number of files in current directory tree - run desktop search utility (gnome-search-tool or catfish) in any directory - copy absolute file paths to clipboard, spawn a terminal and use the paths - navigate instantly using shortcuts like ~, -, & or handy bookmarks - use cd ..... at chdir prompt to go to a parent directory - detailed file stats, media info, list and extract archives - pin a directory you may need to revisit and jump to it anytime - lock the current terminal after a specified idle time - change directory on exitFile toolsx86_64 makepkgconfig(ncursesw)pkgconfig(readline)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nnn-4.1.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm9fcb777758bb80d4b3e35011430e1e45./SRPMS.pclossd   Z B@ BA@BEDBJeCnocache1.11pclos2019Minimize the effect an application has on the file system cache.The nocache tool tries to minimize the effect an application has on the Linux file system cache. nocache cachedel cachestatsDmDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nocache-1.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmIf2b53107c6e9f152ccaa7a0309b69c82./SRPMS.pclosOd   c B@BABE BJACnode-js20.13.11pclos2024Node.js is a platform for building fast, scalable network applicationNode.js® is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.Development/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1node-js-20.13.1-1pclos2024.src.rpma1e1a17a24a454cfaa29ab163e9f2be19./SRPMS.pclosWd ' G B@BA$BE(BJICnodoka-theme-gnome0.3.901pclos2007The Nodoka Theme Pack for GnomeThe Nodoka Theme Pack for Gnome make use of Nodoka Metacity theme, Nodoka gtk2 theme and Echo Icon set.RSystem/Librariesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nodoka-theme-gnome-0.3.90-1pclos2007.src.rpmR9eddca43e8ae2552b8e0c84cf985db14./SRPMS.pcloscd   0 ", T  B@BA0BE4BJUCnogravity2.002pclos2017Space shooter in 3DNo Gravity is a fantastic and futuristic universe made of five intergalactic worlds. An arcade type game with great playability, where it is easy to plunge into space battles against spacefighters, space stations and more! Games/Shooterx86_64 appstream-utillib64ogg-devellib64openal-devellib64png-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_mixer-devellib64vorbis0-develmesa-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nogravity-2.00-2pclos2017.src.rpm %b144f84906cfc217109733fd0c0c3f3d./SRPMS.pclos d ! ;l p~B@BABEBJCnogravity-data2.001pclos2017Data files for No GravityData files (audio, maps, etc) for No Gravity.Games/Shooternoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nogravity-data-2.00-1pclos2017.src.rpm9ce60d7669df3012c4529568dbf4d17f./SRPMS.pclosd   K 8B@@BA`BEdBJCnoip2.1.92pclos2010Linux client for the no-ip.com dynamic DNS serviceThis is the No-IP.com Dynamic DNS update client page. When configured correctly, the client will check your IP address at a given time interval checking to see if your IP has changed. If your IP address has changed it will notify No-IP DNS servers and update the IP corresponding to your No-IP/No-IP+ hostname. NOTE: You must add hostnames on the website (http://www.no-ip.com) first before you can have the updater update them.WNetworking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1noip-2.1.9-2pclos2010.src.rpmO0e31eeee7d77721517ef6a05b7e59ad7./SRPMS.pclosd   ;p t}/B@PBAtBExBJCnomacs3.16.2245pclos2024A fast and small image viewernomacs is an image viewer based on the Qt5 library. It is free, small, fast and is able to handle the most common image formats including RAW images. Additionally, synchronization of viewers running on the same computer or via LAN is possible, which allows one to compare images and spot the differences.Graphicsx86_64  cmakelcovlib64quazip1-qt5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(libraw)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(opencv)pkgconfig(zlib)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1nomacs-3.16.224-5pclos2024.src.rpmb4f428a009c40cb27f040fa8baa2ae60./SRPMS.pclosd   /(, \rx|B@BABEBJCnomarch1.42pclos2007GPLed Arc de-archivernomarch lists/extracts/tests `.arc' archives. (It also handles `.ark' files, they're exactly the same.) This is a *very* outdated file format which should never be used for anything new, but unfortunately, you can still run into it every so often.SNeverstopdreaming Archiving/Compressioni586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nomarch-1.4-2pclos2007.src.rpm[@38d051985c2286c8e3808ce5b729c6ac./SRPMS.pclos?d   ] B@BA BEBJ1Cnootka2.0.21pclos2021An application that helps understand the basics of music notation.Nootka is an application that helps understand the basics of music notation.?,Educationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nootka-2.0.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm7)250d764320d5824e5d0265b7654f3a1b./SRPMS.pclosd   KX \bhxB@BABEBJCnormalize0.7.73pclos2015A tool for adjusting the volume of wave filesnormalize is an overly complicated tool for adjusting the volume of wave files to a standard volume level. This is useful for things like creating mp3 mixes, where different recording levels on different albums can cause the volume to vary greatly from song to song.5Soundi586 audiofile-develmad-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1normalize-0.7.7-3pclos2015.src.rpm64d644dd45c351316a7488a5f4decb79./SRPMS.pclos+d ! `4 8V\pB@BABEBJCdenostromo_n501.42pclos2010Linux Nostromo Speedpad DriverLinux Nostromo Speedpad TreiberProvides access to Belkin Nostromo n50/n52 speedpads as more than simple USB keyboard devices via configuration GUI. Also includes a basic userland linux event interface and both OpenGL and OpenAL modules for video and audio.Bietet Zugang zu Belkin Nostromo n50/n52 Speedpads und ist mehr als nur eine einfache USB-Tastatur-Geräte GUI-Konfiguration. Bietet auch eine grundlegende Userland Linux-Event-Schnittstelle und OpenGL und OpenAL-Module für Video und Audio.System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 gtk2-devellibxml++2.6-devellibfltk-devellibxtst6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nostromo_n50-1.4-2pclos2010.src.rpm ec096b9dcf5b92fe30b4a5b4c61153f8./SRPMS.pclosd    U4 8IPXyB@BABEBJCnosync1.11pclos2019Preload library for disabling file's content synchronizationnosync is a small preload library that can be used to disable synchronization of file's content with storage devices on GNU/Linux. It works by overriding implementations of certain standard functions like fsync or open.System/Librariesx86_64 makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nosync-1.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm75cdbbef416fe78f8d4326fe87b9c134./SRPMS.pclosd   > TB@aBABEBJCnotecase1.9.11pclos2007A hierarchical text notes manager NoteCase is a hierarchical note manager (aka. outliner). It helps you organize your everyday text notes into a single document, with individual notes placed in the tree-like structure (each note can have its sub-notes, ...). To ensure your privacy, encrypted document format is supported, along with standard unencrypted format. Project is free and open source (released under BSD license). ]Officei586 desktop-file-utilspkgconfigImageMagickgtk2-devellibgnome-vfs2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1notecase-1.9.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm bdb5826844b4940ce2f108c5ca2d52f3./SRPMS.pclosd   8` dlt   B@BABEBJCnotepadqq1.4.82pclos2020A Linux clone of Notepad++Notepadqq is a Notepad++-like editor for the Linux desktop. It helps developers by providing all you can expect from a general purpose text editor, such as syntax highlighting for more than 100 different languages, code folding, color schemes, file monitoring, multiple selection and much more.>Editorsx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKit)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1notepadqq-1.4.8-2pclos2020.src.rpm>948fafb42ce2570abda480d53f77186e./SRPMS.pclos?d ( <    B@BA BEBJ1Cnotification-daemon3.14.14pclos2023Notification DaemonA daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications as per the Desktop Notifications spec (http://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec/).OSystem/Serversx86_64  dbus-glib-develgnome-commongtk+2-develintltoollib64canberra-devellib64wnck3-devellibGConf2-devellibnotify-devellibsm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1notification-daemon-3.14.1-4pclos2023.src.rpmxf7439ab9c516c529d10a847961f3fa47./SRPMS.pcloskd$* 5 i B@BA8BE<BJ]Cnotification-daemon-engine-nodoka0.1.02pclos2013The Nodoka theme engine for the notification daemonThe Nodoka theme engine for the notification daemon. sSystem/X11i586  pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   u >B@LBAtBExBJCnotify-osd0.9.341pclos2013On-screen notification display agent, implementing the FDO notification specificationCanonical's on-screen notification display agent, implementing the FreeDesktop.org notification specification with semi-transparent click-through bubbles. The Desktop Notifications framework provides a standard way of doing passive pop-up notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to make the user aware of something without interrupting their work flow with a dialog box that they must close. The notify-osd agent presents these notifications as ephemeral overlays, which don't prevent the user from working. The agent queues notifications so that screen layout is carefully managed, and handles updates. It also introduces the idea of "appends", which allow notifications to grow over time, for example in the case of instant messages from a particular user. This agent is part of a broader set of tools that applications can use to draw attention or seek a decision from the user. There is a guideline for effective use of the framework for developers, which helps determine the right approach for an application in different scenarios.9System/Serversx86_64 dbus-glib-develgtk2-devellibGConf2-devellibnotify-devellibwnck-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1notify-osd-0.9.34-1pclos2013.src.rpmB94c660ef39aa211192882e51ac247752./SRPMS.pclosd  ?  $nB@zBABEBJCnotify-sharp0.4.03pclos2010C# desktop notification clientnotify-sharp is a C# client implementation for Desktop Notifications, i.e. notification-daemon. It is inspired by the libnotify API. Desktop Notifications provide a standard way of doing passive pop-up notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box that they must close. Passive popups can automatically disappear after a short period of time.System/Librariesi586 mono-develmonodocgtk-sharp2ndesk-dbus-glibrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1notify-sharp-0.4.0-3pclos2010.src.rpm3be2f04a6c6e62467b6f95b8a5de1238./SRPMS.pclosd  f< @[`hB@BABEBJCdenotifyconf1.02pclos2011A configuration tool for notify-osdKonfigurationstool für Notify-OSDA configuration tool for notify-osd patched with Roman Sukochev's (leolik) extended configuration patch.Konfigurationstool für Notify-OSD gepacht mit Roman Sukochev's (leolik) erweiterter Konfiguration Patch.System/Configuration/Otheri586 libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1notifyconf-1.0-2pclos2011.src.rpme45f7c4261d8c6ba975296473834768d./SRPMS.pclosd   \  (B@BABEBJCnototools0.2.132pclos2022Noto fonts support tools and scripts plus web site generation The nototools python package contains python scripts used to maintain the Noto Fonts project, including the google.com/get/noto website.[#TerryNSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch python3-develpython3-wheelpython3-setuptools_scmpython3-fonttoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nototools-0.2.13-2pclos2022.src.rpm[l9c9088a49d557b10093bb9696dd16b02./SRPMS.pclosd % <l pB@BABEBJ Cnouveau-firmware325.151pclos2020Nouveau firmware filesFirmware files for Nouveau graphics drivers.JSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nouveau-firmware-325.15-1pclos2020.src.rpm5ee647ddd54f3d98e8f1f044c5f3ec56./SRPMS.pclos3d  A B@BABEBJ%Cnovelwriter2.0.61pclos2023A markdown-like editor for novelsA markdown-like text editor designed for writing novels and larger projects of many smaller plain text documents. It is designed to be a simple text editor that allows for easy organisation of text files and notes, with a meta data syntax for comments, synopsis, and cross-referencing between files, and built on plain text files for robustness.Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1novelwriter-2.0.6-1pclos2023.src.rpm725ac405a574e1a4bb7a62cb8a34dd10./SRPMS.pclos3d  ^ B@BABEBJ%Cnovnc0.5.11pclos2016VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption supportWebsocket implementation of VNC client iNetworking/Othernoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1novnc-0.5.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm Jddc2251f4af9f43bdfc3814b113e72b0./SRPMS.pclos/d   Bh lB@BABEBJ!Cnpth1.81pclos2024NPTH - the new GNU Portable Threads LibraryNPTH is a cooperative thread library.:Development/Librariesx86_64  makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1npth-1.8-1pclos2024.src.rpm_"caac75676084b4760f0fb32b001fe875./SRPMS.pclosd   -X\ B@BABEBJCnslint2.1a37pclos2007A DNS lint checkerPerform consistency checks on DNS files.Neverstopdreaming Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nslint-2.1a3-7pclos2007.src.rpm14078f6bc051184fbaea89959c5a6306./SRPMS.pclos_d # P B@BA,BE0BJQCnspluginwrapper1.2.21pclos2009A compatibility layer for Netscape 4 pluginsnspluginwrapper makes it possible to use Netscape 4 compatible plugins compiled for linux/i386 into Mozilla for another architecture, e.g. x86_64. This package consists in: * npviewer: the plugin viewer * npwrapper.so: the browser-side plugin * nspluginwrapper: a tool to manage plugins installation and update/Networking/WWWi586 curl-develgtk+2-devellibxt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nspluginwrapper-1.2.2-1pclos2009.src.rpm2d7eb3866cddf23b9a99e69b08df91fb0./SRPMS.pclosd   1P TelxB@BABEBJCnspr4.361pclos2024Netscape Portable RuntimeVirtual package, not built.System/Librariesx86_64  autoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1nspr-4.36-1pclos2024.src.rpm72cafbc38c820a87226b360c0189585d./SRPMS.pclosd   1 xB@BABEBJCnss3.1091pclos2025Network Security ServicesNetwork Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2 and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates, and other security standards. For detailed information on standards supported, see https://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/overview.html.\=System/Librariesx86_64   nspr-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmlto4.313.[ Xf05d0d37f363fd451da39be1d59a2947./SRPMS.pclosGd  ! 4 B@BABEBJ9Cnss_db2.2.30.pre1.2pclos2010NSS library for DBNss_db is a set of C library extensions which allow Berkeley Databases to be used as a primary source of aliases, ethers, groups, hosts, networks, protocol, users, RPCs, services and shadow passwords (instead of or in addition to using flat files or NIS). Install nss_db if you flat name service files are too large and lookups slow.4System/Librariesi586 db_nss-devellibdb1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nss_db-2.2.3-0.pre1.2pclos2010.src.rpm(f3d72fd9ca3f45e5c9ecaca7204c9337./SRPMS.pclosSd >B@BA BE$BJECnss_ldap2652pclos2011NSS library and PAM module for LDAPThis package includes two LDAP access clients: nss_ldap and pam_ldap. Nss_ldap is a set of C library extensions which allows X.500 and LDAP directory servers to be used as a primary source of aliases, ethers, groups, hosts, networks, protocol, users, RPCs, services and shadow passwords (instead of or in addition to using flat files or NIS).O3System/Librariesx86_64 openldap-develautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nss_ldap-265-2pclos2011.src.rpmPf04a6aed479f25fee3cfbb0c288e0102./SRPMS.pclosd   M )08jB@sBABEBJCnss_mdns0.15.11pclos2021Multicast dns support for glibc domain resolvernss-mdns is a plugin for the Name Service Switch (NSS) functionality of the glibc providing host name resolution via Multicast DNS (aka Zeroconf, aka Apple Rendezvous), effectively allowing name resolution by common Unix/Linux programs in the ad-hoc mDNS domain .local. nss-mdns provides client functionality only, which means that you have to run a mDNS responder daemon separately from nss-mdns if you want to register the local host name via mDNS.ySystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(avahi-core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nss_mdns-0.15.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmz357c8a8df065c7f3d542ca5959fccb44./SRPMS.pclos/d  M| B@BABEBJ!Cnss_updatedb101pclos2015A caching nss module for disconnected operationThe nss_updatedb utility maintains a local cache of network directory user and group information. Used in conjunction with the pam_ccreds module, it provides a mechanism for disconnected use of network directories. These tools are designed to work with pam_ldap and nss_ldap, also available from PADL.aSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64dbnss4.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nss_updatedb-10-1pclos2015.src.rpmT0df9e35b12216e223421e284bd8f0cfe./SRPMS.pclos d   @    B@BABEBJCdented1.10.72pclos2010Musical score editorPartitureditorNtEd is a GTK score editor. It intends to be really WYSIWYG: what you see on the screen is exactly what you get on printer output. It supports up to 4 voices per staff, drum notes, 5 lyrics lines, N-Tuplets, context changes, repeats with alternatives, configurable music instruments per staff, MIDI and Postscript export, MusicXML import. Scores can be played through the ALSA sequencer.2Soundi586 gcc-c++pkgconfiglibxorg-x11-devellibgtk+2.0_0-devellibcairo-devellibalsa2-develyelpxmltogettextintltooldesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nted-1.10.7-2pclos2010.src.rpm2e9ef576ec94d76ae585f895dfb6bbfa9./SRPMS.pclos'd   6  ,4LB@BABEBJCntfs-3g2022.10.32pclos2023Read-write ntfs driverThe ntfs-3g package contains NTFS filesystem driver with read and write support. It provides safe and fast handling of MS Windows Vista, XP, 2000 and Server 2003 NTFS file systems. Most POSIX file system operations are supported.L3System/Basex86_64   attr-develfuse-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gnutls-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  x ZB@iBABEBJCntfs-config1.0.18pclos2022Enable/disable write support for internal and/or external NTFS device via a friendly guiThis program will allow you to easily configure all of your NTFS devices to allow write support. For that use, it will configure them to use the ntfs-3g driver. You'll also be able to easily disable this feature. For more information about ntfs-3g : http://www.ntfs-3g.orgpp Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gtk2-devellibglade2.0-develhal-develdesktop-file-utilsperl-XML-Parserpython-develpygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ntfs-config-1.0.1-8pclos2022.src.rpm6a8f43129eb440c2149791568c54fda7./SRPMS.pclosd   E`d oB@2BAXBE\BJ}Cntfsprogs2.0.03pclos2017NTFS filesystem libraries and utilitiesThe Linux-NTFS project aims to bring full support for the NTFS filesystem to the Linux operating system. Linux-NTFS currently consists of a static library and utilities. This package contains the following utilities: ntfscat: concatenate files and print them on the standard output ntfsclone: efficiently clone an NTFS filesystem ntfscluster: identify files in a specified region of an NTFS volume mkntfs: format a partition with the NTFS filesystem ntfsfix: tool for fixing NTFS partitions altered by the Linux kernel NTFS driver ntfsinfo: dump a file's attributes ntfslabel: display/change the label on an ntfs file system ntfsls: list directory contents on an NTFS file system ntfsresize: resize an NTFS filesystem ntfsundelete: recover a deleted file from an NTFS volume {ghostbunnySystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  libuuid-develfuse-develgnutls-devellibgcrypt-develglib2-develgnome-vfs2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) qB0a63e09c4b6208e54c0095e23139e949./SRPMS.pclosd 7 18@fB@oBABEBJCntl5.5.21pclos2011Library for doing number theoryNTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields. System/Librariesx86_64 gmp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ntl-5.5.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm s7af481b7d161101eb8d79b2dc93fc5c9./SRPMS.pclosd   M, 0?DPxB@BABEBJCntlmaps0. proxy server that uses NTLM authentication.NTLM Authorization Proxy Server (ntlmaps) is a proxy software that allows you to authenticate via a Microsoft Proxy Server using the proprietary NTLM protocol. NTLMAPS has the ability to behave as a standalone proxy server and authenticate HTTP clients at Web servers using the NTLM protocol. It can change arbitrary values in your client's request headers so that those requests will look like they were created by Microsoft Internet Explorer. It is written in Python 1.5.2.System/Serversi586  pythonperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   5x |?B@lBABEBJCntop4.0.32pclos2011Network and traffic analyzerNtop is a network and traffic analyzer that provides a wealth of information on various networking hosts and protocols. ntop is primarily accessed via a built-in web interface. Optionally, data may be stored into a database for analysis or extracted from the web server in formats suitable for manipulation in perl or php.duLMonitoringi586  chrpathgdbm-develgd-develgdome2-develGeoIP-develglib2-devellibevent-devellibjpeg-devellibpcap-devellibpcre-devellibpng-devellibtoollua-develmysql-develperl-develncurses-develnet-snmp-developenssl-develpkgconfigreadline-develrrdtool-develtcp_wrappers-develxpm-develzlib-develwgetrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 75da015afe394e63a272d52356c82e82./SRPMS.pclosd  X [B@gBABEBJCntp4.2.6p52pclos2015Synchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP)The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize a computer's time with another reference time source. The ntp package contains utilities and daemons which will synchronize your computer's time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) via the NTP protocol and NTP servers. Ntp includes ntpdate (a program for retrieving the date and time from remote machines via a network) and ntpd (a daemon which continuously adjusts system time). Install the ntp package if you need tools for keeping your system's time synchronized via the NTP protocol. Note: Primary, original, big, HTML documentation, is in the package ntp-doc.,System/Serversx86_64 lib64cap-devellib64edit-devellib64net-snmp-devellib64readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ntp-4.2.6p5-2pclos2015.src.rpm,i60d0aab5fd47af3a02e21f6a0cdd1cac./SRPMS.pclosd   0 ?B@HBAlBEpBJCnuclear3f90073pclos2022Online Music PlayerThere's no need to be subjected to tracking and profiling just to listen to your favourite artists. Nuclear empowers you to listen to what you want, where you want, and how you want, for free.;2Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nuclear-3f9007-3pclos2022.src.rpm6?2ed08e44121a8df6f04ffb467100edd3./SRPMS.pclosd   R    B@BABEBJ Cnucleo0.7.31pclos2007Toolkit to explore video and human-computer interactionNucleo is a toolkit for exploring new uses of video and new human-computer interaction techniques. System/Librariesi586 automakemesaglu-develjpeg-develpng-devellibexif-develfreetype2-develffmpeg-devellibxi-develavahi-compat-libdns_sd-develqt4-develgd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nucleo-0.7.3-1pclos2007.src.rpm 3cbeb7047db721611f45930755dc7a65d./SRPMS.pcloscd   Dp tz9h99B@BA0BE4BJUCnulloy0.9.51pclos2023Music player with a waveform progress barMusic player with a waveform progress bar.}Soundx86_64  lib64qcoro-qt5-devellib64qt5bluetooth-devellib64qt5bodymovin-devellib64qt5charts-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5datavisualization-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gamepad-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5keychain-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediagsttools-devellib64qt5multimediaquick-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5networkauth-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5packetprotocol-static-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5purchasing-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5qmlmodels-devellib64qt5qmlworkerscript-devellib64qt5qt3d-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quick3d-devellib64qt5quickcontrols2-devellib64qt5quickparticles-devellib64qt5quickshapes-devellib64qt5quicktemplates2-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5remoteobjects-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5scxml-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5serialbus-devellib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5texttospeech-devellib64qt5virtualkeyboard-devellib64qt5waylandclient-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5webview-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64taglib-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1nulloy-0.9.5-1pclos2023.src.rpm/a7be263c55bb62f3fef2de6f4ae288ab./SRPMS.pclos?d   7 B@BA BEBJ1Cnumactl2.0.141pclos2021Simple NUMA policy supportThis package contains the `numactl' program to run other programs with a specific NUMA policy.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1numactl-2.0.14-1pclos2021.src.rpmG448516e94cbb52102228ba8700c8c3ce./SRPMS.pcloswd  ) B@ BADBEHBJiCnumix2017.121pclos2018Numix ProjectNumix Icons are the official icon-themes from the Numix project, heavily inspired by, and based upon parts of the Elementary, Humanity and Gnome icon themes.@bb2 System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1numix-2017.12-1pclos2018.src.rpm@ea66c253be475087c542361041545221./SRPMS.pcloskd $ D B@BA8BE<BJ]Cnumix-cursor-theme1.01pclos2018Cursor theme from Numix ProjectThis package provides the cursor themes from Numix Project (snapshot ge92186d) from GitHub._System/Configuration/Themenoarch inkscapexcursorgenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1numix-cursor-theme-1.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm7da410ad6624f5e72c5dfd54b647d8823./SRPMS.pclosd # fD HcltB@BABEBJCnumix-gtk-theme2.6.71pclos2018Numix GTK theme for Cinnamon, Gnome, MATE, Unity, Xfce and OpenboxNumix is a modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements. It supports Cinnamon, Gnome, MATE, Unity, Xfce and Openbox. Wallpaper courtesy: http://myphotos.mypclinuxos.com/images/tuxlink/diagstrpsred.jpg System/Configuration/Themenoarch ruby-sassrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1numix-gtk-theme-2.6.7-1pclos2018.src.rpm w30427ad4b90b79e73bef67decac65788./SRPMS.pclosd   .$( 2U\hB@BABEBJCnumlock2.1.22pclos2017Numlock key lockerNumLock enable to lock the numlock key. Only enable it at boot-time with ntsysv or with any other SVSR like rc.d config scripts editor such as tksysv or the ones from GNOME and KDE. NumLock is safe for laptops since it is disabled by default.bb2 System/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 libx11-devellibxtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1numlock-2.1.2-2pclos2017.src.rpm"30e6b8f4f69f20504e924aff68521bdb./SRPMS.pclosd   : :DB@BABEBJCnut2.6.12pclos2011Network UPS Tools Client UtilitiesThese programs are part of a developing project to monitor the assortment of UPSes that are found out there in the field. Many models have serial ports of some kind that allow some form of state checking. This capability has been harnessed where possible to allow for safe shutdowns, live status tracking on web pages, and more. This package includes the client utilities that are required to monitor a UPS that the client host is powered from - either connected directly via a serial port (in which case the nut-server package needs to be installed on this machine) or across the network (where another host on the network monitors the UPS via serial cable and runs the main nut package to allow clients to see the information).System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64  autoconf2.5freetype2-develgenders-devellibgd-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-devellibtoollibusb-develnet-snmp-developenssl-develpkgconfigpowerman-develtcp_wrappers-develxpm-develneon-develdbus-glib-develdbus-devellibhal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){836844ab4f6e20460a3237051821b43e./SRPMS.pclosd  H  &0xB@BABEBJ Cnuvolaplayer2.4.31pclos2014Cloud Music Integration for the DesktopNuvola Player runs a web interface of cloud music services in its own window and provides integration with a Linux desktop (multimedia keys, system tray, media player applets, dock menu, notifications and more).H Soundx86_64 intltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gee0.6-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64soup-devellib64x11-devellibrsvgvalawafwebkitgtk3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nuvolaplayer-2.4.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmM3a4c7583ea0da55e407769ed9d08a7c1./SRPMS.pcloscd ( S B@BA0BE4BJUCnv-codec-headers12.1.14.01pclos2023FFmpeg version of Nvidia Codec SDK headersFFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidias codec APIs.System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1nv-codec-headers-   ^ B@BA<BE@BJaCnvdock1.023pclos2013NVIDIA Dock - A tray icon for manage settings for NVIDIA video cardsNVIDIA Dock is a tray icon for easy management of the settings for NVIDIA video cards. Double clicking opens the nvidia-settings control panel installed by the official NVIDIA drivers. It will also display the card GPU temperature in a tool tip and on the menu if the video card supports it.8,System/Kernel and hardwarei586 desktop-file-utilspkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nvdock-1.02-3pclos2013.src.rpm:1b3834482e9e4d577c6137477cd71e2f./SRPMS.pclosd  h@ DV`dB@BABEBJCnvenc11.0.101pclos2021A comprehensive set of APIs for hardware accelerated video encode and decodeNVIDIA Products with the Kepler, Maxwell and Pascal generation GPUs contain a dedicated accelerator for video encoding, called NVENC and a dedicated accelerator for video decoding, called NVDEC, on the GPU die. While using the dedicated hardware for encode or decode, the GPU’s CUDA cores and system CPU are free to run other compute-intensive tasks. NVENCODE API enables software developers to configure this dedicated hardware video encoder. This dedicated accelerator encodes video at higher speeds and power efficiency than CUDA-based or CPU-based encoders at equivalent quality. NVENCODE API allows the programmer to control various settings of the encoder to set the desired tradeoff between quality and performance. This dedicated accelerator supports hardware-accelerated decoding of the following video codecs on Windows and Linux platforms: MPEG-2, VC-1, H.264 (AVCHD), H.265 (HEVC), VP8, VP9. Note: For Video Codec SDK 7.0, NVCUVID has been renamed to NVDECODE API. Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nvenc-11.0.10-1pclos2021.src.rpm[cc328234176a019f6a48e07d4bbc37bb./SRPMS.pcloscd * G B@BA0BE4BJUCnvidia-blacklist-nouveau1.01pclos2019Blacklist the nouveau driverThis package will blacklist the nouveau driver and prevent it from loading when using the Nvidia driver.%System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nvidia-blacklist-nouveau-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm3146c89d18e6d6ba5ab1344cef9c9dff./SRPMS.pclos/d ' l  ,  B@BABEBJ!Cnvidia-current470.256.022pclos2025NVIDIA proprietary X.org driver and libraries, current driver seriesSource package of the current NVIDIA proprietary driver. Binary packages are named x11-driver-video-nvidia-current.V-System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  ImageMagickgtk+2-develgtk+3-devellibtirpc-devellibxv-devellibxxf86vm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vdpau-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1nvidia-current-470.256.02-2pclos2025.src.rpmV5f7711e33a8573db82787ed4a08a9b1e./SRPMS.pclosCd ' l  0  B@BABEBJ5Cnvidia-current525.147.051pclos2024NVIDIA proprietary X.org driver and libraries, current driver seriesSource package of the current NVIDIA proprietary driver. Binary packages are named x11-driver-video-nvidia-current.\System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  ImageMagickgtk+2-develgtk+3-devellibtiff-devellibtirpc-devellibxv-devellibxxf86vm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vdpau-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1nvidia-current-525.147.05-1pclos2024.src.rpml521f78c25e0a5d360518885594769abe./SRPMS.pclos'd   ]    B@BABEBJCnvidia340340.10821pclos2024NVIDIA proprietary X.org driver and libraries, 340.xx seriesSource package of the current NVIDIA proprietary driver. Binary packages are named x11-driver-video-nvidia340.iSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  ImageMagickgtk+2-devellibtiff-devellibtirpc-devellibxv-devellibxxf86vm-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vdpau-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1nvidia340-340.108-21pclos2024.src.rpm 2ac7a62547e04ff5529d6d83fd3a709a9./SRPMS.pclosd   d    B@BABEBJCnvidia390390.1321pclos2019NVIDIA proprietary X.org driver and libraries, current driver seriesSource package of the current NVIDIA proprietary driver. Binary packages are named x11-driver-video-nvidia390.RSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 ImageMagickgtk+2-develgtk+3-devellibxv-develmesa-devellibxxf86vm-develvdpau-develgccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nvidia390-390.132-1pclos2019.src.rpm677eb6784fb46c9aa986252ffc3b2447./SRPMS.pclos/d   9t xB@BABEBJ!Cnvme-cli1.11.21pclos2020NVMe command line interfacenvme-cli is a NVM-Express user space tooling for Linux.>System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 lib64uuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nvme-cli-1.11.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmDgfed61eec93625376e7ead9ce59a5f77d./SRPMS.pclosd  V ,B@BABEBJCnvtop2.0.41pclos2022Interactive text-mode GPU process viewer for AMD/Nvidia GPUsNvtop stands for Neat Videocard TOP, a (h)top like task monitor for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. It can handle multiple GPUs and print information about them in a htop familiar way.Monitoringx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64ncurses-devellib64ncursesw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nvtop-2.0.4-1pclos2022.src.rpmS24b4af133fb5e0c1ca5e9b2d0319d02b./SRPMS.pclos#d   @8 <BLdB@BABEBJCnvtv0.4.71pclos2011Enable TV-Out on Linux for NVIDIA cardsThis is a tool to enable TV-Out on Linux for NVIDIA cards. It does not need the kernel, supports multiple TV encoder chips. You may use all the features of the chip, down to direct register access, and all resolutions and sizes the chip supports. Videox86_64 pciutils-develgtk2-devellibxmu-devellibxxf86vm-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nvtv-0.4.7-1pclos2011.src.rpm Pb8d199dffb799b58f9e3b11786122352./SRPMS.pclosd   S AB@JBAlBEpBJCnwc2xml2.011pclos2014Converts Noteworty Composer music notation into MusicXMLnwc2xml is a command line utility that converts the .nwc file format(http://www.noteworthysoftware.com/) into MusicXML (http://www.makemusic.com/musicxml).fPublishingx86_64 lib64wxgtku2.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nwc2xml-2.01-1pclos2014.src.rpmnbfc72c4175060acd0a1fb0455e7edf9b./SRPMS.pclosd  +$ (AH p  B@1BAPBETBJuCnx3.5.0.331pclos2019NX core librariesNoMachine NX is the next-generation X compression and round-trip suppression scheme. It can operate remote X11 sessions over 56k modem dial-up links or anything better. This package uses the patched and redistributed sources from the x2go project.BZ%Networking/Remote accessx86_64 autoconfgcc-c++pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(fontenc)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(xproto)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nx-   .4 8HPdB@BABEBJCnzbget21.01pclos2020A binary newsgrabberNZBGet is a command-line binary newsgrabber, which downloads files from usenet based on information given in nzb-files. NZBGet can be used in standalone and in server/client modes. Go to https://nzbget.net/ and read the documentation on how to configure it!nNetworking/Newsx86_64 lib64ncurses-devellib64openssl-devellib64xml2-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1nzbget-21.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmrbe41123ae09ac02661e4b323af1e9db3./SRPMS.pclosd   ;  0B@BABEBJCoaf0.6.1017pclos2007GNOME Object Activation FrameworkOAF (Object Activation Framework) provides the activation mechanism for GNOME components. It is a replacement for GOAD in the GNOME 2 platform.RTexstar Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 bisonflexORBit-develpopt-devellibxml-develtcp_wrappers-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oaf-0.6.10-17pclos2007.src.rpm3117270bd9b0b07d39920251bbdd8478./SRPMS.pclosd  _ TB@aBABEBJCoath-toolkit2.6.21pclos2021OATH Toolkit is a software toolkit for using HOTP/TOTP schemesThe OATH Toolkit provides components for building one-time password authentication systems. It contains shared libraries, command line tools and a PAM module. Supported technologies include the event-based HOTP algorithm (RFC4226) and the time-based TOTP algorithm (RFC6238). OATH stands for Initiative for Open Authentication, an industry-wide collaboration to develop open authentication algorithms. For secret key management, the Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC) format described in RFC6030 is supported. The components included in the package are: * liboath: A shared and static C library for OATH handling. * oathtool: A command line tool for generating and validating OTPs. * pam_oath: A PAM module for pluggable login authentication for OATH. * libpskc: A shared and static C library for PSKC handling. * pskctool: A command line tool for manipulating PSKC data.o^System/Basex86_64 bisongtk-docpam-develpkgconfigpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oath-toolkit-2.6.2-1pclos2021.src.rpmc6fe6d23ea65021ded9295863b42c291d./SRPMS.pclosd   U   B@BABEBJCdeobconf2.0.44pclos2019Openbox preferences managerOpenbox-EinstellungsmanagerObConf is a graphical configuration tool for the Openbox window manager.Obconf ist ein grafisches Werkzeug für den Openbox Window-Manager.^`Graphical desktop/Openboxx86_64 startup-notification-devellib64openbox2-develgtk+2-devellibglade2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1obconf-2.0.4-4pclos2019.src.rpm]5a1836d3eb44a427406d0fb18b93aaf82./SRPMS.pclosd   N    B@BABEBJ Cobconf-qt0.16.31pclos2023Openbox configuration tool for the LXQt desktopOpenbox configuration tool for the LXQt desktopdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakelib64glib2.0-devellib64lxqt-devellib64openbox2-devellib64qt5help-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellibpthread-stubslxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) $ B ,B@BABEBJCobex-data-server0.4.62pclos2013D-Bus service for Obex accessobex-data-server is a D-Bus service to allow sending and receiving files using the ObexFTP and Obex Push protocols, common on mobile phones and other Bluetooth-equipped devices.QwSystem/Serversx86_64 dbus-glib-develbluez-developenobex-develgtk2-devellibusb-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1obex-data-server-0.4.6-2pclos2013.src.rpmX3eed3be89e1e0bdd550683ab91636fa1./SRPMS.pclosd   = nB@~BABEBJCobexd0.471pclos2013D-Bus service for Obex Client accessobexd contains obex-client, a D-Bus service to allow sending files using the Obex Push protocol, common on mobile phones and other Bluetooth-equipped devices.KCommunicationsx86_64  glib2-develdbus-develbluez-developenobex-devellib64ical-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   S B@-BAPBETBJuCobexftp0.236pclos2013Access devices via ObexFTP e.g. Siemens mobile equipmentThe overall goal of this project is to make mobile devices featuring the OBEX protocol and adhering to the OBEX FTP standard accessible. The most common use for ObexFTP is to access your mobile phones memory to store and retrieve e.g. your phonebook, logos, ringtones, music, pictures and the like.90pinoc32Communicationsi586 bluez-devellibgssdp-developenobex-develpython-develrubyruby-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1obexftp-0.23-6pclos2013.src.rpm68504c239a1a37bea7090da76ffe87d82./SRPMS.pclosd   (4pB@zBABEBJCdesrobmenu1.03pclos2014A graphical menu editor for OpenboxEin grafischer Menüeditor für OpenboxГрафички уредник изборника за Опенбоксobmenu is a graphical menu editor for the Openbox window manager. Openbox uses XML to store its menu preferences, and editing these by hand can quickly become tedious; and even moreso when generating an entire menu for oneself! However, this utility provides a convenient method of editing the menu in a graphical interface, while not losing the powerful features of Openbox such as its pipe menus. This also provides a Python module named obxml that can be used to further script Openbox's menu system.obmenu ist ein grafischer Menüeditor für den Openbox Fenstermanager. Openbox nutzt XML zum Speichern der Menüeinstellungen und das editieren von Hand kann sehr schnell mühsam werden, auch wenn Sie ein komplettes Menü selbst erstellen wollen. Wie auch immer, dieses Werkzeug bietet eine praktische Methode zum Bearbeiten des Menüs mit einer grafischen Schnittstelle, wobei Sie natürlich nicht die mächtigen Eigenschaften von Openbox verlieren. Dieses Paket enthält ein Python Modul, welches obxml genannt wird, dieses kann genutzt werden um weitere Openbox Menüsysteme zu erstellen.lDGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch desktop-file-utilspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1obmenu-1.0-3pclos2014.src.rpmrZe46f2488163c01c4dd720c62ada47f19./SRPMS.pclosd   @ !<!!B@BABEBJCobs-studio29.1.32pclos2023A recording/broadcasting programOpen Broadcaster Software is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.gVideox86_64  cmakeffmpeg-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellibxcb-develmbedtls-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(fdk-aac)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(jansson)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libpci)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libv4l2)pkgconfig(luajit)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(x264)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig3.0.4-14.6.0-1obs-studio-29.1.3-2pclos2023.src.rpm"5fa6660bc0ae7d8c9a031822ec78e8d4./SRPMS.pclosd  I   z B@BABEBJCocaml4.02.31pclos2017The OCaml compiler and programming environmentOCaml is a high-level, strongly-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language from the ML family of languages.(bb2 Development/OCamlx86_64 libx11-develncurses-develtcltcl-develtktk-develemacsocaml-compilerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocaml-4.02.3-1pclos2017.src.rpm(2d615a268c2eebd82ccecdb0b4d0e553./SRPMS.pclosd # J   _B@uBABEBJCocaml-camlp44.02.30.1pclos2017Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for OCamlCamlp4 is a Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for OCaml, parsing a source file and printing some result on standard output. This package contains the runtime files.bb2 Development/OCamlx86_64 ocaml-compilerocaml-compiler-libsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! C  ,4LB@BABEBJ Cocaml-findlib1.6.11pclos2017A module packaging tool for OCamlThe findlib library provides a scheme to manage reusable software components (packages), and includes tools that support this scheme. Packages are collections of OCaml modules for which meta-information can be stored. The packages are kept in the file-system hierarchy, but with strict directory structure. The library contains functions to look the directory up that stores a package, to query meta-information about a package, and to retrieve dependency information about multiple packages. There is also a tool that allows the user to enter queries on the command-line. In order to simplify compilation and linkage, there are new front-ends of the various OCaml compilers that can directly deal with packages.wbb2 Development/OCamlx86_64 ocaml-compilerocaml-compiler-libsocaml-camlp4ocaml-labltkncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocaml-findlib-1.6.1-1pclos2017.src.rpmy150687109d5cfcbb503d9159834236e8./SRPMS.pclosd  :    B@BABEBJCocaml-lablgl1.051pclos2017OpenGL interface for OCamlLablGL is is an OCaml interface to OpenGL. Support is included for use with both Glut (standalone) and LablTk.bb2 Development/OCamlx86_64 ocaml-compilerocaml-compiler-libsocaml-camlp4-develocaml-labltktcl-develtk-develmesaglu-develfreeglut-devellibxmu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocaml-lablgl-1.05-1pclos2017.src.rpm24935b37dfc54753c65e0613d6a0b753./SRPMS.pclosod # R B@BA<BE@BJaCocaml-lablgtk22.18.31pclos2017OCaml interface to the GIMP Tool Kit Version 2OCaml interface to the GIMP Tool Kit Version 2. ^bb2 Development/OCamlx86_64 ocaml-compilerocaml-compiler-libsocaml-findlibocaml-camlp4-develgtk+2-devellibrsvg-develgnomeui2-develgtkspell-devellibglade2-devellibgtksourceview-1.0-devellib64gtksourceview2-2.0_0-develgtkglarea2-develocaml-lablgl-develmesaglu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocaml-lablgtk2-2.18.3-1pclos2017.src.rpm a73a39e12ce131d262a014ff4d291c14./SRPMS.pclosd ! < JB@VBABEBJCocaml-labltk8.06.02pclos2017Tcl/Tk interface for OCamllabltk or mlTk is a library for interfacing OCaml with the scripting language Tcl/Tk (all versions since 8.0.3, but no betas).+bb2 Development/OCamlx86_64 ocaml-compilerocaml-compiler-libstcl-develtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocaml-labltk-8.06.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm(84e0d52d31dd440f3bed636ad061ab5b./SRPMS.pclosd   6X \mtkB@BABEBJCoce0.18.31pclos2019OpenCASCADE Community EditionOpenCASCADE Community Edition (OCE) is a suite for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development. It is an excellent platform for development of numerical simulation software including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC and GIS, as well as PDM applications.qSciences/Physicsx86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilsx11-proto-develmesagl-develmesaglu-devellibxmu-develftgl-develfreeimage-develgl2ps-devellibgomp-develtcl-develtk-develtbb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oce-0.18.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm/c6eac30ac4e2674e921cde122b666d16./SRPMS.pclosd   EX \fpB@BABEBJCocean2.01pclos2019Ocean 2.0 Interfaith Reader Immersive LibraryOcean is a custom ebook reader designed for exploration and study of the sacred literature of the world’s religious traditions. It provides a simple cross-platform reading experience with an immersive audio-integrated reading experience and usful study and research tools.Educationx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocean-2.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm (bbce73ec8beaf5c3da2f643eef11c324./SRPMS.pclos?d % B` d{B@BA BEBJ1Cocean-sound-theme6.3.31pclos2025Ocean Sound Theme for PlasmaOcean Sound Theme for Plasma. TGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ocean-sound-theme-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm >016cd4ab51d69cfe3809836411886a6d./SRPMS.pclos d   30 4:D\B@BABEBJCocenaudio3.14.101pclos2025Analyze audio filesocenaudio is a cross-platform, easy to use, fast and functional audio editor. It is the ideal software for people who need to edit and analyze audio files without complications. ocenaudio also has powerful features that will please more advanced users.0 Soundx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdtarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1ocenaudio-3.14.10-1pclos2025.src.rpm0Fcd0a2ce12b86b6fc51b36625fff13920./SRPMS.pclosSd   . B@BA BE$BJECocl-icd2.2.141pclos2021OpenCL ICL LoaderOpenCL is a royalty-free standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of modern processors found in personal computers, servers and handheld/embedded devices. This package provides an Installable Client Driver loader (ICD Loader). The provided libOpenCL library is able to load any free or non-free installed ICD (driver backend).2System/Librariesx86_64 opencl-headersrubyasciidocxmltorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocl-icd-2.2.14-1pclos2021.src.rpm5na16f6c7b78193ea194056d2b88a6bd61./SRPMS.pclosd   (hl wB@DBAdBEhBJCoclock1.0.41pclos2020Round X clockOclock simply displays the current time on an analog display."ghostbunnyDevelopment/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxext-devellibxmu-devellibxt-develx11-util-macroslibxkbfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d   6 !B@*BAHBELBJmCocrad0.191pclos2010Optical Character RecognitionOcrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program implemented as a filter and based on a feature extraction method. It reads a bitmap image in PBM format and outputs text in the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) charset. It includes a layout analyser that is able to separate the columns or blocks of text normally found on printed pages. Ocrad can be used as a stand-alone console application, or as a backend to other programs`Publishingi586 info-installrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocrad-0.19-1pclos2010.src.rpmg117033930f9c63578f3ed49b700b4a78./SRPMS.pclosd   n    B@BABEBJ Cocrfeeder0.8.51pclos2024OCRFeeder is a document layout analysis and optical character recognition systemOCRFeeder is a document layout analysis and optical character recognition system. Given the images it will automatically outline its contents, distinguish between what's graphics and text and perform OCR over the latter. It generates multiple formats being its main one ODT. AGraphicsnoarch  intltoolitstoollib64goocanvas2.0-devellib64python3-develpython-gobject3-develpython3-enchantpython3-odfpypython3-pillowpython3-reportlabpython3-sanerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1ocrfeeder-0.8.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm 782a93db7e818a0f8c03710bb1ccb43f./SRPMS.pcloscd   S< @LTpB@ BA0BE4BJUCocs-url3.0.31pclos2019An install helper program for OpenCollaborationServicesocs-url is an install helper program for items served on OpenCollaborationServices (OCS). It is an URL handler for xdg:// and ocs:// scheme. It enables you to download or install desktop stuff from opendesktop.org or other sites.System/Basex86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocs-url-3.0.3-1pclos2019.src.rpmă7531b954b4f8a5b994ccc57ed32607ea./SRPMS.pclosd & G (0WB@`BABEBJCocsinventory-agent2.4.22pclos2019Unified client for OCS-InventoryLinux agent for ocs-inventory. Dialog between client computers and management server is based on actual standards, HTTP protocol and XML data formatting.Agent Smith System/Serversx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ocsinventory-agent-2.4.2-2pclos2019.src.rpmzdeaaffc02ade5fae940a5bfd9b32bf6c./SRPMS.pclosd   I\ `u|0<00B@FBAhBElBJCoctave8.4.01pclos2023High-level language for numerical computationsGNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. Octave has extensive tools for solving common numerical linear algebra problems, finding the roots of nonlinear equations, integrating ordinary functions, manipulating polynomials, and integrating ordinary differential and differential-algebraic equations. It is easily extensible and customizable via user-defined functions written in Octave's own language, or using dynamically loaded modules written in C++, C, Fortran, or other languages.kSciences/Mathematicsx86_64  bisonblas-develdejagnudesktop-file-utilsemacsemacs-binfftw-develflexgcc-gfortrangl2ps-develglpk-develgnuplot-noxgperfhdf5-develicoutilsjava-devellapack-devellibrsvglzippkgconfig(GraphicsMagick)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(RapidJSON)pkgconfig(arpack)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(osmesa)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(sndfile)qhull-develqrupdate-develqscintilla-qt5-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)suitesparse-develsundials-develtexinfotexinfo-textexlive3.0.4-14.6.0-1octave-8.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmf544a6de3e2f1472ef3d659eca3b0632./SRPMS.pclosd   / B@BABEBJCode0.121pclos2013The Open Dynamics EngineThe Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) is a free software library for the simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics. It is has been primarily written by Russell Smith. ODE builds under a variety of different Windows and Unix platforms. ODE is useful for simulating things like vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments, and virtual creatures.vSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ode-0.12-1pclos2013.src.rpm|305ac7bfd1e792b642a871f365ac90d13./SRPMS.pclosSd   = B@BA BE$BJECodio1.4.01pclos2020Odio online internet streaming radioodio is a free radio streaming software with more than 20,000 radio stations from around the world.)Soundx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1odio-1.4.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm[cd7100bedcb8c80965259e8fcfc05faa./SRPMS.pclosd   ^4 8CLTB@BABEBJCodt2txt0.51pclos2019A simple (and stupid) converter from OpenDocument Text to plain textodt2txt is a command-line tool which extracts the text out of OpenDocument Texts produced by OpenOffice.org, StarOffice, KOffice and others. odt2txt is ... * small * supports multiple output encodings * adopts to your locale * able to substitute common characters which the output charset does not contain with ascii look-a-likes * written in C, has few dependencies * portable (runs on Linux, *BSD, Solaris, HP-UX, Windows, Cygwin) * licensed under GPL, version 2]Text toolsx86_64 pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1odt2txt-0.5-1pclos2019.src.rpme7fcfdeff845b0b0131ff6e190dfc4d54./SRPMS.pclosd   GH LR\hB@BABEBJCodvr0.1.52pclos2013User-space driver for USB-enabled Olympus DVRsodvr is a user-space driver for USB-enabled Olympus DVRs that do not support the USB Mass Storage specification. odvr is tested against the VN-960PC, but should support other "VN" Olympus models. See SupportedDevices for a list of known-working devices.tSoundx86_64 lib64usb1.0-devellibsndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1odvr-0.1.5-2pclos2013.src.rpmyd75dc128b5d55bb24dabf75b55f70e08./SRPMS.pclosod   -  B@BA<BE@BJaCofono2.51pclos2024Open Source TelephonyoFono aims to provide an easy to use interface that can be used to create rich telephony applications without requiring one to have a deep understanding of the underlying technology and its limitations. To accomplish this, oFono provides language-independent D-Bus API that is extremely easy to use without generated bindings or other 'messy' steps typically required to use an IPC based API. _Communicationsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ofono-2.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm І555cacd387c9cc1d9e932c978e119575./SRPMS.pclosd   < )0DB@BABEBJCogdi4.1.02pclos2020Open Geographic Datastore InterfaceOGDI is the Open Geographic Datastore Interface. OGDI is an application programming interface (API) that uses a standardized access methods to work in conjunction with GIS software packages (the application) and various geospatial data products. OGDI uses a client/server architecture to facilitate the dissemination of geospatial data products over any TCP/IP network, and a driver-oriented approach to facilitate access to several geospatial data products/formats.Sciences/Geosciencesx86_64 pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(tcl)unixODBC-develpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ogdi-4.1.0-2pclos2020.src.rpmѴe03ad4b3b94cd1be73bdccc6f2a46658./SRPMS.pcloskd   S  B@BA8BE<BJ]Coggconvert0.3.32pclos2010Converts media files to Ogg Vorbis, Theora and DiracOggConvert is a small Gnome utility which uses GStreamer to convert media files to Ogg Vorbis, Theora and Dirac.sVideonoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oggconvert-0.3.3-2pclos2010.src.rpm2b9ab9ff0073fdae623343d2774f74ff./SRPMS.pclos;d   s \B@BABE BJ-Cdeogmrip1.0.16pclos2015DVD ripping and encoding graphical user interfaceOGMRIP - DVD Ripper und Encoder GUIOGMRip is an application and a set of libraries for ripping and encoding DVDs into AVI, OGM MP4 or Matroska files using a wide variety of codecs. It relies on mplayer, mencoder, ogmtools, mkvtoolnix, oggenc, lame and faac to perform its tasks.OGMRip ist eine recht einfach zu bedienende GNOME-Anwendung zum Auslesen (Rippen) von DVDs in eine Reihe verschiedener Video-Dateiformate. Daneben kann OGMRip aber auch zur Formatumwandlung (Transcodieren) vorhandener Videodateien verwendet werden. Da anstelle kryptischer Codierungsparameter nur einfache und verständliche Angaben zur Steuerung der Video- und Audiocodierung gemacht werden müssen, sollten auch weniger erfahrene Nutzer mit der Software gut zurecht kommen. Für die Ausführung der notwendigen Operationen greift OGMRip auf die Werkzeuge mplayer, mencoder, ogmtools, mkvtoolnix, oggenc, lame und faac zurück.*JVideox86_64 gtk2-devellibxml2-develGConf2-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64lame0-devellib64lept-devellib64dvdread-develtesseract-develenca-develenchant-develdbus-glib-develhal-develgpac-devellibvorbis-devellibtheora-develintltoolgettext-develtheora-toolsvorbis-toolsogmtoolsmencodermplayerejectsubtitleripperlamemkvtoolnixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ogmrip-1.0.1-6pclos2015.src.rpm*14084b96f0d37845b3c48fa1dda1e4b1./SRPMS.pclosd   1 9B@CBAdBEhBJCogmtools1.56pclos2015OGG media stream toolsThese tools allow information about (ogminfo) or extraction from (ogmdemux) or creation of (ogmmerge) OGG media streams. Note that OGM is used for "OGG media streams".BVideox86_64 libvorbis-devellibdvdread-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ogmtools-1.5-6pclos2015.src.rpme0781563662b375f03f8e5cdde135f55./SRPMS.pclosd  C HB@BABEBJCogre13.4.31pclos2022Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering EngineOGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce games and demos utilising 3D hardware. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes.USystem/Librariesx86_64 boost-develcmakedoxygenfreeimage-devellibatomic-develpkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(OIS)pkgconfig(tbb)pkgconfig(tinyxml)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xaw7)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xt)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(zziplib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ogre-13.4.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm27d230cad458ec3fa254f0d85b83792f./SRPMS.pclosd  & V ,B@EBAtBExBJCohphone1.4.50.20060204.2pclos2010Initiate, or receive, a H.323 IP telephony callohphone is a command line application that can be used to listen for incoming H.323 calls, or to initiate a call to a remote host. Although originally intended as a test harneess for the OpenH323 project (see http://www.openh323.org) it has developed into a fully functional H.323 endpoint application.ANetworking/Otheri586  openh323-develpwlib-devellibxext-static-devellibx11-static-develx11-proto-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) x29acec8d1fc571351dbf53f40b8910da./SRPMS.pclosd   Z QB@^BA|BEBJCoidn1.2.31pclos2020Library of denoising filters for images rendered with ray tracingAn open source library of high-performance, high-quality denoising filters for images rendered with ray tracing."System/Librariesx86_64 cmakegcc-c++ispcpkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(tbb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oidn-1.2.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm8a120190d8edd90deb10c7363cbca123./SRPMS.pclosd   4  KB@TBAtBExBJCois1.3.02pclos2013Object Oriented Input SystemObject Oriented Input System (OIS) is meant to be a cross platform, simple solution for using all kinds of Input Devices (KeyBoards, Mice, Joysticks, etc) and feedback devices (e.g. forcefeedback).System/Librariesx86_64 lib64xaw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ois-1.3.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm369cbab6b10127665d023a79a72591c7./SRPMS.pclosd    PT X_dhB@BABEBJCokawix0.71pclos2010Okawix lets you download the whole content of WikipediaOkawix lets you download the whole content of Wikipedia, with or without images, so that you can browse it offline: Okawix is available in 253 languages and includes sister projects of the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikisource, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks).7Officei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1okawix-0.7-1pclos2010.src.rpm82bba0f6e57469cccfdfc644aec62db3./SRPMS.pclosSd   _ B@BA BE$BJECoki4linux2.1gst2pclos2011Drivers for Oki 4w, oki 400w and okipage 4w plus GDI winprintersA Linux / UNIX driver for the okipage 4w, oki 400w and okipage 4w plus GDI printers,System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oki4linux-2.1gst-2pclos2011.src.rpm9398755ba8e2d4667f247523ba865e6f./SRPMS.pclosd   B LLB@oBABEBJCokteta0.26.91pclos2022Editor for raw file data as Hex valuesOkteta is a simple editor for the raw data of files. This type of program is also called hex editor or binary editor.oGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-develkf5-macroskbookmarks-develkcodecs-develkcompletion-develkconfigwidgets-develkdbusaddons-develkdoctools-develkiconthemes-develki18n-develkcmutils-develkio-develknewstuff-develkparts-develkservice-develkwidgetsaddons-develkxmlgui-devellib64qca2-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1okteta-0.26.9-1pclos2022.src.rpmu8fbf1663f544202bb51bd655cf3719f8./SRPMS.pclos[d   8    B@BA(BE,BJMCokular24.12.31pclos2025A universal document viewerOkular is a universal document viewer based on KPDF for KDE 4. Okular combines the excellent functionalities of KPDF with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, and others. The document format handlers page has a chart describing in more detail the supported formats and the features supported in each of them.{.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  chmlib-develebook-tools-develkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(ddjvuapi)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libmarkdown)pkgconfig(libspectre)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libzip)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1okular-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm{>6e485ae00cc0428dce2ce439199ea775./SRPMS.pclosd   6d hnx-B@;BA\BE`BJColivia0.0.21pclos2020Play Youtube radio stationsElegant Cloud Music Player for Linux Desktop.ZSoundx86_64 lib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5webkit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1olivia-0.0.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmY363adebd247dde4f858ebbec5426499a./SRPMS.pclosd   = DB@ZBAxBE|BJColm3.2.151pclos2023Double Ratchet cryptographic libraryAn implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++.& System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeninja-buildpkgconfig(python3)python3-cffipython3-futurepython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1olm-3.2.15-1pclos2023.src.rpm&0a98730f9087c5c15ed506d85d58d97b2./SRPMS.pclosWd   = B@BA$BE(BJIColm3.2.161pclos2024Double Ratchet cryptographic libraryAn implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++.&System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeninja-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1olm-3.2.16-1pclos2024.src.rpm&-69cd33c0f52c3c6eb72230e584e774fb./SRPMS.pclosd   I  ;B@DBAhBElBJComnitux1.2.11pclos2013Omnitux is an education platform for childrenOmnitux is an education platform for children which aim is to provide various educational activities around multimedia elements (images, sounds, texts)Hipinoc64Educationnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1omnitux-1.2.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmH% c28017fe5ecc2e3484befb6741fb07d2./SRPMS.pclosd   k .B@KBAlBEpBJConboard1.4.15pclos2024An onscreen keyboard useful for tablet PC users and for mobility impaired usersAn onscreen keyboard useful for tablet PC users and for mobility impaired users.LD&Accessibilityx86_64  glibc-develintltoollib64cairo-devellib64canberra-devellib64dconf-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64hunspell-devellib64python3-devellib64x11-devellib64xkbfile-devellib64xtst-develpython3-distutils-extrarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1onboard-1.4.1-5pclos2024.src.rpmLl_0801cb6d638d9e5bd57c7c1897aca8bb./SRPMS.pclosd  -   WB@aBABEBJConeclickftp0.5.11pclos2009Qt FTP ClientOneClickFtp is a FTP-Client written in C++/Qt4, with which you can Upload Files with just a few Clicks. You have to configure Profiles with the Server, Username, Password an the desired Files.Networking/File transferi586 libqt4-devellibqca2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oneclickftp-0.5.1-1pclos2009.src.rpmd135e26f29b1bd75777baab74a5c0696./SRPMS.pclosGd   h B@BABEBJ9Cpl.UTF-8oneko1.21pclos2011Cute cat chasing around your mouse cursorKotek ganiający kursor myszyoneko changes your mouse cursor into mouse and creates a little cute cat and the cat start chasing around your mouse cursor. If the cat catchup the ``mouse'', start sleeping.oneko zmienia kursor w mysz i tworzy kotka, który zaczyna ją gonić. Gdy kotek złapie mysz, idzie spać.Graphical Desktop/Otheri586 libxext6-develgccmakedeprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oneko-1.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmH608479a76ef582b2e79c3972667218e3./SRPMS.pclosd   V\ `qxB@BABEBJConiguruma6.9.7.11pclos2021Regex Library Supporting Different Character EncodingsOniguruma is a regular expressions library. The characteristics of this library is that different character encoding for every regular expression object can be specified. Supported character encodings: ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, EUC-JP, EUC-TW, EUC-KR, EUC-CN, Shift_JIS, Big5, GB 18030, KOI8-R, KOI8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-11, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-16.WSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oniguruma-   MT Xgp|B@BABEBJ Conionshare2.12pclos2019Securely and anonymously share files of any sizeOnionShare lets you securely and anonymously share files of any size. It works by starting a web server, making it accessible as a Tor hidden service, and generating an unguessable URL to access and download files. It doesn't require setting up a server on the internet somewhere or using a third party file sharing service. You host files on your own computer and use a Tor hidden service to make it temporarily accessible over the internet. The other user just needs to use Tor Browser to download a file from you.,6System/Serversnoarch python3-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1onionshare-2.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm, 326683959e19e3d55bbdfcb2540e9b17./SRPMS.pclos/d" - Cl pwB@BABEBJ!Conlyoffice-desktopeditors8.2.21pclos2024Only Office for LinuxONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is a free office suite that combines text, spreadsheet and presentation editors allowing to create, view and edit documents stored on your Windows/Linux PC or Mac without an Internet connection. It is fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx.6&Officex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1onlyoffice-desktopeditors-8.2.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmVaab63e920b36c1e205c418cef881b344c./SRPMS.pclosd  < $$$E$B@pBABEBJConvifviewer0.124pclos2020ONVIF camera viewer for LinuxONVIF camera viewer for Android, Plasma Mobile and Linux desktop ~Videox86_64 cmakekdsoap-devellib64kdsoapwsdiscoveryclient-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64qtav-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtbase5-common-develgit-develkauthkconfigkconfigwidgetskcoreaddonskdsoapki18nkirigamikwidgetsaddonskxmlguilib64kcodecs5lib64qt5core5lib64qt5dbus5lib64qt5gui5lib64qt5network5lib64qt5qml5lib64qt5quick5lib64qt5svg5lib64qt5widgets5lib64qt5xml5qtavrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1onvifviewer-0.12-4pclos2020.src.rpm b7af8a9af5a3ed5c4d941ecc82ca6fcb./SRPMS.pclosd  (    B@BABEBJCopal33.10.102pclos2015VoIP libraryThis is an open source class library for the development of applications that wish to use SIP / H.323 protocols for multimedia communications over packet based networks.ZYSystem/Librariesx86_64  gawkopenssl-developenldap-develptlib-devellibspeex-devellibtheora-develX11-develx264-develcelt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   =8< dktxB@BABEBJCopcion1.1.11pclos2021Simple font viewer written in JavaOpcion Font Viewer is a Java based font viewer that allows you to view (un)installed TrueType fonts one or many at a time. Opcion Font Viewer allows you to select and save your favourite fonts, apply font styles, and set your own sample/preview text.Agent Smith Officenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opcion-1.1.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm243bac2b16f7daa145e4a82ede8c40ae./SRPMS.pclosd   O  $.8<XB@`BABEBJCopen1.416pclos2011A tool which will start a program on a virtual console.The open command starts a specified command with the first available virtual console, or on a virtual console that you specify. Install the open package if you regularly use virtual consoles to run programs.DTerminalsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1open-1.4-16pclos2011.src.rpmJ1c469dd83e946ac2d34a37d3ec6b94bf./SRPMS.pclosd   C  $5<DsB@|BABEBJCopen-iscsi2.0871.1pclos2010An implementation of RFC3720 iSCSIOpen-iSCSI project is a high-performance, transport independent, multi-platform implementation of RFC3720 iSCSI. iSCSI is a protocol for distributed disk access using SCSI commands sent over Internet Protocol networks.)Networking/Otheri586 glibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1open-iscsi-2.0-871.1pclos2010.src.rpm"9c9660c0ca8e2c9070a1d6b39d807b5a./SRPMS.pclosd ! \ `jtxB@BABEBJCdeopen-teacher3.02pclos2013An open source application that helps you learn a foreign language!Eine Open-Source-Anwendung, hilft beim erlernen von Fremdsprache!OpenTeacher is an open source software that helps you in learning a foreign language! Enter a list of words in both a known and a foreign language, and OpenTeacher tests you. Here are some key features of "OpenTeacher": · Smart question asking · Think answer, shuffle answer and repeat answer input modes · Easy symbol and Greek input · Read and write T2K (Teach2000) and wrts files · Save and open your online WRTS lists · Support for synonyms · Printing your word lists · Available in English, Spanish, German, Dutch and HungarianOpenTeacher ist ein Open-Source-Software, die Ihnen hilft, in eine Fremdsprache zu lernen! Geben Sie eine Liste von Wörtern in beiden Sprachen ein und OpenTeacher testet ihr Wissen danach ab. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Features von "OpenTeacher": · Smart Frage fragen · Denken Sie beantworten, shuffle zu beantworten und zu wiederholen Antwort Eingabemodi · Einfache Symbole und griechische Eingang · Lesen und schreiben T2K (Teach2000) und WRTs Dateien · Speichern und öffnen Ihrer Online-WRTs Listen · Unterstützung für Synonyme · Drucken Sie Ihre Wortlisten · Verfügbar in Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Niederländisch und UngarischEducationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1open-teacher-3.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm06527b0806175cbb086e6c69cf149be1./SRPMS.pclosd   \ B@)BALBEPBJqCopenais1.1.21pclos2010The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework executive and APIsThis package contains the openais executive, openais service handlers, default configuration files and init script.System/Basei586  corosync-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ,    B@BABEBJCopenal1.21.11pclos20213D Sound LibraryOpenAL is a free 3D-audio library, with a programming interface similar to that of OpenGL.8%Soundx86_64 cmakelib64alsa2-develportaudio-develpulseaudio-develffmpeg-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sndfile-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openal-1.21.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm:f0a70afc541a678cff76299bf8778e6b./SRPMS.pclosd   F  3< l  B@,BAPBETBJuCopenbabel2.4.13pclos2020Chemistry software file format converterOpen Babel is a project designed to pick up where Babel left off, as a cross-platform program and library designed to interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling and computational chemistry.sSciences/Chemistryx86_64 doxygenImageMagicklib64eigen3-devellib64wxgtku2.8-devellibtoolcmakelibxml2-develperl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)python-develpython3-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbabel-2.4.1-3pclos2020.src.rpms2361454ec7e7ee9d26566c1ffd180b63./SRPMS.pclosd   J  !(@B@BABEBJCopenblas0.3.281pclos2024An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version. The project is supported by the Lab of Parallel Software and Computational Science, ISCAS. http://www.rdcps.ac.cnwSSciences/Mathematicsx86_64  gccgcc-c++gcc-gfortranperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openblas-0.3.28-1pclos2024.src.rpmj 20bab07f43d5eb315f06bc25154baced./SRPMS.pclos'd $ A` dvB@BABEBJCopenblas-srpm-macros21pclos2024OpenBLAS architecture macrosOpenBLAS architecture macros.Development/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openblas-srpm-macros-2-1pclos2024.src.rpm4dc1d8c78294e91846ec6a260fa141eb./SRPMS.pclos#d   ) B@BABEBJCopenblok0.8.31pclos2021Tetris cloneA customizable, cross platform, open-source falling block game, packed with a bunch of features.02Games/Arcadex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openblok-0.8.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm+$bb707bdf408a051ab5e72754f76165a2./SRPMS.pclosWd   Q &0B@BA$BE(BJICopenboard1.4.01pclos2018Interactive whiteboard for schools and universitiesOpenBoard is an open source cross-platform interactive white board application designed primarily for use in schools. It was originally forked from Open-Sankoré, which was itself based on Uniboard.m=Educationx86_64 bisonflexffmpeg-devellibgomp-devellibpaper-develqtsingleapplication-qt5-develquazip-develt1lib-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5MultimediaWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Script)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5UiTools)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKit)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5XmlPatterns)pkgconfig(hunspell)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(poppler)pkgconfig(poppler-cpp)pkgconfig(sdl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openboard-1.4.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmmg8bf797464d5d1407ca5bf1dda6b65b08./SRPMS.pclosd   P !(0`B@pBABEBJCopenbor4.0.75331pclos2024Moddable fighting game engine (aka Beats of Rage)OpenBOR is the open source continuation of Beats of Rage, a Streets of Rage tribute game originally developed by Senile Team. In the years since it has grown into arguably the single most powerful two dimensional sprite-based engine in the world and certainly the most versatile. While intended to allow creation of side scrolling beat 'em ups like Double Dragon or Final Fight, the engine is also capable of replicating shoot 'em ups, RPGs, platformers and the like. A built-in scripting engine allows authors to take it even further, making imagination the only real limit. The PAK's for the games made with OpenBor should be placed in /usr/share/openbor/PaksqAgent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openbor-4.0.7533-1pclos2024.src.rpmBo631698f126efb60ab400c1daf2d87317./SRPMS.pclosd   P }B@BABEBJCdeopenbox3.6.12pclos2019Windowmanager based on the original blackbox-codeOpenbox is a window manager for the X11 windowing system. It currently runs on a large list of platforms. It was originally based on blackbox and currently remains very similar, even using blackbox styles (with available extensions) for its themeing. Openbox is the spawn of a number of previous blackbox users/hackers. Being overall pleased with the window manager, but feeling left unable to contribute, this project was born.The Openbox project is developed, maintained, and contributed to by these individuals.Openbox ist ein Fenster-Manager für die X11-Fenstersystem. Es läuft derzeit auf eine große Liste der Plattformen. Es war ursprünglich basiert auf Blackbox und derzeit noch sehr ähnlich, sogar mit Blackbox Styles (mit den verfügbaren Erweiterungen) für die Thematisierung. Openbox ist die von einer Reihe früherer blackbox Benutzer spawn / Hacker. Sein insgesamt mit den Fenster-Manager gerne, aber das Gefühl nicht verlassen Beitrag zu leisten, ist dieses Projekt wurde born.The Openbox Projekt entwickelt wurde, verwaltet, und von diesen Personen beigetragen. GGraphical desktop/Openboxx86_64 glib2-develglibc-devellib64xml2-devellib64imlib2_1lib64startup-notification-1_0pangolib64xcursor1lib64xcursor-devellib64xext-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xinerama-devellib64x11-devellib64sm-devellib64ice-devellib64xau-devellib64xft-develgettext-develpkgconfigimlib2-devellibrsvg-devellib64startup-notification-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-3.6.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm Dfe00da06ef0b16ad70a46837c3faf732./SRPMS.pclosd (  ]B@iBABEBJCdefropenbox-menu0.3.6.84pclos2013Dynamic menus in Openbox WMDynamische Menüs in der Openbox WMMenus dynamiques pour le Gestionnaire de Fenêtres Openbox.It's a pipe-menu that uses menu-cache from the Lxde project, to display/provide and update dynamically the Openbox menu entries, using the *.desktop files.Es ist ein Pipe-Menü, das den Menü-Cache aus dem Lxde Projekt verwendet, zum Anzeige/Bereitstellen und dynamische aktualisieren der Openbox-Menü Einträge mit Hilfe von den *.desktop Dateien.C'est un pipe-menu qui utilise le programme menu-cached menu-cache du projet Lxde, pour afficher/procurer et mettre à jour dynamiquement les entrées du menu de Openbox, en utilisant les fichiers *.desktop.]Graphical desktop/Openboxx86_64 glib2-devellib64menu-cache-develmakepkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-menu- : Qd hB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-Appleish1.03pclos2019Openbox theme AppleishThis package contains the Appleish theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Appleish Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les Appleish thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la Appleish tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera Appleish Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи Appleish тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de Appleish thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Appleish-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm5e8c159603d1e799f6f96ab852118a56./SRPMS.pclos d*. 9 OX \vB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-Awesome1.03pclos2019Openbox theme AwesomeThis package contains the Awesome theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Awesome Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les Awesome thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la Awesome tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera Awesome Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи Awesome тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de Awesome thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Awesome-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmff627d13947c1fb10acd1956b5ffc11f./SRPMS.pclosd,0 ; Sl pB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-BraveDark1.03pclos2019Openbox theme BraveDarkThis package contains the BraveDark theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die BraveDark Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les BraveDark thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la BraveDark tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera BraveDark Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи BraveDark тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de BraveDark thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-BraveDark-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm31b371c62932739fb7ab72137de96916./SRPMS.pclosd)- 8 MP Tnx|B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-Coffee1.03pclos2019Openbox theme CoffeeThis package contains the Coffee theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Coffee Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les Coffee thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la Coffee tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera Coffee Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи Coffee тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de Coffee thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. \Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Coffee-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm6fe33ee243673dc1b25efca90e0e92cc./SRPMS.pclosd,0 ; Sl pB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-DLux-OB-21.01pclos2019Openbox theme DLux-OB-2This package contains the DLux-OB-2 theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die DLux-OB-2 Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les DLux-OB-2 thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la DLux-OB-2 tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera DLux-OB-2 Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи DLux-OB-2 тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de DLux-OB-2 thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf.7zGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-DLux-OB-2-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm?Q05f629d3c90691509029735931464e9b./SRPMS.pclosd7; F i B@ BA\BE`BJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-21.01pclos2019Openbox theme DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2This package contains the DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2 theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2 Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2 thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2 tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2 Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2 тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2 thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf.7Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-DLux-OB-BlueLagoon-2-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm?013c11653792994df2da603c03b3ad79./SRPMS.pclosOd15 @ ] B@BABE BJACdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-DLux-OB-Dark-21.01pclos2019Openbox theme DLux-OB-Dark-2This package contains the DLux-OB-Dark-2 theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die DLux-OB-Dark-2 Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les DLux-OB-Dark-2 thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la DLux-OB-Dark-2 tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera DLux-OB-Dark-2 Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи DLux-OB-Dark-2 тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de DLux-OB-Dark-2 thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf.7Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-DLux-OB-Dark-2-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm?d864b48aba7f88a5ee35d00771cf976e./SRPMS.pclosOd15 @ ] B@BABE BJACdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-DLux-OB-Gold-21.01pclos2019Openbox theme DLux-OB-Gold-2This package contains the DLux-OB-Gold-2 theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die DLux-OB-Gold-2 Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les DLux-OB-Gold-2 thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la DLux-OB-Gold-2 tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera DLux-OB-Gold-2 Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи DLux-OB-Gold-2 тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de DLux-OB-Gold-2 thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf.7Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-DLux-OB-Gold-2-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm?657b3d4f995dc7f37a81c5a9f8e709ec./SRPMS.pclosgd37 B a B@BA4BE8BJYCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-DLux-OB-Yankee-21.01pclos2019Openbox theme DLux-OB-Yankee-2This package contains the DLux-OB-Yankee-2 theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die DLux-OB-Yankee-2 Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les DLux-OB-Yankee-2 thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la DLux-OB-Yankee-2 tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera DLux-OB-Yankee-2 Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи DLux-OB-Yankee-2 тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de DLux-OB-Yankee-2 thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf.7Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-DLux-OB-Yankee-2-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm?fad926756efd50890a372ca40b7271f6./SRPMS.pclosd+/ : Qd hB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-DarkStar1.03pclos2019Openbox theme DarkStarThis package contains the DarkStar theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die DarkStar Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les DarkStar thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la DarkStar tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera DarkStar Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи DarkStar тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de DarkStar thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-DarkStar-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmZ8bcd082a2ab51ace56362840d1034f8e./SRPMS.pclosd,0 ; Sl pB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-HumanDark1.03pclos2019Openbox theme HumanDarkThis package contains the HumanDark theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die HumanDark Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les HumanDark thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la HumanDark tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera HumanDark Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи HumanDark тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de HumanDark thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. 8Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-HumanDark-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm7aec0d1b2bd85d792fc4c2c5697a9cbf./SRPMS.pclosd&* 5 G4 8R\`|B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-Ice1.03pclos2019Openbox theme IceThis package contains the Ice theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Ice Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les Ice thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la Ice tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera Ice Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи Ice тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de Ice thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. UGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Ice-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm[bc10ab184f2b357b7fa7fc371b807ce5./SRPMS.pclosd * @ ",0LB@TBABEBJCdeopenbox-theme-Imagine1.03pclos2019Openbox theme ImagineThis package contains the Imagine theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Imagine Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Imagine-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm"f601d98a445e42331d627ae170ad8c2b./SRPMS.pclos'd-1 < Ut xB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-IslandCaye1.03pclos2019Openbox theme IslandCayeThis package contains the IslandCaye theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die IslandCaye Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les IslandCaye thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la IslandCaye tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera IslandCaye Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи IslandCaye тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de IslandCaye thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. GDGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-IslandCaye-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm Od3a36ea28742937aff9df2cd12baf1db./SRPMS.pclosd'+ 6 I@ D^hlB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-LX111.03pclos2019Openbox theme LX11This package contains the LX11 theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die LX11 Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les LX11 thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la LX11 tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera LX11 Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи LX11 тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de LX11 thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. ZGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-LX11-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmw7bd24df8afe37966b568b336a1a262ae./SRPMS.pclosd+/ : Qd hB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-LX11Dark1.03pclos2019Openbox theme LX11DarkThis package contains the LX11Dark theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die LX11Dark Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les LX11Dark thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la LX11Dark tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera LX11Dark Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи LX11Dark тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de LX11Dark thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. RGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-LX11Dark-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm9608600d1f2e2348fb4541b7f977a5fe./SRPMS.pclosd+/ : Qd hB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-LX11Gray1.03pclos2019Openbox theme LX11GrayThis package contains the LX11Gray theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die LX11Gray Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les LX11Gray thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la LX11Gray tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera LX11Gray Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи LX11Gray тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de LX11Gray thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. RGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-LX11Gray-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmabb8a7e755d9aa1a947008713ffa8704./SRPMS.pclosd(, 7 KH LfptB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-Light1.03pclos2019Openbox theme LightThis package contains the Light theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Light Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les Light thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la Light tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera Light Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи Light тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de Light thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf.WGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Light-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm^4443217c953e797d2ceedbfc89e2fffc./SRPMS.pclosd)- 8 MP Tnx|B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-Marina1.03pclos2019Openbox theme MarinaThis package contains the Marina theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Marina Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les Marina thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la Marina tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera Marina Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи Marina тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de Marina thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Marina-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm6ff62f227d5943863e7e7354156f8c44./SRPMS.pclos[d+/ : U B@BA(BE,BJMCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-Milk-2.01.03pclos2019Milk 2.0 theme for OpenboxThis package contains the Milk 2.0 theme for Openbox. This is the corrensponding Openbox theme for gtk-theme-milk-2.0. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die Milk-2.0 Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les Milk-2.0 thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la Milk-2.0 tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera Milk-2.0 Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи Milk-2.0 тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de Milk-2.0 thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-Milk-2.0-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmO9437cb3c418497f02a26d80761fd6b05./SRPMS.pclosd,0 ; Sl pB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-NobleDark1.03pclos2019Openbox theme NobleDarkThis package contains the NobleDark theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die NobleDark Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les NobleDark thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la NobleDark tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera NobleDark Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи NobleDark тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de NobleDark thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. EGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-NobleDark-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm5503e647086358aa04459912bb1380b4./SRPMS.pclosd)- 8 MP Tnx|B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-RedZen1.03pclos2019Openbox theme RedZenThis package contains the RedZen theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die RedZen Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les RedZen thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la RedZen tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera RedZen Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи RedZen тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de RedZen thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-RedZen-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmb79a6fcdb97bffb0af00f90d56206c18./SRPMS.pclosd+/ : Qd hB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-WineDark1.03pclos2019Openbox theme WineDarkThis package contains the WineDark theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die WineDark Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les WineDark thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la WineDark tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera WineDark Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи WineDark тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de WineDark thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. 5Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-WineDark-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm36f587f48ea1c03fcc08b29d9c85bcf5./SRPMS.pclosd+/ : Qd hB@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-WiseDark1.03pclos2019Openbox theme WiseDarkThis package contains the WiseDark theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die WiseDark Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les WiseDark thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la WiseDark tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera WiseDark Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи WiseDark тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de WiseDark thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. BGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-WiseDark-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmfbbbebc90dbb7a379dc08c4c8f7166bc./SRPMS.pclosd)- 8 MP Tnx|B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-europa1.03pclos2019Openbox theme europaThis package contains the europa theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die europa Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les europa thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la europa tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera europa Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи europa тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de europa thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. Graphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-europa-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpme5b0fbc71d8b6cb7438f1faea1421822./SRPMS.pclosd*. 9 OX\ c}B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlopenbox-theme-newropa1.01pclos2013Openbox theme newropaThis package contains the newropa theme for Openbox. You can enable this theme by running obconf.Dieses Paket enthält die newropa Thema für Openbox. Sie können dieses Thema, indem Sie obconf.Ce paquet contient les newropa thème pour Openbox. Vous pouvez activer ce thème en exécutant obconf.Este paquete contiene la newropa tema de Openbox. Puede activar este tema mediante la ejecución de obconf.Pakiet ten zawiera newropa Tematem przewodnim Openbox. Można włączyć tego tematu przez uruchomienie Obconf.Овај пакет садржи newropa тема за Опенбокс. Можете да омогућите ову тему покретањем обцонф.Dit pakket bevat de newropa thema voor Openbox. U kunt dit thema door het uitvoeren van obconf. danielGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openbox-theme-newropa-1.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm!c004c6ed9b792418f70c8599a1831164./SRPMS.pclosd   D 8@PB@BABEBJCopencc0.4.31pclos2013Simplified-Traditional Chinese ConversionOpenCC is an opensource project for conversion between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, which supports phrase-level conversion and regional idioms among Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong kong.5pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586 cmakegettextdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencc-0.4.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm9ee6f141bb4bab83adc4dc955ba763baa./SRPMS.pclos+d   7h l}B@BABEBJCopencdk0.6.65pclos2019Open Crypto Development Kitopencdk library provides basic parts of the OpenPGP message format. Due to some possible security problems, the library also implements parts of draft-ietf-openpgp-rfc2440bis-08.txt. The aim of the library is *not* to replace any available OpenPGP version. There will be no real support for key management (sign, revoke, alter preferences, ...) and some other parts are only rudimentary available. The main purpose is to handle and understand OpenPGP packets and to use basic operations. For example to encrypt/decrypt or to sign/verify and packet routines.Q!System/Librariesx86_64  zlib-devellibgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),9be9a5a33f899bb9e17cf6bae6c1db1c./SRPMS.pclosd   2x |  T B@dBABEBJCopencity0.0.6.11pclos2009City simulator gameOpenCity is a city simulator game project written in standard C++ with OpenGL and SDL from scratch. It is not intended to be a clone of any famous city simulator from Max*s. So, if you are looking to download a free SimCity 4 like, please forget OpenCity. I work on it at my spare time, I really meant it "my spare time" !NGames/Strategyi586 libSDL_net-devellibSDL_mixer-devellibSDL_image-devellibmesagl-devellibmesaglu-develImageMagicklibpng-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencity-  & j  0B@8BAdBEhBJCopencl-amd20.40.11472862pclos2021OpenCL userspace driver as provided in the amdgpu-pro driver stack.OpenCL userspace driver as provided in the amdgpu-pro driver stack. This package is intended to work along with the xorg amdgpu driver.SSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencl-amd-20.40.1147286-2pclos2021.src.rpm: e20cd0ee4fc24375ff72e60f768ad33b./SRPMS.pclosd  I\ `nx|B@BABEBJCopencl-headers2.21pclos2021OpenCL (Open Computing Language) headersOpenCL is a royalty-free standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of modern processors found in personal computers, servers and handheld/embedded devices. This package provides the official Khronos Group OpenCL headers needed to compile programs that use OpenCL.$Development/Cnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencl-headers-2.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm+7276b8746c3033ea70cc197076092a11./SRPMS.pclosd  G   g B@wBABEBJCopencollada1.6.681pclos2021Collada 3D import and export librariesCOLLADA is a royalty-free XML schema that enables digital asset exchange within the interactive 3D industry. OpenCOLLADA is a Google summer of code opensource project providing libraries for 3D file interchange between applications like blender. COLLADABaseUtils Utils used by many of the other projects COLLADAFramework Datamodel used to load COLLADA files COLLADAStreamWriter Sources (Library to write COLLADA files) COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader Library that loads COLLADA files in a sax like manner into the framework data model COLLADAValidator XML validator for COLLADA files, based on the COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader GeneratedSaxParser Library used to load xml files in the way used by COLLADASaxFrameworkLoader_System/Librariesx86_64 cmakedos2unixpkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(lib3ds)pkgconfig(libpcreposix)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(zziplib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencollada-1.6.68-1pclos2021.src.rpm\a5a40be52606c0600d67bd3e7e702067./SRPMS.pclos{d  D48 BS\   B@ BAHBELBJmCopencolorio1.0.92pclos2017A complete color management solutionOpenColorIO (OCIO) is a complete color management solution geared towards motion picture production with an emphasis on visual effects and computer animation. OCIO provides a straightforward and consistent user experience across all supporting applications while allowing for sophisticated back-end configuration options suitable for high-end production usage. OCIO is compatible with the Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) and is LUT-format agnostic, supporting many popular formats.@bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 cmakeboost-develglut-devellib64yaml-cpp-devellib64xmu-devellib64tinyxml-devellib64lcms2-devellib64glew-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencolorio-1.0.9-2pclos2017.src.rpm70adc0285922288068b505005caf6ed2./SRPMS.pclosd  C =B@IBApBEtBJCopenconnect7.081pclos2017Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPNThis package provides a client for Cisco's "AnyConnect" VPN, which uses HTTPS and DTLS protocols. bb2 Networking/Otherx86_64 lib64gnutls-devellib64xml2-devellib64dbus-1-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openconnect-7.08-1pclos2017.src.rpm 9130f08832afddc135c08db50250fae1b./SRPMS.pclosd # O, 0AHLhB@pBABEBJCdeopencore-amr0.1.51pclos2022OpenCORE Framework of WideBand speech codecLibrary of OpenCORE Framework implementation of Adaptive Multi Rate Narrowband and Wideband speech code.Bibliothek von der OpenCORE Framework Implementation der Adaptive Multi Rate Narrowband und Wideband Sprache Codec.=8System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencore-amr-0.1.5-1pclos2022.src.rpm2b298356e5c2d242d8af3db459d9ed725./SRPMS.pclosd   J B@4BAXBE\BJ}Copencpn5.0.02pclos2019A concise Chartplotter and Navigation softwareA cross-platform ship-borne GUI application supporting * GPS/GPDS Position Input * BSB Raster Chart display * S57 Vector ENC chart display * CM93 Vector chart display * AIS Input Decoding * Waypoint Autopilot Navigation Pilot charts can be downloaded from http://opencpn.org/ocpn/pilotcharts Other useful add-ons may be found inside the "Download" link at http://opencpn.org/ocpnGeographyx86_64 bzip2-develcmakegettextpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libgps)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(tinyxml)pkgconfig(zlib)lib64wxgtku3.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-5.0.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmg+a76f4f3b703a458e2d07378722ffe617./SRPMS.pclosd * L|   C B@SBABEBJCopencpn-ais-radar-plugin1.03pclos2019AIS radar view plugin for OpenCpnImplements a radar-like display for AIS targetsXGeographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-ais-radar-plugin-1.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm"e66e752b10eb51876e7ab88bead40aa9./SRPMS.pclosd! , E   W B@gBABEBJCopencpn-br24radar-plugin3.0.03pclos2019Radar plugin for OpenCpnNavico (Simrad, Lowrance) Broadband BR24/3G/4G Radar PlugIn for opencpngGeographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-br24radar-plugin-3.0.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmg182bc532ea84a1540f44b499cc7deb58./SRPMS.pclos?d&* 5 ]  4  B@BA BEBJ1Copencpn-celestial-navigation-plugin2.33pclos2019Celestial Navigation plugin for OpenCpnImplements nautical almanac for sun, moon, planets, and various navigational stars. Enable the User to compute position fix from celestial measurements.!KnGeographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-celestial-navigation-plugin-2.3-3pclos2019.src.rpm!QSd464c7d94c0562ea56f2560ec74e2484./SRPMS.pclosd * Nl pz  3 B@CBAtBExBJCopencpn-chartdldr-plugin1.23pclos2019Chart downloader plugin for OpenCpnThe chart downloader plugin lets you download, install and keep up to date the navigational charts provided by various free governmental sources worldwide directly from within OpenCPN's Toolbox. The supported charts include both the raster and vector charts for the US waters provided by the NOAA, official raster navigational charts published by Argentina, Brasil and New Zealand (covering also huge areas of the Pacific ocean) as well as electronic charts of the inland waterways of the USA and more than a dozen European Union countries.9Geographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-chartdldr-plugin-1.2-3pclos2019.src.rpmA:4814580ba17e73a8bdd035a775cd4609./SRPMS.pclosd# . M    B@BABEBJCopencpn-climatology-plugin1.4.13pclos2019Climatology plugin for OpenCpnProvides overlay capabilities for historic weather data. Supported Climatology types include: Average wind directions and speed Percentage of gale and calm conditions Average swell and sea state (not yet implemented) Precipitation, Humidity, and Cloud Cover Monthly average Sea Level pressure and Sea Temperature, Air Temperature Tropical Cyclone tracks}QGeographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-climatology-plugin-1.4.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm}Y10dd4f3b5d70c4b267664f279991c9d7./SRPMS.pclosgd * g ", T  B@BA4BE8BJYCopencpn-iacfleet-plugin0.213pclos2019Plugin for OpenCpn for visualizing data in weather bulletinsIAC Fleet Code plugin for opencpn visualizes the encoded data issued as part of the weather bulletins. The IAC Fleet Code provides size effective encoded synoptic charts for several areas of the world, especially useful with slow and limited connection to the Internet. Coverage areas: - South Pacific weather issued by Fiji Meteorologica Service in Nadi and available from Saildocs - Weather over Brazil and adjacent parts of Pacific and Atlantic oceans, including direct download of the data from the Internet - Weather analysis and 24 hour forecast for North Atlantic and Europe issued by NOAA, including direct download of the data from the Internet. 8Geographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-iacfleet-plugin-0.21-3pclos2019.src.rpm е7caaf7e118cb9961190398f0fc54cfea./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 L   s B@BABEBJCopencpn-logbookkonni-plugin1.4.0063pclos2019Logbook plugin for OpenCpnThe Konni's logbook plugin is fully integrated inside the graphical interface of opencpn. NB : the needed LogbookKonni_Layouts.zip and LogbookKonni_Other.zip may be found in the /usr/share/opencpn directory. NB : locale language is automatically set for the logbook when it has been installed, there is no need to search for the languages.zip file.DsGeographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-logbookkonni-plugin-1.4.006-3pclos2019.src.rpmD~d6ecf7c65754bb825272d4263dfca777./SRPMS.pclosd  + R    B@BABEBJCopencpn-objsearch-plugin0.213pclos2019Chart Object Search plugin for OpenCpnAllows search of named objects on S-57 and CM93 vector charts. Note: After the installation, the plug-in does not know anything about your charts, you must view a chart at least once to populate the plug-in's database with it's content. This one time operation makes OpenCPN slower, however during subsequent views of the same chart the speed of the application is unaffected. Once the database is populated, the charts are no longer needed, so if you prefer to use raster charts, you can populate the database from the ENC chartset and then switch back to RNC charts and the search capabilities will still be available.xvGeographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-objsearch-plugin-0.21-3pclos2019.src.rpmxОcd4d863c64bd505fdbbdbe3f2baeafb8./SRPMS.pclosd * V   K B@[BABEBJCopencpn-polar-plugin1.1.0083pclos2019Polar diagram generation plugin for OpenCpnPolar diagram generation plugin for OpenCpn Geographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-polar-plugin-1.1.008-3pclos2019.src.rpm ]5b31892bb3edef71825e630ca0993ccb./SRPMS.pclos{d  + `   L  B@BAHBELBJmCopencpn-squiddio-plugin1.0.13pclos2019Waypoints of sailing destinations plugin for OpenCpnSquiddio makes its global user-sourced and user-maintained repository of sailing destinations (marinas, anchorages, yacht clubs, docks, fuel stations etc.) available as waypoints in opencpn through a plugin. The waypoint Properties box shows basic information about the Destination, such as the Destination's average user rating, address and phone number (where available) and a link to the Destination's page on sQuddio.,lGGeographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-squiddio-plugin-1.0.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm,Jbc6eb082fde83220739a4acd50ca82c5./SRPMS.pclosd * h    B@BABEBJ Copencpn-statusbar-plugin0.73pclos2019Plugin for OpenCpn implementing a more configurable statusbarThe built-in status bar is very limited in it's configuration options and can be difficult to read. This plugin replaces it with a more configurable one. For best results, you should disable the built-in toolbar on the User Interface tab in the Toolbox and set the Y position of the plugin toolbar to at least the pixel size of the font selected in the plugin preferences. Geographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-statusbar-plugin-0.7-3pclos2019.src.rpm ]d39c139fba8909a5a7167710f97f0950./SRPMS.pclos+d  + R  ,  B@BABEBJCopencpn-watchdog-plugin2.4.03pclos2019Plugin for OpenCpn implementing alarmsThis plugin implements various configurable alarms alerting the user about the changing conditions round the boat. Also implements an improved anchor alarm.<]Geographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-watchdog-plugin-2.4.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm<\cdfc262eaf235c76c6ab8771840ead41./SRPMS.pclos;d!( 3 Q    B@BABE BJ-Copencpn-weather-routing-plugin1.13.03pclos2019Weatherfax plugin for OpenCpnThis plugin creates optimized weather routes using isochrone method and predictive grib data or averaged gridded Climate data based upon constraint settings, start and finish information and boat performance calculated using boat specs or polar data. Use the Grib Plugin and recently downloaded grib files for completing grib predictive routing (1-8 days). Use the Climatology Plugin to find cruising routes, (most useful in prevailing winds areas) Use both grib and climatology data, allowing the grib's route to be extended past time/range, or to use current data if the grib does not contain it, or to use climatology to avoid areas of cyclones.Z]Geographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-devellib64portaudio-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-weather-routing-plugin-1.13.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmZ218c3b48bfc6d1209a845a0169703a7b./SRPMS.pclosOd$ / M    B@BABE BJACopencpn-weatherfax-plugin1.9.0013pclos2019Weatherfax plugin for OpenCpnCan open image files directly, or decode audio faxes to an image. With simple calibration, resulting image is overlaid on top of charts. Converts images in Mercator, polar, conic and uniform coordinates. Can convert any image into a raster chart. Built-in database for HF radio fax stations via SSB. Built-in database for internet retrieval from meteorological sites.,Geographyx86_64 cmakebzip2-develgettextlib64wxgtku3.1-devellib64portaudio-develpkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(librtlsdr)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tinyxml)pkgconfig(audiofile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencpn-weatherfax-plugin-1.9.001-3pclos2019.src.rpm,Sc7df2c366acb1d9ea80ae00a3ebfc747./SRPMS.pclos{d   P B@'BAHBELBJmCopencsg1.4.22pclos2019Library for Constructive Solid Geometry using OpenGLOpenCSG is a library that does image-based CSG rendering using OpenGL. cSystem/Librariesx86_64 dos2unixlib64freeglut-devellib64glew-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencsg-1.4.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm ea3b75cd4749b6bcf2fc0b320b24cf698./SRPMS.pclosd   7 oB@|BABEBJCopenct0.6.82pclos2007Smartcard Terminal TnterfaceThis is OpenCT, a middleware framework for smart card terminals. Currently, OpenCT supports the following set of card terminals and USB tokens: - Towitoko serial readers - Kobil Kaan Professional (including PIN pad support) - Aladdin eToken - Rainbow iKey 3000 - Cryptoflex eGate - Eutron Cypto-Identity ITSEC More drivers are currently under development.!Texstar System/Serversi586 pcsc-lite-develflexlibusb-devellibltdl-develudev-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openct-0.6.8-2pclos2007.src.rpm97fd6c0d57a13fe80c5e2347e111dbbc./SRPMS.pclosSd   @  T  B@BA BE$BJECopencv44.10.01pclos2024Open Source Computer Vision libraryOpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.Sciences/Computer sciencex86_64  cmakeeigen3lapack-devellib64opencl-develpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libavutil)pkgconfig(libdc1394-2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libswscale)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libucil)pkgconfig(libunicap)pkgconfig(libv4l1)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(protobuf)pkgconfig(python)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(tbb)pkgconfig(zlib)python-numpy-develpython3-numpy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1opencv4-4.10.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmkydd8697c53cf015bf89d007c846d63ab8./SRPMS.pclos3d   ? PB@BABEBJ%Copencv44.5.35pclos2022Open Source Computer Vision libraryOpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computer vision.&Sciences/Computer sciencex86_64 cmakepkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libavutil)pkgconfig(libdc1394-2)pkgconfig(libswscale)pkgconfig(libucil)pkgconfig(libunicap)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libv4l1)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(protobuf)pkgconfig(python)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(tbb)lapack-devellib64opencl-develeigen3python-numpy-develpython3-numpy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opencv4-4.5.3-5pclos2022.src.rpm e65928350c151dd79f1b51b6f2b61651./SRPMS.pclosd   I OB@^BABEBJCopendht1.8.12pclos2021A C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementationA lightweight C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation.z System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64readline-devellib64nettle-devellib64gnutls-devellib64python3-devellib64msgpack-develpython3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opendht-1.8.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm{$c3cae04b7411227e5c813609ec98a697./SRPMS.pclosd   SD HOX\xB@BABEBJCopendict0.6.61pclos2015Open-source multiplatform computer dictionary softwareOpenDict is open-source multiplatform computer dictionary software. Supported dictionary formats include: * DICT * Slowo * Mova * LingvoSoft * Plugin dictionaries OpenDict has a built-in DICT client, so you can use it to connect to large databases (like dict.org). If your company (or you) is going to develop a dictionary (simple or very complex), then OpenDict is ready to use platform for any dictionary, because it supports Plugin dictionaries that can be developed to act the way you wish. zOfficenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opendict-0.6.6-1pclos2015.src.rpm0675483b9841328711610633970527c4./SRPMS.pclosd   H *B@4BAXBE\BJ}Copenexr2.5.72pclos2021A high dynamic-range (HDR) image file formatIndustrial Light & Magic developed the OpenEXR format in response to the demand for higher color fidelity in the visual effects industry.-OSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakezlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openexr-2.5.7-2pclos2021.src.rpm->39b8b7a186b8ede2ecb459dedbf687b0./SRPMS.pclosd   I B@BABEBJCopenexr3.1.132pclos2024A high dynamic-range (HDR) image file formatIndustrial Light & Magic developed the OpenEXR format in response to the demand for higher color fidelity in the visual effects industry.[Graphicsx86_64  cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(Imath)pkgconfig(zlib)python3-breathepython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openexr-3.1.13-2pclos2024.src.rpm#c63035a7dce87ea909cb49899633078e./SRPMS.pclosd   D0 4IPTpB@xBABEBJCopenfst1.4.11pclos2016Weighted finite-state transducer libraryOpenFst is a library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Weighted finite-state transducers are automata where each transition has an input label, an output label, and a weight. The more familiar finite-state acceptor is represented as a transducer with each transition's input and output label equal. Finite-state acceptors are used to represent sets of strings (specifically, regular or rational sets); finite-state transducers are used to represent binary relations between pairs of strings (specifically, rational transductions). The weights can be used to represent the cost of taking a particular transition. FSTs have key applications in speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation, optical character recognition, pattern matching, string processing, machine learning, information extraction and retrieval among others. Often a weighted transducer is used to represent a probabilistic model (e.g., an n-gram model, pronunciation model). FSTs can be optimized by determinization and minimization, models can be applied to hypothesis sets (also represented as automata) or cascaded by finite-state composition, and the best results can be selected by shortest-path algorithms.3Sciences/Engineeringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openfst-1.4.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm9e4fdb81cdbdf31446d6631484dab68b./SRPMS.pclos'd $ c B@BABEBJCopengl-games-utils0.11pclos2011Utilities to check proper 3d support before launching 3d gamesThis package contains various shell scripts which are intented for use by 3D games packages. These shell scripts can be used to check if direct rendering is available before launching an OpenGL game. This package is intended for use by other packages and is not intended for direct end user use!Graphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opengl-games-utils-0.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmX9b0368d467d273a992263ba7e4dd87ca./SRPMS.pclosd   <4 8?HPxB@BABEBJCopengrade3.1.111pclos2011Local and web-based gradebookOpenGrade is software for teachers to keep track of grades. * A variety of reports can be created. * Grades can be uploaded to a web server, where students can have password-protected access to them. (see /usr/share/doc/opengrade*) * If you use a set grading scale, you can have the software use it to compute letter grades automatically. * Grades can be based on total points, or on a weighted average of scores in various categories such as exams and quizzes. * You can drop the lowest grade (or the N lowest grades) from a given category. * Students can be dropped and later reinstated without losing all their grades. * Gradebook files can be automatically backed up on a web server. * There is support for extra-credit categories, and for categories that don't count towards the student's grade. * Gradebook files are password-protected with a digital watermark, so you can detect tampering. * Gradebook files are in a plain-text format, which makes it easy to work with them using Unix utilities.7-Officenoarch imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opengrade-3.1.11-1pclos2011.src.rpm~af0c1ad991685a3ec5a790fcc6e739eb./SRPMS.pclosd ! Y "B@-BATBEXBJyCopengrm-ngram1.2.12pclos2016Library for making and modifying n-gram language modelsThe OpenGrm NGram library is used for making and modifying n-gram language models encoded as weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). It makes use of functionality in the OpenFst library to create, access and manipulate n-gram models. Operations for counting, smoothing, pruning, applying, and evaluating models are among those provided.[FDevelopment/Otherx86_64 gsl-developenfst-developenfst-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opengrm-ngram-1.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpm[R8c3d1e205139a0a83610631fe634d2f7./SRPMS.pclosd   C XB@iBABEBJCopengtl0.9.186pclos2014Open Graphics Transformation LanguagesGraphics Transformation Languages is a set of library for using and integrating transformation algorithms (such as filter or color conversion) in graphics applications`System/Librariesx86_64  cmakezlib-develpng-develllvmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   . B@BABEBJCopenh3231.18.03pclos2010OpenH323 LibraryThis is an open source class library for the development of applications that wish to use the H.323 protocol for multi-media communications over packet based networks.System/Librariesi586  autoconfgawkopenssl-developenldap-develpwlib-devellibspeex-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   G JB@UBAxBE|BJCopenhbci0.9.146pclos2007A free client-side implementation of HBCIOpenHBCI is the first free client-side implementation of the HBCI specification. HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) is the German homebanking standard used by many German banks. For chipcard support, libchipcard (http://www.libchipcard.de) is needed. For actual homebanking, use an application like AqMoney (http://aqmoney.sf.net) or GnuCash (http://www.gnucash.org)Texstar System/Librariesi586 openssl-develautoconf2.5automake1.7rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openhbci-0.9.14-6pclos2007.src.rpme7a34040e420de0ae9e14c4459440d0e./SRPMS.pclosd  G jB@BABEBJCopenimageio1.8.173pclos2019Library for reading and writing imagesOpenImageIO is a library for reading and writing images, and a bunch of related classes, utilities, and applications. Main features include: - Extremely simple but powerful ImageInput and ImageOutput APIs for reading and writing 2D images that is format agnostic. - Format plugins for TIFF, JPEG/JFIF, OpenEXR, PNG, HDR/RGBE, Targa, JPEG-2000, DPX, Cineon, FITS, BMP, ICO, RMan Zfile, Softimage PIC, DDS, SGI, PNM/PPM/PGM/PBM, Field3d. - An ImageCache class that transparently manages a cache so that it can access truly vast amounts of image data. - A really nice image viewer, iv, also based on OpenImageIO classes (and so will work with any formats for which plugins are available).9System/Librariesx86_64 boost-develcmakegiflib-develhdf5-develilmbase-devellibjpeg-develOpenEXR-develpkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libavutil)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libraw)pkgconfig(libraw_r)pkgconfig(libswscale)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(OpenColorIO)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(zlib)pugixml-devellib64openjpeg-develqt4-develtxt2manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openimageio-1.8.17-3pclos2019.src.rpm:Q29408f3f6d768f295c17a75424ee347a./SRPMS.pclos/d   B B@BABEBJ!Copenipmi2.0.164pclos2017openipmi - Library interface to IPMIThis package contains a shared library implementation of IPMI and the basic tools used with OpenIPMI.")bb2 System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  swigpython-develpopt-develncurses-develnet-snmp-devellibgdbm-develperl-develglib2-develtcltcl-develtkintertktk-develwxPythonGTKrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"n53b683f13cc4ee3457bad0fbe7ba949b./SRPMS.pclosd @ IB@RBAxBE|BJCopenjade1.3.30.1pclos2011Parser and tools for SGML + DSSSLJade (James' DSSSL Engine) is an implementation of the DSSSL style language -- Document Style Semantics and Specification Language -- an ISO standard for formatting SGML (and XML) documents. Publishingx86_64 OpenSP-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openjade-1.3.3-0.1pclos2011.src.rpm 13ad4ae962d6d1651f9fbc522533fe36./SRPMS.pclosd   ;$ (9@TB@BABEBJCopenjpeg1.5.11pclos2013An open-source JPEG 2000 codecThe OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language. It has been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000, the new still-image compression standard from the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).SSystem/Librariesx86_64 png-develtiff-devellcms2-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openjpeg-1.5.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmYL1fee8e53e7dc358e1fa3b1aae51f024d./SRPMS.pclos/d   ;$ (9@`B@BABEBJ!Copenjpeg2.5.01pclos2022An open-source JPEG 2000 codecThe OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language. It has been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000, the new still-image compression standard from the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).RSystem/Librariesx86_64 zlib-develtiff-develpng-devellib64lcms2-devellib64lcms-develcmakedoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openjpeg-2.5.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmS603a455cdee752e8a30e64d40ac8b862./SRPMS.pclosd   =$ (7@ p  B@'BALBEPBJqCopenldap2.4.233pclos2015LDAP servers and sample clientsOpenLDAP is an open source suite of LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) applications and development tools. The suite includes a stand-alone LDAP server (slapd) which is in the -servers package, libraries for implementing the LDAP protocol (in the lib packages), and utilities, tools, and sample clients (in the -clients package). The openldap binary package includes only configuration files used by the libraries. Install openldap if you need LDAP applications and tools.System/Serversx86_64  libsasl-developenssl-develperlunixODBC-develncurses-develtcp_wrappers-devellibtool-develkrb5-develgroffdiffutilsrpm-helperrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( H B@BABEBJ)Copenldap-extra-schemas1.38pclos2013Some extra schemas for OpenLDAPThis package contains some extra schemas for use with the OpenLDAP server.>Databasesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openldap-extra-schemas-1.3-8pclos2013.src.rpme16f4a7cbaee0b1ed2ed9fc07ff75303./SRPMS.pclos?d J%, T  B@BA BEBJ1Copenmotif2.3.21pclos2011Open Motif runtime libraries and executablesThis is the Open Motif 2.3.2 runtime environment. It includes the Motif shared libraries, needed to run applications which are dynamically linked against Motif, and the Motif Window Manager "mwm".B+sSystem/Librariesx86_64 byaccpkgconfigflexlibxp-devellibxt-devellibxft-develx11-data-bitmapslibjpeg-devellibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openmotif-2.3.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmA:41fe84c38154516c6023804038d57d1e./SRPMS.pclosCd   N B@BABEBJ5Copenmpi5.0.51pclos2024An implementation of the Message Passing InterfaceThe Open MPI Project is an open source fully compliant MPI-3 implementation that is developed and maintained by a consortium of academic, research, and industry partners. OpenMPI is therefore able to combine the expertise, technologies, and resources from all across the High Performance Computing community in order to build the best MPI library available. OpenMPI offers advantages for system and software vendors, application developers and computer science researchers. This package contains all of the tools necessary to compile, link, and run OpenMPI jobs.=PDevelopment/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openmpi-5.0.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm:78150ccfbab0c58e7273cfae8f50f6d5./SRPMS.pclosd   3 !B@?BA`BEdBJCopenmsx19.11pclos2024Open source MSX emulatorThe open source MSX emulator that tries to achieve near-perfect emulation by using a novel emulation model.3ɑEmulatorsx86_64  lib64SDL_ttf-devellib64alsa2-devellib64glew-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64ogg-devellib64png-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_image-devellib64sdl2_ttf-devellib64sdl2_ttf-static-devellib64tcl-devellib64theora-devellib64vorbis0-develpython3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openmsx-19.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm35e94ce8ca55e6de144f45cdc5cbd5f9e./SRPMS.pclosd # C )B@<BAhBElBJCopenmsx-catapult19.01pclos2024Graphical interface for openMSXCatapult allows to control graphically almost all the command-line parameters of openMSX.jtEmulatorsx86_64  lib64wxgtku3.0-devellib64xml2-develpython3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openmsx-catapult-19.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmKca08085057dea5a0f47271e38a15774b./SRPMS.pclosd   1L PahtB@BABEBJCopenobex1.55pclos2013Library for using OBEXOpen OBEX shared c-library$System/Librariesx86_64 bluez-devellibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openobex-1.5-5pclos2013.src.rpm90208408973f357bea2041107358eb48./SRPMS.pclosd%+ 6 s 2B@;BAhBElBJCfrdeesplnlopenofficethumbnail1.0.05pclos2012Plugin for KDE file managers to preview OpenOffice.org filesPlugin for KDE file managers (Dolphin and Konqueror) to preview OpenOffice.org files (Open Document Format) as Thumbnails. You do not need to install OpenOffice.org for it to work (it only uses KDE API).Plugin pour les gestionnaires de fichiers de KDE (Dolphin et Konqueror) pour visualiser les fichiers OpenOffice.org (Open Document Format) sous forme de vignettes. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'installer OpenOffice.org pour le faire fonctionner (il n'utilise que KDE API)Plugin für KDE Dateimanager (Dolphin und Konqueror), um eine Vorschau OpenOffice.org-Dateien (Open Document Format) als Thumbnails. Sie brauchen nicht zu installieren OpenOffice.org damit es funktioniert (es verwendet nur KDE-API).Plugin para los administradores de archivos de KDE (Dolphin y Konqueror) para previsualizar los archivos de OpenOffice.org (Open Document Format) como miniaturas. Usted no necesita instalar OpenOffice.org para que funcione (que sólo usa KDE API).Plugin dla menedżerów plików KDE (Dolphin oraz Konqueror) do podglądu plików OpenOffice.org (Open Document Format) w postaci miniatur. Nie musisz instalować OpenOffice.org go do pracy (tylko używa KDE API).Plugin til KDE fil ledere (delfiner og Konqueror) til forpremiere OpenOffice.org-filer (Open Document Format) som miniaturer. Du behøver ikke at installere OpenOffice.org for at arbejde (det kun bruger KDE API).8LNealGraphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openofficethumbnail-1.0.0-5pclos2012.src.rpmAd2265351691f67b728aa5e3a3a0a737f./SRPMS.pcloskd   V  B@BA8BE<BJ]Copenpgm5.3.1281pclos2021An implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocolOpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208.F6System/Librariesx86_64 perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openpgm-5.3.128-1pclos2021.src.rpmJeed7c9594b98ca6ba1c2a9f5e019fbfe./SRPMS.pclosd   Op t  U B@nBABEBJCopenpmix5.0.31pclos2024A highly configurable open-source workload managerThe Process Management Interface (PMI) has been used for quite some time as a means of exchanging wireup information needed for interprocess communication. Two versions (PMI-1 and PMI-2) have been released as part of the MPICH effort. While PMI-2 demonstrates better scaling properties than its PMI-1 predecessor, attaining rapid launch and wireup of the roughly 1M processes executing across 100k nodes expected for exascale operations remains challenging. PMI Exascale (PMIx) represents an attempt to resolve these questions by providing an extended version of the PMI standard specifically designed to support clusters up to and including exascale sizes. The overall objective of the project is not to branch the existing pseudo-standard definitions - in fact, PMIx fully supports both of the existing PMI-1 and PMI-2 APIs - but rather to (a) augment and extend those APIs to eliminate some current restrictions that impact scalability, and (b) provide a reference implementation of the PMI-server that demonstrates the desired level of scalability.BSystem/Librariesx86_64  autoconfflexhwloclibltdl-develperlpkgconfig(hwloc)pkgconfig(libev)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openpmix-5.0.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmB36e988490d371f1d5dc44b147f3b8aa4./SRPMS.pclosd   7 $ )08<XB@`BABEBJCopenproj1.41pclos2012A Java based project managerOpenProj is a free, open source desktop alternative to Microsoft Project. If you are managing a group project we recommend Project-ON-Demand. If you want a free replacement to commercial desktop software, then OpenProj is perfect.byNealOfficex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openproj-1.4-1pclos2012.src.rpmb6676ab98ca33d73a46d21731471b45f9./SRPMS.pclosd 8(8xB@BABEBJCopenquicktime1.011pclos2011A new quicktime libraryOpenQuicktime aims to be a portable library for handling Apple's QuickTime (TM) popular media files on Unix-like environments. This project was firstly designed to allow the porting of the 3ivx codec on any Unix, but is now a completly separate and fully Open Source project. This library is based on an enhanced version of the Quicktime 4 Linux library. It features decoding and encoding QuickTime files, support for standard audio and video codecs (including MP3 audio) and a plug-in support so that non-open source codecs can be used with OpenQuicktime. OpenQuicktime could be used by any Unix players or encoders wanting to support the Quicktime format. OpenQuicktime is still young but is already used by some applications.'Videox86_64 glib-develzlib-develliblame-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openquicktime-1.0-11pclos2011.src.rpm/V38aae69e4fcea6537eb20a7c0754940a./SRPMS.pclosOd   [ B@BABE BJACopenrocket1.1.81pclos2011OpenRocket is an free, fully featured model rocket simulatorOpenRocket is an free, fully featured model rocket simulator that allows you to design and simulate your rockets before actually building and flying them. OpenRocket features a full six-degree-of-freedom simulation, realistic wind modeling, a multitude of different components including free-form fins and canted fins, clustering and staging`qDevelopment/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openrocket-1.1.8-1pclos2011.src.rpm`d985beb1e9e437baaa7312e05ef2ee5b./SRPMS.pclosd   C    B@BABEBJCopensc0.22.01pclos2022Library for accessing SmartCard devicesopensc is a library for accessing smart card devices using PC/SC Lite middleware package. It is also the core library of the OpenSC project. Basic functionality (e.g. SELECT FILE, READ BINARY) should work on any ISO 7816-4 compatible smart card. Encryption and decryption using private keys on the SmartCard is at the moment possible only with PKCS #15 compatible cards.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 flexopenssl-devellibltdl-develreadline-develzlib-develpcsc-lite-develxsltprocdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opensc-0.22.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm3c560f4ab7ad3d8919b00b38fe7821ee7./SRPMS.pclosd   D !(pB@BABEBJCopenscad2021.012pclos2022The Programmers Solid 3D CAD ModellerOpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. Unlike most free software for creating 3D models (such as the famous application Blender) it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modeling but instead on the CAD aspects. Thus it might be the application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts but pretty sure is not what you are looking for when you are more interested in creating computer-animated movies.}Graphicsx86_64 eigen3itstoollib64boost-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64glew-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gmp-devellib64harfbuzz-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64mpfr-devellib64qscintilla2-qt5-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gamepad-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-devellib64zip-develmesa-develqtbase5-common-devellib64opencsg-devellib64cgal-devellib64polyclipping-devellib64double-conversion-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openscad-2021.01-2pclos2022.src.rpm$473b422232b9ea82817d677a8a1d3f40./SRPMS.pclosd  @  &0 \ ; B@^BABEBJCopenshot-qt3.2.11pclos2024Simple and Powerful video editorOpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor. It can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video, audio, image formats. Create videos for YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod, Xbox, and many more common formats! Features include: * Multiple tracks (layers). * Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks. * Support for image sequences (rotoscoping). * Key-frame animation. * Video and audio effects (chroma-key). * Transitions (lumas and masks). * 3D animation (titles and simulations). * Chroma key (green screen & blue screen). * Transcode (convert video encodings). * Upload videos (YouTube and Vimeo supported). This is the python3 + PyQt5 version of OpenShot.G {Videox86_64   ffmpeg-devellib64python3-devellibopenshot-audio-devellibopenshot-develpkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)pkgconfig(python3)pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-qt5-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)>557afbc7a8b28f251778a948c013dfb4./SRPMS.pclosd   R  B@(BALBEPBJqCopenslp1.2.16pclos2013OpenSLP implementation of Service Location Protocol V2Service Location Protocol is an IETF standards track protocol that provides a framework to allow networking applications to discover the existence, location, and configuration of networked services in enterprise networks. OpenSLP is an open source implementation of the SLPv2 protocol as defined by RFC 2608 and RFC 2614. This package include the daemon, libraries, header files and documentationC8Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openslp-1.2.1-6pclos2013.src.rpmCuf310e8f56316367aa587fea021d3593a./SRPMS.pclosd   Fp tB@BABEBJCopenspades0.0.71pclos2015Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75&bGames/Arcadex86_64 ImageMagickcmakedesktop-file-utilslib64curl-devellib64glew-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_image-develmesa-develmktemppkgconfigunzipwgetzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openspades-0.0.7-1pclos2015.src.rpm$edf3f8c3a4cdc72ee053477945952316./SRPMS.pcloskd   J    B@BA8BE<BJ]Copenssh9.8p12pclos2024OpenSSH free Secure Shell (SSH) implementationSSH (Secure SHell) is a program for logging into and executing commands on a remote machine. SSH is intended to replace rlogin and rsh, and to provide secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. OpenSSH is OpenBSD's version of the last free version of SSH, bringing it up to date in terms of security and features. This package includes the core files necessary for both the OpenSSH client and server. To make this package useful, you should also install openssh-clients, openssh-server, or both.atNetworking/Remote accessx86_64   groff-for-mangtk3-develmercurialp11-kit-develpam-develpkgconfig(krb5)pkgconfig(libedit)pkgconfig(libfido2)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ډ8fc8c7285345924eb3b42c8e6d428ba6./SRPMS.pclosd   M  0oB@BABEBJCopenssl1.0.2m1pclos2017Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL.6sbb2 System/Librariesx86_64  multiarch-utilschrpathzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M  (oB@BABEBJCopenssl1.1.0j2pclos2019Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL.;"System/Librariesx86_64  multiarch-utilschrpathpkgconfig(zlib)bcrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M  (oB@{BABEBJCopenssl1.1.0k3pclos2019Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL.:ܧSystem/Librariesx86_64 multiarch-utilschrpathpkgconfig(zlib)bcrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openssl-1.1.0k-3pclos2019.src.rpm9183dc9ffcc02948f3194d4c94a67c64b./SRPMS.pclos d   M  0B@BABEBJCopenssl1.1.1w1pclos2023Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL.}System/Librariesx86_64  bcchrpathmultiarch-utilspkgconfig(libsctp)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openssl-1.1.1w-1pclos2023.src.rpms022352c7977ca1bfc8f88c4d5838e442./SRPMS.pclosd   L  4B@BABEBJCopenssl3.1.71pclos2024Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decryption algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL.HSystem/Librariesx86_64  bcchrpathgitmultiarch-utilspkgconfig(libsctp)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1openssl-3.1.7-1pclos2024.src.rpmce8638ed89bec63fcf13eaa0673fc144./SRPMS.pclosd   M  $cB@sBABEBJCopenssl1.1.0j2pclos2019Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL.RMSystem/Librariesx86_64  multiarch-utilschrpathzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! RX \mtB@BABEBJCopenssl0. Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL. NOTE: Only the shared library and the engines are provided with this source rpm package.*System/Librariesx86_64 chrpathzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openssl0.9.8-0.9.8r-1pclos2011.src.rpm&A2ff748dd13c513cfab8f058b81aabadc./SRPMS.pclosd ! RX \mtB@BABEBJCopenssl0. Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL. NOTE: Only the shared library and the engines are provided with this source rpm package.*RSystem/Librariesx86_64 chrpathzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openssl0.9.8-0.9.8r-1pclos2019.src.rpm&1385edc5c6bad322b50f34f7b631bcde./SRPMS.pclosd ! RX \mtB@BABEBJCopenssl0. Sockets Layer communications libs & utilsThe openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES, RC4, RSA and SSL. NOTE: Only the shared library and the engines are provided with this source rpm package.*RSystem/Librariesx86_64 chrpathzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openssl0.9.8-0.9.8r-1pclos2020.src.rpm&237a3489f7e00f3a2545f51dd2abd05d./SRPMS.pclosd   3d hqx|B@BABEBJCopentoonz1.4.01pclos20222D animation software2D animation software previously known as Toonz.`Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opentoonz-1.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpme9d505276cf7d5f76d6f924030f4cd52b./SRPMS.pclosd   PT _nx  4 B@FBAhBElBJCdeopenttd1.10.21pclos2020An open source clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" gameOpen-Source-Variante des Spiels Transport Tycoon (Deluxe)OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" game. OpenTTD ist ein Open-Source-Klon des Spiels Transport Tycoon Deluxe von Microprose.gK1ghostbunnyGames/Strategyx86_64 lib64png-develSDL-develzlib1-develfreetype-develfontconfig-devellib64lzo-develicu-develunzipccachegrfcodecrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openttd-1.10.2-1pclos2020.src.rpmgXP99c4f597997c8b94e36801849c563fc9./SRPMS.pclos'd & yPT _nxB@BABEBJCdeopenttd-opengfx0.6.01pclos2020OpenGFX graphics replacement set for OpenTTDOpenGFX Basis Grafik-Set für OpenTTDOpenGFX is an open source graphics base set for OpenTTD which can completely replace the TTD base set.OpenGFX ist ein Open-Source-Basis Grafik-Set für OpenTTD, welches die TTD Basis Dateien vollständig ersetzt.ghostbunnyGames/Strategynoarch grfcodeclibgimp-develnmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openttd-opengfx-0.6.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmHa677b2b0528b6800bb9c55a6aae9f51d./SRPMS.pclosgd # M B@ BA4BE8BJYCopenttd-openmsx0.3.12pclos2019OpenMSX music replacement set for OpenTTDOpenMSX is an open source replacement for the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD) music./Games/Strategynoarch dos2unixpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openttd-openmsx-0.3.1-2pclos2019.src.rpmad966856e452ffd227f7aa75e01c4451./SRPMS.pcloskd # M B@BA8BE<BJ]Copenttd-opensfx0.2.32pclos2019OpenSFX sound replacement set for OpenTTDOpenSFX is an open source replacement for the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe base sounds used by OpenTTD.Games/Strategynoarch catcodecrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openttd-opensfx-0.2.3-2pclos2019.src.rpm7544c4d678625224a86579a90e4748da./SRPMS.pclosd   < (0<zB@BABEBJCopentyrian2.12pclos2013Classic shoot-em-up arcade portOpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Jason Emery generously gave the OpenTyrian developers a copy of the Tyrian 2.1 source code, which has since been ported from Turbo Pascal to C. The port uses SDL, making it easily cross-platform. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.0*Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_net-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opentyrian-2.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm5835620eed53fafdf81d869af8771676f./SRPMS.pclosd   < (0<zB@BABEBJCopentyrian2.13pclos2019Classic shoot-em-up arcade portOpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Jason Emery generously gave the OpenTyrian developers a copy of the Tyrian 2.1 source code, which has since been ported from Turbo Pascal to C. The port uses SDL, making it easily cross-platform. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.0Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_net-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opentyrian-2.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm5-3679a65f542ca9ca35ea7fd9d06ab346./SRPMS.pclosd # V(, 1DLuB@BABEBJCopenuniverse1.0beta31pclos2012OpenGL space simulator focused on the Solar SystemOpenUniverse is a space simulator. It currently focusses on the Solar System and lets you visit all of its planets, major moons and a vast collection of smaller bodies in colorful, glorious and realtime 3D.>!;NealSciences/Astronomyx86_64 desktop-file-utilsbisonflexlib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64mesaglut3-devellib64xmu-devellib64jpeg62-devellib64ice-devellib64sm-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xi-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openuniverse-1.0beta3-1pclos2012.src.rpm>7c806201b141e5c5b21147c23b1ab82e./SRPMS.pclosGd   =H L]d|B@BABEBJ9Copenvpn2.4.74pclos2019A Secure TCP/UDP Tunneling DaemonOpenVPN is a robust and highly flexible tunneling application that uses all of the encryption, authentication, and certification features of the OpenSSL library to securely tunnel IP networks over a single UDP port. 64bit version does not contain the ldap plugin.SNetworking/Otherx86_64  liblzo-developenssl-develpam-devellib64pkcs11-helper-develautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d   HDH o~B@BABEBJCopenxcom8d45159bf1pclos2023Open-source clone of the original X-Com OpenXcom is an open-source clone of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-Com: UFO Defense in USA), licensed under the GPL and written in C++ / SDL. OpenXcom requires a vanilla copy of the X-COM resources -- from either or both of the original games..Agent Smith Games/Strategyx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1openxcom-8d45159bf-1pclos2023.src.rpm3*37fc3a70f18e29bd8a3a4275c0584313./SRPMS.pclosd ) ; GB@[BABEBJCopera-browser117.0.5408.531pclos2025Opera Web BrowserOpera is a Chromium-based browser using the Blink layout engine. It differentiates itself because of a distinct user interface and other features.*-Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdtarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1opera-browser-117.0.5408.53-1pclos2025.src.rpmKD81704b9f524678c66e61f5924dbd68e1./SRPMS.pclosd   P 6B@?BAdBEhBJCophcrack3.3.11pclos2010Ophcrack - password cracker based on rainbow tablesOphcrack is a free password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a Graphical User Interface and runs on multiple platforms. Features: * » Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, ... * » Cracks LM and NTLM hashes. * » Free tables available for Windows XP and Vista. * » Brute-force module for simple passwords. * » Audit mode and CSV export. * » Real-time graphs to analyze the passwords. * » LiveCD available to simplify the cracking. * » Loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition, Vista included. * » Free and open source software (GPL).΂File toolsi586 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ophcrack-3.3.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm՚c5dbd6952a135d2ee9fa0adf706bb37e./SRPMS.pclosd   J CB@PBAtBExBJCoprofile0.9.81pclos2013Transparent low-overhead system-wide profilerOProfile is a system-wide profiler for Linux systems, capable of profiling all running code at low overhead. OProfile is released under the GNU GPL. It consists of a kernel driver and a daemon for collecting sample data, and several post-profiling tools for turning data into information. OProfile leverages the hardware performance counters of the CPU to enable profiling of a wide variety of interesting statistics, which can also be used for basic time-spent profiling. All code is profiled: hardware and software interrupt handlers, kernel modules, the kernel, shared libraries, and applications.Ppinoc32Development/Otheri586 binutils-develqt4-devellibpopt-develgettext-develjava-rpmbuildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oprofile-0.9.8-1pclos2013.src.rpm 308253bbcd329b7ec88ca67c4da422ae./SRPMS.pclos#d   9D HQXhB@BABEBJCoptipng0.7.81pclos2023A PNG optimizer and converterOptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. This program also converts external formats (BMP, GIF, PNM; TIFF support is coming up) to optimized PNG, and performs PNG integrity checks and corrections.&Graphicsx86_64  pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1optipng-0.7.8-1pclos2023.src.rpm&'%e60082d39c5137ec10ddb7796c4d3d37./SRPMS.pclosd   5 $,PB@YBAxBE|BJCopus1.3.14pclos2022Opus Interactive Audio CodecThe Opus codec is designed for interactive speech and audio transmission over the Internet. It is designed by the IETF Codec Working Group and incorporates technology from Skype's SILK codec and Xiph.Org's CELT codec. \ Soundx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opus-1.3.1-4pclos2022.src.rpm _uaab06f89b217aa83f98a51794a55f196./SRPMS.pclos;d   -\` kqxB@BABE BJ-Copus-tools0.21pclos2020Opus codec toolsThis packages provides various tools to decode & encode files with the Opus codec. The Opus codec is designed for interactive speech and audio transmission over the Internet. It is designed by the IETF Codec Working Group and incorporates technology from Skype's SILK codec and Xiph.Org's CELT codec.aghostbunnySoundx86_64 lib64opus-devellib64opusenc-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opus-tools-0.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm392e2c41e66276476fc0e67db9468caf./SRPMS.pclos/d   D B@BABEBJ!Copusenc0.2.11pclos2020High-level API for encoding .opus files.The libopusenc libraries provide a high-level API for encoding .opus files. libopusenc depends only on libopus. The library is in very early development. Please give feedback in #opus on irc.freenode.net or at opus@xiph.org. Programming documentation is available in tree and online at https://opus-codec.org/docs/fghostbunnySoundx86_64 lib64opus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1opusenc-0.2.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm!4f5036db10d2b4a4551ad2a8cac6d802./SRPMS.pclosd   X B@1BATBEXBJyCopusfile0.121pclos2020A high-level API for decoding and seeking within .opus filesA high-level API for decoding and seeking within .opus files.&^ghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64  lib64ogg-devellib64openssl-devellib64opus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Q$ (?H | x B@BABEBJCorage4.20.01pclos2025Time-managing application for Xfce desktop environmentOrage is a time-managing application for the Xfce desktop environment, featuring: - Time-based events - Data stored in ical format. - Recurring appointments - Reminder up to 2 days before the event starts - Possibility to choose your alarm sound - Repeating the alarm sound until you close the reminder window - Possibility to duplicate an appointment - Archiving system for keeping your history in different files for avoiding overloads in the main working file.)Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  chrpathdesktop-file-utilsintltoolpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libical)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libxfce4panel-2.0)pkgconfig(libxfce4ui-2)pkgconfig(popt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1orage-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm<154d71e1f8d3a7c48d943084e751f0cc./SRPMS.pclos[d    H B@BA(BE,BJMCorange0.31pclos2009Squeeze out installable Microsoft cabinet filesSee http://synce.sourceforge.net/synce for more information.|Archiving/Otheri586 dynamite-devellibsynce-develunshield-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1orange-0.3-1pclos2009.src.rpmc464fcb7ef98b598e77949df03f5f36b./SRPMS.pclosd   1l pB@BABEBJCorc0.4.251pclos2016The Oil Runtime CompilerOrc is a library and set of tools for compiling and executing very simple programs that operate on arrays of data. The “language” is a generic assembly language that represents many of the features available in SIMD architectures, including saturated addition and subtraction, and many arithmetic operations.;Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1orc-0.4.25-1pclos2016.src.rpm9ac0c5cfe14817907f9727d39cfda7500./SRPMS.pclos_d  P  $  B@ BA,BE0BJQCorca2.32.02pclos2010GNOME screen reader for people with visual impairmentsA flexible, scriptable, extensible screen reader for the GNOME platform that provides access via speech synthesis, braille, and magnification.Accessibilityi586  pygtk2.0-develpyorbit-develgail-devellibat-spi-develgnome-speech-develbrlapi-develgnome-python-bonobodesktop-file-utilslibgnome-mag-develpython-at-spirpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d   O    B@BABE BJ-Corca3.2.21pclos2011GNOME screen reader for people with visual impairmentsA flexible, scriptable, extensible screen reader for the GNOME platform that provides access via speech synthesis, braille, and magnification.#`Accessibilityx86_64  pkgconfig(atspi-2)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)python-develpython-dbusintltoolgnome-doc-utilsgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.1.923.ݺbf69096052dd564d1db64231b667ea91./SRPMS.pclosd   A $ ENT_B@tBABEBJCoregano0.50.12pclos2007A GUI to simulate electronic circuitOregano is an application for schematic capture and simulation of electrical circuits. For the actual simulation, Oregano acts as a front-end for SPICE, which is more or less the industry standard for circuit simulation.Texstar Graphicsi586 freetype2-develgettextlibcairo-devellibglade2.0-develgnomeui2-devellibgnomeprintui-devellibgtksourceview-develperl-XML-Parserscrollkeepertexinfoxpm-develgnome-commonsconsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oregano-0.50.1-2pclos2007.src.rpm3227a77543c19705022dd8e6ee6871d0./SRPMS.pclosd  < ZB@kBABEBJCortp4.4.211pclos2021Real-time Transport Protocol StackoRTP is a LGPL licensed C library implementing the RTP protocol (rfc1889). It is available for most unix clones (primilarly Linux and HP-UX), and Microsoft Windows.˙Networking/Otherx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(bctoolbox)pkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Έ33eb3c521a57ea89de5e7072eefa8cb0./SRPMS.pclosd  =  !(0TB@]BABEBJCortp90.24.22pclos2020Real-time Transport Protocol StackoRTP is a LGPL licensed C library implementing the RTP protocol (rfc1889). It is available for most unix clones (primilarly Linux and HP-UX), and Microsoft Windows. This old version is required by ghpsdr3.{Networking/Otherx86_64 doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ortp9-0.24.2-2pclos2020.src.rpmS2930a75e622ae272e26c31b2b0c4e269./SRPMS.pclosd   W 08<XB@`BABEBJCos-prober1.766pclos2019Probes disks on the system for installed operating systemsThis package detects other OSes available on a system and outputs the results in a generic machine-readable format. Support for new OSes and Linux distributions can be added easily.KTerryNSystem/Boot and Initx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1os-prober-1.76-6pclos2019.src.rpmc86a44ccb77a2cd9ac3a247fe16ef12d./SRPMS.pclosd   6  AB@KBAtBExBJCosinfo-db202211301pclos2023Osinfo database filesThe osinfo database provides information about operating systems and hypervisor platforms to facilitate the automated configuration and provisioning of new virtual machines#System/Librariesnoarch intltoolosinfo-db-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1osinfo-db-20221130-1pclos2023.src.rpm1dc209a1eaeb6e63c87a7c236934ac10./SRPMS.pclosOd $ K    B@BABE BJACosinfo-db-tools1.10.01pclos2023Tools for managing the osinfo databaseThis package provides tools for managing the osinfo database of information about operating systems for use with virtualizationSystem/Basex86_64  mesongettext-develgitglib2-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(libarchive)libsoup-develjson-glib-develperlpython3python3-requestsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d  N  !( L  B@#BAHBELBJmCosm-gps-map1.1.01pclos2021Gtk+ widget for displaying OpenStreetMap tilesA Gtk+ widget that when given GPS co-ordinates, draws a GPS track, and points of interest on a moving map display. Downloads map data from a number of websites, including openstreetmap.org.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gtk-docgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C( ,7@TB@BABEBJCosmctools0.91pclos2020Tools to manipulate OpenStreetMap filesSmall collection of basic OpenStreetMap tools, include converter, filter and updater files. Programs include: * osmconvert - Converter of OSM files * osmfilter - The experimental OSM filters data * osmupdate - Update OSM files.QFile toolsx86_64 autoconfautomakegccpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1osmctools-0.9-1pclos2020.src.rpm435cc64321329bfbdd1a97272f6bc317./SRPMS.pclosd   OH LS\   B@BABEBJCosmo0.4.41pclos2020A handy lightweight PIM (Personal Information Manager)A handy personal organizer, which includes calendar, tasks manager, address book and notes modules. It was designed to be small, easy to use and good looking. It is quite convenient to use - for example, the user can perform nearly all operations using the keyboard. Also, many parameters are configurable to meet the user's preferences. On the technical side, Osmo is a GTK+ based tool which uses a plain XML database to store all personal data. It is independent of any particular desktop environment. eOfficex86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gringotts-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkspell-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-develpkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1osmo-0.4.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm mp2c830b0f4e72c02dda6cfe9187591a04./SRPMS.pclos?d   Y B@BA BEBJ1Cossp_uuid1.6.22pclos2019OSSP uuid is a ISO-C:1999 application programming interfaceOSSP uuid is a ISO-C:1999 application programming interface (API) and corresponding command line interface (CLI) for the generation of DCE 1.1, ISO/IEC 11578:1996 and IETF RFC-4122 compliant Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). It supports DCE 1.1 variant UUIDs of version 1 (time and node based), version 3 (name based, MD5), version 4 (random number based) and version 5 (name based, SHA-1). Additional API bindings are provided for the languages ISO-C++:1998, Perl:5 and PHP:4/5. Optional backward compatibility exists for the ISO-C DCE-1.1 and Perl Data::UUID APIsDevelopment/Cx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ossp_uuid-1.6.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm\ 42dbe799b6ea7e743647f54278ba2af8./SRPMS.pclosd   R 4B@BABEBJCostree2024.81pclos2024Tool for managing bootable, immutable filesystem treesOSTree is a tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees. While it takes over some of the roles of tradtional "package managers" like dpkg and rpm, it is not a package system; nor is it a tool for managing full disk images. Instead, it sits between those levels, offering a blend of the advantages (and disadvantages) of both. 8System/Configuration/Packagingx86_64  autoconfautomakebisongitgpgme-develgtk-doclibattr-devellibtoolopenssl-develpkgconfig(e2p)pkgconfig(fuse3)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(mount)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ostree-2024.8-1pclos2024.src.rpm cR10efe4a41b35ac3c9b58f66b0510deec./SRPMS.pclos d   )0 4EL`B@BABEBJCots0.5.02pclos2013A text summarizerThe open text summarizer is an open source tool for summarizing texts. The program reads a text and decides which sentences are important and which are not. The program can either print the summarized text in text format or in HTML form where the important sentences are highlighted in red. The program is multi lingual and work with UTF-8 code; At the moment only English Hebrew are supported. The ots command line tool is an example and a debug tool for the libary. You can bind to the library from your program.i{System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfigglib2-devellibxml2-develpopt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " U  hB@BA8BE<BJ]Cotter-browser1.0.031pclos2022Web browser controlled by the user, not vice-versaWeb browser aiming to recreate classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5. This is a very beta release, will frequently crash and is missing many important features. otter-browser'7Networking/WWWx86_64 cmakelib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtmultimedia5lib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64hunspell-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5webengine-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1otter-browser-1.0.03-1pclos2022.src.rpm'b93951114730ba3140fcc37cf59e4c8c./SRPMS.pclosd   2x |B@BABEBJCoutlook2021.111pclos2021Outlook Email ClientOutlook Web Application as a dedicated application (electron wrapper)@Networking/Mailx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1outlook-2021.11-1pclos2021.src.rpm<\bd9c5d6abd5aa6019c5e13c992b322db./SRPMS.pclosd   +  $3<LB@BABEBJCowncloud9.0.01pclos2016ownCloud (CMS)ownCloud gives you universal access to your files through a web interface or WebDAV. It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web.y>System/Serversnoarch  apache-basefileunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.0.543.0.4-1owncloud-9.0.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm[0c29c28b779da49ed86ef057c83d0c9e./SRPMS.pclosd # 7  B@ BALBEPBJqCowncloud-client2.2.31pclos2016The ownCloud ClientThis is the client for ownCloud ownCloud - Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way! The ownCloud client is based on Mirall.sghostbunnyNetworking/File transferx86_64 cmakeiniparser-develdoxygencheck-devellibsmbclient-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64neon-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtkeychain-develdesktop-file-utilslib64qtwebkit4-develpython-sphinxtexliverpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1owncloud-client-2.2.3-1pclos2016.src.rpmdc19bd4e785bf3c80c7a793c3431e2a3./SRPMS.pcloskd # \  &8@ h  B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cowncloud-csync0.60.41pclos2013A user level bidirectional client only file synchronizerocsync is an implementation of a file synchronizer which provides the feature of roaming home directories for Linux clients. ocsync makes use of libsmbclient in Samba/Windows environments.z|pinocDevelopment/Otherx86_64  cmakedoxygenlibsmbclient-develiniparser-devellibssh2-devellog4c-develneon-devellibsqlite3-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d   ?x |B@BABEBJCoxipng5.0.01pclos2021A lossless PNG compression optimizerA terminal lossless PNG compression optimizer program.\Graphicsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oxipng-5.0.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm ?6d63c505a851e515982a4b7437641c6c./SRPMS.pclosSd   C B@BA BE$BJECoxygen6.3.31pclos2025The Oxygen Style for Qt/KDE ApplicationsPlasma and Qt widget style and window decorations for KDE.-SGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1oxygen-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm-Dae26665b6a5be65d0e62898d32424697./SRPMS.pclosd  7 CB@QBAxBE|BJCoxygen-fonts5.4.32pclos2021The Oxygen font familyThe Oxygen font family. A desktop/gui font family for integrated use with the KDE desktop.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5test-develcmakekf5-macrosfontforgerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oxygen-fonts-5.4.3-2pclos2021.src.rpm2d991131b9a34f44a7c6173b59ac67d1./SRPMS.pclosd   V    B@BABEBJCoxygen-gtk1.4.61pclos2014A port of the default KDE widget theme (Oxygen) to gtk2Oxygen-Gtk is a port of the default KDE widget theme (Oxygen), to gtk2. It's primary goal is to ensure visual consistency between gtk and qt-based applications running under kde. A secondary objective is to also have a stand-alone nice looking gtk theme that would behave well on other Desktop Environments. Unlike other attempts made to port the kde oxygen theme to gtk, this attempt does not depend on Qt (via some Qt to Gtk conversion engine), nor does render the widget appearance via hard coded pixmaps, which otherwise breaks everytime some setting is changed in kde.;Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 cmakelib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oxygen-gtk-1.4.6-1pclos2014.src.rpm H7fdaecbf8e4b10d095fb31780125e8eb./SRPMS.pclosd  W    B@BABEBJCoxygen-gtk31.4.12pclos2015A port of the default KDE widget theme (Oxygen) to gtk3Oxygen-Gtk3 is a port of the default KDE widget theme (Oxygen), to gtk3. It's primary goal is to ensure visual consistency between gtk and qt-based applications running under kde. A secondary objective is to also have a stand-alone nice looking gtk theme that would behave well on other Desktop Environments.=Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oxygen-gtk3-1.4.1-2pclos2015.src.rpmf65bd8a40863428c8f4e09549f1ef2b3./SRPMS.pclosgd ! A B@ BA4BE8BJYCoxygen-sounds6.3.31pclos2025The KDE Plasma Workspace SoundsThis package contains the default sound set for a KDE Plasma workspace.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1oxygen-sounds-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmq2eca7d66240ea3b725d0bd6e00451115./SRPMS.pclosd $ >` dB@BABEBJCoxyxmas-icon-theme1.01pclos2010Holiday Oxygen Icon ThemeOxygen Holiday Icon theme pack.wSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oxyxmas-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm038a60601ab0aa690f82a7eed5d9d95b./SRPMS.pclosSd   4H L]dB@BA BE$BJECoyranos0.1.92pclos2010Colour Management SystemOyranos is a colour management configuration system. It is primarily developed on free operating systems. Developers from other OSes can jump in the current discussion to make Oyranos aware of cross platform standards. Feel cordially invited to make constructive suggestions.VUSystem/Librariesi586 GL-develgettextfltk-develpkgconfiglibpng-devellibjpeg-develelektra-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1oyranos-0.1.9-2pclos2010.src.rpmVdfe42077e220ddd9f21175c1d207b8eb./SRPMS.pclosd   K  (0YB@bBABEBJCozerocdoff0.41pclos2010Tool for switching modes of Option USB devicesOzerocdoff - an improved ZeroCD switching utility This is the improved Option software for temporarily disabling ZeroCD and allowing the modem to be a modem. It has replaced rezero.7tSystem Environment/Basei586 libusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ozerocdoff-0.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm>k55a29286318b4ae7651587c53f231f70./SRPMS.pclosd   L $`B@jBABEBJCp11-kit0.24.01pclos2021Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modulesp11-kit provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules, as well as a standard configuration setup for installing PKCS#11 modules in such a way that they're discoverable.HSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64ffi-devellib64tasn1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1p11-kit-0.24.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmLc1a4fca612fe889304829d2938bc0873c./SRPMS.pclosd  >$ (>HTB@BABEBJCp7zip17.061pclos20257-zip compatible compression programp7zip is a port of 7za.exe for Unix. 7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. This package contains a new p7zip fork with additional codecs and improvements (forked from https://sourceforge.net/projects/p7zip/).P&Archiving/Compressionx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yasm3.0.4-14.6.0-1p7zip-17.06-1pclos2025.src.rpmPH63f0c4d987d315aa466e87fa9e00e452./SRPMS.pclos/d ! R B@BABEBJ!Cp8-platform2.1.0.14pclos2022Platform support library used by libCEC and KodiPlatform support library used by libCEC and Kodi.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1p8-platform- d   /X \bltB@BABEBJCpa-applet1.01pclos2024IceWM volume appletA simple volume control applet for IceWM.Soundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pa-applet-1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmmd9d07755b9118831b3e3d67ad4a6b428./SRPMS.pclosd   9 'B@2BAPBETBJuCpachi1.01pclos2009Pachi El Marciano - Platform GamePachi El Marciano is a cool 2D platform game inspired by the likes of Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, and more from the '80s.1MGames/Arcadei586 SDL_mixer-develdesktop-file-utilsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pachi-1.0-1pclos2009.src.rpm1,  B@7BAXBE\BJ}Cpam_ldap1861pclos2011NSS library and PAM module for LDAPPam_ldap is a module for Linux-PAM that supports password changes, V2 clients, Netscapes SSL, ypldapd, Netscape Directory Server password policies, access authorization, crypted hashes, etc. Install pam_ldap if you need to authenticate PAM-enabled services to LDAP. This package can be compiled with support for configuration from DNS, by building with "--with dnsconfig"uSystem/Librariesx86_64  libldap-develpam-develautomake1.4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.0.7-7.1mdk3.0.4-1pam_ldap-186-1pclos2011.src.rpm)N58734df1b33db0f2b4c985eb52d2b24e./SRPMS.pclosd     [ B@vBABEBJCdepam_mount2.161pclos2018Pluggable Authentication Module for dynamic mounting of remote volumesPAM-Modul, welches es erlaubt dynamisch entfernte Laufwerke einzubindenPam_mount is a PAM module that allows dynamic remote volume mounting. It is mainly useful for users that have private volumes in Samba / Windows NT / Netware servers and need access to them during a Unix session.Pam_mount ist ein PAM-Modul, welches es erlaubt dynamisch entfernte Laufwerke einzubinden. Es ist hauptsächlich für Nutzer von privaten Samba-/Windows NT-/Netware Serverlaufwerken, die Zugang zu diesen wäherend einer Unix Session benötigen, nützlich.?ghostbunnyNetworking/Otherx86_64  pam-develzlib-develglib2-devellib64HX-devellib64xml2-developenssl-develcryptsetup-devellib64mount-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Փ1317b20b00956f09dc576fece0653fe9./SRPMS.pclosd   Y KB@cBABEBJCpam_pkcs110.6.61pclos2011A Pluggable Authentication Module for pkcs#11 environmentsThis Linux-PAM login module allows a X.509 certificate based user login. The certificate and its dedicated private key are thereby accessed by means of an appropriate PKCS #11 module. For the verification of the users' certificates, locally stored CA certificates as well as either online or locally accessible CRLs are used. System/Librariesx86_64  openssl-devellibldap-develpam-devellibxslt-procdocbook-style-xsllibpcsclite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 371477a2fac4305203259eb6dfacbb83./SRPMS.pclosSd   STX yB@BA BE$BJECpam_ssh1.911pclos2007A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for use with SSHThis PAM module provides single sign-on behavior for UNIX using SSH. Users are authenticated by decrypting their SSH private keys with the password provided (probably to XDM). In the PAM session phase, an ssh-agent process is started and keys are added.Texstar System/Librariesi586 pam-developenssl-developenssh-clientsautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pam_ssh-1.91-1pclos2007.src.rpm47f84ff1d7514281016eadb36a1afda2./SRPMS.pclos/d  I B@BABEBJ!Cpam_userpass1.0.22pclos2011PAM module for USER/PASS-style protocolspam_userpass is a PAM authentication module for use specifically by services implementing non-interactive protocols and wishing to verify a username/password pair. This module doesn't do any actual authentication, -- other modules, such as pam_tcb, should be stacked after it to provide the authentication."System/Librariesx86_64 pam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pam_userpass-1.0.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm 4d23f05d144555337b87f90077e3fe45./SRPMS.pclosd   Z 9B@GBAlBEpBJCpam_yubico2.271pclos2022Provides support for One Time Passwords (OTP) authenticationThe Yubico authentication device Yubikey generates one-time passwords that can be used for authentication. This module allows you to use the Yubikey device to authenticate to the PAM system. The Yubico PAM module provides an easy way to integrate the Yubikey into your existing user authentication infrastructure.Yubikeyx86_64 openldap-develpam-develykclient-develpkgconfig(ykpers-1)openldap2-develasciidocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pam_yubico-2.27-1pclos2022.src.rpm C23073beffae29daf2c8f5fe35e52d092./SRPMS.pclos{d  G B@(BAHBELBJmCpaman0.9.41pclos2011Manager for Pulseaudio sound server for LinuxA simple GTK frontend for the pulseaudio sound serverYSoundi586  libgtkmm2.4-devellibglademm2.4-devellibpulseaudio-devellynxdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`<8e190b380d5180a1a6a5ec689225939e./SRPMS.pclosd   : 3B@XBAxBE|BJCpan0.1621pclos2025A Usenet newsreader for GNOME/GTK+Pan is a Usenet newsreader which attempts to be pleasant to new and advanced users alike. It has all the standard newsreaders features and also supports offline reading, scoring and killfiles, yEnc, NZB, PGP handling, multiple servers, and secure connections. It is also the only Unix newsreader to get a perfect score on the Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluations.,Networking/Newsx86_64   cmakeintltoolitstoollibxml2-utilspkgconfig(gcr-3)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmime-3.0)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(gspell-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools2.   4  B@+BALBEPBJqCpandoc2.19.21pclos2022General markup converterPandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read markdown and (subsets of) HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, DocBook, MediaWiki markup, Twiki markup, Haddock markup, OPML, Emacs Org-Mode, txt2tags and Textile, and it can write markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, Docbook, OPML, OpenDocument, ODT, Word docx, RTF, MediaWiki, DokuWiki, Textile, groff man pages, plain text, Emacs Org-Mode, AsciiDoc, Haddock markup, EPUB (v2 and v3), FictionBook2, InDesign ICML, and several kinds of HTML/javascript slide shows (S5, Slidy, Slideous, DZSlides, reveal.js).q?Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pandoc-2.19.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm58c6d04c58aba335fb57ca1a419bc42e./SRPMS.pclosd  T  LB@BABEBJCpango1.56.01pclos2025System for layout and rendering of internationalized textA library to handle Unicode strings as well as complex bidirectional or context dependent shaped strings. It is the next step on Gtk+ internationalization.System/Librariesx86_64  gi-docgenmesonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-no-export-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(libthai)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pango-1.56.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm8e67ecf4f8b8fe4ed0edf02973a95f4e./SRPMS.pclosOd   @4 8IPhB@BABE BJACpangomm2.54.01pclos2024C++ interface for the pango libraryPangomm provides a C++ interface to the Pango library. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets extensible via inheritance and a comprehensive set of widget classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces. System/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfig(cairomm-1.16)pkgconfig(glibmm-2.68)pkgconfig(pangocairo)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pangomm-2.54.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm !543e1317600ab8d73de48f0cbe22bfb6./SRPMS.pclossd   C8 <MTpB@BA@BEDBJeCpangomm1.42.46.31pclos2024C++ interface for the pango libraryPangomm provides a C++ interface to the Pango library. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets extensible via inheritance and a comprehensive set of widget classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces. WvSystem/Librariesx86_64   doxygenmesonpkgconfig(cairomm-1.0)pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4)pkgconfig(pangocairo)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) |51fba9660f0dc03504a79971cb6a3069./SRPMS.pclosd ! ] JB@UBA|BEBJCpangox-compat0.0.21pclos2014Compatibility library providing the obsolete pangox libraryThis is a compatibility library providing the obsolete pangox library that is not shipped by Pango itself anymore.System/Librariesi586 libglib2.0_0-devellibpango1.0-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pangox-compat-0.0.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm p0079dd6b256dc5ccdbf8b4e7423aa58c./SRPMS.pclosd   @ fB@rBABEBJCpangzero1.31pclos2013A clone and enhancement of Super PangPang Zero is a clone and enhancement of Super Pang, a fast-paced action game that involves popping balloons with a harpoon. Currently up to 6 people can play together.-pinocGames/Arcadenoarch desktop-file-utilslameperl-SDLvorbis-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pangzero-1.3-1pclos2013.src.rpm-?b4e29e102408ed751ea6a86794e2e723./SRPMS.pclosWd # 3 B@BA$BE(BJICpaper-gtk-theme2.1.01pclos2016Paper GTK themePaper is a modern desktop theme suite. Its design is mostly flat with a minimal use of shadows for depth.27Graphical desktop/Othernoarch automakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1paper-gtk-theme-2.1.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm930ea67877aba61cd49c7b7535d71189f./SRPMS.pclosd $ 5| B@(BATBEXBJyCpaper-icon-theme1.4.01pclos2018Paper Icon themePaper is simple and modern icon theme with material design influences.ghostbunnyGraphical desktop/Othernoarch  automakegnome-commonhicolor-icon-themeicon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   U CB@LBApBEtBJCpapi1.00.177.2pclos2007FSG OpenPrinting PAPI Implementation(s) and ApplicationsThis package contains implentations of the Free Standards Group (FSG) Open Printing API (PAPI) (v1.0) and client software that uses it. The implemenations of the API are designed so that they can be used individually to support client application interaction with a particular type of print service or together to interact with a variety of different print service types. !Neverstopdreaming System/Serversi586 ruby-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papi-1.0-0.177.2pclos2007.src.rpm a65a71005ae5cd93009a3721746e06ad./SRPMS.pclosd * C\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-black-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Black Icon ThemePapirus Black Icon ThemeXSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-black-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm_674cde7f09f4d9b3fd32d3c3f72dea34./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-blue-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Blue Icon ThemePapirus Blue Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-blue-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmc266eba7cc914f8fb09c01b9556b6351./SRPMS.pclosd" - Ih lB@BABEBJCpapirus-bluegrey-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Bluegrey Icon ThemePapirus Bluegrey Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-bluegrey-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmȪ9aedee2544c9beec2fb2f81461402a8b./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cpapirus-breeze-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Breeze Icon ThemePapirus Breeze Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-breeze-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm775eebe3570362b12113432f5d7e6f58./SRPMS.pclosd * C\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-brown-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Brown Icon ThemePapirus Brown Icon Theme(System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-brown-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm-9df783554806ed774d5cdd51fc227142./SRPMS.pclosd# . Kh lB@BABEBJCpapirus-cyan-dark-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Cyan Dark Icon ThemePapirus Cyan Dark Icon Theme?System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-cyan-dark-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmZ4077f9ca779999ef2e55b346351109e1./SRPMS.pclosd# . Kh lB@BABEBJCpapirus-dark-grey-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Dark Grey Icon ThemePapirus Dark Grey Icon ThemefC@System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-dark-grey-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmfQ56578187607dec2216c78ddec25e7181./SRPMS.pclosd * C\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-green-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Green Icon ThemePapirus Green Icon ThemexSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-green-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmǁ2d08282e604d8ef3ebf4b67446c2b295./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-grey-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Grey Icon ThemePapirus Grey Icon ThemefJgSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-grey-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmfY9670f9d53768d1e4c3e277ca0bab119d./SRPMS.pclos'd$ / Ml pB@BABEBJCpapirus-paleorange-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Paleorange Icon ThemePapirus Paleorange Icon ThememSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-paleorange-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmą5271e052cd38b3a803358f5cc80c2838./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-pink-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Pink Icon ThemePapirus Pink Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-pink-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm75d85e089a0393ce28c36b050bfa09e5./SRPMS.pclos d ( ?X \wB@BABEBJCpapirus-red-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Red Icon ThemePapirus Red Icon ThemefSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-red-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmU7ab27542afcd3af3e010b24d1498e243./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-teal-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Teal Icon ThemePapirus Teal Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-teal-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm893470d70fbcab995be44e475b736aa7./SRPMS.pclosd * C\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-white-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus White Icon ThemePapirus White Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-white-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm5d1570a82a774621eeb71de3ad90d047./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `{B@BABEBJCpapirus-yaru-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Yaru Icon ThemePapirus Yaru Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-yaru-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm664025c6e75a6c45e6c8a7570763c267./SRPMS.pclosd  + E` dB@BABEBJ Cpapirus-yellow-icons202107251pclos2021Papirus Yellow Icon ThemePapirus Yellow Icon ThemeSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1papirus-yellow-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm0abcd1b7d61303b80424fcea5c24cd42./SRPMS.pclosd   4pt ~B@+BAPBETBJuCpaprefs0.9.1011pclos2017PulseAudio PreferencesPulseAudio Preferences (paprefs) is a simple GTK based configuration dialog for the PulseAudio sound server. Please note that this program can only configure local servers, and requires that a special module module-gconf is loaded in the sound server. (Since PulseAudio 0.9.5 this modules is loaded by default.)|bb2 Soundx86_64 lib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64glademm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-devellib64gconfmm2.6_1-devellynxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1paprefs-0.9.10-11pclos2017.src.rpm54adaf5da6749bc8271f1260e7b0abb9e./SRPMS.pclos3d  T B@BABEBJ%Cpar2cmdline0.8.11pclos2020PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair toolpar2cmdline is a program for creating and using PAR2 files to detect damage in data files and repair them if necessary. PAR2 files are usually published in binary newsgroups on Usenet; they apply the data-recovery capability concepts of RAID-like systems to the posting and recovery of multi-part archives.({ghostbunnyArchiving/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1par2cmdline-0.8.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm(c9da283dc9c455c9eecd862a4099e017./SRPMS.pclosd   I  ,B@4BA\BE`BJCparallel201501221pclos2015Shell tool for executing jobs in parallelGNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers. A job can be a single command or a small script that has to be run for each of the lines in the input. The typical input is a list of files, a list of hosts, a list of users, a list of URLs, or a list of tables. A job can also be a command that reads from a pipe. GNU parallel can then split the input and pipe it into commands in parallel. If you use xargs and tee today you will find GNU parallel very easy to use as GNU parallel is written to have the same options as xargs. If you write loops in shell, you will find GNU parallel may be able to replace most of the loops and make them run faster by running several jobs in parallel. GNU parallel makes sure output from the commands is the same output as you would get had you run the commands sequentially. This makes it possible to use output from GNU parallel as input for other programs. For each line of input GNU parallel will execute command with the line as arguments. If no command is given, the line of input is executed. Several lines will be run in parallel. GNU parallel can often be used as a substitute for xargs or cat | bash. danielShellsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1parallel-20150122-1pclos2015.src.rpm }e42ac8f88c2fff47ee019796b0d0e8a6./SRPMS.pclos?d !   2<\B@BA BEBJ1Cdeparcellite1.2.11pclos2017Parcellite (Parcelle Lite) is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard managerParcellite (Parcelle Lite) ein leichter GTK+ ZwischenablagenmanagerParcellite (Parcelle Lite) is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. This is a stripped down, basic-features-only version of Parcelle with a small memory footprint for those who like simplicity.Dies ist eine abgespeckte (enthält nur die Grundfunktionen) Version von Parcelle mit einem kleinen Speicher Abbild für diejenigen, die die Einfachheit mögen.bb2 Graphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gettext-develperl-XML-Parserlib64gtk+2.0_0-develglib2-develpango-devellibx11-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1parcellite-1.2.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm57a5c8ca1eb77eda3d524f0a564f72dd./SRPMS.pclosd   ?t xB@BABEBJCparchive20.41pclos2011Parchive: Parity Archive Volume Set The idea behind this project is to provide a tool to apply the data- recovery capability concepts of RAID-like systems to the posting and recovery of multi-part archives on Usenet. With a parity archive, this tool, and all but one part of a multi-part set you can recover the missing part. The key to this mission is a clean file format specification which provides all the necessary capabilities for programs to easily verify and regenerate single missing parts out of a set of archives. We might just be able to make binary posting and downloading on Usenet a little easier. That's a pretty cool goal! par2 is complete rewrite of parchive with much additional advantages. Read all about them on this page: http://www.pbclements.co.uk/QuickPar/AboutPAR2.htm Tip of the day: alias par='par2 r *.((p|P)??|par2)'FArchiving/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1parchive2-0.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmNd5b84051676dc066699324f0239b3ea3./SRPMS.pclos/d  R  !( L  B@BABEBJ!Cpari2.11.21pclos2020PARI/GP - Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra SystemPARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory (factorizations, algebraic number theory, elliptic curves...), but also contains a large number of other useful functions to compute with mathematical entities such as matrices, polynomials, power series, algebraic numbers, etc., and a lot of transcendental functions. PARI is also available as a C library to allow for faster computations.5 Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 perl-devellibgmp-develpkgconfig(x11)readline-develpkgconfig(ncurses)texlivetexlive-texmfemacsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pari-2.11.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm53bf28e73d7a9274c44bd9e949024e35c./SRPMS.pclos#d   Q  !( L  B@BABEBJCpari2.3.41pclos2010PARI/GP - Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra SystemPARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory (factorizations, algebraic number theory, elliptic curves...), but also contains a large number of other useful functions to compute with mathematical entities such as matrices, polynomials, power series, algebraic numbers, etc., and a lot of transcendental functions. PARI is also available as a C library to allow for faster computations.+Sciences/Mathematicsi586 perl-devellibgmp-devellibx11-develreadline-develncurses-develtetextetex-dvipsemacsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pari-2.3.4-1pclos2010.src.rpmŅbe08f46ca0a9605e968e9b0c93ce6553./SRPMS.pclosd   @$ (?H l  B@1BATBEXBJyCparley24.12.31pclos2025KDE Vocabulary training applicationParley is a program to help you memorize things. Parley supports many language specific features but can be used for other learning tasks just as well. It uses the spaced repetition learning method, also known as flash cards.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64keduvocdocument-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(xrender)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)translate-shell3.0.4-14.6.0-1parley-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm9d6da2d17066c0ba7aff1d5b5ef8a138./SRPMS.pclosd   R B@BABEBJ Cparole4.18.21pclos2025A modern media player based on the GStreamer frameworkParole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop. Parole is designed with simplicity, speed and resource usage in mind. Parole features playback of local media files, including video with subtitles support, DVD/CD and live streams. Parole is also extensible via plugins. Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  intltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64taglib-devellib64x11-devellib64xfce4ui2-devellib64xfce4util-devellib64xfconf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1parole-4.18.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm 89f72492469a1cced3521a781f28e72a./SRPMS.pclos/d   :  $  B@BABEBJ!Cpartclone0.3.231pclos2023File System Clone UtilitiesPartclone is a program similar to the well-known backup utility "Partition Image" a.k.a partimage. Partclone provides utilities to save and restore used blocks on a partition and is designed for higher compatibility of the file system by using existing libraries, e.g. e2fslibs is used to read and write the ext2 partition. Partclone now supports ext2, ext3, ext4, hfs+, btrfs, xfs, ntfs, fat(12/16/32), exfat, f2fs, nilfs2.BArchiving/Backupx86_64 lib64blkid-devellib64bsd-devellib64btrfs-devellib64ext2fs-devellib64ncurses-devellib64ncursesw-devellib64uuid-develntfs-3g-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1partclone-0.3.23-1pclos2023.src.rpmJf80acc6e7ccb9a8eabc0beb413f5cbfd./SRPMS.pclosd    3 7@ t 9 B@TBAtBExBJCparted3.63pclos2025Flexible partitioning toolGNU Parted is a program that allows you to create, destroy, resize, move and copy hard disk partitions. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganizing disk usage, and copying data to new hard disks.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  e2fsprogs-develgettext-devellib64devmapper-devellibgpm-devellocalespkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(uuid)python3readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfoutil-linux3.0.4-14.6.0-1parted-3.6-3pclos2025.src.rpm%U39cac6ea338e39ab979d373cbf0ecdd6./SRPMS.pclos?d   -  $ H  B@BA BEBJ1Cpartimage0.6.92pclos2019Partition ImagePartition Image is a Linux/UNIX partition imaging utility: it saves partitions in the following file system formats to an image file: - Ext2FS & Ext3FS (the Linux standard), - FAT16/32 (DOS & Windows file systems), - HFS (MacOS File System), - JFS (Journalised File System, from IBM, used on AIX), - NTFS (Windows NT File System), - HPFS (IBM OS/2 File System), - ReiserFS (a journalized and powerful file system), - UFS (Unix File System), - XFS (another journalized and efficient File System, from SGI, used on Irix), Only used blocks are copied. The image file can be compressed into the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and split into multiple files to be copied onto floppies (ZIP for example), or burned on a CD-R ... This allows saving a full Linux/Windows system, with only one operation. When problems (viruses, crash, error, ...) occur, you just have to restore, and after several minutes, all your system is restored (boot, files, ...), and fully working. This is very useful when installing the same software on many machines: just install one of them, create an image, and just restore the image on all other machines. Then, after the first one, each installation is automatically made, and only requires a few minutes. xArchiving/Backupx86_64  automake1.8bzip2-develgettext-develpkgconfig(libnewt)opensslpkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)rpm-helperrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) a_acb3a5c8bd77fc05f40523d5ae264133./SRPMS.pclosd & <\ `wB@3BA`BEdBJCpartitionmanager24.12.31pclos2025KDE Partition ManagerKDE Partition Manager is a utility program to help you manage the disk devices, partitions and file systems on your computer. It allows you to easily create, copy, move, delete, resize without losing data, backup and restore partitions. KDE Partition Manager supports a large number of file systems, including ext2/3/4, reiserfs, NTFS, FAT16/32, jfs, xfs and more. Starting from version 1.9.50 KDE Partition Manager has become the GUI part of KPMcore (KDE PartitionManager core) which contain the libraries used to manipulate filesystems.#bGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettextkf6-rpm-macroslib64kpmcore-develpkgconfig(blkid)pkgconfig(libatasmart)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1partitionmanager-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm#ef4df9bb473ac1e38d6e5b91612d41fa./SRPMS.pclosd   E   ( B@8BAXBE\BJ}Cpass1.7.31pclos2021A password manager using standard Unix toolsStores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely using gpg, pwgen, and git.xSecuritynoarch gitgnupgpwgentreexzbash-completionzshsedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pass-1.7.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm 93da16307dd99560ad59daf03e42efdc./SRPMS.pclosd   U yB@BABEBJCpasswd0.802pclos2024The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAMThe passwd package contains a system utility (passwd) which sets and/or changes passwords, using PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules).SSystem/Basex86_64  glib2-develpam-develpkgconfig(libuser)pkgconfig(popt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1passwd-0.80-2pclos2024.src.rpme2366a6e036513e43e26c929f4958d858./SRPMS.pclosd   4  LvB@BABEBJCpasystray0.7.11pclos2019PulseAudio system trayA replacement for the deprecated padevchooser Pasystray allows setting the default PulseAudio source/sink and moving streams on the fly between sources/sinks without restarting the client applications.VSoundx86_64 lib64appindicator3-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64avahi-client-devellib64avahi-common-devellib64avahi-glib-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pasystray-0.7.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm006b9ca6ca952f076f605ccd31640bc7./SRPMS.pclosd   4  PB@BABEBJCpasystray0.8.21pclos2024PulseAudio system trayA replacement for the deprecated padevchooser Pasystray allows setting the default PulseAudio source/sink and moving streams on the fly between sources/sinks without restarting the client applications.΋Soundx86_64  lib64appindicator3-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64avahi-client-devellib64avahi-common-devellib64avahi-glib-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pasystray-0.8.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmffc24cd50ad9affdd4ecbbebde89aaa3./SRPMS.pcloskd  N B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpatch2.7.61pclos2018The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading filesThe patch program applies diff files to originals. The diff command is used to compare an original to a changed file. Diff lists the changes made to the file. A person who has the original file can then use the patch command with the diff file to add the changes to their original file (patching the file). Patch should be installed because it is a common way of upgrading applications. Text toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1patch-2.7.6-1pclos2018.src.rpm !a47bf0f92af06ea770fa12c6dfd170d4./SRPMS.pclosd   [ +B@>BAdBEhBJCpatchance1.1.02pclos2024modular patch bay for Jack and ALSA based audio/MIDI systems.Patchage is a modular patch bay for Jack and ALSA based audio/MIDI systems.rSoundx86_64  python3-pyalsapython3-qt5-develqt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1patchance-1.1.0-2pclos2024.src.rpms 210e132e056e24a7d651084a7fd4a58a./SRPMS.pclosd   ?  ",@B@BABEBJCpatchelf0.121pclos2021A utility for patching ELF binariesPatchELF is a simple utility for modifying an existing ELF executable or library. It can change the dynamic loader ("ELF interpreter") of an executable and change the RPATH of an executable or library.CDevelopment/Otherx86_64 autoconfautomakelibattr-devellibacl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1patchelf-0.12-1pclos2021.src.rpmJ03416f4c18cad03d0742d5a83cf5a7de./SRPMS.pclosd   0H LW`hB@BABEBJCpatchutils0.4.21pclos2024Patches utilitiesPatchutils contains interdiff and filterdiff. You can use interdiff to create an incremental patch between two patches that are against a common source tree. Filterdiff is for extracting or excluding patches from a patch set based on modified files matching shell wildcards.C/Text toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1patchutils-0.4.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmg(ee61eb418e34d80a8d5a1f96ee5a92b3./SRPMS.pclos3d  L B@BABEBJ%Cpathological1.1.31pclos2015Enriched python clone of the game "Logical"Pathological is an enriched clone of the game "Logical" by Rainbow Arts. To solve a level, fill each wheel with four marbles of matching color. Various board elements such as teleporters, switches, filters, etc., make the game interesting and challenging. New levels can be created using your favorite text editor.UGames/Logicnoarch netpbmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pathological-1.1.3-1pclos2015.src.rpmUac39565efc71d6365298a0b732cd8a45./SRPMS.pclosd  QH LR\  R B@kBABEBJCpavucontrol4.02pclos2024Volume control for the Audio sound server for LinuxAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a simple GTK based volume control tool for the Audio sound server. In contrast to classic mixer tools this one allows you to control both the volume of hardware devices and of each playback stream separately.Soundx86_64  desktop-file-utilsgtkmm3.0-develintltoollib64canberra-devellib64glademm2.4-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pulseaudio-devellibcanberra-gtk3-devellynxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pavucontrol-4.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm5cfc6a41314e09885dd0f93d06277d99./SRPMS.pclosd " 8\ `fp#B@DBAlBEpBJCpavucontrol-qt1.4.02pclos2024Qt frontend for audiopavucontrol-qt is the Qt port of volume control pavucontrol for the Audio sound server. As such it can be used to adjust all controls provided by PulseAudio as well as some additional settings. The software belongs to the LXQt project but its usage isn't limited to this desktop environment.Soundx86_64   lib64lxqt-devellib64pulseaudio-devellxqt-build-toolsqt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   0 B@BABE BJACpax3.44pclos2011POSIX File System Archiver'pax' is the POSIX standard archive tool. It supports the two most common forms of standard Unix archive (backup) files - CPIO and TAR.eArchiving/Backupx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pax-3.4-4pclos2011.src.rpml9a7bf00342855764c41e8cf854e3ebdf./SRPMS.pclosd   O  0B@8BA\BE`BJCpax-utils0.1.191pclos2010PaX aware and related utilities for ELF binariespax-utils is a small set of various PaX aware and related utilities for ELF binaries. It was written for ELF Q/A on Gentoo systems but can be used on any distro.4#Development/Toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pax-utils-0.1.19-1pclos2010.src.rpm;96a15cc45cc2e5dcd757736b32195cba./SRPMS.pclos d   ?p tB@BABEBJCpbm2l20301.41pclos2011Driver for the Lexmark 2030 printerLexmark 2030 Color Jetprinter printer driver.:System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pbm2l2030-1.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm@731d30d50457240834b51543e94218de./SRPMS.pclosd    ?H L\dhB@BABEBJCpbm2lwxl01pclos2011A driver for the CoStar Labelwriter XLA driver for the CoStar printers: o LabelWriter II o LabelWriter XL+ o Labelwriter XL o EL40 o EL60 o Turbo o SE250 o SE250+ o ASCII o ASCII+ o LW300 o LW330 o LW330 Turbo And Avery Printers: o Personal Label Printer and Personal Label Printer+???DVSystem/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pbm2lwxl-0-1pclos2011.src.rpmFe83ccb0a34171b27a6bc5ee29d10793b./SRPMS.pclosd    E $KB@TBAtBExBJCpbmtozjs01pclos2011Driver for the HP LaserJet 1000 GDI printersDriver for the HP LaserJet 1000 GDI printers. Perhaps it also works with some other GDI printers made by QMS and Minolta (these manufacturer names appear in the driver's source code).1gSystem/Printingx86_64 jbig-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pbmtozjs-0-1pclos2011.src.rpmn54e307b5206eb675d9d84902a031befe./SRPMS.pclosSdKB@BA BE$BJECpcal4.11.01pclos2011Pcal is a commandline calendar-generation programPcal is a commandline calendar-generation program which produce nice-looking PostScript output.RSystem/Librariesx86_64 ncompressrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcal-4.11.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmXI504a6e24604e54bdbdc2e7a1a846ad88./SRPMS.pclos?d  F  B@BA BEBJ1Cpcb200911031pclos2010An interactive printed circuit board editorPCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor. PCB includes a rats nest feature, design rule checking, and can provide industry standard RS-274-X (Gerber), NC drill, and centroid data (X-Y data) output for use in the board fabrication and assembly process. PCB offers high end features such as an autorouter and trace optimizer which can tremendously reduce layout time.ESciences/Engineeringi586 tclbisonflexgawkImageMagickgtk2-develgd-develfontconfig-develcupstetex-latexlibice6-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolgettext-develdbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcb-20091103-1pclos2010.src.rpmEc9f8ad0d9b94d3ed8a7cdea5bea850d1./SRPMS.pclos[d    ( B@ BA(BE,BJMCpciids0.81pclos2014PCI ID databaseThis package contains a description database indexed by PCI IDs. It's used by pciutils and ldetect.7System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  pciutils-develwgetcurlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 5864fb3d8ed9ec3be81e4c74535fdada./SRPMS.pclos[d   6 B@BA(BE,BJMCpciutils3.9.02pclos2023PCI bus related utilitiesThis package contains various utilities for inspecting and setting devices connected to the PCI bus.&System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 pkgconfig(libkmod)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pciutils-3.9.0-2pclos2023.src.rpm ;851b26d20a57ddd391034f82f5271378./SRPMS.pclossd" - Q B@ BA@BEDBJeCpclinuxos-gnome-sound-theme0.73pclos2010PCLinuxOS Gnome default sound themeThe default PCLinuxOS Gnome sound theme following the XDG theming specification. (http://linuxgator.org)K]System/X11noarch intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclinuxos-gnome-sound-theme-0.7-3pclos2010.src.rpmK20696ef402ea0660905a93487766178f./SRPMS.pclosd ) \  4B@<BAlBEpBJCpclinuxos-gnome-theme1.3.01pclos2010Default Plymouth Gnome Theme for PCLinuxOS 2010.10This package contains the PCLinuxOS Gnome plymouth theme with its images and configuration for different resolution as well as the the desktop background image.~Graphicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclinuxos-gnome-theme-1.3.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm~i97236c4050b06b112c2304fede84eec2./SRPMS.pclosd * M  $0]B@gBABEBJCpclinuxos-menu-messages20111pclos2011Localization files for Menu systemThis package includes that translations of the main menu used by the different desktops and window managers of the distribution; as well as translations used by specifically added features.System/Basenoarch gettextintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclinuxos-menu-messages-2011-1pclos2011.src.rpm31338eeefcbb4c8386f175f08dd1fda5./SRPMS.pclos3d ! 9 B@BABEBJ%Cpclinuxos-mime0.414pclos2007PCLinuxOS MIME databaseThis package contains all MIME type files not provided by desktop environment. System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclinuxos-mime-0.4-14pclos2007.src.rpm6c9cd2cfdb668535b334958b472cf828./SRPMS.pclos/d $ ;\` fB@BABEBJ!Cpclinuxos-release20251pclos2025PCLinuxOS release filePCLinuxOS Linux release file.pinocSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pclinuxos-release-2025-1pclos2025.src.rpm=:22ffd0318667d856e9b4399d00776adc./SRPMS.pclosd # V  -4DB@BABEBJCpclinuxos-tweak1.0.21pclos2012PCLinuxOS Tweak is a easy gnome configuration toolPCLinuxOS Tweak is a tool that makes it easy to configure your gnome desktop settings. It provided many useful desktop options, nautilus scripts for your gnome desktop environment.}#NealGraphical desktop/GNOMEx86_64 gnome-python-develpython-gobject-develpygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclinuxos-tweak-1.0.2-1pclos2012.src.rpme57a7851e10401b22303c33b6b150289./SRPMS.pclosd  15 @ \` es|B@BABEBJCdedaesfritnlplptrusrpclos-docuportal0.17pclos2012Script to display online documentationSkript zur Anzeige von online DokumentenDisplay Linux documentation online.Anzeige von Linux-bezogener online Dokumentation.Vis Linux dokumentation online.Mostrar Linux documentación en línea.Voir la documentation sous Linux en ligne.Visualizza documentazione di Linux in linea.Toon Linux online documentatie.Pokaż Linux dokumentacjiMostrar a documentação Linux on-lineПоказать Linux документациюПрикажи Линук документације на мрежиhNealDocumentationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclos-docuportal-0.1-7pclos2012.src.rpm50aeb4db437f554f110dd5f9169817f0./SRPMS.pclos;d ( F B@BABE BJ-Cpclos-gnome-gimpsplash1.02pclos2010Gimp-Splash - pclinuxos-gnomeCustom created gimp-splash exclusively for pclinuxos-gnome version.Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclos-gnome-gimpsplash-1.0-2pclos2010.src.rpm466aa4c2c1a7d9c755b073c57a5a6956./SRPMS.pclosd % n( ,DLPlB@tBABEBJCdepclos-gnome-info0.33pclos2010pclos-gnome information, help guidesPCLOS-Gnome Informationen und HilfeBasic information for pclos gnome about the current release and related install help guides.PCLinuxOS-Gnome Information bzw Handbuch zur aktuellen Ausgabe und Hife zur Installation.9Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pclos-gnome-info-0.3-3pclos2010.src.rpmFeac83b264664182671a6f7fbaad181a2./SRPMS.pclos d" - }04 ;R\B@BABEBJ Cdefresplsrnlpcmanfm1.4.01pclos2025PCMan File ManagerPCManFM - ein schneller und resourcenschonender DateimanagerPCMan File Manager is an extremely fast and lightweight file manager which features tabbed browsing and user-friendly interface. PCManFM includes these features: * Extremely fast and lightweight * Can be started in one second on normal machine * Tabbed browsing (Similar to Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Support mount/umount/eject for volumes * Provide desktop icons and wallpaper * Files can be dragged among tabs * Load large directories in reasonable time * File association support (Default application) * Thumbnail for image files * Bookmarks support * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly * Provide icon view and detailed list view * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2) * NEW! As of version, PCManFM has the option to open files and folders with a single click * NEW! As of version 0.5, PCManFM has the ability to search for files and foldersPCMan File Manager ist eine extrem schneller und leichter Datei-Manager, mit Tabbed-Browsing und benutzerfreundlicher Oberfläche. PCManFM umfasst die folgenden Funktionen: * Extrem schnell und leicht * Kann in einer Sekunde auf normalen Maschinen gestartet werden * Tabbed-Browsing (Ähnlich Firefox) * Drag & Drop-Unterstützung * Unterstützt mount/umount/eject für Speichermedien * Bereitstellung von Desktop-Icons und Hintergrundbildern * Dateien können zwischen den Registerkarten gezogen werden * Vorschaubild für Bilddateien * Unterstützt Lesezeichen * Zeigt Nicht-UTF-8 kodierte Dateinamen korrekt an * und vieles mehrPCMan File Manager est un gestionnaire très rapide et léger fichier qui fonctionnalités de navigation par onglets et une interface utilisateur conviviale. PCManFM comprend les fonctionnalités suivantes: * Extrêmement rapide et léger * Peut être lancé en une seconde sur la machine de la normale * La navigation par onglets (semblables à Firefox) * Drag & Drop support * Support de montage / démontage / éjection des volumes * Fournir les icônes du bureau et du papier peint * Les fichiers peuvent être glissés parmi les onglets * Annuaires grande charge dans un délai raisonnable * Fichier d'appui aux associations (application par défaut) * Miniature pour les fichiers image * Appui de signets * Poignées de non-UTF-8 correctement les noms de fichiers encodés * Fournir une vue d'icône et de voir la liste détaillée * Standard compliant (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK + 2) * NOUVEAU! Depuis la version, PCManFM a la possibilité d'ouvrir des fichiers et dossiers en un seul clic * NOUVEAU! Depuis la version 0.5, PCManFM a la capacité de rechercher des fichiers et des dossiersPCMan File Manager es un administrador de archivos muy rápido y ligero que características de la navegación por pestañas y la interfaz de usuario amigable. PCManFM incluye las siguientes características: * Extremadamente rápido y ligero * Se puede iniciar en una segunda máquina normal * La navegación con pestañas (similares a Firefox) De apoyo * Drag & Drop * Soporte de montaje / desmontaje / expulsión de los volúmenes de * Proporcionar los iconos del escritorio y salvapantallas * Los archivos se pueden arrastrar entre pestañas Directorios de carga grande * en un tiempo razonable * Archivo Asociación de Apoyo (aplicación por defecto) * Miniatura de archivos de imagen * Marcadores de apoyo * Maneja no UTF-8 nombres de archivos codificados correctamente * Proporcionar la vista de iconos y ver lista detallada de * Se cumple el estándar (Sigue FreeDesktop.org) * Limpieza e interfaz fácil de usar (GTK + 2) * NUEVO! Partir de la versión, PCManFM tiene la opción de abrir archivos y carpetas con un solo clic * NUEVO! Desde la versión 0.5, PCManFM tiene la capacidad de búsqueda de archivos y carpetasPCManFM to bardzo szybki i lekki menedżer plików, który posiada funkcje kartach oraz przyjazny interfejs użytkownika. PCManFM zawiera następujące funkcje: * Jest bardzo szybki i lekki * Może być uruchomiony w ciągu jednej sekundy na normalnej maszynie * Przeglądanie w kartach (podobnie jak Firefox) * Funkcja "Drag & drop" * Wsparcie mount / umount / eject * Zapewnienie ikon na pulpicie i tapeta * Pliki mogą być przeciągane między kartami * Ładowanie dużych katalogów w rozsądnym czasie * Wsparcie skojarzenia pliku (domyślna aplikacja) * Miniatury plików graficznych * Wsparcie Zakładki * Prawidłowe kodowanie UTF-8 * Zapewnienie widok ikon i widoku szczegółowego wykazu * Zgodność ze standardem (Follows FreeDesktop.org) * Czystość i przyjazny interfejs użytkownika (GTK + 2) * NOWOŚĆ! Począwszy od wersji, PCManFM ma możliwość otwierania plików i folderów za pomocą jednego kliknięcia * NOWOŚĆ! Począwszy od wersji 0.5, PCManFM ma możliwości wyszukiwania plików i folderówПЦМан Фајл менаџер је изузетно брз и лак фајл менаџер који брза претрага функције и кориснички интерфејс. ПЦМанФМ укључује следеће опције: * Изузетно брз и лак Може се покренути у једном нормалном на другој машини * Прегледање помоћу картица (слично на Фирефокс) * Драг & Дроп метода подршке * Подршка Моунт / умоунт / избацити за тома * Обезбедити десктоп иконе и позадине * Фајлови се могу повући између картица * Носивост велике директоријуме у разумном року * Фајл удружења подршку (подразумевана апликација) * Мини-слика за датотеке слика * Адресе Подршка * Хандлес не-УТФ-8 кодиране фајлове исправно * Наведите детаљан приказ икона и приказу листе * Стандардни компатибилан (Следи ФрееДесктоп.орг) * Чисто и кориснички интерфејс (ГТК + верзију 2) * НОВО! Као и верзије, ПЦМанФМ има опцију да отварате датотеке и фасцикле са једним кликом * НОВО! Од верзије 0.5, ПЦМанФМ има способност да тражите датотеке и фолдереPCMan File Manager is een uiterst snelle en lichtgewicht file manager die functies browsen met tabbladen en gebruiksvriendelijke interface. Pcmanfm bevat deze functies: * Extreem snelle en lichtgewicht * Kan worden gestart in een seconde op de normale machine * Tabbed browsing (Vergelijkbaar met Firefox) * Drag & Drop ondersteuning * Ondersteuning mount / umount / eject voor volumes * Geef desktop iconen en achtergrond * Bestanden kunnen worden gesleept tussen tabbladen * Laad grote directories binnen een redelijke termijn * File vereniging ondersteuning (Default toepassing) * Miniatuurafbeelding voor beeldbestanden * Bookmarks ondersteuning * Handles niet-UTF-8 gecodeerde bestandsnamen correct * Geef icon bekijken en gedetailleerde lijst bekijken * Standaard compliant (Volgt FreeDesktop.org) * Schoon en gebruiksvriendelijke interface (GTK + 2) * NIEUW! Vanaf versie, pcmanfm heeft de optie om bestanden en mappen te openen met een enkele klik * NIEUW! Vanaf versie 0.5, pcmanfm heeft de mogelijkheid om te zoeken naar bestanden en mappenVdanielGraphical desktop/LXDEx86_64   automakedesktop-file-utilsgtk+2-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64gamin-1_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellibfm-devellibfm-gtk-devellibstartup-notification-1-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests){d   @dh oB@!BAHBELBJmCpcmanfm-qt1.4.11pclos2024File manager for the LXQt desktopFile manager for the LXQt desktop danielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakedesktop-file-utilsdoxygenlib64glib2.0-devellib64lxqt-devellib64menu-cache-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellibfm-qt-devellxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ' < B@BA4BE8BJYCpcmcia-cis-firmware3.2.82pclos2019PCMCIA CIS overridesThis package contains PCMCIA "CIS" files (sort of "firmware" overrides), needed for some PCMCIA cards to work properly.TSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcmcia-cis-firmware-3.2.8-2pclos2019.src.rpm[cabead7bf0ee033a07b91008b1921e89./SRPMS.pclos+d  I\ `{B@BABEBJCpcmciautils0151pclos2011Tools for the hotpluggable PCMCIA subsystemPCMCIAutils contains hotplug scripts and initialization tools necessary to allow the PCMCIA subsystem to behave (almost) as every other hotpluggable bus system (e.g. USB, IEEE1394). Please note that the kernel support for this new feature is only present since 2.6.13-rc1.oSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 byacclibsysfs-develflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcmciautils-015-1pclos2011.src.rpmc3cbfd384f4dac001ee02f6f56417904./SRPMS.pclosd   | B@BABEBJ Cdepcre8.451pclos2021Perl-compatible regular expression libraryPCRE ist eine Perl-kompatible Bibliothek für reguläre AusdrückePCRE has its own native API, but a set of "wrapper" functions that are based on the POSIX API are also supplied in the library libpcreposix. Note that this just provides a POSIX calling interface to PCRE: the regular expressions themselves still follow Perl syntax and semantics. This package contains a grep variant based on the PCRE library.PCRE hat eine eigene systemeigene API, aber eine Reihe von „Wrapper“ Funktionen, basieren auf der POSIX-API, sie werden auch in der libpcreposix Bibliothek mitgeliefert. Beachten Sie, dass dies nur eine aufrufende POSIX-Schnittstelle zu PCRE bereitstellt: die regulären Ausdrücke selbst folgen noch der Perl-Syntax und Semantik. Dieses Paket enthält eine grep-Variante basierend auf der PCRE-Bibliothek.qFile toolsx86_64 automakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcre-8.45-1pclos2021.src.rpmi1fcf77e53e5ec7c2fad5b91ffa9db191./SRPMS.pclosd  D   r B@BABEBJCpcre210.451pclos2025Perl-compatible regular expression libraryPCRE2 is a re-working of the original PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression) library to provide an entirely new API. PCRE2 is written in C, and it has its own API. There are three sets of functions, one for the 8-bit library, which processes strings of bytes, one for the 16-bit library, which processes strings of 16-bit values, and one for the 32-bit library, which processes strings of 32-bit values. There are no C++ wrappers. The distribution does contain a set of C wrapper functions for the 8-bit library that are based on the POSIX regular expression API (see the pcre2posix man page). These can be found in a library called libpcre2posix. Note that this just provides a POSIX calling interface to PCRE2; the regular expressions themselves still follow Perl syntax and semantics. The POSIX API is restricted, and does not give full access to all of PCRE2's facilities.USystem/Librariesx86_64  autoconfautomakecoreutilsdiffutilsgcclibtoolmakereadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pcre2-10.45-1pclos2025.src.rpm94b78ee4ea08e9ea5e47c79943a9a7cd./SRPMS.pclosd  o, 0?H\B@BABEBJCdepcsc-lite2.0.31pclos2024M.U.S.C.L.E. PC/SC Framework for LinuxM.U.S.C.L.E. PC/SC Framework für Linuxpcscd is the daemon program for PC/SC Lite. It is a resource manager that coorinates communications with Smart Card readers and Smart Cards that are connected to the system. The purpose of PCSC Lite is to provide a Windows(R) SCard interface in a very small form factor for communicating to smartcards and readers. PCSC Lite uses the same winscard api as used under Windows(R) This package was tested to work with A.E.T. Europe SafeSign. This package is supported by A.E.T. Europe B.V. when used in combination with SafeSign.pcscd ist der Dienst für PC/SC Lite. Es ist eine Ressourcenverwaltung, die die Kommunikation mit Smart Card Lesegeräten und Smart Cards, die an das System angeschlossen sind, koordiniert. Der Nutzen von PC/SC Lite ist es eine Windows(R) SCard Schnittstelle in einem kleine Formfaktor für die Kommunikation mit Chipkarten und Lesern zu bieten. PC/SC Lite nutzt die selbe wincard api, wie sie unter Windows(R) genutzt wird. >bSystem/Serversx86_64  chkconfigdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)udev-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1pcsc-lite-2.0.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm n^3eed54ec526a8930e9845aa8abfa124d./SRPMS.pclosd !  B@%BALBEPBJqCdepcsc-tools1.6.21pclos2023Test programs for PC/SC driver, card or readerTestprogramme für PC/SC Treiber, Karten oder LesegeräteThese tools are used to test a PC/SC driver, card or reader or send commands in a friendly environment (text or graphical user interface).Diese Werkzeuge werden zum Testen von PC/SC Treibern, Karten, Lese- geräten oder Sendebefehlen in einer freundlichen Umgebung (Text- oder grafische Schnittstelle) benutzt.Sciences/Engineeringx86_64 lib64pcsclite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcsc-tools-1.6.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm2390cd7a5cb30c49b4b62b4d5d06f7f0./SRPMS.pcloswd   <x |B@'BADBEHBJiCpcsx1.51pclos2007Open Source Sony PlayStation emulatorThis application emulates all components of a Sony PlayStation on regular PC hardware. It features a sophisticated plugin system allowing for easy extension and is highly configurable. To be able to play commercial games on this emulator you need an image of a Sony PlayStation BIOS ROM. The BIOS is copyrighted by Sony Computer Entertainment and can therefore not be included in this package. Information on how to create such an image can be found at the following web page: http://www.psxemu.com/faq/faq-bios.shtml BIOS images have to be placed in /usr/share/pcsx/BiosEmulatorsi586 ImageMagickgtk2-devellibtiff-develnasmpsx-pluginsrecodedesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcsx-1.5-1pclos2007.src.rpm2cfc92a4ccd464549faa9615f8a1bab8./SRPMS.pcloskd  A B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpcsx22.3.1851pclos2025An Open-Source Playstation 2 Emulator PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.c{Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pcsx2-2.3.185-1pclos2025.src.rpmac9f4143a2c625fe79b36cfdd16eb5fa./SRPMS.pclosd  @04 ?IP  S B@gBABEBJCpcsxr1.9.941pclos2017Open Source Sony PlayStation emulatorThis application emulates all components of a Sony PlayStation on regular PC hardware. It features a sophisticated plugin system allowing for easy extension and is highly configurable. To be able to play commercial games on this emulator you need an image of a Sony PlayStation BIOS ROM. The BIOS is copyrighted by Sony Computer Entertainment and can therefore not be included in this package. BIOS images can be placed in ~/.pcsx/bios or /usr/share/psemu/bios. Authors: -------- Linuzappz Shadow Pete Bernert Lewpy lu_zero Darko Matesic syo Lamer0 Ryan Schultz Andrew Burton Stephen Chao Marcus Comstedt Stefan Sikora Wei Mingzhi edgbla GghostbunnyEmulatorsx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-develnasmlib64xext-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64glade2.0_0-develgettextlib64bzip2-devellib64xv-devellib64xtst-devellib64SDL-develintltooldesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pcsxr-1.9.94-1pclos2017.src.rpmQ^35f6ce927dc4889845d1d245e0b59869./SRPMS.pclosd   J   L B@iBABEBJCpd0.41.44pclos2017Real-time patchable audio and multimedia processorPd gives you a canvas for patching together modules that analyze, process, and synthesize sounds, together with a rich palette of real-time control and I/O possibilities. Similar to Max (Cycling74) and JMAX (IRCAM). A related software package named Gem extends Pd's capabilities to include graphical rendering.ܖbb2 Sciences/Otherx86_64  tcltcl-develtktk-develX11-develjackit-devellibalsa-develfftw3-devellib64portaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ߊ86e1b158771e8d1e83c1138bd99b3201./SRPMS.pclosd   7 $ *;D8B@bBABEBJCpdal2.8.32pclos2025Point Data Abstraction LibraryPDAL is a BSD licensed library for translating and manipulating point cloud data of various formats. It is a library that is analogous to the GDAL raster library. PDAL is focused on reading, writing, and translating point cloud data from the ever-growing constellation of data formats. While PDAL is not explicitly limited to working with LiDAR data formats, its wide format coverage is in that domain. PDAL is related to Point Cloud Library (PCL) in the sense that both work with point data, but PDAL’s niche is data translation and processing pipelines, and PCL’s is more in the algorithmic exploitation domain. There is cross over of both niches, however, and PDAL provides a user the ability to exploit data using PCL’s techniques. pinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  boost-develcmakeeigen3gcc-c++gdal-develgeos-develgtest-develhdf5-develjsoncpp-devellib64geotiff-devellib64netcdf-devellibpq-devellibxml2-devellibzstd-develmakepostgresql-develpostgresql-serverproj-develpython3-breathepython3-develpython3-numpypython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themeqhull-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sqlite-develzlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1pdal-2.8.3-2pclos2025.src.rpmcN09aba1353c110daabfd10985660d9529./SRPMS.pclosd   - 'B@8BATBEXBJyCpdc3.02pclos2025PCLinuxOS Distro ChoicePDC is a graphical application you can choose and download your favorite PCLinuxOS desktop distributions in just one easy application.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64  desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pdc-3.0-2pclos2025.src.rpmcedc5e3189385e1fdc8a6d37fa5ee6d7./SRPMS.pclos?d   A B@BA BEBJ1Cpdf-quench1.0.11pclos2012Visual Tool for Cropping PDF FilesPdf-Quench is a visual tool for cropping pdf files. It's made in pure Python.)NealOfficenoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdf-quench-1.0.1-1pclos2012.src.rpm/ 017f68dcab9a00e8beb86a13ab849b31./SRPMS.pclosd  YL P[dpB@BABEBJ Cpdf-stapler0.3.31pclos2019Tool for manipulating PDF documents from the command linepdf-stapler is a package for stapler, the opensource python project which provides a commandline tool that staples, deletes, concatenates and shuffles documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF). It is a pure Python alternative to PDFtk.Publishingnoarch pkgconfig(python2)python2dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdf-stapler-0.3.3-1pclos2019.src.rpme8cdf72cbda18bd519894ff9f4c42cec./SRPMS.pclosd N B@(BALBEPBJqCpdf-viewer0.22pclos2011Program searches for a PDF viewer and launches itThis program searches for a PDF viewer and launches it. Note to programmers: instead of calling a specific PDF viewer in your program, call "pdf-viewer".eEditorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdf-viewer-0.2-2pclos2011.src.rpm 02562a34d823d72a7ec105654aace875./SRPMS.pclos#d   8    B@BABEBJCpdf2djvu0.9.172pclos2020PDF to DJVu file converterpdf2djvu creates DjVu files from PDF files. It's able to extract graphics, text layer, hyperlinks, document outline (bookmarks), and metadata.WghostbunnyPublishingx86_64 GraphicsMagick-develgettextlib64djvulibre-devellib64poppler-devellib64xml2-devellib64xslt-devellibgomp-develpstreams-develdjvulibrerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdf2djvu-0.9.17-2pclos2020.src.rpm~3d251bffc671190c1a2c223f4593985a./SRPMS.pclosd   Cpt B@*BALBEPBJqCpdf2svg0.2.31pclos2016Console based PDF to SVG file converterpdf2svg creates svg files from PDF files.ghostbunnyPublishingi586 libpoppler-devellibsvg1-devellibsvg-cairo-devellibpoppler-glib-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdf2svg-0.2.3-1pclos2016.src.rpm63bb611b0f139b87dae7f094925bd6c6./SRPMS.pclosd  M SB@hBABEBJCpdfarranger1.11.11pclos2025PDF file merging, rearranging, and splittingPDFArranger is a small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. The tool, which is a graphical front-end for PyPDF2, is a fork of PDF-Shuffler that aims to "make the project a bit more active".TerryNPublishingnoarch  gettextintltoolpkgconfig(python3)python3-distutils-extrapython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pdfarranger-1.11.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm |e4cdafe4ca944170c7955338ddb1056d./SRPMS.pclosd ! `  B@BABEBJCdepdfchain0.4.4.21pclos2017PDF Chain is a GUI for pdftkPDF Chain ist eine GUI für pdftkPDF Chain is a GUI for pdftk written with gtkmm. You can merge some pdf files to one pdf file or split. There are also some options and tools.PDF Chain ist eine grafische Benutzerschnittstelle für pdftk, welche in gtkmm geschrieben wurde. Sie können mehrere PDF-Dateien zu einer zusammenfügen oder aufteilen. Es werden auch noch einige weitere Optionen und Werkzeuge bereit gestellt.ghostbunnyFile toolsx86_64 lib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtkmm3.0-develImageMagicklibpthread-stubswayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfchain-   B B@BA@BEDBJeCpdfcrack0.201pclos2022A Password Recovery Tool for PDF filesPDFCrack is a GNU/Linux tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files. It is small, command line driven without external dependencies.|6Publishingx86_64 gccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfcrack-0.20-1pclos2022.src.rpmb968f48e3627448e84d3b0694a28e5ee./SRPMS.pclosd   A -B@7BAXBE\BJ}Cpdfedit0.4.51pclos2010Editor for manipulating PDF documentsComplete editing of pdf documents is easy with PDFedit. You can change either raw pdf objects (for advanced users) or use predefined gui functions..8DPublishingi586 qt3-devellibboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfedit-0.4.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm.O296b013bc2c67e899a57d5c075151a2b./SRPMS.pcloswd    B@ BADBEHBJiCdepdfgrep2.1.21pclos2019search in pdf files for strings matching a regular expressionSucht in pdf-Dateien nach Zeichenketten, die mit einem regulären Ausdruck übereinstimmenPdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files. It works similar to grep. Features: * search for regular expressions. * support for some important grep options, including: - filename output. - page number output. - optional case insensitivity. - count occurrences. * and the most important feature: color output!Pdfgrep ist ein Werkzeug zum Suchen von Text in PDF-Dateien. Es arbeitet ähnlich wie grep. Eigenschaften: * sucht nach regulären Ausdrücken * Unterstützung für einige wichtige grep Optionen, einschließlich: - Dateinamenausgabe - Seitenzahlausgabe - optional keine Beachtung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung - zählen des Auftretens von Übereinstimmungen * und die wichtigste Eigenschaft: farbige Ausgabe!;Text toolsx86_64 libstdc++-devellib64poppler-cpp-devellib64gcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfgrep-2.1.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm$d4f888125095bc6ddf96a4e66766bbef./SRPMS.pclosGd   S B@BABEBJ9Cdepdfjam2.082pclos2013PDF toolPDF Werkzeug zum Manipulieren von PDF-DateienPDFjam is a small collection of shell scripts which provide a simple interface to some of the functionality of the excellent pdfpages package (by Andreas Matthias) for pdfLaTeX. At present the utilities available are: pdfnup, which allows PDF files to be "n-upped" in roughly the way that psnup does for PostScript files. pdfjoin, which concatenates the pages of multiple PDF files together into a single file. pdf90, which rotates the pages of one or more PDF files through 90 degrees (anti-clockwise). Further utilities contained: pdf180, pdf270, pdfbook, pdfflip, pdfjam, pdfjam-pocketmod, pdfjam-slides3up, pdfjam-slides6up and pdfpun In every case, source files are left unchanged.PDFjam ist eine kleine Sammlung von Shell-Skripten, die eine einfache Schnittstelle zu einigen Funktionen des exzellenten pdfpages Paket (von Andreas Matthias) für pdfLatex bietet. Derzeitig sind die folgenden Werkzeuge verfügbar: pdfnup, dies erlaubt es PDF-Dateien "n-upped" zu machen, so wie es in etwa psnup mit PostScript Dateien macht. pdfjoin, dies fügt die Seiten mehrerer PDF-Dateien zu einer einzelnen PDF-Datei zusammen. pdf90, dies rotiert die Seiten einer oder mehrerer PDF-Dateien um 90° (entgegen dem Uhrzeiger). Weitere enthaltene Werkzeuge: pdf180, pdf270, pdfbook, pdfflip, pdfjam, pdfjam-pocketmod, pdfjam-slides3up, pdfjam-slides6up and pdfpun In jedFile toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfjam-2.08-2pclos2013.src.rpm5924602e25f533e8578e7247afb90068./SRPMS.pclosd  GL Pfl  ! B@6BA\BE`BJCpdflib-lite7.0.54pclos2014A library for on-the-fly PDF generationPortable C library for dynamically generating PDF ("Adobe Acrobat") files, with support for many other programming languages. PDFlib is a library for generating PDF files. It offers an API with support for text, vector graphics, raster image, and hypertext.UFDevelopment/Librariesi586  perl-develruby-devellibtoolautoconfpython-develtcl-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develjava-develgcc-javarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   W    B@BABEBJCpdfmixtool1.1.11pclos2023An application to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF filesAn application to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF filespp Officex86_64 hicolor-icon-themelib64qpdf-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-develpkgconfig(Magick++)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfmixtool-1.1.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmM1ee4646274b74ebe87e5273c1a69e29b./SRPMS.pclos?d   V8 <GPB@BA BEBJ1Cpdfmod0.9.11pclos2014PDF Mod is a simple application for modifying PDF documentsPDF Mod is a simple application for modifying PDF documents. You can reorder, rotate, and remove pages, export images from a document, edit the title, subject, author, and keywords, and combine documents via drag and drop.]Publishingx86_64 docbook-dtd42-sgmlgnome-sharp2-develndesk-dbusndesk-dbus-glib-develscrollkeepertango-icon-themedesktop-file-utilsintltoolgettextglib-sharp2gnome-sharp2gnome-doc-utilsgtk-sharp2hyenalib64mono-develmonomono-datamono-nunitpoppler-sharppoppler-sharp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfmod-0.9.1-1pclos2014.src.rpmY070bd81584e277f7a0a66227286502b6./SRPMS.pclos?d  B B@BA BEBJ1Cpdfresurrect0.181pclos2019PDF Analysis and Scrubbing UtilityPDFResurrect is a tool aimed at analyzing PDF documents. The PDF format allows for previous document changes to be retained in a more recent version of the document, thereby creating a running history of changes for the document. This tool attempts to extract all previous versions while also producing a summary of changes between versions. This tool can also "scrub" or write data over the original instances of PDF objects that have been modified or deleted, in an effort to disguise information from previous versions that might not be intended for anyone else to read.Publishingx86_64 autoconfautomakegccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfresurrect-0.18-1pclos2019.src.rpm-83432355e8dd3716f2dfc9a29fa4765e./SRPMS.pclosd     '04PB@XBA|BEBJCdepdfsam4.2.121pclos2022Simple tool to split and merge PDF filesEinfaches Werkzeug zum Aufteilen und Zusammenfügen von PDF-Dateienpdfsam basic is a simple tool designed to split and merge pdf files. It’s very simple, stable and completely free. It should cover most of your needs. With it’s simple and intuitive interface you can: * split your pdf documents (into chapters, single pages, etc.). * merge many pdf documents or subsections of them. * extract sections of your document into a single pdf document. * mix alternate pages taken from two pdf documents in straight or reverse order into a single document. * rotate pages of the selected pdf documents. * visually reorder pages of a selected pdf document. * visually compose a document dragging pages from selected pdf documents. * save and load your environment to automatize your recurrent jobs. * manage pdfsam settings and set an environment to load at start up. Basic version is free and you can download and simply use it on every platform with a Java support.pdfsam basic ist ein einfaches Werkzeug zum Aufteilen und Zusammenfügen von PDF-Dateien. Es ist sehr einfach, stabil und ganzlich frei. Es sollte die meisten Ihrer Bedürfnisse abdecken. Mit dem einfachen und intuitiven Benutzerinterface können Sie: * PDF-Dokument aufteilen (in Kapitel, einzelne Seiten, etc.) * viele PDF-Dokumente oder Unterbereiche von ihnen zusammenfügen * Bereiche Ihres Dokuments in ein einzelnes Dokument extrahieren * Seiten eines PDF-Dokuments drehen * Seiten neu sortieren * eine PDF-Dokument aus mehreren zusammenziehen * speicher und laden Ihrer Einstellungen zum Automatisieren von Aufgaben * die Einstellungen von pdfsam verwalten Die Basisversion ist frei und Sie können das Programm auf jeder Plattform benutzen, die Java unterstützt. Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfsam-4.2.12-1pclos2022.src.rpm4ac0b8e782a43524a7f564be948b699a./SRPMS.pclos[d   ? B@BA(BE,BJMCpdfsearch0.1.01pclos2024Search on pdf files for a patternSearch on pdf files for a pattern. Simple user interface for pdfgrep, uses yad and gtkdialog.fdanielOfficex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pdfsearch-0.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmec6bbc3662e856a35b27e69ab5330c851./SRPMS.pclosod " f  B@BA<BE@BJaCdepdfshuffler0.6.04pclos2017PDF file merging, rearranging, and splittingPDF Dateien bearbeitenPDF-Shuffler is a small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface.PDF-Shuffler ist ein Programm zur Manipulation von PDF-Dateien. Mittels einer intuitiven grafischen Oberfläche lassen sich PDF-Dokumente sehr einfach zusammenführen und aufteilen sowie deren Seiten rotieren, ausschneiden oder umsortieren. PDF-Shuffler wurde von Konstantinos Poulios als Frontend für pyPdf geschrieben und steht unter der GPLv2-Lizenz.gbb2 Publishingnoarch lib64python-develpython-setuptoolsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfshuffler-0.6.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm417e476cd505fdf2fe9a0503121a1367./SRPMS.pcloskd " 2 B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpdfstudioviewer20241pclos2024PDFStudioViewerWhatever your PDF needs are today or in the future, we have a solution for you: creation, conversion, high-fidelity rendering and printing, digital signatures, filling interactive forms, PDF markups, text extraction, and more… For rendering, consider our support for all types of fonts, images, transparency, blending, gradients and color spaces.hpinocOfficex86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1pdfstudioviewer-2024-1pclos2024.src.rpm)df1616fcdd81a14fbd2e793f8b11c454./SRPMS.pclos#d  G B@BABEBJCpdftk3.3.21pclos2022A handy commandline tool for manipulating PDFIf PDF is electronic paper, then pdftk is an electronic staple-remover, hole-punch, binder, secret-decoder-ring, and X-Ray-glasses. Pdftk is a simple commandline tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents. Use it to: * Merge PDF Documents * Split PDF Pages into a New Document * Rotate PDF Documents or Pages * Decrypt Input as Necessary (Password Required) * Encrypt Output as Desired * Fill PDF Forms with X/FDF Data and/or Flatten Forms * Generate FDF Data Stencil from PDF Forms * Apply a Background Watermark or a Foreground Stamp * Report PDF Metrics such as Metadata and Bookmarks * Update PDF Metadata * Attach Files to PDF Pages or the PDF Document * Unpack PDF Attachments * Burst a PDF Document into Single Pages * Uncompress and Re-Compress Page Streams * Repair Corrupted PDF (Where Possible)9Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdftk-3.3.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm05b60b53ced4aecd106d34030324a6ec./SRPMS.pclosd   @ FB@QBAtBExBJCpdfviewer0.72pclos2014Simple program for viewing PDF filesThis is a simple program for viewing PDF files. There is also a library providing a PdfView widget which can be easily embedded in other programs.sOfficex86_64 lib64qt4-devellib64poppler-qt4-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdfviewer-0.7-2pclos2014.src.rpm 98ea5a48de9a10e26f06ab2dc50a9b64./SRPMS.pclosWd   X B@BA$BE(BJICpdisk0.810pclos2010A partitioning tool for Apple Macintosh-style partitioned diskspdisk enables you to view and modify Apple Macintosh-style partition maps. Normally, it is used to create Linux partitions on your disk, however, it can create partitions of any type, including HFS (except it would be up to MacOS or some other tool to actually create the HFS filesystem in that HFS partition). pdisk won't put MacOS disk drivers onto your disk.System/Basei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdisk-0.8-10pclos2010.src.rpm ʌ7206e519881ad90ca715d52861e66a73./SRPMS.pclos d  Itx }B@BABEBJCpdksh5.2.1420pclos2012A public domain clone of the Korn shell (ksh)The pdksh package contains PD-ksh, a clone of the Korn shell (ksh). The ksh shell is a command interpreter intended for both interactive and shell script use. Ksh's command language is a superset of the sh shell language. Install the pdksh package if you want to use a version of the ksh shell.>NealShellsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pdksh-5.2.14-20pclos2012.src.rpmF9fd3147748252c511b1f1c4137a2a142./SRPMS.pcloscd    ) B@BA0BE4BJUCpearpc0.45pclos2007PowerPC emulatorExperimental emulator of PowerPC hardware, capable of running at least MacOS X, Mandriva Linux PPC and Darwin.oEmulatorsi586 qt3-develflexlibportaudio20-develnasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pearpc-0.4-5pclos2007.src.rpmde6399c2915a1a92a4ba92170afac721f./SRPMS.pclos cd % 1      B@ BA 0BE 4BJ UCdesrpeazip-gtk29.9.11pclos2024PeaZip GTK2PeaZip allows to apply powerful multiple search filters to archive's content; create and extract multiple archives at once; create self-extracting archives; export job definition as command line; save archive's layouts; bookmark archives and folders; scan and open with custom applications compressed and uncompressed files etc... Other features: strong encryption, robust file copy, split/join files (file span), secure data deletion, compare, checksum and hash files, system benchmark, generate random passwords and keyfiles.PeaZip ist ein quelloffenes, plattformübergreifendes und portables Packprogramm. Der Quellcode ist überwiegend in Free Pascal unter Verwendung von Lazarus geschrieben; das Programm ist unter der LGPL für Windows und Linux als Installationspaket (Windows- Installer, DEB, RPM, Slackware .tgz) und als portables Paket, das nicht installiert werden muss und das System nicht verändert, freigegeben. PeaZip unterstützt das eigene PEA-Archivformat, das Kompression, Aufteilen auf mehrere Archive und flexible Schemata für zertifizierte Verschlüsselung und Integritätsüberprüfung unterstützt, und andere weit verbreitete Formate mit speziellem Schwerpunkt auf offenen Formaten wie 7z und PAQ. Mehr Informationen siehePeaZip омогућава Вам да примените моћне вишеструке филтере за претрагу садржаја архива; креирате и одпакујете више архива истовремено; креирате само-одпакујуће архиве; снимите дефиниције задатка као командну линију; снимите приказ архива; забележите архиве и фасцикле; скенирате и отварате својим програмима компресоване и некомпресоване документе итд... Остале могућности: јака енкрипција (шифровање), брзо копирање докумената, дељење/спајање докумената, сигурносно брисање података, упоређивање, провера интегритета докумената (мд5), тестирање система, генерисање случајних лозинки и кључ-докумената.)KArchiving/Compressionx86_64  ImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1peazip-gtk2-9.9.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm`c34fdeb0ca988a9023548341010af6d3./SRPMS.pclos _d $ /      B@ BA ,BE 0BJ QCdesrpeazip-qt59.9.11pclos2024PeaZip QT5PeaZip allows to apply powerful multiple search filters to archive's content; create and extract multiple archives at once; create self-extracting archives; export job definition as command line; save archive's layouts; bookmark archives and folders; scan and open with custom applications compressed and uncompressed files etc... Other features: strong encryption, robust file copy, split/join files (file span), secure data deletion, compare, checksum and hash files, system benchmark, generate random passwords and keyfiles.PeaZip ist ein quelloffenes, plattformübergreifendes und portables Packprogramm. Der Quellcode ist überwiegend in Free Pascal unter Verwendung von Lazarus geschrieben; das Programm ist unter der LGPL für Windows und Linux als Installationspaket (Windows- Installer, DEB, RPM, Slackware .tgz) und als portables Paket, das nicht installiert werden muss und das System nicht verändert, freigegeben. PeaZip unterstützt das eigene PEA-Archivformat, das Kompression, Aufteilen auf mehrere Archive und flexible Schemata für zertifizierte Verschlüsselung und Integritätsüberprüfung unterstützt, und andere weit verbreitete Formate mit speziellem Schwerpunkt auf offenen Formaten wie 7z und PAQ. Mehr Informationen siehePeaZip омогућава Вам да примените моћне вишеструке филтере за претрагу садржаја архива; креирате и одпакујете више архива истовремено; креирате само-одпакујуће архиве; снимите дефиниције задатка као командну линију; снимите приказ архива; забележите архиве и фасцикле; скенирате и отварате својим програмима компресоване и некомпресоване документе итд... Остале могућности: јака енкрипција (шифровање), брзо копирање докумената, дељење/спајање докумената, сигурносно брисање података, упоређивање, провера интегритета докумената (мд5), тестирање система, генерисање случајних лозинки и кључ-докумената.Archiving/Compressionx86_64  ImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1peazip-qt5-9.9.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm?f34f313879648c6a37d3e70a3eb1b729./SRPMS.pclosd   Z FB@SBAtBExBJCpeek1.4.01pclos2019Simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interfaceA simple tool that allows you to record short animated GIF images from your screen.'ʚVideox86_64 mesongettextpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(keybinder-3.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1peek-1.4.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm'҃6e1541ae5474b4cce86e4b1181f9577e./SRPMS.pcloskd   B B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpeg0.1.181pclos2023Recursive-descent parser generators for CThis package provides peg and leg, two utilities that read a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) and generate a recursive-descent parser for it. Unlike lex and yacc, peg and leg support unlimited backtracking, provide ordered choice as a means for disambiguation, and can combine scanning (lexical analysis) and parsing (syntactic analysis) into a single activity.Development/Toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1peg-0.1.18-1pclos2023.src.rpmծad251d46baeb91927c792f0f34e964b6./SRPMS.pclos#d  ,d hu|B@BABEBJCpeg-e1.3.51pclos2025Peg solitaire gameA peg solitaire game in which you jump over pieces in order to remove them from the board, ultimately trying to eliminate all but one. The boards are randomly generated, with 100 levels of difficulty. The game auto-saves, and has undo-redo capability. Pieces can move horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.]Games/Boardsx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1peg-e-1.3.5-1pclos2025.src.rpmQaae4efb407abdffbba6abd9955cdb21c./SRPMS.pclos#d  ;  HU\lB@BABEBJCpeg-solitaire2.02pclos2018Board game played with pegsPeg solitaire is a board game for one player involving movement of pegs on a board with holes. The program includes over 330 solitaire problems. The program looks for new solutions and it is possible to raise new problems.kyAgent Smith Games/Boardsx86_64 lib64qt4-develdesktop-file-utilslib64appstream-glib1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1peg-solitaire-2.0-2pclos2018.src.rpmo233bd62d98db3c4f49bdb4f592b84c0f./SRPMS.pclosd  - BB@OBApBEtBJCpekwm0.1.171pclos2020Pek Window ManagerThe Pek Window Manager is written by Claes Nästen, the code is based on the aewm++ window manager, but it has evolved enough that it no longer resembles aewm++ at all. It has a much expanded feature-set, including window grouping (similar to ion, pwm, or fluxbox), autoproperties, xinerama, keygrabber that supports keychains, and much more. - Lightweight and Unobtrusive, a window manager shouldn't be noticed. - Very configurable, we all work and think in different ways. - Automatic properties, for all the lazy people, make things appear as they should when starting applications. - Chainable Keygrabber, usability for everyone.$Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 gcc-c++pcre-devellibpng-devellibjpeg-develfreetype2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pekwm-0.1.17-1pclos2020.src.rpm+8be7dc51ecf47ce3e1ec595fe00a3e9d./SRPMS.pclosd   > $,\B@lBABEBJCpencil2d0.7.01pclos2024Animation and drawing applicationPencil is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.h7Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pencil2d-0.7.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmcbffa8987be5e6ae66fa2a9a0dfb71f9./SRPMS.pclosd   ?  4B@=BA`BEdBJCpenggy0.2.11pclos2007Penggy is a free UNIX client for AOLPenggy is a free UNIX client for AOL. It allows UNIX users to connect to the Internet using AOL, through an IP tunneling system.GTexstar Networking/Remote accessi586 guile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1penggy-0.2.1-1pclos2007.src.rpmO{338f289d881f1e4cee663ec27bde5893./SRPMS.pclosd $ P( ,9@PB@BABEBJCpenguin-command1.6.113pclos2011A clone of the classic Missile Command gameThis is a clone of the classic "Missile Command" Game, but it has better graphics and music. The gameplay has only been slightly modified. Penguin Command is completely licensed under the GPL, excluding the music.AGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_image-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1penguin-command-1.6.11-3pclos2011.src.rpmݏ5641c8c731a44c310f9257e0fded4244./SRPMS.pclos/d   < B@BABEBJ!Cpentaxpj1.0.01pclos2011Pentax PocketJet Printer DriverPentax PocketJet Printer Driver for the families: o PocketJet II o PocketJet 200.System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pentaxpj-1.0.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm7139771ccdd4e9cd91e397dc86583a13./SRPMS.pclosd   e $,lgB@~BABEBJCperformous0.6.11pclos2011Performous - A cross-platform clone of the Playstation 2 game SingstarPerformous - new Sing Screen using themed lyrics. Performous is a free cross-platform clone of the Playstation 2 game Singstar. While Performous might be classified as a karaoke program, it is actually much more than that. Instead of just displaying the lyrics, notes are also displayed and the performance is scored based on how well you actually hit the notes. Unlike in many other games in this genre, you will also see the pitch that you are singing, so that you can see what you are doing wrong and easily (well, everything is relative) correct your pitch. Most of the songs available also contain the original vocals and actual karaoke versions are rare. Features * Should work on almost any platform * Very accurate singing pitch detection * OpenGL-based graphics rendering * Music videos as backgrounds * Free software, licensed under GNU GPL version 2 or later Note: start it firsttime with performous --help to get the options!WGames/Otheri586 libglew-develimagemagick-devellibSDL-devellibffmpeg-devellibboost-devellibjpeg62-devellibpng-devellibrsvg2-devellibglibmm2.4-devellibportaudio2-devellibportmidi0-devellibxml++2.6-develcmakeImageMagickhelp2manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1performous-0.6.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm77e56d1a0477bc1f52c37ece021b70d5./SRPMS.pclosd  7 WB@lBABEBJCperl5.22.32pclos2024The Perl programming languagePerl is a high-level programming language with roots in C, sed, awk and shell scripting. Perl is good at handling processes and files, and is especially good at handling text. Perl's hallmarks are practicality and efficiency. While it is used to do a lot of different things, Perl's most common applications (and what it excels at) are probably system administration utilities and web programming. A large proportion of the CGI scripts on the web are written in Perl. You need the perl package installed on your system so that your system can handle Perl scripts. You need perl-base to have a full perl.Development/Perlx86_64  devel(libgdbm_compat(64bit))gdbm-devellib64db5.3-develmanrpm-pclinuxos-setup-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1perl-5.22.3-2pclos2024.src.rpm fbc886bda02c4e6b01c9f02ec9e89e25./SRPMS.pclos?d  + Jlp zB@BA BEBJ1Cperl-AI-Gene-Sequence0.220.08pclos2017Base class of mutation methodsThis is a class which provides generic methods for the creation and mutation of genetic sequences. Various mutations are provided but the resulting mutations are not checked for a correct syntax. These classes are suitable for genes where it is only necessary to know what lies at a given position in a gene. If you need to ensure a gene maintains a sensible grammar, then you should use the AI::Gene::Sequence class instead, the interfaces are the same though so you will only need to modify your overiding classes if you need to switch from one to the other. A suitable use for this module might be a series of coefficients in a polynomial expansion or notes to be played in a musical score. This module should not be confused with the _bioperl_ modules which are used to analyse DNA sequences.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AI-Gene-Sequence-0.220.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmO3aff9324509f3495ddc3208c8c660a14./SRPMS.pclosd $ X :B@CBApBEtBJCperl-AI-Genetic0.50.08pclos2017A class that implements various selection operatorsThis module implements a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in pure Perl. Other Perl modules that achieve the same thing (perhaps better, perhaps worse) do exist. Please check CPAN. I mainly wrote this module to satisfy my own needs, and to learn something about GAs along the way. *PLEASE NOTE:* As of v0.02, AI::Genetic has been re-written from scratch to be more modular and expandable. To achieve this, I had to modify the API, so it is not backward-compatible with v0.01. As a result, I do not plan on supporting v0.01. I will not go into the details of GAs here, but here are the bare basics. Plenty of information can be found on the web.Hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AI-Genetic-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmO9ebd772d02015e5255f7daf3f6a132cc./SRPMS.pclosd $ E  '08gB@pBABEBJCperl-AI-NNFlex0.240.08pclos2017Flexible API for neural networksAI::NNFlex is a base class for constructing your own neural network modules. To implement a neural network, start with the documentation for AI::NNFlex::Backprop, included in this distribution0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Math::Matrix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AI-NNFlex-0.240.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmD35e17a7f92c74c28549be6fa92b84875./SRPMS.pclosd'. 9 P LB@"BAdBEhBJCperl-AI-Pathfinding-OptimizeMultiple0.0.133pclos2017The simulation resultsThis is the base class for the AI::Pathfinding::OptimizeMultiple manpage classes. Everything is subject to change.`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exception::Class)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(MooX)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base)perl(MooX::late)perl(PDL)perl(PDL::IO::FastRaw)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(autodie)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$f81406a892700632044df7f917f97394./SRPMS.pclosd % D04 >OXtFB@TBABEBJCperl-AI-Termites0.20.09pclos2017Artificial termites simulationThis module simulates a termites world based on the ideas described on the book "Adventures in Modeling" by Vanessa Stevens Colella, Eric Klopfer and Mitchel Resnick (the http://education.mit.edu/starlogo/adventures/ manpage). In this version, termites can move in a n-dimensional boxed space, and are not limited to integer coordinates. Also, the way they decide when to pick or leave wood are customizable, allowing to investigate how changing the rules affects the emergent behaviors.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::Vector::Real)perl(Math::Vector::Real::MultiNormalMixture)perl(Math::Vector::Real::Random)perl(Math::Vector::Real::kdTree)perl(Math::nSphere)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AI-Termites-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm&272f0cdc642a8ed138070b04138bc9de./SRPMS.pclosd   \<@ JX`lB@BABEBJ Cperl-Ace1.920.04pclos2017Perl module for interfacing with ACE bioinformatics databasesAcePerl is a Perl interface for the ACEDB object-oriented database. Designed specifically for use in genome sequencing projects, ACEDB provides powerful modeling and management services for biological and laboratory data. bb2 Development/Cnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Cache::Cache)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames),a845f819867bedb285f5961de64e0c2a./SRPMS.pclosd & C iB@tBABEBJCperl-Acme-Bleach1.150.08pclos2017For I clean programsThe first time you run a program under 'use Acme::DWIM', the module replaces all the unsightly operators et al. from your source file with the new DWIM operator: '...' (pronounced "yadda yadda yadda"). The code continues to work exactly as it did before, but now it looks like this: use Acme::DWIM; my ($x) ... ...("Hullo " ... 3 ... "world" ... "~" ... 30) ... /(...)/; $x ... tr/tnv/uow/; print $x;$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acme-Bleach-1.150.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!b49fc6e1e5ea80bee012cbca9d1a001e./SRPMS.pclosod ' 8 B@ BA<BE@BJaCperl-Acme-Boolean0.400.04pclos2017No summary foundThis module provides a lot of words for you to express from the very trustful to the toally errorneous; TRUE These words can be used to refer to a true value: verifiable trusty accurate actual appropriate authentic authoritative correct dependable direct exact factual fitting genuine honest indubitable kosher lawful legal legitimate natural normal perfect precise proper pure regular right rightful sincere straight trustworthy truthful typical undeniable undesigning undoubted unerring unfaked unfeigned unquestionable veracious veridical veritable washbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(boolean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  , 2 B@#BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Acme-Boom2147483647.0.010pclos2017BOOM!Sometimes you just want things to go *BOOM*. This module does just that. (Seriously, using this module should cause a segfault.) sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acme-Boom-2147483647.0.0-10pclos2017.src.rpme7f6a56aef361e33baad378a8118ff59./SRPMS.pclosod ' I| B@ BA<BE@BJaCperl-Acme-Brainfuck1.1.18pclos2017Embed Brainfuck in your perl codeBrainfuck is about the tiniest Turing-complete programming language you can get. A language is Turing-complete if it can model the operations of a Turing machine--an abstract model of a computer defined by the British mathematician Alan Turing in 1936. A Turing machine consists only of an endless sequence of memory cells and a pointer to one particular memory cell. Yet it is theoretically capable of performing any computation. With this module, you can embed Brainfuck instructions delimited by whitespace into your perl code. It will be translated into Perl as parsed. Brainfuck has just just 8 instructions (well more in this implementation, see the /"Extensions to ANSI Brainfuck" manpage below.) which are as follows Instructions * + Increment Increase the value of the current memory cell by one.'ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acme-Brainfuck-1.1.1-8pclos2017.src.rpm/481d354426cbe07a414302dfdcaa1208./SRPMS.pclosd % G /8@vB@BABEBJCperl-Acme-Buffy1.600.08pclos2017An encoding scheme for Buffy fansThe first time you run a program under 'use Acme::Buffy', the module removes most of the unsightly characters from your source file. The code continues to work exactly as it did before, but now it looks like this: use Acme::Buffy; BUffY bUFFY BUffY bUFFY bUfFy buffy BUFfy buFFY BufFy BufFY bUFfy BuFFY buffy bufFy bUffy bUffY BuFfy BuffY bUFfy BUfFY BUFFy Buffy bUffY BuFFY BUFFy BufFy BUFfy BUfFY buFfy BuffY BuFfy BUfFY bUffy buFFy BUffy bUffylbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acme-Buffy-1.600.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm6fae001a35bf9e1f3fc1f01735cc53c1./SRPMS.pclos3d # :$( 2CL`B@BABEBJ%Cperl-Acme-Damn0.60.04pclos2017'Unbless' Perl objects*Acme::Damn* provides a single routine, *damn()*, which takes a blessed reference (a Perl object), and _unblesses_ it, to return the original reference. I can't think of any reason why you might want to do this, but just because it's of no use doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to do it. EXPORT By default, *Acme::Damn* exports the method *damn()* into the current namespace. Aliases for *damn()* (see below) may be imported upon request. Methods * *damn* _object_'4bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acme-Damn-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm.7fcfe5bc19af6d8fe93a59b6842f89a7./SRPMS.pclosd ( P #,@B@BABEBJCperl-Acme-JavaTrace0.80.09pclos2017Module for using Java-like stack tracesThis module tries to improves the Perl programmer experience by porting the Java paradigm to print stack traces, which is more professional than Perl's way.Ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.03.0.4-1perl-Acme-JavaTrace-0.80.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmPzdc2e5f09973d11e2c572af763796f34d./SRPMS.pclos[d! , U<@ J[dxB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Acme-MetaSyntactic1.12.07pclos2017Generates themed metasyntactic variablesAcme::MetaSyntactic is a perl module to generate good (as well as funny) metasyntactic variable names. It provides several variable themes, from the usual "foo" "bar" list, to the fight sound effects from the Batman 60s TV serial.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Glob)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.00.940.03.0.4-1perl-Acme-MetaSyntactic-1.12.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmܬb07c96e3bbff9f387b79f0051be3d148./SRPMS.pclos'd!( 3 [   B@BABEBJCperl-Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes1.48.03pclos2017The original Acme::MetaSyntactic themesThis distribution contains all the themes that were included in Acme-MetaSyntactic 0.99 in November 2006, plus several new additions.݅bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Acme::MetaSyntactic)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::MetaSyntactic)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + SDH Rcl|B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Acme-Metification1.10.09pclos2017Give Perl the power of Metaprogramming!This module gives you some meta-programming abilites within Perl. It uses source filters to do evil things with your source. The module allows the use of two new functions. They must appear on separate lines in your code: meta Syntax:Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Filter::Simple)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acme-Metification-1.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmZ7ffe6fe1b180c9285d968597178f22f4./SRPMS.pcloscd"* 5 R@D N_hxB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Acme-POE-Acronym-Generator1.200.07pclos2017Generate random POE acronymsWhat does POE stand for?" is a common question, and people have expanded the acronym in several ways. Acme::POE::Acronym::Generator produces randomly generated expansions of the POE acronym ( or at your option any other arbitary word ).3Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::Random)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.690.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-Acme-POE-Acronym-Generator-1.200.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm:ac2a9c351169fe1b8d4a3f233116ce0f./SRPMS.pclosGd % >tx B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Acme-Turing0.20.09pclos2017Turing machine emulationThis module gives you the methods needed to emulate a Turing machine in Perl. This module is based on Turing's original paper, which allows complete freedom in the actions to be taken before the machine enters a new state. You can, of course, impose restrictions if you wish, as John von Neumann's paper does.Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acme-Turing-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm!xd048986703bd4da2b29632c6fcb97436./SRPMS.pclosgd   N B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-Acpi0.100.08pclos2017A class to get informations about your batteryAcpi::Fan is used to have information about your fan.It's specific for GNU/Linux.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Acpi-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmV4e4df6d64c3e12af09609405432fd9b6./SRPMS.pclosd" - k 2B@;BApBEtBJCperl-Algorithm-Annotate0.100.08pclos2017Perl module to represent a series of changes in annotate formAlgorithm::Annotate generates a list that is useful for generating output similar to cvs annotate bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Algorithm::Diff)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Annotate-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm7af4888bded1e2c6d768b56971de74e7./SRPMS.pcloskd ' _hl vB@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Algorithm-C30.100.06pclos2017A module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithmThis module implements the C3 algorithm. Most of the uses for C3 revolve around class building and metamodels, but it could also be used for things like dependency resolution as well since it tends to do such a nice job of preserving local precendence orderings.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)<2acb696e4b8c284bf77b217b4884860d./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 c  '08nB@wBABEBJCperl-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets0.20.08pclos2017OO interface to iterate through subsets of a list "Subsets" in this context refers to lists with elements taken from the original list, and in the same order as the elements in the original list. After creating the object, subsequent calls to next() will return the next such list in lexicographic order (where the alphabet is the original list). If K is specified, only subsets of that size will be returned. If K is omitted, all subsets will be returned, beginning with the empty set and ending with the entire set. If the 'all' flag and a value for 'K' are specified, subsets of size greater than or equal to K will be returned. If a number, N, is used instead of a list, the list is taken to be [0..N-1].ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmd8a03fc910451d6469ae918ed98f8288b./SRPMS.pclos'd! - r`d nB@BABEBJCperl-Algorithm-Cluster1.520.010pclos2017Perl interface to Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon's C clustering libraryThis module is an interface to the C Clustering Library, a general purpose library implementing functions for hierarchical clustering (pairwise simple, complete, average, and centroid linkage), along with k-means and k-medians clustering, and 2D self-organizing maps. The library is distributed along with Cluster 3.0, an enhanced version of the famous Cluster program originally written by Michael Eisen while at Stanford University. The C clustering library was written by Michiel de Hoon.Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Cluster-1.520.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmD9276ddc33eb7ebda9474aabfbbeffb81./SRPMS.pclosd' 3 c ^B@lBABEBJCperl-Algorithm-Combinatorics0.270.015pclos2017Efficient generation of combinatorial sequencesAlgorithm::Combinatorics is an efficient generator of combinatorial sequences. Algorithms are selected from the literature (work in progress, see the /REFERENCES manpage). Iterators do not use recursion, nor stacks, and are written in C. Tuples are generated in lexicographic order, except in 'subsets()'.Ibb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FindBin)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics-0.270.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmP340459195595efb4810cacf4f8bd46d4./SRPMS.pclos?d$ / f "3<PB@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Algorithm-Dependency1.110.09pclos2017Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency treeAlgorithm::Dependency is a framework for creating simple read-only dependency hierachies, where you have a set of items that rely on other items in the set, and require actions on them as well. Despite the most visible of these being software installation systems like the CPAN installer, or debian apt-get, they are useful in others situations. This module intentionally uses implementation-neutral words, to avoid confusion.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Inspector)perl(Config::Tiny)perl(Test::ClassAPI)perl(Params::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + g B@BAPBETBJuCperl-Algorithm-Diff1.190.3004pclos2017Compute 'intelligent' differences between two files / listsThis module compute `intelligent' differences between two files / lists.Lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Diff-1.190.300-4pclos2017.src.rpmf266340b64a4bcdc3d09c21524f047da./SRPMS.pclosd" . V04 >OX`B@BABEBJCperl-Algorithm-Diff-Apply0.2.318pclos2017Apply one or more Algorithm::Diff diffsThis module contains subroutines for applying diffs generated by Algorithm::Diff to a target array in the hope of regenerating a new array incorporating all the changes described in the diffs into a new merged array.0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Algorithm::Diff)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Diff-Apply-0.2.3-18pclos2017.src.rpm7c213936dd5ce2e004aeff34eb2bac41c./SRPMS.pclosGd& 1 C "3<vB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Algorithm-Evolutionary0.800.04pclos2017N-point crossover'Algorithm::Evolutionary' is a set of classes for doing object-oriented evolutionary computation in Perl. Why would anyone want to do that escapes my knowledge, but, in fact, we have found it quite useful for our own purposes. Same as Perl itself. The design principle of Algorithm::Evolutionary is _flexibility_: it should be very easy to extend using this library, and it should be also quite easy to program what's already there in the evolutionary computation community. Besides, the library classes should have persistence provided by XML modules, and, in some cases, YAML. The algorithm allows to create simple evolutionary algorithms, as well as more complex ones, that interface with databases or with the web.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Algorithm::Permute)perl(B::Deparse)perl(Bit::Vector)perl(Clone)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(GD)perl(Math::Random)perl(Memoize)perl(Object::Array)perl(Pod::Escapes)perl(Sort::Key)perl(Statistics::Basic)perl(String::Random)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Simple)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(Tree::DAG_Node)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::Parser)perl(XML::Parser::Style::EasyTree)perl(YAML)perl(constant)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 Qlp zB@BA$BE(BJICperl-Algorithm-FastPermute0.999.08pclos2017Rapid generation of permutationsAlgorithm::FastPermute generates all the permutations of an array. You pass a block of code, which will be executed for each permutation. The array will be changed in place, and then changed back again before 'permute' returns. During the execution of the callback, the array is read-only and you'll get an error if you try to change its length. (You _can_ change its elements, but the consequences are liable to confuse you and may change in future versions.) You have to pass an array, it can't just be a list. It *does* work with special arrays and tied arrays, though unless you're doing something particularly abstruse you'd be better off copying the elements into a normal array first. It's very fast. My tests suggest it's four or five times as fast as Algorithm::Permute's traditional interface. If you're permuting a large list (nine or more elements, say) then you'll appreciate this enormously. If your lists are short then Algorithm::Permute will still finish faster than you can blink, and you may find its interface more convenient.#abb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-FastPermute-0.999.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm,ecccec806ab33b190e6c3adc2d8766d3d./SRPMS.pclos{d*9 D e B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Algorithm-Graphs-TransitiveClosure2009110901.0.08pclos2017Calculate the transitive closureThis is an implementation of the well known Floyd-Warshall algorithm.fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Graphs-TransitiveClosure-2009110901.0.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!229b626dd9d9e5410da52d23e9d68076./SRPMS.pclosOd ) Tlp zB@BABE BJACperl-Algorithm-Merge0.80.08pclos2017Implements 3-way merge and diff algorithmsno description found*;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Algorithm::Diff)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Merge-0.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm01a28bd8f3b54f1d289621166f8b4d437./SRPMS.pclos7d  + M B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Algorithm-Munkres0.80.09pclos2017Algorithm-Munkres module for perlPerl extension for Munkres' solution to classical Assignment problem for square and rectangular matrices This module extends the solution of Assignment problem for square matrices to rectangular matrices by padding zeros. Thus a rectangular matrix is converted to square matrix by padding necessary zeros.&kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Munkres-0.80.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm-c666fd3769df3e91b3dd297c57376a6ad./SRPMS.pclosSd#2 = L48 BS\pB@BA BE$BJECperl-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle2009110301.0.04pclos2017Shuffle a list'shuffle' performs a one pass, fair shuffle on a list. If the list is passed as a reference to an array, the shuffle is done in situ. The subroutine returns the list in list context, and a reference to the list in scalar context.}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle-2009110301.0.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm58207ebabe766b2713a9f3265fc7412a./SRPMS.pclosd! - Z  *;DLsB@|BABEBJCperl-Algorithm-Permute0.120.016pclos2017Handy and fast permutation with OO interfaceThis handy module makes performing permutation in Perl easy and fast, although perhaps its algorithm is not the fastest on the earth. It supports permutation r of n objects where 0 < r <= n.7bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Permute-0.120.0-16pclos2017.src.rpm>u3aee980bfb4e61ccc174b60a36a21f22./SRPMS.pclos_d)0 ; b B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot0.20.08pclos2017Find rectangles containing a given dotGiven a set of rectangles and a set of dots, the algorithm implemented in this modules finds for every dot, which rectangles contain it. The algorithm complexity is O(R * log(R) * log(R) + D * log(R)) being R the number of rectangles and D the number of dots. Its usage is very simple:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmd0bb250a38813129bb42cfd2533bdc61./SRPMS.pclos3d * J`d nB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Algorithm-Search0.40.04pclos2017Module for traversing an objectno description foundX.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Algorithm-Search-0.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm^aef967435ead6d8a7428b53f1d6c630f./SRPMS.pclosd  ! I(, 6GPXB@BABEBJCperl-Alias2.320.015pclos2017CPAN Alias module for aliasing servicesThis Perl module performs aliasing services. You may find this module useful if you: * are tired of dereferencing hash-based object attributes * wish perl could make-do with fewer $, -> and {} things * are a little scared of using typeglobs * want the freedom to put what you want, when you want in the symbol table without having to deal with weird syntax * need to use scalar constants in your program since you don't trust yourself from changing $PI1Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Alias-2.320.0-15pclos2017.src.rpm6b88ac37ed4bfc0ce7fa2fa9eabd3086c./SRPMS.pclosd $ F XB@VBABEBJCperl-Alien-Base0.28.03pclos2017API Reference for Alien:: Authorsthe Alien::Base manpage comprises base classes to help in the construction of 'Alien::' modules. Modules in the the Alien manpage namespace are used to locate and install (if necessary) external libraries needed by other Perl modules. This is the documentation for the the Alien::Base manpage module itself. To learn more about the system as a whole please see the Alien::Base::Authoring manpage.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Extract)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Cwd)perl(FFI::CheckLib)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::chdir)perl(FindBin)perl(HTTP::Tiny)perl(JSON::PP)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Perl::OSType)perl(Shell::Config::Generate)perl(Shell::Guess)perl(Sort::Versions)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(URI)perl(parent)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d * ^ /8LB@BABEBJCperl-Alien-GvaScript1.440.06pclos2017Gva extension to the prototype javascript frameworkGvaScript (pronounce "gee-vascript") is a javascript framework born in Geneva, Switzerland (GVA is the IATA code for Geneva Cointrin International Airport). It is built on top of the prototype object-oriented javascript framework (http://prototype.conio.net) and offers a number of extensions and widgets, such as keymap handling, application-specific events, autocompletion on input field, tree navigation, and forms with autofocus and repeated sections. These functionalities are described in separate documentation pages (see Alien::GvaScript::Intro). GvaScript is distributed using Perl tools, but the actual content of the library is pure javascript; hence its location in the Alien namespace (see the Alien manifesto). GvaScript runtime library does not need Perl; you can integrate it in any other Web programming framework. Perl is only needed for developers who want to modify GvaScript sources and recreate a distribution package.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Path)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.03.0.4-1perl-Alien-GvaScript-1.440.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm%:d85901f211b77ed39e8ee58258f32366./SRPMS.pclosKd ( Q    B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Alien-Hunspell0.70.03pclos2017Building, finding and using SDL binariesPlease see the Alien manpage for the manifesto of the Alien namespace. In short 'Alien::SDL' can be used to detect and get configuration settings from an installed SDL and related libraries. Based on your platform it offers the possibility to download and install prebuilt binaries or to build SDL & co. from source codes.Hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Alien::Base)perl(Alien::Base::ModuleBuild)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(FFI::CheckLib)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(Test::CChecker)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)hunspell-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ M EB@}BABEBJCperl-Alien-SDL1.446.05pclos2017Building, finding and using SDL binariesPlease see the Alien manpage for the manifesto of the Alien namespace. In short 'Alien::SDL' can be used to detect and get configuration settings from an installed SDL and related libraries. Based on your platform it offers the possibility to download and install prebuilt binaries or to build SDL & co. from source codes.`{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Extract)perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Archive::Zip)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(File::Fetch)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::Which)perl(Module::Build)perl(Text::Patch)SDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + O@D N_htB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Alien-SeleniumRC2.950.04pclos2017Packaging up SeleniumRC java serverThe Selenium RC home page is at the http://openqa.org/selenium-rc manpage Selenium Remote Control is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. Selenium Remote Control provides a Selenium Server, which can automatically start/stop/control any supported browser. It works by using Selenium Core, a pure-HTML+JS library that performs automated tasks in JavaScript.бbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.420.03.0.4-1perl-Alien-SeleniumRC-2.950.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm8350dc420dc9d0901575ae5e4924fd5e./SRPMS.pcloswd# . ^    B@BADBEHBJiCperl-Alt-Crypt-RSA-BigInt0.50.07pclos2017RSA public-key cryptosystem, using Math::BigIntThis is a rework of Crypt::RSA to remove Math::Pari and instead base all operations on Math::BigInt.abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Bytes::Random::Secure)perl(Class::Loader)perl(Convert::ASCII::Armour)perl(Crypt::Blowfish)perl(Data::Buffer)perl(Digest::MD2)perl(Math::Prime::Util)perl(Sort::Versions)perl(Tie::EncryptedHash)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Alt-Crypt-RSA-BigInt-0.50.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmh6ebbaebc5ba2859ed06b5f503c72c354./SRPMS.pclosd  + YDH RclB@$BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc0.100.09pclos2017Integrate AnnoCPAN notes locally into perldocAnnoCPAN is a web interface for the documentation of all the modules on CPAN, where users can add annotations on the margin of specific paragraphs throughout the POD. The master AnnoCPAN site is located at http://annocpan.org/. AnnoCPAN-Perldoc provides a substitute for the 'perldoc' command that displays the annotations locally and without requiring a connection to the Internet. It works by using a local note database that can be downloaded from http://annocpan.org/annopod.db bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(IO::String)perl(Pod::Perldoc)perl(Test::Pod)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc-0.100.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmac9462feda6550526609ea6ee2cfa785b./SRPMS.pclosOd' 2 QLP ZktB@BABE BJACperl-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc-SyncDB0.110.08pclos2017Download the AnnoCPAN databaseThis module provides a simple interface to mirror the the http://annocpan.org/ manpage content to a local machine. In conjunction with the the AnnoCPAN::Perldoc manpage module, this allows one to get all the benefits of the AnnoCPAN website in one's local 'perldoc' command. Recommended usage: 1) Install this module and AnnoCPAN::Perldoc, 2) set up a weekly process to run the 'syncannopod' command included in this distribution, 3) Put the following in your shell configuration: 'alias perldoc annopod'.?~bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Spec)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc-SyncDB-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmGL42f30e6a787d0eb87daf3ca00946b8a4./SRPMS.pclosd $ ? B@BABEBJCperl-Any-Moose0.260.04pclos2017Use Moose or Mouse modulesActual documentation is forthcoming, once we solidify all the bits of the API. The examples above are very likely to continue working.{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Any-Moose-0.260.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm}77e20dc4c45d02766af7881d4cc89a82./SRPMS.pclos+d ( ]DH RclxB@BABEBJCperl-Any-URI-Escape0.10.07pclos2017Load URI::Escape::XS preferentially over URI::EscapeURI::Escape is great, but URI::Escape::XS is faster. This module loads URI::Escape::XS and imports the two most common methods if XS is installed. The insides of this module aren't completely shaken out yet, so patches welcome. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Any-URI-Escape-0.10.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmMe867e0dfec140814dc1d18bf66059290./SRPMS.pclos_d " FDH RclB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-AnyData0.120.04pclos2017Easy access to data in many formatsThe rather wacky idea behind this module and its sister module DBD::AnyData is that any data, regardless of source or format should be accessible and modifiable with the same simple set of methods. This module provides a multi-dimensional tied hash interface to data in a dozen different formats. The DBD::AnyData module adds a DBI/SQL interface for those same formats. Both modules provide built-in protections including appropriate flocking() for all I/O and (in most cases) record-at-a-time access to files rather than slurping of entire files. Currently supported formats include general format flatfiles (CSV, Fixed Length, etc.), specific formats (passwd files, httpd logs, etc.), and a variety of other kinds of formats (XML, Mp3, HTML tables). The number of supported formats will continue to grow rapidly since there is an open API making it easy for any author to create additional format parsers which can be plugged in to AnyData itself and thereby be accessible by either the tiedhash or DBI/SQL interface.ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Output)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.900.>24fda9769fe973600c4e7c35e087b666./SRPMS.pclosd # N \B@hBABEBJCperl-AnyEvent7.120.04pclos2017Provide framework for multiple event loopsAnyEvent - provide framework for multiple event loops Event, Glib, Tk, Perl, - various supported event loops\bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Canary::Stability)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develperl-Eventrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AnyEvent-7.120.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmdfe4f60c83f294c704bbd0c52552311e./SRPMS.pcloscd ' R| B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-AnyEvent-AIO1.100.09pclos2017Truly asynchronous file and directrory I/OThis module is an the AnyEvent manpage user, you need to make sure that you use and run a supported event loop. Loading this module will install the necessary magic to seamlessly integrate the IO::AIO manpage into the AnyEvent manpage, i.e. you no longer need to concern yourself with calling 'IO::AIO::poll_cb' or any of that stuff (you still can, but this module will do it in case you don't). The AnyEvent watcher can be disabled by executing 'undef $AnyEvent::AIO::WATCHER'. Please notify the author of when and why you think this was necessary. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-AnyEventperl-IO-AIOperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AnyEvent-AIO-1.100.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm#b0e529c5ccef8eae6fb64d963e7abd4c./SRPMS.pclosWd ' Mpt ~B@BA$BE(BJICperl-AnyEvent-BDB1.100.09pclos2017Truly asynchronous berkeley db accessThis module is an the AnyEvent manpage user, you need to make sure that you use and run a supported event loop. Loading this module will install the necessary magic to seamlessly integrate the BDB manpage into the AnyEvent manpage, i.e. you no longer need to concern yourself with calling 'BDB::poll_cb' or any of that stuff (you still can, but this module will do it in case you don't). The AnyEvent watcher can be disabled by executing 'undef $AnyEvent::BDB::WATCHER'. Please notify the author of when and why you think this was necessary.Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-develperl-AnyEventperl-BDBrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + LHL Vgp|B@BABEBJ%Cperl-AnyEvent-CacheDNS0.80.06pclos2017Simple DNS resolver with cachingThis CPAN package provides a simple DNS resolver that caches the results for a faster retrieval for subsequent calls. This is module is very basic and has no policies for clearing our invalidating the DNS cache. Patches and suggestions are welcome.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.4003.0.4-1perl-AnyEvent-CacheDNS-0.80.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm"W766e76a4441d4781ae6ac9a345bc05e6./SRPMS.pclosd & p  '0 X  B@6BAdBEhBJCperl-AnyEvent-FTP0.90.05pclos2017Server response encoder that encodes responses so they cannot be confusedThis distribution provides client and server implementations for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) in an AnyEvent environment. For the specific interfaces, see the AnyEvent::FTP::Client manpage and the AnyEvent::FTP::Server manpage for details. Before each release, the AnyEvent::FTP::Client manpage is tested against these FTP servers using the 't/client_*.t' tests that come with this distribution: * Proftpd,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::chdir)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(Path::Class)perl(PerlIO::eol)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.910. e19abe7b5faaa66f17a1cdd70dc4d84e./SRPMS.pclosd ( R EB@^BABEBJCperl-AnyEvent-HTTP2.220.05pclos2017Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS clientThis module is an AnyEvent user, you need to make sure that you use and run a supported event loop. This module implements a simple, stateless and non-blocking HTTP client. It supports GET, POST and other request methods, cookies and more, all on a very low level. It can follow redirects, supports proxies and automatically limits the number of connections to the values specified in the RFC. It should generally be a "good client" that is enough for most HTTP tasks. Simple tasks should be simple, but complex tasks should still be possible as the user retains control over request and response headers.sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(common::sense)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.330.03.300.03.0.4-1perl-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.220.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm{ccf189673d72e5bb10bfb290396dbf3b./SRPMS.pcloskd # J$ (9@ d  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-AnyEvent-I30.172pclos2022Communicate with the i3 window managerThis module connects to the i3 window manager using the UNIX socket based IPC interface it provides (if enabled in the configuration file). You can then subscribe to events or send messages and receive their replies.^Development/Perlx86_64 coreutilsfindutilsmakeperl(Module::Install)perl(Module::Install::Metadata)perl(Module::Install::WriteAll)sedperl(base)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AnyEvent-I3-0.17-2pclos2022.src.rpmfe95bf67bbe0b10a815b26f4890ef9fcf./SRPMS.pclosd ( U B@BABEBJCperl-AnyEvent-Task0.802.02pclos2017Client/server-based asynchronous worker pool*WARNING:* This module's API may change without warning. Also, the docs are somewhat incomplete and out of date. I will be fixing this soonish. The synopsis makes this module sounds much more complicated than it actually is. the AnyEvent::Task manpage is a fork-on-demand but persistent-worker server (the AnyEvent::Task::Server manpage) combined with an asynchronous interface to a request queue and pooled-worker client (the AnyEvent::Task::Client manpage). Both client and server are of course built with the AnyEvent manpage because it's awesome. However, workers can't use AnyEvent (yet). A server is started with 'AnyEvent::Task::Server->new'. This should at least be passed the 'listen' and 'interface' arguments. Keep the returned server object around for as long as you want the server to be running. 'interface' is the code that should handle each request. See the interface section below for its specification. A 'setup' coderef can be passed in to run some code when a new worker is forked. A 'checkout_done' coderef can be passed in to run some code whenever a checkout is released (see below).bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(Callback::Frame)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Guard)perl(JSON::XS)perl(Log::Defer)perl(common::sense)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.03.0.4-1perl-AnyEvent-Task-0.802.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmf965f014d86cecab580260211355dfcc./SRPMS.pclosd ( E (IB@lBABEBJCperl-AnyEvent-XMPP0.550.07pclos2017Low level TCP/TLS connectionThis is the head module of the the AnyEvent::XMPP manpage XMPP client protocol (as described in RFC 3920 and RFC 3921) framework. the AnyEvent::XMPP::Connection manpage is a RFC 3920 conforming "XML" stream implementation for clients, which handles TCP connect up to the resource binding. And provides low level access to the XML nodes on the XML stream along with some high level methods to send the predefined XML stanzas. the AnyEvent::XMPP::IM::Connection manpage is a more high level module, which is derived from the AnyEvent::XMPP::Connection manpage. It handles all the instant messaging client functionality described in RFC 3921.+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(AnyEvent::Handle)perl(AnyEvent::Socket)perl(Authen::SASL)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Net::LibIDN)perl(Net::SSLeay)perl(Object::Event)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Time::Local)perl(XML::Parser::Expat)perl(XML::Writer)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.330.00.700.03.0.4-1perl-AnyEvent-XMPP-0.550.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm 1fcbb333f0c075b3c5c0aa5d8a299c46./SRPMS.pclosd & @  HGB@]BABEBJCperl-Apache-ASP2.620.010pclos2019A perl ASP port to ApacheApache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache Web Server with Perl scripting only, and enables developing of dynamic web applications with session management and embedded Perl code. There are also many powerful extensions, including XML taglibs, XSLT rendering, and new events not originally part of the ASP API! This module works under the Apache Web Server with the mod_perl module enabled. See http://www.apache.org and http://perl.apache.org for further information. This is a portable solution, similar to ActiveState's PerlScript for NT/IIS ASP. Work has been done and will continue to make ports to and from this implementation as smooth as possible. For Apache::ASP downloading and installation, please read the INSTALL section. For installation troubleshooting check the FAQ and the SUPPORT sections. For database access, ActiveX, scripting languages, and other miscellaneous issues please read the FAQ section.JDevelopment/Perlnoarch perl-develperl(base)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(DB_File)perl(HTML::Clean)perl(MLDBM)perl(MLDBM::Sync)perl(HTML::FillInForm)perl(Tie::Cache)perl(Tie::TextDir)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(XML::XSLT)perl(XML::LibXSLT)perl(CGI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-ASP-2.620.0-10pclos2019.src.rpm.13b02499f39b644385ac57e2c194e6df./SRPMS.pclosd % O B@)BATBEXBJyCperl-Apache-DBI1.120.09pclos2019Initiate a persistent database connectionThis module initiates a persistent database connection.Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBI)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-DBI-1.120.0-9pclos2019.src.rpm591777140537108c312c1c49d27059a6./SRPMS.pclos[d ( F B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Apache-Filter1.24.015pclos2019Apache-Filter module for perlApache-Filter module for perl : Alter the output of previous handlers.dDevelopment/Perlnoarch apache-mod_perlperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-Filter-1.24.0-15pclos2019.src.rpmifa68033241b66a56d75a7f034cabcd32./SRPMS.pclosSd ( X< @QXpB@BA BE$BJECperl-Apache-GeoIP1.990.012pclos2019Apache::Geo::IP - Look up country by IP AddressThis module constitutes a mod_perl (both versions 1 and 2) interface to the Geo::IP and Geo::Mirror modules. Geo::IP is used to look up in a database a country of origin of an IP address, while Geo::Mirror is used to select a mirror by country from a specified list. See the documentation for Apache::Geo::IP and Apache::Geo::Mirror for more details. The included tests require Apache::Test, which can be obtained in the mod_perl-2 sources or in the httpd-test distribution. These tests need a network connection to run; some may fail due to timeouts upon doing certain name lookups. The mod_perl-2 modules included here, with prefix Apache2::*, will only work with mod_perl-1.999022 and above (RC5 or greater of the CPAN distribution).`&Development/Perlnoarch  apache-develapache-mod_perlapache-mod_perl-develperl(Apache::Test)perl(Geo::IP)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * P ZB@kBABEBJCperl-Apache-Htpasswd1.900.09pclos2019Manage Unix crypt-style password fileThis module comes with a set of methods to use with htaccess password files. These files (and htaccess) are used to do Basic Authentication on a web server. The passwords file is a flat-file with login name and their associated crypted password. You can use this for non-Apache files if you wish, but it was written specifically for .htaccess style files.%Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Crypt::PasswdMD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Base64)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!) 4 ]    B@BATBEXBJyCperl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler0.350.03pclos2019Compile a log format string to perl-codeCompile a log format string to perl-code. For faster generation of access_log lines.CDevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(POSIX)perl(POSIX::strftime::Compiler)perl(Test::MockTime)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Time::Local)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.00.980. * i B@ BA<BE@BJaCperl-Apache-LogRegex1.710.05pclos2019Perl module to parse a line from an Apache logfile into a hashThis implements a simple Perl class to parse Apache log files.9Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-LogRegex-1.710.0-5pclos2019.src.rpm@de0580e8a168ad2a9f1279cae547365c./SRPMS.pclosCd# . b B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Apache-ProxyRewrite0.170.09pclos2019Apache::ProxyRewrite - mod_perl URL-rewriting proxyApache::ProxyRewrite acts as a reverse-proxy that will rewrite URLs embedded in HTML documents per apache configuration directives. This module was written to allow multiple backend services with discrete URLs to be presented as one service and to allow the proxy to do authentication on the client's behalf._Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-ProxyRewrite-0.170.0-9pclos2019.src.rpmJ3dc2b2b03a465547f3d72ac8c7fbc770./SRPMS.pclos[d  , PTX bs|B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Apache-SSLLookup2.0_40016pclos2017Hooks for various mod_ssl functionsApache::SSLLookup is a glue layer between Perl handlers and the mod_ssl public API. under normal circumstances, you would use subprocess_env() to glean information about mod_ssl. However, this is only possible after mod_ssl runs its fixups, that is, Perl handlers can only accurately check the subprocess_env table for mod_ssl information in the PerlResponsePhase or later. This module allows you to query mod_ssl directly via its public C API at any point in the request cycle. but without using C, of course.#bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 apache-mod_perl-develapr-develperl-develperl-Apache-Testrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-SSLLookup-2.0_400-16pclos2017.src.rpm+1649f40be20d3bec3fe2bdd52adcef1b./SRPMS.pclosd ) Rx |6B@DBAtBExBJCperl-Apache-Session1.930.08pclos2019A persistence framework for session dataApache::Session is a persistence framework which is particularly useful for tracking session data between httpd requests. Apache::Session is designed to work with Apache and mod_perl, but it should work under CGI and other web servers, and it also works outside of a web server alto- gether..Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(Storable)perl(constant)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-Session-1.930.0-8pclos2019.src.rpmK6f5d269f1d98d19b67b63a7259aeeb7d./SRPMS.pclos'd& 1 YD HY`lB@BABEBJCperl-Apache-Session-Wrapper0.340.09pclos2019A simple wrapper around Apache::SessionThis module is a simple wrapper around Apache::Session which provides some methods to simplify getting and setting the session id. It can uses cookies to store the session id, or it can look in a provided object for a specific parameter. Alternately, you can simply provide the session id yourself in the call to the "session()" method. If you're using Mason, you should probably take a look at "MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession" first, which integrates this module directly into Mason.dDevelopment/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Apache::Session)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-Session-Wrapper-0.340.0-9pclos2019.src.rpml.d09c00584e9ec1bd64ffda63ea292600./SRPMS.pclosd * ] B@&BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Apache-SessionX2.10.010pclos2019An extented persistence framework for session dataApache::SessionX extends Apache::Session. It was initialy written to use Apache::Session from inside of HTML::Embperl, but is seems to be useful outside of Embperl as well, so here is it as standalone module. Apache::Session is a persistence framework which is particularly useful for tracking session data between httpd requests. Apache::Session is designed to work with Apache and mod_perl, but it should work under CGI and other web servers, and it also works outside of a web server altogether. Apache::Session consists of five components: the interface, the object store, the lock manager, the ID generator, and the serializer. The interface is defined in SessionX.pm, which is meant to be easily subclassed. The object store can be the filesystem, a Berkeley DB, a MySQL DB, an Oracle DB, or a Postgres DB. Locking is done by lock files, semaphores, or the locking capabilities of MySQL and Postgres. Serialization is done via Storable, and optionally ASCII-fied via MIME or pack(). ID numbers are generated via MD5. The reader is encouraged to extend these capabilities to meet his own requirements.BDevelopment/Perlnoarch perl(Apache::Session)perl(DB_File)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache-SessionX-2.10.0-10pclos2019.src.rpmE8644b080dfc0923fae4113d7f820f2ee./SRPMS.pclos7d & V@ DU\lB@BABEBJ)Cperl-Apache-Test1.400.01pclos2019Test.pm wrapper with helpers for testing ApacheApache::Test is a test toolkit for testing an Apache server with any configuration. It works with Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.0 and any of its modules, including mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0. It was originally developed for testing mod_perl 2.0.VxDevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)\886ff27be38611e534879f086d7455b0./SRPMS.pclosKd! , L  18PB@BABEBJ=Cperl-Apache2-ClickPath1.901.09pclos2019Apache WEB Server User TrackingApache2::ClickPath adds a PerlTransHandler and an output filter to Apache's request cycle. The transhandler inspects the requested URI to decide if an existing session is used or a new one has to be created.Development/Perlnoarch perl(Apache::TestMM)perl(Class::Member)perl(ModPerl::MM)perl(Perl::AtEndOfScope)apache-mod_perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Apache2-ClickPath-1.901.0-9pclos2019.src.rpm950f8f3f7b7d86e1762b6db000a24c30./SRPMS.pclosd" - n /B@:BApBEtBJCperl-Apache2-DebugFilter0.20.09pclos2019Apache2::DebugFilter - Debug mod_perl and native Apache2 filtersApache2::DebugFilter - Debug mod_perl and native Apache2 filters.the_request The process title is automagically reset when the request is over. Thus, "top" & Co shows what requests are currently active.+Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Sys::Proctitle)apache-mod_perlapache-mod_perl-develperl(Apache::Test)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 v nB@BABEBJCperl-Apache2-TrapSubRequest0.40.08pclos2019Apache2::TrapSubRequest - Trap a lookup_file/lookup_uri into a scalarApache2::TrapSubRequest - Trap a lookup_file/lookup_uri into a scalar.u#Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Apache::Test)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(mod_perl2)apache-mod_perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.01.999.233.0.4-1perl-Apache2-TrapSubRequest-0.40.0-8pclos2019.src.rpm{453f3dd66ca9739866a3fca3645bcf5a./SRPMS.pclosKd $ 8 #,lB@BABEBJ=Cperl-App-Asciio1.51.34pclos2017Plain ASCII diagramThis gtk2-perl application allows you to draw ASCII diagrams in a modern (but simple) graphical application. The ASCII graphs can be saved as ASCII or in a format that allows you to modify them later.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Clone)perl(Data::TreeDumper)perl(Data::TreeDumper::Renderer::GTK)perl(Directory::Scratch)perl(Directory::Scratch::Structured)perl(Data::Compare)perl(Eval::Context)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Test::Block)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Strict)perl(Term::Size)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Asciio-1.51.3-4pclos2017.src.rpma1d9cdd169577043600cb2b4307f33de./SRPMS.pclosd" - T #, \ . B@GBA|BEBJCperl-App-Bootstrap-Perl0.120.04pclos2017Bootstrap Perl inclusive CPAN from gitbootstrap-perl can compile and setup a complete Perl environment from git, including the initial CPAN setup with distroprefs to ensure a completely unattended installation.t'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){,157f031156978e44e88f809be5e456f4./SRPMS.pclosd # Y  eB@oBABEBJCperl-App-CLI0.313.010pclos2017Dispatcher module for command line interface programsApp::CLI dispatches CLI (command line interface) based commands into command classes. It also supports subcommand and per-command options.o]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Pod::Simple)perl(Locale::Maketext::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-CLI-0.313.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmvI59ed34a49af485a400b728c54e936a99./SRPMS.pclosd $ N }B@BABEBJCperl-App-Cache0.370.09pclos2017Module for easy application-level cachingThe App::Cache module lets an application cache data locally. There are a few times an application would need to cache data: when it is retrieving information from the network or when it has to complete a large calculation. For example, the Parse::BACKPAN::Packages module downloads a file off the net and parses it, creating a data structure. Only then can it actually provide any useful information for the programmer. Parse::BACKPAN::Packages uses App::Cache to cache both the file download and data structures, providing much faster use when the data is cached. This module stores data in the home directory of the user, in a dot directory. For example, the Parse::BACKPAN::Packages cache isactually stored underneath "~/.parse_backpan_packages/cache/". This is so that permisssions are not a problem - it is a per-user, per-application cache.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Chained)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::HomeDir)perl-libwww-perlperl(Path::Class)perl(Test::Pod)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Cache-0.370.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm%f2d6ec925bc69f25f69cfb71c1e31ae1./SRPMS.pclosd " J04 >OXB@/BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-App-Cmd0.330.03pclos2017"app cmd --subcmd" style subdispatchingApp::Cmd is intended to make it easy to write complex command-line applications without having to think about most of the annoying things usually involved. For information on how to start using App::Cmd, see App::Cmd::Tutorial.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Class::Load)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Data::OptList)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Getopt::Long::Descriptive)perl(IO::TieCombine)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(Module::Pluggable::Object)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(String::RewritePrefix)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Exporter::Util)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Abbrev)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[7d2f1d64b10ee63744e4b2cdad18e6ec./SRPMS.pclosd % F$( 2CL t > B@[BABEBJCperl-App-Daemon0.220.04pclos2017Start an Application as a Daemon'App::Daemon' helps running an application as a daemon. The idea is that you prepend your script with the use App::Daemon qw( daemonize ); daemonize(); and 'daemonize' it that way. That means, that if you write8 bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Pid)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Std)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Sysadm::Install)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d ' W\` j{B@BABE BJ-Cperl-App-Du-Analyze0.2.14pclos2017Analyzes and sorts the output of a recursive duanalyze-du is a program that analyzes the output of "du ." looking for directories with a certain prefix, a certain depth and possibly sorting the output by size. It aims to aid in finding the most space-consuming components in the directory tree on the disk.7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Trap)perl(autodie)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.360.>0ec26d9595a3807e700eb61c7c9b8947./SRPMS.pclosd! , z [B@fBABEBJCperl-App-GitHub-update0.1.1007pclos2017Update a github repository (description, homepage, etc.) from the commandlineA simple tool for setting the description and homepage of a github repositorybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::Identity)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(LWP::UserAgent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-GitHub-update-0.1.100-7pclos2017.src.rpmNdd81371fe70067c9532b57775ecd5093./SRPMS.pclosd # S    B@BABEBJCperl-App-Info0.570.09pclos2017Information about software packages on a systemApp::Info provides a generalized interface for providing metadata about software packages installed on a system. The idea is that App::Info subclasses can be used in Perl application installers in order to determine whether software dependencies have been fulfilled, and to get necessary metadata about those software packages.fDevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl-Module-Buildapachepostgresql-develsqlite3-develsqlite3-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.270.1000.! , H`d n  b B@BABEBJCperl-App-Module-Locate0.700.06pclos2017Interface for module locateno description foundDbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Locate)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1000.940.03.0.4-1perl-App-Module-Locate-0.700.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmJaf48cdc93fc058c4dcd5e451b4fa16bf./SRPMS.pclosd" - R HnB@BABEBJCperl-App-Notifier-Client0.30.03pclos2017Implements the notifier command-lineThis module is used to invoke a notification at a remote the App::Notifier::Service manpage . It provides one class method - notify() .#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(YAML::XS)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.360.*9191e78530c1c86c2b5187dadd0cbdca./SRPMS.pclosGd# . _    B@BABEBJ9Cperl-App-Notifier-Service0.40.06pclos2017An HTTP service for the notifier application forAn HTTP service for the "notifier" application in perl-App-Notifier-Client.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Dancer)perl(Errno)perl(File::Spec)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML)perl(YAML::XS)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.309.7000.390.03.0.4-1perl-App-Notifier-Service-0.40.0-6pclos2017.src.rpma753e88b3a6fdde463a357e14926c58c./SRPMS.pclosd & S  B@BABEBJCperl-App-Options1.120.09pclos2017Combine cmdline opts, env vars, config filesApp::Options combines command-line arguments, environment variables, option files, and program defaults to produce a hash of option values.qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Sys::Hostname)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Options-1.120.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmAc4c91928abf12d14e72dc5c565f25f00./SRPMS.pclosd * T HB@RBABEBJCperl-App-Pod2CpanHtml0.40.03pclos2017Convert Pod to search.cpan.org style HTMLThis module is used for converting Pod documents to the http://search.cpan.org/ manpage style HTML. Pod is Perl's _Plain Old Documentation_ format, see the perlpod manpage. 'App::Pod2CpanHtml' produces HTML output similar to search.cpan.org by using the same conversion module, the Pod::Simple::HTML manpage and the same CSS, the http://search.cpan.org/s/style.css manpage.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Pod::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Pod2CpanHtml-0.40.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmfdb62bf09acb1fad0cae016c11b8948f./SRPMS.pclos;d! , V@D N_hB@BABE BJ-Cperl-App-PrereqGrapher0.140.03pclos2017Generate dependency graph for perl sourceApp::PrereqGrapher builds a directed graph of the prereqs or dependencies for a file or module. It uses Perl::PrereqScanner to find the dependencies for the seed, and then repeatedly calls Perl::PrereqScanner on those dependencies, and so on, until all dependencies have been found. It then saves the resulting graph to a file, using one of the five supported formats. The default format is 'dot', the format used by the GraphViz graph drawing toolkit. If your code contains lines like:Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Devel::FindPerl)perl(File::Compare)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Graph::Easy)perl(Module::CoreList)perl(Module::Path)perl(Moo)perl(Perl::PrereqScanner)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-PrereqGrapher-0.140.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmKc1e81028704e0a5960de632aee36df7fe./SRPMS.pclos+d ! @    B@BABEBJCperl-App-Rad1.50.07pclos2017Extend the App::Rad framework!App::Rad aims to be a simple yet powerful framework for developing your command-line applications. It can easily transform your Perl _one-liners_ into reusable subroutines than can be called directly by the user of your program. It also tries to provide a handy interface for your common command-line tasks. *If you have a feature request to easen out your tasks even more, please drop me an email or a RT feature request.* Extending App::Rad - Plugins! App::Rad plugins can be loaded by naming them as arguments to the 'use App::Rad' statement. Just ommit the 'App::Rad::Plugin' prefix from the plugin name. For example:{0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Attribute::Handlers)perl(B::Deparse)perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.360.03.0.4-1perl-App-Rad-1.50.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmHcf302ebe4afcdefc44156f03c106a430./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 `(, 6GPXB@BABEBJCperl-App-Rad-Plugin-MoreHelp0.0.1007pclos2017App::Rad plugin for providing extra help infoThis is an the App::Rad manpage plugin for providing extra help info. It provides a 'more_help' method which can be used to provide extra info that will be appended to to bottom of the help message.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(App::Rad)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Rad-Plugin-MoreHelp-0.0.100-7pclos2017.src.rpm,911aa603ff0d383289362a5aacddc971./SRPMS.pclos_d $ B    B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-App-Raps20.540.04pclos2017Password class for App::Raps2*App::Raps2* is the backend for *raps2*, a simple commandline password safe.G=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Config::Tiny)perl(Crypt::CBC)perl(Crypt::Eksblowfish)perl(Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt)perl-File-BaseDirperl(File::Path)perl(File::Slurp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(POSIX)perl(Term::ReadLine)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Raps2-0.540.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmMoc3856305b3594c9b1a03bbe21b2d4a99./SRPMS.pclosd ( 3 d(, 6GP`B@BABEBJCperl-App-SmokeBox-PerlVersion0.160.08pclos2017SmokeBox helper module to determine perl versionApp::SmokeBox::PerlVersion is a simple helper module for the App::SmokeBox::Mini manpage and the minismokebox manpage that determines and version and architecture of a given 'perl' executable.6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(POE)perl(POE::Quickie)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-SmokeBox-PerlVersion-0.160.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm=728989a1f3688796acf9b76544b28ff2./SRPMS.pclos/d ( [x|    B@BABEBJ!Cperl-App-Timestamper0.0.74pclos2017Prefix lines with the timestamps of their arrivalsApp::Timestamper is a pure-Perl command line program that filters the input so the timestamps (in seconds+fractions since the UNIX epoch) are prefixed to the lines based on the time of the arrival. So if the input was something like: First Line Second Line Third Line/bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(autodie)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Timestamper-0.0.7-4pclos2017.src.rpm6gcc4a5a4821678e62caabf3d8c0b73c3a./SRPMS.pclosd $ ] %B@/BA\BE`BJCperl-App-Trace0.500.09pclos2017Embedded debug statements, including call/return tracingApp::Trace provides debug/tracing support for perl programs and modules. The basic concept is that you put a special call at the beginning and end of each subroutine/method, and when tracing is enabled, you can see the flow of your program. This module reflects my dislike of the perl debugger. I also dislike putting in print statements to debug, then commenting them out when I'm done. I would rather put debug statements in my code and leave them there. That way, when programs work their way into production, they can still be debugged by using appropriate command line options.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(App::Options)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-App-Trace-0.500.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm%y98b2d2b9ac18c4fda31602a1bd079c93./SRPMS.pclosd( 3 Z "3< l C B@dBABEBJCperl-App-XML-DocBook-Builder0.40.4005pclos2017Translate DocBook/XML to other formatsdocmake is a tool to render DocBook/XML into its resultant formats using XSLT: XHTML, XSL-FO, PDF, RTF, etc. For a brief help type docmake help . It aims to be a replacement for xmlto.=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Trap)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.370.00.360.03.0.4-1perl-App-XML-DocBook-Builder-0.40.400-5pclos2017.src.rpmD5f1a575563c068dd4071e69e24d3bead./SRPMS.pclos'd & O0 4EL  } B@BABEBJCperl-App-perlall0.490.04pclos2018perlall is like a better perlbrew moduleperlall is like a better perlbrew with a lot of testing features. The perls are in the default /usr/local/bin/, and /usr/local/lib/perl5/VERSION paths, instead of locally, and . You need write access to the default PREFIX /usr/local, e.g. via sudo. It does not use local::lib, does not mangle PERL5LIB and builds and keeps sane global perl installations with special suffices, without the need to save and restore internal states. The suffices are used in postprocessing scripts.$IDevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(App::Rad)perl(Cwd)perl(Devel::PatchPerl)perl(Devel::Platform::Info)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Path)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Pod::Usage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ L  (B@BABEBJCperl-AppConfig1.710.04pclos2017Perl5 modules for reading configurationAppConfig has a powerful but easy to use module for parsing configuration files. It also has a simple and efficient module for parsing command line arguments.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl-File-HomeDirrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[3153fef56cf6267fb4658540bc5aa5a8./SRPMS.pclossd ( ]TX bs|B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-AppConfig-Std1.100.02pclos2017Subclass of AppConfig that provides standard optionsAppConfig::Std is a Perl module that provides a set of standard configuration variables and command-line switches. It is implemented as a subclass of AppConfig; AppConfig provides a general mechanism for handling global configuration variables.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AppConfig)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Pod::Usage)perl-AppConfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.520. ' S  7B@TBABEBJCperl-Archive-Any0.94.5002pclos2017Single interface to deal with file archivesThis module is a single interface for manipulating different archive formats. Tarballs, zip files, etc.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Archive::Zip)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::MMagic)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(MIME::Types)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Find)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + Ihl v   B@BABE BJACperl-Archive-Any-Lite0.110.02pclos2017Simple CPAN package extractorSimple CPAN package extractor.v]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Archive::Zip)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2)perl(IO::Zlib)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::UseAllModules)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.760.|be520cb6a1fe50eb9c2ce7b891f97cb2./SRPMS.pclosd ' Ldh r  _ B@vBABEBJCperl-Archive-BagIt0.52.04pclos2017An interface to make and verify bagsno description foundhWbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Printer)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(IO::AIO)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::App::Cmd)perl(Sub::Quote)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.880.03.0.4-1perl-Archive-BagIt-0.52.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmn00f637f6cb67d9327d94c4ef84aff9ec./SRPMS.pclosd ' F  JB@SBABEBJCperl-Archive-Cpio0.100.02pclos2017Manipulations of cpio archivesArchive::Cpio provides a few functions to read and write cpio files. cpio-filter is a script using Archive::Cpio that transforms a cpio archive on the flybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Archive-Cpio-0.100.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm 7ee63a5eedf4992f15b8e1424cea32ebc./SRPMS.pclosod * Q    B@ BA<BE@BJaCperl-Archive-Extract0.760.04pclos2017A generic archive extracting mechanismArchive::Extract is a generic archive extraction mechanism. It allows you to extract any archive file of the type .tar, .tar.gz, .gz, .Z, tar.bz2, .tbz, .bz2 or .zip without having to worry how it does so, or use different interfaces for each type by using either perl modules, or commandline tools on your system.rjbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(Locale::Maketext::Simple)perl(Module::Load::Conditional)perl(Params::Check)perl(Test::More)perl(if)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.820.00.640. ' R "3<XB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Archive-Peek0.350.08pclos2017Peek into archives without extracting themThis module lets you peek into archives without extracting them. It currently supports tar files and zip files. To support Bzip2- compressed files, you should install IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Archive::Zip)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Types::Path::Class)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Archive-Peek-0.350.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm753067082cf3524343b781d994c3459e./SRPMS.pclosd % M  D  B@]BABEBJCperl-Archive-Tar2.40.04pclos2017Module for manipulation of tar archivesArchive::Tar provides an object oriented mechanism for handling tar files. It provides class methods for quick and easy files handling while also allowing for the creation of tar file objects for custom manipulation. If you have the IO::Zlib upstream_name installed, Archive::Tar will also support compressed or gzipped tar files. An object of class Archive::Tar represents a .tar(.gz) archive full of files and things.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Compress::Base)perl(IO::Compress::Bzip2)perl(IO::Compress::Gzip)perl(IO::Zlib)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . Shl v2B@@BAtBExBJCperl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper0.230.04pclos2017API wrapper around the 'tar' utilityArchive::Tar::Wrapper is an API wrapper around the 'tar' command line utility. It never stores anything in memory, but works on temporary directory structures on disk instead. It provides a mapping between the logical paths in the tarball and the 'real' files in the temporary directory on disk. It differs from Archive::Tar in two ways: * Archive::Tar::Wrapper doesn't hold anything in memory. Everything is stored on disk. * Archive::Tar::Wrapper is 100% compliant with the platform's tar utility, because it uses it internally.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::Which)perl(IPC::Run)perl(Log::Log4perl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper-0.230.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmL4aea3b3eb1414b18f43575052dd3dee0./SRPMS.pclosd & P *B@UBABEBJCperl-Archive-Zip1.570.03pclos2017Provide an interface to ZIP archive filesA Perl module that provides an interface to ZIP archive files.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Compress::Raw::Zlib)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Seekable)perl(Test::MockModule)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::Local)zlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   $ I B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Argus2.0012pclos2017Client tools for argus network auditClients to the argus probe which process and display information.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-DateManiprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Argus-2.00-12pclos2017.src.rpm2f4838742509c77e20a9ab2e32fa4f87./SRPMS.pclosd ) :x| B@'BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Array-Columnize1.40.09pclos2017No summary foundArray::Columnize displays the contents of arrays in columns.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(rlib)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.810. ( L zB@BABEBJCperl-Array-Compare2.110.04pclos2017Perl extension for comparing arraysIf you have two arrays and you want to know if they are the same or different, then Array::Compare will be useful to you.*,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Types::Standard)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Array-Compare-2.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm0512c718b70683358cc3e5376b0e84a76./SRPMS.pclosd $ h  nB@yBABEBJCperl-Array-Diff0.70.08pclos2017This module do diff two arrays, and return added and deleted arraysThis module do diff two arrays, and return added and deleted arrays. It's simple usage of Algorithm::Diff.ωbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Algorithm::Diff)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Array-Diff-0.70.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmփ27f7ccb76c649d6d8a0222fecce69a63./SRPMS.pclosd $ ? "B@+BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Array-Each0.30.08pclos2017Array-Each module for perlArray::Each - iterate over one or more arrays, returning one or more elements from each array followed by the array index.Mzbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Array-Each-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmT6a7ea6d947cd57c14d375936cdef4aad./SRPMS.pclos/d ) q$( 2CL\B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Array-Iterator0.110.08pclos2017A subclass of Array::Iterator to allow forwards and backwards iterationThis class provides a very simple iterator interface. It is uni-directional and can only be used once. It provides no means of reversing or resetting the iterator. It is not recommended to alter the array during iteration, however no attempt is made to enforce this (although I will if I can find an efficient means of doing so). This class only intends to provide a clear and simple means of generic iteration, nothing more (yet).Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1003.0.4-1perl-Array-Iterator-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmaa0f407ea78991f0590825813bbd9b2b5./SRPMS.pclosd * f B@"BATBEXBJyCperl-Array-PrintCols2.600.06pclos2017Print or format array elements in vertically sorted columnsArray::PrintCols is a Perl 5 module which defines a subroutine to print arrays of elements in alphabetically, vertically sorted columns. Optional arguments can be given to control either the width or number of the columns, the total width of the output, and the amount of indentation.pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ShareDir)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' g  ;B@DBAtBExBJCperl-Array-RefElem1.0.024pclos2017Direct access to the internal perl routines for arrays & hashesThis module gives direct access to the internal perl routines that let you store reference to things in arrays and hashes. !bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Array-RefElem-1.0.0-24pclos2017.src.rpm9339f66984ca94c966fea04ca2211a1f./SRPMS.pclossd & T  B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Array-Unique0.80.08pclos2017Tie-able array that allows only unique valuesThis package lets you create an array which will allow only one occurrence of any value. In other words no matter how many times you put in 42 it will keep only the first occurrence and the rest will be dropped. You use the module via tie and once you tied your array to this module it will behave correctly.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Array-Unique-0.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm. fa502afacb9ca9ef69d5e61c82deb434./SRPMS.pclosWd & j B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Array-Window1.20.08pclos2017Array-Window Perl module: calculate windows/subsets/pages of arraysMany applications require that a large set of results be broken down into a smaller set of 'windows', or 'pages' in web language. Array::Window implements an algorithm specifically for dealing with these windows. It is very flexible and permissive, making adjustments to the window as needed.l1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Params::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Array-Window-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpms637f48807929bfe98c4e32db9ddd5129./SRPMS.pclosWd  =    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Aspect1.40.07pclos2017Observer pattern with eventsWhat is Aspect-Oriented Programming? Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm which aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of "cross-cutting "concerns. It includes programming methods and tools that support the modularization of concerns at the level of the source code, while "aspect-oriented software development" refers to a whole engineering discipline. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) allows you to modularise code for issues that would otherwise be spread across many parts of a program and be problematic to both implement and maintain.sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Params::Util)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Sub::Uplevel)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590." - Z RB@]BABEBJCperl-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO1.100.09pclos2017Perl extension for using the cfitsio libraryPerl interface to William Pence's cfitsio subroutine library. For more information on cfitsio, see http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio. This module attempts to provide a wrapper for nearly every cfitsio routine, while retaining as much cfitsio behavior as possible. As such, one should be aware that it is still somewhat low-level, in the sense that handing an array which is not the correct size to a routine like 'fits_write_img()' may cause SIGSEGVs. My goal is to eventually use these routines to build a more Perl-like interface to many common tasks such as reading and writing of images and ASCII and binary tables.nbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)fitsio-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO-1.100.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmtaeb09313c41163ee0557bc2f543bf9c6./SRPMS.pclosd  , F  ,mB@~BABEBJCperl-Astro-FITS-Header3.70.013pclos2017Interface to FITS headersStores information about a FITS header block in an object. Takes an hash with an array reference as an arguement. The array should contain a list of FITS header cards as input.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.03.0.4-1perl-Astro-FITS-Header-3.70.0-13pclos2017.src.rpm}2e60fd40d50144dda6cf4e21a3309628./SRPMS.pclosWd ' D\` j{B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Astro-SunTime0.10.08pclos2017Calculate sun rise/set timesno description found Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POSIX)perl(Time::ParseDate)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Astro-SunTime-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm9f96335ad2b01edf83f6734a74a05e3b./SRPMS.pclosd * N CB@MBABEBJCperl-Async-MergePoint0.40.09pclos2017Resynchronise diverged control flowOften in program logic, multiple different steps need to be taken that are independent of each other, but their total result is needed before the next step can be taken. In synchonous code, the usual approach is to do them sequentially. An asynchronous or event-based program could do this, but if each step involves some IO idle time, better overall performance can often be gained by running the steps in parallel. A 'Async::MergePoint' object can then be used to wait for all of the steps to complete, before passing the combined result of each step on to the next stage. A merge point maintains a set of outstanding operations it is waiting on; these are arbitrary string values provided at the object's construction. Each time the 'done()' method is called, the named item is marked as being complete. When all of the required items are so marked, the 'on_finished' continuation is invoked.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Async-MergePoint-0.40.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmJfbe3aceba621fab14f8d1c26a368239e./SRPMS.pclosd" - V (kB@uBABEBJCperl-Attribute-Handlers0.990.05pclos2017Simpler definition of attribute handlersThis module, when inherited by a package, allows that package's class to define attribute handler subroutines for specific attributes. Variables and subroutines subsequently defined in that package, or in packages derived from that package may be given attributes with the same names as the attribute handler subroutines, which will then be called at the end of the compilation phase (i.e. in a `CHECK' block).c4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Attribute-Handlers-0.990.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmj86878e05f2d40ae6f856f3b481949e51./SRPMS.pclosd ( L  +4DB@BABEBJ Cperl-Attribute-Util1.70.07pclos2017Assorted general utility attributesWhen used without argument, this module provides some universally accessible attributes of general interest as follows: - Abstract - Alias - Memoize - Method - SigHandler bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Attribute::Handlers)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Memoize)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.610.03.0.4-1perl-Attribute-Util-1.70.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm'fd4b11ad5826648ad823fc06be6eec99./SRPMS.pclosGd & Zpt ~B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Audio-Beep0.110.011pclos2017Audio::Beep player module using the B programno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Audio-Beep-0.110.0-11pclos2017.src.rpm.82e61015960f1cf8afd70990c8044577./SRPMS.pclosd # @ (B@2BA\BE`BJCperl-Audio-CD0.50.015pclos2017Perl interface to libcdaudioThis module was created for adding CDDB support to Xmms::shell and cd tray eject. Methods for a good chunk of other libcdaudio functions were added, but the docs and glue are not complete. NOTE: This version has been altered by J.I. van Hemert to suit the needs of Disc-Cover. Please start with the original package if you wish to develop something.-bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 libcdaudio-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Audio-CD-0.50.0-15pclos2017.src.rpm49af392684e24a1a8e5d57988e1a193f8./SRPMS.pclossd $ O  B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Audio-DSP0.20.015pclos2017Perl interface to OSS digital audio deviceAudio::DSP is built around the OSS (Open Sound System) API and allows perl to interface with a digital audio device. It provides, among other things, an initialization method which opens and handles ioctl messaging on the audio device file. Audio::DSP also provides some rudimentary methods for the storage and manipulation of audio data in memory. In order to use Audio::DSP, you'll need to have the necessary OSS drivers/libraries installed. OSS is available for many popular Unices, and a GPLed version (with which this extension was initially developed and tested) is distributed with with the Linux kernel.mDevelopment/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Audio-DSP-0.20.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmx0af78312accc3b88194fa51dd8319114./SRPMS.pclossd ) Kpt |B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Audio-FLAC-Header2.311pclos2017Audio-FLAC-Header module for perlInterface to FLAC header metadata.ϳGri6507Development/Perlnoarch perl-Test-Podperl-Test-Pod-Coveragelibflac-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Audio-FLAC-Header-2.3-11pclos2017.src.rpmfa57ffa49d67cb2987dd2cd7b01e884a./SRPMS.pclosd " Ytx _B@BABEBJCperl-Audio-MPD2.2.02pclos2017Class for talking to MPD (Music Player Daemon) serversAudio::MPD gives a clear object-oriented interface for talking to and controlling MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers. A connection to the MPD server is established as soon as a new Audio::MPD object is created. Commands are then send to the server as the class's methods are called.zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Audio::MPD::Common::Item)perl(Audio::MPD::Common::Output)perl(Audio::MPD::Common::Stats)perl(Audio::MPD::Common::Status)perl(DB_File)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Euclid)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Socket::IP)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::AllUtils)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::Has::Sugar)perl(MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor)perl(Proc::Daemon)perl(Test::Corpus::Audio::MPD)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) R WB@BABEBJCperl-Audio-MPD-Common2.3.03pclos2017A bunch of common helper classes for mpdDepending on whether you're using a POE-aware environment or not, people wanting to tinker with mpd (Music Player Daemon) will use either POE::Component::Client::MPD or Audio::MPD. But even if the run-cores of those two modules differ completely, they are using the exact same common classes to represent the various mpd states and information. Therefore, those common classes have been outsourced to Audio::MPD::Common. This module does not export any methods, but the dist provides the following classes that you can query with perldoc: o Audio::MPD::Common::Item o Audio::MPD::Common::Item::Directory o Audio::MPD::Common::Item::Playlist o Audio::MPD::Common::Item::Song o Audio::MPD::Common::Stats o Audio::MPD::Common::Status o Audio::MPD::Common::Time Note that those modules should not be of any use outside the two mpd modules afore-mentioned.a7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::Has::Sugar)perl(MooseX::Types::Moose)perl(Readonly)perl(String::Formatter)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(blib)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & E 7B@BBApBEtBJCperl-Audio-Musepack0.711pclos2017Audio-Musepack module for perlAn object-oriented interface to Musepack file information and APE tag fields, implemented entirely in Perl.LGri6507Development/Perlnoarch perl-Test-Podperl-Test-Pod-Coverageperl-MP3-Inforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Audio-Musepack-0.7-11pclos2017.src.rpm600dc2da8d1a38fb22f8c1d863dffc5dd./SRPMS.pclosd " cT XipxB@BABEBJCperl-Audio-Scan0.982pclos2019Fast C metadata and tag reader for all common audio file formatsAudio::Scan is a C-based scanner for audio file metadata and tag information. It currently supports MP3, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, ASF, WAV, AIFF, Musepack, Monkey's Audio, and WavPack. See below for specific details about each file format.3Development/Perlx86_64 perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Audio-Scan-0.98-2pclos2019.src.rpm3219eec353f1ed0455135b9ab453fa9c5./SRPMS.pclos?d ! ;hl tB@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Audio-WMA1.311pclos2017Audio-WMA module for perlPerl extension for reading WMA/ASF MetadataGri6507Development/Perlnoarch perl-Test-Podperl-Test-Pod-Coveragerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Audio-WMA-1.3-11pclos2017.src.rpm b8e066db3677db2579cd84e19fb6d403./SRPMS.pclos+d " S  +4HB@BABEBJCperl-AuthCAS1.600.08pclos2017Client library for CAS 2.0 authentication serverAuthCAS aims at providing a Perl API to Yale's Central Authentication System (CAS). Only a basic Perl library is provided with CAS whereas AuthCAS is a full object-oriented library.Nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Socket::SSL)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.03.0.4-1perl-AuthCAS-1.600.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmU4fa24ba95d35b497bc337e069f3c9b67./SRPMS.pclos[d ) M    B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Authen-Bitcard0.900.04pclos2017Bitcard authentication verification_Authen::Bitcard_ is an implementation of verification for signatures generated by Bitcard authentication. For information on the Bitcard protocol and using Bitcard in other applications, see _http://www.bitcard.org/api_. The module and the protocol are heavily based on _Authen::Typekey_. (In fact, the Bitcard authentication server also supports the TypeKey API!)Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::ErrorHandler)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(JSON)perl(LWP::Protocol::https)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Authen-Bitcard-0.900.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmK452253f318fb982773f871a9ffd2165b./SRPMS.pclosd$ / HHL Vgp  K B@[BABEBJCperl-Authen-CAS-UserAgent0.910.07pclos2017CAS-aware LWP::UserAgentThis module attempts to add transparent CAS authentication support to LWP::UserAgent. It currently supports using proxy granting tickets, the RESTful API, screen scraping the login screen, or a custom login callback when CAS authentication is required.+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Message)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Authen-CAS-UserAgent-0.910.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm2g5f658ae98ffd31e4765c61e18d8e2028./SRPMS.pclosd ( z JB@^BABEBJCperl-Authen-Captcha1.24.06pclos2017Perl extension for creating captcha's to verify the human element in transactionsno description found bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(GD)perl(String::Random)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.800.03.0.4-1perl-Authen-Captcha-1.24.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm50facb9f978c49b4864c110e8b28decc./SRPMS.pclosd ( ATX bs|  z B@BABEBJCperl-Authen-DecHpwd2.6.012pclos2017DEC VMS password hashingThis module implements the 'LGI$HPWD' password hashing function from VMS, and some associated VMS username and password handling functions. The password hashing function is implemented in XS, with a hideously slow pure Perl backup version for systems that can't handle XS.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Data::Integer)perl(Digest::CRC)perl(Exporter)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::String)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * ^`d nYB@hBABEBJCperl-Authen-Htpasswd0.171.08pclos2017Interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd filesThis module provides a convenient, object-oriented interface to Apache-style .htpasswd files. It supports passwords encrypted via MD5, SHA1, and crypt, as well as plain (cleartext) passwords. It requires Crypt::PasswdMD5 for MD5 and Digest::SHA1 for SHA1.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Crypt::PasswdMD5)perl(Digest)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::LockedFile)perl(Scalar::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Authen-Htpasswd-0.171.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm,9d9aef2082ce439271bba18539310de7./SRPMS.pclosd * Y<@ J[d%B@4BAdBEhBJCperl-Authen-Libwrap0.220.010pclos2017Access to Wietse Venema's TCP Wrappers libraryThe Authen::Libwrap module allows you to access the hosts_ctl() function from the popular TCP Wrappers security package. This allows validation of network access from perl programs against the system-wide _hosts.allow_ file.Qbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 wrap-develperl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Authen-Libwrap-0.220.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmY293009ecf4ab40cc63800cf7813afe4a./SRPMS.pclosd & H  IB@SBABEBJCperl-Authen-PAM0.160.017pclos2017Perl interface to the PAM libraryThe Authen::PAM module provides a Perl interface to the PAM library. The only difference with the standard PAM interface is that the perl one is simpler.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 pam-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Authen-PAM-0.160.0-17pclos2017.src.rpmQ9f5c946c807febf1926dc45dcaedc1b4./SRPMS.pclosd * R TB@}BABEBJCperl-Authen-Passphrase0.8.09pclos2017Hashed passwords/passphrases as objectsThis is the base class for a system of objects that encapsulate passphrases. An object of this type is a passphrase recogniser: its job is to recognise whether an offered passphrase is the right one. For security, such passphrase recognisers usually do not themselves know the passphrase they are looking for; they can merely recognise it when they see it. There are many schemes in use to achieve this effect, and the intent of this class is to provide a consistent interface to them all, hiding the details. The CPAN package Authen::Passphrase contains implementations of several specific passphrase schemes in addition to the base class.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Authen::DecHpwd)perl(Carp)perl(Crypt::DES)perl(Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt)perl(Crypt::Eksblowfish::Uklblowfish)perl(Crypt::MySQL)perl(Crypt::PasswdMD5)perl(Crypt::UnixCrypt_XS)perl(Data::Entropy::Algorithms)perl(Digest)perl(Digest::MD4)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Params::Classify)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( R8< FW`xB@BADBEHBJiCperl-Authen-Radius0.240.06pclos2017Radius authentication interface to Perl 5RadiusPerl is a Perl 5 module (Radius.pm) which allows you to communicate with a Radius server from Perl. You can just authenticate usernames/passwords via Radius, or comletely imitate AAA requests and process server response.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Data::HexDump)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & D $WB@`BABEBJCperl-Authen-SASL2.160.08pclos2017SASL Authentication frameworkSASL is a generic mechanism for authentication used by several network protocols. Authen::SASL provides an implementation framework that all protocols should be able to share.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::HMAC_MD5)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Authen-SASL-2.160.0-8pclos2017.src.rpme1dc349abb4079f0c615c4013cb3f501./SRPMS.pclosd# . k YB@mBABEBJCperl-Authen-SASL-SASLprep1.11.04pclos2017A Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords (RFC 4013)Authen-SASL-SASLprep -- A Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords (RFC 4013)6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Unicode::Stringprep)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.4003.0.4-1perl-Authen-SASL-SASLprep-1.11.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm=`a8105d1ef46c8a2db99228ae8468f481./SRPMS.pclosd % c$( 2CL p 3 B@CBApBEtBJCperl-Authen-SCRAM0.5.04pclos2017Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (RFC 5802)The modules in this distribution implement the Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) from RFC 5802. See Authen::SCRAM::Client and Authen::SCRAM::Server for usage details.^Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Authen::SASL::SASLprep)perl(Crypt::URandom)perl(Moo)perl(PBKDF2::Tiny)perl(Test::FailWarnings)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Types::Standard)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Authen-SCRAM-0.5.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmed9d5df05c7e538b083fda6637ffa95bb8./SRPMS.pclos'd ( >tx    B@BABEBJCperl-Authen-Simple0.500.09pclos2017Simple AuthenticationSimple and consistent framework for authentication.dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Crypt::PasswdMD5)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.03.0.4-1perl-Authen-Simple-0.500.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmk02728cf9328ce574f72e7d575ddb8585./SRPMS.pclos{d" - Hpt ~B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Authen-Simple-LDAP0.300.02pclos2017Simple LDAP authenticationAuthenticate against a LDAP service.Ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Authen::Simple)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Net::LDAP)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.03.0.4-1perl-Authen-Simple-LDAP-0.300.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm\H16726e38c078a180351262360050584e./SRPMS.pclosd$ / Lpt ~sB@BABEBJCperl-Authen-Simple-Passwd0.600.04pclos2017Simple Passwd authenticationAuthenticate against a passwd file.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Authen::Simple)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & [ B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Authen-Smb0.910.017pclos2017Perl extension to authenticate against an SMB serverAuthen::Smb is a Perl module to authenticate against an SMB server.Jbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 01a873fbe4c91ea4d3cb27203cd2da0b./SRPMS.pclosd % E $ZB@cBABEBJCperl-AutoLoader5.740.06pclos2017Load subroutines only on demandThe AutoLoader module works with the AutoSplit module and the __END__ token to defer the loading of some subroutines until they are used rather than loading them all at once.{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AutoLoader-5.740.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm_6d8e4cd4710727ff13c3e19e81e5dcb6./SRPMS.pcloskd ' M B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-AutoXS-Header1.20.08pclos2017Container for the AutoXS header filesThis module is a simple container for the newest version of the the AutoXS manpage header file 'AutoXS.h'.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-AutoXS-Header-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmT82b8d04d19efba90bccca7631e059603./SRPMS.pclosgd & O B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-B-CodeLines1.100.08pclos2017Lists executable lines of a Perl Program This compiler backend prints the out the line numbers of the stopping points of a Perl program. It might be used for example for static analysis to see of all lines have been executed, or in a when debugger breakpoint is requested (and other ways to get stopping points fails).#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(version)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-CodeLines-1.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm+E77d3c4a2f2727d3e71a470d3ed74cb30./SRPMS.pclosd % A   q B@BABEBJCperl-B-Compiling0.60.04pclos2017Expose PL_compiling to perlThis module exposes the perl interpreter's PL_compiling variable to perl.2+bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(B)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Compiling-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm8ec0b298546a34d5c5eed8053d21c8a44./SRPMS.pclosd " W >B@JBAtBExBJCperl-B-Debug1.230.05pclos2017Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about opsSee _ext/B/README_ and the newer the B::Concise manpage, the B::Terse manpage.Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(B)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Debug-1.230.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmMKf6a5910531d0f3f63f67efdee8353948./SRPMS.pclosGd " 9lp zB@BABEBJ9Cperl-B-Flags0.160.03pclos2017Friendlier flags for BBy default, '$foo->flags' when passed an object in the 'B' class will produce a relatively meaningless number, which one would need to grovel through the Perl source code in order to do anything useful with. This module adds 'flagspv' to the SV and op classes and 'privatepv' to the op classes, which makes them easier to understand. *Warning*: This module is not _guaranteed_ compatible with any version of Perl below 5.7.0; however, I'd like to make it so compatible, so if it fails to compile, mail me. There's probably an '#ifdef' I need to add somewhere.../bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Flags-0.160.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm6749f4a12d5a0fa529358b1bf45b618da./SRPMS.pclosd" - ]   , B@YBABEBJCperl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope0.200.02pclos2017Execute code after a scope finished compilationThis module allows you to execute code when perl finished compiling the surrounding scope.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Glob)perl(File::Spec)perl(IPC::Open2)perl(Module::Implementation)perl(Module::Metadata)perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(Variable::Magic)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  , D yB@BABEBJCperl-B-Hooks-OP-Check0.190.017pclos2017Wrap OP check callbacksThis module provides a c api for XS modules to hook into the callbacks of 'PL_check'. the ExtUtils::Depends manpage is used to export all functions for other XS modules to use. Include the following in your Makefile.PL: my $pkg = ExtUtils::Depends->new('Your::XSModule', 'B::Hooks::OP::Check'); WriteMakefile( ... # your normal makefile flags $pkg->get_makefile_vars, );bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develperl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-parentrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.190.0-17pclos2017.src.rpm678948d4352c15a41881a0b584d28702./SRPMS.pclosSd$+ 7 y (DB@BA BE$BJECperl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange0.60.011pclos2017Invoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changesInvoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changes. From Perl: package Foo; use B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange; our $id = B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange::register(sub { my ($new, $old) = @_; warn "${old} -> ${new}"; }); package Bar; # "Foo -> Bar" B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange::unregister($Foo::id); package Moo; # callback not invoked bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(B::Hooks::OP::Check)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange-0.60.0-11pclos2017.src.rpm5ee3284fe19f8f20beb3ccb4680a1f8f./SRPMS.pclosd  , G ~B@BABEBJCperl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr0.30.016pclos2017Hook into opcode executionThis module provides a c api for XS modules to hook into the execution of perl opcodes. the ExtUtils::Depends manpage is used to export all functions for other XS modules to use. Include the following in your Makefile.PL: my $pkg = ExtUtils::Depends->new('Your::XSModule', 'B::Hooks::OP::PPAddr'); WriteMakefile( ... # your normal makefile flags $pkg->get_makefile_vars, );bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr-0.30.0-16pclos2017.src.rpmf8692e6b680d334afa7964cf6b5ac5e9./SRPMS.pclos+d ) M B@BABEBJCperl-B-Hooks-Parser0.160.04pclos2017Interface to perls parser variablesThis module provides an API for parts of the perl parser. It can be used to modify code while it's being parsed.Nbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(B::Hooks::EndOfScope)perl(B::Hooks::OP::Check)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Exception)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Hooks-Parser-0.160.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmU958eea6416216cb113d78d4cee227d92./SRPMS.pclosd % R AB@LBAxBE|BJCperl-B-Keywords1.150.02pclos2017Lists of reserved barewords and symbol namesB::Keywords supplies seven arrays of keywords: @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes, @Filehandles, @Symbols, @Functions, and @Barewords. The @Symbols array includes the contents of each of @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes, and @Filehandles. Similarly, @Barewords adds a few non-function keywords and operators to the @Functions array. All additions and modifications are welcome.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(B)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Keywords-1.150.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm310a4642b62a440b50afc42b39096f24b./SRPMS.pclosd ! G  4B@BABEBJCperl-B-Lint1.200.05pclos2017Adds debugging stringification to B::The B::Lint module is equivalent to an extended version of the *-w* option of *perl*. It is named after the program _lint_ which carries out a similar process for C programs.T\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(if)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-B-Lint-1.200.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmY}395b1079baf851630419507a278527b9./SRPMS.pclosd " ZDH Rcl+B@ABAlBEpBJCperl-B-Utils0.270.04pclos2017Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions sub foo { dothis(1); find_things(); return; } has the following optree: d <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end) - <@> lineseq KP ->d 1 <;> nextstate(main -371 bah.pl:8) v/2 ->2 5 <1> entersub[t2] vKS/TARG,3 ->6 - <1> ex-list K ->5 2 <0> pushmark s ->3 3 <$> const[IV 1] sM ->4 - <1> ex-rv2cv sK/3 ->- 4 <#> gv[*dothis] s ->5 6 <;> nextstate(main -371 bah.pl:9) v/2 ->7)bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.302.03.0.4-1perl-B-Utils-0.270.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm1W7352e4fa62c6af4e0f3c388c15cca5d1./SRPMS.pclos[d " >    B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-BBS-Perm1.10.08pclos2017A feed plugin for BBS::Perm'Perm' means 'Perl' + 'Term' here. here is a list the BBS::Perm manpage can supply: 1. multiple terminals and quickly switch between them.Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Expect)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Which)perl(Gnome2::Vte)perl(IO::Pty)perl(IO::Stty)perl(IP::QQWry)perl(Regexp::Common)perl(UNIVERSAL::moniker)perl(YAML::Syck)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-BBS-Perm-1.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm[5e481c7444ae24e634109827c3a1a499./SRPMS.pclosd   ? B@*BAPBETBJuCperl-BDB1.910.012pclos2017Asynchronous Berkeley DB accessThis is the Asynchronous Berkeley DB access API for Perl and DB 4.6.9bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(common::sense)db-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-BDB-1.910.0-12pclos2017.src.rpmf20e0e3ddedf9ac7316c857929c25a7e./SRPMS.pclosd   Z48 BS\`|B@BABEBJCperl-BFD0.310.08pclos2017Impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposesAllows for impromptu dumping of output to STDERR. Useful when you want to take a peek at a nest Perl data structure by emitting (relatively) nicely formatted output with filename and line number prefixed to each line.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-BFD-0.310.0-8pclos2017.src.rpml6c0be5e052053609745e165782950761./SRPMS.pclos[d ) [x| B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-BSD-Resource1.290.9003pclos2017BSD process resource limit and priority functionsBSD-Resource module for perl mbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-BSD-Resource-1.290.900-3pclos2017.src.rpmf21ed750a494c0bdc1e6ae6aa31e7f96./SRPMS.pclosd # N dB@rBABEBJCperl-BZ-Client1.72.04pclos2017A client for the Bugzilla web services APIThis module provide an interface to access to your (or another) bugzilla.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DateTime::Format::ISO8601)perl(LWP)perl(Module::Build)perl(URI)perl(XML::Parser)perl(XML::Writer)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-BZ-Client-1.72.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm]0e3eee736118abd70305edf61939a292./SRPMS.pclosd ( K PkB@BABEBJCperl-BackPAN-Index0.420.07pclos2017Role to dump object data as a hashThis downloads, caches and parses the BackPAN index into a local database for efficient querying. Its a pretty thin wrapper around DBIx::Class returning the DBIx::Class::ResultSet manpage objects which makes it efficient and flexible. The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is a very useful collection of Perl code. However, in order to keep CPAN relatively small, authors of modules can delete older versions of modules to only let CPAN have the latest version of a module. BackPAN is where these deleted modules are backed up. It's more like a full CPAN mirror, only without the deletions. This module provides an index of BackPAN and some handy methods.0T?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(autodie)perl(parent)perl(App::Cache)perl(Archive::Extract)perl(CLASS)perl(CPAN::DistnameInfo)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(Module::Build)perl(Mouse)perl(Path::Class)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Compile)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-BackPAN-Index-0.420.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm0_xb6a38caa03fe0b334a0a2286e74415fe./SRPMS.pclosd % E  @ $ B@8BAdBEhBJCperl-Beam-Emitter1.0.02pclos2017Role for event emitting classesThis is the base event class for 'Beam::Emitter' objects. The base class is only really useful for notifications. Create a subclass to add data attributes.Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Types::Standard)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Beam-Emitter-1.0.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmLn1389483c99041122bf94954e5edfab65./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 K48 BS\B@=BAxBE|BJCperl-Benchmark-Perl-Formance0.530.03pclos2017Benchmark Suite for PerlThis benchmark suite tries to run some stressful programs and outputs values that you can compare against other runs of this suite, e.g. with other versions of Perl, modified compile parameter, or another set of dependent libraries.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Config::Perl::V)perl(Data::DPath)perl(Data::Structure::Util)perl(Data::YAML::Reader)perl(Data::YAML::Writer)perl(Devel::Platform::Info)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON)perl(List::Util)perl(Math::MatrixReal)perl(Math::Primality)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Sys::Info)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Benchmark-Perl-Formance-0.530.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmc91b493a80b7026b2efe6703d6fd52a8./SRPMS.pclosd! , [ *B@4BAhBElBJCperl-Benchmark-Timer0.710.7004pclos2017Benchmark::Timer - Perl code benchmarking toolThe Benchmark::Timer class allows you to time portions of code conveniently, as well as benchmark code by allowing timings of repeated trials. It is perfect for when you need more precise information about the running time of portions of your code than the Benchmark module will give you, but don't want to go all out and profile your code.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Statistics::TTest)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Benchmark-Timer-0.710.700-4pclos2017.src.rpmc28dd0a1914aa28ac2c1ad966cee326b./SRPMS.pclosOd " B    B@BABE BJACperl-Bencode1.402.04pclos2017BitTorrent serialisation formatThis module implements the BitTorrent _bencode_ serialisation format as described in the http://www.bittorrent.org/protocol.html manpage.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter::Tidy)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Bencode-1.402.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmAaef296109dcc8b621562f20b7d4e79c3c./SRPMS.pclosGd % P\` j{B@BABEBJ9Cperl-BerkeleyDB0.550.06pclos2017Perl module for BerkeleyDB 2.x and greaterBerkeleyDB is a module which allows Perl programs to make use of the facilities provided by Berkeley DB version 2 or greater. (Note: if you want to use version 1 of Berkeley DB with Perl you need the DB_File module). Berkeley DB is a C library which provides a consistent interface to a number of database formats. BerkeleyDB provides an interface to all four of the database types (hash, btree, queue and recno) currently supported by Berkeley DB. For further details see the documentation in the file BerkeleyDB.pod. ]bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)db-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-BerkeleyDB-0.550.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm&0cb8e9fda322b9ff911121266586c90f./SRPMS.pclos_d# . h B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene1.700.08pclos2017Regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez GeneBio::ASN1::EntrezGene is a regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez Gene genome databases (http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene). It parses an ASN.1-formatted Entrez Gene record and returns a data structure that contains all data items from the gene record.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Bio::Index::AbstractSeq)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.700.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm126a67e772f514b90b24bcced6bcf30d./SRPMS.pclosd ) m B@BAPBETBJuCperl-Bio-EUtilities1.730.04pclos2017Webagent which interacts with and retrieves data from NCBI's eUtilsWebagent which interacts with and retrieves data from NCBI's eUtils.sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Bio::Root::Root)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Bio-EUtilities-1.730.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmzs2eb322dff24641f3fe9cf3f3d4a1ca25./SRPMS.pclosd ( > "B@+BA\BE`BJCperl-Bio-FeatureIO1.6.9054pclos2017Handler for FeatureIOBio::FeatureIO is a BioPerl-based parser for feature data from common biological sequence formats, such as GFF3, GTF, and BED.rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Bio::Root::Test)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Bio-FeatureIO-1.6.905-4pclos2017.src.rpm498d340c0c9b061e98b3cbe883ee6c83./SRPMS.pclosd $ M  '08nB@wBABEBJCperl-Bio-Phylo0.580.07pclos2017Analysis and manipulation of phylogeniesThis is the base class for the Bio::Phylo package for phylogenetic analysis using object-oriented perl5. In this file, methods are defined that are performed by other objects in the Bio::Phylo release that inherit from this base class (which you normally wouldn't use directly). For general information on how to use Bio::Phylo, consult the manual (the Bio::Phylo::Manual manpage). If you come here because you are trying to debug a problem you run into in using Bio::Phylo, you may be interested in the "exceptions" system as discussed in the Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions manpage. In addition, you may find the logging system in the Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger manpage of use to localize problems.3bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Bio-Phylo-0.580.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm f215cc7a7cbd9ac03b68fd8b25ea2fd3./SRPMS.pclosd & W .B@7BAdBEhBJCperl-Bio-SeqReader0.1.39pclos2017Class providing methods for representing header,The Bio::SeqReader package provides classes specifically for reading sequence data. EXPORT None by default.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Bio-SeqReader-0.1.3-9pclos2017.src.rpm o5d3d6e235a31fbf7341132d293c097ed./SRPMS.pclosd # 8  *;D p > B@sBABEBJCperl-BioPerl1.6.92411pclos2017BioPerl core modulesOfficially organized in 1995 and existing informally for several years prior, The Bioperl Project is an international association of developers of open source Perl tools for bioinformatics, genomics and life science research.Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN)perl(DB_File)perl(Data::Stag)perl(ExtUtils::Manifest)perl(IO::String)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::Most)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.810.;d & M04 >OXhB@BABE BJ-Cperl-BioPerl-Run1.6.9009pclos2017BioPerl wrappers for external programsOfficially organized in 1995 and existing informally for several years prior, The Bioperl Project is an international association of developers of open source Perl tools for bioinformatics, genomics and life science research.Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Bio::Root::Version)perl(Module::Build)perl-bioperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.6.9000.380.۝ac1a8047431a4b5f813198772bb9ab2c./SRPMS.pclosd % @  '0DB@BABEBJCperl-Bit-Vector7.400.05pclos2017Bit-Vector module for perlBit-Vector module for perl. Bit::Vector is an efficient C library which allows you to handle bit vectors, sets (of integers), "big integer arithmetic" and boolean matrices, all of arbitrary sizes.2bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp::Clan)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Storable)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.300.$ 0 X    B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Boost-Geometry-Utils0.150.011pclos2017Bindings for the Boost Geometry libraryBindings for the Boost Geometry library.> bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::CppGuess)perl(ExtUtils::Typemaps::Default)perl(ExtUtils::XSpp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Build::WithXSpp)perl(Test::More)perl-develgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IRC::Utils)perl(POE)perl(POE::Component::IRC)perl(Text::Wrap)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.06.620.03.0.4-1perl-Bot-BasicBot-0.890.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm>b7834c664a1800e2e18b542aa64e69c0./SRPMS.pclos/d& 1 { ((p(B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable0.980.09pclos2017Extension to the simple irc bot base class allowing for pluggable modulesExtension to the simple irc bot base class allowing for pluggable modules.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Bot::BasicBot)perl(CGI)perl(Carp)perl(Config::Find)perl(Crypt::SaltedHash)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(DBM::Deep)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Log::Log4perl::Level)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Load)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::Getopt::Dashes)perl(MooseX::SimpleConfig)perl(POE)perl(Socket)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Unidecode)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(URI)perl(URI::Find::Simple)perl(URI::Title)perl(XML::Feed)perl(YAML::XS)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.600. ; Wlp z   B@BA BE$BJECperl-Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable-Module-Tea0.10.09pclos2017Organise tea rounds via IRCno description found2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module)perl(DateTime)perl(English)perl(List::Util)perl(Moose)perl(Test::Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable)perl(Test::MockModule)perl(Test::MockObject::Extends)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable-Module-Tea-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm982aeebf35cc39dc8089f58cab4971799./SRPMS.pclosSd & DTX bs|B@BA BE$BJECperl-Browser-Open0.40.08pclos2017Open a browser in a given URLThe functions optionaly exported by this module allows you to open URLs in the user browser. A set of known commands per OS-name is tested for presence, and the first one found is executed. With an optional parameter, all known commands are checked. The the "open_browser" manpage uses the 'system()' function to execute the command. If you want more control, you can get the command with the the "open_browser_cmd" manpage or the "open_browser_cmd_all" manpage functions and then use whatever method you want to execute it.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.920.03.0.4-1perl-Browser-Open-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm73bb9d9824d69935b5be7883297a6475./SRPMS.pclos d# . R  *;DPB@BABEBJCperl-Business-CreditCard0.350.03pclos2017Credit card number check digit testThese subroutines tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent -- whether the last digit of the number is a valid checksum for the preceding digits. The validate() subroutine returns 1 if the card number provided passes the checksum test, and 0 otherwise. The cardtype() subroutine returns a string containing the type of card. The list of possible return values is more comprehensive than it used to be, but additions are still most welcome.-vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Business-CreditCard-0.350.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm517a16a53d9339209b8548e47ec29fa63./SRPMS.pclosd ) S(, 6GPXB@BABEBJCperl-Business-Hours0.120.08pclos2017Calculate business hours in a time periodThis module is a simple tool for calculating business hours in a time period. Over time, additional functionality will be added to make it easy to calculate the number of business hours between arbitrary dates.Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Set::IntSpan)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Business-Hours-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmIec5251d858298ae1d0a3cd4ceff2eb5a./SRPMS.pclos/d ' U B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Business-ISBN2.10.03pclos2017Work with International Standard Book NumbersThis modules handles International Standard Book Numbers, including ISBN-10 and ISBN-13.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Business::ISBN::Data)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Mojo::DOM)perl(Mojo::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)20140910.2.06.640.00.950.03.0.4-1perl-Business-ISBN-2.10.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmd2199932d73d8aefc264facc1713cfc2./SRPMS.pclos+d' 2 O  B@BABEBJCperl-Business-ISBN-Data20140910.3.03pclos2017Data pack for Business::ISBNYou don't need to load this module yourself in most cases. Business::ISBN will load it when it loads. These data are generated from the RangeMessage.xml file provided by the ISBN Agency. You can retrieve this yourself at https://www.isbn-international.org/range_file_generation. This file is included as part of the distribution and should be installed at ~lib/Business/ISBN/Data/RangeMessage.xml.XKbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.640.00.950.03.0.4-1perl-Business-ISBN-Data-20140910.3.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm_6c6b0e3cb4d697e1cc9d590745283fcc./SRPMS.pclosd * \tx B@3BAdBEhBJCperl-Business-PayPal0.170.05pclos2017Perl extension for automating PayPal transactionsBusiness::PayPal makes the automation of PayPal transactions as simple as doing creditcard transactions through a regular processor. It includes methods for creating PayPal buttons and for validating the Instant Payment Notification that is sent when PayPal processes a payment.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Net::SSLeay)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . V (HB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Bytes-Random-Secure0.290.04pclos2017Cryptographically suitable random bytesthe Bytes::Random::Secure manpage provides two interfaces for obtaining crypt-quality random bytes. The simple interface is built around plain functions. For greater control over the Random Number Generator's seeding, there is an Object Oriented interface that provides much more flexibility. The "functions" interface provides five functions that can be used any time you need a string (or MIME Base64 representation, or hex-digits representation, or Quoted Printable representation) of a specific number of random bytes. There are equivalent methods available via the OO interface. This module can be a drop-in replacement for the Bytes::Random manpage, with the primary enhancement of using a much higher quality random number generator to create the random data. The 'random_bytes' function emulates the user interface of the Bytes::Random manpage's function by the same name. But with Bytes::Random::Secure the random number generator comes from the Math::Random::ISAAC manpage, and is suitable for cryptographic purposes. The harder problem to solve is how to seed the generator. This module uses the Crypt::Random::Seed manpage to generate the initial seeds for Math::Random::ISAAC.v=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Crypt::Random::Seed)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(MIME::QuotedPrint)perl(Math::Random::ISAAC)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Bytes-Random-Secure-0.290.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm12e297ee0306cee2272012e99408ff60./SRPMS.pclosSd $ Y B@BA BE$BJECperl-C-Analyzer0.20.08pclos2017Generates C Call Control Flow tree for C source codeCreates Call stack/tree of C source coderbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.440.03.0.4-1perl-C-Analyzer-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm81353ab3d989b24534c92a3da16b7ab93./SRPMS.pclosd! , [DH RcltB@BABEBJ Cperl-CACertOrg-CA20110724.4.06pclos2017CACert.org's CA root certificate in PEM formatCACertOrg::CA provides a copy of Certificate Authority certificate for CACert.org. This is the Class 1 PKI Key. sha1 13:5C:EC:36:F4:9C:B8:E9:3B:1A:B2:70:CD:80:88:46:76:CE:8F:33 md5 A6:1B:37:5E:39:0D:9C:36:54:EE:BD:20:31:46:1F:6Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CACertOrg-CA-20110724.4.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm%da87289662d89b63900702cffc1412d8./SRPMS.pcloswd " N B@BADBEHBJiCperl-CBOR-XS1.410.03pclos2017Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)This module converts Perl data structures to the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and vice versa. CBOR is a fast binary serialization format that aims to use an (almost) superset of the JSON data model, i.e. when you can represent something useful in JSON, you should be able to represent it in CBOR. obb2 Development/Perlx86_64 coreutilsfindutilsgccmakeperlperl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develsedperl(common::sense)perl(Exporter)perl(Math::BigFloat)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Time::Piece)perl(Types::Serialiser)perl(URI)perl(XSLoader)perl(Data::Dumper)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CBOR-XS-1.410.0-3pclos2017.src.rpma595186fd3c9acb742ac7564324ed2c3./SRPMS.pclosd # I *B@5BA`BEdBJCperl-CDB_File0.980.04pclos2017Extension for access to cdb databasesCDB_File is a module which provides a Perl interface to Dan Berstein's cdb package.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CDB_File-0.980.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm301e63b0bcdbe99fb98260dffe5f75de./SRPMS.pcloswd   O48 BS\B@BADBEHBJiCperl-CDDB1.222.09pclos2017A high-level interface to cddb protocol serversCDDB is a high-level interface to databases based on the Compact Disc Database protocol. Starting with version 1.04, CDDB.pm will contact freedb.org servers by default. cddb.com's developer license is for end-user applications; not third-party libraries. This makes CDDB.pm ineligible for access to cddb.com servers. This author will not pursue further cddb.com access. Developers using CDDB.pm may continue to attempt connections to cddb.com servers, but there are no guarantees.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(IO::Socket)perl(LWP)perl(MIME::QuotedPrint)perl(Mail::Header)perl(Mail::Internet)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # A 8B@@BAlBEpBJCperl-CDDB-File1.50.07pclos2017Parse a CDDB/freedb data fileThis module provides an interface for extracting data from CDDB-format data files, as used by freedb. It does not read data from your CD, or submit information to freedb.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CDDB-File-1.50.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm#b9f947b3a590aa05814cd56efdd0a04c./SRPMS.pclosWd # U B@BA$BE(BJICperl-CDDB_get2.280.08pclos2017Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your driveThis module/script gets the CDDB info for an audio cd.Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CDDB_get-2.280.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm`R1728f4512b3a3346dfbfcc9566570164./SRPMS.pclosd   K pB@BABEBJ Cperl-CGI4.4201pclos2019Simple Common Gateway Interface class for PerlThis perl library uses perl5 objects to make it easy to create Web fill-out forms and parse their contents. This package defines CGI objects, entities that contain the values of the current query string and other state variables. Using a CGI object's methods, you can examine keywords and parameters passed to your script, and create forms whose initial values are taken from the current query (thereby preserving state information)."yDevelopment/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(Cwd)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(POSIX)perlperl(if)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-4.420-1pclos2019.src.rpm(0a640c056d5b1409e84f01ae64377c25./SRPMS.pclosd * [hl v(B@DBAtBExBJCperl-CGI-Application4.500.09pclos2017Framework for building reusable web-applicationsCGI-Application is intended to make it easier to create sophisticated, reusable web-based applications. This module implements a methodology which, if followed, will make your web software easier to design, easier to document, easier to write, and easier to evolve..Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Carp)perl(Class::ISA)perl(HTML::Template)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-4.500.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm53575e55df6707098fbadb9676c2fed32./SRPMS.pclosOd ( 4 ghl v   B@BABE BJACperl-CGI-Application-Dispatch3.120.010pclos2017Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objectThis module provides a way (as a mod_perl handler or running under vanilla CGI) to look at the path ($r->path_info or $ENV{PATH_INFO}) of the incoming request, parse off the desired module and it's run mode, create an instance of that module and run it.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Apache::Test)perl(CGI::Application)perl(CGI::PSGI)perl(Exception::Class)perl(HTTP::Exception)perl(Module::Build)perl(Plack)perl(Test::LongString)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)4.500.*2 > q B@BADBEHBJiCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode0.180.010pclos2017CGI::App plugin to automatically register runmodesThis plugin for CGI::Application provides easy ways to setup run modes. You can just write the method that implement a run mode, you do not have to explicitly register it with CGI::App anymore. There are two approaches: * Declare run modes with subroutine attributes.3bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(CGI::Application)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);+c4946daf07c8f9b1ca94ec58233817a6./SRPMS.pclosd&- 9 d<@ J[d  ~ B@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-CAPTCHA0.40.010pclos2017Easily create, use, and verify CAPTCHAs in'CGI::Application::Plugin::CAPTCHA' allows programmers to easily add and verify CAPTCHAs in their CGI::Application-derived web applications. A CAPTCHA (or Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) is an image with a random string of characters. A user must successfully enter the random string in order to submit a form. This is a simple (yet annoying) procedure for humans to complete, but one that is significantly more difficult for a form-stuffing script to complete without having to integrate some sort of OCR. CAPTCHAs are not a perfect solution. Any skilled, diligent cracker will eventually be able to bypass a CAPTCHA, but it should be able to shut down your average script-kiddie.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI::Application)perl(GD::SecurityImage)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl(Data::Random)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize)perl(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-CAPTCHA-0.40.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm5bdfb983571ad922a630d46473335637d./SRPMS.pclosd*1 < i B@BA\BE`BJCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-YAML0.10.09pclos2017add Config::YAML support to CGI::ApplicationThis plug-in add Config::YAML support to CGI::Application. The usage of this plug-in is almost the same as CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::Simple. This plug-in can be easily used instead of CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::Simple. This plug-in refers to CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::Simple._bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::YAML)perl(CGI::Application)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-YAML-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm]57a4ab0f0c86958b47edaf18c3a122bb./SRPMS.pclosd") 4 Z    B@BABEBJ Cperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH4.40.08pclos2017Easy DBI access from CGI::ApplicationCGI::Application::Plugin::DBH adds easy access to a DBI database handle to your CGI::Application modules. Lazy loading is used to prevent a database connection from being made if the 'dbh' method is not called during the request. In other words, the database connection is not created until it is actually needed.@hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(CGI::Application)perl(DBD::Mock)perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::MockObject)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400. < l ~B@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ErrorPage1.210.010pclos2017A simple error page plugin for CGI::ApplicationThis plugin provides a shortcut for the common need of returning a simple error message to the user. You are encouraged to provide a template file so that the error messages can be presented with a design consistent with the rest of your application. A simple design is provided below to get to you started.6sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(CGI::Application)perl(HTML::Template)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ErrorPage-1.210.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm=31cc22f0eb33f9b6b4fe81673730f720./SRPMS.pclosd&- 9 c  vB@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward1.60.010pclos2017Pass control from one run mode to anotherThe forward method passes control to another run mode and returns its output. This is equivalent to calling '$self->$other_runmode', except that the CGI::Application manpage's internal value of the current run mode is updated. This means that calling '$self->get_current_runmode' after calling 'forward' will return the name of the new run mode. This is useful for modules that depend on the name of the current run mode such as the CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate manpage. For example, here's how to pass control to a run mode named 'other_action' from 'start' while updating the value of 'current_run_mode':+bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(CGI::Application)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward-1.60.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm3772670f52a7428f4f401ab36f9365b41./SRPMS.pcloswd*1 = k "3<XB@BADBEHBJiCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch1.20.011pclos2017Add Log::Dispatch support to CGI::ApplicationCGI::Application::Plugin::LogDispatch adds logging support to your the CGI::Application manpage modules by providing a the Log::Dispatch manpage dispatcher object that is accessible from anywhere in the application. If you have the CGI::Application::Plugin::DevPopup manpage installed, a "Log Entries" report is added to the popup window, containing all of the entries that were logged during the execution of the runmode.+wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(CGI::Application)perl(Log::Dispatch)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch-1.20.0-11pclos2017.src.rpm3497fa73f305756a5a1e5ca8249c3100c./SRPMS.pclosd(. : \ &B@1BAtBExBJCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RateLimit1.0.011pclos2017Limits runmode call rate per userThis module provides protection against a user calling a runmode too frequently. A typical use-case might be a contact form that sends email. You'd like to allow your users to send you messages, but thousands of messages from a single user would be a problem. This module works by maintaining a database of hits to protected runmodes. It then checks this database to determine if a new hit should be allowed based on past activity by the user. The user's identity is, by default, tied to login (via REMOTE_USER) or IP address (via REMOTE_IP) if login info is not available. You may provide your own identity function via the identity_callback() method. To use this module you must create a table in your database with the following schema (using MySQL-syntax, although other DBs may work as well with minor alterations):$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI::Application)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RateLimit-1.0.0-11pclos2017.src.rpm,3ec1123481a69ea2e91291af39931d31./SRPMS.pclosd)0 < dhl v B@BA\BE`BJCperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RequireSSL0.40.010pclos2017Force SSL in specified pages or modulesCGI::Application::Plugin::RequireSSL allows individual run modes or whole modules to be protected by SSL. If a standard HTTP request is received, you can specify whether an error is raised or if the request should be redirected to the HTTPS equivalent URL.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(Attribute::Handlers)perl(CGI::Application)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RequireSSL-0.40.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm2bb2434ebe300852291e65298dda445c./SRPMS.pclos/d&- 8 e B@BABEBJ!Cperl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session1.50.08pclos2017Add CGI::Session support to CGI::ApplicationCGI::Application::Plugin::Session seamlessly adds session support to your the CGI::Application manpage modules by providing a the CGI::Session manpage object that is accessible from anywhere in the application. Lazy loading is used to prevent expensive file system or database calls from being made if the session is not needed during this request. In other words, the Session object is not created until it is actually needed. Also, the Session object will act as a singleton by always returning the same Session object for the duration of the request. This module aims to be as simple and non obtrusive as possible. By not requiring any changes to the inheritance tree of your modules, it can be easily added to existing applications. Think of it as a plugin module that adds a couple of new methods directly into the CGI::Application namespace simply by loading the module.`1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI::Application)perl(CGI::Session)perl(File::Spec)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session-1.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmidc3c244596d10de26c07f3649927bf7d./SRPMS.pclosd " d #,0LB@TBA|BEBJCperl-CGI-Auth3.0.012pclos2017Simple session-based password authentication for CGI applications"CGI::Auth" provides password authentication for web-based applications. It uses server-based session files which are referred to by a parameter in all links and forms inside the scripts guarded by "CGI::Auth". At the beginning of each script, a "CGI::Auth" object should be created and its "check" method called. When this happens, "check" checks for a 'session_file' CGI parameter. If that parameter exists and has a matching session file in the session directory, "check" returns, and the rest of the script can execute. If the session file parameter or the file itself doesn't exist, "check" presents the user with a login form and exits the script. The login form will then be submitted to the same script (specified in "-formaction"). When "check" is called this time, it verifies the user's login information in the userfile, creates a session file and provides the session file parameter to the rest of the script.A bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Auth-3.0.0-12pclos2017.src.rpmIbc9e93270c443de7163611198a105b7a./SRPMS.pclosd % J`d nSB@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Buffer0.770.03pclos2017Optimise the output of a CGI Programno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI::Info)perl(CSS::Packer)perl(Carp)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(DateTime)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTML::Lint)perl(HTML::Packer)perl(HTTP::Date)perl(IO::String)perl(JavaScript::Packer)perl(Storable)perl(Test::Most)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Test::TempDir::Tiny)perl(Time::localtime)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.510. & f EB@XBABEBJCperl-CGI-Compile0.210.03pclos2017Compile .cgi scripts to a code reference like ModPerl::RegistryCGI::Compile is an utility to compile CGI scripts into a code reference that can run many times on its own namespace, as long as the script is ready to run on a persistent environment. *NOTE:* for best results, load the CGI::Compile manpage before any modules used by your CGIs.W bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::pushd)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Requires)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^-cfa3bb997290c90cf49e9ca29de0a093./SRPMS.pclosd" - Q B@1BAdBEhBJCperl-CGI-Cookie-Splitter0.50.04pclos2017Split big cookies into smaller onesRFC 2109 reccomends that the minimal cookie size supported by the client is 4096 bytes. This has become a pretty standard value, and if your server sends larger cookies than that it's considered a no-no. This module provides a pretty simple interface to generate small cookies that are under a certain limit, without wasting too much effort.nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI::Simple::Util)perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::clean)perl(ok)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames),e0448d646384f70614fb8c35fb309504./SRPMS.pclosd " ;\` j{B@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Echo1.80.09pclos2017CGI-Echo module for perlThis module accepts form data, cleans it, and echos it. It is designed for a HTML/CGI student enviroment. It lets, indeed encourages, students to design forms and gives their long-suffering instructors a simple way to provide a CGI script which accepts the form data, and just echos it.!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Echo-1.80.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm(5c8b5f9b741eb285ad298d9698e572aa./SRPMS.pclos+d  + @ 4B@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Emulate-PSGI0.220.03pclos2017PSGI adapter for CGIThis module allows an application designed for the CGI environment to run in a PSGI environment, and thus on any of the backends that PSGI supports. It works by translating the environment provided by the PSGI specification to one expected by the CGI specification. Likewise, it captures output as it would be prepared for the CGI standard, and translates it to the format expected for the PSGI standard using CGI::Parse::PSGI module.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Response)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.760.940.03.0.4-1perl-CGI-Emulate-PSGI-0.220.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmF5a15fc112f90693875b9cb0e57c12edc./SRPMS.pclosd # >    B@BABEBJ Cperl-CGI-Fast2.100.04pclos2017CGI Interface for Fast CGICGI::Fast is a subclass of the CGI object created by CGI.pm. It is specialized to work with the FCGI module, which greatly speeds up CGI scripts by turning them into persistently running server processes. Scripts that perform time-consuming initialization processes, such as loading large modules or opening persistent database connections, will see large performance improvements.'dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FCGI)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)perl(if)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * w B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-CGI-FastTemplate1.90.08pclos2017Perl extension for managing templates, and performing variable interpolationWhat is a template? A template is a text file with variables in it. When a template is parsed, the variables are interpolated to text. (The text can be a few bytes or a few hundred kilobytes.) Here is a simple template with one variable ('$NAME'): Hello $NAME. How are you? When are templates useful? Templates are very useful for CGI programming, because adding HTML to your perl code clutters your code and forces you to do any HTML modifications. By putting all of your HTML in separate template files, you can let a graphic or interface designer change the look of your application without having to bug you, or let them muck around in your perl code. There are other templating modules on CPAN, what makes FastTemplate different? CGI::FastTemplate has the following attributes: - Speed - Efficiency - Flexibility8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-FastTemplate-1.90.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmAo2f45f6663623737aed3da8cde1bd5a9d./SRPMS.pclosd ) T B@BALBEPBJqCperl-CGI-FormBuilder3.90.07pclos2017Easily generate and process stateful formsFormBuilder is a fully-functional form engine with numerous features.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-FormBuilder-3.90.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm625e1d948b3d81264ed5aa8eed9855e9./SRPMS.pcloscd * I<@ J[d   B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-CGI-FormMagick0.910.010pclos2017CGI-FormMagick module for perlFormMagick is a toolkit for easily building fairly complex form-based web applications. It allows the developer to specify the structure of a multi-page "wizard" style form using XML, then display that form using only a few lines of Perl.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI::Persistent)perl(Class::ParamParser)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(I18N::LangTags)perl(Persistence::Object::Simple)perl(Test::Inline)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Iconv)perl(Text::Template)perl(Time::ParseDate)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!fcb6927e6d4f3921561913b3f410c6eb./SRPMS.pclosd" - F  $(DB@LBABEBJCperl-CGI-GuruMeditation1.100.08pclos2017Guru Meditation for CGIsThis is a small module accompanying the CGI module, providing the display of an error screen (somewhat resembling the classical red-on-black blinking Guru Meditation from the good-old AmigaOS before version 2.04) in case of abnormal termination of a CGI. The module simply installs a $SIG{__DIE__} handler which sends a HTTP response showing a HTML/CSS based screen which optionally includes the Perl run-time error message, an excerpt from the CGI source code and the Perl run-time environment variables. This provides both optically more pleasant and functionally more elaborate error messages for CGIs. This module supports both the regular CGI and the Apache/mod_perl CGI environment.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-GuruMeditation-1.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm$a7d16e998d9aff0ef3bba6cf99e3bd57./SRPMS.pclosd # I`d nB@.BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-CGI-Info0.590.03pclos2017Fetch information from the CGI Systemno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Autouse)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTTP::BrowserDetect)perl(Log::Any)perl(List::Member)perl(Socket)perl(String::Clean::XSS)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::Most)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(URI::Heuristic)perl(CHI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.420.03.0.4-1perl-CGI-Info-0.590.0-3pclos2017.src.rpme576d344a2043caaa265f1ed1d249466./SRPMS.pclosd " ; /8HB@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Lite3.10.03pclos2017CGI-Lite module for perlThis module can be used to decode form and query information, including file uploads, as well as cookies in a very simple manner; you need not concern yourself with the actual details behind the decoding process.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Lite-3.10.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmcb89b77289aaf525d6c3825a34120b1b4./SRPMS.pclosd & S  $@B@HBAtBExBJCperl-CGI-Minimal1.290.08pclos2017Extremely lightweight CGI processing packageCGI-Minimal is an extremely lightweight Perl module that provides CGI processing abilities designed to provide form decoding and related services with low overhead.}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Minimal-1.290.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm4181096c33cadc8b4b58db943b15c167./SRPMS.pclosd # E !B@,BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-CGI-PSGI0.150.09pclos2017Adapt CGI.pm to the PSGI protocolThis module is for web application framework developers who currently uses the CGI manpage to handle query parameters, and would like for the frameworks to comply with the the PSGI manpage protocol. Only slight modifications should be required if the framework is already collecting the body content to print to STDOUT at one place (rather using the print-as-you-go approach). On the other hand, if you are an "end user" of CGI.pm and have a CGI script that you want to run under PSGI web servers, this module might not be what you want. Take a look at the CGI::Emulate::PSGI manpage instead.rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-PSGI-0.150.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm{776854ddc58bb8e3e38c1806cfc8c907./SRPMS.pclosd $ > (B@2BA\BE`BJCperl-CGI-Panel0.970.08pclos2017CGI-Panel module for perlCGI::Panel allows applications to be built out of simple object-based components. It'll handle the state of your data and objects so you can write a web application just like a desktop app. You can forget about the http requests and responses, whether we're getting or posting, and all that stuff because that is all handled for you leaving to you interact with a simple API.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Apache::Session)perl(CGI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Panel-0.970.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmaa52f909c90f3c70902bae235b62d134./SRPMS.pclosSd! , O B@BA BE$BJECperl-CGI-ParamComposite0.20.08pclos2017CGI-ParamComposite module for perlConvert .-delimited CGI parameters to Perl classes/objects.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-ParamComposite-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm58dca0933aa745df0ee8ce0106d64bca./SRPMS.pclossd ) H B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-CGI-Persistent1.110.08pclos2017CGI-Persistent module for perlThis module provides transparent state persistence for CGI applications.`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl-Object-Persistencerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Persistent-1.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmbf770c8efb2d31f23501aba61f407929./SRPMS.pclos/d " ;    B@BABEBJ!Cperl-CGI-SSI0.920.08pclos2017Use SSI from CGI scriptsCGI::SSI is meant to be used as an easy way to filter shtml through CGI scripts in a loose imitation of Apache's mod_include. If you're using Apache, you may want to use either mod_include or the Apache::SSI module instead of CGI::SSI. Limitations in a CGI script's knowledge of how the server behaves make some SSI directives impossible to imitate from a CGI script. Most of the time, you'll simply want to filter shtml through STDOUT or some other open filehandle. 'autotie' is available for STDOUT, but in general, you'll want to tie other filehandles yourself: $ssi = tie(*FH, 'CGI::SSI', filehandle => 'FH'); print FH $shtml;4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Date::Format)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTML::SimpleParse)perl(HTTP::Cookies)perl(HTTP::Response)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-SSI-0.920.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm<460bd7e1f823747e8fec70906c00a8d9./SRPMS.pclosd # ? "B@+BATBEXBJyCperl-CGI-Safe1.250.08pclos2017Safe method of using CGI.pmThe CGI-Safe module makes running the CGI environment safer by eliminating dangerous %ENV variables and presetting certain CGI.pm globals.rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Safe-1.250.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm#/db0c4b40ff0d8f2b5fd3d2974ea45306./SRPMS.pclosd & R _B@{BABEBJCperl-CGI-Session4.480.08pclos2017Persistent session data in CGI applicationsCGI-Session is a Perl5 library that provides an easy, reliable and modular session management system across HTTP requests. Persistency is a key feature for such applications as shopping carts, login/authentication routines, and application that need to carry data accross HTTP requests. CGI::Session does that and many morez,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - P B@ BA@BEDBJeCperl-CGI-Session-ID-uuid0.30.08pclos2017UUID based CGI Session IdentifiersCGI::Session::ID::uuid is a CGI::Session 4.00 driver to generate identifiers based on DCE 1.1 and ISO/IEC 11578:1996 compliant Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID). This module requires a reasonable UUID generator. For this it either requires the preferred OSSP::uuid module or alternatively the Data::UUID, APR::UUID, DCE::UUID or UUID modules to be installed. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Session-ID-uuid-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmc247f65c12825f0123c8851fb69c2d91./SRPMS.pclos;d % ^,0 :KThB@BABE BJ-Cperl-CGI-Simple1.115.04pclos2017Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliantCGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in replacement for CGI.pm. It shares an identical OO interface to CGI.pm for parameter parsing, file upload, cookie handling and header generation. This module is entirely object oriented, however a complete functional interface is available by using the CGI::Simple::Standard module. Essentially everything in CGI.pm that relates to the CGI (not HTML) side of things is available. There are even a few new methods and additions to old ones! If you are interested in what has gone on under the hood see the Compatibility with CGI.pm section at the end. In practical testing this module loads and runs about twice as fast as CGI.pm depending on the precise task.SCbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(Test::More)perl-IO-stringyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Simple-1.115.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm[207afabc5894db424973ba56de16f86d./SRPMS.pclosd ) \  ZB@eBABEBJCperl-CGI-SpeedyCGI2.220.016pclos2017Speed up perl scripts by running them persistentlySpeedyCGI is a way to run perl scripts persistently, which can make them run much more quickly. A script can be made to to run persistently by changing the interpreter line at the top of the script from: to After the script is initially run, instead of exiting, the perl interpreter is kept running. During subsequent runs, this interpreter is used to handle new executions instead of starting a new perl interpreter each time. A very fast frontend program, written in C, is executed for each request. This fast frontend then contacts the persistent Perl process, which is usually already running, to do the work and return the results.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develapache-develapr-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.220.0-16pclos2017.src.rpm}a244e024d80ff6a75a26221b6397d229./SRPMS.pclosd % D$( 2CL\B@BABEBJCperl-CGI-Struct1.210.06pclos2017Build structures from CGI dataCGI::Struct lets you transform CGI data keys that _look like_ perl data structures into _actual_ perl data structures. CGI::Struct makes no attempt to actually _read in_ the variables from the request. You should be using the CGI manpage or some equivalent for that. CGI::Struct expects to be handed a reference to a hash containing all the keys/values you care about. The common way is to use something like 'CGI->Vars' or (as the author does) 'Plack::Request->parameters->mixed'. Whatever you use should give you a hash mapping the request variable names (keys) to the values sent in by the users (values). Any of the major CGIish modules will have such a method; consult the documentation for yours if you don't know it offhand.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Storable)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Struct-1.210.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmC47bb5b12334e782f826074acdc0ae4bb5./SRPMS.pclosd # ?48 BS\  < B@`BABEBJCperl-CGI-Test1.111.03pclos2017Off-line CGI test frameworkThe 'CGI::Test' module provides a CGI regression test framework which allows you to run your CGI programs offline, i.e. outside a web server, and interact with them programmatically, without the need to type data and click from a web browser..bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(HTTP::Message)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & \ PB@ZBABEBJCperl-CGI-Untaint1.260.09pclos2017CGI-Untaint Perl module: process CGI input parametersThis module provides a simple, convenient, abstracted and extensible manner for validating and untainting the input from web forms.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-CGIperl-UNIVERSAL-requirerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-Untaint-1.260.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm,997739bf404815688eb959b4f665546f./SRPMS.pclos3d " 6pt ~B@BABEBJ%Cperl-CGI-XML0.100.08pclos2017CGI-XML perl moduleCGI-XML converts CGI.pm variables to XML and vice versa.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-XML-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmE5a20e3cb4ca7c592894c85e44ce23d47./SRPMS.pclosd  + N GB@RBABEBJCperl-CGI-XMLApplication1.1.54pclos2017CGI-XMLApplication module for perlCGI-XMLApplication module for perl CGI::XMLApplication is a CGI application class, that intends to enable perl artists to implement CGIs that make use of XML/XSLT functionality, without taking too much care about specialized errorchecking or even care too much about XML itself. It provides the power of the XML::LibXML/ XML::LibXSLT module package for content deliverment.\Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXSLT)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CGI-XMLApplication-1.1.5-4pclos2017.src.rpmc0bc9e6b3531b0d6a51ddb4749ff80fef./SRPMS.pclos+d   0pt ~lB@BABEBJCperl-CHI0.600.04pclos2017Nothing is cachedCHI provides a unified caching API, designed to assist a developer in persisting data for a specified period of time. The CHI interface is implemented by driver classes that support fetching, storing and clearing of data. Driver classes exist or will exist for the gamut of storage backends available to Perl, such as memory, plain files, memory mapped files, memcached, and DBI. CHI is intended as an evolution of DeWitt Clinton's Cache::Cache package, adhering to the basic Cache API but adding new features and addressing limitations in the Cache::Cache implementation.cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp::Assert)perl(Data::UUID)perl(Date::Parse)perl(Digest::JHash)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Hash::MoreUtils)perl(JSON)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Log::Any)perl(Moo)perl(Moose)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike::Numeric)perl(Storable)perl(String::RewritePrefix)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::Class)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Time::Duration)perl(Time::Duration::Parse)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(Try::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   5 B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-CLASS1.0.010pclos2017Alias for __PACKAGE__CLASS and $CLASS are both synonyms for __PACKAGE__. Easier to type. $CLASS has the additional benefit of working in strings.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CLASS-1.0.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm f5e0fa0d1220601e601209c18f5d032d./SRPMS.pcloskd   4  $(((B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-CPAN2.100.04pclos2017CPAN module for perlThe CPAN module automates or at least simplifies the make and install of perl modules and extensions. It includes some primitive searching capabilities and knows how to use Net::FTP or LWP or some external download clients to fetch the distributions from the net. These are fetched from one or more of the mirrored CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) sites and unpacked in a dedicated directory. The CPAN module also supports the concept of named and versioned *bundles* of modules. Bundles simplify the handling of sets of related modules. See Bundles below. The package contains a session manager and a cache manager. The session manager keeps track of what has been fetched, built and installed in the current session. The cache manager keeps track of the disk space occupied by the make processes and deletes excess space according to a simple FIFO mechanism. All methods provided are accessible in a programmer style and in an interactive shell style. :0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Archive::Zip)perl(CPAN::Checksums)perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(CPAN::Meta::Requirements)perl(CPAN::Meta::YAML)perl(Compress::Bzip2)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::Which)perl(HTTP::Tiny)perl(IO::Compress::Base)perl(IO::Zlib)perl(JSON::PP)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Signature)perl(Net::FTP)perl(Net::Ping)perl(Parse::CPAN::Meta)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Term::ReadKey)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Glob)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(Text::Wrap)perl(YAML)perl(YAML::Syck)perl(YAML::XS)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) A475bdd14e2759552ee20b656257f44c5./SRPMS.pclosSd ' N04 >OXlB@BA BE$BJECperl-CPAN-Changes0.400.24pclos2017Information about a particular releaseIt is standard practice to include a Changes file in your distribution. The purpose the Changes file is to help a user figure out what has changed since the last release. People have devised many ways to write the Changes file. A preliminary specification has been created (the CPAN::Changes::Spec manpage) to encourage module authors to write clear and concise Changes. This module will help users programmatically read and write Changes files that conform to the specification.Yabb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Wrap)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.`9753b15d2da772009212662f0800b722./SRPMS.pclos'd ) ^@D N_h   B@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-Checksums2.110.03pclos2017Write a C file for a directory as on CPAN* $success = updatedir($dir) 'updatedir()' takes a directory name as argument and writes a typical 'CHECKSUMS' file in that directory as used on CPAN unless a previously written 'CHECKSUMS' file is there that is still valid. Returns 2 if a new 'CHECKSUMS' file has been written, 1 if a valid 'CHECKSUMS' file is already there, otherwise dies. Note: since version 2.0 updatedir on empty directories behaves just the same. In older versions it silently did nothing.@dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Compress::Bzip2)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(Data::Compare)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(DirHandle)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Signature)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.360. * d  %B@qBABEBJCperl-CPAN-Dependency0.160.08pclos2017Analyzes CPAN modules and generates their dependency treeThis module can process a set of distributions, up to the whole CPAN, and extract the dependency relations between these distributions. Alternatively, it can load the prerequisites information from a CPANTS database. It also calculates a score for each distribution based on the number of times it appears in the prerequisites of other distributions. The algorithm is described in more details in the "SCORE CALCULATION" manpage. 'CPAN::Dependency' stores the data in an internal structure which can be saved and loaded using 'save_deps_tree()' and 'load_deps_tree()'. The structure looks like this:Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPANPLUS)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::CoreList)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.820.! , o +B@5BAhBElBJCperl-CPAN-DistnameInfo0.120.08pclos2017Extract distribution name and version from a distribution filenameMany online services that are centered around CPAN attempt to associate multiple uploads by extracting a distribution name from the filename of the upload. For most distributions this is easy as they have used ExtUtils::MakeMaker or Module::Build to create the distribution, which results in a uniform name. But sadly not all uploads are created in this way. CPAN::DistnameInfo uses heuristics that have been learnt by http://search.cpan.org/ to extract the distribution name and version from filenames and also report if the version is to be treated as a developer release.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmFsb98a7a0dceed790ea0e8263ed5a250f3./SRPMS.pcloscd% 0 Xpt ~   B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-CPAN-FindDependencies2.440.04pclos2017Object representing a module dependencyno description foundsYbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Devel::CheckOS)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Module::CoreList)perl(Parse::CPAN::Packages)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(URI::file)perl(YAML::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d $ S 4B@BABE BJ-Cperl-CPAN-Meta2.150.54pclos2017Validate CPAN distribution metadata structuresSoftware distributions released to the CPAN include a _META.json_ or, for older distributions, _META.yml_, which describes the distribution, its contents, and the requirements for building and installing the distribution. The data structure stored in the _META.json_ file is described in the CPAN::Meta::Spec manpage. CPAN::Meta provides a simple class to represent this distribution metadata (or _distmeta_), along with some helpful methods for interrogating that data. The documentation below is only for the methods of the CPAN::Meta object. For information on the meaning of individual fields, consult the spec.Hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Meta::Requirements)perl(CPAN::Meta::YAML)perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Dir)perl(JSON::PP)perl(Parse::CPAN::Meta)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) T    B@7BAhBElBJCperl-CPAN-Meta-Check0.12.04pclos2017Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta objectThis module verifies if requirements described in a CPAN::Meta object are present.6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(CPAN::Meta::Prereqs)perl(CPAN::Meta::Requirements)perl(Env)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Metadata)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.120.9202.132.8302. 1 _    B@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements2.140.03pclos2017A set of version requirements for a CPAN distA CPAN::Meta::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those specified in the _META.yml_ or _META.json_ files in CPAN distributions. It can be built up by adding more and more constraints, and it will reduce them to the simplest representation. Logically impossible constraints will be identified immediately by thrown exceptions.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B)perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.140.0-3pclos2017.src.rpme530ed785c792c7b4292fc101f6a8afd./SRPMS.pclosd ( \8< FW`B@.BA\BE`BJCperl-CPAN-Meta-YAML0.18.03pclos2017Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta filesThis module implements a subset of the YAML specification for use in reading and writing CPAN metadata files like _META.yml_ and _MYMETA.yml_. It should not be used for any other general YAML parsing or generation task.Sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B)perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Dir)perl(JSON::PP)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % E (pB@BA$BE(BJICperl-CPAN-Mini1.111.168pclos2017Create a minimal mirror of CPANCPAN::Mini provides a simple mechanism to build and update a minimal mirror of the CPAN on your local disk. It comes with a small utility, minicpan(1), to create and update such mirrors.zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , bhl vB@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-Mini-Extract1.230.09pclos2017Create CPAN::Mini mirrors with the archives extracted'CPAN::Mini::Extract' provides a base for implementing systems that download "all" of CPAN, extract the dists and then process the files within. It provides the same syncronisation functionality as the CPAN::Mini manpage except that it also maintains a parallel directory tree that contains a directory located at an identical path to each archive file, with a controllable subset of the files in the archive extracted below. How does it work 'CPAN::Mini::Extract' starts with a the CPAN::Mini manpage local mirror, which it will optionally update before each run. Once the the CPAN::Mini manpage directory is current, it will scan both directory trees, extracting any new archives and removing any extracted archives no longer in the minicpan mirror.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(CPAN::Mini)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Remove)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Uncompress::Gunzip)perl(LWP::Online)perl(List::Util)perl(Params::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . Wtx sB@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-PackageDetails0.260.06pclos2017Create or read 02packages.details.txt.gzAn entry is a single line from _02packages.details.txt_ that maps a package name to a source. It's a whitespace-separated list that has the values for the column identified in the "columns" field in the header. By default, there are three columns: package name, version, and path. Inside a CPAN::PackageDetails object, the actual work and manipulation of the entries are handled by delegate classes specified in 'entries_class' and 'entry_class'). At the moment these are immutable, so you'd have to subclass this module to change them.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::DistnameInfo)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Compress::Gzip)perl(IO::Uncompress::Gunzip)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Output)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - k NB@bBABEBJCperl-CPAN-Perl-Releases2.740.02pclos2017Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballsCPAN::Perl::Releases is a module that contains the mappings of all 'perl' releases that have been uploaded to CPAN to the 'authors/id/' path that the tarballs reside in. This is static data, but newer versions of this module will be made available as new releases of 'perl' are uploaded to CPAN.i bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases-2.740.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmpM17a39f2339d5bec8223090eb7bc6488d./SRPMS.pclosd" - V@D N_h  ` B@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-Recent-Uploads0.80.07pclos2017Retrieves recentfiles from a CPAN mirrorCPAN::Recent::Uploads provides a mechanism for obtaining a list of the RECENT uploads to 'CPAN' as determined from the files produced by the File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile manpage that exist in the 'authors/' directory on 'CPAN'.;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Unix)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(YAML::Syck)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.835.01.560. . XLP Zkt  n B@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-ReleaseHistory0.120.04pclos2017Release iterator for CPAN::ReleaseHistoryThis module provides an iterator that can be used to look at every file that has ever been released to CPAN, regardless of whether it is still on CPAN. The BackPAN index used was changed in release 0.10, which resulted in the caching mechanism changing, so you should make sure you have at least version 0.10, as shown in the SYNOPSIS above. The '$release' returned by the 'next_release()' method on the iterator is an instance of the CPAN::ReleaseHistory::Release manpage. It has five methods:Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CPAN::DistnameInfo)perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Moo)perl(MooX::Role::CachedURL)perl(Test::More)perl(autodie)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPAN-ReleaseHistory-0.120.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmJ761b029d43af69a240db247fe73b0f0d./SRPMS.pclosd * Q $$*$B@BABEBJ Cperl-CPAN-Reporter1.201.5004pclos2017Adds CPAN Testers reporting to CPAN.pmThe CPAN Testers project captures and analyses detailed results from building and testing CPAN distributions on multiple operating systems and multiple versions of Perl. This provides valuable feedback to module authors and potential users to identify bugs or platform compatibility issues and improves the overall quality and value of CPAN. One way individuals can contribute is to send a report for each module that they test or install. CPAN::Reporter is an add-on for the CPAN.pm module to send the results of building and testing modules to the CPAN Testers project. Full support for CPAN::Reporter is available in CPAN.pm as of version 1.92.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(CPAN)perl(CPAN::Version)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Config::Tiny)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Devel::Autoflush)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy::Recursive)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Glob)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::pushd)perl(IO::CaptureOutput)perl(IO::File)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(List::Util)perl(Parse::CPAN::Meta)perl(Probe::Perl)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Reporter)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.540.01.940. & R  tUB@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-SQLite0.211.04pclos2017Maintain and search a minimal CPAN databaseThis package is used for setting up, maintaining, and searching a CPAN database consisting of the information stored in the three main CPAN indices: _$CPAN/modules/03modlist.data.gz_, _$CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz_, and _$CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz_. It should be considered at an alpha stage of development. One begins by creating the object as my $obj = CPAN::SQLite->new(%args);bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(CPAN::DistnameInfo)perl(CPAN::HandleConfig)perl(CPAN::Index)perl(CPAN::Version)perl(Carp)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Zlib)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::CheckDeps)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::UseAllModules)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.540. @ w  $(DB@LBABEBJCperl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeOne1.0.012pclos2017CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeOne module for perlThis module is part of CPAN.pm with the single purpose of testing CPAN.pm itself. Contains no functionality, and will never do so. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeOne-1.0.0-12pclos2017.src.rpmFf7cff15622032095bcd406d866fda394./SRPMS.pclosd06 B { (,HB@PBABEBJCperl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree1.0.012pclos2017CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree module for perlThis module is part of CPAN.pm with the single purpose of testing CPAN.pm itself. Contains no functionality, and will never do so. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree-1.0.0-12pclos2017.src.rpmRf5e8b9d9308c0a922c9cc50e8877357f./SRPMS.pclosd.4 @ w  $(DB@LBABEBJCperl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeTwo1.0.012pclos2017CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeTwo module for perlThis module is part of CPAN.pm with the single purpose of testing CPAN.pm itself. Contains no functionality, and will never do so. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeTwo-1.0.0-12pclos2017.src.rpmF42950afdaeb7a80942d3bd3fa1e74496./SRPMS.pclosd# . c B@BABEBJCperl-CPAN-Testers-Report1.999.34pclos2017Versions of particular modules installed on a systemMetabase report class encapsulating Facts about a CPAN Testers reportDbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Metabase::Fact::Hash)perl(Metabase::Fact::String)perl(Metabase::Report)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999.3-4pclos2017.src.rpmJb809a58eeed481dfff6f997593b00680b./SRPMS.pclosOd ) >TX bs|B@BABE BJACperl-CPAN-Upload-Tiny0.3.02pclos2017A tiny CPAN uploaderA tiny CPAN uploader.6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTTP::Tiny)perl(HTTP::Tiny::Multipart)perl(IO::Socket::SSL)perl(Mozilla::CA)perl(Net::SSLeay)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPAN-Upload-Tiny-0.3.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmDevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long::Descriptive)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(LWP::Protocol::https)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Term::ReadKey)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 9c23a0cfcb20f6bfbb4b5c3f650bd8ef./SRPMS.pclosd ! I\` j{  n B@BABEBJ Cperl-CPANDB0.180.08pclos2017CPANDB class for the distribution tableTO BE COMPLETEDnbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(LWP::Online)perl(ORLite)perl(ORLite::Mirror)perl(Params::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.500.06.590.02.330. % J dB@=BAhBElBJCperl-CPANPLUS0.915.6003pclos2017API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrorsThe CPANPLUS library is an API to the CPAN mirrors and a collection of interactive shells, commandline programs, etc, that use this API.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Extract)perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::Install)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Fetch)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Zlib)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(Locale::Maketext::Simple)perl(Log::Message)perl(Module::CoreList)perl(Module::Load)perl(Module::Load::Conditional)perl(Module::Loaded)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Object::Accessor)perl(Package::Constants)perl(Params::Check)perl(Parse::CPAN::Meta)perl(Storable)perl(Term::UI)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . R 4B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build0.780.06pclos2017Constants for CPANPLUS::Dist::Build'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' is a distribution class for 'Module::Build' related modules. Using this package, you can create, install and uninstall perl modules. It inherits from 'CPANPLUS::Dist'. Normal users won't have to worry about the interface to this module, as it functions transparently as a plug-in to 'CPANPLUS' and will just 'Do The Right Thing' when it's loaded.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPANPLUS)perl(ExtUtils::Install)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(Locale::Maketext::Simple)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Load)perl(Module::Load::Conditional)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Params::Check)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)perl(if)perl-develperl-Module-Load-Conditionalrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.840.01.420.06.590.00.420.00.320.$ / U  B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Mageia2.102.03pclos2017CPANPLUS backend to build Mageia RPMsCPANPLUS::Dist::Mageia is a distribution class to create Mageia packages from CPAN modules, and all of their dependencies. This allows you to have the most recent copies of CPAN modules installed, using your package manager of choice, but without having to wait for central repositories to be updated.]abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPANPLUS::Dist::Base)perl(CPANPLUS::Error)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(POSIX)perl(Pod::POM)perl(Pod::POM::View::Text)perl(Readonly)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Wrap)perl(base)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d# . X\` j{   B@BABEBJCperl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv2.100.4009pclos2017A cpanplus backend to build mandriva rpmsCPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv is a distribution class to create mandriva packages from CPAN modules, and all its dependencies. This allows you to have the most recent copies of CPAN modules installed, using your package manager of choice, but without having to wait for central repositories to be updated. You can either install them using the API provided in this package, or manually via rpm. Some of the bleading edge CPAN modules have already been turned into mandriva packages for you, and you can make use of them by adding the cooker repositories (main & contrib). Note that these packages are built automatically from CPAN and are assumed to have the same license as perl and come without support. Please always refer to the original CPAN package if you have questions.Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CPANPLUS)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Slurp)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::POM)perl(Readonly)perl(Test::Script)perl(YAML)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv-2.100.400-9pclos2017.src.rpmQec3f2d00e8173ceb9069692446e55569./SRPMS.pclosd.6 A atx MB@rBABEBJCperl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Prereqs0.100.08pclos2017Plugin for CPANPLUS to automateA plugin for CPANPLUS's default shell which will display and/or install any missing prerequisites for a module. The module can be specified by name, as a URL or path to the directory of an unpacked module. The plugin assumes the current directory if no module is specified.obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPANPLUS)perl(CPANPLUS::Dist::Build)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::CaptureOutput)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.770.01.110.2000.360.03.0.4-1perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Prereqs-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmv749ca7f0cd2c2914d351753cd36dc297./SRPMS.pclosCd   :  '0LB@BABEBJ5Cperl-CPS0.180.06pclos2017Iterate at some later pointObjects based on this abstract class are used by the 'gk*' variants of the the CPS manpage functions, to control their behavior. These objects are expected to provide a method, 'again', which the functions will use to re-invoke iterations of loops, and so on. By providing a different implementation of this method, governor objects can provide such behaviours as rate-limiting, asynchronisation or parallelism, and integration with event-based IO frameworks.ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Future)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::Identity)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Refcount)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CPS-0.180.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmfbba3d7006178800f836b5acdef9d9ac./SRPMS.pclosd % \ _B@BABEBJCperl-CQL-Parser1.130.06pclos2017compiles CQL strings into parse trees of Node subtypesCQL::Parser provides a mechanism to parse Common Query Language (CQL) statements. The best description of CQL comes from the CQL homepage at the Library of Congress CQL is a formal language for representing queries to information retrieval systems such as web indexes, bibliographic catalogs and museum collection information. The CQL design objective is that queries be human readable and human writable, and that the language be intuitive while maintaining the expressiveness of more complex languages.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Clone)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(String::Tokenizer)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d   T(, 6GP`B@BABEBJCperl-CSS1.90.08pclos2017Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)This module can be used, along with a CSS::Parse::* module, to parse CSS data and represent it as a tree of objects. Using a CSS::Adaptor::* module, the CSS data tree can then be transformed into other formats.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Parse::RecDescent)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d " S    B@BAHBELBJmCperl-CSS-DOM0.160.03pclos2017Document Object Model for Cascading Style SheetsThis set of modules provides the CSS-specific interfaces described in the W3C DOM recommendation.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Clone)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(overload)perl(re)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & Stx B@BABEBJ5Cperl-CSS-Minifier0.10.09pclos2017Remove unnecessary whitespace from CSS filesThis module removes unnecessary whitespace from CSS. The primary requirement developing this module is to not break working stylesheets: if working CSS is in input then working CSS is output. The Mac/Internet Explorer comment hack will be minimized but not stripped and so will continue to function. This module understands space, horizontal tab, new line, carriage return, and form feed characters to be whitespace. Any other characters that may be considered whitespace are not minimized. These other characters include paragraph separator and vertical tab. For static CSS files, it is recommended that you minify during the build stage of web deployment. If you minify on-the-fly then it might be a good idea to cache the minified file. Minifying static files on-the-fly repeatedly is wasteful.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CSS-Minifier-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm#@1b63c22a99ebc7b22eb0f738fb70898c./SRPMS.pclosCd ) ?`d nB@BABEBJ5Cperl-CSS-Minifier-XS0.90.09pclos2017XS based CSS minifier'CSS::Minifier::XS' is a CSS "minifier"; its designed to remove un-necessary whitespace and comments from CSS files, while also *not* breaking the CSS. 'CSS::Minifier::XS' is similar in function to 'CSS::Minifier', but is substantially faster as its written in XS and not just pure Perl.Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CSS-Minifier-XS-0.90.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmC174dc62365c453c881de6895aa3d7191./SRPMS.pcloscd $ 9X\ fwB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-CSS-Packer2.20.02pclos2017Another CSS minifierA fast pure Perl CSS minifier.zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Regexp::RegGrp)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.01.1_13.0.4-1perl-CSS-Packer-2.20.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm78fcd203870892224d0b392aeb979a70./SRPMS.pclosd % N bB@mBABEBJCperl-CSS-Squish0.100.08pclos2017Compact many CSS files into one big fileThis module takes a list of CSS files and concatenates them, making sure to honor any valid @import statements included in the files. Following the CSS 2.1 spec, @import statements must be the first rules in a CSS file. Media-specific @import statements will be honored by enclosing the included file in an @media rule. This has the side effect of actually improving compatibility in Internet Explorer, which ignores media-specific @import rules but understands @media rules. It is possible that feature versions will include methods to compact whitespace and other parts of the CSS itself, but this functionality is not supported at the current time.'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::LongString)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CSS-Squish-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm/6f0bfe7edd3664fd8ef3f8123bc336c9./SRPMS.pclosd # Y [B@lBABEBJCperl-CSS-Tiny1.200.03pclos2017Read/Write .css files with as little code as possibleCSS::Tiny is a perl class to read and write .css stylesheets with as little code as possible, reducing load time and memory overhead.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-CSS-Tiny-1.200.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm,86442abc53a78e38fdb5647a8de96e46./SRPMS.pclosd   4HL VgpB@GBApBEtBJCperl-Cache2.110.04pclos2017The Cache interfaceCache perl module2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DB_File)perl(Date::Parse)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Find)perl(File::NFSLock)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(Heap::Fibonacci)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::String)perl(Module::Build)perl(Storable)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.720.^12f8e7b410a7df246ea8a79e29c0097a./SRPMS.pclosd % A xB@BABEBJCperl-Cache-Cache1.80.04pclos2017Cache-Cache module for perlCache-Cache module for perl. The Cache modules are designed to assist a developer in persisting data for a specified period of time.;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(Error)perl(File::Spec)perl(IPC::ShareLite)perl(Storable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) kpt ~B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-Cache-FastMmap1.430.02pclos2017Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cacheA shared memory cache through an mmap'ed file. It's core is written in C for performance. It uses fcntl locking to ensure multiple processes can safely access the cache at the same time. It uses a basic LRU algorithm to keep the most used entries in the cache.Abb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Storable)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Cache-FastMmap-1.430.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmMeef31dbce0e482754cb168437911eb6e./SRPMS.pclosd # [ DB@OBAxBE|BJCperl-Cache-LRU0.40.04pclos2017A simple, fast implementation of LRU cache in pure perlCache::LRU is a simple, fast implementation of an in-memory LRU cache in pure perl.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Cache-LRU-0.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmY3b034564d02ac891b4d8cfb927294a52./SRPMS.pclosd # 4@D N_h   B@BABEBJCperl-Cache-Ref0.40.09pclos2017No summary foundUnlike the CHI manpage which attempts to address the problem of caching things persistently, this module implements in memory caching, designed primarily for *shared references* in memory. This collection of classes implements a number of semi related algorithms.kFbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat)perl(List::Util)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Role)perl(MooseX::Role::Parameterized)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Cache-Ref-0.40.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmr4a488c1f697d7d14f8c5a385f34d1a62./SRPMS.pclosWd ( 3 e B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry0.270.08pclos2017Perl module to add expiry to Cache::Simple objectPerl module to add expiry to Cache::Simple object.3bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.270.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm:Ofea681efe2a5f05694cfcaf9dcb40847./SRPMS.pclosd   B B@BABEBJCperl-Cairo1.106.04pclos2017Perl module for the Cairo libraryThis module provides perl access to the Cairo library. Cairo provides anti-aliased vector-based rendering for X. Paths consist of line segments and cubic splines and can be rendered at any width with various join and cap styles. All colors may be specified with optional translucence (opacity/alpha) and combined using the extended Porter/Duff compositing algebra as found in the X Render Extension.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)pkgconfig(cairo)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' Q B@BABEBJCperl-Cairo-GObject1.4.013pclos2017Integrate Cairo into the Glib type systemThe Perl Cairo::GObject module enables to integrate Cairo into the Glib type system.Fbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Cairo)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Glib)perl-develpkgconfig(cairo)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * T +B@7BAhBElBJCperl-Calendar-Simple1.210.09pclos2017Perl extension to create simple calendarsPerl extension to create simple calendars. 6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(DateTime)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Calendar-Simple-1.210.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm&wc1b307cc82797000143d6d08c0765a02./SRPMS.pclosd ) h<@ J[dpB@BABEBJCperl-Callback-Frame1.102.03pclos2017Preserve error handlers and "local" variables across callbacksThe problem that this module solves is that although closures preserve their lexical environment, they don't preserve their dynamic environment. Consider the following piece of *broken* code: use AnyEvent;5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Guard)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Callback-Frame-1.102.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm=ae71cf23caf594dcf4fe6ca606f4095b./SRPMS.pclosd! , e "B@+BA`BEdBJCperl-Canary-Stability2006.0.04pclos2017Canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modulesThis module is used by Schmorp's modules during configuration stage to test the installed perl for compatibility with his modules. It's not, at this stage, meant as a tool for other module authors, although in principle nothing prevents them from subscribing to the same ideas. See the Makefile.PL in Coro or AnyEvent for usage examples.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Canary-Stability-2006.0.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm)9840028943ba6450be16d3bcf4548916./SRPMS.pclosd! , W EB@XBABEBJCperl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA0.970.09pclos2017A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA APIreCAPTCHA is a hybrid mechanical turk and captcha that allows visitors who complete the captcha to assist in the digitization of books. From the http://recaptcha.net/learnmore.html manpage: reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read correctly.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Tiny)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.904.03.0.4-1perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.970.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm2ce5e1290bb1a5809bcdc7269f1511be6./SRPMS.pclosd ' d B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Capture-Tiny0.360.03pclos2017Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programsCapture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture anything sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code or from an external program. Optionally, output can be teed so that it is captured while being passed through to the original handles. Yes, it even works on Windows. Stop guessing which of a dozen capturing modules to use in any particular situation and just use this one. This module was heavily inspired by the IO::CaptureOutput manpage, which provides similar functionality without the ability to tee output and with more complicated code and API.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.620.03.0.4-1perl-Capture-Tiny-0.360.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmAa688017cfbfe6b83e64368ed12d06ed9./SRPMS.pclos d   D    B@BABEBJCperl-Carp1.380.02pclos2017Alternative warn and die for modulesThe Carp routines are useful in your own modules because they act like die() or warn(), but with a message which is more likely to be useful to a user of your module. In the case of cluck, confess, and longmess that context is a summary of every call in the call-stack. For a shorter message you can use carp or croak which report the error as being from where your module was called. There is no guarantee that that is where the error was, but it is a good educated guess. You can also alter the way the output and logic of Carp works, by changing some global variables in the Carp namespace.Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Config)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.10.3003.0.4-1perl-Carp-1.380.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm_>959f4a7716cd9e62eb835b7f91a8de21./SRPMS.pclosd & S gB@sBABEBJCperl-Carp-Always0.130.07pclos2017Warns and dies noisily with stack backtracesThis module is meant as a debugging aid. It can be used to make a script complain loudly with stack backtraces when warn()ing or die()ing. Here are how stack backtraces produced by this module looks: $ perl -MCarp::Always -e 'sub f { die "arghh" }; sub g { f }; g' arghh at -e line 1 main::f() called at -e line 1 main::g() called at -e line 1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Base)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Carp-Always-0.130.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm!2777094ffe61928c0f3a736d44d9090d./SRPMS.pclosOd & I  '0PB@BABE BJACperl-Carp-Assert0.210.07pclos2017Carp::Assert - executable commentsCarp::Assert is intended for a purpose like the ANSI C library assert.h. If you're already familiar with assert.h, then you can probably skip this and go straight to the FUNCTIONS section.0,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Carp-Assert-0.210.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm71bed839a824537d3513106758cd2b86d9./SRPMS.pclosWd  + [  (  B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Carp-Assert-More1.140.08pclos2017Convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert moduleCarp::Assert::More is a set of wrappers around the Carp::Assert functions to make the habit of writing assertions even easier.-+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Carp::Assert)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl-Carp-Assertperl-Test-Exceptionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ > B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Carp-Clan6.40.010pclos2017Carp-Clan module for perlCarp-Clan module for perl. This module reports errors from the perspective of the caller of a "clan" of modules, similar to "Carp.pm" itself. But instead of giving it a number of levels to skip on the calling stack, you give it a pattern to characterize the package names of the "clan" of modules which shall never be blamed for any error.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Carp-Clan-6.40.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmWaf2e85f05d5c2d3830f0feb355e26ea1./SRPMS.pclosd ) ] XB@cBABEBJCperl-Carp-Clan-Share0.13.08pclos2017Share your Carp::Clan settings with your whole ClanThis is a very lightweight helper module (actually just an import method) that will automagically create a __PACKAGE__::Carp module for you. Any arguments passed to the import (e.g. via use) method are forwarded along to Carp::Clan. NOTE: If you use this from a package ending with ::Carp, then it will use the parent of of that package as the target namespaceHcbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp::Clan)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Carp-Clan-Share-0.13.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmO1dce3802e06536cd2cd0bb31fbebecb8./SRPMS.pclosd # nLP Zkt  G B@WBABEBJCperl-Carp-Parse1.0.77pclos2017Represent the parsed caller information for a line of the Carp stack traceCarp produces a stacktrace that includes caller arguments; this module parses each line of the stack trace to extract its arguments, which allows rewriting the stack trace (for example, to redact sensitive information).U>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dump)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Carp-Parse-1.0.7-7pclos2017.src.rpm\\4324a72c4b48e905c19a657e86214ed6./SRPMS.pclosd * uX\ fw  s B@BABEBJCperl-Carp-Parse-Redact1.1.59pclos2017Represent the parsed caller information for a line of the Carp stack traceCarp produces a stacktrace that includes caller arguments; this module parses each line of the stack trace to extract its arguments and redacts out the sensitive information contained in the function arguments for each caller.Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Carp::Parse)perl(Data::Dump)perl(Data::Validate::Type)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.03.0.4-1perl-Carp-Parse-Redact-1.1.5-9pclos2017.src.rpma3310b5f8c137306ac7cac41515af4d64./SRPMS.pclosGd$ / U #,dB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Catalyst-Action-REST1.200.03pclos2017A request trait for REST and browsersThis Action handles doing automatic method dispatching for REST requests. It takes a normal Catalyst action, and changes the dispatch to append an underscore and method name. First it will try dispatching to an action with the generated name, and failing that it will try to dispatch to a regular method. For example, in the synopsis above, calling GET on "/foo" would result in the foo_GET method being dispatched. If a method is requested that is not implemented, this action will return a status 405 (Method Not Found). It will populate the "Allow" header with the list of implemented request methods. You can override this behavior by implementing a custom 405 handler like so:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Module::Pluggable::Object)perl(Moose)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(URI::Find)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.800.3001."* 5 Q $B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView0.160.09pclos2017Sensible default end actionThis action implements a sensible default end action, which will forward to the first available view, unless status is set to 3xx, or there is a response body. It also allows you to pass dump_info=1 to the url in order to force a debug screen, while in debug mode. If you have more than 1 view, you can specify which one to use with the 'default_view' config setting (See view in Catalyst.)Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Module::Install)perl(Mouse)perl(Data::Visitor)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(HTTP::Request::AsCGI)perl-namespace-cleanrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.703.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.160.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmaae16ed8d485404e74b6ff7607f886f13./SRPMS.pclos{d& 1 \ (DB@BAHBELBJmCperl-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL0.70.09pclos2017User role-based authorization action classProvides a Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole for user role-based authorization. ACLs are applied via the assignment of attributes to application action subroutines.jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.900.1306.360.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL-0.70.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmq0cf8dbe7e7611a794a6dc5e484fd639d./SRPMS.pclosod19 D  8B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID0.190.09pclos2017OpenID credential for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication frameworkD'er... testing. Has an OpenID provider to test the OpenID credential against.}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Cache::FastMmap)perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Authentication::User::Hash)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Catalyst::Devel)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Net::OpenID::Consumer)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID-0.190.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmb57cc07b903cf48656470f4c6da7f530./SRPMS.pclossd)0 ; V`d nB@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBI0.10.09pclos2017User object representing aThis module implements the the Catalyst::Authentication manpage API using the Catalyst::Model::DBI manpage. It uses DBI to let your application authenticate users against a database and it provides support for the Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles manpage.^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Model::DBI)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBI-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm1c26b5435b06298c3d19dfa8b07aef77./SRPMS.pclosOd0: E m<@ J[d   B@BABE BJACperl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class0.150.6007pclos2017Catalyst Auth storage using DBIx::ClassThe Catalyst::Authentication::Realm::SimpleDB provides a simple way to configure Catalyst Authentication when using the most common configuration of a password protected user retrieved from an SQL database.kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*1 < `  +4TB@HBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP1.16.03pclos2017LDAP authentication storage backendThis plugin implements the the Catalyst::Authentication manpage v.10 API. Read that documentation first if you are upgrading from a previous version of this plugin. This plugin uses 'Net::LDAP' to let your application authenticate against an LDAP directory. It has a pretty high degree of flexibility, given the wide variation of LDAP directories and schemas from one system to another. It authenticates users in two steps:Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Net::LDAP)perl(Net::LDAP::Server::Test)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::MockObject)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.100.306.360.\f105ae898a2de3d6d2b817fdc23fc95c./SRPMS.pclos d)0 ; {  B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT0.70.04pclos2017Make the current Catalyst context available in Models and ViewsModels and Views don't usually have access to the request object, since they probably don't really need it. Sometimes, however, having the request context available outside of Controllers makes your application cleaner. If that's the case, just use this module as a base class: package MyApp::Model::Foobar; use base qw|Catalyst::Component::ACCEPT_CONTEXT Catalyst::Model|; Then, you'll be able to get the current request object from within your model: sub do_something { my $self = shift; print "The current URL is ". $self->context->req->uri->as_string; }lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Devel::Cycle)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Scalar::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT-0.70.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmtde1b1757626ea2288510cb101340d1527./SRPMS.pclosd-3 > Odh rB@BALBEPBJqCperl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext0.1.18pclos2017No summary foundno description foundMbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Moose)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext-0.1.1-8pclos2017.src.rpmTka9e0fbda367ee6214ff411b8eb362063./SRPMS.pclosod&. 9 Y  +4PB@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole0.170.04pclos2017Apply roles to action instancesThis module allows to apply roles to the 'Catalyst::Action's for different controller methods. For that a 'Does' attribute is provided. That attribute takes an argument, that determines the role, which is going to be applied. If that argument is prefixed with '+', it is assumed to be the full name of the role. If it's prefixed with '~', the name of your application followed by '::ActionRole::' is prepended. If it isn't prefixed with '+' or '~', the role name will be searched for in '@INC' according to the rules for /ROLE PREFIX SEARCHING. Additionally it's possible to to apply roles to *all* actions of a controller without specifying the 'Does' keyword in every action definition:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Class::MOP)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Types::Moose)perl(String::RewritePrefix)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole-0.170.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmbc9f91fe3b084ed3c4a6ca5895c90ccc./SRPMS.pclosd#* 5 QX\ fwBB@QBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex0.50.08pclos2017Stash your lexical goodnessThis plugin lets you put your lexicals on the stash and elsewhere very easily. It uses some funky modules to get it's job done: PadWalker, Array::RefElem, Devel::Caller, Devel::LexAlias and attributes. In some people's opinion this hurts this plugin's reputation ;-). If you use the same name for two variables with the same storage binding attribute they will be aliased to each other, so you can use this for reading as well as writing values across controller subs. This is almost like sharing your lexical scope.Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Array::RefElem)perl(Catalyst)perl(Devel::Caller)perl(Devel::LexAlias)perl(Module::Build)perl(PadWalker)perl(Test::use::ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm_\dc5d1fe67e505f09f6a206b063fc0006./SRPMS.pclosd'- 8 h /8DB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu1.0.06pclos2017Hidden text field which contains a unique tokenAs of version 0.02000, the HTML::FormFu manpage doesn't use the TT template files by default - it uses in internal rendering engine. If you don't want to customise the generated markup, you don't need to use the Catalyst::Helper::HTML::FormFu manpage at all. If you want to customise the generated markup, you'll need a local copy of the template files. To create the files in the default 'root/formfu' directory, run:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Action::RenderView)perl(Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Catalyst::View::TT)perl(Config::Any)perl(Config::General)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTML::FormFu)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Attribute::Chained)perl(Regexp::Assemble)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Template)perl(Test::Aggregate::Nested)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( 3 N B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Controller-SOAP1.250.05pclos2017Helper controller for SOAPThis is the superclass used by the Document and the RPC actions.^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Moose)perl(XML::Compile::SOAP)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::Compile::WSDL11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Controller-SOAP-1.250.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmeRa9a29bcfc38f75ae12dcdba5c2a34108./SRPMS.pclos{d ) D04 >OXB@BAHBELBJmCperl-Catalyst-Devel1.390.08pclos2017Catalyst Development ToolsCatalyst is an elegant web application framework, extremely flexible yet extremely simple. It's similar to Ruby on Rails, Spring (Java) and Maypole, upon which it was originally based. This package provides Catalyst development tools.mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Action::RenderView)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple)perl(Config::General)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ChangeNotify)perl(File::Copy::Recursive)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(Module::Install)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Daemonize)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Path::Class)perl(Starman)perl(Template)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.900. 8 Q    B@BABEBJ%Cperl-Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex5.900.3504pclos2017LocalRegexp DispatchType*Status: Deprecated.* Regex dispatch types have been depreciated and removed from Catalyst core. It is recommend that you use Chained methods or other techniques instead. As part of the refactoring, the dispatch priority of Regex vs Regexp vs LocalRegex vs LocalRegexp may have changed. Priority is now influenced by when the dispatch type is first seen in your application. Dispatch type managing path-matching behaviour using regexes. For more information on dispatch types, see: * * the Catalyst::Manual::Intro manpage for how they affect application authors?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Balanced)perl(Text::SimpleTable)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.4003.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex-5.900.350-4pclos2017.src.rpmHCc83b10a204bf173f9aee42efbfcf874a./SRPMS.pclosOd& 1 I B@BABE BJACperl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache1.160.08pclos2017Catalyst Apache EnginesThis package contains mod_perl handlers for Catalyst.ٜbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache-1.160.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmd380f02f8bad55b9fc601f0fa7abf465./SRPMS.pclosGd$ / V B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl1.60.08pclos2017Integrates Log::Log4perl with CatalystThis module provides a the Catalyst::Log manpage implementation that uses the Log::Log4perl manpage as the underlying log mechanism. It provides all the methods listed in the Catalyst::Log manpage, with the exception of: levels enable disable These methods simply return 0 and do nothing, as similar functionality is already provided by the Log::Log4perl manpage.iwbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Data::Dump)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.600.06.360.! , ^ ;B@EBAxBE|BJCperl-Catalyst-Manual5.900.9003pclos2017Catalyst Manual - The Catalyst developer's manualThe Catalyst developer's manual: perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial SEE ALSO Install Task::Catalyst::Tutorial to install all the dependencies you need to follow along with the Tutorial. You can also refer to Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::Intro for more information on installation options.#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Manual-5.900.900-3pclos2017.src.rpm35a9a370e11808c0ed603ad9aa1b050e./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 P  ,B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor0.100.04pclos2017Helper for the incredibly lazyThe idea is that you don't want your Catalyst model to be anything other than a line or two of glue. Using this module ensures that your Model classes are separate from your application and therefore are well-abstracted, reusable, and easily testable. Right now there are too many modules on CPAN that are Catalyst-specific. Most of the models would be better written as a class that handles most of the functionality with just a bit of glue to make it work nicely with Catalyst. This module aims to make integrating your class with Catalyst trivial, so you won't have to do any extra work to make your model generic. For a good example of a Model that takes the right design approach, take a look at Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema. All it does is glues an existing DBIx::Class::Schema to Catalyst. It provides a bit of sugar, but no actual functionality. Everything important happens in the 'DBIx::Class::Schema' object.pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Test::More)perl(ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.100.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmy76e8a969bd91cfbbe59f8b76237c7b38./SRPMS.pclosd" - F [B@mBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-DBI0.320.07pclos2017Catalyst DBI Model ClassThis is the DBI model class for Catalyst. It is nothing more than a simple wrapper for DBI.|bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(DBI)perl(DBIx::Connector)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"a6bf8fb5571e6dd27b969b2df64fb0d1./SRPMS.pclosd"* 5 U "3<(B@pBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema0.650.08pclos2017DBIx::Class::Schema Model ClassThis is a Catalyst Model for DBIx::Class::Schema-based Models. See the documentation for Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema for information on generating these Models via Helper scripts.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp::Clan)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(CatalystX::Component::Traits)perl(Class::Load)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(Devel::GlobalDestruction)perl(Eval::Closure)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Types::LoadableClass)perl(Package::DeprecationManager)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Tie::IxHash)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.800.500. d& 2 T B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-KiokuDB0.120.010pclos2017Use KiokuDB in your Catalyst appsPerl extension to use KiokuDB in your Catalyst apps."bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat)perl(KiokuX::Model)perl(KiokuX::User)perl(Moose)perl(Scope::Guard)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Model-KiokuDB-0.120.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm)6c2434e99e49f57e774273e74a04aa18./SRPMS.pclosd# . H B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP0.170.09pclos2017Catalyst LDAP Model ClassThis is the Net::LDAP model class for Catalyst. It is nothing more than a simple wrapper for Net::LDAP.^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Catalyst)perl(FindBin)perl(Net::LDAP)perl(Net::LDAP::Constant)perl(NEXT)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) @ w   X B@lBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP-FromAuthentication0.20.08pclos2017Provides an LDAP model bound as the user who logged inno description foundWbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP)perl(Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext)perl(Catalyst::Model::LDAP)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Types::Common::String)perl(MooseX::Types::LoadableClass)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(Module::Install)perl(Module::CoreList)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP-FromAuthentication-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm^6e3c9cf4cb4eea70bbd069fc3adb8303./SRPMS.pclosd# . L LB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-REST0.270.04pclos2017REST model class for CatalystThis Catalyst Model class is a thin wrapper over the Role::REST::Client manpage Use this module if you need to talk to a REST server as a separate model.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Model)perl(Data::Serializer)perl(Data::Serializer::JSON)perl(Data::Serializer::XML::Simple)perl(Data::Serializer::YAML)perl(JSON)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose)perl(Role::REST::Client)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Simple)perl(YAML)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Model-REST-0.270.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm;3cc59739e544ab0fc527d20ae6f2ecac./SRPMS.pclosd# . S  *;DdB@&BA\BE`BJCperl-Catalyst-Model-SOAP1.500.05pclos2017Map a WSDL to a catalyst model classThis module implements a mapping from a wsdl definition, interpreted by XML::Compile::SOAP::WSDL, as a Model class, where each operation in the wsdl file is represented by a method with the same name.$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(XML::Compile)perl(XML::Compile::SOAP)perl(XML::Compile::WSDL11)perl(XML::LibXML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Model-SOAP-1.500.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm*4bb6786e2793948fb852ed912e39db52./SRPMS.pclos d&- 8 j B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Model-WebService-Solr0.40.08pclos2017Use WebService::Solr in your Catalyst applicationThis module helps you use remote indexes via WebService::Solr in your Catalyst application.Lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(WebService::Solr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Model-WebService-Solr-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmSj0f5b677d1b201d5a97f6a6ac751505ac./SRPMS.pclosd  + Q /8kB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-P-A-ACL0.160.06pclos2017ACL support for Catalyst applicationsThis module provides Access Control List style path protection, with arbitrary rules for Catalyst applications. It operates only on the Catalyst private namespace, at least at the moment.dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::ClassData)perl(Catalyst::Controller)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie)perl(Class::Throwable)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::Util)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Object)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst)perl(Tree::Simple)perl(Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath)perl(Tree::Simple::Visitor::GetAllDescendents)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(mro)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-P-A-ACL-0.160.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmk12acd3645298bc55cf5261747a1386fb./SRPMS.pclosd#* 5 U -B@7BAtBExBJCperl-Catalyst-P-A-Credential-PAM0.10.04pclos2017Authenticate a user against PAMThis is an authentication credential checker that verifies passwords using a specified PAM service. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Authen::PAM)perl(Catalyst)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-P-A-Credential-PAM-0.10.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmdb21f5c253992c9f4dde36bc05631b06./SRPMS.pclosd'4 8 t   V B@tBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-P-A-Store-DBIC0.110.010pclos2017Authentication and authorization against a Class::DBI modelThis Catalyst plugin uses a DBIx::Class (or Class::DBI) object to authenticate a user.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie)perl(Class::DBI)perl(DBI)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(Set::Object)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.490. 3 d B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-P-A-Store-LDAP0.60.2009pclos2017Catalyst - Authentication from an LDAP DirectoryThis plugin uses Net::LDAP to let your application authenticate against an LDAP directory. It has a pretty high degree of flexibility, given the wide variation of LDAP directories and schemas from one system to another. It authenticates users in two steps: 1) A search of the directory is performed, looking for a user object that matches the username you pass. This is done with the bind credentials supplied in the "binddn" and "bindpw" configuration options. 2) If that object is found, we then re-bind to the directory as that object. Assuming this is successful, the user is Authenticated.3bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Model::LDAP)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Net::LDAP)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-P-A-Store-LDAP-0.60.200-9pclos2017.src.rpmfb097f47806e9ad2ddbd185de149b3eb./SRPMS.pclos_d!) 4 ]@D N_hxB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Catalyst-P-S-State-Cookie0.170.08pclos2017Cookie-based session plugin for CatalystIn order for Catalyst::Plugin::Session to work the session ID needs to be stored on the client, and the session data needs to be stored on the server. This plugin stores the session ID on the client using the cookie mechanism.s9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::MockObject)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 6 W &7@ l } B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-FastMmap0.160.08pclos2017FastMmap session storage backendCatalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap is a fast session storage plugin for Catalyst that uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache. It is based on Cache::FastMmap.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::FastMmap)perl(Catalyst::ClassData)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Path::Class)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)' 2 X &7@ d U B@vBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-File0.180.02pclos2017File storage backend for session dataCatalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File is an easy to use storage plugin for Catalyst that uses an simple file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache. It is based on Cache::FileCache.dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::Cache)perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Module::Build)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.0250."ee4dc8658415965fb4cdbf018fbda46d./SRPMS.pclosd&0 ; {\` j{ B@5BAxBE|BJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication0.100.2309pclos2017Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication frameworkThe authentication plugin provides generic user support. It is the basis for both authentication (checking the user is who they claim to be), and authorization (allowing the user to do what the system authorises them to do).?lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(Class::MOP)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(String::RewritePrefix)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) > _ (zB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI0.100.08pclos2017CDBI Authentication for CatalystThis plugin allows you to authenticate your web users using database tables accessed through Class::DBI classes. Note that this plugin requires a session plugin such as Catalyst::Plugin::Session::FastMmap. This module is now well past the teatime of it's lifespan, and no new features will be added. For new applications, you probably want to look at Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication and friends insteadbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmc75b2ecd3506bc8d00eb77d237c50c87./SRPMS.pclosd5< H n B@BABEBJ Cperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd0.20.017pclos2017Authentication database in $c->configThis plugin uses Authen::Htpasswd to let your application use .htpasswd files for it's authentication storage.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Authen::Htpasswd)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) =  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles0.90.08pclos2017Role based authorization for Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::AuthenticationRole based access control is very simple: every user has a list of roles, which that user is allowed to assume, and every restricted part of the app makes an assertion about the necessary roles. If the user is a member in all of the required roles access is granted. Otherwise, access is denied.XUbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Set::Object)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL::isa)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.100.305.700.06.420.`32e78bba001fd8931ebb9e2f7d60a174./SRPMS.pclosd ( 3 ^@D N_h,,,B@\BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD2.200.24pclos2017Instant AJAX web front-end for DBIx::ClassThis module contains an application which will automatically construct a web interface for a database on the fly. The web interface supports Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete and Search operations. The interface is not written to static files on your system, and uses AJAX to act upon the database without reloading your web page (much like other Web 2.0 appliactions, for example Google Mail). Almost all the information required by the plugin is retrieved from the the DBIx::Class manpage ORM frontend to your database, which it is expected that you have already set up (although see the /USAGE manpage, below). This means that any change in database schema ought to be reflected immediately in the web interface after a page refresh.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Action::RenderView)perl(Catalyst::Controller)perl(Catalyst::Model)perl(Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Catalyst::ScriptRunner)perl(Catalyst::Utils)perl(Catalyst::View::JSON)perl(Catalyst::View::TT)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::Schema)perl(DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Data::Page)perl(Devel::InnerPackage)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::stat)perl(JSON::XS)perl(Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(SQL::Translator)perl(SQL::Translator::Schema)perl(SQL::Translator::Schema::Table)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst)perl(base)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.700.00.81.2706.300.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD-2.200.2-4pclos2017.src.rpm848087c8ddc4c83a085d8aaf772d4063d./SRPMS.pclosd#+ 6 X TB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart0.960.09pclos2017Catalyst plugin to restart serverCatalyst plugin to force the application to restart server processes when they reach a configurable memory threshold. Memory checks are performed every 'N' requests. This is intended as a band-aid to deal with problems like memory leaks; it's here to buy you time to find and solve the underlying issues.obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Proc::ProcessTable)perl(Text::SimpleTable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.900.506.420.`2882f35acee393ea3aefe33275ad26c5./SRPMS.pclosWd% 0 \    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache0.120.09pclos2017Choose a cache backend based on key regexesThis plugin gives you access to a variety of systems for caching data. It allows you to use a very simple configuration API, while maintaining the possibility of flexibility when you need it later. Among its features are support for multiple backends, segmentation based on component or controller, keyspace partitioning, and so more, in various subsidiary plugins.wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Storable)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.800.06.360.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-0.120.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm4b4197ce17ea99a3e1cac04a7396c9a7./SRPMS.pclos/d&. 9 ^ B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap0.900.08pclos2017Mmap cache for Catalyst applicationsThis package is part of the Catalyst Cache family. It allows integration of Cache::FastMmap and Catalyst.Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::FastMmap)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.700.6006.420.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap-0.900.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmT40ebd9697d5774b199dd8c91ec2db72f./SRPMS.pclosd,3 ? R $ .?HhB@+BApBEtBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap0.20.010pclos2017A thin wrapper forThis store plugin is a bit of a wrapper for the Cache::FastMmap manpage. While you could normally just configure with backend => { class => "Cache::FastMmap", share_file => ..., }bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Cache::FastMmap)perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Cache)perl(Path::Class)perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl(Test::Exception)perl-Test-use-okrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap-0.20.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm3e657d94b9feeb59415d4ae21ca40be4./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 Z $B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha0.40.08pclos2017Create and validate Captcha for CatalystThis plugin create, validate Captcha. Note: This plugin uses GD::SecurityImage and requires a session plugins like Catalyst::Plugin::Session|bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(GD::SecurityImage)perl(HTTP::Date)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm(2bf0caec8170e9ad732de6f6c5709dba./SRPMS.pclosd%, 7 Etx %B@ABABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-Zlib0.60.09pclos2017Gzip responseGzip compress response if client supports it.j bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.700.6006.420.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-Zlib-0.60.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmp71ef9ac97e984fb51655d1e6fec40323./SRPMS.pclosKd$, 7 Z B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader0.340.07pclos2017Load config files of various typesThis module will attempt to load find and load a configuration file of various types. Currently it supports YAML, JSON, XML, INI and Perl formats. To support the distinction between development and production environments, this module will also attemp to load a local config (e.g. myapp_local.yaml) which will override any duplicate settings.|,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Config::Any)perl(Data::Visitor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Path::Class)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.700.8000.*1 < n ^B@hBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-CustomErrorMessage0.60.08pclos2017Catalyst plugin to have more "cute" error messageYou can use this module if you want to get rid of: (en) Please come back later (fr) SVP veuillez revenir plus tard (de) Bitte versuchen sie es spaeter nocheinmal (at) Konnten's bitt'schoen spaeter nochmal reinschauen (no) Vennligst prov igjen senere (dk) Venligst prov igen senere (pl) Prosze sprobowac pozniej Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CustomErrorMessage-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm(&af428e1f0aa215251b423c8ff1f61814./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 O $ .?HTB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-DateTime0.30.08pclos2017DateTime plugin for CatalystThis module's intention is to make the wonders of DateTime easily accesible within a Catalyst application via the Catalyst::Plugin interface. It adds the methods datetime and dt to the Catalyst namespace.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(DateTime)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.990.") 4 ] (4sB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd0.80.08pclos2017Sensible default end action for CatalystThis action implements a sensible default end action, which will forward to the first available view, unless status is set to 3xx, or there is a response body.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*d79e80f64223de1f510a771fc08eacb9./SRPMS.pclosd"* 5 M )B@8BAtBExBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm0.120.08pclos2017FillInForm for CatalystFill forms automatically, based on data from a previous HTML form. Typically (but not necessarily) used in conjunction with Catalyst::Plugin::FormValidator. This module automatically inserts data from a previous HTML form into HTML input fields, textarea fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and select tags. It is an instance of HTML::FillInForm, which itself is a subclass of HTML::Parser, which it uses to parse the HTML and insert the values into the proper form tags. The usual application is after a user submits an HTML form without filling out a required field, or with errors in fields having specified constraints. FillInForm is used to redisplay the HTML form with all the form elements containing the submitted info. FillInForm can also be used to fill forms with data from any source, e.g. directly from your database.L}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Action::RenderView)perl(HTML::FillInForm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.993.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmT5b8068d83e18ca9657edddffdebc139c./SRPMS.pclosd%, 7 R  *;DPB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator0.94.08pclos2017FormValidator for CatalystThis plugin uses Data::FormValidator to validate and set up form data from your request parameters. It's a quite thin wrapper around that module, so most of the relevant information can be found there.K,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Data::FormValidator)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.993.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator-0.94.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmRBe81f13f5cf78f94ea62fbc5991d11036./SRPMS.pclossd#+ 6 [ B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget1.100.08pclos2017HTML Widget And Validation FrameworkHTML Widget And Validation FrameworkGbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(HTML::Widget)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.500.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget-1.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmNe2ce298148647a7304c9b007f1be32a7a./SRPMS.pclosd$ / A mB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N0.100.09pclos2017I18N for CatalystSupports mo/po files and Maketext classes under your applications I18N namespace.bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(I18N::LangTags::Detect)perl(Locale::Maketext::Lexicon)perl(Locale::Maketext::Simple)perl(MRO::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.990. 0 U  D  B@BATBEXBJyCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Images0.20.08pclos2017Generate image tags for static filesThis plugin aims to assist you in generating image tags that contain alt text, a properly escaped src attribute, height and width info, without worrying too much.\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(Image::Size)perl(Module::Build)perl(Path::Class)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst)perl(Test::use::ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.503.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Images-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmc56452b0df2cf162760d91268d4e07d87./SRPMS.pclosd!) 4 U$( 2CL t Q B@bBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache0.310.09pclos2017Cache the output of entire pagesMany dynamic websites perform heavy processing on most pages, yet this information may rarely change from request to request. Using the PageCache plugin, you can cache the full output of different pages so they are served to your visitors as fast as possible. This method of caching is very useful for withstanding a Slashdotting, for example. This plugin requires that you also load a Cache plugin. Please see the Known Issues when choosing a cache backend.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Cache::Cache)perl(Cache::FileCache)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Cache)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache-0.310.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm1ae9177db4c75f9163cfd277ddcb50b29./SRPMS.pclosd!) 4 Ipt ~B@BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype1.330.09pclos2017Plugin for PrototypeHelper to generate Prototype library.Lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(HTML::Prototype)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype-1.330.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmSabbcbd5efd3e69e3f0d07db4e6416072./SRPMS.pclos_d ' 2 _ B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Redirect0.20.09pclos2017Redirect for Catalyst used easily is offeredRedirect for Catalyst used easily is offered. "bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Redirect-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm47abcb5203f18b8b903d1d4a0b4353cc./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 Vx| \B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session0.400.04pclos2017Generic Session plugin for CatalystThe Session plugin is the base of two related parts of functionality required for session management in web applications. The first part, the State, is getting the browser to repeat back a session key, so that the web application can identify the client and logically string several requests together into a session. The second part, the Store, deals with the actual storage of information about the client. This data is stored so that the it may be revived for every request made by the same client. This plugin links the two pieces together.ʍbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Digest)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Object::Signature)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI)perl(Tie::RefHash)perl(namespace::clean)perl-namespace-cleanrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.710.106.590.00.760.|994f91d7c03a4aacb79653c358b9085f./SRPMS.pclosd(0 ; apt ~8B@EBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap0.130.09pclos2017File storage backend for session dataFast sessions.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Catalystperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Sessionperl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl-URI-Findperl-Cache-FastMmaprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap-0.130.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm54f1564a8ea082f8c0f71df3716dbaddf./SRPMS.pclosd+2 = l 0B@9BA|BEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache0.10.08pclos2017Store sessions using a Catalyst::Plugin::CacheThis plugin will store your session data in whatever cache module you have configured. Hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm71dd9089eaf1e89e35b19d02d95f0a2f./SRPMS.pclosd)1 < ^ kB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI0.160.09pclos2017Store your sessions in a databaseThis storage module will store session data in a database using DBI.|bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(DBI)perl(MIME::Base64)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.490.053.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI-0.160.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmd5b3195bd458f0644eaa81e8b13311e2./SRPMS.pclosd*2 = c $ .?H`B@BA\BE`BJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File0.180.09pclos2017File storage backend for session dataCatalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File is an easy to use storage plugin for Catalyst that uses an simple file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache. It is based on Cache::FileCache.d(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::Cache)perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.0250. A ilp z   B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached0.50.08pclos2017Memcached storage for Catalyst sessions'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Memcached' is a session storage plugin for Catalyst that uses the the Cache::Memcached::Managed manpage module to connect to memcached, a fast data caching server. METHODS * get_session_data * store_session_datatHbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::Memcached::Managed)perl(Catalyst::ClassData)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(namespace::clean)perl-Class-Data-Inheritablerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|d3213befe9c22c433ac8c20ba848afa8./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 q :B@GBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv0.30.08pclos2017Allows you to set up the environment from Catalyst's config fileno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(FindBin)perl(NEXT)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm0adb559551b3564f1d05a7de467b54ae./SRPMS.pclosd"* 5 _ EB@UBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace0.120.08pclos2017Display a stack trace on the debug screenThis plugin will enhance the standard Catalyst debug screen by including a stack trace of your appliation up to the point where the error occurred. Each stack frame is displayed along with the package name, line number, file name, and code context surrounding the line number. This plugin is only active in -Debug mode._bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Devel::StackTrace)perl(Module::Build)perl(MRO::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.613.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmgh09939c9bd3fea3f7392d4432eb455078./SRPMS.pclosd%- 8 [lp z`B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple0.330.04pclos2017Make serving static pages painlessThe Static::Simple plugin is designed to make serving static content in your application during development quick and easy, without requiring a single line of code from you. This plugin detects static files by looking at the file extension in the URL (such as B<.css> or B<.png> or B<.js>). The plugin uses the lightweight L module to map file extensions to IANA-registered MIME types, and will serve your static files with the correct MIME type directly to the browser, without being processed through Catalyst.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Types)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Types)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.800.806.360. > \ B@BABE BJACperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-ByClass0.5.04pclos2017Locate static content in @INCCatalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple::ByClass is a subclass of Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple. It extends the base class to alter the include_path config to include @INC paths for classes. The idea is that you can distribute static files (.js and .css for example) with applications, and those files can be served during development directly from the installed @INC location.fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Path::Class)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-ByClass-0.5.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm$847a78ded8938e972384036106b9fb91./SRPMS.pclosSd"* 5 ] B@BA BE$BJECperl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest0.210.04pclos2017Make subrequests to actions in CatalystMake subrequests to actions in Catalyst. Uses the catalyst dispatcher, so it will work like an external url call.\2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Devel::GlobalDestruction)perl(Eval::Closure)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Package::DeprecationManager)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.900.06.360.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest-0.210.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmcV1bdc444c594907885bc40bb1b0ed1931./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 F bB@mBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile0.10.09pclos2017Textile for CatalystPersistent Textile processor for Catalyst. METHODS $c->textile; Returns a ready to use the Text::Textile manpage object. "bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Text::Textile)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpme768e635736d9c70231fa6d8b0e53ea6./SRPMS.pclosd' 3 J B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode0.930.010pclos2017Unicode aware CatalystOn request, decodes all params from UTF-8 octets into a sequence of logical characters. On response, encodes body into UTF-8 octets.dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst)perl(Test::use::ok)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(MRO::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 V AB@LBABEBJCperl-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC2.10.08pclos2017Dispatch XMLRPC methods with CatalystThis plugin allows your controller class to dispatch XMLRPC methods from its own class.c&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(RPC::XML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC-2.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmj 801bd8a9b479dccd7cb1dc3c0f21cc15./SRPMS.pclos d! , V CC CB@ BA BE BJ Cperl-Catalyst-Runtime5.901.403pclos2017The Elegant MVC Web Application FrameworkCatalyst is an elegant web application framework, extremely flexible yet extremely simple. It's similar to Ruby on Rails, Spring (Java) and Maypole, upon which it was originally based. Catalyst follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, allowing you to easily separate concerns, like content, presentation, and flow control, into separate modules. This separation allows you to modify code that handles one concern without affecting code that handles the others. Catalyst promotes the re-use of existing Perl modules that already handle common web application concerns well.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI::Simple::Cookie)perl(CGI::Struct)perl(Carp)perl(Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Class::Load)perl(Data::Dump)perl(Data::OptList)perl(Devel::InnerPackage)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::HeadParser)perl(HTTP::Body)perl(HTTP::Headers)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Request::AsCGI)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(HTTP::Response)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(Hash::MultiValue)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(LWP)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(MooseX::Getopt)perl(MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer::Inheritable)perl(MooseX::Role::WithOverloading)perl(Path::Class)perl(Plack)perl(Plack::Middleware::Conditional)perl(Plack::Middleware::ContentLength)perl(Plack::Middleware::FixMissingBodyInRedirect)perl(Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions)perl(Plack::Middleware::Head)perl(Plack::Middleware::IIS6ScriptNameFix)perl(Plack::Middleware::IIS7KeepAliveFix)perl(Plack::Middleware::LighttpdScriptNameFix)perl(Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride)perl(Plack::Middleware::RemoveRedundantBody)perl(Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy)perl(Plack::Request::Upload)perl(Plack::Test::ExternalServer)perl(Safe::Isa)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Stream::Buffered)perl(String::RewritePrefix)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Balanced)perl(Text::SimpleTable)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(Tree::Simple)perl(Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(URI)perl(URI::ws)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(namespace::clean)perl-Module-Pluggablerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . Qlp z   B@2BAhBElBJCperl-Catalyst-View-Email0.360.04pclos2017Templated Email View for [% app %]Helper for Email Views.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Authen::SASL)perl(Catalyst)perl(Email::MIME)perl(Email::MIME::Creator)perl(Email::Sender::Simple)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ; Z B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-View-Excel-Template-Plus0.40.04pclos2017Excel::Plus View for [% app %]This is a Catalyst View subclass which can handle rendering excel content through Excel::Template::Plus.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Excel::Template::Plus)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-View-Excel-Template-Plus-0.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm'225c9638b1914d450740dd8d324888e1./SRPMS.pclosd * H vB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-View-GD0.10.08pclos2017A Catalyst View for GD imagesThis is a Catalyst View subclass which can handle rendering GD based image content.pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(GD)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::Image::GD)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-View-GD-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm1f4dbef9790c43eb5a8f95480442536c./SRPMS.pclos d% 0 D  (B@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-View-GraphViz0.50.08pclos2017GraphViz View ClassThis is the Catalyst view class for the GraphViz manpage. Your application subclass should inherit from this class. This plugin renders the GraphViz object specified in '$c->stash->{graphviz}->{graph}' into the '$c->stash->{graphviz}->{format}' (one of e.g. png gif, or one of the other as_* methods described in the the GraphViz manpage module. PNG is the default format. The output is stored in '$c->response->output'.Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest)perl(GraphViz)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-View-GraphViz-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm%9bd5dc2d9308d2e1ce1f18655aeb8949./SRPMS.pclosd" - E kB@BABEBJCperl-Catalyst-View-JSON0.360.03pclos2017JSON view for your dataCatalyst::View::JSON is a Catalyst View handler that returns stash data in JSON format.xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.600.06.590. 0 ?dh r#B@8BApBEtBJCperl-Catalyst-View-REST-XML0.20.08pclos2017XML View ClassThis is the XML::Simple view class.f(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Simple)perl-Catalystrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.053.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-View-REST-XML-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmld209187fd3b5d20a6f4e45cceecc4ef9./SRPMS.pclosd  + B    B@BABEBJ Cperl-Catalyst-View-TT0.440.04pclos2017Catalyst TT View ClassThis is the Catalyst view class for the Template Toolkit. Your application should defined a view class which is a subclass of this module. The easiest way to achieve this is using the myapp_create.pl script (where myapp should be replaced with whatever your application is called). This script is created as part of the Catalyst setup.nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Path::Class)perl(Template)perl(Template::Timer)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.700.06.590.03.0.4-1perl-Catalyst-View-TT-0.440.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmvO84d8535375d668e4b1c740d39fc58467./SRPMS.pclosd ' X H B@#BAPBETBJuCperl-CatalystX-CMS0.11.04pclos2017A drop-in content management system for CatalystCatalystX::CMS is a drop-in content management system that allows you to manage your Catalyst app templates via a web-based editor.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Action::RenderView)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple::ByClass)perl(Catalyst::View::TT)perl(CatalystX::CRUD)perl(DateTime::Format::ISO8601)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Path::Class::File::Lockable)perl(SVN::Class)perl(Template::Plugin::Handy)perl(Template::Provider::Encoding)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::Simple)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CatalystX-CMS-0.11.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmΛ4c299043469e8142fecc8c3c0ec2b4e1./SRPMS.pclosd ) R HB@BABEBJ Cperl-CatalystX-CRUD0.570.03pclos2017CRUD framework for Catalyst applicationsThis document is an overview of the CatalystX::CRUD framework and API. CatalystX::CRUD provides a simple and generic API for Catalyst CRUD applications. CatalystX::CRUD is agnostic with regard to data model and data input, instead providing a common API that different projects can implement for greater compatability with one another. The project was born out of a desire to make Rose::HTML::Objects easy to use with Rose::DB::Object and DBIx::Class ORMs, using the Catalyst::Controller::Rose project. However, any ORM could implement the CatalystX::CRUD::Model API, and any form management project could use the resulting CatalystX::CRUD::Model subclass.3bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Component::ACCEPT_CONTEXT)perl(Catalyst::Exception)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Data::Dump)perl(Data::Pageset)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Path::Class::File)perl(Search::QueryParser::SQL)perl(Sort::SQL)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CatalystX-CRUD-0.570.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmb48a5ef6ecba289835394948b0016c68./SRPMS.pclos[d"* 5 `    B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-CatalystX-Component-Traits0.190.07pclos2017Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution forAdds a the Catalyst::Component/COMPONENT manpage method to your the Catalyst manpage component base class that reads the optional 'traits' parameter from app and component config and instantiates the component subclass with those traits using the MooseX::Traits/new_with_traits manpage from the MooseX::Traits::Pluggable manpage.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Moose::Autobox)perl(MooseX::Traits::Pluggable)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.900.03.0.4-1perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.190.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmHe3623a0abaedc7d9f3a056f2c409b2a2./SRPMS.pclosd!( 4 e uB@BABEBJCperl-CatalystX-InjectComponent0.25.010pclos2017Inject components into your Catalyst applicationCatalystX::InjectComponent will inject Controller, Model, and View components into your Catalyst application at setup (run)time. It does this by creating a new package on-the-fly, having that package extend the given component, and then having Catalyst setup the new component (via '->setup_component');bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(Devel::InnerPackage)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Most)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.800.06.300.03.0.4-1perl-CatalystX-InjectComponent-0.25.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm80f8cd957a6733fa2bd3bb0fd9b15744./SRPMS.pcloswd$ 0 \| B@ BADBEHBJiCperl-CatalystX-LeakChecker0.60.010pclos2017Debug memory leaks in Catalyst applicationsIt's easy to create memory leaks in Catalyst applications and often they're hard to find. This module tries to help you finding them by automatically checking for common causes of leaks. This module is intended for debugging only. I suggest to not enable it in a production environment.0vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(B::Deparse)perl(Catalyst)perl(Devel::Cycle)perl(FindBin)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::AttributeHelpers)perl(MooseX::Types)perl(PadWalker)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::SimpleTable)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CatalystX-LeakChecker-0.60.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm76564bd131df0aa7a71e26288583f92b6./SRPMS.pclos/d & 1 j  ,B@BABEBJ!Cperl-CatalystX-RoleApplicator0.5.08pclos2017Apply roles to your Catalyst application-related classesCatalystX::RoleApplicator makes it easy for you to apply roles to all the various classes that your Catalyst application uses.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Class::MOP)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::RelatedClassRoles)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CatalystX-RoleApplicator-0.5.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm- 3d0c0bf8b9fe2d86647d87103237bf6b./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 9pt ~B@DBA|BEBJCperl-CatalystX-SimpleLogin0.190.03pclos2017RedirectCatalystX::SimpleLogin is an application class role which will inject a controller which is an instance of the CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Controller::Login manpage into your application. This provides a simple login and logout page with the adition of only one line of code and one template to your application.Pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Catalyst::Action::REST)perl(Catalyst::Action::RenderView)perl(Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session)perl(Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie)perl(Catalyst::Runtime)perl(Catalyst::View::TT)perl(CatalystX::Component::Traits)perl(CatalystX::InjectComponent)perl(Class::Load)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTML::FormHandler)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Autobox)perl(MooseX::MethodAttributes)perl(MooseX::RelatedClassRoles)perl(MooseX::Types)perl(MooseX::Types::Common)perl(SQL::Translator)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.740.00.350.05.800.1300.ҋ23c8ffdd10c2a1b7d0e53d0a5fa30d88./SRPMS.pclos3d   <X\ fwB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Chart2.4.104pclos2017A series of charting modulesSeries of charting modules.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(GD)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & b<@ J[dhB@BABEBJCperl-Chart-Graph3.200.08pclos2017Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot, XRT, and XmgraceGraph.pm is a wrapper module that allows easy generation of graphs within perl. Currently Graph.pm supports three graphing packages, gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace. These software packages must be obtained separately from this Perl module. Information on each graphing package and it's availability is provided in the documentation on that module. Gnuplot and Xmgrace are freely available software pages for UNIX systems. XRT is a commercial product. Currently the xrt3d and xrt2d package is not being supported, although it works. It is still in the development stage. Feel free to give it a try though. The parsers also write the test data into the 'Test Result Publication Interface' (TRPI) XML schema, developed by SpikeSource.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Chart-Graph-3.200.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm4af526d14344c0ab30613bfa589ae26dc./SRPMS.pclosd # O DB@NBAxBE|BJCperl-Check-ISA0.40.08pclos2017DWIM, correct checking of an object's classThis module provides several functions to assist in testing whether a value is an object, and if so asking about its class.ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::use::ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Check-ISA-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm -3e4c83f329cbd6c99ab7be8db8b8fd79./SRPMS.pclosd" - _HL Vgp   B@'BA\BE`BJCperl-Chemistry-Harmonia0.118.07pclos2017Decision of simple and difficult chemical puzzlesThe module provides the necessary subroutines to solve some puzzles of the general inorganic and physical chemistry. The methods implemented in this module, are all oriented to known rules and laws of general and physical chemistry.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Algorithm::Combinatorics)perl(Carp)perl(Chemistry::File::Formula)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::Assistant)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Math::BigRat)perl(Regexp::Common)perl(String::CRC::Cksum)perl(Test::LongString)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   O  nB@yBABEBJCperl-Chess0.6.29pclos2017A framework for writing chess programs with PerlThis package is provided as shorthand for cpan module Chess::Game. It provided no functionality not contained within the other packages in this module.[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Test::Simple)perl(List::Compare)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Chess-0.6.2-9pclos2017.src.rpmb135c3db17b2599de179da087c8d34cb5./SRPMS.pclosd $ d $ .?HPB@BABEBJCperl-Chess-Play0.50.08pclos2017Play chess games, calculate legal moves, use a search algorithmThis module allows to play a chess game using STDIN or the xboard graphical interface. Il also can calculate legal moves and uses the Alpha-Beta search algorithm to find the best move.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Chess-Play-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmG055d1ec4c2d5e4fd1d155506050f9472./SRPMS.pclosCd ) G B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Class-Accessor0.340.09pclos2017Automated accessor generationThis module automagically generates accessor/mutators for your class.3bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-0.340.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm9ba362c1b20314c996bdedf7ccda1339d./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 K eB@oBABEBJCperl-Class-Accessor-Assert1.410.08pclos2017Accessors which type-checkThis is a version of Class::Accessor which offers rudimentary type-checking and existence-checking of arguments to constructors and set accessors.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Assert-1.410.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmo9b852d87ce88cac1f74c2ea114a56bcb./SRPMS.pclos#d% 0 WPT ^oxB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Accessor-Chained0.10.08pclos2017Class-Accessor-Chained module for perlA chained accessor is one that always returns the object when called with parameters (to set), and the value of the field when called with no arguments. This module subclasses Class::Accessor in order to provide the same mk_accessors interface.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Class-Accessorrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Chained-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm0d1b51ff43267bde58301bc52bf484f6./SRPMS.pclosd$ / Opt ~B@)BA`BEdBJCperl-Class-Accessor-Class0.503.04pclos2017Simple class variable accessorsClass::Accessor::Class provides a simple way to create accessor and mutator methods for class variables, just as Class::Accessor provides for objects. It can use either an enclosed lexical variable, or a package variable. This module was once implemented in terms of Class::Accessor, but changes to that module broke this relationship. Class::Accessor::Class is still a subclass of Class::Accessor, strictly for historical reasons. As a side benefit, a class that isa Class::Accessor::Class is also a Class::Accessor and can use its methods.=lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Class-0.503.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmEDevelopment/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Classy-0.9.1-8pclos2017.src.rpm771f674e12424e5842a2b1a684313817b./SRPMS.pclos?d( 3 e    B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Class-Accessor-Complex1.100.8809pclos2017Arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, sets and moreThis module generates accessors for your class in the same spirit as the Class::Accessor manpage does. While the latter deals with accessors for scalar values, this module provides accessor makers for arrays, hashes, integers, booleans, sets and more. As seen in the synopsis, you can chain calls to the accessor makers. Also, because this module inherits from the Class::Accessor manpage, you can put a call to one of its accessor makers at the end of the chain. The accessor generators also generate documentation ready to be used with the Pod::Generated manpage.Ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Class::Accessor::Installer)perl(Data::Miscellany)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Test::Compile)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Complex-1.100.880-9pclos2017.src.rpmb2826c81d65e28beb9af61f42371d807./SRPMS.pclosd", 7 ^ =B@jBABEBJCperl-Class-Accessor-Constructor1.111.5908pclos2017Support for an automated dirty flag inThis module generates accessors for your class in the same spirit as the Class::Accessor manpage does. While the latter deals with accessors for scalar values, this module provides accessor makers for rather flexible constructors. The accessor generators also generate documentation ready to be used with the Pod::Generated manpage.abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Class::Accessor::Complex)perl(Class::Accessor::Installer)perl(Data::Inherited)perl(English)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Tie::Hash)perl(constant)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.100.8806.300.00.940.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Constructor-1.111.590-8pclos2017.src.rpmi08c901621b60b42de2620a51e84cf08d./SRPMS.pclosd( 3 V    B@BAPBETBJuCperl-Class-Accessor-Grouped0.100.1204pclos2017Lets you build groups of accessorsThis class lets you build groups of accessors that will call different getters and setters.!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * 5 T    B@BABEBJCperl-Class-Accessor-Installer1.100.8808pclos2017Install an accessor subroutineThis mixin class provides a method that will install a coderef. There are other modules that do this, but this one is a bit more specific to the needs of the Class::Accessor::Complex manpage and friends. It is intended as a mixin, that is, your accessor-generating class should inherit from this class.TLbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Pod::Generated)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::Compile)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Installer-1.100.880-8pclos2017.src.rpm[975fa29a72009ab2c2ada27abc703096./SRPMS.pclosd" - W  VB@fBABEBJCperl-Class-Accessor-Lite0.80.04pclos2017A minimalistic variant of Class::AccessorThe module is a variant of 'Class::Accessor'. It is fast and requires less typing, has no dependencies to other modules, and does not mess up the @ISA.yAbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Lite-0.80.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmpb864642748f24ebfc7bef44e68b50634./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 V B@$BA\BE`BJCperl-Class-Accessor-Lvalue0.110.08pclos2017Class-Accessor-Lvalue module for perlThis module subclasses Class::Accessor in order to provide lvalue accessor makers.Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Wantperl-Class-Accessorrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Lvalue-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmac9fafe926cab84973c26eddf6b47b7a./SRPMS.pclosd! , O48 BS\dB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Accessor-Ref0.50.08pclos2017Class-Accessor-Ref module for perlThis is an extension of Class::Accessor that allows taking a reference of members of an object. This is typically useful when your class implementation uses a third-party module that expects an in/out parameter in its interface.^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Class-Accessorrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Accessor-Ref-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmf.2e8914d9fbdd40debdb5e7f6beef076c./SRPMS.pclos d ' G  0B@BABEBJCperl-Class-Adapter1.80.09pclos2017Generate Class::Adapter classesThe 'Class::Adapter' class is intended as an abstract base class for creating any sort of class or object that follows the _Adapter_ pattern. What is an Adapter? The term _Adapter_ refers to a _"Design Pattern"_ of the same name, from the famous _"Gang of Four"_ book _"Design Patterns"_. Although their original implementation was designed for Java and similar single-inheritance strictly-typed langauge, the situation for which it applies is still valid. An _Adapter_ in this Perl sense of the term is when a class is created to achieve by composition (objects containing other object) something that can't be achieved by inheritance (sub-classing).Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.! , O "3<@\B@dBABEBJCperl-Class-ArrayObjects1.30.08pclos2017Class-ArrayObjects module for perlThis module makes it easy to build classes using array based objects. It's main goal is to allow one to create less memory hungry programs, notably in memory-sensitive contexts such as mod_perl.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-ArrayObjects-1.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm%_6c8b2067e4194cc9be2757eab3ebb2b7./SRPMS.pclosd * @  8  B@_BABEBJCperl-Class-AutoClass1.560.07pclos2017Yet another OO helperThis perl module brings the following advantages: - get and set methods for simple attributes can be automatically generated - argument lists are handled as described below - the protocol for object creation and initialization is close to the 'textbook' approach generally suggested for object-oriented Perl (see below) - object initialization is handled correctly in the presence of multiple inheritancebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(Hash::AutoHash::Args)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Content)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' [pt ~*B@ZBABEBJCperl-Class-Autouse2.10.09pclos2017Run-time class loading on first method call in PerlClass::Autouse allows you to specify a class that will only load when a method of that class is called. For large classes that might not be used during the running of a program, such as Date::Manip, this can save you large amounts of memory, and decrease the script load time.Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.620.00.800.[b4fe3c92d9aac7c72d598018653edb1b./SRPMS.pclosd $ Q "3<HB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Base0.60.07pclos2017Useful base class for deriving other modulesThis module implements a simple base class from which other modules can be derived, thereby inheriting a number of useful methods such as new(), init(), params(), clone(), error() and debug().7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Base-0.60.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm>4eee92ceae4b2296ea6c02c47e2b2df3./SRPMS.pclos'd # \  '0DB@BABEBJCperl-Class-C30.310.03pclos2017A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihmThis is pragma to change Perl 5's standard method resolution order from depth-first left-to-right (a.k.a - pre-order) to the more sophisticated C3 method resolution order.o+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Algorithm::C3)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . B,0 :KTlB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT0.140.04pclos2017Make NEXT suck lessthe NEXT manpage was a good solution a few years ago, but isn't any more. It's slow, and the order in which it re-dispatches methods appears random at times. It also encourages bad programming practices, as you end up with code to re-dispatch methods when all you really wanted to do was run some code before or after a method fired. However, if you have a large application, then weaning yourself off 'NEXT' isn't easy. This module is intended as a drop-in replacement for NEXT, supporting the same interface, but using the Class::C3 manpage to do the hard work. You can then write new code without 'NEXT', and migrate individual source files to use 'Class::C3' or method modifiers as appropriate, at whatever pace you're comfortable with.{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(NEXT)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT-0.140.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmb2c3d8bbadd9f58af463597cd981a0ad./SRPMS.pclosd$ 0 bdh r8B@TBABEBJCperl-Class-C3-Componentised1.1.010pclos2017Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based classThis will inject base classes to your module using the Class::C3 method resolution order. Please note: these are not plugins that can take precedence over methods declared in MyModule. If you want something like that, consider MooseX::Object::Pluggable.d2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::C3)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d ' A B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Class-C3-XS0.130.015pclos2017XS speedups for Class::C3This contains XS performance enhancers for Class::C3 version 0.16 and higher. The main Class::C3 package will use this package automatically if it can find it. Do not use this package directly, use Class::C3 instead. The test suite here is not complete, although it does verify a few basic things. The best testing comes from running the Class::C3 test suite *after* this module is installed. This module won't do anything for you if you're running a version of Class::C3 older than 0.16. (It's not a dependency because it would be circular with the optional dep from that package to this one).kbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-C3-XS-0.130.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmsm0fd7323d28cb4a81d5465aeabef26fad./SRPMS.pclosd * Y AB@JBA|BEBJCperl-Class-Container0.120.08pclos2017Glues object frameworks together transparentlyThis class facilitates building frameworks of several classes that inter-operate. It was first designed and built for "HTML::Mason", in which the Compiler, Lexer, Interpreter, Resolver, Component, Buffer, and several other objects must create each other transparently, passing the appropriate parameters to the right class, possibly substituting other subclasses for any of these objects.KXbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Params-Validaterpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Container-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmR37455abdfdafe8d1fce84c1328dbeb8c./SRPMS.pcloskd ) H B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Class-Contract1.140.09pclos2017Class-Contract module for perlThe Class::Contract module implements strong encapsulation, static inheritance, and design-by-contract condition checking for object-oriented Perl. The module provides a declarative syntax for attribute, method, constructor, and destructor definitions at both the object and class level. Pre-conditions, post-conditions, and class invariants are also fully supported.oMbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Contract-1.140.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmv61b6cb122ce98e4673d173e451e7cef3./SRPMS.pclos[d $ @  (  B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Class-DBI3.0.1712pclos2017Simple Database AbstractionClass::DBI provides a convenient abstraction layer to a database. It not only provides a simple database to object mapping layer, but can be used to implement several higher order database functions (triggers, referential integrity, cascading delete etc.), at the application level, rather than at the database. This is particularly useful when using a database which doesn't support these (such as MySQL), or when you would like your code to be portable across multiple databases which might implement these things in different ways. In short, Class::DBI aims to make it simple to introduce 'best practice' when dealing with data stored in a relational database.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Class::Trigger)perl(Clone)perl(DBIx::ContextualFetch)perl(Ima::DBI)perl(UNIVERSAL::moniker)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-3.0.17-12pclos2017.src.rpm?2fe3da57d41b825c1157ac5e93fd0901./SRPMS.pclos'd$ / [`d nB@BABEBJCperl-Class-DBI-AutoLoader0.120.08pclos2017Generates Class::DBI subclasses dynamicallyClass::DBI::AutoLoader scans the tables in a given database, and auto-generates the Class::DBI classes. These are loaded into your package when you import Class::DBI::AutoLoader, as though you had created the Data::FavoriteFilms class and "use"d that directly.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-AutoLoader-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmaf4ba92c18b923ee98689445425861418./SRPMS.pclossd! , l B@ BA@BEDBJeCperl-Class-DBI-FromForm0.40.08pclos2017Update Class::DBI data using Data::FormValidator or HTML WidgetCreate and update Class::DBI objects from Data::FormValidator or HTML::Widget bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-FromForm-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmb4993400f0ff943d54fded32c5e2621f./SRPMS.pclos+d  + XHL Vgp|B@BABEBJCperl-Class-DBI-Loader0.340.08pclos2017Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classesClass::DBI::Loader automate the definition of Class::DBI sub-classes. scan table schemas and setup columns, primary key. class names are defined by table names and namespace option. Class::DBI::Loader supports MySQL, Postgres and SQLite.+2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-Lingua-EN-Inflectperl-DBIrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.893.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-Loader-0.340.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm2T9b3f1ae1f12afa5e001971205eea5635./SRPMS.pclosd & H B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Class-DBI-Pg0.90.08pclos2017Class::DBI extension for PostgresClass::DBI::Pg automate the setup of Class::DBI columns and primary key for Postgres..bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Class::DBI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-Pg-0.90.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm2f21adfbec51e1c76da34a5319762bc1./SRPMS.pclosd * U8< FW`dB@BABEBJCperl-Class-DBI-Plugin0.30.08pclos2017Abstract base class for Class::DBI pluginsClass::DBI::Plugin is an abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins. Its purpose is to make writing plugins easier. Writers of plugins should be able to concentrate on the functionality their module provides, instead of having to deal with the symbol table hackery involved when writing a plugin module. Only three things must be remembered: 1 All methods which are to exported are given the "Plugged" attribute. All other methods are not exported to the plugged-in class. 2 Method calls which are to be sent to the plugged-in class are put in the init() method. Examples of these are set_sql(), add_trigger() and so on. 3 The class parameter for the init() method and the "Plugged" methods is the plugged-in class, not the plugin class.#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm"ce507bc5feeb492d5c3e4cb1b4b56ae6./SRPMS.pclos{d&- 8 _PT ^oxB@BAHBELBJmCperl-Class-DBI-Plugin-AbstractCount0.80.09pclos2017Get COUNT(*) results with abstract SQLThis Class::DBI plugin combines the functionality from Class::DBI::Plugin::CountSearch (counting objects without having to use an array or an iterator), and Class::DBI::AbstractSearch, which allows complex where-clauses a la SQL::Abstract.?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-SQL-Abstractperl-Class-DBI-Pluginperl-Class-DBIperl(Test::Deep)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 1 H  4 W B@BABEBJCperl-Class-DBI-Plugin-Pager0.566.08pclos2017Paged queries for CDBIAdds a pager method to your class that can query using SQL::Abstract where clauses, and limit the number of rows returned to a specific subset.9Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::DBI)perl(Class::DBI::Plugin::AbstractCount)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Data::Page)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(SQL::Abstract)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.900.  + K cB@nBABEBJCperl-Class-DBI-SQLite0.110.08pclos2017Class::DBI extension for sqliteClass::DBI::SQLite is an extension to Class::DBI for DBD::SQLite. It allows you to populate an auto-incremented row id after insert.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::DBI)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::ContextualFetch)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-SQLite-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmxf13b354b9ee2d6d4723a76b9b987e34d./SRPMS.pclosd ) H  (UB@^BABEBJCperl-Class-DBI-mysql1.0.013pclos2017Class::DBI extension for MySQLThis is an extension to Class::DBI, containing several functions and optimisations for the MySQL database. Instead of setting Class::DBI as your base class, use this instead.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::DBI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-DBI-mysql-1.0.0-13pclos2017.src.rpm#0767668b2d5f279fcacd1281e4096d95./SRPMS.pclosd# / rLP Zkt|B@BABEBJ Cperl-Class-Data-Accessor0.40.4010pclos2017Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creationClass::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating accessors to class data that overridable in subclasses as well as in class instances.bKbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Data-Accessor-0.40.40-10pclos2017.src.rpmiw5cea84251434a8a61efe201af504a1a8./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 TLP ZktxB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Data-Inheritable0.80.08pclos2017Inheritable, overridable class dataClass::Data::Inheritable is for creating accessor/mutators to class data. That is, if you want to store something about your class as a whole (instead of about a single object). This data is then inherited by your subclasses and can be overriden.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!&d62fe7b3d614406620aba402137d63cb./SRPMS.pclos{d $ Ndh rB@BAHBELBJmCperl-Class-Date1.1.158pclos2017Class for easy date and time manipulationThis module is intended to provide a general-purpose date and datetime type for perl. You have a Class::Date class for absolute date and datetime, and have a Class::Date::Rel class for relative dates. You can use "+", "-", "<" and ">" operators as with native perl data types.ubb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.380.|1173edd6e2d97ca8de5ef64c3ccc3440./SRPMS.pclossd ( F B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Class-Declare0.190.04pclos2017Class-Declare module for perlClass::Declare allows class authors to specify public, private and protected attributes and methods for their classes, giving them control over how their modules may be accessed. The standard object oriented programming concepts of *public*, *private* and *protected* have been implemented for both class and instance (or object) attributes and methods.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Test-Exceptionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Declare-0.190.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm<)82f791807b892d7ab0b04d5a49e5b7ff./SRPMS.pclosGd ' 2 [X\ fwB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Class-Declare-Attributes0.90.04pclos2017Class-Declare-Attributes module for perlClass::Declare::Attributes extends Class::Declare by adding support for Perl attributes for specifying class method types. This extension was inspired by Damian Conway's Attribute::Handlers module, and Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's Attribute::Protected module.Xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Class-Declareperl-Test-Exceptionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Declare-Attributes-0.90.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm_f33329772e2501027c75160bd0cc4dbd./SRPMS.pclosWd ' Y    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Class-Discover1.0.38pclos2017Detect MooseX::Declare's 'class' keyword in filesThis class is designed primarily for tools that whish to populate the 'provides' field of META.{yml,json} files so that the CPAN indexer will pay attention to the existance of your classes, rather than blithely ignoring them. The version parsing is basically the same as what M::I's '->version_form' does, so should hopefully work as well as it does.rsbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MM_Unix)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::Find::Rule::Perl)perl(File::Temp)perl(PPI)perl(Path::Class)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Discover-1.0.3-8pclos2017.src.rpmz6669e44cfbe003c69b7b0d686eeb3b63./SRPMS.pclosWd " MHL VgpB@BA$BE(BJICperl-Class-Dot1.5.08pclos2017Class representing a perltags property tagSimple and fast properties for Perl 5. 'Class::Dot' also lets you define types for your properties, like Hash, String, Int, File, Code, Array and so on. All the types are populated with sane defaults, so you no longer have to write code like this:KZbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Simple)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Dot-1.5.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmR^7e61a7ab3f3451f35638c1bbc1356bcc./SRPMS.pclos+d! , JTX bs|B@BABEBJCperl-Class-ErrorHandler0.40.04pclos2017Base class for error handlingClass::ErrorHandler provides an error-handling mechanism that's generic enough to be used as the base class for a variety of OO classes. Subclasses inherit its two error-handling methods, error and errstr, to communicate error messages back to the calling program.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-ErrorHandler-0.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm2ccc9495cbe74be2b5375829b2ad4832b./SRPMS.pclosd ' N "3<DzB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Factory1.60.03pclos2017Base class for dynamic factory classesThis is a simple module that factory classes can use to generate new types of objects on the fly, providing a consistent interface to common groups of objects. Factory classes are used when you have different implementations for the same set of tasks but may not know in advance what implementations you will be using. Configuration files are a good example of this. There are four basic operations you would want to do with any configuration: read the file in, lookup a value, set a value, write the file out. There are also many different types of configuration files, and you may want users to be able to provide an implementation for their own home-grown configuration format. With a factory class this is easy. To create the factory class, just subclass 'Class::Factory' and create an interface for your configuration serializer. 'Class::Factory' even provides a simple constructor for you. Here's a sample interface and our two built-in configuration types:4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Factory-1.60.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm=7dbe81fa1e39162d7b6961f5041a90a0./SRPMS.pcloskd" - Y B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Class-Factory-Util1.700.08pclos2017Provide utility methods for factory classesThis module exports a method that is useful for factory classes..bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Factory-Util-1.700.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm4883695594ce4d86bb1390a960653208c./SRPMS.pclosd & E  *;DLB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Field0.230.07pclos2017Class Field Accessor GeneratorClass::Field exports two subroutines, 'field' and 'const'. These functions are used to declare fields and constants in your class. Class::Field generates custom code for each accessor that is optimized for speed.5bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Field-0.230.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmDevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Carp::Assert)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(constant)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470. ( ^ &7@H~B@BABEBJCperl-Class-Forward0.100.69pclos2017A class dispatcher that handles namespaces like pathsClass::Forward is designed to simply return class names or dispatch method calls using shorthand. It uses file-system path specification conventions to match against class namespaces.Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Forward-0.100.6-9pclos2017.src.rpmCK9fca448c650f99197597b0fff466583e./SRPMS.pcloswd ) I48 BS\|B@BADBEHBJiCperl-Class-Generate1.150.04pclos2017Generate Perl class hierarchiesThe Class::Generate package exports functions that take as arguments a class specification and create from these specifications a Perl 5 class. The specification language allows many object-oriented constructs: typed members, inheritance, private members, required members, default values, object methods, class methods, class variables, and more. CPAN contains similar packages. Why another? Because object-oriented programming, especially in a dynamic language like Perl, is a complicated endeavor. I wanted a package that would work very hard to catch the errors you (well, I anyway) commonly make. I wanted a package that could help me enforce the contract of object-oriented programming. I also wanted it to get out of my way when I asked.1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Symbol)perl(strict)perl(Text::Soundex)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Generate-1.150.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm:>24a6ad0cefc03861c16461ea8a8be726./SRPMS.pclosd % U $mB@wBABEBJCperl-Class-Gomor1.30.04pclos2017Class::Gomor - another class and object builderThis module is yet another class builder. This one adds parameter checking in new constructor, that is to check for attributes existence, and definedness.2-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Gomor-1.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm88333e0f4ef51c2b21142279d869e8248./SRPMS.pclos_d % M B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Class-ISA0.360.010pclos2017Report the search path thru an ISA treeSuppose you have a class (like Food::Fish::Fishstick) that is derived, via its @ISA, from one or more superclasses (as Food::Fish::Fishstick is from Food::Fish, Life::Fungus, and Chemicals), and some of those superclasses may themselves each be derived, via its @ISA, from one or more superclasses (as above). When, then, you call a method in that class ($fishstick->calories), Perl first searches there for that method, but if it's not there, it goes searching in its superclasses, and so on, in a depth-first (or maybe "height-first" is the word) search. In the above example, it'd first look in Food::Fish, then Food, then Matter, then Life::Fungus, then Life, then Chemicals. This library, Class::ISA, provides functions that return that list -- the list (in order) of names of classes Perl would search to find a method, with no duplicates.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(if)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-ISA-0.360.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm&[ee97df4a2884301f11800ce6a187d1f6./SRPMS.pclosd & B`d nB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Inner0.200.18pclos2017Class-Inner module for perlClass-Inner module for perlbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Inner-0.200.1-8pclos2017.src.rpm6c68bfb8795fbd3796e1608a53a1ea5f./SRPMS.pclosd * \ (B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Class-InsideOut1.130.08pclos2017A safe, simple inside-out object construction kitThis is a simple, safe and streamlined toolkit for building inside-out objects. Unlike most other inside-out object building modules already on CPAN, this module aims for minimalism and robustness: * Does not require derived classes to subclass it * Uses no source filters, attributes or CHECK blocks * Supports any underlying object type including black-box inheritance * Does not leak memory on object destruction * Overloading-safe * Thread-safe for Perl 5.8.5 or better * mod_perl compatible * Makes no assumption about inheritance or initializer needs It provides the minimal support necessary for creating safe inside-out objects and generating flexible accessors.Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::ISA)perl(Config)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(List::Util)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ư132761ae4ecc8e2d29c5b6a1192b41ef./SRPMS.pclosd * Z PB@pBABEBJCperl-Class-Inspector1.280.09pclos2017Get information about a class and its structureClass::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. Most or all of this information can be found in other ways, but they arn't always very friendly, and usually involve a relatively high level of Perl wizardry, or strange and unusual looking code. Class::Inspector attempts to provide an easier, more friendly interface to this information.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.00.800.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Inspector-1.280.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmjd118b317111e7f0123936ca242e8826c./SRPMS.pclos[d ) ? B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Class-Iterator0.300.08pclos2017A perl iterator classClass::Iterator is a generic iterator object class. It use a closure an wrap into an object interface. Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Iterator-0.300.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm7209779c6902dff29b8f08a1c3ff6d30./SRPMS.pclosd ' B &7@PB@BABEBJ Cperl-Class-Listener0.1.48pclos2017Executes methods on eventsA base class which listenes for signals and runs methods. METHODS signal( $eventname, @args ) * $eventname A method with the name "_on_$eventname" will be called (if it exists). lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Maker)perl(Data::Dump)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Listener-0.1.4-8pclos2017.src.rpm+c12835df1b24ed93810a1bc521c3a9df./SRPMS.pclossd % P $B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Class-Load0.230.04pclos2017A working (require "Class::Name") and more'require EXPR' only accepts 'Class/Name.pm' style module names, not 'Class::Name'. How frustrating! For that, we provide 'load_class 'Class::Name''. It's often useful to test whether a module can be loaded, instead of throwing an error when it's not available. For that, we provide 'try_load_class 'Class::Name''. Finally, sometimes we need to know whether a particular class has been loaded. Asking '%INC' is an option, but that will miss inner packages and any class for which the filename does not correspond to the package name. For that, we provide 'is_class_loaded 'Class::Name''.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::OptList)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Module::Implementation)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Package::Stash)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(namespace::clean)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' Q <cB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Load-XS0.90.06pclos2017XS implementation of parts of Class::LoadThis module provides an XS implementation for portions of the Class::Load manpage. See the Class::Load manpage for API details.#bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Class::Load)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Implementation)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(XSLoader)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*n54780cd276e20d47add62eca0e20afee./SRPMS.pclosd & P@D N_hlB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Loader2.30.08pclos2017Load modules and create objects on demandCertain applications like to defer the decision to use a particular module till runtime. This is possible in perl, and is a useful trick in situations where the type of data is not known at compile time and the application doesn't wish to pre-compile modules to handle all types of data it can work with. Loading modules at runtime can also provide flexible interfaces for perl modules. Modules can let the programmer decide what modules will be used by it instead of hard-coding their names.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Loader-2.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm$a954bd51f5d6781b776b6527104aa575./SRPMS.pclosd  + LHL VgptB@BABEBJCperl-Class-MakeMethods1.10.08pclos2017Generate common types of methodsBy passing arguments to "use Class::MakeMethods ..." statements, you can select from a library of hundreds of common types of methods, which are dynamically generated and installed as subroutines in your module, simplifying the code for your class.~Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-MakeMethods-1.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm4b9b1392a35fbd2d7b4627c82cb03683./SRPMS.pclosd % G &7@ h ; B@_BABEBJCperl-Class-Maker0.60.07pclos2017Exceptions tuned for Class::MakerClass::Maker introduces the concept of classes via a "class" function. It automatically creates packages, ISA, new and attribute-handlers. The classes can inherit from common perl-classes and class-maker classes. Single and multiple inheritance is supported. This package is for everybody who wants to program oo-perl and does not really feel comfortable with the common way. Java-like reflection is also implemented and allows one to inspect the class properties and methods during runtime. This is helpfull for implementing persistance and serialization. A Tangram (see cpan) schema generator is included to the package, so one can use Tangram object-persistance on the fly as long as he uses Class::Maker classes.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Algorithm::FastPermute)perl(Array::Compare)perl(Data::Dump)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Error)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Extended)perl(XML::Generator)perl(XML::LibXSLT)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' o B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Class-Member1.600.08pclos2017Class::Member - A set of modules to make the module developement easierClass::Member - A set of modules to make the module developement easier.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Member-1.600.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm#?6a0638b1dff279c283d2ebaa1083b4fb./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 V "3< p A B@\BABEBJCperl-Class-Method-Modifiers2.120.03pclos2017provides Moose-like method modifiersMethod modifiers are a powerful feature from the CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) world. In its most basic form, a method modifier is just a method that calls '$self->SUPER::foo(@_)'. I for one have trouble remembering that exact invocation, so my classes seldom re-dispatch to their base classes. Very bad! 'Class::Method::Modifiers' provides three modifiers: 'before', 'around', and 'after'. 'before' and 'after' are run just before and after the method they modify, but can not really affect that original method. 'around' is run in place of the original method, with a hook to easily call that original method. See the 'MODIFIERS' section for more details on how the particular modifiers work.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B)perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(base)perl(if)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.120.0-3pclos2017.src.rpme1a76e9f114453842f67fb86fe29b404./SRPMS.pclossd'- 8 HL VgpB@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Class-Method-ModifiersX-Augment0.2.04pclos2017Adds "augment method => sub {...}" support to Class::Method::ModifiersClass::Method::ModifiersX::Augment extends Class::Method::Modifiers with the "augment" method modifier, allowing you to use this Moose abomination for augmenting superclass methods in non-Moose classes. See Moose::Manual::MethodModifiers for details of how "augment" and its companion function "inner" work. This module exports two functions: "augment NAME, CODE" "inner" If you want to use these with Moo classes, please look at MooX::Augment instead.Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Method::Modifiers)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , O   aB@kBABEBJCperl-Class-MethodMaker2.240.05pclos2017Create generic methods for OO PerlThis module solves the problem of having to write a bazillion get/set methods that are all the same. The argument to 'use' is a hash whose keys are the names of types of generic methods generated by MethodMaker and whose values tell method maker what methods to make. (More precisely, the keys are the names of MethodMaker methods (methods that write methods) and the values are the arguments to those methods.3)bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-MethodMaker-2.240.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm:Padc36f6ea46e8a3a63d71897abc224ff./SRPMS.pclos'd " 7    B@BABEBJCperl-Class-Mix0.5.09pclos2017Dynamic class mixingThe 'mix_class' function provided by this module dynamically generates `anonymous' classes with specified inheritance.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(Module::Build)perl(Params::Classify)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(if)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Mix-0.5.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm-[ef0ffe5dcede875cca9ee05c880741fe./SRPMS.pclos d" - TTX bs|B@BABEBJCperl-Class-Multimethods1.700.08pclos2017A multiple dispatch mechanism for PerlThe Class:Multimethod module exports a subroutine (&multimethod) that can be used to declare other subroutines that are dispatched using a algorithm different from the normal Perl subroutine or method dispatch mechanism. Normal Perl subroutines are dispatched by finding the appropriately-named subroutine in the current (or specified) package and calling that. Normal Perl methods are dispatched by attempting to find the appropriately-named subroutine in the package into which the invoking object is blessed or, failing that, recursively searching for it in the packages listed in the appropriate '@ISA' arrays. Class::Multimethods multimethods are dispatched quite differently. The dispatch mechanism looks at the classes or types of each argument to the multimethod (by calling 'ref' on each) and determines the "closest" matching _variant_ of the multimethod, according to the argument types specified in the variants' definitions (see the Finding the "nearest" multimethod manpage for a definition of "closest").ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Multimethods-1.700.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm~7535447455faac399d678fbb105a4366./SRPMS.pclosd ' PTX bs|&B@5BAdBEhBJCperl-Class-Null2.110.7308pclos2017Implements the Null Class design patternThis class implements the Null Class design pattern. Suppose that methods in your object want to write log messages to a log object. The log object is possibly stored in a slot in your object and can be accessed using an accessor method: package MyObject;Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(English)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Null-2.110.730-8pclos2017.src.rpmXa9b0c5a3f9ab8352410fe454c900159f./SRPMS.pclosd * h OB@[BABEBJCperl-Class-Observable1.40.03pclos2017Allow other classes and objects to respond to events in yoursIf you have ever used Java, you may have run across the 'java.util.Observable' class and the 'java.util.Observer' interface. With them you can decouple an object from the one or more objects that wish to be notified whenever particular events occur. These events occur based on a contract with the observed item. They may occur at the beginning, in the middle or end of a method. In addition, the object *knows* that it is being observed. It just does not know how many or what types of objects are doing the observing. It can therefore control when the messages get sent to the obsevers. The behavior of the observers is up to you. However, be aware that we do not do any error handling from calls to the observers. If an observer throws a 'die', it will bubble up to the observed item and require handling there. So be careful.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::ISA)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Observable-1.40.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm5{6ea8c6c4a8e127d6ea0828770ae792f5./SRPMS.pclos/d  , Ox| B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Class-ParamParser1.41.011pclos2017CPAN Class-ParamParser perl moduleThis Perl 5 object class implements two methods which inherited classes can use to tidy up parameter lists for their own methods and functions. The two methods differ in that one returns a HASH ref containing named parameters and the other returns an ARRAY ref containing positional parameters.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-ParamParser-1.41.0-11pclos2017.src.rpm;bf726a0c60bc9f0a6c3718df778df351./SRPMS.pclos[d  + W04 >OXtB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Class-Prototyped1.130.05pclos2017Fast prototype-based OO programming in PerlThis package provides for efficient and simple prototype-based programming in Perl. You can provide different subroutines for each object, and also have objects inherit their behavior and state from another object.$Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Carp)perl(strict)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(IO::File)perl(Test)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Prototyped-1.130.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm*6d8efe8e961b7404287b97dc057c6d53./SRPMS.pclosOd $ 4 $ .?H`B@BABE BJACperl-Class-Proxy0.1.48pclos2017An object proxyObjects can be served by 'Class::Proxy'. In practice, any method call to the proxy will be forwarded to the original object (victim). The purpose of that is to alter method calls in a generic way. This can be used for * * fakingbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Listener)perl(Class::Maker)perl(Data::Dump)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Extended)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Proxy-0.1.4-8pclos2017.src.rpm74a4f74ef836983fd40ce37863a6b83d./SRPMS.pclosd! , N B@BATBEXBJyCperl-Class-ReturnValue0.550.08pclos2017Class-ReturnValue module for perlThis module provides a return-value object that lets you treat it as as a boolean, array or object.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Devel-StackTracerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-ReturnValue-0.550.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm>d4ec403d3be419b76d4ce7dd90049d8a./SRPMS.pclosd * E "3<DzB@BABEBJCperl-Class-Singleton1.500.04pclos2017A Singleton class for PerlThis is the Class::Singleton module. A Singleton describes an object class that can have only one instance in any system. This module implements a Singleton class from which other classes can be derived."jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Singleton-1.500.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm)Rf635709b41949ec7d271b5d48e4d1f33./SRPMS.pclosd & M    B@+BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Class-Sniff0.100.06pclos2017Look for class composition code smells*ALPHA* code. You've been warned. The interface is rather ad-hoc at the moment and is likely to change. After creating a new instance, calling the 'report' method is your best option. You can then visually examine it to look for potential problems: my $sniff = Class::Sniff->new({class => 'Some::Class'}); print $sniff->report;ezbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B::Concise)perl(Devel::Symdump)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(Graph::Easy)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Sub::Identify)perl(Test::Most)perl(Text::SimpleTable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.660."4c479588ea481bfa37317978b146278f./SRPMS.pclos_d ' O B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Class-Spiffy0.150.08pclos2017Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You"Class::Spiffy" is a framework and methodology for doing object oriented (OO) programming in Perl. Class::Spiffy combines the best parts of Exporter.pm, base.pm, mixin.pm and SUPER.pm into one magic foundation class. It attempts to fix all the nits and warts of traditional Perl OO, in a clean, straightforward and (perhaps someday) standard way.^Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Spiffy-0.150.0-8pclos2017.src.rpme4b7bdff67cf63f27d7575820fd8138d6./SRPMS.pclosd # V /B@;BAdBEhBJCperl-Class-Std0.13.04pclos2017Support for creating standard "inside-out" classesSupport for creating standard "inside-out" classesbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Std-0.13.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm32d3c1e567914221f0b94ec15ac8f4fe./SRPMS.pclosd ( Odh r6B@DBAtBExBJCperl-Class-Std-Fast0.0.812pclos2017faster but less secure than Class::StdClass::Std::Fast allows you to use the beautiful API of Class::Std in a faster way than Class::Std does. You can get the object's ident via scalarifiyng your object. Getting the objects ident is still possible via the ident method, but it's faster to scalarify your object.Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Std)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Std-Fast-0.0.8-12pclos2017.src.rpm]6e24cb71238df22ce7672c1569e702b7./SRPMS.pclosd ( ^ /8LB@BABEBJ Cperl-Class-Std-Utils0.0.39pclos2017Utility subroutines for building "inside-out" objectsThis module provides three utility subroutines that simplify the creation of "inside-out" classes. See Chapters 15 and 16 of "Perl Best Practices" (O'Reilly, 2005) for details.abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(List::Util)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Std-Utils-0.0.3-9pclos2017.src.rpm:03ed37c4a90305ea57f04db5127b072c./SRPMS.pclosd * P BB@[BABEBJCperl-Class-Throwable0.130.04pclos2017A minimal lightweight exception classThis module implements a minimal lightweight exception object. It is meant to be a compromise between more basic solutions like Carp which can only print information and cannot handle exception objects, and more more complex solutions like Exception::Class which can be used to define complex inline exceptions and has a number of module dependencies.3Nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){0f8a1a0b3f00ff5769a96ca12898a8f8./SRPMS.pclosd # ADH Rcl  F B@_BABEBJCperl-Class-Tiny1.4.02pclos2017Minimalist class constructionThis module offers a minimalist class construction kit in around 120 lines of code. Here is a list of features: * defines attributes via import arguments * generates read-write accessors * supports lazy attribute defaults * supports custom accessors * superclass provides a standard "new" constructor * "new" takes a hash reference or list of key/value pairs * "new" has heuristics to catch constructor attribute typos * "new" calls "BUILD" for each class from parent to child * superclass provides a "DESTROY" method * "DESTROY" calls "DEMOLISH" for each class from child to parent It uses no non-core modules for any recent Perl. On Perls older than v5.10 it requires MRO::Compat. On Perls older than v5.14, it requires Devel::GlobalDestruction.rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(subs)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.03.0.4-1perl-Class-Tiny-1.4.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmz6db5f532bf6ca4ca9c2561bb80bf7723./SRPMS.pclosd ( Q AB@KBA|BEBJCperl-Class-Trigger0.140.08pclos2017Mixin to add / call inheritable triggersClass::Trigger is a mixin class to add / call triggers (or hooks) that get called at some points you specify.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(IO::Stringy)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Trigger-0.140.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmͰcc4c4b4982526e1945fe522e37070d6f./SRPMS.pclosd & 5LP Zkt#B@2BA`BEdBJCperl-Class-Unload0.90.04pclos2017Unload a classno description found/dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Inspector)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-Unload-0.90.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm5676e7bf1da7ea3d8d34213e96ad9f466./SRPMS.pclosd $ \ (\((B@BABEBJCperl-Class-Usul0.73.14pclos2017Base class providing config, locking, logging, and l10nThese modules provide a set of base classes for Perl packages and applications that provide configuration file loading Class::Usul::Config, locking to single thread processes IPC::SRLock, logging Class::Usul::Log and localisation Class::Usul::L10N The class Class::Usul::Programs is a base class for command line interfaces Interprocess communication is handled by Class::Usul::IPC Class::Usul::File makes the functionality of File::DataClass available The Module::Build subclass Class::Usul::Build adds methods for the management and deployment of applicationsbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(Class::Null)perl(Crypt::CBC)perl(Crypt::Twofish2)perl(Data::Printer)perl(Data::Record)perl(Date::Format)perl(DateTime::Format::Epoch)perl(Exporter::Tiny)perl(File::DataClass)perl(File::Gettext)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Which)perl(Getopt::Long::Descriptive)perl(Hash::MoreUtils)perl(IO::Interactive)perl(IPC::SRLock)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(Log::Handler)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Metadata)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Pod::Eventual)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Term::ReadKey)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Text::Autoformat)perl(Time::Zone)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(Type::Tiny)perl(Unexpected)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(namespace::clean)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) ^  4B@<BAlBEpBJCperl-Class-WhiteHole0.40.08pclos2017Base class to treat unhandled method calls as errorsIts possible to accidentally inherit an AUTOLOAD method. Often this will happen if a class somewhere in the chain uses AutoLoader or defines one of their own. This can lead to confusing error messages when method lookups fail. Sometimes you want to avoid this accidental inheritance. In that case, inherit from Class::WhiteHole. All unhandled methods will produce normal Perl error messages.Hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-WhiteHole-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm860f5708cc3b63d480695b06388f88fd./SRPMS.pclos d & BLP Zkt|B@BABEBJCperl-Class-XPath1.400.04pclos2017Class-XPath module for perlThis module adds XPath-style matching to your object trees. This means that you can find nodes using an XPath-esque query with "match()" from anywhere in the tree. Also, the "xpath()" method returns a unqique path to a given node which can be used as an identifier.+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-XPath-1.400.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm3R4607f8235ec6cd5174b6afc596c3b87d./SRPMS.pcloswd  , chl vB@BADBEHBJiCperl-Class-XSAccessor1.190.010pclos2017Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilationClass::XSAccessor implements fast read, write and read/write accessors in XS. Additionally, it can provide predicates such as 'has_foo()' for testing whether the attribute 'foo' is defined in the object. It only works with objects that are implemented as ordinary hashes. the Class::XSAccessor::Array manpage implements the same interface for objects that use arrays for their internal representation. Since version 0.10, the module can also generate simple constructors (implemented in XS) for you. Simply supply the 'constructor => 'constructor_name'' option or the 'constructors => ['new', 'create', 'spawn']' option. These constructors do the equivalent of the following perl code: sub new { my $class = shift; return bless { @_ }, ref($class)||$class; }Cbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Class-XSAccessor-1.190.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmKv1a393488e0f2f1ddaba69066fddea0bb./SRPMS.pclosd $ ?DH RcltB@BABEBJCperl-Clipboard0.130.04pclos2017Copy and paste with any OSWho doesn't remember the first time they learned to copy and paste, and generated an exponentially growing text document? Yes, that's right, clipboards are magical. With Clipboard.pm, this magic is now trivial to access, cross-platformly, from your Perl code.YUbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Spiffy)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Clipboard-0.130.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm`'e078f11a5085a9a486a5412d7ce559e0./SRPMS.pclosd   @ fB@qBABEBJCperl-Clone0.380.06pclos2017Recursively copy Perl datatypesThis module provides a clone() method which makes recursive copies of nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables and objects.9bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Clone-0.380.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm@ dee1526d67999a1169cc85aea69903eb./SRPMS.pclosd & L FB@QBABEBJCperl-Clone-Fast0.970.013pclos2017Natively copying Perl data structuresEssentially, this module is a very optimized version of the Clone::More manpage. By taking advantage of one of the Clone::More manpage's 'OPTIMIZATION_HACKS' as well as removing all the Pure Perl from the 'More.pm', I was able to gain a lot of speed out of the module. Essentially, though, the core of the module is exactly as that of the Clone::More manpage. You will see that by useing the Benchmark::cmpthese manpage, I ran a simple comparison between the Storable::dclone manpage, the Clone::More::clone manpage, and the Clone::Fast::clone manpage. You will (should) begin to see the reason why I loaded this module along side of the Clone::More manpage. Rate Storable Clone::More Clone::Fast Storable 7552/s -- -39% -59% Clone::More 12400/s 64% -- -33% Clone::Fast 18442/s 144% 49% --\bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Clone-Fast-0.970.0-13pclos2017.src.rpm40ccfab9469ce7f258a966db773a875f./SRPMS.pclossd " B $ .?H l  B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Clone-PP1.60.06pclos2017Recursively copy Perl datatypesThis module provides a general-purpose clone function to make deep copies of Perl data structures. It calls itself recursively to copy nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables and objects.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Benchmark)perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Clone-PP-1.60.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm0a5b0e26a6b565efe2dc03936b9e8bdb7./SRPMS.pclos_d " Kx| B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Clownfish0.5.13pclos2017Apache Clownfish symbiotic object systemApache Clownfish symbiotic object system.Ubb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl-develperl(Clownfish::CFC::Perl::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d84e21d095f2dbb55ca19a3c7c9f7ed4./SRPMS.pclosd & Ddh r$B@OBA|BEBJCperl-Clownfish-CFC0.5.13pclos2017Compiler for Apache ClownfishCompiler for Apache Clownfish.ngbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(Module::Build)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' C .. .B@PBABEBJCperl-Code-TidyAll0.470.02pclos2017Use podchecker with tidyallThis is the engine used by tidyall - read that first to get an overview. You can call this API from your own program instead of executing 'tidyall'.<bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Config::INI::Reader)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Date::Format)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Slurp::Tiny)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::Which)perl(File::Zglob)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Guard)perl(IPC::Run3)perl(IPC::System::Simple)perl(List::Compare)perl(List::SomeUtils)perl(Log::Any)perl(Moo)perl(Moo::Role)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::Class::Most)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(Text::Diff)perl(Text::Diff::Table)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(Time::Duration::Parse)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(autodie)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.01.440.03.0.4-1perl-Code-TidyAll-0.470.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmc7c3a2b4cf79952ae8e3b9298a1bb3b0./SRPMS.pclosd ' T 0B@BABEBJCperl-Color-Library0.21.04pclos2017(NBS/ISCC TC) Standard Color Card of AmericaColor::Library is an easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color dictionary. Currently provides coverage for www (svg, html, css) colors, x11 colors, and more.Aqbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Test::Most)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Color-Library-0.21.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm:"f25f6c4f63957055da69ed208bcc04ce./SRPMS.pclosd & F /8 d  B@BBApBEtBJCperl-Color-Scheme1.70.04pclos2017Generate pleasant color schemesThis module is a Perl implementation of Color Schemes 2 (the http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/ manpage), a color scheme generator. Start by visitng the Color Schemes 2 web site and playing with the colors. When you want to generate those schemes on the fly, begin using this modoule. The descriptions herein don't make too much sense without actually seeing the colorful results. Henceforth, paragraphs in quotes denote documentation copied from Color Schemes 2. "Important note: This tool _doesn't use the standard HSV or HSB model_ (the same HSV/HSB values ie. in Photoshop describe different colors!). The color wheel used here differs from the RGB spectre used on computer screens, it's more in accordance with the classical color theory. This is also why some colors (especially shades of blue) make less bright shades than the basic colors of the RGB-model. In plus, the RGB-model uses red-green-blue as primary colors, but the red-yellow-blue combination is used here. This deformation also causes incompatibility in color conversions from RGB-values. Therefore, the RGB input (eg. the HTML hex values like #F854A9) is not exact, the conversion is rough and sometimes may produce slightly different color."hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(List::Util)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) D`d n   B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Compiler-Lexer0.220.04pclos2017Lexical Analyzer for Perl5Lexical Analyzer for Perl5bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(CPAN::Meta::Prereqs)perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Build::XSUtil)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # ahl v"B@/BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Complete0.160.04pclos2017Convention for Complete::* modules family and common settingsThe namespace Complete:: is used for the family of modules that deal with completion (including, but not limited to, shell tab completion, tab completion feature in other CLI-based application, web autocomplete, completion in GUI, etc). This (family of) modules try to have a clear separation between general completion routine and shell-/environment specific ones, for more reusability. This POD page gives an overview of the modules in Complete::* namespace, establishes convention, and declares common settings.Febb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Complete-0.160.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmMYe783caea7cf334427d15caa598220e7a./SRPMS.pclos[d ( I@D N_hB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Complete-Bash0.210.04pclos2017Completion module for bash shellBash allows completion to come from various sources. The simplest is from a list of words ('-W'): % complete -W "one two three four" somecmd % somecmd t two three Another source is from a bash function ('-F'). The function will receive input in two variables: 'COMP_WORDS' (array, command-line chopped into words) and 'COMP_CWORD' (integer, index to the array of words indicating the cursor position). It must set an array variable 'COMPREPLY' that contains the list of possible completion:a$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Rinci)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Complete-Bash-0.210.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmia608522b89640693b21fe0aa7c9d9e8d./SRPMS.pclos+d * P (@B@BABEBJCperl-Complete-Common0.220.03pclos2017Common stuffs for completion routinesThis module defines some common arguments and settings. 'Complete::*' modules should use the default from these settings, to make it convenient for users to change some behaviors globally. The defaults are optimized for convenience and laziness for user typing and might change from release to release. '$Complete::Common::OPT_CI' => bool (default: from COMPLETE_OPT_CI or 1) If set to 1, matching is done case-insensitively.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Complete-Common-0.220.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmG2f9376a0b7d397c7a860425b881c2c7a./SRPMS.pclosd$ / o    B@-BAdBEhBJCperl-Complete-Getopt-Long0.370.05pclos2017Complete command-line argument using Getopt::Long specificationComplete command-line argument using Getopt::Long specification`Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Complete::Bash)perl(Complete::Unix)perl(Complete::Util)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long::Util)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Log::Any::IfLOG)perl(Rinci)perl(String::Wildcard::Bash)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Complete-Getopt-Long-0.370.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmg e0923ec47441d47ea7323e6f6d8a840d./SRPMS.pclosd ( 6HL VgpxB@BABEBJCperl-Complete-Path0.190.04pclos2017Complete pathComplete path.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Complete)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Complete-Path-0.190.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmL*34db731feef16efa1f2ba37a825f294e./SRPMS.pclosd ' Hlp z   B@BABEBJCperl-Complete-Unix0.50.04pclos2017Unix-related completion routinesUnix-related completion routines:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Complete)perl(Complete::Util)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Proc::ProcessTable)perl(Rinci)perl(Test::More)perl(Unix::Passwd::File)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Complete-Unix-0.50.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm@e38130590becfaf7c52c4be88aeb7ab2./SRPMS.pclosd ( Ddh r   B@BABEBJCperl-Complete-Util0.380.04pclos2017General completion routinesGeneral completion routines.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Complete::Path)perl(File::Slurp::Tiny)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::chdir)perl(Filesys::Cap)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Rinci)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Complete-Util-0.380.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmVecb9071fa5f657a6c07063131138e4cb./SRPMS.pclosd ) P|    B@BABEBJCperl-Compress-Bzip22.240.03pclos2017Interface to Bzip2 compression libraryThe Compress::Bzip2 module provides a Perl interface to the Bzip2 compression library (see "AUTHOR" for details about where to get Bzip2). A relevant subset of the functionality provided by Bzip2 is available in Compress::Bzip2. All string parameters can either be a scalar or a scalar reference. [bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Std)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 46dd79675c241a5faa6fde97f43e1d57./SRPMS.pclos_d ' Z B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Compress-LZF3.800.04pclos2017Extremely light-weight Lempel-Ziv-Free compressionLZF is an extremely fast (not that much slower than a pure memcpy) compression algorithm. It is ideal for applications where you want to save some space but not at the cost of speed. It is ideal for repetitive data as well. The module is self-contained and very small (no large library to be pulled in). It is also free, so there should be no problems incoporating this module into commercial programs. "I have no idea wether any patents in any countries apply to this algorithm, but at the moment it is believed that it is free from any patents."bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Compress-LZF-3.800.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmd1f1ead046b1d86aa5c9f79c03451fbc./SRPMS.pclosSd ' D B@BA BE$BJECperl-Compress-LZO1.80.014pclos2017Compress-LZO module for perlLZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. It offers pretty fast compression and *very* fast decompression. Decompression requires no memory. Perl-LZO provides LZO bindings for Perl, i.e. you can access the LZO library from your Perl scripts thereby compressing ordinary Perl strings.6bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develliblzo2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Compress-LZO-1.80.0-14pclos2017.src.rpmDevelopment/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)bzip2-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.74.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm#Bbbf51f140532617490e051a299e8cbe4./SRPMS.pclosd  + [ B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Compress-Raw-Zlib2.74.02pclos2017Low-Level Interface to zlib compression libraryLow-Level Interface to zlib compression library.#bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.74.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm8d1301327969824c26d6e5d69e6e1540./SRPMS.pclossd % cHL VgpB@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Config-Any0.270.03pclos2017Load configuration from different file formats, transparentlyConfig::Any provides a facility for Perl applications and libraries to load configuration data from multiple different file formats. It supports XML, YAML, JSON, Apache-style configuration, Windows INI files, and even Perl code. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Pluggable::Object)perl(Test::More)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.03.600.03.0.4-1perl-Config-Any-0.270.0-3pclos2017.src.rpme1e10a48607dfc34fbd4234765674518./SRPMS.pclosd# . M  +4@B@BABEBJCperl-Config-ApacheFormat1.200.04pclos2017Use Apache format config filesThis module is designed to parse a configuration file in the same syntax used by the Apache web server (see http://httpd.apache.org for details). This allows you to build applications which can be easily managed by experienced Apache admins. Also, by using this module, you'll benefit from the support for nested blocks with built-in parameter inheritance. This can greatly reduce the amount or repeated information in your configuration files."bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl(Class::MethodMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-ApacheFormat-1.200.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmf5d6ad1dd6f929a85f0822390ed11e24./SRPMS.pclos?d & A    B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Config-Auto0.440.07pclos2017Magical config file parserThis module was written after having to write Yet Another Config File Parser for some variety of colon-separated config. I decided "never again". Config::Auto aims to be the most 'DWIM' config parser available, by detecting configuration styles, include paths and even config filenames automagically. See the the HOW IT WORKS manpage section below on implementation details.Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Config::IniFiles)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::String)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.670.03.0.4-1perl-Config-Auto-0.440.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmM153105dc99af3dea501f709cba5f7bf9./SRPMS.pclosd * e B@;BAlBEpBJCperl-Config-AutoConf0.313.03pclos2017A module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perldetect_library_link_commandsÿbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) V| B@BABE BJACperl-Config-Crontab1.400.06pclos2017Read/Write Vixie compatible crontab(5) filesSimple Time and Date module for perl.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Crontab-1.400.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmc35f6b02ec6113a3df7d9d06d2710903./SRPMS.pclosd & ?X\ fw)B@>BAlBEpBJCperl-Config-Find0.310.04pclos2017Find configuration filesEvery OS has different rules for configuration files placement, this module allows to easily find and create your app configuration files following those rules. Config::Find references configuration files by the application name or by the application name and the configuration file name when the app uses several application files, i.e 'emacs', 'profile', 'apache/httpd', 'apache/ssl'. By default the $0 value is used to generate the configuration file name. To define it explicitly the keywords 'name' or 'names' have to be used:;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Which)perl(IO::File)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.700.03.0.4-1perl-Config-Find-0.310.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmCf867bcffb1e9b5022377d927245996f97./SRPMS.pcloskd ) D8< FW`xB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Config-General2.610.03pclos2017Generic Config perl moduleThis module opens a config file and parses it's contents for you. The method new requires one parameter which needs to be a filename. The method getall returns a hash which contains all options and it's associated values of your config file.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Glob)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(FileHandle)perl(IO::File)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-General-2.610.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmfffa1cff3729df30d2552774ab3b0d92./SRPMS.pclosd ) ` GB@ZBABEBJCperl-Config-GitLike1.160.04pclos2017Git-like config file parsing with cascaded inheritanceThis module handles interaction with configuration files of the style used by the version control system Git. It can both parse and modify these files, as well as create entirely new ones. You only need to know a few things about the configuration format in order to use this module. First, a configuration file is made up of key/value pairs. Every key must be contained in a section. Sections can have subsections, but they don't have to. For the purposes of setting and getting configuration variables, we join the section name, subsection name, and variable name together with dots to get a key name that looks like "section.subsection.variable". These are the strings that you'll be passing in to 'key' arguments. Configuration files inherit from each other. By default, 'Config::GitLike' loads data from a system-wide configuration file, a per-user configuration file, and a per-directory configuration file, but by subclassing and overriding methods you can obtain any combination of configuration files. By default, configuration files that don't exist are just skipped.ʸbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moo)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.03.0.4-1perl-Config-GitLike-1.160.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm(c47a2d9f3eb1fedab3f57d73d2f1c56d./SRPMS.pclos7d ) Vdh rB@BABEBJ)Cperl-Config-Grammar1.110.03pclos2017A grammar-based, user-friendly config parserConfig::Grammar is a module to parse configuration files. The configuration may consist of multiple-level sections with assignments and tabular data. The parsed data will be returned as a hash containing the whole configuration. Config::Grammar uses a grammar that is supplied upon creation of a Config::Grammar object to parse the configuration file and return helpful error messages in case of syntax errors. Using the *makepod* method you can generate documentation of the configuration file format. The *maketmpl* method can generate a template configuration file. If your grammar contains regexp matches, the template will not be all that helpful as Config::Grammar is not smart enough to give you sensible template data based in regular expressions. The related function *maketmplmin* generates a minimal configuration template without examples, regexps or comments and thus allows an experienced user to fill in the configuration data more efficiently. Grammar Definition The grammar is a multiple-level hash of hashes, which follows the structure of the configuration. Each section or variable is represented by a hash with the same structure. Each hash contains special keys starting with an underscore such as '_sections', '_vars', '_sub' or '_re' to denote meta data with information about that section or variable. Other keys are used to structure the hash according to the same nesting structure of the configuration itself. The starting hash given as parameter to 'new' contains the "root section".Sxbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Grammar-1.110.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm\990255e6371c2609bd3098993db8bfb8./SRPMS.pclosd & W\` j{B@$BAPBETBJuCperl-Config-Hosts0.30.06pclos2017Config::Hosts is an interface to /etc/hosts fileConfig::Hosts - Interface to /etc/hosts file. A tool that manages the hosts list on a machine, is able to query/insert/delete/update the entries by IP or by a hostname, and also maintains the original comments and some sanity checks on IP and hostname values.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ E  +4 d Z B@{BABEBJCperl-Config-INI0.25.04pclos2017A subclassable .ini-file emitterConfig::INI::Reader is _yet another_ config module implementing _yet another_ slightly different take on the undeniably easy to read the ".ini" file format|Config::INI manpage. Its default behavior is quite similar to that of the Config::Tiny manpage, on which it is based. The chief difference is that Config::INI::Reader is designed to be subclassed to allow for side-effects and self-reconfiguration to occur during the course of reading its input.ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(IO::File)perl(List::Util)perl(Mixin::Linewise::Readers)perl(Mixin::Linewise::Writers)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * o B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Config-INI-Simple1.0.04pclos2017Simple reading and writing from an INI file--with preserved commentsConfig::INI::Simple is for very simplistic reading and writing of INI files. A new object must be created for each INI file (an object keeps all the data read in from an INI which is used on the write method to write to the INI). It also keeps all your comments and original order intact.{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-INI-Simple-1.0.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm91b0889a9ca0faa88b3fe7ffaf5d9eb6./SRPMS.pclosd * q\` j{-B@BBAtBExBJCperl-Config-Identity0.1.8007pclos2017Load (and optionally decrypt via GnuPG) user/pass identity informationConfig::Identity is a tool for loading (and optionally decrypting via GnuPG) user/pass identity information. For GitHub API access, an identity is a 'login'/'token' pair. For PAUSE access, an identity is a 'user'/'password' pair.5:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Which)perl(IPC::Run)perl(Test::Most)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Config-Identity-0.1.800-7pclos2017.src.rpm<12edc611a1e04a2fc248d19758d4efe2d./SRPMS.pclosd * ^ B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Config-IniFiles2.890.03pclos2017A module for reading .ini-style configuration filesThis perl module allows you to access to config files written in the .ini style.?`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.330.00.360.03.0.4-1perl-Config-IniFiles-2.890.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmFa6e35e748ce9c8835af0fc50b39cc5ac./SRPMS.pclosd % q  '0lB@BABEBJCperl-Config-JFDI0.65.08pclos2017Just * Do it: A Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader-style layer over Config::AnyConfig::JFDI is an implementation of the Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader manpage that exists outside of the Catalyst manpage. Essentially, Config::JFDI will scan a directory for files matching a certain name. If such a file is found which also matches an extension that Config::Any can read, then the configuration from that file will be loaded. Config::JFDI will also look for special files that end with a "_local" suffix. Files with this special suffix will take precedence over any other existing configuration file, if any. The precedence takes place by merging the local configuration with the "standard" configuration via the Hash::Merge::Simple manpage.?fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Any::Moose)perl(Carp::Clan::Share)perl(Clone)perl(Config::Any)perl(Data::Visitor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Hash::Merge::Simple)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::AttributeHelpers)perl(Path::Class)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Most)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-JFDI-0.65.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmGd8fd48ed5d41c83fcfe5b62f0248dd8b./SRPMS.pclos'd & W48 BS\B@BABEBJCperl-Config-MVP2.200.104pclos2017Multivalue-property config-loading state machineMVP is a state machine for loading configuration (or other information) for libraries. It expects to generate a list of named sections, each of which relates to a Perl namespace and contains a set of named parameters.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Load)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Pluggable::Object)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Role)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::OneArgNew)perl(Params::Util)perl(Role::HasMessage)perl(Role::Identifiable::HasIdent)perl(StackTrace::Auto)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Throwable)perl(Tie::IxHash)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(lib)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)' 2 e $ .?HTB@BABEBJCperl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI2.101.4637pclos2017Multi-value capable .ini file reader (for plugins)The MVP INI file reader reads INI files, but can handle properties with multiple values. The identification of properties that may have multiple entries is done by section, on a plugin basis. For example, given the following file: [Foo::Bar] x = 1 y = 2 y = 3 MVP will, upon reaching this section, load Foo::Bar and call a method (by default 'multivalue_args') on it, to determine which property names may have multiple entries. If the return value of that method includes 'y', then the entry for 'y' in the Foo::Bar section will be an arrayref with two values. If the list returned by 'multivalue_args' did not contain 'y', then an exception would be raised while reading this section.?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::INI::Reader)perl(Config::MVP::Assembler)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI-2.101.463-7pclos2017.src.rpmHB07fa4f7bf40c5cd6cc217c85e3e4abd8./SRPMS.pclosd! , ^8< FW`  6 B@UBABEBJCperl-Config-MVP-Slicer0.302.09pclos2017Extract embedded plugin config from parent configThis can be used to extract embedded configurations for other plugins out of larger (parent) configurations. A example where this can be useful is plugin bundles (see the Config::MVP::Assembler::WithBundles manpage). A bundle loads other plugins with a default configuration that works most of the time, but sometimes you wish you could customize the configuration for one of those plugins without having to remove the plugin from the bundle and re-specify it separately._bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Moose)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.960.03.0.4-1perl-Config-MVP-Slicer-0.302.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmgc766673b18a2fc0728673b0421a8663a7./SRPMS.pclos+d & =    B@BABEBJCperl-Config-Merge1.40.03pclos2017Load Perl config filesConfig::Merge is a configuration module which has six goals: * * Flexible storage Store all configuration in your format(s) of choice (YAML, JSON, INI, XML, Perl, Config::General / Apache-style config) broken down into individual files in a configuration directory tree, for easy maintenance. See the /"CONFIG TREE LAYOUT" manpage~Ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::Any)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Glob)perl(File::Spec)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Merge-1.40.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmX2737c77980205e26b3419f3910fb9bcd./SRPMS.pclossd & R *l**B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Config-Model2.83.04pclos2017Framework for config validation and editionConfig::Model provides a validation engine according to a set of rules.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Carp::Assert::More)perl(Config::Model::Tester)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(English)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Path)perl(Hash::Merge)perl(IO::File)perl(JSON)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Module::Build)perl(Mouse)perl(Mouse::Role)perl(Mouse::Util)perl(Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MouseX::NativeTraits)perl(MouseX::StrictConstructor)perl(POSIX)perl(Parse::RecDescent)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Pod::POM)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Term::ReadLine)perl(Term::ReadLine::Gnu)perl(Term::ReadLine::Perl)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::File::Contents)perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Text::Diff)perl(Text::Levenshtein::Damerau)perl(Text::Wrap)perl(YAML)perl(warnings::register)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 S`d nVB@{BABEBJCperl-Config-Model-CursesUI1.105.04pclos2017Curses interface for Config::ModelThis class provides a the Curses::UI manpage interface to configuration data managed by the Config::Model manpage. IMPORTANT: Once the CursesUI object is created, STDOUT and STDERR are managed by the Curses interface, so all print and warn will not work as expected.ZMbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Config::Model)perl(Curses::UI)perl(Exception::Class)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Module::Build)perl(Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Hash)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . Uhl v^B@BABEBJCperl-Config-Model-Itself1.245.04pclos2017Edit and validate configuration modelsThe Config::Itself and its model files provide a model of Config:Model (hence the Itself name). Let's step back a little to explain. Any configuration data is, in essence, structured data. This data could be stored in an XML file. A configuration model is a way to describe the structure and relation of all items of a configuration data set. This configuration model is also expressed as structured data. This structure data is structured and follow a set of rules which are described for humans in the Config::Model manpage.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(Config::Model)perl(Config::Model::TkUI)perl(Data::Compare)perl(File::Copy::Recursive)perl(File::Slurp)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Module::Build)perl(Mouse)perl(Path::Class)perl(Pod::POM)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::File::Contents)perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)perl(Test::More)perl(Tk)perl(YAML::Any)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$ / Z\` j{B@BAPBETBJuCperl-Config-Model-OpenSsh1.237.03pclos2017OpenSsh configuration files editor and APIThis module provides a configuration model for OpenSsh. Then Config::Model provides a graphical editor program for _/etc/ssh/sshd_config_ and _/etc/ssh/ssh_config_. See the config-edit-sshd manpage and the config-edit-ssh manpage for more help. This module and Config::Model can also be used to modify safely the content for _/etc/ssh/sshd_config_, _/etc/ssh/ssh_config_ or _~/.ssh/config_ from Perl programs. Once this module is installed, you can run (as root, but please backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf before):X5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(Config::Model)perl(Config::Model::Tester)perl(EV)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Module::Build)perl(Mouse)perl(Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Hash)perl(Test::More)perl(Tk)perl(Config::Model::CursesUI)perl(Config::Model::TkUI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - N  H > B@^BABEBJCperl-Config-Model-Tester2.54.03pclos2017Test framework for Config::ModelConfig::Model::Tester provides a way to test configuration models with test files. This class was designed to test several models and several test cases per model.\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Copy::Recursive)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Module::Build)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::File::Contents)perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , XPT ^oxB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Config-Model-TkUI1.349.04pclos2017GUI for conf editors based on Config::ModelThis class provides a GUI for the Config::Model manpage. With this class, the Config::Model manpage and an actual configuration model (like the Config::Model::Xorg manpage), you get a tool to edit configuration files (e.g. '/etc/X11/xorg.conf').2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Config::Model)perl(Exception::Class)perl(File::Slurp)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::POM)perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Tk)perl(Tk::DirSelect)perl(Tk::Pod)perl(Tk::Tree)perl(Try::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d & a(, 6GPp B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Config-Path0.130.07pclos2017Path-like config API with multiple file support, directoryConfig::Path is a Yet Another Config module with a few twists that were desired for an internal project: * Multiple files merged into a single, flat hash * Path-based configuration value retrieval;pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::Any)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Hash::Merge)perl(Moose)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML::XS)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Path-0.130.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmB3e1fb6b0a2d98b612671be8f80b606b3./SRPMS.pclosd ( T #,@B@BABEBJ Cperl-Config-Perl-V0.240.04pclos2017A module that will return you the output of$conf = myconfig () This function will collect the data described in the the hash structure manpage below, and return that as a hash reference. It optionally accepts an option to include more entries from %ENV. See the environment manpage below. Note that this will not work on uninstalled perls when called with '-I/path/to/uninstalled/perl/lib', but it works when that path is in '$PERL5LIB' or in '$PERL5OPT', as paths passed using '-I' are not known when the '-V' information is collected. $conf = plv2hash ($text [, ...]) Convert a sole 'perl -V' text block, or list of lines, to a complete myconfig hash. All unknown entries are defaulted.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Perl-V-0.240.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmF9b9d02b093952f1e6dd416dbf246ab3d./SRPMS.pcloskd! , VHL VgpB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Config-Properties1.800.04pclos2017Configuration using Java style properties Config::Properties is a near implementation of the java.util.Properties API. It is designed to allow easy reading, writing and manipulation of Java-style property files. The format of a Java-style property file is that of a key-value pair seperated by either whitespace, the colon (:) character, or the equals (=) character. Whitespace before the key and on either side of the seperator is ignored. Lines that begin with either a hash (#) or a bang (!) are considered comment lines and ignored.=Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Wrap)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2001.92.9003.0.4-1perl-Config-Properties-1.800.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmEd57f2d9f6818c8d0363b473f474f7cd1./SRPMS.pclosd & P oB@zBABEBJCperl-Config-Record1.1.29pclos2017Perl module for Configuration file accessConfig::Record provides a module for loading configuration records. It supports scalar, array and hash parameters nested to an arbitrary depth.lYbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Record-1.1.2-9pclos2017.src.rpmr.81dac240cca249089fbd1ac6e4376e45./SRPMS.pclosd ( F B@$BATBEXBJyCperl-Config-Simple4.590.08pclos2017Config-Simple module for perlReading and writing configuration files is one of the most frequent aspects of any software design. Config::Simple is the library to help you with it. Config::Simple is a class representing configuration file object. It supports several configuration file syntax and tries to identify the file syntax to parse them accordingly. Library supports parsing, updating and creating configuration files.Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Simple-4.590.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm^10c6279d64037a42c08b907399d4dd83./SRPMS.pclosd % \ 0B@CBApBEtBJCperl-Config-Std0.901.08pclos2017Load and save configuration files in a standard formatLoad and save configuration files in a standard formatZbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Std)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.03.0.4-1perl-Config-Std-0.901.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm`db783f5215395746a257fe1c045c0254./SRPMS.pclosd & b04 >OXx B@-BA\BE`BJCperl-Config-Tiny2.230.03pclos2017Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible"Config::Tiny" is a perl class to read and write .ini style configuration files with as little code as possible, reducing load time and memory overhead. Most of the time it is accepted that Perl applications use a lot of memory and modules. The "::Tiny" family of modules is specifically intended to provide an ultralight alternative to the standard modules. This module is primarily for reading human written files, and anything we write shouldn't need to have documentation/comments. If you need something with more power move up to Config::Simple, Config::General or one of the many other "Config::" modules. To rephrase, Config::Tiny does not preserve your comments, whitespace, or the order of your config file.WLbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL)perl(strict)perl(utf8)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.300. * Y <B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Config-Versioned1.10.03pclos2017Simple, versioned access to configuration dataConfig::Versioned allows an application to access configuration parameters not only by parameter name, but also by version number. This allows for the configuration subsystem to store previous versions of the configuration parameters. When requesting the value for a specific attribute, the programmer specifies whether to fetch the most recent value or a previous value. This is useful for long-running tasks such as in a workflow-based application where task-specific values (e.g.: profiles) are static over the life of a workflow, while global values (e.g.: name of an LDAP server to be queried) should always be the most recent. Config::Versioned handles the versions by storing the configuration data in an internal Git repository. Each import of configuration files into the repository is documented with a commit. When a value is fetched, it is this commit that is referenced directly when specifying the version. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::Std)perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Git::PurePerl)perl(Moose)perl(Path::Class)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-Versioned-1.10.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmdde59b3f3d67d2d46a093af2b4364f4f./SRPMS.pclosd & A48 BS\dB@BABEBJCperl-Config-YAML1.420.08pclos2017Generic Config perl moduleThis module opens a config file and parses it's contents for you. The method new requires one parameter which needs to be a filename. The method getall returns a hash which contains all options and it's associated values of your config file._bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-YAMLrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Config-YAML-1.420.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!Yc02ac4536a0761c41110ab9d357faf70./SRPMS.pclosd ' Q &7@D`B@hBABEBJCperl-ConfigReader0.500.04pclos2017Read directives from a configuration fileThe ConfigReader::Spec class stores a specification about configuration directives: their names, whether they are required or if they have default values, and what parsing function or method to use.IDevelopment/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ConfigReader-0.500.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmOad96984952aa8bddb3475d9147fc5c1c./SRPMS.pclosd# . U,0 :KT`B@BABEBJCperl-ConfigReader-Simple1.290.07pclos2017Read simple configuration file formats'ConfigReader::Simple' reads and parses simple configuration files. It is designed to be smaller and simpler than the 'ConfigReader' module and is more suited to simple configuration files. The configuration file format The configuration file uses a line-oriented format, meaning that the directives do not have containers. The values can be split across lines with a continuation character, but for the most part everything ends up on the same line. The first group of non-whitespace characters is the "directive", or the name of the configuration item. The linear whitespace after that separates the directive from the "value", which is the rest of the line, including any other whitespace.B bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Output)perl(Test::Warn)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ConfigReader-Simple-1.290.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmJ-495b26b96e438d514c63cdfd83e05b29./SRPMS.pclos_d $ _  D  B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Connector1.160.03pclos2017A generic connection to a hierarchical-structured data setThe Connector is generic connection to a data set, typically configuration data in a hierarchical structure. Each connector object accepts the get(KEY) method, which, when given a key, returns the associated value from the connector's data source. Typically, a connector acts as a proxy to a simple data source like YAML, Config::Std, Config::Versioned, or to a more complex data source like an LDAP server or Proc::SafeExec. The standard calling convention via get(KEY) makes the connectors interchangeable. In addition, a set of meta-connectors may be used to combine multiple connectors into more complex chains. The Connector::Multi, for example, allows for redirection to delegate connectors via symbolic links. If you have a list of connectors and want to use them in a load-balancing, round-robin fashion or have the list iterated until a value is found, use Connector::List and choose the algorithm to perform.!5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::Std)perl(Config::Versioned)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Moose)perl(Template)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Connector-1.160.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm)e34bc4d17714a72280c787cd705b61da./SRPMS.pclosd $ `x| B@&BAPBETBJuCperl-Const-Fast0.14.08pclos2017Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashesno description found7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-Const-Fast-0.14.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm>b60f710b2716b735ce44f289672ba3ccc./SRPMS.pclosd! , Phl v B@'BA\BE`BJCperl-Constant-Generate0.170.04pclos2017Common tasks for symbolic constantsno description found2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * TX bs|B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Context-Preserve0.10.04pclos2017Run code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine would have seen if it were the last statement in the callerSometimes you need to call a function, get the results, act on the results, then return the result of the function. This is painful because of contexts; the original function can behave different if it's called in void, scalar, or list context. You can ignore the various cases and just pick one, but that's fragile. To do things right, you need to see which case you're being called in, and then call the function in that context. This results in 3 code paths, which is a pain to type in (and maintain). This module automates the process. You provide a coderef that is the "original function", and another coderef to run after the original runs. You can modify the return value (aliased to @_) here, and do whatever else you need to do. 'wantarray' is correct inside both coderefs; in "after", though, the return value is ignored and the value 'wantarray' returns is related to the context that the original function was called in.;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl-Test-use-okrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Context-Preserve-0.10.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmCfcabb88b097df308a68619d45d0c44b0./SRPMS.pcloswd * Plp zB@BADBEHBJiCperl-Contextual-Return0.4.84pclos2017Utility module for Contextual::ReturnUsually, when you need to create a subroutine that returns different values in different contexts (list, scalar, or void), you write something like: sub get_server_status { my ($server_ID) = @_; my %server_data = _ascertain_server_status($server_ID);}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Want)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Contextual-Return-0.4.8-4pclos2017.src.rpm69657325d9a8dc77c30332ef73ab0377./SRPMS.pclosd % V B@BABEBJCperl-Continuity1.600.05pclos2017Mix callbacks into the Continuity request objectContinuity is a library to simplify web applications. Each session is written and runs as a persistent application, and is able to request additional input at any time without exiting. This is significantly different from the traditional CGI model of web applications in which a program is restarted for each new request. The program is passed a '$request' variable which holds the request (including any form data) sent from the browser. In concept, this is a lot like a '$cgi' object from CGI.pm with one very very significant difference. At any point in the code you can call $request->next. Your program will then suspend, waiting for the next request in the session. Since the program doesn't actually halt, all state is preserved, including lexicals -- getting input from the browser is then similar to doing '$line = <>' in a command-line application./'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Coro)perl(Coro::Event)perl(Event)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Daemon)perl(HTTP::Status)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)4.370.01.360.03.0.4-1perl-Continuity-1.600.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm7431c7c8a4a02d8cf35efdb41953925c3./SRPMS.pclosd$ / b<@ J[dlB@BABEBJCperl-Convert-ASCII-Armour1.400.04pclos2017Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messagesThis module converts hashes of binary octets into ASCII messages suitable for transfer over 6-bit clean transport channels. The encoded ASCII resembles PGP's armoured messages, but are in no way compatible with PGP.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Compress::Zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.400.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm#6930dbd38b916665c1159157487502b7./SRPMS.pclosd ' L jB@BABEBJCperl-Convert-ASN10.270.06pclos2017ASN.1 Encode/Decode library for perlPerl module used to encode and decode ASN.1 data structures using BER/DER rules. Needed by webmin to handle the OpenLDAP modules properly.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.01.997.00.900.03.0.4-1perl-Convert-ASN1-0.270.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm,087ef7b622ca923361be53a762f7f0f9./SRPMS.pclosd & D  ,B@4BA`BEdBJCperl-Convert-BER1.320.08pclos2017Convert-BER (module for perl)Convert::BER is a perl object class implementation to encode and decode objects as described by ITU-T standard X.209 (ASN.1) using Basic Encoding Rules (BER)mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-BER-1.320.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmse91517f9d3a2c996c39566e7883827e0./SRPMS.pclosd ) [ 8B@FBAxBE|BJCperl-Convert-Bencode1.30.04pclos2017Functions for converting to/from bencoded stringsThis module provides two functions, bencode and bdecode, which encode and decode bencoded strings respectively..-bb2 Development/Cnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.453.0.4-1perl-Convert-Bencode-1.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm463b512c5db4b0523a2f5ee70e5c8e318./SRPMS.pclosd! , V GB@RBABEBJCperl-Convert-Bencode_XS0.60.04pclos2017Faster conversions to/from Bencode formatThis module provides two functions, bencode and bdecode, which encode and decode bencoded strings respectively.'bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develperl(Exporter)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-Bencode_XS-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm-b26d157d3df3ffa810d8e42049e641d1./SRPMS.pclosd ) R wB@BABEBJCperl-Convert-BinHex1.125.03pclos2017Extract data from Macintosh BinHex filesConvert::BinHex is used to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files$lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Compare)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Temp)perl(FileHandle)perl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Std)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Most)perl(autodie)perl(integer)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-BinHex-1.125.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm)Bd341900bbf71d797f4b768833aec8987./SRPMS.pclosd  + L UB@_BABEBJCperl-Convert-Binary-C0.780.03pclos2017Convert-Binary-C module for perlConvert::Binary::C is a preprocessor and parser for C type definitions. It is highly configurable and supports arbitrarily complex data structures. Its object-oriented interface has pack and unpack methods that act as replacements for Perl's pack and unpack and allow to use C types instead of a string representation of the data structure for conversion of binary data from and to Perl's complex data structures. Actually, what Convert::Binary::C does is not very different from what a C compiler does, just that it doesn't compile the source code into an object file or executable, but only parses the code and allows Perl to use the enumerations, structs, unions and typedefs that have been defined within your C source for binary data conversion, similar to Perl's pack and unpack. Beyond that, the module offers a lot of convenience methods to retrieve information about the C types that have been parsed.Dbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-Binary-C-0.780.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmQ8dac5e55ec3e5780ae17ce385aa9ddb4./SRPMS.pclosd ( Whl v5B@IBAxBE|BJCperl-Convert-Color0.110.08pclos2017A color value represented as red/green/blue inThis module provides conversions between commonly used ways to express colors. It provides conversions between color spaces such as RGB and HSV, and it provides ways to look up colors by a name. This class provides a base for subclasses which represent particular color values in particular spaces. The base class provides methods to represent the color in a few convenient forms, though subclasses may provide more specific details for the space in question. For more detail, read the documentation on these classes; namely:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::UtilsBy)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Number::Delta)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Convert-Color-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmm74b48542d3a6f54798b65f6eabce0c5f./SRPMS.pclosd ( G  4B@<BAlBEpBJCperl-Convert-EBCDIC0.60.08pclos2017Convert-EBCDIC module for perlThis module provides two functions ascii2ebcdic and ebcdic2ascii for converting a string from/to ASCII to/from EBCDIC, and two code pages ccsid819 and ccsid1047.Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-EBCDIC-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm f56c504d54831ad1f3db86ef3c5e72ea./SRPMS.pclosd  + T #,<B@BABEBJCperl-Convert-GeekCode0.630.07pclos2017Convert and generate geek code sequences*Convert::GeekCode* converts and generates Geek Code sequences (cf. the http://geekcode.com/ manpage). It supports different langugage codes and user-customizable codesets.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Text::Wrap)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.03.0.4-1perl-Convert-GeekCode-0.630.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmAaabd7cc14f8be8c4ca73277cf5be79db./SRPMS.pclosd % J  $~B@BABEBJCperl-Convert-PEM0.80.08pclos2017Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM filesConvert::PEM reads and writes PEM files containing ASN.1-encoded objects. The files can optionally be encrypted using a symmetric cipher algorithm, such as 3DES.£bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Convert-ASN1perl-Class-ErrorHandlerperl-Crypt-DES_EDE3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-PEM-0.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmɟ64283cb240d7174fa1aa25761b565cff./SRPMS.pclos+d ) H,0 :KTdB@BABEBJCperl-Convert-Scalar1.110.04pclos2017Convert-Scalar module for perlThis module exports various internal perl methods that change the internal representation or state of a perl scalar. All of these work in-place, that is, they modify their scalar argument. No functions are exported by default. bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Canary::Stability)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-Scalar-1.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm'4c4cd9f2901a59fbef979b04ae72af19./SRPMS.pclos{d ' Ddh rB@BAHBELBJmCperl-Convert-TNEF0.180.09pclos2017Convert-TNEF module for perlConvert-TNEF module for perl4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Wrap)perl(MIME::Body)perl-MIME-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' = 8B@@BApBEtBJCperl-Convert-UU0.520.1008pclos2017UUencode and UUdecode* * uuencode uuencode() takes as the first argument a string that is to be uuencoded. Note, that it is the string that is encoded, not a filename. Alternatively a filehandle may be passed that must be opened for reading. It returns the uuencoded string including 'begin' and 'end'. Second and third argument are optional and specify filename and mode. If unspecified these default to "uuencode.uu" and 644. * * uudecode bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-UU-0.520.100-8pclos2017.src.rpm'fb0c27e9e82e3dd20a365c84774803a4./SRPMS.pclos{d ( F B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Convert-UUlib1.500.04pclos2017Convert-UUlib module for perlConvert::UUlib is a Perl interface to the uulib library (a.k.a. uudeview/uuenview).bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Canary::Stability)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-UUlib-1.500.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm793892ac7d42455931a64284a7bdc656./SRPMS.pclos3d ' MHL Vgp|B@BABEBJ%Cperl-Convert-X5090.300.04pclos2017Parse pkcs7 messages just to get onlyConvert::X509 really consists of six parts. 1) Convert::X509 itself just for convinient usage. 2) Convert::X509::Parser for internal usage (contains almost everything - ASN.1 sructure, OIDs "database", base data-processing, most logic and code).2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Convert::ASN1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Convert-X509-0.300.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm:048e3e778aaaa220a1c07067437988f70./SRPMS.pclosd & G    B@BABEBJCperl-Cookie-Baker0.60.04pclos2017Cookie string generator / parserCookie::Baker provides simple cookie string generator and parser.3}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(CPAN::Meta::Prereqs)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Time)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.00.980.03.0.4-1perl-Cookie-Baker-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm:278d44f0820bde66c713f4fbce30a613./SRPMS.pclosOd   = B@BABE BJACperl-Coro6.490.04pclos2017Coroutine process abstractionThis module collection manages continuations in general, most often in the form of cooperative threads (also called coros, or simply "coro" in the documentation). They are similar to kernel threads but don't (in general) run in parallel at the same time even on SMP machines. The specific flavor of thread offered by this module also guarantees you that it will not switch between threads unless necessary, at easily-identified points in your program, so locking and parallel access are rarely an issue, making thread programming much safer and easier than using other thread models.ybb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(AnyEvent)perl(Canary::Stability)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Guard)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(common::sense)perl-develperl-AnyEventperl-EVperl-Eventperl-Guardperl-IO-AIOrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * [tx B@+BA\BE`BJCperl-Cpanel-JSON-XS3.21.3003pclos2017Dummy module providing Cpanel::JSON::XS::BooleanThis module converts Perl data structures to JSON and vice versa. Its primary goal is to be _correct_ and its secondary goal is to be _fast_. To reach the latter goal it was written in C. As this is the n-th-something JSON module on CPAN, what was the reason to write yet another JSON module? While it seems there are many JSON modules, none of them correctly handle all corner cases, and in most cases their maintainers are unresponsive, gone missing, or not listening to bug reports for other reasons. See below for the Cpanel fork.*bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Pod::Text)perl(Pod::Usage)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * J B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Crypt-Blowfish2.140.011pclos2017Perl Blowfish encryption modulePerl module to encrypt using the Blowfish algorithm.Ibb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Blowfish-2.140.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmP&5a2a6b66d6cd10f036695f164aa20533./SRPMS.pclosd! , z $ .?HLhB@pBABEBJCperl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP1.120.09pclos2017Crypt::Blowfish_PP - Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in PerlThe Crypt::Blowfish_PP module provides for users to use the Blowfish encryption algorithm in perl. The implementation is entirely Object Oriented, as there is quite a lot of context inherent in making blowfish as fast as it is. The key is anywhere between 64 and 448 bits (8 and 56 bytes), and should be passed as a packed string. The transformation itself is a 16-round Feistel Network, and operates on a 64 bit block.)Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.120.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm1c4bc200183e33082e27f7428f8b57442./SRPMS.pclosd & HTX bs|B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-CAST50.50.014pclos2017Crypt::CAST5 - CAST5 block cipherThis module provides an implementation of the CAST5 block cipher using compiled C code for increased speed. CAST5 is also known as CAST-128. It is a product of the CAST design procedure developed by C. Adams and S. Tavares. The CAST5 cipher is available royalty-free.bbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-CAST5-0.50.0-14pclos2017.src.rpmi5fc66e77d728d8c790deb9c843a7164f./SRPMS.pclosd ( H48 BS\`|B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-CAST5_PP1.40.09pclos2017CAST5 block cipher in pure PerlThis module provides a pure Perl implementation of the CAST5 block cipher. CAST5 is also known as CAST-128. It is a product of the CAST design procedure developed by C. Adams and S. Tavares. The CAST5 cipher is available royalty-free.Sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP-1.40.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmY88acbed45e6e233eae06ba88fd293914./SRPMS.pclosd $ Q  `B@oBABEBJCperl-Crypt-CBC2.330.07pclos2017Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining ModeThis module is a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic cipher block chaining mode (CBC). In combination with a block cipher such as DES or IDEA, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily long length. The encrypted messages are compatible with the encryption format used by SSLeay, and can be made compatible with the newer OpenSSL package by specifying the -salt argument. To use this module, you will first create a Crypt::CBC cipher object with new(). At the time of cipher creation, you specify an encryption key to use and, optionally, a block encryption algorithm. You will then call the start() method to initialize the encryption or decryption process, crypt() to encrypt or decrypt one or more blocks of data, and lastly finish(), to pad and encrypt the final block. For your convenience, you can call the encrypt() and decrypt() methods to operate on a whole data value at once.bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + [ "3<TB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Crypt-CipherSaber1.10.05pclos2017Perl module implementing CipherSaber encryptionThe Crypt::CipherSaber module implements CipherSaber encryption, described at http://ciphersaber.gurus.com. It is simple, fairly speedy, and relatively secure algorithm based on RC4.1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Simple)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.603.0.4-1perl-Crypt-CipherSaber-1.10.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm8d1ed994d48247a5ae8c0969c30e0a111./SRPMS.pclosd * T =B@JBA|BEBJCperl-Crypt-Cracklib1.700.013pclos2017Perl interface to Alec Muffett's CracklibThis is a simple interface to the cracklib library.qbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 libcrack-develperl(Pod::Coverage)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Cracklib-1.700.0-13pclos2017.src.rpmwc6970a47685ce50cbd7c975755ed3323./SRPMS.pclosKd * n /8TB@BABEBJ=Cperl-Crypt-Curve255190.50.04pclos2017Generate shared secret using elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman functionCurve25519 is a state-of-the-art Diffie-Hellman function suitable for a wide variety of applications. Given a user's 32-byte secret key, Curve25519 computes the user's 32-byte public key. Given the user's 32-byte secret key and another user's 32-byte public key, Curve25519 computes a 32-byte secret shared by the two users. This secret can then be used to authenticate and encrypt messages between the two users.#bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Curve25519-0.50.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm+3ef9c3522867e9ac3a3ab6d2a47c0d57./SRPMS.pclos+d " =pt ~B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-DES2.0711pclos2017Perl DES encryption moduleThe module implements the Crypt::CBC interface.Dbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-DES-2.07-11pclos2017.src.rpmJ,e982476f329dfab12d6cb0435f3f91e0./SRPMS.pclossd ( M B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Crypt-DES_EDE30.10.08pclos2017Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryptionThis is Crypt::DES_EDE3, a module implementing Triple-DES EDE (encrypt-decrypt-encrypt) encryption and decryption. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmb368f4f1f9f080af450eface5c91079b./SRPMS.pclosd # F XB@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-DH0.70.011pclos2017Diffie-Hellman key exchange systemCrypt::DH is a Perl implementation of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange system. Diffie-Hellman is an algorithm by which two parties can agree on a shared secret key, known only to them. The secret is negotiated over an insecure network without the two parties ever passing the actual shared secret, or their private keys, between them.qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Math::BigInt::GMP)perl(Test::More)perl-Crypt-Randomrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.01.600. ' H    B@BABE BJACperl-Crypt-DH-GMP0.0.1208pclos2017Compatibility Mode For Crypt::DHCrypt::DH::GMP is a (somewhat) portable replacement to Crypt::DH, implemented mostly in C.Kbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::CheckLib)perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(XSLoader)libgmp-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400. $ F04 >OX  G B@yBABEBJCperl-Crypt-DSA1.170.08pclos2017DSA Signatures and Key GenerationCrypt::DSA is an implementation of the DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) signature verification system. The implementation itself is pure Perl, although the heavy-duty mathematics underneath are provided by the Math::Pari library.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Buffer)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Which)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ef0f29432e6b8d0fc4533b08b57dd60b./SRPMS.pclosWd + U    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Crypt-Eksblowfish0.9.014pclos2017Blowfish-based Unix crypt() password hashAn object of this type encapsulates a keyed instance of the Eksblowfish block cipher, ready to encrypt and decrypt. Eksblowfish is a variant of the Blowfish cipher, modified to make the key setup very expensive. ("Eks" stands for "expensive key schedule".) This doesn't make it significantly cryptographically stronger, but is intended to hinder brute-force attacks. It also makes it unsuitable for any application requiring key agility. It was designed by Niels Provos and David Mazieres for password hashing in OpenBSD. See the Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt manpage for the hash algorithm. See the Crypt::Eksblowfish::Blowfish manpage for the unmodified Blowfish cipher. Eksblowfish is a parameterised (family-keyed) cipher. It takes a cost parameter that controls how expensive the key scheduling is. It also takes a family key, known as the "salt". Cost and salt parameters together define a cipher family. Within each family, a key determines an encryption function in the usual way. See the Crypt::Eksblowfish::Family manpage for a way to encapsulate an Eksblowfish cipher family.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Mix)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' D B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Crypt-Enigma1.300.04pclos2017Crypt-Enigma module for perlThis is a Perl implementation of the WWII Enigma MachineTbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Enigma-1.300.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm!5a532b9b6cc54b895edf4e674503eabc./SRPMS.pclosd $ N FB@TBABEBJCperl-Crypt-GPG1.640.02pclos2017A Perl Object Oriented Interface to GnuPGThis is Crypt::PGP, a Perl Object Oriented Interface to GnuPGPcbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Date::Parse)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Temp)perl(IPC::Run)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-GPG-1.640.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmVa024227990afd47a3f8a77dafd65e7ff./SRPMS.pclosd & J$( 2CLT{B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-IDEA1.100.010pclos2017Perl interface to IDEA block cipherThis perl extension is an implementation of the IDEA block cipher algorithm. The module implements the Crypt::BlockCipher interface, which has the following methods blocksize =item keysize =item encrypt =item decrypt _bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-IDEA-1.100.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm'8376f6b4ffedd61cf7de5a4dee6e8f04./SRPMS.pclosd & H _B@jBABEBJCperl-Crypt-MySQL0.40.013pclos2017Emulate MySQL PASSWORD() functionCrypt::MySQL emulates MySQL PASSWORD() SQL function, without libmysqlclient. You can compare encrypted passwords, without real MySQL environment.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-MySQL-0.40.0-13pclos2017.src.rpme09e3e4deb92847f966ab63d30797e2a./SRPMS.pclosd $ ? "3<@\B@dBABEBJCperl-Crypt-NULL1.20.08pclos2017Crypt-NULL module for perlThe NULL Encryption Algorithm is a symmetric block cipher described in RFC 2410 by Rob Glenn and Stephen Kent. This module implements NULL encryption. It supports the Crypt::CBC interface, with several functions. pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-NULL-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm414c487c2e7b85abf4cc507932b790b20./SRPMS.pclos_d ( I B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Crypt-OpenPGP1.120.04pclos2017Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementationCrypt::OpenPGP is a pure-Perl implementation of the OpenPGP stan- dard[1]. In addition to support for the standard itself, Crypt::OpenPGP claims compatibility with many other PGP implementations, both those that support the standard and those that preceded it. Crypt::OpenPGP provides signing/verification, encryption/decryption, keyring management, and key-pair generation; in short it should provide you with everything you need to PGP-enable yourself. Alternatively it can be used as part of a larger system; for example, perhaps you have a web-form-to-email generator written in Perl, and you'd like to encrypt outgoing messages, because they contain sensitive information. Crypt::OpenPGP can be plugged into such a scenario, given your public key, and told to encrypt all messages; they will then be readable only by you.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(Crypt::Blowfish)perl(Crypt::CAST5_PP)perl(Crypt::DES_EDE3)perl(Crypt::DSA)perl(Crypt::IDEA)perl(Crypt::RIPEMD160)perl(Crypt::RSA)perl(Crypt::Rijndael)perl(Crypt::Twofish)perl(Data::Buffer)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(Filter::Util::Call)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Test::Exception)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d# . S  B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum0.60.04pclos2017Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum module for perlA Perl interface to OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic libraries.Abb2 Development/Perlx86_64 openssl-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmHC37097cb1717cba4f49f46443cc875c04./SRPMS.pclos+d! , V48 BS\lB@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA0.150.04pclos2017Digital Signature Algorithm using OpenSSLCrypt::OpenSSL::DSA implements the DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) signature verification system. It is a thin XS wrapper to the DSA functions contained in the OpenSSL crypto library, located at http://www.openssl.org#bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.150.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm)04ed5b6ed0a486862b339b2053778aa1./SRPMS.pclosd * b 0B@;BAlBEpBJCperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC1.10.04pclos2017Perl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) libraryPerl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) library.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum::CTX)perl-develpkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC-1.10.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmxae85f53d19c20beda466d2f7443ca5ba./SRPMS.pclosd" - { WB@bBABEBJCperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA0.70.04pclos2017Perl extension for OpenSSL ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)Perl extension for OpenSSL ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm).obb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Crypt::OpenSSL::EC)perl-develpkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA-0.70.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmJ76938e1460905f3cc7fa7cb2c2dc96e0./SRPMS.pclosd! - Otx IB@WBABEBJCperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA0.280.013pclos2017Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA module for perlCrypt-OpenSSL-RSA module for perlRbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Crypt::OpenSSL::Random)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test)perl-develperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Randomopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.280.0-13pclos2017.src.rpmXe0eda7f54724bb50cbdc0fb7a7d31a96./SRPMS.pclosWd$ / T| B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random0.110.04pclos2017Crypt-OpenSSL-Random module for perlCrypt-OpenSSL-Random module for perlA bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmGcdd84481c7fb1595cfec55355fff4eabc./SRPMS.pclosd  + P @B@RBABEBJCperl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X5091.8121pclos2019Perl extension to OpenSSL's X509 APIThis is a Perl extension to OpenSSL's X509 API. It implements a large majority of OpenSSL's useful X509 API.Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Convert::ASN1)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Pod::Readme)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(bytes)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * t8< FW`xB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Crypt-PasswdMD51.400.06pclos2017Perl extension for crypt()-compatible interfaces to the MD5-based crypt()This code provides various crypt()-compatible interfaces to the MD5-based crypt() function found in various *nixes. It's based on the implementation found on FreeBSD 2.2.[56]-RELEASEKbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.530.00.940.03.0.4-1perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.400.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm&Cdfdb26fba5cfc01f657e29130562638e./SRPMS.pclosd# . G`d n4B@ABAxBE|BJCperl-Crypt-Password-Util0.170.03pclos2017Crypt password utilitiesCrypt password utilitiesGbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Sort::Versions)perl(Test::More)perl(UUID::Random::Patch::UseMRS)perl(Module::Build)perl(Bytes::Random::Secure)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Password-Util-0.170.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmN edfe1cbd3c4656aadbbcd70d18c86fa9./SRPMS.pclos#d ' n\` j{B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-Primes0.500.08pclos2017Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic ApplicationThis module implements Ueli Maurer's algorithm for generating large provable primes and secure parameters for public-key cryptosystems. The generated primes are almost uniformly distributed over the set of primes of the specified bitsize and expected time for generation is less than the time required for generating a pseudo-prime of the same size with Miller-Rabin tests. Detailed description and running time analysis of the algorithm can be found in Maurer's paper[1]. Crypt::Primes is a pure perl implementation. It uses Math::Pari for multiple precision integer arithmetic and number theoretic functions. Random numbers are gathered with Crypt::Random, a perl interface to /dev/u?random devices found on most modern Unix operating systems.ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Crypt-Randomrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Primes-0.500.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm"cbdea8c471935aebb779bfe5a4e54ed2./SRPMS.pclos/d # = B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Crypt-RC42.20.08pclos2017Crypt-RC4 module for perlThis module provides a simple implementation of the RC4 algorithm.}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-RC4-2.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm8669e0b2c97b69ec218dbb2c6afaa844./SRPMS.pclos3d # = B@BABEBJ%Cperl-Crypt-RC52.0.012pclos2017Crypt-RC5 module for perlThis module is a perl implementation of the RC5 encryption algorithm.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-RC5-2.0.0-12pclos2017.src.rpmR310d895bec0bdba74ab973013544bc89./SRPMS.pclos_d # = B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Crypt-RC61.0.019pclos2017Crypt-RC6 module for perlThis is a perl module which implements a Crypt::CBC compliant RC6 block cipher encryption module.-bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-RC6-1.0.0-19pclos2017.src.rpm46bc9bfca8576ed9380b6e25b560c74a9./SRPMS.pclosd ) I NB@YBABEBJCperl-Crypt-RIPEMD1600.60.05pclos2017Crypt-RIPEMD160 module for perlThe Crypt-RIPEMD160 module/extension allows you to use the RIPEMD160 Message Digest algorithm from within Perl programs.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-RIPEMD160-0.60.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmcb148f949156f819294a664b1d047bfd./SRPMS.pclosd $ @$( 2CL p & B@6BA`BEdBJCperl-Crypt-RSA1.990.09pclos2017RSA public-key cryptosystemCrypt::RSA is a pure-perl, cleanroom implementation of the RSA public-key cryptosystem. It uses Math::Pari(3), a perl interface to the blazingly fast PARI library, for big integer arithmetic and number theoretic computations.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Crypt-Blowfishperl-Crypt-CBCperl-Digest-MD2perl-Digest-SHA1perl-Convert-ASCII-Armourperl-Crypt-Primesperl-Sort-Versionsperl-Tie-EncryptedHashrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-RSA-1.990.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmWcc13a8c43d4571cec79584784f253e7c./SRPMS.pclosd * V,0 :KT\B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-RandPasswd0.60.06pclos2017Random password generator based on FIPS-181This code is a Perl language implementation of the Automated Password Generator standard, like the program described in "A Random Word Generator For Pronounceable Passwords" (not available on-line). This code is a re-engineering of the program contained in Appendix A of FIPS Publication 181, "Standard for Automated Password Generator". In accordance with the standard, the results obtained from this program are logically equivalent to those produced by the standard.M(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-RandPasswd-0.60.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmS645e162552317b1ee5a585871dcfe5fc./SRPMS.pclossd ' @ B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Crypt-Random1.250.08pclos2017Crypt-Random Perl moduleCrypt::Random is an interface module to the /dev/random device found on most modern Unix systems. The /dev/random driver gathers environmental noise from various non-deterministic sources including inter-keyboard timings and inter-interrupt timings that occur within the operating system environment. The /dev/random driver maintains an estimate of true randomness in the pool and decreases it every time random strings are requested for use. When the estimate goes down to zero, the routine blocks and waits for the occurrence of non-deterministic events to refresh the pool. The /dev/random kernel module also provides another interface, /dev/urandom, that does not wait for the entropy-pool to recharge and returns as many bytes as requested. /dev/urandom is considerably faster at generation compared to /dev/random, which should be used only when very high quality randomness is desired.( bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Random-1.250.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm0teda5d3e1dfda2c3aa1010099e48023b9./SRPMS.pclossd  + R,0 :KTtB@ BA@BEDBJeCperl-Crypt-Random-Seed0.30.07pclos2017Simple method to get strong randomnessA simple mechanism to get strong randomness. The main purpose of this module is to provide a simple way to generate a seed for a PRNG such as the Math::Random::ISAAC manpage, for use in cryptographic key generation, or as the seed for an upstream module such as the Bytes::Random::Secure manpage. Flags for requiring non-blocking sources are allowed, as well as a very simple method for plugging in a source. The randomness sources used are, in order: * User supplied.\vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Crypt::Random::TESHA2)perl(Exporter)perl(Fcntl)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(constant)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Random-Seed-0.30.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmdfbd6949a62a7872868982f94b30deac9./SRPMS.pclosd# . L8< FW`B@,BA`BEdBJCperl-Crypt-Random-Source0.120.03pclos2017Base class for random devicesThis module provides implementations for a number of byte oriented sources of random data. See the Crypt::Random::Source::Factory manpage for a more powerful way to locate sources, and the various sources for specific implementations.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Any::Moose)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Class::Load)perl(Errno)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Select)perl(Module::Find)perl(Moo)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Types::Standard)perl(bytes)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(namespace::clean)perl(ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Random-Source-0.120.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm^a79cf86fe6ff5e4305d1f9348b9443ee./SRPMS.pclosd" - @ 4B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-Random-TESHA20.10.07pclos2017Configuration dataThe *TrulyRandom* module provides an ability to generate truly random numbers from within Perl programs. The source of the randomness is from interrupt timing discrepancies.[ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Exporter)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(base)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Random-TESHA2-0.10.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmbDac71b05c7302d12f945f97590b0def70./SRPMS.pclosd ) Y kB@~BABEBJCperl-Crypt-Rijndael1.130.05pclos2017Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption moduleThis module implements the Rijndael cipher, which has just been selected as the Advanced Encryption Standard.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Manifest)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & B "3<@\B@dBABEBJCperl-Crypt-Rot130.600.08pclos2017Crypt-Rot13 module for perlrot13 is a simple encryption in which ASCII letters are rotated 13 places. This module provides an array object with methods to encrypt its string elements by rotating ASCII letters n places down the alphabet.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Rot13-0.600.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm1763f62d3ba733e005b9ccb5a31a4439c./SRPMS.pcloskd & f /8XB@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Crypt-SMIME0.190.02pclos2017S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryptionThis module provides a class for handling S/MIME messages. It can sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt messages. It requires libcrypto (the http://www.openssl.org manpage).jbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(ExtUtils::CChecker)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develpkgconfig(libcrypto)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-SMIME-0.190.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmpb1c2db0e8377ad12af05728969764323./SRPMS.pclosd ( Q  $ T 9 B@pBABEBJCperl-Crypt-SSLeay0.720.011pclos2017Support for the https protocol under LWPThis perl module provides support for the https protocol under LWP, so that a LWP::UserAgent can make https GET & HEAD requests. The Crypt::SSLeay package contains Net::SSL, which is automatically loaded by LWP::Protocol::https on https requests, and provides the necessary SSL glue for that module to work via these deprecated modules: This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)Sbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(LWP::Protocol::https)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Path::Class)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)openssl-develperl-develperl-URIrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.280.2056. * E<@ J[dxB@BA$BE(BJICperl-Crypt-SaltedHash0.90.07pclos2017Working with salted hashesThe 'Crypt::SaltedHash' module provides an object oriented interface to create salted (or seeded) hashes of clear text data. The original formalization of this concept comes from RFC-3112 and is extended by the use of different digital agorithms.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Crypt-SaltedHash-0.90.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmE0652d9f2e540cbb84a9f7e18b1a38248./SRPMS.pclosd ' <lp z)B@6BAdBEhBJCperl-Crypt-Simple0.60.011pclos2017Encrypt stuff simplyMaybe you have a web application and you need to store some session data at the client side (in a cookie or hidden form fields) but you don't want the user to be able to mess with the data. Maybe you want to save secret information to a text file. Maybe you have better ideas of what to do with encrypted stuff! This little module will convert all your data into nice base64 text that you can save in a text file, send in an email, store in a cookie or web page, or bounce around the Net. The data you encrypt can be as simple or as complicated as you like.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(Crypt::Blowfish)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(FreezeThaw)perl(MIME::Base64)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Simple-0.60.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmma277137658abdfbcf715df6394adac62./SRPMS.pclosd ( j B@$BATBEXBJyCperl-Crypt-SmbHash0.120.08pclos2017Crypt::SmbHash Perl module - generate LM/NT hashes like smbpasswdThis module provides functions to generate LM/NT hashes used in Samba's 'password' files, like smbpasswd.$Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-SmbHash-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm+02f83f072fe6b1fb382d446328fa76d1./SRPMS.pcloskd ) Gx| B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Crypt-Twofish2.170.013pclos2017Crypt-Twofish module for perlTwofish is a 128-bit symmetric block cipher with a variable length (128, 192, or 256-bit) key, developed by Counterpane Labs. It is unpatented and free for all uses, as described at http://www.counterpane.com/twofish.html. This module implements Twofish encryption. It supports the Crypt::CBC interface:bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(strict)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Twofish-2.170.0-13pclos2017.src.rpmAd66b598fd6d722b828edec3c069b4062./SRPMS.pclosd ( W )B@3BAdBEhBJCperl-Crypt-Twofish21.20.05pclos2017Crypt::CBC compliant Twofish encryption moduleThis module implements the twofish cipher in a less braindamaged (read: slow and ugly) way than the existing 'Crypt::Twofish' module. Although it is 'Crypt::CBC' compliant you usually gain nothing by using that module (except generality, which is often a good thing), since 'Crypt::Twofish2' can work in either ECB or CBC mode itself. * keysizebb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-Twofish2-1.20.0-5pclos2017.src.rpme008df7e8d02578d9765aa0e8e09fba7./SRPMS.pclosd ( HPT ^ox|B@BABEBJCperl-Crypt-URandom0.360.04pclos2017Provide non blocking randomnessThis Module is intended to provide an interface to the strongest available source of non-blocking randomness on the current platform. Platforms currently supported are anything supporting /dev/urandom and versions of Windows greater than or equal to Windows 2000.Nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-URandom-0.360.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm#,e5c39ca433441540307d14f7d4b89ea9./SRPMS.pclosd ) I $KB@TBABEBJCperl-Crypt-UnixCrypt1.0.012pclos2017Crypt-UnixCrypt module for perlThis module is for all those poor souls whose perl port answers to the use of crypt() with the message `The crypt() function is unimplemented due to excessive paranoia.'."Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-UnixCrypt-1.0.0-12pclos2017.src.rpm)\fc8f53dea6da65fbc2a97dfff9872b5c./SRPMS.pclosd" - P &7@HoB@xBABEBJCperl-Crypt-UnixCrypt_XS0.100.08pclos2017Perl-xs implementation of crypt(3)This module implements the DES-based Unix _crypt_ function. For those who need to construct non-standard variants of _crypt_, the various building blocks used in _crypt_ are also supplied separately.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-UnixCrypt_XS-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmefc2b36387a446651fe6b5056d239279./SRPMS.pclos7d % ?PT ^oxB@BABEBJ)Cperl-Crypt-X5090.510.04pclos2017Parse a X.509 certificate*Crypt::X509* parses X.509 certificates. Methods are provided for accessing most certificate elements. It is based on the generic ASN.1 module by Graham Barr, on the _x509decode_ example by Norbert Klasen and contributions on the perl-ldap-dev-Mailinglist by Chriss Ridd.Xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Convert::ASN1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Crypt-X509-0.510.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm_@fd0959e1ec9904302e302bf81edd8b6f./SRPMS.pclosd  g /8DB@BABEBJCperl-CryptX0.34.02pclos2017Symetric cipher SAFER_SK128, key size: 128 bits (Crypt::CBC compliant)Cryptography in CryptX is based on https://github.com/libtom/libtomcrypt Currently available modules: * * Ciphers - see the Crypt::Cipher manpage and related modulesLNbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CryptX-0.34.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmU51aa6f4b706fa16562adcc2a6044ecff./SRPMS.pclosgd " X B@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-Cstools3.420.08pclos2017Tools for dealing with Czech and Slovak texts in PerlThis package includes modules that are useful when dealing with Czech (and Slovak) texts in Perl.wmbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Cstools-3.420.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm~efec312077eced31a9a0b2ec29565b6d./SRPMS.pclosd ! Y /B@:BAdBEhBJCperl-Curses1.360.01pclos2017Perl module for character screen handling and windowingCurses is the interface between Perl and your system's curses(3) library.dbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)libncursesw-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Curses-1.360.0-1pclos2017.src.rpmd6bddc857ea57cffe245f72d23f42b45./SRPMS.pclosd ) @ H.B@jBABEBJCperl-Curses-Toolkit0.211.08pclos2017An about dialog windowThis module tries to be a modern curses toolkit, based on the Curses module, to build "semi-graphical" user interfaces easily. *WARNING* : This is still in "beta" version, not all the features are implemented, and the API may change. However, most of the components are there, and things should not change that much in the future... Still, don't use it in production, and don't consider it stable. the Curses::Toolkit manpage is meant to be used with a mainloop, which is not part of this module. I recommend you the POE::Component::Curses manpage, which is probably what you want. the POE::Component::Curses manpage uses Curses::Toolkit, but provides a mainloop and handles keyboard, mouse, timer and other events, whereas Curses::Toolkit is just the drawing library. See the example above. the 'spawn' method returns a the Curses::Toolkit manpage object, which you can call methods on.ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Curses)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(IO::Pty::Easy)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::FollowPBP)perl(MooseX::Has::Sugar)perl(POE)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Tie::Array::Iterable)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(aliased)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(relative)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.920.00.940. # S _B@qBABEBJCperl-Curses-UI0.96091pclos2017A curses based perl OO user interface frameworkA UI framework based on the curses library. Curses::UI contains several widgets which can be used to build a user interface.-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Curses)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Term::ReadKey)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.03.0.4-1perl-Curses-UI-0.9609-1pclos2017.src.rpmc3f09dfedd9164535762d39a79ff5659./SRPMS.pclosd ( Q YB@rBABEBJCperl-Curses-UI-POE0.40.010pclos2017A subclass makes Curses::UI POE FriendlyThis is a subclass for Curses::UI that enables it to work with POE. It is designed to simply slide over Curses::UI. Keeping the API the same and simply forcing Curses::UI to do all of its event handling via POE, instead of internal to itself. This allows you to use POE behind the scenes for things like networking clients, without Curses::UI breaking your programs' functionality.\Nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Curses::UI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POE)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.930. & Jhl vB@BABEBJ9Cperl-CursesForms1.997.09pclos2017Form management for Curses::WidgetsCurses::Forms provide a simple framework for OO forms. The Forms module itself provides a basic class from which extended forms can be derived, or, it can be used as-is to control forms populated with widgets. More specialised forms are also available under *Curses::Forms::Dialog*.Pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Curses)perl(Curses::Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CursesForms-1.997.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmW57870b9792fc54dd7abad46aa650bd80./SRPMS.pclosd ( T$( 2CLT}B@BABEBJCperl-CursesWidgets1.997.09pclos2017Assorted widgets for rapid interface designThis module serves two purposes: to provide a framework for creating custom widget classes, and importing a few useful functions for global use. Widget specific methods are documented in each Widget's pod.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Curses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-CursesWidgets-1.997.0-9pclos2017.src.rpme38f69f40b485f02da19d394dc7d94ac./SRPMS.pclosd # P uB@BABEBJCperl-Cwd-Guard0.50.03pclos2017Temporary changing working directory (chdir)CORE::chdir Cwd:: Guard can change the current directory (chdir) using a limited scope.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(if)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.03.0.4-1perl-Cwd-Guard-0.50.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm324461824933aba249e40fa953eca4cb6./SRPMS.pclosWd " N    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-DBD-CSV0.480.04pclos2017Perl module to access CSV files through DBIDBD::CSV is a Perl module that provides yet another driver for the DBI (Database independent interface for Perl). This one is based on the SQL "engine" SQL::Statement and the abstract DBI driver DBD::File, and implements access to so-called CSV files (comma seperated values). Such files are mostly used for exporting MS Access and MS Excel data.Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(DBD::File)perl(DBI)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(SQL::Statement)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::CSV_XS)perl(charnames)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.410.01.623.01.402.00.900.00.940.03.0.4-1perl-DBD-CSV-0.480.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmzfc42eab941b0816f0c558fb3f2aaaddc./SRPMS.pclosd # Dtx B@8BAdBEhBJCperl-DBD-Mock1.450.08pclos2017Mock database driver for testingTesting with databases can be tricky. If you are developing a system married to a single database then you can make some assumptions about your environment and ask the user to provide relevant connection information. But if you need to test a framework that uses DBI, particularly a framework that uses different types of persistence schemes, then it may be more useful to simply verify what the framework is trying to do -- ensure the right SQL is generated and that the correct parameters are bound. 'DBD::Mock' makes it easy to just modify your configuration (presumably held outside your code) and just use it instead of 'DBD::Foo' (like the DBD::Pg manpage or the DBD::mysql manpage) in your framework. There is no distinct area where using this module makes sense. (Some people may successfully argue that this is a solution looking for a problem...) Indeed, if you can assume your users have something like the DBD::AnyData manpage or the DBD::SQLite manpage or if you do not mind creating a dependency on them then it makes far more sense to use these legitimate driver implementations and test your application in the real world -- at least as much of the real world as you can create in your tests... And if your database handle exists as a package variable or something else easily replaced at test-time then it may make more sense to use the Test::MockObject manpage to create a fully dynamic handle. There is an excellent article by chromatic about using the Test::MockObject manpage in this and other ways, strongly recommended. (See the SEE ALSO manpage for a link)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.300.00.310.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-DBD-Mock-1.450.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm<86933fe1dd052ba8f00f92488cc24cab./SRPMS.pclosd $ b  , # B@eBABEBJCperl-DBD-Multi0.180.07pclos2017Manage Multiple Data Sources with Failover and Load BalancingThis software manages multiple database connections for failovers and also simple load balancing. It acts as a proxy between your code and your database connections, transparently choosing a connection for each query, based on your preferences and present availability of the DB server. This module is intended for read-only operations (where some other application is being used to handle replication). This software does not prevent write operations from being executed. This is left up to the user. See "SUGGESTED USES" below for ideas. The interface is nearly the same as other DBI drivers with one notable exception.Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::Util)perl(Pod::Simple)perl(Sys::SigAction)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^d5d32f6df117bb024efc31ab1f6e3f8c./SRPMS.pclosd  M|   ] B@BABEBJCperl-DBD-Pg3.5.35pclos2017PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI modulePostgreSQL database driver for the DBI modulebb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(version)chrpathperl-develpostgresql-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.614. % J  +4 X  B@#BAPBETBJuCperl-DBD-SQLite1.500.03pclos2017Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI DriverSQLite is a small fast embedded SQL database engine. DBD::SQLite embeds that database engine into a DBD driver, so if you want a relational database for your project, but don't want to install a large RDBMS system like MySQL or PostgreSQL, then DBD::SQLite may be just what you need. It supports quite a lot of features, such as transactions (atomic commit and rollback), indexes, DBA-free operation, a large subset of SQL92 supported, and more.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::More)perl(Tie::Hash)perl-develsqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.570.00.820.00.860.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-DBD-SQLite-1.500.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm53a6e00de497ef1c203f887230dfa33ca./SRPMS.pcloswd & XX\ fwB@BADBEHBJiCperl-DBD-SQLite20.370.03pclos2017Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver (sqlite 2.x)SQLite is a small fast embedded SQL database engine. DBD::SQLite embeds that database engine into a DBD driver, so if you want a relational database for your project, but don't want to install a large RDBMS system like MySQL or PostgreSQL, then DBD::SQLite may be just what you need. It supports quite a lot of features, such as transactions (atomic commit and rollback), indexes, DBA-free operation, a large subset of SQL92 supported, and more. Note: DBD::SQLite2 is the old version of DBD::SQLite, and is linked against version 2.x.x of the sqlite library. The current version of DBD::SQLite is linked against version 3 (or possibly later if I forget to update this file). This release is designed to allow you to have both versions installed on the same system.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develperl-DBIsqlite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.625.01.03-1mdk3.0.4-1perl-DBD-SQLite2-0.370.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmcfd2213581fcf55eaf322c80fe60bf49./SRPMS.pclos;d % O$( 2CLdB@BABE BJ-Cperl-DBD-Sybase1.150.09pclos2017Sybase database driver for the DBI moduleDBD::Sybase is a Perl module which works with the DBI module to provide access to Sybase databases. With FreeTDS DBD::Sybase can be also used to query a MS-SQL 7 or 2000 database server from a UNIX/Linux host.dbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)freetds-develgettext-develperl-DBIperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # G  $(DB@LBAxBE|BJCperl-DBD-XBase1.70.02pclos2017Module for dealing with XBase filesPackage DBD::XBase contains module XBase that can read and write dbf and dbt/fpt files, as well as a DBI driver DBD::XBase, that allows work with these files using SQL commands.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBD-XBase-1.70.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm|b1c31c339c743ed0194c50c38b8fd4f2./SRPMS.pclosd # 7tx   O B@eBABEBJCperl-DBD-mysql4.41.02pclos2017MySQL-Perl bindingsDBD::mysql is an interface driver for connecting the DBMS independent Perl API DBI to the MySQL DBMS. When you want to use MySQL from within perl, DBI and DBD::mysql are your best choice: Unlike "mysqlperl", another option, this is based on a common standard, so your sources will easily be portable to other DBMS's.Qbb2 Development/Databasesx86_64  perl(DBI)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)mysql-developenssl-develperl-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   :dh rB@ BA0BE4BJUCperl-DBI1.636.03pclos2017The Perl Database InterfaceThe Perl Database Interface (DBI) is a database access Application Programming Interface (API) for the Perl Language. The Perl DBI API specification defines a set of functions, variables and conventions that provide a consistent database interface independent of the actual database being used. #bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Simple)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.480.00.900.03.0.4-1perl-DBI-1.636.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm %67fe105467de0322f450ea0c2a229282d./SRPMS.pclos+d % K\` j{B@BABEBJCperl-DBI-Shell11.950.09pclos2017Interactive command shell for the DBIThe DBI::Shell module (and dbish command, if installed) provide a simple but effective command line interface for the Perl DBI module. DBI::Shell is very new, very experimental and very subject to change. Your mileage will vary. Interfaces will change with each release.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-IO-Teeperl-DBIrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBI-Shell-11.950.0-9pclos2017.src.rpma1eaec7fe7d2da86939373530dd36b85./SRPMS.pclosd! , S| _B@|BABEBJCperl-DBICx-TestDatabase0.50.08pclos2017A DBICx::TestDatabase you can add yourThis module creates a temporary SQLite database, deploys your DBIC schema, and then connects to it. This lets you easily test your DBIC schema. Since you have a fresh database for every test, you don't have to worry about cleaning up after your tests, ordering of tests affecting failure, etc.Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(SQL::Translator)perl(Test::More)perl(ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`90177b829b7b30bf57efb3040e5660d9./SRPMS.pclosd & [X\ fw[B@@BAlBEpBJCperl-DBIx-Class0.82.8213pclos2017Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapperThis is an SQL to OO mapper with an object API inspired by Class::DBI (and a compatibility layer as a springboard for porting) and a resultset API that allows abstract encapsulation of database operations. It aims to make representing queries in your code as perl-ish as possible while still providing access to as many of the capabilities of the database as possible, including retrieving related records from multiple tables in a single query, JOIN, LEFT JOIN, COUNT, DISTINCT, GROUP BY and HAVING support. #|bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped)perl(Class::C3::Componentised)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(Config::Any)perl(Context::Preserve)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(Data::Dumper::Concise)perl(Data::Page)perl(Devel::GlobalDestruction)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Hash::Merge)perl(List::Util)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Module::Find)perl(Moo)perl(Package::Stash)perl(Path::Class)perl(SQL::Abstract)perl(Scope::Guard)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Text::Balanced)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.100.1201.0.9001. 814144d7c52db9b329d3f84d54f1a477./SRPMS.pclos/d ) YX\ fw   B@BABEBJ!Cperl-DBIx-Class-Candy0.5.22pclos2017Create sugar for your favorite ORM, DBIx::Class'DBIx::Class::Candy' is a simple sugar layer for definition of the DBIx::Class manpage results. Note that it may later be expanded to add sugar for more 'DBIx::Class' related things. By default 'DBIx::Class::Candy': * * turns on strict and warnings^nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Lingua::EN::Inflect)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(String::CamelCase)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.81.2300.110.00.982.00.940. & 1 \ B@BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached1.1.29pclos2017Cursor class with built-in caching supportThis package provides cursor class with built-in caching support.nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::FileCache)perl(Carp::Clan)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!) 4  B@BABEBJ!Cperl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch0.100.09pclos2017Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based columns to/from DateTime objectsThis module automatically inflates/deflates DateTime objects from/to epoch values for the specified columns. This module is essentially an extension to the DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime manpage so all of the settings, including 'locale' and 'timezone', are also valid.\cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBICx::TestDatabase)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::TimeStamp)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::SQLite)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.81.300.70.06.590.03.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch-0.100.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmc812710a78ed90add59644ef6426526d1./SRPMS.pclos;d$, 7 Y  SB@BABE BJ-Cperl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler0.2.2183pclos2017Extensible DBIx::Class deployment'DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler' is, as its name suggests, a tool for deploying and upgrading databases with DBIx::Class. It is designed to be much more flexible than DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned, hence the use of Moose and lots of roles. 'DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler' itself is just a recommended set of roles that we think will not only work well for everyone, but will also yield the best overall mileage. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Carp::Clan)perl(Context::Preserve)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Log::Contextual)perl(Moo)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Role::Parameterized)perl(Path::Class)perl(SQL::Translator)perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Text::Brew)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(aliased)perl(autodie)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!( 4 X :B@TBABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault0.40.010pclos2017Automatically set and update fieldsAutomatically set and update fields with values calculated at runtime.[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBICx::TestDatabase)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.81.2706.360.03.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault-0.40.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmbn316ea44bb88a8821642e0323f79b4e22./SRPMS.pclosd ( 3 X  H  B@>BAxBE|BJCperl-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn0.0.1307pclos2017Encrypt columns using Crypt::OpenPGPThis the DBIx::Class manpage component can be used to automatically encode a column's contents whenever the value of that column is set. This module is similar to the existing the DBIx::Class::DigestColumns manpage, but there is some key differences: * 'DigestColumns' performs the encode operation on 'insert' and 'update', and 'EncodedColumn' performs the operation when the value is set, or on 'new'.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(Dir::Self)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 d  OB@\BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget0.160.08pclos2017Like FromForm but with DBIx::Class and HTML::WidgetSomething like Class::DBI::FromForm / Class::DBI::FromCGI but using HTML::Widget for form creation and validation and DBIx::Class as a ORM.?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(HTML::Widget)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , [ T;B@BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-Helpers2.32.13pclos2017Simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::ClassA collection of various helper utilities for the DBIx::Class manpage stuff. Probably only useful for components.=obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp::Clan)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::Candy)perl(DBIx::Introspector)perl(DateTime::Format::SQLite)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Lingua::EN::Inflect)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Safe::Isa)perl(String::CamelCase)perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Roo)perl(Text::Brew)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(aliased)perl(namespace::clean)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 7 RHL VgpFB@pBABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS0.10.7010pclos2017FS columns resultset classProvides inflation to a Path::Class::File object allowing file system storage of BLOBS. The storage path is specified with 'fs_column_path'. Each file receives a unique name, so the storage for all FS columns can share the same path. Within the path specified by 'fs_column_path', files are stored in sub-directories based on the first 2 characters of the unique file names. Up to 256 sub-directories will be created, as needed. Override '_fs_column_dirs' in a derived class to change this behavior.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBICx::TestDatabase)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(Path::Class)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames),3 > x ^B@rBABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Object-Enum0.60.06pclos2017Allows a DBIx::Class user to define a Object::Enum columnno description found7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBICx::TestDatabase)perl(DBIx::Class::Schema)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Object::Enum)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Object-Enum-0.60.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm>,d56794438e97ef4ac21f21e67070a5d0./SRPMS.pclosd$* 5 W  uB@BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M0.1.24pclos2017Introspect many-to-many shortcutsBecause the many-to-many relationships are not real relationships, they can not be introspected with DBIx::Class. Many-to-many relationships are actually just a collection of convenience methods installed to bridge two relationships. This the DBIx::Class manpage component can be used to store all relevant information about these non-relationships so they can later be introspected and examined.Swbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M-0.1.2-4pclos2017.src.rpm[1ab206a339bbf53782ba428dbd7a7973./SRPMS.pclosd! , Z\` j{&B@3BAhBElBJCperl-DBIx-Class-Loader0.210.08pclos2017Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classesDBIx::Class::Loader automate the definition of DBIx::Class sub-classes by scanning table schemas and setting up columns and primary keys. Class names are defined by table names and the namespace option. The only required arguments are namespace and dsn.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBD::SQLite2)perl(Lingua::EN::Inflect)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)perl-UNIVERSAL-requirerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-Loader-0.210.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm?J88ca6a840828371a03abdd344c409472./SRPMS.pclosd$+ 6 a    B@BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-OptimisticLocking0.20.03pclos2017Optimistic locking support for DBIx::ClassOptimistic locking support for DBIx::ClassIKbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::Schema)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-OptimisticLocking-0.20.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmOa26afd7ce8a80eaa67f284dd1328938e./SRPMS.pclos;d,4 ? t #, ` m B@BABE BJ-Cperl-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate0.340.07pclos2017DBIx-Class extension for providing recursive updatesYou can feed the ->create method of DBIx::Class with a recursive datastructure and have the related records created. Unfortunately you cannot do a similar thing with update_or_create. This module tries to fill that void until DBIx::Class has an api itself. The functional interface can be used without modifications of the model, for example by form processors like HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC.Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp::Clan)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::IntrospectableM2M)perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Readonly)perl(SQL::Translator)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Trap)perl(Test::Warn)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Y86dce30ae46580fdbbd1d9d11ad30381./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 X|    B@BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config0.1.113pclos2017Credential Management for DBIx::ClassDBIx::Class::Schema::Config is a subclass of DBIx::Class::Schema that allows the loading of credentials & configuration from a file. The actual code itself would only need to know about the name used in the configuration file. This aims to make it simpler for operations teams to manage database credentials. A simple tutorial that compliments this documentation and explains converting an existing DBIx::Class Schema to use this software to manage credentials can be found at the http://www.symkat.com/credential-management-in-dbix-class manpagetbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Config::Any)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(Hash::Merge)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config-0.1.11-3pclos2017.src.rpm}%2c7389df1c66c49be1598472d942c5fa./SRPMS.pclos d ) 4 `   L B@ BA TBE XBJ yCperl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader0.70.4505pclos2017Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::SchemaDBIx::Class::Schema::Loader automates the definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema by scanning database table definitions and setting up the columns, primary keys, and relationships. DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader currently supports only the DBI storage type. It has explicit support for DBD::Pg, DBD::mysql, DBD::DB2, DBD::SQLite, and DBD::Oracle. Other DBI drivers may function to a greater or lesser degree with this loader, depending on how much of the DBI spec they implement, and how standard their implementation is. See DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Writing for notes on writing your own vendor-specific subclass for an unsupported DBD driver. This module obsoletes the older DBIx::Class::Loader. This module is designed more to get you up and running quickly against an existing database, or to be effective for simple situations, rather than to be what you use in the long term for a complex database/project. That being said, transitioning your code from a Schema generated by this module to one that doesn't use this module should be straightforward and painless, so don't shy away from it just for fears of the transition down the road.cSbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp::Clan)perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped)perl(Class::C3::Componentised)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(Class::Unload)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::IntrospectableM2M)perl(Data::Dump)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Temp)perl(Hash::Merge)perl(Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number)perl(Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase)perl(Lingua::EN::Tagger)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Scope::Guard)perl(String::CamelCase)perl(String::ToIdentifier::EN)perl(Sub::Util)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(namespace::clean)perl-Text-Unidecoderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.100.801.0.8001.$ / u  L V B@hBABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp0.140.09pclos2017DBIx::Class extension to update and create date and time based fieldsWorks in conjunction with InflateColumn::DateTime to automatically set update and create date and time based fields in a table.wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::DynamicDefault)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::MySQL)perl(DateTime::Format::SQLite)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(Time::Warp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.140.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm~Zde03dfa22a92b9cb9e0c3f0ccee964ce./SRPMS.pclosd& 2 T rB@BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns0.20.6011pclos2017Create uuids using Win32API::GUIDThis the DBIx::Class manpage component resembles the behaviour of the Class::DBI::UUID manpage, to make some columns implicitly created as uuid. When loaded, 'UUIDColumns' will search for a suitable uuid generation module from the following list of supported modules: Data::UUID APR::UUID* UUID Win32::Guidgen Win32API::GUIDxbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::UUID)perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) :PT ^oxB@BADBEHBJiCperl-DBIx-Connector0.560.03pclos2017No summary foundno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBI)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::MockModule)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.605.00.300. d# . LTX bs|B@BABEBJCperl-DBIx-ContextualFetch1.30.09pclos2017Add contextual fetches to DBIIt always struck me odd that DBI didn't take much advantage of Perl's context sensitivity. DBIx::ContextualFetch redefines some of the various fetch methods to fix this oversight. It also adds a few new methods for convenience (though not necessarily efficiency).7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.30.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm9c0dab693e31427183da5fa476ab807c7./SRPMS.pclossd ( L\` j{B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-DBIx-DBSchema0.450.04pclos2017Database-independent schema objectsDBIx::DBSchema objects are collections of DBIx::DBSchema::Table objects and represent a database schema. This module implements an OO-interface to database schemas. Using this module, you can create a database schema with an OO Perl interface. You can read the schema from an existing database. You can save the schema to disk and restore it a different process. Most importantly, DBIx::DBSchema can write SQL CREATE statements statements for different databases from a single source. Currently supported databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL. Sybase support is partially implemented. DBIx::DBSchema will attempt to use generic SQL syntax for other databases. Assistance adding support for other databases is welcomed. See DBIx::DBSchema::DBD, "Driver Writer's Guide and Base Class".xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FreezeThaw)perl(Storable)perl-DBIrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-DBSchema-0.450.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm6c1495b1bb3ccbfe3ba7d446aece8574./SRPMS.pclosCd * T    B@BABEBJ5Cperl-DBIx-Introspector0.1.54pclos2017Detect what database you are connected to'DBIx::Introspector' is a module factored out of the the DBIx::Class manpage database detection code. Most code that needs to detect which database it is connected to assumes that there is a one-to-one mapping from database drivers to database engines. Unfortunately reality is rarely that simple. For instance, the DBD::ODBC manpage is typically used to connect to SQL Server, but ODBC can be used to connect to PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle. Additionally, while ODBC is the most common way to connect to SQL Server, it is not the only option, as the DBD::ADO manpage can also be used. 'DBIx::Introspector' can correctly detect which database you are connected to, because it was factored out of a complex, working codebase. On top of that it has been written to be very extensible. So if you needed to detect which version of your given database you are connected to that would not be difficult. Furthermore, 'DBIx::Introspector' does it's best to try to detect information based on the dsn you give it if you have not yet connected, so you can possibly avoid connection or at least defer connection.JZbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Method::Modifiers)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moo)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Roo)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){e015a92022768447c03be90797725904./SRPMS.pclosd ) K $UB@_BABEBJCperl-DBIx-Recordset0.260.09pclos2017Perl extension for DBI recordsetsDBIx::Recordset is a perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access. The goal is to make standard database access (select/insert/update/delete) easier to handle and independend of the underlying DBMS. Special attention is made on web applications to make it possible to handle the state-less access and to process the posted data of formfields, but DBIx::Recordset is not limited to web applications.3cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-DBIperl-DBD-Pgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Recordset-0.260.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm; 4f6c910495e0622350c9dcb07f0e6504./SRPMS.pclos?d & J`d nB@BA BEBJ1Cperl-DBIx-RunSQL0.140.02pclos2017Run SQL to create a database schemano description found;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-RunSQL-0.140.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmBH845425655ef93608201ca5558b423e08./SRPMS.pclossd" - Wlp zB@ BA@BEDBJeCperl-DBIx-SQLite-Simple0.350.04pclos2017Superclass only used to handle SQL tablesno description found,[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Gomor)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-SQLite-Simple-0.350.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm3 1538bb816a518d5be6f70bc0b7bf306f./SRPMS.pclosd" - dX\ fwB@ BATBEXBJyCperl-DBIx-SearchBuilder1.650.07pclos2017Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objectThis module provides an object-oriented mechanism for retrieving and updating data in a DBI-accesible database. In order to use this module, you should create a subclass of DBIx::SearchBuilder and a subclass of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record for each table that you wish to access. (See the documentation of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record for more information on subclassing it.) Your DBIx::SearchBuilder subclass must override NewItem, and probably should override at least _Init also; at the very least, _Init should probably call _Handle and _Table to set the database handle (a DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle object) and table name for the class. You can try to override just about every other method here, as long as you think you know what you are doing.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Class::ReturnValue)perl(Clone)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(DBIx::DBSchema)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Want)perl(capitalization)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' G  2B@;BAhBElBJCperl-DBIx-Simple1.350.010pclos2017Easy-to-use OO interface to DBI DBIx::Simple provides a simplified interface to DBI, Perl's powerful database module. This module is aimed at rapid development and easy maintenance. Query preparation and execution are combined in a single method, the result object (which is a wrapper around the statement handle) provides easy row-by-row and slurping methods. The 'query' method returns either a result object, or a dummy object. The dummy object returns undef (or an empty list) for all methods and when used in boolean context, is false. The dummy object lets you postpone (or skip) error checking, but it also makes immediate error checking simply '$db->query(...) or die $db->error'.Q@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DBIx-Simple-1.350.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmY7422f678677b55e50687778f82c206623./SRPMS.pclosd # e,0 :KT  g B@BABEBJ Cperl-DBM-Deep2.1.2004pclos2017A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactionsA unique flat-file database module, written in pure perl. True multi-level hash/array support (unlike MLDBM, which is faked), hybrid OO / tie() interface, cross-platform FTPable files, ACID transactions, and is quite fast. Can handle millions of keys and unlimited levels without significant slow-down. Written from the ground-up in pure perl -- this is NOT a wrapper around a C-based DBM. Out-of-the-box compatibility with Unix, Mac OS X and Windows.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Temp)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ձ562ce2f54b95a9cd6beb613f9895f819./SRPMS.pclosd " J  VB@aBABEBJCperl-DB_File1.838.02pclos2017Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.xDB_File is a module which allows Perl programs to make use of the facilities provided by Berkeley DB version 1. (DB_File can be built with version 2 or 3 of Berkeley DB, but it will only support the 1.x features). If you want to make use of the new features available in Berkeley DB 2.x or 3.x, use the Perl module BerkeleyDB instead. Berkeley DB is a C library which provides a consistent interface to a number of database formats. DB_File provides an interface to all three of the database types (hash, btree and recno) currently supported by Berkeley DB. For further details see the documentation included at the end of the file DB_File.pm.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)db-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DB_File-1.838.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmc8717ce58bca1025ebaf9f4a79979a907./SRPMS.pclosd ' D@D N_hpB@BABEBJCperl-DB_File-Lock0.50.010pclos2017DB_File-Lock module for perlThis module provides a wrapper for the DB_File module, adding locking. When you need locking, simply use this module in place of DB_File and add an extra argument onto the tie command specifying if the file should be locked for reading or writing.$qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-DB_Filerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DB_File-Lock-0.50.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm*f86bda1f86203d45b9482901fbd13fc4./SRPMS.pclosKd   C B@BABEBJ=Cperl-DCOP0.38.09pclos2017Extensible inheritable class to dcopThis class is meant to be a base constructor for higher level of abstraction on dcop clients. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DCOP-0.38.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmMff83567e58acbcda7764b4bde47c0927./SRPMS.pclosd ' C,0 :KTtB@.BA\BE`BJCperl-Daemon-Control0.1.84pclos2017Create init scripts in PerlDaemon::Control provides a library for creating init scripts in perl. Your perl script just needs to set the accessors for what and how you want something to run and the library takes care of the rest. You can launch programs through the shell ('/usr/sbin/my_program') or launch Perl code itself into a daemon mode. Single and double fork methods are supported, and in double-fork mode all the things you would expect such as reopening STDOUT/STDERR, switching UID/GID etc are supported.]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.,dbc2c340c4c965935b33f11444c233ea./SRPMS.pclosd  + P  (B@BABEBJ Cperl-Daemon-Daemonize0.5.2009pclos2017An easy-to-use daemon(izing) toolkitDaemon::Daemonize is a toolkit for daemonizing processes and checking up on them. It takes inspiration from the http://www.clapper.org/software/daemonize/ manpage, the MooseX::Daemon manpage, the Net::Server::Daemon manpage A note about the 'close' option If you're having trouble with IPC in a daemon, try closing only STD* instead of everything: daemonize( ..., close => std, ... )bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(IO::Socket::INET)perl(POSIX)perl(Path::Class)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Most)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Daemon-Daemonize-0.5.200-9pclos2017.src.rpm$5f871bff6ec67fad64af53705855fcd1./SRPMS.pclosd ) ] nB@zBABEBJCperl-Daemon-Generic0.840.09pclos2017Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemonDaemon::Generic provides a framework for starting, stopping, reconfiguring daemon-like programs. The framework provides for standard commands that work for as init.d files and as apachectl-like commands. Programs that use Daemon::Generic subclass Daemon::Generic to override its behavior. Almost everything that Genric::Daemon does can be overridden as needed.?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(AnyEvent)perl(Eval::LineNumbers)perl(Event)perl(File::Flock::Forking)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Daemon-Generic-0.840.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmGr6321abc0804cb6f5243310e281dd9862./SRPMS.pclos+d * :dh r   B@BABEBJCperl-Daemon-Shutdown0.130.05pclos2017Shutdown DaemonTests the spin state of all the disks listed in "disks" every "loop_sleep". When all disks are in spun down state, the flag "trigger_pending" is set. If a further "trigger_time" seconds pass and all disks are still in a spun down state, the trigger is sent back to the parent process (return 1).`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(AnyEvent)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IPC::Run)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(User)perl(YAML::Any)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Daemon-Shutdown-0.130.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmha444947874d709b0aa8745ed64d8163b./SRPMS.pclossd ' 6LP ZktB@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Daemon-Whois1.110.08pclos2017A WHOIS daemonno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CDB_File)perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Net::Server)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Daemon-Whois-1.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!u96e50e1b1d7aef4e3bafb49d5b92d143./SRPMS.pclos7d # G  666B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Dancer1.320.2003pclos2017Template Toolkit wrapper for DancerDancer is a web application framework designed to be as effortless as possible for the developer, taking care of the boring bits as easily as possible, yet staying out of your way and letting you get on with writing your code. Dancer aims to provide the simplest way for writing web applications, and offers the flexibility to scale between a very simple lightweight web service consisting of a few lines of code in a single file, all the way up to a more complex fully-fledged web application with session support, templates for views and layouts, etc. If you don't want to write CGI scripts by hand, and find Catalyst too big or cumbersome for your project, Dancer is what you need. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Devel::Hide)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::stat)perl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTTP::Body)perl(HTTP::Cookies)perl(HTTP::Date)perl(HTTP::Headers)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI)perl(Hash::Merge::Simple)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(MIME::Types)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(POSIX)perl(Plack::Builder)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(URI)perl(URI::Escape)perl(base)perl(blib)perl(bytes)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 1 R@D N_hB@BAPBETBJuCperl-Dancer-Plugin-Database2.110.04pclos2017Subclassed DBI connection handleProvides an easy way to obtain a connected DBI database handle by simply calling the database keyword within your the Dancer manpage application Returns a the Dancer::Plugin::Database::Handle manpage object, which is a subclass of the DBI manpage's 'DBI::db' connection handle object, so it does everything you'd expect to do with DBI, but also adds a few convenience methods. See the documentation for the Dancer::Plugin::Database::Handle manpage for full details of those. Takes care of ensuring that the database handle is still connected and valid. If the handle was last asked for more than 'connection_check_threshold' seconds ago, it will check that the connection is still alive, using either the '$dbh->ping' method if the DBD driver supports it, or performing a simple no-op query against the database if not. If the connection has gone away, a new connection will be obtained and returned. This avoids any problems for a long-running script where the connection to the database might go away.V8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBI)perl(Dancer)perl(Dancer::Plugin::Database::Core)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.309.9003.0.4-1perl-Dancer-Plugin-Database-2.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm_c80ea3302b8412d20b5d7cdd470ba1f4./SRPMS.pclosd#+ 6 a B@$BA`BEdBJCperl-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core0.140.03pclos2017Shared core for D1 and D2 Database pluginsShared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins.B$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core-0.140.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmH154fadafedf3ae282b7ccd387da5b7e8./SRPMS.pclosd#* 5 X 0B@<BAxBE|BJCperl-Dancer-Plugin-WindowSession0.20.09pclos2017Manage Per-Browser-Window sessionsThis module makes it easy to manage per-window session variables (as opposed to browser-wide session variables). The common use case is when you expect users of your website to have multiple web-browser windows open with your web-site, and for each open window you want to maintain independant set of variables.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Clone)perl(Dancer)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Dancer-Plugin-WindowSession-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm9f33f367c9a9a41be3813a444a2afcd42./SRPMS.pclos+d$ / @ #,DB@BABEBJCperl-Dancer-Template-Caml0.100.08pclos2017No summary foundThis class is an interface between Dancer's template engine abstraction layer and the the Text::Caml manpage module. In order to use this engine, use the template setting: template: camlnbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Dancer)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Text::Caml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Dancer-Template-Caml-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmvc1c77c70ad5598f66a335ad692732285./SRPMS.pclos 3d " {  NLN*NB@BA BE BJ %Cperl-Dancer20.166.13pclos2017Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible, forked from Template::TinyThis is the main module for the Dancer2 distribution. It contains logic for creating a new Dancer2 application.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(App::Cmd::Setup)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Class::Load)perl(Config::Any)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(Foo)perl(HTTP::Body)perl(HTTP::Date)perl(HTTP::Headers)perl(HTTP::Headers::Fast)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(HTTP::Server::PSGI)perl(Hash::Merge::Simple)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON)perl(LWP::Protocol::PSGI)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(List::Util)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(MIME::Types)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Moo::Role)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base)perl(POSIX)perl(Plack)perl(Plack::Builder)perl(Plack::Middleware::FixMissingBodyInRedirect)perl(Plack::Middleware::RemoveRedundantBody)perl(Plack::Test)perl(Pod::Simple::Search)perl(Pod::Simple::SimpleTree)perl(Return::MultiLevel)perl(Role::Tiny)perl(Safe::Isa)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Template)perl(Template::Tiny)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)perl(Test::MockTime)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Script)perl(Test::TCP)perl(URI)perl(URI::Escape)perl(YAML)perl(lib)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . ] vB@BABEBJCperl-Dancer2-Plugin-REST0.270.03pclos2017A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer2This plugin helps you write a RESTful webservice with Dancer2.[cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Load)perl(Dancer2)perl(Dancer2::Core::Request)perl(Dancer2::Plugin)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo::Role)perl(Plack::Test)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Dancer2-Plugin-REST-0.270.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmb#8164c92bd47976366dcb4902beaad50b./SRPMS.pclosd ' [TX bs|B@BABEBJCperl-Danga-Socket1.610.09pclos2017Event loop and event-driven async socket base classThis is an abstract base class for objects backed by a socket which provides the basic framework for event-driven asynchronous IO, designed to be fast. Danga::Socket is both a base class for objects, and an event loop. Callers subclass Danga::Socket. Danga::Socket's constructor registers itself with the Danga::Socket event loop, and invokes callbacks on the object for readability, writability, errors, and other conditions. Because Danga::Socket uses the "fields" module, your subclasses must too.Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Sys::Syscall)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Danga-Socket-1.610.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmTfe4319cb218a1ca494941a1c3e378a93./SRPMS.pclosd % N "3<HB@BABEBJCperl-Data-Alias1.200.02pclos2017Comprehensive set of aliasing operationsAliasing is the phenomenon where two different expressions actually refer to the same thing. Modifying one will modify the other, and if you take a reference to both, the two values are the same.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Alias-1.200.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm=65bedd63a1e891e746c6218e347cf940./SRPMS.pclosd ( Thl v  d B@BABEBJCperl-Data-BitStream0.80.07pclos2017A bit stream class including integer codingA Mouse/Moose class providing read/write access to bit streams. This includes many integer coding methods as well as straightforward ways to implement new codes. Bit streams are often used in data compression and in embedded products where memory is at a premium. While this Perl implementation may not be appropriate for many of these applications (speed and Perl), it can be very useful for prototyping and experimenting with different codes. A future implementation using XS for internals may resolve some performance concerns.`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moo)perl(Moo::Role)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.[d  + _(, 6GPlB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Data-BitStream-XS0.80.05pclos2017A bit stream class including integer coding methodsAn XS implementation providing read/write access to bit streams. This includes many integer coding methods as well as straightforward ways to implement new codes. Bit streams are often used in data compression and in embedded products where memory is at a premium. This code provides a nearly drop-in XS replacement for the the Data::BitStream manpage module. If you do not need the flexibility of the Moose/Mouse/Moo system, you can use this directly..bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-BitStream-XS-0.80.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm6f191c5fc31075532c746b02604a8f5aa./SRPMS.pclosd % = 8B@@BAlBEpBJCperl-Data-Buffer0.40.08pclos2017Read/write buffer classData::Buffer implements a low-level binary buffer in which you can get and put integers, strings, and other data. Internally the implementation is based on pack and unpack, such that Data::Buffer is really a layer on top of those built-in functions. All of the get_* and put_* methods respect the internal offset state in the buffer object. This means that you should read data out of the buffer in the same order that you put it in.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Buffer-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm bdf00fd14bded8b1534754fac285bf6b1./SRPMS.pclosd $ =04 >OX | + B@;BAhBElBJCperl-Data-Clone0.4.011pclos2017Polymorphic data cloning'Data::Clone' does data cloning, i.e. copies things recursively. This is smart so that it works with not only non-blessed references, but also with blessed references (i.e. objects). When 'clone()' finds an object, it calls a 'clone' method of the object if the object has a 'clone', otherwise it makes a surface copy of the object. That is, this module does polymorphic data cloning. Although there are several modules on CPAN which can clone data, this module has a different cloning policy from almost all of them. See the /Cloning policy manpage and the /Comparison to other cloning modules manpage for details. Cloning policy A cloning policy is a rule that how a cloning routine copies data. Here is the cloning policy of 'Data::Clone'.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(XSLoader)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Clone-0.4.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmd4feeaeddbfe1e0441f57d2895cea5bd./SRPMS.pclosd ' D @B@RBABEBJCperl-Data-Compare1.250.04pclos2017Compare perl data structuresCompare two perl data structures recursively. Returns 0 if the structures differ, else returns 1.jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(Scalar::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % Xpt ~NB@BABEBJCperl-Data-DPath0.550.04pclos2017Magic functions available inside filter conditionsno description foundVbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(Class::XSAccessor::Array)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Iterator::Util)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(POSIX)perl(Safe)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Balanced)perl(aliased)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.02.300.00.880. & R(, 6GPXB@BABEBJCperl-Data-Denter0.150.08pclos2017An alternative to Data::Dumper and StorableThe main problem with Data::Dumper (one of my all-time favorite modules) is that you have to use 'eval()' to deserialize the data you've dumped. This is great if you can trust the data you're evaling, but horrible if you can't. A good alternative is Storable.pm. It can safely thaw your frozen data. But if you want to read/edit the frozen data, you're out of luck, because Storable uses a binary format. Even Data::Dumper's output can be a little cumbersome for larger data objects. Enter Data::Denter. Data::Denter is yet another Perl data serializer/deserializer. It formats nested data structures in an indented fashion. It is optimized for human readability/editability, safe deserialization, and (eventually) speed.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Denter-0.150.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm4264469cddf69cb745d061f0ffe3ffe5c./SRPMS.pclos[d % E    B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Data-Domain1.60.07pclos2017Data description and validationA data domain is a description of a set of values, either scalar or structured (arrays or hashes). The description can include many constraints, like minimal or maximal values, regular expressions, required fields, forbidden fields, and also contextual dependencies. From that description, one can then invoke the domain's 'inspect' method to check if a given value belongs to it or not. In case of mismatch, a structured set of error messages is returned. The motivation for writing this package was to be able to express in a compact way some possibly complex constraints about structured data. Typically the data is a Perl tree (nested hashrefs or arrayrefs) that may come from XML, JSON, from a database through DBIx::DataModel, or from postprocessing an HTML form through CGI::Expand. 'Data::Domain' is a kind of tree parser on that structure, with some facilities for dealing with dependencies within the structure, and with several options to finely tune the error messages returned to the user. There are several other packages in CPAN doing data validation; these are briefly listed in the the /"SEE ALSO" manpage section.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Date::Calc)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Does)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(autouse)perl(experimental)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.420.0000. $ GX\ fwB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Data-Dump1.230.04pclos2017Pretty printing of data structuresThis module provides a single function called dump() that takes a list of values as its argument and produces a string as its result. The string contains Perl code that, when evaled, produces a deep copy of the original arguments. The string is formatted for easy reading.Ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Symbol)perl(Test)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Dump-1.230.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm\661be1709d17ca973c3158528b996644./SRPMS.pclosd" - ` 8 B@1BAdBEhBJCperl-Data-Dump-Streamer2.390.03pclos2017Accurately serialize a data structure as Perl codeGiven a list of scalars or reference variables, writes out their contents in perl syntax. The references can also be objects. The contents of each variable is output using the least number of Perl statements as convenient, usually only one. Self-referential structures, closures, and objects are output correctly.Sbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(B)perl(B::Deparse)perl(B::Utils)perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Devel::Peek)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(Hash::Util)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Build)perl(PadWalker)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Abbrev)perl(Text::Balanced)perl(base)perl(overload)perl(re)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)perl(warnings::register)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Dump-Streamer-2.390.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmY80db58bf945337e716d303c2ee0b8877./SRPMS.pclossd & Q B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Data-DumpXML1.60.08pclos2017Dump arbitrary perl data structures as XMLDump arbitrary perl data structures as XML."bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Array-RefElemperl-MIME-Base64perl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-DumpXML-1.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm(24d55239f2f78ad54b04d35ca91d5552./SRPMS.pclos_d & Ldh rB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Data-Dumper2.154.08pclos2017Convert data structure into perl codeGiven a list of scalars or reference variables, writes out their contents in perl syntax. The references can also be objects. The content of each variable is output in a single Perl statement. Handles self-referential structures correctly. The return value can be 'eval'ed to get back an identical copy of the original reference structure. Any references that are the same as one of those passed in will be named '$VAR'_n_ (where _n_ is a numeric suffix), and other duplicate references to substructures within '$VAR'_n_ will be appropriately labeled using arrow notation. You can specify names for individual values to be dumped if you use the 'Dump()' method, or you can change the default '$VAR' prefix to something else. See '$Data::Dumper::Varname' and '$Data::Dumper::Terse' below.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.980.03.0.4-1perl-Data-Dumper-2.154.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm3fe7fada81400ea0a3eccc262b448e00./SRPMS.pcloswd" - ^ B@BADBEHBJiCperl-Data-Dumper-Concise2.22.07pclos2017Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsingThis module always exports a single function, Dumper, which can be called with a single reference value to dump that value or with no arguments to return the Data::Dumper object it's created. It exists, fundamentally, as a convenient way to reproduce a set of Dumper options that we've found ourselves using across large numbers of applications, primarily for debugging output. The principle guiding theme is "all the concision you can get while still having a useful dump and not doing anything cleverer than setting Data::Dumper options" - it's been pointed out to us that Data::Dump::Streamer can produce shorter output with less lines of code. We know. This is simpler and we've never seen it segfault. But for complex/weird structures, it generally rocks. You should use it as well, when Concise is underkill. We do._#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.03.0.4-1perl-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.22.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmh352eee00fbed833360f5cabbbe799386./SRPMS.pcloswd# . ^\` j{B@BADBEHBJiCperl-Data-Dumper-Perltidy0.30.08pclos2017Stringify and pretty print Perl data structures'Data::Dumper::Perltidy' encapsulates both 'Data::Dumper' and 'Perl::Tidy' to provide a function that stringifies a Perl data structure in a pretty printed format. See the documentation for the Data::Dumper manpage and the Perl::Tidy manpage for further information. Data::Dumper can be used for, among other things, stringifying complex Perl data structures into a format that is suitable for printing and debugging. Perl::Tidy can be used to pretty print Perl code in a consistent and configurable manner.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Perl::Tidy)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Dumper-Perltidy-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm-5dc0049125a70a2299ec8a1cdb768c5d./SRPMS.pclosd % ;  B@:BAhBElBJCperl-Data-Entropy0.7.08pclos2017Download entropy fromThis module maintains a concept of a current selection of entropy source. Algorithms that require entropy, such as those in the Data::Entropy::Algorithms manpage, can use the source nominated by this module, avoiding the need for entropy source objects to be explicitly passed around. This is convenient because usually one entropy source will be used for an entire program run and so an explicit entropy source parameter would rarely vary. There is also a default entropy source, avoiding the need to explicitly configure a source at all. If nothing is done to set a source then it defaults to the use of Rijndael (AES) in counter mode (see the Data::Entropy::RawSource::CryptCounter manpage and the Crypt::Rijndael manpage), keyed using Perl's built-in 'rand' function. This gives a data stream that looks like concentrated entropy, but really only has at most the entropy of the 'rand' seed. Within a single run it is cryptographically difficult to detect the correlation between parts of the pseudo-entropy stream. If more true entropy is required then it is necessary to configure a different entropy source.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Crypt::Rijndael)perl(Data::Float)perl(Errno)perl(Exporter)perl(HTTP::Lite)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Build)perl(Params::Classify)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(integer)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ L    B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Float0.12.08pclos2017Details of the floating point data typeThis module is about the native floating point numerical data type. A floating point number is one of the types of datum that can appear in the numeric part of a Perl scalar. This module supplies constants describing the native floating point type, classification functions, and functions to manipulate floating point values at a low level.kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(integer)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Float-0.12.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmsUb800bc857af806b3667e286da468a1f1./SRPMS.pclosCd # Q B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Data-Flow1.20.08pclos2017Simple-minded recipe-controlled build of dataPerl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Flow-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm0d9cf9f2f0579605ba8b120d2352d13b./SRPMS.pclosd" - Y  P C B@}BABEBJCperl-Data-FormValidator4.810.08pclos2017Validates user input based on input profileData::FormValidator's main aim is to make input validation expressible in a simple format. Data::FormValidator lets you define profiles which declare the required and optional fields and any constraints they might have. The results are provided as an object which makes it easy to handle missing and invalid results, return error messages about which constraints failed, or process the resulting valid data.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Date::Calc)perl(Email::Valid)perl(File::MMagic)perl(Image::Size)perl(MIME::Types)perl(Module::Build)perl(Perl6::Junction)perl(Regexp::Common)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.480. # ?    B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Data-GUID0.48.07pclos2017Globally unique identifiersData::GUID provides a simple interface for generating and using globally unique identifiers.FLbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::UUID)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Test::More)perl(bytes)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d ' C B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Data-HexDump0.20.010pclos2017A Simple Hexadecimal DumperDump in hexadecimal the content of a scalar. The result is returned in a string. Each line of the result consists of the offset in the source in the leftmost column of each line, followed by one or more columns of data from the source in hexadecimal. The rightmost column of each line shows the printable characters (all others are shown as single dots)#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-HexDump-0.20.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm6d10a304073664224b743b9fd5835bb1./SRPMS.pclosd ) ` ZB@dBABEBJCperl-Data-Hierarchy0.340.08pclos2017Perl module to handle data in a hierarchical structureData::Hierarchy provides a simple interface for manipulating inheritable data attached to a hierarchical environment (like filesystem).%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Clone)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Hierarchy-0.340.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm,P7a029ab3efe799ce138d6aa495b3878a./SRPMS.pclosd $ R  *;D l S B@kBABEBJCperl-Data-ICal0.220.04pclos2017Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar filesA Data::ICal object represents a VCALENDAR object as defined in the iCalendar protocol (RFC 2445, MIME type "text/calendar"), as implemented in many popular calendaring programs such as Apple's iCal.׿bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Class::ReturnValue)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::QuotedPrint)perl(Test::LongString)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Text::vFile::asData)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.03.0.4-1perl-Data-ICal-0.220.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmނaade62d30e21d381ecdc5715471274e4./SRPMS.pclosd % ? "3< d  B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Data-ID-Exim0.8.08pclos2017Generate Exim message IDsThis module supplies a function which generates IDs using the algorithm that the Exim MTA uses to generate message IDs. It also supplies functions to manipulate such IDs, and the base 62 encoding in isolation.$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(integer)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d  + `  '0@B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Inherited1.100.8608pclos2017Hierarchy-wide accumulation of list and hash resultsNEXT.pm adds a pseudoclass named 'NEXT' to any program that uses it. If a method 'm' calls '$self-'NEXT::m()>, the call to 'm' is redispatched as if the calling method had not originally been found. In other words, a call to '$self-'NEXT::m()> resumes the depth-first, left-to-right search of '$self''s class hierarchy that resulted in the original call to 'm'. Note that this is not the same thing as '$self-'SUPER::m()>, which begins a new dispatch that is restricted to searching the ancestors of the current class. '$self-'NEXT::m()> can backtrack past the current class -- to look for a suitable method in other ancestors of '$self' -- whereas '$self-'SUPER::m()> cannot.Pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Compile)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Inherited-1.100.860-8pclos2017.src.rpmX34cdf8a9678b8fc973d4e70f82729e33./SRPMS.pclosd % M    B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Integer0.5.04pclos2017Details of the native integer data typeThis module is about the native integer numerical data type. A native integer is one of the types of datum that can appear in the numeric part of a Perl scalar. This module supplies constants describing the native integer type. There are actually two native integer representations: signed and unsigned. Both are handled by this module.f(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(integer)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Integer-0.5.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmmS7774bd95fd40e4bed2d1440495633f71./SRPMS.pclosd ( ;   D L B@rBABEBJCperl-Data-Localize0.0.2705pclos2017BerkeleyDB BackendData::Localize is an object oriented approach to localization, aimed to be an alternate choice for Locale::Maketext, Locale::Maketext::Lexicon, and Locale::Maketext::Simple.~bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Encode)perl(I18N::LangTags)perl(I18N::LangTags::Detect)perl(Log::Minimal)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Load)perl(Module::Pluggable::Object)perl(Moo)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + Z B@BABEBJCperl-Data-MessagePack0.490.03pclos2017(DEPRECATED)messagepack streaming deserializerThis module converts Perl data structures to MessagePack and vice versa. bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , T RB@]BABEBJCperl-Data-Miscellany1.100.8508pclos2017Collection of miscellaneous subroutinesThis is a collection of miscellaneous subroutines useful in wide but varying scenarios; a catch-all module for things that don't obviously belong anywhere else. Obviously what's useful differs from person to person, but this particular collection should be useful in object-oriented frameworks, such as the Class::Framework manpage and the Data::Conveyor manpage.Xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Compile)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Miscellany-1.100.850-8pclos2017.src.rpm`"f7943982afcc06f9f7a0171a8531ac64./SRPMS.pclosd ' ] p^B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Morph1.140.4006pclos2017Provides a Data::Morph backend for talking to objectsData::Morph is a module that provides a solution for translating data from one source to another via maps and backends. It is written such that data can be shifted both directions. The the /SYNOPSIS manpage demonstrates a somewhat trivial example of using the the Data::Morph::Backend::Object manpage and the Data::Morph::Backend::Raw manpage that round trips the defaults out the Foo class to a hash and back again. Not shown is the other shipped backend the Data::Morph::Backend::DBIC manpage which operates on the DBIx::Class::Row manpage objects. If a more specialized backend is needed take a look at consuming the Data::Morph::Role::Backend manpage.Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::Core)perl(DBIx::Class::Schema)perl(Data::DPath)perl(Devel::PartialDump)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::Params::Validate)perl(MooseX::Role::Parameterized)perl(MooseX::Types::Moose)perl(MooseX::Types::Structured)perl(SQL::Translator)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(base)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.110.603.0.4-1perl-Data-Morph-1.140.400-6pclos2017.src.rpmWbd2aa3951d19f7a6cf8db05045264760./SRPMS.pclosd $ >pt ~  t B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Munge0.96.03pclos2017Various utility functionsThis module defines a few generally useful utility functions. I got tired of redefining or working around them, so I wrote this module. Functions * list2re LIST Converts a list of strings to a regex that matches any of the strings. Especially useful in combination with 'keys'. Example:)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Munge-0.96.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm05d0c94357da43ceda0757fd54d93436c./SRPMS.pclosd! , ] $ .?H p O B@mBABEBJCperl-Data-ObjectDriver0.140.03pclos2017Object driver for caching objects with memcached_Data::ObjectDriver_ is an object relational mapper, meaning that it maps object-oriented design concepts onto a relational database. It's inspired by, and descended from, the _MT::ObjectDriver_ classes in Six Apart's Movable Type and TypePad weblogging products. But it adds in caching and partitioning layers, allowing you to spread data across multiple physical databases, without your application code needing to know where the data is stored.Pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Class::Trigger)perl(DBI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Test::Exception)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.;75f8459e2ed5d826fdede52e0d9e9747./SRPMS.pclosKd ' Y    B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Data-OptList0.110.03pclos2017Parse and validate simple name/value option pairsHashes are great for storing named data, but if you want more than one entry for a name, you have to use a list of pairs.Nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(List::Util)perl(Params::Util)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.921.00.960.03.0.4-1perl-Data-OptList-0.110.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmUr9b11c6f7cefee27ee829cd0059b4ccd8./SRPMS.pclosgd # L| B@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-Data-Page2.20.08pclos2017Help when paging through sets of resultsWhen searching through large amounts of data, it is often the case that a result set is returned that is larger than we want to display on one page. This results in wanting to page through various pages of data. The maths behind this is unfortunately fiddly, hence this module. The main concept is that you pass in the number of total entries, the number of entries per page, and the current page number. You can then call methods to find out how many pages of information there are, and what number the first and last entries on the current page really are.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Chained)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Page-2.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm-x9d31c3d448e8be1b2ec5b0ac6c48580b./SRPMS.pclosd & C  JB@TBABEBJCperl-Data-Pageset1.60.08pclos2017Page numbering and page setsThe object produced by Data::Pageset can be used to create page navigation, it inherits from Data::Page and has access to all methods from this object. In addition it also provides methods for dealing with set of pages, so that if there are too many pages you can easily break them into chunks for the user to browse through. You can even choose to view page numbers in your set in a 'sliding' fassion.$ bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Page)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Pageset-1.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm+48898be87e8987c28441e4d52a156c38./SRPMS.pclosWd & S@D N_h|B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Data-Paginate0.0.67pclos2017OO interface to paginate data with 1 moduleThis module gives you a single resource to paginate data very simply. It includes access to the page/data variables as well as a way to generate the navigation HTML and get the data for the current page from a list of data and many many other things. It can definately be extended to generate the navigation cotrols for XML, Tk, Flash, Curses, etc... (See "SUBCLASSING" below) Each item in the "new()" and "Non new() entries" sections have a get_ and set_ method unless otherwise specified.;7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Std)perl(Class::Std::Utils)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Paginate-0.0.6-7pclos2017.src.rpmCe4ff00087abb5308a5a2873dd98dd95d./SRPMS.pclosGd ( >  $@B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Data-Paginator0.80.04pclos2017Pagination with MooseThis is yet another pagination module. It only exists because none of the other pager modules are written using Moose. Sometimes there is a Moose feature – MooseX::Storage, in my case – that you need. It's a pain when you can't use it with an existing module. This module aims to be completely compatible with the venerable the Data::Page manpage. In fact, it's a pretty blatant copy of Data::Page, lifting code from some of it's methods.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Types)perl(MooseX::Types::Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Data-Paginator-0.80.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmA64fbd933517502aeced4735d0a9cca9ad./SRPMS.pclosd ( V 2B@=BAlBEpBJCperl-Data-Password1.120.03pclos2017Perl extension for assessing password qualityThis module checks potential passwords for crackability. It checks that the password is in the appropriate length, that it has enough character groups, that it does not contain the same characters repeatedly or ascending or descending characters, or charcters close to each other in the keyboard. It will also attempt to search the ispell word file for existance of whole words. The module's policies can be modified by changing its variables. (Check the "VARIABLES" manpage). For doing it, it is recommended to import the ':all' shortcut when requiring it: _use Data::Password qw(:all);_fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Password-1.120.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm%S80ad5f2713fd97e471f9548dc676e4e7./SRPMS.pclosd" - e gB@BABEBJCperl-Data-Password-Meter0.70.04pclos2017Data::Password::Meter - Check the strength of passwordsCheck the strength of a password. The scoring is based on Passwordmeter by Steve Moitozo.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d ( \ B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Data-PathSimple1.0.29pclos2017Navigate and manipulate data structures using pathsData::PathSimple allows you to get and set values deep within a data structure using simple paths to navigate (think XPATH without the steroids). Why do this when we already have direct access to the data structure? The motivation is that the path will come from a user using a command line tool.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-PathSimple-1.0.2-9pclos2017.src.rpmcf48efcead7440b804edb45e3ea00858./SRPMS.pclosd $ O B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Peek0.440.04pclos2017A collection of low-level debug facilitiesData::Peek started off as 'DDumper' being a wrapper module over the Data::Dumper manpage, but grew out to be a set of low-level data introspection utilities that no other module provided yet, using the lowest level of the perl internals API as possible. DDumper ($var, ...) Not liking the default output of Data::Dumper, and always feeling the need to set '$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;', and not liking any of the default layouts, this function is just a wrapper around Data::Dumper::Dumper with everything set as I like it. $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(DynaLoader)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Data-Peek-0.440.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmb123d868674b56aa231080dc9444bae7./SRPMS.pclosd " U  L V B@jBABEBJCperl-Data-Perl0.2.96pclos2017Wrapping class for Perl's built in array structureData::Perl is a collection of classes that wrap fundamental data types that exist in Perl. These classes and methods as they exist today are an attempt to mirror functionality provided by Moose's Native Traits. One important thing to note is all classes currently do no validation on constructor input. Data::Perl is a container class for the following classes: * * the Data::Perl::Collection::Hash manpage`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Method::Modifiers)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Role::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::Output)perl(parent)perl(strictures)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Perl-0.2.9-6pclos2017.src.rpmh35db3e2e7cf7df3264bacbe74a737574./SRPMS.pclosd ' R B@$BATBEXBJyCperl-Data-PowerSet0.50.08pclos2017Generate all subsets of a list of elements'Data::PowerSet' takes a list and returns all possible combinations of the elements appearing in the list without replacement.Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-PowerSet-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm$6c993c19f25fa68921cc526b03611eb2./SRPMS.pclosd ' b (`fB@BABEBJCperl-Data-Printer0.380.03pclos2017Pretty-printing date and time objects (not just DateTime!)the Data::Printer manpage lets you add custom filters to display data structures and objects, by either specifying them during "use", in the '.dataprinter' configuration file, or even in runtime customizations. But there are times when you may want to group similar filters, or make them standalone in order to be easily reutilized in other environments and applications, or even upload them to CPAN so other people can benefit from a cleaner - and clearer - object/structure dump. This is where 'Data::Printer::Filter' comes in. It *exports* into your package's namespace the the /filter manpage function, along with some helpers to create custom filter packages.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Clone::PP)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Package::Stash)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sort::Naturally)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.910.00.300. & Y nB@BABEBJCperl-Data-Random0.120.04pclos2017Data::Random - Perl module to generate random dataA module used to generate random data. Useful mostly for test programs.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::Piece)perl(YAML::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.00.880.! , X,0 :KTlB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Data-RandomPerson0.510.04pclos2017Select an element from a list in proportionOverview Returns an object that can be used to create random people and return the data in a hash. The data is a hash reference with the following keys: * gender This is either 'm' or 'f'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Date::Calc)perl(Data::Random)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Share)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-RandomPerson-0.510.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm4c7439b1b29f426b25330afdbfa57cfb./SRPMS.pclosd % 9 PB@]BABEBJCperl-Data-Record0.20.08pclos2017"split" on steroidsSometimes we need data split into records and a simple split on the input record separator ('$/') or some other value fails because the values we're splitting on may allowed in other parts of the data. Perhaps they're quoted. Perhaps they're embedded in other data which should not be split up. This module allows you to specify what you wish to split the data on, but also speficy an "unless" regular expression. If the text in question matches the "unless" regex, it will not be split there. This allows us to do things like split on newlines unless newlines are embedded in quotes.!sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Sub::Uplevel)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Record-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm)14db0465947ed67ec0c849949a39bda3c./SRPMS.pclosWd! , Htx    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Data-SearchEngine0.330.09pclos2017Digest flag & configurationThere are *lots* of search engine libraries. Each has a different interface. The goal of Data::SearchEngine is to provide a simple, extensive set of classes and roles that you can use to wrap a search implementation. The net result will be an easily swappable backend with a common set of features.Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Paginator)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JSON::Any)perl(JSON::XS)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Role)perl(MooseX::Storage)perl(MooseX::Storage::Deferred)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(strict)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' \04 >OX  W B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Section0.200.66pclos2017read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA sectionData::Section provides an easy way to access multiple named chunks of line-oriented data in your module's DATA section. It was written to allow modules to store their own templates, but probably has other uses.QTbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::FailWarnings)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300." - E 8B@QBABEBJCperl-Data-Section-Simple0.70.07pclos2017Read data from __DATA__Data::Section::Simple is a simple module to extract data from '__DATA__' section of the file.0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-Data-Section-Simple-0.70.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm733119994135dfb2410575df47705c69d./SRPMS.pclosd * N #, ` d B@xBABEBJCperl-Data-Semantic1.101.6208pclos2017Adapter for Regexp::Common patternsThere are various distributions on CPAN dealing with data that has semantics attached them. For example, an IP address is not just a string, but it has a format the can be checked.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Accessor::Complex)perl(Data::Inherited)perl(English)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Regexp::Common)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::CompanionClasses::Base)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Semantic-1.101.620-8pclos2017.src.rpmY;fae926feac4ece1e47d6fecb308fd86e./SRPMS.pclosd * R   ~ B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Serializer0.600.08pclos2017Generic interface to serializer modulesThis module is intended for folks who release CPAN modules with "t/*.t" tests. It makes it easy for you to output syntactically correct test-output while at the same time logging all test activity to a log file. Hopefully, bug reports which include the contents of this file will be easier for you to investigate.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AutoLoader)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d $ -lp zB@BABE BJ-Cperl-Data-Stack0.10.08pclos2017OO StackQuite simple, really. Just a stack implemented via an array. Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Stack-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm00593f08a518642a33afc61f2e0bcde8./SRPMS.pclosd $ >$( 2CLTB@BABEBJCperl-Data-Stag0.140.07pclos2017Data-Stag module for perlThis module is for manipulating data as recursively nested tag/value pairs (Structured TAGs or Simple Tree AGgreggates). These datastructures can be represented as nested arrays, which have the advantage of being native to perl.fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-IO-Stringrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Stag-0.140.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmMb36132fd85004810753541717e4e5d2b./SRPMS.pclosd  + I  +4TB@BAPBETBJuCperl-Data-Stream-Bulk0.110.09pclos2017L traversalThis module tries to find middle ground between one at a time and all at once processing of data sets. The purpose of this module is to avoid the overhead of implementing an iterative api when this isn't necessary, without breaking forward compatibility in case that becomes necessary later on. The API optimizes for when a data set typically fits in memory and is returned as an array, but the consumer cannot assume that the data set is bounded.Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Path::Class)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.900.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-Data-Stream-Bulk-0.110.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmb2110cd1d806410ef9af8d725a16f69ea./SRPMS.pclosd & = ;B@EBAtBExBJCperl-Data-Struct1.701.09pclos2017Simple struct buildingThis module implements a very basic and easy to use struct builder. A _struct_ is a data structure that can contain values (attributes). The values of the attributes can be set at creation time, and read and modified at run time. Attributes can be anything that Perl can handle. There's no checking on types. You may want to use the Class::Struct manpage if you need _struct_s with type checking and inheritance. Objects are much more powerful. Besides data, they can contain behaviour (methods), support inheritance and encapsulation. This module deals with data structures and not Objects, so I took placed it under the Data:: hierarchy.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Struct-1.701.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm c44eab37c267d037fe8b0160293d2034./SRPMS.pclosd# . W04 >OXxB@'BA\BE`BJCperl-Data-Structure-Util0.160.05pclos2017Change nature of data within a structure"Data::Structure::Util" is a toolbox to manipulate the data inside a data structure. It can process an entire tree and perform the operation requested on each appropriate element. For example: It can transform all strings within a data structure to utf8 or transform any utf8 string back to the default encoding. It can remove the blessing on any reference. It can collect all the objects or detect if there is a circular reference. It is written in C for decent speed.cbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Simple)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ > B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Data-Swap0.80.015pclos2017Data-Swap module for perlThis module allows you to swap the contents of two referenced variables, even if they have different types.fpbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Swap-0.80.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmmA933ec877ab0703aa4f7b79159b1b0610./SRPMS.pclosd $ L &7@H{B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Taxi0.960.09pclos2017Taint-aware, XML-ish data serializationTaxi (*T*aint-*A*ware *X*ML-*I*sh) is a data serializer with several handy features: * Taint aware Taxi does not force you to trust the data you are serializing. None of the input data is executed.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Debug::ShowStuff)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Taxi-0.960.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm%813c73681e19b0ea3ad912bf84145f5a./SRPMS.pclosd'. 9 c    B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Transform-ExplicitMetadata0.50.05pclos2017Encode Perl values in a json-friendly wayThe JSON module can only encode Perl data structures directly representable as JSON strings: simple scalars, arrayrefs and hashrefs. This module transforms a perl data structure into one which may safely be JSON encoded, while maintaining Perl-specific metadata that isn't directly expressable in JSON such as blessed and tied references, self-referential data, typeglobs, reference addresses, etc. When destrializing, it recreates the original data as closely as possible. It also includes a Javascript library to manipulate the data structure created from the JSON string.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Transform-ExplicitMetadata-0.50.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmH739f971221736c5ea1702d9cf5582fca./SRPMS.pclosd * Z   iB@sBABEBJCperl-Data-Transformer0.40.09pclos2017Traverse a data structure, altering it in placeThe basic idea of this class is that you provide a callback subroutine for each type of data that you wish to affect or collect information from.9 bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Transformer-0.40.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm@7c476e42e49f19042d925f7ae791704a./SRPMS.pclosod * P  @B@ BA<BE@BJaCperl-Data-TreeDumper0.400.08pclos2017Improved replacement for Data::DumperData::Dumper and other modules do a great job of dumping data structures. Their output, however, often takes more brain power to understand than the data itself. When dumping large amounts of data, the output can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to see the relationship between each piece of the dumped data. Data::TreeDumper also dumps data in a tree-like fashion but hopefully in a format more easily understood.rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Check::ISA)perl(Class::ISA)perl(Devel::Size)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Sort::Naturally)perl(Term::Size)perl(Text::Wrap)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.580.00.200.02001.92.9003.0.4-1perl-Data-TreeDumper-0.400.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmz{e64a3307074dc2f931a5f994912a39dd./SRPMS.pclosd$+ 6 c sB@BABEBJCperl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK0.20.09pclos2017Gtk2::TreeView renderer for Data::TreeDumperGTK-perl renderer for *Data::TreeDumper*. This widget is the gui equivalent of Data::TreeDumper; it will display a perl data structure in a TreeView, allowing you to fold and unfold child data structures and get a quick feel for what's where. Right-clicking anywhere in the view brings up a context menu, from which the user can choose to expand or collapse all items.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::TreeDumper)perl(Term::Size)perl(Gtk2)x11-server-xvfbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpma067dc10053c65041eb61d86170691c9./SRPMS.pclosSd $ D48 BS\pB@BA BE$BJECperl-Data-Types0.90.07pclos2017Validate and convert data typesThis module exports a number of functions that are useful for validating and converting data types. It is intended for use in applications where data types are more important than they typically are in Perl -- e.g., database applications.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Types-0.90.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm,d308b5bb9932400899331c799a6b84ca./SRPMS.pclosd " h ?B@JBAtBExBJCperl-Data-UUID1.2241pclos2019Perl extension for generating Globally/Universally Unique IdentifiersPerl extension for generating Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs).IODevelopment/Perlx86_64 perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-UUID-1.224-1pclos2019.src.rpmOl275fa9f4ded07f05fe18a5eb7d890496./SRPMS.pclos#d  , N $B@BABEBJCperl-Data-UUID-LibUUID0.50.018pclos2017Drop in L replacementThis module provides bindings for libuuid shipped with e2fsprogs or uuid-dev on debian, and also works with the system _uuid.h_ on darwin.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::use::ok)perl-asaperl-devellibuuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-UUID-LibUUID-0.50.0-18pclos2017.src.rpm2cfcc0fd0a44d1f36fdf032e4d753585./SRPMS.pclosd & Z  (0@B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Uniqid0.120.04pclos2017Perl extension for simple generating of unique id'sData::Uniqid provides three simple routines for generating unique ids. These ids are coded with a Base62 system to make them short and handy (e.g. to use it as part of a URL). bb2 Development/Cnoarch perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Time::HiRes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Uniqid-0.120.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmff90ee8d641dbaa79e2b58d3d76d2404./SRPMS.pclosgd % C    B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-Data-Util0.630.010pclos2017Exports subrtouines lexicallyThis module provides utility functions for data and data types, including functions for subroutines and symbol table hashes (stashes). The implementation of this module is both Pure Perl and XS, so if you have a C compiler, all the functions this module provides are really faster. There are many benchmarks in the _DIST-DIR/benchmark/_ directory.+cbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat)perl(Scope::Guard)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$ / Z  $B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Validate-Domain0.110.04pclos2017Light weight module for validating domainsThis module collects domain validation routines to make input validation, and untainting easier and more readable. All functions return an untainted value if the test passes, and undef if it fails. This means that you should always check for a defined status explicitly. Don't assume the return will be true. (e.g. is_username('0')) The value to test is always the first (and often only) argument.mhbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Net::Domain::TLD)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Validate-Domain-0.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmug092639e99803c007905d3490f6acf722./SRPMS.pclosd  + W  <  B@-BA`BEdBJCperl-Data-Validate-IP0.250.03pclos2017Lightweight IPv4 and IPv6 validation moduleThis module collects ip validation routines to make input validation, and untainting easier and more readable. All functions return an untainted value if the test passes, and undef if it fails. This means that you should always check for a defined status explicitly. Don't assume the return will be true. (e.g. is_username('0')) The value to test is always the first (and often only) argument.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(NetAddr::IP)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + dh r   B@BABEBJCperl-Data-Validate-Type1.5.18pclos2017Public interface encapsulating Params::Util to offer data type validation functions that pass PerlCriticParams::Util is a wonderful module, but suffers from a few drawbacks: - Function names start with an underscore, which is usually used to indicate private functions. - Function names are uppercase, which is usually used to indicate file handles or constants. - Function names don't pass PerlCritic's validation, making them problematic to import. Functions use by default the convention that collection that collections need to not be empty to be valid (see _ARRAY0/_ARRAY for example), which is counter-intuitive. Those drawbacks are purely cosmetic and don't affect the usefulness of the functions, so this module encapsulates the functions to offer an API that fixes these problems.jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dump)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Params::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::FailWarnings)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-Validate-Type-1.5.1-8pclos2017.src.rpms6aa52807e1752b8a9d32b0affcc266647./SRPMS.pclosd ) : GB@BABEBJCperl-Data-Validation0.25.13pclos2017No summary foundThis module implements filters and common constraints in builtin methods and uses a factory pattern to implement an extensible list of external filters and constraints Data values are filtered first before testing against the constraints. The filtered data values are returned if they conform to the constraints, otherwise an exception is throwntbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Null)perl(Email::Valid)perl(Exporter::Tiny)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTTP::Tiny)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Metadata)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(Type::Tiny)perl(Unexpected)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){l3e5963d72974b480e30a0fdb7104e320./SRPMS.pclosGd ' J    B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Data-Visitor0.300.08pclos2017A visitor for Perl data structuresThis module is a simple visitor implementation for Perl values.ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Load)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Tie::ToObject)perl(namespace::clean)perl-Test-MockObjectrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " :lp zB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Data-YAML0.0.74pclos2017Easy YAML serialisationIn the spirit of YAML::Tiny, Data::YAML::Reader and Data::YAML::Writer provide lightweight, dependency-free YAML handling. While 'YAML::Tiny' is designed principally for working with configuration files, 'Data::YAML' concentrates on the transparent round- tripping of YAML serialized Perl data structures.7Sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Data-YAML-0.0.7-4pclos2017.src.rpm=21c72a89bd861411c0ac618e94174641./SRPMS.pclosKd $ ITX bs|B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Date-Calc6.400.04pclos2017Gregorian calendar date calculationsThis library provides all sorts of date calculations based on the Gregorian calendar (the one used in all western countries today), thereby complying with all relevant norms and standards: ISO/R 2015-1971, DIN 1355 and, to some extent, ISO 8601 (where applicable).bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Bit::Vector)perl(Carp::Clan)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.400. & J    B@BABEBJ%Cperl-Date-Extract0.50.04pclos2017Extract probable dates from stringsTake an arbitrary block of text, search it for something that looks like a date string, and extract it.qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(DateTime::Format::Natural)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::MockTime)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Date-Extract-0.50.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmxr2c1caac84c20dbfc0fd613851955ff65./SRPMS.pclos#d" - OTX bs|B@BABEBJCperl-Date-HolidayParser0.410.09pclos2017Parser for ~/.holiday-style filesThis is a module that parses .holiday-style files. These are files that define holidays in various parts of the world. The files are easy to write and easy for humans to read, but can be hard to parse because the format allows many different ways to write it.ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Any::Moose)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Date-HolidayParser-0.410.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm|a4e1a6822ff9b9dec328febd5870ef9e./SRPMS.pclosd % G48 BS\  i B@}BABEBJCperl-Date-Manip6.530.03pclos2017Date-Manip upstream_name for PerlThis is a set of routines designed to make any common date/time manipulation easy to do. Operations such as comparing two times, calculating a time a given amount of time from another, or parsing international times are all easily done. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::File)perl(Storable)perl(Test::Inter)perl(Test::More)perl(utf8)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Date-Manip-6.530.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm1f90903e63c37421358dd7c106edba12./SRPMS.pclosd & S B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Date-Pcalc6.100.018pclos2017Pure-Perl drop-in replacement for Date::Calc 'use Date::Pcalc qw( Days_in_Year Days_in_Month ... );'bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Bit::Vector)perl(Carp::Clan)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Date-Pcalc-6.100.0-18pclos2017.src.rpm`39361a2dde3448c34bd3e6c8770ce75d./SRPMS.pclosod % @tx B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Date-Range1.410.08pclos2017Work with a range of datesQuite often, when dealing with dates, we don't just want to know information about one particular date, but about a range of dates. For example, we may wish to know whether a given date is in a particular range, or what the overlap is between one range and another. This module lets you ask such questions.Ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Date::Simple)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Date-Range-1.410.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmq513b73ec0409df93540a146d77c1bb2c./SRPMS.pclosd & ; ,B@BABEBJCperl-Date-Simple3.30.013pclos2017A simple date objectDates are complex enough without times and timezones. This module may be used to create simple date objects. It handles: * Validation. Reject 1999-02-29 but accept 2000-02-29.`bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Date-Simple-3.30.0-13pclos2017.src.rpmg94c0ec1589c70aad4b947caaea386629./SRPMS.pclosd # B  +4CB@BABEBJCperl-DateTime1.260.03pclos2017A date and time object in PerlDateTime is a class for the representation of date/time combinations, and is part of the Perl DateTime project. It represents the Gregorian calendar, extended backwards in time before its creation (in 1582). This is sometimes known as the "proleptic Gregorian calendar". In this calendar, the first day of the calendar (the epoch), is the first day of year 1, which corresponds to the date which was (incorrectly) believed to be the birth of Jesus Christ.mbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(DateTime::Locale)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(POSIX)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(XSLoader)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(integer)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)perl(warnings::register)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.410.01.740.$* 5 d8< FW`xB@BAPBETBJuCperl-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian1.0.09pclos2017DateTime extension for the Discordian calendarThe Discordian Calendar Seasons Name Patron apostle ---- -------------- Chaos Hung Mung Discord Dr. Van Van Mojo Confusion Sri Syadasti Bureaucracy Zarathud The Aftermath The Elder Malaclypse Each season contains 73 consecutively numbered days. Holidays Apostle Holidays Season Holidays ---------------- --------------- 1) Mungday 1) Chaoflux 2) Mojoday 2) Discoflux 3) Syaday 3) Confuflux 4) Zaraday 4) Bureflux 5) Maladay 5) Affluxjbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Locale)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian-1.0.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmr536c86482aeff8d6d4c12c9491dadf81./SRPMS.pclosOd&- 8 [DH RclB@BABE BJACperl-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical0.60.04pclos2017Dates in the pataphysical calendarDateTime::Calendar::Pataphysical is the implementation of the pataphysical calendar. Each year in this calendar contains 13 months of 29 days. This regularity makes this a convenient alternative for the irregular Gregorian calendar.obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Duration)perl(DateTime::Locale)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::MockTime)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)perl-DateTimerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.520.03.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmw@07315f4b49086756e7e1407eff946dec./SRPMS.pclosd# . h  B@BABEBJCperl-DateTime-Event-ICal0.130.04pclos2017Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrencesThis module provides convenience methods that let you easily create 'DateTime::Set' objects for rfc2445 style recurrences.ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Event::Recurrence)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!) 4 m B@.BAhBElBJCperl-DateTime-Event-Recurrence0.180.03pclos2017DateTime::Set extension for create basic recurrence setsThis module provides convenience methods that let you easily create 'DateTime::Set' objects for various recurrences, such as "once a month" or "every day". You can also create more complicated recurrences, such as "every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM".ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Set)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)' 3 ^pt ~   B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-DateTime-Format-Builder0.810.010pclos2017Create DateTime parser classes and objectsThis module understands the formats used by MySQL for its DATE, DATETIME, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create DateTime objects, and it can take a DateTime object and produce a string representing it in the MySQL format.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Factory::Util)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Strptime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.600.$ / S    B@$BA\BE`BJCperl-DateTime-Format-CLDR1.170.04pclos2017Parse and format CLDR time patternsThis module provides a parser (and also a formater) for datetime strings using patterns as defined by the Unicode CLDR Project (Common Locale Data Repository). the http://unicode.org/cldr/ manpage. CLDR format is supported by the DateTime manpage and the DateTime::Locale manpage starting with version 0.40.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Incomplete)perl(DateTime::Locale)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Simple)perl(Test::Warn)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.480.00.420.00.950.06.590.00.760.00.820.03.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-CLDR-1.170.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm37a6e0700d6b7e40b6ccf412e64731d8./SRPMS.pclosGd!( 3 V &7@XB@BABEBJ9Cperl-DateTime-Format-DateManip0.40.09pclos2017Perl DateTime extension to convertDateTime::Format::DateManip is a class that knows how to convert between 'Date::Manip' dates and durations and 'DateTime' and 'DateTime::Duration' objects. Recurrences are note yet supported.?6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Date::Manip)perl(DateTime)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-DateManip-0.40.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmEf76e02195ee28874cec4c7de0269a800./SRPMS.pclosd!( 4 Z cB@pBABEBJCperl-DateTime-Format-DateParse0.50.010pclos2017Parses Date::Parse compatible formatsThis module is a compatibility wrapper around the Date::Parse module.H-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Date::Parse)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(Time::Zone)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse-0.50.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmNd9a9f80d58e79c0f4b5ec12f270797ef./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 W 8B@BBA|BEBJCperl-DateTime-Format-Duration1.40.04pclos2017Format and parse DateTime::DurationsThis module formats and parses DateTime::Duration objects as well as other durations representations. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Duration)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-Duration-1.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmc13f9529dfe88d9c348bc79842b24338./SRPMS.pclos[d% 0 O (DB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-DateTime-Format-Epoch0.160.04pclos2017Active Directory epoch secondsThis module can convert a DateTime object (or any object that can be converted to a DateTime object) to the number of seconds since a given epoch. It can also do the reverse.bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::More)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.310.01.660.03.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-Epoch-0.160.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmi4916715487624391e89e7e4843f5509a./SRPMS.pclos?d ( 3 t    B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-DateTime-Format-Flexible0.260.06pclos2017A module that try very hard to parse string into DateTime objectIf you have ever had to use a program that made you type in the date a certain way and thought "Why can't the computer just figure out what date I wanted?", this module is for you. DateTime::Format::Flexible attempts to take any string you give it and parse it into a DateTime object.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Builder)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Test::MockTime)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.740.00.440.03.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.260.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm 3d51dc03a52f0987e839aab27a9f60f0./SRPMS.pclosd$ / H WB@xBABEBJCperl-DateTime-Format-HTTP0.420.06pclos2017Date conversion routinesThis module provides functions that deal the date formats used by the HTTP protocol (and then some more).K:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Date)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"e7a7f654b07bff4a151d8bd237ff9c83./SRPMS.pclosd# . b /8XB@"BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-DateTime-Format-ICal0.90.08pclos2017Parse and format iCal datetime and duration stringsThis module understands the ICal date/time and duration formats, as defined in RFC 2445. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create the appropriate objects.Fqbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Event::ICal)perl(DateTime::Set)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(Module::Build)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-ICal-0.90.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmM77d5b70be74bc098696e907275f5c3e5./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 a _B@BABEBJCperl-DateTime-Format-ISO86010.80.09pclos2017Parses almost all ISO8601 date and time formatsParse and format W3CDTF datetime strings. ISO8601 time-intervals will be supported in a later release.Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Builder)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)]03cb984732721836e18130978b931731./SRPMS.pclosCd$ / `    B@BABEBJ5Cperl-DateTime-Format-Mail0.402.04pclos2017Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formatsRFCs 2822 and 822 specify date formats to be used by email. This module parses and emits such dates. RFC2822 (April 2001) introduces a slightly different format of date than that used by RFC822 (August 1982). The main correction is that the preferred format is more limited, and thus easier to parse programmatically. Despite the ease of generating and parsing perfectly valid RFC822 and RFC2822 people still get it wrong. So this module provides four things for those handling mail dates: A strict parser that will only accept RFC2822 dates, so you can see where you're right. A strict formatter, so you can generate the right stuff to begin with. A loose parser, so you can take the misbegotten output from other programs and turn it into something useful. This includes various minor errors as well as some somewhat more bizarre mistakes.ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Ȍad6d847b258f09638168a66b752de94f./SRPMS.pclos{d$ / Vhl vB@BAHBELBJmCperl-DateTime-Format-MySQL0.60.03pclos2017Parse and format MySQL dates and timesThis module understands the formats used by MySQL for its DATE, DATETIME, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create DateTime objects, and it can take a DateTime object and produce a string representing it in the MySQL format.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Builder)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.600.03.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.60.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmA9c29a41de64afa895ae0f84422c6aaa6./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 b tB@(BA`BEdBJCperl-DateTime-Format-Natural1.30.04pclos2017Base class for DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::'DateTime::Format::Natural' takes a string with a human readable date/time and creates a machine readable one by applying natural parsing logic.6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Clone)perl(Cwd)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Util)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Term::ReadLine)perl(Test::MockTime)perl(Test::More)perl(boolean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.03.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-Natural-1.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm=91ad2ca49e0f78fbf6db8ce922fcc0c2./SRPMS.pclosd$ / [ }B@BABEBJCperl-DateTime-Format-Pg0.160.1104pclos2017Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and timesThis module understands the formats used by PostgreSQL for its DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, and INTERVAL data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create 'DateTime' or 'DateTime::Duration' objects, and it can take a 'DateTime' or 'DateTime::Duration' object and produce a string representing it in a format accepted by PostgreSQL.ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Builder)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)]3b186701cd25da6e409d7a5a7f74ddfb./SRPMS.pcloscd% 0 Z(, 6GPlB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-DateTime-Format-RFC33391.2.03pclos2017Parse and format RFC3339 datetime stringsThis module understands the RFC3339 date/time format, an ISO 8601 profile, defined at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339 . It can be used to parse these formats in order to create the appropriate objects.(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-RFC3339-1.2.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm/191a5d85e61801ba878b8eafdacc063b./SRPMS.pcloskd" - E 4B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-DateTime-Format-RSS0.30.08pclos2017Format DateTime For RSSDateTime::Format::RSS attempts to deal with those nasty RSS date/time strings used in fields (such as , , ) that never ever seems to be right.Nnbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(DateTime::Format::DateParse)perl(DateTime::Format::ISO8601)perl(DateTime::Format::Mail)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-RSS-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmUSc55dccdf96884ab69ae08d1a6e5fe5c1./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 Y 2B@=BAtBExBJCperl-DateTime-Format-SQLite0.110.09pclos2017Parse and format SQLite dates and timesThis module understands the formats used by SQLite for its 'date', 'datetime' and 'time' functions. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create the DateTime manpage objects, and it can take a DateTime object and produce a timestring accepted by SQLite. *NOTE:* SQLite does not have real date/time types but stores everything as strings. This module deals with the date/time strings as understood/returned by SQLite's 'date', 'time', 'datetime', 'julianday' and 'strftime' SQL functions. You will usually want to store your dates in one of these formats.9[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Factory::Util)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Builder)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.110.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmAc2140c5865136589065d355a8084f21e./SRPMS.pclosd ( 3 `hl vUB@BABEBJCperl-DateTime-Format-Strptime2.640.04pclos2017Parse and format strp and strf time patternsThis module implements most of strptime(3), the POSIX function that is the reverse of strftime(3), for DateTime. While strftime takes a DateTime and a pattern and returns a string, strptime takes a string and a pattern and returns the DateTime object associated.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Locale)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Package::DeprecationManager)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 YX\ fwB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF0.60.08pclos2017Parse and format W3CDTF datetime stringsThis module understands the W3CDTF date/time format, an ISO 8601 profile, defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime. This format as the native date format of RSS 1.0. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create the appropriate objects.xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.00.610.03.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmw50881c01df359a2497d5e53a6540bf6f./SRPMS.pclosd" - X    B@BABEBJCperl-DateTime-Functions0.120.03pclos2017Procedural interface to DateTime functionsThis module simply exports all class methods of DateTime into the caller's namespace.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Duration)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Functions-0.120.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm$0eceb28ffa627b71424d346e6f529ed5./SRPMS.pclosod" - T$( 2CLdB@BA<BE@BJaCperl-DateTime-Incomplete0.80.03pclos2017An incomplete datetime, like January 5DateTime::Incomplete is a class for representing partial dates and times. These are actually encountered relatively frequently. For example, a birthday is commonly given as a month and day, without a year.jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Event::Recurrence)perl(DateTime::Set)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.140.1003.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Incomplete-0.80.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmqD55e0cd59c9479b822cfb3d9b8b96444e./SRPMS.pclosd ) K 'B@LBA|BEBJCperl-DateTime-Locale1.30.03pclos2017Localization support for DateTimeThe DateTime::Locale perl module is primarily a factory for the various locale subclasses used by DateTime. It also provides some functions for getting information on available locales. If you want to know what methods are available for locale objects, then please read the DateTime::Locale::Base documentation.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Dist::CheckConflicts)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Storable)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){2c02f1471b07ce697049122e9dc2fd0c./SRPMS.pclosd + X@D N_hpB@BABEBJCperl-DateTime-Precise1.50.011pclos2017Perform common time and date operations withThe purpose of this library was to replace our dependence on Unix epoch time, which, being limited to a range of about 1970 to 2030, is inadequate for our purposes (we have data as old as 1870). This date library effectively handles dates from A.D. 1000 to infinity, and would probably work all the way back to 0 (ignoring, of course, the switch-over to the Gregorian calendar). The useful features of Unix epoch time (ease of date difference calculation and date comparison, strict ordering) are preserved, and elements such as human-legibility are added. The library handles fractional seconds and some date/time manipulations used for the Global Positioning Satellite system. The operators +/-, <=>, cmp, stringify are overloaded. Addition handles seconds and fractions of seconds, subtraction handles seconds or date differences, compares work, and stringification returns the a representation of the date. The US Geological Survey (USGS) likes midnight to be 24:00:00 of the previous day, not 00:00:00 of the day people expect. If $DateTime::Precise::USGSMidnight is set, dprintf will always print midnight as 24:00:00 and the date returned from dprintf will have the previous day's date. Regardless, time is always stored internally as 00:00:00./bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Precise-1.50.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmR92d5efdddb7bd7946f6cc8a0e270e448./SRPMS.pclos[d ' W8< FW`tB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-DateTime-Set0.360.03pclos2017Extends Set::Infinite with recurrence functionsDateTime::Set is a module for datetime sets. It can be used to handle two different types of sets. The first is a fixed set of predefined datetime objects. For example, if we wanted to create a set of datetimes containing the birthdays of people in our family for the current year. The second type of set that it can handle is one based on a recurrence, such as "every Wednesday", or "noon on the 15th day of every month". This type of set can have fixed starting and ending datetimes, but neither is required. So our "every Wednesday set" could be "every Wednesday from the beginning of time until the end of time", or "every Wednesday after 2003-03-05 until the end of time", or "every Wednesday between 2003-03-05 and 2004-01-07".bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Set::Infinite)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , T  B@BABEBJCperl-DateTime-TimeZone1.980.03pclos2017Time zone object base class and factoryThis perl module defines the base class for all time zone objects. A time zone is represented internally as a set of observances, each of which describes the offset from GMT for a given time period. Note that without the DateTime.pm module, this module does not do much. Its primary interface is through a DateTime object, and most users will not need to directly use DateTime::TimeZone methods..bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Singleton)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Compare)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Storable)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ,b747615e9d66de8002c6fb73e3b81eb9./SRPMS.pclosd ' V [B@eBABEBJCperl-DateTime-Tiny1.60.02pclos2017A date object, with as little code as possible*DateTime::Tiny* is a most prominent member of the the DateTime::Tiny manpage suite of time modules. It implements an extremely lightweight object that represents a datetime. The Tiny Mandate Many CPAN modules which provide the best implementation of a certain concepts are very large. For some reason, this generally seems to be about 3 megabyte of ram usage to load the module.[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTime-Tiny-1.60.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmcM7e6ff622d55ab205cc5da0898e193270./SRPMS.pclosd ( a\` j{   B@BABEBJCperl-DateTimeX-Easy0.89.09pclos2017Parse a date/time string using the best method availableDateTimeX::Easy makes DateTime object creation quick and easy. It uses a variety of DateTime::Format packages to do the bulk of the parsing, with some custom tweaks to smooth out the rough edges (mainly concerning timezone detection and selection).~bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Date::Parse)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::DateManip)perl(DateTime::Format::Flexible)perl(DateTime::Format::ICal)perl(DateTime::Format::Natural)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DateTimeX-Easy-0.89.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm27802bfadafaa8a60e38ba51b1eafb29./SRPMS.pclos'd ' J8< FW`.B@BABEBJCperl-Debug-Client0.290.08pclos2017Client side code for perl debuggernew The constructor can get two parameters: host and port. my $d = Debug::Client->new; my $d = Debug::Client->new(host => 'remote.hots.com', port => 4242); Immediately after the object creation one needs to callbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Socket::IP)perl(PadWalker)perl(Term::ReadLine)perl(Term::ReadLine::Gnu)perl(Term::ReadLine::Perl)perl(Test::CheckDeps)perl(Test::Class)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(constant)perl(parent)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) c4608ae3ae6186dfc2c8bbe924ce64db./SRPMS.pclosd * b  YB@cBABEBJCperl-Debug-ShowStuff1.160.07pclos2017A collection of handy debugging routines for displaying'Debug::ShowStuff' grew dynamically from my needs in debugging code. I found myself doing the same tasks over and over... displaying the keys and values in a hash, displaying the elements in an array, displaying the output of STDERR in a web page, etc. 'Debug::ShowStuff' began as two or three of my favorite routines and grew as I added to that collection. Finally I decided to publish these tools in the hope that other Perl hackers will find them useful. 'Debug::ShowStuff' is intended for debugging, not for production work. I would discourage anyone from using 'Debug::ShowStuff' in ready-for-primetime code. 'Debug::ShowStuff' is only for quick-n-dirty displays of variable values in order to debug your code. These functions display values the way I personally like them displayed. Your preferences may be different. I encourage you to modify 'Debug::ShowStuff' to suit your own needs.Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(String::Util)perl(Tie::IxHash)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Debug-ShowStuff-1.160.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm604ec086f05f1766676b42f3c45fceff7./SRPMS.pclosSd") 4 ^ $ .?H`B@BA BE$BJECperl-Declare-Constraints-Simple0.30.08pclos2017Declarative Validation of Data StructuresThe main purpose of this module is to provide an easy way to build a profile to validate a data structure. It does this by giving you a set of declarative keywords in the importing namespace.{sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp::Clan)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(aliased)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm5005e072307a42899a70cb6cd43edac2./SRPMS.pclosd ! A JB@WBABEBJCperl-DefHash1.0.114pclos2017Sah schemas to validate DefHashThis module contains the Sah manpage schemas to validate the DefHash manpage.Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DefHash-1.0.11-4pclos2017.src.rpmM9dfe7f7fb59a463c8cb771b576cc5284d./SRPMS.pclosd % i  CB@LBAxBE|BJCperl-DelimMatch1.60.0a4pclos2017Perl extension to find regexp delimited strings with proper nestingThese routines allow you to match delimited substrings in a buffer. The delimiters can be specified with any regular expression and the start and end delimiters need not be the same. If the delimited text is properly nested, entire nested groups are returned. In addition, you may specify quoting and escaping characters that contribute to the recognition of start and end delimiters.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-DelimMatch-1.60.0a-4pclos2017.src.rpm,5c696ea5870455c90b1ec9c604fb975e./SRPMS.pclosd ) c  '0<|B@BABEBJCperl-Devel-ArgNames0.30.010pclos2017Figure out the names of variables passed into subroutinesWhen print-debugging code, you will often ind yourself going: print "\$foo is $foo, \$bar is $bar" With this module, you can write a reusable subroutine easily:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(PadWalker)perl(Test::use::ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-ArgNames-0.30.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmb9f34fce2e9e63469c2d5aa4b53e6e380./SRPMS.pclosd ) M<@ J[d  > B@TBABEBJCperl-Devel-Autoflush0.60.06pclos2017Set autoflush from the command lineThis module is a hack to set autoflush for STDOUT and STDERR from the command line or from 'PERL5OPT' for code that needs it but doesn't have it. This often happens when prompting: print "Guess a number: "; my $n = ;7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(IO::CaptureOutput)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) + E ,B@BABEBJCperl-Devel-Backtrace0.120.010pclos2017Object-oriented backtraceThis class is a nice way to access all the information caller provides on a given level. It is used by L, which generates an array of all trace points.9-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(String::Escape)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Backtrace-0.120.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm@3a95c54bb78a78abb0eb729bff4f2e12./SRPMS.pclos#d * EPT ^oxB@BABEBJCperl-Devel-CallTrace1.200.05pclos2017See what your code's doingThere are a number of perl modules in the CPAN that are designed to trace a program's execution as it runs. Each uses a different trick to do its job, but none of them quite met my needs. The technique this module uses is quite simple and seems to be quite robust.Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-CallTrace-1.200.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmCc1a459693cf6a2c5fcb7152e2e84dd78./SRPMS.pclosd ' D 2B@DBAtBExBJCperl-Devel-Caller2.60.011pclos2017Meatier versions of caller()This module provides various improvements over the built-in caller() primitive.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(PadWalker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$C04617743ddc1ba532e4f55789b53ebee./SRPMS.pclosd! , N 8B@ABAtBExBJCperl-Devel-Caller-Perl1.400.08pclos2017Devel-Caller-Perl module for perlDevel-Caller-Perl module for perl. This module allows a method to get at arguments passed to subroutines higher up in the call stack.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Caller-Perl-1.400.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm318081861af90c376030020cd6fbe598./SRPMS.pclosd ( O bB@sBABEBJCperl-Devel-Callsite0.80.08pclos2017Get caller return OP or Interp addressThe _callsite()_ function returns the the OP address of the caller, a number, one level up from where it was called. It's useful for functions that need to uniquely know where they were called, such as _Every::every()_; see the Every manpage. Or it can be used to the pinpoint a location with finer granularity than a line number|http://www.perlmonks.com/?node_id=987268 manpage. In conjunction with an OP tree disassembly you can know exactly where the caller is located in the Perl source. The _context()_ function returns the interpreter context as a number. This is a fairly unique number together with the call site.Bbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( J XB@sBABEBJCperl-Devel-CheckBin0.40.04pclos2017Check that a command is availableDevel::CheckBin is a perl module that checks whether a particular command is available.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.520.00.980.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-CheckBin-0.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm1990c7c18352dcd3a7c797ca65d705d74./SRPMS.pclosd" - O pB@BABEBJCperl-Devel-CheckCompiler0.60.04pclos2017Check the compiler's availabilityDevel::CheckCompiler is checker for compiler's availability.2;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.00.980.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-CheckCompiler-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm82b16f7a5f025f2cbc5d06186be702395./SRPMS.pclosd ( J B@BABEBJCperl-Devel-CheckLib1.70.03pclos2017Check that a library is availableDevel::CheckLib is a perl module that checks whether a particular C library and its headers are available.?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::CaptureOutput)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( GTX bs|B@@BApBEtBJCperl-Devel-CheckOS1.760.04pclos2017Check what OS we're running onA learned sage once wrote on IRC: $^O is stupid and ugly, it wears its pants as a hat Devel::CheckOS provides a more friendly interface to $^O, and also lets you check for various OS "families" such as "Unix", which includes things like Linux, Solaris, AIX etc.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Compare)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & W<@ J[dB@BA BE$BJECperl-Devel-Chitin0.60.04pclos2017Programmatic interface to the Perl debugging APIDevel::Chitin is not a usable debugger per se. It has no mechanism for interacting with a user such as reading command input or printing results. Instead, clients of this API may call methods to inspect the debugged program state. The debugger core calls methods on clients when certain events occur, such as when the program is stopped by breakpoint or when the program exits. Multiple clients can attach themselves to Devel::Chitin simultaneously within the same debugged program.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Devel::Callsite)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Pipe)perl(PadWalker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Chitin-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm4bac3757c4cba7c8cfc04c0b678678f1./SRPMS.pclosd ' C B@BABEBJ Cperl-Devel-Comments1.1.48pclos2017Fix ::Tie_STDx TELL() issue_I get the feeling that the computer just skips over all the comments._ -- a grad student *Devel::Comments* is a source filter for your Perl code, intended to be used only during development. Specially-formatted 'smart' comments are replaced by executable code to dump variables to screen or to file, display loop progress bars, or enforce conditions. These smart comments can all be disabled at once by commenting out the 'use Devel::Comments' line, whereupon they return to being simple, dumb comments. Your debugging code can remain in place, guaranteed harmless, ready for the next development cycle. Devel::Comments is a fork of the Smart::Comments manpage; current intention is to add new features without breaking backward compatibility. Version 1.1.2 implements the 'any filehandle' feature, allowing smart output to go to any filehandle opened for writing. You may instead pass in a filename, which DC will open for you. Future plans include extended calling syntax, numerical level enabling, improved progress bars, dump method callback, and execution of arbitrary code. Bugs raised against Smart::Comments 1.0.4 will be fixed in DC.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Filter::Simple)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Balanced)perl(version)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Comments-1.1.4-8pclos2017.src.rpmŇ942d8ce89886e29a5a557eb5ef33bf27./SRPMS.pclosd & V`d nB@BABEBJCperl-Devel-Confess0.8.04pclos2017Include stack traces on all warnings and errorsThis module is meant as a debugging aid. It can be used to make a script complain loudly with stack backtraces when warn()ing or die()ing. Unlike other similar modules (e.g. Carp::Always), it includes stack traces even when exception objects are thrown. The stack traces are generated using Carp, and will look work for all types of errors. Carp's "carp" and "confess" functions will also be made to include stack traces. $ perl -d:Confess -e 'sub f { die "arghh" }; sub g { f }; g' arghh at -e line 1. main::f() called at -e line 1 main::g() called at -e line 1 $ perl -d:Confess -w -e 'sub f { $a = shift; @a = @$a };' \ -e 'sub g { f(undef) }; g' Use of uninitialized value $a in array dereference at -e line 1. main::f(undef) called at -e line 2 main::g() called at -e line 2 Internally, this is implemented with $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} hooks. Stack traces are also included if raw non-object references are thrown.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Confess-0.8.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmZ1df102b54129d4c04c62c78b82c48fd7./SRPMS.pclos;d * X B@BABE BJ-Cperl-Devel-CoreStack1.300.09pclos2017Try to generate a stack dump from a core filetry to generate a stack dump from a core file.!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-CoreStack-1.300.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm(Dcbcb8119209885bfbc3d4a9baade1561./SRPMS.pclosd & E TB@iBABEBJCperl-Devel-Cover1.230.03pclos2017Code coverage metrics for PerlThis module provides code coverage metrics for Perl. Code coverage metrics describe how thoroughly tests exercise code. By using Devel::Cover you can find areas of code not exercised by your tests and find out which tests to create to increase coverage. Code coverage can be considered as an indirect measure of quality. bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.690.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-Cover-1.230.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm^26f297cc26c23c347ad3d11e576a747e./SRPMS.pclosd & D &7@PB@BABEBJ Cperl-Devel-Cycle1.120.04pclos2017Find memory cycles in objectsThis is a simple developer's tool for finding circular references in objects and other types of references. Because of Perl's reference-count based memory management, circular references will cause memory leaks.!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Cycle-1.120.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm'aa6bd1e41f80d7a991dbcc05b818c710./SRPMS.pcloskd ' H    B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Devel-Declare0.6.185pclos2017Adding keywords to perl, in perlDevel::Declare can install subroutines called declarators which locally take over Perl's parser, allowing the creation of new syntax.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(B::Hooks::EndOfScope)perl(B::Hooks::OP::Check)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d * P &7@XB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Devel-DumpTrace0.240.04pclos2017PPI-based version of Devel::DumpTrace'Text::Shorten' creates small strings and small arrays from larger values for display purposes. The output will include the string '"..."' to indicate that the value being displayed is abbreviated. 'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Hash::SafeKeys)perl(PadWalker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d ' P  B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Devel-Dumpvar1.60.09pclos2017A pure-OO reimplementation of dumpvar.plMost perl dumping modules are focused on serializing data structures into a format that can be rebuilt into the original data structure. They do this with a variety of different focuses, such as human readability, the ability to execute the dumped code directly, or to minimize the size of the dumped data. Excect for the one contained in the debugger, in the file dumpvar.pl. This is a much more human-readable form, highly useful for debugging, containing a lot of extra information without the burden of needing to allow the dump to be re-assembled into the original data. The main downside of the dumper in the perl-debugger is that the dumpvar.pl script is not really a readily loadable and useable module. It has dedicated hooks from and to the debugger, and spans across multiple namespaces, including main::.wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Spec)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Dumpvar-1.60.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmd7b34de148d24351dc91cb2704e4c901./SRPMS.pclosod ( C B@ BA<BE@BJaCperl-Devel-FindPerl0.14.04pclos2017Find the path to your perlThis module tries to find the path to the currently running perl.;-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::Config)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(IPC::Open2)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-FindPerl-0.14.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmAfaed2e8cbd632969bd2c0e172995dea2./SRPMS.pclosKd' 2 _ /8LB@BABEBJ=Cperl-Devel-GlobalDestruction0.130.07pclos2017Expose PL_dirty, the flag which marks globalPerl's global destruction is a little tricky to deal with WRT finalizers because it's not ordered and objects can sometimes disappear. Writing defensive destructors is hard and annoying, and usually if global destruction is happenning you only need the destructors that free up non process local resources to actually execute. For these constructors you can avoid the mess by simply bailing out if global destruction is in effect.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % gPT ^oxB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Devel-Hide0.0.9007pclos2017Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing)Given a list of Perl modules/filenames, this module makes 'require' and 'use' statements fail (no matter the specified files/modules are installed or not). They _die_ with a message like: Can't locate Module/ToHide.pm (hidden)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Hide-0.0.900-7pclos2017.src.rpm&30a37d4001bccd5558fececa059c1604./SRPMS.pclosd $ ` =B@GBAtBExBJCperl-Devel-Leak0.30.08pclos2017Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimedDevel::Leak has two functions 'NoteSV' and 'CheckSV'. 'NoteSV' walks the perl internal table of allocated SVs (scalar values) - (which actually contains arrays and hashes too), and records their addresses in a table. It returns a count of these "things", and stores a pointer to the table (which is obtained from the heap using malloc()) in its argument. 'CheckSV' is passed argument which holds a pointer to a table created by 'NoteSV'. It re-walks the perl-internals and calls sv_dump() for any "things" which did not exist when 'NoteSV' was called. It returns a count of the number of "things" now allocated.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Leak-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmD86d7a808c583daa5a2ec2cad0a31ea9b./SRPMS.pclosd  + C ,B@6BAhBElBJCperl-Devel-Leak-Object1.10.08pclos2017Detect leaks of objectsThis module provides tracking of objects, for the purpose of detecting memory leaks due to circular references or innappropriate caching schemes. Object tracking can be enabled on a per object basis. Any objects thus tracked are remembered until DESTROYed; details of any objects left are printed out to stderr at END-time. use Devel::Leak::Object qw(GLOBAL_bless);bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Leak-Object-1.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm02d3ad34e1295381f5d223f51ac7c0ef./SRPMS.pclos7d% 0 L 8B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Devel-LeakGuard-Object0.80.04pclos2017Scoped object leak checkingThis module provides tracking of objects, for the purpose of detecting memory leaks due to circular references or innappropriate caching schemes. It is derived from, and backwards compatible with Adam Kennedy's the Devel::Leak::Object manpage. Any errors are mine. It works by overridding 'bless' and adding a synthetic 'DESTROY' method to any tracked classes so that it can maintain a count of blessed objects per-class.Pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Load)perl(List::Util)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(latest)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-LeakGuard-Object-0.80.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmXd0665bc2072edcffc3564cf5dc2ed936./SRPMS.pclosd ) A VB@hBABEBJCperl-Devel-LexAlias0.50.012pclos2017Alias lexical variablesDevel::LexAlias provides the ability to alias a lexical variable in a subroutines scope to one of your choosing._bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::Caller)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' W  @  B@(BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Devel-NYTProf6.30.03pclos2017Powerful feature-rich perl source code profilerDevel::NYTProf is a powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler. * Performs per-line statement profiling for fine detail * Performs per-subroutine statement profiling for overview * Performs per-block statement profiling (the first profiler to do so) * Accounts correctly for time spent after calls return * Performs inclusive and exclusive timing of subroutines * Subroutine times are per calling location (a powerful feature) * Can profile compile-time activity, just run-time, or just END time * Uses novel techniques for efficient profiling * Sub-microsecond (100ns) resolution on systems with clock_gettime() * Very fast - the fastest statement and subroutine profilers for perl * Handles applications that fork, with no performance cost * Immune from noise caused by profiling overheads and I/O * Program being profiled can stop/start the profiler * Generates richly annotated and cross-linked html reports * Trivial to use with mod_perl - add one line to httpd.conf * Includes an extensive test suite * Tested on very large codebases NYTProf is effectively two profilers in one: a statement profiler, and a subroutine profiler.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Which)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>77029f82df6218cd3c07ce6a1af8247d./SRPMS.pclosd  + K  *;D|uB@BABEBJCperl-Devel-OverloadInfo0.4.04pclos2017Introspect overloaded operatorsDevel::OverloadInfo returns information about overload operators for a given class (or object), including where in the inheritance hierarchy the overloads are declared and where the code implementing it is.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Package::Stash)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Identify)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.;68d492b74272463df553767c1360d3bd./SRPMS.pclosOd ' Hpt ~B@BABE BJACperl-Devel-PPPort3.320.04pclos2017Portability aid for your XS codePerl's API has changed over time, gaining new features, new functions, increasing its flexibility, and reducing the impact on the C namespace environment (reduced pollution). The header file written by this module, typically _ppport.h_, attempts to bring some of the newer Perl API features to older versions of Perl, so that you can worry less about keeping track of old releases, but users can still reap the benefit. 'Devel::PPPort' contains a single function, called 'WriteFile'. Its only purpose is to write the _ppport.h_ C header file. This file contains a series of macros and, if explicitly requested, functions that allow XS modules to be built using older versions of Perl. Currently, Perl versions from 5.003 to 5.10.0 are supported. This module is used by 'h2xs' to write the file _ppport.h_.[bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-PPPort-3.320.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmb427f1d2900237615c93db4a4e72e45dc./SRPMS.pclosd! , g@D N_h  C B@aBABEBJCperl-Devel-PartialDump0.180.04pclos2017Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argumentThis module is a data dumper optimized for logging of arbitrary parameters. It attempts to truncate overly verbose data, in a way that is hopefully more useful for diagnostics warnings than warn Dumper(@stuff);zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Tiny)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Test::use::ok)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * D &7@XB@BABE BJACperl-Devel-PatchPerl1.420.03pclos2017Replacement 'hints' filesDevel::PatchPerl is a modularisation of the patching code contained in the Devel::PPort manpage's 'buildperl.pl'. It does not build perls, it merely provides an interface to the source patching functionality.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::pushd)perl(IO::File)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Module::Pluggable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . Qhl vB@)BA`BEdBJCperl-Devel-Platform-Info0.160.03pclos2017Retrieve Solaris platform metadataThis module is a wrapper to the drivers which can determine platform metadata regarding the currently running operating system. The intention of this distribution is to provide key identifying components regarding the platform currently being used, for the CPAN Testers test reports. Currently the reports do not often contain enough information to help authors understand specific failures, where the platform may be a factor. However, it is hoped that this distribution will find more uses far beyond the usage for CPAN Testers.F/bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::File)perl(Test::Builder::Tester)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.700.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-Platform-Info-0.160.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmL2966da647843894554aa2f2fbcf9a65b./SRPMS.pclosd $ D #,B@/BA\BE`BJCperl-Devel-REPL1.3.274pclos2017a modern perl interactive shellThis is an interactive shell for Perl, commonly known as a REPL - Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. The shell provides for rapid development or testing of code without the need to create a temporary source code file. Through a plugin system, many features are available on demand. You can also tailor the environment through the use of profiles and run control files, for example to pre-load certain Perl modules when working on a particular project.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B::Concise)perl(Devel::Peek)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Meta::Role)perl(Moose::Role)perl(MooseX::Getopt)perl(MooseX::Object::Pluggable)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Term::ReadLine)perl(Test::CheckDeps)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(if)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( 9 &7@HuB@~BABEBJCperl-Devel-Refactor0.50.09pclos2017No summary foundThe *Devel::Refactor* module is for code refactoring. While *Devel::Refactor* may be used from Perl programs, it is also designed to be used with the *EPIC* plug-in for the *eclipse* integrated development environment.+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Refactor-0.50.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm2\af774d435fd5459acc1a08945f080215./SRPMS.pclos/d ) O  B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Devel-Refcount0.100.09pclos2017Obtain the REFCNT value of a referentThis module provides a single function which obtains the reference count of the object being pointed to by the passed reference value.Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-Refcount-0.100.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmCc5af60c1d090b627188bbfdc882498e1./SRPMS.pclos/d  + `  *;DXB@BABEBJ!Cperl-Devel-SimpleTrace0.80.08pclos2017See where you code warns and dies using stack tracesThis module can be used to more easily spot the place where a program or a module generates errors. Its use is extremely simple, reduced to just useing it. This is achieved by modifying the functions warn() and die() in order to replace the standard messages by complete stack traces that precisely indicates how and where the error or warning occurred. Other than this, their use should stay unchanged, even when using die() inside eval().K*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-SimpleTrace-0.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmRab17679e8bb3803325ba498a2ef456d4./SRPMS.pclosgd % M`d nB@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-Devel-Size0.800.04pclos2017Find the memory usage of Perl variablesThis module figures out the real sizes of Perl variables in bytes. Call functions with a reference to the variable you want the size of. If the variable is a plain scalar it returns the size of the scalar. If the variable is a hash or an array, use a reference when calling.!bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Size-0.800.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm(7ea2a9450dddd9f0ea543ec7b912568a./SRPMS.pclosd * T    B@BABEBJ Cperl-Devel-StackTrace2.10.03pclos2017Stack trace and stack trace frame objectsDevel-StackTrace module for perl. Simple objects to deal with stack traces. The parent object, Devel::StackTrace, holds a number of Devel::StackTraceFrame objects (which have the same information as is returned from caller()). You can step through these frames forwards and backwards as you want or retrieve specific frames.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(bytes)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-StackTrace-2.10.0-3pclos2017.src.rpma52cdb14c985c7fd95f7e3eddf7a82db./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 O +B@=BAxBE|BJCperl-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML0.150.03pclos2017Displays stack trace in HTMLDevel::StackTrace::AsHTML adds 'as_html' method to the Devel::StackTrace manpage which displays the stack trace in beautiful HTML, with code snippet context and function parameters. If you call it on an instance of the Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals manpage, you even get to see the lexical variables of each stack frame.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Devel::StackTrace)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.150.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmN5edac9922e59dc1ae9c4db85204e52d6./SRPMS.pclosd ( N $B@/BA`BEdBJCperl-Devel-Symdump2.170.03pclos2017Dump symbol names or the symbol tableThis little package serves to access the symbol table of perl.Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Symdump-2.170.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmRf20292be976220ac5e62e973633ccf52d./SRPMS.pclosd  + tx B@-BA`BEdBJCperl-Devel-TakeHashArgs0.6.06pclos2017make a hash from @_ and set defaults in subs while checking that all mandatory arguments are presentThe module is a short utility I made after being sick and tired of writing redundant code to make a hash out of args when they are passed as key/value pairs including setting their defaults and checking for mandatory arguments.(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.580.03.0.4-1perl-Devel-TakeHashArgs-0.6.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm0338103787fd72bc329c99ab71a95a5b67./SRPMS.pcloscd & B B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Devel-Trace0.120.08pclos2017Devel-Trace module for perlA debugging module that prints out each line before it is executed (like sh -x).bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-Trace-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm443bc02929337e01623df6f577719c00./SRPMS.pclosd ( [    B@BABEBJCperl-Devel-TraceUse2.94.03pclos2017Hack around calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a functionThe UNIVERSAL class provides a few default methods so that all objects can use them. Object orientation allows programmers to override these methods in subclasses to provide more specific and appropriate behavior. Some authors call methods in the UNIVERSAL class on potential invocants as functions, bypassing any possible overriding. This is wrong and you should not do it. Unfortunately, not everyone heeds this warning and their bad code can break your good code. Fortunately, this upstream_name replaces UNIVERSAL::can() with a method that checks to see if the first argument is a valid invocant (whether an object -- a blessed referent -- or the name of a class). If so, and if the invocant's class has its own can() method, it calls that as a method. Otherwise, everything works as you might expect. If someone attempts to call UNIVERSAL::can() as a function, this upstream_name will emit a lexical warning (see perllexwarn) to that effect. You can disable it with no warnings; or no warnings 'UNIVERSAL::isa';, but don't do that; fix the code instead.ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::CoreList)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) Z B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Devel-TraceVars0.30.08pclos2017Print each line of code with variables evaluatedIf you run your program with 'perl -d:TraceVars program', this module will print the current line of code being executed to standard error just before each line is executed. The contents of all scalar variables will be evaluated and displayed as well. All leading and trailing spaces will be removed from each line.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(PadWalker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-TraceVars-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm4357d7c13658eeda893043134458ebff./SRPMS.pclos[d ' O \B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Devel-Trepan0.730.03pclos2017A gdb-like debugger port of Ruby TrepanInvocation From a shell: $ trepan.pl [trepan-opts] -- perl-program [perl-program-opts] For out-of-process (and possibly out-of server) debugging:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Array::Columnize)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Devel::Callsite)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Module::Build)perl(PadWalker)perl(Pod::Text)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(rlib)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & 1 B,0 :KT | S B@BABEBJCperl-Devel-Trepan-Disassemble2.0.23pclos2017No summary found*disassemble* [_options_] [_subroutine_|_package-name_ ...] _options_: -concise -terse -linenoise -debug -compact -exec -tree -loose -vt -ascii -from -to {bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B::Concise)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Devel::Callsite)perl(Devel::Trepan)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Module::Build)perl(Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved)perl(Test::Simple)perl(rlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - c }B@BABEBJCperl-Devel-Trepan-Shell1.500.09pclos2017An interactive shell command plugin for Devel::TrepanAn interactive shell command plugin for Devel::Trepan and other Devel::Trepan enhancements.7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Devel::REPL)perl(Devel::Trepan)perl(Test::More)perl(version)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>ed925e34124c98bc50ea9cac799add710./SRPMS.pclos3d $ Q  lB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Devel-hdb0.230.03pclos2017Perl debugger as a web page and REST servicehdb is a Perl debugger that uses HTML and javascript to implement the GUI. This front-end talks to a REST service provided by the debugger running with the Perl code.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTTP::Server::PSGI)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Socket)perl(IO::Socket::INET)perl(JSON)perl(PadWalker)perl(Plack::Request)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Socket)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(WWW::Mechanize)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-hdb-0.230.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm6e244b38b4e41eea30b26e37dbfcc623./SRPMS.pclos/d % B`d nB@BABEBJ!Cperl-Devel-ptkdb1.10919pclos2017Perl debugger using a Tk GUIPerl debugger using a Tk GUI.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Tk)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Devel-ptkdb-1.1091-9pclos2017.src.rpm0ed7057f4fb84e9a1752b1fb1b9d4c66./SRPMS.pclosd % M BB@UBABEBJCperl-Device-Cdio0.3.015pclos2017Module for CD Input and Control libraryA module to make easier temporary directories deletionbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl-develperl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Module::Build)perl-versionpkgconfig(libcdio)swigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % J hB@{BABEBJCperl-Device-Gsm1.600.09pclos2017Interface gsm handphones and modems'Device::Gsm' class implements basic GSM functions, network registration and SMS sending. This class supports also 'PDU' mode to send 'SMS' messages, and should be fairly usable. In the past, I have developed and tested it under Linux RedHat 7.1 with a 16550 serial port and Siemens C35i/C45 GSM phones attached with a Siemens-compatible serial cable. Currently, I'm developing and testing this stuff with Linux Slackware 10.2 and a *Cambridge Silicon Radio* (CSR) USB bluetooth dongle, connecting to a Nokia 6600 phone. Please be kind to the universe and contact me if you have troubles or you are interested in this.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Device::Modem)perl(Device::SerialPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.470.03.0.4-1perl-Device-Gsm-1.600.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmdb7393f325d95691d758ac93529ef8bf./SRPMS.pclosd # UDH Rcl  < B@LBAxBE|BJCperl-Device-MAC1.0.09pclos2017Handle hardware MAC Addresses (EUI-48 and EUI-64)This module provides an interface to deal with Media Access Control (or MAC) addresses. These are the addresses that uniquely identify a device on a network. Although the common case is hardware addresses on network cards, there are a variety of devices that use this system. This module supports both EUI-48 and EUI-64 addresses. Some devices that use EUI-48 (or MAC-48) addresses include: Ethernet 802.11 wireless networks Bluetooth IEEE 802.5 token ring FDDI ATMIbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped)perl(Device::OUI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Most)perl(ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Device-MAC-1.0.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmQ adfb8e6ca17d9c457f5e5dbbc56d38d5./SRPMS.pclosGd ' SX\ fwB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Device-Modem1.570.07pclos2017Interface modems and other AT based devices'Device::Modem' class implements basic *AT (Hayes) compliant* device abstraction. It can be inherited by sub classes (as 'Device::Gsm'), which are based on serial connections. Things 'Device::Modem' can do * * connect to a modem on your serial portbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Device::SerialPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Device-Modem-1.570.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm'ecbe9dc873c5a0e331d5825e5daa0dff./SRPMS.pclosd $ R }B@BABEBJCperl-Device-OUI1.40.09pclos2017Resolve an Organizationally Unique IdentifierThis module provides an interface to the IEEE OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) registry. The registry contains information on what company an OUI is assigned to. OUIs are used in various networking devices as part of a unique ID method (network MAC addresses and Fiber Channel WWNs in particular, see the the Device::MAC manpage and the Device::WWN manpage modules for more information).xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Grouped)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Device-OUI-1.40.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm 13c19fd7f3657fb800b4924d228a85c9./SRPMS.pclosd  , M 0B@:BAlBEpBJCperl-Device-SerialPort1.40.015pclos2017POSIX clone of Win32::SerialPortThis module provides an object-based user interface essentially identical to the one provided by the Win32::SerialPort module. Initialization The primary constructor is *new* with either a _PortName_, or a _Configuretion File_ specified. With a _PortName_, this will open the port and create the object. The port is not yet ready for read/write access. First, the desired _parameter settings_ must be established. Since these are tuning constants for an underlying hardware driver in the Operating System, they are all checked for validity by the methods that set them. The *write_settings* method updates the port (and will return True under POSIX). Ports are opened for binary transfers. A separate 'binmode' is not needed. $PortObj = new Device::SerialPort ($PortName, $quiet, $lockfile) || die "Can't open $Port Name: $!\n";bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Device-SerialPort-1.40.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmzd42ce9ddae5b021ce18559e950c5c5b0./SRPMS.pclosgd ! <hl vB@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-Digest1.170.09pclos2017Calculate digests of filesThe 'Digest::' modules calculate digests, also called "fingerprints" or "hashes", of some data, called a message. The digest is (usually) some small/fixed size string. The actual size of the digest depend of the algorithm used. The message is simply a sequence of arbitrary bytes or bits. An important property of the digest algorithms is that the digest is _likely_ to change if the message change in some way. Another property is that digest functions are one-way functions, that is it should be _hard_ to find a message that correspond to some given digest. Algorithms differ in how "likely" and how "hard", as well as how efficient they are to compute. Note that the properties of the algorithms change over time, as the algorithms are analyzed and machines grow faster. If your application for instance depends on it being "impossible" to generate the same digest for a different message it is wise to make it easy to plug in stronger algorithms as the one used grow weaker. Using the interface documented here should make it easy to change algorithms later.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-Digest-1.170.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm3fee2c954c9f32b0e68912e5cb4a09d3e./SRPMS.pclos/d" - O48 BS\hB@BABEBJ!Cperl-Digest-BubbleBabble0.20.08pclos2017Create bubble-babble fingerprintsDigest::BubbleBabble takes a message digest (generated by either of the MD5 or SHA-1 message digest algorithms) and creates a fingerprint of that digest in "bubble babble" format. Bubble babble is a method of representing a message digest as a string of "real" words, to make the fingerprint easier to remember. The "words" are not necessarily real words, but they look more like words than a string of hex characters. Bubble babble fingerprinting is used by the SSH2 suite (and, consequently, by Net::SSH::Perl, the Perl SSH implementation) to display easy-to-remember key fingerprints. The key (a DSA or RSA key) is converted into a textual form, digested using Digest::SHA1, and run through bubblebabble to create the key fingerprint.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Filter::Util::Call)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.03.0.4-1perl-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm532058e1d800575236c3e0e3c69b5977./SRPMS.pclosd % ; EB@OBA|BEBJCperl-Digest-CRC0.210.04pclos2017Generic CRC functionsThe Digest::CRC module calculates CRC sums of all sorts. It contains wrapper functions with the correct parameters for CRC-CCITT, CRC-16 and CRC-32.#/bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-CRC-0.210.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm)x60fbb1842168cee350988785ac0375b9./SRPMS.pclosod % \ B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Digest-GOST0.60.04pclos2017Perl interface to the GOST R 34.11-94 digest algorithmThis module provides an interface to the GOST R 34.11-94 message digest algorithm.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-GOST-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmed03d5b3e6a1265e0712631dd8588662./SRPMS.pclossd % Nlp zB@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Digest-HMAC1.30.09pclos2017Keyed-Hashing for Message AuthenticationDigest-HMAC module for perl. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & Z  \NB@dBABEBJCperl-Digest-JHash0.90.04pclos2017Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing AlgorithmThe 'Digest::JHash' module allows you to use the fast JHash hashing algorithm developed by Bob Jenkins from within Perl programs. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 32-bit "message digest" of the input in the form of an unsigned long integer. Call it a low calorie version of MD5 if you like. See http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html for more information.=/bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Cwd)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-JHash-0.90.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmD39171054f2991bf3961ab0454ea37d11./SRPMS.pclos+d ( V04 >OXlB@BABEBJCperl-Digest-Keccak0.50.011pclos2017Perl interface to the Keccak digest algorithmThe 'Digest::Keccak' module provides an interface to the Keccak message digest algorithm. Keccak is a candidate in the NIST SHA-3 competition. This interface follows the conventions set forth by the 'Digest' module.Kbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Digest)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-Keccak-0.50.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmd640e82d7b1e27821d22804950bd8301./SRPMS.pclosGd % Ihl vB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Digest-MD22.40.010pclos2017Perl interface to the MD2 AlgorithmDigest-MD2 module for perl.Gbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-MD2-2.40.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmN45eb488ca92fd4e00f1eeaf7f9fc8c1e./SRPMS.pclosd % Btx B@$BAPBETBJuCperl-Digest-MD52.550.03pclos2017MD5 message digest algorithmThe 'Digest::MD5' module allows you to use the RSA Data Security Inc. MD5 Message Digest algorithm from within Perl programs. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input. Note that the MD5 algorithm is not as strong as it used to be. It has since 2005 been easy to generate different messages that produce the same MD5 digest. It still seems hard to generate messages that produce a given digest, but it is probably wise to move to stronger algorithms for applications that depend on the digest to uniquely identify a message. The 'Digest::MD5' module provide a procedural interface for simple use, as well as an object oriented interface that can handle messages of arbitrary length and which can read files directly.Ŏbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Digest::base)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)͞b7dda934ac5297b091bfb9a8ced04cf8./SRPMS.pclosd ) U 1B@<BAlBEpBJCperl-Digest-MD5-File0.80.08pclos2017Digest::MD5 Sub Class to use paths directly Get MD5 sums for files of a given path or content of a given url.Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP::UserAgent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-MD5-File-0.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm2f1755b7304a03d1a132a2dc9dc6231b./SRPMS.pclosd ) ZPT ^oxB@BABEBJCperl-Digest-MD5-M4p0.10.014pclos2017Perl interface to a variant of the MD5 algorithmhe Digest::MD5 module is cloned from the Digest::MD5 module to support a variant Apple iTunes implementation of the MD5 algorithm. If you don't know why this is so, don't bother with this module! It is incompatible with RSA and RFC standards!*bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-MD5-M4p-0.10.0-14pclos2017.src.rpm1xb267478c299dca559e8ecf5389d65925./SRPMS.pclos7d * Rtx B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Digest-Nilsimsa0.60.016pclos2017Perl interface to the Nilsima AlgorithmDigest-Nilsimsa module for perl.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-Nilsimsa-0.60.0-16pclos2017.src.rpm bad3343fa816173eec31c42b45338ce2./SRPMS.pclosd * J YB@cBABEBJCperl-Digest-Perl-MD51.900.06pclos2017Pure perl implementation of MD5This modules has the same interface as the much faster 'Digest::MD5'. So you can easily exchange them, e.g. BEGIN { eval { require Digest::MD5; import Digest::MD5 'md5_hex' }; if ($@) { # ups, no Digest::MD5 require Digest::Perl::MD5; import Digest::Perl::MD5 'md5_hex' } } If the 'Digest::MD5' module is available it is used and if not you take 'Digest::Perl::MD5'.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.900.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm%477b40ea973ef7f8d831eceafb9b6bd1./SRPMS.pclos7d % NX\ fwB@BABEBJ)Cperl-Digest-SHA5.950.05pclos2017Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512Digest::SHA is a complete implementation of the NIST Secure Hash Standard. It gives Perl programmers a convenient way to calculate SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 message digests. The module can handle all types of input, including partial-byte data.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-SHA-5.950.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmD84c3f6f14267c9a2e4f1a3cd3d854cab./SRPMS.pclosod# . [pt ~B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Digest-SHA-PurePerl5.950.04pclos2017Perl implementation of SHA-1/224/256/384/512Digest::SHA::PurePerl is a complete implementation of the NIST Secure Hash Standard. It gives Perl programmers a convenient way to calculate SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 message digests. The module can handle all types of input, including partial-byte data.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FileHandle)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-SHA-PurePerl-5.950.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm0c53ec347933daa813db70c1aec6a6dd./SRPMS.pclos/d ' Llp zB@BABEBJ!Cperl-Digest-SHA12.130.020pclos2017Perl interface to the SHA1 AlgorithmDigest-SHA1 module for perl.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-SHA1-2.130.0-20pclos2017.src.rpmb0d1964db54edba126b132ff30e37a03./SRPMS.pclosSd * D B@BA BE$BJECperl-Digest-Whirlpool2.40.05pclos2017Perl 512-bit one-way hashDigest::Whirlpool is a 512-bit, collision-resistant, one-way hash function.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Digest-Whirlpool-2.40.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm5eaa5437d4b75220218f289ba3a15c50./SRPMS.pclosd % SH L]d  o B@BABEBJCperl-Dir-Manifest0.6.11pclos2024Load texts or blobs from a directory of filesHere is the primary use case: you have several long texts (and/or binary blobs) that you wish to load from the code (e.g: for the "want"/expected values of tests) and you wish to conveniently edit them, track them and maintain them. Using Dir::Manifest you can put each in a separate file in a directory, create a manifest file listing all valid filenames/key and then say something like 'my $text = $dir->text("deal24solution.txt", {lf => 1})'. And hopefully it will be done securely and reliably.:Development/Perlx86_64   perl(Exporter)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Socket)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)\80e0ecb05c8b3db383a243a10ce49462f./SRPMS.pclosd # _ 0B@=BAhBElBJCperl-Dir-Self0.110.09pclos2017A __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is inPerl has two pseudo-constants describing the current location in your source code, '__FILE__' and '__LINE__'. This module adds '__DIR__', which expands to the directory your source file is in, as an absolute pathname. This is useful if your code wants to access files in the same directory, like helper modules or configuration data. This is a bit like the FindBin manpage except it's not limited to the main program, i.e. you can also use it in modules. And it actually works. As of version 0.10 each use of '__DIR__' recomputes the directory name; this ensures that files in different directories that share the same package name get correct results. If you don't want this, 'use Dir::Self qw(:static)' will create a true '__DIR__' constant in your package that contains the directory name at the point of 'use'.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(lib)perl(strict)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Dir-Self-0.110.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmA5342dff882246449d41bf24239d553a1./SRPMS.pcloscd  + <lp zB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Directory-Iterator1.1.07pclos2017No summary foundThis is a simple, efficient way to get a recursive list of all files under a specified directory. It implements a typical iterator interface, making it simple to convert code that processes a list of files to use this instead. The directory is read as the list is consumed, so memory overhead is minimal. This module simply loads the appropriate backend; either the Directory::Iterator::PP manpage or the Directory::Iterator::XS manpage. With the pure-perl backend, the speed is equivalent to the File::Find manpage; the XS backend is a few times faster.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Directory::Iterator::PP)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Directory-Iterator-1.1.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmBdea9b4b221c650e8abc059058c7b6d48./SRPMS.pclosd# . M *B@3BAhBElBJCperl-Directory-Iterator-PP1.1.47pclos2017Recursively list file contentsThe module creates a list-like generator to recursively list files in a directory. The directories are scanned as the list is consumed, so only the one directory handle and a list of directories to scan are stored in memory. METHODS * *new*(_DIRECTORY_) Create a new instance on the specified _DIRECTORY_, which must be the name of an existing directory.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Directory-Iterator-PP-1.1.4-7pclos2017.src.rpmb54e18077042ee70639879de04878f43./SRPMS.pclos d! , j  `B@BABEBJCperl-Directory-Scratch0.180.04pclos2017Perl Module to generate self-cleaning scratch space for testsWhen writing test suites for modules that operate on files, it's often inconvenient to correctly create a platform-independent temporary storage space, manipulate files inside it, then clean it up when the test exits. The inconvenience usually results in tests that don't work everwhere, or worse, no tests at all. This module aims to eliminate that problem by making it easy to do things right.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::stat)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Path::Class)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){e89cff9e886bfa5c0c0618574c166980./SRPMS.pclos?d$+ 6 | HB@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Directory-Scratch-Structured0.40.08pclos2017creates temporary files and directories from a structured descriptionThis module adds a _create_structured_tree_ subroutine to the the Directory::Scratch manpage.1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::TreeDumper)perl(Directory::Scratch)perl(Readonly)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Test::Block)perl(Test::Dependencies)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)perl(Test::Spelling)perl(Test::Strict)perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Directory-Scratch-Structured-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm71297419c128f44bb9fd50fba692a376./SRPMS.pclos7d& 1 _ @B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Directory-Transactional0.90.08pclos2017Traverse files in LThis module provides lock based transactions over a set of files with full supported for nested transactions.Y6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Any::Moose)perl(Data::Stream::Bulk)perl(Data::GUID)perl(Directory::Scratch)perl(File::NFSLock)perl(File::Path)perl(Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat)perl(List::Util)perl(Moose)perl(Path::Class)perl(Scope::Guard)perl(Set::Object)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::TempDir)perl(Test::use::ok)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(namespace::clean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Directory-Transactional-0.90.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm`Y5a615b6dc4c2fe2c372c89f866b32c37./SRPMS.pcloscd# . Vtx B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Dist-CheckConflicts0.110.06pclos2017Declare version conflicts for your distOne shortcoming of the CPAN clients that currently exist is that they have no way of specifying conflicting downstream dependencies of modules. This module attempts to work around this issue by allowing you to specify conflicting versions of modules separately, and deal with them after the module is done installing. For instance, say you have a module 'Foo', and some other module 'Bar' uses 'Foo'. If 'Foo' were to change its API in a non-backwards-compatible way, this would cause 'Bar' to break until it is updated to use the new API. 'Foo' can't just depend on the fixed version of 'Bar', because this will cause a circular dependency (because 'Bar' is already depending on 'Foo'), and this doesn't express intent properly anyway - 'Foo' doesn't use 'Bar' at all. The ideal solution would be for there to be a way to specify conflicting versions of modules in a way that would let CPAN clients update conflicting modules automatically after an existing module is upgraded, but until that happens, this module will allow users to do this manually.Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300. . M QB@lBABEBJCperl-Domain-PublicSuffix0.100.04pclos2017Default PublicSuffix data fileThis module utilizes the "effective_tld_names.dat" provided by Mozilla as a way to effectively reduce a fully qualified domain name down to the absolute root. The Mozilla PublicSuffix file is an open source, fully documented format that shows absolute root TLDs, primarily for Mozilla's browser products to be able to determine how far a cookie's security boundaries go. This module will attempt to search etc directories in /usr/share/publicsuffix, /usr, /usr/local, and /opt/local for the effective_tld_names.dat file. If a file is not found, a default file is loaded from Domain::PublicSuffix::Default, which is current at the time of the module's release. You can override the data file path by giving the new() method a 'data_file' argument. When creating a new PublicSuffix object, the module will load the data file as specified, and use the internal structure to parse each domain sent to the get_root_domain method. To re-parse the file, you must destroy and create a new object, or execute the _parse_data_file method directly, though that is not recommended.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Data::Validate::Domain)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-Domain-PublicSuffix-0.100.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmI197bf4c2b1a5bb5ffcc1e006d51a307f./SRPMS.pclosd % 6HL Vgp  E B@VBABEBJCperl-EBook-EPUB0.600.09pclos2017No summary foundThe Navigation Control file for XML applications (NCX) exposes the hierarchical structure of a Publication to allow the user to navigate through it. The NCX is similar to a table of contents in that it enables the reader to jump directly to any of the major structural elements of the document, i.e. part, chapter, or section, but it will often contain more elements of the document than the publisher chooses to include in the original print table of contents. It can be visualized as a collapsible tree familiar to PC users.Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Archive::Zip)perl(Carp)perl(Data::UUID)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Writer)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-EBook-EPUB-0.600.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmJq019c4ea18e610746ee4fc7c2ac3aafc1./SRPMS.pclosd $ Q@D N_hB@BABEBJCperl-EBook-Tools0.5.44pclos2017E-Book creation, modification, and unpackingThis module provides an object interface and a number of related procedures intended to create or modify documents centered around the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) standards, currently both OEBPS v1.2 and OPS/OPF v2.0. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Zip)perl(Bit::Vector)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(Config::IniFiles)perl(Data::UUID)perl(Date::Manip)perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBI)perl(Encode::Detect)perl(File::MimeInfo)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Which)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::TextToHTML)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(Image::Size)perl(Lingua::EN::NameParse)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(LWP)perl(Module::Build)perl(Mojo::DOM)perl(Palm::PDB)perl(Palm::Raw)perl(String::CRC32)perl(Tie::IxHash)perl(Time::Local)perl(XML::Twig)perl(version)shared-mime-inforpmlib(CompressedFileNames) c362c111a6686e963d65473caf1b526d./SRPMS.pclosd   Wx| 3B@CBAhBElBJCperl-EV4.210.04pclos2017Wrapper for the libev high-performance event loop libraryA thin wrapper around libev, a high-performance event loop. Intended as a faster and less buggy replacement for the Event perl module. Efficiently supports very high number of timers, scalable operating system APIs such as epoll, kqueue and solaris's ports, child/pid watchers and more.Zbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Canary::Stability)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(common::sense)perl-develperl-AnyEventrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ V  hB@BABEBJ!Cperl-Emacs-Run0.150.08pclos2017Routines for just for writing tests of Emacs::RunEmacs::Run is a module that provides portable utilities to run emacs from perl as an external process. This module provides methods to allow perl code to: * *bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Base)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Hash::Util)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Emacs-Run-0.150.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm1bb217467175a45b30822b6cf2fd2217./SRPMS.pclosd ' QPT ^ox  [ B@BABEBJCperl-Email-Abstract3.8.04pclos2017Unified interface to mail representationsEmail::Abstract provides module writers with the ability to write representation-independent mail handling code. For instance, in the cases of Mail::Thread or Mail::ListDetector, a key part of the code involves reading the headers from a mail object. Where previously one would either have to specify the mail class required, or to build a new object from scratch, Email::Abstract can be used to perform certain simple operations on an object regardless of its underlying representation. Email::Abstract currently supports Mail::Internet, MIME::Entity, Mail::Message, Email::Simple and Email::MIME. Other representations are encouraged to create their own Email::Abstract::* class by copying Email::Abstract::EmailSimple. All modules installed under the Email::Abstract hierarchy will be automatically picked up and used. For this reason, the tedious process of looking for a valid date has been encapsulated in this software. Further, the process of creating RFC compliant date strings is also found in this software.qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Email::Simple)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Parser)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.910.01.500.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-Email-Abstract-3.8.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmz2a430163f0071ca6457ba2f96c0d6469./SRPMS.pclosd ( NPT ^ox  G B@^BABEBJCperl-Email-Address1.908.04pclos2017RFC 2822 Address Parsing and CreationThis class implements a complete RFC 2822 parser that locates email addresses in strings and returns a list of "Email::Address" objects found. Alternatley you may construct objects manually. The goal of this software is to be correct, and very very fast.abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Encode)perl(Encode::MIME::Header)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.03.0.4-1perl-Email-Address-1.908.0-4pclos2017.src.rpma971ab585216c61b96e7a253546afeff./SRPMS.pclosd! , K [B@gBABEBJCperl-Email-Address-List0.50.04pclos2017RFC close address list parsingParser for From, To, Cc, Bcc, Reply-To, Sender and previous prefixed with Resent- (eg Resent-From) headers.vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Email::Address)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JSON)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-Address-List-0.50.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm}e547ae4d7bc2dc7782e9978cd8863fd8./SRPMS.pclosd % B HB@UBABEBJCperl-Email-Date1.104.07pclos2017Find and Format Date HeadersRFC 2822 defines the Date: header. It declares the header a required part of an email message. The syntax for date headers is clearly laid out. Stil, even a perfectly planned world has storms. The truth is, many programs get it wrong. Very wrong. Or, they don't include a Date: header at all. This often forces you to look elsewhere for the date, and hoping to find something. For this reason, the tedious process of looking for a valid date has been encapsulated in this software. Further, the process of creating RFC compliant date strings is also found in this software.=Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Time::Piece)perl(Email::Abstract)perl(Email::Date::Format)perl(Date::Parse)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-Date-1.104.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmErdf14a92bb53e8e998eda8ce15919656c./SRPMS.pclos_d * H &7@\B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Email-Date-Format1.5.04pclos2017Produce RFC 2822 date stringsThis module provides a simple means for generating an RFC 2822 compliant datetime string. (In case you care, they're not RFC 822 dates, because they use a four digit year, which is not allowed in RFC 822.)Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::Local)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.00.960.03.0.4-1perl-Email-Date-Format-1.5.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmDa8e1fad9f063cc5130013fc4109221f5./SRPMS.pclosd % <  '08eB@nBABEBJCperl-Email-Find0.100.08pclos2017Email-Find perl moduleEmail::Find is a module for finding a *subset* of RFC 822 email addresses in arbitrary text (see the section on "CAVEATS"). The addresses it finds are not guaranteed to exist or even actually be email addresses at all (see the section on "CAVEATS"), but they will be valid RFC 822 syntax. Email::Find will perform some heuristics to avoid some of the more obvious red herrings and false addresses, but there's only so much which can be done without a human.{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Email-Validrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-Find-0.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmbda6241ed874207a40339cd921096a94./SRPMS.pcloskd ' M B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Email-Folder0.860.03pclos2017Reads raw RFC822 mails from a maildirIt's yet another email folder reader! It reads MH folders.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Email::FolderType)perl(Email::Simple)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(IO::File)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.600.00.960.03.0.4-1perl-Email-Folder-0.860.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmv59a5cbb663e90a8b817a3bd655255817./SRPMS.pclos+d  + ^    B@BABEBJCperl-Email-FolderType0.814.08pclos2017Class to help Email::FolderType recognise maildirsProvides a utility subroutine for detecting the type of a given mail folder.\dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.06.300.00.960.03.0.4-1perl-Email-FolderType-0.814.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmcpcf1a7108cfc9e46bca9a19f9906e0e4d./SRPMS.pclosd# . P /B@iBABEBJCperl-Email-LocalDelivery1.200.06pclos2017Deliver a piece of email - simplyThis module delivers an email to a list of mailboxes.Cibb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Email::FolderType)perl(Email::Simple)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Path::Expand)perl(Symbol)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-File-Path-Expandrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.700.01.998.06.300. % ?<@ J[dVB@BABEBJCperl-Email-MIME1.937.03pclos2017Easy MIME message parsingThis is an extension of the Email::Simple module, to handle MIME encoded messages. It takes a message as a string, splits it up into its constituent parts, and allows you access to various parts of the message. Headers are decoded from MIME encoding.?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Email::Address)perl(Email::MIME::ContentType)perl(Email::MIME::Encodings)perl(Email::MessageID)perl(Email::Simple)perl(Email::Simple::Creator)perl(Email::Simple::Header)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(MIME::Types)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 9 [ B@BABEBJCperl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper1.317.07pclos2017Strip the attachments from a mailGiven a Email::MIME object, detach all attachments from the message. These are then available separately.rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Email::Address)perl(Email::MIME)perl(Email::MIME::Modifier)perl(MIME::Types)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper-1.317.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmy71b2baf107b644fd15ccdcef0d52280e./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 Q(, 6GPpB@BATBEXBJyCperl-Email-MIME-ContentType1.18.04pclos2017Parse a MIME Content-Type HeaderThis module is responsible for parsing email content type headers according to section 5.1 of RFC 2045. It returns a hash as above, with entries for the discrete type, the composite type, and a hash of attributes.H@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.00.960.03.0.4-1perl-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.18.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmOW25019a2c8d7d35b3c23b0571aac60977./SRPMS.pclosd$ / R B@BABEBJCperl-Email-MIME-CreateHTML1.41.04pclos2017Finds resources via the filesystemThis module allows you to build HTML emails, optionally with a text-only alternative and embedded media objects. For example, an HTML email with an alternative version in plain text and with all the required images contained in the mail. The HTML content is parsed looking for embeddable media objects. A resource loading routine is used to fetch content from those URIs and replace the URIs in the HTML with CIDs. The default resource loading routine is deliberately conservative, only allowing resources to be fetched from the local filesystem. It's possible and relatively straightforward to plug in a custom resource loading routine that can resolve URIs using a broader range of protocols. An example of one using LWP is given later in the the /COOKBOOK manpage. The MIME structure is then assembled, embedding the content of the resources where appropriate. Note that this module does not send any mail, it merely does the work of building the appropriate MIME message. The message can be sent with the Email::Send manpage or any other mailer that can be fed a string representation of an email message.qIbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Serializer)perl(Email::MIME::Creator)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp::WithinPolicy)perl(HTML::Tagset)perl(HTML::TokeParser::Simple)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Log::Trace)perl(MIME::Parser)perl(MIME::Types)perl(Test::Assertions)perl(Test::Assertions::TestScript)perl(URI::file)perl(common::sense)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$ / aX\ fw  ` B@BABEBJCperl-Email-MIME-Encodings1.315.07pclos2017A unified interface to MIME encoding and decodingThis module simply wraps MIME::Base64 and MIME::QuotedPrint so that you can throw the contents of a Content-Transfer-Encoding header at some text and have the right thing happen. Provides a number of useful methods for manipulating MIME messages.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(MIME::QuotedPrint)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300. * L 9B@BBAtBExBJCperl-Email-MessageID1.406.04pclos2017Generate world unique message-idsMessage-ids are optional, but highly recommended, headers that identify a message uniquely. This software generates a unique message-id.Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Email::Address)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-MessageID-1.406.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmI59dc70ee27a331d9d4011726e5236c5d./SRPMS.pclos'd & 9    B@BABEBJCperl-Email-Reply1.204.03pclos2017Reply to a MessageThis software takes the hard out of generating replies to email messages.Orbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Email::Abstract)perl(Email::Address)perl(Email::MIME)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d % : 4B@BABEBJCperl-Email-Send2.201.04pclos2017Simply Sending EmailThis module provides a very simple, very clean, very specific interface to multiple Email mailers. The goal of this software is to be small and simple, easy to use, and easy to extend.z.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Email::Simple)perl(Email::Address)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Return::Value)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-Send-2.201.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm766f419759c104bed1fd451f7c729ece./SRPMS.pclosd ( I ###B@BABEBJCperl-Email-Sender1.300.282pclos2017An SMTP client that stays onlineAn Email::Sender::Success object is just an indicator that an email message was successfully sent. Unless extended, it has no properties of its own.ϣbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Email::Abstract)perl(Email::Address)perl(Email::Simple)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Moo::Role)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base)perl(Net::SMTP)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Exporter::Util)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::More)perl(Throwable::Error)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)perl-Capture-Tinyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'/ : k BB@bBABEBJCperl-Email-Sender-Transport-SMTP-TLS0.150.06pclos2017Email::Sender with L (Eg. Gmail)the Email::Sender manpage replaces the old and sometimes problematic the Email::Send manpage library, while this module replaces the the Email::Send::SMTP::TLS manpage. It is still alpha, but it works. use it at your own risk! ATTRIBUTES The following attributes may be passed to the constructor:7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Email::Sender)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' \ qB@BABEBJCperl-Email-Simple2.210.03pclos2017Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headersEmail::Simple is the first deliverable of the "Perl Email Project", a reaction against the complexity and increasing bugginess of the Mail::* modules. In contrast, Email::* modules are meant to be simple to use and to maintain, pared to the bone, fast, minimal in their external dependencies, and correct.obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Email::Date::Format)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.03.0.4-1perl-Email-Simple-2.210.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmf2dc79e7f92191878461373c209292b3./SRPMS.pclosKd & Q  +4PB@BABEBJ=Cperl-Email-Valid1.200.03pclos2017Check validity of Internet email addressesThis module determines whether an email address is well-formed, and optionally, whether a mail host exists for the domain or whether the top level domain of the email address is valid.0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Mail::Address)perl(Net::DNS)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-Valid-1.200.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm07715150072735bbc9abb8e678423e39./SRPMS.pclosd * [PT ^oxB@BALBEPBJqCperl-Email-Verify-SMTP0.3.08pclos2017Specify dependencies on external non-Perl things'Email::Verify::Simple' is what I came with when I needed to verify several email addresses without actually sending them email. To put that another way: *This module verifies email addresses without actually sending email to them.*Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Socket::Telnet)perl(Net::Nslookup)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Email-Verify-SMTP-0.3.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmJh45d2af3986193258e57e7c9e235f481c./SRPMS.pclosd ! = EB@_BABEBJCperl-Encode2.840.03pclos2017Character Encodings HandlerThe "Encode" module provides the interfaces between Perl's strings and the rest of the system. Perl strings are sequences of characters. The repertoire of characters that Perl can represent is at least that defined by the Unicode Consortium. On most platforms the ordinal values of the characters (as returned by "ord(ch)") is the "Unicode codepoint" for the character (the exceptions are those platforms where the legacy encoding is some variant of EBCDIC rather than a super-set of ASCII - see perlebcdic). Traditionally, computer data has been moved around in 8-bit chunks often called "bytes". These chunks are also known as "octets" in networking standards. Perl is widely used to manipulate data of many types - not only strings of characters representing human or computer languages but also "binary" data being the machine's representation of numbers, pixels in an image - or just about anything. When Perl is processing "binary data", the programmer wants Perl to process "sequences of bytes". This is not a problem for Perl - as a byte has 256 possible values, it easily fits in Perl's much larger "logical character".obb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.,566cd4bc61f4066e304888c9bc0b5eb6./SRPMS.pclosd ( g  qB@}BABEBJCperl-Encode-Detect1.10.016pclos2017An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of dataThis Perl module is an Encode::Encoding subclass that uses Encode::Detect::Detector to determine the charset of the input data and then decodes it using the encoder of the detected charset. It is similar to Encode::Guess, but does not require the configuration of a set of expected encodings. Like Encode::Guess, it only supports decoding--it cannot encode.^bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develperl(Module::Build)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(Data::Dump)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Encode-Detect-1.10.0-16pclos2017.src.rpmZ65367b4a3d46ae5766d8b1c15016cf0e./SRPMS.pclosd  , P DB@NBABEBJCperl-Encode-EUCJPASCII0.30.016pclos2017EucJP-ascii - An eucJP-open mappingThis module provides eucJP-ascii, one of eucJP-open mappings, and its derivative. Following encodings are supported. Canonical Alias Description -------------------------------------------------------------- eucJP-ascii eucJP-ascii qr/\beuc-?jp(-?open)?(-?19970715)?-?ascii$/i x-iso2022jp-ascii 7-bit counterpart qr/\b(x-)?iso-?2022-?jp-?ascii$/i -------------------------------------------------------------- *Note*: 'x-iso2022jp-ascii' is unofficial encoding name: It had never been registered by any standards bodies.~bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Encode)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII-0.30.0-16pclos2017.src.rpm`714cd8edafc9940b653f001cad1f841d./SRPMS.pclosd ) U  (B@BABEBJCperl-Encode-HanConvert0.351pclos2019Traditional and Simplified Chinese mappingsThis module is an attempt to solve most common problems occured in Traditional vs. Simplified Chinese conversion, in an efficient, flexible way, without resorting to external tools or modules. If you are using perl 5.7.2 or earlier, all Unicode-related functions are disabled, and *Encode::HanConvert::Perl* is automagically loaded and used instead. In that case, please consult the Encode::HanConvert::Perl manpage instead. After installing this module, you'll have two additional encoding formats: 'big5-simp' maps _Big5_ into Unicode's Simplified Chinese (and vice versa), and 'gbk-trad' maps _GBK_ (also known as _CP936_) into Unicode's Traditional Chinese and back.Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develperl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-Module-Installrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Encode-HanConvert-0.35-1pclos2019.src.rpmł1a518b1bb9c5b716ff63673477a2e0fa./SRPMS.pclosd + K   TB@^BABEBJCperl-Encode-HanExtra0.230.019pclos2017Extra sets of Chinese encodingsPerl 5.7.3 and later ships with an adequate set of Chinese encodings, including the commonly used 'CP950', 'CP936' (also known as 'GBK'), 'Big5' (alias for 'Big5-Eten'), 'Big5-HKSCS', 'EUC-CN', 'HZ', and 'ISO-IR-165'. However, the numbers of Chinese encodings are staggering, and a complete coverage will easily increase the size of perl distribution by several megabytes; hence, this CPAN module tries to provide the rest of them. If you are using Perl 5.8 or later, the Encode::CN manpage and the Encode::TW manpage will automatically load the extra encodings for you, so there's no need to explicitly write 'use Encode::HanExtra' if you are using one of them already.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Encode)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Encode-HanExtra-0.230.0-19pclos2017.src.rpmQ7b60b4135f32a975917930a6dc78f1d7./SRPMS.pclosKd ) Qhl vB@BABEBJ=Cperl-Encode-IMAPUTF71.50.08pclos2017Modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAPno description foundgbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Encode)perl(Test::NoWarnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Encode-IMAPUTF7-1.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmn76088fe55b39e16dcbe74723a2b0ba0a./SRPMS.pclosd & J B@(BATBEXBJyCperl-Encode-JIS2K0.30.04pclos2017JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) EncodingsTo find out how to use this module in detail, see the Encode manpage.kXbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.410.03.0.4-1perl-Encode-JIS2K-0.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm5355e458dce126c7c043dcb7394e91ed./SRPMS.pclosKd ' E48 BS\pB@BABEBJ=Cperl-Encode-Locale1.50.04pclos2017Determine the locale encodingIn many applications it's wise to let Perl use Unicode for the strings it processes. Most of the interfaces Perl has to the outside world is still byte based. Programs therefore needs to decode byte strings that enter the program from the outside and encode them again on the way out. The POSIX locale system is used to specify both the language conventions requested by the user and the preferred character set to consume and output. The 'Encode::Locale' module looks up the charset and encoding (called a CODESET in the locale jargon) and arrange for the the Encode manpage module to know this encoding under the name "locale". It means bytes obtained from the environment can be converted to Unicode strings by calling 'Encode::encode(locale => $bytes)' and converted back again with 'Encode::decode(locale => $string)'. Where file systems interfaces pass file names in and out of the program we also need care. The trend is for operating systems to use a fixed file encoding that don't actually depend on the locale; and this module determines the most appropriate encoding for file names. The the Encode manpage module will know this encoding under the name "locale_fs". For traditional Unix systems this will be an alias to the same encoding as "locale".)Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Encode)perl(Encode::Alias)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) I@D N_h  - B@=BAlBEpBJCperl-Encode-Newlines0.50.03pclos2017Normalize line ending sequencesThis module provides the 'CR', 'LF', 'CRLF' and 'Native' encodings, to aid in normalizing line endings. It converts whatever line endings the source uses to the designated newline sequence, for both 'encode' and 'decode' operations. If you specify two different line endings joined by a '-', it will use the first one for decoding and the second one for encoding. For example, the 'LF-CRLF' encoding means that all input should be normalized to 'LF', and all output should be normalized to 'CRLF'./|bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Encode::Encoding)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Encode-Newlines-0.50.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm7)eb2766bae4e8535a4d221fff503c593b./SRPMS.pclosGd  + `PT ^oxB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Encoding-FixLatin1.40.07pclos2017Takes mixed encoding input and produces UTF-8 outputMost encoding conversion tools take input in one encoding and produce output in another encoding. This module takes input which may contain characters in more than one encoding and makes a best effort to convert them all to UTF-8 output.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.900.03.0.4-1perl-Encoding-FixLatin-1.40.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmKa9bc352e0bd4f7a78ebb4ecb3dae9f10./SRPMS.pclosd ! 9\` j{B@"BALBEPBJqCperl-Env-PS10.60.08pclos2017Prompt string formatterThis package supplies variables that are "tied" to environment variables like 'PS1' and 'PS2', if read it takes the contents of the variable as a format string like the ones *bash(1)* uses to format the prompt. It is intended to be used in combination with the various ReadLine packages.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(AutoLoader)perl(AutoSplit)perl(POSIX)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Env-PS1-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm00f32be882d8e288fc1124d54f8104c67./SRPMS.pcloscd # I B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Env-Path0.190.08pclos2017Advanced operations on path variablesEnv::Path presents an object-oriented interface to _path variables_, defined as that subclass of _environment variables_ which name an ordered list of filesystem elements separated by a platform-standard _separator_ (typically ':' on UNIX and ';' on Windows). Of course, core Perl constructs such $ENV{PATH} .= ":/usr/local/bin";/bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Env-Path-0.190.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm7Cc403f45b3d1baf1a0634fb40e582296e./SRPMS.pclosd ' O vB@BABEBJCperl-Env-Sanctify1.120.06pclos2017Lexically scoped sanctification of %ENVEnv::Sanctify is a module that provides lexically scoped manipulation and sanctification of '%ENV'. You can specify that it alter or add additional environment variables or remove existing ones according to a list of matching regexen. You can then either 'restore' the environment back manually or let the object fall out of scope, which automagically restores.7`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-Env-Sanctify-1.120.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm>a6d0513942c601753f18eb00784a76e5./SRPMS.pclosd ( B qB@BABEBJCperl-Erlang-Parser0.500.09pclos2017Erlang source code parserthe Erlang::Parser manpage is an Erlang source code parser. You can feed 'parse()' any fragment of code which would be acceptable at the top-level of a '.erl' file, including a full file. Methods * 'parse' Parses an top-level Erlang declarations from a string, list of lines of code, or filehandle. Returns a list of top-level nodes.w"bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Parse::Lex)perl(Parse::Yapp)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  " L DB@OBAxBE|BJCperl-Error1.170.2405pclos2017Error/exception handling in an OO-ish wayThe Error package provides two interfaces. Firstly Error provides a procedural interface to exception handling. Secondly Error is a base class for errors/exceptions that can either be thrown, for subsequent catch, or can simply be recorded. Errors in the class Error should not be thrown directly, but the user should throw errors from a sub-class of Error.~bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Error-1.170.240-5pclos2017.src.rpmf2ffd9b22181b149efdd0e5abc98860d./SRPMS.pclosd # Apt ~!B@CBAlBEpBJCperl-Error-Base1.0.28pclos2017Examples of Error::Base usage _J'avais cru plus difficile de mourir._ -- Louis XIV Die early, die often. Make frequent sanity checks and die when a check fails. See neat dumps of the caller stack with each error. Construct a group of error messages in one object or write error text _ad hoc_. Trap an error object and examine the contents; or let it tell its sad tale and end it. Error::Base usage can be simple or complex. For quick sanity checks, construct and throw a simple fatal error in one line. At the other extreme, you can override methods in your own error subclasses.Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.00.940.00.990.03.0.4-1perl-Error-Base-1.0.2-8pclos2017.src.rpmQ0e7277d9e0ab7e8aedc59f03da7f493c./SRPMS.pclossd % N  B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Error-Helper1.0.09pclos2017Provides some easy error related methodsThis module allows you to make some easy error related methods.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Error-Helper-1.0.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm39e712c5f30aaa8830eaab59391091a7./SRPMS.pclos_d ' Z <B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Eval-Closure0.130.04pclos2017Safely and cleanly create closures via string evalString eval is often used for dynamic code generation. For instance, 'Moose' uses it heavily, to generate inlined versions of accessors and constructors, which speeds code up at runtime by a significant amount. String eval is not without its issues however - it's difficult to control the scope it's used in (which determines which variables are in scope inside the eval), and it can be quite slow, especially if doing a large number of evals. This module attempts to solve both of those problems. It provides an 'eval_closure' function, which evals a string in a clean environment, other than a fixed list of specified variables. It also caches the result of the eval, so that doing repeated evals of the same source, even with a different environment, will be much faster (but note that the description is part of the string to be evaled, so it must also be the same (or non-existent) if caching is to work properly).Ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Try::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-Eval-Closure-0.130.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm]3df792236e0f30d4a4da393ee6f669a3./SRPMS.pclosd ( 9  +4@B@BABEBJCperl-Eval-Compile0.110.011pclos2017No summary foundFaster replacement for string evals. It takes evaled strings and compiles into specific perl sub with some data, and do it once for any given string So next execution take a fraction of first eval to execute.~bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Eval-Compile-0.110.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmaf554d178843c0c01a51106e6de9b5e4./SRPMS.pclosd & J `}B@BABEBJCperl-Eval-Context0.9.118pclos2017Evalute perl code in context wraperThis module define a subroutine that let you evaluate Perl code in a specific context. The code can be passed directly as a string or as a file name to read from. It also provides some subroutines to let you define and optionally share variables and subroutines between your code and the code you wish to evaluate. Finally there is some support for running your code in a safe compartment.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Compare)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Data::TreeDumper)perl(Directory::Scratch::Structured)perl(File::Slurp)perl(Package::Generator)perl(Readonly)perl(Safe)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Symbol)perl(Term::Size)perl(Test::Block)perl(Test::Dependencies)perl(Test::Distribution)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Output)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)perl(Test::Spelling)perl(Test::Strict)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Text::Diff)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Eval-Context-0.9.11-8pclos2017.src.rpmO2b9715b35bcc137a2ee1071c6c0fefa1./SRPMS.pclosd  + k $iB@zBABEBJCperl-Eval-LineNumbers0.340.07pclos2017Add line numbers to hereis blocks that contain perl source codeThis module adds a line number to hereis text that is going to be eval'ed so that error messages will point back to the right place.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.03.0.4-1perl-Eval-LineNumbers-0.340.0-7pclos2017.src.rpms68b4c0da166e19a499bda6a989ae9e6a./SRPMS.pclos'd * N  '0DB@BABEBJCperl-Eval-WithLexicals1.3.54pclos2017Persist compile hints between evalsPersist pragams and other compile hints between evals (for example the the strict manpage and the warnings manpage flags in effect). Saves and restores the '$^H' and '%^H' variables.#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moo)perl(Test::More)perl(strictures)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*ad679bf04ab1259fa38094da7ffaa9ce./SRPMS.pclos?d   6PT ^oxB@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Event1.240.05pclos2017Event module for perlFast, generic event loopbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) k  $kB@vBABEBJCperl-Event-ExecFlow0.640.09pclos2017Event-RPC - High level API for event-based execution flow controlEvent::ExecFlow provides a ligh level API for defining complex flow controls with asynchronous execution of external programs.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl-AnyEventperl-libintl-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Event-ExecFlow-0.640.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmBb8f64b581d9d25d452899475bae412cf./SRPMS.pclosd $ N  (OB@XBABEBJCperl-Event-File0.1.111pclos2017Mimic the 'tail -f' behaviour using EventThis module tries to mimic the 'tail -f' behaviour using Event. It detects file deletion, rename, rotation providing a simple way to keep track of files like log files.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Event-File-0.1.1-11pclos2017.src.rpm%scbe81e48f5f475d6ce97e936e24eb944./SRPMS.pclos[d # Opt ~B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Event-Lib1.40.02pclos2017Perl extentions for event-based programmingThis module is a Perl wrapper around libevent(3) as available from the http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/ manpage. It allows to execute a function whenever a given event on a filehandle happens, a timeout occurs or a signal is received. Under the hood, one of the available mechanisms for asynchronously dealing with events is used. This could be 'select', 'poll', 'epoll', 'devpoll' or 'kqueue'. The idea is that you don't have to worry about those details and the various interfaces they offer. _Event::Lib_ offers a unified interface to all of them (but see the "CONFIGURATION" manpage further below). Once you've skimmed through the next two sections (or maybe even now), you should have a look at the "EXAMPLE: A SIMPLE TCP SERVER" manpage to get a feeling about how it all fits together.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develperl-Test-SharedForklibevent-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Event-Lib-1.40.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmad746fcce84457766ca947687b2896e8./SRPMS.pclos#d # c    B@BABEBJCperl-Event-RPC1.80.03pclos2017Event-RPC - Event based transparent Client/Server RPC frameworkEvent::RPC consists of a server and a client library. The server exports a list of classes and methods, which are allowed to be called over the network. More specific it acts as a proxy for objects created on the server side (on demand of the connected clients) which handles client side methods calls with transport of method arguments and return values. The object proxy handles refcounting and destruction of objects created by clients properly. Objects as method parameters and return values are handled as well (although with some limitations, see below). For the client the whole thing is totally transparent - once connected to the server it doesn't know whether it calls methods on local or remote objects. Also the methods on the server newer know whether they are called locally or from a connected client. Your application logic is not affected by Event::RPC at all, at least if it has a rudimentary clean OO design. For details on implementing servers and clients please refer to the man pages of Event::RPC::Server and Event::RPC::Client.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Event)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Glib)perl(IO::Socket::INET)perl(IO::Socket::SSL)perl(Net::SSLeay)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl-develperl-Eventperl-IO-Socket-SSLrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Event-RPC-1.80.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmb4742ffc3487117df6dd3bfbb67d6178./SRPMS.pclosd ) P    B@BAPBETBJuCperl-Excel-Template0.340.08pclos2017Templating module that generates ExcelThis is a module used for templating Excel files. Its genesis came from the need to use the same datastructure as the HTML::Template manpage, but provide Excel files instead. The existing modules don't do the trick, as they require replication of logic that's already been done within the HTML::Template manpage.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(Spreadsheet::WriteExcel)perl(Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.00.420." - _  @ C B@WBABEBJCperl-Excel-Template-Plus0.60.04pclos2017Testing module for use with Excel::Template::PlusThis module is an extension of the Excel::Template module, which allows the user to use various "engines" from which you can create Excel files through Excel::Template. The idea is to use the existing (and very solid) excel file generation code in Excel::Template, but to extend its more templatey bits with more powerful options. The only engine currently provided is the Template Toolkit engine, which replaces Excel::Template's built in template features (the LOOP, and IF constructs) with the full power of TT. This is similar to the module Excel::Template::TT, but expands on that even further to try and create a more extensive system.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Excel::Template)perl(File::Spec)perl(FindBin)perl(IO::String)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Param)perl(Spreadsheet::ParseExcel)perl(Template)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Excel-Template-Plus-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm45c2a52ac9de9ebe0330bd8d214898c93./SRPMS.pclosd! , Z EB@fBABEBJCperl-Excel-Writer-XLSX0.890.03pclos2017Light weight re-implementation of XML::WriterThe 'Excel::Writer::XLSX' module can be used to create an Excel file in the 2007+ XLSX format. The XLSX format is the Office Open XML (OOXML) format used by Excel 2007 and later. Multiple worksheets can be added to a workbook and formatting can be applied to cells. Text, numbers, and formulas can be written to the cells.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Zip)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.300. ( ? B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Exception-Base0.25014pclos2017Lightweight exceptionsThis class implements a fully OO exception mechanism similar to Exception::Class or Class::Throwable. It provides a simple interface allowing programmers to declare exception classes. These classes can be thrown and caught. Each uncaught exception prints full stack trace if the default verbosity is uppered for debugging purposes.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Unit::Lite)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Exception-Base-0.2501-4pclos2017.src.rpmx9a5683aa31badb49671f924d4a10e822./SRPMS.pclosd * m48 BS\  o B@BABEBJCperl-Exception-Class1.400.03pclos2017A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in PerlThis module allows you to declare hierarchies of exception classes for use in your code. It also provides a simple exception class that it uses as the default base class for all other exceptions.;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(Devel::StackTrace)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( 3 p  +4 ` 3 B@EBABEBJCperl-Exception-Class-TryCatch1.130.08pclos2017Syntactic tryEcatch sugar for use with Exception::ClassException::Class::TryCatch provides syntactic sugar for use with the Exception::Class manpage using the familiar keywords 'try' and 'catch'. Its primary objective is to allow users to avoid dealing directly with '$@' by ensuring that any exceptions caught in an 'eval' are captured as the Exception::Class manpage objects, whether they were thrown objects to begin with or whether the error resulted from 'die'. This means that users may immediately use 'isa' and various the Exception::Class manpage methods to process the exception. In addition, this module provides for a method to push errors onto a hidden error stack immediately after an 'eval' so that cleanup code or other error handling may also call 'eval' without the original error in '$@' being lost. Inspiration for this module is due in part to Dave Rolsky's article "Exception Handling in Perl With Exception::Class" in _The Perl Journal_ (Rolsky 2004).Xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exception::Class)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Exception-Class-TryCatch-1.130.0-8pclos2017.src.rpma83b5e71b57d530df8055c81304c86386./SRPMS.pclosd ! 1  '0<|B@BABEBJCperl-Expect1.320.04pclos2017Expect for PerlThe Expect module is a successor of Comm.pl and a descendent of Chat.pl. It more closely ressembles the Tcl Expect language than its predecessors. It does not contain any of the networking code found in Comm.pl. I suspect this would be obsolete anyway given the advent of IO::Socket and external tools such as netcat. Expect.pm is an attempt to have more of a switch() & case feeling to make decision processing more fluid. Three separate types of debugging have been implemented to make code production easier. It is now possible to interconnect multiple file handles (and processes) much like Tcl's Expect. An attempt was made to enable all the features of Tcl's Expect without forcing Tcl on the victim programmer :-) .bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(IO::Tty)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' M /8@hB@qBABEBJCperl-Expect-Simple0.40.08pclos2017Perl wrapper around the Expect moduleExpect::Simple is a wrapper around the Expect module which should suffice for simple applications. It hides most of the Expect machinery; the Expect object is available for tweaking if need be.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Expectrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Expect-Simple-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmDevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + S    B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Exporter-Declare0.114.04pclos2017Export class for exports that should beExporter::Declare is a meta-driven exporting tool. Exporter::Declare tries to adopt all the good features of other exporting tools, while throwing away horrible interfaces. Exporter::Declare also provides hooks that allow you to add options and arguments for import. Finally, Exporter::Declare's meta-driven system allows for top-notch introspection.xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Fennec::Lite)perl(Meta::Builder)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::Simple)perl(aliased)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( ZTX bs|  2 B@BBApBEtBJCperl-Exporter-Easy0.180.03pclos2017Takes even more drudgery out of Exporting symbolsExporter::Easy makes using Exporter easy. In it's simplest case it allows you to drop the boilerplate code that comes with using Exporter, so require Exporter; use base qw( Exporter ); use vars qw( @EXPORT ); @EXPORT = ( 'init' ); becomesH^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Exporter-Easy-0.180.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmO,ae34b16ad534b7c88aeab111d334dd29./SRPMS.pclosd ' A 0B@BABEBJCperl-Exporter-Lite0.80.03pclos2017Exporter-Lite perl moduleThis is an alternative to Exporter intended to provide a lightweight subset of its functionality. It supports "import()", @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK and not a whole lot else.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.340.03.0.4-1perl-Exporter-Lite-0.80.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm#689b4f136afbae922a30eb4e631ca752./SRPMS.pclosCd ' Htx B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Exporter-Tidy0.80.04pclos2017Another way of exporting symbolsThis module serves as an easy, clean alternative to Exporter. Unlike Exporter, it is not subclassed, but it simply exports a custom import() into your namespace. With Exporter::Tidy, you don't need to use any package global in your module. Even the subs you export can be lexically scoped. use Exporter::Tidy LIST The list supplied to 'use Exporter::Tidy' should be a key-value list. Each key serves as a tag, used to group exportable symbols. The values in this key-value list should be array references. There are a few special tags:bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Exporter-Tidy-0.80.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmi1d41736ba4f71bc9643d9b2d9ec44a35./SRPMS.pclosd ' q $ .?HTB@BABEBJCperl-Exporter-Tiny0.42.04pclos2017An exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependenciesExporter::Tiny supports many of Sub::Exporter's external-facing features including renaming imported functions with the `-as`, `-prefix` and `-suffix` options; explicit destinations with the `into` option; and alternative installers with the `installler` option. But it's written in only about 40% as many lines of code and with zero non-core dependencies. Its internal-facing interface is closer to Exporter.pm, with configuration done through the @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK and %EXPORT_TAGS package variables. Exporter::Tiny performs most of its internal duties (including resolution of tag names to sub names, resolution of sub names to coderefs, and installation of coderefs into the target package) as method calls, which means they can be overridden to provide interesting behaviour. Utility Functions These are really for internal use, but can be exported if you need them. `mkopt(\@array)` Similar to `mkopt` from Data::OptList. It doesn't support all the fancy options that Data::OptList does (`moniker`, `require_unique`, `must_be` and `name_test`) but runs about 50% faster. `mkopt_hash(\@array)` Similar to `mkopt_hash` from Data::OptList. See also `mkopt`.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" . W hB@tBABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-CBuilder0.26030111pclos2017Compile and link C code for Perl modulesThis module can build the C portions of Perl modules by invoking the appropriate compilers and linkers in a cross-platform manner. It was motivated by the Module::Build project, but may be useful for other purposes as well. However, it is not intended as a general cross-platform interface to all your C building needs. That would have been a much more ambitious goal!wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test)perl(Text::ParseWords)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.260301-11pclos2017.src.rpm39c57b6d636de72c9b71d35d8d4f0bb5./SRPMS.pclosd# . W    B@BALBEPBJqCperl-ExtUtils-CBuilder0.280.2245pclos2017Compile and link C code for Perl modulesThis module can build the C portions of Perl modules by invoking the appropriate compilers and linkers in a cross-platform manner. It was motivated by the Module::Build project, but may be useful for other purposes as well. However, it is not intended as a general cross-platform interface to all your C building needs. That would have been a much more ambitious goal!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(Perl::OSType)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.'d! , Z  ,B@BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-CChecker0.100.04pclos2017Configure-time utilities for using C headers,Often Perl modules are written to wrap functionallity found in existing C headers, libraries, or to use OS-specific features. It is useful in the _Build.PL_ or _Makefile.PL_ file to check for the existance of these requirements before attempting to actually build the module. Objects in this class provide an extension around the ExtUtils::CBuilder manpage to simplify the creation of a _.c_ file, compiling, linking and running it, to test if a certain feature is present. It may also be necessary to search for the correct library to link against, or for the right include directories to find header files in. This class also provides assistance here.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-CChecker-0.100.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmZ1ca687d2ad76e823dd945b1429b78597./SRPMS.pclosd ( K   } B@BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-Config0.8.07pclos2017A wrapper for perl's configurationExtUtils::Config is an abstraction around the %Config hash.0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-Config-0.8.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm6f05436e0cb53293fef0612382b2ed88b./SRPMS.pclosd! , Ihl v   B@BABEBJ Cperl-ExtUtils-CppGuess0.110.04pclos2017Guess C++ compiler and flags'ExtUtils::CppGuess' attempts to guess the system's C++ compiler that is compatible with the C compiler that your perl was built with. It can generate the necessary options to the the Module::Build manpage constructor or to the ExtUtils::MakeMaker manpage's 'WriteMakefile' function. xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::Manifest)perl(Fatal)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-CppGuess-0.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm'J062025552761fb0972143bce9f0ccf4e./SRPMS.pclossd  + X\` j{B@ BA@BEDBJeCperl-ExtUtils-Depends0.405.02pclos2017Perl module for further extending extensionsThis module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one.Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::File)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-Depends-0.405.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmR768381126c1029dd909bfeff88fdc774./SRPMS.pclos_d ' D| B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-ExtUtils-F771.190.03pclos2017Simple interface to F77 libsSimple interface to F77 libs. Used to be in perl-PDL, but isn't anymore. This module tries to figure out how to link C programs with Fortran subroutines on your system. Basically one must add a list of Fortran runtime libraries. The problem is their location and name varies with each OS/compiler combination!:Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)gcc-gfortranrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-F77-1.190.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm? 88503b365b4c642df029a2042aaeb59a./SRPMS.pclosd# . S /8pqB@BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-HasCompiler0.14.02pclos2017Check for the presence of a compilerThis module tries to check if the current system is capable of compiling, linking and loading an XS module. *Notice*: this is an early release, interface stability isn't guaranteed yet.9hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::Mksymlists)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-HasCompiler-0.14.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm@}2dd8135debfa6d6cda1c9822b24e98b8./SRPMS.pclosd * G 8B@eBABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-Helpers0.22.07pclos2017Windows specific helper bitsThis module provides various portable helper functions for module building modules.H^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Load)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.06.300. * Y04 >OX  M B@_BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-Install2.40.04pclos2017yet another framework for writing test scripts *STOP!* If you're just getting started writing tests, have a look at Test::Simple first. This is a drop in replacement for Test::Simple which you can switch to once you get the hang of basic testing. The purpose of this module is to provide a wide range of testing utilities. Various ways to say "ok" with better diagnostics, facilities to skip tests, test future features and compare complicated data structures. While you can do almost anything with a simple 'ok()' function, it doesn't provide good diagnostic output. I love it when a plan comes together Before anything else, you need a testing plan. This basically declares how many tests your script is going to run to protect against premature failure.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Compare)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-Install-2.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm-420207ec0c30055542536b57cee90d61./SRPMS.pclosd$ / U48 BS\  q B@BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths0.11.04pclos2017Build.PL install path logic made easyThis module tries to make install path resolution as easy as possible. When you want to install a module, it needs to figure out where to install things. The nutshell version of how this works is that default installation locations are determined from the ExtUtils::Config manpage, and they may be individually overridden by using the 'install_path' attribute. An 'install_base' attribute lets you specify an alternative installation root like _/home/foo_ and 'prefix' does something similar in a rather different (and more complicated) way. 'destdir' lets you specify a temporary installation directory like _/tmp/install_ in case you want to create bundled-up installable packages. The following types are supported by default.PPbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::Config)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - I`d n+B@@BAtBExBJCperl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder0.80.03pclos2017A tool to build C librariesno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"cdf2cd77466c9ba568a174d7fd4880b3./SRPMS.pclosd" - M   u B@BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker7.280.02pclos2017Writes Makefiles for extensionsInclude all the modules bundled with MakeMaker in @INC so ExtUtils::MakeMaker will load. This is for bootstrapping the process of deciding how much of the bundles we need. copy_bundles() copies the contents of each bundle, if necessary, into inc/ as a flattened module directory that MakeMaker can install.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(Pod::Man)perl-develperl-CPAN-Metarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.800.03.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.280.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmDa8883653b4fab33db6e9f890f33c6a4d./SRPMS.pclosSd#* 5 O 8B@BA BE$BJECperl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile0.70.03pclos2017cpanfile support for EUMMExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile loads C in your distribution and modifies parameters for C in your Makefile.PL. Just use it after LExtUtils::MakeMaker, and prepare C.1"bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(Module::CPANfile)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , R  L?B@[BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-Manifest1.700.04pclos2017Utilities for managing MANIFEST filesFunctions ExtUtils::Manifest exports no functions by default. The following are exported on request * mkmanifest mkmanifest();bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.800.03.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-Manifest-1.700.0-4pclos2017.src.rpma3857123551c7ccc21560f55488ed5c1./SRPMS.pclosOd  + M|    B@BABE BJACperl-ExtUtils-ParseXS3.300.04pclos2017Converts Perl XS code into C codeExtUtils::ParseXS will compile XS code into C code by embedding the constructs necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates the glue necessary to let Perl access those functions. The compiler uses typemaps to determine how to map C function parameters and variables to Perl values.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)perl-develperl-ExtUtils-CBuilderrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.06.460.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.300.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm13cb92d2effccc91c5e712307f1aaa840./SRPMS.pclosd ) Ilp zB@BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-PerlPP0.30.08pclos2017ExtUtils-PerlPP module for perlExtUtils-PerlPP module for perlbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-PerlPP-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm$22452fdcbb2cebe9812d43abbb037a59./SRPMS.pclos#d" - Z\` j{B@BABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig1.150.07pclos2017Perl module for further extending extensionsThis module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch pkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.150.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm2d2337593f6c4b2644958534751eecf7b./SRPMS.pclosd ) X  B@BAPBETBJuCperl-ExtUtils-Typemap1.0.05pclos2017A compatibility wrapper for ExtUtils::TypemapsThis module exists merely as a compatibility wrapper around ExtUtils::Typemaps.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::Typemaps)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.180_3003.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-Typemap-1.0.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmufd8cbb57922a9d2dd7e16f25a9ec4cc7./SRPMS.pclosd!( 3 Z >B@RBABEBJCperl-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default1.50.06pclos2017A set of typemaps for STL std::vectorsThis module had to be renamed. Use the ExtUtils::Typemaps::STL manpage instead!(vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::Typemaps)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.180_3003.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default-1.50.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm/T280fea8120c8d38c4d84abca82f65587./SRPMS.pclosSd"0 4 llp zB@BA BE$BJECperl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder0.280.08pclos2017ExtUtils::XSBuilder - Automatic XS glue code generationExtUtils::XSBuilder is a set modules to parse C header files and create XS glue code and documentation out of it. Idealy this allows to "write" an interface to a C library without coding a line. Since no C-API is ideal, some adjuments are necessary most of the time. So to use this module you must still be familiar with C and XS programming, but it removes a lot of stupid work and copy&paste from you. Also when the C API changes, most of the time you only have to rerun XSBuilder to get your new Perl API.rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Parse-RecDescentperl-Tie-IxHashrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.280.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmO6bf0a626d91f70cd01871433661e979f./SRPMS.pclosd ) a B@BABEBJ Cperl-ExtUtils-XSpp0.180.011pclos2017A tiny C++ class example that holds a string and an intAnything that does not look like a XS++ directive or a class declaration is passed verbatim to XS.ًbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Base)perl(Test::Differences)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , b B@ BATBEXBJyCperl-ExtUtils-configPL1.100.08pclos2017Perl extension to automagiclly configure perl scriptsThis module is used to add configuration information to a perl script, and is meant to be used with the ExtUtils::MakeMaker module. ExtUtils::configPL is not a "normal" Perl extension. It does add or encapsulate functionality to your script, but it filters the script, replacing tags with items from the Config module, writing the resulting script to a new file.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ExtUtils-configPL-1.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm25a7216b5aa9563f86c5973c31448795./SRPMS.pclosd   O #, P  B@ABAhBElBJCperl-FBP0.410.08pclos2017Role for objects which can contain other objects*NOTE: Documentation is limited as this module is in active development* wxFormBuilder is currently the best and most sophisticated program for designing wxWidgets dialogs, and generating the code for these designs. However, wxFormBuilder does not currently support the generation of Perl code. If we are to produce Perl code for the designs it creates, the code generation must be done independantly, outside of wxFormBuilder itself.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::File)perl(Mouse)perl(Params::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(XML::SAX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.620.00.800. 5933817a971fae59e5d123f5ae99c789./SRPMS.pclosWd   : B@BA$BE(BJICperl-FCGI0.780.03pclos2017A Fast CGI module for PerlThis is a Fast CGI module for perl. It's based on the FCGI module that comes with Open Market's FastCGI Developer's Kit, but does not require you to recompile perl. See for more information about fastcgi. Lincoln D. Stein's perl CGI module also contains some information about fastcgi programming.|fbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-FCGI-0.780.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm~07869288a44311e7ae9c2cee5b6c2299./SRPMS.pclosd! , Tdh rMB@jBABEBJCperl-FCGI-Daemon0.201.512.2603pclos2017An easy to use FastCGI daemon for nginxFCGI::Daemon is a small (Fast)CGI server for use as CGI-wrapper for unmodified CGI applications. Factored as modulino, currently it doesn't have any Perl module functionality. It was developed as replacement for cgiwrap-fcgi.pl - see L`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(BSD::Resource)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FCGI)perl(FCGI::ProcManager)perl(Getopt::Std)perl(IO::Select)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.710.  + W`d nB@BABEBJ%Cperl-FCGI-ProcManager0.250.04pclos2017Functions for managing FastCGI applicationsFCGI::ProcManager is used to serve as a FastCGI process manager. By re-implementing it in perl, developers can more finely tune performance in their web applications, and can take advantage of copy-on-write semantics prevalent in UNIX kernel process management.tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-FCGI-ProcManager-0.250.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm{ed2f0148f8d1c3d5b70068e6375b6b84./SRPMS.pclosd$+ 6 dtx  B@BATBEXBJyCperl-FCGI-ProcManager-MaxRequests0.20.09pclos2017Restrict max number of requests by each childFCGI-ProcManager-MaxRequests is a extension of FCGI-ProcManager that allow restrict fastcgi processes to process only limiting number of requests. This may help avoid growing memory usage and compensate memory leaks. This module subclass the FCGI::ProcManager manpage. After server process max_requests number of requests, it simple exit, and manager starts another server process. Maximum number of requests can be set from PM_MAX_REQUESTS environment variable, max_requests - constructor argument and max_requests accessor.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FCGI::ProcManager)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-FCGI-ProcManager-MaxRequests-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmI3c1bed191fd410b03b81e757f97cebf3./SRPMS.pclos+d ' Q<@ J[dpB@BABEBJCperl-FFI-CheckLib0.150.02pclos2017Check that a library is available for FFIThis module checks whether a particular dynamic library is available for FFI to use. It is modeled heavily on the Devel::CheckLib manpage, but will find dynamic libraries even when development packages are not installed. It also provides a FFI::CheckLib#find_lib function that will return the full path to the found dynamic library, which can be feed directly into the FFI::Platypus manpage or the FFI::Raw manpage. Although intended mainly for FFI modules via the FFI::Platypus manpage and similar, this module does not actually use any FFI to do its detection and probing. This modules does not have any non-core dependencies on Perls 5.8-5.18. On Perl 5.20 and newer it has a configure, build and test dependency on the Module::Build manpage.UKbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.940.03.0.4-1perl-FFI-CheckLib-0.150.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm]Hc82f9ef2cb975f0a6ab5156ebaa86226./SRPMS.pclosd ! [ "3<PB@BABEBJ Cperl-FWS-Lite0.4.08pclos2017Lightweight access to FWS methodologies and installationsThis module provides basic input and output to a FrameWork Sites installation or can be used independently using the methodologies of FrameWork Sites data structures and file handling.(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DBI)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-FWS-Lite-0.4.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm/5f392dcf8635db6b017b6b7c511e3271./SRPMS.pclosd # Edh rKB@ZBABEBJCperl-Facebook0.102.08pclos2017How to cook your face.....book :)*If you are new to Facebook application development in Perl please read the Facebook::Manual manpage!* This package reflects an instance for your application. Depending on what API of it you use, you require to install the needed distributions or provide alternative packages yourself.F;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(JSON)perl(MIME::Base64::URLSafe)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Facebook-0.102.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmMcd3741c1d6deec52060c5eb1a006a3bc./SRPMS.pclosd # S    B@BABEBJCperl-Feed-Find0.70.09pclos2017Perl Module for Syndication feed auto-discoveryPerl Module for Syndication feed auto-discovery. Feed::Find implements feed auto-discovery for finding syndication feeds, given a URI. It (currently) passes all of the auto-discovery tests at http://diveintomark.org/tests/client/autodiscovery/ . Feed::Find will discover the following feed formats: RSS 0.91 RSS 1.0 RSS 2.0 Atombb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::ErrorHandler)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(LWP)perl(URI)perl-Class-ErrorHandlerperl-HTML-Parserperl-URIperl-libwww-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Feed-Find-0.70.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmM9a44c9717a101f830b5dbcf798055fbf./SRPMS.pclos_d $ N B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Fennec-Lite0.4.09pclos2017Minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bitsthe Fennec manpage does a ton, but it may be hard to adopt it all at once. It also is a large project, and has not yet been fully split into component projects. Fennec::Lite takes a minimalist approach to do for Fennec what Mouse does for Moose. Fennec::Lite is a single module file with no non-core dependencies. It can easily be used by any project, either directly, or by copying it into your project. The file itself is less than 300 lines of code at the time of this writing, that includes whitespace. This module does not cover any of the more advanced features such as result capturing or SPEC workflows. This module only covers test grouping and group randomization. You can also use the FENNEC_ITEM variable with a group name or line number to run a specific test group only. Test::Builder is used under the hood for TAP output./bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Fennec-Lite-0.4.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm8~4cddbc205385baed44674a20f7ff8db8./SRPMS.pclosd  + P    B@BABEBJ Cperl-File-AtomicWrite1.160.04pclos2017Writes files atomically via rename()This module offers atomic file writes via a temporary file created in the same directory (and therefore, probably the same partition) as the specified *file*. After data has been written to the temporary file, the 'rename' call is used to replace the target *file*. The module optionally supports various sanity checks (*min_size*, *CHECKSUM*) that help ensure the data is written without errors. Should anything go awry, the module will 'die' or 'croak'. All calls should be wrapped in eval blocks: eval { File::AtomicWrite->write_file(...); }; if ($@) { die "uh oh: $@"; }Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d # K  *;D`B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-File-BOM0.150.03pclos2017Utilities for handling Byte Order MarksThis module provides functions for handling unicode byte order marks, which are to be found at the beginning of some files and streams. For details about what a byte order mark is, see the http://www.unicode.org/unicode/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM manpage The intention of File::BOM is for files with BOMs to be readable as seamlessly as possible, regardless of the encoding used. To that end, several different interfaces are available, as shown in the synopsis above.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Encode)perl(Module::Build)perl(Readonly)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-BOM-0.150.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmZCe29b424ba11654b268eb693b17dc104d./SRPMS.pclosd & V   } B@BABEBJCperl-File-BaseDir0.70.04pclos2017Perl module to use the freedesktop basedir specPerl module to use the freedesktop basedir spec.+:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::Which)perl(IPC::System::Simple)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & A $ .?H\B@BABEBJ!Cperl-File-Binary1.700.08pclos2017Binary file reading module*File::Binary* is a Binary file reading module, hence the name, and was originally used to write a suite of modules for manipulating Macromedia SWF files. However it's grown beyond that and now actually, err, works. And is generalised. And EVERYTHING! Yay! It has methods for reading and writing signed and unsigned 8, 16 and 32 bit integers, at some point in the future I'll figure out a way of putting in methods for >32bit integers nicely but until then, patches welcome.Ybbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Binary-1.700.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm^023d607187130b7dbbf4ec054d69b54b./SRPMS.pclosd % @X\ fwB@BABEBJCperl-File-Cache0.160.08pclos2017File-Cache module for perlFile-Cache perl modulecmbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Cache-0.160.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmi8003bdc395eba00122fabd4de6737160./SRPMS.pclosd # A $KB@TBABEBJCperl-File-Cat1.200.04pclos2017Perl implementation of cat(1)File::Cat is a module of adventure, danger, and low cunning. With it, you will explore some of the most inane programs ever seen by mortals. No computer should be without one! %bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Cat-1.200.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm13e2f619cb6a4c9deb31d3dfda77c411./SRPMS.pclosd! , K$( 2CLB@BABEBJCperl-File-ChangeNotify0.240.08pclos2017Inotify-based watcher subclassThis module provides an API for creating a the File::ChangeNotify::Watcher manpage subclass that will work on your platform. Most of the documentation for this distro is in the File::ChangeNotify::Watcher manpage.Sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Load)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Pluggable::Object)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::Params::Validate)perl(MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(base)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1003.0.4-1perl-File-ChangeNotify-0.240.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmZ8395acd5247a80d19eac39c34db3b94f./SRPMS.pclosd ( R ,B@YBABEBJCperl-File-CodeSearch0.7.44pclos2017Search file contents in code repositoriesThis class allows you to search file contents in code repositories.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Clone)perl(Config::General)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::TypeCategories)perl(File::chdir)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Prompt)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Readonly)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Term::Size::Any)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(autodie)perl(version)perl(warnings)perl-autodierpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( Ox| WB@rBABEBJCperl-File-ConfigDir0.17.04pclos2017Get directories of configuration filesGet directories of configuration files.(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(FindBin)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) / i /8<XB@`BABEBJCperl-File-Copy-Recursive0.380.012pclos2017Perl module for recursively copying files and directoriesThis module copies and moves directories recursively (or single files, well... singley) to an optional depth and attempts to preserve each file or directory's mode.+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Copy-Recursive-0.380.0-12pclos2017.src.rpm2/49fea51a8486c4d21d024853e28b5595./SRPMS.pclosd * C $ .?HPB@BABEBJCperl-File-CounterFile1.40.08pclos2017Persistent counter classThis module implements a persistent counter class. Each counter is represented by a separate file in the file system. File locking is applied, so multiple processes can attempt to access a counter simultaneously without risk of counter destruction. You give the file name as the first parameter to the object constructor ('new'). The file is created if it does not exist. If the file name does not start with "/" or ".", then it is interpreted as a file relative to '$File::CounterFile::DEFAULT_DIR'. The default value for this variable is initialized from the environment variable 'TMPDIR', or _/usr/tmp_ if no environment variable is defined. You may want to assign a different value to this variable before creating counters.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-CounterFile-1.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!bca8bc40f0c755a5f506e5d64a959ecf./SRPMS.pclosd ( Q (B@BABEBJCperl-File-DataClass0.68.13pclos2017Structured data file IO with OO paradigmProvides methods for manipulating structured data stored in files of different formats. The documentation for this distribution starts in the class File::DataClass::Schema.(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::FastMmap)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Class::Null)perl(File::Path)perl(File::ReadBackwards)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::pushd)perl(Hash::Merge)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Metadata)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Subclass::Of)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Text::Diff)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(Type::Tiny)perl(Unexpected)perl(boolean)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(namespace::clean)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.400.00.300.02.110.7302.! , L  B@BABEBJ%Cperl-File-DesktopEntry0.220.03pclos2017Object to handle .desktop filesThis module is used to work with .desktop files. The format of these files is specified by the freedesktop "Desktop Entry" specification.Ldbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::BaseDir)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( I`d n=B@fBABEBJCperl-File-Dir-Dumper0.4.02pclos2017Writer for a stream of JSON datano description found]Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(Devel::CheckOS)perl(Digest)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find::Object)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::String)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(POSIX)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.360.00.360.03.0.4-1perl-File-Dir-Dumper-0.4.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmb4a358960536fe30ae0902ad160393139./SRPMS.pclosd * W B@BABEBJCperl-File-DirCompare0.700.09pclos2017Perl module to compare two directories usingFile::DirCompare is a perl module to compare two directories using a callback, invoked for all files that are 'different' between the two directories, and for any files that exist only in one or other directory ('unique' files). File::DirCompare has a single public compare() method, with the following signature: File::DirCompare->compare($dir1, $dir2, $sub, $opts);(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Compare)perl(File::Glob)perl(File::Spec)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-DirCompare-0.700.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm.8e38a2c71c63682e074aebd5fe87a208./SRPMS.pclosWd ) C &7@`B@BA$BE(BJICperl-File-FcntlLock0.220.08pclos2017File locking with fcntl()File locking in Perl is usually done using the the flock() manpage function. Unfortunately, this only allows locks on whole files and is often implemented in terms of the flock(2) manpage, which has some shortcomings. Using this module file locking via the fcntl(2) manpage can be done (obviously, this restricts the use of the module to systems that have a the fcntl(2) manpage system call). Before a file (or parts of a file) can be locked, an object simulating a flock structure must be created and its properties set. Afterwards, by calling the 'lock()' method a lock can be set or it can be determined if and which process currently holds the lock. To create a new object representing a flock structure call 'new()':Ibb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Errno)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POSIX)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-FcntlLock-0.220.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmP78debe5ea7580a071985e1f4b89ebe78./SRPMS.pclosd % G  @ > B@kBABEBJCperl-File-Fetch0.480.07pclos2017A generic file fetching mechanismFile::Fetch is a generic file fetching mechanism. It allows you to fetch any file pointed to by a ftp, http, file, or rsync uri by a number of different means.UYbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(Locale::Maketext::Simple)perl(Module::Load::Conditional)perl(Params::Check)perl(Test::More)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.820.00.420.\G0c20f5cd46967bac84ac060c2ff5d8f9./SRPMS.pclosd" - Q<@ J[dpB@BABEBJCperl-File-Find-Iterator0.400.04pclos2017Iterator interface for search filesFind::File::Iterator is an iterator object for searching through directory trees. You can easily run filter on each file name. You can easily save the search state when you want to stop the search and continue the same search later.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl(Class::Iterator)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Find-Iterator-0.400.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmG28b071f7d791d151b9f03882b44702d1./SRPMS.pclos?d * ]    B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-File-Find-Object0.2.134pclos2017An object-oriented directory tree traversal moduleFile::Find::Object is a directory tree traversal module for Perl 5. It is similar to File::Find but is object-oriented, can be instantiated, has an iterative interface, can be interrupted in the middle, and does not have the horrible API of File::Find. It allows to perform multiple tree parsing in the same application.wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Find-Object-0.2.13-4pclos2017.src.rpmef99bd754f84e1890b9915cb0c55c74d./SRPMS.pclosKd& 1 ahl vB@BABEBJ=Cperl-File-Find-Object-Rule0.30.5008pclos2017File::Find::Object::Rule's procedural interfaceFile::Find::Object::Rule is a friendlier interface to the File::Find::Object manpage . It allows you to build rules which specify the desired files and directories. *WARNING* : This module is a fork of version 0.30 of the File::Find::Rule manpage (which has been unmaintained for several years as of February, 2009), and may still have some bugs due to its reliance on File::Find'isms. As such it is considered Alpha software. Please report any problems with the File::Find::Object::Rule manpage to its RT CPAN Queue.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(Cwd)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find::Object)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build)perl(Number::Compare)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Glob)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.03.0.4-1perl-File-Find-Object-Rule-0.30.500-8pclos2017.src.rpm87d5062ad424641280b7ab1a188d6bd9./SRPMS.pclos#d ) M B@BABEBJCperl-File-Find-Rule0.340.03pclos2017Alternative interface to File::FindFile::Find::Rule is a friendlier interface to File::Find. It allows you to build rules which specify the desired files and directories.Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(Number::Compare)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Glob)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . YX\ fw6B@nBABEBJCperl-File-Find-Rule-Perl1.150.04pclos2017Common rules for searching for Perl thingsI write a lot of things that muck with Perl files. And it always annoyed me that finding "perl files" requires a moderately complex the File::Find::Rule manpage pattern. *File::Find::Rule::Perl* provides methods for finding various Perl-related files."bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::Spec)perl(Params::Util)perl(Parse::CPAN::Meta)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.! , b KB@WBABEBJCperl-File-Find-Rule-VCS1.80.08pclos2017Exclude files/directories for Version Control SystemsMany tools need to be equally useful both on ordinary files, and on code that has been checked out from revision control systems. *File::Find::Rule::VCS* provides quick and convenient methods to exclude the version control directories of several major Version Control Systems (currently CVS, subversion, and Bazaar).{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Find-Rule-VCS-1.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmr485f290050c5aa163656ae1c3cdd1a42./SRPMS.pclos'd" - b #,@B@BABEBJCperl-File-Find-Upwards1.102.308pclos2017Look for a file in the current directory and upwardsProvides a function that can find a file in the current or a parent directory. * file_find_upwards() Takes a filename and looks for the file in the current directory. If there is no such file, it traverses up the directory hierarchy until it finds the file or until it reaches the topmost directory. If the file is found, the full path to the file is returned. If the file is not found, undef is returned.Ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Attribute::Memoize)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Path::Class)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Find-Upwards-1.102.30-8pclos2017.src.rpmQ4b44f1d79f2270031084ab6bfa6b946f./SRPMS.pclosd & = :B@DBApBEtBJCperl-File-Finder0.530.09pclos2017Steps for File::Finder'File::Find' is great, but constructing the 'wanted' routine can sometimes be a pain. This module provides a 'wanted'-writer, using syntax that is directly mappable to the _find_ command's syntax. Also, I find myself (heh) frequently just wanting the list of names that match. With 'File::Find', I have to write a little accumulator, and then access that from a closure. But with 'File::Finder', I can turn the problem inside out. A 'File::Finder' object contains a hash of 'File::Find' options, and a series of steps that mimic _find_'s predicates. Initially, a 'File::Finder' object has no steps. Each step method clones the previous object's options and steps, and then adds the new step, returning the new object. In this manner, an object can be grown, step by step, by chaining method calls. Furthermore, a partial sequence can be created and held, and used as the head of many different sequences.?[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Glob)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Finder-0.530.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmG71984aa88264ef2be33ac1929b3d4209./SRPMS.pclosd # Q /8p{B@BABEBJCperl-File-Flat1.40.08pclos2017Perl module that implements a flat filesystemFile::Flat implements a flat filesystem. A flat filesystem is a filesystem in which directories do not exist. It provides an abstraction over any normal filesystem which makes it appear as if directories do not exist. In effect, it will automatically create directories as needed. This is create for things like install scripts and such, as you never need to worry about the existance of directories, just write to a file, no matter where it is.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstallperl-preforkperl-File-NCopyperl(Test::More)perl(Test::ClassAPI)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Copy::Recursive)perl-File-Slurpperl(File::Remove)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.490.020.320.471.021.00.852.089999. ' ?`d n"B@/BA\BE`BJCperl-File-Flock2014.10.08pclos2017File locking with flockLock files using the flock() call. If the file to be locked does not exist, then the file is created. If the file was created then it will be removed when it is unlocked assuming it's still an empty file. Locks can be created by new'ing a File::Flock object. Such locks are automatically removed when the object goes out of scope. The unlock() method may also be used. lock_rename() is used to tell File::Flock when a file has been renamed (and thus the internal locking data that is stored based on the filename should be moved to a new name). unlock() the new name rather than the original name. Locks are released on process exit when the process that created the lock exits. Subprocesses that exit do not remove locks. Use forget_locks() or POSIX::_exit() to prevent unlocking on process exit.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(AnyEvent)perl(Data::Structure::Util)perl(IO::Event)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::SharedFork)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Flock-2014.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmA ff8b5da020cd6af35ee757330cd80a95./SRPMS.pclos{d  + D  *;DdB@BAHBELBJmCperl-File-Flock-Retry0.610.02pclos2017Yet another flock moduleThis is yet another flock module. It is a more lightweight alternative to the File::Flock manpage with some other differences: * * OO interface only * * Autoretry (by default for 60s) when trying to acquire lock>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp::Tiny)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::chdir)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Flock-Retry-0.610.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmEa66fc79ddd0ba6736a49225104e028a5./SRPMS.pclosd ' M(, 6GPXB@BABEBJCperl-File-FnMatch0.20.020pclos2017Simple filename and pathname matchingFile::FnMatch::fnmatch() provides simple, shell-like pattern matching. Though considerably less powerful than regular expressions, shell patterns are nonetheless useful and familiar to a large audience of end-users.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-FnMatch-0.20.0-20pclos2017.src.rpmcedca0ce69ed29f37794af3827d02248./SRPMS.pclosd  0HL VgpB@+BATBEXBJyCperl-File-Fu0.0.87pclos2017Temporary filesno description foundtbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Classy)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Which)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Fu-0.0.8-7pclos2017.src.rpmz1f406ace310bea3e9beb57f613eadc3f./SRPMS.pclosd & 7 /8|B@ BALBEPBJqCperl-File-Gettext0.30.13pclos2017No summary foundExtends File::DataClass::Schema. Provides for the reading and writing of GNU Gettext PO files and the reading of MO files. Used by Class::Usul::L10N to translate application message strings into different languagesbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Date::Format)perl(Encode)perl(File::DataClass)perl(File::Spec)perl(Hash::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Metadata)perl(Moo)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Text::Diff)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(Type::Tiny)perl(Unexpected)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # VHL VgptB@BABEBJCperl-File-Grep0.20.09pclos2017A grep function taking a list of files as argumentFile::Grep provides similar functionality as perl's builtin grep, map, and foreach commands, but iterating over a passed filelist instead of arrays. While trivial, this module can provide a quick dropin when such functionality is needed.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Grep-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm07845654c74388eac6d084d17667378b./SRPMS.pclos7d & Q    B@BABEBJ)Cperl-File-HomeDir1.0.010pclos2017Get home directory for self or other usersA Perl module to get home directory portably for self or other users.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::Which)perl(Test::More)xdg-user-dirsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)' 2 ^ B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-File-HomeDir-PathClass1.112.608pclos2017File::HomeDir returning Path::Class objectsThis module is just a wrapper around the File::HomeDir manpage methods, transforming their return value to the Path::Class manpage objects. This allows for easier usage of the value. Refer to the File::HomeDir#METHODS manpage for a list of which functions are supported. 'File::HomeDir::PathClass' supports both original the File::HomeDir manpage interfaces.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Find)perl(File::HomeDir)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Path::Class)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.930.00.360.1000.880.03.0.4-1perl-File-HomeDir-PathClass-1.112.60-8pclos2017.src.rpm@gd6522f224b01a2cf9f497798a33e8b1c./SRPMS.pclosKd ' 8| B@BABEBJ=Cperl-File-Inplace0.200.03pclos2017No summary foundFile::Inplace is a perl module intended to ease the common task of editing a file in-place. Inspired by variations of perl's -i option, this module is intended for somewhat more structured and reusable editing than command line perl typically allows. File::Inplace endeavors to guarantee file integrity; that is, either all of the changes made will be saved to the file, or none will. It also offers functionality such as backup creation, automatic field splitting per-line, automatic chomping/unchomping, and aborting edits partially through without affecting the original file.xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Inplace-0.200.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm!I19ac0c2677aa2190682a397ecc42449e./SRPMS.pclosd ( B 5B@BBApBEtBJCperl-File-LibMagic1.150.04pclos2017Perl wrapper for libmagicThe File::LibMagic is a simple perlinterface to libmagic from the file-4.x packagebb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Test::Fatal)perl-devellibmagic-develdb4-develgdbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-LibMagic-1.150.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm0b9c53a98f973f33f529f99e06e6032e./SRPMS.pclosd " k  +48TB@\BABEBJCperl-File-List0.3.19pclos2017Perl extension for crawling directory trees and compiling lists of filesThis module crawls the directory tree starting at the provided base directory and can return files (and/or directories if desired) matching a regular expressionbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-List-0.3.1-9pclos2017.src.rpm`3af0b086d2b00f135d0e5c39bff1c219./SRPMS.pclosd & ? /8DB@BABEBJCperl-File-Listing6.40.09pclos2017Parse directory listingsThis module exports a single function called parse_dir(), which can be used to parse directory listings. The first parameter to parse_dir() is the directory listing to parse. It can be a scalar, a reference to an array of directory lines or a glob representing a filehandle to read the directory listing from. The second parameter is the time zone to use when parsing time stamps in the listing. If this value is undefined, then the local time zone is assumed.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Date)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & A\` j{B@BABEBJ Cperl-File-Lockf0.200.015pclos2017File-Lockf module for perlFile-Lockf module for perl bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Lockf-0.200.0-15pclos2017.src.rpm269d2a4904cc5c02a22aba8512d5e712./SRPMS.pclosd & V B@BALBEPBJqCperl-File-MMagic1.300.07pclos2017Guess file type from filename and/or filehandleThis perl library uses perl5 objects to guess file type from filename and/or filehandle.Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-MMagic-1.300.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmaw129ca4da2ab5d0c70007ac06c71bf5c3./SRPMS.pclosd # G $ .?HB@BABEBJCperl-File-Map0.640.04pclos2017Memory mapping made simple and safeFile::Map maps files or anonymous memory into perl variables. Advantages of memory mapping * * Unlike normal perl variables, mapped memory is (usually) shared between threads or forked processes. * * It is an efficient way to slurp an entire file. Unlike for example the File::Slurp manpage, this module returns almost immediately, loading the pages lazily on access. This means you only 'pay' for the parts of the file you actually use.9bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Socket::INET)perl(Module::Build)perl(PerlIO::Layers)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(XSLoader)perl(if)perl(open)perl(strict)perl(subs)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1000. ( <X\ fw:B@\BABEBJCperl-File-MimeInfo0.270.04pclos2017Determine file typeThis module can be used to determine the mime type of a file; it's a replacement for File::MMagic trying to implement the freedesktop specification for using the shared mime-info database. The package comes with a script called 'mimetype' that can be used as a file(1) work-alike.~ bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::BaseDir)perl(File::DesktopEntry)perl(Pod::Usage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300. ( d NB@bBABEBJCperl-File-Modified0.100.03pclos2017File::Modified - checks intelligently if files have changedThe Modified module is intended as a simple method for programs to detect whether configuration files (or modules they rely on) have changed. There are currently two methods of change detection implemented, mtime and MD5. The MD5 method will fall back to use timestamps if the Digest::MD5 module cannot be loaded.?nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-File-Modified-0.100.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmF6f9d0f6d18b85646f00e124d9299ee64./SRPMS.pclosSd % c B@BA BE$BJECperl-File-NCopy0.360.09pclos2017Copies files to directories, or a single file to another fileCopies files to directories, or a single file to another file.";bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-NCopy-0.360.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm(608a8e9d53d52016e03a5bfd05f00a9d./SRPMS.pclos/d ' D`d nB@BABEBJ!Cperl-File-NFSLock1.270.04pclos2017File-NFSLock module for perlFile-NFSLock perl moduleWbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-NFSLock-1.270.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm]026bf63862af1ef30e00f9b93a9faf5b./SRPMS.pclosd $ : <B@NBAxBE|BJCperl-File-Next1.160.02pclos2017File-finding iteratorFile::Next is a lightweight, taint-safe file-finding module. It's lightweight and has no non-core prerequisites.Ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-File-Next-1.160.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmPc4401b3568865e00d901e1acc2aabddde./SRPMS.pclosKd $ A &7@\B@BABEBJ=Cperl-File-Path2.130.02pclos2017File path and name utilitiesThis module provide a convenient way to create directories of arbitrary depth and to delete an entire directory subtree from the filesystem. The following functions are provided: * make_path( $dir1, $dir2, .... )~Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(SelectSaver)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Path-2.130.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmh3988364ab3b5631a31b337c24508cb6e./SRPMS.pclosd * ;  (`B@iBABEBJCperl-File-Path-Expand1.20.08pclos2017Expand filenamesFile::Path::Expand expands user directories in filenames. For the simple case it's no more complex than s{^~/}{$HOME/}, but for other cases it consults 'getpwent' and does the right thing. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Path-Expand-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmPbbc6bf047660cfbf9a11d0fe451eaa2c./SRPMS.pclos3d ) zLP ZktB@BABEBJ%Cperl-File-Path-Tiny0.800.03pclos2017Recursive versions of mkdir() and rmdir() without as much overhead as File::PathThe goal here is simply to provide recursive versions of the mkdir manpage() and the rmdir manpage() with as little code and overhead as possible. This module is in no way meant to derogate the File::Path manpage and is in no way an endorsement to go out and replace all use of the File::Path manpage with the File::Path::Tiny manpage. the File::Path manpage is very good at what it does but there's simply a lot happening that we can do without much of the time.#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Path-Tiny-0.800.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm+D1a49469e2be4418c9eefd850c27d0997./SRPMS.pclosd ( c iB@uBABEBJCperl-File-PathInfo1.270.08pclos2017Oo access to path variables stat data about a file on diskThis provides an object oriented interface to things you want to know about a file, such as extension, absolute path, relative path, size, filename (without extension), etc. It is a sort of swissarmy knife of file info. A lot of times you need to know a file's absolute path, it's absolute location, maybe it's relative location to something else (like DOCUMENT ROOT), then you need to maybe know the relative path and relative location for a file. You need to know if a file is a directory, what it's extension is. You can commonly use regexes to do this. This module provides commonly needed variables.ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Smart::Comments)perl(Time::Format)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-PathInfo-1.270.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm75e4dc8f569ac921cad293d6221c64c0./SRPMS.pclos3d ' h $ .?H\B@BABEBJ%Cperl-File-PathList1.40.08pclos2017Find a file within a set of paths (like @INC or Java classpaths)Many systems that map generic relative paths to absolute paths do so with a set of base paths. For example, perl itself when loading classes first turn a 'Class::Name' into a path like 'Class/Name.pm', and thens looks through each element of '@INC' to find the actual file. To aid in portability, all relative paths are provided as unix-style relative paths, and converted to the localised version in the process of looking up the path.abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Params::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-PathList-1.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmifbb7b6889b2078d826760e222dda2948./SRPMS.pclosd# . n [B@fBABEBJCperl-File-Permissions-Unix0.1.03pclos2017A simple object oriented interface to handling file permissionsThis module gives you a simple object oriented interface to handling file permissions. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Error::Helper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Permissions-Unix-0.1.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm277ea84d1793899074c8b33d3203e260./SRPMS.pclosd " 8  $0B@BABEBJCperl-File-Pid1.10.08pclos2017Pid File ManipulationThis software manages a pid file for you. It will create a pid file, query the process within to discover if it's still running, and remove the pid file. new my $pidfile = File::Pid->new; my $thisfile = File::Pid->new({ file => '/var/run/daemon.pid', }); my $thisfileandpid = File::Pid->new({ file => '/var/run/daemon.pid', pid => '145', }); This constructor takes two optional paramters.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Pid-1.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm 76c7942a8e8a7b9c264c8b6511bbc295./SRPMS.pclosd $ I TB@aBABEBJCperl-File-Policy1.5.09pclos2017Simple policy for file I/O functionsThis defines the policy for file I/O with modules such as File::Slurp::WithinPolicy. The purpose is to allow systems administrators to define locations and restrictions for applications' file I/O and give app developers a policy to follow. Note that the module doesn't ENFORCE the policy - application developers can choose to ignore it (and systems administrators can choose not to install their applications if they do!). You may control which policy gets applied by creating a File::Policy::Config module with an IMPLEMENTATION constant. You may write your own policy as a module within the File::Policy:: namespace. By default (if no File::Policy::Config is present), the File::Policy::Default policy gets applied which doesn't impose any restrictions and provides reasonable default locations for temporary and log files.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Log::Trace)perl(Test::Assertions)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Policy-1.5.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmGd058fb09bc25813dbf4b4212d9eab5ac./SRPMS.pclosd! , a  *;DHdB@lBABEBJCperl-File-ReadBackwards1.50.09pclos2017Perl extension for reading a file backwards by linesThis module reads a file backwards line by line. It is simple to use, memory efficient and fast. It supports both an object and a tied handle interface. It is intended for processing log and other similar text files which typically have their newest entries appended to them. By default files are assumed to be plain text and have a line ending appropriate to the OS. But you can set the input record separator string on a per file basis.'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-ReadBackwards-1.50.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm/d37d0b28a81e0242452cd0f3103e6a4ee./SRPMS.pclosd & Ctx B@1BA`BEdBJCperl-File-Remove1.570.03pclos2017Remove files and directoriesA Perl module to remove files and directories.\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Glob)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d % D  ,B@BABEBJCperl-File-Rsync0.490.03pclos2017Perl module interface to rsyncPerl Convenience wrapper for the rsync(1) program. Written for rsync-2.3.2 and updated for rsync-2.6.0 but should perform properly with most recent versions.Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(IPC::Run3)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl-develrsyncrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Rsync-0.490.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmad39f45a7e68a9e4d2b3655c902c4ac3e9./SRPMS.pclos3d & 848 BS\lB@BABEBJ%Cperl-File-RsyncP0.740.04pclos2017Perl Rsync clientFile::RsyncP is a perl implementation of an Rsync client. It is compatible with Rsync 2.5.5 (protocol version 26). It can send or receive files, either by running rsync on the remote machine, or connecting to an rsyncd daemon on the remote machine.Sbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ R  $(DB@LBAxBE|BJCperl-File-Scan1.430.08pclos2017Perl extension for Scanning files for VirusesThe File::Scan module is designed to allow users to scan files for known viruses. Its purpose is to provide a perl module to make platform independent virus scanners.Śbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Scan-1.430.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm0e678cca1a9e8b4c71731f09a4e9828f./SRPMS.pclosd ) [  rB@BABEBJCperl-File-SearchPath0.70.04pclos2017Search for a file in an environment variable pathThis module provides the ability to search a path-like environment variable for a file (that does not necessarily have to be an executable).#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.800.00.360.03.0.4-1perl-File-SearchPath-0.70.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm)c83dbf0f407de47e522c7bfe3aa25cef./SRPMS.pclosOd ' Opt ~B@BABE BJACperl-File-Serialize1.0.13pclos2017DWIM file serialization/deserialization_File::Serialize_ provides a common, simple interface to file serialization -- you provide the file path, the data to serialized, and the module takes care of the rest. Even the serialization format, unless specified explicitly as part of the options, is detected from the file extension.fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Load)perl(Exporter::Tiny)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::AllUtils)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Info)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Moo::Role)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(feature)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.410.03.0.4-1perl-File-Serialize-1.0.1-3pclos2017.src.rpmm690366142458e60978d902594f84987c./SRPMS.pclosd % N gB@wBABEBJCperl-File-Share0.250.06pclos2017Extend File::ShareDir to Local LibrariesTHis module is a dropin replacement for the File::ShareDir manpage. It supports the 'dist_dir' and 'dist_file' functions, except these functions have been enhanced to understand when the developer's local './share/' directory should be used. NOTE: module_dist and module_file are not yet supported, because (afaik) there is no well known way to populate per-module share files. This may change in the future.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ShareDir)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( T oB@BABEBJCperl-File-ShareDir1.102.07pclos2017Locate per-dist and per-module shared filesLocate per-dist and per-module shared files3Lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 E eB@wBABEBJCperl-File-ShareDir-Install0.100.04pclos2017Install shared filesFile::ShareDir::Install allows you to install read-only data files from a distribution. It is a companion module to the File::ShareDir manpage, which allows you to locate these files after installation. It is a port the Module::Install::Share manpage to the ExtUtils::MakeMaker manpage with the improvement of only installing the files you want; '.svn' and other source-control junk will be ignored.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Dir)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'L76db9b753e48c3aa78f27609c1c26ef1./SRPMS.pclosd  + Klp z  k B@{BABEBJCperl-File-ShareDir-PAR0.60.09pclos2017File::ShareDir with PAR support'File::ShareDir::PAR' provides the same functionality as the File::ShareDir manpage but tries hard to be compatible with the PAR manpage packaged applications. The problem is, that the concept of having a distribution or module specific _share_ directory becomes a little hazy when you're loading everything from a single file. the PAR manpage uses an '@INC' hook to intercept any attempt to load a module. the File::ShareDir manpage uses the directory structure that is typically found in the directories that are listed in '@INC' for storing the shared data. In a 'PAR' enviroment, this is not necessarily possible. When you call one of the functions that this module provides, it will take care to search in any of the currently loaded '.par' files before scanning '@INC'. This is the same order of preference you get for loading modules when PAR is in effect. If the path or file you are asking for is found in one of the loaded '.par' files, that containing '.par' file is extracted and the path returned will point to the extracted copy on disk.cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Inspector)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(Params::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-ShareDir-PAR-0.60.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm7b28adf0d641ab7493f1483c7e1da378./SRPMS.pclosod) 4 a  $  B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-File-ShareDir-PathClass1.112.4408pclos2017File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objectsThis module is just a wrapper around the File::ShareDir manpage functions, transforming their return value to the Path::Class manpage objects. This allows for easier usage of the value. Refer to the File::ShareDir manpage (section FUNCTIONS) for a list of which functions are supported. 'File::ShareDir::PathClass' supports both a procedural and a clas methods API.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Find)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Path::Class)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1000.880.03.0.4-1perl-File-ShareDir-PathClass-1.112.440-8pclos2017.src.rpm@67bb774eda4abdbc5d43747703f4d13f./SRPMS.pclosd$* 5  8dB@BABEBJCperl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir1.0.84pclos2017Simple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects rootSimple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects root.Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(FindBin)perl(List::Util)perl(Path::FindDev)perl(Path::IsDev)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.03.0.4-1perl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir-1.0.8-4pclos2017.src.rpm{a447083b3783646ec251b5c782a0fcc0./SRPMS.pclos/d# . kHL VgpB@BABEBJ!Cperl-File-ShareDir-Tarball0.2.27pclos2017Deal transparently with shared files distributed as tarballsIf the shared files of a distribution are contained in a tarball (see the Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball manpage for why you would want to do that), automatically extract the archive in a temporary directory and return the path to that directory. If called for a regular distribution without a bundle file ('shared-files.tar.gz'), it'll return the original shared dir. In other words, from the consumer point of view, it'll behave just like the File::ShareDir manpage.?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Find)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::chdir)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::File::ShareDir)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1000.880.03.0.4-1perl-File-ShareDir-Tarball-0.2.2-7pclos2017.src.rpmGseff34f45ebc0d0d81008be1c9a1d78a5./SRPMS.pclosd ( T bB@nBABEBJCperl-File-Slurp9999.190.09pclos2017Efficient Reading/Writing of Complete FilesThis module provides subs that allow you to read or write entire files with one simple call. They are designed to be simple to use, have flexible ways to pass in or get the file contents and to be very efficient. There is also a sub to read in all the files in a directory other than . and .. These slurp/spew subs work for files, pipes and sockets, and stdio, pseudo-files, and DATA.vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(Fcntl)perl(POSIX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Slurp-9999.190.0-9pclos2017.src.rpme4a7de95f163f20e47721924c725ad04./SRPMS.pclosd! , d {B@BABEBJCperl-File-Slurp-Remote0.440.09pclos2017Discover canonical hostnames, sometimes with `hostname`This is similar to the File::Slurp manpage, but it reads and writes files on remote systems using 'ssh' to get there. It uses ssh/scp to get to the remote systems. You can override the copy command by redefining '$File::Slurp::Remote::scp'. You can override the remote shell command by redefining '$File::Slurp::Remote::SmartOpen::ssh'.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Temp)perl(Sys::Hostname::FQDN)perl(Tie::Hash)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Slurp-Remote-0.440.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm&7482edc0a909b696abb06ff9aad2162e./SRPMS.pclosKd ( R    B@BABEBJ=Cperl-File-Slurp-Tiny0.4.04pclos2017A simple, sane and efficient file slurperThis module provides functions for fast and correct slurping and spewing. All functions are optionally exported.7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(FileHandle)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.03.0.4-1perl-File-Slurp-Tiny-0.4.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm=8065d31bf70ce5079514a35293b26de6./SRPMS.pclos?d % Y B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-File-Slurper0.8.04pclos2017A simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a fileA simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file.=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Slurper-0.8.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmCk50cb2f2fe4f00725a1bf4a295b712493./SRPMS.pclosd # L,0 :KT\B@BABEBJCperl-File-Sort1.10.08pclos2017Sort a file or merge sort multiple filesThis module sorts text files by lines (or records). Comparisons are based on one or more sort keys extracted from each line of input, and are performed lexicographically. By default, if keys are not given, sort regards each input line as a single field. The sort is a merge sort. If you don't like that, feel free to change it. Options The following options are available, and are passed in the hash reference passed to the function in the format: OPTION => VALUE'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Sort-1.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmDevelopment/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Spec-Native-1.4.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm^c949f24ebdc3c243281cde9c7868cb888./SRPMS.pclosd % V<@ J[dpB@BABEBJ Cperl-File-Sync0.110.018pclos2017Perl access to fsync() and sync() function callsThe fsync() function takes a Perl file handle as its only argument, and passes its fileno() to the C function fsync(). It returns I on failure, or I on success. The fsync_fd() function is used internally by fsync(); it takes a file descriptor as its only argument. The sync() function is identical to the C function sync(). This module does B export any methods by default, but fsync() is made available as a method of the I and I classes.Dbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Sync-0.110.0-18pclos2017.src.rpm#d3d55389aafd5eb790fbe853e27bf2ed./SRPMS.pclosd $ ? `B@vBABEBJCperl-File-Tail1.300.04pclos2017File::Tail module for PerlThis Perl modules allows to read from continously updated files.cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::stat)perl(FileHandle)perl(IO::Seekable)perl(Time::HiRes)perl-develperl-Time-HiResrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 40e0ce2e5c87b1e7917bd58625ca1fa4./SRPMS.pclos_d & X 4B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-File-Temp0.230.4009pclos2017Return name and handle of a temporary file safelyFile::Temp can be used to create and open temporary files in a safe way. There is both a function interface and an object-oriented interface. The File::Temp constructor or the tempfile() function can be used to return the name and the open filehandle of a temporary file. The tempdir() function can be used to create a temporary directory.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Carp::Heavy)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(FileHandle)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Seekable)perl(List::Util)perl(POSIX)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570. ' ^ B@BABEBJ=Cperl-File-Tempdir0.20.010pclos2017A module to make easier temporary directories deletionA module to make easier temporary directories deletion Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Tempdir-0.20.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm31e81656ce4e608c1143cd603c00779d./SRPMS.pclos#d % O    B@BABEBJCperl-File-Touch0.110.03pclos2017Update access and modification timestampsThis modules update access and modification timestamps, creating nonexistent files where necessary.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::stat)perl(IO::File)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-File-Touch-0.110.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm9\5ba17dbd22639c46d2bfacd7bae82592./SRPMS.pclosSd $ S B@BA BE$BJECperl-File-Type0.220.08pclos2017Perl module to determine file type using magicFile::Type is a perl module that can be used to determine file type using magic.Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Type-0.220.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm]ea3a1ad6e791409f571aeb82b0b9bd907./SRPMS.pclosd" - V "B@7BAlBEpBJCperl-File-TypeCategories0.50.04pclos2017Determine if files match a specific typeA 'File::TypeCategories' object can be used to test if files match the defined categories.Sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::chdir)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(Type::Tiny)perl(Types::Standard)perl(YAML)perl(autodie)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-TypeCategories-0.50.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmZd28dff7598e23fe1e214d704c332b239./SRPMS.pclos/d $ b (B@BABEBJ!Cperl-File-Value1.20.08pclos2017Routines to manipulate file name or content as a single valueThese are general purpose routines that support the treatment of a file's contents or a file's name as a single data value.Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Glob)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Pod::Usage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Value-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmCzfa297c48addb48c43d64501d52e8f17f./SRPMS.pclosd % T,0 :KT`B@BABEBJ Cperl-File-Which1.210.03pclos2017Portable implementation of the `which' utilityFile::Which was created to be able to get the paths to executable programs on systems under which the `which' program wasn't implemented in the shell. File::Which searches the directories of the user's PATH (as returned by File::Spec->path()), looking for executable files having the name specified as a parameter to which(). Under Win32 systems, which do not have a notion of directly executable files, but uses special extensions such as .exe and .bat to identify them, File::Which takes extra steps to assure that you will find the correct file (so for example, you might be searching for perl, it'll try perl.exe, perl.bat, etc.) These slurp/spew subs work for files, pipes and sockets, and stdio, pseudo-files, and DATA.ZZbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-File-Which-1.210.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmb53a2749557133375cfec3db9ba8748fd./SRPMS.pclos d % 4(, 6GP\B@BABEBJCperl-File-Zglob0.110.08pclos2017Extended globs*WARNINGS: THIS IS ALPHA VERSION. API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE* Provides a traditional Unix glob(3) functionality; returns a list of pathnames that matches the given pattern. File::Zglob provides extended glob. It supports '**/*.pm' form.ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-Zglob-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmm8c84e94d81996e3b785a036a9ca0d527./SRPMS.pclosKd % O    B@BABEBJ=Cperl-File-chdir0.101.04pclos2017A more sensible way to change directoriesPerl's chdir() has the unfortunate problem of being very, very, very global. If any part of your program calls chdir() or if any library you use calls chdir(), it changes the current working directory for the B program. File::chdir gives you an alternative, $CWD and @CWD. These two variables combine all the power of C, File::Spec and Cwd.fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) bd840ecddbc79458a2bd65f95f4f8452./SRPMS.pclosd % L ,*B@ABAlBEpBJCperl-File-chmod0.420.04pclos2017Implements symbolic and ls chmod modesFile::chmod is a utility that allows you to bypass system calls or bit processing of a file's permissions. It overloads the chmod() function with its own that gets an octal mode, a symbolic mode (see below), or an "ls" mode (see below). If you wish not to overload chmod(), you can export symchmod() and lschmod(), which take, respectively, a symbolic mode and an "ls" mode.hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(English)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl(autodie)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-File-chmod-0.420.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmo`df841e2e77ff9e60ad792c70a9c8e1fe./SRPMS.pclosd # T$( 2CLB@BABEBJCperl-File-pushd1.9.06pclos2017Change directory temporarily for a limited scopeFile::pushd does a temporary 'chdir' that is easily and automatically reverted, similar to 'pushd' in some Unix command shells. It works by creating an object that caches the original working directory. When the object is destroyed, the destructor calls 'chdir' to revert to the original working directory. By storing the object in a lexical variable with a limited scope, this happens automatically at the end of the scope. This is very handy when working with temporary directories for tasks like testing; a function is provided to streamline getting a temporary directory from the File::Temp manpage. For convenience, the object stringifies as the canonical form of the absolute pathname of the directory entered.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.03.0.4-1perl-File-pushd-1.9.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmY8d2140fffeedfddb6e80de5a8655a67f./SRPMS.pclosd" - v $ .?HdB@BAPBETBJuCperl-FileHandle-Unget0.162.8004pclos2017Perl modules that allow to place back more than one byte on a FilehandleFileHandle::Unget is a perl module that is a drop-in replacement for the standard FileHandle perl module. It allows more than one byte to be placed back on the input.=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360. % R QB@_BABEBJCperl-Filesys-Cap0.20.02pclos2017Test filesystem capabilities/characteristicsTest filesystem capabilities/characteristics9 bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)perl(UUID::Random)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Filesys-Cap-0.20.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm?91fa8db84c363223382dc765d26e4b67./SRPMS.pclosd & J /8@gB@pBABEBJCperl-Filesys-Df0.920.019pclos2017Disk free based on Filesys::StatvfsThis module provides a way to obtain filesystem disk space information. This is a Unix only distribution. If you want to gather this information for Unix and Windows, use 'Filesys::DfPortable'. The only major benefit of using 'Filesys::Df' over 'Filesys::DfPortable', is that 'Filesys::Df' supports the use of open filehandles as arguments. The module should work with all flavors of Unix that implement the 'statvfs()' and 'fstatvfs()' calls, or the 'statfs()' and 'fstatfs()' calls. This would include Linux, *BSD, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, Mac OS X, Irix, Cygwin, etc ... 'df()' requires a argument that represents the filesystem you want to query. The argument can be either a scalar directory/file name or a open filehandle. There is also an optional block size argument so you can tailor the size of the values returned. The default block size is 1024. This will cause the function to return the values in 1k blocks. If you want bytes, set the block size to 1.#Cbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Filesys-Df-0.920.0-19pclos2017.src.rpm+672f0c0b19518eaf1c3b88dedceaf26f./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 T oB@BABEBJCperl-Filesys-Notify-Simple0.120.09pclos2017Simple and dumb file system watcherFilesys::Notify::Simple is a simple but unified interface to get notifications of changes to a given filesystem path. It utilizes inotify2 on Linux and fsevents on OS X if they're installed, with a fallback to the full directory scan if they're not available. There are some limitations in this module. If you don't like it, use the File::ChangeNotify manpage. * *7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::SharedFork)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.120.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm?u57c09b05364ddbe5bf4e3b38a87a0744./SRPMS.pclosd ' \ B@'BATBEXBJyCperl-Filesys-POSIX0.10.09pclos2017Provide POSIX-like filesystem semantics in pure PerlThis modules provide POSIX-like filesystem semantics in pure Perl.nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::NoWarnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Filesys-POSIX-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmf2aad6e9cc9092cdcb34d1649e1fa49d./SRPMS.pclos{d + `  B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Filesys-Statvfs0.820.016pclos2017Interface between Perl and the statvfs() system callFilesys::Statvfs provides an interface between Perl and the statvfs() system call.~bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Filesys-Statvfs-0.820.0-16pclos2017.src.rpmfa886128b7dded3fdc48a83114e9f984./SRPMS.pclos;d ! @`d nB@BABE BJ-Cperl-Filter1.550.04pclos2017Source filter modules for PerlSource filter modules for PerldWbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Filter-1.550.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmk7dd6a3589623d68e452a2f5ac569b92f./SRPMS.pclosd ( D  B@BABEBJCperl-Filter-Simple0.910.07pclos2017Simplified source filteringThe Problem Source filtering is an immensely powerful feature of recent versions of Perl. It allows one to extend the language itself (e.g. the Switch module), to simplify the language (e.g. Language::Pythonesque), or to completely recast the language (e.g. Lingua::Romana::Perligata). Effectively, it allows one to use the full power of Perl as its own, recursively applied, macro language. The excellent Filter::Util::Call module (by Paul Marquess) provides a usable Perl interface to source filtering, but it is often too powerful and not nearly as simple as it could be. To use the module it is necessary to do the following:Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Filter::Util::Call)perl(Text::Balanced)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.970.03.0.4-1perl-Filter-Simple-0.910.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmWd99d2ca66ec3e0a4d36b97b7f0bc91e4./SRPMS.pclosd# . W &7@ d ! B@1BAhBElBJCperl-Finance-Bank-LaPoste7.90.06pclos2017Check your "La Poste" accounts from PerlThis module provides a read-only interface to the Videoposte online banking system at . The interface of this module is similar to other Finance::Bank modules."bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Graphics::Magick)perl(HTML::Form)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTTP::Cookies)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl-libwww-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Finance-Bank-LaPoste-7.90.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm)26b202fe46278237adddd14aeaeff6aa./SRPMS.pclos+d ( `\` j{%%%B@BABEBJCperl-Finance-Quote1.380.04pclos2017Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchangesFinance::Quote provides access to time-delayed stockquotes from a number of sources. After you've installed the pacakage, try 'perldoc Finance::Quote' for full information. Alternatively, you can 'perldoc lib/Finance/Quote.pm' before the install. }bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Carp)perl(Crypt::SSLeay)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Date::Calc)perl(DateTime)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::TableExtract)perl(HTML::TokeParser)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(HTTP::Cookies)perl(HTTP::Headers)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(JSON)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Mozilla::CA)perl(POSIX)perl(Storable)perl(Test)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::Piece)perl(URI)perl(URI::Escape)perl(URI::QueryParam)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Finance-Quote-1.380.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmbd340c3dfc2502ca17aa756e98d9bbda./SRPMS.pclos'd " O04 >OXhB@BABEBJCperl-Find-Lib1.40.08pclos2017Helper to find libs to use in the filesystemThe purpose of this module is to replace use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../bootstrap/lib"; with something shorter. This is specially useful if your project has a lot of scripts (For instance tests scripts).''bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Find-Lib-1.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm.8c9040a8bde0c243b269c2a80295a726d./SRPMS.pclosd % Jpt ~8B@iBABEBJCperl-Flickr-API1.270.03pclos2017Perl interface to the flickr.com APIPerl interface to the flickr.com APIbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTTP::Message)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Response)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Net::OAuth)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Script)perl(URI)perl(XML::LibXML::Simple)perl(XML::Parser::Lite::Tree)perl(parent)perl-libwww-perlperl-XML-Parser-Lite-Treerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( Ddh r   B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Flickr-Upload1.510.03pclos2017Upload images to flickr.comUpload an image to flickr.comabb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Flickr::API)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(XML::Simple)perl-Flickr-APIperl-XML-Parser-Lite-Treeperl-libwww-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # I "3<@\B@dBABEBJCperl-Font-AFM1.200.08pclos2017Interface to Adobe Font Metrics filesThis module implements the Font::AFM class. Objects of this class are initialised from an AFM-file and allows you to obtain information about the font and the metrics of the various glyphs in the font.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Font-AFM-1.200.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm-751fbb0eb1056a33bf724d6183384181./SRPMS.pcloskd " H B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Font-TTF1.50.04pclos2017Perl module for TrueType Font hackingPerl module to manipulate TTF fonts, needed by perl-Text-PDF.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::String)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Font-TTF-1.50.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmbc49be35189ba7df284dca0a79dc5042./SRPMS.pclos'd ! M    B@BABEBJCperl-Forest0.100.04pclos2017Indexes a Forest::Tree heiarchy by it's UIDForest is intended to be a replacement for the the Tree::Simple manpage family of modules, and fixes many of the issues that have always bothered me about them. It is by no means a complete replacement yet, but should eventually grow to become that. For more information please refer to the individual module documentation, starting with the Forest::Tree manpage.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::Util)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Clone)perl(Path::Class)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Forest-0.100.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmSd5686a50426ea7107db1c57c9231956d./SRPMS.pclossd! , Wlp zB@ BA@BEDBJeCperl-Format-Human-Bytes0.60.08pclos2017Format bytecounts in a human readable formno description founddbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Install)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Format-Human-Bytes-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmkbd1a0a8275803263bf48650795c05374b./SRPMS.pclosd ' V<@ J[dhB@BABEBJCperl-FreezeThaw0.500.1009pclos2017Converting Perl structures to strings and backConverts data to/from stringified form, appropriate for saving-to/reading-from permanent storage. Deals with objects, circular lists, repeated appearence of the same refence. Does not deal with overloaded stringify operator yet.2rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-FreezeThaw-0.500.100-9pclos2017.src.rpm9R6bb5e3c90deee08e50fb3f6840bf1736./SRPMS.pclosOd ( Elp zB@BABE BJACperl-Frontier-RPC0.07b4p14pclos2017Frontier-RPC module for perlFrontier::RPC implements UserLand Software's XML RPC (Remote Procedure Calls using Extensible Markup Language). Frontier::RPC includes both a client module for making requests to a server and several server modules for implementing servers using CGI, Apache, and standalone with HTTP::Daemon.Z bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::Parser)perl(LWP::UserAgent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Frontier-RPC-0.07b4p1-4pclos2017.src.rpmaj25b7be61dc7aac8e55bac50b200c16c0./SRPMS.pclosd$ / Q "3<tZB@oBABEBJCperl-Function-Parameters1.70.4003pclos2017Information about parameter listsThis module extends Perl with keywords that let you define functions with parameter lists. It uses Perl's perlapi/PL_keyword_plugin API, so it works reliably and doesn't require a source filter.Cbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(Dir::Self)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Function-Parameters-1.70.400-3pclos2017.src.rpmId651261179b54927987049bede04116c./SRPMS.pclosd   7TX bs|B@EBAlBEpBJCperl-Furl3.80.04pclos2017Response object for FurlFurl is yet another HTTP client library. LWP is the de facto standard HTTP client for Perl5, but it is too slow for some critical jobs, and too complex for weekend hacking. Furl resolves these issues. Enjoy it! This library is an *beta* software. Any API may change without notice. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(CPAN::Meta::Prereqs)perl(Class::Accessor::Lite)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTTP::Parser::XS)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Module::Build)perl(Mozilla::CA)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Socket)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Test::TCP)perl(Time::HiRes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ G KB@tBABEBJCperl-FurlX-Coro1.20.07pclos2017Furl::HTTP wrapper for FurlX::COroThis is a wrapper to 'Furl' for asynchronous HTTP requests with 'Coro'. This is an experimental module!NLbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(CPAN::Meta::Prereqs)perl(Coro)perl(Coro::AnyEvent)perl(Furl)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Build::Pluggable)perl(Module::Build::Pluggable::CPANfile)perl(Module::Build::Pluggable::GithubMeta)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.00.980.}6ef5614434c59c2e9dacdd803aaef414./SRPMS.pclosd   D B@BABEBJCperl-Fuse0_161.07pclos2017Write filesystems in Perl using FUSEThis lets you implement filesystems in perl, through the FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) kernel/lib interface.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Filesys::Statvfs)perl(Lchown)perl(Unix::Mknod)fuse-develfuseperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Fuse-0_161.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmf73438b35bbf731b55f7731ae8af4aa0./SRPMS.pclosd ! L(, 6GPp B@'BAPBETBJuCperl-Future0.330.04pclos2017Represent an operation awaiting completionA `Future' object represents an operation that is currently in progress, or has recently completed. It can be used in a variety of ways to manage the flow of control, and data, through an asynchronous program. Some futures represent a single operation and are explicitly marked as ready by calling the `done' or `fail' methods. These are called "leaf" futures here, and are returned by the `new' constructor. Other futures represent a collection sub-tasks, and are implicitly marked as ready depending on the readiness of their component futures as required. These are called "dependent" futures here, and are returned by the various `wait_*' and `need_*' constructors. It is intended that library functions that perform asynchonous operations would use `Future' objects to represent outstanding operations, and allow their calling programs to control or wait for these operations to complete. The implementation and the user of such an interface would typically make use of different methods on the class. The methods below are documented in two sections; those of interest to each side of the interface. See also Future::Utils which contains useful loop-constructing functions, to run a `Future'-returning function repeatedly in a loop.Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::Identity)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Refcount)perl(Time::HiRes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   NDH Rcl  F B@XBA|BEBJCperl-GD2.560.05pclos2017A perl5 interface to Thomas Boutell's gd libraryGD.pm is a autoloadable interface module for libgd, a popular library for creating and manipulating PNG files. With this library you can create PNG images on the fly or modify existing files. Features include: a. lines, polygons, rectangles and arcs, both filled and unfilled b. flood fills c. the use of arbitrary images as brushes and as tiled fill patterns d. line styling (dashed lines and the like) e. horizontal and vertical text rendering f. support for transparency and interlacing6bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::Trig)perl(Module::Build)freetype-develgd-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develperl-develxpm-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GD-2.560.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm76974d9635402ef72a2f64dd9876c2067./SRPMS.pclosCd % L B@BABEBJ5Cperl-GD-Graph3d0.630.08pclos2017Create 3D Graphs with GD and GD::GraphThis is the GD::Graph3d extensions module. It provides 3D graphs for the GD::Graph module by Martien Verbruggen, which in turn generates graph using Lincoln Stein's GD.pm. You use these modules just as you would any of the GD::Graph modules, except that they generate 3d-looking graphs. Each graph type is described below with only the options that are unique to the 3d version. The modules are based on their 2d versions (e.g. GD::Graph::bars3d works like GD::Graph::bars), and support all the options in those. Make sure to read the documentation on GD::Graph.Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-GDGraphrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GD-Graph3d-0.630.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm9cd0b9dd710e764ff5ea4bdb46c5ee32./SRPMS.pclosd  + N DB@^BABEBJCperl-GD-SecurityImage1.730.04pclos2017Security image (captcha) generatorThe (so called) _"Security Images"_ are so popular. Most internet software use these in their registration screens to block robot programs (which may register tons of fake member accounts). Security images are basicaly, graphical *CAPTCHA*s (*C*ompletely *A*utomated *P*ublic *T*uring Test to Tell *C*omputers and *H*umans *A*part). This module gives you a basic interface to create such an image. The final output is the actual graphic data, the mime type of the graphic and the created random string. The module also has some _"styles"_ that are used to create the background (or foreground) of the image. If you are an 'Authen::Captcha' user, see the GD::SecurityImage::AC manpage for migration from 'Authen::Captcha' to 'GD::SecurityImage'. This module is *just an image generator*. Not a _captcha handler_. The validation of the generated graphic is left to your programming taste. But there are some _captcha handlers_ for several Perl FrameWorks. If you are an user of one of these frameworks, see the /"GD::SecurityImage Implementations" manpage in the /"SEE ALSO" manpage section for information.abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(GD)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.00.400.03.0.4-1perl-GD-SecurityImage-1.730.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmkd508044c30e23d31a95d9e74b0d3c448./SRPMS.pcloswd " C    B@BADBEHBJiCperl-GDGraph1.520.03pclos2017Graph Plotting Module for Perl 5This is GDGraph, a package to generate charts, using Lincoln Stein's GD.pm. See the documentation for some history and more information.hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FindBin)perl(GD)perl(GD::Text)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl-GDperl-GDTextUtilgd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.06.640. % D B@!BALBEPBJqCperl-GDTextUtil0.860.08pclos2017Text utilities for use with GDThis module provides a font-independent way of dealing with text in GD, for use with the GD::Text::* modules and GD::Graph.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-GDrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ ?tx B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-GPS-Babel0.110.08pclos2017Perl interface to gpsbabelFrom the http://gpsbabel.org/ manpage: GPSBabel converts waypoints, tracks, and routes from one format to another, whether that format is a common mapping format like Delorme, Streets and Trips, or even a serial upload or download to a GPS unit such as those from Garmin and Magellan. By flattening the Tower of Babel that the authors of various programs for manipulating GPS data have imposed upon us, it returns to us the ability to freely move our own waypoint data between the programs and hardware we choose to use. GPSBabel supports 96 various GPS related data formats. In addition to file conversion it supports upload and download to a number of serial and USB devices. This module provides a (thin) wrapper around the gpsbabel binary making it easier to use in a perlish way.0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Which)perl(Geo::Gpx)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % _ B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-GPS-Garmin0.170.08pclos2017Perl interface to GPS equipment using the Garmin ProtocolGPS::Garmin allow the connection and use of of a GPS receiver in perl scripts. Currently only the GRMN/GRMN protocol is implemented but NMEA is a work in progress. This module currently works with Garmin GPS II+ equipments, but should work on most Garmin receivers that support the GRMN/GRMN protocol.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Device::SerialPort)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GPS-Garmin-0.170.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmBb6561e2175807a83a40dd3cdea0b6a85./SRPMS.pcloswd $ QLP ZktB@BADBEHBJiCperl-GPS-Point0.200.07pclos2017Provides an object interface for a GPS pointThis is a re-write of the Net::GPSD::Point manpage with a goal of being more re-usable. GPS::Point - Provides an object interface for a GPS fix (e.g. Position, Velocity and Time). Note: Please use Geo::Point, if you want 2D or projection support.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Number::Delta)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 457bfa96d8ca0d28355ff3915213898a./SRPMS.pclosd " Z  $0bB@lBABEBJCperl-GSSAPI0.280.017pclos2017Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 libraryThis module gives access to the routines of the GSSAPI library, as described in rfc2743 and rfc2744 and implemented by the Kerberos-1.2 distribution from MIT. Since 0.14 it also compiles and works with Heimdal. Lacks of Heimdal support are gss_release_oid(), gss_str_to_oid() and fail of some tests. Have a look at the tests in t/ directory too see what tests fail on Heimdal ( the *.t tests are just skipping them at the moment) The API presented by this module is a mildly object oriented reinterpretation of the C API, where opaque C structures are Perl objects, but the style of function call has been left mostly untouched. As a result, most routines modify one or more of the parameters passed to them, reflecting the C call-by- reference (or call-by-value-return) semantics. All users of this module are therefore strongly advised to localize all usage of these routines to minimize pain if and when the API changes.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 krb5-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GSSAPI-0.280.0-17pclos2017.src.rpm01b9785a0b67a50b63c9d7c09f6707ce5./SRPMS.pclosOd $ J    B@BABE BJACperl-GStreamer0.200.06pclos2017Perl module for the gstreamer libraryThis module allows you to use the GStreamer library from Perl.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Glib)libgstreamer-develperl-Glibperl-Gtk2perl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) / U    B@BABEBJCperl-GStreamer-Interfaces0.60.017pclos2017Perl module for the gstreamer libraryThis module allows you to use the GStreamer library from Perl.Efbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  libgstreamer-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-develperl(Glib)perl(GStreamer)perl(Gtk2)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.101.1001.1003.0.4-1perl-GStreamer-Interfaces-0.60.0-17pclos2017.src.rpmKb3f2ec33a8607cb52c38a17b946100f9b./SRPMS.pclosgd   :`d nB@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-GTop0.180.014pclos2017Perl interface to libgtopGTop is a Perl interface to libgtop.M*bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)libgtop2.0-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GTop-0.180.0-14pclos2017.src.rpmS)dcca614b88d369358eab159cefc433ba./SRPMS.pclosgd   :`d nB@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-GTop0.180.015pclos2017Perl interface to libgtopGTop is a Perl interface to libgtop.Mbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)libgtop2.0-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GTop-0.180.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmS1740657c2c42f388305feaddda3334b4./SRPMS.pclos?d # ?`d nB@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Game-Life0.60.08pclos2017Plays Conway's Game of LifeConway's Game of Life is a basic example of finding 'living' patterns in rather basic rulesets (see *NOTES*). The Game of Life takes place on a 2-D rectangular grid, with each grid point being either alive or dead. If a living grid point has 2 or 3 neighbors within the surrounding 8 points, the point will remain alive in the next generation; any fewer or more will kill it. A dead grid point will become alive if there are exactly 3 living neighbors to it. With these simple rules, fascinating structures such as gliders that move across the grid, glider guns that generate these gliders, XOR gates, and others have been found. This module simply provides a way to simulate the Game of Life in Perl. In terms of coordinate systems as used in 'place_points', 'toggle_point' and other functions, the first coodinate is the vertical direction, 0 being the top of the board, and the second is the horizontal direaction, 0 being the left side of the board. Thus, toggling the point of (3,2) will switch the state of the point in the 4th row and 3rd column.#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Clone)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Game-Life-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm,8e6fc1dacbd6f3be68114f201f2c22f5./SRPMS.pclosd & 1 K B@BABEBJ Cperl-Games-ABC_Path-Generator0.2.04pclos2017Represents a final layoutABC Path puzzle games are puzzle games where one is given a 5*5 grid which should contain a consecutive path of the letters from 'A' to 'Y' (with vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or anti-diagonal steps). The position of the letter 'A' is given, and two letters are given for each of the columns, rows, main diagonal and main anti-diagonal, which can appear anywhere there. ABC Path can be played online at the http://www.brainbashers.com/abcpath.asp manpage . This package is a generator for ABC Path games, and it generates a different layout with different clues for every random number generator seed.H\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Games::ABC_Path::Solver::Base)perl(Games::ABC_Path::Solver::Board)perl(Games::ABC_Path::Solver::Constants)perl(Games::ABC_Path::Solver::Coord)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(integer)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Games-ABC_Path-Generator-0.2.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmO2aab059696318c72352adffc07b95a71./SRPMS.pclosd# . ?tx    B@BABEBJCperl-Games-ABC_Path-Solver0.4.04pclos2017An ABC Path moveThis is a move that a branch resulted in an error.\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Games-ABC_Path-Solver-0.4.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmcMd1a7eb51419db369d0c82728ec1b14d8./SRPMS.pclosd & L  +4HB@BABEBJCperl-Games-AIBots0.30.08pclos2017An improved clone of A.I.Wars in PerlThis module exists exclusively for the purpose of the _aibots_ script bundled in the distribution. Please see the aibots manpage for an explanation of the game's mechanics, rules and tips.0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Term::ANSIScreen)perl(Term::ReadKey)perl(Tk)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Games-AIBots-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm93d6cb076861d8a6886c225896d6173d57./SRPMS.pclos #d $ ; $B@BABEBJ Cperl-Games-Dice0.45.04pclos2017Simulates rolling diceGames::Dice simulates die rolls. It uses a function-oriented (not object-oriented) interface. No functions are exported by default. At present, there are two functions which are exportable: 'roll' and 'roll_array'. The latter is used internally by 'roll', but can also be exported by itself. The number and type of dice to roll is given in a style which should be familiar to players of popular role-playing games: _a_d_b_[+-*/b]_c_. _a_ is optional and defaults to 1; it gives the number of dice to roll. _b_ indicates the number of sides to each die; the most common, cube-shaped die is thus a d6. % can be used instead of 100 for _b_; hence, rolling 2d% and 2d100 is equivalent. 'roll' simulates _a_ rolls of _b_-sided dice and adds together the results. The optional end, consisting of one of +-*/b and a number _c_, can modify the sum of the individual dice. +-*/ are similar in that they take the sum of the rolls and add or subtract _c_, or multiply or divide the sum by _c_. (x can also be used instead of *.) Hence, 1d6+2 gives a number in the range 3..8, and 2d4*10 gives a number in the range 20..80. (Using / truncates the result to an int after dividing.) Using b in this slot is a little different: it's short for "best" and indicates "roll a number of dice, but add together only the best few". For example, 5d6b3 rolls five six- sided dice and adds together the three best rolls. This is sometimes used, for example, in roll-playing to give higher averages. Generally, 'roll' probably provides the nicer interface, since it does the adding up itself. However, in some situations one may wish to process the individual rolls (for example, I am told that in the game Feng Shui, the number of dice to be rolled cannot be determined in advance but depends on whether any 6's were rolled); in such a case, one can use 'roll_array' to return an array of values, which can then be examined or processed in an application-dependent manner.;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(if)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.03.0.4-1perl-Games-Dice-0.45.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmE35273d1155da1617579856b6318d0a0c./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 L (B@BABEBJCperl-Games-Mastermind-Cracker0.30.08pclos2017Guess every code in orderMastermind is a code-breaking game played by two players, the "code maker" and the "code breaker". This module plays the role of code breaker. The only requirement is that you provide the answers to how many black pegs and how many white pegs a code gives. You must instantiate a subclass of this module to actually break codes. There are a number of different cracker modules, described in the /ALGORITHMS manpage.rObb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Games-Mastermind-Cracker-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmz+2b38b37340f0cf459dcc199152a93bbc./SRPMS.pclos_d( 3 V DB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Games-Solitaire-Verify0.170.1003pclos2017Process and verify solitaire gamesThis is a CPAN Perl module that verifies the solutions of various variants of card Solitaire. It does not aim to try to be a solver for them, because this is too CPU intensive to be adequately done using perl5 (as of perl-5.10.0). If you're interested in the latter, look at: * * http://fc-solve.berlios.de/ * * http://fc-solve.berlios.de/links.html#other_solvers6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exception::Class)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(autodie)perl(base)perl(blib)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.360.;_c9199186f4e68c41889fd94cf813108e./SRPMS.pclos{d! , I@D N_hB@BAHBELBJmCperl-Games-Sudoku-Solver1.1.09pclos2017Solve 9x9-Sudokus recursivlyThis module solves 9x9-Sudoku puzzles by recursion. There is no restriction to the difficulty and the number of solutions. The puzzle can be stored in a single dimension array or in a file, where unknown cells are presented by zeros or points.0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Perl::Critic)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Games-Sudoku-Solver-1.1.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm7fb1b472c394297bf413fbd3e3cfabb68./SRPMS.pclosgd " Q$( 2CLB@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-Gazelle0.430.02pclos2017Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaksGazelle is a PSGI Handler. It's created based on the Starlet manpage code. Many code was rewritten and optimized by XS. Gazelle supports following features. * * supports HTTP/1.1. But does not have Keepalive.Ebb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::CheckCompiler)perl(Guard)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(HTTP::Tiny)perl(Module::Build)perl(Parallel::Prefork)perl(Plack)perl(Plack::Test)perl(Plack::Test::Suite)perl(Server::Starter)perl(Stream::Buffered)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::TCP)perl(Try::Tiny)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " L ,B@7BA`BEdBJCperl-Gearman1.120.04pclos2017Client for gearman distributed job system_Gearman::Task_ is a Gearman::Client's representation of a task to be done.xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(String::CRC32)perl(Time::HiRes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gearman-1.120.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm1c8b27be0159c811ec21de5ac02d8996./SRPMS.pclosd " 8x| B@"BALBEPBJqCperl-Gedcomlite1.167pclos2017Genealogy perl moduleProvides GEDCOM format for Perl. It's Lite version of GEDCOM.׬bb2 Development/Perlnoarch makeperl(Text::Soundex)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gedcomlite-1.16-7pclos2017.src.rpmiff9d854bb81d601b0ffc613e829bddaf./SRPMS.pclos[d  + Ntx B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Generic-Assertions0.1.14pclos2017A Generic Assertion checking classA Generic Assertion checking class.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::Warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Generic-Assertions-0.1.1-4pclos2017.src.rpmm4d3613a84669ef1a7eac1146d6311ef3./SRPMS.pclos3d&- 8 t48 BS\hB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Geo-Coordinates-DecimalDegrees0.90.09pclos2017Convert between degrees/minutes/seconds and decimal degreesLatitudes and longitudes are most often presented in two common formats: decimal degrees, and degrees, minutes and seconds. There are 60 minutes in a degree, and 60 seconds in a minute. In decimal degrees, the minutes and seconds are presented as a fractional number of degrees. For example, 1 degree 30 minutes is 1.5 degrees, and 30 minutes 45 seconds is 0.5125 degrees. This module provides functions for converting between these two formats.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Number::Delta)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-Coordinates-DecimalDegrees-0.90.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm#{6b8fa05a5941520408e4b0f11635ffe6./SRPMS.pclosd# . ZHL VgpxB@BABEBJCperl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM0.110.08pclos2017Translation between Lat Lon and UTM CoordsThis module will translate latitude longitude coordinates to Universal Transverse Mercator(UTM) coordinates and vice versa. Mercator Projection The Mercator projection was first invented to help mariners. They needed to be able to take a course and know the distance traveled, and draw a line on the map which showed the day's journey. In order to do this, Mercator invented a projection which preserved length, by projecting the earth's surface onto a cylinder, sharing the same axis as the earth itself. This caused all Latitude and Longitude lines to intersect at a 90 degree angle, thereby negating the problem that longitude lines get closer together at the poles. Transverse Mercator Projection A Transverse Mercator projection takes the cylinder and turns it on its side. Now the cylinder's axis passes through the equator, and it can be rotated to line up with the area of interest. Many countries use Transverse Mercator for their grid systems.[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm89fec6b4611aaed1a204528444c81f313./SRPMS.pclosd# . Z48 BS\  3 B@CBAxBE|BJCperl-Geo-Google-MapObject0.60.08pclos2017Managing the server side of Google Maps APIThis module is intended to provide a server side solution to working with the Google Maps API. In particular an object of this class encapsulates a "map" object that provides support for the static maps API, the javascript maps API, AJAX calls and non-javascript fallback data; but without making many assumptions about the surrounding framework. We do assume that a template framework with support for a "dot" notation is being used, for example the HTML::Template::Pluggable manpage. An important commitment of the module is support for graceful and consistent fallback to a functional non-javascript web page. The javascript and static Google map APIs do not behave in quite the same way when zoom and center are not specified. Specifically it works quite well with the static maps (the http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/#ImplicitPosition ing manpage) but not so well with the javascript API. To compensate for this the module gives a choice between: specifying the center and zoom levels; allowing the APIs and client side code to do whatever they think best; using a built in algorithm to calculate a sensible zoom and center; and finally supplying ones own algorithm to calculate a sensible zoom and center.Ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::Template::Pluggable)perl(JSON)perl(Math::Trig)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::JSON)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-Google-MapObject-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmR7bac106032aabe1a60968e020fa6d11d./SRPMS.pclosd " =04 >OX | 3 B@IBAtBExBJCperl-Geo-Gpx0.260.09pclos2017Create and parse GPX filesThe original goal of this module was to produce GPX/XML files which were parseable by both GPX Spinner and EasyGPS. As of version 0.13 it has been extended to support general parsing and generation of GPX data. GPX 1.0 and 1.1 are supported.Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::ISO8601)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::Local)perl(XML::Descent)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)\"9e6e3dcd66cf67da4709c6e80d04720c./SRPMS.pclosd ! ?  YB@cBABEBJCperl-Geo-IP1.450.05pclos2017Look up country by IP AddressThis module uses a file based database. This database simply contains IP blocks as keys, and countries as values. This database should be more complete and accurate than reverse DNS lookups. This module can be used to automatically select the geographically closest mirror, to analyze your web server logs to determine the countries of your visiters, for credit card fraud detection, and for software export controls.Rbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-IP-1.450.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmeb7a08eb774ee3105304f9e37e9266fd./SRPMS.pclosd ' E 5B@GBAtBExBJCperl-Geo-IPfree1.151.9404pclos2017Look up country by IP AddressLook up country of IP Address. This module make this off-line and the DB of IPs is free & small. wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Memoize)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-Geo-IPfree-1.151.940-4pclos2017.src.rpm 6cf33f1035c818820d53d1ddae8651be./SRPMS.pclosd $ YDH RcltB@BABEBJCperl-Geo-METAR1.150.08pclos2017Process aviation weather reports in the METAR formatMETAR reports are available on-line, thanks to the National Weather Service. Since reading the METAR format isn't easy for non-pilots, these reports are relatively useles to the common man who just wants a quick glace at the weather.Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch gmp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-METAR-1.150.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmIx43b5d7672e2f9d178fbc89a67e694b9f./SRPMS.pclosd & dPT ^ox|B@BABEBJCperl-Geo-Mercator1.10.09pclos2017Compute Mercator Projection of latitude/longitude into metersComputes Mercator Projection of input latitude/longitude coordinates (in degrees) into (x, y) coordinates (as distances in meters) from the meridian/equator. Also provides a method to convert back into latitude, longitude. Notes Use of Mercator projection on latitudes above/below +70/-70 degrees is strongly discouraged, due to the gross distortions of the projection. In fact, any use of the Mercator projection is strongly discouraged...but its the view we've all been programmed to see for 400 years, so its genetic sense memory by now. And if its good enough for Google, its good enough for me. This module was developed primarily for graphic rendering purposes. The returned distance values *should not be used for navigational purposes*. They are only useful for certain mapping operations, e.g., rendering a map to scale. For better approximations of actual distances, consider the Math::Trig manpage's great_circle_distance() function instead.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-Mercator-1.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmkaec6ddbe48979056da08ff48adabbc1e./SRPMS.pclosSd " b    B@BA BE$BJECperl-Geo-Ov20.910.08pclos2017Library for reading and writing TomTom Navigator .ov2 POI filesGeo::Ov2 is a library for reading and writing TomTom Navigator .ov2 POI files.U&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Config::General)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::File)perl(Locale::TextDomain)perl(POSIX)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(locale)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-Ov2-0.910.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm[286d946a9cc67b6dfe4dc4df662e9d3f./SRPMS.pclosd * ` _B@jBABEBJCperl-Geo-WeatherNOAA4.380.08pclos2017Perl extension for interpreting the NOAA weather dataThis module is intended to interpret the NOAA zone forecasts and current city hourly data files. It should give a programmer an easy time to use the data instead of having to mine it. Be aware that if the variable $main::opt_v is set to anything (other than zero or '') then Geo::WeatherNOAA will be verbose on what it's doing with messages sent to STDERR. Useful for debugging.1 bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl(Tie::IxHash)perl(LWP::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geo-WeatherNOAA-4.380.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm8a1de97b63ce4c7f023ec4d98dd57d935./SRPMS.pclosd* 5 p  +48TB@\BABEBJCperl-Geography-Countries2009041301.0.08pclos2017Maps 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countriesThis module maps country names, and their 2-letter, 3-letter and numerical codes, as defined by the ISO-3166 maintenance agency, and defined by the UNSD.,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geography-Countries-2009041301.0.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm3b91bf120f078f99d98d5bceb131139d4./SRPMS.pclosd" - =   ~ B@BABEBJCperl-Geometry-Primitive0.240.04pclos20174 sided polygonGeometry::Primitive::Arc represents a closed segment of a curve.n|bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Check::ISA)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JSON::Any)perl(Math::Complex)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Clone)perl(MooseX::Storage)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Geometry-Primitive-0.240.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmuIebf153adde467c3a8aaee10326ae6954./SRPMS.pclos[d ) TDH RclB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Getargs-Long1.100.7004pclos2017Parses long function args f(-arg => value)The 'Getargs::Long' module allows usage of named parameters in function calls, along with optional argument type-checking. It provides an easy way to get at the parameters within the routine, and yields concise descriptions for the common cases of all-mandatory and all-optional parameter lists. The validation of arguments can be done by a structure-driven routine getargs() which is fine for infrequently called routines (but should be slower), or via a dedicated routine created and compiled on the fly the fist time it is needed, by using the cgetargs() family (expected to be faster). The 'Log::Agent' module is used to report errors, which leaves to the application the choice of the final logging method: to a file, to STDERR, or to syslog.lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Log::Agent)perl(Test::More)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getargs-Long-1.100.700-4pclos2017.src.rpm@28bdf6bd342942ec771ac516c6565ab6./SRPMS.pclosgd * m B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-Getopt-ArgvFile1.110.08pclos2017Interpolates script options from files into @ARGV or another arrayThis module simply interpolates option file hints in @ARGV by the contents of the pointed files. This enables option reading from files instead of or additional to the usual reading from the command line. Alternatively, you can process any array instead of @ARGV which is used by default and mentioned mostly in this manual.Ibb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmPya341631fcd7867a9b1b39c4fc45ead9d./SRPMS.pclosd! , Qhl vB@3BAhBElBJCperl-Getopt-AsDocumented0.0.27pclos2017Declare options as pod documentationno description found+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Getopt::Base)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Parser)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML::XS)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.5003.0.4-1perl-Getopt-AsDocumented-0.0.2-7pclos2017.src.rpm1a68edbe21e60dcc2a06e0ab76341cd50./SRPMS.pclosd" - P .B@@BAtBExBJCperl-Getopt-Attribute2.101.7008pclos2017Attribute wrapper for Getopt::LongNote: This version of the module works works with perl 5.8.0. If you need it to work with perl 5.6.x, please use an earlier version from CPAN. This module provides an attribute wrapper around 'Getopt::Long'. Instead of declaring the options in a hash with references to the variables and subroutines affected by the options, you can use the 'Getopt' attribute on the variables and subroutines directly. As you can see from the Synopsis, the attribute takes an argument of the same format as you would give as the hash key for 'Getopt::Long'. See the 'Getopt::Long' manpage for details.Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Test::Compile)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.940.03.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Attribute-2.101.700-8pclos2017.src.rpmUdc08b492a27dfcdcae79d180775bce58./SRPMS.pclosWd $ S    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Getopt-Auto2.0.05pclos2017Option framework for command-line applications'Getopt::Auto' provides an easy way to organize a script to handle whatever option mechanism it requires. For each option '--foo' you provide a subroutine 'sub foo{...}'. The sub is called every time '--foo' appears on the command line. Values for the option are taken from '@ARGV'. If you don't provide a subroutine for '--foo', then '$options{'--foo'}' is set. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Readonly)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Output)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Auto-2.0.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm3db4d52c2d6ded2862741ee3744cee9c./SRPMS.pclos?d $ E\` j{B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Getopt-Base0.0.37pclos2017Foundation for oo GetOpt supportno description found.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & :    B@BABEBJ%Cperl-Getopt-Chain0.17.09pclos2017Per-command contextGetopt::Chain can be used to provide 'svn(1)'- and 'git(1)'-style option and command processing. Any option specification covered by the Getopt::Long manpage is fair game. This is a new version of Getopt::Chain that uses the Path::Dispatcher manpage CAVEAT 1: This is pretty beta, so the sugar/interface above WILL be tweakedbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp::Clan::Share)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Hash::Param)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::AttributeHelpers)perl(MooseX::MakeImmutable)perl(Path::Dispatcher)perl(Path::Dispatcher::Declarative)perl(Test::Most)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Chain-0.17.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm16a8e7e032fdf0a42cbb45fc11ab1164d./SRPMS.pclosd & ]  *;D t a B@tBABEBJCperl-Getopt-Euclid0.4.57pclos2017Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface DescriptionsGetopt::Euclid uses your program's own documentation to create a command-line argument parser. This ensures that your program's documented interface and its actual interface always agree.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Checker)perl(Pod::PlainText)perl(Pod::Select)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Balanced)perl(version)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Euclid-0.4.5-7pclos2017.src.rpm1w8df8fdbe68e2a0c3015e1fab405e576f./SRPMS.pclosd" - Ux| \B@jBABEBJCperl-Getopt-Inherited1.100.8608pclos2017Handling inherited command-line optionsBy subclassing this mixin class, your program gets the ability to inherit command-line option specifications. If you have several programs that share common code and common command-line options you don't want to have to write the command-line processing code again and again. Using this class you can abstract command-line options shared by your programs into a superclass from which your programs then inherit. Additionally, this class defines certain common command-line options itself. You can also define defaults for command-line options.Hbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Complex)perl(Data::Inherited)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Inherited-1.100.860-8pclos2017.src.rpmPd843288dfea6dd0d77da12258d90c1db./SRPMS.pclosd & P /8DB@BABEBJCperl-Getopt-Long2.480.03pclos2017Advanced handling of command line optionsThe Getopt::Long module implements an extended getopt function called GetOptions(). This function adheres to the POSIX syntax for command line options, with GNU extensions. In general, this means that options have long names instead of single letters, and are introduced with a double dash "--". Support for bundling of command line options, as was the case with the more traditional single-letter approach, is provided but not enabled by default.Xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Pod::Usage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 1 ] 9B@xBABEBJCperl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive0.99.04pclos2017Getopt::Long with usage text and validationConvenient wrapper for Getopt::Long and program usage outputybb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(List::Util)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Exporter::Util)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warnings)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.02.330.00.970.00.972.00.960.  + Fdh rB@2BAdBEhBJCperl-Getopt-Long-Util0.880.02pclos2017Utilities for Getopt::LongUtilities for Getopt::LongLubb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.980.03.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Long-Util-0.880.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmR28ef46ed4fec9891f8bae4329f4879f1./SRPMS.pclosd & Y   H ; B@kBABEBJCperl-Getopt-Lucid1.60.03pclos2017Clear, readable syntax for command line processingThe goal of this module is providing good code readability and clarity of intent for command-line option processing. While readability is a subjective standard, Getopt::Lucid relies on a more verbose, plain-English option specification as compared against the more symbolic approach of Getopt::Long. Key features include: * * Five option types: switches, counters, parameters, lists, and keypairsbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exception::Class)perl(Exception::Class::TryCatch)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # W  4B@<BAhBElBJCperl-Getopt-OO0.70.09pclos2017An object oriented command line parser. It handlesGetopt::OO is an object oriented tool for parsing command line arguments. It expects a reference to the input arguments and uses a perl hash to describe how the command line arguments should be parsed. Note that by parsed, we mean what options expect values, etc. We check to make sure values exist on the command line as necessary -- nothing else. The caller is responsible for making sure that a value that he knows should be a file exists, is writable, or whatever. Command line arguments can be broken into two distinct types: options and values that are associated with these options. In windows, options often start with a '/' but sometimes with a '-', but in unix they almost universally start with a '-'. For this module options start with a '-'. We support two types of options: the short single dashed options and the long double dashed options. The difference between these two is that with this module the short options can be combined into a single option, but the long options can not. For example, most of us will be familiar with the 'tar -xvf file' command which can also be expressed as '-x -v -f file'. Long options can not be combined this way, so '--help' for example must always stand by itself. The input template expects the option names as its keys. For instance if you were expecting '-xv --hello' as possible command line options, the keys for your template hash would be '-x', '-v', and '--hello'.Sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-OO-0.70.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm\9e4f645014fe5faae553d7f4e3a13d6a./SRPMS.pcloscd  + <LP ZktB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Getopt-Std-Strict1.10.08pclos2017No summary foundGetopt::Std is nice but it could be even easier to use. This is how I would like Getopt::Std to behave. Two main concepts are strengthened here, on top of Getopt::Std. 1) Variables are created even under use strict 2) Your option specs are passed at compile time. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Std)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Std-Strict-1.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm2ec7761d7433cc37b1f511136e82f1e6./SRPMS.pclos d ) RX\ fwB@BABEBJCperl-Getopt-Tabular0.300.08pclos2017Table-driven argument parsing for Perl 5Getopt::Tabular is a Perl 5 module for table-driven argument parsing, vaguely inspired by John Ousterhout's Tk_ParseArgv. All you really need to do to use the package is set up a table describing all your command-line options, and call &GetOptions with three arguments: a reference to your option table, a reference to @ARGV (or something like it), and an optional third array reference (say, to @newARGV). &GetOptions will process all arguments in @ARGV, and copy any leftover arguments (i.e. those that are not options or arguments to some option) to the @newARGV array. (If the @newARGV argument is not supplied, GetOptions will replace @ARGV with the stripped-down argument list.) If there are any invalid options, GetOptions will print an error message and return 0._bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Tabular-0.300.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmh94ab0ca41981fdca44e6f70b3cffa64a./SRPMS.pclosOd! , ^@D N_h|B@BABE BJACperl-Getopt-Usaginator0.1.2009pclos2017Conjure up a usage function for your applicationsGetopt::Usaginator is a tool for creating a handy usage subroutine for commandline applications It does not do any option parsing, but is best paired with the Getopt::Long manpage or any of the other myriad of option parsersbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Spec)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Package::Pkg)perl(Test::Most)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Getopt-Usaginator-0.1.200-9pclos2017.src.rpmf9a5dbb6838a760e1293343ea16e02e3./SRPMS.pclosCd   S    B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Gimp2.300.09pclos2017Perl module enabling to write plugins for the Gimp2This module provides perl access to the Gimp2 libraries.Abb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Gtk2)perl(PDL)gtk+2-devellibgimp-develperl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Gtk2perl-Parse-RecDescentperl-PDLrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ K &7@$B@gBABEBJCperl-Git-Class0.150.06pclos2017A simple git wrapper to capture outputThis is a simple wrapper of a 'git' executable. The strength is that you can run a 'git' command and capture the output in a simple and more portable way than using 'open' to pipe (which is not always implemented fully). As of this writing, most of the git commands simply returns the output, but this will be changed in the near future, especially when called in the list context, where we may want sort of proccessed data like what files are affected etc.-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Any::Moose)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Carp::Clan)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile)perl(File::Spec)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(Module::Find)perl(Moo::Role)perl(Mouse)perl(Path::Extended)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Scope::Guard)perl(String::ShellQuote)perl(Test::Classy)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::UseAllModules)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)\9177d1cf277bf407a425714824442027./SRPMS.pclosd" - Wlp z B@ABAtBExBJCperl-Git-DescribeVersion1.15.08pclos2017Use git-describe to show a repo's versionno description foundvbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::MockObject)perl(Test::MockObject::Extends)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)gitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}u8253a1ac525e6e51678240876be01bb4./SRPMS.pclosd ' Q 8B@BABEBJ Cperl-Git-PurePerl0.510.03pclos2017A Pure Perl interface to Git repositoriesThis module is a Pure Perl interface to Git repositories. It was mostly based on Grit the http://grit.rubyforge.org/ manpage.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Archive::Extract)perl(Compress::Raw::Zlib)perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(Config::GitLike)perl(Data::Stream::Bulk)perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(IO::Digest)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::StrictConstructor)perl(MooseX::Types::Path::Class)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::utf8)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Git-PurePerl-0.510.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm 8b8e5a2a89eb59cb901d7ae28a81ba46./SRPMS.pclosd ) L  $#B@TBABEBJCperl-Git-Repository1.318.03pclos2017Perl interface to Git repositoriesGit::Repository is a Perl interface to Git, for scripted interactions with repositories. It's a low-level interface that allows calling any Git command, whether porcelain or plumbing, including bidirectional commands such as git commit-tree. A Git::Repository object simply provides context to the git commands being run. It is possible to call the command() and run() methods against the class itself, and the context (typically current working directory) will be obtained from the options and environment. As a low-level interface, it provides no sugar for particular Git commands. Specifically, it will not prepare environment variables that individual Git commands may need or use.=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  gitperl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(Git::Version::Compare)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(System::Command)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(namespace::clean)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 4 h (hB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Git-Repository-Plugin-Blame1.3.03pclos2017Cache the output of C<< Git::Repository->blame() >>This module adds a new 'blame()' method to the Git::Repository manpage, which can be used to determine what the last change for each line in a file is.gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Load)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Data::Validate::Type)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Git::Repository)perl(Git::Repository::Plugin::Log)perl(Perl6::Slurp)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::FailWarnings)perl(Test::Git)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Type)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Git-Repository-Plugin-Blame-1.3.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmne310ddae8afafcc5d3b2eb6119863cab./SRPMS.pclosd!) 4 T #,HB@BABEBJCperl-Git-Repository-Plugin-Log1.314.03pclos2017Class representing git log dataGit::Repository::Plugin::Log adds a log() method to Git::Repository, which will return Git::Repository::Log objects representing the commit information provided by `git log`.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Git::Repository)perl(Git::Repository::Command)perl(Git::Repository::Plugin)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Pod::Coverage::TrustPod)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::CPAN::Meta)perl(Test::Git)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)perl(Test::Requires::Git)perl(blib)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.309.! , N  (  B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Git-Version-Compare1.4.02pclos2017Functions to compare Git versionsthe Git::Version::Compare manpage contains a selection of subroutines that make dealing with Git-related things (like versions) a little bit easier. The strings to compare can be version numbers, tags from 'git.git' or the output of 'git version' or 'git describe'. These routines collect the knowledge about Git versions that was accumulated while developing the Git::Repository manpage.Kjbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Git-Version-Compare-1.4.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmRece454b3a8115e5621fdc3ddd2f111ba./SRPMS.pclosd % H hB@)BATBEXBJyCperl-Git-Wrapper0.45.04pclos2017Wrap git(7) command-line interfaceGit::Wrapper provides an API for git(7) that uses Perl data structures for argument passing, instead of CLI-style '--options' as the Git manpage does.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Devel::CheckBin)perl(Env::Path)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(File::chdir)perl(File::pushd)perl(IO::File)perl(IPC::Cmd)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(POSIX)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sort::Versions)perl(Symbol)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Most)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)gitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Git-Wrapper-0.45.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm3dc45a5feac992f57c3c19bc887a2171./SRPMS.pclosOd * [  $pB@BABE BJACperl-Git-Wrapper-Plus0.4.106pclos2017A key -> range list mapping for support featuresInitially, I started off with 'Dist::Zilla::Util::' and friends, but I soon discovered so many quirks in 'git', especially multiple-version support, and that such a toolkit would be more useful independent. So 'Git::Wrapper::Plus' is a collection of tools for using 'Git::Wrapper', aiming to work on all versions of Git since at least Git '1.3'. For instance, you probably don't realize this, but on older 'git''s,\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Git::Wrapper)perl(List::Util)perl(Moo)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sort::Versions)perl(Sub::Exporter::Progressive)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Git-Wrapper-Plus-0.4.10-6pclos2017.src.rpmd06287d1f0de526878f9ecc25da799d97./SRPMS.pclosd   Dlp z;B@YBABEBJCperl-Glib1.324.02pclos2017Perl module for the glib-2.x libraryThis module provides perl access to Glib and GLib's GObject libraries. It is mainly used by perl-GTK2 applications. Glib is a handy library of portability and utility functions. This C library is designed to solve some portability problems and provide other useful functionality which most programs require. GObject provides a generic type system with inheritance and a powerful signal system. Together these libraries are used as the foundation for many of the libraries that make up the Gnome environment, and are used in many unrelated projects.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300. " Cx| sB@BABEBJCperl-Glib-IO0.1.00.7pclos2017Perl bindings to the GIO libraryGlib::IO is the perl bindings to the GIO library.6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl-develperl-Glib-Object-Introspectionpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.!( 3 ]X\ fwNB@pBABEBJCperl-Glib-Object-Introspection0.43.01pclos2017Dynamically create Perl language bindingsTo allow Glib::Object::Introspection to create bindings for a library, it must have installed a typelib file, for example '$prefix/lib/girepository-1.0/Gtk-3.0.typelib'. In your code you then simply call 'Glib::Object::Introspection->setup' to set everything up. This method takes a couple of key-value pairs as arguments. These three are mandatory: * basename => $basename The basename of the library that should be wrapped. If your typelib is called 'Gtk-3.0.typelib', then the basename is 'Gtk'.0Hbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Glib)perl-develpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)locales-enrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.  N !(HB@BA BE$BJECperl-Gnome21.46.04pclos2017Perl module for the gnome2-2.x core librariesThis module provides perl access to GNOME-2.x core libraries. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System. GNOME is similar in purpose and scope to CDE and KDE, but GNOME (like KDE) is based completely on Open Source software. GNOME libraries provide extra widgets on top of the gtk+ toolkit.?bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  gnomeui2-develperl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Gnome2::VFS)perl(Gnome2::Canvas)perl(Gtk2)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & N mB@~BABEBJCperl-Gnome2-Canvas1.2.04pclos2017Perl module for the gnomecanvas libraryThe Gnome2::Canvas module allows a perl developer to use the GnomeCanvas widget with Gtk2-Perl.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  libgnomecanvas2-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-Gtk2perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' Vdh r/B@GBAtBExBJCperl-Gnome2-GConf1.44.021pclos2017Perl module for the gnome2-2.x GConf librariesThis module provides perl access to GNOME-2.x GConf2 libraries. GConf is a configuration data storage mechanism scheduled to ship with GNOME 2.0. GConf does work without GNOME however; it can be used with plain GTK+, Xlib, KDE, or even text mode applications as well.Lbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  libGConf2-develperl(Glib)perl(Gtk2)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d % M B@BABEBJCperl-Gnome2-Print1.0.04pclos2017Perl module for the gnome print libraryThis module provides perl access to the libgnomeprint+-2.x library, the Gnome Printing Architecture.[bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64   gtk+2-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-Gnome2perl-Glibperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-devellibgnomeprintui-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.301. ' U    B@BABEBJCperl-Gnome2-Rsvg0.110.015pclos2017Perl module for the gnome2-2.x rsvg librariesThis module provides perl access to GNOME-2.x rsvg libraries (which uses libart and pango to render svg files.Xbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  libatk-devellibrsvg-develperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-Glibperl-Gtk2gtk+2-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^dc4549d15f271d1f7b5a9390e4bf31b4./SRPMS.pclosod % R04 >Y`|B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Gnome2-VFS1.82.010pclos2017Perl module for the gnome2-2.x VFS librariesThis module provides perl access to GNOME-2.x VFS libraries. The GNOME Virtual File System provides an abstraction to common file system operations like reading, writing and copying files, listing directories and so on.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  libgnome-vfs2-develperl-Glibperl-Gtk2perl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & F  (  B@DBApBEtBJCperl-Gnome2-Vte0.110.010pclos2017Perl binding for the vte widgetThis module provides perl access to vte libraries. VTE is an experimental terminal emulator widget for use with GTK+ 2.:.^qbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Glib)perl(Gtk2)perl-Glibperl-Gtk2perl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-develvte-develx11-server-xvfbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' U  18 \  B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-Gnome2-Wnck0.160.015pclos2017Perl module for the gnome2-2.x wnck librariesThis module provides perl access to GNOME-2.x wnck libraries. libwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kit, i.e. a library to use for writing pagers and taskslists and stuff.\Abb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  libwnck-develperl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glibperl-Gtk2pkgconfigx11-server-xvfbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   H,0 :KT`B@BABEBJCperl-GnuPG0.190.08pclos2017Perl interface to the GNU privacy guardGnuPG is a perl interface to the GNU Privacy Guard. It uses the shared memory coprocess interface that gpg provides for its wrappers. It tries its best to map the interactive interface of the gpg to a more programmatic model.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)gnupgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GnuPG-0.190.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmodc3d95ade235f8574feac10db3697135./SRPMS.pclosd * JHL Vgp B@;BAlBEpBJCperl-GnuPG-Interface0.520.04pclos2017GnuPG-Interface module for perlGnuPG::Interface and its associated modules are designed to provide an object-oriented method for interacting with GnuPG, being able to perform functions such as but not limited to encrypting, signing, decryption, verification, and key-listing parsing.zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Moo)perl(MooX::HandlesVia)perl(MooX::late)gnupgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.01.780. $ i )0P B@BADBEHBJiCperl-GooCanvas20.60.01pclos2018Perl binding for GooCanvas2 widget using Glib::Object::IntrospectionGooCanvas2 is a new canvas widget for use with Gtk3 that uses the Cairo 2d library for drawing. This is a simple and basic implementation of this wonderful Canvas widget.Development/Perlnoarch pkgconfig(goocanvas-2.0)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Glib::Object::Introspection)perl(Gtk3)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-GooCanvas2-0.60.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm2f3e31eac10349aecbe076ff1361a04a./SRPMS.pclos[d! , R  '0xB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Google-Code-Upload0.80.04pclos2017Upload files to a Google Code projectThis module allows you to programmatically upload files to https://googlecode.com. It ships with an executable script for use on the command line: the googlecode_upload.pl manpage.Fobb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(LWP::Protocol::https)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Term::ReadKey)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  " O  @B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Graph0.970.4004pclos2017Graph data structures and algorithms in perlThis module is not for drawing any sort of graphics, but instead it is for creating abstract data structures called graphs, and for doing various operations on those.C3bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::Util)perl(Math::Complex)perl(Safe)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % J }B@BABEBJCperl-Graph-Easy0.750.07pclos2017Parse Graphviz text into Graph::Easy'Graph::Easy' lets you generate graphs consisting of various shaped nodes connected by edges (with optional labels). It can read and write graphs in a varity of formats, as well as render them via its own grid-based layouter. Since the layouter works on a grid (manhattan layout), the output is most usefull for flow charts, network diagrams, or hierarchy trees.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , c kB@wBABEBJCperl-Graph-Easy-As_svg0.230.07pclos2017Output a Graph::Easy as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)'Graph::Easy::As_svg' contains just the code for converting a Graph::Easy object to a SVG text.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Graph::Easy)perl(Image::Info)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Graph-Easy-As_svg-0.230.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmR558a11fa98deaef21cd643ae42886e9c./SRPMS.pclosd * h %B@0BA`BEdBJCperl-Graph-Flowchart0.110.07pclos2017A node in a Graph::Flowchart, representing a block/expressionThis module lets you easily create flowcharts as Graph::Easy objects. This means you can output your flowchart as HTML, ASCII, Boxart (unicode drawing) or SVG. Classes The nodes constructed by the various 'add_*' methods will set the subclass of the node according to the following list:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Graph::Easy)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Graph-Flowchart-0.110.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmKc8b02461d03ff857761615d4979fe343./SRPMS.pclos;d # <hl veB@BABE BJ-Cperl-GraphViz2.200.03pclos2017GraphViz module for perlThis module provides an interface to layout and image generation of directed and undirected graphs in a variety of formats (PostScript, PNG, etc.) using the "dot", "neato" and "twopi" programs from the GraphViz project (http://www.graphviz.org/ or http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/).Z!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Which)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Dir)perl(IO::File)perl(IPC::Run)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(Parse::RecDescent)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(XML::Twig)perl(XML::XPath)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)fonts-ttf-dejavugraphvizrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[M09bb6c3562bb7768c34fece614545ceb./SRPMS.pclosd ) = FB@[BABEBJCperl-Graphics-Color0.310.04pclos2017Moose equality roleGraphics color is a device and library agnostic system for creating and manipulating colors in various color spaces.Gfbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Color::Library)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Role)perl(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints)perl(MooseX::Aliases)perl(MooseX::Clone)perl(MooseX::Storage::Deferred)perl(MooseX::Types)perl(MooseX::Types::Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Number::Delta)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Graphics-Color-0.310.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmM1c910ac45f605cd6095fe2c1af2a7285./SRPMS.pclosd# . [  '0 d Q B@eBABEBJCperl-Graphics-ColorNames2.110.08pclos2017provides RGB values for standard color namesThis module provides a common interface for obtaining the RGB values of colors by standard names. The intention is to (1) provide a common module that authors can use with other modules to specify colors by name; and (2) free module authors from having to "re-invent the wheel" whenever they decide to give the users the option of specifying a color by name rather than RGB value. For example, use Graphics::ColorNames 2.10;[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(DirHandle)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Spec)perl(FileHandle)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Load)perl(Module::Loaded)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Graphics-ColorNames-2.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpma456170635c6c25a69529b9b3e73a788f4./SRPMS.pclos_d & M    B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Graphics-TIFF7.0.01pclos2021Perl extension for the libtiff libraryThe Graphics::TIFF module allows a Perl developer to access TIFF images. Find out more about libtiff at the http://www.libtiff.org manpage.Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Readonly)perl(File::Spec)perl(Image::Magick)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)libtiff-progsperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & :  4  B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Gravatar-URL1.60.09pclos2017OMG UNICORN AVATAR!A Gravatar is a Globally Recognized Avatar for a given email address. This allows you to have a global picture associated with your email address. You can look up the Gravatar for any email address by constructing a URL to get the image from the gravatar.com manpage. This module does that. Examples of use include the author faces on the http://search.cpan.org manpage. See the http://gravatar.com manpage for more info.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Net::DNS::Resolver)perl(URI::Escape)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Carp)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % J eB@BABEBJCperl-Growl-GNTP0.210.03pclos2017Perl implementation of GNTP ProtocolGrowl::GNTP is Perl implementation of GNTP Protocol (Client Part)?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Crypt::CBC)perl(Data::UUID)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Filter::Util::Call)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ! F B@wBABEBJCperl-Gtk21.249.8003pclos2017Perl module for the gtk+-2.x libraryThis module provides perl access to the gtk+-2.x library. Gtk+ is the GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window System. GTK+ was originally written for the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) image processing program, but is now used by several other programs as well. &bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  perl(Cairo)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Glib)perl(Pango)gtk+2-develperl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glibperl-Cairoperl-Pangofontconfigfonts-ttf-dejavux11-server-xvfbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 04e49331afbcbb4153b6d46ecf64f99d./SRPMS.pclosd # M   a B@uBABEBJCperl-Gtk2-CV1.560.015pclos2017A fast gtk+ image viewer modeled after xvCV is a fast gtk+ image viewer modeled after xv.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 jpeg-devellibmagic-develgtk+2-develperl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Gtk2)perl(Glib)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( T ?B@OBABEBJCperl-Gtk2-Deprecated0.0524pclos2017Perl module for deprecated gtk+-2.x widgetsThis module provides perl access to the widgets that were deprecated in gtk+2.x.bbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 gtk+2-develperl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-Gtk2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . f qB@~BABEBJCperl-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory0.670.09pclos2017Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory - Makes building complex GUI's easyThis is a framework which tries to make building complex GUI's easy, by offering these two main features: * Consistent looking GUI without the need to code resp. tune each widget by hand. Instead you declare the structure of your GUI, connect it to the data of your program (which should be a well defined set of objects) and control how this structure is transformed into a specific layout in a very generic way. * Automatically keep widget and object states in sync (in both directions), even with complex data structures with a lot of internal dependencies, object nesting etc. This manpage describes the facilities of Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory objects which are only a small part of the whole framework. To get a full introduction and overview of how this framework works refer to Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Intro.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+noarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Gtk2)perl(Gtk2::SimpleList)perl(Gtk2::SimpleMenu)perl-Gtk2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory-0.670.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmd4a8a0c66ed91a728a3648fa5b967783./SRPMS.pclosd! , g8< FW`B@1BAdBEhBJCperl-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer0.180.08pclos2017A Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old Documentation (POD)Gtk2::PodViewer is a widget for rendering Perl POD documents. It is based on the Gtk2::TextView widget and uses Pod::Parser for manipulating POD data. podviewer uses it in order to render POD documentation>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Glib)perl(Gtk2)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(IO::Stringy)perl(Pod::Simple)perl(Locale::gettext)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . c  2B@;BApBEtBJCperl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List0.500.08pclos2017A simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list widgetGtk2 has a powerful, but complex MVC (Model, View, Controller) system used to implement list and tree widgets. Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List automates the complex setup work and allows you to treat the list model as a more natural list of lists structure. After creating a new Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List object with the desired columns you may set the list data with a simple Perl array assignment. Rows may be added or deleted with all of the normal array operations. You can treat the data member of the Simple::List object as an array reference, and manipulate the list data with perl's normal array operators. A mechanism has also been put into place allowing columns to be Perl scalars. The scalar is converted to text through Perl's normal mechanisms and then displayed in the list. This same mechanism can be expanded by defining arbitrary new column types before calling the new function.;qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Gtk2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.500.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmDbabf77413162142f5138ca00119193173./SRPMS.pclos7d & J 9@XB@BABEBJ)Cperl-Gtk2-GladeXML1.7.04pclos2017Perl module for the glade librariesThis package adds perl support for Glade 2.x to Gtk2-Perl. libglade allows to load externally stored user interfaces in programs This allows alteration of GUIes without recompiling of programs.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 libglade2.0-develperl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Gtk2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-GladeXML-1.7.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm6562aab08d8e72be646feea7bb33d4dc./SRPMS.pclosd # Hx| .B@HBAtBExBJCperl-Gtk2-Html20.0411pclos2017Perl module for the gtkhtml2 libraryThis package adds perl support for GtkHTML2.b\bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  gtkhtml2-develperl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-Gtk2perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.41.083-2mdk3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-Html2-0.04-11pclos2017.src.rpmh3b33663a38da3ce485cf12df53fc4716./SRPMS.pclos/d ) _  ,B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Gtk2-ImageView0.50.016pclos2017Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widgetPerl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widget Find out more about GtkImageView at http://trac.bjourne.webfactional.com/.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  perl-Gtk2perl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glibgtkimageview-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.1400.21.031.1401.$ 0 k04 >Y`|B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Gtk2-NotificationBubble0.0125pclos2017Perl module interface to the EggNotificationBubble libraryThis module allows a Perl developer to display notification bubbles on top of Gtk2 widgets. They look like tooltips with bevelled borders and arrows. They can display an icon and a bold header.*Rbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  gtk+2-develperl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glibperl-Gtk2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.923.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-NotificationBubble-0.01-25pclos2017.src.rpm0b7bcc91f21f2e1f2ab68a3485011228d./SRPMS.pclosd & B`d n  O B@_BABEBJCperl-Gtk2-Notify0.50.016pclos2017Perl interface to libnotifyPerl interface to libnotify.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 libnotify-develperl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Gtk2perl-Test-Exceptionperl-devellibpango-devellibgtk+2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-Notify-0.50.0-16pclos2017.src.rpm beb9e80a3e3258ee027feb8b91b05a6d./SRPMS.pclosd $ Q VB@eBABEBJCperl-Gtk2-Sexy0.50.016pclos2017Perl interface to the sexy widget collectionThis module allows a perl developer to access the widgets of the sexy widget collection, which currently includes the following widgets: - SexyIconEntry: a GtkEntry with support for inline icons - SexySpellEntry: a GtkEntry with inline spell checking - SexyUrlLabel: a GtkLabel with support for embedded hyperlinksשbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 libsexy-develperl-Cairoperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glibperl-Gtk2perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-Sexy-0.50.0-16pclos2017.src.rpm45dc5f0bb189161714afb10867ef87d5./SRPMS.pclosSd % J $DB@BA BE$BJECperl-Gtk2-Spell1.40.014pclos2017Perl module for the gtkspell libraryThis module provides perl access to the gtkspell library. The GtkSpell graphical user interface library allow to write applications that highlight mis-spelled words.Kbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  pkgconfig(gtkspell-2.0)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glibperl-Gtk2perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( Y  %,LB@BABEBJ5Cperl-Gtk2-TrayIcon0.60.017pclos2017Perl module interface to the EggTrayIcon libraryThis module allows a Perl developer to embed an arbitrary widget in a System Tray like the Gnome notification area. System Trays are found in both KDE and Gnome.)bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  gtk+2-develperl-Cairoperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glibperl-Gtk2perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.923.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon-0.60.0-17pclos2017.src.rpm00e9d61c78d92004add6e3ccda11f9a23./SRPMS.pcloscd + L,0 :U\xB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Gtk2-TrayManager0.50.015pclos2017Perl bindings for EggTrayManagerThe EggTrayManager library is used internally by GNOME to implement the server-side of the Notification Area (or system tray) protocol. Gtk2::TrayManager allows you to create notification area applications using Gtk2-Perl..Hbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 gtk+2-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-Gtk2perl-Glibperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & B 5B@ABApBEtBJCperl-Gtk2-Unique0.50.015pclos2017Perl bindings for libuniqueGtk2::Unique is a Perl binding for the C library libunique which provides a way for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. For more information about libunique see: the http://live.gnome.org/LibUnique manpage.0vbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 unique-develperl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Gtk2)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-Unique-0.50.0-15pclos2017.src.rpm7d361eb7b9964afd0d96fa5f7dd580f75./SRPMS.pclosd & J tB@BABEBJCperl-Gtk2-WebKit0.90.016pclos2017Web content engine library for Gtk2WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.ubb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::PkgConfig)perl(Gtk2)webkitgtk-develx11-server-xvfbperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.2.0-33.0.4-1perl-Gtk2-WebKit-0.90.0-16pclos2017.src.rpm#50ecbb84eec6b20de59194d3d3b1e098./SRPMS.pclosd ! k B@#BALBEPBJqCperl-Gtk2Fu0.110.08pclos2017GTK2 Forked Ultimate, a powerful layer on top of Gtk2 (forked from ugtk2)gtk2-fu is a layer on top of perl gtk2, that brings power, simplicity and speed of development. It brings additional methods to ease the widget creation among other things. But the most important feature is that it brings you a lot of derivated methods from existing methods, that does exactly the same thing, except that ir returns the widget.dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Gtk2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk2Fu-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmlDe6fbbe6d21422e8811f70088afc1bf42./SRPMS.pclosd   C|    B@BABEBJ Cperl-Gtk30.33.01pclos2018Perl module for the GTK+-3.x libraryThis module provides perl access to the GTK+-3.x library. GTK+ is the GIMP ToolKit, a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window System. GTK+ was originally written for the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) image processing program, but is now used by several other programs as well.ɷDevelopment/GNOME and GTK+noarch  perl(Cairo::GObject)perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Glib::Object::Introspection)perl(Test::Simple)perl-devellib64girepository-devellib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % Alp zB@#BAPBETBJuCperl-Gtk3-Helper0.20.06pclos2017Perl helper module for Gtk3This module provides an helper for Gtk3.7Pbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+noarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Gtk3)perl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.3003.0.4-1perl-Gtk3-Helper-0.20.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm=7c96cd6d641956f165c612b05b5fe0a7./SRPMS.pclosd ' D zB@BABEBJCperl-Gtk3-ImageView4.0.01pclos2021Image viewer widget for Gtk3The Gtk3::ImageView widget allows the user to zoom, pan and select the specified image and provides hooks to allow additional tools, e.g. painter, to be created and used. Gtk3::ImageView is a Gtk3 port of Gtk2::ImageView. To discuss Gtk3::ImageView or gtk3-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join gtk-perl-list@gnome.org at lists.gnome.org.8@Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp::Always)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Glib)perl(Gtk3)perl(Image::Magick)perl(Readonly)perl(Try::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Gtk3-ImageView-4.0.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm?656fda0236dcf43f73976f8e79904f6d./SRPMS.pclosd % ? B@BABEBJCperl-Gtk3-Notify0.10.07pclos2017Perl module for libnotifyThis module provides the Perl bindings for libnotify. Libnotify is a library that sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon, as defined in the Desktop Notifications spec. These notifications can be used to inform the user about an event or display some form of information without getting in the user's way.6bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+noarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Glib::Object::Introspection)perl(Gtk3)perl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-Glib-Object-Introspectionpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.3000.0023.0.4-1perl-Gtk3-Notify-0.10.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm=edc53cbc98b53f99752b8e48183f6ff9./SRPMS.pclosd * Fpt ~B@'BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Gtk3-SimpleList0.150.06pclos2017Perl helper module for Gtk3This module provides an helper for Gtk3.Lkbb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+noarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Gtk3)perl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.3003.0.4-1perl-Gtk3-SimpleList-0.150.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmRa423e7671494bca6dbd357fd0f9653bc./SRPMS.pclosd % L  5< d ] B@BABEBJCperl-Gtk3-WebKit0.60.07pclos2017Perl module for the webkit-3.x libraryThis module provides the Perl bindings for the Gtk port of WebKit. WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser and Google's Chrome browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.bb2 Development/GNOME and GTK+noarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Glib::Object::Introspection)perl(Gtk3)perl(Test::NeedsDisplay)perl-develperl-ExtUtils-Dependsperl-ExtUtils-PkgConfigperl-Glib-Object-Introspectionpkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.3001.030.0023.0.4-1perl-Gtk3-WebKit-0.60.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm|216513f59fd975c5fec6f68194ff886f./SRPMS.pclos_d   3 B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Guard1.23.05pclos2017Safe cleanup blocksThis module implements so-called "guards". A guard is something (usually an object) that "guards" a resource, ensuring that it is cleaned up when expected. Specifically, this module supports two different types of guards: guard objects, which execute a given code block when destroyed, and scoped guards, which are tied to the scope exit. bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Guard-1.23.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm'Jc3c271ed10a48785e4b4f1776c66bddd./SRPMS.pclosd % 304 >OX\xB@BABEBJCperl-HTML-Clean0.800.08pclos2017HTML shrinkerThe HTML::Clean module encapsulates a number of HTML optimizations and cleanups. The end result is HTML that loads faster, displays properly in more browsers. Think of it as a compiler that translates HTML input into optimized machine readable code.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Clean-0.800.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmada49de6857f731cd25454d2af529e653./SRPMS.pcloskd ' IHL VgpB@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-HTML-Display0.400.07pclos2017Use an OLE object to display HTMLThis module abstracts the task of displaying HTML to the user. The displaying is done by launching a browser and navigating it to either a temporary file with the HTML stored in it, or, if possible, by pushing the HTML directly into the browser window.<;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::TokeParser::Simple)perl(LWP)perl(Test::Harness)perl(URI::URL)perl-parentrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Display-0.400.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmCL67feb2d3ab6e23df666880e0fe97f882./SRPMS.pclos7d ' Thl vB@BABEBJ)Cperl-HTML-EasyTags1.71.05pclos2017Make well-formed XHTML or HTML 4 tags, listsThis Perl 5 object class can be used to generate any well-formed XHTML or HTML tags in a format that is consistent with the W3C XHTML 1.0 or HTML 4.01 standards. See *http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1* and *http://www.w3c.org/MarkUp* for references. There are no restrictions on what tags are named, however; you can ask for any new or unsupported tag that comes along from Netscape or Microsoft, and it will be made. Additionally, you can generate lists of said tags with one method call, or just parts of said tags (but not both at once). This module's purpose is to be lightweight, easy to use, and whose results are well-formed and pretty-printed (should humans wish to read or debug it). At the same time, it is supportive of your existing knowledge of HTML and as such its interface closely mirrors the actual appearance of the resulting tags. This means that methods have the same name as the actual tags, and named parameters that you pass correspond directly to the tag attributes produced. This module saves you having to remember the little details on formatting. For your convenience, a majority of the methods and their arguments are backwards-compatible with those in CGI.pm, but you are saved 200K of code size. As a reference, I strongly recommend that you check out *Kevin Werbach's* excellent "The Bare Bones Guide to HTML", which is available at *http://werbach.com/barebones/*. I found this document invaluable when making this module, as it provides a comprehensive list of all the HTML tags along with their formatting and extensions.\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-EasyTags-1.71.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmg91b113b9588632b1360b99e500d864b1./SRPMS.pclosCd% 0 W8< FW`pB@BABEBJ5Cperl-HTML-Element-Extended1.180.08pclos2017Tables as easy HTML element structuresProvides a way to graft raw HTML strings into your HTML::Element(3) structures. Since they represent raw text, these can only be leaves in your HTML element tree. The only methods that are of any real use in this degenerate element are push_content() and as_HTML(). The push_content() method will simply prepend the provided text to the current content. If you happen to pass an HTML::element to push_content, the output of the as_HTML() method in that element will be prepended.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Element)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Element-Extended-1.180.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmZ10f7322ef1bd1a877ed06cb7aae49762./SRPMS.pclosd ( S mB@zBABEBJCperl-HTML-Encoding0.610.09pclos2017Determine encoding of HTML/XHTML documentsHTML::Encoding helps to determine the encoding of HTML and XML/XHTML documents...8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTTP::Headers::Util)perl(HTTP::Response)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Encoding-0.610.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm?0331bfa33a93a7e56019ce89f4dae6fcc./SRPMS.pclosd & A  8  B@GBAtBExBJCperl-HTML-Escape1.100.03pclos2017Extremely fast HTML escapeThis module escapes HTML's special chars. It's same as PHP's htmlspecialchars. This module uses XS for better performance. And also provides pure perl version.zbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Build::Pluggable::PPPort)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(XSLoader)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * I@D N_hB@BADBEHBJiCperl-HTML-FillInForm2.210.07pclos2017Populates HTML Forms with dataThis module automatically inserts data from a previous HTML form into the HTML input, textarea, radio buttons, checkboxes and select tags. It is a subclass of HTML::Parser and uses it to parse the HTML and insert the values into the form tags.Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::TokeParser)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # N /8TB@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-HTML-Form6.30.08pclos2017Class that represents an HTML form elementObjects of the 'HTML::Form' class represents a single HTML '
' instance. A form consists of a sequence of inputs that usually have names, and which can take on various values. The state of a form can be tweaked and it can then be asked to provide 'HTTP::Request' objects that can be passed to the request() method of 'LWP::UserAgent'. The following methods are available: * @forms = HTML::Form->parse( $html_document, $base_uri )abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::TokeParser)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d % M $ .?H222B@BABEBJCperl-HTML-FormFu2.10.07pclos2017HTML Form Management Framework for PerlHTML::FormFu is a HTML form framework which aims to be as easy as possible to use for basic web forms, but with the power and flexibility to do anything else you might want to do (as long as it involves forms). You can configure almost any part of formfu's behaviour and output. By default formfu renders "XHTML 1.0 Strict" compliant markup, with as little extra markup as possible, but with sufficient CSS class names to allow for a wide-range of output styles to be generated by changing only the CSS. All methods listed below (except the /new manpage) can either be called as a normal method on your '$form' object, or as an option in your config file. Examples will mainly be shown in the YAML manpage config syntax.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Carp)perl(Class::MOP::Method)perl(Clone)perl(Config::Any)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Visitor)perl(Data::Visitor::Callback)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Builder)perl(DateTime::Format::Natural)perl(DateTime::Format::Strptime)perl(DateTime::Locale)perl(Email::Valid)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fatal)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTML::Scrubber)perl(HTML::TokeParser::Simple)perl(HTTP::Headers)perl(Hash::Flatten)perl(IO::File)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Locale::Maketext)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Moose)perl(Moose::Role)perl(Moose::Util)perl(MooseX::Aliases)perl(Number::Format)perl(POSIX)perl(Path::Class::File)perl(Readonly)perl(Regexp::Common)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::Aggregate::Nested)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML::XS)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.370.00.310.;576751ac89c07235b822d6d8d57fab7cf./SRPMS.pclosd%+ 6 Mhl v   B@BABEBJ Cperl-HTML-FormFu-Element-reCAPTCHA1.0.07pclos2017"Are you human" tester"Are you human" tester!/bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Captcha::reCAPTCHA)perl(Devel::GlobalDestruction)perl(Eval::Closure)perl(HTML::FormFu)perl(MRO::Compat)perl(MooseX::Attribute::Chained)perl(Package::DeprecationManager)perl(Sub::Exporter)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-FormFu-Element-reCAPTCHA-1.0.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm6064c58d68cd9326ab95117120f77d2fb./SRPMS.pclos{d$ / Wlp z   B@BAHBELBJmCperl-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC2.0.07pclos2017Integrate HTML::FormFu with DBIx::Classno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DateTime::Format::SQLite)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::FormFu)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Locale::Maketext)perl(SQL::Translator)perl(Storable)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML::Syck)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.81.806.300." - S(, 6GP  g B@BABEBJ=Cperl-HTML-FormHandler0.400.6503pclos2017An HTML form handler written in MooseHTML::FormHandler maintains a clean separation between form construction and form rendering. It allows you to define your forms and fields in a number of flexible ways. Although it provides renderers for HTML, you can define custom renderers for any kind of presentation. Although documentation in this file provides some overview, it is mainly intended for API documentation. See the HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Intro manpage for a more detailed introduction. HTML::FormHandler allows you to define form fields and validators. It can be used for both database and non-database forms, and will automatically update or create rows in a database. It can be used to process structured data that doesn't come from an HTML form.̔bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Load)perl(Data::Clone)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Strptime)perl(Email::Valid)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(JSON)perl(List::Util)perl(Locale::Maketext)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Getopt)perl(MooseX::Types)perl(MooseX::Types::Common)perl(MooseX::Types::LoadableClass)perl(PadWalker)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(aliased)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Բ6187e94e16b909a943158b89f4d80519./SRPMS.pclosd#+ 6 ]|    B@7BAtBExBJCperl-HTML-FormHandler-Model-DBIC0.290.08pclos2017Generate form classes from DBIC schemaCatalyst based application.ڧbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DBIx::Class)perl(DBIx::Class::ResultSet::RecursiveUpdate)perl(DateTime::Format::MySQL)perl(DateTime::Format::SQLite)perl(DateTime::Format::W3CDTF)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::FormHandler)perl(Moose)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::autoclean)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.82.5000.250.06.300.00.400.1602.0.7000.940. & CX\ fw   B@6BAdBEhBJCperl-HTML-Format2.110.06pclos2017CPAN HTML-Format perl moduleThis is a collection of modules that formats HTML as plaintext, PostScript or RTF. The modules present in this package are: HTML::FormatText - Formatter that converts a syntax tree to plain readable text. HTML::FormatPS - Formatter that outputs PostScript code. HTML::FormatRTF - Formatter that outputs RTF code. HTML::Formatter - Base class for various formatters. Formatters traverse a syntax tree and produce some textual output. None of the current formatters handle tables or forms yet.^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Encode)perl(English)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Font::Metrics::Courier)perl(Font::Metrics::CourierBold)perl(Font::Metrics::CourierBoldOblique)perl(Font::Metrics::CourierOblique)perl(Font::Metrics::Helvetica)perl(Font::Metrics::HelveticaBold)perl(Font::Metrics::HelveticaBoldOblique)perl(Font::Metrics::HelveticaOblique)perl(Font::Metrics::TimesBold)perl(Font::Metrics::TimesBoldItalic)perl(Font::Metrics::TimesItalic)perl(Font::Metrics::TimesRoman)perl(HTML::Element)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(bytes)perl(integer)perl(utf8)perl-Font-AFMperl-HTML-Treerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)όcbce1be675362f7b539b325490944e29./SRPMS.pclosd!) 4 d GB@\BABEBJCperl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks0.150.04pclos2017HTML to text conversion with links as footnotesHTML to text conversion with links as footnotes.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(HTML::FormatText)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(Module::Build)perl(URI::WithBase)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.4003.0.4-1perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.150.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm9lbcd32d16210c393f7339ce0c7ececf1a./SRPMS.pclosd+2 = f(, 6GPhB@ BAPBETBJuCperl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables0.60.04pclos2017Converts HTML to Text with tables intactThis module was inspired by HTML::FormatText::WithLinks which has proven to be a useful `lynx -dump` work-alike. However one frustration was that no other HTML converters I came across had the ability to deal affectively with HTML s. This module can in a rudimentary sense do so. The aim was to provide facility to take a simple HTML based email template, and to also convert it to text with the
structure intact for inclusion as "multipart/alternative" content. Further, it will preserve both the formatting specified by the
tag's "align" attribute, and will also preserve multiline text inside of a element provided it is broken using
tags. EXPORT None by default.#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::FormatText)perl(HTML::FormatText::WithLinks)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpml6c7222dea60a820d60d4abe1bea58235./SRPMS.pclosSd ' F &7@XB@BA BE$BJECperl-HTML-FromANSI2.30.09pclos2017Mark up ANSI sequences as HTMLThis small module converts ANSI text sequences to corresponding HTML codes, using stylesheets to control color and blinking properties. It exports 'ansi2html()' by default, which takes an array, joins it it into a single scalar, and returns its HTML rendering. From version 2.00 an object oriented api which is safer for multiple uses (no more manipulation of shared '%Options') is available. It is reccomended that you no longer import any functions by doing:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(Term::VT102::Boundless)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::use::ok)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-FromANSI-2.30.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm'La1cce95493c7fd6855a7a2f3808f8567./SRPMS.pcloskd ' Qx| B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-HTML-FromText2.70.07pclos2017Perl module to Convert plain text to HTMLHTML::FromText converts text to HTML._bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Email-Findperl-Exporter-Liteperl-HTML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-FromText-2.70.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmfu1dcf202f5616696d606ac6b02bb54de0./SRPMS.pclosod! , S B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-HTML-HTML5-Entities0.4.05pclos2019Drop-in replacement for HTML::EntitiesThis is a drop-in replacement for the HTML::Entities manpage, providing the character entities defined in HTML5.9Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-HTML5-Entities-0.4.0-5pclos2019.src.rpmbc590ab5f4ca255f15f1fc80fe20701d./SRPMS.pclos[d"( 3 K`d nB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-HTML-Latemp-GenMakeHelpers0.5.02pclos2017A Latemp Utility Moduleno description found5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find::Rule)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);0c6e285229920e3d1a5a933649e49c6c./SRPMS.pcloskd$* 5 vX\ fwB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-HTML-Latemp-NavLinks-GenHtml0.2.63pclos2017A class to generate the image-based HTML of the navigation linksThis module generates text navigation links. 'root' is the relative path to the site's root directory. 'nav_links' are the navigation links' objects hash as returned by the HTML::Widgets::NavMenu manpage or something similar.6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Template)perl(Template::Stash)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(blib)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>&a136ad46aa56c7d680d6b1febcb66e55./SRPMS.pclosd * a (`FB@hBABEBJCperl-HTML-Latemp-News0.1.103pclos2017News Maintenance Module for Latemp (and possibly otherThis is a module that maintains news item for a web-site. It can generate an RSS feed, as well as a news page, and an HTML newsbox, all from the same data.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::RSS)perl(base)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - [ #,8yB@BABEBJCperl-HTML-LinkExtractor0.130.09pclos2017Perl extension for extracting links from HTMLPerl extension for extracting links from HTML. It is very similar to HTML::LinkExtor|HTML::LinkExtor, except that besides getting the URL, you also get the link-text.=1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simpleperl-URIrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-LinkExtractor-0.130.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmDc97f8431f192a01b1c64a20b1d076a1a./SRPMS.pclosd! , Y\` j{B@BATBEXBJyCperl-HTML-Links-Localize0.2.86pclos2017Convert HTML Files to be used on a hard diskHTML::Links::Localize converts HTML files to be used when viewing on the hard disk. Namely, it converts relative links to point to "index.html" files in their directories. To use it, first initialize an instance using new: $converter = HTML::Links::Localize->new(base_dir => $base_dir, dest_dir => $dest_dir) The constructor accepts two named parameters which are mandatory. ''base_dir'' is the base directory (or source directory) for the operations. ''dest_dir'' is the root destination directory.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Links-Localize-0.2.8-6pclos2017.src.rpm,4cfc0b484c61d3c2bd4f217d93c746e2./SRPMS.pclosd $ D    B@BABEBJCperl-HTML-Lint2.220.04pclos2017Module to check for HTML errorsThis Perl module is used to check for HTML errors in strings or files.rpbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::Tagset)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(Test::Builder)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.470. % ?TX bs|B@@BAlBEpBJCperl-HTML-Packer2.30.02pclos2017Another HTML code cleanerA HTML Compressor.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CSS::Packer)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JavaScript::Packer)perl(Regexp::RegGrp)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & J TB@fBABEBJCperl-HTML-Parser3.720.03pclos2017Perl module to parse HTML documentsHTML::Parser module for Perl to parse and extract information from HTML documents.gSbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Tagset)perl(XSLoader)perl-develperl-HTML-Tagsetrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) `PT ^oxB@BABE BJACperl-HTML-Prototype1.480.08pclos2017Generate HTML and Javascript for the Prototype librarySome code generators for Prototype, the famous JavaScript OO library. This library allows you to do Ajax without writing lots of javascript code. This is mostly a port of the Ruby on Rails helper tags for JavaScript for use in Catalyst.Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(HTML::Tree)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Prototype-1.480.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm978cfb476df95b7636fb9d64e91c9bf4./SRPMS.pclosd % S ]B@sBABEBJCperl-HTML-Quoted0.40.08pclos2017Extract structure of quoted HTML mail messageParses and extracts quotation structure out of a HTML message. Purpose and returned structures are very similar to the Text::Quoted manpage.^Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590. * ^ /8HB@BABEBJCperl-HTML-ResolveLink0.50.09pclos2017Resolve relative links in (X)HTML into absolute URIHTML::ResolveLink is a module to rewrite relative links in XHTML or HTML into absolute URI. For example. when you have foo `bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::Parser)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-ResolveLink-0.50.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm204a83f7ed73835cc993c7443748a5a4./SRPMS.pcloscd & S  +4B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-HTML-Restrict2.2.24pclos2017Strip away unwanted HTML tags and attributesThis module uses _HTML::Parser_ to strip HTML from text in a restrictive manner. By default all HTML is restricted. You may alter the default behaviour by supplying your own tag rules.lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dump)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Quote)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Type::Tiny)perl(Types::Standard)perl(URI)perl(namespace::clean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 L _B@sBABEBJCperl-HTML-RewriteAttributes0.50.08pclos2017Concise attribute rewritingHTML::RewriteAttributes is designed for simple yet powerful HTML attribute rewriting.q]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::Tagset)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.03.0.4-1perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmwe0fc24906c5af687f204d39504c105cb./SRPMS.pclos#d ( U @B@BABEBJCperl-HTML-Scrubber0.150.04pclos2017Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing htmlIf you wanna "scrub" or "sanitize" html input in a reliable and flexible fashion, then this perl module is for you.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test)perl(Test::CPAN::Meta)perl(Test::EOL)perl(Test::Memory::Cycle)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoTabs)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.470. . M HB@ZBABEBJCperl-HTML-Selector-XPath0.180.07pclos2017CSS Selector to XPath compilerHTML::Selector::XPath is a utility function to compile CSS2 selector to the equivalent XPath expression.lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Base)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.03.0.4-1perl-HTML-Selector-XPath-0.180.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmsya695b7927cb3009fc5e7a5188155d5ea./SRPMS.pclosd$ / Mtx [B@~BABEBJCperl-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor1.270.06pclos2017A simple way to extract linksThis is a simple HTML link extractor designed for the person who does not want to deal with the intricacies of 'HTML::Parser' or the de-referencing needed to get links out of 'HTML::LinkExtor'. You can extract all the links or some of the links (based on the HTML tag name or attribute name). If a tag is found, all of the relative URLs will be resolved according to that reference. This module is simply a subclass around 'HTML::LinkExtor', so it can only parse what that module can handle. Invalid HTML or XHTML may cause problems.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::LinkExtor)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Output)perl(URI)perl(URI::file)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-SimpleParse-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm)ae21acb33f3bc8570c4820cf53647b3a./SRPMS.pclosd  + F\` j{vB@BABEBJCperl-HTML-Spelling-Site0.0.52pclos2017Handles the whitelist fileHTML::Spelling::Site was created in order to consolidate and extract the duplicate functionality for spell checking my web-sites. Currently documentation is somewhat lacking and the modules could use some extra automated tests, but I'm anxious to get something out the door.Bdbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Find::Object)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(IO::All)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Build)perl(MooX)perl(MooX::late)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::Builder::Tester)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Hunspell)perl(autodie)perl(blib)perl(locale)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Spelling-Site-0.0.5-2pclos2017.src.rpmIE7601b51b7a4b652d3586717b4fae2364./SRPMS.pclosd & Z /8@oB@xBABEBJCperl-HTML-Stream1.600.08pclos2017HTML output stream class, and some markup utilitiesThe HTML::Stream module provides you with an object-oriented (and subclassable) way of outputting HTML. Basically, you open up an "HTML stream" on an existing filehandle, and then do all of your output to the HTML stream. You can intermix HTML-stream-output and ordinary-print-output, if you like. There's even a small built-in subclass, HTML::Stream::Latin1, which can handle Latin-1 input right out of the box. But all in good time...bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Output)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Stream-1.600.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmbf78ba58ec1fd6accee74ac1f22e1f32./SRPMS.pclosd % XPT ^ox  < B@LBAxBE|BJCperl-HTML-Strip2.100.03pclos2017Perl extension for stripping HTML markup from textThis module simply strips HTML-like markup from text in a very quick and brutal manner. It could quite easily be used to strip XML or SGML from text as well; but removing HTML markup is a much more common problem, hence this module lives in the HTML:: namespace. It is written in XS, and thus about five times quicker than using regular expressions for the same task. It does _not_ do any syntax checking (if you want that, use the HTML::Parser manpage), instead it merely applies the following rules:Bbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(DynaLoader)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Strip-2.100.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmI50f4b1be758b10271e707251e0b2df3d./SRPMS.pclos?d  + Rtx B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-HTML-StripScripts1.50.09pclos2017Strip scripting constructs out of HTMLThis module strips scripting constructs out of HTML, leaving as much non-scripting markup in place as possible. This allows web applications to display HTML originating from an untrusted source without introducing XSS (cross site scripting) vulnerabilities. You will probably use the HTML::StripScripts::Parser manpage rather than using this module directly. The process is based on whitelists of tags, attributes and attribute values. This approach is the most secure against disguised scripting constructs hidden in malicious HTML documents.Obb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-StripScripts-1.50.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm>3ff2220e9e3d2c286041cb87f97dc5fa./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 P B@BATBEXBJyCperl-HTML-StripScripts-Parser1.30.08pclos2017XSS filter using HTML::ParserThis class provides an easy interface to 'HTML::StripScripts', using 'HTML::Parser' to parse the HTML. See the HTML::Parser manpage for details of how to customise how the raw HTML is parsed into tags, and the HTML::StripScripts manpage for details of how to customise the way those tags are filtered.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::StripScripts)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-StripScripts-Parser-1.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm125cda63f00118b4fd9aa58001197e6ad./SRPMS.pclosKd ( T$( 2CLdB@BABEBJ=Cperl-HTML-StripTags1.10.09pclos2017Strip tags from a string with Perl like PHPHTML::StripTags provides the function strip_tags() that can strip all HTML or XML tags from a string except the given allowed tags. This is a Perl port of the PHP function strip_tags() based on PHP 5.3.3.N6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Switch)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-StripTags-1.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmU71c67ae4d8bfa9e30c2f11cb6ce5d36f5./SRPMS.pclos_d % A B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-HTML-Table2.80.0a4pclos2017HTML::Table module for perlHTML::Table is used to generate HTML tables for CGI scripts. By using the methods provided fairly complex tables can be created, manipulated, then printed from Perl scripts. The module also greatly simplifies creating tables within tables from Perl. It is possible to create an entire table using the methods provided and never use an HTML tag.S'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Table-2.80.0a-4pclos2017.src.rpmZ815a9441f9c3e43572d2a2d442916aa0./SRPMS.pclosGd' 2 dtx B@BABEBJ9Cperl-HTML-TableContentParser0.130.08pclos2017Do interesting things with the contents of tablesThis package pulls out the contents of a table from a string containing HTML. Each time a table is encountered, data will be stored in an array consisting of a hash of whatever was discovered about the table -- id, name, border, cellspacing etc, and of course data contained within the table. The format of each hash will look something like attributes keys from the attributes of the tag @{$table_headers} array of table headers, in order found @{$table_rows} rows discovered, in order pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-TableContentParser-0.130.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm#215aeb1bdfc3cd4d174568d3abb06fd72./SRPMS.pcloscd! , NPT ^oxB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-HTML-TableExtract2.130.04pclos2017HTML-TableExtract module for perlHTML::TableExtract is a module that simplifies the extraction of information contained in tables within HTML documents. Tables of note may be specified using Headers, Depth, Count, or some combination of the three. See the module documentation for details.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::ElementTable)perl(HTML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( C  {B@BABEBJCperl-HTML-TagCloud0.380.07pclos2017Generate An HTML Tag CloudThe the HTML::TagCloud manpage module enables you to generate "tag clouds" in HTML. Tag clouds serve as a textual way to visualize terms and topics that are used most frequently. The tags are sorted alphabetically and a larger font is used to indicate more frequent term usage. Example sites with tag clouds: the http://www.43things.com/ manpage, the http://www.astray.com/recipes/ manpage and the http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/ manpage. This module provides a simple interface to generating a CSS-based HTML tag cloud. You simply pass in a set of tags, their URL and their count. This module outputs stylesheet-based HTML. You may use the included CSS or use your own./Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.03.0.4-1perl-HTML-TagCloud-0.380.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm745fb655640666dc8e15865b4cf8bb8fd./SRPMS.pclosd * I $ .?HTB@BABEBJCperl-HTML-TagReader1.100.014pclos2017HTML-TagReader module for perlTagReader is a perl extension module which allows you to read html/xml files by tag. That is: in a similar way as you can read textfiles by line with "while(<>)" you use TagReader::getbytoken to read a file by tag.Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Image::Size)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-TagReader-1.100.0-14pclos2017.src.rpmc0bbc8e3f259d7f2b54dca8e9b470320./SRPMS.pclos{d ' d B@BAHBELBJmCperl-HTML-Tagset3.200.010pclos2017This module contains data tables useful in dealing with HTMLThis module contains data tables useful in dealing with HTML. It provides no functions or methods.#@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Tagset-3.200.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm)907422bdd066b88cd578224ba8b3abb7./SRPMS.pclosd ( [   w B@BABEBJCperl-HTML-Template2.950.08pclos2017Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scriptsThis module attempts make using HTML templates simple and natural. It extends standard HTML with a few new HTML-esque tags - , , , and . The file written with HTML and these new tags is called a template. It is usually saved separate from your script - possibly even created by someone else! Using this module you fill in the values for the variables, loops and branches declared in the template. This allows you to separate design - the HTML - from the data, which you generate in the Perl script.jGbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(CGI)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.820.03.0.4-1perl-HTML-Template-2.950.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmq475bb8ba80f5355fa3c6b712e2b85ac0./SRPMS.pclos7d! , _04 >OXhB@BABEBJ)Cperl-HTML-Template-Expr0.70.08pclos2017HTML::Template extension adding expression supportThis module provides an extension to HTML::Template which allows expressions in the template syntax. This is purely an addition - all the normal HTML::Template options, syntax and behaviors will still work.Lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::Template)perl(Parse::RecDescent)perl(Test::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Template-Expr-0.70.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmS922b22afcbdac3a3a8f74ba3c48caab6./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 G B@BALBEPBJqCperl-HTML-Template-Extension0.260.08pclos2017Basic set operationsThis module extends HTML::Template to easily support methods and tags not implemented in parent module. The following plugins are supplied: - HTML::Template::Extension::DOC - HTML::Template::Extension::SLASH_VAR - HTML::Template::Extension::CSTART - HTML::Template::Extension::HEAD_BODY - HTML::Template::Extension::DO_NOTHING?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::Template)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Template-Extension-0.260.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmGG77a64aeaaaee92aeef87645abc4c9ca6./SRPMS.pclosd' 2 ](, 6GP t 0 B@@BAxBE|BJCperl-HTML-Template-Pluggable0.170.09pclos2017Extends HTML::Template with plugin supportBy adding support for this dot notation to the HTML::Template manpage, the programmers' job of sending data to the template is easier, and designers have easier access to more data to display in the template, without learning any more tag syntax. EXAMPLES Class::DBI integration the Class::DBI manpage accessors can be used in the template. If the accessor is never called in the template, that data doesn't have to be loaded. In the code:kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(CGI)perl(Class::Trigger)perl(HTML::Template)perl(Regexp::Common)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::MockObject)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Template-Pluggable-0.170.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmsc16689c4d5e9f9dc0811ed3fe0ff5ee6./SRPMS.pclosd! , b B@BABEBJ Cperl-HTML-Template-Pro0.951.09pclos2017Perl/XS module to use HTML Templates from CGI scriptsOriginal HTML::Template is written by Sam Tregar, sam@tregar.com with contributions of many people mentioned there. Their efforts caused HTML::Template to be mature html tempate engine which separate perl code and html design. Yet powerful, HTML::Template is slow, especially if mod_perl isn't available or in case of disk usage and memory limitations. HTML::Template::Pro is a fast lightweight C/Perl+XS reimplementation of HTML::Template (as of 2.8) and HTML::Template::Expr (as of 0.0.5). It is not intended to be a complete replacement, but to be a fast implementation of HTML::Template if you don't need quering, the extended facility of HTML::Template. Designed for heavy upload, resource limitations, abcence of mod_perl. HTML::Template::Pro has complete support of filters and HTML::Template::Expr's tag EXPR="", including user-defined functions.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(JSON)perl(Test::More)perl-develpcre-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , L  $  B@BALBEPBJqCperl-HTML-TextToHTML2.520.1006pclos2017Convert plain text file to HTMLHTML::TextToHTML converts plain text files to HTML. The txt2html script uses this module to do the same from the command-line./bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Module::Build)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML::Syck)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1003.0.4-1perl-HTML-TextToHTML-2.520.100-6pclos2017.src.rpm5bd1cb92728183fdb0c3dcb30a40ebf8e./SRPMS.pclos;d # Tx| B@BABE BJ-Cperl-HTML-Tiny1.50.08pclos2017Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation'HTML::Tiny' is a simple, dependency free module for generating HTML (and XML). It concentrates on generating syntactically correct XHTML using a simple Perl notation. In addition to the HTML generation functions utility functions are provided to * * encode and decode URL encoded stringsGbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Tiny-1.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmNaa07f06d5998e6acca8901d8c445e88d./SRPMS.pclossd # V  B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-HTML-Toc1.120.08pclos2017Generate, insert and update HTML Table of ContentsGenerate, insert and update HTML Table of Contents (ToC).@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(HTML::Parser)perl(Test::Differences)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Toc-1.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmu11f770e9d411fe0b51fd9ae171bd078a./SRPMS.pclosOd& 1 X    B@BABE BJACperl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple3.160.08pclos2017Easy to use HTML::TokeParser interfaceHTML::TokeParser::Simple is a subclass of HTML::TokeParser that uses easy-to-remember method calls to work with the tokens. Rather than try to remember a bunch of array indices or try to write a bunch of constants for them, you can now do something like: $token->is_start_tag( 'form' ) instead of $token->[0] eq 'S' and $token->[1] eq 'form'Sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::TokeParser)perl(Module::Build)perl(Sub::Override)perl(Test::More)perl-HTML-Parserperl-Sub-Overriderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[be51a1819e6846f4554f5f959c27c24f./SRPMS.pclosSd $ Gx| B@BA BE$BJECperl-HTML-Tree5.30.013pclos2017Build and scan parse-trees of HTMLThis distribution contains a suite of modules for representing, creating, and extracting information from HTML syntax trees; there is also relevent documentation. These modules used to be part of the libwww-perl distribution, but are now unbundled in order to facilitate a separate development track.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::Tagset)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(integer)perl-HTML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.460.' 2 m  B@BABEBJCperl-HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML0.250.04pclos2017HTML::Element compatible API for HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXMLHTML::TreeBuilder::XPath is libxml based compatible interface to HTML::TreeBuilder, which could be slow for a large document. HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML is drop-in-replacement for HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath. This module doesn't implement all of HTML::TreeBuilder and HTML::Element APIs, but eough methods are defined so modules like Web::Scraper work.]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::LibXML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 1 X nB@BABEBJCperl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath0.140.08pclos2017Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilderThis module adds typical XPath methods to HTML::TreeBuilder, to make it easy to query a document.-[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(List::Util)perl(XML::XPathEngine)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' Ltx    B@BADBEHBJiCperl-HTML-Widget1.110.010pclos2017HTML Widget And Validation FrameworkCreate easy to maintain HTML widgets!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Accessor)perl(Date::Calc)perl(Email::Valid)perl(HTML::Element)perl(HTML::Scrubber)perl(Module::Pluggable::Fast)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Deep)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d% 0 D #,@B@BABEBJCperl-HTML-Widgets-NavMenu1.70.3004pclos2017A nav-menu iteratorThis module generates a navigation menu for a site. It can also generate a complete site map, a path of leading components, and also keeps track of navigation links ("Next", "Prev", "Up", etc.) You can start from the example above and see more examples in the tests, and complete working sites in the Subversion repositories at the http://opensvn.csie.org/shlomif/homepage/ manpage and the http://opensvn.csie.org/perlbegin/perl-begin/ manpage.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::XSAccessor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-HTML-Widgets-NavMenu-1.70.300-4pclos2017.src.rpmGe55a52f4fcaf0702d29f1ae1b2ba4a28./SRPMS.pclosd#) 4 K TUB@vBABEBJCperl-HTML-Widgets-NavMenu-ToJSON0.0.74pclos2017YAML-based persistenceThis is a sub-class of the HTML::Widgets::NavMenu::ToJSON::Data_Persistence manpage for providing coarse-grained persistence using a serialised YAML store as storage.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(HTML::Widgets::NavMenu::Object)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML::XS)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!( 3 ]hl vB@BABEBJ5Cperl-HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers0.70.08pclos2017Perl extension for selectable HTML layersThis module implements an HTML widget with multiple layers. Only one layer is visible at any given time, controlled by a system call. In addition to maintaining the C
as well).bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp)perl(FindBin)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Balanced)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Markdown-1.0.31-9pclos2017.src.rpm908b27681b050f777c4818f54b83a5d3./SRPMS.pclosd $ Y| MB@[BABEBJCperl-Text-Matrix1.0.09pclos2017Text table layout for matrices of short regular datathe Text::Matrix manpage is a specialist table display module for display of matrices of single-character (such as Y/N for yes/no) or short multi-character data against row and column labels that are sufficiently longer that conventional table layouts distort the layout of the data. The core aim is to base the layout on the tabular data concisely and formated regularly to reflect the terseness of the underlying data, without being forced to compensate for the longer length of the labels for the columns and rows. the Text::Matrix manpage will also optionally split the matrix into several sections based on width of the generated matrix, suitable for display in situations where you don't want external line-wrapping to confuse the layout. (Display on an xterm, cut-n-paste into an email, etc.):bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Matrix-1.0.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmC09c5b247e38d8efdcebea3b26dded8c37./SRPMS.pcloskd" - K`d nB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Text-MicroTemplate0.240.04pclos2017A file-based template managerText::MicroTemplate is a standalone, fast, intelligent, extensible template engine with following features. standalone Text::MicroTemplate does not rely on other CPAN modules. fast Based on the Mojo::Template manpage, expressions in the template is perl code.{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.03.0.4-1perl-Text-MicroTemplate-0.240.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm33ab636e6ca10c84950564de5fcbdeb3./SRPMS.pclosd! , T\` j{  v B@BABEBJCperl-Text-MultiMarkdown1.0.357pclos2017Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTMLMarkdown is a text-to-HTML filter; it translates an easy-to-read / easy-to-write structured text format into HTML. Markdown's text format is most similar to that of plain text email, and supports features such as headers, *emphasis*, code blocks, blockquotes, and links. Markdown's syntax is designed not as a generic markup language, but specifically to serve as a front-end to (X)HTML. You can use span-level HTML tags anywhere in a Markdown document, and you can use block level HTML tags ('
', '
' etc.). Note that by default Markdown isn't interpreted in HTML block-level elements, unless you add a 'markdown=1"' attribute to the element. See the Text::Markdown manpage for details. This module implements the MultiMarkdown markdown syntax extensions from:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FindBin)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Markdown)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.00.420.Č9a9e60829d295d8f5579c35a158d6c35./SRPMS.pclos'd # @\` j{B@BABEBJCperl-Text-NSP1.310.04pclos2017The Ngram Statistics PackageThe module NSP.pm is a stub that doesn't have any real functionality. The real work is done by five programs: - count.pl - statistic.pl - rank.pl - combig.pl - kocos.pl These are not modules, and are run from the command line. All have extensive command line help and documentation.-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-NSP-1.310.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmb0867fcd749ef950a65addc3b813f7bd./SRPMS.pclosGd! , Q  '0LB@BABEBJ9Cperl-Text-NeatTemplate0.110.08pclos2017A fast, middleweight template engineThis module provides a simple, middleweight but fast template engine, for when you need speed rather than complex features, yet need more features than simple variable substitution.W-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.1003.0.4-1perl-Text-NeatTemplate-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm^8a4b4d08c60732bc3e0f3c8847c19dd62./SRPMS.pclos+d $ Flp zB@BABEBJCperl-Text-PDF0.290.0a4pclos2017Module for manipulating PDF filesPerl module to manipulate PDF files.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-PDF-0.290.0a-4pclos2017.src.rpmFaf244650301d6c11b91a3d34b776b45f./SRPMS.pclosWd ) I (HB@BA$BE(BJICperl-Text-Padding1.110.1708pclos2017Simple way of formatting a textThis module provides a simple way to align a text on the left, right or center. If left & right are easy to achieve (see 'sprintf()'), i found no cpan module that achieved a simple text centering. Well, of course, the Perl6::Form manpage provides it, but it's incredibly slow during startup / destroy time. And the Text::Reform manpage was segfaulting during destroy time. Hence this module, which aims to provide only those 3 methods.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Has::Sugar)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Truncate)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Padding-1.110.170-8pclos2017.src.rpm@'0e7576321754eed577009b45e540a967./SRPMS.pclos+d * W@D N_htB@BABEBJCperl-Text-ParseWords3.300.04pclos2017Parse strings containing shell-style quotingThe &nested_quotewords() and "ewords() functions accept a delimiter (which can be a regular expression) and a list of lines and then breaks those lines up into a list of words ignoring delimiters that appear inside quotes. "ewords() returns all of the tokens in a single long list, while &nested_quotewords() returns a list of token lists corresponding to the elements of @lines. &parse_line() does tokenizing on a single string. The &*quotewords() functions simply call &parse_line(), so if you're only splitting one line you can call &parse_line() directly and save a function call. The $keep argument is a boolean flag. If true, then the tokens are split on the specified delimiter, but all other characters (quotes, backslashes, etc.) are kept in the tokens. If $keep is false then the &*quotewords() functions remove all quotes and backslashes that are not themselves backslash-escaped or inside of single quotes (i.e., "ewords() tries to interpret these characters just like the Bourne shell). NB: these semantics are significantly different from the original version of this module shipped with Perl 5.000 through 5.004. As an additional feature, $keep may be the keyword "delimiters" which causes the functions to preserve the delimiters in each string as tokens in the token lists, in addition to preserving quote and backslash characters. &shellwords() is written as a special case of "ewords(), and it does token parsing with whitespace as a delimiter-- similar to most Unix shells.$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-ParseWords-3.300.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm.s97b414b48543dfa61b5d26e71f82c245./SRPMS.pclosd#+ 6 WHL VgptB@BABEBJCperl-Text-Password-Pronounceable0.300.08pclos2017Generate pronounceable passwordsThis module generates pronuceable passwords, based the the English digraphs by D Edwards. METHODS * new($min, $max) Construct a password factory with length limits of $min and $max. If $max is omitted, it defaults to $min.V'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.300.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm]a46158a2d4d4efaf388bdeb64197f45ea./SRPMS.pclosd & D FB@PBA|BEBJCperl-Text-Patch1.800.010pclos2017Patches text with given patchText::Patch combines source text with given diff (difference) data. Diff data is produced by Text::Diff module or by the standard diff utility (man diff, see -u option). * patch( $source, $diff, options... ) First argument is source (original) text. Second is the diff data. Third argument can be either hash reference with options or all the rest arguments will be considered patch options:6Zbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Diff)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Patch-1.800.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm=81223dbc2f04b343f24c810fe10ca9b7./SRPMS.pclos{d % <  4B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Text-Pipe0.100.010pclos2017Common text filter APIThis class is a factory for text pipes. A pipe has a 'filter()' method through which input can pass. The input can be a string or a reference to an array of strings. Pipes can be stacked together using the Text::Pipe::Stackable manpage. The problem that this distribution tries to solve is that there are several distributions on CPAN which use text filtering in some way or other, for example the Template Toolkit. But each distribution is somewhat different, and they have to reimplement the same text filters over and over again. This distribution aims at offering a common text filter API. So if you want to use text pipes with Template Toolkit, you just need to write an adapter.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Complex)perl(Class::Accessor::Constructor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::Util)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.780.01.330.00.700.03.0.4-1perl-Text-Pipe-0.100.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm!7f0f3d5ed7450d581f41569fb7f20829./SRPMS.pclosGd $ ? B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Text-Query0.90.07pclos2017Query processing frameworkThis module provides an object that matches a data source against a query expression.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Query-0.90.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm@l8442b1657b057173659f5e440b1f4b8c./SRPMS.pclosd % c (4B@BABEBJCperl-Text-Quoted2.90.04pclos2017Perl module to extract the structure of a quoted mail messageText::Quoted examines the structure of some text which may contain multiple different levels of quoting, and turns the text into a nested data structure.qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Text::Autoformat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.03.0.4-1perl-Text-Quoted-2.90.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmxf93aa14dd4c35666a7977b543427bb61./SRPMS.pclosod * E  $  B@ BA<BE@BJaCperl-Text-RecordParser1.6.54pclos2017Read record-oriented filesThis module is for reading record-oriented data in a delimited text file. The most common example have records separated by newlines and fields separated by commas or tabs, but this module aims to provide a consistent interface for handling sequential records in a file however they may be delimited. Typically this data lists the fields in the first line of the file, in which case you should call bind_header to bind the field name (or not, and it will be called implicitly). If the first line contains data, you can still bind your own field names via bind_fields. Either way, you can then use many methods to get at the data as arrays or hashes.Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Pod::Markdown)perl(Pod::Readme)perl(Readonly)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-RecordParser-1.6.5-4pclos2017.src.rpmUfcc93100f4d476bda0b49ea0abd674cb./SRPMS.pclos{d & L B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Text-Reform1.200.08pclos2017Manual text wrapping and reformattingThe form() subroutine may be exported from the module. It takes a series of format (or "picture") strings followed by replacement values, inter- polates those values into each picture string, and returns the result. The effect is similar to the inbuilt perl format mechanism, although the field specification syntax is simpler and some of the formatting beha- viour is more sophisticated.xbb2 Text toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Reform-1.200.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm448f3716aa6580baa096fa6e12d17467./SRPMS.pclos?d % Z    B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Text-Roman3.500.07pclos2017Allows conversion between Roman and Arabic algarismsThis package supports both conventional Roman algarisms (which range from 1 to 3999) and Milhar Romans, a variation which uses a bar across the algarism to indicate multiplication by 1,000. For the purposes of this module, acceptable syntax consists of an underscore suffixed to the algarism e.g. IV_V = 4,005. The term Milhar apparently derives from the Portuguese word for "thousands" and the range of this notation extends the range of Roman numbers to 3999 x 1000 + 3999 = 4,002,999. Note: the functions in this package treat Roman algarisms in a case-insensitive manner such that "VI" == "vI" == "Vi" == "vi".Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Simple)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Text-Roman-3.500.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmUf92bb78fdd8946f0e75e2fd583ad89a53./SRPMS.pclosd ) K$( 2CLPlB@tBABEBJCperl-Text-Shellwords1.80.08pclos2017Thin wrapper around shellwords.plThis used to be a wrapper around shellwords.pl, but has now been superseded by Text::ParseWords. Use that module instead. If you use this module, it will simply report the shellwords() function from Text::ParseWords.ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Shellwords-1.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm28ad97c55c4596ff242053fbd2f8ad8ae./SRPMS.pclos/d * G| B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Text-SimpleTable2.30.09pclos2017Simple Eyecandy ASCII TablesSimple eyecandy ASCII tables, as seen in Catalyst."Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-SimpleTable-2.30.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm(2e823c011fde0d41b797cbf4df45701b./SRPMS.pclosd") 4 k B@ BA\BE`BJCperl-Text-SimpleTable-AutoWidth0.90.04pclos2017Simple eyecandy ASCII tables with auto-width selectionSimple eyecandy ASCII tables with auto-width selection./!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Moo)perl(Text::SimpleTable)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-SimpleTable-AutoWidth-0.90.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm6 4d82d0d0a2ec5ddee7227ceed75e5d46./SRPMS.pclosd & I ZB@eBABEBJCperl-Text-Soundex3.50.03pclos2017Encode a string as a soundex valueSoundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. The goal is for names with the same pronunciation to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling. Soundex is the most widely known of all phonetic algorithms and is often used (incorrectly) as a synonym for "phonetic algorithm". Improvements to Soundex are the basis for many modern phonetic algorithms. (Wikipedia, 2007) This module implements the original soundex algorithm developed by Robert Russell and Margaret Odell, patented in 1918 and 1922, as well as a variation called "American Soundex" used for US census data, and current maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The soundex algorithm may be recognized from Donald Knuth's *The Art of Computer Programming*. The algorithm described by Knuth is the NARA algorithm.Cbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(if)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Soundex-3.50.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmLv62aaafbe5a5097b8a65a12a2919a341f./SRPMS.pclos_d# . [  (  B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Text-Sprintf-Named0.40.2007pclos2017Sprintf-like function with named conversionsText::Sprintf::Named provides a sprintf equivalent with named conversions. Named conversions are sprintf field specifiers (like '"%s"' or '"%4d'") only they are associated with the key of an associative array of parameters. So for example '"%(name)s"' will emit the ''name'' parameter as a string, and '"%(num)4d"' will emit the ''num'' parameter as a variable with a width of 4.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl(warnings::register)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360. % =48 BS\xB@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Text-Table1.130.08pclos2017Organize Data in TablesOrganization of data in table form is a time-honored and useful method of data representation. While columns of data are trivially generated by computer through formatted output, even simple tasks like keeping titles aligned with the data columns are not trivial, and the one-shot solutions one comes up with tend to be particularly hard to maintain. Text::Table allows you to create and maintain tables that adapt to alignment requirements as you use them. Overview The process is simple: you create a table (a Text::Table object) by describing the columns the table is going to have. Then you load lines of data into the table, and finally print the resulting output lines. Alignment of data and column titles is handled dynamically in dependence on the data present. Table Creation In the simplest case, if all you want is a number of (untitled) columns, you create an unspecified table and start adding data to it. The number of columns is taken fronm the first line of data.ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Aligner)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - S B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Text-Tabs+Wrap2013.52.3009pclos2017Wraps lines to make simple paragraphsText::Tabs does about what the unix utilities expand(1) and unexpand(1) do. Given a line with tabs in it, expand will replace the tabs with the appropriate number of spaces. Given a line with or without tabs in it, unexpand will add tabs when it can save bytes by doing so (just like 'unexpand -a'). Invisible compression with plain ASCII!Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.52.300-9pclos2017.src.rpmSbccc44a4cf7d95e4c3bc1c27654f7a5d./SRPMS.pcloskd# . U B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Text-TabularDisplay1.380.06pclos2017Display text in formatted table outputText::TabularDisplay simplifies displaying textual data in a table. The output is identical to the columnar display of query results in the mysql text monitor. For example, this data: 1, "Tom Jones", "(666) 555-1212" 2, "Barnaby Jones", "(666) 555-1213" 3, "Bridget Jones", "(666) 555-1214" Used like so:Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-TabularDisplay-1.380.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmN%f19218fb4eecb8b2a1d73cb92bd9235b./SRPMS.pcloswd # Z B@BADBEHBJiCperl-Text-Tags0.40.08pclos2017Perl module to parse "folksonomy" space-separated tagsParses "folksonomies", which are simple space-or-comma-separated-but-optionally-quoted tag lists. Specifically, tags can be any string, as long as they don't contain both a single and a double quote. Hopefully, this is a pretty obscure restriction. In addition, all whitespace inside tags is normalized to a single space (with no leading or trailing whitespace). In a tag list string, tags can optionally be quoted with either single or double quotes. There is no escaping of either kind of quote, although you can include one type of quote inside a string quoted with the other. Quotes can also just be included inside tags, as long as they aren't at the beginning; thus a tag like joe's can just be entered without any extra quoting. Tags are separated by whitespace and/or commas, though quoted tags can run into each other without whitespace. Empty tags (put in explicitly with "" or '') are ignored. (Note that commas are not normalized with whitespace, and can be included in a tag if you quote them.) Why did the previous paragraph need to be so detailed? Because Text::Tags::Parser always successfully parses every line. That is, every single tags line converts into a list of tags, without any error conditions. For general use, you can just understand the rules as being separate tags with spaces or commas, and put either kind of quotes around tags that need to have spaces.A;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Tags-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmJ43132e3a3721289e06f0446a62085f4a./SRPMS.pclosGd ( Gtx B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Text-Template1.460.07pclos2017Text::Template module for perlThis is a library for generating form letters, building HTML pages, or filling in templates generally. A `template' is a piece of text that has little Perl programs embedded in it here and there. When you `fill in' a template, you evaluate the little programs and replace them with their values.'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Template-1.460.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmbaf13189eb7c426c9fbc6bc999b80f3a./SRPMS.pclosOd$ / K48 BS\pB@BABE BJACperl-Text-Template-Simple0.860.06pclos2017Simple text template engineThis document describes version '0.86' of 'Text::Template::Simple' released on '5 March 2012'. This is a simple template module. There is no extra template/mini language. Instead, it uses Perl as the template language. Templates can be cached on disk or inside the memory via the internal cache manager. It is also possible to use static/dynamic includes, pass parameters to includes and apply filters on them. Also see the Text::Template::Simple::API manpage for the full API definiton. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Template-Simple-0.860.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmc85f5b271ad0debc53c8710a37b4bb27./SRPMS.pclosd ' Qhl vB@!BAPBETBJuCperl-Text-Textile2.130.06pclos2017Transforms text in Textile format to HTMLno description found{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.500.03.0.4-1perl-Text-Textile-2.130.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm 6af0c83f62bb5a8d40e0d05fe5b6f8d5./SRPMS.pclosd $ F $ .?HLhB@pBABEBJCperl-Text-Tiki0.730.08pclos2017TikiText - Text Formatting EngineTikiText is a text formatting notation and engine, with the following design goals: * Leverage existing text formatting notions. * Least amount of characters from plain text. * Use more intuitive and common plain text email conventions. * Abstract users from needing to know or understand markup whenever possible. * Make valid and semantical XHTML markup easy. (And let CSS do its job!) * Easy to learn the basics. Richer functionality for those who want to dive in.Ewbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Tiki-0.730.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmLe231120fc8d233598995e20f98fcefe5./SRPMS.pclos7d $ \    B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Text-Trac0.180.04pclos2017Perl extension for formatting text with Trac Wiki StyleText::Trac parses text with Trac WikiFormatting and convert it to html format.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Test::Base)perl(Tie::IxHash)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Trac-0.180.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm f04592730764b3759c83cc260611b5d9./SRPMS.pclosd" - wtx CB@PBABEBJCperl-Text-Transliterator1.20.02pclos2017Compile a transliterator from Unicode tables, to remove accents from textThis package is a simple wrapper around Perl's transliteration operator 'tr/../../..'. Starting either from two strings of characters, or from a map of characters, it will compile a function that applies the transliteration to any list of strings. This does very little work, and therefore would barely merit a module on its own; it was written mainly for serving as a base package for Text::Transliterator::Unaccent. However, in some situations it may be useful in its own right, since Perl has no construct similar to 'qr/.../' for "compiling" a transliteration. As a matter of fact, the 'tr/../../' documentation says "if you want to use variables, you must use an eval()" ... which is what the present module does, albeit in a somewhat more controlled way.%,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Unicode::Normalize)perl(Unicode::UCD)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Transliterator-1.20.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm-6b5a88abc12566f0d6d55eed51e74b38./SRPMS.pclosd # Z &7@LB@BABEBJCperl-Text-Trim1.20.08pclos2017Remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from stringsThis module provides functions for removing leading and/or trailing whitespace from strings. It is basically a wrapper around some simple regexes with a flexible context-based interface.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Trim-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm".391cf4c566d4d5b7ebee49ffc1fce703./SRPMS.pclosd ' Y B@)BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Text-Truncate1.60.06pclos2017Perl module with simple string truncating routineThis is a simple, no-brainer subroutine to truncate a string and add an optional cutoff marker (defaults to ``...''). (Yes, this is a really brain-dead sort of thing to make a module out of, but then again, I use it so often that it might as well be in a module.) The synopsis gives examples of how to use it.Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Truncate-1.60.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmy536a239ad238ab0c853d462790ae8ce4./SRPMS.pclosd ( E8< FW`hB@BABEBJCperl-Text-Unaccent1.80.015pclos2017Remove accents from a stringA module that remove accents from a string. unac_string converts the input string from the specified charset to UTF-16 and call unac_string_utf16 to return the unaccented equivalent. The conversion from and to UTF-16 is done with iconv(1).bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Unaccent-1.80.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmLe00d0f5919ead6d3dfdb4a1185e8f6af./SRPMS.pclos_d ) S B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Text-Unidecode1.270.03pclos2017US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode textIt often happens that you have non-Roman text data in Unicode, but you can't display it -- usually because you're trying to show it to a user via an application that doesn't support Unicode, or because the fonts you need aren't accessible. You could represent the Unicode characters as "???????" or "\15BA\15A0\1610...", but that's nearly useless to the user who actually wants to read what the text says. What Text::Unidecode provides is a function, 'unidecode(...)' that takes Unicode data and tries to represent it in US-ASCII characters (i.e., the universally displayable characters between 0x00 and 0x7F). The representation is almost always an attempt at _transliteration_ -- i.e., conveying, in Roman letters, the pronunciation expressed by the text in some other writing system. (See the example in the synopsis.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-Unidecode-1.270.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm>2b9562613275f33291a64046328aab78./SRPMS.pclosGd ( Sx| B@BABEBJ9Cperl-Text-VimColor0.260.06pclos2017Syntax color text in HTML or XML using VimThis module tries to markup text files according to their syntax. It can be used to produce web pages with pretty-printed colourful source code samples. It can produce output in the following formats: * HTML Valid XHTML 1.0, with the exact colouring and style left to a CSS stylesheet bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::File)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Path::Class)perl(Symbol)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Test::File::ShareDir::Dist)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develvim-enhancedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'W2986e667efb5ef3a31f8d865f4c9c2b3./SRPMS.pclosd" - x "3<HB@BABEBJCperl-Text-VisualWidth-PP0.40.08pclos2017Trimming text by the number of the column s of terminals and mobile phonesThis module provides functions to treat half-width and full-width characters and display correct size of text in one line on terminals and mobile phones. You can know the visual width of any text and truncate text by the visual width. Now this module support flagged UTF-8 and tested only with Japanese. This module is pure perl version of Text::VisualWidth. This is bit slow, but it's not require compiler.0-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Unicode::EastAsianWidth)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-VisualWidth-PP-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm8 0340f7e0115b82e83614965822009fbe./SRPMS.pclos{d! , b  B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Text-WagnerFischer0.40.08pclos2017An implementation of the Wagner-Fischer edit distanceThis module implements the Wagner-Fischer dynamic programming technique, used here to calculate the edit distance of two strings. The edit distance is a measure of the degree of proximity between two strings, based on ``edits'': the operations of substitutions, deletions or insertions needed to transform the string into the other one (and vice versa).kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-WagnerFischer-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm4014259c19f9b8270119d289b4bde8d6./SRPMS.pcloscd * h &7@XB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Text-WikiFormat0.810.06pclos2017Module for translating Wiki formatted text into other formatsText::WikiFormat converts text in a simple Wiki markup language to whatever your little heart desires, provided you can describe it accurately in a semi-regular tag language.Ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(URI::Escape)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.390. ' E #,4fB@oBABEBJCperl-Text-WrapI18N0.60.08pclos2017Text-WrapI18N module for perlText::WrapI18N - Line wrapping module with support for multibyte, fullwidth, and combining characters and languages without whitespaces between words. This module intends to be a better Text::Wrap module. This module is needed to support multibyte character encodings such as UTF-8, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB2312, and Big5. This module also supports characters with irregular widths, such as combining characters (which occupy zero columns on terminal, like diacritical marks in UTF-8) and fullwidth characters (which occupy two columns on terminal, like most of east Asian characters). Also, minimal handling of languages which doesn't use whitespaces between words (like Chinese and Japanese) is supported.]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Text::CharWidth)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Text-WrapI18N-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm)54269595e45ea704554f88a1351979a6./SRPMS.pclosd & O$( 2CL\B@BABEBJCperl-Text-Wrapper1.50.06pclos2017Simple word wrapping routine perl moduleText::Wrapper provides simple word wrapping. It breaks long lines, but does not alter spacing or remove existing line breaks. If you're looking for more sophisticated text formatting, try the Text::Format module.M[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Text-Wrapper-1.50.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmT/b4371d9d87a1f0e12a46312566b131f3./SRPMS.pclos#d $ O (`sB@BABEBJCperl-Text-Xslate3.3.93pclos2017The same as Kolon but using [% ... %] tags*Xslate* is a template engine, tuned for persistent applications, safe as an HTML generator, and with rich features. There are a lot of template engines in CPAN, for example Template-Toolkit, Text::MicroTemplate, HTML::Template, and so on, but all of them have demerits at some points. This is why Xslate is developed and now it is well-honed as the standard template engine for web applications. The concept of Xslate is strongly influenced by Text::MicroTemplate and Template-Toolkit 2, but the central philosophy of Xslate is different from them. That is, the philosophy is *sandboxing* that the template logic should not have no access outside the template beyond your permission.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Data::MessagePack)perl(Devel::PPPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)perl(File::Copy::Recursive)perl(File::Path)perl(Mouse)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(XSLoader)perl(parent)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380. $ s\` j{XB@BABEBJCperl-Text-vCard3.70.04pclos2017A package that provides APIs to work with single or multiple vCards (RFC 2426)A vCard is an electronic business card, containing information on a person, a record, a set of address information, and more. This package contains two related APIs: - Text::vCard, to create or edit a single vCard - Text::vCard::Addressbook, to work with multiple vCards Text::vCard can also use data read through Text::vFile::asData to generate a vCard with that content. It is recommended to use Text::vCard::Addressbook, as it handles creating vCards from an existing file for you.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Directory::Scratch)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(MIME::QuotedPrint)perl(Moo)perl(Moo::Role)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Most)perl(Text::Wrap)perl(Text::vFile::asData)perl(URI)perl(Unicode::LineBreak)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.  + \ BB@TBABEBJCperl-Text-vFile-asData0.80.07pclos2017Parse vFile formatted files into data structuresText::vFile::asData - parse vFile formatted files into data structuresbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Chained)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-Text-vFile-asData-0.80.0-7pclos2017.src.rpme9e62108097e71df08cb09bdcdb218a87./SRPMS.pclosd & Ltx /B@<BAhBElBJCperl-TheSchwartz1.120.04pclos2017Superclass for defining task behaviorTheSchwartz is a reliable job queue system. Your application can put jobs into the system, and your worker processes can pull jobs from the queue atomically to perform. Failed jobs can be left in the queue to retry later. _Abilities_ specify what jobs a worker process can perform. Abilities are the names of 'TheSchwartz::Worker' subclasses, as in the synopsis: the 'MyWorker' class name is used to specify that the worker script can perform the job. When using the 'TheSchwartz' client's 'work' functions, the class-ability duality is used to automatically dispatch to the proper class to do the actual work. TheSchwartz clients will also prefer to do jobs for unused abilities before reusing a particular ability, to avoid exhausting the supply of one kind of job while jobs of other types stack up.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::ObjectDriver)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Module::Build)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-TheSchwartz-1.120.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm6004ba47bd20f76665e18c6a4da17776./SRPMS.pclosd % <   aB@rBABEBJCperl-Thread-IID0.40.014pclos2017Unique Interpreter IDsThis provides an identifier to distinguish Perl interpreter instances. In environments like mod_perl2, where interpreters can be cloned and passed around between OS threads, the thread ID gives no indication of which interpreter instance is actually running and hence which corresponding set of values/data-structures is actually being referenced. For such situations the interpreter ID is more likely to be what you actually want.jbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.310.03.0.4-1perl-Thread-IID-0.40.0-14pclos2017.src.rpm3904e69edde3ea586773bfa8c940ba2d./SRPMS.pclosOd & 9 #,DB@BABE BJACperl-Thread-Queue3.90.02pclos2017Thread-safe queuesThis module provides thread-safe FIFO queues that can be accessed safely by any number of threads. Any data types supported by the threads::shared manpage can be passed via queues: * Ordinary scalars>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Thread::Semaphore)perl(threads::shared)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d  , C(, 6GP`B@BABEBJCperl-Thread-Semaphore2.120.010pclos2017Thread-safe semaphoresSemaphores provide a mechanism to regulate access to resources. Unlike locks, semaphores aren't tied to particular scalars, and so may be used to control access to anything you care to use them for. Semaphores don't limit their values to zero and one, so they can be used to control access to some resource that there may be more than one of (e.g., filehandles). Increment and decrement amounts aren't fixed at one either, so threads can reserve or return multiple resources at once.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(threads::shared)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Thread-Semaphore-2.120.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm&a276ba99b0b2cda384d4bde5252c0064./SRPMS.pclosd ( E  ,gB@qBABEBJCperl-Thread-SigMask0.4.010pclos2017Thread specific signal masksThis module provides per-thread signal masks. On non-threaded perls it will be effectively the same as POSIX::sigprocmask. The interface works exactly the same as sigprocmask.1!bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Module::Build)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Thread-SigMask-0.4.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm7281e4f084f0416d5c4444de4093be325./SRPMS.pclosd % L &7@|B@BABEBJCperl-Throwable0.200.134pclos2017An easy-to-use class for error objectsThrowable is a role for classes that are meant to be thrown as exceptions to standard program flow. It is very simple and does only two things: saves any previous value for '$@' and calls 'die $self'.U2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Devel::StackTrace)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Moo::Role)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Quote)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.320.\?3297c41e5da095b9bc8a094f623f545d./SRPMS.pclosd! , D &7@HuB@~BABEBJCperl-Tie-Array-Iterable0.30.09pclos2017Forward Iterator object'Tie::Hash::Iterable' allows one to create iterators for lists and arrays. The concept of iterators is borrowed from the C++ STL [1], in which most of the collections have iterators, though this class does not attempt to fully mimic it. Typically, in C/C++ or Perl, the 'easy' way to visit each item on a list is to use a counter, and then a for( ;; ) loop. However, this requires knowledge on how long the array is to know when to end. In addition, if items are removed or inserted into the array during the loop, then the counter will be incorrect on the next run through the loop, and will cause problems. While some aspects of this are fixed in Perl by the use of for or foreach, these commands still suffer when items are removed or added to the array while in these loops. Also, if one wished to use break to step out of a foreach loop, then restart where they left at some later point, there is no way to do this without maintaining some additional state information.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-Array-Iterable-0.30.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm2d6016aabba8f4bfc83f6b81b3674ede2./SRPMS.pclos;d $ 8lp zB@BABE BJ-Cperl-Tie-Cache0.210.07pclos2017LRU Cache in MemoryThis module implements a least recently used (LRU) cache in memory through a tie interface. Any time data is stored in the tied hash, that key/value pair has an entry time associated with it, and as the cache fills up, those members of the cache that are the oldest are removed to make room for new entries.1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-Cache-0.210.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm7758feba2492fa23a548854cb12571dc2./SRPMS.pclos3d ! H B@BABEBJ%Cperl-Tie-DBI1.60.08pclos2017Tie hashes to DBI relational databasesThis module allows you to tie Perl associative arrays (hashes) to SQL databases using the DBI interface. The tied hash is associated with a table in a local or networked database. One column becomes the hash key. Each row of the table becomes an associative array, from which individual fields can be set or retrieved.ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-DBI-1.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmm.e02894a0719d198ae28e07da93cdd8a9./SRPMS.pclos'd! , h04 >OXhB@BABEBJCperl-Tie-EncryptedHash1.240.08pclos2017Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fieldsTie::EncryptedHash augments Perl hash semantics to build secure, encrypting containers of data. Tie::EncryptedHash introduces special hash fields that are coupled with encrypt/decrypt routines to encrypt assignments at STORE() and decrypt retrievals at FETCH(). By design, encrypting fields are associated with keys that begin in single underscore. The remaining keyspace is used for accessing normal hash fields, which are retained without modification.0{bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Crypt-CBCperl-Crypt-Blowfishperl-Crypt-DESrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.240.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm89737334e8525f494e25e4832f7558f8f./SRPMS.pclosOd" - V B@BABE BJACperl-Tie-Hash-MultiValue1.20.08pclos2017Hash w/multiple items under a single key'Tie::Hash::MultiValue' allows you to have hashes which store their values in anonymous arrays, appending any new value to the already-existing ones. This means that you can store as many items as you like under a single key, and access them all at once by accessing the value stored under the key.9Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Tie::Hash)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-Hash-MultiValue-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm@ada6a8d7bd3b814094c1450464f12839./SRPMS.pclosod % @ B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Tie-IxHash1.230.07pclos2017Tie-IxHash module for perlTie-IxHash module for perl. This Perl module implements ordered in-memory associative arrays.([bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-IxHash-1.230.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm.99fe27a617550e334221f2af95f16a6e./SRPMS.pclosd & F #,4[B@dBABEBJCperl-Tie-LogFile0.100.04pclos2017Interface for maintaining a logTie::LogFile gives a easy interface for maintaining a well formated log. Using user tweakable sprintf like tags, Tie::LogFile is flexible, and probably a little overkill for keeping a log.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-LogFile-0.100.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm8980a759f296aac97876d1cb46b806a8./SRPMS.pclosd & B #,4jB@sBABEBJCperl-Tie-RefHash1.390.08pclos2017Use references as hash keysThis module provides the ability to use references as hash keys if you first 'tie' the hash variable to this module. Normally, only the keys of the tied hash itself are preserved as references; to use references as keys in hashes-of-hashes, use Tie::RefHash::Nestable, included as part of Tie::RefHash. It is implemented using the standard perl TIEHASH interface. Please see the 'tie' entry in perlfunc(1) and perltie(1) for more information. The Nestable version works by looking for hash references being stored and converting them to tied hashes so that they too can have references as keys. This will happen without warning whenever you store a reference to one of your own hashes in the tied hash.$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-RefHash-1.390.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm,d943de78990c2792e03312d5966ffa23./SRPMS.pclosd * g  wB@BABEBJCperl-Tie-RefHash-Weak0.90.08pclos2017A Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keysThe the Tie::RefHash manpage module can be used to access hashes by reference. This is useful when you index by object, for example. The problem with the Tie::RefHash manpage, and cross indexing, is that sometimes the index should not contain strong references to the objecs. the Tie::RefHash manpage's internal structures contain strong references to the key, and provide no convenient means to make those references weak. This subclass of the Tie::RefHash manpage has weak keys, instead of strong ones. The values are left unaltered, and you'll have to make sure there are no strong references there yourself.!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Task::Weaken)perl(Tie::RefHash)perl(Variable::Magic)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-RefHash-Weak-0.90.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm)6ae50ff08132bdad4e0b87b7148d9ed7./SRPMS.pclos'd $ O    B@BABEBJCperl-Tie-Simple1.40.03pclos2017Create ties without creating full packagesThis module adds the ability to quickly create new types of tie objects without creating a complete class. It does so in such a way as to try and make the programmers life easier when it comes to single-use ties that I find myself wanting to use from time-to-time. The 'Tie::Simple' package is actually a front-end to other classes which really do all the work once tied, but this package does the dwimming to automatically figure out what you're trying to do. I've tried to make this as intuitive as possible and dependent on other bits of Perl where I can to minimize the need for documentation and to make this extra, extra spiffy.:Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Tie::Array)perl(Tie::Handle)perl(Tie::Hash)perl(Tie::Scalar)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-Simple-1.40.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmB}1c947a6afcea1872de686ced095a53bc./SRPMS.pclosd % D 8B@@BAlBEpBJCperl-Tie-TextDir0.60.08pclos2017Interface to directory of fileThe Tie::TextDir module is a TIEHASH interface which lets you tie a Perl hash to a directory on the filesystem. Each entry in the hash represents a file in the directory.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-TextDir-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmH50bbfee8b1172e8c7ca7900498a101a3./SRPMS.pclosd & @PT ^ox|B@BABEBJCperl-Tie-ToObject0.30.09pclos2017Tie to an existing objectWhile "tie" in perldoc allows tying to an arbitrary object, the class in question must support this in it's implementation of TIEHASH, TIEARRAY or whatever. This class provides a very tie constructor that simply returns the object it was given as it's first argument.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-ToObject-0.30.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmbb2942349220ae906c078ee8d6af26ee./SRPMS.pclosd $ HPT ^oxB@BABEBJCperl-Tie-Watch1.301.08pclos2017Place watchpoints on Perl variablesThis module binds one or more subroutines of your devising to a Perl variable. With Tie::Watch one can: - alter a variable's value - prevent a variable's value from being changed - invoke a Perl/Tk callback when a variable changes - trace references to a variable(6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tie-Watch-1.301.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm/`d236cdd6dd511a52b82d0586ed5327bd./SRPMS.pclosd ( Y >B@GBAxBE|BJCperl-Time-Duration1.200.04pclos2017Rounded or exact English expression of durationsThis module provides functions for expressing durations in rounded or exact terms. In the first example in the Synopsis, using duration($interval_seconds): If the 'time() - $start_time' is 3 seconds, this prints "Runtime: *3 seconds*.". If it's 0 seconds, it's "Runtime: *0 seconds*.". If it's 1 second, it's "Runtime: *1 second*.". If it's 125 seconds, you get "Runtime: *2 minutes and 5 seconds*.". If it's 3820 seconds (which is exactly 1h, 3m, 40s), you get it rounded to fit within two expressed units: "Runtime: *1 hour and 4 minutes*.". Using duration_exact instead would return "Runtime: *1 hour, 3 minutes, and 40 seconds*".BQbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-Duration-1.200.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmJ(fd23cad2f52f1dfbe3551c90a10e369c./SRPMS.pclosd# . Y OB@]BABEBJCperl-Time-Duration-Parse0.130.03pclos2017Parse string that represents time durationTime::Duration::Parse is a module to parse human readable duration strings like _2 minutes and 3 seconds_ to seconds. It does the opposite of _duration_exact_ function in Time::Duration and is roundtrip safe. So, the following is always true. use Time::Duration::Parse; use Time::Duration;2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Exporter::Lite)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Time::Duration)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-Duration-Parse-0.130.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm97a272495e98decac258fd9a5e42c394f./SRPMS.pclos'd ' NX\ fwB@BABEBJCperl-Time-Elapsed0.310.08pclos2017Converts elapsed seconds into a stringThis module transforms the elapsed seconds into a human readable string. It can be used for (for example) rendering 'uptime' values into a human readable form. The resulting string will be an approximation. See the the /CAVEATS manpage section for more information.abb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-Elapsed-0.310.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmhr7090fdac690b4f35e346ea229a44bf8a./SRPMS.pclosd & O B@0BA\BE`BJCperl-Time-Format1.120.08pclos2017Perl module for date and time formattingTime::Format provides a very easy way to format dates and times. The formatting functions are tied to hash variables, so they can be used inside strings as well as in ordinary expressions. The formatting codes used are meant to be easy to remember, use, and read. They follow a simple, consistent pattern.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Time::Local)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400. ' N /8XB@BABE BJACperl-Time-HiRes1.973.3002pclos2017High resolution time, sleep, and alarmThe 'Time::HiRes' module implements a Perl interface to the 'usleep', 'nanosleep', 'ualarm', 'gettimeofday', and 'setitimer'/'getitimer' system calls, in other words, high resolution time and timers. See the the /EXAMPLES manpage section below and the test scripts for usage; see your system documentation for the description of the underlying 'nanosleep' or 'usleep', 'ualarm', 'gettimeofday', and 'setitimer'/'getitimer' calls. If your system lacks 'gettimeofday()' or an emulation of it you don't get 'gettimeofday()' or the one-argument form of 'tv_interval()'. If your system lacks all of 'nanosleep()', 'usleep()', 'select()', and 'poll', you don't get 'Time::HiRes::usleep()', 'Time::HiRes::nanosleep()', or 'Time::HiRes::sleep()'. If your system lacks both 'ualarm()' and 'setitimer()' you don't get 'Time::HiRes::ualarm()' or 'Time::HiRes::alarm()'. If you try to import an unimplemented function in the 'use' statement it will fail at compile time.oubb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(strict)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-HiRes-1.973.300-2pclos2017.src.rpmxd504edb9251b99ddcf75598374f118af./SRPMS.pclosd & J<@ J[d  + B@CBApBEtBJCperl-Time-Local1.230.011pclos2017Implements timelocal() and timegm()This module provides functions that are the inverse of built-in perl functions 'localtime()' and 'gmtime()'. They accept a date as a six-element array, and return the corresponding 'time(2)' value in seconds since the system epoch (Midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT on Unix, for example). This value can be positive or negative, though POSIX only requires support for positive values, so dates before the system's epoch may not work on all operating systems. It is worth drawing particular attention to the expected ranges for the values provided. The value for the day of the month is the actual day (ie 1..31), while the month is the number of months since January (0..11). This is consistent with the values returned from 'localtime()' and 'gmtime()'.Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POSIX)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Time-Local-1.230.0-11pclos2017.src.rpm\24c3046cf2eba7f7e17a1a4d62a5ebc4./SRPMS.pclosd " 7PT ^oxB@BABEBJCperl-Time-Mock0.0.24pclos2017Shift and scale timeShift and scale time.gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.4003.0.4-1perl-Time-Mock-0.0.2-4pclos2017.src.rpm3859b005322853b569e9e737b2a202a1./SRPMS.pclos3d # Jhl vB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Time-Out0.110.04pclos2017Easily timeout long running operations'Time::Out' provides an easy interface to _alarm(2)_ based timeouts. Nested timeouts are supported. RETURN VALUE 'timeout' returns whatever the code placed inside the block returns: use Time::Out qw(timeout) ; my $rc = timeout 5 => sub { return 7 ; } ;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-Out-0.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpme557ff8b3378f859989f078d05e0e8e2./SRPMS.pclossd! , B B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-Time-ParseDate2015.103.03pclos2017Time modules for perlThis package contains the following perl5 modules: Time::CTime ctime, strftime, and asctime Time::JulianDay Julian Day conversions Time::ParseDate Reverses strftime and also understands relative times Time::Timezone Time::DaysInMonthm bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Time::Piece)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-ParseDate-2015.103.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmt"1c75f4500706513e3dd1921eee17c276./SRPMS.pclos_d & CDH RclB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-Time-Period1.250.04pclos2017Time::Period module for perlPeriod.pm is a Perl module that contains code to deal with time periods. Currently, there is only a function in this module. That function is called inPeriod(). inPeriod() determines if a given time is within a given time period. It will return 1 if it is, 0 if not, and -1 if either the time or the period passed to it were malformed. The time is specified in non-leap year seconds past January 1, 1970, as per the time() function. The period is a string which is of the form described in Period's man page.Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POSIX)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-Period-1.250.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmU819edd0eaa58df67e472d9346df55c0c7./SRPMS.pclosd % B (8B@BABEBJCperl-Time-Piece1.310.03pclos2017Object Oriented time objectsThis module replaces the standard localtime and gmtime functions with implementations that return objects. It does so in a backwards compatible manner, so that using localtime/gmtime in the way documented in perlfunc will still return what you expect. The module actually implements most of an interface described by Larry Wall on the perl5-porters mailing list here: http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/perl5-porters/2000-01/msg00241.htmlvbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.03.0.4-1perl-Time-Piece-1.310.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm~cbb157bd0b6b344cf3b9f87e1d2877e0./SRPMS.pclos[d & R B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Time-Progress2.0.04pclos2017Elapsed and estimated finish time reportingElapsed and estimated finish time reporting.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-Progress-2.0.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm%85a510518eb4fb61c1e0b501efdfa935./SRPMS.pclosd # E #,4jB@sBABEBJCperl-Time-SoFar1.0.08pclos2017Perl module to calculate run time*Time::SoFar* has two functions for calculating how long a script has been running. 'runtime()' always works from the time the script was started (using _$^T_). 'runinterval()' works from the last time 'runtime()' or 'runinterval()' was called (or since the start of the script). Both 'runtime()' and 'runinterval()' use 'figuretimes()' to render a raw number of seconds into component time units. Both take an optional boolean argument that gets passed to 'figuretimes()' to influence its output. In an array context 'figuretimes()' returns the timecomponents as an array, in a scalar context it returns those components as a *:* delimited string. The default behaviour is to optimize away 0 output from the longer period end of the output, leaving a minimum of minutes:seconds. This is good for arrays that will be passed to 'join()', but not so good for a list of variables, so this behaviour can be disabled by using a true value for _$no_optimize_.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-SoFar-1.0.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm.cd493b098b9dc81f676d3ef231416d76./SRPMS.pclosd $ M (iB@sBABEBJCperl-Time-Warp0.520.05pclos2017Change the start and speed of Event timeOur external experience unfolds in 3 1/2 dimensions (time has a dimensionality of 1/2). The Time::Warp module offers developers control over the measurement of time._bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-Warp-0.520.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm 3ab3f046bdb5928be9206b1a2e7fd5e2./SRPMS.pclosd ( Z8< FW`dB@BABEBJCperl-Time-ZoneInfo0.300.09pclos2017Perl extension for returning a list of Time ZonesAn OO interface to accessing a list of timezones. This is useful if you want to provide an interface for your user to choose one of the available time zones. Version 0.3.1 also gives the geolocalisation for a time zone.$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-ZoneInfo-0.300.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm]1cef9ff5ff18afe9e624759835bc8d46./SRPMS.pclosd + ]  (B@BABEBJCperl-Time-y203820100403.0.016pclos2017Use Time::y2038's gmtime and localtime everywhereOn many computers, Perl's time functions will not work past the year 2038. This is a design fault in the underlying C libraries Perl uses. Time::y2038 provides replacements for those functions which will work accurately +/1 142 million years. This only imports the functions into your namespace. To replace it everywhere, see the Time::y2038::Everywhere manpage. Replaces the following functions:lbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(JSON)perl(Module::Build)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Time-y2038-20100403.0.0-16pclos2017.src.rpmt1e9c18970d3e8d7bd4aa8ce68f311181./SRPMS.pclos/d # W B@BABEBJ!Cperl-TimeDate2.300.07pclos2017TimeDate module for perl (Data_Type_Utilities/Time)Simple Time and Date module for perl.|bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-TimeDate-2.300.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmrbcfeb19ad7ca7918350cf810f2451747./SRPMS.pclosd   2    B@BABEBJCperl-Tk804.33.05pclos2017Tk modules for PerlThis package provides the modules and Tk code for Perl/Tk, as written by Nick Ing-Simmons (pTk), John Ousterhout(Tk), and Ioi Kim Lam(Tix). It gives you the ability to develop perl applications using the Tk GUI. It includes the source code for the Tk and Tix elements it uses. The licences for the various components differ, so check the copyright.iˢbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develjpeg-develpng-devellibx11-devellibxft-develfontconfig-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-804.33.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmi7a169cbff2b4893b1d75f31ae3b856ca./SRPMS.pclosWd % ?  ,  B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Tk-Action1.93.3909pclos2017Action abstraction for tkMenu entries are often also available in toolbars or other widgets. And sometimes, we want to enable or disable a given action, and this means having to update everywhere this action is allowed. This module helps managing actions in a the Tk manpage GUI: just create a new object, associate some widgets and bindings with 'add_widget()' and then de/activate the whole action at once with 'enable()' or 'disable()'./bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(English)perl(File::Find)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Has::Sugar)perl(MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor)perl(Test::More)perl(Tk::Sugar)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-Action-1.93.390-9pclos2017.src.rpm7\2b305d607a273555afae197bd217d884./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 ^  (B@BABEBJCperl-Tk-Canvas-GradientColor1.60.06pclos2017Canvas widget with background gradient colorTk::Canvas::GradientColor is an extension of the Canvas widget. It is an easy way to build a canvas widget with gradient background color.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(Tk)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)800. # Q zB@BABEBJCperl-Tk-Chart1.200.08pclos2017To create lines graph as BEzier curve*Tk::Chart* is a module to create and display graphs on a Tk widget. The module is written entirely in Perl/Tk. You can set a background gradient color by using the Tk::Canvas::GradientColor manpage methods. You can change the color, font of title, labels (x and y) of graphs. You can set an interactive legend. The axes can be automatically scaled or set by the code. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(Tk)perl(Tk::Canvas::GradientColor)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.0800. 33c20b4919ee5ff39dc808b3af9ca62e./SRPMS.pclosd # =X\ fwB@BABEBJCperl-Tk-Clock0.390.04pclos2017Canvas based Clock widgetThis module implements a Canvas-based clock widget for perl-Tk with lots of options to change the appearance. Both analog and digital clocks are implemented. Options Below is a description of the options currently available. Their default value is in between parenthesis.Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-Clock-0.390.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm4c269e3f0a41583dd6f68ddabc0ee5e0./SRPMS.pclosd  , Y /8DtB@~BABEBJCperl-Tk-CursorControl0.400.018pclos2017Manipulate the mouse cursor programmaticallyTk::CursorControl is -NOT- a Tk::Widget. Rather, it uses Tk and encompasses a collection of methods used to manipulate the cursor (aka pointer) programmatically from a Tk program.8bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Tk)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-CursorControl-0.400.0-18pclos2017.src.rpm>e548edab4af596ab3f5c8b9ed76aaa38./SRPMS.pclosWd ' Q B@BA$BE(BJICperl-Tk-DirSelect1.120.08pclos2017Cross-platform directory selection widgetThis module provides a cross-platform directory selection widget. For systems running Microsoft Windows, this includes selection of local and mapped network drives. A context menu (right-click or ) allows the creation, renaming, and deletion of directories while browsing. Note: Perl/Tk 804 added the 'chooseDirectory' method which uses native system dialogs where available. (i.e. Windows) If you want a native feel for your program, you probably want to use that method instead -- possibly using this module as a fallback for systems with older versions of Tk installed.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Tk)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-DirSelect-1.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm- 6b6a625c35e21275e0d9e1f7b02f33cb./SRPMS.pclos?d ( C| B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Tk-FileDialog1.300.04pclos2017Tk::FileDialog Perl moduleA highly configurable File Dialog widget for Perl/Tk.(bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-FileDialog-1.300.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm//97aeb191e1da7aa72c16c0e8dfe44747./SRPMS.pclosd ( C<@ J[dpB@BABEBJCperl-Tk-NumKeypad1.400.014pclos2017Numeric Keypad for Perl/TkA numeric keypad, including a clear button and a decimal point button. This is useful for touchscreen or kiosk applications where access to a keyboard won't be available. The keypad is arranged as follows: 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 . 0 Cgbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-Tk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-NumKeypad-1.400.0-14pclos2017.src.rpmk1d5dda25e0b3b8f9a126cc6d1584328c./SRPMS.pclosd # R KB@eBABEBJCperl-Tk-Pod0.994.2006pclos2017Simple Pod browser with hypertext capabilitiesSimple Pod browser with hypertext capabilities in a 'Toplevel' widget+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Pod::Simple)perl(Tk)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.50.0800.[d  + NLP ZktB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-Tk-Role-Dialog1.112.3808pclos2017Moose role for enhanced tk dialogsthe Tk::Role::Dialog manpage is meant to be used as a the Moose manpage role to be composed for easy the Tk manpage dialogs creation. It will create a new toplevel with a title, and possibly a header as well as some buttons. The attributes (see below) can be either defined as defaults using the '_build_attr()' methods, or passed arguments to the constructor call. The only mandatory attribute is 'parent', but you'd better provide some other attributes if you want your dialog to be somehow usable! :-)@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(English)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose::Role)perl(MooseX::Has::Sugar)perl(MooseX::Types::Path::Class)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Tk)perl(Tk::JPEG)perl(Tk::PNG)perl(Tk::Role::HasWidgets)perl(Tk::Sugar)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-Role-Dialog-1.112.380-8pclos2017.src.rpmH6a92f5458cdb514c3b2dd8761757be19./SRPMS.pclos d$ / M B@BABEBJCperl-Tk-Role-HasWidgets1.112.3808pclos2017Keep track of your tk widgetsWhen programming the Tk manpage, it's almost always a good idea to keep a reference to the widgets that you created in the interface. Most of the time, a simple hash is enough; but it is usually wrapped up in methods to make the hash private to the window object. And of course, those methods are duplicated in all modules, under a form or another. Since duplication is bad, this module implements a the Moose manpage role implementing those methods once and forever. This implies that your class is using the Moose manpage in order to consume the role. About the method names The methods featured in this role begin with '_', that is, they are following Perl convention of private methods. This is on purpose: remember that this method is a role, consumed by your class. And you don't want those methods to be available outside of the window class, do you?9lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moose::Role)perl(MooseX::Has::Sugar)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-Role-HasWidgets-1.112.380-8pclos2017.src.rpmB.673ecdbeb2904d774da89ff5b2997b3a./SRPMS.pclos/d $ 8(, 6GPdB@BABEBJ!Cperl-Tk-Sugar1.93.1908pclos2017Sugar syntax for Tkthe Tk manpage is a great graphical toolkit to write desktop applications. However, one can get bothered with the constant typing of quotes and options. the Tk::Sugar manpage provides handy subs for common options used when programming Tk.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(English)perl(File::Find)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-Sugar-1.93.190-8pclos2017.src.rpm9Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Tk)perl-Tk-develperl-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)800. % BX\ fwB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Tk-ToolBar0.120.04pclos2017A toolbar widget for Perl/TkThis module implements a dockable toolbar. It is in the same spirit as the "short-cut" toolbars found in most major applications, such as most web browsers and text editors (where you find the "back" or "save" and other shortcut buttons). Buttons of any type (regular, menu, check, radio) can be created inside this widget. You can also create Label, Entry and LabEntry widgets. Moreover, the ToolBar itself can be made dockable, such that it can be dragged to any edge of your window. Dragging is done in "real-time" so that you can see the contents of your ToolBar as you are dragging it. Furthermore, if you are close to a stickable edge, a visual indicator will show up along that edge to guide you. ToolBars can be made "floatable" such that if they are dragged beyond their associated window, they will detach and float on the desktop. Also, multiple ToolBars are embeddable inside each other. If you drag a ToolBar to within 15 pixels of an edge, it will stick to that edge. If the ToolBar is further than 15 pixels away from an edge and still inside the window, but you release it over another ToolBar widget, then it will be embedded inside the second ToolBar. You can "un-embed" an embedded ToolBar simply by dragging it out. You can change the 15 pixel limit using the -close option.Nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Tk::CursorControl)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tk-ToolBar-0.120.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmT774e246973c23b3b6bffa631fb87c926./SRPMS.pclosgd   3PT ^oxB@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-Tree1.50.07pclos2017A tree datastructureThis is meant to be a full-featured N-ary tree representation with configurable error-handling and a simple events system that allows for transparent persistence to a variety of datastores. It is derived from the Tree::Simple manpage, but has a simpler interface and much, much more.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ff75b23d0555462cd3716e6c1ea29b9d./SRPMS.pclos'd " @DH RclxB@BABEBJCperl-Tree-AVL1.77.05pclos2017An AVL (balanced binary) treeAVL Trees are balanced binary trees, first introduced in "An Algorithm for the Organization of Information" by Adelson-Velskii and Landis in 1962. Balance is kept in an AVL tree during insertion and deletion by maintaining a 'balance' factor in each node.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tree-AVL-1.77.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm;c4848ce5083d8a28d19903aa25ec5f6b./SRPMS.pclosod % E B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Tree-BPTree1.80.08pclos2017Perl implementation of B+ treesThis is a Perl implementation of B+ trees. I have based this implementation on a couple of sources. See the documentation of Tree::BPTree for those details. A B+ tree is essentially an order map from keys to values. Keys are multivalued so that there may be more than one value per key. This implementation will enforce uniqueness of keys, if requested.fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tree-BPTree-1.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmnP8e6aaa1d2c850b1c03d226b2c9d92cf5./SRPMS.pclosd ( N$( 2CLl B@1BA`BEdBJCperl-Tree-DAG_Node1.290.03pclos2017Class for representing nodes in a treThis class encapsulates/makes/manipulates objects that represent nodes in a tree structure. The tree structure is not an object itself, but is emergent from the linkages you create between nodes. This class provides the methods for making linkages that can be used to build up a tree, while preventing you from ever making any kinds of linkages which are not allowed in a tree (such as having a node be its own mother or ancestor, or having a node have two mothers).2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp::Tiny)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( P SB@^BABEBJCperl-Tree-Interval0.300.09pclos2017Perl implementation of an interval treeThis is a perl implementation of an interval tree for non-overlapping intervals, based on Tree::RedBlack by Benjamin Holzman . An interval tree is a binary tree which remains "balanced" i.e. the longest length from root to a node is at most one more than the shortest such length. It is fairly efficient; no operation takes more than O(log(N)) time.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Error)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Unit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tree-Interval-0.300.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmee72ee2ccaaa7e18449b7f67d91bfd89./SRPMS.pclos;d $ [ B@BABE BJ-Cperl-Tree-Nary1.300.08pclos2017Tree::Nary - Perl implementation of N-ary search treesThe Tree::Nary class implements N-ary trees (trees of data with any number of branches), providing the organizational structure for a tree (collection) of any number of nodes, but knowing nothing about the specific type of node used. It can be used to display hierarchical database entries in an internal application (the NIS netgroup file is an example of such a database). It offers the capability to select nodes on the tree, and attachment points for nodes on the tree. Each attachment point can support multiple child nodes. The data field contains the actual data of the node. The next and previous fields point to the node's siblings (a sibling is another node with the same parent). The parent field points to the parent of the node, or is undef if the node is the root of the tree. The children field points to the first child of the node. The other children are accessed by using the next pointer of each child. This module is a translation (albeit not a direct one) from the C implementation of N-ary trees, available in the GLIB distribution (see SEE ALSO).0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tree-Nary-1.300.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm93e9e47ab2d628b44500319317168afe7./SRPMS.pclosd  [ #B@3BA\BE`BJCperl-Tree-R0.72.04pclos2017Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithmsR-tree is a data structure for storing and indexing and efficiently looking up non-zero-size spatial objects.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1:"*e3823f7ef5d44dabe53d70bb02bd0cf8./SRPMS.pclosSd " 0`d nB@BA BE$BJECperl-Tree-RB0.500.54pclos2017Tree::RB gutsThis is a Perl implementation of the Red/Black tree, a type of balanced binary search tree. A tied hash interface is also provided to allow ordered hashes to be used. See the Wikipedia article at the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-black_tree manpage for further information about Red/Black trees.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(enum)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Tree-RB-0.500.5-4pclos2017.src.rpmr1382c097777336e5ae513ceabd897592./SRPMS.pclos d & ;    B@BABEBJCperl-Tree-Simple1.260.03pclos2017A simple tree objectThis module in an fully object-oriented implementation of a simple n-ary tree._bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-Test-Exceptionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"* 5 k    B@&BAdBEhBJCperl-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory0.120.06pclos2017A Visitor for sorting a Tree::Simple object hierarchyThis implements a recursive multi-level sort of a Tree::Simple hierarchy.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Tree::Simple)perl(Tree::Simple::Visitor)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.600. % R\` j{ B@3BA`BEdBJCperl-Tree-Trie1.900.010pclos2017A data structure optimized for prefix lookupThis module implements a trie data structure. The term "trie" comes from the word retrieval, but is generally pronounced like "try". A trie is a tree structure (or directed acyclic graph), the nodes of which represent letters in a word. For example, the final lookup for the word 'bob' would look something like "$ref->{'b'}{'o'}{'b'}{HASH(0x80c6bbc)}" (the HASH being an end marker). Only nodes which would represent words in the trie exist, making the structure slightly smaller than a hash of the same data set.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Pod::Coverage)perl(Test::Pod)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.620.;d " YHL VgpB@BABE BJ-Cperl-Treemap0.200.09pclos2017Make a Treemap, using the squarified treemap algorithmThis base class is not meant to be directly instantiated. Subclasses of Treemap which implement specific Treemap layout algorithms should be instantiated instead. See the SEE ALSO section below for a list. Traditional representations of hiarchal information trees are very space consuming. There is a large amount of redundant information and padding to convey the tree structure. Treemaps are representations of trees that use space-filling nested rectangles to convey the tree structure.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Imager)perl(XML::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Treemap-0.200.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmcfca3e4c62134b827401b204ad691b70./SRPMS.pclosd # T    B@BABEBJCperl-Try-Tiny0.240.03pclos2017Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@This module provides bare bones 'try'/'catch' statements that are designed to minimize common mistakes with eval blocks, and NOTHING else. This is unlike the TryCatch manpage which provides a nice syntax and avoids adding another call stack layer, and supports calling 'return' from the try block to return from the parent subroutine. These extra features come at a cost of a few dependencies, namely the Devel::Declare manpage and the Scope::Upper manpage which are occasionally problematic, and the additional catch filtering uses the Moose manpage type constraints which may not be desirable either. The main focus of this module is to provide simple and reliable error handling for those having a hard time installing the TryCatch manpage, but who still want to write correct 'eval' blocks without 5 lines of boilerplate each time.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(if)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.03.0.4-1perl-Try-Tiny-0.240.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmM3d3764422558ea7571293521796dace5./SRPMS.pclossd " Z (B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-TryCatch1.3.213pclos2017Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensionsThis module aims to provide a nicer syntax and method to catch errors in Perl, similar to what is found in other languages (such as Java, Python or C++). The standard method of using 'eval {}; if ($@) {}' is often prone to subtle bugs, primarily that its far too easy to stomp on the error in error handlers. And also eval/if isn't the nicest idiom.fTbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(B::Hooks::EndOfScope)perl(B::Hooks::OP::Check)perl(B::Hooks::OP::PPAddr)perl(Devel::Declare)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Types)perl(Parse::Method::Signatures)perl(Scope::Upper)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Variable::Magic)perl(XSLoader)perl(namespace::clean)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # 6  <  B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-Twiggy0.102.5006pclos2017Adapter for TwiggyTwiggy is a lightweight and fast HTTP server with unique features such as: * PSGI Can run any PSGI applications. Fully supports _psgi.nonblocking_ and _psgi.streaming_ interfaces.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyEvent)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(Plack)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Test::TCP)perl(Try::Tiny)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.990.03.0.4-1perl-Twiggy-0.102.500-6pclos2017.src.rpm8ae521efdcfc5fb59997e10b604230c0./SRPMS.pclosd ! Etx <B@[BABEBJCperl-Type-Tie0.9.04pclos2017Tie a variable to a type constraintThis module exports a single function: `ttie`. `ttie` ties a variable to a type constraint, ensuring that whatever values stored in the variable will conform to the type constraint. If the type constraint has coercions, these will be used if necessary to ensure values assigned to the variable conform.Nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter::Tiny)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Types::Standard)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!ccf6892148bb81de945aa08b43e5b61e./SRPMS.pclosd " = kB@BABEBJCperl-Type-Tiny1.0.54pclos2017Exception for Type::Paramsthe Type::Tiny manpage is a tiny class for creating Moose-like type constraint objects which are compatible with Moo, Moose and Mouse. Maybe now we won't need to have separate MooseX, MouseX and MooX versions of everything? We can but hope... This documents the internals of the Type::Tiny manpage. the Type::Tiny::Manual manpage is a better starting place if you're new.Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Meta::Requirements)perl(Exporter::Tiny)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & K   XB@bBABEBJCperl-Type-Tiny-XS0.12.03pclos2017Support functions for Type::Tiny::XSThis module is optionally used by the Type::Tiny manpage 0.045_03 and above to provide faster, C-based implementations of some type constraints. (This package has only core dependencies, and does not depend on Type::Tiny, so other data validation frameworks might also consider using it!) Only the following two functions should be considered part of the supported API: * 'Type::Tiny::XS::get_coderef_for($type)'2bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Type-Tiny-XS-0.12.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm:0b9f7f208285acf8713231a6c518ae74./SRPMS.pclosCd ) \x| B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Types-Serialiser1.0.07pclos2017Simple data types for common serialisation formatsThis module provides some extra datatypes that are used by common serialisation formats such as JSON or CBOR. The idea is to have a repository of simple/small constants and containers that can be shared by different implementations so they become interoperable between each other.1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(common::sense)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Types-Serialiser-1.0.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm$Bc010aaa5c62c86c666749241f76a5158./SRPMS.pclosd  YX\ fwB@BABEBJCperl-UDCode1.30.08pclos2017Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?A code is a set of strings, called the _code words_. A code is "uniquely decodable" if any string _S_ that is a concatenation of code words is so in _exactly one way_. For example, the code '"ab", "abba", "b"' is _not_ uniquely decodable, because '"abba" . "b" eq "ab" . "b" . "ab"'. But the code '"a", "ab", "abb"' _is_ uniquely decodable, because there is no such pair of sequences of code words. 'is_udcode' 'is_udcode(@words)' returns true if and only if the specified code is uniquely decodable.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UDCode-1.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmb44615a786a19b9f0041b7b798b55247./SRPMS.pclosd # V /B@9BAdBEhBJCperl-UI-Dialog1.90.07pclos2017OOPerl wrapper for the various dialog applicationsUI::Dialog is a OOPerl wrapper for the various dialog applications. These dialog backends are currently supported: Zenity, GDialog, XDialog, KDialog, CDialog, and Whiptail. There is also an ASCII backend provided as a last resort interface for the console based dialog variants. UI::Dialog is a class that provides a strict interface to these various backend modules. By using UI:Dialog (with it's imposed limitations on the widgets) you can ensure that your Perl program will function with any available interfaces. UI::Dialog supports priority ordering of the backend detection process. So if you'd prefer that Xdialog should be used first if available, simply designate the desired order when creating the new object. The default order for detecting and utilization of the backends are as follows: (with DISPLAY env): Zenity, GDialog, XDialog, KDialog (without DISPLAY): CDialog, Whiptail, ASCII UI::Dialog is the result of a complete re-write of the UDPM CPAN module. This was done to break away from the bad choice of name (UserDialogPerlModule) and to implement a cleaner, more detached, OOPerl interface.lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Text::Wrap)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UI-Dialog-1.90.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmt82eaa76dcee0b1de7f51ac32fd9f9362./SRPMS.pclos d# . a    B@BABEBJCperl-UNIVERSAL-can1.201.403.2808pclos2017Hack around calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a functionThe UNIVERSAL class provides a few default methods so that all objects can use them. Object orientation allows programmers to override these methods in subclasses to provide more specific and appropriate behavior. Some authors call methods in the UNIVERSAL class on potential invocants as functions, bypassing any possible overriding. This is wrong and you should not do it. Unfortunately, not everyone heeds this warning and their bad code can break your good code. Fortunately, this upstream_name replaces UNIVERSAL::can() with a method that checks to see if the first argument is a valid invocant (whether an object -- a blessed referent -- or the name of a class). If so, and if the invocant's class has its own can() method, it calls that as a method. Otherwise, everything works as you might expect. If someone attempts to call UNIVERSAL::can() as a function, this upstream_name will emit a lexical warning (see perllexwarn) to that effect. You can disable it with no warnings; or no warnings 'UNIVERSAL::isa';, but don't do that; fix the code instead.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(lib)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)perl(warnings::register)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-UNIVERSAL-can-1.201.403.280-8pclos2017.src.rpmK/e1df2f23415a3b5f97d5c307aa2941fd./SRPMS.pclos d# . aPT ^ox   B@BABEBJCperl-UNIVERSAL-isa1.201.506.1404pclos2017Hack around calling UNIVERSAL::isa() as a functionWhenever you use "isa" in UNIVERSAL as a function, a kitten using Test::MockObject dies. Normally, the kittens would be helpless, but if they use UNIVERSAL::isa (the module whose docs you are reading), the kittens can live long and prosper. This module replaces UNIVERSAL::isa with a version that makes sure that if it's called as a function on objects which override isa, isa will be called on those objects as a method. In all other cases the real UNIVERSAL::isa is just called directly.pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl(warnings::register)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + > 0B@8BAlBEpBJCperl-UNIVERSAL-moniker0.80.08pclos2017UNIVERSAL::monikerClass names in Perl often don't sound great when spoken, or look good when written in prose. For this reason, we tend to say things like "customer" or "basket" when we are referring to My::Site::User::Customer or My::Site::Shop::Basket. We thought it would be nice if our classes knew what we would prefer to call them. This module will add a moniker (and plural_moniker) method to UNIVERSAL, and so to every class or module.xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmf0d3762530bf0f67a229b039cacdd29c./SRPMS.pclosd! , L fB@zBABEBJCperl-UNIVERSAL-require0.180.04pclos2017Require modules from a variableThis module creates a universal require() class method that will work with every Perl module and is secure. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-UNIVERSAL-require-0.180.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm"ybae53cf0f0571629eb716b1e5a218542./SRPMS.pclos[d ! N B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-UPS-Nut0.40.04pclos2017A perl module to talk to a UPS via NUT upsdThis is an object-oriented interface between Perl and upsd (Network UPS Tools package).XQbb2 Monitoringnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UPS-Nut-0.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm_6e0a407ee7c9c442bf1a2621d3787e2e./SRPMS.pclosGd   2    B@BABEBJ9Cperl-URI1.710.03pclos2017URI module for perlThis Perl module implements the URI class. Objects of this class represent Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) references as specified in RFC 2396.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(utf8)rpm-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570. # D$( 2CL`B@BABEBJ%Cperl-URI-Encode1.1.12pclos2017Simple percent Encoding/DecodingThis modules provides simple URI (Percent) encoding/decoding The main purpose of this module (at least for me) was to provide an easy method to encode strings (mainly URLs) into a format which can be pasted into a plain text emails, and that those links are 'click-able' by the person reading that email. This can be accomplished by NOT encoding the reserved characters. This module can also be useful when using the HTTP::Tiny manpage to ensure the URLs are properly escaped.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( L| B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-URI-Escape-XS0.130.04pclos2017Drop-In replacement for URI::EscapeA faster Drop-In replacement for URI::Escape+|bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-URI-Escape-XS-0.130.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm128ef3a579cc272418f41743c240e52f6./SRPMS.pclos/d $ O|    B@BABEBJ!Cperl-URI-Fetch0.110.04pclos2017Perl Module for Smart URI fetching/cachingPerl Module for Smart URI fetching/caching.E?bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::ErrorHandler)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(base)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-URI-Fetch-0.110.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmK 7190f71d0911952587b2577f9468d65a./SRPMS.pclosgd ( D`d nB@BA4BE8BJYCperl-URI-Find20140709.0.07pclos2017Find URIs in arbitrary textThis module does one thing: Finds URIs and URLs in plain text. It finds them quickly and it finds them all (or what URI::URL considers a URI to be.) It only finds URIs which include a scheme (http:// or the like), for something a bit less strict have a look at URI::Find::Schemeless.t-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.00.880.01.600.03.0.4-1perl-URI-Find-20140709.0.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm{d680da098d6c1580c2c83257a983352fd./SRPMS.pclosd ) I B@BABEBJCperl-URI-Find-Simple1.60.06pclos2017A simple interface to URI::FindURI::Find is all very well, but sometimes you just want a list of the links in a given piece of text, or you want to change all the urls in some text somehow, and don't want to mess with callback interfaces. This module uses URI::Find, but hides the callback interface, providing two functions - one to list all the uris, and one to change all the uris.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(URI::Find)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-URI-Find-Simple-1.60.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmd4d5c9b6594e00f754be66c43f1ad2f2./SRPMS.pclosKd & Q    B@BABEBJ=Cperl-URI-FromHash0.50.03pclos2017Build a URI from a set of named parametersThis module provides a simple one-subroutine "named parameters" style interface for creating URIs. Underneath the hood it uses 'URI.pm', though because of the simplified interface it may not support all possible options for all types of URIs. It was created for the common case where you simply want to have a simple interface for creating syntactically correct URIs from known components (like a path and query string). Doing this using the native 'URI.pm' interface is rather tedious, requiring a number of method calls, which is particularly ugly when done inside a templating system such as Mason or TT2.Tbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.01.680.03.0.4-1perl-URI-FromHash-0.50.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm\b69143f28b65db9f90609c44979ab1a6./SRPMS.pclosd $ RPT ^ox  E B@]BABEBJCperl-URI-Query0.150.03pclos2017Class providing URI query string manipulationURI::Query provides simple URI query string manipulation, allowing you to create and manipulate URI query strings from GET and POST requests in web applications. This is primarily useful for creating links where you wish to preserve some subset of the parameters to the current request, and potentially add or replace others. Given a query string this is doable with regexes, of course, but making sure you get the anchoring and escaping right is tedious and error-prone - using this module is much simpler.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(URI::Escape)perl(YAML)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-URI-Query-0.150.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmL?850de18e8e812fda46b9b661069209a4./SRPMS.pclosd # ;8< FW`hB@BABEBJCperl-URI-Simple1.0.04pclos2017Simple way to parse uriThis module is a direct port of javascript parseURI regex by Steven Levithan Please See http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/parseuri This module will attempts to split URIs according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme Methods; * path5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-URI-Simple-1.0.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm8c014d10ba1d43c6a0c3c781c6005b303./SRPMS.pclos3d $ d    B@BABEBJ%Cperl-URI-Title1.900.04pclos2017Module to get the titles of things on the web in a sensible wayPerl module to get the titles of things on the web in a sensible way.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Type)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(Image::Size)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(MP3::Info)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[43e7a0380071ab06df9ed1bf98a18fd9./SRPMS.pclosd  B >B@GBApBEtBJCperl-URI-ws0.30.04pclos2017WebSocket support for URI packageAfter this module is installed, the URI package provides the same set of methods for WebSocket URIs as it does for HTTP ones. For secure WebSockets, see URI::wss.1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-URI-ws-0.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm8J2ecc042a3a90cfb86c30ee2e974039ff./SRPMS.pclosd $ k PB@kBABEBJCperl-URL-Encode0.30.06pclos2017Encoding and decoding of C encodingThis module provides functions to encode and decode strings into and from the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' encoding. The 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format encodes a ordered data sets of pairs consisting of a name and a value, with pairs seperated by ampersand and names and values seperated by the equal sign. Space characters are replaced with plus sign and any characters not in the unreserved character set is encoded using the percent-encoding scheme also used for resource identifiers. A percent-encoded octet is encoded as a character triplet, consisting of the percent character "%" followed by the two hexadecimal digits representing that octet's numeric value. The unreserved character set includes the uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.00.880.03.0.4-1perl-URL-Encode-0.30.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmmS1aec063c14551c8a3b660175c7db5059./SRPMS.pclosd   ` bB@uBABEBJCperl-UUID0.260.02pclos2017Perl extension for using UUID interfaces as defined in e2fsprogsWith these 3 routines UUID''s can easily be generated and parsed/un-parsed.=bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Devel::CheckLib)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)libuuid-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % B  VB@_BABEBJCperl-UUID-Random0.40.06pclos2017Generate random uuid stringsThis module generates random uuid strings. It does not satisfy any of the points listed in RFC 4122 (the http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122 manpage) but the default format. &bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UUID-Random-0.40.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm89ee5a0cc552c4994256c868c9e62079./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 f RB@]BABEBJCperl-UUID-Random-Patch-UseMRS0.10.06pclos2017Make UUID::Random use Math::Random::Secure's rand()This module makes the UUID::Random manpage use 'rand()' from the Math::Random::Secure manpage instead of the default 'rand()' that comes with Perl. It is useful for creating cryptographically secure UUID's. On the other hand, as a note, this makes generate() around 20 times slower. After you 'use' this module, use UUID::Random as usual.+bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Math::Random::Secure)perl(Module::Build)perl(UUID::Random)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UUID-Random-Patch-UseMRS-0.10.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm2ee3ddb2bc1719eeb7dba9c95fec69e88./SRPMS.pclos3d # <    B@BABEBJ%Cperl-UUID-Tiny1.40.07pclos2017Pure Perl UUID functionsUUID::Tiny is a lightweight, low dependency Pure Perl module for UUID creation and testing. This module provides the creation of version 1 time based UUIDs (using random multicast MAC addresses), version 3 MD5 based UUIDs, version 4 random UUIDs, and version 5 SHA-1 based UUIDs. ATTENTION! UUID::Tiny uses Perl's 'rand()' to create the basic random numbers, so the created v4 UUIDs are *not* cryptographically strong! No fancy OO interface, no plethora of different UUID representation formats and transformations - just string and binary. Conversion, test and time functions equally accept UUIDs and UUID strings, so don't bother to convert UUIDs for them!@dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::File)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UUID-Tiny-1.40.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmHx27f7eb1082adb7e2f0270a290dbdcfae./SRPMS.pclos d   5@D N_htB@BABEBJCperl-UV0.240.05pclos2017Perl interface to libuvUV provides low-level interface to libuv, https://github.com/joyent/libuv, platform layer for node.js. Low-level means this module's functions maps to libuv functions directry. C maps to C, C to C, and so on./8bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Test::TCP)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-UV-0.240.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm3~8ef61682198334e404268e874eb8217e./SRPMS.pclos+d   8 "3<(((B@BABEBJCperl-Ubic1.590.03pclos2017Dummy credentials moduleThis module is a perl frontend to ubic services. It is a singleton OOP class. All of its methods should be invoked as class methods: Ubic->start('foo'); Ubic->stop('foo'); my $status = Ubic->status('foo');nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(Config::Tiny)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Which)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Select)perl(IO::Socket)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(POSIX)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Test::Class)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(lib)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.330.03.0.4-1perl-Ubic-1.590.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm\39f9a21e83ec1558479920dcbc875775./SRPMS.pclosd $ IPT ^oxB@5BA`BEdBJCperl-Unexpected0.42.14pclos2017Exception class composed from traitsAn exception class that supports error messages with placeholders, a throw method with automatic re-throw upon detection of self, conditional throw if an exception was caught and a simplified stack trace in addition to the error message with full stack trace.bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Devel::StackTrace)perl(Exporter::Tiny)perl(Module::Build)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Moo)perl(Package::Stash)perl(Sub::Install)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Type::Tiny)perl(namespace::autoclean)perl(namespace::clean)perl(namespace::sweep)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d ) [  '0 X  B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Unicode-CaseFold1.0.03pclos2017Unicode case-folding for case-insensitive lookupsThis module provides Unicode case-folding for Perl. Case-folding is a tool that allows a program to make case-insensitive string comparisons or do case-insensitive lookups.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(Module::Build)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Unicode::UCD)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-CaseFold-1.0.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm x3595395c71f7d265e0a7a27286a85d54./SRPMS.pclos7d  , Lpt ~B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Unicode-CheckUTF81.30.011pclos2017Checks if scalar is valid UTF-8Checks if scalar is valid UTF-8.fbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8-1.30.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmmYb9c1cffe9e206ab92781d6327185a001./SRPMS.pclosd * S$( 2CL p  B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Unicode-Collate1.140.04pclos2017Weighting JIS KANJI for Unicode::CollateThis module is an implementation of Unicode Technical Standard #10 (a.k.a. UTS #10) - Unicode Collation Algorithm (a.k.a. UCA). Constructor and Tailoring The 'new' method returns a collator object. If new() is called with no parameters, the collator should do the default collation. $Collator = Unicode::Collate->new( UCA_Version => $UCA_Version, alternate => $alternate, # alias for 'variable' backwards => $levelNumber, # or \@levelNumbers entry => $element, hangul_terminator => $term_primary_weight, ignoreName => qr/$ignoreName/, ignoreChar => qr/$ignoreChar/, ignore_level2 => $bool, katakana_before_hiragana => $bool, level => $collationLevel, normalization => $normalization_form, overrideCJK => \&overrideCJK, overrideHangul => \&overrideHangul, preprocess => \&preprocess, rearrange => \@charList, rewrite => \&rewrite, suppress => \@charList, table => $filename, undefName => qr/$undefName/, undefChar => qr/$undefChar/, upper_before_lower => $bool, variable => $variable, ); ?bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(DynaLoader)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-Collate-1.140.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm ]de3739d57a6e813abb93a554906f620c./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 M  (B@0BAhBElBJCperl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth1.330.08pclos2017East Asian Width propertiesThis module provide user-defined Unicode properties that deal with width status of East Asian characters, as specified in . It exports the following functions to the caller's scope, to be used by Perl's Unicode matching system: "InEastAsianFullwidth", "InEastAsianHalfwidth", "InEastAsianAmbiguous", "InEastAsianNarrow" "InEastAsianWide", "InEastAsianNeutral". In accord to TR11 cited above, two additional context-sensitive properties are exported: "InFullwidth" (union of "Fullwidth" and "Wide") and "InHalfwidth" (union of "Halfwidth", "Narrow" and "Neutral"). *Ambiguous* characters are treated by default as part of "InHalfwidth", but you can modify this behaviour by assigning a true value to $Unicode::EastAsianWidth::EastAsian at compile time within a "BEGIN" block before loading this module: BEGIN { $Unicode::EastAsianWidth::EastAsian = 1; } use Unicode::EastAsianWidth; Setting $Unicode::EastAsianWidth::EastAsian at run-time used to work on Perl versions between 5.8 and 5.14 due to an implementation detail, but it will no longer work on Perl 5.16 and later versions, and hence is not recommended.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-1.330.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm6f1a56c89ac6df4aacd5c7b426ac75fc./SRPMS.pclosd%, 7 K $ .?HPB@BABEBJCperl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-Detect0.30.08pclos2017Detect CJK LanguageUnicode::EastAsianWidth::Detect is module that can detect the locale is CJK or not. For example, most of users who uses CJK languages are thinking that Easy Asian Width Ambiguous Widths should be double cells.*bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-Detect-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm2/0d7f25156aa4c469bb232df9f21938a2./SRPMS.pclosd" - U $B@BABEBJCperl-Unicode-LineBreak2019.0012pclos2020UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking AlgorithmText::LineFold folds or unfolds lines of plain text. As it mainly focuses on plain text e-mail messages, RFC 3676 flowed format is also supported.̔ghostbunnyDevelopment/Perlx86_64  perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(MIME::Charset)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.980. ' O`d nB@BABEBJCperl-Unicode-Map0.112.025pclos2017Maps charsets from and to utf16 unicodeThis module converts strings from and to 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format. All mappings happen via 2 byte UTF16 encodings, not via 1 byte UTF8 encoding. To transform these use Unicode::String. For historical reasons this module coexists with Unicode::Map8. Please use Unicode::Map8 unless you need to care for two byte character sets, e.g. chinese GB2312. Anyway, if you stick to the basic functionality (see documentation) you can use both modules equivalently. Practically this module will disappear from earth sooner or later as Unicode mapping support needs somehow to get into perl's core. If you like to work on this field please don't hesitate contacting Gisle Aas! This module can't deal directly with utf8. Use Unicode::String to convert utf8 to utf16 and vice versa. Character mapping is according to the data of binary mapfiles in Unicode::Map hierarchy. Binary mapfiles can also be created with this module, enabling you to install own specific character sets. Refer to mkmapfile or file REGISTRY in the Unicode::Map hierarchyKbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-Map-0.112.0-25pclos2017.src.rpm 6d528adbf1b264e75008ab04f709603e./SRPMS.pclos#d ( V`d nB@BABEBJCperl-Unicode-Map80.130.018pclos2017Mapping table between 8-bit chars and UnicodeThe Unicode::Map8 class implement efficient mapping tables between 8-bit character sets and 16 bit character sets like Unicode. The tables are efficient both in terms of space allocated and translation speed. The 16-bit strings is assumed to use network byte order.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-Map8-0.130.0-18pclos2017.src.rpm#ccb65dbe76bec26036979cf82c70da52./SRPMS.pclosd * d (8B@BABEBJCperl-Unicode-MapUTF81.110.09pclos2017Conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8Provides an adapter layer between core routines for converting to and from UTF8 and other encodings. In essence, a way to give multiple existing Unicode modules a single common interface so you don't have to know the underlaying implementations to do simple UTF8 to-from other character set encoding conversions. As such, it wraps the Unicode::String, Unicode::Map8, Unicode::Map and Jcode modules in a standardized and simple API. This also provides general character set conversion operation based on UTF8 - it is possible to convert between any two compatible and supported character sets via a simple two step chaining of conversions. As with most things Perlish - if you give it a few big chunks of text to chew on instead of lots of small ones it will handle many more characters per second. By design, it can be easily extended to encompass any new charset encoding conversion modules that arrive on the scene.?Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Unicode::Map)perl(Unicode::Map8)perl(Jcode)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.110.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmH06c336196143432c661ddd7d71f0f870./SRPMS.pclos{d! , H  H  B@BAHBELBJmCperl-Unicode-Normalize1.250.02pclos2017Unicode Normalization FormsParameters: '$string' is used as a string under character semantics (see _perlunicode_). '$code_point' should be an unsigned integer representing a Unicode code point.Xbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(DynaLoader)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(SelectSaver)perl(constant)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.250.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmt89dc7108e648c7594ec7255e7d770807./SRPMS.pclosd ) H B@)BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-Unicode-String2.90.018pclos2017Unicode-String module for perlThese are experimental modules to handle various Unicode issues. They were made before perl included native UTF8 support.Յbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - Z +B@BBAxBE|BJCperl-Unicode-Stringprep1.105.07pclos2017Prepare Internationalized Strings (RFC3454)This module implements the _stringprep_ framework for preparing Unicode text strings in order to increase the likelihood that string input and string comparison work in ways that make sense for typical users throughout the world. The _stringprep_ protocol is useful for protocol identifier values, company and personal names, internationalized domain names, and other text strings. The _stringprep_ framework does not specify how protocols should prepare text strings. Protocols must create profiles of stringprep in order to fully specify the processing options.—bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(Unicode::Normalize)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380. ( U04 >OXtB@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-Unicode-UTF80.600.011pclos2017Encoding and decoding of UTF-8 encoding formThis module provides functions to encode and decode UTF-8 encoding form as specified by Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646:2011. Here is a summary of features for comparison with the Encode manpage's UTF-8 implementation: * *Bbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.980.1006.590.03.0.4-1perl-Unicode-UTF8-0.600.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmI07d304af05e150d4915256ef559d5eec./SRPMS.pclosd! , [(, 6GP`B@BABEBJ Cperl-Unicode-UTF8simple1.60.08pclos2017Conversions to/from UTF8 from/to charactersetsThis utf-8 converter is written in plain perl and works with hopefully any perl 5 version. It was mainly written because more recent modules such as Encode do not work under older Perl 5.0 installations.(Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Unicode-Mapperl-Unicode-Map8perl-Jcoderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unicode-UTF8simple-1.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm(35744fd0a91b77cd27e2599e7b2f51df./SRPMS.pclos?d   Ix| B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-Uniq0.10.05pclos2017Perl extension for managing list of values The usage of the methods provided here is simple. You always provide a sorted list to any of these methods and accept a sorted list of values in return. Suppose @lis1 and @list2 are two available lists defined as follows: @list_1 = qw ( first list of values ); @list_1 = qw ( second list of values ); and we run the following commands: my @output_1 = uniq sort @list1 @list2; my @output_2 = distinct sort @list1 @list2; my @output_3 = dups sort @list1 @list2; Now @output_1 has qw( first list of second values ) @output_2 has qw( first second ) and @output_3 has qw( list of values ) Thus @output_1 has all values from either input lists sans any redundant values. @output_2 has exactly those values that appear at most once in combined list. On the other hand @output_3 has a list of values that appear multiple times in input. EXPORT Exported are methods 1) uniq [ similar to 'uniq' shell command ] 2) distinct [ similar to 'uniq -u' shell command ] 3) dups [ similar to 'uniq -d' shell command ]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Uniq-0.10.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm110f79623dd959ab2bc399344a2c635f./SRPMS.pclos#d ) Jpt ~B@BABEBJCperl-Unix-ConfigFile0.60.08pclos2017Unix::ConfigFile module for PerlEasy access to data in many formatsEbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unix-ConfigFile-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmK84c4ecad859f96c2e611f3d4e18a05e6./SRPMS.pclosd % P  $0qB@{BABEBJCperl-Unix-Mknod0.40.013pclos2017Interface mknod, major, minor, and makedevThis module allows access to the device routines major()/minor()/makedev() that may or may not be macros in .h files. It also allows access to the 'mknod(2)' system call.Obb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unix-Mknod-0.40.0-13pclos2017.src.rpmf170d4a3c166ef6df51cc9bad3f53f61./SRPMS.pclos3d  + a $ .?HB@BABEBJ%Cperl-Unix-Passwd-File0.230.02pclos2017Manipulate /etc/{passwd,shadow,group,gshadow} entriesThis module can be used to read and manipulate entries in Unix system password files (/etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/group, /etc/gshadow; but can also be told to search in custom location, for testing purposes). This module uses a procedural (non-OO) interface. Each function in this module open and read the passwd files once. Read-only functions like `list_users()` and `get_max_gid()` open in read-only mode. Functions that might write to the files like `add_user()` or `delete_group()` first lock `passwd.lock` file, open in read+write mode and also read the files in the first pass, then seek to the beginning and write back the files. No caching is done so you should do your own if you need to.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Crypt::Password::Util)perl(File::Copy::Recursive)perl(File::Flock)perl(File::Flock::Retry)perl(File::Slurper)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::chdir)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Log::Any)perl(Log::Any::IfLOG)perl(Rinci)perl(experimental)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unix-Passwd-File-0.230.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm75e5ef477ffcb2a17037d2bf6d24f677./SRPMS.pclosd ) R  B@BALBEPBJqCperl-Unix-Processors2.44.03pclos2017Interface to processor (CPU) informationPerl interface to processor (CPU) information.Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & O B@$BAPBETBJuCperl-Unix-Syslog1.100.04pclos2017Perl interface to the UNIX system loggerThis module provides access to the system logger available on most UNIX systems via perl XSUBs (perl's C interface).9-bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Unix-Syslog-1.100.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm?d8384b239fc77efa3acb54cd28f4cfcd./SRPMS.pclosCd   R B@BABEBJ5Cperl-User1.900.08pclos2017API for locating user information regardless of OSThis module allows applications to retrieve per-user characteristics. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-User-1.900.0-8pclos2017.src.rpme9321e8abbfdcaf99adc5ffaa5c0306f./SRPMS.pclos_d ( Gtx B@BA,BE0BJQCperl-User-Identity0.940.06pclos2017User-Identity CPAN Perl moduleThis is the User Identity CPAN Perl module.nbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Pod)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[dfc74028de1b6ba7bd5d84083183d573./SRPMS.pclosd   2  '08cB@lBABEBJCperl-VCG0.500.04pclos2017VCG module for perlThis module provides an interface to to the vcg graphing tool. It supports a limited selection of options and file formats. The vcg graphing tool homepage is currently http://rw4.cs.uni-sb.de/users/sander/html/gsvcg1.html but is being actively developed elsewhere. This module is based on Leon Brocard's GraphViz module, it tries to provide a similar interface to offer some sense of consistency. VCG is now in active development and although Graph::Writer::VCG already exists, this module provides a similar interface to graphviz and will be more closely tied into vcg as it becomes more actively developed - see James Micheal DuPont's announcement at http://mail.gnome.org/archives/dia-list/2003-February/msg00029.html.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(IPC::Run)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VCG-0.500.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm 42f487c1ec8e2a9b051a4cbca0f38fe0./SRPMS.pclosd # K B@BABEBJCperl-VCS-Lite0.120.04pclos2017Minimal upstream_version control systemThis module provides the functions normally associated with a version control system, but without needing or implementing a version control system. Applications include wikis, document management systems and configuration management. It makes use of the module Algorithm::Diff. It provides the facility for basic diffing, patching and merging.R"bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Algorithm::Diff)perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::File)perl(Test::More)perl-Algorithm-Diffrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # ^ B@BA$BE(BJICperl-VFSsimple0.30.04pclos2017A library to magically access to file w/o carry the methodA library to magically access to file w/o carry the methodbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VFSsimple-0.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpma6a69c7f65accbb355bf323ca3bf65054./SRPMS.pclosd! , X "B@,BA`BEdBJCperl-VFSsimple-Drv-File0.30.04pclos2017A VFSsimple implementation over local filesThis module provide access method for VFSsimple module to access to files on local filesystem. qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(URI)perl(VFSsimple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VFSsimple-Drv-File-0.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm95e319ad84d8e2ec09a3f5282aa87f87./SRPMS.pclosd  + X 9B@DBAxBE|BJCperl-VFSsimple-Drv-Ftp0.30.04pclos2017A VFSsimple implementation over ftp protocolThis module provide access method for VFSsimple module to access to file located on an ftp server. Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(URI)perl(Net::FTP)perl(VFSsimple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VFSsimple-Drv-Ftp-0.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm54afb0a3769f8dc3ed89ad32b2bde233./SRPMS.pclosd! , Z 2B@=BApBEtBJCperl-VFSsimple-Drv-Http0.30.05pclos2017A VFSsimple implementation over Http protocolThis module provide access method for VFSsimple module to access to file on http server. qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(URI)perl(Net::HTTP)perl(VFSsimple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VFSsimple-Drv-Http-0.30.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm66f7ae9fb1cd9a0e6b983890558998b2./SRPMS.pclosd  + V FB@QBABEBJCperl-VFSsimple-Drv-Iso0.30.04pclos2017A VFSsimple implementation over ISO9660 fsThis module provide access method for VFSsimple module to access to files inside ISO9660 CD image. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(URI)perl(Device::Cdio::ISO9660)perl(VFSsimple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VFSsimple-Drv-Iso-0.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm:b407c545c8adb747958638cc1b2b899b./SRPMS.pclosd" - \ 4B@?BAtBExBJCperl-VFSsimple-Drv-Rsync0.30.04pclos2017A VFSsimple implementation over rsync protocolThis module provide access method for VFSsimple module to access to file located on rsync server. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(URI)rsyncperl(VFSsimple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VFSsimple-Drv-Rsync-0.30.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmA07d2a81a4bef5b1fa6ad9da28c72e62e./SRPMS.pclosd ! A    B@"BALBEPBJqCperl-VM-EC21.280.07pclos2017Interface to the Amazon AWS APIThis is an interface to the 2013-07-15 version of the Amazon AWS API (http://aws.amazon.com/ec2). It was written provide access to the new tag and metadata interface that is not currently supported by Net::Amazon::EC2, as well as to provide developers with an extension mechanism for the API. This library will also support the Eucalyptus open source cloud (http://open.eucalyptus.com).}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(AnyEvent)perl(AnyEvent::CacheDNS)perl(AnyEvent::HTTP)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(File::Path)perl(JSON)perl(LWP)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(String::Approx)perl(URI::URL)perl(XML::Simple)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VM-EC2-1.280.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm24ba4ac5f13878459a2aeedbb0a3032c./SRPMS.pclosd'/ : K\` j{SB@bBABEBJCperl-VM-EC2-Security-CredentialCache0.250.04pclos2017No summary foundThis module provides a cache for an EC2's IAM credentials represented by the VM::EC2::Security::Credentials manpage. Rather than retriving the credentials for every possible call that uses them, cache them until they expire and retreive them again if they have expired.+@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(DateTime::Format::ISO8601)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(VM::EC2::Instance::Metadata)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-VM-EC2-Security-CredentialCache-0.250.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm272ad05557f00319902162b8da4fe6d8d./SRPMS.pclosd! , S  D  B@+BA`BEdBJCperl-Validation-Class7.900.568pclos2017Basic Instructions for Writing PluginsValidation::Class is a different approach to data validation, it attempts to simplify and centralize data validation rules to ensure DRY (don't repeat yourself) code. The primary intent of this module is to provide a simplistic validation framework. Your validation class is your data input firewall and can be used anywhere and is flexible enough in an MVC environment to be used in both the Controller and Model.kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Forward)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Hash::Flatten)perl(Hash::Merge)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Module::Find)perl(Module::Runtime)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Clone)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.03.0.4-1perl-Validation-Class-7.900.56-8pclos2017.src.rpm"Lb055d42b4e1628a03aafe00e3b978bcc./SRPMS.pclosCd ) P| B@BABEBJ5Cperl-Variable-Magic0.590.04pclos2017Associate magic to variables from PerlMagic is Perl's way of enhancing objects. This mechanism lets the user add extra data to any variable and hook syntactical operations (such as access, assignation or destruction) that can be applied to it. With this module, you can add your own magic to any variable without the pain of the C API.'wbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Select)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(POSIX)perl(Socket)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(base)perl(lib)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Variable-Magic-0.590.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm.7dc3f2bb78e5bf0bc2b30604eecdfccb./SRPMS.pclosd % [  *;D l # B@IBAtBExBJCperl-Version-Next1.0.03pclos2017Increment module version numbers simply and correctlyThis module provides a simple, correct way to increment a Perl module version number. It does not attempt to guess what the original version number author intended, it simply increments in the smallest possible fashion. Decimals are incremented like an odometer. Dotted decimals are incremented piecewise and presented in a standardized way. If more complex version manipulation is necessary, you may wish to consider the Perl::Version manpage.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Sub::Exporter)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 ^    B@BABEBJ!Cperl-Version-Requirements0.101.234pclos2017A set of version requirements for a CPAN distA Version::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those specified in the _META.yml_ or _META.json_ files in CPAN distributions. It can be built up by adding more and more constraints, and it will reduce them to the simplest representation. Logically impossible constraints will be identified immediately by thrown exceptions.Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.960.00.770.03.0.4-1perl-Version-Requirements-0.101.23-4pclos2017.src.rpm_.bda9e76e45f07c783b756bc63bd83228./SRPMS.pclosd * ^$( 2CLT{B@BABEBJCperl-Video-Frequencies0.0318pclos2017Perl interface to the Video4linux tuner frequenciesThis package provides a table of hashes that represent all the current frequency mappings that are used by Video4Linux programs. Do perldoc Video::Frequencies to get complete instructions, etc.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Video-Frequencies-0.03-18pclos2017.src.rpm@0326fda91958d9369978c1c839ba7713./SRPMS.pclosd # A B@(BATBEXBJyCperl-Video-ivtv0.1322pclos2017Perl modules for ivtv supportVideo::ivtv is designed to be a quick hack at making the record_ivtv.pl script not have to depend on the test_ioctl program included with the ivtv utils. By moving to have the things that have proven difficult to do purely in perl to C where they currently are being done, I can concentrate on improving the code rather than hitting my head against the wall trying to do code cleanups. ;)S!bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Video-ivtv-0.13-22pclos2017.src.rpmZr6b443fe6b248c7cc83cc858acb3b2b31./SRPMS.pclosd $ ? (RB@vBABEBJCperl-Vim-Tag1.110.6909pclos2017Generate perl tags for vimManage tags for perl code in vim, with ideas on integrating tags with the bash programmable completion project. See the synopsis.aobb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Class::Accessor::Constructor)perl(English)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Inherited)perl(Hash::Rename)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(constant)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.310.00.940.03.0.4-1perl-Vim-Tag-1.110.690-9pclos2017.src.rpmhX880609f8d2a33a2fda75d3ed89236630./SRPMS.pclosd   T8< FW`hB@BABEBJCperl-WDDX1.20.08pclos2017WDDX.pm - Module for reading and writing WDDX packetsThis module provides a perl interface to WDDX. The latest version of this module as well as additional information can be found at http://www.scripted.com/wddx/. For more information about WDDX please visit http://www.wddx.org/`_bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WDDX-1.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmg^465a3acc1a15706aee2bf6b78d24fe4a./SRPMS.pcloswd ( _  B@BADBEHBJiCperl-WWW-Babelfish0.160.09pclos2017Perl extension for translation via Babelfish or GooglePerl interface to the WWW babelfish translation server.'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-libwww-perlperl(IO::String)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Babelfish-0.160.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm.^2c1e9f195803dafca89dc9b4a95232ed./SRPMS.pcloswd $ I B@BADBEHBJiCperl-WWW-Curl4.170.013pclos2017Perl extension interface for libcurlWWW::Curl is a Perl extension interface for libcurl.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)libcurl-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.03.0.4-1perl-WWW-Curl-4.170.0-13pclos2017.src.rpmc3fa7538dffa5bd6734da6dd1de28492./SRPMS.pclosd! , X &7@B@BAPBETBJuCperl-WWW-Curl-Simple0.100.1916pclos2017A small class representing request/responseJust a way to collect things used by both single and multi, and some WWW::Curl setup. You shouldn't need to use this class anywhere, although '$curl->perform' returns objects of this class.\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Response)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Moose)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(WWW::Curl::Easy)perl(WWW::Curl::Multi)perl(base)perl(namespace::clean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.960.01.970.5003.0.4-1perl-WWW-Curl-Simple-0.100.191-6pclos2017.src.rpmdcb80b56a258d87d508f270ba445acb5c./SRPMS.pclosd ) \ 1B@<BAlBEpBJCperl-WWW-HostipInfo0.140.08pclos2017Get a country and city information from ip addressGet a country and city information from ip address via www.hostip.info API.-bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-HostipInfo-0.140.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm3c81e4707cce24a0c979e82b6acdbffa0./SRPMS.pclosd % P  +4 ` E B@WBABEBJCperl-WWW-LinkedIn0.4.09pclos2017Simple interface to the LinkedIn OAuth APIThis module provides a simple interface to the LinkedIn OAuth API. The documentation on LinkedIn's website was unclear and required a couple days of trial-and-error to make it all work.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Crypt::SSLeay)perl(Digest::HMAC_SHA1)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Net::OAuth)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-LinkedIn-0.4.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmGcb3d4089e54318e963e5d02ae13ccee7./SRPMS.pclosd % _ TB@_BABEBJCperl-WWW-Mailman1.60.03pclos2017Interact with Mailman's web interface from a Perl program'WWW::Mailman' is a module to control *Mailman* (as a subscriber, moderator or administrator) without the need of a web browser. The module handles authentication transparently and can take advantage of stored cookies to speed it up. It is meant as a building block for your own Mailman-managing scripts, and will include more routines in the future.ETbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(WWW::Mechanize)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Mailman-1.60.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmLK0f00de027f4b7cc90c525c86abfaef0b./SRPMS.pclosd ( L  $QB@BABEBJ Cperl-WWW-Mechanize1.750.04pclos2017Handy web browsing in a Perl objectWWW::Mechanize, or Mech for short, helps you automate interaction with a website. It supports performing a sequence of page fetches including following links and submitting forms. Each fetched page is parsed and its links and forms are extracted. A link or a form can be selected, form fields can be filled and the next page can be fetched. Mech also stores a history of the URLs you've visited, which can be queried and revisited.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTML::Form)perl(HTML::HeadParser)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::TokeParser)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(HTTP::Daemon)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Server::Simple)perl(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(LWP)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(URI)perl(URI::URL)perl(URI::file)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)! , U B@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Mechanize-CGI0.300.08pclos2017Use WWW::Mechanize with CGI applicationsProvides a convenient way of using CGI applications with the WWW::Mechanize, without setting a webrowser.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTTP::Request::AsCGI)perl(IO::Pipe)perl(Test::More)perl(WWW::Mechanize)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Mechanize-CGI-0.300.0-8pclos2017.src.rpma59c817d874d41026d57300860a22725./SRPMS.pclosd$ / K luB@BABEBJ Cperl-WWW-Mechanize-Cached1.500.04pclos2017Cache response to be politeUses the Cache::Cache hierarchy to implement a caching Mech. This lets one perform repeated requests without hammering a server impolitely.aNbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cache::FileCache)perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dump)perl(Devel::SimpleTrace)perl(English)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Find::Lib)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base)perl(Moose)perl(Path::Class)perl(Storable)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(Test::RequiresInternet)perl(WWW::Mechanize)perl(constant)perl(namespace::clean)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.360.1002. ( 3 qpt ~,B@?BAxBE|BJCperl-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller0.110.06pclos2017WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller - framework to automate HTML formsWWW::Mechanize::FormFiller and its submodules are useful to automate web forms. The FormFiller object is filled with a set of rules how to fill out HTML form field and then let loose on a HTML form. It fills in the fields according to the preset rules.Ufbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Random)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Form)perl(Test::More)perl-libwww-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[uf8e21bc756c73b4a6038a71cc876ecef./SRPMS.pclosd" - [ "3<LB@BABEBJ Cperl-WWW-Mechanize-GZip0.120.09pclos2017Tries to fetch webpages with gzip-compressionThe the WWW::Mechanize::GZip manpage module tries to fetch a URL by requesting gzip-compression from the webserver. If the response contains a header with 'Content-Encoding: gzip', it decompresses the response in order to get the original (uncompressed) content. This module will help to reduce bandwith fetching webpages, if supported by the webeserver. If the webserver does not support gzip-compression, no decompression will be made.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(Test::More)perl(WWW::Mechanize)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.120.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm21134601a29c2dee0822be8bd56828e3./SRPMS.pclosd# . VPT ^ox  w B@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Mechanize-Shell0.550.04pclos2017An interactive shell for WWW::MechanizeThis module implements a www-like shell above WWW::Mechanize and also has the capability to output crude Perl code that recreates the recorded session. Its main use is as an interactive starting point for automating a session through WWW::Mechanize.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(File::Modified)perl(Hook::LexWrap)perl(HTML::TokeParser::Simple)perl(Pod::Constants)perl(Term::Shell)perl(Test::Inline)perl(Test::Without::Module)perl(WWW::Mechanize::FormFiller)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Mechanize-Shell-0.550.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmL985400ed6853343f0b49f47bbc27a39d./SRPMS.pclosgd$ / a B@BA4BE8BJYCperl-WWW-Mechanize-Sleepy0.700.09pclos2017WWW::Mechanize::Sleepy - A Sleepy Mechanize AgentSometimes when testing the behavior of a webserver it is important to be able to space out your requests in order to simulate a person reading, thinking (or sleeping) at the keyboard. WWW::Mechanize::Sleepy subclasses WWW::Mechanize to provide pauses between your server requests. Use it just like you would use WWW::Mechanize.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Mechanize-Sleepy-0.700.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmJaad9825052e6e4003a5b76ee236a2578./SRPMS.pclos'd!) 4 a    B@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder1.200.04pclos2017combine WWW::Mechanize and HTML::TreeBuilderThis module combines the WWW::Mechanize manpage and the HTML::TreeBuilder manpage. Why? Because I've seen too much code like the following: like($mech->content, qr{

some text

}, "Found the right tag"); Which is just all flavours of wrong - its akin to processing XML with regexps.^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath)perl(Moose)perl(MooseX::Role::Parameterized)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::WWW::Mechanize)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder-1.200.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmfS5d4931fd7da3c6086f4304346950fb3d./SRPMS.pclosd$ / p 0B@BABEBJ Cperl-WWW-Mediawiki-Client0.310.09pclos2017Simple cvs-like interface for Mediawiki driven WikiWiki websitesWWW::Mediawiki::Client provides a very simple cvs-like interface for Mediawiki driven WikiWiki websites, such as http://www.wikitravel.org or http://www.wikipedia.org. The interface mimics the two most basic cvs commands: update and commit with similarly named methods. Each of these has a shorter alias, as in cvs. Verbosity is controled through an output_level accessor method.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Test-Differencesperl-libwww-perlperl-VCS-Liteperl-Exception-Classperl-XML-LibXMLrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Mediawiki-Client-0.310.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmƣ448915dcc16e583e9d184a9f65b11b65./SRPMS.pclosd % [ ,B@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Netflix0.50.08pclos2017Get and set ratings and queue for any Netflix accountThe included 'netlix_mover' script does the work of retrieving ratings and queued movies from one account or saving them to another account. You will probably just want to use it. This module is designed to pull down every movie you've ever rated using your Netflix account, or a list of the movies in your queue. It can also be used to set the ratings or the queue on another account. It would be a good idea to use this if you were looking to transfer your ratings or your queue to another Netflix account. Currently does not work for "Not Interested" ratings. It would also be nice to have methods to clear ratings and to remove a movie from the queue.%bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Net::SSL)perl(WWW::Mechanize)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Netflix-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm,275fcaea0fc31ae37e375d3f18f79e66./SRPMS.pclos?d(. 9 i B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-WWW-Pastebin-Bot-Pastebot-Create0.2.06pclos2017create pastes on sites powered by Bot::PastebotThe module provides interface to paste into pastebin sites powered by the Bot::Pastebot manpage"bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Data::Accessor)perl(Devel::TakeHashArgs)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(Module::Build::Compat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Pastebin-Bot-Pastebot-Create-0.2.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm)b84934e26102405cfe682fd73799c2da./SRPMS.pclos?d&, 7 j B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCa-Create0.4.06pclos2017create new pastes on http://pastebin.ca/ from Perl The module provides means of pasting large texts into the http://pastebin.ca/ manpage pastebin site./ bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(WWW::Mechanize)perl(overload)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'- 8 _ yB@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create1.3.08pclos2017Paste to http://pastebin.com from PerlThe module provides means of pasting large texts into the http://pastebin.com manpage pastebin site.Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Moo)perl(Test::More)perl(WWW::Mechanize)perl(overload)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # Ltx   | B@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Robot0.26.08pclos2017Web traversal engine for robots & agentsThis module implements a configurable web traversal engine, for a _robot_ or other web agent. Given an initial web page (_URL_), the Robot will get the contents of that page, and extract all links on the page, adding them to a list of URLs to visit. Features of the Robot module include: * *Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::LinkExtor)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(IO::File)perl(LWP::RobotUA)perl(URI::URL)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Robot-0.26.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmT08ca5cfdc7fbfc98a725c1f3a122e8a0./SRPMS.pcloscd ( ?TX bs|B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-WWW-RobotRules6.20.09pclos2017Parse /robots.txt fileThis module parses _/robots.txt_ files as specified in "A Standard for Robot Exclusion", at Webmasters can use the _/robots.txt_ file to forbid conforming robots from accessing parts of their web site. The parsed files are kept in a WWW::RobotRules object, and this object provides methods to check if access to a given URL is prohibited. The same WWW::RobotRules object can be used for one or more parsed _/robots.txt_ files on any number of hosts. The following methods are provided:*,bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(AnyDBM_File)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % I  B@BABEBJ9Cperl-WWW-Search2.515.03pclos2017Virtual base class for WWW searchesThis class is the parent for all access methods supported by the WWW::Search library. This library implements a Perl API to web-based search engines. See README for a list of search engines currently supported, and for a lot of interesting high-level information about this distribution. Search results can be limited, and there is a pause between each request to avoid overloading either the client or the server.{jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Bit::Vector)perl(CGI)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Date::Manip)perl(ExtUtils::MM_Unix)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(IO::Capture::Stderr)perl(LWP::MemberMixin)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Net::Domain)perl(POSIX)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::File)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Simple)perl(URI)perl(URI::Escape)perl(User)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.410.06.360. c961dbd65471583ec41db640cd68e1b4./SRPMS.pclos{d$ / f  B@BAHBELBJmCperl-WWW-Search-AlltheWeb1.500.04pclos2017WWW::Search::AlltheWeb - class for searching AlltheWebAlltheWeb is a class specialization of WWW::Search. It handles making and interpreting AlltheWeb searches. This is one of the fastest and largest search engines around. http://www.alltheweb.com This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be done through WWW::Search objects. See SYNOPSIS.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl(WWW::Search)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Search-AlltheWeb-1.500.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm0515b44139ce4bc4c3da363378db1c20d./SRPMS.pclosd! , C  ,jB@xBABEBJCperl-WWW-Search-Google0.230.08pclos2017Search Google via SOAPThis class is a Google specialization of WWW::Search. It handles searching Google http://www.google.com/ using its new SOAP API http://www.google.com/apis/. All interaction should be done through WWW::Search objects. Note that you must register for a Google Web API account and have a valid Google API doc key before using this module. This module reports errors via croak(). This module uses Net::Google to do all the dirty work. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-Net-Googleperl(WWW::Search)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.523.0.4-1perl-WWW-Search-Google-0.230.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm_7807d6838ca942537a78689a67db386c./SRPMS.pclosd  + bLP ZktB@)BA\BE`BJCperl-WWW-Search-Lycos2.225.03pclos2017WWW::Search::Lycos - class for searching www.lycos.comThis class is a Lycos specialization of WWW::Search. It handles making and interpreting Lycos-site searches http://www.lycos.com. This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be done through WWW::Search objects.[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(Test::More)perl(WWW::Search::Test)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.  + O48 BS\dB@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Search-Yahoo2.415.08pclos2017Backend for searching www.yahoo.comThis class is a Yahoo specialization of WWW::Search. It handles making and interpreting Yahoo searches http://www.yahoo.com. This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be done through WWW::Search objects.cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(I18N::Charset)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Search-Yahoo-2.415.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmjf20f689a1dc437b4d43a1da161b62598./SRPMS.pclos#d % L    B@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Shorten3.93.03pclos2017Perl interface to makeashorterlink.comThe function 'makeashorterlink' will call the relevant web site passing it your long URL and will return the shorter version. The function 'makealongerlink' does the reverse. 'makealongerlink' will accept as an argument either the full shortened URL or just the identifier. If anything goes wrong, then either function will return 'undef'.^bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.400.05.835.00.880.! , ` PB@]BABEBJCperl-WWW-Shorten-Bitly1.170.04pclos2017Interface to shortening URLs using http://bitly.comInterface to shortening URLs using http://bitly.com#bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JSON::Any)perl(Test::More)perl(WWW::Shorten)perl(XML::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-Shorten-Bitly-1.170.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm*152b77bad3d63cc74d0590c8af16c906./SRPMS.pclosd! , E <bB@BABEBJCperl-WWW-Shorten-Googl1.100.02pclos2017Perl interface to goo.glA Perl interface to the goo.gl URL shortening service. Googl simply maintains a database of long URLs, each of which has a unique identifier.Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(JSON::MaybeXS)perl(LWP::Protocol::https)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(URI)perl(WWW::Shorten)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) V  4  B@BA$BE(BJICperl-WWW-Shorten-IsGd0.3.08pclos2017Shorten (or lengthen) URLs with http://is.gdA Perl interface to the web site the http://is.gd manpage. is.gd simply maintains a database of long URLs, each of which has a unique identifier.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(WWW::Shorten::generic)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.310.03.0.4-1perl-WWW-Shorten-IsGd-0.3.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm;ecfb370073135350cf33232601362125./SRPMS.pclosSd! , aHL VgpB@BA BE$BJECperl-WWW-Shorten-Simple0.20.03pclos2017Factory wrapper around WWW::Shorten to avoid importsWWW::Shorten::Simple is a wrapper (factory) around WWW::Shorten so that you can create an object representing each URL shortening service, instead of _import_ing 'makeashorterlink' function into your namespace. This allows you to call multiple URL shortening services in one package, for instance to call the WWW::Shorten::RevCanonical manpage to extract rev="canonical", fallback to bit.ly if username and API key are present, and then finally to TinyURL. use WWW::Shorten::Simple;- bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Test::More)perl(WWW::Shorten)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d# . Idh r   B@BABEBJCperl-WWW-UsePerl-Journal0.260.04pclos2017Use.perl.org journal entryAn all round journal tool for use.perl addicts. Will access journal entries for a specific user, or the latest 30 postings, or retrieve a specific journal entry. Can also post into a specific user's journal. Note that as on late 2010 use.perl was decommissioned. A read-only version of the site now exists on the perl.org servers, and a full database backup is also available if you wish to host your own use.perl archive. A future edition of this distribution will allow a DBI interface to a local database to retrieve journal entries.~Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTTP::Cookies)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(IO::File)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::Piece)perl(Time::Seconds)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WWW-UsePerl-Journal-0.260.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmd79e1fb0cd549483253aa703d48b6d15./SRPMS.pclos/d$ / \    B@BABEBJ!Cperl-WWW-YouTube-Download0.580.04pclos2017Very simply YouTube video download interfaceWWW::YouTube::Download is a download video from YouTube.ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(HTML::Entities)perl(JSON)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Module::Build)perl(Term::ANSIColor)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(URI::QueryParam)perl(XML::TreePP)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.00.980.03.0.4-1perl-WWW-YouTube-Download-0.580.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmlfdf537e65c47f359d71617881f6f2661./SRPMS.pclosd   =  YB@cBABEBJCperl-Want0.290.03pclos2017A generalisation of wantarrayThis module generalises the mechanism of the wantarray function, allowing a function to determine in some detail how its return value is going to be immediately used.Ubb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Want-0.290.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm\073ec4319a71d410ad28395b360c41c3./SRPMS.pclosGd " E B@BABEBJ9Cperl-WeakRef0.10.021pclos2017An API to the Perl weak referencesA patch to Perl 5.005_55 by the author implements a core API for weak references. This module is a Perl-level interface to that API, allowing weak references to be created in Perl. A weak reference is just like an ordinary Perl reference except that it isn't included in the reference count of the thing referred to. This means that once all references to a particular piece of data are weak, the piece of data is freed and all the weak references are set to undef. This is particularly useful for implementing circular data structures without memory leaks or caches of objects.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WeakRef-0.10.0-21pclos2017.src.rpm4cec0a2ea7438e54c4207ae796fbd54b./SRPMS.pclosd & Y ,vB@BABEBJCperl-Web-Scraper0.380.04pclos2017Drop-in replacement for Web::Scraper to use LibXMLWeb::Scraper is a web scraper toolkit, inspired by Ruby's equivalent Scrapi. It provides a DSL-ish interface for traversing HTML documents and returning a neatly arranged Perl data strcuture. The _scraper_ and _process_ blocks provide a method to define what segments of a document to extract. It understands HTML and CSS Selectors as well as XPath expressions.kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::Selector::XPath)perl(HTML::Tagset)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath)perl(LWP)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Base)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(URI)perl(XML::XPathEngine)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # ]x|  B@"BALBEPBJqCperl-WebFetch0.130.07pclos2017Perl module to download and save information from the WebWebFetch is a Perl module to download and save information from the Web, and to display on the Web. It will download from sites such as CNet, CNN, Freshmeat, Slashdot, LinuxToday, Yahoo, and more. It can even export your site's news for other sites to include in their web pages.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Date::Calc)perl(Exception::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::LinkExtor)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Locale::Country)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Atom::Client)perl(XML::Parser)perl(XML::RSS)perl(Template)perl-libwww-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WebFetch-0.130.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmw43a6934604c4ace8b555b13cc4b9043d./SRPMS.pclosd" - K  *;DPB@BABEBJCperl-WebService-Dropbox1.220.05pclos2017Perl interface to Dropbox APIWebService::Dropbox is Perl interface to Dropbox API - Support Dropbox v1 REST API - Support Furl (Fast!!!) - Streaming IO (Low Memory) - Default URI Escape (The specified path is utf8 decoded string)9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Net::OAuth)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WebService-Dropbox-1.220.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm@d9962eefc2077dbad4223114735a5f0d./SRPMS.pclosd! , E TB@mBABEBJCperl-WebService-FreeDB0.790.09pclos2017FreeDB search by keywordWebService-FreeDB is a perl module for retrieving entries from FreeDB by searching for keywords (artist,track,album,rest)/bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.320.00.450.03.0.4-1perl-WebService-FreeDB-0.790.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm6Qfef5851d8f0592550057f22003c72dc9./SRPMS.pclosd$ / Z (B@2BAhBElBJCperl-WebService-MusicBrainz1.0.51pclos2020API to search the musicbrainz.org databaseThis module will search the MusicBrainz database through their web service and return objects with the found data. This module is not backward compatible with pre-1.0 versions. Version 1.0 is a complete re-write based on Mojolicious and implements [MusicBrainz Web Service Version 2](https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development/XML_Web_Service/Version_2).$ghostbunnyDevelopment/Perlx86_64 perl-develperl-Mojoliciousrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WebService-MusicBrainz-1.0.5-1pclos2020.src.rpm,1b1bf505d1071f292e4e3c956ab563720./SRPMS.pclosd * ` 45B@lBABEBJCperl-WebService-Solr0.230.06pclos2017Module to interface with the Solr (Lucene) webserviceWebService::Solr is a client library for Apache Lucene's Solr; an enterprise-grade indexing and searching platform.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Any::Moose)perl(Data::Page)perl(Data::Pageset)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(JSON::XS)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::Mock::LWP)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(XML::Easy)perl(XML::Simple)perl-libwww-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d$, 7 Z$( 2CLdB@BA(BE,BJMCperl-WebService-Validator-CSS-W3C0.300.07pclos2017Interface to the W3C CSS ValidatorThis module is an interface to the W3C CSS Validation online service the http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ manpage, based on its SOAP 1.2 support. It helps to find errors in Cascading Style Sheets.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(SOAP::Lite)perl(URI)perl(URI::QueryParam)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-WebService-Validator-CSS-W3C-0.300.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm'&0860f6790f5f904c317dfc59c2d59abc./SRPMS.pclosd%- 8 hX\ fwB@'BAhBElBJCperl-WebService-Validator-HTML-W3C0.280.09pclos2017Warning messages from the W3Cs online ValidatorWebService::Validator::HTML::W3C provides access to the W3C's online Markup validator. As well as reporting on whether a page is valid it also provides access to a detailed list of the errors and where in the validated document they occur.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.03.0.4-1perl-WebService-Validator-HTML-W3C-0.280.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmY3f57502c679dcf8215afc3c682cddfc97./SRPMS.pclosod # R <B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Workflow1.420.03pclos2017Pull IDs from databases that autogenerate themOverview This is a standalone workflow system. It is designed to fit into your system rather than force your system to fit to it. You can save workflow information to a database or the filesystem (or a custom storage). The different components of a workflow system can be included separately as libraries to allow for maximum reusibility.PWbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(Class::Factory)perl(Class::Observable)perl(DBD::Mock)perl(DBI)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Strptime)perl(Exception::Class)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Log::Dispatch)perl(Log::Log4perl)perl(Safe)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Simple)perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl(Data::UUID)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Workflow-1.420.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmWb68f52b6120e83e891e025c1d16821fd./SRPMS.pclosKd ) \x| B@BABEBJ=Cperl-Working-Daemon0.310.08pclos2017Perl extension for turning your script inta daemonThis is a modular Daemon wrapper. It handles forking, master session, chroot pidfiles, and command line parsing. While it isn't perfect yet, it works better than any existing on CPAN. Notably it doesn't force itself on you unconditionally. The commandline parsing uses Getopt::Longbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Working-Daemon-0.310.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm#\7ddc4fbf7b3f72aa14ad7b417a2467fb./SRPMS.pclos;d " 2x|    B@BABE BJ-Cperl-Wx-Demo0.220.09pclos2017The wxPerl demowxPerl demo, with lots of snippets using various wxwidgets features.'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::chdir)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(Wx)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   .DH Rcl  u B@BABEBJCperl-X100.30.09pclos2017No summary foundno description foundB~bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Astro::SunTime)perl(Device::SerialPort)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(FileHandle)perl(IO::Select)perl(IO::Socket)perl(POSIX)perl(Storable)perl(Time::ParseDate)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-X10-0.30.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmH84ff23e07c2a3fc3c4f2a715bfec3e2a./SRPMS.pclos;d ' T B@BABE BJ-Cperl-X11-Protocol0.560.08pclos2017Perl module for the X Window System ProtocolThis is a module for the X Window System Protocol.QJbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-X11-Protocol-0.560.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmWe0ce534c5be76dbbc05c670e3eea0a3b./SRPMS.pclossd " U B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-X500-DN0.290.08pclos2017Parser and formatter for RFC 2253 style DN stringsThis module provides a pure perl parser and formatter for RFC 2253 style DN strings.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-Parse-RecDescentrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-X500-DN-0.290.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!768b837a1460ac65d01dfb12ed16ed38./SRPMS.pclosd % X @dB@BABEBJCperl-XML-Amazon0.130.03pclos2017Perl extension for getting information from AmazonXML::Amazon provides a simple way to get information from Amazon. _XML::Amazon_ can connect to US, JP, UK, FR, DE and CA.Abb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(URI::Escape)perl(XML::Simple)perl(blib)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ J    B@BA BE$BJECperl-XML-Atom0.410.010pclos2017Perl Module for Processing Atom FeedsPerl Module for processing Atoms feed and that provides access to the Atom API. /bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Data::Inheritable)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::TimeZone)perl(Digest::SHA1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(URI)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::XPath)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.01.690.03.0.4-1perl-XML-Atom-0.410.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm67951ca360248d8c4a516d83093dfec3./SRPMS.pclossd# . [  <  B@ BA@BEDBJeCperl-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed0.900.04pclos2017No-fuss generation of Atom syndication feedsThis module provides a minimal API for generating Atom syndication feeds quickly and easily. It supports all aspects of the Atom format, but has no provisions for generating feeds with extension elements. You can supply strings for most things, and the module will provide useful defaults. When you want more control, you can provide data structures, as documented, to specify more particulars.]bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.03.0.4-1perl-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed-0.900.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmec8c9c3128bbf421a3cea90b891d1daca./SRPMS.pclosd $ <  +4 h O B@qBABEBJCperl-XML-Bare0.530.011pclos2017Minimal XML parser in CThis module is a 'Bare' XML parser. It is implemented in C. The parser itself is a simple state engine that is less than 500 lines of C. The parser builds a C struct tree from input text. That C struct tree is converted to a Perl hash by a Perl function that makes basic calls back to the C to go through the nodes sequentially. The parser itself will only cease parsing if it encounters tags that are not closed properly. All other inputs will parse, even invalid inputs. To allowing checking for validity, a schema checker is included in the module as well. The schema format is custom and is meant to be as simple as possible. It is based loosely around the way multiplicity is handled in Perl regular expressions.=(bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(DynaLoader)perl(English)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.300.00.940.03.0.4-1perl-XML-Bare-0.530.0-11pclos2017.src.rpmC 24bf84ed739626ef1babadbbfeb849ff./SRPMS.pclosd % ] uB@BABEBJCperl-XML-Catalog1.30.07pclos2017Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiersResolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers.4Pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Cwd)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::ParseWords)perl(URI::URL)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Catalog-1.30.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm:0c60821349f8799c1c092e91ec52edbb./SRPMS.pclosd & V (rB@BABEBJCperl-XML-Checker0.130.09pclos2017XML::Checker - a Perl module for validating XMLXML::Checker can be used in different ways to validate XML. See the manual pages of XML::Checker::Parser and XML::DOM::ValParser for more information.)bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-XML-Parserperl-XML-DOMperl-libxml-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.301.{d & I`d n B@BAHBELBJmCperl-XML-CommonNS0.60.08pclos2017A list of commonly used namespacesno description found"bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::NamespaceFactory)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-CommonNS-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmyd9bfb76f15796a7eaac9987071ba8f87./SRPMS.pclosd & E\` j{   B@BABEBJCperl-XML-CompareML0.2.96pclos2017Generate the DTD for CompareMLno description found>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CGI)perl(Class::Accessor)perl(IO::Scalar)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXML::Common)perl(XML::LibXSLT)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.03.0.4-1perl-XML-CompareML-0.2.9-6pclos2017.src.rpmD911dab63e54960237e6d4e5078e86aae./SRPMS.pclosd & H  )B@>BAlBEpBJCperl-XML-Compile1.520.03pclos2017Handling of built-in facet checksMany (professional) applications process XML messages based on a formal specification, expressed in XML Schemas. XML::Compile translates between XML and Perl with the help of such schemas. Your Perl program only handles a tree of nested HASHes and ARRAYs, and does not need to understand namespaces and other general XML and schema nastiness. Three serious WARNINGS: * *bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO)perl(List::Util)perl(Log::Report)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Math::BigRat)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Compile::Tester)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(bignum)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Compile-1.520.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm%,480c465cf59583d928e73e8cfbc3631b./SRPMS.pclosd  + Jx| ]B@kBABEBJCperl-XML-Compile-Cache1.40.04pclos2017Cache compiled XML translatorsExtends XML::Compile::Schema/"DESCRIPTION".Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Log::Report)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Compile)perl(XML::Compile::Tester)perl(XML::LibXML::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Compile-Cache-1.40.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmJ2e1d5e34e058a25356001c72f34f656a./SRPMS.pclos+d  + Fhl v   B@BABEBJCperl-XML-Compile-SOAP3.180.03pclos2017Exchange XML-SOAP via HTTPThe SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) is designed for SOAP1.2, but also usable for SOAP1.1. It optimizes the transport of binary information (like images) which are part of the XML message: in stead of base64 encoding them adding 25% to the size of the data, these binaries are added as pure binary attachment to the SOAP message. In the official specification, the XML message will be created first with the base64 representation of the data in it. Only at transmission, a preprocessor XOP (XML-binary Optimized Packaging) extracts those components to be send separately. In Perl, we have to be more careful about performance. Therefore, the path via encoding to base64 and then decoding it back to binary in the sender (and the reverse process for the receiver) is avoided. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp::Tiny)perl(LWP)perl(Log::Report)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(XML::Compile)perl(XML::Compile::Cache)perl(XML::Compile::Tester)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - ]8< FW`tB@BA4BE8BJYCperl-XML-Compile-Tester0.900.09pclos2017Support XML::Compile related regression testingThe XML::Compile module suite has extensive regression testing. Probably, you want to do regression testing as well. This module provide functions which simplify writing tests for XML::Compile related distributions.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Log::Report)perl(Test::Deep)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"e940bfd62fa1c8303847d97342b6a0af./SRPMS.pclosd! , U B@BABEBJCperl-XML-Compile-WSDL113.50.03pclos2017Create SOAP messages defined by WSDL 1.1This module understands WSDL version 1.1. An WSDL file defines a set of messages to be send and received over (SOAP) connections. This involves encoding of the message to be send into XML, sending the message to the server, collect the answer, and finally decoding the XML to Perl. As end-user, you do not have to worry about the complex details of the messages and the way to exchange them: it's all simple Perl for you. Also, faults are handled automatically. The only complication you have to worry about is to shape a nested HASH structure to the sending message structure. XML::Compile::Schema/"Compilers" may help you. When the definitions are spread over multiple files you will need to use XML::Compile::WSDL11/"Extension" (wsdl) or XML::Compile::Schema/"Administration" (additional schema's) explicitly. Usually, interreferences between those files are broken. Often they reference over networks (you should never trust). So, on purpose you *must explicitly load* the files you need from local disk! (of course, it is simple to find one-liners as work-arounds, but I will to tell you how!)gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Log::Report)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Compile)perl(XML::Compile::Cache)perl(XML::Compile::SOAP11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! 6 hB@yBABEBJCperl-XML-DBMS1.0325pclos2017XML-DBMS perl moduleXML-DBMS is middleware for transferring data between XML documents and relational databases. It maps the XML document to the database according to an object-relational mapping in which element types are generally viewed as classes and attributes and PCDATA as properties of those classes. An XML-based mapping language allows the user to specify customize this mapping.jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-develperl-libxml-perlperl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXML::Common)perl-TimeDateperl(DBI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " ] fB@zBABEBJCperl-XML-DOM1.450.04pclos2017XML::DOM - build DOM Level 1 compliant document structuresThis is a Perl extension to XML::Parser. It adds a new 'Style' to XML::Parser, called 'Dom', that allows XML::Parser to build an Object Oriented datastructure with a DOM Level 1 compliant interface. However, there is a new DOM module, XML::GDOME which is under active development and significantly faster than XML::DOM, since it is based on the libgdome C library.Ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-XML-Parserperl-XML-RegExpperl-libwww-perlperl-libxml-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.300.073.0.4-1perl-XML-DOM-1.450.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm564f714fb8e15afc9ccdd60744eeccc8./SRPMS.pclosd ( [ "3<LB@BABEBJCperl-XML-DOM-XPath0.140.09pclos2017XPath support to XML::DOM, using XML::XPath engineXML::DOM::XPath allows you to use XML::XPath methods to query a DOM. This is often much easier than relying only on getElementsByTagName. It lets you use all of the XML::DOM methods.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-XML-XPathperl-XML-XPathEngineperl-XML-DOMrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.13-5mdk3.0.4-1perl-XML-DOM-XPath-0.140.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm8[68625bed92debc4e121544cc69f8b46a./SRPMS.pclosgd ! B <B@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-XML-DT0.680.04pclos2017A perl XML down translate moduleThe XML::DT module is a perl module that does XML down translation. Based on XML::LibXML, it is designed to perform simple and compact translation/processing of XML documents.wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::DTDParser)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(parent)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " ? B@BABEBJCperl-XML-DTD0.110.07pclos2017Parse and process an XML DTD XML::DTD is a Perl module for parsing XML DTDs. The following methods are provided. * *new* $dtd = new XML::DTD [ ($val) ];Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Error)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(URI::file)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-DTD-0.110.0-7pclos2017.src.rpmGfdb5186a9526a237a490c37a56a24c58./SRPMS.pclosd ' B  4B@<BAlBEpBJCperl-XML-DTDParser2.10.08pclos2017Quick and dirty DTD parserThis perl module parses a DTD file and creates a data structure containing info about all tags, their allowed parameters, children, parents, optionality etc. etc. etc.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-DTDParser-2.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm$93f92624041bc9e960971e71e5592a3e./SRPMS.pclosd % C  wB@BABEBJCperl-XML-Descent1.40.08pclos2017Recursive descent XML parsingThe conventional models for parsing XML are either DOM (a data structure representing the entire document tree is created) or SAX (callbacks are issued for each element in the XML). XML grammar is recursive - so it's nice to be able to write recursive parsers for it. XML::Descent allows such parsers to be created. Typically a new XML::Descent is created and handlers are defined for elements we're interested in@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::TokeParser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Descent-1.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmH"8ddee0aaf76c738d95efe9817ebe0b9e./SRPMS.pclos#d ) Lpt ~B@BABEBJCperl-XML-Driver-HTML0.60.08pclos2017SAX Driver for non wellformed HTMLXML::Driver::HTML is a SAX Driver for HTML. There is no need for the HTML input to be weel formed, as XML::Driver::HTML is generating its SAX events by walking a HTML::TreeBuilder object. The simplest kind of use, is a filter from HTML to XHTML using XML::Handler::YAWriter as a SAX Handler. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Driver-HTML-0.60.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm'e9677ab4931b1b5be880222eaabc9342./SRPMS.pclosgd % V B@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-XML-Dumper0.810.08pclos2017Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XMLPerl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML.Dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Compress::Zlib)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Dumper-0.810.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmJc86e76a460c04fae7ac8a9fac7687a30./SRPMS.pclos7d  3 B@BABEBJ)Cperl-XML-EP0.10.08pclos2017XML-EP perl moduleXML-EP attempts to follow the Cocoon ideas and principles, but in a Perl environment.7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-EP-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm>a79190ef212a1a9a8e5f737d84aa2922./SRPMS.pclosd " G /8 l A B@UBABEBJCperl-XML-Easy0.9.014pclos2017Basic manipulation of XML data nodesthe XML::Easy manpage is a collection of modules relating to the processing, parsing, and serialisation of XML data. It is oriented towards the use of XML to represent data for interchange purposes, rather than the use of XML as markup of principally textual data. It does not perform any schema processing, and does not interpret DTDs or any other kind of schema. It adheres strictly to the XML specification, in all its awkward details, except for the aforementioned DTDs. the XML::Easy manpage strictly separates the in-program manipulation of XML data from the processing of the textual form of XML. This shields the XML user from the inconvenient and obscure aspects of XML syntax. XML data nodes are mainly processed in a clean functional style, using the the XML::Easy::NodeBasics manpage module. In the (very likely) event that an application requires some more purpose-specific XML data processing facilities, they are readily built on top of the XML::Easy::NodeBasics manpage, retaining the abstraction from textual XML. When XML must be handled in textual form, for input and output, the the XML::Easy::Text manpage module supplies a parser and a serialiser. The interfaces here, too, are functional in nature.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Encode)perl(Exporter)perl(IO::File)perl(Module::Build)perl(Params::Classify)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Easy-0.9.0-14pclos2017.src.rpm&6e9fdcfc85f23fbf7f7a3d56f7f913b1./SRPMS.pclosd & >hl vB@BABEBJ Cperl-XML-EasyOBJ1.120.08pclos2017XML-EasyOBJ perl moduleXML-EasyOBJ - Easy XML object navigationMbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-EasyOBJ-1.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmS?59d616b7a102f089647383549e6fccd6./SRPMS.pclosd ( T  $0qB@{BABEBJCperl-XML-Elemental2.110.09pclos2017Simplistic and perlish handling of XML dataXML::Elemental is a SAX-based package for easily parsing XML documents into a more native and mostly object-oriented perl form. The development of this package grew out of the desire for something more object-oriented then XML::Simple and was more simplistic and perlish then the various standard XML API modules such as XML::DOM. Easier installation of modules was also a contributing factor. Original this package began as a style plugin to XML::Parser. That proved to be too limiting that it was expanded. With the release of version 2.0 the package was refactored to take advantage of any parser supporting SAX that includes the pure perl option that ships with XML::SAX.,jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(XML::SAX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Elemental-2.110.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm421efc8514136e13ea5c69c8e7dbbc5ea./SRPMS.pcloscd & R #, P  B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-XML-Encoding2.90.07pclos2017A perl module for parsing XML encoding mapsThis module, which is built as a subclass of XML::Parser, provides a parser for encoding map files, which are XML files. The file maps/encmap.dtd in the distribution describes the structure of these files. Calling a parse method returns the name of the encoding map (obtained from the name attribute of the root element). The contents of the map are processed through the callback functions push_prefix, pop_prefix, and range_set.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Parser)perl(fields)perl(integer)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)}23958e9973a5239da68da027cb4f3075./SRPMS.pclosd ' J NB@YBABEBJCperl-XML-Entities1.0.2004pclos2017Mapping of XML entities to UnicodeThis module deals with decoding of strings with XML character entities. Based upon the HTML::Entities module by Gisle AasTbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Entities-1.0.200-4pclos2017.src.rpm[[a3c68bed131602af6142c948b4e701a1./SRPMS.pclosd $ 5 (vB@BABEBJCperl-XML-Fast0.110.010pclos2017No summary foundThis module implements simple, state machine based, XML parser written in C. It could parse and recover some kind of broken XML's. If you need XML validator, use the XML::LibXML manpageXabb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Fast-0.110.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm_g562a376809e42eb145eb82b795ce4042./SRPMS.pclos?d # _ ,B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-XML-Feed0.530.03pclos2017Perl Module for Syndication feed parsing and auto-discoveryXML::Feed is a syndication feed parser for both RSS and Atom feeds. It also implements feed auto-discovery for finding feeds, given a URI. XML::Feed supports the following syndication feed formats: * RSS 0.91 * RSS 1.0 * RSS 2.0 * Atom The goal of XML::Feed is to provide a unified API for parsing and using the various syndication formats.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::ErrorHandler)perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Mail)perl(DateTime::Format::W3CDTF)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Feed::Find)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::TokeParser)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Pluggable)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(URI)perl(URI::Fetch)perl(XML::Atom)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::RSS)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.01.660.01.470.03.0.4-1perl-XML-Feed-0.530.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmb63c842cee513ba49bcdda9e8de46f59./SRPMS.pclossd % [ B@BA@BEDBJeCperl-XML-FeedPP0.430.08pclos2017Parse/write/merge/edit RSS/RDF/Atom syndication feeds'XML::FeedPP' is an all-purpose syndication utility that parses and publishes RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0 (RDF), Atom 0.3 and 1.0 feeds. It allows you to add new content, merge feeds, and convert among these various formats. It is a pure Perl implementation and does not require any other module except for XML::TreePP.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Test::More)perl(XML::TreePP)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.390.03.0.4-1perl-XML-FeedPP-0.430.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm a53b08b4dea2fb70b41c9971c153eb72./SRPMS.pclos[d$ / [ B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-XML-Filter-BufferText1.10.09pclos2017Filter to put all characters() in one eventThis is a very simple filter. One common cause of grief (and programmer error) is that XML parsers aren't required to provide character events in one chunk. They can, but are not forced to, and most don't. This filter does the trivial but oft-repeated task of putting all characters into a single event. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::SAX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm2e44a3a0c2dcd369c23550d834f953ea./SRPMS.pclosd" - x  MB@VBABEBJCperl-XML-Filter-DetectWS0.10.08pclos2017XML::Filter::DetectWS - a PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespaceThis a PerlSAX filter that detects which character data contains ignorable whitespace and optionally filters it.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-XML-Filter-SAXTrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Filter-DetectWS-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm!Qdf3c2b8f8b756bd172628665eb803f0c./SRPMS.pclosd ) qhl vB@BABEBJ Cperl-XML-Filter-SAXT0.10.09pclos2017XML::Filter::SAXT - replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlersSAXT is like the Unix 'tee' command in that it multiplexes the input stream to several output streams. In this case, the input stream is a PerlSAX event producer (like XML::Parser::PerlSAX) and the output streams are PerlSAX handlers or filters.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Filter-SAXT-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmb9981cdf5cb937de7f5d3b4790cf2097./SRPMS.pcloscd! , EPT ^oxB@BA0BE4BJUCperl-XML-Filter-XInclude1.0.03pclos2017XInclude as a SAX FilterThis module implements a simple SAX filter that provides XInclude support. It does _NOT_ support XPointer. XInclude is very simple, just include something like this in your XML document: "bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(XML::SAX)perl(XML::SAX::Writer)perl(URI)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Filter-XInclude-1.0.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm)8e12258ff512cbeb8ce4f49318ece397./SRPMS.pclosd ' ^ B@'BATBEXBJyCperl-XML-Generator1.40.08pclos2017A module to help in generating XML documents from perlXML-Generator is a module to help in generating XML documents or in producing DOM trees .dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Generator-1.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmj033c12a2dcf2052e57d943192c1999de./SRPMS.pclosd# . Ahl v5B@cBABEBJCperl-XML-Grammar-Fiction0.14.114pclos2017Line iterator baseXML::Grammar::Fiction is a CPAN distribution that facilitates writing prose fiction (= stories, novels, novellas, etc.). What it does is: * 1. Converting a well-formed plain text format to a specialized XML format. * 2. Converting the XML to DocBook/XML or directly to HTML for rendering.(mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Exception::Class)perl(Exporter)perl(File::Find)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(List::Util)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo)perl(MooX)perl(MooX::late)perl(Parse::RecDescent)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::XML::Ordered)perl(XML::GrammarBase::Role::RelaxNG)perl(XML::GrammarBase::Role::XSLT)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXSLT)perl(XML::SemanticDiff)perl(XML::Writer)perl(autodie)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)" - Zpt ~^B@wBABEBJCperl-XML-Grammar-Fortune0.60.04pclos2017Convert the FortunesXML grammar to plaintextno description found5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::String)perl(Module::Build::Compat)perl(MooX)perl(MooX::late)perl(Test::Differences)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::XML::Ordered)perl(Text::Format)perl(XML::GrammarBase::Role::RelaxNG)perl(XML::GrammarBase::Role::XSLT)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXSLT)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Grammar-Fortune-0.60.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm<7a94dca10fa38ed2c6bea424a303cd85./SRPMS.pclosd ) 4 K`d nKB@uBABEBJCperl-XML-Grammar-Fortune-Synd0.21.1006pclos2017Heap element class forno description foundx=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor)perl(DateTime::Format::W3CDTF)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Heap::Binary)perl(Heap::Elem::Ref)perl(List::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Feed)perl(XML::Grammar::Fortune)perl(XML::RSS)perl(YAML::XS)perl(autodie)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.50.6001.460.03.0.4-1perl-XML-Grammar-Fortune-Synd-0.21.100-6pclos2017.src.rpmA189c4528a0d63f7efcf6ac09e0b3a1a6./SRPMS.pclosWd'0 ; bx|    B@BA$BE(BJICperl-XML-Grammar-ProductsSyndication0.40.4005pclos2017An XML Grammar for ProductsSyndicationno description foundbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Class::Accessor)perl(File::Spec)perl(Imager)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::XML)perl(XML::Amazon)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXSLT)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.910.00.360.03.0.4-1perl-XML-Grammar-ProductsSyndication-0.40.400-5pclos2017.src.rpmNJ9ee18487406fd00061e6aab07066bc8f./SRPMS.pclosd * \@D N_h/B@=BApBEtBJCperl-XML-Grammar-Vered0.0.96pclos2017A vered by any other name will translate as sweetVered-XML is a custom (and incredibly ad-hoc) XML grammar, which was created for the ability to more easily write and maintain the “Perl Elements to Avoid” page over at the http://perl-begin.org/tutorials/bad-elements/ manpage . You may find it suitable, but chances are you won't. If you find it lacking in a certain respect, you can either send me a diff to the RNG and XSLT (and hopefully automated tests as well), or file a bug report and I'll see what I can do. Vered gets translated to DocBook 5/XML, and from there to other formats. “Vered” is the Hebrew word for “a rose”, and I came up with the name because I did not know what to call this format, and thought of “a rose by any other name will smell as sweet”.Rbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(autodie)perl(Module::Build)perl(MooX)perl(XML::GrammarBase::Role::RelaxNG)perl(XML::GrammarBase::Role::XSLT)perl(Test::XML::Ordered)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Grammar-Vered-0.0.9-6pclos2017.src.rpm6c7a05aac3c83a2a75212630fcc48cae./SRPMS.pclosd ( Sx| $B@QBABEBJCperl-XML-GrammarBase0.2.37pclos2017A parameterized role for an XSLT converterXML::GrammarBase aims to be a convenient framework for easily providing processors for XML grammars (such as those under the XML::Grammar namespace - the http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/projects/XML-Grammar/ manpage ). It provides roles and base classes for facilitating writing those.Pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(File::ShareDir)perl(File::Temp)perl(Module::Build)perl(Moo::Role)perl(MooX)perl(MooX::Role)perl(MooX::Types::MooseLike)perl(MooX::late)perl(Package::Variant)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::XML::Ordered)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXSLT)perl(autodie)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.02.1.7001.800.03.0.4-1perl-XML-GrammarBase-0.2.3-7pclos2017.src.rpmWe7da0aab9fc7b9459290fa6d381796a3./SRPMS.pclosd * e  *;DHdB@lBABEBJCperl-XML-Grove0.460.0alpha10pclos2017Provides the information set of parsed XML/HTML/SGML treesThe XML::Grove Perl module provides simple access to the information set of parsed XML, HTML, or SGML instances using a tree of Perl hashes. This package also includes several extensions to XML::Grove that provide the following: - returning element contents as a string - returning element contents as XML, HTML, or Canonical XML - processing entire groves using the visitor pattern - processing entire groves using PerlSAX - running a filter over all nodes in the grove - substituting values into an XML template grove - indexing a grove by ID or other attributes - accessing elements and objects via URL-like paths - create grove objects using an easy shorthandfbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Grove-0.460.0alpha-10pclos2017.src.rpmns36a9b1f5fb83240ed6e4dc12125ccbe2./SRPMS.pclosd$ / R  $,YB@fBABEBJCperl-XML-Handler-YAWriter0.230.08pclos2017XML::Handler::YAWriter perl moduleYAWriter implements Yet Another XML::Handler::Writer. The reasons for this one are that I needed a flexible escaping technique, and want some kind of pretty printing.V'bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-libxml-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)]c4add775e2e1c9fc3f55ab2af3684b63./SRPMS.pclos d $ =  #,h}B@BABEBJCperl-XML-LibXML2.01305pclos2024Perl Binding for libxml2This module implements much of the DOM Level 2 API as an interface to the Gnome libxml2 library. This makes it a fast and highly capable validating XML parser library, as well as a high performance DOM.hpinocDevelopment/Perlx86_64   perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::NamespaceSupport)perl(XML::SAX)perl(XML::SAX::Base)perl(XML::SAX::Exception)perl(base)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(vars)perl(warnings)perl-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)" - P $hB@rBABEBJCperl-XML-LibXML-Iterator1.40.08pclos2017XML::LibXML's Tree Iteration ClassXML::LibXML::Iterator is an iterator class for XML::LibXML parsed documents. This class allows to iterate the document tree as it were a linear data structure."Cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::NodeFilter)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-LibXML-Iterator-1.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm)C5bd5abfebcc844194d0a9a3901eef2ac./SRPMS.pclosCd! , V  $<B@BABEBJ5Cperl-XML-LibXML-Simple0.970.03pclos2017XML::LibXML clone of XML::Simple::XMLin()This module is a blunt rewrite of XML::Simple (by Grant McLean) to use the XML::LibXML parser for XML structures, where the original uses plain Perl or SAX parsers.^@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Slurp::Tiny)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::LibXML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.540.01.640.03.0.4-1perl-XML-LibXML-Simple-0.970.0-3pclos2017.src.rpme.6e159964edfb27520edb03822ccb68a6./SRPMS.pclosd & R    B@BABEBJCperl-XML-LibXSLT1.940.07pclos2017Perl interface to the gnome libxslt libraryThis module is a fast XSLT library, based on the Gnome libxslt engine.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(strict)perl(warnings)libgdbm-devellibxslt-develperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.700.03.0.4-1perl-XML-LibXSLT-1.940.0-7pclos2017.src.rpma441715581f5be1b92c24da3d8570dfe2./SRPMS.pclosd ' F DB@VBABEBJCperl-XML-MinWriter0.80.04pclos2017Perl extension for writing XMLXML::MinWriter is a module to write XML. It is largely compatible to XML::Writer, but XML::MinWriter does not perform checks whether the XML is well formed. There is also additional support for writing XML from a PYX data source (For example, both modules XML::TiePYX and XML::Reader can produce PYX which can then be fed into XML::MinWriter to generate XML).A0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(XML::Writer)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.300.03.0.4-1perl-XML-MinWriter-0.80.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmG;284bf086b40a93ccbaae52bcd5ebe6fd./SRPMS.pclosd # c$( 2CLPlB@tBABEBJCperl-XML-Mini1.380.08pclos2017Perl implementation of the XML::Mini XML create/parse interfaceXML::Mini is a set of Perl classes that allow you to access XML data and create valid XML output with a tree-based hierarchy of elements. The MiniXML API has both Perl and PHP implementations.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Mini-1.380.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmCb251413b1c60f379040f31e37e13244c./SRPMS.pclosd ' I :B@CBApBEtBJCperl-XML-Namespace0.20.08pclos2017Simple support for XML NamespacesThis module implements a simple object for representing XML Namespaces in Perl. It provides little more than some syntactic sugar for your Perl programs, saving you the bother of typing lots of long-winded URIs. It was inspired by the Class::RDF::NS module distributed as part of Class::RDF. Using XML::Namespace Objects First load the XML::Namespace module. use XML::Namespace;mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Namespace-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm6d8a643c0450ef91148d43e4cc777ef3./SRPMS.pclosd# . ^ ;B@IBABEBJCperl-XML-NamespaceFactory1.20.07pclos2017Simple factory objects for SAX namespaced namesSimply create a new XML::NamespaceFactory object with the namespace you wish to use as its single parameter. If you wish to use the empty namespace, simply pass in an empty string (but undef will not do). Then, when you want to get a JClark name, call a method on that object the name of which is the local name you wish to have. It'll return the JClark notation for that local name in your namespace. Unfortunately, some local names legal in XML are not legal in Perl. To circumvent this, you can use the hash notation in which you access a key on the object the name of which is the local name you wish to have. This will work just as the method call name but will accept more characters. Note that it does not check that the name you ask for is a valid XML name. This form is more general but slower.5bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(vars)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-NamespaceFactory-1.20.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm=a92574a710aa3bcf89e1f68d3b599adc./SRPMS.pclosd$ 0 U(, 6GPTpB@xBABEBJCperl-XML-NamespaceSupport1.110.010pclos2017XML-NamespaceSupport module for perlThis module offers a simple to process namespaced XML names (unames) from within any application that may need them. It also helps maintain a prefix to namespace URI map, and provides a number of basic checks.Vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.110.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm֒e0e29abab14d8d3af5b94d982539ef94./SRPMS.pclosd # b  (VB@_BABEBJCperl-XML-Node0.110.08pclos2017Node-based XML parsing: an simplified interface to XML::ParserUsing XML::Node, you can easily ignore the parts of XML files that you are not interested in, thus helping in simplify Perl scripts significantly."bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Node-0.110.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm(38bed1ae68e5d3956e6842a7334a2cf6./SRPMS.pclosGd ( D B@BABEBJ9Cperl-XML-NodeFilter0.10.08pclos2017XML::LibXML's utility classThis is a utility class used by XML::LibXML for parsing XML documents in perl.obb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-NodeFilter-0.10.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm"67efe6d7fdd1ac67a7112a44cd16d8a4./SRPMS.pclosd ) P -B@8BAhBElBJCperl-XML-OPML-LibXML0.30.07pclos2017Parse OPML document with LibXML parserXML::OPML::LibXML is an OPML parser written using XML::LibXML. This module is part of spin-off CPANization of Plagger plugins. For now, all this module does is just parsing an OPML document. The API is very simple and limited to low-level access, yet. *NOTE*: This module is not designed to be a drop-in replacement of XML::OPML.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::LibXML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-OPML-LibXML-0.30.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm 41f370b2bb4a0bf2106e8faf1bf8fa14./SRPMS.pclosd ! 5LP Zkt|B@BABEBJCperl-XML-PYX0.70.08pclos2017XML-PYX perl moduleXML-PYX perl modulebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-PYX-0.70.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmfd548747f8de2be7c1874899b0df6d5b./SRPMS.pclosd % M   x B@BABEBJCperl-XML-Parser2.470.01pclos2024A perl module for parsing XML documentsThis module provides ways to parse XML documents. It is built on top of XML::Parser::Expat, which is a lower level interface to James Clark's expat library. Each call to one of the parsing methods creates a new instance of XML::Parser::Expat which is then used to parse the document. Expat options may be provided when the XML::Parser object is created. These options are then passed on to the Expat object on each parse call. They can also be given as extra arguments to the parse methods, in which case they override options given at XML::Parser creation time.wDevelopment/Perlx86_64   chrpathperl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Test::More)perl(warnings)perl-develperl-libwww-perlpkgconfig(expat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)" - M04 >OXdB@BABEBJCperl-XML-Parser-EasyTree0.10.08pclos2017XML-Parser-EasyTree perl moduleXML-Parser-EasyTree - adds a new "built-in" style called "EasyTree" to XML::Parser. Like XML::Parser's "Tree" style, setting this style causes the parser to build a lightweight tree structure representing the XML document.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-develperl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * ^@D N_hpB@BABEBJCperl-XML-Parser-Lite0.721.04pclos2017Lightweight pure-perl XML Parser (based on regexps)This Perl implements an XML parser with a interface similar to XML::Parser. Though not all callbacks are supported, you should be able to use it in the same way you use XML::Parser. Due to using experimental regexp features it'll work only on Perl 5.6 and above and may behave differently on different platforms. Note that you cannot use regular expressions or split in callbacks. This is due to a limitation of perl's regular expression implementation (which is not re-entrant).-kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::Requires)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Parser-Lite-0.721.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm5O7417798456d1f884886b89f31bd0628f./SRPMS.pcloskd$ / L| B@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree0.140.09pclos2017Lightweight XML tree builderThis is a singleton class for parsing XML into a tree structure. How does this differ from other XML tree generators? By using XML::Parser::Lite, which is a pure perl XML parser. Using this module you can tree-ify simple XML without having to compile any C. Each node contains a "type" key, one of "root", "tag" and "data". "root" is the document root, and only contains an array ref "children". "tag" represents a normal tag, and contains an array ref "children", a hash ref "attributes" and a string "name". "data" nodes contain only a "content" string..0bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree-0.140.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm6,5b8d6358a9743d62c20c3cd3b96fa69d./SRPMS.pclosKd!( 3 Ldh rB@BABEBJ=Cperl-XML-Parser-Style-EasyTree0.90.09pclos2017Parse xml to simple treeno description foundubb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::Parser)perl(ex::lib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Parser-Style-EasyTree-0.90.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm{10c2eb9c7d0d6abfdd6a20bb8d768375./SRPMS.pclos+d  3TX bs|B@BABEBJCperl-XML-QL0.70.08pclos2017XML-QL perl moduleXML-QL - An XML query language.$Kbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::Parser)perl-libwww-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-QL-0.70.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm*0c21f2b8124a1bf766b7739766018a71./SRPMS.pclos+d " @    B@BABEBJCperl-XML-RSS1.590.03pclos2017Creates and updates RSS filesCreates and updates RSS files. This module supports versions 0.9, 0.91 and 1.0 of RSS.dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(DateTime::Format::Mail)perl(DateTime::Format::W3CDTF)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(Test::Manifest)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.900.  + O   F B@oBABEBJCperl-XML-RSS-LibXML0.310.5007pclos2017Represent A Non-Trivial RSS ElementXML::RSS::LibXML uses XML::LibXML (libxml2) for parsing RSS instead of XML::RSS' XML::Parser (expat), while trying to keep interface compatibility with XML::RSS. XML::RSS is an extremely handy tool, but it is unfortunately not exactly the most lean or efficient RSS parser, especially in a long-running process. So for a long time I had been using my own version of RSS parser to get the maximum speed and efficiency - this is the re-packaged version of that module, such that it adheres to the XML::RSS interface. Use this module when you have severe performance requirements working with RSS files.Fbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(CPAN::Meta::Prereqs)perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)perl(DateTime::Format::Mail)perl(DateTime::Format::W3CDTF)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Module::Build)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXML::XPathContext)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.360.00.380.01.660.03.0.4-1perl-XML-RSS-LibXML-0.310.500-7pclos2017.src.rpmNb8e1fa6b4b481f25b3f6cc9744cc49cf./SRPMS.pclosd ' @ QB@^BABEBJCperl-XML-RSS-Parser4.0.04pclos2017An object representing aXML::RSS::Parser is a lightweight liberal parser of RSS feeds. This parser is "liberal" in that it does not demand compliance of a specific RSS version and will attempt to gracefully handle tags it does not expect or understand. The parser's only requirements is that the file is well-formed XML and remotely resembles RSS. Roughly speaking, well formed XML with a 'channel' element as a direct sibling or the root tag and 'item' elements etc. There are a number of advantages to using this module then just using a standard parser-tree combination. There are a number of different RSS formats in use today. In very subtle ways these formats are not entirely compatible from one to another. XML::RSS::Parser makes a couple assumptions to "normalize" the parse tree into a more consistent form. For instance, it forces 'channel' and 'item' into a parent-child relationship. For more detail see the SPECIAL PROCESSING NOTES manpage. This module is leaner then the XML::RSS manpage -- the majority of code was for generating RSS files. It also provides a XPath-esque interface to the feed's tree.:"bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::ErrorHandler)perl(Class::XPath)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::Elemental)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-RSS-Parser-4.0.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmCW26c1e03d862661f73aaa90412c40ed26./SRPMS.pclos3d & T B@BABEBJ%Cperl-XML-RSSLite0.150.04pclos2017Lightweight, "relaxed" RSS and XML-ish parserLightweight, "relaxed" RSS and XML-ish parser.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-RSSLite-0.150.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm-92cc0ff6f8ec55fdce54518880912b14./SRPMS.pclos'd & >\` j{B@BABEBJCperl-XML-Records0.120.08pclos2017XML-Records perl moduleXML-Records - module for perlbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::TokeParser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Records-0.120.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm%214b8a2181f591a40717ec68ee240976./SRPMS.pclosd $ U$( 2CLTB@BABEBJCperl-XML-RegExp0.40.08pclos2017XML::RegExp - regular expressions for XML tokensThis package contains regular expressions for the following XML tokens: BaseChar, Ideographic, Letter, Digit, Extender, CombiningChar, NameChar, EntityRef, CharRef, Reference, Name, NmToken, and AttValue.sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-RegExp-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm#d8e77472cdf18e361b9f141d2ae6a5a2./SRPMS.pclos3d & C B@BABEBJ%Cperl-XML-Registry0.20.08pclos2017XML-Registry module for perlXML-Registry - module for loading and saving an XML registry.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Registry-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmeff72b7f3f54255471caa2dcf12d21387./SRPMS.pclosd # 6  B@BABEBJCperl-XML-SAX0.990.010pclos2017Simple API for XMLXML::SAX consists of several framework classes for using and building Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters, and drivers. It is designed around the need to be able to "plug in" different SAX parsers to an application without requiring programmer intervention. Those of you familiar with the DBI will be right at home. Some of the designs come from the Java JAXP specification (SAX part), only without the javaness.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(XML::NamespaceSupport)perl(XML::SAX::Base)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Ź74ee36627ce94c465f5fa59417d2db7a./SRPMS.pclosd & E %B@.BA\BE`BJCperl-XML-SAX-Base1.80.08pclos2017Exception classes for XML::SAXThis module has a very simple task - to be a base class for PerlSAX drivers and filters. It's default behaviour is to pass the input directly to the output unchanged. It can be useful to use this module as a base class so you don't have to, for example, implement the characters() callback. The main advantages that it provides are easy dispatching of events the right way (ie it takes care for you of checking that the handler has implemented that method, or has defined an AUTOLOAD), and the guarantee that filters will pass along events that they aren't implementing to handlers downstream that might nevertheless be interested in them.sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-SAX-Base-1.80.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmz81dafeedef9d365d9bc29d4788581dad./SRPMS.pclosd ( J \B@BABEBJCperl-XML-SAX-Expat0.510.07pclos2017SAX2 Driver for perl Expat ModuleAn implementation of a SAX2 driver sitting on top of Expat (XML::Parser).!jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(XML::NamespaceSupport)perl(XML::Parser)perl(XML::SAX)perl(XML::SAX::Base)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'800a748fa1d0240d51e3fc3f3361a2aa./SRPMS.pclosd!( 3  \B@fBABEBJCperl-XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental0.50.08pclos2017XML::SAX::Expat subclass for non-blocking parsing, with XML::Parser::ExpatNBXML::SAX::Expat subclass for non-blocking (incremental) parsing, with XML::Parser::ExpatNB .bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::SAX::Expat)perl(Test::Exception)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm71494089c1985c2149a1af86a2c1783b./SRPMS.pclosd * RPT ^ox  g B@~BABEBJCperl-XML-SAX-ExpatXS1.330.08pclos2017Perl SAX 2 XS extension to Expat parserXML::SAX::ExpatXS is a direct XS extension to Expat XML parser. It implements Perl SAX 2.1 interface. See http://perl-xml.sourceforge.net/perl- sax/ for Perl SAX API description. Any deviations from the Perl SAX 2.1 specification are considered as bugs.lbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(DynaLoader)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::File)perl(Test)perl(vars)perl(XML::SAX::Base)perl(XML::SAX)perl-develexpat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.963.0.4-1perl-XML-SAX-ExpatXS-1.330.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmnu13fd9e900fcc31e6c9587720b6a5122e./SRPMS.pclosd ) 5 ;B@FBAxBE|BJCperl-XML-SAX-Writer0.560.04pclos2017SAX2 WriterA new XML Writer was needed to match the SAX2 effort because quite naturally no existing writer understood SAX2. My first intention had been to start patching XML::Handler::YAWriter as it had previously been my favourite writer in the SAX1 world. However the more I patched it the more I realised that what I thought was going to be a simple patch (mostly adding a few event handlers and changing the attribute syntax) was turning out to be a rewrite due to various ideas I'd been collecting along the way. Besides, I couldn't find a way to elegantly make it work with SAX2 without breaking the SAX1 compatibility which people are probably still using. There are of course ways to do that, but most require user interaction which is something I wanted to avoid. So in the end there was a new writer. I think it's in fact better this way as it helps keep SAX1 and SAX2 separated.[bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Text::Iconv)perl(XML::Filter::BufferText)perl(XML::SAX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-SAX-Writer-0.560.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmcc9289febfa73f0d2b8c191e339553a7b./SRPMS.pclos;d  + W$( 2CL`B@BABE BJ-Cperl-XML-SemanticDiff1.0.4006pclos2017Default handler class for XML::SemanticDiffXML::SematicDiff provides a way to compare the contents and structure of two XML documents. By default, it returns a list of hashrefs where each hashref describes a single difference between the two docs.=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Encode)perl(Module::Build)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.390.03.0.4-1perl-XML-SemanticDiff-1.0.400-6pclos2017.src.rpm{39f0b6865170e38d483492998d0cf3bb./SRPMS.pclosd % Q PB@qBABEBJCperl-XML-Simple2.220.03pclos2017Easy API to maintain XML (esp config files)XML::Simple is a trivial perl API to manipulate XML.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::NamespaceSupport)perl(XML::SAX)perl(XML::SAX::Expat)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.;f1a620552a4f679403125280aafd8565./SRPMS.pclosd  +    hB@rBABEBJCperl-XML-SimpleObject0.530.05pclos2017Perl extension allowing a simple(r) object representation of an XML::LibXML DOM objectThis is a short and simple class allowing simple object access to a parsed XML::Parser tree, with methods for fetching children and attributes in as clean a manner as possible. My apologies for further polluting the XML:: space; this is a small and quick module, with easy and compact usage. See XML::SimpleObject::LibXML for the same interface for XML::LibXML.2Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-SimpleObject-0.530.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm9f145c74f472ca75edd2cfb98eec5d521./SRPMS.pclosd $ c -B@7BAdBEhBJCperl-XML-Smart1.780.08pclos2017A Smart, easy and powerful way to access/create XML files/dataThis module has an easy way to access/create XML data. It's based on the HASH tree that is made of the XML data, and enable a dynamic access to it with the Perl syntax for Hashe and Array, without needing to care if you have a Hashe or an Array in the tree. In other words, each point in the tree work as a Hash and an Array at the same time!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl-Object-MultiTyperpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Smart-1.780.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmd716c680d6aa108229b2dc6980aceb21./SRPMS.pclosd % < UB@`BABEBJCperl-XML-Stream1.240.05pclos2017XML-Stream perl moduleThis module provides you with access to XML Streams. An XML Stream is just that. A stream of XML over a connection between two computers.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl-Unicode-Stringperl-Authen-SASLrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Stream-1.240.0-5pclos2017.src.rpmG86cf91c3c9b24cab4925549ba765bf5e./SRPMS.pclosd ( LPT ^ox|B@BABEBJCperl-XML-TokeParser0.50.08pclos2017Simplified interface to XML::ParserThe XML::TokeParser perl module provides a procedural ("pull mode") interface to XML::Parser in much the same way that HTML::TokeParser provides a procedural interface to HTML::Parser. XML::TokeParser splits its XML input up into "tokens," each corresponding to an XML::Parser event. A token is a reference to an array whose first element is an event-type string and whose last element is the literal text of the XML input that generated the event, with intermediate elements varying according to the event type:0abb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-TokeParser-0.50.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm842a85086355c1c429c58ce2fad8274cc./SRPMS.pclosd * OX\ fw   B@BABEBJ Cperl-XML-TreeBuilder5.400.06pclos2017Build a tree of XML::Element objectsThis is just a subclass of HTML::Element. It works basically the same as HTML::Element, except that tagnames and attribute names aren't forced to lowercase, as they are in HTML::Element. the HTML::Element manpage describes everything you can do with this class.;dbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Devel::Cover)perl(HTML::Element)perl(HTML::Tagset)perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Perl::Critic)perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)perl(XML::Catalog)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % ` EB@WBABEBJCperl-XML-TreePP0.430.04pclos2017Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing XML documentsXML::TreePP module parses an XML document and expands it for a hash tree. This generates an XML document from a hash tree as the opposite way around. This is a pure Perl implementation and requires no modules depended. This can also fetch and parse an XML document from remote web server like the XMLHttpRequest object does at JavaScript language.jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.811.03.0.4-1perl-XML-TreePP-0.430.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmq17a7eb3da92dc05ec6d30fe07eebb45e./SRPMS.pclosd # ` LB@]BABEBJCperl-XML-Twig3.520.02pclos2017A perl module for processing huge XML documents in tree modeXML::Twig is a Perl module that subclasses XML-Parser to allow easy processing of XML documents of all sizes.=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$ / \| 6B@CBAxBE|BJCperl-XML-Validator-Schema1.100.08pclos2017Validate XML with a subset of W3C XML SchemaThis module allows you to validate XML documents against a W3C XML Schema. This module does not implement the full W3C XML Schema recommendation (http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema), but a useful subset. See the "SCHEMA SUPPORT" section below. *IMPORTANT NOTE*: To get line and column numbers in the error messages generated by this module you must install XML::Filter::ExceptionLocator and use XML::SAX::ExpatXS as your SAX parser. This module is much more useful if you can tell where your errors are, so using these modules is highly recommeded!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Test::More)perl(Tree::DAG_Node)perl(XML::Filter::BufferText)perl(XML::SAX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Validator-Schema-1.100.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm1126904ebb9cb9af5ab8cfd3a5175f07./SRPMS.pclosd % F *B@3BA`BEdBJCperl-XML-Writer0.625.06pclos2017Module for writing XML documentsXML::Writer is a simple Perl module for writing XML documents: it takes care of constructing markup and escaping data correctly, and by default, it also performs a significant amount of well-formedness checking on the output, to make certain (for example) that start and end tags match, that there is exactly one document element, and that there are not duplicate attribute names.ubb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-Writer-0.625.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm}16778f4d8606ce8098d220202a3e769b9./SRPMS.pclos7d! , M    B@BABEBJ)Cperl-XML-Writer-Simple0.120.04pclos2017module for writing XML documentsXML-Writer-Simple is a simple Perl module to write XML. It takes some ideas from CGI and applies them for the XML World.=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(XML::DT)perl(XML::DTDParser)perlperl-XML-Parserperl-XML-DTDParserperl-XML-DTrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.420. $ nlp zB@BABEBJ9Cperl-XML-XPath1.360.03pclos2017XML::XPath - a set of modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statementsThis module aims to comply exactly to the XPath specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath and yet allow extensions to be added in the form of functions. Modules such as XSLT and XPointer may need to do this as they support functionality beyond XPath. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Path::Tiny)perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-XPath-1.360.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmi37c834f423fda5c3cf00851e3e6ed243./SRPMS.pclosd * V,0 :KT`B@BABEBJ Cperl-XML-XPathEngine0.140.07pclos2017A re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like treesThis module provides an XPath engine, that can be re-used by other module/classes that implement trees. In order to use the XPath engine, nodes in the user module need to mimick DOM nodes. The degree of similitude between the user tree and a DOM dictates how much of the XPath features can be used. A module implementing all of the DOM should be able to use this module very easily (you might need to add the cmp method on nodes in order to get ordered result sets).kLbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-XPathEngine-0.140.0-7pclos2017.src.rpms18b1f727e1875e2223ba4214018e67dd./SRPMS.pclos?d + P $ .?H`B@BA BEBJ1Cperl-XML-XPathScript1.540.017pclos2017A Perl framework for XML stylesheetsXML-XPathScript is an XML templating language that has some concepts from ASP and some from XSLT. This makes for a very flexible option for transforming XML to HTML or text or just about any other format.Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(XML::XPath)perl(XML::LibXML)perl(Readonly)perl(Clone)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-XPathScript-1.540.0-17pclos2017.src.rpm0ac15f9d923b0d9565fbe7e759f8d52e./SRPMS.pclosd " P "3<PB@BABEBJCperl-XML-XQL0.680.09pclos2017XML::XQL - query XML tree structures with XQLThis is a Perl extension that allows you to perform XQL queries on XML object trees. Currently only the XML::DOM module is supported, but other implementations, like XML::Grove, may soon follow.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-XML-DOMperl(Date::Manip)perl-Parse-Yappperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.295.332.303.0.4-1perl-XML-XQL-0.680.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmud1dab93bdeb11342e5685eddcf6506ba./SRPMS.pclosd # Q $]B@gBABEBJCperl-XML-XSLT0.480.08pclos2017XML::XSLT - A perl module for processing XSLTThis module implements the W3C's XSLT specification. The goal is full implementation of this spec, but we have not yet achieved that. However, it already works well. See XML::XSLT Commands for the current status of each command. XML::XSLT makes use of XML::DOM and LWP::Simple, while XML::DOM uses XML::Parser. Therefore XML::Parser, XML::DOM and LWP::Simple have to be installed properly for XML::XSLT to run.Wbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-XML-Parserperl-XML-DOMrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-XSLT-0.480.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm^2562c56fd45c9d7ab8f67ee7c55b5b4a./SRPMS.pclosd  , T CB@UBABEBJCperl-XML-XUpdate-LibXML0.6.016pclos2017Simple implementation of XUpdate formatXML-XUpdate-LibXML module for perl Simple implementation of XUpdate format$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  libxml2-develperl-develperl(XML::LibXML)perl(XML::LibXML::XPathContext)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*d198cd4a40491dbfaad7fd50df81ea36./SRPMS.pclosOd % = B@BABE BJACperl-XML-miniXQL0.40.08pclos2017XML-miniXQL perl moduleThis module provides a simplistic XQL like search engine for XML files.2bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XML-miniXQL-0.40.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm84fb43472c2c0e3c3db8f0aa66fea1094./SRPMS.pclosd# . S  3B@<BApBEtBJCperl-XMLNews-HTMLTemplate0.10.04pclos2017A module for converting NITF to HTMLXMLNews-HTMLTemplate - module designed to create template-based HTML pages using news documents in XMLNews-Meta and XMLNews-Story format$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XMLNews-HTMLTemplate-0.10.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm+49dbf64e02a79da1369913717c522c43./SRPMS.pcloscd & ? B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-XMLNews-Meta0.10.04pclos2017XMLNews-Meta perl moduleXMLNews-Meta - module designed to read and write an XML-based news metadatabb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XMLNews-Meta-0.10.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmI0e3fd2faa44d41f82b4fde95bb340b14./SRPMS.pclosd & [@D N_hpB@BABEBJCperl-XMLRPC-Lite0.717.08pclos2017Client and server implementation of XML-RPC protocolXMLRPC::Lite is a Perl modules which provides a simple interface to the XML-RPC protocol both on client and server side. Based on SOAP::Lite module, it gives you access to all features and transports available in that module.,7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(SOAP::Lite)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XMLRPC-Lite-0.717.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm3F1c88a076bf8b70f9a997093c5a38cbe4./SRPMS.pclosd $ P VB@hBABEBJCperl-XSLoader0.160.015pclos2017Dynamically load C libraries into Perl codeThis module defines a standard simplified interface to the dynamic linking mechanisms available on many platforms. Its primary purpose is to implement cheap automatic dynamic loading of Perl modules. For a more complicated interface, see DynaLoader. Many (most) features of DynaLoader are not implemented in XSLoader, like for example the dl_load_flags, not honored by XSLoader.;bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.03.0.4-1perl-XSLoader-0.160.0-15pclos2017.src.rpm>08ab113bfca1b951957a1d5354ac39c2./SRPMS.pclosd   8 B@'BALBEPBJqCperl-XXX0.290.04pclos2017See Your Data in the NudeXXX.pm exports a function called XXX that you can put just about anywhere in your Perl code to make it die with a YAML dump of the arguments to its right. The charm of XXX-debugging is that it is easy to type, rarely requires parens and stands out visually so that you remember to remove it. XXX.pm also exports WWW, YYY and ZZZ which do similar debugging things.6bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(YAML)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-XXX-0.290.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm=e519b15f58c211c570ce95bcfec4f1c5b./SRPMS.pclosd   ? *B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cperl-YAML1.240.01pclos2017YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm)The YAML.pm module implements a YAML Loader and Dumper based on the YAML 1.0 specification. http://www.yaml.org/spec/ YAML is a generic data serialization language that is optimized for human readability. It can be used to express the data structures of most modern programming languages. (Including Perl!!!) For information on the YAML syntax, please refer to the YAML specification.Jbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-YAML-1.240.0-1pclos2017.src.rpmQ 749a4191b8b4a344c59f88e537d65a38./SRPMS.pclosd ( BTX bs|.B@<BAlBEpBJCperl-YAML-Accessor0.450.07pclos2017Sugary accessors for YAML'YAML::Accessor' aims to create a "gettr/settr" interface for YAML objects/files and allow the user to both manipulate their structure and to read and write from the (specified) file(s). It doesn't use the simple 'YAML::XS' call 'LoadFile' and this may seem unituitive for users of YAML::XS. The point is not to reinvent the YAML::XS manpage, but rather to create intuitive, easily-constructed objects with proper accessor/mutator methods. There are lots of things one could do with this; the obvious use case is a config file.!bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Class::Accessor)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Params::Validate)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(YAML::XS)perl(strictures)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-YAML-Accessor-0.450.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm)4de445d74e090d4a75d022342edb3761./SRPMS.pclosWd ) e  0  B@BA$BE(BJICperl-YAML-AppConfig0.190.06pclos2017Manage configuration files with YAML and variable referenceYAML::AppConfig extends the work done in Config::YAML and YAML::ConfigFile to allow more flexiable configuration files.U`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Storable)perl(Test::More)perl(YAML)perl(YAML::Syck)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-YAML-parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.380.03.0.4-1perl-YAML-AppConfig-0.190.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm\ 133399e54c9d2e7cb56321cf46d27a84./SRPMS.pclosd ' G  ,mB@wBABEBJCperl-YAML-LibYAML0.620.03pclos2017An XS Wrapper Module of libyamlKirill Siminov's 'libyaml' is arguably the best YAML implementation. The C library is written precisely to the YAML 1.1 specification. It was originally bound to Python and was later bound to Ruby. This module is a Perl XS binding to libyaml which offers Perl the best YAML support to date. This module exports the functions 'Dump' and 'Load'. These functions are intended to work exactly like 'YAML.pm''s corresponding functions.8bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.620.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm?a1d2088d3f3a2ad135938b7eea9eab94./SRPMS.pclosd # E  $B@BABEBJCperl-YAML-Perl0.20.08pclos2017Base Class of all YAML ComponentsPyYAML is the most robust and correct YAML module for a dynamic language. It is (obviously) written in/for Python. This module is a complete port of PyYAML to Perl.9cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Error)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Filter::Util::Call)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-YAML-Perl-0.20.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm@a2f7820675f14d5adbc3d15e93cd5d4f./SRPMS.pclosd $ M "3<HB@BABEBJCperl-YAML-Syck1.290.06pclos2017Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumperThis module provides a Perl interface to the libsyck data serialization library. It exports the Dump and Load functions for converting Perl data structures to YAML strings, and the other way around.>bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.03.0.4-1perl-YAML-Syck-1.290.0-6pclos2017.src.rpmPf1bf36d4c542173ead0ce809f7e38ddc./SRPMS.pclosd $ Z  +4B@7BAdBEhBJCperl-YAML-Tiny1.690.04pclos2017Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible*YAML::Tiny* is a perl class for reading and writing YAML-style files, written with as little code as possible, reducing load time and memory overhead. Most of the time it is accepted that Perl applications use a lot of memory and modules. The *::Tiny* family of modules is specifically intended to provide an ultralight and zero-dependency alternative to many more-thorough standard modules. This module is primarily for reading human-written files (like simple config files) and generating very simple human-readable files. Note that I said *human-readable* and not *geek-readable*. The sort of files that your average manager or secretary should be able to look at and make sense of. .bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B)perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Dir)perl(JSON::PP)perl(List::Util)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(vars)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.800. # f B@BADBEHBJiCperl-YAPE-Regex4.0.02pclos2017YAPE::Regex - Yet Another Parser/Extractor for Regular ExpressionsYet Another Parser/Extractor for Regular ExpressionsAbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-YAPE-Regex-4.0.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmH:6b24dcedcb52539eb59215d1f9d54dd5./SRPMS.pclosd # 7  *<DHdB@lBABEBJCperl-Youri-BTS0.1.114pclos2017Youri BTS interfaceYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This class provides an uniform view over various kind of bug-tracking systems.obb2 Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Youri-BTS-0.1.1-14pclos2017.src.rpm\6637a134f9f7bbc3886a2c7bac00962e./SRPMS.pclos7d & B $ .@H\B@BABEBJ)Cperl-Youri-Config0.2.110pclos2017Youri configuration handlerYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This package provides configuration handling for other youri programs.bb2 Development/Othernoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::Exception)perl(YAML::AppConfig)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Youri-Config-0.2.1-10pclos2017.src.rpm751ca84f9b4cd219080454aa55726595./SRPMS.pclosSd % : &8@\B@BA BE$BJECperl-Youri-Media0.2.114pclos2017Abstract media classYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This class provides an uniform view over various kind of packages set./bb2 Development/Othernoarch perl(LWP::Simple)perl(URPM)perl(Youri::Package)perl(Youri::Package::RPM::URPM)perl(version)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Youri-Media-0.2.1-14pclos2017.src.rpm ca1ce012db1df9e7579b76811abe515b./SRPMS.pclosd & = &8@ h  B@1BA`BEdBJCperl-Youri-Package0.2.49pclos2017Abstract package classYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This class provides an uniform view over various kind of packages.,bb2 Development/Othernoarch perl(Expect)perl(File::Which)perl(Test::Exception)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl(URPM)perl(RPM4)perl-versionperl(Youri::Package::RPM::Generator)gnupgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Youri-Package-0.2.4-9pclos2017.src.rpme7f98dbe82b33e59c91b021a432a6270./SRPMS.pclosd#) 4 Q<@ J\dB@BAPBETBJuCperl-Youri-Package-RPM-Generator0.1.39pclos2017Template-based rpm generatorYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This module generates rpm packages from a spec file template, for testing purposes.bb2 Development/Othernoarch perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::Harness)perl(Text::Template)perl(URPM)perl(File::Which)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Youri-Package-RPM-Generator-0.1.3-9pclos2017.src.rpm878a7abc26c3971d8ec6a49953ea8f53./SRPMS.pclosod!' 2 F    B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-Youri-Package-RPM-Updater0.6.28pclos2017Update RPM packagesYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This module updates rpm packages. When given an explicit new version, it updates the spec file, and downloads new sources automatically. When not given a new version, it just updates the spec file.:bb2 Development/Othernoarch  perl(DateTime)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Readonly)perl(SVN::Client)perl(Test::Exception)perl(YAML::AppConfig)perl(Youri::Package)perl(version)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) O48 BT\lB@BABEBJ!Cperl-Youri-Repository0.1.19pclos2017Packages repository abstraction layerYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This class provides an uniform view over various kind of packages repository."bb2 Development/Othernoarch perl(Youri::Package)perl-versionperl-UNIVERSAL-requirerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Youri-Repository-0.1.1-9pclos2017.src.rpm%Rdd85900aa52ae55d19dc541687b06bc7./SRPMS.pclosd % < $ .@HTB@BABEBJCperl-Youri-Utils0.2.113pclos2017Youri shared functionsYOURI stands for "Youri Offers an Upload & Repository Infrastucture". It aims to build tools making management of a coherent set of packages easier. This package provides basic utility functions used by other youri programs.2bb2 Development/Othernoarch perl(UNIVERSAL::require)perl-versionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-Youri-Utils-0.2.1-13pclos2017.src.rpmc656ab9d8e2ecd5c6c177fe0a1c6cd6a./SRPMS.pclosd $ P B@5BA`BEdBJCperl-accessors1.10.010pclos2017Create accessor methods in caller's packageThe accessors pragma lets you create simple accessors at compile-time.&bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),da23bdf2b308b4f77f7833d78451a549./SRPMS.pclosd ! O| ]B@BABEBJCperl-akefile0.80.04pclos2017Generate a Makefile.PL in your favorite styleSave a step when dealing with Perl modules.1bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Share)perl(File::ShareDir::Install)perl(IO::All)perl(Mo)perl(Template::Toolkit::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420. " F    B@BABEBJ!Cperl-aliased0.340.04pclos2017Use shorter versions of class names'aliased' is simple in concept but is a rather handy module. It loads the class you specify and exports into your namespace a subroutine that returns the class name. You can explicitly alias the class to another name or, if you prefer, you can do so implicitly. In the latter case, the name of the subroutine is the last part of the class name.}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B)perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Test::More)perl(if)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   KLP ZktB@BABEBJ)Cperl-any0.0.16pclos2017Use any modules in the list that are availableGiven a list of modules (see the first manpage for what arguments it can take, ignores '-croak') it attempts to load each one. The successful ones are in @any::module and the failed ones are in the $any::failed hashref which is the same as $first::failed bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(first)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-any-0.0.1-6pclos2017.src.rpm8674e3c2e6d9bbce6b7c40675e033835./SRPMS.pclosd   V 3B@TBAxBE|BJCperl-asa1.30.010pclos2017Lets your class/object say it works like something elsePerl 5 doesn't natively support Java-style interfaces, and it doesn't support Perl 6 style roles either. You can get both of these things in half a dozen different ways via various CPAN modules, but they usually require that you buy into "their way" of implementing your code. Other have turned to "duck typing".}bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(Test::More)perl(base)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.420.00.800.00.470.03.0.4-1perl-asa-1.30.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm)73842a22de90c82f848a5c0923727e1b./SRPMS.pclosd ' A 1B@<BAlBEpBJCperl-asterisk-perl1.30.08pclos2017Asterisk modules for perlperl-perl-asterisk-perl are modules for interfacing with the Asterisk open source pbx system.pbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Digest::MD5)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Socket)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-asterisk-perl-1.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmw3e603f2d25c74b252cd10a5441e51cd7./SRPMS.pclosd " ? PB@bBABEBJCperl-autobox2.830.06pclos2017Call methods on native typesThe autobox pragma allows methods to be called on integers, floats, strings, arrays, hashes, and code references in exactly the same manner as blessed references. The autoboxing is transparent: boxed values are not blessed into their (user-defined) implementation class (unless the method elects to bestow such a blessing) - they simply use its methods as though they are. The classes (packages) into which the native types are boxed are fully configurable. By default, a method invoked on a non-object is assumed to be defined in a class whose name corresponds to the 'ref()' type of that value - or SCALAR if the value is a non-reference./Wbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scope::Guard)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"2dee4d88054c2079a797388bcbc5f537./SRPMS.pclos3d ' u "3<PB@BABEBJ%Cperl-autobox-Core1.320.03pclos2017autobox::Core provides core functions to autoboxed scalars, arrays and hashesThe autobox module promotes Perl's primitive types (literals (strings and numbers), scalars, arrays and hashes) into first-class objects. However, autobox does not provide any methods for these new classes. autobox::CORE provides a set of methods for these new classes. It includes almost everything in perlfunc, some things from Scalar::Util and List::Util, and some Perl 5 versions of methods taken from Perl 6.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)perl(Want)perl(autobox)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.880.\1ecf1e54dccf381c8bc97aa7e3b590a9./SRPMS.pclos'd * P $ .?HXB@BABEBJCperl-autobox-Junctions0.1.07pclos2017Autoboxified junction-style operatorsThis is a simple autoboxifying wrapper around Syntax::Keyword::Junction, that provides array and array references with the functions provided by that package as methods for arrays: any, all, one, and none.WLbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(autobox)perl(Syntax::Keyword::Junction)perl(Test::CheckDeps)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-autobox-Junctions-0.1.0-7pclos2017.src.rpm^n1ee3057f49f6e90faea7bbea9a7bd922./SRPMS.pclosKd " J  hB@BABEBJ=Cperl-autodie2.290.04pclos2017Lexically have functions succeed or die'Fatal' provides a way to conveniently replace functions which normally return a false value when they fail with equivalents which raise exceptions if they are not successful. This lets you use these functions without having to test their return values explicitly on each call. Exceptions can be caught using 'eval{}'. See the perlfunc manpage and the perlvar manpage for details. The do-or-die equivalents are set up simply by calling Fatal's 'import' routine, passing it the names of the functions to be replaced. You may wrap both user-defined functions and overridable CORE operators (except 'exec', 'system', 'print', or any other built-in that cannot be expressed via prototypes) in this way. If the symbol ':void' appears in the import list, then functions named later in that import list raise an exception only when these are called in void context--that is, when their return values are ignored. For examplevbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B)perl(Carp)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Spec)perl(File::Temp)perl(FindBin)perl(IO::Handle)perl(POSIX)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Socket)perl(Test::More)perl(Tie::RefHash)perl(constant)perl(if)perl(lib)perl(overload)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)5.570.03.0.4-1perl-autodie-2.290.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmi95ea2e0a0405bc0e56f58f0436af1942./SRPMS.pclosd ! S  0rB@}BABEBJCperl-autouse1.80.04pclos2017Postpone load of modules until a function is usedIf the module 'Module' is already loaded, then the declaration use autouse 'Module' => qw(func1 func2($;$)); is equivalent to use Module qw(func1 func2); If the module Module is not loaded yet, then the above declaration declares functions func1() and func2() in the current package. When these functions are called, they load the package Module if needed, and substitute themselves with the correct definitions.7bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(Errno)perl(Exporter)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-autouse-1.80.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm>d71150afccc98596b1362893b0d69881./SRPMS.pclosd  + NTX bs|%B@4BAhBElBJCperl-autovivification0.160.03pclos2017Lexically disable autovivificationWhen profiling some the Test::More manpage-based test script that contained about 10 000 unit tests, I realized that 60% of the time was spent in the Test::Builder manpage itself, even though every single test actually involved a costly 'eval STRING'. This module aims to be a partial replacement to the Test::More manpage in those situations where you want to run a large number of simple tests. Its functions behave the same as their the Test::More manpage counterparts, except for the following differences : * *bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Config)perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POSIX)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-autovivification-0.160.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm915d3b68ccd1a45c7e044d74960c9602./SRPMS.pclos_d" . L  +4PB@BA,BE0BJQCperl-bareword-filehandles0.3.018pclos2017Disables bareword filehandlesThis module lexically disables the use of bareword filehandles with builtin functions, except for the special builitin filehandles 'STDIN', 'STDOUT', 'STDERR', 'ARGV', 'ARGVOUT' and 'DATA'.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(B::Hooks::OP::Check)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(Lexical::SealRequireHints)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-bareword-filehandles-0.3.0-18pclos2017.src.rpm$bd9cf5bc6add4bcb4be34f369e59ae87./SRPMS.pclosKd ! H ,B@BABEBJ=Cperl-bignum0.420.03pclos2017Transparent BigNumber support for PerlAll operators (including basic math operations) are overloaded. Integer and floating-point constants are created as proper BigInts or BigFloats, respectively.Xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Math::BigInt)perl(Math::BigRat)perl(Test::More)perl-Math-BigIntperl-Math-BigRatrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590.01.999.7120.120.00.620.01.870.203.0.4-1perl-bignum-0.420.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm3bbf1b36378d24aba63568e072f25e0b./SRPMS.pclos d " ;@D N_hpB@BABEBJCperl-boolean0.450.04pclos2017Boolean support for PerlMost programming languages have a native 'Boolean' data type. Perl does not. Perl has a simple and well known Truth System. The following scalar values are false: $false1 = undef; $false2 = 0; $false3 = 0.0; $false4 = ''; $false5 = '0';=bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-boolean-0.450.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmDed3d89e567b60cb7d208c274b1d45784./SRPMS.pclosd ( b B@ BAPBETBJuCperl-capitalization0.30.06pclos2017Perl module that allows no capitalization on method namescapitalization.pm allows you to use familiar style on method naming. cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-develperl-Devel-Symdumprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-capitalization-0.30.0-6pclos2017.src.rpm61b25cb3370df0af081946ede0383cb6./SRPMS.pclosd ' T $ZB@cBABEBJCperl-common-sense3.740.04pclos2017Save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense!This module implements some sane defaults for Perl programs, as defined by two typical (or not so typical - use your common sense) specimens of Perl coders.9bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-common-sense-3.740.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm@"f33aaf15155318c3091a1cf3eeed5877./SRPMS.pclosd # A (oB@yBABEBJCperl-constant1.330.04pclos2017Define compile-time constantsThis pragma allows you to declare constants at compile-time. When you declare a constant such as 'PI' using the method shown above, each machine your script runs upon can have as many digits of accuracy as it can use. Also, your program will be easier to read, more likely to be maintained (and maintained correctly), and far less likely to send a space probe to the wrong planet because nobody noticed the one equation in which you wrote '3.14195'. When a constant is used in an expression, Perl replaces it with its value at compile time, and may then optimize the expression further. In particular, any code in an 'if (CONSTANT)' block will be optimized away if the constant is false.:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-constant-1.330.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmC8040a6875f880f9586503751f8ba548a9./SRPMS.pclos'd ( H04 >LTdB@BABEBJCperl-constant-boolean0.023pclos2017Define TRUE and FALSE constantsDefines TRUE and FALSE constants in caller's namespace. You could use simple values like empty string or zero for false, or any non-empty and non- zero string value as true, but the TRUE and FALSE constants are more descriptive.;bb2 Development/Cnoarch perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Symbol::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-constant-boolean-0.02-3pclos2017.src.rpmC$1d3af69f7e57442d44a4d203e8c0f08a./SRPMS.pclos[d ' 8\` j{B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-constant-defer6.0.04pclos2017No summary found'constant::defer' creates a subroutine which on the first call runs given code to calculate its value, and on the second and subsequent calls just returns that value, like a constant. The value code is discarded once run, allowing it to be garbage collected. Deferring a calculation is good if it might take a lot of work or produce a big result, but is only needed sometimes or only well into a program run. If it's never needed then the value code never runs. A deferred constant is generally not inlined or folded (see the perlop/Constant Folding manpage) like a plain 'constant' since it's not a single scalar value. In the current implementation a deferred constant becomes a plain one after the first use, so may inline etc in code compiled after that (see the /IMPLEMENTATION manpage below).bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test)perl(lib)perl(vars)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-constant-defer-6.0.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm0a0f0f534f49cbbf609e3ac55e00808a./SRPMS.pclosd $ _  mB@xBABEBJCperl-criticism1.20.010pclos2017Perl pragma to enforce coding standards and best-practicesThis pragma enforces coding standards and promotes best-practices by running your file through Perl::Critic before every execution. In a production system, this usually isn't feasible because it adds a lot of overhead at start-up. If you have a separate development environment, you can effectively bypass the 'criticism' pragma by not installing Perl::Critic in the production environment. If Perl::Critic can't be loaded, then 'criticism' just fails silently. Alternatively, the 'perlcritic' command-line (which is distributed with Perl::Critic) can be used to analyze your files on-demand and has some additional configuration features. And Test::Perl::Critic provides a nice interface for analyzing files during the build process. If you'd like to try Perl::Critic without installing anything, there is a web-service available at the http://perlcritic.com manpage. The web-service does not yet support all the configuration features that are available in the native Perl::Critic API, but it should give you a good idea of what it does. You can also invoke the perlcritic web-service from the command line by doing an HTTP-post, such as one of these:C:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(IO::String)perl(Perl::Critic)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-criticism-1.20.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmLt85ee5ccbcc8a61019186f3a3c664f38b./SRPMS.pclosd   d .B@7BA\BE`BJCperl-curry1.0.03pclos2017Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or objectA Perl 5 distribution for creating automatic curried method call closures for any class or object. ybb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-curry-1.0.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm0fa5c243d4e7f29a371f470a40fa1084./SRPMS.pcloscd # F B@BA0BE4BJUCperl-data-trie0.10.09pclos2017An implementation of a letter trieThis module implements a letter trie data structure. This is a linked set of nodes representing a set of words. Starting from the root, each letter of an included word is a daughter node of the trie. Hence, if a word is in the trie, there will be a path from root to leaf for that word. If a word is not in the trie, there will be no such path. This structure allows for a relatively compact representation of a set of words. This particular implementation allows each word to be stored alone or with some associated data item. Note that the remove() method does not prune nodes and thus a Trie can only grow in size.cbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-data-trie-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm2277ac142ed68c3a3e00c04c9e655f71./SRPMS.pclosd! , R  +48TB@\BABEBJCperl-encoding-warnings0.110.09pclos2017Warn on implicit encoding conversionsThis perl pragma emits warnings whenever an ASCII character string containing high-bit bytes is implicitly converted into UTF-8. It is useful when working with mixed encoding strings.Bbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-encoding-warnings-0.110.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmIr202f6cf612bc42759c2fd0a473eff87f./SRPMS.pclosd   > eB@qBABEBJCperl-enum1.110.03pclos2017Resemble enumerated types in CDefines a set of symbolic constants with ordered numeric values ala *C* *enum* types. Now capable of creating creating ordered bitmask constants as well. See the *BITMASKS* section for details. What are they good for? Typical uses would be for giving mnemonic names to indexes of arrays. Such arrays might be a list of months, days, or a return value index from a function such as localtime():$bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Carp)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-enum-1.110.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm+w173920b802351e57adc11f05db437ba9./SRPMS.pclosd $ IHL VgpxB@BABEBJ Cperl-everywhere0.70.08pclos2017Use a module (or feature) everywhereI got tired of putting "use 5.010" at the top of every module. So now I can throw this in my toplevel program and not have to Repeat Myself elsewhere. In theory you should be able to pass it whatever you pass to use. Also, I just made it so you can do:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-everywhere-0.70.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmea676b91aec3c518da82389c59f43550./SRPMS.pcloswd " W  B@BADBEHBJiCperl-ex-lib0.900.010pclos2017The same as C, but makes relative path absoluteSsame as C, but makes relative path absoluteevbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl-develperl-PathToolsperl(lib::abs)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.900.03.0.4-1perl-ex-lib-0.900.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmkd644cb2d6e8d1ddbdad555612b6671af./SRPMS.pclosd & Fhl v  g B@BABEBJCperl-experimental0.16.04pclos2017Experimental features made easyExperimental features made easy.59bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(Module::Build::Tiny)perl(Test::More)perl(feature)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d9b521b353bfa47221e27ddb3abe1a14./SRPMS.pclos;d   F`d nB@BABE BJ-Cperl-first0.0.15pclos2017Use the first loadable module in a listTwo main circumstances I've encountered where this is useful is: * * when you have a list of modules that have the same interface but are more desirable for one reason or another like speed, portability, or availability. use first 'CGI::Simple', 'CGI::Minimal', 'CGI';bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(version)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-first-0.0.1-5pclos2017.src.rpmd2677da159bfffb658c58a75881a4665./SRPMS.pclosd   R 4PB@BABEBJCperl-forks0.360.04pclos2017Drop-in replacement for Perl threads using fork()The "forks" pragma allows a developer to use threads without having to have a threaded perl, or to even run 5.8.0 or higher.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Acme::Damn)perl(Attribute::Handlers)perl(Devel::Symdump)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(IO::Socket)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Storable)perl(Sys::SigAction)perl(Test::More)perl(Time::HiRes)perl(if)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # ^x|    B@BABEBJCperl-indirect0.360.04pclos2017Lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntaxWhen enabled, this pragma warns about indirect method calls that are present in your code. The indirect syntax is now considered harmful, since its parsing has many quirks and its use is error prone : when the subroutine 'foo' has not been declared in the current package, 'foo $x' actually compiles to '$x->foo', and 'foo { key => 1 }' to ''key'->foo(1)'. In the http://www.shadowcat.co.uk/blog/matt-s-trout/indirect-but-still-fatal manpage, Matt S. Trout gives an example of an undesirable indirect method call on a block that can cause a particularly bewildering error. This pragma currently does not warn for core functions ('print', 'say', 'exec' or 'system'). This may change in the future, or may be added as optional features that would be enabled by passing options to 'unimport'.Űbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(IO::Handle)perl(IO::Select)perl(IPC::Open3)perl(POSIX)perl(Socket)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(lib)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-indirect-0.360.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm81cb350fcf238c8180b9ac065d0b5d08./SRPMS.pclos[d  =pt ~B@BA(BE,BJMCperl-latest0.30.08pclos2017Use the latest Perl featuresThe line use latest; is roughly equivalent tobb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(version)perl(Module::Build)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-latest-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpmXe947695e30977a7aefd9e0342a44b0ec./SRPMS.pclosSd   5    B@BA BE$BJECperl-ldap0.650.04pclos2017Perl modules for ldapThe perl-ldap distribution is a collection of perl modules which provide an object-oriented interface to LDAP servers.xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Convert::ASN1)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Compare)perl(File::Path)perl(IO::File)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Test::More)perl(Text::Soundex)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  + S 0B@9BAlBEpBJCperl-lexical-underscore0.3.04pclos2017Access your caller's lexical underscoreStarting with Perl 5.10, it is possible to create a lexical version of the Perl default variable $_. Certain Perl constructs like the "given" keyword automatically use a lexical $_ rather than the global $_. It is occasionallly useful for a sub to be able to access its caller's $_ variable regardless of whether it was lexical or not. The "(_)" sub prototype is the official way to do so, however there are sometimes disadvantages to this; in particular it can only appear as the final required argument in a prototype, and there is no way of the sub differentiating between an explicitly passed argument and $_. This caused me problems with Scalar::Does, because I wanted to enable the "does" function to be called as either: does($thing, $role); does($role); # assumes $thing = $_ With "_" in the prototype, $_ was passed to the function at the end of its argument list; effectively "does($role, $thing)", making it impossible to tell which argument was the role. Enter "lexical::underscore" which allows you to access your caller's lexical $_ variable as easily as: ${lexical::underscore()} You can access lexical $_ further up the call stack using: ${lexical::underscore($level)} If you happen to ask for $_ at a level where no lexical $_ is available, you get the global $_ instead. This module does work on Perl 5.8 but as there is no lexical $_, always returns the global $_.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(PadWalker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-lexical-underscore-0.3.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmO10945d0af57f06f90e308d8d0705d551./SRPMS.pclosd " L EB@^BABEBJCperl-lib-abs0.930.07pclos2017Get pathname of current working directoryThe main reason of this library is transformate relative paths to absolute at the 'BEGIN' stage, and push transformed to '@INC'. Relative path basis is not the current working directory, but the location of file, where the statement is (caller file). When using common 'lib', relative paths stays relative to curernt working directory, use lib::abs '../lib';bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' Gx|   R B@iBABEBJCperl-libintl-perl1.240.05pclos2017A localization library for Perllibintl-perl is a library that supports message translation for Perl, written in pure Perl (version 5.004 or better). A faster C version is also built and installed if the system fulfills all requirements. Its interface is very similar to the gettext family of functions in C, and it uses the same file formats as GNU gettext, making it possible to use all tools available for gettext itself and to seamlessly integrate internationalized Perl code into mixed-language projects. An alternative library with a similar purpose is available as Locale::MakeText. IFbb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec)perl(version)db4-develgdbm-develgettext-develperl-devellocales-derpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.770.03.0.4-1perl-libintl-perl-1.240.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm79da66193e264ae7dfe96acd7504fb43./SRPMS.pclosd  I  $@B@yBABEBJCperl-libnet3.083pclos2017Perl clients for various network protocolsThis is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent programming interface (API) to the client side of various protocols used in the internet community.Gbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  coreutilsfindutilsmakeperlperl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl(Carp)perl(constant)perl(Errno)perl(Exporter)perl(Fcntl)perl(FileHandle)perl(IO::Select)perl(IO::Socket)perl(IO::Socket::IP)perl(POSIX)perl(Socket)perl(Symbol)perl(Time::Local)perl(IO::Socket::SSL)perl(Config)perl(Cwd)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::File)perl(Test::More)perl(IO::Socket::SSL::Utils)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.641.050.202.0162.0073.0.4-1perl-libnet-3.08-3pclos2017.src.rpm7d23f634c58012c6491e809a6770d4c8./SRPMS.pcloswd $ H (((B@BADBEHBJiCperl-libwww-perl6.3701pclos2019The World-Wide Web library for PerlThe libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent application programming interface (API) to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you to write WWW clients. The library also contain modules that are of more general use and even classes that help you implement simple HTTP servers.Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Meta::Requirements)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(Encode)perl(Encode::Locale)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Copy)perl(File::Listing)perl(File::Spec)perl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(HTML::Entities)perl(HTML::HeadParser)perl(HTTP::Cookies)perl(HTTP::Daemon)perl(HTTP::Date)perl(HTTP::Negotiate)perl(HTTP::Request)perl(HTTP::Request::Common)perl(HTTP::Response)perl(HTTP::Status)perl(IO::Select)perl(IO::Socket)perl(LWP::MediaTypes)perl(MIME::Base64)perl(Module::Metadata)perl(Net::FTP)perl(Net::HTTP)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Needs)perl(Test::RequiresInternet)perl(Try::Tiny)perl(URI)perl(URI::Escape)perl(WWW::RobotRules)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.120.6202. % Z<@ J[dlB@BABEBJCperl-libxml-perl0.80.09pclos2017Various perl modules and script for working with XMLThe libxml-perl perl module is a collection of smaller Perl modules, scripts, and documents for working with XML in Perl. libxml-perl software works in combination with XML::Parser, PerlSAX, XML::DOM, XML::Grove and others.Ebb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-libxml-perl-0.80.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmK482bde0a578c6acd7e4f40220bf94a09./SRPMS.pclos#d # ^`d nB@BABEBJCperl-local-lib2.0.192pclos2017create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIBThis module provides a quick, convenient way of bootstrapping a user-local Perl module library located within the user's home directory. It also constructs and prints out for the user the list of environment variables using the syntax appropriate for the user's current shell (as specified by the 'SHELL' environment variable), suitable for directly adding to one's shell configuration file. More generally, local::lib allows for the bootstrapping and usage of a directory containing Perl modules outside of Perl's '@INC'. This makes it easier to ship an application with an app-specific copy of a Perl module, or collection of modules. Useful in cases like when an upstream maintainer hasn't applied a patch to a module of theirs that you need for your application.\bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-local-lib-2.0.19-2pclos2017.src.rpm85d7bd46b6b70e0736d43b5ea1d5442d./SRPMS.pcloskd  Adh rB@BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-lvalue0.10.09pclos2017use lvalue subroutines with easeUse lvalue subroutines with ease.Q~bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::More)perl(ex::lib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-lvalue-0.10.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmW2791cc1df782fa7392bfbc20dd4f408d./SRPMS.pclosd   9 fB@rBABEBJCperl-macro0.60.09pclos2017Macro.pm compiler backendThe 'macro' pragma provides macros, a sort of inline functions, which is like C pre-processor's macro. The macros are very fast (about 200% faster than subroutines), but they have some limitations that C pre-processor's macros have, e.g. they cannot call 'return()' expectedly, although they seem anonymous subroutines. Try 'PERL_MACRO_DEBUG=2' if you want to know how this module works.vbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Filter::Util::Call)perl(PPI)perl(Test::Warn)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-macro-0.60.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm~zebbd8708d8c6fdf8cd7ed64a0949aa4e./SRPMS.pclosd   Z KB@eBABEBJCperl-mixin0.80.03pclos2017Mix-in inheritance, an alternative to multiple inheritanceThis module allows mix-in inheritance, an alternative to multiple inheritance.lbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Module::Build)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(base)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.360.00.400.03.0.4-1perl-mixin-0.80.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm3782c4adbf0bd78b6e080b25275d8d6d./SRPMS.pclosKd + T    B@BABEBJ=Cperl-multidimensional0.11.011pclos2017Disables multidmensional array emulationPerl's multidimensional array emultaion stems from the days before the language had references, but these days it mostly serves to bite you when you typo a hash slice by using the '$' sigil instead of '@'. This module lexically makes using multidmensional array emulation a fatal error at compile time.3bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(B::Hooks::OP::Check)perl(CPAN::Meta)perl(ExtUtils::Depends)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Lexical::SealRequireHints)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . Q    B@@BAtBExBJCperl-namespace-autoclean0.280.04pclos2017Keep imports out of your namespaceWhen you import a function into a Perl package, it will naturally also be available as a method. The 'namespace::autoclean' pragma will remove all imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle. Functions called in the package itself will still be bound by their name, but they won't show up as methods on your class or instances. This module is very similar to namespace::clean, except it will clean all imported functions, no matter if you imported them before or after you 'use'd the pagma. It will also not touch anything that looks like a method, according to 'Class::MOP::Class::get_method_list'.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B::Hooks::EndOfScope)perl(Class::MOP)perl(List::Util)perl(Moose::Role)perl(Sub::Identify)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::CheckDeps)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Requires)perl(namespace::clean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.800. * [ dB@BABEBJCperl-namespace-clean0.260.05pclos2017Keep imports and functions out of your namespaceWhen you define a function, or import one, into a Perl package, it will naturally also be available as a method. This does not per se cause problems, but it can complicate subclassing and, for example, plugin classes that are included via multiple inheritance by loading them as base classes. The 'namespace::clean' pragma will remove all previously declared or imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle. Functions called in the package itself will still be bound by their name, but they won't show up as methods on your class or instances.C`bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(B::Hooks::EndOfScope)perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Package::Stash)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( O  +4 h V B@jBABEBJCperl-namespace-sweep0.6.09pclos2017Sweep up imported subs in your classesBecause Perl methods are just regular subroutines, it's difficult to tell what's a method and what's just an imported function. As a result, imported functions can be called as methods on your objects. This pragma will delete imported functions from your class's symbol table, thereby ensuring that your interface is as you specified it. However, code inside your module will still be able to use the imported functions without any problems.8Mbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(B::Hooks::EndOfScope)perl(Carp)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(List::Util)perl(Package::Stash)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Sub::Identify)perl(Sub::Name)perl(Test::More)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-namespace-sweep-0.6.0-9pclos2017.src.rpm@06644723cf52a421d24b991f7aefbd93./SRPMS.pclosd   U 5B@@BAdBEhBJCperl-ogd0.30.08pclos2017Ordered global destruction of objects stored in globalsThis module adds ordered destruction of objects stored in global variables in LIFO order during global destruction. Ordered global destruction is only applicable to objects stored in non-lexical variables (even if they are in file scope). Apparently Perl destroys all objects stored file-level lexicals before the first END block is called.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(B)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Scalar::Util)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-ogd-0.30.0-8pclos2017.src.rpm& 5d427e4596add6a6d96f9dac548f58aa./SRPMS.pclosod " g  *;D h  B@BA<BE@BJaCperl-p5-Palm1.400.04pclos2017Modules for reading manipulating, and writing .pdb and .prc databaseThis is p5-Palm, a set of Perl 5 modules for reading, manipulating, and writing the .pdb and .prc database files used by PalmOS devices such as the PalmPilot and its successors.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Exporter)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(POSIX)perl(Palm::PDB)perl(Palm::Raw)perl(Test::More)perl(constant)perl(vars)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-p5-Palm-1.400.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmܧ678bfcfd6ddf7118730a036f95b221c7./SRPMS.pclosgd ! Apt ~B@ BA4BE8BJYCperl-pQuery0.230.04pclos2017A perl port of jQuery frameworkpQuery is a pragmatic attempt to port the jQuery JavaScript framework to Perl. It is pragmatic in the sense that it switches certain JavaScript idioms for Perl ones, in order to make the use of it concise. A primary goal of jQuery is to "Find things and do things, concisely". pQuery has the same goal.–bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)6.590. ! a8< FW`lB@BABEBJCperl-parent0.234.04pclos2017Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile timeAllows you to both load one or more modules, while setting up inheritance from those modules at the same time. Mostly similar in effect to package Baz; BEGIN { require Foo; require Bar; push @ISA, qw(Foo Bar); } By default, every base class needs to live in a file of its own. If you want to have a subclass and its parent class in the same file, you can tell C not to load any modules by using the C<-norequire> switch: sbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.400.03.0.4-1perl-parent-0.234.0-4pclos2017.src.rpm(dfe063e46a61cf5e011aed636435b7aa./SRPMS.pclosd # R AB@KBAtBExBJCperl-pcsc-perl1.4.141pclos2020Perl interface to the PC/SC smart card libraryThis package contains a Perl wrapper to the PC/SC smartcard library (pcsc-lite) from MUSCLE together with some small examples.ghostbunnyDevelopment/Perlx86_64 perl-devellibpcsclite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-pcsc-perl-1.4.14-1pclos2020.src.rpm1216eaca3feae56c95c3135783138bc2./SRPMS.pclosd $ M  qB@BABEBJCperl-podlators4.140.01pclos2020Convert POD data to formatted ASCII textPod::Man is a module to convert documentation in the POD format (the preferred language for documenting Perl) into *roff input using the man macro set. The resulting *roff code is suitable for display on a terminal using the nroff(1) manpage, normally via the man(1) manpage, or printing using the troff(1) manpage. It is conventionally invoked using the driver script *pod2man*, but it can also be used directly. As a derived class from Pod::Simple, Pod::Man supports the same methods and interfaces. See the Pod::Simple manpage for all the details. new() can take options, in the form of key/value pairs that control the behavior of the parser. See below for details.ADevelopment/Perlnoarch  perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Pod::Simple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & @  B@BADBEHBJiCperl-pragma-base2.150.09pclos2017Compile-time class fieldsUnless you are using the 'fields' pragma, consider this module discouraged in favor of the lighter-weight 'parent'. Allows you to both load one or more modules, while setting up inheritance from those modules at the same time. Roughly similar in effect to package Baz; BEGIN { require Foo; require Bar; push @ISA, qw(Foo Bar); }:bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-pragma-base-2.150.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmB\2f40606a70234b23e511ef3d1b329ed7./SRPMS.pclosd " c| #B@?BAhBElBJCperl-prefork1.40.010pclos2017Optimize module loading across forking and non-forking scenariosThe prefork pragma is intended to allow module writers to optimise module loading for both scenarios with as little additional code as possible. The prefork.pm is intended to serve as a central and optional marshalling point for state detection (are we running in procedural or pre-forking mode) and to act as a relatively light-weight module loader. Loaders and Forkers prefork is intended to be used in two different ways. The first is by a module that wants to indicate that another module should be loaded before forking. This is known as a "Loader". The other is a script or module that will be initiating the forking. It will tell prefork.pm that it is either going to fork, or is about to fork, and that the modules previously mentioned by the Loaders should be loaded immediately.xsbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Test::More)perl(File::Spec)perl(Scalar::Util)perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstallrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.470.821.100.493.0.4-1perl-prefork-1.40.0-10pclos2017.src.rpm)e7ff83138d4d30ef3920d4fb2958d275./SRPMS.pcloskd $ V B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cperl-recommended0.3.04pclos2017Load recommended modules on demand when availableThis module gathers a list of recommended modules and versions and provides means to check if they are available. It is a thin veneer around Module::Runtime. There are two major benefits over using Module::Runtime directly: * Self-documents recommended modules together with versions at the top of your code, while still loading them on demand elsewhere. * Dies if a recommended module exists but fails to compile, but doesn't die if the module is missing or the version is insufficient. This is not something that Module::Runtime offers in a single subroutine.>bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Module::Runtime)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-recommended-0.3.0-4pclos2017.src.rpmF410d0b3f5082e94896811208298be7a6./SRPMS.pclosd # D ZB@dBABEBJCperl-relative0.40.013pclos2017Load modules with relative namesThis module allows you to load modules using only parts of their name, relatively to the current module or to a given module. Module names are by default searched below the current module, but can be searched upper in the hierarchy using the '..::' syntax. In order to further loosen the namespace coupling, 'import' returns the full names of the loaded modules, making object-oriented code easier to write.bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(UNIVERSAL::require)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-relative-0.40.0-13pclos2017.src.rpm%P11b94791490a080280d30f22bdd48a4e./SRPMS.pclosd   R $ .?HPB@BABEBJCperl-rlib0.20.09pclos2017Manipulate @INC at compile time with relative pathsrlib works in the same way as lib, except that all paths in 'LIST' are treated as relative paths. If rlib is used from the 'main' package then the paths in 'LIST' are assumed to be relative to where the current script '$0' is located. This is done by using the FindBin package. If rlib is used from within any package other tha 'main' then the paths in 'LIST' are assumed to be relative to the root of the library where the file for that package was found. bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-rlib-0.20.0-9pclos2017.src.rpmf1569929634058adad4addf1f09187c8./SRPMS.pclosd * ]   V B@fBABEBJCperl-rpm-build-perl0.820.015pclos2017Perl compiler backend to extract Perl dependenciesB::PerlReq is a backend module for the Perl compiler that extracts dependencies from Perl source code, based on the internal compiled structure that Perl itself creates after parsing a program. The output of B::PerlReq is suitable for automatic dependency tracking (e.g. for RPM packaging).bb2 Development/Perlx86_64 perl(B)perl(Encode)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(O)perl(Safe)perl(Test::More)perl(Try::Tiny)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-rpm-build-perl-0.820.0-15pclos2017.src.rpmdb4caf85f3ec0f4aeba91b3ca894b218./SRPMS.pclosd # 4 B@BABEBJCperl-strictures2.0.23pclos2017No summary foundI've been writing the equivalent of this module at the top of my code for about a year now. I figured it was time to make it shorter. Things like the importer in 'use Moose' don't help me because they turn warnings on but don't make them fatal - which from my point of view is useless because I want an exception to tell me my code isn't warnings clean. Any time I see a warning from my code, that indicates a mistake.@bb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Test::More)perl(bareword::filehandles)perl(indirect)perl(multidimensional)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-strictures-2.0.2-3pclos2017.src.rpmHR3bb58e8ac6169102948df35547e10fa7./SRPMS.pclosd  :    B@BABEBJCperl-syntax0.4.09pclos2017Activate syntax extensionsThis module activates community provided syntax extensions to Perl. You pass it a feature name, and optionally a scalar with arguments, and the dispatching system will load and install the extension in your package. The import arguments are parsed with the Data::OptList manpage. There are no standardised options. Please consult the documentation for the specific syntax feature to find out about possible configuration options. The passed in feature names are simply transformed: 'function' becomes the Syntax::Feature::Function manpage and 'foo_bar' would become 'Syntax::Feature::FooBar'.4bb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(Carp)perl(Data::OptList)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(FindBin)perl(Test::More)perl(namespace::clean)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::testlib)perl(Hash::Util)perl(IO::File)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(overload)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-threads-2.20.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm5ca35ed458e930c49cc628b3e8b33fdc./SRPMS.pclosd ) d  +4 h A B@\BABEBJCperl-threads-shared1.480.05pclos2017Perl extension for sharing data structures between threadsBy default, variables are private to each thread, and each newly created thread gets a private copy of each existing variable. This module allows you to share variables across different threads (and pseudo-forks on Win32). It is used together with the the threads manpage module. This module supports the sharing of the following data types only: scalars and scalar refs, arrays and array refs, and hashes and hash refs.bb2 Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Carp)perl(Config)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(ExtUtils::testlib)perl(Scalar::Util)perl(Test)perl(Test::More)perl(XSLoader)perl(strict)perl(threads)perl(warnings)perl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.730.03.0.4-1perl-threads-shared-1.480.0-5pclos2017.src.rpm 201a760812172115dcb2e8cb3e95105d./SRPMS.pclosd " >  XB@BABEBJCperl-utf8-all0.17.03pclos2017Turn on Unicode - all of itthe utf8 manpage allows you to write your Perl encoded in UTF-8. That means UTF-8 strings, variable names, and regular expressions. 'utf8::all' goes further, and makes '@ARGV' encoded in UTF-8, and filehandles are opened with UTF-8 encoding turned on by default (including STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR), and charnames are imported so '\N{...}' sequences can be used to compile Unicode characters based on names. If you _don't_ want UTF-8 for a particular filehandle, you'll have to set 'binmode $filehandle'. The pragma is lexically-scoped, so you can do the following if you had some reason to: { use utf8::all; open my $out, '>', 'outfile'; my $utf8_str = 'føø bār'; print length $utf8_str, "\n"; # 7 print $out $utf8_str; # out as utf8 } open my $in, '<', 'outfile'; # in as raw my $text = do { local $/; <$in>}; print length $text, "\n"; # 10, not 7!bVbb2 Development/Perlnoarch perl(Dist::CheckConflicts)perl(Encode)perl(File::Find)perl(File::Temp)perl(Import::Into)perl(Module::Build)perl(PerlIO)perl(Test::Fatal)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::Warn)perl(autodie)perl(charnames)perl(open)perl(parent)perl(strict)perl(utf8)perl(version)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl-utf8-all-0.17.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmkB4c0bedfd47cb7127900bfb95fa46e53c./SRPMS.pclos7d ! 2`d nB@BABEBJ)Cperl_checker1.2.332pclos2017Verify Perl codeVarious verifying scripts created for DrakXbb2 Development/Perlx86_64 ocamlperl_checker-fake_packagesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perl_checker-1.2.33-2pclos2017.src.rpmG426e8a6e8b3efc958f6dc1823b888da5./SRPMS.pclosd   F  PB@)BAPBETBJuCperlbrew0.740.03pclos2017Manage perl installations in your $HOMEperlbrew is a program to automate the building and installation of perl in the users HOME. At the moment, it installs everything to '~/perl5/perlbrew', and requires you to tweak your PATH by including a bashrc/cshrc file it provides. You then can benefit from not having to run 'sudo' commands to install cpan modules because those are installed inside your HOME too. It's a completely separate perl environment.Qbb2 Development/Perlnoarch  perl(CPAN::Perl::Releases)perl(Capture::Tiny)perl(Devel::PatchPerl)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Temp)perl(IO::All)perl(Path::Class)perl(Pod::Parser)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Test::Exception)perl(Test::More)perl(Test::NoWarnings)perl(Test::Output)perl(Test::Simple)perl(Test::Spec)perl(local::lib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.940.   : B@BA,BE0BJQCperlindex1.606.010pclos2017English language stemmingThis routine applies the Porter Stemming Algorithm to its parameters, returning the stemmed words. It is derived from the C program "stemmer.c" as found in freewais and elsewhere, which contains these notes: Purpose: Implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm documented in: Porter, M.F., "An Algorithm For Suffix Stripping," Program 14 (3), July 1980, pp. 130-137. Provenance: Written by B. Frakes and C. Cox, 1986. I have re-interpreted areas that use Frakes and Cox's "WordSize" function. My version may misbehave on short words starting with "y", but I can't think of any examples.9xbb2 Development/Perlnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perlindex-1.606.0-10pclos2017.src.rpmAk8a62efb21bd49c96950d53c26b9e8c98./SRPMS.pclosd  # R 08@vB@BABEBJCperltidy20170521.0.02pclos2017Script which indents and reformats Perl scriptPerltidy is a Perl script which indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read. If you write Perl scripts, or spend much time reading them, you will probably find it useful.Lbb2 Development/Toolsnoarch perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1perltidy-20170521.0.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmee07c5d66e51ae0f3b1c1147a11d9e71./SRPMS.pclosd   ?TX (B@5BAXBE\BJ}Cpessulus2.16.02pclos2007Desktop lockdown editor for GNOMEpessulus is a lockdown editor for GNOME, written in python. pessulus enables administrators to set mandatory settings in GConf. The users can not change these settings. Use of pessulus can be useful on computers that are open to use by everyone, e.g. in an internet cafe.=Neverstopdreaming Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch python-develpygtk2.0-develgnome-pythonperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pessulus-2.16.0-2pclos2007.src.rpmEadaa04f6ca1734911f4fea5e5424706a./SRPMS.pclosd  & E  -7@D`B@hBABEBJCpgaccess0.99.0.200402195pclos2007A tcl/tk client for postgresqlA free graphical database management tool for PostgreSQL. PgAccess has been written by Constantin Teodorescu using Visual Tcl, the best tool for developing Tcl/Tk applications I've ever seen.Texstar Databasesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pgaccess-   =\ `jtB@ BA0BE4BJUCpgadmin31.22.22pclos2019Graphical client for PostgreSQLPostgreSQL graphical Tools.7vDatabasesx86_64 lib64wxgtku3.0-develpostgresql-develdesktop-file-utilspkgconfig(libxslt)imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pgadmin3-1.22.2-2pclos2019.src.rpmdc1bcb0b59051f63ab4b4fb8948ac068./SRPMS.pclosd   l p/B@=BA\BE`BJCpl.UTF-8pgl2.3.02pclos2015PeerGuardian - a privacy oriented firewall applicationBlokowanie agresywnych IP podczas korzystania z P2PPeerGuardian is a privacy oriented firewall application. t blocks connections to and from hosts specified in huge blocklists (thousands or millions of IP ranges). Its origin seeds in targeting aggressive IPs while you use P2P.PeerGuardian jest aplikacją utrzymującą prywatność p2p. Blokuje połączenia do i z hostów określonych w listach blocklist (tysiące lub miliony zakresy adresów IP). Aplikacka przeznaczona do blokowania agresywnych IP podczas korzystania z P2P.oNetworking/Otherx86_64 lib64dbus-1-devellib64netfilter_queue-devellib64nfnetlink-devellib64qt4-develzlib1-develpolkit-qt-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pgl-2.3.0-2pclos2015.src.rpmwfeaf2fc89f228f4ecb3518a970f71f2a./SRPMS.pclosd    !(0[B@dBABEBJCpglinux1.50.beta.2pclos2007PeerGuardian helps protect your privacy by blocking many ranges of aggressive IPs while you use P2P.PeerGuardian helps protect your privacy by blocking many ranges of aggressive IPs while you use P2P. Nthac Networking/File transferi586 iptables-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pglinux-1.5-0.beta.2pclos2007.src.rpm Y42008a5ab7e81267538d4ab89b3e7064./SRPMS.pcloscd  4 B@BA0BE4BJUCpgrpm0.1.91pclos2010RPM binding for postgresqlThis contribution to postgres provides functions and operators to allow sorting and checking strings version like rpm does.7Databasesi586 postgresql-develrpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pgrpm-0.1.9-1pclos2010.src.rpm>1b1a04ebd33dc4a077076fc5e60c14d6./SRPMS.pclosd   R  0sB@BABEBJCphasex0.10.11pclos2007PHASEX -- Phase Harmonic Advanced Synthesis EXperimentPHASEX is an experimental JACK audio / ALSA MIDI softsynth for Linux with a synth engine built around flexible phase modulation and flexible oscillator/LFO sourcing. Modulations include AM, FM, offset PM, and wave select. PHASEX comes equipped with a 12db/octave filter with two distortion curves, a stereo crossover delay and chorus with phaser, ADSR envelopes for amplifier and filter, realtime audio input processing capabilities, and more. B@NBAlBEpBJCphodav2.51pclos2021A WebDAV server using libsoupphởdav is a WebDAV server implementation using libsoup (RFC 4918).System/Serversx86_64 pkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(avahi-gobject)mesonintltoolasciidocgtk-docxmltorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phodav-2.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm^5ad84cd38f5813ad7871c27456b4a153./SRPMS.pclosd ! X ,B@5BA\BE`BJCphoenix-emu2.8.JAG1pclos20213DO, Coleco Vision, Sega Game Gear and Jaguar emulator 3DO, Coleco Vision, Sega Game Gear and Jaguar emulator. Requires a BIOS images for each console.+&Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phoenix-emu-2.8.JAG-1pclos2021.src.rpm+75369dbc76a90df98da18d358a81e061./SRPMS.pclosd   4\ `w%B@:BA\BE`BJCphonon4.12.02pclos2024KDE Multimedia FrameworkPhonon is the KDE Multimedia Framework.Y Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  imagemagickkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1phonon-4.12.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmf1a7f43a25895cfe680aa282bbe8849a./SRPMS.pclosd $ A` djt  J B@[BABEBJCphonon-gstreamer4.9.04pclos2019GStreamer backend for PhononGStreamer backend for Phonon.9Soundx86_64 automoc4cmakekde4-macrosmesa-develphonon-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phonon-gstreamer-4.9.0-4pclos2019.src.rpm9f9d11cc2e6c39fb5d671efdcf433fe9e./SRPMS.pclosd   5` d{B@BABEBJCphonon4.10.32pclos2020KDE5 Multimedia FrameworkPhonon is the KDE Multimedia Framework.BGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kde4-macrosautomocimagemagickkf5-macroscmakelib64glib2.0-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64qt4-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phonon-qt4-4.10.3-2pclos2020.src.rpm=.fb84dee708361959e2a1aa2dca52e364./SRPMS.pclosod   6 B@BA<BE@BJaCphonon-vlc0.12.01pclos2024VLC backend for PhononThis package allows Phonon (the KDE media library) to use VLC for audio and video playback.!Videox86_64   cmakepkgconfig(libvlc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ' S $B@,BA\BE`BJCphoronix-test-suite4.8.01pclos2013An Automated, Open-Source Testing FrameworkThe Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for the Linux operating system. This software is designed to effectively carry out both qualitative and quantitative benchmarks in a clean, reproducible, and easy-to-use manner. The Phoronix Test Suite consists of a lightweight processing core (pts-core) with each benchmark consisting of an XML-based profile with related resource scripts. The process from the benchmark installation to the actual benchmarking, to the parsing of important hardware and software components is heavily automated and completely repeatable, asking users only for confirmation of actions.ӧMonitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phoronix-test-suite-4.8.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm459ce6639707698cc0fc67406ff8adce./SRPMS.pclosd  - (B@2BATBEXBJyCphoto0.8.1.21pclos2012Qt Graphic ViewerA fast, simple, good looking, yet powerfull and highly configureable image viewer. The fourth release of Photo! This new release brings mainly two big improvements: zooming and a new menu. >> Zooming: Pictures can now be zoomed in/out. There are several ways you can zoom: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel up/down, shortcuts, and from the new menu. >> The new menu: I didn't really like the menu button in the previous version (and I think nobody really did). That's why I replaced it now with a nicely animated menu. The menu appears when you move your mouse cursor to the top of the screen, slightly to the right. In the settings you can adjust the sensitivity of this area.NealGraphicsi586 libqt4-devellibexiv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photo-  M B@$BALBEPBJqCphotocollage1.4.42pclos2022Graphical tool to make photo collage postersPhotoCollage allows you to create photo collage posters. It assembles the input photographs it is given to generate a big poster. Photos are automatically arranged to fill the whole poster, then you can change the final layout, dimensions, border or swap photos in the generated grid. Eventually the final poster image can be saved in any size.hTerryNGraphicsnoarch python3-develgettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photocollage-1.4.4-2pclos2022.src.rpm43e8046bdf7595d202da50c41b87c5d2./SRPMS.pclosd % f   <B@DBAlBEpBJCdephotofilmstrip3.0.23pclos2019PhotoFilmStrip creates moviesPhotoFilmStrip erstellt VideoclipsPhotoFilmStrip creates movies out of your pictures in just 3 steps. First select your photos, customize the motion path and render the video. There are several output possibilities for VCD, SVCD, DVD up to FULL-HD.PhotoFilmStrip erstellt Videoclips aus Bildern in nur 3 Schritten. Bilder auswählen, Bewegungspfad bestimmen und Video erzeugen. Es stehen Ausgabeformate für VCD, SVCD, DVD und FULL-HD zur Verfügung.#Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photofilmstrip-3.0.2-3pclos2019.src.rpm*>284baad4567306fa8fc9cf74ba76b838./SRPMS.pclosd   g {B@BABEBJCphotoflare1.6.91pclos2021Quick, simple but powerful Qt-based image editor inspired by PhotoFiltreQuick, simple but powerful Qt-based image editor inspired by PhotoFiltrebGraphicsx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photoflare-1.6.9-1pclos2021.src.rpmSb13aac0870571cf30fb2b2ff868fcc0f./SRPMS.pclosOd   6 LB@BABE BJACphotoflow0.1.52pclos2018Photo retouching programThe aim of the project is to provide a fully non-destructive photo retouching program that includes a complete workflow from RAW image development to high-quality printing.fGraphicsx86_64 cmakelib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64exiv2-devellib64fftw-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64lcms2-devellib64lensfun-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64tiff-develvips-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photoflow-0.1.5-2pclos2018.src.rpml6cf551ed59ed16f09f878bd31d5218c5./SRPMS.pclos?d   : B@BA BEBJ1Cphotopc3.051pclos2007Digital camera image downloaderThis is a library and a command-line frontend to manipulate digital still cameras based on Fujitsu chipset and Sierra Imaging firmware. The program is known to work with Agfa, Epson, Olympus, Sanyo and Nikon (at least CoolPix 900, but not CoolPix 600!) cameras. The cameras typically come with software for Windows and for Mac, and no description of the protocol. With this tool, they are manageable from a UNIX box. Bruce D. Lightner has added support for Win32 and DOS platforms. Note that the program does not have any GUI, it is plain command-line even on Windows.Texstar Graphicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photopc-3.05-1pclos2007.src.rpm*10493f8fffdb45206128f594e9bfefdc./SRPMS.pclosd ( ,0 ;FP t  B@BALBEPBJqCdephotoprint0.4.20.pre2.3pclos2020Photo Print - Prints photos in various layouts and with color managementPhoto Print - Druckt Bilder in verschiedenen Vorlagen mit Farbverwaltung.Photo Print is a utility for printing images via Gutenprint (a rebranding of Gimp-Print for the latest version). It supports different printing layouts, as one picture per page, several pictures (scaled to equal size) per page, a poster of one picture put together of several sheets, or several pictures combined to one round picture for a CD back. Image frames (Templates in /usr/share/photoprint/borders/) and color management (Profiling instructions in /usr/share/photoprint/ProfilingKit/ProfilingKit.html) are also supported. Photo Print can be used as GUI tool and also as command line tool in batch mode. Works nicely as an image editor in GQ-View.Photo Print ist ein Dienstprogramm für das Drucken von Bildern über Gutenprint (ein Rebranding von Gimp-Print für die neueste Version). Es unterstützt verschiedene Druck-Vorlagen, wie ein Bild pro Seite, mehrere Bilder (skaliert auf gleiche Größe) pro Seite, ein Poster von einem Bild zusammengesetzt aus mehreren Seiten, oder mehrere Bilder kombiniert zu einem runden Bild für eine CD-Hintergrund. Bildrahmen (Vorlagen in /usr/share/photoprint/borders/) und Farbverwaltung (Profil Anweisungen in/usr/share/photoprint/ProfilingKit/ProfilingKit.html) werden auch unterstützt. Photo Print kann als GUI-Werkzeug als auch Kommandozeilen- Werkzeug im Stabelverarbeitungs-Modus. Arbeitet schön als ein Bild-Editor in GQ-View.IghostbunnyPublishingx86_64 lib64lcms-devellibtiff-devellibjpeg-devellibnetpbm-devellibcups-devellib64gutenprint2-devellibgtk+2.0-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photoprint-0.4.2-0.pre2.3pclos2020.src.rpm!yh0301e5979cdffa71886e05c9f512daf6./SRPMS.pclosd   0 B@BABEBJCphotoqt3.01pclos2023A fast Qt image viewerPhotoQt is a simple, yet powerful and good looking image viewer, written in Qt, published as open-source, and completely free.-2Graphicsx86_64 qtmultimedia5pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(poppler-qt5)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(GraphicsMagick++)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libraw)pkgconfig(IL)pkgconfig(pugixml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1photoqt-3.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm-;c2c7fdca583eed5f0a8ce56406e69e7b./SRPMS.pclosd   = FB@QBAxBE|BJCphototonic2.1.661pclos2020An image viewer and organizerPhototonic is an image viewer and organizer with the following features: * Light weight with a smooth and clear user interface * Does not depend on any desktop environment * Supports several customized thumbnail layouts * Load thumbnails and browse images recursively * Dynamic thumbnails loading, enabling fast browsing of very large folders * Filter thumbnails * Image navigation and file management * Slide show * View random image * Transformation: rotation, flipping, cropping, image mirroring * Adjust image colors * Keep transformations zoom and colors while browsing multiple images * Extensive automatic and manual zoom options * Supported image formats: BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, MNG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM, SVG, SVGZ, TGA, TIFF, XBM, XPM * Supports GIF animations * Keyboard shortcuts and mouse behavior customization * Load image files or folders from command line * Open images with external applications8Graphicsx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64exiv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phototonic-2.1.66-1pclos2020.src.rpmA344fe93eab263a780666a85de5f7f195./SRPMS.pclos#d   2` dt|9`99B@BABEBJCphp7.4.21pclos2020The PHP scripting languagePHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. PHP offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled script with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts.c!Development/PHPx86_64 apache-develautoconfautomakelibtoolbisonmercurialpythonbyaccbzip2-develc-client-develpkgconfig(libcurl)db-develelfutils-develpkgconfig(enchant-2)fileflexfreetds-develfreetype2-develgdbm-develgettext-develgmp-develgpm-develicu-devellemonpkgconfig(libjpeg)libldap-develpkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libsasl2)libtool-develpkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(xpm)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libzip)mbfl-develmysql-develpkgconfig(ncurses)net-snmp-develnet-snmp-mibsopensslpkgconfig(openssl)pam-develpkgconfig(libpcre2-posix)postgresql-develre2creadline-develpkgconfig(libedit)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(libsodium)lib64tidy-html-develunixODBC-develxmlrpc-epi-devellib64fbclient-devellib64oniguruma-devellib64gd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-7.4.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm3x3523dd4425d1bd4044343e88668c3eba./SRPMS.pclosd   F $,8iB@sBABEBJCphp-apcu4.0.101pclos2017The apcu (APC User Cache) module for PHPAPCu is userland caching: APC stripped of opcode caching in preparation for the deployment of Zend OPcache as the primary solution to opcode caching in future versions of PHP. APCu has a revised and simplified codebase, by the time the PECL release is available, every part of APCu being used will have received review and where necessary or appropriate, changes. Simplifying and documenting the API of APCu completely removes the barrier to maintenance and development of APCu in the future, and additionally allows us to make optimizations not possible previously because of APC's inherent complexity. APCu only supports userland caching (and dumping) of variables, providing an upgrade path for the future. When O+ takes over, many will be tempted to use 3rd party solutions to userland caching, possibly even distributed solutions; this would be a grave error. The tried and tested APC codebase provides far superior support for local storage of PHP variables.FDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-develpcre-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-apcu-4.0.10-1pclos2017.src.rpm0118628968d42b2ba1b2c1a395885cde./SRPMS.pclosgd   3 B@BA4BE8BJYCphp-apm2.0.51pclos2017Alternative PHP MonitorMonitoring extension for PHP, collects error events and store them in a local SQLite database.zDevelopment/PHPx86_64  sqlite3-develmysql-develphp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  % > B@BABEBJ)Cphp-bbcode1.0.30.0.b1.1pclos2017BBCode parsing ExtensionThis is a quick and efficient BBCode Parsing Library. It provides various tag types, high speed one pass parsing, callback system, tag position restriction. It will force closing BBCode tags in the good order, and closing terminating tags at the end of the string this is in order to ensure HTML Validity in all case.Development/PHPx86_64  php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   /T XhpxB@BABEBJCphp-bitset2.0.12.1pclos2017BITSET librarySets of bits manipuliting library.PDevelopment/PHPx86_64  php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! l  B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cphp-braille0.1.14.1pclos2017Functions to control a braille display (and keyboard), based on libbrailleFunctions to control a braille display (and keyboard), based on libbraille.!Development/PHPx86_64  php-develfilelibbraille-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   0 B@ BA,BE0BJQCphp-dav1.24.1pclos2017A PHP WebDAV for PHPThe PHP WebDAV extension allows easy access to remote resources with PHP through the DAV protocol.Development/PHPx86_64  php-devellibneon-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   A B@ BA0BE4BJUCphp-dio0.0.72.1pclos2017Direct I/O extension module for PHPPHP supports the direct io functions as described in the Posix Standard (Section 6) for performing I/O functions at a lower level than the C-Language stream I/O functions (fopen(), fread(),..). The use of the DIO functions should be considered only when direct control of a device is needed. In all other cases, the standard filesystem functions are more than adequate.RDevelopment/PHPx86_64  php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ) P  B@BALBEPBJqCphp-doublemetaphone1.0.12.1pclos2017Provide Double Metaphone functionalityThe Double Metaphone algorithm by Lawrence Philips allows a word to be broken down into its phonemes.-Development/PHPx86_64  php-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   =, 0@HTB@BABEBJCphp-event2.0.11pclos2017Event Scheduling Engine for PHPThis is an extension to efficiently schedule IO, time and signal based events using the best available IO notification mechanism for your system. This is a port of libevent to the PHP infrastructure; the API is similar but not identical.;Development/PHPx86_64  php-devellib64event-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*099ec5b39690416cf78e483402c20650./SRPMS.pclosd   ?$ (8@L|B@BABEBJCphp-fam5.0.15.1pclos2017File Alteration Monitor FunctionsFAM monitors files and directories, notifying interested applications of changes. A PHP script may specify a list of files for FAM to monitor using the functions provided by this extension. The FAM process is started when the first connection from any application to it is opened. It exits after all connections to it have been closed. This PHP module adds support for FAM (File Alteration Monitor). FAM monitors files and directories, notifying interested applications of changes.ODevelopment/PHPx86_64  php-develfam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % A B@BABEBJCphp-gd-bundled5.4.353.1pclos2017GD extension module for PHPThis is a dynamic shared object (DSO) for PHP that will add GD support, allowing you to create and manipulate images with PHP using the gd library. PHP is not limited to creating just HTML output. It can also be used to create and manipulate image files in a variety of different image formats, including gif, png, jpg, wbmp, and xpm. Even more convenient, PHP can output image streams directly to a browser. You will need to compile PHP with the GD library of image functions for this to work. GD and PHP may also require other libraries, depending on which image formats you want to work with. You can use the image functions in PHP to get the size of JPEG, GIF, PNG, SWF, TIFF and JPEG2000 images. This package is built against the bundled gd library that comes with the php source. Currently it has some additional features, but I expect the extra features to be merged upstream into the "official" libgd very soon. qDevelopment/PHPx86_64  php-develX11-develfreetype2-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-devellibxpm-develt1lib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   1   (4_B@nBABEBJCphp-gender1.1.02.1pclos2017Gender ExtensionGender PHP extension is a port of the gender.c program originally written by Joerg Michael. The main purpose is to find out the gender of first names. The actual database contains >40000 first names from 54 countries.$Development/PHPx86_64  php-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Цe6835d2e13f77db502ecb21bc24e2ffc./SRPMS.pclosd   C$ (8@L~B@BABEBJCphp-geoip1.1.02.1pclos2017Map IP address to geographic placesThis PHP extension allows you to find the location of an IP address - City, State, Country, Longitude, Latitude, and other information as all, such as ISP and connection type. For more info, please visit Maxmind's website.84Development/PHPx86_64  php-develGeoIP-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  " =4 8HPTpB@xBABEBJCphp-geshi1. Syntax HighlighterGeneric Syntax Highlighter for PHP. Used to highlight almost any code for the web. Nearly 100 supported languages: PHP, HTML, C and more. Styles can be changed on the fly and CSS classes can be used to reduce the amount of XHTML compliant output.e86e6aac4037973b4d6a1027cff835ef./SRPMS.pclosd # <D HX`hB@BABEBJCphp-htscanner1.0.12.1pclos2017Htaccess support for PHPAllow one to use htaccess-like file to configure PHP per directory, just like apache's htaccess. It is especially useful with fastcgi. This package was originally developed by Bart Vanbrabant. Old versions are available from: http://files.zoeloelip.be/htscanner/Development/PHPx86_64  php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M B@BA@BEDBJeCphp-id30.24.1pclos2017Functions to read and write ID3 tags in MP3 filesid3 enables to to retrieve and update information from ID3 tags in MP3 files. It supports version 1.0 and version 1.1.RDevelopment/PHPx86_64  php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % [@D N^htB@BABEBJCphp-imagick3.4.00.RC6.6pclos2017Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library for PHPImagick is a native php extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API. imagick is a native php-extension. See the examples in the /usr/share/doc/php-imagick/examples directory for some hints on how to use it.bb2 Development/PHPx86_64  php-devellib64magick-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! P  B@BA<BE@BJaCphp-inclued0.1.32.1pclos2017Clued-in about your inclueds extension for phpAllows you trace through and dump the hierarchy of file inclusions and class inheritance at runtime.OiDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-inclued-0.1.3-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm<4d4719d2efb66face06c005e89334ec6./SRPMS.pclosd & Q` du|B@BABEBJCphp-jpgraph3.5.00.b1.3.1pclos2017An OO graph drawing class library for PHP5JpGraph is a OO Graph drawing library for PHP 5.0.x and above. Highlights of the available features are: text, linear, and log scales for both the X and Y axes, anti-aliasing of lines, color-gradient fills, support for GIF, JPG, and PNG formats, support for two Y axes, spider plots (a.k.a Web plots), pie-charts, lineplots, filled line plots, impulse plots, bar plots, and error plots, support for multiple plot types in one graph, intelligent autoscaling. Extensive documentations are available at: http://jpgraph.net/doc/Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-jpgraph-3.5.0-0.b1.3.1pclos2017.src.rpmC24282c5045ba850e9d65fcc24dae1936./SRPMS.pclosWd $ a B@BA$BE(BJICphp-layersmenu3.2.04.1pclos2017Hierarchical menu system to prepare "on the fly" DHTML menusPHP Layers Menu is a hierarchical menu system to prepare "on the fly" DHTML menus relying on the PHP scripting engine for the processing of data items. It is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), either Version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. It supports a wide range of browsers: Mozilla, Konqueror, Netscape, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer; rather old browser versions are supported, too; accessibility is provided for text-only browsers. It achieves a compact layout and a compact output code also for menus with a large number of entries. It provides horizontal and vertical layers-based menus whose behavior is analogous to menus of commonly used GUI-based applications. It also provides JavaScript-based tree menus, whose look is analogous to the most widely used file managers and bookmark handling tools.D5Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-layersmenu-3.2.0-4.1pclos2017.src.rpmLa9a711ed4302b6b97c54de723aea052e./SRPMS.pclosd   44 8HP\B@BABEBJCphp-mcal0.64.1pclos2017The MCAL module for PHPThis is a dynamic shared object (DSO) that adds MCAL support to PHP. MCAL stands for Modular Calendar Access Library. Libmcal is a C library for accessing calendars. It's written to be very modular, with pluggable drivers. MCAL is the calendar equivalent of the IMAP module for mailboxes. With mcal support, a calendar stream can be opened much like the mailbox stream with the IMAP support. Calendars can be local file stores, remote ICAP servers, or other formats that are supported by the mcal library. Calendar events can be pulled up, queried, and stored. There is also support for calendar triggers (alarms) and recurring events. With libmcal, central calendar servers can be accessed, removing the need for any specific database or local file programming.(Development/PHPx86_64 php-devellibmcal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-mcal-0.6-4.1pclos2017.src.rpm/87eda2933a5981e24ed0a21f998b19201./SRPMS.pclosKd   6 B@BABEBJ=Cphp-mongo1.6.122.1pclos2017Mongo Database DriverThis package provides an interface for communicating with the Mongo database in PHP.7rDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-develapache-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-mongo-1.6.12-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm=hb2caa196911813949d1739a39280b7ca./SRPMS.pclossd ! F  B@BA@BEDBJeCphp-oggvorbis0.24.1pclos2017PHP OGG wrapper for OGG/Vorbis filesfopen wrapper for OGG/Vorbis files. Decompress OGG data to PCM audio and vice-versa.#Development/PHPx86_64 oggvorbis-devellibogg-develphp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-oggvorbis-0.2-4.1pclos2017.src.rpm(3db46f7455bcf527f8cd6e6f6f545009./SRPMS.pclosd   5< @PXhB@BABEBJCphp-pam1.0.33.1pclos2017PAM integration for PHPThis extension provides PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) integration. PAM is a system of libraries that handle the authentication tasks of applications and services. The library provides a stable API for applications to defer to for authentication tasks.!Development/PHPx86_64 php-develpam-develdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-pam-1.0.3-3.1pclos2017.src.rpm&gdb01893f6cf00b3e3743d282a74fb720./SRPMS.pclosd $ OL PblpB@BABEBJCphp-phpmailer5.2.143.1pclos2017Full featured email transfer class for PHPPHP email transport class featuring multiple file attachments, SMTP servers, CCs, BCCs, HTML messages, and word wrap, and more. It can send email via sendmail, PHP mail(), or with SMTP. Methods are based on the popular AspEmail active server component.Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-phpmailer-5.2.14-3.1pclos2017.src.rpmLa247876bc5074cf1ec4c24012c202a31./SRPMS.pclosd # \  $0_B@iBABEBJCphp-proctitle0.1.22.1pclos2017Allows setting the current process name on Linux and BSDThis extension allows changing the current process' name on Linux and *BSD systems. This is useful when using pcntl_fork() to identify running processes in process listzDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-develdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-proctitle-0.1.2-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm>e17ee51bb1136bd834b50dc0cb259311./SRPMS.pclosWd   > B@BA$BE(BJICphp-radius1.3.02.1pclos2017Radius client library for PHPThis package is based on the libradius of FreeBSD, with some modifications and extensions. This PECL provides full support for RADIUS authentication (RFC 2865) and RADIUS accounting (RFC 2866), works on Unix and on Windows. Its an easy way to authenticate your users against the user-database of your OS (for example against Windows Active-Directory via IAS).aDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-radius-1.3.0-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm{b253853423d503a5fe8c0bc25e784e16./SRPMS.pclosd   3  08DxB@BABEBJCphp-sasl0.1.04.1pclos2017Cyrus SASL ExtensionSASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (as defined by RFC 2222). It provides a system for adding plugable authenticating support to connection-based protocols. The SASL Extension for PHP makes the Cyrus SASL library functions available to PHP. It aims to provide a 1-to-1 wrapper around the SASL library to provide the greatest amount of implementation flexibility. To that end, it is possible to build both a client-side and server-side SASL implementation entirely in PHP.(aDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-devellibsasl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-sasl-0.1.0-4.1pclos2017.src.rpm+8233fc9e99524a0f07bd1945936aa07f./SRPMS.pclos[d  ! C B@BA(BE,BJMCphp-smarty3.1.213.1pclos2017The compiling PHP template engineSmarty is a template engine for PHP. More specifically, it facilitates a manageable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. This is best described in a situation where the application programmer and the template designer play different roles, or in most cases are not the same person. For example, let's say you are creating a web page that is displaying a newspaper article. - The article headline, tagline, author and body are content elements, they contain no information about how they will be presented. They are passed into Smarty by the application, - then the template designer edits the templates and uses a combination of HTML tags and template tags to format the presentation of these elements (HTML tables, background colors, font sizes, style sheets, etc.) - One day the programmer needs to change the way the article content is retrieved (a change in application logic.) This change does not affect the template designer, the content will still arrive in the template exactly the same. - Likewise, if the template designer wants to completely redesign the templates, this requires no changes to the application logic. - Therefore, the programmer can make changes to the application logic without the need to restructure templates, and the template designer can make changes to templates without breaking application logic. ZDevelopment/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-smarty-3.1.21-3.1pclos2017.src.rpm 2984e9f51ef065d6710f3ad17a10ec79./SRPMS.pclosd   B  (uB@BABEBJCphp-ssh20.122.1pclos2017PHP bindings for the libssh2 libraryProvides bindings to the libssh2 library which provide access to resources (shell, remote exec, tunneling, file transfer) on a remote machine using a secure cryptographic transport.paDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-developenssl-develzlib-devellibssh2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-ssh2-0.12-2.1pclos2017.src.rpmtN2f33449f314da0b668b3170171c9ceff./SRPMS.pclos/d " C| B@BABEBJ!Cphp-suhosin0.9.382.1pclos2017Suhosin extension module for PHPSuhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations. It was designed to protect servers and users from known and unknown flaws in PHP applications and the PHP core. Suhosin is binary compatible to normal PHP installation, which means it is compatible to 3rd party binary extension like ZendOptimizer.Development/PHPx86_64  php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % e B@&BATBEXBJyCphp-timezonedb2016.12.1pclos2017Timezone Database to be used with PHP's date and time functionsThis extension is a drop-in replacement for the builtin timezone database that comes with PHP. You should only install this extension in case you need to get a later version of the timezone database than the one that ships with PHP. The data that this extension uses comes from the "Olson" database, which is located at ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/.]Development/PHPx86_64  php-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Q *B@8BA`BEdBJCphp-translit0.6.22pclos2019Transliterates non-latin character sets to latinThis extension allows you to transliterate text in non-latin characters (such as Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek etc) to latin characters. Besides the transliteration the extension also contains filters to upper- and lowercase latin, cyrillic and greek, and perform special forms of transliteration such as converting ligatures such as the Norwegian "æ" to "ae" and normalizing punctuation and spacing.}qDevelopment/PHPx86_64  php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d # [ B@BA(BE,BJMCphp-txforward1.0.72.1pclos2017Reverse Proxy (web accelerator) PHP compatibility layerMakes reverse-proxing (web accelerator) totally invisible for php applications. Doesn't require php code modifications to handle X-Forwarded-For IP. * Stills allows proxy-aware applications to work with X-Forwarded headers and proxy IP address. * Should work with any web server * Should work with any proxy server%Development/PHPx86_64 php-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-txforward-1.0.7-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm39d5e8f3aadc99e773bafab356a333b4./SRPMS.pclos7d * Ct xB@BABEBJ)Cphp-uploadprogress1. extensionAn extension to track progress of a file upload.)Development/PHPx86_64 php-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-uploadprogress-   =$ (8@PB@BABEBJCphp-uuid1.0.32.1pclos2017UUID support functions for phpThis extension provides functions to generate and analyse universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). It depends on the external libuuid. This library is available on most linux systems, its source is bundled with the ext2fs tools.Development/PHPx86_64 php-devellibext2fs-devellibuuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-uuid-1.0.3-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm$5b49125c8c8345f12cf0e7607a5677af./SRPMS.pclosd   h /B@9BA`BEdBJCphp-vld0.13.02.1pclos2017Provides functionality to dump the internal representation of PHP scriptsThe Vulcan Logic Disassembler hooks into the Zend Engine and dumps all the opcodes (execution units) of a script.KDevelopment/PHPx86_64 php-develfilerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-vld-0.13.0-2.1pclos2017.src.rpmP1316841b755779516546b4fd52cbbf0c./SRPMS.pclosWd   S B@BA$BE(BJICphp-xattr1.3.02.1pclos2017Provides a interface to Extended attributes for PHPThis package allows to manipulate extended attributes on filesystems that support them.$|Development/PHPx86_64 php-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1php-xattr-1.3.0-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm*dbbb72642069b97cb125d5fe008af811./SRPMS.pclosd   O  $(DB@LBApBEtBJCphpmyadmin4.9.21pclos2019Handles the administration of MySQL over the webphpMyAdmin is intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the web. Currently it can : create and drop databases, create, copy, drop and alter tables, delete, edit and add fields, execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries, manage keys on fields, load text files into tables, create and read dumps of tables, export data to CSV value, administer multiple servers and single databases. Menu entry -> Configuration -> phpMyAdmin]System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phpmyadmin-4.9.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm]063296bc60c9672f84a005eeb50bddadd./SRPMS.pcloskd   A B@BA8BE<BJ]Cphpseclib2.0.12.1pclos2017PHP Secure Communications LibraryEasy to use, easy to install, actively maintained and actively supported, phpseclib is the best way to utilize SSH, SFTP and RSA in PHP.Development/PHPnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phpseclib-2.0.1-2.1pclos2017.src.rpm9ece12361b98be4b04ce1a3b6ca38ddf./SRPMS.pclos;d   ) B@BABE BJ-Cphun3.52pclos20092D physics sandboxPhun is a Master of Science Thesis by Computing Science student Emil Ernerfeldt for supervisor Kenneth Bodin at VRLab, Umeå University. The solver is based on work by Claude Lacoursière Phun is meant to be a playground where people can be creative. It can also be used as an educational tool to learn about physics concepts such as restitution and friction.(Sciences/Mathematicsi586 chrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1phun-3.5-2pclos2009.src.rpm(0c77560692227739d30f0543e538f0af./SRPMS.pclosSd   ^X \mtB@BA BE$BJECphysfs3.0.22pclos2021PhysicsFS, a library to provide abstract access to various archivesA library to provide abstract access to various archives. It is intended for use in video games. The programmer defines a "write directory" on the physical filesystem. No file writing done through the PhysicsFS API can leave that write directory.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakereadline-develpkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1physfs-3.0.2-2pclos2021.src.rpm[c4d6f9aa48bdc7b2ce6c5a8976b6f73e./SRPMS.pclosd  Z $HB@_BABEBJCpianobooster1.0.02pclos2021A MIDI file player that teaches you how to play the pianoA MIDI file player/game that displays the musical notes AND teaches you how to play the piano. PianoBooster is a fun way of playing along with a musical accompaniment and at the same time learning the basics of reading musical notation. The difference between playing along to a CD or a standard MIDI file is that PianoBooster listens and reacts to what you are playing on a MIDI keyboard. To run Piano Booster you need a MIDI Piano Keyboard and a MIDI interface for the PC. If you don't have a MIDI keyboard you can still try out PianoBooster, using the PC keyboard ('x' is middle C), but a MIDI piano is really recommended.#9Soundx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(fluidsynth)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(ftgl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(rtmidi)hicolor-icon-themerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pianobooster-1.0.0-2pclos2021.src.rpm#?118a8998d909d64d2c44f2d0eac28efa./SRPMS.pclosd   ; B@BABEBJCpicard2.13.21pclos2025The official MusicBrainz taggerMusicBrainz Picard is the official MusicBrainz tagger, written in Python 3. Picard supports the majority of audio file formats, is capable of using audio fingerprints (PUIDs), performing CD lookups and disc ID submissions, and it has excellent Unicode support. Additionally, there are several plugins available that extend Picard's features. When tagging files, Picard uses an album-oriented approach. This approach allows it to utilize the MusicBrainz data as effectively as possible and correctly tag your music. For more information, see the illustrated quick start guide to tagging. Picard is named after Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.$Soundx86_64  lib64discid-devellocales-enpython3-develpython3-mutagenpython3-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1picard-2.13.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm$b6d9d545392b96860f024232535e24d4./SRPMS.pclosd  9 OB@`BABEBJCpicmi24.12.31pclos2025A nonogram logic game for KDEPicmi is a number logic game in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.4,Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1picmi-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmc38aafdaebcfd0987eff8306822948a34./SRPMS.pclosOd   ? B@BABE BJACpicocom2.21pclos2017Minimal serial communications programAs its name suggests, [picocom] is a minimal dumb-terminal emulation program. It is, in principle, very much like minicom, only it's "pico" instead of "mini"! It was designed to serve as a simple, manual, modem configuration, testing, and debugging tool. It has also served (quite well) as a low-tech "terminal-window" to allow operator intervention in PPP connection scripts (something like the ms-windows "open terminal window before / after dialing" feature). It could also prove useful in many other similar tasks. It is ideal for embedded systems since its memory footprint is minimal (less than 20K, when stripped)..bb2 Communicationsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1picocom-2.2-1pclos2017.src.rpm6fa97d58761503c3ec94c562ba003b137./SRPMS.pclos{d   E  8  B@&BAHBELBJmCpicodrive1.932pclos2022Sega 8/16 bit video game system emulator This is yet another Megadrive / Genesis / Sega CD / Mega CD / 32X / SMS emulator, which was written having ARM-based handheld devices in mind (such as smartphones and handheld consoles like GP2X and Pandora), but also runs on non-ARM little-endian hardware too. PicoDrive requires a real BIOS for Sega CD/Mega CD emulation to work. US: us_scd1_9210.bin us_scd2_9306.bin SegaCDBIOS9303.bin EU: eu_mcd1_9210.bin eu_mcd2_9303.bin eu_mcd2_9306.bin JP: jp_mcd1_9112.bin jp_mcd1_9111.bin For the standalone emulator they can be placed in ~/.picodrive/ Sega CD games must be in the cue / iso format, and the audio tracks must be in WAV format.Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64glew-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64cdio-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_net-devellib64sndfile-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64ffmpeg-develgcc-c++mesa-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1picodrive-1.93-2pclos2022.src.rpm82802382451bd91fdf35ebd1aa20c5d9./SRPMS.pclosd   U \WB@BABEBJCpicom12.51pclos2024A lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork)Picom is a lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork). Note: This is forked from the original Compton because that seems to have become unmaintained. The current battle plan of this fork is to refactor it to make the code possible to maintain, so potential contributors won't be scared away when they take a look at the code. We also try to fix bugs.]Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64  asciidocgitmesonpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(libconfig)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libev)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(libxdg-basedir)pkgconfig(pixman-1)pkgconfig(pkg-config)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xcb-renderutil)pkgconfig(xcb-util)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xproto)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)uthash-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1picom-12.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm53a308327c189c1940a477439d141ca4./SRPMS.pclosd   ` B@BABEBJCdepicpuz3.11pclos2020PicPuz - mouse-driven jigsaw puzzlePicPuz - Maus gesteuertes PuzzleJigsaw puzzle. Divide an image into pieces, randomize, put back together using the mouse. Save and recall unfinished puzzles.Jigsaw Puzzle. Unterteilen eines Bildes in kleine Stücke, durcheinander bringen und mit der Maus wieder zusammen puzzeln. Speichern Sie unfertige Puzzels und setzen Sie sie später wieder zusammen.~ghostbunnyGames/Puzzlesx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-develxdg-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1picpuz-3.1-1pclos2020.src.rpme2cf9823a0a5a538a57dd39fd58f6228./SRPMS.pcloscd  84 8AH p  B@ BA0BE4BJUCpicturewall1.02pclos2011application to view imagesPicture Wall is Qt based application to view local images as well as search queried images on google.com with rich set of UI. This application is developed using Qt4.5.0. * Cross compile * Browse local images as well as search images on google.com * interactive UI * Animated image zoom in and zoom out on mouse pressed * Entire images zoom in and zoom out on mouse wheel * Horizontal scrolling of images on mouse drag in respective horizontal direction * Fast loading of images on view using QtConcurrent1Graphicsx86_64 lib64qt4-develglibclibgcc1lib64qtcore4lib64qtgui4lib64qtnetwork4lib64qtwebkit4lib64rpm-devellibstdc++6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1picturewall-1.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm%74c5c71574c0a19717a33aebea727290./SRPMS.pclosd   S<@ pB@BABEBJCpidentd3.0.194pclos2007An implementation of the RFC1413 identification serverThe pidentd package contains identd, which implements the RFC1413 identification server. Identd looks up specific TCP/IP connections and returns either the user name or other information about the process that owns the connection.,Neverstopdreaming System/Serversi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidentd-3.0.19-4pclos2007.src.rpmc296ec7dd4f9a0563bd8efd0a87c2e3db./SRPMS.pclos d   4 8U\.. h.B@ BA BE BJ Cdepidgin2.14.132pclos2024A GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging clientEin auf GTK+ basierender Mehrfachprotokoll Sofortnachrichten-Client.Pidgin allows you to talk to anyone using a variety of messaging protocols, including AIM (Oscar and TOC), ICQ, IRC, Yahoo!, MSN Messenger, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Napster, and Zephyr. These protocols are implemented using a modular, easy to use design. To use a protocol, just load the plugin for it. Pidgin supports many common features of other clients, as well as many unique features, such as perl scripting and C plugins. Pidgin is not affiliated with or endorsed by America Online, Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Yahoo! Inc., or ICQ Inc.Pidgin erlaubt Gespräche zu jedem, auch unter Verwendung von verschiedenen Nachtichtenprotokollen, inklusive AIM (Oscar und TOC), ICQ, IRC, Yahoo!, MSN Messenger, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Napster, und Zephyr. Diese Protokolle sind implementiert und verwenden ein modulares, einfach zu benutzendes Design. Um ein Protokoll zu verwenden, müssen sie nur die Erweiterung dafür laden. Pidgin unterstützt viele normalen Funktionen von anderen Clienten, als auch einmalige Funktionen, wie Perl Skripte und C Erweiterungen. Pidgin ist nicht zugeordnet oder gutgeheißen von America Online, Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Yahoo! Inc., oder ICQ Inc.b4sNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64   ImageMagickdbus-develdesktop-file-utilsdoxygengettext-develhowl-develkrb5-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64avahi-client-devellib64avahi-common-devellib64avahi-glib-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64expat1-devellib64farstream-devellib64gadu-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkspell-devellib64gtkspell3-devellib64ice-devellib64idn-devellib64meanwhile-devellib64ncursesw-devellib64nspr-devellib64nss-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64python-devellib64sasl2-devellib64sm-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64tcl-devellib64tk-devellib64x11-devellib64xml2-devellib64xscrnsaver-develperl-XML-Parserperl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)startup-notification-devel0.500.6.301. * Jl pB@BABEBJ%Cpidgin-birthday-reminder1.71pclos2015Pidgin Birthday Reminder PluginPidgin Birthday Reminder Plugin;Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-birthday-reminder-1.7-1pclos2015.src.rpmA544eef8b68936b05d0204cf2d488190a./SRPMS.pcloswd & M  B@BADBEHBJiCpidgin-blinklight0.11.12pclos2015Blinks your ThinkLight on new messagesThis plugin for Pidgin will blink your ThinkPad's ThinkLight or Asus light when you get new messages.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-blinklight-0.11.1-2pclos2015.src.rpm757aa7f781526b1276706088f06fc0eb./SRPMS.pclosd ) VL Pmt  v B@BABEBJCdepidgin-embeddedvideo1.22pclos2015GTK plugin for PidginGTK Plugin für PidginPidgin Embedded Video is a GTK plugin for the popular instant messaging client Pidgin. The purpose of this plugin is to provide a faster way to watch videos while chatting with your friends. It transforms a simple conversation into a much more attractive and interesting experience. Sharing links to videos and watching them was never such a pleasant activity in Pidgin.Wer Gmail und Google Chat verwendet, der kennt wahrscheinlich die Funktion, dass man bei Eintreffen eines Links zu einem YouTube-Video automatisch das Video im Chat selber angezeigt bekommt. Freunde von Pidgin wird es sicherlich freuen, dass man diese Funktionalität dank dem Pidgin Embedded Video Plugin auch mit Pidgin nutzen kann. Das Plugin beschränkt sich dabei nicht nur auf YouTube, sondern erkennt zusätzlich Links zu Video-Portalen wie CollegeHumor, Dailymotion, Google Video, Metacafe, MySpace Video, Trilulilu, Vimeo, Yahoo! Video. Genauso wie das “Vorbild” bei Google Chat bindet es das Video automatisch in den Chat ein.7Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  pidgin-develgtk+2-devellibtoollib64webkitgtk1.0-develcurl-devellibxml2-devellib64freetype6-devellibsoup-devellibpixman-1-devellibpng-devellibdirectfb-develcairo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d & UH LipB@BABE BJ-Cdepidgin-encryption3.11pclos2015Pidgin extension, to use end to end encryptionThis Pidgin plug-in allows you to encrypt the message, only if the person on the other end use the same plug-in.Diese Pidgin Erweiterung erlaubt die Verschlüsselung von Nachrichten, nur wenn beide Personen die selbe Erweiterung verwenden.HNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 libnss-develnspr-develgtk+2-develpidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-encryption-3.1-1pclos2015.src.rpmN5212b12f5dc2ba28891f37e166febd29./SRPMS.pclos#d # sh lB@BABEBJCdepidgin-gfire0.9.61pclos2015Pidgin plugin to connect to Xfire networkPidgin Plugin für das Xfire NetzwerkGfire is an open source plugin for the Pidgin IM client which allows you to connect the Xfire network. Features: * Friend’s list * Add & Remove friends * Block friends * View friend’s current game (games list updated weekly) * View friend’s profiles * Join friend’s server * Detects games and logs game time * Group Chat * “Get Info” * Set your status as “Away from Keyboard (AFK)” * Set custom status * Typing NotificationGfire ist ein Open-Source-Plugin für den Multimessenger Pidgin. Der proprietäre Instant-Messenger Xfire ist vorallem für Spieler interessant, da dieser ermittelt, welches Spiel gerade läuft und was für ein Spiel gerade jemand in der Kontaktliste spielt, wodurch man Instant-Messages während des Spiels anderen Freunden schicken kann. Mit dem Plugin kann man mit seinen Freunden plaudern und sehen, was diese gerade für Spiele spielen. Voice-Chat und einige andere Xfire-Funktionen werden (noch) nicht unterstützt.ANetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-gfire-0.9.6-1pclos2015.src.rpm39d539a08fc527568dcbf864072df212./SRPMS.pclos_d " E B@BA,BE0BJQCpidgin-hotkeys0.2.43pclos2024Plugin adds global hotkeyt supportA Pidgin plugin that allows you to define global hotkeys. Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pidgin-hotkeys-0.2.4-3pclos2024.src.rpm"Tc2f257e0601622ccf82cd155970ab4e1./SRPMS.pclosd " <X \yB@BABEBJ Cpidgin-kwallet1.1.02pclos2015KWallet plugin for pidginKWallet plugin for pidgin.-HNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-kwallet-1.1.0-2pclos2015.src.rpm321f96eaeeccb78692950c2f2ce39de17./SRPMS.pclosd  : 9@D`B@hBABEBJCpidgin-lastfm0.4a3pclos2015Last.fm Plugin for PidginThe Pidgin Last.fm Plugin can display information from your Last.fm profile as a status message in the multi-protocol instant messenger Pidgin. The most important information might be the most recently scrobbled track.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-lastfm-0.4a-3pclos2015.src.rpm8842bbe42ff99dc0f0e54203786b237b./SRPMS.pclosd # ^ sB@BABEBJCpidgin-libnotify0.145pclos2015Popup for Pidgin via libnotify and the notification-daemonThis plugin adds a libnotify interface to pidgin, enabling popups much like guifications. It has some configuration options, to show popups when a buddy signs on, on new messages and on new conversations only. libnotify and notify-daemon aren't stable yet, so it's all very experimental. Don't forget to enable the plugin in Tools->Plugins.SNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develgtk2-develgettext-devellibsm-devellibnotify-develautoconf2.5intltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-libnotify-0.14-5pclos2015.src.rpmYna1b1f8534324182d2c93f16db41e07d9./SRPMS.pclosod $ a B@BA<BE@BJaCpidgin-microblog0.3.02pclos2015Libpurple plug-in supporting microblog services like TwitterThe project aims is to develop a set of microblog support in LibPurple base client like Pidgin. Currently it only support Twitter through the conversation windows. Currently the source can be built and run on Windows Vista and Ubuntu 8.04.1. Other platform with LibPurple should works, but we don't have time (yet) to test it.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)$3ffd85ec106be855c37d3f8440742744./SRPMS.pclosd ( g8 <Y`lB@BABEBJ Cpidgin-musictracker0.4.222pclos2015Plugin for Pidgin that displays the current song in the statusWelcome to musictracker, a plugin for Pidgin which displays the music track currently playing in your status. Currently supported players: Amarok, Rhythmbox, Audacious, MPC/MPD, Exaile, Banshee, Quod Libet.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  pidgin-develdbus-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.733.0.4-1pidgin-musictracker-0.4.22-2pclos2015.src.rpm49b5b13090d2bafbdea6975509a821f8./SRPMS.pclosd   U`d o1B@MBAtBExBJCpidgin-otr4.0.22pclos2017Pidgin plugin that implements Off-the-Record MessagingThis is a plugin for pidgin which implements Off-the-Record Messaging over any IM network pidgin supports. OTR allows you to have private conversations over IM by providing: - Encryption - No one else can read your instant messages. - Authentication - You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is. - Deniability - The messages you send do _not_ have digital signatures that are checkable by a third party. Anyone can forge messages after a conversation to make them look like they came from you. However, _during_ a conversation, your correspondent is assured the messages he sees are authentic and unmodified. - Perfect forward secrecy - If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation is compromised.ghostbunnyNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  pidgin-devellibotr-develgtk2-develperl-XML-Parserintltoollib64gcrypt-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & Wx |$B@2BA`BEdBJCpidgin-plugin-pack2.7.02pclos2015Plugin Pack for libpurple and derived IM clientsAdditional plugins for Pidgin.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 intltoolpythonpidgin-develgtk2-develgtkspell-devellib64json-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-plugin-pack-2.7.0-2pclos2015.src.rpm3a647169670ab47ed7ea7b734c7ae221./SRPMS.pclosd ) ZP TqxB@BABEBJ Cpidgin-privacy-please0.7.11pclos2015Pidgin plugin to stop spammers from annoying youPidgin-privacy-please offers the following features: - Block certain users (with an optional auto-reply) - Block messages from people who are not on your contact list (with an optional auto-reply) - Suppress repeated authorization requestsNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-privacy-please-0.7.1-1pclos2015.src.rpmFb588f0d8d541805544871791f18937cb./SRPMS.pclosd  =  nB@yBABEBJCpidgin-sipe1.19.01pclos2015SIP/SIMPLE plugin for pidginThis project develops a third-party plugin for the Pidgin multi-protocol instant messenger. It implements the extended version of SIP/SIMPLE used by various products: * Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS 2007 and newer) * Microsoft Live Communications Server (LCS 2003/2005) * Reuters Messaging With this plugin you should be able to replace your Microsoft Office Communicator client with Pidgin. Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develintltoollibgstreamer-plugins-base-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-sipe-1.19.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm /69c7db108627c1e4c633c903e92aa219./SRPMS.pclosd % F  IB@RBA|BEBJCplpidgin-tlen201502261pclos2015A plugin for the Tlen.pl networkTlen.pl is a plugin for Pidgin for accessing the Polish network tlen.plTlen.pl to wtyczka dla komunikatora Pidgin pozwalajaca na polaczenie sie z Polska siecia Tlen.pl.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-tlen-20150226-1pclos2015.src.rpmb16389958e8c296af4bfba3494167579./SRPMS.pcloswd ! R B@BADBEHBJiCpidgin-toobars1.141pclos2015Plugin adds toolbar, status bar and context menuPlugin adds toolbar, status bar and context menu to Pidgin buddy list, hide main menu and much more.}Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-toobars-1.14-1pclos2015.src.rpm\ad62b3229fc0cc1cf97ca7e5b1bdebb7./SRPMS.pclos+d $ Fl pB@BABEBJCpidgin-twitter0.9.2.11pclos2015Pidgin plugin for Twitter supportPidgin plugin for Twitter support. Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pidgin-twitter-   V    B@BABEBJ9Cpiedock1.6.91pclos2020A task bar and application launcher in shape of a pie menuPieDock is a task bar and application launcher in shape of a pie menu. It feels a little bit like the famous OS X dock in a circle.File toolsx86_64 lib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64png1.6-devellib64x11-devellib64xft-devellib64xmu-devellib64xrender-devellibstdc++-develmakex11-proto-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1piedock-1.6.9-1pclos2020.src.rpmøe188927cc0a3d2decb85ea0ec2a02235./SRPMS.pclosd   6  LB@UBAtBExBJCpigz2.61pclos2021Parallel implementation of gzippigz, which stands for parallel implementation of gzip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that exploits multiple processors and multiple cores to the hilt when compressing data.wiArchiving/Compressionx86_64 pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pigz-2.6-1pclos2021.src.rpm~-8d27d009106ea2a32e501c30df8854f8./SRPMS.pclosGd   T  $ L  B@BABEBJ9Cpilot-link0.12.54pclos2022File transfer utilities between Linux and PalmPilotsThis suite of tools allows you to upload and download programs and data files between a Linux/UNIX machine and the PalmPilot. It has a few extra utils that will allow for things like syncing the PalmPilot's calendar app with Ical. Note that you might still need to consult the sources for pilot-link if you would like the Python, Tcl, or Perl bindings. Install pilot-link if you want to synchronize your Palm with your Linux system.Communicationsx86_64 bisonperl-develreadline-develautomakechrpathpkgconfig(libusb)pkgconfig(popt)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(bluez)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pilot-link-0.12.5-4pclos2022.src.rpmf211482ee90dc05b200844e4e8b4e3f7a./SRPMS.pclosd ' h $0oB@BABEBJCpim-data-exporter24.12.31pclos2025Application to assist you with backing up and archiving PIM dataApplication to assist you with backing up and archiving PIM data, including the necessary configuration, for archival or transfer to another computer.xGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pim-data-exporter-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmfc7b4d3aca701dd3b3df51f9c4373002./SRPMS.pclossd & \ B@BA@BEDBJeCpim-sieve-editor24.12.31pclos2025Application to assist with editing IMAP Sieve filtersApplication to assist with editing IMAP Sieve filters.6eGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pim-sieve-editor-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmf cf04f6fec8cdf28adc8f2eb76503b1bc./SRPMS.pclosd& 1   18qB@BABEBJCpim-storage-service-manager16.12.31pclos2017Assistant to help with managing external and cloud data storage providers such as Owncloud and Google DriveAssistant to help with managing external and cloud data storage providers such as Owncloud and Google Drivebb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5akonadi-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5libkdepim-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5notifyconfig-devellib64kf5pimcommon-devellib64kf5pimtextedit-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pim-storage-service-manager-16.12.3-1pclos2017.src.rpmcd28d596825312468f2420076b8a6ef3./SRPMS.pclos3d   5L PgpB@BABEBJ%Cpimcommon24.12.31pclos2025Common lib for kdepimCommon lib for kdepim.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1pimcommon-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmb113a6f1e52e262c39434a9a7bd2b1ce./SRPMS.pclosCd   -  <  B@BABEBJ5Cpinball0.3.41pclos2019Emilia 3d PinballThe Emilia Pinball projects is an open source pinball simulator for linux and other unix systems. The current release features a number of tables: tux, professor, professor2, gnu and hurd and is very addictive. Games/Arcadex86_64 gettext-develpkgconfig(freeglut)pkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(SDL_image)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(SDL_mixer)libtool-develpkgconfig(sm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pinball-0.3.4-1pclos2019.src.rpm aef9087b70393074fbcd3280310b6e98./SRPMS.pcloswd & C B@BADBEHBJiCpineapple-pictures0.6.51pclos2023Lightweight Qt5 image viewerAn uncluttered and fast image viewer which is very simple and easy to use. There is also an option to make the window stay on top so users can also pin the window with their image as a reference image window and work with other software they want. This software will always keep the image file as-is, will never accidentally modify the original image file when you just simply rotated the image and etc.Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pineapple-pictures-0.6.5-1pclos2023.src.rpmo984298222531f9d23e2e483f34dc0b32./SRPMS.pclosd   Q  0  B@'BALBEPBJqCpinentry1.3.11pclos2024Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogspinentry is a collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol as described by the aegypten project.ZSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64   fltk-develgettext-develpkgconfig(elementary)pkgconfig(gpg-error)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(libassuan)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(ncursesw)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  F .4<fB@oBABEBJCpinfo0.6.93pclos2007Przemek's Info Viewer - a (much) better infoHypertext info file viewer. User interface similar to lynx. It is based on ncurses. It can handle now as well info pages as man pages. Regexp searching included.܏Neverstopdreaming Development/Otheri586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pinfo-0.6.9-3pclos2007.src.rpm6ba1f9e3461b85a03ac7f975aced1774./SRPMS.pclosSd   0, 0=DdB@BA BE$BJECpingus0.7.64pclos2021A free Lemmings clonePingus is a free Lemmings clone covered under the GPL. Pingus uses SDL, which should make it portable over a lot of operating systems in the future. At the moment the main target is Linux. It is possible to play Pingus in a X window or in fullscreen.Games/Arcadex86_64 sconsboost-develpkgconfig(SDL_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL_image)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(physfs)pkgconfig(cwiid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pingus-0.7.6-4pclos2021.src.rpma79ab3e7d785a1bb4808eec64668dbef./SRPMS.pclosd  Y  T-B@FBAlBEpBJCpinkytagger2.2.31pclos2009Tag editor for MP3 and OGG files with MusicBrainz supportPinky-Tagger is a mass tagger for Linux written in C++ using the Qt4 widget set. Pinky-Tagger supports the MusicBrainz (PUID & TRM) service to find the correct tag information of musicfiles (mp3, ogg, flac, ape) files automatically. With Pinky-Tagger, you can manage your files, download cover, tag via an integrated expression scanner, tag via the MusicBrainz information or even listen to your files (external player support). Soundi586  cmakegcc-c++libffmpeg-devellibjpeg-devellibmusicbrainz-devellibopenssl-devellibofa-devellibvorbis-devellibogg-develmad-develqt4-develtaglib-develdesktop-file-utilsqt4-linguistrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'409fe36ec4d8c66b8d15c34d4dcf6b2e./SRPMS.pclosd   :    B@BABEBJCdepino0.2.101pclos2010Twitter clientTwitter ClientPino is Twitter client for Linux desktop. It created to be simple and fast. It written on Vala language and compiles to the native binary code.Pino ist ein Twitter Client für den Linux Desktop. Er ist erstellt worden für einfache und schnelle Handhabung. Geschrieben in der Vala Sprache, kompiliert es ein nativen Binär Code.\3Networking/WWWi586  desktop-file-utilsintltoolgettext-devellibgee-develgtkspell-develgtk2-devellibwebkitgtk1.0-devellibxml2-devellibsoup-devellibnotify1-devellibvala-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),64be31d80368e7a2ab3e4405a8ca533f./SRPMS.pclosgd    B@BA4BE8BJYCdepinot0.971pclos2011Personal search and metasearch for the Free DesktopPersönliche Such und Metasuche für den freien DesktopPinot is a D-Bus service that crawls, indexes your documents and monitors them for changes, as well as a GTK-based user interface that enables to query the index built by the service and your favourite Web engines, and display and analyze the results.Pinot fragt als Metasuchprogramm mehrere Suchmaschinen gleichzeitig ab und indiziert die Ergebnisse lokal. Zusätzlich kann das Programm auch als Desktop-Suchmaschine verwendet werden. Das Programm gibt eine Suchanfrage an mehrere Suchmaschine weiter und zeigt die Ergebnisse in einer Liste an, die Sie analysieren und indizieren können. Als Desktop-Suchprogramm findet es Dateien auf dem Rechner die Sie in das Programm importieren und indizieren können. Das Programm unterstützt zur Zeit Text-, HTML-, PDF- und MS Word-Dateien. ߩFile toolsi586  libsqlite3-devellibxapian-devellibtextcat-devellibtaglib-devellibcurl-devellibgmime-devellibboost-develgtkmm2.4-devellibxml++2.6-develdbus-glib-develgettext-develdesktop-file-utilsshared-mime-infoopenssl-devellibexif-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 623ce0e814f9f63ee318eb91ccfd9e83./SRPMS.pcloskd   H B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpinta1.81pclos2021An easy to use drawing and image editing programPinta is an image drawing/editing program. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users./8Graphicsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pinta-1.8-1pclos2021.src.rpmcc1d823781bad55749e00130e2cf9b4e./SRPMS.pclossd   4 B@BA@BEDBJeCpipepanic0.1.31pclos2011A pipe connecting gamePipepanic is a pipe connecting game using libSDL. Connect as many different shaped pipes together as possible within the time given.fGames/Arcadex86_64 SDL-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pipepanic-0.1.3-1pclos2011.src.rpmde5876f1e2833ae89a86ff50e114d5ec./SRPMS.pclosd ! z$( -;DHdB@lBABEBJCdepipewalker0.9.41pclos2012PipeWalker - is a clone of the NetWalk game.PipeWalker ist ein Klon des Spiels NetWalkDies ist ein Puzzelspiel bei dem Teile eines Computernetzwerks nach rechts oder links gedreht werden müssen um alle Computer in ein gemeinsames Netzwerk einzubinden. NealGames/Puzzlesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pipewalker-0.9.4-1pclos2012.src.rpm eb9041d8bd8244b6f15d30e0b291b242./SRPMS.pclosd   1 0\00B@LBApBEtBJCpipewire1.4.02pclos2025Media Sharing ServerPipeWire is a server and user space API to deal with multimedia pipelines. This includes: Making available sources of video (such as from a capture devices or application provided streams) and multiplexing this with clients. Accessing sources of video for consumption. Generating graphs for audio and video processing. Nodes in the graph can be implemented as separate processes, communicating with sockets and exchanging multimedia content using fd passing. PipeWire can replace PulseAudio, JACK, and other sound solutions and make applications which use these work together in harmony.QSystem/Serversx86_64   doxygengccgitgobject-introspection-develgraphvizlib64canberra-gtk3-devellib64ffado-devellib64lc3-devellib64ldac-devellib64lilv-devellib64mysofa-devellib64pulseaudio0libcamera-devellibdrm-develmesonmodemmanager-develperl-Unexpectedpkgconfigpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-allocators-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-net-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libcamera-base)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libv4l2)pkgconfig(libva)pkgconfig(lua)pkgconfig(sbc)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(vulkan)pkgconfig(webrtc-audio-processing)python3-docutilspython3-lxmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmltoman2.322.321.   Eh lr|B@BABEBJCpithos1.5.02pclos2020Pandora Radio client for the GNOME desktopPithos is a cross-platform desktop client for the personalized web radio Pandora, supporting all important features the official Flash™ client has. Pithos was based on pianobar, a console client for Pandora. In addition to sporting a GTK+ GUI, Pithos has feature-parity with pianobar. Out of concern for the longevity of Pandora Media Inc., the software authors would recommend subscribing to Pandora One. You need an account in order to use this player, so please consider create one for free before using pianobar at http://pandora.com.Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pithos-1.5.0-2pclos2020.src.rpm4301b0156f925e9af34c09c2962634ca./SRPMS.pcloskd   F  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpitivi0.15.22pclos2013Pitivi non linear video editor under LinuxNon Linear Video Editor using the popular GStreamer media framework.!+>Videonoarch python-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolgnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pitivi-0.15.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm!01af03b482a9964d2cd0e05dd817d555f./SRPMS.pclosd   8@ DMTIB@BABEBJCpix2.6.12pclos2023Image viewer and browser utilitypix lets you browse your hard disk, showing you thumbnails of image files. It also lets you view single files (including GIF animations), add comments to images, organise images in catalogs, print images, view slide shows, set your desktop background, and more.'?Graphicsx86_64  bisonflexgcc-c++gnome-commonitstoolpkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)yelp-toolspkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(libbrasero-burn3)pkgconfig(libopenraw-0.1)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'X67d58dfcedb948122043e034e6f2ebcd./SRPMS.pclos+d   8T XipB@BABEBJCpixman0.44.21pclos2024A pixel manipulation libraryPixel manipulation Library. System/Librariesx86_64  libgomp-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pixman-0.44.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm 4e289547f621af52b2f7577a46652396./SRPMS.pclosd   2 $B@,BALBEPBJqCpixmap2.6.61pclos2023Editor for pixmap files Pixmap is a tool for creating or editing rectangular images made up of colored pixels, i.e., pixmaps. Pixmaps are intensively used in X to define window backgrounds, icon images, etc.[Graphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pixmap-2.6.6-1pclos2023.src.rpmb8fb74b8f70917672cb68c2cb5ca55a6a./SRPMS.pclosd   \4 8IP x 6 B@GBAlBEpBJCpjproject2.7.22pclos2020Libraries for building embedded/non-embedded VoIP applicationsThis package provides the Open Source, comprehensive, high performance, small footprint multimedia communication libraries written in C language for building embedded/non-embedded VoIP applications. It contains: - PJSIP - Open Source SIP Stack - PJMEDIA - Open Source Media Stack - PJNATH - Open Source NAT Traversal Helper Library - PJLIB-UTIL - Auxiliary Library - PJLIB - Ultra Portable Base Framework Library - PJSUA2 - Object Oriented abstractions layer for PJSUANSystem/Librariesx86_64 gsm-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(libsrtp2)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(speex)pkgconfig(speexdsp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pjproject-2.7.2-2pclos2020.src.rpmL2dd3a813813a08bcb4620b3f83282232./SRPMS.pclos_d   + B@BA,BE0BJQCpkcreate0.1.01pclos2019Polkit CreatorA simple bash script to creare a policykit lock file and save it in your SOURCES folder to be packaged with your rpm. usage: pkcreate program-name}Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pkcreate-0.1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm 88a431e430596e9f4dbc096a6adf8c98./SRPMS.pclosd " Y $B@.BAXBE\BJ}Cpkcs11-helper1.28.01pclos2022A library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS#11pkcs11-helper is a library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS#11 providers for end-user applications. )System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfigopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pkcs11-helper-1.28.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm237c52642d0d14f50f6b45249cb6a870./SRPMS.pclos7d ! / B@BABEBJ)Cpkg-converter0.1.22pclos2023Pkg ConverterA quick and simple drag & drop gui for converting debian packages to rpms with alien.System/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pkg-converter-0.1.2-2pclos2023.src.rpm81b36a552b527a0a13b33fab59ee3303./SRPMS.pclosd   %l pB@BABEBJ Cpkgbuddy0.1.51pclos2021PkgBuddySimple gui rpm package installer for installing PCLinuxOS local rpms]System/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pkgbuddy-0.1.5-1pclos2021.src.rpmc060e2ed0fbc04eb4d37f050385892c6f./SRPMS.pclosd ! P TfptB@BABEBJCdepkgconfig0.29.21pclos2018Pkgconfig helps make building packages easierPkgconfig hilft die Paketerstellung zu vereinfachenpkgconfig is a program which helps you gather information to make life easier when you are compiling a program for those programs which support it. In fact, it's required to build certain packages.pkgconfig ist ein Programm , das dir hilft Informationen zu sammeln um dir das Leben zu vereinfachen, wenn du ein Programm für diese Programme compilieren möchtest, welche es unterstützen. Tatsache ist, es wird benötigt um bestimmte Pakete zu erstellen.~Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pkgconfig-0.29.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm0dd8ebc5f0886ac521eb86ef034c56bd./SRPMS.pclos d   K` dB@BABEBJCpkgutils0.1.69pclos2014Helper scripts for Packaging RPMs in PCLinuxOS addpkg -Uses apt-get to install missing dependencies in SPECFILE or RPMFILE -Uses gcr to create a file of the type .remove which can be later used to remove installed dependencies via rmvpkg rmvpkg -Uses rpm to remove all installed packages in LISTFILE gbd -Uses genbasedir to update a local repository gcr -Filter files written by addpkg to create a clean list file for input to rmvpkg mkrepo -Create a local repository including folder structure, .rpmrc and .rpmmacros files, and optionally update sources.list]System/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pkgutils-0.1.6-9pclos2014.src.rpmJa6eab7c59e78245a568d9518625b8432./SRPMS.pclosd  * O48 hx  C B@gBABEBJCplaneshift0.4.010.20080702.2pclos2007Fantasy MMORPG in a persistent worldPlaneShift is a persistent fantasy multiplayer Role Playing Game with state-of-the-art 3D graphics. Create your character and live in an ever-changing world. Build with us a Team that will make PlaneShift THE choice of MMORPG.Neverstopdreaming Games/Adventurei586  crystalspace-develcel-develftjammysql-develcurlopenssl-develcal3d-develperl-Template-Toolkitcurl-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  3X \t|B@BABEBJ Cplank0.11.891pclos2019A port of docky to ValaA very simple dock written in Vala. ,rGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgettextintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64bamf3-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64wnck3-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plank-0.11.89-1pclos2019.src.rpm *464dc07bf93727d0da112a61a808e4c0./SRPMS.pclosd   R  B@,BAPBETBJuCplanner0.14.44pclos2010Planner is a project management application for GNOMEPlanner is a project management application for GNOME. It was formely known as MrProject.3nOfficei586  libglade2.0-devellibgsf-devellibgnomeui2-devellibxslt-develgda2.0-develrarianpython-develpygtk2.0-develgtk-docintltoolevolution-data-server-develevolution-develmono-develdesktop-file-utilsgnome-commongnome-pilot-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % U B@BADBEHBJiCplasma-activities6.3.31pclos2025Core components for the KDE's Activities SystemCore components for the KDE's Activities System.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-activities-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm@b1f222192a680dd60264411322f68e7c./SRPMS.pclosd  + s ;B@MBABEBJCplasma-activities-stats6.3.31pclos2025Library for accessing the usage data collected by the activities systemLibrary for accessing the usage data collected by the activities system.PJGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-activities-stats-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmed914c78db5d6cd4b69f71377efead37./SRPMS.pclosd# . q OB@`BABEBJCplasma-browser-integration6.3.31pclos2025Components necessary to integrate browsers into the Plasma Desktopplasma-browser-integration coupled with a browser plugin provides integration of the browser in the desktop.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-browser-integration-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmwcc3f2bdb07c93f7173d201a246b926c2./SRPMS.pclos'd " 9T XoxB@BABEBJCplasma-desktop6.3.31pclos2025Plasma for the DesktopPlasma for the Desktop.CGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  boost-develextra-cmake-modulesintltoolkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libcanberra)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(x11-xcb)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-record)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xkbfile)pkgconfig(xkeyboard-config)pkgconfig(xorg-libinput)pkgconfig(xorg-server)pkgconfig(xorg-synaptics)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)signon-plugin-oauth2-develxdg-user-dirs3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-desktop-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmDd536250d0493d31eb3decde2c2904c685./SRPMS.pclosd  Y EB@WBABEBJCplasma-disks6.3.31pclos2025Monitors S.M.A.R.T. capable devices for imminent failurePlasma Disks monitors S.M.A.R.T. data of disks and alerts the user when signs of imminent failure appear.:Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)smartmontools3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-disks-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmզ7cd37c3a320958a6dbe3e6b358cb8e19./SRPMS.pclosSd # Jt xB@BA BE$BJECplasma-firewall6.3.31pclos2025Control Panel for your system firewallControl Panel for your system firewall. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-firewall-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm699e2efe08160331c8079f44372ffa70./SRPMS.pclosd & f .B@@BAlBEpBJCplasma-integration6.3.31pclos2025Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspacesQt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xcursor)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-integration-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm(de1ec4f10f54ff3e1d4cf929790502d1./SRPMS.pclosd & e 99m9B@BABEBJCplasma-mediacenter5.7.31pclos2016A mediacenter user interface written with the Plasma frameworkA mediacenter user interface written with the Plasma frameworkGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 lib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5imageformats-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5bluetooth-devellib64qt5bootstrap-devellib64qt5clucene-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5egldeviceintegration-devellib64qt5labstemplates-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediaquick_p-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5platformsupport-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qgsttools_p-devellib64qt5quickparticles-devellib64qt5quicktest-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5waylandclient-devellib64qt5webchannel-develcmakekf5-macroskactivities5-develkcoreaddons-develkconfig-develki18n-develkguiaddons-develkservice-develkconfigwidgets-develkio-develkdeclarative-develkwindowsystem-develplasma-framework-develkfilemetadata5-develtaglib-devellibxml2-utilsdocbook-dtdsdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma-mediacenter-5.7.3-1pclos2016.src.rpmo7c09a6cfe8b252338ab66f3695aab4e6./SRPMS.pclosWd  >| B@BA$BE(BJICplasma-nano6.3.31pclos2025A minimal plasma shell packageA minimal plasma shell package intended for embedded devices.#{Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-nano-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmS0b0ef9715883ddb8b19fd580aa49c8020./SRPMS.pclosd   [ B@BABEBJCplasma-nm6.3.31pclos2025Plasma applet written in QML for managing network connectionsPlasma applet written in QML for managing network connections.IIGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64   kf6-rpm-macroslib64qca-qt6-develpkgconfig(ModemManager)pkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(mobile-broadband-provider-info)pkgconfig(openconnect)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   X jB@BABEBJCplasma-pa6.3.31pclos2025Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudioPlasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra)pkgconfig(libpulse)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sound-theme-freedesktop3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-pa-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm)b023c0557283e3a31f2519ee614f64681./SRPMS.pclosd  K  ;B@QBAxBE|BJCplasma-pass1.2.01pclos2021Plasma applet for the Pass password managerPlasma Pass is a Plasma applet to access password from pass, the standard UNIX password manager.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroslib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5plasma-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kitemmodels-devellib64oath-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma-pass-1.2.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmc5cc54c7729f6128a5c14bcd918f7816./SRPMS.pclos[d   =x |B@BA(BE,BJMCplasma-sdk6.3.31pclos2025Development tools for Plasma 5Plasma SDK contains the following tools for Plasma-related development: - CuttleFish - icon theme browser - EngineExplorer - tool to browse and interact with data engines - PlasmoidViewer - an isolated Plasma environment for testing applets - ThemeExplorer - shows all components of a widget theme8Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gitkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-sdk-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm1f83aed977973615fcf25aeef843552c./SRPMS.pclosd ( W DB@VBABEBJCplasma-systemmonitor6.3.31pclos2025An application for monitoring system resourcesAn interface for monitoring system sensors, process information and other system resources.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64kf6kirigamiaddons-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-systemmonitor-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmO06eb5356a28703b2c7c38e6787c3fa0a./SRPMS.pclosod  Y B@BA<BE@BJaCplasma-vault6.3.31pclos2025Plasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaultsPlasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaults.(Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-vault-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmXV91edc2aa701a9aaee3ce95687800d028./SRPMS.pclosd" - S B@,BA`BEdBJCplasma-wayland-protocols1.16.01pclos2025Plasma Specific Protocols for WaylandThis package contains the non-standard Wayland protocol definitions used by KDE Plasma.8Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-wayland-protocols-1.16.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm44681e7f6f7a424c2f3ba79e8327b413./SRPMS.pclosOd " 4` d{B@BABE BJACplasma-welcome6.3.31pclos2025Welcome to PlasmaA friendly onboarding wizard for Plasma. 0Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroskuserfeedbackrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-welcome-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm ded51696308d550215ad98fcad6c9289./SRPMS.pclosod $ Y B@BA<BE@BJaCplasma-workspace6.3.31pclos2025Plasma applications and applets workspace componentsPlasma libraries and runtime components.$t>Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  iso-codeskf6-rpm-macroskirigami-addonslib64qcoro-qt6-devellibnm-develpam-develpkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xtst)qalculate-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-workspace-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm$f526285662aff4dfc6ffbb824477b7a0./SRPMS.pclos?d$ / AT XoxB@BA BEBJ1Cplasma-workspace-wallpapers6.3.31pclos2025Plasma wallpapersPlasma wallpapers.ϛGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma-workspace-wallpapers-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmtd9b65379a6e397841a5bb13979c74f8a./SRPMS.pclosd") 4 Q 8B@@BA|BEBJCplasma5-applet-redshift-control1.0.181pclos2019Plasma 5 applet for redshiftPlasma 5 applet for controlling redshift (screen temperature modifying). It allowes basic redshift settings and fast manual temperature control by mouse wheel.rBGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma5-applet-redshift-control-1.0.18-1pclos2019.src.rpmy7e234677efe6eaffa36f580b4e3d4068./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 e bB@oBABEBJCplasma5-applet-weather-widget1.6.104pclos2020Plasma 5 applet for displaying weather informationPlasma 5 applet for displaying weather information from yr.no (and other) server.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macrospkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma5-applet-weather-widget-1.6.10-4pclos2020.src.rpm(0d7fce0f68abddf3d8bb5f16eb26e1c0./SRPMS.pclosd # . L $B@,BA`BEdBJCplasma5-applets-eventcalendar751pclos2021Plasma5 Widget Event CalandarPlasmoid for Plasma 5. An extended calendar with daily weather forecasts and events from Google Calendar and a taskbar clock in one great widget.٣Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma5-applets-eventcalendar-75-1pclos2021.src.rpm6b78598b50aa921ee5d809a6e510d279./SRPMS.pcloskd$ / J B@BA8BE<BJ]Cplasma5-applets-simplemenu1.0.121pclos2020Plasma5 Widget Simple MenuSimple Menu applet for KDE Plasma 5 Please log out and back in again after installation of this package.6dGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma5-applets-simplemenu-1.0.12-1pclos2020.src.rpm<59ca7e6799ff97dc177754df8a7ec6a2./SRPMS.pclosd * Dp tB@BABEBJCplasma5-applets-tiledmenu421pclos2021Plasma5 Widget Tiled MenuA menu based on Windows 10's Start Menu./Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma5-applets-tiledmenu-42-1pclos2021.src.rpm53faf165c190e88a59d511f17bea034f1./SRPMS.pclosd"% 0 N 8B@@BAxBE|BJCplasma5-applets-volumewin7mixer251pclos2020Plasma5 Widget Volume 7 MixerA fork of the default volume plasmoid with a Windows 7 theme (vertical sliders). Please log out and back in again after installing this applet so it works properly.oGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma5-applets-volumewin7mixer-25-1pclos2020.src.rpmиf330dae4ef409c86d151f24a07d932be./SRPMS.pclosd!( 3 Q B@$BA`BEdBJCplasma5-applets-window-buttons0.11.11pclos2023Plasma5 Applet Window ButtonsPlasma 5 applet in order to show window buttons in your panels' Please log out and back in again after installation of this package.Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasma5-applets-window-buttons-0.11.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm|4e92593b0bd84a6f0055009721f5216e./SRPMS.pclosod " Y B@BA<BE@BJaCplasma5support6.3.31pclos2025Support components for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6Migration aids for KF5 -> KF6 migration.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  doxygenkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasma5support-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm+c6a607bb52e426935760f2569b2ad6ff./SRPMS.pclosd   / LB@_BABEBJCplasmatube24.12.31pclos2025YouTube clientPlasmaTube allows you to watch YouTube videos on your phone or desktop using a elegant user interface integrated with the rest of Plasma.ZGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64mpvqt-develpurposerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plasmatube-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmw38c8c1d23b5cb3ce5ded8866aa5df143./SRPMS.pclosd ) A\ `{B@BABEBJCplasmaxlight-icons202107251pclos2021PlasmaXLight Icon ThemePlasmaXLight Icon Theme\System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plasmaxlight-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpmc0f3f816a16d36b852201a74c279aacd79./SRPMS.pclosWd! , qt xB@BA$BE(BJICplasmoid-adjustableclock4.1.22pclos2013Plasmoid to show date and time in adjustable format using rich text.Features: - fully custom date format (syntax similar to that of strftime C function); - possibility to use rich text editor or edit source (HTML and CSS) to adjust format; - fast copy to clipboard of adjustable date and time format after middle mouse click on the clock or activation of keyboard shortcut; - context menu with actions to copy formatted (adjustable formats) date and time to clipboard; - adjustable tool tip (hidden option, toolTipFormatMain and toolTipFormatSub keys); - standard clock calendar.Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64  kdelibs-develkde-workspace-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Ɉ60c8e28ca81ef4798f47cddbd33b274d./SRPMS.pclosSd  + >lp wB@BA BE$BJECplataro-icon-theme2025.02.281pclos2025Plataro Icon ThemeThe Plataro SVG icon theme, by Pedram Pourang (aka Tsu Jan ), consists of flat and colorful icons intended for use under KDE and LXQt. Although it is a rich icon set, it takes its missing icons from Breeze, Oxygen or GNOME icon theme, whichever is installed and in that order. AdanielSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch  gitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plataro-icon-theme-2025.02.28-1pclos2025.src.rpm+wfe3c4dd8d2112007f929a506882d3b21./SRPMS.pcloskd   SX \blB@BA8BE<BJ]Cplayerctl2.0.21pclos2020Command-line MPRIS-compatible Media Player ControllerPlayerctl is a command-line utility and library for controlling media players that implement the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification. Playerctl makes it easy to bind player actions, such as play and pause, to media keys. You can also get metadata about the playing track such as the artist and title for integration into statusline generators or other command-line tools. For more advanced users, Playerctl provides an introspectable library available in your favorite scripting language that allows more detailed control like the ability to subscribe to media player events or get metadata such as artist and title for the playing track. Examples of players implementing the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification include spotify, vlc, audacious, bmp, cmus, and others.2Soundx86_64 gccmesonpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1playerctl-2.0.2-1pclos2020.src.rpme40a38c5e4fe3bfc83370e3a9da9579f./SRPMS.pclosd # ( ,2<HB@BABEBJCdeplayitslowly1.5.14pclos2023An audio player with adjustable speed and pitchEin Musikplayer mit anpassbarer Geschwindigkeit und TonhöhePlay it slowly is a software to play back audio files at a different speed or pitch. It does also allow you to loop over a certain part of a file. It's intended to help you learn or transcribe songs. It can also play videos thanks to gstreamer. Features: Play every file gstreamer does mp3, ogg vorbis, midi, flv. alsa and jack Change speed and pitch Loop over certain parts Export to wav.Play it slowly ist eine Software zum Abspielen von Audiodateien, wobei die Tonhöhe und die Geschwindigkeit selbst bestimmt werden kann. Ebenso können Sie Teile der Datei in einer Schleife abspielen. Es ist angedacht Ihnen zu helfen Lieder zu lernen oder zu übertragen. Es kann auch Videos mittels gstreamer abspielen. Eigenschaften: Spielt jede Datei ab, die auch gstreamer abspielt mp3, ogg vorbis, midi, flv. Unterstützt alsa und jack, erlaubt Beränderung der Tonhöhe und Geschwindigkeit und den Export ins wav Format.{Soundnoarch desktop-file-utilspython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1playitslowly-1.5.1-4pclos2023.src.rpm`cdd17f3f6accfb5a8e0d6e81885a2ad3./SRPMS.pclosd   3@ DJP\B@BABEBJCplaymidi2.59pclos2010A MIDI sound file playerPlaymidi plays MIDI (Musicial Instrument Digital Interface) sound files through a sound card synthesizer. This package includes basic drum samples for use with simple FM synthesizers. Install playmidi if you want to play MIDI files using your computer's sound card.=Soundi586 ncurses-develXFree86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1playmidi-2.5-9pclos2010.src.rpm7t8f54628d9c64dfb20c3966299c78558f./SRPMS.pcloswd   6 B@#BADBEHBJiCplib1.8.52pclos2017Steve's Portable Game LibraryWrite games and other realtime interactive applications that are 100% portable across a wide range of hardware and operating systems.w'Development/C++x86_64 MesaGLU-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plib-1.8.5-2pclos2017.src.rpm6}653d9233524564d12c03c4bc33ae6d85./SRPMS.pclossd   2 B@BA@BEDBJeCplotutils2.62pclos2015GNU Plotting UtilitiesThe GNU plotting utilities, sometimes called 'plotutils', include: (1) GNU libplot, a shared library for exporting 2-D vector graphics files and for performing vector graphics animation under the X Window System. Its output file formats include the new WebCGM format, pseudo-GIF, PNM, Adobe Illustrator, Postscript (editable with the free 'idraw' drawing editor), Fig (editable with the free 'xfig' drawing editor), PCL 5, HP-GL and HP-GL/2, Tektronix, and GNU metafile format. Many Postscript, PCL, and Hershey fonts are supported. A separate class library, 'libplotter', provides a C++ binding to libplot's functionality. (2) Sample command-line applications 'graph', 'plot', 'tek2plot', 'pic2plot', and 'plotfont', which are built on top of GNU libplot. 'graph' is a powerful utility for XY plotting, 'plot' translates GNU metafiles to other formats, 'tek2plot' translates legacy Tektronix data, 'pic2plot' translates box-and-arrow diagrams in the pic language, and 'plotfont' plots character maps. (3) Command-line applications 'spline', 'double', and 'ode', which are useful in scientific plotting. 'spline' does spline interpolation of input data of arbitrary dimensionality. It uses cubic splines, splines under tension, or cubic Bessel interpolation. 'ode' is an interactive program that can integrate a user-specified system of ordinary differential equations.(vGraphicsx86_64 flexXaw3d-develzlib-develpng-develbisonlibxaw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plotutils-2.6-2pclos2015.src.rpm(sb5f5ae06d872c71a6a628ed332c78c83./SRPMS.pclosd    %,4UB@^BABEBJCdeplowshare0.9.32pclos2010command-line downloader/uploader for some of the most popular file-sharing websitesKommandozeilen-Downloader / Uploader für einige der beliebtesten Filesharing-Websitesplowshare is a command-line downloader/uploader for some of the most popular file-sharing websites. It works on UNIX-like systems and presently supports Megaupload, Rapidshare, 2Shared, 4Shared, ZShare, Badongo, DepositFiles and Mediafire. Refer to the README for more info.plowshare ist ein Kommandozeilen-Downloader / Uploader für einige der beliebtesten File-Sharing-Websites. Es läuft auf UNIX-artigen Systemen und unterstützt derzeit Megaupload, Rapidshare, 2Shared, 4Shared, ZShare, Badongo, DepositFiles und Mediafire. Lesen Sie die Readme für weitere Infos>Networking/File transfernoarch bashrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plowshare-0.9.3-2pclos2010.src.rpm81b34eb35fb1c777db3457c5d548bc5b./SRPMS.pclosd  B  B@BABEBJCpluma1.28.01pclos2024Small but powerful text editor for MATEPluma is a small but powerful text editor designed expressly for MATE. It includes such features as split-screen mode, a plugin API, which allows Pluma to be extended to support many features while remaining small at its core, multiple document editing through the use of a 'tabbed' notebook and many more functions.;Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   iso-codesitstoolmate-commonpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(enchant-2)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(libpeas-1.0)pkgconfig(libpeas-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools1.;Fse6e196db4f46a4c126273cc82e019c42./SRPMS.pclosd " Mp tB@BABEBJCpluma-plugins1.28.01pclos2024Pluma Plugins for the text editor for MATEPlugins for the Pluma Text Editor2Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   iso-codesitstoolmate-commonpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(enchant-2)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(iso-codes)pkgconfig(libpeas-1.0)pkgconfig(libpeas-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-gnome-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mate-desktop-2.0)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(x11)pluma-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)yelp-tools1."fc39cd8b3efa159af78b0d503bb7199e./SRPMS.pclosd   @ $0qB@{BABEBJCplymouth0.8.94pclos2022Graphical Boot Animation and LoggerPlymouth provides an attractive graphical boot animation in place of the text messages that normally get shown. Text messages are instead redirected to a log file for viewing after boot.eSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 lib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64tiff-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plymouth-0.8.9-4pclos2022.src.rpm47d84f6d6270f8a74496af79d6f50086./SRPMS.pclosd  Q .B@@BAhBElBJCplymouth-kcm6.3.31pclos2025Plymouth configuration module for systemsettingsThis is a System Settings configuration module for configuring the plymouth splash screen.0Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosplymouth-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1plymouth-kcm-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmd851530315ff3a4647b65b787cae6078./SRPMS.pcloskd! , N B@BA8BE<BJ]Cplymouth-theme-pclinuxos2.1.03pclos2023Plymouth theme for PCLinuxOS 2023The default plymouth theme for PCLinuxOS 2023. This theme will activate on newly installed kernels.7wSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1plymouth-theme-pclinuxos-2.1.0-3pclos2023.src.rpm7034c4f91ca139406c394216f1e066aa4./SRPMS.pclosd $ E 0B@8BAdBEhBJCpm-fallback-policy0.14pclos2011Power management fallback policyThis package provides a set of scripts to implement a power management fallback policy. They will be used as fallback when no power management tool is running.aSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pm-fallback-policy-0.1-4pclos2011.src.rpm da09aae301d1d92291e0c1d33e2ff26e./SRPMS.pcloscd   C B@BA0BE4BJUCpm-utils1.4.15pclos2021Power management utilities and scriptsThe pm-utils package contains utilities and scripts useful for power management.aSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 pkgconfigdbus-develxmltorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pm-utils-1.4.1-5pclos2021.src.rpmb44bd73a014e82aeac597213fcb44a79./SRPMS.pclosd   4HL |B@BABEBJCpmake1.455pclos2007The BSD 4.4 version of makeMake is a GNU tool which allows users to build and install programs without any significant knowledge of the build process. Details about how the program should be built are included in the program's Makefile. Pmake is a particular version (BSD 4.4) of make. Pmake supports some additional syntax which is not in the standard make program. Some Berkeley programs have Makefiles written for pmake. Pmake should be installed on your system so that you will be able to build programs which require using pmake instead of make.Neverstopdreaming Development/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pmake-1.45-5pclos2007.src.rpm x273dc90aea5d901f563b0dbf3bf772ae./SRPMS.pclosOd  > B@BABE BJACpmidi1.7.02pclos2014A Command Line MIDI Player for ALSA.pmidi is a command line midi player for ALSA. It can play to any MIDI device that is supported by ALSA.0Soundx86_64 lib64alsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pmidi-1.7.0-2pclos2014.src.rpm;c8d730b6b354584e27c7946e783f55ca./SRPMS.pclosd   U    B@BABEBJCpmount0.9.231pclos2011Pmount allow mounting devices without fstab modificationsPmount allow mounting usb, firewire and pcmci media without modifying /etc/fstab. It's a good base for automount software.x.System/Basex86_64 glib-gettextizegettext-develintltoolext2fs-devellibsysfs-develhal-develperl-XML-Parserlibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pmount-0.9.23-1pclos2011.src.rpm}9309446ba13dd2791c19bbf9deca5e71./SRPMS.pclosd   U gB@vBABEBJCpmount0.9.232pclos2022Pmount allow mounting devices without fstab modificationsPmount allow mounting usb, firewire and pcmci media without modifying /etc/fstab. It's a good base for automount software.System/Basex86_64 makegccintltoolpkgconfige2fsprogs-devellibblkid-devellibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pmount-0.9.23-2pclos2022.src.rpm222a2fa154dfda0490658ae485e17601./SRPMS.pclos;d   0 B@BABE BJ-Cpmrp1.0.81pclos2024Poor man's radio playerPoor man's radio player is a radio streamer and recorder to listen and record online radioSoundnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pmrp-1.0.8-1pclos2024.src.rpmf54d61d88bc74c99bce1a58bb2d3bad1./SRPMS.pclosd   P  ,B@4BAPBETBJuCpmw4.281pclos2014A console program to typeset music scores into PostscriptPhilip's Music Writer is a program for typesetting music. It reads text files as input, and generates PostScript as output. It can also write simple MIDI files for proofhearing purposes. PMW is written in C and is freestanding; that is, it does not require additional processing software. It is a Linux/Unix port of a program that has run for over a decade on Acorn systems, where it was known as Philip's Music Scribe.Publishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pmw-4.28-1pclos2014.src.rpm%x2ad52d0b4d4e4b134094c2e7e11e30c6./SRPMS.pclosCd   4 B@BABEBJ5Cpngcheck3.0.31pclos2021PNG file format checkerpngcheck verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files (by checking the internal 32-bit CRCs or checksums) and optionally dumps almost all of the chunk-level information in the image in human-readable form. For example, it can be used to print the basic stats about an image (dimensions, bit depth, etc.); to list the color and transparency info in its palette; or to extract the embedded text annotations. All PNG and JNG chunks are supported, plus almost all MNG chunks (everything but PAST, DISC, tERm, DROP, DBYK, and ORDR). This is a command-line program with batch capabilities (e.g., ``pngcheck *.png'').ުGraphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pngcheck-3.0.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm184a70c3a905a07a1d7277ced2c0deed./SRPMS.pcloscd   ; B@ BA0BE4BJUCpngcrush1.8.131pclos2017Utility to compress PNG filespngcrush is an optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. It can compress them as much as 40% losslessly.2 ghostbunnyGraphicsx86_64 libpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pngcrush-1.8.13-1pclos2017.src.rpm8!6d7f392086c68d5fcd302e72437e3c91./SRPMS.pclos#d Kx|B@BABEBJCpnglite0.1.171pclos2011A lightweight C library for loading PNG imagespnglite is a C library for loading PNG images. It was created as a substitute for libpng in situations when libpng is more than enough. It currently requires zlib for inflate and crc checking and it can read the most common types of PNG images. The library has a small and simple to use interface.&System/Librariesx86_64 zlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pnglite-0.1.17-1pclos2011.src.rpm'48c777eff83627856f0d359ade0a5e53./SRPMS.pclosd     JB@TBAtBExBJCdepngnq1.11pclos2011Tool for optimizing PNG (Portable Network Graphics) imagesTool zur Optimierung von PNG (Portable Network Graphics) BildernPngnq is a tool for quantizing 32-bit RGBA PNG images to 8-bit RGBA pallete PNG. It's is an adaptation by Stuart Coyle of Greg Roelf's pnqquant. While pngquant uses a median cut algorithm, Pngnq uses Anthony Dekker's neuquant algorithm (http://members.ozemail.com.au/~dekker/NEUQUANT.HTML), generally resulting in better looking results than pngquant. Optimizers (like pngcrush and optipng) optimize the compression, usually losslessly. pngnq quantizes colors down to 256 (or fewer) distinct RGBA combinations, which is quite lossy. Optimized PNGs are usually two to four times smaller than the 32-bit versions.YGraphicsx86_64 makelibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pngnq-1.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmb2b0d92bbdfe7f2d7eb790bf7ba4eef1d./SRPMS.pclosd   P AB@NBAtBExBJCpngquant2.15.11pclos2021PNG quantization tool for reducing image file sizepngquant converts 24/32-bit RGBA PNG images to 8-bit palette with alpha channel preserved. Such images are compatible with all modern web browsers and a compatibility setting is available to help transparency degrade well in Internet Explorer 6. Quantized files are often 40-70 percent smaller than their 24/32-bit version. pngquant uses the median cut algorithm.oGraphicsx86_64 gcclibpng-develzlib-devellcms2-develimagequant-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pngquant-2.15.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm 0466a08ec81a41208664efa88e0d119d./SRPMS.pclosd   1D HQX`B@BABEBJCpngrewrite1.3.02pclos2011PNG size optimizerPngrewrite is little utility that reduces the unnecessarily large palettes that too many programs write into PNG files. It also optimizes transparency settings, and reduces the bits-per-pixel if possible. Handy for post-processing images before putting them on a web site.rGraphicsx86_64 lib64png-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pngrewrite-1.3.0-2pclos2011.src.rpmz7ff859e660df941261a84516c44d442d./SRPMS.pclosd   ;l pB@BABEBJCpnm2ppa1.121pclos2011PNM2PPA GhostScript Print FilterPPA (Printing Performance Architecture) is a closed, proprietary protocol developed by Hewlett Packard for a short-lived series of DeskJet printers. In essence, the PPA protocol moves the low-level processing of the data to the host computer rather than the printer. This allows for a low-cost (to produce) printer with a small amount of memory and computing power. However, in practice the printer was often as expensive as more capable printers and HP has since discontinued the use of PPA in favour of returning to PCL3e in their latest USB-based printers.ȉSystem/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pnm2ppa-1.12-1pclos2011.src.rpm|41f10a04aed08332077cac7372399227./SRPMS.pclossd   4    B@BA@BEDBJeCpnmixer0.7.24pclos2023Lightweight mixer appletPNMixer is system tray sound mixer. Currently it supports ALSA and PulseAudio. It is written in C, depends only on GTK+, and does not require Gnome. PNMixer is a fork of OBMixer with a number of additions. These include: * Volume adjustment with the scroll wheel * Textual display of volume level in popup window * Continuous volume adjustment when dragging the slider (not just when you let go) * Use system icon theme for icons and use mute/low/medium/high volume icons * Configurable middle click action (default is mute/unmute) * Preferences for: * volume text display * volume text position * icon theme * amount to adjust per scroll * middle click action*Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgettextintltoollib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pnmixer-0.7.2-4pclos2023.src.rpm yf611402f62578ee359571b2109f975de./SRPMS.pclosOd   D B@BABE BJACpnputils0.12pclos2007Dump resource information for PnP devicesA utility for dumping resource information for PnP devices.CNeverstopdreaming System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pnputils-0.1-2pclos2007.src.rpmK2b8846d3341abb26a4c443fe62cf5125./SRPMS.pclosd   Z  MB@XBABEBJCpo-debconf1.0.161pclos2018Tool for managing templates file translations with gettextThis package is an alternative to debconf-utils, and provides tools for managing translated debconf templates files with common gettext utilities.[System/Packagingnoarch po4adpkgperl(Dpkg)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1po-debconf-1.0.16-1pclos2018.src.rpm_f6c557487ed232094992424477f1f026./SRPMS.pclos_d   @  (0 T  B@ BA,BE0BJQCpo4a0.621pclos2021A tool maintaining translations anywhereThe po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on areas where they were not expected like documentation. System/Internationalizationnoarch  perl(Locale::gettext)perl(Module::Build)perl(SGMLS)perl(Term::ReadKey)perl(Text::WrapI18N)gettextxsltprocdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.011.03ii3.0.4-1po4a-0.62-1pclos2021.src.rpme60e37603bf94a53d9b0608ec954274f./SRPMS.pclosd  ;L PV`   B@BABEBJCpocketsphinx0.81pclos2014Real-time speech recognitionPocketSphinx is a version of the open-source Sphinx-II speech recognition system which is able to recognize speech in real-time. While it may be somewhat less accurate than the offline speech recognizers, it is lightweight enough to run on hand-held and embedded devices.DSoundx86_64 python-setuptoolssphinxbase-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64python-devellib64xml2-devellibgstreamer-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pocketsphinx-0.8-1pclos2014.src.rpm.4831d0f381cbd372f95023b8af90480f./SRPMS.pclosd   Mtx }1B@@BA`BEdBJCpoco1.4.41pclos2012C++ class libraries for network-centric applicationsThe POCO C++ Libraries (POCO stands for POrtable COmponents) are open source C++ class libraries that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable applications in C++. The POCO C++ Libraries are built strictly on standard ANSI/ISO C++, including the standard library.=NealDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 openssl-devellibiodbc-develmysql-develzlib-develpcre-develsqlite3-develexpat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poco-1.4.4-1pclos2012.src.rpm82a7fc521fc08ae8126ded71f217b9fa./SRPMS.pclosd   O  H & B@9BA\BE`BJCpodofo0.9.61pclos2021Tools and libraries to work with the PDF file formatPoDoFo is a library to work with the PDF file format. The name comes from the first letter of PDF (Portable Document Format). A few tools to work with PDF files are already included in the PoDoFo package. The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files. All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application using PoDoFo. uzPublishingx86_64 cmakelua5.3-develpkgconfig(cppunit)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(libidn)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1podofo-0.9.6-1pclos2021.src.rpm 295ac38dbb90f080a4d15d59f5c8f4cf./SRPMS.pclosd   ? ]B@iBABEBJCpodsleuth0.6.33pclos2007Extract metadata from Apple iPodsPodSleuth is a tool to discover detailed model information about an Apple (TM) iPod (TM). Its primary role is to be run as a callout by HAL (http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fhal) because root access is needed to scan the device for required information. When the model information is discovered, it is merged into HAL as properties for other applications to use.Neverstopdreaming System/Librariesi586 mono-develhal-develndesk-dbuslibsgutils-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1podsleuth-0.6.3-3pclos2007.src.rpm7511f8489bf4301b802d3060f35505f1./SRPMS.pclossd   t@ DLT x  B@"BA@BEDBJeCdepoedit3.21pclos2022Gettext translation file editorEditor zum Anfertigen von Gettext-ProgrammübersetzungenPoedit is a cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor. It is built with wxWindows toolkit and can run on Unix or Windows. It aims to provide convenient way of editing gettext catalogs. It features UTF-8 support, fuzzy and untranslated records highlighting, whitespaces highlighting, references browser, headers editing and can be used to create new catalogs or update existing catalogs from source code by single click.Poedit ist ein plattformübergreifender Editor für gettext .po Dateien. Er wurde mit dem WxWindows Toolkit aufgebaut und kann auf UNIX- oder Windows ausgeführt werden. Er soll eine bequeme Möglichkeit der Bearbeitung von Gettext Katalogen bereitstellen. Er bietet UTF-8-Unterstützung, hervorheben von unübersetzten oder undeutlichen Einträgen, Hervorhebung nicht druckbarer Zeichen, Referenzen suchen, Kopfzeilen bearbeiten und kann neue Kataloge erstellen oder vorhandene Kataloge, vom Quellcode durch einfaches Klicken, aktualisieren.Editorsx86_64 lib64wxgtku3.0-devellib64boost-devellib64lucene++-devellib64pugixml-devellib64cpprest-devellib64gtkspell3-develpo4aziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poedit-3.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm M4c1527df48e4e9b42507b430ff421abe./SRPMS.pclos/d   I @B@BABEBJ!Cdepokerth1.1.26pclos2022Play Poker OnlineTexas Hold'em PokerspielPokerTH is a free and open-source No Limit Texas Hold'em Poker gamePokerTH ist ein freies und Open Source Kein Limit Texas Hold'em Pokerspiel Games/Cardsx86_64 unziprarlinuxlib64SDL-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64boost-devellib64curl-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gsasl-devellib64ircclient-devellib64protobuf-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64tinyxml-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qtsingleapplication-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pokerth-1.1.2-6pclos2022.src.rpm*5822367ec76f1d2f145068d7c1360f86./SRPMS.pclos{d   +lp {B@%BAHBELBJmCpolarssl1.3.91pclos2015An SSL libraryPolarSSL is an SSL library written in ANSI C. PolarSSL makes it easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) products with as little hassle as possible. It is designed to be readable, documented, tested, loosely coupled and portable. This package contains PolarSSL programs.WghostbunnySystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygenpkcs11-helper-develzlib-developenssl-devellib64ssh2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1polarssl-1.3.9-1pclos2015.src.rpm]d9713af411176e822a76864c0147c103./SRPMS.pclosd 1   B@BABEBJCpolicykit0.99pclos2011Authorization ToolkitPolicyKit is a toolkit for defining and handling authorizations. It is used to allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes.gSystem/Librariesx86_64  expat-develglib2-develdbus-develdbus-glib-develgtk-docxmltopam-develperl-XML-Parserintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);8432f9b3106a2de6c2c0ca3a41619af0./SRPMS.pclosd &   LB@LBAxBE|BJCdepolicykit-gnome0.9.24pclos2013PolicyKit integration for the GNOME desktopPolicyKit-Integration für den GNOME-DesktopPolicyKit-gnome provides a GNOME integration library and tools for PolicyKit including an Authentication Agent that matches the look and feel of the GNOME desktop.PolicyKit-Gnome stellt eine GNOME Integrations Bibliothek und Werkzeuge für PolicyKit zur Verfügung, einschließlich eines Authentifizierung-Agenten der dem Aussehen und Verhalten des GNOME-Desktop entspricht. System/Librariesx86_64  dbus-develdbus-glib-develdbus-glibgnome-vfs2-devellibsexy-devellibGConf2-develgtk2-develpolkit-develgnome-doc-utilsintltoolgettextdesktop-file-utilsgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.900.710.712. c85a736c51caeb838253cf6e21c7542f./SRPMS.pclosd   :$ (7<HyB@BABEBJCpolipo1.0.4.11pclos2010Lightweight caching web proxyPolipo is a lightweight caching web proxy that was designed as a personal cache. It is able to cache incomplete objects and will complete them using range requests. It will use HTTP/1.1 pipelining if supported by the remote server.QYSystem/Serversi586 info-installtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1polipo-   <  B@BABEBJCpolkit0.1203pclos2022PolicyKit Authorization FrameworkPolicyKit is a toolkit for defining and handling authorizations. It is used for allowing unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes. System/Librariesx86_64 lib64expat-develpam-develgtk-docintltoollib64mozjs-devellib64girepository-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1polkit-0.120-3pclos2022.src.rpm :83ad1a2ac82909cdf480e57b79de4bc1./SRPMS.pclosd    :    B@BABEBJCpolkit1251pclos2024PolicyKit Authorization FrameworkPolicyKit is a toolkit for defining and handling authorizations. It is used for allowing unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes.nSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakegettext-develgtk-doclib64duktape-devellib64expat-devellib64girepository-develmesonpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1polkit-125-1pclos2024.src.rpm03f2eb02e5bc155db3f2f8af9dcdf9fb./SRPMS.pcloskd " 1 B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpolkit-creator0.1.02pclos2019Polkit CreatorPolkit creator is a GUI program to create a polkit authentication policy file to be used in conjunction with pkexec since gksu has been depreciated.HDevelopment/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1polkit-creator-0.1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmO998c9e7defa84801cf33a938078bbeae./SRPMS.pclosd  L oB@BABEBJCpolkit-gnome0.1051pclos2025PolicyKit integration for the GNOME desktoppolkit-gnome provides an authentication agent for PolicyKit that matches the look and feel of the GNOME desktop.YSystem/Librariesx86_64   gobject-introspection-develgtk-docgtk2-develintltoolpolkit-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)0.953.0.4-14.6.0-1polkit-gnome-0.105-1pclos2025.src.rpm 2ab267804579a25f97a452d0b5192a0b./SRPMS.pclosWd & Mx |B@BA$BE(BJICpolkit-kde-agent-16.3.31pclos2025PolicyKit authentication agent for KDEPolicyKit authentication agent for KDE.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1polkit-kde-agent-1-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm731cff2cba4b64c119e41c5101c29e88./SRPMS.pclosd ! ; (B@;BAdBEhBJCpolkit-qt-10.200.03pclos2025Qt bindings for PolicyKitPolkit-qt-1 is a library that lets developers use the PolicyKit API through a nice Qt-styled API.cSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(polkit-agent-1)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1polkit-qt-1-0.200.0-3pclos2025.src.rpmd321dd425aaa81eba20915c840ce44a6e./SRPMS.pclosd   < 7B@DBAlBEpBJCpolkit-qt50.114.02pclos2022Qt 5 bindings for PolicyKitPolkit-qt5 is a library that lets developers use the PolicyKit API through a nice Qt-styled API.nSystem/Librariesx86_64 extra-cmake-modulesdoxygenpolkit-qt-1-develqtbase5-develkf5-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1polkit-qt5-0.114.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm;2ba13046ba5e95a1ee1956c3c540d48e./SRPMS.pcloswd   J B@"BADBEHBJiCpoly2tri1.01pclos2017A 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation libraryLibrary based on the paper "Sweep-line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation" by V. Domiter and and B. Zalik.dLbb2 Development/Otherx86_64 GL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poly2tri-1.0-1pclos2017.src.rpmg<0869e2f22bd98e823e00c7f064680a43./SRPMS.pclosd  9 -4@kB@uBABEBJCpolyclipping6.4.22pclos2019Polygon clipping libraryThis library primarily performs the boolean clipping operations - intersection, union, difference & xor - on 2D polygons. It also performs polygon offsetting. The library handles complex (self-intersecting) polygons, polygons with holes and polygons with overlapping co-linear edges. Input polygons for clipping can use EvenOdd, NonZero, Positive and Negative filling modes. The clipping code is based on the Vatti clipping algorithm, and outperforms other clipping libraries.&&System/Librariesx86_64 cmakedos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1polyclipping-6.4.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm%e8ca628b3283c866b77596ba723d0590f./SRPMS.pclosd   Z    B@BABEBJCpolyphone2.2.01pclos2020A soundfont editor for quickly designing musical instrumentsA soundfont editor for quickly designing musical instruments%DDSoundx86_64 lib64alsa2lib64jack-devellib64ogg-devellib64openssl-devellib64portaudio-devellib64qcustomplot-qt5-devellib64stk-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64rtmidi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1polyphone-2.2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm"240d3580f2506377f9b4f5e6f755cdbd./SRPMS.pclosOd   Ypt B@BABE BJACdepondus0.8.01pclos2012A personal weight managerEin persönlicher GewichtsmanagerPondus is a personal weight manager that keeps track of your body weight. It aims to be simple to use, lightweight and fast. The data can be plotted to get a quick overview of the history of your weight. A simple weight planner allows to define "target weights" and this plan can be compared with the actual measurements in a plot.Pondus ist ein persönlicher Gewichtsmanager mit dem Sie den Überblick über Ihr Körpergewicht behalten. Seine Ziele sind eine leichte Handhabung, Leichtgewichtigkeit und Schnelligkeit. Die Daten können geplottet werden um einen schnellen Überblick über den Verlauf Ihrer Gewichtsentwicklung zu bekommen. Ein einfacher Gewichtsplaner erlaubt es ein "Zielgewicht" zu definieren und dieser Plan kann dann mit aktuellen Messungen im Plot verglichen werden.Neal ManBearOfficenoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pondus-0.8.0-1pclos2012.src.rpm4d5cb83447132b22360cb9ca14e05fff./SRPMS.pclos d   2x | WB@BABEBJCpoppler0.90.12pclos2021PDF rendering libraryPoppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. Publishingx86_64  pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-ft)pkgconfig(cairo-pdf)pkgconfig(cairo-ps)pkgconfig(cairo-svg)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)gtk-docpython3pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)gettext-develpkgconfig(libtiff-4)cmakexsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   3x |"""B@BABEBJ)Cpoppler24.04.02pclos2024PDF rendering libraryPoppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base./Publishingx86_64   boost-develcmakegettext-develgtk-docninjapkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-ft)pkgconfig(cairo-pdf)pkgconfig(cairo-ps)pkgconfig(cairo-svg)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(poppler-data)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)]e776a261cf48f01c48ca33db81d2db5c./SRPMS.pclosd ! < B@'BAPBETBJuCpoppler-data0.4.121pclos2023Encoding files for popplerThis package consists of encoding files for use with poppler. The encoding files are optional and poppler will automatically read them if they are present. When installed, the encoding files enables poppler to correctly render CJK and Cyrillic properly. While poppler is licensed under the GPL, these encoding files are copyright Adobe and licensed much more strictly, and thus distributed separately.Development/X11noarch pkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poppler-data-0.4.12-1pclos2023.src.rpme6d5f5b9d4a9dc3034299438c0dbcbd6e./SRPMS.pclosod ! >| B@BA<BE@BJaCpoppler-sharp0.0.31pclos2014C sharp Bindings for PopplerGenerates managed bindings for Poppler using the GAPI toolsDevelopment/Otherx86_64 mono-develgtk-sharp2gtk-sharp2-develpoppler-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poppler-sharp-0.0.3-1pclos2014.src.rpm27524357edddeba3938ca310a201dc48./SRPMS.pclosd   E, 0AHLhB@pBABEBJCpopt1.191pclos2022C library for parsing command line parametersPopt is a C library for parsing command line parameters. Popt was heavily influenced by the getopt() and getopt_long() functions, but it improves on them by allowing more powerful argument expansion. Popt can parse arbitrary argv[] style arrays and automatically set variables based on command line arguments. Popt allows command line arguments to be aliased via configuration files and includes utility functions for parsing arbitrary strings into argv[] arrays using shell-like rules.}System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1popt-1.19-1pclos2022.src.rpme6a10b2f65f171be063902587eb23ba5./SRPMS.pclosd  Ld hxB@BABEBJ Cpoptrayminus1.2.03pclos2019Checks message headers in my POP3 mailboxesPopTray Minus... * stays in the tray * checks message headers in my POP3 mailboxes * applies basic filters based on from/to/subj contents * allows a sneak peek to preview the message body * has a very handy delete button to manually remove unwanted messagesNetworking/Mailx86_64 python-qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poptrayminus-1.2.0-3pclos2019.src.rpmb3b7594443c6f438aefb0aa2c01544e84./SRPMS.pclosd   ?  !(@B@BABEBJCportaudio20.0.14pclos2021Cross platform audio I/O libraryPortAudio is a free, cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library. It lets you write simple audio programs in 'C' that will compile and run on many platforms including Windows, Macintosh (8,9,X), Unix (OSS), SGI, and BeOS. PortAudio is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between developers on different platforms, and was recently selected as the audio component of a larger PortMusic project that includes MIDI and sound file support. PortAudio provides a very simple API for recording and/or playing sound using a simple callback function. Example programs are included that synthesize sine waves and pink noise, perform fuzz distortion on a guitar, list available audio devices, etc.KSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfiglib64samplerate-devellib64celt-devellib64jack-devellib64alsa2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1portaudio-20.0.1-4pclos2021.src.rpmtq1082174f8f3ff93b5b08e39b9d47150c./SRPMS.pclos+d   N@ DU\pB@BABEBJCportmidi201912304pclos2022Real-time MIDI input/output, audio I/O libraryPortMidi -- real-time MIDI input/output. This package provides test applications that utilizes the shared portmidi and porttime libraries. * portmidi-latency * portmidi-midithread * portmidi-midithru * portmidi-sysex * portmidi-testSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(python3)python3-cythoncmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1portmidi-20191230-4pclos2022.src.rpma81f345f8236398edef2a5a8b3ca48fd./SRPMS.pclosd  << @LT\~B@BABEBJCportreserve0.0.52pclos2017TCP port reservation utilityThe portreserve program aims to help services with well-known ports that lie in the portmap range. It prevents portmap from a real service's port by occupying it itself, until the real service tells it to release the port (generally in the init script).=System/Basex86_64 xmltorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1portreserve-0.0.5-2pclos2017.src.rpm>75b1c7bc0f5a12606fbe2d5f0a97a165./SRPMS.pclosd   R #B@-BALBEPBJqCportsmf2392pclos2021C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files.Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files.kSystem/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1portsmf-239-2pclos2021.src.rpmed6daa16e2829dc671ffb63ab53698d9f./SRPMS.pclosd   ! 6  $(DB@LBAtBExBJCposter00.20060221.1pclos2011PostScript UtilitiesPoster can be used to create a large poster by building it from multiple pages and/or printing it on large media. It expects as input a generic (encapsulated) postscript file, normally printing on a single page. The output is again a postscript file, maybe containing multiple pages together building the poster. The output pages bear cutmarks and have slightly overlapping images for easier assembling. The input picture will be scaled to obtain the desired size.gSystem/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poster-0-0.20060221.1pclos2011.src.rpmab49d23f1a49b86983e645d8121676169./SRPMS.pclosCd   Gd hqxB@BABEBJ5Cposterazor1.54pclos2016PosteRazor cuts a raster image into piecesThe PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can afterwards be printed out and assembled to a poster. As input, the PosteRazor takes a raster image. The resulting poster is saved as a multipage PDF document. An easy to use, wizard like user interface guides through 5 steps.8Graphicsx86_64 cmakelib64freeimage-devellib64xpm-devellib64fltk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1posterazor-1.5-4pclos2016.src.rpm1d31cface390f23ac5f2e768e43c339b./SRPMS.pclosd   9  B@5BAXBE\BJ}Cpostfix3.7.101pclos2024Postfix Mail Transport AgentPostfix is a Mail Transport Agent (MTA), supporting LDAP, SMTP AUTH (SASL), TLS and running in a chroot environment.+,]System/Serversx86_64   gawkhtml2textlib64db5.3-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64mariadb-devellib64openssl-devellib64pcre0-devellib64pcre2-devellib64sasl2-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64tinycdb-develperl-basepostgresql13-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed2.ç45a23f8a3747f18d1b52137635cd4fe5./SRPMS.pclosd   [  (xB@BABEBJCpostgis3.3.81pclos2025Geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational databasePostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL.܌pinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64   bisonbyaccclangflexgeos-develgettext-develimagemagicklibxslt-procllvmpkgconfig(cunit)pkgconfig(gdal)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(json-c)pkgconfig(libprotobuf-c)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(proj)postgresql-develprojrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 7e69e96cded3d6f3af6f1bf15f66f487./SRPMS.pclosd  H &0x_B@xBABEBJCpostgresql1313.22pclos2021PostgreSQL client programs and librariesPostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational database management system (DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs (including transactions, subselects and user-defined types and functions). The postgresql package includes the client programs and libraries that you'll need to access a PostgreSQL DBMS server. These PostgreSQL client programs are programs that directly manipulate the internal structure of PostgreSQL databases on a PostgreSQL server. These client programs can be located on the same machine with the PostgreSQL server, or may be on a remote machine which accesses a PostgreSQL server over a network connection. This package contains the client libraries for C and C++, as well as command-line utilities for managing PostgreSQL databases on a PostgreSQL server. If you want to manipulate a PostgreSQL database on a remote PostgreSQL server, you need this package. You also need to install this package if you're installing the postgresql-server package.EDatabasesx86_64 bisonflexopenssl-develpam-develperl-develpython-develreadline-develtcl-devellibxml2-devellibxslt-develzlib-develuuid-develdocbook-dtd42-sgmlopenjadedocbook-utilsdocbook-style-xslxsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1postgresql13-13.2-2pclos2021.src.rpmSciences/Computer sciencei586 zlib1-devellibpng-develXFree86-devellibjpeg-devellibtiff-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1povray-3.6.1-3pclos2007.src.rpm}dw9187e0217e6276118594e6665a10611c./SRPMS.pclos'd   A    B@BABEBJCpovray3.7.0.101pclos2024The Persistence of Vision RaytracerThe Persistence of Vision Ray tracer creates three-dimensional, photo-realistic images using a rendering technique called ray tracing. It reads in a text file containing information describing the objects and lighting in a scene and generates an image of that scene from the view point of a camera also described in the text file. Ray tracing is not a fast process by any means, (the generation of a complex image can take several hours) but it produces very high quality images with realistic reflections, shading, perspective, and other effects. POV-Ray is a free, full-featured ray tracer.X,Sciences/Computer sciencex86_64  autoconfautomakeboost-develpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(xpm)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1povray-ͦL49f67b222b38cd82e61c82389edddfc3./SRPMS.pclos#d   W B@BABEBJCpowerdevil6.3.31pclos2025Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma ShellPowerdevil is an utility for power management. It consists of a daemon (a KDED module) and a KCModule for its configuration.qGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-icccm)pkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1powerdevil-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmbafdac45400185bbff32851c10696d79./SRPMS.pclos/d   G B@BABEBJ!Cpoweriso1.31pclos2013A powerful CD/DVD image file processing toolCommand-line tool to work with iso-image files Type poweriso -? for helpl/pinoc64Utilities/Systemnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1poweriso-1.3-1pclos2013.src.rpml2bfa96aaf55bfb5c1847a7ea03c35f7c./SRPMS.pclos;d   1 '0 T  B@BABE BJ-Cpowerman2.3.92pclos2011Power to the ClusterPowerMan is a tool for manipulating remote power control (RPC) devices from a central location. Several RPC varieties are supported natively by PowerMan and Expect-like configurability simplifies the addition of new devices.)System/Kernel and hardwarei586 cpufrequtilslibcpufreq-develhal-develdbus-glib-develdoxygenlynxtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1powersave-0.14.0-2pclos2007.src.rpm (J1f368378b9e4c1df7f62f8eb5eb9b5b1./SRPMS.pclosd   7  $B@BABEBJCpowertop2.81pclos2016Power saving diagnostic toolPowerTOP tool is a program that collects the various pieces of information from a system and presents an overview of how well a laptop is doing in terms of power savings. In addition, PowerTOP will provide an indication of which tunables and software components are the biggest offenders in slurping up battery time. PowerTOP will update it's display frequently so that the impact of any changes can be seen directly.TerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 ncursesw-develncurses-devellibnl3-develpciutils-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1powertop-2.8-1pclos2016.src.rpma769e27e7344ae4e9c0fc59321a2a70f./SRPMS.pclos[d  <t xB@BA(BE,BJMCpoxml24.12.31pclos2025Xml2po and vice versa convertersSoftware Development Kit for the K Desktop Environment.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettext-develkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1poxml-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm1ee4341ad2b978a836676acce3360639./SRPMS.pclosKd   Y( ,=DdB@BABEBJ=Cppl0.11.21pclos2015The Parma Polyhedra Library: a library of numerical abstractionsThe Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a library for the manipulation of (not necessarily closed) convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. The applications of convex polyhedra include program analysis, optimized compilation, integer and combinatorial optimization and statistical data-editing. The Parma Polyhedra Library comes with several user friendly interfaces, is fully dynamic (available virtual memory is the only limitation to the dimension of anything), written in accordance to all the applicable standards, exception-safe, rather efficient, thoroughly documented, and free software. This package provides all what is necessary to run applications using the PPL through its C and C++ interfaces.System/Librariesx86_64  gmp-develgmpxx-develm4glpk-develgprologjava-1.7.0-sun-develjpackage-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   i  IB@RBAtBExBJCppmtocpva1.02pclos2020Converts PPM files to the format used by the Citizen Printiva series printersThis program converts PPM files to the format used by the Citizen Printiva series printers and some printers of the Alps MD series.jghostbunnySystem/Printingx86_64 netpbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ppmtocpva-1.0-2pclos2020.src.rpmp630d76ddd7cdcbbe914136b70c1bbf70./SRPMS.pclos+d   Mtx B@BABEBJCppmtomd1.61pclos2020Driver for the Alps Micro-Dry printers and similarsA program to convert images from PPM format into the control language for the Alps Micro-Dry printers, at various times sold by Citizen, Alps and Okidata. This program drives the Alps Micro-Dry series of printers, including the Citizen Printiva series, Alps MD series, and Oki DP series (but not yet the DP-7000). In the current release, the program drives the standard mode fairly well; the dye sublimation mode very well; and the VPhoto mode reasonably well. It supports all the colours available up to the DP-5000, including the foil colours.SYghostbunnySystem/Printingx86_64 netpbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ppmtomd-1.6-1pclos2020.src.rpmZ]6d5f8701b0f4fd1066779b7077725bb4./SRPMS.pclosd   :x |  \ B@wBABEBJCppp2.5.21pclos2025The Point-to-Point Protocol daemonThe ppp package contains the PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon and documentation for PPP support. The PPP protocol provides a method for transmitting datagrams over serial point-to-point links. PPP is usually used to dial in to an ISP (Internet Service Provider) or other organization over a modem and phone line.w}System/Serversx86_64   autoconfglibc-static-devellibatm-devellibpcap-devellibtoolpam-develpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   D %B@.BAPBETBJuCppptray0.2.13pclos2010Tray icon interface to pon/poff commandsPPP Tray Icon is a tray icon interface to pon/poff commands. It monitors the presence of the /var/run/ppp*.pid file to check for existing ppp connections.KMonitoringi586 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ppptray-0.2.1-3pclos2010.src.rpmC1470838dcd5becbdd47b752cf1b567b0./SRPMS.pclosCd   Dhl B@BABEBJ5Cppsspp1.18.11pclos2025Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator PPSSPP is a cross-platform Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator. PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution, and play them on Android too. It can even upscale textures that would otherwise be too blurry as they were made for the small screen of the original PSP.0DAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ppsspp-1.18.1-1pclos2025.src.rpmQb2f8af9ced8e6c203e8d89453de8d95c./SRPMS.pclos d   5l pB@BABEBJCpptp-linux1.10.02pclos2021PPTP-linux VPN clientPPTP-linux allows you to connect to a PPTP server from a Linux or other Unix box (ports of pptp-linuxto other Unix variants should be trivial, but have not yet been performed). See the IPfwd page (http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/~cananian/Projects/IPfwd) for information on tunnelling PPTP through Linux firewalls.Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pptp-linux-1.10.0-2pclos2021.src.rpm[36f15ef0a0bd3e33e15d111f30ecfaa4./SRPMS.pclosd  @  ,eB@tBABEBJCpptpd1.4.03pclos2023PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling ServerThis implements a Virtual Private Networking Server (VPN) that is compatible with Microsoft VPN clients. It allows windows users to connect to an internal firewalled network using their dialup.System/Serversx86_64 ppp-develtcp_wrappers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ? ?B@HBAhBElBJCpptview8.01pclos2009pptview - View PowerPoint slide showspptview allows you to view and print PowerPoint slide shows. You cannot edit a presentation in PowerPoint Viewer. pptview is an Intel PE (i386-pc-pe) binary and requires Wine to run._^Officei586 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pptview-8.0-1pclos2009.src.rpmlE02256e45e65689e10e2618ec4f459f46./SRPMS.pclos3d  U  ,  B@BABEBJ%Cpraat5.4.041pclos2015Doing phonetics, speech analysis and synthesis by computerAccording to its authors, praat is "doing phonetics by computer". There are several speech analysis functionalities available: spectrograms, cochleograms, and pitch and formant extraction. Articulatory synthesis, as well as synthesis from pitch, formant, and intensity are also available. Other features are segmentation, labelling using the phonetic alphabet, and computation of statistics.OKpinoc32Sciences/Otheri586 libxp-devellibxt-devellibsm-devellibice-devellibxext-devellibalsa2-devellibxmu-develliblesstif-develgtk2-develcairo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1praat-5.4.04-1pclos2015.src.rpmOY"72f5d3417f0064b6af545067e7d1365b./SRPMS.pclosd   9 d:B@VBAxBE|BJCpragha1.3.41pclos2019Lightweight GTK+ music managerPragha is a Lightweight Music Player based on Gtk, sqlite, and completely written in C, constructed to be fast, light, and simultaneously tries to be complete without obstructing the daily work.>7Soundx86_64 intltoolxfce4-dev-toolspkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(grilo-0.3)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(keybinder-3.0)pkgconfig(libcddb)pkgconfig(libcdio)pkgconfig(libcdio_paranoia)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libpeas-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libmtp)pkgconfig(libxfce4ui-2)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(taglib_c)pkgconfig(totem-plparser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pragha-1.3.4-1pclos2019.src.rpm>Pedf5081cfca99b8fac6186c70772c337./SRPMS.pclosd   D B@BABEBJCprboom2.5.03pclos2013Doom - classic 3D shoot-em-up game engineDoom is the classic 3D shoot-em-up game. It must have been one of the best selling games ever; it totally outclassed any 3D world games that preceded it, with amazing speed, flexibility, and outstanding gameplay. The specs to the game were released, and thousands of extra levels were written by fans of the game; even today new levels are written for Doom faster then any one person could play them. 3pinoc64Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_net-devellib64smpeg0.4-develsedlib64mesaglu1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prboom-2.5.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm e1b404920f818962cfad97fb8a23e4eb./SRPMS.pclosd ! c  .8 h J B@]BABEBJCprboom-plus2.5.1.31pclos2013Free enhanced DOOM engine - DOOM is a classic 3D shoot-em-up gamePrBoom+ is an enhanced DOOM engine developed from PrBoom. The target of the PrBoom+ project is to extend the original port with features that are necessary or useful to the developers and all those interested in their work. It is worth noting that all changes introduced in no way break PrBoom's compatibility with the original DOOM/DOOM2 engines. PrBoom+ does not include any levels itself. More importantly, you need all the sounds, sprites, and other graphics that make up the DOOM environment. So to play PrBoom+, you need one of the main DOOM date files from id Software: either doom.wad, doom2.wad, tnt.wad or plutonia.wad from one of the commercial DOOM games, or install FreeDOOM.jpinoc64Games/Shooterx86_64 GL-devellib64fluidsynth1-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_net-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64png-devellib64pcre0-devellib64portmidi-devellib64mad-devellib64dumb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prboom-plus-   6 B@BABEBJCprcsys0.0.33pclos2017Parallel init for PCLinuxOSA parallel init implementation for PCLinuxOS. It should be LSB compliant.bb2 System/Basex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prcsys-0.0.3-3pclos2017.src.rpm"6c796fd6b62a4693d8baa15acb1c6f8b./SRPMS.pclosd   5 bB@mBABEBJCprelink0.4.41pclos2013An ELF prelinking utilityThe prelink package contains a utility which modifies ELF shared libraries and executables, so that far fewer relocations need to be resolved at runtime and thus programs come up faster. System/Basex86_64 elfutils-static-develglibc-static-develperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prelink-0.4.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm a90249dcc3d38fa9fe497d6aed451e9c./SRPMS.pclos'd   5t xB@BABEBJCpreload0.6.45pclos2019Adaptive readahead daemonpreload is an adaptive readahead daemon that prefetches files mapped by applications from the disk to reduce application startup time. It runs as a daemon and gathers information about processes running on the system and shared-objects that they use. This information is saved in a file to keep across runs of preload.xSystem/Basex86_64 glib2-develhelp2manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1preload-0.6.4-5pclos2019.src.rpmG19948db3184b35fad4dd9c31cc8eab85./SRPMS.pclosd  _ B@$BALBEPBJqCprelude-lml1.0.02pclos2010Prelude Hybrid Intrusion Detection System - Log Analyzer SensorThe Prelude Log Monitoring Lackey (LML) is the host-based sensor program part of the Prelude Hybrid IDS suite. It can act as a centralized log collector for local or remote systems, or as a simple log analyzer (such as swatch). It can run as a network server listening on a syslog port or analyze log files. It supports logfiles in the BSD syslog format and is able to analyze any logfile by using the PCRE library. It can apply logfile-specific analysis through plugins such as PAX. It can send an alert to the Prelude Manager when a suspicious log entry is detected.O6Networking/Otheri586 chrpathlibgnutls-devellibpcre-develprelude-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prelude-lml-1.0.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmGc8a8d2707a044dbee39ce9dfb73d8c49./SRPMS.pclosd # U    B@BABEBJCprelude-manager1.0.01pclos2010Prelude Hybrid Intrusion Detection System ManagerPrelude Manager is the main program of the Prelude Hybrid IDS suite. It is a multithreaded server which handles connections from the Prelude sensors. It is able to register local or remote sensors, let the operator configure them remotely, receive alerts, and store alerts in a database or any format supported by reporting plugins, thus providing centralized logging and analysis. It also provides relaying capabilities for failover and replication. The IDMEF standard is used for alert representation. Support for filtering plugins allows you to hook in different places in the Manager to define custom criteria for alert relaying and logging.5ySystem/Serversi586 automake1.8autoconf2.5chrpathgnutls-develprelude-develpreludedb-develtcp_wrappers-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prelude-manager-1.0.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmbd5fd06a33c368e15b56cf94535b630c./SRPMS.pclosCd   ? B@BABEBJ5Cprey0.5.31pclos2011Prey - tracking device for your laptopPrey is a lightweight application that will help you track and find your laptop if it ever gets stolen. The script runs at a specified interval in your machine, and checks for a specified URL in the web. If the URL exists it means the computer/laptop has been stolen, and thus goes through the information gathering routine and sends all that info through to a previously defined email address. You can also not define a URL and in that case the program will send the data every time it runs. You can also use the Prey web control panel (control.preyproject.com) to manage the computer state, as well as toggling different modules for triggering certain behaviours remotely. In this case you don't have to worry about the URL thing since it takes care of that for you. You only need to register and insert the API and Device keys in the Prey configuration.mMonitoringi586 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prey-0.5.3-1pclos2011.src.rpma60527707cf2544d0696b3cca11cf490./SRPMS.pclos'd  Cx |B@BABEBJCprime1.0.0.19pclos2019Japanese PRedictive Input Method EditorPRIME is Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor.System/Internationalizationx86_64 rubyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prime-   5PT ZvB@BABEBJCprime-dict1.0.03pclos2013Dictionaries for PRIMEDictionaries for PRIME.a !pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prime-dict-1.0.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm`6ac43f2b170a5c285d32d36ff59bfe7fd./SRPMS.pclosd ( l, 0;D|<B@QBABEBJCprinter-filters-utils20085pclos2016Filter-style and IJS printer drivers, printer maintenance utilitiesThis source RPM builds the printer-filters and printer-utils packages. These two packages are built by one source RPM, as many upstream source packages contain both a filter and a utility.amPublishingx86_64 autoconflibtiff-devellibijs-devellibjbig-devellibusb-devellibgmp-devellesstif-develautomake1.4gimp-devellibnetpbm-develgtk2-develghostscriptcups-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1printer-filters-utils-2008-5pclos2016.src.rpm`od074baab534df93cbf8bc78758fd217b./SRPMS.pclosd$W$(3<DiB@rBABEBJCprinter-testpages20063pclos2011Test pages to check the output quality of printersThese are sample files to check the output quality of printers. Thers is the CUPS test page with colour gradients, the Red Hat test page with image position checks, a photo test page and a text test page.Publishingnoarch transfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1printer-testpages-2006-3pclos2011.src.rpm30f97cbdb3a0718cc9e391cb788fede9./SRPMS.pclosGd  d B@BABEBJ9Cprinter-tools20084pclos2011Filter-style and IJS printer drivers, printer maintenance utilitiesTools for printer maintenance: Setting default options for most laser printers (PJL-capable printers), cartridge changing, head aligning, ink level checking for inkjet printers. Printing big posters on many sheets of standard sized paper (A4, A3, Letter, ...) to be assambled together (also used by KDE Print to print posters).aPublishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1printer-tools-2008-4pclos2011.src.rpm*qabd847b2f2dbc4d28f56d071f7ca402e./SRPMS.pclosSd  | B@BA BE$BJECdeprintoxx2.71pclos2011Printoxx print image files from a user-defined page layoutFotocollagen erstellen mit printoxxPrintoxx is a free open source Linux program for printing one or more image files with a user-defined page layout. Images can be added to a layout page using the mouse to select and drop into place. Images can be moved around and resized using the mouse. Adding text (titles, notes) works the same way. Any font can be used.Printoxx ist in erster Linie zum bequemen Erstellen von Abzügen mehrerer Bilder auf einem Blatt - zum ausdrucken, es lassen sich die zusammengestellten Bilder jedoch auch wieder als Bild speichern und dann entwickeln. Nun sind noch die Funktionen drehen , d,h, jedes Foto kann im beliebigen Winkel auf der Vorlage positioniert werden und die Möglichkeit jedem Bild einen Rand (die Breite lässt sich auch einstellen) mit frei definierbarer Farbe zu geben, dazu gekommen.Graphicsx86_64 lib64gtk+2.0_0-develgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1printoxx-2.7-1pclos2011.src.rpmbb1be4263e2b4220436949ef69cf06c6./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 U, 0KPTpB@xBABEBJCdefresplsrnlprism1.0.0beta11pclos2009Run Web Applications on your DesktopPrism is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop. Menu Entry is in - System -> Configuration -> OtherPrism ist eine Anwendung, die Benutzer Split-Web-Anwendungen können aus ihren Browser, und führen Sie sie direkt auf ihrem Desktop. Menü-Eintrag ist in - System -> Einstellungen -> SonstigesPrism est une application qui permet aux applications d'utilisateurs répartis web hors de leur navigateur et lancez-les directement sur leur bureau. Menu d'entrée est en - Système -> Configuration -> AutrePrisma es una aplicación que permite a los usuarios de aplicaciones web dividida fuera de su navegador y ejecutar directamente en su escritorio. Menú de entrada está en - Sistema -> Configuración -> OtrosPrism jest aplikacją, która pozwala użytkownikom aplikacji internetowych split z przeglądarki i uruchomić je bezpośrednio na pulpicie. Wejście w menu - System -> Konfiguracja -> InneПризма је апликација која омогућава корисницима да поделе уеб апликација из свог прегледача и покренути их директно на радној површини. Мени је унос у Систем - -> Конфигурација -> ОсталоPrism is een applicatie die gebruikers gesplitst web applicaties kunt van hun browser en direct lopen ze op hun bureaublad. Menu Entry is in - Systeem -> Configuratie -> AndereSystem/Configuration/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prism-1.0.0beta1-1pclos2009.src.rpmT019832736d2488e2c8ac21b205bd339e7./SRPMS.pclosd ( Q FB@OBABEBJCprism2-utils0.2.10.pre26.3pclos2007Utilities from the linux-wlan-ng projectTools for configuring the prism2 drivers for wireless network cards using Intersil's Prism2/2.5/3 chipsets.Neverstopdreaming System/Kernel and hardwarei586 kernel-sourcerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prism2-utils-0.2.1-0.pre26.3pclos2007.src.rpm{1399ad54e94e263137e2c249ee436859./SRPMS.pclos+d & L| B@BABEBJCprism54-firmware1.0.4.37pclos2019Firmware for the Linux prism54 driverFirmware for the Linux Kernel prism54 driver.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1prism54-firmware-   O ~B@BABEBJCprison6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 barcode abstraction libraryPrison is a Qt-Librariesd barcode abstraction layer/library that provides an uniform access to generation of barcodes with data.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64zxing-develpkgconfig(libdmtx)pkgconfig(libqrencode)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1prison-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmp7303a85ccdc6ee739b98869496ecfe2b./SRPMS.pclosd   c  ,B@BABEBJCdeprivoxy3.0.262pclos2017Privacy enhancing HTTP proxyPrivatsphäre verbessernder HTTP ProxyPrivoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet Junk. Privoxy has a very flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. Privoxy has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks. Privoxy was previously called Internet Junkbuster. To configure privoxy, go to http://config.privoxy.org/ Privoxy proxy is running on port 8118Privoxy ist ein Web Proxy mit erweiterten Filterfähigkeiten zum Schutz der Privatsphäre, zum Filtern von Webinhalten, zur Cookieverwaltung, zur Zugriffskontrolle und entfernen von Werbung, Bannern, Popups und anderem unerträglichen Internetkrempel. Privoxy hat eine sehr einfache Konfiguration und den persönlichen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden. Privoxy hat Programme für beides, Einzelbenutzersysteme und Systeme mit mehreren Benutzern, Privoxy wurde früher Internet Junkbuster genannt. Zur Konfiguration vom Privoxy öffnen Sie http://config.privoxy.org/ Der Privoxy Proxy läuft auf Port 8118.bb2 Networking/Otherx86_64 docbook-style-dsssldocbook-dtd42-xmldocbook-dtd31-sgmllynxmanpcre-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1privoxy-3.0.26-2pclos2017.src.rpm@525aa7e967c22c0693d64bf00c2468f0./SRPMS.pclos'd   P B@BABEBJCprocinfo188pclos2010A tool for gathering and displaying system informationThe procinfo command gets system data from the /proc directory (the kernel filesystem), formats it and displays it on standard output. You can use procinfo to acquire information about your system from the kernel as it is running. Install procinfo if you'd like to use it to gather and display system data.Monitoringi586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1procinfo-18-8pclos2010.src.rpm0a85138c41e7eb14c0b97e7f910c93eb./SRPMS.pclosd   A< @OX\xB@BABEBJCprocmail3.2210pclos2011The procmail mail processing programThe procmail program is used for all local mail delivery. In addition to just delivering mail, procmail can be used for automatic filtering, presorting and other mail handling jobs. Procmail is also the basis for the SmartList mailing list processor.pSystem/Serversx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1procmail-3.22-10pclos2011.src.rpm2e7f6b10d21825c22124f7b9e8568498./SRPMS.pclosd   \ ,xB@BABEBJCprocps4.0.42pclos2024Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your systemThe procps package contains a set of system utilities which provide system information. Procps includes ps, free, skill, snice, tload, top, uptime, vmstat, w and watch. * The ps command displays a snapshot of running processes. * The top command provides a repetitive update of the statuses of running processes. * The free command displays the amounts of free and used memory on your system. * The skill command sends a terminate command (or another specified signal) to a specified set of processes. * The snice command is used to change the scheduling priority of specified processes. * The tload command prints a graph of the current system load average to a specified tty. * The uptime command displays the current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are logged on and system load averages for the past one, five and fifteen minutes. * The w command displays a list of the users who are currently logged on and what they're running. * The watch program watches a running program. * The vmstat command displays virtual memory statistics about processes, memory, paging, block I/O, traps and CPU activity.tMonitoringx86_64  gettext-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1procps-4.0.4-2pclos2024.src.rpmfd631527275cb2c7ada89bb4ec1ed69a./SRPMS.pclosd  ;x| 3B@BBAhBElBJCprofanation1.01pclos2007Abu Simbel Profanation DeluxeRemake of the spanish 8 bits game "Abu Simbel Profanation".lTexstar Games/Arcadei586 SDL-develSDL_image-develSDL_gfx-develSDL_mixer-develunzipgcc-c++makerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1profanation-1.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmTedef7d4710e3883c1a2b63b036ffcfeb2./SRPMS.pclos[d " = B@BA(BE,BJMCprofanation-data1.02pclos2009Data files for profanationRemake of the spanish 8 bits game "Abu Simbel Profanation". This package includes the data files needed by the game.9nGames/Arcadenoarch unziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1profanation-data-1.0-2pclos2009.src.rpm9b7500dff336d2147d33d61a2ff8914ad./SRPMS.pclosd   4  dB@BABEBJCproftpd1.3.8c1pclos2025Professional FTP ServerProFTPd is an enhanced FTP server with a focus toward simplicity, security, and ease of configuration. It features a very Apache-like configuration syntax, and a highly customizable server infrastructure, including support for multiple 'virtual' FTP servers, anonymous FTP, and permission-based directory visibility. This version supports both standalone and xinetd operation.2(System/Serversx86_64  gettext-develkrb-devellib64acl-devellib64attr-devellib64cap-devellib64geoip-devellib64mariadb-devellib64maxminddb-devellib64sodium-devellib64wrap-devellibtoollibtool-develncurses-developenldap-developenssl-develpam-develpkgconfigpostgresql13-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1proftpd-1.3.8c-1pclos2025.src.rpm2L90615b25e47f991fb82b998bac48a85d./SRPMS.pclosd   9TX ^s|/B@EBAdBEhBJCproj9.5.11pclos2024Cartographic projection softwareProj.4 is a standard UNIX filter function which converts geographic longitude and latitude coordinates into cartesian coordinates (and vice versa). It is also a C API for software developers to include coordinate transformation in their own software. proj.4 is maintained on GitHub..HkpinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  lib64curl-devellib64gmock-devellib64gtest-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64tiff-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sqlite3-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1proj-9.5.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm.b5adae048237d36f900c460a79dcebb7./SRPMS.pclosd  8P T[dhB@BABEBJCprojectlibre1.6.21pclos2016Project Management ToolProject Management Tool/= 3) - fig format for xfig - pdf Adobe Portable Document Format - gnuplot format - Flattened PostScript (with or without Bezier curves) - DXF - CAD exchange format - LWO - LightWave 3D - RIB - RenderMan - RPL - Real3D - Idraw format (a special format of EPS that Idraw can read) - Tcl/Tk - HPGL - AI - Adobe Illustrator Format (based on ps2ai.ps, not a real pstoedit) - WMF - Windows Meta Files - PIC format for troff/groff - MetaPost format per usage with TeX/LaTeX - LaTeX2e picture - Kontour - GNU Metafile (plotutils/libplot) - Sketch (http://sketch.sourceforge.net) - Mathematica - through ImageMagick to any format supported by ImageMagick6Graphicsx86_64  bisonghostscriptimagemagick-develplotutils-develmultiarch-utilspkgconfig(gdlib)pkgconfig(libzip)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);432f6a46f9b2b9f7c9f8af41fccf276a./SRPMS.pclosd " ? B@!BALBEPBJqCpstreams-devel0.8.01pclos2015POSIX Process Control in C++PStreams class is like a C++ wrapper for the POSIX.2 functions popen(3) and pclose(3), using C++ iostreams instead of C's stdio library.WDevelopment/Librariesnoarch doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pstreams-devel-0.8.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmma44e59700f0c3b5bc3df8d1ed6390156./SRPMS.pclosd   /   $@B@HBAhBElBJCpsutils1.231pclos2016PostScript utilitiespsutils contains some utilities for manipulating PostScript documents. Page selections and rearrangement are supported, including arrengement into signatures for booklet printing, and page merging for n-up printing.:Publishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1psutils-1.23-1pclos2016.src.rpmha1580d7aac38d2161174c90e55f32df3./SRPMS.pclosd   H $ )38PB@BABEBJCpsx1132pclos2012emulator that fully emulates the Sony Playstation.pSX emulates the Sony Playstation 1, pretty much everything is emulated (to my knowledge) and most games run perfectly. One thing that should be noted is that pSX DOES NOT use plugins. The emulator is completely self contained. The emulator has been designed to be as easy and unobtrusive to use as possible - in most cases you will not need to configure anything to use it (except maybe the controls). Requires BIOS ROMs. Pulseaudio must be disabled for pSX to run.اNealEmulatorsi586 imagemagicklibalsa2gtk+2.0libgtkglext-1.0_0libxml2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1psx-113-2pclos2012.src.rpm[bf239aebc7f3cf759e7869d849e6904b./SRPMS.pclosd  E <B@IBAlBEpBJCpsx-plugins0.11pclos2007Plug-Ins for Sony Playstation EmulatorsThis package contains GPU (graphics), SPU (sound), input, and CD plug-ins for Sony Playstation emulators like PCSX and ePSXe. PEmulatorsi586 freetype2gtk-develliblcms-develnasmxorg-x11rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1psx-plugins-0.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm G9a916ad24a3b3f96a36299abdae06802./SRPMS.pclosWd   6 B@BA$BE(BJICpth2.0.74pclos2017GNU Pth - GNU Portable ThreadsPth is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms which provides non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution ("multithreading") inside server applications. All threads run in the same address space of the server application, but each thread has it's own individual program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable.)bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pth-2.0.7-4pclos2017.src.rpm,35094057ac02b6f7af7c336c877b8f78./SRPMS.pclosd  1H L]dB@BABEBJCptlib2.10.112pclos2016Portable Tool LibraryPTLib is a C++ multi-platform abstraction library that has its genesis many years ago as a method to produce applications to run on both Microsoft Windows and Unix systems. It also was to have a Macintosh port but this never eventuated. This is the GNOME.org version of ptlib.%System/Librariesx86_64 alsa-lib-develesound-develautoconfbisonexpat-develflexgcc-c++libavc1394-devellibdc1394_12-devellibdv-devellibraw1394_8-developenldap-developenssl-develSDL-devellibv4l-develunixODBC-develsedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ptlib-2.10.11-2pclos2016.src.rpm%b0fe1538daf7f853d380b17f19d36f8a./SRPMS.pcloskd ( S B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpublicsuffix-list201805142pclos2018Cross-vendor public domain suffix databaseThe Public Suffix List is a cross-vendor initiative to provide an accurate list of domain name suffixes, maintained by the hard work of Mozilla volunteers and by submissions from registries. Software using the Public Suffix List will be able to determine where cookies may and may not be set, protecting the user from being tracked across sites.Development/Javanoarch psl-make-dafsarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1publicsuffix-list-20180514-2pclos2018.src.rpm)0d3d5dbf7bbd45e21929feb131ab16df./SRPMS.pclos/d   4 B@BABEBJ!Cpublii0.42.11pclos2023Create Website with easeThe most intuitive Static Site CMS designed for SEO-optimized and privacy-focused websites.Development/Toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1publii-0.42.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm>3a14b09ec23682818b692c2ce444d8b9./SRPMS.pclosd   1 /B@:BA`BEdBJCpuddletag2.2.02pclos2023An audio tag editorpuddletag is an audio tag editor for GNU/Linux similar to Windows program Mp3tag (http://www.mp3tag.de). Unlike most taggers for GNU/Linux, it uses a spreadsheet-like layout so that all the tags you want to edit by hand are visible and easily editable. The usual tag editor features are supported like extracting tag information from filenames, renaming files based on their tags by using patterns (that you define, not crappy, uneditable ones). Then there're functions, which can do things like replace text, trim, change the case of tags, etc. Actions can automate repetitive tasks. You can import your QuodLibet library, lookup tags using MusicBrainz, FreeDB or Amazon (though it's only good for cover art) and more, but I've reached my comma quota. Supported formats: ID3v1, ID3v2 (mp3), MP4 (mp4, m4a, etc.), VorbisComments (ogg, flac), Musepack (mpc), Monkey's Audio (.ape) and WavPack (wv).t7Soundnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1puddletag-2.2.0-2pclos2023.src.rpmz a8f7fddf5582ecc7bbbea4e97d96ce67./SRPMS.pclosd   D 2B@CBAdBEhBJCpugixml1.141pclos2024A light-weight C++ XML processing librarypugixml is a light-weight C++ XML processing library. It features: - DOM-like interface with rich traversal/modification capabilities - Extremely fast non-validating XML parser which constructs the DOM tree from an XML file/buffer - XPath 1.0 implementation for complex data-driven tree queries - Full Unicode support with Unicode interface variants and automatic encoding conversionspinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pugixml-1.14-1pclos2024.src.rpm-#5ea685e915fcf95e8a6fadbf985282b5./SRPMS.pclos d  O )) )B@ lBA BE BJ Cdepulseaudio17.02pclos2024Sound server for LinuxSound Server für Linuxpulseaudio is a sound server for Linux and other Unix like operating systems. pulseaudio has: * Extensible plugin architecture (by loading dynamic loadable modules with dlopen()) * Support for more than one sink/source * Better low latency behaviour * Embedabble into other software (the core is available as C library) * Completely asynchronous C API * Simple command line interface for reconfiguring the daemon while running * Flexible, implicit sample type conversion and resampling * "Zero-Copy" architecture * Module autoloading * Very accurate latency measurement for playback and recording. * May be used to combine multiple sound cards to one (with sample rate adjustment) * Client side latency interpolationSound Server für Linux. pulseaudio ist ein Sound Server für Linux und andere Unix-ähnliche Betriebssysteme. Als Zusatz und zur Unterstützung bietet pulseaudio des weiteren: * erweiterbare Erweterungsarchitektur (beim laden von dynamischen lauffähigen Modulen mit dlopen * Unterstützung für mehr als eine Quelle * Besseres langsames Latnezverhalten * Integration in andere Software (der Kern ist als C Bibliothek verfügbar) * Eine Komplett asynchrone C API * Einfache Konmmandozeilenschnittstelle zur Neuerstellung während der Daemon läuft. * Flexible implizite Typ-Umwandlung und Neuerstellung * „Zero-Copy“ Architektur * automatisches laden von Modulen * sehr präzise Latenzzeit der Messverfahren bei Wiedergabe und Aufnahme. * Kann zum Kombinieren von mehreren Soundkarten in einer verwendet werden (bei Anpassung der Samplerate) * Latenzzeit Erweiterung auf Seite des Clienten.xSoundx86_64   automake1.8bash-completionbluezbluez-develdbus-glib-develdoxygengettext-develglib2-develimagemagickintltoollib64fftw-devellib64json-devellib64soxr-devellib64webrtc-audio-processing1-devellib64webrtc-devellib64xcb-util-devellibGConf2-devellibalsa-devellibasyncns-devellibatomic_ops-devellibavahi-client-devellibcap-devellibice-devellibltdl-devellibsamplerate-devellibsbc-devellibsm-devellibsndfile-devellibtoollibwrap-devellibx11-devellibxtst-devellirc-developenssl-develpipewire-jack-develpolkit-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)speex-develtdb-develudev-devel4.1014.1013. # ^ B@BABE BJACpulseaudio-dlna0.5.21pclos2017A DLNA server which brings DLNA/UPnP support to PulseAudioThis is pulseaudio-dlna. A small DLNA server which brings DLNA / UPnP and Chromecast support to PulseAudio and Linux. It can stream your current PulseAudio playback to different UPnP devices (UPnP Media Renderers) in your network. Its main goals are: easy to use, no configuration hassle, no big dependencies. ubb2 Soundnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pulseaudio-dlna-0.5.2-1pclos2017.src.rpm {5fd707ea7d9158c5a8e474d6e3017efd./SRPMS.pclosd ! < dB@zBABEBJCpulseaudio-qt1.6.02pclos2025Qt bindings for PulseAudioPulseAudio-qt is a Qt framework C++ bindings library for the PulseAudio sound system.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  appstreamdoxygenkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libpulse)qttools6-assistantrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pulseaudio-qt-1.6.0-2pclos2025.src.rpm0a200265668212e5b28eed7cedbb73ff./SRPMS.pclos/d ' R B@BABEBJ!Cpulseaudio-recorder0.3.03pclos2023A simple, modern PulseAudio sound recorderA simple, modern PulseAudio sound recorder for the desktop.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pulseaudio-recorder-0.3.0-3pclos2023.src.rpmO1bed14fc932f2c9d4880dce22b694387./SRPMS.pcloskd &  B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cdepulseaudioutils0.2.14pclos2014A collection of little tools for working with PulseAudioSammlung von kleinen Werkzeugen zum Arbeiten mit PulseAudioPulseAudioUtils is collection of little tools for working with PulseAudio. The collection contains currently a mixer, a control panel and a recorder.PulseAudioUtils ist eine Sammlung von kleinen Werkzeugen zum Arbeiten mit PulseAudio. Dezeitig sind ein Mixer, ein Kontrollpanel und ein Rekorder enthalten.|SSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pulseaudioutils-0.2.1-4pclos2014.src.rpm}3ca5ba37cdc5a87ad105380216635f4f./SRPMS.pclos;d # X \blB@BABE BJ-Cdepulsecaster0.1.101pclos2014PulseCaster is a simple PulseAudio-based tool for making podcast interviews.PulseCaster ist ein einfaches, PulseAudio-basiertes Werkzeug zum Erstellen von Podcast Interviews.PulseCaster is a simple PulseAudio-based tool for making podcast interviews. It is designed for ease of use and simplicity. The user makes a call with a preferred PulseAudio-compatible Voice-over-IP (VoIP) softphone application such as ​Ekiga or ​Twinkle, and then starts PulseCaster to record the conversation to a multimedia file. The resulting file can be published as a podcast or distributed in other ways.PulseCaster ist ein einfaches, PulseAudio-basiertes Werkzeug zum Erstellen von Podcast Interviews. Es ist für eine einfache und leichte Benutzung designd. Der Benutzer macht einen Anruf mit seinem bevorzugten PulseAudio-kompatiblen Voice-over-IP (VoIP) Softwaretelefonie-Programm, wie Ekiga oder Twinkle und dann startet PulseCaster die Aufnahme der Unterhaltung in einer Multimediadatei. Die resultierende Datei kann dann als Podcast oder auf anderem Wege veröffentlicht werden.Soundx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pulsecaster-0.1.10-1pclos2014.src.rpm cb24facb4925f6cfae6c647b595556b3./SRPMS.pclos;d ! b pB@BABE BJ-Cpulseeffects4.8.711pclos2024Audio equalizer, filters and effects for Pulseaudio applicationsLimiters, compressor, reverberation, high-pass filter, low pass filter, equalizer many more effects for PulseAudio applications.iSoundx86_64   appstream-glibboost-develdesktop-file-utilsitstoollib64atkmm1.6-devellib64bs2b-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64ebur128-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-devellib64gtkmm3.0-devellib64lilv-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64serd-devellib64sord-devellib64sratom-devellib64zita-convolver-devellibxml2-utilslv2-develmesonpkgconfig(adwaita-qt)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)2.561.1211.03.0.4-14.6.0-1pulseeffects-4.8.7-11pclos2024.src.rpmbf201bb7c7d0bbbb2f8e2a26cc341186./SRPMS.pcloscd   Fh l{B@ BA0BE4BJUCpure-ftpd1.0.421pclos2015Lightweight, fast and secure FTP serverPure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standard-comformant FTP server, based upon Troll-FTPd. Unlike other popular FTP servers, it has no known security flaw, it is really trivial to set up and it is especially designed for modern Linux and FreeBSD kernels (setfsuid, sendfile, capabilities) . Features include PAM support, IPv6, chroot()ed home directories, virtual domains, built-in LS, anti-warez system, bandwidth throttling, FXP, bounded ports for passive downloads, UL/DL ratios, native LDAP and SQL support, Apache log files and more.System/Serversx86_64 pam-developenldap-develmysql-develpostgresql-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pure-ftpd-1.0.42-1pclos2015.src.rpm7329d6683cbb3b5e736ebb4fdf5e0e06./SRPMS.pclosod   B B@BA<BE@BJaCpurei0.541pclos2022Play! is a portable PlayStation2 emulatorPlay! is a portable PlayStation2 emulator. The focus of the project is on making PlayStation2 emulation easy and accessible. Just pop in your favorite game's disc and have fun! *No BIOS required. Play! is an high-level emulator. *Easy configuration. No custom settings to fix specific games. *Available on many platforms. Making sure the experience is the same everywhere.5$Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1purei-0.54-1pclos2022.src.rpm:a11c05a7090ec330ed246bbbd5dec876./SRPMS.pclosod # JD HelB@BA<BE@BJaCpurple-facebook0.9.61pclos2021Facebook protocol plugin for libpurplePurple Facebook implements the Facebook Messenger protocol into pidgin, finch, and libpurple. While the primary implementation is for purple3, this plugin is back-ported for purple2. More information: https://github.com/dequis/purple-facebook/wikisNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libgadu)pkgconfig(libnm)pkgconfig(purple)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1purple-facebook-0.9.6-1pclos2021.src.rpm7c323ea60768bb8a367ca09bd1d08957./SRPMS.pclosd # j AB@KBAtBExBJCpurple-telegram1.4.31pclos2020Libpurple protocol plugin that adds support for the Telegram messengerAdds support for Telegram to Pidgin, Adium, Finch and other Libpurple based messengers.pp Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pkgconfig(purple)pkgconfig(libwebp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1purple-telegram-1.4.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm f3403d167ca268cf69e9e41526d77965./SRPMS.pclosd   \ IB@]BABEBJCpurpose6.11.01pclos2025Provides abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilledFramework for providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled.System/Librariesx86_64  accounts-qml-moduleintltoolkdeclarativekf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1purpose-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm5b0dc9e2a51fad3f3615559ecc310742./SRPMS.pclosd   :\ `ox$B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cpushover0.0.51pclos2016Pushover is a fun puzzle gamePushover is a fun puzzle game originally published by Ocean in 1992. In this game you control an ant that can walk along platforms that are connected with ladders. On those platforms are dominos that need to fall according to some rules. You control the ant with arrow keys and spacebariGames/Strategyx86_64 lib64SDL_mixer-develzlib1-devellib64png-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_ttf-devellib64lua5.1-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pushover-0.0.5-1pclos2016.src.rpm1f57010c208b8772eb1653fe9b48ac5a4./SRPMS.pclosCd   6< @Y`xB@BABEBJ5Cputty0.831pclos2025SSH, Telnet and Rlogin clientThis is the Unix port of the popular Windows ssh client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl-rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.{Networking/Remote accessx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilshalibutpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1putty-0.83-1pclos2025.src.rpm3343a264e4371d20018bf3eacb3cefb5./SRPMS.pclos7d   B B@BABEBJ)Cpv1.6.61pclos2019Monitor the progress of data through a pipePV ("Pipe Viewer") is a tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.Development/Otherx86_64 gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pv-1.6.6-1pclos2019.src.rpmb77ff58597352760e87acec10cbf88b4./SRPMS.pclosd   6  @  B@BABEBJCpvm3.4.57pclos2010Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)PVM is a software system that enables a collection of heterogeneous computers to be used as a coherent and flexible concurrent computational resource. The individual computers may be shared- or local-memory multiprocessors, vector supercomputers, specialized graphics engines, or scalar workstations, that may be interconnected by a variety of networks, such as ethernet, FDDI. User programs written in C, C++ or Fortran access PVM through library routines..lSystem/Clusteri586  ncurses-develreadline-develm4tcltcl-develtktk-develX11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   3 B@BABEBJCpwauth2.3.91pclos2011A Unix Web AuthenticatorPwauth is an authenticator designed to be used with mod_auth_external and the Apache HTTP Daemon to support reasonably secure web authentication out of the system password database on most versions of Unix. What pwauth actually does is very simple. Given a login and a password, it returns a status code indicating whether it is a valid login/password or not. It is normally installed as an suid-root program, so other programs (like Apache or a CGI program) can run it to check if a login/password is valid even though they don't themselves have read access to the system password database.frSystem/Serversx86_64 pam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pwauth-2.3.9-1pclos2011.src.rpmh4eeeeda697348568b2bbf978e792cc78./SRPMS.pclos_d   5 B@ BA,BE0BJQCpwdb0.626pclos2011The password database libraryThe pwdb package contains libpwdb, the password database library. Libpwdb is a library which implements a generic user information database. Libpwdb was specifically designed to work with Linux's PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules). Libpwdb allows configurable access to and management of security tools like /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and network authentication systems including NIS and Radius.System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pwdb-0.62-6pclos2011.src.rpm|b02a36d01c4044e9e22c85b9c4dc07d0./SRPMS.pclosd   + ,B@6BATBEXBJyCpwgen2.082pclos2021Password generatorpwgen generates random, meaningless but pronounceable and thus easy to remember passwords. The also contained makepasswd gives even more options which are more aimed at security.iSecurityx86_64 perlzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pwgen-2.08-2pclos2021.src.rpm471632f5b460836d4a7217ad9adc025f./SRPMS.pclosd  3\ `qxgB@|BABEBJCpwlib1.10.103pclos2011Portable Windows LibaryPWLib is a moderately large class library that has its genesis many years ago asa method to product applications to run on both Microsoft Windows and Unix X-Window systems. It also was to have a Macintosh port as well but this never eventeated. Unfortunately this package contains no GUI code. System/Librariesx86_64 alsa-lib-develautoconf2.5bisonlibexpat1-develflexgcc-c++libdc1394_12-devellibraw1394_8-devellibdv-developenldap-developenssl-develSDL-develsedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pwlib-1.10.10-3pclos2011.src.rpm+b53be4dd8c2bab516338bc84da667437./SRPMS.pclosCd  <( ,=DdB@BABEBJ5Cpxlib0.6.42pclos2011A library to read Paradox DB filespxlib is a simply and still small C library to read Paradox DB files. It supports all versions starting from 3.0. It currently has a very limited set of functions like to open a DB file, read its header and read every single record.bSystem/Librariesx86_64  autoconf2.5sqlite-devellibgsf-develintltooldocbook-to-mandocbook-utilslibglib2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.543.0.4-1pxlib-0.6.4-2pclos2011.src.rpm f872cb0bf9668c25db0585ef7b9543dc./SRPMS.pcloswd  H B@BADBEHBJiCpy-smbpasswd1.0.14pclos2013NT/LM hash generation module for PythonThis module can generate both LANMAN and NT password hashes, suitable for use with Samba. Sample usage import smbpasswd pwd = 'mypassword' print 'LANMAN hash is', smbpasswd.lmhash(pwd) print 'NT hash is', smbpasswd.nthash(pwd) print 'both hashes at once = %s:%s (lm:nt)' % smbpasswd.hash(pwd)81Juan Luis Baptiste Development/Pythonx86_64 libxine-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1py-smbpasswd-1.0.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm?k0fb1086b5059f3f305c9195c903feb97./SRPMS.pclosd   >d h{B@BABEBJCpy2play0.1.95pclos2013A peer-to-peer network game engineA Peer To Peer network game engine.RDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1py2play-0.1.9-5pclos2013.src.rpmXacf943042eebc38fee2642b67431a402./SRPMS.pclosd   3 LB@hBABEBJCpy3c1.41pclos2024Python compatibility headerspy3c helps you port C extensions to Python 3. It provides a detailed guide, and a set of macros to make porting easy and reduce boilerplate.Development/Pythonx86_64  gccmakepython3-develpython3-packagingpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themepython3-sphinxcontrib-applehelppython3-sphinxcontrib-devhelppython3-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelppython3-sphinxcontrib-qthelppython3-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1py3c-1.4-1pclos2024.src.rpmɉ791e992699b96643195a857b22ab57ff./SRPMS.pclosd   O0 4GP`B@BABEBJCpyPgSQL2.45pclos2013A Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQLpyPgSQL is a package of two modules that provide a Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQL databases. The first module, libpq, exports the PostgreSQL C API to Python. This module is written in C and can be compiled into Python or can be dynamically loaded on demand. The second module, PgSQL, provides the DB-API 2.0 compliant interface and support for various PostgreSQL data types, such as INT8, NUMERIC, MONEY, BOOL, ARRAYS, etc. This module is written in Python.NDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develpostgresql-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyPgSQL-2.4-5pclos2013.src.rpmcc5ccbc2d9bda41e3b98359e50709566./SRPMS.pclos#d   6\ `s|B@BABEBJCpyalsa1.0.253pclos2013Python wrapper for libalsaPyalsa is a Python wrapper for ALSA.Development/Pythonx86_64 libalsa-devellibpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyalsa-1.0.25-3pclos2013.src.rpm3e8a002d949b3fee39218b2b50dc1f14./SRPMS.pclosCd   5\ `s|B@BABEBJ5Cpyalsa1.2.71pclos2024Python wrapper for libalsaPyalsa is a Python wrapper for ALSA.Development/Pythonx86_64  lib64alsa2-devellibpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pyalsa-1.2.7-1pclos2024.src.rpm"e9dee40d11724344c839dec6f804a6da./SRPMS.pclosd   3  (QB@ZBA|BEBJCpyasn10.0.11a3pclos2013ASN.1 tools for PythonThis project is dedicated to implementation of ASN.1 types (concrete syntax) and codecs (transfer syntaxes) for Python programming environment. ASN.1 compiler is planned for implementation in the future.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyasn1-0.0.11a-3pclos2013.src.rpmf57c82f49df60cc94d83d6a1bae219ef./SRPMS.pclosd   7 #6@PB@BABEBJCpyatspi2.38.21pclos2022Python bindings for at-spiat-spi allows assistive technologies to access GTK-based applications. Essentially it exposes the internals of applications for automation, so tools such as screen readers, magnifiers, or even scripting interfaces can query and interact with GUI controls. This version of at-spi is a major break from previous versions. It has been completely rewritten to use D-Bus rather than ORBIT / CORBA for its transport protocol. This package includes a python client library for at-spi.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M| B@BABEBJ5Cpybackpack0.5.44pclos2013A GTK+ tool written in Python to backup files.User oriented backup and restore applicationSArchiving/Backupnoarch python-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pybackpack-0.5.4-4pclos2013.src.rpmW(79848b4b0d74914cb84df3bbb86a9f7e./SRPMS.pclos/d   A| B@BABEBJ!Cpychecker0.8.193pclos2013A python source code checking toolPyChecker is a tool for finding bugs in python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++. It is similar to lint. Because of the dynamic nature of python, some warnings may be incorrect; however, spurious warnings should be fairly infrequent.XDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pychecker-0.8.19-3pclos2013.src.rpmVdfa52977d6818680a356842297627baa./SRPMS.pclosd   0 0OB@mBABEBJCpychess1.0.52pclos2025Chess game for LinuxPyChess is a GTK+ chess game for Linux. It is designed to at the same time be easy to use, beautiful to look at, and provide advanced functions for advanced players.EGames/Boardsnoarch  lib64rsvg2-develpyproject-rpm-macrospython3-cairopython3-cairo-develpython3-develpython3-gobject3python3-gobject3-develpython3-packagingpython3-pexpectpython3-pippython3-psutilpython3-sqlalchemypython3-websocketspython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pychess-1.0.5-2pclos2025.src.rpm~$784a1cb3ebc41843139d95004183146f./SRPMS.pclosd  Y $B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cpychromecast3.2.21pclos2019Python library to communicate with the Google ChromecastPython library to communicate with the Google Chromecast.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pychromecast-3.2.2-1pclos2019.src.rpmcf0fd01c1e873891ab4b4029058496ff./SRPMS.pclos/d   <` du|B@BABEBJ!Cpyclamav0.4.13pclos2013A Python interface to libclamavA Python interface to libclamav.D=System/Librariesx86_64  clamav-develpython-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.903.0.4-1pyclamav-0.4.1-3pclos2013.src.rpmB,c0d7b4a3c586aa7fede5dee00e9e28dc./SRPMS.pclosWd   9X \oxB@BA$BE(BJICpyclutter1.3.23pclos2013Python bindings for clutterPython bindings for clutterDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  clutter-develpygtk2.0-develpython-cairo-devellibxslt-procrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d " Dh lB@BABEBJCpycryptodomex3.11.01pclos2021Cryptographic library for Python.Cryptographic library for Python."Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pycryptodomex-3.11.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm"16cfd75587f7e7cba2d087440319e03b./SRPMS.pclosod   H B@BA<BE@BJaCpyephem3.7.6.01pclos2018Basic astronomical computations for PythonPyEphem provides scientific-grade astronomical computations for the Python programming language. KDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyephem- P\3654910bb6dece08283f9c893d113eeb./SRPMS.pclos#d   30 4GPhB@BABEBJCpyexiv20.3.01pclos2011Python binding to exiv2pyexiv2 is a python binding to exiv2, the C++ library for manipulation of EXIF and IPTC image metadata. It is a python module that allows your python scripts to read and write metadata (EXIF, IPTC, thumbnail) embedded in image files (JPEG, TIFF, ...).PDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-devellib64exiv2-develboost-develpython-sconssconsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyexiv2-0.3.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm$]9a69c3e60c89ad4ce53f4be155bc99ec./SRPMS.pclossd   W B@BA@BEDBJeCpyflakes0.5.01pclos2013Simple program which checks Python source files for errorsPyflakes is a simple program which checks Python source files for errors. It is similar to PyChecker in scope, but differs in that it does not execute the modules to check them. This is both safer and faster, although it does not perform as many checks. Unlike PyLint, Pyflakes checks only for logical errors in programs; it does not perform any checks on style.CrDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyflakes-0.5.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmJa119fd66235e432b6ad5e7a9cfdbbd93./SRPMS.pclosd ' _  $@B@HBAtBExBJCdepygtk-shutdown70b9f7c3pclos2013Shutdown utility for OpenboxShutdown Tool für OpenboxA simple shutdown dialog programmed in python that allows you to logout, shutdown, and restart your computer from a GTK dialog. This is useful for people who use Openbox or other WMs besides Gnome and KDE.Einfaches Shutdown Tool, programmiert in Python. Es erlaubt ihnen Abmelden, Herunterfahren und Neustart ihres Rechners im GTK Dialog. Besonders hilfreich in Openbox oder andere WM's wie Gnome und KDE.CGraphical desktop/Openboxx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pygtk-shutdown-70b9f7c-3pclos2013.src.rpmG{abf4823337e7c4ce5dd769f660a651e0./SRPMS.pclosd   FP Tox  b B@uBABEBJCpygtk2.02.24.05pclos2018Python bindings for the GTK+2 widget setPyGTK is an extension module for python that gives you access to the GTK+ widget set. Just about anything you can write in C with GTK+ you can write in python with PyGTK (within reason), but with all of python's benefits. This new release includes GTK2 support. mDevelopment/GNOME and GTK+x86_64 gtk+2-devellibglade2.0-develpython-develpython-numericpython-gobjectpython-cairognome-commongtk-doclibxslt-procpython-numpy-develpython-cairo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pygtk2.0-2.24.0-5pclos2018.src.rpm <8aaf0d6e4576e10d41d1cc9db64789d1./SRPMS.pcloscd   T B@ BA0BE4BJUCpyid3lib0.5.13pclos2013Python module for editing ID3v2 tags of MP3 audio filespyid3lib is a Python module for editing ID3v2 tags of MP3 audio files.[Soundx86_64 libid3-develzlib-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyid3lib-0.5.1-3pclos2013.src.rpma@14ae6beb247c1e5e0b17f63bb73d48cd./SRPMS.pclosd   F yB@BABEBJCpykaraoke0.7.53pclos2018PyKaraoke - CD+G/MPEG/KAR Karaoke PlayerPyKaraoke is a free karaoke player for Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Windows, OSX and GP2X. You can use this program to play your collection of CDG, MIDI and MPEG karaoke songs. No songs are provided, you must obtain these from elsewhere. Warning - this version uses 1251 codepage for kar files! Features: * CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G) playback - Play standard CDG karaoke files * MIDI (.MID/.KAR) playback - Play MIDI format karaoke files * MPEG playback - Play karaoke songs and movies in MPEG format * Playlist - Queue up songs, sit back and enjoy * Searchable song database - Easily find your songs from the main screen * Search inside ZIP files - Play MP3+G/MIDI files wrapped in ZIP files * Cross-platform - Runs on Windows and Linux MIDI/KAR support on Linux, requires the following: * Timidity++ * Sounds/patches for Timidity++ (e.g. freepats or eawpatches) PyKaraoke is a frontend for the pycdg and pympg karaoke players. It provides a search engine to find your songs, a file/folder browser to pick songs from disk, as well as a playlist. PyKaraoke-Mini is a frontend for the pycdg and pympg karaoke players. It is similar to pykaraoke, but it is designed for use on small portable devices rather than PC's. In particular, it could be useful on any device lacking a keyboard and mouse. This package includes the Python modules needed to play CDG files, MIDI/KAR files and MPEG files. This package also includes the arch-dependent modules that gives a major performance boost to the CDG player. Note: No songs are provided with the player you can obtain these from the addon karaoke-songs pkg. "ySoundx86_64  desktop-file-utilspython-setuptoolspython-develwxPythonGTK-develwxPythonGTK-wxversionlib64pygame1.9-develatlasrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)̯d8a1b0ad5cd94db3e421cbd0e6d4d5ff./SRPMS.pclosd   W bB@qBABEBJCpylast1.9.02pclos2022A Python interface to Last.fm API compatible social networksA Python interface to Last.fm (and other API compatible social networks)Development/Pythonnoarch python3-PyYAMLpython3-coveragepython3-develpython3-mockpython3-pbrpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pylast-1.9.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm81eea4be57740ff58908b5e72e6c8f7d./SRPMS.pclosd   8 ;B@NBAtBExBJCpyliblo30.12.01pclos2024Python wrapper for libalsaThis is a fork of the original bindings for liblo, making it pip installable and working with RaySession and othersqDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  lib64lo-develpython3-cythonpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pyliblo3-0.12.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm?cada8101d054100bccdb2ea42d162be1./SRPMS.pcloskd    ; B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpylote1.32pclos2022Draw on the screen of the computerPylote is a software making it possible to draw on the screen of the computer, like handling various instruments of geometry. Made in Python 2 and Python-qt4.DGraphicsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pylote-1.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm28b5abf3ad56f3a851f1eac1c3726f87a./SRPMS.pclosgd   H  B@BA4BE8BJYCpymad0.63pclos2013A wrapper for the MAD MPEG Audio decoder librarypymad is a Python wrapper for the MPEG Audio Decoder library. Access this module via "import mad" or "from mad import *". To decode an mp3 stream, you'll want to create a MadFile object and read data from that. You can then write the data to a sound device. See the example program in test/ for a simple mp3 player that uses libao for the sound device.SyDevelopment/Pythonnoarch mad-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pymad-0.6-3pclos2013.src.rpm[2eaa2216a7fbb475c2bde2bc48a3452f./SRPMS.pclosod   9 B@BA<BE@BJaCpymaxe0.701pclos2014Music and videoclips downloaderPymaxe is a free (open-source) application for downloading music and videoclips from Internet. It is free to use, redistribute and you're even allowed to modify it.uVideonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pymaxe-0.70-1pclos2014.src.rpm7c6fabcbc8d058c7aae540c73b4e4edf./SRPMS.pclosd   L  >H`B@BABEBJ Cpymazon0.9.13pclos2013Python based downloader for the Amazon mp3 storeA Python based downloader for the Amazon mp3 store. This package only contains the command-line interface. For the Qt 4 interface, also install pymazon-qt. For the GTK2 interface, also install pymazon-gtk.nProductivity/Networking/Otherx86_64 python-develpython-pycryptopython-qt4pygtk2.0pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pymazon-0.9.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm1152588ec8bc75e03e8b371bd17a61fc./SRPMS.pclosd  50 4GP | G B@YBA|BEBJCpymol1.8.6.01pclos2018Molecular Graphics SystemPyMOL is a molecular graphics system with an embedded Python interpreter designed for real-time visualization and rapid generation of high-quality molecular graphics images and animations. It is fully extensible and available free to everyone via the "Python" license. Although a newcomer to the field, PyMOL can already be used to generate stunning images and animations with unprecedented ease. It can also perform many other valuable tasks (such as editing PDB files) to assist you in your research.heSciences/Chemistryx86_64 imagemagickpython-develpython-numpy-devellib64msgpack-develpkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(freeglut)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pymol-   ; ",0LB@TBApBEtBJCpymp1.03pclos2013A lean, flexible frontend to MPlayerPymp is a lean, flexible frontend to MPlayer written in Python. It supports simple playlists, web streams, and anything else that MPlayer does. Pymp aims to blend in with your desktop environment, not stand out as many skinned players do. Features: Open files on the command line: pymp *.mp3 Open locations: pymp http://foo.com dvd://1 Drag and Drop files and folders to playlist M3U and PLS playlist format support Find files in playlist with ctrl+f Remote command executionUVideonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pymp-1.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm29b94332e99c7b9963669b389b74269a./SRPMS.pclosd  ]0 4:DPB@BABEBJCpympd0.08.13pclos2013Pymp'd is a frontend for mpd daemon for playing and managing musicPymp'd is a frontend for mpd in the style of rhythmbox and itunes, written in python, with pygtk. Pymp'd itself is not a music player, but is actually a frontend to mpd, a daemon for playing and managing music.\Soundnoarch  libpython-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " 6x |B@BABEBJ%Cpyneighborhood0.5.43pclos2013Samba share browserPyNeighborhood is a front end to Samba using the gtk2 libraries.Networking/Othernoarch gtk+2-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyneighborhood-0.5.4-3pclos2013.src.rpme4e1c49140d15ce00f2fec1cc3f428f3./SRPMS.pclosd   8 UB@_BABEBJCpyogg1.331pclos2013A wrapper for the Ogg librariespyogg - a Python wrapper for the Ogg libraries Ogg/Vorbis is available at http://www.xiph.org There's not a whole lot you can do with this module by itself. You'll probably also want the ogg.vorbis module, which can be found wherever you got this. You can now write Python programs to encode and decode Ogg Vorbis files (encoding is quite a bit more involved). The module is self-documenting, though I need to update quite a bit of it.XDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libogg-devellibpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyogg-1.3-31pclos2013.src.rpm_106a30eaa4b5a165ced6993827589060./SRPMS.pclos#d   2L Pcl|B@BABEBJCpyopenal0.1.65pclos2013OpenAL port to PythonOpenAL port to Python.iDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-developenal-develfreealut-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyopenal-0.1.6-5pclos2013.src.rpmoz674f5684a7a815d3613e35ab0ae6e84a./SRPMS.pclosd   8 %B@DBAhBElBJCpyorbit2.24.03pclos2013Python bindings for ORBit2.pyorbit is an extension module for python that gives you access to the ORBit2 CORBA ORB.~Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  libpython-devellibORBit2-devellibIDL-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  G    B@BABEBJCpyotherside1.5.91pclos2022Asynchronous Python 3 Bindings for Qt 5A Qt 5 QML Plugin that provides access to a Python 3 interpreter from QML.dYubikeyx86_64 pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickTest)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyotherside-1.5.9-1pclos2022.src.rpmYbdfd54b8594155dd9da40f1e06d6f9bc./SRPMS.pclosd    K >B@KBAlBEpBJCpypar21.45pclos2016Graphical frontend for the Linux par2 command linePyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the Linux par2 command line, written in Python. Its GUI uses GTK through the PyGTK library. PyPar2 is designed to be very easy to use. For this reason: * Advanced settings are present, but hidden by default. * There is no preferences dialog, all selected options are automatically saved and restored.File toolsnoarch pythonpygtk2.0-develpygtk2.0-libgladedesktop-file-utilspython-vterpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pypar2-1.4-5pclos2016.src.rpmĖ6dc0ba74fefbab2cab2f1437e3cd2d06./SRPMS.pclossd   8X\ bu|B@BA@BEDBJeCpyproj3.7.01pclos2025A Python 3 interface to PROJ4A Python 3 interface to PROJ4.pinocDevelopment/Pythonx86_64   projproj-develpython3-cythonpython3-develpython3-numpyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) % L  B@BA@BEDBJeCpyproject-rpm-macros049pclos2022RPM macros for PEP 517 Python packagesThese macros allow projects that follow the Python packaging specifications to be packaged as RPMs. They are still provisional: we can make non-backwards-compatible changes to the API. Please subscribe to Fedora's python-devel list if you use the macros. They work for: * traditional Setuptools-based projects that use the setup.py file, * newer Setuptools-based projects that have a setup.cfg file, * general Python projects that use the PEP 517 pyproject.toml file (which allows using any build system, such as setuptools, flit or poetry). These macros replace %py3_build and %py3_install, which only work with setup.py.TTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyproject-rpm-macros-0-49pclos2022.src.rpm7930718f06c9c8d6f05a73efd19d9145./SRPMS.pclosd   B .B@;BA`BEdBJCpyrenamer0.6.03pclos2013A mass file renamer written in PyGTKWith pyRenamer you can change the name of several files at the same time easily. - You can use patterns to rename files. - You can use search & replace to rename files. - You can use common substitutions. - You can manually rename selected files. - You can rename images using their EXIF tags. - You can rename MP3s using their ID3 tags.Q}File toolsnoarch gettextdesktop-file-utilspygtk2.0-develperl-XML-ParserImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyrenamer-0.6.0-3pclos2013.src.rpmUf3966f10408fe2b511f4dcbe2fd34b7b./SRPMS.pclosd   W $8B@BABEBJCpyroom0.4.13pclos2013PyRoom is a full screen text editor and a clone of WriteroomPyRoom is full-screen text editor, without buttons, menu, formatting, so you can focus on writing, and only writing. It is written in Python + GTK. It is also a clone of Writeroom.(Editorsnoarch python-develpygtk2desktop-file-utilsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pyroom-0.4.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm.-a30c8ae033b968a35cd1a2b3cdc4bfb7./SRPMS.pclosd  0 &0<wB@BABEBJCpysdm0.4.13pclos2014Storage Device ManagerPySDM is a Storage Device Manager that allows full customization of hard disk mountpoints without manually access to fstab. It also allows the creation of udev rules for dynamic configuration of storage devicesȿSystem/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch python-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pysdm-0.4.1-3pclos2014.src.rpmi55183dc8347fff868dd28d2a0aea8590./SRPMS.pclosd   _h l  > B@SBAtBExBJCpyside1.2.21pclos2015The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the QtThe PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework. PySide Qt bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support all of the platforms as Qt itself.7 Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakeqt4-develpkgconfig(QtWebKit)phonon-develshiboken-develpython-develpython3-develpython3-shiboken-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>c6f0fb80f337b47e1075cb2d97630d15./SRPMS.pclossd ! :TX `wB@BA@BEDBJeCpyside-tools0.2.141pclos2013PySide development toolsPySide tools includes pyside-uic which generate Python code from ui files created with Qt Designer, pyside-rcc generate python source code containing data specified in a Qt resource file and pyside-lupdate finds Qt Linguist translatable strings, and updates the translation files.pinoc64Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakeqt4-develphonon-develshiboken-develpython-develpyside-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"b7752d7f21d8be090a7416a2a0e31d0b./SRPMS.pcloscd   cp t)4))B@BA0BE4BJUCpyside25.15.61pclos2022The PySide2 project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt5The PySide2 project provides LGPL-licensed Python3 bindings for the Qt5 cross-platform application and UI framework. PySide2 Qt5 bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support all of the platforms as Qt5 itself.7Development/Pythonx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(Qt53DCore)pkgconfig(Qt5Charts)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DataVisualization)pkgconfig(Qt5Designer)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Location)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5MultimediaWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Positioning)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickControls2)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5RemoteObjects)pkgconfig(Qt5Script)pkgconfig(Qt5ScriptTools)pkgconfig(Qt5Scxml)pkgconfig(Qt5Sensors)pkgconfig(Qt5SerialPort)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5TextToSpeech)pkgconfig(Qt5UiTools)pkgconfig(Qt5WebChannel)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)pkgconfig(Qt5WebSockets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5XmlPatterns)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)pkgconfig(shiboken2)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   bp t:|::B@*BALBEPBJqCpyside66.8.21pclos2025The PySide6 project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt6The PySide6 project provides LGPL-licensed Python3 bindings for the Qt6 cross-platform application and UI framework. PySide6 Qt6 bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support all of the platforms as Qt6 itself.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt63DCore)cmake(Qt6Bluetooth)cmake(Qt6Charts)cmake(Qt6Concurrent)cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6DataVisualization)cmake(Qt6Designer)cmake(Qt6ExampleIconsPrivate)cmake(Qt6Graphs)cmake(Qt6GraphsWidgets)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Help)cmake(Qt6HttpServer)cmake(Qt6Location)cmake(Qt6Multimedia)cmake(Qt6MultimediaWidgets)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6NetworkAuth)cmake(Qt6Nfc)cmake(Qt6OpenGL)cmake(Qt6Pdf)cmake(Qt6PdfWidgets)cmake(Qt6Positioning)cmake(Qt6PrintSupport)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Quick3D)cmake(Qt6QuickControls2)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6QuickWidgets)cmake(Qt6RemoteObjects)cmake(Qt6Scxml)cmake(Qt6Sensors)cmake(Qt6SerialBus)cmake(Qt6SerialPort)cmake(Qt6SpatialAudio)cmake(Qt6Sql)cmake(Qt6StateMachine)cmake(Qt6Svg)cmake(Qt6SvgWidgets)cmake(Qt6Test)cmake(Qt6TextToSpeech)cmake(Qt6UiTools)cmake(Qt6WebChannel)cmake(Qt6WebEngineCore)cmake(Qt6WebEngineWidgets)cmake(Qt6WebSockets)cmake(Qt6Widgets)cmake(Qt6Xml)cmake(shiboken6)doxygenpkgconfig(python3)pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) % aTX _ktB@BA$BE(BJICpysol-sound-server3.204pclos2022pysol-sound-server to provide sounds and music for PySol FCA Python extension module that plays WAV samples together with MP3 or MOD background music. PySol-Sound-Server should work under any platform that is supported by the SDL library, but currently only Linux, FreeBSD and Win32 have been tested.TerryNGames/Cardsx86_64 lib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_mixer-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pysol-sound-server-3.20-4pclos2022.src.rpmc8e28dd9cf93485bf745ca5d99213b21./SRPMS.pclosd   @ zB@BABEBJCpysolfc3.2.01pclos2025A Python 3 solitaire game collectionPySolFC is a collection of more than 1000 solitaire card games. Its features include modern look and feel (uses Tile widget set), multiple card-sets and tableau backgrounds, sound, unlimited undo, player statistics, a hint system, demo games, a solitaire wizard, support for user written plug-ins, an integrated HTML help browser, and lots of documentation./pinocGames/Cardsnoarch  python3-develpython3-flake8python3-pillow-tkpython3-pycotappython3-random2python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1pysolfc-3.2.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmBAhBElBJCpython-Gato0.200903114pclos2013Python Gato moduleGato - the Graph Animation Toolbox - is a software which visualizes algorithms on graphs. Graphs are mathematical objects consisting of vertices and edges connecting pairs of vertices: think of cities as vertices and interstates as edges connecting two cities. Algorithms might find a shortest path - the fastest route - or a minimal spanning tree or solve one of other interesting problems on graphs: maximal-flow, weighted and non-weighted matching and min-cost flow. Visualisation means linking cause - the statements of an algorithm - immediately to an effect - changes to the graph the algorithm has as its input - by terms of blinking, changing colors and other visual effects.aBDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-Gato-0.20090311-4pclos2013.src.rpmib711a48733c1bd7dc5327e8f730898c0e./SRPMS.pclosKd * L B@BABEBJ=Cpython-GnuPG-Interface0.3.24pclos2013GnuPG-Interface module for pythonThis module provides Python bindings for the GnuPG.L'Development/Pythonnoarch python-develgnupgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-GnuPG-Interface-0.3.2-4pclos2013.src.rpmRl9913910e720aedde5ef8ed07157f30ae./SRPMS.pclos/d   c| B@BABEBJ!Cpython-ID31.24pclos2013Python module for manipulating ID3 information tags on MP3 audio filesThis is a simple Python module for retrieving and setting so-called ID3 tags on MP3 compressed audio files through an object-oriented interface. MP3 players generally use this simple information for display track title, artist name, and album title while playing the sound file.=\Development/Pythonnoarch  python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   $ d\ `s|B@BABEBJCpython-IPy0.811pclos2013Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and NetworksIPy is a Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks in a fashion similar to perl's Net::IP and friends. The IP class allows a comfortable parsing and handling for most notations in use for IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks.kDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-IPy-0.81-1pclos2013.src.rpmr3a86a935edf92aebf7013e1a2871a9f1./SRPMS.pclosd  P@ DW`hB@BABEBJCpython-Itpl04pclos2013String interpolation (variable expansion) for PythonThis is a python module for interpolating strings (that is, for expanding variables within strings), as described in PEP 215. This module may become part of the standard library, or the functionality may be built into Python in the future.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-Itpl-0-4pclos2013.src.rpmbc559f023808f7bbd23e3fe35b6f4c31./SRPMS.pclos#d  \p tB@BABEBJCpython-Kiwi21.9.04pclos2013A Framework for developing graphical applications in PythonKiwi is a framework composed of a set of modules, which eases Python development using PyGTK. Kiwi makes graphical applications *much* faster to code, with good architecture and more Python-like bindings; it also offers extended widgets based upon the original PyGTK widgeDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-Kiwi2-1.9.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm.c50dac3bb29282ba2db4d55e049c49ec./SRPMS.pclosd " F MB@WBABEBJCpython-OWSLib0.25.02pclos2022Client library for OGC web servicesPackage for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models.eTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-OWSLib-0.25.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmO9ae9708db4a58b462fbeeba67d19205b./SRPMS.pcloscd # Kpt {B@BA0BE4BJUCpython-OpenSSL22.0.01pclos2022Python interface to the OpenSSL librarypyOpenSSL is a high-level Python wrapper around a subset of OpenSSL library. It includes: * SSL.Connection objects, wrapping the methods of Python's portable sockets; * callbacks written in Python; * an extensive error-handling mechanism, mirroring OpenSSL's error codes; * and much more.=;TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cryptographyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-OpenSSL-22.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmBC25d89694b69ea2f363fd31d76b75523a./SRPMS.pcloskd  8  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-PQueue0.24pclos2013PQueue module for pythonThis C extension implements a priority-queue object using a fibonacci heap as the underlying data structure.ѲDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develautoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-PQueue-0.2-4pclos2013.src.rpm35a7aec19337ec17858dc52a2790f00b./SRPMS.pclos{d # U B@BAHBELBJmCpython-PyMsgBox1.0.61pclos2019A Python module for JavaScript-like message boxesA pure Python module for JavaScript-like message boxes.`4Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsdos2unixunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-PyMsgBox-1.0.6-1pclos2019.src.rpmY709db19a30b76545acf795d68ab5a36e./SRPMS.pclos_d " : B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-alsaaudio0.63pclos2013ALSA wrapper for PythonALSA wrapper for Python. PCM playback and capture, as well as the Mixer API is supported.Development/Pythonx86_64 alsa-lib-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-alsaaudio-0.6-3pclos2013.src.rpmf79af1ef5f162e062b2609f9ff072d06./SRPMS.pclosd  R  pB@{BABEBJCpython-amqp5.0.91pclos2022Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib)Low-level AMQP client for Python. This is a fork of amqplib, maintained by the Celery project. This library should be API compatible with librabbitmq.-Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)python3-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-amqp-5.0.9-1pclos2022.src.rpm 5d2aef30c0b91dae2d07103f558e3918./SRPMS.pclosod " a  B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-amqplib1.0.23pclos2022Python AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) client libraryamqplib is a Python client library that supports the 0-8 AMQP (Advanced Message-Queuing Protocol) spec.Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-amqplib-1.0.2-3pclos2022.src.rpm9c0a43d353f452b1b3ad8ab5ea931532./SRPMS.pclosd " J '0DB@BABEBJCpython-anyjson0.3.33pclos2022Python wrapper for JSON implementationsAnyjson loads whichever is the fastest JSON module installed and provides a uniform API regardless of which JSON implementation is used. Originally part of carrot (http://github.com/ask/carrot/)%YDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-anyjson-0.3.3-3pclos2022.src.rpm*b311daa14f6869589102bb9a847e6b63d./SRPMS.pclosWd  L B@BA$BE(BJICpython-aplpy0.9.81pclos2013The Astronomical Plotting Library in PythonAPLpy (the Astronomical Plotting Library in Python) is a Python module aimed at producing publication-quality plots of astronomical imaging data in FITS format. The module uses Matplotlib, a powerful and interactive plotting package. It is capable of creating output files in several graphical formats, including EPS, PDF, PS, PNG, and SVG.Sciences/Astronomynoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-aplpy-0.9.8-1pclos2013.src.rpm5551b59f86a1a27fa7085dd576b64f2a./SRPMS.pclosd " ^ AB@KBAtBExBJCpython-appdirs1.4.41pclos2022Python module for determining platform-specific directoriesA small Python module for determining appropriate " + " platform-specific directories, e.g. a "user data dir".,TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-appdirs-1.4.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm257306e0c8e155a60289adf482a19f44e./SRPMS.pclosd & T B@ BALBEPBJqCpython-application2.8.01pclos2022Basic building blocks for python applicationsBasic building blocks for python applications.CDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-application-2.8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmœ778430537cb06b3b56a874225a375228./SRPMS.pclos'd " @0 4GP`B@BABEBJCpython-apsw3.39.2.01pclos2022Another Python SQLite WrapperAPSW is a Python wrapper for the SQLite embedded relational database engine. In contrast to other wrappers such as pysqlite it focuses on being a minimal layer over SQLite attempting just to translate the complete SQLite API into Python.Development/Pythonx86_64  pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # C  IB@RBA|BEBJCpython-archmage0.2.43pclos2013CHM(Compiled HTML) DecompressorarCHMage - extensible reader/decompiler of files in CHM format (Microsoft HTML help, also known as Compiled HTML). arCHMage is based on chmlib by Jed Wing and is written in pythonldDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-archmage-0.2.4-3pclos2013.src.rpmr397301cdc9c130b7e1f73ffa2e9161fc./SRPMS.pclosd ' H,0 7JT`B@BABEBJCpython-argcomplete1.12.31pclos2022Bash tab completion for argparseArgcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script. It makes two assumptions: * You are using bash as your shell * You are using argparse to manage your command line arguments/options Argcomplete is particularly useful if your program has lots of options or subparsers, and if your program can dynamically suggest completions for your argument/option values (for example, if the user is browsing resources over the network).mTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-argcomplete-1.12.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm8bac92b83521f525e9cacab281f0c07b./SRPMS.pclos3d # U\` gzB@BABEBJ%Cpython-argparse1.4.01pclos2022A Python command line parser inspired by optparseThe argparse module makes writing command line tools in Python easy. Just briefly describe your command line interface and argparse will take care of the rest, including: * parsing the arguments and flags from ``sys.argv`` * converting arg strings into objects for your program * formatting and printing any help messages * and much more ... For those familiar with the optparse module from the Python standard library, argparse improves on this module in a number of ways, including: * handling positional arguments * supporting sub-commands * allowing alternative option prefixes like ``+`` and ``/`` * handling zero-or-more and one-or-more style arguments * producing more informative usage messages * providing a much simpler interface for custom types and actionsoTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-argparse-1.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpme173c8c3234d065d3099281021882396./SRPMS.pclosd  B 3B@<BAdBEhBJCpython-arrow1.2.21pclos2022Better dates and times for PythonArrow is a Python library that offers a sensible, human-friendly approach to creating, manipulating, formatting and converting dates, times, and timestamps. It implements and updates the datetime type, plugging gaps in functionality, and provides an intelligent module API that supports many common creation scenarios. Simply put, it helps you work with dates and times with fewer imports and a lot less code.{Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-arrow-1.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm21952c3a897c70d50852ad3dfe2c8240./SRPMS.pclosSd $ ] B@BA BE$BJECpython-asciidata1.1.11pclos2013AstroAsciiData is a Python module to handle ASCII tablesAstroAsciiData is a Python module to handle ASCII tables. Sciences/Astronomynoarch python-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-asciidata-1.1.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm378cfbcab8e10cc17cf6aa4a8835b12f./SRPMS.pclosd " H B@'BAPBETBJuCpython-asgiref3.5.01pclos2022ASGI specs, helper code, and adaptersASGI is a standard for Python asynchronous web apps and servers to communicate with each other, and positioned as an asynchronous successor to WSGI. You can read more at package includes ASGI base libraries, such as: * Sync-to-async and async-to-sync function wrappers, asgiref.sync * Server base classes, asgiref.server * A WSGI-to-ASGI adapter, in asgiref.wsgihDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-asgiref-3.5.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmn!5df55cde3dd93f6a2c484f0a869df3cc./SRPMS.pclosd % i .8DB@BABEBJCpython-asn1crypto1.4.01pclos2022Python ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic APIFast ASN.1 parser and serializer with definitions for private keys, public keys, certificates, CRL, OCSP, CMS, PKCS#3, PKCS#7, PKCS#8, PKCS#12, PKCS#5, X.509 and TSP.]TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-asn1crypto-1.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmd15db229b72175a23cdf3f1bf0386caec8./SRPMS.pclos[d  a B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-async0.6.11pclos2015A framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workersAsync aims to make writing asyncronous processing easier. It provides a task-graph with interdependent tasks that communicate using blocking channels, allowing to delay actual computations until items are requested. Tasks will automatically be distributed among 0 or more threads for the actual computation.bDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-async-0.6.1-1pclos2015.src.rpmL14efee2e1cd9be24a282dcd3be0a0f59./SRPMS.pclosGd ' :lp wB@BABEBJ9Cpython-atomicwrites1.4.11pclos2022Atomic file writesPowerful Python library for atomic file writes.0TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-atomicwrites-1.4.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm6715595ab474496098ef19c32e7010935./SRPMS.pcloscd  = B@ BA0BE4BJUCpython-atpy0.9.61pclos2013Astronomical Tables in PythonATpy is a high-level Python package providing a way to manipulate tables of astronomical data in a uniform way.2aSciences/Astronomynoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-atpy-0.9.6-1pclos2013.src.rpm840b8a2dc93a1f160cb59a8f379c58c3a./SRPMS.pclos_d ! @`d k~B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-attrs21.4.01pclos2022Attributes without boilerplateAttributes without boilerplate.v+TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-attrs-21.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm|b372e54d27ed7de9633b755db2423e1c3./SRPMS.pclosd  _ #B@.BATBEXBJyCpython-axiom0.6.03pclos2013Object database, or alternatively, an object-relational mapperAxiom is an object database, or alternatively, an object-relational mapper.Development/Pythonnoarch python-epsilonpython-twistedpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-axiom-0.6.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm4491595055ba52f48d5601dd2d76d2d3./SRPMS.pclos3d  SX \oxB@BABEBJ%Cpython-babel0.9.61pclos2013Library for internationalizing Python applicationsBabel is composed of two major parts: * tools to build and work with gettext message catalogs * a Python interface to the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), providing access to various locale display names, localized number and date formatting, etc.tzDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-pytzpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-babel-0.9.6-1pclos2013.src.rpm} b873751d160b3aa6a49a1ba22832e93f./SRPMS.pcloskd  QT XktB@BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-babel1.31pclos2015Library for internationalizing Python applicationsBabel is composed of two major parts: * tools to build and work with gettext message catalogs * a Python interface to the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), providing access to various locale display names, localized number and date formatting, etc. 2Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-pytzpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-pytzrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-babel-1.3-1pclos2015.src.rpm 901a4c2e4d44f1ad4bc7eb8ef034a038d./SRPMS.pcloswd  QTX _r| B@BADBEHBJiCpython-babel2.9.11pclos2022Tools for internationalizing Python applicationsBabel is composed of two major parts: * tools to build and work with gettext message catalogs * a Python interface to the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), providing access to various locale display names, localized number and date formatting, etc.QbTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-pytzpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-pytzpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-babel-2.9.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmQ'40a14dbb73dd80b293bc7901c21340fa./SRPMS.pclosd # ] (B@4BA`BEdBJCpython-backcall0.1.02pclos2022Specifications for callback functions passed in to an APISpecifications for callback functions passed in to an API./BDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-backcall-0.1.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm2e37f93c87a24a0de7c23d4d440eb84e7./SRPMS.pclosd " V B@!BALBEPBJqCpython-backports1.01pclos2018Namespace package required for backports collectionNamespace package required for backports collection.marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-backports-1.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm 97fd5a44df5dc6b859fb363173912eb2./SRPMS.pclosd & e 3B@=BAlBEpBJCpython-backports-abc0.51pclos2018A backport of recent additions to the 'collections.abc' moduleA backport of recent additions to the 'collections.abc' module.'marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-backports-abc-0.5-1pclos2018.src.rpm.42e31bdc6c7eaea1e10cf861867f6bb8./SRPMS.pclosd'+ 6 f 'B@1BApBEtBJCpython-backports-functools_lru_cache1.51pclos2018Backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3Backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3.marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptools-scmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-backports-functools_lru_cache-1.5-1pclos2018.src.rpm%8d1f0d75e2225260cf2a6703146314c4./SRPMS.pclosd,2 =  WB@aBABEBJCpython-backports-shutil_get_terminal_size1.0.01pclos2018A backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutilA backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil.marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-backports-shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm6afca70fea14de32506dfe1173d7f3b6./SRPMS.pclosd&. 9 i ",8sB@}BABEBJCpython-backports-ssl_match_hostname3.5.0.12pclos2018The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3The Secure Sockets layer is only actually secure if you check the hostname in the certificate returned by the server to which you are connecting, and verify that it matches to hostname that you are trying to reach. But the matching logic, defined in RFC2818, can be a bit tricky to implement on your own. So the ssl package in the Standard Library of Python 3.2 now includes a match_hostname() function for performing this check instead of requiring every application to implement the check separately. This backport brings match_hostname() to users of earlier versions of Python. The actual code inside comes verbatim from Python 3.2.smarcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-backports-ssl_match_hostname-$34c620df7d50f599bdf1a60ca5a9606a./SRPMS.pclos;d ! \ B@BABE BJ-Cpython-bcrypt3.1.61pclos2019Modern password hashing for your software and your serversModern password hashing for your software and your servers7Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-bcrypt-3.1.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm eb2b867f1cb7ceed5907347794674918./SRPMS.pclosd ! \ ?B@LBAtBExBJCpython-bcrypt3.2.21pclos2022Modern password hashing for your software and your serversModern password hashing for your software and your serversQTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cffipython3-sixpython3-funcsigsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-bcrypt-3.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm0f76b79b415c75253c228fe76dff506f./SRPMS.pclosd " L 2<HB@BABEBJCpython-beaker1.11.01pclos2022WSGI middleware layer to provide sessionsBeaker is a caching library that includes Session and Cache objects built on Myghty's Container API used in MyghtyUtils. WSGI middleware is also included to manage Session objects and signed cookies.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-beaker-1.11.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmcd5a3aaab1e21fab8483e9802a1cfb847./SRPMS.pclosd ( D B@)BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-beautifulsoup3.2.11pclos2013The Screen-Scraper's FriendThe BeautifulSoup class turns arbitrarily bad HTML into a tree-like nested tag-soup list of Tag objects and text snippets. A Tag object corresponds to an HTML tag. It knows about the HTML tag's attributes, and contains a representation of everything contained between the original tag and its closing tag (if any). It's easy to extract Tags that meet certain criteria.ssDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-beautifulsoup-3.2.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmza63863f90a3bd594074d591260d6ee07./SRPMS.pclosd ! G `B@pBABEBJCpython-bibtex1.2.53pclos2013BibTeX and recode bindings for pythonThis python extension contains a BibTeX parser and a simple binding to the GNU Recode library. They are intended to be used with pybliographer.Development/Pythonx86_64  recode-devellibpython-develglib2-develflexbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & A@ DU\dB@BABEBJCpython-bicyclerepair0.96pclos2016Python Refactoring BrowserThe Python Refactoring Browser, helping Pythonistas everywhere glide over the gory details of refactoring their code. Watch him extract jumbled code into well ordered classes. Gasp, as he renames all occurrences of a method. Thank You Bicycle Repair Man!System/Librariesnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-bicyclerepair-0.9-6pclos2016.src.rpm&1c27b4ebeda7793551b44d7c6f212607./SRPMS.pclosd % E B@ BALBEPBJqCpython-billiard3.5.0.32pclos2022Multiprocessing Pool ExtensionsThis package contains extensions to the multiprocessing Pool.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-billiard- # 9 B@BABEBJCpython-biopython1.792pclos2022The Biopython ProjectThe Biopython Project is an international association of developers of freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology. http://biopython.org provides an online resource for modules, scripts, and web links for developers of Python-based software for life science research. This package provides various Python modules from the Biopython Project used to process biological data.Development/Pythonx86_64 flexgccpkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolspython3-reportlabpython3-numpypython3-numpy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-biopython-1.79-2pclos2022.src.rpm]a80fd22113ad64672db0f6412e66482d./SRPMS.pclos{d  U B@!BAHBELBJmCpython-boto2.9.91pclos2013A simple lightweight interface to Amazon Web ServicesBoto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services. It supports S3 (Simple Storage Service), SQS (Simple Queue Service) via the REST API's provided by those services and EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) via the Query API. The goal of boto is to provide a very simple, easy to use, lightweight wrapper around the Amazon services. LDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-boto-2.9.9-1pclos2013.src.rpm 4bdeb7be658ab3d7186b178f11e6dbff./SRPMS.pclosd # f B@BABEBJCpython-breathe4.32.02pclos2022Adds support for Doxygen xml output to reStructuredText and SphinxBreathe is an extension to reStructuredText and Sphinx to be able to read and render the Doxygen xml output.oqTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch doxygenpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixpython3-sphinxpython3-docutilsgitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-breathe-4.32.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmu2a276814308fbf8578d11e91c745544b./SRPMS.pclosd ! A  iB@tBABEBJCpython-bsddb36.2.92pclos2022Python bindings for Berkeley DBThis package contains Python wrappers for Berkeley DB, the Open Source embedded database system. The Python wrappers allow you to store Python string objects of any length.'CDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 db5.3-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-bsddb3-6.2.9-2pclos2022.src.rpm,c6288270b941c069155eea569b9fb1c5c./SRPMS.pclosd  PT Xkt|B@BABEBJCpython-bugz0.10.11pclos2013A python and command line interface to BugzillaPyBugz is a python and command line interface to Bugzilla. It was conceived as a tool to speed up the workflow for Gentoo Linux developers and contributors when dealing with bugs using Bugzilla. By avoiding the clunky web interface, the user quickly search, isolate and contribute to the project very quickly. Developers alike can easily extract attachments and close bugs all from the comfort of the command line. PyBugz is written in Python and written in a way to be extended easily for use on other Bugzillas.XYDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-bugz-0.10.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm_c0971f043a6545b6fea68913f9746de3./SRPMS.pclos{d ! J B@BAHBELBJmCpython-cairo1.20.11pclos2022A python wrapper for the Cairo librariesAset of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 mesonlibcairo-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cairo-1.20.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm964cb93041e6a894eddbd0b07b8a4769./SRPMS.pclos;d  9  <B@BABE BJ-Cpython-caja1.28.01pclos2024Python bindings for CajaThis package contains bindings to write Caja extensions with Python. It allows writing menu, property pages and column providers extensions, so that Caja' s functionality can be easily extended.Graphical desktop/MATEx86_64   libtoolmate-commonpkgconfig(libcaja-extension)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  9T Xkt  * B@:BA`BEdBJCpython-case1.5.32pclos2022Python unittest UtilitiesPython unittest Utilities.ґDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-mockpython-nosepython-setuptoolspython-unittest2python3-develpython3-nosepython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-case-1.5.3-2pclos2022.src.rpmb8ed53253a07eb9452f802c2113517b68./SRPMS.pclos/d ! 9d h{B@BABEBJ!Cpython-caslib0.3.11pclos2013Python interface to CAScaslib provides a python interface to CAS._Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-caslib-0.3.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmfc7ab7640934b7b6698ee1861a8a101a6./SRPMS.pclosSd   Q B@BA BE$BJECpython-cdb0.344pclos2013A python interface to constant database files (cdb)The python-cdb extension module is an adaptation of D. J. Bernstein's constant database package (see http://cr.yp.to/cdb.html). cdb files are mappings of keys to values, designed for wickedly fast lookups and atomic updates. This module mimics the normal cdb utilities, cdb(get|dump|make), via convenient, high-level Python objects.IDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' R TB@_BABEBJCpython-celementtree1.0.54pclos2013Add-on to the standard ElementTree packageThis is an add-on to the standard ElementTree package, which adds a very fast and memory-efficient alternative implementation of the ElementTree API.4nDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develexpat-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-celementtree-1.0.5-4pclos2013.src.rpm:757a7d55412829cbd0cb6abc82ea9da1./SRPMS.pclos d & W, 0CLXB@BABEBJCpython-certifi2021.10.84pclos2022Python package for providing Mozilla's CA BundleCertifi is a carefully curated collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates while verifying the identity of TLS hosts. It has been extracted from the Requests project.XDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-certifi-2021.10.8-4pclos2022.src.rpm]Cd5cdfc54e79016f0de2eee4530dc4e85./SRPMS.pclos/d  V  ':D\B@BABEBJ!Cpython-cffi1.15.01pclos2022Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. The aim of this project is to provide a convenient and reliable way of calling C code from Python. The interface is based on LuaJIT’s FFI.iTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libffi-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cythonpython3-pycparserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cffi-1.15.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmo56c8d43fa75de08118c7ced8de0d4ca4./SRPMS.pclosGd * j B@BABEBJ9Cpython-characteristic14.3.03pclos2022Python library that eases the chores of implementing attributesSay 'yes' to types but 'no' to typing! characteristic is a Python package with class decorators that ease the chores of implementing the most common attribute-related object protocols. You just specify the attributes to work with and ``characteristic`` gives you: - a nice human-readable ``__repr__``, - a complete set of comparison methods, - and a kwargs-based initializer (that cooperates with your existing one) *without* writing dull boilerplate code again and again. So put down that type-less data structures and welcome some class into your life!`Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-characteristic-14.3.0-3pclos2022.src.rpme81bd5df6427c3f93d1d91a99cffc984e./SRPMS.pclosod " N  B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-chardet4.0.01pclos2022Character encoding auto-detection in PythonCharacter encoding auto-detection in Python. As smart as your browser.//TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-chardet-4.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm6146b4e879c83e0f534f175a27a0898e7./SRPMS.pclos+d# . XHL Sfp|B@BABEBJCpython-charset-normalizer2.0.122pclos2022The Real First Universal Charset DetectorA library that helps you read text from an unknown charset encoding. Motivated by chardet, trying to resolve the issue by taking a new approach. All IANA character set names for which the Python core library provides codecs are supported.&TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-charset-normalizer-2.0.12-2pclos2022.src.rpm8185a5709f4e577158979500c1161dea./SRPMS.pclosd " E %B@2BA\BE`BJCpython-cheetah3.2.61pclos2022Template engine and code generatorCheetah is an open source template engine and code generation tool, written in Python. It can be used standalone or combined with other tools and frameworks. Web development is its principal use, but Cheetah is very flexible and is also being used to generate C++ code, Java, SQL, form emails and even Python code.Development/Pythonx86_64 gccpkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)python3-markdownpython3-pygmentsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cheetah-3.2.6-1pclos2022.src.rpmea61ff4d5b4b5d1f5d4807df63533101./SRPMS.pclosCd # \d h{B@BABEBJ5Cpython-cherrypy3.2.41pclos2013A Python-based framework for web application developmentA Python-based framework for web application development. CherryPy allows you to write and easyly deploy web applications, thanks to a bundled webserver. It features a automated way to map an url to a mathod, allowing you to describe your site as a python class.;Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cherrypy-3.2.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm?9174fdc8a214b5fb395ec2e307135802./SRPMS.pclosgd ! = B@ BA4BE8BJYCpython-chess0.13.21pclos2016A pure Python chess libraryA pure Python chess library with move generation and validation and handling of common formatsJDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-chess-0.13.2-1pclos2016.src.rpmQ679ba965a43a801152054b8576a8df71./SRPMS.pclosd   AD H[dpB@BABEBJCpython-chm0.8.45pclos2013Python package to handle CHM filesThe chm package provides three modules, chm, chmlib and extra, which provide access to the API implemented by the C library chmlib and some additional classes and functions. They are used to access MS-ITSS encoded files - Compressed Html Help files (.chm).g!Development/Pythonx86_64 chmlib-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-chm-0.8.4-5pclos2013.src.rpmnX8f0dfd61ab9b6cdb10e52d1b1d49a0d7./SRPMS.pclosOd ' O| B@BABE BJACpython-cinderclient1.0.41pclos2013Client library for OpenStack Cinder APIPython bindings to the OpenStack Cinder APIMDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cinderclient-1.0.4-1pclos2013.src.rpma87c3ae238d6dc4334c7331b678a033d./SRPMS.pclosd  L8 <OX`B@BABEBJCpython-cjson1.0.55pclos2013A very fast JSON encoder/decoder for PythonThis module implements a very fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a text based lightweight data exchange format which is easy for humans to read/write and for machines to parse/generate. JSON is completely language independent and has multiple implementations in most of the programming languages, making it ideal for data exchange and storage. The module is written in C and it is up to 250 times faster when compared to the other python JSON implementations which are written directly in python. This speed gain varies with the complexity of the data and the operation and is the the range of 10-200 times for encoding operations and in the range of 100-250 times for decoding operations.8KDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cjson-1.0.5-5pclos2013.src.rpm:825a5bff15c4f3468aaa30fb403b8dd9./SRPMS.pclosd ( ` $B@.BA\BE`BJCpython-click-plugins1.1.11pclos2022Click extension to register CLI commands via setuptoolsAn extension module for click to register external CLI commands via setuptools entry-points."Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-clickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-click-plugins-1.1.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm'5919305d81971deacbb2716965e81ce7./SRPMS.pcloswd ' H  B@BADBEHBJiCpython-clientcookie1.3.04pclos2013Client-side HTTP cookie handlingClientCookie is a Python module for handling HTTP cookies on the client side, useful for accessing web sites that require cookies to be set and then returned later. It also provides some other (optional) useful stuff: HTTP-EQUIV and Refresh handling, automatic adding of the Referer [sic] header, robots.txt observance and lazily-seek()able responses. These extras are implemented using an extension that makes it easier to add new functionality to urllib2 (now part of urllib2, as of Python 2.4). It has developed from a port of Gisle Aas' Perl module HTTP::Cookies, from the libwww-perl library.YDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-clientcookie-1.3.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm1c6ee9737a0bd7220c8cac0330ff684c./SRPMS.pclosCd & Ep tB@BABEBJ5Cpython-clientform0.2.105pclos2013Client-side HTML form handlingClientForm is a Python module for handling HTML forms on the client side, useful for parsing HTML forms, filling them in and returning the completed forms to the server. It developed from a port of Gisle Aas' Perl module HTML::Form, from the libwww-perl library, but the interface is not the same.6jDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-clientform-0.2.10-5pclos2013.src.rpm=b696d996a84040807592b65bae48b3a9./SRPMS.pcloswd & \  B@BADBEHBJiCpython-cloudfiles1.7.105pclos2013Python language bindings for Rackspace CloudFiles APIPython language bindings for Rackspace CloudFiles APIٝDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-nosepython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cloudfiles-1.7.10-5pclos2013.src.rpm5dbff147ed96b57afa6056dbf35b2d3d./SRPMS.pclosd  b@ DW`pB@BABEBJ Cpython-cmdln1.1.23pclos2013An improved cmd.py for easily building good multi-command scriptscmdln.py is an extension of Python's default cmd.py module that provides "a simple framework for writing line-oriented command interpreters". The idea (with both cmd.py and cmdln.py) is to be able to quickly build multi-sub-command tools (think cvs or svn) and/or simple interactive shells (think gdb or pdb). cmdln.py's extensions make it more natural to write sub-commands, integrate optparse for simple option processing, and make having good command documentation easier.ZDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cmdln-1.1.2-3pclos2013.src.rpmXef48352ffc5e7484a41a5b06de57cec80./SRPMS.pclossd " O  B@BA@BEDBJeCpython-codepy2013.12pclos2013Generate and execute native code at run timeCodePy is a C/C++ metaprogramming toolkit for Python. It handles two aspects of native-code metaprogramming: * Generating C/C++ source code. * Compiling this source code and dynamically loading it into the Python interpreter. Both capabilities are meant to be used together, but also work on their own.e$Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-sphinxpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-codepy-2013.1-2pclos2013.src.rpmkf28697f183a94c6806ea1d9bc455bfdc./SRPMS.pclosSd & gL PipB@BA BE$BJECpython-coherence0.6.6.24pclos2013A DLNA/UPnP MediaServer/MediaRenderer in addition of a frameworkAs a stand-alone application Coherence acts as a DLNA/UPnP MediaServer and exports local and remote media files via its plugins to other UPnP clients. And together with GStreamer it forms a controllable DLNA/UPnP MediaRenderer.V`Networking/File transferx86_64 python-setuptoolsimagemagickpython-twisted-corepython-twisted-webrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-coherence-  Z B@BABEBJCpython-collada0.41pclos2015A python module for creating, editing and loading COLLADApycollada is a python module for creating, editing and loading COLLADA, which is a COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications. The library allows you to load a COLLADA file and interact with it as a python object. In addition, it supports creating a collada python object from scratch, as well as in-place editing.dDevelopment/Languagesnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-dateutilpython-unittest2python-numpypython-distutils-extrapython-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-collada-0.4-1pclos2015.src.rpmkX08884742dbaf0bf4f252324a0767fca8./SRPMS.pclos[d # > B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-colorlog6.6.01pclos2022Log formatting with colorsLog formatting with colors Python logging module that outputs records using terminal colors.8Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-colorlog-6.6.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmK14098ec52e89f4096fbde6e2d0548a0c./SRPMS.pclos{d # >  B@BAHBELBJmCpython-colorlog6.6.01pclos2024Log formatting with colorsLog formatting with colors Python logging module that outputs records using terminal colors.8Development/Pythonnoarch  pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-colorlog-6.6.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm1f408ce7b83d66e7ad3659a8c09a2e2d./SRPMS.pclosd % T  kB@wBABEBJCpython-commonmark0.9.12pclos2023Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown specPure Python port of jgm’s stmd.js, a Markdown parser and renderer for the CommonMark specification, using only native modules.ADevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-futurepython3-hypothesispython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-commonmark-0.9.1-2pclos2023.src.rpmFi8caadb9625723636d93237598502c790./SRPMS.pclos#d $ V8< CV`pB@BABEBJCpython-configobj5.0.63pclos2022Simple but powerful config file reader and writerConfigObj is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer: an ini file round tripper. Its main feature is that it is very easy to use, with a straightforward programmer's interface and a simple syntax for config files.zTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-configobj-5.0.6-3pclos2022.src.rpma431952fc5da77e1b04ef7c6901c367d./SRPMS.pclosd ' g LB@XBABEBJCpython-configparser3.7.43pclos2022Backport of python3 configparser module to python 2.7 (and 2.6)This package is a backport of python3 configparser module to python 2.7 (and 2.6)Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-configparser-3.7.4-3pclos2022.src.rpm$Xae2cf5da34124411fc74c2263b6e3f1f./SRPMS.pclosd & C $(DB@LBAxBE|BJCpython-constantly15.1.02pclos2022Symbolic constants in Python A library that provides symbolic constant support. It includes collections and constants with text, numeric, and bit flag values. Originally twisted.python.constants from the Twisted project.)&Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-constantly-15.1.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm/{2f60ccfa5f8ea5da77c262ebed18254c./SRPMS.pclosd $ _ '08aB@jBABEBJCpython-cosmocalc0.1.21pclos2013Calculate useful values for a given redshift and cosmologyCalculate useful values for a given cosmology. This module uses code adapted from CC.py (James Schombert) which is a Python version of the Cosmology Calculator (Ned Wright).Sciences/Astronomynoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cosmocalc-0.1.2-1pclos2013.src.rpme0ef569781374e221b49d4bc445721a9c./SRPMS.pclos[d & E B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-cosmolopy0.1.1041pclos2013a cosmology package for PythonCosmoloPy is a package of cosmology routines built on NumPy/SciPy.LSciences/Astronomyx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cosmolopy-0.1.104-1pclos2013.src.rpmr177fd4fd2851199441477535d2f1c899./SRPMS.pclos[d  J B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-couchdb0.85pclos2013A Python library for working with CouchDBProviding a convenient high level interface for the CouchDB server.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-couchdb-0.8-5pclos2013.src.rpm6b817489008b4997e423a0c84e69bb7e./SRPMS.pclos{d % h B@BAHBELBJmCpython-couchdbkit0.5.42pclos2013Framework for your Python application to access and manage CouchdbFramework for your Python application to access and manage Couchdb.7Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-couchdbkit-0.5.4-2pclos2013.src.rpm>e3621b3aba7a41e01b1bf0925112fede./SRPMS.pclos#d  QPT [nxB@BABEBJCpython-cppy1.1.01pclos2022A C++ header library for Python extension modulesA small C++ header library which makes it easier to write Python extension modules. The primary feature is a PyObject smart pointer which automatically handles reference counting and provides convenience methods for performing common object operations./lTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cppy-1.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm4a149e179cf18c084914be8dbd9ed2ae9./SRPMS.pclosd ! e !B@*BATBEXBJyCpython-crcmod1.6.13pclos2013Creates functions that efficiently compute CRC's using table lookupCreate functions that efficiently compute the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) using table lookup. Features: * Create Python functions for computing the CRC. If the optional extension module is installed, the calculations are preformed using fast C code. * Create instances of the Crc class that support the interface used by the md5 and sha modules in the Python standard library. * Generate C/C++ code that can be incorporated in another project. * Any generator polynomial producing 8, 16, 32, or 64 bit CRCs is allowed. * Forward and bit-reverse algorithms are supported.CDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-crcmod-1.6.1-3pclos2013.src.rpmJy5a999685bbe377580d5ce720b7afa10b./SRPMS.pclosd ! Adh +B@8BA`BEdBJCpython-crypto2.6.11pclos2018Cryptography library for PythonCryptography library for Python.Ĩmarcin82 Development/Pythonx86_64 lib64gmp-develpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-crypto-2.6.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm848a67b602447b372534d24a09cde388./SRPMS.pclos_d ( D B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-cryptography37.0.41pclos2022PyCA's cryptography librarycryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers./TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cryptography-37.0.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm/[ef257ecaf001883e898247aab1ec1c2d./SRPMS.pclosd$ / Y8< CV`lB@BABEBJ Cpython-cryptography-vectors3.3.21pclos2022Test vectors for the cryptography packageTest vectors for the cryptography package. The only purpose of this package is to be a building requirement for python-cryptography, otherwise it has no use. Don’t install it unless you really know what you are doing.PUTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cryptography-vectors-3.3.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmxze9cf74a2ff6450762f26e168534d8574./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 Z8< CV`lB@BABEBJCpython-cryptography-vectors36.0.11pclos2022Test vectors for the cryptography packageTest vectors for the cryptography package. The only purpose of this package is to be a building requirement for python-cryptography, otherwise it has no use. Don’t install it unless you really know what you are doing.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cryptography-vectors-36.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm@66d5ac4a4baee93436de427d76630258./SRPMS.pclosOd % P B@BABE BJACpython-css-parser1.0.71pclos2022Python module for parsing and building CSScss-parser is a Python module for building and parsing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-css-parser-1.0.7-1pclos2022.src.rpm22242fffe8c07297a44d88b22ab6cd0e./SRPMS.pclosd $ i0 4GPTpB@xBABEBJCpython-cssselect1.1.01pclos2022Library for parsing CSS3 selectors and translating them to XPath 1.0cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translate them to XPath 1.0 expressions. Such expressions can be used in lxml or another XPath engine to find the matching elements in an XML or HTML document.hDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cssselect-1.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmnb50577e4c0bbd172635e4c2d781dbca0./SRPMS.pclosKd # N B@BABEBJ=Cpython-cssutils2.5.11pclos2022Python module for parsing and building CSScssutils is a Python module for building and parsing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cssutils-2.5.1-1pclos2022.src.rpms47e174cc6addcd2a39af36b7f9913357./SRPMS.pclosOd  Adh oB@BABE BJACpython-cups1.9.732pclos2022Python bindings for the CUPS APIPython bindings for the CUPS API.wTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develcups-develepydocpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cups-1.9.73-2pclos2022.src.rpmَe7c5fb66fcba7563a203c0c4f62ee22b./SRPMS.pclosd  > &9@TB@BABEBJCpython-curl7.43.01pclos2018A Python interface to libcurlPycURL is a Python interface to libcurl. PycURL can be used to fetch objects identified by a URL from a Python program, similar to the urllib Python module. PycURL is mature, very fast, and supports a lot of features.36bb2 Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython3-devellib64curl-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-curl-7.43.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm5c4a48c9bbfb695a0d280fdcb5aec9a77./SRPMS.pclosOd ! M( ,?H l  B@BABE BJACpython-cvxopt1.1.23pclos2013Free convex optimization package for PythonCVXOPT is a free software package for convex optimization based on the Python programming language. It provides * efficient Python classes for dense and sparse matrices (real and complex), with Python indexing and slicing and overloaded operations for matrix arithmetic; * an interface to most of the double-precision real and complex BLAS; * an interface to LAPACK routines for solving linear equations and least-squares problems, matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, LDL and QR), eigenvalue and singular value decomposition; * an interface to the fast Fourier transform routines from FFTW * interfaces to the sparse LU and Cholesky solvers from UMFPACK and CHOLMOD * routines for solving convex optimization problems, interfaces to the linear programming solver in GLPK and the semidefinite programming solver in DSDP5 * a modeling tool for specifying convex piecewise-linear optimization problems (which has been superseded by the more powerful CVXMOD package)."ZDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libgfortranpython-sphinxblas-devellapack-develfftw3-develglpk-develpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cvxopt-1.1.2-3pclos2013.src.rpm"a102cee43a2a3091659598c7881d976d./SRPMS.pclosWd  <lp wB@BA$BE(BJICpython-cwiid3.0.02pclos2022Python3 module for libcwiidPort of python-cwiid compatible with Python3.)TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3dist(setuptools)cwiid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cwiid-3.0.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm,b75473783ba0c42da2526b768734dfea./SRPMS.pclosd   =4 8KT\B@BABEBJCpython-cxx6.2.61pclos2015Write Python extensions in C++PyCXX is a set of classes to help create extensions of Python in the C++ language. The first part encapsulates the Python C API taking care of exceptions and ref counting. The second part supports the building of Python extension modules in C++.KDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cxx-6.2.6-1pclos2015.src.rpmH4f6030e6133be66e417951304d37a6ec./SRPMS.pclosd " : SB@aBABEBJCpython-cycler0.10.02pclos2022Composable style cyclesGeneral purpose library used by matplotlib to cycle through lists for colors, marker styles, etc.STerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-sixpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-cycler-0.10.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmX8da52e0fa286cef1ce2e2cdae046d612./SRPMS.pclos d # O  8B@BABEBJCpython-cython0.29.361pclos2024Language for writing C extensions to PythonCython is a language that facilitates the writing of C extensions for the Python language. It is based on Pyrex, but provides more cutting edge functionality and optimizations. +Development/Pythonx86_64  dos2unixemacspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-cython-0.29.36-1pclos2024.src.rpm2\cbece77073c4e8606df4de7dc6669133./SRPMS.pclosd !  ?B@IBApBEtBJCpython-d2to10.2.101pclos2013Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools setup.pyd2to1 (the 'd' is for 'distutils') allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools setup.py script. It works by providing a distutils2-formatted setup.cfg file containing all of a package's metadata, and a very minimal setup.py which will slurp its arguments from the setup.cfgpDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-d2to1-0.2.10-1pclos2013.src.rpmw21cda509b3ad76b43ce0d6da9edcb951./SRPMS.pclosd !   sB@BABEBJCpython-d2to10.2.122pclos2022Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools setup.pyd2to1 (the 'd' is for 'distutils') allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools setup.py script. It works by providing a distutils2-formatted setup.cfg file containing all of a package's metadata, and a very minimal setup.py which will slurp its arguments from the setup.cfg.Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python2)python-setuptoolspkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-d2to1-0.2.12-2pclos2022.src.rpm{a2589b5015fef40c19e87215e69859da./SRPMS.pclosd  = +B@7BA\BE`BJCpython-daap0.7.14pclos2013DAAP client written in PythonPythonDaap is a (under development) DAAP client implemented in Python, and based on PyTunes by Davyd Madeley._Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-daap-0.7.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmfpc6489ba5a9f6a8c2b1310327140c7687./SRPMS.pclosd  W gB@tBABEBJCpython-daemon1.63pclos2013Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon processThis library implements the well-behaved daemon specification of PEP 3143, "Standard daemon process library".Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolspython-nosepython-lockfilepython-minimockrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-daemon-1.6-3pclos2013.src.rpm73be7111513e6e0bfa8341e2e20b2e91./SRPMS.pclosd # ` B@$BAPBETBJuCpython-dateutil2.8.02pclos2022Provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime moduleThe dateutil module provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module available in Python. Features include: * Computing of relative deltas (next month, next year, next monday, last week of month, etc); * Computing of relative deltas between two given date and/or datetime objects; * Computing of dates based on very flexible recurrence rules, using a superset of the iCalendar specification. Parsing of RFC strings is supported as well; * Generic parsing of dates in almost any string format; * Timezone (tzinfo) implementations for tzfile(5) format files (/etc/localtime, /usr/share/zoneinfo, etc), TZ environment string (in all known formats), iCalendar format files, given ranges (with help from relative deltas), local machine timezone, fixed offset timezone, UTC timezone, and Windows registry-based time zones; * Internal up-to-date world timezone information based on Olson's database; * Computing of Easter Sunday dates for any given year, using Western, Orthodox or Julian algorithms; * More than 400 test cases._TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch localespython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-dateutil-2.8.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm9cc4a0002e02b2778ad5173eb6ee8070f./SRPMS.pclosd ' _H L_htB@BABEBJ Cpython-decoratortools1.81pclos2013Use class and function decorators -- even in Python 2.3Want to use decorators, but still need to support Python 2.3? Wish you could have class decorators, decorate arbitrary assignments, or match decorated function signatures to their original functions? Then you need "DecoratorTools".wDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-decoratortools-1.8-1pclos2013.src.rpmp09081cf6d298d82e1de499410112a4ff./SRPMS.pclosd & x WB@iBABEBJCpython-deprecated1.2.181pclos2025Python deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methodsPython @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods., TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-deprecated-1.2.18-1pclos2025.src.rpm,962ee08569657fb88c93f87e77888e01./SRPMS.pclosd ! = 'B@2BA\BE`BJCpython-discid1.2.01pclos2022Python binding of LibdiscidPython-discid implements Python bindings for MusicBrainz Libdiscid. Libdiscid's main purpose is the calculation of an identifier of audio discs (disc ID) to use for the `MusicBrainz database. That identifier is calculated from the TOC of the disc, similar to the freeDB CDDB identifier. Libdiscid can calculate MusicBrainz disc IDs and freeDB disc IDs. Additionally the MCN of the disc and ISRCs from the tracks can be extracted. This module is a close binding that offloads all relevant data storage and calculation to Libdiscid. On the other hand it gives a pythonic API and uses objects and exceptions.tTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolslib64discid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-discid-1.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmy6d89f3bf4d8c50fd57f2a901a4338404./SRPMS.pclosd ) Q VB@aBABEBJCpython-distutils-extra2.392pclos2022Enhancements to the Python build systempython-distutils-extra allows you to easily integrate gettext, themed icons and GNOME documentation into your build and installation process.fDevelopment/Pythonnoarch intltoolpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-distutils-extra-2.39-2pclos2022.src.rpmlf4c10c2c5e875c64250b76b0bedb48cf./SRPMS.pclos{d " Dt xB@BAHBELBJmCpython-django3.2.151pclos2022A high-level Python Web frameworkDjango is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site. Django focuses on automating as much as possible and adhering to the DRY principle.cDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-django-3.2.15-1pclos2022.src.rpmcaba952a8dd156f32132c94508cac2a18./SRPMS.pclosd ( Z B@BALBEPBJqCpython-django-addons2.0.11pclos2022Addon framework to create pluggable Django addonsA Django app used to add true plug-n-play functionality to your own Django applications and projects Django-addons is a bunch of code that makes writing addon/plugins for your Django project much easier. Add django-addons to your Django project and you can drop all the addons to '/addons' directory.KDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-djangorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-django-addons-2.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm"D924ce03545c9655314b38e8e83fd5aed./SRPMS.pclos[d% 0 U| B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-django-addons-formlib2.0.11pclos2022django-addons Framework form librarydjango-addons Framework form library. Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-django-addons-formlib-2.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpme914b987010520dded1832f562e2ab390./SRPMS.pclosd# . w =B@GBA|BEBJCpython-django-ajax-selects2.1.01pclos2022jQuery-powered auto-complete fields for ForeignKey and ManyToMany fieldsEdit ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and CharField in Django Admin using jQuery UI AutoComplete.Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-django-ajax-selects-2.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmeec0de9204e39269e129ebe72e21bb3f./SRPMS.pclosd ) x _B@kBABEBJCpython-django-appconf1.0.51pclos2022A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gracefullyA helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged Django apps gracefully.. This package contains a module (dnslib) that implements a DNS (Domain Name Server) client, plus additional modules that define some symbolic constants used by DNS (dnstype, dnsclass, dnsopcode).dvDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-dns-2.3.5-2pclos2013.src.rpmk42fff06c6edd1fb427aa35124d35a196./SRPMS.pclosd ! T .B@9BA`BEdBJCpython-docopt0.6.23pclos2022Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smileIsn't it awesome how optparse and argparse generate help messages based on your code?!JTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-docopt-0.6.2-3pclos2022.src.rpmP6aba026c6ce08c74f496051657955dab./SRPMS.pclos;d $ CX\ cvB@BABE BJ-Cpython-docutils0.17.11pclos2022Python Documentation UtilitiesThe Docutils project specifies a plaintext markup language, reStructuredText, which is easy to read and quick to write. The project includes a python library to parse rST files and transform them into other useful formats such as HTML, XML, and TeX as well as commandline tools that give the enduser access to this functionality. Currently, the library supports parsing rST that is in standalone files and PEPs (Python Enhancement Proposals). Work is underway to parse rST from Python inline documentation modules and packages. TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch emacspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-docutils-0.17.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmfd0dbc229b74b1a727a4e09e6b1d4909./SRPMS.pclosd   K B@$BALBEPBJqCpython-dot0.9.105pclos2013Python interface to Graphviz's Dot languageAn interface for creating both directed and non directed graphs from Python. Currently all attributes implemented in the Dot language are supported (up to Graphviz 1.16). Output can be inlined in Postscript into interactive scientific environments like TeXmacs, or output in any of the format's supported by the Graphviz tools dot, neato, twopi.8Development/Pythonnoarch python-parsingpython-develgraphvizrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-dot-0.9.10-5pclos2013.src.rpm?a2069867007feec4279633092fd5112f./SRPMS.pclos#d  Fp tB@BABEBJCpython-dpkt1.81pclos2013Fast, simple packet creation and parsingFast, simple packet creation and parsing^Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-dpkt-1.8-1pclos2013.src.rpm4cb8af4a2c6f87599c280ac599dc8b78./SRPMS.pclosd " ^ FB@SBA|BEBJCpython-dulwich0.9.01pclos2013Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocolsDulwich is a pure-Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols.Development/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(python)python-sphinxpython-nosegitpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-dulwich-0.9.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm43248f246bd020fcd10ff0e8c3240ff7./SRPMS.pclosCd $ Il pB@BABEBJ5Cpython-e_dbus201102271pclos2011A collection python of tools for E17Python support files for e_dbusSGraphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 python-cythonpython-evasrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-e_dbus-20110227-1pclos2011.src.rpmZ!fcf8e5be612ba6ca9904166e39ca5794./SRPMS.pclosOd # lx |B@BABE BJACpython-easygui0.98.12pclos2022EasyGUI is a module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in PythonEasyGui provides an easy-to-use interface for simple GUI interaction with a user. It does not require the programmer to know anything about tkinter, frames, widgets, callbacks or lambda. All GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls that return results.CRDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-easygui-0.98.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmHc1c7ebb86d01103b65b20338d0630607./SRPMS.pclosd ! U 9B@CBAlBEpBJCpython-ecdsa0.18.01pclos2022ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)This is an easy-to-use implementation of ECDSA cryptography (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), implemented purely in Python. With this library, you can quickly create keypairs (signing key and verifying key), sign messages, and verify the signatures. The keys and signatures are very short, making them easy to handle and incorporate into other protocols.BTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ecdsa-0.18.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmH57c3a41722436aa653b82360e3b4b8a6./SRPMS.pclos?d # Hh lB@BA BEBJ1Cpython-ecore201111182pclos2011A collection python of tools for E17Python support files for core_Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 python-cythonpython-evasrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ecore-20111118-2pclos2011.src.rpm]d2db28c1ef757428af5356d31c02cf76./SRPMS.pcloskd " 9 B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-editables0.31pclos2022Editable installationsA Python library for creating “editable wheels” This library supports the building of wheels which, when installed, will expose packages in a local directory on sys.path in “editable mode”. In other words, changes to the package source will be reflected in the package visible to Python, without needing a reinstall.4-TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpyproject-rpm-macrospython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-editables-0.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm:73f69894e07a32b07651744faaccfffc./SRPMS.pclos;d " Gh lB@BABE BJ-Cpython-edje201111182pclos2011A collection python of tools for E17Python support files for Edje Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 python-cythonpython-evasrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-edje-20111118-2pclos2011.src.rpm Q49a2aa59390441640e5f2e2d4427aca4./SRPMS.pclosd   ;` dwB@*BAPBETBJuCpython-efl1.25.01pclos2022Python bindings for the EFLPython bindings for the EFL library.6Development/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(ecore)pkgconfig(elementary)pkgconfig(dbus-python)pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-efl-1.25.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmLc173073a56037bdfdf65a6f3791e839f./SRPMS.pclosd ) G  <B@FBAxBE|BJCpython-egenix-mx-base3.1.33pclos2013Python extensions from eGenixThe eGenix mx Extension Series are a collection of Python extensions written in ANSI C and Python which provide a large spectrum of useful additions to everyday Python programming. The BASE package includes the Open Source subpackages of the series and is needed by all other add-on packages of the series. This software is brought to you by eGenix.com and distributed under the eGenix.com Public License.=SDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-egenix-mx-base-3.1.3-3pclos2013.src.rpm=[Pb5c54425a2f0dffddff31e787e07e81e./SRPMS.pclosd  P '0DB@BABEBJCpython-ejson0.1.63pclos2022Extensible json serializer/deserializer libraryThere are countless scenarios that we need to exchange data between different systems, implemented in different languages and technologies. Even in the same system, when implementing data exchange between the backend and the frontend we face the need to convert the language data types to another format and then do the oposite when the data arrives in the other side of the wire. A very simple and flexible format that seems to fit most of our needs is the JavaScript Object Notation, or simple `json`. It is very hard to find a programming language these days that does not support it, even the low level ones, like C, C++, etc. Json is enough when we need to exchange data types like integers, doubles, strings, lists and hash tables. The problem starts when we need to exchange a complex data type. And it's the exact aim of this document: providing an API to extend the `json` library to make it easy to register new serializers and new deserializers../Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ejson-0.1.6-3pclos2022.src.rpm530db5cf0f2e10aedec8913a666118a6b./SRPMS.pclosSd ( Mt xB@BA BE$BJECpython-elementary201111182pclos2011A collection python of tools for E17Python support files for ElementaryәGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 python-cythonpython-evas-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-elementary-20111118-2pclos2011.src.rpmc7380a1246a7669d9f4dcc216a4d0ac7./SRPMS.pclosd 2 b  3<HB@BABEBJCpython-elib.intl0.0.30.git20110711.1pclos2013Enhanced internationalization (I18N) for PythonThe elib.intl module provides enhanced internationalization (I18N) services for your Python modules and applications. elib.intl wraps Python's :func:`gettext` functionality.jpinoc64Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspython-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-elib.intl-0.0.3-0.git20110711.1pclos2013.src.rpmqe2f9e2cba8db6a51c354d45a31314dae./SRPMS.pclosd ! I WB@aBABEBJCpython-elixir0.7.13pclos2013Declarative mapper on top of SQLAlchemyA declarative layer on top of SQLAlchemy. It is a fairly thin wrapper, which provides the ability to create simple Python classes that map directly to relational database tables (this pattern is often referred to as the Active Record design pattern), providing many of the benefits of traditional databases without losing the convenience of Python objects. Elixir is intended to replace the ActiveMapper SQLAlchemy extension, and the TurboEntity project but does not intend to replace SQLAlchemy's core features, and instead focuses on providing a simpler syntax for defining model objects when you do not need the full expressiveness of SQLAlchemy's manual mapper definitions.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-elixir-0.7.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm3c2239cb5b3bc83d4a1999a55d01b620./SRPMS.pclosd  [D H[dlB@BABEBJCpython-emcee1.2.01pclos2013Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMCThe Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC** emcee is a stable, well tested Python implementation of the affine-invariant ensemble sampler for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) proposed by `Goodman & Weare (2010)TIDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-emcee-1.2.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmZc1e1922745fce9915fbfd949f58129ec./SRPMS.pclos3d % Jl pB@BABEBJ%Cpython-emotion201111182pclos2011A collection python of tools for E17Python support files for emotionqGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 python-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-emotion-20111118-2pclos2011.src.rpmvv62be4594df446687a829fcee9dfaaab4./SRPMS.pcloskd " T B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-enchant3.2.21pclos2022Python bindings for Enchant spellchecking libraryA spellchecking library for Python, based on the Enchant library.ZTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(enchant-2)hunspellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-enchant-3.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpma674d70136a48f9f02da0d733b0c1e8e./SRPMS.pclosd & 9  WB@aBABEBJCpython-enum-compat0.0.21pclos2017Python enum-compatAn enumeration is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. Within an enumeration, the members can be compared by identity, and the enumeration itself can be iterated over. This module defines two enumeration classes that can be used to define unique sets of names and values: Enum and IntEnum. It also defines one decorator, unique, that ensures only unique member names are present in an enumeration.)bb2 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-enum-compat-0.0.2-1pclos2017.src.rpm084291bea47e553915661b8327b328e6./SRPMS.pclosGd ! =| B@BABEBJ9Cpython-enum341.1.62pclos2022Backport of Python 3.4 EnumPython 3.4 introduced official support for enumerations. This is a backport of that feature to Python 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.5, 2.5, and 2.4. An enumeration is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. Within an enumeration, the members can be compared by identity, and the enumeration itself can be iterated over. This module defines two enumeration classes that can be used to define unique sets of names and values: Enum and IntEnum. It also defines one decorator, unique, that ensures only unique member names are present in an enumeration.vDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-enum34-1.1.6-2pclos2022.src.rpm8470fa5352b1dd0ee7b31103dc15d733./SRPMS.pclosGd " M| B@BABEBJ9Cpython-ephem3.7.6.03pclos2022Compute positions of the planets and starsCompute positions of the planets and stars. J,Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ephem- Ofdc8ce831e4f5a26289c07478fc19874./SRPMS.pclosd " :, 0CLXB@BABEBJCpython-epsilon0.6.01pclos2013A small utility packageA small utility package that depends on tools too recent for Twisted (like datetime in python2.4) but performs generic enough functions that it can be used in projects that don't want to share the large footprint of Divmod's other projects.CBDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-twistedrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-epsilon-0.6.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmI62f4133fd906950e378821fa4a758b73./SRPMS.pclos[d  < B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-espeak0.51pclos2014Python 2 bindings for espeakSimple to use yet complete Python 2 bindings for the eSpeak speech synthesizer.BDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lib64espeak-devellib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-espeak-0.5-1pclos2014.src.rpmH#961f4349a6ae0af278b51d2f6a617b44./SRPMS.pclosd  B  MB@WBABEBJCpython-ethtool0.81pclos2013Ethernet settings python bindingsPython bindings for the ethtool kernel interface, that allows querying and changing of Ethernet card settings, such as speed, port, auto-negotiation, and PCI locations.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibnl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ethtool-0.8-1pclos2013.src.rpmc4ba3b192f60e8b410e8fa075bc1e897./SRPMS.pclos3d $ Il pB@BABEBJ%Cpython-ethumb201102271pclos2011A collection python of tools for E17Python support files for ethumbiGraphical desktop/Enlightenmenti586 python-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ethumb-20110227-1pclos2011.src.rpmpb5c7031b1893e19bece25e37465a8a71./SRPMS.pclos+d " Gh lB@BABEBJCpython-evas201111182pclos2011A collection python of tools for E17Python support files for EvasGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 python-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-evas-20111118-2pclos2011.src.rpmB1a347e2b4923f3c29ca4ec94862c9c30./SRPMS.pclosd # a$ (;DPB@BABEBJCpython-eventlib0.1.51pclos2015Library to make it easy to track events in python/django appsLong story short, eventlib is an asynchronous event tracking app for Django. This library was built upon the following values: * It must be deadly simple to log an event; * It must be possible to track each event in different ways; * Each different "event handler" must be completely separate and fail gracefully; * The event system must be asynchronous, so let's use celery; * The library must be extensible; * 100% of test coverage is enough..oDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-eventlib-0.1.5-1pclos2015.src.rpm5e95f0b14e2b09d4b2feb167649deb715./SRPMS.pclosd  Y '04PB@XBABEBJCpython-ewmh0.1.62pclos2022An implementation of EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints)An implementation of EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints) for python 2 and 3, based on Xlib. It allows EWMH-compliant window managers (most modern WMs) to be queried and controlled.4Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ewmh-0.1.6-2pclos2022.src.rpm:5ba78ee6ea9049bab1a1bb8d81d20ef7./SRPMS.pclosGd  I B@BABEBJ9Cpython-exif1.0.83pclos2013Python module to extract EXIF informationPython Library to extract EXIF information in digital camera image filesSDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-exif-1.0.8-3pclos2013.src.rpmW2037d50d94c37caea0c0115957e21686./SRPMS.pclosd  8 7JTdB@BABEBJCpython-exiv20.3.23pclos2018Python binding to exiv2pyexiv2 is a python binding to exiv2, the C++ library for manipulation of EXIF and IPTC image metadata. It is a python module that allows your python scripts to read and write metadata (EXIF, IPTC, thumbnail) embedded in image files (JPEG, TIFF, ...). It is designed as a high level interface to the functionalities offered by exiv2 (and is built on top of it). Using python's built-in data types and standard modules, it provides easy manipulation of image metadata.#marcin82 Development/Pythonx86_64 lib64exiv2-develboost-develsconsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-exiv2-0.3.2-3pclos2018.src.rpmӤ28ca2c98d8d16cdcb1cee52a6f12df0f./SRPMS.pclosd  / $8B@BABEBJCpython-eyed30.7.31pclos2013ID3 tag moduleeyeD3 is a Python module and program for processing ID3 tags. Information about mp3 files (i.e bit rate, sample frequency, play time, etc.) is also provided. The formats supported are ID3 v1.0/v1.1 and v2.3/v2.4._yDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-argparsepython-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-eyed3-0.7.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmf3714bf8ec8977039d3c734285d057d46./SRPMS.pclosSd  QLP WblB@BA BE$BJECpython-ezdxf1.3.51pclos2025Python package to create/manipulate DXF drawings This Python package is designed to facilitate the creation and manipulation of DXF documents, with compatibility across various DXF versions. It empowers users to seamlessly load and edit DXF files while preserving all content, except for comments. Any unfamiliar DXF tags encountered in the document are gracefully ignored but retained for future modifications. This feature enables the processing of DXF documents containing data from third-party applications without any loss of valuable information.."TerryNPublishingnoarch  pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-ezdxf-1.3.5-1pclos2025.src.rpmK23a807da1dc5d7d067b8aff18ee3f69b./SRPMS.pclosd   0 /B@9BA`BEdBJCpython-fam1.1.16pclos2013Python FAM modulePython FAM is a wrapper module around libfam from the FAM project. It allows Python programs to monitor files and directories. An example script is included.@Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develfam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-fam-1.1.1-6pclos2013.src.rpmGf1a5e9ec673927eb0da035d5ea6b683b./SRPMS.pclosd # O| B@"BALBEPBJqCpython-fasteners0.162pclos2022A python package that provides useful locksA python package that provides useful locks.STerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  python3-develpython3-sixpython3-monotonicpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % Md h{B@BABEBJ9Cpython-faulthandler3.02pclos2019Display the Python traceback on a crashFault handler for SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, SIGABRT, SIGBUS and SIGILL signals: display the Python traceback and restore the previous handler. Allocate an alternate stack for this handler, if sigaltstack() is available, to be able to allocate memory on the stack, even on stack overflow.ЋDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolspython-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-faulthandler-3.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm'24940e18269fe4d153f3c20e15c0bca2./SRPMS.pclosd $ : /8DtB@~BABEBJCpython-fcgi2000.09.214pclos2013Python FastCGI ModuleThe fcgi.py Python module handles communication with the FastCGI module from the Apache or Stronghold web server without using the FastCGI developers kit. It will also work in a non-FastCGI environment, (straight CGI).?Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-fcgi-2000.09.21-4pclos2013.src.rpme88fcd49f879628755ec9fabc4b3024c./SRPMS.pclosWd " ] B@BA$BE(BJICpython-fchksum1.7.14pclos2013Python C extension to (quickly) find the checksum of filesThis module provides quick and easy functions to find checksums of files. It supports md5, crc32, cksum, bsd-style sum, and sysv-style sum. The advantage of using fchksum over the python md5 and zlib(.crc32) modules is both ease of use and speed. You only need to tell it the filename and the actual work is done by C code. Compared to the implementing a read loop in python with the standard python modules, fchksum is up to 2.0x faster in md5 and 1.1x faster in crc32. All checksum functions take a filename as a string, and optional callback function, and callback delay (in seconds), and return a tuple (checksum, size). An empty string may be substituted for filename to read from stdin. The returned size is always a python Long, and the checksum return type varies depending on the function.bDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-fchksum-1.7.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmj59314253e45179f4673c56bf609bb6f2./SRPMS.pclosd & I  ^B@iBABEBJCpython-feedparser6.0.101pclos2022Parse RSS and Atom feeds in PythonFeedparser is the "Universal Feed Parser" library for python, which handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds.'TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch lib64python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-chardetrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-feedparser-6.0.10-1pclos2022.src.rpmn374a57a46ca52ce1c83e2bd0ef1e3056./SRPMS.pclos[d  e B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-fido20.9.32pclos2022Library for FIDO 2.0, including communication with a device over USBProvides library functionality for communicating with a FIDO device over USB as well as verifying attestation and assertion signatures. This library aims to support the FIDO U2F and FIDO 2.0 protocols for communicating with a USB authenticator via the Client-to-Authenticator Protocol (CTAP 1 and 2). In addition to this low-level device access, classes defined in the `fido2.client` and `fido2.server` modules implement higher level operations which are useful when interfacing with an Authenticator, or when implementing WebAuthn support for a Relying Party.0TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-fido2-0.9.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm38615e164fd35de06866896afd869dbb./SRPMS.pclos'd ! X,0 7JThB@BABEBJCpython-flake84.0.11pclos2022The modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and coFlake8 is a wrapper around these tools: - PyFlakes - pep8 - Ned Batchelder's McCabe script Flake8 runs all the tools by launching the single flake8 script. It displays the warnings in a per-file, merged output.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-nosepython3-mccaberpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-flake8-4.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmM48de0fb5cb82c49150e6481e7808f25a./SRPMS.pclosd  lx| <B@JBApBEtBJCpython-flask2.0.21pclos2022A micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentionsFlask is called a “micro-framework” because the idea to keep the core simple but extensible. There is no database abstraction layer, no form validation or anything else where different libraries already exist that can handle that. However Flask knows the concept of extensions that can add this functionality into your application as if it was implemented in Flask itself. There are currently extensions for object relational mappers, form validation, upload handling, various open authentication technologies and more.RjTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-jinja2python3-werkzeugpython3-itsdangerouspython3-clickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-flask-2.0.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmT46b6c88716da6d32de01e4b7eda27bb7./SRPMS.pclosd # D )B@2BA\BE`BJCpython-flexmock0.9.61pclos2013Mock/Stub/Spy library for Python.. image:: http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png :alt: Flattr this :target: http://flattr.com/thing/433275/flexmock flexmock is a testing library for Python that makes it easy to create mocks, stubs and fakes. The API is inspired by a Ruby library of the same name, but Python flexmock is not a clone of the Ruby version. It omits a number of redundancies in the Ruby flexmock ...ZDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-flexmock-0.9.6-1pclos2013.src.rpma6d5136351dd8ddb57233fdc013734ca7./SRPMS.pclos[d  I B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-flup1.0.22pclos2013Python module related to FastCGI and WSGIThis Python package is a random collection of WSGI and FCGI modules.BDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-flup-1.0.2-2pclos2013.src.rpmbdf836f6cc26bb7192503ba2d8f36c02./SRPMS.pclossd # A  B@BA@BEDBJeCpython-foolscap0.6.41pclos2013Rewrite of Perspective BrokerFoolscap is a ground-up rewrite of Perspective Broker, which itself is Twisted's native RPC/RMI protocol (Remote Procedure Call / Remote Method Invocation). If you have control of both ends of the wire, and are thus not constrained to use some other protocol like HTTP/XMLRPC/CORBA/etc, you might consider using Foolscap.̘Development/Pythonnoarch  pkgconfig(python)python-twisted-corepython-twisted-webrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ӱ61b2f9af0f62cd5230a2f074d9508f44./SRPMS.pclosd % ^  #,@B@BABEBJCpython-formencode1.2.61pclos2013HTML form validation, generation, and convertion packageFormEncode validates and converts nested structures. It allows for a declarative form of defining the validation, and decoupled processes for filling and generating forms.]Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-docutilspython-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-formencode-1.2.6-1pclos2013.src.rpma4d462b8d49410bafc2cd03b54018900./SRPMS.pclosd " L  5B@>BAhBElBJCpython-fpconst0.7.34pclos2013IEEE754 float infinity and NaN for pythonThis module provides constants and functions for handling IEEE754 floating point infinite and NaN values. This works on any python that uses IEEE754 double values for its float type (whether big- or little-endian). Although this is not required, it's unlikely any python would fail to meet this requirement (the code in both the standard and JPython interpreters assumes IEEE754 double all over the place).(Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-fpconst-0.7.3-4pclos2013.src.rpm/94f540c710092fa9d81e89154f285480./SRPMS.pclos3d * Ch lB@BABEBJ%Cpython-freecell-solver0.4.01pclos2024Freecell Solver bindingsPython bindings for Freecell Solver.Development/Pythonx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-freecell-solver-0.4.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm90c235d9382e4eac19730d9272bdbd215./SRPMS.pclosgd # Jtx B@ BA4BE8BJYCpython-funcsigs1.0.21pclos2018Python function signatures from PEP362Python function signatures from PEP362.Vmarcin82 Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-funcsigs-1.0.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm]435352c3756014bcc045505ae8b69a35./SRPMS.pclosd # g *B@3BA\BE`BJCpython-funcsigs1.0.23pclos2022Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+funcsigs is a backport of the PEP 362 function signature features from Python 3.3’s inspect module.r*TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-funcsigs-1.0.2-3pclos2022.src.rpmw5eddd95cb83bb676f129ca26861bf158./SRPMS.pclosd ( Y +4@uB@BABEBJCpython-functools323.2.3.21pclos2023Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2This is a backport of the functools standard library module from Python 3.2.3 for use on Python 2.7 and PyPy. It includes new features `lru_cache` (Least-recently-used cache decorator).~Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-functools32-  O B@BABEBJ5Cpython-fuse2.54pclos2013Python binding for Fuse (Filesystem in Userspace)Python binding for Fuse (Filesystem in Userspace).WSystem/Librariesx86_64 python-develfuse-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-fuse-2.5-4pclos2013.src.rpm409a660faf3a1a01934cbda3bf504fac./SRPMS.pclosSd " Q B@BA BE$BJECpython-future0.18.21pclos2022Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2Easy, safe support for Python 3/2 compatibility Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-future-0.18.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm 7adda3a6e05120ca51cc0e2a079cf7c3./SRPMS.pclosd " ] OB@YBABEBJCpython-futures3.2.01pclos2018Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2The concurrent.futures module provides a high-level interface for asynchronously executing callables.bmarcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-futures-3.2.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmj 44b700e34cbeb57dc3e985a171479202./SRPMS.pclos_d   3 B@ BA,BE0BJQCpython-gd0.565pclos2013Python bindings for GDThe GDmodule is an interface to the GD library written by Thomas Boutell.Development/Pythonx86_64  python-devellibgd-develzlib-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),543f68c2cf1abae792fe66e110fc4cbd./SRPMS.pclosd ! V  =B@FBApBEtBJCpython-gdata2.0.181pclos2013A Python module for accessing online Google servicesThis is a Python module for accessing online Google services, such as: - Blogger - Calendar - Picasa Web Albums - Spreadsheets - YouTube - NotebookTDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gdata-2.0.18-1pclos2013.src.rpm\31e0ec1584ea049a1ffa90f377ade328./SRPMS.pclos+d  Y\ `s|B@BABEBJCpython-genshi0.71pclos2013Toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the webGenshi is a Python library that provides an integrated set of components for parsing, generating, and processing HTML, XML or other textual content for output generation on the web. The major feature is a template language, which is heavily inspired by Kid.Development/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(python)python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-genshi-0.7-1pclos2013.src.rpmf9cd40410e2f0b4dbe204aa1dce8d572./SRPMS.pclosd  F  #,8mB@wBABEBJCpython-geoip1.2.71pclos2013Python bindings for the GeoIP libraryThis is the Python API to the GeoIP library that enables the user to find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from. It uses a file based database that is accurate as of March 2003. This database simply contains IP blocks as keys, and countries as values. This database should be more complete and accurate than using reverse DNS lookups. Commercial databases and automatic update services are available from http://www.maxmind.com/=Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develgeoip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-geoip-1.2.7-1pclos2013.src.rpmE 8714277a1eaeb559d657ddda5ba5e4b6./SRPMS.pclosd  F  #,DB@BABEBJCpython-geoip1.3.23pclos2022Python bindings for the GeoIP libraryThis is the Python API to the GeoIP library that enables the user to find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from. It uses a file based database that is accurate as of March 2003. This database simply contains IP blocks as keys, and countries as values. This database should be more complete and accurate than using reverse DNS lookups. Commercial databases and automatic update services are available from http://www.maxmind.com/LDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 geoip-develpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-geoip-1.3.2-3pclos2022.src.rpmP63e33164a360f9876d4cb748920e034e./SRPMS.pcloswd # M B@BADBEHBJiCpython-geomcfly0.8.15pclos2013Geolocalized Metalinks created on the FlyThis module is for creation of metalinks from a list of mirrors with their preference relative to clients' geographical location.Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-geomcfly-0.8.1-5pclos2013.src.rpm44e7166c9372c7e1a268c6cdda080398./SRPMS.pclosd # G, 0CLXB@BABEBJCpython-geotypes0.7.04pclos2013Library that implements the OpenGISGeoTypes is a library that implements the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL Geometric Object Model and provides parsers for storing and retrieving these objects from Postgis. GeoTypes is an external project by RJT.Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-geotypes-0.7.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm]82fd0a34aba1eefd08c5633797634f2f./SRPMS.pclosCd ! M  ,  B@BABEBJ5Cpython-gevent1.2.22pclos2022A coroutine-based Python networking libraryGevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libevent event loop.Development/Pythonx86_64 lib64event-develpython-cythonpython-develpython-greenletpython-setuptoolspython3-cythonpython3-develpython3-greenletpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gevent-1.2.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm_c58a9eb60c7d7c1006217531d2994afd./SRPMS.pclos[d * v B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-gevent-socketio0.3.61pclos2014SocketIO server based on the Gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library``gevent-socketio`` is a Python implementation of the Socket.IO protocol, developed originally for Node.js by LearnBoost and then ported to other languages. Socket.IO enables real-time web communications between a browser and a server, using a WebSocket-like API."pinoc32Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gevent-socketio-0.3.6-1pclos2014.src.rpmdc52d62bb8ab4f5930ae2ca07213bc9b./SRPMS.pclosd  + t $0kB@uBABEBJCpython-gevent-websocket0.9.31pclos2014Websocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library================ gevent-websocket ================ `gevent-websocket`_ is a WebSocket library for the gevent_ networking library. Features include: - Integration on both socket level or using an abstract interface. - RPC and PubSub framework using `WAMP`_ (WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol). - Easily extendible using a simple WebSocket protocol plugin API :: from ...Kpinoc32Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gevent-websocket-0.9.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmL4a598f9389b6a36e8c3424e392fa4c9b./SRPMS.pclos7d  B` dwB@BABEBJ)Cpython-gitdb0.5.41pclos2015A pure-Python git object databaseGitDB allows you to access bare git repositories for reading and writing. It aims at allowing full access to loose objects as well as packs with performance and scalability in mind. It operates exclusively on streams, allowing to operate on large objects with a small memory footprint.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-nosepython-asyncrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gitdb-0.5.4-1pclos2015.src.rpma940c7ee196b60d55f81507d96fcf4f3./SRPMS.pclosKd $ 7 B@BABEBJ=Cpython-gitpython0.3.12pclos2013Python Git libraryGitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. GitPython provides object model access to your git repository. Once you have created a repository object, you can traverse it to find parent commit(s), trees, blobs, etc. GitPython is a port of the grit library in Ruby created by Tom Preston-Werner and Chris WanstrathIDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gitpython-0.3.1-2pclos2013.src.rpmPjda220d4d0b4c9490030e7e4a57ad6838./SRPMS.pclosd  T B@$BALBEPBJqCpython-glad22.0.41pclos2023Multi-Language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-GeneratorGlad uses the official Khronos-XML specs to generate a GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader made for your needs. ?oDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-glad2-2.0.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm Yd5d172101ae16c385596106d2d0adc56./SRPMS.pclosd ' O $,ZB@cBABEBJCpython-glanceclient0.9.01pclos2013Python API and CLI for OpenStack GlanceThis is a client for the OpenStack Glance API. There's a Python API (the glanceclient module), and a command-line script (glance). Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Glance API.V Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-glanceclient-0.9.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmQ1b6549ef7f5aa384e3d1b1896a1d7839./SRPMS.pclosCd  Bh lB@BABEBJ5Cpython-glpk0.4.434pclos2013A simple Python interface to GLPKA simple Python interface to GLPK.Development/Pythonx86_64 glpk-develswigpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-glpk-0.4.43-4pclos2013.src.rpmea2447042ec7e23b4e57510ed0e2603b./SRPMS.pclosd  6 RB@aBABEBJCpython-gmpy1.161pclos2013Python interface to GMPThe General Multiprecision PYthon project (GMPY) focuses on Python-usable modules providing multiprecision arithmetic functionality to Python programmers. The project mission includes both C and C++ Python-modules (for speed) and pure Python modules (for flexibility and convenience); it potentially includes integral, rational and floating-point arithmetic in any base. Only cross-platform functionality is of interest, at least for now.6Development/Pythonx86_64  libgmp-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)*e3ff25a20ffdf1521e97330a8105444f./SRPMS.pclos#d  8 8B@BABEBJCpython-gmpy22.1.21pclos2022Python interface to GMPThe General Multiprecision PYthon project (GMPY) focuses on Python-usable modules providing multiprecision arithmetic functionality to Python programmers. The project mission includes both C and C++ Python-modules (for speed) and pure Python modules (for flexibility and convenience); it potentially includes integral, rational and floating-point arithmetic in any base. Only cross-platform functionality is of interest, at least for now.xTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libgmp-devellibmpc-develmpfr-develpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gmpy2-2.1.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm318bf478cad8d2a470318ee5e31caece./SRPMS.pclosOd  ;X \oxB@BABE BJACpython-gnupg0.4.22pclos2022A Python wrapper for GnuPGA Python wrapper for GnuPG. Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gnupg-0.4.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmGc8314896816fb83be70e7b7606dc7cc8./SRPMS.pclosgd ! Gp tB@ BA4BE8BJYCpython-gnutls3.1.31pclos2022Python wrapper for the GNUTLS libraryPython wrapper for the GNUTLS library.nDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gnutls-3.1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm7bc0860365a9a69ccf14c046ab63c100./SRPMS.pcloscd # ;T XktB@BA0BE4BJUCpython-gobject2.28.72pclos2021GObject Python bindingsThis archive contains bindings for the GObject, to be used in Python It is a fairly complete set of bindings, it's already rather useful, and is usable to write moderately complex programs. (see the examples directory for some examples of the simpler programs you could write). LDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develglib2-devellib64ffi-develpython-cairo-develgtk-docautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gobject-2.28.7-2pclos2021.src.rpm ,6ae151b7a077c66acc50c3954dfe901e./SRPMS.pclosd $ N    B@BABEBJ Cpython-gobject33.50.02pclos2024Python bindings for GObject IntrospectionThe python-gobject3 package provides a convenient wrapper for the GObject library for use in Python programs.@#Development/Pythonx86_64  glib2-develgnome-commongobject-introspection-develgtk-doclibffi-develmesonpycairo3-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-gobject3-3.50.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmg7249ab7af83402aa62d76541db9a1bb8./SRPMS.pclos'd  N #6@XB@BABEBJCpython-gpgme0.32pclos2018Python module for working with OpenPGP messagesPyGPGME is a Python module that lets you sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt files using the OpenPGP format. It is built on top of GNU Privacy Guard and the GPGME library.|marcin82 Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsgpgme-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gpgme-0.3-2pclos2018.src.rpm!1a7793e2cf3e24917899ec885806987e./SRPMS.pclos?d " ADH OblB@BA BEBJ1Cpython-gphoto22.2.11pclos2022Python interface to libgphoto2python-gphoto2 is a comprehensive Python interface (or binding) to libgphoto2. It is built using SWIG to automatically generate the interface code. This gives direct access to nearly all the libgphoto2 functions, but sometimes in a rather un-Pythonic manner. TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(libgphoto2)swigpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gphoto2-2.2.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmM3617e3dd64f7552a3f4eb67ac62b0714./SRPMS.pclosd # Q KB@VBABEBJCpython-greenlet1.1.21pclos2022Lightweight in-process concurrent programmingThe greenlet package is a spin-off of Stackless, a version of CPython that supports micro-threads called "tasklets".hDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 glibc-develpkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-greenlet-1.1.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmn1d3999e9aa2f01e42493d434f7c6ae31./SRPMS.pclos7d # @` du|B@BABEBJ)Cpython-gtkglext1.1.05pclos2013Python bindings for GtkGLExtPython bindings for GtkGTLExtWSystem/Librariesx86_64 gtkglext-develpygtk2.0-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gtkglext-1.1.0-5pclos2013.src.rpm]'0dd9ba4bb4e91c5d2fc6210daa41c705./SRPMS.pclosd ) K .B@?BApBEtBJCpython-gtksourceview2.10.03pclos2013Gtksourceview bindings for PythonThese are the python bindings for the version 2 of the GtkSourceView library.vDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  gtksourceview-develpygtk2.0-devellibxslt-procdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|=7fd38d41a5d04833abfc2c7310642ea3./SRPMS.pclosd ( @ .B@9BAhBElBJCpython-gtkspellcheck4.0.61pclos2022Python GTK SpellcheckerA simple but quite powerful spell checking library written in pure Python for Gtk based on Enchant.BTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(enchant-2)python3-enchantpython3-gobject3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gtkspellcheck-4.0.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm567abbaa102f4fb6f4f7a64cb9deecde./SRPMS.pclosd  Q 7B@GBApBEtBJCpython-gudev147.13pclos2013Python (PyGObject) bindings to the GUDev librarypython-gudev is a Python (PyGObject) binding to the GUDev UDEV library.,#Development/Pythonx86_64  python-develautoconflibtoollib64gudev1.0-develpython-gobject-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1473.0.4-1python-gudev-147.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm2D7d74590a5aa34a65ec866b0f34389869./SRPMS.pclosd  _0 4GPXB@BABEBJCpython-gvgen0.93pclos2013Python class to generate dot files for further use with graphvizGvGen is a python class to generate dot files for further use with graphviz: * Edge creation, naming and connection * Apply any graphviz property on the fly * Apply graphviz properties to a stylepFDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-gvgen-0.9-3pclos2013.src.rpmr97a1c7fe37706b1ed659b42fc923234e./SRPMS.pclosd ' W  #,4bB@kBABEBJCpython-hachoir-core1.3.33pclos2013Python library to edit binary file and metadataHachoir is a library written in Python which allows to see and edit a binary file (or any binary stream) field per field. A field is the most basic information: a number, a string of characters, a flag (yes/no), etc. Only supported formats can be opened, it's not a magic tool. It can be used to extract some informations (eg. metadata), edit some fields of a file without original program, or convert a file from a format to another.#Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hachoir-core-1.3.3-3pclos2013.src.rpm+a59420e1ab564e7c83662575231c4d82./SRPMS.pclosd  + q FB@QBABEBJCpython-hachoir-metadata1.3.23pclos2013Python library to read metadata file format for the hachoir frameworkhachoir-metadata is tool to extract metadata from multimedia files (sound, video, archives, etc).Development/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hachoir-metadata-1.3.2-3pclos2013.src.rpmbf1a25ab5b75e410b3e0e4a32fd944f04./SRPMS.pclos;d ) g@ DW`tB@BABE BJ-Cpython-hachoir-parser1.3.44pclos2013Python library to parse file format for the hachoir frameworkhachoir-parser is a package of most common file format parsers written using hachoir-core. Not all parsers are complete, some are very good and other are poor: only parse first level of the tree for example. A perfect parser have no "raw" field: with a perfect parser you are able to know *each* bit meaning. Some good (but not perfect ;-)) parsers: * Matroska video * Microsoft RIFF (AVI video, WAV audio, CDA file) * PNG picture * TAR and ZIP archiveTQDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolspython-hachoir-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hachoir-parser-1.3.4-4pclos2013.src.rpm\dfa95f680b14252330cb14994cb913d6./SRPMS.pclosOd ( Jp tB@BABE BJACpython-hachoir-regex1.0.53pclos2013Regex manipulation Python libraryRegex manipulation Python library.QhDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hachoir-regex-1.0.5-3pclos2013.src.rpmXd298d5563a53fb58f6f238b4dbddf451./SRPMS.pclosd * o *B@5BAhBElBJCpython-hachoir-subfile0.5.34pclos2013A tool based on hachoir-parser to find subfiles in any binary streamA tool based on hachoir-parser to find subfiles in any binary stream.:2Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hachoir-subfile-0.5.3-4pclos2013.src.rpm@835e8ce0d3dd40840003eab5d78f1541./SRPMS.pclos#d & tD H[dtB@BABEBJCpython-hachoir-urwid1.14pclos2013The most sexy user interface based on hachoir-parser to explore a binary filehachoir-urwid is a package with the most sexy user interface using hachoir- core. Not all parsers are complete, some are very good and other are poor: only parse first level of the tree for example. A perfect parser have no "raw" field: with a perfect parser you are able to know *each* bit meaning. Some good (but not perfect ;-)) parsers: * Matroska video * Microsoft RIFF (AVI video, WAV audio, CDA file) * PNG picture * TAR and ZIP archiveD5Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hachoir-urwid-1.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmK08ffa624985c59eb714567da20568b5e./SRPMS.pclosd # Z4 8KTdB@BABEBJCpython-hachoir-wx0.35pclos2016A user interface in WxPython for the hachoir frameworkhachoir-parser is a package of most common file format parsers written using hachoir-core. Not all parsers are complete, some are very good and other are poor: only parse first level of the tree for example. A perfect parser have no "raw" field: with a perfect parser you are able to know *each* bit meaning. Some good (but not perfect ;-)) parsers: * Matroska video * Microsoft RIFF (AVI video, WAV audio, CDA file) * PNG picture * TAR and ZIP archiveLHDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hachoir-wx-0.3-5pclos2016.src.rpmS018176f77d9830f419a36295bedbb1a4./SRPMS.pclosd $ D iB@xBABEBJCpython-hatchling1.6.01pclos2022The build backend used by HatchThis is the extensible, standards compliant build backend used by Hatch.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpyproject-rpm-macrospython3-editablespython3-packagingpython3-pathspecpython3-pluggypython3-tomlirpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hatchling-1.6.0-1pclos2022.src.rpme5c0d56c7c5319e9fde6f45ceb083620./SRPMS.pclos'd " [PT [nxB@BABEBJCpython-helpdev0.7.11pclos2022Extracts information about the Python environment easilyHelping users and developers to get information about the environment to report bugs or even test your system without spending a day on it. It can get information about hardware, OS, paths, Python distribution and packages, including Qt-things.5TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-helpdev-0.7.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmm6703de6c00149a9bc8cb16607fc88da0./SRPMS.pclos?d ( jh lB@BA BEBJ1Cpython-html2text2020.1.163pclos2022Converts a page of HTML into clean, easy-to-read plain ASCII texthtml2text is a Python script that converts a page of HTML into clean, easy-to-read plain ASCII text. Better yet, that ASCII also happens to be valid Markdown (a text-to-HTML format). Also known as: THE ASCIINATOR, html to text, htm to txt, htm2txt, ...Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-html2text-2020.1.16-3pclos2022.src.rpmaee68c19fa5737171965125cab066444./SRPMS.pclosd ( O gB@rBABEBJCpython-html5-parser0.4.101pclos2022Fast C based HTML 5 parsing for pythonA fast, standards compliant, C based, HTML 5 parser for python. Over thirty times as fast as pure python based parsers, such as html5lib.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-html5-parser-0.4.10-1pclos2022.src.rpm]86349ddf9f15c34107f7f651c0fbc58e./SRPMS.pclosd ! _ yB@BABEBJCpython-html5lib1.12pclos2025A Python HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 specA Python HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 spec.-Development/Pythonnoarch  python-develpython-setuptoolspython-webencodingspython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-webencodingsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-html5lib-1.1-2pclos2025.src.rpmU3463b2a919456bd52503ea1bb1315089./SRPMS.pclosd $ ? B@BALBEPBJqCpython-httplib20.20.41pclos2022Python HTTP library moduleA comprehensive HTTP client library that supports many features left out of other HTTP libraries.VTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-httplib2-0.20.4-1pclos2022.src.rpmYp9eccb68943c98eff8b3def02440e0129./SRPMS.pcloscd % L B@BA0BE4BJUCpython-hyperlink21.0.01pclos2022A featureful, correct URL for Python 2Hyperlink is a featureful, pure-Python 2 implementation of the URL, with an emphasis on correctness.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hyperlink-21.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmb743a3d983e195fd9f7da7747603641e./SRPMS.pcloskd & K` dwB@ BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-hypothesis6.36.11pclos2022A library for property based testingHypothesis is a library for testing your Python code against a much larger range of examples than you would ever want to write by hand. It’s based on the Haskell library, Quickcheck, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing Python unit testing work flow.˱Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolspython3-attrspython3-sortedcontainersrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-hypothesis-6.36.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmц7132b83efa0d104ac3f24e30a5e3a04e./SRPMS.pclosd " ] WB@cBABEBJCpython-icalendar3.41pclos2013Parser/generator of iCalendar files following the RFC 2445iCalendar specification (RFC 2445) defines calendaring format used by many applications (Zimbra, Thunderbird and others). This module is a parser/generator of iCalendar files for use with Python. It follows the RFC 2445 (iCalendar) specification. The aim is to make a package that is fully compliant with RFC 2445, well designed, simple to use and well documented.kDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-pytzpython-dateutilrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-icalendar-3.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm321f0589fc89371aecfdd193f32e1270./SRPMS.pclosd   N B@%BALBEPBJqCpython-icu2.7.42pclos2022Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ librariesPyICU is a python extension implemented in C++ that wraps the C/C++ ICU library.FDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libicu-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-icu-2.7.4-2pclos2022.src.rpmK3adf5393b54b06eb26408a1257eb7fc6./SRPMS.pclosd   YL PcltB@BABEBJCpython-id30.5.55pclos2013Reading and writing id3v2 and id3v1 tags (http://id3.org/)pyid3 is a pure python library for reading and writing id3 tags (version 1.0, 1.1, 2.3, 2.4, readonly support for 2.2). What makes this better than all the others? Testing! This library has been tested against some 200+ MB of just tags.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-id3-0.5.5-5pclos2013.src.rpmcf536d74f3655577d627b17524f6a0e72./SRPMS.pclosd  S@D K^htB@BABEBJCpython-idna3.32pclos2022Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)A library to support the Internationalised Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) protocol as specified in RFC 5891 . This version of the protocol is often referred to as "IDNA2008" and can produce different results from the earlier standard from 2003. The library is also intended to act as a suitable drop-in replacement for the "encodings.idna" module that comes with the Python standard library but currently only supports the older 2003 specification.yTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-idna-3.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm2409b4a92e9a2108711c03727f42c120./SRPMS.pclosd $ W %B@/BA\BE`BJCpython-imagesize1.3.01pclos2022Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif fileIt parses image files’ header and return image size. PNG JPEG JPEG2000 GIF TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-imagesize-1.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm 647606e73293ad48d8b8d5be8948fe79./SRPMS.pclosd " HX \ox  C B@VBABEBJCpython-imaging1.1.73pclos2013Python's own image processing libraryPython Imaging Library version 1.1.7 The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and powerful image processing capabilities.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develjpeg-develpng-develfreetype2-devellcms-devellibsane-develtcl-develtk-develzlib-develtkinterlibjpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-imaging-1.1.7-3pclos2013.src.rpme5aeff5183d5e2b28a555e0ae87b22b7./SRPMS.pclosd  G '08aB@jBABEBJCpython-imdb3.22pclos2013Python module for the IMDb movie databaseIMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database. IMDbPY is mainly a tool intended for programmers and developers, but some example scripts are included.(Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-imdb-3.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm/e4b6a2cd059d288f4fa71ea3edcac0f7./SRPMS.pclosd  W KB@UBA|BEBJCpython-imdbpy4.91pclos2013Retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie databaseIMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies.mDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-imdbpy-4.9-1pclos2013.src.rpm248672c1553367bfc315ba2799eaa04a./SRPMS.pclosd# . Q hB@vBABEBJCpython-importlib-metadata4.10.11pclos2022Read metadata from Python packagesimportlib_metadata is a library to access the metadata for a Python package.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-pathlib2python3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmpython3-tomlpython3-packagingrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-importlib-metadata-4.10.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm69acc97ea20d9eedd370b9e97b223815./SRPMS.pclosWd ' P| B@BA$BE(BJICpython-incremental21.3.01pclos2022Library for versioning Python 2 projectsLibrary for versioning Python 2 projects.9 TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-incremental-21.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm>o1fda6bdd26f64bd02ccf0250bdaad9ba./SRPMS.pclosd  X 'B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-indices0.14pclos2013Sequence index, item ranges, and enumeration for pythonThis is a python module providing a number of functions to make it easier to iterate over sequences, based on PEP 212 and PEP 279.Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-indices-0.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmb9aaa520eab7725e3fd4a579587a6f38./SRPMS.pclosod $ I B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-iniconfig1.1.11pclos2022Brain-dead simple config-ini parsinginiconfig is a small and simple INI-file parser module."TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-pyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-iniconfig-1.1.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm(988680733374defaa93f48938a8e4c31./SRPMS.pclosd ! 7 B@BABEBJCpython-iniparse0.47pclos2022INI parser for pythoniniparse is a INI parser for Python which is: * Compatiable with ConfigParser: Backward compatible implementations of ConfigParser, RawConfigParser, and SafeConfigParser are included that are API-compatible with the Python standard library. They pass all the unit tests in Python-2.4.4. * Preserves structure of INI files: Order of sections & options, indentation, comments, and blank lines are preserved as far as possible when data is updated. * More convenient: Values can be accessed using dotted notation (cfg.user.name), or using container syntax (cfg['user']['name']). It is very useful for config files that are updated both by users and by programs, since it is very disorienting for a user to have her config file completely rearranged whenever a program changes it. iniparse also allows making the order of entries in a config file significant, which is desirable in applications like image galleries.`Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-sixpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-iniparse-0.4-7pclos2022.src.rpmae32fb03f0935e0e2c423f215872f4bb./SRPMS.pclosd $ ]   ]B@gBABEBJCpython-injector0.20.11pclos2022Python dependency injection framework, inspired by GuiceDependency injection as a formal pattern is less useful in Python than in other languages, primarily due to its support for keyword arguments, the ease with which objects can be mocked, and its dynamic nature. That said, a framework for assisting in this process can remove a lot of boiler-plate from larger applications. That's where Injector can help. It automatically and transitively provides keyword arguments with their values. As an added benefit, Injector encourages nicely compartmentalised code through the use of Module s. While being inspired by Guice, it does not slavishly replicate its API. Providing a Pythonic API trumps faithfulness.5TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-injector-0.20.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm846f0f4b26b386b4d534d082eb650639./SRPMS.pclos3d % Dd h{B@BABEBJ%Cpython-ipaddress1.0.222pclos2022IPv4/IPv6 manipulation libraryIPv4/IPv6 manipulation library.wDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ipaddress-1.0.22-2pclos2022.src.rpm}Yb02080d1d90eb2b94b1e8169498cc897./SRPMS.pclos#d  2l pB@BABEBJCpython-ipdb0.62pclos2013IPython-enhanced pdbipdb provides access to IPython features from within pdb. Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ipdb-0.6-2pclos2013.src.rpmY95e9147ce84845acd5e15de8ae6ef6d5./SRPMS.pclos3d " R    B@BABEBJ%Cpython-ipython5.6.02pclos2022An interactive computing environment for PythonAn interactive computing environment for Python 2.NDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-decoratorpython-develpython-jsonschemapython-mistunepython-pathpython-pexpectpython-picklesharepython-prompt_toolkitpython-setuptoolspython-sphinxpython-simplegenericpython-traitletsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ipython-5.6.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmNt4aae14389623af833b13ab86e9685642./SRPMS.pclosd # I TB@`BABEBJCpython-iso86010.1.122pclos2022Simple module to parse ISO 8601 datesThis module parses the most common forms of ISO 8601 date strings (e.g. 2007-01-14T20:34:22+00:00) into datetime objects.&}Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-iso8601-0.1.12-2pclos2022.src.rpm+\ed9300966592ff1699834f5e668487e1./SRPMS.pclosd " d, 0CLXB@BABEBJCpython-isodate0.6.02pclos2022An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter Python moduleThis Python 2 module implements ISO 8601 date, time and duration parsing. The implementation follows ISO8601:2004 standard, and implements only date/time representations mentioned in the standard.tZDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-isodate-0.6.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmy06a5ee35fa0cf591756c64d6e1d54418./SRPMS.pclosd ' i )B@3BA`BEdBJCpython-itsdangerous2.1.01pclos2022Python library for passing trusted data to untrusted environmentsItsdangerous is a Python library for passing data through untrusted environments (for example, HTTP cookies) while ensuring the data is not tampered with. Internally itsdangerous uses HMAC and SHA1 for signing by default and bases the implementation on the Django signing module. It also however supports JSON Web Signatures (JWS).NJTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-itsdangerous-2.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm>6ce9cdebcd8fcd2baff4a8a2176dd70c./SRPMS.pclosd  CH LR\dB@BABEBJCpython-iview0.23pclos2013An alternative frontend to ABC iViewPython-iView is an alternative frontend to Australian Broadcasting Corporation iView. This program will let you download the most recent TV programs from Australian Broadcasting CorporationABC that you can then watch in your favorite video player such as VLC.`Videonoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-iview-0.2-3pclos2013.src.rpmhQ6110d589de2303c6213eb7b4c2c1c9a1./SRPMS.pclosGd  = B@BABEBJ9Cpython-jabber0.44pclos2013Python jabber protocol modulePython module for jabber protocol support. You can write client or services with it.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-jabber-0.4-4pclos2013.src.rpmd793304def32d60faacfa0faa407ad30./SRPMS.pclosd ! A $4B@BABEBJCpython-jinja23.1.11pclos2022General purpose template engineJinja2 is a template engine written in pure Python. It provides a Django inspired non-XML syntax but supports inline expressions and an optional sandboxed environment. If you have any exposure to other text-based template languages, such as Smarty or Django, you should feel right at home with Jinja2. It's both designer and developer friendly by sticking to Python's principles and adding functionality useful for templating environments.LTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-markupsaferpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-jinja2-3.1.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmRa90eaabc6907fbe837f76137b7d1091a./SRPMS.pclos[d " \L PclB@BA(BE,BJMCpython-jpype0.5.4.21pclos2013Allow python programs full access to java class librariesJPype is an effort to allow python programs full access to java class libraries. This is achieved not through re-implementing Python, as Jython/JPython has done, but rather through interfacing at the native level in both Virtual Machines.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-setuptoolspython-sphinxjavajava-1.7.0-sun-develpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-jpype-|676627c988ac0f69913c8b0763c0836d./SRPMS.pclosGd  A B@BABEBJ9Cpython-json3.45pclos2013A JSON reader and writer for Pythonjson.py is an implementation of a JSON (http://json.org) reader and writer in Python.RDevelopment/Pythoni586 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-json-3.4-5pclos2013.src.rpmW(db5c95f8b296d1cf4385a44ec76d1ef8./SRPMS.pclos_d % \ B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-jsonschema2.6.02pclos2022An implementation of JSON Schema validation for PythonAn implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-jsonschema-2.6.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm4252c39e762f7a2a16d6bb5f431c4c0f./SRPMS.pclos{d # = B@BAHBELBJmCpython-jtoolkit0.7.84pclos2013Web application frameworkjToolkit is a Python web application framework built on modpython and Apache. It can also run in standalone mode using its own builtin HTTP server. It is aimed at dynamically generated pages rather than mostly-static pages (for which there are templating solutions). Pages can be produced using a variety of widgets or a new templating system. It handles sessions and database connections.#Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-jtoolkit-0.7.8-4pclos2013.src.rpm+y6005d7e0fc976e00575e0bce705b6cdd./SRPMS.pclosd # J (]B@gBABEBJCpython-kaa-base0.6.04pclos2013Set of python modules related to mediaKaa base module that implements the common features needed for application development, such as mainloop management, timers, signals, callbacks, file descriptor monitors, etc.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-kaa-base-0.6.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm5b6d7090626b09752f578c1184381c4b./SRPMS.pclosd & \   o B@BABEBJCpython-kaa-display0.1.04pclos2013Kaa Media is a set of python modules related to mediakaa-display has low level support for various displayswDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-kaa-basepython-kaa-imlib2python-develpython-pyxmlpygameimlib2-devellibpng-develfreetype2-develSDL-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-kaa-display-0.1.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm0877686dc0e0f31f212c1ff922d26861./SRPMS.pclosod % Lh lB@BA<BE@BJaCpython-kaa-imlib20.2.35pclos2013Set of python modules related to mediaImlib2 wrapper for python.mDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-kaa-baseimlib2-devellibpng-develfreetype2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-kaa-imlib2-0.2.3-5pclos2013.src.rpmtpafb1d420670813681b95ee1967a172a7./SRPMS.pclosGd ' O` dwB@BABEBJ9Cpython-kaa-metadata0.7.74pclos2013Kaa Media Meta Data retrieval frameworkkaa-metadata is a Media Meta Data retrieval framework. It retrieves metadata from mp3, ogg, avi, jpg, tiff and other file formats. Among others it thereby parses ID3v2, ID3v1, EXIF, IPTC and Vorbis data into an object oriented struture. It is the successor to mmpython.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibdvdread-develpython-kaa-baserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-kaa-metadata-0.7.7-4pclos2013.src.rpm fe320b15697395d1001370f9b184c5d2./SRPMS.pclosd # W AB@MBAxBE|BJCpython-keyring23.5.01pclos2022Python library to access the system keyring serviceThe Python keyring lib provides a easy way to access the system keyring service from python. It can be used in any application that needs safe password storage. This package only provides file-based pseudo-keyrings. To interface with gnome-keyring or KWallet, please install one of python-keyring-gnome or python-keyring-kwallet.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmpython3-tomlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-keyring-23.5.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmcadfc94d84dfd26a2432c8094248ca55./SRPMS.pclosd # U B@&BAPBETBJuCpython-kickstart1.771pclos2013A python library for manipulating kickstart filesThe python-kickstart package is a python library for manipulating kickstart files.{Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-kickstart-1.77-1pclos2013.src.rpmrhdfbd736ce96bf04c22ba24752066a0f6./SRPMS.pclosd   J  4B@BABEBJCpython-kid0.9.64pclos2013A simple and pythonic XML template languageKid is a simple Python based template language for generating and transforming XML vocabularies. Kid was spawned as a result of a kinky love triangle between XSLT, TAL, and PHP. We believe many of the best features of these languages live on in Kid with much of the limitations and complexity stamped out (well, eventually :). Templates are compiled to native Python byte-code and may be imported and used like normal Python modules.׭Development/Pythonx86_64  python-develpython-celementtreepython-elementtreepython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Y  #,4_B@hBABEBJCpython-kiwi1.9.291pclos2013A framework and a set of enhanced widgets based on PyGTKkiwi offers a set of enhanced widgets for Python based on PyGTK. It also includes a framework designed to make creating Python applications using PyGTK and libglade much simpler.Development/Pythonx86_64 pygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-kiwi-1.9.29-1pclos2013.src.rpmX28910ca46bf12d828736980353f873f2./SRPMS.pclosgd % | B@BA4BE8BJYCpython-kiwisolver1.1.02pclos2022Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm.Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm. Kiwi is an implementation of the algorithm based on the seminal Cassowary paper. It is not a refactoring of the original C++ solver. Kiwi has been designed from the ground up to be lightweight and fast. Kiwi ranges from 10x to 500x faster than the original Cassowary solver with typical use cases gaining a 40x improvement. Memory savings are consistently > 5x. In addition to the C++ solver, Kiwi ships with hand-rolled Python bindings.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-kiwisolver-1.1.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm95abdb7b7e2f876766a5cce3b39371cf./SRPMS.pclosd  D B@BABEBJCpython-kombu4.1.02pclos2022AMQP Messaging Framework for PythonAMQP is the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, an open standard protocol for message orientation, queuing, routing, reliability and security.V9dff3989c150048af2480ee61f72eda8./SRPMS.pclos;d # Hl pB@BABE BJ-Cpython-libturpial1.01pclos2013libturpial is the backend of TurpialIt handles multiple microblogging protocols (Twitter and Identi.ca at the moment) and has support for multiple accounts and multiple columns. It is a great tool to develop automated Python scripts that need to handle the Twitter API or even to develop a microblogging client on top of it._Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-libturpial-1.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm?4158f90bb57696e4abe1c8b0ca7ea3eb./SRPMS.pclosd%fB@"BAPBETBJuCpython-libxml2dom0.4.73pclos2011A traditional DOM wrapper around the Python bindings for libxml2The libxml2dom package provides a traditional DOM wrapper around the Python bindings for libxml2. In contrast to the standard libxml2 bindings, libxml2dom provides an API reminiscent of minidom, pxdom and other Python-based and Python-related XML toolkits. Performance is fairly respectable since libxml2dom makes direct use of libxml2mod - the low-level wrapping of libxml2 for Python. Moreover, serialisation of documents is much faster than many other toolkits because libxml2dom can make direct use of libxml2 rather than employing Python-level mechanisms to visit and serialise nodes.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibxml2-pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-libxml2dom-0.4.7-3pclos2011.src.rpm677ec08a1a0848236232c4f0ee54a889./SRPMS.pclosgd % G| B@BA4BE8BJYCpython-linecache21.0.02pclos2022Backports of the linecache moduleA backport of linecache to older supported Pythons.-TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-pbrpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-linecache2-1.0.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm3`91a53987c6d657d30c9ca9cfb73a055c./SRPMS.pclosd  3T XktB@BABEBJ Cpython-lirc0.0.55pclos2013Python lirc module.Python module for lirc supportDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lirc-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-lirc-0.0.5-5pclos2013.src.rpm_43efe207564ff08c63546b4b7c1d4038./SRPMS.pclosd   C $B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-lit14.0.01pclos2022Tool for executing llvm test suiteslit is a tool used by the LLVM project for executing its test suites.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-lit-14.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmv25e7e7c4c656606b70a393b5d8b1129a./SRPMS.pclos'd ' UT XktB@BABEBJCpython-livestreamer1.7.31pclos2014CLI for piping video streams to video playersLivestreamer is a Command Line Interface that pipes video streams from various services into a video player, such as VLC. The main purpose of Livestreamer is to allow the user to avoid buggy and CPU heavy flash plugins but still be able to enjoy various streamed content. Livestreamer is built upon a plugin system which allows support for new services to be easily added. Currently most of the big streaming services are supported, e.g. Dailymotion, Livestream, Twitch, Justin.tv, YouTube Live and Ustream.,Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-livestreamer-1.7.3-1pclos2014.src.rpm3f424b2ce5ce3e98e3cb9a9f727ebd7d./SRPMS.pclosd ! L $ +>H\B@BABEBJCpython-llfuse1.4.21pclos2022Python Bindings for the low-level FUSE APILLFUSE is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. It requires at least FUSE 2.8.0. LLFUSE was originally part of S3QL, but has been factored out so that it can be used by other projects as well.sTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(fuse)python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-llfuse-1.4.2-1pclos2022.src.rpme3225e6bbaa76bf411aea6a0fb1398f6./SRPMS.pclosd # L +4@{B@BABEBJCpython-lockfile0.9.11pclos2013Platform-independent file locking moduleThe lockfile module exports a FileLock class which provides a simple API for locking files. The lock mechanism relies on the atomic nature of the link (on Unix) and mkdir (on Windows) system calls.@TDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-lockfile-0.9.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmGe357312eb28063d59ce8a90787d25a49./SRPMS.pclosd  S B@$BALBEPBJqCpython-logan0.7.22pclos2022Toolkit for running standalone Django applicationsToolkit for running standalone Django applications.1Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-logan-0.7.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm$Td6d7a8444ffaf46af23ddefdff7c91a2./SRPMS.pclosd $ L 4B@>BAhBElBJCpython-logging0.4.9.64pclos2013Fast Python module for rational numbersThis is a python module that implements a full-featured logging system in line with PEP 282 (comparable to java.util.logging, log4j, etc.).(Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-logging- ) Q  $7@PB@BABEBJCpython-logilab-astng0.20.14pclos2013Extension of compiler.ast Python moduleThis module provides a common base representation of Python source code for Logilab projects such as pylint. It extends class defined in the compiler.ast module with some additional methods and attributes=Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-logilab-astng-0.20.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmDa8fdcfd4b0eec95af2bb1bfe1f6e3ed5./SRPMS.pclosd * R ZB@eBABEBJCpython-logilab-common0.50.34pclos2013Python modules used by Logilab softwareThis package contains a number of Python modules that provide low level functionality used by various free software projects supported by Logilab.0Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-logilab-common-0.50.3-4pclos2013.src.rpm88b9537ead8eb72b55cfb508c7a52c525./SRPMS.pclos+d  lT XktB@BABEBJCpython-louie1.14pclos2013Louie provides dispatch signals between objects in a wide variety of contextsLouie provides Python programmers with a straightforward way to dispatch signals between objects in a wide variety of contexts. It is based on PyDispatcher, which in turn was based on a highly-rated recipe in the Python Cookbook.TEDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-setuptoolspythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-louie-1.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm[56141bf9537f80a39543b82792ebbdcfb./SRPMS.pclosd  X ,B@9BA`BEdBJCpython-lxml4.7.11pclos2022A Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt librarieslxml is a Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. It follows the ElementTree API as much as possible, building it on top of the native libxml2 tree. It also extends this API to expose libxml2 and libxslt specific functionality, such as XPath, Relax NG, XML Schema, XSLT, and c14n.4>TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libxml2-devellibxslt-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-lxml-4.7.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm;N407572e34d256d7f4eca92a3fccdf3de./SRPMS.pclosd   NDH OblxB@BABEBJ Cpython-ly0.9.71pclos2022Tool and library for manipulating LilyPond filesThis package provides a Python library ly containing various Python modules to parse, manipulate or create documents in LilyPond format. A command line program ly is also provided that can be used to do various manipulations with LilyPond files.?(TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ly-0.9.7-1pclos2022.src.rpmEa862f87c83daff6ee7ed4ee24e396fe2./SRPMS.pclosd % W B@!BALBEPBJqCpython-lyricwiki0.1.352pclos2013A Python interface to the http://lyrics.wikia.comA Python interface which provides simple access to lyrics from http://lyrics.wikia.com;Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-lyricwiki-0.1.35-2pclos2013.src.rpmA844ee1bb770f120ab3a9125493081092./SRPMS.pclosd   7 $B@BABEBJCpython-lz43.1.101pclos2022LZ4 Bindings for PythonThis package provides python bindings for the LZ4 compression library. The bindings provided in this package cover the frame format, the block format, and the streaming format specifications. The frame format bindings are the recommended ones to use, as this guarantees interoperability with other implementations and language bindings. The API provided by the frame format bindings follows that of the LZMA, zlib, gzip and bzip2 compression libraries which are provided with the Python standard library. As such, these LZ4 bindings should provide a drop-in alternative to the compression libraries shipped with Python. The package provides context managers and file handler support.hTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-flake8python3-pkgconfigpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-lz4-3.1.10-1pclos2022.src.rpm81258bf8757b5db475f060bc5bf19f66./SRPMS.pclosd   5 .B@8BA\BE`BJCpython-lzo1.084pclos2013LZO bindings for PythonPython-LZO provides Python bindings for LZO, i.e. you can access the LZO library from your Python scripts thereby compressing ordinary Python strings.9Development/Pythonx86_64 liblzo-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-lzo-1.08-4pclos2013.src.rpm>69a734e4bcbf152bf9ccd7a827a65345./SRPMS.pclos d $ F( ,?H\B@BABEBJCpython-m2crypto0.20.24pclos2013Crypto and SSL toolkit for PythonM2Crypto is a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python featuring the following: * RSA, DSA, DH, HMACs, message digests, symmetric ciphers (including AES). * SSL functionality to implement clients and servers. * HTTPS extensions to Python's httplib, urllib, and xmlrpclib. * Unforgeable HMAC'ing AuthCookies for web session management. * FTP/TLS client and server. * S/MIME. * ZServerSSL: A HTTPS server for Zope. * ZSmime: An S/MIME messenger for Zope.^Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develswigopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-m2crypto-0.20.2-4pclos2013.src.rpmzd00149f58a630e3799ce4969931adea0./SRPMS.pclosd  @x| 5B@CBAhBElBJCpython-mako1.1.61pclos2022Mako template library for PythonMako is a template library written in Python. It provides a familiar, non-XML syntax which compiles into Python modules for maximum performance. Mako's syntax and API borrows from the best ideas of many others, including Django templates, Cheetah, Myghty, and Genshi. Conceptually, Mako is an embedded Python (i.e. Python Server Page) language, which refines the familiar ideas of componentized layout and inheritance to produce one of the most straightforward and flexible models available, while also maintaining close ties to Python calling and scoping semantics.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-mockpython3-nosepython3-markupsafepython3-beakerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mako-1.1.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm7404a3b229897afdb5fc08c4082b9a92./SRPMS.pclosd # f  PB@[BABEBJCpython-markdown3.3.61pclos2022Python implementation of the markdown text-to-HTML conversion toolThis is a Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. It is almost completely compliant with the reference implementation, though there are a few known issues Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).!TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-nosepython3-yamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-markdown-3.3.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm'.e31b3c4261f2f91461bf4daf36cba44f./SRPMS.pclosd & Ilp wB@+BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-markdown-math0.81pclos2022Math extension for Python-MarkdownMath extension for Python-Markdown!TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-nosepython-pyyamlpython3-develpython3-nosepython3-pyyamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-markdown-math-0.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm'46fb63ba8a5067aa004ace4dae0f7fd8./SRPMS.pclosOd " Ehl sB@BABE BJACpython-markups3.1.31pclos2022Math extension for Python-MarkdownMath extension for Python-MarkdownL,TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-nosepython3-pyyamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-markups-3.1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmR56f268d1b577bdfbced31469aee359e1./SRPMS.pclosd % Z B@BALBEPBJqCpython-markupsafe2.1.01pclos2022XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string package for PythonThis package implements a XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string for Python.C*TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-markupsafe-2.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmH9d9f5bcaf7dd887bbcf2e49fba53616f./SRPMS.pclosd % Q  "B@9BAdBEhBJCpython-matplotlib3.0.32pclos2022Matlab-style 2D plotting package for Pythonmatplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. matplotlib can be used in Python scripts, the python and ipython shell (a la Matlab or Mathematica), web application servers, and various graphical user interface toolkits.:TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lib64freetype6-devellib64png-develx11-server-xvfbzlib-develpython3-cairopython3-cyclerpython3-dateutilpython3-develpython3-gobject3-develpython3-kiwisolverpython3-numpy-develpython3-pillowpython3-pyparsingpython3-pytzpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-matplotlib-3.0.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm(4ecb3432d137fa62674002231a990ed9./SRPMS.pclosd ! C !B@+BATBEXBJyCpython-mccabe0.7.01pclos2022McCabe checker, plugin for flake8Ned's script to check McCabe complexity. This module provides a plugin for flake8, the Python code checker.(TTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mccabe-0.7.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm-5e40f651e682d76df3f0b9a05e6e3760./SRPMS.pclosd  T  TB@^BABEBJCpython-mcrypt1.14pclos2013Comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt libraryPython-mcrypt is a comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library, which provides a uniform interface to several symmetric encryption algorithms.TDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libpython-devellibmcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mcrypt-1.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm[940eb9b0bfc40ee8c407fdf427bf9ebe./SRPMS.pclosd   G KB@YBA|BEBJCpython-mdp2.64pclos2013Modular Data Processing Toolkit for PythonThe Modular toolkit for Data Processing (MDP) is a Python data processing framework. Implemented algorithms include: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Slow Feature Analysis (SFA), Independent Slow Feature Analysis (ISFA), Growing Neural Gas (GNG), Factor Analysis, Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA), Gaussian Classifiers, and Restricted Boltzmann Machines.Development/Pythonnoarch  python-numpy-develpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);3b2b5ea9f5bcae814fcf2afd190d79bf./SRPMS.pclosd $ GDH ObltB@BABEBJCpython-mechanize0.4.81pclos2022Stateful programmatic web browsingStateful programmatic web browsing, after Andy Lester's Perl module WWW::Mechanize. The library is layered: mechanize.Browser (stateful web browser), mechanize.UserAgent (configurable URL opener), plus urllib2 handlers. Features include: ftp:, http: and file: URL schemes, browser history, high-level hyperlink and HTML form support, HTTP cookies, HTTP-EQUIV and Refresh, Referer [sic] header, robots.txt, redirections, proxies, and Basic and Digest HTTP authentication. mechanize's response objects are (lazily-) .seek()able and still work after .close(). Much of the code originally derived from Perl code by Gisle Aas (libwww-perl), Johnny Lee (MSIE Cookie support) and last but not least Andy Lester (WWW::Mechanize). urllib2 was written by Jeremy Hylton.(TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mechanize-0.4.8-1pclos2022.src.rpmfe4e5153c6a83e9eb5a2e677750db4b4./SRPMS.pclosCd ! C B@BABEBJ5Cpython-medusa0.5.44pclos2013Framework for Python-based serverMedusa is an architecture for very-high-performance TCP/IP servers (like HTTP, FTP, and NNTP). Medusa is different from most other servers because it runs as a single process, multiplexing I/O with its various client and server connections within a single process/thread. It is capable of smoother and higher performance than most other servers, while placing a dramatically reduced load on the server machine. The single-process, single-thread model simplifies design and enables some new persistence capabilities that are otherwise difficult or impossible to implement._System/Serversx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-medusa-0.5.4-4pclos2013.src.rpmh+26d596a0c0e43ecc8f1fc044353eba8a./SRPMS.pclosd # A4 8KTdB@BABEBJCpython-memcached1.453pclos2013Python interface to memcachedThis software is a 100% Python interface to the memcached memory cache daemon. It is the client side software which allows storing values in one or more, possibly remote, memcached servers. Search google for memcached for more information.sDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-memcached-1.45-3pclos2013.src.rpm{74ecdb150d5ee331a9e86f38b45081bc./SRPMS.pclosd ! I $B@,BATBEXBJyCpython-metalink1.04pclos2013Python library for generating metalinksA script based library to create and manage Metalink download files, which contain HTTP, FTP and P2P download links for single or multiple download files.f Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-metalink-1.0-4pclos2013.src.rpmmf1d8abe8f605002bb3bfdeb3d06be6b9./SRPMS.pclosd # L PclxB@BABEBJ Cdepython-metar1.3.03pclos2013Metar - A python package for interpreting METAR and SPECI coded weather reportsMetar Python-Modul, das Wetterberichte herunterlädtMetar is a python package for interpreting METAR and SPECI coded weather reports.Python-Modul, das sogenannte METAR-Reports (Wetterberichte) online herunterlädt.eDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-metar-1.3.0-3pclos2013.src.rpmlU096475e2e7ba7c48539c4a80941cc7f3./SRPMS.pclossd " X  B@BA@BEDBJeCpython-mezogis0.1.54pclos2013Graphical interface to query and analyse spatial datamezoGIS is a GIS application, a graphical interface to query and analyse spatial data. mezoGIS does not store or compute data directly, but operates external PostGIS databases. The goal of mezoGIS is to provide a tool for geo- spatial analysis with PostGIS, through on-the-fly SQL queries as well as through larger, external plugin scripts.kDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mezogis-0.1.5-4pclos2013.src.rpmsaa87bd9f046185e6fd43a933d63fb3a85./SRPMS.pclosd  A ,B@BABEBJCpython-mglob0.43pclos2022Enhanced file name globbing moduleUsable as stand-alone utility (for xargs, backticks etc.), or as a globbing library for own python programs. Some enhanced features are recursion, exclusion, and directory omission.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mglob-0.4-3pclos2022.src.rpmc618f5af811ea586b32a2dc3db1fe32b./SRPMS.pclosWd # F B@BA$BE(BJICpython-minimock1.2.61pclos2013The simplest possible mock libraryMinimock is a simple lbirary for doing Mock objects with doctest.)Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-minimock-1.2.6-1pclos2013.src.rpm/8ae3068ad48928743fc3625f53fc1f59./SRPMS.pclosd " c B@BABEBJCpython-mistune0.8.31pclos2018The fastest markdown parser in pure Python with renderer featureThe fastest markdown parser in pure Python with renderer feature.8marcin82 Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-cythonpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-cythonpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mistune-0.8.3-1pclos2018.src.rpmq2efa67f3e26c08d8b7d2cb8fd46eff31./SRPMS.pclosd   I4 8KT`B@BABEBJCpython-mm0.4.104pclos2013Python Media Meta Data retrieval frameworkMMPython is a Media Meta Data retrieval framework. It retrieves metadata from mp3, ogg, avi, jpg, tiff and other file formats. Among others it thereby parses ID3v2, ID3v1, EXIF, IPTC and Vorbis data into an object oriented struture.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibdvdread-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mm-0.4.10-4pclos2013.src.rpm950250925110decc0e36bbc4ea8765165./SRPMS.pclosd  Q >B@JBApBEtBJCpython-mock4.0.31pclos2022A Python Mocking and Patching Library for TestingMock is a Python module that provides a core mock class. It removes the need to create a host of stubs throughout your test suite. After performing an action, you can make assertions about which methods / attributes were used and arguments they were called with. You can also specify return values and set needed attributes in the normal way.8TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-pbrpython3-funcsigsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mock-4.0.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm17df8725243ca5ee2142dfa49b488c13./SRPMS.pclosd " F BB@LBAtBExBJCpython-monotonic1.52pclos2022An implementation of time.monotonicThis module provides a monotonic() function which returns the value (in fractional seconds) of a clock which never goes backwards.!TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-monotonic-1.5-2pclos2022.src.rpm'd9eef15f48d65e0203a00d59a2fa5e1c./SRPMS.pclos[d * elp wB@BA(BE,BJMCpython-more-itertools8.12.01pclos2022More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertoolsMore Itertools Python's itertools library is a gem - you can compose elegant solutions for a variety of problems with the functions it provides. In more- itertools we collect additional building blocks, recipes, and routines for working with Python iterables.FTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-more-itertools-8.12.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmJ0461ab76305caea2bb243dda208d1971./SRPMS.pclosd  <T Xgp|B@BABEBJCpython-morph0.84pclos2013Morphology Toolbox for PythonThe pymorph Morphology Toolbox for Python is a powerful collection of latest state-of-the-art gray-scale morphological tools that can be applied to image segmentation, non-linear filtering, pattern recognition and image analysis. The pymorph Morphology Toolbox is an open source software for Morphological Image Analysis and Signal Processing written in Python. It is a companion resource for the book: Hands-on Morphological Image Processing , by Edward Dougherty and Roberto Lotufo, published by SPIE, Aug 2003, ISBN=0-8194-4720-X.P[bSciences/Otherx86_64 dos2unixpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-morph-0.8-4pclos2013.src.rpmPglafb4b8f366fef0242651491823e2ab36./SRPMS.pclosCd   4 B@BABEBJ5Cpython-mox0.5.31pclos2013Mock object frameworkMox is a mock object framework for Python based on the Java mock object framework EasyMock.rDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mox-0.5.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmy`7a475e83fab84ae08a179fc378c7e716./SRPMS.pclos?d   6| B@BA BEBJ1Cpython-mpd0.4.31pclos2013Python bindings for MPDAn MPD (Music Player Daemon) client library written in pure Python.]Development/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mpd-0.4.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmce2e2ced423c0bbfb504c123a90a3e0d0./SRPMS.pclosd ! 0 BB@OBAxBE|BJCpython-mpi4py3.1.31pclos2022MPI for PythonMPI for Python provides bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard for the Python programming language, allowing any Python program to exploit multiple processors. This package is constructed on top of the MPI-1/2 specifications and provides an object oriented interface which closely follows MPI-2 C++ bindings. It supports point-to-point (sends, receives) and collective (broadcasts, scatters, gathers) communications of any picklable Python object, as well as optimized communications of Python object exposing the single-segment buffer interface (NumPy arrays, builtin bytes/string/array objects).TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 openmpipkgconfig(ompi)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(python3)python3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mpi4py-3.1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm|8fc99f979442c188713d05caf4cbb451./SRPMS.pclosd ! b "B@,BATBEXBJyCpython-mpmath1.2.11pclos2022Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmeticA Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mpmath-1.2.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm67199a5ad42d65f41caa477a54a285cf./SRPMS.pclosd " = (tB@BABEBJCpython-msgpack1.0.41pclos2022MessagePack (de)serializerMessagePack is a fast, compact binary serialization format, suitable for similar data to JSON. This package provides CPython bindings for reading and writing MessagePack data.ubTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-msgpack-1.0.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm{*3c16902585d6664d5e2e5a695b4a9415./SRPMS.pclos[d # 7` dwB@BA(BE,BJMCpython-msrplib0.19.02pclos2022MSRP client libraryMessage Session Relay Protocol (MSRP) is a protocol for transmitting a series of related instant messages in the context of a session. Message sessions are treated like any other media stream when set up via a rendezvous or session creation protocol such as the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).p)Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-msrplib-0.19.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmv3b37ea5394d294be846cb900035f8d056./SRPMS.pclosd ! H IB@UBA|BEBJCpython-musepack0.44pclos2013Python access for musepack audio filesThis Python module lets you load and decode Musepack (MPC/MP+ files). It also includes a module to read and write APEv2 metadata tags.KDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibmpcdec-develswigpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-musepack-0.4-4pclos2013.src.rpmR;8745a56b3603a30178d849b2475a9338./SRPMS.pclos3d ' hx |B@BABEBJ%Cpython-musicbrainz20.7.42pclos2019Provides easy object oriented access to the MusicBrainz DatabaseThe python-musicbrainz2 package is a client library written in python that provides easy object oriented access to the MusicBrainz Database using the XML Web Service. It has been written from scratch and uses a different model than its predecessor, python-musicbrainz.0Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-musicbrainz2-0.7.4-2pclos2019.src.rpm78092ca9302a9ee5eeb8eb626f47219c0./SRPMS.pclosd ) X $ +>HXB@BABEBJCpython-musicbrainzngs0.7.11pclos2022Python bindings for MusicBrainz NGS webserviceThis library implements webservice bindings for the MusicBrainz NGS site, also known as /ws/2. For more information on the MusicBrainz webservice see: http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/XML_Web_ServicepTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-noselocales-enrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-musicbrainzngs-0.7.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmw2907428a4e231881a1ea396ac78ca0b46./SRPMS.pclosSd # 3 B@BA BE$BJECpython-mutagen1.45.13pclos2022Audio tag toolsMutagen is an audio metadata tag reader and writer implemented in pure Python 3. It supports reading ID3v1.1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, APEv2, and FLAC, and writing ID3v1.1, ID3v2.4, APEv2, and FLAC. The goals are (in rough order of importance): * Read as many files as possible * Compatibility with as many other tag readers and editors as possible * Compliance with the relevant specifications * Written in Pythonic Python, with a Pythonic API * Unit and regression test suite * Provide access to all features of the supported formats * Easily extensibleTerryNSoundnoarch locales-enpython3-develpython3-flake8rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mutagen-1.45.1-3pclos2022.src.rpm8f3376511cff3072207b556c8ccbaadc./SRPMS.pclosd # M %B@.BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-mwclient0.6.51pclos2013Mwclient is a client to the MediaWiki APIMwclient is a client to the MediaWiki API and allows access to almost all implemented API functions Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mwclient-0.6.5-1pclos2013.src.rpm,f5c4729636d30968ed41a764c562aba6./SRPMS.pclosd " H  +0<lB@yBABEBJCpython-mx-base3.0.04pclos2010Python eGenix.com mx Extension seriesThe eGenix.com mx Base Distribution is available for all major platforms and written in a highly portable way, to assure its portability and make it a safe bet for building your application upon.rGri6507Development/Pythoni586  python-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) '  B@BABEBJ)Cdepython-mygpoclient1.62pclos2013Library for accessing my.gpodder.org web servicesBibliothek für den Zugriff auf die my.gpodder.org WebservicesThe mygpoclient library allows developers to utilize a Pythonic interface to the my.gpodder.org web services for synchronizing podcast subscriptions. This page provides the public place for downloading source releases of the library.Die mygoclient Bibliothek erlaubt es Entwicklern eine Pythonschnittstelle zu den my.gpodder.org Webdiensten zu nutzen für die Synchronisation von Podcastabos. Diese Seite bietet einen öffentlichen Platz zum Herunterladen des Quellkodes der Bibliothek.y'Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mygpoclient-1.6-2pclos2013.src.rpm7631bcb4ed808a87283763930617095c./SRPMS.pclosd " < &B@2BA\BE`BJCpython-mysql1.2.3c13pclos2013Python interface to MySQLPython interface to MySQL-3.2 and beyond MySQLdb is an interface to the popular MySQL database server for Python. The design goals are: - Compliance with Python database API version 2.0 - Thread-safety - Thread-friendliness (threads will not block each other) - Compatibility with MySQL-3.23 and later This module should be mostly compatible with an older interface written by Joe Skinner and others. However, the older version is a) not thread-friendly, b) written for MySQL 3.21, c) apparently not actively maintained. No code from that version is used in MySQLdb. MySQLdb is free software.eDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develMySQL-develzlib-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-mysql-1.2.3c1-3pclos2013.src.rpmm0449673199e0fc41506466e2fb5f5917./SRPMS.pclosd ! v dB@pBABEBJCpython-nbxmpp0.6.82pclos2022Python library that provides a way to use Jabber/XMPP networks in a non-blocking wayPython library that provides a way to use Jabber/XMPP networks in a non-blocking way.Networking/Instant messagingnoarch python-develpython3-develpython-setuptoolspython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-nbxmpp-0.6.8-2pclos2022.src.rpmӠ4701b11686d248916c3ac9d39cf4dbcc./SRPMS.pclosd * r    B@BABEBJCpython-ndg-httpsclient0.4.42pclos2022Provides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSLProvides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL.ZdDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-pyasn1python-pyopensslpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-pyasn1python3-pyopensslpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ndg-httpsclient-0.4.4-2pclos2022.src.rpm^3ce43581f1ed57841a7bda6869354057./SRPMS.pclosd % e \B@hBABEBJCpython-netifaces0.10.63pclos2022Python library to retrieve information about network interfacesThis package provides a cross platform API for getting address information from network interfaces.^Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-netifaces-0.10.6-3pclos2022.src.rpmb5a35fee794024477e79d60edff8d7aeb./SRPMS.pclos[d ! R B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-networkx1.23pclos2013Python package for the study of complex networksNetworkX (NX) is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. Features: * Includes standard graph-theoretic and statistical physics functions * Easy exchange of network algorithms between applications, disciplines, and platforms * Includes many classic graphs and synthetic networks * Nodes and edges can be "anything" (e.g. time-series, text, images, XML records) * Exploits existing code from high-quality legacy software in C, C++, Fortran, etc. * Open source (encourages community input) * Unit-testedDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-networkx-1.2-3pclos2013.src.rpm%4e3c5e6ee5b02ed1b44286892396efec./SRPMS.pclosd!T(,?H\B@BABEBJ Cpython-nevow0.9.323pclos2011Web application construction kit written in PythonNevow (pronounced as the French "nouveau", or "noo-voh") is a web application construction kit written in Python. It is designed to allow the programmer to express as much of the view logic as desired in Python.hDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corepython-twisted-webdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-nevow-0.9.32-3pclos2011.src.rpmn6eafe25ed4e3856c02201307e42fce88./SRPMS.pclosd  L ,B@6BA\BE`BJCpython-nmap0.1.43pclos2013Use nmap and access scan results from pythonpython-nmap is a python library which helps in using nmap port scanner. It allows to easilly manipulate nmap scan results and will be a perfect tool for systems administrators who want to automatize scanning task and reports. It also supports nmap script outputs. It can even be used asynchronously. Results are returned one host at a time to a callback function defined by the user.KDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-nmap-0.1.4-3pclos2013.src.rpmS1220a03150a1d363fa4f83563cfc4b38./SRPMS.pclosd  K  &0DB@BABEBJCpython-nose1.3.73pclos2022Unittest-based testing framework for Pythonnose extends the test loading and running features of unittest, making it easier to write, find and run tests. By default, nose will run tests in files or directories under the current working directory whose names include "test" or "Test" at a word boundary (like "test_this" or "functional_test" or "TestClass" but not "libtest"). Test output is similar to that of unittest, but also includes captured stdout output from failing tests, for easy print-style debugging. These features, and many more, are customizable through the use of plugins. Plugins included with nose provide support for doctest, code coverage and profiling, flexible attribute-based test selection, output capture and more.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch dos2unixpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-coveragerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-nose-1.3.7-3pclos2022.src.rpmwbad72c628ffa46e7997d4ba07f917dba./SRPMS.pclosgd ! H B@ BA4BE8BJYCpython-notify0.1.17pclos2013Notification system based on libnotifyThis is the python version of the desktop notification framework.Development/Pythonx86_64 pygtk2.0-devellibnotify-develffi5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-notify-0.1.1-7pclos2013.src.rpm҂d29bae90cf948739065f5f5fc3a11c7a./SRPMS.pclosd  G( ,?HTB@BABEBJCpython-notify20.31pclos2016Python interface to DBus notificationsThis is a pure-python replacement for notify-python, using python-dbus to communicate with the notifications server directly. It's compatible with Python 2 and 3, and its callbacks can work with Gtk 3 or Qt 4 applications.#Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspython-dbusrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-notify2-0.3-1pclos2016.src.rpm*8dbf3bed77eb1dd265f808e037724ba9./SRPMS.pclos?d " I$ (;D`B@BA BEBJ1Cpython-notify20.3.12pclos2022Python interface to DBus notificationsnotify2 provides a Python interface to the Freedesktop notifications system, which allows programs to display information to the user in an unobtrusive way. Notifications are sent over DBus to a notification daemon, which is responsible for presenting them to the user. notify2 is intended as a replacement for pynotify (package python-notify), and its interface is largely copied from there, although it isn't a complete clone. This is the Python2 version of the package.DDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-dbuspython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-dbusrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-notify2-0.3.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmHf1844c06fbbafd6427a9c8d15b84c370./SRPMS.pclosd # h  $7@PB@BABEBJCpython-numarray1.5.23pclos2013Numarray: array processing for numbers, strings, records and objectsNumarray is an array processing package designed to efficiently manipulate large multi-dimensional arrays. Numarray is modelled after Numeric and features c-code generated from python template scripts, the capacity to operate directly on arrays in files, and improved type promotions. Numarray provides support for manipulating arrays consisting of numbers, strings, records, or objects using the same basic infrastructure and syntax. EDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develblas-devellapack-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-numarray-1.5.2-3pclos2013.src.rpm C90e0e0c7dcb2768b7d00cb1418e62cb6./SRPMS.pclosd " a ,}B@BABEBJCpython-numexpr2.8.31pclos2022Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPyThe numexpr package evaluates multiple-operator array expressions many times faster than NumPy can. It accepts the expression as a string, analyzes it, rewrites it more efficiently, and compiles it to faster Python code on the fly. It's the next best thing to writing the expression in C and compiling it with a specialized just-in-time (JIT) compiler, i.e. it does not require a compiler at runtime.;TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-numpy-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-numexpr-2.8.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmA 484123f83d84d1a940a60fd64953a026./SRPMS.pclosd ! SD H[d  > B@YBABEBJCpython-numpy1.22.22pclos2024A fast multidimensional array facility for PythonNumpy is a general-purpose array-processing package designed to efficiently manipulate large multi-dimensional arrays of arbitrary records without sacrificing too much speed for small multi-dimensional arrays. Numpy is built on the Numeric code base and adds features introduced by numarray as well as an extended C-API and the ability to create arrays of arbitrary type. Numpy also provides facilities for basic linear algebra routines, basic Fourier transforms, and random number generation.yBDevelopment/Pythonx86_64   gcc-gfortranlib64blas-devellib64cblas-devellib64lapack-devellibquadmath-develpython3-cythonpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  ^  *4@}B@BABEBJCpython-nvml0.2.71pclos2022Python 3 compatible bindings to the NVIDIA Management Library.Python 3 compatible bindings to the NVIDIA Management Library. Can be used to query the state of the GPUs on your system. This was ported from the NVIDIA provided python bindings nvidia-ml-py, which only supported python 2. I have forked from version 7.352.0. The old library was itself a wrapper around the NVIDIA Management Library. In addition to these NVIDIA functions to query the state of the GPU, I have written a couple functions/tools to help in using gpus (particularly for a shared gpu server). These are: - A function to 'restrict' the available GPUs by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable. - A script for displaying a differently formatted nvidia-smi.tTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-nvml-0.2.7-1pclos2022.src.rpm28e09883b015f9c7e020f9f3ab2e5ce2./SRPMS.pclosd  8 SB@_BABEBJCpython-oauth1.0.14pclos2017Python module for OAuthAn open protocol to allow API authentication in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications (this is the Python module only).)*bb2 Development/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-oauth-1.0.1-4pclos2017.src.rpm/503e10748f1f892bf3a422b2f54a427e./SRPMS.pclosd   Q (cB@mBABEBJCpython-odf0.9.61pclos2013Python library for manipulating OpenDocument filesOdfpy aims to be a complete API for OpenDocument in Python. Unlike other more convenient APIs, this one is essentially an abstraction layer just above the XML format. The main focus has been to prevent the programmer from creating invalid documents. It has checks that raise an exception if the programmer adds an invalid element, adds an attribute unknown to the grammar, forgets to add a required attribute or adds text to an element that doesn't allow it. These checks and the API itself were generated from the RelaxNG schema, and then hand-edited. Therefore the API is complete and can handle all ODF constructions, but could be improved in its understanding of data types. Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-odf-0.9.6-1pclos2013.src.rpmߵd7c80d3d9eea1e92f9b58014329da98a./SRPMS.pclosd   R $0mB@wBABEBJCpython-odf1.4.11pclos2022Python2 library for manipulating OpenDocument filesOdfpy aims to be a complete API for OpenDocument in Python. Unlike other more convenient APIs, this one is essentially an abstraction layer just above the XML format. The main focus has been to prevent the programmer from creating invalid documents. It has checks that raise an exception if the programmer adds an invalid element, adds an attribute unknown to the grammar, forgets to add a required attribute or adds text to an element that doesn't allow it. These checks and the API itself were generated from the RelaxNG schema, and then hand-edited. Therefore the API is complete and can handle all ODF constructions, but could be improved in its understanding of data types.޹TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-setuptoolspython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-odf-1.4.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmfaae99a366ce8fdecb1663746461bb68./SRPMS.pclosd ! ^  oB@zBABEBJCpython-olefile0.461pclos2022Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 filesolefile is a Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (also called Structured Storage, Compound File Binary Format or Compound Document File Format), such as Microsoft Office 97-2003 documents, vbaProject.bin in MS Office 2007+ files, Image Composer and FlashPix files, Outlook messages, StickyNotes, several Microscopy file formats, McAfee antivirus quarantine files, etc.IITerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-packagingpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-olefile-0.46-1pclos2022.src.rpmNo5fe3cf3c7fca7e714a5229a0ccf45639./SRPMS.pclosd ! <X \mt  B B@TBA|BEBJCpython-opengl3.1.51pclos2022Python bindings for OpenGLPython bindings for OpenGL$AXSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(freeglut)swigtclpkgconfig(tcl)tkpkgconfig(tk)pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolspython3-numpy-develpython3-cythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-opengl-3.1.5-1pclos2022.src.rpm$/39acc9c108d70ce2aad1aec27175375f./SRPMS.pclosd   9 B@)BAPBETBJuCpython-osd0.2.145pclos2013Python wrapper for libosdPyOSD is a python module for displaying text on your X display, much like the "On Screen Displays" used on TVs and some monitors.NDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibxosd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-osd-0.2.14-5pclos2013.src.rpmT2d263b8253afab627e9229bcb048d206./SRPMS.pclosSd # Fl pB@BA BE$BJECpython-packaging21.31pclos2022Core utilities for Python packagesCore utilities for Python packages.Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-pyparsingpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-packaging-21.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmG63f6bc6c53e2608039809807597998e9./SRPMS.pclosCd  `T XktB@BABEBJ5Cpython-pafy0.5.55pclos2022Python library to download YouTube content and retrieve metadataFeatures - Retrieve metadata such as viewcount, duration, rating, author, thumbnail, keywords - Download video or audio at requested resolution / bitrate / format / filesize - Command line tool (ytdl) for downloading directly from the command line - Retrieve the URL to stream the video in a player such as vlc or mplayer - Works with age-restricted videos and non-embeddable videos - Small, standalone, single importable module file (pafy.py) - Select highest quality stream for download or streaming - Download video only (no audio) in m4v or webm format - Download audio only (no video) in ogg or m4a format - Retrieve playlists and playlist metadata - Works with Python 2.6+ and 3.3+ - Optionally depends on youtube-dl (recommended; more stable)BDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)python3-youtube-dlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pafy-0.5.5-5pclos2022.src.rpmf97125561f91ffff8f805e998b5877be./SRPMS.pclos'd   6d h{B@BABEBJCpython-pam0.5.04pclos2013Python bindings for PAMThis release supports the core PAM API. There is still some missing functionality, but it should implement enough of the API for most needs. There is not much in the way of documentation at this point. If you are familiar with the PAM API, a quick glance at the sample program should get you going.Development/Pythonx86_64 pam-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pam-0.5.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm,e5043fc4371313b7ca98b6b7d38430fc./SRPMS.pclosd ! L  $7@TB@BABEBJCpython-papyon0.5.61pclos2013Python libraries for MSN Messenger networkpapyon is the library behind the msn connection manager for telepathy. It is a a fork of the unmaintained pymsn msn library. papyon uses the glib mainloop to process the network events in an asynchronous manner.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pathlib-1.0.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm40ebcdc423447baef06307287986d14e./SRPMS.pclosd # D #6@LB@BABEBJCpython-pathlib22.3.52pclos2022Object-oriented filesystem pathsThe goal of pathlib2 is to provide a backport of standard pathlib module which tracks the standard library module, so all the newest features of the standard pathlib can be used also on older Python versions.|gTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pathlib2-2.3.5-2pclos2022.src.rpm c6524f9565501ff2abb579aa30c3327c./SRPMS.pclos+d # fTX _r|B@BABEBJCpython-pathspec0.9.03pclos2022Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file pathsPath Specification (pathspec) is a utility library for pattern matching of file paths. So far this only includes Git's wildmatch pattern matching which itself is derived from Rsync's wildmatch. Git uses wildmatch for its gitignore files.gTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pathspec-0.9.0-3pclos2022.src.rpmmcdac1770434080ff60f04cf2ba64261a./SRPMS.pclosd   : B@'BALBEPBJqCpython-pbr5.8.11pclos2022Python Build ReasonablenessPBR is a library that injects some useful and sensible default behaviors into your setuptools run. It started off life as the chunks of code that were copied between all of the OpenStack projects. Around the time that OpenStack hit 18 different projects each with at least 3 active branches, it seems like a good time to make that code into a proper re-usable library.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pbr-5.8.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm932d2ef731112ef00daac477730f580b./SRPMS.pclosd " D tB@BABEBJCpython-peewee3.14.82pclos2022Peewee is a simple and small ORM.Peewee is a simple and small ORM. It has few (but expressive) concepts, making it easy to learn and intuitive to use. Development/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(sqlite3)python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cythonpython3-flaskpython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-peewee-3.14.8-2pclos2022.src.rpm 0be913a396ab10dd95563a8113405398./SRPMS.pclosd  :$ (;D h  B@'BALBEPBJqCpython-pep81.7.12pclos2022Python style guide checkerpep8 is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8. It has a plugin architecture, making new checks easy, and its output is parseable, making it easy to jump to an error location in your editor.C2Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python)python-setuptoolspython-sphinxpython-sphinx_rtd_themepython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pep8-1.7.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmGMa9aebf51a42ac31866ececac90b5846e./SRPMS.pclos'd & PT XktB@BABEBJCpython-perlmodule1.0.1d4pclos2013Perl for python - use perl code in pythonPerlmodule makes it possible to embed perl interpreters in any python program. It can be used to invoke arbitrary perl code, load any perl modules, and make calls directly into perl functions. The perl code invoked can call back into python as it sees fit.' Development/Pythonx86_64  perl-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " Ohl sB@BA$BE(BJICpython-pexpect4.8.02pclos2022Unicode-aware Pure Python Expect-like modulePexpect is a pure Python module for spawning child applications, controlling them, and responding to expected patterns in their output. Pexpect works like Don Libes' Expect. Pexpect allows your script to spawn a child application and control it as if a human were typing commands.1TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-ptyprocessrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pexpect-4.8.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm\0522f779b286bd7b633cf29d8988eefb./SRPMS.pclosOd   9 B@BABE BJACpython-pg3.75pclos2013Postgresql support for PythonPostgreSQL is a database system derived from Postgres4.2. It conforms to (most of) aNSI SQL and offers many interesting capabilities (C dynamic linking for functions or type definition, etc.). Python is an interpreted programming language. It is object oriented, simple to use (light syntax, simple and straightforward statements), and has many extensions for building GUIs, interfacing with WWW, etc. PyGreSQL is a python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database. It embeds the PostgreSQL query library to allow easy use of the powerful PostgreSQL features from a Python script.QDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 postgresql-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pg-3.7-5pclos2013.src.rpm175b71d002fbb215266942fa07146c26./SRPMS.pclosd & [ GB@QBABEBJCpython-pickleshare0.7.52pclos2022Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency supportPickleShare - a small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary. Unlike shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously. Changing a value in database is immediately visible to other processes accessing the same database. Concurrency is possible because the values are stored in separate files.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pickleshare-0.7.5-2pclos2022.src.rpm$7875ad40dac6839da5291ade00c003f0./SRPMS.pclosd " S  8  B@'BAPBETBJuCpython-pikepdf9.5.12pclos2025Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdfpikepdf is a Python library for reading and writing PDF files. pikepdf is based on QPDF, a powerful PDF manipulation and repair library.*TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  gcc-c++jbig2decpybind11-develpyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develpython3-lxmlpython3-pybind11python3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools-scmpython3-tomliqpdf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-pikepdf-9.5.1-2pclos2025.src.rpm+d640922cbb7820f8ef35c4a67709b1a2./SRPMS.pclosd ! A DB@_BABEBJCpython-pillow9.2.01pclos2022Python image processing libraryPython image processing library, fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL) This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and powerful image processing capabilities. There are four subpackages: tk (tk interface), qt (PIL image wrapper for Qt), devel (development) and doc (documentation).Development/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(tk)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)pkgconfig(imagequant)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(lcms2)ghostscriptpkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)python3-develpython3-setuptoolstkinter3python3-qt5python3-numpypython3-cffipython3-olefilepython3-pipgitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pillow-9.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpme99a27326e9a9308c068fc4187c214b2b./SRPMS.pclosd   c (eB@oBABEBJCpython-pip22.2.21pclos2022pip installs packages. Python packages. An easy_install replacement`pip` is a tool for installing and managing Python packages, such as those found in the `Python Package Index`_. It's a replacement for easy_install_.~PDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pip-22.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm~w6795c4b96df1c1c78b0e20f331f7ceb9./SRPMS.pclos_d  AX \oxB@BA,BE0BJQCpython-pivy0.5.01pclos2015Pivy is a Coin binding for PythonPivy is a Coin binding for Python. Coin is a high-level 3D graphics library with a C++ Application Programming Interface. Coin uses scene-graph data structures to render real-time graphics suitable for mostly all kinds of scientific and engineering visualization applications.`Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develCoin3-devellibSoQt-devellibxmu-develgccswigpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pivy-0.5.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm`Oc1591d89f248b2bba2e6e849249949a4./SRPMS.pclos{d % G\` eB@BAHBELBJmCpython-pivy0.5.0svn7651pclos2012Pivy is a Coin binding for PythonPivy is a Coin binding for Python. Coin is a high-level 3D graphics library with a C++ Application Programming Interface. Coin uses scene-graph data structures to render real-time graphics suitable for mostly all kinds of scientific and engineering visualization applications. NealDevelopment/Libraries/Pythonx86_64 python-develCoin3-develswiglibSoQt-devellib64simvoleon40-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pivy-0.5.0svn765-1pclos2012.src.rpm 1c72108a3d56900aaf7140819184d6d1./SRPMS.pclosd $ e @B@LBAxBE|BJCpython-pkgconfig1.5.51pclos2022Python module to interface with the pkg-config command line toolPython module to interface with the pkg-config command line tool.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pkgconfig-1.5.5-1pclos2022.src.rpm!U32556caff4790c43f12137ff07cf4f9a./SRPMS.pclosKd ! O B@BABEBJ=Cpython-pluggy1.0.01pclos2022plugin and hook calling mechanisms for pythonThe plugin manager stripped of pytest specific details.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pluggy-1.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmdad2db7e4abc71ce8f35a6bb86471042./SRPMS.pclos+d   -pt {B@BABEBJCpython-ply3.112pclos2022Python Lex-YaccPLY is an implementation of lex and yacc parsing tools for Python.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ply-3.11-2pclos2022.src.rpm5089c8d09f3aa5a21bd769ad43458438./SRPMS.pclosgd   S B@ BA4BE8BJYCpython-pmw2.0.12pclos2022Python toolkit for building compound Tkinter widgetsPmw is a toolkit for building high-level compound widgets in Python using the Tkinter module. It consists of a set of base classes and a library of flexible and extensible megawidgets built on this foundation. These megawidgets include notebooks, comboboxes, selection widgets, paned widgets, scrolled widgets and dialog windows.dDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pmw-2.0.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmi6912450e213ade4afb3aa269d68b0d5d./SRPMS.pclos d  O +4HB@BABEBJCpython-polib1.1.02pclos2022A library to parse and manage gettext catalogspolib allows you to manipulate, create, modify gettext files (pot, po and mo files). You can load existing files, iterate through it's entries, add, modify entries, comments or metadata, etc... or create new po files from scratch. polib provides a simple and pythonic API, exporting only three convenience functions 'pofile', 'mofile' and 'detect_encoding', and the 4 core classes: POFile, MOFile, POEntry and MOEntry for creating new files/entries.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-polib-1.1.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm\e95ee8461e72beafab3c756cfe6583c3./SRPMS.pclosd ' ] eB@qBABEBJCpython-poppler-qt40.16.31pclos2014Python bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering libraryPython bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library. It is needed to run programs written in Python and using Poppler set.=hOfficex86_64 lib64python-develpython-qt4-devellib64poppler-qt4-develpython-siprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-poppler-qt4-0.16.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmD929fd28919ac1994a2cb50e790db6e9bb./SRPMS.pclosd ' Q B@BABEBJCpython-poppler-qt521.1.02pclos2022Python binding to Poppler-Qt5 C++ libraryPython bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library. It is needed to run programs written in Python and using Poppler set.uCDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(poppler-qt5)pkgconfig(python3)python3-qt5-develpython-sip6python3-pyqt-builderrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-poppler-qt5-21.1.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmr46460f9e9e9a3e5b42a521115fe9bd91./SRPMS.pclosd   -  ,\B@fBABEBJCpython-pp1.6.04pclos2013Parallel PythonParallel Python (pp) is a pure Python module that provides a parallel code execution mechanism for SMP or cluster computers. It is lightweight, easy to install, and integrates well with other Python software.Z1Development/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pp-1.6.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm`85c4cb8ba0a480119d6270a9890936d5./SRPMS.pcloswd " C B@BADBEHBJiCpython-pretend1.0.92pclos2022A library for stubbing in PythonPretend is a library to make stubbing with Python easier.SDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pretend-1.0.9-2pclos2022.src.rpm5f16f9704b9ab12b6ca9ea08b1320784./SRPMS.pclos7d $ 6 B@BABEBJ)Cpython-processing0.524pclos2013Python processingprocessing is a package for the Python language which supports the spawning of processes using the API of the standard library's threading module. It runs on both Unix and Windows. Features: * Objects can be transferred between processes using pipes or multi-producer/multi-consumer queues. * Objects can be shared between processes using a server process or (for simple data) shared memory. * Equivalents of all the synchronization primitives in threading are available. * A Pool class makes it easy to submit tasks to a pool of worker processes.Sciences/Otherx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-processing-0.52-4pclos2013.src.rpm'fb7da97d96ec13202eb0592ee3879226./SRPMS.pcloswd $ I B@BADBEHBJiCpython-progressbar2.32pclos2013Text progressbar library for python.This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is tipically used to display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue that processing is underway. The ProgressBar class manages the progress, and the format of the line is given by a number of widgets. A widget is an object that may display differently depending on the state of the progress.&Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-progressbar-2.3-2pclos2013.src.rpm.E90179ca7286b259469778ba21acee099./SRPMS.pclosd $ C  ;B@DBApBEtBJCpython-progressbar2.52pclos2022Progress bar module for PythonThe progressbar Python module provides a text mode progress bar class that can be used to display the progress of an operation that takes a long time.+TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-progressbar-2.5-2pclos2022.src.rpm11416d1748bd9ee2c82349787937d9d8e./SRPMS.pclos'd * l    B@BABEBJCpython-prompt_toolkit1.0.152pclos2022Library for building powerful interactive command lines in PythonLibrary for building powerful interactive command lines in Python.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-pygmentspython-setuptoolspython-sixpython-wcwidthpython3-develpython3-pygmentspython3-setuptoolspython3-sixpython3-wcwidthrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-prompt_toolkit-1.0.15-2pclos2022.src.rpm16b466b8e2b95d6df81c779041fec7c4./SRPMS.pclosKd ! stx B@BABEBJ=Cpython-psutil5.9.01pclos2022Module providing an interface for retrieving information on all running processespsutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network, users) in a portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalities offered by command line tools.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-psutil-5.9.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm3d11384c0b8062d8f6d6ca598bae5855./SRPMS.pclosSd  ; B@BA BE$BJECpython-psyco1.63pclos2010Python Specializing CompilerPsyco is a Python extension module which can massively speed up the execution of any Python code.Development/Pythoni586 libpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-psyco-1.6-3pclos2010.src.rpmfd1999ef4b4e11a86a7942c6a0706cb1./SRPMS.pcloskd # J B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-psycopg1.1.215pclos2011PostgreSQL database adapter for Pythonpsycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language (just like pygresql and popy.) It was written from scratch with the aim of being very small and fast, and stable as a rock. The main advantages of psycopg are that it supports the full Python DBAPI-2.0 and being thread safe at level 2.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpostgresql-develpython-egenix-mx-baserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-psycopg-1.1.21-5pclos2011.src.rpm9fb03075216e58e59b7114a47e22e8526./SRPMS.pclosod # J B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-psycopg22.9.31pclos2022PostgreSQL database adapter for Pythonpsycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language (just like pygresql and popy.) It was written from scratch with the aim of being very small and fast, and stable as a rock. The main advantages of psycopg are that it supports the full Python DBAPI-2.0 and being thread safe at level 2.mDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 postgresql-develpkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-psycopg2-2.9.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmq498a175bddb020ca158e003471236bfd./SRPMS.pclos#d ! Fl pB@BABEBJCpython-ptrace0.6.23pclos2013Python binding of the ptrace librarypython-ptrace is a Python binding of the ptrace library with the following features: * High level Python object API: PtraceDebugger and PtraceProcess * Ability to control multiple processes; can catch fork events on Linux * Can read/write bytes to arbitrary address; takes care of memory alignment and split bytes to cpu word * Step-by-step execution using ptrace_singlestep() or hardware interruption 3 * Can use distorm disassembler * Can dump registers, memory mappings, stack, etc. * Provides system call tracer and parser (strace command)Development/Pythonnoarch  python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % K B@'BATBEXBJyCpython-ptyprocess0.7.01pclos2022Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminalLaunch a subprocess in a pseudo terminal (pty), and interact with both the process and its pty.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-ptyprocess-0.7.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm 40c99f6175a1aebed440d6bab3e683d3./SRPMS.pclosd ! |P Tgp|B@BABEBJ Cpython-pubsub3.1.22pclos2013Pubsub - subscribe API allows data to be sent between different parts of your application.This python library provides a simple but versatile mechanism for publishing and receiving messages *within* an application. Message types can form a hierarchy. Ideal for decoupling GUI from control from model.vDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pubsub-3.1.2-2pclos2013.src.rpmj31373f9d51d65dd51fb2c29d691c3b2a./SRPMS.pclosd   d DB@OBAtBExBJCpython-py1.11.01pclos2022Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilitiesThe py lib is a Python development support library featuring the following tools and modules: * py.path: uniform local and svn path objects * py.apipkg: explicit API control and lazy-importing * py.iniconfig: easy parsing of .ini files * py.code: dynamic code generation and introspection * py.path: uniform local and svn path objectsrqTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-py-1.11.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmw758340705ce0d66fea85760809f7cfa4./SRPMS.pclosWd $ > B@BA$BE(BJICpython-py-colour1.1.01pclos2018Colour manipulation classA colour manipulation class with Python 2 and 3 support.4Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-py-colour-1.1.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm92135b2f295c8592903d9e948b6b84a76./SRPMS.pclosWd $ < B@BA$BE(BJICpython-pyalsaaudio0.63pclos2013ALSA wrapper for PythonALSA wrapper for Python 2 and 3. PCM playback and capture, as well as the Mixer API is supported.)Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyalsaaudio-0.6-3pclos2013.src.rpm0nd1ccf2a13c9c73aa02ab9973ba3d1f84./SRPMS.pclosKd " jDH OblB@BABEBJ=Cpython-pyaml18.11.02pclos2022PyYAML-based module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized dataYAML is generally nice and easy format to read *if* it was written by humans. PyYAML can a do fairly decent job of making stuff readable, and the best combination of parameters for such output that I've seen so far.HTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python)python-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyaml-18.11.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmKq1b5905fa341ce3d7a9ae1f71c69b7b97./SRPMS.pclosd ! 8,0 7JT`B@BABEBJCpython-pyasn10.4.82pclos2022ASN.1 types and codecsThis is an implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python programming language. It has been first written to support particular protocol (SNMP) but then generalized to be suitable for a wide range of protocols based on ASN.1 specification.DTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyasn1-0.4.8-2pclos2022.src.rpmJ$0b044f5c62c7215c44e4e00f1920168f./SRPMS.pclosd ) cX \ox B@BALBEPBJqCpython-pyasn1-modules0.2.12pclos2022Collection of protocols modules written in ASN.1 languageThis is an implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python programming language. It has been first written to support particular protocol (SNMP) but then generalized to be suitable for a wide range of protocols based on ASN.1 specification.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-pyasn1python-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-pyasn1python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyasn1-modules-0.2.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmϢc90ab00863ad14948f9dbbbd30199223./SRPMS.pclosd # A 4B@BABEBJCpython-pyaudio0.2.112pclos2022Python bindings for PortAudioPyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library. With PyAudio, you can easily use Python to play and record audio on a variety of platforms.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lib64portaudio-develpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyaudio-0.2.11-2pclos2022.src.rpm74191cc3d233897af467035aa073a78e./SRPMS.pclosd " @   ]B@gBABEBJCpython-pyaudio0.2.42pclos2013Python bindings for PortAudioPyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library. With PyAudio, you can easily use Python to play and record audio on a variety of platforms.Development/Pythonx86_64 libportaudio2-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyaudio-0.2.4-2pclos2013.src.rpm20f30c11ca5d4690fb140db26adc00c5./SRPMS.pclosgd  T B@ BA4BE8BJYCpython-pybaz1.5.38pclos2010Python Bindings for the Baz Revision Control SystemPyBaz provides Python bindings for the Baz revision control system. It's based on PyArch, and shares the same design goals: - Faithfulness to the Baz design. - Python best idioms. - Code elegance. It provides enough flexibility and efficiency for all types of applications, from batch scripts to graphical user interface front-end and web services.cDevelopment/Pythoni586 libpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pybaz-1.5.3-8pclos2010.src.rpmlc657c0b9a8c7d3f02a7f7364050082fc./SRPMS.pclosd $ R B@BABEBJCpython-pybind112.13.61pclos2025Seamless operability between C++11 and Pythonpybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent Boost.Python library by David Abrahams: to minimize boilerplate code in traditional extension modules by inferring type information using compile-time introspection. TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  boost-develcmakeeigen3python3-develpython3-numpypython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-pybind11-2.13.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm _70f4adb363220069dbba311753a7d9ef./SRPMS.pclosd ! S   UB@_BABEBJCpython-pybluez0.183pclos2013Python wrappers around system Bluetooth resourcesPyBluez is an effort to create python wrappers around system Bluetooth resources to allow Python developers to easily and quickly create Bluetooth applications.#Development/Pythonx86_64 bluez-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pybluez-0.18-3pclos2013.src.rpm629b779b9a047bf407b1ddccbcd1d53b./SRPMS.pclosd ! S ,B@BABEBJCpython-pybluez0.222pclos2022Python wrappers around system Bluetooth resourcesPyBluez is an effort to create python wrappers around system Bluetooth resources to allow Python developers to easily and quickly create Bluetooth applications. TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pybluez-0.22-2pclos2022.src.rpmc790b5ab3930cbca8e3c3f521fd425f1./SRPMS.pclosd  W /8LB@BABEBJCpython-pycdio0.163pclos2013A Python interface to the CD Input and Control libraryThe pycdio (and libcdio) libraries encapsulate CD-ROM reading and control. Python programs wishing to be oblivious of the OS- and device-dependent properties of a CD-ROM can use this library.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolslibcdio-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pycdio-0.16-3pclos2013.src.rpme1e76a7ff05ce2430719a8c5e3b2f04b./SRPMS.pclosd ! KT XmtB@BABEBJ Cpython-pychart1.394pclos2013Python library for data graphs and chartsPyChart is a Python library for creating high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts. It currently supports line plots, bar plots, range-fill plots, and pie charts. Because it is based on Python, you can make full use of Python's scripting power.lSciences/Mathematicsx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pychart-1.39-4pclos2013.src.rpms2938e65b18bde62e821d17ecaf2be459./SRPMS.pclos{d ( a  B@BAHBELBJmCpython-pychromecast12.1.21pclos2022Python library to communicate with the Google ChromecastPython library to communicate with the Google Chromecast.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pychromecast-12.1.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm91dd34339072ab653dc239279c92ada0./SRPMS.pclosd " a $aB@kBABEBJCpython-pycotap1.2.21pclos2022A tiny test runner that outputs TAP results to standard outputpycotap is a simple Python test runner for unittest that outputs Test Anything Protocol <>_ results directly to standard output.Contrary to other TAP runners for Python, pycotap ...- ... prints TAP (and *only* TAP) to standard output instead of to a separate file, allowing you to pipe it directly to TAP pretty printers and processors (such as the ones listed on the tape page < By piping it to...TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pycotap-1.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm$Y87d2690edf8e9fd95cec23944a28fadb./SRPMS.pclosd # T  ':DTB@BABEBJCpython-pycparser2.202pclos2022pycparser is a complete parser of the C languagepycparser is a complete parser of the C language, written in pure Python using the PLY parsing library. It parses C code into an AST and can serve as a front-end for C compilers or analysis tools.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-plyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pycparser-2.20-2pclos2022.src.rpm7612a6ad313dd47b38b3f2b766eccae9./SRPMS.pcloskd # _ B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-pycrypto2.6.13pclos2022Python interface to various crypto algorithms and protocolsThe Toolkit is a collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, implemented for use from Python. Among the contents of the package: * Hash functions: MD2, MD4, RIPEMD. * Block encryption algorithms: AES, ARC2, Blowfish, CAST, DES, Triple- DES, IDEA, RC5. * Stream encryption algorithms: ARC4, simple XOR. * Public-key algorithms: RSA, DSA, ElGamal, qNEW. * Protocols: All-or-nothing transforms, chaffing/winnowing. * Miscellaneous: RFC1751 module for converting 128-key keys into a set of English words, primality testing. * Some demo programs (currently all quite old and outdated).hTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pycrypto-2.6.1-3pclos2022.src.rpm4b5383fedf3bb4a3da711a0451350498./SRPMS.pclosd ( I B@BALBEPBJqCpython-pycryptodome3.14.11pclos2022Cryptographic library for PythonPyCryptodome is a self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives.%_TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pycryptodome-3.14.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm%3c2e4deecd45e58d1bf3a34612dd1a17./SRPMS.pclosd ) J B@BAPBETBJuCpython-pycryptodomex3.14.11pclos2022Cryptographic library for PythonPyCryptodome is a self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives.%rTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pycryptodomex-3.14.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm%R5ac2d6c00d1523788c578f7afd97a13b./SRPMS.pclosKd " @`d k~B@BABEBJ=Cpython-pycurl7.45.11pclos2022A Python interface to libcurlA Python interface to libcurl. TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch lib64curl-devellib64openssl-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pycurl-7.45.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm07714621edfb628ebb98b3d31046107c./SRPMS.pclosd ! 7 pB@|BABEBJCpython-pydbus0.6.03pclos2022Pythonic DBus libraryThe pydbus module provides pythonic DBUS bindings. It is based on PyGI, the Python GObject Introspection bindings, which is the recommended way to use GLib from Python.Q Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pydbus-0.6.0-3pclos2022.src.rpmUa73a5e72f20b65f87e602398814ce889./SRPMS.pclosd  F\ `s|B@BABEBJ Cpython-pyemf2.0.03pclos2013Pure Python Enhanced Metafile Librarypyemf is a pure python module that provides bindings for an ECMA-234 compliant vector graphics library. ECMA-234 is the published interface for the Windows GDI used in the Microsoft windows environment and, more importantly, natively supported by the OpenOffice suite of tools.6qDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyemf-2.0.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm>=61eab8a95d8e81d9dabc639a6b05e1bf./SRPMS.pclosd ! E B@)BAPBETBJuCpython-pyfltk1.3.02pclos2016Python wrapper for the FLTK librarypyFLTK is a Python wrapper for the Fast Light Tool Kit cross-platform graphical user-interface library. Development/Pythonx86_64  fltk-develpython-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) -b2d1d8d8eb390254c88f71852eea1e95./SRPMS.pclosd $ >0 4ELTwB@BABEBJCpython-pyftpdlib1.2.01pclos2013Python FTP server libraryPython FTP server library provides a high-level portable interface to easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python. pyftpdlib is currently the most complete RFC-959 FTP server implementation available for Python programming language.k)System/Librariesnoarch pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyftpdlib-1.2.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmrX56159b3e5487d9253974430cc5a7d9e7./SRPMS.pclosod ! _L PahB@BA<BE@BJaCpython-pygame2.1.22pclos2022Python module for interfacing with the SDL multimedia librarypygame is a Python wrapper module for the SDL multimedia library, written by Pete Shinners. It contains python functions and classes that will allow you to use SDL's support for playing cdroms, audio and video output, and keyboard, mouse and joystick input. pygame also includes support for the Numerical Python extension. pygame is the successor to the pySDL wrapper project, written by Mark Baker. Install pygame if you would like to write or play SDL games written in the python language.bUSystem/Librariesx86_64 python-develpython3-develpython-numpy-develpython3-numpy-develpython-setuptoolspython3-setuptoolspython-numpypython3-numpypkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)smpeg-devellib64png1.6-develpkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libv4l2)pkgconfig(freetype2)lib64portmidi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pygame-2.1.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmba4e92b539fae7cf54582ae5a49156bbb./SRPMS.pclosWd # W| B@BA$BE(BJICpython-pygccxml2.2.11pclos2022Python package for easy C++ declarations navigationThe purpose of the GCC-XML extension is to generate an XML description of a C++ program from GCC's internal representation. Since XML is easy to parse, other development tools will be able to work with C++ programs without the burden of a complicated C++ parser. This is the Python2 version.,"!Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pygccxml-2.2.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm,)c73325b8d918fce2fdc8d2e05c42bd0b./SRPMS.pclos3d ! ^| B@BABEBJ%Cpython-pyglet1.1.44pclos2013A cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for PythonPyglet provides an object-oriented programming interface for developing games and other visually-rich applications for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Some of the features of pyglet are: * No external dependencies or installation requirements. For most application and game requirements, pyglet needs nothing else besides Python, simplifying distribution and installation. * Take advantage of multiple windows and multi-monitor desktops. pyglet allows you to use as many windows as you need, and is fully aware of multi-monitor setups for use with fullscreen games. * Load images, sound, music and video in almost any format. pyglet can optionally use AVbin to play back audio formats such as MP3, OGG/Vorbis and WMA, and video formats such as DivX, MPEG-2, H.264, WMV and Xvid.!Development/Pythonnoarch  python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!2bb6d737df8f7be3cd3257f0733276fc./SRPMS.pclos;d $ R`d k~B@BABE BJ-Cpython-pygments2.11.21pclos2022Syntax highlighting package written in PythonPygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. It is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software such as forum systems, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. Highlights are: * a wide range of common languages and markup formats is supported * special attention is paid to details, increasing quality by a fair amount * support for new languages and formats are added easily * a number of output formats, presently HTML, LaTeX, RTF, SVG and ANSI sequences0=TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pygments-2.11.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm0G00e6e2cb00f6bb5825b8f1804838aaef./SRPMS.pclosd ' A bB@~BABEBJCpython-pygoocanvas0.14.12pclos2013GooCanvas python bindingsThis package includes Python bindings for GooCanvas. It is needed to run programs written in Python and using GooCanvas set.aDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  goocanvas-develpygtk2.0-develpython-cairognome-doc-utilsdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & C4 8KTdB@BABEBJCpython-pygraphviz0.99.17pclos2014Python interface to GraphvizPyGraphviz is a Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package. With PyGraphviz, you can create, edit, read, write, and draw graphs using Python to access the Graphviz graph data structure and layout algorithms.*Development/Pythonx86_64  graphviz-develpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) % L| B@BABEBJCpython-pyhamcrest2.0.21pclos2022Hamcrest framework for matcher objectsPyHamcrest is a framework for writing matcher objects, allowing you to declaratively define “match” rules. There are a number of situations where matchers are invaluable, such as UI validation, or data filtering, but it is in the area of writing flexible tests that matchers are most commonly used.NTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyhamcrest-2.0.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmf6d4bdd23cf8cd89ee20dabbaf353005./SRPMS.pclosd $ U 1B@;BAhBElBJCpython-pyinotify0.9.62pclos2022Python module for monitoring filesystems changesPyinotify is a pure Python module for monitoring filesystems changes. Pyinotify relies on inotify, a Linux Kernel functionality (since kernel 2.6.13). inotify is an event-driven notification mechanism, its notifications are exported to user space through three system calls. Pyinotify binds these system calls and provides an implementation on top of them.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyinotify-0.9.6-2pclos2022.src.rpmN79374f6a6f91fdc94260fd5c0d7b016a./SRPMS.pclosgd # ? B@BA4BE8BJYCpython-pylibacl0.5.03pclos2013Posix ACL module for PythonThis is an extension for Python which implements POSIX ACLs (POSIX.1e).WDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 acl-develpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pylibacl-0.5.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm^4dc603406ce6702e17c5409a7c9d948a./SRPMS.pclosd ! 8  !(0YB@bBABEBJCpython-pymathml0.34pclos2013Python MathML rendererThe goal of pymathml is to create a system-independent MathML rendering engine in Python. This engine works with an abstract 'plotter' driver class, that can be subclassed for any rendering device needed.m Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pymathml-0.3-4pclos2013.src.rpms123030bde0280791a79cc7ddda4b2508./SRPMS.pclosd  J    B@BABEBJCpython-pymc3.11.41pclos2022Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkitPyMC is a python module that implements Bayesian statistical models and fitting algorithms, including Markov chain Monte Carlo. Its flexibility and extensibility make it applicable to a large suite of problems. Along with core sampling functionality, PyMC includes methods for summarizing output, plotting, goodness-of-fit and convergence diagnostics.$TerryNSciences/Mathematicsx86_64 blas-develgcc-gfortranlapack-devellocales-enpython3-develpython3-numpy-develpython3-numpy-f2pypython3-pkg-resourcesrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pymc-3.11.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm*Z9655eff5209509d810bfdbbb7952064d./SRPMS.pclosd & Q  B@,BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-pymediainfo2.2.12pclos2022A Python wrapper for the mediainfo libraryThis small package is a wrapper around the MediaInfo library.v`Development/Pythonnoarch mediainfopkgconfig(libmediainfo)locales-enpkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pymediainfo-2.2.1-2pclos2022.src.rpm|(501d55761bf29f6339e9d032f219cce3./SRPMS.pclosd ! > 3B@=BAdBEhBJCpython-pymetar0.153pclos2013Weather report Python moduleThis library downloads the weather report for a given station ID, decodes it and provides easy access to all the data found in the report.O[Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pymetar-0.15-3pclos2013.src.rpmU6e1870b8331d512f218798da6df16d13./SRPMS.pclos;d " <\ `s|B@BABE BJ-Cpython-pymongo2.5.21pclos2013Python driver for MongoDBThe Python driver for MongoDB.vDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-nosepython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pymongo-2.5.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm{Dea7b0b8f02551473170b2ba1da1dad5c./SRPMS.pclosd  K, 0CHTB@BABEBJCpython-pymsn0.3.33pclos2010Python libraries for MSN Messenger networkpymsn is the library behind the msn connection manager for telepathy. It is a rewrite of the libivy msn library used in the Ivy msn client. pymsn uses the glib mainloop to process the network events in an asynchronous mannerdDevelopment/Pythoni586 python-develavahi-pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pymsn-0.3.3-3pclos2010.src.rpml847fa58d00ff5105b592073eea2a2a0a./SRPMS.pclosd  ;  #,4]B@fBABEBJCpython-pymtp0.0.44pclos2013A python binding to libmtpPyMTP is a Python binding to libmtp, the defacto open source library for communicating with MTP-enabled devices. These devices include the Creative Zen, Microsoft Zune, Normsoft Pocket Tunes and many more.NDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pymtp-0.0.4-4pclos2013.src.rpmV98d0b194d8902a1cd400423265a73c6f./SRPMS.pclosd ! b  B@BABEBJCpython-pynacl1.5.01pclos2022Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) libraryPyNaCl is a Python binding to libsodium, which is a fork of the Networking and Cryptography library.(ϊTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython-cffipython-hypothesispython-setuptoolspython-sixpython-funcsigsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pynacl-1.5.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm(m0174e3c8c79e69f8d5e09d39206152e2./SRPMS.pclosd  K AB@JBApBEtBJCpython-pynut1.14pclos2013NUT (Network UPS Tools) extension for PythonPyNUT is an abstraction class written in Python to access NUT (Network UPS Tools) server and execute commands without needing to know the communication protocol.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pynut-1.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmbc0476e71990fee356c30ef991dfccec./SRPMS.pclos/d   0    B@BABEBJ!Cpython-pyo1.0.43pclos2022Python DSP modulepyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation. pyo is a Python module containing classes for a wide variety of audio signal processing types. With pyo, user will be able to include signal processing chains directly in Python scripts or projects, and to manipulate them in real time through the interpreter. Tools in pyo module offer primitives, like mathematical operations on audio signal, basic signal processing (filters, delays, synthesis generators, etc.), but also complex algorithms to create sound granulation and others creative audio manipulations. pyo supports OSC protocol (Open Sound Control), to ease communications between softwares, and MIDI protocol, for generating sound events and controlling process parameters. pyo allows creation of sophisticated signal processing chains with all the benefits of a mature, and widely used, general programming language.mTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsportmidipython3-pyportmidipkgconfig(sndfile)python3-wxpython4-mediaportaudio-develportmidi-develliblo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyo-1.0.4-3pclos2022.src.rpmmfb09cc6b9d55cb7f8b168685237efecd./SRPMS.pclosd  L 7B@GBApBEtBJCpython-pyode1.2.04pclos2010Python wrapper for the Open Dynamics EnginePyODE is a set of open-source Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine, an open-source physics engine. PyODE also includes an XODE parser.tDevelopment/Pythoni586  python-develode-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d ! 9TX {B@ BAHBELBJmCpython-pypandoc1.41pclos2018Thin wrapper for pandocThin wrapper for pandoc.marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch pandocpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pypandoc-1.4-1pclos2018.src.rpmc01e2e3121d4922e4f9731c1e7546a90./SRPMS.pclos;d $ Hh lB@BABE BJ-Cpython-pyparsing3.0.71pclos2022A general parsing module for PythonThe pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and executing simple grammars, vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the use of regular expressions. The pyparsing module provides a library of classes that client code uses to construct the grammar directly in Python code. Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyparsing-3.0.7-1pclos2022.src.rpm >3c39cb929742fdce3cf3840a75f2a979./SRPMS.pclosd  ^( ,?HTB@BABEBJCpython-pypcap1.15pclos2013Simplified object-oriented Python extension module for libpcapSimplified object-oriented Python extension module for libpcap - the current tcpdump.org version, the legacy version shipping with some of the BSD operating systems, and the WinPcap port for Windows.UDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pypcap-1.1-5pclos2013.src.rpmZa1c6493b80595530c3ca75f4c5f9f5b0./SRPMS.pclos'd  7t xB@BABEBJCpython-pypdf1.133pclos2014Pure-Python PDF toolkitA Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit. It is capable of: * extracting document information (title, author, ...), * splitting documents page by page, * merging documents page by page, * cropping pages, * merging multiple pages into a single page, * encrypting and decrypting PDF files.{Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pypdf-1.13-3pclos2014.src.rpmdbe7edefd8a303bb3745528e2508a23b./SRPMS.pclos;d " :x| B@BABE BJ-Cpython-pypdf21.26.02pclos2022Pure-Python PDF toolkitA Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit. It is capable of: * extracting document information (title, author, ...), * splitting documents page by page, * merging documents page by page, * cropping pages, * merging multiple pages into a single page, * encrypting and decrypting PDF files. TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pypdf2-1.26.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmM126db5b8b5645d353bf8fcbf615ab60b./SRPMS.pclosd (     B@BABEBJ Cdepython-pypoppler0.12.17pclos2017Python bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering libraryPython Bindungen für Poppler PDF Rendering BibliothekPython bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library. It is needed to run programs written in Python and using Poppler set.Python Bindungen für die Poppler PDF Rendering Bibliothek. Wird benötigt für Programme die in Python geschrieben wurden und die Popplersammlung nutzen.Lbb2 Development/Pythonx86_64  python-develpygtk2.0-develatk-devellib64poppler-develpython-cairo-develcairo-devellib64poppler-glib-devellib64openjpeg1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # U JB@TBABEBJCpython-pyprind2.11.22pclos2022Python Progress Bar and Percent Indicator UtilityThe PyPrind (Python Progress Indicator) module provides a progress bar and a percentage indicator object that let you track the progress of a loop structure or other iterative computation. Typical applications include the processing of large data sets to provide an intuitive estimate at runtime about the progress of the computation.For more details and examples please see the package...39Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyprind-2.11.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm84b9ff5a4f4d47fcf0321972e04f1c3251./SRPMS.pclosod ( P B@ BA<BE@BJaCpython-pyqt-builder1.12.21pclos2022The PEP 517 compliant PyQt build systemPyQt-builder is the PEP 517 compliant build system for PyQt and projects that extend PyQt. It extends the sip build system and uses Qt's qmake to perform the actual compilation and installation of extension modules.Projects that use PyQt- builder provide an appropriate pyproject.toml file and an optional project.py.:JTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyqt-builder-1.12.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm:U7308533418fbad7f2f10b455a92752b6./SRPMS.pclosd & G 'B@;BAhBElBJCpython-pyqt5-sip12.13.01pclos2024The sip module support for PyQt5The sip extension module provides support for the PyQt5 package.pinocDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  gccpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-pyqt5-sip-12.13.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmebacc4675a9580e49dca9a212e1d8aa96./SRPMS.pclosd % F DB@YBABEBJCpython-pyqt6-sip13.9.11pclos2025The sip module support for PyQt6The sip extension module provides support for the PyQt6 package.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  gccpyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-pyqt6-sip-13.9.1-1pclos2025.src.rpmHW027264af042f681dec64fd09d6346e7c./SRPMS.pclosd % T zB@BABEBJCpython-pyqtgraph0.12.31pclos2022Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for PythonPyQtGraph is a pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt5/PySide and numpy. It is intended for use in mathematics / scientific / engineering applications. Despite being written entirely in python, the library is very fast due to its heavy leverage of numpy for number crunching, Qt's GraphicsView framework for 2D display, and OpenGL for 3D display. JDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-qt5python3-numpypython3-matplotlibpython3-matplotlib-qt5python3-openglrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyqtgraph-0.12.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm P906fa1d62e9087e9ad58d660f751d288./SRPMS.pclosd " C  SB@]BABEBJCpython-pyquery1.2.41pclos2013A jquery-like library for pythonpyquery allows you to make jquery queries on xml documents. The API is as much as possible the similar to jquery. pyquery uses lxml for fast xml and html manipulation.V%Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyquery-1.2.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm\def3c5fa20e55f6c67e53289e4d4b780./SRPMS.pclosd  N 4B@?BAhBElBJCpython-pyrex0.9.93pclos2013Language for Writing Python Extension ModulesPyrex lets you write code that mixes Python and C data types any way you want, and compiles it into a C extension for Python.DDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develdos2unixemacsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyrex-0.9.9-3pclos2013.src.rpm20a598e428d938b0cbfe16401b9a0beea./SRPMS.pclos_d  + d B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-pyrite-publisher2.1.14pclos2013Content Creation Tools for Palm Computing Platform UsersPyrite Publisher is a data converter for Palm Computing Platform users. At the moment it is focused on producing e-books for use with standard document readers. It has the following features, and maybe more: - converts text and HTML documents to the standard Doc format or the new high-compression zTXT format - gathers input from local files or from http/ftp URLs - produces rich text markup for RichReader or TealDoc - detects and reflows paragraphs in text files - automatically bookmarks HTML headers and named anchors - automatically bookmarks regular expressions in text files - supports zTXT annotations and both compression modes - annotates and/or footnotes HTML link targets - converts between Doc and zTXT while preserving bookmarks - converts Doc or zTXT back to text - processes Doc or zTXT content as if it is a regular text file - most behavior is configurable - architecture is extensible to allow addition of more kinds of document markup, more input formats, and even handling entirely new types of datar#Development/Pythonx86_64  pythonlibpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){9d7afed733787a9108219cecc74bc24b./SRPMS.pclosd  G  IB@RBAxBE|BJCpython-pyrtf0.454pclos2013Python module to generate RTF documentsPyRTF is a set of python classes that make it possible to produce RTF documents from python programs. The library has no external dependencies and has proved reliable and fast.xDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyrtf-0.45-4pclos2013.src.rpm08e268f1485ff1ac65b351829ee3d0ce./SRPMS.pclosd ! f B@BABEBJCpython-pyside1.2.41pclos2018The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the QtThe PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt.5marcin82 Development/KDE and Qtx86_64 cmakelib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-develphonon-develpython-develpython3-develpython-shiboken-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyside-1.2.4-1pclos2018.src.rpm5zU5a903a5793b8f2be496c48f68adfe13a./SRPMS.pclos7d " ?`d k~B@BABEBJ)Cpython-pysocks1.7.11pclos2022A Python SOCKS client moduleA Python SOCKS client module.KTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pysocks-1.7.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmR0656843b5f872e4c663aadaeeec203ce./SRPMS.pclosd ' ; B@'BATBEXBJyCpython-pysol-cards0.14.21pclos2022Deal PySol FC CardsThe pysol-cards python modules allow the python developer to generate the initial deals of some PySol FC games.?TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pysol-cards-0.14.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmEm8e55f377aae1330b81173485530bbcd4./SRPMS.pclosKd  I B@BABEBJ=Cpython-pysrt1.1.22pclos2022SubRip (.srt) subtitle parser and writerpysrt is a Python library used to edit or create SubRip files.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pysrt-1.1.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm^ed7b9cba2310ebc4fa910d6316999cf8./SRPMS.pclosd # 7(, 3FP\B@BABEBJCpython-pystache0.6.01pclos2022Mustache for PythonInspired by ctemplate and et, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views. As ctemplates says, "It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language."CTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pystache-0.6.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm1ae884a201d123936640a08d520ad841./SRPMS.pclosd ( C  B@+BA\BE`BJCpython-pytest-django4.5.21pclos2022A Django plugin for pytestpytest-django allows you to test your Django project/applications with the pytest testing tool.Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-djangorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pytest-django-4.5.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm@4cd715a6667629dbf752d0f2c10d67fc./SRPMS.pclos_d " Ch lB@BA,BE0BJQCpython-pytoml0.1.142pclos2022Parser and writer for TOML filesParser and writer for TOML files.!GDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pytoml-0.1.14-2pclos2022.src.rpm&c8cbb0d87471b7a2c0343f37939dc20d./SRPMS.pclosCd # D    B@BABEBJ5Cpython-pytools2018.43pclos2022A collection of tools for PythonPytools is a big bag of things that are "missing" from the Python standard library. This is mainly a dependency of my other software packages, and is probably of little interest to you unless you use those. If you're curious nonetheless, here's what's on offer: * A ton of small tool functions such as len_iterable, argmin, tuple generation, permutation generation, ASCII table pretty printing, GvR's mokeypatch_xxx() hack, the elusive flatten, and much more. * Michele Simionato's decorator module. * A time-series logging module, pytools.log. * Batch job submission, pytools.batchjob. * A lexer, pytools.lex.Development/Pythonnoarch python-appdirspython-decoratorpython-develpython-setuptoolspython-sixpython-numpypython3-appdirspython3-decoratorpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixpython3-numpyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pytools-2018.4-3pclos2022.src.rpm332d0137c34613fec6d68048824b719f./SRPMS.pclossd  Ftx  B@BA@BEDBJeCpython-pytz2022.11pclos2022World timezone definitions for Pythonpytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3 or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end of daylight savings, which you can read more about in the Python Library Reference (datetime.tzinfo).2TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pytz-2022.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm8Xc198748f62fc388e1a37d5a34432fda4./SRPMS.pclosd " 4 2B@=BAhBElBJCpython-pyudev0.23.21pclos2022A libudev bindingpyudev is a Python binding to libudev, the hardware management library and service found in modern linux systems.JTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(udev)python3-develpython3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyudev-0.23.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm33160d604b33dcc2403735b54483bc87./SRPMS.pclosd  G  ,bB@lBABEBJCpython-pyusb0.4.23pclos2013Python module to interface USB devicesPyUSB is a native Python module written in C which provides USB access for it. PyUSB uses the libusb to do its work, so, any system which has Python and libusb should work for PyUSB.BKDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyusb-0.4.2-3pclos2013.src.rpmHc0ff62e91b732e73466e7e7ef9a82d91./SRPMS.pclosd " I  ,cB@mBABEBJCpython-pyusb1.0.0b11pclos2014Python module to interface USB devicesPyUSB is a native Python module written in C which provides USB access for it. PyUSB uses the libusb to do its work, so, any system which has Python and libusb should work for PyUSB.eDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-devellibusb1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyusb-1.0.0b1-1pclos2014.src.rpmeb6696915e57208ce2b78210b16edc19c./SRPMS.pclosd  ; /B@ABAhBElBJCpython-pyusb1.3.11pclos2025Python bindings for libusbPyUSB provides easy USB access to python. Contains classes and methods to support most USB operations.zTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-pyusb-1.3.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm a110f54a660f2067fab381d236c09f34./SRPMS.pclosd%JDH[dpB@BABEBJCpython-pywavelets0.2.02pclos2011Python module for wavelet transformsPyWavelets is a Python wavelet transform module that includes: * 1D and 2D Forward and Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT and IDWT) * 1D and 2D Stationary Wavelet Transform (Undecimated Wavelet Transform) * 1D and 2D Wavelet Packet decomposition and reconstruction * Computing Approximations of wavelet and scaling functions * Over seventy built-in wavelet filters and support for custom wavelets * Single and double precision calculations * Results compatibility with Matlab Wavelet Toolbox (tm),Development/Pythonx86_64 python-cythonpython-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pywavelets-0.2.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm3d2cd34b0d46226c0d305b8507f654eed./SRPMS.pclosKd # T B@BABEBJ=Cpython-pyweblib1.3.63pclos2013Yet another web programming framework for PythonWeb application library: pyweblib.forms class library for handling
input pyweblib.session server-side web session handling pyweblib.helper misc. stuff useful in CGI-BINs pyweblib.sslenv retrieves SSL-related env vars pyweblib.httphelper very basic HTTP functionsqDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyweblib-1.3.6-3pclos2013.src.rpmxc51cda03ddc1f28c868ff24bc0c14e2c1./SRPMS.pclosgd  R B@BA4BE8BJYCpython-pyxdg0.271pclos2022Python library to access freedesktop.org standardsPyXDG is a python library to access freedesktop.org standards.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyxdg-0.27-1pclos2022.src.rpmtfdbdf5f5200b306cab23e018b4cacfec./SRPMS.pclosd ! : OB@YBABEBJCpython-pyxml0.8.421pclos2013XML libraries for pythonAn XML package for Python. The distribution contains a validating XML parser, an implementation of the SAX and DOM programming interfaces and an interface to the Expat parser.loSystem/Librariesx86_64 python-devellib64expat1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyxml-0.8.4-21pclos2013.src.rpmsH3e2931d17298f846fcbf477e95353f8d./SRPMS.pclosd ! <    B@BABEBJCpython-pyzmq15.2.01pclos2016Python bindings for zeromqThis package contains Python bindings for zeromq, a lightweight and fast messaging implementation. Development/Pythonx86_64 chrpathpython-nosepython-setuptoolspython3-setuptoolspython3-nosepython-toolspython-cythonlib64zeromq-devellib64python3-devellib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyzmq-15.2.0-1pclos2016.src.rpm c35514cc46761942092becc03a28cb78./SRPMS.pclosd ! < AB@NBAxBE|BJCpython-pyzmq23.2.01pclos2022Python bindings for zeromqThis package contains Python bindings for zeromq, a lightweight and fast messaging implementation. T6TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 chrpathzeromq-develpython3-cythonpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-pyzmq-23.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm Za661e8c8723d322b74fe0be3858576d1./SRPMS.pclos3d % X    B@BABEBJ%Cpython-qdarkstyle3.0.21pclos2022Dark style sheet for Python QtWidgets applicationsThis is a dark stylesheet for qt python applications (Qt4, Qt5, PySide, PyQt4, PyQt5, QtPy, PyQtGraph).;TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-pyside2python3-helpdevpython3-m2r2python3-qtpypython3-qtsasspython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ NHL Sfp|B@BABEBJCpython-qpageview0.6.21pclos2022Page based docuement viewer for Qt5/PyQt5This qpageview module provides a page based document viewer widget for Qt5/PyQt5. It has a flexible architecture potentionally supporting many formats. Currently, it supports SVG documents, images, and, using the Poppler-Qt5 binding, PDF documents.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-qpageview-0.6.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm20bc44fe8e93528b7b07d3956bb1b204./SRPMS.pclos#d  =p tB@BABEBJCpython-qpid0.201pclos2013Python client library for AMQPThe Apache Qpid Python client library for AMQP.3Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-qpid-0.20-1pclos2013.src.rpm9(835c8ad44d40320ee7586d2ce451575b./SRPMS.pclosd   ^ ,qB@BABEBJCpython-qt3.18.13pclos2010Set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application frameworkPyQt is a set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, MacOS/X and Linux. Development/KDE and Qti586  qt3-develpython-sippythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 05a1e12735afc0851e05915721a503a5./SRPMS.pclosOd   _    B@BABE BJACpython-qt44.12.31pclos2022Set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application frameworkPyQt is a set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application framework.'Development/Pythonx86_64  qt4-develpkgconfig(QtWebKit)pkgconfig(QtAssistantClient)pkgconfig(dbus-python)pkgconfig(dbus-1)sedpkgconfig(phonon)pkgconfig(python3)python3-sip-develpython3-pyqt4-sipdbus-python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   _ ///B@BABEBJ Cpython-qt55.15.64pclos2022Set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application frameworkPyQt is a set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application framework#bDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5bluetooth-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5networkauth-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5multimediagsttools-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quick3d-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5remoteobjects-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5texttospeech-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64qt5x11extras-develpython-sip6python3-pyqt-builderpython3-pkg-resourcespython3-setuptoolspython3-tomlpython3-packagingpython3-pyparsingpython3-develpython3-pyqt5-sippython-dbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-qt5-5.15.6-4pclos2022.src.rpm#[87d3b24207b8a3375a6a11d2e732db10./SRPMS.pclosd ) ]  D  B@>BApBEtBJCpython-qt5-webengine5.15.62pclos2022Set of Python bindings for The Qt WebEngine libraryPyQtWebEngine is a set of Python bindings for The Qt Company's Qt WebEngine library. The bindings sit on top of PyQt5 and are implemented as a single module.GDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  pkgconfig(python3)python3-qt5-develqtbase5-common-develpython3-pyqt-builderpython3-sip6pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ^ (p((B@BABE BJACpython-qt66.8.11pclos2025Set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application frameworkPyQt is a set of Python bindings for Trolltech's Qt application framework 4TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  lib64qt6bluetooth-devellib64qt6core-devellib64qt6dbus-devellib64qt6designer-devellib64qt6gui-devellib64qt6help-devellib64qt6multimedia-devellib64qt6multimediawidgets-devellib64qt6network-devellib64qt6nfc-devellib64qt6opengl-devellib64qt6openglwidgets-devellib64qt6positioning-devellib64qt6printsupport-devellib64qt6qml-devellib64qt6quick-devellib64qt6quick3d-devellib64qt6quickwidgets-devellib64qt6remoteobjects-devellib64qt6sensors-devellib64qt6serialport-devellib64qt6spatialaudio-devellib64qt6sql-devellib64qt6svg-devellib64qt6svgwidgets-devellib64qt6test-devellib64qt6webchannel-devellib64qt6websockets-devellib64qt6widgets-devellib64qt6xml-develpython-dbus-develpython-sip6python3-dbuspython3-develpython3-pyqt-builderpython3-pyqt6-sippython3-tomliqmake-qt6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-qt6-6.8.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm _f73bd1f9eb09f9dfedfcf7e48bf59988./SRPMS.pclosd ( \ $ L  B@;BAlBEpBJCpython-qt6-webengine6.8.01pclos2025Set of Python bindings for The Qt WebEngine libraryPyQtWebEngine is a set of Python bindings for The Qt Company's Qt WebEngine library. The bindings sit on top of PyQt6 and are implemented as a single module.zTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64   cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6WebEngineCore)cmake(Qt6Widgets)pkgconfig(python3)python3-pyqt-builderpython3-qt6-develpython3-sip6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  T  IB@SBA|BEBJCpython-qtpy1.11.31pclos2022Abstraction layer for PyQt5/PyQt4/PySide (Python 2)QtPy (pronounced ‘cutie pie’) is a small abstraction layer that lets you write applications using a single API call to either PyQt or PySide. It provides support for PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide using the PyQt5 layout (where the QtGui module has been split into QtGui and QtWidgets). Basically, you write your code as if you were using PyQt5 but import qt from qtpy instead of PyQt5.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-qtpy-1.11.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmd24b7fc0292e9a4160bd63708793c5cb./SRPMS.pclosod ! L  B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-qtsass0.3.01pclos2022Compile SCSS files to valid Qt stylesheetsSASS brings countless amazing features to CSS. Besides being used in web development, CSS is also the way to stylize Qt-based desktop applications. However, Qt's CSS has a few variations that prevent the direct use of SASS compiler. The purpose of this tool is to fill the gap between SASS and Qt-CSS by handling those variations.BTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-qtsass-0.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmG9b93f95c450917eedfc83dd2f7ffddb2./SRPMS.pclosd # R TB@`BABEBJCpython-queuelib1.5.02pclos2022A collection of persistent (disk-based) queuesQueuelib is a collection of persistent (disk-based) queues for Python. Queuelib goals are speed and simplicity.(LDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-queuelib-1.5.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm-[f9e73a766c1bc5375efd1c7862d818bc./SRPMS.pclosd " J EB@OBAxBE|BJCpython-random21.0.11pclos2022Python 2’s random module for Python 3This package provides a Python 3 ported version of Python 2.7’s random module. It has also been back-ported to work in Python 2.6.W;TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-random2-1.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmTdda3858a0b49bbefa4b8e087b702a6ee./SRPMS.pclosd ! =  (KB@TBA|BEBJCpython-rational0.14pclos2013Rational numbers for pythonThis is a python module for rational numbers, following PEP 239, with some extensions. While it is not as efficent as cRat, it is more has some extra features (e.g., NaN and infinity handling).0UDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rational-0.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm6c576c9ef74659e760476f9f83da247b./SRPMS.pclossd ! > B@BA@BEDBJeCpython-rawkit0.6.02pclos2022CTypes based LibRaw bindingsrawkit (pronounced rocket) is a ctypes-based LibRaw binding for Python inspired by the Wand API.hDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rawkit-0.6.0-2pclos2022.src.rpml14a723bb3dc5e8a1394fa762bbfd4c45./SRPMS.pclosd ! El p  w B@BABEBJCpython-rdflib4.2.22pclos2022Python library for working with RDFPython library for working with RDF. (Development/Pythonx86_64 python-html5libpython-isodatepython-pyparsingpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-html5libpython3-isodatepython3-pyparsingpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rdflib-4.2.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm 4d79c99662fa809977eace4281a26a7f./SRPMS.pclosd ' S  $7@PB@BABEBJCpython-recommonmark0.4.02pclos2022docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMarkA docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark. This allows you to write CommonMark inside of Docutils & Sphinx projects. Documentation is available on Read the Docs: http://recommonmark.readthedocs.orgU=Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-docutilspython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-recommonmark-0.4.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmYeb08e7f1f080a3b260f3710421941be2./SRPMS.pclos#d  Hp tB@BABEBJCpython-redis2.7.61pclos2013Python client for Redis key-value storePython client for Redis key-value storeDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-redis-2.7.6-1pclos2013.src.rpm-0312e1b0dcb39d69126a29e336f6eeb5./SRPMS.pclosd % Z  B@,BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-regex2018.02.212pclos2022Alternative regular expression module, to replace reAlternative regular expression module, to replace re.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-regex-2018.02.21-2pclos2022.src.rpmy38185cae2b6a6aebf56dadba7fad5ceb./SRPMS.pclosd " F  ':DHdB@lBABEBJCpython-rencode1.0.62pclos2022Web safe object pickling/unpicklingThe rencode module is a modified version of bencode from the BitTorrent project. For complex, heterogeneous data structures with many small elements, r-encodings take up significantly less space than b-encodings.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rencode-1.0.6-2pclos2022.src.rpmy8b9579443027953ec94e2bb4e1729310./SRPMS.pclosd $ [ !B@,BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-reportlab3.6.81pclos2022ReportLab library to create PDF documents using PythonReportLab is a library that lets you directly create documents in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) using the Python programming language. ReportLab library creates PDF based on graphics commands without intervening steps. It's therefore extremely fast, and flexible (since you're using a full-blown programming language).;ƯTerryNPublishingx86_64 freetype-develpkgconfig(python3)python3-pillowrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-reportlab-3.6.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm;4428fde7ca9f8aad7c38bad9def2b4ae./SRPMS.pclosod $ ;TX _r|B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-requests2.27.12pclos2022Python HTTP for HumansRequests allow you to send HTTP/1.1 requests. You can add headers, form data, multipart files, and parameters with simple Python dictionaries, and access the response data in the same way. It's powered by httplib and urllib3, but it does all the hard work and crazy hacks for you.j5TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-chardetpython3-pygmentspython3-urllib3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-requests-2.27.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmmabd51c6aaeba57c752fbd8646cc21771./SRPMS.pclosd! , Y 0B@<BApBEtBJCpython-requests-oauthlib0.8.02pclos2022OAuthlib authentication support for RequestsThis project provides first-class OAuth library support for RequestsDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-requests-oauthlib-0.8.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm%63b04f9608173a6006de0e177870150e./SRPMS.pclosd ! <\ `s|B@BABEBJCpython-reverend0.34pclos2013Python Bayesian classifierReverend is a general purpose Bayesian classifier, named after Rev. Thomas Bayes. Use the Reverend to quickly add Bayesian smarts to your app. To use it in your own application, you either subclass Bayes or pass it a tokenizing function. Bayesian fun has never been so quick and easy.0sDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-reverend-0.3-4pclos2013.src.rpm731c069f3c4cae482072ba15173af9da0./SRPMS.pclosd  c  B@,BATBEXBJyCpython-rhpl0.2124pclos2013Library of Python code used by installation and configuration toolsThe rhpl package contains Python code used throughout the system.vDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 gettextpythonpython-devellibiw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rhpl-0.212-4pclos2013.src.rpm`1424e379d1f3af759046edd376338dba./SRPMS.pclosOd  ; B@BABE BJACpython-rope0.23.01pclos2022Python refactoring libraryRope is a Python refactoring library. You can use rope as a library in other IDEs.'\TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rope-0.23.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm-bdda5ca942a52d7d784bd656da67c13f./SRPMS.pclos+d ! C B@BABEBJCpython-rpm-macros14pclos2022The unversioned Python RPM macrosThis package contains RPM macro py_byte_compile to enable specfiles to selectively byte-compile individual files and paths with different Python runtimes as necessary. You should not need to install this package manually as the various python-devel packages require it. So install a python-devel package instead.dTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rpm-macros-1-4pclos2022.src.rpm3e67250bedacbb1d6794ddfc6856ecec./SRPMS.pclos'd   =\ `s|B@BABEBJCpython-rsa3.1.11pclos2013Pure-Python RSA implementationPure-Python RSA implementation}Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rsa-3.1.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmba019ffad2e5e21f16adf76407f4d2d2./SRPMS.pclosd    2<HB@BABEBJCpython-rx3.2.02pclos2022Library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and LINQ-style query operators in Python.Reactive Extensions for Python (RxPY) is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and pipable query operators in Python. Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data streams with Observables, query asynchronous data streams using operators, and parameterize concurrency in data/event streams using Schedulers.2TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rx-3.2.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm8[1440edcd0ccdcf72e70ad881b17222a1./SRPMS.pclosd ! K '0<lB@vBABEBJCpython-rython0.0.13pclos2013Transparently mixes Ruby code into PythonIf you've ever needed to use Ruby for a particular task, but wanted to use Python as your primary language, Rython lets you easily mix the two languages together. Why would I want to mix Ruby and Python? There are many reasons: * you need a Ruby Gem that provides unique functionality which no Python module provides * you need a simpler syntax for manipulating regular expressions * you want to quickly bridge to code you've already written in Ruby!rDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-rython-0.0.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm)6533f7d1149e786d608db1faf47f7302./SRPMS.pclosd  aT XqxB@BABEBJCpython-s3cmd1.0.02pclos2013Command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront servicesS3cmd lets you copy files from/to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) using a simple to use command line client. Supports rsync-like backup, GPG encryption, and more. Also supports management of Amazon's CloudFront content delivery network.ONetworking/File transfernoarch libpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-s3cmd-1.0.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm:ec78d963d1167091854cf6b80d307179./SRPMS.pclosd   %B@/BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-sampy1.2.11pclos2013SAMPy is an IVOA SAMP (Simple Application Messaging Protocol) messaging system implementation in PythonSAMPy is a Python implementation of the IVOA Simple Application Messaging Protocol [*] version 1.2 (with Web Profile support). SAMPy Python module (sampy.py) provides classes to easily: 1) instantiate one or multiple Hubs; 2) interface an application or script to a running Hub; 3) create and manage a SAMP client.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develtkinterrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sampy-1.2.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmNa13251f4aee0f91a5e1b227ad06808d4./SRPMS.pclosWd  5L PclB@BA$BE(BJICpython-sane2.8.32pclos2022Python SANE interfacePython SANE interface.MuDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lib64sane1-develpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sane-2.8.3-2pclos2022.src.rpmQ09d421051ab48e37c07aa44d5e1a8af6./SRPMS.pclos/d # SD H[`tB@BABEBJ!Cpython-scientific2.64pclos2010Various Python modules for scientific computingScientificPython is a collection of Python modules that are useful for scientific computing. In this collection you will find modules that cover basic geometry (vectors, tensors, transformations, vector and tensor fields), quaternions, automatic derivatives, (linear) interpolation, polynomials, elementary statistics, nonlinear least-squares fits, unit calculations, Fortran-compatible text formatting, 3D visualization via VRML, and two Tk widgets for simple line plots and 3D wireframe models.\iDevelopment/Pythoni586 pythonpython-develnetcdf-develpython-numeric-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-scientific-2.6-4pclos2010.src.rpmfae7ba977cde9782a6cd1685f167ed803./SRPMS.pclosWd! , U4 8KTpB@BA$BE(BJICpython-scikits-audiolab0.10.24pclos2013Python audio file I/O using numpy arraysAudiolab is a Python package for audio file I/O using numpy arrays. It supports many different audio formats, including wav, aiff, au, flac, ogg, and htk. It can also be used to output sound to an audio device via ALSA.Development/Pythonx86_64  sndfile-devellibalsa-develpython-numpy-develpython-setuptoolspythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)"9cd50c215825b3a12a9dd2809a981ec5./SRPMS.pclosd" - NL PclB@BALBEPBJqCpython-scikits-samplerate0.3.34pclos2013Python wrapper for libsamplerateSamplerate is a Python module that permits one to perform high quality resampling of audio signals using libsamplerate. The module provides functionality similar to that of the resample function in Matlab. It is intended to be used with numpy arrays.Development/Pythonx86_64  python-numpypython-numpy-devellibsamplerate-develpython-setuptoolspythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) |2e491563d851edb8cd2964b3d03e4c67./SRPMS.pclos_d  < B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-scipy1.7.31pclos2022Scientific tools for PythonSciPy is an open source library of scientific tools for Python. SciPy supplements the popular numpy module, gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. SciPy includes modules for graphics and plotting, optimization, integration, special functions, signal and image processing, genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, and others.ȨTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  blas-develcblas-develgcc-gfortranlapack-devellapacke-develnetcdf-develpython3-cythonpython3-develpython3-numpy-develpython3-nosepython3-setuptoolssuitesparse-common-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  /  #,4]B@fBABEBJCpython-scour0.262pclos2013An SVG scrubberScour is an open-source Python script that aggressively cleans SVG files, removing a lot of 'cruft' that certain tools or authors embed into their documents. The goal of scour is to provide an identically rendered image.MDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-scour-0.26-2pclos2013.src.rpma2a127dc4c3e8b9f9d11e22b08032b9a./SRPMS.pclosKd ! <X \oxB@BABEBJ=Cpython-scour0.38.21pclos2022An SVG Optimizer / CleanerScour is an SVG optimizer/cleaner written in Python that reduces the size of scalable vector graphics by optimizing structure and removing unnecessary data. It can be used to create streamlined vector graphics suitable for web deployment, publishing/sharing or further processing. The goal of Scour is to output a file that renders identically at a fraction of the size by removing a lot of redundant information created by most SVG editors. Optimization options are typically lossless but can be tweaked for more aggressive cleaning.8Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixpython3-flake8rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-scour-0.38.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm0ba25dc7a5dc1b65b28d7a8270e59d40./SRPMS.pclos d % I /8LB@BABEBJCpython-scripttest1.0.42pclos2013Helper to test command-line scriptsScriptTest is a library to help you test your interactive command-line applications. With it you can easily run the command (in a subprocess) and see the output (stdout, stderr) and any file modifications.4GDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-sphinxpython-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-scripttest-1.0.4-2pclos2013.src.rpm9c18b275194e6e3268581f75ce65ea78d./SRPMS.pclosd  5  &0DB@BABEBJCpython-sdl20.9.131pclos2022Python SDL2 bindingsPySDL2 is a wrapper around the SDL2 library and as such similar to the discontinued PySDL project. In contrast to PySDL, it has no licensing restrictions, nor does it rely on C code, but uses ctypes instead.*TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sdl2-0.9.13-1pclos2022.src.rpm1C8dcb80ebda3b050be07125ba4d36b068./SRPMS.pclosd ( y kB@wBABEBJCpython-secretstorage2.3.12pclos2022Securely store passwords and other private data using the SecretService DBus APISecurely store passwords and other private data using the SecretService DBus API.?lDevelopment/Pythonnoarch lib64dbus-glib-1_2-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-cryptographyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-secretstorage-2.3.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmE@6e020e70cde8fb52eb0a61881b85bcf6./SRPMS.pclosd! , U GB@SBABEBJCpython-semantic_version2.10.01pclos2022Library implementing the 'SemVer' schemeThis small python library provides a few tools to handle semantic versioning in Python.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-djangopython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-semantic_version-2.10.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm49c03162eecd6aae2c423faca7dc99a5./SRPMS.pclosd % T 0B@BABEBJCpython-send2trash1.8.01pclos2022Python library to natively send files to TrashSend2Trash is a small package that sends files to the Trash (or Recycle Bin) natively and on all platforms. On OS X, it uses native FSMoveObjectToTrashSync Cocoa calls, on Windows, it uses native (and ugly) SHFileOperation win32 calls. On other platforms, if PyGObject and GIO are available, it will use this. Otherwise, it will fallback to its own implementation of the trash specifications from freedesktop.org.8lTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-send2trash-1.8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64 cmakelib64qt4-devellib64xslt-devellib64xml2-develpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-shiboken-1.2.4-1pclos2018.src.rpm e8cb1beb2e804669825e660db2e0ce2d3./SRPMS.pclos[d$ / cx| B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-show-in-file-manager1.1.41pclos2022Open the system file manager and select files in itShow in File Manager is a Python package to open the system file manager and optionally select files in it. The point is not to open the files, but to select them in the file manager, thereby highlighting the files and allowing the user to quickly do something with them..iTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-show-in-file-manager-1.1.4-1pclos2022.src.rpmo"7a2bd1e92d0384bfd93a203acb57d028./SRPMS.pclosd % H  (0YB@bBABEBJCpython-silvercity0.9.74pclos2013Lexing package, based on ScintillaSilverCity is a lexing package, based on Scintilla, that can provide lexical analysis for over 20 programming and markup langauges. Scripting language bindings currently exist for Python.>Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-silvercity-0.9.7-4pclos2013.src.rpmDbd4ea6af8aca1aa2ac533e90e3cf3472./SRPMS.pclosod ( v B@ BA<BE@BJaCpython-simplegeneric0.8.14pclos2022Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-simplegeneric-0.8.1-4pclos2022.src.rpm %eb5bcbfa4e6d93a4602e7c35b88fe741./SRPMS.pclosd & _ ]B@iBABEBJCpython-simplejson3.17.61pclos2022Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Pythonsimplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON (http://json.org) encoder and decoder for Python 2.3+. It is pure Python code with no dependencies, but includes an optional C extension for a serious speed boost. simplejson was formerly known as simple_json, but changed its name to comply with PEP 8 module naming guidelines. The encoder may be subclassed to provide serialization in any kind of situation, without any special support by the objects to be serialized (somewhat like pickle). The decoder can handle incoming JSON strings of any specified encoding (UTF-8 by default).TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-simplejson-3.17.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm q42c2f39dda0488b8923e16678b62df50./SRPMS.pclosd " j  EB@NBAxBE|BJCpython-simpletal4.23pclos2013An XML based template processor for TAL, TALES and METAL specificationsSimpleTAL is a stand alone Python implementation of the TAL, TALES and METAL specifications used in Zope to power HTML and XML templates.OSystem/Librariesnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-simpletal-4.2-3pclos2013.src.rpm93c7bee6b6b791e6e65c4eb0944bea49./SRPMS.pclosd  + f >B@IBA|BEBJCpython-singledispatch3.4.0.31pclos2018Implementation of functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4Implementation of functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4.&marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-singledispatch-   D04 ;NXdB@BABEBJCpython-sip4.19.254pclos2022SIP - Python/C++ Bindings GeneratorSIP is a tool that makes it very easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. It was originally developed to create PyQt, the Python bindings for the Qt toolkit, but can be used to create bindings for any C or C++ library.K'TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(python)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sip-4.19.25-4pclos2022.src.rpm5e3606b068bb41afb636830fe568cb416./SRPMS.pclosd  D BB@UBA|BEBJCpython-sip66.10.01pclos2025SIP - Python/C++ Bindings GeneratorSIP is a collection of tools that makes it very easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. It was originally developed in 1998 to create PyQt, the Python bindings for the Qt toolkit, but can be used to create bindings for any C or C++ library. For example it is also used to generate wxPython, the Python bindings for wxWidgets.}cTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-sip6-6.10.0-1pclos2025.src.rpme745c5da8b2e9c9d27ade987d6673eda./SRPMS.pclosWd $ h +4TB@BA$BE(BJICpython-sipsimple2.5.04pclos2016Python client SDK for easy development of SIP multimedia end-pointsSIP SIMPLE client SDK is a Software Development Kit for easy development of SIP multimedia end-points with features beyond VoIP like Session based Instant Messaging, File Transfers, Desktop Sharing and Presence. Other media types can be easily added by using an extensible high-level API. The SDK consists of several low-level components, Unix command line clients, a GUI client (Blink) and a server application (SylkServer).3nDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  python-devellib64alsa2-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64vpx-develpython-cythonpython-applicationopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   F .B@9BA`BEdBJCpython-six1.16.01pclos2022Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilitiespython-six provides simple utilities for wrapping over differences between Python 2 and Python 3.sETerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-pkg-resourcestkinter3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-six-1.16.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmyf3abd93ce1ff496370b28da5b7c1a1e21./SRPMS.pclos/d & v<@ GZdtB@BABEBJ!Cpython-smartypants2.0.12pclos2022plug-in that easily translates ASCII punctuation characters into smart entitiesSmartyPants is a free web publishing plug-in for Movable Type, Blosxom, and BBEdit that easily translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into “smart” typographic punctuation HTML entities.eTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-smartypants-2.0.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmj166f546fce554862a30008e57bdb76ea./SRPMS.pclosd  T PB@ZBABEBJCpython-smbc1.0.131pclos2013Python bindings for the libsmbclient API from SambaPython bindings for the libsmbclient API, known as pysmbc. It was written for use with system-config-printer, but can be put to other uses as well.YlDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 libsmbclient-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-smbc-1.0.13-1pclos2013.src.rpm\G32c55606cb62c7271e68258ba8f9a0c8./SRPMS.pclosd  a  NB@WBABEBJCpython-smmap0.8.21pclos2015A pure git implementation of a sliding window memory map managerWhen reading from many possibly large files in a fashion similar to random access, it is usually the fastest and most efficient to use memory maps.HDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-smmap-0.8.2-1pclos2015.src.rpmO9b2f4d6fd126cf3dda2a0a590ab2edbc./SRPMS.pclosd * Z  4B@BABEBJCpython-snowballstemmer2.2.01pclos2022Snowball stemming library collection for PythonThis package provides 16 stemmer algorithms (15 + Poerter English stemmer) generated from Snowball algorithms. It includes following language algorithms: Danish, Dutch, English (Standard, Porter), Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. This is a pure Python stemming library. If PyStemmer is available, this module uses it to accelerate. 'TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-snowballstemmer-2.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm11e498b178673e6172d77b4358f34744./SRPMS.pclosgd  : B@BA4BE8BJYCpython-soap0.12.04pclos2013A SOAP library for pythonWeb services for Python programmers, both client and servers. This includes SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, etc.3Development/Pythonx86_64 python-fpconstpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-soap-0.12.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm5c24c32443679398dc96f1d4113f2022e./SRPMS.pclosd  + G +B@5BAhBElBJCpython-sortedcontainers2.4.01pclos2022Sorted container data typesSortedContainers is an Apache2 licensed containers library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extensions.[;Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sortedcontainers-2.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpma99e8045aaf55e2a520fa31c285fb7719./SRPMS.pclosd $ \ !B@+BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-soupsieve2.2.11pclos2022A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful SoupSoup Sieve is a CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4. It aims to provide selecting, matching, and filtering using modern CSS selectors. Soup Sieve currently provides selectors from the CSS level 1 specifications up through the latest CSS level 4 drafts and beyond (though some are not yet implemented). Soup Sieve was written with the intent to replace Beautiful Soup's builtin select feature, and as of Beautiful Soup version 4.7.0, it now is good. Soup Sieve can also be imported in order to use its API directly for more controlled, specialized parsing. Soup Sieve has implemented most of the CSS selectors up through the latest CSS draft specifications, though there are a number that don't make sense in a non-browser environment. Selectors that cannot provide meaningful functionality simply do not match anything.BTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-soupsieve-2.2.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmG2ce7dd4b5ac921af39a9b154025fb22a./SRPMS.pclos;d   [| B@BABE BJ-Cpython-spf2.0.34pclos2013Python module and programs for SPF (Sender Policy Framework)SPF does email sender validation. For more information about SPF, please see http://openspf.org This SPF client is intended to be installed on the border MTA, checking if incoming SMTP clients are permitted to send mail. The SPF check should be done during the MAIL FROM:<...> command.}Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-spf-2.0.3-4pclos2013.src.rpm1bb2962d61483e95881af292fcd0a40c./SRPMS.pclosd ! @\` gz   B@BABEBJCpython-sphinx4.5.01pclos2022Python documentation generatorSphinx is a tool that facilitates the creation of beautiful documentation for Python projects from reStructuredText sources. It was originally created to format the new documentation for Python, but has since been cleaned up in the hope that it will be useful in many other projects.33TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-sphinx-alabaster-themepython3-docutilspython3-imagesizepython3-jinja2python3-pygmentspython3-setuptoolspython3-sixpython3-sphinxcontrib-websupportpython3-sqlalchemypython3-whooshrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinx-4.5.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm34Ib56021bd377a952b2dded90a5fa95df5./SRPMS.pclosd ' 2 \  B@,BAdBEhBJCpython-sphinx-alabaster-theme0.7.121pclos2022Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx themeConfigurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme.-TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinx-alabaster-theme-0.7.12-1pclos2022.src.rpm3aed94e366ec908b738d996f90c39729a./SRPMS.pclosd  + L04 ;NXdB@BABEBJCpython-sphinx_rtd_theme1.0.01pclos2022Sphinx theme for readthedocs.orgThis is a prototype mobile-friendly sphinx theme for readthedocs.org. It's currently in development and includes some rtd variable checks that can be ignored if you're just trying to use it on your project outside of that site.'TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinx_rtd_theme-1.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm'5fa00b4e6bb35e3076c0dde56b2d81ed./SRPMS.pclosd!' 2 X %B@0BAhBElBJCpython-sphinxcontrib-applehelp1.0.21pclos2022Sphinx extension for Apple help bookssphinxcontrib-applehelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books.HTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch gettextpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmM[4b98c29599409964197f74f4a472cc53./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 W !B@,BAdBEhBJCpython-sphinxcontrib-devhelp1.0.21pclos2022Sphinx extension for Devhelp documentssphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp document.6+TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch gettextpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm:6c89fd8aaa7fcfc640f1f042445e9ec2./SRPMS.pclosd & 1 V !B@,BAdBEhBJCpython-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp2.0.01pclos2022Sphinx extension for HTML help filessphinxcontrib-htmlhelp is a sphinx extension which renders HTML help files.WTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch gettextpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm\eb746010fa55a4bba1acb335dde72b3a./SRPMS.pclosd$ / U B@(BA`BEdBJCpython-sphinxcontrib-qthelp1.0.31pclos2022Sphinx extension for QtHelp documentssphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp document.DTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch gettextpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3-1pclos2022.src.rpmH7e674af6a59838b7e76800043eb0c9fb./SRPMS.pclosd'- 8 ] IB@TBABEBJCpython-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml1.1.51pclos2022Sphinx extension for serialized HTMLsphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs "serialized" HTML files (json and pickle).C)TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch gettextpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.5-1pclos2022.src.rpmGf3a7d2bb996274194d46a2a9b18d893e./SRPMS.pclosd"( 3 K bB@nBABEBJCpython-sphinxcontrib-websupport1.2.41pclos2022Sphinx API for Web Appssphinxcontrib-webuspport provides a Python API to easily integrate Sphinx documentation into your Web application.UTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch lib64python-devellib64python3-develpython-setuptoolspython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.2.4-1pclos2022.src.rpmaa98ec2cd0ec1caab7aadfe703a7732d1./SRPMS.pclosd & Z,0 7JT`B@BABEBJCpython-sqlalchemy1.3.231pclos2022SQL toolkit and object relational mapper for PythonSQLAlchemy is an Object Relational Mappper (ORM) that provides a flexible, high-level interface to SQL databases. Database and domain concepts are decoupled, allowing both sides maximum flexibility and power. SQLAlchemy provides a powerful mapping layer that can work as automatically or as manually as you choose, determining relationships based on foreign keys or letting you define the join conditions explicitly, to bridge the gap between database and domain.:6TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sqlalchemy-1.3.23-1pclos2022.src.rpm:722333883f048d7d79336b95bd78e9c6./SRPMS.pclos_d ! < B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-sqlite1.0.14pclos2013Python bindings for sqliteThis packages allows you to use sqlite with python. sqliite is a simple database engine.pDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develsqlite-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sqlite-1.0.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmKd4f6125950c904a0342c566b5b6d9a3a./SRPMS.pcloscd " > B@BA0BE4BJUCpython-sqlite22.8.21pclos2018Python bindings for sqlite3This packages allows you to use sqlite3 with python. sqliite is a simple database engine.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develsqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sqlite2-2.8.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm%b9454ee4487e10b4b89cc7c05f040798./SRPMS.pclosod $ ^ B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-sqlobject1.3.21pclos2013SQLObject Object-Relational Manager, aka database wrapperClasses created using SQLObject wrap database rows, presenting a friendly-looking Python object instead of a database/SQL interface. Emphasizes convenience. Works with MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, Firebird. This package requires sqlite. Futher database connectors have to be installed separately.>,Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-formencoderpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sqlobject-1.3.2-1pclos2013.src.rpmEpd6325c016e279aab1ce3b0cfeb85b42e./SRPMS.pclossd   ^ B@BA@BEDBJeCpython-srt3.5.21pclos2022A tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files.A tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files.WTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-srt-3.5.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm^@ae261d629d8d4fcae4ca118946d1bbc3./SRPMS.pclosgd  A B@ BA4BE8BJYCpython-stem1.8.01pclos2022Python controller library for TorStem is a python controller library for Tor. It uses Tor’s control protocol to help developers program against the Tor process.CDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-stem-1.8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm08f2e83fe0edc0c75af0caab2d061abf./SRPMS.pclosd  C  (0\B@eBABEBJCpython-storm0.192pclos2013Object Relational Mapper for PythonStorm is an object-relation mapper (ORM) for the Python language. It allows rows from a relational database to be seen as objects in an object-oriented language like Python. - Storm lets you efficiently access and update large datasets by allowing you to formulate complex queries spanning multiple tables using Python. - Storm allows you to fallback to SQL if needed (or if you just prefer), allowing you to mix "old school" code and ORM code%Development/Pythonnoarch libpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-storm-0.19-2pclos2013.src.rpmba11625ce54304d95be208ac1973913a./SRPMS.pclosd " [ (B@4BA\BE`BJCpython-subunit1.4.01pclos2022Python implementation of subunit test streaming protocolSubunit is a streaming protocol for test results..TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-subunit-1.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm4c86f76b4dc632c602fca506d6e0cf44c./SRPMS.pclosCd  4 B@BABEBJ5Cpython-suds0.4.11pclos2015A python SOAP clientThe suds project is a python soap web services client lib. Suds leverages python meta programming to provide an intuitive API for consuming web services. Objectification of types defined in the WSDL is provided without class generation. Programmers rarely need to read the WSDL since services and WSDL based objects can be easily inspected.PDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-suds-0.4.1-1pclos2015.src.rpmV~6d06e3b1cda1c8afdb376af733dfacae./SRPMS.pclosd ! K B@$BALBEPBJqCpython-symeig1.4.18pclos2019Symmetrical eigenvalue routines for numpyThe symeig module contains a Python wrapper for the LAPACK functions that solve the standard and generalized eigenvalue problems for symmetric (hermitian) positive definite matrices. Those specialized algorithms provide an important speed-up relative to the generic LAPACK eigenvalue problem solver in NumPy (linalg.eig and linalg.eigh).jDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lapack-develpython-develpython-numpy-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-symeig-1.4.1-8pclos2019.src.rpmr d28b31730f3b2a9c4f2bff785a16a795./SRPMS.pclos_d  H B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-sympy0.7.11pclos2013Python library for symbolic mathematicsSymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python and does not require any external libraries, except optionally for plotting support./>Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-sympy-0.7.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm/03e9ddc8a3a2fc64fc6e6899c6786dbc./SRPMS.pclosKd # aL PclB@BABEBJ=Cpython-tagpy2018.1.13pclos2022Python bindings for TagLib to read and write music files tagsTagPy is a Python crust (or a set of Python bindings) for TagLib, which allows to read and write ID3 tags of version 1 and 2, access Xiph Comments in Ogg Vorbis Files and Ogg Flac Files and access APE tags in Musepack and MP3 files.8Development/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(taglib)boost-develpkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tagpy-2018.1.1-3pclos2022.src.rpm=)865445459d3caf99436155d98659ca25./SRPMS.pclosd   S$ (;DLuB@~BABEBJCpython-tal1.5.04pclos2013Zope Template Attribute Language (TAL) Python moduleThis python module provides an implementation of TAL, the Zope Template Attribute Language. For TAL, see the Zope Presentation Templates ZWiki: http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/FrontPageDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tal-1.5.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm9e72c8c665a116d2ee1d2363f00c1fef./SRPMS.pclosWd & E B@BA$BE(BJICpython-telepathy0.15.192pclos2013Python libraries for TelepathyPython libraries for use in Telepathy clients and connection managers.NDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-devellibxslt-procrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-telepathy-0.15.19-2pclos2013.src.rpmU3d8e6de1bd6b764d82698f05d7bf1089./SRPMS.pclosSd " H B@BA BE$BJECpython-tempita0.5.12pclos2013A very small text templating languageTempita is a small templating language for text substitution.0"Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspython-noserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tempita-0.5.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm6K389b2408ef3c5a287d86fb8452e56656./SRPMS.pclosOd # R ",LB@BABE BJACpython-tenacity8.0.11pclos2022Tenacity is a general purpose retrying libraryTenacity is a general-purpose retrying library, written in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about anything. It originates from a fork of Retrying.}TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmpython3-pbrpython3-sixpython3-tornadopython3-typeguardrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! H $MB@VBABEBJCpython-testoob1.153pclos2013Advanced Python unit testing frameworkTestoob is an advanced Python unit testing framework that integrates effortlessly with Python's standard 'unittest' module. It is designed and built to be easy to use and extend.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-testoob-1.15-3pclos2013.src.rpm043db4a4a00fcd762fc7e03505e245d4./SRPMS.pclosd " > $0kB@uBABEBJCpython-textile2.1.51pclos2013A Humane Web Text GeneratorTextile is a XHTML generator using a simple markup developed by Dean Allen. This is a Python port with support for code validation, itex to MathML translation, Python code coloring and much more.>Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-textile-2.1.5-1pclos2013.src.rpmE+6ab6bd82dc536b1df3adfb154347b3df./SRPMS.pclosd  3 -B@6BA\BE`BJCpython-tidy0.26pclos2016Wrapper for HTML TidyA wrapper for the relocatable version of HTML Tidy (see U{http://tidy.sourceforge.net for details}). This allows you to tidy HTML files through a Pythonic interface.8cDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tidy-0.2-6pclos2016.src.rpm?62fc0bc27dbc6043e660f255936d5937./SRPMS.pclosSd  S B@BA BE$BJECpython-toml0.10.22pclos2022Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal LanguageA Python library for parsing and creating TOML.JDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-toml-0.10.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmPa9c9d191d668beb5720b877cf7888bfa./SRPMS.pclosd  @ 8B@DBAlBEpBJCpython-tomli2.0.11pclos2022A little TOML parser for PythonTomli is a Python library for parsing TOML and is fully compatible with TOML v1.0.0.1TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspyproject-rpm-macrospython3-flit-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tomli-2.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm86723ce0ce630031567152d85c4f3387a./SRPMS.pclosd  L  B@(BAPBETBJuCpython-tornado6.21pclos2022Scalable, non-blocking web server and toolsTornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and and tools. The framework is distinct from most mainstream web server frameworks (and certainly most Python frameworks) because it is non-blocking and reasonably fast. Because it is non-blocking and uses epoll, it can handle thousands of simultaneous standing connections, which means it is ideal for real-time web services.Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tornado-6.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm 4cc4a3a3cdb4f9bd4586eea0db7df61b./SRPMS.pclosd   N  (B@BABEBJCpython-tox3.25.11pclos2022Virtualenv-based automation of test activitiesTox as is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool you can use for: - checking your package installs correctly with different Python versions and interpreters - running your tests in each of the environments, configuring your test tool of choice - acting as a frontend to Continuous Integration servers, greatly reducing boilerplate and merging CI and shell-based testing.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmpython3-pypython3-pytestpython3-virtualenvrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tox-3.25.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmM9885c9469d0a5836588de93b29af30fb./SRPMS.pclosod % Glp B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-traceback21.4.01pclos2018Backports of the traceback moduleBackports of the traceback module.:marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-pbrpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-traceback2-1.4.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmAr9934e86d5c35502320f549b4ec296a3d./SRPMS.pclosd $ S B@,BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-traitlets4.3.22pclos2022A configuration system for Python applicationsA configuration system for Python applications.Development/Pythonnoarch bsdtarpython-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-traitlets-4.3.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmc3928a86209efe42b945df8a541db152./SRPMS.pclosd & H  (4oB@yBABEBJCpython-transaction1.0.04pclos2013Transaction management for PythonThis package contains a generic transaction implementation for Python. It is mainly used by the ZODB, though. Note that the data manager API, transaction.interfaces.IDataManager, is syntactically simple, but semantically complex. The semantics were not easy to express in the interface. This could probably use more work. The semantics are presented in detail through examples of a sample data manager in transaction.tests.test_SampleDataManager.{/Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-transaction-1.0.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm%0c50a1611c903f8bfaad77893c8ee9a7./SRPMS.pclosd $ B /B@:BAdBEhBJCpython-translate1.9.02pclos2013Software localization toolkitThe Translate Toolkit is a set of software and documentation designed to help make the lives of localizers both more productive and less frustrating. The Toolkit is part of the translate.sourceforge.net project, hosted at http://translate.sourceforge.net/ The software includes programs to covert localization formats to the common PO format and programs to check and manage PO files. The documentation includes guides on using the tools, running a localization project and how to localize various projects from OpenOffice.org to Mozilla. At its core the software contains a set of classes for handling various localization storage formats: DTD, properties, OpenOffice.org GSI/SDF, CSV and of course PO. And scripts to convert between these formats. Also part of the Toolkit are Python programs to create word counts, merge translations and perform various checks on PO files. 9Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-lxmlpython-simplejsonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-translate-1.9.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm >1ad30a617b5b2ebc380ee396a936dc76./SRPMS.pclos'd % V| B@BABEBJCpython-trash-cli0.11.24pclos2013Command line interface to FreeDesktop.org Trash.trash-cli - Command Line Interface to FreeDesktop.org Trash. trash-cli provides the following commands to manage the trash: * trash-put trashes files and directories. * trash-empty empty the trashcan(s). * trash-list list trashed file. * trash-restore restore a trashed file. For each file the name, original path, deletion date, and permissions are recorded. The trash command allow trash multiple files with the same name. These command uses the same Trashcan of last versions of KDE, GNOME and XFCE.Development/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-trash-cli-0.11.2-4pclos2013.src.rpm<54384a2c3784534d3cd519ad16a8372c./SRPMS.pclosd # S =B@JBAtBExBJCpython-twisted21.7.02pclos2022Event-based framework for internet applicationsTwisted is a framework, written in Python, for writing networked applications. It includes implementations of a number of commonly used network services such as a web server, an IRC chat server, a mail server, a relational database interface and an object broker. Developers can build applications using all of these services as well as custom services that they write themselves. Twisted also includes a user authentication system that controls access to services and provides services with user context information to implement their own security models.*5TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-incrementalpython3-zope-interfacepyproject-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-21.7.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm*2aa26226d1e4275fa005e29edf46b18b./SRPMS.pclosd ) s 1B@;BAlBEpBJCpython-twisted-conch15.2.12pclos2016An SSH and SFTP protocol implementation together with clients and serversConch is an SSHv2 implementation written in Python. SSH is a protocol designed to allow remote access to shells and commands, but it is generic enough to allow everything from TCP forwarding to generic filesystem access. Since Conch is written in Python, it interfaces well with other Python projects such as Imagination. Conch also includes a implementations of the telnet and vt102 protocols, as well as support for rudamentary line editing behaviors. A new implementation of Twisted's Manhole application is also included, featuring server-side input history and interactive syntax coloring.QDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-conch-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpmX4729a5d262cd0b47551c5bd441b6d7e3./SRPMS.pclosd ( X B@'BAXBE\BJ}Cpython-twisted-core15.2.12pclos2016Event-based framework for internet applicationsTwisted is a framework, written in Python, for writing networked applications. It includes implementations of a number of commonly used network services such as a web server, an IRC chat server, a mail server, a relational database interface and an object broker. Developers can build applications using all of these services as well as custom services that they write themselves. Twisted also includes a user authentication system that controls access to services and provides services with user context information to implement their own security models.GDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-zope-interfacepkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-core-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpmbf7915712c369863003898bcdbd2b1b0d./SRPMS.pclosod ' \ B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-twisted-flow8.2.05pclos2016Generator-based async result flow module for TwistedFlow is a generator-based async result flow module for Twisted.ZDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-flow-8.2.0-5pclos2016.src.rpma+f3362d10d8aa5db8fef7904720f0e129./SRPMS.pclosgd ( B B@BA4BE8BJYCpython-twisted-lore15.2.12pclos2016A documentation generatorTwisted Lore is the documentation generator of the Twisted matrix framework.ΰDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-lore-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpmB0198c7b9919c536ccded1707c1cbd3d3./SRPMS.pclosd ( t 1B@;BAlBEpBJCpython-twisted-mail15.2.12pclos2016An STMP/POP2/IMAP protocol implementation together with clients and serversTwisted Mail contains high-level, efficient protocol implementations for both clients and servers of SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4. Additionally, it contains an "out of the box" combination SMTP/POP3 virtual-hosting mail server. Also included is a read/write Maildir implementation and a basic Mail Exchange calculator (depends on Twisted Names).Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-mail-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpml5389d7d1cf29e336b439d99d83bb7f12./SRPMS.pclosd ) _ 5B@?BApBEtBJCpython-twisted-names15.2.12pclos2016An DNS protocol implementation with client and serverTwisted Names is both a domain name server as well as a client resolver library. Twisted Names comes with an "out of the box" nameserver which can read most BIND-syntax zone files as well as a simple Python-based configuration format. Twisted Names can act as an authoritative server, perform zone transfers from a master to act as a secondary, act as a caching nameserver, or any combination of these. Twisted Names' client resolver library provides functions to query for all commonly used record types as well as a replacement for the blocking gethostbyname() function provided by the Python stdlib socket module.qyDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-names-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpmx8383b4d6d0df661f3441ff4b53fdc615./SRPMS.pclosd ( j $0mB@wBABEBJCpython-twisted-news15.2.12pclos2016An NNTP protocol implementation together with clients and serversTwisted News provides a very basic NNTP server, as well as an NNTP client protocol implementation. Two messages storage systems are supported: the DB-API 2.0 backend stores and indexes messages in any compatible SQL database; the Twisted dirdbm backend uses serialized Python objects stored directly on the filesystem for message storage. Twisted News also has very rudamentary support for moderated groups.TDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-news-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpmZc172ec4bda9f2459c6354f2687fa3373./SRPMS.pclosd ( X %B@/BA`BEdBJCpython-twisted-pair15.2.12pclos2016A module to do low level tcp stuff with TwistedRaw network packet parsing routines, including ethernet, IP and UDP packets, and tuntap support.YDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-pair-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpm_e75f3242af340d98bdfb78981dbb6d83./SRPMS.pclosd * t )B@3BAdBEhBJCpython-twisted-runner15.2.12pclos2016Runner has process management, including an inetd replacement for TwistedRunner has process management, including an inetd replacement for Twisted.8Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-runner-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpm>5920e16bfee23d7c2f594bb8f8762200./SRPMS.pclosd ' i =B@GBAtBExBJCpython-twisted-web15.2.12pclos2016An HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and serversAn HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and servers, based on the twisted python framework.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-web-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpm29e233603f9746792f552892fef9b046./SRPMS.pclosd ' m (eB@oBABEBJCpython-twisted-web28.1.02pclos2016An HTTP/1.1 protocol implementation together with clients and serversAn HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and servers, based on the twisted python framework. This version is still experimental.'zDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-web2-8.1.0-2pclos2016.src.rpm, b20842bb48bb39ed15bdbb29401678d6./SRPMS.pclosd ) W, 0CLXB@BABEBJCpython-twisted-words15.2.12pclos2016Chat and Instant Messaging module for TwistedTwisted Words includes: * Low-level protocol implementations of OSCAR (AIM and ICQ), IRC, MSN, TOC (AIM). * Jabber libraries. * Prototypes of chat server and client frameworks built on top of the protocols.:Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-words-15.2.1-2pclos2016.src.rpm43df071b26818279cdc8f08776951644./SRPMS.pclosCd ( Hl pB@BABEBJ5Cpython-twisted-xish0.1.031pclos2016A XML API for Twisted frameworkA XML API for Twisted framework.QDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-twisted-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twisted-xish-0.1.0-31pclos2016.src.rpmWc44f00ef281d4332e67e1ff39b4b97bc./SRPMS.pclos;d " > B@BABE BJ-Cpython-twitter0.8.21pclos2013Python bingings for TwitterThis library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API. Twitter (http://twitter.com) provides a service that allows people to connect via the web, IM, and SMS. Twitter exposes a web services API (http://twitter.com/help/api) and this library is intended to make it even easier for python programmers to use.ȑDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twitter-0.8.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm8e5467de859bfce2dd40dcbceacae2a8./SRPMS.pclosd  Fh lB@BABEBJ Cpython-twitty0.14pclos2016A twisted client for twitter-like APIsTwitter client for Twisted PythonnDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twitty-0.1-4pclos2016.src.rpmedb4703574c8be724ca408a4b30358c2./SRPMS.pclosWd  K B@BA$BE(BJICpython-twython1.23pclos2013Twython - Easy Twitter utilities in PythonAn easy (and up to date) way to access Twitter data with Python.e Development/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-twython-1.2-3pclos2013.src.rpmk95fc3b1db8e83f29f76822dda5413612c./SRPMS.pclosd % F LB@WBABEBJCpython-typeguard2.13.31pclos2022Run-time type checker for PythonThis library provides run-time type checking for functions defined with PEP 484 argument (and return) type annotations. TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-typeguard-2.13.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm 3b17a0530628efbacbcbcf927ab128d8./SRPMS.pcloskd ! Yt xB@BA8BE<BJ]Cpython-typing3.6.42pclos2022Typing defines a standard notation for type annotationsTyping defines a standard notation for Python function and variable type annotations. The notation can be used for documenting code in a concise, standard format, and it has been designed to also be used by static and runtime type checkers, static analyzers, IDEs and other tools.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-typing-3.6.4-2pclos2022.src.rpmcefb18d01c193782b8c9962f5f024af8./SRPMS.pclosd! , Ept { B@BALBEPBJqCpython-typing-extensions4.0.11pclos2022Python Typing ExtensionsTyping Extensions - Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python The typing module was added to the standard library in Python 3.5 on a provisional basis and will no longer be provisional in Python 3.7. However, this means users of Python 3.5 - 3.6 who are unable to upgrade will not be able to take advantage of new types added to the typing module, such as typing.Text or typing.Coroutine. The typing_extensions module contains both backports of these changes as well as experimental types that will eventually be added to the typing module, such as Protocol. Users of other Python versions should continue to install and use the typing module from PyPi instead of using this one unless specifically writing code that must be compatible with multiple Python versions or requires experimental types.XTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpyproject-rpm-macrospython3-wheelpython3-flit-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-typing-extensions-4.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm^1fe98ab6b4ab823b1c21624440b5a4b40./SRPMS.pclosd" - Fpt {#B@7BAlBEpBJCpython-typing-extensions4.12.21pclos2025Python Typing ExtensionsTyping Extensions - Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python The typing module was added to the standard library in Python 3.5 on a provisional basis and will no longer be provisional in Python 3.7. However, this means users of Python 3.5 - 3.6 who are unable to upgrade will not be able to take advantage of new types added to the typing module, such as typing.Text or typing.Coroutine. The typing_extensions module contains both backports of these changes as well as experimental types that will eventually be added to the typing module, such as Protocol. Users of other Python versions should continue to install and use the typing module from PyPi instead of using this one unless specifically writing code that must be compatible with multiple Python versions or requires experimental types.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch  pyproject-rpm-macrospython3-develpython3-flit-corepython3-wheelrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python-typing-extensions-4.12.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmU)4e65c8d28aec9538a2913288f5f5fa4f./SRPMS.pclos_d $ q B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-typogrify2.0.71pclos2022Filters to enhance web typography, with support for Django & Jinja templatesTypogrify provides a set of custom filters that automatically apply various transformations to plain text in order to yield typographically-improved HTML. While often used in conjunction with Jinja_ and Django_ template systems, the filters can be used in any environment.1CTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-typogrify-2.0.7-1pclos2022.src.rpm69df0885e628e6a064190b8b1cb1960a5./SRPMS.pcloscd  e| B@ BA0BE4BJUCpython-tzlocal4.21pclos2022A Python module that tries to figure out what your local timezone isThis Python module returns a tzinfo object with the local timezone information. It requires pytz, and returns pytz tzinfo objects. This module attempts to fix a glaring hole in pytz, that there is no way to get the local timezone information, unless you know the zoneinfo name.^TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-pytzrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-tzlocal-4.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmd?e1205c19ecd655752352e6e929a7a7dd./SRPMS.pclosd ! V $TB@^BABEBJCpython-uTidylib0.24pclos2013Wrapper for HTML Tidy at http://tidy.sourceforge.netThe Tidy wrapper. I am the main interface to TidyLib. This package supports processing HTML with Tidy, with all the options that the tidy command line supports.8?Development/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-uTidylib-0.2-4pclos2013.src.rpm>e23fb1bf35d252e1389fbc92dffab8c6./SRPMS.pclos_d " S B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-unipath0.2.14pclos2013Command line interface to FreeDesktop.org Trash.Unipath is package for doing pathname calculations and filesystem access in an object-oriented manner, an alternative to os.path.*, shutil.*, glob, and some os.* functions. It's based on Jason Orendorff's path.py but does not adhere as strictly to the underlying functions' syntax, in order to provide more user convenience and higher-level functionality.Development/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-unipath-0.2.1-4pclos2013.src.rpmcfafd519b4bd921f2a9a6346a96609e3./SRPMS.pclosd $ d *4DB@BABEBJCpython-unittest21.1.01pclos2018Backport of new unittest features for Python 2.7 to Python 2.4+unittest2 is a backport of the new features added to the unittest testing framework in Python 2.7. It is tested to run on Python 2.4 - 2.6.marcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-traceback2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-unittest2-1.1.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm 51321769e0bfcd4fb37cd21790ae7ee6./SRPMS.pclosd % M -B@7BAdBEhBJCpython-urlgrabber3.9.13pclos2013A high-level cross-protocol url-grabberA high-level cross-protocol url-grabber. Using urlgrabber, data can be fetched in three basic ways: urlgrab(url) copy the file to the local filesystem urlopen(url) open the remote file and return a file object (like urllib2.urlopen) urlread(url) return the contents of the file as a string When using these functions (or methods), urlgrabber supports the following features: * identical behavior for http://, ftp://, and file:// urls * http keepalive - faster downloads of many files by using only a single connection * byte ranges - fetch only a portion of the file * reget - for a urlgrab, resume a partial download * progress meters - the ability to report download progress automatically, even when using urlopen! * throttling - restrict bandwidth usage * retries - automatically retry a download if it fails. The number of retries and failure types are configurable. * authenticated server access for http and ftp * proxy support - support for authenticated http and ftp proxies * mirror groups - treat a list of mirrors as a single source, automatically switching mirrors if there is a failure.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-curlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-urlgrabber-3.9.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm70627ca902b3566f4a5e97cf4ee305c0./SRPMS.pclos+d # pDH Obl|B@BABEBJCpython-urllib31.26.92pclos2022Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and moreThere are two critical features missing from the Python standard library: Connection re-using/pooling and file posting. It's not terribly hard to implement these yourself, but it's much easier to use a module that already did the work for you. The Python standard libraries urllib and urllib2 have little to do with each other. They were designed to be independent and standalone, each solving a different scope of problems, and urllib3 follows in a similar vein.;TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-urllib3-1.26.9-2pclos2022.src.rpm427168aa0cb92be9a953af988621942e8./SRPMS.pclosd  T  3<DmB@vBABEBJCpython-urwid1.1.11pclos2013Full-featured Python console user interface libraryUrwid is a console user interface library. It includes many features useful for text console application developers including : * Applcations resize quickly and smoothly * Automatic, programmable text alignment and wrapping * Simple markup for setting text attributes within blocks of text * Powerful list box with programmable content for scrolling all widget types * Your choice of event loops: Twisted, Glib or built-in select-based loop * Pre-built widgets include edit boxes, buttons, check boxes and radio buttons * Display modules include raw, curses, and experimental LCD and web displays * Support for UTF-8, simple 8-bit and CJK encodings * 256 and 88 color mode support * Python 3.2 supporthDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-urwid-1.1.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmq[88aacb58c4687a1a5fc02b0825c7fd4d./SRPMS.pclosd  CD H[dpB@BABEBJCpython-utmp0.83pclos2013A python module for working with utmpThis package provides 3 python modules to access utmp and wtmp records. utmpaccess is lowlevel module wrapping glibc functions, UTMPCONST provides useful constants, and utmp is module build on top of utmpaccess module, providing object oriented interface.?sDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-utmp-0.8-3pclos2013.src.rpmFacc3f87b9c96767dc562306430bb67e4a./SRPMS.pclosd ! i .8DB@BABEBJCpython-venvs3.12.02pclos2022venvs is a tool for configuring, in a single file, a set of virtualenvsvenvs is a tool for configuring, in a single file, a set of virtualenvs, which packages to install into each, and any binaries to make globally available from within.<TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-venvs-3.12.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmAec3fb9aa8953ad60aaefcd9995ca5387./SRPMS.pclosd  <\ `s|B@BABEBJCpython-vine5.0.01pclos2022Promises, promises, promisesPromises, promises, promises.*Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-vine-5.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm1305829f3f871b2a7f035d631af73248./SRPMS.pclosd # q  lB@yBABEBJCpython-virtkey0.60.01pclos2013Python extension for emulating keypresses and getting current keyboard layoutPython-virtkey is a python extension for emulating keypresses and getting current keyboard layout.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolslibxtst-develgtk2-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-virtkey-0.60.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmo0058f83b43a38a0ca85be2108df30af0./SRPMS.pclos3d ' J B@BABEBJ%Cpython-virtualenv20.16.31pclos2022Virtual Python Environment buildervirtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.^Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-virtualenv-20.16.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm|629dd980aeeafd849183678cdcab30dc./SRPMS.pclosd " X$ (;DPB@BABEBJCpython-vobject0.7.14pclos2013A python module for reading vCard and vCalendar filesParses iCalendar and vCard files into Python data structures, decoding the relevant encodings. Also serializes vobject data structures to iCalendar, vCard, or (expirementally) hCalendar unicode strings.fDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-vobject-0.7.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm?5094710f3c7a3fa137a67a63a754a066./SRPMS.pclos[d # 8 B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-waitress0.8.51pclos2013Waitress WSGI serverWaitress is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance. It has no dependencies except ones which live in the Python standard library. It runs on CPython on Unix and Windows under Python 2.6+ and Python 3.2+. It is also known to run on PyPy 1.6.0+ on UNIX. It supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.vDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-waitress-0.8.5-1pclos2013.src.rpm}1118d99a9dc5ff73c1c2f02f3ba600fe./SRPMS.pclos[d # A B@BA(BE,BJMCpython-watchdog2.1.91pclos2022File system events monitoringA Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events.GTerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-watchdog-2.1.9-1pclos2022.src.rpmM784c8d8c7ca1830c2e6d5270beb4fd39./SRPMS.pclosd " c 8B@DBAlBEpBJCpython-wcwidth0.1.72pclos2022Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codesMeasures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes.`Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-wcwidth-0.1.7-2pclos2022.src.rpmfL30b3918da9e966f49f599c586448e70d./SRPMS.pclosod $ B B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-webkitgtk1.1.85pclos2013Python bindings for WebKitGtkPyWebKitGtk provides an API for developers to program WebKit/Gtk using Python.Development/Pythonx86_64 webkitgtk-develpygtk2.0-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-webkitgtk-1.1.8-5pclos2013.src.rpm30995af96a93dd5c51f71f6249c72349./SRPMS.pclosd! , I .8HB@BABEBJCpython-websocket-client0.59.01pclos2022WebSocket client for python3python-websocket-client module is WebSocket client for python. This provides the low level APIs for WebSocket. All APIs are the synchronous functions. python-websocket-client supports only hybi-13.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-websocket-client-0.59.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm,f5a2d66104bce030265051e3c0964700./SRPMS.pclosd $ h $ +>HTB@BABEBJCpython-websockets10.11pclos2022An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol for python with asynciowebsockets is a library for developing WebSocket servers and clients in Python. It implements RFC 6455 with a focus on correctness and simplicity. It passes the Autobahn Testsuite.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-websockets-10.1-1pclos2022.src.rpml47e481286338ec489073fbf413b4cb9d./SRPMS.pclosWd & T B@BA$BE(BJICpython-websockify0.10.01pclos2022WebSockets support for any application/serverWebSockets support for any application/server.Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-websockify-0.10.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm0e595f266286b1922c7562ff431a8740./SRPMS.pclos/d " C` dwB@BABEBJ!Cpython-webtest2.0.61pclos2013Helper to test WSGI applicationsThis package wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to send test requests to that application, without starting up an HTTP server. It provides convenient full-stack testing of applications written with any WSGI-compatible framework. WebTest is based on paste.fixture.TestApp.GDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-setuptoolspython-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-webtest-2.0.6-1pclos2013.src.rpm3=ba778b1d6c7918eb5239f321216a50ad./SRPMS.pclosKd # Rh lB@BABEBJ=Cpython-werkzeug2.2.21pclos2022The Swiss Army knife of Python web developmentWerkzeug ======== Werkzeug started as simple collection of various utilities for WSGI applications and has become one of the most advanced WSGI utility modules. It includes a powerful debugger, full featured request and response objects, HTTP utilities to handle entity tags, cache control headers, HTTP dates, cookie handling, file uploads, a powerful URL routing system and a bunch of community contributed addon modules. Werkzeug is unicode aware and doesn't enforce a specific template engine, database adapter or anything else. It doesn't even enforce a specific way of handling requests and leaves all that up to the developer. It's most useful for end user applications which should work on as many server environments as possible (such as blogs, wikis, bulletin boards, etc.). [Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-werkzeug-2.2.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm _293b7fd39a256a5df32de43b394e853b./SRPMS.pclosd ! C@ DW`lB@BABEBJCpython-wheel0.37.11pclos2022A built-package format for PythonA built-package format for Python. A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename and the .whl extension. It is designed to contain all the files for a PEP 376 compatible install in a way that is very close to the on-disk format.Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-wheel-0.37.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmf730c6ce20f04aef02fba0ad953dadfd8./SRPMS.pclos'd  \h lB@BABEBJCpython-which1.1.04pclos2013Small which replacement that can be used as a Python modulewhich.py is a small which replacement. It has the following features: * it can print all matches on the PATH; * it can note "near misses" on the PATH (e.g. files that match but may not, say, have execute permissions); and * it can be used as a Python module.tHDevelopment/Pythonnoarch pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-which-1.1.0-4pclos2013.src.rpmv84fff1007902396f7dc8b0a042eaad3d6./SRPMS.pclosd ! j B@(BAPBETBJuCpython-whoosh2.7.42pclos2022Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search, and spell checking libraryWhoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python. Programmers can use it to easily add search functionality to their applications and websites. Every part of how Whoosh works can be extended or replaced to meet your needs exactly. 9TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-whoosh-2.7.4-2pclos2022.src.rpm 7696293042ab9fd58210c27ba3712220./SRPMS.pclosd  J CB@MBAtBExBJCpython-wifi0.5.03pclos2013Python binding for the wireless extensionsPython-Wifi is a Python library that provides access to information about a W-LAN card's capabilities, like the wireless extensions written in C.>Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-wifi-0.5.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm~068a1838c1593c8faed20a476069400f./SRPMS.pclosd $ = FB@SBABEBJCpython-wikipedia1.4.52pclos2022Wikipedia API for PythonSearch Wikipedia, get article summaries, get data like links and images from a page, and more.Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-beautifulsoup4python3-nosepython3-requestspython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-wikipedia-1.4.5-2pclos2022.src.rpmb854945ece4f29d95e52a3656f48a426./SRPMS.pclosd   A %B@.BATBEXBJyCpython-wmd0.1.24pclos2013Driver for the Nintendo Wii RemoteWMD is a Linux Driver for the Nintendo Wii Remote. WMD lets you use the Wiimote as a mouse. WMD lets you use the Wiimote as a keyboard.{System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-wmd-0.1.2-4pclos2013.src.rpm17de87f0ce8f8a5bb9a7919afbf0ef23./SRPMS.pclosd  ;\ `s|B@'BALBEPBJqCpython-woob3.01pclos2022Woob, Web Outside Of BrowsersWoob, Web Outside Of Browsers KDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmpython3-pypython3-pytestpython3-virtualenvrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-woob-3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm Q539ae9a0dd3c298d183c8f3bf2b998e5./SRPMS.pclosd  J< @S\hB@BABEBJCpython-wxmpl1.3.14pclos2013Painless matplotlib embedding in wxPythonThe wxmpl module provides a matplotlib FigureCanvas with user-interaction features like point-under-cursor and zooming in on a selected area. Support for creating stripcharts (i.e., plots that update as their data changes) is also included.,=Development/Pythonx86_64 pythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-wxmpl-1.3.1-4pclos2013.src.rpm3701d0496d2d9b77e99de163b042a916c./SRPMS.pcloscd $ ] B@BA0BE4BJUCpython-wxpython44.2.01pclos2022New implementation of wxPython, a GUI toolkit for PythonwxPython4 is a is a new implementation of wxPython Just like "Classic" wxPython it wraps the wxWidgets C++ toolkit and provides access to the user interface portions of the wx API, enabling Python applications to have a GUI on Windows, Macs or Unix systems with a native look and feel and requiring very little (if any) platform specific code. TTerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  gcc-c++doxygenwafwaf-python3wxgtk3.2-develpython3-develpython3-numpy-develpython3-pillowpython3-requestspython3-setuptoolspython-sip6python3-sixpython3-attrdictrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.0.18-Ɵ649b0b788c2ea7c3e16209223ca0d8fb./SRPMS.pclosd ! \ 8B@EBAlBEpBJCpython-x2go0.4.0.91pclos2014A client-side X2go API for the Python programming languagePython X2Go provides a client-side X2go API for the Python programming language. Python X2go is mostly interesting for developers who want to incorporate X2go client support into their own Python applications. Python X2Go forms the core (heart) of the X2Go client-side applications: PyHoca-GUI and PyHoca-CLI.@pinoc32System/Librariesnoarch python-setuptoolspython-xlibpython-geventpython-greenletpython-paramikorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-x2go- A1078d86bb57bbd752f118fe403ee0635./SRPMS.pclosd  ? ZB@eBABEBJCpython-xattr0.9.91pclos2022Extended attributes for pythonpython-xattr is a C extension module for Python which implements extended attributes manipulation. It is a wrapper on top of the attr C library - see attr(5).8Development/Pythonx86_64 lib64attr1-devellib64ffi-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-xattr-0.9.9-1pclos2022.src.rpm=h7b4a22c2812f354eab43fa4017f25402./SRPMS.pclosd " oP Tgp|B@BABEBJCpython-xcaplib1.1.01pclos2015Client for managing full or partial XML documents on XCAP servers (RFC 4825)XCAP protocol, defined in RFC 4825, allows a client to read, write, and modify application configuration data stored in XML format on a server. XCAP maps XML document sub-trees and element attributes to HTTP URIs, so that these components can be directly accessed by HTTP. An XCAP server used by XCAP clients to store data like presence policy in combination with a SIP Presence server that supports PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY SIP methods can provide a complete SIP SIMPLE solution.SDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-xcaplib-1.1.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm[53d0448a38c49349b457758fd9f85334./SRPMS.pclosCd  G B@BABEBJ5Cpython-xdot0.52pclos2016Interactive viewer for Graphviz dot filesxdot is an interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language. It internally uses Graphviz's xdot output format as an intermediate format, and PyGTK and Cairo for rendering. xdot can be used either as a standalone application from the command line, or as a library embedded in your Python application.[vGraphicsnoarch python-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-xdot-0.5-2pclos2016.src.rpma5bbbff76eade2070d3013aadbbf4b9a1./SRPMS.pclos{d ' @t x B@BAHBELBJmCpython-xfce4.4.10.29680.3pclos2010Python bindings for XfcePython bindings for the Xfce desktop environment. {Development/Pythoni586  libxfce4util-devellibxfcegui4-devellibxfce4-panel-develpygtk2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ebb6b17528631a9cc4db8a7b90ea8394./SRPMS.pclosod  X B@BA<BE@BJaCpython-xgoogle1.42pclos2013Python library to search Google without using their APIA Python library to search Google without using their API.Development/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-xgoogle-1.4-2pclos2013.src.rpmq7e10da3ee690db71201e07f4d8570884./SRPMS.pclosCd ! V B@BABEBJ5Cpython-xkit0.4.2.22pclos2013A simple, transparent and easy to extend xorg parserA simple, transparent and easy to extend xorg parserDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develpython-setuptoolspython-mockpython-enum34python-netifacespython-sixpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-mockpython3-netifacespython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-zeroconf-0.20.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmvbb681137cb85282aeeeb5090e2902cf0./SRPMS.pclosd  [ IB@UBA|BEBJCpython-zipp1.2.01pclos2022Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip filesA pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper. A backport of the Path object.4TerryNDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-pathlib2python3-setuptoolspython3-setuptools_scmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-zipp-1.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm9ad569c34b3c73efdda83f5462a196a36./SRPMS.pclosd ) I (eB@oBABEBJCpython-zope-interface5.4.01pclos2022Zope 3 Interface InfrastructureInterfaces are a mechanism for labeling objects as conforming to a given API or contract. This is a separate distribution of the zope.interface package used in Zope 3.TerryNDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python-zope-interface-5.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmŤdde5fbd5cbdab4e29b1634ce537fc186./SRPMS.pclos_d ! : B@BA,BE0BJQCpython-zopfli0.1.91pclos2022Zopfli module for pythonpyzopfli is a straight forward wrapper around zopfli's ZlibCompress method. 5x.Development/Pythonx86_64 python-rpm-macrosdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-kiwisolver-1.1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm+969b34febdb4137667dce33d345a5c4b./SRPMS.pclosd   O $B@/BATBEXBJyCpython3-ly0.9.51pclos2018Tool and library for manipulating LilyPond filesTool and library for manipulating LilyPond files.+umarcin82 Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-ly-0.9.5-1pclos2018.src.rpm2`8e06dd356f92c4664e237f7d882d5d03./SRPMS.pclosd  G 5B@BBAhBElBJCpython3-m2r0.1.141pclos2019Markdown to reStructuredText converterM2R converts a markdown file including reST markups to a valid reST format.VDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-docutilspython3-mistunepython3-pygmentspython3-mockrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-m2r-0.1.14-1pclos2019.src.rpm\ia487a52289b4f29d5f392c8ed85634a8./SRPMS.pclosd  G  $7@TB@BABEBJ Cpython3-m2r20.3.21pclos2022Markdown to reStructuredText converterM2R2 converts a markdown file including reStructuredText (rst) markups to a valid rst format. M2R2 is a fork of m2r which hasn't been updated for a long time and there's been no response from the author about a PR fixing a serious issue that broke several pipelines using sphinx3. Every m2r config should work out of the box. I've changed some of the tooling for what I'm mostly using now. Below goes the original readme, changing only what's needed to work with m2r2.ADevelopment/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-mistunepython3-pygmentspython3-mockrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-m2r2-0.3.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmI)5b77451f742e7e618ed98666900154cf./SRPMS.pclosd & RH L_h0(0@0B@wBABEBJCpython3-matplotlib3.0.31pclos2019Matlab-style 2D plotting package for PythonMatplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. matplotlib can be used in python scripts, the python and ipython shell, web application servers, and six graphical user interface toolkits. Matplotlib tries to make easy things easy and hard things possible. You can generate plots, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, errorcharts, scatterplots, etc, with just a few lines of code.YDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 lib64freetype6-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64png-devellib64wxPython3.0-devellibpthread-stubspygtk2.0-develpysidetcl-develtkintertk-develx11-server-xvfbzlib-develpython-backportspython-backports-functools_lru_cachepython-cairo-develpython-dateutilpython-develpython-gobject3-develpython-ipythonpython-numpy-develpython-pillow-develpython-pyparsingpython-pysidepython-pytzpython-qt4-develpython-qt5-develpython-setuptoolspython-sixpython3-cairopython3-cyclerpython3-dateutilpython3-develpython3-gobject3-develpython3-ipythonpython3-numpy-develpython3-pillowpython3-pyparsingpython3-pysidepython3-pytzpython3-qt5python3-qt4python3-setuptoolspython3-sip-develpython3-sixpython3-tornadopython3-kiwisolverrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-matplotlib-3.0.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm-if7875e9c13a40fec48a8bd05e43842c8./SRPMS.pclos/d # 3` dwB@BABEBJ!Cpython3-mistune0.8.41pclos2022Markdown parserThe fastest markdown parser in pure Python.yDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-mistune-0.8.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm6ff01c10625094c2438e3b41ca6daa0e./SRPMS.pclos#d $ P| B@BABEBJCpython3-mutagen1.45.12pclos2021Read and write audio tags for many formats.Read and write audio tags for many formats.#fDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-mutagen-1.45.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm*f392998420b419a85dd937ea3ce04635./SRPMS.pclosd  _  #,4bB@kBABEBJCpython3-nvml0.2.32pclos2019Python 3 compatible bindings to the NVIDIA Management Library.Python 3 compatible bindings to the NVIDIA Management Library. Can be used to query the state of the GPUs on your system. This was ported from the NVIDIA provided python bindings nvidia-ml-py, which only supported python 2. I have forked from version 7.352.0. The old library was itself a wrapper around the NVIDIA Management Library. In addition to these NVIDIA functions to query the state of the GPU, I have written a couple functions/tools to help in using gpus (particularly for a shared gpu server). These are: - A function to 'restrict' the available GPUs by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable. - A script for displaying a differently formatted nvidia-smi.48c9eaaba52fbd38dd2609fc84a18d43./SRPMS.pclosKd # b B@BABEBJ=Cpython3-pipx0.13.1.11pclos2019execute binaries from Python packages in isolated environmentsexecute binaries from Python 3 packages in isolated environments'Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-pipx- ) t RB@eBABEBJCpython3-protontricks1.12.01pclos2024A simple wrapper for running Winetricks commands for Proton-enabled games.A simple wrapper for running Winetricks commands for Proton-enabled games. bDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  python3-pillowpython3-setuptoolspython3-vdfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python3-protontricks-1.12.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm)ed07485a8bc53735316041862aeaf5dc./SRPMS.pclosd $ U  3<@\B@dBABEBJCpython3-pycparser2.212pclos2022pycparser is a complete parser of the C languagepycparser is a complete parser of the C language, written in pure Python using the PLY parsing library. It parses C code into an AST and can serve as a front-end for C compilers or analysis tools.Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-pycparser-2.21-2pclos2022.src.rpm >6d05ceed139599c08df11ee7a1c4336d./SRPMS.pclos7d # W    B@BABEBJ)Cpython3-pydicom1.4.11pclos2020Read, modify and write DICOM files with python codepydicom is a pure python package for working with DICOM files. It was made for inspecting and modifying DICOM data in an easy "pythonic" way. The modifications can be written again to a new file. pydicom is not a DICOM server, and is not primarily about viewing images. It is designed to let you manipulate data elements in DICOM files with python code. Limitations -- the main limitation of the current version is that compressed pixel data (e.g. JPEG) cannot be altered in an intelligent way as it can for uncompressed pixels. Files can always be read and saved, but compressed pixel data cannot easily be modified. Python 3 version.aDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 gitpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sixpython3-sphinxpython3-sphinx_rtd_themepython3-numpy-develpython3-numpypython3-dateutilrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-pydicom-1.4.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm*ce7c4cd67734f18488780d6ef1c600c3./SRPMS.pclosd & _, 0CLPlB@tBABEBJCpython3-pynetdicom1.4.11pclos2020A Python implementation of the DICOM networking protocolpynetdicom is a pure Python package that implements the DICOM networking protocol. Working with pydicom, it allows the easy creation of DICOM Service Class Users (SCUs) and Service Class Providers (SCPs).Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-pynetdicom-1.4.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmfa412f56e95beec26bd05978269db765./SRPMS.pclos{d" - b  B@BAHBELBJmCpython3-requests-toolbelt0.9.11pclos2022A utility belt for advanced users of python-requestsThis is just a collection of utilities for python-requests, but don’t really belong in requests proper.IDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-requests-toolbelt-0.9.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm03558c6ffb0a3332f28cfef3bcf16792./SRPMS.pclosd    "B@+BAPBETBJuCpython3-rx1.6.12pclos2019Is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and LINQ-style query operators in Python.Reactive Extensions for Python (RxPY) is a set of libraries for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators in Python. Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data streams with Observables, query asynchronous data streams using operators, and parameterize concurrency in data/event streams using Schedulers. Using Rx, you can represent multiple asynchronous data streams (that come from diverse sources, e.g., stock quote, Tweets, computer events, web service requests, etc.), and subscribe to the event stream using the Observer object. The Observable notifies the subscribed Observer instance whenever an event occurs.You can put various transformations in-between the source Observable and the consuming Observer as well. Because Observable sequences are data streams, you can query them using standard LINQ-like query operators implemented by the Observable type. Thus you can filter, map, reduce, compose and perform time-based operations on multiple events easily by using these static LINQ operators. In addition, there are a number of other reactive stream specific operators that allow powerful queries to be written. Cancellation, exceptions, and synchronization are also handled gracefully by using the methods on the Observable object.;Development/Pythonx86_64 python-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-rx-1.6.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm$6ae03caee08def17cc9263373295bbe6./SRPMS.pclosd   D0 4GP\B@BABEBJCpython-sip4.19.252pclos2021SIP - Python/C++ Bindings GeneratorSIP is a tool that makes it very easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. It was originally developed to create PyQt, the Python bindings for the Qt toolkit, but can be used to create bindings for any C or C++ library.FDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-sip-4.19.25-2pclos2021.src.rpm2>829b00587575558f69b3f2ca3c9ac845./SRPMS.pclos d # \d h{B@BABEBJCpython3-sniffio1.2.01pclos2022Sniff out which async library your code is running underYou’re writing a library. You’ve decided to be ambitious, and support multiple async I/O packages, like Trio, and asyncio, and … You’ve written a bunch of clever code to handle all the differences. But… how do you know which piece of clever code to run?<>Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-sniffio-1.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmCKc1d329d933a897626e6e5f8a447f6dda./SRPMS.pclosCd  _ B@BABEBJ5Cpython3-srt3.4.11pclos2021A tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files.A tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files.-Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-srt-3.4.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm421e7dbca7d2b365ca8829b5d5c5b3c10./SRPMS.pclos3d ! X B@BABEBJ%Cpython3-tinycss0.42pclos2022tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Pythontinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python.Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-tinycss-0.4-2pclos2022.src.rpm5de10f08869272c3b7786f2ae9580e4b./SRPMS.pclos[d $ [ B@BA(BE,BJMCpython3-tinycss21.4.01pclos2024tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Pythontinycss2 is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python.Development/Pythonnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python3-tinycss2-1.4.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmb519367db4929e11a8453db538e3a18b./SRPMS.pclosd ! A %B@/BAXBE\BJ}Cpython3-tqdm4.19.61pclos2019Fast, Extensible Progress MeterInstantly make your loops show a smart progress meter - just wrap any iterable with "tqdm(iterable)", and you are done!Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-tqdm-4.19.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm[5d74a6bdd7bd7707b0fbf2a730c635ad./SRPMS.pclosd ! C  B@(BAPBETBJuCpython3-tqdm4.62.31pclos2022A Fast, Extensible Progress Metertqdm means "progress" in Arabic. Instantly make your loops show a smart progress meter - just wrap any iterable\ with "tqdm(iterable)", and you are done!rDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-tqdm-4.62.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm93240edc4311485d209df49a77c80a85./SRPMS.pclosd ! Y  #,0LB@TBA|BEBJCpython3-trio0.20.01pclos2022A friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/OThe Trio project's goal is to produce a production-quality, permissively licensed, async/await-native I/O library for Python. Like all async libraries, its main purpose is to help you write programs that do multiple things at the same time with parallelized I/O. A web spider that wants to fetch lots of pages in parallel, a web server that needs to juggle lots of downloads and websocket connections at the same time, a process supervisor monitoring multiple subprocesses... that sort of thing. Compared to other libraries, Trio attempts to distinguish itself with an obsessive focus on usability and correctness. Concurrency is complicated; we try to make it easy to get things right.;Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-trio-0.20.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm@b6373d920c11fe1ee94b9ce7a3a9ba49./SRPMS.pclosd % R 5B@?BAlBEpBJCpython3-txtorcon0.19.31pclos2019txtorcon password-authenticated key exchangeTwisted-based Tor controller client, with state-tracking and configuration abstractions. https://txtorcon.readthedocs.org?Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-txtorcon-0.19.3-1pclos2019.src.rpmF1119d8f008186d463411ee02b94c7ad9./SRPMS.pclosd & P $aB@kBABEBJCpython3-unidecode1.0.232pclos2022US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode textThis is a python port of Text::Unidecode Perl module. It provides a function, 'unidecode(...)' that takes Unicode data and tries to represent it in ASCII characters.=Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-unidecode-1.0.23-2pclos2022.src.rpm4b9893404c26fc64297e61f061d5f918./SRPMS.pclos/d $ U B@BABEBJ!Cpython3-urllib31.26.91pclos2022HTTP library with thread-safe connection poolingHTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling.Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-urllib3-1.26.9-1pclos2022.src.rpm00338634bcf7893f69719b72a27c5f1e./SRPMS.pclosod $ v B@BA<BE@BJaCpython3-userpath1.8.01pclos2022Cross-platform tool for adding locations to the user PATH, no sudo/runas requiredCross-platform tool for adding locations to the user PATH, no sudo/runas required6Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-userpath-1.8.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm=p21e6d990784cf42325a45947eb21c3ff./SRPMS.pcloskd  N B@BA8BE<BJ]Cpython3-vdf3.41pclos2024Library for working with Valve's VDF text formatLibrary for working with Valve's VDF text formatDevelopment/Pythonx86_64  python3-pillowpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python3-vdf-3.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm4ac074e4644c0f6a445b51f0bb7c4cc6./SRPMS.pclosd " j +48TB@\BABEBJCpython3-venvs3.12.01pclos2019venvs is a tool for configuring, in a single file, a set of virtualenvsvenvs is a tool for configuring, in a single file, a set of virtualenvs, which packages to install into each, and any binaries to make globally available from within.HDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-venvs-3.12.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmO60935f60d668383e0ee98e08c86794fa./SRPMS.pclos;d ! \ B@BABE BJ-Cpython3-vosk0.3.272pclos2022Vosk is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit.Vosk is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit.hDevelopment/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-vosk-0.3.27-2pclos2022.src.rpmh63611b79f42646f8cc8093e674dd3672./SRPMS.pclosWd ( h B@BA$BE(BJICpython3-webencodings0.5.12pclos2022This is a Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standardThis is a Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard. Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-webencodings-0.5.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmL0186c241b2e5bcc1f2437d1b4867e1d2./SRPMS.pclosd  @ BB@KBApBEtBJCpython3-xlib0.151pclos2018X11R6 client-side implementationThe Python3 X Library is a complete X11R6 client-side implementation, written in pure Python. It can be used to write low-levelish X Windows client applications in Python3.Development/Pythonnoarch python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-xlib-0.15-1pclos2018.src.rpmM(23f7821d5421ce048acfc7a8a740e00a./SRPMS.pclosd  ; fB@qBABEBJCpython3-xlib0.311pclos2022X client library for PythonThe Python X Library is a complete X11R6 client-side implementation, written in pure Python. It can be used to write low-levelish X Windows client applications in Python.Development/Pythonnoarch pkgconfig(python3)python3-setuptoolspython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-xlib-0.31-1pclos2022.src.rpm15ae21e4341e8015a591cc920124d17b./SRPMS.pclosd & t +4<jB@sBABEBJCpython3-xmltodict0.12.03pclos2020Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSONIs a Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON. https://www.xml.com/pub/a/2006/05/31/converting-between-xml-and-json.htmlFqDevelopment/Pythonx86_64 python-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-xmltodict-0.12.0-3pclos2020.src.rpmMi76aa39ca92af1f94c20526085cfee2eb./SRPMS.pclosd & G NB@_BABEBJCpython3-ytmusicapi1.8.21pclos2024Unofficial API for YouTube MusicPython library to send requests to the YouTube Music API. It emulates YouTube Music web client requests using the user’s cookie data for authentication.8Development/Pythonnoarch  python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1python3-ytmusicapi-1.8.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm 1bc1770edd6c6073f3ed68a1a9f0538a./SRPMS.pclos[d % Y B@BA(BE,BJMCpython3-zeroconf0.39.01pclos2022Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery LibraryA pure Python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery supporting Bonjour/Avahi.{Development/Pythonnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-zeroconf-0.39.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmcdb8459361a93902fa2e3baa49a689cc4./SRPMS.pclosd * J  4B@<BAlBEpBJCpython3-zope-interface5.4.01pclos2022Zope 3 Interface InfrastructureInterfaces are a mechanism for labeling objects as conforming to a given API or contract. This is a separate distribution of the zope.interface package used in Zope 3.Development/Pythonx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1python3-zope-interface-5.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm:cc04700e60c2acf168afbe5822178636./SRPMS.pclosd ! A -B@;BAdBEhBJCpythonmagick0.9.125pclos2019Python interface to ImageMagickPythonMagick is an object-oriented Python interface to ImageMagick.Graphicsx86_64 python-numpy-devellibtoolboost-devellib64python-devellib64magick-devellib64xt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pythonmagick-0.9.12-5pclos2019.src.rpmv821dcefdfe1e4aef3ca3a4a76cddf84e./SRPMS.pclos_d  b B@ BA,BE0BJQCdepytomtom0.52pclos2010Manage your TomTom under LinuxVerwalten Sie Ihre TomTom unter LinuxManage your TomTom under Linux.Verwalten Sie Ihre TomTom unter Linux.IFile toolsnoarch cabextractpygtk2.0rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pytomtom-0.5-2pclos2010.src.rpmY2414dc0bb6ef0fc6a7cbb14aa604a173./SRPMS.pclosgd   < B@BA4BE8BJYCpytube0.0.11.53pclos2010Graphical multimedia converterPyTube is a graphical multimedia converter written in Python. It is mainly a GUI for various command line tools.+Videonoarch pythonpython-elementtreerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pytube-   > B@BA$BE(BJICpytz2010h1pclos2011World Timezone Definitions for Pythonpytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3 or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end of daylight savings, which you can read more about in the Python Library Reference (datetime.tzinfo). Amost all (over 540) of the Olson timezones are supported.NNealDevelopment/Pythonnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pytz-2010h-1pclos2011.src.rpmY96265e7c938642254424799234628bd1./SRPMS.pclosd   >H L_hxB@BABEBJCpyvorbis1.311pclos2013A wrapper for the Vorbis librariespyvorbis - a Python wrapper for the Ogg/Vorbis library Ogg/Vorbis is available at http://www.xiph.org This is the Vorbis module. You will need to download and install the Python ogg module (available wherever you got this) before you can build the vorbis module.~Development/Pythonx86_64  libvorbis-devellibpython-develpyoggrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   3P TglB@BABEBJ!Cpywbxml0.12pclos2010Python binding for wbxml2Python binding for wbxml2vDevelopment/Pythoni586 python-devellibxml2-develpython-pyrexpopt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1pywbxml-0.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmd366a621236303a69524837af2247222./SRPMS.pclosd   K ;B@NBAlBEpBJCpyzy0.1.01pclos2013The Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion libraryThe Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo conversion library..pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(opencc)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(uuid)sqlite3-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   /\ `jtB@BABEBJCq4wine1.3.111pclos2019Qt5 GUI for W.I.N.EQ4Wine will help you manage wine prefixes and installed applications. General features are: - Easy controlling for wine process; - Autostart icons support; - Easy cd-image use; - You can extract icons from PE files (.exe .dll); - Easy backup and restore for managed prefixes; - Winetriks support.)^Emulatorsx86_64 cmakeicoutilsfuseisoqtsingleapplication-qt5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1q4wine-1.3.11-1pclos2019.src.rpm)cee3ae046aa70eef02b38b4d17cc74e82./SRPMS.pclosd   D8 <BHLhB@pBABEBJCqVamps0.98.11pclos2010qVamps is a tool to help backing up DVDsVamps is a tool to help backing up DVDs: Vamps evaporates DVD compliant MPEG2 program streams by selectively copying audio and subpicture tracks and by re-quantizing the video stream. Shrink ratio may be based on video only or on the full PS.IRVideoi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qVamps-0.98.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmIr1076000fed9600316c9700e22bcbcd1b./SRPMS.pclosd ! E B@BABEBJCqalculate-gtk5.4.01pclos2024A very versatile desktop calculatorQalculate! is a modern multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault-tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional buttons). This package provides the GTK frontend.#^Officex86_64   intltoolpkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libqalculate)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  D B@BABEBJ Cqalculate-qt5.4.01pclos2024A very versatile desktop calculatorQalculate! is a modern multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault-tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional buttons). This package provides the Qt frontend.Officex86_64   pkgconfig(Qt6Network)pkgconfig(Qt6Widgets)pkgconfig(libqalculate)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)qmake-qt6qttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  9@ DJP`B@BABEBJCqamix0.0.7e1pclos2010Easily configurable ALSA mixerQAMix is a configurable mixer for ALSA. The GUI description is defined in an XML file. Default interfaces for standard AC 97 cards and Soundblaster Live are provided. QAMix can be controlled via MIDI. Any number of MIDI events can be bound to any mixer control. Soundi586 libqt3-devellibalsa2-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qamix-0.0.7e-1pclos2010.src.rpmfe547a636791b2c5479de17b4b985c3d./SRPMS.pclos_d    (  B@ BA,BE0BJQCdeqastools0.23.01pclos2020A collection of desktop applications for ALSASammlung von Qt basierender Mixer und Setup ToolsQasTools is a collection of Qt-based mixer and setup tools for the Linux sound system ALSA. Features: * Desktop ALSA mixer applications * Desktop ALSA configuration browserQasTools grafische Mixer Anwendung für ALSA, das Linux Sound System mit Konfigurationswerkzeug. Dieses Paket installiert alle QasTools. * qasmixer * qasconfig * qashctlSoundx86_64 cmakeqttools5kf5-macroslib64alsa2-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64udev0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qastools-0.23.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmc4e63a709478b3ebf9cfb83b726854a0./SRPMS.pclosd   C   2 B@CBAlBEpBJCqastrocam4.1.99.12pclos2010Software to access Philips webcamsQastrocam is a capture program that can work with any video4linux device. Its main purpose is to do astrophotography. It can control a telescope to do guiding with the images received from the video device. It can also control the extended features of a webcam modified to do long exposure (several seconds) captures.m8Hardware/Otheri586 gcc-c++qt3-develSDL-develcfitsiocfitsio-develrsyncautoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qastrocam-  N  B@BABEBJCqbittorrent5.0.41pclos2025A lightweight but featureful BitTorrent clientA lightweight but feature-full BitTorrent client that aims to be very easy to use. It is multi-platform and provides a Qt6 graphical interface.ENetworking/File transferx86_64  boost-develcmakelib64torrent-rasterbar-develninja-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)task-qt6-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1qbittorrent-5.0.4-1pclos2025.src.rpmE496b3d1d01cf8ec17fd0d75d10d585f1./SRPMS.pclossd  8 B@BA@BEDBJeCqbrew0.4.11pclos2011Homebrewer's recipe calculatorQBrew is a homebrewing recipe calculator for Unix, Macintosh and Windows. The QBrew homepage is at .'Runx2Sciences/Chemistryx86_64 libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qbrew-0.4.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmf71b2de1778ccdb7ffd40fd4c8445832./SRPMS.pclos[d   )  $  B@BA(BE,BJMCqbs1.24.01pclos2023Qt5 Build SystemQbs is a tool that helps simplify the build process for developing projects across multiple platforms. Qbs can be used for any software project, regardless of programming language, toolkit, or libraries used. Qbs is an all-in-one tool that generates a build graph from a high-level project description (like qmake or CMake) and additionally undertakes the task of executing the commands in the low-level build graph (like make).d! Development/KDE and Qtx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Script)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qbs-1.24.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmd){b6e4486fa7e2e0a4ccffcaf2b37ee130./SRPMS.pclosd    $B@/BAPBETBJuCdeqbzr0.22.32pclos2013QBzr is a cross-platform GUI front end for Bazaar, based on Qt toolkitPlattformunabhängige Qt GUI für BazaarQBzr is a collection of GUI plugins for Bazaar. Among the included plugins are: * qadd -- GUI for adding files or directories * qannotate -- GUI interface for file annotation * qbrowse -- Browse your branch a-la Trac Browse Source * qcat -- View the contents of a file as of a given revision * qcommit -- GUI interface to enter log message and select changes to commit * qconfig -- Bazaar configuration * qdiff -- Side-by-side and unidiff view of changes. * qinfo -- information about branch * qinit -- Initialize new branch or shared repository * qlog -- Show log messages in GUI window. * qmerge -- Perform a three-way merge * qpull -- GUI interface for pull command * qpush -- GUI interface for push command * qrevert -- Revert changed files * qtag -- Edit tagsQBzr ist eine Sammlung von GUI-Plugins für Bazaar. Ein Teil des Plugins sind: * qadd -- GUI für das Hinzufügen von Dateien und Verzeichnissen * qannotate -- GUI für Dateiannotationen * qbrowse -- Den Code ansehen a-la Trac Browse Source * qcat -- Den Inhalt einer Datei mit gegebener Revisionsnummer anzeigen * qcommit -- GUI zum Eingeben von Log-Nachrichten * qconfig -- Bazaar konfigurieren * qinfo -- Informationen über den Entwicklungszweig * qinit -- Legt einen neuen Zweig an oder ein neues gemeinsames Repositorium * qlog -- Log-Nachrichten in einem GUI-Fenster ansehen * qmerge -- Zusammenfügen von Zweigen * qpull -- GUI für den pull Befehl * qpush -- GUI für den push Befehl * qrevert -- Dateiänderungen entfernen * qtag -- Tags editierenqNetworking/Mailx86_64 cmakelib64gcrypt-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64secret-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qcheckgmail-1.2.9-2pclos2017.src.rpm17f84b5c709a48d3f52f7a9e787dd526f./SRPMS.pclos[d   8    B@BA(BE,BJMCqcomicbook0.9.11pclos2017Comic book archive viewerQComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: * automatic handling of archives * full-screen mode * two-pages mode and japanese mode * thumbnails view * page scaling (fit to window witdth/height, whole page) * mouse or keyboard navigation, whatever you prefer * bookmarks * and more... bb2 File toolsx86_64 cmakeqttools5lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64poppler-qt5-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64imlib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qcomicbook-0.9.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm 2917b0c764dcb0fbbf809e5a39bc8c42./SRPMS.pclosd  0 RB@fBABEBJCqcoro0.10.01pclos2024C++ Coroutines for QtThe QCoro library provides set of tools to make use of the C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt actions. The major benefit of using coroutines with Qt types is that it allows writing asynchronous code as if it were synchronous and, most importantly, while the coroutine is co_awaiting, the Qt event loop runs as usual, meaning that your application remains responsive. Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakedbus-x11ninjapkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qcoro-0.10.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm1#631537384cfbc70ba7d0c3603c65f71e./SRPMS.pclosd  / .B@:BA\BE`BJCqcoro0.7.02pclos2023C++ Coroutines for QtThe QCoro library provides set of tools to make use of the C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt actions. The major benefit of using coroutines with Qt types is that it allows writing asynchronous code as if it were synchronous and, most importantly, while the coroutine is co_awaiting, the Qt event loop runs as usual, meaning that your application remains responsive..9System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(xkbcommon)cmakedbus-x11ninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qcoro-0.7.0-2pclos2023.src.rpm :45f80d89a4a2aac7896e92f9e363c82b./SRPMS.pclos_d  MH LR\xB@BA,BE0BJQCqcustomplot2.0.11pclos2020Qt widget for plotting and data visualizationQCustomPlot is a Qt C++ widget for plotting and data visualization. This plotting library focuses on making good looking, publication quality 2D plots, graphs and charts, as well as offering high performance for realtime visualization applications.4Soundx86_64 gcc-c++makepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qcustomplot-2.0.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm4bb6b4a2166ad8ecb33e37401bc405673./SRPMS.pcloskd  MH L^hB@BA8BE<BJ]Cqcustomplot2.1.01pclos2021Qt widget for plotting and data visualizationQCustomPlot is a Qt C++ widget for plotting and data visualization. This plotting library focuses on making good looking, publication quality 2D plots, graphs and charts, as well as offering high performance for realtime visualization applications.*Development/Otherx86_64 gcc-c++makepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qcustomplot-2.1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm*R378d45e5e72627edf2bc785cfba8c122./SRPMS.pcloscd  0 B@BA0BE4BJUCqdbm1.8.772pclos2010Quick Database ManagerQDBM is an embeded database library compatible with GDBM and NDBM. It features hash database and B+ tree database and is developed referring to GDBM for the purpose of the following three points: higher processing speed, smaller size of a database file, and simpler API. This package includes APIs for C, C++, and Java. CGI scripts are also contained. APIs for Perl and Ruby should be installed with a source package.Databasesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qdbm-1.8.77-2pclos2010.src.rpm -aca9d9b6d5a09f7149dba645194e079b./SRPMS.pcloskd   /t x B@BA8BE<BJ]Cqdirstat1.52pclos2019Directory StatisticsQDirStat is a graphical application to show where your disk space has gone and to help you to clean it up. This is a Qt-only port of the old Qt3/KDE3-based KDirStat, now based on the latest Qt 5. It does not need any KDE libs or infrastructure. It runs on every X11-based desktop on Linux, BSD and other Unix-like systems.BFile toolsx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qdirstat-1.5-2pclos2019.src.rpmBc7547fcd035547c48fd3d2d47c914ec6./SRPMS.pclos3d   b< @FLdB@BABEBJ%Cqdvdauthor2.0.02pclos2010QDVDAuthor, the GUI frontend for dvdauthor and other related tools.'Q' DVD-Author is a GUI frontend for dvdauthor and related tools. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use, yet powerful and complete interface to generate DVD menus, slideshows, and videos to burn on a DVD under Linux.hVideoi586  ImageMagick-devellibqt-devellibxine-devellibdv4-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  7H LT\tB@BA0BE4BJUCqedit2.8.33pclos2022Qt based advanced text editorQt based advanced text editor. Supports syntax highlighting, matching-parenthesis highlighting, auto-indentation, customizable text macro for many languages, such as C/C++, fortran, Makefile, HTML/XML, etc. Can be plugged with aspell to provide automatic spell-checking. @zEditorsx86_64 lib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5x11extras-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qedit-2.8.3-3pclos2022.src.rpm Fe2c42166a8521b48cac27f97481205ce./SRPMS.pclosd63<PB@BABEBJCqedje0.4.07pclos2011QEdje - Declarative languageEdje is a declarative language that simplifies the development of complex interfaces separating the UI design from the application logic, by providing animations, layouts and simple scripts in a very small memory footprint.mDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64 qt4-develkde4-macrosqzion-develeet-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qedje-0.4.0-7pclos2011.src.rpmS1bd8753ae36e796ff290f2d653d53619./SRPMS.pclos7d   4X \fpB@BABEBJ)Cqemu7.2.03pclos2023Qemu Emulator for PCLinuxOSQemu Virtual Emulator for PCLinuxOS[Emulatorsx86_64 lib64aio-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cap-ng-devellib64drm-devellib64epoxy-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64lzo-devellib64ncurses-devellib64ncursesw-devellib64numa-devellib64pam-devellib64pixman-devellib64sasl2-devellib64snappy-devellib64uring-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qemu-7.2.0-3pclos2023.src.rpm9f1bed66182f9ffc8a6f8ea0681aaa01./SRPMS.pclosd   5,0 5=DPB@BABEBJCqexchange1.0.01pclos2012Qt4 exchange calculatorQExchange is a Qt4 exchange calculator. Some features: - Daily and historical rates available, exchange calculation at present day and in past days - Chart view of historical rates trend - Exchange rates network update from European Central BankjxNealFinancei586 libqt4-devellibqwt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qexchange-1.0.0-1pclos2012.src.rpmp761c9d4d00500ab8088aef70cb6e0d88./SRPMS.pclosd  b 1B@;BAdBEhBJCqextserialport1.21pclos2018Interface to old fashioned serial ports for Qt-based applicationsQextSerialPort provides an interface to old fashioned serial ports for Qt-based applications.fDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(QtCore)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qextserialport-1.2-1pclos2018.src.rpmD7439862721319edfa79c57de4ba1f8d4./SRPMS.pclosod   6lp  B@BA<BE@BJaCqfaxreader0.31pclos2007Multipage TIFF/fax viewerQFaxReader is a monochrome multipage .TIFF files visualisation utility designed for viewing faxes. * Handle multi page fax files * Correctly display fax images in any quality (normal or fine) * Printing fax files * Image transformation (rotate left, rotate right, vertical flip) * Zoom fax images * Sidebar with easy navigation through directories * AutoRefresh + notification for new facsimiles * Aliases database for replacing faxes id's with real name * Export in all formats which your QT have support * Fullscreen mode\Texstar Graphicsi586 pkgconfigImageMagickqt3-develtiff-develgdbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qfaxreader-0.3-1pclos2007.src.rpmd926b618eda63f75ad5e113f31a143765./SRPMS.pclosd  F  &;D;0; ;B@dBABEBJCqgis3.42.01pclos2025Geographic Information System for Linux/UnixGeographic Information System (GIS) manages, analyzes, and displays databases of geographic information. Quantum GIS (QGIS) supports shape file viewing and editing, spatial data storage with PostgreSQL/PostGIS, projection on-the-fly, map composition, and a number of other features via a plugin interface. QGIS also supports display of various geo-referenced raster and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) formats including GeoTIFF, Arc/Info ASCII Grid, and USGS ASCII DEM.FRpinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64   bisoncmakedos2unixdraco-develexiv2flexgeos-develgrassimagemagicklib64exiv2-devellib64gdal-devellib64pdal-devellib64protobuf-devellib64qca2-qt5-devellib64qt5keychain-devellib64qwt-devellib64qwt-qt5-devellibfcgi-develmlocatepkgconfig(Qt53DCore)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5SerialPort)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5UiTools)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKit)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5XmlPatterns)pkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(libzip)pkgconfig(netcdf)pkgconfig(proj)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(spatialite)postgispostgresql-develprotobuf-compilerpython3-biopython-sqlpython3-gdalpython3-qt5-develpython3-qt5-qscintillapython3-sip6python3-sixqca2-qt5qscintilla-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdspatialindex-develtxt2tags2.   7 JB@VBAtBExBJCqgit2.91pclos2019GUI browser for git repositoriesWith qgit you are able to browse revisions history, view patch content and changed files, graphically following different development branches.[Development/Toolsx86_64 qt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5widgets-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qgit-2.9-1pclos2019.src.rpmc6756902eb1f085bf5e5cd2a015a3776e9./SRPMS.pclos3d , >P TltB@BABEBJ%Cqgmailnotifier2008.3.rev2743.1pclos2011Qt GMail NotifierQt GMail Notifier/Graphical desktop/Razorx86_64 gcc-c++libqt4-develqt4-linguistrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qgmailnotifier-2008.3.rev274-3.1pclos2011.src.rpm5@788d7770e59d1bbae9361f2e40933826./SRPMS.pclos'd   2tx B@BABEBJCqgo1.5.42pclos2007Go is an ancient boardgameGo is an ancient boardgame, very common in Japan, China and Korea%(Texstar Games/Boardsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qgo-1.5.4-2pclos2007.src.rpm%81f1169e0904527c7a84b5f1a92e0a50a4./SRPMS.pclosd # ?  LB@VBA|BEBJCdeqgtkstyle0.0.r8962pclos2009Qt style rendered using GTKQt style rendered using GTK to give a native GTK appearence for Qt applicationsQt-Stil mit einer Farbtiefe von GTK, für ein native GTK-Auftritt für Qt-AnwendungenSystem/Configuration/Themei586 libqt4-develgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qgtkstyle-0.0.r896-2pclos2009.src.rpm|9c4297a2dc4dbbbae9cac25cf6bb056e./SRPMS.pclosKd   2    B@BABEBJ=Cqhexedit20.8.93pclos2022Binary Editor for QtQHexEdit is a hex editor widget written in C++ for the Qt framework. It is a simple editor for binary data, just like QPlainTextEdit is for text data.vDevelopment/Otherx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgcc-c++makepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)python3-pyqt5-sippython3-qt5-develpython3-sip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qhexedit2-0.8.9-3pclos2022.src.rpml33d7d3e8e51ae79b74b13fbc07880d84e./SRPMS.pclos[d  ? B@BA(BE,BJMCqhttpengine1.0.11pclos2022HTTP server for Qt applicationsQHttpEngine provides a set of Qt classes that enable applications to expose functionality through an HTTP interface. Handlers are provided that allow directories containing static files to be served directly from the application as well as allow scripts or other tools to interact with the application through an API.k$System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5network-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qhttpengine-1.0.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmo058877277f0be25749793f670124a13f./SRPMS.pcloskd  / B@BA8BE<BJ]Cqhull2012.11pclos2013Compute convex hullsQhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. It runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. It implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull. Qhull handles roundoff errors from floating point arithmetic. It can approximate a convex hull.HpinocSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qhull-2012.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmq6ce3bf5f6dfceac553fc945b3aa277bb./SRPMS.pclos?d=hlB@BA BEBJ1Cqimageblitz4.0.02pclos2011Graphics manipulation libraryBlitz is a graphics manipulation library.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakeqt4-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Gx|  B@BA<BE@BJaCqimageblitz50.0.61pclos2017Graphics manipulation library for Qt 5Qimageblitz is a graphics manipulation library.bb2 Graphicsx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qimageblitz5-0.0.6-1pclos2017.src.rpm6a365203d05de71e48b9793f7bf1bfb5./SRPMS.pclosd   jDH S^hxB@BABEBJCdeqink0.3.51pclos2015Qt4 printer ink level utility monitorIn Qt4 geschriebene Tintenstandsanzeige.QInk is a simple printer ink level monitor based on libinklevel (http://libinklevel.sourceforge.net).QInk ist ein einfacher Tintenfüllstands-Monitor basierend auf libinklevel (http://libinklevel.sourceforge.net).8ughostbunnyPublishingx86_64 qt4-devellibinklevel-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qink-0.3.5-1pclos2015.src.rpm>adf231a48af363496d3cfab2a3e78e6c./SRPMS.pcloskd   <x | B@BA8BE<BJ]Cqiv2.2.21pclos2009Console based Gdk/imlib image viewerqiv is a fast image viewer for X based on gdk and imlib.Graphicsi586 gtk+2-devellibexif-devellibimlib2-devellibmagic-devellibxinerama-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qiv-2.2.2-1pclos2009.src.rpm(51e1ca14a7af3e0968fd91c20c93bdfa./SRPMS.pclosd   5  0nB@yBABEBJCqiviewer0.5.04pclos2013Lightweight image viewerThis program has been written with help of Qt library, to be a lightweight image viewer, similar to eog or viewnior for Gnome Supported formats: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PBM, PGM, PPM, XBM, XPM.SGraphical desktop/Razori586 gcc-c++libqt4-develqt4-linguistrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qiviewer-0.5.0-4pclos2013.src.rpm]d3fac8c0b6fbed8d99d70aeee012e3e2./SRPMS.pclos7d   ?    B@BABEBJ)Cqjackctl0.9.91pclos2023A QT GUI for the jack audio daemonJACK Audio Connection Kit - Qt GUI Interface: A simple Qt application to control the JACK server daemon.%Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsimagemagickqttools5pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qjackctl-0.9.9-1pclos2023.src.rpmE4f3b711808c70a133a7965261074254f./SRPMS.pclos'd   d hB@BABEBJCdeqjoypad4.1.01pclos2010QJoyPad - Emulate keyboard or mouse actions with a joystickQJoyPad - Emuliert Tastatur oder Maus-Aktionen mit einem JoystickQJoyPad converts input from a gamepad or joystick into key-presses or mouse actions, letting you control any X program with your game controller. It comes with a convenient and easy-to-use interface.QJoyPad wandelt Eingaben von einem Gamepad oder Joystick in Schlüssel-Abdruck oder Mausaktionen um, sodass Sie die Kontrolle jedes X-Programm mit Ihren Game-Controller haben. Es kommt mit einer praktischen und einfach zu bedienende Benutzeroberfläche.LSystem/Kernel and hardwarei586 qt4-devellibxtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qjoypad-4.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmTc8c2aaba272612da3c66c224844ecbfb./SRPMS.pclosd  ] SB@_BABEBJCqjson0.9.02pclos2019QJson is a qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objectsJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It can represents integer, real number, string, an ordered sequence of value, and a collection of name/value pairs. QJson is a qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects. JSON arrays will be mapped to QVariantList instances, while JSON's objects will be mapped to QVariantMap.H}Development/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(QtCore)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qjson-0.9.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmCnd07b628d10ef5335417716dc1c105f42./SRPMS.pclos#d   .  <B@BABEBJCqlipper25.1.11pclos2019QT Clipboard ToolLightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. This application is a part of QtDesktop project and is improved version of original Qlipper which is available only as a download from qt-apps.org.ZUGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64x11-devellibstdc++-devellibxcb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qlipper2-5.1.1-1pclos2019.src.rpma 70f4c5a55a408ec76e8ffcac7f3bd005./SRPMS.pclos?d   >  B@BA BEBJ1Cqmapshack1.17.13pclos2024GPS mapping and management toolQMapShack provides a versatile tool for GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img vector map format. You can also view and edit your GPX tracks. QMapShack is the successor of QLandkarteGT. Main features: - use of several work-spaces - use several maps on a work-space - handle data project-oriented - exchange data with the device by drag-n-drop pinocFile toolsx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilsgdal-develjpeg-devellib64dmtx-devellib64exif12-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64quazip1-qt5-devellib64routino-devellib64xerces-c-develproj-develqttools5routinorpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1qmapshack-1.17.1-3pclos2024.src.rpm ~e8d97674c8a9f04f8fd1f19120ff2763./SRPMS.pclosd   Gx |@@O@B@BABEBJCqmc20.2431pclos2022Qt based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAMEQt based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAMEEmulatorsx86_64 binutilsxztarlib64glvnd-devellib64qt5bluetooth-devellib64qt5bodymovin-devellib64qt5charts-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5datavisualization-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5gamepad-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediagsttools-devellib64qt5multimediaquick-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5networkauth-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5nfc-devellib64qt5packetprotocol-static-devellib64qt5positioning-devellib64qt5purchasing-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5qmlmodels-devellib64qt5qmlworkerscript-devellib64qt5qt3d-devellib64qt5quick3d-devellib64qt5quickcontrols2-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickparticles-devellib64qt5quickshapes-devellib64qt5quicktemplates2-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5remoteobjects-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5scxml-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5serialbus-devellib64qt5serialport-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5texttospeech-devellib64qt5virtualkeyboard-devellib64qt5waylandclient-devellib64qt5webchannel-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5webview-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64syntax-highlighting-develphonon4qt5-develpkgconfigqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qmc2-0.243-1pclos2022.src.rpmQ4a01d5a33358f4f2eff4e195d1e7a974./SRPMS.pclosd  I %B@1BAXBE\BJ}Cqmdnsengine0.1.01pclos2021Multicast DNS library for Qt applicationsThis library provides an implementation of multicast DNS as per RFC 6762.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qmdnsengine-0.1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmVfede8bddf2019eb966d0dfa81c62a40e./SRPMS.pclosd   K B@0BATBEXBJyCqmidictl0.9.101pclos2023A MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP MulticastQmidiCtl is a MIDI remote controller application that sends MIDI data over the network, using UDP/IP multicast.KSoundx86_64  desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qmidictl-0.9.10-1pclos2023.src.rpm56408aabd576e7c10bb8932e6b14d7266./SRPMS.pclosgd   Ih lr|B@BA4BE8BJYCqmidinet0.9.101pclos2023A MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP MulticastQmidiNet is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and receives MIDI data (ALSA Sequencer and/or JACK MIDI) over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast (https://llg.cubic.org/tools) and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for Windows (http://nerds.de).ySoundx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilspkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qmidinet-0.9.10-1pclos2023.src.rpmf12bf99c8059268c0c345ca18358a2aa./SRPMS.pclosd  & 7DH Nel  h B@BABEBJCqml-box2d0.10.20220825.1pclos2024QML Box2D pluginThis plugin is meant to be installed to your Qt/imports directory, or shipped in a directory of which the parent is added as import path. The goal is to expose the functionality of Box2D as QML components, in order to make it easy to write physics based games in QML.vpinocDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(box2d)qtdeclarative5qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qml-box2d-0.1-0.20220825.1pclos2024.src.rpmvab12e2a93b1e6487b6627103eaacda9a./SRPMS.pclosd   @ *x*k*B@BABEBJCqmmp1.5.22pclos2023Feature-rich Qt-based multimedia playerQmmp is a feature-rich audio player, written with help of the Qt library. The user interface is similar to winamp or xmms.Soundx86_64 qttools5lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5dbus-devellibmpcdec-devellib64wildmidi-devellib64jack-devellib64flac12-devellib64enca-devellib64alsa2-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64cddb-devellib64bs2b-devellib64archive-devellib64cdio-devellib64cdio-paranoia-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64ogg-devellib64mpg123-devellib64modplug-devellib64mms-devellib64mad-devellib64curl-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64opus-devellib64opusfile-devellib64sndfile-devellib64shout-devellib64x11-devellib64wavpack-devellib64taglib-devellib64soxr-devellib64samplerate-devellib64gme-devellibfaad2-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qmmp-1.5.2-2pclos2023.src.rpm-5e4e54558edabf21f63e4880b01ca49c./SRPMS.pclosGd # L B@BABEBJ9Cdeqmmp-plugins1.5.21pclos2021Plugins for QmmpErweiterungen für QmmpThis package contains plugins for Qmmp.Dieses Paket enthält Erweiterungen für Qmmp.dxSoundx86_64 cmakeqttools5yasmlib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qmmp-devellib64qt5help-devellib64xmp-devellib64taglib-devellib64samplerate-devellib64mpg123-devellib64ffmpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qmmp-plugins-1.5.2-1pclos2021.src.rpmj8b621022f07b27a6b235c073473f6536./SRPMS.pclosd  ! . !$!!B@BABEBJ Cdeqmplay225.01.191pclos2025Video playerQMPlay2 is a video player, it can plays all formats and stream supported by ffmpeg and libmodplug (including J2B). It has integrated Youtube and Wrzuta browser.QMPlay2 ist ein Videoplayer und spielt alle Formate (Audio/Video) ab. Streams werden unterstützt von FFMPEG und LIBMODPLUG (inklusive J2B). Integriert ist YouTube und Wrzuta browser.danielVideox86_64  desktop-file-utilsimagemagicklib64alsa2-devellib64ass-devellib64cddb-devellib64cdio-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64gle3-devellib64gme-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64sidplayfp-devellib64taglib-devellib64va-devellib64vdpau-devellib64x11-develmesa-develninjaqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qmplay2-25.01.19-1pclos2025.src.rpm4e9b5adc6ee728783e16d55b58ec634f./SRPMS.pclosd   F   ~B@BABEBJCplqnapi0.2.31pclos2017A NAPI-PROJEKT clientKlient NAPI-PROJEKTQNapi is unofficial clone of NAPI-PROJEKT program (http://napiprojekt.pl) written using Qt5. It's focused to be functional on GNU/Linux and other Unix-like systems, for which NAPI-PROJEKT is not available.QNapi jest nieoficjalnym klonem programu NAPI-PROJEKT (http://napiprojekt.pl) napisanym w bibliotece Qt5 z myślą o użytkownikach Linuksa oraz innych systemów, pod które oryginalny NAPI-PROJEKT nie jest dostępny.bb2 Videox86_64 desktop-file-utilsgcc-c++lib64qt5base5-devellibmediainfo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qnapi-0.2.3-1pclos2017.src.rpmWa7551f72400f5bcee58fe2bfe3252d85./SRPMS.pclosd  U 6B@CBAlBEpBJCqnetstatview1.5.81pclos2022Shows detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpointsShows detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints.Networking/Otherx86_64 qttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qnetstatview-1.5.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm%0787a2b5dc49f7908fb8c9f0054c16fa./SRPMS.pclosd    VB@`BABEBJCdeqnetwalk1.43pclos2017A Qt-version of the popular NetWalk game for system administratorsQt-Version des beliebten NetWalk Spiel für SystemadministratorenQNetwalk is a Qt-based version of the popular NetWalk game for system administrators. Rules of play: - You are the system administrator and your goal is to connect each computer to the central server. - Click the right mouse's button for turning the cable in a clockwise direction, and left mouse's button for turning the cable in a counter-clockwise direction. - Start the LAN with as few turns as possible!QNetwalk ist eine Qt-basierte Version des beliebten NetWalk Spiel für Systemadministratoren. Spielregeln: - Sie sind der Systemadministrator und Ihr Ziel ist es, jedem Computer auf dem zentralen Server zu verbinden. - Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste, um das Kabel im Uhrzeigersinn, und mit der linken Maus-Taste um das Kabel gegen den Uhrzeigersinn zu drehen. - Vwrbinden Sie das LAN mit möglichst wenigen klicks!բGames/Puzzlesx86_64 lib64SDL_mixer1.2-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qnetwalk-1.4-3pclos2017.src.rpm۟6c579c68f62a9de4303ed8d56f1a6581./SRPMS.pclosd   N`d n:B@IBAlBEpBJCqoauth2.0.12pclos2017Qt-based C++ library for OAuth authorization schemeQOAuth is an attempt to support interaction with OAuth-powered network services in a Qt way, i.e. simply, clearly and efficiently. It gives the application developer no more than 4 methods, namely: * requestToken() to obtain an unauthorized Request Token, * accessToken() to exchange Request Token for the Access Token, * createParametersString() to construct a request according to OAuth authorization scheme, * inlineParemeters() - to construct a query string basing on given parameters (provided only for convenience).͜bb2 Graphical desktop/KDEx86_64 qt4-develdoxygenlib64qca2-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qca2-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qoauth-2.0.1-2pclos2017.src.rpmOe862f6f4badd88f9249114eead1a7f69./SRPMS.pclosGd   I    B@BABEBJ9Cqownnotes18.05.71pclos2018Open source notepad and todo list managerOpen source notepad and todo list manager with markdown support and ownCloud/Nextcloud integrationText toolsx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns5-devellib64qt5xml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qownnotes-18.05.7-1pclos2018.src.rpmC0da8845dba5496a2b407a8c6b9dfb211./SRPMS.pclosKd  :,0 7>HdB@BABEBJ=Cqpdf11.9.11pclos2025Inspect and manipulate PDF filesQPDF is a C++ library and set of programs that inspect and manipulate the structure of PDF files. It can encrypt and linearize files, expose the internals of a PDF file, and do many other operations useful to end users and PDF developers.ͷdTerryNOfficex86_64  cmakepkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qpdf-11.9.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm008b4ff613ac5ce5d90b5c7f7311a0af./SRPMS.pclos3d   1 B@BABEBJ%Cqpdfview0.4.183pclos2022PDF viewing programqpdfview is a light-weight document viewer capable of opening for PDF, PostScript and DjVu e-books and documents. No other file formats are supported. It is lightweight and fast yet feature-rich and very usable. qpdfviews biggest limitation is its disturbing lack of support for common e-book formats like ePub, the comic book formats .cbr and .cbz and most others.NOfficex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qpdfview-0.4.18-3pclos2022.src.rpma5a77bf4cff7f980922256d072b1240e./SRPMS.pclosgd   .HL SjtB@BA4BE8BJYCqps2.8.01pclos2023The Qt process managerThe Qt process manager.ndanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakelib64lxqt-devellib64qt5help-devellxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) cd1f497544f49ae4ac184f57671b8aac./SRPMS.pclos#d   <    B@BABEBJCqpwgraph0.6.21pclos2024PipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interfaceqpwgraph is a graph manager dedicated to PipeWire, using the Qt C++ framework, based and pretty much like the same of QjackCtl.Soundx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilslib64alsa2-devellib64pipewire-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develpipewire-jack-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qpwgraph-0.6.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmDcd45b1636aac3f5d65104b732b5d3a9c./SRPMS.pclosd   9  ,_B@iBABEBJCqpxtool0.7.21pclos2014CD/DVD Drive Quality CheckingQPxTool is the linux way to get full control over your CD/DVD drives. It is the Open Source Solution which intends to give you access to all available Quality Checks (Q-Checks) on written and blank media, that are available for your drive. This will help you to find the right media and the optimized writing speed for your hardware, which will increase the chance for a long data lifetime. Includes tool to update your firmware (firmware not included),oASystem/Librariesx86_64 qt4-devellibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qpxtool-0.7.2-1pclos2014.src.rpmtd2e75e5260f8ad35026bd106722c0370./SRPMS.pclos_d % C B@BA,BE0BJQCqqc2-breeze-style6.3.31pclos2025QtQuickControls2 breeze styleThis is a pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qqc2-breeze-style-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm<6aa0b3759fabfc62bd2863a391d6018e./SRPMS.pclosSd ' Jp tB@BA BE$BJECqqc2-desktop-style6.11.01pclos2025Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop StyleQt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style.c3Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qqc2-desktop-style-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmk462adbbc0ff97b6b8ab76c1a4e8c9d10./SRPMS.pclosd   C| B@BABEBJCqqwing1.3.41pclos2019Command-line Sudoku solver and generatorQQwing is a command-line Sudoku solver and generator.Games/Puzzlesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qqwing-1.3.4-1pclos2019.src.rpm55afc0b3c464a39648b06cce1a1b9dc3./SRPMS.pcloswd   ; B@ BADBEHBJiCqrencode4.1.11pclos2021QR Code encoder into PNG imageQrencode is a utility software using libqrencode to encode string data in a QR Code and save as a PNG image.File toolsx86_64 pkgconfig(libpng)doxygenpkgconfig(sdl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qrencode-4.1.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm6cf9eddf5e10d07e55d20a12fa708ee7./SRPMS.pclosd   [ !B@,BAPBETBJuCqrupdate1.1.24pclos2019Fortran library for fast updates of QR/Cholesky decompositionsqrupdate is a Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions.ɢDevelopment/Otherx86_64 gcc-gfortranblas-devellapack-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qrupdate-1.1.2-4pclos2019.src.rpm̤54b6778d6bfe0b7ef3577a90e6e3aa18./SRPMS.pclosSd   C  &0PB@BA BE$BJECqsampler0.9.81pclos2023LinuxSampler GUI front-end applicationQSampler is a LinuxSampler GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt5 toolkit using Qt Designer. At the moment it just wraps as a client reference interface for the LinuxSampler Control Protocol (LSCP).qSoundx86_64  pkgconfig(lscp)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(gig)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){5af70f404f6f0c9902bdf590574c8c19./SRPMS.pclosKd   Wlp vB@BABEBJ=Cqscintilla2.14.11pclos2024Port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor classAs well as features found in standard text editing components, QScintilla includes features especially useful when editing and debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion and call tips. The selection margin can contain markers like those used in debuggers to indicate breakpoints and the current line. Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts.QpinocSystem/Librariesx86_64   pkgconfig(Qt5Designer)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(python3)python3-dbuspython3-pyqt-builderpython3-qt5-develpython3-sip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed4.193.0.4-14.6.0-1qscintilla-2.14.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmG716b2787f7a5eda101a5cd22b276617b./SRPMS.pclosod  0 B@BA<BE@BJaCqscreenshot1.02pclos2019Qt screenshot toolA fast and lightweight application used for capturing screenshots, then editing and uploading them to various online image hosting services qScreenshot is an intuitive tool that allows you to capture your desktop or only parts of it, then edit the screenshots. In addition, you can rely on this software to upload your screenshots to specified hosting servers to share them with greater ease. Here are some key features of \"qScreenshot\": Capture the entire desktop, the specified area or the active window Edit screenshots with the built simple graphic editor Open an existing image from your local disk Management via an icon in the system tray systemGraphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(QtCore)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qscreenshot-1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm˰215f8146c7b265314da7fc3ff5ac9c63./SRPMS.pcloswd   : B@BADBEHBJiCqsopcast0.3.8.11pclos2014QT GUI front-end of sopcastqsopcast is a QT GUI front-end of the Linux command line executive of P2P TV sopcast.Networking/Otherx86_64 qt4-devellibalsa-develpkgconfigdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qsopcast-   9 UB@bBABEBJCqsstv5.2d1pclos2007Slow Scan Television ApplicationQSSTV Amateur Radio slow scan television application supporting Martin 1 & 2, Scotty 1 & 2 & DX, Wr.SC2, Robot 36 & 72, P3, P5, P7C.Sciences/Other/HamRadioi586 libxext-develzlib-devellibpng-devellibjpeg-devellibqt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qsstv-5.2d-1pclos2007.src.rpm8ff01e994884a867f860be837a024a40./SRPMS.pclosd   < B@/BAPBETBJuCqstardict1.42pclos2024StarDict clone written using Qt5QStarDict is a dictionary application for learning foreign languages written using Qt. Main features: * Support of Kiwix dictionaries * Support of StarDict 2.x and 3.x dictionaries * Background mode * Showing translations for words selected by mouse in any application in a popup window * Pronuncation of words-Officex86_64  pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libzim)pkgconfig(zlib)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qstardict-1.4-2pclos2024.src.rpm/b6664ea14fef234e6d12e3bf46e17b6c./SRPMS.pclosd   IDH tB@BABEBJCqstat2.111pclos2007Real-time Game Server Status for FPP/FPS serversQStat is a command-line utility for collecting real-time statistics from on-line game servers. The games supported are generally limited to the first-person-shooter genre (Quake, Half-Life, Unreal, etc). Statistics may be output in a variety of formdJuan Luis Baptiste Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qstat-2.11-1pclos2007.src.rpml1b4af2198479d5f4358dd3e583e748df./SRPMS.pclosd  QL PV`  Y B@kBABEBJCqstopmotion2.5.21pclos2021Creates stop-motion animation movies based on Qt5qStopMotion is an application for creating stop-motion animation movies. The users will be able to create stop-motions from pictures imported from a camera or from the harddrive and export the animation to different video formats such as mpeg or avi.9 Videox86_64 cmakeqttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)lib64qwt-qt5-develpkgconfig(libgphoto2)pkgconfig(libv4l2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qstopmotion-2.5.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm9|54db2403b3e27cdf468c4862089ab47f./SRPMS.pclosd   ;h lr|'B@5BAXBE\BJ}Cqsynth0.9.101pclos2023Qt GUI Interface for FluidSynthQsynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt5 toolkit using Qt Designer. Eventually it may evolve into a softsynth management application allowing the user to control and manage a variety of command line softsynth but for the moment it wraps the excellent FluidSynth.Soundx86_64 qttools5desktop-file-utilspkgconfig(fluidsynth)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qsynth-0.9.10-1pclos2023.src.rpm-04f18349009e654db7870900898a6a1e./SRPMS.pclos+d   * B@BABEBJCqt0.0.11pclos2017Fake package for QTThis package is a fake-package to provide a dependency for the google-musicmanager-beta_current_x86_64.rpmbb2 Tweaksx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt-0.0.1-1pclos2017.src.rpmH20216aa5acd8b37ed65f50966628b3d9./SRPMS.pcloscd $ J B@BA0BE4BJUCqt-assistant-adp4.6.31pclos2017Compatibility version of Qt AssistantThe old version of Qt Assistant, based on Assistant Document Profile (.adp) files, and the associated QtAssistantClient library, for compatibility with applications providing help in that format. New applications should use the new version of Qt Assistant introduced in Qt 4.4, based on the Qt Help Framework also introduced in Qt 4.4, instead.fbb2 System/Librariesx86_64 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt-assistant-adp-4.6.3-1pclos2017.src.rpm32ec630b5b8d46303ebeb7781e9d8878./SRPMS.pclosd   tL Pgp/,/o/B@BABEBJCqt-creator15.0.11pclos2025Qt Creator is a lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE)Qt Creator (previously known as Project Greenhouse) is a lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) designed to make development with the Qt application framework even faster and easier.,kDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64  chrpathclang-develcmakecmake(KF6SyntaxHighlighting)cmake(Qt6Concurrent)cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Core5Compat)cmake(Qt6Designer)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Help)cmake(Qt6LinguistTools)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6PrintSupport)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlDomPrivate)cmake(Qt6QmlModels)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Quick3D)cmake(Qt6Quick3DAssetImport)cmake(Qt6QuickTimeline)cmake(Qt6QuickWidgets)cmake(Qt6SerialPort)cmake(Qt6ShaderTools)cmake(Qt6Sql)cmake(Qt6Svg)cmake(Qt6SvgWidgets)cmake(Qt6Test)cmake(Qt6Tools)cmake(Qt6UiPlugin)cmake(Qt6WebEngineWidgets)cmake(Qt6Widgets)cmake(Qt6Xml)cmake(litehtml)cmake-rpm-macrosllvm-develninjapkgconfig(libelf)pkgconfig(libffi)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(yaml-cpp)python3qbs-develqttools6qttools6-assistantrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qt-creator-15.0.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm-0c434ea80c60e24f354294d16c72e77d./SRPMS.pclos;d $ :\ `qxB@BABE BJ-Cqt-fsarchiver0.8.6.101pclos2022Qt GUI for fsarchiverFSArchiver is a system tool that allows you to save the contents of a file-system to a compressed archive file. The file-system can be restored on a partition which has a different size and it can be restored on a different file-system. Unlike tar/dar, FSArchiver also creates the file-system when it extracts the data to partitions. Everything is checksummed in the archive in order to protect the data. If the archive is corrupt, you just loose the current file, not the whole archive. This is a GUI frontend for fsarchiver, written in Qt5. Archiving/Backupx86_64 cmakeqttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(ext2fs)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(blkid)e2fsprogspkgconfig(libgcrypt)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(lzo2)pkgconfig(liblzma)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt-fsarchiver- aaf15ab4c0cc6c88ddf55012b257a270./SRPMS.pclosgd! , Gh l}B@BA4BE8BJYCqt-fsarchiver-terminal0.8.6.71pclos2022Commands for qt-fsarchiverFSArchiver is a system tool that allows you to save the contents of a file-system to a compressed archive file. The file-system can be restored on a partition which has a different size and it can be restored on a different file-system. Unlike tar/dar, FSArchiver also creates the file-system when it extracts the data to partitions. Everything is checksummed in the archive in order to protect the data. If the archive is corrupt, you just loose the current file, not the whole archive. This is a GUI frontend for fsarchiver, written in Qt5.1Archiving/Backupx86_64 cmakeqttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(ext2fs)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(blkid)e2fsprogspkgconfig(libgcrypt)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(lzo2)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(gpg-error)pkgconfig(com_err)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt-fsarchiver-terminal- d  O  ,  B@BABEBJCqt-gstreamer1.2.02pclos2020C++ bindings for GStreamer with a Qt-style APIQtGStreamer provides C++ bindings for GStreamer with a Qt-style API, plus some helper classes for integrating GStreamer better in Qt applications.Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64qt4-develautomoclib64boost-develbisonflexdoxygenlib64gstreamer1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt-gstreamer-1.2.0-2pclos2020.src.rpm2f36f16d3ffa272b1e1583412417e7e6./SRPMS.pclos_d & Gpt |B@BA,BE0BJQCqt-recordmydesktop0.3.86pclos2014Qt4 frontend for recordmydesktopQt4 frontend for recordmydesktop tool.+pinoc32Videoi586  desktop-file-utilsImageMagickpython-qt4libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d )   (  B@BABE BJ-Cdeqt-update-notifier1.7.23pclos2022QT technology based PCLinuxOS update notifier tray applicationZeigt Benachrichtigungen über verfügbare Aktualisierungen im Systray, dafür wird KDE Technologie benutzt.This project seeks to provide a Qt5 technology based PCLinuxOS update notifier tray applicationDieses Paket bietet einen Dienst der im Systray anzeigt, ob Aktualisierungen für Ihr PCLinuxOS System verfügbar sind. Dieses Programm baut auf der Qt5 Technologie auf.sGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 qtbase5-develcmakelib64ssh2-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt-update-notifier-1.7.2-3pclos2022.src.rpmz3bfdb865ca72647b4e5d0a633a14f76d./SRPMS.pclosgd" -   0  B@BA4BE8BJYCdeqt-update-notifier-kf51.7.23pclos2022KDE technology based PCLinuxOS update notifier tray applicationZeigt Benachrichtigungen über verfügbare Aktualisierungen im Systray, dafür wird KDE Technologie benutzt.This project seeks to provide a Qt5 technology based PCLinuxOS update notifier tray applicationDieses Paket bietet einen Dienst der im Systray anzeigt, ob Aktualisierungen für Ihr PCLinuxOS System verfügbar sind. Dieses Programm baut auf der Qt5 Technologie auf.sGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 qtbase5-develcmakelib64ssh2-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt-update-notifier-kf5-1.7.2-3pclos2022.src.rpmz7851af999c6592fa267b2d27fc1ec8c2./SRPMS.pclosd  E  , / B@~BABEBJCqt3d55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 3D QML bindings and C++ APIs componentQt5 3D provides functionality for near-realtime simulation systems with support for 2D and 3D rendering in both Qt C++ and Qt Quick applications.`Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5XmlPatterns)qtimageformats5-develpkgconfig(assimp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  D <KB@BABEBJCqt3d66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 3D QML bindings and C++ APIs componentQt6 3D provides functionality for near-realtime simulation systems with support for 2D and 3D rendering in both Qt C++ and Qt Quick applications.t=yDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Concurrent)cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6OpenGL)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6ShaderTools)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjapkgconfig(assimp)qtbase6-qtpathsqtimageformats6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   '` du|;h;E;B@BABEBJCqt44.8.710pclos2021Qt GUI toolkitQt is a GUI software toolkit which simplifies the task of writing and maintaining GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications for the X Window System. Qt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented. This package contains the shared library needed to run Qt applications, as well as the README files for Qt. USystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64cups2-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64drm-devellib64fftw-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetds-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64ice-devellib64icu-devellib64jpeg-devellib64mng-devellib64mysql-devellib64nas-devellib64openssl-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64sm-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64tiff-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-devellib64xcb-util-keysyms-devellib64xcomposite-devellib64xcursor-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-devellib64xslt-devellib64xtst-devellib64xv-devellibstdc++-devellibxcb-develmesa-develmultiarch-utilspatchperl-basepkgconfigpostgresql13-develrsyncx11-proto-develzlib1-devellib64qtwebkit4-develmysql-develsqlite3-develfreetds-develpostgresql-devellibpq-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt4-4.8.7-10pclos2021.src.rpm ᄒac2c3a1fec28e71347991bf78e5b1a37./SRPMS.pclossd & ?  B@BA@BEDBJeCqt5-qtstyleplugins5.0.08pclos2022Classic Qt widget stylesClassic Qt widget styles, including cleanlooks, motif, plastique, qgtk.$Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64qt5themesupport-static-devellib64qt5core-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt5-qtstyleplugins-5.0.0-8pclos2022.src.rpmeAcfc24ff063954423680664d0eb0e30f9./SRPMS.pclosd " ; B@BABEBJCqt5-qtwebkit5.212.01pclos2021qt5-webkit dummy packageDummy package to satisfy a dependency for an unsupported external package.Tasksx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt5-qtwebkit-5.212.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm8a58cd25b5e3173734aceee57bb5c0ac./SRPMS.pclos_d   Dl pB@BA,BE0BJQCqt5compat66.8.21pclos2025Qt 5.x compatibility library for Qt 6Qt 5.x compatibility library for Qt 6.nWDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Core5Compat)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6ShaderTools)cmake(Qt6Widgets)cmake(Qt6Xml)ninjapkgconfig(icu-uc)qtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ߧ<9df5fda0fc22e57e18b41f043f16fe0d./SRPMS.pclosd   . [B@sBABEBJCqt5ct1.51pclos2022Qt5 Configuration Toolqt5ct allows users to configure Qt5 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration.NGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 qttools5qt5platformsupport-develqt5themesupport-develpkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(libinput)pkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xrender)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt5ct-1.5-1pclos2022.src.rpmSea40dc2fc72520fdd1bfb55b88bfa7b6./SRPMS.pclosd  \ /B@;BAdBEhBJCqt5keychain0.13.22pclos2022Platform-independent Qt5 API for storing passwords securelyPlatform-independent Qt5 API for storing passwords securely.!Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt5keychain-0.13.2-2pclos2022.src.rpm~870515b39ff2c758ec14d88bec9eca44./SRPMS.pclos'd  $ <d hyB@BABEBJCqt5pas2.15.lazarus3.61pclos2024Qt5 bindings for pascalQt5 bindings for pascal from Lazarus.0System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qt5pas-2.15.lazarus3.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmT35dc778a480e25f3029ea7f064155f02./SRPMS.pclosd    0X\ du|8B@FBAdBEhBJCqt5pas2.62pclos2020Qt5 bindings for pascalQt5 bindings for pascal from Lazarus.TTpp System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qt5pas-2.6-2pclos2020.src.rpm@b0c6a10d646cd74ab5975dd401387ff1./SRPMS.pclosd  + ` &B@8BAlBEpBJCqt6-kdsingleapplication1.1.01pclos2024Helper class for single-instance policy applicationsKDSingleApplication is a helper class for single-instance policy applications.$System/Librariesx86_64  cmakelib64qt6base6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qt6-kdsingleapplication-1.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm!Q64b9fd434cd08767ab76d5b577937537./SRPMS.pclos#d " ?` dvB@BABEBJCqt6-rpm-macros6.8.21pclos2025Base install macros for Qt 6Base install macros for QT 6. Development/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qt6-rpm-macros-6.8.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm#b6bdc7d5528e9d89b521b06663c6af58./SRPMS.pclos d   .    B@BABEBJCqt6ct0.92pclos2025Qt6 Configuration ToolThis program allows users to configure Qt6 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration. Do not use on KDE PLASMA6!7GGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64  cmakelib64qt6core-devellib64qt6gui-devellib64qt6widgets-devellib64tbb-develpkgconfig(xkbcommon)qttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qt6ct-0.9-2pclos2025.src.rpmdb99441ba1bdd120eebcac4a04f23d7e3./SRPMS.pclosGd  2 &&&B@BABEBJ9Cqtav1.13.03pclos2023Qt5 multimedia frameworkQtAV is a multimedia playback library based on Qt and FFmpeg. It can help you to write a player with less effort than ever before. Features include: * Hardware decoding suppprt: DXVA2, VAAPI, VDA, CedarX, CUDA * OpenGL and ES2 support for Hi10P and other 16-bit YUV videos * Real time preview * Video capture in rgb and yuv format * OSD and custom filters * Subtitle * Transform video using GraphicsItemRenderer. (rotate, shear, etc) * Playing frame by frame (currently support forward playing) * Playback speed control * Variant streams: locale file, http, rtsp, etc. * Audio channel, tracks and external audio tracks * Dynamically change render engine when playing * Multiple video outputs for 1 player * Region of interest(ROI), i.e. video cropping * Video eq: brightness, contrast, saturation, hue * QML support as a plugin. Most playback APIs are compatible with QtMultiMedia moduleVideox86_64 imagemagickkf5-macroslib64openal-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5multimediagsttools-devellib64qt5multimediaquick-devellib64qt5multimediawidgets-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5qt3d-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickparticles-devellib64qt5quickshapes-devellib64qt5quicktemplates-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5scxml-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64qt5xmlpatterns-devellib64uchardet-devellib64va-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xv-devellib64ffmpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtav-1.13.0-3pclos2023.src.rpme21338a77b866b2128e4e4f55ece56bc./SRPMS.pclosd   +d h~8h8i8B@BABEBJCqtbase55.15.62pclos2022Qt GUI toolkitQt is a GUI software toolkit which simplifies the task of writing and maintaining GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications for the X Window System. Qt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented. This package contains the shared library needed to run Qt applications, as well as the README files for Qt.YDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 binutilscups-develmesa-develpam-develperlpython3lib64double-conversion-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(libinput)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libmng)pkgconfig(libpcre2-16)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(md4c)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(readline)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(tslib)pkgconfig(vulkan)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xcb-icccm)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcb-renderutil)pkgconfig(xcb-xkb)pkgconfig(xcb-util)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(zlib)unixODBC-develmysql-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)freetds-develpostgresql-devellibpq-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtbase5-5.15.6-2pclos2022.src.rpm (907a796f8d328706745d959b09cedc41./SRPMS.pclosd   *d hBB4BB@BABEBJCqtbase66.8.22pclos2025Qt GUI toolkitQt6 is a GUI software toolkit which simplifies the task of writing and maintaining GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications for the X Window System. Qt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented. This package contains the shared library needed to run Qt applications, as well as the README files for Qt.x&Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   binutilscmakecmake-rpm-macrosfirebird-devellib64cups2-devellib64zstd-devellibpq-develmesa-common-develmysql-develninjapam-develperlpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(fbclient)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(libb2)pkgconfig(libinput)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libmng)pkgconfig(libpcre2-16)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libsctp)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(md4c)pkgconfig(mtdev)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(readline)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(tslib)pkgconfig(vulkan)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-cursor)pkgconfig(xcb-icccm)pkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcb-renderutil)pkgconfig(xcb-util)pkgconfig(xcb-xinput)pkgconfig(xcb-xkb)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(zlib)postgresql-develpython3qt6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)unixODBC-devel2.180.920.9.421.   3x |1B@\BABEBJCqtcharts55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Charts componentQt5 Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. It uses the Qt Graphics View Framework, therefore charts can be easily integrated to modern user interfaces. Qt Charts can be used as QWidgets, QGraphicsWidget, or QML types. Users can easily create impressive graphs by selecting one of the charts themes.@Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d   2t xB@BA(BE,BJMCqtcharts66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Charts componentQt6 Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. It uses the Qt Graphics View Framework, therefore charts can be easily integrated to modern user interfaces. Qt Charts can be used as QWidgets, QGraphicsWidget, or QML types. Users can easily create impressive graphs by selecting one of the charts themes.G<$Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Multimedia)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   .|   w B@BABEBJCqtcoap66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 CoAP componentQt6 CoAP (API) provides classes and functions to access the CoAP protocol.RDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjaqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) $ >\ `vB@BA@BEDBJeCqtconnectivity55.15.61pclos2022Qt Connectivity componentQt5 Connectivity component.+>Development/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(bluez)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # >\ `w  q B@BABEBJCqtconnectivity66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Connectivity componentQt6 Connectivity component.jDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickControls2)ninjapkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(libpcsclite)qtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   ' !\!%!B@MBAlBEpBJCqtcurve1.91pclos2018QTCurve ThemeQtCurve is a desktop theme for the GTK+2 and Qt4/5 widget toolkits, allowing users to achieve a uniform look between these widget toolkits. Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5kdelibs4support-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5style-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellibxcb-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtcurve-1.9-1pclos2018.src.rpm nce3c7814b8a715bf31e7194a1e83b603./SRPMS.pclosd ! El pBB@tBABEBJCqtdatavis3d55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 3D Data Visualization componentQt5 3D Data Visualization component.OMDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Dl p   B@BABEBJ5Cqtdatavis3d66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 3D Data Visualization componentQt6 3D Data Visualization component.Emulatorsi586 qt4-develcmakedesktop-file-utilsqt4-linguistrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtemu-1.0.3-2pclos2007.src.rpm1f2c7f001fdb4d7c2636745c64bf89bf./SRPMS.pcloskd   Blp wB@BA8BE<BJ]Cqterminal1.4.01pclos2023QT-based multitab terminal emulator.QT-based multitab terminal emulator. Based on QTermWidget by e_k@users.sourceforge.net Initially this project was started as an attempt to create relatively light and stable terminal emulator application like Konsole or gnome-terminal but without any dependency from such monsters as KDE or Gnome.idanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakedesktop-file-utilsgcc-c++lib64qt5gui-develliblxqt-develliblxqt-globalkeys-devellibx11-devellxqt-build-toolsqt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5help-develqt5widgets-develqt5x11extras-develqtermwidget-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  3 2<\B@BABEBJ=Cqtermwidget1.4.01pclos2023Qt5 terminal widgetQTermWidget is an opensource project based on KDE4 Konsole application. The main goal of this project is to provide unicode-enabled, embeddable QT4 widget for using as a built-in console (or terminal emulation widget).danielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakegcc-c++lxqt-build-toolsqt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   3    B@BABEBJCqtfm6.2.11pclos2021A lightweight file managerqtFM is a small, lightweight file manager for Linux desktops based on pure Qt and works great with minimal desktop environments like Openbox.File toolsx86_64 lib64magic-develffmpeg-develImageMagick-develqtcore5-develqtwidgets5-develqtconcurrent5-develqtgui5-develqtdbus5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtfm-6.2.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm6edd8051a3da4284558574d6aad3e019./SRPMS.pclosd   M 5KPTpB@xBABEBJCqtfprot0.2.1c1pclos2007K Desktop Environment - Software Development KitQtFprot is a frontend for FPROT 4.x, a free (for personal use) Linux virus-scanner. It's similar to XFprot, but written in Qt. It allows you to set all FPROT paramters with a comfortable GUI. =Texstar Graphical desktop/KDEi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtfprot-0.2.1c-1pclos2007.src.rpm G9fb82ad9efbd246c1372facf88e9d42a./SRPMS.pclosd   5  ,  B@:BA`BEdBJCqtgamepad55.15.63pclos2022Qt5 Gamepad componentQt5 Gamepad provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense.YDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(sdl2)lib64qt5devicediscoverysupport-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ( Fh lB@BABEBJ9Cqtgraphicaleffects55.15.61pclos2022Qt GraphicalEffects componentQt5 GraphicalEffects component.QDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   2H Lcl6B@YBA|BEBJCqtgraphs66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Graphs componentQt6 Graphs component.JbDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6DBus)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6OpenGL)cmake(Qt6OpenGLWidgets)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Quick3D)cmake(Qt6QuickShapesPrivate)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6QuickWidgets)cmake(Qt6Test)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjapkgconfig(vulkan)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xkbfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qtgraphs6-6.8.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmJ5506e5ecb2302c6c82e6f11ff00b720a./SRPMS.pclosd   U B@DBAhBElBJCqtgrpc66.8.21pclos2025gRPC and Protobuf generator and bindings for Qt frameworkgRPC and Protobuf generator and bindings for Qt framework.@Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6QmlNetwork)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickControls2)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjapkgconfig(gtest)pkgconfig(libprotobuf-c)pkgconfig(protobuf)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  >d hyB@BABEBJ!Cqtgtl0.9.34pclos2014Qtbindings for OpenGTL and OpenShivaQtbindings for OpenGTL and OpenShiva.q7System/Librariesx86_64  qt4-develcmakeopengtl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! ; <B@`BABEBJCqthttpserver66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 HTTP Server componentQt6 HTTP Server API provides httpserver information via QML and C++ interfaces.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64    cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6WebSockets)ninjaqtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests);d $ >\ `vB@BABE BJ-Cqtimageformats55.15.61pclos2022Qt ImageFormats componentQt5 ImageFormats component.6Development/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develpkgconfig(libtiff-4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # >\ `w  N B@kBABEBJCqtimageformats66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 ImageFormats componentQt6 ImageFormats component. Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakeninjapkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(libmng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libwebp)qtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   Z    B@BABEBJCqtkeychain0.14.31pclos2024Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securelyPlatform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely.Graphical desktop/KDEx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt6Core)pkgconfig(Qt6DBus)pkgconfig(Qt6Help)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qtkeychain-0.14.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmdc8be3c5c55d71c5f0edab0356ac34b4./SRPMS.pclosd   Z (B@4BAXBE\BJ}Cqtkeychain0.9.11pclos2018Platform-independent Qt4 API for storing passwords securelyPlatform-independent Qt4 API for storing passwords securely.Graphical desktop/KDEx86_64 pkgconfig(QtCore)pkgconfig(QtDBus)pkgconfig(QtHelp)cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtkeychain-0.9.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm d7728ad87bc08c448eb57bdc4245a8f4./SRPMS.pclosd % L  zB@BABEBJCqtlanguageserver66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 language server protocol componentQt6 language server protocol defines a set of JSON-RPC request, response and notification messages which are exchanged using the above base protocol.Z.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakeninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  7P Tjt  d B@BABEBJCqtlocation55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Location componentQt5 Location component.dxDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(geoclue-2.0)pkgconfig(gypsy)pkgconfig(gconf-2.0)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(libssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)<77b08b92819570f865b0529fbbecc5e4./SRPMS.pclosd  6 4]B@BABEBJCqtlocation66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Location componentQt6 Location component. The Qt Location API helps creating mapping solutions using the data available from some of the popular location services.0ZDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Positioning)cmake(Qt6PositioningQuick)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickShapesPrivate)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6ShaderTools)cmake(Qt6Test)ninjaqtbase6-qtpathsqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)[d  P B@BA(BE,BJMCqtlockedfile2.4.15pclos2022QFile extension with advisory locking functionsThis class extends the QFile class with inter-process file locking capabilities. If an application requires that several processes should access the same file, QtLockedFile can be used to easily ensure that only one process at a time is writing to the file, and that no process is writing to it while others are reading it.System/Librariesx86_64 qt4-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtlockedfile-2.4.1-5pclos2022.src.rpm55e3c45de3db62c10de42fa8c67e9417./SRPMS.pclosd   3 XB@cBABEBJCqtlottie55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Lottie AnimationQt5 Lottie Animation provides a QML API for rendering graphics and animations that are exported in JSON format by the Bodymovin plugin for Adobe After Effects.WRDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtlottie5-5.15.6-1pclos2022.src.rpmW"9ff15a6dfe7c887daf76338c843200e2./SRPMS.pclosOd   2    B@BABE BJACqtlottie66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Lottie AnimationQt6 Lottie Animation provides a QML API for rendering graphics and animations that are exported in JSON format by the Bodymovin plugin for Adobe After Effects.YbDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)ninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   Z    B@BA BE$BJECqtmqtt66.7.21pclos2024Qt6 component to implement MQTT protocol version 3.1 and 3.1.1Qt6 module to implement MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol version 3.1 and 3.1.1 in Qt applications.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakelib64qt6core-devellib64qt6gui-devellib64qt6network-devellib64qt6qml-devellib64qt6quick-devellib64qt6websockets-devellib64qt6widgets-develninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qtmqtt6-6.7.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm08c975c8cafcaf62374859361928b69e./SRPMS.pclos?d   Z    B@BA BEBJ1Cqtmqtt66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 component to implement MQTT protocol version 3.1 and 3.1.1Qt6 module to implement MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol version 3.1 and 3.1.1 in Qt applications.dDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6WebSockets)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qtmqtt6-6.8.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm <83a064b1cb9e474c0f926514c666f401./SRPMS.pclosd " :T Xnx2B@ZBABEBJCqtmultimedia55.15.61pclos2022Qt Multimedia componentQt5 Multimedia component.:Development/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-bad-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libpulse-mainloop-glib)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d ! :T XoxiB@BABEBJCqtmultimedia66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Multimedia componentQt6 Multimedia component.mDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Quick3D)cmake(Qt6QuickControls2)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6ShaderTools)cmake(Qt6Svg)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ffmpeg-develninjapkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-bad-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libpulse-mainloop-glib)pkgconfig(libva)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(xrandr)qtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) # >t xB@BABEBJ)Cqtnetworkauth55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Network AuthenticatorsQt5 Network Authenticators; QtOAuth in particular.>QDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d " =p tB@BAHBELBJmCqtnetworkauth66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Network AuthenticatorsQt6 Network Authenticators; QtOAuth in particular.?Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakeninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   1 B@BA BE$BJECqtopcua66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 OPC UA componentQt6 OPC UA (API) provides classes and functions to access the OPC UA protocol.FDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6Widgets)mbedtls-develninjapkgconfig(openssl)qtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  f D+B@SBAtBExBJCqtox1.17.62pclos2024Powerful Tox client written in C++/Qt that follows the Tox design guidelinesPowerful Tox client written in C++/Qt that follows the Tox design guidelines.6Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilslib64exif12-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64filteraudio-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64openal-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64sodium-devellib64sqlcipher-devellib64xscrnsaver-devellibpthread-stubsqrencode-develqtbase5-common-develqttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)toxcore-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1qtox-1.17.6-2pclos2024.src.rpm6 1b9d5ad7b947a7bc6f1235f4984cfd50./SRPMS.pclosd   6 $B@FBAhBElBJCqtpass1.3.22pclos2019Cross-platform GUI for passQtPass is a cross-platform GUI for pass, the standard Unix password manager.KSecurityx86_64 qtbase5-common-devellib64udev0-devellib64mtdev-devellib64ice-devellib64sm-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64wacom-develtslib-devellib64xcb-util-renderutil-devellib64xcb-util-keysyms-devellib64xcb-util-devellib64xcb-util-image-devellib64xcb-util-wm-devellib64pcre2-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64evdev-devellib64input-devellib64qt5xcbqpa-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5eglfsdeviceintegration-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5network-develqttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtpass-1.3.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm c886314ab8be11b2d6976a251e4ea6dc./SRPMS.pclos d   d  4B@BABEBJCqtpfsgui1.9.32pclos2010A Qt4 graphical user interface that provides a workflow for HDR imagingQtpfsgui is a Qt4 graphical user interface that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging. * Create an HDR file from a set of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure setting. * Save and load HDR images. * Rotate and resize HDR images. * Tonemap HDR images. * Copy exif data between sets of images. * Supports internationalization.GGraphicsi586 qt4-devellibexiv-devellibOpenEXR-develfftw3-develtiff-devellibgomp-develdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtpfsgui-1.9.3-2pclos2010.src.rpm cefbe6540e86fa6c61d33755d99264d0./SRPMS.pclos#d " <    B@BABEBJCqtpositioning66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Positioning componentQt6 Positioning API provides positioning information via QML and C++ interfaces. +2Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6SerialPort)ninjapkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(libssl)qtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) U;738e71d447ca54276a90eb69d078a956./SRPMS.pclosd " ;X \r|.B@`BABEBJCqtpurchasing55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Purchasing componentQt5 Purchasing component.DDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   L$ (>H l & B@`BABEBJCqtquick3d55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Quick 3D bindings and C++ APIs componentQt5 Quick 3D provides everything necessary build Qt Quick 3D. Qt Quick 3D is a high level 3D API for Qt Quick. Qt Quick 3D enables anyone to introduce 3D content into their Qt Quick applications. Rather than requiring the end user to know advanced details of the graphics rendering pipeline (building framegraphs and materials), it is now possible to simply build up a 3D scene using high level primitives. It is a new module and API for defining 3D content in Qt Quick.S*Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)qtimageformats5-develpkgconfig(assimp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   K$ (?HB@BA4BE8BJYCqtquick3d66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Quick 3D bindings and C++ APIs componentQt6 Quick 3D provides everything necessary build Qt Quick 3D. Qt Quick 3D is a high level 3D API for Qt Quick. Qt Quick 3D enables anyone to introduce 3D content into their Qt Quick applications. Rather than requiring the end user to know advanced details of the graphics rendering pipeline (building framegraphs and materials), it is now possible to simply build up a 3D scene using high level primitives. It is a new module and API for defining 3D content in Qt Quick.}8Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Concurrent)cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6OpenGL)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTimeline)cmake(Qt6ShaderTools)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjapkgconfig(assimp)qtbase6-qtpathsqtimageformats6-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)}F0a1e6b76f1052ce85945315478f23661./SRPMS.pclosd % C ]B@BABEBJCqtquick3dphysics66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Quick3d Physics componentQt6 Quick3d Physics API provides quick3dphysics information via QML and C++ interfaces.G~Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Quick3D)ninjaqtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests){0995ad996f3c5d0ca114aa17a5f8e69b./SRPMS.pclosd & P 2B@HBAtBExBJCqtquickcontrols255.15.61pclos2022Qt5 - module with set of QtQuick controlsThe Qt Quick Controls module provides a set of controls that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick.~Development/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & P JB@hBABEBJCqtquickcontrols255.15.62pclos2023Qt5 - module with set of QtQuick controlsThe Qt Quick Controls module provides a set of controls that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick.~Development/Librariesx86_64   pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)qtbase5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) % 7L Pfp|B@BABEBJ!Cqtquickcontrols55.15.61pclos2022Qt Quick ControlsQt5 Quick Controls.[_Development/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[ge51311192ef0270b84579f91ef605c6b./SRPMS.pclosOd % 7L PfpB@BABE BJACqtquickcontrols55.15.62pclos2023Qt Quick ControlsQt5 Quick Controls.[_Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)qtbase5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)[a54d3d113373a0128b9f80ac7722d07c./SRPMS.pcloswd ' U  4  B@BADBEHBJiCqtquickeffectmaker66.8.21pclos2025Tool for creating shader effects for Qt QuickQt Quick Effect Maker is a hybrid editor for creating shader effects for Qt Quick applications and offers both a node editor and a code editor.BtUDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Quick3DGlslParserPrivate)cmake(Qt6ShaderTools)ninjaqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) % > 4B@?BAlBEpBJCqtquicktimeline55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Quick Timeline AddonQt5 Quick Timeline module provides QML types to use timelines and keyframes to animate Qt Quick user interfaces.Development/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtquicktimeline5-5.15.6-1pclos2022.src.rpmQe123d6e18377efb3931c6d6fa299ad57./SRPMS.pclosd $ = lB@BABEBJCqtquicktimeline66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Quick Timeline AddonQt6 Quick Timeline module provides QML types to use timelines and keyframes to animate Qt Quick user interfaces.4Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)ninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   A TB@BABEBJ)Cqtractor0.9.381pclos2024An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencerQtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt Designer. The initial target platform will be Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio, and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI, are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux Desktop Audio Workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.Soundx86_64  dssi-develladspa-devellib64alsa2-devellib64jack-devellib64lo-devellib64mad-devellib64ogg-devellib64rubberband-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sndfile-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64x11-devellilv-devellv2core-develqt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5help-develqt5widgets-develqt5x11extras-develqt5xml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qtractor-0.9.38-1pclos2024.src.rpm֟72e7622824f31fb36c7386082ca90c62./SRPMS.pclosd   F  -38@fB@oBABEBJCqtradio0.8.11pclos2007QtRadio - listen to the radio with QtRadioQtRadio - listen to the radio with QtRadio. It should work with every FM tuner card that is supported by video4linux. It has support for remote controls via lirc-support and recording to file. Texstar Soundi586 qt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtradio-0.8.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm V2998bef3b96c370fe3978db4d050865a./SRPMS.pclos+d % A B@BABEBJCqtremoteobjects55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 RemoteObjects componentQt5 Remote Objects module provides an easy to use mechanism for sharing a QObject's API (Properties/Signals/Slots) between processes.tDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ү011c76142f51f49ff7d502a3fcf715db./SRPMS.pclosd $ @    B@GBAtBExBJCqtremoteobjects66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 RemoteObjects componentQt6 Remote Objects module provides an easy to use mechanism for sharing a QObject's API (Properties/Signals/Slots) between processes.H7Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Bluetooth)cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjaqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   2 B@BABEBJ)Cqtscript55.15.61pclos2022Qt Script componentThe QtScript module provides classes for making Qt applications scriptable.(bDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtscript5-5.15.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm(Zc44b1efd1d15caf38d2179b362faf40b./SRPMS.pcloswd % R B@BADBEHBJiCqtscriptgenerator0.1.01pclos2011A tool to generate Qt bindings for Qt ScriptQt Script Generator is a tool to generate Qt bindings for Qt Script. System/Librariesx86_64  libxslt-procphonon-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ɇae8641dac8d62c0b3ddaecc0867e8dfe./SRPMS.pclosd   1 )B@FBAlBEpBJCqtscxml55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 ScXml componentThe Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content.Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'6cd8e84590458e148b84a7b51a8cfceb./SRPMS.pclosd   0    B@BABEBJCqtscxml66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 ScXml componentThe Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)ninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ٲca7f90f2a23061b7ac6584a56ffd4048./SRPMS.pclosd   5  \B@yBABEBJCqtsensors55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Sensors componentThe Qt Sensors API provides access to sensor hardware via QML and C++ interfaces. The Qt Sensors API also provides a motion gesture recognition API for devices.|sDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|\3e704002b08059da75d352030bb99fba./SRPMS.pclosd   4  ,  B@8BA\BE`BJCqtsensors66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Sensors componentThe Qt6 Sensors API provides access to sensor hardware via QML and C++ interfaces. The Qt Sensors API also provides a motion gesture recognition API for devices.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6Svg)cmake(Qt6SvgWidgets)cmake(Qt6Xml)ninjaqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)[d ! 9 .8PB@BA(BE,BJMCqtserialbus55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 SerialBus componentQt5 Serial Bus API provides classes and functions to access the various industrial serial buses and protocols, such as CAN, ModBus, and others. This package contains base tools, like string, xml, and network handling.Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5SerialPort)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d  8 /8 \  B@!BAHBELBJmCqtserialbus66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 SerialBus componentQt6 Serial Bus API provides classes and functions to access the various industrial serial buses and protocols, such as CAN, ModBus, and others. This package contains base tools, like string, xml, and network handling.nDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6SerialPort)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjaqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)'d " :T Xip|B@BABEBJCqtserialport55.15.62pclos2022Qt Serialport componentQt5 Serialport component.hSystem/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(libudev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! :T XoxB@ BA0BE4BJUCqtserialport66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Serialport componentQt6 Serialport component.ADevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   ninjapkgconfig(libudev)qtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) " =\ `wB@)BATBEXBJyCqtshadertools66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Shader Tools componentQt6 shader tools component.nDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)ninjaqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)'d ' [ B@BABEBJCqtsingleapplication2.6.17pclos2022Qt library to start applications only once per userFor some applications it is useful or even critical that they are started only once by any user. Future attempts to start the application should activate any already running instance, and possibly perform requested actions, e.g. loading a file, in that instance. The QtSingleApplication class provides an interface to detect a running instance, and to send command strings to that instance. #nSystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64qt4-devellib64qt4lockedfile-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5lockedfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtsingleapplication-2.6.1-7pclos2022.src.rpm O473899383fbc6c25f98f3d5d8b1470ed./SRPMS.pclosd    W$( -JPX~B@BABEBJCqtsoap2.72pclos2012The Simple Object Access Protocol Qt-based client side libraryThe SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) library uses the XML standard for describing how to exchange messages. Its primary usage is to invoke web services and get responses from Qt-based applications.NealSystem Environment/Librariesi586 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtsoap-2.7-2pclos2012.src.rpmla090f8987c1340e0a820019278f21176./SRPMS.pclos{d   9X \r|B@"BAHBELBJmCqtspeech55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 TextToSpeech componentQt5 TextToSpeech component.Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(speech-dispatcher)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   2|   z B@BABEBJCqtspeech66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Speech componentQt6 Speech API provides speech information via QML and C++ interfaces.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Multimedia)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)ninjapkgconfig(flite)pkgconfig(speech-dispatcher)qtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   } B@BABEBJCqtspell0.9.02pclos2022Spell checking for Qt text widgetsQtSpell adds spell-checking functionality to Qt's text widgets, using the enchant spell-checking library.̭System/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygengcc-c++pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(enchant-2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtspell-0.9.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmϦ1e9360d74de80e015c786806c05a4ea8./SRPMS.pclos d   G  %B@ /BA TBE XBJ yCqtstalker0.361pclos2010A user friendly Technical Analysis packageQtstalker is a user friendly Technical Analysis package for GNU/Linux (and hence other Unix-like systems). Similar to commercial wares such as Metastock, Supercharts and Tradestation. Keeps to a lean, simple design for speed, portability, and low resource usage. Because it uses a plugin model, Qtstalker can easily be extended. Qtstalker is 100% free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. An active development community is continually adding new features. We appreciate your input towards creating a world-class GNU/Linux TA package. Features * A point-and-click object-oriented graphical user interface. * Chart types include line, bar and candlestick. * Customizable colors. Logarithmic and linear arithmetic scaling. * Indicators plugins include MACD, MAs, Bollinger Bands, RSI, and dozens more. Provides access to the TA-Lib library of common functions. * A simple scripting facility to create custom indicators. This powerfully enables combination of different plots in one indicator and combining of other indicators and calculations. * A special indicator "ExScript" enables external scripts to pass data in. * An 'Indicator Summary' tool shows a table of all indicator parameters from all active indicators. It also writes the data to XML output for use by external programs. * Chart drawing objects: trendlines, buy/sell arrows, horizontal and vertical lines, fibonacci retracement lines, text and cycles. * Quote plugins download data from online sources such as Yahoo, CME, NYBOT. * Data import plugins for plain-text CSV files. * The "Plugin" architecture for quotes and indicators enables easy future extensibility. * Minute, daily, weekly and monthly chart compression options. * Various data classes to support for investment types such as stocks, futures, indices, ratios and spreads. * A back testing function allowing indicator performance tests using actual trading data. * A very basic portfolio manager. Good for tracking open positions. * A Scanner that can scan the qtstalker database for charts that meet a user defined criteria. * A paper trading mode enabling users to practice trading without risking capital.Financei586 libta-devellibqt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtstalker-0.36-1pclos2010.src.rpm4e951e1fd559c2cb6d2024332b7b1835./SRPMS.pclos3d   ,x |B@BABEBJ%Cqtsvg55.15.61pclos2022Qt Svg componentThe QtSvg module provides classes for displaying and creating SVG files.:WDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ,x |B@,BALBEPBJqCqtsvg66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Svg componentThe Qt6 Svg module provides classes for displaying and creating SVG files.Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  cmakeninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   -< @V`|B@BA BE$BJECqttools55.15.65pclos2024Qt5 GUI toolkitQt5 GUI tools.Development/Librariesx86_64  clang-develllvm-develpkgconfig(Qt5Qml)qtbase5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed3.0.4-14.6.0-1qttools5-5.15.6-5pclos2024.src.rpm232f8f14efe6f94be5323b40acec0c7fe./SRPMS.pclosWd   ,< @W`B@BA$BE(BJICqttools66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 GUI toolkitQt6 GUI tools.w'Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   clang-develcmakecmake(Qt6Help)cmake(Qt6PrintSupport)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickWidgets)cmake(litehtml)desktop-file-utilsimagemagicklib64cups2-devellib64zstd-develllvm-develninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed6.;d $ 4\ `vB@BABE BJ-Cqttranslations55.15.61pclos2022Qt TranslationsTranslation files for Qt Project apps.cDevelopment/Librariesnoarch qtbase5-common-develqttools5qmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qttranslations5-5.15.6-1pclos2022.src.rpmƿ1c923d2be1fef063c7035a78b02e64fa./SRPMS.pclosd # 4\ `wB@1BA\BE`BJCqttranslations66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 TranslationsTranslation files for Qt6 Project apps.Development/KDE and Qtnoarch   cmakecmake(Qt6Linguist)ninjaqtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ' EP Tjt7B@jBABEBJCqtvirtualkeyboard55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 VirtualKeyboard componentThe Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 5. Key features include: * Customizable keyboard layouts and styles with dynamic switching. * Predictive text input with word selection. * Character preview and alternative character view. * Automatic capitalization and space insertion. * Scalability to different resolutions. * Support for different character sets (Latin, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, and others). * Support for most common input languages, with possibility to easily extend the language support. * Left-to-right and right-to-left input. * Hardware key support for 2-way and 5-way navigation. * Handwriting support, with gestures for fullscreen input. * Audio feedback.T@Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(hunspell)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)\6cbff687cce9584b0265c17faeff591c./SRPMS.pclosWd & DP TktB@BA$BE(BJICqtvirtualkeyboard66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 VirtualKeyboard componentThe Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 6. Key features include: * Customizable keyboard layouts and styles with dynamic switching. * Predictive text input with word selection. * Character preview and alternative character view. * Automatic capitalization and space insertion. * Scalability to different resolutions. * Support for different character sets (Latin, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, and others). * Support for most common input languages, with possibility to easily extend the language support. * Left-to-right and right-to-left input. * Hardware key support for 2-way and 5-way navigation. * Handwriting support, with gestures for fullscreen input. * Audio feedback.1Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickControls2)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6Svg)cmake(Qt6SvgWidgets)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjapkgconfig(hunspell)qtbase6-qtpathsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)!118150c389598657f690c72a508fc9eb./SRPMS.pclosOd   T $@$$B@BABE BJACqtwayland55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 Wayland platform support and QtCompositor moduleQt5 Wayland platform support and QtCompositor module. TDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Quick)qt5platformsupport-develqt5vulkansupport-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(fontconfig)re2cpkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(libpci)pkgconfig(nss)lib64qt5servicesupport-static-devellib64qt5fontdatabasesupport-static-devellib64qt5themesupport-static-devellib64qt5eventdispatchersupport-static-devellib64qt5eglsupport-static-devellib64qt5glxsupport-static-devellib64qt5xkbcommonsupport-static-devellib64qt5accessibilitysupport-static-devellib64qt5linuxaccessibilitysupport-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) *13522ec31eb746a49761d357ec03bf3f./SRPMS.pclosd   S (BB@BABEBJCqtwayland66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 Wayland platform support and QtCompositor moduleQt6 Wayland platform support and QtCompositor module.8Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6DBus)cmake(Qt6OpenGL)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6Svg)cmake(Qt6Widgets)ninjapkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(libpci)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xtst)qtbase6-develqtbase6-qtpathsre2crpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) " : $0nB@BABEBJCqtwebchannel55.15.61pclos2022Qt WebChannel componentThe Qt WebChannel module offers Qt applications a seamless way to publish QObjects for interaction with HTML/JavaScript clients. These clients can either be inside local Qt WebViews or any other, potentially remote, client which supports JavaScript, as long as a communication channel such as WebSocket is available. Qt WebChannel uses introspection on the QObjects and sends this serialized data to the clients. There, with the help of a small JavaScript library, an object is created which simulates the API of the QObject. Any invokable methods, including slots, can be called as well as properties read and written. Additionally you can connect to signals and register JavaScript callbacks as handlers.(Development/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames){a68f7bf4a389a5bebc74627f63292474./SRPMS.pclosgd ! : $ H  B@ BA4BE8BJYCqtwebchannel66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 WebChannel componentThe Qt WebChannel module offers Qt applications a seamless way to publish QObjects for interaction with HTML/JavaScript clients. These clients can either be inside local Qt WebViews or any other, potentially remote, client which supports JavaScript, as long as a communication channel such as WebSocket is available. Qt WebChannel uses introspection on the QObjects and sends this serialized data to the clients. There, with the help of a small JavaScript library, an object is created which simulates the API of the QObject. Any invokable methods, including slots, can be called as well as properties read and written. Additionally you can connect to signals and register JavaScript callbacks as handlers.EDevelopment/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)cmake(Qt6WebSockets)ninjaqtbase6-develqttools6qttools6-assistantrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) " ] B@BABEBJCqtwebengine55.15.102pclos2023Integrates chromium's fast moving web capabilities into QtThe Qt WebEngine module provides the WebEngineView API which allows QML applications to render regions of dynamic web content. A WebEngineView component may share the screen with other QML components or encompass the full screen as specified within the QML application. It allows an application to load pages into the WebEngineView, either by URL or with an HTML string, and navigate within session history. By default, links to different pages load within the same WebEngineView, but web sites may request them to be opened as a new tab, window or dialog.cSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtwebengine5-5.15.10-2pclos2023.src.rpm_34b855dffcf3ff4461871c12bd00b213./SRPMS.pclos d  [ ]$] |]B@ hBA BE BJ Cqtwebengine66.8.21pclos2025Integrates chromium's fast moving web capabilities into QtThe Qt WebEngine module provides the WebEngineView API which allows QML applications to render regions of dynamic web content. A WebEngineView component may share the screen with other QML components or encompass the full screen as specified within the QML application. It allows an application to load pages into the WebEngineView, either by URL or with an HTML string, and navigate within session history. By default, links to different pages load within the same WebEngineView, but web sites may request them to be opened as a new tab, window or dialog.!Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   bisoncmakecmake(Qt6)cmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6GuiTools)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6OpenGL)cmake(Qt6OpenGLWidgets)cmake(Qt6Positioning)cmake(Qt6PrintSupport)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlModels)cmake(Qt6QmlTools)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickControls2)cmake(Qt6QuickWidgets)cmake(Qt6Sensors)cmake(Qt6Svg)cmake(Qt6WebChannel)cmake(Qt6WebChannelQuick)cmake(Qt6WebSockets)cmake(Qt6Widgets)cmake(Qt6WidgetsTools)flexgcc-c++git-coregperfkrb5-devellib64cups2-devellibatomic-devellibjpeg-devellibstdc++-static-develninja-buildnode-jspkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dri)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(epoxy)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(icu-io)pkgconfig(jsoncpp)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libavutil)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(libpci)pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libva)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libxml++-3.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(minizip)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(opus)pkgconfig(poppler-cpp)pkgconfig(protobuf)pkgconfig(re2)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xkbfile)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)pkgconfig(xshmfence)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(zlib)python3-html5libqtbase6-develqtsvg6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)snappy-develyasm3.!ȕ75a3bded3ebf533f80b6746098222e21./SRPMS.pclos7d # >    B@BABEBJ)Cqtwebglplugin55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 WebGL Plugin componentQPA plugin for running an application via a browser using streamed WebGL commands.4Development/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5WebSockets)qt5eventdispatchersupport-develqt5fontdatabasesupport-develqt5themesupport-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtwebglplugin5-5.15.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm6b12302f372c1178a716bb521cd434fe1./SRPMS.pclosd   /h l}B@BABEBJCqtwebkit4.8.63pclos2019Qt WebKit bindingsQt WebKit library is an open source web browser engine.vSystem/Librariesx86_64 gperfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtwebkit-4.8.6-3pclos2019.src.rpmd8144aab1fe06a6fed99d3df7233ff12./SRPMS.pclosd  ( =x |$B@HBAxBE|BJCqtwebkit55.212.01.alpha4.4pclos2022Qt5 WebKit componentQt5 WebKit library is an open source web browser engine.System/Librariesx86_64 qtbase5-develhyphen-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)bisonflexgperfchrpathpythonruby-develpkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(libwoff2dec)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)cmakefindutilspngcrushrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtwebkit5-5.212.0-1.alpha4.4pclos2022.src.rpmiTe6e2bee9600ea3587389e17990fc2eb1./SRPMS.pclosd " : .8HB@BABEBJCqtwebsockets55.15.61pclos2022Qt WebSockets componentQtWebSockets is a pure Qt implementation of WebSockets - both client and server. It is implemented as a Qt add-on module, that can easily be embedded into existing Qt projects. It has no other dependencies than Qt.Development/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! : /8 \  B@$BALBEPBJqCqtwebsockets66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 WebSockets componentQt6 WebSockets is a pure Qt implementation of WebSockets - both client and server. It is implemented as a Qt add-on module, that can easily be embedded into existing Qt projects. It has no other dependencies than Qt.*Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6QmlIntegration)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6QuickTest)ninjaqtbase6-develqttools6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   5  (  B@*BAPBETBJuCqtwebview55.15.61pclos2022Qt5 WebView componentQt5 WebView provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense. Development/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Positioning)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)pkgconfig(Qt5WebChannel)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5WebEngine)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) b48e327e67b0c78d7f4cb64ab9fb15483./SRPMS.pclosd   4  0  B@%BALBEPBJqCqtwebview66.8.21pclos2025Qt6 WebView componentQt6 WebView provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense.4Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6OpenGL)cmake(Qt6Qml)cmake(Qt6Quick)cmake(Qt6WebEngineCore)cmake(Qt6WebEngineQuick)ninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)\ef8b966df35eb67bb60eb6a95cf0871b./SRPMS.pclos+d   :X \mtB@BABEBJCqtweetlib0.5.01pclos2013C++ Qt based Twitter libraryC++ Qt based Twitter library.%oSystem/Librariesi586 cmakegcc-c++qt4-develqjson-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qtweetlib-0.5.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm*4554a42068426e5651f604fb1fba87e4./SRPMS.pclos;d ! 8X \r|B@BABE BJ-Cqtx11extras55.15.61pclos2022Qt X11Extras componentProvides specific APIs for X11.HDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develqt5platformsupport-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d  8PT [r|B@ BAHBELBJmCqtxdg-tools3.12.01pclos2023User tools for libqtxdgqtxdg-tools contains a CLI MIME tool, qtxdg-mat, for handling file associations and opening files with their default applications. It is maintained by the LXQt project and needed by LXQt Session, in order to be used by xdg-utils. Yet it can be used independently from LXQt, too.GdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64   cmakelib64qt5base5-devellib64qtxdg-devellxqt-build-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)"3dbdb8e38095d796000e5cce837bdd3c./SRPMS.pclos{d # < B@BAHBELBJmCqtxmlpatterns55.15.61pclos2022Qt XmlPatterns componentThe QtXmlPatterns module provides support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML Schema validation.ODevelopment/Librariesx86_64  qtbase5-develpkgconfig(Qt5Qml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  L B@BABEBJ)Cquadkonsole40.31pclos2011QuadKonsole - multiple Konsoles in one windowQuadKonsole embeds Konsole kparts in a grid layout.rGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quadkonsole4-0.3-1pclos2011.src.rpmw34f710472fbd66f832ed3625e103ce2d./SRPMS.pclosd   3  VB@aBABEBJCquadra1.1.815pclos2007Multiplayer puzzle gameThis is the official release 1.1.8 of Quadra, a full-featured multiplayer action puzzle game for the X Window System and Svgalib. Features include: - Recursive block chaining - Blocks shadows - Teams playing - TCP/IP networking (free Internet playing! Supports SOCKS proxies) - Smooth block falling - Sound effects - Watches on other players - Chat window - CD-based music - And much more!3Neverstopdreaming Games/Arcadei586 libpng-develXFree86-develbcrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quadra-1.1.8-15pclos2007.src.rpm3*8ee05088493a2b52cd9d22e9858d70522./SRPMS.pclos/d  7h ly   B@BABEBJ!Cquadrapassel40.21pclos2021GNOME Quadrapassel gameThe Russian game of falling geometric shapes.+Games/Arcadex86_64  pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(gsound)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk3)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(vapigen)pkgconfig(manette-0.2)intltoolitstoolmesonlibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   p cB@oBABEBJCdequassel0.10.11pclos2014A modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client - This is the monolithic clientQuassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core -- much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical. In addition to this uniqe feature, we aim to bring a pleasurable, comfortable chatting experience to all major platforms (including Linux®, Windows®, and MacOS X® as well as Qtopia-based cell phones and PDAs), making communication with your peers not only convenient, but also ubiquitous available.Quassel IRC ist ein modernes,, Cross-Plattform verteilt IRC-Client.(.Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 qt4-develqt4-linguistcmakekdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quassel-0.10.1-1pclos2014.src.rpm(/08cc3360c0f5a00d0f3d34186d10fd7f./SRPMS.pclossd    ?  '0 \  B@ BA@BEDBJeCquazip1.41pclos2023Qt/C++ wrapper for the minizip libraryQuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and - yes! - that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both reading from and writing to ZIP archives.pinocSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygengraphvizlib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5widgets-develzlib1-devellib64zip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quazip-1.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmSd8db044af7ed80738846d73230cbe8c7./SRPMS.pclosCd  9 B@BABEBJ5Cqucs0.0.171pclos2014An integrated circuit simulatorQucs is going to be an integrated circuit simulator which means you will be able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit. After that simulation has finished you can present the simulation results on a presentation page or window.oSciences/Engineeringx86_64 flexbisonlib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qucs-0.0.17-1pclos2014.src.rpm25e026e592417d901a87c4f9b9f1f5e5./SRPMS.pclosd   :  $  B@BABEBJ Cquesoglc0.7.21pclos2011The OpenGL Character RendererThe OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) is a state machine that provides OpenGL programs with character rendering services via an application programming interface (API).XSystem/Librariesx86_64 fontconfig-develmesaglu-devellib64mesaglut3-develfribidi-devellibxau-devellibxdmcp-devellibxi-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quesoglc-0.7.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm,0d51f5250c6c0577d031f2239dff8994./SRPMS.pclos;d ( Q, 0HPdB@BABE BJ-Cquick-lounge-applet2.14.01pclos2009GNOME Applications panel grouping appletThe Quick Lounge applet is an applet for the GNOME Panel. With this applet you can organize your preferred applications in a single place. You can add spaces between applications, they can be used to group together applications with similar tasks. When the applet size exceeds the available space a menu containing the remaing launchers is created. The menu can be accessed pressing the arrow button located at the end of the applet. The menu displays spaces as separators.^Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 libpanel-applet-develgnome-menus-develgnome-desktop-develperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quick-lounge-applet-2.14.0-1pclos2009.src.rpm~b5f93c5320cfc26bb268a463e7c2d6f7./SRPMS.pclosgd  A B@ BA4BE8BJYCquickdisktest1.301pclos2022Tests removable media for errorsQuick Disk Test, fills a disk with test data and verifies that it can be read back without errors.Agent Smith File toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quickdisktest-1.30-1pclos2022.src.rpmfd90c725eba643149e89494c3d25d320b./SRPMS.pclos d  D  9@TB@BABEBJCquicksynergy0.9.01pclos2011GUI for easily configuring Synergy2QuickSynergy is a graphical user interface (GUI) for easily configuring Synergy2 on Mac OS X and Linux. Synergy2 is an application that allows the user to share his mouse and keyboard between two or more computers.9Networking/Remote accessi586 synergydesktop-file-utilsgettextlibgtk+2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quicksynergy-0.9.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmc2f9a5764b99cb3e05125a44f240f087./SRPMS.pclos'd   8X \lt   B@BABEBJCquiterss0.19.41pclos2020RSS/Atom news feeds readerQuiteRSS is a open-source cross-platform RSS/Atom news feeds reader. Idea: * Quite fast and comfortable to user Features: * Embedded browser (Webkit core) * Feed and news filters: new, unread, starred, deleted (for news until restart application) * User filters * Proxy configuration: automatic or manual * Feed import wizard: Search feed URL if site URL was entered * Adblock * Click to Flash * Mark news starred * Automatic update feeds: on startup, by timer * Automatic cleanup on close using criterias * Enable/Disable images in news preview * Ability to quickly hide feed tree (for comfortable viewing) * Open feed or news in own tab * Quick news filter and quick search in browser * Sound notification on new news * Popup notification on new news * Show new or unread news counter on tray icon * Minimize on system tray: on start, on close, on minimize * Import/Export feeds (OPML-files) * Portable (Windows) * Free working set (Windows) * Shortcuts * Check for updates * Cross-platform * Multilingual * Open-source&nNetworking/Newsx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKit)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)qtsingleapplication-qt5-develpkgconfig(sqlite3)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quiterss-0.19.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm&wae7a307243a604e47bbce8e2e77c23f9./SRPMS.pclosd     b B@sBABEBJCdequodlibet4.5.01pclos2022Advanced, elegant jukebox style music playerFortgeschrittener, eleganter Musikplayer im Jukebox StilQuod Libet is a GTK+-based audio player written in Python. It's designed around the idea that you know better than we do how to organize your music. It lets you make playlists based on regular expressions (don't worry, regular searches work too). It lets you display and edit any tags you want in the file. It supports Ogg Vorbis and MP3 by default, but other formats (FLAC, Musepack, Wavepack, MPEG-4/AAC and MOD are available through gstreamer0.10 plugins. Quod Libet easily scales to libraries of thousands of songs. It also supports most of the features you expect from a modern media player, like Unicode support, gapless playback, multimedia keys, and an OSD.Quod Libet ist ein auf GTK+ basierender Audioplayer, der in Python geschrieben ist. Er ist mit der Idee erstellt wurden, dass der Benutzer besser weiß, wie er seine Musik organisiert haben möchte. Das Programm erlaubt die Erstellung von Abspiellisten anhand regulärer Ausdrücke (eine Suche mittels regulärer Ausdrücke ist ebenfalls möglich). Weiterhin ist möglich alle Tags anzuzeigen und zu bearbeiten. Folgende Formate werden unterstützt: Ogg Vorbis und MP3 standardmäßig, aber andere Formate (FLAC, Musepack, Wavepack, MPEG-4/AAC und MOD) sind nur durch gstreamer0.10 Plugins verfügbar. Für Quod Libet ist es einfach mit Bibliotheken mit mehreren Tausend Liedern umzugehen. Es unterstützt alle Eigenschaften, die Sie von einem modernen Mediaplayer erwarten könne, wie z.B. Unicode-Unterstützung, lückenlose Wiedergabe, Multimediatasten und ein OSD.8TerryNSoundx86_64 ImageMagickpygtk2.0-develpyvorbisdesktop-file-utilsintltoolgstreamer1.0-pythonmutagenpython-dbuspython-feedparserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quodlibet-4.5.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm8G1585ac835299bfbaf5ff1b330a17072c./SRPMS.pclosd   U    B@BABEBJ Cquota4.091pclos2022System administration tools for monitoring users' disk usageThe quota package contains system administration tools for monitoring and limiting user and or group disk usage per file system.System/Configurationx86_64 autoconfautomakedbus-devele2fsprogs-develgettext-devellibnl3-developenldap-develtcp_wrappers-develtirpc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quota-4.09-1pclos2022.src.rpmb94a99d30fdc88158e45c41d63b4ff1d./SRPMS.pclos[d   'L PmtB@BA(BE,BJMCqutecom2.2.11pclos2015A sip phoneQuteCom is a community of enthusiasts and developers, creating free software products related to communication over IP. The flagship product of the QuteCom project is a softphone which allows you to make free PC to PC video and voice calls, and to integrate all your IM contacts in one place.6qNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64boost-devellib64curl-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64openssl-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sndfile-devellib64speex1-devellib64uuid-devellib64v4l-devellib64x11-devellib64xscrnsaver-develpidgin-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qutecom-2.2.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm6ca60fa96b2bcf4cf312526b694442d9b./SRPMS.pclosd  a 7B@PBApBEtBJCqutim0.3.21pclos2016qutIM - multiplatform multiprotocol (ICQ, Jabber etc) instant messengerqutIM - multiplatform multiprotocol (ICQ, Jabber) instant messenger.A]Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 cmakedoxygenSDLmm-develSDL_sound-develqt4-assistantqt4-linguistlib64idn-devellib64aspell-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64hunspell-devellib64jreen-devellib64qca2-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-devellib64vreen-devellib64x11-devellib64xscrnsaver1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qutim-0.3.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm?028ae1292d2846cad990690cd62c8a3a./SRPMS.pclosKd   KD HY`xB@BABEBJ=Cquvi0.9.52pclos2019Command line tool for parsing video download linksquvi is a command line tool for parsing video download links. It supports Youtube and other similar video websites. libquvi is a library for parsing video download links with C API. It is written in C and intended to be a cross-platform library..Networking/Otherx86_64 lib64curl-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64quvi-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1quvi-0.9.5-2pclos2019.src.rpmb6088bd1adcd05eca8103daedc7fc762./SRPMS.pclosd  E B@&BALBEPBJqCqwbfsmanager1.2.31pclos2012File manager for the WBFS filesystemQWBFS Manager is a graphical user interface (GUI) for working with WBFS filesystem formatted hard disk drive. iNealGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 qt4-develkdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qwbfsmanager-1.2.3-1pclos2012.src.rpm 5eb7661f57a4220618ba30e48aaba5e8./SRPMS.pclosd   _ UB@cBABEBJCqwinff0.2.12pclos2021QWinFF aims to be an intuitive yet useful media converting interfaceQWinFF aims to be an intuitive yet useful media converting interface. It features a rich set of presets that can help average users to convert between media formats without having to manually input every parameter; while advanced users can still adjust detailed output options to meet their needs.$ldanielVideox86_64 lib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5gui-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qwinff-0.2.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm$p%39ce61db6febd676c5885b2fa7b99524./SRPMS.pclosd   < 4<TB@BABEBJCqwinwrap1.01pclos2018Qwinwrap is a Qt GUI for xwinwrapQwinwrap allows for the use of (x)screensavers or videos to be played as desktop backgrounds (something like Dreamscene in MS Windows), and takes the help of xwinwrap, xscreensaver modules and mplayer for that purpose. Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 qt4-develphonon-devellib64xext-devellib64xrender-develgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qwinwrap-1.0-1pclos2018.src.rpmd28e9322ce249d44c78a92a8647f0384./SRPMS.pclos'd   Dl pB@BABEBJCqwit0.101pclos2010qwit - Qt4 cross-platform client for TwitterQt4 cross-platform client for Twitter3Networking/Newsi586 desktop-file-utilsqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qwit-0.10-1pclos2010.src.rpm814c6533e0514f8e48df2b399957dd212./SRPMS.pcloswd   )  B@ BADBEHBJiCqxgedit0.9.101pclos2023Qt XG EditorQXGEdit is a Qt GUI for editing MIDI System Exclusive files for XG devices (eg. Yamaha DB50XG).?Soundx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilspkgconfig(alsa)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1qxgedit-0.9.10-1pclos2023.src.rpm6348e36711e7851b8850f5c9885a07ab./SRPMS.pclosd   0DH S[dB@BABEBJCqxmledit0.9.9.21pclos2018Simple XML editorQXmlEdit is a simple XML editor written in qt4. It is a swiss army knife; its main features are unusual data visualization modes, it has some nice XML manipulation and presentation features and it is multi platform. This is one of the few graphical Open Source XSD viewers.HghostbunnyEditorsx86_64 glut-develqtbase5-develqtcore5-develqtgui5-develqtnetwork5-develqtopengl5-develqtprintsupport5-develqtscxml5-develqtsql5-develqtsvg5-develqtwidgets5-develqtxmlpatterns5-develqtxml5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qxmledit-    I $UB@_BA|BEBJCqxmlrpc11pclos2013Full Qt4 based implementation of XML-RPC protocolProvides an easy way to construct, send and receive XML-RPC messages on the client side, and process XML-RPC messages on the server side.C-Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Librariesx86_64 gcc-c++libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qxmlrpc-1-1pclos2013.src.rpmG642d7f5e5bc6e8c3d72ba38bee93685d./SRPMS.pclos3d  D    B@BABEBJ%Cqxmpp1.4.01pclos2021XMPP client and server library based on QtQXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP client and server library. It is written in C++ and uses Qt framework. QXmpp strives to be as easy to use as possible, the underlying TCP socket, the core XMPP RFCs (RFC3920 and RFC3921) and XMPP extensions have been nicely encapsulated into classes. QXmpp comes with full API documentation, automatic tests and many examples. QXmpp uses Qt extensively, and as such users need to a have working knowledge of C++ and Qt basics (Signals and Slots and Qt data types). Qt is the only third party library which is required to build QXmpp, but libraries such as speex, vpx and theora enable additional features.System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)cmakedoxygenpkgconfig(speex)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(vpx)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1qxmpp-1.4.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm32c5012e27622c045874157043d89db7./SRPMS.pclosd  0\` f}  8 B@[BA|BEBJCqyoto4.14.33pclos2015C# Mono Qt 4 bindings.NET/Mono bindings for the Qt libraries.ʔpinocGraphical desktop/KDE4i586  kdelibs-develsmokegen-develsmokeqt-develmonophonon-develqimageblitzkde4-macroscmakeqscintilla-qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)<92f7fd423ea727ca3052e5bf03acc168./SRPMS.pclos{d   o B@$BAHBELBJmCraccoon4.24.01pclos2023Allows you to download Android APK files to your desktop PC and archive them thereA Google Play desktop client that runs on Linux, MacOS X and MS Windows systems. Faster and easier to navigate than the official smartphone / tablet app. The only APK downloader that is able to fetch paid apps as well (including their asset files). A superior and more reliable solution when compared to web based alternatives.&nAgent Smith Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1raccoon-4.24.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm'45c9edc1533215defaa31f500194437d./SRPMS.pclosd( , J  PB@`BABEBJCradeon-firmware202401151pclos2024ATI/AMD Radeon firmware filesFirmware files for AMD/ATI Radeon graphics cards. This package contains all the firmware files (including RLC) for the following Radeon series: R100, R200, R300, R400, R500, R600, R700, Evergreen, Fusion, Northern Islands, Southern Islands, Cayman, Llano, Trinity, Oland, Hainan, Bonaire, Kabini, Kaveri, Hawaii, Mullins. It also have firmwares for amdgpu: Carrizo, Fiji, Stoney, Tonga, Polaris, Vega, Raven(2), Picasso.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1radeon-firmware-20240115-1pclos2024.src.rpmb093c8cc7cb706e95eab01dd959d6482./SRPMS.pclos[d   S B@BA(BE,BJMCradeontool1.6.31pclos2021Enable/disable ATI Radeon external display/backlightThis utility should enable/disable the external display for ATI Radeon video cards. It should also enable/disable the backlight on a laptop equipped with a an ATI Radeon Mobility video card. Since it was engineered without access to the Radeon documents, it may as well break your hardware. USE RADEONTOOL AT YOUR OWN RISKSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 pkgconfig(pciaccess)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1radeontool-1.6.3-1pclos2021.src.rpm6c257cd94dda6ff56e4b950c4b77cc4f./SRPMS.pclosd   J B@BABEBJCradeontop1.31pclos2022View GPU utilization of AMD/ATI Radeon devicesRadeonTop shows the utilization of your GPU, both in general and by blocks. Supported cards are R600 and up.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 asciidocgettextappstream-glibpkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(pciaccess)pkgconfig(libdrm)libxcb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1radeontop-1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm12337b73d0abf869bf587c8ff75c5831./SRPMS.pclosd & I  (WB@`BABEBJCradicalcomicdesigner2.01pclos2010Comic Book and Comic Strip creatorComic Book and Comic Strip creator,can easly design your own Comic Books or Comic Strips and export them for easy reading on multiple applications,or publishing to your web site.$ɈGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1radicalcomicdesigner-2.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm$;bfcedc6792099405f394d3fdd9335f09./SRPMS.pclos?d  C    B@BA BEBJ1Cradiotray-ng0.2.84pclos2022An Internet radio player for LinuxRadiotray-NG runs in the system tray allowing you to select and play configured radio stations.Soundx86_64 git-corecmakecurl-develboost-develwxgtk-devellib64jsoncpp-develpkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(libxdg-basedir)pkgconfig(libbsd)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1radiotray-ng-0.2.8-4pclos2022.src.rpmPa9b688c5d8cd0a358b13bed0189f0788./SRPMS.pclosKd  ? B@BABEBJ=Cradiusclient0.3.28pclos2011Radiusclient library and toolsRadiusclient is a /bin/login replacement which gets called by a getty to log in a user and to setup the user's login environment. Normal login programs just check the login name and password which the user entered against the local password file (/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow). In contrast to that Radiusclient also uses the RADIUS protocol to authenticate the user.VSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1radiusclient-0.3.2-8pclos2011.src.rpmaebc607f86f4e8a200f31372613c5bb4./SRPMS.pclosd  > !(4[B@eBABEBJCradvd0.9.12pclos2007The IPv6 Router Advertisement DaemonIPv6 has a lot more support for autoconfiguration than IPv4. But for this autoconfiguration to work on the hosts of a network, the routers of the local network have to run a program which answers the autoconfiguration requests of the hosts. On Linux this program is called radvd, which stands for Router ADVertisement Daemon. This daemon listens to router solicitations (RS) and answers with router advertisement (RA). Furthermore unsolicited RAs are also send from time to time. These RAs contain information, which is used by hosts to configure their interfaces. This information includes address prefixes, the MTU of the link and information about default routers.oBart the Build Bot System/Serversi586 flexbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1radvd-0.9.1-2pclos2007.src.rpmxef2c8471c804b4f5813517e1dd03dd63./SRPMS.pclos_d   3 B@ BA,BE0BJQCrage0.3.11pclos2019Enlightenment Media PlayerRage is a video and audio player written with Enlightenment Foundation Libraries with some extra bells and whistles.eGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 efl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rage-0.3.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm5c36c346b824bdf382614453643013c8./SRPMS.pclos_d   6 B@ BA,BE0BJQCragel6.101pclos2020Finite state machine compilerRagel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into executable C, C++, Objective-C, D, Java or Ruby code. Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as regular expression machines do, but can also execute code at arbitrary points in the recognition of a regular language. Code embedding is done using inline operators that do not disrupt the regular language syntax.{Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ragel-6.10-1pclos2020.src.rpm3ccc37e0deba15307bb6133292ceec4e./SRPMS.pclosgd   5  B@BA4BE8BJYCragel6.81pclos2015Finite state machine compilerRagel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into executable C, C++, Objective-C, D, Java or Ruby code. Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as regular expression machines do, but can also execute code at arbitrary points in the recognition of a regular language. Code embedding is done using inline operators that do not disrupt the regular language syntax.HyDevelopment/Otheri586 transfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ragel-6.8-1pclos2015.src.rpmQL1f186c4f30d7d34d7549e86ac00a63d5./SRPMS.pclosd   HL QltxB@BABEBJCderaider0.13.21pclos2012Raider is a tool to automate linux software raid conversion.Raider ist ein Werkzeug zum Automatisieren der Konvertierung von Linux Software Raids.Raider is a tool to automate linux software raid conversion.Raider ist ein Werkzeug zum Automatisieren der Konvertierung von Linux Software Raids.aNealSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1raider-0.13.2-1pclos2012.src.rpm1146db60b2a02dcc397e15517399b6da./SRPMS.pclosd  e  JB@SBAtBExBJCrails1.1.62pclos2007Web-application framework with template engine, control-flow layer, and ORMRails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database, Rails gives you a pure-Ruby development environment. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.>Bart the Build Bot System/Serversnoarch ruby-RubyGemsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rails-1.1.6-2pclos2007.src.rpm;615083604d44a75e2f3bb88e308eeb0e./SRPMS.pclosd  /  XB@rBABEBJCraine0.91.15b1pclos2021An arcade emulatorRaine is an emulator, it emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. Since 0.62 Raine was merged with NeoRaine into one emulator. To play NeoGeo CD games you need neocd.bin (or neocd.zip), which is the neocd bios, to be in the (neo)raine's data directory: /usr/share/games/raine .=SAgent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 desktop-file-utilsnasmp7ziplib64SDL_sound-devellib64smpeg-devellib64allegro4-devellib64flac++6-devellib64glew-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64curl-devellib64mikmod-devellib64png1.6-devellib64muparser-devellib64ogg-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_ttf-devellib64vorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1raine-0.91.15b-1pclos2021.src.rpm88cfd09c2881cb41e42bdff5c2893cbc7./SRPMS.pclosd * HP T[dhB@BABEBJCrainlendar2-lite2.15.4.b1662pclos2020Customizable desktop calendarRainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that is easy to use and doesn't take much space on your desktop. The appearance can be customized with skins. Rainlendar uses the standard iCalendar file format so it is compatible with most calendar applications.3Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rainlendar2-lite-2.15.4.b166-2pclos2020.src.rpm28f650c3db3dfb68e5e33c06ce9ca136a./SRPMS.pclosd   : (`/B@DBAhBElBJCrakarrack0.6.12pclos2016Guitar FX processor emulatorRakarrack is a FX processor emulator for guitar and other purposes. It provides many effects: tcompressor, expander, noise gate, graphic equalizer, parametric equalizer, exciter, shuffle, convolotron, valve, flanger, dual flange, chorus, musicaldelay, arpie, echo with reverse playback, musical delay, reverb, digital phaser, analogic phaser, synthfilter, varyband, ring, wah-wah, alien-wah, mutromojo, harmonizer, looper and four flexible distortion modules including sub-octave modulation and dirty octave up. It features real time processing, JACK support, an online tuner, bank and preset managment, and a monophonic MIDI converter. Patch files from previous versions can be converted using the provided rakconvert script. $Soundx86_64 alsa-lib-develalsa-utilsdesktop-file-utilsfltk-devellibjack-devellibpng-devellibxau-devellibxdmcp-devellibxpm-develxcb-develxft2-devellibsamplerate-develsndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rakarrack-0.6.1-2pclos2016.src.rpm ^fa81b130f53125fd3925ebf9bd791162./SRPMS.pcloswd   0 B@#BADBEHBJiCrambox2.4.11pclos2024Messaging ApplicationFree, Open Source and Cross Platform messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one.0Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1rambox-2.4.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm%Ra6f58f4604c2bd429512f3c9bd151b9a./SRPMS.pclosGd   : B@BABEBJ9Cranger1.9.32pclos2022A flexible console file managerRanger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.0TerryNFile toolsnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ranger-1.9.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm81706daf1efe5126067634781f0d5af71./SRPMS.pclosd# . { B@BABEBJCderapid-photo-downloader0.9.332pclos2022Image downloader for external devicesBilder Downloader für externe GeräteRapid Photo Downloader is written by a photographer for professional and amateur photographers. It can download photos from multiple memory cards and Portable Storage Devices simultaneously. It provides a variety of options for sub-folder creation, image renaming and backup.It does not download images directly from a camera unless the camera is recognized as an external drive.Rapid Photo Downloader ist ein Vertreter der Unix Philosophie "ein Werkzeug für eine Aufgabe". Wie der Name schon sagt, ist die einzige Aufgabe von Rapid Photo Downloader das runterladen und umbenenne von Fotos, egal ob von CF oder SD Karten. Dass spezielle von Rapid Photo Downloader dagegen ist, er kann es gleichzeitig von verschiedenen Quellen. Mit Rapid Photo Downloader kann man: * Seine Fotos in ein vordefinierten Ordner runterladen * Beim runterladen die Fotos gleichzeitig umbenenne. * Während des runterladen und umbenenne ein Backup der Fotos machen. Rapid Photo Downloader ist überaus einfach zu konfigurieren, mit ein paar Klicks hat man seine gewünschte Einstellungen eingerichtet und schon kann es los gehen.b Graphicsnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsintltoolbzrgobject-introspectionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rapid-photo-downloader-0.9.33-2pclos2022.src.rpmb3d249e72ffe3088b6acf2eb6f3f955d5./SRPMS.pclosd   B@ DU\hB@BABEBJCrapidjson1.1.02pclos2022A fast JSON parser/generator for C++RapidJSON is a JSON parser and generator for C++. It was inspired by RapidXml. - RapidJSON is small but complete. It supports both SAX and DOM style API. The SAX parser is only a half thousand lines of code. - RapidJSON is fast. Its performance can be comparable to strlen(). It also optionally supports SSE2/SSE4.2 for acceleration. - RapidJSON is self-contained and header-only. It does not depend on external libraries such as BOOST. It even does not depend on STL. - RapidJSON is memory-friendly. Each JSON value occupies exactly 16 bytes for most 32/64-bit machines (excluding text string). By default it uses a fast memory allocator, and the parser allocates memory compactly during parsing. - RapidJSON is Unicode-friendly. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 (LE & BE), and their detection, validation and transcoding internally. For example, you can read a UTF-8 file and let RapidJSON transcode the JSON strings into UTF-16 in the DOM. It also supports surrogates and "\u0000" (null character) BSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rapidjson-1.1.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm n08dc0647e06197d0809609d362b512c0./SRPMS.pclosd   b $B@BABEBJ Crapidsvn0.12.12pclos2018A cross-platform GUI for the Subversion concurrent versioning systemRapidSVN is a platform independent GUI client for the Subversion revision system written in C++ using the wxWindows framework. 8Development/Otherx86_64 ImageMagickdoxygenlib64apr-devellib64apr-util-devellib64cppunit-devellib64wxgtku2.8-develsubversion-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rapidsvn-0.12.1-2pclos2018.src.rpm &G6dc70ac3869a553302eedb33d85b125d./SRPMS.pclosd   +8 <MT\B@BABEBJCrapidxml1.132pclos2016Fast XML parserRapidXml is an attempt to create the fastest XML parser possible, while retaining usability, portability and reasonable W3C compatibility. It is an in-situ parser written in modern C++, with parsing speed approaching that of strlen function executed on the same data.6?System/Librariesx86_64 dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rapidxml-1.13-2pclos2016.src.rpm6E2488cdcf64902ad4bb8813e926f7db45./SRPMS.pclosd   A 5B@?BA`BEdBJCraptor1.4.212pclos2017Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for RedlandRaptor is the RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland that provides a set of standalone RDF parsers, generating triples from RDF/XML or N-Triples.%bb2 Development/Otherx86_64 libxml2-develcurl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1raptor-1.4.21-2pclos2017.src.rpm 2a25ad277183a2728fd15ee49f37efe4./SRPMS.pclosd   B bB@nBABEBJCraptor22.0.156pclos2022Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for RedlandRaptor is the RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland that provides a set of standalone RDF parsers, generating triples from RDF/XML or N-Triples.fDevelopment/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(libcurl)icu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1raptor2-2.0.15-6pclos2022.src.rpm147b65a103a72e4beaa2795a4b28e6f0./SRPMS.pclos'd   Cl pB@BABEBJCrarcrack0.21pclos2007Crack rar, zip, and 7z package passwordsIf you forget your password for compressed archive (rar, 7z, zip), this program is the solution. This program uses bruteforce algorithm to find correct password. You can specify wich characters will be used in password generations. Warning: Please don't use this program for any illegal things!Archiving/Compressioni586 gcc-c++libxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rarcrack-0.2-1pclos2007.src.rpm7d968339676545894efceb29d7ea222f./SRPMS.pclos d Nx|B@BABEBJCrarian0.8.11pclos2011Cataloging system for documentation on open systemsRarian is a cataloging system for the installed documentation. Rarian is designed to be a replacement for scrollkeeper. It is currently undergoing heavy development. As of writing, rarian can be installed in place of scrollkeeper and everything will work okay (as far as my testing indicates)aPublishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rarian-0.8.1-1pclos2011.src.rpm?t253a521711efd657b0913b89114fffe5./SRPMS.pclosd  ~DH PfptB@BABEBJCderarlinux5.7.11pclos2019RAR archiver to create and manage RAR archivesRAR Archiver erstellt und verwaltet RAR-ArchiveRAR is a powerful tool allowing you to manage and control archive files. Console RAR supports archives only in RAR format, which names usually have a ".rar" extension. ZIP and other formats are not supported.RAR ist ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug zum Verwaltung und Erstellen von Archivdateien. Console RAR-Archive unterstützen nur das RAR-Format, die Namen haben in der Regel die Endung “. rar“. ZIP und andere Formate werden nicht unterstützt.kpp Archiving/Compressionx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rarlinux-5.7.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm\2e15c52b78b8a1c7012c9f4b1026490b./SRPMS.pclos#d   0    B@BABEBJCrasqal0.9.333pclos2021RDF querying libraryRasqal handles Resource Description Framework (RDF) query syntaxes, query construction and query execution returning result bindings. The supported query languages are RDQL and SPARQL. Rasqal was designed to work closely with the Redland RDF library but is entirely separate. It is intended to be a portable library working across many POSIX systems (Unix, GNU/Linux, BSDs, OSX, cygwin) win32 and others.ŋDatabasesx86_64 lib64gcrypt-devellib64gmp-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64mpfr-devellib64pcre0-devellib64raptor2-devellib64uuid-devellib64xml2-develflexbisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rasqal-0.9.33-3pclos2021.src.rpmP5515d3d9eb18c9b22e6fbe5ab9b4dd45./SRPMS.pclosd   QL Php|B@BABEBJCratpoison1.4.91pclos2018Simple Window Manager largely modelled after ScreenRatpoison is a simple window manager with no large library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no rodent dependence. It is largely modeled after GNU Screen, which has done wonders in the virtual terminal market. All interaction with the window manager is done through keystrokes. ratpoison has a prefix map to minimize the key clobbering that cripples EMACS and other quality pieces of software. All windows are maximized and kept maximized to avoid wasting precious screen space.EGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 X11-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ratpoison-1.4.9-1pclos2018.src.rpm*889346f29a11f766f2fcb1273b293568./SRPMS.pclosgd   S B@BA4BE8BJYCrawstudio2.01pclos2011Graphical tool to convert raw images of digital camerasRawstudio is an open source raw-image converter written in GTK+. Features: * Reads all dcraw supported formats * Internal 16bit rgb * Various post-shot controls (white balance, saturation and exposure compensation among others) * Realtime histogram * Optimized for MMX, 3dnow! and SSE (detected runtime) * Easy sorting of images * Fullscreen mode for better overview Graphicsi586 gtk+2-devellibjpeg-devellibGConf2-develGConf2libtiff-develzlib-devellcms-develimagemagicklibexiv-devellensfun-develflickcurl-develgphoto2-develsqlite3-devellibxml2-develfftw3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rawstudio-2.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm ȟcaaeaf0f99589ff370331379ce720107./SRPMS.pclosd  < ''u'B@BABEBJCrawtherapee5.111pclos2024Raw image processing softwareRawtherapee is a RAW image processing software. It gives full control over many parameters to enhance the raw picture before finally exporting it to some common image format.Graphicsx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilslib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64canberra-devellib64canberra-gtk-devellib64canberra-gtk3-devellib64expat1-devellib64fftw-devellib64fftwomp3lib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkmm2.4-devellib64gtkmm3.0-devellib64iptcdata-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lcms2-devellib64lensfun-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64png-devellib64sigc++2.0-devellib64tiff-devellibatomic-devellibgomp-devellibstdc++-develmercurialmultiarch-utilspkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wayland-protocols-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1rawtherapee-5.11-1pclos2024.src.rpm60db2b0a252fb1df5cf8560ebfca1809./SRPMS.pclos kd   T P T Z d  B@ BA 8BE <BJ ]Craysession0.14.32pclos2024RaySession is an audio session manager for GNU/LinuxRaySession is an audio session manager for GNU / Linux. It allows you to start several audio programs in the same session, to save their projects together and thus to avoid multiple operations to return to a given configuration. To be launched in RaySession, it is very much preferable that these audio programs be compatible with the NSM protocol, and many are already, among others Ardour, Qtractor, Carla, Guitarix, Mamba, Patroneo, ZynAddSubFx …​ RaySession assumes that your audio setup is working for audio production, if not, fix this first and don’t waste your time trying to use RaySession. RaySession is a GNU/Linux session manager for audio programs such as Ardour, Carla, QTractor, Guitarix, Patroneo, Jack Mixer, etc... The principle is to load together audio programs, then be able to save or close all documents together. Its main purpose is to manage NSM compatible programs, but it also helps for other programs. it benefits from a nice patchbay, a complete manual as well as a splendid web site. An integrated client can save and restore JACK connections. Except this, RaySession doesn't deals with JACK, the recommended user behavior is to use it when JACK is already started. Features Load many programs together and remember their documents and jack connections in an unified folder Nice patchbay with stereo connections, wrappable boxes and a search tool Snapshot at each save (optional), then you can go back to the snapshot (it uses git) Save client as template, and then restore it easily Save session as template Make almost all actions and get several informations with the CLI named ray_control Script sessions and clients actions with shell scripts Remember and recall JACK configuration with the jack_config session scripts Having sub-sessions working through the network with the "Network Session" template Remember the virtual desktop of the programs (requires wmctrl, doesn't works with Wayland) Bookmark the current session folder in your file manager and file pickers (gtk, kde, qt, fltk) Many others... You can see documentation on NSM protocol at: https://new-session-manager.jackaudio.org/api/index.html RaySession is being developed by Mathieu Picot (houston4444), using Python3 and Qt5.|Soundx86_64  lib64lo-develpkgconfig(Qt5Svg)python3-pyalsapython3-qt5-develqt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1raysession-0.14.3-2pclos2024.src.rpm}07497d1da5249ce4d475f11ca73520dea./SRPMS.pclosd   z4 8PXuB@BABEBJCderazorqt0.5.22pclos2013Razor a lightweight desktop toolboxRazor ist eine leichtgewichtiger Desktopwerkzeugkasten.Description: A metapackage for Razor-qt DE. It will install all components.Ein Metapaket für die RazorQt Desktopumgebung. Dieses Paket wird alle benötigten Komponenten installieren.c6Graphical desktop/Razorx86_64  cmakelib64qt4-devellib64magic-develqt4-linguistdoxygenlib64xcomposite-devellib64xcursor-devellibxrender-devellibxdamage-develpolkit-qt-1-devellibstatgrab-develpulseaudio-devellibalsa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   D  B@BA4BE8BJYCrbutil1.4.01pclos2015Rockbox (rbutil) firmware for mp3 playersRockbox (rbutil) is an open source firmware for mp3 players, written from scratch. It runs on a wide range of players: * Apple: 1st through 5.5th generation iPod, iPod Mini and 1st generation iPod Nano (not the Shuffle, 2nd/3rd/4th gen Nano, Classic or Touch) * Archos: Jukebox 5000, 6000, Studio, Recorder, FM Recorder, Recorder V2 and Ondio * Cowon: iAudio X5, X5V, X5L, M5, M5L, M3 and M3L * iriver: iHP100 series, H100 series, H300 series and H10 series * Olympus: M:Robe 100 * SanDisk: Sansa c200 series, e200 series and e200R series (not the AMS models) * Toshiba: Gigabeat X and F series (not the S series)pinocSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rbutil-1.4.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmdf17b2e245008de5173b1fdb3023e56e./SRPMS.pclosd   2L PahtB@BABEBJCrcairo1.8.01pclos2009Ruby bindings for cairoRuby bindings for cairoBDevelopment/Rubyi586 ruby-develcairo-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rcairo-1.8.0-1pclos2009.src.rpmH(5ea2194ca9155439d2f73ae83b30beb2./SRPMS.pclosd   8  PB@`BABEBJCrclone1.69.01pclos2025A cloud storage cloning toolrclone is a "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files https://rclone.orgNetworking/File transferx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rclone-1.69.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmB79d3ec39897a4d368055ea15afdcdd22./SRPMS.pclosd  ;t x+B@9BA`BEdBJCrclonebrowser1.22pclos2019gui rsync for cloud storageSimple cross platfrom GUI for rclone command line tool.Networking/File transferx86_64 cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develmakeqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rclonebrowser-1.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm16d6fef77afa557c72f5514dfde9faa1./SRPMS.pclosd   S  DB@MBAlBEpBJCrcs5.710pclos2011Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools.The Revision Control System (RCS) is a system for managing multiple versions of files. RCS automates the storage, retrieval, logging, identification and merging of file revisions. RCS is useful for text files that are revised frequently (for example, programs, documentation, graphics, papers and form letters). The rcs package should be installed if you need a system for managing different versions of files.pDevelopment/Otherx86_64 autoconf2.1rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rcs-5.7-10pclos2011.src.rpmy48b08c53ccb198033e1b71b61b570ffa1./SRPMS.pclos[d YB@BA(BE,BJMCrdate1.45pclos2011Retrieving the date and time from another machine on your networkThe rdate utility retrieves the date and time from another machine on your network, using the protocol described in RFC 868. If you run rdate as root, it will set your machine's local time to the time of the machine that you queried. Note that rdate isn't scrupulously accurate. If you are worried about milliseconds, get the xntpd program instead.4System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rdate-1.4-5pclos2011.src.rpm:057fbf163ffa3ef1e572a6079c8f4226./SRPMS.pclosd   /  18HB@BABEBJCrdd2.0.71pclos2011A forensic copy programRdd is a forensic copy program developed at and used by the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). Unlike most copy programs, rdd is robust with respect to read errors, which is an important property in a forensic operating environment.Archiving/Backupi586 libopenssl-develzlib1-devellibewf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rdd-2.0.7-1pclos2011.src.rpm7ba7ae2bc74780eca885e124a40bb26ce./SRPMS.pclos_d   ' $ H  B@BA,BE0BJQCrdesktop1.8.61pclos2019RDP clientrdesktop is an open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server and Windows 2000 Terminal Services, capable of natively speaking Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to present the user's NT desktop. Unlike Citrix ICA, no server extensions are required. rdesktop currently runs on most UNIX based platforms with the X Window System, and other ports should be fairly straightforward. rdesktop is used through rfbdrake. This version is not compatible with Virtualbox.Networking/Remote accessx86_64 lib64ao-devellib64gssglue-devellib64openssl-devellib64pcsclite-devellib64samplerate-devellib64x11-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rdesktop-1.8.6-1pclos2019.src.rpmJde7c15d872bfc7c9ab2614b60963e6bb./SRPMS.pclosd # \  )04PB@XBABEBJCrdesktop-legacy1.7.11pclos2014X client for remote desktop into Windows Terminal Serverrdesktop is an open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server and Windows 2000 Terminal Services, capable of natively speaking Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to present the user's NT desktop. Unlike Citrix ICA, no server extensions are required. rdesktop currently runs on most UNIX based platforms with the X Window System, and other ports should be fairly straightforward. This version is compatible with Virtualbox.Networking/Remote accessx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rdesktop-legacy-1.7.1-1pclos2014.src.rpm47738a57c527c2e90e782cffd09a9a2b./SRPMS.pclosd   F #,<qB@|BABEBJCrdfind1.4.11pclos2020Terminal program that finds duplicate filesRdfind is a terminal program that finds duplicate files. It is useful for compressing backup directories or just finding duplicate files. It compares files based on their content, NOT on their file names.File toolsx86_64 nettle-develgccgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rdfind-1.4.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm[ad4d580e28c50a06ee43511588eba7dc./SRPMS.pclosd  0 BB@XBABEBJCrdiff-backup1.2.81pclos2010Backup softwarerdiff-backup is a script, written in Python, that backs up one directory to another and is intended to be run periodically (nightly from cron for instance). The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in the target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff-backup can also operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync. Thus you can use rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location, and only the differences from the previous backup will be transmitted.~Networking/Otheri586  librsync-develpopt-develpython-develpython-rpmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  S NgltB@BABEBJCrdist6.1.522pclos2007Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machinesThe rdist program maintains identical copies of files on multiple hosts. If possible, rdist will preserve the owner, group, mode and mtime of files and it can update programs that are executing.Bart the Build Bot Networking/File transferi586 bisonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rdist-6.1.5-22pclos2007.src.rpmb40e9cb561ec65be31b8b4dfc57187af./SRPMS.pclosd  Jl p(B@=BA`BEdBJCre2202407021pclos2024C++ fast alternative to backtracking RE enginesRE2 is a C++ library providing a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. Backtracking engines are typically full of features and convenient syntactic sugar but can be forced into taking exponential amounts of time on even small inputs. In contrast, RE2 uses automata theory to guarantee that regular expression searches run in time linear in the size of the input, at the expense of some missing features (e.g back references and generalized assertions).NlSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakelib64abseil-cpp-develpkgconfig(benchmark)pkgconfig(gtest)pkgconfig(icu-uc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1re2-20240702-1pclos2024.src.rpmv5aa9a7d135d8659656d2f2edc9ecc011./SRPMS.pclos3d   Yd hzB@BABEBJ%Cre2c4.11pclos2025A tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressionsre2c is a great tool for writing fast and flexible lexers. It has served many people well for many years and it deserves to be maintained more actively. re2c is on the order of 2-3 times faster than a flex based scanner, and its input model is much more flexible.PDevelopment/Otherx86_64  bisoncmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1re2c-4.1-1pclos2025.src.rpmҏ7fc201b8abffd2cc51cd2d0972426a8c./SRPMS.pclosCd " 8 B@BABEBJ5Creact-explorer3.1.01pclos2023Electron File ManagerUser-friendly, Electron-based file manager that provides split-view, tab support, and full keyboard controls File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1react-explorer-3.1.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmfd5460f1f7a00ba16d9c4aa9f472a9f1./SRPMS.pclosd   E  0wB@BABEBJCreadahead1.5.01pclos2009Read a preset list of files into memoryreadahead reads the contents of a list of files into memory, which causes them to be read from cache when they are actually needed. Its goal is to speed up the boot process.XSystem/Configuration/Boot and Initi586 libblkid-develaudit-devellibext2fs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1readahead-1.5.0-1pclos2009.src.rpm|943e4c0d2cc4942f8a42243119afa790./SRPMS.pclosd   D0 4ELTB@BABEBJCreadline7.03pclos2019Library for reading lines from a terminalThe "readline" library will read a line from the terminal and return it, allowing the user to edit the line with the standard emacs editing keys. It allows the programmer to give the user an easier-to-use and more intuitive interface.+System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(ncursesw)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1readline-7.0-3pclos2019.src.rpm6743ea2b6ae403ed95565f056a3001e8./SRPMS.pclosd   D0 4ELTB@BABEBJCreadline8.16pclos2022Library for reading lines from a terminalThe "readline" library will read a line from the terminal and return it, allowing the user to edit the line with the standard emacs editing keys. It allows the programmer to give the user an easier-to-use and more intuitive interface.>System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(ncursesw)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1readline-8.1-6pclos2022.src.rpm6ab0c522d075e2f5f4e05082a5924fdc./SRPMS.pcloscd $ F B@BA0BE4BJUCrecastnavigation1.6.01pclos2024Navigation-mesh Toolset for GamesRecast is state of the art navigation mesh construction toolset for games..ISystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1recastnavigation-1.6.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmR57affba04b64a0c57eba99f5d15b9ad5a./SRPMS.pclosOd   I B@BABE BJACrecode3.7.121pclos2022Utility for converting between character setsThe GNU recode utility converts files between various character sets.Text toolsx86_64 flextexinfogettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1recode-3.7.12-1pclos2022.src.rpm461ae37ad14bfa1f62bc2516c2937f38./SRPMS.pclosKd   H )0|B@BABEBJ=Crecoll1.32.51pclos2022Desktop full text search tool with a Qt5 guiRecoll is a personal full text search tool for Unix/Linux. It is based on the very strong Xapian backend, for which it provides an easy to use, feature-rich, easy administration, QT graphical interface. TerryNDatabasesx86_64 pkgconfig(xapian-core)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKit)pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(zlib)bison-devel-staticaspell-develchmlib-develcmakeextra-cmake-moduleskio-develqtconcurrent5-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1recoll-1.32.5-1pclos2022.src.rpm Ǵ87ba14828760e44ad75e1ac741a87cc0./SRPMS.pclosd # < $\QB@mBABEBJCrecordmydesktop0.4.02pclos2024Desktop session recorderSimple command line tool that performs the basic tasks of capturing and encoding desktop session. It produces files using only open formats like Theora for video and Vorbis for audio, using the Ogg container.Videox86_64  pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(ice)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(popt)pkgconfig(sm)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1recordmydesktop-0.4.0-2pclos2024.src.rpmU44015e7dfcff142b33bdacc7c1a25579./SRPMS.pclos;d ' ;d hnxB@BABE BJ-Crecordmydesktop-gui0.1.91pclos2024RecordMydesktop GuiGraphical frontend for recordmydesktopVideonoarch  desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1recordmydesktop-gui-0.1.9-1pclos2024.src.rpmf2acf2a707702efeab76105bb81217a7a./SRPMS.pclosd  <  (gB@tBABEBJCrecoverjpeg1.1.41pclos2010JFIF/JPEG File Recovery Toolrecoverjpeg tries to recover JFIF (JPEG) pictures from a peripheral. This may be useful if you mistakenly overwrite a partition or if a device such as a digital camera memory card is bogus.&Graphicsi586 makegccautoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1recoverjpeg-1.1.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm.b92a45eccc55b068ba69024a43bf5c09./SRPMS.pclosd   > (*B@ABAdBEhBJCredland1.0.173pclos2017Redland RDF Application FrameworkRedland is a library that provides a high-level interface for RDF (Resource Description Framework) implemented in an object-based API. It is modular and supports different RDF/XML parsers, storage mechanisms and other elements. Redland is designed for applications developers to provide RDF support in their applications as well as for RDF developers to experiment with the technology. VCbb2 Development/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(libcares)db5-develpkgconfig(gnutls)gtk-doclibtoollibtool-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)mysql-develpostgresql-develpkgconfig(raptor2)pkgconfig(rasqal)pkgconfig(sqlite3)virtuoso-opensourcepkgconfig(libiodbc)swigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1redland-1.0.17-3pclos2017.src.rpm K a379ddf91ed1a307f2eda7f62b525700./SRPMS.pclos7d  [8< CJThB@BABEBJ)Crednotebook2.251pclos2022Daily journal with calendar, templates and keyword searchingRedNotebook is a modern desktop journal. It lets you format, tag and search your entries. You can also add pictures, links and customizable templates, spell check your notes, and export to plain text, HTML, Latex or PDF.RTerryNOfficenoarch pkgconfig(python3)python-gobject3-develpython3-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rednotebook-2.25-1pclos2022.src.rpm b6ccd9085ca78301e2e64b895d924f53./SRPMS.pclosd ! A  <B@DBAlBEpBJCredo-bootloader1.02pclos2021Reset and re-install bootloaderProgram to reset the bootloader. Similar to drakboot except that it will run correctly from a LiveCD environment so it can be used to recover a system that is failing to boot.)System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1redo-bootloader-1.0-2pclos2021.src.rpm.f98d44e95a3e33801df46227034362a4./SRPMS.pclosd  ) R $(DB@LBA|BEBJCredream1.5.0_1045_g9f007681pclos2022Redream is a portable Dreamcast emulatorRedream is a work-in-progress Dreamcast emulator, enabling you to play your favorite Dreamcast games in high-definition on Windows, Mac and Linux. HAgent Smith Emulatorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1redream-1.5.0_1045_g9f00768-1pclos2022.src.rpm d6112968ab055989926acb06f4f302a3./SRPMS.pclosd   5 >B@OBApBEtBJCrefind0.14.21pclos2025EFI boot manager softwareA graphical boot manager for EFI- and UEFI-based computers, such as all Intel-based Macs and recent (most 2011 and later) PCs. rEFInd presents a boot menu showing all the EFI boot loaders on the EFI-accessible partitions, and optionally BIOS-bootable partitions on Macs and BIOS boot entries on UEFI PCs with CSMs. EFI-compatible OSes, including Linux, provide boot loaders that rEFInd can detect and launch. rEFInd can launch Linux EFI boot loaders such as ELILO, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, and 3.3.0 and later kernels with EFI stub support. EFI filesystem drivers for ext2/3/4fs, ReiserFS, Btrfs, NTFS, HFS+, and ISO-9660 enable rEFInd to read boot loaders from these filesystems, too. rEFInd's ability to detect boot loaders at runtime makes it very easy to use, particularly when paired with Linux kernels that provide EFI stub support. Install this package and then run "refind-install" as root to activate.?PTerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  gnu-efi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1refind-0.14.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm?y~13dd083156011dba3886a576c1cbeae3./SRPMS.pclosd   U ,B@BABEBJCregexxer0.91pclos2007GUI search/replace tool supporting Perl regular expressionregexxer is a nifty search/replace tool for the desktop user. It features recursive search through directory trees and Perl-style regular expressions (using libpcre).qText toolsi586  pcre-develgtkmm2.4-devellibglademm2.4-develgconfmm2.6-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) o8d8327a44bdff1b6262c0d79daee720d./SRPMS.pclosd    ^  <B@DBAdBEhBJCregina3.71pclos2013Regina Rexx Interpreter binaries, language files and sample programs.Regina is an implementation of a Rexx interpreter, compliant with the ANSI Standard for Rexx (1996). It is also available on several other operating systems. Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1regina-3.7-1pclos2013.src.rpm 51f0a4759ad9b49e658b2137da0b0866./SRPMS.pclosgd   D B@BA4BE8BJYCregionset0.11pclos2007Reads/sets the region code of DVD drivesCommand line utility to read/set the region code of DVD drives. On delivery, most DVD drives have no region code set. The drive firmware allows you to change the region code, but on nearly all drives you are limited to five changes. After the fifth change, the DVD drive will stay fixed on that code. You need write access to the DVD drive, either by group or by being root. There *must* be a readable Data CD or Data/Video DVD in the drive. By default, regionset will use /dev/dvd to find your DVD drive. You can adjust this by entering the path to the DVD device as first command line parameter (please absolute path!).HStumpy842System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1regionset-0.1-1pclos2007.src.rpmP7e095a714bc7e79a0053bca8f8a66a2c./SRPMS.pclosd " K  MB@VBABEBJCreiserfsprogs3.6.241pclos2016The utilities to create reiserfs volumesThis package contains tools for reiserfs filesystems. Reiserfs is a file system using a plug-in based object oriented variant on classical balanced tree algorithms.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 lib64blkid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1reiserfsprogs-3.6.24-1pclos2016.src.rpm~cde894faf96d07a9c7888c0936234579./SRPMS.pclos;d   =l pB@BABE BJ-Crekollect0.4.02pclos2013A rich note-taking application.A note taking and note management applicationȮGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develdocbook-style-xslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rekollect-0.4.0-2pclos2013.src.rpm31b0ce211edc3205256bfb7365566f35./SRPMS.pclosd   H  '08gB@pBABEBJCremind03.03.101pclos2021A sophisticated calendar and alarm programRemind is a sophisticated calendar and alarm program. It includes the following features: * A sophisticated scripting language * Plain-text, PostScript and HTML output * Timed reminders and pop-up alarmsOfficex86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1remind-03.03.10-1pclos2021.src.rpm462c23c85e23ba5fe0000b82dff3589e./SRPMS.pclosd   7  pDB@yBABEBJCremmina1.4.361pclos2024GTK+ remote desktop clientRemmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travelers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistent user interface. Currently RDP, VNC, XDMCP and SSH are supported. Please don't forget to install the plugins for the protocols you want to use.^{Networking/Remote accessx86_64   cmakecups-develfreerdp3gettextintltoollibgcrypt-develpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-ui-gtk3)pkgconfig(freerdp3)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsodium)pkgconfig(libssh)pkgconfig(libvncserver)pkgconfig(spice-client-gtk-3.0)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xkbfile)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) 631f64320ffcfdb30a292a63fa6adcf6./SRPMS.pclosd   7  tbB@BABEBJCremmina1.4.362pclos2024GTK+ remote desktop clientRemmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travelers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistent user interface. Currently RDP, VNC, XDMCP and SSH are supported. Please don't forget to install the plugins for the protocols you want to use.^Networking/Remote accessx86_64   cmakecups-develfreerdp3gettextintltoollibgcrypt-develpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-ui-gtk3)pkgconfig(freerdp3)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsodium)pkgconfig(libssh)pkgconfig(libvncserver)pkgconfig(spice-client-gtk-3.0)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xkbfile)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   FH LV`hB@BABEBJCremotebox2.81pclos2021A VirtualBox client with remote managementVirtualBox is traditionally considered to be a virtualization solution aimed at the desktop as opposed to other solutions such as KVM, Xen and VMWare ESX which are considered more server orientated solutions. While it is certainly possible to install VirtualBox on a server, it offers few remote management features beyond using the vboxmanage command line. RemoteBox aims to fill this gap by providing a graphical VirtualBox client which is able to communicate with and manage a VirtualBox server installation.Emulatorsnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1remotebox-2.8-1pclos2021.src.rpm1161b9c29526f5917a9ca78f243ffa49./SRPMS.pclosd   Ex |  w B@BABEBJCrename1.0.02pclos2025Perl extension for renaming multiple filesThis perl module is for renaming multiple files,Development/Perlx86_64  perl(Archive::Tar)perl(Cwd)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(File::Spec::Functions)perl(Test::More)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rename-1.0.0-2pclos2025.src.rpmJb7705345f1a4e209df391cef687c71cf./SRPMS.pclosd   E (8}B@BABEBJCrep-gtk0.90.52pclos2011GTK+ binding for librep Lisp environmentThis is a binding of GTK+ for the librep Lisp interpreter. It is based on Marius Vollmer's guile-gtk package (initially version 0.15, updated to 0.17), with a new glue-code generator.Development/GNOME and GTK+x86_64  librep-develgtk+2-devellibgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   =T X^dlB@BABEBJCresample1.8.11pclos2007Sampling-rate conversion programThe resample software package contains free sampling-rate conversion and filter design utilities written in C, including a stand-alone command-line sampling-rate conversion utility called resample. The package compiles readily under Linux and most other UNIX operating systems.Soundi586 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1resample-1.8.1-1pclos2007.src.rpmx53e1173cfc3506e51bee65fa5a31d967./SRPMS.pclosd    L "18@fB@oBABEBJCresmgr1.07pclos2007A program to allow arbitrary access to device filesThe resource manager is a framework to give user applications access to certain device files. The resource manager daemon can be configured to give certain users access to different resource classes. It supports hotplugging devices (i.e. new devices can be added to and removed from resource classes at run time), and it provides transparent access to the raw SCSI device corresponding to a CD writer or a scanner.Bart the Build Bot System/Serversi586 pam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1resmgr-1.0-7pclos2007.src.rpmb198f92c71bb952d6f2e376fd580e759./SRPMS.pclosd   <$ (9@D`B@hBABEBJCresolvconf1.462pclos2021Nameserver information handlerResolvconf is a framework for keeping track of the system's information about currently available nameservers. It sets itself up as the intermediary between programs that supply nameserver information and programs that use nameserver information. Examples of programs that supply nameserver information are: ifupdown, DHCP clients, the PPP daemon and local nameservers. Examples of programs that use this information are: DNS caches, resolver libraries and the programs that use them..-Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1resolvconf-1.46-2pclos2021.src.rpmG5e101f1d21c49644678d25d5853bcb2a./SRPMS.pclosd # D 5B@BBAlBEpBJCresource-agents3.0.71pclos2010Fencing agents for cluster suiteThis package contains fencing agents for use with the cman package from cluster suiteSystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch logthread-develccs-develnss-develcman-devellibvirt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1resource-agents-3.0.7-1pclos2010.src.rpm/ecd54ef8dcc84953c0e2a99b3055cfdc./SRPMS.pclosCd   E48 BS\tB@BABEBJ5Crest0.8.11pclos2017A library for access to RESTful web servicesThis library was designed to make it easier to access web services that claim to be "RESTful". A RESTful service should have urls that represent remote objects, which methods can then be called on. The majority of services don't actually adhere to this strict definition. Instead, their RESTful end point usually has an API that is just simpler to use compared to other types of APIs they may support (XML-RPC, for instance). It is this kind of API that this library is attempting to support.$=bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 glib2-develgobject-introspection-devellibsoup-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)gtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rest-0.8.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm'y467140120ef441c749f4b28385141c65./SRPMS.pclosd   ?p tB@BABEBJCrestarttv1.01pclos2021Script to restart teamviewer daemonA simple script to restart the teamviwer daemon.)Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1restarttv-1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm#oe9fd3e9879b2edc394dd349a106263f4./SRPMS.pclosgd   9  B@BA4BE8BJYCrestbed4.02pclos2017asynchronous REST C++11 libraryCorvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++11 applications.wbb2 System/Librariesx86_64 cmakeasiolib64openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1restbed-4.0-2pclos2017.src.rpmCa4e7f5956a19c58a4fccef5237529205./SRPMS.pclos#d   5l pB@BABEBJCrestic0.9.51pclos2019Backup and Restore programFast, secure, efficient command line backup programaArchiving/Backupx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1restic-0.9.5-1pclos2019.src.rpma6cf676d461c48e17a8b7298067c0773b./SRPMS.pclosd  d $B@,BAPBETBJuCderestore-mbr0.13pclos2010Re-install MBR from Livecd.Re-installieren des MBR von der Livecd.gnome version of redo-mbr Re-install MBR from Livecd.Gnome-Version von redo-mbr Re-installieren des MBR von der Livecd.RSystem/Configuration/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1restore-mbr-0.1-3pclos2010.src.rpm33d324b3be154dac4f5add0f2affc9e5./SRPMS.pclos d   J    B@BABEBJCretext7.2.31pclos2022Simple editor for Markdown and reStructuredTextReText is simple text editor that supports Markdown and reStructuredText markup languages. It is written in Python using PyQt libraries."TerryNEditorsnoarch dos2unixhicolor-icon-themepython3python3-markdownpython3-markupspython3-develpython3-docutilspython3-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1retext-7.2.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm'J51f22fdac19cfc439666e2eae9a27862./SRPMS.pclosOd   B` dqxB@BABE BJACretroroids1.214pclos2013remake of the classic Asteroids gameAnother retro arcade classic: Asteroids. While this game is newer than Space Invaders (just), it's heritage goes all the way back to 1971's Computer Space arcade machine. Permission to package it to PCLinuxOS rpm package was granted by Mr. Dan to Agent Smith.}Games/Arcadex86_64 imagemagicklib64alsa2gtk+2.0lib64gtkglext-1.0_0libstdc++6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1retroroids-1.21-4pclos2013.src.rpm4mff7e651326dff362d66127977dd1fc08./SRPMS.pclosd   d  %,<hB@sBABEBJCretroshare0.6.62pclos2021RetroShare is a decentralized, private, secure, communication toolkitRetroShare is a decentralized, private, secure, cross-platform, communication toolkit. RetroShare provides file sharing, chat, messages, forums, channels and more.xNetworking/File transferx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1retroshare-0.6.6-2pclos2021.src.rpm*cf1f275598db17c8eb7fe795160cd4d7./SRPMS.pclosd  H  $<B@BABEBJCretrovaders1.334pclos2013remake of the classic Space Invaders gameRetroVaders. Space Invaders style shoot-em-up. Copyright (C) 2008 Danny Offer Permission to package it to PCLinuxOS rpm package was granted by Mr. Dan to Agent Smith#Games/Arcadex86_64 imagemagicklib64alsa2gtk+2.0lib64gtkglext-1.0_0libstdc++6rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1retrovaders-1.33-4pclos2013.src.rpmf06bf13bbc6f15d4e7f31b108a40972d./SRPMS.pclosd  B\` x~B@BABEBJ Crev-plugins0.3.12pclos2007A reverberation plugin for LADSPA.This reverb is based on gverb by Juhana Sadeharju, but the code (now C++) is entirely original. I added a second input for stereo operation, and some code to prevent FP denormalisation. This is a preliminary release, and this plugin will probably change a lot in future versions.LThac Soundi586 ladspa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rev-plugins-0.3.1-2pclos2007.src.rpmTe0fd567c7e35389cdb2a4da4eed34fac./SRPMS.pclosd  >8 <RXdB@BABEBJCrevel1.1.02pclos2010A Really Easy Video Encoding LibraryRevel is a library designed to be the shortest, simplest path between your application and high-quality well-compressed video output. Any program that generates a series of successive images (e.g. video games, 3D graphics applications, media players, animation packages) can use Revel to output a compressed AVI video, without having to know hardly anything about the overwhelming esoterica of video encoding. Revel is implemented in C++, but the public API is in plain old C for maximum compatibility.MTDevelopment/Librariesi586 gcc-c++xvid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1revel-1.1.0-2pclos2010.src.rpmVY47ba2af145615aa71d9f4f85093c050b./SRPMS.pclos{d   <  <  B@"BAHBELBJmCrevelation0.4.141pclos2016Password manager for GNOME 2Revelation is a password manager for the GNOME 2 desktop, released under the GNU GPL license. It organizes accounts in a tree structure, and stores them as AES-encrypted XML files.BFile toolsx86_64  pygtk2.0-develgnome-python-develgnome-python-extrasgnome-python-desktopgnome-python-gconfgnome-python-gnomevfscracklib-develpycryptoimagemagickdesktop-file-utilsintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   2    B@BABEBJ!Crezound0.13.12pclos2015Audio Editing PackageReZound aims to be a stable, open source, and graphical audio file editor primarily for but not limited to the Linux operating system.hSoundi586 libalsa2-devellibaudiofile-devellibboost-devellibfftw-devellibflac++6-devellibflac8-devellibfox1.6-devellibjack-devellibogg-devellibpulseaudio-devellibvorbis0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rezound-0.13.1-2pclos2015.src.rpmo46919d97871d1a630cf3cced04509233./SRPMS.pclos?d   4\ `yB@BA BEBJ1Crfb0.6.112pclos2011Set of remote desktop toolsThe heXoNet RFB Software package includes many different projects. The goal of this package is to provide a comprehensive collection of rfb enabled tools and applications. One application, x0rfbserver, was (and maybe still is) the only complete remote control solution for the X Window System.Networking/Remote accessx86_64 libxclass-develX11-develxpm-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rfb-0.6.1-12pclos2011.src.rpmw?6d8ffd2b01f313dd532d40ae8355b283./SRPMS.pclosd   L  (0bB@kBABEBJCrfbdrake1.9.22pclos2010Remote Frame Buffer configuration/launcher toolrfbdrake is a tool to setup a client/server remote framebuffer for virtual network computing. It use vncviewer backend at the client side and x0rfbserver for the server side.System/Configuration/Networkingnoarch perl-MDK-Common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rfbdrake-1.9.2-2pclos2010.src.rpm6fe92036f790017d2e864bfd3a571f0f./SRPMS.pclosd   . B@-BALBEPBJqCrgb1.1.01pclos2022Uncompile an rgb colorThe showrgb program reads an rgb color-name database compiled for use with the dbm database routines and converts it back to source form. Development/X11x86_64  libx11-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ?, 0AHTB@BABEBJCrhash1.4.11pclos2021Great utility for computing hash sumsRHash is a console utility for calculation and verification of magnet links and a wide range of hash sums like CRC32, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, SHA3, AICH, ED2K, Tiger, DC++ TTH, BitTorrent BTIH, GOST R 34.11-94, RIPEMD-160, HAS-160, EDON-R, Whirlpool and Snefru. Hash sums are used to ensure and verify integrity of large volumes of data for a long-term storing or transferring. Features: * Output in a predefined (SFV, BSD-like) or a user-defined format. * Can calculate Magnet links. * Updating hash files (adding hash sums of files missing in the hash file). * Calculates several hash sums in one pass * Ability to process directories recursively. * Portability: the program works the same on Linux, *BSD or Windows.֊System/Librariesx86_64 gettext-develpkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rhash-1.4.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmd45b8ab2d1aea2d28a107558253c8048./SRPMS.pclosd  ?, 0AHPB@BABEBJCrhash1.4.41pclos2024Great utility for computing hash sumsRHash is a console utility for calculation and verification of magnet links and a wide range of hash sums like CRC32, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, SHA3, AICH, ED2K, Tiger, DC++ TTH, BitTorrent BTIH, GOST R 34.11-94, RIPEMD-160, HAS-160, EDON-R, Whirlpool and Snefru. Hash sums are used to ensure and verify integrity of large volumes of data for a long-term storing or transferring. Features: * Output in a predefined (SFV, BSD-like) or a user-defined format. * Can calculate Magnet links. * Updating hash files (adding hash sums of files missing in the hash file). * Calculates several hash sums in one pass * Ability to process directories recursively. * Portability: the program works the same on Linux, *BSD or Windows.System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rhash-1.4.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm<08baa5245039048e2c116e8e30a26c06./SRPMS.pclosd" - Jd hnt""D"B@BABEBJCfrdeesplnlrhythmbox0.13.31pclos2011Music Management ApplicationMusic Management application with support for ripping audio-cd's, playback of Ogg Vorbis and Mp3 and burning of CD-Rs.Musique Application de gestion avec l'appui pour ripper les CD-audio, la lecture de Ogg Vorbis et Mp3 et la gravure de CD-R.Musik-Management-Anwendung mit Unterstützung für das Kopieren von Audio-CD's, Wiedergabe von Ogg Vorbis und MP3 und das Brennen von CD-Rs.Música aplicación de gestión con soporte para extracción de audio-cd's, la reproducción de Ogg Vorbis y MP3 y la quema de CD-R. 1pclos2011Muzyka zarządzania aplikacjami z obsługą do zgrywania audio CD, odtwarzanie Ogg Vorbis oraz MP3 i wypalania płyt CD-R.Music Management applicatie met ondersteuning voor het rippen van audio-cd's, het afspelen van Ogg Vorbis en MP3 en het branden van CD-R's.RSoundi586   libdmapsharing-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibid3tag-devellibmusicbrainz-devellibvorbis-develperl-XML-Parserlibgpod-devellibflac-develscrollkeeperlibsoup-devellibsexy-devellibxrender-develgstreamer0.10-python-develliblirc-develdesktop-file-utilslibcheck-develavahi-client-develavahi-glib-devellibnotify-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base-develx11-server-xvfblibnautilus-burn-devellibtotem-plparser-devellibmtp-develgnome-medialibcddb-slave2-devellibvala-develxulrunner-develgtk-docgnome-commonintltoolgnome-doc-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . 4 8>HLhB@pBABEBJCderhythmbox-radio-browser2.3.12pclos2010Radio browser shoutcast/icecast plugin for RhythmboxRadiobrowser shoutcast/icecast Plugin für RhythmboxRhythmbox plugin that shows the radio station lists of icecast (dir.xiph.org) and shoutcast directly in rhythmbox. So the user can easily search for internet radio stations in rhythmbox and play them.Rhythmbox-Plugin, dass die Radiosender Listen von icecast (dir.xiph.org) und Shoutcast direkt in Rhythmbox anzeigt. So kann der Benutzer leicht nach Internet-Radio-Stationen in rhythmbox suchen und abspielen.5Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rhythmbox-radio-browser-2.3.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm455eef343550f9bededced6356bc4394./SRPMS.pclos/d   @ $dB@BABEBJ!Crhythmcat1.0.13pclos2015A Music Player with Plugin SupportRhythmCat Music Player is a music player which can be running under Linux. It can be used as a normal music player, and it can also show lyrics in the player window, it can extend its functions by plugins.../Soundx86_64 desktop-file-utilsgettextlib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64curl-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtksourceview3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rhythmcat-1.0.1-3pclos2015.src.rpm/443532873f538109b6c6573c43196136./SRPMS.pclosd  M dB@BABEBJCring-daemon2.2.03pclos2017Mirror of Gerrit Ring Core Library and DaemonMirror of Gerrit Ring Core Library and Daemon. Client communication library for ring.cx (formerly known as SFLphone). Ring is a Voice-over-IP software phone. We want it to be: - user friendly (fast, sleek, easy to learn interface) - professional grade (transfers, holds, optimal audio quality) - fully compatible with Asterisk (SIP and IAX protocols) - de-centralized call (P2P-DHT) - customizable As the SIP/audio daemon and the user interface are separate processes, it is easy to provide different user interfaces. Ring comes with various graphical user interfaces and even scripts to control the daemon from the shell.F bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 lib64ffmpeg-devellib64gsm-devellib64restbed-devellib64boost-devellib64dbus-c++-devellib64ilbc-devellib64upnp-devellib64cppunit-devellib64cryptopp6-devellib64alsa2-devellib64jsoncpp-devellib64jack-devellib64gnutls-devellib64expat1-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64pjproject-devellib64pcre0-devellib64msgpack-devellib64va-devellib64udev0-devellib64portaudio-devellib64opus-devellib64opendht-devellib64yaml-cpp-devellib64speex1-devellib64sndfile-devellib64samplerate-devellib64argon2-devellib64natpmp-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ring-daemon-2.2.0-3pclos2017.src.rpmRb44e6d4674e43ad25a6999be9405ce9c./SRPMS.pclosd   P $tB@BABEBJCring-kde2.3.03pclos2017The KDE client for the Ring communication frameworkThe KDE client for the Ring communication framework.Tbb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakemesa-develqtbase5-common-develextra-cmake-moduleslib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5globalaccel-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5notifyconfig-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64ringclient-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ring-kde-2.3.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm:ffb0ea6a6b0296d11a716902573ab101./SRPMS.pclosd   M #B@FBAlBEpBJCrinutils0.10.31pclos2024Shlomi Fish's gnu11 C Library of Random headersShlomi Fish's gnu11 C Library of Random headers.QOSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakelib64cmocka-develperl(Carp)perl(Cwd)perl(Data::Dumper)perl(Env::Path)perl(File::Path)perl(File::Spec)perl(Inline)perl(Inline::C)perl(List::MoreUtils)perl(Path::Tiny)perl(base)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)perl-develpython3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)valgrind3.0.4-14.6.0-1rinutils-0.10.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmvV739b7b3bb4125b076e11af0c49f30751./SRPMS.pclosd   -  4B@<BA`BEdBJCriot-web1.5.151pclos2020Irc Chat ClientRiot is a free, open source, and multi-platform client based on the Matrix protocol. Riot currently supports eight IRC networks: Freenode, Moznet, Snoonet, OFTC, GIMPNet, Foonetic, Rizon, and EsperNet.ONetworking/IRCx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1riot-web-1.5.15-1pclos2020.src.rpm d7e0cae9dbbb1b302310ee1799add05e./SRPMS.pclosd   MDH zB@BABEBJ Cripole0.2.04pclos2007Extracts attachments out of mailpack format emailsripOLE is a small program/library designed to pull out attachments from OLE2 data files (ie, MS Office documents). ripOLE is BSD licenced meaning that commercial projects can also use the code without worry of licence costs or legal liabilities.Bart the Build Bot Networking/Maili586 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ripole-0.2.0-4pclos2007.src.rpm{241e2c86e63685858917054a26e72c7f./SRPMS.pclosd   W\ `fp=B@LBApBEtBJCripperx2.7.32pclos2014GTK program to rip CD audio and encode to mp3, ogg, or flacGTK program to rip CD audio and encode to mp3, ogg, and flac. Supports parallel ripping/encoding, has plugins for cdparanoia, BladeEnc, Lame, GoGo, FHG (l3enc and mp3enc), XingMp3enc, 8hz-mp3, FLAC, and the ISO encoder. Also has support for CDDB and ID3 tags.!OSoundx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64id3_3.8_3-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ripperx-2.7.3-2pclos2014.src.rpm#18c0dbac143834424e90fa3a23eacb47./SRPMS.pclosd  *| B@BABEBJCrisk1.1.0.11pclos2010Java Based GameA Java based game of world conquest. Play against the computer or other players.LGames/Boardsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1risk-   P 1B@NBAtBExBJCristretto0.13.31pclos2025A picture viewer for the Xfce desktop environmentRistretto is a fast and lightweight picture-viewer for the Xfce desktop environment. Graphicsx86_64  intltoolpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libxfce4ui-2)pkgconfig(libxfce4util-1.0)pkgconfig(libxfconf-0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1ristretto-0.13.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 2c7a3ededbb9413f3e786bddc76a35fa./SRPMS.pclosd   U  '04PB@XBA|BEBJCrkhunter1.4.65pclos2023Rootkit scans for rootkits, backdoors and local exploitsRootkit hunter is a scanning tool to ensure you you're clean of known nasty programs and backdoors. Please run rkhunter --propupd before running rkhunter -c to check your files.System/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rkhunter-1.4.6-5pclos2023.src.rpm 810bc2577db66c8f25a0966d536af6df./SRPMS.pclosd   2  ,B@BABEBJCrkward0.6.22pclos2016A KDE gui to R languageRKWard is meant to become an easy to use, transparent frontend to the R-language, a very powerful, yet hard-to-get-into scripting-language with a strong focus on statistic functions. It will not only provide a convenient user-interface, however, but also take care of seamless integration with an office-suite. Practical statistics is not just about calculating, after all, but also about documenting and ultimately publishing the results.Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilsdocbook-style-xslkdelibs-develgcc-gfortrangettextR-baserpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rkward-0.6.2-2pclos2016.src.rpm925858ebd3ab717f22cb06ca7bf71b060./SRPMS.pclos[d   . B@ BA(BE,BJMCrlog1.43pclos2017Runtime Logging for C++RLog provides a flexible message logging facility for C++ programs and libraries. It is designed to be fast enough to use in production code.abb2 System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rlog-1.4-3pclos2017.src.rpm149621046dd9cef42afe494b01f05744./SRPMS.pclos'd   *h lwB@BABEBJCrlwrap0.422pclos2018Readline wrapperrlwrap is a 'readline wrapper' that uses the GNU readline library to allow the editing of keyboard input for any other command. Input history is remembered across invocations, separately for each command; history completion and search work as in bash and completion word lists can be specified on the command line. Text toolsx86_64 libncurses-devellibreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rlwrap-0.42-2pclos2018.src.rpm('fba6c9f101cc8de9e8b8207e13c27a56./SRPMS.pclosd ' C $B@,BA\BE`BJCrm-ogv-flv-to-avi1.0.1.81pclos2009RM OGV FLV to AVI converterRM OGV FLV to AVI converter is a video converter using mencoder to quick convert RealMedia (rm rmvb ram ra ) and Open video ( ogv ogg ) and Flash video ( flv ) to AVI format.>Videoi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rm-ogv-flv-to-avi-   Z ^B@xBABEBJCrman3.23pclos2017PolyglotMan - manual page translator to HTML, ASCII, TkMan, DocBookPolyglotMan takes man pages from most of the popular flavors of UNIX and transforms them into any of a number of text source formats.:bb2 Development/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxmu-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   : 0B@@BA`BEdBJCrmg0.7.61pclos2025RMG is a gui / front end for Mupen Rosalie's Mupen GUI is a free and open-source mupen64plus front-end written in C++. It offers a simple-to-use user interface.Agent Smith Emulatorsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rmg-0.7.6-1pclos2025.src.rpmAs8cca86161504c17a7ca5618fd4d0ffe4./SRPMS.pclosd   N SB@hBABEBJCrnnoise0.0.11pclos2024Recurrent neural network for audio noise reductionRNNoise is a noise suppression library based on a recurrent neural network. While it is meant to be used as a library, a simple command-line tool is provided as an example. It operates on RAW 16-bit (machine endian) mono PCM files sampled at 48 kHz. It can be used as: ./examples/rnnoise_demo The output is also a 16-bit raw PCM file.JSound/Utilitiesx86_64  autoconfautomakegcc-c++libtoolmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rnnoise-0.0.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmq072915d759d9dc09e813b2214d1c8a608./SRPMS.pclos+d % _$( -:D\B@BABEBJCderoadfighter1.0.12691pclos2012Konami's Road Fighter remakeKonami's Road Fighter RemakeThis is a remake of a car-based arcade game developed by Konami and released in 1984. The goal is to reach the finish line within the stages without running out of time, hitting other cars or running out of fuel.Mit den Pfeiltasten steuert man die Miniaturflitzer in drei Schwierigkeitsstufen über die Piste. Auf Wunsch tritt man im Splitscreen-Modus gegen einen menschlichen Mitspieler an. Dabei sollte man sich sowohl vor drängelnden Gegnern als auch der Leitplanke in Acht nehmen: Eine Kollision bedeutet in Road Fighter Remake schnell das Aus. Auch langsame Trucks und Hindernisse auf der Strecke gilt es gekonnt zu umfahren. Mit etwas Geschick gewinnt man am Ende das Rennen und knackt die Highscore.>NealGames/Arcadex86_64 SDL_image-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_sound-develSDL_ttf-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1roadfighter-1.0.1269-1pclos2012.src.rpm>j873603583eabe2a94628c2c0d8b25c591./SRPMS.pclosd $ < )0DB@BABEBJ Crocksndiamonds4.2.2.01pclos2021A boulderdash like gameThis is a nice little game with color graphics and sound for your Unix system. If you know the game "Boulderdash" (Commodore C64) or "Emerald Mine" (Amiga) or "Supaplex" (PC), you know what "ROCKS'N'DIAMONDS" is about.1?yGames/Arcadex86_64 pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_net)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rocksndiamonds-   Lpt  B@BA4BE8BJYCrofi1.7.81pclos2025A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacementrofi is a popup window switcher roughly based on "superswitcher", requiring only xlib and pango. This version started off as a clone of simpleswitcher, the version from Sean Pringle. Rofi developed extra features, like a run dialog, SSH launcher and can act as a drop-in dmenu replacement. uAgent Smith Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64   autoconfautomakebisoncppcheckflexlib64cairo-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64startup-notification-1-devellib64tiger-devellib64x11-devellib64xcb-util-cursor-devellib64xcb-util-devellib64xcb-util-static-devellib64xcb-util-wm-devellib64xcb-util-xrm-devellib64xcb-util-xrm-static-devellib64xcb-util-xrm0lib64xft-devellib64xkbcommon-devellibxcb-static-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)2.5.393.0.4-14.6.0-1rofi-1.7.8-1pclos2025.src.rpm 20f609a488e932a8b066da047a34a548./SRPMS.pclosd  # B -B@@BAlBEpBJCrootcerts20240823.001pclos2024Bundle of CA Root CertificatesThis is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate Authorities (CA). These were automatically extracted from Mozilla's root CA list (the file "certdata.txt"). It contains the certificates in both plain text and PEM format and therefore can be directly used with an Apache/mod_ssl webserver for SSL client authentication. Just configure this file as the SSLCACertificateFile.uSecuritynoarch  nssopensslperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rootcerts-20240823.00-1pclos2024.src.rpmLbbf036f8e846d600baf7b2ff243509b6./SRPMS.pclosKd   S B@BABEBJ=Crootfiles11.04pclos2011The basic required files for the root user's directoryThe rootfiles package contains basic required files that are placed in the root user's account.System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rootfiles-11.0-4pclos2011.src.rpme8a65acf4c537ef7cd0eeabd7041bc4e./SRPMS.pclosd   H ,B@/BATBEXBJyCrosegarden23.121pclos2024Midi, audio sequencer and notation editorRosegarden is a music composition and editing environment based around a MIDI sequencer that features a rich understanding of music notation and includes basic support for digital audio. Rosegarden is an easy-to-learn, attractive application that runs on Linux, ideal for composers, musicians, music students, and small studio or home recording environments.U$Soundx86_64  cmakeladspa-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(dssi)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(liblircclient0)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(lrdf)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(zlib)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)subversion3.0.4-14.6.0-1rosegarden-23.12-1pclos2024.src.rpmUS61eac4fe9ee07a0b37e4dd147c3460aa./SRPMS.pclos#d  4 8AH`B@BABEBJCderotoscope0.21pclos2010Rotoscope is a graphics program that gives a cartoon-like lookRotoscope erzeugt aus Bildern comicartige...Rotoscope is a graphics program that gives a cartoon-like look to photos after the regions of similar color in the original photo have been outlined. Outlining the original photos can be time-consuming, but the result is often worth the effort.Die Freeware Rotoscope ermöglicht aus Fotos und Bildern comicartige Verfremdungen zu erzeugen. Dazu muss man kein König der Bildbearbeitung sein. Mit dem Auswahlwerkzeug werden lediglich farblich verschiedene Regionen markiert bzw. ausgewählt, bevor das finale Rendering-Prozedere angestossen werden kann. Die Rotoscope Technik findet derzeit auch häufig Anwendungen in Filmen und ist ein fester Bestandteil der "Special Effects".Graphicsi586 gtk2-develcairo-devellibglade2.0_0-devellibxml2-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rotoscope-0.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm879704af784389b613e583f11885383a./SRPMS.pcloskd   L B@BA8BE<BJ]Crouted0.177pclos2007The routing daemon which maintains routing tables.The routed routing daemon handles incoming RIP traffic and broadcasts outgoing RIP traffic about network traffic routes, in order to maintain current routing tables. These routing tables are essential for a networked computer, so that it knows where packets need to be sent. The routed package should be installed on any networked machine.zBart the Build Bot System/Serversi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1routed-0.17-7pclos2007.src.rpmf5407b25dc029f592d59d4e94f22e53d./SRPMS.pclosd  OH LdlpB@BABEBJCrouteplanner0.191pclos2010RoutePlanner is a highway trip planning programCLI for RoutePlanner. RoutePlanner is a highway trip planning program, similar to programs like Rand McNally's "TripMaker." It allows you to plan road trips between two or more destinations, using various interchangeable map files (or databases).Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1routeplanner-0.19-1pclos2010.src.rpmbe56509ea0729ac03028d6ee080cadf6./SRPMS.pclosd   7 ,uB@BABEBJCroutino3.21pclos2019Router for OpenStreetMap DataRoutino is a command-line application for finding a route between two points using the dataset of topographical information collected by OpenStreetMap. It can be used as a routing tool in Marble.%pp File toolsx86_64 lib64bzip2-develzlib1-devellib64lzma-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1routino-3.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm%49032807fd1bdda72c2221c2079b7aee./SRPMS.pclosd   7@D \w|B@BABEBJCrovclock0.6e1pclos2007Radeon overclocking utilityRovclock is a Radeon overclocking utility. The cards that are reported to work are: Radeon 7500 Radeon 8500 Radeon 9000 Radeon 9100 Radeon 9500 (Pro) Radeon 9550 Radeon 9600 Mobility FireGL T2 Mobility Radeon 9600 M10 Radeon 9700 (Pro) Radeon X550 Radeon X800XLxThac System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rovclock-0.6e-1pclos2007.src.rpm79dfaf51ee1428bc4d96db83c83c3521./SRPMS.pclosd   5 QB@_BABEBJCroxterm1.18.41pclos2010A fast terminal emulatorROXTerm is a terminal emulator intended to provide similar features to gnome-terminal, based on the same VTE library, but with a smaller footprint and quicker start-up time. It achieves this by not using the Gnome libraries and by using a separate applet to provide the configuration GUI. It can be used as a ROX application, as the name implies, or in any other X environment.-Terminalsi586 vte-devellibglade2.0-develgtk2-develdbus-develdbus-glib-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1roxterm-1.18.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm8P9c01da19fb607af66adf4cadf07f3d96./SRPMS.pclosd   7 ,B@BABEBJCrp-pppoe3.151pclos2025ADSL/PPPoE userspace driverPPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a protocol used by many ADSL Internet Service Providers. Roaring Penguin has a free client for Linux systems to connect to PPPoE service providers. The client is a user-mode program and does not require any kernel modifications. It is fully compliant with RFC 2516, the official PPPoE specification. It has been tested with many ISPs, such as the Canadian Sympatico HSE (High Speed Edition) service.System/Serversx86_64   autoconf2.5libbsd-develppp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)$89aa3dde14ab8dc403746e63f14737e6./SRPMS.pclosd   L  ,ZB@dBABEBJCrpcbind0.2.11pclos2014Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number NapperThe rpcbind utility is a server that converts RPC program numbers into universal addresses. It must be running on the host to be able to make RPC calls on a server on that machine.;System/Serversx86_64 tirpc-develquotarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpcbind-0.2.1-1pclos2014.src.rpme2323d68ab6dd16300dacc3b9a8d3653./SRPMS.pclosd   L !(4bB@lBABEBJCrpcbind0.2.41pclos2017Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number NapperThe rpcbind utility is a server that converts RPC program numbers into universal addresses. It must be running on the host to be able to make RPC calls on a server on that machine.bbb2 System/Serversx86_64 tirpc-develquotarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpcbind-0.2.4-1pclos2017.src.rpmfcd01a901a23a1a951d6952fbc8c072a./SRPMS.pclosd  7 B@)BAPBETBJuCrpcsvc-proto1.41pclos2022RPC protocol definitionsThe rpcsvc-proto package includes several rpcsvc header files and RPC protocol definitions from SunRPC sources (as shipped with glibc).\System/Librariesx86_64 gccautomakeautoconfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpcsvc-proto-1.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm3896baa670c79e5942c1b412816707d1./SRPMS.pclosKd   = B@BABEBJ=Crply1.011pclos2011A library to read and write PLY filesRPly is a library that lets applications read and write PLY files. The PLY file format is widely used to store geometric information, such as 3D models, but is general enough to be useful for other purposes. RPly is easy to use, well documented, small, free, open-source, ANSI C, efficient, and well tested. The highlights are: * A callback mechanism that makes PLY file input straightforward; * Support for the full range of numeric formats; * Binary (big and little endian) and text modes are fully supported; * Input and output are buffered for efficiency; * Available under the MIT license for added freedom.tSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   :\ `xB@BA<BE@BJaCrpm4.20.15pclos2025The RPM package management systemRPM is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, etc.GSystem Environment/Basex86_64  autoconfcmakegettext-devellib64acl-devellib64archive-devellib64bzip2-devellib64cap-devellib64db5.3-devellib64elfutils-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64lua5.2-devellib64magic-devellib64popt-devellib64python3-devellib64readline-devellib64sqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rpm-4.20.1-5pclos2025.src.rpmFϮ40fdd576dad012cd3e691ac7e26ff0bf./SRPMS.pclosd   Ah lB@BABEBJ Crpm-helper0.23.51pclos2015Helper scripts for rpm scriptletsHelper scripts for rpm installation.CSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpm-helper-0.23.5-1pclos2015.src.rpmHr0ee6f980e863d6686205735b41e564e7./SRPMS.pclos_d  (  B@BA,BE0BJQCdecafrrpm-installer0.91pclos2024RPM-Installer for RPM-PackageRPM-Installer für RPM-PaketeInstal·lador RMP per a paquets RPMSimple desktop file to install rpm package, or analyzed rpm package via right click. Notice: It is not recomended to install packages outside the repos for multiple reasons!Einfache Desktop Datei zum installieren von RPM Pakete oder zum analysieren via Rechtsklick. Wichtig: Es wird nicht empfohlen, Pakete außerhalb der regulären Paketquellen zu installieren!Un fitxer d'escriptori senzill per instal·lar o analitzar paquets rpm a través d'un clic amb el botó dret. Nota: No és recomanable instal·lar paquets de fora dels repositoris per moltes raons!Simple fichier de bureau pour installer un paquet RPM ou analyser ses informations via un clic droit. Note: Il n'est pas recommandé d'installer un paquet en dehors des dépôts pour de nombreuses raisons!)&danielSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rpm-installer-0.9-1pclos2024.src.rpmQ7e4783f46db556b921348c646a353d3e./SRPMS.pclossd & R B@BA@BEDBJeCrpm-pclinuxos-setup2.719pclos2025The PCLinuxOS rpm configuration and scriptsThe PCLinuxOS rpm configuration and scripts.System/Configuration/Packagingx86_64  automakerpm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rpm-pclinuxos-setup-2.71-9pclos2025.src.rpm69fb98a235312fd6ffcca45366e37239./SRPMS.pclos#d ! It xB@BABEBJCrpm-rambo-setup1.12pclos2017The Rambo rpm configuration and scriptsThe Rambo rpm configuration and scripts.HSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpm-rambo-setup-1.1-2pclos2017.src.rpm 42c0db8bc03be24888e02bffc4df808a./SRPMS.pclos{d  4 B@#BAHBELBJmCrpmdevtools8.103pclos2017RPM Development ToolsThis package contains script support files to aid in development of RPM packages. rpmdev-setuptree Create RPM build tree within user's home directory rpmdev-diff Diff contents of two archives rpmdev-newspec Creates new .spec from template rpmdev-rmdevelrpms Find (and optionally remove) "development" RPMs rpmdev-checksig Check package signatures using alternate RPM keyring rpminfo Print information about executables and libraries rpmdev-md5/sha* Display checksums of all files in an archive file rpmdev-vercmp RPM version comparison checker spectool Expand and download sources and patches in specfiles rpmdev-wipetree Erase all files within dirs created by rpmdev-setuptree rpmdev-extract Extract various archives, "tar xvf" style rpmdev-bumpspec Bump revision in specfile ...and many more.bb2 Development/Othernoarch help2manpythonpython-rpmbash-completionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpmdevtools-8.10-3pclos2017.src.rpm7c4652c837ea9ba981425a289ab8b0dc./SRPMS.pclosWd   1 B@BA$BE(BJICrpmlint1.52pclos2020RPM correctness checkerRpmlint is a tool to check common errors on rpm packages. Binary and source packages can be checked.Development/Othernoarch python-rpmbash-completionrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpmlint-1.5-2pclos2020.src.rpm9a6ab3318e7b4a076fcd34d5be63fd599./SRPMS.pcloskd" - J B@BA8BE<BJ]Crpmlint-pclinuxos-policy0.2.281pclos2014Rpmlint policy for PCLinuxOSOfficial rpmlint policy for PCLinuxOS, install this if you want to produce rpm for PCLinuxOS.1Development/Othernoarch  rpmlintrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)1.4-43.0.4-1rpmlint-pclinuxos-policy-0.2.28-1pclos2014.src.rpm72c67b64c76553863a4fad4283e40df9./SRPMS.pclosd   UT XiptB@BABEBJCrpmorphan1.191pclos2019List packages that have no dependencies (like deborphan)rpmorphan finds orphaned packages on your system. It determines which packages have no other packages depending on their installation, and shows you a list of these packages.It intends to be clone of deborphan Debian tools for RPM packages. Several tools are also provided: * rpmusage - display rpm packages last use date * rpmdep - display the full dependency of an installed rpm package * rpmduplicates - find packages with several version installed * rpmextra - find installed packages not in distribution?=System/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpmorphan-1.19-1pclos2019.src.rpmEb4902b00e7314265c46d83ff8ffefea7./SRPMS.pclosSd   H B@BA BE$BJECrpmrebuild2.202pclos2025A tool to build rpm file from rpm databaseA tool to build an RPM file from a package that has already been installed.aDevelopment/Toolsnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rpmrebuild-2.20-2pclos2025.src.rpm218e23cbb556dbea492536e0a13a8ef0./SRPMS.pclos?d ! d hB@BA BEBJ1Cderpmxdgtool0.0.75pclos2011RPM XDG Context Menus for Konqueror/dolphinEin RPM Kontext-Menü für KDE Konqueror/Dolphin.a rpm context menu for kde konqueror/dolphin. Features: * Show RPM Main Info * Show Package Content * Unpack RPM * Unpack RPM to Directory * Open RPM Url from Package in Konqueror * Make Test Install * Force Upgrade Test Install * Install Source package in Local RPM Build Enviroment * Open KDE Administration Konsole for InstallationEin RPM Kontext-Menü für KDE Konqueror/Dolphin. Features: * Zeigen von RPM Hauptinformationen * Anzeigen des RPM Inhaltes * Entpacken des RPM * Entpacken des RPM in ein Verzeichnis * Öffne RPM Url von Paket in Konqueror * Installation testen * Installation Überschreiben Testen * Installiere Source Paket in einer lokalen RPM Build Umgebung * Öffne KDE Administration-Konsole für die InstallationlGraphical desktop/KDE4noarch kdelibs4librpm4.4-develkdebase4-corerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rpmxdgtool-0.0.7-5pclos2011.src.rpm9998693b69df1b164a5127fefeb86c8b./SRPMS.pclos d   5  18B@BABEBJCrrdtool1.7.21pclos2023Round Robin Database toolRRD is the Acronym for Round Robin Database. RRD is a system to store and display time-series data (i.e. network bandwidth, machine-room temperature, server load average). It stores the data in a very compact way that will not expand over time, and it presents useful graphs by processing the data to enforce a certain data density. It can be used either via simple wrapper scripts (from shell or Perl) or via frontends that poll network devices and put a friendly user interface on it.Networking/Otherx86_64  autoconfautomakecairo-develcgilib-develdbi-develchrpathfreetype-develgettextgettext-develglib2-develgroffintltoollibart_lgpl-devellibgd-develpango-develperl-develpng-develpython-develtcltcl-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   5   FB@OBApBEtBJCrripper0.9.31pclos2013Radio streamripper/playerRRipper is a powerful radio streamripper/player for Linux., using streamripper and mplayer. Features: Recording, Listening, Fetch lyrics, Browse shoutcast.com, individual streamripper preferences, etc.TpinocSoundx86_64 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rripper-0.9.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmYSf29de3c3a77d7dbedc8745afcf807ffe./SRPMS.pclosd  8 9@PB@BABEBJCrsbac-admin1.2.82pclos2007A set of RSBAC utilitiesRSBAC administration is done via command line tools or dialog menus. Please see the online documentation at http://www.rsbac.org/instadm.htm or the rsbac-admin-doc package.C Bart the Build Bot System/Configuration/Otheri586 libtoolpam-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rsbac-admin-1.2.8-2pclos2007.src.rpm?F38092ea026e9d21b85b8dbc8b9bf6506./SRPMS.pclosd   M LB@ZBAxBE|BJCrsh0.1717pclos2013Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)The rsh package contains a set of programs which allow users to run commmands on remote machines, login to other machines and copy files between machines (rsh, rlogin and rcp). All three of these commands use rhosts style authentication. This package contains the clients needed for all of these services. The rsh package should be installed to enable remote access to other machines.aNetworking/Remote accessx86_64  libtermcap-develpam-develaudit-libs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   a +4|B@BABEBJCrsibreak0.12.151pclos2022Assists in the Recovery and Prevention of Repetitive Strain InjuryRepetitive Strain Injury is an illness which can occur as a result of working with a mouse and keyboard. This utility can be used to remind you to take a break now and then. uGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 gettextcmakekf5-macroslib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5idletime-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5notifyconfig5lib64kf5notifyconfig-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rsibreak-0.12.15-1pclos2022.src.rpm 2aba3af2fe12e95b743ebb4b934a00dd./SRPMS.pclosd   J (ZB@dBABEBJCrsnapshot1.3.12pclos2011Local and remote filesystem snapshot utilityThis is a remote backup program that uses rsync to take backup snapshots of filesystems. It uses hard links to save space on disk. For more details see http://www.rsnapshot.org/.Archiving/Backupnoarch rsyncopenssh-clientsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rsnapshot-1.3.1-2pclos2011.src.rpmf3a533dffbb87d9c8ef4df37d54148ef1./SRPMS.pclosGd   A 38XB@BABEBJ9Crss_glx0.8.22pclos2010Really Slick Screensavers Port to GLXThis is a collection of OpenGL screensavers for xscreensaver. They require a hardware-accellerated GLX implementation. You need to add them manually to your ~/.xscreensaver file as described in README.xscreensaverM/Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 libxorg-x11-devellibfreealut-devellibglew-devellibmesaglut3-devellibmagick-develchrpathgnome-screensaverrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rss_glx-0.8.2-2pclos2010.src.rpmM,375f88e81607a93c08ebc130072cca9d./SRPMS.pcloswd   5 B@!BADBEHBJiCrssguard3.5.91pclos2019RSS/ATOM/RDF feed readerRSS Guard is a RSS/ATOM feed aggregator developed using the Qt framework. It supports online feed synchronization.)Networking/Newsx86_64 lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5webengine-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rssguard-3.5.9-1pclos2019.src.rpm)9aaa0355d15460e85b3bfef81194b32f./SRPMS.pclosd   9 /B@8BAXBE\BJ}Crssh2.3.31pclos2011Restricted shell for scp or sftprssh is a restricted shell, used as a login shell, that allows users to perform only scp, sftp, cvs, svnserve (Subversion), rdist, and/or rsync operations.`Networking/Remote accessi586 openssh-serverrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rssh-2.3.3-1pclos2011.src.rpm{b4d67ba4622f0d106b82ad6a9fc7a928./SRPMS.pclos{d   * B@&BAHBELBJmCrssowl2.2.11pclos2015RSS News ReaderRSSOwl is a free and powerful news feed reader. RSSOwl lets you gather, organize and search news in a convenient, easy to use interface with endless flexibility.#Networking/Newsi586 libhunspell1.3_0rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rssowl-2.2.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm5cc76038ace875ea5c19a6c0fec4649ae./SRPMS.pclosd   H  nB@yBABEBJCrst2pdf0.991pclos2022Tool for transforming reStructuredText to PDFThe usual way of creating PDF files from reStructuredText is by going through LaTeX. This tool provides an alternative by producing PDF directly using the ReportLab library.WPublishingnoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rst2pdf-0.99-1pclos2022.src.rpmfad8c2ed9083469496ad61bd4e90a18c./SRPMS.pclosd   O  $0iB@}BABEBJCrstart1.0.61pclos2022A sample implementation of a Remote Start rsh helperRstart is a simple implementation of a Remote Start client as defined in "A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based on rsh". It uses rsh as its underlying remote execution mechanism.9Development/X11x86_64  libx11-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  # a  B@0BA\BE`BJCrstudio2024.12.1.5631pclos2025RStudio IDE is a powerful and productive user interface for RRStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language. Some of its features include: - Customizable workbench with all of the tools required to work with R in one place (console, source, plots, workspace, help, history, etc.). - Syntax highlighting editor with code completion. - Execute code directly from the source editor (line, selection, or file). - Full support for authoring Sweave and TeX documents. - Runs on all major platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux) and can also be run as a server, enabling multiple users to access the RStudio IDE using a web browser. pinocSciences/Mathematicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rstudio-2024.12.1.563-1pclos2025.src.rpm-%b58f2f069dd17a61d544c5718c710b2d./SRPMS.pcloskd  J !( P  B@BA8BE<BJ]Crsync3.4.11pclos2025A program for synchronizing files over a networkRsync uses a quick and reliable algorithm to very quickly bring remote and host files into sync. Rsync is fast because it just sends the differences in the files over the network (instead of sending the complete files). Rsync is often used as a very powerful mirroring process or just as a more capable replacement for the rcp command. A technical report which describes the rsync algorithm is included in this package. Install rsync if you need a powerful mirroring program. This rpm has patches applied from rsync tree to add these options: --backup-deleted --backup-dir-dels=DIR --suffix-dels=SUFFIX Rebuild the source rpm with `--without patches' if you don't want these patchesNetworking/File transferx86_64  acllibacl-develpkgconfig(liblz4)pkgconfig(libxxhash)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(popt)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rsync-3.4.1-1pclos2025.src.rpmde62f7d64a7dc35809df64eafa781b19./SRPMS.pclosd ! R SB@_BABEBJCrsync-fadvise3.1.21pclos2019A program for synchronizing files over a networkRsync uses a quick and reliable algorithm to very quickly bring remote and host files into sync. Rsync is fast because it just sends the differences in the files over the network (instead of sending the complete files). Rsync is often used as a very powerful mirroring process or just as a more capable replacement for the rcp command. A technical report which describes the rsync algorithm is included in this package. Install rsync if you need a powerful mirroring program. This rpm has these patches applied from rsync tree: - acl: allow to mirror acl Rebuild the source rpm with `--without patches' if you don't want these patchesNetworking/File transferx86_64 popt-devellibacl-develzlib-develaclrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rsync-fadvise-3.1.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm6daecda86da833d10e0522ff0b6a41df./SRPMS.pclosd   Y @HB@eBABEBJCrsyslog8.2204.13pclos2022Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemonRsyslog is an enhanced, multi-threaded syslog daemon. It supports MySQL, syslog/TCP, RFC 3195, permitted sender lists, filtering on any message part, and fine grain output format control. It is compatible with stock sysklogd and can be used as a drop-in replacement. Rsyslog is simple to set up, with advanced features suitable for enterprise-class, encryption-protected syslog relay chains.System/Serversx86_64  bisonflexlib64curl-devellib64estr-devellib64fastjson-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gnutls-devellib64logging-devellib64mariadb-devellib64net-snmp-devellib64relp-devellib64uuid-develpostgresql13-develpython-docutilszlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  : B@ BA4BE8BJYCrt61-firmware1.25pclos2024Firmware for the RT61 chipThis package contains the firmware files for the RT61 chip, which is used in WLAN PCMCIA cards. ASystem/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rt61-firmware-1.2-5pclos2024.src.rpm>f8ee9f745a2564d365d24ca039afe7d5d./SRPMS.pcloscd  : B@BA0BE4BJUCrt73-firmware1.86pclos2024Firmware for the RT73 chipThis package contains the firmware files for the RT73 chip, which is used in WLAN USB sticks. System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rt73-firmware-1.8-6pclos2024.src.rpm&18895c127f999206f4853520cfbd39fd./SRPMS.pclosd   F yB@BABEBJCrtaudio5.1.01pclos2021C++ library for realtime Audio input/ouputA set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime audio input/output for Linux (native ALSA, JACK, PulseAudio and OSS).wSound/Utilitiesx86_64 pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libpulse-simple)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)doxygencmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rtaudio-5.1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm6838acd4dd6f59d21f5f12879394fa39./SRPMS.pclosd  =  +48TB@\BABEBJCrtf2latex2e2.2.21pclos2013Convert a RTF file to a LaTeXrtf2latex2e converts an RTF file to LaTeX and saves any image files found inside. Using pdflatex on the resulting latex file will require that these images be converted by you to some image format supported by pdflatex. d=Text toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rtf2latex2e-2.2.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm j:b50b3bde73b372003395d06e73f467d0./SRPMS.pclosd  @  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Crtirq200710122pclos2009Realtime IRQ thread system tunning.Startup scripts for tunning the realtime scheduling policy and priority of relevant IRQ service threads, featured for a realtime-preempt enabled kernel configuration.System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rtirq-20071012-2pclos2009.src.rpmaebd4e63a15fbc94477c762022ff7f28./SRPMS.pclos'd   <LP ZktB@BABEBJCrtkit0.112pclos2017Realtime Policy and Watchdog DaemonRealtimeKit is a D-Bus system service that changes the scheduling policy of user processes/threads to SCHED_RR (i.e. realtime scheduling mode) on request. It is intended to be used as a secure mechanism to allow real-time scheduling to be used by normal user processes.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64  dbus-devellibcap-develpolkit-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),5257060b122447e9d0df59b15652ccc7./SRPMS.pclos_d   Q B@ BA,BE0BJQCrtl-sdr0.5.31pclos2016SDR utilities for Realtek RTL2832 based DVB-T donglesThis package can turn your RTL2832 based DVB-T dongle into a SDR receiver.Communicationsx86_64 cmakelib64usb-compat0.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rtl-sdr-0.5.3-1pclos2016.src.rpmd7a8ee37909dda5cb52ae48453cea8959./SRPMS.pcloswd   j B@#BADBEHBJiCrtmidi4.0.02pclos2021A set of C++ classes that provides a common API for realtime MIDI input/output.A set of C++ classes that provides a common API for realtime MIDI input/output.tSoundx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64jack-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rtmidi-4.0.0-2pclos2021.src.rpmy4607218e18d89ad834a0a438d4d0f3e7./SRPMS.pclosd   3\ `fp|B@BABEBJCrtmpdump2.44pclos2021Toolkit for RTMP streamsrtmpdump is a toolkit for RTMP streams.Videox86_64 zlib-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rtmpdump-2.4-4pclos2021.src.rpm101537f63f2f11c48f939851790ad7fe./SRPMS.pclosd   ; OB@bBABEBJCrtorrent0.9.81pclos2019Curses based BitTorrent clientThis is a text mode BitTorrent client with a curses interface based on libtorrent.>Networking/File transferx86_64  pkgconfig(libtorrent)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(ncursesw)lib64xmlrpc-c-develpkgconfig(sigc++-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   9 WB@cBABEBJCrttr0.9.61pclos2020Run Time Type Reflection for C++Run Time Type Reflection is the the ability of a computer program to introspect and modify objects at runtime. It is also the name of the library itself, which is written in C++. 3System/Librariesx86_64 cmakedos2unixdoxygengcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rttr-0.9.6-1pclos2020.src.rpm ~ef4b87f50e7adff4203d8b1bd7dde9cb./SRPMS.pclosd   O B@BABEBJCrubberband3.3.01pclos2024Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting libraryRubber Band is a library and utility program that permits you to change the tempo and pitch of an audio recording independently of one another.H!System/Librariesx86_64  ladspa-develmesonpkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vamp-plugin-sdk-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1rubberband-3.3.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmh(1e9f54e932b1e4e324f3e6db25b20ae3./SRPMS.pclosd   Lt x  , B@<BA`BEdBJCrubrica22.1.61pclos2010Rubrica, an address book for Gnome Environment.An address book for GNOME Environment. Officei586 gtk2-develGConf-develperl-XML-Parserpkgconfiggettextscrollkeeperlibxml2-devellibglade2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rubrica2-2.1.6-1pclos2010.src.rpm 8b347f4ed11dd22852e2388670cbaf52./SRPMS.pclosd   8  $5<t$B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cruby2.7.81pclos2023Object Oriented Script LanguageRuby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.١Development/Rubyx86_64 autoconfbyaccdoxygenncurses-develreadline-develtcl-develtk-devellib64db5.3-develgdbm-developenssl-develzlib-devellibffi-develyaml-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ruby-2.7.8-1pclos2023.src.rpmֻ045b1d61e43c5463600098595cc5fb5d./SRPMS.pclosd   9  ,cB@mBABEBJCrubyripper0.6.22pclos2014A high precision CD ripperRubyripper is a digital audio extraction algorithm that uses cdparanoia error correcting power and it's own secure ripping algorithm to make sure that a CD rip is done successfully and accurately.Archiving/Cd burningnoarch cdparanoiarubygem-gettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rubyripper-0.6.2-2pclos2014.src.rpmd9e98e1ed351cc116873b0a39695e623./SRPMS.pclosd   DP Tox|B@BABEBJCrun-parts3.2.12pclos2021Run scripts or programs in a directoryrun-parts runs a number of scripts or programs found in a single direc- tory. Filenames should consist entirely of upper and lower case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens. Subdirectories of directory and files with other names will be silently ignored.System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1run-parts-3.2.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm0dad765a393c3c68e6d3a3c1c3ad251c./SRPMS.pclosd   D HNXhB@BABEBJCderunabc1.9331pclos2015A graphical user interface for processing abc files.Eine grafische Oberfl�che f�r die Bearbeitung von abc-Dateien.Runabc is a graphical user interface to several command line driven programs for processing abc music notation files. It is written in Tcl/Tk script and will run on any computer or operating system in which Tcl/Tk is installed. This includes Windows, Unix, Linux and Macintosh. The script now provides graphical user interfaces to abc2abc, abc2midi, abc2ps, abcm2ps and yaps. You also need a midi player and a postscript viewer.J$Soundnoarch unziptcl-develtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1runabc-1.933-1pclos2015.src.rpmO0311a69573abb193c9e6073d436cb096./SRPMS.pclosd & 9HL VfpB@BABEBJ Crunescape-launcher2.2.41pclos2017Runescape LauncherRuneScape is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Jagex Ltd. This client allows you to play the game as never before! By installing this software you are agreeing to the End User Licence Agreement (see /usr/share/doc/runescape-launcher/copyright).bb2 Games/Adventurex86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1runescape-launcher-2.2.4-1pclos2017.src.rpm I505c950c883817a0cfa687f46f17fc99./SRPMS.pclosd  7 HB@XBA|BEBJCrust1.85.03pclos2025The Rust Programming LanguageRust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. This package includes the Rust compiler and documentation generator.5Development/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rust-1.85.0-3pclos2025.nosrc.rpm$x0a4468184c9d56f2a7e5c754ab9aa882./SRPMS.pclosd   7 08@pB@BABEBJCrustdesk1.3.81pclos2025Remote desktop application Open source virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone! The open source TeamViewer alternative. Display and control your PC and Android devices from anywhere at anytime.,TAgent Smith Networking/Remote accessx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1rustdesk-1.3.8-1pclos2025.src.rpmPW4e1213c0996d79e8bb0621fefe2ee4c0./SRPMS.pclos+d   ;\` B@BABEBJCrute0.9.14pclos2007Rute Users Tutorial and ExpositionRute is a beginners guide to Linux and Unix-like systems. It is designed as a dependency consistent tutorial document. This means you can (and should) read it from beginning to end in consecutive order. Rute also satisfies the requirements for course notes for a Linux training course.IӭBart the Build Bot Books/Computer booksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rute-0.9.1-4pclos2007.src.rpm=F1f9590d34488a5aa648520de6c31e5e1./SRPMS.pclos[d ]B@BA(BE,BJMCrwall0.1710pclos2011Client and server for sending messages to a host's logged in users.The rwall command sends a message to all of the users logged into a specified host. Actually, your machine's rwall client sends the message to the rwall daemon running on the specified host, and the rwall daemon relays the message to all of the users logged in to that host. The rwall daemon is run from /etc/inetd.conf and is disabled by default on Mandrakelinux systems (it can be very annoying to keep getting all those messages when you're trying to play Quake--I mean trying to get some work done). Install rwall if you'd like the ability to send messages to users logged in to a specified host machine.:System/Serversx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rwall-0.17-10pclos2011.src.rpm@445496d90f604b2aad7ffc9312d51e64./SRPMS.pclosd <LP[dhB@BABEBJCrwho0.1715pclos2011Logged in to local network machinesThe rwho command displays output similar to the output of the who command (it shows who is logged in) for all machines on the local network running the rwho daemon. Install the rwho command if you need to keep track of the users who are logged in to your local network.Monitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rwho-0.17-15pclos2011.src.rpmt>ff0423d04b0251340dbd638b2ca5e070./SRPMS.pclosd  R IB@SBAtBExBJCrxvt2.7.1015pclos2011A color VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window SystemRxvt is a color VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System. Rxvt is intended to be an xterm replacement for users who don't need the more esoteric features of xterm, like Tektronix 4014 emulation, session logging and toolkit style configurability. Since it doesn't support those features, rxvt uses much less swap space than xterm uses. This is a significant advantage on a machine which is serving a large number of X sessions. The rxvt package should be installed on any machine which serves a large number of X sessions, if you'd like to improve that machine's performance. This version of rxvt can display Japanese, Chinese (Big5 and GuoBiao) and Korean.Terminalsx86_64 xpm-develutempter-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rxvt-2.7.10-15pclos2011.src.rpm3b251d8d6a43f7a45114d7b5a730f662./SRPMS.pclosd  WP T^hB@%BALBEPBJqCrxvt-unicode9.311pclos2023A color VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window SystemRxvt-unicode is a clone of the well known terminal emulator rxvt, modified to store text in Unicode (either UCS-2 or UCS-4) and to use locale-correct input and output. It also supports mixing multiple fonts at the same time, including Xft fonts. :Terminalsx86_64 libx11-commonperl-develpkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(fontconfig)lib64ptytty-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1rxvt-unicode-9.31-1pclos2023.src.rpm Ace898d4fa8e0c4607bbd0bb4a54039ec./SRPMS.pclosd  0 "(dIB@jBABEBJCrygel0.6.01pclos2010A UPnP v2 Media ServerRygel is an implementation of the UPnP MediaServer V 2.0 specification that is specifically designed for GNOME. It is based on GUPnP and is written (mostly) in Vala language. The project was previously known as gupnp-media-server.AVideoi586  dbus-glib-develdesktop-file-utilslibgstreamer0.10_0.10-develgtk2-develpkgconfiggupnp-devellibgupnp-av-develgupnp-valalibgee-devellibsoup-devellibuuid-develsqlite-develvala-develvala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ,$( -EL\B@BABEBJCs2u0.9.22pclos2012System to user toolshis tool is used to send messages between the system and users' accounts. For each X11 session a small program called s2u is launched under an X11 dbus session (using existing one if possible). The s2u program waits then for dbus messages to take the appropriate actions. The implemented actions are: o react to hostname changes to continue to have a working X11 session. o run update-menus if requested by the system o display msec notifications o display custom notifications (netprofile, ...);}NealGraphical desktop/Otheri586 dbus-glib-develgtk+2-devellibnotify4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1s2u-0.9.2-2pclos2012.src.rpmAq022418b3242a884d403ded91aadf7ed2./SRPMS.pclosd   O  NB@XBAxBE|BJCs7100.193pclos2007Software for interfacing with Polar Heart Rate MonitorsThis software lets you communicate from a Linux computer to a Polar S710 heart rate monitor via the serial IR or USB interface. It is not complete, but a utility is provided that gives you the ability to view the settings on the watch and download exercise files. Other utilities (also provided) allow you to print the contents of exercise files and render the data in PNG graphs. A Perl interface to the library is also provided.LToysi586 libusb-develgd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1s710-0.19-3pclos2007.src.rpmQ89e5721a178830b71e650c7f57552d27./SRPMS.pclosd   N iB@xBABEBJCsabayon2.28.12pclos2010Tool to maintain user profiles in a GNOME desktopSabayon is a tool to help sysadmins and user change and maintain the default behaviour of the GNOME desktop. }System/Configuration/Otheri586 pygtk2.0-develgtk+2-develpyxdggettextusermodex11-server-xephyrintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sabayon-2.28.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm 063b75ef3bc0fb958272bad57bfbf315./SRPMS.pclosd   ;t x  Y B@sBABEBJCsablotron1.0.31pclos2011XSLT, XPath and DOM processorSablotron is a fast, compact and portable XML toolkit implementing XSLT, DOM and XPath. The goal of this project is to create a lightweight, reliable and fast XML library processor conforming to the W3C specification, which is available for public and can be used as a base for multi-platform XML applications. 2Development/Otherx86_64  expat-develperl-XML-Parserncurses-devellibstdc++-develautoconf2.5automake1.9libtooljs-develpkgconfigmultiarch-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 486af8f09e78c235a55a6db8ccb0cd251./SRPMS.pclosd   Y  $,0LB@TBAxBE|BJCsabnzbd2.3.81pclos2019SABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in PythonSABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python. Fully automatic Binary Newsgrabber. Supports multiple Operating Systems. Server-oriented using a web-interface.4pp Networking/Newsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sabnzbd-2.3.8-1pclos2019.src.rpm74c773b285dc433fd7d80d1ee68005fd./SRPMS.pclosd   =H LW\`|B@BABEBJCsafecopy1.31pclos2009A console based data recovery toolsafecopy is a console based data recovery tool which tries to extract as much data a possible from a seekable but problematic (i.e., damaged sectors) source like floppy drives, hard disk partitions, CDs, etc., where other tools like dd would fail due to I/O errors. #nFile toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1safecopy-1.3-1pclos2009.src.rpm !a3b2afd1b14c91b9bef3db44a5e13362./SRPMS.pclosd   N .CLPlB@tBABEBJCsag0.7.06pclos2007The LDP's System Administrators' Guide in HTML format.The Linux Documentation Project's System Administrators' Guide, provided in HTML format. This document provides a generic guide to Linux system administration. Check the Linux Documentation Project's website at http://www.metalab.unc.edu/LDP/ for other formats of this document or for any updates. Install the sag package if you'd like to use the HTML version of the LDP's System Administrators' Guide on your own machine.xBart the Build Bot Books/Computer booksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sag-0.7.0-6pclos2007.src.rpm:a5d2eed04f8240e5616874e852c0541c./SRPMS.pclos d   UT XblB@BABEBJCsakura3.8.51pclos2022A lightweight terminal emulator with very few dependenciesSakura is a terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE. It's a terminal emulator with few dependencies, so you don't need a full GNOME desktop installed to have a decent terminal emulator. Current terminal emulators based on VTE are gnome-terminal, XFCE Terminal, TermIt and a small sample program included in the vte sources. The differences between sakura and the last one are that it uses a notebook to provide several terminals in one window and adds a contextual menu with some basic options. No more no less.5Terminalsx86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64vte3-devellib64x11-develcmakegettextwayland-protocols-devellibpthread-stubsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sakura-3.8.5-1pclos2022.src.rpmn438e30ed88dfbfde554d214bfb9d8be2./SRPMS.pclos d  F@ DMTdB@BABEBJCsam2p0.44.141pclos2011Convert raster images to PostScript or PDFsam2p is a UNIX command line utility written in ANSI C++ that converts many raster (bitmap) image formats into Adobe PostScript or PDF files and several other formats. The images are not vectorized. sam2p gives full control to the user to specify standards-compliance, compression, and bit depths. In some cases sam2p can compress an image 100 times smaller than the PostScript output of many other common image converters. sam2p provides ZIP, RLE and LZW (de)compression filters even on Level1 devices.fGraphicsx86_64 libjpeg-progslibtiff-devellibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sam2p-0.44.14-1pclos2011.src.rpmee2a223a2adca73b4f658d730501b1c74./SRPMS.pclosd  [ 555B@YBA|BEBJCsamba4.16.51pclos2022Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machinesSamba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix..&System/Serversx86_64  lib64ldb-devellib64pyldb-util-develrpcsvc-proto-develpython3-ldblibtasn1-toolslib64uring-develpython3-dnspythonpython3-markdowncups-develpkgconfig(dbus-1)docbook-style-xsle2fsprogs-develgawkkrb5-devellibacl-devellibaio-develpkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libattr)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libtirpc)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(libxslt)lmdb-develpkgconfig(ncurses)openldap-develpam-develperl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Parse::Yapp)pkgconfig(popt)pkgconfig(python3)python3-iso8601python3-teventquota-develreadline-develsedpkgconfig(zlib)xsltproclibgpgme-develpkgconfig(cmocka)pkgconfig(jansson)rpcgenpkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(talloc)pytalloc-util-develpython3-tallocpkgconfig(tevent)python3-teventpkgconfig(ldb)pyldb-util-develpython3-ldbpkgconfig(tdb)python3-tdbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  9dh rB@%BALBEPBJqCsamba-mounter0.21pclos2017App to mount samba sharesDesktop application to mount samba shareslhbb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakekf5-macroslib64kconfig-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1samba-mounter-0.2-1pclos2017.src.rpmc881d50aa5165dc122eb5265b1e2f70957./SRPMS.pclosd # P 8B@HBAtBExBJCsamflasher-tool1.6.01pclos2023A Simple tool to flash into samsung devices.SamFlasher-Tool is simple tool to flash rom to samsung devices, based on heimdall. Formats accepted: .tar_Agent Smith Communicationsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1samflasher-tool-1.6.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm:^14364da81da6b8186dc530da7aad239c./SRPMS.pclosd   = B@BABEBJCsamplv10.9.331pclos2024An old-school polyphonic samplersamplv1 is an old-school polyphonic sampler synthesizer with stereo effects. This package provides the standalone application.Soundx86_64  libasan-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(lv2)pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1samplv1-0.9.33-1pclos2024.src.rpm4da143b22c41000d050e56fe0e8f5c55./SRPMS.pclosd   ? <zB@BABEBJCsane1.2.11pclos2023SANE - local and remote scanner accessSANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) is a sane and simple interface to both local and networked scanners and other image acquisition devices like digital still and video cameras. SANE currently includes modules for accessing a range of scanners, including models from Agfa SnapScan, Apple, Artec, Canon, CoolScan, Epson, HP, Microtek, Mustek, Nikon, Siemens, Tamarack, UMAX, Connectix, QuickCams and other SANE devices via network. For the latest information on SANE, the SANE standard definition, and mailing list access, see http://www.mostang.com/sane/ This package does not enable network scanning by default; if you wish to enable it, install the saned package.cOGraphicsx86_64  gettextgettext-develgphoto2-develjpeg-devellibgtk+2.0-devellibieee1284-devellibltdl-devellibv4l-develpkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(gusb)pkgconfig(lbxutil)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(netsnmp)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texlivetexlive-texmftiff-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1sane-1.2.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm\ܸ1abf9b6890a3d39fdebc27b526a5af22./SRPMS.pclosd " j( ,5< ` $ B@;BAdBEhBJCsane-airscan0.99.271pclos2023Tools for the SANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD document scannersThis package contains a tool for discovering MultiFunctionPrinters (MFP) or document scanners that implements either eSCL (AirScan/AirPrint scanning) or WSD "driverless" scanning protocol.clGraphicsx86_64  pkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-core)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(sane-backends)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sane-airscan-0.99.27-1pclos2023.src.rpm627122f99e93030075f45e223578a86a./SRPMS.pclos#d(f   B@BABEBJCsane-backends-iscan1.0.222pclos2011Free Image Scan Version with epkowa Driver for Epson ScannersThis version of the Image Scan for Linux software contains only the free software parts of what Avasys provides.Graphicsx86_64 e2fsprogs-develesound-develgcc-c++gimp-devellibgphoto-devellibjpeg-developenssl-develpopt-devellib64sane1-develgitrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sane-backends-iscan-1.0.22-2pclos2011.src.rpm916ecdc0f59ecc63d24c52806c3d6697./SRPMS.pclosWd& 1 S B@BA$BE(BJICsane-backends-iscan-firmware1.0.223pclos2019Firmware files for Epson scannersFirmware files are only needed for the following scanners: esfw41.bin: Perfection 2480 PHOTO / GT-F500, Perfection 2580 PHOTO / GT-F550 esfw32.bin: Perfection 3170 PHOTO / GT-9400UF esfw52.bin: Perfection 3490 PHOTO / GT-F520, Perfection 3590 PHOTO / GT-F570 esfw43.bin: Perfection 4180 PHOTO / GT-F600 esfw54.bin: Perfection 4490 PHOTO / GT-X750 esfw66.bin: Perfection V10 / GT-S600, Perfection V100 PHOTO / GT-F650 esfw68.bin: Perfection V350 PHOTO / GT-F700 esfw7A.bin: Perfection V200 PHOTO / GT-F670 For the license see the EAPL and LICENSE files in /usr/share/doc/packages/iscan-firmware/QGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sane-backends-iscan-firmware-1.0.22-3pclos2019.src.rpmW181b4d913aa24e7ba76bf0866d77a587./SRPMS.pclosWd*1 < { B@BA$BE(BJICsane-backends-iscan-proprietary-drivers1.0.222pclos2011Proprietary Driver Libraries for Image Scan for Epson ScannersThe proprietary binary-only i386-only libraries are provided (in object code form only) under the terms of the license agreement provided in the EAPL and LICENSE files in the directory /usr/share/doc/packages/iscan-proprietary-drivers/ The proprietary libraries used by the driver epkowa are only needed for the following scanners: libesint1F: Perfection 1250 / Perfection 1250 PHOTO / GT-7200 libesint23: Perfection 1260 / Perfection 1260 PHOTO / GT-7300 libesint32: Perfection 3170 PHOTO / GT-9400 libesint41: Perfection 2480 PHOTO / GT-F500, Perfection 2580 PHOTO / GT-F550 libesint43: Perfection 4180 PHOTO / GT-F600 libesint52: Perfection 3490 PHOTO / GT-F520, Perfection 3590 PHOTO / GT-F570 libesint54: Perfection 4490 PHOTO / GT-X750 libesint66: Perfection V10 / GT-S600, Perfection V100 PHOTO / GT-F650 libesint68: Perfection V350 PHOTO / GT-F700 libesint7A: Perfection V200 PHOTO / GT-F670 libesint7E: Stylus CX4300, Stylus CX4400, Stylus CX5500, Stylus CX5600, Stylus DX4400 Additionally proprietary firmware files are only needed for the following scanners: esfw41.bin: Perfection 2480 PHOTO / GT-F500, Perfection 2580 PHOTO / GT-F550 esfw32.bin: Perfection 3170 PHOTO / GT-9400UF esfw52.bin: Perfection 3490 PHOTO / GT-F520, Perfection 3590 PHOTO / GT-F570 esfw43.bin: Perfection 4180 PHOTO / GT-F600 esfw54.bin: Perfection 4490 PHOTO / GT-X750 esfw66.bin: Perfection V10 / GT-S600, Perfection V100 PHOTO / GT-F650 esfw68.bin: Perfection V350 PHOTO / GT-F700 esfw7A.bin: Perfection V200 PHOTO / GT-F670 The firmware files are provided in the package iscan-firmware. If your scanner is supported by the driver epkowa but does not need a proprietary module, you can use the free software package iscan-free or it may also work with a driver which is included in the package sane-backends.@XHardware/Scanneri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sane-backends-iscan-proprietary-drivers-1.0.22-2pclos2011.src.rpm>q94a9736a918716c657b890fbaf4b9d1d./SRPMS.pclosd # > HB@]BABEBJCsane-frontends1.0.151pclos2019Graphical frontend to SANEThis is the xscanimage program, used to scan images using SANE, either standalone or as a gimp plugin. Also includes xcam and scanadf.OGraphicsx86_64  lib64gimp2.0-devellibjpeg-devellibsane-devellibusb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  $ $( 3=DB@BABEBJCdesankore3.1.2.5.r.14pclos2017The open-source software suite for digital teachersDie Open Source Softwaresuite für digitale Lehrer.sankore can be considered as three integrated functions in one outstanding tool: - uniboard universal interactive white board software - the sankore teaching designer - the sankore editorsankore kann als drei integrierte Funktionen in einem außergewöhnlichen Werkzeug betrachtet werden: - uniboard eine universelle interaktive White-Board-Software - der Sankore Unterrichtsdesigner - der Sankore-Editor!ghostbunnyEducationx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64freetype6-devellib64openssl-devellib64poppler-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtsingleapplication-devellib64x11-devellibgomp-develmultiarch-utilsphonon-develpkgconfigquazip-develzlib1-devellib64qtwebkit4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sankore-!c5abed3df0b6c94df2c28af211140a90./SRPMS.pclos{d  N B@$BAHBELBJmCdesapserver0.3.81pclos2013VLC -- Mini-SAP-serverVLC -- Mini-SAP-serverMini SAP Server from VideoLan project is a small standalone application that can produce Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) announcements in Session Description Protocol (SDP) format. SAP is described in RFC2974. SDP in RFC4566. This is a mini-sap-server from VideoOnLan project.Sie können einen Kanal-Informationsdienst, basierend auf dem SAP/SDP-Standard, der VideoLAN-Lösung hinzufügen. Der mini-SAP-Server sendet Ankündigungen über die Multicast-Programme im Netzwerk in IPv4 und IPv6. VLC-Anwendungen erhalten diese Ankündigungen und fügen die Programme automatisch ihrer Wiedergabeliste hinzu. Der mini-SAP-Server läuft unter Linux und Mac OS X.Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sapserver-0.3.8-1pclos2013.src.rpmacd2dd4a35ee6710beb9b1cbeb9446cb./SRPMS.pcloswd $ 5 B@BADBEHBJiCsardi-icon-theme9.7.41pclos2019Sardi icon themeSardi v9 is a complete restyling and optimisation of svg code. 6 choices for your applications and 10 kind of folders to use in your file manager. System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sardi-icon-theme-9.7.4-1pclos2019.src.rpm 8f21660f0791aa53f06623b6c464153b./SRPMS.pcloscd   @ B@BA0BE4BJUCsarg2.4.01pclos2022Squid report generator per user/ip/nameSarg (was Sqmgrlog) generate reports per user/ip/name from SQUID log file. The reports will be generated in HTML or email.LMonitoringx86_64 lib64gd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sarg-2.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm2aa61a59904125b2c8e18f4a80574f32./SRPMS.pclos d   JX \xB@BABEBJCsary1.2.09pclos2019Sary is a set of a suffix array library and toolsSary is a suffix array library and tools. It provides fast full-text search facilities for text files on the order of 10 to 100 MB using a data structure called a suffix array. It can also search specific fields in a text file by assigning index points to those fields.System/Internationalizationx86_64 glib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sary-1.2.0-9pclos2019.src.rpm7249178cb05c051ec392f3959736d713./SRPMS.pclosd   X >B@IBAhBElBJCsash3.79pclos2017A statically linked shell, including some built-in basic commandsSash is a simple, standalone, statically linked shell which includes simplified versions of built-in commands like ls, dd and gzip. Sash is statically linked so that it can work without shared libraries, so it is particularly useful for recovering from certain types of system failures. Sash can also be used to safely upgrade to new versions of shared libraries. bb2 Shellsx86_64 zlib-develglibc-static-devele2fsprogs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sash-3.7-9pclos2017.src.rpmГ3d647a8408b357b338a856591714fc5e./SRPMS.pclosd  J  ;B@IBAhBElBJCsassc3.6.11pclos2021Wrapper around libsass to compile CSS stylesheetSassC is a wrapper around libsass used to generate a useful command-line application that can be installed and packaged for several operating systems.xDevelopment/Otherx86_64  pkgconfig(libsass)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Od '   8  B@BA BE BJ ACdesauerbraten2013_04_041pclos2020Sauerbraten - A multiplayer/singleplayer first person shooterSauerbraten - Ein FPS Spiel für Einzel- und mehere SpielerSauerbraten (a.k.a. Cube 2) is a free multiplayer/singleplayer first person shooter, built as a major redesign of the Cube FPS. Much like the original Cube, the aim of this game is not necessarily to produce the most features & eyecandy possible, but rather to allow map/geometry editing to be done dynamically in-game, to create fun gameplay and an elegant engine. The engine supporting the game is entirely original in code & design, and its code is Open Source (ZLIB license, read the docs for more on how you can use the engine). In addition to the FPS game which is in a very playable state, the engine is being used for an RPG which is in the preproduction phase. Additionally, Proper Games ltd are the first to use the engine commercially. dot3 labs is a company started by the creators of sauerbraten that offers commercial support.Sauerbraten (auch bekannt als Cube 2) ist ein freies FPS Spiel für einen oder mehrere Spieler. Es wurde als Redesign des Cube FPS Spiels entwickelt. Wie das Original Cube, ist es das Ziel des Spiels nicht notwenidiger Weise die meisten Eigenschaft und Augenschmeichler zu produzieren, aber es erlaubt auch die Karte/Geometrie während des Spiels zu bearbeiten, um ein spaßiges Spielvergnügen und eine elegante Engine zu haben. Die Engine, die das Spiel unterstützt ist ganzheitlich original in Kode und Design und der Kode ist Open Source (ZLIB license, lesen Sie die Dokumentation um zu erfahren, was Sie mit ihr machen können). Ergänzend zur Nutzung in diesem FPS Spiel, welches sich in einem spielbaren Status befindet, wird die Engine auch in einem RPG (Rollenspiel) genutzt, welches in der Vorproduktionphase ist. Weiterhin ist Proper Games Ltd die erste Firma, die die Engine kommerziell nutzt. dot3 labs ist eine Firma, die von den Sauerbratenentwicklern gegründet wurde und kommerzielle Hilfe offeriert.ghostbunnyGames/Arcadex86_64 gcc-c++lib64png-develmesa-develfreeglut-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-develdesktop-file-utilszlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sauerbraten-2013_04_04-1pclos2020.src.rpm0fef2d0c854637bc4622411648391815./SRPMS.pclosKd  ? B@BABEBJ=Csavage-newerth1.01pclos2007Savage: The Battle For NewerthSAVAGE: The Battle for Newerth Choose to be a commander and you will play an in-depth RTS managing the stronghold, or choose to be a warrior and you will play an intense game of first person combat. With the creation of a new game play genre, RTSS (Real Time Strategy Shooter), Savage expertly redefines the first-person shooter and real-time strategy genres by combining elements of both into one cohesive experience. As the commander in RTS mode, you will tackle resource management, develop a robust tech tree, plan your assault and lead real human players into battle. As a warrior in action mode, you will master many unique weapons, powerful units, and siege vehicles to fight a fast paced battle. Set in a unique fantasy world eons from now where Humans and Beasts battle violently for their very existence. Savage transports PC gamers to the next level in multi-player gaming. Choose to fight on the side of HUMANITY, armed with science and technology, or take the side of the BEAST HORDE, masters of nature and magic. Each race has its own style of battle, its own leader, and its own way to victory. Which side are you on? wGames/Arcadenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1savage-newerth-1.0-1pclos2007.nosrc.rpmc1f4b386919f9eb1bed5bd250bfc57aec./SRPMS.pclosd   ;h lr|.B@OBAtBExBJCsayonara1.10.01pclos2024A lightweight Qt Audio playerSayonara is a small, clear, not yet platform-independent music player. Low CPU usage, low memory consumption and no long loading times are only three benefits of this player. Sayonara should be easy and intuitive to use and therefore it should be able to compete with the most popular music players.Soundx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Sql)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libmtp)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(taglib)pkgconfig(zlib)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sayonara-1.10.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm S13e829245868b57ed5281badef1d48ad./SRPMS.pcloskd   5t x B@BA8BE<BJ]Csbackup0.10.52pclos2009A simple backup GUI toolSBackup is a simple backup solution intended for desktop use.Archiving/Backupi586 gtk2-devellibglade2.0-develintltooldesktop-file-utilsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sbackup-0.10.5-2pclos2009.src.rpm>07e123b61a9eea16206977a2e1be84ff./SRPMS.pclos#d   -H L[dxB@BABEBJCsbc1.42pclos2019Bluetooth SBC utilitiesBluetooth SBC utilities.XCommunicationsx86_64 glib2-develdbus-develbluez-devellibsndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sbc-1.4-2pclos2019.src.rpm347fe03e6bf51da6c6901bd9e9ceb9ff./SRPMS.pclosd  L MB@XBAxBE|BJCsbcl1.0.291pclos2009Steel Bank Common Lisp compiler and runtime systemSteel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a Open Source development environment for Common Lisp. It includes an integrated native compiler, interpreter, and debugger..Development/Otheri586 ghostscripttexinfotimerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sbcl-1.0.29-1pclos2009.src.rpm.656b66e1607ada47a2c0c4296709ef25./SRPMS.pclosd   Z +B@8BA\BE`BJCsbmanager0.1.01pclos2010Manage iPhone/iPod Touch SpringBoard icons from the computerManage iPhone/iPod Touch SpringBoard icons from the computerCommunicationsi586 libimobiledevice-develgettextpkgconfiggtk2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sbmanager-0.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm@85c358abdf00d48fd7790ee275f71e03./SRPMS.pclos7d   G B@BABEBJ)Cscanmem0.071pclos2010Simple console application debugging utilityscanmem is a simple interactive debugging utility, used to locate the address of a variable in an executing process. This can be used for the analysis or modification of a hostile process on a compromised machine, reverse engineering, or as a "pokefinder" to cheat at video games. This is a terminal console application.Development/Toolsi586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scanmem-0.07-1pclos2010.src.rpm$fb2030da09142a141e0312ba341e09c7./SRPMS.pclosd   X  [B@wBABEBJCscanssh2.16pclos2010Scans the given addresses and networks for running SSH serversScanssh scans the given addresses and networks for running SSH servers. It will query their version number and displays the results in a list. This program was originally written under OpenBSD as a personal measurement tool. However, besides gathering statistics, it's also useful for other purposes such as ensuring that all machines on your network run the latest SSH versions, etc...nNetworking/Otheri586  libpcaplibpcap-devellibevent-devellibdnet-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  ! W    B@BABEBJCscantailor0.9.11.11pclos2014An interactive post-processing tool for scanned pagesScan Tailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. It performs operations such as page splitting, deskewing, adding/removing borders, and others. You give it raw scans, and you get pages ready to be printed or assembled into a PDF or DJVU file. Scanning, optical character recognition, and assembling multi-page documents are out of scope of this project. =Officex86_64 cmakelib64boost-devellib64jpeg-devellib64png-devellib64qt4-devellib64tiff-devellib64x11-devellib64xrender-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scantailor- 529e8caf2fe9193fa59dbe8c2033af71./SRPMS.pclos?d  U B@BA BEBJ1Cscapy2.1.01pclos2010An interactive packet manipulation tool and network scannerScapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation tool, packet generator, network scanner, network discovery, packet sniffer, etc. It can for the moment replace hping, 85% of nmap, arpspoof, arp-sk, arping, tcpdump, tethereal, p0f, .... Scapy uses the python interpreter as a command board. That means that you can use directly python language (assign variables, use loops, define functions, etc.) If you give a file as parameter when you run scapy, your session (variables, functions, intances, ...) will be saved when you leave the interpretor, and restored the next time you launch scapy. Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scapy-2.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm k161c899aa4e01cac95de83209c703f6f./SRPMS.pclosd  @  TB@fBABEBJCscdoc1.11.31pclos2024Tool for generating roff manual pagesscdoc is a tool designed to make the process of writing man pages more friendly. It reads scdoc syntax from stdin and writes roff to stdout, suitable for reading with man.1EDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  gccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sed3.0.4-14.6.0-1scdoc-1.11.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmPf5b14646adfc10b32d561d3542a56604./SRPMS.pclos'd   Q| B@BABEBJCschedtool1.3.01pclos2012Tool for setting and querying scheduling parametersschedtool can set all scheduling parameters Linux is capable of or display information for given processes. Long-running, non-interactive tasks may benefit from SCHED_BATCH as timeslices are longer, less system-time is wasted by computing the next runnable process and the caches stay stable. Audio/video or other near-realtime applications may run with less skipping if set to SCHED_RR. Use the static priority-switch -p to fine-tune inter-process-hierarchies. schedtool now supports setting the CPU-affinity introduced in linux 2.5.8.oNealSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1schedtool-1.3.0-1pclos2012.src.rpmxd2570b90cc7449f1cbf0e40e2a035f88./SRPMS.pcloswd $ H  ,  B@BADBEHBJiCschismtracker202502081pclos2025Music editor, Impulse Tracker cloneSchism Tracker is a free reimplementation of Impulse Tracker, a program used to create high quality music without the requirements of specialized, expensive equipment, and with a unique "finger feel" that is difficult to replicate in-part. The player is based on a highly modified version of the Modplug engine, with a number of bug-fixes and changes to improve IT playback.Agent Smith Soundx86_64   gcc-c++lib64SDL-devellib64alsa2-devellib64flac++10-devellib64freeglut-devellib64utf8proc-devellib64xext-devellibtoolmercurialpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-proto-devel2.43.0.4-14.6.0-1schismtracker-20250208-1pclos2025.src.rpm6b1a7885d62e5c469e0e3557a4df365a./SRPMS.pclosd ! [ 5B@?BAhBElBJCschroedinger1.0.111pclos2014Portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codecThe Schrödinger project will implement portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec created by BBC Research and Development. Dirac is a free and open source codec producing very high image quality video. The Schrödinger project is a project done by BBC R&D and Fluendo in order to create a set of high quality decoder and encoder libraries for the Dirac video codec. |Video/Utilitiesx86_64 liborc-develgtk-docrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1schroedinger-1.0.11-1pclos2014.src.rpm :1254008ef94ab18a7baf8d099ecc7692./SRPMS.pclosd   Y\` jy  a B@rBABEBJCscidavis1.221pclos2017An application for Scientific Data Analysis and VisualizationSciDAVis is a free interactive application aimed at data analysis and publication-quality plotting. It combines a shallow learning curve and an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface with powerful features such as scriptability and extensibility. bb2 Sciences/Otherx86_64 lib64gsl-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64muparser-devellib64python-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-develmesa-devellib64qwt5-devellib64qwtplot3d-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scidavis-1.22-1pclos2017.src.rpmzd193cbf2ddc2355c261a90b89b2490f0./SRPMS.pclos3d   *dh rB@BABEBJ%Cscidvspc4.122pclos2017Chess databaseScid (Shane's Chess Information Database) is a free chess database application for Unix and Microsoft Windows operating systems. Scid converts to and from PGN (Portable Game Notation) format, which is the standard for text-based chess information exchange, but uses its own fast compact format for storing files.bb2 Games/Boardsx86_64 tcl-develtk-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scidvspc-4.12-2pclos2017.src.rpm119f261bcfc8b2bc8381f66147c69234./SRPMS.pclos7d   ,hl wB@BABEBJ)Cscidvspc4.18.11pclos2018Chess databaseScid (Shane's Chess Information Database) is a free chess database application for Unix and Microsoft Windows operating systems. Scid converts to and from PGN (Portable Game Notation) format, which is the standard for text-based chess information exchange, but uses its own fast compact format for storing files.rghostbunnyGames/Boardsx86_64 tcl-develtk-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scidvspc-4.18.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm.38163d8f5539e4eb16eb6fcb0406a58ba./SRPMS.pclos#d   Q B@BABEBJCscilab6.1.01pclos2021Scientific software package for numerical computationsScilab is the free software for numerical computation providing a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications. It includes hundreds of mathematical functions. It has a high level programming language allowing access to advanced data structures, 2-D and 3-D graphical functions.Sciences/Engineeringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scilab-6.1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm o686d51a29e059628e1b20c27b9574961./SRPMS.pclosd  < yB@BABEBJCscim1.4.144pclos2014Smart Common Input Method platformSCIM is a developing platform to significant reduce the difficulty of input method development. *System/Internationalizationx86_64  pkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-imcontext-0.1)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(QtCore)pkgconfig(QtGui)intltoolgettext-devellibltdl-develatklib64pcre0-devellibpixman-devellibxrender-devellibx11-devellibxau-devellibxdmcp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 77581e5faa905724e4c5748ee55e0e6e./SRPMS.pclosd   = ,B@CBAhBElBJCscim-anthy1.2.73pclos2013SCIM IMEngine module for anthyScim-anthy is an SCIM IMEngine module for anthy. It supports Japanese input. wpinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  anthy-develscim-develautomakelibltdl-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)66061. s*a99e5c2c325112392427d29c77111a7e./SRPMS.pclosd $ e  B@BABEBJCzh_TWscim-array1.0.11pclos2013SCIM Array 30 Input Method EngineSCIM 行列 30 輸入法引擎SCIM Array 30 Input Method Engine provides with all the functions of Array 30, including 1st and 2nd level short codes, special codes, and symbol input.scim-array 為 SCIM 輸入法框架中完整實作行列 30 輸入法功能的輸入法引擎模組, 支援一級簡碼、二級簡碼、特別碼、符號輸入等功能,並和 OpenVanilla 中之行列輸入法一樣 ,提供特別碼的提示和特行模式。scim-array 為自由軟體,採 GPL 授權方式釋出。 特點 * 支援行列 6.0 Unicode 字碼表,可輸入Unicode Ext.A 及 Ext.B 中日韓漢字 * 支援一級簡碼及二級簡碼 * 支援特別碼輸入 * 具有特別碼提示功能, 可幫助記憶特別碼 * 具有特行模式,強迫使用特別碼輸入, 以提升打字速度 * 完整 SCIM 支援,使用 SCIM 內建函式庫進行開發,無需另裝其它函式庫或輸入法框架-pinoc32System/Librariesi586 scim-develgettextintltoolautomakeautoconflibtoollibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scim-array-1.0.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm/6555be3a7a500553dff1c95a3a98c1f2./SRPMS.pclosd  > 5B@IBApBEtBJCscim-bridge0.4.163pclos2013Yet another IM client of SCIMScim-bridge is yet another IM client of SCIM. It solves SCIM's C++ ABI problems.pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  scim-develautomakedoxygengettext-develintltoolqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   = $B@;BA`BEdBJCscim-canna1.0.13pclos2013SCIM IMEngine module for CannaScim-canna is an SCIM IMEngine module for Canna. It supports Japanese input.Mpinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  cannacanna-develscim-develautomakelibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.7p33.7p33.0.4-1scim-canna-1.0.1-3pclos2013.src.rpm9cd3156e8678752bf9715ab63525fcac./SRPMS.pclosd  A *B@;BAdBEhBJCscim-ccinput0.3.12pclos2013SCIM IMEngine module for CCInputScim-ccinput is an SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput. CCInput is another Pinyin input method for Chinese. Fpinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  scim-develautomakelibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Fsb073e39abf69173c6b083819b1aa065e./SRPMS.pclosd  A 7B@NBAtBExBJCscim-chewing0.3.52pclos2013SCIM IMEngine module for chewingScim-chewing is an SCIM IMEngine module for chewing, an intelligent Chinese phonetic input method.jpinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  libchewing-develscim-develintltoolgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   = B@ BA4BE8BJYCscim-fcitx3.1.18pclos2011SCIM IMEngine module for fcitxScim-fcitx is an SCIM IMEngine module for fcitx. It supports Chinese input.S System/Internationalizationx86_64 scim-develautomakelibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scim-fcitx-3.1.1-8pclos2011.src.rpmYZe887d03341940b2ee86174e142eba74e./SRPMS.pclosd  8 FB@]BABEBJCscim-hangul0.4.01pclos2013Hangul IMEngine for SCIMscim-hangul is a Hangul IMEngine for SCIM, which is ported from imhangul project. It supports both Hangul and Hanja input.@pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  scim-devellibhangul-develgettext-develautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) $ P B@BABEBJ=Cscim-input-pad0.1.3.12pclos2013An onscreen input pad to input some symbolsAn onscreen input pad to input some symbols.Zpinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  scim-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)Ƒab46347fc056198f3cc227a658a34503./SRPMS.pclos#d   0DH PltB@BABEBJCscim-m17n0.2.35pclos2013A wrapper for m17nA wrapper for m17n.~pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  m17n-lib-develscim-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  d(, 4PXlB@BABEBJCscim-pinyin0.5.915pclos2013Chinese input module for Smart Chinese/Common Input Method platformSCIM is a platform for the development of input methods. This is the Chinese Pinyin input module for SCIM. You should install it if you wish to enter Chinese text using the Pinyin input method.8^]pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586 scim-devellibGConf2-develautomakelibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scim-pinyin-0.5.91-5pclos2013.src.rpm8Xe6684a135d130f5693912ab6bbe97352./SRPMS.pclosd   = B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cscim-prime1.0.13pclos2013SCIM IMEngine module for primeScim-prime is an SCIM IMEngine module for prime. It supports Japanese input.pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  prime-develscim-develautomakelibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`f90c670b6b73f131eabac93503921528./SRPMS.pcloskd   9 B@BA8BE<BJ]Cscim-skk0.5.33pclos2013SCIM IMEngine module for skkScim-skk is an SCIM IMEngine module for skk. It supports Japanese input.pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  scim-develautomakelibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  V48 @\dlB@BABEBJCscim-tables0.5.132pclos2013Data files for SCIM Generic Table input method moduleThis package includes many data files for SCIM Generic Table input method module. The data files are came from unicon and xcin. You will need to also install the appropiate data file and locales for the language support.=kpinoc32System/Internationalizationi586  scim-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   4L PltB@BA BE$BJECscim-tomoe0.6.01pclos2010SCIM module for tomoeSCIM module for tomoe.XSystem/Internationalizationi586  scim-develtomoe-devellibtomoe-gtk-develautomakeintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`G9329011af6de002bcb7a3ba044b8049d./SRPMS.pclos#d   .D Hdl|B@BABEBJCscim-uim0.2.04pclos2013A wrapper for uimA wrapper for uim.System/Internationalizationx86_64  scim-develuim-develautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   ?d hpxB@BABEBJCscintilla2.021pclos2011Free source code editing componentScintilla is a free source code editing component. As well as features found in standard text editing components, Scintilla includes features especially useful when editing and debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion and call tips. 7Editorsx86_64  gtk+2-develpkgconfigcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 8865cd7582612c25e4f83295e481a69d5./SRPMS.pclosd  ;  <B@EBAdBEhBJCscite5.3.01pclos2022SCIntilla based GTK+3 text editorSciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs.5 Editorsx86_64 pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scite-5.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm5|Q8d223bc9a1e0fda14be11eb3362d3c65./SRPMS.pclossd   ;h l}B@BA@BEDBJeCscli0.4.01pclos2011SCLI - SNMP Command Line InterfaceAuthors description on the project's home page: The scli package was written to address the need for small and efficient command line utilities to monitor and configure network devices and host systems. The scli package is based on the SNMP management protocol. It utilizes a MIB compiler called smidump to generate C stub code. In fact, virtually no SNMP knowledge is required in order to extend the scli programs with new features. The programs contained in the scli package try to be very specific rather than generic. Generic SNMP tools such as MIB browsers or simple command line tools (e.g. snmpwalk) are hard to use since they expose too many protocol details. And in most cases, they fail to present the information in a format that is easy to read and understand. The scli package was designed to be extensible. Additional modes that extend the capabilities of the tools can easily be added. The smidump MIB compiler hides all the SNMP protocol details so that every C programmer can implement new modes. In fact, we like to encourage users to write and contribute new modes so that the package becomes more and more valuable. To summarize, the slogan for this little package is: "After more than 10 years of SNMP, I felt it is time for really useful command line SNMP monitoring and configuration tools. ;-)"Networking/Otherx86_64 libxml2-develreadline-develncurses-devellibglib2-devellibgnet2-develgsnmp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scli-0.4.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmb041c72631a343226064005ea7dc3e4e./SRPMS.pclos'd  @\` gyB@BABEBJCscons4.4.01pclos2022Open Source software construction toolSCons is an Open Source software construction tool--that is, a build tool; an improved substitute for the classic Make utility; a better way to build software. SCons is based on the design which won the Software Carpentry build tool design competition in August 2000. SCons "configuration files" are Python scripts, eliminating the need to learn a new build tool syntax. SCons maintains a global view of all dependencies in a tree, and can scan source (or other) files for implicit dependencies, such as files specified on #include lines. SCons uses MD5 signatures to rebuild only when the contents of a file have really changed, not just when the timestamp has been touched. SCons supports side-by-side variant builds, and is easily extended with user- defined Builder and/or Scanner objects.TerryNDevelopment/Othernoarch python3-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scons-4.4.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmb35d35bbe8e203e9ce08efff4afdd443./SRPMS.pclos;d  J B@BABE BJ-Cdescorched3d442pclos20203D artillery game similar to Scorched EarthScorched is a game loosely-based on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth, "The Mother Of All Games", with fully destructible 3D landscapes and stunning visual effects. "Scorched Earth is a simple, yet exciting artillery combat game, based on an auspicious history of artillery games." (Review of Scorched Earth at ClassicGaming.com) In its simplest form Scorched is an artillery game. Tanks take turns to earn money by destroying opponents in an arena. Scorched attempts to recreate the simple yet addictive game play of the original game, adding amongst other new features a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play.„Scorched 3D“ ist ein genialer Remake des DOS-Spieleklassikers Scorched Earth. Wie im Original beschießen sich die Besetzer mehrerer Geschützpunkte, die durch natürliche Hindernisse voneinander getrennt sind. Ziel ist es immer noch, den Gegner zu treffen. Das Spiel findet in einem karibischen Szenario statt, wobei die Spieler auf Inseln verteilt sind. Die 3D-Grafik sieht dabei wunderschön aus. Praktischer Vorteil: Die Karte lässt sich stufenlos zoomen und drehen. Neben den Abschusswerten spielt auch der realistische Wind eine Rolle. Wie schwer das Spiel ist, lässt sich in drei Schwierigkeitsstufen festlegen. Auch Spiele gegen menschliche Spieler via Netzwerk und Internet sind möglich. rGames/Strategyx86_64 imagemagicklibtoolpkgconfig(lua)mesa-common-develpkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(freealut)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(SDL_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL_net)lib64wxgtku3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M 9B@BBAhBElBJCscratch1.4.0.12pclos2010Programming system and content development toolScratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. A]Educationi586 libv4l-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scratch- e5b25affd3d604ae33fdf9a3780ab384./SRPMS.pclosGd   < B@BABEBJ9Cscratux1.1.01pclos2019Block based programming languageScratux is a block-based visual programming language targeted primarily at children.tEducationx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scratux-1.1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmF896707c6b90ad26cd0f3874acb9e236f./SRPMS.pclos/d   B48 jrxB@BABEBJ!Cscreem0.14.111pclos2007Site CReating and Editing EnvironMentSCREEM (Site CReating and Editing EnvironMent) is an integrated development environment for the creation and maintenance of websites and pages. It is not a WYSIWYG editor; you are provided with raw html source in its editor window instead.-8;Bart the Build Bot Editorsi586  ImageMagickgtksourceview-devellibgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibgtkhtml2-devellibgnomeprintui-devellibgnome-menu-develscrollkeeperkrb5-develintltoollibcroco0.6-develdbus-develdesktop-file-utilskrb5-serverrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Y B@ BA,BE0BJQCscreen4.0.31pclos2011A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminalThe screen utility allows you to have multiple logins on just one terminal. Screen is useful for users who telnet into a machine or are connected via a dumb terminal, but want to use more than just one login. Install the screen package if you need a screen manager that can support multiple logins on one terminal. sITerminalsx86_64 ncurses-develutempter-develtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1screen-4.0.3-1pclos2011.src.rpm f96242861b66ebf6df8e585c3e09839d./SRPMS.pclosd  S B@BABEBJ Cscreenfetch3.9.11pclos2019Screenfetch is a "Bash Screenshot Information Tool"screenFetch is a "Bash Screenshot Information Tool". This handy Bash script can be used to generate one of those nifty terminal theme information + ASCII distribution logos you see in everyone's screenshots nowadays. It will auto-detect your distribution and display an ASCII version of that distribution's logo and some valuable information to the right. There are options to specify no ascii art, colors, taking a screenshot upon displaying info, and even customizing the screenshot command! This script is very easy to add to and can be easily extended.[Monitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1screenfetch-3.9.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmM6c428d9e583ea12c43e7c9b3ada16d3b./SRPMS.pclosGd   F $ +BLdB@BABEBJ9Cscreengrab2.7.01pclos2023An application for creating screenshots* Screenshot of screen area, window, fullscreen and last selected area * Delay * Edit directly in other applications * Automatic saving; insert date+time in filename * Fit to edges by right click * Custom shortcutsPublishingi586  libxml2-devellibxslt-develintltooldocbook-dtd412-xmlautomake1.7gettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  JT XahB@BABE BJACscrot1.8.11pclos2023SCReenshOT - command line screen capture utilityscrot (SCReenshOT) is a simple command line screen capture utility that uses imlib2 to grab and save images. Multiple image formats are supported through imlib2's dynamic saver modules. Some features of the scrot: - support to multiple image formats (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.). - optimization of the screen shots image quality. - capture a specific window or a rectangular area on the screen with the help of switch. scrot also can be used to monitor a desktop PC in admin absent and register unwanted activities.0Graphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(giblib)autoconfautoconf-archivepkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xcursor)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scrot-1.8.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm83ff108e849154d872bc8e94184be3da4./SRPMS.pclosd  0 $B@,BALBEPBJqCscrub2.6.11pclos2016Disk scrubbing programScrub writes patterns on files or disk devices to make retrieving the data more difficult. It operates in one of three modes: 1) the special file corresponding to an entire disk is scrubbed and all data on it is destroyed; 2) a regular file is scrubbed and only the data in the file (and optionally its name in the directory entry) is destroyed; or 3) a regular file is created, expanded until the file system is full, then scrubbed as in 2).Securityx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scrub-2.6.1-1pclos2016.src.rpmȱ0c97a05bec58cfdd3108317099bc117d./SRPMS.pclosod   {H LV`B@BA<BE@BJaCdescummvm2.1.12pclos2021Interpreter for several adventure gamesFreie Umsetzung von LucasArts' S.C.U.M.M-InterpreterScummVM is an implementation of the SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) engine used in various Lucas Arts games such as Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle. At this time ScummVM should be considered ALPHA software, as it's still under heavy development. Be aware that while many games will work with few major bugs, crashes can happen. Also note that saved games can, and probably will, be incompatible between releases. Also ScummVM is capable of playing several non-SCUMM games.ScummVM ist eine »virtuelle Maschine« für diverse klassische grafische »Ziel-und-Klick«-Abenteuerspiele. Das Programm ist ausgelegt zum Starten von Adventure Softs »Simon the Sorcerer« 1 und 2, Revolutions »Beneath a Steel Sky« sowie Spielen, die auf LucasArts' S.C.U.M.M (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) basieren. S.C.U.M.M wird für viele Spiele verwendet, unter anderem für »Monkey Island«, »Day of the Tentacle«, »Sam and Max« und weitere. Auf werden alle unterstützten Spiele aufgelistet. Die Daten von zwei mit ScummVM kompatiblen Spielen werden bei Debian mitgeliefert. Dies sind: * Beneath a Steel Sky (Paketname: beneath-a-steel-sky) * Flight of the Amazon Queen (Paketname: flight-of-the-amazon-queen). Um die ScummVM tatsächlich zu verwenden, müssen Sie eines dieser Pakete installieren, oder sich die proprietären Spieledaten für ein anderes unterstütztes Spiel anderswo beschaffen.Emulatorsx86_64 nasmlib64curl-devellib64flac8-devellib64fluidsynth-devellib64fribidi-devellib64freetype6-devellib64jpeg-devellib64speechd-devellib64theora-devellib64mpeg2dec-devellib64png1.6-devellib64mad-devellib64alsa2-devellib64ncurses-devellib64readline-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64vorbis0-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1scummvm-2.1.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm!6ad121ae0fb9dfb6cb0f976c0e89c86f./SRPMS.pclos/d   E| B@BABEBJ!Csd1.0.01pclos2024Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)sd is a intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)&{pinocFile toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sd-1.0.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm,vcf19cd9273e14faab9c1935048bf7036./SRPMS.pclos7d  7  '0PB@BABEBJ)Csddm0.21.04pclos2024QML based X11 display managerSDDM is a modern display manager for X11 aiming to be fast, simple and beautiful. It uses modern technologies like QtQuick, which in turn gives the designer the ability to create smooth, animated user interfaces.7_Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  cmakeextra-cmake-moduleslibxcb-develpam-develpython3-docutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)upower-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1sddm-0.21.0-4pclos2024.src.rpm63567ad786c801b6a7985437d4ed887de./SRPMS.pclos[d   ; B@BA(BE,BJMCsddm-conf0.1.01pclos2023Configuration editor for SDDMConfiguration editor for SDDM similar to sddm-config-editor, but written in C++.qdanielGraphical desktop/LXQTx86_64 cmakelib64qt5help-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sddm-conf-0.1.0-1pclos2023.src.rpmxbe14304388e7f4d904995da52fe3367ac./SRPMS.pclosd   : 3B@FBAhBElBJCsddm-kcm6.3.31pclos2025SDDM KDE configuration moduleThis is a System Settings configuration module for configuring the SDDM Display Manager.@Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xcursor)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sddm-kcm-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmca73cc2e6fd78c70c84e2ad291e65e92./SRPMS.pclosd   T !(HB@BABEBJ Csdl-ball1.011pclos2010Free/OpenSource brick-breaking game with pretty graphicsSDL-Ball is a Free/OpenSource brick-breaking game for Linux,BSD and windows with pretty graphics. It is written in C++ using SDL and OpenGL, here is the project page on sf.net. Your mission: To smash your way through a series of progressively harder and more tricky levels. Your tools: Ultrakinetic titanium balls and your trusty Gruntmazter-3000-Paddle edition. REQUIRES: Video card supporting 3D graphic drivers such as nvidia and fglrx.1Games/Arcadei586 gcc-c++GL-develSDL-develSDL_image-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_ttf-develgimp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sdl-ball-1.01-1pclos2010.src.rpm29ebeadff99da8f05cf392a2116c661fb./SRPMS.pclosKd  4X \mtB@BABEBJ=Csdl22.30.81pclos2024Simple DirectMedia Layer 2This is the Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, a generic API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display framebuffer across multiple platforms. SDL fully supports high end 3D graphics using Direct3D and OpenGL, and has a 2D graphics API for emulators and classic games.SLSystem/Librariesx86_64  libnas-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libpulse-simple)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)pkgconfig(xxf86vm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sdl2-2.30.8-1pclos2024.src.rpmS{t234a84267263b31703ad4768afd0d7aa./SRPMS.pclosgd   = B@BA4BE8BJYCsdl2_gfx1.0.42pclos2024SDL2 graphics drawing primitivesThe SDL2_gfx library provides the basic drawing functions such as lines, circles or polygons. There is also an implementation of an interpolating rotozoomer for SDL2 surfaces. The current components of the SDL2_gfx library are: * Graphic Primitives * Surface Rotozoomer * Framerate control * MMX image filters * Build-in 8x8 Font 3pinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sdl2_gfx-1.0.4-2pclos2024.src.rpm [|7b3b50feb2d3b28ee96da1fac6e4b0f8./SRPMS.pclosd   A  18 \  B@%BALBEPBJqCsdl2_image2.8.21pclos2024Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 - imageThis is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL2 surfaces. This library currently supports BMP, PPM, PCX, GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats. This package contains the binary `sdl2show' to test the library.c~FSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(libavif)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libjxl)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sdl2_image-2.8.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmc693ab09e46efbc8189e20485306852bc5./SRPMS.pclosd   A8 <MT  m B@BABEBJCsdl2_mixer2.8.01pclos2024Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 - mixerSDL2_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI and SMPEG MP3 libraries.^!PSystem/Librariesx86_64   dos2unixpkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(fluidsynth)pkgconfig(libmikmod)pkgconfig(libmodplug)pkgconfig(libmpg123)pkgconfig(opusfile)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(vorbisfile)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)^P`c13fa6e79cea7c72453b9c85611aa8a2./SRPMS.pclos;d   9t xB@BABE BJ-Csdl2_net2.2.01pclos2022SDL2 Network Support LibraryThis is a small sample cross-platform networking library.USystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(sdl2)sdl2-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sdl2_net-2.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmU&?e2083bb81b29c042cb6603c532c5c57f./SRPMS.pclosd   f 5B@GBAlBEpBJCsdl2_pango2.1.51pclos2024Rendering of internationalized text for SDL2 (Simple DirectMedia Layer)Rendering of internationalized text for SDL2 (Simple DirectMedia Layer)npinocSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sdl2_pango-2.1.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm 420147b5c394526c650a499fe063be62./SRPMS.pclosd   W gB@zBABEBJCsdl2_ttf2.22.01pclos2024Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 - Sample TrueType Font LibraryThis is a sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL2 applications. It comes with an example program "showfont" which displays an example string for a given TrueType font file. Warning! TrueType font decoding is under patent, and software using this library may be in violation of this patent. Use at your own risk! See https://freetype.org/ for details.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(sdl2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sdl2_ttf-2.22.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm 9730f3645af9cd0a7414e9b64ef6d560./SRPMS.pclos?d   7 B@BA BEBJ1Csdlmess0149s1pclos2014Multi Emulator Super SystemMESS is an acronym which stands for Multi Emulator Super System. MESS documents and reproduces through emulation the inner components of computers, consoles, chess computers and calculators. As a nice side-effect, MESS allows to use on a modern PC those programs and games which were originally developed for the emulated machines.|:Emulatorsx86_64 rsynclib64SDL-devellib64SDL_ttf-devellib64alsa2-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64qt4-devellib64x11-devellib64xinerama-devellib64expat1-devellib64wxgtk2.8-devellib64gconfmm2.6_1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sdlmess-0149s-1pclos2014.src.rpm7c43271deed07fe9d869a1b17130a20f./SRPMS.pclosd   =P ToxB@BABEBJCsdparm1.121pclos2021List or change SCSI disk parametersSCSI disk parameters are held in mode pages. This utility lists or changes those parameters. Other SCSI devices (or devices that use the SCSI command set) such as CD/DVD and tape drives may also find parts of sdparm useful. Requires the linux kernel 2.4 series or later. In the 2.4 series SCSI generic device names (e.g. /dev/sg0) must be used. In the 2.6 series other device names may be used as well (e.g. /dev/sda). Warning: It is possible (but unlikely) to change SCSI disk settings that stop or slow it down. Use with care.QSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 glibc-develglibc-headers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sdparm-1.12-1pclos2021.src.rpm!703e958b0a8c6bda5b3cf1592c9c4f5b./SRPMS.pclosWd   m    B@BA$BE(BJICseafile5.1.11pclos2016Open source cloud storage system with features on privacy protection and teamworkSeafile is an open source cloud storage system with features on privacy protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced separately. A library can also be encrypted with a user chosen password. Seafile also allows users to create groups and easily sharing files into groups. Networking/File transferx86_64  intltoollib64glib2.0-devellib64jansson-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64openssl-devellib64event-devellib64uuid-devellib64curl-devellib64searpc-devellib64ccnet-devellib64python-develvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 9f0fce9c0e2f9a4089cf873ad0078978./SRPMS.pclosd " B <B@BABEBJCseafile-client5.1.11pclos2016Seafile gui client based on Qt5Seafile is a next-generation open source cloud storage system, with advanced support for file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork.Networking/File transferx86_64 cmakeqttools5lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5help-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64jansson-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64openssl-devellib64event-devellib64uuid-devellib64searpc-devellib64ccnet-devellib64seafile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1seafile-client-5.1.1-1pclos2016.src.rpmJfc0182a3cc13e76b374ac4c62a94fdc7./SRPMS.pclosd   5  8@D`B@hBABEBJCseahorse3.34.01pclos2019GNOME frontend to GnuPGSeahorse is a GNOME frontend for the GNU Privacy Guard ecryption tool. It can be used for file encryption and decryption and for digitally signing files and for verifying those signatures. Key management options are also included.ؼGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1seahorse-3.34.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmee9368ef9cee2b0a18c7bd3b67a6577d7./SRPMS.pclosd   RP TcltB@BABEBJCseamonkey2.53.201pclos2025Web browser, e-mail, news, IRC client, HTML editorSeaMonkey is an all-in-one Internet application suite. It includes a browser, mail/news client, IRC client, JavaScript debugger, and a tool to inspect the DOM for web pages. It is derived from the application formerly known as Mozilla Application Suite.Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1seamonkey-2.53.20-1pclos2025.src.rpm9W9053d5fb37485109c2aba9b9a805b014./SRPMS.pclos{d $ 9lp vB@BAHBELBJmCsearch-xapian1.2.12.01pclos2013Xapian perl bindingsPerl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library.BpinocDevelopment/Librariesx86_64 perl-develperl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverageperl-Test-Basexapian-core-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1search-xapian-  =    B@BABEBJ5Csearchmonkey0.8.31pclos2020Fast Real-Time Search EnginesearchMonkey is a fast real-time search engine for displaying regular expression matches (both file name and content) across multiple directories. qkFile toolsx86_64 intltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64poppler-glib-devellib64zip-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1searchmonkey-0.8.3-1pclos2020.src.rpm w96783b42cb0953b0906c219d888f92c7./SRPMS.pclosd  < &B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cseatd0.9.11pclos2024Seat management daemon and libraryA seat management daemon, that does everything it needs to do. Nothing more, nothing less. Depends only on libc.jSystem/Librariesx86_64  mesonpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)scdoc3.0.4-14.6.0-1seatd-0.9.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmaf0a43d0cccc3a4fe4525a6adfd3a5a41./SRPMS.pclosd  ! F  B@?BAhBElBJCsecondlife1.16.0.52pclos2007Second Life online 3-D virtual worldSecond Life is an online 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents.MTexstar Games/Otheri586  SDL-develapr-util-develbisonboost-develcurl-develelfio-devellibexpat1-develfreetype2-develgtk2-develjpeg-develflexlibxmlrpc-develmesaglu-develoggvorbis-developenjpeg-develsconszlib-devellibfmod-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.51-10pclos20073.0.4-1secondlife- ) W B@ BAPBETBJuCsecondlife-artwork1.16.0.51pclos2007Artwork for the Second Life 3-D virtual worldSecond Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. This package contains artwork required by Second Life.xkGames/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1secondlife-artwork-   .x |B@BABEBJCsed4.91pclos2022A GNU stream text editorThe sed (Stream EDitor) editor is a stream or batch (non-interactive) editor. Sed takes text as input, performs an operation or set of operations on the text and outputs the modified text. The operations that sed performs (substitutions, deletions, insertions, etc.) can be specified in a script file or from the command line.XText toolsx86_64 texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sed-4.9-1pclos2022.src.rpm`caf82a2572f47ca07b3865aaba4c326f./SRPMS.pclosd   6 )B@ABA`BEdBJCseed3.2.03pclos2018GObject JavaScriptCore bridgeSeed is a library and interpreter, dynamically bridging (through GObjectIntrospection) the WebKit JavaScriptCore engine, with the GObject type system. In a more concrete sense, Seed enables you to immediately write applications around a significant portion of the GNOME platform, and easily embed JavaScript as a scripting-language in your GObject library. zbb2 Development/Otherx86_64 lib64dbus-1-devellib64cairo-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64girepository-devellib64xml2-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64ffi-devellib64glib2.0-develwebkitgtk3-develgnome-js-commonreadline-develmpfr-develgtk-docintltoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1seed-3.2.0-3pclos2018.src.rpm {18fb2f1c380f2a60e61085c8a2d681fb./SRPMS.pclosd   A4 8>H t @ B@RBAtBExBJCselene17.73pclos2023GUI audio-video converter for GNU/LinuxUtility for converting audio and video files to OGV, MKV, MP4, WebM, Opus, AAC, FLAC, MP3, and WAV formats. Provides a simple GUI for converting files to popular formats with powerful command-line options for automated/unattended encoding.Z1Videox86_64 lib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gee-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64json-glib-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64x11-develvalarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1selene-17.7-3pclos2023.src.rpmYl537ea27fb3b2641d9593b23ab27ceb3e./SRPMS.pclos{d   2 B@&BAHBELBJmCsemantik0.7.35pclos2013Mindmapping-like toolSemantik is a mindmapping-like tool to help students to produce complicated documents very quickly and efficiently: presentations, dissertations, thesis, reports. While targetted mostly at students, Kdissert can also help teachers, decision maker, engineers and businessmen. Semantik is also available exclusively for Linux and other free operating systems.!Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-devellibxml2-utilsimagemagickocamlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1semantik-0.7.3-5pclos2013.src.rpm(\08937c69c60c0f8a3a1ddfc36849d41f./SRPMS.pclosd   P$ (8@D`B@hBABEBJCsendEmail1.562pclos2013A lightweight, command line based SMTP email agent.SendEmail is a lightweight, completly command line based, SMTP email agent. If you have the need to send email from the command line, this tool is perfect. It was designed to be used in bash scripts, Perl programs, and web sites, but it is also quite useful in many other contexts. SendEmail is written in Perl and is unique in that it requires NO SPECIAL MODULES. It has an intuitive and flexible set of command-line options, making it very easy to learn and use.lNetworking/Mailx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sendEmail-1.56-2pclos2013.src.rpmt ed368634c56bdedeca9977f6df9d4157./SRPMS.pclosod   F0 4CL t  B@BA<BE@BJaCsendmail8.15.22pclos2019A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA)The Sendmail program is a widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA). MTAs send mail from one machine to another. Sendmail is not a client program, which you use to read your e-mail. Sendmail is a behind-the-scenes program which moves your e-mail over networks or the Internet to where you want it to go. If you ever need to reconfigure Sendmail, you'll also need to have the sendmail.cf package installed. If you need documentation on Sendmail, you can install the sendmail-doc package.System/Serversx86_64 db53-develcyrus-saslgroff-for-manlibgdbm-developenssl-devellibsasl-develtcp_wrappers-devellibldap-developensslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sendmail-8.15.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm797eaa56360392b43ff3b0e9dfb9b9c4f./SRPMS.pclosCd   T0 4KTpB@BABEBJ5Csentinella0.8.01pclos2011Monitors your system activity and takes chosen actionApplication that monitors your system activity and, when a condition is met, takes the action that you've chosen. While monitoring your CPU, memory, hard drive and network usage, Sentinella can be programmed to take specific actions when set-points for utilization or time are met. It can power off, reboot or hibernate your system, kill an active process, throw an alarm or execute any command. Sentinella integrates perfectly with KDE4 and will work on many *nix systems. SGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 cmakeqt4-develkdelibs4-devellibsysactivity-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sentinella-0.8.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm4780f328413e0ba45426890ce1aab11d./SRPMS.pclos?d  9 B@BA BEBJ1Cserd0.30.101pclos2021Lightweight RDF syntax libraryLightweight C library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples. Serd is not intended to be a Swiss army knife of RDF syntax, but rather is suited to resource limited or performance critical applications, or situations where a simple reader/writer with minimal dependencies is ideal (e.g. in LV2 hosts or plugins).System/Librariesx86_64 wafpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1serd-0.30.10-1pclos2021.src.rpm,5a5d643ce6319583c533ecfdcd22cd4c./SRPMS.pclosd   Ld hy  " B@5BATBEXBJyCserf1.3.92pclos2019A high-performance asynchronous HTTP client libraryThe serf library is a C-based HTTP client library built upon the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. It multiplexes connections, running the read/write communication asynchronously. Memory copies and transformations are kept to a minimum to provide high performance operation.BSystem/Librariesx86_64  lib64apr-devellib64apr-util-develautoconf2.5automake1.7libtoolopenssl-develzlib-develsconsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   -04 Pel|B@BABEBJCserpentine0.91pclos2007Master audio CDsSerpentine is an application for mastering audio CDs. In it's design simplicity will be the keyword. Dnd and saving states (think nautilus) will play an important role here, since it will cleanup the UI a lot. Serpentine will try to abide to GNOME HIG v2.0.Texstar Archiving/Cd burningnoarch python-develperl-XML-ParserGConf2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1serpentine-0.9-1pclos2007.src.rpm3244139528181b3ef5b7e14e2cddc39e./SRPMS.pcloscd   I B@ BA0BE4BJUCsessreg1.1.31pclos2022Manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clientsSessreg is a simple program for managing utmp/wtmp entries for xdm sessions.Development/X11x86_64  libx11-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 8c17c0cb735ee85760abe5883a61ba02./SRPMS.pclos{d   ,  B@(BAHBELBJmCsetarch2.04pclos2007Personality setterThis utility tells the kernel to report a different architecture than the current one, then runs a program in that environment.nNeverstopdreaming System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1setarch-2.0-4pclos2007.src.rpmO17daf6793aec94546ba62f344c214512./SRPMS.pclosd   UPT \xB@BABEBJCjasetime0.871pclos2013Choose input method入力メソッドの選択と設定This package contain scripts for setting input method. See below web page.(only Japanese) http://tomcat.nyanta.jp/sb2/sb.cgi?eid=239 [Caution] * After installed this package, you should re-login. * After executed setime|gsetime, you should re-login. * This tool support scim, scim-bridge, ibus, uim, fcitx.入力メソッドの選択と設定を行う為のスクリプト群です。 詳しくは下記のページを参照してください。 http://tomcat.nyanta.jp/sb2/sb.cgi?eid=239 【注意】 ・setime または gsetime の実行後は再ログインしてください。 ・このツールが対応している入力メソッドは scim, scim-bridge, ibus, uim, fcitx です。  これ以外の入力メソッドには対応していません。<.pinoc64System/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1setime-0.87-1pclos2013.src.rpmAecb394ffbb04b9389cc170c917b10b85./SRPMS.pclos?d   D B@BA BEBJ1Csetserial2.1710pclos2011A utility for configuring serial portsSetserial is a basic system utility for displaying or setting serial port information. Setserial can reveal and allow you to alter the I/O port and IRQ that a particular serial device is using, and more. You should install setserial because you may find it useful for detecting and/or altering device information.System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 groff-for-manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1setserial-2.17-10pclos2011.src.rpmBb706116b001c23f98b6298a1ff8a9420./SRPMS.pclosd  HDH RmtxB@BABEBJCsetup2.7.175pclos2017A set of system configuration and setup filesThe setup package contains a set of very important system configuration and setup files, such as passwd, group, profile and more. You should install the setup package because you will find yourself using its many features for system administration.rbb2 System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1setup-2.7.17-5pclos2017.src.rpms469bed90d3a80639f55377641b6124a5./SRPMS.pclosd   M 6B@PBAtBExBJCsetxkbmap1.3.31pclos2022Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard ExtensionThe setxkbmap command maps the keyboard to use the layout determined by the options specified on the command line.Development/X11x86_64  libx11-devellibxkbfile-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) &82bc346ea8b8ed1818a2c5841dd6b18b./SRPMS.pclosd   0 2CHPoB@xBABEBJCsfio199910pclos2007A Safe/Fast I/O LibrarySfio is a library for managing I/O streams. It provides functionality similar to that of Stdio, the ANSI C Standard I/O library, but via a distinct interface that is more powerful, robust and efficient.)0Bart the Build Bot System/Librariesi586 edrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sfio-1999-10pclos2007.src.rpm.46ceaaafcd9435080bfc9c61cf9df8ce./SRPMS.pclosd   (   $@B@HBAhBElBJCsfk1.9.51pclos2019Swiss File Knifesfk ("Swiss File Knife") combines many command line tools in a single portable executable (for e.g. search and convert text files, find duplicate files, compare folders, treesize, run own commands on all files of a folder). File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sfk-1.9.5-1pclos2019.src.rpm c1ea21bd47d2e105e39d57c724be4420./SRPMS.pclosod   Y  ,  B@BA<BE@BJaCsfml2.31pclos2015Multimedia C++ API providing access to graphics, input, audio, etcSFML is a portable and easy to use multimedia API written in C++. You can see it as a modern, object-oriented alternative to SDL.Development/C++x86_64 cmakelib64flac8-devellib64freetype6-devellib64jpeg-devellib64ogg-devellib64openal-devellib64udev0-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64x11-devellib64xcb-util-image-devellibxcb-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sfml-2.3-1pclos2015.src.rpm79de9e4c18bd907e210e6e569ee74cf9./SRPMS.pcloswd   [  0  B@%BADBEHBJiCsfml2.5.11pclos2019Multimedia C++ API providing access to graphics, input, audio, etcSFML is a portable and easy to use multimedia API written in C++. You can see it as a modern, object-oriented alternative to SDL.ADevelopment/C++x86_64 cmakepkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(flac)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-image)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sfml-2.5.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmdae2f0fed3d6de01155d15c148ac5147./SRPMS.pclosd   X  ;DPB@BABEBJCsg3_utils1.481pclos2023Utils for Linux's SCSI generic driver devices + raw devicesCollection of tools for SCSI devices that use the Linux SCSI generic (sg) interface. Includes utilities to copy data based on "dd" syntax and semantics (called sg_dd, sgp_dd and sgm_dd); check INQUIRY data and associated pages (sg_inq); check mode and log pages (sg_modes and sg_logs); spin up and down disks (sg_start); do self tests (sg_senddiag); and various other functions. See the README and CHANGELOG files. Requires the lk 2.4 series or better. [In the lk 2.5 development series many of these utilities can be used on the primary block device name (e.g. /dev/sda).] Warning: Some of these tools access the internals of your system and the incorrect usage of them may render your system inoperable.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sg3_utils-1.48-1pclos2023.src.rpm6e5435110ef1d28ea2efdf44abcf69b7./SRPMS.pclosOd [B@BABE BJACsgml-common0.6.314pclos2011Base ISO character entities and utilities for SGML and XMLThe ISO standardization organization has normalized a set of characters symbolic names ("character entities") used by SGML documents of many types. There are character entities for latin languages, math symbols, greek, cyrillic, etc. This package also includes very basic utilities to allow SGML catalogs manipulation.>Publishingnoarch  libxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.4.8-23.0.4-1sgml-common-0.6.3-14pclos2011.src.rpm66c214d69d1c45015752373173deac3c2./SRPMS.pclosd   Il p{B@BABEBJCsgsearch1.1.71pclos2016GUI to 'find' and 'grep' for searching filesSGSearch: a simple GUI to 'find' and 'grep' for searching files. Features: - search for files with 'find' - search for files contents with 'grep' - open founded files with default application or text-editor (create a link from your favorite text-editor), or open directory containing file9`File toolsx86_64 gtk2-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sgsearch-1.1.7-1pclos2016.src.rpm>066fefbbedb0159130a5a05b696ab95b./SRPMS.pclos7d   f  !(HB@BABEBJ)Cshaderc2022.31pclos2023A collection of tools, libraries, and tests for Vulkan shader compilationA collection of tools, libraries and tests for shader compilation. Shaderc aims to to provide: - a command line compiler with GCC- and Clang-like usage, for better integration with build systems - an API where functionality can be added without breaking existing clients - an API supporting standard concurrency patterns across multiple operating systems - increased functionality such as file #include support System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeglslang-develpkgconfig(SPIRV-Tools)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)spirv-headersspirv-tools11. " g  0B@BABEBJCshadow-utils4.1.4.21pclos2011Utilities for managing shadow password files and user/group accountsThe shadow-utils package includes the necessary programs for converting UNIX password files to the shadow password format, plus programs for managing user and group accounts. The pwconv command converts passwords to the shadow password format. The pwunconv command unconverts shadow passwords and generates an npasswd file (a standard UNIX password file). The pwck command checks the integrity of password and shadow files. The lastlog command prints out the last login times for all users. The useradd, userdel and usermod commands are used for managing user accounts. The groupadd, groupdel and groupmod commands are used for managing group accounts..System/Basex86_64 gettext-develautomakepam-develtcb-develglibc-crypt_blowfish-develpam_userpass-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shadow-utils-   C ZB@eBABEBJCshairplay0.9.00.2pclos2021Apple AirPlay server implementationServer for the Apple RAOP protocol, emulating an AirPort Express for the purpose of streaming music from iTunes and compatible iPods.xNetworking/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(ao)pkgconfig(avahi-compat-libdns_sd)libavahi-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shairplay-0.9.0-0.2pclos2021.src.rpmf68331835818adc8b6e245935c10328d./SRPMS.pclosd   > $0kB@|BABEBJCshapelib1.6.02pclos2024API in "C" for Shapefile handlingThe Shapefile C Library provides the ability to write simple C programs for reading, writing and updating (to a limited extent) ESRI Shapefiles, and the associated attribute file (.dbf).bpinocSciences/Geosciencesx86_64  proj-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1shapelib-1.6.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm2ba86b2a7843b2b341aebdd9f2006d63./SRPMS.pclosd ) qH L]dhB@BABEBJCshared-color-profiles0.1.41pclos2011Shared color profiles to be used in color management aware applicationsThe shared-color-profiles package contains various profiles which are useful for programs that are color management aware. This package only contains the free profiles that can be safely distributed with Fedora.SzSystem/Librariesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shared-color-profiles-0.1.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmS1cc60c8ea467d01de6bb0df0b60e1195./SRPMS.pclosd# . aL P\dlB@BABEBJCshared-desktop-ontologies0.11.01pclos2013Semantic web to the desktop in terms of vocabularyOpen Semantic Collaboration Architecture Foundation (OSCAF) ontologies and reference code development. This project is used maintainers from open source projects to maintain standards for the interoperability of desktop and web applications. The shared-desktop-ontologies package brings the semantic web to the desktop in terms of vocabulary. It contains the well known core ontologies such as RDF and RDFS as well as the Nepomuk ontologies which are used by projects like KDE or Strigi.9System/Basenoarch kde4-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0-1pclos2013.src.rpm9(I358e0058c1207c74f4a09215ccbf7b87./SRPMS.pclosd " A    B@BABEBJCshared-mime-info2.21pclos2023Shared MIME-Info SpecificationThis is the freedesktop.org shared MIME info database. Many programs and desktops use the MIME system to represent the types of files. Frequently, it is necessary to work out the correct MIME type for a file. This is generally done by examining the file's name or contents, and looking up the correct MIME type in a database. For interoperability, it is useful for different programs to use the same database so that different programs agree on the type of a file, and new rules for determining the type apply to all programs. This specification attempts to unify the type-guessing systems currently in use by GNOME, KDE and ROX. Only the name-to-type and contents-to-type mappings are covered by this spec; other MIME type information, such as the default handler for a particular type, or the icon to use to display it in a file manager, are not covered since these are a matter of style. In addition, freedesktop.org provides a shared database in this format to avoid inconsistencies between desktops. This database has been created by converting the existing KDE and GNOME databases to the new format and merging them together.U&Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64  intltoolitstoollibxml2-utilsmesonpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmlto3.0.4-14.6.0-1shared-mime-info-2.2-1pclos2023.src.rpmUt02c97a44827615f29058dc151fcf2287./SRPMS.pclosd   b\ `qxB@BABEBJCsharutils4.15.22pclos2022The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archivesThe sharutils package contains the GNU shar utilities, a set of tools for encoding and decoding packages of files (in binary or text format) in a special plain text format called shell archives (shar). This format can be sent through email (which can be problematic for regular binary files). The shar utility supports a wide range of capabilities (compressing, uuencoding, splitting long files for multi-part mailings, providing checksums), which make it very flexible at creating shar files. After the files have been sent, the unshar tool scans mail messages looking for shar files. Unshar automatically strips off mail headers and introductory text and then unpacks the shar files. Install sharutils if you send binary files through email very often.eArchiving/Backupx86_64 texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sharutils-4.15.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmJa4fa38ace185a82a933e33d7c21792df./SRPMS.pclosd   5  2<@\B@dBABEBJCshc4.0.11pclos2018Generic shell script compilerA generic shell script compiler. Shc takes a script, which is specified on the command line and produces C source code. The generated source code is then compiled and linked to produce a stripped binary executable. Use with care.Development/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shc-4.0.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm54dcbe672f4f795c3a342994f59aa47c./SRPMS.pclosd   :  PB@`BABEBJCshellcheck0.10.01pclos2024Shell script analysis toolThe goals of ShellCheck are: * To point out and clarify typical beginner's syntax issues, that causes a shell to give cryptic error messages. * To point out and clarify typical intermediate level semantic problems, that causes a shell to behave strangely and counter-intuitively. * To point out subtle caveats, corner cases and pitfalls, that may cause an advanced user's otherwise working script to fail under future circumstances.$FpinocDevelopment/Toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1shellcheck-0.10.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm$a96bdd12945c657fa7670c958c4b058b./SRPMS.pclosd  /H LS\lB@BABEBJCshfmt3.3.01pclos2021Format shell programsFormat shell programsgShellsx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shfmt-3.3.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmf75c54b579fdeda84a9896ad91bb83c4./SRPMS.pclosd   P (`jB@BABEBJCshiboken25.15.63pclos2024Creates the PySide2 bindings source files for Qt5The Shiboken2 Generator (A.K.A. shiboken) is the plugin that creates the PySide2 bindings source files from Qt5 headers and auxiliary files (typesystems, global.h and glue files).6NDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  clang-develkf5-macrosllvm-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(Qt5XmlPatterns)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(python3)python3-numpy-develpython3-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1shiboken2-5.15.6-3pclos2024.src.rpm602a89398176771bbaf4a4470153c7eaf./SRPMS.pclosd   O ( \ A B@dBABEBJCshiboken66.8.21pclos2025Creates the PySide6 bindings source files for Qt6The Shiboken6 Generator (A.K.A. shiboken) is the plugin that creates the PySide6 bindings source files from Qt6 headers and auxiliary files (type systems, global.h and glue files).Development/KDE and Qtx86_64   clang-develcmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Test)cmake(Qt6Xml)llvm-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(python3)python3-numpy-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)17.0.6-63.0.4-14.6.0-1shiboken6-6.8.2-1pclos2025.src.rpmWc1a5a4953c33e1954c0234743a2301a3./SRPMS.pclosd   WT X^hlB@BABEBJCshntool3.0.102pclos2013A multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utilityA multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility. File formats are abstracted from its core, so it can process any file that contains WAVE data, compressed or not - provided there exists a format module to handle that particular file type.rSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shntool-3.0.10-2pclos2013.src.rpmz644aaf2f7c75aff7ab68aba8df7b981cd./SRPMS.pclosd   J0 4CLPlB@tBABEBJCshorewall5.0.15.11pclos2017Iptables-based firewall for Linux systemsThe Shoreline Firewall, more commonly known as "Shorewall", is a Netfilter (iptables) based firewall that can be used on a dedicated firewall system, a multi-function gateway/ router/server or on a standalone GNU/Linux system.P?1System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shorewall-   r $B@,BAPBETBJuCdeshorten3.6.13pclos2012Low complexity and fast waveform coderUnkomplizierter und schneller Waveform Codershorten is a low complexity and fast waveform coder (i.e. audio compressor), originally written by Tony Robinson at SoftSound. It can operate in both lossy and lossless modes.Shorten ist ein unkomplizierter und schnelle Waveform Coder (d.h. Audio Kompressor), ursprünglich geschrieben von Tony Robinson in SoftSound. Es arbeitet in beiden Modi, verlustbehaftet und verlustfrei.NealSoundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shorten-3.6.1-3pclos2012.src.rpm67c38a4b59ee944cf3f03187c1d715d6./SRPMS.pclos?d   G  8  B@BA BEBJ1Cshortwave1.1.12pclos2020Shortwave online internet streaming radioShortware is a free radio streaming software with more than 20,000 radio stations from around the world. Please note all features are not fully functional in this release.oSSoundx86_64 binutilsxztarsdrustmesonlib64gtk+3.0-devellib64handy-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shortwave-1.1.1-2pclos2020.src.rpmosc29a6a830b7bbcdf3f271e953ad0d13d./SRPMS.pclosd   /  DB@TBAxBE|BJCshotcut2401281pclos2024Linux Video EditorShotcut is a free and open-source cross-platform video editing application for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Shotcut supports many video, audio, and image formats via FFmpeg and screen, webcam, and audio capture. It uses a timeline for non-linear video editing of multiple tracks that may be composed of various file formats. Scrubbing and transport control are assisted by OpenGL GPU-based processing and a number of video and audio filters are available.yVideox86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1shotcut-240128-1pclos2024.src.rpm246909c1b0313a7271559f69dc6a3620f./SRPMS.pclosd   E %% %B@8BA\BE`BJCshotwell0.30.11pclos2018A photo organizer for the GNOME desktopShotwell is an easy-to-use, fast photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop. It allows you to import photos from your camera or disk, organize them by date and subject matter, even ratings. It also offers basic photo editing, like crop, red-eye correction, color adjustments, and straighten. Shotwell's non-destructive photo editor does not alter your master photos, making it easy to experiment and correct errors.`Graphicsx86_64  lib64gee-devellib64xkbcommon-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64exiv2-devellib64gexiv2-devellib64epoxy-devellib64atspi-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64lcms2-devellib64exif12-devellib64ltdl-devellib64gphoto-devellib64hyphen-devellib64secret-devellib64json-glib-devellib64notify-devellib64soup-devellib64enchant-devellib64curl-devellib64nss-devellib64sasl2-devellib64gcr-devellib64nspr-devellib64gdata-devellib64ssh2-devellib64oauth-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64vala-develLibRaw-develwebkitgtk2-develat-spi2-atk-develappstream-glib-devellibrest-devellibtoolitstoolgnome-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)`~89edb65013d0961f22182ba5adea7513./SRPMS.pclosd   :  PB@dBABEBJCshowfont1.0.61pclos2022Font dumper for X font serverShowfont displays data about a font that matches the given pattern. The information shown includes font information, font properties, character metrics, and character bitmaps.;Development/X11x86_64  libfs-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   J 0B@FBAhBElBJCshowimage1.103pclos2022ShowImage is a simple KDE5 based image viewerShowImage is a simple KDE based image viewer using the maximum space inside its window without cluttering the window with menubar, toolbar or statusbar. You simply act via the keyboard (rotate, zoom, etc.) or via the context menu (right mouse click). You can view a single image or browse through a full directory, optionally in fullscreen mode.;Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1showimage-1.10-3pclos2022.src.rpm43b075058d632ec6e9f0e1d8a32ea7cd./SRPMS.pcloscd   B@ BA0BE4BJUCdeshred_GUI1.31pclos2022shred_GUI - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete itshred_GUI - Mehrfaches Überschreiben und löschen der angegebene DateiSimple GUI for shred. Update Version 1.3 Add a simple script to overwrite files via right click, or in a terminal. Use: shred.sh %f or shred.sh file Overwrite the specified FILE(s) repeatedly, in order to make it harder for even very expensive hardware probing to recover the data. Delete FILE(s) if --remove (-u) is specified. The default is not to remove the files because it is common to operate on device files like /dev/hda, and those files usually should not be removed. When operating on regular files, most people use the --remove option. CAUTION: Note that shred relies on a very important assumption: that the file system overwrites data in place. This is the traditional way to do things, but many modern file system designs do not satisfy this assumption. The following are examples of file systems on which shred is not effective, or is not guaranteed to be effective in all file system modes: * log-structured or journaled file systems, such as those supplied with AIX and Solaris (and JFS, ReiserFS, XFS, Ext3, etc.) * file systems that write redundant data and carry on even if some writes fail, such as RAID-based file systems * file systems that make snapshots, such as Network Appliance's NFS server * file systems that cache in temporary locations, such as NFS version 3 clients * compressed file systems In the case of ext3 file systems, the above disclaimer applies (and shred is thus of limited effectiveness) only in data=journal mode, which journals file data in addition to just metadata. In both the data=ordered (default) and data=writeback modes, shred works as usual. Ext3 journaling modes can be changed by adding the data=something option to the mount options for a particular file system in the /etc/fstab file, as documented in the mount man page (man mount). In addition, file system backups and remote mirrors may contain copies of the file that cannot be removed, and that will allow a shredded file to be recovered later.Einfache Benutzeroberfläche für shred. Update Version 1.3 Ein einfaches Skript zum überschreiben von Dateien via rechts klick oder im Terminal. Verwende: shred.sh %f oder shred.sh file Mehrfaches Überschreiben der angegebenen DATEI(en), um es schwerer zu machen, selbst mit teuren Hardware-Analysemitteln die Daten wieder herzustellen. DATEI(en) löschen, wenn --remove (-u) angegeben ist. Die Standardvorgabe ist es, die Dateien nicht zu löschen, da man oft auf Gerätedateien wie /dev/hda arbeitet, und diese Dateien nicht gelöscht werden sollten. Bei der Benutzung mit normalen Dateien verwenden die meisten Anwender die Option --remove. VORSICHT: Beachten Sie, dass „shred“ auf einer sehr wichtigen Annahme beruht: dass das Dateisystem Daten an derselben Stelle überschreibt. Das ist die alt- hergebrachte Vorgehensweise, doch viele moderne Betriebssystemdesigns erfüllen diese Annahme nicht. Die folgenden Systeme sind Beispiele von Dateisystemen, auf denen „shred“ keine Wirkung hat oder auf denen nicht für alle Datei- systemmodi eine Wirkung garantiert werden kann: * Log-strukturierte oder „journalled“ Dateisysteme, so wie die mit AIX und Solaris gelieferten (und JFS, ReiserFS, XFS, Ext3, usw.) * Dateisysteme, die redundante Daten schreiben und auch dann fortfahren, wenn einige Schreibvorgänge fehlschlagen, so wie RAID-basierte Dateisysteme * Dateisysteme, die Schnappschüsse anfertigen, so wie der NFS-Server von Network Appliance * Dateisysteme, die an temporären Orten zwischenspeichern, so wie Klienten unter NFS Version 3 * komprimierte Dateisysteme Im Fall von ext3 trifft die obige Bemerkung nur zu, wenn der Modus data=journal gesetzt ist, der neben einem Journal für Metadaten auch eines für Daten schreibt. Sowohl im Modus data=ordered (Voreinstellung) und data=writeback funktioniert shred wie gewöhnlich. Die Journal-Optionen von ext3 können beim Einhängen gesetzt werden. Außerdem können Dateisystemsicherungen und entfernte Spiegel Kopien der Datei enthalten, die nicht entfernt werden können, und die es erlauben, eine zerhackte Datei wieder herzustellen.udanielAccessibilityx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shred_GUI-1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm~78e63452214bd0f00c56cba7ecd9e80e./SRPMS.pclosd   .  $08<XB@`BABEBJCshtool2.0.81pclos2019Portable shell toolGNU shtool is a compilation of small but very stable and portable shell scripts into a single shell tool. All ingredients were in successful use over many years in various free software projects. The compiled shtool program is intended to be used inside the source tree of other free software packages. There it can overtake various (usually non-portable) tasks related to the building and installation of such a package. It especially can replace the old mkdir.sh, install.sh and related scripts.8System/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shtool-2.0.8-1pclos2019.src.rpm@j3178f8123fde68ad12a23b3c5e183b24./SRPMS.pclosd ! >  "(,HB@PBAxBE|BJCshutdown-dialog0.10pclos2011Shutdown utility for OpenboxA simple shutdown dialog programmed in python that allows you to logout, shutdown, and restart your computer from a GTK dialog. This is useful for people who use Openbox or other WMs besides Gnome and KDE.6Graphical desktopi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shutdown-dialog-0.1-0pclos2011.src.rpm>;f9f0d2d883d1ca4b1d29f51d9dfe27da./SRPMS.pclosd   >L PhptB@BABEBJCshutter0.941pclos2018Feature-rich screenshot applicationShutter is a feature-rich screenshot program. You can take a screenshot of a specific area, window, your whole screen, or even of a website - apply different effects to it, draw on it to highlight points, and then upload to an image hosting site, all within one window.sGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1shutter-0.94-1pclos2018.src.rpm348ed77134c873e8a054909ab4cfc47bf./SRPMS.pclosSd  !  B@BA BE$BJECdesicusys24.07.011pclos2024A simple way to get some info about your system!Einfacher Weg um Informationen über ihr System zu erhalten!A simple way to get some info about your system! Displayed: Running Kernel Desktop Enviroment User Screen Resolution CPU Free Disk Space Memory Usage File Space Usage Update: added inxi -FxzMGS by single click! added Tweaks requires nano.Ein einfacher Weg, um einige Informationen über Ihr System zu erhalten! Zeigt an: Laufenden Kernel Desktop Umgebung Benutzer Bildschirmauflösung CPU Freien Speicherplatz Update: hinzugefügt inxi -FxzMGS durch einfachen Klick! hinzugefügt Tweaks benötigt nano.danielMonitoringx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sicusys-24.07.01-1pclos2024.src.rpmC9eeadb8ee297b8f58a2f873828d149db./SRPMS.pclosd" - U 8B@KBABEBJCsidekick-browser122.60.1.396131pclos2024A productivity browser for focused workSidekick makes the Internet distraction-free. It speeds up your workflow and protects against attention killers.7Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1sidekick-browser-   M  FB@UBAxBE|BJCsidplay2.0.91pclos2007A Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulatorSidplay2 is the second in the Sidplay series and provides a console front end for the libsidplay2 library. This library is cycle accurate for improved sound reproduction and is capable of playing all C64 mono and stereo file formats. Also supported is a full C64 emulation environment, which allows tunes to be taken directly from the C64 without the need for special modifications.)Texstar Soundi586  libsidutils-develautomake1.8rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  Z  @B@IBApBEtBJCsidplay-libs2.1.13pclos2021A Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator libraryThis is a cycle-based version of a C64 music playing library developed by Simon White. This library provides no internal SID emulation. Instead a means to drive any external SID hardware or emulation has been provided using the SID Builder Classes. A ReSID Builder Class using a modified version of ReSID 0.13 is included in this package. Alternative/updated classes can be obtained from the SIDPlay2 homepage.IVSystem/Librariesx86_64 chrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sidplay-libs-2.1.1-3pclos2021.src.rpm)ba77b1fa334b4e8773f9b19aad288499./SRPMS.pclosGd   5 B@BABEBJ9Csigdigger0.3.01pclos2022Digital signal analyzerSigDigger is a free digital signal analyzer for GNU/Linux, designed to extract information of unknown radio signals. It supports a variety of SDR devices through SoapySDR, and allows adjustable demodulation of FSK, PSK and ASK signals, decode analog video, analyze bursty signals and listen to analog voice channels (all in real time).BSciences/Engineeringx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sigdigger-0.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmF,43233e9d1ec04d1d3014413cae83d7ae./SRPMS.pclosd  A    B@BABEBJCsigil2.4.21pclos2025A free open source WYSIWYG ebook editorSigil is a free and open source WYSIWYG ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.Officex86_64   cmakelib64qt6base6-develpkgconfig(hunspell)pkgconfig(libpcre2-16)pkgconfig(minizip)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  + M B@BAPBETBJuCsigil-plugin-framework0.9.102pclos2019Dependencies for plugin frameworkInstall this package if you plan to install additional plugins for Sigi located at: http://www.mobileread.mobi/forums/showthread.php?t=247431File toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sigil-plugin-framework-0.9.10-2pclos2019.src.rpm6e21be9b5ff98dcad3a1869f6f12ba1d./SRPMS.pclosCd   B B@BABEBJ5Csiglar0.8.32pclos2009Siglar is a small acronym creation toolSiglar is a simple and lightweight program, yet powerful and fast. It automaticaly creates many suggestions for new acronyms using the initial letters of words or word parts in a phrase or name. Siglar have many options to configure how it creates the acronyms suggestions. The sugested aconyms can be copied to another application or saved in a text file (utf-8 format).~Officei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1siglar-0.8.3-2pclos2009.src.rpm9d205a0dcd65f564d79e984738ca09950./SRPMS.pclos_d & < B@BA,BE0BJQCsigma-file-manager1.7.01pclos2023A modern file manager"Sigma File Manager" is a free, open-source, quickly evolving, modern file manager (explorer / finder) app for Windows and Linux."zFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sigma-file-manager-1.7.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm1a67565a8bdc08911b9d899a9952cf98./SRPMS.pclos_d # Glp vB@BA,BE0BJQCsignal-desktop7.46.01pclos2025Private messaging from your desktopPrivate messaging from your desktopDRpinocNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1signal-desktop-7.46.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmD=rf2599942cb5762281c02964391bac930./SRPMS.pclosd   V 8B@JBAlBEpBJCsignon8.612pclos2025A framework for centrally storing authentication credentialsSingle Sign-On is a framework for centrally storing authentication credentials and handling authentication on behalf of applications as requested by applications. It consists of a secure storage of login credentials (for example usernames and passwords), plugins for different authentication systems and a client library for applications to communicate with this system.aSystem/Librariesx86_64  doxygengcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1signon-8.61-2pclos2025.src.rpme522b07481dabb60c6fc768139f31a1a./SRPMS.pclosd# . X B@%BA\BE`BJCsignon-kwallet-extension24.12.31pclos2025KWallet integration for Sign-on frameworkKWallet integration for Sign-on framework.0Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macroslib64signon-extension-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1signon-kwallet-extension-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm^a6898b48973dd5a2a91aa41dc8074bc5./SRPMS.pclosd ' P|  B@ BAPBETBJuCsignon-plugin-oauth20.255pclos2025OAuth2 plugin for the Accounts frameworkOAuth2 plugin for the Accounts framework.v(Development/Librariesx86_64  doxygengraphvizpkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1signon-plugin-oauth2-0.25-5pclos2025.src.rpm-88a6fe299e1c5e454ae6e68e5defc2e0./SRPMS.pclosd   7 (8B@BABEBJCsignon-ui0.153pclos2025Online Accounts Sign-on UiSign-on UI is the component responsible for handling the user interactions which can happen during the login process of an online account. It can show password dialogs and dialogs with embedded web pages.޽Development/KDE and Qtx86_64  pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1signon-ui-0.15-3pclos2025.src.rpm/a46b065a13e50b252ee6cdd106469b6d./SRPMS.pclos7d ! . B@BABEBJ)Csilc-toolkit0.9.134pclos2011SILC toolkitSILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides secure conferencing services on the Internet over insecure channel. SILC is IRC-like software although internally they are very different. The biggest similarity between SILC and IRC is that they both provide conferencing services and that SILC has almost the same commands as IRC. Other than that they are nothing alike. Major differences are that SILC is secure what IRC is not in any way. The network model is also entirely different compared to IRC. This package provides development related files for any application that has SILC support., )Networking/Chatx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1silc-toolkit-0.9.13-4pclos2011.src.rpm+a69dbd4f1ebb27485bcede8f6c3c5f0c./SRPMS.pclosd   D +4<gB@pBABEBJCsilence0.23pclos2011Silence is an information management tool.Silence is an information management tool. It does not just store your data, it provides sophisticated search mechanisms so you are able to find the information you are looking for. Your data will be stored in a hierarchical way. You don't like that? No problem, use links to structure your data. You don't like that either? Fine, use the labels to organize your information. Of course you can mix all the available functions to manage your data efficiently.GGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1silence-0.2-3pclos2011.src.rpmN279e0a90a382d88b23dba4de3461586a./SRPMS.pclosd   4 (B@4BAXBE\BJ}Csilicon2.0.01pclos2014Disc burning applicationSilicon Empire is set of tools to Burn, Copy, Backup and Manage your optical discs like CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays.@Archiving/Cd burningx86_64 cmakephonon-devellib64qt4-devellib64taglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1silicon-2.0.0-1pclos2014.src.rpmAfe80b268471ae934408c77ecc300044f7./SRPMS.pclosd   D 08TB@BABEBJCsimdock1.21pclos2010SimDock is a fast and customizable dockbarA Dockbar for GNOME SimDock is a fast and customizable dockbar. It is written in c++ and wxWidgets and fits well in Gnome but works on most desktop environments. Does not require Compiz nor 3D acceleration.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk2-develpkgconfiglibx11_6-devellibwnck-develwxGTK2.8-develGConf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1simdock-1.2-1pclos2010.src.rpmec34add1943b7642f57aeea35a015e3e./SRPMS.pclosd  8 0B@BABEBJCsimon0.4.11pclos2014Open source speech recognitionSimon is an open-source speech recognition program and replaces the mouse and keyboard. It is designed to be very flexible and allows customization for any application where speech recognition is needed. It is in development for physically disabled people and seniors to give them the possibility to chat, to write e-mails, to surf the internet, to do internet-banking and much more.ET{Accessibilityx86_64 bisondesktop-file-utilsflexgettextnepomuk-core-develdocbook-style-xslopencv-develicu-datakde-pimlibs-develkdelibs-devellib64alsa2-devellib64boost-devellib64pocketsphinx-devellib64qt4-devellib64qwt-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sphinxbase-devellib64x11-devellib64xi-devellib64xtst-devellibxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1simon-0.4.1-1pclos2014.src.rpmEddc13d46cbbc0a9b745db911ef3f9161./SRPMS.pclos[d  Elp uB@BA(BE,BJMCsimple-ccsm0.8.81pclos2012Simple Compiz Config Settings ManagerSimple Compiz Config Settings ManagerNealSystem/X11noarch  compiz-develpygtk2.0-develintltooldesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d  B( ,7@\B@BABEBJCsimple-mtpfs0.4.01pclos2023Simple MTP fuse filesystem driverSIMPLE-MTPFS (Simple Media Transfer Protocol FileSystem) is a file system for Linux (and other operating systems with a FUSE implementation, such as Mac OS X or FreeBSD) capable of operating on files on MTP devices attached via USB to local machine. On the local computer where the SIMPLE-MTPFS is mounted, the implementation makes use of the FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) kernel module. The practical effect of this is that the end user can seamlessly interact with MTP device files.File toolsx86_64 autoconfautomakegcc-c++pkgconfigpkgconfig(fuse)pkgconfig(libmtp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1simple-mtpfs-0.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm63a2c15baaf5d5d1a08dc33aad386b2d./SRPMS.pclosd  6 $DB@cBABEBJCsimple-scan42.52pclos2023Simple scanning utilitySimple Scan is an easy-to-use application, designed to let users connect their scanner and quickly have the image/document in an appropriate format.DGraphicsx86_64  colord-develintltoolitstoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64handy-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64sane1-devellib64vala-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sane-backends3.0.4-14.6.0-1simple-scan-42.5-2pclos2023.src.rpmp26157231bb1e8e0344fd8d89b078de98./SRPMS.pclossd * A B@BA@BEDBJeCsimple-update-notifier0.3.61pclos2024Simple Update NotifierNotification icon that nests in the panel and alerts when updates are present for PCLinuxOS DEsWGraphical desktop/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1simple-update-notifier-0.3.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmb4c770d126a06eb21c52559abec4683c5./SRPMS.pclos'd & =T XoxB@BABEBJCsimpleaudioplayer1.10.21pclos2014Audio Player for KDE 4A Music Player for KDEGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-devellib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1simpleaudioplayer-1.10.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm tdf0b5221b45241ac7fdaddc1ff3c6281./SRPMS.pclossd # ( ,AH l  B@BA@BEDBJeCdesimpleburn1.8.3.12pclos2018SimpleBurn is a basic burning tool for CDs and DVDs.SimpleBurn ist ein einfaches Werkzeug zum Brennen von CDs und DVDs.SimpleBurn is a basic burning application for CDs and DVDs.SimpleBurn ist ein grundlegendes Werkzeug für das Brennen von CDs und DVDs.UArchiving/Cd burningx86_64 cmakeImageMagicklib64cddb-devellib64cdio-devellib64dvdread-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellibpthread-stubswayland-protocols-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1simpleburn-   >` dktB@BABEBJ%Csimplenote2.22.21pclos2025The simplest way to keep notesThe simplest way to keep notes.zOfficex86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1simplenote-2.22.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm%9588e91e7b17cf0ee48b64660aa2e79b./SRPMS.pclos?d  = B@BA BEBJ1Csimplestream3.11pclos2024Radio Streamer & Stream RipperSimpleStream is a streamripper and radio streamer with a minimal interface.Soundnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1simplestream-3.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm:bed1a7fb31e275a432f4426518e6b47e./SRPMS.pclos[d # | B@BA(BE,BJMCsimplex-desktop5.3.11pclos2023A messaging platform operating without user identifiers of any kind - private by design!Unlike other messaging platforms, SimpleX has no identifiers assigned to the users. It does not rely on phone numbers, domain-based addresses (like email or XMPP), usernames, public keys or even random numbers to identify its users — we don't know how many people use our SimpleX servers. To deliver messages SimpleX uses pairwise anonymous addresses of unidirectional message queues, separate for received and sent messages, usually via different servers. Using SimpleX is like having a different “burner” email or phone for each contact, and no hassle to manage them. This design protects the privacy of who you are communicating with, hiding it from SimpleX platform servers and from any observers. To hide your IP address from the servers, you can connect to SimpleX servers via Tor._Networking/Chatx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1simplex-desktop-5.3.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmshf4095ea31b9e9754223b57dcb185b87f./SRPMS.pclosod  +  B@BA<BE@BJaCsimsu1.4.51pclos2025Basic Sudoku gameA basic Sudoku game. You can switch between filling in notes (pencil mode), or filling in answers (pen mode). To make it easier to see where to place numbers, you can highlight all instances of a number. You can also check your answers for correctness while playing. The game stores your current notes and answers, so that you can pick up where you left off the next time you play.Games/Puzzlesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1simsu-1.4.5-1pclos2025.src.rpmaa9bc1feab37e6a17a2611b3054981ef./SRPMS.pclosd " i$( 3BL`B@BABEBJCdesimutrans120.2.21pclos2018Simutrans transportation simulation gameSimutrans TransportsimulationSimutrans is a freeware and open-source transportation simulation game. In Simutrans you can build the transport networks you always dreamed of, with platforms, quays, level crossings, signals and much more. Transport passengers between nearby cities with a commuter train or use a high speed train to earn big money by connecting cities further apart. You can choose from a large amount of trains including steam, diesel and electric engines, along with multiple units - each with a different properties. Fleet of ships and ferries, buses, trams, trolley buses, trucks, and planes are at your daily disposal. More exotic ways of transport include monorails and maglevs.Simutrans ist ein freies und OpenSource Transportsimulationsspiel. In Simutrans können Sie Transportnetzwerke bauen, von denen Sie schon immer geträumt haben, mit Plattformen, Kais, Bahnübergängen, Signalen und vielem mehr. Transportieren Sie Passagiere zwischen benachbarten Städten mit einer S-Bahn oder mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitszug um viel Geld mit den Verbindungen zu weiter entfernten Städten einzunehmen. Sie können aus einer Vielzahl von Zügen wählen, einschließlich Dampf, Diesel und Elektromotoren, zusammen mit vielen Anhängern - jeder mit einer anderen Eigenschaft. Flotten von Schiffen und Fähren, Bussen, Trams, Transportbussen, LKW und Flugzeugen stehen Ihnen täglich zur Verfügung. Exotischere Transportmittel sind Einschienenbahnen und Magnetschwebebahnen.aghostbunnyGames/Strategyx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64SDL-devellib64bzip2-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1simutrans-120.2.2-1pclos2018.src.rpm0490f0835592f5701da92e1a43d17e9e./SRPMS.pclosd   ?D HY`pB@BABEBJCsimvoleon2.0.13pclos2011Volume rendering library for CoinSIM Voleon is a software development system, in the form of an add-on library to Coin3D. SIM Voleon complements Coin's capabilities for polygon-based rendering with visualization of volumetric data sets, by providing so-called "volume rendering" technology. nSystem/Librariesi586 Coin3-develdoxygenmesaglu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1simvoleon-2.0.1-3pclos2011.src.rpmea786ec0595483bec5b0057167348431./SRPMS.pclosd   S  08HtB@BABEBJCsinglebox18.14.11pclos2021Singlebox is an all-in-one messaging & emailing appSinglebox for Mac and PC is an all-in-one messaging & emailing app A single place for all your web services and accounts, including Discord, WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Telegram and many many more.Networking/Chatx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1singlebox-18.14.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmOaa5b5cb3da945efff02497115a8ba647./SRPMS.pcloscd   Pp tB@ BA0BE4BJUCsingular3.1.01pclos2010Computer Algebra System for polynomial computationsSINGULAR is a Computer Algebra system for polynomial computations with special emphasize on the needs of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, singularity theory and polynomial system solving. For a more detailed overview of SINGULAR, see http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Overview/'kwSciences/Mathematicsi586 libgmp-develntl-develflexlibncurses-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1singular-3.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm'T68b3f050d0da34122e0ce83948a8b30c./SRPMS.pclosd   8D HNX`B@BABEBJCsinthgunt2.0.24pclos2013Easy to use gui for ffmpegSinthgunt is an open source graphical user interface for ffmpeg, a computer program that can convert digital audio and video into numerous formats. Using pre-configured conversion settings, it makes the task of converting between different media formates very easy.Videonoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sinthgunt-2.0.2-4pclos2013.src.rpm536e26a53f7300e65da1a027211a035c./SRPMS.pclosd   A  , ) B@DBAdBEhBJCsir3.2.21pclos2023A simple application for re-sizing imagessir (Simple Image Resizer) is a simple application for re-sizing images, inspired by GTPY - ImageResizer. It uses C++/QT5 and QImage class to convert the images.u>Graphicsx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(exiv2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sir-3.2.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm+2401f14dfa300a259af3e1d6c258ff68./SRPMS.pclosgd   o    B@BA4BE8BJYCsirikali1.5.11pclos2023SiriKali is a Qt/C++ GUI front end to encfs,cryfs,gocryptfs,ecryptfs and securefs.SiriKali is a Qt/C++ GUI front end to encfs,cryfs,gocryptfs,ecryptfs and securefs.%Securityx86_64  cmakegcc-c++glibc-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64secret-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sirikali-1.5.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm&30bcf82bc89986a9a705577b31a740bd./SRPMS.pclosd  E B@BABEBJCsiril1.0.61pclos2023Astronomical image (pre-)processing programSiril is an image processing tool specially tailored for noise reduction and improving the signal/noise ratio of an image from multiple captures, as required in astronomy. Siril can align automatically or manually, stack and enhance pictures from various file formats, even images sequences (movies and SER files).$7gSciences/Astronomyx86_64 appstream-glibautoconfautomakegettextintltoolpkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(ffms2)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libavformat)pkgconfig(libavutil)pkgconfig(libconfig)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libraw)pkgconfig(libswresample)pkgconfig(libswscale)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(opencv)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1siril-1.0.6-1pclos2023.src.rpm$9Sd21b7bf4b4caa94ba9cf45e0d6bad103./SRPMS.pclosGd   L| B@BABEBJ9Csj-fonts2.0.21pclos2017Two fonts by Steve Jordi released under the GPLTwo fonts by Steve Jordi released under the GPLWSystem/Fonts/True typenoarch fontpackages-develfontforgerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sj-fonts-2.0.2-1pclos2017.src.rpmX31b84dce680df169a7fc797832f1c4e1./SRPMS.pclosd   7(, 6?H t  B@,BALBEPBJqCsk10.9.22pclos2017Advanced vector graphics editorsK1 is an open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand. sK1 is mainly oriented for PostScript processing. It features CMYK colorspace support, CMYK support in Postscript, a Cairo-based engine, color managment, universal CDR importer (7-X3 versions), and a modern Ttk based (former Tile widgets) user interface. First of all sK1 is oriented for prepress industry, therefore works with CMYK colorspace and produces CMYK-based PDF and postscript output.bb2 Graphicsx86_64 tcltklib64cairo-devellib64lcms2-devellib64python-devellib64tcl-devellib64tk-devellib64x11-devellib64xcursor-devellib64xext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sk1-0.9.2-2pclos2017.src.rpmGraphicsi586  XFree86-develtcltcl-develtixtix-develtktk-develpython-develpython-imaging-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.4-1mdk3.0.4-1skencil-0.6.17-3pclos2007.src.rpm a66f2cfcb6cccc2734f43809c379de8f./SRPMS.pclos;d   ; B@BABE BJ-Cskkdic200705293pclos2013SKK Dictionaries for JapaneseSKK dictionaries for Japanese. SKK is a Simple Kana-to-Kanji conversion program.Y pinocSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1skkdic-20070529-3pclos2013.src.rpmYfb52b40b6485576e3a7e714d131396c7./SRPMS.pcloscd   H B@ BA0BE4BJUCjaskkdic201303031pclos2013SKK Dictionaries for JapaneseSKK辞書SKK dictionaries for Japanese. SKK is a Simple Kana-to-Kanji conversion program. See below page about SKK dictionary. http://openlab.jp/skk/wiki/wiki.cgi?page=SKK%BC%AD%BD%F1SKK辞書。 各辞書に付いては下記のページを参照してください。 http://openlab.jp/skk/wiki/wiki.cgi?page=SKK%BC%AD%BD%F1Oxpinoc64System/Internationalizationnoarch emacswgetlhaskktoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1skkdic-20130303-1pclos2013.src.rpmOZe793c2fa6ce690149a098c7d8beaa205./SRPMS.pclosSd   8 B@BA BE$BJECskktools1.3.21pclos2013SKK dictionary editing toolA package is collection of files need for maintenance and expansion of SKK dictionaries.G@pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586 gdbm-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1skktools-1.3.2-1pclos2013.src.rpmN3125a81a63f909c999021c637e8385ef./SRPMS.pclosd   ^ :B@LBApBEtBJCskladnik24.12.31pclos2025An implementation of the Japanese warehouse keeper game SokobanSkladnik is an implementation of the Japanese warehouse keeper game “sokoban”. The idea is that you are a warehouse keeper trying to push crates to their proper locations in a warehouse. The problem is that you cannot pull the crates or step over them. If you are not careful, some of the crates can get stuck in wrong places and/or block your way.SoGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospovrayrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1skladnik-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm3113350d53ddf6b9b5e935f80f1be13d./SRPMS.pclosd  R$ (5<DpB@yBABEBJCskobo0.5.11pclos2007Kobo Deluxe is an SDL port of Akira Higuchi's game XKoboKobo Deluxe is an SDL port of Akira Higuchi's game XKobo. It adds sound, smoother animation, filtered high resolution support, a more intuitive menu driven user interface, joystick support and other features.Games/Arcadei586 SDL_image-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1skobo-0.5.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm98cea0721ca98038b6fc0f9835b1f9a3./SRPMS.pcloskd   B B@BA8BE<BJ]Cskoosh2.5.02pclos2009A simple, friendly, sliding tile puzzleA simple, friendly, sliding tile puzzle for GNOME2. Huge thanks to Gregory Griffin for permission to include his beautiful "Summer Breeze" artwork.=Games/Puzzlesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1skoosh-2.5.0-2pclos2009.src.rpmCladc894aa8a97761ae82cb8d89399e16f./SRPMS.pcloskd   = /8444B@BA8BE<BJ]Cskrooge2.32.01pclos2024Personal Finance Management ToolSkrooge is a personal finance management tool for KDE, with the aim of being highly intuitive, while providing powerful functions such as graphics, persistent Undo/Redo, infinite category levels, and much more...MGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilsdocbook-dtdsdocbook-style-xslkarchive-develkcompletion-develkconfig-develkconfigwidgets-develkcoreaddons-develkdelibs4support-develkdesignerplugin-develkdoctools-develkf5-macroski18n-develkiconthemes-develkio-develkitemviews-develkjobwidgets-develknewstuff-develknotifyconfig-develkparts-develkrunner-develkwallet-develkwidgetsaddons-develkwindowsystem-develkxmlgui-devellib64grantlee-devellib64kf5activities-devellib64qca2-qt5-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5designer-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quickwidgets-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64sqlcipher-devellibofx-devellibxml2-utilsqtcore5-private-develqtsql5-private-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1skrooge-2.32.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmB52af6174898ee7ec571b1ac734f5a897./SRPMS.pclosd   S  |B@BABEBJCskychart3.81pclos2013Planetarium software for the advanced amateur astronomerThis program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in 16 catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown. The purpose of this program is to prepare different sky maps for a particular observation. A large number of parameters help you to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the colour and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate grids, the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more. All these features make this celestial atlas more complete than a conventional planetarium.HvSciences/Astronomyx86_64 lazarusImageMagickdesktop-file-utilsdos2unixgtk2-develwgetrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1skychart-3.8-1pclos2013.src.rpmI+118ba7ab6f9173c234309affe8d4bf67./SRPMS.pclosd ' 7 ,B@?BAlBEpBJCskypeforlinux8.134.0.2021pclos2025Skype for LinuxHave a spoken conversation with (someone) over the Internet using the software application Skype, typically also viewing by webcam.$Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1skypeforlinux- $ W ,B@?BAlBEpBJCslack-desktop4.40.1331pclos2024The collaboration software that moves work forwardSlack gives your team the power and alignment you need to do your best collaboration work.\Networking/Remote accessx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1slack-desktop-4.40.133-1pclos2024.src.rpmD8af966a936c3e1731beb8af8e2e59337./SRPMS.pclosd  N dB@xBABEBJCslang2.3.31pclos2024The shared library for the S-Lang extension languageS-Lang is an interpreted language and a programming library. The S-Lang language was designed so that it can be easily embedded into a program to provide the program with a powerful extension language. The S-Lang library, provided in this package, provides the S-Lang extension language. S-Lang's syntax resembles C, which makes it easy to recode S-Lang procedures in C if you need to.MSystem/Librariesx86_64  glibc-devellibpng-devellibtoolonig-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1slang-2.3.3-1pclos2024.src.rpmdd91fc22466dc1257f6482df97e39555./SRPMS.pclosd   APT B@BABEBJCslap2r4p49pclos2007SLAP - SEIKO SmartLabel Printing UtilitySLAP is a UNIX command line program that prints labels on many SEIKO Smart Label Printers. It prints only text, no graphics, PostScript, and so on. The text can be printed in 16 different fonts and in 6 font sizes. Enter "man slap" at the command prompt for more info.]Bart the Build Bot Publishingi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1slap-2r4p4-9pclos2007.src.rpm&78a5b894b897c12c6ea5785ff7010656./SRPMS.pclos d  <@ GbltB@BABEBJCdesleeptimer0.771pclos2024Sleeptimer to shutdown the computer automaticlySleeptimer zum automatischen Herunterfahren des ComputersSleeptimer shutdown your system automatic. Enter the minutes to wait for shutdown.Sleeptimer fährt ihr System automtisch herunter. Geben Sie die Minuten ein zum abschalten.)danielSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sleeptimer-0.77-1pclos2024.src.rpm2e67fd2781a8d17b6426cff769e75cec./SRPMS.pclosd   5 0B@8BA\BE`BJCsleepyhead0.9.21pclos2014Sleep tracking programSleepyHead is cross platform, opensource sleep tracking program for reviewing CPAP and Oximetry data, which are devices used in the treatment of Sleep Disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea.(Sciences/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sleepyhead-0.9.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm c7eb2261f5be76212dd3f5ca8cc1667e./SRPMS.pclosOd   > B@BABE BJACslib3b42pclos2017Platform independent library for scheme"SLIB" is a portable library for the programming language Scheme. It provides a platform independent framework for using "packages" of Scheme procedures and syntax. As distributed, SLIB contains useful packages for all Scheme implementations. Its catalog can be transparently extended to accommodate packages specific to a site, implementation, user, or directory.fbb2 Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1slib-3b4-2pclos2017.src.rpmn[59fe93f8b3277fee6e6da160802cd300./SRPMS.pclos/d & :l pB@BABEBJ!Cslimjet-browser45.0.2.01pclos2025Slimjet Web BrowserSlimjet is built on top of the Chromium open-source project on which Google Chrome is also based. It enjoys the same speed and reliablity provided by the underlying blink engine as Google Chrome. However, many additional features and options have been added in Slimjet to make it more powerful, intelligent and customizable than Chrome. In addition to that, Slimjet DOES NOT send any usage statistics back to Google's server like Google Chrome, which is a growing concern for many Chrome users due to the ubiquitous presence and reach of the advertising empire.Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1slimjet-browser- ececedfc38c3c5a5474466277987e369./SRPMS.pclosd  >    B@BABEBJCslowmovideo0.51pclos2017Program to slow down your videosslowmoVideo is an OpenSource program that creates slow-motion videos from your footage. Qbb2 Videox86_64 cmakeopencv-develzlib1-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64glew-devellib64jpeg-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64png-devellib64qt4-devellib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1slowmovideo-0.5-1pclos2017.src.rpm 03eddb407282865c65d39da2f1e9a9341./SRPMS.pclosd  R $]B@gBABEBJCslrn0.9.9.p12pclos2010A powerful, easy to use, threaded Internet news readerSLRN is a powerful, easy to use, threaded Internet news reader. SLRN is highly customizable and allows you to design complex filters to sort or kill news articles. SLRN works well over slow network connections, and includes a utility for reading news off-line. Install slrn if you need a full-featured news reader, if you have a slow network connection, or if you'D like to save on-line time by reading your news off-line.MNetworking/Newsi586 slang-develsendmail-commandrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1slrn-0.9.9.p1-2pclos2010.src.rpmdd0a4416634ccfb1d4703c4c6ed8f8ec./SRPMS.pclosd   @    B@BABEBJCslv20.6.66pclos2021A library for simple use of LV2 pluginsSLV2 is a library geared towards music and audio applications which makes the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible. This binary package contains various binaries: o lv2_inspect - Display information about an LV2 plugin. o lv2_jack_host - SLV2 Jack Host. o lv2_list - List system installed LV2 plugins. o lv2_simple_jack_host - SLV2 Simple Jack Host Example.System/Librariesx86_64 doxygenlibjack-develliblrdf-devellibtoollv2core-develpkgconfigraptor-develrasqal-develredland-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1slv2-0.6.6-6pclos2021.src.rpm564014a357e348e47a20c80df278c0c5./SRPMS.pclosd  1 5B@@BA`BEdBJCsmake1.2.51pclos2018The Schily Make ProgramSmake is the only make program with automake features, it is the only program that works on unknown platforms. Smake executes command sequences based on relations of modification dates of files. The command sequences are taken from a set of rules found in a makefile or in the set of implicit rules. The argument target is typically a program that is to be built from the known rules. If no -f option is present, smake looks for SMakefile then for Makefile and then for makefile in the named order. If no target is specified on the command line, smake uses the first target that could be found in makefilename and that does not start with a dot ('.'). If a target has no explicit entry in the makefile smake tries to use implicit rules or the .DEFAULT rule. Unlike most other make programs, smake propagates all com­ mand line macros to sub makes. This is a big advantage with hierarchical makefile systems. Propagation is done in a POSIX compliant way using the MAKEFLAGS= environment. Unlike other make programs, smake includes a set of automake features that allow to implement portable, layered, object oriented makefiles. Author: Joerg Schilling Development/Toolsx86_64 makegccglibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smake-1.2.5-1pclos2018.src.rpm 19d88dd969eae9d7a39703b34ee4281b./SRPMS.pclosd   B 8ZB@yBABEBJCsmalltalk3.12pclos2010Smalltalk free language implementationGNU Smalltalk is a Free (or Open Source) implementation that closely follows the Smalltalk-80 language as described in the book Smalltalk-80: the Language and its Implementation by Adele Goldberg and David Robson. GNUSmalltalk runs on most versions of Unix or Unix like systems (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, etc...). There is even a version for commercial operating systems like MS-NT.2SDevelopment/Otheri586 gtk+2-develemacs-binreadline-develtermcap-develtcltcl-develtktk-develgdbm-develgmp-develsqlite3-develtexinfolibpq-develzlib-develziplibsigsegv-develffi5-develSDL-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_image-develSDL_sound-develSDL_ttf-develmesaglut-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smalltalk-3.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm2ddbfd0ca192e842af297e93eb4deccb9./SRPMS.pclosd   < YB@fBABEBJCsmaragd0.0.75pclos2013KDE 4 windeco for Emerald themesSmaragd is a window decoration engine for the KDE window manager KWin. It allows you to use Emerald theme files (from Compiz/Beryl) with KDE SC 4. Installation and Usage * Restart KWin when you had a previous version installed * The *.emerald theme file has to be extracted to $HOME/.emerald/theme (make sure the file $HOME/.emerald/theme/theme.ini exists) * You can also use the original Emerald theme manager to install and modify themes, but it is not needed for running * There are well over 1500 themes available at http://openDesktop.org/ Known Bugs * Shadow offsets are broken * No theme installation/configuration dialogGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 cmakekde-workspace-devellibcairo-develglib2.0-commonlib64glib2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smaragd-0.0.7-5pclos2013.src.rpm93151382cc67f52456fa8a3be8868da2./SRPMS.pclos;d  [ B@BABE BJ-Csmartmontools7.31pclos2023SMARTmontools - for monitoring S.M.A.R.T. disks and devicesSMARTmontools controls and monitors storage devices using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology System (S.M.A.R.T.) built into ATA and SCSI Hard Drives. This is used to check the reliability of the hard drive and predict drive failures. The suite contains two utilities. The first, smartctl, is a command-line utility designed to perform simple S.M.A.R.T. tasks. The second, smartd, is a daemon that periodically monitors smart status and reports errors to syslog. The package is compatible with the ATA/ATAPI-5 specification. Future releases will be compatible with the ATA/ATAPI-6 and ATA/ATAPI-7 specifications. The package is intended to incorporate as much "vendor specific" and "reserved" information as possible about disk drives. man smartctl and man smartd will provide more information. 6System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smartmontools-7.3-1pclos2023.src.rpm r5df69ffe695b443c09e52c92e5f54a76./SRPMS.pclosd # N $(DB@LBAtBExBJCrusmathstudio0.89.81pclos2010Small mathematic packet with MathCad styleA free mathematical package with a graphical interface for the calculation of mathematical expressions, and constructing two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphs.Бесплатный математический пакет с графическим интерфейсом для вычисления математических выражений и построения двумерных и трёхмерных графиков.AcSciences/Mathematicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smathstudio-0.89.8-1pclos2010.src.rpmI7e0380a15feb5f379de6b33451336803./SRPMS.pclosd  1h lrB@BABEBJCsmb4k3.2.51pclos2023A KDE SMB share browserAn SMB network and share browser for KDE 4 or later.AGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  lib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5dbusaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5kdelibs4support-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1smb4k-3.2.5-1pclos2023.src.rpmB 70129bc830ac0a41c4f84175a7ed6242./SRPMS.pclosGd  + tx B@BABEBJ9Csmbclient-cups-backend0.00.11pclos2019smbclient-cups-backend is a backend for cups to access printers in a windows serversmbclient-cups-backend enables PCLinuxOS to print in windows server's printers. It uses SMBclient to create a backend, allowing interaction with printers that need an username / password to be acessed. To properly function, there must be a file, named printing.auth, placed in /etc/samba The file must be in the following format: username = password = domain = With the respective fields filled with the data needed to access the printer, as described here: http://willem.engen.nl/projects/cupssmb/Agent Smith Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smbclient-cups-backend-0.00.1-1pclos2019.src.rpmf166a8cd0a447961fcfefb8ca09f80e7./SRPMS.pclosd ! V JY`dB@BABEBJCsmbldap-tools0.9.23pclos2007User & Group administration tools for Samba-OpenLDAPSmbldap-tools is a set of perl scripts written by Idealx. Those scripts are designed to help managing users and groups in a ldap directory server and can be used both by users and administrators of Linux systems: . users can change their password in a way similar to the standard "passwd" command, . administrators can perform users and groups management Scripts are described in the Smbldap-tools User Manual (http://samba.idealx.org/smbldap-tools.en.html) which also give command line examples. You can download the latest version on Idealx web site (http://samba.idealx.org/dist/). Comments and/or questions can be sent to the smbldap-tools mailing list (http://lists.idealx.org/lists/samba).~Bart the Build Bot System/Serversi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smbldap-tools-0.9.2-3pclos2007.src.rpm;29f01cccd26e4a0aa93dee51888d61c7./SRPMS.pclosd   SH LY`  8 B@JBAhBElBJCsmc1.92pclos2014Secret Maryo Chronicles - a 2D platform game in classic styleSecret Maryo Chronicles is an open source two-dimensional platform game with a style designed similar to classic sidescroller games. It utilizes the platform independent library SDL and an OpenGL accelerated graphics renderer developed in C++.'Games/Arcadex86_64 lib64cegui-devellib64SDL-devellib64x11-develSDL_ttf-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_image-develboost-devellibpng-develgettext-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smc-1.9-2pclos2014.src.rpmn%e59739a8c694b64ea35d6147635bd89d./SRPMS.pclosd   ,D HS\`|B@BABEBJCsmem0.11pclos2009Memory reporting toolsmem is a tool that can give numerous reports on memory usage on Linux systems. Unlike existing tools, smem can report proportional set size (PSS), which is a more meaningful representation of the amount of memory used by libraries and applications in a virtual memory system.Monitoringnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smem-0.1-1pclos2009.src.rpm8f14eb1d32025388b714ed3f4f125645./SRPMS.pclosd  : `/B@HBAhBElBJCsmesh6.7.52pclos2017OpenCascade based MESH frameworkA complete OpenCascade based MESH framework. NOTE: Fortran support (f2c) has been disabled. If it is needed please open a bug against the smesh component at: http://bugzilla.redhat.com:bb2 Graphicsx86_64 cmakedoxygengraphvizoceoce-develboost-develgcc-gfortranf2cf2c-develdos2unixtbb-devellibsm-devellibx11-devellibxext-develmesaglu-develfreetype-develfreeimage-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smesh-6.7.5-2pclos2017.src.rpmb786506065da0d66779dde3736c13b12./SRPMS.pclosd   3  $4gB@xBABEBJCsmf2.0.41pclos2013SMF Open Source Forum (CMS)Simple Machines Forum — SMF in short — is a free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community within minutes. Its powerful custom made template engine puts you in full control of the lay-out of your message board and with our unique SSI - or Server Side Includes - function you can let your forum and your website interact with each other. SMF is written in the popular language PHP and uses a MySQL database. It is designed to provide you with all the features you need from a bulletin board while having an absolute minimal impact on the resources of the server. SMF is the next generation of forum software - and best of all it is and will always remain completely free!System/Serversnoarch  apache-basefileunziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.0.543.0.4-1smf-2.0.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm$27b9c02ebd55cc33d6fdec14af669ef8./SRPMS.pclosd ) xD HQXdB@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlsmile1.03pclos2010Program to Create your own slideshowWerkzeug für das Erzeugen von SlideshowsSmile (the next generation off Manslide) is a slideshow creation application which makes it easy to produce attractive slideshows with optional background music. Manslide uses the QT4 toolkit. You must have opengl compatible graphic cardSmile (der Nachfolger von Manslide) ist ein Werkzeug für das Erzeugen von Slideshows. Es nutzt spezielle 3D Effekte und ist sehr einfach zu verwenden. Dieses ist eine Anwendung für QT4. Benötigt eine opengl compatible Grafikkarte.Smile (la prochaine génération off Manslide) est une application de création de diaporamas qui rend il est facile de produire des diaporamas attrayants avec musique de fond en option. Manslide utilise la bibliothèque QT4.Smile (la próxima generación fuera Manslide) es una aplicación de creación de diapositivas que hace es fácil de producir atractivas presentaciones con música de fondo opcional. Manslide utiliza el kit de herramientas QT4.Smile (następnej generacji off Manslide) jest aplikacją która umożliwia tworzenie pokazu slajdów to łatwe do zrobienia atrakcyjnego pokazu slajdów z muzyką w tle opcjonalne. Manslide korzysta z biblioteki Qt4.Смиле (следећу генерацију искључен Манслиде) је Слидесхоу стварање апликација која омогућава лако да произведу атрактивне слајдова са музиком у позадини обавезно. Манслиде користи КТ4 средства.Smile (de volgende generatie uit Manslide) is een diavoorstelling schepping toepassing, waardoor gemakkelijk te produceren aantrekkelijke diavoorstellingen met optionele achtergrond muziek. Manslide maakt gebruik van de QT4 toolkit.挥Graphicsi586  libqt4-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 49eb4365895e445e19adeb7902196680./SRPMS.pclosd   -TX `w|B@BABEBJCsmokegen4.14.31pclos2014Smoke GeneratorThis package includes Smoke Generator.Epinoc32Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smokegen-4.14.3-1pclos2014.src.rpmL/a88d3ccd6255b5c572c77bc176bd82c1./SRPMS.pclosd   2p tB@+BAPBETBJuCsmokeqt4.14.32pclos2015Qt Bindings for SMOKEQt Bindings for SMOKE (Scripting Meta Object Kompiler Engine)Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64  smokegen-devellib64qimageblitz-devellib64qscintilla-qt4-devellib64qwt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) Interface -> Interface -> Icon SetSammlung von Benutzeroberflächen (GUIs) für SMPlayer.* Videonoarch lib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smplayer-themes-20.11.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm*36820c2208209fdf3eb4364bbe7d22a0./SRPMS.pclosd   1 B@+BALBEPBJqCsmproxy1.0.71pclos2022Session Manager ProxySmproxy allows X applications that do not support X11R6 session management to participate in an X11R6 session.Development/X11x86_64  libxmu-devellibxt-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   j +48TB@\BABEBJCsmstools3.1.141pclos2011Tools to send and receive short messages through GSM modems or mobile phonesThe SMS Server Tools are made to send and receive short messages through GSM modems. It supports easy file interfaces and it can run external programs for automatic actions.Communicationsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smstools-3.1.14-1pclos2011.src.rpmd921e45ec9980e168045f8e6778021a8./SRPMS.pclosd   m8 <BL | k B@~BABEBJCdesmtube21.10.01pclos2022Allows to play and download videos from YouTubeYoutube Browser für SMPlayerSMTube is an application that allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos. Videos are played back with a media player (by default SMPlayer) instead of a flash player, this allows better performance, particularly with HD content. SMTube also allows to download the videos, with the quality you choose. Several videos can be downloaded at a time. SMTube is included in SMPlayer's menus, to run it just select Youtube browser in the Options menu in the SMPlayer main window, or just press F11.Dies ist ein Youtube-Browser für den SMPayer. Es unterstützt das Durchsuchen von Ordnern, allgemeine Suche, sowie das Downloaden und Abspielen von Youtube Videos. Die Videos werden derzeit in SMPlayer abgespielt. zIVideox86_64 qttools5lib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-develqtwebkitwidgets5-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smtube-21.10.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm cfdd15fdb058e93cc6003c105bab50db./SRPMS.pclosd   2  (B@BABEBJCsmw1.71pclos2007Super Mario multiplayer gameSuper Mario War is a Super Mario multiplayer game. The goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible to win the game. It's a tribute to Nintendo and the game Mario War by Samuele Poletto. The game uses artwork and sounds from Nintendo games. We hope that this noncommercial fangame qualifies as fair use work. We just wanted to create this game to show how much we adore Nintendo's characters and games.#ˆNeverstopdreaming Games/Arcadei586 libSDL-devellibSDL_mixer-devellibSDL_image-devellibpng-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1smw-1.7-1pclos2007.src.rpmw18f472a1cd04abb156906e8d20a88415./SRPMS.pclosd  A   4 B@EBAhBElBJCsnack2.2.109pclos2013Script-driven sound processing toolkitSnack is a sound processing toolkit designed as an extension to a scripting language. Snack currently works with the scripting languages Tcl/Tk, Python, and Ruby. Snack has commands to play, record, process, and visualize sound. Snack provides high level sound objects, with flexible storage management, and streaming support. It handles most common sound file formats. The visualization canvas item types update in real-time and can output postscript. The same scripts run on Unix (Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, FreeBSD, NetBSD), Macintosh, and Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP.@Soundx86_64 tcltklibogg-devellibvorbis-devellib64x11-develpython-develdos2unixtcl-develtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1snack-2.2.10-9pclos2013.src.rpmBSd7b3c47f9bafc512461dfe40b8dad023./SRPMS.pclosd   E "B@,BALBEPBJqCsnappy1.1.71pclos2018Fast compression and decompression librarySnappy is a compression/decompression library. It does not aim for maximum compression, or compatibility with any other compression library; instead, it aims for very high speeds and reasonable compression. For instance, compared to the fastest mode of zlib, Snappy is an order of magnitude faster for most inputs, but the resulting compressed files are anywhere from 20% to 100% bigger. ZSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakegtest-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1snappy-1.1.7-1pclos2018.src.rpm d17f6603129370debe7c4994e80beeb74./SRPMS.pclosd   ( ,B@BABEBJ Csnd25.12pclos2025Sound file editorSnd is a free sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs and an old, sorely-missed PDP-10 sound editor named Dpysnd.BSound/Editors and Convertersx86_64  TiMidity++flacgmp-develladspa-devellibmpc-develmotif-develmpg123mpg321pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(portaudio-2.0)pkgconfig(samplerate)pkgconfig(xpm)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)speexttaencvorbis-toolswavpack3.0.4-14.6.0-1snd-25.1-2pclos2025.src.rpm{3ab2faa4a640ee1e6b908fa6ce469a41./SRPMS.pclos7d   I JhpB@BABEBJ)Csndconfig0.7010pclos2007The Red Hat Linux sound configuration tool.Sndconfig is a text based tool which sets up the configuration files you'll need to use a sound card. Sndconfig can be used to set the proper sound type for programs which use the /dev/dsp, /dev/audio and /dev/mixer devices. The sound settings are saved by the aumix and sysV runlevel scripts. Please use preferably program DrakConf to configure your sound-card. However some configurations will fail with DrakConf, and you can try sndconfig in that case.Bart the Build Bot System/Configuration/Hardwarei586 newt-develpciutils-develsharutilsdietlibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sndconfig-0.70-10pclos2007.src.rpmne1cd35e8b4866a87e6d690c8e5a22568./SRPMS.pclosd  )D HNX`B@BABEBJCsndio1.9.02pclos2023A sound librarysndio is a sound library.USoundx86_64 pkgconfig(alsa)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sndio-1.9.0-2pclos2023.src.rpm?a83d1c8b6d6a5a6a5c0b2bf9c9970960./SRPMS.pclosd  P $,SB@\BABEBJCsnes9express1.424pclos2007Graphical front-end to snes9x, the SNES emulatorSnes9express is a graphical interface for the X11 versions of snes9x, the freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator, featuring an organized layout of common snes9x options.Emulatorsi586 gtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1snes9express-1.42-4pclos2007.src.rpmic1c5064fe75187eb39ba6331c559a0b9./SRPMS.pclosd   , lB@BABEBJ Csnes9x1.601pclos2021Super NES emulatorSnes9X is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation. Emulatorsx86_64 intltoolmesonnasmlib64alsa2-devellib64epoxy-devellib64png-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64xml2-develmesa-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-develzlib1-devellib64portaudio-devellib64sdl2.0-develx11-proto-devellib64xext-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xv-devellibstdc++-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1snes9x-1.60-1pclos2021.src.rpm 3d1a9645e6a575de02cb1d670de8bb51./SRPMS.pclosd   W CB@NBApBEtBJCsni-qt0.2.62pclos2021Qt4 plugin that turns QSystemTrayIcons into status notifiersThis plugin makes Qt4 applications use the StatusNotifierItem (SNI) protocol for their system tray icons.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 pkgconfig(QtCore)pkgconfig(dbusmenu-qt)cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sni-qt-0.2.6-2pclos2021.src.rpm1166280bcd9e8fe6ddccf7aee27932b9./SRPMS.pclosd   [ gB@uBABEBJCsoapy-sdr0.8.11pclos2022A Vendor Neutral and Platform Independent SDR Support LibrarySoapySDR is an open-source generalized C/C++ API and runtime library for interfacing with Software-Defined Radio (SDR) devices.Communicationsx86_64 cmakegcc-c++swigdoxygenpython3-develpython3-numpyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1soapy-sdr-0.8.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmm35649cac30b94066dec5971b40327409./SRPMS.pclosd  , CB@PBApBEtBJCsocat2.0.04pclos2019Multipurpose relaysocat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (serial line etc. or a pseudo terminal), a socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), an SSL socket, proxy CONNECT connection, a file descriptor (stdin etc.), the GNU line editor (readline), a program, or a combination of two of these.2Networking/Remote accessx86_64 openssl-develncurses-develreadline-develtcp_wrappers-develyodlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1socat-2.0.0-4pclos2019.src.rpm7175f8e13d9cc34bf32c166e7082d5db./SRPMS.pcloscd   R B@ BA0BE4BJUCsodium1.0.182pclos2020A software library for encryption, decryption and moreSodium is a new, easy-to-use software library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more. It is a portable, cross-compilable, installable fork of NaCl, with a compatible API, and an extended API to improve usability even further. Its goal is to provide all of the core operations needed to build higher-level cryptography tools. aSecurityx86_64 sedgrepgawkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sodium-1.0.18-2pclos2020.src.rpm88efc989e60cc957f963a8bb3f6e4a1a./SRPMS.pclosd   E  18HB@BABEBJCsofia-sip1.12.111pclos2013An open-source SIP User-Agent librarySofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification (see the feature table). It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. The primary target platform for Sofia-SIP is GNU/Linux. Sofia-SIP is based on a SIP stack developed at the Nokia Research Center. Sofia-SIP is licensed under the LGPL.,pinoc64Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 glib2-devellibopenssl-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sofia-sip-1.12.11-1pclos2013.src.rpm,af6e58ecf12f7847628a533d09d00b7d./SRPMS.pclosd   K DB@UBAxBE|BJCsolaar1.1.101pclos2023Device manager for Logitech's Unifying ReceiverSolaar is a Linux device manager for Logitech’s Unifying Receiver peripherals. It is able to pair/unpair devices to the receiver, and for most devices read battery status. It comes in two flavors, command-line and GUI. Both are able to list the devices paired to a Unifying Receiver, show detailed info for each device, and also pair/unpair supported devices with the receiver.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  lib64girepository-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1solaar-1.1.10-1pclos2023.src.rpm~d23845631b2cf34c407fafe1256e93be./SRPMS.pclos#d   Zpt B@BABEBJCsolarwolf1.51pclos20072D frantic arcade game of collecting boxes and dodging bulletsSolarWolf is an action/arcade game written entirely in Python. Advance through 48 levels levels. Collect the boxes on each stage, while enemies shoot at you from all sides. The game is originally based of one of the author's childhood favorites, SolarFox on the Atari 2600.-Texstar Games/Arcadenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1solarwolf-1.5-1pclos2007.src.rpmtf43feb57ccbe29d7ca580ce68965cd75./SRPMS.pclosd   N    B@BABEBJCdesolfege3.22.21pclos2016An ear-training programMusiktrainingsprogrammGNU Solfege is an ear-training program. These are the exercises written so far: * Recognise melodic and harmonic intervals * Compare interval sizes * Sing the intervals the computer asks for * Identify chords * Sing chords * Scales * Dictation * Remembering rhythmic patternsSolfege ist ein Musiktrainingsprogramm, welches Sie zum Trainieren Ihrer Rhytmus-, Intervall- und Akkordkenntnisse verwenden können. Dabei können Sie sich theoretische Kapitel zu verschiedenen Themen durchlesen oder auch Ihre Kenntnisse in praktischen Hörtests überprüfen. Dies sind die bisher geschriebenen Übungen: * Erkennen von melodischen und harmonischen Intervallen * Intervall Größen vergleichen * Singen der Intervalle, nach denen der Computer fragt * Akkorde identifizieren * Akkorde Singen * Skalen * Diktat * sich rhythmische Muster merken?zpinoc64Soundx86_64 swigpython-develpkgconfiggettexttexinfognome-pythondocbook-style-xslpygtk2.0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1solfege-3.22.2-1pclos2016.src.rpm?'y23d47db692275fda3adac7223fe708b6./SRPMS.pclosd  h    B@BABEBJCsolid6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module that provides hardware informationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module that provides hardware information.eSystem/Librariesx86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrosmedia-player-infopkgconfig(libimobiledevice-1.0)pkgconfig(libplist-2.0)pkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1solid-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm-7e5669d34a0166b757369234e5340b60./SRPMS.pclosd  g    B@BABEBJCsolid6.9.11pclos2024KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module that provides hardware informationKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 integration module that provides hardware information.System/Librariesx86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrosmedia-player-infopkgconfig(libimobiledevice-1.0)pkgconfig(libplist-2.0)pkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1solid-6.9.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmt4084d853c0efba7f9c6f8f84b87e0e7f./SRPMS.pclos/d   <H LR\pB@BABEBJ!Csonata1.6.2.12pclos2013An elegant music client for MPDSonata is an elegant GTK+ music client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). Features : * Expanded and collapsed views * Automatic remote and local album art * User-configurable columns * Automatic fetching of lyrics * Playlist and stream support * Support for editing song tags * Popup notification * Playlist queue support * Library and playlist searching * Audioscrobbler (last.fm) support * Multiple MPD profiles * Keyboard friendly * Support for multimedia keys * Commandline controlFeaturesSoundx86_64 perl(XML::Parser)pygtk2.0-develpython-develpygtk2.0-libgladerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sonata-   G$ (.8<XB@`BABEBJCsongkong8.41pclos2022Song Kong is an intelligent music tagger appSong Kong is an intelligent music tagger app designed to make the task of managing, organizing and cleaning up your digital music collection easy. Lite version is free. Professional version require purchase of a license. [Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1songkong-8.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm 2dd11a4d8bb9fe4e436978ef91100d96./SRPMS.pclosd   3x |B@BABEBJCsongrec0.1.81pclos2021Shazam client for LinuxSongRec is an open-source Shazam client for Linux, written in Rust.fSoundx86_64 sdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1songrec-0.1.8-1pclos2021.src.rpmm0c18efe68d7a06cf2310e4d393d546fc./SRPMS.pcloskd $ _ B@ BA8BE<BJ]Csonic-visualiser4.5.11pclos2022Software for when want to study a music recording closely.Sonic Visualiser is a free, open-source application for Windows, Linux, and Mac, designed to be the first program you reach for when want to study a music recording closely. It's designed for musicologists, archivists, signal-processing researchers, and anyone else looking for a friendly way to look at what lies inside the audio file.Soundx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sonic-visualiser-4.5.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm2d8ce5969c0699ddc61b18a0becbda9a./SRPMS.pclosd   O >B@SBAtBExBJCsonnet6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 solution for spell checkingKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 solution for spell checking.%=#System/Librariesx86_64  aspell-develhspell-develkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(hunspell)pkgconfig(libvoikko)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sonnet-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm%r17a67ce2dcd064df877b62543a38290c./SRPMS.pclos7d " =d hnxB@BABEBJ)Csopcast-player0.8.51pclos2014A GUI front-end to SopCastSopCast Player is designed to be an easy to use Linux GUI front-end for the p2p streaming technology developed by SopCast. SopCast Player features an integrated video player, a channel guide, and bookmarks. Once SopCast Player is installed it simply "just works" with no required configuration.Videonoarch gettextpython-setuptoolsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sopcast-player-0.8.5-1pclos2014.src.rpm f8704463d0916ed80f0a0e2b32557f2c./SRPMS.pcloswd   8 <MT |  B@ BADBEHBJiCdesoprano2.9.41pclos2013Library which provides a nice QT interface to RDFSopran bietet eine schöne QT Schnittstelle zu RDFSoprano (formally known as QRDF) is a library which provides a nice QT interface to RDF storage solutions. It has a modular structure which allows to replace the actual RDF storage implementation used. Currently two implementations are working. The first and most important backend used in Soprano is based on librdf, the Redland RDF Application Framework. The second backend is the more interesting one as it uses the NEPOMUK-KDE backbone library to connect to a NEPOMUK RDF triple service, thus providing a nice interface for applications not aware of Nepomuk services.Sopran (früher bekannt als QRDF) ist eine Bibliothek, die eine schöne QT Schnittstelle zu RDF-Speicher-Lösungen bietet. Es hat eine modulare Struktur, die es Ihnen erlaubt, sie als Ersatz für Ihre derzeitliche Umsetzung der RDF Speicherung zu verwendet. Derzeit befinden sich zwei Implementierungen in arbeiten. Die erste und wichtigste ist das Backend, das in Sopran auf librdf basiert, das Redland RDF Application Rahmenwerk. Das zweite Backend ist das weit aus interessantere, da es sich um die NEPOMUK-KDE-Backbone-Bibliothek handelt.Diese bietet eine schöne Oberfläche für Anmeldungen von Nepomuk Dienstleistungen.System/Librariesi586  cmakeredland-develqt4-develclucene-develkde4-macrosjava-rpmbuildchrpathdoxygeniodbc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  N B@BA BE$BJECsord0.16.81pclos2021Lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memoryLightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory. .System/Librariesx86_64 waflib64glib2.0-devellib64serd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sord-0.16.8-1pclos2021.src.rpm"6d615e4885f1000190d8665c92682fc0./SRPMS.pclosd   Xh lxB@BABEBJ Csos2.22pclos2013A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a systemSos is a set of tools that gathers information about system hardware and configuration. The information can then be used for diagnostic purposes and debugging. Sos is commonly used to help support technicians and developers. Command line command is /usr/sbin/sosreport7System/Basenoarch python-develgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sos-2.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm91081f3adf6905de8bff95a01d42e1db./SRPMS.pclosd ! J >B@TBA|BEBJCsound-juicer3.38.01pclos2020CD ripping tool using GTK+ and GStreamerThis is Sound Juicer, a CD ripping tool using GTK+ and GStreamer. Soundx86_64 gettextmesonpkgconfig(gnome-doc-utils)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libbrasero-media3)pkgconfig(libmusicbrainz5)pkgconfig(libdiscid)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(iso-codes)itstoolgstreamer1.0-plugins-goodpkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sound-juicer-3.38.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm(0be2059ecf73bd6096161a6e94fd7b0a./SRPMS.pclosd  2  (B@0BAXBE\BJ}Csound-scripts0.613pclos2021The sound scriptsThe sound-scripts package contains the basic system scripts used: - to setup default sound mixer on first boot - save sound mixer level on shutdown - restore sound mixer on bootstrappingVhSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sound-scripts-0.61-3pclos2021.src.rpmU46a7d0887f5135f8b72abc747f7ceb17./SRPMS.pclosd ) M UB@aBABEBJCsound-theme-freedesktop0.81pclos2013freedesktop.org default sound themeThe default freedesktop.org sound theme following the XDG theming specification. (http://0pointer.de/public/sound-theme-spec.html).System/X11noarch intltoolgettext-develglib-gettextizeperl(XML::Parser)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8-1pclos2013.src.rpm56d9ce295b93639ae8705159a7e415f4./SRPMS.pclosd " Q kB@xBABEBJCsoundconverter4.0.31pclos2022A simple sound converter application for GNOMEA simple sound converter application for the GNOME environment. It reads and writes anything the GStreamer library can.Soundnoarch intltoollib64python3-develpython-gobject3python3-distutils-extradesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1soundconverter-4.0.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm¼c6ea5740f231512ca8dd1d07da1b2a0c./SRPMS.pclosd " s XB@BABEBJCsoundkonverter3.0.12pclos2019An audio file converter, cd ripper and replay gain tool gui for various backendsAn audio file converter, cd ripper and replay gain tool gui for various backends.-pGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64cdda-devellib64kcddb5-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5auth-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5kdelibs4support-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64taglib-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1soundkonverter-3.0.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm34560d07aafc841f025270bbc28a174fb./SRPMS.pclosd   F -B@6BA\BE`BJCsoundtouch1.9.24pclos2019An open-source audio processing librarySoundTouch is an open-source audio processing library. It allows changing the sound tempo, pitch and playback rate parameters independently from each other.-System/Librariesx86_64 dos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1soundtouch-1.9.2-4pclos2019.src.rpm0a3f7681b3e25bd0d4d4687610bf53269./SRPMS.pclosCd  = %,LB@BABEBJ5Csoundtracker1.0.51pclos2024Sound module composer/playerSoundtracker is a module tracker for the X Window System similar to the DOS program `FastTracker'. Soundtracker is based on the XM file format. The user interface makes use of GTK2. Agent Smith Soundx86_64   autoconfgcclib64SDL-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64jack-devellib64sndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) a32a4677aeea5baf30d72de2b3e6f8a5./SRPMS.pclos[d  \ B@BA(BE,BJMCsoundwrapper1.61pclos2011Directs a program's sound output to Pulse, ALSA, aRts, or esdWhen placed before a command to run a program with some audio component, that program's audio output is redirected to the ALSA sound device or to the PulseAudio, aRts, or EsounD sound servers if either of them is in control of the sound device, enabling programs to play sounds at the same timeSystem/Basex86_64 libpulseaudio-devellibalsa-develesound-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1soundwrapper-1.6-1pclos2011.src.rpm(d676f2be01d204a7f20915c57e5ef66a./SRPMS.pclosd   .X\ `fptB@BABEBJCsoundz3.6.11pclos2013Soundz audio playerA PyGTK audio player designed for XFCE9kenSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1soundz-3.6.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmad0a607a6bde8b34b2a53edc1e4a89aa./SRPMS.pclosd $ Q  ,nB@{BABEBJCsource-highlight3.1.91pclos2021Produces a document with syntax highlightingGNU Source-highlight produces a document with syntax highlighting when given a source file. It handles many languages, e.g., Java, C/C++, Prolog, Perl, PHP3, Python, Flex, HTML, and other formats, e.g., ChangeLog and log files, as source languages and HTML, XHTML, DocBook, ANSI color escapes, LaTeX, and Texinfo as output formats. Input and output formats can be specified with a regular expression- oriented syntax..Development/Otherx86_64 bisonflexboost-develctagshelp2manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1source-highlight-3.1.9-1pclos2021.src.rpm77d2043bd3477c0128a5260f40cd717f./SRPMS.pclosd   E    B@BABEBJCsox14.4.22pclos2018A general purpose sound file conversion toolSoX (Sound eXchange) is a sound file format converter for Linux, UNIX and DOS PCs. The self-described 'Swiss Army knife of sound tools,' SoX can convert between many different digitized sound formats and perform simple sound manipulation functions, including sound effects. Install the sox package if you'd like to convert sound file formats or manipulate some sounds. Soundx86_64 oggvorbis-develmad-develgsm-develffmpeg-devellibsndfile-devellame-devellibwavpack-develladspa-devellibmagic-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sox-14.4.2-2pclos2018.src.rpm cc5caab28aee95a60572fd879490a597./SRPMS.pclosd   2 "B@+BALBEPBJqCsoxr0.1.21pclos2018The SoX Resampler libraryThe SoX Resampler library libsoxr performs one-dimensional sample-rate conversion -- it may be used, for example, to resample PCM-encoded audio.Rbb2 Sound/Editors and Convertersx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1soxr-0.1.2-1pclos2018.src.rpmS42c559fc4d6e70c73710a5c93be3472b./SRPMS.pclosd  M  3<DL|B@BABEBJCsozi23.07.251pclos2023Sozi is a zooming presentation editor and player. Unlike in most presentation applications, a Sozi document is not organised as a slideshow, but rather as a poster where the content of your presentation can be freely laid out. Playing such a presentation consists in a series of translations, zooms and rotations that allow to focus on the elements you want to show. Sozi is based on open standards. It is free software distributed according to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0.buAgent Smith Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sozi-23.07.25-1pclos2023.src.rpm0894c01476bd1fa55065a464aa50e3ce./SRPMS.pclosd   *T X^hlB@BABEBJCsp-auth3.2.61pclos2014SopCast clientCommand line version of SopCast client.Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sp-auth-3.2.6-1pclos2014.src.rpm[f84f131cccdc37e62ebf61ffcbef01d4./SRPMS.pclos7d ' ;h lB@BABEBJ)Cspace-cadet-pinball2.1.01pclos2024Space Cadet PinballSpace Cadet Pinball game ported from WindowsGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1space-cadet-pinball-2.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm50b432c8c9eff59a6071a6cdd90d6ae52./SRPMS.pclosKd   T    B@BABEBJ=Cspacefm1.0.61pclos2018SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file and desktop managerSpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file and desktop manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev- or HAL-based device manager, customizable menu system, and bash integration. Now used as the default file manager in the Parted Magic live rescue OS and other distros, SpaceFM is gaining popularity among novice and power users alike for its stability, speed, convenience and flexibility.+Graphical desktop/LXDEx86_64 desktop-file-utilsshared-mime-infointltoollib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64udev0-devellibpthread-stubslib64ffmpegthumbnailer-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spacefm-1.0.6-1pclos2018.src.rpm/681afddc6d7a71c8e17bc49a3e0df1b0./SRPMS.pclosd  # ^d hw|B@BABEBJCspacehulk1.50.beta2.2pclos2007Science-fiction board game in the world of Warhammer 40000Space Hulk is a science-fiction board game in the world of Warhammer 40000. The project is aiming at providing a way to play SpaceHulk on your computer with the exact same rules as in the board version. This package contains potentially copyrighted material. ]Games/Strategyi586 qt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spacehulk-1.5-0.beta2.2pclos2007.src.rpm ^cff7327b936737fee14cc408d4c100e2./SRPMS.pclos7d # @tx B@BABEBJ)Che_ILspacepong0.0.21pclos2007An innovative pong like gameAn innovative game that is controlled with the mouse. Steer you spacecraft ball around the screen and pickup speed by bouncing off the walls. The goal is to collect a certain amount of space boxes in a short timeמשחק תוצרת כחול לבן, העיקרון דיי פשוט :צריך לשלוט בחללית הקטנה בעזרת העכבר (וזה לא פשוט כי החללית נסחפת) ולאסוף חבילות מטען בחלל. צריך גם להיזהר לא להתנגש במטאורים ובמוקשים ולעמוד במגבלות הזמןTexstar Games/Arcadenoarch ImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spacepong-0.0.2-1pclos2007.src.rpmhf6a992e2229243ab944fdc428f5a5330./SRPMS.pclosd  g  &0oB@BABEBJCspamassassin3.4.12pclos2017A spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agentsSpamAssassin provides you with a way to reduce if not completely eliminate Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM) from your incoming email. It can be invoked by a MDA such as sendmail or postfix, or can be called from a procmail script, .forward file, etc. It uses a genetic-algorithm evolved scoring system to identify messages which look spammy, then adds headers to the message so they can be filtered by the user's mail reading software. This distribution includes the spamd/spamc components which create a server that considerably speeds processing of mail. SpamAssassin also includes support for reporting spam messages automatically, and/or manually, to collaborative filtering databases such as Vipul's Razor, DCC or pyzor. Install perl-Razor-Agent package to get Vipul's Razor support. Install dcc package to get Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse (DCC) support. Install pyzor package to get Pyzor support. To enable spamassassin, if you are receiving mail locally, simply add this line to your ~/.procmailrc: INCLUDERC=/etc/mail/spamassassin/spamassassin-default.rc To filter spam for all users, add that line to /etc/procmailrc or create that file if doesn't exist yet.ؗbb2 Networking/Mailx86_64 gnupgopenssl-develperl(Apache::Test)perl(Archive::Tar)perl(DB_File)perl(Digest::SHA)perl(Encode::Detect)perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)perl(Geo::IP)perl(HTML::Parser)perl(IO::Socket::IP)perl(IO::Socket::SSL)perl(IO::Zlib)perl(LWP)perl(Mail::DKIM)perl(Mail::SPF)perl(Net::DNS)perl(Net::Ident)perl(Net::Patricia)perl(Socket6)perl(Sys::Hostname::Long)perl(Time::HiRes)perl-develperl-versionre2cwebfetchapache-mod_perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spamassassin-3.4.1-2pclos2017.src.rpmbba91eece68d7bec41a398958e156cd3./SRPMS.pclosd & =04 >NXhB@BABEBJCspamassassin-rules3.4.11pclos2017Rules for SpamAssassinThis package contains the default rules for SpamAssassin. WARNING: These rules may be old at install time. This package is NOT supported. You should immediately update your rules set as explained in the official SpamAssassin documentation.bb2 Networking/Mailnoarch spamassassinperl-HTTP-Dategnupgrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spamassassin-rules-3.4.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm K6754bef17cc9b8cc3cbf77766e4b13c2./SRPMS.pclosd   L &04PB@XBA|BEBJCspan-gles2.01pclos2013Span-gles is a GUI Spanish - English Translator.It will translate a phrase (via the Internet) or a single word (with either the built-in dictionary or the net.) It is capable of learning new words and is smart enough to find plural and feminine words.8Educationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1span-gles-2.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmc72624501725e2a6cf8343fe9baf7081./SRPMS.pclosd   G  0  B@BABEBJCspandsp3.0.01pclos2021Steve's SpanDSP library for telephony spansspandsp is a library for DSP in telephony spans. It can perform many of the common DSP functions, such as the generation and detection of DTMF and supervisory tones.*System/Librariesx86_64 audiofile-develfftw-develfilefltk-develjpeg-devellibtoollibxml2-develtiff-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spandsp-3.0.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm**d1d824bd0bea31df76c0f8aff67ca293./SRPMS.pclosd!% 0 b 0B@BABEBJCdefresplsrnlsparklemedia0.32pclos2011sparklemedia- A Media player application for KDE4Media player-manager application for KDE4 using GStreamer instead of KDE-Phonon.Media-Player-Manager-Anwendung für KDE 4 mit GStreamer anstelle von KDE-Phonon.Media-Player Manager demande d'aide de KDE4 GStreamer au lieu de kde-Phonon.Media-Player Manager para la aplicación de KDE4 usando GStreamer en vez de KDE-Phonon.Odtwarzacz multimedialny aplikacji przy użyciu menedżera KDE4 GStreamer zamiast KDE Phonon.Медиа плаыер-менаџер апликација за КДЕ4 коришћења Уместо да посетите ову КДЕ-фонон.Media player-manager applicatie voor KDE4 met GStreamer in plaats van KDE-Phonon.Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kde4-macroskdelibs4-develqt4-develcmakelibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sparklemedia-0.3-2pclos2011.src.rpmcb07fb2c635fb1bedb6ef9816fcdda9f./SRPMS.pcloscd  L  %, T  B@ BA0BE4BJUCsparkleshare0.2.51pclos2011Easy file sharing based on git repositoriesEasy file sharing based on git repositories. A special folder is setup, and directories/files placed within are placed in a git-based version control system and synchronized elsewhere.5Networking/File transferx86_64 mono-develndesk-dbus-develndesk-dbus-glib-develnotify-sharp-develdesktop-file-utilsintltoolgnome-doc-utilsnantwebkit-sharp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sparkleshare-0.2.5-1pclos2011.src.rpm44935fc078362e9354f8fbfacf78145d./SRPMS.pclosd  6,0 5R\dB@BABEBJCspatialindex1.8.01pclos2013Spatial index librarySpatialindex provides a general framework for developing spatial indices. Currently it defines generic interfaces, provides simple main memory and disk based storage managers and a robust implementation of an R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree.NealSystem Environment/Librariesx86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spatialindex-1.8.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmWdcc358830f32caaa61c844f7e233fa7b./SRPMS.pcloswd   9 B@$BADBEHBJiCspdlog1.8.53pclos2022Super fast C++ logging libraryThis is a packaged version of the gabime/spdlog header-only C++ logging library available at Github.݄System/Librariesx86_64 ninjalib64fmt-develgcc-c++cmakegccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spdlog-1.8.5-3pclos2022.src.rpm5e0e84531aee2969537f90e4e202cc49./SRPMS.pclosd ! L }B@BABEBJCspec-helper0.31.111pclos2017Tools to ease the creation of rpm packagesTools to ease the creation of rpm packages for the PCLinuxOS distribution. Compress man pages using bzip2, strip executables, convert links...4bb2 Development/Othernoarch perl(IPC::Run)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(File::Slurp)perl(List::MoreUtils)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spec-helper-0.31.11-1pclos2017.src.rpm;2b71805933e03d79c60ce12ac1c4d9fe./SRPMS.pclosd   V *B@=BAdBEhBJCspectacle24.12.31pclos2025The new screenshot capture utility, replaces KSnapshotThe new screenshot capture utility, replaces KSnapshot.|Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosopencv-develpkgconfig(xcb-cursor)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1spectacle-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm1ad1364816b32a1cad872ad6fd77ebce./SRPMS.pclosd   U$ (9@D`B@hBABEBJCspecto0.3.13pclos2010An desktop application that will watch configurable eventsSpecto is a desktop application that will watch configurable events (such as website updates, emails, file and folder changes, system processes, etc) and then trigger notifications. Specto can watch a website for updates (or a syndication feed, or an image, etc), and notify you when there is activity (otherwise, Specto will just stay out of the way). This changes the way you work, because you can be informed of events instead of having to look out for them.yNetworking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1specto-0.3.1-3pclos2010.src.rpm!95a8eb684d14b79fa04f7f4c686faa42./SRPMS.pclosOd ' v B@BABE BJACdespectrum-roms200812241pclos2012A collection of Spectrum ROM imagesEine Sammlung von Spektrum ROM AbbildungenThis package provides images of the read-only memories from various versions of the Sinclair Spectrum. They can be used with various emulators.Dieses Paket enthält Abbildungen der Festwertspeicher aus verschiedenen Versionen des Sinclair Spectrum. Sie können mit verschiedenen Emulatoren verwendet werden.'NealEmulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spectrum-roms-20081224-1pclos2012.src.rpm'm29fdf28a453b8fc4fd80d0883ea2f855./SRPMS.pclosd   P $[B@eBABEBJCspectrum3d1.1.01pclos20113D Audio Spectrum Analyser in Real Time for LinuxSpectrum3d is a software for Linux that displays the harmonics of the sound in 3D. It is multitouch and compatible with JACK. It uses OpenGL, SDL, Gstreamer, Gtk+ and uTouch-Geis.jSoundx86_64 SDL-devellibSDL_ttf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spectrum3d-1.1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpmqfd13959af79a18797fa43d740b2065dc./SRPMS.pclos;d & qP TelB@BABE BJ-Cspeech-dispatcher0.10.21pclos2022Speech Dispatcher provides a device independent layer for speech synthesisThis is the Speech Dispatcher project (speech-dispatcher). It is a part of the Free(b)soft project, which is intended to allow blind and visually impaired people to work with computer and Internet based on free software.LSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(ao)pkgconfig(dotconf)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(libpulse-simple)pkgconfig(sndfile)pkgconfig(python3)libltdl-devellibespeak-develsvox-pico-develintltooltexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! ;pt B@BABE BJACspeech_tools1.2.952pclos2007A free speech synthesizerFestival is a general multi-lingual speech synthesis system developed at CSTR. It offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as well as an environment for development and research of speech synthesis techniques. It is written in C++ with a Scheme-based command interpreter for general control.Bart the Build Bot Soundi586 libtermcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1speech_tools-1.2.95-2pclos2007.src.rpmb0f29b8c14a1046d83524fbe79079681./SRPMS.pclosd  S8 <CLPlB@tBABEBJCspeedcrunch0.121pclos2021Fast, high precision and powerful desktop calculatorUnlike traditional desktop calculator, SpeedCrunch is easier to use. You just type the expression that you want to calculate and press Enter. You can see clearly what you typed along with the result in the scrollable display.kOfficex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1speedcrunch-0.12-1pclos2021.src.rpmD6fc026392a0e0039fb87cc891dccdfe8./SRPMS.pclosd  v  PB@`BABEBJCdespeedtest0.4.61pclos2024Speedtest - test your internet bandwidthSpeedtest - testet deine Internet-BandbreiteSpeedtest gui to test your internet bandwidth using speedtest.netSpeedtest GUI testet deine Internet-Bandbreite über speedtest.net"aNetworking/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1speedtest-0.4.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmC5b7604dc04ce654b610667c13e252206./SRPMS.pclosd & R B@'BATBEXBJyCspeedtouch-firmware0.110pclos2019Alcatel Speedtouch USB adsl modem microcodeAlcatel Speedtouch USB adsl modem microcode. Copyright Alcatel. Needed to make the modem work.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch speedtouch-firmware-extractorrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1speedtouch-firmware-0.1-10pclos2019.src.rpmb0dc533951358641c73fb2ecbf148144./SRPMS.pclosgd $ / M B@BA4BE8BJYCspeedtouch-firmware-extractor0.13pclos2019Speedtouch firmware extractorThis is a small application to prepare and install the firmware for a SpeedTouch USB modem so that a 2.6.10 kernel (or later) can load the firmware without the assistance of modem_run. The firmware extractor splits the firmware file (old mgmt.o) in smaller firmware files (stage1 and stage2) that are meant to be used with hotplug firmware loading.'&System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1speedtouch-firmware-extractor-0.1-3pclos2019.src.rpm-cbb95a68d6bacd70a1bfa8bb154c12f0./SRPMS.pclosd  B( ,2<LB@BABEBJCspeex1.2.02pclos2020An open-source, patent-free speech codecSpeex is a patent-free audio codec designed especially for voice (unlike Vorbis which targets general audio) signals and providing good narrowband and wideband quality. This project aims to be complementary to the Vorbis codec. 'Soundx86_64 oggvorbis-develchrpathautoconf2.5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1speex-1.2.0-2pclos2020.src.rpm *S9d03147f2c2a8b56d66a986888da51af./SRPMS.pclosd   E, 06@D`B@hBABEBJCspeexdsp1.2.02pclos2020An open-source, patent-free speech codecSpeex is a patent-free audio codec designed especially for voice (unlike Vorbis which targets general audio) signals and providing good narrow-band and wide-band quality. This project aims to be complementary to the Vorbis codec. *Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1speexdsp-1.2.0-2pclos2020.src.rpm /92814f096026be16cea8a4b2fcee4bc7./SRPMS.pclosd   K  SB@^BA|BEBJCspek0.8.33pclos2021Tool for audio spectrum analysis and visualizationSpek (IPA: /spɛk/, ‘bacon’ in Dutch) helps to analyse your audio files by showing their spectrogram. Spek is free software available for Unix, Windows and Mac OS X. Features: * Supports all popular lossy and lossless audio file formats thanks to the FFmpeg libraries. * Ultra-fast signal processing, uses multiple threads to further speed up the analysis. * Shows the codec name and the audio signal parameters. * Allows to save the spectrogram as an image file. * Drag-and-drop support; associates with common audio file formats. * Auto-fitting time, frequency and spectral density rulers. * Adjustable spectral density range. * Translated into 16 languages.6 Soundx86_64 lib64wxgtku3.1-develffmpeg-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spek-0.8.3-3pclos2021.src.rpm=uc49aafb35566ac979ba9250ec1b5a468./SRPMS.pclos'd   A`d B@BABEBJCspellutils0.77pclos2007Programs for helping spell checking.Spellutils is a suite of programs which are used to isolate some parts or texts from various types of files and hand them over to another program which may change the texts; it is typically a spell checker. Afterwards the possibly changed text parts are copied back in place in the original file. The programs in the Spellutils package are: * newsbody which can isolate your own text from headers, quotes and signature in e-mail or Usenet messages * pospell which can isolate translations in .po files * More programs are likely to followBart the Build Bot Text toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spellutils-0.7-7pclos2007.src.rpmZ97a028036a3a3dd121654e741d617e73./SRPMS.pclosKd   Q B@BABEBJ=Cspglib1.10.31pclos2018C library for finding and handling crystal symmetriesC library for finding and handling crystal symmetries.PmSystem/Librariesx86_64 automakeautoconflibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spglib-1.10.3-1pclos2018.src.rpmT63e19f68ef08f6a1d4c8704d53d67876./SRPMS.pclosSd   78 <KTpB@BA BE$BJECsphinx2.0.101pclos2014SQL full-text search engineSphinx is a full-text search engine, distributed under GPL version 2. Commercial licensing is also available upon request. Generally, it's a standalone search engine, meant to provide fast, size-efficient and relevant fulltext search functions to other applications. Sphinx was specially designed to integrate well with SQL databases and scripting languages. Currently built-in data source drivers support fetching data either via direct connection to MySQL, PostgreSQL, or from a pipe in a custom XML format.System/Serversx86_64 libtoolpostgresql-devellib64expat1-devellib64mysql-devellib64stemmer-devellib64unixODBC-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sphinx-2.0.10-1pclos2014.src.rpm d917ca3617c144e6ddbb5365a14b8e02./SRPMS.pclosd   > B@BABEBJCsphinxbase0.81pclos2014The CMU Sphinx Recognition SystemThe CMU Sphinx Recognition System is a library and a set of examples and utilities for speech recognition. This package contains the utilities.wSystem/Librariesx86_64 bisondoxygenlib64pulseaudio-devellib64python-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sndfile-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sphinxbase-0.8-1pclos2014.src.rpmbf08a682c6a782b9faced98d58948ab28./SRPMS.pclosd   TP Tmt**C*B@BABEBJCspice-gtk0.381pclos2021A GTK client widget for accessing SPICE desktop serversSpice-GTK is a GTK client widget for accessing SPICE desktop servers. This package contains two simple clients based on the library: spicy is a client to access SPICE desktops. spicy-screenshot is a tool to capture screen-shots of a SPICE desktop. Networking/Remote accessx86_64   git-coremesonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-x11-3.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(libcacard)pkgconfig(libphodav-2.0)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(libusbredirhost)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(opus)pkgconfig(pixman-1)pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(libsasl2)pkgconfig(libjpeg)gettext-develintltoolldetect-lstvala-toolspkgconfig(vapigen)gtk-docvalausbutilspkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(liblz4)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(spice-protocol)python3-sixpython3-pyparsinggnupg2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) \ab4ce933359ef3e387c3fb3a262be5cb./SRPMS.pclosKd # ? B@BABEBJ=Cspice-protocol0.14.31pclos2021Spice protocol header filesHeader files describing the spice protocol and the para-virtual graphics card QXL.System/Librariesnoarch gnupg2mesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spice-protocol-0.14.3-1pclos2021.src.rpma222f309be1b4cb46c98a8eb7175727a./SRPMS.pclosOd ! G| B@BABE BJACspirv-headers1.6.41pclos2024Header files from the SPIR-V registryHeader files from the SPIR-V registry. This includes: * Header files for various languages. * JSON files describing the grammar for the SPIR-V core instruction set, and for the GLSL.std.450 extended instruction set. * The XML registry file. * CMake config files to include this in other CMake projects.MDevelopment/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1spirv-headers-1.6.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm00d8e9afb189a504c762d71f2f04ab7ba./SRPMS.pclos[d * C  L  B@BA(BE,BJMCspirv-llvm-translator17.0.01pclos2024LLVM to SPIRV TranslatorKhronos LLVM to SPIRV Translator. This is a library to be used by Mesa for OpenCL support. It translate LLVM IR to Khronos SPIR-V. It also includes a standalone tool used for building libclc.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakegccgcc-c++llvm-develllvm-staticninja-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)spirv-headersspirv-tools-develzlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1spirv-llvm-translator-17.0.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm5 ec6e0b5bcae01aabb98923522ffa542c./SRPMS.pclos[d * C  L  B@BA(BE,BJMCspirv-llvm-translator19.1.01pclos2024LLVM to SPIRV TranslatorKhronos LLVM to SPIRV Translator. This is a library to be used by Mesa for OpenCL support. It translate LLVM IR to Khronos SPIR-V. It also includes a standalone tool used for building libclc. GSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakegccgcc-c++llvm-develllvm-staticninja-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)spirv-headersspirv-tools-develzlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1spirv-llvm-translator-19.1.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm f4d560e899d17f7a6030ee8cefd51ea9./SRPMS.pclosd  O <B@PBAxBE|BJCspirv-tools2024.31pclos2024API and commands for processing SPIR-V modulesThe package includes an assembler, binary module parser, disassembler, and validator for SPIR-V.0YSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakeninjapython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)spirv-headers3.0.4-14.6.0-1spirv-tools-2024.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm01f0533659fec63790070e8c0271c211e./SRPMS.pclosd & = BB@MBA|BEBJCspotify-client1.2.9.7431pclos2023Spotify desktop clientSpotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. A proprietary software client for Linux to connect to the Spotify Online Music collection Center.KSoundx86_64 binutilsgziptarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spotify-client- 7af6ac61d9262a83287f24f49d79c904./SRPMS.pclosd ! H( ,2<@\B@dBABEBJCspotify-curl7.58.02pclos2019A Tool for Transferring Data from URLsThe cURL shared library version 4 for accessing data using different network protocols. This package is meant for compatibility purposes with Spotify which requires old versions of specific libraries in a non-standard path.;nSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1spotify-curl-7.58.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm:۱bb0fcf6b97fe31c6d0ad47199a2ded9a./SRPMS.pclosd   h CB@YBA|BEBJCsqlcipher4.6.11pclos2024An SQLite extension that provides 256 bit AES encryption of database filesSQLCipher is an SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files. Pages are encrypted before being written to disk and are decrypted when read back. Due to the small footprint and great performance it’s ideal for protecting embedded application databases and is well suited for mobile development.ݺ)System/Librariesx86_64   pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(readline)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tcl1.13.0.4-14.6.0-1sqlcipher-4.6.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm380ee98c4b243f04694bbea44649710d./SRPMS.pclosd   X WB@dBABEBJCsqlite2.8.1710pclos2019C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engineSQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine. Programs that link with the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program (sqlite) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library. qSystem/Librariesx86_64 chrpathncurses-develreadline-develtcltcl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sqlite-2.8.17-10pclos2019.src.rpm :741c7528c016a0b4d21d2d5c3d7e20fa./SRPMS.pclosd   X    B@BABEBJCsqlite33.45021pclos2024C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engineSQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine. Programs that link with the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program (sqlite) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library.|aSystem/Librariesx86_64  autoconfchrpathglibc-develpkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(tcl)readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tcl3.0.4-14.6.0-1sqlite3-3.4502-1pclos2024.src.rpmsed375df8530f34ff83cd1e37df3b2fb5./SRPMS.pclosd " X 4B@KBAtBExBJCsqlitebrowser3.12.21pclos2021Design and edit database files compatible with SQLiteDB Browser for SQLite is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite. It is for users and developers wanting to create databases, search, and edit data. It uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, and you don't need to learn complicated SQL commands.+1Databasesx86_64 cmakeqttools5pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport)pkgconfig(Qt5Test)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)pkgconfig(qcustomplot-qt5)pkgconfig(qhexedit2-qt5)pkgconfig(sqlite3)qscintilla-qt5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sqlitebrowser-3.12.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm+#d0b28f02d463cf787ea1470af430db17./SRPMS.pclos7d   2L PZd|B@BABEBJ)Csqliteodbc0.99981pclos2021SQLite ODBC DriverODBC driver for SQLite interfacing SQLite 2.x and/or 3.x using the unixODBC or iODBC driver managers. For more information refer to: - http://www.sqlite.org - SQLite engine - http://www.unixodbc.org - unixODBC Driver Manager - http://www.iodbc.org - iODBC Driver Manager^Databasesx86_64 gcclibxml2-develsqlite3-develunixODBC-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sqliteodbc-0.9998-1pclos2021.src.rpm01e471ee7bbed8f67c4ca5d8fc74ccaf./SRPMS.pclosd & 98< dnx|B@BABEBJCsqlpower-architect1.0.91pclos2021Data Modeling toolThe SQL Power Architect data modeling tool was created by data warehouse designers and has many unique features geared specifically for the data warehouse architect. It allows users to reverse-engineer existing databases, perform data profiling on source databases, and auto-generate ETL metadata. Note that connection to the database must be enabled via tcp/ip ports. Notice: Note regarding JDBC drivers: SQL Power Architect downloads with some JDBC drivers already built in and preconfigured. The platforms that we currently supply bundled drivers for are: -PostgreSQL 8.2 (works with all previous backend versions) -MS SQL Server 2012 (this driver also works with MS SQL Server 7/2008/2005/2000) -MySQL 5.0 (this driver also works with MySQL 4.1) -HSQLDB 1.8.0 Agent Smith Databasesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sqlpower-architect-1.0.9-1pclos2021.src.rpm,@199b967466d5fbd796ee66bcb0045cd6./SRPMS.pclosd  /, 0:DHdB@lBABEBJCsqlworkbench_j1241pclos2019SQL query tool SQL Workbench/J is a free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL query tool. It is written in Java and thus it should run on any operating system that provides a Java Runtime Environment. The drivers are located in /usr/share/sqlworkbench_j/driversJDatabasesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sqlworkbench_j-124-1pclos2019.src.rpmW.df3d3d5559eb3b43ab0d4e5919f4d64f./SRPMS.pclosd " S B@BABEBJCsquashfs-tools4.6.11pclos2023Utility for the creation of squashfs filesystemsSquashfs is a highly compressed read-only filesystem for Linux. This package contains the utilities for manipulating squashfs filesystems.AbFile toolsx86_64 gcczlib-devellib64lzma-devellzo-devellibattr-devellz4-devellib64zstd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1squashfs-tools-4.6.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm53044a7a683032f91e3ff53fd7cce8eee./SRPMS.pclosCd  " =T XjpB@BABEBJ5Csqueak-vm4.0.3.22021pclos2010The Squeak virtual machineprogramming language+ȟDevelopment/Otheri586 libaudiofile0-develX11-develx11-proto-devellibx11-develgccdesktop-file-utilslibalsa-devellibvorbis-devellibtheora-devellibspeex1-develdbus-develpango-devellibgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibice-devellibsm-devellibxext-devele2fsprogs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1squeak-vm-   q 4B@BABEBJCdesqueeze0.2.35pclos2015Adavanced archive manager for the XfceFortgeschrittene Archivverwaltung für XfceSqueeze is a modern and advanced archive manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment. Its design adheres to the Xfce philosophy, which basically means Squeeze is both fast and easy to use.Squeeze ist ein moderner Archivmanager für den Xfce Desktop. Es ist im Einklang mit der Xfce Philosophie designt, welche grundlegend meint, dass Squeeze beides, schnell und einfach ist./ghostbunnyGraphical desktop/Xfcei586 libxfce4util-develgtk2-develglib2-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-develdbus-glib-develthunar-vfs-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1squeeze-0.2.3-5pclos2015.src.rpm228b1e5fef3cde2230f0b74b6d1ae5615./SRPMS.pclosd  @tx B@BABEBJCsqueezelite1.51pclos2017Task client for todo list and moreSqueezelite is one of several software clients available for Logitech Media Server. Squeezelite supports gapless playback, a wide range of sample rates (44.1 kHz / 48 kHz / 88.2 kHz / 96 kHz / 176.4 kHz / 192 kHz / 352.8 kHz / 384 kHz) and direct streaming for Logitech Media Server plugins that require itbb2 Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1squeezelite-1.5-1pclos2017.src.rpmacca9375151aac5598c3cac6c07e6b909./SRPMS.pclosd   7d hwB@BABEBJCsquid6.131pclos2025The Squid proxy caching serverSquid is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients, supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects over IPv4 or IPv6. Unlike traditional caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-blocking, asynchronous process. Squid keeps meta data and especially hot objects cached in RAM, caches DNS lookups, supports non-blocking DNS lookups, and implements negative caching of failed requests. Squid supports SSL, extensive access controls, and full request logging. By using the lightweight Internet Cache Protocol (ICP) and HTTP Cache Protocol (HTCP) Squid caches can be arranged in a hierarchy or mesh for additional bandwidth savings. Install squid if you need a proxy caching server. This package defaults to a maximum of 8192 filedescriptors. You can change these values at build time by using for example: --define 'maxfiles 4096' The package was built to support a maximum of 8192 filedescriptors. You can build squid with some conditional build swithes; (ie. use with rpm --rebuild): --with[out] test Initiate the test suite+}System/Serversx86_64  bzip2lib64cap-devellib64cppunit-devellib64db5.3-devellib64ecap-devellib64krb53-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellib64pam-devellib64sasl2-devellibltdl-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)samba-winbind-clients3.0.4-14.6.0-1squid-6.13-1pclos2025.src.rpm+^d4207a8139a5fe5833f6f308c688830f./SRPMS.pclos;d   V| B@BABE BJ-Csquidguard1.43pclos2010Filter, redirector and access controller plugin for SquidSquidGuard is a combined filter, redirector and access controller plugin for Squid. It is free, very flexible, extremely fast, easily installed, portable. SquidGuard can be used to - limit the web access for some users to a list of accepted/well known web servers and/or URLs only. - block access to some listed or blacklisted web servers and/or URLs for some users. - block access to URLs matching a list of regular expressions or words for some users. - enforce the use of domainnames/prohibit the use of IP address in URLs. - redirect blocked URLs to an "intelligent" CGI based info page. - redirect unregistered user to a registration form. - redirect popular downloads like Netscape, MSIE etc. to local copies. - redirect banners to an empty GIF. - have different access rules based on time of day, day of the week, date etc. - have different rules for different user groups. Neither squidGuard nor Squid can be used to - filter/censor/edit text inside documents - filter/censor/edit embeded scripting languages like JavaScript or VBscript inside HTML@System/Serversi586 bisonflexopenldap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1squidguard-1.4-3pclos2010.src.rpm370090cd5aa0affb49eea4325bac6ed1./SRPMS.pclosd   6 B@BABEBJCsquint0.3.181pclos2009Squid log analyse - SquintSquint generates a little report of who is spending the most time and resources browsing the internet via your squid proxy server. The top offenders in terms of data transfer, number of files transferred and on-line time are reported. squint now also generates a detailed history for each person which can be viewed with a browser.System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1squint-0.3.18-1pclos2009.src.rpm]98dd3c848cf8430ace1030b8db0b20a6./SRPMS.pclosd   2, 0BLPlB@tBABEBJCsquirrel2.2.53pclos2013The squirrel languageSquirrel is a light weight programming language featuring higher-order functions,classes/inheritance, delegation,tail recursion,generators,cooperative threads,exception handling, reference counting and garbage collection on demand. C-like syntax.(gDevelopment/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1squirrel-2.2.5-3pclos2013.src.rpm6559c65cfe83df319f6ad9bed537c978./SRPMS.pclosd   h .B@<BA\BE`BJCsratom0.6.81pclos2021Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF, particularly the Turtle syntaxLightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory.BSystem/Librariesx86_64 wafpkgconfigglib2-develserd-develsord-devellv2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sratom-0.6.8-1pclos2021.src.rpma322c721161838a5ccab434a1cf29133./SRPMS.pclosd  a  H*B@GBAhBElBJCsrb22.2.131pclos2024A 3D Sonic fan game based off of Doom Legacy (aka "Sonic Robo Blast 2")Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a 3D open-source Sonic the Hedgehog fangame built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy port of Doom. SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate the design in 3D. It features tons of levels, enemies, speed, and quite a lot of the fun that the original Sonic games provided. 'Agent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64  ImageMagickcmakehicolor-icon-themelib64curl-devellib64gme-devellib64openmpt-devellib64png1.6-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_mixer-develnasmpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)unzipzlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1srb2-2.2.13-1pclos2024.src.rpm ebf031abb2dc49c17c39797093e98329./SRPMS.pclosd   2$( P]dnB@BABEBJCsrb2kart1.61pclos2024Sonic Robo Blast 2 KartSRB2Kart is a classic styled kart racer, complete with beautiful courses, and wacky items. Of course, because it’s SRB2Kart, it has a Sonic twist that really shows the classic charm that a lot of us know and love from the good old days™.C/Agent Smith Games/Arcadex86_64  ImageMagickcmakehicolor-icon-themelib64curl-devellib64gme-devellib64png1.6-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_mixer-develnasmpkgconfigrarlinuxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1srb2kart-1.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm>\0086a8296e496e077b89f81e946534dc./SRPMS.pclosd   , B@BABEBJCsrm1.2.91pclos2011Secure file deletionsrm is a secure replacement for rm(1). Unlike the standard rm, it overwrites the data in the target files before unlinkg them. This prevents command-line recovery of the data by examining the raw block device. It may also help frustrate physical examination of the disk, although it's unlikely that completely protects against this type of recovery.GFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1srm-1.2.9-1pclos2011.src.rpmN174f28ea1abcd8f24ff2d4cb15ed85cd./SRPMS.pclosd   :` doxB@BABEBJCsselp0.22pclos2022Prints X selection to standard outPrints X selection to standard out. System/X11x86_64 pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sselp-0.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmf904e1776650e62c98409f69f03153db./SRPMS.pclosd   9 !(8uB@BABEBJCsshfs-fuse2.42pclos2020Filesystem running over SFTPThis is a filesystem client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol. Since most SSH servers already support this protocol it is very easy to set up: i.e. on the server side there's nothing to do. On the client side mounting the filesystem is as easy as logging into the server with ssh. * Based on FUSE * Multithreading: more than one request can be on it's way to the server * Allowing large reads (max 64k) * Caching directory contentsNetworking/Remote accessx86_64 fuse-develglib2-develpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sshfs-fuse-2.4-2pclos2020.src.rpm74c8fb164b81d506212feb2754cc45df./SRPMS.pclosd   E 5<@\B@dBABEBJCsshpass1.101pclos2023Non-interactive SSH authentication utilityTool for non-interactively performing password authentication with so called "interactive keyboard password authentication" of SSH. Most users should use more secure public key authentication of SSH instead.Networking/Remote accessx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sshpass-1.10-1pclos2023.src.rpmeaa2b0f622669bd7c91f1acd5e9cdb20./SRPMS.pclosd   S  ]B@vBABEBJCssr0.4.42pclos2023A feature-rich screen recorder that supports X11 and OpenGLSimpleScreenRecorder (ssr) is a Linux program that was created to record programs and games. The original goal was to create a program that was just really simple to use, the result is actually a pretty powerful program. It's 'simple' in the sense that it's easier to use than ffmpeg/avconv or VLC, because it has a straightforward user interface.Videox86_64 hicolor-icon-themedesktop-file-utilslib64alsa2-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64jack-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-develmesa-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ssr-0.4.4-2pclos2023.src.rpm49b1d896770d3eb9176653a06c79deb4./SRPMS.pclosd ! H (B@BABEBJCssvnc-viewer1.0.292pclos2018TightVNC viewer enhanced by Karl RungeVirtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote display system which allows you to view a computing 'desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures. The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer package started as a project to add some patches to the long neglected Unix TightVNC Viewer.Agent Smith Networking/Remote accessx86_64 lib64x11-devellib64xaw-devellib64xmu-devellib64openssl-devellib64jpeg-develzlib1-develimakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ssvnc-viewer-1.0.29-2pclos2018.src.rpm"ca7a17508687597759aa4297d3bdefbde./SRPMS.pclosd  F@ D\dlB@BABEBJCstalonetray0.8.31pclos2016Stand-alone, full-featured system trayStalonetray is a stand-alone freedesktop.org and KDE system tray (notification area) for X Window System/X11. It has full XEMBED support and minimal dependencies: an X11 lib only. Stalonetray works with virtually any EWMH-compliant window manager.IGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 X11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stalonetray-0.8.3-1pclos2016.src.rpmP61b386fb30c14ff6a9ef4f022d00b66a./SRPMS.pclosd % _ 8B@@BAlBEpBJCstandard-notes3.150.211pclos2023Standard Notes is an end-to-end encrypted note-taking appStandard Notes is an end-to-end encrypted note-taking app for digitalists and professionals. Capture your notes, files, and life’s work all in one secure place.WOfficex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1standard-notes-3.150.21-1pclos2023.src.rpmI026674b2d19f22260ebe39b968401d6f./SRPMS.pclos_d ' L B@BA,BE0BJQCstarfield-wallpaper0.4.21pclos2013Animated starfield wallpaper for KDEDreamDesktop is an animated wallpaper designed for the environment KDE 4.*Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kde-workspace-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1starfield-wallpaper-0.4.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm1{c572357946da9922d254b12163dad5c0./SRPMS.pclosd  \ ,B@7BA\BE`BJCstarfighter2.41pclos2023Project: Starfighter, a side-scrolling shoot 'em up space gameIn the year 2579, the intergalactic weapons corporation, WEAPCO, has dominated the galaxy. Guide Chris Bainfield and his friend Sid Wilson on their quest to liberate the galaxy from the clutches of WEAPCO. Along the way, you will encounter new foes, make new allies, and assist local rebels in strikes against the evil corporation. Originally developed by Parallel Realities in 2003, Project: Starfighter is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up space game, released under the GNU GPL. Consisting of 26 engaging levels spanning four planetary systems, this classic game will entertain for hours.Games/Arcadex86_64 pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1starfighter-2.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmF^69b694492b4ba2e70ce642ee45af6ec1./SRPMS.pclos/d & Ox |B@BABEBJ!Cstart-stop-daemon1.9.181pclos2019Service daemon used by some init scriptsService daemon used by some init scripts0System/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1start-stop-daemon-1.9.18-1pclos2019.src.rpm6c3fb4bd6a6820daca857598fc778a8d8./SRPMS.pcloskd ' S B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cstartup-notification0.123pclos2019Library used to monitor application startupStartup-notification is a library used to monitor application startup. System/Librariesx86_64 libxcb-util-devellibx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1startup-notification-0.12-3pclos2019.src.rpmd46c574b45bb69810324cde9fa327a20./SRPMS.pclos[d YB@BA(BE,BJMCstatserial1.118pclos2011A tool which displays the status of serial port modem linesThe statserial utility displays a table of the signals on a standard 9-pin or 25-pin serial port and indicates the status of the handshaking lines. Statserial is useful for debugging serial port and/or modem problems. Install the statserial package if you need a tool to help debug serial port or modem problems./Communicationsx86_64 ncurses-develglibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1statserial-1.1-18pclos2011.src.rpm6b47f05b003dcda45efef2328c6bf0492./SRPMS.pclosd " V    B@BABEBJ Cstatusnotifier1.0.01pclos2017Library to use KDE's StatusNotifierItem via GObjectThis library allows to easily create a GObject to manage a StatusNotifierItem, handling all the DBus interface and letting you simply deal with the object's properties and signals. StatusNotifierItem is a Freedesktop specification used among others by KDE's Plasma as a replacement for XEmbed systray.KTerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64 gobject-introspection-develgtk-docpkgconfig(dbusmenu-glib-0.4)pkgconfig(dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1statusnotifier-1.0.0-1pclos2017.src.rpmMaf62c2f367e6fbdce12019de3ccf43eb./SRPMS.pclosd % [,0 :GPTpB@xBABEBJCsteam-launcher1.0.0.541pclos2017Launcher for the Steam software distribution service.Steam is a software distribution service with an online store, automated installation, automatic updates, achievements, SteamCloud synchronized savegame and screenshot functionality, and many social features.*bb2 Games/Arcadex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1steam-launcher-* c94043af8cfd243085ebc31f2ae761cf./SRPMS.pclosWd   Etx B@BA$BE(BJICstegdetect0.61pclos2007Detects steganographic content in imagesStegdetect is an automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images. It is capable of detecting several different steganographic methods to embed hidden information in JPEG images. Currently, the detectable schemes are jsteg, jphide (Unix and Windows), invisible secrets, and outguess 01.3b.nmaik3135Graphicsi586 libevent1-devellibgtk+1.2-develgcc-c++gtk+-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stegdetect-0.6-1pclos2007.src.rpmyaab9f08472a00bfbceb66a8d1c5f0552./SRPMS.pclos_d   G< @JTpB@ BA,BE0BJQCstella6.7.11pclos2024An Atari 2600 Video Computer System emulatorThe Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), introduced in 1977, was the most popular home video game system of the early 1980's. This emulator will run most Atari ROM images, so that you can play your favorite old Atari 2600 games on your PC.Emulatorsx86_64  desktop-file-utilslib64mesaglu1-devellib64png-devellib64sdl2.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1stella-6.7.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmfe2bc7361031c1cb5b483cfe6dbc2575./SRPMS.pclosd   7, 0CLTB@BABEBJCstellarium24.41pclos2025Desktop planetarium in 3DStellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go.hSciences/Astronomyx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1stellarium-24.4-1pclos2025.src.rpmWfc468614b3d85ec8627d30f108f94025./SRPMS.pclosd  9 (@B@BABEBJ Cstep24.12.31pclos2025Interactive physical simulatorStep is an interactive physical simulator. It works like this: you place some bodies on the scene, add some forces such as gravity or springs, then click "Simulate" and Step shows you how your scene will evolve according to the laws of physics. You can change every property of bodies/forces in your experiment (even during simulation) and see how this will change evolution of the experiment. With Step you can not only learn but feel how physics works !Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  eigen3kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gsl)pkgconfig(libqalculate)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1step-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmMp904a2173289f171adf6fd54327d8e012./SRPMS.pclosd   : "B@0BAPBETBJuCstfl0.241pclos2020Structured Terminal Forms LanguageSTFL is a library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals. The STFL API can be used from C, SPL, Python, Perl and Ruby. Since the API is only 14 simple function calls big and there are already generic SWIG bindings, it is very easy to port STFL to other scripting languages. A special language (the Structured Terminal Forms Language) is used to describe STFL GUIs. The language is designed to be easy and fast to write so an application programmer does not need to spend ages fiddling around with the GUI and can concentrate on the more interesting programming tasks.Development/Otherx86_64 ncursesw-develswigperl-develruby-develpythonpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stfl-0.24-1pclos2020.src.rpm]c91f198868be62e144a9db8a5dbb0907./SRPMS.pclosd   G$ (.8LB@BABEBJCstk4.5.01pclos2020C++ classes for audio digital signal processingThe Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK) is a set of open source audio signal processing and algorithmic synthesis classes written in C++. STK was designed to facilitate rapid development of music synthesis and audio processing software, with an emphasis on cross-platform functionality, realtime control, ease of use, and educational example code. The Synthesis ToolKit is extremely portable (it's mostly platform-independent C and C++ code), and it's completely user-extensible (all source included, no unusual libraries, and no hidden drivers). We like to think that this increases the chances that our programs will still work in another 5-10 years. In fact, the ToolKit has been working continuously for nearly 8 years now. STK currently runs with "realtime" support (audio and MIDI) on SGI (Irix), Linux, Macintosh OS X, and Windows computer platforms. Generic, non-realtime support has been tested under NeXTStep, Sun, and other platforms and should work with any standard C++ compiler.\Soundx86_64 autoconflib64alsa2-devellib64jack-develsymlinksrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stk-4.5.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmYa3f6b75fcb79a676d93e0c0384115854./SRPMS.pclosGd   , B@BABEBJ9Cstockfish8.0.01pclos2018A chess engineStockfish is a free UCI chess engine derived from Glaurung 2.1. It is not a complete chess program, but requires some UCI compatible GUI (like XBoard with PolyGlot, eboard, Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess Partner or Fritz) in order to be used comfortably. Read the documentation for your GUI of choice for information about how to use Stockfish with your GUI.,EGghostbunnyGames/Boardsx86_64 gcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stockfish-8.0.0-1pclos2018.src.rpm,Pb8f3d71d0fa758d56d0060b306483e26./SRPMS.pclos_d   Pd hnxB@BA,BE0BJQCstopmotion0.8.41pclos2019An application for creating stopmotion animationsStopmotion is a free application for creating stop-motion animation movies. The users will be able to create stop-motions from pictures imported from a camera or from the harddrive, add sound effects and export the animation to different video formats such as mpeg or avi.!,nVideox86_64 pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)libtar-develqt4-develqt4-linguistrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stopmotion-0.8.4-1pclos2019.src.rpm!135c1a3aa526a2a20b970c8f6a10789c7./SRPMS.pclosd   \ ,B@<BA\BE`BJCstrace6.121pclos2024Tracks and displays system calls associated with a running processThe strace program intercepts and records the system calls called and received by a running process. Strace can print a record of each system call, its arguments and its return value. Strace is useful for diagnosing problems and debugging, as well as for instructional purposes. Install strace if you need a tool to track the system calls made and received by a process.(!Development/Otherx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1strace-6.12-1pclos2024.src.rpm(Ib7e81ec244592c6a5a82faf9d520b019./SRPMS.pclosGd  4 B@BABEBJ9Cstrangebrew2.0.11pclos2010Homebrewing SoftwareStrangeBrew Java is a Java port of the popular Windows homebrewing software, StrangeBrew (www.strangebrew.ca). :Productivity/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1strangebrew-2.0.1-1pclos2010.src.rpmԮe2c5925215c0d40e59e12eaedb4b689c./SRPMS.pclosd   >L P_d   B@4BAXBE\BJ}Cstratagus2.2.41pclos2010A real time strategy game engineStratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine. It includes support for playing over the internet/LAN, or playing a computer opponent. The engine is configurable and can be used to create games with a wide-range of features specific to your needs._hGames/Strategyi586  SDL-develbzip2-develoggvorbis-devellibmikmod-devellua-devellibpng-devellibmng-develMesaGLU-devellibtheora-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   LP TZdB@BABEBJCstrawberry1.2.71pclos2025A audio player and music collection organizerStrawberry is a audio player and music collection organizer. It is a fork of Clementine. The name is inspired by the band Strawbs. Features: - Play and organize music - Supports WAV, FLAC, WavPack, DSF, DSDIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex, MPC, TrueAudio, AIFF, MP4, MP3 and ASF - Audio CD playback - Native desktop notifications - Playlists in multiple formats - Advanced output and device options with support for bit perfect playback on Linux - Edit tags on music files - Fetch tags from MusicBrainz - Album cover art from Last.fm, Musicbrainz and Discogs - Song lyrics from AudD and API Seeds - Support for multiple backends - Audio analyzer - Equalizer - Transfer music to iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player - Integrated Tidal supportSoundx86_64  cmakelib64alsa2-devellib64boost-devellib64cdio-devellib64chromaprint-devellib64ebur128-devellib64fftw-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gmock-devellib64gpod-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtest-devellib64mtp-devellib64qt6core-devellib64qt6help-devellib64qt6network-devellib64qt6sql-devellib64qt6test-devellib64qt6widgets-devellib64taglib-devellib64tiff-develmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1strawberry-1.2.7-1pclos2025.nosrc.rpm}0259653e7dae8f0cc3861972986e152e./SRPMS.pclosd ! 7 OB@\BABEBJCstreamripper1.64.61pclos2011Audio stream recorderStreamripper records shoutcast compatible and live365 streams. For shoutcast style streams it finds the "meta data" or track separation data, and uses that as a marker for where the track should be separated. For live365 streams it hits the website and finds when a track has changed. Either way, the MP3 data will be decoded and scanned for a silent point which is where tracks will be created.uSoundx86_64 libogg-devellibvorbis-devellibglib2-develtre-devellibmad-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1streamripper-1.64.6-1pclos2011.src.rpm}8688a843fe93118d0184baac3220e7da./SRPMS.pclosd $ H B@BABEBJCstreamripper-gui0.1.23pclos2015Graphical frontend for streamripperSimple and easy to use graphical frontend for streamripper.ZSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1streamripper-gui-0.1.2-3pclos2015.src.rpmSab81e396a0d4ea9a1698fc9a1f89be6c./SRPMS.pclosd " @ B@BABEBJ Cstreamripstar0.6.101pclos2020GUI frontend for streamripperStreamRipStar is a stream player/streamripper written in java.*!Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1streamripstar-0.6.10-1pclos2020.src.rpm+ 7b48be454e1c5ca0e97789ddee82e832./SRPMS.pclosd  `, 06@D`B@hBABEBJCstreamtastic0.4.12pclos2015Streamtastic is a graphical user interface for the StreamripperWith Streamtastic you can easily record online radio streams to your hard drive in MP3, OGG Vorbis and other formats supported by Streamripper. For this purpose several online radio station directories are accessible through an easy to use interface. It's as easy as selecting a genre, picking a station and pressing the "Record"-Button. If you have found a Station you like, you can add it to your personal favorites with one click, for quick access later.*Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1streamtastic-0.4.1-2pclos2015.src.rpm*2bb44d0856b68298ed4e77949fe23587./SRPMS.pclosd " @  0B@BABEBJCstreamtuner0.99.9912pclos2007Internet audio stream browserStreamtuner is a stream directory browser. It offers an intuitive and unified interface to various streaming directories through the use of a plugin system. Currently, ShoutCast is the only plugin. Soundi586 gtk2-develImageMagickscrollkeepercurl-devellibxml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1streamtuner-0.99.99-12pclos2007.src.rpm ź12cf780729471e37b65254a654411488./SRPMS.pclosd  M 'B@0BAXBE\BJ}Cstreamtuner22.1.31pclos2014GUI Interface for Internet Radio DirectoriesStreamtuner2 is an internet radio browser. It looks up the categorized music stations from various directory services, like: * SHOUTcast (works mostly) * Xiph.org / icecast (basic function) * live365 (standard) * DMOZ/Google stations (ported from st1) It is written in Python and therefore easy to extend. It mimics streamtuner1 in look and feel, but is an independent rewrite. zpinoc64Soundnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1streamtuner2-2.1.3-1pclos2014.src.rpm ͦdc8a79f6c30cbda2b4bb77c5badbf562./SRPMS.pclosd   JP TZdtB@BABEBJCstremio4.4.1592pclos2022All the Video Content You Enjoy in One PlaceAll of the video content that you can enjoy in one place. Warning: Stremio should only be used for content to which you have the legal right to access. Neither the Stremio developers nor PCLinuxOS advocate the use of Stremio for piracy. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!vVideox86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stremio-4.4.159-2pclos2022.src.rpmIq985fee376035566a7ee67f060f07d228./SRPMS.pclosd   \ 'B@3BATBEXBJyCstress1.0.71pclos2023A tool which imposes a configurable amount of load on your systemstress is a tool which imposes a configurable amount of CPU, memory, I/O, or disk stress on a POSIX-compliant operating system. It is written in highly-portable ANSI C, and uses the GNU Autotools to compile on a great number of UNIX-like operating systems. stress is not a benchmark. It is a tool used by system administrators to evaluate how well their systems will scale, by kernel programmers to evaluate perceived performance characteristics, and by systems programmers to expose the classes of bugs which only or more frequently manifest themselves when the system is under heavy load.pp System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 makegccautoconfautomakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stress-1.0.7-1pclos2023.src.rpmQ8fe6be7db833d49cb610e07be3189224./SRPMS.pcloskd   > B@BA8BE<BJ]Cstretchly1.14.01pclos2023Break time reminder applicationStretchly is cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stretchly-1.14.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm 3da18e32ea4309b96f311576c47f389d./SRPMS.pclosd   )8< F]d   B@BABEBJCstrigi0.7.83pclos2017Desktop SearchHere are the main features of Strigi: * very fast crawling * very small memory footprint * no hammering of the system * pluggable backend, currently clucene and hyperestraier, sqlite3 and xapian are in the works * communication between daemon and search program over an abstract interface, this is currently a simple socket but implementation of dbus is a possibility. There's a small perl program in the code as an example of how to query. This is so easy that any KDE app could implement this. * simple interface for implementing plugins for extracting information. we'll try to reuse the kat plugins, although native plugins will have a large speed advantage * calculation of sha1 for every file crawled (allows fast finding of duplicates) bb2 Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 java-1.7.0-sunjava-1.7.0-sun-devellib64bzip2-devellib64clucene-devellib64cppunit-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64exiv2-devellib64gamin-1_0-devellib64qt4-devellib64xml2-devellibstdc++-devellog4cxx-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1strigi-0.7.8-3pclos2017.src.rpm /95fcb0ba57116fb4e77f83abbc681689./SRPMS.pclosWd  ;   D  B@BA$BE(BJICstuffkeeper0.12.02pclos2010A generic catalog program.Stuffkeeper is a generic catalog program. It is not focused on a particular type, you define any amount of types, like audio-cd, dvd, serial-number, computer-hardware, etc. All the items are listed in one big list using tags and search to order/filter these items. The program is still pre-alpha so expect changes, bugs and missing functionality. To get an idea on how stuffkeeper looks and works checkout the Getting started guide.0Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  vala-develgtk2-develglib-devellibglade2.0_0-develsqlite3-devellibgpgme-develpython-gobject-develgettextgob2libtoolpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);nf6ebb91493d69c59658556e1115058f0./SRPMS.pclosWd   Th l{B@BA$BE(BJICstunnel5.711pclos2023Program that wraps normal socket connections with SSL/TLSThe stunnel program is designed to work as SSL encryption wrapper between remote clients and local (inetd-startable) or remote servers. The concept is that having non-SSL aware daemons running on your system you can easily set them up to communicate with clients over secure SSL channels. stunnel can be used to add SSL functionality to commonly used inetd daemons like POP-2, POP-3, and IMAP servers, to standalone daemons like NNTP, SMTP and HTTP, and in tunneling PPP over network sockets without changes to the source code. System/Serversx86_64   pkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tcp_wrappers-devel0. Xfd130de5eaa8c615f2276eed11f0ccee./SRPMS.pclosd  < B@BABEBJCstylewriter0.9.91pclos2011Non-MacOS StyleWriter driverThis is a driver for certain types of Apple StyleWriter printers.WSystem/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1stylewriter-0.9.9-1pclos2011.src.rpm1776ddfbd16dde77d7e1d576e9027693./SRPMS.pclosd " a  CB@MBAxBE|BJCsubdownloader2.0.182pclos2013Program for download/upload subtitles for video files and DVDsSubDownloader is a program for automatic download/upload subtitles for videofiles (DIVX,MPEG,AVI,VOB,etc) and DVD's using fast hashing. wVideonoarch desktop-file-utilsgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1subdownloader-2.0.18-2pclos2013.src.rpm {586e3d1423e259ee61d39f482c28c453./SRPMS.pclosd    X  18@gB@pBABEBJCsublib0.93pclos2007A library that eases the development of subtitling applicationsSubLib is a library that eases the development of subtitling applications. It supports the most common text-based subtitle formats and allows for subtitle editing, conversion and synchronization.System/Librariesi586 mono-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sublib-0.9-3pclos2007.src.rpm b4855c6f4304f347103f4bd2b3d6ef81./SRPMS.pclos?d # 2 B@BA BEBJ1Csublime-text3.0.32111pclos2020Sublime Text 3Sublime Text 3 for GNU/Linux is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. ~Editorsx86_64 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sublime-text-3.0.3211-1pclos2020.src.rpm }975318126a1e631a177fc34453ddf8e7./SRPMS.pclosd   S B@BABEBJCsubsonic4.81pclos2013A web-based music streamer, jukebox and Podcast receiverSubsonic is a web-based music streamer, jukebox and Podcast receiver, providing access to your music collection wherever you are. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your music while away from home. Please point your browser to localhost:4040 for the interface to the program.ħSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1subsonic-4.8-1pclos2013.src.rpmľc7f0c0b3ff609e9db9e7cf443ca782b9./SRPMS.pclosd $ B( ,2<B@@BAlBEpBJCsubtitlecomposer0.7.02pclos2019A text-based subtitles editorA text-based subtitles editor that supports basic operations as well as more advanced ones, aiming to become an improved version of Subtitle Workshop for every platform supported by KF5 (KDE Frameworks 5). Features: * Support for multiple formats, including SubRip, MicroDVD, SSA/ASS (without advanced styles), MPlayer, TMPlayer and YouTube captions. * Live preview of subtitles and video with support for multiple backends (GStreamer, MPlayer/2, MPV, Xine, Phonon), audio channel selection and full screen mode. * Time shifting and adjusting, lines duration calculation, synchronization with video, etc. * Working with original subtitle and translation. * Texts styles (italic, bold, underline, stroke, color), spell checking, automatic translation (using Google services), etc. * Joining and splitting of files. * Automatic detection of errors. * Editing of subtitles through scripting (Ruby, Python, JavaScript and other languages supported by Kross).nVideox86_64 gettextkf5-macrosqttools5ffmpeg-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64icu-devellib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5kross-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5script-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64x11-devellib64xine1.2-develmpv-develphonon4qt5-develqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1subtitlecomposer-0.7.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmq00009c402898626269cb18fc561bf358./SRPMS.pclosd & F B@@BAlBEpBJCdesubtitleeditor0.54.02pclos2017Subtitle editorSubtitel EditorSubtitle Editor is a GTK+3 tool to edit subtitles. It can be used for new subtitles or as a tool to transform, edit, correct and refine existing subtitle. This program also shows sound waves, which makes it easier to synchronise subtitles to voices.Subtitel Editor ist ein GTK+2 Werkzeug zum bearbeiten von Untertiteln. Es kann zum erstellen von neue Untertiteln verwendet werden, oder als Werkzeug für das Bearbeiten, Korrigieren und verbessern von vorhandenen Untertiteln. Dieses Programm zeigt auch die Soundwelle an, um soleichter den zu synchronisierenden Untertitel an zu passen. bb2 Videox86_64 intltooldesktop-file-utilslib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64enchant-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gstreamermm1.0-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtkmm3.0-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0_0-devellib64x11-devellib64xml++2.6-devellibstdc++-develmakepkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1subtitleeditor-0.54.0-2pclos2017.src.rpm 156a1d5f92a984a76da1fb28b926cee4./SRPMS.pclos d   9X \bl|B@BABEBJCsubtitler1.5.51pclos2022Quickly download subtitles.Quickly download subtitles.Videox86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1subtitler-1.5.5-1pclos2022.src.rpmsf89d81f7f2bae4824fe88c452b7452a3./SRPMS.pclossd   > \B@BA@BEDBJeCsubversion1.14.51pclos2024A Concurrent Versioning SystemSubversion (SVN) is a concurrent version control system which enables one or more users to collaborate in developing and maintaining a hierarchy of files and directories while keeping a history of all changes. Subversion only stores the differences between versions, instead of every complete file. Subversion also keeps a log of who, when, and why changes occurred. As such it basically does the same thing CVS does (Concurrent Versioning System) but has major enhancements compared to CVS and fixes a lot of the annoyances that CVS users face. This package contains the client, if you're looking for the server end of things you want subversion-server.vDevelopment/Toolsx86_64   apache-develautoconfdb5.3-develdocbook-style-xslinfo-installlibtoollibxslt-procmakeperl-develpkgconfig(apr-1)pkgconfig(apr-util-1)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(liblz4)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(serf-1)pkgconfig(sqlite3)py3cpython3dist(setuptools)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ruby-develswigtexinfoutf8proc-devel2.  N 5B@DBAdBEhBJCsudo1.9.101pclos2022Allows command execution as root for specified usersSudo (superuser do) allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root while logging all commands and arguments. Sudo operates on a per-command basis. It is not a replacement for the shell. Features include: the ability to restrict what commands a user may run on a per-host basis, copious logging of each command (providing a clear audit trail of who did what), a configurable timeout of the sudo command, and the ability to use the same configuration file (sudoers) on many different machines.ESystem/Basex86_64 audit-develbisongroff-for-manpkgconfig(libcap)openldap-developenssl-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sudo-1.9.10-1pclos2022.src.rpmEi1a0581888a61644c6021883eda516329./SRPMS.pclosd   2 KB@UBAxBE|BJCsudokuki1.2.21pclos2014Essential Sudoku gameSudokuki is a free graphical SUDOKU game developed in Java. You can use it to solve even the most difficult grids for you, and also to generate a sudoku, edit it, play it or print it.rGames/Puzzlesx86_64 java-1.7.0-sun-srclibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sudokuki-1.2.2-1pclos2014.src.rpmxc36dc1bd02df442fe8a314936bd79fa5./SRPMS.pclos+d   Cpt zB@BABEBJCsuikyo2.1.05pclos2013Suikyo is Romaji-Kana conversion LibrarySuikyo is Romaji-Kana conversion Library.EpinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 ruby-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1suikyo-2.1.0-5pclos2013.src.rpm?b6e21b4ef7522700914d7949773c2efb./SRPMS.pclosd  W    B@BABEBJCsuil0.10.81pclos2020Lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIsSuil is a lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs. Suil makes it possible to load a UI of any toolkit in a host using any other toolkit (assuming the toolkits are both supported by Suil). Hosts do not need to build against or link to foreign toolkit libraries to use UIs written with that toolkit (Suil performs its magic at run-time using dynamically loaded modules). The API is designed such that hosts do not need to explicitly support particular toolkits whatsoever. If Suil supports a particular toolkit, then all hosts that use Suil will support that toolkit.CJSystem/Librariesx86_64  doxygengraphvizwafpythonserd-develpkgconfig(lv2)gtk2-develgtk3-develqt4-develqt5-develpkgconfig(sratom-0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d  Gd h~B@BABE BJ-Csuitesparse4.4.61pclos2019A collection of sparse matrix librariessuitesparse is a collection of libraries for computations involving sparse matrices. The package includes the following libraries: AMD approximate minimum degree ordering BTF permutation to block triangular form CAMD constrained approximate minimum degree ordering COLAMD column approximate minimum degree ordering CCOLAMD constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering CHOLMOD sparse Cholesky factorization CSparse a concise sparse matrix package CXSparse int/long/real/complex version of CSparse KLU sparse LU factorization, BLAS-free LDL a simple LDL factorization SQPR a multithread, multifrontal, rank-revealing sparse QR factorization method UMFPACK sparse LU factorization, with the BLAS SuiteSparse_config configuration file for all the above packages. RBio read/write files in Rutherford/Boeing format8Development/Librariesx86_64 blas-devellapack-develtbb-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1suitesparse-4.4.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm8b0a36a23f8469990f2a6012d7b19c557./SRPMS.pclosCd   K B@BABEBJ5Csunclock3.561pclos2007The sophisticated clock for the X Window systemSunclock displays a map of the Earth and shows which portion is illuminated by the sun. It can commute between two states, the "clock window" and the "map window". The clock window displays a small map of the Earth and therefore occupies little space on the screen, while the "map window" displays a large map and offers more advanced functions.2Sciences/Astronomyi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sunclock-3.56-1pclos2007.src.rpm7e1173dfc25a35e67becb4cac07b30c1e./SRPMS.pclosSd   S )0 X  B@BA BE$BJECsundials4.1.02pclos2019Nonlinear, differential and algebraic equation solversSUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers implemented with the goal of providing robust time integrators and nonlinear solvers that can easily be incorporated into existing simulation codes. The primary design goals are to require minimal information from the user, allow users to easily supply their own data structures underneath the packages, and allow for easy incorporation of user-supplied linear solvers and preconditioners. The main numerical operations performed in these codes are operations on data vectors, and the codes have been written in terms of interfaces to these vector operations. The result of this design is that users can relatively easily provide their own data structures to the solvers by telling the solver about their structures and providing the required operations on them. The codes also come with default vector structures with pre-defined operation implementations for serial, shared-memory parallel (openMP and PThreads), and distributed memory parallel (MPI) environments in case a user prefers not to supply their own structures. In addition, all parallelism is contained within specific vector operations (norms, dot products, etc.). No other operations within the solvers require knowledge of parallelism. Thus, using a solver in parallel consists of using a parallel vector implementation, either one provided with SUNDIALS or the user’s own parallel vector structure, underneath the solver.ZSciences/Mathematicsx86_64 cmakegcc-gfortranquadmath-devellibgomp-developenmpi-devellapack-develblas-develsuitesparse-common-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sundials-4.1.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm\a8b50c62531ffdf241bf55c290621db4./SRPMS.pclos7d   K0 4=D`B@BABEBJ)Csunflow0.07.31pclos2009Sunflow - Global Illumination Rendering SystemSunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. A blender exporter script is included.BkGraphicsi586 j2sdk-antdos2unixjava-1.6.0-sun-develupdate-alternativesunziplibxerces-c0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sunflow-0.07.3-1pclos2009.src.rpmBc5f9c121f0a7b093625d987fcaa243a48./SRPMS.pclosd   U8< D`htB@BABEBJCsunpinyin2.0.31pclos2013A statistical language model based Chinese input methodSunPinyin is a statistical language model based Chinese input method, which was firstly developed by Sun Beijing Globalization team, and opensource'd to community with opensolaris project, with LGPLv2 and CDDL dual-licenses. pinoc32System/Internationalizationi586 sqlite3-develsconsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sunpinyin-2.0.3-1pclos2013.src.rpmKL564ac83f1eb410116642e03042aec95c./SRPMS.pclosd " s $T$$B@BABEBJCsupercollider3.12.11pclos2021Object oriented programming environment for real-time audio and video processingSuperCollider is an object oriented programming environment for real-time audio and video processing. It is one of the finest and most versatile environments for signal processing and especially for creating music applications of all kinds, such as complete compositions, interactive performances, installations etc.Soundx86_64 cmakegcc-c++autoconfautomakelibtoolpkgconfiglib64jack-devellib64sndfile-devellib64alsa2-devellib64fftw-devellib64curl-develemacsw3mrubylib64avahi-glib-devellib64x11-devellib64xt-devellib64icu-devellib64readline-devellib64qt5base5-devellib64qt5sensors-devellib64qt5multimediagsttools-devellib64qt5scripttools-devellib64qt5location-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webengine-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5websockets-devellib64yaml-cpp-devellib64cwiid-develchkconfiglibatomic-develboost-develgitchrpathrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1supercollider-3.12.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm561f492edf9685d52b391a19ae10f8d5./SRPMS.pclosKd   X B@BABEBJ=Csuperpaper2.1.01pclos2021Superpaper is an advanced multi monitor wallpaper managerSuperpaper is an advanced multi monitor wallpaper manager for Linux and Windows operating systems. Features include setting a single or multiple image wallpaper, pixel per inch and bezel corrections, manual pixel offsets for tuning, slideshow with configurable file order, multiple path support and more. System/Configurationx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1superpaper-2.1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm8adc864db73cdcd7d66a1c501db008ca./SRPMS.pclosGd   H    B@BABEBJ9Csupertux0.6.32pclos2022Classic 2D jump n run sidescroller with TuxSuperTux is a classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller game in a similar style like the original SuperMario games."Games/Arcadex86_64 cmakelibcurl-devellib64SDL_mixer-devellib64sdl2_image-develMesaGLU-devellib64glew-develglm-develoggvorbis-devellib64openal-devellib64physfs-develzlib-devellib64boost-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1supertux-0.6.3-2pclos2022.src.rpm$V65d0fa39de44001daccb3445266782c0./SRPMS.pclosWd  2 \B@BA$BE(BJICsupertuxkart1.41pclos20223D kart racing gameSuperTuxKart is a free 3D kart racing game. The aim is to make the game fun more than to make it realistic. You can play with up to 4 friends on one PC, racing against each other or just try to beat the computer (a network multiplayer feature is planned). You can do a single race against other karts, compete in one of several Grand Prix, try to beat the high score in time trials on your own, play battle mode against your friends, and more! Games/Arcadex86_64 cmakelibgomp-develpkgconfig(bluez)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1supertuxkart-1.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm f4fba1b49a0c67ae3537e34808da0eb7./SRPMS.pclosd   )\ `oxB@BABEBJCsurf0.61pclos2016Simple web browsersurf is a simple web browser based on WebKit/GTK+.eNetworking/WWWx86_64 webkitgtk-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1surf-0.6-1pclos2016.src.rpm2f8306d01dcb75122eae9acdcd460438./SRPMS.pclosd   Q .=DHdB@lBABEBJCsurfraw1.0.76pclos2007Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the WebSurfraw provides a fast unix command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search engines and other artifacts of power. Forsake GUI idolatry! Apostate return!:Bart the Build Bot Networking/WWWnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1surfraw-1.0.7-6pclos2007.src.rpm2c681228d034e163a5881175f7dc0827./SRPMS.pclosd   N d0B@WBA|BEBJCsurge-xt1.0.12pclos2024Subtractive hybrid synthesizer virtual instrumentSubtractive hybrid synthesizer virtual instrument Surge XT includes VST3 and LV2 instrument formats for use in compatible hosts and a standalone executable'_Soundx86_64  cmakedesktop-file-utilsladspa-devellib64freetype6-devellib64python-devellib64samplerate-devellib64sndfile-devellib64sndio-devellv2core-develpkgconfigpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(libpulse-simple)pkgconfig(xcb-cursor)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcb-util)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xinerama)pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xdg-utils3.0.4-14.6.0-1surge-xt-1.0.1-2pclos2024.src.rpmN67c7c6cb1b4688ab93bc96f1900d2f68./SRPMS.pclosd  6 B@BABEBJCsushi0.2.01pclos2011Quick Previewer for NautilusSushi is a quick previewer for Nautilus, the GNOME desktop file manager.@File toolsx86_64 gobject-introspection-develintltoolunoconvpkgconfig(clutter-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gst-1.0)pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0)pkgconfig(evince-document-3.0)pkgconfig(evince-view-3.0)pkgconfig(gjs-1.0)pkgconfig(gjs-dbus-1.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-0.10)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-0.10)pkgconfig(gstreamer-tag-0.10)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-3.0)pkgconfig(libmusicbrainz3)pkgconfig(webkitgtk-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sushi-0.2.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm0e8228ed7f1f76d8c438c23d8a5941ffe./SRPMS.pclos7d   O8 <W`xB@BABEBJ)Csuspend1.01pclos2021Userland tools for suspend-to-disk and suspend-to-RAMThe goal of the project is to create a tool that can handle the so called "suspend-to-both". Suspend to both means that prior putting the system in STR (suspend to ram) a snapshot of the running system is taken and stored on disk (as suspend to disk); if for any reason (e.g. battery depleted) the state store in the RAM is lost the user can resume from the disk without loosing data. Currenty suspend-to-ram and suspend-to-disk are handled by two different program, s2ram and s2disk.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 pciutils-devellibx86-develliblzo-develzlib-develplymouth-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1suspend-1.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmk50c87b40f04fe01fac16c3fb4905b829./SRPMS.pclosd   %h lu|B@BABEBJCsvg-edit2.5.11pclos2011SVG EditThis package contains the Lightweight SVG-Edit browser applicationGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1svg-edit-2.5.1-1pclos2011.src.rpmbc18ccc3d841c1e73f36db88649b11b3./SRPMS.pclosd   /h lu|B@BABEBJCsvg-resize0.1.41pclos2023Resize SVG iconsA Simple gui resizes SVG's icons in resizable options.Y6Graphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1svg-resize-0.1.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm_O22bc0092f153720a454600a00e2d7991./SRPMS.pclos_d   I B@BA,BE0BJQCsvgalib1.9.253pclos2019A low-level fullscreen SVGA graphics libraryThe svgalib package provides the SVGAlib low-level graphics library for Linux. SVGAlib is a library which allows applications to use full screen graphics on a variety of hardware platforms. Many games and utilities use SVGAlib for their graphics. You'll need to have the svgalib package installed if you use any of the programs which rely on SVGAlib for their graphics support. System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1svgalib-1.9.25-3pclos2019.src.rpm V15ff1abd971a951fba40b3a544908fa8./SRPMS.pclos?d   N B@BA BEBJ1Csvgpage0.51pclos2010Converts or renders PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG or XPM to SVGRenders to SVG in a Painterly fashion for images with lots of curves and/or gradients. Photos have a "GIMPressionist" look. Uses static build of autotrace to render, many adjustable parameters. Views images as 200x200 thumbnails but can pop them open Full-Size to evaluate and compare. Can also resize, save SVG to file or convert to PNG or JPG to file.jGraphicsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1svgpage-0.5-1pclos2010.src.rpmw74f4f275a77d7cf0b20dcf88cf1d077d./SRPMS.pclos#d   )@ D[dtB@BABEBJCsvgpart24.12.31pclos2025A SVG KPartA SVG KPart Service.zGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettextkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1svgpart-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm8d271e4aa70495c1e42757cf8d0f9fe1./SRPMS.pclosd & y *B@4BA\BE`BJCfr_FRsvox-pico201601255pclos2019Text-To-Speech engine from Android projectMoteur Text-To-Speech du projet AndroidText-To-Speech engine from Android project.Moteur Text-To-Speech du projet Android.c;Soundx86_64 gettext-develpkgconfig(popt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1svox-pico-20160125-5pclos2019.src.rpmc8cf0c0717808b7780120945ce0fd97af./SRPMS.pclosd  :P TZd  < B@MBAlBEpBJCswami2.0.01pclos2014MIDI instrument and sound editorThe Swami Project - Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments - is a collection of free software for editing and sharing MIDI instruments and sounds. Swami aims to provide an instrument editing and sharing software for instrument formats such as SoundFont, DLS and GigaSampler. Soundx86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilsfftw-develfluidsynth-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnomecanvas2-devellibinstpatch-devellibrsvg2-develgtksourceview2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1swami-2.0.0-1pclos2014.src.rpm ddf7be230fcf1fdb86e5e4d177bbae09./SRPMS.pclosd   Fx| ;B@HBAhBElBJCswatch3.1.13pclos2007A utility for monitoring system logs files.The Swatch utility monitors system log files, filters out unwanted data and takes specified actions (i.e., sending email, executing a script, etc.) based upon what it finds in the log files. Install the swatch package if you need a program that will monitor log files and alert you in certain situations.y Bart the Build Bot Monitoringnoarch perl-develperl-File-Tailperl-Date-Calcperl-Time-HiResperl-TimeDaterpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1swatch-3.1.1-3pclos2007.src.rpm79b2cb88af797a86c0da3787ec1e924e./SRPMS.pclosd  -|    B@BABEBJCsweep0.9.21pclos2007Sound sample editor Sweep is an audio editor and live playback tool for GNU/Linux, BSD and compatible systems. It supports many music and voice formats including WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex and MP3, with multichannel editing and LADSPA effects plugins. Inside lives a pesky little virtual stylus called Scrubby who enjoys mixing around in your files. 4Texstar Soundi586  gtk+2-devellibmad-devellibsamplerate-devellibsndfile-devellibspeex-devellibalsa-devellibtdb-devellibvorbis-devellibrsvgdesktop-file-utilsgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 922df2bd96a71a9e8f4f3c458a8173bd./SRPMS.pclosd   0 B@0BATBEXBJyCsweeper24.12.31pclos2025KDE System CleanerSweeper helps to clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system and to regain disk space removing unused temporary files.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sweeper-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmbb9339744ce9823b65615e3aefe3e274./SRPMS.pclosWd ' N B@BA$BE(BJICsweettooth-icon-theme1.01pclos2022Dark and candy colorful Gtk3.20+ themeThis package contains a set of icons; BeatyLine and a Gtk3.20+ window theme; Sweet-Dark5Graphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sweettooth-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm5bffd353eff4c9c25b77e562a424ec094./SRPMS.pclosd   =   L B@kBABEBJCswell-foop41.11pclos2022GNOME colored tiles puzzle gameClear the screen by removing groups of colored and shaped tiles Networking/WWWi586  swfdec-devellibalsa-develgtk2-develmozilla-firefox-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  B B@BABEBJ=Cswh-plugins0.4.171pclos2022A set of audio plugins for LADSPAA set of audio plugins for LADSPA (see http://plugin.org.uk/ for more details).QSoundx86_64 ladspa-develfftw-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1swh-plugins-0.4.17-1pclos2022.src.rpmX9b9438c92fbe5a21e4b6e2809e4a8f49./SRPMS.pclos{d   >  tB@"BAHBELBJmCswi-prolog6.0.21pclos2012Prolog interpreter and compilerEdinburgh-style Prolog compiler including modules, autoload, libraries, Garbage-collector, stack-expandor, C-interface, GNU-readline and GNU-Emacs interface, very fast compiler.]NealDevelopment/Otherx86_64 lib64freetype6-devellib64gmp-devellib64ice-devellib64jpeg62-devellib64sm-devellib64x11-devellib64xaw-devellib64xext-devellib64xft-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xmu-devellib64xpm-devellib64xrender-devellib64xt-devellib64ncurses-devellib64openssl-devellib64readline-devellib64unixODBC-develzlib1-develchrpathpkgconfigjava-1.6.0-sun-develjpackage-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1swi-prolog-6.0.2-1pclos2012.src.rpmB03c3d887ce47ccbdf3d87c419ac966c4./SRPMS.pclosd   J$ (:D x * B@EBAdBEhBJCswig4.3.02pclos2024Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)SWIG takes an interface description file written in a combination of C/C++ and special directives and produces interfaces to Perl, Python, and Tcl. It allows scripting languages to use C/C++ code with minimal effort.`}Development/Otherx86_64  bisonboost-develimakelib64lua5.3-devellib64pcre2-devellibstdc++-develperl-develphp-develpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ruby-develtcl-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1swig-4.3.0-2pclos2024.src.rpm`87fa7058fa03b04419087c855adae512./SRPMS.pclosd  t, 0AHTB@BABEBJCswitzerland0.1.01pclos2010Software to detect when ISPs, networks or firewalls interfere with Internet traffic.Switzerland is client/server software to detect when ISPs, networks or firewalls interfere with Internet traffic. Switzerland clients summarize incoming and outgoing packets to a trusted server, which verifies that pairs of clients receive what each other sent. If a third party injects, alters or drops packets en route between clients, the Switzerland server alerts the clients and records data about the event for further analysis.YNetworking/Othernoarch  pythonlibpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  R    B@BABEBJ!Csword1.9.03pclos2022The SWORD Project framework for manipulating Bible textsThe SWORD Project is an effort to create an ever expanding software package for research and study of God and His Word. The SWORD Framework allows easy manipulation of Bible texts, commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries, etc. Many frontends are build using this framework. An installed module set may be shared between any frontend using the framework.jSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakeicuswigpkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)pkgconfig(libidn)pkgconfig(libclucene-core)pkgconfig(cppunit)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sword-1.9.0-3pclos2022.src.rpmid63bd31b14a517ac4f08e34c8f144e0d./SRPMS.pcloswd   B B@)BADBEHBJiCsxiv261pclos2020Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewersxiv is an alternative to feh and qiv. The primary goal for writing sxiv is to create an image viewer, which only has the most basic features required for fast image viewing. It works nicely with tiling window managers and its code base should be kept small and clean to make it easy for you to dig into it and customize it for your needs.Graphicsx86_64 giflib-develpkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(imlib2)desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sxiv-26-1pclos2020.src.rpmd8a729320e7bae447a03966836058a4c./SRPMS.pclosd    (4jB@tBABEBJCjasylfilter0.81pclos2013A generic message filter library and command-line tools汎用のメッセージフィルタライブラリとコマンドラインツールThis is SylFilter, a generic message filter library and command-line tools. SylFilter provides a bayesian filter which is very popular as a spam filtering algorithm. SylFilter is also internationalized and can be applied to any languages. SylFilter library provides simple but powerful C APIs and can be used from C programs. SylFilter command-line tool can be used as a junk filter program like major tools such as bogofilter and bsfilter etc.SylFilter (仮称) は汎用のメッセージフィルタライブラリとコマンドラインツールです。 SylFilter は spam フィルタのアルゴリズムとしてよくつかわれるベイジアンフィルタを提供します。 また、SylFilter は最適化されており、任意の言語に適用できます。 SylFilter ライブラリはシンプルかつ強力な C API を提供し、C のプログラムから使用できます。 ライブラリのユーザは提供されるフィルタとオリジナルの自作フィルタを任意に組み合わせて使用できます。 SylFilter コマンドラインツールは、 bogofilter, bsfilter などのよく知られるツールと同様に、迷惑メールフィルタプログラムとして使用できます。 使用方法については下記URLのページを参照してください。 http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/sylfilter/pinoc32Networking/Maili586 sqlite3-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sylfilter-0.8-1pclos2013.src.rpm34a52548f99174c205dc3ae8d3877880./SRPMS.pclosd  h l|  W B@gBABEBJCdesylpheed3.7.02pclos2019A GTK+2 based, lightweight, and fast e-mail clientEin leichter und schneller Email Client basierend auf GTK+2Sylpheed is a simple, lightweight but featureful, and easy-to-use e-mail client (mailer, MUA). Sylpheed runs on Unix-like systems such as Linux, BSD, and Mac OS X. It also supports Windows. Sylpheed uses GTK+2 GUI toolkit.Sylpheed ist ein einfaches, leicht aber vielfältig und einfach zu bedienenden E-Mail-Client (Mailer, MUA). Sylpheed läuft auf Unix-ähnlichen Systemen wie Linux, BSD und Mac OS X. Es unterstützt auch Windows. Sylpheed benutzt GTK 2-GUI-Toolkit.'Networking/Mailx86_64 desktop-file-utilsImageMagicklib64compface-devellib64gpgme-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkspell-devellib64ldap2.4_2-devellibpthread-stubsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sylpheed-3.7.0-2pclos2019.src.rpm(B95dd4905d378f3fe64e0484b0c67e6e6./SRPMS.pclos3d   N B@BABEBJ%Csymlinks1.71pclos2020A utility which maintains a system's symbolic linksThe symlinks utility performs maintenance on symbolic links. Symlinks checks for symlink problems, including dangling symlinks which point to nonexistent files. Symlinks can also automatically convert absolute symlinks to relative symlinks. Install the symlinks package if you need a program for maintaining symlinks on your system.AFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1symlinks-1.7-1pclos2020.src.rpm"Tbde1efae27527bc473271058f998558a./SRPMS.pclosd  E CB@`BABEBJCsympa5.2.12pclos2007SYMPA is an electronic mailing list managerSYMPA is an electronic mailing list manager. It is used to automate list management functions such as subscription, moderation and management of archives. SYMPA also manages sending of messages to the lists, and makes it possible to reduce the load on the system. Provided that you have enough memory on your system, Sympa is especially well adapted for big lists. For a list with 20 000 subscribers, it takes 5 minutes to send a message to 90% of subscribers, of course considering that the network is available. Documentation is available under HTML and SGML (source) formats.67Bart the Build Bot System/Serversi586  apache-baseopenssl-develperl-MailToolsperl-libintl-perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.0.54-5mdk0.9.5a3.0.4-1sympa-5.2.1-2pclos2007.src.rpm6fe4d2bf3a9b4840f1ddb82142277058f./SRPMS.pclosd   R  $+4<lB@|BABEBJCsymphytum2.61pclos2023Symphytum is a personal database software for everyoneSymphytum is a personal database software for everyone who desires to manage and organize data in an easy and intuitive way, without having to study complex database languages and software user interfaces.Officex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1symphytum-2.6-1pclos2023.src.rpm7a59593defd09c7c7ce787ffeab8e516./SRPMS.pclosd   B '04PB@XBA|BEBJCsynapse0.2.99.41pclos2019A semantic launcher written in ValaSynapse is a semantic launcher written in Vala that you can use to start applications as well as find and access relevant documents and files by making use of the Zeitgeist engine. In the menu under File toolsFile toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1synapse-   G   @  B@BA BEBJ1Csynaptic0.585pclos2023Graphical frontend for APT package manager.Synaptic is a graphical package management program for apt. It provides the same features as the apt-get command line utility with a GUI front-end based on Gtk+System/Configuration/Packagingx86_64  libapt-pkg-develrpm-devellibpopt-develgcc-c++xmltolibglade2-develgtk2-devellibvte-develncurses-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   8  (SB@\BABEBJCsynaptiks0.4.03pclos2011Touchpad service for KDE 4Synaptiks is a touchpad management service for KDE. It provides a simple configuration interface and can automatically switch off your touchpad on keyboard activity or if mouse devices are plugged. Graphical desktop/KDE4i586 kdelibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1synaptiks-0.4.0-3pclos2011.src.rpm ]047a6424afb5d647b7f7a2779e9bf526./SRPMS.pclosd  ; #B@-BATBEXBJyCsync-engine0.133pclos2010SynCE synchronization engineSynCE synchronization engine. This component handles actual data exchange between a Windows Mobile 5+ device and a synchronization application.Officei586 python-setuptoolspython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sync-engine-0.13-3pclos2010.src.rpm"36dcaf333eab07f7397f38705f1829e9./SRPMS.pclosWd   2 B@BA$BE(BJICsyncbackup1.1.41pclos2013Front-end for rsyncFront-end for rsync provides a fast and extraordinarily copying tool. It offers the most common options that control its behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied. Rsync is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday use and syncBackup put on your hands its power with a simple user interface.Archiving/Backupx86_64 lib64qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1syncbackup-1.1.4-1pclos2013.src.rpm6d9990bd9ec900dfe98fda63c155aed3./SRPMS.pclosd   O  B@BABEBJCsynchrorep1.4.51pclos2010Synchrorep is a one click folder synchronizationThis software is adressed essentialy to nomads persons or these who want to make backup and permit you to synchronize in a single click two directories, this mean copying files that are not in one in the other, modifications are also reported. The files that have been removed or replaced are put to trash after your confirmation. Synchronizable folders can be local, ssh, ftp, and samba shares.bFile toolsi586 gtk2-devellibnautilus-develmakesqlite3-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellibgvfs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1synchrorep-1.4.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm b9cc5d1ff6288ccab017a03338ae893b./SRPMS.pclosd   U '0<qB@BABEBJCsyncthing1.29.31pclos2025Continuous file synchronization program across devicesSyncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers. Configuration can be accessed by pointing your web brower to toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wget3.0.4-14.6.0-1syncthing-1.29.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 43e7e5c69060dbd83e4989706bc93c97./SRPMS.pclos[d # K B@BA(BE,BJMCsyncthing-gtk0.9.4.41pclos2022Syncthing Gtk-based graphical interfaceGraphical user interface with notification area icon for Syncthing based on GTK+ and Python. Supported Syncthing features: * Everything what WebUI can display. * Adding / editing / deleting nodes. * Adding / editing / deleting repositories. * Restart / shutdown server. * Editing daemon settings. Additional features: * First run wizard for initial configuration. * Running Syncthing daemon in background. * Half-automatic setup for new nodes and repositories. * Filesystem watching and instant synchronisation using inotify. * Caja, Nemo, and Nautilus file managers integration. * Desktop notifications.Networking/Chatnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1syncthing-gtk-  It xB@BABEBJ9Csyndication6.11.01pclos2025Syndication - an RSS/Atom parser librarySyndication - an RSS/Atom parser library.System/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1syndication-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm^0499483681e33d14d30316a68ad14630./SRPMS.pclosKd   >T XqxB@BABEBJ=Csynergy1.7.51pclos2016Mouse and keyboard sharing utilitySynergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own display.Networking/Remote accessx86_64 cmakedocbook-to-manicoutilssgml-commonlib64avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devellib64curl-devellib64openssl-devellib64qt4-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xfixes-devellib64xi-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xrandr2-devellib64xrender-devellib64xtst-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1synergy-1.7.5-1pclos2016.src.rpm31c9bca641221aa7435cfe52b1df99c8./SRPMS.pclosd   =$ (18B@@BA`BEdBJCsynfig1.4.23pclos2022Vector-based 2D animation renderersynfig is a vector based 2D animation renderer. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation. This package contains the command-line renderer. For the GUI animation editor, please install synfigstudio.(Graphicsx86_64  cvsintltoolboost-develffmpeg-develgettext-devellibltdl-develpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(ETL)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(libxml++-2.6)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libmng)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(ImageMagick)opencv-devellib64mlt++7_7rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  > ,B@BA BE$BJECsynfigstudio1.4.21pclos2021Vector-based 2D animation GUIsynfig is a vector based 2D animation renderer. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation.-2SGraphicsx86_64 etlcvsdesktop-file-utilsgettextintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64atkmm1.6-devellib64cairo-devellib64cairomm1.0-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gtkmm3.0-devellib64jack-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pangomm2.4-devellib64sigc++2.0-devellib64synfig-devellib64xml++2.6-devellibgomp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1synfigstudio-1.4.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm-8ddd34246fa52e3ff4047fea891a4c556./SRPMS.pcloskd   /  B@BA8BE<BJ]Csynkron1.6.21pclos2013Folder SynchroniserSynkron is an application for folder synchronisation that allows you to configure your synchronisations in detail. Despite having many features, the user interface of Synkron is very user-friendly and easy to use. Synkron is able to synchronise multiple folders at once, analyse folders before sync, restore overwritten or deleted files, plan synchronisations and much more. NealArchiving/Backupx86_64 libpng-develqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1synkron-1.6.2-1pclos2013.src.rpm za4618cb7dcaf6738ded62a3b58269e5b./SRPMS.pclosd ( x SB@eBABEBJCsyntax-highlighting6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Syntax highlighting Engine for Structured Text and CodeKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 Syntax highlighting Engine for Structured Text and Code.7jZGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  kf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xerces-c)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1syntax-highlighting-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm727d6306f6a15fc263b5cc45e40d60a1c7./SRPMS.pclosd   A B@BABEBJCsynthv10.9.331pclos2024An old-school polyphonic synthesizersynthv1 is an old-school 4-oscillator subtractive polyphonic synthesizer with stereo effects. This package provides the standalone application.zSoundx86_64  libasan-develpkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(liblo)pkgconfig(lv2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1synthv1-0.9.33-1pclos2024.src.rpmod1d8d502613d12d308ef96c5abd8b268./SRPMS.pclosd   R\` g   B@BABEBJCsysbench1.0.201pclos2025Scriptable database and system performance benchmarkSysBench is a modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool for evaluating OS parameters that are important for a system running a database under intensive load. The idea of this benchmark suite is to quickly get an impression about system performance without setting up complex database benchmarks or even without installing a database at all. Current features allow to test the following system parameters: - file I/O performance - scheduler performance - memory allocation and transfer speed - POSIX threads implementation performance - database server performance (OLTP benchmark) Primarily written for MySQL server benchmarking, SysBench will be further extended to support multiple database backends, distributed benchmarks and third-party plug-in modules.;TerryNSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  automakedocbook-style-xsllibaio-devellibtoolmariadb-develpkgconfig(ck)pkgconfig(luajit)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(zlib)postgresql-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1sysbench-1.0.20-1pclos2025.src.rpmb8752427e0ac3d1a5b34cc5a797080dd./SRPMS.pclosd   ;l pB@BABEBJCsysfsutils2.1.12pclos2022Utility suite to enjoy sysfsThis package's purpose is to provide a set of utilities for interfacing with sysfs, a virtual filesystem in Linux kernel versions 2.5+ that provides a tree of system devices. While a filesystem is a very useful interface, we've decided to provide a stable programming interface that will hopefully make it easier for applications to query system devices and their attributes. This package currently includes: - libsysfs: a library for accessing system devices. - systool: an application to view system device information by bus, class, and topology.@System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sysfsutils-2.1.1-2pclos2022.src.rpmD 34982f9042b0168a4e6dec33018ba2f7./SRPMS.pclos3d   WH LgpB@BABEBJ%Csyslinux6.042pclos2021A bootloader for linux using floppies, CD, disks or networkSYSLINUX is a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates off an MS-DOS/Windows FAT filesystem. It is intended to simplify first-time installation of Linux, and for creation of rescue- and other special-purpose boot disks.Q System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 nasmnetpbmupxgnu-efi-devellibuuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1syslinux-6.04-2pclos2021.src.rpmPF20652bf8b02ab0221a623ecfa2ad246b./SRPMS.pclosd   S  +48TB@\BABEBJCsysstat12.6.11pclos2022Includes the sar and iostat system monitoring commandsThis package provides the sar and iostat commands for the Linux operating system, similar to their traditional UNIX counterparts. They enable system monitoring of disk, network, and other IO activity. YMonitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1sysstat-12.6.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm _wa3b2ef270b5029d6f4d80dcce0026a37./SRPMS.pclosd * H 7B@_BABEBJCsystem-config-printer1.5.181pclos2024A printer administration toolsystem-config-printer is a graphical user interface that allows the user to configure a CUPS print server.{System/Printingx86_64   cups-develdesktop-file-utilsgettext-develhplip-develintltoolpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(libusb)pkgconfig(py3cairo)pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(udev)python3-cupsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xmlto1.20.2.923.0.4-14.6.0-1system-config-printer-1.5.18-1pclos2024.src.rpm;c452535365d036b9eda3195d78a1663a./SRPMS.pclosWd" - F B@BA$BE(BJICsystem-monitoring-center1.40.02pclos2023System Monitoring CenterDetailed system performance and usage usage monitoring/managing center.ݾMonitoringx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1system-monitoring-center-1.40.0-2pclos2023.src.rpm9c47e8515fe66965cdeeb7972897e33a8./SRPMS.pclos+d ) E48 jB@BABEBJCsystem-tools-backends1.4.22pclos2007GNOME System Tools BackendsDay-to-day system management on Unix systems is a chore. Even when you're using a friendly graphical desktop, seemingly basic tasks like setting the system time, changing the network setup, importing and exporting network shared filesystems and configuring swap partitions requires editing configuration files by hand, and the exact procedure varies between different operating systems and distributions. The GNOME System Tools solve all these problems, giving you a simple graphical interface for each task, which uses an advanced backend to edit all the relevant files and apply your changes. The interface looks and acts in exactly the same way regardless of what platform you're using. This package contains the backends of GNOME System Tools. ݌Bart the Build Bot System/Configuration/Othernoarch perl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1system-tools-backends-1.4.2-2pclos2007.src.rpm Va2e8f7be16707022215f3600a67d1634./SRPMS.pclosd% 0 dh ozB@BABEBJCdefrsresplnlsysteminfo0.6.51pclos2019systeminfo - informations is just a click awaySysteminfo - Informationen sind einen Mausklick entferntL'information sur le système est juste à un click de vousA Zenity based application that displays a lot of information about your system.Ein auf Zenity basierte Anwendung, die eine Vielzahl von Informationen über Ihr System anzeigt.Une application basée Zenity qui affiche un tas d'informations sur votre système.Зениты заснована апликација која приказује мноштво информација о вашем систему.Una Zenity aplicación basada en que muestra una gran cantidad de información sobre su sistema.Zenity aplikacja, która wyświetla wiele informacji o systemie.Een zenity gebaseerde applicatie die geeft een veel informatie over uw systeem.danielMonitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1systeminfo-0.6.5-1pclos2019.src.rpm9c3ba1aa8b8ac14aef1f480760cd9188./SRPMS.pclos;d " 9T XoxB@BABE BJ-Csystemsettings6.3.31pclos2025Plasma System SettingsPlasma System Settings.aCGraphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gitkf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1systemsettings-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm1d482ce935aea28580b5c08292447500./SRPMS.pclosOd   Ih lB@BABE BJACsysvinit3.141pclos2025Programs which control basic system processesThe sysvinit package contains a group of processes that control the very basic functions of your system. sysvinit includes the init program, the first program started by the Linux kernel when the system boots. Init then controls the startup, running, and shutdown of all other programs.System/Configuration/Boot and Initx86_64  glibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1sysvinit-3.14-1pclos2025.src.rpmg9961f73040964594f0673b3872b83b85./SRPMS.pclosCd0ptB@BABEBJ5Ct1lib5.1.21pclos2011Type 1 font rasterizerT1lib is a library for generating character and string-glyphs from Adobe Type 1 fonts under UNIX. T1lib uses most of the code of the X11 rasterizer donated by IBM to the X11-project. But some disadvantages of the rasterizer being included in X11 have been eliminated. T1lib also includes a support for antialiasing.™System/Librariesx86_64 X11-develxpm-develtetextetex-latexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1t1lib-5.1.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm90424f6732eecaaa9dceca1f8d7bdd63./SRPMS.pclosd   LT XclpB@BABEBJCt1utils1.381pclos2014Programs for manipulating PostScript Type 1 fontsThe t1utils package is a set of programs for manipulating PostScript Type 1 fonts. It contains programs to change between binary PFB format (for storage), ASCII PFA format (for printing), a human-readable and editable ASCII format, and Macintosh resource forks.BPublishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1t1utils-1.38-1pclos2014.src.rpmb653e28d8da69f2645a6c9ae24072cb4./SRPMS.pclosd   4    B@BABEBJCt4k_common0.1.15pclos2019Tux4Kids common filesFiles shared by tuxmath, tuxtype, and possibly other Tux4Kids apps in the future.Games/Otherx86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_Pango-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64png-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1t4k_common-0.1.1-5pclos2019.src.rpmb27d360035c22dd7a7d26745db0ce1a8./SRPMS.pclosd    8x |B@BABEBJ Ctabbed0.21pclos2011Simple Xembed container managertabbed is a simple generic fronted to xembed aware applications%System/X11i586 libx11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tabbed-0.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm+Z391630b5d29b46c8be3477375e3803b3./SRPMS.pclosd   B@BABEBJ Cdetabencode0.9582pclos2010tabencode media converter is an audio and video convertertabencode media converter ist ein Audio und Video Konvertertabencode media converter is an audio and video converter / encoder utility which provides a graphical front end for Mencoder*, Sox* and potentially other non-t@b software like RealProducer*. This utility will convert a great variety (see below) of video and audio formats into files which both zs3 and ZS4 can read/import. It thus will convert most *.mov *.mpg and similar formats to either AVI/mjpg (for zs4) or to AVI/uncompressed for both zs3 and ZS4. It can also encode the output of ZS4 into *.mpg files.tabencode Media Converter ist ein Audio-und Video-Konverter / Encoder-Dienstprogramm, das ein grafisches Frontend für MEncoder, Sox und möglicherweise andere bietet. Dieses Dienstprogramm wird eine große Vielfalt von Video-und Audio-Formate in Dateien, die sowohl ZS3 und ZS4 lesen/importieren, zu konvertieren. Es wird gewandelt *.mov *.mpg und ähnlichen Formaten, entweder zu AVI/MJPG (für ZS4) oder AVI /unkomprimiert für beide ZS3 und ZS4. Es kann auch Kodierung von ZS4 in *.mpg Dateien.JVideoi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tabencode-0.958-2pclos2010.src.rpm<14ccecd2bea44f8508300d4efff13c6f./SRPMS.pclos?d & e` djpB@BA BEBJ1Cdetabu-audio-player2.11pclos2010Simple gstreamer audio playerEinfacher gstreamer Audio PlayerTabu Audio Player is a simple gstreamer audio player with client-side decorations and playback controls drawn with cairo.Tabu Audio Player ist ein einfacher Audio Abspieler mit Seiten Client Dekoration und Playback Kontrolle durch Cairo ermöglicht.4Soundi586 taglib-develcairo-develgtk2-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tabu-audio-player-2.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm347f01c69a2703e5afda63553b19e362./SRPMS.pclosGd   I B@BABEBJ9Ctaglib1.121pclos2021Library for reading and editing audio meta dataTagLib, is well, a library for reading and editing audio meta data, commonly know as tags. Some goals of TagLib: A clean, high level, C++ API to handling audio meta data. Support for at least ID3v1, ID3v2 and Ogg Vorbis comments. A generic, simple API for the most common tagging related functions. Binary compatibility between minor releases using the standard KDE/Qt techniques for C++ binary compatibility. Make the tagging framework extensible by library users; i.e. it will be possible for libarary users to implement additional ID3v2 frames, without modifying the TagLib source. Because TagLib desires to be toolkit agnostic, in hope of being widely adopted and the most flexible in licensing TagLib provides many of its own toolkit classes; in fact the only external dependency that TagLib has, it a semi-sane STL implementation.File toolsx86_64 zlib-develcppunit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1taglib-1.12-1pclos2021.src.rpm˂3cdca0e7c0c156d79a7622bc7321c0df./SRPMS.pclos{d   J B@&BAHBELBJmCtaglib2.0.21pclos2024Library for reading and editing audio meta dataTagLib, is well, a library for reading and editing audio meta data, commonly know as tags. Some goals of TagLib: A clean, high level, C++ API to handling audio meta data. Support for at least ID3v1, ID3v2 and Ogg Vorbis comments. A generic, simple API for the most common tagging related functions. Binary compatibility between minor releases using the standard KDE/Qt techniques for C++ binary compatibility. Make the tagging framework extensible by library users; i.e. it will be possible for libarary users to implement additional ID3v2 frames, without modifying the TagLib source. Because TagLib desires to be toolkit agnostic, in hope of being widely adopted and the most flexible in licensing TagLib provides many of its own toolkit classes; in fact the only external dependency that TagLib has, it a semi-sane STL implementation.gFile toolsx86_64  cppunit-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)utf8cpp-develzlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1taglib-2.0.2-1pclos2024.src.rpmߩb8ac61e81f6871c398a081c16718cc01./SRPMS.pclosd ! B B@"BALBEPBJqCtaglib-extras1.0.14pclos2019Taglib support for other formatsTaglib-extras delivers support for reading and editing the meta-data of audio formats not supported by taglib, including: asf, mp4v2, rmff, wav.vZSoundx86_64 taglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1taglib-extras-1.0.1-4pclos2019.src.rpmx87f4d57ff22f8b6bbe49c24d20f86d5a./SRPMS.pclosd " [T XjtB@BABEBJ Ctaglib-sharp2.0.4.01pclos2011Metadata library for most common movie and music formatsTagLib# is a metadata or "tag" reader and writer library that supports the most common movie and music formats, abstracting away format specificity. TagLib# offers either a common API for all formats or access to specific APIs for a given format.Development/Othernoarch mono-devellibexiv-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1taglib-sharp-'d   <  $  B@BABEBJCtagtool0.12.31pclos2007Audio file (MP3/OGG) tag editorAudio Tag Tool is a program to manage the information fields in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files, commonly called tags.Tag Tool can be used to edit tags one by one, but the most useful features are the ability to easily tag or rename hundreds of files at once, in any desired format. The mass tag and mass rename features can handle filenames in any format thanks to an easily configurable format template.Texstar Soundi586 pkgconfigImageMagickgtk2-devellibglade2.0-develid3lib-devellibvorbis-devellibogg-develperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tagtool-0.12.3-1pclos2007.src.rpmE4d5f340731a221185ce803ed31435aaa./SRPMS.pclosd  8  4B@<BA`BEdBJCtaipeifonts1.221pclos2011taipei chinese big5 fontsThese are the Traditional Chinese fonts for XFree86 found on GNU's ftp mirror. You will need to install these if you wish to see and use the Traditional Chinese fonts under XFree86.wSystem/Fonts/X11 bitmapnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1taipeifonts-1.2-21pclos2011.src.rpm3e208f7be9d5ea63c5afe561c4cf2fe52./SRPMS.pclosd   'h lx  < B@SBApBEtBJCtali40.82pclos2024GNOME Tali gameSort of poker with dice and less money. An ancient Roman game.Games/Cardsx86_64  intltoolitstoollib64gnome-games-support-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64rsvg2-devellibxml2-utilsmesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tali-40.8-2pclos2024.src.rpmcf4aed158ca4ad52b867d8b4359ce005./SRPMS.pclosd  .l pB@'BAPBETBJuCtalika-applet0.491pclos2010Talika AppletGNOME Applet for switching between open windows using iconsoGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 GConf-devellibwnck-devellibpanel-applet-develgettextintltoolperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1talika-applet-0.49-1pclos2010.src.rpmbb2b246e168a56e2129ac07259e136e1./SRPMS.pclossd   E B@BA@BEDBJeCtalk0.1714pclos2007Talk client for one-on-one Internet chattingThe talk package provides client and daemon programs for the Internet talk protocol, which allows you to chat with other users on different systems. Talk is a communication program which copies lines from one terminal to the terminal of another user. Install talk if you'd like to use talk for chatting with users on different systems.Bart the Build Bot Networking/Chati586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1talk-0.17-14pclos2007.src.rpm0bb9a538a9844ff0719cf98363f91373./SRPMS.pclos;d  0 B@BABE BJ-Ctalkfilters2.3.71pclos2007GNU Talk filtersThe GNU Talk Filters are filter programs that convert ordinary English text into text that mimics a stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialect. These filters have been in the public domain for many years, but now for the first time they are provided as a single integrated package. The filters include austro, b1ff, brooklyn, chef, cockney, drawl, dubya, fudd, funetak, jethro, jive, kraut, pansy, pirate, postmodern, redneck, valspeak, and warez. Each program reads from standard input and writes to standard output. The package also provides the filters as a C library, so they can be easily used by other programs.t4Toysi586 texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1talkfilters-2.3.7-1pclos2007.src.rpmyV9b745ca92f91bf80bdcf08285c9f7bb9./SRPMS.pclossd   Hx |B@BA@BEDBJeCtalloc3.6.31pclos2022Library implementing Samba's memory allocatorLibrary implementing Samba's memory allocator.ySystem/Librariesx86_64 acl-develxsltprocdocbook-style-xslpkgconfig(python3)gnupg2swigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1talloc-3.6.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm60ed1e20bf233a2dc43400b3d0134e8f./SRPMS.pclosd  S BB@NBAtBExBJCtamsyn-font1.61pclos2011Fixed width font especially for long hacking sessionsThe Tamsyn font is a complete set of fixed-size fonts designed especially for the usage in terms and the console.System/Fonts/X11 bitmapnoarch perlXFree86-develmkfontdirbdftopcfrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tamsyn-font-1.6-1pclos2011.src.rpm346860625ef1c2d85a8e04f18c3bbecf./SRPMS.pclos;d   -x |B@BABE BJ-Ctanglet1.6.81pclos2025Word finding gameA single player word finding game based on Boggle. The object of the game is to list as many words as you can before the time runs out. There are several timer modes that determine how much time you start with, and if you get extra time when you find a word. You can join letters horizontally, vertically, or diagonally in any direction to make a word, so as long as the letters are next to each other on the board. However, you can not reuse the same letter cells in a single word. Also, each word must be at least three letters on a normal board, and four letters on a large board.T-Games/Puzzlesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tanglet-1.6.8-1pclos2025.src.rpm00827aa3a0b0293d01cf500dba0fde96./SRPMS.pclos/d # 3X\ xB@BABEBJ!Ctango-generator3.2.11pclos2007Tango GeneratorAn icon theme creation applicationpTexstar Graphical desktop/Otheri586 python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tango-generator-3.2.1-1pclos2007.src.rpmtbd75a62185b1c68c2d816c28a1bdd2b4./SRPMS.pclos{d % 6x | B@BAHBELBJmCtango-icon-theme0.8.901pclos2011Tango icon themeThis is an icon theme that follows the Tango visual guidelines.WSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch  intltoolimagemagickimagemagick-develicon-naming-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)0.8.903.0.4-1tango-icon-theme-0.8.90-1pclos2011.src.rpm[}be672fe60770e2520d930edf555725f6./SRPMS.pclosd   @ rB@BABEBJCtangogps0.99.41pclos2010User friendly map and GPS softwaretangogps is an easy to use, fast and lightweight mapping application for use with or without GPS. By default tangoGPS uses map data from the Openstreetmap project. Additionally a variety of other repositories can be easily added. The maps are automagically downloaded and cached for offline use while you drag or zoom the map. Furthermore you can conveniently pre-cache areas with tangoGPS. Sciences/Geosciencesi586 curl-develdbus-glib-develgtk2-devellibexif-devellibGConf2-develsqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tangogps-0.99.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm(E96f2f0efd21f7817c1471f6eff22885a./SRPMS.pclosd   @ ZB@eBABEBJCtano1.2.12pclos2015Open-source cross-platform IP TV playerTano is an open-source cross-platform IP TV player. It is combining Qt and Videolan libraries. Project started because of a need of a simple IP TV player on Linux providing EPG. Videox86_64 lib64qt4-develvlc-develvlc-qt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tano-1.2.1-2pclos2015.src.rpm +55340a4f46940262a7738367b7775ec3./SRPMS.pclosd   LH L]dhB@BABEBJCtap1.031pclos2019Write tests that implement the Test Anything ProtocolThe tap library provides functions for writing test scripts that produce output consistent with the Test Anything Protocol. A test harness that parses this protocol can run these tests and produce useful reports indicating their success or failure."System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tap-1.03-1pclos2019.src.rpm#03ba2139b444d873901c606067bb9cd3./SRPMS.pclosd  >  $@B@HBApBEtBJCtap-plugins0.7.03pclos2007Tom's Audio Processing pluginsTAP-plugins is short for Tom's Audio Processing plugins. It is a bunch of LADSPA plugins for digital audio processing, intended for use in a professional DAW environment such as Ardour.Thac Soundi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tap-plugins-0.7.0-3pclos2007.src.rpmraef0fb836ffba7f0c1dacb8b0ca1326a./SRPMS.pcloskd   ?  B@BA8BE<BJ]Ctaper7.00.pre1.5pclos2007A menu-driven file backup systemTaper is a backup and restoration program with a friendly user interface. Files may be backed up to a tape drive or to a hard disk. The interface for selecting files to be backed up/restored is very similar to the Midnight Commander interface, and allows easy traversal of directories. Taper supports recursive selection of directories. Taper also supports backing up SCSI, ftape, zftape and removable drives. By default, taper is set for incremental backups and automatic most recent restore. Install the taper package if you need a user friendly file backup and restoration program.Bart the Build Bot Archiving/Backupi586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1taper-7.0-0.pre1.5pclos2007.src.rpm94918744af7c40217c00800f1159abc5./SRPMS.pclosd   3   h B@BABEBJCtar1.351pclos2024A GNU file archiving programThe GNU tar program saves many files together into one archive and can restore individual files (or all of the files) from the archive. Tar can also be used to add supplemental files to an archive and to update or list files in the archive. Tar includes multivolume support, automatic archive compression/ decompression, the ability to perform remote archives and the ability to perform incremental and full backups. If you want to use Tar for remote backups, you'll also need to install the rmt package. You should install the tar package, because you'll find its compression and decompression utilities essential for working with files.#Archiving/Backupx86_64  autoconfautomakebisongettext-devellib64acl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfoxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1tar-1.35-1pclos2024.src.rpm#.46abfc1277e5d595f9803b16bf9c576a./SRPMS.pclosCd ! < B@BABEBJ5Ctask-3ddesktop20102pclos2010Metapackage for 3D desktopThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running 3D desktop.System/X11noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-3ddesktop-2010-2pclos2010.src.rpm\bd431fdac73c375064b98ba227a44bb1./SRPMS.pclosd " ?   <B@DBAlBEpBJCtask-cinnamon2.0.141pclos2014Cinnamon Desktop EnvironmentThe Cinnamon desktop features - traditional desktop layout - advanced features - easy to use - powerful - flexible - requires 3D Video graphic card. Nvidia Current, AMD fglrx Current or recent Intel.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-cinnamon-2.0.14-1pclos2014.src.rpmU02705e94904138742e7875f83e4047ff./SRPMS.pclos?d  9 B@BA BEBJ1Ctask-compiz20212pclos2021Metapackage for 3D desktopThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running 3D compiz desktop.GTasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-compiz-2021-2pclos2021.src.rpmcef766816f2642faac8499f77143a9b5./SRPMS.pclos?d $ B B@BA BEBJ1Ctask-enlightenment1.21pclos2019Enlightenment 23 Meta PackageThis package will install the Enlightenment 23 window manager and all the goodies for PCLinuxOS. Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-enlightenment-1.2-1pclos2019.src.rpm %98afafa552af5e67e97be4278dafc4c3./SRPMS.pclos?d!% 0 @ B@BA BEBJ1Cdefresplsrnltask-fluxbox1.03pclos2013Fluxbox PackageThis package will install all the dependencies for the FluxBox window manager.Dieses Paket installiert alle Abhängigkeiten für die FluxBox Window-Manager.Ce paquet va installer toutes les dépendances pour la Gestionnaire de fenêtres fluxbox.Este paquete instalará todas las dependencias para la Gestor de ventanas Fluxbox.Ten pakiet instaluje wszystkie zależności dla Menedżer okien Fluxbox.Овај пакет ће се инсталирати све зависности за Флуксбокс менаџера прозора.Dit pakket installeert alle afhankelijkheden voor de FluxBox window manager.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-fluxbox-1.0-3pclos2013.src.rpm 21380c02bb25a0a8fd3a50542e89368d./SRPMS.pclosGd ! O B@BABEBJ9Ctask-gimpaddon20072pclos2007Meta Package to Install Gimp Plugins and HelpMeta Package to assist you in installing Help and Plugins for GimpTexstar Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-gimpaddon-2007-2pclos2007.src.rpm97a387178ad0410c4fd93c3cde54a833./SRPMS.pclosWd   G B@BA$BE(BJICtask-gnome20111pclos2011Metapackage for GNOME desktop environmentThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running the GNOME2. Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-gnome-2011-1pclos2011.src.rpm b6aec187a2c6ba0898b185dd8401501f./SRPMS.pclosWd   F B@BA$BE(BJICtask-java20191pclos2019Metapackage to install Sun Java for LinuxThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for installing Sun Java on on PCLinuxOSTasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-java-2019-1pclos2019.src.rpmp259d428aac53f20aa2d6d6da5876dd11./SRPMS.pclos?d  O B@BA BEBJ1Ctask-kde-bg2.01pclos2020Convert the KDE desktop to the Bulgarian languageThis package will convert your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the Bulgarian language.JhTasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-bg-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpmL0a71ce6b29c29042cee4a3552d3eaddd./SRPMS.pclos7d  L B@BABEBJ)Ctask-kde-de2.01pclos2020Convert the KDE desktop to the German languageThis package will convert your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the German language..-Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-de-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm.Ade6a78296d308cea831e26b30459ba0e./SRPMS.pclosd  \   <B@DBAlBEpBJCtask-kde-edu20201pclos2020Metapackage to install all of the KDE Education applicationsThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for installing all of the KDE Education applications. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-edu-2020-1pclos2020.src.rpm@a05c9c773dad7d1b88cd4a890c377738./SRPMS.pclosd & b   $@B@HBAtBExBJCtask-kde-edu-remove20201pclos2020Metapackage to remove all of the KDE Education applicationsThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for removing all of the KDE Education applications. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-edu-remove-2020-1pclos2020.src.rpmLc766fba0227a055b9304a4e32577a3a8./SRPMS.pclos;d  M B@BABE BJ-Ctask-kde-en2.01pclos2020Restore the KDE desktop to the English languageThis package will Restore your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the English language. Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-en-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm d4069dd52af68d765bb4732c83e4432b./SRPMS.pclos;d  M B@BABE BJ-Ctask-kde-es2.01pclos2020Convert the KDE desktop to the Spanish languageThis package will convert your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the Spanish language.1\Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-es-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm1Xd0011bedc7da9d730bda09f266ec58b6./SRPMS.pclos7d  L B@BABEBJ)Ctask-kde-fr2.01pclos2020Convert the KDE desktop to the French languageThis package will convert your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the French language.0Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-fr-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm0Ee54651142ea5702a9f3eb3c7106b9bc2./SRPMS.pclosd ! M B@$BALBEPBJqCtask-kde-games20202pclos2020Metapackage to install all of the KDE gamesThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for installing all of the KDE games. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-games-2020-2pclos2020.src.rpm 5ecc52f6bd706d77fdf383322ded8c09./SRPMS.pclosd ( S  B@(BAXBE\BJ}Ctask-kde-games-remove20211pclos2021Metapackage to remove all of the KDE gamesThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for removing all of the KDE games. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-games-remove-2021-1pclos2021.src.rpm +43805bfba95d83efb2a31d47d4177fdc./SRPMS.pclos;d  M B@BABE BJ-Ctask-kde-it2.01pclos2020Convert the KDE desktop to the Italian languageThis package will convert your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the Italian language.-% Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-it-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm-"18de0263efbe5854ae09bd38fb1ca9d5./SRPMS.pclosd # ^  $TB@dBABEBJCtask-kde-network20222pclos2024Metapackage to install all of the KDE Network applicationsThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for installing all of the KDE Network applications. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-kde-network-2022-2pclos2024.src.rpm449d46345b2c958a06ae65389abd0235./SRPMS.pclosd * d   $@B@HBAxBE|BJCtask-kde-network-remove20221pclos2022Metapackage to remove all of the KDE Network applicationsThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for removing all of the KDE Network applications. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-network-remove-2022-1pclos2022.src.rpma4249e1a853e17f7cdf39f697a5a5cadf./SRPMS.pclos7d  K B@BABEBJ)Ctask-kde-nl2.01pclos2020Convert the KDE desktop to the Dutch languageThis package will convert your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the Dutch language.-Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-nl-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm-e717ed93794751ce837a024f8c7c28910./SRPMS.pclosd  V 0B@8BA`BEdBJCtask-kde-pim20201pclos2020Metapackage to install all of the KDE PIM applicationsThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for installing all of the KDE PIM applications. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-pim-2020-1pclos2020.src.rpm.ac6ce9699751481c5565ac18b43d7513./SRPMS.pclosd & ]  4B@<BAhBElBJCtask-kde-pim-remove20201pclos2020Metapackage to install all of the KDE PIM applicationsThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for removing all of the KDE PIM applications. This package contains no files.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-pim-remove-2020-1pclos2020.src.rpm52ad1b1cc70166ecf9bdcb9d9a3c64ae7./SRPMS.pclos7d  L B@BABEBJ)Ctask-kde-pl2.01pclos2020Convert the KDE desktop to the Polish languageThis package will convert your KDE desktop and KDE applications to the Polish language.-Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-kde-pl-2.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm-2f6a1314f68f83e4ee951d9d73ccf6d9./SRPMS.pclosKd " A B@BABEBJ=Ctask-kde-plasma20241pclos2024Install the KDE Plasma desktopThis package will install the KDE Plasma desktop to your existing installation.(Tasksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-kde-plasma-2024-1pclos2024.src.rpm5af7d99558b7ed1bf3f61bdab0ad947f4./SRPMS.pclosd # J ,B@<BAhBElBJCtask-kde5-remove20244pclos2024Metapackage to remove all of the KDE 5This package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for removing all of the KDE 5. This package contains no files.cTasksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-kde5-remove-2024-4pclos2024.src.rpmPc09db805d2bce6fa991d97d35dafcca3./SRPMS.pclosd % 2L PV`hB@BABEBJCtask-kde6-install6.3.31pclos2025KDE Plasma 6KDE6 Plasma for PCLinuxOS!Tasksx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-kde6-install-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmDN8e2201f3f718d7059722ec6b80cddd06./SRPMS.pclosd   cp tzB@BABEBJCtask-lamp20191pclos2019Metapackage for the Linux. Use this to install Apache, Mariadb and PHPThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running LAMP-server, allowing easy installation of a comprehensive LAMP testing/development setup. For a production server, you may prefer to install a subset of the dependencies. Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-lamp-2019-1pclos2019.src.rpm 537ea0f25ad7dcaf186d6d2f6dd1cf77./SRPMS.pclosd   >p tzB@BABEBJCtask-lxde0.99.22pclos2019Lightweight Desktop EnvironmentLXDE, Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, is a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast. It is designed to be user friendly and slim, and keep the resource usage low. LXDE uses less RAM and less CPU while being a feature rich operating system. Because of the low usage of resources it also saves energy. We don't tightly integrate every component of LXDE. Instead, we try to make all components independent, so each of them can be used independently with few dependencies. This makes porting LXDE to different distributions and Unix systems easier. Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-lxde-0.99.2-2pclos2019.src.rpm73f3cd2d619cf7b31c4de3d8c6c5662cb./SRPMS.pclosd   B8< CIPXB@BABEBJCtask-lxqt1.4.01pclos2023LXQT Lightweight Desktop EnvironmentLXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight Desktop Environment. It is the product of the merge between the LXDE-Qt and the Razor-qt projects: A lightweight, modular, blazing-fast and user-friendly desktop environment. danielTasksx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-lxqt-1.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm( e5f6da2228ce9f787675f0faa9deaea2./SRPMS.pclosd $ B B@$BALBEPBJqCdetask-lxqt-xfwm40.11pclos2016task-lxqt-xfwm4-windowmanagerThis is a xfwm4 window manager application for PCLXQt. It display the most required applications in the LXQt Configuration Center. You must logout, to get the new window manager running!Dies ist eine xfwm4 Window-Manager-Anwendung für PCLXQt. Es zeigt die erforderlichen Anwendungen im LXQt Configuration Center an. Sie müssen sich abmelden um den neuen Fenstermanager starten zu können!danielSystem/Configuration/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-lxqt-xfwm4-0.1-1pclos2016.src.rpm30b89a74ffd4c81719f4f708c4859d46./SRPMS.pcloswd   > B@ BADBEHBJiCtask-mate1.28.21pclos2024Lightweight Desktop EnvironmentMATE is a fork of the GNOME 2 desktop. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop to Linux users using traditional metaphors. cTasksx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-mate-1.28.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm*012a58934e1f00bd588e98e553f7441d./SRPMS.pclos+d $  B@BABEBJCdetask-multimedia1.81pclos2021Install core packages for multimedia playbackInstalliert Kernpakete für die Wiedergabe von MultimediainhaltenThis package will install most common core components for multimedia playback for the PCLinuxOS distribution.Dieses Paket wird die wichtigsten Kernkomponenten für die Wiedergabe von multimedialen Inhalten unter der PCLinuxOS Distribution installieren.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-multimedia-1.8-1pclos2021.src.rpm 52a5ce777a6392d537cb0cd41430795d./SRPMS.pclosKd   5 B@BABEBJ=Ctask-nx3.5.02pclos2011NX Free Edition for LinuxNoMachine NX is an enterprise-class solution for secure remote access, desktop virtualization, and hosted desktop deployment built around the self-designed and self-developed NX suite of components. Thanks to its outstanding compression, session resilience and resource management and its integration with the powerful audio, printing and resource sharing capabilities of the Unix world, NX makes it possible to run any graphical application on any operating system across any network connection. Via NX accessing remote desktops, servers and applications, whatever their location, is just as fast, easy and secure as if you were sitting in front of them. Together with easy-to-use management, deployment, and monitoring tools, NoMachine NX makes it possible to transform any traditional desktop computing environment into a centrally managed, globally accessible, virtual desktop infrastructure.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-nx-3.5.0-2pclos2011.src.rpm e53859fdf30c9870d071120b2675b347./SRPMS.pclosCd   3 B@BABEBJ5Ctask-nx4.01pclos2013NX Free Edition for LinuxNoMachine NX is an enterprise-class solution for secure remote access, desktop virtualization, and hosted desktop deployment built around the self-designed and self-developed NX suite of components. Thanks to its outstanding compression, session resilience and resource management and its integration with the powerful audio, printing and resource sharing capabilities of the Unix world, NX makes it possible to run any graphical application on any operating system across any network connection. Via NX accessing remote desktops, servers and applications, whatever their location, is just as fast, easy and secure as if you were sitting in front of them. Together with easy-to-use management, deployment, and monitoring tools, NoMachine NX makes it possible to transform any traditional desktop computing environment into a centrally managed, globally accessible, virtual desktop infrastructure.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-nx-4.0-1pclos2013.src.rpme7d5edcef55862f5db892ccdb534cd6b0./SRPMS.pclos'd  H B@BABEBJCtask-obsolete2.61pclos2021Meta package to delete obsolete packagesThis package is used to obsolete packages that are no longer supported.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-obsolete-2.6-1pclos2021.src.rpmb43a73e210167c321a6a8b3e92bf1a32./SRPMS.pclosd  ) $ (.8<XB@`BABEBJCdefrsvtask-openbox3.6.11pclos2022Meta package for a PCLinuxOS Openbox like installMetapaket installiert PCLinuxOS OpenboxMeta-paquet pour une installation style PCLinuxOS OpenboxEtt metapaket som installerar Openbox för PCLinuxOSThis package will install all the dependencies for Openbox on your computer.Metapaket installiert alle Abhängigkeiten für Openbox auf ihrem Rechner.Ce meta-paquet installera Openbox et ses dépendances sur votre ordinateur.Ett metapaket som installerar Openbox och filer som Openbox är beroende avTasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-openbox-3.6.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm a9966004d342b9366a6934c5e0960202./SRPMS.pclossd & ; B@BA@BEDBJeCtask-pipewire2024.1.0.41pclos2024Media Sharing ServerThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running the PipeWire Sound System. Tasksx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-pipewire-2024.1.0.4-1pclos2024.src.rpma737bcb0d95bae9d4ddb13b3482edcc6./SRPMS.pclos[d ) P B@BA(BE,BJMCtask-printing-scanning20162pclos2016Task package for printing and scanningThis task package contains the full selection of printing and scanning packages used in PCLinuxOS.System/Printingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-printing-scanning-2016-2pclos2016.src.rpm bfb96896ebab69e10071d7fe2b97fb24./SRPMS.pclosd ) `0 4?HLhB@pBABEBJCdetask-pulseaudio2012.2.06pclos2021Metapackage for Pulse AudioMetapaket für Pulse AudioThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running Pulse Audio Sound System. If pulseaudio installed, so enable it from the PCLinuxOS Control Center.Dieses Paket installiert den PulseAudio Server Client mit allen benötigten Paketen. Dadurch wird gewährleistet, das PulseAudio einwandfrei funktioniert. Ist aber keine Garantie. Sie sollten PulseAudio Server mittels PCLinuxOS Kontrollzentrum kurz PCC aktivieren. !System/X11noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-pulseaudio-2012.2.0-6pclos2021.src.rpm 21f3f10d1837bbac22ef8ee00772cba5./SRPMS.pclosOd& 1 h B@BABE BJACdetask-pulseaudio-remove2012.12.04pclos2014Metapackage for Pulse AudioMetapaket für Pulse AudioThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for removing Pulse Audio Sound System.Dieses Meta Paket deinstalliert alle benötigten PulseAudio Pakete restlos von ihrem Computer. Sie müssen danach ihren Rechner neustarten, um die Alternative Audio Ausgabe zu nutzen/aktivieren.System/X11noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-pulseaudio-remove-2012.12.0-4pclos2014.src.rpm 277d2a6bb24d5dc2743208797a5eb9cd./SRPMS.pclos3d   0 B@BABEBJ%Ctask-qt44.8.51pclos2013Metapackage for QT4This package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain the complete dependencies for installing QT4FTasksi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-qt4-4.8.5-1pclos2013.src.rpm Cc1863936f3be9f3ee6f2afd48ed7ddd3./SRPMS.pclos+d   @x |B@BABEBJCtask-qt66.8.21pclos2025Install Qt6 and supporing LibrariesThis package will install Qt6 and supporing Libraries.Tasksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-qt6-6.8.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm:2bc2d963456ee1cbcc9838e48ebcd7a6./SRPMS.pclos;d " H B@BABE BJ-Ctask-qt6-devel6.8.21pclos2025Install Qt6 and development LibrariesThis package will install Qt6 and development Libraries.\Tasksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-qt6-devel-6.8.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm#?29d0ddee15d9b34d8402f12b4bbab829./SRPMS.pclos?d ) J B@BA BEBJ1Ctask-qt6-devel-remove6.8.21pclos2025Remove Qt6 development LibrariesThis package will remove Qt6 development Libraries.sTasksnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-qt6-devel-remove-6.8.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm#g01214dae1f55358a58170cf847388bbd./SRPMS.pclosCd   < B@BABEBJ5Ctask-samba20191pclos2019Metapackage for Samba on LinuxThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running Samba on PCLinuxOSTasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-samba-2019-1pclos2019.src.rpm89587ad54cf2a696047901d8c22be33b./SRPMS.pclosOd  9 B@BABE BJACtask-scanning20161pclos2016Metapackage for scanningThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies and recommended additions for scanning.Graphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-scanning-2016-1pclos2016.src.rpmp713c5c1a0274f3401bab52ba0ffa7ac3./SRPMS.pclos#d   : B@BABEBJCtask-wine20191pclos2019Metapackage for Wine EmulatorThis package will install the packages needed to run the Wine Emulator on PCLinuxOS.Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-wine-2019-1pclos2019.src.rpmR93d811f3236a87a2eb49acd8d4450d8a./SRPMS.pclos[d % ] B@BA(BE,BJMCtask-wm5sync-common1.01pclos2009Metapackage for connecting to Windows Mobile 5+ devicesThis package is a meta-package for connecting with Windows Mobile 5 and later devices. It depends on all packages necessary for setting up a basic connection to the device. It is not recommended that you install this package directly, but rather that you install task-wm5sync-gnome or task-wm5sync-kde, depending on your preferred desktop environment. 8Tasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-wm5sync-common-1.0-1pclos2009.src.rpm B2c0c9818274baa5c436183a169b8127c./SRPMS.pclos?d   5 B@BA BEBJ1Ctask-x1120171pclos2017Metapackage for X.org X11This package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running X.org X11.bb2 System/X11noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1task-x11-2017-1pclos2017.src.rpm248400cb3fa8a464599643faa9236daf./SRPMS.pclosd% 0  $,\B@lBABEBJCdefresplsrnltask-xfce4.20.01pclos2025Metapackage to install the Xfce desktop environmentMetapaket für die Xfce Desktop-UmgebungThis package is a meta-package, meaning that its purpose is to contain dependencies for running the Xfce PCLinuxOS. Xfce panel plugins can be found in task-xfce-plugins.Dieses Paket ist ein Metapaket, sein Zweck ist es alle Abbhängigkeiten für die Xfce-Panelerweiterungen zu installieren.Ce forfait est un méta-paquet, ce qui signifie que son but est de contenir dépendances de la gestion du bureau Xfce PCLinuxOS. Plugins panneau Xfce peuvent être trouvés dans task-xfce-connexions.su paquete es un meta-paquete, lo que significa que su finalidad es contener dependencias para el funcionamiento del escritorio de PCLinuxOS Xfce. Plugins panel Xfce se puede encontrar en task-xfce-enchufes.Jego opakowanie jest meta-pakietu, co oznacza, że jej celem jest ograniczenie zależności do biegania PCLinuxOS Xfce Desktop. Xfce panel wtyczek można znaleźć w task-xfce-wtyczek.његов пакет је мета пакет, што значи да је његова сврха је да садрже зависности за покретање Мандрива Ксфце десктоп. Ксфце панела додатака могу се наћи у task-xfce-додатака.zijn pakket is een meta-pakket, wat betekent dat het doel ervan is om te bevatten afhankelijkheden voor het uitvoeren van de Xfce PCLinuxOS bureaublad. Xfce panel plugins kan gevonden worden in task-xfce-plugins.Tasksx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1task-xfce-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmAr46e46f317ed748b790207cc43676e100./SRPMS.pclosd"& 1 k &B@7BA\BE`BJCdefresplsrnltaskbarswitch1.07pclos2012Switch one taskbar item to the left/right using shortcutsSwitch one taskbar item to the left/right using shortcuts.Schalten Sie ein Element in die Taskleiste links / rechts mit Verknüpfungen.Switch un élément barre des tâches vers la gauche / droite en utilisant des raccourcis.Cambiar un elemento de la barra de tareas a la izquierda o derecha utilizando atajos.Przełącz na pasku zadań pozycji w lewo / w prawo za pomocą skrótów.Пребаците једну ставку траци за лево / десно помоћу пречице.Switch taakbalk een item aan de links / rechts met snelkoppelingen.NealGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64  kde4-macroskdelibs-develqt4-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   7 PB@cBABEBJCdetasks0.201pclos2012Tasks to-do listTodo ListeTasks is a simple to-do list application for GNOME.Tasks ist eine einfaches todo Listenprogramm für GNOME.NealOfficex86_64  evolution-data-server-develintltoolgettextgtk+2-devellib64sexy-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)'d  Ap t{B@BABEBJCtaskwarrior2.5.11pclos2019A command-line to do list managerTask is a command-line to do list manager. It has support for GTD functionality and includes the following features: tags, colorful tabular output, reports and graphs, lots of manipulation commands, low-level API, abbreviations for all commands and options, multi-user file locking, recurring tasks. E%Officex86_64 cmakepkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1taskwarrior-2.5.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm L)107dc71ddcc38e9589692bf733850385./SRPMS.pclos'd   Y    B@BABEBJCtasque0.1.91pclos2010A simple task management app (TODO list) for the Linux DesktopTasque is a simple task management app (TODO list) for the Linux Desktop.VGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586 intltoolpkgconfigmono-develgtk-sharp2-develgnome-sharp2-develndesk-dbusndesk-dbus-glibgettextdesktop-file-utilsmono-data-sqlitenotify-sharpevolution-sharprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tasque-0.1.9-1pclos2010.src.rpm_c208cf77d1abdeea719aa07d7b9056cc./SRPMS.pclos3d   HLP WhpB@BABEBJ%Ctbb2020.31pclos2022Library to abstract low-level threading detailsThreading Building Blocks (TBB) is a C++ runtime library that abstracts the low-level threading details necessary for optimal multi-core performance. It uses common C++ templates and coding style to eliminate tedious threading implementation work. TBB requires fewer lines of code to achieve parallelism than other threading models. The applications you write are portable across platforms. Since the library is also inherently scalable, no code maintenance is required as more processor cores become available.uBTerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64 doxygengcc-c++libgomp-develpython3-develswigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tbb-2020.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm^e719b158e3e6835db222efa1b9ddf57c./SRPMS.pclosd    B@BABEBJCdetc-play2.03pclos2017Free and simple TrueCrypt implementation based on dm-cryptFreie und einfache TrueCrypt Implementierung basierend auf dm-crypttcplay is a free (BSD-licensed), pretty much fully featured (including multiple keyfiles, cipher cascades, etc) and stable TrueCrypt implementation. This implementation supports mapping (opening) both system and normal TrueCrypt volumes, as well as opening hidden volumes and opening an outer volume while protecting a hidden volume. There is also support to create volumes, including hidden volumes, etc. Since tcplay uses dm-crypt (or dm_target_crypt on DragonFly) it makes full use of any available hardware encryption/decryption support once the volume has been mapped.tcplay ist eine freie (BSD-lizensierte) und stabile TrueCrypt Implementierung mit an- nähernd so vielen Fähigkeiten wie TrueCrypt (inclusive mehrer Schlüsseldateien, Verschlüsselungskaskaden, etc). Diese Implementierung unterstützt das Mapping (Öffnen) von sowohl System- und normalen TrueCrypt Laufwerken, als auch das Öffnen von versteckten Laufwerken und das öffnen eines äußeren Laufwerks, während ein verstecktes Laufwerk geschützt bleibt. Es wird außerdem das Erstellen von Laufwerken, einschließlich versteckten Laufwerken, etc, unterstützt. Seit tcplay dm-crypt (oder dm_target_crypt on DragonFly) nutzt, macht es vollständig Gebrauch von der Hardwareunterstützung für das Ver- und Entschlüsseln, sobald das Laufwerk ins System eingehängt wurde.~bb2 Securityx86_64 cmakelib64devmapper-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64uuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tc-play-2.0-3pclos2017.src.rpm6b862344061927c43062463904ff691c./SRPMS.pclos#d   ZTX bs|B@BABEBJCtcb1.0.32pclos2017Libraries and tools implementing the tcb password shadowing schemeThe tcb package consists of three components: pam_tcb, libnss_tcb, and libtcb. pam_tcb is a PAM module which supersedes pam_unix and pam_pwdb. It also implements the tcb password shadowing scheme (see tcb(5) for details). The tcb scheme allows many core system utilities (passwd(1) being the primary example) to operate with little privilege. libnss_tcb is the accompanying NSS module. libtcb contains code shared by the PAM and NSS modules and is also used by programs from the shadow-utils package.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 glibc-crypt_blowfish-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tcb-1.0.3-2pclos2017.src.rpm0ea76028858385f5c1721c0b08bda070./SRPMS.pclosd   A  UB@gBABEBJCtcl8.6.141pclos2024Tool Command Language, pronounced tickleThe Tcl (Tool Command Language) provides a powerful platform for creating integration applications that tie together diverse applications, protocols, devices, and frameworks. When paired with the Tk toolkit, Tcl provides a fastest and powerful way to create cross-platform GUI applications. Tcl can also be used for a variety of web-related tasks and for creating powerful command languages for applications.L=Development/Otherx86_64  autoconfpkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tcl-8.6.14-1pclos2024.src.rpmLЋece02df0454a96759efcbd0d88dc58a8./SRPMS.pclosd ! 9 HB@ZBABEBJCtcl-sqlite33.7.6.21pclos2011Tcl binding for sqlite3SQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine. Programs that link with the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program (sqlite) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library. This package contains tcl binding for tcl-sqlite3.Databasesi586  sqlite3-develtcl-develtclrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C B@BABEBJ)Ctcl-tcllib1.103pclos2011Collection of utility modules for TclTcllib is a collection of utility modules for Tcl. These modules provide a wide variety of functionality, from implementations of standard data structures to implementations of common networking protocols. The intent is to collect commonly used function into a single library, which users can rely on to be available and stable.)hNetworking/WWWnoarch tcl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tcl-tcllib-1.10-3pclos2011.src.rpm)17d691dc1b3dda0b78e8f0f703107f68./SRPMS.pclosd  = (,HB@PBApBEtBJCtclap1.2.12pclos2017Templatized C++ Command Line ParserThis is a simple C++ library that facilitates parsing command line arguments in a type independent manner. It doesn't conform exactly to either the GNU or POSIX standards, although it is close.bb2 System/Librariesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tclap-1.2.1-2pclos2017.src.rpmCf3770260fe59384b270e6e1636652eb2./SRPMS.pclosod   0 B@BA<BE@BJaCtclink3.4.42pclos2011TrustCommerce paymentTCLink is a thin client library to allow your e-commerce servers to connect to the TrustCommerce payment gateway easily and consistently. The protocol (which is the same across all platforms and languages) is well-documented in the Web Developer's Guide, so please consult it for any questions you may have about the protocol syntax itself. The TrustCommerce web site is at http://www.trustcommerce.comUSystem/Serversx86_64 openssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tclink-3.4.4-2pclos2011.src.rpmW6320a017583a68c1011613b096fa3dd5./SRPMS.pclossd    K B@"BA@BEDBJeCtcltls1.62pclos2011SSL2, SSL3, and TLS1 encryption extensions for TCLProvides SSL2, SSL3, and TLS1 socket encryption functionality to the TCL interpreted language. Needed for SguildSystem/Librariesx86_64 tcl-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tcltls-1.6-2pclos2011.src.rpm496319d2a3cd82751e018a1e24e0277a./SRPMS.pclosd   < -B@8BAXBE\BJ}Ctclx8.4.11pclos2015Tcl/Tk extensions for POSIX systemsTclX is a set of extensions which make it easier to use the Tcl scripting language for common UNIX/Linux programming tasks. TclX enhances Tcl support for files, network access, debugging, math, lists, and message catalogs. TclX can be used with both Tcl and Tcl/Tk applications. Install TclX if you are developing applications with Tcl/Tk. You'll also need to install the tcl and tk packages."System/Librariesx86_64 tcl-develtk-develgroffrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tclx-8.4.1-1pclos2015.src.rpm^3e3d1026b232357de347f44e35bbe033./SRPMS.pclos_d  W B@BA,BE0BJQCtcp_wrappers7.639pclos2021A security tool which acts as a wrapper for TCP daemonsThe tcp_wrappers package provides small daemon programs which can monitor and filter incoming requests for systat, finger, FTP, telnet, rlogin, rsh, exec, tftp, talk and other network services. Install the tcp_wrappers program if you need a security tool for filtering incoming network services requests. This version also supports IPv6.dSystem/Serversx86_64 pkgconfig(libnsl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tcp_wrappers-7.6-39pclos2021.src.rpm41e0cfb72d70a5573fc9cce3434e3c13./SRPMS.pclos[d   > B@BA(BE,BJMCtcpdump4.99.41pclos2023A network traffic monitoring toolTcpdump is a command-line tool for monitoring network traffic. Tcpdump can capture and display the packet headers on a particular network interface or on all interfaces. Tcpdump can display all of the packet headers, or just the ones that match particular criteria. Install tcpdump if you need a program to monitor network traffic.Monitoringx86_64 pcap-developenssl-devellibsmi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tcpdump-4.99.4-1pclos2023.src.rpm5cf6a1478057b2c81cafea339d78d383./SRPMS.pclosd   G 0B@PBAtBExBJCtcpreplay4.4.41pclos2023A tool to replay captured network trafficTcpreplay is a tool to replay captured network traffic. Currently, tcpreplay supports pcap (tcpdump) and snoop capture formats. Also included, is tcpprep a tool to pre-process capture files to allow increased performance under certain conditions as well as capinfo which provides basic information about capture files. }Networking/Otherx86_64   autogenlibdnet-devellibpcap-develpkgconfig(autoopts)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tcpdump5. Q5211fa3c1febeabbb88741806b0d1e50./SRPMS.pclos_d ?B@ BA,BE0BJQCtcsh6.171pclos2011An enhanced version of csh, the C shellTcsh is an enhanced but completely compatible version of csh, the C shell. Tcsh is a command language interpreter which can be used both as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Tcsh includes a command line editor, programmable word completion, spelling correction, a history mechanism, job control and a C language like syntax. Shellsx86_64 libtermcap-develgroff-for-manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tcsh-6.17-1pclos2011.src.rpm 4de1859ad61614d28ebaf7afa7822880d./SRPMS.pclosd   F 2B@=BA\BE`BJCtdb3.6.21pclos2022Library implementing Samba's embedded databaseLibrary implementing Samba's embedded database and utilities for backing up, restoring and manipulating the database.`System/Librariesx86_64 xsltprocdocbook-style-xslpkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tdb-3.6.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmdn47541d8a4c9f0da75521c91aa64a20e0./SRPMS.pclosd  - )B@4BATBEXBJyCtdfsb0.0.101pclos2010A 3d file browser.tdfsb is a great 3d file browser. You can move in your file system like in quake. Select and play you mpeg movie or listen mp3 file.}File toolsi586 libsmpeg0.4-devellibSDL_image-devellibSDL1.2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tdfsb-0.0.10-1pclos2010.src.rpm_aaf06ea12ae8c56b92f0f85dc1bf7d26./SRPMS.pclosd   K >B@KBAlBEpBJCteagtk17.6.62pclos2009A simple-in-use GTK-based text editor for gnomeTEAGTK is a very small, but powerful GTK+ text editor with many unique features for gnome.YJobleEditorsi586 gtk+2-develgtksourceview-develgnome-vfs2-develImageMagickaspell-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1teagtk-17.6.6-2pclos2009.src.rpmc32f6e3a8a26f9eb9bc2d1233853c7ef0./SRPMS.pclosd  i B@$BALBEPBJqCteams1.5.00.238611pclos2022Microsoft Teams for Linux is your chat-centered workspace in Office 365.Microsoft Teams for Linux is your chat-centered workspace in Office 365. Instantly access all your team’s content from a single place where messages, files, people and tool s live together. Microsoft Teams is available for Linux users in public preview . ONE PLACE FOR YOUR TEAM’S FILES AND CONVERSATIONS: - Work with your team’s documents on the go - Move seamlessly across different team projects and topics - Mention individual team members or your entire team to get attention . STAY CONNECTED WITH PRIVATE AND TEAM CHAT: - Chat privately one-on-one or have instant group conversations - See real-time chat history on your favorite device and continue conversations started elsewhere - Chat with your entire team in dedicated channels . QUICKLY FIND WHAT YOU NEED: - Quickly search through your chats and team conversations - Find a contact through name or email address search . TAILOR YOUR WORKSPACE: - Include content and capabilities you need every day - Customize alerts to get notified when you get mentioned or get a message - Save important conversations to quickly access them later . SECURITY TEAMS TRUST: - Get the enterprise-level security and compliance you expect from Office 365 - Enhanced security with multi-factor authentication . This app requires appropriate commercial Office 365 subscription. If you are not sure about your company’s subscription or the services you have access to, please contact your IT department. . By downloading this app, you agree to the license and privacy terms (see aka.ms/privacy). . To learn more, please visit aka.ms/microsoftteamsXNetworking/Remote accessx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1teams-|73efa80e04273884212f00bae471dc4e./SRPMS.pclos_d $ P| B@BA,BE0BJQCteams-for-linux1.3.251pclos2023Unofficial Microsoft Teams for Linux clientUnofficial Microsoft Teams for Linux clientNetworking/Chatx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1teams-for-linux-1.3.25-1pclos2023.src.rpm/vc81c0d14cdd77391fdd05f2e659a6a12./SRPMS.pclosd   E ,lB@BABEBJCteamviewer15.63.41pclos2025Remote control and meeting solution.TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access and meeting solutions to Linux, Windows PCs, Apple PCs and various other platforms, including Android and iPhone. TeamViewer is free for personal use. You can use TeamViewer completely free of charge to access your private computers or to help your friends with their computer problems. To buy a license for commercial use, please visit http://www.teamviewer.compinocNetworking/Remote accessx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1teamviewer-15.63.4-1pclos2025.src.rpm5J7217d5a6c591fc2124fd64fe83e32b2d./SRPMS.pclosd   }4 8@H t 1 B@CBAdBEhBJCdeteaqt46.1.03pclos2020A simple-in-use QT-based text editor for KDEEin einfcher TEXT-Editor für KDE basierend auf QTTEA is a very small, but powerful QT text editor with many unique features for KDE.TEA ist ein einfacher, aber eindrucksvoller QT-Text Editor mit einer Menge an Highlights für KDE.#Editorsx86_64 lib64aspell-devellib64hunspell-develqt5core-develqt5gui-develqt5network-develqt5printsupport-develqt5qml-develqt5quick-develqt5widgets-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1teaqt-46.1.0-3pclos2020.src.rpm)k74ad36061b4afd1f6d87ffad59ad5125./SRPMS.pclosd   BL PahxB@BABEBJ Cteckit2.5.11pclos2009Conversion library and mapping compilerTECkit is a low-level toolkit intended to be used by other applications that need to perform encoding conversions (e.g., when importing legacy data into a Unicode-based application). The primary component of the TECkit package is therefore a library that performs conversions; this is the "TECkit engine". The engine relies on mapping tables in a specific binary format (for which documentation is available); there is a compiler that creates such tables from a human-readable mapping description (a simple text file).(1 System/Librariesi586 chrpathlibexpat-devellibz-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1teckit-2.5.1-1pclos2009.src.rpm'-h9e4007b71afd3d2910b550d71b6fa56a./SRPMS.pclosd   K,0 8EL`B@BABEBJ Cfrteewars0.3.31pclos20072d real-time multiplayer platform shoot'm upTeewars is an action 2D multiplayer shoot'm up game featuring "tee" characters in funny gun fightTeewars est un jeu d'action multijoueur en 2D mettant en scène les "tee" dans de rigolotes séances de combat d'armes à feuHzDidouPhGames/Arcadei586 pythonlibalsa2-devellibmesaglu1-devellibmesagl1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1teewars-0.3.3-1pclos2007.src.rpmC)3085a5d82c9b2999dfbdeb99c858c4c2./SRPMS.pclosgd   G  H  B@ BA4BE8BJYCteeworlds0.7.3.11pclos2019Online multi-player platform 2D shooterThe game features cartoon-themed graphics and physics, and relies heavily on classic shooter weaponry and gameplay. The controls are heavily inspired by the FPS genre of computer games.Games/Arcadex86_64 cmakedos2unixicoutilslib64freetype6-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64openssl-devellib64pnglite-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64wavpack-develmesa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1teeworlds-   .   4B@BABEBJCteg0.11.22pclos2010Clone of a Risk cloneTenes Emapandas Graciela (TEG) is a clone of 'Plan Táctico y Estratégico de la Guerra' (Tactical and Strategic plan of the War), which is a pseudo-clone of Risk, a turn-based strategy game. Some rules are different.S%Games/Strategyi586 GConf2-devellibgnomeui2-develintltoolImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1teg-0.11.2-2pclos2010.src.rpmS9a0bf0e4eefec3607f204ddf1ae68d8ad./SRPMS.pclosd #   4<DrB@{BABEBJCjategaki-pygtk0.3.11pclos2013Base user interface library for the Tegaki projectTegakiエンジンの為のユーザーインターフェースBase user interface library for the Tegaki project.Tegakiエンジンの為のユーザーインターフェースmpinoc64System/Internationalizationnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tegaki-pygtk-0.3.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmsc552522c4add040b973da8a040909854./SRPMS.pclosd $   08@nB@wBABEBJCjategaki-python0.3.11pclos2013Base Python library for the Tegaki projectTegaki プロジェクトのための Python ベースライブラリBase Python library for the Tegaki project.Tegaki プロジェクトのための Python ベースライブラリpinoc64System/Internationalizationnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tegaki-python-0.3.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm1aec1f3ea281b0a521b511f406cd09d6./SRPMS.pclosd )   08@nB@wBABEBJCjategaki-recognize0.3.1.21pclos2013Japanese and Chinese Handwriting Recognitionオープンソースの日本語/中国語手書き認識Open-Source Japanese and Chinese Handwriting Recognition.オープンソースの日本語/中国語手書き認識Wpinoc64System/Internationalizationnoarch python-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tegaki-recognize-]19dad21977f7db1bc0b41528363e55f8./SRPMS.pclos?d  Cx| B@BA BEBJ1Ctegaki-train0.3.11nora11Character editor and training managerCharacter editor and training manager for Tegaki.DBAlBEpBJCdetelepathy-gabble0.18.41pclos2017A Jabber/XMPP connection managerEin Jabber/XMPP Verbindungs-ManagerA Jabber/XMPP connection manager, that handles single and multi-user chats and voice calls.Ein Jabber/XMPP Verbindungs-Manager, verwalten von Einzel- und Multi-User Chats und Anrufen.pinocNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  dbus-develdbus-glib-devellibxslt-procpython-devellibtelepathy-glib-devellib64nice-devellibuuid-devellibsoup-develcyrus-saslrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) # V YB@gBABEBJCtelepathy-glib0.24.21pclos2021A glib utility library for the telepathy frameworktelepathy-glib is a glib utility library for the telepathy framework."FNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 dbus-glib-devellib64girepository-devellib64vala-devellibxslt-procpython-develvala-toolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-glib-0.24.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm"bc9f7ea796a19d0e2ceddd279228638f./SRPMS.pclos7d % 8 <Y`tB@BABEBJ)Cdetelepathy-haze0.7.12pclos2014A multiprotocol connection manager based on pidginEin Multiprotokoll Verbindungs-Manager basiert auf PidginThis connection manager allows you to use libpurple, pidgin backend, with telepathy, allowing you to access to numerous instant messaging network with telepathy enabled software, such as empathy.Dieser Verbindungs-Manager ermöglicht die Verwendung über libpurple dem Pidgin- Backend, mit Telepathie, sodass Sie zu zahlreichen Instant-Messenger Netzwerken Zugang mit Telepathie-fähiger Software, wie Empathie haben. TNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 lib64telepathy-glib-develxsltprocpidgin-devellib64purple0rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-haze-0.7.1-2pclos2014.src.rpm(.e125844e78aade60a12182b1a78c7a8b./SRPMS.pclosd # f mB@{BABEBJCtelepathy-idle0.1.171pclos2015A Telepathy connection manager implementation for the IRC protocolA Telepathy connection manager implementation for the IRC protocol.pinocNetworking/Instant messagingi586 glib2-develdbus-glib-developenssl-devellibtelepathy-glib-devellibxslt-devellibxslt-procrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-idle-0.1.17-1pclos2015.src.rpmd76b0366bc98786786f8162c5f610533./SRPMS.pclosd# . _8 <Y`hB@BABEBJCtelepathy-kde-accounts-kcm0.9.01pclos2015KControl Module which handles Telepathy AccountsThis is a KControl Module which handles adding/editing/removing Telepathy Accounts. It interacts with any Telepathy Spec compliant AccountManager, such as telepathy-accountmanager-kwallet to manipulate the accounts.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  telepathy-kde-common-internals-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) * Mt xB@"BATBEXBJyCtelepathy-kde-approver0.9.01pclos2015KDE Channel Approver for TelepathyKDE Channel Approver for Telepathy.1Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 kdelibs-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-devellib64telepathy-qt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-kde-approver-0.9.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm4ed831c14e468048af56124a904778fe./SRPMS.pclosOd# . W    B@BABE BJACtelepathy-kde-auth-handler0.9.01pclos2015UI/Kwallet Integration for telepathy-kdeProvide UI/KWallet Integration For Passwords and SSL Errors on Account ConnectNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 kdelibs-devellib64accounts-qt-devellib64qca2-devellib64qjson-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-devellib64signon-qt-devellib64telepathy-kde-common-internals-devellib64telepathy-qt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-kde-auth-handler-0.9.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm2864f5af40a762c916124dac2a56d2e9./SRPMS.pclosd ) Kp tbB@|BABEBJCtelepathy-kde-call-ui0.9.02pclos2016Voice/Video Call UI for TelepathyVoice/Video Call UI for Telepathy.oGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 automoc4binutilscmakekdelibs-devellib64boost-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64farstream-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64qt4-devellib64qt-gstreamer-devellib64qtwebkit4-devellib64telepathy-farstream-devellib64telepathy-glib-devellib64telepathy-kde-common-internals-devellib64telepathy-qt-develphonon-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-kde-call-ui-0.9.0-2pclos2016.src.rpmB82f84a0d00b827f3dc2138368e5ee45e./SRPMS.pclosWd!' 2 F B@BA$BE(BJICtelepathy-kde-common-internals0.9.01pclos2015KDE Telepathy PartsThis package provides the commons part used by telepathy kde.i(System/Librariesx86_64 kdelibs-devellib64boost-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64otr-devellib64qt-gstreamer-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-devellib64telepathy-logger-qt-devellib64telepathy-qt-develphonon-develcmakemakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-kde-common-internals-0.9.0-1pclos2015.src.rpm`03c6b0cb40767a3ba82bac70dea31911./SRPMS.pclos_d# . Qx |B@BA,BE0BJQCtelepathy-kde-contact-list0.9.01pclos2015Telepathy contact list applicationTelepathy contact list application.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  telepathy-kde-common-internals-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 0 Qt xB@BA,BE0BJQCtelepathy-kde-contact-runner0.9.01pclos2015KRunner plugin for KDE TelepathyKRunner plugin for KDE Telepathy.;Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  telepathy-kde-common-internals-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[d & 1 Pp tB@BA(BE,BJMCtelepathy-kde-desktop-applets0.9.01pclos2015Telepathy KDE Desktop PlasmoidTelepathy KDE Desktop Plasmoid.Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  telepathy-kde-common-internals-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 6 Z B@BA<BE@BJaCtelepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler0.9.01pclos2015Telepathy KDE File transfer handlerTelepathy-KDE file transfer handlerNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  telepathy-kde-common-internals-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 4 U  UB@cBABEBJCtelepathy-kde-integration-module0.9.01pclos2015Telepathy KDE Integration moduleThis module sits in KDED and takes care of various bits of system integration like setting user to auto-away or handling connection errors.7Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  telepathy-kde-common-internals-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>N7a7abaad31eaf773dd136aa90afbd6f1./SRPMS.pclosd $ = g OB@[BABEBJCtelepathy-kde-nepomuk-service0.10.git20121225.3pclos2013Nepomuk integration service for TelepathyNepomuk integration service for Telepathympinoc64Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 nepomuk-core-develtelepathy-qt-develpkgconfig(shared-desktop-ontologies)pkgconfig(icu-i18n)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-kde-nepomuk-service-0.1-0.git20121225.3pclos2013.src.rpms8c44b68a9bbac9d95a0319e70d403365./SRPMS.pclosd  + v 5B@CBAtBExBJCtelepathy-kde-send-file0.9.01pclos2015File Manager plugin to launch a file transfer job with a specified contactA File manager plugin to launch a file transfer job with a specified contact.uNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64  telepathy-kde-common-internals-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|080366e917dc0e90a6b6469e06b6ebca./SRPMS.pclosd ) Jl pQB@_BABEBJCtelepathy-kde-text-ui0.9.01pclos2015Telepathy handler for Text ChatsTelepathy handler for Text Chats.TNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 kdelibs-devellib64qjson-devellib64qt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-devellib64telepathy-kde-common-internals-devellib64telepathy-qt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-kde-text-ui-0.9.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmW23879b191e7623b6823662f2254d6f23./SRPMS.pclos d $ I    B@BABEBJCtelepathy-logger0.8.02pclos2014A logger for the telepathy frameworktelepathy-logger is a logger for the telepathy framework.System/Librariesx86_64 lib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64girepository-devellib64sqlite3-devellib64telepathy-glib-devellib64xml2-devellibxslt-procgnome-doc-utilspython-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-logger-0.8.0-2pclos2014.src.rpm 410e6fd5edd7c6ee82c507d4605e344d./SRPMS.pclosd ' @\ `}   B@BABEBJCtelepathy-logger-qt0.8.02pclos2014Telepathy Logging for QtTelepathy Logging for QtNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 lib64boost-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64qt-gstreamer-devellib64qt4-devellib64telepathy-glib-devellib64telepathy-logger-devellib64telepathy-qt-develbisoncmakeflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-logger-qt-0.8.0-2pclos2014.src.rpm[cd6f15d51280aac530e2f1b6f3e6a248./SRPMS.pclosSd  Fd hB@BA BE$BJECtelepathy-qt0.9.51pclos2015Qt4 high-level bindings for Telepathy Qt4 bindings for Telepathy.*y{Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pythonpython-dbuscmakedoxygenqt4-develqt4-assistantlibxml2-utilslib64dbus-1-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64farstream-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64qt4-devellib64telepathy-farstream-devellib64telepathy-glib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-qt-0.9.5-1pclos2015.src.rpm*ye32157827594de463eeff0ef9550f2c9./SRPMS.pclosd # a  P6B@LBAxBE|BJCtelepathy-salut0.8.11pclos2013Connection manager implementing link-local messaging for XMPPtelepathy-salut is a connection manager implementing link-local messaging for XMPP http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0174.htmlܭpinoc64Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 pkgconfigglib2-develdbus-glib-devellibxml2-devellib64avahi-gobject-develavahi-pythonlibxslt-proclibtelepathy-glib-develpythongtk-doclibsoup-2.4-devellibuuid-develpython-xmldiffgnutls-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-salut-0.8.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmک71d666d764777503d2ff340afb31c216./SRPMS.pclosd # a  P>B@TBABEBJCtelepathy-salut0.8.12pclos2017Connection manager implementing link-local messaging for XMPPtelepathy-salut is a connection manager implementing link-local messaging for XMPP http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0174.htmlpinocNetworking/Instant messagingx86_64 pkgconfigglib2-develdbus-glib-devellibxml2-devellib64avahi-gobject-develavahi-pythonlibxslt-proclibtelepathy-glib-develpython-twistedgtk-doclibsoup-2.4-devellibuuid-develpython-xmldiffgnutls-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-salut-0.8.1-2pclos2017.src.rpmڅ2999264a6c8782b20bcb7af47b7c7238./SRPMS.pclos7d & \  )0PB@BABEBJ)Ctelepathy-sofiasip0.7.11pclos2013A SIP protocol implementation for the Telepathy stacktelepathy-sofiasip is a SIP-protocol connection manager (protocol plugin) for the Telepathy (http://telepathy.freedesktop.org) framework based on SofiaSIP-stack. ?Apinoc64Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 libtelepathy-glib-devellibxslt-proclib64sofia-sip-develpythonautoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1telepathy-sofiasip-0.7.1-1pclos2013.src.rpm DRd189d6bfc24be150494453fabf44b7cb./SRPMS.pclosd    /p/</B@yBABEBJCdetellico3.5.21pclos2023Tellico is a collection manager for KDE 5.Tellico ist eine Verwaltung für Sammlungen für KDE 5Tellico is a collection manager for keeping track of your books, bibliographies, videos, music, comic books, video games, coins, stamps, trading cards, wines, board games, or any custom items. It supports any number of user-defined fields, of several different types: text, paragraph,list, checkbox, year, URL, tables, images, dates, and combinations.Tellico ist ein Manager für Sammlungen um den Überblick über Ihre Bücher, Bibliografien, Videos, Musik, Comic-Bücher, Videos Spiele, Münzen, Briefmarken, Trading Cards, Weine, Brettspiele, oder benutzerdefinierte Elemente zu behalten. Es unterstützt eine beliebige Anzahl von benutzerdefinierten Feldern, der verschiedenen Arten: Text, Absatz, Liste, Kontrollkästchen, Jahr, URL, Tabellen, Bilder, Daten und Kombinationen.g/ Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64  cmakekf5-macroslib64cdio-devellib64exempi-devellib64kcddb5-devellib64kcodecs-devellib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kdoctools-devellib64kf5archive-devellib64kf5completion-devellib64kf5configwidgets-devellib64kf5crash-devellib64kf5filemetadata-devellib64kf5guiaddons-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5iconthemes-devellib64kf5jobwidgets-devellib64kf5khtml-devellib64kf5newstuff-devellib64kf5parts-devellib64kf5sane-devellib64kf5service-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kf5sonnetui-devellib64kf5textwidgets-devellib64kf5wallet-devellib64kf5widgetsaddons-devellib64kf5windowsystem-devellib64kf5xmlgui-devellib64kio-devellib64kitemmodels-devellib64poppler-qt5-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64taglib-devellib64xml2-devellib64xslt-devellib64yaz-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tellico-3.5.2-1pclos2023.src.rpmgo76505b9becd8174a8275027a024bad99./SRPMS.pclosOd  < B@BABE BJACtellico2html0.9.61pclos2019A tellico to HTML processorTellico2html helps the generation of a Web site from Tellico data using Perl scripts and Template Toolkit.Graphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tellico2html-0.9.6-1pclos2019.src.rpm6097c122322edde388eab58d54274e4b./SRPMS.pclosd ! 3 eB@zBABEBJCtelly-skout24.12.31pclos2025Kirigami TV guideTelly Skout is a convergent Kirigami TV guide. It shows the TV program for your favorite channels from TV Spielfilm or an XMLTV file.Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  bisonflexkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(gmp)pkgconfig(mpfr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1telly-skout-24.12.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmڎa12e798bdb0bb497c4d28567072479b7./SRPMS.pclosd   6  $*4<lB@|BABEBJCtenacity1.3.41pclos2025Sound Editing ApplicationTenacity is an easy-to-use multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, macOS, Linux and other operating systems. It is built on top of the widely popular Audacity and is being developed by a wide, diverse group of volunteers.Soundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tenacity-1.3.4-1pclos2025.src.rpm/~ae8d07984beb71c6e648f26ea0af6068./SRPMS.pclosOd   1    B@BABE BJACtepl5.0.01pclos2020Text editor product lineTepl is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs. Tepl is the acronym for “Text editor product line”.System/Librariesx86_64 gccgettextgtk-docmesonpkgconfig(amtk-5)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(uchardet)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tepl-5.0.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm78f47d4ad2eed02f5afe669a23f2ccd5./SRPMS.pclosSd  2    B@BA BE$BJECtepl6.00.01pclos2021Text editor product lineTepl is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs. Tepl is the acronym for “Text editor product line”.3System/Librariesx86_64 gccgettextgtk-docmesonpkgconfig(amtk-5)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtksourceview-4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(uchardet)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tepl-6.00.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm721fcdff16b325f5ec8f1c0331d0b8d1f./SRPMS.pclos d XptB@BABEBJCtermcap11.0.116pclos2011The terminal feature database used by certain applicationsThe termcap package provides the /etc/termcap file. /etc/termcap is a database which defines the capabilities of various terminals and terminal emulators. Certain programs use the /etc/termcap file to access various features of terminals (the bell, colors, and graphics, etc.).System/Librariesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1termcap-11.0.1-16pclos2011.src.rpm7bc9746ad690fc0b976d57f770a909da./SRPMS.pclosd  m8< AKT x  B@/BATBEXBJyCdeterminal0.4.84pclos2012X terminal emulator for Xfce desktop environmentX Termianlemulator für XfceTerminal is a modern, lightweight, and low memory cost terminal emulator with tabs and multiple windows for the Xfce desktop environment. It offers full-customization for the key bindings, the aspect, the colors, and more.Terminal ist ein moderner, leichgewichtiger und wenig Speicher verbrauchender Terminalemulator mit Tabs und mehreren Fenstern für Xfce. Sie können die Tastenbindungen, die Farbe und mehr an Ihre persönlichen Bedürfnisse anpassen.NealTerminalsx86_64  vte-develperl(XML::Parser)lib64exo-develimagemagickdesktop-file-utilslib64startup-notification-1-develdbus-glib-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) " Dx| B@BABEBJ=Cterminal-server21.57pclos2007Terminal Server - Unionfs versionThis package includes the files necessary in order to provide terminal server functionality for diskless workstations on your network. This version replaces clusternfs with unionfs over nfs. There are security implications to installing this package. Specifically, it will make your entire filesystem accessible to any station on the network. Network stations will have the privilege level of an anonymous user (via the all_squash nfs option), so this is not a major security risk. Network booting may not function correctly (or at all) if certain key parts of your filesystem are not world-readable. A configuration tool, drakTermServ can be found in drakxtools. Initially it is capable of setting up/start/stopping the server, creating etherboot floppy disks and isos, creating kernel net boot images for client machines, maintaining client user and machine lists, and configuring the dhcpd and clusternfs servers. A fairly generic vesa xorg.conf is included for the client machines. Basic cdrom/floppy mount points are also included, but you'll probably want to assign these per client machine. This package is based on work by Michael Brown , with minor modifications for inclusion in Mandriva Linux. See http://qa.mandriva.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/TerminalServer for additional information.Bart the Build Bot Networking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1terminal-server2-1.5-7pclos2007.src.rpm{d0a22825f3d4b119dfaf123b8230224f./SRPMS.pclosd   XH LV`lB@BABEBJCterminator2.1.21pclos2022A simple way to run multiple terminals in a single windowTerminator is an attempt to maximise useful space on a given desktop for terminals. It is a simple Python script that places multiple vte widgets (the same used by gnome-terminal) in a window. That's the same widget used by gnome-terminal.hTerminalsnoarch intltoolpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1terminator-2.1.2-1pclos2022.src.rpm59546a44df457726693b8c4a40e645cb./SRPMS.pcloswd  : B@BADBEHBJiCterminatorx4.2.01pclos2022Realtime audio synthesizerterminatorX allows “scratching” on digitally sampled audio data (*.wav, *.au, *.ogg, *.mp3, etc.) the way hiphop-DJs scratch on vinyl records. It features multiple turntables, realtime effects (buit-in as well as LADSPA plugin effects), a sequencer and MIDI interface – all accessible through an easy-to-use gtk+ GUI.l"Soundx86_64 ladspa-develmpg123soxvorbis-toolspkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(audiofile)pkgconfig(gnome-doc-utils)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(jack)pkgconfig(libcap)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(lrdf)pkgconfig(mad)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(vorbisfile)pkgconfig(xxf86dga)sdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1terminatorx-4.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmt099c6ab57ede79e6f20b80f6dd1ad75a./SRPMS.pclos3d  F` dB@BABEBJ%Cterminology1.8.11pclos2020Terminal emulator that uses modern EFLTerminology is a terminal emulator that uses modern EFL components to build its UI and core. It is written from scratch and does not use any components outside of EFL and libc, so it should be very portable and easy to build. For more information, please see the Terminology Page.KsGraphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 mesonninjaefl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1terminology-1.8.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmKws89a3ddc46232fd798c1642ad5817a26a./SRPMS.pclosd " X FB@RBA|BEBJCterminus-font4.49.11pclos2021Fixed width font especially for long hacking sessionsThe Terminus font is a complete set of fixed-size fonts designed especially for the usage in terms and the console.PSystem/Fonts/X11 bitmapnoarch python3mkfontdirbdftopcffontconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1terminus-font-4.49.1-1pclos2021.src.rpmM3c075015680341951f2a8ac7b3479385./SRPMS.pclosd   B  4B@<BA`BEdBJCtermsaver0.31pclos2017Simple text-based terminal screensaverThe motivation behind this project is basically pure boredom (laughs). Seriously, it may look like nonsense to have a screensaver look-alike program running on a terminal windowbb2 Text toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1termsaver-0.3-1pclos2017.src.rpmP548ecef4dd3b81453911a648e297b736./SRPMS.pclosd   ; B@BABEBJCtesseract5.2.01pclos2022A high-performance OCR engineThe Tesseract OCR engine was one of the top 3 engines in the 1995 UNLV Accuracy test. Since then it has had little work done on it, but it is probably one of the most accurate open source OCR engines available. The source code will read a binary, grey or color image and output text. A tiff reader is built in that will read uncompressed TIFF images, or libtiff can be added to read compressed images./ZGraphicsx86_64 asciidocpkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(lept)icu-develpkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(cairo)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tesseract-5.2.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm3c7c8abf465ed1d2dbd64117f051a3155./SRPMS.pclos/d   ; B@BABEBJ!Ctesseract4.1.01pclos2022Tesseract language data filesTesseract language data files. Trained models with support for legacy and LSTM OCR engine.bGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tesseract-data-4.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmen76b1e22517878f9e6c2e74ab64d2822f./SRPMS.pclosd "  7@ t ] B@xBABEBJCplfrtestdisk7.2.01pclos2024Tool to check and undelete partitionNarzędzie do sprawdzania i przywracania partycjiOutil pour vérifier et restaurer la partitionhttp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk TestDisk can: * Fix partition table, recover deleted partition * Recover FAT32 boot sector from its backup * Rebuild FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 boot sector * Fix FAT tables * Rebuild NTFS boot sector * Recover NTFS boot sector from its backup * Fix MFT using MFT mirror * Locate ext2/ext3/ext4 Backup SuperBlock * Undelete files from FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2 filesystem * Copy files from deleted FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions. TestDisk has features for both novices and experts. For those who know little or nothing about data recovery techniques, TestDisk can be used to collect detailed information about a non-booting drive which can then be sent to a tech for further analysis. Those more familiar with such procedures should find TestDisk a handy tool in performing onsite recovery. Tool to check and undelete partition. Works with the following filesystems: * BeFS ( BeOS ) * BSD disklabel ( FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD ) * CramFS, Compressed File System * DOS/Windows FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 * HFS and HFS+, Hierarchical File System * JFS, IBM's Journaled File System * Linux Ext2 and Ext3 * Linux Raid o RAID 1: mirroring o RAID 4: striped array with parity device o RAID 5: striped array with distributed parity information o RAID 6: striped array with distributed dual redundancy information * Linux Swap (versions 1 and 2) * LVM and LVM2, Linux Logical Volume Manager * Mac partition map * Novell Storage Services NSS * NTFS ( Windows NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista ) * ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 and 4 * Sun Solaris i386 disklabel * Unix File System UFS and UFS2 (Sun/BSD/...) * XFS, SGI's Journaled File Systemhttp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk Działa z następującymi systemami plików: * BeFS (BeOS) * Etykieta dysku BSD (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD) * CramFS, skompresowany system plików * DOS/Windows FAT12, FAT16 i FAT32 * HFS i HFS+, hierarchiczny system plików * JFS, kronikowany system plików IBM * Linux Ext2 i Ext3 * Napad na Linuksa o RAID 1: kopiowanie lustrzane o RAID 4: tablica rozłożona z urządzeniem parzystości o RAID 5: tablica rozłożona z rozproszoną informacją o parzystości o RAID 6: macierz rozłożona z rozproszonymi informacjami o podwójnej redundancji * Zamiana Linuksa (wersje 1 i 2) * LVM i LVM2, menedżer woluminów logicznych systemu Linux * Mapa partycji Mac * Usługi przechowywania danych NSS firmy Novell * NTFS (Windows NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista) * ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 i 4 * Etykieta dysku Sun Solaris i386 * System plików Unix UFS i UFS2 (Sun/BSD/...) * XFS, kronikowany system plików SGIhttp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk Outil pour vérifier et restaurer des partitions. Fonctionne avec les systèmes de fichiers suivants : *BeFS (BeOS) * Étiquette de disque BSD ( FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD ) * CramFS, système de fichiers compressés * DOS/Windows FAT12, FAT16 et FAT32 * HFS et HFS+, système de fichiers hiérarchique * JFS, le système de fichiers journalisé d'IBM * Linux Ext2 et Ext3 * Raid Linux o RAID 1 : mise en miroir o RAID 4 : matrice répartie avec périphérique de parité o RAID 5 : matrice répartie avec informations de parité distribuées o RAID 6 : matrice répartie avec informations de double redondance distribuée * Linux Swap (versions 1 et 2) * LVM et LVM2, gestionnaire de volumes logiques Linux * Carte de partition Mac * Services de stockage Novell NSS * NTFS (Windows NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista) *ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 et 4 * Étiquette de disque Sun Solaris i386 * Système de fichiers Unix UFS et UFS2 (Sun/BSD/...) * XFS, le système de fichiers journalisés de SGISSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  desktop-file-utilsgettext-develpkgconfig(ext2fs)pkgconfig(libewf)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libntfs-3g)pkgconfig(ncursesw)pkgconfig(uuid)pkgconfig(zlib)qtbase5-develqttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1testdisk-7.2.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm4c5703a543fb7596aa341970bba9d00b./SRPMS.pclosd 7,0;D>B@UBAtBExBJCtetex3.020pclos2011The TeX text formatting systemteTeX is an implementation of TeX for Linux or UNIX systems. TeX takes a text file and a set of formatting commands as input and creates a typesetter independent .dvi (DeVice Independent) file as output. Usually, TeX is used in conjunction with a higher level formatting package like LaTeX or PlainTeX, since TeX by itself is not very user-friendly. Install teTeX if you want to use the TeX text formatting system. If you are installing teTeX, you will also need to install tetex-afm (a PostScript(TM) font converter for TeX), tetex-dvilj (for converting .dvi files to HP PCL format for printing on HP and HP compatible printers), tetex-dvips (for converting .dvi files to PostScript format for printing on PostScript printers), tetex-latex (a higher level formatting package which provides an easier-to-use interface for TeX) and tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files in X). Unless you're an expert at using TeX, you'll also want to install the tetex-doc package, which includes the documentation for TeX.>Publishingx86_64 autoconf2.1automakelibtoolbisonedflexfreetype-develgettext-devellesstif-develncurses-develpng-develgd-develxpm-develX11-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tetex-3.0-20pclos2011.src.rpm1b98cf29fb96e5b67abc2bd5195be3514./SRPMS.pclos+d ! 7`d B@BABEBJCtetex-cmsuper0.3.36pclos2007The CM-Super font setThe CM-Super package contains Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT fonts and covers entire EC/TC, ECC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1 font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe StandardEncoding (585 glyphs per non-SC font and 468 glyphs per SC font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are also included). Bart the Build Bot Publishingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tetex-cmsuper-0.3.3-6pclos2007.src.rpmW"2cd6bdc94e6290412887eca608450641./SRPMS.pclos d $ P<@ r}B@BABEBJCtetex-latex-arab3.11k1pclos2007Files for processing Arabic LaTeX documentsArabTeX is a TeX macro package with associated Naskh fonts designed to generate the Arabic writing from texts coded in an ASCII transliteration as well as in some other popular encodings for Arabic and Hebrew, e.g. ASMO 449, ISO 8859-6 (ASMO 708), Arabic Windows encoding, and HED. It is compatible with Plain TeX, LaTeX, NFSS, and the EDMAC package. It also cooperates well with LaTeX 2e of June 1996 or later. There is some support for Persian, Urdu, Pashto, and Sindhi. Unicode Arabic and Hebrew support is present but not extensively tested. The version 3.11d supports vowelized and non-vowelized Hebrew, and bidirectional line-breaking within insertions. The former limitation that an insertion must fit on the current line no more exists.Bart the Build Bot Publishingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tetex-latex-arab-3.11k-1pclos2007.src.rpmlc12395373ac9390c41b541e361d833ec./SRPMS.pclosd ! M &18<XB@`BABEBJCtetex-latex-heb1.07pclos2007Files for processing Hebrew LaTeX documentsteTeX is an implementation of TeX for Linux or UNIX systems. TeX takes a text file and a set of formatting commands as input and creates a typesetter independent .dvi (DeVice Independent) file as output. Usually, TeX is used in conjunction with a higher level formatting package like LaTeX or PlainTeX, since TeX by itself is not very user-friendly. This package adds the fonts for hebrew support for babel/LaTeX 2e.'Bart the Build Bot Publishingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tetex-latex-heb-1.0-7pclos2007.src.rpm.830f69d25ec5fec9a08fcf9db8664c98./SRPMS.pclosd   >$ (6@LB@BABEBJCtetzle3.0.21pclos2025Jigsaw puzzle with tetromino piecesA jigsaw puzzle game that uses tetrominoes for the pieces. Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently in progress games. L"Games/Puzzlesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tetzle-3.0.2-1pclos2025.src.rpm wBce712f87d2a69a28751d366bd468f7cf./SRPMS.pclosd   = EB@SBAtBExBJCtevent0.12.11pclos2022Samba4's event management libraryTevent is an event system based on the talloc memory management library. It is the core event system used in Samba. Tevent has support for many event types, including timers, signals, and the classic file descriptor events. Tevent also provides helpers to deal with asynchronous code providing the tevent_req (Tevent Request) functions. шSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(talloc)pkgconfig(python3)python3-tallocpytalloc-util-develgnupg2pkgconfig(cmocka)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tevent-0.12.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm ֆ81e0bb1f1de9b992d4801b9ba899dffc./SRPMS.pclosd   ]| B@BABEBJ Ctexi2html1.821pclos2012Highly customizable texinfo to HTML and other formats translatorThe basic purpose of texi2html is to convert Texinfo documents into HTML, and other formats. Configuration files written in perl provide fine degree of control over the final output, allowing most every aspect of the final output not specified in the Texinfo input file to be specified.*]NealPublishingx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1texi2html-1.82-1pclos2012.src.rpm*icb763c112a1f3aad169fce55b19eb88f./SRPMS.pclos'd   S  $@B@BABEBJCtexinfo6.81pclos2022Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation filesTexinfo is a documentation system that can produce both online information and printed output from a single source file. Normally, you'd have to write two separate documents: one for online help or other online information and the other for a typeset manual or other printed work. Using Texinfo, you only need to write one source document. Then when the work needs revision, you only have to revise one source document. The GNU Project uses the Texinfo file format for most of its documentation. Install texinfo if you want a documentation system for producing both online and print documentation from the same source file and/or if you are going to write documentation for the GNU Project.LXPublishingx86_64 ncurses-develzlib-develhelp2manperl(Locale::Messages)perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidthperl(Text::Unidecode)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1texinfo-6.8-1pclos2022.src.rpmK937b746430cefc1242d401936cad6c05./SRPMS.pclos/d $ : B@BABEBJ!Ctexlive-dummy201502101pclos2015Dummy TeXLive packageDummy texlive/tetex package to allow installation of the external TeXLive installationYTasksnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1texlive-dummy-20150210-1pclos2015.src.rpmf2f03296ca29feece4f44e2d7de08ff4./SRPMS.pclos;d   :  (tB@BABE BJ-Ctexmacs2.1.21pclos2022WYSIWYW scientific text editorGNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content (text, graphics, mathematics, interactive content, etc.). The rendering engine uses high-quality typesetting algorithms so as to produce professionally looking documents, which can either be printed out or presented from a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a tool for making presentations from a laptop. Moreover, TeXmacs can be used as an interface for many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, statistics, etc. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using the Scheme extension language. A native spreadsheet and tools for collaborative authoring are planned for later.BEditorsx86_64 cmakedesktop-file-utilsghostscriptzlib1-devellib64x11-devellib64png1.6-devellib64qt5help-devellib64python3-devellib64jpeg-devellib64freetype6-devellib64gmp-devellib64guile1.8-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5printsupport-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64sqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1texmacs-2.1.2-1pclos2022.src.rpmhIef668520dba4f88607a19b6e409ab04b./SRPMS.pclos d  U      B@ BA BE BJ Cdetexmaker5.1.31pclos2022A QT-based LATEX editorEin Qt basierter LaTeX EditorTexmaker is a free LaTeX editor that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application. It includes the following features: - an unicode editor to write your LaTeX source files (syntax highlighting, undo-redo, search-replace, ...) - the principal LaTex tags can be inserted directly with the "LaTeX", "Math" and "Greek" menus - 370 mathematical symbols can be inserted in just one click - wizards to generate code ('Quick document', 'Quick letter', tabular, tabbing and array environments) - LaTeX-related programs can be launched via the "Tools" menu - the standard Bibtex entry types can be inserted in the ".bib" file with the "Bibliography" menu - a "structure view" of the document for easier navigation of a document (by clicking on an item in the "Structure" frame, you can jump directly to the corresponding part of your document - extensive LaTeX documentation - in the "Messages / Log File" frame, you can see information about processes and the logfile after a LaTeX compilation - the "Next Latex Error" and "Previous Latex Error" commands let you reach the LaTeX errors detected by Kile in the log file - by clicking on the number of a line in the log file, the cursor jumps to the corresponding line in the editorTexmaker ist ein freier LaTeX Editor, der viele Werkzeuge, welche für die Erstellung von Dokumenten mit LaTeX gebraucht werden, in einem Programm intergriert. Er besitzt unter anderem folgende Eigenschaften: - einen Unicode Editor zum Schreiben von LaTeX Quelldateien (Syntaxhervorhebung, Änderungen entfernen und wieder hinzufügen, Suchen und Ersetzen, ...) - die wichtigsten LaTeX Befehle können direkt über die Menüs "LaTeX", "Math" und "Greek" eingefügt werden - 370 mathematische Symbole können mit einem Klick eingefügt werden - Assistenten für die Kodegenerierung ("Dokument", "Brief", tabular-, tabbing- und array-Umgebungen) - LaTeX bezogene Programme können über das Benutzermenü ausgeführt werden - die Standard-Bibtexeintragstypen können in der ".bib" Datei eingefügt werden, mit dem Menü "Bibliographie" - eine "Strukturansicht" des Dokuments für eine leichtere Navigation durch das Dokument (durch einen Klick auf einen Eintrag im "Struktur" Fenster können Sie direkt zu der jeweiligen Stelle im Dokument springen. - ausführliche LaTeX Dokumentation - Im "Nachrichten / Logdateien" Fenster können Sie Informationen über Prozesse und Logdateien nach eine LaTeX Kompilierung ansehen - Durch das Anklicken einer Zeilennummer in einer Logdatei wird der Cursor an die jeweilige Stelle im Editor gesetztHPublishingx86_64 desktop-file-utilshunspell-develqtcore5-develqtgui5-develqtnetwork5-develqtprintsupport5-develqtscript5-develqtwidgets5-develqtxml5-develqtconcurrent5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1texmaker-5.1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm`ac7472997070757ae9a92591ee0162ff./SRPMS.pclosCd   > B@BABEBJ5Ctexstudio4.8.61pclos2025A fork of the LaTeX IDE TexMakerTexstudio is a fork of the LaTeX IDE TexMaker and gives you an environment where you can easily create and manage LaTeX documents. It provides modern writing support, like interactive spell checking, code folding and syntax highlighting. Also it serves as a starting point from where you can easily run all necessary LaTeX tools.3OPublishingx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1texstudio-4.8.6-1pclos2025.src.rpm;25e4ffe5de492d05c0289df6c2c06098./SRPMS.pclosd  R` dltxB@BABEBJCtext-editor0.1.22pclos2009Program searches for a text editor and launches itThis program searches for a text editor and launches it. Note to programmers: instead of calling a specific text editor in your program, call "text-editor". If you wish to modify which program is called, you may edit /usr/bin/text-editor with a text editor as root. ;Editorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1text-editor-0.1.2-2pclos2009.src.rpm7bde0a9c261920dadb99af11efebacff./SRPMS.pclosd   C B@BABEBJCtextroom0.8.22pclos2015TextRoom basic full-screen text editorTextRoom is a pretty basic full-screen text editor, heavily inspired by similar text editors such as Q10, JDarkRoom and so on.DghostbunnyTerminalsi586 qt4-devellibSDL_mixer-develhunspell-develcurl-devellibxml++-develimagemagickdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1textroom-0.8.2-2pclos2015.src.rpmDq376a1405e4cd51680acca15b8cf825b6./SRPMS.pcloscd  < @KTB@ BA0BE4BJUCdetexworks0.6.81pclos2023A simple interface for working with TeX documentsEine einfache Schnittstelle für die Arbeit mit TeX-DokumentenTeXworks is an environment for authoring TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt, etc) documents, with a Unicode-based, TeX-aware editor, integrated PDF viewer, and a clean, simple interface accessible to casual and non-technical users. TeXworks is inspired by Dick Koch's award-winning TeXShop program for Mac OS X, which has made quality typesetting through TeX accessible to a wider community of users, without a technical or intimidating face. The goal of TeXworks is to deliver a similarly integrated, easy-to-use environment for users on other platforms, especially GNU/Linux and Windows.Texworks ist eine Umgebung für das Schreiben von TeX- (LaTeX, ConTeXt, ...) Dokumenten. Es bietet einen unicodebasierten TeX-Editor, integrierten PDF- Betrachter und ein sauberes, einfaches Interface, das für nicht-technische und Gelegenheitsnutzer geeignet ist. TeXworks ist inspiriert von Dick Koch's TexShop Programm für Mac OS X, welches den qualitativen Textsatz durch TeX für eine breiter Gemeinschaft zugänglich gemacht hat, ohne komplizierte Bedienung. Das Ziel von TeXworks ist es eine derartige und einfach zu benutzende Umgebung für andere Plattformen, insbesondere GNU/Linux und Windows, zu liefern.Publishingx86_64   cmakedbus-devellib64hunspell-devellib64poppler-devellib64poppler-qt5-develqtbase5-develqtconcurrent5-develqtcore5-develqtdbus5-develqtdesigner5-develqtgui5-develqtlinguisttools5-develqtscript5-develqtscripttools5-develqtwidgets5-develqtxml5-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)zlib-devel1.;d   Z B@BABE BJ-Ctftp5.21pclos2011The client and server for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is normally used only for booting diskless workstations. The tftp package provides the user interface for TFTP, which allows users to transfer files to and from a remote machine. This program, and TFTP, provide very little security, and should not be enabled unless it is expressly needed.System/Serversx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tftp-5.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm71abecf353999112487c19cbb1fcb9d69./SRPMS.pcloskd 0 T@ DOXtB@BA8BE<BJ]Cthe_silver_searcher2.1.01.20170825pclos2018Super-fast text searching tool (ag)The Silver Searcher is a code searching tool similar to ack, with a focus on speed. An attempt to make something better than ack (which itself is better than grep). Why use Ag? - It searches code about 3-5x faster than ack. - It ignores file patterns from your .gitignore and .hgignore. - If there are files in your source repository you don't want to search,just add their patterns to a .ignore file. * The command name is 33% shorter than ack, and all keys are on the home row! How is it so fast? - Ag uses Pthreads to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and search files in parallel. - Files are mmap()ed instead of read into a buffer. - Literal string searching uses Boyer-Moore-Horspool strstr. - Regex searching uses PCRE's JIT compiler (if Ag is built with PCRE >=8.21). - Ag calls pcre_study() before executing the regex on every file. - Instead of calling fnmatch() on every pattern in your ignore files, non-regex patterns are loaded into an array and binary searched.[Text toolsx86_64 autoconfautomakepkgconfig(libpcre)pkgconfig(bash-completion)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1the_silver_searcher-2.1.0-1.20170825pclos2018.src.rpm4c685b4680a3c878d0c2f92e45743caa./SRPMS.pclosCd $ kh lr|B@BABEBJ5Cdethelastripper1.4.11pclos2010An audio stream ripper for Last.fmEin Audio Streamripper für Last.FMTheLastRipper can save Last.fm streams to mp3's, while downloading album cover, appending ID3v1 tags and organizing you music after Artist/Album/Track. TheLastRipper will also help you generate playlists from the data available from you Last.fm account. TheLastRipper requires a Last.fm login, you can regsiter for free at http://last.fm/ Please note that recordings of radio streams, may NOT be legal, we recommend that you investegate you local laws, before using TheLastRipper.TheLastRipper kann Last.FM Streams als mp3 's speichern, beim herunter laden von Album-Cover, ID3v1-Tags anhängen und Musik nach Künstler/Album/Track organisieren. TheLastRipper auch beim erstellen ihrer Wiedergabelisten ihres Last.FM Kontos helfen. TheLastRipper erfordert eine Anmeldung Last.FM, sie können sich kostenlos bei http://last.fm/ registrieren. Beachten Sie, Aufnahmen von Radio-Streams, können illegal sein, wir empfehlen, dass Sie sich, vor der Verwendung von TheLastRipper über die örtlichen Gesetze informieren.lSoundnoarch  libmono-develtaglib-sharpgnome-sharp2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! I    B@BABEBJ5Cthemanaworld0.0.291pclos2009Innovative free MMORPG with 2D graphicsThe Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. It uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world. The game aims to be a unique place for people to interact not only by fighting each other but to play life, form a community within the community, or just simply chat. Although the game is never-ending and a linear story cannot be applied, it should have enough background to describe and predefine tribes, kingdoms, and the environment overall. Fullfilled quests should lead to certain events depending on them being solved. Quests should also encourage teamwork.6 ErtainGames/Adventurei586  zlib-develguichan-develphysfs-devellibcurl-devellibxml2-develSDL_image-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_net-develSDL_ttf-devellibpng-develmesa-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)>^790e31d5f4d22334b8a6615da5be1365./SRPMS.pclosd " 7dh mB@BABEBJCtheme-Xfwm-Touch0.11pclos2012Touch theme for XfwmXfwm-Touch theme for Xfwm window manager.GaNealGraphical desktop/Xfcenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1theme-Xfwm-Touch-0.1-1pclos2012.src.rpmMff5f9ced2a0e474e6d0cc956ce535df5./SRPMS.pclosSd ! /t xB@BA BE$BJECtheme-control1.0.22pclos2024Theme ControlControl setting manager gui tool for setting global theme choices.SGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64  desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1theme-control-1.0.2-2pclos2024.src.rpms47b07a7fd2d9f2e881acac1fdbf767cf./SRPMS.pclos{d $ = B@BAHBELBJmCthewidgetfactory0.2.11pclos2007Test tool for GTK2 themeTheWidgetFactory is a showcase of GTK2 widgets, only useful to theme developers.Development/Otheri586 gtk2-develglade2x11-server-xvfbdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1thewidgetfactory-0.2.1-1pclos2007.src.rpm‰83986b9b32f6c9066849d7654854f2b1./SRPMS.pclosWd   odh msxB@BA$BE(BJICdethoggen0.7.12pclos2012Wizard-style DVD backup utilityDVD Sicherungsprogramm im Stil eines AssistentenThoggen is designed to be easy and straight-forward to use. It attempts to hide the complexity many other transcoding tools expose and tries to offer sensible defaults that work okay for most people most of the time. * Easy to use, with a nice graphical user interface (GUI) * Supports title preview, picture cropping, and picture resizing. * Language Selection for audio track (no subtitle support yet though) * Encodes into Ogg/Theora video * Based on the GStreamer multimedia framework, which makes it fairly easy to add additional encoding formats/codecs.Thoggen wurde zur einfachen und geradelinigen Anwendung entworfen. Es versucht, die Komplexität vieler anderer Transcodierung-Werkzeuge auszublenden und sinnvolle Standardeinstellungen verfügbar zu machen, dies genügt meistens, bei den meisten Menschen. * Einfach zu bedienen, mit einer schönen grafischen Benutzeroberfläche (GUI) * unterstützt Titel Vorschau, Bild zuschneiden und Bildgrößenänderung. * Sprachauswahl für den Audio-Track (aber bisher noch keine Unterstützung für Untertitel) * Encodieren in Ogg/Theora Video * basierd auf dem Rahmen von GStreamer-Multimedia, wodurch ziemlich einfach zusätzliche encoding Formate/Codecs hinzugefügt werden können.fNealVideoi586 iso-codeslibgstreamer-plugins-base-devellibdvdread-devellibglade2.0-devellibhal-develdbus-glib-develgstreamer0.10-mpeggstreamer0.10-a52decgstreamer0.10-plugins-goodgstreamer0.10-plugins-uglygstreamer0.10-vorbisvalgrindperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilsImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1thoggen-0.7.1-2pclos2012.src.rpmc0141ad579c42f6583f286897506b2a90./SRPMS.pclosd! , T  (hB@{BABEBJCthorium-browser128.0.6613.1891pclos2024Chromium based browser for highend CPUsA highly optimized Chromium based browser for highend CPUs. It won't launch on CPU's below 2nd gen Core or AMD FX, but benefits from Advanced Vector EXtensions.Networking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1thorium-browser-128.0.6613.189-1pclos2024.src.rpm%e8b05449346443d83c223c03c5e8cada./SRPMS.pclos[d " E B@BA(BE,BJMCthorium-reader2.4.21pclos2024Desktop application to read ebooksThorium Reader is an easy to use EPUB reading application for Linux. After importing e-books from a directory or OPDS feed, you'll be able to read on any screen size, customize layout settings, navigate via the table of contents or page list, set bookmarks Free application. No ads. No private data flowing anywhere.|Officex86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1thorium-reader-2.4.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm&806318008ae97950529605b759bcaa44./SRPMS.pclosod ! ^ B@BA<BE@BJaCthreadweaver6.11.01pclos2025KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon for advanced thread managementKDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 addon for advanced thread management.YSystem/Librariesx86_64  kf6-rpm-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1threadweaver-6.11.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm1329629db7db77e57c1bfcdd199389c6./SRPMS.pclosd & Q  ( % B@8BAdBEhBJCthumbnailer1.320150126.2pclos2016Thumbnail generator for all kinds of filesA simple shared library that produces and stores thumbnails of image, audio and video files according to the Freedesktop thumbnail specification.XGraphicsx86_64 cmakegtest-develpkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1thumbnailer-1.3-20150126.2pclos2016.src.rpmd78dad643dd3a2ef00d38ffb6f0d26df8./SRPMS.pclosCd   T B@BABEBJ5Cthunar4.20.11pclos2025New modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop EnvironmentThunar has been designed from the ground up to be fast and easy-to-use. Its user interface is clean and intuitive, and does not include any confusing or useless options. Thunar is fast and responsive with a good start up time and directory load time. Thunar is accessible using Assistive Technologies and is fully standards compliant. Beside the basic file management features, Thunar includes additional features that set it ahead of other file managers available for the Unix/Linux desktop today. For example, Thunar includes a so called Bulk Renamer that allows users to easily rename multiple files at once using criterions that can be specified using the available renamer plugins. Probably the most interesting renamer here is the Audio Tags renamer, which generates new file names based on the tags present in audio files.0Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  desktop-file-utilsgitintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64dbus-glib-1_2-devellib64exif12-devellib64exo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64pcre0-devellib64xfce4panel2.0-devellib64xfce4ui2-devellib64xfce4util-devellib64xfconf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1thunar-4.20.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm0LR5a7c95d1699a253bf63a19c6b2763b30./SRPMS.pcloscd ) WD H_h|B@BA0BE4BJUCthunar-archive-plugin0.5.31pclos2025An archive plugin for the Thunar File ManagerThe thunar-archive-plugin is a plugin for the Thunar File Manager, which adds archive operations to the file context menus. Using this plugin you will be able to extract and create archive files from within Thunar using a single click.xGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  pkgconfig(exo-2)pkgconfig(libxfce4util-1.0)pkgconfig(thunarx-3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1thunar-archive-plugin-0.5.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm[4ac29bbfb3fe2b0e9d8c84b54d8a8812./SRPMS.pcloscd " < B@BA0BE4BJUCthunar-dropbox0.3.12pclos2022Dropbox plugin for ThunarThunar Dropbox is a plugin for thunar that adds context-menu items from dropbox.FGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64 cmakegitlib64thunarx-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1thunar-dropbox-0.3.1-2pclos2022.src.rpm7cd142df97309617abe3b28c5725c177./SRPMS.pclosd! , U B@BABEBJCthunar-media-tags-plugin0.5.01pclos2025A tag plugin for the Thunar File ManagerThe thunar-media-tags-plugin is a plugin for the Thunar File Manager, which adds ID3/OGG tag support to the bulk rename dialog.Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  pkgconfig(libxfce4util-1.0)pkgconfig(taglib_c)pkgconfig(thunarx-3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1thunar-media-tags-plugin-0.5.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm7b8cd9897251fcf4dda2e3c4ce6537a4./SRPMS.pclosd ( M (B@4BAdBEhBJCthunar-shares-plugin0.3.11pclos2022Samba support for Thunar filemanagerA Thunar file manager extension to share files using Samba.Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64exo-devellib64thunarx-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1thunar-shares-plugin-0.3.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmS704aa2d8091dbcd5c1678cf9a280b393./SRPMS.pclosod ) < @W`|B@ BA<BE@BJaCdethunar-vcs-plugin0.2.010pclos2022A svn plugin for Thunar file managerEine SVN-Erweiterung für den Thunar DateimanagerThe Thunar VCS Plugin provides a svn and git intergration to Thunar. It allows you to do most of the svn and git actions from the context menu. It also shows the svn file status in the file properties window.Das Thunar VCS Plugin bietet eine svn und git Integration in Thunar. Es erlaubt Ihnen die meist genutzten Aktionen für svn und git aus dem Kontextmenü aufzurufen. Ebenso zeigt es den svn Dateistatus im Dateieigenschaftenfenster an.8Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64 git-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64exo-devellib64thunarx-devellib64xfce4util-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1thunar-vcs-plugin-0.2.0-10pclos2022.src.rpm?0574615c7c92c997682c058f5582aea2./SRPMS.pclosSd " H    B@BA BE$BJECthunar-volman4.20.01pclos2025A removable volume manager for ThunarThe Thunar Volume Manager is an extension for the Thunar file manager, which enables automatic management of removable drives and media. For example, if thunar-volman is installed and configured properly, and you plug in your digital camera, it will automatically launch your preferred photo application and import the new pictures from the camera into your photo collection.gGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  intltoollib64exo-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64gudev1.0-devellib64notify-devellib64xfce4ui2-devellib64xfce4util-devellib64xfconf-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1thunar-volman-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm4ad8cab90ad5db704248fadbc1b49fe1./SRPMS.pclosd " U B@BABEBJCthunarx-python0.5.22pclos2022Python Bindings for the Thunar Extension FrameworkThis package provides the Python bindings for the Thunar Extension framework which allow one to create Python plugins for Thunar.JGraphical desktop/XFCEx86_64 lib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64exo-devellib64thunarx-develpython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1thunarx-python-0.5.2-2pclos2022.src.rpmQecab86b81179d4543d618f5f8478f596./SRPMS.pclosd $ i $,4dB@tBABEBJCdethunderbird128.8.01pclos2025Thunderbird mail/newsgroup clientThunderbird - Die E-Mail-AnwendungMozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client.Mozilla Thunderbird ist ein freies Open-Source-E-Mail-Programm und -Newsreader des Mozilla-Projekts. -Networking/Mailx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1thunderbird-128.8.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm efebb4f5e7d85b4d94d08d48309e0cc5./SRPMS.pclosKd & Vt xB@BABEBJ=Cthunderbird-l10n128.8.01pclos2025Localizations for Thunderbird (virtual package)Localizations for Thunderbird 2Networking/Mailx86_64  libxml2-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1thunderbird-l10n-128.8.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm51cb397d266274360887ec0308472e059./SRPMS.pclosd   @P T_htB@BABEBJCtidy-html5.7.281pclos2019Program for tidying up messy HTMLtidy is a program for tidying up messy html, for example, when we do html in vi, and we make the text italic with the tag some of us may forget to end the italic text with . tidy fixes this. Install this if you need a program to help you tidy up your HTML.AText toolsx86_64 cmakexsltprocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tidy-html-5.7.28-1pclos2019.src.rpm38aa9be52081b802d9811f32ed710c48./SRPMS.pclosd   O (tB@BABEBJCtig2.5.41pclos2021Text-mode interface for the git revision control systemTig is a repository browser for the git revision control system that additionally can act as a pager for output from various git commands. When browsing repositories, it uses the underlying git commands to present the user with various views, such as summarized revision log and showing the commit with the log message, diffstat, and the diff. Using it as a pager, it will display input from stdin and colorize it.Y,Development/Otherx86_64 gitncurses-develncursesw-develxmltoasciidocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tig-2.5.4-1pclos2021.src.rpm_c31de782bda8984b94e5784d8b21e67e./SRPMS.pclosd   F #X#O#B@BABEBJCtigervnc1.14.11pclos2024Viewer for the VNC remote display systemVirtual Network Computing (VNC) is a remote display system which allows you to view a computing 'desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures. This package contains a client which will allow you to connect to other desktops running a VNC server.VNetworking/Remote accessx86_64  autoconfcmakedesktop-file-utilsfltk-develfreetype-develgettext-develgnutls-develimagemagickjava-develjpackage-utilslibjpeg-devellibpam-devellibpciaccess-devellibtoollibxdmcp-devellibxext-devellibxfont2-devellibxi-devellibxinerama-devellibxkbfile-devellibxrandr-devellibxtst-develmesagl-develnasmopenssl-develpam-develpixman-develpkgconfig(libxcvt)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)x11-font-utilx11-server-sourcex11-util-macrosx11-xtrans-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1tigervnc-1.14.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmd4a726fda0be19f33b71948e082e996f./SRPMS.pclosd  K@ DNX | ! B@1BAPBETBJuCtilda1.5.41pclos2021A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and UnixTilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life (to name a few), where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop until a key is pressed.Terminalsx86_64 gettextpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libconfuse)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xrandr)pkgconfig(xt)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tilda-1.5.4-1pclos2021.src.rpmedc8824ef739de0a07d75fe9d04e2074./SRPMS.pclosd  8 rB@BABEBJCtilde1.1.21pclos2020A text editor for the terminalTilde is a text editor for the console/terminal, which provides an interface for people accustomed to GUI environments such as GNOME, KDE and Windows. For example, the short-cut to copy the current selection is Control-C, and to paste the previously copied text the short-cut Control-V can be used. As another example, the File menu can be accessed by pressing Alt-F.+Editorsx86_64 lib64t3config-devellib64t3highlight-devellib64t3widget-devellib64t3window-devellib64transcript-devellib64unistring-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tilde-1.1.2-1pclos2020.src.rpm2|236ae0848839c3b1c415d9e21e2bb90e./SRPMS.pclos sd   8   2 <  d   B@ BA @BE DBJ eCtilp21.182pclos2019Communicate with TI calculatorsAll physical link cables are supported by TiLP: parallel, serial, BlackLink, GrayLink, AVRlink, SilverLink and DirectLink. TiLP also support some virtual links: one for VirtualTI, the other one for GtkTiEmu. Note1: the SilverLink cable may not work fine TI82/85. Note2: remote control is not supported by DirectLink yet. Supported calculators are: TI73, TI82, TI83, TI83+(SE), TI84+(SE), TI85, TI86, TI89, TI89 Titanium, TI92, TI92+ and V200, NSpire (non-CAS). FEATURES -------- Note: some features may depend on the OS version. Be sure to have the latest one ! NSpire: - screen dump - directory list - sending/receiving file - upgrading OS - version TI89/TI89 Titanium/TI92+/V200: - remote control of the calculator - screen dump - directory list - sending/receiving/deleting variable - sending/receiving backup - ROM dump - sending/receiving/deleting FLASH applications - upgrading of Operating System (AMS) - getting/setting time (need AMS >= 2.08) TI92: - remote control of the calculator - screen dump - directory list - sending/receiving/deleting variable - sending/receiving backup - ROM version - ROM dump (FARGO II required) TI86: - screen dump - sending/receiving backup (old & new ti86 calcs) - sending/receiving variable - TIGL file support - ROM dump TI85: - screen dump - sending/receiving backup - sending/receiving variable - TIGL file support - ROM dump TI83+/TI84+ (SE or not SE): - screen dump - directory list - sending/receiving backup (archived vars are not backed up !) - sending/receiving/deleting variable - sending/receiving/deleting FLASH applications - upgrading of Operating System (GRAPH EXPLORER SOFTWARE) - ROM dump Note: the TI83+ is the only calc to have a GROUP variable. TiLP supports it in a specific way: this kind of var is saved as a single file as any other variable. Thus, if you send it, it will stay grouped on calc. The TI's software has a different way: it explodes the GROUP variable into a .8Xg group file and you lose the grouping on calculator. TI83: - screen dump - directory list - sending/receiving variable - sending/receiving backup - TIGL file support - ROM dump TI82: - screen dump - sending/receiving variable - sending/receiving backup - TIGL files support - ROM dump TI73: - screen dump - directory list - sending/receiving variable - sending/receiving of FLASH applications - upgrading of Operating System (GRAPH EXPLORER SOFTWARE) - ROM dump 3HDevelopment/Toolsx86_64 gcc-c++glib2-develgtk2-devellib64glade2.0_0-develzlib-devellib64ticalcs2-devellib64ticables2-devellib64tifiles2-devellib64ticonv-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tilp2-1.18-2pclos2019.src.rpmf8794d76d880c452fc9bfd59e116dbce./SRPMS.pclosd   W  +4<`B@iBABEBJCtime1.91pclos2021A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resourcesThe GNU time utility runs another program, collects information about the resources used by that program while it is running and displays the results. Time can help developers optimize their programs. The resources that `time' can report on fall into the general categories of time, memory, I/O, and IPC calls. The GNU version can format the output in arbitrary ways by using a printf-style format string to include various resource measurements.Monitoringx86_64 texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1time-1.9-1pclos2021.src.rpmS6420568d88a4b0d65c62235769debaa7./SRPMS.pclosgd PB@BA4BE8BJYCtimeconfig3.211pclos2011Text mode tools for setting system time parametersThe timeconfig package contains two utilities: timeconfig and setclock. Timeconfig provides a simple text mode tool for configuring the time parameters in /etc/sysconfig/clock and /etc/localtime. The setclock tool sets the hardware clock on the system to the current time stored in the system clock.System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 gettextnewt-develpopt-develslang-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timeconfig-3.2-11pclos2011.src.rpm8ac6cd5d5dd8eefba2cfeb0b3b8f69c1c./SRPMS.pclosSd  C B@BA BE$BJECtimemachine0.3.31pclos2015Records audio up to ten seconds agoI used to always keep a minidisc recorder in my studio running in a mode where when you pressed record it wrote the last 10 seconds of audio to the disk and then caught up to realtime and kept recording. The recorder died and haven't been able to replace it, so this is a simple jack app to do the same job. It has the advantage that it never clips and can be wired to any part of the jack graph. The idea is that I doodle away with whatever is kicking around in my studio and when I heard an interesting noise, I'd press record and capture it, without having to try and recreate it. :) I've been using it to record occasional bursts of interesting noise from jack apps feeding back into each other. It seems to be stable for me, but there could be threading issues and race condidtions if run without SCHED_FIFO (ie. without jackd -R).)Soundx86_64 lib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64jack-devellib64lash2-devellib64lo-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64readline-devellib64sndfile-devellib64uuid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timemachine-0.3.3-1pclos2015.src.rpm13d8f4202dd250fb1441e42912de94e3e./SRPMS.pclosd   =4 8IP  g B@BABEBJCtimeshift24.06.51pclos2024System restore tool for LinuxTimeshift for Linux is an application that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS. Timeshift protects your system by taking incremental snapshots of the file system at regular intervals. These snapshots can be restored at a later date to undo all changes to the system. In RSYNC mode, snapshots are taken using rsync and hard-links. Common files are shared between snapshots which saves disk space. Each snapshot is a full system backup that can be browsed with a file manager. In BTRFS mode, snapshots are taken using the in-built features of the BTRFS filesystem. BTRFS snapshots are supported only on BTRFS systems having an Ubuntu-type subvolume layout (with @ and @home subvolumes).cArchiving/Backupx86_64  desktop-file-utilsgettextpkgconfig(gee-0.8)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(vte-2.91)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala3.0.4-14.6.0-1timeshift-24.06.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm117c261220c0a0ad6c834e3b2fcf73f7./SRPMS.pclos7d   T    B@BABEBJ)Ctimevault0.7.51pclos2011Front-end for making snapshots of a set of directoriesTimeVault is a simple front-end for making snapshots of a set of directories. Snapshots are a copy of a directory structure or file at a certain point in time. Restore functionality is integrated into Nautilus - previous versions of a file or directory that has a snapshot can be accessed by examining the properties and selecting the 'Previous Versions' tab. Snapshots are protected from accidental deletion or modification since they are read-only by default. The super-user can delete intermediate snapshots to save space, but files and directories that existed before or after the deletion will still be accessible.System/Configuration/Otheri586 pythonpython-develgnome-commonintltoolnautilus-python-develgnome-python-develnautilus-pythonpygtk2.0-develpython-notifypython-dbusdbus-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timevault-0.7.5-1pclos2011.src.rpm4ab048c0809450d598a4c3bb0fe1b610./SRPMS.pclos+d   * B@BABEBJCtimezone2021e1pclos2021Timezone dataThis package contains data files with rules for various timezones around the world. |System/Basex86_64 gawkperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timezone-2021e-1pclos2021.src.rpm ma484fb7bd009059e96fccf4f8aa9f2c8./SRPMS.pclosd"&1[ $*48TB@\BABEBJCdefresplsrnltimidity-init0.32pclos2011Init script for TiMidity++ ALSA sequencerContains init script to launch TiMidity++ as a service. This allows one to hear music played by any application which outputs to a MIDI device even if you do not own a MIDI synthesizer soundcard.`Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timidity-init-0.3-2pclos2011.src.rpmd1bf150cf7e7686c5f79641a9b61a7dd./SRPMS.pclosSd & _ B@BA BE$BJECtimidity-instruments1.01pclos2013Instruments for the timidity midi->wave converter/playerThis package contains a set of instruments for the timidity midi->wave converter/player.kSoundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timidity-instruments-1.0-1pclos2013.src.rpml"3987679c166a1a76453dff9b6e89044a./SRPMS.pclos*d,5 @ h) )** **,B@*4BA*hBE*lBJ*Cdefresplsrnltimidity-patch-freepats200406115pclos2013Free patch set for MIDI audio synthesisFreepats is a project to create a free and open set of GUS compatible patches that can be used with softsynths such as Timidity and WildMidi. They are verified to contain no non-free restriction. Freepats is distributed under GPL v2 or later, with the follow exception clause about the relation of MIDI composition and patches: ========================================================= As a special exception, if you create a composition which uses these patches, and mix these patches or unaltered portions of these patches into the composition, these patches do not by themselves cause the resulting composition to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the document might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify these patches, you may extend this exception to your version of the patches, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. ========================================================== This patch set is of limited quality, because some instruments are still missing. For personal use, feel free to use other patch sets (such as eawpatches which has excellent quality, but the site is no more), or other free soundfonts.Freepats ist ein Projekt für eine freie und offene Menge der GUS zu schaffen Patches, die kompatibel mit Softsynths verwendet werden können, wie Schüchternheit und WildMidi. Sie werden überprüft, die nicht enthalten, die nicht frei Beschränkung. Freepats ist unter der GPL v2 oder neuer, verteilt mit Follow Ausnahmeklausel über das Verhältnis von MIDI-Komposition und Patches: ================================================== ======= Als besondere Ausnahme, wenn Sie eine Komposition, die verwendet Diese Patches, und mischen Sie diese Patches oder unveränderte Teile diese Patches in die Komposition, nicht diese Patches nicht durch selbst verursachen die daraus resultierende Zusammensetzung entscheidet das abgedeckt werden GNU General Public License. Diese Ausnahme gilt jedoch nicht ungültig, die aus anderen Gründen, warum das Dokument abgedeckt werden könnten von der GNU General Public License. Wenn Sie diese Patches zu ändern, Sie können diese Ausnahme auch auf Ihre Version des Patches, aber Sie sind nicht verpflichtet, dies zu tun. Wenn Sie dies nicht wünschen, dies zu tun, löschen Sie diese Ausnahme-Anweisung aus Ihrer Version. ================================================== ======== Dieser Patch setzt der begrenzten Qualität, weil einige Instrumente werden noch vermisst. Für den persönlichen Gebrauch, nehmen Sie mit anderen Patch-Sets verwenden (z. B. eawpatches seinen hervorragenden Qualität, aber die Website ist nicht mehr), oder andere freie Soundfonts. Freepats est un projet pour créer un jeu libre et ouvert de GUS compatible avec les correctifs qui peuvent être utilisés avec des synthétiseurs comme le Timidité et WildMidi. Ils sont vérifiés pour ne contiennent pas non-free restriction. Freepats est distribué sous licence GPL v2 ou plus tard, avec le suivi clause d'exception sur la relation de composition MIDI et des correctifs: ================================================== ======= Comme exception spéciale, si vous créez une composition qui utilise ces correctifs, et de mélanger ces patches ou des portions non modifiée de ces patches dans la composition, ces correctifs ne sont pas en eux-mêmes la cause de la composition résultante d'être couverts par les GNU General Public License. Cette exception ne saurait toutefois invalider les autres raisons pour lesquelles le document pourrait être couvert par la Licence Publique Générale GNU. Si vous modifiez ces correctifs, vous mai étendre cette exception à votre version des patchs, mais vous n'êtes pas obligé de le faire. Si vous ne voulez pas le faire, delete this exception statement from your version. ================================================== ======== Cet ensemble de patch est de qualité limitée, parce que certains instruments sont toujours portés disparus. Pour une utilisation personnelle, n'hésitez pas à utiliser les jeux autres patchs (qualité tels que eawpatches qui possède d'excellentes, mais le site est pas plus), ou d'autres soundfonts libre. Freepats es un proyecto para crear un juego libre y abierto de GUS parches compatibles que se pueden utilizar con SoftSynths como La timidez y WildMidi. Que se ha verificado que no contiene non-free restricción. Freepats se distribuye bajo licencia GPL v2 o posterior, con el seguimiento cláusula de excepción sobre la relación de la composición de MIDI y los parches: ================================================== ======= Como una excepción especial, si crea una composición que utiliza estos parches, y mezclar estos parches o partes inalteradas de estos parches en la composición, estos parches no por la sí mismas la causa de la composición resultante a ser cubiertos por el GNU General Public License. Esta excepción no obstante invalidar cualquier tipo de razones por las cuales el documento podría estar cubierta por la GNU General Public License. Si modifica estos parches, usted puede extender esta excepción a su versión de los parches, pero usted no está obligado a hacerlo. Si usted no desea hacerlo, eliminar esta declaración excepción de su versión. ================================================== ======== Este conjunto de parches es de calidad limitada, ya que algunos instrumentos se siguen desaparecidos. Para uso personal, no dude en utilizar otros conjuntos de parches (calidad, como eawpatches que tiene excelente, pero el sitio es no más), o de otros fuentes de sonido gratis.Freepats jest projekt stworzenia wolnego i otwartego zestawu GUS zgodne poprawki, które mogą być używane z softsynths takich jak Nieśmiałość i WildMidi. Są one weryfikowane, nie zawierają niewolne ograniczenia. Freepats jest rozpowszechniany na licencji GPL v2 lub później, z po klauzuli wyłączenia o stosunku składu MIDI i poprawki: ================================================== ======= Jako wyjątek specjalny, jeśli stworzyć skład, który wykorzystuje tych poprawek, a następnie wymieszać tych poprawek lub niezmienionym części tych poprawek w skład tych poprawek nie przez się przyczyną kompozycja być objęte GNU General Public License. Wyjątek ten nie ma jednak unieważni jakichkolwiek innych powodów, dla których dokument może być objęte przez GNU General Public License. Jeśli zmiany te poprawki, może przedłużyć ten wyjątek do Twojej wersji poprawki, ale nie są zobowiązane do tego. Jeśli nie chcesz to zrobić, usunąć oświadczenie wyjątek od wersji. ================================================== ======== Ten zestaw poprawek jest ograniczona jakości, ponieważ niektóre instrumenty nadal brakuje. Do użytku osobistego, prosimy o korzystanie z innych zbiorów patch (takie jak eawpatches który doskonałej jakości, ale strona jest nie więcej), lub inne bezpłatne SoundFonts.Фреепатс је пројекат за стварање слободног и отвореног скупа Гус компатибилне закрпе које се могу користити са софтсынтхс као што су Стидљивост и УилдМиди. Они су потврдили да не садрже неслободни ограничења. Фреепатс се дистрибуира под ОЈЛ в2 или касније, са следи клаузула о изузетак однос за МИДИ композиције и закрпе: ================================================== ======= Као посебан изузетак, ако креирате композицију која користи ове закрпе, као и микс ових фластера или непромењен делова ове закрпе у композицију, ове закрпе не по сами проузрокују резултат састав да буде покривено ГНУ Опште јавне лиценце. Овај изузетак се не ипак поништити и други разлози зашто би документ бити покривена од стране ГНУ Генерал Публиц Лиценце. Ако измените ове ознаке можете проширити овај изузетак у своју верзију закрпе, али нисте обавезни да то учине. Ако не желите да то урадите, избришете ову изјаву осим од верзије. ================================================== ======== Овај патцх је скуп ограничених квалитета, јер неки инструменти се још увек недостаје. За личну употребу, слободно користите друге скупове закрпа (као што еаупатцхес која је одличног квалитета, али сајт нема више), или друге слободне соундфонтс. Freepats is een project om een vrije en open set van GUS creëren compatible patches die kunnen worden gebruikt met softsynths zoals Verlegenheid en WildMidi. Ze worden geverifieerd bevatten geen niet-vrije beperking. Freepats wordt gedistribueerd onder de GPL v2 of later, met follow uitzonderingsclausule over de relatie van de MIDI-compositie en patches: ================================================== ======= Als een speciale uitzondering, als u een compositie die gebruik maakt van deze patches, en meng deze patches of ongewijzigde delen van deze patches in de samenstelling, deze patches niet door zelf veroorzaken de daaruit voortvloeiende samenstelling worden gedekt door de GNU General Public License. Deze uitzondering geldt echter niet ongeldigheid van een andere redenen waarom het document kan worden gedekt de door de GNU General Public License. Als je deze patches te wijzigen, U kan deze uitzondering op uw versie van de patches, maar u bent niet verplicht dit te doen. Indien u niet wenst te doen, verwijder deze uitzondering verklaring van uw versie. ================================================== ======== Deze patch set is van beperkte kwaliteit, omdat sommige instrumenten nog steeds vermist. Voor persoonlijk gebruik, voel je vrij om andere patch sets gebruik (zoals eawpatches die heeft een uitstekende kwaliteit, maar de site is niet meer), of andere gratis soundfonts.@Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timidity-patch-freepats-20040611-5pclos2013.src.rpm1e1daec65b9050c6eaa8f08172839a6f./SRPMS.pclos[d ' ` B@BA(BE,BJMCtimidity-patch-gravis1.04pclos2019Instruments for the timidity midi->wave converter/playerThis package contains a set of instruments for the timidity midi->wave converter/player.Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1timidity-patch-gravis-1.0-4pclos2019.src.rpm|m51384325e2add5351b8dcb2a9fb9ddb4./SRPMS.pclosd   ,|   u B@BABEBJCtint217.01pclos2021lightweight taskbarTint is a simple panel/taskbar intentionally made for openbox3, but should also work with other window managers. The taskbar includes transparency and color settings for the font, icons, border, and background. It also supports multihead setups, customized mouse actions, and a built-in clock. Tint was originally based on ttm code.YSystem/X11x86_64 cmakegettextgtk2-devellibimlib2-devellibcairo-devellibxinerama1-develglib2-devellibx11_6-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64startup-notification-1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tint2-17.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm843e00aa06bf9b304ecbf490b61b52491./SRPMS.pclos?d   d@ DMT x  B@BA BEBJ1Cdetintii2.2.01pclos2010Color photo image converterRaffinierter Fotofilter mit wenigen KlicksTintii takes full color photos and processes them into black and white with some select regions highlighted in color. The technique is known as colour popping or selective coloring – tintii makes it easy. Think Schindler’s List’s little girl in red, or the dramatic style of Sin City. tintii takes a color photo and cleverly separates it into a handful of major hues. You then select which colours to pop, and the rest become black & white.Mit Tintii Photo Filter verleiht man Digitalfotos einen ganz speziellen Schwarz-Weiß-Look. Die kostenlose Software verwandelt alle bis auf einige ausgewählte farbige Bereiche einer Fotografie in Graustufen. Das Ergebnis ist ein Schwarzweiß-Bild, aus dem nur noch das gewünschte Objekt in einer zuvor festgelegten Farbe hervorsticht. Zunächst öffnet man in Tintii Photo Filter das zu bearbeitende Foto und wählt aus den automatisch durch die Freeware erzeugten Miniaturvorschaubildern das aus, das dem späteren Ergebnis am Nächsten kommt. Per Mausklick sucht man sich die gewünschte Farbe heraus und gibt dem Bild anhand weiterer Einstellungsoptionen den letzen Schliff. Tintii Photo Filter unterstützt die folgenden Formate: BMP, PNG, JPG, TIF, GIF, PNM, PCX, ICO, CUR, ANI, TGA, XPMGraphicsi586 gcc-c++boost-develsconsrcsflexwxGTK2.8-devellibgomp-develdoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tintii-2.2.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm[ed544d99b441b3efb8d451d650a5fd9c./SRPMS.pclosd   B 8@XB@BABEBJCtintin1.99.61pclos2010tintin++ is a console based MUD clientTinTin++, aka TT++, is a free Mud/Telnet client for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X which provides a robust scripting/macro/automation language to make terminal work/play much easier. Besides MUDs (which are free online text games), TinTin++ can also be used as a client to play MUSH, MUCK, MOO, MU*, or Rogue games, which are online text game variants. Tintin++ can also be used for connecting to a Linux server or a telnet BBS as well.Artthou Networking/Remote accessi586 glibc-headers-devellibpcre0-develzlib1-develzlib1libpcre0rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tintin-1.99.6-1pclos2010.src.rpm099a350a609f9880f61771d3f32765cf./SRPMS.pclos+d   F B@BABEBJCtintwizard0.3.41pclos2010Generates config files for tint2 panelsA GUI wizard which generates config files for tint2 panels.jbGraphical desktop/Openboxnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tintwizard-0.3.4-1pclos2010.src.rpmo 511b0062afd5e40543a3ab15cdb7a3e5./SRPMS.pclos#d   , B@BABEBJCtinycdb0.771pclos2014Constant DatabaseTinycdb is a small, fast and reliable utility set and subroutine library for creating and reading constant databases. The database structure is tuned for fast reading: - Successful lookups take normally just two disk accesses. - Unsuccessful lookups take only one disk access. - Small disk space and memory size requirements; a database uses 2048 bytes for the header and 24 bytes plus size of (key,value) per record. - Maximum database size is 4GB; individual record size is not otherwise limited. - Portable file format. - Fast creation of new databases. - No locking, updates are atomical.Databasesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tinycdb-0.77-1pclos2014.src.rpm4033728f886910cc3a9769a61d18917e8./SRPMS.pclosd   2 _B@nBABEBJCtinyerp4.2.24pclos2010Open Source ERP ClientTiny ERP is a complete ERP and CRM. The main features are accounting (analytic and financial), stock management, sales and purchases management, tasks automation, marketing campaigns, help desk, POS, etc. Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an object database, a dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and SOAP and XML-RPC interfaces. If you have the TinyERP server configured and running on the local machine you should be able to simply start TinyERP from the menu and login with 'demo'/'demo'. You can also configure the client to connect to any other TinyERP server at login time.GSystem/Serversnoarch pygtk2.0-develpygtk2.0-libgladepython-psycopgpython-libxsltpython-dotdesktop-file-utilsxorg-x11-Xvfbrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tinyerp-4.2.2-4pclos2010.src.rpmG87733a7f3e080fb0631bd257f3420b584./SRPMS.pcloscd   Y B@ BA0BE4BJUCtinyproxy1.8.31pclos2015Lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing HTTP proxyAn anonymizing http proxy which is very light on system resources, ideal for smaller networks and similar situations where other proxies (such as Squid) may be overkill and/or a security risk. Tinyproxy can also be configured to anonymize http requests (allowing for exceptions on a per-header basis).}System/Serversx86_64  asciidocdocbook-style-xsldocbook-dtd45-xmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   9d hyB@BABEBJCtinyxml2.6.24pclos2024A small and simple XML parserTinyXML is a simple, small, C++ XML parser YSystem/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tinyxml-2.6.2-4pclos2024.src.rpm-62a05fd877285c771909875798c6524a4./SRPMS.pclos7d   Hd hyB@BABEBJ)Ctinyxml210.0.01pclos2024Simple, small and efficient C++ XML parserTinyXML-2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs. It uses a Document Object Model (DOM), meaning the XML data is parsed into a C++ objects that can be browsed and manipulated, and then written to disk or another output stream.sSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakedoxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tinyxml2-10.0.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm 48724eba5a5ad82fcb8908ccdec443a7./SRPMS.pclos7d   7@D N_hB@BABEBJ)Ctix8.4.33pclos2017A set of capable widgets for TkTix (Tk Interface Extension), an add-on for the Tk widget set, is an extensive set of over 40 widgets. In general, Tix widgets are more complex and more capable than the widgets provided in Tk. Tix widgets include a ComboBox, a Motif-style FileSelectBox, an MS Windows-style FileSelectBox, a PanedWindow, a NoteBook, a hierarchical list, a directory tree and a file manager. Install the tix package if you want to try out more complicated widgets for Tk. You'll also need to have the tcl and tk packages installed.-bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(tcl)pkgconfig(tk)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)grofftclrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tix-8.4.3-3pclos2017.src.rpm22c0243ff20e4115961d56ab78447472a./SRPMS.pclosd   L B@BABEBJCtk8.6.141pclos2024The graphical toolkit for the Tcl scripting languageWhen paired with the Tcl scripting language, Tk provides a fast and powerful way to create cross-platform GUI applications./vDevelopment/Otherx86_64  autoconfpkgconfig(tcl)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xft)pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   ,h l~B@BABEBJCtkcvs8.21pclos2010Tk interface for CVSTkCVS is a Tcl/Tk-based graphical interface to the CVS and Subversion configuration management systems. It includes facilities for providing "user friendly" names to modules and directories within the repository, and provides a facility to interactively browse the repository looking for modules and directories.Development/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tkcvs-8.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm(8de191306cb514adc2abcd21ea9d7268./SRPMS.pclosGd   4  18XB@BABEBJ9Ctkimg1.41pclos2020Image support library for TkThis package contains a collection of image format handlers for the Tk photo image type, and a new image type, pixmaps. The provided format handlers include bmp, gif, ico, jpeg, pcx, png, ppm, ps, sgi, sun, tga, tiff, xbm, and xpm.1System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(tcl)pkgconfig(tk)tcl-tcllibpkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tkimg-1.4-1pclos2020.src.rpm+90e2ee0f8dacee15b904483c22c686d5./SRPMS.pclosd   T $B@0BATBEXBJyCtkxinput1.010pclos2010A Tk extension to handle additional input devices in X11The package provides an extension to Tk that add input device management capabilities. It is possible to bind extended input events to tcl scripts, to get information about the devices, to change devices parameters and to change the default pointer and keyborad devices. It is also possible to send input events from one application to an other one.CSystem/X11i586 libx11-devellibxi-develtk-develtcl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tkxinput-1.0-10pclos2010.src.rpma0b93be0da265b32d92cd4823eef1e7e./SRPMS.pclosd ! H #B@/BAXBE\BJ}Ctmispell-voikko0.72pclos2013Ispell compatible front-end for VoikkoTmispell is an Ispell compatible front-end for spell-checking modules. To do the actual spell-checking for Finnish language it uses the spell-checking system Voikko. Since tmispell-voikko imitates ispell, you have to configure the relevant program to use ispell for spell-checking and select dictionary "suomi" or "Finnish".pinocText toolsx86_64 lib64ncursesw-develglib2-devellib64glibmm2.4-devellib64voikko-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tmispell-voikko-0.7-2pclos2013.src.rpmU54c194b11690b01f33be8122387c747d./SRPMS.pclos+d   V B@BABEBJCtmon5.121pclos2021Monitoring and Testing Tool for Linux kernel thermal subsystemMonitoring and Testing Tool for Linux kernel thermal subsystemMonitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tmon-5.12-1pclos2021.src.rpmSa442409be56d250483fc1a506de6897f./SRPMS.pcloswd   \ B@ BADBEHBJiCtmpwatch2.111pclos2013Utility for removing files based on when they were last accessedThe tmpwatch utility recursively searches through specified directories and removes files which have not been accessed in a specified period of time. Tmpwatch is normally used to clean up directories which are used for temporarily holding files (for example, /tmp). Tmpwatch ignores symlinks, won't switch filesystems and only removes empty directories and regular files.$pinocFile toolsx86_64 psmiscrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tmpwatch-2.11-1pclos2013.src.rpm)1bfe61ce9dc4cf5aa17a2152b9740520./SRPMS.pclosd   3 &0@B@BABEBJCtmux3.41pclos2024Terminal multiplexer programtmux is a "terminal multiplexer". It allows a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. It is intended to be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to programs such as GNU screen. Terminalsx86_64  libevent-develncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tmux-3.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm224863b71f63b2ac4d0aa23426da69e92./SRPMS.pclossd   E B@BA@BEDBJeCtn52500.17.42pclos2010Console 5250 Telnet protocol and Terminaltn5250 is an implementation of the 5250 Telnet protocol It provide 5250 library and 5250 terminal emulation*^Networking/Otheri586 ncurses-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tn5250-0.17.4-2pclos2010.src.rpm0i49ba8f41bd61b83342f15def8657e4f7./SRPMS.pclosCd  5x |B@BABEBJ5Ctnef1.4.181pclos2019Uncompress MS-TNEF ArchivesThis tool uncompresses MS-TNEF archives as used by some mailers.(File toolsx86_64 mawkgettext-develautoconflibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tnef-1.4.18-1pclos2019.src.rpm.d4fb4e9709061e7ea24e2d6208c360ca./SRPMS.pclos#d " M B@BABEBJCtodo-indicator0.5.01pclos2018Appindicator for todo.txt-style todo listsA simple appindicator for todo.txt-style todo lists.bb2 Officenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1todo-indicator-0.5.0-1pclos2018.src.rpme33cc61a0ea65eaa11a8baae7a0ed5825./SRPMS.pclosd ! U  ,B@4BAXBE\BJ}Cdetogglecashew0.31pclos2012Show/hide KDE CashewEin-/Ausblenden der KDE CashewScript to show or hide the Cashew at the top right of the KDE desktop.Skript zum Anzeigen oder Verbergen der Cashew links oben auf der KDE Arbeitsfläche NealGraphicsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1togglecashew-0.3-1pclos2012.src.rpm62759adf53e4949c3a38e16247544acf./SRPMS.pclosd   D 4B@?BAdBEhBJCtolua++1.0.932pclos2019A tool to integrate C/C++ code with Luatolua++ is an extended version of tolua, a tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua. tolua++ includes new features oriented to C++.Development/Otherx86_64 gcc-c++sconslib64lua5.3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tolua++-1.0.93-2pclos2019.src.rpm4dd16ea5670b83c0dc0a63820edfc99e1./SRPMS.pclos[d   ;  0  B@BA(BE,BJMCtomahawk0.6.11pclos2013Qt playdar social music playerTomahawk Player is a next generation music player. It features custom stations (building upon the beatuiful Echo Nest), a playlist importer, social connection to Twitter, Google Chat, and Jabber. Maybe most important of all: It's able to find and pull music from different sources like YouTube, last.fm, SoundCloud, Skreemr, Spotify, and more using the Playdar approach. Of course, it can also play songs from your local library.BqSoundi586  qt4-develquazip-develcmakeboost-develqjson-develtaglib-develclucene2-devellibechonest-develliblastfm-develjreen-develattica-develqtweetlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   M< @X`B@BABEBJCtomboy1.4.04pclos2011Desktop note-taking application for Linux and UnixTomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix. Simple and easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas and information you deal with every day. The key to Tomboy's usefulness lies in the ability to relate notes and ideas together. Using a WikiWiki-like linking system, organizing ideas is as simple as typing a name. Branching an idea off is easy as pressing the Link button. And links between your ideas won't break, even when renaming and reorganizing them.a!Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gtkspell-develgnome-sharp2-develgnome-desktop-sharp-devellibpanel-applet-develmono-develmono-addinsmono-addins-develgalago-sharpndesk-dbus-glibgmime-sharpautomake1.8intltoolgnome-doc-utilsdesktop-file-utilslocales-enrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)܋888081f8ed750a73a14f2a1bd22df9e3./SRPMS.pclosd  O   W B@gBABEBJCtomoe0.6.03pclos2010A program which does Japanese handwriting recognitionA program which does Japanese handwriting recognition.3ZSystem/Internationalizationi586 automakeintltoolgtk-docruby-develruby-gnome2-develpython-gobject-develpygtk2.0-develglib2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tomoe-0.6.0-3pclos2010.src.rpm3x24d7d1d9edfd3c5b85c63039cb9475d5./SRPMS.pclosd   Ch lB@*BAPBETBJuCtomoe-gtk0.6.02pclos2010Tomoe-gtk for handwriting recognitionTomoe-gtk handwriting recognition.qSystem/Internationalizationi586  tomoe-develtomoegtk+2-develpygtk2.0-develgtk-docpython-gobject-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 7ptzB@BABEBJCtoolame02l1pclos2011MPEG Audio Layer2 VBR EncodertooLAME is an optimized Mpeg Audio 1/2 Layer 2 encoder. It is based heavily on - the ISO dist10 code - improvement to algorithms as part of the LAME project (www.sulaco.org/mp3) - work by myself and other contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS) This package is in PLF, as MP3 encoding is covered by software patents.Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1toolame-02l-1pclos2011.src.rpm49df19ccc0a1893bb7360646049239c3./SRPMS.pclosgd   `| B@BA4BE8BJYCtoppler1.1.2a1pclos2007Reimplementation of the old game known as Tower Toppler or NebulousIt is an almost complete reimplementation of the old game known as Tower Toppler or Nebulous. This game was available at least for PC, Atari, C64 and now the PC version is abandonware. The goal of the game is to reach the target door of each of the 8 towers in currently 2 missions with this little green animal. This door is usually at the very top of the tower. But finding the way by using elevators and walking trough a maze of doors and platforms is not the only problem you have to solve. There are a bunch of other creatures living on the tower that will hinder you to reach your target by pushing you over the edge of the platforms. The only weapon of defence you have is to throw a little snowball. But most of the other creatures just don't care about this. So you must avoid them.gTexstar Games/Arcadei586 SDL-develSDL_mixer-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1toppler-1.1.2a-1pclos2007.src.rpmwd25b2042c0e5482dcfa8f4e1c76663c2./SRPMS.pclosd    CB@^BABEBJCdetor0.4.8.81pclos2023Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (The onion router)Anonymisierung durch das Überdecken des Netzwerks für TCP (The onion router)Tor is a connection-based low-latency anonymous communication system. This package provides the "tor" program, which serves as both a client and a relay node. Scripts will automatically create a "toruser" user and group, and set tor up to run as a daemon when the system is rebooted. Applications connect to the local Tor proxy using the SOCKS protocol. The local proxy chooses a path through a set of relays, in which each relay knows its predecessor and successor, but no others. Traffic flowing down the circuit is unwrapped by a symmetric key at each relay, which reveals the downstream relay. Warnings: Tor does no protocol cleaning. That means there is a danger that application protocols and associated programs can be induced to reveal information about the initiator. Tor depends on Privoxy and similar protocol cleaners to solve this problem. This is alpha code, and is even more likely than released code to have anonymity-spoiling bugs. The present network is very small -- this further reduces the strength of the anonymity provided. Tor is not presently suitable for high-stakes anonymity.Tor ist ein verbindungsbasiertes, anonymes Kommunikationssystem mit niedriger Latenz. Dieses Paket liefert das "tor"-Programm, welches zugleich als Klient und Übermittlungsknoten dient. Skripte werden automatisch einen "toruser" Benutzer und Gruppe erstellen und tor so einstellen, dass es als Systemdienst ausgeführt wird, wenn das System gestartet wird. Warnungen: Tor betreibt keine Protokollbereinigung. Das bedeutet, dass die Gefahr besteht, dass Programmprotokolle und damit assoziierte Programme dazu gebracht werden Informationen über den Urheber zu offenbaren. Tor basiert auf Privoxy und anderen Protokollreinigern um dieses Problem zu lösen.PfNetworking/Otherx86_64   autoconf2.5ghostscriptlib64event-developenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)transfigzlib-devel0. ' 9 B@BA$BE(BJICtor-browser-bundle11.5.81pclos2022Anonymous browserThe Tor software protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: It prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are blocked.Networking/WWWx86_64 wgetimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tor-browser-bundle-11.5.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm3162c45850f99a20deadd25c31b05bdc./SRPMS.pclosd ( e 4B@ABApBEtBJCtorrent-file-editor0.3.161pclos2019Qt based GUI tool designed to create and edit .torrent filesQt based GUI tool designed to create and edit .torrent files. Features - create .torrent file from scratch - edit .torrent file in user-friendly way - edit .torrent file in tree format - edit .torrent file in JSON format - add, remove and interchange files in .torrent file - support for codings~File toolsx86_64 cmakepkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1torrent-file-editor-0.3.16-1pclos2019.src.rpm"f0a0ca0477b185712e6b1a43fbeb2a37./SRPMS.pclosd $ Xx |B@3BA`BEdBJCtotem-pl-parser3.26.51pclos2020Playlist parser library from the Totem Movie PlayerShared library used by totem.*System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmime-2.6)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libquvi-0.9)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)gobject-introspection-develintltoolgtk-doclocalesmesonlua-socketglib-networkinggvfsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames),M04c3dfbbeb5c25113655d98fddcd6529./SRPMS.pclosod "  B@BA<BE@BJaCdetouchfreeze0.2.51pclos2010Utility to disable touchpad tap-clicking while typingWerkzeug zu deaktivieren des Touchpad-Klick während der EingabeTouchFreeze is a simple utility that disables the tap-click function of Synaptics touchpads while you are typing. As long as you are typing, tapping the touchpad will not count as a mouse click. It replaces the previous QSynaptics and KSynaptics tools.TouchFreeze ist ein einfaches Dienstprogramm, das die TAP-Klick-Funktion des Touchpads mittels Synaptics deaktiviert während Sie tippen. Solange Sie tippen, tippen Sie auf das Touchpad wird es nicht als ein Mausklick zählen. Es ersetzt die bisherige QSynaptics und KSynaptics Werkzeuge.YSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586 qt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1touchfreeze-0.2.5-1pclos2010.src.rpm`d4a46a8f6bb5ff68cd8994f3f2a0d8eff./SRPMS.pclosd   38 <BL\B@BABEBJCtovid0.316pclos2010Video disc authoring toolsTovid is a collection of video disc authoring tools; it can help you create your own DVDs, VCDs, and SVCDs for playback on your home DVD player. Note: Some features will be unavailable unless you also install the transcode package, available elsewhere. Videonoarch pythontxt2tagsdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tovid-0.31-6pclos2010.src.rpm 4f50b73bd36c58aad0d7b094e62ecc19./SRPMS.pclos7d   V 9@XB@BABEBJ)Ctoxcore0.2.191pclos2024Secure, configuration-free, P2P Skype replacement backendWith the rise of government surveillance programs, Tox, a FOSS initiative, aims to be an easy to use, all-in-one communication platform that ensures full privacy and secure message delivery. Networking/Instant messagingx86_64  lib64config-devellib64opus-devellib64sodium-devellib64vpx-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1toxcore-0.2.19-1pclos2024.src.rpm _5574b6f9ee7d14e44e7a78a4cf50e342./SRPMS.pclosd   H   (OB@[BAxBE|BJCtpb0.6.41pclos2010Program to use the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keysThis program enables the IBM Thinkpad(tm) special keys. It is possible to bind a program to the ThinkPad button. It has a on-screen display (OSD) to show volume, mute and brightness of the LCD.yMonitoringi586  xosd-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   +PT B@BABEBJ)Ctpctl4.172pclos2007Thinkpad UtilitiesUtilities specific to IBM ThinkpadsSBart the Build Bot System/Kernel and hardwarei586 ncurses-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tpctl-4.17-2pclos2007.src.rpmVJ1727a78736d5feba1006579276fade91./SRPMS.pclosd   2 #4< p ) B@DBAhBElBJCtpm2-tss4.1.31pclos2025TPM2.0 Software Stacktpm2-tss is a software stack supporting Trusted Platform Module(TPM) 2.0 system APIs. It sits between TPM driver and applications, providing TPM2.0 specified APIs for applications to access TPM module through kernel TPM drivers.^TerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64  aclautoconf-archivedoxygengccgcc-c++libgcrypt-devellibtoolpkgconfig(json-c)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(uuid)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tpm2-tss-4.1.3-1pclos2025.src.rpmPfaa94b05c625271e61f7e4aede8ec9a9./SRPMS.pclosd   Z0 4?HPB@BABEBJCtraceroute2.1.61pclos2024Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 networkNew implementation of the traceroute utility for modern Linux systems. Backward compatible with the traditional traceroute. Supports both IPv4 and IPv6, additional types of trace (including TCP), allows some traces for unprivileged users. The traceroute utility displays the route used by IP packets on their way to a specified network (or Internet) host.Traceroute displays the IP number and host name (if possible) of the machines along the route taken by the packets.Traceroute is used as a network debugging tool.If you're having network connectivity problems, traceroute will show you where the trouble is coming from along the route. Install traceroute if you need a tool for diagnosing network connectivity problems.*Monitoringx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1traceroute-2.1.6-1pclos2024.src.rpmC80698f738174012db84f3dae8798b6d3./SRPMS.pclosd ! ^ XB@hBABEBJCfrtrackballs1.1.41pclos2007A Marble Madness-like gameUn jeu inspiré de Marble MadnessTrackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness, on the Amiga, in the 80's. By steering a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the player collects points. When the ball reaches the destination you continue on the next, more difficult, level - unless, of course, the time runs out. You steer the ball using the mouse and by pressing >spacebar< you can jump a short distance. When all levels are finished, an editor mode permits to create new ones ("trackballs -e"). All is explained in the docs.nv1Texstar Games/Arcadei586  guile-develSDL_ttf-develSDL_mixer-develSDL_image-develmesaglu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d# . (, 1IP&& &B@ TBA xBE |BJ Cdefresplsrnltracker0.14.21pclos2012Desktop-neutral metadata-based search frameworkDesktop-neutrale, auf Metadaten basierende Suchumgebung.Tracker is a framework designed to extract information and metadata about your personal data so that it can be searched easily and quickly. Tracker is desktop-neutral, fast and resource efficient.Tracker ist eine Umgebung, um Informationen und Metadaten über Ihre persönlichen Daten zu extrahieren, so dass sie schnell und problemlos durchsucht werden können. Tracker ist Desktop-neutral, schnell und wirkungsvoll bei den Ressourcen.Tracker is a framework designed to extract information and metadata about your personal data so that it can be searched easily and quickly. Tracker is desktop-neutral, fast and resource efficient.Tracker is a framework designed to extract information and metadata about your personal data so that it can be searched easily and quickly. Tracker is desktop-neutral, fast and resource efficient.Tracker is a framework designed to extract information and metadata about your personal data so that it can be searched easily and quickly. Tracker is desktop-neutral, fast and resource efficient.Tracker is a framework designed to extract information and metadata about your personal data so that it can be searched easily and quickly. Tracker is desktop-neutral, fast and resource efficient.Tracker is a framework designed to extract information and metadata about your personal data so that it can be searched easily and quickly. Tracker is desktop-neutral, fast and resource efficient.[NealGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  sqlite3-develdbus-develglib2-develfirefoxmozilla-thunderbirdzlib-devellibgmime2.2-devellibgstreamer-devellibgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devellibpoppler-glib-develpygtk2.0-devellibvorbis-develpng-devellibexif-devellibgsf-develgamin-devellibgnome2-develgnomeui2-develgnome-desktop-devellibglade2.0-develhal-develexempi-develdeskbar-appletImageMagickgnome-commonintltoolgtk-doclibraptor-develgettext-devellibgee-devellibtiff-devellibcue-develsqlite3-toolslibuuid-develvala-devellibpanel-applet-2-develdiarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)[Gb022c6825bbf427c033f27d4fc245e32./SRPMS.pclosd   $L PV`dB@BABEBJCtragtor0.8.731pclos2013traGtorA graphical user interface for ffmpeg.Videonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tragtor-0.8.73-1pclos2013.src.rpm25e2d98eb41dc38c989de9900d455337./SRPMS.pclossd   E DB@BA@BEDBJeCtranscode1.1.78pclos2018A linux video stream processing utilitytranscode is a text-console video stream processing tool. Decoding and encoding is done by loading shared library modules that are responsible for feeding transcode with raw RGB/PCM streams (import module) and encoding the frames (export module). It supports elementary video and audio frame transformations. Some example modules are included to enable import of MPEG program streams (VOB), Digital Video (DV), or YUV video and export modules for writing DivX;-), OpenDivX, or uncompressed AVI files. A set of tools is available to extract and decode the sources into raw video/audio streams for import and to enable post-processing of AVI files.eNVideox86_64 lib64SDL-devellib64a52dec0-devellib64alsa2-devellib64dv-devellib64dvdread-devellib64faac-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64freetype6-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lame0-devellib64lzo-devellib64magick-devellib64mjpegtools-devellib64mpeg2dec-devellib64ogg-devellib64quicktime-devellib64v4l-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64x11-devellib64xext-devellib64xml2-devellib64xv-devellib64xvid4-devellibtheora-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transcode-1.1.7-8pclos2018.src.rpmc390d8b1b71feb5a7017255e072e9c01./SRPMS.pclosd $ =4 8>H\B@BABEBJ Ctranscoder-audio0.0.61pclos2013Transcoder Audio EditionTranscoder Audio Edition is an audio converter for Linux which can convert from one audio format into another and can extract audio tracks from video files and convert them into audio formats. It uses GTK+ as GUI toolkit and ffmpeg as backend.kSoundx86_64 desktop-file-utilslib64gtk+2.0_0-develglib2-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transcoder-audio-0.0.6-1pclos2013.src.rpmp8afac36008a2f9e3c20240b792bc0443e./SRPMS.pclosOd   c B@BABE BJACtransfig3.2.5d1pclos2011A utility for converting FIG files (created by xfig) to other formatsThe transfig utility creates a makefile which translates FIG (created by xfig) or PIC figures into a specified LaTeX graphics language (for example, PostScript(TM)). Transfig is used to create TeX documents which are portable (i.e., they can be printed in a wide variety of environments).Graphicsx86_64 libxpm-develpng-develimaketcshrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transfig-3.2.5d-1pclos2011.src.rpmH311480bead6653c204671f7f5bb5a975./SRPMS.pclos+d ! 2 B@BABEBJCtransfugdrake1.9.91pclos2016Migration wizardTransfugdrake is a wizard to migrate documents and settings from Windows to PCLinuxOSSystem/Configurationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transfugdrake-1.9.9-1pclos2016.src.rpm57855854332fc44723bfd835e844b480./SRPMS.pclosCd % gx |B@BABEBJ5Ctranslate-shell0.9.7.11pclos2024Command-line interface and interactive shell for Google TranslateTranslate Shell is a command-line interface and interactive shell for Google Translate. It works just the way you want it to be. Translate Shell is a complete rewrite of Google Translate CLI Legacy, which is a tiny script written in 100 lines of AWK code. Translate Shell is backward compatible with Google Translate CLI Legacy in its command-line usage; furthermore, it provides more functionality including verbose translation, Text-to-Speech and interactive mode, etc. Run in the terminal for usage information.;Text toolsx86_64   gawkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests);85f00e3e208614a1435a55ca48295c4e./SRPMS.pclos?d  A   @B@BA BEBJ1Ctransmageddon0.162pclos2013Transmageddon - video transcoderTransmageddon is a video transcoder for Linux and Unix systems built using GStreamer. It supports almost any format as its input and can generate a very large host of output files. The goal of the application was to help people to create the files they need to be able to play on their mobile devices and for people not hugely experienced with multimedia to generate a multimedia file without having to resort to command line tools with ungainly syntaxes.Videonoarch lib64gstreamer0.10_0.10-develgstreamer0.10-pythonperl-XML-Parserpython-develpygtk2.0-develgettextdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transmageddon-0.16-2pclos2013.src.rpm 1c5db100edecbbf942689b7372bca478f./SRPMS.pclosod  9 @B@BA<BE@BJaCtransmission4.0.61pclos2024Simple Bittorrent clientTransmission is a free, lightweight BitTorrent client. It features a simple, intuitive interface on top of an efficient back-end.%Networking/File transferx86_64  bzip2cmakedesktop-file-utilsimagemagickintltoollib64gtkmm3.0-devellibnatpmp-develminiupnpc-develpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Network)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libcanberra-gtk)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libdeflate)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(openssl)qttools5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1transmission-4.0.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm%a05a98e79d76b03b1ef9c3ebee2ffdfa./SRPMS.pclosd ) ;0 4MT`B@BABEBJCtransmission-remote-gui4.11pclos2013Bittorrent clientTransGUI is a feature rich cross platform front-end to remotely control a Transmission Bit-Torrent client daemon via its RPC protocol. Transmission Remote GUI is faster and has more functionality than the built-in Transmission web interface.}Networking/File transferx86_64 desktop-file-utilslazarusrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transmission-remote-gui-4.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmf8f8a487ad35893942e008827d3c3023./SRPMS.pclosd " d hs|B@BABEBJCdetransset202212012pclos2023simple program to make windows transparentEinfaches Programm um Fenster transparent zu gestaltentransset manipulates the _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY property to make windows transparent. transset beherrscht nur das einfache Verändern der Transparenz. Durch den Befehl im Terminal * transset erhält man einen Mauszeiger, mit dem man das Fenster auswählen kann, welches transparent gestellt werden soll. Der muss zwischen 0 und 1 liegen. 0 ist bewirkt ein ganz durchsichtiges Fenster, mit 0.5 ist es halb durchsichtig, und mit 1 wird es völlig undurchsichtig.DSystem/X11x86_64 lib64x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transset-20221201-2pclos2023.src.rpm36c4ff19cc32fed85bd6950006dc249f./SRPMS.pclosd  8  B@BABEBJCtransset-df61pclos2020Sets translucency propertiesThis is a modified version of xorg's original transset. It allows setting and unsetting window's transparency by pressing a key without bringing up the crosshair.+wSystem/X11x86_64 pkgconfigpkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xfixes)pkgconfig(xdamage)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1transset-df-6-1pclos2020.src.rpm1b8be486851f9647c0b0a5b1c9ee6d310./SRPMS.pclosd   4  $*4DpB@{BABEBJCtraverso0.49.51pclos2021Audio Editing SoftwareTraverso-DAW is a digital audio workstation (like GarageBand) designed to be an extension of your creativity and workflow. Compose, record and edit your audio with an unprecedented speed and ease as you’ve never experienced before.3Soundx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1traverso-0.49.5-1pclos2021.src.rpm02829c1c28d98ea2cdd60df863c5cadc./SRPMS.pclosd   I4 8X`dB@BABEBJCtrayer1.1.82pclos2019Trayer-srg is a lightweight GTK2-based systraytrayer is small program designed to provide systray functionality present in GNOME/KDE desktop enviroments for window managers which doesn't support that function. It's similar to other applications such as 'peksystray' and 'docker'.Graphical desktop/Enlightenmentx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trayer-1.1.8-2pclos2019.src.rpmV995919f818c5e181134e7f13a6262fc6./SRPMS.pclosd   b  >B@GBAdBEhBJCtre0.8.01pclos2011Lightweight, robust, and efficient POSIX compliant regexp matching libraryTRE is a lightweight, robust, and efficient POSIX compliant regexp matching library with some exciting features such as approximate matching.System/Librariesx86_64 libltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tre-0.8.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm1f07dce74c843be17dba567fc34a8d47./SRPMS.pclosd   QX \gptB@BABEBJCtree1.8.01pclos2021Utility which displays a tree view of directory contentsThe tree utility recursively displays the contents of directories in a tree-like format. Tree is basically a UNIX port of the tree DOS utility. Install tree if you think it would be useful to view the contents of specified directories in a tree-like format.File toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tree-1.8.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmd1fceea973b887f5d3a1a0426f16a402d./SRPMS.pclosd   5B@BBAdBEhBJCdetreeline1.4.12pclos2013Versatile Tree-Style Outliner for Defining Custom Data SchemasVielseitiger Editor zu Erstellen von Gliederungen im Baumstil für das Definieren von eigenen DatenschemataTreeLine is a versatile tool for working with all kind of information that fits into a tree-like structure. It can be used to edit bookmark files, create mini-databases (e.g., for addresses, tasks, records, CDs, etc.), outline documents, or just collect ideas. It can also be used as a generic editor for XML files. The data schemas for any node in the data tree can be customized and new types of nodes can be defined. The way data is presented on the screen, exported to HTML, or printed can be defined with HTML-like templates. Plug-ins can be written to load and save data from and to custom file formats or external data sources and extend the functionality of TreeLine.TreeLine ist ein vielseitiges Werkzeug für das Arbeiten mit jeder Art von Information, die in eine baumartige Struktur passt. Es kann benutzt werden um Lesezeichendateien zu bearbeiten, kleine Minidatenbanken zu erstellen (z.B. für Adressen, Aufgaben, Aufnahmen, CDs, etc.), Übersichtsdokumente oder nur eine Sammlung von Ideen. Es kann auch als generischer Editor für XML-Dateien benutzt werden. Die Datenschemata für jeden Knoten im Datenbaum können verändert werden und es können neue Typen von Knoten definiert werden. Der Weg wie Daten auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt, nach HTML eportiert oder gedruckt werden, kann mit HTML-artigen Vorlagedateien definiert werden. Erweiterungen können geschrieben werden um Daten in eigenen Dateiformaten zu schreiben und zu laden oder um die Funktionalität von TreeLine zu erweitern.Officenoarch pythonaspelldesktop-file-utilspython-qt4python-pyxmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1treeline-1.4.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm8e0335fbebd7829b8cc37bd84c8c50ff./SRPMS.pclosd   g RB@]BABEBJCtremulous1.1.01pclos2010An open source game that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS.Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like an RTS. These structures provide many functions, the most important being spawning. The designated builders must ensure there are spawn structures or other players will not be able to rejoin the game after death. Other structures provide automated base defense (to some degree), healing functions and much more... Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. As a human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. These credits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the Armoury The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing a human foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more kills gained the more powerful the classes available. The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposing team. This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players but also removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawn structures.PGames/Arcadei586 libSDL-devellibopenal-devellibmesagl1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tremulous-1.1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmTd5b690413ff1944116872fbeeaafd966./SRPMS.pcloskd % C B@ BA8BE<BJ]Ctrevilla-icon-theme1.01pclos2015Trevilla Win8 flat icon themeThese icons are well designed and more like metro style. These icons can be used with any kind of dark and light themes. System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trevilla-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2015.src.rpmr6c410f8670e072aeeb34488de4f02423./SRPMS.pclosd   KDH N_hpB@BABEBJCtribler6.0.41pclos2013Python based Bittorrent/Internet TV applicationTribler is an application that enables its users to find, enjoy and share content. With content we mean video, audio, pictures, and much more. Tribler has three goals in helping you, the user: 1. Find content 2. Consume content 3. share content?lpinocNetworking/Otherx86_64  libevent-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   AD HahpB@BABEBJCtrickle1.072pclos2021Lightweight userspace bandwidth shapertrickle is a portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper. It can run in collaborative mode (together with trickled) or in stand alone mode. trickle works by taking advantage of the unix loader preloading. Essentially it provides, to the application, a new version of the functionality that is required to send and receive data through sockets. It then limits traffic based on delaying the sending and receiving of data over a socket. trickle runs entirely in userspace and does not require root privileges.aNetworking/File transferx86_64 libevent-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trickle-1.07-2pclos2021.src.rpm0446fe8b350747ebab6cc9e721fbe9b07./SRPMS.pclosd $ F    B@BABEBJ Cdetrigger-rally0.6.01pclos2012Rally racing gameRally RennspielTrigger is a fast-paced open source rally racing game.Trigger ist ein flottes Open Source Rally Rennspiel.Neal ManBearGames/Arcadei586 automake1.8jamSDL-develSDL_image-develfreealut-develglew-develmesagl-develmesaglut-develmesaglu-developenal-develphysfs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trigger-rally-0.6.0-1pclos2012.src.rpmXaf8899125e655e0b0d574e5570a3ab9d./SRPMS.pclosd ) pt B@BABEBJCdetrigger-rally-data0.6.01pclos2012Data files for the Trigger rally racing gameDatendateien für das Trigger Rally RennspielTrigger is a fast-paced open source rally racing game. This packages contains data files required by Trigger.Trigger ist ein flottes Open Source Rally Rennspiel. Dieses Paket enthält Datendateien, die von Trigger benötigt werden.@)Neal ManBearGames/Arcadenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trigger-rally-data-0.6.0-1pclos2012.src.rpm@bc8bd7ec9f046a962e83ef2b35810538./SRPMS.pclosd   A >B@GBAhBElBJCtrimage1.0.53pclos2013A GUI based lossless image compressorTrimage is a cross-platform GUI and command-line interface to optimize image files via optipng, advpng, pngcrush and jpegoptim, depending on the filetype (currently, PNG and JPG files are supported). All image files are losslessly compressed on the highest available compression levels. Trimage gives you various input functions to fit your own workflow: A regular file dialog, dragging and dropping and various command line options.LGraphicsnoarch lib64python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trimage-1.0.5-3pclos2013.src.rpm9f66c7bbd597651406311641976c5e0b./SRPMS.pclos;d # E` dqxB@BABE BJ-Ctriplane-classic1.041pclos2010A side-scrolling dogfighting gameTriplane Classic is a side-scrolling dogfighting game featuring solo missions and multiplayer mode with up to four players. It is a port of the original Triplane Turmoil game for DOS and aims to match the original game exactly so that high scores remain comparable to the original.C!Games/Arcadei586 SDL-develSDL_mixer-develmanimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1triplane-classic-1.04-1pclos2010.src.rpmUbddbf0d885e8548f58c5e36f83bb9c4e./SRPMS.pclos+d   AX\ dotB@BABEBJCtripwire2.4.2.21pclos2013A system integrity assessment toolTripwire is a very valuable security tool for Linux systems, if it is installed to a clean system. Tripwire should be installed right after the OS installation, and before you have connected your system to a network (i.e., before any possibility exists that someone could alter files on your system). When Tripwire is initially set up, it creates a database that records certain file information. Then when it is run, it compares a designated set of files and directories to the information stored in the database. Added or deleted files are flagged and reported, as are any files that have changed from their previously recorded state in the database. When Tripwire is run against system files on a regular basis, any file changes will be spotted when Tripwire is run. Tripwire will report the changes, which will give system administrators a clue that they need to enact damage control measures immediately if certain files have been altered. Extra-paranoid Tripwire users will set it up to run once a week and e-mail the results to themselves. Then if the e-mails stop coming, you'll know someone has gotten to the Tripwire program... After installing this package, you should run "/etc/tripwire/twinstall.sh" to generate cryptographic keys, and "tripwire --init" to initialize the database. :pinoc32Monitoringi586 libstdc++-developenssl-develgcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tripwire- 515b31b622fa140248ec8952dd43d645./SRPMS.pclosOd   / B@BABE BJACtrojita0.71pclos2020Qt IMAP e-mail clientTrojita is a Qt IMAP e-mail client which: * Enables you to access your mail anytime, anywhere. * Does not slow you down. If we can improve the productivity of an e-mail user, we better do. * Respects open standards and facilitates modern technologies. We value the vendor-neutrality that IMAP provides and are committed to be as interoperable as possible. * Is efficient — be it at conserving the network bandwidth, keeping memory use at a reasonable level or not hogging the system's CPU. * Can be used on many platforms. One UI is not enough for everyone, but our IMAP core works fine on anything from desktop computers to cell phones and big ERP systems. * Plays well with the rest of the ecosystem. We don't like reinventing wheels, but when the existing wheels quite don't fit the tracks, we're not afraid of making them work.Networking/Mailx86_64 cmakelib64mimetic-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5keychain-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5webkit-devellib64qt5webkitwidgets-devellib64qt5widgets-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trojita-0.7-1pclos2020.src.rpm 0dde97fbe884df66d188ed1d3c42d2c5./SRPMS.pclosd   Khl %B@1BATBEXBJyCtrophy1.1.39pclos2007Trophy is a 2D car racing action game for Linux.Trophy is a single-player racing game for Linux. Even though the goal is basically to finish the laps as the first, Trophy is an action game which offers much more than just a race. Lots of extras enable "unusual" features for races such as shooting, putting mines and many others.owBart the Build Bot Games/Arcadei586 clanlib0.6-devellibclanlib-networklibclanlib-soundlibhermes-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trophy-1.1.3-9pclos2007.src.rpmj4ccfa3ad752deb3adf977167fd9ea855./SRPMS.pclosGd   7 B@BABEBJ9Ctrousers0.3.151pclos2021TCG's Software Stack v1.2TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more.GPSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(openssl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trousers-0.3.15-1pclos2021.src.rpmGӾad5ea9bfb33335d77f08527a58222405./SRPMS.pcloswd   Fhl rB@!BADBEHBJiCtruecrypt7.1a1pclos2013Free open-source disk encryption softwareTrueCrypt is a software system for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume (data storage device). On-the-fly encryption means that data are automatically encrypted or decrypted right before they are loaded or saved, without any user intervention. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without using the correct password or correct encryption key. Until decrypted, a TrueCrypt volume appears to be nothing more than a series of random numbers. Entire file system is encrypted (i.e., file names, folder names, contents of every file, and free space). TrueCrypt never writes decrypted data to any storage device (it only temporarily writes data being decrypted to RAM). NOTE: When asked for administrator password, give your user password, not root password.pinocSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64 fuse-devellib64wxgtku2.8-devellib64sm-devellib64pkcs11-helper-develnasmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1truecrypt-7.1a-1pclos2013.src.rpmd93cda31256d02a16015a6ae7d824818./SRPMS.pclosd   @ $B@BABEBJCtrustedqsl2.5.71pclos2021TrustedQSL ham-radio applicationsThe TrustedQSL applications are used for generating digitally signed QSO records (records of Amateur Radio contacts). This package contains the GUI application tqsl.RLNetworking/Otherx86_64 cmakedos2unixlib64curl-devellib64expat-devellib64lmdb-devellib64openssl-devellib64wxgtku3.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1trustedqsl-2.5.7-1pclos2021.src.rpmV~ea626dfa5a5ca1a6aebf01387f5a5158./SRPMS.pclosd   ;< @QXdB@BABEBJCtryton1.6.11pclos2010Tryton is a application platformTryton is a three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform under the license GPL-3 written in Python and using PostgreSQL as database engine.It is the core base of a complete business solution providing modularity, scalability and security.(Networking/Othernoarch python-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tryton-1.6.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm0qc74e8e1a7c6ff7b28bc34f4a141ff52a./SRPMS.pclosd   f (jB@uBABEBJCtsclient0.1501pclos2007Terminal Server Client is a frontend for rdesktop for the GNOME2 platformTerminal Server Client is a frontend for rdesktop for the GNOME2 platform. Also support vnc.eNeverstopdreaming Networking/Remote accessi586 gnome-panel-develImageMagickgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tsclient-0.150-1pclos2007.src.rpm2027a870cee474c418e1eb67aa5e62de./SRPMS.pclosd   34 8U\dB@BABEBJCtslib1.221pclos2020Touchscreen Access LibraryThe idea of tslib is to have a core library that provides standardised services, and a set of plugins to manage the conversion and filtering as needed. The plugins for a particular touchscreen are loaded automatically by the library under the control of a static configuration file, ts.conf. ts.conf gives the library basic configuration information. Each line specifies one module, and the parameters for that module. The modules are loaded in order, with the first one processing the touchscreen data first.dSystem Environment/Librariesx86_64 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tslib-1.22-1pclos2020.src.rpmj34348e9d59b83a2e53e6682e98747072./SRPMS.pclosd    E\ `qxB@BABEBJCtsocks1.80.beta5.4pclos2011A transparent SOCKS proxying librarytsocks' role is to allow these non SOCKS aware applications (e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use SOCKS without any modification. It does this by intercepting the calls that applications make to establish network connections and negotating them through a SOCKS server as necessary.Networking/Otherx86_64 glibc-static-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tsocks-1.8-0.beta5.4pclos2011.src.rpm51da79d0b663f60911ac93f2224fa3a3./SRPMS.pclos wd#) 4    B@ $BA DBE HBJ iCuk_UA.CP1251ru_RU.CP1251ttaenc3.4.12pclos2013%summaryName: ttaenc TTA (The True Audio) TTA (The True Audio)The True Audio (TTA) codec is a free, simple, realtime lossless audio compressor. Based on adaptive prognostic filters, TTA has compared favorably to a majority of its popular open-source peers. The codec was built to offer adequate compression levels while maintaining high operation speeds. TTA performs lossless compression on multichannel 8,16 and 24 bits data of the Wav audio files. Being "lossless" means that no data-quality is lost in the compression - when uncompressed, the data will be identical to the original. The compression ratios of TTA depend on the type of music file being compressed, but the compression size will generally range between 30% - 70% of the original. TTA format supports both of ID3v1/v2 and APEv2 tags.The True Audio (TTA) - , , - . , TTA . , , . TTA 8, 16 24- - WAV. " " , - . TTA 30% - 70% . TTA- ID3v1/v2 APEv2 .The True Audio (TTA) - , - . , TTA . , , . TTA 8, 16 24- - WAV. " " , - . TTA 30% - 70% . TTA- ID3v1/v2 APEv2 .T6Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ttaenc-3.4.1-2pclos2013.src.rpm`T955c43d93b850c16df083172d1ea6ca7./SRPMS.pclosd   (` d{B@BABEBJCttfonts1.41pclos2011TrueType fontsThis package is a collection of free TrueType fonts. System/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ttfonts-1.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm 69181a6500305daa9323ae0185190978./SRPMS.pclos+d   T B@BABEBJCttfprint0.98pclos2013Generates Chinese compliant postscript files for printingProgram for generating Chinese-compliant postscript files for printing on the printer. To generate a file, just issue ttfprint < myfile.txt > myfile.ps on console. This package also includes the moe_sung True type font file. Note however, while the program itself is free, the font is not "free".;!pinocSystem/Internationalizationx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ttfprint-0.9-8pclos2013.src.rpm;~5fd59a72376b28e37e3a8416aa12bf50./SRPMS.pclosd   |0 4LTXtB@|BABEBJCdetucan0.3.102pclos2013Tucan - upload & download managerTucan - Manager für das Hoch- und Herunterladen von Dateien - Tucan is a free and open source application designed for automatic management of downloads and uploads at hosting sites like: - http://rapidshare.com/ - http://megaupload.com/ - http://gigasize.com/ - http://mediafire.com/ - http://4shared.com/ - http://sendspace.com/Tucan ist ein freies und Open Source Programm für die automatische Verwaltung von Downloads und Uploads zu Dateihostern wie: - http://rapidshare.com/ - http://megaupload.com/ - http://gigasize.com/ - http://mediafire.com/ - http://4shared.com/ - http://sendspace.com/ Besuchen Sie für eine vollständige Liste der unterstützten Hoster http://www.tucaneando.com/features.htmlU+Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tucan-0.3.10-2pclos2013.src.rpm[c9a914bbbee8c7db6cf128ac5250d45e./SRPMS.pclosCd   6 TB@BABEBJ5Ctumbler4.20.01pclos2025A thumbnail D-Bus serviceTumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for various URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the thumbnail management D-Bus specification.f Graphical desktop/XFCEx86_64  intltooljpeg-develpkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-tag-1.0)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libffmpegthumbnailer)pkgconfig(libgepub-0.6)pkgconfig(libgsf-1)pkgconfig(libopenraw-gnome-0.1)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xfce4-dev-tools3.0.4-14.6.0-1tumbler-4.20.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm}61efab146e8a3fc8c9b4e64d5934e4f0./SRPMS.pclos?d   t B@BA BEBJ1Cdetunapie2.1.191pclos2016Tuner for internet radio and TV streamingTuner für Internet-Radio und TV-StreamingTuner for streaming internet radio and TV (nsv stream), written in Python, providing searchable listings of audio and video media broadcasts from the icecast servers. Helper programs can be specified to play video or audio streams.Der Tuner für Internet-Radiostreaming sowie des Fernseh (nsv streaming), geschrieben in Python, auffindbare Auflistungen von Audio- und Video. Überträgt von shoutcast (Winamp) und icecast. Helferprogramme (Player etc.) können spezifiziert werden, um die video oder Audioströme zu spielen.Soundnoarch python-develwxPythonGTK-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tunapie-2.1.19-1pclos2016.src.rpm 9daec5b36a66416b717556008ad7dd64./SRPMS.pclosd   U  $5<@\B@dBABEBJCtunctl200603231pclos2011Tool to create and manage persistent TUN/TAP interfacestunctl allows the host sysadmin to preconfigure a TUN/TAP device for use by a particular user. That user may open and use the device, but may not change any aspects of the host side of the interface.+Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tunctl-20060323-1pclos2011.src.rpm52f61c4c1ac07fe7f9ee1937413d4111b./SRPMS.pclosd   B@'BALBEPBJqCfrturbojetGUI0.33pclos2007The TurboJet CD/DVD Duplicator : Writing CDs and DVDs on demand to multiple burners at once.Le duplicateur de CD/DVD TurboJet : Graver des CDs et DVDs à la demande sur de multiples graveurs à la fois.The TurboJet CD/DVD Duplicator : Writing CDs and DVDs on demand to multiple burners at once.Le duplicateur de CD/DVD TurboJet : Graver des CDs et DVDs à la demande sur de multiples graveurs à la fois.DidouPhArchiving/Cd burningi586 gcc-c++libqt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1turbojetGUI-0.3-3pclos2007.src.rpm"9d103cd0a3696ce58a8aa1eb0c05dc5d./SRPMS.pclosd   K| B@BABEBJCturbostat5.121pclos2021Report processor frequency and idle statisticsReport processor frequency and idle statisticsMonitoringx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1turbostat-5.12-1pclos2021.src.rpm088481be5d351784602c7f5c97961a46./SRPMS.pclosd K$B@,BATBEXBJyCturnoffmonitor1.01pclos2011This simple way for "turn off" the monitorThis simple desktop file allows you to "turn off" the monitor (put it into sleep mode) as well as turning off the backlight if you own a laptop.System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1turnoffmonitor-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm b25b8a06a6be0b9266693cee17aa33de./SRPMS.pclosd   G( ,=DHdB@lBABEBJCtuxcall0.51pclos2009TuxCall is a call waiting detector for Linux.TuxCall is a call waiting detector for Linux. It allows you to detect incoming phone calls when modem is connected. This package includes 2 versions: * tuxcall: text mode version * xtuxcall: GTK-gui version with sound graphmNetworking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxcall-0.5-1pclos2009.src.rpmud599f974f01398d68fb4562281bd2b93./SRPMS.pclos{d   D B@$BAHBELBJmCtuxcards2.2.11pclos2010Manage Notes within a Hierarchical TreeTuxcards provides a hierarchical notebook similar to the "CueCards" program. With it, all kinds of notes and ideas can be managed and sorted within a tree structure.>Officei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxcards-2.2.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm7b853ffb9a6fecda2240414122cf6484./SRPMS.pclosd   , rB@BABEBJCdetuxcmd0.6.702pclos2014Tux CommanderTux Commander is open-source file manager with 2 panels side by side written for GTK2. The main goal of this project is to create powerful user-friendly file manager for Linux. Functionality can be further extended by pluggable VFS (virtual file system) modules.Tux Commander ist ein Fenster-Datei-Manager mit 2 Panels ähnlich den populären Total Commander oder Midnight Commander Datei-Managern. Das Hauptziel dieses Projektes ist es, ein guten und benutzerfreundlichen Datei-Manager für Unix OS zur Verfügung zu stellen. Generelle Eigenschaften: * Grafische Anwendung, benutzt den GTK2 windowing Werkzeugsatz * Zwei Verzeichnis-Panels vertikal nebeneinander angeordnet * Tabbed Schnittstelle, Knöpfe für den schnellen Zugriff auf bevorzugte Verzeichnisse * Konfigurierbare Einhängeleiste für den schnellen Zugriff auf entfernbare Medien und Netzwerkteile * Mehrsprachige Benutzer Schnittstelle * Basic VFS (Virtual File System) Unterstützung, die es gestattet, Archive und Netzwerk-Verzeichnisse anzuschauen * Erweiterbar über ein Erweiterungssystem, einige VFS Module sind verfügbar * Portabel, es ist keine Installation notwendig, benutzbar direkt nach dem Entpacken * Designed für den GNOME und XFCE Arbeitsflächen bei weiterhin kompletter Unabhängigkeit (Bibliotheken werden geladen, wenn sie verfügbar sind) * Datei-Anhang-basierte Dateityp Aktionen (Assoziationen) * Threaded Datei Operationen * Unterstützt große Dateien (> 4GB) * Hauptprogramm wurde in Object Pascal geschrieben (mit FreePascal als default Compiler), die Erweiterungen sind in C/C++ geschrieben * Sourcen/Quelldateien sind in GIT Repositories verfügbarCpinoc64File toolsx86_64  fpcdesktop-file-utilsglib2-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellibarchive-develbzip2-develgnome-vfs2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  $( .4<DtB@BABEBJCdetuxguitar1.6.61pclos2025Multitrack guitar tablature editor and playerTuxGuitar ist ein Notensatzprogramm, vor allem für Gitarren-Musiker.TuxGuitar is a multitrack guitar tablature editor and player written in Java-SWT. With TuxGuitar, you will be able to compose music using the following features: * Tablature editor * Multitrack display * Autoscroll while playing * Note duration management * Various effects (bend, slide, vibrato, hammer-on/pull-off) * Support for triplets (5,6,7,9,10,11,12) * Repeat open and close * Time signature management * Tempo management * Imports and exports gp3 and gp4 filesAber auch alle anderen Musikanten können TuxGuitar zur Erstellung von Noten nutzen. Als Komponist können sie Noten nach dem WYSIWYG-Prinzip für mehrere Instrumente / auf mehreren Spuren eingeben, abspielen und ausdrucken. Als Musiker können sie MIDI-Dateien in Noten und Gitarren-Akkorde umwandeln lassen. Importiert werden können auch Noten aus anderen Noten-Editoren wie bsw. GuitarePro oder PowerTab. Mittels einer eigenen Akkord-Datenbank werden Noten automatisch in Akkorde und Fingersätze für die Gitarre umgewandelt, bzw. Akkorde in Noten. Ihr Notensatz lässt sich über die Soundkarte abspielen, ausdrucken oder als PDF-Datei speichern.e_pinocSoundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1tuxguitar-1.6.6-1pclos2025.src.rpmۡ67e9a251999bcbc84eecbb2d5a2f7a5a./SRPMS.pclosd   > 7B@CBAdBEhBJCtuxkart0.4.01pclos2007Tuxedo T. Penguin stars in TuxkartThis is another game that stars your Favorite Hero: Tux, the Linux Penguin.GbBart the Build Bot Games/Arcadei586 plibMesa-common-develMesaGLU-develXFree86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxkart-0.4.0-1pclos2007.src.rpmG15591797f3d64e3154194cc4503c7c14./SRPMS.pclosd   74 8DL x O B@aBABEBJCtuxmath2.0.32pclos2019Math game for kids with Tux"Tux, of Math Command" ("TuxMath", for short) is an educational arcade game starring Tux, the Linux mascot! Based on the classic arcade game "Missile Command", Tux must defend his cities. In this case, though, he must do it by solving math problems.^Games/Otherx86_64 gettext-develpkgconfig(sdl)pkgconfig(SDL_ttf)pkgconfig(SDL_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL_image)pkgconfig(SDL_Pango)pkgconfig(SDL_net)pkgconfig(t4k_common)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxmath-2.0.3-2pclos2019.src.rpmre0538c0119f830c7fee14fc643a991ab./SRPMS.pclosd # ZHL R\dhB@BABEBJCtuxmathscrabble0.7.41pclos2013A math version of the popular board game for ages 4-40TuxMathScrabble is an OpenSource math version of the popular board game for ages 4-40. it challenges young people to construct compound equations and consider multiple abstract possibilities. There are 4 skill levels, the hardest uses numbers up to 20 and supports division as well as add/subtract/multiply. Upon completing a successful move little Tux's pop-out of the most recently moved tiles and do a little dance. Tux moves his own pieces as well as performing various animated antics.gpinocEducationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxmathscrabble-0.7.4-1pclos2013.src.rpmg3fe8e56e626555b8de404b2c295689c3./SRPMS.pclos_d   C (B@BA,BE0BJQCtuxpaint0.9.341pclos2024Simple and fun paint program for kidsTux Paint is a simple paint program gear towards young children. It provides a simple but entertaining interface, allows drawing with brushes, lines, shapes, and 'stamps,' and has a 'magic' tool, for special effects. Loading and saving is done via a graphical interface, and the underlying environment's filesystem isn't exposed (much like programs on PDAs).pinocEducationx86_64  ImageMagickdesktop-file-utilsgettextgperflib64freetype6-devellib64imagequant-devellib64kf5service-devellib64sdl2.0-devellib64sdl2_gfx-devellib64sdl2_image-devellib64sdl2_mixer-devellib64sdl2_pango-devellib64sdl2_ttf-devellibpaper-develpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(libgsf-1)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(sdl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xdg-utils3.0.4-14.6.0-1tuxpaint-0.9.34-1pclos2024.src.rpm~F6ac28c52d0204f284d5282dcd2a01b7e./SRPMS.pclosd ' n 1B@=BAhBElBJCdetuxpaint-config0.0.201pclos2023Configuration tool for Tux PaintKonfigurationswerkzeug für Tux PaintTux Paint has a rich set of configuration options, controllable via command-line options or configuration files. This configuration tool provides a point-and-click interface for administrators to tailor Tux Paint to suit the needs of their users.Tux Paint hat eine große Auswahl an Konfigurationsoptionen, steuerbar über Kommandozeilen Optionen oder Konfigurationsdateien. Dieses Konfigurationswerkzeug unterstützt eine Auswahl-und-Anklicken Schnittstelle zur Verwaltung und zum zuschneiden von Tux Paint, auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse des BenutzersLRpp Educationx86_64 lib64fltk-devellib64paper-devellib64xext-devellib64unibreak-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxpaint-config-0.0.20-1pclos2023.src.rpmQb451d624897eac4790dd31441301ed31./SRPMS.pclosd   E 'B@5BAXBE\BJ}Ctuxpuck0.8.21pclos2013Clone of ShufflePuck Cafe historical gameAnyone remember "Shufflepuck Cafe" for the Amiga/AtariST ?'pinocGames/Arcadex86_64 lib64SDL-develpng-develoggvorbis-develzlib-develjpeg-develfreetype2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxpuck-0.8.2-1pclos2013.src.rpmf7d9a8db97b6919bf4eb7b0179015679./SRPMS.pclos7d   k $B@BABEBJ)Cdetuxtype1.8.13pclos2014Educational typing tutor game starring TuxSpielerisch tippen lernen mit TuxTux Typing is an educational typing tutor game starring Tux, the Linux penguin. It is graphical and requires SDL to run. This is a stable release.Mit TuxTyping kann spielerisch tippen gelernt werden. Dabei spielt Tux - der Linux-Pinguin die Hauptrolle. Der Spieler steuert Tux, um Fische zu essen, welche von oben in das Spielfeld fallen. Jeder Fisch trägt einen Buchstaben. Wenn der Spieler die jeweilige Taste drückt, positioniert sich Tux an der richtigen Stelle, um den Fisch zu fressen. Das Spiel ist für Kinder zum Tippen lernen gedacht, obwohl in den höheren Spielstufen auch erfahrene Leute eine Herausforderung finden können.jEducationx86_64  lib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64SDL_mixer1.2-devellib64SDL_ttf-devellib64SDL_Pango-devellibrsvg2-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! X\` lyB@BABEBJ)Ctuxwordsmith0.7.132pclos2011A word version of the popular board game for ages 4-40TuxWordSmith is a foreign language learning game with support for over 30 languages: English,Hindi,Italian,French,German,Swahili,Swedish,Spanish,Kurdish,Latin,Russian. The game is similar to the familiar Scrabble, and looks suspiciously like TuxMathScrabble.sO%{packager}Games/Boardsi586 libpygame1.8-devellibwxPythonGTK2.8-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tuxwordsmith-0.7.13-2pclos2011.src.rpmtܱ56fa4fab8decba5bca7351b45cf34465./SRPMS.pclosd   I0 4:DTB@BABEBJCtv-fonts1.18pclos2011Fonts for TV programs (fbtv, motv, ttv, xawtv)Tv-fonts is a set of fonts, mainly used by xawtv. They used to be bundled with xawtv but starting with version 3.75, xawtv doesn't come with the fonts bundled any more. So come tv-fonts. This package is required by xawtv-common@Videonoarch bdftopcfmkfontdirmkfontscalerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tv-fonts-1.1-8pclos2011.src.rpmC;b3d63eea18c7e57c7bb85d6db9d12b20./SRPMS.pclosd   @ (0_B@hBABEBJCtv-maxe0.092pclos2014Free television for your Linux systemTV-MAXE is an application which provides the ability to watch TV stations and listen radio via different streams, such is SopCast. Currently it has a large number of channels, both romanian and international.Videonoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tv-maxe-0.09-2pclos2014.src.rpm 63750705a1e0b1fcead3b66fb51f1244./SRPMS.pclos/d  u B@BABEBJ!Cdetvbrowser4.2.71pclos2023TV-Browser is a java-based TV guide.TV-Browser ist eine Java basierende TV Zeitung.TV-Browser is a java-based TV guide which is easily extensible using plugins. It is designed to look like a paper based TV guide.TV-Browser ist ein auf Java basierender Programmführer, welcher einfach mit Erweiterungen ausgebaut werden kann. Er wurde einer Programmzeitschrift nachempfunden.UVideonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tvbrowser-4.2.7-1pclos2023.src.rpmU!T22d04f2b577cd239b14394a864d5fe98./SRPMS.pclosd   /4 8>HXB@BABEBJCtvheadend4.33pclos2019TV streaming serverTvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV, and Analog video (V4L) as input sources. For the full list of features see the documentation at: https://www.lonelycoder.com/hts/tvheadend/docs/2_12/index.html !Videox86_64 pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(avahi-client)libgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tvheadend-4.3-3pclos2019.src.rpm%7abe0b82a25c5fc0270c1c6428a84d53./SRPMS.pclosd   VH LRX`B@BABEBJCtvmosaic0.3.01pclos2010TV Mosaic - a mosaic view of TV channels from a DVB tunerThis application is mainly based on MPlayer and ImageMagick. It allows to get a clear and convenient overview of current TV broadcasts without manual zapping. After channels scan a simple click on relevant capture plays or records a channel.Videoi586 desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tvmosaic-0.3.0-1pclos2010.src.rpmU5d35f0042d7a811f1e9847408ee574c6./SRPMS.pclosd   ?@D NT\lB@BABEBJCtvtime1.0.112pclos2017High quality television applicationTvtime is a high quality television application for use with video capture cards. tvtime processes the input from a capture card and displays it on a computer monitor or projector. Unlike other television applications, tvtime focuses on high visual quality making it ideal for videophiles. tvtime supports: o Deinterlaced output at full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC source, or 50 frames per second for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality. o Multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode for your video content and available processor speed. o 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input from an external DVD player or digital satellite receiver. o A super-slick on-screen-display for the complete television experience, with a featureful menu system. o 2-3 Pulldown detection for optimal quality viewing of film content from NTSC sources.(qbb2 Videox86_64 libx11-devellibxml2-devellibpng-develfreetype2-devellibSDL-devellibxv-devellibxtst-devellibice-devellibsm-devellibxinerama-devellibxxf86vm-develdesktop-file-utilsgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tvtime-1.0.11-2pclos2017.src.rpm#108380bafe85ccc27e600f733c5136f5./SRPMS.pclosd   E  (8zB@BABEBJCtwill0.92pclos2010Simple command line language for web browsingtwill is a simple language that allows users to browse the Web from a command-line interface. With twill, you can navigate through Web sites that use forms, cookies, and most standard Web features.\Networking/WWWnoarch pythonpython-develpython-setuptoolsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1twill-0.9-2pclos2010.src.rpmcf8182a8142f504a96895da03e9adf06./SRPMS.pcloswd   4x |B@#BADBEHBJiCtwin0.6.01pclos2009A text mode Windows ManagerTwin is a text-mode windowing environment: it draws and manages text windows on a text-mode display, like X11 does for graphical windows. It has a built-in window manager and terminal emulator, and can be used as server for remote clients in the same style as X11. It can display on Linux console, on X11 and inside itself.qTerminalsi586 bisonX11-develgtk-devellibgpm-devellibggi-develxpm-devellibltdl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1twin-0.6.0-1pclos2009.src.rpmg9cbf27640c640c81627d816faf4558b98./SRPMS.pclosGd   @  $ H  B@BABEBJ9Ctwinkle1.4.23pclos2011Voice Over IP phone using SIP for QTTwinkle is a soft phone for your voice over IP communcations using the SIP protocol. You can use it for direct IP phone to IP phone communication or in a network using a SIP proxy to route your calls.Communicationsi586 libqt3-devellibsndfile-devellibspeex1-devellibboost-devellibmagic-devellibcommoncpp-devellibccrtp-devellibzrtpcpp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1twinkle-1.4.2-3pclos2011.src.rpmxde435d6521481e960e17a838e29a7b7b./SRPMS.pclosd  @` djt|B@BABEBJCtwitchbrowser0.51pclos2014Browse through Twitch.tv StreamsThis Desktop Application lets you browse through Twitch.tv Streams and open them in your Video Player (VLC, MPlayer, MPV, ...). No need for a CPU heavy Flash Plugin. This Project uses "Livestreamer" to start the streams, more information on their website http://livestreamer.tanuki.se/IVideonoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1twitchbrowser-0.5-1pclos2014.src.rpmN86bb312c7199d57228463870cc857dfa./SRPMS.pclos#d   J| B@BABEBJCtwitux0.691pclos2007Twitux is a Twitter client for the Gnome desktopTwitux is a Twitter client for the Gnome desktop.GOGraphical desktop/GNOMEi586  gnome-keyring-develdbus-devellibsexy-devellibGConf2-devellibsoup-devellibnotify-develglib2-develaspell-develiso-codesgettextperl-XML-Parserdesktop-file-utilslibcanberra-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   B@ DT\tB@BABEBJ%Ctwm1.0.71pclos2013Tab Window Manager for the X Window SystemTwm is a window manager for the X Window System. It provides titlebars, shaped windows, several forms of icon management, user-defined macro functions, click-to-type and pointer-driven keyboard focus, and user-specified key and pointer button bindings.}Development/X11x86_64 libx11-devellibxext-devellibxmu-devellibxt-develx11-util-macrosrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1twm-1.0.7-1pclos2013.src.rpmĭ4fd15b743aa40c25d56341412c7584a3./SRPMS.pclosd   F @B@QBAtBExBJCtwolame0.4.01pclos2019Optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoderTwoLAME is an optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder based on tooLAME by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10 code and portions of LAME. Features added to TwoLAME: - Fully thread-safe - Static and shared library (libtwolame) - API very similar to LAME's (for easy porting) - C99 compliant - Frontend supports wider range of input files (using libsndfile) System/Librariesx86_64  libsndfile-devellibtoolpkgconfigdos2unixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) fdf2754e8c935772ee126de344e02e4d./SRPMS.pclosd   G  <B@DBAhBElBJCtxt2man1.6.02pclos2019Converts flat ASCII text to man page formatIt is a shell script using gnu awk, that should run on any Unix-like system. The syntax of the ASCII text is very straightforward and looks very much like the output of the man(1) program.AText toolsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1txt2man-1.6.0-2pclos2019.src.rpmHLfba82c0d86568506f2005084cd5bcb77./SRPMS.pclosd   T  @B@IBAlBEpBJCtxt2tags2.62pclos2013Converts text files to HTML, XHTML, sgml, LaTeX, man, etcTxt2tags is a generic text converter. From a simple text file with minimal markup, it generates documents on the following formats: HTML, XHTML, sgml, LaTeX, Lout, man, Magic Point (mgp), MoinMoin and Adobe PageMaker. Supports heading, font beautifiers, verbatim, quote, link, lists, table and image. There are GUI, Web and cmdline interfaces. It's a single Python script and no external commands or libraries are needed.ZText toolsnoarch gettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1txt2tags-2.6-2pclos2013.src.rpm`eeaa8f9ac31a2d925cad74b9fb6e0e43./SRPMS.pclos+d   al p|B@BABEBJCtypespeed0.6.51pclos2013type words that are flying by from left to right as fast as you canTypespeed gives your fingers' cps (total and correct), typoratio and some points to compare with your friends. Typespeed's idea is ripped from ztspeed (a dos game made by Zorlim). Idea of the game should be clear to anyone, just type and type it fast or be a loser.Games/Otherx86_64 ncurses-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1typespeed-0.6.5-1pclos2013.src.rpm6a00caab0665d9981d98a50e5d1c5c4c./SRPMS.pclosd    mB@yBABEBJCdetzclock3.0.11pclos2012GTK+ graphical Clock displaying the time around the worldGTK+ grafische Uhr zeigt die Zeit auf der ganzen WeltTzClock is an X Window GTK+ graphical Clock that can display the time around the world. It supports multiple faces showing different time zones.There is a stopwatch function that is accurate to a tenth of a second, plus there are many other nice features for you to discover.TzClock ist eine grafische Uhr in GTK+ für dasX Window System, dass die Zeit auf der ganzen Welt anzeigen kann. Es zeigt die verschiedenen Zeiten der unterschiedlichen Zeitzonen an. Bietet eine Stoppuhrfunktion, die auf das Zehntel genau stoppen kann/anzeigt, plus viele weitere tolle Eigenschaften zum Entdecken.Neal ManBearMonitoringi586 desktop-file-utilsgtk+3-develpkgconfiglibnotify-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1tzclock-3.0.1-1pclos2012.src.rpm.00c2a3b86cade4b4c8deea6f2cd09ac1./SRPMS.pclos d   tx B@BABEBJ CdeuClibc0.9.322pclos2012A C library optimized for size useful for embedded applicationsC-Bibliothek, optimiert Größe, hilfreich für eingebettete AnwendungenuClibc (pronounced yew-see-lib-see) is a c library for developing embedded linux systems. it is much smaller than the gnu c library, but nearly all applications supported by glibc also work perfectly with uclibc. porting applications from glibc to uclibc typically involves just recompiling the source code. uclibc even supports shared libraries and threading. it currently runs on standard linux and mmu-less (also known as uclinux) systems with support for alpha, arm, cris, i386, i960, h8300, m68k, mips/mipsel, powerpc, sh, sparc, and v850 processors. if you are building an embedded linux system and you find that glibc is eating up too much space, you should consider using uclibc. if you are building a huge fileserver with 12 terabytes of storage, then using glibc may make more sense. unless, for example, that 12 terabytes will be network attached storage and you plan to burn linux into the system's firmware...uClibc (ausgesprochen yew-see-lib-see) ist eine C-Bibliothek zur Entwicklung von eingebetteten Linux-Systemen. Es ist viel kleiner als die GNU C Bibliothek, aber fast alle Anwendungen die von glibc unterstützt werden arbeiten auch perfekt mit uClibc. Portierte Anwendungen von glibc nach uClibc umfassen typischerweise einfach das neukompilieren des Quellcodes, uClibc unterstützt auch freigegebene Bibliotheken und Threading. Es läuft derzeit auf normalem Linux und MMU-less (ebenfalls bekannt als uClinux) Systemen mit Unterstützung für alpha, ARM, cris, i386, i960, h8300, m68k, mips/mipsel, PowerPC, SH, SPARC, und v850 Prozessoren. Wenn du ein eingebettetes Linux-System erstellst, und findest, dass glibc zu viel Platz benötigt, solltest du in Erwägung ziehen, uClibc zu verwenden. Wenn du einen riesigen Datenserver mit 12 Terabytes Speicher erstellen möchtest, dann verwende glibc, um es verständlicher auszudrücken. Außer zum Beispiel, das die 12 Terabytes eingebundener Netzwerkspeicher ist und du planst, Linux in die System Firmware einzubrennen"dNeal ManBearSystem/Librariesi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uClibc-0.9.32-2pclos2012.src.rpm" 99c38cf4cdf5f300a1e4d241f00199cc./SRPMS.pclos/d ' B B@BABEBJ!Cubuntu-karmic-sounds0.121pclos2010Ubuntu's GNOME audio themeSounds to spruce up the GNOME desktop environment.from Ubuntu'TGraphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ubuntu-karmic-sounds-0.12-1pclos2010.src.rpm'r2ea4de37dffcee28a24fdae950edd099./SRPMS.pclos?d ' 2 K B@BA BEBJ1Cubuntu-mono-icons-gnome-theme0.0.181pclos2010A pretty icons for GNOMEDark and Light panel icons to make your desktop beautiful=Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ubuntu-mono-icons-gnome-theme-0.0.18-1pclos2010.src.rpm9ed32e5085392ea51798f691933e4d6e./SRPMS.pclosd  F< @QXlB@BABEBJCucarp1.5.11pclos2010Portable implementation of the CARP protocolUCARP allows a couple of hosts to share common virtual IP addresses in order to provide automatic failover. It is a portable userland implementation of the secure and patent-free Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP, OpenBSD\u2019s alternative to the patents-bloated VRRP). Strong points of the CARP protocol are: very low overhead, cryptographically signed messages, interoperability between different operating systems and no need for any dedicated extra network link between redundant hosts.Networking/Otheri586 docbook-dtd41-sgmldocbook-utilsgettextlibpcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ucarp-1.5.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm6826e6d0e74fa75ff68eefdf64406abe./SRPMS.pclosgd   B@BA4BE8BJYCdeuchardet0.0.71pclos2020uchardet is an encoding detector library.uchardet ist eine Bibliothek zum Detektieren des Encodings.uchardet is a C language binding of the original C++ implementation of the universal charset detection library by Mozilla. uchardet is an encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of bytes in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and attempts to determine the encoding of the text.USystem/Basex86_64 cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uchardet-0.0.7-1pclos2020.src.rpmWec1a20824269d747ee4320e2826ef0fc./SRPMS.pclosd   2` du|B@BABEBJCucl1.032pclos2019The UCL Compression LibraryUCL implements a number of algorithms with the following features: - Decompression is simple and *very* fast. - Requires no memory for decompression. - The decompressors can be squeezed into less than 200 bytes of code. - Focuses on compression levels for generating pre-compressed data which achieve a quite competitive compression ratio. - Allows you to dial up extra compression at a speed cost in the compressor. The speed of the decompressor is not reduced. - Algorithm is thread safe. - Algorithm is lossless. UCL supports in-place decompression.System/Librariesx86_64 libtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ucl-1.03-2pclos2019.src.rpm54a657dd5470cbe5433ed6703db533aa./SRPMS.pclosOd   : B@BABE BJACudev2513pclos2024A userspace implementation of devfsThe udev package contains an implementation of devfs in userspace using sysfs and netlink. This version of udev, which is udev-251, comes from eudev ! https://github.com/eudev-project/eudev Eudev is a fork of systemd with the aim of isolating udev from any particular flavor of system initialization. In this case, the isolation is from systemd#&System/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64   bisonfindutilsflexglib2-develgobject-introspection-develgperfgtk-dochwdatakmod-devellibacl-devellibblkid-devellibusb-develpam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sedusbutils1."YL1b752cbfe6e36d834e291f43dedfc22c./SRPMS.pclosd   / FB@QBAtBExBJCudftools2.11pclos2019UDF filesystem toolsThese are tools for UDF file systems as used, e.g., on DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, CD-RW. They are also used for managing Packet-CD/DVD devices and media.&System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 readline-develpkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(udev)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1udftools-2.1-1pclos2019.src.rpm5d6d37b445b0b43d334d4b9e15651f28./SRPMS.pclosd   6  B@DBAhBElBJCudisks22.9.43pclos2022Storage Management Serviceudisks provides a daemon, D-Bus API and command line tools for managing disks and storage devices.nSystem/Librariesx86_64  glib2-develdbus-develdbus-glib-develpolkit-1-develparted-develdevice-mapper-develintltoollib64atasmart-devellibgudev-devellib64blockdev-devellib64bd_part-devellib64bd_loop-devellib64bd_swap-devellib64bd_mdraid-devellib64bd_fs-devellib64bd_crypto-devellib64bd_lvm-devellib64bd_btrfs-devellibudev-develsg3_utilslibsgutils-develgtk-doclib64lvm2cmd-devellibtoollib64girepository-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   + B@BABEBJ!Cudns0.41pclos2020DNS Resolver LibraryUDNS is a stub DNS resolver library with ability to perform both syncronous and asyncronous DNS queries.U3pp Networking/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1udns-0.4-1pclos2020.src.rpmW f5e64b620ac544fd7358f476d7edd203./SRPMS.pcloskd   O  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cudpcast201204242pclos2019UDP broadcast file distribution and installationCommand-line client for UDP sender and receiver. Udpcast is an application for multicasting data to multiple targets.Networking/Otherx86_64 m4rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1udpcast-20120424-2pclos2019.src.rpmc3e92a19703ff8ffa88c99a60b0be3fe9./SRPMS.pclosd   U qB@BABEBJCudunits22.2.261pclos2020A library for manipulating units of physical quantitiesThe Unidata units utility, udunits, supports conversion of unit specifications between formatted and binary forms, arithmetic manipulation of unit specifications, and conversion of values between compatible scales of measurement. A unit is the amount by which a physical quantity is measured. For example: Physical Quantity Possible Unit _________________ _____________ time weeks distance centimeters power watts This utility works interactively and has two modes. In one mode, both an input and output unit specification are given, causing the utility to print the conversion between them. In the other mode, only an input unit specification is given. This causes the utility to print the definition -- in standard units -- of the input unit.;Sciences/Mathematicsx86_64 gcc-gfortrangcc-c++groffperl-develbisonpkgconfig(expat)texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1udunits2-2.2.26-1pclos2020.src.rpmc1c4fb570bddbbd6f84ae66c434f48a6./SRPMS.pclos_d ! O B@BA,BE0BJQCueagle-firmware1.15pclos2024Firmware and CMV files for Eagle-based modemsThis package contains firmware and CMV files for Eagle-based modems. System/Kernel and hardwarenoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ueagle-firmware-1.1-5pclos2024.src.rpm ١27ef84c92a61c2ba342a4fe75a26a30a./SRPMS.pclosd   P %,lB@BABEBJCufraw0.225pclos2022Graphical tool to convert raw images of digital camerasUFRaw is a utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras. It can be used by itself or as a Gimp plug-in. It reads raw images using Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility DCRaw. And it supports basic color management using Little CMS, allowing the user to apply color profiles. Raw images are the data directly read from the CCD of the camera, without in-camera processing, without lossy JPEG compression, and in 36 or 48 bits color depth (TIFF has 24 bits). Problem of the raw images is that they are in proprietary, camera-specific formats as they are exactly what the CCD has captured, and the CCDs on different cameras are very different. It also contains info about the camera settings.Graphicsx86_64 gettext-develimagemagickpkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(jasper)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(lensfun)libgomp-develpkgconfig(gtkimageview)libgimp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ufraw-0.22-5pclos2022.src.rpmy97d053cfc827176b9961edfcdc2f2aee./SRPMS.pclosd   / #,@B@BABEBJCufw0.36.21pclos2023Uncomplicated FirewallThe Uncomplicated Firewall(ufw) is a front-end for netfilter, which aims to make it easier for people unfamiliar with firewall concepts. Ufw provides a framework for managing netfilter as well as manipulating the firewall.cSystem/Serversnoarch bash-completioniptablespython-rpm-macrospython3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ufw-0.36.2-1pclos2023.src.rpm:c576bc1c61b875dd96db725c50b0ae1b./SRPMS.pclos/d   nt xB@BABEBJ!Cdeuget2.2.31pclos2020Download manager using GTK+ and libcurlDownloadmanager der GTK+ und libcurl nutztUget is a download manager that allows you to import downloads from HTML files and classify them by categories. Every category has an independent configuration that can be inherited by each download in that category.Download-Manager mithilfe von GTK und Libcurl. Uget ist ein Download-Manager, der Ihnen ermöglicht, Downloads von HTML Dateien zu importieren und diese in Kategorien zu klassifizieren. Jede Kategorie hat eine unabhängige Konfiguration, die von jedem Download in dieser Kategorie geerbt werden kann.Networking/WWWx86_64 gettextdesktop-file-utilspkgconfigintltoollib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64curl-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0_0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64notify-devellib64pango1.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uget-2.2.3-1pclos2020.src.rpmaf7f48a7be600d1e159c7b77e97f35be./SRPMS.pclosd  U    B@BABEBJCugrep7.3.01pclos2025A more powerful, ultra fast, user-friendly, compatible grepUgrep is an ultra fast, user-friendly, compatible grep. Ugrep combines the best features of other grep, adds new features, and searches fast. Includes a TUI and adds Google-like search, fuzzy search, hexdumps, searches nested archives (zip, 7z, tar, pax, cpio), compressed files (gz, Z, bz2, lzma, xz, lz4, zstd, brotli), pdfs, docs, and more."" Text toolsx86_64  pkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(libbrotlidec)pkgconfig(liblz4)pkgconfig(liblzma)pkgconfig(libpcre2-8)pkgconfig(libzstd)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ugrep-7.3.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm"Mf57dfd462263f350decd5edd86f4052a./SRPMS.pclosd  O, 0?HlB@BABEBJCuhd4.2.0.12pclos2022Universal Hardware Driver for Ettus Research productsThe UHD is the universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products. The goal of the UHD is to provide a host driver and API for current and future Ettus Research products. It can be used standalone without GNU Radio.eCommunicationsx86_64 cmakeboost-develgitpkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(libgps)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(python3)python3-docutilspython3-makopython3-numpy-develpython3-requestspython3-setuptoolsdoxygenpkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uhd-}B51e018725593056d98ed303e240b4da3./SRPMS.pclosd   >  $<B@BABEBJCuhttpmock0.5.11pclos2017HTTP web service mocking libraryuhttpmock is a project for mocking web service APIs which use HTTP or HTTPS. It provides a library, libuhttpmock, which implements recording and playback of HTTP request/response traces.bb2 System/Librariesx86_64 gtk-docintltoollib64girepository-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64soup-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uhttpmock-0.5.1-1pclos2017.src.rpm13118b46d125bc5938c0db498223676d./SRPMS.pclosd   8 <ELT|B@BABEBJCdeuif2iso0.1.71pclos2010Convert UIF files (Universal Image Format) to uncompressed imagesWandelt UIF Dateien (Universal Image Format) in unkomprimierte AbbilderProgram for converting the UIF files (Universal Image Format, used by MagicISO) to uncompressed images depending by the input file type: ISO, BIN/CUE, MDS/MDF, CCD/IMG/SUB and NRG.Programm für die Umwandlung der UIF-Dateien (Universal Image Format, verwendet von MagicISO), in unkomprimierte Abbilder in Abhängigkeit vom Typ der Quelldateien: ISO, BIN / CUE, MDS / MDF, CCD / IMG / SUB und NRG.Graphicsi586 zlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uif2iso-0.1.7-1pclos2010.src.rpmƈ31a6e1e2896a091f69fb9b2bd90b3e1f./SRPMS.pclosd   m (RB@BABEBJCjauim1.8.62pclos2013Uim is a multilingual input method libraryuim - 入力メソッドライブラリUim is a multilingual input method library. Uim's project goal is to provide secure and useful input method for all languages.uim は様々な言語の入力メソッドのライブラリーです。 【注意】この野良パッケージでは、canna, prime, mana, m17nlib はサポートしていません。KSystem/Internationalizationi586  gtk+2-devellibgnome2-develgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0_0-develm17n-lib-develm17n-dbanthy-develintltoollibtoollibncurses-develautomakeqt4-develedlibpixman-devellibx11-devellibxau-devellibxdmcp-devellibxrender-develkdelibs-devellibqt4-devellibgtk+3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ! Kx|   w B@BABEBJCuim-tomoe-gtk0.2.03pclos2007A tool for providing tomoe support to uimA tool for providing tomoe support to uim.3Bart the Build Bot System/Internationalizationi586  gtk+2-devellibuim-devellibtomoe-develautomake1.8tomoelibm17n-liblibtomoe-gtk-devellibedb1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)2.8.0%{tomoe_version}3.0.4-1uim-tomoe-gtk-0.2.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm90985e1af56b28a911fe4e53ffdf9296./SRPMS.pclosd   >8 <MT`B@BABEBJCukopp4.81pclos2014Backup with retention of file versionsCopy files to (removable) disk. Incremental: copies only files that are newer than existing copies and is therefore quite fast. Specify directories or files to include or exclude at any level, using a GUI. Save specifications in a job file for repeated use. Report differences between source and backup files at summary, directory, or file level. Optionally retain old file versions in the backup location for a specified time or version count. Optionally verify backup with bytewise comparison to source.Archiving/Backupx86_64 lib64gtk+3.0-develmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ukopp-4.8-1pclos2014.src.rpm7097fc3718333694ac5b8c81636eea89./SRPMS.pclosd ! . B@+BATBEXBJyCulaa-browser2.26.41pclos2024Ulaa BrowserUlaa is a browser that respects your privacy, protects your personal data, and helps you work online more efficiently.mNetworking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)tarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1ulaa-browser-2.26.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm%i2cad43eee77842541315abbc7149f2e5./SRPMS.pclos{d $ KD HU\|B@BAHBELBJmCultimatestunts0.7.5.12pclos2011Remake of the DOS racing game "stunts"A UNIX/Windows/Linux remake of the DOS car racing game "stunts", providing modern features like openGL graphics, 3D sound and internet multiplaying. Design your own tracks, choose your opponents and try the most spectacular stunts you've ever seen.Games/Arcadex86_64 bisonlib64freealut-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64mesaglu1-devellib64openal-devellib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ultimatestunts-零d43cebcbbbf6071087ab62402dea656f./SRPMS.pclosd ) p  GblpB@BABEBJCultra-flat-icon-theme1.3.12pclos2015Icon theme style Ultra Flat based in Faenza icons, by Steff SansonettiUltra Flat Icons is a simple flat icon theme, derived from Flattr icon theme. It should work with most linux distributions, under gnome, unity, cinammon, xfce, kde etcBqAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ultra-flat-icon-theme-1.3.1-2pclos2015.src.rpmL=9094f971d65774392c4b99433551f218./SRPMS.pclos d  v h l y   h B@ BA BE BJ Cdeultrastardx1.11pclos2011UltraStar Deluxe is a free karaoke gameUltraStar Deluxe ist ein freies Karaoke SpielThe gameplay of UltraStar Deluxe is similar to that of the commercial product SingStar™ by Sony Computer Entertainment, which is exclusivly available for Playstation®. However UltraStar Deluxe allows to create own songs and as well differs from other karaoke programs in further aspects. It allows you to play with up to 12 players and sing along to your favorite songs. You do not even have to buy expensive DVDs with not so many songs you really like, instead just buy DRM free audio files, use your album/cd music you already own and so on - You'll notice that this is way cheaper because you won't ever be charged twice for a song you already bought in the past. For more informations visit Verwandeln Sie Ihr Zuhause in eine Karaoke-Bar, in der Sie allein oder mit Freunden Songs nachsingen können. Der Liedtext und dessen Tonlage werden angezeigt. Je besser Sie die Töne treffen, desto mehr Punkte gibt es. Mit Singen starten Sie den Solomodus. Tragen Sie Ihren Spielernamen ein und ordnen Ihr gesangliches Talent einem der drei Schwierigkeitsgrade zu. Die drei Demosongs lassen sich vor dem Spielbeginn anspielen, damit Sie sich auf Melodie und Text einstellen können. Nach jeder Textzeile, die Sie nachgesungen haben, erscheint eine Bewertung, die in Ihrem Fall hoffentlich nicht "grausam" oder "mies" lauten wird. Der Partymodus erlaubt das Spielen von 2 oder 3 Teams, zu denen jeweils bis zu 4 Spieler gehören dürfen. Das Spiel läuft über 2 bis 7 Runden. Im Toolsmenü haben Sie Zugriff auf die Statistiken und die Optionen für Grafik, Themes, Sound, Aufnahme etc. Ihre eigenen Songs, die als MP3-, OGG- oder Mididatei vorliegen müssen, kopieren Sie in das Verzeichnis Songs. Für die Anzeige von Liedtext und Tonlage müssen Sie einem Song eine Textdatei beilegen. Im Internet gibt es bereits solche Textdateien zu vielen bekannten Songs. Mit dem Editor erstellen Sie diese Textdateien selbst. Wie das geht, erfahren Sie in der deutschsprachigen Hilfe. Dazu öffnen Sie die Datei documentation.pdf im Programmordner und gehen zu 6.3. Eine technische Voraussetzung des Programms ist natürlich ein Mikrofon. Für den Partymodus benötigen Sie davon zwei. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie  gGames/Arcadei586  libSDL-devellibSDL_image-devellibfreetype6-devellibxorg-x11-devellibportaudio2-devellibsqlite3-devellibmesagl1-devellibffmpeg-develfpc-srcliblua-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)|47b60e8b6bc3f2085e87fb0922c600a5./SRPMS.pclosd   R (VB@aBABEBJCumb-scheme3.225pclos2007An implementation of the Scheme programming languageUMB Scheme is a public domain implementation of the Scheme programming language. Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive dialect of the Lisp programming language, designed with clear and simple semantics and a minimal number of ways to form expressions. Install the umb-scheme package if you need an implementation of the Scheme programming language.bmBart the Build Bot Development/Otheri586 gcctexinfounziprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1umb-scheme-3.2-25pclos2007.src.rpm'bf657e291ade3bcd8b6b3c7a664c20eb./SRPMS.pclosd   4  B@BABEBJ Cumockdev0.17.181pclos2023Mock hardware devicesWith this program and libraries you can easily create mock udev objects. This is useful for writing tests for software which talks to hardware devices.Development/Otherx86_64  gtk-docpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)pkgconfig(libpcap)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala3.0.4-14.6.0-1umockdev-0.17.18-1pclos2023.src.rpmpab0d73cfe97cf5210a3b2695fbe936b5./SRPMS.pclosd   U  $*4<]B@fBABEBJCumph0.2.51pclos2014Command line tool for parsing video links from Youtube feedsumph is a command line tool for parsing video links from Youtube feeds, such as playlists, favorites and uploads. The parsed video links are printed to the standard output each separated with a newline.WVideonoarch perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1umph-0.2.5-1pclos2014.src.rpm^t83fa95bcbe2b9bdd9f048c0750889457./SRPMS.pclosd  d $(DB@LBApBEtBJCdeumplayer0.98.22pclos2013QT4 based fronted for MplayerQT4 basierendes Frontend für MplayerUMPlayer uses the award-winning MPlayer software as its back-end engine, thus is able to play the most known audio & video formats (such as: avi, mkv, ogm, mpeg, vob, 3gp, asf, mov, wmv, mp3, ogg and many more...).Der "Universal Multimedia Player", kurz UMPlayer lässt sich dank unterschiedlicher Skins auch rein optisch Ihren Bedürfnissen anpassen. Viel falsch in der Bedienung können Sie dank des einfachen und vor allem übersichtlichen Interfaces nicht machen. Über die Verbindung zu Subtitels.org finden Sie zu abgespielten Videoinhalten auch noch die passenden Untertitel. Es ist auch möglich neben DVDs und Video-Files Inhalte aus YouTube mit dem Player abzuspielen..tVideox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1umplayer-0.98.2-2pclos2013.src.rpm.~84f80e5f5ed7d87dfc4b350c7abefe62./SRPMS.pclos'd   .x |B@BABEBJCums9.8.01pclos2020Universal Media ServerUniversal Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server. It is based on PS3 Media Server by shagrath. It is actually an evolution of the "SubJunk Build" of PMS. UMS was started by SubJunk, an official developer of PMS, in order to ensure greater stability and file-compatibility. The program streams or transcodes many different media formats with little or no configuration. It is powered by MEncoder, FFmpeg, tsMuxeR, AviSynth, MediaInfo and more, which combine to offer support for a wide range of media formats. See http://www.universalmediaserver.com/ for supported devices.Networking/Remote accessnoarch imagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1ums-9.8.0-1pclos2020.src.rpm 75060e642f05feb3f55f891ceff38b93./SRPMS.pclos{d  C B@ BAHBELBJmCumts-panel20.3.11pclos2018Wireless internet over GPRS/UMTS/3GPython GTK program for wireless internet over GPRS/UMTS/3G (Cellphone/DataCard). It is based on wvdial and usb_modeswitch.h]bb2 System/Configuration/Networkingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1umts-panel2-0.3.1-1pclos2018.src.rpmcCd4279a967ab5ff427de602a4ec5dc7ad./SRPMS.pclosd   T0 4CLTzB@BABEBJCumtsmon0.92pclos2011Tool to control and monitor a wireless mobile network cardUMTSmon is a tool to control and monitor a wireless mobile network card (GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, UMTS, HSDPA). It handles PIN codes, operator choice (roaming), signal strength and network statistics, sending/receiving SMS.Communicationsx86_64 qt3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1umtsmon-0.9-2pclos2011.src.rpm5df8340e2e85a8fea78a3b628e5478f4./SRPMS.pcloscd  R$ (>HhB@BA0BE4BJUCunar1.10.81pclos2024Multi format application for uncompressing archive filesThe command-line utilities lsar and unar are capable of listing and extracting files respectively in several formats including RARv3 and RARv5. unar can serve as a free and open source replacement of unrar.7&Archiving/Compressionx86_64  gcc-objcgnustep-base-develpkgconfig(bzip2)pkgconfig(icu-uc)pkgconfig(wavpack)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1unar-1.10.8-1pclos2024.src.rpm$y464daf276bfe9043a4f759f4d68891b5./SRPMS.pclosd   G  &04PB@XBAxBE|BJCunarj2.653pclos2011An uncompressor for .arj format archive files.The UNARJ program is used to uncompress .arj format archives. The .arj format archive was mostly used on DOS machines. Install the unarj package if you need to uncompress .arj format archives.#Archiving/Compressionx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unarj-2.65-3pclos2011.src.rpm)c99b9559219af2089ce194beb8f654cc./SRPMS.pclosd   N -4 d  B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cunbound1.19.11pclos2024A validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolverUnbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver. The C implementation of Unbound is developed and maintained by NLnet Labs. It is based on ideas and algorithms taken from a java prototype developed by Verisign labs, Nominet, Kirei and ep.net. Unbound is designed as a set of modular components, so that also DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not run as a server, but are linked into an application) are easily possible.CNetworking/Otherx86_64  bisondoxygenflexpkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(libevent)pkgconfig(nss)pkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(python2)pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)swig3.0.4-14.6.0-1unbound-1.19.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmD45cf3cf498eadf13bf8a74dd9fe47804./SRPMS.pclosd" - N 0B@:BA\BE`BJCdefresplsrnlunclutter0.82pclos2013Hides the mouse cursor when idleUnclutter is a program which runs permanently in the background of an X11 session. It checks on the X11 pointer (cursor) position every few seconds, and when it finds it has not moved (and no buttons are pressed on the mouse, and the cursor is not in the root window) it creates a small sub-window as a child of the window the cursor is in. The new window installs a cursor of size 1x1 but a mask of all 0, ie an invisible cursor. This allows you to see all the text in an xterm or xedit, for example. The human factors crowd would agree it should make things less distracting.Anordnen ist ein Programm, das permanent im Hintergrund läuft ein X11 Sitzung. Es wird geprüft, auf der X11-Zeiger (Cursor) Position alle paar Sekunden und wenn er sie findet sich nicht bewegt hat (und keine Taste auf der Maus gedrückt und sich der Cursor nicht im Hauptfenster) schafft eine kleine Unter-Fenster, wie ein Kind aus dem Fenster der Cursor auf das neue Fenster installiert einen Cursor von der Größe 1x1 aber eine Maske von allen 0, dh eine unsichtbare Cursor. Dies erlaubt es Ihnen, um alle Text in einem xterm oder xedit, zum Beispiel. Der menschliche Faktoren Menge würde zustimmen, dass es sollte die Dinge weniger störend.Unclutter est un programme qui tourne en permanence en arrière-plan d'une X11 session. Il vérifie sur le pointeur X11 (curseur) position toutes les quelques secondes, et quand il estime qu'il n'a pas bougé (et pas de boutons sont pressés sur la souris, et le curseur n'est pas dans la fenêtre root), il crée un petit sous-fenêtre comme un enfant de la fenêtre se trouve le curseur po La nouvelle fenêtre installe un curseur de taille 1x1 mais un masque de tous 0, soit un curseur invisible. Cela vous permet de voir tous les texte dans un xterm ou xedit, par exemple. Les facteurs humains foule ne serait-il d'accord devrait rendre les choses moins distrayant.Unclutter es un programa que se ejecuta de manera permanente en el contexto de una X11 período de sesiones. Verifica en el puntero de X11 (cursor) la posición cada pocos segundos, y el cuando la encuentra no se ha movido (y no se pulsan los botones del ratón, y el cursor no está en la ventana raíz) crea una pequeña sub-ventana como un niño de la ventana del cursor que se encuentra la nueva ventana se instala un cursor de tamaño 1x1 sino una máscara de todos los 0, es decir, un cursor invisible. Esto le permite ver todos los texto en un xterm o xedit, por ejemplo. La multitud de factores humanos, estaría de acuerdo en que deben hacer las cosas menos distracción.Porozrzucane to program, który pracuje na stałe w tle X11 sesji. Sprawdza na X11 wskaźnika (kursora) pozycji, co kilka sekund, a jeżeli uzna, że nie została przeniesiona (i żaden przycisk na myszy i kursor nie znajduje się w głównym oknie) tworzy małą pod oknem jak dziecko okna kursor in new window instaluje kursora o rozmiarze 1x1 ale maski wszystkie 0, czyli niewidzialny kursor. Pozwala to zobaczyć wszystkie tekstu w xterm lub xedit, na przykład. Tłum ludzi czynniki zgodzi to Należy dokonać rzeczy mniej rozpraszające.Унцлуттер је програм који стално ради у позадини Икс11 седници. Проверава на Икс11 показивач (курсор) положај сваких неколико секунди, а када се сматра да је није преселио (и не се притисне на дугме миша, и се курсор не налази у основном прозору) ствара мали под-мени као дете на прозору којем се налази курсор у. новом прозору инсталира курсор величине 1кс1 али све маске 0, односно невидљиви курсор. Ово вам омогућава да видите све текст у Уиндоуса или кседит, на пример. Људског фактора, гомила би га се слажу треба да мање ствари одвлаче пажњу.Ordenen is een programma dat permanent draait in de achtergrond van een X11 sessie. Het controleert op de X11-aanwijzer (cursor) positie om de paar seconden, en wanneer zij van oordeel is het niet verplaatst (en geen knoppen zijn ingedrukt op de muis, en de cursor is niet in de root venster) creëert een kleine sub-venster als een kind van het venster de cursor zich bevindt Het nieuwe venster installeert een cursor van grootte 1x1 maar een masker van alle 0, dwz een onzichtbare cursor. Hiermee kunt u zien dat alle tekst in een xterm of xedit, bijvoorbeeld. De menselijke factoren menigte zou het eens moeten maken het wat minder storend.:kSystem/X11x86_64 X11-develimakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unclutter-0.8-2pclos2013.src.rpmJf320ba4df4e4d6881f155dd938c7e5540./SRPMS.pclosd  o<@ FahtB@BABEBJCplunetbootin5832pclos2013Tool for creating Live USB drivesNarzędzie do utworzenia butowalnego pendriveUNetbootin allows for the installation of various Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive, so it's no different from a standard install, only it doesn't need a CD. It can create a dual-boot install, or replace the existing OS entirely. You can either let it download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.|DpinocSystem/Configuration/Otherx86_64 desktop-file-utilsqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unetbootin-583-2pclos2013.src.rpm[b64813f630ec7d55004cb8181945f4ee./SRPMS.pclosd   Y   { B@BABEBJCunicap0.9.81pclos2010Library to access different kinds of ( video ) capture devicesunicap is a library to access different kinds of ( video ) capture devices.System/Librariesi586  gtk+2-devellibraw1394_8-devellibxv-develautomakegtk-doclibalsa-develintltoollibtheora-devellibvorbis-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  9 B@ BA4BE8BJYCunicode-emoji13.01pclos2021Unicode Emoji Data FilesUnicode Emoji Data Files are the machine-readable emoji data files associated with http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/index.html ȲSystem/Internationalizationnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unicode-emoji-13.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm^g257ae161af88d896a5ece15b87a5e439./SRPMS.pclosd & K B@BABEBJCuniconvertor2.00.1.rc4.1pclos2019Universal vector graphics translatorUniConvertor is a universal vector graphics translator. It uses sK1 engine to convert one format to another. A7Graphicsx86_64 pkgconfig(MagickWand)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(python)python-pillow-develpython-cairo-devellcms2-devellibpotrace-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uniconvertor-2.0-0.1.rc4.1pclos2019.src.rpm Hf11f3b7c44f475859c0bcbf0e3fc4a08./SRPMS.pclosCd   :d hzB@BABEBJ5Cunifdef2.121pclos2024Tool for removing ifdef'd linesUnifdef is useful for removing ifdefed lines from a file while otherwise leaving the file alone. Unifdef acts on #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, and #endif lines, and it knows only enough about C and C++ to know when one of these is inactive because it is inside a comment, or a single or double quote. Development/Otherx86_64  gccmakepkgconfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1unifdef-2.12-1pclos2024.src.rpm)h87af913e647cd08717b59e545d930c76./SRPMS.pclosKd" - d B@BABEBJ=Cuninstaller-for-adobe-air1.0.11pclos2010Easy solution for uninstalling Adobe AIR applications.When installing an AIR application it is possible to first save the installation program file (. air). This file will then allow to install but also to uninstall the application, provided that the AIR engine is installed and functional. If you install an AIR application from its source without saving its installation program file, or if the AIR engine is not available, uninstalling an AIR application can be difficult on a GNU/Linux system because it requires the use of system commands via a shell. Thanks to Uninstaller for Adobe AIR it becomes very easy to uninstall an AIR application since it suffices to choose it from a list of installed applications and click on an Uninstall button. Designed to compatible with the GNU/Linux distributions and with the GNOME and KDE window managers.Videoi586 qt4-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uninstaller-for-adobe-air-1.0.1-1pclos2010.src.rpm33f7fa2c5bd8b7d96013d7b6c668a7af./SRPMS.pclosd  : .B@ABAhBElBJCunionfs-fuse3.51pclos2024union filesystem using FUSEunionfs-fuse overlays several directory into one single mount point It first tries to access the file on the top branch and if the file does not exist there, it continues on lower level branches. If the user tries to modify a file on a lower level read-only branch the file is copied to to a higher level read-write branch if the copy-on-write (cow) mode was enabled.+System/Librariesx86_64  fuse3-develgcclibattr-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1unionfs-fuse-3.5-1pclos2024.src.rpm0e31a7303152e71273f6e23d31b9e233./SRPMS.pclosd   V #B@0BATBEXBJyCunison2.52.11pclos2022Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and WindowsUnison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. Unlike simple mirroring or backup utilities, Unison can deal with updates to both replicas of a distributed directory structure. Updates that do not conflict are propagated automatically. Conflicting updates are detected and displayed. Unison can synchronize either locally (between volumes mounted on the same computer) or remotely,between any pair of machines connected to the internet, communicating over either a direct socket link or tunneling over an rsh or an encrypted ssh connection. It is careful with network bandwidth, and runs well over slow links such as PPP connections. Unison is available for both Windows (95/98/NT/2K) and Unix (Linux, Solaris). Moreover, Unison works across platforms, allowing you to synchronize a Windows laptop with a Unix server, for example.K5File toolsx86_64 ocaml-lablgtk2-develgtk+2-develglib2-develpango-develemacs-binrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unison-2.52.1-1pclos2022.src.rpmSc90c5ab198ae9f0715f80c76281bacff./SRPMS.pclosgd   Rtx  B@BA4BE8BJYCunits1.853pclos2007A utility for converting amounts from one unit to anotherUnits converts an amount from one unit to another, or tells you what mathematical operation you need to perform to convert from one unit to another. Units can only handle multiplicative scale changes (i.e., it can't tell you how to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, which requires an additive step in addition to the multiplicative conversion). Units is a handy little program which contains a large number of conversions, from au's to parsecs and tablespoons to cups. You probably don't need to install it, but it comes in handy sometimes.Bart the Build Bot Officei586 gpm-develncurses-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1units-1.85-3pclos2007.src.rpmC85b168bee52921e70f35107903cbc7c4./SRPMS.pclosd  K  `B@rBABEBJCunittest-cpp2.0.01pclos2024Lightweight unit testing framework for C++unittest-cpp is a lightweight unit testing framework for C++. Simplicity, portability, speed, and small footprint are all very important aspects of unittest-cpp.=System/Librariesx86_64  gcc-c++glibc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1unittest-cpp-2.0.0-1pclos2024.src.rpmF5de99d74661a5bf5691f57103ac894d4./SRPMS.pclos'd LB@BABEBJCunix2dos2.21pclos2011Unix2dos - UNIX to DOS text file format converterA utility that converts plain text files in UNIX format to DOS format.+HText toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unix2dos-2.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm(c51888c79226c93c5cbde9c45608d5b9./SRPMS.pclosd   K  *4PB@BABEBJ CunixODBC2.3.121pclos2023Unix ODBC driver manager and database driversUnixODBC is a free/open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sources. Data Sources include SQL Servers and any Data Source with an ODBC Driver.agDatabasesx86_64  bisonbyaccflexlibltdl-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1unixODBC-2.3.12-1pclos2023.src.rpmq31b4a465f3b0159fa7da6cbc3aee3885./SRPMS.pclosWd   ^ B@BA$BE(BJICunoconv0.72pclos2019Tool to convert between any document format supported by LibreOfficeunoconv converts between any document format that LibreOffice understands. It uses LibreOffice's UNO bindings for non-interactive conversion of documents. Supported document formats include Open Document Format (.odf), MS Word (.doc), MS Office Open/MS OOXML (.xml), Portable Document Format (.pdf), HTML, XHTML, RTF, Docbook (.xml), and more.{System/Basenoarch python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unoconv-0.7-2pclos2019.src.rpm_ad067da567d3263f5e20f584a369b7e7./SRPMS.pclosd   2TX awB@BABEBJCunp1.0.101pclos2007Archive Extraction Scriptunp is a small perl script which makes extraction of any archive files easier. It support several compressors and archiver programs, chooses the right one(s) automatically and extracts one or more files in one go. It detects the right type from the file extensions or the "file" output.%maik3531Archiving/Compressionnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unp-1.0.10-1pclos2007.src.rpm,713fe61ae0304fed9bcc12361f138c3f./SRPMS.pclos/d   Ll pyB@BABEBJ!Cunpaper6.12pclos2019Post-processing scanned and photocopied book pagesunpaper is a post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper, especially for book pages that have been scanned from previously created photocopies. The main purpose is to make scanned book pages better readable on screen after conversion to PDF. Additionally, unpaper might be useful to enhance the quality of scanned pages before performing optical character recognition (OCR). unpaper tries to clean scanned images by removing dark edges that appeared through scanning or copying on areas outside the actual page content (e.g. dark areas between the left-hand-side and the right-hand-side of a double- sided book-page scan). The program also tries to detect disaligned centering and rotation of pages and will automatically straighten each page by rotating it to the correct angle. This is called "deskewing". Note that the automatic processing will sometimes fail. It is always a good idea to manually control the results of unpaper and adjust the parameter settings according to the requirements of the input. Each processing step can also be disabled individually for each sheet. Input and output files can be in either .pbm or .pgm format, as also used by the Linux scanning tools scanimage and scanadf. Conversion to PDF can e.g. be achieved with the Linux tools pgm2tiff, tiffcp and tiff2pdf.(Graphicsx86_64 netpbmxsltprocpkgconfig(libavutil)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unpaper-6.1-2pclos2019.src.rpm(N76a22f246ce47c9cb06b004250463300./SRPMS.pclosd ! X  VB@aBABEBJCdeunrarArchive0.32pclos2011Servicemenu unrar for kde4Servicemenu unrar für KDE4Servicemenu to unpack rar archives with password based on kdialogServicemenu zum entpacken von rar Archive mit Passwort basierend auf kdialogArchiving/Compressionx86_64 kdelibs4kdebase4-corezenityrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unrarArchive-0.3-2pclos2011.src.rpm713d31b27c203d849c0db276c619d075./SRPMS.pclosd  9X \gptB@BABEBJCunrtf0.21.21pclos2011RTF to other formats converterUnRTF is a moderately complicated converter from RTF to other formats, including HTML, LaTeX, text, and PostScript. Converting to HTML, it supports tables, fonts, colors, embedded images, hyperlinks, paragraph alignment among other things. All other conversions are "alpha"--just begun.Text toolsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unrtf-0.21.2-1pclos2011.src.rpm3394641686daea30d68cddf9e4419cef./SRPMS.pclosd   K -4DB@BABEBJCunshield0.61pclos2009A program to extract InstallShield cabinet filesCabinet (.CAB) files are a form of archive, which is used by the InstallShield installer software. The unshield program simply unpacks such files. See http://synce.sourceforge.net/ for more information.FNetworking/Otheri586 zlib-devellibtoolopenssl-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unshield-0.6-1pclos2009.src.rpm2a0b75ffdbffe17215e022f4af993e2c8./SRPMS.pclosd  B   $@B@HBAhBElBJCdeunstopcp1.01pclos2011Running Roadkil's Unstoppable CopierRecovers files from disks with physical damage. Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data. The program will attempt to recover every readable piece of a file and put the pieces together. Using this method most types of files can be made useable even if some parts of the file were not recoverable in the end. The program can be used as a daily backup system using its batch mode functions. A list of transfers can be saved to a file and then run from the command line to perform the same batch of transfers on a regular basis without having to use the GUI interface. The program supports command line parameters which allow the application to be run from schedulers or scripts so it can be fully integrated into daily server tasks.Mit diesem Werkzeug retten Sie alle noch lesbaren Dateien von zerkratzten oder defekten Datenträgern. Wo andere Tools sofort abbrechen, versucht "Unstoppable Copier" alle wiederherstellbaren Daten, oder zumindest die letzten Bytes einer Datei, in einen bestimmten Ordner zu spielen. Wenn Sie die Daten auf Ihrer kaputten CD/DCD schon abgeschrieben haben, könnte die Freeware Ihr letzter Rettungsanker sein.#File toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unstopcp-1.0-1pclos2011.src.rpm,{d82fcfbe80cb311796cad866ad4b8665./SRPMS.pclos{d   P B@*BAHBELBJmCunzip6.1c1pclos2019Unpacks ZIP files such as those made by pkzip under DOSunzip will list, test, or extract files from a ZIP archive, commonly found on MS-DOS systems. A companion program, zip, creates ZIP archives; both programs are compatible with archives created by PKWARE's PKZIP and PKUNZIP for MS-DOS, but in many cases the program options or default behaviors differ. This version also has encryption support.,TArchiving/Compressionx86_64 lib64natspec-develbzip2-develgccrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1unzip-6.1c-1pclos2019.src.rpm+lD100e0c3cc9e2a7f4358b30ce55a96b87./SRPMS.pclosd ' E B@ BAPBETBJuCupdate-alternatives1.9.11pclos2022Alternative management systemUtility for managing concurent software. Original version comes from Debian but has been patched by Mandriva for use with rpm systems..iSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1update-alternatives-1.9.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm245906c553125b62ac82915eb667e9ca6./SRPMS.pclosd$* 5  ` d k    B@ BA BE BJ Cdeitesfrplnlupdate-notifier1.6.71pclos2021update-notifier is a tool to automatically check for new updatesUpdate-Notifier ist ein Tool zur automatischen Überprüfung auf neue UpdatesUpdate-Notifier e una applicazione per controllare gli aggiornamentiNotificador de Actualizaciones es una herramienta para buscar nuevas actualizacionesLe Notificateur de Mises à Jour est un logiciel pour rechercher de nouvelles mises à jourUpdate-notifier jest programem do automatycznego sprawdzania nowych aktualizacji'Update-Notifier' in the Software Center menu (runs 'unl') provides a small frontend that displays clickable links to the first ten items from the Software & Security Updates section of the PCLinuxOS Form. You can also change the settings, do an update, or run synaptic (if it is not already running). When closed it will run 'update-notifier-launcher' which is the sleep process between updates. 'update-notifier' is a tool to automatically check for new updates. It displays an icon in the system tray with the quantity of updateable packages, or a reason for any failures. It also provides options to view a list of available packages, and multiple ways to install them. The user can also easily force an update check from here or the menu at any time. The installation process will set up the notifier to automatically start at log-in for both the Gnome and KDE desktop environments. Users of other desktop environments will have to manually start the application or set up auto-start for their environment.Update-Notifier ist ein Tool zur automatischen Überprüfung auf neue Updates. Es zeigt ein Symbol im Systemtray der Taskleiste welches Sie über die Menge der aktualiesierbaren Pakete informiert, weiterhin bietet es mehrere Möglichkeiten diese zu installieren, erneut nach Aktualiesierungen zu suchen sowie eine Paketliste mit dessen Namen. Update-Notifier wird bei den Gnome und KDE-Desktop-Umgebungen beim anmelden automatisch gestartet. Benutzer von anderen Desktop-Umgebungen müssen ggf. diese Anwendung manuell starten oder ein Autostart Eintrag erstellen.Update-Notifier e una applicazione per controllare i aggiornamenti. Mostra una icona nel pannello del sistema, informa su la quantita e i nomi degli aggiornamenti e offre la opzione di installarli.Notificador de Actualizaciones es una herramienta para buscar nuevas actualizaciones. Muestra un icono en la bandeja de sistema con la cantidad y los nombres de los paquetes actualizables y permite instalarlos.Le Notificateur de Mises à Jour est un logiciel qui recherche de nouvelles mises à jour. Il affiche une icône dans la zone de notification à propos du nombre et des noms des paquets à mettre à jour et propose de les installer.Update-notifier jest programem do automatycznego sprawdzania nowych aktualizacji. Pokazuje ikonę w zasobniku systemowym z ilością pakietów do aktualizacji. Przewiduje również opcje, aby wyświetlić listę dostępnych pakietów i wiele sposobów, aby je zainstalować.Update-Notifier is een tool om automatisch controleren op nieuwe updates. Het toont een pictogram in het systeemvak met de hoeveelheid bijgewerkt pakketten, of een reden voor eventuele tekortkomingen. Het biedt ook opties om een lijst met beschikbare pakketten, en meerdere manieren om ze te installeren. De gebruiker kan ook gemakkelijk dwingen een update vanaf hier of in het menu op elk moment.danielSystem/Configuration/Packagingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1update-notifier-1.6.7-1pclos2021.src.rpmV0cdd04c0541ab1e51e96a3fa8bd1e3b3./SRPMS.pclossd   5 B@BA@BEDBJeCupower0.99.114pclos2021Power Management ServiceUPower provides a daemon, API and command line tools for managing power devices attached to the system.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  pkgconfig(gudev-1.0)glib2-develpkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)libtoolintltoolgettextlib64usb1.0-devellibxslt-procdocbook-style-xslgtk-docgobject-introspection-devellib64imobiledevice-devellib64plist-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   C$( OX`hB@BABEBJCupscayl2.15.01pclos2025Free and Open Source AI Image UpscalerUpscayl is a free and open source desktop application that lets you upscale your low resolution images using advanced AI Models. Upscayl is a Linux-First Application that prioritizes Linux builds but is also cross-platform.'Agent Smith Graphicsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1upscayl-2.15.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm9Yff820027460fbc569632e93f53a2963a./SRPMS.pclos{d   P B@$BAHBELBJmCuptimed0.3.161pclos2010A daemon to record and keep track of system uptimesUptimed is an uptime record daemon keeping track of the highest uptimes the system ever had. Instead of using a pid file to keep sessions apart from each other, it uses the system boot time. Uptimed has the ability to inform you of records and milestones though syslog and e-mail, and comes with a console front end to parse the records, which can also easily be used to show your records on your Web page.Monitoringi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uptimed-0.3.16-1pclos2010.src.rpm895dda311cd54b98b6ced7084e463894./SRPMS.pclosd   ; PB@gBABEBJCupx5.0.01pclos2025The Ultimate Packer for eXecutablesUPX is an advanced executable file compressor. UPX will typically reduce the file size of programs and DLLs by around 50%, thus reducing disk space, network load times, download times and other distribution and storage costs. Programs and libraries compressed by UPX are completely self-contained and run exactly as before, with no runtime or memory penalty for most of the supported formats.Archiving/Compressionx86_64  cmakepkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)ucl-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-11.03upx-5.0.0-1pclos2025.src.rpmafeed17fe274cc960d139779fa9c0ad9./SRPMS.pclos{d   +p tB@+BAHBELBJmCuqm0.6.22pclos2010The Ur-Quan MastersThe Ur-Quan Masters is a port of the 3DO version of Star Control 2.Games/Strategyi586  SDL-develSDL_image-develSDL_mixer-devellibvorbis-devellibmikmod-develmesaglu-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)ۙb6ecc1304fa952dc46f6fb7db56a74e7./SRPMS.pclos7d  R B@BABEBJ)Cuqm-content0.6.02pclos2010Mandatory content package for Ur-Quan Masters gameThe Ur-Quan Masters is a port of the 3DO version of Star Control 2.JGames/Strategynoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uqm-content-0.6.0-2pclos2010.src.rpm26226d4b34b3b19714b420ffe88657d3./SRPMS.pclosd # M 6B@CBAlBEpBJCurbanlightscape1.4.01pclos2019Utility for localized exposure correctionUse Urban Lightscape for exposure correction, localized brightness adjustments and the introduction of artificial lighting to a photo. By placing control points on the photo, you are able to lighten or darken (dodge or burn) at these points, with Urban Lightscape cleverly interpolating between these points to infill adjustments across the entire photo.ZGraphicsx86_64 bcboost-develimagemagicklibgomp-devellib64wxgtku3.1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1urbanlightscape-1.4.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm`057f24debab253f7b6a32eed4d9b897d./SRPMS.pclosd   < tB@BABEBJCuriparser0.9.81pclos2024URI parsing library - RFC 3986Uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library written in C. uriparser is cross-platform, fast, supports Unicode and is licensed under the New BSD license.:System/Librariesx86_64  cmakedoxygengraphvizpkgconfig(gtest)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1uriparser-0.9.8-1pclos2024.src.rpm"8f067a2947e835a4ebb96771fcb65247./SRPMS.pcloscd   C B@BA0BE4BJUCurlview0.911pclos2011A URL extractor/viewer for use with Mutturlview extracts URLs from a given text file, and presents a menu of URLs to view using a user specified command.Networking/Mailx86_64 libslang-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1urlview-0.9-11pclos2011.src.rpmrf3fc1ba549d9f5592ef50e2d6ce26192./SRPMS.pclosGd   N B@BABEBJ9Curw-fonts2.018pclos2017Free versions of the 35 standard PostScript fontsFree, good quality versions of the 35 standard PostScript(TM) fonts, donated under the GPL by URW++ Design and Development GmbH. The fonts.dir file font names match the original Adobe names of the fonts (e.g., Times, Helvetica, etc.). Install the urw-fonts package if you need free versions of standard PostScript fonts.yxbb2 System/Fonts/Type1noarch XFree86rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1urw-fonts-2.0-18pclos2017.src.rpmeu53841358acc9f68697524117f7d7583d./SRPMS.pclosd & Q 1B@;BAdBEhBJCdeusb-imagewriter0.1.33pclos2015A GUI tool to write .img files to USB KeysA GUI tool to write .img files to USB KeysEin GUI-Tool zum scheiben von *.img Dateien auf USB-Sickspinoc64System/Configuration/Othernoarch imagemagickusermode-consoleonlyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1usb-imagewriter-0.1.3-3pclos2015.src.rpm22f7d7681ce1cfb41879b571caf2acb2./SRPMS.pclos_d " M B@BA,BE0BJQCusb_modeswitch2.6.11pclos2020Activating Switchable USB Devices on LinuxUSB_ModeSwitch is a mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" (multiple device) USB gear. Several new USB devices (especially high-speed wireless WAN stuff, they're expensive anyway) have their Windows drivers onboard; when plugged in for the first time they act like a flash storage and start installing the driver from there. After that (and on every consecutive plugging) this driver switches the mode internally, the storage device vanishes (in most cases), and a new device (like an USB modem) shows up. The WWAN gear maker Option calls that feature "ZeroCD (TM)".GSystem/Configuration/Hardwarex86_64 lib64usb1.0-develtclrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1usb_modeswitch-2.6.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm78fb41a0012d3121b7e42bc3dc95f0a7./SRPMS.pclosd * U ",0LB@TBABEBJCusb_modeswitch-data201911281pclos2019Activating Switchable USB Devices on LinuxUSB Modeswitch brings up your datacard into operational mode. When plugged in they identify themselves as cdrom and present some non-Linux compatible installation files. This tool deactivates this cdrom-devices and enables the real communication device. It supports most devices built and sold by Huawei, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Option, ZTE, Novatel. This package contains the data files needed for usb_modeswitch to function.System/Configuration/Hardwarenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1usb_modeswitch-data-20191128-1pclos2019.src.rpm515432071f1cbc3e45cf12d4e2b67d02./SRPMS.pclosd    4  <B@DBAdBEhBJCusbmon5.41pclos2011A basic front-end to usbmonThe usbmon program collects and prints a trace of USB transactions as they occur between the USB core and HCDs. Analyzing the trace helps to debug the kernel USB stack, device firmware, and applications.=Development/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1usbmon-5.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmDF4bbbd20ef7b79a08a720387c4a3e1e79./SRPMS.pclos#d  [ $<B@BABEBJCusbmuxd-dlx1.1.11pclos2021Daemon for communicating with Apple's iPod Touch and iPhoneusbmuxd is a daemon used for communicating with Apple's iPod Touch and iPhone devices. It allows multiple services on the device to be accessed simultaneously.SlSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  gcc-c++libtoolpkgconfig(libimobiledevice-1.0)pkgconfig(libplist-2.0)pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Cx |B@BABEBJ!Cusbredir0.8.01pclos2021A protocol for redirection USB trafficThe usbredir libraries allow USB devices to be used on remote and/or virtual hosts over TCP. The following libraries are provided: usbredirparser: A library containing the parser for the usbredir protocol usbredirhost: A library implementing the USB host side of a usbredir connection. All that an application wishing to implement a USB host needs to do is: * Provide a libusb device handle for the device * Provide write and read callbacks for the actual transport of usbredir data * Monitor for usbredir and libusb read/write events and call their handlersEaSystem/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1usbredir-0.8.0-1pclos2021.src.rpmH079ab86042249fc7b484762a377835d9./SRPMS.pclosd    b gB@sBABEBJCusbtop1.01pclos2019Visualizer for estimated instantaneous bandwidth on USB buses and devicesA top-like utility that shows an estimated instantaneous bandwidth on USB buses and devices. Requires the usbmon kernel module to be loaded. Monitoringx86_64 cmakegcc-c++lib64boost-devellib64pcap-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1usbtop-1.0-1pclos2019.src.rpmc264c288fff09bebde10587f317a0c92./SRPMS.pclos;d   .H LgpB@BABE BJ-Cusbutils0181pclos2024Linux USB utilitiesThis package contains the lsusb utility for inspecting the devices connected to the USB bus. It shows a graphical representation of the devices that are currently plugged in, showing the topology of the USB bus. It also displays information on each individual device on the bus.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libusb)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1usbutils-018-1pclos2024.src.rpmV9eb146a85f1c39cbc738128642dd99c5./SRPMS.pclosd   80 4OXhB@BABEBJ Cusbview3.11pclos2023USB topology and device viewerUSBView is a GTK program that displays the topography of the devices that are plugged into the USB bus on a Linux machine. It also displays information on each of the devices. This can be useful to determine if a device is working properly or not.TGSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  gtk+3-develimagemagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1usbview-3.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmyCd0c8e3e2f48770dd6815f1c95c24f0e8./SRPMS.pcloskd ! A B@BA8BE<BJ]Cuser-manager5.10.41pclos2017Manage the users of your systemA simple system settings module to manage the users of your system.V4bb2 Graphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 kf5-macroscmakelib64pwquality-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1user-manager-5.10.4-1pclos2017.src.rpm]00a83872d36f5ada0e08c290deac7e12a./SRPMS.pclosd   U ZB@iBABEBJCuserdrake2.104pclos2020A graphical interface for administering users and groupsUserdrake is a user-friendly and powerful tool for administrating users and groups.System/Configurationx86_64 gettextperl-devellibuser-devellibglib2.0-develpam-develintltoolperl_checkerrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1userdrake-2.10-4pclos2020.src.rpmo6d247d9d26ef521d8d13662f4977a14b./SRPMS.pcloskd   V   D  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cusermode1.1111pclos2017Graphical tools for certain user account management tasksThe usermode package contains several graphical tools for users: userinfo, usermount and userpasswd. Userinfo allows users to change their finger information. Usermount lets users mount, unmount, and format filesystems. Userpasswd allows users to change their passwords. Install the usermode package if you would like to provide users with graphical tools for certain account management tasks.bb2 System/Configuration/Otherx86_64 autoconf2.5gettext-develintltoollibglade2.0-devellibuser-develpam-develdesktop-file-utilslibice-devellibsm-develstartup-notification-devellibblkid-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1usermode-1.111-1pclos2017.src.rpmv43cbe72a9794c60ab37a8392c310a5e7./SRPMS.pclos{d " V  B@BAHBELBJmCuserspace-rcu0.14.11pclos2024RCU (read-copy-update) implementation in user spaceThis data synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with the number of cores. It does so by allowing multiples copies of a given data structure to live at the same time, and by monitoring the data structure accesses to detect grace periods after which memory reclamation is possible.System/Librariesx86_64  autoconfautomakelibtoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1userspace-rcu-0.14.1-1pclos2024.src.rpm456a1d2111c87739e799f96a51abf5ed./SRPMS.pclosd   i B@,BAPBETBJuCutf8cpp4.0.61pclos2024A simple, portable and lightweight library for handling UTF-8 encoded stringsA simple, portable and lightweight library for handling UTF-8 encoded strings. Features include: - iterating through UTF-8 encoded strings - converting between UTF-8 and UTF-16/UTF-32 - detecting invalid UTF-8 sequences This project currently only contains header files, which can be found in the utf8cpp-devel package.=Development/C++noarch  cmakegcc-c++rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1utf8cpp-4.0.6-1pclos2024.src.rpm08790379bcc01493fcfc2d8584ee8050./SRPMS.pclos d   Qp tB@BABEBJCutf8proc2.6.11pclos2021Library for processing UTF-8 encoded Unicode stringsutf8proc is a library for processing UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. Some features are Unicode normalization, stripping of default ignorable characters, case folding and detection of grapheme cluster boundaries. A special character mapping is available, which converts for example the characters “Hyphen” (U+2010), “Minus” (U+2212) and “Hyphen-Minus (U+002D, ASCII Minus) all into the ASCII minus sign, to make them equal for comparisons. The currently supported Unicode version is 9.0.0. This package only contains the C library. System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1utf8proc-2.6.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm.c1674d2488a5159b3b8234cfe611cbdc./SRPMS.pclosd   80 4JTXtB@|BABEBJCuthash2.3.01pclos2022A hash table for C structuresAny C structure can be stored in a hash table using uthash. Just add a UT_hash_handle to the structure and choose one or more fields in your structure to act as the key. Then use these macros to store, retrieve or delete items from the hash table.@Development/Librariesnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uthash-2.3.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmG3d4fa3e760b7c8da0f52e1beb188e07d./SRPMS.pclosd " I$ (4<B@BABEBJ Cutil-linux-ng2.40.42pclos2025A collection of basic system utilitiesThe util-linux package contains a large variety of low-level system utilities that are necessary for a Linux system to function. Among others, Util-linux contains the fdisk configuration tool and the login program.System/Basex86_64  asciidocbisone2fsprogs-develgccgettext-devellib64cap-ng-devellib64python-devellibaudit-devellibtoollibuser-develncurses-develncursesw-develpam-develpo4arpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sedslang-develtermcap-develtexinfozlib-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1util-linux-ng-2.40.4-2pclos2025.src.rpm6b12ea31cffa599b1b18e5b7083f6ee1./SRPMS.pclosd   J<@ rB@BABEBJ Cuucp1.075pclos2007The uucp utility for copying files between systemsThe uucp command copies files between systems. Uucp is primarily used by remote machines downloading and uploading email and news files to local machines. Install the uucp package if you need to use uucp to transfer files between machines. Networking/File transferi586 texinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uucp-1.07-5pclos2007.src.rpm J be6bbbbebb7989f4414b82aa3b1d074a./SRPMS.pclosd   M4 8CL\B@BABEBJCuudeview0.5.202pclos2011Help to transmit binary files over the internetUudeview handles uuencoding, xxencoding, and base-64 encoding (MIME), used on internet to transmit binary files. It can do automatic splitting of large encodes and automatic posting. A must for anyone serious encoding/decoding.6File toolsx86_64 tcltcl-develtransfigrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uudeview-0.5.20-2pclos2011.src.rpm<~362b3cf0aba275ee7052847153373e76./SRPMS.pclosd   R  KV\`|B@BABEBJCuxcook2.0.110pclos2007Fix problems resulting of improperly set FTP downloadsThis is basically a clone of Uncook95 (which runs under Microsoft Windows). It is designed to allow Netscape users to fix MP3 files that were retrieved from improperly set servers. Of course this is not limited to MP3 files. Actually, these problems mainly come from binary files downloaded in ASCII mode (e.g. when a server sends binary information as text it inserts linefeeds at semi-regular intervals). With uxcook you will avoid re-doing the download.Guillaume Cottenceau File toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uxcook-2.0.1-10pclos2007.src.rpmbc37586907df69f7c597a8af34dc5882./SRPMS.pclosd      4B@BABEBJCdeuxtank2.31pclos2012uxTank is a game of tank shooting for XwindowsuxTank ist ein Spiel bei dem man auf Panzer schießt, für XwindowsuxTank is a game of tank shooting for Xwindows.uxTank ist ein Spiel bei dem man auf Panzer schießt, für Xwindows݊NealGames/Arcadei586 ImageMagickSDL_mixer-develdesktop-file-utilslibxorg-x11-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1uxtank-2.3-1pclos2012.src.rpmle3ff009b537806349e53cebe856b5533./SRPMS.pclosd   ? 0B@BABEBJCv4l-utils1.26.11pclos2024Linux V4L2 and DVB API utilitiesv4l-utils is the combination of various v4l and dvb utilities which used to be part of the v4l-dvb mercurial kernel tree.DGSystem/Librariesx86_64  clangdoxygenlibsysfs-develmesonpkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)pkgconfig(Qt5Help)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(alsa)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(json-c)pkgconfig(libelf)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(udev)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xmlrpc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1v4l-utils-1.26.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmpQe50de36004366880512665f32f54ce14./SRPMS.pclosd & V +B@CBApBEtBJCvaapi-driver-intel2.4.12pclos2023Is the VA-API implementation for Intel GEN GPUsLibva-driver-intel is the VA-API implementation for Intel GEN Graphics family. The current video driver back-end provides a bridge to the GEN GPUs through the packaging of buffers and commands to be sent to the i915 driver for exercising both hardware and shader functionality for video decode, encode, and processing.System/Kernel and hardwarex86_64   intel-gpu-toolsmesonpkgconfig(libva)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests) ea733d29626ed9e4477fd6eb664adc7b./SRPMS.pclos?d & Nx |B@BA BEBJ1Cvaapi-driver-va-gl0.3.41pclos2016VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI back-endVDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI back-end.BSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  libva-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) & H B@ BA8BE<BJ]Cvaapi-driver-vdpau0.7.44pclos2023VA-API driver for VDPAU interfaceVDPAU driver back-end for VA API, a video acceleration API.NSystem/Librariesx86_64  libva-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vdpau-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1vaapi-driver-vdpau-0.7.4-4pclos2023.src.rpm`65936cf3d33eeb473326945c39863696./SRPMS.pclosd   o $ )6<HB@BABEBJCdevacuum0.13a1pclos2012Vacuum Magic is a fast-paced action gameVaccum Magic ist ein flottes AktionspielVacuum Magic is a fast-paced action game. The point of the game is using your magical vacuum field to collect food and defend against monsters. Food and certain monsters can also be spat out and used as a projectile against other monsters. Vacuum Magic can be played by up to six players, either cooperatively or against each other.Vaccum Magic ist ein flottes Aktionspiel Im Spiel geht es darum, Essen mit deinem magischen Vakuumfeld zu sammeln und dich gegen Monster zu verteidigen. Essen und bestimmte Monster können ausgespuckt werden und so als Projektil gegen andere Monster dienen. Vacuum Magic mit bis zu sechs Spielern gespielt werden, gegeneinander oder aber auch zusammen.{NealGames/Arcadei586 perl-Compress-Raw-Zlibperl-SDLrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vacuum-0.13a-1pclos2012.src.rpm{33d3ec1ddbbfe53f99c026a3d760674a./SRPMS.pclosod   ?$( -38 `  B@BA<BE@BJaCvagalume0.8.51pclos2012Last.fm client for GNOME and MaemoVagalume is a Last.fm client based on Gnome, and specially designed to work in the Maemo platform. Vagalume has the following features: * It plays Last.fm streams using the Last.fm protocol v1.2 * It can play any Last.fm radio: personal, neighbours, loved tracks, or any other arbitrary URL. * It can download free tracks * It implements the Audioscrobbler Realtime Submission Protocol v1.2, specifically: * Now Playing information * Scrobbling of tracks that you listen * Love/Ban ratings * It displays the album cover of the track being played * The user can tag artists, tracks and albums * The user can send recommendations to other users * The user can add tracks to their playlistɎNealSoundi586  libgstreamer0.10_0.10-devellibnotify-develdesktop-file-utilsgettextdbus-glib-devellibcurl-devellibxml2-develintltoolgtk2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) d  ?d hz   B@BABEBJ Cvala0.56.173pclos2024Compiler for the GObject type systemVala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C. valac, the Vala compiler, is a self-hosting compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files. It uses the GObject type system to create classes and interfaces declared in the Vala source code. It's also planned to generate GIDL files when gobject- introspection is ready. The syntax of Vala is similar to C#, modified to better fit the GObject type system. Vala supports modern language features as the following: * Interfaces * Properties * Signals * Foreach * Lambda expressions * Type inference for local variables * Non-null types [PARTIAL] * Exception handling [PLANNED] * Assisted memory management * type modules (aka. Plugins) Vala is designed to allow access to existing C libraries, especially GObject-based libraries, without the need for runtime bindings. Each to be used library requires a Vala API file at compile-time, containing the class and method declarations in Vala syntax. Vala currently comes with experimental bindings for GLib and GTK+. It's planned to provide generated bindings for the full GNOME Platform at a later stage. Using classes and methods written in Vala from an application written in C is not difficult. The Vala library only has to install the generated header files and C applications may then access the GObject-based API of the Vala library as usual. It should also be easily possible to write a bindings generator for access to Vala libraries from applications written in e.g. C# as the Vala parser is written as a library, so that all compile-time information is available when generating a binding.=hDevelopment/Otherx86_64   bisonflexgraphviz-develpkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(libgvc)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc2.   Q 9B@EBAhBElBJCvalgrind3.10.12pclos2015Tool for finding memory management bugs in programsWhen a program is run under Valgrind's supervision, all reads and writes of memory are checked, and calls to malloc/new/free/delete are intercepted. As a result, Valgrind can detect problems such as: * Use of uninitialised memory * Reading/writing memory after it has been free'd * Reading/writing off the end of malloc'd blocks * Reading/writing inappropriate areas on the stack * Memory leaks -- where pointers to malloc'd blocks are lost forever * Passing of uninitialised and/or unaddressible memory to system calls * Mismatched use of malloc/new/new [] vs free/delete/delete []z%Development/Toolsx86_64 glibc-static-develgdblibgomp-develboost-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1valgrind-3.10.1-2pclos2015.src.rpmz(54907fc8b7aea2c9ef2fa3d5469430d5./SRPMS.pclosd " [  ;B@DBAlBEpBJCvamp-plugin-sdk2.101pclos2020An API for audio analysis and feature extraction pluginsVamp is an API for C and C++ plugins that process sampled audio data to produce descriptive output (measurements or semantic observations).^System/Librariesx86_64 pkgconfig(sndfile)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10-1pclos2020.src.rpm%325fb36f8950a94058b90448a81d4059./SRPMS.pclosdO$,YB@bBABEBJCvamps0.99.24pclos2011Vamps evaporates DVD compliant MPEG2 program streamsVamps evaporates DVD compliant MPEG2 program streams by selectively copying audio and subpicture tracks and by re-quantizing the embedded elementary video stream. Vamps is a command line tool&Videox86_64 libdvdread-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vamps-0.99.2-4pclos2011.src.rpm;7663c023441f47ed2a30976439e261c3./SRPMS.pclosd   U  DB@\BABEBJCvariety0.8.92pclos2022Wallpaper changer that automatically downloads wallpapersVariety changes the desktop wallpaper on a regular basis, using user-specified or automatically downloaded images. HGraphicsnoarch gettextintltoollib64notify-develpython3-develpython3-setuptoolspython3-dbuspython3-distutils-extrapython3-beautifulsoup4python3-cairo-develpython3-configobjpython3-pillow-develpython3-pycurlpython3-requestspython3-soupsievepython3-urllib3yelp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1variety-0.8.9-2pclos2022.src.rpm M1e8cd9e896731758c8b203020161f7f3./SRPMS.pclosd # >  B@*BATBEXBJyCvariety-slideshow0.12pclos2018Variety slideshow launcherA pan-and-zoom image slideshow written in Python using Clutter (via PyGObject). Similar to the photo collage slideshow on OSX.T Graphicsnoarch python-develpython-distutils-extrarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1variety-slideshow-0.1-2pclos2018.src.rpmZ{b1f6c8a74ca9281c6ae7a027dfac78ed./SRPMS.pclosd   t@ DU\`|B@BABEBJCvassal3.1.141pclos2010A game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games.Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. Play live on the Internet or by email. Vassal runs on all platforms, and is free, open-source software.?Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vassal-3.1.14-1pclos2010.src.rpm`0a00f3f0ae5995893329c03fc544a7ea./SRPMS.pclosSd   PX\ f{B@BA BE$BJECvbetool1.2.23pclos2017Real-mode video BIOS utility to alter hardware statevbetool allows you to run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state. It uses lrmi in order to run code from the video BIOS. Currently, it is able to alter DPMS states, save/restore video card state and attempts to initialize the video card from scratch.bb2 System/Configurationx86_64 pciutils-develzlib-devellib64pciaccess-devellib64x86-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vbetool-1.2.2-3pclos2017.src.rpm 76774ffb96026b06fcf4be344bf197ab./SRPMS.pclos{d ! D B@ BAHBELBJmCvbox-test-media1.04pclos2021Quickly test ISO/USB in VirtualboxThis program allows you to quickly boot an ISO file or USB device using VirtuaBox with various options available. Requires a valid VirtualBox installation.IEmulatorsx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vbox-test-media-1.0-4pclos2021.src.rpm>2a3cdbd6267f5e2111b8182aefa49971./SRPMS.pclosd   >0 4JT`B@BABEBJCvc1.4.41pclos2023Ease explicit vectorization of C++ codeVc is a free software library to ease explicit vectorization of C++ code. It has an intuitive API and provides portability between different compilers and compiler versions as well as portability between different vector instruction sets.,Development/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vc-1.4.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmO8681c2c407dcf3ebbb78904775eb2802./SRPMS.pclossd   F B@BA@BEDBJeCvcdimager2.0.11pclos2021VideoCD (pre-)mastering and ripping toolVCDImager allows you to create VideoCD BIN/CUE CD images from mpeg files which can be burned with cdrdao or any other program capable of burning BIN/CUE files. VCDRip, which comes with VCDImager, does the reverse operation. That is, ripping mpeg streams from images (and already burned VideoCDs) and showing some information about the VideoCD. Videox86_64 lib64xml2-devellib64cdio-devellib64popt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vcdimager-2.0.1-1pclos2021.src.rpm 157d287abf262181e9a991176ff7fed7./SRPMS.pclosd  K\` x~B@BABEBJ Cvco-plugins0.3.05pclos2007Anti-aliased pulse and sawtooth oscillatorsPulse-VCO : Anti-aliased dirac pulse oscillator (flat amplitude spectrum) Saw-VCO : Anti-aliased sawtooth oscillator (1/F amplitude spectrum) Both oscillators are based on the same principle of using a precomputed interpolated dirac pulse. For the sawtooth version, the 'edge' is made by integrating the anti-aliased pulse. Aliases should be below -80dB for fundamental frequencies below Fsamp / 6 (i.e. up to 8 kHz at Fsamp = 48 kHz). This frequency range includes the fundamental frequencies all known musical instruments.RThac Soundi586 ladspa-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vco-plugins-0.3.0-5pclos2007.src.rpmZw648b2ab2147d81a3c8f13a7ee3673b33./SRPMS.pclosd   4<@ EQX\xB@BABEBJCvcron2.31pclos2011TK-Interface for cron and atA graphical interface , very easy to use , allowing to program regular actions (crontab) or one shot actions (at). Vcron is a multilingual application ( GB, FR, DE, SE, ES, BR, HU and DA provided for the moment !) Authors: -------- Daniel Roche NealSystem/Basenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vcron-2.3-1pclos2011.src.rpmc0cc84553908b18e38da42d69e981a29./SRPMS.pclos_d   4 B@ BA,BE0BJQCvde2.1.61pclos2007Virtual Distributed Ethernet VDE: Virtual Distributed Ethernet. It creates the abstraction of a virtual ethernet: a single vde can be accessed by virtual and real computers.@Networking/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vde-2.1.6-1pclos2007.src.rpm "94738d728b943fd62710201a03858d4d./SRPMS.pclosd   B 'B@2BATBEXBJyCvdpauinfo1.51pclos2023VDPAU acceleration information utilitySimple utility that queries and displays the VDPAU capabilities of your X display and prints them in tabular format..Development/X11x86_64 lib64vdpau-devellib64x11-develpythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vdpauinfo-1.5-1pclos2023.src.rpm5adb95353ff3a012058021afda54dfad3./SRPMS.pclosd   > )0pB@BABEBJCvdrift201410201pclos2021Open Source Car Racing SimulatorVDrift is a cross-platform, open source driving simulation made with drift racing in mind. The driving physics engine was recently re-written from scratch but was inspired and owes much to the Vamos physics engine. 8Games/Arcadex86_64 asioboost-develpkgconfig(bullet)pkgconfig(freealut)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(SDL2_gfx)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_net)pkgconfig(vorbis)sconsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vdrift-20141020-1pclos2021.src.rpme4c0a6288d97859257fa7f8800706034./SRPMS.pclosd   8P T_hpB@BABEBJCventoy1.0.991pclos2024Creates a bootable USB driveVentoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO files. With ventoy, you don't need to format the disk again and again, you just need to copy the iso file to the USB drive and boot it. You can copy many iso files at a time and ventoy will give you a boot menu.G?File toolsx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1ventoy-1.0.99-1pclos2024.src.rpmiaa5bc9a58cffa6e67947214b29915a6e./SRPMS.pclosd   8l p{  * B@ABAhBElBJCveracrypt1.26.151pclos2024Disk encryption softwareFree disk encryption software based on TrueCrypt.File toolsx86_64  imagemagickmakeselfnasmpkgconfig(fuse)pkgconfig(libpcsclite)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wxgtk-develyasm3.0.4-14.6.0-1veracrypt-1.26.15-1pclos2024.src.rpm'9b5d17d0cb61f1196ddeb4bcbbeda070./SRPMS.pclosGd  : B@BABEBJ9Cverse0.22.31pclos2007Console daily scripture programThis is software to display a daily verse from Scripture in a terminal console window.qTexstar Text toolsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1verse-0.22.3-1pclos2007.src.rpmws402ff1ee94503628dc1788de47688ade./SRPMS.pclos d ' X$ (CL\B@BABEBJCvertex-gtk-theme201701281pclos2018A theme for Gtk3, Gtk2, Gnome-Shell and CinnamonVertex is a theme for Gtk3, Gtk2, Gnome-Shell and Cinnamon. It supports Gtk3 and Gtk2 based desktop environments like Gnome, Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce, Budgie, Pantheon, etc. Themes for the Browsers Chrome/Chromium and Firefox are included, too. The theme comes with three variants to choose from. The default variant with dark header-bars, a light variant, and a dark variant. With backgrounds by memovaslg: http://memovaslg.deviantart.com/art/Alone-353235628'9System/Configuration/Themenoarch autoconfautomakelib64gtk+3.0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vertex-gtk-theme-20170128-1pclos2018.src.rpm'690b025411664ae4c2dae9e882c3b0c4./SRPMS.pclosd ) K $RB@[BABEBJCvertical-window-buttons0.12pclos2010Vertical window buttons for GNOMEThe Vertical Window Buttons Applet is an GNOME applet that displays the list of running applications and allows you to switch between them with buttons vertically aligned.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gnome-panel-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vertical-window-buttons-0.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmǩ2b5f5cc0355fc5464f2eb250f06566c7./SRPMS.pclos{d   6 B@#BAHBELBJmCvesautils010.5pclos2010Vesa BIOS extension toolsThis is a collection of utilities and a library for handling the VESA BIOS Extension (aka VBE) with the help of LRMI under Linux and BSD.XSystem/Configuration/Hardwarei586 liblrmi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vesautils-0-10.5pclos2010.src.rpmZ?99b531b6fb286f486ae9d301ae852368./SRPMS.pclos?d   60 4:D`B@BA BEBJ1Cvgrabbj0.9.91pclos2019A command-line v4l grabberVgrabbj is a commandline tool that grabs an image from a 24-bit v4l device (like a webcam) and save it as a ppm, png or jpg file. It can imprint a label (with time or not) onto the image. It can also be used in stopmotion program to acquire images.Videox86_64 pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(libpng)autoconflibv4l-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vgrabbj-0.9.9-1pclos2019.src.rpmw154bb912ede3076a071ab3d4cc1c8424./SRPMS.pclosd   L PV\dB@BABEBJCdevibafu1.01pclos2011Video Backup Fusion - The complete and simply to use backup solution for video portalsVideo Backup Fusion - Die komplette und einfache Backup-Lösung für Video-Portale- List uploads, playlists and videos from a playlist of a user with many infos - Search for videos of a user or general search (videos of all users) - View videos directly with VLC in selected quality, up to full HD 1080p (if available) - Download videos in different qualities, up to full HD 1080p (if available) - Download all videos from a playlist - Supports batch download - Supported video portals: YouTube- Listet Uploads, Playlists und Videos aus einer Playliste von einem Benutzer mit vielen Infos - Suche nach Videos eines Benutzers oder einer allgemeinen Suche (Videos von allen Benutzern) - Sehen Sie Videos direkt mit VLC in ausgesuchter Qualität, bis zu 1080p Full HD (wenn verfügbar) - Laden Sie Videos in verschiedenen Qualitäten bis zu 1080p Full HD (wenn verfügbar) - Laden Sie alle Videos aus einer Playliste - Unterstützt Batch-Download - Unterstützte Video-Portale: YouTube+Videoi586  libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  / (0@lB@wBABEBJCviber18.2.0.21pclos2022Free Text & Calls.Join Viber for Desktop to for a one-of-a-kind calling and messaging experience right on your computer! With Viber for Desktop you can make free international calls from your computer to any other Viber user, resting assured your calls and messages are protected by end-to-end encryption. Feel free to call, text, send photos and video messages, play YouTube videos and express yourself with stickers and GIFs no matter your location.Viber for Desktop also provides you with Viber Out's low-rate calling plans to any landline or mobile so you can reach out to friends and family who don't have an internet connection or cell phone. Easily sync between your mobile's chat history and contact list in order to start enjoying Viber for Desktop. &Networking/Chatx86_64 binutilsxztarrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1viber-  4,0 Wr|B@BABEBJCvibrancy-icons2.71pclos2017Vibrancy icon themeVibrancy Colors is a bold, modern & beautiful "Vibrant" GTK Icon Theme. Vibrancy is a highly polished mixture of many amazing open source icon projects/themes into a new, "beautiful" icon theme. It is meant to be modern, clean and customizable.$VAgent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vibrancy-icons-2.7-1pclos2017.src.rpm$`8a8e976ca4f67da2abcead59478f570d./SRPMS.pclosd   = MB@ZBAxBE|BJCvice2.12pclos2010VICE, the Versatile Commodore EmulatorVICE is a set of accurate emulators for the Commodore 64, 128, VIC20, PET, Plus4 and CBM-II 8-bit computers, all of which run under the X Window System.{Emulatorsi586 SDL-develbisonflexgettextperl-XML-Parserrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vice-2.1-2pclos2010.src.rpm{<79547c50fc87ccb6de08fe1e566e144d./SRPMS.pclosOd   3 %t%%B@BABE BJACvice3.11pclos2020Versatile Commodore EmulatorVICE is a set of accurate emulators for the Commodore 64, 128, VIC20, PET and CBM-II 8-bit computers, all of which run under the X Window System.>mEmulatorsx86_64 pkgconfig(ncurses)flexmkfontdirpkgconfig(xt)gettext-develSDL_sound-develbisontexinfobdftopcflib64alsa2-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64cairo-devellib64flac8-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64gif-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-devellib64gtkglext-devellib64jpeg-devellib64lame-devellib64ogg-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png1.6-devellib64portaudio-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64readline-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64vte-devellib64x11-devellib64xrandr-devellib64xrender-devellib64xxf86vm-develmesa-develpciutils-develx11-proto-develzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vice-3.1-1pclos2020.src.rpm>(09d197080ccbf51e82e6dd48bb2b1be9./SRPMS.pclos Sd# .  ` d j    B@ BA BE $BJ ECdefresplsrnlvidalia0.2.211pclos2013Cross-platform controller KDE4 GUI for TorPlattformunabhängige KDE4 GUI für TorVidalia is a cross-platform controller GUI for Tor, built using the Qt framework. Vidalia runs on any platform supported by Qt 4.1, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux or other Unix variants using the X11 window system. Vidalia allows you to start and stop Tor, view the status of Tor at a glance, and monitor Tor's bandwidth usage. Vidalia also makes it easy to contribute to the Tor network by helping you setup a Tor server, if you wish.Vidalia ist eine Cross-Plattform-Controller KDE4 Benutzeroberfläche für Tor. Vidalia läuft auf jeder Plattform von Qt 4.1, einschließlich der Unterstützung von Windows, Mac OS X und Linux und anderen Unix-Varianten mit dem X11 Window-System. Vidalia ermöglicht es Ihnen Tor zu starten und zu stoppen, den Status von Tor mit einem Blick zu überwachen, sowie die Bandbreite der Tor Nutzung im Auge zu behalten. Ausserdem erleichtert es die Konfiguration von Tor-Netzwerken bei Bedarf.Vidalia est une croix-plateforme KDE4 contrôleur d'interface graphique pour Tor. Vidalia fonctionne sur n'importe quel plateforme prise en charge de 4,1 Qt, y compris Windows, Mac OS X et Linux, ou d'autres variantes d'Unix en utilisant le X11 Window System.Vidalia es una cruz-plataforma de controlador de KDE4 GUI para Tor. Vidalia se ejecuta en cualquier plataforma soportada por Qt 4.1, incluyendo Windows, Mac OS X, y Linux u otras variantes de Unix usando el X11 sistema de ventanas.Vidalia jest cross-platform kontrolera KDE4 GUI dla Tora. Vidalia działa na każdej platformie, wspierane przez Qt 4.1, w tym Windows, Mac OS X i Linux lub innych wariantów Uniksa z wykorzystaniem X11 System okien.Саваннах је Цросс-платформ ГУИ-а за контролер КДЕ4 Тор. Саваннах ради на било којој платформи подржава КТ 4.1, укључујући и Оперативног система Уиндоус, Мац ОС Кс, Линукс и Уникс или друге варијанте помоћу Икс11 прозор система.Vidalia is een cross-platform controller KDE4 GUI voor Tor. Vidalia draait op elk platform ondersteund door Qt 4.1, met inbegrip Windows, Mac OS X en Linux en andere Unix-varianten met behulp van de X11 raamsysteem.'DpinocGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 desktop-file-utilsqt4-develcmakegcc-c++doxygenrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vidalia-0.2.21-1pclos2013.src.rpm'35a49ac85a92e8513ea23457f9fc2ddb./SRPMS.pclosd   Z "B@.BATBEXBJyCvidcutter6.0.5.14pclos2022A fast video cutter & joiner with the help of mpv + FFmpegA simple & fast video cutter & joiner with the help of mpv + FFmpegVideox86_64 python3-rpm-macrospython3-develpython3-setuptoolsmpv-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vidcutter- $ _  B@-BAXBE\BJ}Cvideo-downloader0.9.61pclos2022Download videos from websites like YouTube and many othersDownload videos from websites with an easy-to-use interface. Provides the following features: - Convert videos to MP3 - Supports password-protected and private videos - Download single videos or whole playlists - Automatically selects a video format based on your preferred resolution Based on youtube-dl.(Videonoarch desktop-file-utilsintltoolmesonpython3-develpkgconfig(glib-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1video-downloader-0.9.6-1pclos2022.src.rpm/S5fc580561776fd7aefc91203ca555a20./SRPMS.pclosd   Z   ; B@KBApBEtBJCvideo4fuze0.6+5pclos2014A tool to put videos on fuze without Sanasa Media Converter.Convert your videos to a format readable by fuze.sVideox86_64 fuzemuxmencoderffmpegpython-qt4lib64qtcore4pythonpython-pillow-devellibpython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1video4fuze-0.6+-5pclos2014.src.rpmc6ef0f826def18277ee3ac96286aa6b3./SRPMS.pclosd  S  '0<yB@BABEBJCvideocatcher0.1.54pclos2011Videocatcher is an Internet television applicationVideocatcher is an Internet television application powered by KDE. Videocatcher makes it easy to subscribe to video feeds and download new videos. It works as a podcast client as well.\Graphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs4-develkdepimlibs4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1videocatcher-0.1.5-4pclos2011.src.rpm892a0edb2a99af219fe0c77580507b98./SRPMS.pclos[d   B@BA(BE,BJMCdevideocut0.2.02pclos2010Application for creating compositions of screenshots from video filesAnwendung zum Erstellen von Screenshots Kompositionen aus Video-DateienVideoCut is an open source desktop application specialized for creating compositions of screenshots from video files.Videocut ist ein Open Source Desktop-Anwendung spezialisiert für die Erstellung von Kompositionen von Screenshots aus Video-Dateien.AVideoi586 qt4-devellibxine-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1videocut-0.2.0-2pclos2010.src.rpm\6bd40b6f493596d5a2b32db5ecc75a03./SRPMS.pclosd   5 /B@8BA\BE`BJCvideodog0.311pclos2007Video4Linux frame grabberVideoDog is a command line tool to grab frames from a Video4linux-compliant device. It can export a file in raw, PNM, or JPG formats. It can also do loop capture using multiple buffers, or just be used to set/retrieve device data or scripts. It presents a programming interface for implementing image transformations and effects. There are some examples in the source code. No external libraries are required.NTexstar Videoi586 jpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1videodog-0.31-1pclos2007.src.rpm<235cb3ec283662e27a6a7bef6f5932d3./SRPMS.pclosd  V (4jB@tBABEBJCvideoporama0.8.11pclos2018A Python application to make video of image slide-showVideoporama is a Python application for the creation of videos sequences (slide-shows) made of: * titles, fixed or livened up; * images or photos, fixed or livened up; * movie clips.b|Videonoarch desktop-file-utilspythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1videoporama-0.8.1-1pclos2018.src.rpm^P5101efd22c358de0b83d556acd65dad8./SRPMS.pclosd   7 (B@2BATBEXBJyCvidstab1.1.02pclos2023Video stabilization libraryA video stabilization library which can be plugged-in with ffmpeg and Transcode. A video acquired using a hand-held camera or a camera mounted on a vehicle, typically suffers from undesirable shakes and jitters. Activities like surfing, skiing, riding and walking while shooting videos are especially prone to erratic camera shakes. Vidstab targets these video contents to help create smoother and stable videos.Videox86_64 cmakelibgomp-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vidstab-1.1.0-2pclos2023.src.rpmd5c9277588b3170263dfe5a34f10b884./SRPMS.pclosd   6    B@BABEBJCviewnior1.31pclos2012Simple Elegant Image ViewerViewnior is a image viewer program. Created to be simple, fast and elegant. It's minimalistic interface provides more screenspace for your images. Among its features are: * Fullscreen & Slideshow * Rotate, flip, save, delete images * Animation support * Browse only selected images * Navigation window * Set image as wallpaper (only under GNOME, see INSTALL file) * Simple interfacex*NealGraphicsx86_64  gcc-c++GConf2-develglib2-develgnome-icon-themegtk2-develintltoolperl-XML-Parsershared-mime-infodesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames){d   / B@'BAHBELBJmCviewnior1.81pclos2022Elegant image viewerViewnior is an image viewer program. Created to be simple, fast and elegant. It's minimalist interface provides more screen space for your images. Among its features are: * Fullscreen & Slideshow * Rotate, flip, save, delete images * Animation support * Browse only selected images * Navigation window * Simple interface * Configurable mouse actionsWGraphicsx86_64 mesonpkgconfig(exiv2)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(shared-mime-info)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1viewnior-1.8-1pclos2022.src.rpm$V1b1b3c7b439755b59ccdac8e3e364506./SRPMS.pclos7d   : B@BABEBJ)Cviewres1.0.71pclos2022graphical class browser for XtThe viewres program displays a tree showing the widget class hierarchy of the Athena Widget Set.Development/X11x86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1viewres-1.0.7-1pclos2022.src.rpm25f459b7f69c28b239cbed2250b54879./SRPMS.pclosd  B )B@IBAlBEpBJCvigra1.12.11pclos2024Generic Programming for Computer VisionVIGRA stands for "Vision with Generic Algorithms". It's a novel computer vision library that puts its main emphasis on customizable algorithms and data structures. By using template techniques similar to those in the C++ Standard Template Library, you can easily adapt any VIGRA component to the needs of your application without thereby giving up execution speed.YDevelopment/Otherx86_64   boost-develcmakedoxygenhdf5-develpkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(zlib)python3-nosepython3-numpy-develpython3-pytestpython3-sphinxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)33.0.4-14.6.0-1vigra-1.12.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmf2d6ee5a84523c14a048e1cd3892d913./SRPMS.pclossd    L( ,;DB@!BA@BEDBJeCviking1.81pclos2021Global positioning system (GPS) and mapping managerViking is a free/open source program to manage GPS data. You can import and plot tracks and way-points, show Terraserver maps under it, add coordinate lines, make new tracks and way-points, hide different things, etc.4kCommunicationsx86_64  intltoolimagemagickpkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libgeoclue-2.0)pkgconfig(libgps)pkgconfig(libzip)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gthread-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gexiv2)pkgconfig(nettle)pkgconfig(oauth)pkgconfig(sqlite3)gnome-doc-utilsgtk-docscrollkeepermagic-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames);d  0  B@BABE BJ-Cvim8.2.0192pclos2020VIsual editor iMprovedVIM (VIsual editor iMproved) is an updated and improved version of the vi editor. Vi was the first real screen-based editor for UNIX, and is still very popular. Editorsx86_64 pkgconfig(python)python3-develgpm-develruby-develperl-develpkgconfig(tinfo)acl-develgtk3-develncurses-devellibxt-develtcltcl-devellua-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vim-8.2.019-2pclos2020.src.rpmQf554d0fd222938441925974a6c4abfb2./SRPMS.pclos{d   5  B@(BAHBELBJmCvimguide0.75pclos2007Vim editor reference guideThis is a command and feature reference guide to VIM 5.6 but can also be used for higher version of vim. VIM (stands for Vi IMproved) - greatly improved (over original UNIX vi) text editor with GUI, syntax highlighting, visual mode and many more new features you won't find in the original vi. This guide is designed and typeset by Oleg Raisky using LaTeX. The text of the guide is comprised of various VIM documentation files, sometimes modified for better consistency with overall style of the guide. *NOTE*: this is NOT a complete user guide or tutorial. The only purpose of this guide is to give a VIM user a quick and handy reference. uBart the Build Bot Books/Otheri586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vimguide-0.7-5pclos2007.src.rpm ed25e4b451869fa500c0e95a55e1157f./SRPMS.pclosd   =  P = B@[BABEBJCvinagre2.30.31pclos2010VNC Client for the GNOME DesktopVinagre is a VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop. Features: * You can connect to several machines at the same time, we like tabs * You can keep track of your most used connections, we like favorites * You can browse your network for VNC servers, we like avahi * You don't need to supply the password on every connection, we like GNOME Keyring (well, this is not yet implemented) * It's still in alpha stage (but usable), so, bugs are around![Networking/Remote accessi586  libgtk-vnc-devellibglade2.0-develGConf2-devellibgnome-vfs2-devellibgnome-keyring-devellibavahi-ui-devellibavahi-gobject-develgnome-panel-develgnome-doc-utilsintltooldesktop-file-utilspython-pyatspirpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!r8ba79e3a498edea59e16119f38e6aad3./SRPMS.pclosd  5l p  c B@tBABEBJCvino2.32.01pclos2010GNOME VNC server and clientThe package contains an integrated GNOME VNC server. Networking/Remote accessi586 libgnomeui2-devellibglade2.0-devellibgnutls-devellibnotify-develintltoollibxtst-devellibxdamage-develdesktop-file-utilslibunique-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vino-2.32.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm 777b6bfdfbd8e23a373ceaaadbf7113c./SRPMS.pclosd   )` d}uB@BABEBJ Cvino3.2.21pclos2011GNOME VNC serverThis package contains an integrated GNOME VNC server. fhNetworking/Remote accessx86_64  pkgconfig(avahi-client)pkgconfig(avahi-glib)pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-x11-3.0)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(NetworkManager)pkgconfig(telepathy-glib)libgcrypt-devellib64gnutls-develzlib-develgnome-commonintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) j21d3ddf7923dd08b82b26e8f1b8ffaa5./SRPMS.pclos7d $ 0 4AH`B@BABEBJ)Csrdevioletland0.3.21pclos2011Opensource Crossplatform Game similar to CrimsonlandИгра у којој убијате масу створова (слично игри Crimsonland)In this game the player should help a girl by name of Violet to struggle with hordes of monsters. For this purpose the various weapon, and also the special abilities of the heroine which are opening with experience can be used. In game there are elements of RPG in the form of strength-agility-vitality and derivatives. Also there is an unique feature: dynamic change of day and night.У овој игри задатак играча је да помогне девојци Виолети у борби против хорди чудовишта. На располагању су разна оружја, као и специјалне способности хероине које се добијају коришћењем стеченог искуства у игри. Постоје РПГ елементи у форми снага-агилност-виталност и деривати. Такође постоји и уникатна особина: динамичка промена између дана и ноћи.In diesem Spiel hilft der Spieler ein Mädchen mit dem Namen Violet eine Horde Monster zu bekämpfen. Die Heldin verfügt über besondere Fähigkeiten, die mit der Zeit wachsen und nutzt verschiedene Waffen. Im Spiel gibt es RPG-Elemente in Form von Stärke-Agility-Vitalität und Derivate. Auch gibt es eine Besonderheit: dynamische Wechsel zwischen Tag und Nacht.Games/Arcadei586 libSDL-devellibSDL_image-devellibSDL_mixer1.2-devellibSDL_ttf2.0-develImageMagickrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1violetland-0.3.2-1pclos2011.src.rpmڤ7664a430e74aac19d74f5a3df8acaadf./SRPMS.pclosd  O4 8AHB@,BALBEPBJqCvips8.13.21pclos2022A fast image processing library with low memory needsVips is a demand-driven, horizontally threaded image processing library. Compared to similar libraries, libvips runs quickly and uses little memory. libvips is licensed under the LGPL 2.1+. It has around 300 operations covering arithmetic, histograms, convolution, morphological operations, frequency filtering, colour, resampling, statistics and others. It supports a large range of numeric formats, from 8-bit int to 128-bit complex. Images can have any number of bands. It supports a good range of image formats, including JPEG, TIFF, PNG, WebP, FITS, Matlab, OpenEXR, PDF, SVG, HDR, PPM, CSV, GIF, Analyze, NIfTI, DeepZoom, and OpenSlide. It can also load images via ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick, letting it load formats like DICOM.RGraphicsx86_64 gtk-docglib-gettextizepkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libgsf-1)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(ImageMagick)pkgconfig(orc-0.4)pkgconfig(matio)pkgconfig(libheif)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vips-8.13.2-1pclos2022.src.rpma3178aafce8c73c7e4f53e99a96439aa0./SRPMS.pclos_d  O4 8AHB@ BA,BE0BJQCvips8.15.21pclos2024A fast image processing library with low memory needsVips is a demand-driven, horizontally threaded image processing library. Compared to similar libraries, libvips runs quickly and uses little memory. libvips is licensed under the LGPL 2.1+. It has around 300 operations covering arithmetic, histograms, convolution, morphological operations, frequency filtering, colour, resampling, statistics and others. It supports a large range of numeric formats, from 8-bit int to 128-bit complex. Images can have any number of bands. It supports a good range of image formats, including JPEG, TIFF, PNG, WebP, FITS, Matlab, OpenEXR, PDF, SVG, HDR, PPM, CSV, GIF, Analyze, NIfTI, DeepZoom, and OpenSlide. It can also load images via ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick, letting it load formats like DICOM.Graphicsx86_64  cmakeglib-gettextizegtk-docmesonpkgconfig(ImageMagick)pkgconfig(OpenEXR)pkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(expat)pkgconfig(fftw3)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(imagequant)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libarchive)pkgconfig(libexif)pkgconfig(libgsf-1)pkgconfig(libheif)pkgconfig(libhwy)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libjxl)pkgconfig(libopenjp2)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(matio)pkgconfig(orc-0.4)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vips-8.15.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm36dd33cbeedae852d49f391b9dadaa2a./SRPMS.pcloscd  8TX B@BA0BE4BJUCvirt-manager0.4.03pclos2007Virtual Machine ManagerThe "Virtual Machine Manager" (virt-manager for short package name) is a desktop application for managing virtual machines. It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain. 4Neverstopdreaming Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 pythonpygtk2.0-develdesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1virt-manager-0.4.0-3pclos2007.src.rpm z29846c5082abceef2dd94cfa0850d4b2./SRPMS.pclos d   J  B@ .BA PBE TBJ uCvirt-what1.251pclos2024Detect if we are running in a virtual machinevirt-what is a shell script which can be used to detect if the program is running in a virtual machine. The program prints out a list of "facts" about the virtual machine, derived from heuristics. One fact is printed per line. If nothing is printed and the script exits with code 0 (no error), then it can mean either that the program is running on bare-metal or the program is running inside a type of virtual machine which we don't know about or can't detect. Current types of virtualization detected: - alibaba_cloud Alibaba cloud - alibaba_cloud-ebm - aws Amazon Web Services - bhyve FreeBSD hypervisor - docker Docker container - google_cloud Google cloud - hyperv Microsoft Hyper-V - ibm_power-kvm IBM POWER KVM - ibm_power-lpar_shared IBM POWER LPAR (hardware partition) - ibm_power-lpar_dedicated - ibm_systemz-* IBM SystemZ Direct / LPAR / z/VM / KVM - illumos-lx Illumos with Linux syscall emulation - ldoms Oracle VM Server for SPARC Logical Domains - linux_vserver Linux VServer container - lxc Linux LXC container - kvm Linux Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) - lkvm LKVM / kvmtool - nutanix_ahv Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) - openvz OpenVZ or Virtuozzo - ovirt oVirt node - parallels Parallels Virtual Platform - podman Podman container - powervm_lx86 IBM PowerVM Lx86 Linux/x86 emulator - qemu QEMU (unaccelerated) - redhat Red Hat hypervisor - rhev Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - uml User-Mode Linux (UML) - virtage Hitachi Virtualization Manager (HVM) Virtage LPAR - virtualbox VirtualBox - virtualpc Microsoft VirtualPC - vmm vmm OpenBSD hypervisor - vmware VMware - xen Xen - xen-dom0 Xen dom0 (privileged domain) - xen-domU Xen domU (paravirtualized guest domain) - xen-hvm Xen guest fully virtualized (HVM)YpinocSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)util-linux3.0.4-14.6.0-1virt-what-1.25-1pclos2024.src.rpm24a0e106fe17b46f1e0cac5c78ab0440./SRPMS.pclosd   ? zB@BABEBJCvirtaal0.7.03pclos2013Localization and translation editorA program for Computer Aided Translation (CAT) built on the Translate Toolkit. Virtaal includes features that allow a localizer to work effecively including: syntax highlighting, autocomplete and autocorrect. Showing only the data that is needed through its simple and effective user interface it ensures that you can focus on the translation task straight away. By building on the Translate Toolkit, Virtaal is able to edit any of the following formats: XLIFF, Gettext PO and .mo, Qt .ts, .qph and .qm, Wordfast TM, TMX, TBX. By using the Translate Toolkit converters a translator can edit: OpenOffice.org SDF, Java (and Mozilla) .properties and Mozilla DTD.System/Internationalizationnoarch  pythonpython-develgettextintltoolpython-translatepython-lxmlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) . I 4B@DBAxBE|BJCvirtualbox-guest-additions7.1.61pclos2025VirtualBox Guest AdditionsThis package will allow you to install guest additions in your PCLinuxOS Virtualbox guest OS with a single click of the mouse button.eopinocSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1virtualbox-guest-additions-7.1.6-1pclos2025.src.rpmd3fa46a088838607fe6f93b8014806878./SRPMS.pclosd   Z , B@&BALBEPBJqCvirtualgl3.1.11pclos2024A toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clientsVirtualGL is a library which allows most Linux OpenGL applications to be remotely displayed to a thin client without the need to alter the applications in any way. VGL inserts itself into an application at run time and intercepts a handful of GLX calls, which it reroutes to the server's display (which presumably has a 3D accelerator attached.) This causes all 3D rendering to occur on the server's display. As each frame is rendered by the server, VirtualGL reads back the pixels from the server's framebuffer and sends them to the client for re-compositing into the appropriate X Window. VirtualGL can be used to give hardware-accelerated 3D capabilities to VNC or other remote display environments that lack GLX support. In a LAN environment, it can also be used with its built-in motion-JPEG video delivery system to remotely display full-screen 3D applications at 20+ frames/second.fNetworking/Otherx86_64  cmakefltk-develjpeg-develpkgconfig(OpenCL)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xext)pkgconfig(xtst)pkgconfig(xv)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1virtualgl-3.1.1-1pclos2024.src.rpmd5e708c06498da3f84b6f08b66a5f3ad./SRPMS.pcloskd ! 7 )0 T  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cvirtualjaguar2.1.31pclos2019Atari Jaguar EmulatorVirtual Jaguar is software dedicated to emulating the Atari Jaguar hardware on a standard PC. The software was originally developed by David Raingeard of Potato Emulation and was released under the GPL on 25 June 2003. Virtual Jaguar GCC/Qt is not just a port of the MS Visual C++/SDL source code but has also been extended and rewritten so that we can enjoy Atari Jaguar emulation on every platform that has a GCC compiler and a port of Qt.'~Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)Emulatorsx86_64 lib64SDL-develzlib1-devellib64mesagl1-devellib64cdio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5opengl-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1virtualjaguar-2.1.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm'03196a60c87d8259503b5d89e3b0eb7b0./SRPMS.pclosd& 1 i ',4]B@lBABEBJCvirtualmin-apache-mod_suexec2.2.161pclos2010Allows CGI scripts to run as a specified user and GroupThis version of mod_suexec is required to run Virtualmin under PCLinuxOS it changes the Apache base directory from "/var/www" to "/home" So CGI and PHP scripts can run as domain owners and will be executed. This module, in combination with the suexec support program allows CGI scripts to run as a specified user and Group. Normally, when a CGI or SSI program executes, it runs as the same user who is running the web server.aDSystem/Serversi586 apache-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) ' ]  (  B@BABEBJ!Cvirtuoso-opensource6.1.81pclos2017OpenLink Virtuoso Database System Open-Source EditionVirtuoso is a scalable cross-platform server that combines SQL/RDF/XML Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality. Virtuoso is at the core a high performance object-relational SQL database. As a database, it provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, powerful stored procedure language with optional Java and .Net server side hosting, hot backup, SQL 99 and more. It has all major data access interfaces, as in ODBC, JDBC, ADO .Net and OLE/DB. Virtuoso has a built-in web server which can serve dynamic web pages written in Virtuoso's web page language as well as PHP, ASP .Net and others. This same web server provides SOAP and REST access to Virtuoso stored procedures, supporting a broad set of WS protocols such as WS-Security, WS-Reliable Messaging and others. A BPEL4WS run time is also available as part of Virtuoso's SOA suite. bb2 Development/Databasesx86_64 autoconfautomakebisonflexgperfpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)opensslpkgconfig(openssl)pkgconfig(libiodbc)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1virtuoso-opensource-6.1.8-1pclos2017.src.rpmpce00e0a1532eda7cf919a951fd629021./SRPMS.pclos#d  H B@BABEBJCviruskiller1.032pclos2011A Shoot 'Em Up that uses your file systemA virus killing simulation, that makes use of your own file systemCGames/Arcadei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1viruskiller-1.03-2pclos2011.src.rpmD ac7d311fa217a7f1b882362221e395c5./SRPMS.pclos#d & J B@BABEBJCvisual-family-tree1.4.01pclos2023Create your own private family treeYou can create a family tree with extensive information and pictures about the individual family members. The whole thing can be done very simply using the mouse and a few keystrokes. An editor to export this family tree in different formats (pdf, svg, png) is included and the output can be configured extensively..Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1visual-family-tree-1.4.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm/e 5985928b738eaf2fd8a14be92d80c838./SRPMS.pclosd $ : ZB@nBABEBJCvisualboyadvance1.8.01pclos2011A GBA/GB/GBC emulatorVisualBoyAdvance is a GPL emulator for the Game Boy, the Game Boy color and the Game Boy Advance. NO ROMS IN THIS PACKAGE !}xEmulatorsi586  nasmgtkmm2.4-devellibglademm2.4-devellibSDL-devellibpng-develzlib-develflexrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   Hx| B@BABEBJ!Cvitunes2.31pclos2012Curses-based music player and playlist managervitunes is a curses-based music player and playlist manager whose goals are a minimalistic appearance, strong vi-like bindings, and quick playlist creation/management. It uses MPlayer to support a wide range of media formats. It also makes use of TagLib for metadata extraction from many common formats.NealSoundx86_64 ncurses-develtaglib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vitunes-2.3-1pclos2012.src.rpm Hfe8717c0b93b946c4893c47b7c77f92e./SRPMS.pclosd ! 6 .8<XB@`BABEBJCvivacious-icons1.41pclos2017Vivacious icon themeVivacious Colors is a Vivid and Modern GTK icon theme. Featuring an completely NEW set of application icons(Re-designed by RAVEfinity based on Plasma-Next, Flattr and Emerald.). And amazing folders and indicators. All the icons in vivacious are modern and clean but make use of gradients and shading for more detail and sophistication. Vivacious uses a fusion of components from many great open source icon projects. But we add to and develop many new aspects of our own on top of this Including taking on new App icon development & re-design and other aspects as needed. Vivacious features 4 hand crafted folder colors by default. and 10 more installable via the folder-colors package.̸Agent Smith (ruidobranco@yahoo.com.br)System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vivacious-icons-1.4-1pclos2017.src.rpmXe97689bfa280926da5121f7255ae6d85./SRPMS.pclosd ) 9 CB@WBABEBJCvivaldi-browser7.1.3570.581pclos2025Vivaldi browserVivaldi is a new web browser based on Chromium that is built by an Opera founder. It's aimed mostly at power users, but it can be used by anyone.jvNetworking/WWWx86_64  binutilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sdtarxz3.0.4-14.6.0-1vivaldi-browser-7.1.3570.58-1pclos2025.src.rpm!xbcab094568f75e826a6d69b38f0e2a86./SRPMS.pclosd   ;    B@BABEBJCvkd3d1.31pclos2022D3D12 to Vulkan translation libraryThe vkd3d project includes libraries, shaders, utilities, and demos for translating D3D12 to Vulkan. Z^System/Librariesx86_64 bisonflexpkgconfig(SPIRV-Tools)pkgconfig(vulkan)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-keysyms)pkgconfig(xcb-icccm)pkgconfig(xcb-util)spirv-headersrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vkd3d-1.3-1pclos2022.src.rpm _Ddc3303f0f7e3faedf83292d50ec72d89./SRPMS.pclosd   7 (mB@zBABEBJCvkeybd0.1.18d2pclos2017Virtual ALSA MIDI keyboardVkeybd is a virtual keyboard (as in musical instrument) for AWE32/64, raw MIDI, and ALSA sequencer drivers. It is written in Tcl/Tk. Enjoy playing music with your "computer" keyboard :-)bb2 Soundx86_64 tktk-develtcltcl-develalsa-lib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vkeybd-0.1.18d-2pclos2017.src.rpm98ef03fe243b52c12334d074a2734ead./SRPMS.pclos{d   < B@$BAHBELBJmCvlan-utils1.84pclos2007Utilities for controlling vlansVirtual networking refers to the ability of switches and routers to configure logical topologies on top of the physical network infrastructure, allowing any arbitrary collection of LAN segments within a network to be combined into an autonomous user group, appearing as a single LAN. This package implement support (along with the kernel patch) : * Implements 802.1Q VLAN spec. * Can support up to 4094 VLANs per ethernet interface. * Scales well in critical paths: O(n), where n is the number of PHYSICAL ethernet interfaces, and that is only on ingress. O(1) in every other critical path, as far as I know. * Supports MULTICAST * Can change MAC address of VLAN. * Multiple naming conventions supported, and adjustable at runtime. * Optional header-reordering, to make the VLAN interface look JUST LIKE an Ethernet interface. This fixes some problems with DHCPd and anything else that uses a SOCK_PACKET socket. Default setting is off, which works for every other protocol I know about, and is slightly faster.Bart the Build Bot System/Kernel and hardwarei586  kernel-headerslynxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   < B@BABEBJ!Cvlan-utils1.91pclos2019Utilities for controlling vlansVirtual networking refers to the ability of switches and routers to configure logical topologies on top of the physical network infrastructure, allowing any arbitrary collection of LAN segments within a network to be combined into an autonomous user group, appearing as a single LAN. This package implement support (along with the kernel patch) : * Implements 802.1Q VLAN spec. * Can support up to 4094 VLANs per ethernet interface. * Scales well in critical paths: O(n), where n is the number of PHYSICAL ethernet interfaces, and that is only on ingress. O(1) in every other critical path, as far as I know. * Supports MULTICAST * Can change MAC address of VLAN. * Multiple naming conventions supported, and adjustable at runtime. * Optional header-reordering, to make the VLAN interface look JUST LIKE an Ethernet interface. This fixes some problems with DHCPd and anything else that uses a SOCK_PACKET socket. Default setting is off, which works for every other protocol I know about, and is slightly faster.קSystem/Kernel and hardwarex86_64 lynxrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vlan-utils-1.9-1pclos2019.src.rpmc1e4973507c8b1e112f6edf029604ba17./SRPMS.pclossd   d vvvB@!BA@BEDBJeCdevlc3.0.214pclos2025MPEG, MPEG2, DVD and DivX playerDVDs, Video-CDs, MPEGs und DivX SpielerVideoLAN is an OpenSource streaming solution for every OS developed by students from the Ecole Centrale Paris and developers from all over the World. VLC (VideoLAN Client) is a media player that can play MPEG1, MPEG2 and MPEG4 (aka DivX) files, DVDs, VCDs, SVCDs, from a satellite card, from a stream sent by VLS (VideoLAN Server), from another VLC, or from a Web server. This package contains no CSS unscrambling functionality for DVDs ; you need the libdvdcss library available from http://www.videolan.org/libdvdcss/Der „VLC Media Spieler“ (bisher unter dem Namen VideoLAN Client bekannt) spielt nahezu alle Videodateien ab, darunter DVDs, Video-CDs, MPEGs und DivX. Die Besonderheit: Der Spieler unterstützt MPEG- und DivX-Streaming und kann damit auch Videos schon während des herunter ladens abspielen. Schauen Sie sich den Anfang des Films an, und prüfen Sie, ob sich das herunter laden lohnt Dieses Paket unterstützt nicht das entschlüsseln von kopiergeschütze DVD's. Sie benötigen die libdvdcss Bibliothek um kommerzielle DVD's schauen zu können.Videox86_64  desktop-file-utilsflexgawkgccgettextlib64SDL-devellib64SDL_image-devellib64a52dec0-devellib64alsa2-devellib64aom-devellib64archive-devellib64ass-devellib64atk1.0-devellib64avahi-client-devellib64avahi-common-devellib64avc1394-devellib64bluray-devellib64caca-devellib64cairo-devellib64cddb-devellib64chromaprint-devellib64dbus-1-devellib64dc1394-devellib64dca-devellib64dvbpsi-devellib64dvdnav-devellib64dvdread-devellib64ebml-devellib64faad2-devellib64ffmpeg-devellib64flac12-devellib64fluidsynth-devellib64fontconfig-devellib64freetype6-devellib64fribidi-devellib64gcrypt-devellib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-devellib64gnutls-devellib64gpg-error-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-base1.0-devellib64gstreamer1.0-devellib64gtk+3.0-devellib64harfbuzz-devellib64id3tag-devellib64idn-devellib64jack-devellib64jpeg-devellib64kate-devellib64lirc-devellib64live-devellib64lua5.2-devellib64mad-devellib64matroska-devellib64microdns-devellib64modplug-devellib64mpcdec-devellib64mpeg2dec-devellib64mpg123-devellib64mtp-devellib64ncurses-devellib64nfs-devellib64notify-devellib64ogg-devellib64opus-devellib64pango1.0-devellib64png-devellib64protobuf-devellib64pulseaudio-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5svg-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5x11extras-devellib64raw1394-devellib64rsvg2-devellib64samplerate-devellib64schroedinger-devellib64secret-devellib64shout-devellib64smbclient0-devellib64soxr-devellib64speex1-devellib64ssh2-devellib64sysfs-devellib64taglib-devellib64tar-devellib64theora-devellib64twolame-devellib64udev0-devellib64upnp-devellib64va-devellib64vncserver-devellib64vorbis0-devellib64vpx-devellib64wayland-devellib64x11-devellib64x265-devellib64xcb-util-keysyms-devellib64xext-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xml2-devellib64xpm-devellib64zvbi-devellibstdc++-devellibxcb-devellua5.2makemesa-develpkgconfigprotobuf-compilerqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)wayland-toolsx11-proto-develx264-develzlib1-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1vlc-3.0.21-4pclos2025.src.rpm&615a75bd58e4202131fb37e2bcf2eb9e./SRPMS.pclos+d ! N B@BABEBJCvlc-htsp-plugin0.25pclos2015Plugin for VLC to access TVHeadend via HTSP.Plugin for VLC to access TVHeadend via HTSP. Some settings are available for the service discovery. Filter advanced settings for HTS to easily find them. URL format is htsp://{username{:password}@}server{:port}/channelId The Service Discovery module is listed under LAN and grabs the channel list from TVH.Videox86_64 vlc-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vlc-htsp-plugin-0.2-5pclos2015.src.rpm5efb0bbd8c77a2ff909e92460982adc1./SRPMS.pclosd   R  P 2 B@LBAlBEpBJCvlc-qt1.1.12pclos2024A simple library to connect Qt applications with libvlcVLC-Qt is a free library used to connect Qt and libvlc libraries. It contains core classes for main media playback and also some GUI classes for faster media player development.TSystem/Librariesx86_64  cmakelib64qt5core-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5quick-devellib64qt5quicktest-devellib64qt5test-devellib64qt5widgets-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vlc-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1vlc-qt-1.1.1-2pclos2024.src.rpm|+eb438d39b1849e00fd225bddee17adcf./SRPMS.pclosd  S &B@/BAPBETBJuCvlock2.2.21pclos2010Program to lock one or more sessions on the Linux consoleThe vlock program locks one or more sessions on the console. Vlock can lock the current terminal (local or remote) or the entire virtual console system, which completely disables all console access. The vlock program unlocks when either the password of the user who started vlock or the root password is typed. Install vlock if you need to disable access to one console or to all virtual consoles.5Terminalsi586 pam-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vlock-2.2.2-1pclos2010.src.rpm,45c5ff5f3208fff08e778e9565eca0ce./SRPMS.pclos[d   4 B@BA(BE,BJMCvmpk0.9.11pclos2025Virtual MIDI Piano KeyboardVMPK is a MIDI event generator/receiver. It doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player.Soundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vmpk-0.9.1-1pclos2025.src.rpm6b0eb075ed5751b2fa83b8423b8ac6f3./SRPMS.pclosd # @  B@(BATBEXBJyCvnc-server-common1.02pclos2016Common files for VNC serversThis package contains files that are common between multiple VNC server implementations: - the vncserver initscript - the vncservers configuration fileNetworking/Remote accessnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vnc-server-common-1.0-2pclos2016.src.rpmeb9ccd35487e2d3ec6a621aacd847446./SRPMS.pclosKd   N B@BABEBJ=Cvncterm0.9.102pclos2016Export virtual console sessions to any VNC clientExport virtual console sessions to any VNC client.ISystem/Librariesx86_64 lib64vncserver-develgettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vncterm-0.9.10-2pclos2016.src.rpmOc1e87c7e895337e94356abc859ceecf4./SRPMS.pclosd  :t xB@BABEBJCvnote3.15.11pclos2023A pleasant note-taking platformA pleasant note-taking platform with markdown support. Officex86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vnote-3.15.1-1pclos2023.src.rpmH6c8af89ce65d2a9d60677c5e6f3e8c5e./SRPMS.pclosd   K &B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cvnstat2.111pclos2023vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitorvnStat is a console-based network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD that keeps a log of network traffic for the selected interface(s). It uses the network interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This means that vnStat won't actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures light use of system resources.Monitoringx86_64  lib64check-devellib64gd-devellib64sqlite3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vnstat-2.11-1pclos2023.src.rpmíbf7e32d71c0bc5f3726f86b8489f2509./SRPMS.pclosd   ;< @[`dB@BABEBJCvnstatgui1.01pclos2010vnStatGUI - frontend for vnstatvnStatGUI - frontend for vnstat network traffic monitor that uses the network interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This means that vnStat won't actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures light use of system resources..System/Kernel and hardwarei586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vnstatgui-1.0-1pclos2010.src.rpm017890c2ab8413c5c588c618dcac5f2b./SRPMS.pclosd   :  18<XB@`BABEBJCvo-aacenc0.1.31pclos2019VisualOn AAC encoder libraryThis library contains an encoder implementation of the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn as part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project.\System/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vo-aacenc-0.1.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm3ce1c6acc5d0badbb242f94f039509cde./SRPMS.pclosd  ?, 0AHLhB@pBABEBJCvo-amrwbenc0.1.11pclos2013VisualOn AMR-WB encoder libraryThis library contains an encoder implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn as part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project.ҙSystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vo-amrwbenc-0.1.1-1pclos2013.src.rpmd4cc099246082c828b343263d6c8f144./SRPMS.pclosd   <  ]B@oBABEBJCvobcopy1.2.11pclos2023Copy DVD videos to the hard diskVobcopy copies DVD .vob files to hard disk (thanks to libdvdread), decrypting them on the way (if libdvdcss is installed) and merges them into 2 GB files (or larger) with the name extracted from the DVD. It checks for enough free space on the destination drive and compares the copied size to the size on DVD (in case something went wrong during the copying). It can also mirror a whole DVD video part and copy single files.޲Videox86_64  gettext-develpkgconfig(dvdread)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vobcopy-1.2.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm5469364c14b7258298853e71e28cf12f6./SRPMS.pclos3d% 0 x |B@BABEBJ%Cdevodafone-mobile-connect2.10.011pclos2010Vodafone Mobile Connect (GUI) for LinuxVodafone Mobile Verbindungs-Manager (GUI) für LinuxVodafone Mobile Connect Card driver for Linux is a GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA device manager written in Python, licensed under the GPL. Features: Data call handling Send/Receive SMS SIM phone book management Graphical user interface using GTKVodafone Mobile Connect Card driver für Linux ist ein GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA Geräte- Manager in Python geschrieben, lizensiert unter der GPL. Merkmale: Data Rufbehandlung Senden/Empfangen von SMS SIM-Telefonbuch-Management Grafische Benutzeroberfläche mit GTKښSystem/Configuration/Networkingnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vodafone-mobile-connect-2.10.01-1pclos2010.src.rpmb004f5fc20eaf7ad7070a70779362c4c./SRPMS.pclosd   N $NB@[BA|BEBJCvoikko-fi1.81pclos2011Finnish support for Voikko spellchecker/hyphenatorDescription of Finnish morphology written in Malaga. This version is modified to support the Voikko spellchecker/hyphenator and is not compatible with the Sukija text indexer. 0Text toolsx86_64  malagapythonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 5a37f44e12818340a868514c73833a71./SRPMS.pclosd  G ,OB@lBABEBJCvokoscreenNG4.4.51pclos2025User friendly Open Source screencasterVokscreenNG is a user friendly Open Source screencaster for Linux and Windows. The new name is now vokoscreenNG and has been rewritten from scratch..pVideox86_64  cmakecmake(Qt6Core)cmake(Qt6Gui)cmake(Qt6LinguistTools)cmake(Qt6Multimedia)cmake(Qt6Network)cmake(Qt6Widgets)intltoolpkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamermm-1.0)pkgconfig(libpulse)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vokoscreenNG-4.4.5-1pclos2025.src.rpm.D2eb31609607368c6789a15215ec35d22./SRPMS.pclosd   < $B@BABEBJCvolk2.5.11pclos2022Vector-Optimized Library of KernelsVOLK stands for Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels. It is a library that was introduced into GNU Radio in December 2010. This is now packaged independently of GNU Radio.!Communicationsx86_64 cmakedoxygengitpkgconfig(orc-0.4)pkgconfig(python3)python3-makopython3-sixrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1volk-2.5.1-1pclos2022.src.rpm4bf8a6ba9b9f5c8736a849769e5330ea./SRPMS.pcloskd   K| B@BA8BE<BJ]Cvolleyball0.8.61pclos2007Video game similary to GPL Arcade VolleyballA video game similary to GPL Arcade Volleyball.Texstar Games/Sportsi586 SDL-develSDL_image-develSDL_mixer-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1volleyball-0.8.6-1pclos2007.src.rpm&0b0cc648b03fcb012c1a3e6f17eaed78c./SRPMS.pclos?d # ; B@BA BEBJ1Cvolleyball-data0.8.51pclos2007Datafile for VolleyballDatafile for Voleyball, a video game similary to GPL Arcade Volleyball. PTexstar Games/Sportsi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1volleyball-data-0.8.5-1pclos2007.src.rpm _33ee2c32612ffbb8662aca99fb116cae./SRPMS.pclosd  b0 4:DLuB@~BABEBJCvolti0.2.12pclos2010GTK+ app for controlling audio volume from system tray/notification areaGTK+ application for controlling audio volume from system tray/notification area Features: * no pulseaudio, gstreamer, phonon etc. only alsa is needed * uses external mixer that you can choose, it goes nicely with gnome-alsamixer * left click opens volume scale (slider) * scroll wheel on tray icon changes volume, increment in percents is configurable * you can configure middle click to toggle 'mute' or 'show mixer' * nice tooltip with card and volume infoaOSoundnoarch python-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1volti-0.2.1-2pclos2010.src.rpmjK4660aa363005c064813af3e9f526a4cd./SRPMS.pclosd   cHL Sdl  ! B@3BAXBE\BJ}Cvolume_key0.3.123pclos2022An utility for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrasesThis package provides a command-line tool for manipulating storage volume encryption keys and storing them separately from volumes. The main goal of the software is to allow restoring access to an encrypted hard drive if the primary user forgets the passphrase. The encryption key back up can also be useful for extracting data after a hardware or software failure that corrupts the header of the encrypted volume, or to access the company data after an employee leaves abruptly.lTerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64 gcccryptsetup-develgettext-develglib2-develgnupg2gpgme-devellibblkid-develnss-develpython3-develnssrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1volume_key-0.3.12-3pclos2022.src.rpmC33b4b6351667a3599f314efe00509b9e./SRPMS.pclossd ! fPT _w| B@BA@BEDBJeCdevolumeicon0.5.11pclos2015Lightweight volume controlRessourcensparende Lautstärken KontrolleVolume Icon aims to be a lightweight volume control that sits in your systray. Features * Change volume by scrolling on the systray icon * Ability to choose which channel to control * Configurable stepsize (percentage of volume increase/decrease per scrollwheel step) * Several icon themes (with gtk theme as default) * Configurable external mixer * Volume SliderVolume Icon ist eine leichte Lautstärken Kontrolle, die sich in Ihrem Systray einnistet. Highlights: * Ändern der Lautstärke durch Scrollen auf dem Systray-Icon * Frei wählbarer Kanal * Konfigurierbare Lautstärke (zum erhöhen/verringern der Lautstärke in % mit dem Scrollrad) * Mehrere Icon-Themen (GTK-Theme als Standard) * Konfigurierbare externen Mixer * Volume Slider+ghostbunnyGraphical desktop/Otheri586 gtk+3-devellibalsa2-devellibx11-develglib2-develcairo-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1volumeicon-0.5.1-1pclos2015.src.rpme88e214af35141859b49ed89be7cdab9./SRPMS.pcloskd # ^   L  B@BA8BE<BJ]Cdevorbis-tools1.4.21pclos2021Several Ogg Vorbis ToolsVerschiedene Ogg Vorbis WerkzeugeThis package contains oggenc (encoder), oggdec, ogg123 (command line player) vorbiscomment (metadata editor) and vcut (cut tool). Find some free Ogg Vorbis music here: http://www.vorbis.com/music/Dieses Paket beinhaltet oggenc (Encoder), oggdec, ogg123 (Abspieler für die Kommandozeile), vorbiscomment (Meta-Daten Editor) und vcut (Schneidwerkzeug). Sie können auf http://www.vorbis.com/music/ frei Ogg Vorbis Musik finden. =Soundx86_64  libao-devellibcurl-devellibogg-develzlib-develliboggflac-devellibspeex-developenssl-devellibvorbis-develtexinfogettext-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames) 7e7115c46e7004fa74f1c443d3950f7b./SRPMS.pclos{d PB@#BAHBELBJmCvorbisgain0.373pclos2011Adds tags to Ogg Vorbis files to adjust the volumeVorbisGain is a utility that uses a psychoacoustic method to correct the volume of an Ogg Vorbis file to a predefined standardized loudness. It is meant as a replacement for the normalization that is commonly used before encoding. Although normalization will ensure that each song has the same peak volume, this unfortunately does not say anything about the apparent loudness of the music, with the end result being that many normalized files still don't sound equally loud. VorbisGain uses psychoacoustics to address this deficiency. Moreover, unlike normalization, it's a lossless procedure which works by adding tags to the file. Additionally, it will add hints that can be used to prevent clipping on playback. It is based upon the ReplayGain technology. The end result is that the file ends up with superior playback quality compared to a non-VorbisGain'ed file. It needs player support to work. Non-supporting players will play back the files without problems, but you'll miss out on the benefits. Nowadays most good players such as ogg123 and mplayer are already compatible. xmms will support this feature from release 1.2.8.Soundx86_64 oggvorbis-devellibogg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vorbisgain-0.37-3pclos2011.src.rpm9add4492a404d98343a6020a2d3e6b36./SRPMS.pclosd  C $B@,BALBEPBJqCvorta0.8.71pclos2022Desktop Backup Client based on BorgBackupVorta is a backup client for Linux desktops. It integrates BorgBackup with the desktop environment to protect data from disk failure, ransomware and theft.KTerryNArchiving/Backupnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vorta-0.8.7-1pclos2022.src.rpmd6cafaac3482081400d571796b074e0e./SRPMS.pclosd   K  HB@QBApBEtBJCvpnc0.5.33pclos2017A free vpn client for the Cisco 3000 concentratorsA free vpn client for cisco3000 VPN Concentrator, completly in userspace, require Universal TUN/TAP device driver support compiled in the kernel or as module@ghostbunnyNetworking/Otherx86_64 libgcrypt-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vpnc-0.5.3-3pclos2017.src.rpmD{ef731e98847d32a68db4652dfb9525ea./SRPMS.pclosKd  =| B@BABEBJ=Cvreen0.9.50.2pclos2019Qt wrapper library for vk.com APIQt wrapper library for VKontakte social network (vk.com) API.System/Librariesx86_64 cmakeqt4-devellib64qtwebkit4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vreen-0.9.5-0.2pclos2019.src.rpm f0c51390876316b2cdd3e9c3192cbae0./SRPMS.pclosd   D $B@0BAPBETBJuCvsftpd2.3.41pclos2011Very Secure File Transfer Protocol DaemonA Very Secure FTP Daemon - written from scratch - by Chris "One Man Security Audit Team" Evans.3System/Serversi586 libcap-developenssl-develpam-develtcp_wrappers-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vsftpd-2.3.4-1pclos2011.src.rpm085fb1a3f1c7a0a0f1aabc67374f478d./SRPMS.pclosd   . HB@XBA|BEBJCvst3sdk3.7.101pclos2024VST 3 Plug-In SDKVST3SDK .... needed for build - The VST 3 API - VST 3 Implementation Helper Classes - AAX, AU, AUv3 and VST 2 wrappers - VST 3 plug-ins Examples - VSTGUI4 also need to build DAW's with vst3plugin-support!Soundx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vst3sdk-3.7.10-1pclos2024.src.rpmc?02ededd1036f37d682661c345357898f./SRPMS.pclosKd   3l pB@BABEBJ=Cvte0.28.24pclos2016A terminal emulator widgetVTE is a terminal emulator widget for use with GTK+ 2.0.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(cairo-xlib)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(ncurses)gtk-docpkgconfig(pygtk-2.0)gobject-introspection-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)  4pt {:B@lBABEBJCvte30.68.02pclos2025A terminal emulator widgetVTE is a terminal emulator widget for use with GTK+ 3.0.LTerryNSystem/Librariesx86_64   automakegobject-introspection-develgtk-docintltoolpkgconfig(cairo-xlib)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(gio-2.0)pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(ncurses)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(x11)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vala-devel2.    1 #B@/BAPBETBJuCvulcan0.91pclos20073d chess playing programvulcan lets you play against the computer a chess variant inspired by a certain well-known science fiction TV series./Stumpy842Games/Boardsi586 bisonflexlibmesaglu1-devellibpng3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vulcan-0.9-1pclos2007.src.rpm:143adba95088d7899afb8f78cf4252d81./SRPMS.pclosKd & Kt xB@BABEBJ=Cvulkan-headers1.3.296.01pclos2024Vulkan header files and API registryVulkan header files and API registry.[Development/Librariesx86_64  cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1vulkan-headers- % ?    B@BA4BE8BJYCvulkan-loader1.3.296.01pclos2024Vulkan ICD desktop loaderThis project provides the Khronos official Vulkan ICD desktop loader for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeninjapkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xrandr)python3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vulkan-headers3.0.4-14.6.0-\ `qxB@BABEBJ9Cvulkan-volk1.3.296.01pclos2024Meta loader for Vulkan APIMeta loader for Vulkan API.%System/Librariesx86_64  cmakeninjarpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)vulkan-headers3.0.4-14.6.0-1vulkan-volk-  , @B@7BAXBE\BJ}Cvvave1.1.11pclos2020Vvave Media PlayerVvave will handle your whole music collection by retreaving semantic information from the web. Just relax, enjoy and discover your new musicPpXGraphical desktop/KDE5x86_64 cmakelib64kconfig-devellib64kcoreaddons-devellib64kf5bookmarks-devellib64kf5i18n-devellib64kf5notifications-devellib64kf5solid-devellib64kio-devellib64mauikit-devellib64qt5concurrent-devellib64qt5core-devellib64qt5dbus-devellib64qt5gui-devellib64qt5multimedia-devellib64qt5network-devellib64qt5qml-devellib64qt5sql-devellib64qt5webview-devellib64qt5widgets-devellib64qt5xml-devellib64taglib-develninjaqtbase5-common-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vvave-1.1.1-1pclos2020.src.rpmPv-005af431436cad047b75145fbf9581f6./SRPMS.pclosd    )B@2BAPBETBJuCdevym2.0.61pclos2012View Your Mind is a tool to manage mind mapsVym erlaubt es, Gedanken anschaulich und hierarchisch zu strukturieren.VYM (View Your Mind) is a tool to generate and manipulate maps which show your thoughts. Such maps can help you to improve your creativity and effectivity. You can use them for time management, to organize tasks, to get an overview over complex contexts, to sort your ideas etc. Maps can be drawn by hand on paper or a flip chart and help to structure your thoughs. While a tree like structure can be drawn by hand or any drawing software vym offers much more features to work with such maps. vym is not another drawing software, but a tool to store and modify information in an intuitive way. For example you can reorder parts of the map by pressing a key or add various information like a complete email by a simple mouse click.Als hierarchische gegliederte Textstrukturen sind Mindmaps generell sehr gut im XML-Format speicherbar. VYM unterstützt in der ersten Unterebene freies Positionieren der Zweige, außerdem können den einzelnen Objekten Grafiken zugeordnet werden. Daher verwendet VYM primär ein eigenes Datenformat (Endung .vym). Tatsächlich handelt es sich hierbei um ein ZIP-Archiv, das außer einer XML-Datei Bilder und Flags enthält. Import: FreeMind (.mm) KDE Lesezeichen Verzeichnisbaum (Dateiverzeichnis) XML-Datei (spezielles VYM-Format) Mit Hilfe eines speziellen Konvertierungswerkzeugs ist es auch möglich, Mindmaps des kommerziellen Mindmanagers zu importieren. Export: Bitmap-Grafik (gängige Formate) OpenOffice Präsentation (ODP) XHTML (Webseite) und XML (spezielles VYM-Format) LaTeX Ascii-Text (TXT) KDE Lesezeichen Taskjuggler8 NealOfficei586 libqt4-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1vym-2.0.6-1pclos2012.src.rpm8l8f04cbbe81cbfd82b56995538d9a4b5d./SRPMS.pclosd   :  $5<XB@BABEBJ Cw3c-libwww5.4.13pclos2016HTTP library of common codeLibwww is a general-purpose Web API written in C for Unix and Windows (Win32). With a highly extensible and layered API, it can accommodate many different types of applications including clients, robots, etc. The purpose of libwww is to provide a highly optimized HTTP sample implementation as well as other Internet protocols and to serve as a testbed for protocol experiments. See: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software.html for further information on its license. GSystem/Librariesx86_64 autoconf2.5automakeexpat-devellibtoolopenssl-develzlib-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1w3c-libwww-5.4.1-3pclos2016.src.rpm>a9f0908bea829303af7b0b2d97163d8d./SRPMS.pclosd   K   i B@BABEBJCw3m0.5.31pclos2011Pager that can also be used as textbased webbrowserW3m is a text-based web browser as well as a pager like `more' or `less'. With w3m you can browse web pages through a terminal emulator window (xterm, rxvt or something like that). Moreover, w3m can be used as a text formatting tool which typesets HTML into plain text. w3m also provides w3mman which is a great manpage browser.Networking/WWWi586  gpm-develgtk+2-devellibgdk_pixbuf2.0-develimlib-develncurses-developenssl-develpkgconfigtermcap-develungif-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   U 8B@@BAhBElBJCw64codecs200710071pclos2011MPlayer proprietary codecs binary for x86_64 systemsThis package contains the "Win32" codec binaries for the x86_64 architectures, required for the decompression of video formats that have no open source alternative.ESystem/Librariesx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1w64codecs-20071007-1pclos2011.src.rpmM3e84014dda6eb806bf243fba17d1be80./SRPMS.pclosd #  &,48TB@\BABEBJCdkdew_scan201701071pclos2017w_scan (cli) scans for DVB and ATSC transmissions.w_scan (cli) Scanner for DVB og ATSC transmitteringer.w_scan (CLI) Scanner für DVB und ATSC-Übertragungen.w_scan is a small command line utility used to perform frequency scans for DVB and ATSC transmissions. It is capable of creating channels.conf files (in different output formats !) as well as initial tuning data for scan. It's based on the utility scan from linuxtv-dvb-apps, but meanwhile it was heavily changed and has different features: 1. no need for "initial transponders", and such no need for a config file 2. w_scan finds automatically the best matching dvb card 3. complete different command line options 4. a different default output format as well as bunch of output formats. (if you feel, that some format is missing - contact me) w_scan's command line options: -f Frontend Type a = ATSC, see also option A c = DVB-C s = DVB-S/S2 t = DVB-T (default) -c Country Specify your country, mandatory for ATSC and DVB-C/T NOTE: since w_scan-200905xx, use -c? for a list of identifiers -s Satellit Specify your satellite, mandatory for DVB-S/S2 NOTE: since w_scan-200905xx, use -s? for a list of identifiers -A N ATSC Type (Cable/Aerial) 1 = Terrestrial/Aerial (VSB) [default] 2 = Cable 3 = both of them, Aerial and Cable -o N optional: explicitly specify VDR version 6 = VDR-1.6 (default) 7 = VDR-1.7 -X czap/tzap/xine output format alternative channels.conf output format, matching for tzap, czap, xine etc. -x create initial tuning data for (dvb-)scan -k create channels.dvb for kaffeine-0.8.5 -I import of (dvb)scan initial-tuning-data (since 200905xx) -h basic help -H extended help for expert functionality How to use, some working examples: 1. DVB-T with VDR-1.6.x (country = Germany): w_scan -ft -c DE >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 2. DVB-T with VDR-1.6.x (country = United Kingdom): w_scan -ft -c GB >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 3. DVB-C with VDR-1.6.x (country = Finland): w_scan -fc -c FI >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 4. DVB-T and DVB-C with VDR-1.4.x: w_scan -ft -c DE >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf && w_scan -fc -c DE >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 5. DVB-S, HDTV for vdr-1.7, Astra S19.2E: w_scan -fs -sS19E2 -o7 >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 6. DVB-S, SDTV up to vdr-1.6, Hotbird S13.0E: w_scan -fs -sS13E0 >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 7. DVB-S, HDTV vdr-1.7, Hotbird S13.0E on DiSeqC 4-port switch port 3 (ports 0..3): w_scan -fs -sS13E0 -o7 -D2c >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 8. Show basic help: w_scan -h 9. Show extended help: w_scan -H 10. create DVB-T initial-tuning-data: w_scan -ft -c DE -x > initial-tuning-data.txt 11. create DVB-C initial-tuning-data: w_scan -fc -c DE -x > initial-tuning-data.txt 12. create DVB-S initial-tuning-data: w_scan -fs -s S19E2 -x > initial-tuning-data.txt 13. DVB-T kaffeine channels.dvb: w_scan -k > channels.dvb 14. DVB-C kaffeine channels.dvb: w_scan -fc -k > channels.dvb 15. north-american ATSC Aerial (VSB): w_scan -fa > channels.conf 16. north-american ATSC Cable TV (US QAM Annex-B): w_scan -A2 > channels.conf 17. north-american ATSC Aerial (VSB) and Cable (US QAM-B): w_scan -A3 > channels.conf Reporting problems: A log file can be created with ./w_scan -v -v 2>&1 | tee w_scan.log usually one can understand from that file what goes wrong.w_scan ist eine kleine Anwendung zum Scannen von ATSC/DVB-C/S/T Transpondern/Bouquets nach Sendern und Erstellen einer VDR channels.conf. w_scan basiert auf dem Tool scan aus den linuxtv-dvb-apps, verfügt aber über folgende abweichende Eigenschaften: 1. keine Angabe zum "initial Transponder" mehr nötig (deswegen nur noch für dvb-c und dvb-t zu gebrauchen), damit entfällt auch die sonst nötige Konfigdatei 2. keine Angabe der DVB Karte mehr nötig, benutzt wird die beste für den scan geeignete Karte mit passendem Frontend 3. andere Kommandozeilenoptionen 4. geringfügig anderes Ausgabeformat Kommandozeilenparameter von w_scan: -f Frontend Typ a = ATSC, siehe auch Option A c = DVB-C s = DVB-S/S2 t = DVB-T (Voreinstellung) -c Land Angabe des Landes für ATSC und DVB-C/T HINWEIS: Ab w_scan-200905xx, -c? für Liste (Pflichtangabe.) -s Satellit Angabe des Satelliten für DVB-S/S2 HINWEIS: Ab w_scan-200905xx, -c? für Liste (Pflichtangabe.) -A N Angabe ATSC Typ (Kabel/Terrestrisch) 1 = Terrestrisch (VSB) [default] 2 = Kabel 3 = beides, Terrestrisch und Kabel -o N optional: explizite Angabe der VDR Version 6 = VDR-1.6 (Voreinstellung) 7 = VDR-1.7 -X czap/tzap/xine Ausgabe Format Alternatives Ausgabeformat der channels.conf, passend für tzap, czap, xine usw. -M mplayer Ausgabe Format Alternatives Ausgabeformat der channels.conf, passend für mplayer, wie -X aber ohne Providername und multiple Audio-Pids -x initial tuning data für (dvb-)scan erzeugen -k channels.dvb für kaffeine-0.8.5 erzeugen -I Import von (dvb)scan initial-tuning-data (ab 200905xx) -H Hilfe für erweiterte Optionen Beispiele zur Benutzung: 1. DVB-T mit VDR-1.6.x (Land = Deutschland): w_scan -ft -c DE>> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 2. DVB-T mit VDR-1.6.x (Land = United Kingdom): w_scan -ft -c GB>> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 3. DVB-C mit VDR-1.6.x: w_scan -fc >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 4. DVB-T und DVB-C mit VDR-1.4.x: w_scan -ft -c DE >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf && w_scan -fc -c DE >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 5. DVB-S, HDTV für vdr-1.7, Astra S19.2E: w_scan -fs -sS19E2 -o7 >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 6. DVB-S, SDTV bis vdr-1.6, Hotbird S13.0E: w_scan -fs -sS13E0 >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf 7. Optionen anzeigen lassen: w_scan -h 8. Erweiterte Optionen anzeigen lassen: w_scan -H 9. DVB-T initial-tuning-data erzeugen: w_scan -ft -c DE -x > initial-tuning-data.txt 10. DVB-C initial-tuning-data erzeugen: w_scan -fc -c DE -x > initial-tuning-data.txt 11. DVB-S initial-tuning-data erzeugen: w_scan -fs -s S19E2 -x > initial-tuning-data.txt 12. DVB-T kaffeine channels.dvb erzeugen: w_scan -k > channels.dvb 13. DVB-C kaffeine channels.dvb erzeugen: w_scan -fc -k > channels.dvb 14. ATSC terrestrisch (VSB) scannen: w_scan -fa > channels.conf 15. ATSC Kabel TV (US QAM Annex-B): w_scan -A2 > channels.conf 16. ATSC terrestrisch (VSB) und Kabel (US QAM-B): w_scan -A3 > channels.conf Wenn es Probleme gibt: Eine Logdatei kann mit ./w_scan -v -v 2>&1 | tee w_scan.log erzeugt werden, meist lässt sich dann erkennen, was schief läuft.bb2 Videox86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1w_scan-20170107-1pclos2017.src.rpm2bb5a915d9ceb6219b53bbfcd138d826./SRPMS.pclosd  K B@BABEBJCwacomtablet6.3.31pclos2025KCM module to configure Wacom linux DriversThis module implements a GUI for the Wacom Linux Drivers and extends it with profile support to handle different button/pen layouts per profile. Graphical desktop/KDE6x86_64  gettextkf6-rpm-macrospkgconfig(xi)pkgconfig(xorg-wacom)pkgconfig(xrandr)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1wacomtablet-6.3.3-1pclos2025.src.rpm 329591c024789a6ae5b3d17db41b57f5./SRPMS.pclosd   [ -4<kB@tBABEBJCwaf2.0.224pclos2022A framework for configuring, compiling and installing applicationsWaf is a Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and installing applications. It derives from the concepts of other build tools such as Scons, Autotools, CMake, and Ant.TerryNDevelopment/Toolsnoarch pkgconfig(python3)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1waf-2.0.22-4pclos2022.src.rpm 706f3e42d875a7d1d001b20637201302./SRPMS.pclosd  + D *B@3BATBEXBJyCdefresplsrnlwaheela0.36pclos2012Amarok Fullscreen PlayerWaheela is a program that offers you a party mode for Amarok2. It's a similar to kirocker, but it's a kde4 program. Waheela supports themes and gives you the possibility to look the player with a password.Waheela ist ein Programm, welches Ihnen einen Party-Modus für Amarok2.Waheela est un programme qui vous offre une fête pendant Amarok2.Waheela es un programa que le ofrece un modo de partido para Amarok2.Waheela to program, który oferuje tryb party dla Amarok 2.Уахеела је програм који вам нуди партија режим за Амарок2.Waheela is een programma dat biedt u een partij modus voor Amarok2.GNealGraphical desktop/KDE4x86_64 kdelibs-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1waheela-0.3-6pclos2012.src.rpmud4c11e295e4962cb8a24b48b3a2592e8./SRPMS.pclosd   S $EB@NBApBEtBJCwakeonlan0.411pclos2007Perl script to wake up computers through Magic PacketsThis script sends 'magic packets' to wake-on-lan enabled ethernet adapters and motherboards, in order to switch on the called PC.CTexstar Development/Librariesnoarch perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wakeonlan-0.41-1pclos2007.src.rpm"3d2e9d4ca46e5a641afab5054f48e9e5./SRPMS.pclos+d" - Tx |B@BABEBJCwallpaper-theme-pclinuxos2.0.13pclos2023PCLinuxOS Default Wallpaper Theme 2019Wallpaper background for PCLinuxOSgCGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wallpaper-theme-pclinuxos-2.0.1-3pclos2023.src.rpmg 44b6113aad3aa048852e50a379320b30./SRPMS.pclosd   I ,B@BABEBJCwallpapoz0.4.14pclos2010Gnome Desktop Wallpapers Configuration ToolWallpapoz application enables you to configure Gnome desktop wallpapers in unique way. You could have Gnome desktop wallpaper changes when the specified time has passed.Graphical desktop/GNOMEnoarch pygtk2.0gnome-pythonpython-imagingpygtk2.0-libgladerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wallpapoz-0.4.1-4pclos2010.src.rpm"745c5a5bdda4b1ac5b1b29b6bdc059a4./SRPMS.pclosd   -X \el|B@BABEBJ Cwally2.41pclos2010Qt4 wallpaper changerWally is a Qt4 wallpaper changer, using multiple sources like files, folders, FTP remote folders, Flickr, Yahoo!, Panoramio, Pikeo, Ipernity, Photobucket, Buzznet, Picasa, Smugmug, Bing, Google, Vladstudio and deviantART images. It runs under Linux, Win32, MacOSX and OS/2, and it's available in many languages. Supported Window Managers: - Win32 - MacOSX (using OSA scripts) - KDE3 - KDE4 (using WallyPlugin) - Gnome - XFCE4 - Fluxbox - Blackbox - FVWM (unstable) - WindowMaker This version NOT for KDE 4. Please install kde4-wally for KDE 4 desktops!SGraphicsi586 qt4-develcmakedesktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wally-2.4-1pclos2010.src.rpm -10a159f3de0091e6948f6317b6a80a6c./SRPMS.pclosd   E *B@9BAXBE\BJ}Cdewammu0.363pclos2016Mobile phone managerMobiltelefon ManagerMobile phone manager using Gammu as it's backend. It works with any phone Gammu supports - many Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, ... Written using wxGTK. http://wammu.euDer Mobiltelefon Manager verwendet Gammu als Backend. Er arbeitet mit jedem Handy das von Gammu unterstützt wird - viele Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, ... geschrieben unter Verwendung von wxGTK. http://de.wammu.euTCommunicationsnoarch  wxPythonGTKpython-gammupython-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   d  UB@`BABEBJCwaproamd0.66pclos2007Roaming daemon for wireless NICs supporting the Linux wireless extensionsWapRoamD is a roaming daemon for wireless IEEE 802.11 NICs supporting the Linux wireless extensions. It is intended to configure the WEP keys according to the networks found. WapRoamD is intended to be used together with ifplugd. Whenever an association succeeds, ifplugd detects it and runs further configuration commands for it.Bart the Build Bot System/Configuration/Networkingi586 libdaemon-devellynxxml2manrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1waproamd-0.6-6pclos2007.src.rpmc41cec2529eab23954daffcb9005a875./SRPMS.pclos;d  ? HB@BABE BJ-Cwarzone21004.4.21pclos2024Post-nuclear real-time strategyUpon entering the game you land from your transport and establish your base. Here you conduct research, design and manufacture vehicles, build new structures and prepare your plans of global conquest. If the game goes badly you'll end up fighting last ditch battles here to defend your base from enemy attacks. Combat is frenetic, with extensive graphical effects and damage to the terrain and buildings giving rise to flying shrapnel and boulders. Within the game are many different structures and vehicles. From an initial Command Centre, you then go on to build Resource Extractors to provide fuel for Power Generators, which in turn supply energy to Factories, Research Facilities and weapons emplacements to protect your base. Features: * 400+ Technologies to research * 2,000+ different units to design * 3 Large campaign maps to conquer * 24 Fast play mission maps for extra action * Intelligence Display sets objectives dynamically * Interactive message system * Fast Play Interface graphically Based * Quick Screen Navigation * Fast Find System for units & structures * Set Factories to constant production * Automatically send each factory's units to where you want them The Warzone 2100 ReDev Project aims to continue the vision of Pumpkin studios started in 1999 with the game Warzone 2100, Which was closed source until Dec 6, 2004 when it was let out the doors for the first time under a GPL license.7Games/Strategyx86_64  cmakegettext-develminiupnpc-develp7zippkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libsodium)pkgconfig(ogg)pkgconfig(openal)pkgconfig(opus)pkgconfig(physfs)pkgconfig(sdl2)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(theora)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(vulkan)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1warzone2100-4.4.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm9[ 1c17445963b2da8c04082b42066658a2./SRPMS.pcloscd $ : B@BA0BE4BJUCwaterfox-browser6.5.51pclos2025Waterfox web browserWaterfox is a free and open source web browser based on Firefox but with additional optimizations.Networking/WWWx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1waterfox-browser-6.5.5-1pclos2025.src.rpmq66b1d391299ddee79562a51f2dc5a7f6./SRPMS.pclosd # B !B@,BAXBE\BJ}Cwatertmp-applet0.5.22pclos2010GNOME Water Temperature AppletThe GNOME Water Temperature Applet displays water temperatures of rivers, lakes and oceans in your GNOME panel. You need this applet to check if you should go swimming today. It currently features data sources from Austria, Germany, Frpanelance, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States. Feel free to suggest more websites with water tempertures or add them yourself.Graphical desktop/GNOMEi586 gtk+2-develintltoolgettextrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1watertmp-applet-0.5.2-2pclos2010.src.rpme5234de7e9260ab49057cfe17574732c./SRPMS.pclosd   k NB@ZBAxBE|BJCdewatsup4.91pclos2020Monitor system resources and the top processes.Die Systemauslastung beobachtenShow CPU load, temperature, and disk and network IO rates in a small window that can fit in a panel. Click to show a larger window with details of system resource loadings and the top processes using those resources. Resources monitored: CPU, memory, file cache, hard and soft page faults, disk IO, network IO. Shows topmost processes fitting within the window size. Optionally select only processes matching a given user, PID, or program name. Select and kill an errant process.Zeige CPU-Last, Temperatur und Festplatten- und Netzwerk-IO-Raten in einem kleinen Fenster, dass zu einem Panel angepasst werden kann. Klicken Sie darauf um ein größeres Fenster mit Details der System-Ressourcen und den Belastungen anzuzeigen. Ressourcen die überwacht werden: CPU, Speicher, Cache-Datei, harte und weiche Seitenfehler, Festplatten-IO, IO-Netzwerk.ghostbunnyMonitoringx86_64 gcc-c++lib64gtk+3.0-develImageMagicklibappindicator3-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1watsup-4.9-1pclos2020.src.rpmOeab48df8c840b91e52e75f2e2080be8d./SRPMS.pclosd   +l p{B@BABEBJCwattospm493pclos2010Power manager guiWattOSPM is an easy to use gui to manage power saving settings.Monitoringi586 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wattospm-49-3pclos2010.src.rpmAf0d4710ad8878ed8d2a1809d42865e33./SRPMS.pclos7d   K, 06@`B@BABEBJ)Cwavbreaker0.161pclos2023Gtk+ program to split WAV files between songsThis application's purpose in life is to take a wave file and break it up into multiple wave files. It makes a clean break at the correct position to burn the files to an audio cd without any dead air between the tracks.Soundx86_64 sdmesongtk+3-devellib64mpg123-devellib64ao-develpkgconfig(alsa)pulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wavbreaker-0.16-1pclos2023.src.rpm05d1f17b94316ffd6b9a8b5fa0d3cf35./SRPMS.pclosd   (,HB@PBAtBExBJCdewavegain1.3.12pclos2012WaveGain is a program that applies ReplayGain to wave files.Programm, welches ReplayGain auf wave Dateien anwendetWaveGain is a program that applies ReplayGain to wave files. WaveGain is an application of the ReplayGain algorithms to standard PCM wave files. Where it differs from the other applications of this principle is that the gain adjustments are applied directly to adjusting the scaling of the samples.WaveGain ist ein Programm, das ReplayGain auf Wave-Dateien anwendet. WaveGain ist eine Anwendung die die ReplayGain Algorithmen für Standard PCM Wave-Dateien anwendet. Wo es sich im Grundsatz von den anderen Anwendungen unterscheidet ist, dass die Anpassungen und Einstellungen direkt auf die Skalierung der Samples angewendet wird.שNealSoundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wavegain-1.3.1-2pclos2012.src.rpmM10aae93ebce7942b9aaab68a4d950eba./SRPMS.pclosd   F 9?HLhB@pBABEBJCwavesurfer1.8.51pclos2007Script-driven sound processing toolkit.WaveSurfer is an Open Source tool for sound visualization and manipulation. It has been designed to suit both novice and advanced users. WaveSurfer has a simple and logical user interface that provides functionality in an intuitive way and which can be adapted to different tasks. It can be used as a stand-alone tool for a wide range of tasks in speech research and education. Typical applications are speech/sound analysis and sound annotation/transcription. WaveSurfer can also serve as a platform for more advanced/specialized applications. This is accomplished either through extending the WaveSurfer application with new custom plug-ins or by embedding WaveSurfer visualization components in other applications. Texstar Soundnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wavesurfer-1.8.5-1pclos2007.src.rpm680cec0d72ee94ae857e3ffa87873449./SRPMS.pclos;d   O B@BABE BJ-Cwavpack5.4.01pclos2021Lossless Audio command-line tools for encode/decodeWavPack is a completely open audio compression format providing lossless, high-quality lossy, and a unique hybrid compression mode. Although the technology is loosely based on previous versions of WavPack, the new version 4 format has been designed from the ground up to offer unparalleled performance and functionality. Soundx86_64 pkgconfig(ncurses)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wavpack-5.4.0-1pclos2021.src.rpm -1bfee69c745911f17909591bc2de77e4./SRPMS.pclosSd   = B@BA BE$BJECwavplay1.41pclos2011WAV file Play & Record applicationswavplay package contains: wavplay - plays WAV format file to the audio device. wavrec - samples the audio device and writes WAV file.`Soundx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wavplay-1.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmUdc741476d32e0c69154a95cb078bf655./SRPMS.pclosd   > bB@wBABEBJCwayland1.23.12pclos2025Wayland Compositor InfrastructureWayland is a protocol for a compositor to talk to its clients as well as a C library implementation of that protocol. The compositor can be a standalone display server running on Linux kernel modesetting and evdev input devices, an X application, or a wayland client itself. The clients can be traditional applications, X servers (rootless or fullscreen) or other display servers.System/Librariesx86_64  docbook-style-xsldoxygenexpat-devellib64ffi-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)xsltproc3.0.4-14.6.0-1wayland-1.23.1-2pclos2025.src.rpm41c92cd32565bac23c43ecce73c0dece./SRPMS.pclosd $ q -B@ABAlBEpBJCwayland-protocols1.411pclos2025Wayland protocols that adds functionality not available in the core protocolwayland-protocols contains Wayland protocols that adds functionality not available in the Wayland core protocol. Such protocols either adds completely new functionality, or extends the functionality of some other protocol either in Wayland core, or some other protocol in wayland-protocols.܁Development/Librariesx86_64  gccgcc-c++mesonpkgconfig(wayland-scanner)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1wayland-protocols-1.41-1pclos2025.src.rpme437d825eeeda6282358ba2f0510d878./SRPMS.pclosd ! 3 bB@BABEBJCwayland-utils1.2.01pclos2023Wayland utilitieswayland-utils contains wayland-info, a standalone version of weston-info, a utility for displaying information about the Wayland protocols supported by the Wayland compositor. wayland-info also provides additional information for a subset of Wayland protocols it knows about, namely Linux DMABUF, presentation time, tablet and XDG output protocols.?oSystem/Librariesx86_64   mesonpkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)   2  (  B@BABEBJCwaylandpp1.0.01pclos2022Wayland C++ bindingsWayland is an object oriented display protocol, which features request and events. Requests can be seen as method calls on certain objects, whereas events can be seen as signals of an object. This makes the Wayland protocol a perfect candidate for a C++ binding. The goal of this library is to create such a C++ binding for Wayland using the most modern C++ technology currently available, providing an easy to use C++ API to Wayland.dpSystem/Librariesx86_64 cmakedoxygengraphvizmesa-develpkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(pugixml)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1waylandpp-1.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmg%658e95c97b0d859c05d864eeaadb351b./SRPMS.pclosd   BL PhptB@BABEBJCdewbar2.3.41pclos2022wbar.wbar ist eine SchnellstartleistewbarwbarGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wbar-2.3.4-1pclos2022.src.rpm949561f5606c32d15b8c653d441861c1./SRPMS.pclosd   X B@BABEBJCdewbar2.3.42pclos2012wbar is a quick launch bar.wbar ist eine Schnellstartleiste wbar is a quick launch bar. Its fast, light and cool eye-candy. Its hacked in c++ trying to keep code as readable as possible with out sacrificing speed. It works directly on top of X to avoid going throug a lot of layers. Initially developed for Fluxbox, then tested on WindowMaker, Xfce, Gnome, etc. Since version 1.0 can run on top of desktops such as xfdesktop or nautilus with the -above-desk switch.wbar ist eine Schnellstartleiste (quick launch bar). Es ist schnell, leicht und ein cooler Augenschmaus. Geschrieben wurde wbar in C++. Wbar ist eine animierte Schnellstartleiste für Linux, ähnlich der in Mac OS. Als Augenschmaus bietet die Startleiste Zoomen und Transparenz, durch den geringen Speicherbedarf ist wbar besonders gut geeignet für Low-End-Grafikkarten und kommt ohne Compiz aus. Somit eignet sie sich auch für ältere Hardware/Computer. Ursprünglich entwickelt für Fluxbox, dann auf WindowMaker, Xfce, Gnome u.s.w. getestet. Seit der Version 1.0 kann es auf der Arbeitsfläche (Desktop), mit dem Schalter oben auf der Arbeitsfläche ausgeführt werden wie z.B. xfdesktop oder Nautilus.cNealGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 libx11_6-devellib64imlib2-devellib64freetype6-devellib64glade2.0_0-devellib64gtk+2.0_0-develintltoolzlib1-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wbar-2.3.4-2pclos2012.src.rpmvae6f2e0b0cd0366774d66d30342306d5./SRPMS.pclosd " Y 08<XB@`BABEBJCdewbar-config2.3.42pclos2023wbar config for wbar.wbar ist eine Schnellstartleistewbar config is for wbar a quick launch bar. Its fast, light and cool eye-candy.wbar ist eine Schnellstartleiste (quick launch bar). Es ist schnell, leicht und ein cooler Augenschmaus.OGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wbar-config-2.3.4-2pclos2023.src.rpmn8132941592c39125558eb6d631188864./SRPMS.pclos'd # T| B@BABEBJCdewbar-rocketdock031pclos2012Backgrounds for wbarHintergründe für die wbarwbar backgrounds themes from the rocketdock app, i only converted for wbar. Background will installed in /usr/share/pixmaps/wbar/RocketDock.wbar Hintergründe Themen aus der Rocketdock App, nur für die wbar umgewandelt. Hintergründe werden installiert in /usr/share/pixmaps/wbar/RocketDock.NealGraphical desktop/Otherx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wbar-rocketdock-03-1pclos2012.src.rpmf413710914c32352e3d12ac0eb01c4f5./SRPMS.pclosd   :< @GPhB@BABEBJCwcalc2.41pclos2011A flexible command-line calculatorWcalc is a command-line calculator designed to accept all valid mathematical expressions. It supports all standard mathematical operations, parenthesis, brackets, braces, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic trig functions, logs, and most boolean operators.qOfficex86_64 flexbisonreadline-develgmp-develmpfr-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wcalc-2.4-1pclos2011.src.rpmxe77d135cdf622252d1086d8a1b7775d8./SRPMS.pclosd   X OB@[BA|BEBJCwcslib5.141pclos2016An implementation of the FITS World Coordinate System standardWCSLIB is a library that implements the "World Coordinate System" (WCS) convention in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)7System/Librariesx86_64 flexcfitsio-develzlib-develgcc-gfortranrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wcslib-5.14-1pclos2016.src.rpm 6907845da9122f65d621850e8757b585./SRPMS.pclosd    W  ]B@iBABEBJCwcslib6.21pclos2019An implementation of the FITS World Coordinate System standardWCSLIB is a library that implements the "World Coordinate System" (WCS) convention in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System).Sciences/Astronomyx86_64 flexpkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(zlib)gcc-gfortranrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wcslib-6.2-1pclos2019.src.rpml6606bc8ade5d07b2bcd7699d181b4c5d./SRPMS.pclosd    W uB@BABEBJCwcslib8.31pclos2024An implementation of the FITS World Coordinate System standardWCSLIB is a library that implements the "World Coordinate System" (WCS) convention in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System).)PSciences/Astronomyx86_64  flexgcc-gfortranpkgconfig(cfitsio)pkgconfig(zlib)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1wcslib-8.3-1pclos2024.src.rpm)v~2b13411b017dff3c2a79803f7544d812./SRPMS.pclosSd  3 B@BA BE$BJECwdiff1.2.21pclos2014Word-based diff front endGNU wdiff is a front-end to GNU diff. It compares two files, finding which words have been deleted or added to the first in order to create the second. It has many output formats and interacts well with terminals and pagers (notably with less). GNU wdiff is particularly useful when two texts differ only by a few words and paragraphs have been refilled. ȜText toolsx86_64 libtermcap-develtexinforpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wdiff-1.2.2-1pclos2014.src.rpm J98a03425924db99c3d890a84d7319ab7./SRPMS.pclosd   I| B@BABEBJCweb-assets52pclos2022A simple framework for bits pushed to browsersA simple framework for bits pushed to browsers.mSystem/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1web-assets-5-2pclos2022.src.rpm9d9a1c6d94b86bd078325a08c77d96f2./SRPMS.pclosd  MH LgltB@BABEBJCwebcam_server0.501pclos2007A server to stream webcam video or snapshotswebcam_server is a server daemon that can stream frames from any video4linux device to remote clients running the provided applet or single frame snapshots running a web browser. Client applets provided in /usr/share/doc/webcam_server-0.50/clientYSystem/Kernel and hardwarei586 jpeg-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webcam_server-0.50-1pclos2007.src.rpmb33ec4e572aadc03864dc5654e087942./SRPMS.pclosd   7D HNXgB@BABEBJCwebcamoid9.0.01pclos2022Webcam plasmoid for KDE 5Advice for current users on this release: please remove all virtual cameras and create a new one. Webcam plasmoid for KDE desktop environment. Features: * Take pictures with the webcam. * Record videos. * Manages multiple webcams. * Play/Stop capture, this saves resources while the plasmoid is not in use. * Written in C++. * 100% Qt based software, for KDE/Qt purists. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Popup applet support (you can embed Webcamoid in the panel). * Add funny effects to the webcam (requires Frei0r plugins and QImageBlitz). * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Stand alone installation mode (use it as a normal program). * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop.xQVideox86_64 cmakepkgconfig(libavcodec)pkgconfig(libv4l2)pkgconfig(Qt5Core)pkgconfig(Qt5Concurrent)pkgconfig(Qt5DBus)pkgconfig(Qt5Multimedia)pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL)pkgconfig(Qt5QuickControls2)pkgconfig(Qt5Svg)pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)qttools5pkgconfig(libusb-1.0)pkgconfig(libvlc)pkgconfig(vlc-plugin)perl-Text-Markdownfrei0r-plugins-devellib64qimageblitz5-develv4l2loopback-utilsguvcview-qt5kirigami-develqbsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webcamoid-9.0.0-1pclos2022.src.rpmx`ccd149a43b0fa069c30d6b43dac847019./SRPMS.pclos_d ! R B@BA,BE0BJQCwebcamstudio0.60.a1pclos2012WebcamStudio - Creates your own webcam TV StudioCreate your own TV Studio with your webcam to broadcast over the internet. Compatible with flash sites.ENealVideonoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webcamstudio-0.60.a-1-43bit_pclos2012.src.rpmc3dfb172fa9d0e5f24c0b1ea5d1c611d./SRPMS.pclossd  Y B@BA@BEDBJeCwebcore-fonts1.34pclos2017Collection of minimum popular high quality TrueType fontsCollection of high quality TrueType fonts, default in any MS Windows installation. These are also the main webfonts as specified in microsoft.com/typography The fonts: Andale Mono, Arial, Arial Black, Comic, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Lucida Sans, Lucida Console, Microsoft Sans Serif, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, Verdana, Webdings, Wingdingsbb2 System/Fonts/True typenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webcore-fonts-1.3-4pclos2017.src.rpm87c7b46992f0d3a2653c02d026ff039c99./SRPMS.pclos7d  7@ DV`xB@BABEBJ)Cwebkit-sharp0.31pclos2011WebKit bindings for MonoWebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers. This package provides Mono bindings for WebKit libraries.GDevelopment/Othernoarch webkitgtk-develmono-develgtk-sharp2-develgtk-sharp2monodocrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webkit-sharp-0.3-1pclos2011.src.rpmL4a35499de2c254900b8bf43f0963673a./SRPMS.pclossd   < ;;{;B@BA@BEDBJeCwebkit22.24.01pclos2019GTK+ Web content engine libraryWebKitGTK+ is the port of the portable web rendering engine WebKit to the GTK+ platform.System/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(atk)pkgconfig(atspi-2)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(enchant-2)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gdk-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(geoclue-2.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-fft-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-gl-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-mpegts-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-tag-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-unix-print-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-wayland-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-x11-3.0)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(harfbuzz-icu)pkgconfig(icu-uc)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(upower-glib)pkgconfig(libwoff2dec)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(gnutls)bisongperfpkgconfig(python2)rubypkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libjpeg)libsoup-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(libpng)hyphen-develpkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xt)cmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)   = 888B@BABEBJ5Cwebkit22.44.21pclos2024GTK 3 web content engine libraryWebKitGTK is the port of the portable web rendering engine WebKit to the GTK 3 platform.B System/Librariesx86_64  bisonbubblewrapcmakegi-docgengnupg2gperfgstreamer1.0-transcoderhyphen-devellib64avif-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-devellib64gtk+4.0-devellib64upower-glib-devellibatomic-develninja-buildpkgconfig(atspi-2)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(enchant-2)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gbm)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(glib-2.0)pkgconfig(gnutls)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-transcoder-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(icu-uc)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libjxl)pkgconfig(libnotify)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libseccomp)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libwoff2dec)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(xt)python3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rubyunifdefxdg-dbus-proxy3.0.4-14.6.0-1webkit2-2.44.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm5Je1730250d2d04f98068155c4dfa9bd15./SRPMS.pcloscd   2` du|!!!B@ BA0BE4BJUCwebkitgtk12.4.112pclos2019Web browser engineWebKit is an open source web browser engine.System/Librariesx86_64 bisoncurl-develflexfontconfig-develgperflibicu-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develpkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)librsvg-devellibstdc++-devellibsoup-devellibtoollibxslt-devellibxt-develpkgconfiggtk+2-develgtk+3-devellibgail-3.0-develmesa-develsqlite3-develxft2-devellibgstreamer1.0-plugins-base-devellibgnome-keyring-develgobject-introspection-develenchant-devellibxml2-utilspkgconfig(geoclue)gail-develperl-Switchrubyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webkitgtk1-2.4.11-2pclos2019.src.rpm 1c6df63f72590b598f051236d24b7ec8./SRPMS.pclosd   ? AAAB@BABEBJCwebkitgtk22.30.03pclos2021GTK+ Web content engine libraryWebKitGTK+ is the port of the portable web rendering engine WebKit to the GTK+ platform.GSystem/Librariesx86_64  pkgconfig(atk)pkgconfig(atspi-2)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(freetype2)pkgconfig(gdk-2.0)pkgconfig(gdk-3.0)pkgconfig(gl)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-fft-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-gl-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-mpegts-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-tag-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-unix-print-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-wayland-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-x11-3.0)pkgconfig(harfbuzz)pkgconfig(harfbuzz-icu)pkgconfig(icu-uc)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(sqlite3)pkgconfig(libwoff2dec)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(gnutls)bisonpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(libjpeg)libsoup-develpkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(libxslt)pkgconfig(zlib)pkgconfig(libpng)hyphen-develpkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(xcomposite)pkgconfig(xdamage)pkgconfig(xrender)pkgconfig(xt)cmakebubblewrapgperflib64enchant2-devellib64geoclue2-devellib64gstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-devellib64notify-devellib64python-devellib64seccomp-devellib64secret-devellib64upower-glib-devellib64usb-compat0.1-develpython2-rpm-macrosrubyxdg-dbus-proxyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!s9bfacbbbbfe5634282437c2ab229b1cc./SRPMS.pcloscd   2` du|!!!B@ BA0BE4BJUCwebkitgtk32.4.112pclos2019Web browser engineWebKit is an open source web browser engine.eSystem/Librariesx86_64 bisoncurl-develflexfontconfig-develgperflibicu-devellibjpeg-devellibpng-develpkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libsecret-1)librsvg-devellibstdc++-devellibsoup-devellibtoollibxslt-devellibxt-develpkgconfiggtk+2-develgtk+3-devellibgail-3.0-develmesa-develsqlite3-develxft2-devellibgstreamer1.0-plugins-base-devellibgnome-keyring-develgobject-introspection-develenchant-devellibxml2-utilspkgconfig(geoclue)gail-develperl-Switchrubyrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webkitgtk3-2.4.11-2pclos2019.src.rpm_53d5fb6e08edbae3d93719a320a92df5./SRPMS.pclosd     (XB@hBABEBJCdewebmin2.2021pclos2024An SSL web-based administration interface for Unix systemsEine webbasierte Administrationsschnittstelle für Unix Systeme.A web-based administration interface for Unix systems. Using Webmin you can configure DNS, Samba, NFS, local/remote filesystems, Apache, Sendmail/Postfix, and more using your web browser. After installation, enter the URL https://localhost:10000/ into your browser and login as root with your root password. Please consider logging in and modify your password for security issue. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS VERSION NOW USES SECURE WEB TRANSACTIONS: YOU HAVE TO LOGIN TO "https://localhost:10000/" AND NOT "http://localhost:10000/".Eine webbasierte Administrationsschnittstelle für Uniy Systeme. Wenn Sie Webmin nutzen können Sie DNS, Samba, NFS, lokale/entfernte Dateisysteme konfigurieren und noch mehr nur durch die Benutzung der Webbrowsers. Geben Sie nach der Installation die URL https://localhost:10000/ in Ihrem Browser ein und melden sich mit dem root-Passwort an.μSystem/Serversnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1webmin-2.202-1pclos2024.src.rpme911dcfbb465b1a95b92e6aa1c03460f./SRPMS.pclosd & N CB@XBABEBJCwebp-pixbuf-loader0.2.41pclos2023WebP image loader for GTK+ applicationswebp-pixbuf-loader contains a plugin to load WebP images in GTK+ applications~System/Librariesx86_64  gccgcc-c++mesonpkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)pkgconfig(libwebp)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1webp-pixbuf-loader-0.2.4-1pclos2023.src.rpmb345ad530302280d31f7356737f3d8b3./SRPMS.pclosd  + K $B@4BAhBElBJCwebrtc-audio-processing0.3.12pclos2025WebRTC Audio Processing LibraryPackaging friendly copy of the AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project. See http://code.google.com/p/webrtc/ for more details System/Librariesx86_64  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1webrtc-audio-processing-0.3.1-2pclos2025.src.rpm H631edd395f434141650d1f5ff5cc5523./SRPMS.pclosd * J MB@`BABEBJCwebrtc-audio-processing11.33pclos2024WebRTC Audio Processing LibraryPackaging friendly copy of the AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project. See https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/ for more details -System/Librariesx86_64  abseil-cpp-develcmakemesonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1webrtc-audio-processing1-1.3-3pclos2024.src.rpm VBe0315eabe133dc974d22a497764ed949./SRPMS.pclosd  Bx |B@BABEBJ Cwebserver-base2.01pclos2019Base files and user for webserverThis packages provides base files for any webserver.System/Serversnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1webserver-base-2.0-1pclos2019.src.rpm 32523d154dce604d5f5e284e7a331aef./SRPMS.pclos;d  >| B@BABE BJ-Cwebsocketpp0.8.21pclos2021C++ WebSocket Protocol LibraryWebSocket++ is an open source (BSD license) header only C++ library that impliments RFC6455 The WebSocket Protocol. It allows integrating WebSocket client and server functionality into C++ programs. It uses interchangeable network transport modules including one based on C++ iostreams and one based on Boost Asio.Development/Otherx86_64 boost-develcmakerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1websocketpp-0.8.2-1pclos2021.src.rpm81b302312b9936b04cc4c04b8ea2b609./SRPMS.pclosd   ` B@BABEBJCdeweechat1.67pclos2020Wee Enhanced Environment for ChatErweiterte Wee Umgebung für ChatWeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a free IRC client, fast and light, designed for many operating systems. Main features are: - multi-servers connection - small, fast and light - customizable and extensible with scripts - compliant with RFCs 1459, 2810, 2811, 2812, and 2813 - multi-platform (Gnu/Linux, *BSD, Windows and other) - 100% GPL, free softwareWeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment für Chat) ist ein freier IRC Client, schnell und leicht, für viele Betriebssysteme gemacht. Die Hauptfunktionen sind: - mehrfache Serververbindungen - klein, schnell und leicht - flexibel und erweiterbar durch Skripte - Konform zu RFCs 1459, 2810, 2811, 2812, und 2813 - mehrere Plattformen (Gnu/Linux, *BSD, Windows und andere) - 100% freie Software unter der GPLNetworking/IRCx86_64 cmakencurses-devellibncursesw-develperl-develpython-develruby-develaspell-develgettext-devellibgnutls-devellibgtk+2-develtcl-devellua5.2-develenchant-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1weechat-1.6-7pclos2020.src.rpmbf5173047adc9fc28366f6167be5bace./SRPMS.pclosd   Vt x*B@KBApBEtBJCwesnoth1.18.21pclos2024The Battle for Wesnoth - Fantasy turn-based strategy gameThe Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme, featuring both single-player, and online/hotseat multiplayer combat. Fight a desperate battle to reclaim the throne of Wesnoth, or take hand in any number of other adventures. Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next campaign.Games/Strategyx86_64  boost-develcmakegettextpkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)pkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(fontconfig)pkgconfig(fribidi)pkgconfig(libcrypto)pkgconfig(lua)pkgconfig(pango)pkgconfig(python3)pkgconfig(vorbis)pkgconfig(x11)readline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1wesnoth-1.18.2-1pclos2024.src.rpm:95e1a9e0adede35d0832445d3322c5c2e./SRPMS.pclossd   9 000B@BA@BEDBJeCweston11.0.11pclos2024The Weston Wayland CompositorWeston is the reference implementation of a Wayland compositor, and a useful compositor in its own right. Weston has various backends that lets it run on Linux kernel modesetting and evdev input as well as under X11. There is also a quite capable terminal emulator (weston-terminal) and an toy/example desktop shell. Finally, Weston also provides integration with the Xorg server and can pull X clients into the Wayland desktop and act as a X window manager.Graphicsx86_64   mesonpam-develpipewire-develpkgconfig(cairo)pkgconfig(cairo-xcb)pkgconfig(colord)pkgconfig(dbus-1)pkgconfig(egl)pkgconfig(freerdp2)pkgconfig(gbm)pkgconfig(glesv2)pkgconfig(glu)pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)pkgconfig(gstreamer-allocators-1.0)pkgconfig(lcms2)pkgconfig(libdrm)pkgconfig(libevdev)pkgconfig(libinput)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libseat)pkgconfig(libudev)pkgconfig(libunwind)pkgconfig(libva)pkgconfig(libva-drm)pkgconfig(libwebp)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)pkgconfig(mtdev)pkgconfig(pangocairo)pkgconfig(pixman-1)pkgconfig(poppler-glib)pkgconfig(wayland-client)pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)pkgconfig(wayland-egl)pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)pkgconfig(wayland-scanner)pkgconfig(wayland-server)pkgconfig(x11)pkgconfig(x11-xcb)pkgconfig(xcb)pkgconfig(xcb-composite)pkgconfig(xcb-shm)pkgconfig(xcb-xfixes)pkgconfig(xcb-xkb)pkgconfig(xcursor)pkgconfig(xkbcommon)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)  X #, X  B@0BAPBETBJuCwget1.25.01pclos2024A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocolsGNU Wget is a file retrieval utility which can use either the HTTP or FTP protocols. Wget features include the ability to work in the background while you're logged out, recursive retrieval of directories, file name wildcard matching, remote file timestamp storage and comparison, use of Rest with FTP servers and Range with HTTP servers to retrieve files over slow or unstable connections, support for Proxy servers, and configurability.*dNetworking/WWWx86_64  gettextlib64gpgme-devellib64openssl-devellib64pcre0-devellib64unistring-devellib64uuid-develpkgconfig(libidn2)pkgconfig(libpsl)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)texinfo3.0.4-14.6.0-1wget-1.25.0-1pclos2024.src.rpm*u93c966344960efcd153ac82c48817a7b./SRPMS.pclos?d   P B@BA BEBJ1Cwgetpaste2.291pclos2019Command-line interface to various pastebin servicesTool allowing to paste output from commands directly to several pastebin websites.2(Networking/WWWnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wgetpaste-2.29-1pclos2019.src.rpm84416f08d86ee8313a92372efbbcd004b./SRPMS.pclossd   Z B@BA@BEDBJeCwhaawmp0.2.141pclos2011A media player written in python, based on gstreamer and gtk.A media player written in python, using pygst and pygtk. See http://home.gna.org/whaawmpSoundnoarch pythonpython-develintltoolrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1whaawmp-0.2.14-1pclos2011.src.rpm,971546fabf19646c2cf175a697384a6f./SRPMS.pclosd $ e B@"BALBEPBJqCwhatsapp-desktop0.4.21pclos2018WhatsApp desktop client, based on the official WhatsApp web app.WhatsApp desktop client, based on the official WhatsApp web app, built with Electron. This is NOT an official product. This project does not attempt to reverse engineer the WhatsApp API or attempt to reimplement any part of the WhatsApp client. Any communication between the user and WhatsApp servers is handled by official WhatsApp Web itself; this is just a native wrapper for WhatsApp Web, like a browser. Original version of WhatsApp Desktop was written by @bcalik here: https://github.com/bcalik/Whatsapp-Desktop Features: Cross platform (OSX, Windows x64, Linux x64 and ARM v7l) Native notifications System tray icon Open links in browser Badge with the number of notifications in the dock/taskbar Dock icon bounces when a new message is received Focus on contact search input via CMD+F (WIN+F) Phone info window (s/w versions, battery status, etc) Auto-launch on login Start minimized to tray icon Logging system (log to console and userData/log.log) Apply custom CSS stylesheet Auto-hide menu bar (Windows, Linux) Disabling GPU rendering (useful when dealing with bugged video drivers) A couple of things can be configured: Toggle avatar visibility Toggle preview of the messages visibility Set the size for the media thumbs Proxy settings connect to WhatsApp web Known issues: Fonts rendering as rectangles after upgrade. Apparently it's caused by an issue of Electron with an older version of Pango. Upgrade Pango at least to 1.40.12 or downgrade to 1.40.5 should fix this. See https://github.com/Enrico204/Whatsapp-Desktop/issues/13 Tray Icon is displayed wrong in KDE. This is due to some bugs between Electron and KDE on tray icons, see this comment on issue #27 and vector-im/riot-web#3133. A workaround is to uninstall libappindicator and libappindicator-gtk3 packages (this will change also the behavior of click on the tray icon).?Hbb2 Networking/Instant messagingx86_64 wgetrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1whatsapp-desktop-0.4.2-1pclos2018.src.rpmGd2ddd2fd5b310cf4df8067dd015f4fb7./SRPMS.pclos{d   T B@(BAHBELBJmCwhich2.212pclos2016Displays where a particular program in your path is locatedThe which command shows the full pathname of a specified program, if the specified program is in your PATH.System/Basex86_64 binutils-develreadline-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1which-2.21-2pclos2016.src.rpm3ed91c8201dd1299d156c9f136171692./SRPMS.pclos#d   6t xB@BABEBJCwhichpkg0.1.31pclos2019Search/query rpm packagesA simple gui tool to search files, folders for rpm queriesWHFile toolsnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1whichpkg-0.1.3-1pclos2019.src.rpm]5183620cd8a4e27b2bb1d71f43601932./SRPMS.pclosd % 9P Tox|B@BABEBJCwhitesur-icons202107251pclos2021WhiteSur Icon ThemeWhiteSur Icon Theme#System/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1whitesur-icons-20210725-1pclos2021.src.rpm#a4b82c1e0ae336077e3f88fa8b8f7b70./SRPMS.pclosd  0  $5<PB@BABEBJCwhois5.5.201pclos2023Enhanced WHOIS clientThis is a new whois (RFC 954) client rewritten from scratch. It is derived from and compatible with the usual BSD and RIPE whois(1) programs. It is intelligent and can automatically select the appropriate whois server for most queries.iNetworking/Otherx86_64  bash-completiongettextpkgconfig(libidn2)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1whois-5.5.20-1pclos2023.src.rpmi3a8b544d62f4642166242b2d77d09b92./SRPMS.pclosd   >  (B@0BALBEPBJqCwia1.51pclos2009WIA (Where is application) is a notifierThis software tool captures all new installed applications and sends you a notification of the new application that is installed and location of the new application.UgGraphical desktop/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wia-1.5-1pclos2009.src.rpmX745a1a2eb8b8611257f893df3ff4a4ce./SRPMS.pclosd   i $B@BABEBJCdewicd1.7.46pclos2020wired and wireless network managerDaemon für kabellose InternetverbindungenWicd is an open source wired and wireless network manager for Linux which aims to provide a simple interface to connect to networks with a wide variety of settings.wicd wurde aufgrund des Fehlens einer hilfreichen, funktionsfähigen Drahtlosnetzwerk Verbindungs-Verwaltung in Linux begonnen. Zusätzlich kann es auch Verbindungen mit verkabelte Netzwerken herstellen.PJonkelhoSystem/Configuration/Networkingx86_64 python-develpython-setuptoolspython-babelpkgconfig(pm-utils)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wicd-1.7.4-6pclos2020.src.rpm,4c1d0cfb5181fbef279f0f798d83815f./SRPMS.pclosd   -, 0?H"B@ABAdBEhBJCwidelands1.11pclos2023Settlers II cloneWidelands is an open source real-time strategy game. It is built upon libSDL and other open source libraries and is still under heavy development. If you know Settlers I & II™ (© Bluebyte), you might already have a rough idea what Widelands is about. PGames/Strategyx86_64 boost-develcmakeninjactagsdoxygengettext-devellibasan-developtipngpkgconfig(asio)pkgconfig(glew)pkgconfig(icu-uc)pkgconfig(libcurl)pkgconfig(libjpeg)pkgconfig(libpng)pkgconfig(libtiff-4)pkgconfig(lua)pkgconfig(minizip)pkgconfig(SDL2_gfx)pkgconfig(SDL2_image)pkgconfig(SDL2_mixer)pkgconfig(SDL2_net)pkgconfig(SDL2_ttf)pngrewriterpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1widelands-1.1-1pclos2023.src.rpm"1592ccb21fcccaf16105194899a79559./SRPMS.pclosd   C@ DU\`|B@BABEBJCwifi-radar2.0.s021pclos2009Utility for managing WiFi profilesWiFi Radar is a Python/PyGTK2 utility for managing WiFi profiles on GNU/Linux. It enables you to scan for available networks and create profiles for your preferred networks. You can drag and drop your preferred networks to arrange the profile priority.wNetworking/Othernoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wifi-radar-2.0.s02-1pclos2009.src.rpm=b15abac328798bf619365f30a2e7cdd9./SRPMS.pclosGd   , B@BABEBJ9Cwikipad1.91pclos2010Wiki-like notebookwikidPad is a Wiki-like notebook for storing your thoughts, ideas, todo lists, contacts, or anything else you can think of to write down. 9Officenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wikipad-1.9-1pclos2010.src.rpm @K61a990e3059e0ed72493f4256d87ce28./SRPMS.pclosd   D IB@TBAxBE|BJCwildmidi0.4.51pclos2023Open-source MIDI synthesizer and playerWildMIDI is a simple software MIDI player which has a core software synthesizer (softsynth) library that can be used with other applications. The WildMIDI library uses Gravis Ultrasound patch files to convert MIDI files into audio which is then passed back to the calling application. The library API is designed so that it is easy to include WildMIDI into applications that wish to include MIDI file playback.[Soundx86_64 cmakelib64alsa2-devellib64openal-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wildmidi-0.4.5-1pclos2023.src.rpm^8a1d919dff47a7b9b7e1d0842a6a7d4b./SRPMS.pclosd   S BB@PBAtBExBJCwimlib1.12.02pclos2022Create, extract, and modify Windows Imaging (WIM) fileswimlib is a library that can be used to create, extract, and modify files in the Windows Imaging Format. These files are normally created by the 'imagex.exe' program on Windows, but this library provides a free implementation of 'imagex' for UNIX-based systems. wimlib supports mounting WIM files, just like imagex.exe. |System/Librariesx86_64 attr-develgettext-develntfs-3g-devellib64fuse-devellib64openssl-devellib64xml2-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wimlib-1.12.0-2pclos2022.src.rpm 344ff4d54ec08b566a384c56c136f244./SRPMS.pclos/d * U B@BABEBJ!Cwindec-theme-plasma-desk2.02pclos2022Plasma Window Decoration theme Plasma DeckPlasma Window Decoration theme Plasma DeckAGraphical desktop/KDE5noarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1windec-theme-plasma-desk-2.0-2pclos2022.src.rpmG070b3ee3e0e931046c97fded49e7ba13./SRPMS.pclosd  Ip t   B@BABEBJCwindowmaker0.96.01pclos2023A window manager for the X Window SystemWindow Maker is a X11 window manager which emulates the look and feel of the NeXTSTEP (TM) graphical user interface. It is relatively fast, feature rich and easy to configure and use. Window Maker is part of the official GNU project, which means that Window Maker can interoperate with other GNU projects, such as GNOME. Window Maker allows users to switch themes on the fly, to place favorite applications on either an application dock, similar to AfterStep's Wharf or on a workspace dock, a 'clip' which extends the application dock's usefulness."Graphical desktop/Otherx86_64 lib64PropList-devellib64gif-devellib64hermes1-devellib64jpeg-devellib64png-devellib64tiff-static-devellib64xft-devellib64xinerama-devellib64xmu-devellib64xpm-develmawkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1windowmaker-0.96.0-1pclos2023.src.rpm"4ff99bf67fa9e10dc04c0ad83e274450./SRPMS.pclosd * Cd hB@BABEBJ Cwindows-seven-icon-theme1.01pclos2013Windows Seven Icon ThemeWindows Seven Icon theme pack.eSystem/Configuration/Themenoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1windows-seven-icon-theme-1.0-1pclos2013.src.rpmy}ec7b62e9ad5db4e577d37372c300e8b6./SRPMS.pcloswd # B B@BADBEHBJiCwindscribe-cli1.4.511pclos2019Basic VPN protection plus moreWindscribe is a free limited bandwidth VPN that offers privacy protection and more. Additional pricing plans are available from their website. Networking/WWWx86_64 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1windscribe-cli-1.4.51-1pclos2019.src.rpm f8ebea957afa4e2617b65fd452f824e8./SRPMS.pclosd   H 888B@8BATBEXBJyCwine101pclos2025WINE Is Not An Emulator - runs MS Windows programsWine is a program which allows running Microsoft Windows programs (including DOS, Windows 3.x and Win32 executables) on Unix. It consists of a program loader which loads and executes a Microsoft Windows binary, and a library (called Winelib) that implements Windows API calls using their Unix or X11 equivalents. The library may also be used for porting Win32 code into native Unix executables.9Emulatorsx86_64  autoconfbisonchrpathcups-develdbus-develdesktop-file-utilsdocbook-dtd-sgmldocbook-utilsffmpeg-develflexfontconfig-develfontforgefreetype2-develgettext-develglibc-static-develgnutls-develgphoto2-develgpm-develgstreamer1.0-develgtk3-develicoutilsimagemagicklcms2-devellib64pcsclite-devellib64samba-devellib64vkd3d-devellib64vulkan-loader-devellibalsa-devellibgstreamer1.0-plugins-base-devellibmpg123-devellibpcap-devellibrsvglibsm-devellibx11-devellibxcomposite-devellibxcursor-devellibxext-devellibxi-devellibxinerama-devellibxrandr-devellibxrender-devellibxslt-develmesa-develncurses-developenal-developenldap-develperl-develpng-develpulseaudio-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)sane-develtiff-develungif-develunixODBC-develxpm-devel3.0.4-14.6.0-1wine-10-1pclos2025.src.rpm?W47155e5f20517260184abecdac5f7a3f./SRPMS.pclosd " q  DB@TBA|BEBJCdewine-gecko2.47.41pclos2024HTML engine for Wine based on GeckoHTML Engine für Wine auf Gecko basiertendA custom version of Mozilla's Gecko Layout Engine for Wine. This package is needed when running such Windows applications in Wine that display web pages using embedded IE.Eine angepasste Version von Mozillas Gecko Layout Engine für Wine. Dieses Paket ist erforderlich, wenn Sie beispielsweise Windows-Anwendungen in Wine starten für die Web-Seiten Darstellung mit eingebetteten IE.jmEmulatorsnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1wine-gecko-2.47.4-1pclos2024.src.rpm|*096f7a239a6cbaf46fddff74b490f432./SRPMS.pclosd ) ?  KB@TBABEBJCwine-launcher-creator1.0.81pclos2014Wine Launcher CreatorWine Launcher Creator is a tool for easy creation of windows launchers. WLCreator is a Python program (script) that creates Linux desktop launchers for Windows programs (using Wine). The program does the following tasks: * Find/extract ico files (using icoutils) * Convert ico files to png files (using icoutils) * Present the user with graphical interface, where he/she can choose the icon for launcher * Create desktop launcherbmGraphical desktop/Othernoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wine-launcher-creator-1.0.8-1pclos2014.src.rpmi16d7a3e91ddb5b4db5d08128e8d87907c./SRPMS.pclosd   +< @JT\B@BABEBJCwine-mono9.4.01pclos2025Mono for WineMono for Wine._Emulatorsnoarch  rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1wine-mono-9.4.0-1pclos2025.src.rpm47a84df3c2d97d5a1a2a77766f4d8e27./SRPMS.pclosd   9$ (2<PB@BABEBJCwineasio1.1.01pclos2022ASIO to JACK driver for wineWineASIO provides an ASIO to JACK driver for WINE. ASIO is the most common Windows low-latency driver, so is commonly used in audio workstation programs. After install run: (modify if you have different wine prefix) for 64 bit apps: ln -s /usr/lib64/wine/x86_64-windows/wineasio.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/wineasio.dll wine64 regsvr32 wineasio.dll for 32 bit apps: ln -s /usr/lib/wine/i386-windows/wineasio.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/syswow64/wineasio.dll regsvr32 wineasio.dllEmulatorsx86_64 edpkgconfigwine64-develpkgconfig(jack)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wineasio-1.1.0-1pclos2022.src.rpm95ffe447143595146deac10a680932327./SRPMS.pclosd   *l pz  ' B@7BA\BE`BJCwineglass1.2.12pclos2021GUI for WineWineglass is a small application that allows the user to manage their wineprefixes easily and install windows programs without the need of the terminal. It can: * Easily create and remove wineprefixes. * Install supported windows apps on their corresponding wineprefix. * Make installed apps available normally through the applications menu. * Provide an easy way to add windows libraries to wineprefixes through "winetricks". * Configure wine. * run winprefix-specific system apps. This app is useful for running windows apps and games easily without hassle.7Emulatorsx86_64 desktop-file-utilsintltoolcmakeappstream-glibmesonvalapkgconfig(granite)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wineglass-1.2.1-2pclos2021.src.rpm@ fb48b8c28e750aa26a31d6e195d06e09./SRPMS.pclosd $  )04PB@XBABEBJCdewinetricks202004121pclos2020Download and Install Windows Libraries on WINEHerunterladen und Installieren von Windows-Bibliotheken für WINEwinetricks is a quick and dirty script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries sometimes needed to run programs in Wine. You can find winetricks in your menu under 'More Applications -> Emulators'. See: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks for more details.winetricks ist ein schnelles und schmutziges Skript zum Herunterladen von verschiedenen wieder verteilbaren Laufzeitbibliotheken, die von manchen Programmen gebraucht werden um unter Wine zu funktionieren. Sie finden winetricks im Menü unter 'Weitere Anwendungen -> Emulatoren'. Besuchen Sie http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks für weitere Details!ghostbunnyEmulatorsnoarch rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1winetricks-20200412-1pclos2020.src.rpm0db0ed0277a2a5972852bd6986430de9./SRPMS.pclosd   |   X B@iBABEBJCdewinff1.5.52pclos2018WinFF is a cross platform batch GUI for FFmpegWinFF ist ein GUI für den Alles-Konvertierer FFmpeg.WinFF is a GUI for the command line video converter, FFMPEG. It will convert most any video file that FFmpeg will convert. WinFF does multiple files in multiple formats at one time. You can for example convert mpeg's, flv's, and mov's, all into avi's all at once.WinFF ist eine grafische Oberfläche für den quelloffenen Alles-Konvertierer FFmpeg. Dank der grafischen Oberfläche WinFF für den erstklassigen Video-Konverter FFmpeg, der nur über die Kommandozeile bedient wird, können Sie Multimedia-Dateien in andere Formate umwandeln. Die Konvertierung von Multimedia-Dateien in ein anderes Format wird von dem Tool schnell erledigt. Es konvertiert dabei mehrere Dateien auf einmal und erhöht damit die zeitliche Effizienz. Zudem können Sie die Größe und Bitrate des Vidoes, das ausgegeben werden soll, bestimmen. Folgende Formate werden unterstützt: ALAC, Flash Screen Video, WMA, WMV, MLP/TrueHD, RealAudio, RealVideo, Vorbis, AAC, AC-3, H.264, Monkey's Audio, MPEG-2, TTA, MP4/MOV, Matroska, Ogg und SWF.%}bb2 Videox86_64 dos2unixfpcfpc-srclib64gdk_pixbuf2.0_0-devellib64glib2.0-develgtk+2.0lazarusx11-libslib64gtksourceview2-2.0_0-develrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1winff-1.5.5-2pclos2018.src.rpm%0cfd5d3d0c577d70e7e49d9939079318./SRPMS.pclos d ! @P TgpxB@BABEBJCwingide-1014.0.0b22pclos2010Free basic edition of Wing IDEWing IDE 101 is a free basic edition of Wing IDE that was originally designed with the University of Toronto Computer Science Department for teaching entry level computer science courses. It is not open source but is free for non-commercial use by educators, students, and hobbyists. Note that Wing IDE 101 omits auto-completion and most other code intelligence features in the other Wing IDE products. This was by design, so that students are more conscious of the details of the language and modules they are learning about.^ODevelopment/Pythonnoarch desktop-file-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)3.0.4-1wingide-101-4.0.0b2-2pclos2010.src.rpm,fdf306a04d6c43007d11d879ad9f6eaa./SRPMS.pclosd   CD HU\dB@BABEBJCwings21.3.62pclos2009Wings2 is a 2D multiplayer network game.You fly small and agile ships in varied maps, choosing from a wide variety of different weapons and devices to use against your opponents. The game offers several game modes with different styles of play, and supports internet, LAN and splitscreen games.[